#i’m not crazy right like that’s MEAN right???
verstappenverse · 2 days
Revved Up
Pairing: Max Verstappen x Reader
Summary: Max grows jealous after your Instagram post attracts unwanted attention, including from an ex.
Authors Note: Do I actually believe Max posts on his own instagram these days... let alone would post with a 'scandalous' caption...no? but this is fiction so it's all good 😂
1.4k words / Masterlist
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Max was sitting on the plush leather couch in your shared Monaco apartment, flipping through TV channels with all the enthusiasm of a man waiting for a commercial break. He glanced at the large floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking the stunning Mediterranean view, but even that wasn’t enough to distract him. It wasn’t the usual race strategy or upcoming practice sessions that had him restless—it was something far more personal.
More specifically the photo you had posted on Instagram earlier that day, a simple mirror selfie, a little scandalous but nothing crazy. You looked radiant, sure, but that was normal for you. You were always beautiful to him. What had caught his eye was the flood of comments, the notifications popping up every few seconds as he scrolled through your post.
As he scrolled eyes narrowing as the likes kept ticking upwards. Then he saw it.
Your ex.
The guy who clearly hadn’t gotten the memo that you were Max Verstappen’s girlfriend, because clearly he didn't see an issue with leaving a flirty comment that set Max’s nerves on edge.
'Looking gorgeous as always' it read, with an obnoxious little winking emoji at the end.
Max’s fingers tightened around the remote as the thought of some guy—especially your ex—thinking he had any right to compliment you in that way made his blood boil. You were his. The world knew it, but apparently some people needed reminding.
He didn’t say anything when you had walked into the living room earlier, cheerfully oblivious to his growing annoyance. Instead he had kept quiet, but now it was simmering just under the surface. Jealousy wasn’t a feeling Max was used to; on the track he was calm, confident, but when it came to you, his cool, collected exterior faltered. Especially when some idiot tried to act like he still had a chance.
You entered the room now wearing a loose sweatshirt and leggings, a casual look that contrasted with the glamorous image you had posted earlier. Max glanced at you his jaw tightening, you could sense something was off.
“Max, is everything okay?” you asked, tilting your head as you grabbed your phone from the counter. You didn’t even have to unlock it before he spoke.
“That picture,” he said abruptly, his Dutch accent thicker than usual, which tend to only happened when his emotions were running high. His fingers tapped on the arm of the couch in an impatient rhythm.
You furrowed your brow. “What about it?”
He leaned back, crossing his arms over his chest and you could see the tension in his posture. “Your ex commented on it.”
“Oh,” you said, blinking in surprise. You hadn’t noticed.“I didn’t even see that.”
Max didn’t like the idea of you looking at that idiot’s comment again, but you opened the app and scrolled down anyway finding the offending message almost immediately.
You rolled your eyes and let out a light laugh. “Seriously? He’s such a loser. I haven’t talked to him in forever.”
Max didn’t seem to find it as amusing as you did. His frown deepened. “Yeah, well, he still thinks he can leave comments like that. Like I’m not here.”
You couldn’t help but smirk at his grumpy tone. “What, are you jealous?”
His reaction was immediate. “Jealous? Me? No...” He paused. “I mean... you know how many people liked that picture?”
You raised an eyebrow, amused by how serious he looked. “Max, it’s just Instagram I think the point is to like pictures," you laughed but his expression didn't change ,"Max come on it’s not a big deal.”
“Not a big deal?” he repeated, his voice rising slightly, though he still sounded more irritated than actually angry. “Everyone’s drooling over you in the comments. And then there’s him.”
You couldn't help chuckling again and slid onto the couch next to him, pressing your hand against his knee. “Are you worried someone’s going to steal me away?”
He gave you a look, his lips twitching upwards at the edges, betraying the smallest hint of a smile. “You’re impossible.”
“And you’re being ridiculous.” You leaned closer, brushing your lips against his cheek.
Max sighed dramatically throwing his head back against the cushions. “Maybe I should just post a picture with you, remind people who you belong to.”
“Oh, who I belong to?” you teased, poking him playfully in the ribs. “That sounds a little possessive.”
There was a teasing glint in his eye now, but you could still feel the underlying jealousy. “Can you blame me?”
You bit your lip to keep from laughing, enjoying how worked up he was getting over something so trivial. Seeing him this riled up over some stupid comment was kind of… adorable. You kind of loved when he got all possessive, even if he wouldn’t admit it outright.
“No, I guess I can’t blame you,” you admitted, leaning your head on his shoulder. “But you know I don’t care about those comments, right? Especially not from my ex. I didn’t even notice it.”
“Maybe you should block him,” Max muttered back to sounding grumpy.
You laughed again, unable to stop yourself. “Max, it’s fine, if it’ll make you feel better of course I’ll block him. But I need you to know I never think about him.”
He softened a little at that, his arm instinctively wrapping around your shoulders. “You better not.”
You smiled, nuzzling into him the warmth of his body calming. “Besides, none of those guys commenting are Max Verstappen now are they?”
“Exactly,” Max said, and there was that cocky smile you loved so much. The mood lightened as his fingers brushed through your hair. “None of them stand a chance.”
You grinned up at him. “And neither does my ex, so you can relax.”
He seemed to settle after that, his hand lazily stroking your arm as the tension eased out of his shoulders. “Good. But still…”
“Still what?”
“I think I should post a picture with you. Just to make sure everyone knows.”
You snorted. “You just want an excuse to show off.”
“Can you blame me?” he repeated, his eyes glinting with mischief as he reached for his phone. “Come on, one picture. Let me remind everyone you’re mine.”
You rolled your eyes, but a smile tugged at your lips. “Fine. Just one.”
Max scrolled through his phone finding the perfect shot of you two together arms wrapped around each other, he quickly typed out a caption and hit ‘post.’ Not long after, your phone buzzed with notifications. His fans were quick, already liking and commenting on the post.
You glanced at it over his shoulder, chuckling at the caption: Just a reminder—she’s mine.
“Oh my God Max,” you groaned playfully. “You’re ridiculous.”
He shrugged, completely unbothered. “What? It’s true.”
You laughed and shook your head, leaning into him once more. “You really are something.”
“I know,” he said, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. “And don’t forget it.”
The rest of the evening passed in a much lighter mood. The TV hummed in the background, but neither of you paid much attention to it. Instead, you spent the time teasing Max about his jealous streak, much to his dismay.
“You know, I never thought I’d see the day when Max Verstappen got jealous over a social media comment,” you teased, curling up beside him on the couch.
He rolled his eyes, a playful smirk on his lips. “I’m not jealous. I’m just… protective.”
“Sure, that’s what we’ll call it.”
“Okay, fine. Maybe I was a little jealous,” he admitted, pulling you closer. “You’re kind of amazing.”
You beamed up at him, feeling a rush of warmth at his words. “Well, good thing I’m all yours, huh?”
“Good thing,” he agreed, leaning down to kiss you, slow and sweet. When he pulled away, he added kiddingly “What about, no more selfies without me in them.”
You laughed and nudged him playfully. “We’ll see about that.”
But deep down, you didn’t mind the way Max was with you. The way he got protective, a little possessive, and sometimes even a little jealous. Max was known as a fierce competitor on the track, but when it came to you, his heart felt just as fierce. And you wouldn’t have it any other way.
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lovrsm · 3 days
sum: Ferraris golden boy moves over to RedBull Racing Team.
Daughter of the CEO of Red Bull, you’ve grown to love racing, and in the way making new friends. Even if you felt like your world was falling apart, even when you denied it, he was the only one you needed. And there was absolutely nothing that could change his mind about your beautiful self, the way he loves you.
word count:idk, prb 2k
pairing: rb!charles leclerc x horner!reader
warnings: name calling, alcohol, smut f! receiving, first time writing real horny shit!
a/n: sorry for the long intro, I swear it’s worth it😔✋ LOOOL, I WROTE THIS LIKE A YEAR AGOO, and I rlly wanted to clear up my drafts but this is too good to not come out. Yet idk if I have any mistakes, if I do let me know!! Also, checo acting as a dad (#IloveCheco)
Spotify - Apple Music
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“and I break down, then he’s pullin’ me in In a world of boys, he’s a gentleman”
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Clink, clink, that’s what our champagne glasses sounded like together.
“Congratulations, what a wonderful year. It’s been a pleasure being with all of you.” Sergio, Checo Perez, made a brief goodbye to your team.
He was leaving Red Bull. Everyone here loved him, and loves him, including yourself. He became quickly your family after seeing him every day for more than 3 years.
“We will miss you” your dad palms his back, making Checo break a smile.
“It isn’t the end yet, you know that boss.” He laughed.
His reasons? Family, everything for him, he couldn’t bare leaving them anymore alone, so he decided after, several years, to leave formula 1. After helping Max to win his championships, he is a fucking legend.
“Well, I won’t leave you alone, I will still drag you everywhere, you know? Even after you leave.” Max and Checo have developed a very special bond, even if social media said otherwise.
“We, wont leave you alone, you still owe me those therapy sessions” I winked at him, he became a very big emotional support for me, believe it or not, he’s got some great advice to give.
“Lovely dinner” I took a picture of all of us with my camera, a goodbye dinner for Checo, and tomorrow, all of the world would see this on the newspaper.
“I really don’t know what to do, do you know how many drivers have reached us out in the last 2 hours? I mean, I have a few options but they keep giving me more reasons and… I just don’t know.” My dad was stressed, typing in his computer as if his life depended on it.
“It’s going to be alright, okey? You don’t necessarily need to worry about it right now, we still have a championship to win, you know?” I gave him a cup of tea, just so he could relax a bit.
When something is about work, everything else doesn’t matter. At all.
“We’ll watch your options, alright? I can help you with anything you want” I smiled at him.
“When did you became such a great business woman?”
“You’re my father, of course I’m hardworking.”
“Red Bull did it again, Max Verstappen and Sergio Perez, world champion and sub-champion!”
Screams from Max and Checo blasted my ears, P1 and P2, again. Absolutely no mistakes. The internet going crazy. And somehow it all became quiet.
“Who will get that Red Bull seat next year? Will he be a fit to Sergio Perez place?”
Everyone went outside to celebrate, while I stayed so I could hear the TV and media.
what do people want?
“Ferrari didn’t have a great year, let’s hope they both get a better car”
“I agree! Great drivers, such a shame Ferrari has been getting worse every year. What a waste of talent.” The other interviewer said.
Charles Leclerc and Carlos Sainz appeared in the screen. Both with an obvious forced smile plastered in their faces.
Charles, my secret crush ever since… forever. Was I obvious? Not a single soul knew, well, except him.
Charles Leclerc signed in RedBull that was the only thing appearing on my feed right now . Red bull? Bullshit, you mean? What kind of a big lie is that?
Internet was filled with Charles leaving Ferrari for RedBull.
In what twisted universe does that even happen?
I later learned, I am living in that twisted world, and I discovered the great news in social media, and not my own team.
“What do you mean Charles Leclerc, dad? Why wasn’t I even informed about this. Wait, hold on, when did it even crossed your mind?!” I was dignified.
Following around the kitchen.
“I didn’t have to, oh, I do think I need to tell you this, he’s coming to dinner tonight so wear something nice.”
Wear something nice.
Thanks dad, as always, you’re so, so great.
Night time came sooner than expected, if my dad hosts a dinner, even if there’s a million, or just one person coming over, he likes to be extra.
Almost time, 8:00 and it is 7:50, all that was missing was the dress. It was placed on my bed. Showing all of it’s beauty.
Navy blue, our color. It was my dream dress.
Light, silky and fancy dress.
I walked downstairs, watching people running and arranging everything, doing just the final touches.
I’ve come to learn, that people arrive late, or just in time. Never earlier.
“Ah, what a beautiful young woman I have here!” Geri, my father’s wife came to greet me.
“You look amazing, I knew that dress would be perfect for you!”
“Geri, you are amazing, seriously. Thank you, and look at you! We both look gorgeous.” I smiled at her and we linked arms, she and I were walking towards the garden, where would be the dinner.
Some big, round, wooden tables were set in the middle. Each seat would have a name, decorated with a white flower in the middle of the plate.
It was easy to find my place. I was at the biggest one of all, where the most important people of this night would be seated.
Lucky for me, his name was right next to my plate.
In a matter of seconds, people started to arrive, old friends, and new faces passed through those doors.
This will be a great night.
“Funny to find you here, it’s been some time since I last saw you…” I rolled my eyes, I (sadly) recognized that voice anywhere.
“Go away Mike.” I grabbed my wine glass and took a big sip out of it. “C’mon princess, where are your manners?” He got too close to me.
“Hey y/n! Your dad was looking for you, like right now.” Max Verstappen here to save my day.
“Oooh that’s unfortunate, I’m so so so sorry Mike, hope to see you later!” I waved him off and quickly moved towards Max who then friendly linked his arm with mine.
“I owe you one.” I sighed. “You owe me much more than 1, little one.” I laughed at him.
We got close to my father, who now had a microphone at his hand.
“Hello everyone, thank you for coming here and be with us tonight. A toast for Checo here!” He announced and a light was shining on Checo, standing from his seat.
“It has been a wonderful year, sadly it has to end. And I know I’m not the first to tell you that an incredible young talent will be joining us for next season.”
There he was. Navy suit with our logo on him. His hair was messy yet perfectly placed. He showed his dimples and I’m sure I heard someone behind me moan at his sight.
My heart rate was increasing slowly but surely.
“y/n, you’re going to squeeze all my blood from my arm. Stop.” Max whispered in my ear.
Shit. I basically dug my nails into his arm due to my tiny crush.
“Yeah, It’s amazing to know that I’m to race with RedBull next year. I hope we can achieve everything we’ve dreamed of. Looking forward to race with my lifetime partner, Max here.”
Now the light was on Max and me. I discreetly let go of max so that he could have the spotlight. As Max waved I looked back at Charles.
The dimples in his face showed even more, he was looking at me too.
“I can’t wait to work with these wonderful people, and I hope we have a great year to remember, thank you and enjoy this night!” He raised his glass and so did all.
“Well, I hope we don’t have any inchidents” Max laughed at his own joke. Dad joke I must say.
“Well If you don’t push me off the track I think we’ll be just fine” his voice gave me chills. I felt his chest on my back.
I wasn’t strong enough to turn around.
“Oh, shoot, you hear that? I think P is calling me!”
“No, Max-” I tried to stop him.
Around Charles, I barely have control over myself.
“Uh-huh, yeah that’s P, she wants to go to the bathroom, and she needs food, ok have a great night bye!” He rushed to god knows where.
“You really don’t want to be with me, do you?” He whispered on my ear. Feeling the heat of his breath.
“Why wouldn’t I? You are such a lovely company, mr Leclerc.” I gathered the strength and turned around, and his beautiful green eyes shined at me, making me blush.
“Look at you, could you get any more beautiful?”
He lowered so he could whisper again. “I’ve missed you” I looked around real quick, thankfully Max took everyone’s attention on the other side of the place.
“Not here, Charles.” I whimpered.
“Yes here, I can finally be with you, do you think I would waste any more time pretending to not love you? If you do, let me tell you, you are completely wrong.”
He kept whispering, his hands slowly finding his way to my hips. And mine to his collarbone.
“It’s not even 9pm, Leclerc, this party hasn’t even started” I fighted against my own will to drag him upstairs.
“You know I’ll wait, just for you.” He winked at me, before slowly letting me go and walking away.
“You’re not coming, mon coeur?” Charles turned around to look at me. “If you insist.” I happily walked by his side.
We walked and talked for a few minutes before Mike magically appeared before us.
“Oh not even 5 seconds and you are already like a slut with the new driver” He looked at me with a disgusted face.
“Excuse her? Don’t tall to her like that. Do we even know you?” Charles used a very cold tone on him. And Mike started to stumble on his word.
“Uhm, no, she does, like I was something to her-”
“Was, that’s a key word, pal. Don’t you ever talk to her, no, don’t you ever talk to any woman that way do you understand?”
Now, I can defend myself just fine, but that right there soaked my pants in an unexplainable way.
“Get out of our sight, man.” And he crawled away.
“That was hot.” I whispered and he blushed. “Your mother did raise a gentleman.” I smiled at him and he gave me a cheek kiss.
Lost on the moonlit pool, drinking my… 11th (?) glass of wine at 1 in the morning while everyone was still dancing, was weird.
My feet swinging as I drink the last drop of my glass.
I went on a side quest myself just to get distracted for a bit. All the noise was going to hurt my ears if I stayed any longer.
“Here you are, you got lost?” He sat down at my side. Didn’t have to look, his thick accent gave him away immediately.
I took a long breath and rested my head on his shoulder . “Yes, Charles, I’m going to get lost in my own house.” I felt him move beside me. He then had his feet in the pool, just as I did.
I smiled to myself.
“Has anyone told you just how beautiful you look today?”
“You have, more than once.”
“I couldn’t let that slip, you do look beautiful with that dress. It suits you just perfectly.”
He paused.
“But I bet you’d look much better without it.”
I nervously chuckled at his comment.
“You haven’t talked to me in ages, you came back being a driver for my father, and now you want to have sex? Why don’t you already make me your wife?!” I dramatically fell into his arms
“Ages? I talked to you last week!” He showed his teeth to me in a smile. “That was a long time ago! Besides, you never told me about you and RedBull.” I sit straight up again.
“I needed your dad to love me one way or another. How else am I going to get him to approve of our marriage?” He joked.
“You are unbelievable Leclerc.” I stood up, and grabbed my high-heels on my hand, walking back to the party barefoot.
I surrounded part of the pool, my dad wanted to add a bar right beside it, and it was freshly cemented.
He quickly copied my moves, but instead, he went on a straight line to me, and in a step he covered his feet in cement, falling down and thankfully placing his hands before getting worse.
“Shit!” I ran back to help him. I stupidly placed my hand in the cement, the other helping Charles to get up.
“Look, we made a masterpiece! Your handprints and mine in wet cement.”
“And your feet.” I laughed
“And my feet… I really need to wash this off before it gets dry.” I grabbed his hand and he followed my lead.
If my dad sees that I’m getting his new driver to my room…
We rushed through the multitude of people on the garden.
“Ooh we’re going to your bedroom, can’t remember what happened last time there…” he whispered shouted as we were running up the stairs.
I jokingly rolled my eyes at him. We were giggling like children. He kept making dirty jokes and as much as I tried to control myself I’d end up giggling much more.
We got there quicker than I thought. With my clean hand I closed the door and he was already in my bathroom washing his hands, and feet with water. I ran to his side and did the same with my left hand.
“I’m done” I announced and got out of the bathroom. Deciding to do a touch up for my makeup, thankfully nothing was much out of place, but my lipstick faded.
I slowly applied it looking in the mirror, and through it I saw a curious Charles looking at me. “Why do you even apply lipstick?” He slowly walked towards me.
I took my sweet time spreading the color on my lips.
“Cause we are going back, party is not over.”
“But we don’t need to.” He grabbed me by the waist and turned me around to look at him and he swiftly placed me on the desk. A smirk plastered on his face, as he slowly got on his knees.
He got to his knees, not breaking eye contact with me.
“You know that if you say no, I won’t do anything. But I’m not hearing those words, am I?” He lifted my dress planted wet kisses on my inner thighs, getting closer to my sweet spot. “You’re so fucking wet”.
“They will know we’re gone” I nervously whispered. He looked into my eyes and stopped, his hot breath making me squirm. “That isn’t a no.” He stood his ground.
And I’m not saying “do it anyway”, but we both know he is going to.
I didn’t even have a chance to think about the cons, his tongue was already doing its job.My legs were closing due to the pleasure, but his strong arms kept them wide open while he drew circles with his thumbs.
“Charles…” he hummed in response, sending me shivers all the way up. He kept licking my folds and as I looked down, he had his shiny green eyes looking at me. A hint of darkness in them that made me moan just at sight.
His head between my legs was surely what heaven looked like.
I curved my back and my hand gripping his hair so he could get closer. He groaned and sucked even harder.
“Fuck, you’re such a good boy, I missed this.” His hand moved quickly into me, curling his two fingers finding my g spot. “Fuck, Charles!” I screamed his name while cumming all over him, his tongue taking all off of me, as he rose without slowly moving his fingers again. My hips rocking back and forth as he arose, keeping his hand busy. “Too bad that pretty mouth of yours can’t do much right now. I really would love to feel it sucking my dick.” I hummed imagining it and getting even closer to my second climax.
“I'll take care of you, just so my princess can remember who she belongs with.” His lips were on my neck, whispering sweet nothing between kisses and soft biting. My moans filled the whole room along with the sound of his fingers working on her center.
Charles, Charles, Charles…
Each time his name left your mouth his cock got even harder, to the point where it hurt. In a short motion his pants down and without any warning he thrusted into you. You both let out a pornographic scream. If the music wasn’t loud everyone would have heard you two. The sound of your slaps were evident, heat rising, the feeling of his beard in your neck was all too much. Curses along with moans were the only thing louder. He did a final thrust and immediately pulled out, jerking off and finishing in his hand.
“You just washed your hands.” I joked breathlessly, he messed up with my head real bad. “Couldn’t resist” he smiled, gave me a peck and disappeared into the bathroom. I melted on that spot.
“Come on mon coeur.” What I loved about Charles was that he always cared. we got into the bathroom and I washed my hands, in the reflection of the mirror his eyes were already in mine.
“What?” I asked as the blood rushed into my cheeks. “Nothing.” He gently smiled, and his eyes shined to me in a different shade of green.
@delicatepeanutsublime @ironspdy @architect-2015 @buendiabebeta @dreamergirlatpaddock @lercvlie
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the-goo-goo-muck · 2 days
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Hiromi is just so overworked, & it's never as good when he's by himself, but you're so kind, of course you'll help him. . .
Starring: Hiromi Higuruma <3
You’d thought long & hard, of course, about what on earth “massage therapy” might mean. It’s the only note Shiu had left under Hiromi’s name, like an asshole. You had the idea to ask him what he meant, but there was no way you were gonna come crawling to him for sex advice, especially considering he’d probably left that note there to purposely confuse you. No, you’d have to figure this one out solo. It could mean a couple of things, but you’d decided on a hand job. Keep things simple, right? You had been worried about the time limit; Choso had reserved you for an hour, which had made you anxious, but time had flown by. You could milk a hand job for an hour, literally. But maybe Hiromi would be different than your previous encounter; maybe he’d walk right in & tell you exactly what he wanted. You sure hoped so. You’d make sure to make him tell you, regardless of whether or not he wanted to. 
You repressed a scoff when passing Toji on your way past the bar as he gave you his signature shit-eating grin. “Where you headed in such a hurry, doll?” he smiles, letting the beauty of it paint his features. Fuck, you think, if only he wasn’t so goddamn hot. But that’s not just it; Toji knows you well, too well, knows things about you that nobody else does, things you wish he didn’t know, things that drive you crazy. “Oh that’s right, you’re off to fuck one of Shiu’s clients.” You could hardly call them that. “Fuckin’ sorcerers. You’re wastin’ your time with them, sweet thing.”
“As opposed to spending it with you? No thanks. Besides, you only fuck free whores. You want a night with me, you better be ready to cough it up, & last I checked, you’re broke.” You breezed past him, but he caught your arm & murmured in your ear with that gravelly voice that sent vibrations straight down to your cunt, “Not broke enough for you, doll. Don’t worry, I’m coughing it up, alright.”
Okay? What the fuck was that supposed to mean? But you scampered away before you could dwell on it. Getting into any kind of relationship with Toji, even some janky friends-with-benefits, work/fuck buddies situationship was a terrible idea. What was worse than that, though? You didn’t want those things with Toji. . .you wouldn’t dare admit it to yourself, but you wanted something real. 
You shook your head vehemently, though there was no one around to see you do it. You had a job to do, a job you were rather excited about, & you weren’t gonna let Toji distract you from that.
Shiu—or rather one of his assistants—prepared a similar room for tonight; small, secluded, mostly dark with music playing faintly in the background, & a chair reserved for the night’s activities. When you thought about it, it was almost a little awkward. However, you had had the same thoughts about Choso last night & it had been anything but awkward for you. 
So you kept your cool when you heard the soft click of the door a couple moments later. You were already facing him, & you could’ve sworn he had almost reached out to. . .shake your hand? But pulled himself back quickly. “Hello. My name is Hiromi. I assume you’re. . .Sugar?” The false name was purely sinful spilling out of his mouth, but his face betrayed nothing, the picture of sheer innocence.
You took a couple of calculated steps back & he followed, legs bumping against the chair. “Sure am. Now I’ve got a couple questions for you, Hiromi. There weren’t very clear notes left on my agenda; so what is it that I can do for you?” 
He clears his throat, obviously a little embarrassed by the question, but he gains a bit of confidence, meeting your eyes, saying, “Want you to jerk me off.” Okay, maybe he doesn’t gain that much confidence because he all but whispers his request, his plea. 
“What was that, Hiromi?” He shivers at the name, the way your tongue caresses it. “You want me to what?”
His face is all red, his tongue is all tied, his fingers are fidgeting with themselves, & he can’t meet your eyes when he says again, “Want you to r-rub my cock, jerk me off.” 
“Don’t know why you’re so embarrassed, sweetheart. Acting like I don’t want to.” You smile at him, saccharine & teasing, excited for the half-baked plan already forming in your head. Oh yeah, you’re gonna jerk him off alright, jerk him off ‘til he can’t take it anymore. The clock was ticking, & you were chomping at the bit to get a taste. “Can I kiss you?”
He nods, but makes no move to reciprocate, not until you’re pressing your lips against his, running your palms against the nape of his neck, down his chest, moving to loosen his tie, slide of his suit coat, unbutton his pants, palm his already stiffening cock, & he’s groaning into your mouth. 
“Can’t jerk off yourself, Hiromi? Gotta have some stranger do it?” you mock, sucking his bottom lip in between your teeth, biting. 
“N-never feels as good, can’t make myself cum as hard,” he babbles, fast, hoping his answer will please you enough to continue palming his cock through his underwear. You push him down into the chair, taking your sweet time to slip down onto your knees. If you were gonna be on your knees, night after night, you were gonna have to make Shiu put a bed in one of these rooms; a chair & the just wasn’t gonna cut it. But you'd make it work for tonight. You'd make Hiromi work tonight.
"Aww, s'so sad, don't you ever get yourself off?" You pause at the waistband of his underwear, a silent request, & he slides them down eagerly, helping you in any way he can.
"N-not like this," he pants, excited & worn already, though nothing's really happened quite yet. His pants & boxers came off quickly, & you're salivating by the time they do. He's all pretty & hard for you, & his dick is huge; not a surprise by how large he'd looked through his boxers, but a little shocking nonetheless. He all but yelps when you fist him at the base of his cock, hard, pushing all the precum from his weeping tip.
"Your tip is so sensitive, huh?" you coo, pressing your thumb hard into his slit until he’s attempting to run away from the pleasure. His eyes lock on yours, his mouth agape. 
“S-so sensitive, feels so good,” he whines, hips jerking to meet the lazy thrusts of your hand. 
How is he going to crawl back home to his fist, or even a pocket pussy, each night after this? After the tips of your nails scratch against his foreskin, after you trace each individual vein up & then down, after you squeeze the base of his cock, after your ghost your fingertips over his taint, after your grip your hand against his meaty thigh, holding him down so he can’t escape the pleasure you’re so intent on giving him? 
"Does that feel good, Hiromi? You're so wet down here,” you tease. He groans at your words, too focused on cumming to think of any sort of response, teasing & snarky or not. 
"Fuck, w-wait, please," he cries, the muscles in his thighs flexing & shaking as he tried not to get lost in his own sensitivity. You were just jerking him so fast; Hiromi was a methodical man in every way possible, including when he masturbated. He thought waiting for the high, edging himself for as long as possible, made the experience more enjoyable, but you weren’t taking it slow by any means. This might be the fastest he’s ever been able to finish. 
"God your hand feels so good, s’good,” he’s slurring his words, groaning as you keep your attention on his red, leaky tip, rubbing your thumb against the soft skin just under the head of his cock. “Gonna cum, gonna make me cum too fast.” 
“You can come, honey. Wanna make you cum, for me, please?”you encouraged,  & he’s shooting white, hot spurts of seed in your grasp before you even finish your sentence. 
Wow, he thinks to himself. I’ll definitely have to come back here again, see her again. The silly boy. . .he thinks you’re done. 
But you start stroking his softening cock again, bringing him back to attention disturbingly quickly. “H-hey wait, what’re you—what’re you doing? I just came, can’t—can’t come again!” But you ignore him because of course he can come again!
The sinful squelch echoes in his ears, his poor leaky cock is red & overstimulated & your hands aren’t helping;; if you didn’t stop, slow down soon, he was going to blow his load again, for the second time so quickly. helping echoing in his ears did very little to help him from blowing his load for the second time in five minutes. Your pretty, delicate, perfect hands were furiously stroking his cock, both of them wrapped around his length while you jerked him off using a screwing, twisting motion that made his legs shake & jerk. You made sure to pay extra special attention to his tip, rubbing your fingers down his frenulum each time you stroked him, making his body jolt & writhe in your soft grip. He’s truly putty in your hands. 
He moans helplessly, trying to process the unimaginable pleasure. He doesn’t usually mix his pleasure with this kind of pain, so maybe that’s why he’s cumming again, vulnerable & unable to stop himself. 
“it’s so much, oh my god it’s too much—hnggghhh—”
But you don’t stop, & why isn’t his cock getting soft, why does it feel so good, how are making him feel this way, why aren’t you stopping. . .
He can’t figure out what to do with his hands; maybe if he thought about it a little harder he could figure it out, but he can’t seem to focus on anything but the painfully sweet sensation of your hands, your lips on the tip of his cock, your fingers squeezing his balls, his cum coating everything, the twitching of his dick. He’s pulling his own hair with them, running them down his unbuttoned dress shirt, gripping the chair ‘til his knuckles turn white, holding on to your wrists for dear life, which does little to cease your ministrations with his pathetically weak grip on them. 
“Feels good, honey?” & you’re a real minx for that; of course it feels good, too good. Your voice is syrupy sweet, only adding to the deep ache in his balls. 
“N-no, no, s’too much, gotta stop it, can’t take anymore, gonna cum again, cummin’” he whines so pitifully, he’s shaking his head furiously, unable to form something coherent to say to you, anything to explain how fucking good your milking him. 
& at his complaints of “too much,” you’re squeezing him tighter in your hand, speeding up your stroking, he’s bucking up into your grip, lost in the feeling of it, unable to control the movements of his hips, trying to escape the pleasure, but he wants it so bad. 
“Ngh–no, m’gonna cum if you keep doin’ that, can’t cum again, c-can’t!”
“Can’t you? Don’t you want to? M’supposed to be makin’ you feel good, Hiromi. Don’t you wanna feel good?” If he had the ability to, he’d get you back for that, but there’s not a single thought running through his mind except for “feels good, feels good, feels good.” 
He can’t respond, only nods his head vigorously. He was leaking so much it’s difficult to say whether or not he’s cumming again, his body jolting around, face permanently twisted in sheer pleasure, sweet dripping down his temples, blushy red cheeks that match his angry tip. He’s just so pretty. He was previously trying to hold back in an attempt to. . .what? Impress you? Regardless, any ability to hold back is long gone
He was close, closer than you thought he was, & you really are impressed when he cums again for the third time, releasing a long whine of pain as his cum shoots into your hands again. 
When his cum finally slows down, you bring your finger up to his slit & start tracing it, coaxing more cum out of him, & he’s crying & whimpering, begging you stop, cock jumping into your hold begging you to continue; he grabs your wrists, hard this time, stopping you completely. 
“Aww, you’re all done? Can’t go another round for me?” Those eyes, he thinks, those eyes are going to be the death of him, if your hands don’t kill him first.
Night 2, complete.
PART 3: BUSINESSMAN | coming soon to a theatre near you <3
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bridget’s sister - part |||
pairing: james hook x fem!reader
summary: part three of bridget’s sister!
type: angst, angst, angst
CW: bullying
WC: 1.9K
part 1 | part 2 | not proofread!
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You felt your blood run cold as you heard the mean queen herself stomp towards you, her crew following close behind. She had made it very clear that she didn’t want you anywhere near James, but could she really blame you? Hook tightened his grip on you. “I told you to leave her alone, Uli.”
“She’s bad news, Hook. You’re going to destroy your reputation. Our reputation. It’s her, a girl you just met… or us.” Uliana growled, her eyes shooting daggers at you. Hook rolled his eyes. “You’re not serious. I’m not going to choose between you, that’s crazy.”
You stayed silent while they argued, Hook’s grip on you never faltering. You wanted to just pounce and knock some sense into Uliana, but you knew that you were outnumbered. Unbeknownst to you, Hook’s heart was almost beating out of his chest. Despite his calm and collected appearance, he was furious. He loved his friends, but there was absolutely no way that he was going to actually choose.
“Uliana…” you mumbled.
“Uliana!” she mocked, rolling her eyes. “You think you’re so perfect. You think you can get whatever you want, right? Well, guess what? Life isn’t fair!” she spat. You shook your head. “You’re overreacting, it doesn’t have to be like this, Uli.”
“Shut it! Hook, her or us? The friends who took you in when you had nothing.” she asked, the rest of the group surrounding her to hear his answer. “Or the little princess who probably spelled you to get what she wants?”
“I’m not choosing, Uliana. You’re being ridiculous.”
“I guess it’s decided then. You’re pathetic. You’re weak. Once again, you’re nothing.”
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“I don’t want you to lose your friends over this, James!”
You were pacing around his room, your hands nervously fidgeting with the ends of your hair. Hook sighed, watching you from his bed. “Darling, this isn’t something for you to worry about. If she’s going to be this way, then I don’t want her in my life.”
“But she’s your friend.” you huffed. “As much as I hate her, I don’t want to take your friends away from you. That’s not fair.” He got up, sauntering over to you. “I love how much you care, but it’s not worth it.” He cupped your cheeks, placing a delicate kiss on your lips. You closed your eyes, letting his touch melt your worries away. “I just don’t want you to be alone. I know how that feels…”
“I have you, so I’m not alone. I’m okay, I promise.” He pulled you over to his bed, sitting down with you. “If anyone tries to cross me, or you, I have a plank for them to walk.”
The two of you looked over at the door when you heard the handle jiggle. The door opened, Morgie walking in. You forgot that the two of them shared a room. Morgie stopped in his tracks, a surprised look on his face. “Hey, y/n! Hey, Hook. Uliana said that I’m not supposed to talk to you right now...” He went to his side of the room, setting his stuff down.
“Tell Uliana that this is insane, Morgie!” you exclaimed. Morgie sat down on his bed, avoiding Hook’s gaze. “I don’t see the problem with the two of you. I think you’re pretty cool. But, Uliana is my friend, so…”
You smiled a little bit, looking over at the serpent boy. You had a class with Morgie previously, and he was nothing but a sweetheart. It was a shame that his closest friends were so… evil. “I appreciate it, Morgie. You’re cool too.”
Hook laid back on his bed, grabbing your hand and making you lay down next to him. “I’m going to figure this out, alright?” he whispered. “I will not let her lay a single finger, or tentacle, on you.” You rolled your eyes playfully, laying your head on his chest. “I like this protective side of you. It’s sweet.”
“I’m a pirate, darling. We’re protective of our treasure.”
“Shut up, James.”
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“So, they’re not friends anymore?” Ella asked. You were sat with Bridget and Ella in your room. Well, they were sat. You were pacing around the room like you were training for a marathon. “I don’t even know! I feel terrible, those are his friends! Morgie wouldn’t even talk to him the other day! Morgie! He talks to everyone!”
Ella looked up at you. “Why is it so bad? You two are together, you have Uliana off of your backs… seems like a win-win situation to me.” Huffing, you sat down next to the girls. “That’s the thing, there’s no way that she’s just letting this go. I don’t know what, but she’s planning something. She wouldn’t let him go that easily.”
“How’s he handling all of this? Hook?” Bridget asked. You sighed, looking over at her. “He says that he’s fine, but I can tell that it’s bothering him. He… has a very hard time showing how he feels. Ugh, this sucks! It’s all my fault too!” Bridget wrapped her arms around you, hugging you close. “Buttercup, it’s not your fault. You’re not at fault for loving someone, that’s crazy.”
“I just want all of this to stop, B.”
“Uliana will get over it eventually. But, it doesn’t matter what she thinks. Hook chose you, he clearly loves you.” Your eyes widened and you pulled away from Bridget. “Woah, woah. Let’s not go and throw around the ‘L’ word, I mean we’ve only been together for, like, a week.” you laughed nervously, feeling your palms get sweaty.
Love was tricky for you. You craved it more than anything, but you also tried to stay away from it out of fear of rejection. If you kept your distance, you couldn’t get your feelings hurt. But, there was something about him. He cared about you, and he made you feel like the most special girl alive. There was no way that he loved you, though. It was too soon.
“I mean, I really really like him though.” you sighed. “He’s not perfect, by any means-”
“That’s harsh.” Ella teased, gently nudging your shoulder. You rolled your eyes. “You didn’t let me finish! He’s not perfect, but he’s so… special. Even when I doubted him, he went out of his way to prove that he could be trusted. I just… I like him a lot, and I don’t want to ruin things.”
“Well he lo- likes you a lot too. I wouldn’t worry about it, alright?” Ella smiled, running a hand through your hair.
“Okay… But, I still don’t trust Uliana. She’s plotting something.”
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“He’s so ugh!” Uliana huffed, kicking a rock in front of her as she made her way to the Black Lagoon. “I do so much for him, and this is how I get treated?” Hades rolled his eyes, walking behind her with Maleficent. ���You’re just mad that you didn’t get a chance with him.”
“That little princess does not always get to get her way!” She turned around, glaring at Hades. “We need to do something about this. She thinks that she can act like some sort of peace monger, her and her prissy sister.”
Hades put his hands up. “I am not doing anything about this. Hook is stubborn, he gets what he wants.”
“Well, I get what I want. I don’t care who gets hurt, we’re gonna teach that princess a lesson. Let’s go.” Uliana led them into her lair, going over to the platform in the middle of the room where her cauldron was. “We need to conjure up the perfect revenge.”
“This is a bad idea, Uliana.” Hades called out. Uliana whipped her head around “I’m sorry, do you want to join him in being an outcast? I didn’t think so.”
“Uliana!” A voice called out.
Hook walked into the lair, an angry look on his face. “I don’t care what you think about me, but you need to leave her alone. She did nothing to you.” Uliana smirked, walking over to him. “Is Hook suddenly too good for a little mischief? What about those kids that you made, y’know, walk the plank?” Hook looked around, almost avoiding her gaze. “That’s different, and you know it.”
“Is it?” she questioned. “I don’t think they did anything to you, James-y. You’ve changed, she made you weak. We are supposed to be feared. Nobody is going to fear us if you have a pink ray of sunshine wrapped around your finger.” She walked back over to her cauldron. “I think it’s time for you to go back to your roots and remember who you really are. You’re a pirate, a vicious one, act like one.”
“Uli, stop it. You know you’re being ridiculous.”
“No, I don’t think I will. In fact, I think I just found the most perfect revenge.”
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It was two days later, and you hadn’t seen Hook at all. Not in class, not in his room, nowhere. Hook had taken a liking to greeting you at your door every single morning to walk you to your first class, so it was a big surprise when you opened your door the morning before and he wasn’t there. Opening your door, you sighed as Hook wasn’t there… again. You shut your door behind you, begrudgingly making your way to your first class. You were worried sick, a constant pit of anxiety in your stomach. Something was off.
On your way to your class, you bumped into someone, forcing you to fall onto the ground. “Hey! Watch where you’re going!” you exclaimed as the figure walked past you. You turned your head, your eyes almost popping out of it when you saw who it was.
He turned around, a disgusted look on his face. “Maybe keep your eyes on the sidewalk, lass. You’re not the only person on the planet.” Your heart absolutely dropped. He had never talked to you like that before. “James, what is wrong with you?” You got up, going over to him. “I didn’t see you at all yesterday, what happened? Are you upset about the whole Uliana thing?”
“I chose. Uliana is right, we just met. People fear me, I can’t be seen with someone like you.” Hook scoffed, looking offended that you were even talking to him. Tears threatened to spill out of your eyes, your throat feeling like it was about to close up. “Someone… like me? Hook, what does that even mean? What’s happening? What did Uliana do to you?”
He rolled his eyes, his hook coming up and catching under your chin so you were looking him in the eye. “Uliana didn’t do anything to me. Do I have to spell it out for you, darling? I don’t want to be with you. We’re done here. Besides, you were right. You’re inexperienced, you’re lame. We don’t work.”
“We don’t work?” you asked.
Tears rolled down your cheeks like rain as he spoke, your bottom lip quivering as a sob threatened to escape your mouth. It was like someone took your heart and beat it to death with a hammer. “James… I’m sorry if I did something, I thought we were okay. You- you said that everything was fine! I’m sorry!”
“Hook, let’s go!”
You looked over, seeing the VKs standing there. Uliana walked over to you, the fakest smile ever on her face. “Oh, darling. Dry those tears, it’s… for the best. Now, let’s go, Hook.” Hook looked at you, the look of admiration and love in his eyes now gone. It was now replaced with one of vitriol and hatred.
You quickly wiped your tears away, watching your boyfriend, now ex-boyfriend, walk away with the rest of the VKs. You couldn’t even believe what had happened. The person who you thought cared for you just stomped on your heart.
What just happened?
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a/n: HAHAHA pt 4 coming soon. i love a good cliffhanger, you should’ve known that it was coming. i’m sorry that it was a little short, but this series will go out with a bang, i promise <3
taglist: @skellseerwriting @sleepyking @ljaylmaoo @lesbpotmurdocklokistan @yokolesbianism @eretsupremacy89 @descendantsramblings @thegoddessofnothingness
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stephsageek · 2 days
A preview of the Five x Lila one-shot I'm working on:
“Seriously?” she demanded.
“’Seriously’ what?” he deadpanned.
“Well, it’s Friday-bloody-night!”
“Oi! What do you mean ‘and?’ You know damn well, I only get one night a month! One night where I make up an excuse to hang out, get out of the house, and let down my hair! And here you are, washing bloody dishes! Is that honestly all we’re going to be doing tonight?! I might as well be sitting in front of the telly watching the last of Diego’s brain cells die off while he watches Naked and Afraid!”
“What? You got a hot date with somebody else?” he quipped, tossing the towel he’d been using over his shoulder and opening a cabinet to his right. “Believe it or not, Lila, but I am not here on this planet to entertain you. You're the one who invites herself over just as an excuse to get out of the house--that has nothing to do with how I plan on spending my evening. A night of actual drinking and reading is plenty for me. I’m not the one living in a ‘domestic hellscape.’”
“Why do you have to be such an old man all the time?!” she whined.
“Maybe because I am an old man, crazy lady,” he replied, sounding unbothered, as he began to put dishes back into cabinets. Even with his back turned, Lila could hear the smile in his words. He thought this was funny!
“Believe me, I am more than aware,” she huffed.
“Don’t like it, toots, go darken somebody else’s doorstep for ‘book club,’ or whatever the hell other B.S. you feed that half-wit brother of mine,” Five snarked as he finished his chore.
He finally turned to face her, resting one hip against the counter. Lila noted he must have had a long day that day judging by the stubble along his jaw. And yet, despite his protests to the contrary, he didn't kick her out. If he didn't want her around bothering him, why give her his spare key? She watched him smile, his eyes crinkling ever so slightly in amusement. It was still strange seeing the signs of his advancing age. She’d gotten so used to him being so young that Lila found herself disconcerted to realize he was nearing physically twenty years old soon.
“C’mon, old man! Give a girl a break! I’m trapped in a bad episode of The Brady Brunch and Mr. Brady is a whiney sod!”
Five didn’t react other than to chuckle. He casually went over to another cabinet and retrieved a bottle of wine. He turned back to Lila and tipped the bottle, silently offering. She jutted her lip stubbornly. His smile widened. He turned back, returning with a bottle of scotch. He lifted his eyebrows invitingly.
Lila grinned and nodded.
Five nodded back, retrieved a pair of glasses, and went to get ice from the fridge while Lila continued with her diatribe. “I am trapped in a loveless marriage; I’m surrounded by needy people day in and day out! It’s nothing but an endless stream of carting around children, appeasing grumpy forgetful old people—no offense—”
“—None taken—”
“—trying to tune out gossipy aunties, and stroking an inept man-child’s ego! Five, I want to do something fun for a change! Something exciting! And my best and frankly only mate is a boring ass sexagenarian! Do you have any idea how sad that is?! That you of all people are the only one I look forward to seeing anymore! I love my kids and folks, sure; but it's not the same! You seriously don't have anything planned?”
Five shrugged looking non-plussed. Lila shook her head, dismayed.
“You’d think working as a time-traveling assassin and then as a government agent, you’d have developed a personality besides being annoying and uptight!”
Lila threw herself onto the table, her arms outstretched and her forehead landing on the hard surface with a knock.
She heard Five sit down across from her, patiently waiting. He sat her drink within her reach.
“Alright. I’ll bite; what did you have in mind?”
Lila turned her head slightly, peeking an eye out from between the heavy fringe of her bangs. “You’ll let me pick?”
Five sighed but smiled indulgently. “I suppose if I’m your only friend, than that means you’re my only friend too; I suppose I can be generous to somebody so pathetic as to call me of all people their friend.”
Lila sat up so quickly that Five flinched, drawing back ever so slightly in surprise.
She reached into her pocket and slapped a deck of cards on the table between them.
Five lifted an amused eyebrow. “Cards? And you call me old—”
“Not just cards, my dear man—poker!”
“Poker’s hardly what I’d call—”
“Oh! But I didn’t finish!” Lila wagged her finger, opening the cards and spreading them out on the table.
Five glanced down and reached across the space to pick out one of the jokers Lila had been searching for, removing it from the others and setting it aside.
“Oh? What’ll it be? Five-card draw?” He grinned ironically as Lila swatted at his fingers so she could dig out the other joker and set aside the ‘rules’ card. He continued. “Texas hold ‘em? Omaha?” Five took a long draw of his drink.
“Strip poker!”
Five expelled his drink, coughing into his fist after.
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nomie-11 · 2 days
Chapter 10 - Shifting Tides
<- previous chapter | masterlist | next chapter ->
“Soo, Sawyer, huh, Rhi?” Violet starts as the three of them walk down their new dorm. First year dorms may be the smallest private dorms on campus, but damn, all Genevieve could think was that was the best night sleep of her life. 
“I felt like celebrating,” She said, and Genevieve whistled. 
“You didn’t think to ask me first?” She says, her words light as a small smile comes on her face. 
“You have enough on your plate, sex wise,” Rhiannon said, teasing Genevieve. “And why have I not heard of you celebrating?”  She asks Violet. “Ridoc definitely has a thing for you, not emotionally just physically, and Liam has a thing for you emotionally.” 
“Liam? Liam Mairi? You’re insane.” Violet says, waving her off. “And either way, if he wants to celebrate with me, he’s going to have to ask first.” 
Genevieve and Rhiannon laugh, and she giggles too, a blush on her cheeks. 
“Good morning, Ladies.” Ridoc says, forcing his way through the crowd and slinging an arm around their shoulders as they enter the dining hall. “Or should I say, riders.”
“I like the sound of riders,” Rhiannon replies, shooting a smile in his direction. 
“It has a certain ring to it,” Ridoc agrees. 
“It definitely sounds better than dead.” Genevieve says, her voice serious but the tone implicates a tease. 
“Where’s your relic?” Violet asks, used to ignoring the awful offhand comments Genevieve makes. 
“Right here,” He says, his arm falling off of their shoulders as he rolls his sleeve of his tunic up to reveal the brown silhouette of a dragon on his upper arm. “You?” 
“Can’t see it. It’s on my back.” Ridoc whistles, and he spins to face Rhiannon. 
“And you? What about yours, Rhi?” 
“Somewhere you’ll never see,” She responds, and he laughs. 
“You wound me.” He slaps a hand over his heart. 
“I highly doubt that,” she retorts, but there's a smile on her face. The group moves through the hall into the line for breakfast. 
“And Genevieve?” He asks Rhiannon, completely bypassing asking Genevieve who he knows isn’t paying attention. 
“On her back,” Rhiannon says. “It’s crazy looking. Her rebellion relic mixes with her dragon relic. It’s insane.” 
As they make their way through the line, Genevieve’s mind is elsewhere. It feels as if the energy in the dining hall has shifted. It’s different now. 
“Asshole,” Ridoc mutters in a context Genevieve hasn’t heard. “I still can’t believe they tried to kill you.” 
“I can,” Violet shrugged, taking her chances with a maybe poisoned mug of apple juice. “I’m the weakest link, right? Unfortunately for me, that means people are bound to try and take me out of the wing.” 
“I don’t even know what you’re saying, but they’d have to kill me first,” Genevieve says, taking a bite out of her own apple. As they walk to the fourth wing section of the cafeteria, they find a table and only three extra seats. 
“Mind if we—” Ridoc starts. 
“Absolutely! It’s yours!” A couple of guys from Tail Section scurry off the bench. 
“Sorry, Hale!” The other says over his shoulder as they find another table. 
What the fuck?
“Well, that was really fucking weird.” Rhiannon rounds the other side of the table, and Genevieve sits on the other side as Violet follows. 
“Even weirder?” Ridoc remarks, gesturing across the hall toward First Wing. 
The girls follow his line of sight, and their eyebrows lift. Jack Barlowe is being squeezed out of his table. He’s forced to stand as others take a seat. 
“What the hell is going on?” Rhiannon bites into a pear and chews. Jack moves again, and then again.
”Oh, how the mighty have fallen,” Ridoc notes, watching the same show they all are. There’s no satisfaction in their view, everyone knows feral dogs bite harder when they’re cornered. 
“Hey, Hale,” the stocky girl from First Wing I beat in my second challenge says with a tight smile as she walks past our table. 
“Hey,” she says, nodding her head, but then she turns to face Rhiannon. “That girl hasn’t spoken one word to me since I threatened her hair when she beat up Violet.”
“It’s because you bonded Tairn.” Imogen blows her pink hair out of her face and throws her leg over the bench. She sits, pushing the sleeves up from her tunic. “The morning after Threshing is always a clusterfuck. Power balance shifts, and you, little Hale, are now the most powerful rider in the quadrant. If they weren’t scared before they’re definitely scared now.” 
She blinks, her pulse elevating. Is that what is going on? Social groups have split, but it still doesn’t make sense-
“Which is why you’re sitting with us now?” Rhiannon arches a brow at the second-year. “Because I can count on one hand the number of nice words you’ve said to any of us.” She holds up a fist with zero fingers raised. 
Genevieve glances around the table, to the seconds years, Quinn and Imogen, and to Sawyer who has finally arrived. Imogen is cool and Quinn is cool as well, but this was strange. Genevieve’s eyes glance at the patches on their jackets, but she doesn’t know what any of it means. She knows that her patches mean Flame Section, Fourth Wing, First Year, and now also Iron Squad. 
“You weren’t interesting enough to sit with before, and now you’ve survived Threshing, so you’re worth it.” Imogen responds as she bites into a muffin. Suddenly the third years in their section sit down too, and Genevieve almost chokes on the apple she’s been nursing the entirety of breakfast. 
“My dragon is not that cool, if that's what you’re looking for,” She says, biting her tongue from saying anything mean. 
“I take immediate offense to that,” Tairn huffs. “Now eat something more than an apple and get over your fear that Oren has poisoned you.” 
“I’m not eating the food on my plate,” Genevieve counters. “It’s definitely poisoned.” 
“We aren’t looking for your dragon,” Imogen says, her voice strong. “We’re looking for you, because now you’re under our watch. Now eat your food.”
Genevieve looks bewildered, but she doesn’t say a single thing. 
“You’re the Iron Squad, and you and Violet both have some crazy dragons on your tail. That means eyes are on you from every direction. A huge red target is painted on your back.” Her voice is low, but it cuts through the clamor of the hall. “And whether you like it or not, this balance isn’t going to change any time soon, so get used to it.” 
Genevieve glances at Rhiannon, confusion evident on her face. 
“That doesn’t explain why you’re here, though.” She says, her words biting and strong. 
“Oh, Xaden didn’t tell you?” She says, a sly smile on her face. “Tairn and Sgaeyl are mated, so even though your relic isn’t on your arm, you’re one of us now.”
“Oh shit,” Ridoc whispers, and Violet nods her head in agreement. 
“You’re in our squad now.” 
Violet had explained to Genevieve that mated dragons aren’t common, not even by a long shot, and to let mated dragons bond riders in different years was unheard of, but dragons do what dragons want, as exemplified by Violet. 
She explained that Xaden and Genevieve themselves are now binded, their lives intertwined in some sick curse that ties their fate with a little red string. When one dies, the other dies, when one gets hurt, the other feels it, when one feels another strong emotion, the other feels the emotion. She was never alone with Tairn now, but not only was Tairn in her head, Xaden was too. 
“Stop thinking so hard and get on my back, we have maneuvers to master,” Tairn grumbled, his voice low. She mounted his back, and found her seat easily. 
“Were you planning on telling me? That you and Sgaeyl were mated?” She asked over the bond, her mind distracted from her actions. 
“Sgaeyl had assured me that the wingleader would tell you, and that I shouldn’t worry about it,” He said, his tone grumpy like it usually was. “I see now that he did not, and I should stop trusting that wingleader.” 
“You don’t like Xaden?” She asked, as they took off, following second behind Professor Kaori, who Tairn had said he would only follow because he was Genevieve’s professor. 
“I don’t like the boy,” Tairn huffed. “But Sgaeyl loves him, so I won’t char him. Maybe I’ll lightly toast him.” 
“You shouldn’t set him on fire anyways, he’s an asset,” She said quickly, ignoring the blush rising on her cheeks. Genevieve cast another glance down at Violet, a few dragons back. Andarna didn’t come, Violet flew on Atrape alone.  “What’s the deal with Violet and Atrape?” Genevieve asked, quickly diverting the conversation away from Xaden and onto Violet. “She looks like she can’t hold her seat.” 
“She can’t,” Tairn replies, banking left, following Kaori into the canyons. “Atrape is one of the strongest dragons in the vale, maybe third to Codagh and I. Her powers are keeping Violet in that seat.” 
“Shouldn’t she be saving her powers, for…” Genevieve trailed off, not knowing how to verbalize what she wanted to say. “…combat?”
“Stop asking meaningless questions,” Tairn huffed, his annoyance evident in every word that was communicated in their bond. “Atrape has more power in her than most other dragons could even imagine having. She will be fine.” 
And Genevieve nodded, who was she to argue with a dragon, an all-mighty, all-knowing being. The dragon that had chosen her. She was not one to argue. Her grip tightened on Tairn’s back as the cool rush of wind from the canyon blew against her hot skin. She knew better than to press Tairn when he was already somewhat irritated, but she wanted to know how Violet was keeping her seat. 
As they neared the sharp turns of the canyon, Genevieve let the questions go, her focus snapping to the task at hand. Flight training was brutal, she couldn’t afford a lapse in concentration. Train’s powerful wings sliced through the air as they banked hard left, narrowly avoiding the jagged cliffs that seemed to rise out of nowhere. Kaori’s dragon led the pack, weaving through the narrow paths with ease. She could sense Tairn’s irritation at following anyone, but for some reason, it felt as if he cared enough about her to swallow his pride. 
Behind her, the presence of a struggling Violet claws at her mind. 
Be quiet, Geneiveve, She chastised herself. Violet is your friend. She’s trying. Be nice. 
“I didn’t know nice was in your vocabulary,” Train huffed. “Now focus.” 
“I am!” She shot back, adjusting her posture as they approached a narrow pass. The jagged rocks below glinted dangerously in the sunlight, promising death to anyone who made the wrong move. 
As they passed the gap, her eyes flicked back to Violet, who was struggling more visibly now. Atrape’s wings beat with precise power, but there was something off about the way Violet held herself in the saddle. She was slipping, her body tense and rigid, as if each move was a desperate attempt to stay upright. Geneiveve knew that look–the look of someone who was fighting for control, not just over their dragon, but over themselves. 
“She’s going to fall,” Genevieve muttered over the bond, her heart skipping a beat. 
“She won’t,” Train replied, his voice steady but cold. “Atrape won’t let her.” 
Kaori signaled the next maneuver–a sharp dive into a winding ravine, followed by an immediate ascent. Genevieve could feel the pressure in her chest as Tairn obeyed, plunging toward the ground with a terrifying speed that left her stomach in knots. 
As they pulled up, her breath caught in her throat as Tairn shot off. He was so fast. The wind in her hair was so freeing. 
“You ready?” Train asked, his voice taking on a sharper edge. 
With a swift movement, they dove into the loops, Train’s wings angling perfectly to guide them through the tight spaces. Genevieve felt every shift, every beat in sync with her movements. They were seamless, an extension of each other. The world blurred around her as they cut through the air, the adrenaline pumping through her veins. 
But out of the corner of her eye, she saw something. Violet, behind her, struggling more than ever. Atrape’s wings fell, just for a split second, and Genevieve knew–knew deep in her heart–that Violet wasn’t going to make it through the next turn.
“Violet!” She shouted, the sound swallowed by the rush of wind, her heart lurching. 
She felt the tug of the bond, Xaden’s awareness surging into her thoughts. He felt it too, the fear, the instinct to protect. But Genevieve couldn’t let herself be distracted by that–by him. 
“Leave it!” Train barked, sensing her instinct to intervene. 
Genevieve hesitated, her grip tightening as the next loop approached. She had to make a decision. Focus on the maneuver, or–
Atrape dipped down, grabbing Violet with her claws and tossing her back into her seat. 
“Thank the gods,” Genevieve whispered, her own heart racing as if she was the one who fell. 
“Look at you, you have emotions!” Train laughed. 
“Oh, shut up!”
“Were you planning on-” her shin came into contact with the punching bag she was using. “never telling me that our dragons are mated?” 
Xaden’s eyes were dead set onto her body under the guise of watching her train. Garrick, Bodhi, Imogen, Liam, and a few other rebellion kids were in the gym. As Genevieve’s eyes cast over the room, her eyes narrowed on Violet. 
“And why is Imogen training Violet?” Her other leg made contact strongly, but she was distracted, so she stumbled back. 
“I was going to tell you, I was just waiting for…” he trailed off, his words lost on an already angry Genevieve. 
“No you weren’t. You were going to wait for me to ask like always,” she snapped. Her eyes held so much rage, Xaden could feel the flames of anger engulfing him. “Did you manipulate Threshing?” Her voice was a dangerous whisper. “Did you tell Sgaeyl to bond me so we would be linked together?”
“Of course not!” He immediately responded. “This is the worst case scenario, I do not want to be linked to you.”
Genevieve’s expression narrowed, her body going rigid with tension. Her expression darkened as she took a step closer to Xaden, the sheen of her sweat glistening under the mage lights, but her focus was far from the physical exertion of training. “Worst case scenario?” She repeated, her words venomous. “So being bound to me is so repulsive that it’s your worst case scenario?”
Xaden ran a hand through his hair, his jaw clenching with tension as the weight of his own words sank in. 
“Gen, that’s not what I meant and you know it,” his voice softened, trying to ease the fire that radiated off of Genevieve. “This bond just complicates things—everything. You know that.”
She scoffed, eyes flicking between him and the rest of the room. The rebellion kids continued their sparring, laughter mingling with the sharp sound of fists hitting targets, completely unaware of the storm brewing between them. Violet had slowed her movements, however, casting a glance in their direction. It only fueled Genevieve’s resentment.
Genevieve’s fingers curled into fists, her knuckles whitening with the force of her anger. She took another deliberate step toward Xaden, her voice low and cutting, barely concealing the fury beneath the surface. “Complicates things for you, you mean.” Her eyes narrowed further, the tension in her muscles betraying her desire to his something—maybe even someone. “Because Gods forbid you have to deal with the consequences of anything outside your control.”
Xaden’s jaw tensed as he fought to keep his composure, but Genevieve’s words hit home. He’d always prided himself on control—of his dragon, his squad, his emotions—and now, it was unraveling. Genevieve, with her endless need for vengeance, her relentless drive, and now their unwanted bond, was the epicenter of that chaos. She was the reason. 
“I didn’t choose this,” he said firmly, his voice edged with frustration. “Do you think I wanted Tairn to bond with you? This is as much of a shock to me as it is to you.” His faze flickered away briefly, landing on Violet again, who had now fully paused her training to watch. That momentary distraction only inflamed Genevieve’s temper further. 
“You don’t get it, do you?” Her voice was sharp, cutting through the air like a blade. She advanced again, her proximity forcing Xaden to meet her eyes. “This isn’t about the bond alone. This is about trust. This is about the fact that you kept this from me. That you decided what I should or shouldn’t know, like you always do.” 
Xaden’s face hardened. “I wasn’t trying to keep it from you. I was trying to figure out the details of it, how to handle it before—”
“Before what?” Genevieve’s voice rose now, drawing the attention of the others in the gym. Xaden’s group of friends in the training gym paused, sensing the rising tensions. “Before you thought it was convenient to share? Or were you hoping I wouldn’t notice the massive life-altering detail until it was too late for me to get angry?” 
Liam, sensing the explosive energy in the room, began walking toward them, his easy grin faltering, but Garrick held him back, shaking his head with an easy ‘no’. Imogen and Bodhi exchanged glances, but they stayed in place. Violet’s eyes lingered, her posture tense, though she hadn’t moved. 
Xaden stepped closer to Genevieve now, his voice lowered but charged with intensity. “I was waiting until I could tell you in a way that didn’t—”
“Make you look like the selfish bastard you are?” Genevieve interjected harshly, her words hitting with the force of a blow. Her body was shaking, but not from the fatigue. It was from the rage she’d been suppressing since Imogen told her news that Xaden should have said in private. Since she’d realized that Xaden, despite everything they’d shared, still decided to withhold something so vital. 
He flinched, a flash of regret crossing his face, but he didn’t retreat. “You know that’s not true,” he said quickly, but with conviction. “You know I never wanted this, but I didn’t want to make it worse either.”
”Worse?” Genevieve spat, her eyes blazing. “There is no ‘worse,’ Xaden. They’re dragons that bind our fate down to our own deaths and you let Imogen, someone who is practically a stranger, tell me? Instead of facing it and telling me you ran. You ran from me, from this, from everything.” 
For a moment, the silence between them was deafening. The others in the gym held their breaths, waiting for the explosion. Genevieve’s breaths came in ragged gasps as she glared at him, waiting for him to say something—anything—that would justify his actions. But Xaden remained still, his expression unreadable as he weighed his next words carefully. 
“I didn’t run,” he said finally, his voice like a storm on the horizon—low, dark, and gathering strength. “I’m here, aren’t I? Fighting for us, for whatever the hell this bond means.” 
Genevieve’s gaze hardened further, but something flickered beneath her fury. His words had struck a chord, and for a brief second, she felt the weight of his own burdens, his fears. But it wasn’t enough to douse the fire inside her. 
“And yet,” she whispered, stepping back, the space between them feeling like a chasm, “you keep pushing me away. Every time I get close, every time there’s a chance for something between us that isn’t just physical, you shut down. You keep your secrets, your plans, and now even this from me.”
The gym was still now, the air thick with unspoken tension. Everyone was watching, waiting for the next move. But Genevieve didn’t care. She was done playing his games, done being a pawn in a world of half-truths and manipulations. 
“Maybe being bound to you really is the worst-case scenario,” she said bitterly, her voice cold as ice. “Because I don’t think I can trust you anymore.”
The mage light above her blew out in a craze of sparks and glitter, and it felt like her skin was on fire with… magic. 
“Day one of dragon bonds,” Imogen started, awe laced into the sarcasm she normally carried. 
“And Genevieve is already channeling.” Violet finished. 
And with that, she turned on her heel, leaving the gym and a stunned silence in her wake, her anger radiating like heat off her skin.
Hello everyone! What’s up? I’ve currently written a few chapters ahead so I can keep updating twice a week for at least a few weeks, so hopefully this new schedule makes you all happy!
On another note, I just wanted to say thank you for all of your words of appreciation and your compliments, I seriously cannot believe you guys actually read what I write and for you to tell me how much you love it makes me so happy I want to cry.
Please, like and comment if you enjoyed and please let me know your thoughts! What’re your predictions on her signet? I want to know~
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freakassfemme · 4 hours
hey snookums miss your writing so freaking bad :( sharing my thoughts on being abby's favorite hookup so she drops some breeding kink talk and then doubles down on it when u confront her after because she's flustered and shy about it 🥺
ohhhh you mean abby dropping plans with another girl the moment you text her?
you mean abby showing up with a special strap that she only keeps for you, and she’s practically buzzing with excitement on your doorstep, laughing nervously when you open the door in hardly anything, maybe a pretty set of lingerie or one of her tee shirts?
you mean abby whose face goes red when you lean against the door, playing coy and running a hand up your front, pushing the shirt up until she can see there’s nothing underneath, and she shoves you inside?
or do you mean abby whose got her strap buried inside of you, groaning so loudly into your neck that it’s making your head swirl?
abby whose thighs are sticky from your cunt, and she’s got your legs hoisted over her shoulders, her hips stuttering as your pretty moans spur her on, dragging her dangerously close to cumming untouched as she slams into you over and over and over again until she thinks she might have fucked up the drywall in your room with how hard the headboard is slamming into it. abby who is babbling like an idiot, too lost it in to let you get more than a few words out.
“jesus, fuck abby, oh my god —“
“shit, i know baby, i know. you want more? you want it harder baby?”
“fuck, yes, yes, please—“
“god you’re perfect, fucking perfect, ‘m gonna give you more baby, don’t worry sweetheart, ‘m gonna give it to you”
“please please please i want it, please —“
her moaning loudly, biting down at the space where your shoulder meets your neck as she sits up some, pushing your legs down until your knees are nearly pressed by your head, and god it’s so easy for her to shove you around like you weighed nothing.
“god, fuck!” she’s groaning, slamming a hand down on the mattress just to let out some of her pent up arousal as she tries to remind herself you are a person, you are breakable.
“‘m gonna give it to you baby, don’t worry,” she murmurs, grabbing your cheeks between her hand and making you look at her. “gonna make you mine, fill you up just like you deserve pretty girl”
it’s nothing crazy, just the tip of the iceberg in the ways she wants you and the ways she wants to possess you, but you bury your head into her chest, nails digging into her back as a whine tears itself from your throat, cracking the exterior of her perfect little minx with nothing more than a few words, and it riled her the fuck up.
she grabs you by the throat, pinning you down against the mattress again. she wants to see you again, needs to see you again and the way you react to her, she needs to say worse, needs to pour every confession from the tip of her dick to the bottom of her heart into your mouth right now.
“yeah baby?” she asks, eyebrows raised. you say nothing, just whining in embarrassment until she gives you a light slap to your cheek and asks you again. “you like that? want me to stuff you full, princess? fuck you til you can’t think? til you’re a brain dead little thing for me?”
you can’t help but give in this time, nodding with red cheeks and water pooling in your eyes as she takes your gentle response to heart, and she makes good on her promise.
you don’t stay shy though, and later in the night, when Abby’s done cleaning you up with her mouth and you’re curled up on your couch with her lying on her back between your legs. your fingers card through her hair, gentle undoing the knots your desperate arousal had woven into the golden locks earlier.
“so,” you start, pursing your lips to hide a smile as she looks up at you, ever attentive to your voice.
“fucking me til i’m brain dead, huh?” you ask, and instantly, her face turns bright red. she���s flipping herself over before you can do anything about it, burying her face into your stomach to hide her embarrassment.
“c’monnnnn, abs,” you say, giggling and poking at her side with your ankle. “it was kind of cute. i liked it. didn’t know you wanted to knock me up that bad.”
she groans into your stomach, tickling the soft skin until you’re wriggling underneath her, shoving her off of you. her confidence gathers itself quickly, and soon she’s giggling back as she wrestles against you, easily shoving you back into the plush fabric of the couch.
she can’t say it to your face, too shy, but when your legs wrap around her waist and her face is pulled next to yours, she whispers, “you haven’t even seen how bad it is yet.”
is that the abby you mean?
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tgmsunmontue · 13 hours
Season to Taste - 17/? WIP
Explicit Hangster - Celebrity Chef Bradley and Naval Aviator Jake Seresin who have a relationship spanning the globe before they realize how tightly bound they are to one another. Heading into this little world.
                While they travel together most people assume Vi and him are a couple, it helps a lot of the time. They end up sharing a room or bed as they move around. It does make hooking up difficult, but he either resorts to bathroom stalls, or going home with guys after letting Vi do her hard ass security routine where she insists on taking any guys photo before she lets Bradley leave with him. Annoying as fuck but he’s certain he dodges some real bullets because of it. On the rarer instances when he’s hooked up with a woman she’s done the same thing, although it had resulted in more than one awkward proposition for a threesome. He knows Vi doesn’t do casual, but she’s more than happy acting as his wingman, and telling him that in no uncertain terms she doesn’t find him at all attractive and never will.
                Spending nearly every waking moment together for weeks and then months on end helps solidify their relationship. He’s never had a sibling, and while Vi has two sisters, they’re both quite a bit older though, so he can only think that this must be what it’s like. She knows him, has known him, for several years now and even though she never likens their relationship to that of siblings she definitely calls him cousin openly and consistently, treats him like he’s family in a way he can’t imagine having any other way without calling her sister. Cousin. Whatever.
…            …            …
                He wakes up feeling the most well rested he has in ages, muscles pleasantly sore, blankets warm, air conditioning making the room cooler and he takes a moment to just burrow down further beneath the blankets and smiles to himself. This is what everyone wants him to do when they tell him he needs a vacation. If this is what it’s going to be like then he’s going to be much more easily persuaded. He stretches and reaches for his phone, surprised to see it’s after ten. He needs to ring Vi and check in and make sure the restaurant hasn’t fallen down, not that he doesn’t trust those he left in charge, but it’s his, and he’s been gone for a while and it doesn’t always sit right leaving it for so long. However he trusts Vi implicitly and she won’t hold back telling him if he needs to come home, no matter how much she thinks he needs a break.
                “Come up for breath huh?”
                “Hello to you too.”
                “You’re having a sexcation, I’m surprised you’re awake.”
                “Jake’s gone to see his family.”
                “Oh. Right. Of course. I see how it is. You’re bored.”
                “I’m…” he lets out a long calming breath, “I wanted to check in with you. See how it’s going in my absence?”
                “I came back to a pile of ash and am busy filling in the insurance paperwork…”
                “Everything is fine. Everyone is fine. We created a well-oiled machine and it’s working exactly as it should. Calm down and enjoy you sexcation…”
                “What if it’s… more than that.”
                “What do you mean?”
                Bradley bites his lip, wonders if he should just blurt out that he’s already asked Jake to consider dating him, having a long distance relationship and trying something, no matter how crazy or difficult it might be. If he tells Vi he’s already done it, she’ll support him, without question. However if he asks her opinion then he’ll also get it, honest and brutal and he’s terrified it might not be supportive but he still wants to hear it.
                “So, I met his sister yesterday. One of his sisters. She invited me to dinner to meet the rest of his family tomorrow night… I really like him.”
                “Yeah. Of course you do. He’s your Cinderfella.”
                “Cinderfella was a fairytale, Jake is… a cocky asshole who adds sauce to everything.”
                “And yet you like him anyway.”
                “I do. I do like him.”
                “Yeah. I could tell. You going to actually do anything about it other than just… sex?”
                “Do you think I should?”
                “I’m not making that decision for you. But… He was learning Italian. Maybe on the off chance that he might one day meet you again. I mean. Slim to zero chances if you were actually Italian, but he was doing it anyway. He makes you laugh. His stupid sauce thing. You think it’s fucking cute and funny. It’s like he’s made you loosen up a bit and that’s… it’s good to see. I want you to be happy and more relaxed and if you have to be with a guy that adds sauce to everything to be happy then I will make sacrifices…”
                “Wow. Big of you.”
                “What is the worst he can say? No, right? Thanks but no thanks?”
                “And what’s the best he can say?”
                “I love you, lets run off to Vegas and get married?” Bradley jokes, because he’s already had the conversation with Jake, and Vi is already pushing him to asking. And Maria had been doing the same, so having family also think that they might work together. Despite the distance and jobs. To try it.
                “Holy shit, you’re thinking about marrying this guy.”
                “What? No I’m not.”
                “You literally just mentioned running off to Vegas to get married!”
                “It was hypothetical!”
                “And if he asked?”
                “I’d… I’d say yes,” Bradley says, but he has to hold back laughter, because he wouldn’t, but god does he want Vi to think he would.
                “Oh my god, you’re serious.”
                “He’s not going to propose marriage Vi.”
                “Well, still more likely than him saying no to whatever it is you’re going to ask him… Bradley. You’ve met his family. Well. A sister. He’s met me, which is as much family as you have and talk to on the East Coast. You’ve shoving several months into two weeks… But do not, under any circumstances run off to fucking Vegas and get married. Aunt Silvia would kill you as soon as she caught wind of it.”
                “Well, I’m not going to ask him,” Bradley says, grinning, because god he loves winding her up.
                “Why not? You have to take a risk sometime…”
                “I’m not going to ask him, because we already talked about it yesterday and we’re… dating. Going to try the whole long distance th-”
                “Mamma Mia! Stronzo!” Vi snaps out, followed by further strings of insults in Italian and Bradley laughs at her annoyance, feels accomplished in a way that only annoying her brings.
                “Yeah yeah, think of me tomorrow when I’m meeting his entire family. For the record, he has five sisters.”
                “Oh… oh that’s beautiful. That’s what I call karma. Stronzo.”
       ��        “Yeah, laugh it up. Can’t be any more intimidating the Nana and Nonna.”
                “True. Think you’ll take him to Italy?”
                “It’s been six days. How about we just… slow it down. Take it easy.”
                “Hmm. From the guy who has already decided to date him and try long distance. And yet I’m the one suggesting crazy shit.”
                Bradley groans, and he knows what he’s going to ask next isn’t going to help at all in terms of making Vi think he’s not rushing into things.
                “His sister clocked me as soon as I walked in by the way. She’s a fan.”
                “Jake has no idea who I am…”
                “Oh… oh shit. That’s not going to work.”
                “He knows my name. But he doesn’t like watching reality TV. He saw one of my recipe books, that Maria owns, and he didn’t even blink. Was just… oh, good for you. You’ve done a cook book.”
                “Okay. So maybe he’s just very chill about it?”
                “Maria thinks he’s oblivious and will remain oblivious.”
                “Maria is…”
                “His sister. She invited me to dinner. To meet everyone else. Said that Jake can be pretty blind to things even when it’s right in front of him. And that she’ll… maybe help him remain in the dark a little?”
                “That’s not a good idea.”
                “Not in a bad way. Just… she’s warning all of Jake’s other sisters, so they don’t make a big deal and are prepared when I turn up. She was not prepared for me to turn up, Jake had been calling me Leo the whole time. I’m lucky she just rolled with it. We’d met at the market as well, so…”
                “He knows your name though right?”
                “Yeah. And Maria calls me Bradley.”
                “Oh. So… he knows you’re a chef, that you’ve done some books and what…?”
                “That I work in a restaurant in New York. But also that I travel a lot for work. Sometimes.”
                “You do travel a lot.”
                “Okay. Well, for the record I think you should maybe try and spell it out for him.”
                “It’s kind of nice having him like me for just me…”
                “Leonardo…” Vi says, and he can hear the reproach in her tone. “He already likes you. Don’t think he’s going to care about your very limited claim to fame.”
                “Yeah, but you know people think of me differently when they see the TV version of me, and then meet me in person.”
                “I don’t think Jake is going to be one of them.”
                “Yeah? Why do you think that?”
                “Because of the way he adds sauce to fucking everything. If there was a guy who cared less about what you do for a job I challenge you to find him. Salsa scandalo.”
…            …            …
                “So… want to tell us about him?”
                “Why bother? You’re just going to grill him tomorrow.”
                Again silent looks are exchanged and Jake realizes that maybe Olivia is also an owner of Leo’s cookbook.
                “Are you a fan of his?” Jake asks.
                “I…” she starts, looks to Maria. “Yes.”
                “Okay, you guys cannot make a big deal or embarrass me, okay?”
                “This is the first person you’ve ever brought home. It’s kind of a big deal.”
                “If you guys screw this up for me, he’ll also be the last guy I ever bring home.”
                “Okay okay, we’ll be on our best behavior. We promise.”
                Jake doesn’t trust that statement at all but it’s not like he has much choice in the matter.
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jrswritings · 1 day
Tingles and Giggles - Chapter Fourteen - Tyler Owens x Reader
Get caught up with the Chapters 1-13 on the Masterlist! :)
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Chapter Fourteen - My Little Wild Wrangler
While walking out of the doctor’s office with about 15 stitches in your arm, you were practically mauled by Asher and Finn who were both crying. You couldn’t help but laugh while putting your arms around them and giving them a light squeeze. 
“We thought you were gone forever,” Finn whined. 
“And then we would’ve been stuck with that weirdo wrangler and his team without you,” Asher cried. 
“Guys, he isn’t all that bad,” you said, looking up to see Tyler cleaning the grass and other debris off Lil Blue and Ol Red.
“But he’s crazy, (Y/n),” Asher said, pulling away from you and wiping his eyes. 
“And you’re saying we’re not?” You asked, looking at both of them with a smile. 
“I guess you’re right, but I still don’t like him,” Finn said, looking at you with his eyebrows furrowed together slightly. 
“No one said you had to, Finn,” you said, walking over to your truck to check out the damage. 
“Looks like you need to get a front guard like the one I have,” Tyler said, leaning against his truck. 
“Headlights are replaceable,” you said, looking at your broken headlight on the driver’s side, “Zach at Tornado Tires usually has stuff for my truck in stock as he drives a 350, too.” 
“Maybe for Christmas I’ll get you one,” Tyler said softly, and started to walk down towards JoAnn’s diner. 
“If we make it that far,” you joked, walking behind him while sending a text to Zach about a headlight replacement. 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Tyler asked while stopping in his tracks which caused you to run into him. 
“It was a joke, Ty,” you said, regaining your balance and then walking around him, “Chill out.” 
“Sorry, I can’t chill out when someone I care deeply about just went through a tornado,” he huffed at you, “It should’ve been me who saved that kid.” 
“And it wasn’t, it was me,” you said, turning to face him and crossing your arms, “Just be glad I’m not an idiot and know what I’m doing out there even while I was scared.” 
“I’m glad you’re alive, (Y/n),” he sighed, “I don’t know what I would’ve done if you weren’t.” 
“You would’ve grieved a day or two then went back to chasing like nothing happened. You’d fall in even more in love with Kate and have a big ol happy family,” you snapped, turning around and walking towards the dinner. 
“(Y/n),” he called after you, knowing he messed up.
You had just went through a tornado and Tyler chose now to take your joke seriously, you were uptight from almost being killed and having a boys life in your hands. What if he hadn’t made it and you did? You would’ve been destroyed and most likely quit chasing.
You slowed down your walking pace and took a deep breath. As much as you were scared, you had to realize Tyler was, too. He had just divulged all his feelings to you the day before and he could’ve lost you. You stopped walking and just stood in the middle of the sidewalk while hanging your head. While trying not to cry you heard his boots scrape across the cement then stopping behind you.
“Ty,” you sighed softly, “I’m sorry I snapped at you.” 
“I’m sorry, too, babe,” he whispered, “I should’ve been more sensitive to the fact that you were the one out there.” 
“You didn’t deserve for me to snap at you either,” you said, turning and facing him.
“No, I did, I was just thinking about me and what I could’ve lost,” he said, looking down into your (y/e/c) eyes. 
“Apology accepted,” you said, looking up into his. 
He pulled you in for a hug, not caring if anyone saw as he would and could make up some excuse about you needing support after going through that and your team falling apart. 
Your body relaxed after making contact with Tyler. Part of you loved how relaxed you felt with him, but another part hated it as you were falling hard for him. You pulled away as you heard a voice call out for Tyler. 
“Tyler!” Boone called, running over to him, “The team and I heard what happened! We can’t believe we missed it or didn’t see it coming!” 
“It kind of came out of nowhere, and it was dark so we would’ve had a hard time seeing it. Where the hell were all of you anyway?” He asked, smacking Boone’s shoulder playfully. 
“We were out in Woodward last night to do some bar hopping, you weren’t back when we were leaving so we left without you,” he said, “We don’t even know where you were.” 
“I was out,” Tyler said, rubbing the back of his neck, “Thankfully no one was really injured.” 
“The only one I heard was actually hurt was (Y/n) from the Storm Riders,” Boone said, “She’s quite the wild one, ain’t she?” 
“Yeah,” Tyler chuckled, “She definitely is.” 
“I’m going to catch up with the team to help out anyone else,” Boone said, “We should all do dinner tonight.” 
“I think that will work,” Tyler said, “I have a couple things want to talk to the team about anyway.” 
“Sounds good, boss!” Boone said while jogging back to Dani and Dexter. 
“I’m wild now, huh?” You asked, putting your hands on your hips. 
“I can’t say you aren’t,” Tyler said, turning around to face you with a smirk, “My little Wild Wrangler.” 
“Sounds like a new t-shirt idea,” you said, walking to the diner. 
“You mean like the one you’re wearin’?” He asked, wrapping his arm around your shoulders. 
“It’s called a comfy bedtime shirt,” you said, pulling the flannel over the tornadeo shirt you had worn to bed. You were thankful that your mom engrained into your head to rarely sleep without a bra on due to emergencies like such so you weren’t stuck looking like a participant for a wet t-shirt contest. 
“It’s okay, babe,” he said, “Someday you’ll sleep next to the real deal and the shirt won’t suffice anymore.” 
“Slow it down, cowboy,” you laughed. 
“I’m just sayin’,” he said, shrugging, “You’ll never want to go back.” 
“We’ll see about that,” you said, “Unless Asher and Finn were having a log sawing contest in their room, I’m pretty sure you were the one snoring up a storm last night.” 
“Hey now, I can’t help I was tired after such an exciting day with a beautiful woman,” he said, throwing his hands up while trying to defend himself. 
“I’m pretty sure the shirt is a lot quieter than the real thing,” you joked, smiling at him. 
“Now that’s just rude,” he said, putting his hands on his hips. 
“Rude or the truth?” You asked, raising your eyebrows at him and mocking him by putting your hands on your hips. 
“Ouch!” He said, rubbing his chest, “That heart the ol heart.” 
“You’ll be okay,” you said, walking into the diner with Tyler right behind you.
“Good morning, sunshines!” Cindy called out from behind the counter, “Quite the twister we had this morning, huh?” 
“You could say that, Cindy,” you said, walking over to the corner booth and sliding into the seat. Tyler slid in on the other side of the booth, tapping your boots with his. 
“Having the normal?” Cindy asked, starting to get a glass of water. 
“I’ll actually skip the coffee this morning,” you said, “I’ve had enough excitement this morning to keep me awake for a couple days.” 
“I’ll take a coffee,” Tyler said, grabbing a couple creamers. 
“On it!” Cindy said, pouring a cup of coffee and your glass of water. 
“Were you planning on telling your team tonight that we’re joining?” You asked, leaning back into the seat. 
“Something like that,” he said, “I’ll need you to add Asher and Finn to our group chat though as I don’t have their numbers.” 
“I can do that,” you said, taking out your phone and pulling up their contacts. 
Tyler handed you his phone and when you opened the lock screen you saw it was a picture of you from last night at his little shack taking a picture of the sunset. 
“Really?” You asked, showing him his screen which made him smile. 
“What can I say?” he said, taking the coffee cup from Cindy when she walked over. 
“You’re such a cheese ball,” you laughed, sliding up and it opening the phone. 
You added Asher and Finn into his contacts and handed his phone back to him. You took yours out and texted your mom.‘Hey Mom, I plan on heading out that way possibly tomorrow. I wanted to today but my plans are being delayed. Let me know if that works for you. Love you.’
Taglist: @fanboyswhore9 @faith719 @ummmeg @nerdgirljen @winterassassin1804
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bad268 · 8 hours
hii! idk if i can request this but can you write for pepe marti about the crash in baku? like the crash happened and reader try to comfort him or something like that??
My Methods (Pepe Marti X Reader)
Fandom: RPF/F2/F3
Requested: Clearly (Took me a minute, but I got it!)
Warnings: none technically
POV: Second Person (You/your)
W.C. 877
Summary: The reader comforts Pepe after the crash in Baku.
As always, my requests are OPEN
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The last place you expected to be after this race was in a hospital waiting room. You knew this was just a precaution, but that didn’t mean you wanted to be there any more than you needed to be. You weren’t allowed to go back with Pepe, so you sat scrolling through TikTok in the waiting room. 
You loosely followed the rest of the race, but after Pepe’s accident, you went to grab yours and Pepe’s things from the driver’s room, knowing that he would need to go to medical. Little did you know, they would suggest he go straight to the hospital until his engineer told you separately. By the time you got there with the rental car, Pepe was already in the room getting checked out, so you just had to wait. Thankfully, it didn’t take too long for him to be released on concussion protocol. 
He slowly walked with his head down through the waiting room as the nurse guided him to you. Once he was within an arm’s length, you reached out and grabbed his hands. You pulled him closer to you and wrapped your arms around his waist, breathing him in. You realized he still had his race suit on, so you tried your best to grab your backpack without pulling too far away from him. 
“I've got a hoodie and jeans for you, so you can get comfy,” You whispered, putting the backpack in his hands. You walked with him to the bathroom before gently pulling away and gesturing for him to head inside. “I’ll be out here, waiting for you, and we can go home.” He seemed to hesitate, looking between you and the door a few times. Then, he just walked back over to you and rested his head against your shoulder.
“No,” He whispered back as you moved your hands to card through his hair carefully and tried to see if there was a nurse or anyone nearby that could help. Unfortunately, or fortunately in your case, no one was around, so you pulled him into the bathroom after checking to make sure it was empty as well. When the coast was clear, you pulled him into one of the stalls and locked it behind him. He barely opened his eyes as he slurred, “What’re you doing?”
“Getting you out of this suit,” You said, moving to undo his suit. You pushed it off his shoulders and helped him get his arms out of the sleeves, taking care not to make him move too much. “It’ll suck getting it off, but you’ll feel better not being in your suit. Can you lean down a bit or sit down?” He didn’t fight as he bent his knees to lean a bit, so you could lift his fireproofs over his head without straining or gostling his head. You set the fireproof top on top of the bag before grabbing his hoodie and helping him put it over his head. “That wasn’t too bad?”
“No,” He whispered back again, closing his eyes and swaying lightly on his feet. You wrapped your arm around his waist quickly to help him regain his balance. “I’m good, I think.”
“We can take a minute,” You comforted, keeping your arms around him. “You were just in a crazy crash. We can take all the time you need right now. I’m in no rush. The team said we could head back to the hotel after this, and they’re helping extend the stay at the hotel for a few nights since you shouldn’t fly with a concussion. “
“Can we just,” he stopped for a second, trying to collect his thoughts, “wait…? Like, slow down?”
“Yeah,” You agreed, running a hand up and down his back as he planted his head on your shoulder again. “We’ve got all the time in the world.”
“Can you just talk for a while? Everything’s spinning, and I just wanna hear your voice,” He requested as he hid his face between your neck and shoulder.
“Of course, baby,” You cooed, leaving a kiss on his cheek before sighing, trying to think of something to talk about. “I don’t know if you wanna hear about the race, but I’m glad you’re okay. That was super scary to watch, and I bet it was scary to experience. There was nothing you could have done to avoid it, and I’m just glad that you are not seriously injured. The good news is it could have been worse. The bad news is you have to deal with a concussion and a few bruises for a while. You’ll come back stronger in Qatar. I just know it. I’ll also get to spend every day until then spoiling you and making sure you’re ready to get back in the car.”
“Will you let me eat candy?” Pepe perked up slightly, peaking his eyes open to gaze at you.
“If you want candy, I’ll sneak it in for you,” You chuckled lightly. “Anything you want. You’re currently injured, so I’m here to get you back to health. If that means getting you candy, we get you candy. Mental health is physical health, and your team can take it up with me if they have a problem with my methods.”
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deceptiveshadow · 24 hours
Soo I’m curious about Nova’s backstory. How was he created? For what purpose? Since he has the ability of hypnosis does that mean he was a sort of secret project? (Bcuz why would they build him with hypnosis then???)
Sorry! Maybe you were already thinking about a backstory but I’m already pestering you with questions TT but it’s because your ocs always tickle my brain (in the right way ofc) i love them sm 🥹
Also can he climb walls ? Because i imagine him hanging (kinda like a cat lol) on pipes above stalking and staring at unaware Y/N
Oh he literally has zero backstory LOL. He was just designed and thrown out to the world. It's basically just an AU of SB. Without the whole virus thing..he's just aggro by himself lol! There is also a Sun AI. Though I have not designed him and Bluemoon1331 has suggested the name Singularity for him, which I will probably keep. because I suck at coming up with names and will take what I can get No thought was put into why he has the ability to hypnotize, I just liked the idea of it. He's also not on Bloodmoon levels of intense/crazy and violent so I took the chance to give him the hypno. Where as Blood would be too OP if he had it LOL. He can climb! And yeah a lot of his personality is very much like a cat's. Definitely perched somewhere always watching. Also don't worry about asking about them! I don't mind at all! :> Feel free to keep going, I may or may not have answers lmao.
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iolaussharpe-24 · 15 hours
Barbie in the Mojave - Chapter Two
Thank you to everyone who supported chapter one! You're all lovely!
(Let me know if you want to be added or taken off for chapter three. No feelings will be hurt.)
@waywardrose, @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction, @lunar-ghoulie, @ominoose, @reallyrallyauthor
@steven-grants-world, @clemdango04, @have-you-seen-my-sanity, @missdictatorme, @angelitawings
@outey-spacey, @autismsupermusicalassassin, @mandytrekkie
Feel free to ask questions about anything as well. I'm happy to talk about my process with anyone that's interested.
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Chapter Two: Bad Smells and Worse Ideas
Barbie and Ken stopped and sat down, exhausted. Both of them were tired and panting. Both of them had sore feet (though Barbie’s were considerably worse because of her heels). Both of them were soaked in water despite never being anywhere near water. Both of them were mourning their perfectly styled hair. Ken’s was drenched and stuck to his forehead, dripping in front of his eyes. Barbie’s had gotten frizzy and wild, sitting on her head like one of the dried out brown bushes they walked past. Her headband wasn’t doing much to keep it under control either. Each and every blonde strand had gained sentience and turned against her.
They had walked a long way. The car wasn’t anywhere in sight anymore. It hadn’t been for a long time. The sea of sand had slowly but surely started to become solid rocky ground with dry plants sprouting from split stones and small animals and bugs scurrying into little holes at their feet as they came near.
The sun was setting behind them, making their shadows stretch out several feet in front of them as the air turned cold and the sky began to change colors overhead.
“Barbie, shouldn’t we have found the speedboat by now? This place is like an endless beach without the beach!”
“It’s called a desert.”
“Are you sure this is the right way?”
“I think so.”
“Well what did Weird Barbie say?”
“We’re doing what Weird Barbie said.”
“Wandering aimlessly?”
“For the last time, she didn’t give me directions! I was told to drive a sports car to a speedboat to a rocket ship to a tandem bike to a camper van to a snowmobile to roller blades and then I’d be in the real world where I’d find my kid by equally unspecified means! I don’t know what I’m doing or how I’m supposed to do it, but I want to get it done so that we can go back home and everything can go back to normal.”
He contemplated that for a minute, then smiled brightly. “And then, when we can do boyfriend girlfriend things together. Right?”
She nodded, just to make him stop asking questions. “Sure Ken…. It’s getting late,” she added with a sigh. “We should probably camp out… somewhere. Get some rest so we can keep walking in the morning. I was hoping to be done and home by now, but nothing’s been going right, has it?”
It was annoying. Very, very annoying. All of it. She felt like she was going crazy. She knew that there were going to be differences between Barbieland and the Real World. She did. It was a logical inevitability that only made sense. After all, they are two different worlds. Different realities that were affected by one another, but still very much separated from each other. It sounded absolutely insane, but it did, for some bizarre reason, make a weird amount of sense. Like old sitcoms with a supernatural or otherworldly element that everybody treated like a completely normal thing.
Ken was crouched down with a pile of sticks in front of him, hitting two rocks against each other repeatedly. Trying to start a fire. Fair enough. Just like how the sun had seemed hotter than they were used to in Barbieland, the night air, in turn, was colder. Even in the winter, when everyone tended to bundle up in thick coats and fuzzy boots, the cold never really affected them. This did. It was making Barbie’s skin break out into a thousand tiny bumps that gave her a weird tingling sensation as they appeared.
Must be another human thing. Another problem to fix. Like the cellulite on her legs. She shivered at that thought. Would this spread too? At least the cellulite was easy to hide. It was just on her thighs and was easily covered up as long as she wore longer shorts and skirts.
Their clothes sat in a heap near the place they’d decided to call their campsite, despite not having a dream camper or a tent or a backpack or even a sleeping bag – which was the absolute barest minimum of camping gear they could have possibly had on hand. They’d been forced to carry everything while they walked who knows how far for who knows how long and when they finally decided to stop, they’d just dumped everything unceremoniously in the dirt and used their skates, pads, helmets, and Barbie’s hairbrush to hold down their clothes.
She reached up and felt her frizzy tangles. Felt like a bird’s nest. Probably looked like Weird Barbie’s hack job of a haircut. So, just to feel like she had some control over something, she picked up her brush and started trying to tame the beast on her head.
“I think I saw a spark!”
Ken did not see a spark.
Barbie didn’t have it in her to tell him though. Instead, she praised and encouraged him to keep trying. Saying, “You’ll get a fire in no time,” and genuinely hoping that he would. Maybe that was what was so wrong with everything. Fear and negativity. Maybe, if she just tried to keep a positive attitude, and kept smiling, and tried to go on like her world wasn’t turning upside down, she’d manifest that reality and everything would go back to normal on its own. Or, at the very least, they might get lucky.
It took hours before either one of the two dolls could start a fire. And, by the time they did, it had already gotten cold. To keep warm, the two of them mixed and matched the clothes they brought to cover up as well as they could since they tiny flame they made wasn’t providing them with any kind of warmth whatsoever.
Barbie was in a pair of hot pink ankle boots that didn’t match her pants, and a baby blue long-sleeve shirt that didn’t match anything. Ken had closed his jacket, put on a pair of low waisted jeans, and swapped his sandals for his neon yellow roller skates, though he removed the neon pink wheels from the bottom to make it easier on him to walk in the morning.
After a few moments of sitting side by side to keep warm, Ken lifted his head and sniffed the air. “Do you smell that?” he asked, his brows furrowed.
“Smell what?”
“I don’t know. Something smells… bad.”
Automatically, Barbie turned her head away from her friend, breathed into her hand, and sniffed. Not great. Not terrible. But not great. Think that this wasn’t what Ken was smelling, she lowered her hand and sniffed as well. That’s when she noticed it. A sour smell in the air.
She scrunched up her nose at it at first.. and then realized that it seems awfully close.
For no real reason at all, Barbie lifted her arm and smelled the underside.
Oh. My. God.
She retched and lowered her arm so fast she was impressed that it didn’t snap clean off at the joint. Ken looked at her, confused, and she forced herself to smile and pretend that it was nothing. Even as she dug her nails into her biceps just to make sure that he arms stayed down in an attempt to keep the smell from coming out.
She didn’t understand what was happening to her. Why was her body doing all these things it wasn’t supposed to? First, she was leaking water, her hair was messed up, then she started getting bumpy, and now she smelled?! And that wasn’t taking the fact that she got lost or the wrecked car into account, or any of things that happened before she left Barbieland. This was all in the past few hours.
What could possibly be going on in this little girl’s life to change her like this? It didn’t make sense. How could anything be so wrong with a human that it punched its way through to another world just to drastically alter a Barbie in so many awful ways? It was like time and space and fate had it out for her or something! Worse than Raquelle at her most infuriating. Worse than-
Her thoughts were cut short by a sound in the distance. It was loud and shrill and, like so many other disembodied noises in the dark, was both familiar and strange. It sounded like a dog’s howl in the middle of the night, but it was twisted. It was wrong. And it wasn’t alone.
More howls accompanied the first like a choir singing a chaotic chorus together. One by one they sounded off, the noise echoing in the distance. Barbie looked out into the darkness ahead, unable to see anything at all. Ken did the same, though for a very different reason. He started walking away from her.
“What are you doing?!”
“Dogs! I want to pet the dogs!”
She stared at him, incredulous. “Ken! We don’t know anything about this place! And that doesn’t sound like Skipper walking a group of dogs to me. There’s no one around. We’re out in the middle of nowhere! This is a bad idea.”
“Hey, when it comes to petting dogs, there are no bad ideas.”
“If we were still in Barbieland where we know all the dogs!”
He wasn’t listening. He was just marching off blindly into the dark, his silhouette growing darker and darker. Blending into nothing.
“Don’t go too far! I don’t want you to get lost!” she called out desperately.
Ken didn’t answer. He might have been too far already.
Despite how annoying he could be, Ken was still her friend. She cared about him. Didn’t want him to get hurt. As of right now, he was the only piece of home she had with her. Well, him and a small pile of stuff she had been forced to carry since the car crashed, but she couldn’t talk to a cute skirt the way she could Ken.
She hoped that he had enough common sense to stay close.
Despite poor Barbie’s warning, Ken couldn’t see any harm in wanting to pet a dog. Or a cat for that matter. Or a horse. He loved horses. More, he suspected, than Western Stampin’ Ken did. Animals in Barbieland were always friendly and cute easy to handle. Always. And the Real World counldn’t be that different from Barbieland. It just couldn’t. Their world was made to resemble the Real World. To fix all of the problems the humans faced. That’s what the Barbies and Kens were made for in the first place. An unfriendly animal, especially a dog, felt nothing short of unnatural to him.
She was just being paranoid. Had to be. He’d never known her to be paranoid before, but he’d never known her to have any malfunctions either. This must be one of them. Yeah, that made sense to him. In fact, it made so much sense that it might have just been the reason why Barbie wanted to do this alone. She didn’t want anyone to see how bad this problem could get! He could understand that. If there was a chance that she could end up like Weird Barbie living away from everyone else in the Weirdhouse with all of the recalled Barbies and Kens, it only made sense that she wouldn’t want anyone to see that. In her position, Ken wouldn’t want that either.
Another howl sounds as he walks. That’s a good sign, right? Means he’s getting close. Like how being far away from something made it look smaller. But in reverse.
Excited, Ken walked faster. He thought about all the dogs he’d met in Barbieland and how cute they were. With their big eyes and black noses and little smiles. He even loved the old Taffy dog with her three puppies. Two of them had bobble heads, and the third one needed to be potty trained. That’s why the Barbie that owned them all always had a few newspapers in her dreamhouse. She always let him pet and play with them when he saw her.
Just as he was starting to smile from the memory, he stopped in his tracks. There was a dog in front of him. A little puppy.
It had tan fur and a cream colored underbelly. Big black eyes that stared straight at him. It wasn’t smiling though, that was weird. But the same black nose he always loved nuzzling his own against. It stood perfectly still, watching him as he watched it.
“Hi there,” he said softly, sinking down to his knees. He slowly held out his hand and cooed, “It’s okay. I’m not gonna hurt you. My name’s Ken.”
The puppy stared at him, then stepped forward, sniffing his hand. It yipped at him and two more puppies came out from around the corner to join the first.
In that moment, he just knew that Barbie was going to be jealous. He’d tell her that he found puppies and that he got to play with them, and she was going to look at him and say, “I wish I’d gone with you.” He just knew it. What else would she say? He was right. There’s absolutely no way that petting a dog can be a-
That wasn’t a good sound.
Looking up at the rocky side of the plateau, Ken saw two more dogs. Fully grown ones. Their teeth were showing as they growled at him. The blond stood up straight, still smiling. “Hi! These little cuties must be yours.”
One of the dogs jumped down, still growling at him, it’s ears low, teeth bared. Then the other dog jumped down to join the first. And a third came from behind him.
His smile fell at bit as he watched. They reminded him of something… unpleasant. Something he’d seen in some of the older movies while at the theater with Barbie. Maybe she was right… maybe this actually was a bad idea. He hadn’t thought that was even possible until now.
Oh no.
Ken took a few steps backwards as one of the dogs started to snap at him, still snarling while it did. He raised his hands, showing the dog his empty palms. “Woah, woah, easy. Easy. I’m not going to hurt you. Or the puppies.”
A loud BANG! sounded from the darkness, echoing through the valley that Ken had been walking in. Almost immediately after, one of the dogs let out a pained whine unlike anything Ken had ever heard in his life. The others turned and ran away while the one that cried fell to the ground, a thick red liquid soaking its fur on one side. He’d never seen anything like it before and… wow… he was thinking that a lot lately, wasn’t he? The Real World was so different from Barbieland. Even the things that were familiar were different.
He looked down at the dog lying at his feet. It wasn’t moving. Wasn’t making any noise. It was more like the dogs back home that way. But in a bad way. A way that made him… not happy. Very not happy. It was like how he felt when Barbie turned down his attempts at doing boyfriend/girlfriend things to have a party with the other Barbies but it wasn’t that. This was different. Like everything else in this world.
He knelt down beside the dog and put his hand on it’s snout. It didn’t react. The fur was coarse and warm. But… it was getting cold. Fast.
He didn’t know what to do. He didn’t even know what was happening. All he knew was that he didn’t like the way it made him feel.
Dirt crunched under heavy boots behind the blond while he knelt over the animal. He looked up to see a man wearing a long coat and a hat standing there. The first person he’d seen aside from Barbie since they left home.
“You lost, brother?”
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stockholmgf · 10 months
just wrote my letter to santa i asked him to pay my tuition and also for just one (1) sustainable and genuine friendship with another person
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ropes3amthoughts · 22 days
This is such a mess but do you guys get my vision
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nolongercorrupted · 10 months
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y’all think chuuya’s good? why does he look so tired ☹️
not to mention this panel in an earlier chapter where he looked exhausted as hell but now that we know he wasn’t actually a vampire what was going on here??
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strawberrybyers · 6 months
no fr what is the symbolism of felines in stranger things because this can’t just be a random coincidence?? also the new pic of the duffer brother: that cat plushie!! a cat plushie is featured behind mike in one of the photos and that’s a screenshot from a season 1 episode 👀
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