#i’m over here screaming
my-blooming-darling · 2 years
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shima-draws · 1 year
Catching up on more recent FT stuff and um
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Also oh my FUCKING god look at him. He’s such a proud dad I’m going to throw up I love him so much
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And the fact that Natsu gets attached to her IMMEDIATELY and goes into overprotective Dad Mode when she’s not even his daughter, technically (and Gray too over his own Edo kid 🤧)
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Natsu: I’ve decided I’m taking her home with me. No objections
HOMIE DEADASS IS SIGNING THE ADOPTION PAPERS ALREADY. It was love at first sight. Natsu loves her so much he wants to kidnap her. Shut UP,
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Please do not do this but I just screamed for 30 minutes so here’s what you should know.
Can’t do it continuously for very long, have to stop to breathe (amount of time and breaths it takes to recover depends on how long you hold it)
It is EXHAUSTING. Seriously, if your whumpee has been screaming for more than thirty seconds multiple times, they won’t have ANY energy to fight back against the whumper. My head was hanging down for a bit because I was just so tired. The exhaustion also caused dizziness when I stood up. Also it’s been around five minutes and my throat still hurts super bad.
Oddly, I could still talk, maybe a bit of rasp in my voice but still effectively and fairly easily. (Again, about thirty minutes with tiny breaks)
Seriously when the exhaustion hits, it hits H A R D
Mouth kinda hurts too tbh
Heart beats pretty rapidly during and shortly after
My head hurts
Both hurts and helps to cough
Update an hour later: slightly hurts throat to talk
Moral of the story:
Don’t scream so much that you exhaust yourself,
Make your whumpee scream to the whumpers content
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stagefoureddiediaz · 17 days
I know we’ve all been calling Eddie‘s moustache, his gay moustache and I’m as guilty of it as the next person, but the reality is moustache he’s gave far more symbolism than being gay - in fact the gay moustache is actually a very recent thing (the 1970’s!) and an intentional movement by the gay community to subvert cultural stereotypes.
You see the moustache has been symbolic throughout history. They have been symbols of wisdom (think long Chinese moustaches), status (in parts of rajput India, historically only those of an upper caste could wear a moustache so it was associated with being ‘higher born’) and in Europe and America it was a symbol of masculinity and male virility. Indeed many European armies required officers and often enlisted men to wear moustaches. So its association with the military is long founded (apart from the equipment only allowing moustaches, it’s also a part of the reason firefighter swear them - because it is a male dominated career and therefore the moustache is a symbol of masculinity) and predates the moustache as a symbol of queerness.
All of this combined with Eddie diaz having one at this point in time is so interesting, especially because we now know that he’s going to symbolically shave it off on screen as a part of his emotional arc.
Eddie growing a moustache in the aftermath of the Shannon/Kim of it all - the fact Eddie has clearly not dealt with loosing Shannon or his grief, and there is a lot of other emotions and things tied up in dealing with that grief is super important. Eddie growing a moustache is him expressing his masculinity - tying himself to his heteronormative relationship and his military past.
To Eddie right now - his military past is when he had Shannon - it’s when he had a ‘complete family’. He isn’t seeing the cracks in the walls or the fact the foundation is made of quicksand. He isn’t able to see that his In his mind that is when he was happy and that is why he can’t grieve. Which is why he’s grown a moustache - because he’s clinging to his masculinity and the time when he felt he had control over his life.
It is essentially Eddie breakdown 2.0 and in the same way breakdown 1.0 came with a new haircut, but ultimately allowed him to process and deal with part of his trauma, breakdown 2.0 is likely to be the same thing. This time, likely dealing with Shannon and very likely the fact that she was essentially a ‘beard’ for him (even if he wasn’t fully cognisant of it at the time - I genuinely believe he loves(d) Shannon - but I also believe she enabled him to not have to look at himself too closely and keep himself in the closet) so shaving off that moustache is symbolic of shedding his beard (because he’s a firefighter and cannot have a full beard) and embracing his true authentic self.
So Eddie’s moustache is a symbol of his queerness - but only when he shaves it off.
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cuteasamuntin · 11 months
Peter sobbing and apologizing over Harry’s dying body while he can do nothing more to help, just like May
Screaming in agony as someone else he loves is ripped away from him by something he has shouldered the responsibility of stopping
Wondering if he spent more time trying to help them and less time helping everyone else, he might have been able to do more
Knowing this might be the last chance he ever gets to talk to Harry, that this might be good-bye
“I love you”
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a-usernamelol · 2 months
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it is always incredibly irking to me when I see a post with NPC characters and its like “for the (insert NPC) GIRLIES ❤️🥰💦” “For the LADIES 😘😍🥵”
Hi! 👋 Hello! 👋 GUY here! Gay trans MAN here!
Here’s some Ominis for EVERYONE because EVERYONE deserves their favorite character, and I’ll be posting pictures of other NPCs too ❤️
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lunasquared · 4 months
Rewatching leverage and I forgot that’s how season 2 ends. Like first off THE CALLING THEM FAMILY thank fuck THE HIDING THE FACT HES ACTIVELY DYING what the fuck AND THEN CALLING HIMSELF A THIEF fucking finally
Not normal about this show
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claudiaeparvier · 3 months
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blueberryspyder · 6 months
The worst thing about getting into a fandom long after the source material has ended is that you literally cannot look for fanfiction EVER because it’s ALL SPOILERS
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catsockpuppet · 1 month
as we know i’m extremely normal about ethan so, here’s a rough timeline of their life (heavily headcanoned, obviously):
- they were born june 16th, 1985
- morgana was born february 2nd, 1997 (gives them around a 11 year age difference)
- parents (mom & aaron) get divorced in 1997, when ethan is 11 (morgana is unborn, mom is 2 months pregnant)
- aaron moves out of state after the divorce
- aaron gets (legally) married to jaune in 1999 (they didn’t have a ceremony until after ross was born)
- ross is born january 6th, 2000
- mom gets remarried in 2001 (2 years later), ethan is 15. (morgana is 3)
- ethan gets kicked out in 2003 on their 16th birthday (morgana is 4)
- ethan moves in & reunites with aaron on june 18th, 2003 (aaron sends ethan money so they can afford a train ride to him. he picks them up from station.)
- ross is 3 when ethan meets him
- ethan meets radford on august 18th at the park, sees him again at school on the 23rd (first day)
- aaron gets legal custody of morgana on september 18th, 2003 (mom already gave aaron custody of ethan, fought for custody of morgana.) this is the first time he meets her
- ethan moves out at 25, moves back in at 28 after tender treats. (morgana is 14 when TT happens, ross is 13)
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eeblouissant · 3 months
agh agh okay … i know I’m supposed to be on a break (and I have been! And enjoying it at that) but this little moment !!!!! I needed somewhere to scream about it quick because !!!!!!!!!! Do !!!! You see!!!!!! Dorothy’s face !!!!!!!!!!!
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mossflower · 1 year
they really dropped ‘this precious peaceful fragile existence i have carved out for myself - i thought we carved it out for ourselves - so did i’ in a promo clip. presumably from the first episode. and i’m supposed to survive six entire episodes of this?? not fucking happening mate
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stagefoureddiediaz · 13 hours
No place like home you say?!!!
Don’t mind me I’ll just be over here screaming about yet another wizard of oz connection!!!
Click your heals three times and say ‘there’s no place like home!!’
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phoenixkaptain · 2 years
The scene of Anakin turning back to the Light and saving Luke is such a beautiful scene in so many ways, but especially from a character standpoint.
If you look at Darth Vader just in the movies, he doesn’t do things without a plan. He has a step two. Even if his step two is immensely dumb, he always seems to at least have some form of an idea where he wants to end up; he has a point B he’s trying to reach.
Part of what makes Vader a terrifying villain is that he always seems to anticipate what his opponent will do. He seems to know what they’ll do before they even think about what they’ll do. Very rarely is Darth Vader ever taken by surprise. Darth Vader is the character who proves how scary the Force can be. While Palpatine uses his Force lightning and can predict what his opponents will do, he never quite reaches the level Anakin is on, he never reaches that peak of knowing the next five steps his opponent is going to take, even as those next five steps change.
Palpatine doesn’t see Vader turning on him coming. Palpatine is not a Force user who can see the future, he uses the predictions Darth Plagueis made and he sticks to the outline provided by his former Master. He does everything he does and believes everything will be fine and has complete confidence in himself because Plagueis was just that good at predicting the future.
Darth Vader literally changes the future. He makes those predictions false. Him throwing Palpatine down a reactor shaft wasn’t in the books, him choosing his son wasn’t an option, the idea that a Sith lord as powerful as Darth Vader could turn back from the Dark Side is believed by the Jedi and Sith alike to be impossible. Darth Vader himself doesn’t even believe that he can turn back from the Dark Side. The only character who ever believes that Darth Vader can come back is Luke.
Darth Vader is fifteen steps ahead of his opponents. It’s very rare that he ever gets surprised. He always has a plan.
But when he saves Luke, he isn’t any of that. He leaps in without a plan, without any ideas of where he’s goung. He doesn’t know what will happen except that he’ll probably die. He doesn’t have a way out of this. This is the first time Anakin Skywalker ever does anything without already having a way out or immediately being able to come up with a way out.
Anakin was hotheaded and impulsive, yes, but Anakin from his introduction always has a plan B. And when he doesn’t have a plan B, he makes one. He is by far the most competent character in Star Wars, just from his ability to get himself and others out of trouble.
In the moment of turning back from the Dark, Anakin is listening to the Force. He’s listening to the Force as it tells him to save someone. The universal call to the Jedi, the inexplicable push that all Jedi feel and what ultimately led to the majority of Jedi dying, just because they couldn’t not listen when the Force told them to help. Anakin finally listens to it, finally answers it, he finally acts like a Jedi.
There’s no step two. There’s no way out. Doing this will end in his death. Darth Vader is already injured, and the only one who has the resources to put him back together is Sidious. To save Luke, Vader has to step into the lightning, which he knows all to well will ruin his suit. Choosing to save Luke is tantamount to choosing to die.
And he does it. He hesitates, but ultimately, he sacrifices himself for someone else. He goes in knowing that this won’t end with him being able to get out. He has no way out. There’s no plan B. His suit has gone from keeping him alive to being part of the reason he’s dying. He takes off his helmet accepting that he’ll die and being happy to die because he’s finally at peace, he finally feels the warmth of the Force, he finally sees his son with his own eyes, his son is finally looking at him with nothing but trust and worry for his wellbeing, he’s right where he wants to be.
He went from wanting to posess Luke to just being happy that Luke is there with him. That Luke is the one by his side when he dies, that he’s dying on the same side as Luke — Anakin is fine with this. He’s ready to die. He’s accepted it. He’s just happy that the last thing he’ll see is the product of his and Padme’s love for each other.
The scenes of Anakin in Return of the Jedi are beautiful. The title “Return of the Jedi” is so great for this movie, it’s perfect, okay, you don’t understand. It has so many meanings!! The Jedi returning could be referring to Luke, the main Jedi we follow, returning to the screen, or to Tatooine. It could be referring to the Jedi Order, since Luke takes on Yoda’s request to share his knowledge with others and, with Sidious dead, the Jedi Order has functionally returned, even if it is only one member strong. It could refer to Yoda returning, it could refer to Obi-Wan returning.
Or, Return of the Jedi could be referring to Anakin. Anakin Skywalker, the son of the Force. Anakin Skywalker, the only character powerful enough to change the future itself, the only Sith Lord powerful enough to stop being a Sith Lord. Anakin Skywalker, who has always done impossible things, who has always performed impossible feats, who is himself impossible. And he’s back. He’s returned. The Jedi returned.
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arodabi · 5 months
I got a floppy disk sticker in my phone case so i can point to it when customers tell me i don’t know what a floppy disk is
Also it’s aro colors but they don’t know that
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alluralater · 9 months
okay so i asked an old hookup for one of my hoodies back and god i feel SO nervous about the whole thing like— i stopped seeing this person over two years ago but the hoodie was my mom’s and it’s basically an heirloom at this point considering she had it for my whole life. and this person, i stopped seeing them because things got super super complicated. but i actually really did like them and now i just ugh. i’m not the nervous type whatsoever and i keep feeling like at any moment im going to throw up just thinking about seeing them again after all this time. i specifically didn’t take back that hoodie in the first place because i knew if i saw them i’d fold instantly and want to kiss them and fuck their brains out for the millionth time. i don’t like opening closed doors. i really really don’t like it. i’m an emotional bitch at the end of the day but it’s hard for me to… let it happen that way. things were so complicated and i just couldn’t handle it. texting them now i feel like i want to ask them how they are and how they’re doing but i don’t want them to think im like trying to snake my way into their life because im not. i just genuinely care about them. ugh fuck. i HATE opening closed doors. fuck me in the face, this SUCKS. how do people even handle this?? i’m like trying to be respectful while also being myself but it’s hard to just force myself to be less sweet.
this person made me feel really… happy. about so many things. cutting them off was something i had to do but i didn’t want to. i don’t know i don’t know i don’t know
#just woke up like an hour ago and i might be sick so wtf#i hate it here mannn skdksdrrnshirhjfdjtdhaaaaaaahhhh!!!!#they’re so funny and kind and considerate and ugh like their smile makes me lose my mind. i’ve also never met another person who can#communicate so openly and willingly the same way i do but they are exactly that way#and i just— ugh i keep seeing them next to me in the driver’s seat with sunglasses on and their hand on my thigh and the way they looked at#me always fucked me up.#i think about them a lot but i just don’t like to engage with any of those memories so i push them very far down and since texting them#again it feels like… like i’m finally feeling all of these things openly and it’s WAY too much.#i don’t understand how anyone peacefully exists while holding onto romantic favor for another human being. jesus fuckin christ.#the situation just wasn’t… doable. they had a partner and their partner had like crossed boundaries and accidentally hurt me and it just go#out of hand so fast#and toward the end they broke up with their partner but i still couldn’t do it. so much had happened and i needed to truly separate.#but now it’s like hahA lol lmfAo— and i feel like a fucking jerk for hurting them emotionally when i didn’t even want to stop seeing them.#i’m so over this oh my goddddddddddd OH MY GODDDD#i’m not even upset with their partner for hurting me it was the way they reacted to hurting me that freaked me out. as a girl with shit ton#of trauma it just was awful in that regard. but like at this point i don’t give a fuck because life happens and i’m fine#i want to scream. someone kill me.#sstexts
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