#i’m never gonna be over his performance as billy
ickypuppi3 · 2 years
i’m so sad
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taintedcigs · 6 months
GETAWAY CAR — rockstar!e.m. x f!reader
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✦ summary: in which corroded coffin performs at the hideout (wc: 9.3k+)
✦ warnings — angst, ANGST, arguments, FINALLY SOME DESERVED FLUFF, jealousy, jealous!menace!eddie, the kiddos make an appearance!!!, uhmm kissing,,, eddie and p are an old married couple, drinking, smoking/weed, uhm thats it i think.
✦ pairings — rockstar!eddie munson x fem!reader, past billy hargrove x fem!reader
✦ authors note — not proof-read i tried but i cant do it. pls ignore all mistakes. SO VERY SORRY FOR THE WAIT. hopefully this makes up for it. as usual the song is by arctic monkeys, and the other song mentioned is lover you should've come over by jeff buckley. but we'll pretend like its all by corroded coffin so shshsh.
anyway ily all pls interact + like + reblog to support me! i'd also LOVE LOVE to chat about anything abt this series it literally is my baby!! pls dont hesitate to send me an ask about anything mwah thank you for reading💗
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“Dude, I’m telling you it was not my fault.” Gareth exasperated desperately, hands up in the air in defeat.
But Eddie was quick to shake his head, “You drove her here, how is it not your fucking fault, Gareth?” He spat, bitter and angry. 
“She insisted! She wants to apologize to Pinky!”
“What?” Confusion etched across Eddie’s face. 
With an annoyed sigh, “Yeah, the whole fuckin’ world has to revolve around her,” Gareth muttered under his breath, knowing that saying anything about you would drive Eddie crazy. 
“Watch it,” Eddie warned, mouth downturned in disgust almost immediately. 
“What? It’s the truth.”
“Gareth, I’m not gonna tell you this a second fuckin’ time, okay? Don’t do that shit around me and never say one fucking word about her again, you got that?” He gritted through his teeth, his hand unintentionally clenching into a fist. 
“Jesus Christ.” 
“I mean it,” Eddie spat.
“Fine, fine!” Gareth threw his hands up in defeat, both of them downing their drink before scurrying away. 
You knew you shouldn’t have been eavesdropping, but it wasn’t your fault. You were just trying to get a drink for the group, surfing through the sea of people—which was unusual for The Hideout. Still, you guessed the only celebrity from Hawkins was enough to have people swarming in, and Gareth and Eddie happened to be chatting right behind you. 
Even though it stung to hear Gareth talk of you like you were the fucking anti-christ, hearing Eddie defend you like that had that familiar warmth spread through your entire body. And you hated it, you hated the soft spot you’d always have for him, how it would take you back to five years ago when he would be there for you, every single time. 
Fucking great, you had so many people to avoid tonight; Chrissy, Gareth, and Eddie. 
With a sigh, you quickly disappeared into the crowd, carrying a tray of drinks for everyone. Plopping it on the booth with a slight sloosh. 
Everyone reached for it and you were quick to slap away Max, Lucas, and Dustin’s curious hands. “Oh, come on!” Max protested with a groan. 
“Not legal,” you hummed with a narrowed gaze. “Yeah, I’m sure you were legal when you were shotgunning beers and smoking joints like it was your lifeline during senior year,” Lucas mumbled under his breath, quick to get settled into his seat with a huff. 
You gasped dramatically, “Lucas Sinclair!” Exclaiming as he gave you a simple shrug. 
“So what’s new with you and Mr. Rockstar, now?” He teased, and you narrowed your gaze at Max who snickered underneath her hand. 
“Nothing,” You mumbled, shying away from everyone’s gaze on you. 
“Good thing, we can always ask the other party, too,” Dustin chimed in with a smirk, head pointing toward behind you. 
There was a slow tap on your shoulder and you were quick to jerk your body around. 
Of course.
His soft gaze was dumbly addicting, that boyish grin curled deliciously on his lips while amber eyes took you in wholly. 
His gaze wandered to your figure, the midnight blue dress embracing your figure, accentuating your curves, its hem grazed against your mid-thigh, allowing him to get a glimpse of your sun-kissed legs, simple but exuding how breathtakingly pretty you were. 
He couldn’t place why your brows were so tightly pinched together, or why your arms were crossed against your chest, plump lips downturned with a pout. Still, you looked so pretty, so alluring that he could barely form any sentence. 
Mind captured entirely by you, almost feeling paralyzed while he took you in. 
“H—hey!” He stammered, awkwardly putting his hands in the back pocket of his chained black jeans. He was just him, and oh, god, you were you. 
Plush lips that curled into the prettiest smile, the most captivating eyes, even when you seemingly looked upset, brows pinched together, those glossy lips downturned, you were perfect. 
You ignored Eddie’s greeting, your piercing glare was still not that noticeable to him, all he could think about was how beautiful you looked, and how he was glad that he saw you before his set. He wanted nothing more than to see you watching him perform the songs he wrote all about you. 
“Wow… Uhh—you look… amazing,” He mumbled, breath getting hitched on his throat when he saw your unreadable expression. 
And all you could do was give him a tight-lipped smile. Almost immediately wiping that glow off of his face, face going momentarily blank. 
But he should’ve expected this, he knew you wouldn’t jump into his arms at any opportunity, he deserved this. He needed to do more, he needed to win you back. 
He opened his mouth to speak, desperate, needing your approval, but you interrupted. “I—I’m going to get a drink,” you mumbled, face flushed with heat, you didn’t know how to act either. 
Eddie glanced over at the tray of drinks on the booth, with his head tilted, “there’s a bunch of drinks over there,” he mumbled, he didn’t want you to leave. 
“I can see that, but I still want my own,” you sassed with a narrowed gaze, not letting him talk back once you left to go to the bar. 
Eddie watched your figure leave with a deep sigh, turning to the booth to take one of the drinks. “I really fucked up, didn’t I?”
“Yup,” Steve muttered with a nod, and Eddie was quick to give him a death glare. 
“So, will you finally enlighten us on what happened with you and Mrs. Grumpy over there?” Dustin huffed impatiently, grabbing three drinks from the tray now that you were gone, handing the other two to Max and Lucas with a grin.  
“She didn’t tell you guys?” 
“No! Which is a shame because she usually can’t say no to my adorable face.” Dustin blinked quickly, batting his eyelashes while Eddie shook his head at him with a chuckle. 
“Oh c’mon, Eddie, just tell us!” Max let out an impatient huff, her captivating icy blue gaze was pleading in a way that he could never say no to.
These doofuses would always be his weakness. 
“Yeah, Eddie, pretty please?” Lucas added exaggeratedly, mocking Max as she hit him in the chest playfully. 
“Fine, fine!” He sighed, running his hand over his forehead in frustration.  
“But nothing really happened and I don’t think it’s—” When he felt everyone’s gaze piercing through him, he was quick to shut up.  “Okay, okay!” He huffed.  
“She came to my trailer guns ablaze and then just slammed the note against my chest, calling me a coward, and then I told her off—”
“Wait what?” Max was quick to interrupt him, brows pinching together. 
“Yeah, I told her I wasn’t the one who left.”
“Uh, I’m sorry, didn’t you kiss Chrissy in front of her?” Max taunted.
“Yeah, and did you not bring her to Steve’s?” Dustin added. 
With a huff, he turned back to Steve. “Jesus, Harrington, did you gang up all of them against me?” He just gave Eddie a shrug. 
“That’s not even the point! Everything has just become too convoluted with us,” He spat, anger returning quicker than you intended to, while the rest of the gang sipped their drinks with an ‘oof’.
“It’s not convoluted, just tell her how you feel!” Max inquired, gently, almost like she was trying not to tip him off. 
“I—” He took a deep breath. I will. He wished to say, but saying it out loud felt too real. And you were right, he was a coward.
“I’m gonna properly apologize and make things right by her,” he muttered, taking a big sip from his drink. 
“You better hurry up, rockstar,” Steve taunted smugly, the weird face he pulled was making crinkles appear on Eddie’s forehead.
Eddie’s head cocked toward Steve, aggressively. “You better tell her how sorry you fucking are.”
With an all-knowing snort, Steve’s finger accusingly pointed towards something behind him. “Or someone else might swoop in.” 
“Fuck off, Harrington,” Eddie mumbled, rolling his eyes before he turned around with a huff. 
Oh, shit. 
Everyone’s gaze turned toward Steve’s accusatory finger, a slight ‘shit’ escaping from Robin’s lips which Nancy elbowed gently to shut her up. 
Eddie could barely move, his entire face feeling hot and jaw clenching involuntarily, jealousy shooting through him faster than the alcohol swimming in his system. 
Because there you stood, in front of the bar, with your head tilted sideways, a pretty grin sitting on your lips, mellow gaze looking up at the guy in front of you—dirty blonde, hair cut shorter than Eddie’s but almost as long as Steve’s, wearing the most expensive and tidy outfit Eddie had ever seen—making him feel stupid for choosing to wear those black chained jeans. 
His scowl was anything but pretty, brows furrowing in a way that made him look like a complex puzzle, eyeing the way this stranger was touching you. 
“Oh, isn’t that—” Robin spoke up, and the entire table shushed her because they also realized exactly who that was. 
Your ex, not Billy, of course, the other douchebag before Billy. 
He really wasn’t much of a douchebag, a genuine, nice guy, and to make matters worse he was a total gentleman; attributes Eddie would never call a typical high school Jock. 
The relationship only ended because he went to college one too many states away, the distance getting between the two of you, but Eddie always referred to him as ‘the douchebag’ The jealous feeling sunk into his chest even then. 
Rich kid, a jock in high school, older than both of you, someone who had his life together. Everything that Eddie never was. Everything Eddie always wished to be.
But now, seeing you with him made something almost click in Eddie’s head, like he was meant for you as he suited you much better than Eddie ever would. 
He could treat you much better than Eddie would, sure Eddie had his name now, the riches he never had back in high school. But he was still just Eddie.
And he was certain James never kissed Chrissy, he’d never fuck up like Eddie did.
He watched the way your eyes lit up when he was animatedly talking, his gentle touch on your arm, the smile that curled on your lips. 
What if he asked for your number? What if he wanted to reconnect? What if you said yes? Just because Eddie had been a total fucking idiot and couldn’t see what was right in front of him? 
He tried so hard to push the idea of the two of you together back into his mind. To make sure it never left, to make sure it never manifested. 
But the way his jaw clenched and the deadly glare burning through both of you showed that he couldn’t. 
He was jealous, a type of jealousy that quickly translated into anger, one he could almost feel on his skin, hot and prickling rage stabbing into his body, agonizingly slow, making it harder for him to stay glued there and not do anything the more he eyed the hold James had on you. He was standing too close for Eddie’s liking. 
Usually, he’d let this feeling sink back into his mind, take a breather, smoke a couple of cigarettes, and then act like nothing was wrong for the rest of the night while he spent it sulking. Keep that rage caged in his chest, so he could keep his feelings contained. 
But he couldn’t do that this time, no. He wasn’t going to be stupid enough to let you slip through his fingers, not again. He was going to fight for you, he was going to show you that you belonged with him. 
No matter what Mr. Fancy Pants could offer to you, he needed to tell you how he really felt, he needed to make sure you knew. Because even if he could feel the insecurities jabbing into his brain, he always knew, deep down that there was something there between the two of you. Something always left undiscovered because both of you were cowards.
He couldn’t let that happen again, he wasn’t going to go down without a fight. 
“Oh, I get the appeal now,” Max murmured, breaking the silence between everyone, and earning a hard glare from Eddie. 
“What? He seems nice, has pretty hair, much better than Steve’s, and that outfit probably cost more than your wedding,” Max spoke bluntly, now earning more than just the hard glare of Eddie, mouth hung open Steve looked offended, Nancy and Jonathan narrowed their gaze, but Robin snickered behind her hand, almost giving Max her approval. 
“Max!” Lucas reacted before them and Max furrowed her brows, a smirk earning her way to her lips. “You’re still my number one Lucas, don’t worry,” She hummed, pinching Lucas’ cheek and ignoring Dustin’s groan.
“Dude, why would you do that?” Dustin whispered, eyeing Eddie worriedly while nudging Steve by his jacket. 
With a dramatic huff, Steve pulled his collar back, “Relax, I know what I’m doing.” 
Eddie’s fingertips absentmindedly traced the rim of the glass in front of him, his eyes never leaving the two of you when he downed the drink, slamming it back on the booth, making everyone flinch. 
“I’ll be right back,” Eddie muttered, a forced chuckle escaping his lips. 
“What are you even going to do?” Robin inquired, almost mocking.
A smirk landed on Eddie’s face. “I’m not going down without a fight, Buckley.” 
“Not this fucking time,” he hissed, almost all the brows of the gang raising at his determination.
“I’m gonna tell her how I feel, and I’m not letting another douchebag ruin this,” Eddie mumbled, and a dumb smirk was placed on everyone’s face almost too quickly.
He was going for it, and the soap opera was continuing, the gang watched in excitement.
“Was he ever really a doucheba—” Dustin’s worries were quick to die down when he threw him a deadly glare.
Without another word, he stormed off to the side of the bar. Quick, too fucking quickly that it almost gave him a whiplash. He didn’t know what had taken over him, eyes burning the back of their figures as everyone else at the table watched him with a proud look. 
But the child-like jealousy he felt within his body was uncontainable, it felt like his face was almost too hot to touch, he was desperate, quite literally. 
The tap on James’ shoulder was anything but gentle, making him turn to Eddie with his pair of brows furrowed, and Eddie’s muscles were quick to tense. 
His dark gaze only softened when he looked back at you, muscles relaxing, and creased brows returning to their normal form. 
The jealousy eased inside of him, not dissipating quite enough, but slowing with one gaze from you.
Back in the booth, with another sip from his drink, Lucas huffed, “Five bucks says they’ll confess by tonight.” 
Robin was quick to snort at him, “You’re trusting them too much, kid, Steve’s ‘little push’ might help them,” She mumbled with a roll of her eyes. “But Jesus fucking Christ, just look at her face, she’s going to go off at him. The most they’ll probably do is have another fight, get just a little bit close to talking about their feelings, and then do it all over again.”
Steve, ignoring Robin’s theories, exclaimed with a smirk. “Ten bucks that Pinky will sleep with Eddie tonight!”
“I second that,” Max said with a grin.
“Steve!” Nancy warned with a disapproving tut. 
“What?” He huffed. 
“They’re kids!”
“We’re nineteen!” Max groaned. 
“I turn twenty next month!” Dustin chimed in. 
“Fine, fine!” Steve sighed with a glare at Nancy, “Then ten bucks that they’ll kiss tonight!” 
“No fucking way.” Robin shook her head. 
“Nah, they’ll at least kiss tonight,” Jonathan said with crossed arms. 
“Are you guys seriously betting on our friends?” Nancy said with a furrowed brow. 
They all nodded vigorously, “Fine,” Nancy muttered. 
“Then I second Steve, ten bucks for them sle-kissing.” Nancy corrected herself, earning a wicked grin from Steve. 
“Come on!” Robin groaned, dissatisfied by Nancy’s answer. 
“I agree with Robin,” said Dustin with a shrug.
“Finally!” Robin exclaimed, hands rubbing together in victory. “Someone with common sense. There’s no way those idiots are going to do anything but fight, just watch her come back here, all fuming about how much she hates Eddie.”
They all shrugged, going back to continue watching the soap opera unravel in front of them. 
“James!” Eddie greeted with faux excitement, a grin playing on his lips, amber gaze remaining on you. With your brows creased, ‘What the fuck are you doing?’ you mouthed behind their awkward hug.
He shrugged, and his hands clutched James’ shoulder harshly, making him chuckle awkwardly. “Munson, the man of the hour!” He greeted him with a beaming smile.
He really was too nice for his own good, wasn’t he?
“I’d ask what you were up to, but it seems you’ve been doing just fine, rockstar,” James exclaimed, returning a friendly slap to Eddie on his shoulder—in a much nicer way than Eddie intended with his.
You smiled uncomfortably, your gaze still throwing daggers at Eddie, who was actively avoiding it. “I have to say that last album? Fucking Christ, had it playing over and over again for days.” He beamed again, much to both of your dismay.
That all-knowing smirk on Eddie’s face disappeared, the unexpected compliment seemed to make him uncomfortable, conflicting with the defensive walls he had put up.
“Uhh—thanks man,” he chuckled awkwardly, casting a quick, scrutinizing glance at you, catching the small smirk on your lips.
“What have you been up to?” He asked, curiously, desperate to know what the two of you were talking about, nervous to see if the two of you would do anything more than this.
The confidence in the way James held himself, his slicked hair, his fancy outfits up close, Eddie’s insecurities washed him over once again. Now with that part of his brain convincing him that the two of you would somehow end up together again.
“Oh, you know, I was just in town, got a nice job here, thought I’d stop by to see Corroded Coffin play, been seeing the posters everywhere—great marketing by the way,” He hummed, flashing Eddie a smile. 
And Eddie returned a forced one, lips pursed together in annoyance. “and then I thought I’d get a drink, but then I heard this familiar voice next to me, yelling to the guy next to her to fuck off for attempting to steal her drink, and I thought oh that’s Pinky.” Eddie couldn’t help but not keep his gaze on you, studying your features, almost gauging your reaction, trying to nitpick something to fuel his jealousy. 
“Been a long time, but I’d never miss this one’s sassy voice and that pretty face,” He mumbled with a sly smirk, making Eddie’s face scrunch and almost making him scoff out loudly. 
“Oh, stop it!” You mumbled with a smile, all flattered, and Eddie’s gaze narrowed, jealousy overtaking him again. 
“So you two are… reconnecting for the old times' sake, huh?” Eddie asked through gritted teeth and you rolled your eyes at him. 
With a smile, James turned to you, “I mean I’d love to grab a drink, are you free tomorrow?”
“Ah! I wish I could, but I need to help Nancy out with some wedding stuff.”
“How about next wee—”
“She’s busy,” Eddie interjected quickly. 
“Eddie!” You warned with your brows raised, heat rising to your cheeks, what the fuck was he doing? 
“Can I just—steal you away for a minute?” Eddie turned to you with his jealous gaze, hand gently having a hold on your arm. 
“Oh, sure, man!” 
“No!” You and James exclaimed in unison. 
James stared at the two of you with his brows furrowed, both of you breathing heavily, an intense gaze connecting the two of you. With a sigh, you followed him out of the crowd, an apologetic smile thrown toward James. 
“What the hell are you doing?” 
You scoffed, “Me? What the hell are you doing, Eddie?” You snapped, naze garrowing. 
“I’m not locking lips with James that’s for sure!”
“Jesus Christ I was not locking lips with—” You halted abruptly, the absurdity of the sentence hitting you like a wave. Taking a moment to breathe, “What are you a child?”
“Well, if pointing out the obvious means I’m a child then so fucking be it!” The words tumbled out of his mouth harshly, almost lost in the din of the bar. 
“The obvious? Do I need to remind you that you were the one who kissed Chrissy?” You accused sharply, your anger returning and cutting through Eddie’s jealousy like a knife. 
“Look, I—I’m genuinely sorry for that, Pinky, I am. I should’ve never done that, it was a mistake—” His voice strained, getting lost amidst the background clamor, their set was about to start and Eddie could careless. 
He took a step closer, but you didn’t budge. “You don’t kiss someone as a mistake, Eddie! You don’t invite them to brunch as a fucking mistake!” You snapped, tone a poignant mix of bitterness, jealousy, and an equal amount of hurt. Teary yet ablaze gaze bored into Eddie's, breaking his heart more and more. 
His shoulders sagged under the weight of your words, the realization of the irreparable damage sinking in. 
He took a step closer, a desperate attempt to bridge the emotional gap.“Will you just listen to me?” Eddie's plea hung in the air, the room seemingly shrinking as you and Eddie’s gaze connected. Your breaths mingled, heavy with unspoken words that pulsed between you. 
Only inches apart, and you couldn’t help it when your gaze drooped down to his lips, then back to his mellow eyes.
“Eddie, this is the fifth fucking time they’ve been calling you.” Gareth’s irritating voice snapped the conversation, loud enough to have you almost jump back, as you threw Gareth a daggering gaze. 
“Just fucking wait for a second,” Eddie spat, trying to dismiss him, but the moment was gone. 
And Gareth wasn’t having it. “No way, dude we go on in like five minutes,” He scoffed, momentarily dragging Eddie by his arm.  
“Fine, fine!” Eddie scowled, shaking off the hold.  
“You should uh— go.” 
“Let me explain,” He almost begged, desperate. 
But with another dismissal, you left. 
Eddie wanted to drop everything and run to you, apologize, tell you what he felt, but somehow, some way he was always managing to fuck up the things between the two of you, now. 
It was like he was fourteen again, his dad letting him know that he always managed to fuck up something good, that he was destined to the Munson name. Like he could never manage to do something right.
Wayne, Jonathan, Corroded Coffin, and Nancy all changed that belief. 
But, you? Oh, god, you made him believe that he was good, you pulled him out of that darkness, you were the first one to believe in him, you were the one who encouraged him. You made him feel like he was on the right path, always. 
And you were the one who mattered, if he didn’t have you believing that now, what else did he have? 
With a hand on his shoulder, Jeff was dragging him back, he stared at your figure leaving, and with a sigh, he headed backstage. 
Aurora was the fifth song they sang, and it should’ve gotten to you, the way his gaze didn’t leave yours, how vulnerable he sounded, the way he barely even made eye contact with the guitar he was supposed to be focusing on, that should’ve gotten to you. 
But it didn’t. 
Your glossy gaze and your crossed arms, as everyone else around you cheered for him, did nothing but upset you more and more. 
Everything was so confusing that you couldn’t even make sense of yourself anymore. Yes, you were mad about everything with Chrissy, but you also knew he didn’t know everything that transpired between you and her. 
Chrissy and Billy should’ve been enough for him to not want anything to do with her, yet you still believed him when he told you it was a mistake, that he would’ve never done it if he knew. And the pool… the things he said in the car. Hours ago when you went to his trailer.
Sure, he was sorry, and he said he’d prove himself to you. 
But none of you ever out loud said anything, it had always been a cowardice dance around your feelings, and you were afraid that if this dance ended, then it would be all too real. It would all be over.
A heave of breath exited your lips, attempting to drown away the worries, but they were spiked up the second the song ended and Eddie spoke up again. 
“This next song is for my friends over there, Nancy and Jonathan,” He exclaimed with a grin, finger excitedly pointing towards the two of them, it was the first time his gaze had left yours, involuntarily your head turned to your right. 
“They’re getting married this weekend, and were kind enough to let me and my dipshit friends play,” He said with a sheepish grin, and Nancy and Jonathan shyly smiled at him, waving him off in a dismissive way, 
“So this is for the soon-to-be newlywed couple, and for the special girl next to them, who’s mad at me for a lot of reasons, and she has every right to be, I was a total ass.” He earned chuckles and some cheering from the crowd, who unintentionally all faced you. 
“I’m sorry, sweetheart, but hey, maybe this might help my case, huh?” He said with a grin, his gaze was dangerously addicting, full of promises, and you couldn’t help the way it made stupid butterflies appear in your stomach. 
It was so easy for him to get you like this, you were starting to feel pathetic. 
Speechless, and the heat quick to rise to your cheeks, you were trying to ignore the whispers and stares from the crowd, but it was basically impossible. 
The opening chords were enough to rattle your memory, the dreamy guitar riffs from Eddie sweeping in echoing the space as if it was just the two of you. 
You knew exactly which song he was playing. 
And the vocals, added with Eddie’s smooth, sultry voice were enough to have your heartbeat raising making you almost feel small, haziness overtaking your mind. 
And it only brought back one memory to your mind. 
Another job interview, another opportunity you feel like you have missed.
It hadn’t been long since the two of you had arrived in Los Angeles, yet every passing minute felt like you had been wasting away your time, you needed a job, and no one in stupid LA was hiring you. 
A groan escaped your lips when you plopped yourself onto the couch, right next to Eddie who was way too into scribbling something into a notebook. 
Wait… was he using the…? 
“Is that… the notebook?” Your eyes lit up happily. It was such a small, stupid thing. 
But for you, it was important. That notebook was important. And you never actually thought he’d care about it, but it looked like he was carrying it in his back pocket. 
“Is that a crime?” Eddie sassed.
With a scoff, you narrowed your gaze. “No, doofus! I just didn’t think you’d actually use it.” 
Almost taken aback Eddie sat up straight on the couch, knees brushing against yours now. “Are you kidding? Half of this bad boy is filled with lyrics.”
“What is the other half made of?” You asked with a dangerous grin. 
“You’d have to kill me to find out.” Eddie enunciated dramatically, tone drooping lower to mimic mystery. 
“Oh, come on!” You huffed, curiosity getting the best of you. Scooting closer to him, you pouted. “Can’t you at least give me something?” You asked, all doe-eyed, tone sticky sweet, in a way that always got to Eddie. 
“Oh, sweetheart,” He groaned, almost melting into you, “You know I’ll give you anything if you ask that sweetly.”
You grinned happily, clapping your hands together in victory once he ripped up a page and handed it to you. 
“That is the chorus of a song I’m working on,” He mumbled, eyes nervously following you, waiting to read your reaction.
She's thunderstorms
Lying on her front, up against the wall
She's thunderstorms
Your eyes blinked quickly to process everything. It had been not too long since the both of you had come to L.A., Eddie was desperately trying to send the band’s best material to any label who was willing to sign them. 
And you had just gotten out of a horrible relationship, things had not been steady enough for the two of you to ever discuss anything about your feelings, always tip-toeing around it, but too scared to ever actually delve into it. 
Yet, you could tell this was about you, something about being described as thunderstorms stuck to your mind, maybe he somehow meant it as good. But all it reminded you of was destruction. And he wasn’t wrong. 
It was like everywhere you went, something horrible followed, exactly like a dark cloud looming over, waiting to strike anyone daring to be near you. 
Your hand flew to your mouth, teeth grazing through your nails anxiously. “Who’s this thunderstorm girl?” You asked, masking your nervousness with a brittle smile. 
He snatched the notebook back, ignoring your little huff. “Someone I went to school with,” He answered cooly and then leaned further into your face with a grin. “I was drivin’ around one day, then saw this girl’s car on the side of the road, to be nice I helped fix her car but then she became totally obsessed with me.” He recalled the first time he met you, animatedly.
“Oh, is that so?” 
“Yeah, didn’t leave me alone for years.”
With a narrowed gaze, “Asshole,” you bantered.
“That’s so weird,” He hummed with a smirk “That was her favorite nickname for me,” quipped Eddie and you stuck your tongue at him childishly. 
With a slight push on his elbow, he drew closer to you. “So… what did you think?” He coaxed nervously, you could tell it was important to him, yet being this close was making your mind spin. 
“I like it,” you muttered, unable to face his beautiful features when he was so close, and your mind spinning with the fact that Eddie thought of you as destructive, too.
“That’s it? You… just like it?”
“No that’s not it, it’s just—” With a sigh you snatched back the notebook from his hands. “It’s just… isn’t this bad?” 
“What?” His brows creased together in worry, “W-which one did you not like I can change it-” You shook your head, interrupting his anxious ramble.
“No! I love all of them! But describing… uh—this girl,” Tip-toeing around it, causing Eddie to smirk. “As thunderstorms? Isn’t that bad?” 
“No, not at all. It’s a metaphor.” He shook his head, explaining gently.
“She embodies the essence of thunderstorms—unpredictable and explosive. She has the power to create chaos and destruction, and on the surface that might sound bad, yet within that destruction she sparks a new life. You know, making it so much better,” He hummed, licking his lips.  
“And she also feels like a thunderstorm, intense and electrifying, shaking up your life, in the best way possible.”
“Oh. Wow,” You mumbled, gaze turning mellow with how well he explained everything, heart melting with how he saw you, not just from the surface, like he could peel the intricate layers of your existence, appreciating every part of it. 
“Uhh, then I love that actually,” you concluded with a smile, attempting to mask the fluttering in your stomach. Did he really see you in that way? 
Did he really see you as someone worth all of this? You tried to ignore the tears prickling in your eyes, begging to pour out, but you weren’t going to ruin this moment. 
You didn’t deserve him. In the slightest. He didn’t deserve to get caught up in your bullshit. You shouldn’t have dragged him here. You were being selfish, but, god, did it feel good. 
To finally feel safe, to finally have someone take care of you, to finally have someone you could rely on. After everything, didn’t you at least deserve to be a little selfish? 
But that feeling ate away at you, even though you shook it off for the moment, it was eventually going to return. And it did. 
“You do?” His brows raised in surprise, it made you want to fuck all and just grab his cheeks and kiss him, lips plush together until the two of you couldn’t breathe. 
But you couldn’t afford that, you couldn’t afford the feelings, nor could you afford the fallout. You couldn’t lose him. 
“Mhmm,” You answered with a broken smile, hoping he wouldn’t notice. He always did.  
“She sounds special.”
“She is,” Eddie agreed, eyeing you with a worried look. “Very, very special,” He repeated, he could tell something was off. 
But it was okay, because he was here for you now, and he wasn’t going to leave. 
Suddenly the room felt suffocating. 
Eddie’s gaze on you felt mocking.
It was stupid, he had just dedicated the song to you, yet all your mind could focus on was everything bad that had happened. Ruining everything good that happened with him. 
How were you even going to be with him if you couldn’t even handle this?  
Fear, trust issues, being afraid of not knowing how things were going to go, if you would fuck this up too, then that was it for you. No one else could compare, and you knew that. 
Maybe if you just knew that the same went for Eddie, if you just could see that the five years you spent apart had been just as hell-ish for him if not more. The constant thoughts in his mind reminded him that he could never be over you, truly. Sure, it hurt less now, but the scar was still there, scabbing the second someone mentioned you. The realization of knowing no one could ever be you etched onto his skin. 
“Hey… you okay?” Steve’s concerned voice snapped you out of your thoughts, Eddie’s voice served as a background noise while his gaze was still stuck on you. 
“Y-yeah, I just—” You faltered, face growing numb and anxiety increasing when you suddenly needed some air. 
Too much, all of it was too much. 
Eddie could almost sense it, he grew worried at your frowny brows and your tear-streaked gaze. 
“I’ll be right back,” you mumbled, body jerking back scurrying out quickly when you ignored everyone calling out for your name. 
Eddie’s vocals almost halted, missing a few notes on the guitar before Gareth was quick to snap him back to it. 
His head cocked toward your direction, desperate, nearly begging to stop the show, but all of them shook their head quickly, and once Eddie turned back to see the look on Jonathan and Nancy’s face, he realized he couldn’t do this to them. 
This was his friends' wedding, and he owed this to them. When the song ended, he was quick to mouth to the others, “After the next song, we’re taking a break.” It wasn’t a request, it was final.
And frankly, the rest of them were too tired out to even argue with a hot-headed Eddie.
“So how is your plan working, dingus?” Robin jeered at Steve.
“Shut up.”
There were a couple more people outside, all leaning against the wall, chuckling while talking over each other loudly, the smoke of their lit cigarettes quick to take over your senses. 
With a cough, you leaned further away from them, mind still unraveling what had just happened. You didn’t even know what was happening anymore. 
You wanted to smoke, hand itched to reach for the pocket of your jacket and light one to take away your stress, but you could barely breathe as it was right now. 
A light tap on your shoulder snapped you away from your thoughts. 
Who was it now? 
You huffed loudly when your head cocked back.
Fucking great. 
“Oh, Jesus Christ!” You pinched the bridge of your nose in annoyance, this just had to be your luck, your feet picked up quickly, hand quick to reach for the door and go back inside.
“Please, please don’t leave,” She pleaded.
Your hold on the door remained, barely glancing back at her, “Just leave me alone!” You snapped. 
“I just want to apologize, please, then I’ll leave you alone, forever.”
“Please, just five minutes.”
You shouldn’t, you really shouldn’t. 
Your hold on the door faltered, and with a deep sigh, you turned to her. “Fine.”
“Five minutes,” You warned, your patience already wearing thin.  
Her face lit up, blinking a few times to make sure she heard you correctly. “O-oh, okay, good,” She cleared her throat.
“First of all, I’m sorry, for everything, for what I said five years ago, for what I did with Billy, for using what he did to you like a fucking joke. For w-what I said about your parents.” She stammered.
“It’s too late, I know, I fucked up, I shouldn’t have done any of those things, you didn’t deserve it. You deserved a better friend, someone like you.” She almost looked at you like she was waiting for your approval, gauging your reaction, your expressionless face encouraged her to continue. 
“I was bitter, jealous. Which isn’t a fucking excuse, I know, I was just—” she took a deep breath. “You were everything I wanted to be, careless, had all the boys' attention, and you didn’t even have to try, you didn’t have to do anything, and they’d just fall at your feet. And I was stupid, bitter, and insecure enough to envy that.”
“That’s not my problem, Chrissy.” You spat out with your gaze narrowing, you couldn’t handle her pity party right now.
“And really, you wanted to be me? Chrissy I didn’t have parents, my boyfriend was a narcissistic asshole.I was broke.” You scoffed with an ironic chuckle, shaking your head in anger.
“I know, I know. It was stupid, and I was stupid, and you didn’t deserve any of that.” Sincerity. Something you haven’t seen from her in years.
“I just wanted to tell you that none of it was your fault.” Now your gaze narrowed, a chuckle rolling on your lips. 
You opened your mouth to speak, to protest. “No, I know you’re going to say you didn’t think that but I know you do. Even though you hate me, which I don’t blame you, I know you like the back of my hand, you blame yourself, you always did it. And I’m telling you shouldn’t because it was all my fault. A-and I shouldn’t have done whatever I did with Eddie, I practically took advantage of him like he did to me and then got mad at him, oh god, I’m such a fucking bitch, aren’t I?”
Your eyes blinked quickly to process all of it. Her apology didn’t mean anything, her words didn’t mean anything. But deep down, you knew she was right, even if you wouldn’t admit it. Because you spent many nights blaming yourself, for even opening up to them in the first place. 
“First of all, breathe,” you mumbled with annoyance.  
“Second of all, yes you are,” you huffed. 
“And, taking advantage? What do you mean?” 
“Some fucked up part of me wanted him because I knew you wanted him back then, a-and he was right there and he was being nice to me and—” Chrissy took a deep sigh, big blue eyes staring into you knowing that you were not going to like what she was going to say.
“I should’ve known.”
With puckered brows, you crossed your arms against your chest. “Known what?” 
“That he was still hung up on you,” she muttered.
You were quick to roll your eyes, “Chrissy—”
“No, no just listen.” But she wasn’t going to let you spiral.
“Look you were dumb enough then—” You threw her a glare, so daggeringly cold that she stopped.  
“Sorry,” she muttered before continuing, “Look, the two of you wasted a lot of time. And I know it’s funny hearing this from me because I took part in it, but I’m only saying this because he’s a nice guy, even though I don’t particularly like him right now, he’s a nice guy, and you deserve someone like him.” She enunciated, azure hues embodying such sympathy that had you taken aback.
“You loved him back then, too. I could see it, and I could see it in him, too. That’s what I always wanted, and maybe that’s why he intrigued me so much. But I knew he never got over you.” 
You could feel your heart skip a beat, it wasn’t anything new, but hearing this from her, it meant something. 
You needed to take control of your feelings, and hearing Chrissy’s words was doing nothing but fuel them more. “Chrissy stop—”
“No, Pinky! He told me! He told me it was you! It had always been you!” She exclaimed, her face growing a nice pink color as you stood frozen.
Your brain felt mushy, rest of your body felt so warm, but still that anger lingered. Why couldn’t he just tell you this? Why couldn’t he just show you?
“What?” You mumbled, brows pinched together.
“Yes!” She exclaimed, sighing at your reaction.
“Look, I just wanted to tell you this, and tell you to get your head out of your ass. I know I’m the last person you wanted to hear this from, but I had to at least make one thing right for you because I know I fucked up every other thing.”
You wanted to tell her to stay the fuck out of it, you wanted to tell her it was all because of her. That she basically ruined your life. But it wasn’t true. It wasn’t all her, it was Billy, too. It wasn’t all her, Eddie played a part in it, too. 
But you weren’t going to waste your breath, you didn’t need to blow up in her face for her to know she was wrong, she needed to let that feeling sink in. You weren’t going to forgive her, and you didn’t need to make a fuss about it to feel real. 
This was it. A closure. 
“I’m sorry, for everything. And I know that you won’t forgive me, but that’s okay. I’m sorry, but please listen to what I just said. Please don’t get in your head and try to ruin something this perfect, okay?”
A peaceful smile appeared on your lips, and you took a deep breath. “You’re right, I won’t forgive you.” You weren’t going to give her any satisfaction or approval, her words didn’t mean a thing. 
“Goodbye, Chrissy.” You mumbled. 
You could see her stammering, struggling to open her mouth, because she couldn’t say anything else, and this is what she promised, five minutes. It was over. 
You backed yourself against the wall, fingers fishing out the pack of cigarettes sitting in the pocket of your jacket. 
Without having anything else left to say, she left. And you heaved a sigh of breath, the tip of your cigarette smoldering when you lit it. 
You inhaled with eyes squeezed shut, head swirling with much to think about. But at least you were alone. Finally, some space for you to think, and to lay out a little bit of your stress with the most unhealthy outlet.  
And of course, that peace lasted for about a few minutes, just when you had finished your cigarette, squishing the remains on the nearest trashcan, Eddie appeared, lightly squeezing your arm to have your attention.
“What?” You snapped when you saw him, eyeing the way he looked taken aback. 
His hands held up in front of his chest in defeat, clearly not understanding your sudden rage. The laughter around you had died, people who were smoking outside the bar were clearly more entertained by your drama. 
With a huff, you dragged Eddie away from it all, still close to the bar but far away to not have any other distractions. 
He sighed, brows etched with worry. “Why did you leave?”
Your hand flew to your forehead, trying to calm your nerves, trying to clear your mind. “Eddie, are you kidding me?” You scoffed, arms wrapped across your chest defensively. “You can’t just drag me away from James, dedicate songs to me and—”
His forehead puckered. “Why not? They’re all about you anyway,” he said with a sly smirk. 
“Aurora, She’s Thunderstorms, Zero, Forget Her, Resolve, Fool, two fucking albums, all dedicated to you, you know that.”
“These notes? These stupid notes I’ve been carrying?” He huffed loudly, hand quick to fish inside of his back pocket, aggressively flipping through the pages. “Even if every nerve in my body were numb I’d still be able to feel her.” He turned the page toward you before flipping again. 
“I have tried to forget you but I can’t, you invade my dreams, my mind, my whole fucking life. You’re stuck in me and I don’t have the heart to get you out.” He shook his head, reciting it all like it was nothing, but you felt all of it. 
His notes making you dizzy. His words scrambling your mind like never before. 
“She’s the tear that hangs inside my soul forever. That one is uh—in a song, too,” he mumbled, cheeks flushing with how passionate he was getting, and you held your breath, it’s like you were staring into his soul. 
Stark naked. Laying bare, he really was doing this. And you didn’t want him to stop, even though your mouth suggested otherwise. 
“And so much more embarrassing stuff that I don’t want to include to not ruin my chances,” he muttered with a lazy smile, and you hated that you could feel it in your skin, the flutters, stomach flipping in the best possible way. 
“All fucking about you. Because it was you, from the moment we met.”
“S—stop,” your mouth betrayed you, it was the furthest thing from the truth, and you needed to hear more. You needed the reassurance, you needed him to convince you. More than anything in the world. 
But it was all so scary, and he was so close to you that you could feel his passion integrated into your veins. 
“Why, Pinky, why should I stop? Why do we have to tip-toe around each other, huh?” He was desperate, eyes flashing with a newfound of desire for you, he wasn’t going to let it go this time.
And it scared you, him being this determined, getting so close to what you actually felt was making your skin crawl, because the way you could feel your heart thumping against your ribcage wasn’t normal. What he was making you feel wasn’t normal. “Because w—we can’t!”
“We can’t what?” He complained, a deep sigh escaping his lips. 
“W—we can’t do this, you can’t—”
He shook his head with his brows puckered. “Who are you to decide that? I want to, I so badly want to,” He spat, taking a step closer to you, face merely inches away from you. 
His gaze was dangerously inviting, those alluring amber eyes melted into yours, making your pupils dilate, breath hitching as you struggled to keep him away. “Please, Eddie, d—don’t.”
You gulped, hand raising to put a space between the two of you, but it was impossible. He was in your veins now. “Too much has happened, you with Chrissy and—” You didn’t even know what you were blabbering about, just anything to stop your feelings from getting out. 
“Chrissy was a mistake!” He retorted with a hiss. He hated that you saw Chrissy as a problem between the two of you. Yes, he fucked up, but it really was a mistake, he’d take it all back in a heartbeat if he could. 
Your gaze narrowed, that pettiness returned when you scoffed. “Which time, when you kissed her or when you brought her to brunch?”
Eddie let out a bitter chuckle, shaking his head when he looked at you with a dumbfounded look. “Jesus fucking Christ…” He took a breather. “I can’t believe you’re doing that again,” he mumbled, realizing that it wasn’t going to be easy to get you out of this mindset. 
It was going to be hard, to convince you of anything, and he understood that, he had trust issues himself, but he wasn’t going to back down. This was it.
You crossed your arms against your chest, gaze avoiding him momentarily. “Doing what?” You muttered.
“You just— you get scared when things get serious, running away when it gets just even a little bit too real,” He scoffed, angling closer to you, fingers ruffling through his curls in frustration.
“Excuse me?”
“Yeah! You call me a coward and fucking look at you!” He snapped, hands gesturingly pointing to you.
“Scrambling just at the thought of us being together.” He argued, some part of him feeling a bit insecure, that maybe you didn’t want this. But, no, he saw that glint in your eyes, he knew the little angry twitch on your lips. You felt the same. And all you needed was a little push. 
You breathed, mind scrambled and trying so hard to convince yourself to leave. “T—that’s not it, you—uh you just don’t get it!” You complained with a huff. 
Another step closer. One more step and his lips would be on yours, Eddie knew this, you knew this. His gaze momentarily drooped down to your lips, then back to your dilated pupils. 
“Then make me understand, let me help you, don’t fucking run, not this time.” It was a little jab, but something needed to get you to spill, he was playing all the right cards and you were getting overwhelmed.
“J—just stop!”
“Why? Fucking why? Tell me one good fucking reason as to why we shouldn’t try it, we never even gave it a chance!” He ranted, veins in his forehead popping with how much he was trying to keep it all together. And you weren’t even trying. 
“We wouldn’t work, okay?” 
He shook his head. “Not good enough,” He argued. 
“W—we’re on two different paths now, Eddie.” You didn’t have any good excuses, he was right. 
“Not good enough.” Once again, that same arguing tone. 
You huffed. “Too much time passed and—”
“Not fucking good enough!” He cursed, hands landing on your shoulder to keep you in place, and your cheeks flushed immediately, while still trying to deny it. You were pathetic.
“Stop being a fucking coward!” He seethed, eyes fiery and red. 
Why were you insisting on being so fucking stubborn? You were driving him crazy, yet it wasn’t going to stop him. 
Coward is what had you scrambling. Because you knew he was right. “Fuck you,” You spat, body jerking quickly to leave, feet picking up quickly as Eddie groaned loudly.
So. Fucking. Stubborn. 
He was quick on his feet, letting curses slip past his lips before he yanked you to him, earning a small gasp from your lips before you finally faced him. 
Gaze mellow, but just as fiery, your furrowed brows and dilated pupils only encouraging him more and more. Flutters in your stomach had never left, your skin was burning, everywhere, but specifically on the hold he had on you. 
You didn’t manage to utter anything else, you couldn’t because he had you this time. There was no running away from it, your heart was hammering so hard inside of your chest that you were sure he could hear it. 
His hold on your arm was firm but somehow gentle, letting you know that he wasn’t going to let you go.
You opened your mouth, wanting to speak, but he interrupted, his hands now firmly cupping your cheeks, squishing you with force, and you couldn’t help the contended sigh that left your parted lips. “I’m not letting you run away, not this time,” He mumbled, words sounding like silk falling from his lips, all you could do was gaze into him. He stood inches away from you, breath fanning against your face.
He licked his lips desperately, gaze drooping to your candy-glossed, needy lips. Face so close that you could feel the desperation radiating off of him. And you shared it. You managed to take a quick breath before his hand fisted your hair and his mouth crashed down to yours.
He pressed you harder against his chest, breathless, your lips molded together, a perfect fit. And he could taste the Cosmopolitan on your tongue, a tinge of alcohol mixed with your sweetness, making his head spin, a taste he realized he’d never have enough of. 
Those little thumps your heart did were now out of control, possibly pounding a million beats a second. His small stubble scratched against your chin, rough, it should’ve made you uncomfortable yet all it did was make you kiss him harder, shutting up your brain as your mouth replied to him, kissing him back with just as much force, you melted into him, melted into his hold, and you let him engulf you, fully, completely. 
Plushy lips slightly parted apart, his tongue slipped past between your teeth, your hand finding its way to his hair, feeling the curly strands between your fingers, it’s softer than you expected and your lips parted to let out a slight whine as you tugged at them.
All those years of wishing, all those years of wanting, yearning, and needing exploded into this. Kissing like your lives depended on it, chests pressed against each other, Eddie’s hand slipping to your waist, desperately tugging you closer to him as if that was even possible. 
Your heart exploded into your chest, his tongue not wavering the chance to explore yours, sucking on it, greedily, desperately. 
The background noises disappeared, the cackles of the girls, the booming music coming from inside of the bar, and the honks from the busy street. They ceased to exist and it was just you and him. Feeling each other, completely, fully. 
You knew at some point one of you had to pull away, but none of you dared to, it was just pure desire, a hunger that couldn’t be sated. 
All the years spent yearning and pining, acting like two fucking idiots. 
He wanted to breathe you, drink you in, and he wasn’t intent on letting you go. Ever.
You from five minutes ago who wanted to refuse him, refuse this was an absolute fucking idiot. Gone. You tasted like the sweetest honey and he tasted like everything you wanted and more. It’s even needier than the first kiss, more sure, it’s like a promise. 
This is it. Both of you can feel it. This finally changes everything. 
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final authors note — uhhhh so yeah... if yall wanna talk about that my asks r open LMAO.
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birdiewriteslit · 1 year
“the sunset strip”
warren rhodes x fem!reader
warren’s band might actually have a shot at fame, but where does that leave you? a high conversation confronts the issue.
word count: 1k
Warren passed the blunt to you. The two of you were laying on the floor of his band, staring up at the beige ceiling.
“We’re going to California, man,” he said casually, laughing with a slight cough.
You turned your head to the side and furrowed your brows. “The fuck are you talking about? I’m not going anywhere.”
He shook his head, his curls shaking with it. “I didn’t mean you. I mean the band.”
“The fuck are you talking about?”
He flicks his sunglasses on top of his head and met your eyes where they were. “You wanna come? We’re gonna be something.”
You laughed. “You’re nothing here, no offense. What are you gonna be in the sunshine state?”
He took the blunt back. “Pretty sure that’s Florida, girl.” He took a long drag from it.
“Is it?”
He shrugged. “I dunno geography. I’m in a band. I don’t need to.” He grinned.
“If you’re touring you do,” you pointed out.
He propped himself up on his elbow. “Billy’s serious about this. We’re going to Cali, and we’re gonna be big. We know this guy.”
A snort escaped your lips, a belly laugh following. “Gimme that shit.” You gestured to the weed, and he handed it to you. You took a drag and sang, “California, California dreaming on such a winter’s day,” dragging out the last word.
“Y/n, listen to me, girl,” Warren pleaded. You gave him a skeptical look. “There’s no winter in California.”
You scoffed. “Oh, sure there is. Way up North it gets cold.”
“We won’t be way up north. We’re gonna be performing on the sunset strip. People from all over are gonna be coming to see us.” He brought his other hand up to play with your sprawled out hair. “You could come with us,” he suggested quietly, looking at the strand of hair he twisted between his fingers.
“I thought you didn’t mean me.”
“I mean us and you. Billy’s girlfriend is coming. You’d like her.” He proposed this looking you straight in the eyes, the hair he held falling back to the carpet.
“But I’m not your girlfriend,” you whispered. Your heartbeat was picking up and you got the feeling this wasn’t a good conversation to have high on marijuana.
He sighed and laid down on his back. “I know.” The silence that followed was excruciating. The blood was rushing to your face, and it felt warm to the touch. You were still staring at him while he looked straight up. You put the blunt out and sat up, feeling a sudden confidence within you.
“Warren, what are you saying?” You crossed your arms, and gave him a firm stare, which was really just a facade.
You’d never seen him look so serious. Hell, you’d never send him so much as act serious in the six years you’d known him. He didn’t face you. “You know what I’m saying,” he mumbled.
“Tell me what you really feel.”
He turned his head and showed you his infectious smile. “I feel like you know what I’m feeling.”
You bit back the smile that he always knew how to bring out of you. “Warren, I’m not kidding.”
“Neither am I.” He sat up, his glasses falling off of his head. He didn’t spare them a glance as he crawled toward you.
You fought hard to keep the smile off your face. “Don’t look at me like that.”
“Like what?” he said innocently, but you knew he knew exactly what you meant. He came closer until he hovered above your legs and his arms boxed you against the wall.
“Warren, be serious.” You were basically laughing at this point, his nose coming to nudge yours.
“I’m serious about you, girl.” The shit had the nerve to grin at you while you gave up all hope of holding a straight face. “Loved you forever, but we got nothing here. Come to the sunset strip with us.”
You couldn’t hold back you laugh. “That’s some poetic shit, man, you should take that up with Billy.”
“Hell, I’ll write a song about you myself.” He leaned in and kissed you then, arms wrapping around your waist as he pulled you up against him. You kissed back feverishly, slinging your arms loosely around his next.
He pulled away and gave you a toothy smile. “So, my girl, what do you say?”
You bit your lip, fighting the smile once again. “I guess I could tag along.”
He said, “That’s what I like to hear,” before leaning back in.
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maespri · 8 months
collection of my favorite moments from watching leigh whannell, james wan & cary elwes' commentary on saw (2004)
this post is long as hell but by god did i get a lot of laughs out of watching it i had to write everything down
cary (referring to opening title card): that was a beautiful font- how did you decide on that font, james? james: we put a bunch of fonts on the wall and threw darts
cary: there it is. this is one of the best openings of all time james: who says that cary: me
cary (referring to adam getting out of the bathtub): well it’s great. there you are, flopping onto the ground like a fish.
leigh: if i had opted to sleep in the bathroom every night, would you have done the same just to be my brother in method acting? cary: not a chance leigh (sadly): ok cary: i don’t care, you can call me what you want- leigh: and i have on several occasions-
cary: here’s adam listening to the tape now leigh: ah yes, the look on his face of… something james: this was me giving leigh instructions. i was saying to him, “leigh, now… (laughter) what i want you to do is act the way you did when i first told you what your prospects were as an actor. i want that same look of… despair” leigh (laughing): that same look of DREAD (laughter from all three)
cary: i gotta tell you leigh, even though we’re friends- james: you suck! cary (laughing): you suck! no, no. you did a really great role. it was a really great performance, i was really impressed leigh: thank you. i would say to you, there’s obviously room for improvement, but you- y'know (jokingly) if you keep going the way you’re going, you’ll be a fine actor one day cary (solemnly): thank you
leigh (talking to cary): i remember mocking you on several lines. you’d be like ‘give me the tape,’ and i’d be like ‘gIvE mE tHe tApE’
james: saw is the best comedy i’ve ever made
cary: no but you gotta figure- we’re trapped in this little room where they’ve sealed us off, and… we were stuck in there for seven days, and if you didn’t get along in that little space, man, it was gonna be a long, long, shoot leigh: and it was (laughter)
james: saw was never about just killing people in cool ways cary: well that’s part of it
cary: i remember seeing [the reverse bear trap] when you guys sent this little dvd to me, and i thought right away, “you two have to be the most twisted people ever to come up with this concept.” and THIS? [referring to billy] the doll- WHICH YOU MADE! james: i made it in my bedroom. this is what i do in my spare time. leigh: it’s quite scary actually. you go over to james’ house and as you approach his house you just see like a light sparking in the window like a mad scientist, and a scarecrow in the front- cary: and the scarecrow is just him in disguise (laughter)
james: but no, we’re not really this twisted in real life cary: that’s what was amazing, i met you guys in real life and you were so… so boring
cary: who was operating billy anyway james: i was cary: you weren’t letting anyone else touch that doll james: yeah man, only i get to stick my hand up that dolls butt
leigh: i called this doctor and said, “so im writing a script- what drug is there that you can inject someone with and they wouldn’t be able to move but they can still feel pain?” and this doctor’s like “…what’s this for?” (laughter) and im like “it’s for a script i’m writing” and he’s like, “riiiight…”
cary (talking about makenzie, who plays diana): do you remember off-camera where she had to cry for about 2-3 minutes and she… she just went into a place james: she just found a place and she went there cary: and i thought, “how old is she, six? what six year old can do that?!” james: i turn to leigh, and im like, “look at her, man! you should be taking lessons!” leigh: i actually saw cary with her in the corner one day and i was like, “isn’t that sweet- cary, the more mature, more experienced actor is giving makenzie advice," and when i got closer i heard cary asking, ‘how do you do it?!’” (laughter)
cary: i should point out, by the way- james wasn’t even sitting in a chair for the first few days of the shoot, like for about a week leigh: he couldn’t reach. those chairs are so high. (laughter) james: NO- leigh: he was like, “somebody get me an apple box!” cary: i just kept thinking, “my god, get this man a CHAIR!” james (joking): well my producer said to me, “if we get you a chair, that’s gonna break the budget” (even more laughter) james (continuing to quote producer): “we can’t afford a chair, james. what the fuck do you think this is? this is not a hollywood film!”
cary (seeing the pig mask on a table): there’s the famous pig head… which i don’t remember seeing in this version leigh: you were ASLEEP by this stage of the sundance screening (laughter) leigh: i had to keep nudging you like, ‘cary… the films still going, cary…’
leigh: and like any good villain, jigsaw smokes out his lair with fog and beautifully placed lights
cary: where did jigsaw go to school to learn these incredible talents? james: arch-nemesis school
leigh: certainly when people watch saw the first thing they think of is italian renaissance art cary (referring to the scene of adam pretending to die of blood poisoning): or really renaissance acting in this scene (laughter)
cary: and we find out here when adam gets zapped that they’ve got us on some... electrical wiring system... leigh: don’t go into it too much, cary, it’s best not to (laughter) leigh: just- of course it’s electrified, why wouldn’t it be? james: just do what i do and kind of glaze over it...
lawrence (in the film): oh, stop acting leigh: i’ve always thought that moment with cary was a slip into reality where cary goes, “stop acting!” (laughter)
leigh: certainly, i mean, when you make a film, you... you have to account for the unintelligent people out there, and i think we kept that in mind (laughter) cary: what do you mean by that leigh? leigh: well- i- james: that was spoken by LEIGH WHANNELL, he lives at THIS ADDRESS-
james (talking about billy in adams apartment): the doll actually wasn’t meant to be in this scene, but i remember when we sent the script to the producer, he goes, “we need more doll,” and this was the only scene i could think of sticking him in cary: and billy was available, wasn’t he? yeah… (laughter) leigh: after fierce negotiations with his agent, we managed to get him
cary: do you wanna tell people where you came up with the idea for the pig mask? james: cary, that’s just another one of my fetishes that i don’t wanna get into right now
leigh (making fun of adam): the only surveillance photographer in the world that uses a flash leigh: he’s had two private hire-ers fire him
(after a pause of silence) leigh (quietly): i think my favorite line in the film is coming up cary (thoughtfully): i like this scene here james: are we actually watching the film now??
leigh: this is actually a line i repeated lawrence (in the film): he’s a bottom-feeder, just like you leigh: that line- i went (mockingly), “hE’s a bOtToM fEeDeR, jUsT lIkE mE?” and i thought, ‘that’s gonna be great, that’s gonna make the final cut’ cary: (losing it laughing) james: yeah that was the first thing i cut out
leigh: james would hold a- i think it was a prop gun- to my head and say, “act, you bastard, act!”
leigh: a lot of people ask why lawrence didn’t take his shirt off to reach the cell phone in this scene, and james’s response to that is… james: james: thanks for that, leigh (leigh & cary laughing) james: just throw the spotlight on me, sure…
leigh: a lot of people ask why they didn’t just shoot the chain or shoot the lock with the gun, and um… leigh: leigh: well to that i say you’ve stumped me
leigh: this punch that you’re about to see actually accidentally hit [zep's actor]. i felt so bad. cary: ow- did you really hit him? leigh: yeah! cary: oh, brother- leigh (joking): and then toilet lid, too! i just kept getting him in the head! that’s real blood! (laughter)
james: do you know that i went online, cary, and i found some great saw fan sites, and one of them had a link to a site that was filled with all this saw fanfiction. people who had written stories about saw- cary: no, you’re joking- james: -and one of them was about- from your character's point of view, after he crawled out of the bathroom… was about three pages of just this inner monologue going, ‘oh god. my foot’s missing. what do i do now.’ (laughter) james: it was great stuff
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flashnthunder · 6 months
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luztoye end of the world au
(snippet under the cut)
The truck rattles along the empty road like an ant marching along a cracked sidewalk, meandering its way with quiet purpose down an endless path. Joe has the windows rolled down, and the midsummer heat of Georgia buffets them with heavy air. It feels better than trying to drive anywhere with the windows up and wasting even a few ounces of gas on something so trivial as the AC had long since become a thing of the past.
Music plays loud enough to let him lapse into silent thought as he drives. The double standard of the air conditioning lies with the radio. The radio and its attached cassette player neatly tucked under the half-cracked display is always on when George is riding. No amount of scolding and dirty looks ever prevented the inevitably of it getting turned on, and only George had the patience to coax the busted volume knob into working. Right now, Joe is subject to a second playthrough of a well-worn Billy Joel album and a private performance by George in the passenger seat. If he had known the world was going to end when it did, he would have made sure to have had a better selection shoved in his glove box.
Green trees flash by outside the window, and the grass that had turned into a jungle on the roadside almost falls over onto the faded asphalt. The summer peace is only interrupted by George leaning towards him across the bench seat and crooning the chorus with a surprisingly accurate imitation. He’s had more than enough time over the years to really nail it down and never was one to miss a chance to practice. Joe does his best not to smile, but the corner of his mouth must twitch because George dissolves into miming a saxophone with the determination of a man who knows how to crack his audience. Joe shakes his head and lets his fingers drum on the warm paint of the truck door from where his hand hangs out the window. They have another twenty minutes at least before they’ll be back, sparing any stops. As long as they get there before George can rummage through the glove box again, it'll be fine.
He’s pulled out of his thoughts again by a tapping sound on the window behind his head. He glances back, catching sight of Bill with his hand still up to the window to get his attention.
“Open the window for them would’ya?” he shoves at George from where he had halfway squirmed out of his side of the front seat to crowd into Joe. He had only stopped his invasion to avoid having to sit on the busted leather of the middle seat. George cuts off his performance with only mild complaint, reaching to turn the radio down first. The volume knob, predictably, takes some fussing before the sounds of the music finally quiet. He turns to tug the sliding window open, grinning at Bill when he leans forward to yell into the cab.
“Are you trying to break my back here, Joe? Jesus why do I always end up in the bed, one more pothole and you’re gonna get me laid up. How much further we got?” Bill’s scowl grows deeper when they take a curve in the road a little too fast. He grabs the edge of the window to keep from sliding around in the back of the truck.
“Aw wouldn’t want to hurt princesses’ butt back there with no padded seat. We're almost there, maybe fifteen minutes if you stop asking,” Joe eyes him in the crooked rearview mirror. Bill rolls his eyes and swats at George’s head when he laughs.
“Oh I don’t wanna hear nothing about princesses when you got your certified passenger princess up here hogging the front,” Bill says, and George manages to duck away from the second pass at cuffing his ear. He’s forced to retreat in full to his respective side of the truck, crossing his arms over his chest and leaning into the door.
“I’m in charge of the radio and the map, don’t be mad I’m useful,” George half sing-songs. If Joe wasn’t so bitterly fond of the stupid face he was making, he would have joined Bill in his attempts to smack him. The road curves back into a straightaway, and he urges the truck along. For the sake of not rousting Bill anymore, he avoids the larger potholes that pocket the sides.
“Bullshit you are,” Bill says, leaning further in the back window, but still not getting close enough to George to grab him.
“No, Bullshit is in the back with you, I’m up here,” George snarks, feeling relatively safe from his current position. Malarkey’s head pops up from where he’d been slouched down in the back. He looks distinctly less disgruntled than Bill, but still sporting windswept hair from the journey. Both he and George had lingering pink on their noses and cheeks from being in the sun all day. Joe knows that means George will be looking to go take a nap as soon as they get back. Hopefully, that comes after they get the truck unloaded.
“For the love of it, just get us there in one piece, Joe. I ain’t dying three years after the last real traffic jam because we end falling into a crater on this road here,” Bill says, abandoning George so Malarkey could lean in to hear what they were saying. They’re close enough to town now that the gripping dies down and the music goes back up. He leaves the window open, slowing enough that the buffeting of wind out of the cab isn’t quite as annoying. If he has to sit through more singing, Bill can too for all his bitching.
The rest of the drive is uneventful, and the green melts back into a pleasant background whizzing by. The outer fence of town comes into view first, old rusted barbed wire and an even shittier padlock and chain holding the gate closed. He throws the truck into park as they roll up to it and stop. The keyring with the padlock key lays on the dash, having only slid a little since he’d tossed it up there as they left this morning. He’s not sure why he ever expects George to jump up and get it. When he does look over, he’s met with an overly innocent expression and no hint of any intention about grabbing the keys. Joe huffs but swipes the keys off the plastic of the dash without comment and slides out of the truck.
“Not even pretending that he doesn’t got you whipped,” Bill yells from the truck. Joe flips him off without looking behind him. He can hear Malarkey laughing because apparently, all his friends are in on a collective conspiracy to make his life hell. Pulling the chain free, he jerks the gate wide enough to get the truck in before making the three-step journey back to the driver’s side.
“My knight in shining armor, I didn’t want to get my silk dress in the mud,” George says, batting his eyes in exaggerated motions once he’s back in and shifting the truck back into drive. If he had been prone to blushing, his life would be a whole lot worse. He gets by with a dismissive grunt and resolutely ignores the extra heckling from his traveling peanut gallery. He pulls through the gate and turns to jam his hand with the keys still in it out the back window, waving it between Bill and Malarkey.
“Like hell, I’m getting out before we’re back,” Bill says, and any further argument is spared by Malarkey grabbing the keys and jumping over the side of the truck bed to go lock the gate. Joe scans down the fence line and ignores the bickering.
“See Bill, chivalry is alive and well,” George lounges out a little further if at all possible, legs spread and back sliding down against the worn leather seat. In letting down his guard, Bill finally manages to poke him in the ear and George shoots Joe a withering look when he doesn’t fall over himself to defend him.
Malarkey swings back over the tailgate of the truck, his boots landing in the small space between the crates of supplies, “Alright, we’re all good to get going.” He settles back down in his spot near the window next to Bill, and they start moving again. There’s a relatively short distance between the outer fence and the inner one that encamps the buildings in town in some amount of security, and Joe takes the distance slowly. He's in no rush to come careening up to the second gate. Singing and complaining or not, he enjoys getting away from this pocket of their world sometimes. Supply runs were a necessary evil in the eyes of people too scared to poke their heads outside, but to Joe, it teased some level of freedom he missed. George making it his god-given mission to follow along didn't hurt either.
Babe must have been on the watch patrol today because as soon as he hears the truck’s engine, he comes jogging toward the inner gate. He’s got a hunting rifle slung over his shoulder, and as the truck rolls in he saves the argument of who is getting out again as he pulls the gate open for them. He gives a lazy mock salute, his free hand still curled around the rifle strap. Joe’s mistake is slowing to a near stop, which gives Bill time to vault over the side and land on his feet near Babe. No doubt to gossip about whatever it was they managed to talk about. George groans, head flopping back to give Joe a mournful look about having to unload supplies with three guys instead of four.
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marvelmusing · 1 year
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Also not me getting ideas with these photos about very famous R&B star!Billy Russo...
Also not me getting ideas because of these photos about very famous R&B star!Billy Russo....
That smooth, smooth voice of his waxing poetically about all the supposed girls he's been with when it really is just you......
The purple lighting is certainly doing something
[Warnings 18+]: smut, unprotected sex, Fem!Reader, thigh riding, dirty talk, size kink, creampie, hint of pain kink from Billy and reader, little bit of choking
Imagine Billy performing in a bar before he gets his big break, and you accidentally bump into him after his performance. Maybe you spill your drink over him but he insists on buying you a new one and the two of you get talking.
When you see his name on a poster at different bar in town you decide to drop by, and his face lights up when he spots you.
As his fame grows he releases more music and the fans are obsessed with him. The two of you remain friends and he teasingly refers to you as his number one fan. He always makes sure to keep you out of the spotlight even when you go to as many of his gigs as possible.
He asks for your opinion on everything. The two of you spend countless days together when he’s writing new music. He shares his new songs with you - even when the lyrics make you blush - and he loves seeing your reaction to everything he does.
It’s only when Billy performs at a huge club that you end up making a move.
He’s buzzing as he performs, eyes alight with excitement, loose strands of hair hanging over his forehead as he moves about the stage. His skin glows under the lights as sweat glistens over the hollow of his throat.
Swallowing hard at the sight of him, you continue to watch from backstage as he sings. Billy is the best friend you’ve ever had, of course you found him attractive, but you had never let that get in your head. Or at least, you thought you hadn’t.
As you’re walking back to his dressing room, a giddy group of fans clamour for his autograph and some photos. A few of them throw out some suggestive comments, inviting for a drink with them. Billy flirts as smoothly as he always does and something in your stomach twists.
But then he declines.
His eyes meet yours for a moment and your heart pounds.
The two of you are quiet as you make it to his dressing room. Usually, you would lounge on the couch for a while, talking about the show and making plans for the next city.
This time, you skip the downtime and you open up your suitcases to begin packing, fuelled by the need to do something with your hands.
Billy leans his shoulder against the doorframe, watching you with his dark eyes. The feeling of his gaze weighing on you doesn’t help the itch of irritation running over your skin.
“Alright, what’s bothering you?” he asks.
“Was it those girls?”
Not looking at him, you fold up one of his shirts and place it in a pile.
“I know you’re a ladies man, Billy. I’m not gonna judge you for flirting.”
He raises a brow at you.
“A ladies man?”
Turning to face him, a scoff leaves your lips when you see the surprise glistening in his eyes.
“Have you even listened to any of your songs?” you remark, thinking over the countless dirty lines you now know by heart.
A smirk tugs at the corner of his mouth, his tongue tracing over his teeth before he pushes away from the doorframe.
“There’s only one girl I’m ever talking about in my songs.”
His words have a frown pulling at your features. Does Billy have a girlfriend? That he hadn’t told you about? Surely you would have noticed if he was even interested in someone. His next question drags you away from your spiralling thoughts.
“Does it bother you? The flirting?”
As he stands mere inches away from your crossed arms, you raise your chin to meet his gaze. The intensity in his eyes makes you shiver even as you attempt to seem nonchalant.
“Why would it?”
He hooks a finger under your chin, stroking his thumb along your jawline. Then he presses the pad of his thumb against your lower lip, heat pools into your stomach as the blood rushes away from everywhere except the spot between your legs.
“You tell me, darlin,” he murmurs.
Then you spot the necklace he’s wearing. The one you had given him for his birthday.
Billy looks as confident as ever, watching as you uncross your arms tentatively. His brow raises slightly as you hook your fingers under his belt to tug him closer. When he moves easily towards you a smile spreads over your lips.
“Because you’re mine,” you state.
Billy only has a few seconds to grin, before you’re claiming his lips with your own. Slowly at first, but the kiss soon turns heated as Billy tilts his head, working his lips against yours hungrily.
He tugs you closer, so that you land against his firm chest. As he drags you both onto the couch, you tug at the buttons of his waistcoat and shirt. Billy nibbles on your earlobe as he glances down to tug off your clothes.
You’re both smiling, eager noises of pleasure falling from your lips as you grasp at one another. He spreads your legs before he rocks your hips over his thigh. When you gasp at the sparks lighting up over your body, Billy breathes out a small laugh before he kisses you again.
“All my songs were about you,” he says, his voice a delightful rasp against your skin as he trails hot kisses down your throat. “Every single one of them.”
“Billy,” you whisper softly.
Your head drops down onto his shoulder as he continues to drag your hips over his thigh.
“Thought about you every fucking night since we met.” His teeth bite down on your shoulder and you whimper, bucking your hips in a desperate search for more friction. “So I wrote it all down. Every dirty thought, every late night fantasy.”
His words spin around your head, accompanied by thoughts of his lyrics now that you know he was thinking about you when he wrote them.
“Swear you’re right for me, that pussy’s designed for me.”
A whimper catches in your throat as you recognise his words - the ones you’ve heard him sing countless times that never fail to fluster you.
“Billy, fuck, please.”
You can feel his smirk against your neck as you cling to him, nails digging into his bare skin but he doesn’t even flinch. His own nails scrape lightly over your bare thighs as your dress has ridden up to your waist.
He groans lowly when he sees the tiny panties you’re wearing that are now soaked with your arousal.
Billy shrugs off his jacket fiercely, before he’s tugging at his belt.
“Was gonna have you cum on my thigh, then my fingers. Wanted to taste you too.” He pushes his trousers down, revealing his boxer-clad bulge. “But I don’t think I can’t wait.”
You nod in agreement.
“Need you.”
He seems to notice the twinge of apprehension in your eyes as you look down at his cock. Billy strokes himself slowly, hissing at the friction.
“You sure you can take me? Want me to stretch you open a little?” he offers.
You shake your head, lifting yourself up as Billy pulls your panties to one side.
“Take your time,” he murmurs.
One of his hands curls around your thigh, gripping at the soft flesh as you line the head of his cock up to your dripping entrance. He murmurs more encouragement as you begin to lower yourself onto his cock.
“Breathe, baby.”
Exhaling shakily, your nails dig into his shoulders as gravity and the smooth glide of your arousal aids your motions. A broken moan leaves your body as you tighten around him.
“Billy,” you whisper, squeezing your eyes closed as tears track their way down your face. The stretch burns delightfully, and it’s almost too much to bear. The pleasure-pain tingles through your body as you sink lower.
“That’s it baby. Doing so fucking well for me.”
He grips your thigh tightly, his other hand fisted onto the fabric of the couch to prevent himself from pushing you down.
The last few inches seem impossible, as your legs begin to shake.
“Billy I can’t-”
He pats your thigh gently in an attempt as soothing you.
“Yeah you can, baby.”
You shake your head.
“No. I need you to…” A whimper of frustration breaks your words and Billy blinks up at you.
He rolls his hips forward slightly, relishing in the startled breath that leaves you. He grins.
“You need what, darlin? Need me to fuck you?”
“Yes Billy, please.”
“Say it.”
“Need you to fuck me, Billy,” you stammer shakily before you repeat with more confidence, “Please fuck me, Billy.”
He jerks his hips upwards, sliding the last inch of his cock inside you. The motion knocks the air from your lungs and Billy holds onto your body tightly as you squirm at the feeling of being so full.
He presses a hand over your stomach, his thumb stroking over the flushed skin there.
“That better?” he teases.
With a daze look in your eyes, you nod but plead,
“Need more, Billy.”
“More? Darlin, you got my whole cock in you, and you want more?” You nod desperately and Billy breathes out a laugh. “Greedy little thing.”
He then proceeds to bounce you over his cock, thrusting his hips hard against yours as he does. You’re both moaning loudly, every thrust shakes the couch, knocking against the back wall and you wonder if anyone can hear you.
Billy reaches down to your clit, rubbing a few harsh circles there and you clamp down on his cock. He grits his teeth, grasping the back of your neck with his other hand to pull you in for a kiss that you return eagerly.
With your orgasm within touching distance, you drag up the energy to continue bouncing on his cock despite how hard it’s getting with the grip of your pussy clinging to him and lack of help from Billy’s hands.
The hand at the back of your neck moves to curl around your throat, squeezing lightly which makes you want to beg for it harder.
“Whose am I?” You blink at him. “Tell me, baby.”
It takes a few seconds for you to realise what he’s asking for.
“You’re mine,” you whisper. Billy grins. “Mine, mine, mine…” With every word from your lips you thrust hard onto him, claiming him as yours.
“I’m yours,” he breathes out. “And you’re mine. You gonna cum for me now?”
You nod hurriedly.
“Yes, yes Billy, fuck please.”
Pleasure sparkles throughout your body and you moan loudly as you clench hard around his cock, crying out his name. He groans, still holding onto your neck.
No doubt he can feel your pulse thundering beneath his palm, the same rhythm as your pussy as it twitches around his cock. As he continues to rock into you, a whimper catches in your throat.
“I know baby, can you keep going? I’m so fucking close, I swear to God.”
His accent is stronger, honey sweet in your ears as it sinks into your pleasure filled brain. You nod, breaths ghosting against his sweat-soaked skin as you pant.
“Yes please, wanna feel you cum too.”
“Fuck, you’re a fucking angel, you know that? Yeah you are. Yeah.”
He groans loudly, his back arching as he thrusts into you, then you feel him spilling inside you. After a few weak jerks of his hips, he slumps down onto the back of the couch as he catches his breath.
As he does, you brush a loose strand of hair away from his eyes. When you smile shyly at him, he chuckles, urging you closer for a kiss.
Billy smirks when you withdraw your lips from his. He takes your chin in his hand, smoothing his thumb over your jawline as he says,
“I’m yours, okay?”
Your smile widens and warmth flushes over your cheeks.
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discodeviant · 1 year
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SURPRISE: Billy’s Favorite Hang-Out Spot
How Many Candles on the Birthday Cake: 30 years old
Specific Dialogue: “Did your wish come true?”
"Happy birthday, sunshine! You're 56 today. Remember thirty? Course you do, you're not geriatric yet. Best day of your life, huh? One of them. Mine's when you proposed. Maybe our wedding. The day we met. Our first kiss. First time. You've still got it, by the way, but you know that. Come downstairs and get your cake. I love you, Steve Bambi Prett whatever just come downstairs."
Read on AO3 @harringroveweek
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Billy proposed on New Year’s Day.
They were on the balcony of their San Diego apartment, listening to the celebration on the radio and waiting for the countdown, for the fireworks to start. Billy’s hand was safely in Steve’s, the other arm on Steve’s shoulder with a hand on his waist, and they danced, sort of. It was a slow, tip-toe of a waltz. They smiled with their heads dipped into each other’s necks, hearts in tune with the breeze.
“Surprised you’re still not sick of me.”
“You say that like I’m ever gonna be.”
Steve’s eyes sparkled in the city lights. Billy shrugged and said, “I don’t know. You might.”
“You’ve said that every year, and it’s still not true.”
With a sigh, he held Steve tightly to his chest, keeping their clasped hands down and to the side. “Why don’t I get to kiss you before midnight again?” he asked, grinning wide when Steve chuckled in his ear.
“Because then there’s no point! We might as well go to bed if you’re gonna kiss me anyway.”
“Mmm…” He scratched Steve’s back ever so lightly, rocking to the music, still waiting for the countdown.
“Just wait, babe, and then my lips are all yours.”
“For how long?”
“Until next year. I’ll make you wait even longer.”
So they laughed, and they swayed, and they kept close. Refilled their champagne flutes a few times before the radio cut out to start the charade before the clock would strike twelve. Billy’s heart was in his throat and stomach at the same time, furiously bouncing between the two like it would stop if it sat still for too long. Really, Billy felt like that too, which was why he never stopped moving his feet and kept his toes right by Steve’s to remember they were still there.
The radio announcer went on for far too long, and then there was another music performance. “Jesus Christ, be midnight already!” Billy yelled behind them, anxious to get this over with, to leave enough time to pick up the pieces of his heart if it were to break.
“Patience, baby,” Steve said, cheek pressed to Billy’s, teasing and promising something impossibly warm.
And then it began.
“Ten”—they counted together—“nine, eight, seven”—looked deeply into each other’s eyes, their lips, and held on tight—“six, five”—touched their noses together, which may have been cheating—“four, three, two”—but if it was, they didn’t care. “One!”
Finally, finally their lips met in the middle somewhere. Steve held Billy by the sides of his head, along his jaw, in his hair. “Happy New Year, baby.” Steve was so tender with his mouth, Billy couldn’t have gotten more lucky.
“Hey, hey,” he said, taking his hand away. “Steve.” He reached into his back pocket for the silver band he’d purchased over a month ago. “Marry me. Please.” Steve backed away then, hand still on Billy’s waist as he looked at the ring with shell-shocked doe eyes.
“Please. I love you so much, Stevie. I don’t know what I’d do without you or where I’d be. You’re everything to me.” Fireworks sparked in the distance and looked over them in faded color. Red, pink, yellow, blue, white, green, gold—every color Billy was feeling, they gleamed in Steve’s eyes. “I’ve never loved anybody like I love you. I’ve—I’ve never known anybody like you, and I—“
“Baby, you’re shaking.” Steve whispered and held his hands, foreheads together, both focused on the ring as a rainbow reflected off of it too.
Billy chuckled airily. “Of course I’m fucking shaking. I’m nervous as shit, Steve.”
“Hey.” It was his turn to hold a trembling hand out, offering a part of himself that he’d given Billy a long time ago. Their eyes met for the briefest of moments, a flicker in time before Billy was sliding the ring onto Steve’s finger, and they were both overcome with fervent emotion. Steve hugged so hard that he almost went numb, and Billy’s arms found their way back around his waist. “Yes,” he said, and he laughed. “Yes.” Again, right into Billy’s ear, pressing kisses to his cheek and his jaw and temple. “Yes, yes, of course I’ll marry you, Billy,” he said, not because the answer was unclear, but he knew Billy would want to hear it anyway. “I love you so much. So much. So, so fucking much.”
Words failed Billy miserably, but the clutch he had on Steve’s back said it all for him. It sent his love in waves through a rapid pulse and shuddering breaths.
“Now you’re really never getting rid of me,” he said once he settled down.
And Steve told him, “Good, ‘cause I don’t want to.”
They went to bed as one.
For Billy’s birthday, after the small gathering with a few of their friends at his favorite restaurant, Steve took him out for some time alone. It wasn’t far from home. A pier that Billy went to as a kid that held more good memories than bad. A place he wanted to share with Steve the moment they set foot in California, and it was a place he loved dearly. Even more now with his fiancé, his one and only Steve Harrington, holding his hand down by the shore like they were in a movie.
After three months, they still hadn’t gotten Billy a ring. Not really, anyway, because money was tight, and he didn’t like Steve spending any on him regardless. So they’d picked out something nice together, barely one-hundred dollars: a slim metal band with leafy engravings that meant more to him than he knew how to say. Steve had been bursting at the seams, though not because he was particularly excited about the ring. Not that ring, anyway.
So he and Billy walked along with their fingers tied, carrying their shoes in the other hands, pressed up close in each other’s heat as shelter from the midnight frost. No champagne that night, but they didn’t need any.
“Kinda wish the moon was out,” Steve said. “I like when it, like, makes you glow. I don’t know.”
Billy laughed. “Shut up.” Before he knew it, Steve was stepping in front of him with a wider grin than he’d seen in a while. “Steve, come on, we’re almost at the end—“
“I know, but I don’t wanna wait.” Steve dropped his shoes and pulled Billy’s from his fingertips to drop right beside them. His free hand went to push the hair from Billy’s face, comb through it over his head as if it would stay in place. “Oh, you’ve still got some glow there, see? No, you can’t see…”
Years ago, he learned to let Steve do his thing of looking at whatever detail of Billy he’d picked out, and he still never quite knew what it was. His left eye, maybe, or the freckles on his cheek. Maybe Steve found a new shape in them and wanted to watch it morph into a hundred others. “What do you see this time?”
Steve smiled. “That little heart right there,” he said, poking his thumb over the spot on the height of Billy’s cheekbone.
“Oh, the heart, huh?” Steve nodded. “That’s been there a while.”
“Mmm, I wonder why,” he said and pressed a kiss to Billy’s freckle-heart, which he leaned into with ease. “Oh, look, there’s another one right here.” Kiss. “Aaand…” Kiss, kiss, kiss, all the way across Billy’s nose and to the other cheek before he got impatient and stole one for his lips.
“You’re such a dork.”
“And I will be for the rest of my days, so buckle up.”
They stood for a while longer, lost in each other’s eyes and hair and mouths as they kissed with the ocean to guide them. It pushed sand between their toes and tickled them all the way up to their heads. The longer they remained still, the harder Steve’s pulse rattled in his chest. He’d practiced the very words he was about to say, but it was so silly now. It felt silly, anyway. He didn’t have anything to be nervous about.
“How’s thirty treating you so far?”
“It’s okay,” Billy said with a loving smile.
“Did your wish come true?”
“What makes you think I wished for anything?”
“I mean… cake, candles… you’re supposed to make a wish on your birthday.”
“Mmm… I’ve never followed rules very well.”
“Like I don’t know that.” Something about this was familiar; they’d done it before, swaying against each other in the dark with stars twinkling overhead. This time, however, they had more room for Steve to pull away and lead Billy into a clumsy dip. They kissed over the water, then again when Billy was back upright. No music, no fireworks to break the silence of Billy’s favorite lifetime. “I don’t know if I’ve ever told you this, but I dreamed about you in high school.”
“Yeah, you have. I did too.”
“No, but I didn’t tell you about the first one.”
“You remember it?”
“Of course I do.” There was a beat, and Billy nuzzled in with him closer. “It was after basketball. We were the only ones left in the locker room. You were dressed, but I wasn’t, and you looked right into my eyes. I didn’t know if I was dying or what, ‘cause after that you were all I thought about. My chest hurt so good. I wanted you to look at me like that again, and I kept trying get that dream back, but your eyes were closed in all the others. You always made me so nervous. Shit, you still do.” He laughed, and so did Billy, and he loved how Billy’s back moved under his hand.
“Good nervous now?”
“It was always good nervous. Must’ve been, or I wouldn’t have chased it so hard.” Billy breathed in deep and turned his head the other way, nose in Steve’s neck and arms around his shoulders, pulling him in as tight as he could. It gave them both goosebumps. “You make me so happy, Billy.”
It was muffled by skin and hair: “You make me happy, Stevie.”
“And it is officially no longer your birthday, so you can’t get annoyed at me for this.” He pulled away, looked down into Billy’s drowsy, confused eyes, and grinned.
“What? Annoyed about what?”
And it was mostly the way Steve had always dreamed of, getting down on one knee and holding Billy’s hand—with his little hundred-dollar ring—pretending that this was their first go-around. “Annoyed about me wanting to propose to you… put this little number on your finger.” The ring he pulled from his pocket was thick and dark, engraved on the inside (which he would show Billy later), and plain enough that Billy might just have accepted it. “Because, even though we’ve said a million times that marriage is for chumps and always sucks, and we’re practically married anyway, and blah blah blah—I saw you on that cruise with your hair trying to stay in place, and your shirt blowing in the wind so your little hip tattoo finally got some damn sun, I wanted to be able to call you my husband so fucking bad, Billy.”
“And I know we’ve been over this. I know. But I’ve had this night on my mind for so, so long, and I have always wanted to say this stupid fucking line to someone and know it’d last. So just… I don’t know. Humor me, okay?” He held up the ring. “Billy Hargrove… light of my life… will you marry me?”
By then, Billy’s face was red hot and ruined with tears that started falling the moment Steve’s knee hit the sand and still rolled with no end in sight. “Dammit, get the fuck up, Steve,” he said, blubbering, fake-angry the way he got when he didn’t want to be seen. Steve laughed and let Billy pull him up by the collar of his shirt, kiss him with more fervor than their mouths were even capable of. “Yes. Yes, I’ll—fucking marry you—you sappy fucking dork. God.” It was even wetter with Billy’s tears in the way, so sweet that the salt didn’t stand a chance.
“Here, here, hold on.” Steve pulled away to slide the ring onto Billy’s finger, right up against the other one that maybe he’d keep, maybe he wouldn’t. That didn’t matter so much now.
“When did you even get this, what the hell—“
“… November.”
“I had to get Robin to keep it for me after New Year’s, or I’d have scuffed this whole thing, and—“
“You really had this all figured out, didn’t you?” he asked, wiping tears and snot away with the rolled-down sleeve of his shirt.
“Yeah,” Steve told him softly, love in his eyes, relief on his back.
“God, you are something else, Harrington.”
“Not gettin’ rid of me now,” Steve said and, just before Billy got his word out, picked him up from under the ass and held him high.
“Steve!” He spun Billy around like it was nothing, kissed his cheek and chin and protesting lips. He laughed and said, “Steve, if you don’t put me down—“
“What are you gonna do? Not marry me?”
“No, but I’ll think of something.”
“Mhmm… whatever, I love you.”
Billy wrapped his legs around Steve’s waist, committed just as much as he was then. “Yeah, yeah. I love you too.”
And they sealed such love under the covers that night, where they could feel each other’s heat and never let it go. For Steve, going to bed sticky was a small price to pay if it meant his dreams of Billy would come true for the rest of his life.
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comeforthepizza · 1 month
Showbiz Pizza Magic Night (1984), Segment 8: "Michael Jackson Intro/Michael Jackson Tribute" Transcript
NOTE: THIS TRANSCRIPT IS UNDER CONSTRUCTION! I found a live performance that shows some of the line distribution in the medley was wrong in my original post. I don’t have the chance to fix it right now, but I’ll do it as soon as I can!
Note: Here's the eighth and final segment of Magic Night! This one includes the well-known Michael Jackson Intro skit, along with the first of the Rock-afire Explosion's Michael Jackson medleys. If you want to check out the rest of the Magic Night transcripts, you can find links to them all at the bottom of the script, as well as footnotes.
As always, if you find any errors, please let me know and I'll fix it as soon as possible!
Burt "Sal" Wilson as Fatz Geronimo
Aaron Fechter as Billy Bob Brockali, Looney Bird, Rolfe DeWolfe, and Earl Schmerle
Shalisa Sloan as Mitzi Mozzarella
Rick Bailey as Beach Bear
Duke Chauppetta as Dook LaRue
BILLY BOB: Well, howdy, everybody. I’m Billy Bob, and we’re back with another big show. But before we get on with it, I wanted to tell y’all something really interesting! It interests me, anyway. The other night, I was over at Disney World, I was vacationing, you know, had a couple days off and I was at Disney, and I was at the Country Bear Jamboree, and I was up there on stage gigging and jamming and playing with all them other bears and lo and behold, who was in the audience but Michael Jackson of all people!
MITZI: Wait a minute, wait a minute!
BILLY BOB: Yeah! And we got him up on stage-
MITZI: You saw Michael Jackson?
BILLY BOB: - and we were dancing and singing all his songs and having a good ol' time, right there at Disney World! He must have been va-
MITZI: You saw Michael Jackson!?
BILLY BOB: Yeah! And we did Billie Jean-
MITZI: You mean the Michael Jackson!?
BILLY BOB: The Michael Jackson! It was so great, and he did some songs from his album Thriller-
MITZI: No! No, you couldn’t have done that to me! You mean, you saw him and I didn’t get to!?
BILLY BOB: Well, Mitzi, we invited you to come with us to Disney.
MITZI: Well… I had cheerleading practice!
BILLY BOB: I know. Well, maybe another time. But it was so much fun-
MITZI: I’ll never get to see him again and y’all got to see him!
MITZI: It’s not fair.
MITZI: Michael Jackson’s my favorite thing, I love him!
BILLY BOB: I’m sorry, Mitzi.
MITZI: Well. Did you get his autograph?
BILLY BOB: Gah, you know, we were so excited… I don’t know, we forgot.
MITZI: You didn’t get his autograph for me!?
BILLY BOB: No, no, I’m sorry.
MITZI: You’re so thoughtless!
BILLY BOB: I’m sorry. Um.
MITZI: If I was there, I would’ve gotten 400 autographs! If I was there and y’all weren’t there, I would’ve gotten autographs for y’all, too!
BILLY BOB: Well, gee, that’d be nice, Mitzi-
ROLFE: Hey! Autographs, autographs, that’s all I ever hear! “Rolfe, would you please give me your autograph?” Every time I go out in public, people beg me for my autographs. But you know what? I don’t give it to them. I get hounded so much, I’m just sick and tired of it. So, uh, no autographs and that’s all! So, the answer is no. No! I will not give you my autograph, Mitzi. I’m sorry, you’ll have to get-
EARL: Rolfe, Rolfe, Rolfe! They are not talking about you. They do not want your autograph, and neither does anybody else. Would somebody please close the curtains on this nerd? I can’t even stand to look at him.
BEACH BEAR: Wonderful idea, there. Mitzi.
(There’s an uncomfortable pause.)
MITZI: … What?
BEACH BEAR: People like Michael Jackson, they get accosted for autographs all the time. Now, he was out at Disney World trying to have a good time. If you had been there, trying to get 400 autographs, you would have ruined his day. Do you understand?
MITZI: Yeah. I understand.
BEACH BEAR: Good. Now, what are you gonna do if you see Michael Jackson?
MITZI (Sudden, explosive.): I’m gonna rip his shirt off!! I’m gonna get a clump of his hair!! I’m gonna tear off his shoes!! I’ll do ANYTHING just to make up for this time when I didn’t get his autograph!!
(A beat of stunned silence.)
BEACH BEAR: … Alright. I can understand that. But for now, uh, I think we should pay musical tribute to the man by butchering one of his songs.
BEACH BEAR: But we really like you, Michael, so we’re gonna do it to a whole medley.
BILLY BOB: Hey, has anyone seen Michael’s new video?
FATZ: Are you kidding?
BILLY BOB: Hey, what about that video Thriller? Has everybody seen it?
(Sounds of affirmation come from center stage.)
FATZ: Yeah, I saw it. 
BILLY BOB: Yeah? What’cha think?
FATZ: It scared me to death! I had to watch it with one eye closed. I’m under my bed.
(Everyone laughs.)
BEACH BEAR: You know, I thought- I think it sets precedence for a contemporary musical demographic. I think it adds sort of an anti-pseudo-expressionism in it.
FATZ: Yeah.
BILLY BOB: What’s that mean?
BEACH BEAR: It means it’s- it’s now. It’s wow.
FATZ: Yeah. With a marketed propensity towards obesity and sloth.
DOOK (Imitating the Cowardly Lion from The Wizard of Oz): “I do believe in spooks! I do, I do, I do, I do believe in spooks!”
(They laugh.)
BILLY BOB: Hey, Looney Bird, how ‘bout you? What’d you think of it?
LOONEY BIRD: I didn’t see it.
BILLY BOB: How come, Looney Bird? Everybody’s seen it.
LOONEY BIRD: It’s on MTV, right?
LOONEY BIRD: Well, every time I turn on MTV, all I see is John Cougar Mellencamp. So, I turn it off. There’s better stuff on my police scanner.
BILLY BOB: Hey, does anybody remember any of Michael’s old songs?
(Everyone agrees that they do.)
Sit down, boy! I think I love you! Now, wait a minute, boy! Get up! Show me what you can do!
ROLFE: Okay! Lucky day, lucky day! I’ve reconsidered. I’m going to sign some autographs after all! But a limited number only, of course. Ten autographs. The first ten people to get lined up right here- the line forms to the right- are gonna get autographs. No! Twenty autographs! That’s it! Lucky day! I’m in such a good mood!
(He laughs.)
EARL: Rolfe!
DOOK: Hey, Rolfe, we’re trying to do a show here about Michael Jackson. Why would anybody want your autograph?
ROLFE: Hey, hey, um. Uh. I am Michael’s inspiration, you know. 
(Everyone protests.)
FATZ: Wait, wait, wait, y’all, chill out, chill out. Rolfe’s right. Here’s a song he had to inspire.
Better beat it, Rolfe.
BILLY BOB: Okay, well, hey, we had a lot of fun doing Michael’s songs today from his brilliant career, and we can’t wait to see what he has in store for us next! 
BEACH BEAR: Yeah, we could butcher some of that, too.
*This vocalization is repeated throughout this section, underscoring the dialogue.
**“ALL” encompasses the center and right stages. Rolfe and Earl do not sing in this number.
Check out the rest of Magic Night!:
Magic Night Intro/Magic Medley
Fatz's Witch Story/That Old Black Magic
The Magic Touch (Outtake)
Letters to Looney Bird #1/Little Arrows
Abracadabra Medley Intro/Abracadabra Medley
Multiple Voice Syndrome/Puff the Magic Dragon
Ambience Skit/Magic (from Xanadu)
Letters to Looney Bird #2/Every Little Thing She Does is Magic
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sailorbuckley · 2 years
tomgrove took over my brain today and i’m thinking what if tommy was billy’s childhood friend instead? he’d be more tame and genuine because he doesn’t have to perform for the popular crowd he’s a part of but he’s still loud and dumb and billy likes that. tommy stays at the beach with him until it’s dark just because he knows billy wants to spend as much time outside his house as possible. billy tries to teach tommy how to surf but he has zero balance so he just ends up watching billy from the shore telling him how cool he is every single time, beaming. they try to determine who has more freckles and they know it’s tommy but they’re not sure anymore because the sun keeps revealing new ones on billy’s skin. tommy always has the most stupid ideas and billy never says no because he knows he’s about to have fun and he really needs it. billy always covers for tommy with his parents and throws pebbles at his window when he comes to pick him up instead of ringing the doorbell like a normal person and tommy silently – he learns how to keep quiet just for billy – comes to billy’s window to keep him company or snucks funny or sweet notes in his backpack to find at home later when he knows it’s a day in which billy really doesn’t wanna see anyone. tommy has the most corny taste in music and they act super dramatic when the other is in charge of choosing the music. maybe they have other friends but they always end up gravitating towards each other. you can imagine them being each other’s first kiss or you can imagine tommy not judging billy, ever, no matter what he confesses to him. but don’t imagine when billy has to move. him finding tommy sitting on the steps outside his house and telling him to go away because neil’s home and it’s late, tommy’s cheeks are already wet when he tells him that susan told his mom so he knows, asking him why didn’t he tell him, billy going silent, going cold, saying there’s nothing to tell. tommy kicking the concrete and walking back home. but don’t worry, tommy’s mom forces him to go help his friend packing and they do just that, in complete silence, neil’s steps around the house as he packs his own stuff make tommy nearly lose his mind but he keeps packing billy’s shirts and billy’s books and billy’s records and smiling sympathetically at max when he passes by her because he senses things are about to get so much worse. and when they’re done he looks at billy who looks so pathetic standing there, like he doesn’t know what to do with himself, so tommy walks up to him and hugs him tight, whispers i’m gonna miss you and you better keep in touch and i’m gonna keep your surf board until you’re back and billy stands there with his arms at his sides, fists so tight they’re trembling, and presses his face against the crook of tommy’s neck, inhales the salt of the ocean and the sweetness of the sunshine and hopes the kiss he leaves on tommy’s shoulder conveys everything he can’t bring himself to say.
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A drabble requested by @eboni-napalm of Billy Kane comforting them/offering advice before a KOF tournament. Thank you for your patience!
Word count: 411
Warnings: Mentions of violence
    “Oi, ya feelin’ alright?” Billy asked, his brows furrowed with concern. He had known that Geese’s choice to add Elise to his picks for the King of Fighters tournament had weighed heavily on their mind, and it was beginning to show. Elise seemed stiff in their movements, their body tense and their eyes seeming tired, yet restless– it looked like they had not slept for a while. If Billy had to take a guess, Elise had not been getting adequate sleep, likely due to nerves.
    “Hmm? Oh.” Elise smiled tiredly as they faced Billy. “Everything’s fine. Just… nervous. Y’know?”
    Billy walked over to his bandmate and sparring partner, staff slung over his shoulders. “If it means anythin’, I’m a li’l shaky, too.”
    “Really?” Elise cocked their head ever-so-slightly at what Billy had said. “You’ve been fighting in tournaments longer than I have, and you’re nervous about it?”
    “Yeah.” Billy shrugged. “It’s like… goin’ on tour, almost. Your team’s like your band, y’gotta work together to put on the best show you can. Even I get performance anxiety, love.”
    Elise considered what he said. “You never seem nervous when you’re on stage.”
    “Learnin’ to hide it is all part of the job, really. Besides–” Billy pulled them in with his free hand. “– I think you’re gonna do a better job than either me or Mr. Howard, even if only because you get really angry when someone tries to hurt me.”
    Elise huffed out a laugh, and seemed to relax, even if only slightly. “Am I really that protective of you?”
    “You kiddin’?” Billy said with a grin. “Remember when someone tried to heckle me at one of my shows and you beat the piss out of ‘em?”
    “That was one time,” Elise said, grinning just as wide and trying to bite back laughter.
    “Still proves my point,” Billy exclaimed, before trying to remember what his point actually was. He hummed, before finally getting back to it. “Point is, love, if you ever need a reason to win… don’t think of it as doin’ it for Mr. Howard. Think of it as doin’ it for me.” He gave Elise a peck on the forehead, considered, then leaned their face up for a kiss. After their lips parted, he offered a smile. “Think we’ve got some time for a quick spar. What d’you say? Maybe it’ll help you get some sleep t’night.”
    “You’re on,” they said with a cocky smirk, rolling up their sleeves.
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permanentreverie · 1 year
Heyyyyyy bestie!
Occasionally, I have the desire to pop onto Tumblr and attempt to relight the candle within me that still loves this hellsite and longs to return, and apparently this is one of those times. So tonight, I decided to come into your inbox and ask you a random question like old times,,,,, pray to god the ask doesn’t get eaten by the tumblr gods, depraved though the may be,,,,, anyway, here’s a thought, perhaps inspired by my impending SKZ concert (still screaming, crying, throwing up, wanting to eat glass, and commit murder over such a statement. Can you BELIEVE it’s actually gonna happen!!!! This isn’t just the fangirl pipe dream it usually is!!!!):
If you could attend any concert (past, present; not even currently in the works, outside of the majesty of your imagination), what would it be?? But like,,,, top 5 concerts because I know you have too much love in your heart to ever possibly choose just one <3
Also, I’m still exploring ATEEZ but I think it vital you know that I was seriously considering just making hongjoong my bias today and sticking by it, and then I found out,,,,,, he’s the shortest member of ATEEZ,,,,,, it was a joke I love my short kings, but idk how much of a joke it truly IS, anymore. I can’t deny the facts that beyond Namjoon, all my biases are the short ones,,,,,,,
Oh, lol, I forgot to share at least some of my ideal concerts:
Bastille for All This Bad Blood and/or Doom Days
5SOS for Youngblood and/or CALM
BTS for literally anything ever (they could make music with those free sound effects you can use for video editing and I would eat it up 😤😤)
Coldplay for Viva La Vida or Death and All of His Friends
Dvicio for literally any album/era post 2016. (I just haven’t given Justo Ahora enough plays to really get into it the way I currently get down to Impulso, Qué Tienes Tú, and EL LABERINTO)
Special shout out to Hozier, Depeche Mode, The Rose, Backstreet Boys, Billy Joel, Panic! At The Disco, and ONEUS <3. They would also be a dream, but I gotta prioritize at some point, and I might as well mention the less attainable concerts first 😭 rip to my favorite eras of these bands and/or the fact that they’ll never tour by me (dvicio come closer than Mexico City challenge,,,,, it’s hard enough to convince me to cross state lines,,,,)
ma'am I am blessing you kissing you tenderly for sending me this, I have been pondering this these past few days and I'm honestly just getting salty that no artist wants to come to Canada, let alone my province rip. Without further ado, here are my Top 5 Concerts:
BTS (I would agree I would literally not care whatever era, for whatever setlist, but if I have to be 100% honest I'd kill to go to their Love Yourself tour, every fancam I've seen, every performance we've gotten filmed, I NEED!)
Taylor Swift - Eras Tour (there still might be a chance for me to attend. Please miss blondie release the international dates I will commit crime to get hands on tickets)
Agust D (can you believe Yoongi is going on a world tour and going to like 10 countries. Askjfs I get it with his enlistment and all and we're for sure getting concert clips but I WANT TO BE IN THE ROOM WHERE IT HAPPENS!!! Plus I'm 90% we're gonna get Tony Montana with Jimin and I would and will go insane when that happens)
Seventeen - Be The Sun Tour (I got legit post concert depression when this ended and I didn't even attend
Twenty One Pilots - The Bandito Tour (bruh I sooo should have caved and got tickets back in 2018. Every single time I listen to Trench - one of my favourite albums of all time - I constantly think of how amazing it would be to hear live. and then I die a little inside knowing I'll never get the chance)
honourable mentions are: Coldplay, Conan Gray, the 1975, Arctic Monkeys, ONE OK ROCK, Nothing But Thieves, Hozier, NF (again), Stray Kids, The Rose, Bastille, The Weeknd, 5SOS, Chase Atlantic, Panic! At The Disco
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thebussynotes · 2 years
Edit : I started this last night and finished it today, this is the longer version of the previous post under this one*
Ugh, I’m having midnight thoughts and I feel myself wanting to cry every second so imma just share
(Post Byers Move)
I personally feel like Argyle plays guitar in his free time. He was the guitarist, Heather was the singer and Billy was the drummer. They always performed in Argyles house, they enjoyed themselves and after they would go to the beach and collect seashells or just mess around. Those were the good times. So imagine him walking around in Lenora, it was almost the end of fall, around December seeing none other than Neil Hargrove strolling past.
He was quite hesitant to go up to him because the last time he talked to him they ended in bad terms…not that they were in good terms in any way… he goes up to him and says hello, Neil looks confused at first but then it clicks to him at some point and a look of disgust creeps up his face. Argyle wanted to end this conversation as soon as possible so he quickly shot out the question, “is Bil-”… he was cut off, Neil looked at him straight in the face and spit out the news “he’s fucking dead” “w…wha?…huh?!” “He’s.fucking.dead. Don’t makes me repeat myself….” “dead?…hes…h-hes?…no…no…what did you do? What did you do?!” He assumed it was Neil’s fault, he assumed that Neil finally beat his best friend to death but Neil replied, “I have nothing to do with it, I don’t even know how he died…if you want to see him, I suggest you don’t, it will just be a waste…” “I don’t believe you!!!” “Stop your fucking yelling, and fine you don’t believe me but it doesn’t change the fact that he’s dead…now have a good life, I’m off…” he walks away into the endless road and Argyle is left shocked and he feels himself starting to shake “I…I can’t believe this…” he just couldn’t…a few days later he sets up a flight to go to Indiana, get driven to Hawkins and visit the cemetery Billy was buried at. He packs his things, notably his guitar and surf board… Jonathan stopped by his house the day before he left, Jonathan noticed he was packing a bit(he wasn’t gonna take much over to Hawkins since he was going to stay there for at least 5 days), he asks where he was going and Argyle excused it as him going to visit his other family members that were still currently in Mexico, Jonathan didn’t think much of it and gave him the okay.
Time skip to when he arrives to Hawkins, it’s probably really late so he stays at the local hotel. It’s very quiet in Hawkins, he feels homesick considering he can’t hear the crash of waves like he usually could in Cali, but he will only stay here for a few days. Argyle is still very much in denial and that denial has kept him up all night. In the morning, he gets ready to visit the graveyard, the only thing he takes is his guitar, he goes downstairs after safely locking his hotel door, (I’m not really sure how Taxi services worked in the 80s so please correct me) he whistles for a taxi. It’s doesn’t take long before a Taxi appears before him, he tells the driver to drive to the local cemetery. He makes it to the cemetery a few minutes later, it felt like forever but he was finally there, he slightly hesitated to get out of the Taxi but he had no choice so he thanked the driver and made his way into the gates.
He feels his heart racing a bit fast, he was nervous and he didn’t want to admit what was said to him, especially by none other than his best friends piece of shit father. He didn’t know exactly where Billy’s grave was, he never asked so he spent a very long while looking for his grave. After an hour of walking around, he saw a grave that had the name “William Hargrove” carved into it and his heart drops to his ass… “it…really is true?…shitshitshitshitshitshit-” he starts to freak out and starts pacing around in front of his grave, “you gotta be shitting me man!!!”. He feels tears starting to form in his eyes, his childhood best friend is gone, all the hopes they had that he will one day return to Cali was all in vain. To make matters worse he looks to the grave stone next to Billy’s and he gasps in disbelief as he read the name carved into it.
“Heather Holloway”…she’s gone too, just like Billy…another childhood friend gone. Argyle let’s out a few sobs as he gave up holding back his tears. It’s no wonder he hasn’t heard Heather in months. Heather sent letters to Argyle because Neil found out that Billy was sending letters to Argyle and got punished for it so Heather was now in charge of it. After 4 months(a month of the Byers moving to Cali), he started to worry because Heather usually sent letters every week and all of a sudden it just…stops.
He tried to drown that worry many times but today is where all that worry turns into immense sorrow. He sits down in front and in between their graves and is still sobbing his heart out. He calms down after a while but is still crying a bit because the pain of these losses is unbearable to him, he picks up his guitar and thinks shortly before letting himself play the strings with his fingers, playing a lovely tune that made have flashbacks to memories he had with them, how happy they were despite their personal struggle. That’s all Argyle wanted, wanted his friends to feel relaxed and happy around him and be comfortable with each other. He continues playing his guitar for a long while and before he knows it, the sun started to set.
He sighs sadly as he slowly stands up and looks at their graves one more time before saying “goodbye…I-…I’ll see you two tomorrow”. Eventually he makes it back to the hotel by pure luck because he was sure he got lost despite this town being as small as the palm of his hand. For the next 3 days, he goes back to their graves, play them some tunes, talks to them for a bit, heads back to the hotel. It’s the same for the next day but instead he stays at the graveyard until late at night, he wanted it to feel like how it felt back in the 70’s where Heather, Billy and himself would stay up late at night, near their personal bonfire and laying on a worn out couch with no concern and just chatting their minds off before drifting to sleep like three little bears. Despite talking to literal stone, he felt deep inside that Billy and Heather were listening to him, acknowledging his presence and appreciating that he was there which made him chuckle a little at the thought.
He said his final goodbyes to them, he looks over at his surfboard, “oh shit, I almost forgot”, he picks up the surfboard and places the surfboard horizontally infront of both of their graves. “Now you guys can share it, to make it feel a bit like home…” he smiles sadly at the graves and gently places a kiss on both stones as if he were giving them both forehead kisses “Hasta Luego, Brochacos…” he gets up, picks up his guitar and goes back to the hotel again. The feeling of homesickness was overcomes by the need to stay but he knew he couldn’t stay, he couldn’t… the next day he packs up, checks out of the hotel and leaves to the Indiana airport and flies back to Cali. He’s still very upset that his best friends are no longer alive, but is relived at the fact that he was able to say goodbye to them in his own way with no interruptions…he will never forget them, never.
*im sorry for this being way to long but it’s a longer explanation to the last post and since I’m going back to back on angst y’all are gonna suffer I’m so sorry :’D also I’m not very fond of writing so this might be as good as I thought but I still tried. Also If you have any questions feel free to ask*
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denydefeat · 12 days
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I’m going to be posting my divergencies for Daisy Jones & The Six muses. I’m mostly book based with some show influences, so mostly the things the show changed from the book will be what I focus on here. This post is gonna be a long one, so under a cut it goes. Eddie and Camila have the biggest changes. Everyone else is pretty adaptable either way. There are mentions of cheating, drugs, and alcohol in this post. I’m always willing and happy to do aus and canon divergent threads and such but for like a timeline basis - this is where I am.
Eddie Loving: (Not Roundtree? WTF was that lmao) is the rhythm guitarist. I will always refer to Pete Loving (his brother? Why change that? JFC) as the bassist. This change really annoyed me because it changed Eddie’s and Billy’s entire dynamic. Eddie was constantly pissed about Billy changing his sections, or taking them over entirely. The scene in the book where Daisy’s band leaves her and Eddie goes on stage with her to help her do an acoustic set, and then Billy comes on stage and ‘asks’ for his guitar to perform Honeycomb acoustic with her (when none of this was planned) and then Billy just LEAVES HIS GUITAR FOR HIM TO PICK UP when the Six come on to start their set? Insanity. Really fucking pushed Eddie over the edge honestly. Eddie (and sometimes Pete and Karen) being annoyed about things being dictated by Billy, with Graham and Warren just rolling with the punches, really shaped how the six worked, and it’s a shame a lot of that was cut out of the show. There’s no weird romance angle between him and Camila either. Eddie and Billy had a tense, strained relationship from the get-go and adding Camila to that really doesn’t change much, except make it about something it really wasn’t. Eddie wanted to be a part of a rock and roll band, and he honestly hated that they kept singing songs about Camila all the time (he liked Camila, but not romantically, and a lot of the music wasn’t what he wanted to play, but he did it anyway).
Camila Dunne: The biggest change here really is mentioned above - the weird romance / hook up / cheating thing with Eddie is not a part of it. However, there is a part in the book where she spends almost an entire day with a high school boyfriend (who she had considered her first love) after the birth of Julia (and maybe the twins? I’m not 100% on that I’d have to look it up) and it is something that she and Billy never discuss. Billy makes a huge point not to ask questions about it because if she wanted to talk about it, she would have. The conversation between Camila and Daisy also happens the way it does in the book - in the middle of the night, while Billy is a bar, and Julia is asleep in Daisy’s bed after they found her trying and failing to get into her room.
Karen Sirko: I like the idea of her being a nomadic keyboardist post the Six, going about from band to band and touring constantly and living her life the way she always wanted, rather than her having a semi-successful band of her own. It showed that she could make it many times over, be successful, be happy the way she wanted. I’m keeping that.
Billy Dunne: I prefer the book version here in the way he relapsed. I think it’s more fitting to who he was throughout the entire journey, even show wise. His continued temptation, almost taking a drink and being interrupted by Camila or someone else, and then finally bending. His relationship with alcohol, how he describes what it is to him, the smell that gets him, how overwhelmed he is being around it, is so much more descriptive in the book, and considering the book is narrator based and in an interview format, it’s a really well done journey for him. But he never chose Daisy. He always chose Camila. I know the show is going to take liberties for dramatic and storytelling purposes, but I found the strength in his struggle so much more empowering in the book.
Daisy Jones: Pretty similar to Warren and Billy. The show did them a pretty good service. The biggest beef I have with how they portrayed her was her relationship with Nicky. He seemed way more of a standup guy UNTIL the night she overdosed, but he compared to the book, he was like a perfect husband. I liked that she threw him out of her room rather than leaving him quietly like she did in the book though. That can stay.
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toyahinterviews · 2 years
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MARK: In a career spanning more than 40 years Toyah Willcox has had  Top 40 singles, released over 20 albums, written two books, appeared in over 40 stage plays and 10 feature films and voiced and presented numerous television shows. In this interview, Toyah talks about her upcoming tour with Billy Idol, touring her hit 80s album “Anthem”, her Sunday Lunch videos with husband Robert Fripp, acting and lots lots more Hi Toyah, welcome to the XS Noize podcast TOYAH: Thank you very much, good to be here MARK: You've had such an amazing career and you're still very busy so we'll have lots to talk about. But first of all, let's talk a bit about the Billy Idol tour. You’re joining Billy Idol on the October dates of his tour alongside Television. How much are you're looking forward to those shows? TOYAH: Really looking forward to it. Firstly, Billy Idol - I think he's a world icon and he has such an incredible career of music to perform. I've been performing “Rebel Yell” in my set for 20 years and I know the effect it has on the audience. I'm very I'm excited about that. Obviously, I won't be performing “Rebel Yell” with Billy Idol (laughs)
But I think it's a really great line up. You've got Television doing the whole of “Marquee Moon”, which is an album I bought when I first moved to London. It's a phenomenal album. And then I've got my set to open all of the events and I know I'm gonna have a lot of fun   When you're on a multi-bill but you're not the main star it's really good fun, because you just go out there, you love the audience, you enjoy what you're doing and then it's over. You can relax. So I'm really looking forward to it on many levels. And I actually love arena shows. I love doing them. So I'm going to be in my element  
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MARK: You're well known for your image, so do you have an outfit planned ready to go? TOYAH: Absolutely everything is planned on the rehearsal, the setlist is done. The costume is ready, everything is and if you think I'm going to tell you … I'd have to shoot you afterwards MARK: What can fans expect? What sort of songs? A medley of hits really?     TOYAH: Yeah, I mean, I've had well over 15 chart hits, probably a bit more than that and I'm only playing for half an hour. So what is that going to be? Eight songs, ten if we really kind of squeeze them in. It's got to be hits. I want to go right from the beginning of my very early punk hits, because I was number one in the first indie charts. So 24 months running when that first indie chart came out in ‘79 I was number one. I never left number one in that chart. So I want to include my punk hits, which not many of today's generations will know at all. But I want to go through a complete journey right up until the single I release next Friday, which is “Slave To The Rhythm”
MARK: Last Saturday you played Let’s Rock Northern Ireland alongside Adam Ant, Belinda Carlisle, Heaven 17, Howard Jones, Wet Wet Wet and many more. You went down really really well. Everybody thought you were brilliant. How much do you enjoy - TOYAH: I had a nighmare getting there. A plane was an hour late. I was with Chesney Hawkes, Chesney and I had to get undressed and dressed in the car. We got out the car, I walked on stage. I did my show and I had an extra two songs in the set that I wasn't aware of     So I was announcing songs and the band was going “no, it's this!” It was so much fun. It was brilliant and the audience were amazing and then I walked off stage, got in the car and caught the plane back. I have never been so stressed in my life purely because of travel MARK: Well, I thought because it's maybe old friends like Adam Ant, who you go way back with, back to the Mayhem days and stuff like that but you don't get to see each other and say hi really?
TOYAH: I saw Belinda. I was flying with Wet Wet Wet. I was flying with Chesney, Carol Decker, the bass player from Wet Wet Wet. We had some of the Real Thing there with us. We know each other, we're all incredibly supportive and good friends, but we do only get to meet in airport lounges. So it was fabulous. It was really nice MARK: This coming September Cherry Red will release a remastered edition of your gold selling third album “Anthem”. The album reached n:o 2 in the UK charts and features the Top 10 singles “It’s A Mystery” and “I Want To Be Free”. What do you remember about making that album because it’s such a classic album? 
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TOYAH: It was a very busy time, because “It’s A Mystery” was an enormous hit before we even started the album. And it meant that we had to make the album in a very tight window of two weeks. So when the band were in the studio putting the backing tracks down they were sending me tapes every day to Norwich where I was starring in “Tales Of The Unexpected”. As soon as I finished that I got back to London and in the mornings I would write the lyric and the top line melody to what the band had created, go into the studio by 2pm and record that song. Sometimes I had to do two songs a day It was a fabulous time. We were absolutely riding on this incredible success of “It’s A Mystery” and the album was an absolute joy to make but boy, I wasn't getting much sleep. And we were trying new sounds, we were trying new arrangements and it was all happening in this magical 14 day period that we had. And touch wood it worked. It really worked. I've never known anything like it
MARK: I can remember watching your first Top of the Pops performance of “It’s A Mystery”. It's such an iconic 80s moment for me. So how amazing was it for you? What can you remember about your first performance on Top Of The Pops?
TOYAH: I was very nervous. I believe Adam Ant was on because he was number one. I think Joe Dolce was on with "Shaddap Your Face", Midge Ure was on. It's a long day and I went to theatre school. I started in theatre before I ever had hit singles. I've made movies, been at the National Theatre. So I know a lot about turning up on time, rehearsing and then delivering. So it wasn't a problem to me, but we'd arrive at the Top Of The Pops studios at 10.30 in the morning. You do at least five rehearsals on camera and then go to makeup. And then you're on standby for the live show   It wasn't a problem for me. But on this day, I was quite nervous and completely overawed by the experience. Because Top Of The Pops was the one show that every generation watched for the whole of their lives. I can remember sitting in the lounge with the whole of my family watching Top Of The Pops in complete quietness. We listened and to suddenly be on this show and to know that I was going to have a really high chart position because of this show was just overwhelming and magical. If I only could pick 10 points in my life to take away with me and remember in the big blue sky … Top Of The Pops, that very first one would be up there. It was amazing
MARK: Yeah, it's definitely one of my favourites because all the reruns on Top Of The Pops, you see it now and again popping up and it's obviously on YouTube, it’s had millions and millions of views. It's fantastic. The outfit you wore on that show – you were supposed to wear something else instead? Was it that one? TOYAH: Melissa Caplan made all of my costumes from about ‘78 through to 1985. And the costume I wanted - she was making me a very special one. I think I'd already done The Rainbow. Let me have a think about this, because this is such a condensed piece of my history. I know that we played The Rainbow about January or February and I think “It’s A Mystery” charted towards mid-February. So Melissa couldn't get the costume ready in time for Top Of The Pops because we were all firing on all cylinders, kind of working through the night recording and still doing live shows and me filming as an actress  
So I had what was a design made by Willie Brown (below), who did all the clothes for David Bowie when he did “Heroes”. It's a really beautiful dress and it's not a dress I would normally have worn other than in a photo session because I was still very much working at androgyny and not being too feminine. And I actually think this dress is responsible for my success as is the song “It’s A Mystery” itself because I looked so cute and so feminine. I wasn't scaring anyone on that first Top Of The Pops
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MARK: Do you still have the outfit? TOYAH: I do. It has kind of organza shoulders and it’s starting to deteriorate but I still have it and it can be restored because all my costumes are going to go to the Victoria and Albert Museum. But it's something that can't see sunlight or the air anymore. It’s vacuum packed MARK: You're so busy. Last year you released “Posh Pop”, written and recorded during lockdown, it was your first album in 13 years. That's a great album, very uplifting. I love the opening track “Levitate” TOYAH: Oh, that's good! I like that track as well. It was lockdown. I am not someone who  sits around doing nothing. So lockedown actually was the first opportunity I ever had in the whole of my career to just reassess and re-evaluate, like lots of people out there    It was a chance to kind of reset who or what we wanted to be. And the silence of lockdown. And what I mean by that is no one was emailing me every minute and no one was phoning me. It meant that I could sit down at an instrument and start writing music. I took up guitar in lockdown as well
And “Levitate” was one of the first songs written because we wanted the song to be - Simon Darlow my co-writer (below with Toyah) and I - just about freedom, freedom of choice, about being able to leave the house, being able to write about a situation that was profoundly uncomfortable and quite honestly terrifying. So “Levitate” is literally about that word And it's also one of my favourite words that I can ever remember. When I was at school everyone was fascinated with this word. Levitate. Levitation. And there was a very famous saint, who became canonised, because he levitated while praying and I started to read up about him and ironically, he was Italian. I can't remember his proper name now. But it was such a problem for him that crowds would turn up during the services, during his holding service with his his flock and he would start to levitate and he said or it's kind of reported that he found it profoundly embarrassing that he was known for levitating   
And you've got eyewitness accounts of this happening. So people would go along and I'm talking about mediaeval times. People would go along and record this happening, they would draw it happening, they would write about it happening, they would pass the stories to their children. I've just always loved that word. It's a word that says that we have so much potential, that we almost cannot control our potential. And that's where “Levitate” came from MARK: As much as the album is uplifting, the song “Barefoot On Mars” is about your mother's final days in the hospice. It’s very moving and and it's very emotional but it sounds upbeat 
TOYAH: Yeah. I wrote the lyrics after finding out what happened to my mother. I was contacted by ancestry.com Christmas last year. Was it Christmas last year? This is the problem with lockdown. I've lost so much time. It must have been two Christmases ago. And we knew nothing about my mother, my mother never talked to us. She never told us about her history. We could trace back press cuttings on her because she was a child actress and a dancer and she used to get reviews from the age of 12 So I'd seen all of that but she wouldn't talk about it. But ancestry.com contacted me and they said “we need to talk to you and we need to have counsel in the room because you do not know about this - we have unearthed press cuttings” and it appeared that my mother witnessed her father murder her mother, but because my mother was so young she couldn't give evidence and she couldn't go to court and testify   And I came back home after finding that out and I wrote the lyric for “Barefoot On Mars” and I wrote to Simon Darlow and I said “this is what's just happened to me”. And I've written this lyric and I went into the studio the next day, and he’d done the track. And it was so breathtakingly beautiful that we just recorded it there and then. That song came about very quickly
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MARK: Yeah, it's a great lyric, great song. Along with your husband and guitar legend Robert Fripp you have over 110 million hits on YouTube with your Sunday Lunch series of weekly music videos. They're all brilliant. What inspired you to do these? And how did you get Robert on board? TOYAH: Well, again as a performer, as someone who's always worked on a stage to suddenly think that it's going to be longer than three weeks because the lockdown originally was only going to be three weeks and I'd be back out on the road and it was dragging on and on and on. And I just thought we're all equal in this. We're all in the same situation. And some people are alone and we have each other. So we posted a very short 29 second video of me teaching Robert to do the jive and he's so cute in it because he just can't do it
And that instantly got 100,000 hits within about five minutes and we realised there were people out there that just needed contact. So we started to do this every Sunday. And it just grew and grew and grew and slowly we realised why it was growing and it is because the world audience for rock music is massive, absolutely massive. And we kept it to the simplicity of this kitchen. It didn't used to be this kitchen, we'd work in other rooms around the house, but people identified on a Sunday lunchtime with their own kitchens. So that's why it became traditionally that MARK: I think from the first video a lot of people were saying you should appear on “Strictly Come Dancing”, that they would ask you? TOYAH: I know. No, no. None of those programmes are interested in me. So fair enough. I'm too busy anyway MARK: So you wouldn't do it?
TOYAH: I would but they've got to be interested in you. I can't phone them up and say I want to do it. It doesn't work that way. I'm very, very busy. “Strictly” has already started. I am touring “Anthem”, and I'm working with Billy Idol. You've got to be completely 100% available if you get any of those programmes and for me that's very rare MARK: You would be great on it, definitely TOYAH: I don't know about that. I'm 64, I think it's a very gruelling show to do. I'm not sure how I would cope with training and all those pivotal movements within your joints for 11 hours a day. I did go and see a recording of it all lockdown. And they did back to back shows. They did the live show on the Saturday and then did the show for the Sunday immediately after and I thought my God - this is so gruelling! MARK: Going back to your videos. How long does it take to put them together? And how do you choose which songs to perform every week?
TOYAH: Well, the songs have to have one vital ingredient and that's they translate on guitar. So I give Robert a whole list of songs every week that I think would visually really work very well. And then he kind of goes through all of them and see how they work on one guitar. Because he's not only playing lead lines, he's also playing bass lines as well, which is what's so remarkable about what he's doing. And if he can't make that work, we can't do the song. Sometimes I can encourage him to revisit an idea and say “look, I think you can do this on one guitar” and he'll give it a go and it works. But there are so many elements that we have to take into account   Firstly, we have no production values whatsoever. We just come in. We have a few days rehearsal where we learn the song together. Then I do the setup. I work out what the trick is going to be within the setup. And then I bring him in, we sit down and we usually have the first take in one go. So there's a lot of kind of little bits that need to come together at the right time. And if Robert is worried about the song then it won't work
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MARK: I enjoyed your most recent one. Ozzy Osbourne’s “Crazy Train” (above) TOYAH: I know! Brilliant!  And he closed the Commonwealth Games last night and I'm 30 miles from Birmingham, and I'm a Birmingham girl as well. And we didn't know he was going to do that. So it was really well timed that one MARK: You mentioned at the start about your latest single “Slave To The Rhythm”. It’s an amazing version and I’m really pleased you’re releasing it but I did some research for this and you sang on the original demo. Is that right? TOYAH: Yeah. The original was written by Simon Darlow, my long term writing partner and he asked me to sing on it and then the demo went out I believe to Frankie Goes To Hollywood. And they didn't want to do it. They wanted to rewrite the lyric. And then Simon met up with Trevor Horn and another writer and producer and it became the “Slave To The Rhythm” that Grace Jones has made. This is the iconic version that Grace Jones did. So it's had quite a journey through a few writers, but it began with Simon Darlow
And Simon said to me that he really felt that as I was involved at the very beginning purely as the session singer, should we give it a go? And I was a bit worried about it. Firstly, Grace Jones owns it. It's very much her brilliant iconic performance, but also as someone who allies towards everyone that's been exploited and abused through history ... Grace Jones has a right to that song   I was really worried about doing it. And Simon said, well, actually, his reference is that we're all slaves to time. That none of us can escape time. So that's the way we've approached it. So within the video we have the theme of time just ticking away with the fingers. So that's how Simon said we should address it MARK: I look forward to hearing it. I love the version on your Sunday Lunch. I'd love to hear the actual proper studio recorded version TOYAH: It’s a beautiful version. It's very, very brilliant and respectful. And we've not trodden on Grace Jones' toes at all. I deliver it in a very gentle way. So it's lovely
MARK: You also mentioned Trevor Horn, and Frankie Goes To Hollywood and I hear you've recorded a version of “Relax” with Trevor Horn. So how did that come about and when can we hear that?
TOYAH: Well, I can't tell you too much about it other than we're working with Trevor this week. We've got a live show with him this week as well.  Trevor heard our version of “Slave To The Rhythm” via one of the writers seeing me perform it live for the first time that G Live in Guilford. And that was Bruce Wolley, who is one of the new co-writers on the song. He’s in the history of that song  
He came to the show and he heard me perform it live. And he got in touch with Trevor and he said "you've got to hear this. It's really good". And Trevor phoned me and said would I come into the studio and record “Relax”. It's a very, very different version. His original idea was for the voice to be artificial intelligence. But the label turned that down and he wanted me to sing it in my deepest register. It absolutely gorgeous. It's so beautiful. It is actually romantic
MARK: Great. Can't wait to hear that and Trevor Horn, what an amazing producer
TOYAH: He’s breathtaking to work with. As soon as I put the headphones on to do the harmonies in the studio I thought my God this is best sound I've ever had in the studio! It was fabulous
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MARK: Trevor Horn, his records just sound amazing. Recently, the BBC showed your first ever professional screen role as “Sue” and the play “Glitter” (above) with Phil Daniels and Noel Edmunds. In the show Sue says “I want to be so famous that I'm a household name all over the world”. Sue’s dream was to be on Top Of The Pops. That it was shown in 1976 so it's amazing to think that the real Toyah Willcox achieved this soon. There  was definitely some sort of weird synchronicity going on there TOYAH: I know, it's absolutely fabulous. I had to audition for that role. I was spotted by the Bicat brothers and they called me down to London and I did the audition with Phil Daniels. With no knowledge at all that we both end up in “Quadrophenia” together a few years later. I've never been on camera. I've never sung into a microphone. I only had this idealistic dream of becoming a singer. I had opera lessons at school, I sang at school but that was opera, that was not rock music
And I remember making “Glitter” so clearly because I was just living the dream. But I had no technical experience. I had no experience of projecting my voice or placing words. I was completely raw and I think that shows in “Glitter”. But somehow the National Theatre watched it being broadcast at the end of ‘76 and they cast me in “Tales From The Vienna Woods” and by that Christmas I was living in London, about to open on the Olivier stage at the National Theatre   I leapfrogged about 15 years of experience. And the National was great to me. They gave me speech therapy, they gave me movement lessons. They really tried to kind of hone my talent. But “Giltter” was the turning point in my life for everything. It was the biggest piece of luck I have ever had in my life MARK: Yeah it’s good actually, watched it this morning. Really enjoyed it TOYAH: What did you think of it? MARK: Yeah, I really liked it. Noel Edmunds was good TOYAH: Would you say I was good?
MARK: Yeah, absolutely. And Phil Daniels TOYAH: Phil’s always good. He's been in front of the camera all his life MARK: For your first ever professional performance it was great TOYAH: You’re very kind MARK: I really, really enjoyed it. And again, Phil as you said, starred as “Jimmy Cooper” alongside yourself as “Monkey” (below) in the classic movie “Quadrophenia”. Can we talk about this because it's one of my favourite films. It's such a classic movie with an amazing cast. Did you think  how special it was when you were making it? 
TOYAH: It's a very good question because there is no way that cast would not let it be special. Up until that point, I had always kind of worked in an isolation of being the youngest in the company. So I'd made “Jubilee”, which I loved every minute of. I was working with the glitterati of London punk. People with way more life experience than me and they kind of protected me 
And then I made the “The Corn Is Green” with Katharine Hepburn and George Cukor and again, I was cosseted. I was the youngest. And when I stepped onto the set of “Quadrophenia”, or even for the rehearsals, because we did a lot of prep rehearsals for that film -   suddenly I was no longer the youngest and I was in a group of about 50 people who were all determined to be superstars. And you just had to step up to the mark   It was an incredible experience. And were all great friends. We all really really loved each other. But boy, we were fighting for the limelight. And we knew it was going to be special. How could a film where the music was written by Pete Townsend and The Who had performed that music for years and years and years ... How could this film not be a success?  
But ironically, when it first screened, it was critically panned. But audiences loved it. I think it was 1979 we shot it, 1980 it was released. Generation after generation around the world has discovered this film and loved it and it even still has conventions in Los Angeles
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MARK: It's a great film. Absolutely classic. Is it true that John Lydon tried out as “Jimmy” and you read with him for the part? TOYAH: I got John through the screen test at Shepperton Studios. So Franc Roddam - I haven't even been cast in the film at this point, because I was working at the Royal Court Theatre, and had amazing reviews for my stage acting - Franc Roddam got me to do two scenes with John Lydon at Shepperton on camera, on a huge 36 mil camera. So I used to meet up with John Lydon in his apartment off the Kings Road and we'd run the scenes. He was perfect. He was word perfect. He was fabulous And when we got to Shepperton we just did the scenes. I played Leslie Ash’s role and John was doing Phil Daniel's role, and he was really, really special. And he behaved, he was a gentleman, he was great to be with, but no one would insure the film if he was in it. Now I have to stick up for both John Lydon and Phil Daniels here. Because if the issue was different, I think John Lydon would have gone on to be a great Hollywood actor    
Phil Daniels was the only person who could really play “Jimmy,” because of Phil’s life experience. He was right for “Jimmy.” Phil Daniels gave an Oscar winning performance in that film, but obviously he didn't get any nominations because it just didn't happen. But Phil Daniels is the reason that film is so successful
MARK: You couldn't imagine the film without him at all or without the rest of the cast because everybody went on to make something of themselves. What draws you to a movie, what do you look for in a part? TOYAH: The one main factor is can I do it? Because sometimes I'm offered unrealistic things. I'm physically very small. And I now warn people I say "look, it's very kind of you to offer me this but if you're going to cast me next to people who are 6’2”, the director and the camera team are going to have real problems getting us in two shots." Two shots is where you've got two characters in one shot. So I now look for the fact can I portray that character with my physicality? And is it a character that I can really use my intelligence on?
If it's just a character where they need Toyah Willcox in the film so my name is on the poster ... I don't do those. I really don't do those. I'm an incredibly intelligent actress. My dyslexia just really informs me about people. And I really want characters that I can reveal to an audience. So that may sound complex, but there is so much you can do without saying words, and I look for that in the storyline MARK: Some people forget you were an actress first before you were a pop star. Do you have any film projects coming up? TOYAH: Well, lockdown has not helped the industry that much. So I had a film show at Leicester Square last week called “Give Them Wings”, which I won the critics Best Actress Award at the Richard Harris Film Festival. I'm playing the mother of the lead in that and I've had phenomenal reviews for that film, but that was shot just before lockdown started. During lockdown I managed to make “The Ghosts Of Borley Rectory”  
Again, I've had Best Actress nominations for that. So the film industry is now getting back on its feet with a backlog of movies waiting to find a cinema and a distribution deal. And I think it's going to take a long time for cinema to find its feet again. Netflix, Amazon Prime, Disney - they've all gone straight to streaming and at the moment that is where the industry is at MARK: In a career spanning more than 40 years you've had loads of Top 40 singles, released over 20 albums, written two books, appeared in over 40 stage plays and voiced and presented numerous television shows. So with all that in mind … what are you most proud of? What’s been your highlights? Can you pick anything out? TOYAH: Highlight ... probably doing Old Grey Whistle Test at Drury Lane on Christmas Eve 1981 (below) That had 12 million viewers but it was such an honour to be invited to do that. Other highlights “Posh Pop” going to number one in 36 charts. Getting a call from Trevor Horn after 45 years in the business was pretty flattering. I get up to a great job. For 45 years I've woken up to a great job. So I'm very grateful for everything I do     
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MARK: Yeah, I’m sure. Just a few more questions, Toyah. You’ve so much energy. What keeps you going after all these years?
TOYAH: It’s probably because I never had children. I've got a lot of energy and a lot of money (they both laugh) I don't want to be flippant about it. But everyone I know with children I think how the hell do you do that?!
MARK: I like to ask the guests the following questions, Toyah. Out of all the music in your collection which artists or bands do you have the most albums by?
TOYAH: David Bowie
MARK: And what is your favourite?        
TOYAH: My favourite David Bowie album - I've actually got three – “Man Who Sold The World”, “Hunky Dory” and “Ziggy Stardust”. I just love the path he took. It's a very, very tangible path where you could see him just changing through desperation because “Hunky Dory” was a really hard time for him as an artist. He had shotguns held to his head in Texas. Andy Warhol was really nasty to him. And you just saw this ascending trajectory into “Ziggy Stardust” through these albums. And even on “Man Who Sold The World” you could hear my husband's King Crimson influence. So I just love those three albums MARK: Absolute genius. We miss him TOYAH: Yeah MARK: Which song or album is your guilty pleasure? TOYAH: “Bridge Over Troubled Water.” That album is just one of the most beautifully written and performed albums in the whole history of modern music MARK: Would you say it's a guilty pleasure? I love it TOYAH: Well, l I love it but you've got to remember people go “you’re a punk rocker!”
MARK: Yeah, that's right (laughs) You're not supposed to like stuff like that. But nowadays everybody can like anything and it doesn't matter TOYAH: Then there's no such thing as a guilty pleasure, is there? MARK: (laughs) You got me there. Such an amazing career. We could talk for a long time. I had to just pick certain things, there's lots more things we could have talked about, but it's an absolute honour and pleasure to be speaking to you TOYAH: Thank you very much. You obviously know a lot about me, and I'm very grateful. Thank you MARK: There's lots more and we have a short period of time, we could spend hours (Toyah laughs)  Good luck with the new single and I can't wait to hear “Relax” TOYAH: All right. Thank you very much. Good to meet you MARK: To meet you too. Bye
TOYAH: Bye bye
0 notes
- Ringo showing the boys Octopus’ garden 🥺🥺🥺
- Geo immediately helping because he is so proud 😊😊
- HEATHER!!!!!
- heather realizes her and Ringo are matchy matchy with their fits so she stays beside him 🤩
- they’re all so sweet with her
-and then there’s yoko
- so while John is singing Dig It on the album, Paul isn’t playing on the song and instead he’s tossing Heather in the air
- and he was just casually sitting on the floor playing it???
- Paul staring right at John for TLAWR
- and Ringo just zoning out
- Paul showing John the bass notes…singing LOW low
- that has to be the take from Let It Be I know Paul’s vocals on that it has to be, that’s the same take right???
- George playing that bass is just 😍😍🤤🤤🤤
- “I didn’t have any breakfast….have any toast?” WHAT IS WITH THIS MAN AND TOAST
- Paul is feeling that one
- paul playing the six string bass upside down!!!
- Why doesn’t Yoko let John shower
- “believe me when I tell you” “oh, I do!”
- “yoko’s divorce has just gone through!” *paul plays through the pain”
- Walmart Beatles have arrived 😂😂
- “alright John love” “don’t let me down babe!” Did they…did they get better?
- Paul needs a shower too
- now I know every time I listen to Get Back, those Beatles were greasy and grody
- George showers. Be like George.
- they’re 👌🏼 this close to editing the takes it’s hilarious
- Awh that little John and Yoko moment with the gum was cute
- “the bass is slightly out of tune Paul” “AHAHAHAHHAHAHAH”
- Paul’s Shirt 😻
- John washed his hair!
- Paul did not.
- George showers. Be like George.
- I’m gonna pretend there’s not a hickey on John’s neck
- “attracts me like a palmygranite” 😆
- George x Toast
- someone write a George x Toast
- The boys fascinated by that tiny organ
- Paul you’re having a little too much fun with that shaky thing
- and I’m gonna pretend there’s not a hickey on Paul’s wrist
- John and Paul both show up to rehearsal with hickeys??? 🤨
- George is silly and clumsy I love him
- Ringo: “I’ve farted. I just thought I’d let you know.”
- Michael Lindsay-Hogg spent this time with John and Paul and thought “these two have definitely kissed” and put it in Two Of Us
- Paul’s brother!
- “all I want is you teddy boy” 🤨
- Paul is 👌🏼 this close to shouting hate crimes into the mic
- George Planning to do an album while preserving The Beatles
- Billy so excited over “I Had A Dream” to the tune of She’s So Heavy
- Paul😬 “Two Of Us” John👹
- Ringo doesn’t shower :( disappointing Ringo
- John: the smelly one Paul: the depressed one George: the clean one Ringo: the drummer (also greasy)
- seeing them actually set the concert up is so cool
- I would’ve hated to be someone who never got to higher ground to see the performance or heard of it too late or something
- you can see the girls running to find somewhere to watch
- they played it more than once???
- I don’t blame Mo for gettin some of that Harryson 🤤
- what I would give to be able to watch that live
- people didn’t even know where they were and they weren’t even entirely sure it was the Beatles they’re all so hesitant to say “it’s the Beatles right? Is it the Beatles?”
- I didn’t notice John’s sideboards until now, were they always that prominent?
- 30 people complained???? EVERYONE ELSE WAS SO EXCITED!!!
- all of Paul’s worries have melted away and for a brief moment the Beatles are BACK BABEY
- the way they’re messing with that cop so much
- One After 909 deserved the live performance, how far that song has come
- they remember sitting as kids and writing and playing that it’s so special
- John is a great performer. He just pops off as soon as it’s a real performance and he knows it and he’s feeling it
- I would love to see George sing but he probably didn’t want to
- uh oh here come the coppers
- imagine if he’s actually a super fan
- uh oh sgt. Peppermint has arrived
- I hope those polices had a bad Christmas
- George laughing at John’s gibberish gives me life
- they’re burning incense in the room that’s so cute
- yoko is pretty
- “good night Paul” “say goodnight John” “goodnight Paul” “goodnight John” 🥰🥰
- am I the only one who prefers long and winding road un-orchestrated? I love the naked version way better
- “what the shit’n hell is goin on here???”
- “I think that was rather grand!”
YAAAAAAAYYYY 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 3 years
YOU WRITE FOR THE WALTIN FILES??? YESS 😭😭💕 this request will be platonic bc it's a robot. May I please request a reader loving Billy as a kid and him being their (nonbinary btw) favorite growing up so they go back to the k-9 facility to work and finds him and puts their casset tape in and listens but when bon tries to attack Billy protects reader and in the end reader stays behind Billy to stay safe
I'm sorry for the long request!! Have a nice day and stay healthy!!
BRO I love Billy so much (and from a quiz I took he's one of my kins now hdhghd)
After making sure you got everything you needed for the job, you took a deep breath and headed inside the K-9 facility.
You'd feel less nervous if it wasn't buried in the heart of some spooky forest. But you took comfort in knowing it was still daytime...or else you would've stayed home.
You were tasked with reprogramming the animatronics for Felix's "Relocate Project". The last three employees sent here didn't have much luck, so he assigned you specifically, knowing your proficiency in repairing machines.
It seemed pointless if three people couldn't even fix them. But your boss seemed desperate to revive the project by any means necessary. Plus you'll get paid extra if you were successful in reprogramming at least one animatronic. So you took the offer.
Inside the facility, you recorded yourself looking around for the animatronics, even reminiscing the time you visited Bon's Burgers when it was first opened.
But when you found the gang, they were in even worse shape than before. All four of them. You tested their joint movements, though it seemed as if...they were unwilling to perform for you.
Not to mention there was a certain rotting smell to them that made you wish you brought a gas mask.
Oh well, you'll live.
Besides, you were looking for a certain animatronic:
Billy. He was always your favorite, even though he didn't make too many debuts as a Showstopper. Most kids were afraid of him because he was a black-eyed clown who couldn't express many emotions, but you loved him and visited him as often as you could. He relied on tapes to speak and sing, though you doubted everything he said was just prerecorded nonsense.
He genuinely seemed like a best friend to you.
"Billy..Billy, hm..I wonder where he is?" You muttered to the camera as you continued your search. And with luck, you found a backroom that led to other rooms.
And in one of those rooms lied the clown who made your childhood memorable.
Although the smell coming from him was similarly pungent, you ignored it, just happy that he was still here. You found some old tapes on the desk, seeing one in faded marker that had your name written on it.
A special birthday message for you.
When you tried playing it with the tape recorder, you frowned slightly when all you heard was static. Even Billy himself seemed to have trouble singing, so you stopped the tape and removed it.
But as your foot kicked something on the floor, you looked down to see that it was another tape. Simply labelled Discard.
"What's wrong with this?" You hummed, picking it up and deciding to play it.
At first, Billy began singing his trademark birthday song. But then he suddenly began listening off names, with beeps in between. Some of them sounded eerily familiar..
He kept repeating the same names over and over, and it was starting to creep you out. So in haste you reached out to stop the recording-
Only for his bloody mechanical hand to grab your wrist. Your eyes widened in shock, and you winced from the pain of his grip. But curiously enough, he used his other hand to stop the tape himself.
Then you saw white pupils appear in his eye sockets, and he looked up at you, before pointing to something on the table.
You glanced over and saw another tape labelled Billy. It was probably the one that allowed him to talk freely, so you quickly swapped the tapes and shakily pressed the button.
"[Y/n]! M-My best buddy!" He giggled as he let you go, the corners of his lips stretching into a bigger smile.
"B-Billy..it's..it's good to see you again." You breathed, confused but overjoyed that he recognized you. "How's-?"
"Why did you come back?"
"You shouldn't have played that tape." His smile was quick to falter as shook his head, sockets widening. "He's mad now.."
"What? Who's mad-?"
A warped robotic laugh sent chills down your spine, as you heard the door behind you slam shut. With terror seizing your nerves, you could only shakily shine your flashlight, which landed on a fuzzy white chest with a red bowtie-
Before you shined it upwards, revealing a grinning Bon.
Billy was just as horrified, but he remembered this exact scenario.
No...he couldn't let this happen again. Especially not to you!
He sprang up and pulled you behind him, shielding you from the twisted rabbit. "No more, Bon! Please...d-don't hurt them." He pleaded as black tears leaked from his eyes. "They're my only friend.."
Bon stood rigidly, looking surprised that his fellow Showstopper was protecting you.
Then again he wasn't particularly kind to him when someone else did the same thing you did--discovering something you shouldn't have.
You had to be punished, too. He couldn't afford that.
For a moment, he seemed ready to pounce when he heard a noise coming from the outside. He suddenly turned around and threw the door open, leaving at an unusually fast pace for a decrepit animatronic.
But he was gone, thank god.
You shakily sighed with relief, still perplexed by what you had just witnessed. "Th-Thanks, Billy. But..why would Bon wanna hurt me?"
"He likes keeping what happened here a secret." Billy explained as he shut the door, sniffling. "A-All these years..he's tried making us "beautiful", but he only causes us pain."
"That doesn't sound like him at all.." You muttered.
Even back then, you never really trusted Bon. He always gave you the creeps for some reason..especially with how stiff his movements were compared to the others. They seemed so forced, like some caged animal was trying to break out of him.
You wonder if he recognized you, too.
"Ever since the beginning he's been..off. I didn't like it. H-He scares us now.." Fresh black tears dripped down Billy's face as he turned back to you.
"Is..that why he wanted to hurt me? Because of that discarded tape?" You questioned, remembering that two of the names listed were Bon's Burgers employees.
'But I don't know any "Jack", "Rosemary", or "Sophie"..'
The clown could only tremble. "You need to leave before h-he hurts you again..please..go before he comes back!"
"And leave you here to suffocate in this garbage facility? I don't think so." You shook your head. "I'm gonna stay and try to get you guys outta here. I..I don't know how or when but..I can't leave you. Not again."
Billy blinked with surprise. He didn't expect you to stay, especially after that terrifying encounter with Bon. But he wasn't going to let you have the same fate as the technician imprisoned within him.
So he'll try to protect you. Even if the others won't.
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