#i’m not entirely sure how to respond to it besides just having someone put the proper credit..
gaydexvocaloid · 5 months
uhhh what do i do if i find your art on pinterest?
oh!! well i don’t think there’s much that can be done unfortunately.. the only things i’d like 2 ask of you ( or anybody else that finds it there ) is that if you could comment saying who originally made the art if that’s alright :) and!! would you also mind linking me to the post(s) if you ( or again anybody else ) find it there? i’m always curious on who’s reuploaded it and what the comments are lol, i hope that’s alright though!!
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avis-writeshq · 2 months
hellooo <3
can i request a lil something for hotch about that one trend on tiktok “calling my bf my husband to see his reaction” thxx!
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pairing: aaron hotchner x fem!reader genre: fluff, established relationship warnings: talks about marriage + commitment a/n: thank you for requesting lovely <3 wc: 650
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Aaron’s confusion is palpable when he watches you prop your phone up by the corner of the car so that the front camera faces the both of you. He’s well aware of how you make videos of yourself to post on the internet – it’s actually how Penelope set the two of you up – but he’s never really been in any of the videos you’ve posted. The two of you are just going on a fast food trip and as soon as you step into the car, he finds himself incredibly underdressed. Granted, you always look lovely, but you still look far too overdressed to go to a drive-through. 
“Are we going somewhere after this?” He asks slowly, his eyes raking over your figure and the way you fix up your hair. 
“No, honey, I just wanted to dress up.” You smile at him, leaning over the console to kiss his cheek. 
He frowns, a stark contrast to the brilliant blush on his cheeks and the redness of his ears. “This seems like a plot.”
“No plot,” you laugh again and turn to your camera. “Guys, my husband thinks that I’m plotting something. Can you believe that?”
Aaron’s brain short circuits as soon as the words register. His fingers go lax on the steering wheel and his jaw unhinges. He’s staring at you like you’ve got three heads and his blush travels all the way down his chest. He likes the sound of that. An entire lifetime with you flashes before his eyes and all of a sudden there’s a ridiculously wide smile on his face and his eyes are crinkled at the corners.
“You’re beautiful.”
You’re giggling. A hand over your mouth and your eyes have lit up with mirth. He spares a glance at the camera and he manages a small groan, covering his face with one hand in an effort to shield his reputation. You’re still laughing quietly, although your own cheeks are hot from his breathless compliments. 
“Was this all just for a video?” Aaron asks, moving his free hand to your knee and squeezing. “Sweetheart, that’s cruel.”
“No, it isn’t! It’s just a silly video, Aaron, it’s not cruel,” You say through a smile, and you stop recording and pocket the phone. “You reacted really nicely though, I’m sure the video will do well.”
“Do other people not react well?” He asks, concerned. He doesn’t really want to think about how other boyfriends react to their significant other calling them ‘husband’, especially when he can’t imagine ever having a life without you in it. 
You shrug as you respond, “one guy didn’t let his girlfriend finish her sentence before he was yelling that he ‘isn’t her husband’. Which is true, but he responded really quickly and really seriously that it didn’t seem like a joke. I don’t know how they are in real life though, so it could have been staged.”
His concern turns into one of mortification, mainly for the couple. “I don’t understand how someone could get into a relationship and have no end in mind.”
That alone is enough to have you swooning, and he leans over to kiss your forehead. You’re beaming at him, almost slyly, and he brushes your hair out of your face. 
“We should go somewhere nice,” He decides, sitting back in his seat. He puts the car into drive. “You’re too pretty to go to a drive-through.”
You’re laughing again as he starts driving in the direction of your favourite Italian place, one hand on the wheel and the other on your thigh. You don’t know about the velvet ring box hidden underneath the drivers’ seat. 
Two weeks later, the video you recorded garnishes a whopping 23.6 million views, pinned beside another with a ring as the thumbnail. That video has a terrifying 43.9 million views, and Aaron is not spared any teasing. 
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reblogs are always appreciated !
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mooshywrites · 5 months
Making It Our Own
Astarion x Reader, Astarion x Female!Tav
Art commissions
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A/N - Kinda a continuation of my last fluff, slice of life kind of affair
Word Count - 3.1K
Warnings - NSFW, MDNI, smut, fingering, unprotected sex, fluff/soft dom Astarion, aftercare if you squint, multiple orgasms, biting because thats practically required with this man, overall straight degeneracy
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“How else will we make this place our own, my darling?”
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“Why in all the god’s names, would they have the staircase here?” Astarion wondered, exasperated.
You smiled softly, looking over the slightly rickety stairs before him. They were a little in the foreground of the room, awkwardly jutting out beside the selling desk.
“Beggars can’t be choosers, my love.” You responded, kissing his cheek sweetly.
”With the amount of hard-earned gold I spent on this place, you would think someone would have at least dusted before we moved in.” He complained, dragging a finger across the desk, holding up the collection of caked dirt.
You fought the urge to scoff at the thought of Astarion actually earning any amount of money, but you contained yourself knowing he did put a fair amount of effort into having this small shop be his own.
For the entire idea of Astarion running a shop starting as a halfhearted tease, you could hardly believe you were actually standing in the place now. It had taken a few months of odd jobs, even odder quests, and… well… yes, there was some thievery involved in getting enough coin to buy the little shop on the corner of the quietest part of Baldur’s Gate. It must have been a bakery, or perhaps a tiny bed and breakfast before the two of you, because it sported a surprisingly large kitchen in the back along with four midsize rooms upstairs. Of course, if it were any of those things, it must have long long not been occupied.
“I’m sure it won’t take long to make the place exactly what you want, Astarion.” You murmured, trying to be optimistic. You looked up at your pale elf, seeing his mouth in a tight line. His eyes peering accusingly at the grime and disrepair on the first floor. Luckily, from your investigating, the upstairs level seemed to fair a bit better.
”Darling, it will take half of a century to even make it look clean” Astarion chuckled, turning his attention back down onto you. “It may be a disaster, but I do suppose it is our disaster.”
”That’s the spirit.” You grinned up at him. “Where should we start then?”
Astarion shook her head decisively, “You can start upstairs. I won’t have your pretty little hands working yourself to the bone on this mess. Or dirtying your new dress.”
Your hands idly smoothed your skirt, fingers running over the delicate gold flowers expertly embroidered across the fabric. Astarion insisted he began practicing his sewing in preparation for the shop and your clothes, of course, were his first choice of material. The simple green gown you were wearing today was covered in dainty flowering vines.
“Perhaps you’re right,” you sighed. “I can think of much better ways to ruin one of your projects than covering it in dirt.” You added, gesturing to the dress.
Astarion leaned back on the desk casually, his eyebrows raising, “What possible ways could you be talking about, pet?” He asked, his voice too sickly sweet and innocent to be anything other than a thinly veiled tease.
Well… two could play that game. You gave him a small smile, stepping forward to place your hands on his chest. You didn’t miss the way his eyes darkened slightly at the movement.
“I just mean that if your hard work is to be dirtied, it better be worth it.” You shrugged.
Astarion couldn’t help but smirk, knowing your innocent attitude was as much of an act as his own. His face inched closer, voice only above a whisper now, “I can think of a few ways that would be more worth your time, love.”
“And those would be?” You almost didn’t recognize your own voice, practically breathless even with only the hint of his words.
”Oh, pet. I think you already know.” He practically purred. “How else will we make this place our own?”
You barely had time to respond before the words were swallowed by Astarion’s searing kiss. His lips molded against your own, coaxing a small muffled moan from your chest. His arms snaked around your waist, pulling you flush against his chest. Your own arms wound around his neck, fingertips coming up to lace their way into his curly white locks.
”I’m afraid your beautiful dress may be sullied, yet,” Astarion murmured, pulling back for a moment, “There isn’t a surface here that is suitable enough for you to lay upon.”
”’Lay upon?’ Why would I need to do that?” You whispered, feigning ignorance.
Astarion’s hands fell to just below your butt before suddenly hooking your legs up and around him. You don’t even have time to chastise him before you’re spun around and placed on the dust covered desk.
”Astarion, my dress-!” You squeaked.
His eyes rolled in response, his hands sliding up the sides of your dress. “For god’s sake, darling, I’ll make you a new one.”
He leaned in once more, this time, pressing a chaste kiss to your jaw, effectively silencing your argument. You tilted your head back, giving him better access to the crook of your neck. You sucked in a shaky breath as you felt the points of his fangs grazing feather light across the sensitive skin, goosebumps erupting on your skin and heat settling in your lower stomach. You could practically feel him smile against you at your reaction, always proud to make you putty between his hands.
His lips and teeth continued to dance down your neck, pausing for a moment on the sweet spot just above your collarbone. The movement completely distracts you from how his hands continue to sneak their way up your legs.
That is, until, you felt his fingertips drag slowly against the clothed heat between your legs.
Your breath caught in your throat, eyes meeting Astarion’s as he lifted his gaze, smirking. ”Why darling,” he purred. “Whatever did I do to deserve this silence?”
You threw him a half-hearted glare, not trusting your voice to deliver a retort in case it proved the point he was already trying to make. Instead, you pulled his face towards your own, locking him into a passionate kiss. You earned a particularly delicious groan as you gently dragged your tongue along his lower lip, silently prodding for access.
He graciously allowed your tongue in, exploring with his own. His fingers worked in tandem with his tongue, tracing feather light figure eights, seeming to be avoiding where you needed him most purposefully.
You whined into the kiss, causing the vampire to chuckle darkly, “What’s the matter, pet? Pained are we?” He teased.
”Just… touch me.” You begged, not at all embarrassed at how quickly you became desperate for him.
Luckily, the plea’s seemed to have the desired effect, a content sigh escaping you as cold finger moved your panties aside and pressed against your cunt.
”My, my.” He whispered, lips moving to catch the shell of your ear in a gentle bite. “It didn’t take long at all for you to be practically weeping for me.”
All you could do was whine as his middle finger dipped shallowly into your heat. He was right, of course, it took practically no time for him to bring you to tears with his fingers, your core clenching at just the thought of what he could do with those sinful hands.
You leaned back just enough to get a better view of him, his hair a mess from your own hands, his lips plump from your bruising kiss, his pointed gaze a shade darker than usual as he eyed you hungrily. Your chest rose and fell shakily, taking in the sight before you.
“Gods, you’re beautiful.” You whispered, barely even aware the words had escaped your own thoughts.
His eyes blinked in surprise before a warm smile fell across his face, leaning in to press a surprisingly innocent kiss upon your nose. “Aren’t I just?”
You could have guessed that would have been his reaction, your elf hiding behind a veil of humor anytime he was uncomfortable with a compliment or praise. I mean, showing emotions is difficult, isn’t it? Someday, you would have to find a way to make him take the compliment. But how? Bondage? A maid outfit? Constant teasing?
Your slightly crazed wandering thoughts were harshly interrupted as you felt Astarion’s finger sank deeper within you, his thumb brushing across the sensitive nub right above. Your yelp quickly transformed into a moan as his thumb began dancing in simple short circles, igniting the flame in your stomach to burn even brighter.
”Darling, you know how it hurts me so when you aren’t paying attention to me,” He prodded, voice thick with need and his ever present pout. “What could you be thinking about other than how well your dripping cunt takes my fingers.”
”N-Nothing,” you started, a moan interrupting your sentence as his finger began to pull in and out teasingly slow. “I was thinking about how to keep you from letting compliments roll off of you. Maybe it will take this-“
You brought up your hand to trace a fingertip along the ever growing bulge in his pants. Though he tried to hide it, you were very aware of how his brows drew forward, the way his mouth parted in a heavy breath.
“I assure you, it will take much more than that to entertain any of your praise.” He retorted.
“And how much more would that be?” You replied confidentially, riding the high of the reaction you were able to pull from him.
”Hmm,” he pondered, even having the audacity to look to the side as if in thought, all while his fingers continued their magic below him. His act gave way to a devilish smile as his focus returned to you.
”One orgasm, one compliment.”
”W-what?“ You squeaked, feeling your cheeks begin to redden immediately.
His finger curled deliciously forward, pressing against a point that had your mind quickly fogging over with lust. “You heard me, darling. For every orgasm I drag out of you, I will graciously accept one compliment.”
You couldn’t even begin to come up with a retort, your cunt giving every thought away as it squeezed hungrily around the pale elf’s single finger.
”Ill take that as a resounding yes.” He murmured, clearly proud of himself.
He slipped another finger in, expertly pumping them into you. His other hand reached up, pulling the top of your dress down in a quick tug. The cold air and the desire in the air had them hardening almost painfully. The man before you didn’t miss this development at all, mouth coming forward to nip at your breast playfully. His lips then closed around the hardened nipple, tongue swirling around it slowly. You could’ve drawn blood from how hard you were biting your lip, trying not to let your moans fill the small room.
It didn't take long for the vampire to return the affection to the other, his hand kneading the soft skin his mouth had just left. With his hands, his mouth, the slick sounds your own body was making, the coil below your stomach already felt wound too tight.
You felt the white hot burn at your lower breast, the pain of Astarion’s teeth mixing deliciously with the way the rough pad of his thumb presses hard against your clit. “Gods, Astarion.” You managed to get out, your hips beginning to rock helplessly against his hand.
”Too much, pet?” He replied simply against your skin, licking at the pinpricks of blood left behind by his teeth.
You shook your head furiously, the burn in your stomach becoming more demanding, your breaths uneven and strained. “P-please… please more.”
Astarion growled darkly, his hand moving faster, his mouth returning to your skin. The coil winds tighter, your moans falling into incoherent begs and whines. Astarion, sensing your oncoming high, deftly slips another finger into your folds.
Your vision pales as you cry out, muscles tensing while your orgasm crashes into you. Heat courses through your veins, arousal riding its course as the pale elf’s sinful mouth eases you through it. By the time you’ve regained your perception of which way is up, Astarion is smirking at you, accomplished haughtiness written across his face.
”I believe you’ve earned one compliment, my dearest. Make it count.”
”That was… You are,” You responded breathlessly, thoughts not quite forming correctly in your orgasm ridden brain. “You are amazing, Astarion.”
The man left out a soft chuckle, landing a kiss on your forehead. “Not the most impressive compliment I’ve ever received, but a deal is is a deal. Thank you, my pet.”
Realization crashed onto you. Did I just use my compliment to say something as useless as… that?
”No! No, that wasn’t my compliment, I deserve another go.” You pouted.
”Aht aht ah, we said ‘one orgasm,one compliment’. You can’t expect me to bend the rules for such a clearly made deal.”
“You can’t be serious! You know you can’t hold me to anything I say after coming down from something like that!.” You argued, not feeling ready to give up the fight quite yet.
”Honestly, darling, I don’t know why you’re making such a fuss! There’s a simple way to remedy this.” He said, a knowing smile adorning him.
”And what is that?” You replied, blankly.
Before you could guess his movements. His hands deftly ripped the thin fabric of your panties and reached to pull you flush against his bulge. ”You have another orgasm, of course. What was it you wanted? ‘another go’?”
The desire you had just released from your body hit you again, tenfold. Your own fingers began to work at the ties of his breeches.
”Slowly, darling.” Astarion chastises half heartedly. “We have all the time in the world.”
You knew his words were empty, you could tell by the way his jaw was clenched, pupils blown out with lust that he was as desperate for this as you were. You finally loosen the tie enough to pull the fabric down, releasing his erection to hit his stomach with a small slap.
Astarion let out a strained groan as you wrapped your hand around the length, your thumb swiping across the bead of precome leaking from the delicate slit. You looked up at him, taking in his reactions, greedily. His breaths came in labored heaves, hands gripping your sides as if it were his only anchor to reality.
”Now, now, no teasing, pet.” He tried to retain the cool and confident tone in his voice, but his words were rasped, an octave lower than usual.
You gave him an innocent smile, placing a quick kiss before whispering against his lips, “Then take me, love.”
It’s as if you have broken some sort of invisible chain holding him back. He kisses you harshly, teeth catching at your bottom lip. He adjusts your sitting position, hands pushing your thighs apart to give you access.
He pulls away, looking down at you bared before him, though he could never put the thoughts into words in this moment, you look absolutely ethereal. The ripped clothes, messy hair, big doe eyes looking up at him; he was absolutely undone.
His hips pushed forward, his member dragging through the wetness in between your legs. A strained groan erupts from his parted lips, eyebrows drawing close together, “Gods, darling… you’re perfect.”
You let out your own whine, hips greedily pushing forward, desperate for the friction or Astarion’s cock against your clit. He leans forehead to rest against your own, finally, finally, pushing into your awaiting cunt.
It finds no resistance as it thrusts to the hilt, the dew from your previous orgasm aiding its path. The room is almost completely silent, the both of you reveling in the feeling of the delightful stretch his body imposes upon you.
After a few moments, his darkened voice cuts through, “Please, darling. I must move.”
You nod wordlessly, craving the movement as much as he did. A low grunt was all the warning that you got.
Astarion’s hips snapped forward, setting a brutal pace of thrusts. Your moans fall over your lips with short breaths, hips trying to hold themselves up against the man.
Astarion’s hand reaches down further, holding some of your weight by gripping your ass, his other holding up his weight as he leans forward. His hot breath fans against your neck, head resting against you as if all of his energy is spent on roughly taking you.
Every drag of his heavy cock drives you higher and higher, sickly sinful slaps echoing amongst your embarrassingly loud moans.
“Gods above, pet.” Astarion manages, every word sounding like it took immense effort on his part. You felt his hips start to stutter, your own core beginning to clench hopelessly.
”Astarion, please! I- I…” You start, the pleasure rendering you mute.
”Come undone,” Astarion growls lowly, “Come undone with me.”
Your mouth opens to a silent scream, your cunt clenching hard around the thick member. Your hips jerk desperately, your nails digging into the pale elf’s arms. Astarion follows quickly behind you, pained grunts whispering out of his lips as he pushes deeply into your heat. You feel him twitch, warmth blooming through your lower stomach.
It’s a moment or two before the two of you touch back down to earth, both panting and clinging tightly to one another. When his head finally tilts up to meet your gaze, his eyes are full of affection, smiling softly.
You return him an affectionate smile, hands coming up to trace circles into his hair. ”So did I earn another compliment then?” You teased.
Astarion rolled his eyes, gently lowering you back down, “I suppose you do. Please make this one better than the last.”
You thought for a moment, wondering what would encapsulate your feelings the best. What would mean the most? After another beat or two, you realized there was no hope at a long and drawn out proclamation of love. It would have to start with something simple.
”I am so very lucky to be beginning a life like this with you.” You say sweetly, gesturing to the messy shop around you.
Astarion’s cheeks redden, still slightly unsure on how to go about accepting such loving words. “Well, ahem…” He cleared his throat looking around the room. “As am I.” He narrowed his eyes again at the layer of dust you sat upon. “After it’s clean of course. A task we should be getting back to.”
”Couldn’t agree more.” You sighed, pausing. “But there is one thing you have to do first.”
Astarion looked back at you, his voice lacking any usual tease, simply full of affection, “Anything you desire, darling.”
You giggle, giving him the sweetest smile you can manage.
”You have to pull out first.”
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grandlinedreams · 8 months
[heads up!: cursing, brief mention of implied abuse (not from Zoro)]
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“Just shut up, damn it! Go find someone else to pester instead of bugging me!”
He doesn’t mean it. The moment the words slip from his lips, he knows he’s going to regret it – especially since it’s born out of irritation over something that’s far from your fault. Training had not been going the way he wanted. Most recent injuries still healing, the stubborn, persistent ache of his body had steadily pushed him into a darker and darker mood.
And then you had come up to ask him a question – if he’d wanted something to drink, something to eat – and then the question that’d tipped him over the edge. “Shouldn’t you be resting instead of trying to train? I don’t think it’d be good for you to reopen something…”
And he’d snapped, eye blazing with fury as he jerked his arm out of your reach. 
You freeze, arm dropping back to your side. He expects you to lash out, fire back – you know how to hold your ground, and he’s been a front-row witness to how sharp of a tongue you have when you’re (rightfully) pissed. 
But you don’t. 
Instead, your expression goes blank and you turn, slipping back down from the observation deck. In the absence of words, the hard click of your descent offers a finality that makes a chill slide down his spine.
He knows he should apologize, but pride is a difficult thing to swallow – especially when he knows he’s at fault for this. So he stays put, shoving down guilt in favor of resuming his training and pointedly ignoring the protest of his bandaged wounds. 
By the time he comes down for dinner, Zoro is in a far better mood than he’d started with – he’s finally managed to get where he wants to with training, and his injuries have eased from persistent ache to a dull throb that he can tune out. 
Entering the dining room and spotting you in your usual seat with the standard empty one beside you for him, he moves to take his seat – only to watch as you get to your feet and leave the table entirely. 
“Where are you going? Are you feeling okay?” Nami’s the one to ask, just as confused by your abrupt behavior as Zoro is. 
“I’m fine,” you answer, turning to give the navigator a reassuring smile. “Just remembered I wanted to watch the sunset, that’s all.”
 Zoro watches you go, wondering if he’s forgotten some agreement the two of you’d made beforehand – and turns to find Nami staring at him. He frowns, already on the defensive. “What?”
“What did you do now?” Her tone is accusing, her eyes narrowing as Zoro’s temper flares once more.
“Why are you assuming I did something?” 
Nami folds her arms across her chest, raising an eyebrow. “Because you’re not the most perceptive person around when it comes to anything but fighting,” she points out and he bristles, even though he knows she’s right. “Think, Zoro. I’m sure you should apologize for something.”
“No, I–” He halts. He does have something to apologize for, doesn’t he – how he’d yelled at you, the look you’d given him before turning and leaving. It’s clear that you’re still upset about that, and while he doesn’t blame you, like hell he’s going to admit that he did do something to Nami or anyone else. “Whatever. I’m leaving too.”
He gets to his feet and moves in the direction you’d gone, ignoring the mutter of what sounds suspiciously like “idiot” from behind him in favor of searching for you. True to your word, you’re up towards the bow of the Sunny, arms folded on the railing as you stare out at the ocean. 
Apologize. It's easy, in theory ㅡ to say "I'm sorry" and wait for you to respond if you forgive him or not. And yet he can't quite shape the words, settling for the next best thing.
Pretending nothing happened.
"Dinner's gonna go cold," he says as he approaches, and he doesn't miss the way you stiffen at the sound of his voice, but otherwise ignore him. "Want me to bring it out to you?" You don’t answer, and he can’t help the flare of frustration. Are you really going to ignore him like this? “Not talking to me now?"
Your hands curl against the railing. You've been trying your best not to think about earlier, the unpleasant memories it'd unearthed ㅡ and the fact that Zoro wants you to pretend like nothing happened only furthers the sour taste in your mouth.
'He isn't like that,' you tell yourself firmly. He has a hair-trigger temper that sparks over some of the dumbest things from time to time (especially where Sanji is involved), but it fizzles out quickly. 
But you know the consequences of anger behind closed doors, away from prying eyes and ears ㅡ fingers brush your shoulder and adrenaline floods your veins, ripping you out of your unpleasant reverie as you jerk away, fixing Zoro with wide, frightened eyes. “Don’t touch me!”
Your voice isn’t loud enough to be heard by anyone else, but it still startles Zoro all the same – for the vehemence in your tone and the look that you’re giving him, like you’re afraid of him, that he’s going to – realization hits him harder than any enemy ever could.
Oh. Shit.
Of course you’d reacted the way you had earlier when he yelled at you, jerked so harshly away from you, arm raised as though he – he feels sick. How could he have forgotten? He knows he’d never do that to you, would never dream of it – but it hardly matters when he’d offered a blow of a different kind, just as devastating. 
Apologize. He isn't even sure if that’ll fix the damage done now, but he can’t stand the idea of you being afraid of him. Shrinking at his voice, flinching any time he moves near you – he takes a step towards where you’re crouched now, trying to calm the panicked rhythm of your breathing.
“I’m sorry,” he says, and though he wants to touch you, he resists. “I shouldn’t have yelled at you earlier. It wasn’t anything you did, I was in a bad mood and…that’s no excuse to raise my voice at you.”
You’re shaking. It’s minute, but he can still see the tremble of your limbs and it only drives the knife deeper, knowing he’s the one to blame for this – and then you’re lurching towards him, a choked yelp coming from him as he struggles to steady both of you. “Hey–”
“Idiot,” you whisper, hiding your face against his shoulder. “You’re an absolute moron, Roronoa Zoro.” 
“I know.” Tentatively, he brings a hand up, cups the back of your head. “But I’m your moron, right? Your favorite idiot?” 
Your hands fist into his shirt. “Unfortunately, yeah.” He hums, adjusting to hold you closer as your breathing slows into a steadier cadence. “Zoro. I don’t want you to think this means I’ve forgiven you.” You can feel him still against you, and you lift your face from his shoulder to look at him properly. “The next time you raise your voice at me like that–”
“There won’t be a next time,” he tells you firmly, conviction clear in his tone. “It won’t happen again.” 
His hand drifts from your hair to cup your cheek, relieved that you lean into his touch now. “I promise.”
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ventismacchiato · 1 year
16 behind the lens — chat going crazy !
scaramouche x g!n reader
˗ˏˋ scara point of view ´ˎ˗
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“Welcome everyone,” Scara greeted as he pulled up the game lobby, and as usual, he was the only one ready, “Why are all these fuckers late?”
“Let’s all agree not to snitch on me this time,” he mutters, “Last time you guys snuck into Albedo’s chat and told him to vote for me,” he continues as he adjusts his camera. He’d put more effort into his outfit that day for a certain someone, causing him to start later than usual.
xingyunclouds donated $15
so tell us about this y/n?? 😏
A small smile crept onto his face at the mention of y/n, much to his dismay, which didn’t go unnoticed by the chat.
“Don’t embarrass me tonight. They said they’re watching this stream,” he grumbles, stifling his emotions as he busies himself with decorating his character, “Also, it’s none of your goddamn business.”
ventismacchiato donated $20
“Everyone here?” Tighnari calls out. They were all streaming from their respective rooms in the house.
“Guys, should I leave the cheese hat on or not?” Childe asks instead of answering, his voice in Scara’s ear as he ran around the lobby.
“Just start it,” Heizou says, and Scara could hear the smug grin on his face, “You guys are going to lose anyway.”
“Play nice, Heizou,” Kazuha reprimands as the game starts to load.
“You know he’s ruthless,” Star answers, and Scara gets a tight feeling in his stomach. It’s been a year since he’s heard Star’s voice properly, but instead of how it usually unsettled him it felt oddly familiar. Perhaps he was tired.
“Shut up,” Scara remarks, ridding himself of those thoughts.
“Make me,” Star easily responds, which makes Scara pause and everyone else crack up.
“The fuck,” he mutters, “Y/N isn’t going to like that.”
“Get ready to listen to them fight the entire game,” Venti sings.
“Everyone mute until voting,” Tighnari instructs as the game loads.
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“I swear to the archons if I’m imposters with Childe again I’m killing myself,” Scara complains as he mutes himself from the main chat, knowing Childe would start defending himself if he heard Scara’s comment, “He’s always been shit at lying. One time he ate the cake I baked for Y/N and lied to me about it with frosting smeared on his cheeks.”
The screen on his computer loads and instantly his chat is flooded with laughter as he and Star’s characters appear under the screen as the imposters for that round.
frzenhans donated $420
“I take it back, I’d rather have Childe,” he mutters, joining a private call with Star.
“Hey partner,” Star calls out, laughing in his ear. It tickled his nerves.
“Shut up,” he says on instinct, “Do not be the cause of my first loss.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it,” Star chuckles as they load in, “Who should we kill first?”
Scara trails behind Venti in the game, “Wait until two of them are together so we can double kill,” he offers, pretending to do tasks beside the blue character.
“I think Heizou saw me vent,” Star confesses.
“It’s been two minutes why are you this dumb?” Scara sighs as a meeting is called as expected and they all join the main chat.
Much to his surprise, Star defends themself with ease.
“I’m pretty sure Heizou vented in front of me,” Star falsely accuses, “I can’t be for sure though but he got there pretty quickly when my back was turned.”
“YOU BITCH!” Heizou yells into the mic, “You know damn well—”
“Babe,” Kazuha hums, “Deep breaths.”
“The fucking audacity,” he continues, “You’re the one who vented right in front of me!”
“Let’s just end the meeting, Heizou is trying too hard,” Scara interrupts.
“If this happens again we should vote out Heizou,” Tighnari says as the game resumes.
“I hate you all,” Heizou huffs as they all go on mute once again.
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“I’m going to kill Venti,” Star says in his ear.
“Why don’t we sabotage first and double kill?”
“But he’s literally right in front of me, I’ll let Heizou find the body,” Star adds.
“Alright,” Scara muses, tailing behind Heizou, “I’ll do tasks with him.”
He follows Heizou into the Medbay, where as expected, was Venti’s dead body.
They both join the main call and are immediately hit with accusations. None against them though.
“WHO KILLED MY VENTI,” Aether cried out.
“It can’t be Scara since he was with me,” Heizou thinks out loud, “Childe has been real silent.”
“That’s because I cannot figure out how to do shit in this game,” his best friend whines, “I would never kill Venti.”
“Can anyone back up Heizou’s location?” Star questions.
“He wasn’t with me, he’s lying,” Scara answers, his lie garnering a gasp from Heizou.
“I swear to the archons above if you guys believe him,” Heizou starts, getting riled up.
“I’m with Scara on this one,” Tighnari hums.
“No, don’t do this. Kazuha please,” Heizou wails, “You guys are making a mistake!”
“I’ll vote for Childe,” Kazuha softly laughs, not able to rid of his fondness for the other male even during a game.
“Simp,” Aether comments, “I’ll avenge you Venti.”
They all place their votes, and apart from Heizou and Kazuha, it’s unanimous.
Heizou gets voted out.
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“Why did we slay that,” Star comments, their giggles ringing in his ear once the two of them are back into their private call. He shakes the light feeling that it fills him with. Absurd.
bongohat3r donated $2
not him gaslighting
“I’ll admit we worked well together,” Scara hums, distracting himself from having Star directly in his ear by walking around the game’s floor plan.
“Why can’t you just admit we make a good pair?” Star asks, taunting him and following behind him.
“We don’t,” he sighs.
“We would make a great pair!”
“Mute yourself I’m sick of your voice,” he grumbles.
“You’re in your denial stage.”
“Enough, Y/N is watching.”
“You talk about them often,” Star muses.
“Jealous of my love life?” Scara smirks as they pull off a sabotage.
“Nothing to be jealous of,” Star huffs.
“You’re not slick.”
“I just think me and you fit better.”
“Is that the hill you want to die on? Because I can make that happen.”
“I’d like to see you try,” Star retaliates as they both walk into a room with Aether and Childe in it. Aether doing his tasks and Childe attempting to.
Words go unsaid as they silently agree to go through with a double kill, easily slicing their friends. A discussion wasn’t needed to know they should self-report. They worked too well together, it made his stomach churn.
“I literally saw Kazuha go in for the kill,” Star says as soon as the call loads, “I’m betting it’s him.”
“How could you accuse me of such a thing?” Kazuha muses and Scara can hear the smirk on his lips, “It was obviously you.”
“Well, there were two bodies so it’s Kazuha and someone else,” Tighnari comments.
“Unless he killed one then let the cooldown run and killed the other after,” Star thinks aloud, “We all know Childe still doesn’t know how the game works.”
“See, now you’re thinking too highly of me,” Kazuha laughs, “I can’t pull that off.”
“You didn’t because we’re going to vote you off,” Scara replies.
“Guys,” Kazuha starts, and it’s like Scaramouche can hear his pout, “This isn’t fair!”
“Life isn’t fair,” Tighnari says as he puts his vote in.
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The victory screen loads in and Star cheers in his ear.
“We did pretty well, didn’t we?” Star asks, eager for his approval.
“I guess we did, good job,” he muses, hoping Y/N stayed until the end to see him annihilate the others.
“Scara complimenting me?” Star sarcastically gasps, “A dream come true.”
“It’s more of a nightmare.”
“Are you insinuating you think of me while you sleep?” Star says, their voice in a low murmur in his ear. Scara finds himself swallowing and his cheeks growing warm.
“Stop being a perv,” he manages to croak out, joining the main call so he wouldn’t have to be stuck alone with Star for longer than he had to. He wasn’t flustered, just annoyed.
“I TOLD YOU GUYS,” Heizou shrieks as soon as everyone loads into the main voice call.
“I believed you,” Kazuha answers, a soft laugh escaping his lips.
“I’m so sorry, Venti,” Aether calls out, “I couldn’t avenge you bestie.”
“It’s alright, you served well,” Venti solemnly says.
“Can we go again I think I figured out the controls this time,” Childe ponders.
“I’m killing myself for getting duped by the duo who despise one another,” Tighnari sulks.
Scaramouche tunes them out as he gives his attention to his chat, which consists of them all complimenting his and Star’s skills. He tears his eyes away from it, calling back on all the out-of-character comments they made throughout the stream.
In response he opens up a new tab and pulls up Star’s stream, listening to how they were praising his skills. He hastily exits it.
“Let’s do another round,” Aether huffs, determined as a new game loads in.
Scaramouche exits his zoned-out state and gets back into his streamer personality, masking the incoming fleet of emotions.
He couldn’t help but steal a glance at his phone every now and then, expecting a certain someone to get his mind off everything.
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behind the lens !
masterlist — prev | next
hope u guys liked the scara pov 🤭
ik u can have ten ppl in among us but i was too lazy to edit all that and realized too late so 🤷
lmk if u see urself in the twitch chat HAHA
zhangrenlin on ig as scara
guys my among us knowledge is limited it has been years so dont come for me if i got shit wrong
author’s notes — BRO THESE EDITS TOOK FOREVER YALL DONT EVEN KNOW I DID EVERYTHING FROM SCRATCH INCLUDING THE CHARACTERS SO PLS LOOK AT THEM 😇 was rlly fun tho i was looking forward to editing this chapter the most
synopsis — you, better known as STARDUST, and BALLADEER have always been in competition for the top streamer spot on twitch, which is especially impressive since the two of you have never shown your faces. you’ve never been on good terms, constantly one-upping each other in matches and getting into petty arguments on twitter, causing your fans to also dislike each other. that’s until BALLADEER does a face reveal that breaks the internet with his good looks…which makes you realize it’s the same guy you went on a date with last night. the type of date that made you crave to see him again. the only problem was he didn’t know you were STARDUST and he was way different behind the lens than he portrayed himself online to you. should you keep your identity a secret to salvage the relationship or just let him go?
taglist is closed — @captainzep @elysiumarchieve @plinkuro @sakkakuu-squared @eliqusgenma @vuvulia @kunikuzushiit @heehooyeslol @stxrgxzxr @lilneps @uma-umie @i9tto @mitsukifilms @caesars-bubbles @wheneverthesunrise @its-like-twilight @kazuhalvrr @erosdevil @thenightsflower @p1utto @noodleshark420 @lxry-chxn @orbitscara @court-jester-stuff @lauragalliart @veyu002 @kaeyas-eyepatch-69 @leathernourishingshoepolish @satowaluverr @lexlapis @drunkwithfever @exhaustedcommunist @vincanzu @ainlaw @ovaliz @kitsuvil @whatamidoing89 @celestair @kunihaver @kazioli @xiaosoneandonly @cridtiins @cherrybeomgyu @asukahiriko @moon-320 @orionicchaos [1/3]
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cat3ch1sm · 11 months
🐇~ HI EVERYONE! welcome back to my account :) im excited for today’s post because this is my first across the spiderverse writing! i hope you guys like it lol i couldn’t stop thinking about it (spiderman is my entire life now)
🐇𓆩♡𓆪☁️ fem!reader, sfw
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𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐰𝐥𝐞𝐫 𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚 𝐜𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐡 𝐨𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮- 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 <𝟑
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~ miles g really does not like admitting he likes someone/ or even the idea of liking anyone at all. he obviously has things that are higher priority and he thinks it’s really a waste of time for the most part.
~ but then you come along,and he’s immediately enamored. like, imagine you’re just casually walking by miles while he’s sitting on his phone or whatever, and you accidentally bump into his leg. he looks up immediately to tell you to watch it, but instead is met with the most beautiful face he has literally ever seen. he legit double takes and completely forgets to even talk. you look down abruptly and are like “oh, i’m so sorry, i wasn’t paying attention!” you wait for him to say “it’s okay” or something like that, but when you look at him his expression is just blank. you kinda wave awkwardly and leave after that, and he watches you leave until you’re out of sight.
~ after you’re gone, he just sits there for a second before frowning and cursing at himself for being so caught up.
~…. “shit.”
~ miles g isn’t really the type to watch from afar, at least not for long. but for a short time, he does just watch you, admiring the way you do every little thing- smiling at your phone, the way you walk, how nice your voice sounds- things like that. it’s not long before he decides to make his move.
~the next time he sees you, he makes his move, cornering you when you’re alone and putting one arm beside your head so you can’t leave. needless to say, you’re definitely caught off guard when you turn around and are met with miles’ face- expression nonchalant and that unreadable glint in his eyes as usual.
~ yeah, don’t be fooled. miles is nervous as all hell and praying to every god imaginable that you don’t notice him shaking. but he isn’t the type to let fear or apprehension get in the way of something he wants.
~ “hey, you’re that guy i ran into the other day… um… hi!”
~ your smile almost makes him keel over. Jesus Christ
~ “hey, ma- glad you remember me. was wondering if you was tryna let me take you out sometime? i thought you were pretty.”
~ (yes, the whole atsv fandom has collectively agreed that prowler miles would call you “ma.” argue with the wall)
~ miles is crazy nervous for your response as he watches your expression furrow thoughtfully- but when you smile that smile again and say yes, he feels like a million weights have been lifted off his shoulder. sure, he’s the prowler, but he’s still a 15-year-old boy who probably hasn’t had a lot of experience in the dating arena.
~anyway, that was a fun little scenario- now let’s talk about miles actually going out with you, like how he is during the time where you’re going out but not quite exclusive.
~ the second he gets your socials, he’s all over them. he’s spending an amount of time he isn’t willing to disclose just stating at your pictures and admiring your beauty. he watches your TikToks religiously, liking them all, but literally immediately scrolls past the ones where you’re with any guy. he’s not jealous because he isn’t insecure, but he just does not care to see you with anyone else.
~ whenever you text him, unless he’s busy with prowler stuff, he’ll respond within like ten minutes at most. miles doesn’t want you to think for a second that he’s ignoring you or forgot about you. he has caught himself smiling slightly at his phone while he’s texting you every now and then, which he is so embarrassed about for no reason😭
~ yes, uncle aaron notices.
~ “aye, g, what’s got you cheesin’ at yo phone like that?”
~ “…nothin’, unc.”
~ “you know i can tell when you lyin’, right?”
~ “aw, c’mon-“
~”don’t even bother.”
- and rio notices, too.
~ “ay, miles, why are you on your phone so much lately? you know i don’t like- miles? what’s so funny on your phone?”
~ “nothing, mama.”
~ “nothing’s funny? then why are you smiling at your phone?”
~ “…uh…”
~ “waaaait…” *pause, hands on hips* “miles, are you talking to a girl?”
~ “mami!”
~ “so it is a girl! is it the same girl whose pictures you’ve been looking at lately?!”
~yes, she noticed that too.
~ “…mami!!”
~ “let me see!”
~ the next two minutes are miles and rio madly wrestling for his phone. (spoiler alert, rio wins.)
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raainy-daze · 2 years
Hello friend! I'm gonna dump a few of these in your asks, hope you don't get overwhelmed 😂
First one (yes they're all Leo x reader, sue me)
Leo x gn!reader who's pressure-touch-starved in the way that if you put a weighted blanket on them, their brain would short-circuit. What happens when Leo decides to use Y/N as a mattress? 😏 ~🌺👸
Physical Affection
rottmnt leo x gn!reader
summary: while you have the apartment to yourself, you invite your boyfriend over. you weren’t expecting him to be so tired, however.
word count: 584
a/n: thank you so much for requesting! i’m sorry if this seems a little rushed, october tends to be a busy time of year for me. you didn’t specify which version in your request, but since i’ve only written rise so far, i assumed that would fit. enjoy!
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Your family was all out tonight. You had the entire apartment to yourself - at least, you did at the moment. You glanced down at your cell phone, noting the message on your screen.
Again, you were correct. He’d promised to show up at eight o’clock sharp, and yet the clock was nearing nine with no sign of him.
You almost fell backwards when someone started knocking on your window at that moment.
You scrambled to the window, undoing the latch. Then, he came toppling in, with his stupid smirk and all.
“Hey, Leo.”
“Why, hello there. Come here often?”
You both began laughing.
“What took you so long? I thought you were dead or something.”
“You know how it goes, come topside, get attacked by the Foot, Murphy’s Law.” He sat down on the edge of your bed. You couldn’t help noticing he looked a bit tired. “I was going to bring something to eat, but apparently the Foot really like Hawaiian.”
“Oh, that’s fine, it’s not like I have a snack stash, or god forbid, a pantry.” You clutched your chest in mock offense.
“Oh, of course not! That would be outrageous!”
You couldn’t help smiling at your boyfriend. “I’ll go grab some chips or something. Back in a minute.” Before he could respond, you vanished into the kitchen. You could’ve sworn you heard a yawn behind you.
When you returned, bag of pretzels in hand, you found Leo had managed to fall asleep in the less than five minutes you’d been gone.
He was lying sideways across your bed, appearing to have fallen backwards from where you’d left him sitting. You sat down beside him, leaning back against your pillow. He shifted a bit, coming back to consciousness. “Mm… (y/n)?”
“Go back to sleep,” you said as you opened your pretzel bag. “You look like you need it.”
He got up to adjust, and before you knew what was happening, he was lying on top of you. His arms were wrapped around your waist, and his face was buried in your chest.
You went tense and froze up. Your arms just kind of hovered, pretzel bag still in hand. He looked up at you, mumbling a very sleepy “Everythin’ alright?”
“It’s fine!” Did your voice crack? You were pretty sure your voice cracked.
That dumb grin was back on his face. “You’re cute, you know.”
The laugh you let out was about two octaves higher than usual. your mind was somehow working overtime and was blank at the same time.
“I can move if you want.”
“No, no, no, it’s fine! I’m just - well I’m just not used to physical affection - just go back to sleep!” You somewhat awkwardly placed your hands on his back (well, his shell, same difference really), as you supposed you were meant to.
He didn’t give off much warmth. That was to be expected, him being a turtle and all. It was kind of soothing. You could feel his chest rise with each breath, and… he was asleep again.
You remained there the rest of the night. It took you a while to fully relax and fall asleep, but… it was nice.
You did kind of regret not eating when you woke up hungry, though.
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yandere-daydreams · 2 years
Title: Artificiality.
Pairing: Yandere!Dainsleif x Reader (Genshin).
Word Count: 2.0k.
TW: Sex Doll AU,  GN!Reader, Implied Sex, Implied Kidnapping, Unhealthy Relationships, and Mentions of Blood/Injury.
[Part Two]
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Dainsleif, your good friend, didn’t like crowds.
He wouldn’t admit him, but it was obvious. You were good at reading him, and even if you hadn’t been, he couldn't really hide it - always edging just a little closer to you than he normally would, or running his hand through his hair as his eyes shifted from your back to the sidewalk to the masses of strangers you were shouldering past, or making a quick grab for your hand before remembering how cool and distant he liked to be and pulling away. It was worse than it usually was today, maybe due to the summer heat or the time of day or the fact that you'd managed to drag him out to the shopping district of all places, somewhere he tended to avoid like one of the mall cops had a warrant out for his arrest. Sometimes, you couldn’t help but think that, if it wasn’t for you, he’d never leave his apartment, shun all human and artificial company alike. It was a terrible way to picture one of your closest friends, but still – you wouldn’t say it if part of you didn’t believe it was true.
“Hey,” You called, over your shoulder. He was behind you, his shoulders pushed forward and his head bowed, slightly. He was scowling, but you couldn’t blame that entirely on the crowds. “Doing alright back there, Dain?”
He hesitated, made a throaty sound that might’ve been a scoff, or a sigh, or something else entirely. “I’m fine.”
A lie. A blatant one, at that.
But, that was why he had you, right?
You laughed as you grabbed his hand, guiding him off of the crowded walkway and onto the covered patio of a nearby café, dotted with a few tables and a handful of seated customers but otherwise empty. When he didn’t immediately unwind, you did what you could to set an example – leaning against a white-washed brick wall, tilting your head back, and watching as Dainsleif crossed his arms, shifted his weight, did all the things he usually did when you’d taken him somewhere he didn’t want to be. When he glanced in your direction, you could only shrug, smiling apologetically. “I didn’t think it’d be so busy,” You admitted, nodding towards the rows of packed storefronts in front of you. “Sorry, I should’ve thought about that before I asked you to come. I promise, I just need to do one more thing, then we can leave.”
“I told you, I’m fine.” Stubborn as always, even as he fiddled with the sleeves of his jacket. Maybe that was why he always seemed so uncomfortable, so eager to leave wherever you’d taken him. If you dressed like he did – all long-sleeves, all full-length jeans, all heavy coats and high collars and thick, dark material – you probably wouldn’t want to stand around in the heat for very long, either. “If any of this bothered me, I wouldn’t have come. Besides,” He paused, gesturing vaguely towards the dozen or so plastic, branded shopping bags hanging from your wrist. “Someone has to make sure you don’t spend your life’s savings on… Why are we here, again?”
You opened your mouth, but didn’t answer immediately. Out of the corner of your eye, you caught the door to the café opening, a waiter… or, rather, an android being used as a waiter soon stepping out, notepad already in-hand. A Venti, judging by the twin braids, the easy smile he put on as he started towards you, probably mistaking you and Dainsleif for waiting customers. You waved him off quickly, of course, chuckling to yourself as he spun on his heels to tend to another set of patrons. “I’ve told you, Teyvat has a new—”
“Don’t tell me that you’d be interested with someone like him.”
His tone caught you off-guard. Clipped, irritated, laced with a kind of annoyance you couldn’t remember ever hearing from him. You weren’t hurt, but the shock thew you off for a second, your confusion audible in your voice as you tried to respond. “Do you mean that Venti specifically, or…?”
“I—” He pursed his lips, turning away from you sharply. “I mean, don’t tell me you’d be interested in something like that.”
“Oh, a companion droid?” That made more sense. He’d never liked androids, something you could only chalk up to the fact that Dainsleif didn’t like a lot of things – save for you, of course. “You know I’ll never be able to afford one, which is exactly why you're taking me to drool over the new droid Teyvat's releasing today. I've heard it's a Harbinger - one that'll only cost three years worth of rent, for a change.” You straightened your back, perked up, waving for him to follow you as you started back onto the walkway. “Speaking of, c'mon. We should get going before this set sells out.”
There was another scoff, but there was a smile tugging at the corner of his lips, a new levity to his voice. You couldn’t help but relax a little, at that. Honestly, you were just hoping he'd have a good time. “Fine,” He said, already falling into line behind you. “If that’s what you want.”
"I couldn't think of anything I'd love more, Dain."
Dainsleif, your boyfriend, was touchier than he’d like to admit.
His hands latched onto your waist, your knees planted on either side of him, his face buried in the side of your neck, where he could lap at your skin and moan into the crook of your shoulder as you ground against the prominent bulge in his sweatpants. There was a movie playing in the background, one of the B-rated high-fantasy flicks he liked, but you’d lost track of the plot twenty minutes after he’d put it on, and any scraps of dialogue you’d be able to make out were lost under the sound of his hitched breathing, the occasional grunt that’d slip out whenever you rolled your hips in a way he seemed to enjoy.
He pressed a wet, hot kiss into the side of your neck, and you whimpered, bringing your hands up to the hem of his shirt, your fingertips just barely brushing against his toned stomach before he caught your wrists and hauled your own shirt over your head, nearly tearing the fabric in the process. You only laughed, the pitchy sound cut short as he wrapped an arm around your waist and threw you onto his couch – positioned so that he was above you, his chest pressed into yours and your legs wrapped around his waist. His mouth was on your neck in an instant, then your collarbone, then your chest, his teeth grazing over your skin with just a little too much pressure and a little too much precision to be purely accidental. You arched into him, your fingers soon tangled in his hair, and he let out a rough groan, nearly too low for you to hear. “Mast—”
He cut himself off, straightening his back, going rigid on top of you. It took everything you had not to laugh. You knew you shouldn’t tease him, not right now, not like this, but still, the temptation was there. “What was that, Dain?”
He hesitated for a long, quiet second, then closed his eyes, melted into you despite the tension still knotted in his posture. “Master…” He trailed off, his voice soft, muted. “Is it… Is it alright if I call you that?”
“Of course.” You did your best to comb through his hair, to as comforting as you could be, given the situation. It took him a moment, but he leaned into your palm, sighing heavily as he started to relax. “It just surprised me a little, ‘s all. I didn’t know you were into stuff like that.”
You watched as he swallowed, as he lowered himself back down to your chest. “And, I can touch you?”
A little, soft sound of agreement, a gentle nudge lower. “Anywhere you want to.”
He didn’t say anything for a long moment, didn’t move at all.
Then, he broke out into a small smile, and his eyes fell away from you, his expression softening into something nearly sweet. “I love you.”
You only grinned, sitting just far up enough to kiss the top of his head. “I love you too, Dain.”
Dainsleif, your Dainsleif, was standing in the doorway of your bedroom, covered in blood.
That was the first thing you noticed after you bolted awake, panting and still trying to understand what you were looking at, from his torn clothes to the open gash stretched across his chest to the splotches of something dark and wet and drippinglittered across his chest, his hands, his legs. He didn’t have a key, he’d never asked for one, but you hadn’t heard him knock, nor had he turned on any of the lights, done anything aside from stand there and stare at you, not blinking or moving or breathing, from what little you could see. You sat up, but he didn’t say anything, didn’t move to approach you. You didn’t know whether to be scared, or thankful you had a few more seconds to catch your breath.
A few seconds you wasted, of course. He was bleeding, and you needed to know why. “Dain? Are you—”
“They’re bastards.” You almost asked who he was talking about, what he was talking about, but you didn’t have the chance. He was already going on, already rambling, already approaching you with the kind of quick, stilted steps that’d fit something else, something more mechanical than you or him. “All of them – bastards. The Archons were—They aren’t even cheap replacements, they’re killers, and Teyvat, the other androids, all of them, they’re all murderers—"
“Dainsleif.” You started to get up, pushing your sheets aside and moving to stand, but he was already at your side, already trying to take your hands in his. You pulled back, and he let out a frustrated grunt – something you tried to ignore as you continued. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, and—Did someone hurt you? What happened?”
“They want me dead.” He was smiling, now, grinning wildly. He made another grab for your hands, and when you drew away, he took you by the shoulders, instead, his grip almost tight enough to bruise. “They want all of us dead, Master – everyone from my collection. But, I won’t let them. They can’t kill all of us. They can’t rip off my skin and ruin my mind and send me out as some— some object.” He paused, laughed, dragging you into a sudden, clumsy kiss. You shoved at his chest, bit at his lips, but he didn’t so much as flinch, only pulling away after he’d gotten his fill. “I’ll have to move again. But, you’ll come with me, won’t you? You love me, don't you, Master?"
You opened your mouth, but couldn’t speak. Your eyes were starting to adjust to the darkness, and before you could stop yourself, your attention fell from his face to his chest, to the tear in his shirt that slit the fabric apart from his neckline to his midriff. You were right about the cut. It was a wound, messy and deep, but it wasn’t bleeding, and the skin around it didn’t look right, too clean, too neat. There wasn’t any muscle, or tissue – just blackness, empty void interrupted by…
By something silver?
Your eyes shot back to his, and for the first time, you noticed how glassy they were, how his skin was just a little too perfect, a little too smooth. He didn’t say anything, but he didn’t have to. If you were being honest, you didn’t want him to.
It’d save you the pain of having to wonder why you’d never noticed how unnatural his voice sounded, before.
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reqxxyt · 1 year
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pairings: oscar p. x f!reader
summary: mission: make oscar piastri your friend
warning: ngl reader is kind of annoying-
masterlist requests are open!
[uedited] 1.9k
_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
“Oscar is coming in today, try to make him feel welcome?” the text sent in by one of your coworkers read. You felt excitement run through you over the news of the driver coming in for the first time before the season would start. You were media manager of the two drivers, ensuring that everything between the two were good in terms and everything that the public sees was appropriate. 
You were practically friends with the entire crew, Lando being the closest to you. It was always the easiest to make friends with someone, and you planned to be friends with the upcoming driver just like you did with the rest of the crew. So you ensured you looked your best today, putting on a bright smile as you walked past everyone. 
“Met Oscar yet?” Lando came up to you, walking beside you now as you two entered the media room. 
“Nope, supposed to introduce myself later after hes gotten the tour” you explained seeing Lando frown a bit, “whats up?”
“Hes a bit quiet so don’t make him feel too overwhelmed. I know how far you can go to make someone your friend” he said reminding you on how past workers just wanted you to stay 20 feet from them and no less. It hurt your feelings but you understood that not everyone wanted to be your friend and let them be themselves still exchanging a simple smile. 
“Maybe you just don’t know how to make friends like I do” you confidently stated while Lando gave you a blank stare, not amused at all already thinking about the different ways you'll try to get the driver to be your friend. 
“And this is the media room” one of the workers announced and you immediately turned your head to see Oscar trying to stand as confident as possible. The two walked up to you and you shined your infamous welcoming smile, “This is y/n, i’ll leave you to her. I’m sure you’ll like her” 
Oscar just gave you a nod of acknowledgment with a small smile, a bit shy but you could work with that. Just need a little crack of the shell. 
“Hello newbie” you said, you could tell Oscar was already cringing at the nickname as he raised an eyebrow and you began to cringe at yourself apoligizing, “Terrible start, i’m y/n your media manager. So I basically deal with anything that goes out to the public so please don’t give me too much of a headache because thats landos job” 
He chuckled at that. Great start, you thought to yourself. 
“How was your last media manager because i'll make sure to treat you 10 times better” you confidently said with a proud smile as you started walking around the building with him following still getting the general premise of the layout. 
“I never got much of a chance to talk to her, mostly kept to herself” he said, crossign his arms in front of his chest.  You thought about how sad that was, not knowing who your drivers were that you wouldn’t have been able to talk to them. You two neared the patio as you said with a delighted voice, 
“Well i’ll make sure to talk to you” his nervous presence didn’t go unnoticed by you. You just needed to crack his shell is all, you keep telling yourself. 
The next day you greeted him and he only smiled at you. Nothing wrong with that, people are tired in the mornings. You called the two drivers in later that day to discuss how to out the news of Oscars arrival and while you made (amazing in your opinion) jokes, Lando would be the one to respond to them while Oscar stayed quiet nearly the entire meeting. 
Okay we all have our off days. 
But it would routinely be the same. Some days you wouldn’t even spot him or get a chance to talk to him. 
“I don’t think he likes me” you slumped into Landos bed as he was playing on his computer, listening to your rant for the past hour as a background noise. 
“Not everyone wants to be your friend, y/n” he reminded you and you only groaned against the pillows muffling your sounds at the reminder. 
“I know that but” you paused, thinking about it for a moment “he barely even acknowledges me anymore. Its somehow gotten worse” you slumped to yourself trying to think of a possible (good enough) reason as to why he mightve changed. 
“Just give him space-”
“I have a plan” you interrupted him making Lando sigh tiredly, now being the one to lose his patience. “Mission: Make Oscar my friend” you grabbed a random piece of sticky note paper and began scrambling for ideas. 
Step 1: be generous
Easy enough, you thought. Who doesn’t like cookies? You’ll just make cookies and offer them to him. You spent the entire night making cookies for the entire crew so it wouldn’t look too suspicious, put them into pretty bags and offer them to people as they enter. 
“Trying to get someone to be your friend?” oen of the coworkers passed as you handed them a bag, you gave them furrowed eyebrows. He only laughed, explaining “you always do this when you're trying to make a friend” 
You thought about it, cursing to yourself remembering this was how you got the photographer to be your friend last time. Thinking too much, Oscar had passed you without saying anything. You caught up to him with a bag in your hand. Oscar didn’t seem too surprised, growing used to your bursts of greeting. 
“I made cookies for the team, here” You handed it to him, and with a hesitant look he took them in your hand whispering a small thank you before walking at a faster rate hoping you would get the message. You did, but you refused to accept it as you began to increase your pace with him. 
Step 2: ask about their day
“How was your day?” your joyful voice made him stiffen. 
“It's been well” he responded in a quick manner, he wondered why you were still following him as he thought you would have much more important things to do instead of trying to connect with him. You did but its not like you finish your work on time on the regular anyways. 
“That's great-”
“y/n, need you to look at these” someone behind called out and you hesitated before sighing to yourself and waving with a simple smile before leaving, leaving Oscar to finally be able to breathe and settle down his rapid heart. 
“Didn’t work too well?” Lando asked, sitting down on the couch of the media room as the photographer began to show you the pictures.
“No, something is wrong with me” Your hands ran through your hair as if you had really lost your spark in people. “He seems to be enjoying everyone else but me” 
“That's because you're simply too much” he displayed his cheeky grin making you playfully hit him before you started examining the pictures. 
“You want to come with us for a photoshoot?” the photographer asked you and you eagerly nodded thinking this would be perfect chance to talk to Oscar more. 
Step 3: be an assistant. Practically help him with anything and everything he may need. Does he need water? You will personally go on a hunt to find the nearest water. Food? Give him yours, don’t feed it to him though. That’s weird. Jacket because it gets too cold? Fine, you’ll give him yours. 
“Stop acting so weird” Lando judged you as you practically jumped out of the car since he offered you a ride to the place. “And try to” he paused pretending to think before finishing “not be yourself so much” 
You shook your head as he laughed to himself feeling a little too proud of his joke. You spotted the photographer and Oscar chatting, he seemed more comfortable with her and you sighed to yourself before running up to them with a bright smile. Oscar immediately stopped talking, backing up a bit causing you to feel conscious of your aura. 
Lando gives you a look and your smile falters a bit to a much smaller one before facing back to the photographer, “when are you getting started?” you asked. 
“In a little, just need to get my bag. Be back” she leaves, being followed by Lando not too long after. Your eyes narrowed, now a bit confused as to why the two had to walk off considering it was just a bag until realization hit you. 
“Oh, they are so together” your smile beamed covering your mouth, heart picking up already being so happy for them. You faced Oscar who looked like he couldn’t care less, but seeing your smile made the corner of his lips curve up a bit “You know what this means?”
“The press are going to have a field day with the news?” he guessed and you only nodded suddenly your smile dropping, realizing you may have gotten too excited, going back on your heels to contain yourself from jumping around. 
“Shh don’t mention anything” you couldn’t help the smile though, as you giggled to yourself. It got quiet as you broke the silence facing him suddenly a bit nervous, “Hey, Piastri?” 
He hummed, allowing you to continue a bit interested as to your quiet demeener. 
“How come you don’t like me?” you were a bit embarrassed to ask, seeing as you’ve never questioned someone so much. Usually leaving them alone after a while, so why was he different?
“Who said I didn’t like you?” his eyebrows furrowed at you, somehow gathering enough courage to look at you properly for the first time, you now being the one to be looking down. The question brought your head up though, a bit surprised. You thought it was obvious. 
“You talk to practically everyone but me” your voice got quieter, something that rarely ever happens. 
“I’m talking to you now” he commented on and you only rolled your eyes, 
“Thats because I initiated the conversation” you couldn’t help the frustrated voice being let out. 
“Well, you're different. In a good way at least” you could tell he was getting nervous, some pink lingering on his cheeks and whether that was caused by you or the sun you didn’t want to know in the moment. His smile largened by just an inch but you weren’t one to not notice, “You want to be my friend so badly?”
You nodded eagerly earning a small chuckle from him. Why did your heart leap at the sound?
“Let me do it my way” he picked up one of your hands. “Allow me to take you out to a quiet place somewhere and I promise you’ll learn about me by the end of the night” 
His suggestion made your heart flip, a weird heat rush going to your cheeks as you realized his suggestion, tilting your head asking “like a date?”
The official term made Oscars cheeks now a bit more rosy, but you found it to be adorable. “If you agree to it” was all he said. 
You thought about it for a minute, allowing a small “sure, why not” shrugging with a small smile hiding your large one. 
After only about a month, he asked you out officially and you had finally succeeded in your mission. 
You got Oscar Piastri to be your (boy)friend. 
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vcnillazelda · 2 years
love’s web
albert wesker x reader
summary: albert comes home to you
tags: pregnant! reader, fluff, domestic wesker bc love this man, small bit of happy crying/crying in general, hormones, single implication that reader is a single mother
woah two posts in a short span of time :o
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slowly, albert shuts the door to your apartment. the door clicks shut, and he relaxes a little. the lights were off in the living room, yet the kitchen had a dim illumination seeping from the slightly open door. naturally, he walks over, peering inside. you had left the light on, but you were nowhere to be seen. he wants to call out, but he decides not to just in case you had accidentally forgotten and had gone to bed. a note catches his eye, and albert walks further into the room. picking it up, his eyes scan the paper, a soft smile upon his lips. “just in case you come home and i’m not here or not awake, there’s a microwave meal for you in the fridge and there’s most likely some chilled coffee too. love you albert! xxx, y/n (and baby)” there was a small heart at the bottom too. his heart warms up fast and he’s smiling to himself like an idiot.
carefully, albert prepares the microwave meal, making sure to stop it just before it beeps so he doesn’t wake you. it’s a simple spaghetti carbonara, but you seemed to have remembered how much he loves the dish. eating as quickly as he could, albert cleans up the plate, disposes of the box the meal was originally in and walks from the kitchen, turning off the light. skilfully, albert walks through the apartment as if he could actually see. he had done this a million times whilst trying not to wake you, he knew the entire layout as well as every nook and cranny of the place you both call home. creaking open the bedroom door carefully, albert peeks inside. he can hear your soft snores, and relaxes upon knowing you’re alright.
toeing off his shoes, albert puts them neatly next to the door, but away from where you might walk in case you accidentally tripped. stripping off his shirt and work pants and slipping into a pair of tracksuit bottoms instead, albert places his glasses upon his bedside table and slowly peels open the blanket before he lays on the bed beside you. being the gentleman he is, he wraps you back up before you get cold. you stir a little as his weight dips the bed, humming softly. albert keeps completely still until he’s sure you’re back into a deep sleep.
carefully, he settles down, arm slipping around your torso to spoon you, his hand resting upon your slightly swollen belly. you were now five months pregnant, and your stomach was starting to develop a lot more than when he last saw you. your fingers intertwine with his, and you nuzzle into your pillow slightly. “i didn’t hear you come in.” you mutter softly, voice groggy. “i’m sorry, darling. i didn’t mean to wake you.” albert apologises softly, kissing your shoulder. “it’s okay. i’m so glad you’re back.” he had been gone for four months, and it was obvious to him you were extremely relieved to have him back home. “i couldn’t make any contact, i’m sorry. i hope everything’s been going smoothly..?” albert asks, and you hum, squeezing his hand. “everything’s been fine… but at my first ultrasound the nurse thought you had walked out on me and was trying to get me to join some single mother’s group.” you reply, and albert feels deep remorse.
“i’m so sorry…” he mumbles, and you bring his hand up to gently kiss his knuckles. “it’s okay. i simply explained that you were a ‘soldier’ and she was very understanding. on the plus side, the baby’s starting kicking.” you respond. albert sighs softly, hand moving back to your belly. “i should of been here. i’ll take the next missions off until you’ve given birth. of course by then i’ll be on paternal leave to help raise the child.” albert kisses your head, and you sigh. “you don’t have to do that. if they need you-“
“then they’ll have to get someone else.” albert interrupts, arm secure around you, not enough to squeeze but enough so that you couldn’t move. “i want to be here for you.” he exhales steadily. “aw, albert.” you whine, rolling over in his grasp to cuddle into him, your bump pressing gently against his stomach as you nuzzle into his neck. “don’t cry, lovely.” he mutters, and you smile a little. “i’m not. it’s all these damn hormones.” albert hums, kissing your head gently. “it’s normal for you to be emotional during pregnancy, my love.” his hand rests upon the side of your belly, thumb gently rubbing affectionate circles. “do you know the gender yet..?” he asks sheepishly. “no. not yet. the appointment for that ultrasound is in two weeks, so hopefully you can come to this one.” you kiss his neck, smiling against his skin. “amazing.” albert smiles too, burying his face into your hair.
“i’ll call the company tomorrow to explain the situation.” albert tells you, moving down a little to kiss your forehead. “if you’re sure.” you mutter, hands gently stroking his chest. “darling, i’ve never been more sure of something in my life.” he coos, carefully stroking your stomach. “okay. i love you.” you mumble, slowly dozing off. “i love you too, darling. go to sleep. you need it.” albert smiles, head resting against yours. you’re out like a light, and albert lays there, relishing your presence. eventually, he feels a gentle kick against his stomach, and his heart melts. carefully, his hand presses to your bump, and the baby kicks again, right against his palm. you hum a little, clearly slightly disrupted by the kicking. “stop it, little one.” he whispers softly, removing his hand so he could hug you again. he feels one last kick against his stomach before the baby goes quiet again, and you settle down once more.
with as much carefulness as he can, albert shuffles down slightly so his head is level with your stomach. “i’m sorry i haven’t been here, little one. i trust you’ve been taking care of your mommy for me?” he mumbles, gently running his fingers over your belly. “i promise i’ll be here for both of you from here on out. i love you both so much.” albert mutters, kissing your baby bump gently. he felt a little silly, but he pushes that feeling aside and kisses your stomach once more. your fingers gently comb through his hair, and you sleepily mumble a quick “stop talking to the baby and come cuddle me.”
albert chuckles softly, giving your stomach one last kiss before returning to his pillow. you latch onto him, bump pressed into his stomach as you force your head under his chin. albert rubs your back softly, listening as you fall asleep once more. slowly, he lets himself doze off, completely content with you in his arms.
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bro-atz · 5 months
cheeky skater boy
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in which: you have a massive crush on your skater friend, only for that crush to die when you meet someone else...
pair: skater!sumin/gn!reader
word count: 3.8k
content: fluff, '04 line ft. hunter, unrequited love, friends to lovers, kissing, hand-holding, and obviously skateboarding
tag list: @yuniniverse @eyeryis @sinnarols apply for the permanent taglist here!
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Skateboarding is an all encompassing art form that engages one’s mind, body, and spirit. There is some unexplainable zen-like feeling one experiences in the act of balance, motion, and control of gravity— it’s a great way for one to just cruise around and forget, well, everything. Of course, you don’t think about skateboarding in that aspect, though. You just skate because you think it’s cool; or at least makes you look cool. You’re not wrong.
“You should teach me how to skate one of these days,” Jinsik complained as the two of you walked to the skate park.
“Or, you could just stick to spray painting the walls at the park instead,” you recommended.
“Come on, you should teach me,” Jinsik whined.
“No, you’re a terrible learner, and I’m a terrible teacher. I refuse,” you declined.
“Y/N’s not wrong, you know,” Hyunwoo came up from behind you and patted Jinsik’s shoulder.
“Shut up. You can’t skate either,” Jinsik swatted Hyunwoo’s hand off his shoulder.
“Nor do I want to,” Hyunwoo laughed. “Leave Y/N alone and come with me. I found a new spot to paint.”
Jinsik hesitantly went off with Hyunwoo, leaving you to start skating around aimlessly. You usually skated with a couple of other friends at the park, but today there only seemed to be unfamiliar people around. You shrugged and skated by yourself. You were doing pretty well on your own; you were playing around with different tricks and started practicing something new before your skateboard hit a pebble, making you trip. You rubbed your knees as you remained on the ground, the sun glaring in your eyes. Suddenly, a shadow loomed over you, and you looked up. A boy you recognized very well was standing in front of you with his hand stretched out towards you.
“Are you okay?” he asked.
“Yeah, I’m okay,” you answered as you grabbed his hand. “Thanks, Sumin.”
Sumin smiled and hoisted you up. You dusted your pants off while Sumin got your stray skateboard for you and handed it to you. You took it back from him and thanked him before he headed off. The entire interaction, your heart was racing like crazy. Maybe you had a tiny, super small crush on the local skater boy, but no one needed to know that; no one except your best friend, Jinsik, that is.
“Were you working on that kick flip?” Sumin asked as you skated beside him.
“I wasn’t working on it. I just happened to hit a rock,” you shook your head. “You know I was the one to teach you that kick flip.”
“Ha! Sure,” Sumin scoffed.
“How dare you deny that! I literally walked you step through step, and that’s why you’re here skating,” you frowned at the boy as you came to a halt.
“I’m pretty sure I didn’t learn from you since I don’t trip over pebbles,” Sumin
“Take that back! I’m not that clumsy!”
Sumin responded by sticking his tongue out. Grabbing your board, you started chasing after the boy. Jinsik watched as the two of you scrambled all over the park. He sighed and returned to the angel he was painting on the wall. Hyunwoo noticed the sigh and patted the boy’s shoulder.
“Relationship problems?” Hyunwoo asked.
“Sure, if you want to put it that way,” Jinsik sulked. “I want to let Y/N how know I feel, but at the same time, I value our friendship… And I really don’t think Y/N likes me that way.”
“Don’t get yourself down like that. Y/N really treasures you and basically loves you, but you’re right. Y/N probably doesn’t love you in the same way you do.”
“Wow, thanks for being so supportive,” Jinsik rolled his eyes.
“My pleasure,” Hyunwoo said comfortingly.
Jinsik glared at the boy and sprayed a big white dot on his pop art Mona Lisa. Hyunwoo gasped as if it was the end of the world and started to fight the boy who ruined his masterpiece. The skate park was always wilding, but it always seemed to be the fault of the four kids who made the park their only hangout spot.
“Today was successful,” Sumin smiled as he panted.
“Shut up,” you slapped him as you collapsed on the ground next to him.
“It’s not my fault you kept falling,” Sumin laughed.
“Yes it was! You kept bumping into me,” you glared at him.
Sumin didn’t bother arguing back. He settled for shooting you a cheeky grin before looking towards the skate park and people watching. You, meanwhile, stared at his hair. He decided to dye his hair green— bright green. His hair was so green that you thought he dyed it with soda or something. Prodding his shoulder, you grabbed his attention.
“I have a question for you.”
“Shoot,” Sumin nodded and gave you his full attention.
“Why did you think dyeing your hair bright green would be a good idea?” you asked him point-blank.
“Hey, I like this color…” Sumin pouted slightly.
“You look like someone spilled Mountain Dew on your head.”
“You have something against Mountain Dew?” Sumin asked, completely flabbergasted at your insult.
“On your head? Yes, I do. Your hair was perfectly fine. Now you look like you planted grass on your head,” you continued to pile on the insults— honestly, you didn’t really care that he dyed his hair green, but you did prefer his hair when it was his natural hair color.
Before he could respond to your flurry of insults, Hyunwoo and Jinsik approached the two of you and sat down.
“Have you both seen the masterpieces we worked on today?” Hyunwoo asked eagerly.
“Pop-art Mona Lisa! Nice,” Sumin fist-bumped Hyunwoo.
“Is yours a self portrait, Jinsik?” you asked.
“No!” Jinsik’s face went fiery red. “It’s an angel.”
“Oh! I see it now. Very pretty.”
“Thank you…”
The four of you talked while sitting at the park until the sun began to set. From afar, you could see a tall silhouette enter the park, and you felt your heart start to beat hard against your chest. You could make out the gentle features of the boy, and the sunset behind him added a surreal look to him that made him look like some sort of heavenly being. You had to look away before your heart stopped beating. The three boys glanced at you and noticed your slight panic. They then looked straight ahead to see what got you so flustered.
“Oh, it’s Hunter,” Jinsik said.
“Hunter? That’s his name? Isn’t it some long Thai name?” Hyunwoo looked at Jinsik with a confused expression.
“Yeah, but his nickname is Hunter,” Sumin explained.
“What?” you were the most confused— after all, this was the first time you’d ever heard of the guy.
The three boys called out to the tall figure, grabbing his attention. He looked over and smiled so wide that you could feel your heart burst. He ran over to your group and sat down as soon as he arrived.
“Hey, guys, how are you?” the boy, Hunter, asked.
“Great!” all three of them responded at the same time while you choked on your words.
Hunter grinned even wider before looking right at you. Your face was completely flushed as he held his hand out towards you and said, “Who might you be?”
“I-I’m Y/N,” you placed your hand in the boy’s hand and shook it gently; you didn’t want your face to get any redder.
“I’m Hunter. It’s nice to meet you.”
“Wait, so you seriously go by Hunter and not your Thai name?” Hyunwoo asked with pure shock.
“Well, yeah. Everyone at home calls me Hunter,” Hunter said while laughing.
The three boys continued to discuss Hunter’s name at great lengths while your brain wrecked havoc. You couldn’t believe that your friends, your best friends, knew this extremely attractive boy and didn’t even bother to tell you about him. You couldn’t stop staring at him because he was just so pretty, so attractive, so handsome.
“What’re you all doing here?” Hunter asked.
“This is our hangout spot. Remember, I invited you here, but you were so busy with your other stuff that you couldn’t come?” Sumin told Hunter.
“Oh, yeah! Well, if this is your regular hangout spot, then I’ll try to stop by if I don’t have much to do,” Hunter said with a chuckle and a breathtaking smile.
“Is it that modeling thing that you’re always busy with?” Hyunwoo asked.
“Modeling? I thought you were on runways,” Jinsik frowned.
“Those are the same things, dumbass,” Hyunwoo rolled his eyes.
“Don’t call me dumbass! You’re the dumbass,” Jinsik slapped Hyunwoo’s shoulder, causing the two boys to start fighting.
As those two were in their own little world fighting like they do in cartoons, Hunter turned to you and Sumin while laughing at the scene. He looked at you and noticed the look of complete confusion plastered to your face before explaining, “Yeah, I’m technically a model, but I don’t really talk about it that often. It’s more like a hobby for me.”
Your jaw dropped. How was he so beautiful yet chill at the same time? Sumin closed your mouth and said, “I would be exhausted if I were you, Hunter.”
“It’s really fun! Everyone is super nice to me, and I like the attention,” Hunter admitted. “I’ll invite you guys to a show or a shoot one day.”
Your heart fluttered just thinking about watching the boy work. As you daydreamt about Hunter walking down the runway, he looked at his phone and said, “Oh, shoot. I gotta go.” He stood up to leave, and your heart slightly fell, only for it to beat at a million miles per hour when he turned to you and said, “What’s your number? I’ll invite you, too.”
You stuttered out your number and waved as the boy took off. Sumin turned to you and saw how red your face was. “Looks like someone has a crush.”
“What? No,” you slapped his shoulder. “Don’t be ridiculous. It’s just really hot outside.”
“Your face is never this red, not even when you’re skating. You totally like him. Just admit it,” Sumin teased you.
“Shut up, moss head.”
With one final slap to his shoulder, you got up to separate the fighting boys. You kicked Hyunwoo’s thigh and pinched Jinsik arm before grabbing him— it was time for the two of you to head home. You both waved at Hyunwoo and Sumin before leaving the park.
“Is what Sumin said true, though?” Jinsik asked. “I thought you liked Sumin.”
“I don’t want to talk about it,” you mumbled to yourself, unable to properly explain your feelings to your best friend.
You felt your phone vibrate and checked to see who it was. It was a text from Hunter saying that he was happy to have met you and that he hopes the two of you can hang out more soon. You smiled to yourself and hugged your phone to your chest before placing your board on the ground and skating off, Jinsik running after you as you sped away.
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One day, you awoke to several texts from Jinsik, a missed call from Hyunwoo, a voicemail from Sumin, and an invitation from Hunter. You ignored everything except for the invitation from Hunter to see his photoshoot that evening. You accepting, and just as you sent the text out, Jinsik called you.
“You’re going to come to the park today, right? There’s going to be a skating showcase, and we’re all going to support Sumin,” Jinsik said.
“I’m so sorry, Jinsik, but I have other plans—”
“Are you serious right now?” Jinsik cut you off, hurt apparent in his voice. “You’re not going to go to the showcase for Sumin? I thought you liked him!”
“I wish I could make it, but I told Hunter—”
“Hunter? Again? Just tell me you like him, and we’ll be out of your hair, Y/N,” Jinsik was pissed; you could tell.
“Jinsik, please. I’ll bring Hunter with me after his photoshoot, and we’ll both be there to support Sumin’s showcase. You know that Hunter and Sumin are tight.”
Jinsik was silent on the other line for a good couple of seconds before sighing and saying, “Whatever.”
Before you could respond, Jinsik hung up on you. He threw his phone on his bed. He didn’t care that you liked Sumin when you had a crush on him, but for some reason, he hated that you liked Hunter so much. Maybe it was because you kept ditching the friend group, or maybe it was because you didn’t spend that much time with him anymore. Regardless, Jinsik knew it would be better for him to get over his anger and just support you since you were his best friend, after all.
You, on the other hand, started cleaning your room so you could find the perfect outfit to wear for Hunter’s shoot. You didn’t want to look dressed down in front of Hunter, the hotshot model suddenly wanted to befriend you. You finally found an outfit to wear after about three hours of digging in your wardrobe. You had to quickly get ready before taking off to get to the location.
By the time you got there, the shoot already started, and you felt bad that you were coming in late. Hunter was modeling for a suit company, so he was expected to keep a straight face, but as soon as he saw you, he smiled, and the photographer got mad at him. Hunter apologized and got back to work while you held back a laugh and observed from afar.
Suddenly, one of the stylists took a look at you before grabbing you and asking, “Are you another model?”
“Me? Oh, no,” you laughed awkwardly. “I’m just visiting a friend.”
“You should be a model! You have the looks for it!”
Before you could even say anything, the stylist grabbed a couple of other stylists, and they all started gushing about your beauty. You were flustered. You didn’t know what to do— you really didn’t want to be the center of attention, nor did you want to all of a sudden become a model. You just stood there awkwardly as even the photographer came to see what all the commotion was about. Hunter, confused by the sudden turn of events, also approached the now large group and saw the trouble that you were in. He pushed his way through the crowd and grabbed your hand. He hugged you to his chest and said, “Please stop harassing my friend.”
The staff apologized to you and Hunter before returning to the shoot. Hunter apologized to you and went back to work, but you couldn’t hear him over the sound of your blood rushing to your ears and your pounding heart. You stood motionless as you remembered how he gripped your shoulder and held you tight against his chest. Your face was beet red as you stumbled over to a chair and sat down. You really needed to calm your beating heart, but every time you looked over to where Hunter was modeling the suits, your heart would only beat faster. You sighed as you checked your phone in attempt to calm down, only to see a text from Sumin asking where you were. Instead of texting back, you decided to call him.
“I didn’t expect you to go for his shoot,” Sumin admitted after you explained your situation.
“As soon as the shoot is done, Hunter and I will come over to the showcase, I promise,” you told him.
“Okay, I go last anyway, so that should give you more time,” Sumin assured you. “I gotta go practice. I’ll see you later.”
“Bye…” you said before hanging up.
You waited about two more hours and watched Hunter change into four more suits before he finally finished the shoot and changed into his street clothes. The staff asked if he was going to go to the afterparty, but before he could answer, you walked into the conversation and said, “We actually have a showcase to attend. So, if you could excuse us…”
Hunter let himself get dragged out of the studio by you, completely unaware of the fact that your heart was beating so fast that it definitely skipped several beats. You let go of his hand and looked down at the ground in embarrassment the second you got outside. Dusting your hands and clearing your throat, you started walking towards the skate park, Hunter walking alongside you.
“What showcase are we going for?” he asked you.
“Sumin has a skating thing tonight, and he invited us,” you told him.
“I totally forgot that was today! I guess I’ll finally be able to see Sumin skate, then,” Hunter grinned.
You nodded and didn’t look at him (mainly to save your heart). The two of you continued walking towards the park, a silence filling the space between you.
“Sorry about earlier,” Hunter said to you after you walked quietly for a bit.
“For what?”
“For the staff crowding you and bothering you. Not going to lie, I agree with them that you have what it takes to be a model, but they were just on you like a pack of wolves that I wanted to get you out of the situation as soon as possible.”
“Oh… Yeah… Thanks...” you mumbled nervously, your mind stuck on the fact that Hunter thought you had the potential to also be a model.
“I really didn’t like how they were treating you. If they did that to my younger siblings, I would be so angry that I would have yelled at everyone there.”
You nearly tripped when you heard him say that. Your heart dropped into your stomach, and your mouth pulled into a frown. Did Hunter just basically call you his younger sibling? Were you sibling-zoned? Whatever it was, you just knew that Hunter did not feel the same way as you did for him. You trudged your feet as the two of you got to the park, and you got there just in time— Sumin was about to go on. You found Hyunwoo and Jinsik and sat by the two as you all watched Sumin exhibit his skating skills. You were honestly too upset to focus on Sumin, but you were at least able to clap and smile for him once he was done.
“Thanks for coming, guys” Sumin said to the four of you— all of you decided to go the local diner to celebrate after Sumin’s successful showcase.
“Of course! That’s what friends are for,” Jinsik said.
You sipped your milkshake slowly as you watched the boys get more loud and obnoxious with every passing second. You completely spaced out and mindlessly stared at the table as your mind reeled. Sumin noticed your silence, though, and he poked your shoulder.
“Come with me,” he told you.
He led you out of the diner before you both sat on the hood of his car. It was nighttime, and all of the stars were out and twinkling above you, making you both stare at the sky quietly and in awe. You were still completely dissociating while Sumin was trying to grab your attention.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” Sumin finally managed to snap you out of it while patting your back.
“I just…” you sighed out. “I really liked this guy, but I found out that he only thinks of me like a sibling, and it really hurt.”
“What? Who thinks of you like that?”
“Well, he’s stupid for thinking of you like that,” he told you honestly.
“He’s not the only one, though. It feels like every person I end up liking doesn’t like me the same way that I like them,” you felt a tear slip out of your eye and down your face as your voice wavered slightly.
“How can you say that so confidently? Who else have you liked that didn’t like you back?” Sumin pressed further.
“Well…” you wiped the tear from your eye and sighed softly. “Uh… You.”
Sumin was silent. You let out a deeper sigh and said sadly, “This is why I didn’t want to—”
You never got to finish your sentence since Sumin cut you off with a kiss. You could feel his warm yet slightly chapped lips against yours. It was the softest kiss, and you were so alarmed that you didn’t even know how to react. Sumin leaned away and saw your watery eyes widen and clear up. You blinked a couple of times before you saw Sumin scoot the tiniest bit closer to you, his hand reaching out for your cheek and gently cupping it. You closed your eyes and let him kiss you again, your hands pressing firmly against the hood of the car for stability. You felt your knees go weak as Sumin kept kissing you softly, his hands pulling you further into him. You felt like he was kissing you for eons, and when he stopped kissing you, your lips yearned for his again because, God, his lips against yours just felt so right. You let out an astonished exhale as you looked at Sumin, a small smile sporting on his face. His smile only grew when he saw your face turn the slightest bit pinker.
“Who ever said I didn’t like you back?” Sumin whispered.
You were baffled and speechless. You honestly didn’t know what to say other than, “I…”
Sumin chuckled and grabbed your hand while saying, “We should probably head back to the diner now.”
“…Should we?”
“Would you rather stay out here with me?”
Sumin leaned back towards you with that cheeky smile on his face, your heart fluttering wildly the closer he got to you.
“Yeah,” you breathed out. “More than anything.”
You laid your hand on the his shoulder and brought him close to you, your lips meeting his this time. You could feel Sumin smile in between each kiss, his hands moving to your waist and face, his thumb stroking your cheek with every kiss. Your fingers and toes tingled when you felt his fingers brush along the back of your neck and traced a line down the middle, driving him further into his embrace. You wanted time to stop so he could just keep kissing you forever, but the magical moment had to end at some point (much to your dismay).
“I think,” Sumin started breathlessly. “We should go back to the diner before the others get worried.”
You nodded and prepared to slip down from the roof of his car, only for Sumin to beat you to the ground first and hold his hand out for you to take. Your face flushing pink, you took his hand and got down. Sumin kept holding your hand as you went back into the diner, and you sat dazed in your booth once more. You could only think about two things at that point: Sumin kissing you, and you wishing that he kept kissing you.
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pinknipszz · 8 months
on the battlefield
“you just think about the life you’ll have together after the war.”
every single breath felt like a gold medal, branded with the same meaning: one more second alive, another moment lived. in this day and age, there is no greater privilege.
since the risk of an outbreak lurked at every corner, you took it upon yourself at a very early age to prepare as much as possible. to fight, to die, you didn’t know what. you just wanted to prepare. and you took the lessons very seriously. whether it be archery training, basic healing, or strategic planning, you try to excel as much as possible.
you weren’t the best, though, and you weren’t really bothered by it. there were many women in the clan who spent their entire lives devoted to just one practice, and while you honored them for it, you always prided yourself on being a “jack of all trades.” after all, you wanted to prepare for any possible situation. a situation, like right now.
being stranded on the border between the forest and the plains with neteyam of all na’vi wasn’t exactly what you had in mind when you started training. you always thought you’d die a more heroic death, not with toruk makto’s eldest son, the future olo’eyktan. making it out alive suddenly became a bigger obligation than it would have been if it were just you.
nonetheless, alone or not, it was a dangerous situation to be in, so it was time to put your skills to good use.
after the initial shock of losing your direhorses, being kidnapped by RDA forces, killing said RDA forces, and falling hundreds of feet through the air off of a burning tawtute vessel, you and neteyam began to organize yourselves as much as possible.
“this looks like the southside of the forest, judging by the undergrowth.” he hummed, tracing a few markings in a tree and seemingly unbothered by your circumstances. “it’ll take days to reach homebase, unless someone notices we’re gone.”
as he continued to scout your nearby surroundings, you eyed him warily. you were never really close to neteyam, besides training with him on several occasions. after all, you two were in different circles, and you had no intentions of changing that by any means. he’s hard to read and never lets go of that princely facade.
that doesn’t mean you admire him any less, though.
“you don’t seem too worried.” you responded coolly. “why can’t we call on our ikrans?”
neteyam shook his head. “we’re too far from the rookery. they won’t hear us no matter how hard we try. if we start walking in this direction, we might make it there before tomorrow comes around.” after coming to a consensus, you began the journey back into the forest with him in the lead.
at first, it was awkward. unbearably so. if it weren’t for the sound of leaves rustling beneath your feet, you would’ve surely lost it. you tried to train your focus somewhere that wasn’t the wide expanse of his back or his braided, beaded locs, but it was nearly impossible. you were with one of the most important people in the clan for ewya’s sake! you had to keep an eye on him as much as possible.
it was a responsibility at this point. you didn’t even want to think about the consequences if he was injured upon your return.
“what have you been up to nowadays?” neteyam suddenly broke the silence, reeling you back into reality with the sound of his voice right next to you. when you turned to look up at him, you realized that he had slowed his steps to walk by your side. he smiled kindly, waiting for a response.
“not much.” you sighed. “i’ve just been working on my weaving skills back home. my mom injured herself recently, so she can’t make any of the hammocks or tarps she promised our neighbors. i’m taking her spot for the time being. what about you?”
“nothing new, just training with my father. he’s been breathing down my neck like crazy!” he laughed, and you couldn’t help but join him.
it continued like this for a few hours, exchanging stories and catching up like old friends. it still felt odd and a little weird but you didn’t complain. as the sun came down, you noticed that the princely facade began to chip away piece by piece, and neteyam began to look more and more like any other na’vi. a na’vi with fears and problems and dreams of their own.
when the moon finally settled, you two followed suit. neteyam was in charge of building a small fire while you went out to look for food to eat. this arrangement was for the better, considering that he nearly ate a fruit from a tree he didn’t recognize. luckily, you did, and you quickly pulled him away when you remembered the nasty consequences that came with digesting them.
as you sat side-by-side near the fire, satisfied with the meal you conjured, you decided to tease him a little. “i thought they would’ve at least taught you the basics about foraging.”
neteyam rolled his eyes playfully, swatting you away. “ha ha, very funny. honestly, i’m not into that kind of stuff. my sister kiri loves learning about plants, though, and she’s really smart.”
“you should learn a thing or two from her then.” you snickered.
“as if. she’s a horrible teacher.” he snorted. “i should learn from you instead. what got you interested in plants anyway?”
ignoring his previous statement and its implications, you simply shrugged. when you thought he’d drop the subject, he just waited for you patiently. it was a common theme with him, you realized. he never pushed or prodded, instead lending you the reins to the conversation so you can steer it in any direction.
“i’m not really interested in plants.” you finally admitted, looking away from him. “i just thought it’d be useful to learn more about them.”
“talk about being resourceful. i’ll have you promoted to ‘chief forager’ one day.” when you didn’t quip back, neteyam’s smile dropped slightly. he studied you for a bit while you were lost in thought, carefully choosing his next few words. “do you feel this way with all the other stuff too?”
“sometimes. ever since i was younger, i had this feeling that i had to prepare for something. whatever i learned and perfected didn’t feel like enough to me, so i kept practicing and practicing new things i didn’t really like. it was exhausting, but it’s the only way for me to get rid of that feeling.”
whoever said that admitting the truth out loud would make you feel lighter was a liar, and you had this moment to prove it. to you, the silence was awkward and uncomfortable, but to neteyam, it was anything but such.
“you keep saying ‘prepared.’” he said slowly. “but i think it’s just your mind tricking you into feeling safe.”
you looked up and found a strange look twinkling in the depths of his eyes.
neteyam continued. “i feel the same way everyday, always pushing myself to train and train for days on end, preparing for a war that might never happen. i lose all sense of who i am, and all i think about is what i’m for, to the point where living feels like an obligation.”
“but it isn’t.” you finished quietly, reaching a newfound conclusion. once he realized you had caught on, he left you to ponder your thoughts, self-satisfied with his efforts to extend his peace.
he hummed back, urging you to continue.
“what do you plan to do after the war, if we ever have one?” it was your turn to stare at him, and you were taken aback at how pleasantly the fire illuminated his face.
“i don’t know. what about you?”
again, you shrugged. you couldn’t hold back the uncontrollable laughter bubbling in your throat, to which neteyam found contagious. “i guess we’ll figure it out together.”
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sweetanidreams · 1 year
Lost With You | Leon x Reader (Part I)
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Rating: Mature (probably, eventually NSFW - this part is just language, I think?)
You were only doing this to begin with because you respected Professor Magnolia a great deal and because she was an old friend of your dad’s. It had been ages since you’d been back to Galar, so the region was already strange enough to acclimate to. But this… this was pushing it.
After having met the professor at her lab in Wedgehurst for “tea and a chat,” you were regaled with her findings around the Dynamax phenomenon and given a condensed, but impassioned recap of the most recent events surrounding Leon, the former chairman Rose and the newly crowned champion. You’d been traveling with your team for so long that most of this was lost to you — outside of a few rumblings here and there because of the widely televised Champion Cup. You knew of the former champion’s reputation as being undefeated, up until recently, of course, but never paid much mind. Titles and fame didn’t hold much weight for you. What really mattered were the bonds you built with your Pokémon and putting your all into your training; mind, body and soul.
You were still processing Professor Magnolia’s disclosures, absently sipping on your wonderfully fragrant pecha lavender tea, when her sage green eyes focused on you from behind her inverted triangular glasses. “So, my dear, the reason I’ve asked you here today is that I’d like you to do some field research for me,” the ivory-haired woman stated, producing from her lab coat a thick white wristband with blue and red trim, and a shiny black plate embedded front and center. “With your skills as a trainer and knowledge of Pokémon from so many regions, I couldn’t imagine anyone better to study the effects of Dynamaxing on Pokémon firsthand,” she continued. You stilled, fingers tracing the sides of your teacup as you searched your mind for the words to respond. Finally taking a soft inhale, you spoke. “I- Are you sure, professor? I don’t even entirely know how all this Dynamaxing business works.”
You could see the subtlest smile at the corners of the professor’s lips as she affirmed her certainty, a hand reaching out to grasp your wrist and squeeze it. “I’m positive. Your and your Pokémon’s lack of exposure to it is largely beneficial in this case, it allows us to establish a ground zero.”
“Besides, I would never be callous enough to send you out on your own to the Wild Area. I’ve arranged an escort for you— who…” she trailed off, checking her wristwatch, “should’ve been here some time ago.” Before you even had the moment to properly ponder the implications of the request or who on earth you were suddenly going to be sent out on this mission with, your thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the lab door opening and shutting, followed by heavy, hurried footsteps that seemed to be headed towards the two of you.
"Sorry, professor! I could've sworn I was on my way here, but I somehow ended up in Hammerlocke," a breathy voice called out, the hint of a chuckle beneath it. Just a moment after, you see someone rounding the corner and the first thing you notice is a head of wild, violet hair, just barely tucked beneath a black snapback hat. Professor Magnolia propped herself up on her cane and rose from her seat, her expression flat and unsurprised. In resignation, she sighs, "Well, I suppose I should be worried were you to not have gotten lost." You instinctively follow suit and stand, feeling the older woman's hand behind your arm, nudging you towards the new arrival. "This is Leon, and while I know this likely isn't the most promising of first impressions," the researcher sent a serious look in the man's direction, before looking back to you, "I feel much more at peace with him accompanying you to the Wild Area." All the chairman could offer in response was a nervous grin, his hand rising to rub at the back of his neck. Somehow it felt like this wasn't a rare occurrence.
Your futile attempts at protesting completely and utterly failed. So here you were, sitting on the train from Wedgehurst to the Wild Area next to this man you didn't know anything about other than his having been the longest reigning champion. There had been an awkward silence between the two of you since Professor Magnolia saw you off at that station, but you were pretty sure you heard Leon begin to speak a couple times and maybe deciding against it. If it were up to you, you wouldn't mind it staying that way because you had always traveled on your own anyway. The silence gave you time to reflect and plan out your next move.
After clearing his throat as quietly as possible, you hear your appointed escort's voice over the hum of the train moving along the tracks. "I heard from the professor you've got a pretty incredible shiny Ninetales as your companion?" Your brow quirks as you shift to face Leon and pause, halting your initial sarcastic inclinations in lieu of a more neutral one. "I do," you respond with with a nod, "Ninetales has been with me since I was a kid and it was a Vulpix." A smile playing on the former champion's features, he leaned in slightly. "Sounds like you two have a pretty strong connection. Makes me think of me and Charizard; we've been through a lot," Leon remarks. You weren't really sure how to react to the sudden depth in his reflections, so you opted for the safe route and went for an "Mm. I get that."
By the time the two of you had made it to the Meetup Spot outside of the Wild Area, Leon had become entirely too comfortable and had begun spouting off about his time as champion, the legacy of the Battle Tower and, in such grandiose terms, the future of Galar. Outside of a 'gentle' reminder (lest he get sidetracked) that you had to make it to the Lake of Outrage soon, you endured his long-winded explanations, much to your own surprise. He assured you that he'd taken this route a million times before. You were skeptical, but ended up going against your better instincts and letting him take the lead with the rationale that this was his home region. Along the way, you had been charged by a handful of wild Pokémon, but between your Ninetales and Dragonite, and his Charizard and Aegislash, you were able to get the situations in hand rather quickly. You quickly shoveled down the roaming thought that Leon might've actually been a shockingly skilled trainer - which, yes, obviously he had to have been to some extent, all things considered but... you'd been around enough to know that sometimes one's standing isn't always deserved. You had to see it with your own eyes.
It eventually became evident that you had been walking for ages and it didn't seem like you were getting anywhere close to your destination, so you stop dead in your tracks. Leon notices and stops his ongoing dialogue to ask if "everything's okay." You look directly at him, your deep brown hues making contact with his amber ones, the restraint in your voice palpable as you finally speak, ".... There's absolutely no way we've been going in the right direction, Leon. According to my Rotomphone, we should've gotten there hours ago." The much taller man tilts his head, framing his chin with the joint of his thumb and index finger as he moves beside you, gaze roving over the digital map projected on your device. "Huh," he muses before shifting his weight back into his heels, hands falling to his hips. "Yeah, you're right... we're definitely on the opposite side of the Wild Area," Leon laughed loudly, the painfully nonchalant manner of his reaction shooting needles all down your spine.
"Okay, that's it. You have got to be kidding me." Your hands balled into fists at your sides, you square your shoulders and glare up at Leon, your anger practically coming off of you in waves. "It's one thing that Professor Magnolia has me out here testing out this whole Dynamaxing thing, but with you??," you groaned, all of the day's pent up frustration suddenly seeping through the cracks. Leon, clearly caught off guard by this, raised his hands in front of him and tried to interject. "H-hey, it's oka---" "No, it's a joke. You and all this fanfare and promotions and "champion this and that," like what the hell. Do you even actually care about Pokémon or is this all just for show?"
That struck a nerve. Leon at this point is towering over you, the casual expression he wore replaced by a sudden sense of seriousness, a wrinkle working its way between his brows. "How can you say that? I was the undefeated champion for god knows how long - you think that comes from not caring?," the Galarian shot back, his tone noticeably deeper than it was before. You could feel the shift in his aura and although you couldn't pretend to know all of his sides, this felt... different. You weren't going to back down though, that wasn't an option. The next words left your mouth before you even knew they were coming, you could feel the preemptive regret but your voice held firm. "Again with the 'undefeated.' You never questioned whether Rose shifted the odds in your favor? Convenient how that streak was broken once he was go--"
The wind was swiftly knocked out of you as you found yourself backed up against a tree, one of Leon's large hands gripping you by the jawline and his other one pressed beside you, caging you in. His eyes glowed a dangerous gold, his visage dark. He all but closed the gap between your bodies as he came within inches of your face, his breath ghosting over your skin. "Shut. The. Fuck. Up," he growled, a certain warning tone presenting itself in his words. You winced at the sudden onslaught of sensations - between the roughness of the bark against your back, the heat emanating from the proximity and the rough grasp preventing you from moving your head, it took you a minute to process what exactly just happened. "You have no idea what it was like all of those years, devoting myself to making this place all that I knew it could be," Leon continued, his gaze lowering as he spoke, "just to find out the man who sponsored you, who made it possible to get to where you were -- that it was all a sham. All a bloody part of a madman's crazed ambitions."
Taking a deep, recentering breath, you wrapped your hand around the one Leon had against the side your face, making sure you had his attention. "Sounds like you've been carrying a lot of pain over this all on your own. It must have been lonely," you acknowledged, allowing your voice to soften just a touch. Leon's eyes met yours again, a hint of surprise painted over the once burning amber. If it weren't for this sudden show of vulnerability, you were probably just moments away from taking a knee to the man's groin, but - you understood there were some scars that ran deep. "And look, I don't really know you and shouldn't have said what I did but... you can't let that shit taint all that you worked for, and what it meant to you. You inspired people. None of what happened takes that away." Feeling the former champion's grip loosen, you draw it away from your face and place your other hand on his chest, almost as if to brace him. "I just wish you weren't so loud about it," you sighed, briefly closing your eyes in that moment to avoid seeing whatever Leon's expression might've been right then. This was exactly the type of messy situation you didn't want to get caught up in, it's just too much baggage.
Sliding his hand from your grasp, you felt him bring it back to your face again, this time, much more tenderly. Leon's free arm snaked around your waist and pulled you against him, sending your lips crashing into one other's and causing your breath to hitch sharply in the back of your throat. The kiss was needy, filled with raw emotion. Your body betrayed you, giving way to a slight shudder before leaning deeper into his touch. Maybe it was just the adrenaline rush, but you could've sworn his pulse was racing against your skin. Pulling back, Leon runs his thumb across your cheek, whispering almost inaudibly. "Thank you."
(to be continued)
A/N: Oops, this was originally intended to be a oneshot ngl. It ended up so much longer lol.
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JHS- Twisted Feelings (5)
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Summary: After working at an award show for 2 years everything had become normal, idols were no longer exciting to see, performances became dull and every day blended together, that was until an unexpected man asked for your help.
Genre: idol!jhope × fem!reader, angst, fluff, strangers to lovers, ongoing series
Warning: none for this chapter!
A/N: I have another chapter nearly done, im going to miss hobi sm. I hope you’re all still ready to enjoy this story. Also, fun fact - I got accepted to 4 universities :)
Ch.04 < Series Masterlist > Ch.06
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You shuffled around one another for a few minuets, your earlier excitement bubbling down to a mere nervousness as you watch him take a seat him not quite opposite but not quite beside you.
You glance over him quickly, you weren’t up to date on all the luxury brands but you could tell his shoes alone probably cost your entire rent for a month.
“Is everything okay?” When he laughs it’s light, soft as though not to startle you from wherever he believed your thoughts had escaped too.
You wave your hand dismissively. “I’m fine, where do you want to start?”
“Wherever you think, you’re the teacher after all.”
Oh yeah, I’m the teacher.
“How about we try to have a simple conversation with the English you know? That was I could grasp what stage you’re at and where we need to focus to help you improve.” You suggest, leaning against the backrest of your chair.
He nods enthusiastically, you weren’t sure wether it was done to help quell your own worries, that you were sure you’d put on display within the past few minuets, or because unlike the majority of the population he was genuinely excited to learn.
Either way you were grateful.
Being bilingual you had always been asked what it was like to switch between languages, people never understood it was something that could just happen. You’d definitely made mistakes before, integrating Korean and English into a conversation without meaning too.
Switching to English was easy. “Can you introduce yourself?”
He took a breath clearing his throat. “I am jhope of BTS.”
“Can you tell me your favourite colour?”
“Colour?” You nod and he Humms. “I like green.”
“Great, now ask me something.”
He thinks for a moment before responding, stumbling a few times before successfully asking. “What is your favourite food?”
“Samgyeopsal, what do you like about being an artist?” You decide to make the question a little different, something more difficult.
“I like connecting with our army, producing too. I like my art and to dance.” He finished with a smile and for a moment it felt as if you were almost one of those ghastly English interviewers.
You make a few notes on the words he takes longer to respond with before continuing an array of questions for the next hour, most of which are simple enough for him to understand and respond too even if it takes him a second to think or act the word out, something you were sure he had done to help you understand more. He had a basic grasp on English and that was an amazing place to start, much easier than it would have been had he have known nothing.
You make a small list of things he had told you he finds useful in terms of studying, flash cards and bright colours being two of them.
It made you laugh just how similar your study patterns were, he was someone who likes organisation, a different colour for a different thing. You were the same.
You agreed to end the lesson, having all the information you needed for the day to construct a much better plan for the future.
He fiddles with his hands as you clean the room, his voice almost insecure when he asks. “So how did I do?”
You turned on your heel to face him, sending him a reassuring smile before telling him he had done well.
He waited at the door for you, holding it open.
Such a gentleman.
Due to the company being mid move renovations weren’t complete, tools had been left around in various locations so you had been keeping an eye out, you’d done so well throughout the day to not create any issues.
Until now at least.
By the time you noticed you had knocked the open pot of paint over it was already too late, the grey staining the expensive material on Hoseoks shoes.
Shoes you couldn’t even afford.
You scrambled around to grab a packet of wipes that had been left beside the door frame, pulling out more than necessary before you drop to your knees in a rush to try and salvage the footwear “Fuck I am so sorry, god I didn’t see.” Your hands are already scrubbing and scooping as much paint as possible, you weren’t sure if it was helping at all but you couldn’t give up. “Who leaves a pot of paint in the open, actually who leaves an open pot in the open. I’m so sorry, I-“ you pause for a second, humility befalling you as your head drops to face the floor, your hands resting in your lap, paint soaked clothes still clutched between them. “I can’t afford to replace these, I could pay you back out of my pay check every month until you have enough for a new pair. I’m so sorry.” You bargained with a pay check you weren’t even sure you’d still be receiving after this mess.
You felt your heart die inside of you when he began to speak. “They were expensive shoes, that’s all. Nothing worth stressing over. Besides I got them for free when we were at a photo shoot. Don’t worry about it. Besides you didn’t put the paint there, you aren’t responsible.”
“I really can pay you from my pay check, I should have been more careful. It’s principle.” You look up, an action you regret instantly when you realise the compromising position you’re in.
You on your knees, in front of him, your face almost equal with his crotch. Great.
He extends a hand to you which you take, using him to pull yourself up.
“Let me take these.” He slips the soaked clothes from your hands before walking across the hall, throwing them in the trash.
You don’t know what else to do, wrecked with humiliation and guilt you give him a small bow whispering a meek. “Thank you.”
“Don’t be so formal with me, I said it’s okay. You, however, are not. Your shirt is covered I should have a spare one in my studio if you’d like it?” He offers, pointing down the hall at one of the doors decorated in bright colours.
You nod, you hadn’t even noticed the state you were in. “If it’s not too much of a bother that would be great, I can wash it and return it then next time I come.”
“That’s fine don’t rush.” He guides you down the hall, meeting in the code to his studio before stepping aside and letting you in.
You were unsure how but this room seemed to captivate the very being you had understood Hoseok to be in the limited time you had with him.
You looked around careful not to touch anything, if the shoes weren’t meaningful you were sure the kaws bears definitely were.
“Here.” He shouts, throwing the shirt in your direction.
You grab it before it can fall, it’s orange, bright orange. “You like bright colours?
“Is that even a question?” He retorts playfully, signalling a hand around his studio.
You laugh. “I guess not, thank you again and I’m really sorry.”
“Don’t be, I’d let you ruin my shoes every day as long as you keep teaching me English. It really helped.” He says with a deepened sincerity.
It was nice to know you’d done something right, you still couldn’t beat the guilt and humiliation though. “I should probably get going, our class was supposed to finish thirty minuets ago. I’d hate to make you late for something.”
“You wouldn’t be a bother, I could show you the rest of the building if you’d like?” He offers.
You nod in agreement, it’s not like you had anything else to do. “Sure, that would be nice.”
“Let me just change my shoes and then I’ll show you where you can change your shirt.” He explains, heading towards a small shelving unit in the corner.
You shuffle awkwardly for a few seconds, with nothing to do it’s easy for your gaze to linger on him as he moves around. He slips his shoes off shoving them in a plastic bad before replacing them with some slippers.
He jumps up, landing softly on his feet. “All done, let’s go.”
You laugh, mumbling a thanks as he holds the door open for you. He guides you to the restrooms, where you promptly switch your shirt for his. You’re thankful there’s no cameras so the image of you smelling his shirt will never resurface, besides so what if you sniffed it, it smelt nice.
You didn’t rush per se but you did move quicker than you would have had Hoseok not been waiting.
It was rude to make others wait, nothing else.
You throw your ruined shirt in the trash before washing your hands, you didn’t look too bad considering you tossed and turned for half of the night.
You were greeted with a warm smile as you opened the door.. “Is Samgyeopsal really your favourite food?”
“Yes it is, my eomma makes it all the time.” You follow behind him a few steps, not wanting to get lost.
He holds a door open to you, leading to a staircase. “My eomma cooks a lot too, she always tells me to bring the members so they can put on weight.”
“Thank you, do you get to go home a lot?” You ask.
There’s a sullen look across his eyes as he shakes his head. “No, I try to but work is busy.”
“Forgive me if this is too forward, don’t answer it if it bothers you but what is it actually like to be an idol?”
He leads you upstairs, once again allowing you to go first. “It has its ups and downs, I enjoy it for the most part but when fans become too intrusive it can become hurtful. It makes it harder to have moments where it’s safe for me to see my family. That’s the downfall. Stress comes with every job, so does exhaustion not to mention overtime.”
“Tell me about it.” You scoff, remembering all the nights you’d been held back due to some internal issue.
He laughs, opening another door for you. “Bad experience?”
You cross through it quickly, this hall much different to the last. “My last job wasn’t great, a lot of things and people depended on me.”
“I hope it’s better here, I’ll try to be a good student. Scouts honour.” He holds up three fingers, a very American thing to do.
“You weren’t a scout.” You laugh.
He raised an eyebrow. “And how do you know?”
“I don’t know much about you behind the screen but I did once see a compilation of you screaming at bugs.” You admit, gouging him a pointed look.
He side eyes you. “You watch bts compilation videos?”
“My cousin does, she’s 9.” You explain, not wanting him to get the wrong idea.
“I could sign something for her if you’d like?”
It was safe to say you were touched by the gesture. “Oh, no that’s okay. I couldn’t afford it and I wouldn’t want you to put yourself out.”
He laughs, pulling a pen from his pocket. “It’s my signature, not an appearance at a birthday party.”
“Unless you want to sign my hand…I don’t have anything for you to sign.”
“I do, come in here”. He tilts his head to the door behind you, his key card having full clearance to enter.
You didn’t know much about collecting Kpop albums, let alone BTS albums but you knew that the items in the room were worth a pretty penny. The walls had inbuilt shelves, albums, DVDs and other various merchandise all displayed on it. Multiple copies of each seemingly dating back to the day bangtan debuted.
“Wow.” You breathed, genuinely taken back.
He laughs, grabbing an album off the shelf before signing the front page. “It’s something the company did for us as a surprise when we changed buildings. There’s stuff in here I had no knowledge of even existing.” He hands you the album. “This is for your cousin. I left a little note inside.”
You take it slowly, afraid to somehow damage it. “She’s going to cry.”
“Adorable.” He chuckles. Pulling some things from the shelves. “Give her these too.”
“Thats too much.” You decline, eyeing the two DVDS and 3 BT21 plushies he shoves into a Hybe bag.
He shakes his head. “Nonsense, we get it all for free.”
“You really do want to see her cry don’t you?” You laugh, you truly meant that he had already given you so much.
You were slightly worried about everyone getting the wrong idea, you didn’t want anyone to think you were using him.
Before you could voice your objection once again he was already opening the door, bag in hand. “Let’s take all this back to my studio, there’s a few more things I think you’d enjoy.”
He’d already done so much, the least you could do was accompany him.
So you did.
You spent another hour exploring the Hybe building before he announced that he had in fact ordered food, insisting you eat with him.
The conversation between you both was easy, floating from one topic to another. The conversation never becoming too serious or invasive but personal enough for you to both understand each other a little better. He shared things about his time as a trainee as you did about studying abroad and your childhood.
By the time dinner was over it was already 6pm, 4 hours past the time you were supposed to wrap up the day.
Still he didn’t complain as he walked you to the private exit, waving to you as you were driven off.
It may have been a messy first day, but it was a first day you were sure you would remember forever.
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spicyspiders · 2 years
Could you do a sub!steve harrington x dom!masc!male reader? sex in a public place, I can’t really think where.. but like, hair pulling, degrading, and maybe Steve crying?
I didn't put any degradation, but I hope you still like it. This is a follow up to this.
You loved Steve. Sometimes it felt like you loved him with your entire being, and the little things that you would notice throughout the day would remind you of why you loved him so much. On some days though, it was harder to feel that love with how bad of a day you were having. 
You’ve heard the saying, don’t work with your best friend, and on days when you weren’t feeling like yourself, you didn’t have to work with Steve. 
Everyone has their bad days and you both had been around each other when you weren’t in the best of moods, but now that you had the job with Steve at Family Video, there would be moments where you had no choice but to be around Steve, even when you didn’t want to be. 
You weren’t sure if it was a specific thing to lower your spirits, but by the halfway point of your morning shift, you sure felt it. 
Working at Family Video was a relatively chill job, but it was normal for the rest of your shift to drag along when you were working the night shift and returned from your break. 
It felt like only a few seconds had passed after you clocked back in that you manager was giving you another task, “I need you to go restock the candy,” your manager wasn’t as bad as others you had at other jobs, but you had a hard time holding back an eyeroll. 
The checkout counter was one of the most cluttered spots in the store, and having to go to the back and bring out the boxes of candy to restock only made it worse. You were able to start and get through most of the stocking when you felt that someone was watching you, and when you looked up, it was Steve. 
“Are you going to help me or just stare?” 
Steve leaned against the counter, crossing his arms over his chest, “I’m good with just staring,” when he could see that you didn’t like his response, he held his hands up in surrender and stepped over to help. 
You finished quietly, and while you were working you could see out of the corner of your eye the glances Steve kept throwing your way. “Thanks,” you said softly when the last of the candy was stocked back up. 
“Excuse me!” The harsh tone of a women’s voice made you jump, and when you looked up, your eyes landed on the sight of an angry looking mother standing with her son. 
You couldn’t help but let out a sign, this wasn’t going to be good. “Yes mam?” You asked, trying to sound calm. 
“My son just tripped over one of the bexes you left out!” She said angrily. 
“I’m sorry, mam,” you said tiredly to the woman, and then looked over to her child, “are you alright?” You asked them, but before they could respond, their mother pulled them away. You watched the woman as she stomped out of the store, her child pulled behind them. 
Steve stepped up beside you, his arm brushing yours, “did her kid not see the box on the ground beside the counter?” 
“Guess not,” you muttered, stepping away to take said box to the back of the store. When you returned back to the front, Steve stood behind the counter, watching you closely. 
“What’s wrong, baby?” Steve whispered into your ear after you stepped up beside him. He rubbed a comforting hand down your back, making you relax slightly. 
“I just want to go home,” you murmured. 
Before Steve could respond, you heard the door in the back of the store open, and the two of you turned back to look at you manager walk up to the counter. He placed a set of keys on the counter, “lock up for me?” He asked, not waiting for a response as he kept walking to the door. 
“I don’t know how to close the store,” you called to him. 
Your manager was halfway out the door before he responded, “all you have to do is turn the lights off and lock the door,” he pointed at Steve, “don’t let him into the office.”
“What did I do?” Steve asked, but your manager was already out the door. 
You grabbed the keys, clinching your hand around them. The pain of the contours digging into your hand did little to quell your anger that was building.
With your manager gone, you and Steve were the only two people in the store, and Steve took full advantage of the alone time. He boxed you in from behind, pressing his front to your back, and placing both of his hands on top of yours. The keys fell to the counter with a soft clang, and soon Steve’s hand was filling the space the keys just left. 
“Why don’t you,” Steve began, pressing kisses to the skin of your neck, “go lock the doors and I bend you over this counter,” he whispered in your ear. His words were accompanied with the slow grind of his hips into your ass. 
“Can you wait an hour?” 
Steve pushed off of you and when you turned around, he threw his head back and let out a long groan, “wait,” he paused, mid groan, “wait, does that mean you’ll let me-”
“If we get everything done now, then I can go ahead and lock the door when we close,” you snapped. 
Steve was eager to comply and stepped away to begin the tasks he needed to do before the doors were locked. The hour went by quickly, and you thought it would annoy you, but when you would glance up to look at Steve, he had a dopey looking smile on his face. 
The second you pulled the key out of the now locked door, Steve was on you. “You don’t know how bad I want to bend you over this counter everytime I see you,” you let Steve press hot kisses onto your neck before you flipped positions, now pressing Steve against the counter. 
“Shut up, Steve,” you buried a hand in his hair and pulled him into a kiss. You tightened your grip on his hair, pulling it so you could angle his head to push your tongue into his mouth. With your other hand, you pulled your shirt from your pants. “Get on your knees,” you panted when you pulled away from the kiss. 
With shaky hands, Steve unbuckled your belt to open your pants, “want me to eat you out?” He asked, pulling your pants and underwear down to a messy pool at your feet. As good as that sounded, you another idea in mind. You gave your cock a few pumps until you reached full hardness. 
Steve’s mouth was a warm, wet opening to guide your cock into. Looking down at the sight in front of you made a groan of pleasure leave your lips. “You can do better than that,” you said lowly. You laced a hand through his hair and gripped it again tightly, and you pulled his hair to bring his mouth down further onto you cock. 
Steve gripped both of your thighs tightly as you set up a rough rhythm. As you bobbed his head up and down on your cock, one of his hands left your thighs to move down to his spread legs. “No,” you growled, pulling him off your cock. “Did I say you could touch yourself?” You asked. 
Steve looked absolutely gone. His face was wet with tears, and his eyes from which they had fallen were dark with lust, “no,” he whispered roughly. Steve moved his hand from between his legs to place it back on your thigh. 
Satisfied, you guided your cock back into his mouth. As you set up the rough rhythm again, you could feel your orgasm building. You moved one of your feet to press it onto his crotch. Not too hard, but just enough to feel Steve’s hips press up into the solid plane of your shoe. 
The moan Steve gave to the stimulation made the tight, wet, chanel of his throat vibrate around your cock  and made your orgasm shoot through you. You pulled out as it was going, making a few hot spurts of come land on Steve’s messy face. The feeling made your knees buckle, and you fell down on your knees to pull Steve into a kiss. 
With shaky hands, you opened up Steve’s pants and pulled them open just enough to free his hard cock. You used the wetness that glistened at the head as lube. You looked from where your hand was wrapped around his cock to his face. You moved foward to lick at the spots on his face where your come was dripping down, and when you were satisfied with the clean up, you pressed your lips to Steve’s in a messy kiss. When your tongues met, the combined taste of your come mixing with the sweat and tears that glistened on Steve’s face made you both whimper. 
“Gonna come for me?” You panted, and all Steve could do was nod, “my good boy?” And that was what pushed Steve over into coming wet and messy all over your hands and the front of both of your clothes. 
Steve collapsed forward, pulling you down with him. After a few moments of near quiet, the only thing making a noise was your pants as you both tried to get your breathing under control, Steve spoke in a rough voice. “Do I get to bend you over now?”
“You could bend me over any surface you want at home.”
Steve smiled down at you, and pressed his cheek into your hand when you rubbed a hand down it. “Promise?”
You didn’t respond, only gave him your own smile and then pressed a soft kiss to his lips.
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wynterhxney · 7 months
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“Don’t make me have to go over the code again.” Maya shook her head, fastening a pin on the lapel of his jacket. One he refused to put on prior to this event. Any and everything to go against the grain, he’s a bit a nuisance. Understandably so if she had to really think deeper on what’s expected of him. It hardly matters when his entire family is of a caliber most would dream to uphold. Maya’s not someone who wants to be in their shoes. She’s someone who has been part of this family for long enough to know her role. Right now she has the ‘wonderful’ job of making sure a prince behaves. A grown man who can’t listen? Just her lucky day to deal with naturally; she stepped back, turning to grab her purse.
“The code or the strict authority passed down from out of touch leadership?” Landon’s question came with its own bite. Not so much as her as it is the entire façade. He has to appear out of courtesy or it’ll look bad. Upon a common wealth of people who put too much faith in something that doesn’t carry weight in the modern age. He’s said it before. No one likes to listen to the truth. Nor does he want to continue to pretend he wants to be here.
Banquet events, balls and commemorative affairs; he shook his head, fixing one of his cuff links as Maya acted as ‘lady in waiting.’ Something he knows his grandmother would call it despite the fact it makes no sense. Last time he looked in the mirror he wasn’t a woman. Maya is his assistant, his secretary for all intents and purposes. A title hardly befits her true role in maintaining what’s expected. She’s important enough to get a better pay grade he’s sure.
“At least I can drink. Considering this isn’t solely state and monarchy.” There are all types of figures present. Even famous people, celebrities and those are the ones he’d rather get all the media attention.
“Try to keep it minimal,” she warned him, raising an eyebrow. “The press is everywhere. And I really don’t want to explain to your uncle.”
“Funny how it falls on Ethan,” Landon dropped arms to his sides, finished fiddling with everything. Sometimes he would like to go out and not have to wear pins, medals of valor. “What? Is my father too busy with his French debutante?”
Maya’s eyes narrowed, jabbing a finger at him. “Don’t. Start.”
“Sure. The old man’s having the time of his life. Who am I to say anything?” Bitterness edged his tone. Unpleasant viewpoint but whatever gets out into the world won’t come from him. Interesting how he has to be the epitome of royal excellence with their track record for scandal. Involving his mother years before but Landon keeps his animosity in check. After all these years he knows how to play the game. Not giving her a chance to respond or lecture him, Landon walked out of the hotel room. Event catering orchestrated inside the Ritz, which he smoothly entered as the elevator pinged on the lower conference floor. His lips upturned in a smile as he received looks. One in particular he was told to make an impression with. A princess from Thailand, which begs the question why the hell he needed to go overboard with pleasantries but as they say: it’s show time.
“Your royal highness,” a man bowed his head, side stepping to keep pace. “I am to entertain you with the presence of Princess Stefani.”
“Oh? Well, I’m here to entertain myself with a drink.” His remark came as a tray passed him by, prompting him to pick up a glass of champagne. Causing a cough from the man beside him, Landon’s eyes flickered across the many faces in attendance, casually falling to a recognizable blonde.
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