#i’m not super invested in the characters compared to other books but i was like woah a story about how someone is becoming radicalized
dashiellqvverty · 10 months
wings of fire taking a sharp turn into horror at the end of the 3rd to last book… crazy stuff
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bishy437 · 8 months
Hey! I know it’s a bit late but I just saw your polls and your recent own opinion and thought I’d add my two cents. Scum Villain is my personal favorite and tgcf is my least favorite. Like many others, tgcf was my first danmei and first mxtx novel and svsss is my most recent.
I liked tgcf but it didn’t really feel like anything was happening, the pacing was very slow and a lot of the arcs felt really disconnected from eachother (which makes sense considering the scale and all the characters but..) a lot of the arcs that heavily featured side characters didn’t really grab my attention as well as, for example, the Yi City arc from mdzs did. I tried to latch onto the characters, I really did but they just didn’t leave much of an impact on me at all, which is strange because pretty much everyone in svsss interested me.
While svsss may not be perfect, it was just so engaging! i read the first 3 books in two weeks and I had so much fun! I felt so much! sy’s stupidity (affectionate) was just sooo infuriating in all the right ways and his relationships with the cast were super fun! There was definitely a clear progression of events and thinking and just a huge looming of stakes (even though a lot of them were just made up in sqq’s head). The character development too! Svsss was just a delight to read. So many of the side characters are just so amazing too: sqh and mbj have become some of my all time favorites and just all the extras were so good!
Anyways I just have so much love for svsss and I guess I just didn’t connect enough with tgcf. Thanks for reading :)
hi! i agree with everything you’ve said!
i read the books in the order of mdzs -> tgcf -> svsss and i didn’t expect to enjoy sv the most at all considering I had initially liked mdzs due to its horror and tragedy aspects. Tgcf had plenty of tragedy + some horror but as you said, the characters were somewhat unstimulating.
although i do feel the need to give a shoutout to QuanYin. That sidepair actually had me invested the most out of all the other side characters in hob. it’s a shame the fandom tends to sleep on them (i’m guilty i need to draw them Soon!!)
i think what i love about sv is that it’s more of a ‘show don’t tell’ book compared to tgcf. Tgcf took ages explaining things that didn’t need to be explained.
Moshang were barely even in the main story and yet the “Fuck! he can’t fly!” scene had me laughing for literally half an hour and fully believing in moshang supremacy!! mxtx did that with only a few lines during the final showdown!!! and yet we had an entire arc for beefleaf that only made me interested in the sibling dynamic between shi qingxuan and shi wudu 😩
i know sv has its faults—all the books do—but i do think it gets a more of a bad rap than it deserves.
thanks for sharing :)
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nyanashima · 2 years
Satan headcanons because he’s babygirl and I think about him a lot
Satan is VERY expressive when he’s reading, almost to a comical extent. It started when he was little, and his brothers thought it was cute at the time, so nobody’s said anything. To this day, it’s very common to see him furrowing his brow or saying “No. No, actually, fuck you,” out loud at a book. He’s just too invested to hide what he’s thinking.
Because he’s so well-read on… literally everything about cats, he points out every single inaccuracy in the movies he and his brothers watch. By now, everybody can predict when he’s about to tell them that cats can’t actually have milk, etc.
Satan ABSOLUTELY has a fursona and no one can tell me otherwise. He's not super active in the community though, he just likes to think about it. He found out about the furry fandom through Levi, who jokingly drew him as a cat, and has been enamoured ever since. Sometimes Levi will gift him art of his fursona as a private birthday present. Nobody can know.
Satan occasionally boxes with Beel. It’s a good way to deal with anger and stay healthy at the same time, so why not?
I’m like 50% sure he canonically plays visual novels? He is at least aware of Danganronpa, whether through Levi or discovering it on his own.
This man is DYING to recite Shakespeare/Molière/etc. Give him the opportunity and he will give a spirited reenactment of whatever he’s reciting. It’s not to show off, he’s just passionate. Given that he’s usually composed (compared to everyone else, anyway), he also likes getting to be more animated once in a while.
This guy is so full of autism
Every now and then he goes shopping with Asmo to find clothes that work with his sensory issues.
He doesn’t really stim around others, primarily because he’s never seen anyone else do it before. Talk to him about it; encourage it; if you yourself do it, stim around him. Soon enough, you’ll see his happy hands.
Ever notice that in events, he’ll sometimes use words that seem out-of-character for him? (I still remember the whiplash I got when he said “yo” a few months ago.) He’s still figuring out who he is, and speech patterns are part of it. He’ll adopt words/phrases from books or his brothers for a short time to see what he likes and what he doesn’t. 
Introduce him to My Immortal and similar fanfics. He’ll hate them at first and tell you to get out of his room, but eventually he’ll crack and come to like them. He loves going back and forth, both of you reading to each other and doing silly voices for the dialogue.
Satan 100% has moments of thirteen-year-old snark. He got his ass handed to him for making the “blah blah blah” hand signal to mock Lucifer while Asmo was getting chewed out. Doesn’t regret a thing
More of an imagine than a headcanon, but hear me out. Young Satan got a cat plushie that he loved to DEATH. Like, he took it everywhere with him for decades. Now imagine him going to his big brother Levi, nearly in tears, asking him to fix it after the leg fell off.
Levi panics and is like, “Oh it’s okay!! I’ll fix it, don’t worry,” and gets out his sewing kit. Satan starts to calm down as he watches the plushie get patched up. Levi nervously hands it back when he’s done, and can’t help but feel soft when his baby brother smiles and thanks him
Also think about Satan still having that plushie after all this time, and occasionally knocking on Levi’s door to awkwardly ask him to fix it again
Levi can’t help but smile a little
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ryuichirou · 9 months
Happy Saturday! Today we have a couple of asks about our post from yesterday + some of miscellaneous ones about some ships + a long ask with Anon reflecting on this hc post about twst characters murdering someone for the first time. I don’t have much to add to that one, but the ask itself is a very interesting read, so I encourage you to check it out.
Anonymous asked:
Just saw the new art on twitter and I just gotta say:
We honestly didn’t think we’d draw these two again so soon, but the inspiration bit us in the asses lol I’m very happy that the image of Jack and Deuce having fun like that exists in the universe now…
Anonymous asked:
Deuce and Jack are basically buddy clubmates who have sweet times together, while Ace has to deal with two unhinged Floyd and Jamil will likely torment Ace. Ace is not sane but compare to Floyd and Jamil, he is basically normal.
Oh Jamil is not that bad… is he? Oh no, is he? Is Jamil bad?
In all honesty, I remember him throwing Ace under the bus and I’d assume that he’d be a tease sometimes lol So I can imagine how this + having A WHOLE FLOYD around would make Ace’s basketball career much more miserable than whatever Deuce and Jack have going on.
Anonymous asked:
Seeing your Cater drawings made me think that poor guy has to deal with Adeuce and Treyriddle happily making out while he has no choice but pretend he's okay being the only one in the Heartslabyul group being single af (I saw that you don't ship him with anyone so I'm just labeling as single here)
AHHH POOR CATER— To be honest, Cater is a victim of us first watching twst (the first four books) with an official ENG translation; rewatching it now, he feels much more understandable and fun as a character. But alas, we still don’t have any ships with him that would click with us enough to ship-ship him with someone ✊😔  
So for now he’s #singleaf, but honestly seeing just how much trouble the other guys cause to each other at all times, he’s probably better off like that lol
Anonymous asked:
What are your thoughts/feelings/headcanons for silver x kailm?
We talked about them a couple of times here and there!
In short: we don’t necessarily ship them, the dynamic is just not our cup of tea, but their relationship are very sweet and could be interesting.
Anonymous asked:
Even though I'm not as big a fan of Jackpel as I am of JackVil, I do enjoy a good love triangle between them.
It could be interesting! We’re not super invested in either of the ships to be honest, but there are fun aspects to both of them, and jealousy could add another layer to Epel’s and Vil’s antagonism towards each other. Especially considering that it’d probably be Epel who’d be jealous, not Vil.
Poor Jack has no idea what’s going on…
Anonymous asked:
I just read your post about "how the twst cast might feel about murder/murdering. " Which left me wondering how the Twst cast might feel/think about life and death.
I feel like non-human characters such as Octovinelle, Savanaclaw, and diasomnia might view it differently than humans.
In Octavinelle and Savanaclaw case, i think topics such as Murder and/or cannibalism aren't necessarily seen as 'wrong' or 'bad'. I think we can all agree that nature is scary, and to survive, you'll have to be on top of the food chain. and in order to survive, you'll have to 'Kill' someone from your kind to eat or protect yourself.
A perfect example would be Ruggie: he came from poverty. His mother died shortly after giving birth to him, and his father's whereabouts are unknown after he claimed to leave for work. He was raised by his grandma. He did a few odd jobs here and there in order to get around. So i think he would know what 'survival' might feel like or how far someone might go to survive. I bet he went through agonising days and nights starving for food. I wouldn't put it past him to do (or already did) shady things to survive. Also, apparently, Ruggie can chew through bone, which hyenas also do! Nice bonus.
Then there's the Leech twins. Jade did mention once that their parents taught them self-defense when they were little, and their Mom often worries about them. It's also implied that they 'lost' a lot of their siblings. The coral sea that they came from are dark and cold, and most of the food they consume down there is raw. So i wouldn't put it past them to be completely desensitised from all the gory aspects of life not only because of survival but because of their "business" connections their father has. They have probably seen a lot of unhinged things since they were little.
BUT i do think that the Leech twins are a special case, lol. Unlike the other non-human characters, i believe that both of them would not only 'kill' in to survive but also because of boredom. You know how often these two mentioned how they hate to get bored and how they want to be amused? Yeah, i bet they killed/harassed a few mers just because they got bored and wanted entertainment. And it's not unheard of to hear/read about animals in the wild harassing other animals for entertainment, for example Some dolphins have been observed slapping little fish around for fun, or even tossing them up on a beach to watch them suffocate slowly. Again, nature's cruel.
As for the fae? it's hard to say, but seeing as they've been alive for so long (especially Lilia) and, of course, the war that happened in the past. I think it's fair to say that they see life and death in a different light than humans. But do fae have to kill in order to survive? i'm not entirely sure.
That being said, of course, there are expectations of humans doing the same thing or thinking the same thing, just like the non-humans. I mean, have you seen Rook? ;-;
Thank you for sharing your thoughts, Anon! Like I already said, I don’t really have much to add, but I’m glad you enjoyed the original post and thought about the topic yourself. Yes, both merpeople and beastpeople would have different level of tolerance and understanding of the cycle of life and death than just regular people. Different morals and different norms due to having completely different circumstances.
God reading about Ruggie made me think again about just how out of touch Leona actually is sifuhisduhs
I also remembered about the Leech twins talking about Halloween and how many kids disappear every year, and how when Floyd went missing they pretty much accepted that Jade was going to be the only child now. Of course it would be a devastating thing, but definitely not something shockingly unusual, and it’s an interesting thing to consider. Oh and of course these two would kill for fun, we know they are considered really dangerous even by the merpeople standards lol
As for fae, I’m not sure if they have the same necessity to kill to survive, but there are so many different types of fae, so maybe it differs from one species to another. The fact that they live longer and are in general tougher than human beings would make them a bit too “careless” around people though: people are too fragile, their lives are short and they are afraid of death. I feel like it’s not very common for fae to reflect on these things either; I think Lilia’s position on the matter is quite rare. The grandpa is very open-minded…
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anakinskywalkerog · 1 year
spoilers under cut read on if you want to hear my unhinged thoughts:
1. THE HISTORY OF THE GALAXY PARTS 1, 2, and 3?????? (“with 1 being the best part”) I’m sorry is this foreshadowing to the movie that we’re getting that tells the story of the beginning of the Jedi??? freaking out
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2. I am so sad about Ray Stevenson. The world was deprived of a true talent and a fascinating character and the story he won’t get the chance to tell 😭 a loss of a talented human and a great storyteller.
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“What I seek is the beginning” WHAT THE FUCK I’m so invested in this, thank god for Dave Filoni and his commitment to the well-planned, longform story (yes I’m subtweeting the sequel trilogy)
“Perhaps they flee a power greater than their own” LIKE WHAT OMG BAYLAN STOP
3. These nightsisters are a bit too “Dune” for my taste. I mean I recognize that Star Wars has copied Dune from the very first movie and also they are super cool but did they have to talk with that echo and be called “Great Mother”? it’s a little on the nose lol
4. THRAWN. THRAWN’s SHIP. The fucking KINTSUGI STORMTROOPERS OMGOMGOMG the QUALITY of the storytelling, the characterization, OMG
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I’m sooooo glad they kept Lars Mikkelsen, Thrawn wouldn’t be Thrawn without that voice. and the Kintsugi is so in character for him, his appreciation for art, I love it so much.
5. ALSO, Enoch in the Bible DOESN’T DIE? (he is taken to Heaven and escapes death) so I feel like there has to be something significant about that. And the stormtroopers are clearly loading some kind of COFFINS onto the ship? Resurrection shit??? The Book of Enoch, as far as I know, is an apocryphal text—is that a signifier that whatever takes place in this other galaxy is sort of apocryphal compared to the original Skywalker saga? And, lastly, the book of Enoch is an APOCALYPTIC text—AHHHH what does it all mean, I’m so goddamn curious (this shit is back to the symbolic, Aristotelean tragedy Star Wars that I LOVE)
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6. Baylan saying Ezra “comes from a breed of Jedi trained in the wild”
and Shin responding, “like me? 🥺” 😭😭😭😭
7. EZRA IS HERE EZRA IS LIFE EZRA IS EVERYTHING (also why is he kind of fuckinf hot? LOL fuck me honestly) did not have a crush on Ezra Bridger on my 2023 bingo card but here we are
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I’m so happy he’s back and I feel like for the sake of the story Thrawn can’t make it back to the original galaxy, but if that’s the case can’t I please get a ghost crew reunion in some capacity 😭 I don’t know how this would make sense. but I have a feeling this is the start of a bigger story (and I wish Baylan could be a part of it 😭😭😭)
bonus I love the space turtles that look like little old men travelers this episode was so FULL of greatness wow. I watched this last week and just now rewatched it so get ready for my thoughts on the new ep TONIGHT if you read this whole thing you deserve a treat and a nap
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tobysplacetoland · 2 years
Original Sin Thoughts Before the Finale
I hate this show. Not really, but kind of. I feel like I enjoy at least some of it as I’m watching, but I forget most of the show immediately after. I didn’t catch up on last week’s episodes until last night because I just don’t feel that connected to the show and couldn’t get into the mood to watch it🤷‍♀️. You better believe I was on my couch every Tuesday night at eight to watch PLL. I watched the finale on my phone in the airport, waiting for a delayed flight. But this show? Eh. I just can’t think of many positives other than the inexplicable need to keep watching it, and @broswatchplltoo’s amazing commentary. 
1. None of the characters have distinct personalities. The girls are super bland and I literally can’t tell the boys apart, except Ash and Fake Ezra. Most characters seem defined by one or two characteristics, like “likes movies” and “tragic and pregnant.” This show equates characters having trauma with having personality traits. Karen and Kelly are the only interesting characters in this show, and one didn’t even make it past episode two.
2. Most of the characters don’t have very strong chemistry and don’t seem like they actually care about each other. The friendship between the Liars was one of my favorite parts about the original show, and this one just doesn’t deliver. PLL established such an interesting group of girls from the first episode. This feels more like a group project done by people who barely know each other, with only Tabby and Imogen kind of being close. And the relationships are even worse. You can say a lot about the guys in PLL, but at least you can tell them apart.
3. The mystery is the best part of this show. While I’m not nearly as invested in who A is, what happened with the mothers and Angela is interesting. I do think the flashbacks could be more engaging (it was one of the things PLL did best; flashback Alison was on another planet), but trying to figure out what happened to Angela is probably the best part of this show. I like the idea of the mother’s past affecting their daughter’s present and hope the next three episodes lean more into this aspect of the show.
4. Rosewood sucked. They didn’t even try to make it look the same, especially the Radley. And why couldn’t it be Aria’s Books? This show has so much about men being predatory, then chooses Ezra Fitz of all characters to reference.
5. I don’t like the fashion. More of a taste thing, but Karen is just dressed like a Regina George Barbie and the rest of the wardrobe is pretty underwhelming imo.
6. A’s look is...a choice. The black hood made sense because it was both anonymous and practical. Leather Face is very extra. I get wanting a new look for A, but it could be a little less ridiculous.
7. A lot of the dialogue is cringy, but not as bad as Riverdale.
8. I do like that it seems to be filmed mostly on location, but I think Rosewood got screwed because of this.
9. This show is more like Riverdale or even Thirteen Reasons Why then Pretty Little Liars, which is upsetting since it has PLL in the title. Some might say it’s not fair to compare it to the original, but they’re not unrelated shows. It’s a spinoff. It’s only natural to compare the two, and imo this one does not live up. Most of what I loved about PLL is not in this show, and I haven’t connected to what Original Sin has to offer. Ultimately this show just isn’t for me and I’m glad so many people are enjoying it, but I just don’t really see what everyone else is getting out of it. It’s just not a very good show imo. Not the worst, but not particularly good.
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sophiebaek · 2 years
Do you have any ideas about Benedict’s season? Do you think they’ll stick to the book? Who do you think they’ll cast as Sophie? I know we don’t know yet but I just get excited even imagining it !
Oh I have many ideas and I’ve said a lot of them already! I think most of them are under the tag: season 3 speculation.
Honestly with how the last two seasons are when compared to the books, I don’t think they’ll include much! I think the story as a whole is going to be revised since aofag is of it’s time and quite problematic; with how much they’ve added to Benedict’s character I think we’ll be in good hands 🤞🏼. Here are some things I think they will include though!!
For sure the masquerade (no show has done one in a while so it’s a big selling point). Why waste an opportunity like that?
They have to include Sophie being a bastard (duh)
Sophie working for the Bridgerton’s in some way: with that comment from Anthony in ep1 of s2 it’s inevitable
My Cottage! So I could actually see them taking this out bc the show doesn’t know how to think sometimes, but I really hope they include it. It’s such an important part of their story
I’ve said this before, but I don’t have any fancast for Sophie that I feel strongly for. I don’t want to be invested in someone and be crushed when it’s not them. I’m also so picky too bc when I see others’ fancast I’m like “mmmm it’s nice but it doesn’t feel right for me”. I’m totally okay with waiting. Also I’m hoping for a woman of color! (East Asian Sophie has my heart but that’s bc I’m East Asian so of course I’d want to see myself represented lol)
Preferably I’d want someone who isn’t too well known but also have enough experience to carry the weight of Sophie’s character. She’s got to act opposite of Luke (and he’s amazing) so she’s got to bring her A game! People tend to not see past Sophie being a bastard and having a sad life, but she’s actually super playful, kind, graceful, and has a bit of temper. Her actress needs to fully understand Sophie the way Luke does. The two need to have magical chemistry; kanthony is fiery and feral chemistry and that’s them, but benophie needs to be magical, soft, and undeniable. It won’t be too hard bc Luke literally has chemistry with everyone he speaks to, but we have to believe that Benedict and Sophie are destined for one another!
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lonslibrary · 3 years
things the netflix shadow and bone got right and wrong—my reaction to the show (🚨 contains spoilers, pls read at your own risk!!)
- to start on a positive note! the shadow and bone characters: i, like many others, didn’t care too much for shadow and bone with the exception of nikolai and am also half convinced a different person wrote soc judging by how little i enjoyed reading s&b compared to soc and crooked kingdom. however, i thought the show was enjoyable and got the characters spot on. alina was more likable, mal was not bland/douchey at all, and i thought ben barnes as the darkling hit every right note.
- highlights included genya and david; though they didn’t have too much screen time, genya was stunning and david was almost exactly how i imagined him when reading the books. i’ve grown attached to them, and yes, i’m pretending row chapter 20 doesn’t exist :-)
- cgi and costuming was also super impressive. loved the keftas, loved the crows’ outfits, and the stag, the fold, and all the grisha powers were really, really good.
- moving on to the crows, i will say i thought casting was some of the best i’ve ever seen throughout all ya adaptations, although i know there are some things that could have been improved, including the fact that danielle galligan, who plays nina, isn’t plus size (no hate to the actress, pls). however, all the reviews i read praised kit young and i could see very obviously why. his jesper was spot on—exactly as i had imagined in the books. i’m willing to bet kruge on the fact that he falls within everyone’s top 5 characters. loved his character in the books, and kit was perfect for him.
- amita was also a stunning inej. her knife/acrobatic skills were all there like i imagined and i thought she portrayed the character very well on screen. i was so invested in her menagerie backstory when reading so i was happy to see some of that get into the show as well.
- ok, now my thing about kaz: freddy carter’s performance was perfectly good! i had no issues with his acting, but i think the show, meaning the producers/writers, haven’t fully understood kaz. don’t get me wrong, the introductory scene with all the crows in ep 1 was fabulous. jesper shooting the coin, kaz’s cane being on screen first, inej’s silent appearance. i really enjoyed the grittiness of kaz, the way his bare hands weren’t shown once, his hair, his cane, how he sweat, etc. however, i thought they overdid it with the pekka rollins backstory, which i think could have been saved for later seasons, and i wanted non-readers to be introduced to a more brutal, calculating, brooding, and genius kaz. i know he isn’t like that all times, but i felt like he was kind of on the defensive(?) very often, raised his voice when it wasn’t needed, etc. i wanted more of his smart, scheming moments like when he double crosses the conductor. not sure how to explain it, but his character felt a bit off at times. maybe i’ve read the books too many times to the point where i’ve kinda made him in my head very specifically.
- nina and matthias: loved danielle and calahan’s performance, i know some disagree but i think the actors were also pretty spot on to how i imagined in the books. their lines most alike to the books as well so i loved hearing the quotes. i did feel that their relationship moved too quickly, though. i definitely feel like matthias would have taken up a bit more time than that to warm up and i know how it goes in the books, but on screen it felt really sped up to the point where i was like already?? i feel like with how much they put into the very little screen time they had, this could’ve been saved for flashbacks in season 2.
- the combination of the two series did worry me but it was pretty smooth! i liked where the crows went, how they kinda came together in the end, but i’m also glad that they’re separating after all. i’m so invested in seeing the soc and crooked kingdom storyline come to life exactly how it is in the books so i don’t want any more interference lol. i am worried about how the timeline is gonna work in season 2 because obviously the civil war has not ended, but i really liked how the last episode set us up for season 2. (also a random note, but the show was very dark lol i had my brightness up all the way the entire time)
- HIGHLIGHTS: milo the goat (mvp of the show), jesper tumbling the stable boy, all of jesper’s lines, really, the darkling’s office/room setting, genya and david’s one (1) singular scene together, the darkling’s kefta, the child actors portraying alina and mal, the way the stag’s bones connected alina to the darkling (super grotesque, but a good portrayal of her becoming his prisoner), the CUT omg, that one scene when jesper pretends he didn’t shoot on dime lions territory, the scene where the fjerdans attack alina in the forest, kaz avoiding the cut, kaz saving jesper from the cut, inej’s knife battle with the heartrender, kaz stepping in front of inej to face the volcra, FEDYOR AND IVAN omg, kaz’s “jes?”, queen baghra, the darkling coming out of the fold at the end with his monsters that are impossible to spell, and more i can’t remember after binging the show until 3AM.
- in conclusion, it lived up the excitement for sure, and i’m ready for season 2!! especially with the way the last episode ended. i’m very eager to see my faves, nikolai and wylan, and cannot wait to watch where the grishaverse takes us next.
do you agree or disagree with my thoughts? i want to hear everyone’s opinions!! feel free to drop comments below :))
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creativefiend19 · 4 years
oh i didn't know you liked ronan's character more than your do adam's! what is it that you like about him?? 💛
Ronan’s definitely one of my favourite characters. Adam isn’t because, according to me ... and here’s the absolute nuts part ... Adam’s not exactly a book character.
Adam’s pretty much a real person.
And it’s embarrassing to admit it because I pride myself on being a logical and rational person. I usually have a healthy perspective on actual people in the real world, let alone those I meet in fictional places. I don’t get super invested in things like this.
But. Here’s the thing. I’ve read a LOT of books. Adam is the only character that got me so worked up that I had to put down on paper the inner workings of his mind and start writing fic. 
In that way, technically, taking my ridiculously sentimental view out of the equation, I suppose Adam Parrish is my favourite character ever. 
But it’s still not accurate to say that. 
I simply cannot put Adam Parrish on the same list as Bruce Wayne or Elizabeth Bennet or Ty Blackthorne. Because, they are, very clearly, fictional. And Adam... well, Adam isn’t even in the same universe as them.
This is Maggie’s true gift - to create archetypal people that not only come across as complex and authentic, but also make you care about them. 
I haven’t read any other books where I’ve identified so much with a character (to some extent I identify with Ronan too - but much more superficially). 
To compare, let us take another series with several MCs and ships very dear to me: The Shadowhunter Chronicles. I adore Tessa Grey, Jem Carstairs and Will Herondale, and all permutations and combinations of them. Malec and Kitty & Magnus and Ty are some others I love. 
But how many of them do I identify with? 
I don’t need them to live and love like I do with Adam. I write IOP mainly for him, and for him and Ronan to have the experiences I think they should have (And also because I totally GET Pynch and their dynamic - well, I think so anyway).
And, like Adam, I’m very much star-struck and in love with Ronan Lynch.
Ronan’s incredibly complicated and has so many facets to him that should not in fact be able to exist within one person (even if they are fictional) and still seem cohesive and have a believable ... gestalt. 
His rage and his tenderness. His sensitivity and his abrasiveness. His ability to think outside the box yet be blind to certain basic things. His equal capacity for self-loathing and worship. His passion and his depression. His innocence and his street-cred. The beauty and the horrors that live inside him. How he’s an asshole and an angel all at the same time. 
And I’m not even talking about any of his fantastic power and magic. Neither am I talking about Adam’s. 
I think it’s clear that Ronan is so real because he’s close to being a self-insert of Maggie’s. And I can imagine that she’s as compelling and contradictory as he is. 
Similarly, I’ve always had a sneaking suspicion that Adam was crafted from the bones of someone Maggie really knew and loved, though the idea for him may have been sparked by a strange boy on a plane. Because everything about him rings totally true and is note perfect - including the depiction of him as an abuse-survivor, and his struggles with his self-image and personal power.
He’s so real, in fact, that it’s hard to believe he isn’t. 
So, yes.
Ronan Lynch is one of my favourite fictional characters.
Adam Parrish is my favourite fictional person.
Pynch is my favourite fictional ship. 
That’s the TL;DR for this very unnecessarily long and convoluted and batshit crazy reply to your question about Ronan - which I answered about Adam instead.
Thank you, as always, for your super Ask <3
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space-blue · 3 years
Dune, the mostly spoiler free review.
Spoilers will be under breaks.
Having slept on it (and since I got to bed at 4am I needed that), and having eaten enough sugar to kickstart my brain again, I can now confirm, wholeheartedly, that Dune is a masterpiece.
Hardly a hot take on the internet right now, I know. I'll say this, to start on a low note : Dune's greatest flaw is that the side characters (anyone outside of Jessica and Paul) can be left wanting development. Some non-book readers might struggle to get attached.
The film simply doesn't have time to deliver narrative, mood and emotional characters the way Fellowship of the Rings did, as I often see the film compared to LOTR. Unlike LOTR, Dune has not shot part 2, and it doesn't have enough action beats/plot beats to give you engaging character interactions for 1/3 of the story.
As a result some characters seem to be "seen in passing". Which... Bothered me a little at 3am, but has since faded. My memories turn to Jessica and how incredible Fergusson was. Absolutely show stealing. And Skarsgard!! Yeesh, the Baron Harkonnen does not need more screen time to be intimidating...
All the cast delivers. The visuals, design, costume, photography... It's clear to me everyone involved in this was at the top of their craft and giving it their all for a career turning point of a production. I even struggle to believe book 2 could land such a punch again, I mean, I've rarely been punched in the face this hard by a movie...
I mean, I'm not the type to be into spaceships or anything. I even struggle with models in the Star Wars universe and I published 58 fan fics for that fandom so... And yet in this film, hah... When the Atreides ships are introduced (you see these big transports in the trailer) I was like "No. He didn't... OMG the madlad, he did." — the music, the visuals, the scale... And then there's the thopters, and I was having moments of prescience myself, seeing actual ship/spaceship nerds rise up, foam frothing at the mouth. Modeling thopters and making videos about them for years to come.
The audio was loud, bold. The music alien. The sound mixing done so well I had a snappy thought 2min in, along the lines of "I hope Nolan sits to this film and learns something about sound mixing from this" (don't @ me, I'm still spicy about my viewing of Tenet).
In short, Dune is spectacular. It oozes with mythos and charm, feels lived in, intimidating yet beguiling. The plot is as sound as the book's the visuals are a cinema/SFF fan's wet dream, the acting and production value are stupid crazy, and the only drawback IMO — for non book readers — will be the "in passing" characters (like Raban, Piter, Gurney, Hawat... Who simply don't have the space and time to shine yet) and the ending, which is 100% "INSERT CD 2"
It feels jarring and leaves you begging for more. But book readers probably won't feel the same pang, since we can now close our eyes and image how bonkers part two can be in such visuals.
I've over-heard old french people saying it was super boring and slow and... lol I can't disagree more, but then again the trailer does market an action movie, and the film is not any more action packed than BR2049 was. When the action comes calling it's big, fast... When it isn't, the movie is moody, deliberate, and meticulous.
It won't be for everyone, but if you've so much as "enjoyed" the books, you'll be having the experience of a lifetime.
Before I delve into some mild spoilers I'd like to make a disclaimer: Denis has begged people to see Dune in cinema, and I was thinking "of course, what film maker wouldn't want people in cinema?" but also suspected he might want the numbers in order to get part 2 started.
I owe him an apology for these impure thoughts. You MUST watch Dune in cinema, not for Denis or part 2 (though, come on...), but for YOURSELF. There is not a single home cinema set up that can do justice to this film. It's the definition of why you go to the cinema for. It's epic in scale, it makes you jump at startling moments, it punches and screams at you, and makes you squint at others, and you walk out of there with a sense of having witnessed something like... To me, like Interstellar. Remember seeing that docking sequence scene in the theater and walking out being like "holy shit" ? Well Dune is very much like that. It was made for the big screen, and anything short of IMAX or Dolby ATMOS would be a disservice to both the film and yourself.
I will be seeing it in France the instant it comes out in September. It begs rewatching.
Now for some spoilery thoughts (mild spoilers, and a warning for further spoilers below).
The film takes surprisingly little time to delve on certain topics. Like the spice. Sure you're told it's important, and the economics that drive the story make it feel important, but not nearly as much as I suspected it would be. There is no clunky exposition on the topic (lol no fucking time for that!) no scene where someone shoves spice in your face and goes “oh but blah blah spice must flow”. It’s said in passing and newcomers better hold on to their seat and pay attention.
Sadly though a fair bit of the dialogue was expositional imo, and too little of it over all felt like that heart warming moment between Paul and Leto. It's not a big drawback, but since I enjoy more character driven stories, I regretted the lack of general emotional investment.
On the point of emotions though, I was taken aback by Jamis! The scene of him in the trailers "I'll show you"... creates a sort of very subtle and implied dynamic that was probably one of the biggest heart punch for me, and started driving home how dire Paul's visions can be. I suspect some viewers won't interpret it the way I did though.
THE VOICE WAS SO WELL MADE YOU GUYS!! The thopter escape scene was always a "meh, sure, they get away" moment for me in the books. Good teamwork between Paul and Jessica... But *hearing it* was a completely different business. I was at the edge of my seat, I LOVED IT.
There's also a lot of actual signing in the film! And the Sardaukar don't speak english but a super guthural language. Kind of like making a conlang merging German and the Black Speech of Mordor and giving it to a Danish to speak. Felt very cool.
The shields were just as badass as you think they'll be. The slow impact weapons are just... *chef kiss*
Finally some heavy spoilers on book story details (jihad, Muad'dib, some characters) :
There is no mentions of Jihad, but not because it's avoided. The visions of a fight Paul has are rare, and he mentions them once. At that time he says war or massacre but not Jihad. I didn't notice until I was asked.
He also doesn't chose the name Muad'Dib. If I recall that's right after killing Jamis, but doesn't happen here, even if we see the literal muad'dib in the desert. It's also fine. Those scenes were at the very end, and I felt like slamming newcomers with such a significant moment with alien language at the very end might be a mistake. I'm curious to see how it's handled in part 2 though.
I was looking forward to Piter... His role is uber minor. As much as Hawat's. Like, the Bull that killed Leto's father gets more screen time, funnily enough. There's a heavy imagery around it that's going to fuel many video essays.
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craigslistdiavolo · 4 years
I see you have your requests open? 👀 do you mind doing one with the Demon brothers (along with Diavolo, Simeon, Solomon, and Barbatos (my phone auto corrected to Barbie xD) if you want, you dont have to) with a GN! MC that is a Maladaptive Daydreamer? There us a Hatsune Miku song called The Mind of a Maladaptive Daydreamer, it helps explain what it is without you having to do research, it's also fairly hard to explain what it is, so I'm sorry. Anyways, have a good day hun! Get good sleep and drink a good amount of water everyday. Bye!!!💕
I'm actually someone who maladaptive daydreams, so it makes me happy that people know what it is!!!
For those who don't know, a very brief explanation of maladaptive daydreaming would be a daydream with an elaborate plot and characters that's very different from normal daydreaming. To get into the vibe of the daydream some people will perform repetitive actions, such as pacing around the room, and some people listen to music to help get into the vibe. Also people can sperate the daydream from their current reality, so they are aware of everything that is going on around them.
Genre - Fluff
Warnings - Language
Gender neutral reader
He probably accidentally walks in and you don't even notice him come in
You're just casually pacing back and forth, listening to music, and occasionally whispering something to yourself but then you look up and see him
Very awkward eye contact
"Ummm.... can you leave?"
He just kinda nods and closes the door, and then you get back to it
Later on he'll ask you about it, and you can try to give your best explanation
He might get upset with you if it begins to interfere with your academics, but he'll do his best to be understanding
Very intrigued by the plot and characters
May ask for updates on the plot from time to time
He understands that maladaptive daydreaming is your own little escape, so he tries to give you space and time for you to do it without interruptions
Mammon's loud, so you just immediately notice him coming in and stop everything you're doing
"MC why are you standing in the middle of the room listening to music?"
"Ummmm just vibing?"
"Cool, can I join?"
No, please leave 💖"
You'll probably have to do your best to explain maladaptive daydreaming to him later on, but he still has a hard time understanding why you spend so much time creating plot and characters
He respects it though and he's not gonna make fun of you for being a maladaptive daydreamer
He's gonna want all the updates on everything that's happening with the plot and characters
He's very invested in it at this point
He still has a hard time giving you space because you spend so much time daydreaming, but he understands that you need the time and space to do it, so he does his best to stay away for a while
Personally, I think that Levi is probably someone that also maladaptive daydreams, so he totally gets it
He's really glad to find out that you do it because he was afraid that he was the only one
You guys can tell each other about your plots and characters, and exchange playlists that fit the vibe
He'll sit and listen to you talk about what's going on in your current plot for hours
And then after you're done explaining your plot, he can explain his :)
Since you're both maladaptive daydreamers, it's pretty easy to give each other space and time to daydream, and then the next time you both see each other you can explain what's happening now in the plot
He already knows what it is because he probably heard the term somewhere and decided to do research on it
He's gonna ask you some in-depth questions about it, but at some point you might need to tell him to take a step back
"MC, do you think that you're experiencing this because of past trauma, and how long have you been doing this for?"
"Idk lol :)"
He'll want to hear about all the plots and characters because it's like a book to him
If you have trouble sleeping at night than he'll try to help you fall asleep, but obviously that might not work
He'll do your homework for you if you start to fall behind because of getting distracted by your daydreams
At some point he might pull up studies on maladaptive daydreaming and ask you to compare yourself to the results lmao
He'll send you playlists that he thinks will work with your current plot, characters, and time period that the daydream is taking place in
He'll give you space and time to go off and daydream because he knows how important it is to you
Maladaptive what?
He has no idea what it is
You're gonna have to sit him down and try to give him an explanation, but he still might not fully get it
Asmo can be a little clingy sometimes, but he fully understands that you do need the time and space so that you can daydream, so he'll give you as much time and space as you needs
If he accidentally walks in on you, he'll leave right away so that he doesn't interrupt you
He's so invested in the plot and lives of the characters, especially if there's a lot of drama going on
He tries to help you fall asleep, mainly because of how important the right amount of sleep is for skincare and he cares about you so he wants you to get a good amount of sleep, but he just doesn't really understand why you have such a hard time falling asleep
Overall, he's really supportive, but still very clueless
He probably accidentally walks in on you and just kinda stands there and stares at you until you notice him
You just kinda awkwardly look at him and ask him to leave
He feels bad for walking in and you because it made you feel kinda uncomfortable, so he's gonna apologize a lot
Sit him down and explain everything to him, and he'll do his best to understand
It takes him a little while to fully understand that maladaptive daydreaming is different from regular daydreaming
He gives you the time and space to do what you need to do because he understands that daydreaming is a really important part of your day
He asks for updates on the plot and characters everyday
He also always asked if he's in the daydream or if there's a character based off of him
If there is, he gets really excited, but he's chill if he's not included in the plot
He probably knows a decent amount of tips for falling asleep, so if you do have a hard time falling asleep because of maladaptive daydreaming, he'll try to help you out
He knows what it is, but personally doesn't do it himself
He's pretty chill and understanding
Since he spends a decent amount of time sleeping, you'll have enough time and space to daydream and won't have to worry about him interrupting you
If you have trouble falling asleep, he knows a lot of tips for helping people fall asleep but if none of them work, he'll just chill and lay with you until you're able to fall asleep
He'll ask you about the plot and characters of the current daydream from time to time
He'll send you playlists and make you playlists that he thinks would fit the plot and help you get into the vibe of the daydream
He's super supportive and won't judge you for maladaptive daydreaming, and he tells you a lot that you don't have to be embarrassed by it, but he understands why you don't really want people to know about it
He's so confused
One time he accidentally walks in on you and you just kinda stand in place until he leaves
As soon as he's gone, you're gonna get right back to what you're doing
He'll ask you to explain maladaptive daydreaming to him and he's really intrigued by it
He has a room in the palace that's designated for you to go to and daydream in because he knows that you need the time and space away from everyone to go do it
He gives you a bunch of playlists that he thinks fits the vibe of your daydream's plot
He might get a little :/ if you fall behind on academics because of it, but he's pretty understanding so he won't be that upset about it
When you guys are hanging out, he likes to hear about the plot and all the characters, and he ends up getting super invested into it
If he ever walks in on you on accident, he'll just quietly leave because he doesn't want to disturb you
He definitely knows what it is
I just personally think that Barbatos knows literally everything
He's super respectful and would like to hear about the plot and characters of the daydreams when he's not busy
He'll be especially interested in the plot of the daydream if it takes place in an older time period
If you start to fall behind on academics, he'll help you catch up
Since he has to work a lot, you won't really ever have to worry about him interrupting you, and you'll have a lot of time and space to go and maladaptive daydream
The only time he'll ever actually interrupt you if he needs something from you/needs to tell you something, but after that he'll leave quickly and quietly so that you can get back to daydreaming as soon as possible
He's super respectful
He wakes up everyday and drinks his "respect everyone for who they are and what they experience juice"
He'll ask you a lot of questions about it, but if he starts to make you uncomfortable with all the questions, he'll stop
He won't disturb you and he'll give you as much time and space as you need to daydream
Since he's a writer, he is really interested in the plot and characters
If he has your permission he might use the plot and characters to write a story, but only if he has your permission
He might talk to you about keeping up with your academics if you start to fall behind because of the daydreaming, and he'll do his best to help you stay focused
If you have trouble falling asleep because your mind keeps wandering, he'll just lay with you and you guys can talk about random things until you both fall asleep
Solomon tends to tease people a little bit, but he'll actually be really respectful when he finds out that you experience maladaptive daydreaming because he knows that it's very important to you
He'll ask you some questions about maladaptive daydreaming, and he understands what it is pretty quickly
He won't bother you too much, and he'll give you all the time and space you need
At some point he asks if he can try out a few spells on you while you daydream for an experiment
He asks about the plot and characters a lot, and if he notices any similarities in the characters to the people you guys know in real life, he'll probably point them out
If you have a hard time falling asleep, he'll probably suggest using magic on you, but obviously if that makes you uncomfortable you guys can just cuddle and talk until you both fall asleep
He occasionally sends you playlists based around the plot and characters, but they all have really weird names
If you pay him or do him a favor, he'll do your homework so you don't fall behind
A/N - I really hope that you enjoyed reading this, and I really liked writing this because I was able to relate it to my own personal experiences with maladaptive daydreaming :)
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thebigqueer · 3 years
speaking of the sadie thing,,,, i think rr focuses too much on romantic relationships?? like, even in the other books, the halfbloods didnt need to all date, i didnt like that literally all of them were dating, you dont need to be in a relationship to be happy, which i think rr doesnt realize. also they were cousins,, the gods not having dna thing was such bs. half the 7 were okay single
hi anon! this has been in my asks for a few days, so i’m sorry for the wait. i’m assuming this is the post you’re referring to. 
also, before i go into this, i just want to say that these are just my opinions. others may have different ones.
anon, i really do agree with you on this. i’ve talked about this on a lot of posts but it makes me a little upset every time i think about the ways rick fucked up relationships. some of them were fine - like percabeth - because they had an actual base and their story made sense. (not that i’m saying they’re the only ship you can ship, though - totally up to who you want to ship percy & annabeth with, i’m just talking about canon context). 
i feel like the place where rick’s idea of “you need a relationship to be happy” is especially prominent with leo’s relationship with calypso. he already had issues (and potential for actual character development) about being the seventh wheel. putting him with calypso honestly ruined both of their arcs. i’m honestly glad they’re taking a “break” in trials of apollo now because their relationship was really unnecessary. leo’s character arc could have surrounded the fact that he needed to love himself for who he was first, or maybe get some clarity on his past, but rick decided that in order to solve leo’s “problem” of not loving himself for being the only single character on the ship (before nico came along), he’d need a girlfriend.
(also, if you’re interested, here is a post that goes into a different way that I wish would have gone with leo and calypso.)
also, frazel? i didn’t like that. hazel is literally 13/14 (fourteen is more likely I think). while people her age do date, i just feel like her relationship with frank wasn’t necessary to the plot? she’s still young - not to invalidate people her age who do date, but i still don’t think that he needed to put her in a relationship. 
a bigger issue of mine is also that he’s putting 13yo girls in a relationship at all? with guys who are a few years older? sadie, walt, and anubis for example - anubis was a literal god, so he’s even centuries old. walt’s age is honestly complicated because the wiki says he’s sixteen, other people say he’s 14, and apparently his age jumped around in one of the books, so i don’t really know what to say about him. if he is 16, though, then yeah that qualifies as i don’t like it. 
i loved that there was poly rep, but he didn’t do a good job of it by pairing sadie with guys who are older than her (and one who’s actually thousands of years old!)
i just overall really don’t like his mentality towards romantic relationships. the biggest problem, i think, is that he put so little emphasis on friendship and promoted romance so much. incorporating the importance of friendship honestly would have been such a great investment to make into his books! can you imagine all the different moments we could have had with all the seven? leo and percy? jason and annabeth? piper and percy? maybe even some more interaction with nico and the others?
there are some arguments where people say that the idea of demigods finding their soulmates at a young age isn’t a terrible idea. i don’t have much of an opinion on that argument, to be honest, but the issue isn’t that demigods have soulmates. it’s that he puts way too much emphasis on their romantic relationships. sure, they can have soulmates! i don’t mind that at all! but it’s the way he paired almost everyone off that annoys me, and the only people who are single are either super important girls (rachel), girls in the hunters, gods (apollo), and 12 year olds (meg). besides that i don’t really remember many single people. 
i think another argument is that, since he was writing heroes of olympus (where these relationship problems are most prevalent) in the early 2010s (which was vastly different compared to later 2010s), he was probably catering to the audience. that may also be true. and i guess if you consider reyna before trials of apollo, she was also one of the only main people to stay single by the end of the series. but i think the point stands that he still does romanticize romantic relationships too much. reyna may be an outlier (and even then, she ends up joining the hunters if you’ve read trials of apollo) but that doesn’t take away from the fact that a lot of the relationships in the riordanverse aren’t even necessary - they’re just ways for rick to give the characters a “happy ending.” (newsflash - relationships don’t solve everyone’s problems.)
demigods can find soulmates. i don’t care about that. i just wish he put more light on the beauty of friendship and stopped pairing almost everyone off. can’t someone be single just for the sake of being single? do they have to be doing something important? 
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factual-fantasy · 4 years
I got 25 asks that took me WAY too long to reply to! :}
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I have two top favorite episodes, the cone snail episode and the beluga whales episode.
When it comes to my favorite part of both episodes..?
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..Not happy parts...
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I have absolutely no idea what you just suggested.
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(Referring to this post)
Thank you! That was the intention. :} I was worried that their faces all looked weird..
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You want to learn more? Man.. maybe I should post that headcannon draft..
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Yeah haha, this blog has taken quite the U-turn hasn’t it? I’m just glad everyone seems okay with it so far. <:} I’m excited for season 5 also! I hope it comes out soon! :D
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Yes and no.
Does he think of his crew as children? Absolutely not. They are all fully grown, intelligent and capable adults, and he darn well treats them like it.
But you bet that if one of them is in danger or is frightened, he’s dropping everything he’s doing and rushing to their aid as if they’re his cub that just wondered out onto the highway.
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ME TOO! I always felt like he had this fatherly vibe to him with some professionalism sprinkled on top. Like he’s always looking out for his team because he cares for them and worries about them, but its kind of disguised as him just doing his job as the Captain.
I plan to draw more Protective Barnacles because its my jam, so don’t worry! That side of you will have some more fuel soon XD. And thank you for all the compliments! :}
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Daww thank you, it twaz nothin. I’m just glad that people want to see my art.
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Well, taking everyone into consideration, the tallest is Captain Barnacles, and the shortest is Tomminow. (This little guy 👇)
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The Vegimals aside though? Peso is the shortest. 
(And thank you! I’m glad :})
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Honestly? Awful. I feel like absolute garbage, I just hope this will all finally go away soon.
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Not really no, and no thanks on the cookies, I shouldn’t eat anything until I get super hungry because everything gives me stomachaches.. But a hug would sure be nice right about now.
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I can give you a link to their wiki pages if that’ll help, I’m not really good with my words and you can learn everything you need to know about them there. <:}
Captain Barnacles (The polar bear guy)
Kwazii (The orange pirate cat guy)
Peso (The bby Penguin doktor)
Shellington (Tall Otter boi)
Dashi (Doge girl with skirt)
Professor Inkling (Fancy squik)
Tweak (Green bunny country gal chick)
The Vegimals (Little veggie dudes)
All the Gups (Metal fishes)
The Octopod (Momma metal squik)
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Whos the youngest Octonaut? Well, if we’re not including the Vegimals, I’d say its probably Peso. And the oldest is most likely Professor Inkling.
Does anyone have claustrophobia? Yes! Captain Barnacles canonically does. He got trapped in a deep hole in some icy caves as a cub, since then he’s been afraid of tight and closed in spaces. I have extended on that fact and thought of many different scenarios relating to the aftermath of the Octonauts movie, but you know.. still not confident in all this Octonauts stuff so I haven’t posted my headcannons yet. <:/
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Novelas translated into English means Soap Opera.
You think so? I feel like that’s not Kwazii’s thing, he’d probably like horror movies and action filled movies. But Peso probably would like them not gonna lie, him and Dashi would probably watch them together.
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Well, in my draft post I’ve got two headcannons for her so far.
Tweak likes sleeping in the launch bay for the #1 reason that she can hear the water sloshing around in the bay. Which mimics the sound the water in the swamp used to make when she lived there with her Dad.
Tweak gets bad migraines when she’s sick, so the other Octonauts have to do a lot to accommodate her. Because the beds in the med bay aren’t that soft, she prefers to sleep in her room when she’s sick. But then the usually comforting sounds of the water in the launch bay become pain inducing. So the launch bay is emptied of all its water, the lights are shut off and, unless its an emergency, no one is allowed in the launch bay until she recovers. 
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I looked it up, and its true.
KWAZII WAS A GIRL IN THE BOOKS?? THEN WHY IS HE A BOY IN THE SHOW?? WHY DID THEY CHANGE THAT?? WH??? I mean, don’t get me wrong, I like this Kwazii more than I would any other version of him, but still, WHY’D THEY CHANGE THAT?? IM GLAD THEY DID BUT WHY??
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Hmm.. let me think...
Captain Barnacles most likely doesn’t ever have uninterrupted free time, and even when he does, he probably still prefers to be up in HQ where anyone can find him if they need him. But lets say for the sake of it that he has some free time and he takes it. He’d probably either want to play his accordion, or want to read a book.
I feel like there’s a lot of different things Kwazii likes to do in his spare time, but goofing around in the Gup-B is probably his favorite.
Peso probably likes to do puzzles and play his xylophone.
Dashi probably reads books while listening to music. How she does both of these things at the same time I have no idea.
Tweak probably plays video games.
Professor Inkling and Shellington both probably read books in their free time.
I’m not too sure what the Vegimals would do in their free time though..
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Oh yes, indeed it does. 
Before becoming the Captain of the Octonauts, Barnacles had to ask himself,  “Am I really ready to be their leader?” Can he handle managing a team of that size? Can he react to situations fast enough and make the right choices? He thought it through and believed that yes. He was ready.
But he wasn’t. He wasn't prepared for that gut wrenching anxiety when one crew member goes missing. He wasn't prepared for the crippling heat that most everywhere else has compared to his home. He wasn't prepared to become so attached to his crew that the thought of something happening to them keeps him awake for nights in a row. He wasn’t prepared for that overwhelming nausea of missing home and his sister. 
There was a lot he didn’t know. They’d all turn to him when something went wrong and ask if everything's going to be okay. He’d say “don’t worry, its all going to be okay.” but he’s just as unsure as everyone else.
Now don't get me wrong, he’s not this completely hopeless and unexperienced Captain that bit off more than he could chew, no. There’s just somethings he didn’t think about before becoming Captain of the Octonauts.
Now usually he can really keep himself composed almost always. He’s very level headed and very good at thinking his way through things, But sometimes? He just.. needs a break. He usually cant get a break because he’s the Captain and always needs to be alert, so everyone else that sees it usually tries to help.
Some crew members, like the Vegimals and Kwazii, have a habit of following the Captain around when they see that he’s tired to keep an eye on him. Others like Shellington and Dashi tend to give him space and keep things quiet for him. Some crew members, like Peso and Tweak tend to clean up around the place to take some weight off the Captains shoulders, they all help him out in some way.
Professor Inkling will sometimes find an excuse to pull him aside to have some tea with him. They’ll sit and talk for a bit but then he’s back up on his feet and back to work. This poor bear..
..hold on.. was this a drawing suggestion?
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Dashi and Tweak would probably hang out in Dashi’s room and goof around. Not sure what they’d do.. maybe read, talk, play games or.. idk pillow fights? I don’t know what girls do on a girls night.
As for everyone else? I also am not sure, I don’t know what all those characters with all their clashing personalities would do on a boys night. Maybe they would all watch a movie? All attempt bake something obnoxious together? They seem like the kind of characters that would do that.
I’ve never been to a girls night or a guys night, so I don't really have much of a base to go off of.. but both groups would probably get together and do something they’d all enjoy. Guys maybe a funny movie, and the girls just talking and reading books? <:D 
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For real that’d be hilarious. Imagine if their voices were deep and gruff too but they just make them sound high pitched for fun?
Dude that’d be so funny. Like Kwazii’s up to his shenanigans again blabbering on about some sea monster or what have you, and Tunip out of nowhere just goes,
“Kwazii legit stop, we all know that you’re just talking about some ordinary sea creature that pirates interpreted as a sea monster.“
The whole crew gon be like
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If this game existed in their world and they all played it.....
Captain Barnacles would make it through a pacifist run and would be satisfied. He’s some kind of weirdo who doesn’t think of characters as real people and doesn’t obsess over them and cry about them. Overall he thinks the game is pretty neat, but probably not his type of game.
Kwazii would want to test his skills by attempting a genocide, but his heart of gold would get in the way and he wouldn’t be able to complete it. He’d feel terrible for killing goat mom, reset and go hard pacifist next round. Overall he thinks the game is awesome.
Peso would want to talk to every character so they’d all be included in the story. He’d go full pacifist and cry over the story and its characters. Overall 10/10 for him.
Dashi would probably cry over the game a lot and would never attempt a genocide run because the characters are now her family.
Shellington would hate the fighting parts so would delay those bits by walking around and talking to characters over and over again.
Tweak would go through a neutral run because she sometimes accidently kills weaker monsters. Overall she loves the story and its characters, 10/10 would play again.
Professor Inkling would become invested in the story I bet. Complimenting the story arcs for the characters and its creative game play. But I feel like he’d only play it once and probably wouldn’t beat it, but would have fun with it none the less.
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Thank you!!!♡♡♡ Man, I never expected such a positive response to switching to Octonauts, I cant believe everyone is so excited about it! I’m so glad you like my Octonauts art, that really makes me feel better and like what I’m drawing is worth while. ɷ◡ɷ
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Aww I’m glad! And oh yeah, the animals at the end were always scary. Remember the Boo the spookfish?
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Boo was a cute little googly eyed fishy boi who was just so sweet and somft until the creATURE REPORT AND I-
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Dawww thank you!! I tried. <:}
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sendme-2hell · 3 years
ranking the books I read in may
I’m just gonna do this every month to keep track of what i’m reading
1. Ninefox Gambit - Yoon Ha Lee
Well it took me four months since I first started it and gave up because it was so confusing, but I finally finished! Just goes to show you sometimes have to push through. But seriously it got so good! Do I understand everything about hexarchate structure? no. idk what that is tbh. but character-wise, I loved this book. what is going on with these fictional lesbians and dead people in their brains? idk but I love it
2. Last Night at the Telegraph Club - Malinda Lo
I fell in love with this book. I didn’t have super high expectations but it made me want to read more historical fiction. The way Malinda Lo wove in the intersectional experiences of being an Asian American lesbian in the 1950′s is so well done. plus love a little space talk on the side. 
3. Black Sun - Rebecca Roanhorse
You know how sometimes theres a POV character you don’t like? this book doesn’t have that problem. I am so invested in all the characters and I really need the next book to come out...now. bisexual sea captain mermaid Xalia I am in love with you. 
4. When the Tiger Came Down the Mountain - Nghi Vo
Tor just gave this book away for free which is insane because it’s so good. I sat down to read Empress of Salt and Fortune and didn’t get up before finishing When the Tiger Came Down the Mountain. Good shit. I really liked this one in particular bc it’s really gay of the focus on the changeable nature of storytelling, and how history is altered by who’s telling it. 
5. The Deepwater Bride - Tamsyn Muir 
Um this story is perfect. It’s a short story so idek if I should include it on this list but here were are. It’s just that kind of gay monster story that works so well. Sapphics in a Tamsyn Muir work? it’s more likely than you think.
6. The Lamb will Slaughter the Lion -Margaret Killjoy
speaking of gay monster stories.... Anyway I also read this in one sitting and liked it a lot. It seemed to be about having an anarchist community and that was really interesting to me. I’ll have to read more by the author. 
7. The Empress of Salt and Fortune - Nghi VoI 
Also really enjoyed this one. Also about storytelling and the smaller unheard voices that shape history.  
8. Princess Floralinda and the Forty-Flight Tower - Tamysn Muir
TM is really funny
9. Piranesi - Susannah Clarke
This is one of those books where it’s more exciting in the beginning because it’s a mystery but once you get the explanation it’s disappointing. At the beginning there are so many possibilities and they all exist at the same time. But once you pick on now there’s only one. I compared it to Harrow the Ninth before because you start out having no clue what’s going on and you slowly start to realize you know more than the narrator. But unlike htn, I think once I figured out what was going on it became a lot less exciting. I guess maybe there is a central metaphor I am missing but I wasn’t as taken with the book once everything became more clear. Still beautifully written though.
10. Written in the Stars - Alexandria Bellefleur 
10/10 nice romance. no notes. Okay a few notes, mostly about how Elle has a masters in astronomy (not even sure if you can get that. you would probably be advised to get a masters in astrophysics cause that would actually be helpful) and yet Darcy is supposed to be the ‘math one.’ I don’t think you can get that far is astronomy without doing a little math. 
11. The Dark Tides of Heaven - Neon Yang
I really liked the writing and world building of this book. and how queer it is. I’m excited to read the others in the series. 
12. Elena Ferrante’s Key Works - Tizia De Rogatis
This was a book of critical essays analyzing books by Elena Ferrante (not Lying life of adults cause that hadn’t come out yet). I found some of it really illuminating. Much of it stuff I was just completely missing since I don’t know anything about Italian literature. Don’t love how the author refuses to even mention there could be a queer reading of the Neapolitan Novels. Would be interesting if she was analyzing Lying Life of Adults too since that one is undeniably queer. 
13. A Long Way to a Small Angry Planet
I wanted to like this so much and I did enjoy it a lot. But I think I wanted a bit more conflict. It kinda felt like reading an episodic podcast. I loved all of the characters and it was heartwarming. There were just a lot of really interesting character dynamics and conflicts that I wanted to be expanded but they were just cleared up very quickly.
14. Silk & Steel - a queer speculative adventure anthology - multiple authors
There were quite a few stories I really liked in this anthology. And a lot that I thought were very meh. A ton of dueling. One story was transphobic which was bad and super weird to find in a book about sapphics that also included a few stories with well written trans characters. 
15. The Relentless Moon - Mary Robinette Kowal
I truly do not understand why the lady astronaut books are so popular! someone explain it to me!! They literally feel like they were written for my grandma. They attempt to be ‘woke’ by including a very diverse cast of characters. But the author is so bad at characterization that it ends up being a bunch of walking stereotypes. Plus the main characters are still white women. These white women do face sexism but like...the type of sexism that white women in positions of power with powerful husbands would. Which is fine if that was explored but it is NOT. There is really no exploration of sexism or racism other than a few characters being sexist and/or racist and the main white lady saying ‘hey no don’t do that’. In this book the main character is a white woman in the 50′s but luckily she has no learned racism, internalized sexism, or homophobia that she would realistically have at the time. It reads like a ‘woke’ white woman from 2021 with no real understanding of systematic oppression went back in time to scold the people around her. There is no nuance in anything. The main character is introduced as having an eating disorder. That could be interesting but the author is so bad at nuance that it is brought up over and over but serves no real purpose. The main plot is like ‘among us’ on the moon. that should be great, and there were parts that I enjoyed, but mostly this was waaay too long. I read this book because I was reading the books nominated for best novel for the 2021 hugos. The other books in that category are very nuanced and actually looking at systematic discrimination and/or colonialism so reading this in comparison was like reading something by a third grader. I would have nominated The Space Between Worlds instead. That book actually had something to say.  
failed my effort to only read queer books since Elena Ferrante’s key works is low key homophobic (is it homophobic to not talk about how lila and lenu are in love? imo yes) and the relentless moon has only like one mention of a gay couple. But I came close. Better luck next month. for pride month I can do it. 
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volleychumps · 4 years
HEY HEY HEY!!! hagsfdjkhg okay so i was studying and that reminded me of sth. Like how would study dates go with the Haikyuu boys? (more specifically Kuroo, Akaashi, Iwaizumi, Oikawa, Bokuto, Semi, Goshiki)(Alsooo i dont know if youve got a limit for characters so feel free to omit some of them if you wish ^^)
Study Dates w/ Kuroo, Akaashi, Iwa, Oikawa, Bokuto, and Semi
-Surprisingly enough, Kuroo is actually really good at studying
-like actually though, when you were shocked he was actually offended
- “...did you actually think I was dumb?” 
- “I plead the fifth.” 
-Likes to lay his head on your lap while you type your assignment w/ your laptop on the armrest of the sofa as he reads his assignment w/ the spine folded in half
-fuck his reading glasses made him really hot
- Would help you proofread your papers and would pop your back for you if the study session was long
-Distracts you, though
- “What?” You peer down at him curiously when his eyes are off his assignment and just staring up at you 
- “Babe...can you like, pet my hair?” 
-  “What are you, a cat? I can’t type with one hand.” 
- “Then don’t type.” hoe closes your laptop for you while smirking, waiting for you to give him attention as you hit him with a deadpan stare
- “I should’ve known you were being quiet for too long.” 
- Closes his eyes and sighs in relief when you run a hand through his hair, making you shake your head as you open your laptop back up 
- Maybe you could type with one hand 
- Smart hoe is probably gonna be tutoring you with what you need help on
- Claims he’s not that smart, but passes classes without really trying
- Probably super patient with you, and gives you soft little praises when you get a problem right
-When you’re visibly stressed, he’d leave and come back with your favorite hot beverage while rubbing your shoulders until the tension leaves 
- When he’s doing his own assignments, you catch him tracing the pads of his fingers around the crevices in your hand absent-mindedly 
- You’re probably the one who gets more distracted than you’re genius boyfriend 
- “Akaashi, can we just cuddle?”
- “..Don’t you need to work more on this?” 
- “But...” When your lips form into a pout, he sighs before giving in, watching with a blank stare as you dive into his bed and under the covers, ready to nap 
- Rolls his eyes, but grabs a textbook on the subject you need help on before getting into bed with you and pulling you into his side, opening the book so you can study together
- he can’t help the small smile on his face when you whine, shushing you
- “Compromise, love, okay?” 
- Would probably take you to study at a cafe w/ soft music in the background w/ comfy seats by the window
- Gets focused and into his work quickly, and releases a soft sigh after a few minutes, hands stilling over his keyboard 
- “Why are you staring at me?” 
- “You’re really cute.” 
- “Do your work, (y/n)” 
- You pout at the fact he hadn’t used your nickname before shoving in your earbuds and ignoring the look of confusion that passed his face when you actually listened without putting up a fight 
- Goes back to his own assignment after shrugging it off, reaching out to take your hand across the table 
- You pull your hand away innocently before he can do so, pretending to change the song on your playlist as you ignore the look of seriously? written across his face
- “Is there something wrong?” 
- “Nope, nothing at all, Iwa.” 
- You actually become involved w/ your work and don’t notice the realization dawn on to him before he scoffs and leaves the table, leaving you to sit alone
- wow what a bitch- 
- Until he comes back with two mugs of your favorite drink, reaching one out to you as you take it suspiciously 
- “Take a break, babe.” 
- When you visibly perk up he rolls his eyes as he blows the steam from his mug, a small smirk on the corner of his lips 
- “You’re too much.”
- “I love you too.” 
- For God sakes, this boy gets so distracted but his glasses make him hotter tho
- “Oikawa, physics isn’t like serving a volleyball-” 
- “Hear me out, okay? So, the volleyball has an intial velocity- are you with me?- and from there-” 
- “Baby, we’re studying English right now.” 
-Would probably share the space on one of your beds to do the assignment, you on the foot of the bed criss cross and him with his back pressed against the headboard with his legs stretched out 
- When you’re doing your own assignments with a focused look on your face, this hoe would poke your cheek, marveling at how you didn’t even react before continuing to do it
- You glance at his handsome self sideways “Hm. Are you bored? I couldn’t tell.” 
- “Ne, give me a kiss.” 
- “Oikawa no.” 
- “Please?” 
- “I said-” 
- “What, do you hate my kisses or something?” 
- “Can I please just work-” 
- Cuts you off mid-sentence with a peck on your lips as he retracts, a smirk on his features 
- “Okay. All energized now. Time to study!” 
-ugh this boy
- Gets invested in his own work after awhile, and when you finish before him you pull his glasses off his face before crawling into his lap with the frames now resting on your nose,
- the now closed laptop falls to his side as he eyes you with a smirk “Oho, what’s this?” 
- “Shut up. Done yet?” 
- “I am now, cutie. Let’s nap.” 
- ooooh boy good luck
- “Bokuto, it’s not the end of the world if you can’t do this problem. Stop pouting please, I don’t like seeing you sad.” 
- “If I can’t do this...what if I can never make you happy?” 
- “Babe whAt” 
- Gets easily depressed when he gets to a problem he can’t do, but boasts about himself when he’s able to do it with ease 
- “See that, baby? Yeah, I’m smart. You’re dating someone smart, how does it feel?” 
- “Bokuto, there are eight more.” 
-Nuzzles into your shoulder when he gets distracted, and physically pushes the papers you’re working on away when he wants attention 
- Random acts of affection here and there when you’re focused, including him gaping at how easily you seemed to be able to do your work compared to him, making him pepper your face with kisses out of nowhere
- “How are you cute and smart?! That’s not fair, give me some!” 
- Would study at a place with an outdoor patio, and you’d have to tap his forehead to stop his eyes from wandering every where else except his assignment
- “Babe, we can go on a date after this if you get your assignment done on time.” 
- You’ve never seen your boy more quiet and focused in your entire life 
- “Why don’t you understand this? It’s easy stuff! God, this is troublesome...” 
- “We can’t all be good at Trig, Semi. You don’t have to help me if you don’t want to.” 
- Semi blinks once, realizing his tone took on an edge that was borderline offensive as you remain unfazed, now looking up an online tutor to help you 
- “I...” 
- When you look up from your computer questioningly, Semi looks away quickly, looking embarrassed 
- “I didn’t mean to...” 
- “I know.” 
- would sit and do his work on the bed while you sat at his desk in silence, with him occasionally looking up at you once in a while, wondering why you were so quiet
- Semi, I’m just focused like damn- 
- when he can’t stand the silence anymore, you blink in question when he’s suddenly behind your chair as he slips the hair tie off your wrist, now pooling your hair from around your neck 
- “What are you doing?” 
- “You usually study with your hair up...”
- You smile a little, knowing this was his apology for snapping at you earlier with his temper 
- Strangely, his bun was super tight and efficient, and you lean your head back to look up at him from an upside down angle as he remains in his spot behind your chair 
- “I love you.” 
- Blushy tsundere boy turns beet red as you giggle, watching him stomp back to his spot on the bed in embarrassment 
- “What was that?” You turn slightly when he mumbles under his breath. 
- “I said I love you too! Is that a problem or something?” 
- “Ugh, come here.Let’s take a break. I’ll cuddle you.” 
- “Wha-? I’ll cuddle you dammit, not the other way around.” 
- “Yes, yes, whatever you say.” 
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piracytheorist · 3 years
I’m making a list of similarities between Killian Jones and Ethan Winters, cause why the hell not.
Big-ass huge no-coming-back spoilers for Once Upon a Time and Resident Evil 7 & 8. You have been officially warned.
- Missing hands. I mean, I don’t think there’s many like me who are investing in both characters but those who are know this is probably the first thing that would come to mind. I even find it funny (in a twisted way, I admit) that Killian gets his hand back for a very short time and then loses it again, compared to Ethan “Lego Man” Winters, who gets both his hands and his leg cut off in different situations and then just pops them back in place and doesn’t even think twice about how the hell he could do that. He probably thought “Haha magic green juice go brrr” (Granted, he did utter a “What the fuck” when his leg got magically reattached but still, Ethan, THAT SHOULD HAVE BEEN A SIGN OR SOMETHING IDK)
- Fathers of the year. I mean, Killian came back, but I don’t think we talk a lot about how he legit died to save his daughter. Maybe I’ll be a lucky fan and despite the “The father’s story is now done” CAPCOM gave us, Ethan will make a comeback too 🥺
- They make cute sounds to make their children laugh. Like, with Ethan it’s canon, he can pick up Rose’s toy monkey and make cute monkey sounds to her. With Killian it’s such a popular headcanon it’s almost canon, that he would make funny expressions and sounds to make Alice laugh. We don’t see him do it, but we know 100% he would. It’s canon coz I said so, moving on.
- They actually rock their babies to soft sweet music. Killian while singing the lullaby his mother used to sing to him, Ethan with the music from the music box in their house. Just... just leave me here to cry ok.
- The way they inspire protecc feelings for their daughters to me. Alice, precious, protecc. Rose, precious, protecc. But also, you know, it’s not just the way they died for their daughters. It’s how they kept fighting through everything and kept going. Which leads me to...
- Resilience. They both will stop at nothing. They’ll look at monsters, demons, nearly unkillable creatures, and they’ll be like “Okay I got this”. Granted, Ethan will have a cheesy thing or two to say - in contrast to Killian’s wit and charisma - but they’ll both pick up their weapons and go apeshit at them.
- They’re both great artists!
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They didn’t have to go that hard with them. But they did and I’m just... yes. Headcanon food. Thank.
- Super forgiving towards their love interests. Look, don’t @ me. Don’t even try. Yes, Mia wanted to protect Ethan and if you think about it it’s not even directly her fault (In 7, if it wasn’t for her The Connections would still go on with their Eveline project, and realizing how it could affect Ethan she legit warned him to stay away, but Ethan was a himbo so he came to save her anyway, so Ethan getting involved in all this mess was kinda a responsibility he took for himself), but she still made important lapses in her judgement. Emma was the same when she turned Killian into a Dark One, she wanted to protect him, it was all out of love, but when you disregard your significant other’s very specific wishes... there are issues. Yet Ethan and Killian gave them a second chance which the way I see it could only come after a deep, long discussion about everything that had happened. And which we didn’t see but it definitely happened coz I say so. Both Killian and Ethan love and they forgive and they see the best in the people they love.
- Died and came back.
Killian: *dies in the Book* *comes back because it wasn’t real* *almost dies from Excalibur* *comes back changed* *dies for real* *comes back because Zeus shipped Captain Swan* *Wish Hook dies protecting his daughter* *comes back because someone gave up his life for him* *both keep living happily ever after*
Ethan: *dies by a head stomp* *comes back changed* *has his heart ripped out* *comes back* *realizes he’s been dead all along* *dies protecting his daughter*
... *no come back? :( CAPCOM? Please? Pretty please with sugar on top? 🥺*
- Had their heart ripped out. Like what were even the chances of both having had that happen.
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source for where I took this screenshot because it’s just as terrifying watching it from third person, Ethan’s 😐 face notwithstanding (actually, considering this moment is like, super traumatic and shocking, Ethan having a completely neutral face kinda makes it even more terrifying)
Like ok I know Killian's case has the whole magic heart rip thing so he isn’t instantly killed while Ethan just drops “dead” but you know
- A fave of the whumpers. Probably the main reason this post is happening in the first place. Would I love Ethan if he wasn’t such a good whumpee, having shit done to him and screaming in pain? Prolly not.
- Getting covered in ominous black goo
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While experiencing some visions, by the way. Because we can’t have a dude covered in black goo without getting some hallucinations, can we?
- Angst. Angst. Angst galore. Multiple opportunities for angsty fics and headcanons. Having nightmares? Check. Worrying about wife? Check. Worrying about DAUGHTER? Check. Suffering from trauma? Check. FUCKING DYING? Check.
- I love them both. They husband. They son. They boi. And that’s the most important similarity between them, everybody go home and thank you for reading.
Like honestly if you got this far, thank you <3
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