#i’m not a ficwriter
meggettes · 6 months
unironically more of you need to watch renegade nell because the quality of fanfic of this series would be amazing. there’s only 15 fics in there now but with your help—
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volixia669 · 1 year
OTW’s Legal Chair is Pro-AI and What That Means
traHoooooooo boy. Okay, so for those who don’t know, OTW shared in their little newsletter on May 6th an interview their legal chair did on AI.
Most people didn’t notice...Until a couple hours ago when I guess more high profile accounts caught wind and now every time I refresh the tweet that links the newsletter that’s another 10+ quote tweets.
The interview itself is short, was done in February, and...Has some gross stuff.
Essentially Betsy Rosenblatt agrees with Stability AI that its fair use, and believes that AI is “reading fanfic”.
To be EXTREMELY clear: Generative AI like ChatGPT is not sentient. No AI is sentient, and Generative AI are actually incredibly simple as far as AI goes. Generative AI cannot “read”, it cannot “comprehend” and it cannot “learn”.
In fact, all Generative AI can do is spit out an output created out of a dataset. Its output is reliant on there being variables for it to spit back out. Therefore, it cannot be separated from its dataset or its “training”.
Additionally, the techbros who make these things are profiting off them, are not actually transforming anything, and oh yeah, are stealing people’s private data in order to make these datasets.
All this to say: Betsy Rosenblatt does not actually understand AI, has presumably fallen for the marketing behind Generative AI, and is not fit to legally fight for fic writers.
So what does this mean? Well, don’t delete your accounts just yet. This is just one person, belonging to a nonprofit that supposedly listens to its users. There’s a huge backlash on social media right now because yeah, people are pissed. Which is good.
We should absolutely use social media to be clear about our stances. To tell @transformativeworks that we are not okay with tech bros profiting off our fanworks, and their legal team should be fighting back against those who have already scraped our fanworks rather than lauding a program for doing things its incapable of doing.
I have fanfic up on Ao3. I have fanfic I’m working on that I’d love to put there too. But I cannot if it turns out the one safe haven for ficwriters is A-Okay with random people stealing our work and profiting off of it.
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drpoisonoaky · 10 days
I don't know if you're still taking fic prompts, but in case you are: you know the concept of everyone thinking Azula is the eldest sibling? So, Katara's crushing hard on Azula and thinking that Azula would never be interested in her – and that she really shouldn't anyways, with the age difference. Azula can be genuinely offended and Zuko's having the laugh of his life when Katara says something like "isn't she 20 of something?"
Any setting is fine, like, post-canon or modern or whatever AU you think it'd work better.
(I could write it but you're my favorite Azutara ficwriter so...)
- @blorboazula
Hii @blorboazula! I’m always open to take fic prompts, so thank you! Also thanks for saying I’m your fav azutara ficwriter I love how you write so it’s even a bigger compliment 🥺
Love the idea, especially Katara crushing hard on Azula plus I'm not a big fan of ships with a big age gap, so I could play a lot with that.
Anyways I hope you like it, i definitely had fun writing it!!
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pedrorascal · 9 months
Dear Ficwriters,
Those who know me in the fandom know full well I’m your #1 cheerleader being a fanfiction lover myself, so please don’t take this the wrong way, but pleasepleaseplease credit gifmakers whenever you use their creations ♥️ The gif searching function on tumblr is a super easy way to credit the original creator and if you’re not sure how to use it, I’m more than happy to explain it to you in my DMs! (Also this is a great tutorial)
This also goes for screenshots - I’ve recognized screenshots of my gifs without giving me credit in banners/moodboards/etc multiple occasions because I had been staring at my own gif for a ridiculously long time while coloring it (compare gifmakers’ gifs to the original material, you’ll see the huge difference - probably that’s why you decided to use the gif as the source in the first place) and when the original colors are extra fucked up I manipulate them according to my taste to make the scene look prettier.
I’m extra saddened to see that because I’ve said multiple times that I’m always excited and honoured when a writer asks me to edit something for their fanfiction, could be a banner or a gifset, or really, anything.
If you have one takeaway from this post, please remember to ask for permission from the creator if you want to use a screenshot of their work, and please know that my requests are open if you want something made for you specifically ♥️
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yasosumenyayebut · 11 months
hello! I need help. I decided to abandon my visual novel about The Beatles because I realized that I’m a bad writer and I haven’t been able to fully write out the plot for a whole year
but... I want to write visual novel, I don't want to give up this idea. and so I decided to start it over again. I want to write a McLennon vn again with the idea and plot of someone else's fanfic. the author will ofc participate in the process, everything is fair! dear ficwriters, offer me your ideas. even if you are not a ficwriter, you can send me a link to some fanfic and I will write to the author myself!
1. the fanfic must be canon, that is, with an original setting (not an alternative universe)
2. language and rating do not matter
3. you need a plot and long development. fanfic shouldn't be short
4. it must be McLennon
5. fanfic must be finished
thank you for your attention!
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mr-and-mr-pendragon · 11 months
I’m sorry to ask, but is something happening with the Arthur/Merlin family on tumbler? Each morning I wake up looking for the latest post. Recently, 1 of my most faithful daily sites just disappeared. The rest have reduced from several daily posts to once in a while. I joined someone called ArthurDaily who was posting daily, and they disappeared one week ago. Maybe I’m just too thirsty. Everyone has holidays/work/troubles/life, but I’m running out of options for my happy fix. Any suggestions?
And thank you for continuing to post beautiful images and stories.
We're an old fandom, there's no new content to generate lots of posts. Despite that, from time to time we flare up and the talented gifmakers, ficwriters, meme enjoyers and commenters come together to share our love for bbc merlin. Usually when a new film comes out with one of the lead actors, or there's some insane hellsite reason to make the tag trend.
There's not a lot of purely merlin blogs now, but I recommend following these people, their online presence makes me happy :3 (a few off the top of my head)
@brolinskeep @cabbageheadss @dollopheadsandclotpoles @freylins @merthurapologist @thatgaywizardoverthere
also binge watch the other works of beloved merlin actors. watch damien with bradley & humans with colin, and cry with me over them having been cancelled. especially humans. damn, that was a great series and it had colin moaning on the bed as he was charging or some shit lol
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oceans-swim · 5 months
“Are you seeing what I’m seeing? With Edwin and astrology boy?” Crystal was like a very persistent dog chasing a bone. It would have been endearing in any other circumstance, but Niko was tired, her eyes kept catching on Crystal’s nose piercing and the shape of her mouth was taking on a new meaning. She cast for any slight change in topic.
ficwriting is going well
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joltning · 5 months
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ok I’m over s19 back to the old ball and chain (ficwriting
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thewhitemaplewrites · 6 months
the information post:
hello deer friends! let me introduce myself :)
my name is white maple, I’m a ficwriter on ao3 and ficbook! I’ve seen a lots of fandoms that makes me feel some of inspiration! it includes:
1. Hazbin Hotel (alvox, radiostatic)
2. Dream SMP (wilbur/quackity, tntduo)
3. Amphibia (sasha/ann)
4. Honkai impact 3rd (Kiana/fu hua, mei/elisya)
5. eddsworld (tomtord)
I know more than it, but it’s my favorite fandoms! im sure you’ll like my works!
if we are talking about me, I’d say that my real name is alex, I’m 21 and eng is not my native language, so sorry for future mistakes in my speech ;) always open to suggestions or discussions!
my social media:
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(art by MITA)
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studiesof-fandom · 11 months
hey! this is a method question more than anything, but i wondered whether you would have any advice re tackling how a researcher should approach ‘selecting’ sources (specifically fanfiction) in an instance where there are too many texts for a researcher to realistically read. i appreciate it depends on what you are looking for, but if you have any theories or research that discusses how to manage volume and gauge significance - and even just advice on how best to track and log notes on whats been read - I’d really appreciate it!! thanks so much
This is a very difficult question, because I didn’t quite understand if you’re asking me about how to select fic (as in the story) for you to analyze and study or to find theoretical texts about fanfiction that fits your research. I’ll answer both because I have enough knowledge to do that.
If it’s about selecting fics - you need to choose the ones that fit your research. Personal advice: stick to the ones you really like because you’re going to deal with them for a long period of time. For example, let’s say I have to write a research paper about omegaverse (pls keep in mind I study literature) and I want to explore the diversity that omegaverse can be presented by ficwriters. I’ll pick 5 different fics that I really like - it can be different from fandoms and feature different couples because you’re working with the theme omegaverse and not a ship itself, for example. Then, I’ll show how in which one of them the omegaverse works - the differences, the similarities, etc. The biggest mistake you can make, in my opinion, is to choose the fic first and then choose what you want to research. Sometimes our connection with a story is very deep, but it doesn’t mean that the fic has enough material for you to analyze depending on your topic of research. Seriously, choosing a fic is all about what you read and enjoy and if you can pick the things you can get to do your research. As I have no idea what you’re researching, I can’t help much, sorry! 
Ok, I just realized you didn’t specify if you were researching specific fics or like a whole genre/theme of fics. If it’s the first, then what I say applies, but if it’s the second, disregard that. I don’t have any experience researching a large amount of data aka quantitative research. I can suggest two books for you to read about it that I believe it’s trustworthy: Quantitative Methodologies using Multi-Methods and Analyzing Media Messages.
It seems to me, from what you’re asking, is that you’re lost dealing with doing research itself. My advice is to read about academic research. Those are books from trustworthy publishing houses that might help you:
Doing Academic Research (Routledge)
A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations (This one is really popular)
Evaluating Research in Academic Journals
Doing Academic Research (Cambridge)
I found this Research and Publications Planner: The Graduate Student's Guide to Publishing Academic Research - reading the reviews it seems to be a notebook that helps you organize your research and keep track of things. 
About the organization of your research: it’s very personal. The way I keep track of mine is like this. I have a folder for my research  in my Google Drive and I created a few separated folders within it. I’ll give you an example: how I deal with the references I use in my research and the theoretical foundation. First, I separated by topic, in my case is autoethnography (the methodology of my research), fanfiction (the academics texts I use to talk about fic that aligns with my perception) and creative writing (it’s a topic I might touch in my research but I’m not sure yet). Then, I pick the articles and books - for you to do this you’ll need to start with the forefathers and foremothers of the field. Any research on google will tell you who are the leading researchers in whatever field you’re working on. Usually when I’m reading the academic texts, I create a doc and copy and paste the bits I find relevant for me, taking notes of the page and chapter so I can put it in my references later. 
As it seems you’re studying fanfiction here are the authors you have to know for doing an incredible work for fanfiction: Henry Jenkins, Sara Gwenllian Jones, Kristina Busse, Karen Hellekson, Abigail Derecho, Francesca Coppa, Louisa Ellen Stein, Judith Fathallah, Anne Jamison and Ika Willis.
Recs about theoretical texts related to fic as a genre:
A Fan Studies Primer
In Fan Fiction and Fan Communities in the Age of the Internet you can find those two texts: Archontic Literature and Writing Bodies in Space
Fic: Why Fanfiction Is Taking Over the World 
Introduction of The Fanfiction Reader
Framing Fan Fiction 
The Fan Fiction Studies Reader
If you want to talk to me, send me an email to [email protected]. I hope I helped a bit!
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danisnotmyname · 6 months
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I feel bad because I don’t know exactly what’s happened to me when replying comments used to make me so happy, like, refresh-page-every-minute-to-check-if-there’s-new-comment kind of happy. I love reading them, but I don’t know where my motivation to respond went.
It’s not that I feel burnout, since, I can do fics and I enjoy writing stories. So now I’m frustrated that I’m still not feeling it to reply, and I feel guilty for not feeling guilty because my readers are all super patient and nice and kind, I know they won’t mind and would like me to take all the time I need.
Is this some sort of mid-ficwriting-life crisis? Then I need an affair with other habits to keep this marriage fresh lol.
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marigoldwriter · 4 months
I agree with ur post but I think that with the scope of the lore and various types of media in MLOM, taking on such an expansive history might be daunting for some fans? And I think that’s the case for most genre tv in general. There are huge fandoms about sci-fi and fantasy shows but many of those are old or have more approachable stories? And in the case Cate/May specifically, wlw ships tend to be the least popular (especially on ao3–f/f pairings just broke 1 million fics) and with a show with two potential straight ships they’re always going to come last. I rarely see this change unless the wlw ship is the main or only relationship or the show is gay in general. But yeah I’m with you there absolutely needs to be more stories and creations and I’m definitely trying to add to it because I’ve read all 10 fics multiple times and I need more lol
In this regard you are right! It makes me very sad, but it's true that f/f ships are more undervalued compared to ANY other ship. I wish there were more people willing to take on making long stories, I personally love it (I'm even working on one from the monsterverse, I just don't know how it will be received). The fact that there are various medias, fantasy, dystopia, sci-fi, in MLOM really makes the work a little harder, it’s a, relatively, large fandom but thanks to the plots's package, which aren't just from MLOM but from the other Legendary Pictures's films also because they all coexist, it makes everything more complicated. Yea, you know, I just think that there should be more domestic fluff Cate/May fics, it's a ship with good potential (their rushed development is not one of those), and that the few fanfics in Ao3 page, for me, a ficwriter, is a waste of ideas for subplots and plot-twists, geez, there are so many possibilities!! Maybe it's just me who gets frustrated with how broad the monsterverse is, but how small some people write about it -_- and yes, I've also read and reread those 10 fanfics more than a thousand times, my favorite is: "between the desert sun and the arctic moon (let this love bloom)” by sataninacape, I definitely needed another one of these, just with them outside of Axis Mundi.
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caviar-of-course · 11 days
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Hi, I’m Caviar, ru/eng ficwriter and somewhat of an artist. For the most part I’ll be posting my art, but I'll try to translate my writing as well. English is not my native language, so it may not be the easiest task for me.
Oh, and I also don't know how tumblr works. What a tragedy.
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Look for me on Twitter (the same), VK (the same, but in Russian), Ficbook, Telegram (shitpost)
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ohmypreciousgirl · 1 year
My dear Kimchay ficwriters, 
I invite you to participate in my undergrad research which is me analyzing my creative process of writing a kimchay oneshot. The research consists in an autoethnography which is “a research method that uses personal experience to describe and interpret cultural texts, experiences, beliefs, and practices”. However, for me to do this in a satisfactory way I need to have other people's experiences to contrast with my own. I’m just accepting Kimchay ficwriters because I want everyone involved to have the same basic background: obsessed with Kimchay and write fics about them.
To participate in the research, you need to become part of the discord server ‘kimchay ficwriters group’ and interact with me and the rest of the group. We have three main channels: 
Question and Answers: As the research moves forward, I’ll post questions for you to answer. As we just started, there’s no questions yet.
Discussion Zone: every few days we’ll have rounds of discussions about different topics related to fanfiction (writing process, outlines, tropes, squicks, etc) and kimchay (characterization, headcanons, interesting plots, things you want to explore or would like to read about, etc).
Thesis Fic: There are 9 threads and, in each thread, there’s a scene from the fic I’ll write about in my research. This is the part, the participants give me feedback about the story. I need honesty because the whole point is for me to write about the struggles and feelings that might arise while writing fic. 
How the information will be handled: I won’t reveal any kind of personal/sensitive information about the participants, only your AO3 username (or Wattpad username, if that’s the platform you use). However, I might use a lot of excerpts from our conversations, which is expected if you agreed to be part of my group research. Keep in mind, if you accept it this is a commitment, because I really need your help to develop my research. It’s something you need to give your attention at least once a week for a certain amount of time. That also means you’ll have to read my writing, so if you don’t know my writing style and want to read before committing to anything, you can go over my AO3 and read one of my fics. 
If you want to participate, send me an ask or a DM and I’ll send you the invitation for the discord server. If you know any Kimchay ficwriter that might be interested in participating, send this post to them!
Thanks, everyone!
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olderthannetfic · 9 months
Happy New Year! 🎉
I wonder if you can help a ficwriter with her new year’s resolution.
I have several completed longfics, including two novel-length ones, and I’ve been analyzing my writing to try to work on the things stopping me from writing more and faster (that’s the resolution!)
And my problem seems to be at the scene level. (I’m fine with plotting out the story, making clear scene lists, keeping track of movements, moods and motivations, and with spag & vocab choice). I can never decide when a scene is enough.
E.g., a chase scene. Should I set it at night, to be more dramatic? In a storm? In winter? Throw in some wolves/cops/aliens/whatever applicable? Is one narrow escape from the pursuit enough? Should the pursued bleed somewhere? Should I slap on some appropriate symbolism of some sort? Etc.
I think I do this because I know from experience that a good technical execution can turn even a very plain scene (getting from A to B type of scene, for example) into an engaging one.
So I'd be grateful for some words of wisdom as to how to stop doing that and start trusting myself with scenes like I do with the other aspects of writing longfic that I listed above.
Hmm... I think I would focus on getting through a draft and then handing the project off to a second set of eyes while giving yourself some time away from it.
The real question here is "Does this make the audience feel enough?" and you can only answer that with a bit of distance.
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crestfallercanyon · 9 months
AO3 wrapped: 7, 15, 29.
P.S. And thank you for the 2023 fics! And the others too :D
Ahhhh thank you for the ask! And also of course ❤️
7. If you use song lyrics, which artist’s songs did you pull from the most?
I kind of have to give that credit to The Japanese House because without the song Touching Yourself I quite literally would still probably be trying to finish my explicit thomally fic, so I’ve gotta give the credit where the credit is due. Also I love The Japanese House SO much. (The Morning Pages is also so good)
Other than that? It’s a toss-up between Matt Maeson (Mr. Rattlebone in particular) and RKS (it’s called: freefall and Drop Stop and Roll) (Paris Paloma also does a great cover of it’s called: freefall)
15. What WIP am I taking into next year with me?
Well, the holidays have put a delay on truly finishing publishing get better, so I’ll be taking that one.
Along with that, I am working on a Conflicts of Interest spin off that I want to get published next year. I also really would love to get back to Shiva, and have actually been handwriting it to get out of the block and force me to see it before my eyes.
I have a couple of other WIPs too that haven’t seen the light of AO3’s pages that I’m about 10,000 words into on both. We shall see when it comes to those two. 👀 in short — I have a lot and will likely continue to do so.
29. Favorite passage I wrote this year?
This is SUCH a hard question. I’m going to cheat because I have a couple and I can’t choose 😂😅
No, Gally’s words for Thomas were creative and sure, always had a way of hooking themselves over Thomas’s ribs and locking down. If someone cracked Thomas open right now, his inside would be glittering with padlocks, claims that he didn’t even know Gally was laying. Claims he didn’t think Gally realized he was laying, either.
From: Something Like Sentiment
Because Ian doesn’t hurt him when he should. Doesn’t get back at him when he can. Doesn’t want to hurt him at all, when it comes down to it. What is Mickey supposed to do with a boy like that?
From: it’d be better if you flayed me alive
“We keep a piece of all the monsters we survive,” Derek says quietly. “If this meant that we became them, then there’d be no good people left.”
From: Of All My Crimes
Thank you so so much for asking!! Always fun to have a chance to talk about ficwriting and reflect on the year. All questions are from AO3 wrapped [writer’s edition]
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