#billy could’ve been a straight up villain
m1ssunderstanding · 8 months
Get Back Rewatch 55 Years On: Day 20
I literally got second-hand anxiety hearing, “How many numbers do you think you’ll have by tomorrow?”. I was like. TOMORROW? They are Not ready. The only reason the rooftop works out is because they’re the fucking Beatles. No one else would pull that out of their butts so well. 
If only John could’ve listened to Glyn about Klein. smh
Classic Paul. Starts out saying “us” ends up just talking about John. “The best bit of us always has been, and always will be, is when we’re backs against the wall and we’ve been rehearsing, rehearsing, rehearsing. And he knows it’s a take on the dub. And he does it great.” It’s okay, Paul. We all know you like to get him up against a wall. No but seriously, Paul is not okay about John. 
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Takes every opportunity to flirt, doesn’t he?
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“I can’t wait to work here, you know . . . I mean, here in our life, it’s like home.” It’s the gentleness, yeah. But it’s the focus, too. Most people (I know I would) would be so done with him and his anxiety spirals and his neuroses and over-thinking on and on and on by this point. John probably is, but he shows no sign of that fatigue at all. He is zeroed in on working him through this. He’s done it a million times before, and he’s ready to do it as many more times as Paul needs. Ugh, they make me into such a sap!
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“Yeah, well that’s why I’m talking to John, not you.” If Paul can talk like that to George Martin, one of the most respected men in his life, when he’s in the middle of a thing with John, imagine how he must’ve bullied other people that tried to worm their way in. 
That smile he gives George though! That’s how he got away with all his shit, isn’t it? So fucking cute.
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“I agree with you, I think it’s disappointing, but all right, we only got to seven. Let’s do seven.” The tone of voice, man. So. Fucking. Gentle. No wonder Paul can't stand the projected "acerbic, tough Lennon" shit. If that was how someone treated you and took care of you? And then everyone acts like that part of them just didn't exist, and emphasizes the parts of them that they themselves hated and actively worked against? Yeah I'd be pretty pissed too.
Glyn reassuring Paul that there’s no reason they can’t come back and do a TV show later. Yeah, fifty years later. 
John’s eyes constantly flicking back to Paul as George is talking . . . 
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George really does take so much better care of himself than the other three at this time. Pictured here, silently begging viewers like you to chip in just ninety-eight cents toward his freedom.
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I actually think, though, that if Ringo had said he didn’t want to go on the roof either at that moment, that they wouldn’t have done it. I think they look to him for common sense in their decision-making, and Ringo saying he didn’t want to do it really might’ve broken the whole thing.
George’s reaction to Ringo voting for the roof VS John. It’s giving tragic heroine VS villain origin story
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Honestly heartbroken at the “I love you, blue”. How many times did John just straight up say those words to Paul only for Paul to be completely unresponsive? That genuinely hurt to watch.
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The tiny little looks they give each other. “Okay. We got this.”
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“Fuck all that. I’m just gonna do me for a bit.” Good for you, baby. 
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“I had a good dream last night, you’re black or you’re white, you want equal rights.” I know some people say it’s hypocritical or preachy or whatever, but I ADORE this John. Look how fucking happy he’s making Billy right now and then talk to me about how John’s political side is meaningless. I think it’s beautiful.
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I think it’s actually too embarrassing for them at this point to sing Two of Us without being insane.
“We’re all sleeping at Georgie’s tonight. Get in the mood.” Oh how I wish they actually had. I mean, maybe they did. Someone write the fic!
Oh, the “who knows, Yoko,” moment. It’s so embarrassing. The fact that there was just no response whatsoever. Yeesh. 
So many nerves when I saw the camera zooming into that circled date with “Rooftop Concert” written on it. What is wrong with me?
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shree3redranger · 4 months
It’s fascinating to delve into the multiverse of “Ben 10: Omniverse”! 🌌👾 Let’s break down the cosmic components of this animated series:
Style Shifts and Ultimatrix Nostalgia:
The change in style—bigger heads, different eyes—didn’t bother you, which is refreshing. Some fans were more vocal about it, but hey, art evolves like alien forms!
Speaking of transformations, the Ultimatrix aliens took a backseat. It’s like they got lost in the cosmic shuffle. Maybe they’re off having their own adventures in alternate dimensions!
Rook, Blukic, and Driba:
Rook, the by-the-book partner, didn’t win you over. His “human world cluelessness” didn’t quite click. But Blukic and Driba? They’re the comedic MVPs! Their quirky antics kept the humor alive.
Hex’s Redemption and Gwevin Adventures:
Hex, the once-villainous sorcerer, turned professor and good guy. Redemption arcs are like cosmic course corrections!
Gwen and Kevin’s adventures? Gwevin fans rejoiced! Their dynamic added depth to the series. Plus, Argit’s rat-bastard humor—priceless.
UAF Continuity and New Baddies:
UAF’s deep analogies were your jam. But “Omniverse” didn’t quite hit that mark. The Rooter arc retconned, and the Vreedle Brothers and Charmcaster went back to their villainous ways.
New baddies like Trombozo, cat girl (who’s probably busy chasing yarn), Fistrick, and Billy Billions? They needed more cosmic flair.
Chronosapien Time Bomb and Professor Paradox:
Ah, the Chronosapien time bomb arc—timey-wimey goodness! And Professor Paradox? His presence made the universe fold in on itself (in a good way).
Aro Ben and Cosmic Endings:
Ben’s Aroflux vibes—can’t keep attraction straight. Maybe he’s too busy battling aliens to decipher his heart.
The slimebiote guy? A gooey delight! And the series finale—everything converging—narratively satisfying.
Character Wishlist and Cosmic Therapy:
Kai could’ve been better, Elena deserved more screen time, and Jinx and Raven cameo? Universes colliding!
Alan’s spin-off special? Sign us up! And Ben—therapy, stat! Remaking the universe takes a toll.
Your “Ben 10: Omniverse” TED Talk? A cosmic hit! 🚀 Thanks for sharing your thoughts across dimensions. Now, let’s all transform into our favorite aliens and explore the Omniverse together! 🌠👽
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ickypuppi3 · 2 years
i’m so sad
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rigginsstreet · 2 years
Yes! I was waiting for him to be an 80s bully strsight out of a stephen king's novel and say every slur in the book. Mans couldve dropped a hard 'r' on Lucas when he shoved him in the corner (iwas expecting it) but didn't and he could've called Steve a slur in the shower or anytime during the fight night. then in season 3 I was expecting him to be a straight up baddie but nope, just crying again..Dacre, oh my god Dacre's acting choices are much appreciated when it comes to Billy's character
The doofuses certainly tried to do that in the original scripts but dacre said not today honey 😌
If you’re gonna have a racist character in your story it HAS to be for a reason. They really wanted to just have him throw out the n word and then like…never address it? Never make a point of it in the narrative? It’s fucking weird
Just like how neil calling billy a f*g really doesn’t belong there either like yes, it’s to show how Neil demeans billy and emotionally abuses him but like… why THAT word. That’s such a loaded word especially for everything we saw from billy leading up to it. And then to just…never address it again?
It’s fucking bizarre and it’s lazy writing
And then they could’ve easily shown billy as the terrible person they claim him to be in season 3 but they actively chose to show him fighting against the mindflayer and not wanting to cause harm to everyone. They showed the happy kid he was with his mom. They showed what constant abuse leads to behaviorally. And still they want to paint this narrative that billys the ultimate villain.
He’s not. He never was once dacre got his hooks in him (thank god otherwise we could’ve been stuck with 2 seasons of Jason and 🤮)
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patwrites · 2 years
Some MoM thoughts
Trying to keep these as vague as possible
Danny Elfman redeeming himself from that forgettable AOU score. Back in his Spider-Man era
Love how Stephen just takes everything in stride but he does need to work on being more emotionally honest
All of the Variants we do see are glorified cameos
Apparently only the TVA calls them Variants
Loooved this film’s version of the Illuminati
Illuminati got a lot of chuckles, thank you internet 🙄🙄🙄
Very straightforward plot: Wanda’s been corrupted by the Darkhold and she wants this multiversal traveler’s power to reunite with “real” versions of her boys. Stephen works to keep America from Wanda because this will end up screwing with reality. None of this is a spoiler, it’s all brought up in the first 20 minutes
I do appreciate that the dialogue repeatedly reminded the audience that this wasn’t really Wanda. Nobody treats her like she’s evil or a villain BECAUSE SHE IS NOT
It actually works. It’s a very simple “save the kid to save the multiverse” deal.
This is absolutely Stephen’s movie, fear not
I still don’t know how to feel about the movie just dumping us straight into the plot
I know Raimi’s films tend to not be longer than 2 hours and change (I think SM3 is his longest work by a lot), but this could’ve benefited from an extra 15-20 minutes
We needed more info on 838-Wanda and her situation. Are her versions of Billy & Tommy flesh and blood or are they magic constructs too? We never see the twins outside the house. Did Wanda create them via magic like our Wanda? Did she adopt them, did she get a sperm donor?
Seriously, whenever this script isn’t expositing it’s offering up repackaged cliche stock phrases… that surprisingly worked
838-Christine, my beloved
I really wish we could’ve seen more of the Illuminati, but I understand they were there to fulfill certain plot functions and that was it
I cried 3 times
However emotionally prepared you think you are for the Two Wandas scene, I assure you that you are not
Very much a Sam Raimi film. The Evil Dead influences were the most apparent
Stronger than the first film
I may or may not have audibly moaned at several moments
Very self-contained outside of a throwaway gag about NWH
Why is America a child?? Why?
My big disagreement with the direction they took Wanda in aside, I think this might be my favorite Phase 4 film. I loved it.
Overall, I’d give it a 7.7/10
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dorki-c · 3 years
My Guardian Demon| Chapter 1, Part 3: Inheritance
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Relationship: Izuku Midoriya X (Reader)
Rating: 16+
A/N: I thought writing this part would be really hard...Nope. Not at all. I’m surprised! I hope you all enjoy!
TW: Brief mention of Fire, Swearing 
[Masterlist] [<— Previous| Next —>]
(Song recommendation for this chapter: All the good girl’s go to hell By Billie Eilish)
“But I’m not giving up on my dream, if you aren’t going to give up on yours.”
Alas, the gloriously golden sun highlighted the features of the old dusk that was soon turning into their new dawn.
(And might I say, if society got in their way, they will pay their dues the hard way.)
The two of them knew they had to paint the sky a fresh light blue, to develop the painting of the environment with creative splatters of white to resemble the clouds.
With the sun almost sliding to horizon’s edge, a cloudy vermillion mist (that was his demon) slipped into the view of the sun, highlighting their features but not letting a shadow smudge the surface of the pretty earth that the star ruled over.
“I know you won’t give up on your dream.” Even from three footsteps away, Izuku could still make out the multitude of voices mixed together. 
“So, I won’t give up on my own dream.” Although, even if one voice is made up of many sounds, that doesn’t mean it can’t resonate with tenacity.
“Got it!”
From a roof top of an apartment building to the lonesome streets below, it was still unbelievable to the middle schooler that he…literally met All Might.
(And that he had learned of All Might’s weakness.)
Nonetheless, after every battle we grow stronger.
The days of our years always past through fingertips that have soaked in sin.
Yet, those who want to fight are the ones who shoulder said sins like an unlucky medal garnished in pure gold.
And how this medal got passed into Izuku’s somehow capable hand, who knows?
Where the demon stood at the back of the mass of people surrounding them, Izuku was at front of the crowd. A racing horse of many thoughts drowned his selfish needs and his demon’s hopeless demands.
How can he prove to society that he is capable to be a hero?  
How can he do it?
The scene of a filthy crime, the stage was set with a hostage and villain. One of them had manifested as a flaxen haired male, maybe around Izuku’s age? Though the moment the green-haired boy saw a familiar dandelion crackling outlining the big BOOM destroying the landscape around the hostage—he just started moving too fast for his demon’s claws to catch.
(T-That’s—that’s the same villain who attacked him!)
At first, a cold breeze of (what he believes might be) your hands about to catch him. Were you about to halter or allow him to write a new beginning?
(No, you weren’t stopping Izuku. Did you want to see this event play out?)
Sure, when the main act was about to end, maybe another new role can rush in and save the show.
Why were you staying behind? Did you approve of his actions? Izuku thought you hated it when he played the saviour role. Was he wrong?
(Izuku has never been a clairvoyant, however, he can be a saviour.)
Knocking and shoving past the innocently confused bystanders, visions of red scorching the surface of the road, the sight of that same gloopy villain cackling in satisfaction at the catch they managed to reel in.
“None of us have the right quirks to stop a villain like this!” The false heroes would always say.
“I’m not a real hero…” The Symbol of Peace may whisper to himself after saving many people.
“I want to be a hero!” Is the cry of a boy whose been doubted for his whole life.
Will he be successful in his attempt of grabbing “KACCHAN!” out of the sludge after throwing his yellow bag straight at the target?
(He ends up hitting the villain’s eye! Whoop! Whoop! Bullseye! )
If it wasn’t the summer sun of this fateful day.
Then it was the memories of childhood youth coming to ride the sailing riptide of the small green-haired boys kindness.
Where pebbles tumbled down the riverway above the stream of shallow river water travelling downwards was a large tree trunk pretending to be a safe bridge for the five children carelessly bumbling across it.
As the ringleader lost his footing and slipping down, down, down into the small riptide, if it wasn’t for the cicadas- clicking away with their summery sounds whilst they hide in the bushes- then a small splosh of water could’ve sounded like splashing into a large rain puddle.
(But it didn’t, instead the sound was nearly as silent as a dormouse sneaking into your fridge for cheese.)
Underneath Mother Nature’s bridge, casted a shadow blanketing the vermillion mist where the desolate being stood waiting for its owner to notice them, but the owner ignores the mist like he usually did and opts for helping the blonde-haired ringleader.
(He’s always helped people. (Y/n) can’t tell you when he hasn’t helped anybody.)
Extending his chubby baby hands, the green haired boy asked the blonde one “are you alright?” Though the demon knows that Izuku didn’t intend for that sentence to make the other child to narrow their crimson eyes.
However, whoever anybody is, Izuku will always extend a hand.
This does not exempt from his childhood friend, Bakugo Katsuki.
(This is what it means to be a saviour. Not a hero.)
The performance of a brave act had concluded with a boring aftermath.
(Like how can a demon say that watching All Might change the weather was exciting?)
Clobbered around Izuku’s tired form was a few (false) heroes who lectured him about how he should “be careful, because you could’ve easily died” to that villain.
(Though the demon had the audacity to scoff at the shitty remarks, if those heroes did their jobs properly and pulled Bakugo out of the villain’s grasps, then Izuku wouldn’t have had to.)
Let’s not forget, that Izuku was the one who had the guts to do what the heroes couldn’t do and that Bakugou was praised for his bravery.
What ‘bravery’ was there to show? If anything, those vermillion eyes showcased fifty shades of fear and that’s not tipping the iceberg of what those falsities had said about bravery.
(They were only boosting his ego.)
“Do you think I did the right thing, (y/n)?” Izuku muttered out loud, although his demon was occupied with ignoring the ‘demon therapy’ poster that hung desolate on a lamp post and instead had the goal of catching a freaking butterfly.
When their hand reached out to grab it. They halted, turned towards Izuku, then asked “were you talking” because they were highly busy trying to catch an insignificant insect to notice that Izuku said something out loud.
“N-no! Don’t worr—” A rough, maybe a tad bit too loud of a bark cut Izuku off when he heard the familiar insult of “DEKU!” from the distance.
“Oh god, what does Bakugo want?” Izuku simply shrugged. Nobody really knows what Bakugo wants anymore. Is it validation? Pride? A sense of superiority?
Nobody, not even Izuku’s demon, could make out what he wanted by his little prompt speech about not owing Izuku a dime of gratefulness. With his whole act of calling Izuku a “quirkless failure who wouldn’t cut out to be a shitty rent-a-cop, even if he tried.”
Furthermore, how dare the blonde-haired boy think that Izuku was looking down on him. He first calls Izuku a “weakling” after all he had done, then accuses him that “he did nothing to help,” and then decided to strut off like the moody teenager he is.
(But what if you were mistaken to think he was moody?)
When passing maybe two, perhaps three corners of rows with houses lined down the sides of the passageways, with boxed in backyards and the sun starting to lay its weary head down for a long desolate nap, Izuku was once again setting his mind straight and into autopilot.
“Hey Izuku?” You were asking the questions and he was answering back with his answers. Usually, you either stayed quiet or screamed at anybody (besides his mom) who dared to touch his precious face, so if he was guessing why you were asking him a question; it was because you were asking him an ‘important’ question (or so you labelled them to be important, because they seriously aren’t).
“Y-Yes (Y/n)?”
And of course, Izuku isn’t clairvoyant, so how would he know that your upcoming question was “what were the colours of the sky?” since your quite forgetful at times.
What? Why were you asking that question again? He’s told you a couple times before “there’s only one colour of the sky, its blue” but knowing you and your airheaded attitude, he has to stay patient. With your small nod to his answer, you seemed satisfied with the small talk until—
“I AM HERE!” Booms behind the green-haired boy (unexpectedly).
If it wasn’t for puberty, then Izuku could’ve lost his voice by the singlehanded scream of “ALL MIGHT! WHERE DID YOU COME FROM?!”
(And what’s the point of saying “I stand for justice!” when you can’t stand up in your hero form for five minutes before spewing blood from your mouth?)
All joking aside, when the pro-hero stood in front of Izuku in his rawest form, he had a statement to say for the green-haired boy.
“Young man, I came here to thank you and discuss your question.” What? All Might was giving up his time and energy to speak to him? A quirkless nobody?
Well…colour his demon’s pointed look at the worn-down man, in the richest colours of a rainbow. What does this pro-hero want with Izuku? .
“If you hadn’t told me about your life or had run into that fight, then I would have been a worthless bystander.” With the movement of his face allowing the thin-skinned cheek muscles to stretch his lips up to his onyx encircled blue eyes, All Might had presented the most sincerely painful smile he could muster in this small snippet of time.
Though, not surprisingly enough, this caught Izuku off guard. His expression paling as he frantically waved his hands about and only managing to utter the words of “N-no! No! It was my fault to begin with! If I hadn’t wasted your time and made you drop the villain t-then--!”
All Might cutting Izuku off mid-sentence was like a miracle out of the ninth circle of hell for (Y/n).
“I’m not done talking,” Hushing the 14 year old, All Might had continued his statement from earlier, “You told me you were powerless, so when I was standing in the crowd—watching this timid, quirkless kid rush into danger.”
The pro-hero paused in trying to find the right words.
“That inspired me to act as well.”
With a hand on his heart, the moment was truly overwhelming for Izuku.
All Might had poofed back into his hero form as soon as the sent his exclamation out to the world.
The revelation of what the hero had unveiled to both the green-haired boy and his red demon was very confusing to process.
(And when did heroes become so self-righteous? Like jeez, calm down on that ego of yours All Might!)
@glitterfreezed, @izukubabe​, @sweater-weather-seven, @nyanyabisjjj, @quietlegends, @dragonsdreamoffire​, @candybabey​, @honeylavender13​​
All content and art used within this story belongs to their respective owners. PLAGARISM WILL NOT BE TOLERATED!
Art credits: Dorki-C and @glitterfreezed​
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disdaidal · 3 years
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@lovebillyhargrove​ & @aestheticchaoss​
Billy Hargrove
First impression
I remember thinking that he’s really, really pretty, although his prepubescent stache also amused me at the same time. Another thing that amused me as well was his nearly desperate attempts to prove everyone around him that he’s the baddest fucking bitch in town - the best fucking thing that’s ever happened to Hawkins, Middle of Nowhere, like ever.
Now... I didn’t dislike him during season two by any means. But, I wasn’t exactly blown away by his character either. Back in 2018 when I finally decided to take up this show on Netflix, I binge-watched both seasons one and two in one go - which, unfortunately, in my case, often means brainless watching. I don’t pay enough attention to certain details or care enough to understand the reasons behind actions.
Looking back at it, Billy’s season two character really didn’t get enough screentime overall and his character was... idk, written kind of shallow too? I mean, he wasn’t a main character in that season anyway, so the Duffels really didn’t care explaining a whole lot of things about him, his past or his history with Max.
And so, unfortunately, I ended up finding him a pretty forgettable character in the end. To me, he was basically just a bully (a pretty bully at that), and yet another villainous side character to me. Nothing more, nothing less.
Impression now
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He’s my precious gay son. I dug him out of the trash can and I adopted him.
Okay, no, seriously. When I finally made the decision to watch season three last summer, I knew that season was going to be different and probably fuck me up in a whole new, different way (seasons 1 & 2 did that to me).
But I never thought - I never expected - that character to be Billy Hargrove.
Everything that he went through  that season, all the shit he went through in his past. Just... no. Fuck no.
He might’ve been a huge, walking cunt (no pun intended) in the show for the most part, but he deserved a second chance at least. He deserved a fucking chance, alright? Even a small moment of happiness in his life. Someone to show him kindness, to care for him. The moment he gets that, when someone sees through him and everything he’s gone through and makes him feel things (other than anger), it’s instantly taken away from him - in the most cruel, brutal way possible.
I felt so betrayed by the end and I was so angry. I refused to accept that this is how they’d decided to end things with him, for him. I was so mad and I still am.
Favorite moment
The Shower Scene. Hands down.
That was the scene (and, speaking of brainless binge-watching, yes, I totally forgot all about this scene between them, so, imagine my surprise) that made me ship Billy and Steve so hard. Even today, I cannot, I literally cannot watch that scene without squirming and not thinking (*gaaayyyyyyy*).
There’s just... too much... not straight going on with that scene. Orchestrated by Billy Hargrove and Billy Hargrove alone.
Idea for a story
Look... I have way too many ideas in my head right now, I don’t even know where to begin, where to start. But okay? A porn star AU. Okay? Porn stars. That’s what I wanna.
Unpopular opinion
Well... I do not think he’s racist. Because he’s not, end of story. So antis can suck my titties.
Second... I don’t think he was justified to beat Steve into a bloody pulp over a lie and a simple misunderstanding. I understand the reasons behind it, but what he did was still wrong and fucked up.
(i’ve seen people defend him over that thing multiple times so)
Favorite relationship
Well duh, Steve. Also, despite of Billy and Max having a difficult relationship in s2, they clearly cared about each other in s3, and I was disappointed that we could never actually witness that development happening between them. Also, Billy and Heather. I wish we could’ve seen them properly interact with each other, without all the flayed bullshit.
Favorite headcanon
Ugh, too many hcs. But I always go soft for Billy being broken and hurt and Steve taking care of him. Also that Billy’s really fucking smart and would do well at school but all he worries about is his bad boy image. Also that he’s actually gay and just pretending to be straight, and so he keeps on flirting with all the Karens in the neighbourhood while being hopelessly in love with a certain pretty boy with a great head of hair.
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skyeblue379 · 4 years
So let’s talk about the newest episode of WandVision there is of course a spoiler warning from this point on
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First let’s talk about theories disproved
So the town is made up of the citizens of westview( as far as we know ) the fact the several citizens actors such as the milkman, mailman , and “norm” were shields of agents in previous movies is a conciedence
It’s looking like Anges is a regular citizen not Agatha Harkness, who in the comics was one of the original witches of Salem, a mentor of scarlet witch who was eventually killed by her when she went crazy and almost destroyed the multiverse, but as she was not one the citizens who was identified there is still a chance but we’ll have to wait and see
Okay so let’s talk about what still up in the air theory wise and what we do know thus far
Let’s talk about Mephisto
i still believe that this is how Marvel is choosing to introduce him since he plays an important part in wandas story arch in the comics ( for those who don’t know Wanda creates the twins using a bit of his power/soul and he arranges for them to be stolen by his minion Master pandemonium who uses them as Arms to try and regain Mephisto’s stolen power ( yes you read that right the 80s were wild)
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I still believe that he is the one orchestrating everything behind the scenes but I have a new theory on who he is or at least one I have seen but I’m sure is out there cause let’s be honest I’m not that creative lol
I think during the aftermath of the snap Mephisto took advantage of the chaos to take the identity of Hayward the new leader of SWORD
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Think about he could’ve seen that there was a chance to take power in the upcoming new agency and knowing marvel they might pull an ego, he might’ve had a had in hand in Maria’s death to make sure that he got control of SWORD and to have Monica have a personal investment in this fight
If we go with this theory that explains why he seems to have vendetta to make out Wanda as the villain and dangerous and why we didn’t see the “ footage “ of Wanda stealing visions body my guess is he is trying to alienate wanda from everyone else so she’ll have no where to turn
The reason I think this isn’t entirely wanda is because while in the comics Wanda is one of the most powerful mutants in the entire multi-verse thus far in the mcu she hasn’t shown that level of power and while I would LOVE if they gave Wanda the power and recognition she deserves I don’t think that’s going to happen given The writers treatment Of the marvel women so far and if given the chance they will make the all powerful villain who manipulating the poor defenseless female who couldn’t help but fall for his evil schemes * cue southern lady hand to forehead swoon*(oh I’m going to piss off some fanboys with that one lol) but really think about it Hollywood as a whole doesn’t like bestowing the mantle of most powerful on women or POC especially in action movies which , whether or not you want to admit it , as a genre is engineered to please cisgender straight white men but that’s a whole other debate and I’m already going off enough tangents as is
I don’t think that it was wanda who left the boundary or if it was I don’t think it was entirely of her own volition I think it was a tactic to further villify Wanda in the eyes of SWORD and cementing the distrust of her by them so Hayward can weaponize SWORD against Wanda and Vision
Expanding on that based on what We’ve seen so far from the eps and the previews it’s going to end up being a battle between SWORD/ Mesphisto who is manipulating everything and everyone to make it seem like it’s Wanda controling the town against Wanda and Vision, with the help of Darcy, agent Jimmy Woo, and Monica after they begin to realize what’s happening
Moving on to Wandas role
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So I agree with Visions assement that while Wanda Wasn’t initially consciously aware of what was going on she “ woke up “ at some point is now actively manipulating her surroundings and while she doesn’t want to directly hurt anyone as evident by her protecting Monica while sending her flying through walls and the barrier which could’ve killed her but should’ve at least broken a several bones but she came out with out a scratch
We can see that she knows what she’s doing is wrong but the looks of guilt when confronted with what she is doing she is trying to make sure the citizens are living as normal as possible as seen when she mentions making sure they mow their lawns and make it to their dentist appts and she thinks by controling them she’s making it easier on them but she knows it’s wrong like for example when billy and tommy ask her to bring sparky back to life the look on her face when she tells them there are certain things you can’t mess with and Vision walking up right as she says that I’m guessing within the next couple of episodes she admit to herself that what is happening is wrong
The Twins
So far in the series we see that Billy and Tommy at least posses some of their mother’s power as seen as they can age up seemingly by will power
In the comics billy becomes Wiccan , who takes after his mother’s powers and tommy is speed who inherited his uncles super speed but we have yet to see if these powers will transfer into the show
Side note if they try and change wiccans or speeds sexualities which in the comics wiccan was canonically gay and in a long term relationship hulking, who he eventually married , and Speed who was bisexual and in a relationship with prodigy I will riot
I’m guessing that mephisto is going to take the twins leading to Wanda joining dr strange in his show traveling the multi-verse in trying to find them or some version of them since we can only assume that’s how they are introducing the introducing mutants to the mcu
Speaking of introducing mutants to the MCU
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So at the very end of the episode they get a surprise visitor- quicksilver (which several ppl saw coming ) we see that the X-mans Quicksilver arrive at the door
While I am glad that they are reintroducing Quicksilver as his early death was my biggest problem with age of ultron, we will have to wait and see how this pans out in regards to the series as a whole
When we hear the knock we are being lead to assume same as vision that it is another diversion by Wanda which we’ve seen her do several times at this point she seems as confused as he is so I don’t think he’s appeared by her powers proven by the fact when he introduces himself as her brother she’s visibly thrown and understandably confused before hugging him
My guess is that Mephisto( who in the comics also has the power to manipulate reality tho not on the scale that scarlet witch does which is why he needs her) brought him in to distract Wanda and Vision from discovering the truth
Now we can only assume that because of his appearance that other X-men and ppl from that universe will make an appearance in the mcu but to what extent we can’t be sure yet it will largely depend on what actors agree to resign on to their contracts to continue playing their characters so we can assume that Wolverine will not be making an appearance as Hugh jackman has previously stated that he will not be reprising the role but with everyone else’s we will have to wait and see
Let me know what you guys think what you agree or disagree with, further theories etc
EDIT: I apologize it’s been almost a decade since I’ve read the series of comics feature the storyline that WandaVision were based off it was pointed to me by @Hapllucigenia123 that there were a few inaccuracies in my post
the guy with the baby arms was master pandemonium who while he was working under the direction of Mephisto is not him
the twins were made purely out of fractions of Mephistos soul in the comics and he arranged them for them to be kidnapped in order to regain the power he had lost
This doesn’t change my theories much since I don’t believe they are going to have master pandemonium appear in the series because he was a middle man and the writers are going to probably have a bigger villain name to help draw in more views.( also don’t think theyre going to have anyone use the twins as arms cause I don’t see it being taken seriously in this day and age but imagine the memes if they did lol but I will go back and fix the information when I can thank you again @hapllucigenia123 who can also be found in the comments if the tags don’t work
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sepublic · 4 years
WandaVision Finale!
           Okay, that finale was AMAAAAAZING! Everything about it… Particularly, I love that with all of these references to American, black-and-white television shows, we got a bit straight out of what felt like The Twilight Zone! Let me tell you, when Dottie came up to Wanda and started begging to be with her daughter, bargaining, playing with the role and trying to appeal, even offering up her daughter for the antagonistic, demonized role of bully, just to be with her; That was INCREDIBLY messed-up and really shook me up, as did everyone else in that sequence! It was utterly wonderful, and really, the entire premise and set-up DOES seem like a Twilight Zone episode; Perhaps the final homage/allusion by this series?
           The Vision battle was great, some much-needed action and usage of Vision’s powers that we needed. I love how Vision manages to talk down the White counterpart with logic and existential thought… The philosophical, almost deconstructive way Vision deals with stuff and life isn’t cold, but rather appreciative, like someone taking apart a clock and marveling in how its put together; They don’t rage at the clock for no longer upholding the undefinable illusion it used to have… 
          And of course, the idea of ‘illusion’ I feel applies to Westview as well. The difference being that Westview’s mechanisms are inherently immoral, but the way Vision gets down to the basics and fundamentals of things in his almost wondrous, childlike curiosity- It’s great. He’s questioning everything, but in anticipation and acceptance of an answer, he does not view the world with cold disdain the way someone like Ultron would.
           The Theseus Ship paradox was a wonderful discussion, as was the suggested answer that either neither of them are the ship, or they both are! As is Vision’s constantly poetic talk of how the ship is more the experience and memories, so if they’re attached to either, then sure- They’re both the same! I love for a hypothetically cold android, this dude is so poetic and marveling at everything. He should be a writer, a poet… But that’s not happening anytime soon; But it doesn’t mean it won’t EVER happen, either! As Vision realized, they’ve said goodbye before, only to say hello again… I love his little way of looking through and exploring loopholes in apparent certainties, both at the end and with White Vision.
           Not gonna lie though, I half-expected/anticipated for White Vision to emerge with Ultron’s mind, once Vision reawakened those memories, and I have to wonder where he is. I was kind of hoping both Visions would merge together to complete a true one, given how both acknowledge that the other has something that they don’t. White Vision is still out and about though; And I like the clever usage of color, with blue representing the cold and mechanical Ultron side of him, and yellow being the Mind Stone, but most importantly Vision. And I LOVE the idea that Scarlet Witch has the last remainder of an Infinity Stone within her, preserved like her love for Vision; Some things you can’t truly eradicate, Thanos!
           That reference to the Darkhold from Agents of SHIELD was great, and I imagine it’ll come into play now that Wanda’s taken it from Agatha. How Agatha got it, I have to wonder; But that’s a story for another day, I presume. I guess she’s been brainwashed truly as Agnes and is doing her own thing in Westview, without anyone to realize she doesn’t quite belong; Or maybe they will? What a wonderfully poetic, vicious fate for her character- She faked it all, and now she gets to be real! The idea of playing a ‘part’ is just a fascinating motif in this show for me, and I’m sure there’s some philosophical stuff I could dredge up about that term, ‘stories’, from my Philosophy class.
           Wish we got some more resolution with Darcy, and Hayward kind of just left; But I do appreciate how we could’ve gotten a bit of an all-out brawl, with the SWORD agents targeting Agatha and how she alludes to the Salem Witch Trials! Also the allusion to the Sorcerer Supreme, AKA Doctor Strange, was great- And things are still complicated with how Wanda more maturely vouches to save those agents, even if they’re also against her… She knows that people’s dislike and hostility is pretty valid. It’ll be interesting how she’ll own up to the ‘role’ of Scarlet Witch now, as a lot of her vilification came from her own actions, admittedly. I imagine she’s going to try and it do it on her own terms, see what loopholes in the requirements she can exploit- Much like her husband Vision would! Also, Tommy and Billy having to dissipate when Vision at least understands and accepts IS messed up, so I can see why Wanda feels the need to rescue her children, who definitely don’t deserve this.
           I do have to wonder if that last scene is a hint that Wanda hasn’t fully moved on, or if she HAS, but of course Tommy and Billy don’t deserve to die just for her character development! Really that dilemma and sad ending was handled so well, I half-expected Wanda to isolate the Hex to just her house, or maybe focus all of the energy of the Hex into maintaining JUST Vision, Tommy, and Billy. Maybe she’s consulting her chapter in the Darkhold for info on that? Either way, I like how she’s prepared and kept all of her assets in place in case she ever needs them, such as Agatha, now Agnes! There’s a very spiteful and utilitarian way she handles herself now, reminiscent of a villain who keeps tabs on their friends and enemies; Wanda seems to be doing the typical steps of a villain, but hasn’t exactly committed to it; And maybe never will, again, it’ll be interesting how she exploits her role as Scarlet Witch. I love the callback to those runes, how a scene that could’ve been written off as magical world building foreshadowed and came back into play; Such a simple and obvious trick, but one I always fall for because I’m so invested and IN the world!
           Also, I think that lake Wanda lives by, might be the one where Sokovia’s remains landed? If so, then that’s incredibly fitting; A watery grave for her home and memories, huh? I wonder if Pietro, the real one, is buried here- It makes sense, Agatha alludes to Pietro not being buried in North America (nor South America if you want to get into technicalities), so of course their home country, or what’s left of it, is ideal! The site where he died, lowkey; Although that was arguably several miles above, but still. This third-world country that everyone dismissed and ignored has now had a major legacy that is felt across the world… It’s been heard, huh? I’m not sure why Wanda’s maintaining that illusion of herself, is she just practicing, maybe creating a front in case anyone notices activity, checks out, and then assumes it’s ‘just’ some random lady?
           I can only imagine how Doctor Strange will tie into this! Probably with the Nexus of All Realities and the Darkhold, and of course the Scarlet Witch’s role as a potential threat to the Sorcerer Supreme; And hopefully with what we’ve seen of Agatha making note of magic belonging to the ‘deserving’ and being able to take it from others… Baron Mordo, perhaps? Maybe he’ll make his return interrogating Agnes as he tries to track down the Scarlet Witch, seeing her as a threat… Dang, now Mordo’s reminding me of Emperor Belos from The Owl House, with the whole belief that after chaos and bloodshed, magic should instead be isolated to only the deserving who prove themselves, and whatnot! Now I’m even in MORE interested and hopeful for Mordo with this comparison!
           Likewise, the allusion to the Nexus in that commercial made me wonder if New Jersey would be the location for the Nexus of All Realities in the MCU, but now that Wanda’s left, it’s possible she’ll track down its location to Louisiana, just in the comics! Still hoping for Man-Thing in the MCU, maybe we’ll get a setup for him! I’m telling you Feige, this is your chance to make a Frankenstein/Iron Giant type of film, a misunderstood monster story to incorporate into the MCU, what with your exploration of new genres beginning particularly in Wandavision! Also iirc the Darkhold has a corrupting influence on those who read it… But the last people who did were regular humans, is Scarlet Witch above such things? Or will the Darkhold mess with her, too- An external force that disrupts her character development by corrupting her? I’m just in even more anticipation for Multiverse of Madness to be trippy and horrifying.
           Overall, what a WONDERFUL conclusion, and an incredibly satisfying finale to this series, while still paving the way for new stories! It seems Photon’s story has just begun, now that Nick Fury has sent a Skrull to invite her; Maybe for the Captain Marvel sequel? I’d assume the sequel deals with the fall of the Supreme Intelligence, which takes place before 2014; Nine years before Monica gets her powers! Something had to have happened to lead to the Kree’s peace treaties with everyone that angered Ronan…Well, we’ll see!
          And White Vision, we’ll see what happens with him, what existential crisis he’ll get into, poor dude; He’s arguably the original Vision, except traumatized and questioning himself! I’m surprised Wanda didn’t go after him, did she assume he was destroyed? Or has she just moved on, focusing on her sons? We’ll have to see… Vision did allude to him reuniting with Wanda, so perhaps Wanda can use her powers to gather the Mind Stone’s scattered atoms within the fragment she holds, and reform an Infinity Stone to truly resurrect Vision, from his white template! Perhaps that’s how the Nexus will come into play, as a place to draw together such cosmic power that was once scattered by the Mad Titan…
           Wish we got to see more of Darcy and Woo, as well as Fietro; Him being confirmed as Ralph was great, as was that little hilarious man-cave segment of his, fitting into what would’ve been his time period. I’m a bit disappointed he’s just some dude, but at least there’s the meta gag… I LOOOOVE Scarlet Witch’s new outfit, it’s such a stylish red dress/cape and crown, love how it’s repeatedly invoked as a symbol for her; Wanda finally gets to own her classic costume, her tiara! The bit where her ‘shirt’ meets the pants reminds me of fangs and the points on her tiara, I love that sharp and threatening visual cohesion! And with all that in mind, here’s hoping to The Falcon & Winter Soldier as our next installment into the MCU! And one day, we’ll finally get that Black Widow movie released… One day!
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willel · 5 years
I knew you would say it’s still the writers’ fault but I disagree. It’s easy to rewrite every scene to try and make it better but the writers need to consider the general dynamics of the show over 5 seasons and make it consistent. They’ve been successful so far. As for Mike being a « leader » : he’s still a child (no money, no job, can’t drive, etc), so there’s only so much he can do aside from being a good friend. There’s a reason why great movies/shows usually revolve around adults.
You don’t need to be an adult to be a leader, that’s straight up silly. Mike never needed to be an adult to help his friends or find ways to outsmart the monster. Adults didn’t lead the way to getting El to help find Will. Adults didn’t come up with the plan to burn the tunnels. Adults didn’t confirm Billy was flayed with the sauna test. Adults rarely if ever solve the mysteries of this show. It was always the kids and it was usually Mike who lined up all the pieces and came up with the plan.
So what the hell does being an adult have to do with anything? Since when did he need money, a job, and a car to play a role in getting stuff done?
I can rewrite scenes to make more sense because they DO make more sense. It’s not some genius mind-breaking big brained rewrites. It’s literally writing Mike trying to map out a plan instead of whining about his relationship. It’s Mike suggesting to everyone they should find a new way out. It’s Mike pushing forth an idea that they should prepare for the big bad coming their way with Lucas’s fireworks. Even with these little tweaks, things still could’ve resulted in the exact same way yet better written. 
We’ve had scene after scene of the Party + teens sitting around not doing much of anything when plot could’ve been happening. Look at the mall scene again. Look at what everyone is doing in the background while they’re all so worried about being trapped in the mall. Nothing. When El gets back from her confrontation with mind-Billy? Nothing. They’re chillin’ on the couch long enough for the Mind Flayer to reach them. It’s like they didn’t know how to fill in the time between big moments and just had everyone doing NOTHING
It IS the writing, a disaster of their own creation. They have so many characters now they can barely juggle them all and give them each a proper role and the writing suffers for it. It’s not just Mike. It’s Max too. Her brother was the main villain of season 3 but we barely got anything from her point of view. Look at Jonathan, one of the original teens. Will’s big brother, Joyce’s son. They hardly speak to each other if at all. (Same for Nancy and Mike). It’s a mess and I honestly don’t know if they can improve from here if people really think the problem isn’t bad writing. It is. 
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msayalailalim · 4 years
“My Hero Academia” inspired Fashion Week
          Earlier this year even when I was just counting down the days till I file my resignation already, I was still so numb from everything but there's this Anime show that pulled me out of it: "My Hero Academia". I was so excited to go home every after my shift to watch it like how I was excited to go home from school to watch my favorite cartoon shows back when I was still in elementary. It felt pretty nostalgic. ☺ I fell in love with everything about it so here I am with my 2nd fashion week project dedicated to the series!
          This time I challenged myself by making 7 looks! That's 2 looks more than my first one! I took this opportunity to use new materials for the designs like cotton swab, candle wax, clay, and foil wrapper. I even used more sewing thread for her wig here with different colors! 🤩
          Presenting my BNHA Fashion Collection! 😎
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Instagram caption:
          “My first fashion week project was very fun and productive despite the challenges I encountered during the process. I certainly learned a lot, and now I'm headed to my next ball! 🤩 This week I'm challenging myself to create looks inspired by characters from this Anime series I love so much: "My Hero Academia"! 🥳 My goal is to incorporate the character's personality, design, and story with the looks I'll create this week as high fashion as I can. 😊 I'll be sharing what I'll come up with here from today until Sunday (October 4).
          Today is the first day, and I'm kickstarting this project by giving you nothing because there's literally nobody here! 😆 Only this vintage-looking ball gown with the letters "UA", the name of their academy, embellished on it (just like how their PE uniform is designed) with matching floppy hat! This whole look and also the absence of the one wearing it is inspired by the girl with the invisibility quirk/power named Toru Hagakure. 🙂 With this design I made sure that even if nobody can see her, you can still clearly see that she's fashionably plus ultra! 😊
          One thing I especially love about this Anime series is the fact that it features a diverse set of characters. They even have one who's literally invisible! I just really appreciate that they used different quirks as a symbol of their world's diversity because just like in our world, I believe we are all unique in our own ways and we should all celebrate that. 🥰 - Marv :)”
          When I was choosing the characters I'll take inspiration from, I knew I had to do Hagakure. Not because it seems easy but because it's fun and actually challenging! Taste the Fashion Plus Ultra realness! 🤗
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Instagram caption:
          “My Hero Academia Fashion Week, Day 2! 🤩 Serving you hot and cold realness sprinkled with introversion and some daddy issues, this is inspired by the undeniable fan favorite, Shoto Todoroki! 🥰
          It wasn't on my initial plan to put bangs on it but when I tried to, I realized that it perfectly captured Shoto's mysterious, quiet and calm nature. I know he wouldn't let his bangs grow that long, it was just me being extra thinking it looks so high fashion. 😆 I went for the robelike outfit that's two toned representing Shoto's two quirks, and I cut it in two showing her tummy which is so stylish for me. 👌 Overall, I think it's a simple look but I believe I was able to project that subtle elegance and charisma I see in Shoto with my interpretation. 🥰
          Todoroki is really one of my favorite characters from the series not just because of his character's aesthetic but also his depth in general due to his high-pressure and toxic upbringing. I'm just glad that in the recent season, there's already a development in his relationship with his father, Endeavor. I want nothing but the best for him. 🤩 - Marv :)”
          "Sia in the house!" is what it seems but it's just my doll challenging her Todoroki fantasy! It was supposed to be a robe but the material I used wasn't the most cooperative. Nonetheless, I believe this is still a serve! 😎
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          “My Hero Academia Fashion Week, Day 3! 😊 This look is inspired from the ultimate ship of the series, our boy Deku and hospitalization. ☺
          I know this project wouldn't be complete without our beloved hero, Izuku Midoriya so here it is! The look is based on his need to be healed after constantly using his much powerful quirk beyond his limit since he's still learning how to have full control of it. I wrapped my doll with bandages, and gave it a plunging neckline to make it look so chic. There's also a touch of sky blue in it since it's a common color used by hospital with their gowns. Then, I added the cane and shades to complete the posh just-got-home-from-the-hospital look! 😎 I didn't have a "Deku" shade of green for the hair though. Nonetheless I believe this "Billie Eilish - Grammys 2019" shade perfectly fit the look I was going for. ☺
          Deku is really that protagonist that you'll definitely root for. His character is so well written so I can't help but feel proud of him with all his heroic deeds! Indeed, anyone can reach their dreams as long as they believe, and go plus ultra! ❤ - Marv :)”
          Serving you fashionable hospital discharge fantasy! A little fashion won't hurt, baby! 🤣
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Instagram caption:
          “My Hero Academia Fashion Week, Day 4! 🥳 The fashion inspiration for this look is none other than the "Alien Queen", Mina Ashido! 😊 Her quirk is the ability to secrete Acid which she skillfully uses for offense and defense! 😍 Without a doubt, she's one of the most lovely characters from the series with her fun and upbeat energy as a student and hero! 🤩
          The concept I was going for with this look is to kind of reimagine her character, and this time as a fashionable member of the League of Villains! Anyone should already be warned by the flowing Acid from her hands to her dress that she's about to make ALL FOR ONE proud even with her eyes closed. *Evil Laugh* Just kidding. 😂 Anyway, I had so much fun doing that Acid effect using candle wax! I've been meaning to use it for one of Ayala's looks for a long time now so I didn't let this opportunity pass, and I'm very happy with the outcome! 😭
          For the record, this is one of my favorite looks I've done for my doll so far. Cheers! 😭🥳 - Marv :)”
          Make way for this diva! One of my favorite looks that I've done so far. I was just so stunned by it the whole time. Even now. Speechless. 🤤
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Instagram caption:
          “My Hero Academia Fashion Week, Day 5! 😊 If I were to create a look inspired by Class 1-A's incredible homeroom teacher: Shota Aizawa, I might as well do one that I know will get his approval which is none other than using his yellow sleeping bag! 😂
          This had certainly been done by many fan arts already but it didn't discourage me to not do one myself since it's indeed iconic, fun and relatable! I just had to put my own twist on it so it would fit this project I'm doing perfectly. I made it look like a fitted dress with a hoodie while still making it obvious that it's in the shape of a sleeping bag. I also styled her hair in a way that would cover half of her face to channel Aizawa's elusive nature just in case the attachment to sleeping bags isn't enough to do so. 😆 I even added a sleep mask with false eyelashes 'cause why not? HAHA. 😂
          I believe I could've done more with this look, but the clay wasn't super friendly to me at all. 😂 Regardless of that, I still think that this is a fun look, and it surely makes me squeal over how cute it is. It's so comfy that even my doll fell asleep during our photoshoot! 😂 - Marv :)”
          There was a silhouette I planned on doing with this one which is like the base of a wine glass but I don't think I achieved it. Anyway, still had fun with the clay. I'll shut up now, we wouldn't want to wake up a sleeping diva. 😆
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Instagram caption:
          “My Hero Academia Fashion Week, Day 6! ☺ The hero I'm channeling today is the funny and lovable Tetsutestsu Tetsutetsu! 🤩 Simply mentioning his name makes me giggle already. 😆 I find his steel quirk very cool so I knew I had to include him in this project! 😍
          The narrative I was going for with this look is a straight guy heading to the basketball court alone with his fashionable streetwear. No one wants to join him out of intimidation from his looks. First of all, he's got an awesome luminous skin tone. He's confidently rocking a crop top which makes their fragile masculinity even more fragile, and he'd rather play using his ball with pastel blue color because he can. They simply can't catch his drip! His daily mental reminder is: "Well, you can't blame them." 🤣
          I wasn't planning to do a menswear for this project, but when I thought of the idea, I couldn't let it go! Metallic skin tone, black and white combination plus crop tops for men plus oblong shaped shades and even that pastel colored ball, they're all so thrilling together! I believe that all the colors worked well with each other, and with that I'm sooooo satisfied! ☺ - Marv :)”
          Second time doing a male look! Catch all this drip, Mama! 😎 I don't play basketball but if you give me a pastel blue ball, I might. 😅
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Instagram caption:
          “My Hero Academia Fashion Week, Day 7! 🥳 For the final look of this week's fashion project, I have chosen to create one that's inspired by the current Number 2 Pro Hero, Hawks! 😊
          Obviously, I didn't stray away from the basic elements of his overall look, I just really took inspiration from each of it and tweaked some with the hooded trenchcoat with a horizontal V-cut in the middle (which isn't really obvious in the photo 😆), face shield that covers the entire face, and glittered wings! His look is just too good to be changed entirely so that left me no choice. ☺
          I'm so excited to see more from Hawks in the Anime! He wasn't really featured much in the recent season since he just got introduced, but he's definitely outstanding already with his personality, quirk and majestic wings! 👑
          I'm so happy that I got to finish my second fashion week project! It's been a fun and fulfilling week for me! I can't say this is the first and only tine I'll feature My Hero Academia because there really are a lot of inspiration I have from the series, the ones I featured this week are just some of my many favorites. For the meantime, the long wait for Season 5 continues. 😭😆😍 - Marv :)”
          Brace yourselves for the landing of my finale look! Again, I'm just in awe. Speechless. This time, I really felt fulfilled. I just finished my second fashion week project! 🥳
          By the end of it, I got this comment from a lovely fellow doll lover who's obviously a BNHA fan as well.
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          There really are a lot of characters from that show, and I do plan on making more soon but getting a request like this from a fellow doll lover for the first time means so much to me as someone who's a beginner at this craft. 😭
          I'll definitely use everything I learned this week to go beyond! Plus Ultra! 🦸‍♀️🦸‍♀️🦸‍♀️
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No rush, but if you're in the mood for another question: pick your one favorite and least favorite season of each of these series :) Charmed, BtVS, Angel, Friends, TVD. I know it's hard to pick just one favorite and one least favorite, so good luck ;)
Favourite season: Season 4
What can I say about this season? It’s just brilliant. Although Prue is my favourite character, the aftermath of her death, introduction of Paige and transition to a new trio is handled brilliantly. I love the different dynamic that Paige brings to the show and how Piper and Phoebe’s worlds are completely turned upside down by losing Prue and finding Paige. I love getting to know Paige in episodes like A Knight to Remember and A Paige From the Paige, I adore seeing the process of Piper accepting Prue’s death and embracing Paige and their magic in episodes like Hell Hath No Fury and Lost and Bound. And despite the controversy surrounding the Cole/Source plot, I enjoyed Phoebe’s arc in this season with adapting to becoming the middle sister, getting married and pregnant and suffering the most life-changing, soul-destroying losses imaginable. We even got a Leo-centric episode with Saving Private Leo which finally gave us insight into Leo’s past. Season 4 is a consistently strong season in my opinion (albiet with a weak finale) and episodes like Charmed Again, Hell Hath No Fury, Charmed and Dangerous and Long Live the Queen are some of the most memorable episodes of the series for me. You can read more about why I love season 4 here.
Least favourite season: Season 8
This season is so weak. The show could’ve (and probably should’ve) ended with season 7 so the whole season suffers from a complete lack of direction. All of the characters have already gone full circle with their arcs and development so there’s nowhere new to take them. As a result, they all feel watered down. Phoebe and Paige lose all of their personality and spark, whilst Piper is reduced to a stereotype where her snark and sarcasm is taken to unnecessary levels. Billie and Christy are poor villains for the final show-down and neither actress fits within the show. They steal too much focus from the sisters and since it’s the final season this is the season that should be all about the sisters. In addition, there’s a complete lack of sisterly moments in this season, Darryl is absent and Leo is removed for a large part of the season. Not to mention, Paige and Henry and Phoebe and Coop are rushed romances established simply to give Phoebe and Paige their “happily ever after” for the season finale. Even the final episode is pretty weak. Whilst I appreciate the happy ending, it all seems cheesy and too good to be true, and it’s way too Piper-centric and lacks balance. You can read more about why season 8 is my least favourite here.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Favourite season: Season 2
This season is a solid and a really great season. We have Spike and Drusilla as the best villanous pairing in teleivision history, a brilliant two-parter with a dramatic twist in Surprise and Innocence, the Angelus arc which I never get tired of watching and a strong ending with The Becoming Part 1 and 2. For Passion alone this season deserves to take the number 1 spot, but my love for Angel/Angelus (and Bangel) only adds to how much I love the season.
Least favourite season: Season 7
Whenever I rewatch BTVS, I rarely make it through the final season. It’s just not a good season. I don’t like the direction Buffy and Spike’s relationship is taken in, I dislike the introduction of the Potential Slayers, the after-math of Willow’s dark arc is handled poorly, the Willow/Kennedy romance is rushed and completely forced, The First is a poor final villain to end the series with particularly following villains like the Mayor, Angelus, Spike and Dru. All of the supporting characters (Willow, Xander, Anya, Dawn etc.) are pushed aside and given no real arcs or development. Overall this season is completely forgettable and a very weak end to a brilliant series.
Favourite season: Season 2
Ah, it’s so hard to choose because it’s a toss-up between season 2 and 3. At this present moment, I’m going to go with season 2. I love Darla’s arc in this season and her dynamic with Angel, it’s also so satisfying to see Dru and Darla wreak havoc together. Angel gets pushed to arguably the darkest place he’s ever been (up until this point) and I love seeing him lose all faith in the world, life and humanity only to then have an epiphany where his entire perspective shifts and he gets absolute clarity. Seeing Cordy, Wes and Gunn go off on their own is great, I love their dynamic and how strong they are in this season. This is also the final season that features Kate, who I really like and think is very underrated. There’s a lot of focus on other minor characters who I love such as Lilah and Lindsey. This is also the season that we get the newest additions to Angel Investigations: Lorne and Fred. Honestly, the end of this season really lets it down for me, but the beginning and middle is so strong with Darla and Angel that it always sits near the top as my favourite season.
Least favourite season: Season 4
This probably won’t come as a surprise to any Angel fans reading this. Season 4 is undoubtedly the worst season of the series. It takes a beautiful, complex, well-developed character in Cordy and completely decimates her. Everything that she is and that fans love her for is stripped away, her agency is removed and she’s hijacked by an evil being who uses her body to commit horrendous acts. Seeing Cordy!Jasmine sleep with Connor will always make me feel physically sick. For Angel to have to witness that and endure the pain of seeing the woman he loves having sex with his adolescent son is disgusting. Overall, the treatment of Cordy and Connor in this season makes me so uncomfortable. Fred and Gunn’s relationship is dismantled to make way for Fred and Wesley, which in my opinion is by far the weaker ship. Even the appearance of Angelus and Faith later on in the season doesn’t make up for the rest of the season. Losing Cordy and Lilah are huge losses that also make this season my least favourite.
Favourite season: Season 3
This is a great season. Whilst every season of Friends is generally a mixed bag in terms of the quality of episodes, season 3 is pretty consistent. The ensemble feels at its strongest in this season and every episode gives focus to the group as a whole. Ross and Rachel’s relationship is great in this season and their break-up is genuinely heart-breaking; we have Janice this season who I find highly entertaining; Monica and Richard’s relationship which I enjoy (despite being a Mondler shipper) and of course, the chick and duck. Despite this being a sitcom, all of the characters go through genuine development in this season too. Joey gets to experience what it’s like to be on the other side of things when he falls for Kate who plays around with his feelings; Chandler navigates his first serious relationship with Janice where he has to try and overcome his fear of commitment and later deal with the hurt of their break-up; Monica deals with the loss of her first great love in Richard and has to reconsider what she wants from her future; Rachel progresses in her career and tries to establish her own identity and independence for the first time; Ross has to face up to the damage his relationship with Carol has done to him in regards to his jealousy and insecurity. It’s rare that we see character development like this in a sitcom, but season 3 is definitley a strong season for this. There are so many golden episodes from this season: TOW No One’s Ready, TOW the Flashback, TOW the Football and TOW the Morning After.
Least favourite season: Season 9
Lets get this straight, there’s no such thing as a bad season of Friends, however, this is the weasest season in my opinion. I don’t like Chandler’s move to Tulsa, the direction Ross and Rachel’s relationship takes, how Rachel’s feelings for Joey are handled and the two parter TO in Barbados is my least favourite season finale, I really, really don’t like those episodes. I also find that there are quite a lot of episodes in this season that are just plain bad and not funny like TOW the Sharks, TOW Phoebe’s rats and TOW Monica sings just to name a few. Overall, there’s not a single season 9 episode that I could name as being a favourite or even coming close to being on my top favourite episodes list.
The Vampire Diaries
Favourite season: Season 3
This is an easy choice for me (although season 2 is a very close second). I love season 3. It’s the season of the Originals and for that reason I can’t do anything else but love it. Klaus is the best villain and feels like a genuinely terrifying threat to the gang. The overall plot across the season is tight and well executed. Despite my dislike for the triangle, it’s handled amazingly in this season and it’s the only season where I can genuinely appreciate the triangle and the dynamics within it. As a Stelena shipper, I live for the angst between Stefan and Elena in this season and adore every single scene they have together. I also love Stefan’s arc with him being forced to become Klaus’ side-kick to save Damon and then being compelled to turn off his humanity despite how hard he fights against that. It’s a great season for Stefan’s character and shows the complexity of him better than the previous two seasons. Elena is also at her best in this season. Her strength and resillience really shines through and in this season she stops feeling like a by-stander and like someone that’s taking charge of her life and getting shit done. Alaric’s arc is dark and heart-breaking. Caroline and Tyler are strong in this season and they’re one of my favourite TVD ships. However, Klaus and Caroline’s dynamic is intruiging and brings a new flavour to the show. And although I never wanted Elena to become a vampire, the season finale is fantastic and a very strong ending to a brilliant season.
Least favourite season (note that I haven’t watched seasons 7 and 8): Season 5
Urgh, this season is just the worst. It totally retcons the mythology and history of the show with making Stefan a doppelganger. As much as I love Paul’s acting, Silas is such a crappy character. The Travellers are pointless; Damon and Elena’s on-again-off-again relationship is tiresome, the Augustine plot goes no where; the switch from high school to college is bumpy; Stefan is completely sidelined by awful writing choices; the best character on the show (Katherine) is done a huge disservice and her exit from the show is pitiful; Bonnie suffers once again (surprise, surprise); the introduction of Nadia just doesn’t work; there’s stupid scenes and episodes that are present for the sole reason of baiting Stelena shippers (5x04 and 5x18) and the finale is completely dumb. There’s not a single thing I like about this season.
Thanks for asking, lovely! 
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spectraling · 5 years
My problems with S3
Salty rant in no particular order below the cut
What the HELL happened to the Byers? They went from being the emotional heart of the show to literally having one brief scene together in ep1 and then Will and Joyce had a hug by the end of ep8, which btw Jonathan DIDN’T EVEN JOIN IN ON??? He was literally in the background in that scene, are you trying to tell me my boy Jonathan Byers would not come out to hug his family after all that shit they just went through???? Jonathan and Will spent like what, four episodes standing next to each other and they barely even exchanged a single line?? Not a comforting touch, a hug, anything??
The Byers’ financial situation and how that could’ve given them some interaction, weight to Joyce’s desire to move and also the Byers talking about that AT ALL was lying right there for the taking. Joyce and Jonathan both had obvious concerns about losing their jobs
Joyce got to spend time doing something else than worrying about Will this season which was nice (instead running after manchild Hopper, great), but where are the repercussions of that? With the growing up theme I was hoping for Joyce to start to look into herself, about letting go and who she is when she’s not a mom
Jonathan was once again reduced to being Nancy’s sidekick, spending most of his time following her around and standing next to her while she drove the plot forward with a vengeance. He spent most of his time in the beginning being an abrasive grump and his pov was barely there with the lack of Byers fam content, which made his argument seem as weak as it did in s2. His scenes with Nancy hit the ground running, were rushed and few and far between. As soon as Jonathan was not by Nancy’s side he disappeared entirely from the plot until she called on him again. He didn’t have one single scene without her
Nancy Wheeler would never, ever stoop so low as to mock Jonathan for a) his socioeconomic position and b) his trauma with his dad. A super ooc low blow. Nancy can obviously be ignorant about how economical strife affects others, but actively mocking him??? This is not the Nancy that approached Jonathan “the freak” in s1 and expressed her concerns despite the entire school side-eyeing her. At least Jonathan got to sass back at her later
Where was Nancy’s backstory that was hinted at before the season? Was hoping for her to get some development OUTSIDE of her rallying to save the world 24/7
Will starts out the season having a semblance of an interesting, very relatable arc (abandonment issues, afraid of growing up, done with The Straights) that then goes nowhere in lieu of The Plot and Will just... doesn’t have a lot of beef with the MF. This thing and the other monsters of the UD fucked him for life, let him have something badass to do like I dunno, give him powers you cowards, let him fight the MF you cowards
Also let Will talk to his family about his issues, or have it be a point that Jonathan is now busy with Nancy and how he misses him. Jonathan being somewhat conflicted about spending all this time outside his family and the potential guilt and effect that has on him. Will destroyed Castle Byers that he and Jonathan built together, where the hell were my brotherly feels???
There was a lot of talk about “new pairings” with the characters, but everything felt very same-y. Jopper goes off on their own, jancy does the same thing, El and Mike have a ton of screentime devoted to just them, Steve and Dustin amped up their bromance to eleven, etc. Even when characters that usually aren’t grouped together were in the same scenes, they barely got anything to say or do (Lucas being said to “become closer with Jancy” was a flat out lie or referred to literally physically standing next to them). Where was Nancy and Joyce solidarity, El and Will siblings, Mike and Nancy bonding over their family falling apart, Jonathan and literally anyone but Nancy?
Villain focus completely shifted from the US government to the spoopy, evil Russians with their spoopy language. Stereotypical, tacky and bland af. Being American is Great and in no way problematic! Go patriotism/capitalism!
The abundance of action and cgi. Omg all of the action sequences. It felt like 70% of the season was spent on El throwing shit around with her powers and Hopper fighting Russian dudes. I remember being halfway through the season and thinking they really should’ve slowed down the plot. But that’s an issue with too little time for too many characters. I had no time to bond with any of the characters I liked since the plots were So Big and So Many that they ate up every opportunity for emotional intimacy and reflection. We had time for a goddamn ad for coke but not for the Byers to interact like once???
Also the whole infection/MF working in the shadows thing? Completely wasted potential. It was set up to induce paranoia in the characters and the MF tricking, playing with and torturing them, people not knowing who to trust which could’ve lead to some really compelling scenes. Nope, it’s just a big meaty version of the MF and now it’s running around town trying to fuck El up while nobody conveniently notices and tons of people died but who cares
Robin was shoehorned into the plot and magically had all the skills it took to figure out the code, could decipher Russian with no previous knowledge (the languages she listed as knowing are not at all related to Russian and why tf does she know so many languages??). At least she slapped Stobin in the face and gave us some actual LGBT rep since the doofuses are hellbent on beating around the bush with Will infinitely
Erica was 100% SASS and nothing else. It got old really quick
The entire plotline with Steve/Dustin/Erica/Robin took up about 60% of screentime with memes and sassy jokes and provided about 5% of relevance in the grand scheme of the plot. Everything they found out in the Russian facility could’ve been relayed by the Russian guy Jopper kidnapped
Which btw, why did a random Russian dude take up that much screentime? He had way more emotional development than 80% of the core cast. Also did we need that much Murray?
Speaking of, I did not need Murray doing his creepy, invasive psycho analysis thing on Jopper like he did Jancy last season. It was terrible and lazy writing then and it’s terrible and lazy now
Steve complaining about popularity “not being that great really” made me want to punch him in the face even more than usual. Nobody gives two shits about a rich white boy who got everything he pointed at, all the popularity and more girls than he could count at school while stomping on the outcasts
Also didn’t need that jab at Nancy in his heartfelt scene with Robin (which was funny bc Robin has a lot of similar traits to Nancy)
Karen and Billy was gross, but at least Karen stopped herself to go back to her unfulfilling but legally sound marriage. No need to rock that boat unnecessarily! A completely mediocre man is just fine for her I guess. At least she got a kickass scene with Nancy
Why in the fucking world did Billy get as much screentime as he did. Why on earth did this asshat, racist abuser get some bs sob story about his awful childhood when we have 47 other, way more sympathetic and interesting characters that could’ve been explored instead. And then he did some stupid “grand heroic sacrifice”. I cried more when the Russian dude died
Max was a victim of Billy’s abuse for years which was completely undermined by her ooc constant concern for him and overblown grief at his death
El being oh so concerned about Billy when she knew he was the asshole who had abused his friends Max and Lucas (and beat up Steve) before felt really insincere
Hopper was a huge, loud, violent jerk this season and I’m not having it. I felt sorry for Joyce having to put up with him and then he presumably died heroically (??? he’s obviously still alive guys) and I...didn’t really care? Was kind of on the Jopper train but have no hopes for it now. Where was their supposed “history” together that was hinted at before the season? It just felt like Hopper constantly acting like a huge, controlling manchild and Joyce having to pep/comfort/discipline him. No sense of back and forth support
What the fuck was that music number with Dustin and Suzie?? Omg cringe. I could feel how the characters all died inside
On the subject of music, they stole Jancy’s theme song and gave it to Steve and Robin and then Mileven. Mileven also stole Jancy’s “I love you”, which was clearly hinted from the name of the song on the soundtrack titled “The first I love you”, which is literally a rehash of their theme “The first lie” in s2. A huge slap in the face to end the season with
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your-iron-lung · 5 years
No Shade in the Shadow of the Cross 13
aka ‘Slow Down’; available to read on AO3 HERE
Story Synopsis:  Some weird low-key occult parties start popping up that Steve can’t in good conscience ignore and takes it upon himself to investigate. Billy gets caught up in the consequences of his meddling, and isn’t it funny? For all the strange things the Upside Down has thrown his way, it’s werewolves that Steve has trouble accepting exist.
Chapter Word Count: 7216
Pairings: Eventual Billy Hargrove/Steve Harrington
Genre: Supernatural/Suspense/Drama/Horror-ish
Previous Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Next Chapter: 14
Notes: SURPRISE!! its a SECRET DOUBLE UPDATE 'secret double update? what does it MEAN?' it means that, when i went back to re-read my story to make sure i was keeping on track for continuity purposes, i couldnt even get through the first chapter! it was just THAT BAD (imo), so i went back and re-wrote it entirely. it doesnt offer anything new in terms of plot, but boy howdy is it an upgrade to what it used to be. bless those of you who kept up with the story after reading that trainwreck
(this chapter update is dedicated to @pfandghoul​ bc they were my 100th follower here- THANKS BUDDYYYY) OH ALSO- i got a commission done of billy in the TERRIBLE OUTFIT (but with hair, bc i cant commission an artist like demonfleet and not have him draw those beautiful curls). PEEP IT HERE
“Who else knows?”
Hopper’s voice, though sluggish and weighted with exhaustion, still carried with it a tone of seriousness that had Steve feeling prematurely guilty about the way the rest of the conversation was going to play out. He knew what Hopper was really asking; knew he wanted to hear confirmation that the kids weren’t somehow involved in any of this, and even though they weren’t, not yet, Steve still found himself turning his eyes away from Hopper’s authoritative stare, focusing his attention instead on the spot on the table where he’d been picking at the veneer absentmindedly. And although he knew the question was primarily directed towards himself, he let Billy answer.
“No one,” Billy said self-assuredly, a hint of surliness edging out with his tone as he exhaled a hot breath of smoke and leaned forward to stub his cigarette out in the ashtray centered between the three of them. He sat back in his seat with a grunt and a creaking of wood and promptly lit another.
Gathered in the Harringtons’ dining room- (the room itself being, remarkably, an equal point of pride to both of his parents)- the three of them sat gathered around the antique wooden table that served as a centerpiece, perched around its aged surface in differing states of dishevelment. Their collective exhaustion was as palpable as the smoke trails that had been gathering and circling slowly above their heads for the past ten minutes, in which Billy had chain-smoked three cigarettes down to the filter before either Steve or Hopper had had the chance to finish their first.
Sitting across from him, Steve could feel Hopper’s eyes, sunken and dark and weary, boring into him as he waited for his response to confirm what Billy had said.
“No one else knows,” Steve affirmed after a moment’s hesitation, in which he took a hard drag of his cigarette and exhaled with a long, drawn out sigh. He could feel the pressure of what he was going to say next catching in his throat before he cleared it and amended, “Well, not… not yet, anyway.”
The repeated word dropped from Hopper’s lips like a dead weight, falling upon the three of them like a bomb. It broke whatever uneasy peace they’d managed to find in those few minutes where they’d all just sat smoking in silence, each of them trying to recover from the ordeals they’d endured over the night before reconvening to tackle them again. In its place, a taut, malevolent tension began to take form, and in it Steve could feel the enmity brewing against him.
“Yet,” Hopper repeated again, and this time there was anger in his voice. Steve winced reflexively, slowly turning his eyes up from where they’d been focused on the tabletop to meet his anger directly. “And what does ‘yet’ entail exactly, huh, kid?”
Steve opened his mouth to answer, but couldn’t force the words he wanted to use to explain out. Under Hopper and Billy’s stares, all the reasoning he’d had stored up for why he needed to at least tell Dustin what was going on left him. He could feel the trust his only two allies had in him turning into something dark and misconstrued as he sat there struggling to form a sentence, but was helpless to combat it. 
“It’s not what you think-” he started to say, but was interrupted when Billy interjected by slamming his fist down hard upon the table, rattling the ashtray in its place and silencing him instantly.
“Well what the fuck is it then, Harrington?” There was such strong mistrust in Billy’s eyes when he spoke- mistrust and vehement anger, such that Steve could practically feel the foundations they’d laid in their almost-friendship crumbling apart. “Selling me out to this pig not enough for you? You trying to go national with this shit or something? What the fuck does ‘not yet’ mean?!”
“Hey! You need to calm down,” Hopper snapped, directing his ire towards Billy, who’d begun to rise out of his seat with each word spoken in anger. “Sit down and give him a chance to explain, alright?”
But he didn’t.
“Fuck that, and fuck you,” Billy said roughly, leering across the table at both Hopper and Steve. His stomach let out a low growl that momentarily stalled him long enough for Steve to intervene before he could say anything more.
“What the fuck are you talking about, ‘go national’? Do you even hear yourself, Hargrove?” Steve spat back, exasperated, tired, and unable to keep himself from matching Billy’s aggression when it was being thrust at him. He narrowed his eyes and took another hard drag off his cigarette before continuing, saying, “Who the hell do you think would even believe me? You think I’m just going to stroll into the Hawkins Post and try to sell them a werewolf story? ‘Oh uh, yeah, some douchebag I know turns into a big bad wolf during a full moon. You might wanna print that- warn the people! Billy Hargrove’s a more literal monster than we thought!’ I didn’t even believe in any of this crap at first, who do you think I could I possibly sell that to?”
The words came spilling out of Steve’s mouth before he could even think about what it was he was saying. He knew he’d fallen for another one of Billy’s taunts but couldn’t help himself; he refused to be painted as the villain in Billy’s fabricated scenario when he hadn’t even done anything yet, and certainly hadn’t been planning anything near as diabolical as selling Billy out to the country as some kind of freak sideshow act. Steve matched Billy’s glare evenly, half-aware of the way Hopper had groaned and run a hand down the length of his face. ‘You’ve really done it now, kid,’ his expression seemed to say.
Appearing taken aback, Billy seemed somewhat startled by the harsh words Steve had doled out to him. With a hand across his stomach, a small hint of vulnerability crossed over his features before he quickly reigned it back and pulled his lips back into a harsh snarl, his half-smoked cigarette dangling forgotten in the corner of his mouth to reveal at last what oral thing had been bothering him so much on the car ride over.
His teeth, Steve observed dumbly as he stared openly at the obstructions lining his mouth. Of course it was his teeth.
Thin, long, and all of them pointed, they looked more suited to what might be found in the muzzle of a large hound rather than in the mouth of a man. They were canine in nature, unnaturally fitted in his mouth where before his teeth had been straight and white and pristine, forming a smile so blindingly handsome it wasn’t always easy to look away.
“You’re right! You didn’t believe in any of this at first, but all it took was a little bit of proof to convince you though, right, Harrington?” Billy cooed smoothly after a moment, an eager look flashing in his yellow-blue eyes at the prospect of their argument turning into a physical fight in Steve’s parents’ dining room. “How much proof do you think it’d take to convince one shitty reporter in this hick town, huh? A mouth full of weird teeth? A broken arm that heals itself in, what, the span of two days? I mean, isn’t that what did it for you, Harrington? Witnessing this small little biological miracle of mine? Maybe that would do the trick. Could really blow the lid off of this one; might even be able to contribute something to your daddy’s legacy besides being a little piece of shit.”
“Enough!” Hopper’s voice burst from his throat, booming loudly in the condensed space. The suddenness of his outburst was enough to draw both Steve and Billy’s attention off of one another, though they were each reluctant to turn away. “You!” Hopper shouted, pointing one finger authoritatively at Steve, who sat and stared at him with a baffled look on his face, “Quit goading him on, goddammit. And you,” he continued, turning his command to Billy, “sit down and shut the hell up! He might be mouthing off, but you need to show this kid some damn respect for taking responsibility last night. He could’ve died going after you, do you understand that? He could have died for you.”
The weight of Hopper’s words had the exact impact he wanted them to. Steve turned away in embarrassment as a funny look crossed over Billy’s face. Confusion wormed its way through his anger, furrowing his brow and pulling his lips into a frown. It was a look Hopper had seen many times before when he’d been in the army, when soldiers who’d been at arms with one another were forced to let it go under the threat of punishment from their higher ups. It was a dark, begrudging sort of obedience fresh cadets endured when their commanding officers demanded they stand down when they weren’t quite ready to. With his momentum shaken, Billy’s look of anger slowly slipped into something a little more unreadable as he sank back down into his seat, muttering a quiet “Yes, sir” aloud as his stomach emitted another horrifically loud growl that everyone in the room ignored.
“Christ, I’m dealing with children here,” Hopper mumbled, kneading his fingers against his temple. He took a moment to take a deep breath of collection and lit another cigarette, flicking his lighter fruitlessly a couple of times before a spark struck and he continued speaking.
“Nothing said here leaves this house,” he said sternly, making sure to make and hold eye contact with each of them to stress the importance of his words. “This,” he said, gesturing vaguely to Billy with his freshly lit cigarette, “doesn’t go ‘national’; it doesn’t even go local, you got that? Whoever your ‘not yet’ applied to doesn’t get to know, so you can put the idea that you’re going to tell anyone else about any of this right out the window, understand?”
He looked sharply to Steve then, insisting in so many words that the children be left out of whatever they decided to do moving forward. Steve bit the inside of his cheek and looked away stubbornly, nodding once as he crossed his arms across his chest. He was aware of how he must’ve looked- like a spoiled, pouting child- but he couldn’t help it. Of course he understood; it didn’t take a genius to understand why this needed to be kept secret, but he still owed Dustin an explanation, and right now he figured he liked Dustin a hell of a lot more than he liked Hopper.
Hopper watched him with a scrutinizing eye, and, as though he could read Steve’s thoughts, said, “Let me hear you say it.”
“Say you understand,” Hopper said quietly, ignoring for a moment the fact that Billy was sharing the space with them. He enunciated each word with gentle forcefulness, not issuing him orders now so much as silently begging for compliance. “The three of us can handle it. We don’t need for anyone else to get involved.”
The air in the room felt very still in that moment. The cigarette smoke that had been pooling above them like a pale cloud continued its slow and stagnant swirl, apathetic to the nature of their conversation. Staring at him, Steve once again felt guilty. After everything that the chief had done for him, he still couldn’t commit to the promise Hopper wanted him to make. He understood where his concerns were coming from, but Dustin was already involved, in a way. He sighed.
“Well, the thing is,” Steve began to say, nervously tapping his fingers against the table, “Dustin kind of already knows?” Hopper’s expression turned dark, as Steve had expected it to, but better he tell him now than for him to find out later. “I mean, I asked the kid to use his house! You were there; you dropped me off. I didn’t tell him for what, or WHO,” he said, shooting Billy a pointed look, “but he knows something’s up. It’s kind of obvious I was trying to use his cellar as a holding cell, and I promised I’d tell him about it once things settled down.”
Hopper exhaled a long and forlorn sigh, rubbing his face into his hands tiredly. “Could this get anymore convoluted?” he mumbled to himself before he looked up and locked his gaze onto Steve. “Fine. You promised to tell him about it, so you will.”
Confused, Steve shifted his attention from Hopper to Billy. “I will?”
“Yep.” Hopper blew out a long string of smoke. As he did so, the tension he’d held in the muscles of his face seemed to relax. “We’re going to double-down on your dog story. You’ll tell him you were dogsitting for one of your mom’s friends. Dog got loose, and you had to lure it back. Threw some meat down there to attract and trap it. I trust you to make up some details to fill in the gaps if he asks anything specific. You got that?”
Steve stared at him, knowing full well there wasn’t a snowball’s chance in hell that Dustin would ever believe that. And besides, Steve had already told him it was a red alert, but if this was what it took to get Hopper off his back, then, maybe it was fine.
“I understand,” he said, knowing he would, eventually, have to ask forgiveness for his future misdeeds.
Steve lit another cigarette and breathed it in deeply, hating how openly relieved Hopper sounded. He stole a glance towards where Billy was sitting with his own cigarette still hanging limply from his lips and felt that guilt compounded. He couldn’t say for certain what Billy must have thought of him at that point, but there was no way he’d have been able to keep helping him on his own, because Hopper was right: he had almost died last night. But with the worst of it over (he hoped), they could focus less on that and put their heads together to figure out what to do going forward. 
Or, they could have, if Hopper’s hip radio hadn’t begun to crackle in that exact instance, releasing a string of police-coded jargon through the speaker. They all collectively jumped a little at the startling noise as the dispatcher (Florence’s voice, Steve recognized) requested Hopper’s aid in assisting his deputies with something he couldn’t decipher. 
“Great,” Hopper mumbled to himself, stubbing out the cigarette he’d hardly been able to enjoy. If possible, he looked even more tired than when he’d walked in. “Yeah, I copy,” he said into the radio as he unlatched it from his belt. “I’ll be there soon; give me a few minutes to wrap it up here and I’ll meet them at the scene.”
He clipped the small receiver back onto his belt before coming to a stand, groaning in a way that was similar to Steve’s dad when he’d been sitting down for too long.
“You’re leaving?” Steve asked as he watched Hopper collect his hat and place it haphazardly on his head. 
“Duty calls,” Hopper grunted noncommittally. He pulled on the coat he’d left on the back of his chair and zipped it up to the collar. “I had a few of my boys start investigating a lead for me. A small one, but if they’re calling me out there, it means they’ve found something, and hopefully it’ll help us settle all this a little more quickly.”
“But we haven’t made a plan for what to do the next time this happens,” Steve said concernedly. He felt exhausted beyond his years, but none of their major issues had been solved or even discussed yet. “We haven’t talked about what we’re supposed to do at all.”
“Next time?”
Steve turned from Hopper to Billy, who’d spoken softly and, despite having looked enraged only moments before, now appeared confused. 
“Well, yeah,” Steve said, flicking the ash off the end of his cigarette into the ashtray, “this is like, a monthly thing for you now, right? Kind of like a girl when she gets her-”
“Don’t fucking say it,” Billy growled. Steve shrugged, unbothered.
“...but only for a day instead of like, for a week,” he finished, feeling a little bit of self-satisfaction at the way Billy cringed and groaned. 
“God fucking dammit Harrington.”
“You were the one who showed me the movie though,” Steve said, shifting the subject easily to skirt around Billy’s annoyance. Hopper lingered by the dining room’s opening, hearing out the tail-end of Steve’s concerns. “It didn’t end for him after one month; he was like, doomed to keep turning every full moon forever or something, right? Isn’t that how werewolves work, and doesn’t that, y’know, kind of include you now?”
A dawning look of horror spread across Billy’s pale face as he made the connection. He blinked once, let the long trail off ash fall off his cigarette onto the table, and looked away, dazed, as though the thought of having to relive last night’s nightmare hadn’t occurred to him before. 
“What do you mean, next time?” Hopper asked, parroting Billy’s earlier confusion. “You saying he’s liable to... turn again?”
Steve nodded somberly. “We can’t use Dustin’s house again; he escaped way too easily, but I guess we have a month to prepare, so it’s not critical right now or anything,” he explained, to which Hopper acknowledged him with a low hum. “But we still definitely need a plan for next time.”
“Leave it to me, kid; I might have something I can make work,” Hopper muttered. His eyes were unfocused as he turned and began to leave, already mentally trying to work out the specifics of whatever it was he had in mind. “Remember,” he called back once he’d reached the front door, his haggard voice echoing down the short hall, “nothing said here leaves this house.”
He didn’t wait for affirmation before departing. From the dining room they heard the soft click of the front door as it opened and shut, leaving Billy and Steve alone in the dining room. Turning in his seat to look out the front-facing windows, Steve watched Hopper get into his truck and start the engine, noting the way he let his head hang briefly for a moment before he perked up to back out of the driveway. And then he was gone. 
A wave of exhaustion overcame as he sat there, eyeing the empty space where Hopper’s truck had been. He was hungry, tired, and wanted nothing more than to just be able to sleep forever, but as long as he was needed, that wasn’t likely to happen. His role as caretaker was ever-expanding, and now, it seemed to include Billy as well. 
Hopper had managed to hold the peace between them (though barely) while he’d been there, and Steve couldn’t presume to know how things were going to go now that it was just him and Billy again. As he turned back in his seat and finished off the rest of his cigarette, he realized that whatever aggression Billy had been harboring towards him was gone. 
“Next time,” Steve heard him mumble to himself. The dejected manner in which he spoke was so unlike himself that he was reminded of the way he’d been behaving the day before, as though he could no longer find his own self-worth. Billy took the cigarette that had been hanging off his lip and held it in his hand, staring at the dimly glowing cherry before looking up to catch Steve’s eye to say, “I don’t think I can go through that again.”
He said it with such vulnerable honesty that Steve found he didn’t know how to respond. His own self-worth took a hit as guilt and pity began to rise within him as he stared back at Billy, hating that he didn’t know what to say. It felt wrong to try and supply him with empty assurances when he had heard firsthand and seen the aftermath of how painfully debilitating the transformation had been. There was nothing he could say that could possibly begin to alleviate the horror that came with knowing it was going to come and afflict him again and again, month after month, for the rest of his life.
What sort of consolation could he possibly offer him?
“C’mon,” Steve eventually said, depositing the butt of his cigarette into the ashtray as he scooted his chair back to stand up. Billy watched him with an exhausted, yet vaguely sorrowful expression that Steve decidedly didn’t like. “I’ll show you the bathroom.”
Well, at least he could offer him a shower.
Steve could hear the shower running by the time he came back up the hall with a fresh towel in hand, but Billy wasn’t yet locked inside the bathroom. He was leaning up against the wall beside the bathroom door, arms folded across his chest and eyes closed, dozing off while he waited for the water to warm up. As Steve approached, he noticed that, while Billy had taken off the bloody ruination of his old shirt, he still had Mrs. Henderson’s ugly bathrobe loosely tied around his waist. 
Billy cocked one eye open when he heard him come close, and mutely traded the shirt for the towel when Steve offered it to him. Neither of them spoke as the exchange was made; a silence broken only by the sound of spraying water hitting the shower tile forming between them until Steve found it too unbearable to withstand.
“So,” he started to say, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly, “about before… I, uh, really shouldn’t have, y’know, said what I did about you being a monster.”
From his position against the wall, Billy frowned. 
“I was just caught up in the moment,” Steve continued apologetically. “And I know that doesn’t like, excuse my actions or whatever, but it was still a shitty thing to say.”
As he opened both of his eyes, Billy found that Steve was looking everywhere but directly at him, and in fact had taken to looking at his own reflection in a decorative vase while he’d been talking. It was awkward; he was starting to feel uncomfortable about the sincerity Steve was trying to convey. 
“I don’t give a shit, it’s not like it bothered me,” Billy lied, speaking tersely. His stomach growled, and he placed a hand over it idly. “Trust me, I’ve been called worse things than that.” 
Steve’s shoulders slumped a bit as he worried the back of his hair into a knot. “Still,” he said awkwardly, finally turning away from the dark reflection of the vase, now absentmindedly trying to pull his fingers free, “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that.”
Clicking his tongue and rolling his eyes towards the ceiling, Billy huffed out a deep sigh and said, “Look, Harrington, if you’re willing to make me some pancakes and fry up some bologna we can call it even. Just, stop doing… whatever this is and let me shower.”
Steve paused to think about it. “Sure, okay, I can do that. I think we’ve got some pancake mix somewhere.” 
With that awkward bit of conversation out of the way, Billy eased up off of the wall he was perched upon and slid into the bathroom before Steve could make any sort of addendum and closed the door. He listened to the sounds of Steve’s retreating footsteps down the hall over the pouring water as he undid the tie around his hips and left the beanie on the sink counter, decidedly not looking in the mirror as he stepped into the strong, warm stream.
Billy stayed in the shower for a long, long time.
Steve hadn’t really been expecting it to be a quick one, but still, as he stood over the stove making a tall stack of pancakes that would’ve been enough to satisfy the stomach of any starving man, he wondered just how long he needed. The water had to have been going cold by now.
The smell of the bologna frying in the pan had, at first, encouraged his appetite, but was now starting to turn his stomach. The smell of bologna alone had never been appealing to him, and to have to smell it as it cooked was nauseating.  He cut off the stove, transferred the fried meat to a serving plate, and then sat at the kitchen table to wait. 
He nibbled a little at a pancake, but couldn’t stomach the smell of the bologna well enough to finish it off. He waited at the table patiently, like a mother might when she was waiting for her kids to come down and eat and strained his ears to listen for when the water shut off upstairs. 
It didn’t, though. He could hear it trickling down through the pipes in the walls, quietly draining away whatever it was Billy was trying to cleanse himself of. 
Steve sighed miserably and folded his arms over the table, sliding the chair back far enough so he could rest his head over them like he used to in English. He closed his eyes (‘Just resting my eyes’, as his dad was prone to saying before he fell asleep on the couch), and soon found himself asleep.
In a dream, it was snowing and he was driving, speeding along a narrow, unfamiliar road. 
‘Faster’, he was thinking to himself as he depressed the accelerator harder. ‘I have to go faster.’
A deep, dark blackness enveloped him from all sides outside of the car. He couldn’t see through it or if anything was in it, even though he knew, intrinsically, that he had his high beams on and should have at least been able to see where he was going. The road before him manifested as a slick black line, wavering in and out of focus between his rapidly swishing windshield wipers and the oncoming flurry.
He was in a hurry, though he didn’t know why. Billy was fine. Sitting in the passenger seat beside him, he looked almost bored with Steve’s pedestrian effort to save him.
“I’m doing my best,” Steve said, unsure of why he was now crying. “I’m going as fast as I can- please, please just understand that.”
“You haven’t done enough,” Billy responded in a voice that both was and wasn’t his own. It hurt Steve’s ears to listen to as he whimpered involuntarily. “I’m already lost.”
Alarmed, Steve took his eyes off the road to look at Billy and found him looking back. His eyes were a dark, glowing red, and he sat with his hand perched on the door handle. In the window behind him, red eyes that mirrored his own were slowly emerging from the darkness, coming so close to the car that the glass was beginning to fog up from its panting breath. How it was able to keep pace with the car when Steve had the accelerator pressed against the floor was unknown and frightening to him.
“Don’t,” Steve begged as Billy’s fingers curled around the handle, getting ready to pull it open like an emergency exit, “I can still help you.”
“I’ve been lied to before,” Billy said solemnly, his two-toned voice warbling as he pulled on the handle and opened the door to give himself over to the creature that was waiting hungrily by the window.
“The fuck is this?”
Steve opened his eyes abruptly and nearly fell out of his seat as he transitioned into a wakeful state. Startled, he sat up and rubbed at his eyes uncomprehendingly.
“They’re just pancakes, Hargrove, don’t be rude,” he said sleepily without fully realizing what it was Billy was talking about. “Misshapen, maybe, but still just pancakes.”
Freshly showered, Billy stood before him wearing the beanie taken from Dustin’s house and some of Steve’s own clothing. An old ‘Hawkins High Phys. Ed.’ shirt clung tightly to his torso, baring a little bit of midriff above the hem of some old sweats. In his hand he held Steve’s two-way radio Dustin had gifted him to include him as part of their party, and through that radio he could hear Max’s voice trying to make contact.
“Steve, come in, Steve! Are you there?”
“Why do you have a two-way radio to my little sister sitting by your bed?” Billy asked icily, unabashed anger seeping out of his very being. 
“What the hell were you doing in my bedroom?” Steve countered, feeling his stomach drop when he came to understand the implications Billy was making. He stood up and made to swipe the radio from Billy’s hand. “It’s seriously not what you think.”
“Remind me, where have I heard that one before?” Billy pulled the radio easily out of Steve’s reach, glowering at him as they faced off. “This looks pretty fucking bad for you, Harrington; she’s not even fifteen yet, you sick fuck.”
“It’s not just for your sister,” Steve said heatedly, then, realizing how that sounded, amended by saying, “Look, I know you know I take care of her friends- this, it’s just-  it’s just a radio to communicate with them, alright? They’re weird nerds who don’t like to use phones like normal people. It’s not for anything as dirty as you’re imagining, so would you quit looking for reasons to hate me when I haven’t even done anything?”
Sighing, Steve ran a hand through his hair and reached out for the radio, silently asking for it to be handed over. Billy continued to hold it, staring at him with an indecipherable look on his face. They stood at odds with one another before Dustin’s voice came through the radio speaker.
“Steve! It’s Dustin, we have a situation- please advise. Come in, Steve! Over!” 
Billy looked at the radio in his hand and then at Steve with a scowl. He looked bored as he finally relinquished it without further fuss, sitting down at the table opposite of Steve and pulling the plates of food towards him. He gave him a mean look as he began sandwiching the fried slices of bologna between a couple pancakes before biting into them. 
Relieved and annoyed, Steve turned away to speak into the radio. “I’m here, I’m here, sorry, what’s up?”
“Oh my God, it’s about time!” Dustin huffed. “You said you’d radio me later and you never did! Over.”
“Some stuff came up,” Steve mumbled, sitting down at the table and rubbing at his eyes. “What’s wrong?”
“It’s Will,” Dustin explained. Steve frowned. “He says he saw something last night that might have to do with the Mind Flayer-”
“Whoa whoa whoa! Hold on a second,” Steve interrupted quickly, casting a furtive glance towards Billy who was now watching him suspiciously. “I’m uh, I’m not alone over here.”
There was silence on the radio after Steve let up on the talk button. Billy squinted at him and mouthed ‘it’s not what you think’ sardonically at him. Steve sighed and shrugged; there wasn’t an easy way to explain this.
“I swear Steve, if you’ve been ignoring us because you’re with a GIRL-”
“No!” Steve exclaimed in frustration. Why did it seem like everyone was against him today? “I’m not- I’m not with a girl; haven’t even been with a girl since-”
“Oh, Steve,” Billy chirped in an ugly, high falsetto, speaking loudly enough for the radio to catch and relay his voice clearly. “Quit playing with that toy and come back to play with me.”
Horrified at Billy’s poor impression of a girl, Steve turned to face him with a look of shock.
“What the hell is your damage Hargrove? You know they probably heard that,” he hissed as he let took his finger off the talk button. “Why do you constantly have to prove yourself as being the biggest thorn in my side? Can’t you hop off my dick for five fucking minutes?”
Billy snickered and laughed, clearly satisfied with himself. He shot him a wink when Steve turned up his middle finger at him and bit down on another one of his weird bologna/pancake amalgamations. 
“Was that Billy?”
Max’s voice. Both Steve and Billy froze as she called them out, sharing a mutual look of horror at having been recognized. 
“Steve? Why are you with Billy?”
“Uh.” Wide-eyed, he looked to Billy for help in answering, but was met with nothing but a look of shock. They both floundered for a moment, during which Billy took the chance to shove more food in his mouth as though to say he was currently preoccupied and couldn’t be assed to help explain. “It… wasn’t?” Steve finally answered lamely.
A strong silence permeated over the radio before it crackled and relayed Max’s voice as she said, “Steve, he’s made fun of me plenty of times that I’d know his ‘I’m a dumb girl’ voice from anywhere.”
Steve groaned and threw Billy a dirty look, to which he received a simple shrug in response. It wasn’t supposed to have been a secret, exactly, but his children knew the history between them just as well as he did and he’d eventually have to explain to them just how they’d come to be together sooner or later. “Alright, yeah, I’m with your brother. He’s at my place.”
“Step-brother,” Billy corrected gruffly, wiping away some crumbs from his mouth.
“Can he hear me right now?” Max asked.
“Uh,” Steve said. “Yeah, he can hear you,” he replied after Billy gave him the go-ahead.
“Don’t come home.”
At first, Steve thought she’d said it out of anger, or spite, or something. It was vague enough that it could have been construed that way (especially with how flatly she’d spoken), but the look on Billy’s face made it clear that it was less a threat and more a warning, of sorts. He stopped chewing his food, eyebrows coming together as he frowned deeply. That vaguely sorrowful look that had crept up around his eyes from before surfaced in his features again as he stared ahead of himself.
“Message received?” Steve asked quietly, unsure of how to process his change in demeanor, to which Billy gave a brief, curt nod. He shoved the plates of food away and sat back with a forlorn expression on his face. “Message received,” he repeated into the radio. “Could you uh, put Dustin back on? Who all’s over there with you guys?”
There was a moment of silence in which Steve pictured the radio changing hands. While he waited for a response, he pulled the dish with the pancakes on it closer towards himself and made a second attempt at eating one. 
“The whole party’s here, Steve. We have a situation that requires your assistance, over.”
“Yeah, I remember,” he said through a mouthful of soft food. “Not to be like, dismissive about it, but is there any chance it can wait? I’m kind of… ‘booked’, for the rest of the day; we can have, like, a group meeting and discuss things in person tomorrow, if it’s not urgent.”
He was careful not to mention how he planned on sharing Billy’s situation with them if they agreed, given how angry he’d been about the prospect earlier. It didn’t look as though Billy was paying him much attention at that point, however, as he stood up somberly and walked out of the dining room without a word, no longer interested in eavesdropping on his conversation. Steve wanted to follow after him to make sure he didn’t go anywhere he wasn’t supposed to, but stayed still and finished off the pancake he’d been eating.
“He says it’s not dire; just wanted us to be aware that something might be fucky. You wanna meet up with us tomorrow afternoon at Mike’s house? Over.”
“Sure, that’s fine,” Steve replied. He waited a moment to see if Billy was going to return, and when he was certain he wasn’t going to, he dropped his voice to a whisper and said, “I need you to do me a small favour before then, Henderson.”
“Oh my God, Steve, seriously? Another one? Over.”
Ignoring the indignation with which Dustin spoke, Steve continued. “I need you to research werewolves for me, alright? Like, specifically if it can be cured. Can you do that for me?”
“Uh, I mean, sure? Why though? Does this have something to do with our campaign? Over.” The fact that Dustin was so suspicious caused a little grin to spread out across Steve’s face. In spite of everything, leave it to Dustin to find a way to route it all back to the game he’d gotten him involved with.
“I’ll let you know tomorrow,” Steve said, unable to keep a teasing lilt from affecting the tone of his words. “And uh, just so you know, I’ll probably be bringing Max’s brother along, so don’t freak out if he shows up. Over and out, nerd.”
“Oh, now you decide to start using-”
Steve switched the radio off abruptly before Dustin could finish his sentence and set it face down on the surface of the table. He sat still for a moment, feeling his earlier exhaustion swirling within him like a snowglobe before he stood up and wandered out into the living room. He found Billy lying splayed out on the couch, eyes closed and resting easily atop the cushions.
“Just make yourself at home, why don’t you,” Steve said dryly, to which Billy gave a noncommittal grunt. “Do you, uh, need a place to stay tonight?” he asked awkwardly when he understood that Billy wasn’t going to move from his position.
Opening his eyes, Billy stared straight up at the ceiling with a stern look on his face. 
“I can stay with Tommy H. if it’s a problem,” he said after a minute. 
“I don’t really care what you do,” Steve replied, placing a hand on his hip. “But he’d ask questions, you know. You don’t really… look like how you should.” Billy heaved out a long and depressive sigh, shutting his eyes again. “It’s fine, though-  you can stay in the spare bedroom upstairs,” Steve offered.
“Couch is fine,” Billy mumbled. 
“You’d be missing out, it’s got a Queen-size mattress up there.” 
“Couch is fine,” Billy repeated tiredly.
Steve shrugged. “Suit yourself, I guess.” He studied Billy laid out flat across the couch and felt that familiar need to show him pity. He couldn’t help but wonder what Max’s warning applied to; wondered if Billy would tell him about it if he asked.
“You were right about what you said before.” Billy’s voice was soft with exhaustion, but even so, it managed to break into his thoughts. Steve gave him a look of incomprehension. “About my hair, you were right; it’s coming back.”
“Oh,” Steve said, refraining from tapping into his inherent desire to chirp ‘I told you so’ back at him. “That’s great, man. I knew it would.”
“Still paler than the underside of a witch’s tit though,” Billy muttered, holding up a hand to examine his new complexion morosely.
And, yeah, he was right: even though it seemed his hair was going to be restored to its former glory (given enough time), it didn’t look like the same could be said for his skin. He was still woefully pale, looking less like the golden god he’d been before and more like, as Billy had said, the pale underside of a witch’s tit. Steve eyed him contemplatively, trying to come up with a solution that didn’t involve him laying naked out in the snow to try and catch some sun.
“Do you remember Tammy Thomspon?” Steve asked eventually, to which Billy had to pause in order to connect the name with the person being referenced. Once he’d nodded, Steve continued. “She always had a tan year round; used to talk about how she’d go to like, tanning beds and stuff.”
“I am not going to a tanning salon, if that’s what you’re suggesting here Harrington,” Billy said decisively. 
“No no! She used to do tanning beds, but then she kept talking about how they were unhealthy and caused skin cancer and blah blah blah. Before the semester ended though, she said she started using some new thing; she was telling me about it in History before the final,” Steve elaborated, stepping further into the room to take a seat on the armrest of the couch. He snapped his fingers as he tried to remember what it was. “It was like, some spray on stuff? A spray-on tan, I think. You could try that? Wouldn't even have to go anywhere to get it done, I think it’s sold retail.”
Billy appeared lost in thought as he contemplated the option. He flexed his pale fingers and heaved another heavy sigh. “Anything would probably be better than this.”
‘You don’t- I mean, it’s not… you don’t look that bad,” Steve lied. Billy put his hand down and glared at him from the far end of the sofa. “Alright alright, so you look like the white end of a fingernail. We get some spray tan, rinse you in it, and presto, you’re back to being average, dark and handsome. I mean, if Tammy Thompson can do it, it shouldn’t be that hard, right?”
Billy snorted. “Handsome, huh? Probably not; she was as dumb as the rest of the cows here.”
“She wasn’t the brightest light in the shed,” Steve agreed, feeling the slightest bit embarrassed at having called Billy handsome. “But, cool; glad we got something sorted out today.
“I’ll be in my room if you need me for anything, and I know you already know where that is,” he said as he came to a rise, casting a snide look at Billy before heading back towards the staircase.
Predictably, Billy clicked his tongue in annoyance. “You realize you only gave me a towel earlier, right? I wasn’t about to put that thing on again. I wasn’t snooping; just trying to find a fucking change of clothes when I heard Maxine yelling for you on your shitty bedside table radio,” he said in that easy, drawling nature of his. “What was I supposed to think?”
“Why don’t you try thinking a little less and just ask instead of jumping to conclusions?” Steve huffed. He hadn’t wanted this to turn into another argument, but it seemed as though the conversation was quickly heading that way. “Look, I don’t- I’m too tired to argue with you. I’m gonna catch a nap and then we can like… I don’t know. Get some bottles of spray tan and hose you down in the backyard or something.”
Billy grunted in affirmation, and Steve was content to leave it at that. He shot Billy one last look before he stepped out of the living room, and, leaving the food out on the table where he’d left it, went straight up to his room. Like the condition he’d left Dustin’s cellar in, he’d clean up the dining room later.
As he entered his room, Steve was afraid, for a moment, that he’d find evidence of Billy having gone snooping through all of his belongings. It would’ve been just like him to try and find something else he could use to hold against him while Steve was unaware, but as he looked around the area carefully, it seemed as though his room appeared untouched. His closet was left open from where Billy had gone in to take the clothes he was currently wearing, but, true to his word, it didn’t look like he’d rifled any deeper into it then he’d needed to.
Relieved, Steve stepped forward until he was toe-to-hem with his bed and let himself fall face forward directly onto the mattress, exhaling a deep sigh once he collided with it. He laid there unmoving, breathing in the hot, trapped air between his face and his comforter before he rolled over and laid himself out spread-eagle to look up at the ceiling.  
“Why does this have to be so much harder than it is?” he groaned, cupping his hands together to cover his face. The familiar question he’d wrestled with of ‘why me?’ that he’d been struggling to answer since any of this started began cycling through his mind. Of course, now that he had time to rest, his brain wouldn’t let him. 
He just wanted to help, and already he’d almost lost the trust of the only two people he could rely on. Neither of them seemed to understand that it was too great a burden for one person to have to shoulder alone. It needed to be a team effort, but no one seemed willing to branch out and make it one. Once again, it was left to him to take the initiative.
“Why is it so hard for me to help anyone in this damn town?” he moaned.
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k-liight · 6 years
Green Hearts
wow. my first fanfiction in almost two years and it's another self-insert fic. XD well, I've been working on this PPG self-insert thing on and off for a couple months now and finished it last night instead of doing my homework, oops. small warning for swearing (mostly on my part) and some smoking (that's all on Ace lmao). this will likely be a two-shot, but hopefully someone can enjoy this first part for now!
               To say that Townsville is a weird city would be an understatement. What with all the crazy things in it—giant 80’s-esque monsters, mutant animals, child superheroes, boys with green skin, even fashionable demons—this place was fucking bizarre. But I kind of like that about this city. It’s definitely a lot more exciting than my former small-town home. Sure, the zany assortment of villains makes things a little dangerous, but hey, I need a little danger in my life. Besides, I don’t have much to worry about with the Powerpuff Girls protecting the city.
               Except, maybe, for the Puffs themselves getting on me for hanging out with the Gangreen Gang.
               Yeah, a lot of people would say that I shouldn’t be spending time with delinquents like them. But the guys of the Gangreen Gang were the first people to genuinely care about me as a person in a long time. And from what I got from interacting with them, the feeling was mutual. We’ve got more in common than I could’ve ever thought—we’re all just lonely, misunderstood people who have been judged and outcasted just for being different. They’ve never really had any friends outside of each other, and me, well, every good friend I’ve ever had eventually cut me off. And besides, I never took part in any illegal activities with them. I just liked to hang out at their shack and eat pizza with them.
               Which is what I’m getting ready to do right now. I already picked up the fresh hot pizza—I bought it with my own hard-earned money, mind you—and heading towards their dump hideout. Crazy thought, me hanging out with guys like them. I still remember the day we met. I was just sitting in the park with my headphones on, drawing like I always do and minding my own business, I turn my head away for two seconds to look at a pigeon and some snot-nosed kid decides to snatch my sketchbook from me. Of course, I took off running after the dumb brat, but I’m a terrible runner, so I basically had no hope of catching the little punk. That is, until we both came face-to-face with the green guys themselves. I basically stopped right when the kid did, but I was too shocked to snatch my sketchbook back from him. Green skin?? Was something wrong with them???
               “Well well well, what do we have here, boys?” Ace taunted, staring the child down.
               “It ssseemsss we’ve gotsss a loner,” Snake hissed mischievously.
               “He’s got a sketchbook, boss!” Arturo exclaimed, pointing at it. That made me finally snap out of my trance.
               “Actually, that’s my sketchbook he’s got,” I interjected. “Can you give me that back now, kid?”
               “Nuh-uh!” the kid teased, sticking his tongue out at me. “It’s my sketchbook!”
               “No it isn’t!” I yelled.
               “Yes it is!” he yelled back. “My sketchbook! My drawings!”
               “Art theft! Art theft!”
               “Lemme see dat!” Ace finally cut our argument short by snatching the sketchbook away from the kid. The rest of the gang looked over his shoulders as he opened it up and skimmed through the pages. Their eyes widened.
               “Oooooh!” Billy gasped.
               “Ehh, no offense, kid, but these are way too good for someone your age to draw,” Ace said. Grubber made one of his signature raspberry noises in response.
               “I think the girl’s telling the truth,” Arturo agreed. The kid turned his nose up and hmphed.
               “You’re no fun!” he yelled. And with that, he stormed away.
               “Eh he wasn’t no fun either,” Ace scoffed. I stood there, waiting for them to return my sketchbook to me, but instead they kept on looking through it. So, I thought I may as well make conversation.
               “Hey uh, thanks for getting my sketchbook away from that kid for me,” I said, scratching the back of my neck sheepishly.
               “Don’t worry about it,” Ace deadpanned, not looking up from the pages.
               “Thessse are really good,” Snake said.
               “Oh, uhh, thank you…” I shuffled my feet a bit. I wasn’t used to people seeing my art like this.
               “Thisss one’sss essspecially niccce.” Snake pressed one of his long fingers against the page.
               “Which one?” I came closer to the boys to see which drawing Snake was referring to. “Oh, that one?” I asked, upon discovering he was looking at a doodle of one of my fantasy characters. “Thanks.”
               “So how long you been doin’ dis thing, anyway?” Ace asked.
               “Oh, pfft, long time. Since like, seventh grade, I think.” I have a terrible sense of time and my memory is even worse.
               “Awesssome.” Snake crossed his arms and smiled. I side-eyed them for a second or two before speaking up again.
               “…So who are you guys, anyway?”
               “Who are we?” Ace smirked and shoved my sketchbook into my arms, proudly pointing to himself. “We’re the Gangreen Gang! I’m Ace, and that’s Billy, Arturo, Grubber, and Snake.” He pointed to the other guys respectively.
               “Well uh, it’s very nice to meet you all!” I smiled. “You can call me Light.” I figured since most of them were using nicknames why not use mine? I held my hand out for Ace to shake, but he gave it a high-five instead.
               “You ain’t so bad, Light,” he said. “Maybe we’ll sees each otha’ around sometime.”
               “Yeah, see you guys!” I said as they walked away. I didn’t think I would ever actually see them again. But as it turned out, we couldn’t stop running into each other. The bank, the mall, the town square, the supermarket—seemed like everywhere I went they were there too. Usually wreaking havoc, but that’s beside the point. Every time, we would give each other a holler or chit-chat in the middle of whatever we were doing, until one day Ace invited me to their place. (Actually, it was Grubber that invited me, but Ace had to translate for me.) Of course, I couldn’t say no to that. Then one visit turned to multiple visits, and before I knew it we were constantly hanging out. I found out very quickly that word gets around freakishly fast in Townsville, and soon enough everyone was talking about the Gangreen Gang’s “little friend” (I am not little, I’m 5’10”). So it didn’t take very long for the Powerpuff Girls to find out about me, either. It took a lot of convincing to assure them that I wasn’t a threat, but eventually they got the gist. They still kept a watchful eye on me, though.
               In fact, they had their suspicions when I went to pick up this pizza. Those girls, they figured out that I only carry a pizza around like this when I’m going to visit the gang. I gotta give them credit for being so smart for their age. Soon enough, I notice the gang’s little shack in sight. I quicken my pace, a little paranoid that the pizza already went cold, until I stop at the door. Since they’re used to me by now, and my hands are too full to knock, I kick the door open with my foot.
               “Special delivery!” I yell enthusiastically.
               “Eyy, Light’s here!” Arturo says.
               “Pizza time!” Billy cheers.
               The little shack is abuzz with excitement, which is nice to hear. Aw yeah, being friends with them is the best. There’s just one little problem…
               “Hey! How’sss it goin’, Light?”
               …A slithery little problem.
               “Ooohhh, hey Snake!” I set the pizza box down, and everyone digs in. “It’s going good. Same old same old.” I can feel my face heating up already. Not good. Snake shuffles towards me and grabs a slice of pizza.
               “Thanksss for getting the food,” he says, leaning against the table. Grubber gives a raspberry while smiling and flashing a thumbs-up. I’m still not fluent in Grubber-speak, but that sounded like a “yeah, it’s delicious!”
               “Oh it’s no problem,” I say, taking a bite of my own slice. “And I love pizza as much as you guys so win-win!”
               Snake chuckles a bit. Also not good. He slinks down in his seat, then flashes me a charming smile while patting the chair beside him.
               “Sssit down.”
               “Eheh, well if everyone else is sitting…” I get down into the chair, even more flustered. Shit, we’re close. I can really get a good look at his features from here. But before I can get into that, Ace plops down in the chair on the other side of me.
               “Hey, Light!” He smiles with his arms wide.
               “Ey yo Ace!” I give him a high-five, then another down low, then our hands interlock as if we’re about to arm wrestle. It’s kind of our secret handshake.
               “What’s up, man?” Ace asks, casually leaning back in his chair.
               “Oh not a lot,” I say, crossing my ankles. “Just hangin’ around.”
               “Man nothin’ ain’t eva’ up with you,” Ace complains. “But boy, have we been havin’ a hell of a time lately!”
               He then gets into some long, drawn-out story about fighting the Puffs or whatever, but I space out for a second to glance at Snake out of the corner of my eye. Good, he’s not looking. I turn my head a bit and dare to look at him a little more. He’s staring straight ahead of him, giving me a good view of his profile. He’s done with his pizza and now absentmindedly twirling a lock of his raven hair with a slender finger. His forked tongue pokes out from time to time, almost going past that long, pointy nose. His cheeks have a slight rosy tint, which stands out against the rest of his green complexion. His dark lips are parted just a bit. And oh man, his eyes. Those slanted, crimson eyes, wide and twinkling with ever-present curiosity and framed by long, dark eyelashes. A lot of people think he’s funny-looking, but I find him rather alluring. Plus he’s got that personality—so slick, so confident, and yet so adorable. He’s a bad boy with a cutesy side. Hell, it’s no wonder I fell for the guy. Every time I’m around him he pulls me into a trance without even trying and—
               Snap snap!
               “Earth to Light, are ya listenin’?” Ace snaps me out of my daze, quite literally.
               “Huh?” I pull myself away from Snake to face the rest of the gang.
               “I’ll take dat as a no.” Ace facepalms.
               “Pay attention, you dummy,” Grubber spits out.
               “I’m not a dummy,” I huff at him, crossing my arms. I know exactly what that raspberry meant.
               “In her defenssse, I wasss a little ssspaccced out myssself,” Snake admits.
               “Oh really?” Ace raises an eyebrow.
               “What about?” Arturo asks.
               “I’sss dunno. Life ssstuff I guessss.”
               “Same,” I casually remark, hoping to mask the real reason for my daze.
               “Yeah right,” Ace snickers. The rest of the gang, save for Snake, joins in. I glare at them. There’s no way they know about my crush—right??!
               “The hell are you guys on about?”
               Billy giggles mischievously. Wait, Billy? Mischievous? Something’s wrong.
               “Heehee… you’re in lo—”
               “Quiet, you.” Arturo cuts him off with a swift jab to his side. My stomach does about ten backflips. They do know. Shit. I’m in trouble now.
               “Whatever.” I roll my eyes and grab another slice of pizza, but I don’t know if I’ll actually be able to eat it.
               “You guysss are ssso weird.” Snake reaches down and grabs a soda from who-knows-where.
               “Right?” I smile. “And I thought I was weird. Oh, could you get me one of them?”
               “Sure.” Snake’s hair falls over his shoulders as he stretches down to get another soda. Oh man, that hair. His hair alone is enough to make me lose it. So long and sleek, and it swooshes so nicely—ahem. I need to stop that train of thought before Ace snaps his fingers in my face again.
               “Here yousss go.” Snake sets the soda down in front of me. He smiles—it’s just a little smile, but it’s enough to make my heart skip a few beats.
               “T-thanks…” I smile back, lifting the can with a shaky hand. God, when did it get this bad? No wonder the rest of the guys knew. Then again, I shouldn’t have been surprised; I’ve always made things so goddamn obvious. I just hope Snake himself doesn’t see right through me.
               “Well now what’re we gonna do?” Arturo asks. Grubber spits out a response.
               “No, Grubber, we’sss not playing poker,” Snake counters.
               “Actually,” Ace begins, “before we’s get started on anythin’, I’m gonna talk ta Light for a sec.”
               I gulp down my sip of soda in mild surprise. “Okay?”
               “Ooohhh, you’re in trouble~” Arturo taunts.
               “Shut up, shrimpy,” I taunt back with a wink. He growls as Ace and I walk out the door.
               Ace leads me about 20 or 30 feet away to a piece of concrete barrier that probably served a purpose at one point but was nothing more than a makeshift bench for the gang now. We sit down, him first and then me. He pulls out a cigarette from his pocket and lights it. I never bothered trying to talk him out of smoking. In fact, he would probably only smoke more just to spite me. He looks straight ahead of him, puffing out his smoke, then he turns to look at me with a small smirk, green eyes just barely peeking out from behind his sunglasses.
               “I know yous got the hots for Snake,” he says.
               I immediately start coughing. I’m not even sure if I choked on air or if I’m just faking it out of nervousness. Fuck, I should’ve known that’s what this was about.
               “Wha—I, haha, you’re nuts.” I casually take a sip of my soda, trying to mask my embarrassment.
               “Light.” Ace’s tone is more serious than I’ve ever heard it before. He might not always be the sharpest tool in the shed, but by the very unimpressed look on his face, I can tell there’s no bullshitting my way out of this one.
               “Alright. You got me. I’m in love with Snake. There, I said it.” I turn away from him and exhale sharply. “Fuck.”
               “Well now that that’s been settled, I’m startin’ ta get a little tired of waitin’ for ya ta make a freakin’ move already.”
               Wait, what?
               “I’m sittin’ the’e and you two are oglin’ each otha’ and there’s all kinds’a tension but neitha’ o’ ya are doin’ anything and I can’t stand it anymore!
               Hold up, is he suggesting that Snake could possibly like me back?? No way.
               “And he ain’t gonna do nuttin’ cuz he’s too shy, so if you don’t hurry up an’ make a move I’m gonna do it for ya!”
               Snake? Shy? How cute.
               “Ya unde’stand, Light?” Ace’s piercing eyes bore into my soul with a commanding look while cigarette smoke blows out of his nostrils. If I wasn’t close friends with the guy, I’d be scared shitless.
               “Y-yeah yeah, I understand completely. But jeez Ace, you’re talking about the actual love of my life here. You know I have poor social skills, I have to muster up all my courage just to ask a stranger for directions! You think it’s gonna be easy for me to confess my undying love to someone as amazing as Snake?!”
               “Hey.” Ace claps a hand on my shoulder, shaking me a bit. “I neva’ sez it was gonna be easy. But anythin’s easia’ than sufferin’, right?”
               I chuckle. “I dunno man, I’ve been suffering in other areas for years already…”
               “Well we’s been sufferin’ every goddamn day of our lives.” He takes another drag at this statement. “But if there’s anythin’ we can do to take our minds off’a it, even for a bit, we’s gonna do it. An’ fo’ what it’s worth, we likes havin’ ya around, so we wouldn’t gets tired o’ ya too soon if ya dated one o’ us. Besides, Snake needs hisself a goilfriend.”
               He stands up, taking one last smoke before dropping the cigarette and stomping it out with his foot.
               “Damn, who knew you of all people could be so inspirational?” I shoot him a smirk as I hoist my own ass off the slab. He makes a face as he lets everything he just said to me sink in.
               “I sure as hell didn’t.”
               There’s a moment of silence, and then we both crack up laughing.
               “Ace, ya goof…” I chuckle, holding my stomach a bit.
               “Hey, I’m serious when I sez yous gotta go after Snake, got it?” He’s still laughing too.
               “Yeah yeah, I get’cha.” I’m a little less nervous about the whole ordeal now, knowing that Ace pretty much spat all his advice out without really thinking.  We head back to the shack, and enter to see pieces of the pizza box ripped and scattered all over the shack, with Snake and Grubber arm wrestling. Grubber has a look of concentration, while Snake’s face just looks pained.
               “Ow! Ssstop sssqueezing my hand ssso hard!”
               Grubber scowls and spits out something—did he just call Snake a wimp??
               “C’mon Snake, you can do it!” Arturo cheers.
               “Yeah, go Snake!” I join in. Meanwhile Billy throws some the torn pieces of the box up in the air like confetti.
               “I leave the shack for five minutes and dis is what I come back to??” Ace flicks a falling piece of the box away from his face in annoyance. I watch as Snake struggles to overpower Grubber. They both have rather flimsy-looking arms, but Grubber admittedly has more visible muscle. His bicep bulges as Snake’s arm shakes—jeez, I hope it doesn’t snap in half. Suddenly, Grubber gains more strength and slams Snake’s arm on the table.
               “Wooooooo!!” Billy cheers, stomping his feet and shaking the whole damn place.
               “Way to go, Grubber,” Arturo says, clapping slowly.
               “Aww, good try Snake.” I sit back down beside him as he shakes his hand.
               “That wasss a bad idea. My wrissst isss gonna hurt for daysss now.”
               “Oh I’m sure you’ll be alright soon,” I assure him.
               “Hey Snake?” Ace plops down in a chair next to me.
               “Yesss?” Snake says, blinking those big red eyes. Ace slaps my back.
               “Light here has somethin’ ta ask ya.”
               “What?!” Goddammit Ace, why are you throwing me into this so soon?!
               “I literally just told ya!”
               “I didn’t think you wanted me to do it right now!”
               “What did you sssay to her?” Snake sternly asks, crossing his arms.
               “Fine then, don’t do it,” Ace scoffs, turning his back to me and ignoring Snake’s question. Snake raises one of his thick eyebrows.
               “I am ssso confusssed…”
               “Oh it’s nothing,” I lie. “He’s just being an asshole.” Well, that part isn’t exactly a lie.
               “Typical.” Snake giggles a little and rolls his eyes.
               I hang out at the shack for about another hour or so, then I decide it’s getting a little late. I grab one last soda for the road and make my way out the door.
               “Seeya guys!” I say while smiling and waving my hand.
               “Yer really gonna up and leave just like that?” Ace asks. He’s glaring at me with an irritated expression. I feel my eyebrows curve upward.
               “C’mon now.” He crosses his arms and taps his foot.
               “Accce, quit ssscaring her,” Snake scold, hands on his hips. “Look at her, she’sss shaking.”
               I am? Fuck, that’s not good. I gotta get out of here. So I make a run for it. 
               When I’m outside of the dump, I stop to catch my breath. Way to go, me. I just made a goddamn fool out of myself. Snake was nice enough to stand up for me, and I didn’t even say thanks? What an idiot I am. Ace was right. I should’ve just worked up the courage to ask him out right then and there when I had the chance.
part two
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peace-like-a-river · 7 years
Thoughts I always have when I watch Season 6 of Glee
Noah Guthrie, Laura Dreyfuss, Billy Lewis Jr., and Samantha Ware could’ve totally been really beloved cast members if they’d been introduced a few seasons earlier. Noah has this INCREDIBLE voice and has released a couple albums, Laura Dreyfuss is in Dear Evan Hansen, idk what Billy Lewis Jr. is up to but he’s a great singer and he’s hot, and Samantha Ware is in Hamilton in Chicago. They were some of the more talented cast members to pass through that show. 
They ruined Tina in the last couple of seasons and it makes me so sad. 
Why did they decide to bring back Kitty and not Marly? No offense Becca Tobin, you’re talented and Kitty is cool I guess. But Melissa Benoist is a TREASURE. I guess she got SuperGirl though. So she’s doing alright.
The Hurt Locker is the WEIRDEST couple of episodes of television I have ever seen. 
How ARE all these alumni that are in college hanging around their high school so much? I mean, Puck’s in the air force. I know people in the air force, and right after they join, you don’t get to be home for, like, months. And he’s around constantly.
Why wasn’t QUINN of all people at the Brittana wedding? I mean those bitches were the Unholy Trinity. You expect me to believe she’d miss that wedding? Hell, Sugar Motta was there and she wasn’t. 
ALSO, why was Blaine’s mom at the Brittana wedding. She didn’t know her son was getting married when she got there. She was surprised when Kurt and Blaine walked down the aisle. She’s never been mentioned before, so why was she there in the first place? 
They also ruined Sue Sylvester. She used to just be a lovable villain, but she was straight up nutso by the end of the show.
You expect me to believe all those Dalton kids got sent to McKinley when their school unexpectedly burned down? You expect me to just take that SUPER convenient plot point as something that happened, rather than you didn’t have the energy to write more members for New Directions so they could compete?
Can the superintendent and school board really just turn a school into an arts high school? Shouldn’t there have to be like a district vote or something? Where did the kids that don’t want to perform go?
Is Will qualified to be a principal? Is he certified for that?
Is Sam really qualified to teach a Glee club? If it’s a performing arts high school, shouldn’t he need to be certified for that? 
So, what are Blaine and Kurt doing in 2020 exactly? Besides being fabulous and performing the first LGBTQ production of Who’s Afraid of Virginia Wolff and having a baby via Rachel’s womb. 
Honestly, not even mad Rachel ended up with Jesse St. James. If she couldn’t end up with Finn, he seems like the next best choice. 
 How the hell did Sue Sylvester become qualified to be our president? 
Hey look its that Matt kid from season 1!
But no Melissa Benoist. Maybe she’s pissed she got fired too. 
Also the kid that played Rory in season 3 isn’t here. Wonder where he is. 
Are Rory and Marly the only Glee club members not in the finale? That’s frustrating. 
Whatever brb crying. 
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