#i’m sure there’s more examples i just can’t think about off the top of my head
staliaqueen · 7 months
You don’t have a show without Henry Mills. Emma might be the main character, but Henry is the heart of the show (he has the heart of the truest believer!!! it’s right there!!!). Every single character is irrevocably tied to him. He changed everyone’s lives and gave them the opportunity to change each other’s lives. He gave Emma a family. He gave Regina redemption. He delivered Rumple to his son. He gave David and Snow their daughter back. He was the reason behind Emma and Neal’s relationship and the good thing that came out of it. He healed Neal by giving him the opportunity to break the cycle of neglecting father/son relationships. Killian redeemed himself from his mistreatment of Baelfire by Henry allowing him to take a stepfather role in his life. The text says Emma broke the first curse, but Henry is really 99,9% responsible for it, thereby giving every single citizen of Storybrooke their lives back. Regina’s love for him broke the second curse. He was the one who got them out of the Heroes and Villains story. He’s descended from the Enchanted Forest but was born and raised in our world, making him the bridge between them. He did the impossible when, for just one second, he made the people of our world believe in magic and reunited his family again. Once Upon A Time is a show that operates around fate and Henry is the person who ties everyone’s red strings together. He is quite literally the center of their universe. He is The Author. He is the truest believer. It’s been there all along.
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dduane · 1 month
Hi Diane!
I promise this will end in an ask, but I have a story to share first, if you have the time.
I’m very new to Tumblr, in fact, I was moved to finally create an account to send you this message, but I’ve been casually poking around for a bit. A quick google last summer told me that Tumblr is the best place to get Good Omens news from Neil himself, but it didn’t do the courtesy of warning me just how magnetic this particular bastion of chaotic creative internet mayhem can be. This story is one example. Fun note, when I was composing this message my husband looked over my shoulder at the literal essay I’d typed out and suggested that I maybe, perhaps, might consider shortening it to the length of a conversation that could take place in an elevator. Or in line at the coffee shop. However, i’m not one sacrifice enormity for brevity.
Your post the other day regarding the cover for your novel, Stealing the Elf King’s Roses, got me thinking. First, that it was a very genuine thing to share, second, that I wasn’t entirely sure why I wasn’t immediately familiar with your work, and third, what a fun visual challenge. I was still thinking about it when I should have been sleeping, so I decided to dig in. I almost stopped reading your bio at the ‘blah blah blah’ because I was feeling quite bad about my media literacy at that point, but then I saw that you’re well-known for the Young Wizard series.
The Young Wizard series.
I said I’d try to keep it brief and this is my best attempt. I read books 1-5 of that series during the hardest, strangest, most heartbreaking time in my childhood when I desperately needed a different reality than my own. What I found in your novels was so much better than that. Your stories, your characters, your vision, helped teach me to ground myself in my strengths, frame my reality with hope and purpose, and how to build the spaces I needed within myself to find the compassion, forgiveness, joy and peace I so desperately needed. One of the things I built within myself on my healing journey was a beautiful jeweled box. It resides in my mind just off of I-335 in Topeka, Kansas. I was driving through the flint hills on a road trip from Milwaukee to Wichita when I finally finished the long process of constructing it, so that is where it stays, shining in the sun and twinkling under the stars. This box contains everything I experienced that couldn’t come with me as I grew. Crafting it was a lengthy, emotional, wrenching process, and it’s the best thing I’ve ever done to allow me to become the person I am today. I used visit it every now and again, to make sure the jewels are still bright, but I’m very careful to not jostle the lid.
I’m recounting all of this to you because two nights ago I quite suddenly found myself standing beside my box for the first time in almost a decade. I could feel the gravel under my slipper socks as I gently opened the lid to see my copies of your books resting at the very top. I wasn’t immediately familiar with your work when I saw your name because it is so inextricable from the very fabric of how healed myself, that I accidentally let your words fall under the closed lid of the very box they helped enable me to make. Nothing else clamored to be released as I carefully pulled them out, and once more closed the lid.
So, the ask. I will be brief here - I’m an artist. Not currently working professionally as I’m exploring a different career path, but I’m usually working on a personal project or two. I needed a new one and was still intrigued by the post that started this all, so to help me process the emotions described above I made a version of a cover for STEKR and wanted to ask if I could share it with you. It looks like I can’t attach here, but I’d love to post it on my new, very empty page. It truly might not be your style, but I once again found solace in a space you opened the door to and this time I have the opportunity to share it!
Also, from the bottom of my heart, thank you.
You're so very welcome! And I'm really glad the books were there for you when you needed them. (And plainly are there with you still.) 😊
And absolutely, post that cover! I'll be delighted to see it.
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joedirtymadre · 3 months
Imma need a part 2 of bothersome🫣🥺PLEASEEE
Bothersome - Part 2
You stood at the edge of the ship, watching the sunset slowly set. After Punk Hazard, you all returned back to the ship. Out to Dressrosa, to help Law with whatever he was planning. “So you’re just going to ignore me?” That deep voice called out to you. You continued staring out to the sea, hearing footsteps behind you come closer. You could sense him standing next to you, staring at you.
“What’s wrong with that? You did it to me throughout our relationship,” you said softly.
“I’m sorry, (Y/N). Please forgive me, what I did was wrong and I don’t want this affecting the allia-“ you quickly cut him off. “Why would our past affect the alliance? Did you honestly think I haven’t moved on by now?” You laughed. “I-… No I didn’t think that, but…” he trailed off. “Don’t worry, I’ll happily accept my captain’s orders… even if it means having to be in alliance with you,” you said coldly.
You turned around and headed towards the girl’s quarters. “(Y/N), I wasn’t done speaking!” He said, as he followed me. “Ok, so what else did you have to say?” You asked as you turned back to face him. “U-Uh… well you look… nice. How have you… been?” He asked awkwardly. “You really want to have a quick catch up?” You scoffed. “Well like you said we’re in an alliance now, so we should be able to have civil conversations,” he explained. You raised an eyebrow, “Traffy, weren’t you the one that tried to explain to Luffy that an alliance doesn’t mean we’re friends?” You asked.
“Not you using that dumb name too… a-and I did but-“ you cut him off. “Exactly! Thank you for remembering! Now I’ll be off to my room,” you said as you turned back and quickly entered your room before he could stop you.
You threw yourself on your bed, “Just another example of having the worst luck ever… Now I have to see and help my ex for who knows how long,” you sighed as you stared at the ceiling. “This is all so stupid and awkward!” You said to yourself as you rubbed your head. Out of all people, him?! At this point you would’ve preferred if Kidd showed up or something… And what the hell is up with him trying to have small talk with me? Does he expect me to be buddy buddy with him like nothing happened?
You quickly sat up, and shook your head. “Stop thinking about him. We’re over him, he doesn’t affect us anymore…” you said to yourself as you felt tears fall down your face. “God I’m so stupid!” You yelled.
Suddenly you heard the door open, and you quickly wiped away any tears. “(Y/N)? Are you awake?” You heard Robin call out. “Hi Robin,” you sniffled. “What’s wrong?” She asked as she sat on the edge of your bed. “It’s nothing, just some bad memories…” you said, as you avoided her eyes. “You know you can tell me, I’m your friend (Y/N),” she smiled as she placed her hand on top of mine. “I know, thanks,” you smiled softly. “I came to check on you, because I saw how upset you looked after speaking with Trafalgar,” she replied. “Yeah, I just don’t feel too comfortable around him,” you confessed. “You should tell Luffy, I’m sure he’ll under-“ you quickly cut her off. “No! No…” you repeated. “I can’t let him know! I can’t-“ you shut your mouth, afraid of your voice cracking.
“Let him get to you? I don’t understand,” she said, confused. You sat there in silence, pondering whether to tell her or not. “(Y/N), I’ll always be here for you. Do you and Trafalgar have a past history?” She asked. “Mhmm… I used to be a part of his crew, before I left…” you trailed off. “You left? Why?” She asked. “We were dating… until he shared his true feelings with me. I couldn’t stay there, not after what he said to me… So I left, while he was distracted by some Marines,” you explained, feeling a heavy weight fall off your shoulder. “Oh my,” Robin gasped. “Yep, so now we’re in an alliance with him. It’s weird, and I’ve moved on… but it sucks seeing him,” you said slowly.
“I see,” she said softly. “It’s ok, we’ll show him that you’ve grown. That no matter what he does, he can’t hurt you. Especially when you have friends here that will support you,” she smiled as he wrapped me into a hug. “You’re right!” You grinned. Your beautiful moment was quickly interrupted by your stomach growling. “Ah… I guess all this talk got me hungry,” you said sheepishly. “Let’s go get dinner,” Robin said. You nodded and the both of you quickly headed to the dining table.
You sat in between Robin and Luffy, and across from… Law. “Here you go everyone, dinner’s ready!” Sanji smiled as he sat down to eat. “Thank you,” we all said and quickly began eating. You reached forward for a rice ball, and brushed your hands against Law’s. You immediately flinched, looking up to see him staring your way.
You quickly grabbed a rice ball and pulled your arm away. You began to eat, trying to look anywhere but his direction. “Hey (Y/N)!” Said Luffy, breaking you out of your concentration. “Y-Yes?” You stuttered as you looked next to you. “Are you gonna finish your meat?” He asked, drooling. “Luffy! Leave (Y/N)’s food alone!” Sanji yelled. “It’s fine, you can have it Luffy,” you smiled as you handed him your plate.
“Thanks!” He smiled, but it quickly turned into a frown as he stared at you. “Something wrong?” You asked. “Yeah… one sec,” he said as he moved his hand to your face. Slowly wiping away at your cheek, you felt your cheeks heat up. “Sorry, you had rice on your cheek,” he laughed. “Oh, thanks,” you smiled. “Ow!” Luffy yelled, causing everyone to focus their attention on him. “Someone stepped on me!” He huffed. “Huh?” You questioned.
“You’re just imagining it,” Nami said. “Here Luffy, take my sandwich,” you said as you placed it onto his plate. “Wow!” He said, quickly changing his focus back onto his food. You slowly turned your eyes to the man in front of you. You almost fell out of your seat, once seeing the daggers that this man was staring into you.
“I-I’ll think I’ll call it an early night, night you guys,” you said as you quickly headed out of the dining room.
“Man that was tense,” you sighed as you walked towards your room. You slowly reached for the door knob, before suddenly being turned over and being pushed against the wall. You grunted as your back hit the door, you quickly opened your eyes to see that you were trapped by… Law… “T-Traffy?” You asked nervously. “So I see that you moved on, but I didn’t know you had a thing for captains,” he said coldly. “Woah… Woah… you think I moved from you onto Luffy? You’re crazy,” you laughed.
You noticed a light pink hue on his cheeks, as you continued to laugh. “Well why the blushy face when he reached for your face?” He questioned. “Well… wouldn’t anyone blush if you had food on your face and your friend took it off?” You asked. “I- Uh-“ you quickly cut him off. “Look like someone else needs to move on,” you laughed again, while slowly turning around to open the door. But was quickly turned back around, “Stop messing with me!” He yelled.
“What do you want from me? Do you still wish that I head head over heels for you, well tough shit cause you messed that up!” You yelled. You noticed that he was slightly taken aback by your response. “So what if I end up liking Luffy or whoever! That has nothing to do with you! You’re nothing to me, nothing,” you growled as you pushed him away.
“I’m not the same girl anymore, that would follow your every word. Or kiss the floor where you stepped on,” you glared. “So just leave me alone… haven’t you done enough?” You asked as you were finally able to open the door to the girls’ quarters. You quickly entered the door, ignoring Law’s calls for you. As you went to slam the door, a foot stopped it from slamming.
“Jesus Christ, you just don’t know when to leave a girl alone…” you groaned. “I’m sorry… I just want to say that I’m sorry,” he peeked through. “Ok now mov-“ he cut you off. “I’m sorry… for what I said. When you left, I realized how much I missed you- needed you… We went back to the island, but you were already gone. I don’t know what went over me, I-I missed your laughs, your smile, you interrupting me from my work, calling me honey… I know I screwed up, and seeing you now… Just reminds me of when we were still together… but I guess that’ll never be the case again,” he confessed. You stayed silent. “I’ll leave you alone, or as much as I can… I just wanted to let you know how I felt,” he said softly before removing his foot. Finally allowing you to shut the door.
You let out a deep sigh, and slowly slid down against the door. “Why do I feel like this?” You asked yourself as you clenched your hair. “What do I do now…?” You softly cried into your arms.
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pia-nor481 · 5 months
Oscar Piastri NSFW alphabet
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A-Aftercare (what they're like after sex?)
Always cuddles, whether she's resting on his chest or him on hers. I definitely see him being lazy afterwards and is all "do we have to get up, it's so comfortable" but he knows better and does so with a groan.
B-Body part (what is their favourite part of theirs and their partner?)
He actually really likes his cock. Not overly sure why but just does. But also his hands, they can do a lot.
I don’t think there’s one part of his partner that he doesn’t like. But he like boobs. Always has and always will. Seeing them is a pretty bra just gets him off. But he will always have an appreciation for ass.
C-Cum (anything to do with cum)
Oscar likes things MESSY. He will happily cum absolutely anywhere, and he comes a lot. Also taking into consideration Australia's circumcision rate of 10-20% (depending on where you look) I reckon he isn't, and so is very sensitive, so it's quite easy to make him cum.
D-Dirty secret (just a dirty secret of theirs)
I think he might really like the idea of someone watching, he’s a bit of a voyeur. Not many would believe he’s so fantastic in bed. So he’s like someone else to see and say so. Not that her body language doesn’t tell him that. He’s a bit of a show off at times. But it’s always hot.
E- Experience (how experienced are they)
Not very, but he's so willing to learn!! He wants to make her cum because she deserves. If he eats her out he doesn't expect anything back, but he'd never complain. I think he likes to do research and wants to try it out, so immediately he's telling her about this thing and he's all giddy.
F- Favourite position
Oscar loves so many positions!!! He really likes straddling positions where she's on top; any variation of cowgirl or where she's sat in his lap. But he also likes to be on top;any variation of missionary, but in particular when she has her legs around his waist and hands in his hair.
G- Goofy (how serious are they in the moment)
Definitely a mix of both. There's definitely times where nothing arousing or particularly intimate has occurred yet he really wants sex. Or times where they could have a pretty normal conversation while getting railed. But he like more serious sex too- he likes to focus on pleasure-not just cumming.
H- Hair (how well groomed are they? Does the carpet match the drapes)
I think Oscar's hair is the same colour. But I think he's very well groomed, although he's okay with mess (have you seen his drivers room?) I think this would be something he's quite picky about. Always trimmed to a nice length. Have you seen his happy trail? I think he’d be a little scared of razor burn (probably happened once and was suffering) so avoids them like the plague, unless she offers for him when in the shower ;)
I- Intimacy (how are they during the moment? Romantic? Pleasure driven?)
I’m lead to believe he’s very romantic, he wants to show her how passionate he is. He loves her with all of his heart, and what better way to show that than pleasure. He knows that the build up to an orgasm is just as fun as the final climax so he isn’t always desperate to cum.
J- Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
In my mind he doesn’t masturbate often, but when he does he likes to tease. He uses such light pressure that he can’t get anywhere close to cumming. Or he’s so desperate that his main focus is the head, he just rubbing an open palm against the tip, moaning while is eyes roll back. However he doesn’t like to Jack off, he’d prefer her hand or mouth.
K- Kinks (one or more of their kinks)
Switch- if it wasn’t made obvious I think he’s the perfect example of a switch. He’s equally as submissive as dominate, and it makes for a really good sex life. With his dominance, I think it comes mainly position and instruction; there will be times where he just picks her up by the waist, places her on the nearest surface and just fucks her brainless
Bottoming- is this even a kink? Well it’s here now. I think this came about from his little research moment, he saw a lot about how much pleasuring the g-spot could heighten his orgasm and practically begged for it.
Temperature play- I think ties into a fondness for toys. But also, now hear me out, when he’s getting a bj and there’s lots of spit on his cock, he likes when she blows air onto it, giving a cooling sensation.
Voice/sound- he loves when there’s some kind of music playing, but he also loves just hearing her voice, maybe it’s because he likes being told what to do.
Praise/degradation- this can be read in the context of either dom or sub. But he’s loves degradation with a mix of praise. “Such a slut, so good for me.” Praise him because he derives it!! But call him a slut for looking at lando like that. Oscar loves to give praise after sex, sweet nothings and pillow talk is his specialty if he’s coherent.
L- Location (their favourite place)
I’m going to have to be basic in saying the bedroom. However not just the bed. Say you’re picking out some clothes from the wardrobe, if you’re trying things on, you should know it’s not long until you’re being pushed up against the door.
Round two in the shower are a must.
M- Motivation (what gets them going?)
He really likes dirty talk, but the subtle kind. Or if you whisper in his ear out in public “I can’t wait to get home and have your cock in my mouth” he’s already semi hard. “I think it’s time we leave”
Lingerie- I imagine him to really like baby dolls or really pretty/ intricate bras and panties.
N- No (what turns them off)
CNC-he can’t see the appeal of it.
Spanking- I’m talking more about 5+ with the intention of it really hurting/being a punishment. He definitely likes to tap her ass. But not leave it so red and sore that she can’t sit.
O- Oral (preference on giving or receiving. Skill)
I think he may slightly prefer giving. Just seeing the pleasure he can give with his tongue/hands. He’s very skilled in eyes, I think that he’s desperate to please and so found different techniques to see what would work best. Oscar *fuck me eyes* Piastri like to be on his knees while you ride his face. However, when he sees how enthusiastic she is about blowing him, how can he say no?
P- Pace (Are they fast or slow? Rough or sensual?)
He definitely prefers slow and sensual, but he does like it rough from time to time. He knows variety is super important and is very willing to give that. I think post race win!Oscar definitely likes hardcore, he feels like he deserves it.
Q- Quickie (their opinions on them? How often?)
I think he can see the appeal and is quite happy that he can cum pretty fast, the risk of it is nice so he does enjoy them. But he would definitely prefer hours long to have his way with you.
R- Risk (will they experiment? Do they take risks?)
He loves to experiment. He knows to switch up his technique every so often, switching from deep thrusting to short and shallow. The following week maybe he tries to milk her g-spot. He will always keep it interesting
S- Stamina (how many rounds do they go for?)
I believe he can go for quite a few rounds but he has a long refractory period. You have to wait quite a few minutes to even dare to touch his cock after cumming. But it will take him a while to cum again. But he’s easy to overstimulate
T-Toys (do they own any? Do they use them? On a partner or themself?)
Absolutely loves them!! His personal favourite are vibrators. He loves using them on her, as well as on himself. If he was really spending the whole night focusing on her, his mouth and hands will need a break. So he’s ready to get out a rabbit or a wand. He might like handcuffs but it can be a spur of the moment thing, even if he’s in control. The first time he used one (a vibe) on himself he came in under five minutes, and overstimmed himself. He didn’t focus on the shaft enough. But he later realised to use a slow vibration and apply less pressure. His favourite dildo is 6-inches btw.
U-Unfair (how much do they tease?)
He loves being teased but not edged. When he wants to cum he should be allowed to!! Or he’ll pout. Slowing down while blowing him is one of his favourite things. But he also loves to tease back. He’s NOT all talk. He’ll make you wait for hours before you’re allowed to cum. Only kissing around your cunt. Or just twisting/sucking your nipples. But you won’t cum. Foreplay is a favourite of his.
V-Volume (how loud are they? What sounds do they make?)
When dimming he’s not quiet, but not loud. He’s definitely making noises. He groans and had a very low moan. But the more he cums the higher and louder the moans become. He’s very breathy if that makes sense.
W-Wild card (a random headcanon)
He really loves flavoured lube. He’s got all of the fruity ones in the bedside table. He just thinks it’s nice to spice it up as lube isn’t just used on his cock or her cunt. Yes he does like whipped cream and sweet sauces, so he cheats on his diet quite often.
X-X-ray (how big are they?)
Definitely more thick. Although I can imagine 6/7 inches I’m not sure why.
Y- Yearning (how high is their sex drive)
Not very, he just gets very caught up in the moment. So one day he’ll be begging for hours on end for pleasure as if he didn’t have morning sex or didn’t bend her over the sofa two hours ago. Other days he just doesn’t feel like cumming at all. But if you asked he’d definitely eat you out, or grab one of the many toys scattered around his messy room. Overall some days are 0/10 others 10/10
Z-Zzz (how quick do they fall asleep afterwards?)
Oscar Piastri sleepy boy confirmed. He loves his sleep so much, so pretty quick; especially it was very sensual and romantic. But if the sex was more rough I think the adrenaline would keep him up for quite a while.
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Help why is he so pale. Like you’re from Australia babe, how are you as white as me. (I’ve not stepped foot in the sun for 3 years.)
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tojissidewhore · 6 months
about olderboyfriend!gojo
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i feel like this could go two ways. ether he’s a man child and the most whiny man on earth, or he’s the most manipulative and possessive man ever. (but only because he thinks your age gap makes his actions okay, he’s delulu like that.).
scenario one
you two met through a mutual friend, at their birthday party. Gojo had immediately caught your eye, he wasn’t easy to miss, mainly because of his slender figure and his unique features. but the more you observed him and interacted with him throughout the night, the more his personality stood out to you.
he was very social and goofy, in a funny way, which you found to be cute. most men you dated were well put together and serious, so meeting someone like him was a nice change.
his personality also stood out because of his age. he had to be at least 5 years older than you, if not more.
"need something, pretty?" he asked with a cocky smile. you hadn’t noticed him coming up to you from where he was before.
you looked at him confused, unable to formulate words.
his smile turned more hostile when he noticed your state. "you were eyeing me pretty much the whole night, so i was just wondering if you needed something from me." he made sure to throw in a ‘from me’ full of intention.
after that you hooked up to say the least, but that wasn’t the end of it. he made sure to give you his phone number and from there, at some point, you started dating.
shortly after you two were exclusive, satorus personality changed more and more. you already knew that he wasn’t the most mature person, but i’m talking he full on became a child. he started being super clingy and whiny, like for example, he wouldn’t let you leave the bed in the morning to go to work. you were focused on school or work and weren’t paying much attention to him? god he’d never let you forget that.
"satoru, i’m busy. i need to study for finals next week." you said complaining.
you were currently sat at your desk trying to make notes and study, but your boyfriend had other plans. he grabbed your chair, which had wheels, and pulled it towards him, away from the desk.
"but baby," he started in a whiny voice. "i just came back from hours of hard work. i need you, i missed you." that last part coming out flirty rather than whiny.
you tried grabbing the table and pushing yourself forward it with you feet, but that didn’t exactly work. "no satoru, leave me alone." you said with a serious tone.
gojo audibly gasped. "leave you alone?" he asked shocked. he went on to grab the top of your chair pulling it down causing the chair to fall back. before you could react you were already scooped up by two strong arms.
"satoru!" you squealed as he carried you to the bed. you tried to break free by pushing yourself off him, but you failed miserably.
"you can’t just say stuff like that, it hurts my feelings." he mumbled, pouting yet again. he dropped you on the bed caging you in by placing his arms to your sides, one holding your waist and the other holding him self up.
he leaned down trying to give you a peck, which you declined, turning your face to the side. "this is unacceptable," he leaned back, now straddling your hips. he let go of your waist shifting all his weight so you couldn’t get up.
"toru!" you whined. at this point you didn’t even try to push him off, it was pointless, and you knew that.
"one kiss," he said, holding up one finger. "one kiss and i promise i’ll let you study, i’ll even help you."
you complied, but of course he didn’t let you go after one kiss.
scenario two.
satoru was your older brothers best friend. naturally you had a crush on him growing up, after all you were a little girl and they were practically grown up.
he obviously never paid you much mind, you were just his best friends little sister. how ever, this changed when you where in you late teens and he was in his mid twenties. he would every now and then come over, maybe for christmas or other festivities, and when he saw you he would tell you how grown up you were.
he knew it was wrong to look at you the way he did, not only because of your age but because you basically grew up together. but he couldn’t help but feel the way he did, he wanted you all for himself.
every year he would ask you about your dating life. he’d feel proud every time you said you still hadn’t found anyone, but that one year you said you were going out with someone and getting to know him, man he lost it.
you were 20 and he was 27. your brother had come home for thanksgiving and of course gojo had to come with.
"i’ve been going out with him for a while, i think things might get serious soon." you said smiling to yourself.
you and satoru were sitting in front of the fire place after everyone had already gone to sleep.
"really?" he asked, masking his jealousy. "are you sure he’s not playing you? wouldn’t want to hear about how you got your heart broken.".
somehow he convinced you that that boy wasn’t right for you, that he would just use you and then leave you. after that he showed you how a pretty girl like you should be treated. he took you out on dates and spoiled you like the princess you were, you in return gave him what he craved most since your coming of age.
you had been dating for a couple of years now and he was still as possessive and manipulative as ever.
an old friend, that recognized you, came to say hi out in public? satoru is bending you over his lap later that night ‘to teach you a lesson’. you’re at a business gathering with your boyfriend and some guy started flirting with you while your man wasn’t around? satoru would make sure you know he’s mad.
"toru? what’s wrong?" you asked, placing a hand around his neck, slightly stroking his undercut.
satoru hadn’t uttered a word to you ever since he came back after leaving you for a while. you had suspected that he saw fushiguro trying to hit on you, but you made sure to reject all his advances. so why was he mad?
"nothing." he sighed, arms crossed as he sat at the table looking at nothing. "maybe you should ask fushiguro what’s wrong with him, he keeps looking over at you. i wonder why." he mumbled that last part.
you looked to your left across the table, to where toji was sat, and caught him looking at you before he quickly looked away. "he was talking to me earlier, but i told him about you."
"mhm." he nodded, but still didn’t seem pleased.
this was the down part to your relationship, you were so happy with satoru but whenever he acted like this you had to hold back from exploding and saying something you’d regret.
you decided, like always, to stay quiet and not talk about it until you were alone with him.
the rest of the night went by painfully slow. satoru had a hand glued to your waist, holding you close. ether he wasn’t as mad as he seemed or he just wanted to make sure everyone saw that you were together, you had yet to find out.
when you got home you sighed sitting down on a stool you had in your entrance, you were exhausted. satoru crouched down in front of you, helping you take off your heels. you closed your eyes letting yourself relax for the first time this night, though your moment of peace was interrupted by harsh hands yanking you up.
"hey, that hurt." you hissed as he led you to your shared bedroom. "what is up with you anyway?".
"oh, what’s up with me?! you’ve been walking around all innocent, pretending none of those men there were looking at you like they wanted to fuck you." he spat. "i’m sure you liked the attention, didn’t you?" he said, practically throwing you on the bed.
you look at him dumbfounded. it’s not like your were surprised by his way of thinking or his words, after all this wasn’t his first time acting like this.
"think i should teach you a lesson, hm?" he crawled on the bed, getting on top of you.
"it wasn’t my fa—".
"shh," he immediately jumped in, not wanting to hear your excuse. "i don’t want to hear a lame ass excuse, you should know better." he sat up, grabbing your hand and lifting you along with him. "i want you to make it up to me. after all, that’s the least you could do after making me feel like that." his tone was very manipulative, which you never really acknowledged.
safe to say you complied and did everything the way he wanted to, like always.
(if anyone saw any typos, no you didn’t <3)
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doccywhomst · 21 days
okay so i understand that daleks are one of the main brand icons of doctor who, and that they represent a certain breed of fascist thought that can never be fully stamped out, but. :/
i think im ready for the daleks to die.
daleks have been central to doctor who from the very beginning (the second ever episode, the daleks, and season 2’s the dalek invasion of earth), embodying fear, hate, imperialism, and the darker sides of our own nature - but it seems that, for a while now, their continued existence has been maintained solely by the doctor’s mercy and/or ineptitude ??? which sucks as a theme imo
a great example is remembrance of the daleks, a seventh doctor story from 1988 - yes, the one where the doctor blows up skaro. or, davros fires a device the doctor boobytrapped at skaro’s sun, which goes supernova and destroys every dalek in that region of space. it’s pretty baller. anyway! davros and a few daleks hop in an escape pod and fuck off, and the doctor just lets them. k.
(skaro’s destruction was later ‘corrected’ by widely-detested EDA author john peel in war of the daleks, which is unhyperbolically the worst book i’ve ever read, and thus disregarded! but this heretical text explains that the planet was a decoy named antalin. it’s awful yeah. i tried to warn you)
exhibit b: evolution of the daleks (2007). ten confronts dalek caan, the sole survivor of the cult of skaro, at the top of the empire state building. the daleks have just created and annihilated a slave race of pig people, and it’s horrible to watch. you get the feeling that they’ve done this millions of times all across the universe, because they canonically have. they are inherently imperialist, racist, and genocidal. the doctor knows this.
and the doctor’s response is basically “killing you would mean that I commit genocide, so let’s just hang out and have a conversation.”
dalek caan gets away.
and you’ll never guess where he goes. that’s right! he hops the time lock and grabs davros, who escaped in remembrance of the daleks!!! and they make a bunch of new dalek babies together, out of davros’ gross old flesh. it’s a tentacle fest.
so he was right. killing dalek caan would’ve been a genocide- but because he didn’t, now there are ten thousand genocides. a clear improvement!
exhibit d: victory of the daleks (2010).
after a couple of false starts, the daleks manage to make more daleks after tricking the doctor into confirming their species to open their own device (??? okay sure)- but then they trick him again with a robot scientist bomb that he failed to detect even after talking to the guy, and it’s just like…. fool the doctor once, shame on you, fool them twice? damn, you must be on the merch.
exhibit e: the witch’s familiar (2015).
the iconic ‘only other chair on skaro’ scene where twelve and davros chat on the rebuilt dalek home world - super fun, so fun i forgot how the doctor folded like a house of cards. davros, the genocidal maniac, wants to live another day to see a pretty sunrise, so the doctor *checks notes* gives him some artron energy? that can’t be right, wh- oh- oh, but it’s fine because it affects all daleks, and through some contrived science magic, they all ‘learn the concept of mercy.’ on accident.
and it changed nothing. later stories retcon this. i’m too tired to even think about resolution, revolution, or eve of the daleks right now, but those episodes only further cemented my malaise regarding the doctor’s apparent complacency.
again and again, the daleks depend on the doctor’s mercy, and they get it, and they WIN- and it feels like the moral is that they should be eliminated like an unthinking, unfeeling virus, but the doctor is just too compassionate or inept for the job. certainly not the first doctor to lose to a virus, but perhaps the first to do so willingly.
beyond a loss in revenue, i can’t imagine why the doctor couldn’t destroy the daleks, or why they wouldn’t want to - there was a point when, allegedly, “the time lord’s continuity could not survive without the daleks” (“neverland” audio), but i think the weight and relevance of that harry potter type threat has long since passed.
so… it might be time to put the daleks away, for now. sure, they can come back as a concession to the persistence of fascist ideology, but watching the doctor lose or win to fascism for seemingly arbitrary (always sentimental) reasons isn’t really satisfying. the show addresses that daleks cause untold suffering, but again and again the only obstacle to no suffering is the doctor, who can’t get their shit together! it’s killing me.
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AITA for threatening to get my best friend sectioned?
This actually happened 2 years ago, but last night he made a joke about it that kind of seemed like he might still be mad at me about it. So. Anyway, ages and all are written as they were at the time.
For context, my (18m) mom took guardianship of my friend (17m), called “J”, after his grandfather passed, a few months before this happened.
Not going into specifics, but J has struggled with OCD and an ED for years, and I suspect when he’s an adult he’ll probably get diagnosed with Narcissistic Personality Disorder at some point.
(Update from the Present: no dice… yet.)
A close family friend of his passed away and it caused his mental issues (particularly the ED) to get a lot worse really quickly.
Even thought my mom was technically his guardian, she kind of relied on me to keep tabs on him because he’s usually pretty honest with me compared to other people. Like, if he’s not doing well, I have the best chance of finding that out.
So. His family friend dies, he gets worse, I report all of this back to my mom, who starts trying to get some sort of more intensive treatment lined up for him (difficult and time consuming because of where we lived at the time).
My mom tells me not to tell J, because he “talks a big game” about not wanting treatment or whatever and she firmly believes it’ll be easier if he doesn’t have time to stress himself out about it before it happens. Okay. So I don’t tell J.
Somehow, he finds out anyway, and also finds out that I knew and had chosen not to tell him, but doesn’t tell me that he knows. (Convoluted, I know, sorry.)
I pick J up from an after school thing one night, we end up talking about pretty heavy shit in the car for a /long/ time, and after the conversation died, he put a hand on my shoulder, leaned over, and kissed me. And like not a short kiss either. It was like a 3 to 4 second kiss.
Context again, I realized I was gay and that I liked J in a not particularly friend-like way when I was 13. I never told him and never planned on telling him. I told him a lot of things but I intended on growing old and dying with that one kept nice and secret. Even if he was some form of not-straight, which I was 99.99% sure he wasn’t, I didn’t think it was worth jeopardizing my closest friendship with romantic and/or sexual feelings that could at best confuse him or make him uncomfortable or at worst outright disgust him.
Anyway. We don’t talk about it, I end up going to stay for a few days with a guy (20m but not really relevant) I’d been sort of seeing/sleeping with for a couple months because I literally couldn’t be in the same house as J or I would probably implode.
Fast forward a week, I’m picking J up from a hospital 2 towns over because he ran away (? unclear really, haven’t discussed the particulars w him and I wasn’t staying at home at the time) and ended up having to go to the ER.
In the car (best time to talk to someone because they can’t run away), he apologizes for kissing me. I’m thrown off by that, because he hadn’t said anything up to this point and it honestly wasn’t even in the top 5 things I was thinking about.
I asked him why he did it and he just sighed and explained in this tone of voice that, I don’t know how to explain it, but had just the right lack of empathy or affect that I knew he was being 110% honest.
Condensed version: he found out I was reporting everything he told me to my mom (still don’t know how). He was pissed. He was aware he needed more intensive treatment, and he knew my mom was aware. He did not want treatment. He knew I had liked him for years. He knew that I was relatively fragile about it. He knew that if he did something (like kiss me for example) there was a good chance it would break my brain and I would freak out.
He essentially kissed me to decommission me for a few days so he could formulate a plan to run away.
FINALLY we have arrived at the AITA part.
After hearing all this, I tried very hard to come up with something rational to say, but ended up saying (essentially), “You’re fucking insane, and I’m telling my mother you need to be committed.”
I know I wasn’t wrong to be angry. But I also know from past knowledge and experiences that he had a deep fear of being deemed “insane” or unfixable or whatever, and also that he was really afraid of treatment in general.
Idk. I go back and forth on whether or not I was out of line, or needlessly escalating the situation, by threatening him. It was a much bigger threat in his mind than it was in mine, and so even though I know I said it as a reaction to a fucked up situation, there’s still the idea that I blew it completely out of proportion and weaponized his own mental issues against him.
So AITA for threatening my best friend by telling him I was going to get him committed to a long term psychiatric hospital?
What are these acronyms?
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roseofthewind · 9 days
Furina and High-Masking Autism
A lot of people don’t know how to recognize high-masking autism because its presentation challenges many stereotypes about what autistic people are like, but Furina continues to be a perfect example of it.
It should go without saying, but I love Furina as a character and this analysis is in no way putting her down. Autism is an entirely neutral trait that carries through to adulthood, and if you have a strong negative reaction to the idea of a character you like being autistic, you have probably absorbed a lot of misconceptions about autism and have some unconscious prejudice to unpack.
In the paragraphs that follow, I am going to explain several autistic traits and give examples of how Furina displays each trait.
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*thinking face on*
1. Autism is, at its core, a difference in the way the brain takes in, processes, and shares information. This can make it challenging to communicate with other people who don’t share this neurotype, but a high-masking autistic person has observed the way other people interact and spent years copying them, figuring out through trial and error how to act to best fit in and get the most positive responses from other people.
Furina’s ascension speech in Act V of the Fontaine Archon Quest, where she first presents herself to the people of Fontaine, is a great example of this observation of others with the goal of masking as well as possible. Furina initially gives the speech as comes naturally to her in a very straightforward and honest manner (also an autistic trait!). After the speech, she realizes that her citizens are responding with hostility to her humility and lack of authoritarianism, so she then plays off the original speech as a ruse and immediately redoes the entire thing more assertively according to the feedback she picked up on.
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(Calm down, Furina… Think. Think. What do the people want? How would they imagine a god to speak and act?)
Fontaine AQ Act V, Chinese audio: (link starts video at 3:10:07) https://youtu.be/T-AbXi5bufk?si=eQADAWw6n8Sk0PZE&t=11407
This is the kind of social trial and error that many autistic people do over the course of years so that eventually we can say the “right thing” the first time around, and it’s a testimony to Furina’s skills as an actor that she course-corrects so quickly.
Because of all the constant mental calculations, social situations are usually very tiring for autistic people, even when the social event lines up with their interests. In Clorinde’s Story Quest, Furina has no interest in Navia’s suggestion of pulling an all-nighter to keep playing D&D (I mean, Tabletop Troupe!) and wants to go home and rest.
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Furina: Huh!? Oh, um… I’m not sure I’ll have enough energy for that…
Furina has shown other signs of needing to take a break from socializing– for instance, in Lynette’s hangout event quest, Lynette gets tired of all the people at her post-performance reception and goes upstairs to a quieter room to find Furina already there.
Furina offers to give Lynette tips on the best ways to slip away from an event, and Lynette misunderstands at first and isn’t interested in Furina’s advice because she thinks Furina loves everything about the spotlight and doesn’t realize how much they have in common. This goes a long way to show just how well Furina masks her autistic traits!
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Furina: I see you’ve escaped the crowds to seek refuge on the second floor. Fame can be overwhelming at first, can’t it? Perhaps you’d benefit from hearing about the experiences of a veteran celebrity such as myself?
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Lynette: No thanks, I’m good. Pretty sure this’ll be my first and last time in this situation…
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Furina: Hey, at least let me finish! I have top tips on dealing with belligerent reporters, slipping away to hunt down snacks during the intermission…
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Lynette: …Tell me everything.
Conversely, when alone, Furina will stay up late reading or doing something else that interests her and will not feel the same need to stop and rest, because when alone, there is no need to expend extra energy worrying about socializing properly.
At the beginning of the Fontinalia Film Festival limited event story, Traveler and Paimon go to Furina’s apartment and she answers the door sounding a bit groggy.
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Paimon: Did you just get up, Furina? It’s already past noon, you know…
After Traveler chastises Paimon for being rude, Paimon panics and says something nonsensical about how the weather is so nice in the afternoon and sleeping in is fine, actually, and Furina responds that she’s just a bit tired because she was up late reading:
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Furina: I was just up late last night reading some novels…
When focused on an interest, it’s very easy for an autistic person to lose track of time and it can be difficult to break out of the focused state and go to bed. (This is a trait that overlaps significantly with ADHD.)
2. Alexithymia is a difficulty with identifying, processing, and expressing your own emotions, and in extreme cases presents as an almost total lack of emotion. Some degree of alexithymia is common in autistic people.
I believe, in the flashback scene below from Act V of the Fontaine Archon Quest, that Furina genuinely did not realize she was upset and did not realize she was crying, which could be explained by alexithymia.
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Fontainian citizen: Are… are you crying?
(If you played this part with the English voice acting and interpreted it differently, try listening to it in Chinese- Furina’s voice sounds completely confident and in control the entire time, and it’s not until the other person points out she’s crying that Furina sounds at all upset.)
Fontaine AQ Act V, Chinese audio: (link starts video at 3:22:00) https://youtu.be/T-AbXi5bufk?si=fl8xSwkQ0rRLFPQU&t=12121
I am a believer that Furina and Focalors were originally the same person, and Focalors is just Furina’s divinity and pre-archonhood memories— so if Furina is autistic, Focalors is autistic.
While talking to Neuvillette, Focalors is extremely matter-of-fact with her explanation of her plan, very matter-of-fact about the suffering of her own human self, and very matter-of-fact about her own impending death. There is no show of emotion— she just tells Neuvillette the facts. This could be related to alexithymia, but regardless it is a very autistic way of communicating that is often misinterpreted as cold and uncaring. In actuality, someone who is willing to sacrifice their own immortality, divine power, and freedom to save other people’s lives cares a great deal, even if the tone of their voice doesn’t reflect it!
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Focalors: I mean, did you think I would be the sort to enjoy peaceful repose while Furina suffered?
3. The autistic nervous system takes in a lot of information that a neurotypical person’s would filter out as not being important enough to bother with- this is why autistic people are so much more sensitive to sounds, lights, textures, and any changes in the environment. Too much sensory input can actually feel painful.
There is a documented instance of the Opera Epiclese becoming so loud that Furina was overstimulated enough to yell at everyone to be quiet.
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Furthermore, post-Archon Quest, after moving out of the Palais Mermonia and into her own apartment, Furina eats primarily macaroni for an unspecified amount of time— weeks or months on end. After a huge life change, it’s common for an autistic person to want anything they can control to be the same, so their brain has more space to process everything that’s different.
There is no neurotypical explanation for eating the same food over and over to the exclusion of everything else. It makes no sense to someone who doesn’t experience overstimulation and distress at too much change. Case in point, during Furina’s Story Quest, Traveler and Paimon are rather baffled:
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Traveler: …Don’t you get sick of macaroni every day?
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Furina: Not at all. As long as you have different kinds of sauces in, you can have macaroni and tomato sauce one week, macaroni and bolognese the next…
Notice that Furina says “macaroni and tomato sauce one week,” implying that she’s fine with just that sauce for an entire week, and then uses a different sauce for the next entire week. Still not very much variety!
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Paimon: Oh, sounds like you’re really struggling to cope… Traveler: Is it because you have to do all your own cooking now?
Yes, Furina is struggling to cope, but not because she’s incapable of learning how to cook more complex dishes! She’s just too burnt out to want to make or eat a variety of things right now. Furina explains this and Paimon doesn’t believe her, but since we know that Furina’s special dish is an even more extravagant version of La Lettre a Focalors, if Furina is capable of baking at that level, she would certainly be capable of cooking.
4. Stimming, or self-stimulatory behaviors, are repetitive actions that serve to regulate or soothe the nervous system. There are countless behaviors that can be used as stims, but some common ones are rocking back and forth, hand flapping or waving, leg bouncing, skin picking or scratching, rubbing or squeezing a comforting object, dancing, spinning in circles, humming or vocalizing, or listening to the same song on repeat for hours. (It’s worth noting that stimming is not exclusive to autism— especially when stressed neurotypical people do some of these things too. Stimming can also be commonly exhibited by people with ADHD who aren’t autistic, although there are also a significant number of people with both ADHD and autism.)
One of Furina’s idle animations and also her normal attack sequence include behaviors that can be interpreted as stimming. Furina’s idle animation with Surintendante Chevalmarin involves her holding the seahorse up, waving her around, squeezing her tightly and rubbing her face on her head. Chevalmarin is made entirely of water and loves Furina dearly, and so does not mind being cuddled like a stuffed animal.
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If you use all four of Furina’s normal attacks, she spins around several times and the final attack culminates with her spinning on a bubble and swinging her sword for AOE. If you use just three of Furina’s normal attacks and do not append any additional actions, Furina spins around again before plunging the tip of her sword into the ground (I do not have a gif of this). Furina also spins around when added to your 4-character party. That’s a lot of spinning, which certainly makes it seem like a preferred stim!
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5. I got this far without mentioning special interests because I have so much other evidence that I hardly need to bring it up— but since it’s a much more commonly recognized autistic trait than many of the things I discussed at the beginning, I will include this part of Furina’s teapot dialogue, which does indicate that Furina engages in special interests:
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Furina pretty much defines “special interest” with the above statement: it’s something that you’re interested in (to the point that it may feel like an obsession) and you have to know everything about it!
These are just a few examples of autistic traits that Furina exhibits— there are absolutely more. Furina is shown many times to have a high level of near constant anxiety despite being someone who is confident enough to perform on stage. This anxiety could come from other sources, like c-PTSD, but it’s very common for a high-masking autistic person to have chronic anxiety from being hyper-aware of avoiding potential social blunders, repressing stimming to appear more “normal,” and dealing with the increased risk of overstimulation that comes with repressing stimming.
If you made it this far, thanks for reading! Even if you don’t agree with my interpretation of the character, I do genuinely hope you learned something about autism.
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reputationmunson · 1 year
Bad Habit | pt. 2 | Eddie Munson x harrington!reader
part one
summary: The truth comes out
word count: 5.0k
cw: smut (18+), fluff, loss of virginity, unprotected sex, oral (m&f receiving), afab!reader, use of y/n, mentions of drinking, swearing, she/her pronouns
a/n: first of all, i just wanted to thank everybody for all the love part one received! secondly, reader is adopted, so there is no mention of resembling Steve. thank you for reading :)
Steve thinks you’re acting unusual.
You’re barely home anymore, you whisper every time you use the phone, he’s pretty sure he spotted a hickey on your neck about a month ago and you’re always in a good mood.
For example, yesterday morning Steve accidentally woke you up because he was unaware you were home and he was expecting you to flip out on him or at least scowl at him.
Instead, you thanked him for waking you up so you could watch the sunrise…
So yeah, he’s a little suspicious.
All signs point to you being in a relationship and as your older brother he’s hoping it’s literally anything else. You guys live in a small town and he’s well aware that most of the guys here are total douchebags.
He even asked Robin and Nancy if you had said anything, but they knew nothing. Though both of them did agree that you’d been more on the chipper side lately.
If you are dating somebody, he isn’t surprised you haven’t said anything to him. Growing up with absentee parents, Steve was a little protective of you.
He goes into your room to try to get some information out of you but you aren’t home…
“Eddie stoooop! I can’t breathe!” You say through laughter.
You’re currently in the middle of a tickle war in your boyfriend's bed.
Okay, war might not be the best word because it isn’t much of a fight.
“Fine. I will concede… for a kiss” He stops tickling you and anticipates your lips on his any second now.
“Hmm… I’m not sure if that offers good enough” You’re bluffing
“Let me prove it to you?” He smirks
You sit up and capture him in a kiss. It’s sweet and unhasty, like you have all the time in the world.
He eventually pulls away and stares into your eyes.
“What’s the verdict?”
You can’t stop smiling. You’ve been awake for barely ten minutes and Eddie’s had you smiling ever since you opened your eyes.
“Think I need another one to make sure you’re forgiven” He’s already leaning down to give you another kiss.
This time, the kiss grows more fervent. Before you know it, Eddie is pulling you on top of him.
His hands are roaming all over your body and when he gives your ass a delicate squeeze, you let out a quiet moan.
“Fuck, I hate to do this but I gotta get up. I’m working on Steve’s car today before his shift”
You rest your forehead on his shoulder and let out a sigh. He kisses your head in apology.
“You’re lucky you’re cute, Munson”
“Being cute is my specialty”
You both smile and you roll off of him. “Apparently humble isn’t” you joke.
He laughs and gets out of bed. You don’t miss the opportunity to admire him and if his back wasn’t turned from you he'd definitely make fun of you a little bit for being so obsessed with him.
He wouldn’t be wrong.
“Alright, I guess I should head out so we don’t get there at the same time. Don’t need Steve connecting any dots”
You gather all your stuff up while Eddie gets dressed.
“Don’t you dare think you’re getting out of here with a proper goodbye” He steps over to you to give you a goodbye kiss.
He holds your face in his large hands and it would be so easy to fall back into bed to finish what you both started, but Eddie’s too kind to cancel on Steve.
“Tell me how much you’re gonna miss me” He smiles widely and you giggle
“Maybe I can show you tonight instead” You compromise and the look on his face lets you know that’s a great idea.
You give him one last peck and reluctantly walk out to your car.
You’re aware that having your car at Eddie’s might not be the smartest idea considering Max lives right across from him, but sometimes you can’t risk being dropped off down the street of your house the next morning.
Luckily for you, you’re her favorite (don’t tell Steve), so she doesn’t plan on ratting out seeing your car at Eddie’s. She also can’t really be bothered.
Max thinks it would be sweet if you and Eddie are an item. Don’t tell anyone she thinks that, though. She’ll deny any accusations.
“Good morning, Stevie” You say, walking into the kitchen.
“Good morning to you too, stranger. Stay at Laura’s again?”
“Oh. yeah. She’s been a little down lately so I just wanna be a good friend” You fib.
Laura has been your alibi since you and Eddie got together. She’s the only other person aware of what’s going on and it’s a safe option since she’s your closest friend who doesn’t hang out with your brother.
“Hm I guess that explains why you whisper every time you’re on the phone. Must be pretty personal?”
Your eyes widen for a split second before you act natural.
“That’s the reason. Super personal, Steve, you shouldn’t be eavesdropping. Anyways… what are you up to today?” You change the subject
“Eddie’s coming over to work on my car before I go to work” He says with a mouthful of cereal.
“Cool… I’m gonna go get ready for the day!” You scurry upstairs.
You knew it was going to be hot outside today so you decided on wearing your shortest shorts and a crop top. You’re definitely only wearing this because of today's forecast. No other reason.
Eddie looks so unfairly sexy while working on Steve’s car and it has you in tizzy.
You were watching him through the living room window, but when he put his hair in a low bun and took his shirt off, you had to go to your room to distract yourself.
Feeling bored, you decided he must be absolutely parched and could use a glass of water.
You grab two glasses of water for both of them and a bottle of beer for Eddie.
“I come bearing gifts” you announce walking over to them.
“Thanks, ba- bro. Thanks, bro” Eddie almost slips, but luckily Steve doesn’t realize anything.
“You didn’t bring me a beer?” Steve pouts.
“You have work soon. You want one get it yourself. You’re welcome, by the way”
Eddie chuckles and you can’t help but adore the sight of him.
Suddenly, You’re suddenly aware of the fact that Steve is watching you make eyes at Eddie.
“Well, um, I’m gonna go back inside.” You say and walk hastily inside.
“She’s been so weird. Do you think she’s acting differently lately?” Steve asks Eddie.
“Weird how?” Eddie’s voice goes up an octave.
“I don’t know. I think she’s got a boyfriend and scared to tell me. Just because she’s my younger sister doesn’t mean I’m gonna murder the guy she’s dating”
“Dude, when I first met her you threatened to shave my eyebrows off if I even thought about her.” Eddie cringes as he brings this up.
“That’s different. You’re one of my best friends it would be fucked up if you were…canoodling my sister.”
“Oh yeah. Definitely fucked up. Um, anyways, does she at least seem happy and stuff?” Eddie asks and hopes it doesn’t sound too obvious that he is in fact canoodling his best friend's sister.
“Annoyingly happy. She’s always smiling like it would kill her if she stopped. It’s creepy” Eddie looks away from Steve because he can’t contain the ginormous smile on his face.
“Well when you meet him, just try to keep in mind how happy she’s been lately.” He says in hopes that when Steves inevitably finds out, he’ll remember this conversation.
It’s highly unlikely.
“Alright, your car is good to go. Wanna make sure she starts?” Eddie suggests and Steve gets in the car. Both boys cheer at the sound of his car starting.
“You’re a lifesaver. I gotta get ready for work but feel free to stick around and use the pool. Maybe keep an eye on y/n so she doesn’t invite over whatever asshole she’s dating.” Steve is half joking and Eddie gives an awkward chuckle.
While Steve is in the shower, Eddie finds his way into your bedroom.
You’re lying on your side reading a book, completely unaware of his presence. He stands in your doorway and admires you until he decides he wants to be a menace.
In true Eddie fashion, instead of saying something to make you notice him he jumps on top of you, making you yelp.
“Well that’s one way to get my attention” You say and set your book on your night stand.
“And you’re half naked. That’s the best way to get my attention.” Eddie says, referring to you being dressed only in a sports bra and the shortest shorts in existence.
Eddie grabs you and flips you so you’re on top of him. You can’t help but kiss him for a couple of minutes before pulling away to stop.
“We can’t.” A kiss. “Steve is home.” Another kiss. “Let’s go downstairs” You let your forehead rest on his and give him a chaste peck before moving off of him. You throw on a t-shirt and leave your bedroom.
“Guess what Steve told me while I was working on his car.” Eddie says while following you down the steps.
“He thinks you have a boyfriend.”
“Fuck, he doesn’t know it’s you, right?”
You both sit on the couch and leave a respectable distance between each other.
“Are you kidding? We both know I would not be alive if that was the case. He wants me to hang out here so you don’t invite your mystery man over. Oh, and might’ve said something about you being insanely happy…”
“I am insanely happy.” I love you is what you really want to say.
“And you can hang out here. As long as you don’t mind going for a swim. It’s so hot outside I can barely stand being in these clothes” You lower your voice when you say the last part.
Before he can respond with a typical suggestive comment, Steve comes back downstairs to say goodbye before heading to work.
“Alright, I gotta head out. I won’t be home until late. You staying home tonight?” He asks you
“Oh, I don’t know. Laura hasn’t asked me to stay with her yet”
“Well, she can stay here, ya know? Unless there’s another reason…”
“Nope, not at all. You better get going, you don’t wanna be late!”
Eddie tries to keep a straight face and Steve leaves without another word.
It feels like an eternity before he pulls out of the driveway
“Up for a swim?”
Eddie nods quickly.
You’re trying to decide which bathing suit you want to wear and Eddie waits patiently on your bed. He turned on music to entertain him knowing it takes you ages to make a decision, but he isn’t complaining. He loves your look of concentration.
“Wear the red one,” He suggest. “You look sexy in red. Or maybe we should just go naked”
He wiggles his eyebrows
“Yeah, you’d like that. But on a day like this, I’m betting either our friends or the kids show up unannounced to use the pool”
“Yeah that would be just our luck”
You begin to get undressed and Eddie looks around your room to avoid being so obvious.
“Eds, you can look. Nothin you haven’t seen before”
“Just trying to be respectful, sweetheart”
“Since when?”
He laughs and finally looks at you. He feels like the air has been knocked out of him.
“I have a feeling Laura is definitely going to ask you to spend the night. Something tells me she’s really gonna need you tonight”
“Well, lucky for her, I’m in the mood to be a very good friend tonight”
“Hmm maybe we could postpone our swim so you can be a good friend right now” He pats his lap for you to join him.
“Can’t I be a good friend in the pool?” You’re already walking over to him to straddle his lap
“Maybe you can be now and later… if you catch my drift”
“I always catch your drift. You aren’t exactly subtle”
“Shut up and kiss me. I’m dying here”
You oblige quickly.
While lost in the kiss, you suddenly become aware of the fact that you’re completely naked while Eddie is fully clothed.
Your hands fly to the hem of his shirt and you quickly remove it so you can get back to kissing him.
His hands move to gently massage your tits and you moan into his mouth then start to grind on him slowly, making him moan in response.
He’s hard against you and you come to the conclusion that you want to give him some relief as soon as possible.
You take your lips off of his and trail kisses down his jaw and neck. You move into a position that allows you to kiss down his chest and stomach until you reach his happy trail.
You begin to gently suck and kiss at his happy trail and his breathing gets heavier. Usually he’s the big teaser, but you wanted to flip the script.
Your hand palms him through his jeans and he groans. “Baby, please.”
“Please, what?”
“Lemme take my pants off. Busting in my jeans isn’t exactly on my agenda”
You choose to be nice and start to take his pants off. Apparently you aren’t doing it fast enough because he stands up and removes his pants and boxers.
No matter how many times you’ve seen his cock, it still makes you drool.
“Lemme suck you off. Please”
“On your knees, baby”
You swiftly move to your knees when Eddie sits on the edge of your bed.
He looks down at you and admires the way you’re staring at his dick
“Get to it, love. Wanna cum in that pretty mouth”
You spit in your palm and give him a few pumps before wrapping your lips around him
At first, you just focus on the tip and swirl your tongue. He tries to stop his hips from thrusting so he can go deeper.
“Don’t tease me, pretty girl. You wanna make me feel good, don’t you?”
You nod and take him deeper. He lets out a loud moan and you begin to bob your head a little faster.
“Fuck, that’s it. Always take my cock so well”
After a few more seconds, you pull back and he whines. “Want you to be rough, Eddie. Don’t hold back”
He smirks and gathers your hair in his fist. “Smack my leg twice if it's too much. Got it?”
“Got it”
“Stick your tongue out for me, baby”
You listen and he taps his cock on your tongue a few times before fully putting it back in your mouth.
He starts thrusting slowly to warm you up. You whine to let him know you want it faster.
His pace starts to pick up and he looks down at you to make sure you’re alright
Your eyes are closed and he feels his dominant side creeping up on him.
“Eyes on me or you won’t be cumming at all today”
You open your eyes and look up at him. Your eyes are watery and your pupils are blown wide.
Fuck, he can’t believe your his girl
Eddie starts to fuck your throat relentlessly and you moan around him. Your hands hold his thighs and you squeeze them hard. He worries it's too much for you. “You okay?”
Neither of you have broken eye contact and you give him a nod to keep going.
Tears are spilling from your eyes and you look so fucking pretty it should be illegal.
“I’m gonna cum in that fucking mouth and you’re not gonna waste a drop. Want you to swallow all of it”
His thrusts grow sloppy and you know he’s about to finish
Soon his warmth fills your mouth and you’re both moaning. He can’t believe how much this turns you on.
He pulls out of your mouth and you gasp for air.
“Not too rough, right?” He takes your hand to help you off your knees
“Not at all. I liked it, just need a minute”
He smiles and moves to sit against your headboard. You go back to straddling him.
You bury your head in the crook of his neck and his arms wrap around you.
The two of you sit in a comfortable silence for a couple of minutes.
“Teddy” You whisper in a sing-song voice. He always knows you’re feeling vulnerable when you call him Teddy. “Yeah?”
You pull back to look at him.
“Can I tell you something?”
“I, uh, know we haven’t been together that long, but I really need to get this off my chest”
He mentally prepares himself for what you’re gonna say
“I love you. So much that I feel like I’m gonna explode and I’m sorry if it’s too soon or something but I just can’t hold it in anymore”
“Too soon? Psh. Pretty sure I fell in love with you first day I met ya”
“Really?” You smile so wide it almost hurts
“Really. Steve was talking shit about my music and you said something like ‘Steve, you cry listening to time after time by cindy lauper. I don’t think you should be talking’ and I just knew I wanted to be yours”
You both laugh at the memory and bask in the feeling of being total lovesick idiots.
After a few moments of silence, you speak up.
“I’m ready, Eds. I want you. Can’t imagine it being anyone else”
“You sure? I don’t mind waiting”
“One hundred percent sure. Now show me what ya got, Munson”
“How romantic. Lay down for me”
Unbeknownst to you, Robin is currently downstairs looking for you to see if you’re up for a swim. Little does she know, Eddie is currently eating you out like it’s his job.
Between the music in your room and being so lost in the moment, neither of you hear the footsteps approaching your room.
Robin isn’t exactly familiar when it comes to having boundaries and she swings your door open without knocking and is met with the sight of Eddie between your legs.
Both of you abruptly turn your heads and all three of you are frozen.
Robin quickly turns around but doesn’t move. “Oh, I’m sorry it seems I’ve opened to door to an alternate fucking dimension where this makes sense” If this was under different circumstances, this sentence probably would’ve made you laugh.
Without another word, she frantically walks out of your room
“Robin, wait!” You call after her and put your robe on to follow her. Eddie also gets up and gets dressed to follow the both of you.
“Am I suffering from heat exhaustion? Does that cause hallucinations? I need to sit down”
Robin sits on the couch, looking a little bit traumatized from walking in on you and Eddie.
Eddie giggles and you lightly elbow him.
You don’t really know what to say. You always assumed you would tell Steve first and then everyone would find out in a completely different way.
“So…” Eddie starts
“What the fuck did I just walk in on? I’m seriously confused”
“Well, ya see, Robin, when two people love each other-”
“That’s not what I mean, Munson. I mean- wait. Did you just say love? Like in love? Can someone please start explaining I wasn’t joking about the being confused part!”
“Okay” You breathe out “Eddie and I have been seeing each other for the past couple of months and it’s been going really great so we didn’t wanna tell anyone because we were scared that things might get complicated, especially if Steve knew”
“Oh my god I didn’t even think about Steve. He is going to kill you!” She points at Eddie
“We know that’s why you can’t tell anybody” He responds
“This is huge, guys! I have to tell somebody that you two are hooking up I am incapable of keeping this to myself” She gets up and begins to pace
“Rob, please you have to keep it a secret. I know it’s big but I promise we’ll tell Steve soon so you don’t have to keep it a secret too long”
“We will?” Eddie asks
“Eventually, yeah. We sort of have to. What, are we not gonna invite him to the wedding?” You realize what you’ve just said and your eyes widen. “I mean, we aren’t getting married. I just, um, what I meant to say was-”
“You’re adorable, ya know that?” He smiles at you and you forget Robin’s having a total freakout for a moment.
“Before you two start doing it on the coffee table, I need to know the details because as your best friend, I am truly offended you kept this from me”
All three of you sit down and you and Eddie tell her all about your relationship, obviously sparing the dirty details. (She’s going to try to get them out of you later).
“Aw, so you guys are in love! This is so great, especially for you, Eddie. y/n is most definitely out of your league”
He doesn’t hesitate to agree.
“I guess I should go to let you guys…continue. By the way, both of you owe me. I’m talking personal chauffeurs and buying me pretty gifts. Deal?”
“I’d love a ride to the mall tomorrow” She says, walking to the door.
“Bye, Robin!”
“So, was that a mood ruiner for you or…” Eddie asks
You stand up and extend your hand out to him. “C’mon”
He takes your hand and you lead him back up to your bedroom.
Eddie unties your robe and you let it fall to the floor. His clothes are off seconds after you lie back down on the bed.
He hovers over you and his eyes bore into yours, making you feel safer than you’ve ever felt.
“I love you”
“I love you, more” Your hand cups his cheek
“Impossible” He kisses your wrist before leaning down to kiss you properly.
“Do you have any condoms?” He asks in a hushed tone
“Don’t need one. I’m on the pill”
He smiles and gives you a passionate kiss
Eddie grabs his cock and guides in through your slick folds. You gasp when it hits your clit.
“Are you ready?” He asks
“More than ready” you smile up at him.
“Tell me if anything hurts, kay?”
He starts by just putting the tip in and you both moan at the same time.
“More. I’m okay”
He slowly goes a little bit deeper and gives you time to adjust before he starts to move.
“Fuck, you feel so good. You’re so fucking wet”
“You’re so big. Feels so good inside me”
His pace picks up a little and you pull him down so he’s laying on top of you and you wrap your arms around him.
You didn’t expect this to feel as good as it does. After hearing stories from friends, you expected it to be completely uncomfortable and awkward, but you haven’t experienced either of those feelings.
“I’m not gonna last much longer” He pants
His hand slides between your bodies and he starts to rub your clit, making your back arch.
His middle and ring finger work faster on your sweet spot and you feel like you’re seeing stars
“Please don’t stop I’m so close, Eddie”
“Me too, baby. Cum with me. Need to feel you cum around my cock”
Both of your moans are getting louder and Eddie lets out a deep groan when he feels you walls clench around him.
You feel Eddie’s cum fill you up and it sends you over the edge.
Your nails are scratching his back and he collapses on top of you, kissing your neck as you work through your orgasm.
Both of you lay there in silence and you run your fingers through his hair and he hums in gratitude.
“I’ll be right back” He says before leaving your bedroom.
He returns with a glass of water and a warm rag to clean you up.
He starts to clean you up and you hiss a little at the contact, making him look up at you warily.
“Sensitive. I’m okay”
Once he’s done, he moves to hold you in his arms.
“How was that? Wasn’t painful or anything, was it?”
“It was perfect. I never imagined it being that good”
You can practically see his ego inflate, but he deserves it.
“Me neither. Best I’ve ever had”
You roll your eyes, but he means every word.
You take a nap before going to Eddie’s and spend the rest of the day wrapped up in each other, making each new time the best you’ll both ever have.
It’s been two weeks since Robin found out and she’s been loving making you and Eddie her personal servants.
Even if you didn’t do these things for her, she still wouldn’t spill your secret, but she can’t deny that she’s enjoying it.
The group is spending the day enjoying your pool and you wore your red bathing suit that Eddie loves so much.
It’s almost impossible for him to keep his hands off of you
“y/n, would you be a dear and get me a drink from inside please?” She smirks at you and you have no choice but to compel
“Anything for my queen” You say before heading inside.
“Ugh, can someone look at this freckle on my shoulder. Is it concerning looking?” Robin tries to get a good look at her freckle but can’t get the right angle, so Eddie helps her out.
“Oh, it looks fine. y/n has one like that on her hip”
Steve immediately whips his head towards Eddie and shoots daggers at him.
“What?” Steve says through gritted teeth
“What?” Eddie’s eyes widen when he realizes what he’s done.
“How in the world do you know she has a freckle on her hip?”
“Um, everyone knows. She talks about it all the time, duh”
“You’re dead, man.”
When you walk outside and see Steve chasing Eddie around the pool, you don’t think anything of it until you hear Steve yell “I’m gonna fucking kill you” and your stomach drops.
He knows
Robin notices you and looks like she has no idea what to do
“y/n, I have it on good authority that Steve knows about you and Eddie”
You hurriedly give Robin her drink and join in the wild goose chase around the pool
“Steve, stop! You’re overreacting”
He halts, suddenly. “Overreacting? You’ve gotta be kidding me. How long has this been going on?”
“About two and a half months” you answer
“Two and a half months?!”
“C’mon, Steve. Lets just talk this out” Eddie tries to level with him
“Great idea. I’ll go first” Steve starts “You, Eddie Munson, have been doing my little sister and you’ve both been lying about it. What, you were tired of no one wanting to fuck you so you took advantage of her?”
“Hey! I’m not gonna stand here and let you talk about him like that! I’m an adult, Steve, I can make my own decisions. he’s not taking advantage of me I can’t believe you’d even say something like that”
“Babe, it’s okay-”
“Babe? Seriously? I feel like I’m in the goddamn twilight zone! Did you know about this?” He turns to look at Robin
“I, um, might’ve had some idea, but only because I walked in on them doing it!”
“Robin!” you and Eddie shout at the same time and she apologizes.
“Well, that’s just great. So all three of you were lying? I can’t believe this. You know he’s gonna leave you once he gets bored because that's what guys do, y/n”
“No, Steve. That's what you do” You argue back
Before it gets any more heated, Eddie walks over to you. He wraps his arm around you, pulling you close to him.
“I know you’re mad, but we aren’t just hooking up. I love her. I can promise you I’m not leaving her”
You see Steve’s face soften once Eddie says this. He’s always been a bit of a romantic.
“You mean that? You guys are like, in love and shit?”
Eddie looks at you and smiles. “Yeah. In love and shit”
Steve’s mood shifts entirely, like he was never upset at all.
“Oh my god, that’s great! My best friend and my sister! Dude, we’re gonna be brother-in-laws”
“Okay, let’s slow down” You say, not wanting to scare Eddie off and you’re also extremely surprised at his sudden reaction shift.
“Oh, c’mon babe, we are so gonna be brother-in-laws” He leans down to pull you into a kiss
“Alright, gross. I don’t need visuals of you two, I’m still having nightmares about the hickey I saw on your neck a while ago”
You hide your face, embarrassed.
“I desperately need a beer after that. Robin, help me grab drinks for everyone” Steve and Robin disappear, leaving you and Eddie alone.
“So, cats outta the bag” You wrap your arms around Eddie’s torso and his hands fall to your hips.
“Dustin’s gonna be so pumped. He’s been waiting on me to make my move on you forever”
“That’s what you’re thinking about right now? Dustin?” You both laugh
“Sorry, the little dude’s just got a way about him. It’s kinda freaky”
You move your arms to drape around his neck and look into his eyes.
He leans down to kiss you because that’s something you can do now without fear of getting caught.
“I love that I can do that whenever and wherever now”
“Hmm, think Steve will still have a problem with that”
“Who cares? Don’t know if you heard but he’s gonna be my brother-in-law”
“Think we can sneak off to my room?”
“Oh, yeah. We’re super sneaky”
Steve and Robin don’t say a word when they catch you and Eddie sneaking through your bedroom window.
Turns out neither of you are as sneaky as you think.
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akuvvv9 · 8 months
no bc i am CONVINCED something happened between Mike and Will between season 2 and season 3 and here’s why.
The first scene we see of them together is on the movie date at the cinema. (Also, why show Mike noticing something is up with Will in the first place? Will doesn’t even confide in him about what he’s feeling, so why? It’s unnecessary unless they want to show us something about Mike and Will. And if it’s to show Will’s feelings for Mike through lip glances, WHAT ABOUT MIKE???)
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Mike looks at Will’s lips while asking if he’s okay, meaning he had been already looking at him since Will hadn’t made any noise or drawn any attention to himself before Mike talks to him. There are many many many scenes of Mike looking at Will’s lips to the point that it’s a meme. 
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But then, look at Will. We all know Will is in love with Mike, has been for a while he just didn’t fully realize it until some time between season 2 and season 3, and didn’t accept it until some time between season 3 and season 4 (just in my opinion, this is flexible based off of your own perspectives and understandings). Either way, he has always been more discreet, looking when Mike isn’t looking at him in contrast to how Mike checks Will out both when he is and isn’t taking notice.
(Another thought, if we were supposed to pick up on the fact that Will is gay by the fact that he wears shorts shorts, BARELY EVER checks Mike out, is told “it’s not my fault you like girls,” and has been bullied for being queer, what does this say about Mike? Sure, he doesn’t wear short shorts, he wasn’t bullied for being queer except in regards to Will’s queerness, THEN it was always directed towards Mike, and Mike is always checking Will out and I’m gonna keep saying that because people are blind, and the fact that he even said that to Will in their rain fight was so out of nowhere like…what have you been thinking about when you’re alone? Huh? (i know what you are Michael Wheeler.) Then what? The only difference between the two is that Mike has a girlfriend, who he can’t even tell he loves to her face. Just saying. And I know Mike is queer coded in a different way than Will, but he also has all that proof I listed above and probably more. Moving on lol…)
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Here’s some of Will looking at Mike in the arcade in S2E1 and in the grocery store in the fruit section S3E7. I don’t need to show examples for Mike because I’m sure we can all think of a bunch off the top of our heads. Will is a little harder to catch though.
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Even in season 4 when we all KNOW Will has feelings for Mike, his glances are more discreet, we just see it more often because we are supposed to be aware he’s in love with Mike. So why, just why, does Will glance at Mike’s lips TWICE in the cinema. He knows Mike can see him because they’re talking, Mike is facing him, looking at him because he’s worried and is checking up on him. You could argue it’s because it’s dark, but their faces are illuminated by the screen, so it’s still a bold move on Will’s part. He knows Mike is looking at him and makes the decision to look at his lips twice when he’s usually so good at looking only when Mike can’t notice he is because he already has the subconscious feeling that he is in love with Mike, and that it should be a secret. Especially with what he’s always been bullied for by both his own dad and people at school. He’s learned to hide, which is funny because we all know how good at hiding Will is. 
Mike on the other hand, bitch has been checking Will out since the very beginning. When Will tells Mike the roll was a 7, Mike just stares at him. He doesn’t even give a proper response, which is out of character for him. If it were Lucas or Dustin (who wouldn’t of told him the truth in the first place), he would have said something, like actually anything. But with Will, he doesn’t. He just stares at him. 
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We also know Mike & Will have a deep understanding of each other where they don’t need words to communicate. They finish each other sentences a lot, and in the 7 scene, when Will says, “it was a 7,” Mike furrows his brow. Will knows he’s asking a question without needing any verbal response, so he answers. And even then Mike doesn’t answer, just stares and watches as Will bikes away. (Kinna LGBTQ if you ask me).
Their ability to converse silently with little looks only adds onto the fact that Will thought he was picking up on something after season 2. He doesn’t need to be explicitly told by anybody that Mike is starting to realize things about himself and his feelings for Will because nonverbal communication is what the two have always been best at.
Back to the cinema date, it’s not weird for Mike to be checking Will out because he’s always been doing it. It’s also pretty brief in the movie theater, like he’s doing it with no thought behind it because it’s what he’s always done, so what’s the harm?
Now, for Will, he not only lip glances twice but it’s a longer gaze. A little linger. There is clearly something between them that only Will is reacting to because Mike is preoccupied trying to act straight with El. Maybe some hope that he could be grasping onto something between them.
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Later, Will tells his mom he isn’t gonna fall in love. He doesn’t scowl or have a disgusted tone compared to when he saw proof of Jonathan and Nancy’s love. He probably believes that he’s not gonna fall in love, or get reciprocated love, for many reasons. He’s realizing he’s gay, he’s realizing Mike is special to him, he’s realizing that he is also special to Mike, but he says he won’t fall in love because even if he does, even if he’s realizing he’s also special to Mike, Mike can’t love him back because he has El. 
Which is why I believe something happened between them some time between season 2 and season 3. It’s clear that El can’t hang out with the party with the way it’s established how she has a curfew and how Mike reacts to her being at the mall with Max.
Also, Dustin was away at summer camp for a month. This means Mike and Will were left alone with the other canon couple in the party, Lucas and Max. Mike and Will spent a lot of time together, and probably picked up on a lot of signs they were attracted to each other.
The differences between how they reacted to that are hidden between their families. Despite being bullied for being queer, Will has Jonathan who is seen supporting Will and his “freakness”. However, Mike doesn’t have anyone like that. He’s probably never seen his parents be in love. The difference between him and Nancy is that Mike is a boy who likes a boy and Nancy is a girl who likes a boy. So Mike hides in his girlfriend to avoid the feelings he knows he has for his best friend.
Anyway, the reason why Will decidedly looks at Mike’s lips when he knows he’s looking, why he lingers and does it twice, is because that he felt okay doing this action for once since Mike did something to make him feel like he could. 
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Then later, on S3E3, we get the Byler rain fight scene. At first, it really is all about their friendship and how Will feels left behind. But after Mike says, “It’s not my fault you like girls,” the gears shift in Will’s head. We then focus a lot on his face. He doesn’t say anything, meaning we are supposed to be reading something just from his expression. He looks hurt, for obvious reasons, but also like he wants to say something back but he can’t. And it’s noticeable how quiet he is after Mike says that in comparison to how much he was talking before. He thought Mike and him had something that summer, that those lip glances and nonverbal signs and cues meant something, but then it all comes crumbling down once Mike says those words. Will wants to say something, maybe about how he thought he had a chance, how Mike made him think he did, (or maybe even “What the fuck, Mike!?” because…wtf Mike,) but then he realized he didn’t.
This is further backed by what Will says in response to Mike talking about them playing games in his basement forever. “Yeah. I guess I did. I really did.” Because he really thought there was the possibility of that, thought he was picking up on something, but Mike’s words made him realize he didn’t. He was just projecting his own romantic feelings onto the scenario. He’s upset at Mike and himself for being so stupid, stupid for different reason though.
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Only fools rush in, and in this moment, Will believes he is the biggest fool of them all. 
or maybe i’m delusional because it’s 2am
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annymation · 2 months
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Could you write an agnst scene inspired by this sketch please 👉👈?(no pressure of course)
I’ve taught you well >:3
And yes I will GLADLY write something extra angsty for this! Hope I can make the illustration justice!
TW: Blood, character death.
It was cold.
The atmosphere was chilling in the deep dark woods of Rosas, but it wasn't the common weather of the night, there was something different. It was quiet, ominous, even the animals could feel something was coming, and perhaps that's because of the wishing star currently hiding from the evil sorcerer king.
So far, all Aster's attempts of stealing the magic staff failed miserably, at this point, the star boy is getting quite frustrated, and so was the king.
"I don't know about you, but I'm getting quite fed up by this game of tag, little one" Magnifico sensed Aster's presence nearby, he didn't even raise his voice, knowing the star could hear him. The king chuckled darkly as he walked through the woods "So how about you just come out and fight me like a man?"
Aster was hanging on a tree, far away from the king's line of sight. They smiled, for that comment just gave the star an idea on how to get under the king's nerves some more.
"I'm not a man though" Aster chimed in from the tree tops, his voice echoing all around.
The king didn't know where the voice was coming from as it seemed to come from all sides, but he could tell by the overconfidence in the star's tone that they were trying to throw him off his focus
"Well, yeah I know Bu-"
"I'm a star" Aster interrupted with a child like playfulness in his voice
"... Sure- But that's not my po-"
"This whole gender thing humans have going on is so weird honestly"
Magnifico could practically hear Aster's smirk, which peeved the evil king even more
"Listen here boy-"
"Not a boy heh eheheh" Aster giggled
"SHUT UP! UGH YOU ROTTEN BRAT!" The king was on his last nerve, much to Aster's delight
(Fun fact, this is a deleted scene I wanted to include in KOW to emphasize Aster is nonbinary (He/They). But the scene didn't fit, so I'm glad I can recycle it here)
Aster smiles victorious, but the king's next statement caught him off guard "You think you can beat me by vexing?! HA! This is not a battle of wits, lad! It’s a battle of strength, something you clearly lack!”
Lack strength? Why? Because he can’t hurt others? That’s not a weakness, Aster knows that, to inflict pain on others doesn’t make you strong, it just makes you cruel. Aster knows very well that strength comes from many places, and he’d NEVER be “strong” the way Magnifico is.
“I’ve got plenty of strength, actually” Aster claimed wisely “I’m strong in the ways that matter. Strong to care, to keep trying, and to trust my friends even if all odds are against us…” a smile grows as Aster thinks of yet another remark to throw at the king “Also, you’re one to talk hehheh without that magic staff you’d be as strong as any average nobody”
Oh, Magnifico was officially pissed off. He wanted to wipe that smile off the star’s face in any way possible… And Aster’s comment about “friends” just gave him an idea
“Oh yeees, your friends, of course… All 7 of them huh?” The king had an wicked smile as he casually brought up the 7 teens
“Yup! All sev-“ Aster stops himself onde realization hit him like a truck… “W-wait… How did yo-“
“If I were you, I’d be more careful with who I place my trust” Magnifico’s eyes scanned the trees above, trying to spot any glimpse of yellow light that could be Aster hiding. His wicked smile only grew as he noted the star’s silence, that was exactly the reaction he wanted “For example, trusting that the son of my most loyal knight wouldn’t spill your plans? Tsk tsk tsk not very strategic~”
“… Simon?” Aster muttered in a shaky whisper
The king and queen knew their plan?… So that means-
Aster quickly jumped from the tree branch he was hiding, revealing his location to the king. But Magnifico had no time to capture the star, no, in the blink of an eye Aster was already flying towards the castle, leaving the sorcerer all alone in the dark woods
“……….. *sigh* Cursed be my monologuing mouth” Magnifico sighs in frustration as he began flying with his magic, back to the castle he calls home.
Aster flew faster than the wind itself, the usual optimistic star had his head filled with worst case scenarios of what Asha and the others could be going through. What if Magnifico set up a trap? Or what if the guards caught them?? Or even worse, what if the QUEEN caught them???
No no no. Aster can't think like that, Asha has a magic pencil and her sketchbook after all, she can handle herself without him just fine... Right?
Aster reached the top of the tower, and upon entering though the window, he was met with a shocking sight
Asha and Queen Amable were dueling with swords, Asha using a hand drawn one, while Amaya used one made of metal, that was strikingly sharp.
Aster instinctively called out to her
Aster doesn't know why they just did that.
Neither of the two women had noticed his presence before that scream.
Aster could've disarmed Amaya.
Aster could've just moved Asha out of the way.
There were so many things the star could've done...
But he chose to scream.
Making Asha lose her focus.
She took her eyes out of Amaya for one second, turning to the source of her lover's voice.
One second was all Amaya needed.
Asha didn't even have time to speak a word...
The piercing blade cut right through her heart.
The star did not move.
It was like time itself had stopped for him, and deep down, Aster wished it'd stay frozen. They didn't want this nightmare to keep going.
But it kept going, once the queen swiftly pulled the sword out of the girl, her wide smile was reminiscent of a crescent moon.
Once the sword left her body, Asha fell to the ground like a puppet whose strings have been cut.
Aster finally felt movement return to their limbs, as he caught her in his arms just before she hit the floor. His protective embrace was so firm it was like he was trying to keep her from falling apart... She didn't hug him back.
"A-... As-ter" She croaked in agony, barely able to breathe and let alone speak, as she felt her body grow weaker and her mind become hazy.
"I'M HERE! I-IT'S OKAY! Yo-you're okay!" The star's panicked screams made Asha flinch, with everything sounding even louder in her head. Aster realized that, and with an wavering voice they try to comfort her "I'm sorry... I- I'm here with you now, just keep breathing-"
Aster's soothing words were muffled by the queen's sickening cackle, followed by an heartless rebuttal of the star's whispers
"Oh something tells me she won't "keep breathing" for much longer, dearie" there was no sign of pity or remorse behind those eyes, just sadistic mirth as she watched the girl's violet dress slowly turn crimson.
If only looks could kill. Aster tear filled eyes glared at Amaya like he wanted her to catch on fire, much like the burning flames that was set ablaze on his forever moving hair.
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But even with all that rage, the star tried to ignore the older woman. Asha needed him now. They turned to look at her face and-
Her eyes no longer had that spark Aster fell in love with...
There was no glimmer of light...
No sign of life at all...
She was gone.
Aster just kept staring at Asha's vacant expression, his eyes wide and pupils shrunken. The star held onto her lifeless body carefully, shaky hands still caressing her hair as if she could still feel it.
Amaya just walked away from the two of them, a victorious smile plastered on her face, as she admired her own reflection on the now blood stained blade in her hands. She sat on a comfortable velvety chair in the study, to wait for her king's return.
She was not at all afraid of the literal star in the room, after all, her husband assured her they were harmless, a being literally incapable of hurting or killing anyone. So she was eager to just sit and cruelly watch and make fun of the boy's misery.
Aster was oh so aware that he couldn't hurt her... But he wanted to.
The young star could already hear the stars above, calling for him. They were watching through the open window, urging him to just leave, go back to the sky, accept he failed to save Asha but he can at least save Rosas by not letting the king capture him... But Aster didn't want to run.
He recalled an old song he heard once, a song that old stars sang when they were on their last dying breaths. The other stars always said he should never repeat that song in his young age, otherwise he'd be a danger to those around... But that's exactly what Aster wanted to be right now.
And so... Aster began to sing it.
(........... In case you don't know what this song is about, hi, welcome to the madness that is my rewrite, and HERE is a blog about some AUs I made. Go read it and skip straight to the "Aster turns himself into a blackhole" part to learn what this is all about, cause' I'll actually skip the whole Aster morphing into a blackhole bit, sorry, but basically same thing that happened in that AU blog happens here: He sings, slowly goes crazy and creepy, Amaya has her soul sucked out of her yaaaay let's move on)
Magnifico was pretty much sprinting on air as he used his magic to make himself levitate to the castle, it was a shame that his magic limited him to only fly as fast as he could run.
"*huff* *puff* Ough I'm too old for this" The king was panting as he reached the tower's window, his head lowered as he attempted to catch his breath, but he still chimed in to cheerfully call his wife "Darling I'm home~ heheh I trust you've given our little star a warm wel-"
The king shuts up with a gasp stuck on his throat. For once, he was speechless.
Asha's body was laying on the ground, that was to be expected, it's by far the least shocking thing in the room for him.
What truly made his world shatter was witnessing his queen laying lifeless on the floor, it was clear she was not breathing. The pain in his blue sky eyes ran so deep one could even feel sorry for him, but there was no one in the room to care about his tears...
For the only living thing in the room had no mercy left to give.
"So, your highness" the former star uttered the tittle with sarcasm, as he walked around Amaya's corpse, his pitch-black eyes stared at her almost as if they were admiring their own work. And he kept not making eye contact with the king as he asked "Is this strong enough for ya?"
It was cold.
Very proud of how this one turned out, thank you @uva124 for the inspiration!
@gracebeth3604 @emillyverse @signed-sapphire @oh-shtars @rascalentertainments
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22ayla19 · 6 months
In Hyuk Goo x Reader
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- Let's have son's.
In Hyuk’s phrase left you off guard and confused. You were just working in your office at Shinhwa headquarters, and then out of the blue, In Hyuk says that he wants sons.
- Some strange chain of thoughts...
- When your father made me run 5 km, there was time to think.
Then you remembered that when In-hyuk first met your parents, your father made him run 5 km to convince him of his intention to marry you. Well, for someone who was awakened from the top 20 strongest in the country, In Hyuk ran those damn 5 km, but he remembered them for the rest of his life. Your father even kept an eye on him to make sure he didn’t cheat.
As a result, In Hyuk convinced your father of his intention to marry you and also made a note to go jogging more often, otherwise his stamina was dropping.
- If we have a daughter, I’m afraid my ideas will be worse than your dad’s ideas. I almost figured out how to intimidate the suitors, but then our daughter will never get married.
You couldn’t help but laugh at your husband’s words.
- Ahahaha! I'm afraid to ask what ideas came to your mind while you were running that miserable 5 km!
- Judge for yourself, if we have sons, I will definitely teach them how to properly care for a girl.
- How will they take as an example the father who tripped and kissed the asphalt when he tried to ask out the woman with whom he was in love.
Again you couldn’t hold back and laughed at the memories. This happened a couple of years ago. You just appeared in Shinhwa as a new employee. In Hyuk volunteered to show you what the rules were in Shinhwa, and over the course of several weeks, while he was helping you settle into your new place of work, he realized that he had fallen in love like a boy. He liked the way you joked and teased him, how you found a common language with other employees, even managed to see you in battle. A grown man, but he fell in love like a boy. Ji Suk teased him about this for a long time.
And so he gathered his strength and went to invite you on a date. You were leaving the main building, In Hyuk, who was waiting for you on the street, immediately headed in your direction when he saw you. Only In Hyuk himself got too excited that he stumbled out of the blue and, roughly speaking, kissed the asphalt.
- Why did you remind me of this?...
- So that you remembers who he married.
With a malicious smile, you answered your husband, who hid his face from the awkwardness of the situation.
- Well, if we have a child, then its gender will depend on how well daddy tried. You see, I can’t influence the gender of the child, but you can, so if you want sons and not daughters, then try hard, otherwise I’ll give birth to a daughter with the same character as myself.
In Hyuk was distracted. It was nice that a daughter was born, a second copy of her mother, at least In Hyuk will be sure that she will be able to stand up for herself.
- By the way, I visited the doctor the other day.
- You are ill?! Why didn't you tell me earlier?
- Quiet, calm. I’m not sick with anything like that, I just felt sick in the morning, so I decided to visit the doctor.
- And what did the doctor say?
- Congratulated the future dad.
A minute of silence and awareness.
- Will I... become a dad?...
- Yeah! Once you said that you want sons, the doctor suggested the option of going for an ultrasound after the 13th or 14th week of pregnancy...
Before you could finish speaking, In Hyuk hugged you and then spun around the office with happiness.
- Be quiet! Let it remain a secret, then we will surprise everyone. And it’s too early, I myself need to be careful so that nothing happens.
- I'm probably at the wrong time.
You and your husband looked at the unexpected guest who disrupted your plans to keep the pregnancy a secret.
- Chairman Ji Young, you will keep our secret?
You looked pleadingly at the woman, waiting for understanding in the current situation.
- Oh! Yes, sure. And congratulations to Miss (Y/F).
- Thank you, Chairman Ji Young!
Ji Young thought that she would talk to In Hyuk later. Still, he has no time for her instructions right now.
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nburkhardt · 1 year
Somebody loves you, you got a friend (part 3)
Part 1, Part 2.
Ready for some actual plot?! This is also where I’m the most vague and not at all confident in my writing but here we go anyway enjoy! ~
Life goes on, he and Eddie become thick as thieves. All of their classmates are completely thrown by it, Nancy most of all. She tried talking to him at one point, again, and he turned right around.
Then, he’s hit with his heat.
Honestly, it’s his own fault for even forgetting it.
It’s also his fault for not telling Eddie.
Because it hits on a random school day and normally, the two of them hang out at school and after. So, when he wakes up feeling gross and empty, he doesn’t even have time to call ahead. On top of that, his dad called his mom away.
As he gets out of the shower, feeling more alive, there’s a loud knocking on his front door. Pulling on clothes is a chore and this is the one thing he hates about being an omega.
Probably pulling open the door without looking to see who it is first, is a mistake. Clearly. Because before his mind registers it, he’s pulling the person inside and pushing them up against the wall.
Then he’s hit with a scent combination of smoke, rain and freshly cut grass. One of his absolute favorite scents out there. He blinks and he’s met with Eddie looking at him, then arousal is filling his scent. Steve’s heat-brain doesn’t even think, just pulls the alpha to him and crashes their lips together.
It’s not the last time either.
The heat-brain doesn’t last long, thankfully, and they can talk. Even if they’re both entirely naked and have already shoved their tongues into each other’s mouths.
“Sorry” Steve whispers, his head resting on top of Eddie’s chest, “I didn’t mean to jump you.”
Eddie just laughs, pulling him closer to him, “I’ll be honest, didn’t expect this when i decided to come here. Very happy about it, though”
The omega doesn’t say anything at first, moves his sore body up and then straddles the alpha, looking down at him with a frown. “Is it because you get a few days of sex or because you like me?”
Eddie’s hands fly to his hips and holds him steady as the alpha moves slightly to sit up, then moves one of his hands to Steve’s face. A soft smile and what Steve hopes, awe and adoration in his eyes, “Stevie, because I like you. A lot, I’ll be honest the sex is just a bonus”
——— Two Months Later ———
Something feels off, Steve isn’t sure what exactly it is. But he knows, something is off and it’s pissing him off.
First, he’s waking up feeling nauseous all the damn time. He can’t stand certain smells, his mom’s perfume for example, one of his favorite scents and lately he can’t even stand it to be near it. Thankfully his other favorite scent, Eddie’s scent, is fine and one of the only things to actually settle and soothe him.
Second, he feels like absolute shit all the damn time. And can’t figure out which can hurt more, his chest, stomach or his legs.
The only thing he’s feeling great about is the fact that he and Eddie are a couple now and it’s truly the best feeling in the world. He didn’t think an alpha could be this good and actually want him.
He’s currently on his knees in front of his toilet, dry heaving whatever is left in his system. Feeling like absolute trash.
“Steve, sweetie, what is going on? Are you ok?” He hears his mom through the door along with her knocking, “Steve?”
He groans, pushing himself off the ground and walks over to open the door, only to rush back to the toilet to throw up again. Hearing his mom walk over and then bind down, she’s wearing her perfume currently but the smell coming from the toilet is enough for him to not shove his hand against his nose.
“I feel like shit, mom”
She only lets out a hum, smoothing his hair away from his face and he’s hit with her scent of lavender and eucalyptus. Sighing, he chases the warmth of his mom’s hand and whines when it’s pulled away. Opening his eyes, he sees his mom staring at him with concern and before he knows it, she’s standing up and turning around.
“I’ll be right back, sweetie”
Then he’s alone again, but not for long. His eyes pop open when he’s hit with something on the back of his head. Glaring at his mom, he blindly grabs whatever it is and pulls it forwards to find….
A pregnancy test.
“No, oh no.” He mumbles, looking at the stick, “mom, no. I-“
She shakes her head and doesn’t look pissed off, but he can see the tiny bit of disappointment before she’s looking back at him like she always does, with nothing but adoration and love. “Steve, sweetie, I know you and Eddie spent your heat together last month. There’s a chance you might be, until we can get a doctors appointment, this is the only way”
His eyes sting as he stares at the offending stick and then back at his mom. “But, but I’m only-“
She nods and bends down next to him a sad smile on her lips, “I know, sweetie. It’s ok, really, it is. I’ll still love you and will be right here with you the entire time.”
“What about Eddie? He’s only a year older- we’re both-“
She shakes her head, “Steve, sweetie, don’t worry about that right now. We don’t even know if you are yet. It’s still a what if until you take that test and we visit a Doctor.”
Steve is nervous, anxious and scared.
His own scent of lemon and honey is overwhelming even to his own nose. His mom is sitting next to him and holding his hand tightly in hers.
They’ve been in this stiff waiting room for fifteen minutes now and the only other person in here smells like burnt wood and they’re clearly here for a regular check up, the near silence is getting to his head.
They both shoot up and follow the nurse to an empty room, the equipment already next to the uncomfortable bed. His nervousness is back in full force, as he listens to the nurse tell him to lay back.
“Ok, Steve, I’m going to put this gel over your abdomen. Will you please move your shirt up? It’s a little cold, but only for a second”
The coolness from the gel, is needed to him. It shocks him back from the anxious and nervous thoughts running in his head, not that any of what’s going on it in makes sense.
It’s mostly silent in the room, the only sounds is beeping from the equipment and their breathing. Then as the nurse rolls the wand over his abdomen, there’s another sound and it’s beating.
His mom lets out a sharp breath and his eyes are stinging. Then he forces his head to look at the machine, and clear as day on the screen is a little blob.
It’s so tiny, you can’t even tell what actually it is he’s looking at. But the nurse moves the camera wand slightly and it’s there and the sound doesn’t change. His mom squeezes his hand and he can’t pull his eyes away from the screen. He thinks the nurse is talking, but he can’t hear them, can’t even hear his mom respond.
He blinks and then blinks again, suddenly the sound is gone and it’s just his mom with him.
“I’m sorry” he manages to choke out and he can feel the tears roll down his face, “I- I’m sorry mama”
“Oh Stevie, no.” She whispers and pulls him tight against her, “Sweetheart, baby, you do not need to be sorry. You and Eddie just weren’t careful, and it’s okay. I still love you and will always support you, ok? Whatever you decide”
He doesn’t answer and just cries into her chest. He sobs and tries to listen to his mom whisper in his ear, telling him how much she loves him and everything he always hears when he’s upset.
Expect, he doesn’t actually hear her. Not really. The machine is off, the thing is no longer against him. But he can still hear the beating, the heartbeat.
The baby’s heartbeat.
His baby.
Eddie’s baby.
Oh look at that angst 😌 we gotta even out the sweetness in this somehow! So you get a cliffhanger and you get to wait for Eddie’s reaction! Which honestly, you should know how it ends up from a snippet I shared a while ago.
If anything seems out of place, it’s because I wasn’t alive in the 80’s and haven’t been pregnant ✌️ also didn’t feel like researching anything for this. So I’m going off my own knowledge from stories I’ve heard or fics I read. (P sure pee on the stick pregnancy tests wasn’t around in the 80s tho) I’m rambling, hope you enjoyed it and if you see any mistakes or have questions, my dms & ask box is always open 🥰
Taglist: @spectrum-spectre @itsfreakingbats @mysticcrownshipper @artiststarme @thereindeerlady @justforthedead89 @ronniescontinuum @freyaforestafay @littlewildflowerkitten @zerokrox-blog @callme-keys @maya-custodios-dionach @rajumat @yellowdevilkitten @munsonfamilyband @steddierthings @tartarusfairy @sierra-violet (if you would like to be added to this OR my permanent tag list, let me know!!)
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remedyturtles · 3 months
Basically the whole reason I wanted to point out your language was so I could point out two things:
1. your strategic love of periods
You use periods. A lot. And usually, in the best of ways. I LOVE reading your work because of how you use excessive periods well. For example, I’m looking at Firefight right now, and here’s a line from it.
“Donnie leaned back, breathing slow and even, trying to calm his racehorse of a heart. It was beginning to painfully assault his ribcage. He knew Leo had a plan. He always had a plan. Just give him a minute. Just wait.” Genius. Amazing. I could praise your writing for days, because the use of the periods are just perfect for conveying the hysterical desperation of the situation, the pain, the fear. Just wait for Leo, just wait for him, just wait and it’ll be better.
You could’ve written it like: “Donnie leaned back, breathing slow and even to slow his racehorse of a heart, which was painfully assaulting his ribcage. He knew Leo had a plan, he had to, he just had to give him a minute, he just had to wait.” And it wouldn’t have been as alive as you made it seem with all the periods and the language. You use periods where there shouldn’t be, and it’s perfect.
2. How you describe verbs.
I’m not entirely sure how to describe how you do this, but if it were a mathematical formula of any kind, it would be put as: “All” + (adjective + noun)
An example I made up: Leo collapsed on top of the pile, all uncoordinated limbs and heaving lungs.
From Firefight: “Leo’s eyes flickering in circles all around them, not stilling for a moment. They were so exposed out here. All yawning stars and space.”
This really reminds me of that line from. “On Turning 10” by Billy Collins, in the line “And my bicycle never leaned against the garage as it does today, all the dark blue speed drained out of it” which I think could be described as treating a characteristic like a noun. I love it when you do that.
Those were the main points that I noticed, but I have some other ones too
3. Your lack of connecting words.
I’ve still got Firefight in front of me right now, so here’s an example: “He was staring straight ahead in cold terror, sweat down his brow, pupils tiny.”
It’s just a cold, hard statement. There’s no possessive noun, it just is its own separate thing, while still being ‘his’. There’s no possessive noun, and there’s no motion, there’s just “down”, showing off how frozen the moment is, how you can’t move, you can’t breathe. He’s right there, right there, right there, breathing is too risky, I must. Stay. Frozen. He’ll find me, I’m so scared, don’t move a muscle, don’t sweat too loud.
You could’ve written it “He was staring straight ahead in cold terror, there was sweat dripping down his brow, and his pupils were tiny.”
I’m not even sure I described it right, but there’s just something about this. THIS, that just. Itches my brain.
And there’s another point with your excessive use of periods.
4. “Just. Itches my brain.”
I know this is technically a punctuation error, but it’s BEAUTIFUL. To be grammatically correct, it should’ve been, “Just… itches my brain” but the way you write it makes it so much more alive. There is an audible pause, no trailing off, just a hard . No question about it. It puts kind of a tone in the character’s voice that I absolutely LOVE. Then again, I love everything you write, haha
5. It was
Describing a void. Love it when you do that.
Again, looking at Firefight: “But it was flip-flopping all anxious and disoriented. He was still panicking. It was cold sweat broken out all over.” That last line is what I’m talking about specifically, you’re describing a feeling, or a void, with “it was [enter symbol or described noun]”
6. Gerunds
“‘Explain then.’ Donnie requested, gulping down air. Not throwing up. Leo holding onto him. [F] his ribs hurt.” This is kind of an example of your use of periods, too, and it’s also kind of a different version of your use of. “It was”, because you’re using a gerund to fill the space, describe what’s happening like the readers are there with the characters.
And this is also a little bit of constructive criticism I’ve wanted to share with you since I started reading your work, but I’ve learned that when you’re finishing a dialogue piece like in the above example, you’re likely not going to want to put a period at the end of the dialogue, unless you’re ending the sentence. The line above should’ve been: “‘Explain then,’ Donnie requested, gulping down air,” because “explain then” isn’t actually the end of the sentence, it’s just a part of the sentence. If you tried to read it aloud, the period would be an abrupt disruption. I’m not sure how to explain this rule but the best way I can think of it is to say, if you could take the quotation marks away and let it stand as its own sentence, then you’re good to put a period. But, if you take away the quotation marks and the line can’t stand on its own, then you need a comma. Unless it’s a question or an exclamation.
For example: Explain then. Donnie requested, gulping down air = does not work
Explain then, Donnie requested, gulping down air. = does work (ignoring how the second comma makes it sound weird. The quotation marks will make that up for you)
Or, for another example from the next line: Gotta breathe slower, dude. Leo told him. Vs. Gotta breathe slower, dude, Leo told him. (Again, the quotation marks make up for the weird comma)
If you wanted to implement another part of your writing quirk to make up for the periods, you could do that too. You could say, using the first example, “‘Explain then.’ Donnie was gulping down air. Not throwing up.
7. They’re teenagers
This isn’t really a quirk, but the way you write the guys just—UGH it’s awesome! They’re brothers, they’re teenagers. I’m not sure how you do it, but you portray their relationships with each other so perfectly, with how they treat each other in casual situations, with how they act in casual situations. Like, in Little Kid with a Big Death Wish. Snapchat! I didn’t even think of them being into social media like that until you said it! How it’s a regular part of their lives, how you were able to use it as a symbol. The streaks, starting over, a broken connection, I love it.
8. It’s 3 AM
This is something I REALLY admire, the most out of all the things I’ve told you about throughout this absurdly long ask. I love the reoccurring motifs, the symbolism of 3AM. It kind of feels like an inside joke that only you and I and a hundred thousand other readers know about. A secret between the character and the readers. The symbolism of 3AM was set from the very beginning, and it just kills me in the best of ways every single time I see it.
9. Repetitive language
My examples from Little Kid with a Big Death Wish and Firefight:
The last two steps of the tightrope. It’s an obscure little thing that no one would think twice about. Until you used it again, with more meaning. First time I read about the tightrope, and said, “Okay, whatever. Existential dread.” And then at the end of the chapter, you used it again, with FAR more weight and pain added to it. The terror of death, the expectation of it, the inexplicable emotion that Leo was feeling, conveyed in less than 10 words in a way that I can’t even describe accurately. But you did, you used something completely unrelated and conveyed the exact, indescribably emotion you wanted to.
Breathe deep, from the bottom of your lungs. It was only used a couple times, but it’s still meaningful, for no reason at all. The repetition of the phrase just… does things to me. I love it so much, and I don’t even know how to describe the emotion.
Words written in blood on a tomb wall. Again, feelings I can’t describe, but every time you use this, it just gives me a feeling of pained dread, of inevitable doom, just slowly crawling towards the end and absolutely terrified with it.
Pot of water. Again. Feelings. It makes the rift between Leo and Donnie painfully palpable, and it actually makes me wonder how the aftermath of the Prison Dimension will be shaped BECAUSE of this. Will there be a rift between them, even with Donnie’s crushing separation anxiety?
10. “With it”
You use this phrase a lot, actually. Usually, it’s used with an action, and the unspoken ‘it’s just makes it better every single time you use the phrase. Like: “Leo smiled, lip wobbling a little with it.” But what’s ‘it’? Good question, it’s up to you, but with context, it perfectly describes the emotion that might not have a word for it. ‘It’ is a filler for the word that would describe the emotion.
11. Illness descriptions.
Again, this isn’t a quirk, but I love how perfectly you describe the feeling of illness, dissociation, anorexia, pain, etc. I’ve experienced all of this myself, and I cannot tell you how accurately you described all of it, that feeling of separation from your body, the extreme pain that’s so strong it’s just forgotten, the lack of hunger, the struggle of trying to eat. All of it is so amazing. I couldn’t have described it so amazingly as you did even if I tried. I think I’ve told you how incredible it is before in the comments, but I’ll say it as many times and I can, because it’s true. It just feels like you know exactly what you’re talking about, and exactly how to write the characters and convey how the characters are feeling.
That’s all I have so far. I’ve been practically studying your writings because I love your voice to an unreal degree, so call me a stalker, but you’re just so cool to me. Sorry for the absurdly long ask, but there’s a lot I wanted to say. Obviously, lol.
Actually, when you reblogged that anon ask about sharing the ao3 bookmark with the least notes, or whatever it was, and you said “I got a jump scare”, I saw that post and didn’t really read a lot of it until I opened the work myself. The writing style was immediately familiar, and then I saw the end notes, and that just solidified my theory. Then I looked at your tags in that reblog and said aloud, “Called it.”
Thank you for bearing with me. I’m so sorry lol
i'll address the constructive comment first: many, many people have tried to teach me how to properly do dialogue punctuation. i learnt wrong a long time ago and my brain REFUSES to learn the right way so i've just accepted it. hopefully it's not too annoying LMAO
i am fascinated, thank you. i thought of my own contribution while reading this, which is that i LOVE to use the 'something about xyz' construction. eg from firefight "Something about how Donnie's throat felt about ten times smaller, and the flicker as his purple lights faded, standing next to their stupid little nest."
i have a lot of influence from poetry. fucking love poetry. oh and i've always felt that my descriptions of the connection bt emotions and physical sensations is bc i'm autistic and i spend a lot of my time going OK WHAT'S GOING ON IN HERE at my body
i don't really know what to say other than, YEAH. that's all pretty correct. it's like that thing abt how 'if artists get to have an art style then i get to have a writing style' LMAO ... i'm just glad my silly little repetitive things are fun to read, i guess? hahahaha
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neopuppy · 5 months
Who do you think it's the nastiest in nct? (in a sexual way ofc)
I feel like both jaemin and jaehyun give off some perturbing vibes, i love jeno, specially fanfic jeno ( I'm joking hahaha), but he screams very nice to me , just like Johnny, i mean they can be nasty but it's not in a perturbed way idk if you get me
I think I’ve said this before but I think nearly all of them would be such a disappointment irl lmao. thats why fanfics cool, bc its not likely we’ll ever fuck any of them to find out anyway, and even if we did….. most of them probably wouldn’t live up to the fantasy in our minds idk
(like for example: the way czennies like to convince themselves that Judy must be fucking someone…..meanwhile she on here reading my Jeno fics like the rest of you🤷🏻‍♀️ idk if I had the real thing….why would I be reading abt the fictional one!!! but thats my opinion😬)
if I had to say who’s ever implied they could get nasty nasty it’s probably Taeyong or Ten, but I don’t wanna think about TY fucking and Ten……nctzens have really ruined my ability to fangirl for him. they try to do this with my other biases, like as far as twitters concerned Jeno’s a flaming homosexual baby girl, and he could be who knows! but as a heterosexual cis gendered woman……I’m looking at men who have never discussed their sexual preferences with us as fans and sell us a fantasy and going with that. so. its hard though when it feels like a major part of the fandom are very abrasive with their opinions that are bible according to them……I guess Jeno personally told them all that he lets Jaemin top him idk idk🤨
I don’t think Johnny would be nasty persay BUT I think he’d be one of the least awkward/more passionate and accommodating? like he’d make you feel the most comfortable and dare I say…..talk you through it😮‍💨 I’m sure he could get nastyish tho, but I see him as very ~gentle giant~ in reality, he’s a little too good at that sweet easy going persona for me to not believe it’s not partially true. STILL…….MY FICTIONAL JOHNNY LAYS PIPE DOWNNNN, breeding kink, daddy kink, and medium dom bc he can go soft or hard with you😗 this has a lot to do with maturity as I do see him as one of the more level headed and mature members, but also I’m kind of extreme delusional abt Johnny so……
I think Jaemin would be an absolute dud in bed, sorry guys ,!:&&,/‘amzmmamxmx he gives boring, not freaky, and like…..traditional. he prob hits two positions at most. a shame bc my fictional Jaemin…….he’s wild.
dare I say………Jeno’s probably a lover, he’s so soft I can’tttttttt. BUT I know there’s a beast there, and his stamina’s definitely crazy, I do think he likes some emotional sex though, but…..whatever😅
idk who else could be freaky, I feel like the fandom leans to painting Taeyong/Yuta/Ten that way since they experiment more with their looks(understandable, as a goth thot stereotype myself). ultimately it’s more about what their partners comfortable with. not everyone’s into getting nasty……can’t relate, but hey we’ll always have fanfic🤝💚
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m3nt4llyr4v3d · 3 months
One thing that kind of (absolutely) bothers me about this show is the weird… avoidance?? Or major mistakes or flaws the characters have??
(This is me going off of the top of my head, and sooooo much personal bias is in this, be warned)
I’ve seen this being talked around the critical tab a bit and I just wanted to ramble: for some odd reason, the show is very consistent with blaming/placing fault on a character’s minor flaws, but the major shortcomings are just brushed aside (this somewhat applies to some parts of the fandom as well)! A few examples I could think of off the top of my head:
Marinette- Marinette’s blamed by the narrative for things she can’t even control or have nothing to do with anything. Like, in Penalteam, where she has to work to be a team player?? Even though in the episodes beforehand Chat’s whole thing was that he felt like he was being replaced/ set aside by the whole team??? At the same time, Derision made every instance of Marinette’s more unsavory acts in regards to Adrien (which was originally absurd comedy) into something serious because it’s a trauma response now! Which means every instance of her doing those things is now under the context of “oh god this is a traumatized teenager potentially breaking the law due to a trauma response and absolutely needs therapy!!”, while also… just… quietly sweeping all that under the rug under the guise of “well she does those things BECAUSE of the trauma” while not acknowledging just how many bad implications are there now. (I could go a full hour talking about how much Derision fucked EVERY. SINGLE. CHARACTER. OVER.) Oh, and her being secretive with Chat for… no reason? This one is kind of acknowledged but also, the crux of the issue is brushed aside in the season 4 finale? Like, in Kuro Neko when Chat is trying to, like alleviate some of her duties by gathering some of the Miraculous cause he also knows some of their identities? And she says no and says he’s wasting her time? I get he was pestering her about it, I do, but the authors were saying that her reasoning with being secretive was that she was had so much responsibility… but when the opportunity arises for someone to alleviate that, she turns it down? (Honestly liked the fanon reason that she was scared of Chat Blanc timeline and him getting to close to her way more)
Adrien- His naivety in specific situations (the whole “taking the high road” advice) being criticized HEAVILY, when it’s kind of understandable he would give that? I get that it’s bad advice in this situation, I don’t think he’s part of the problem for giving it though. But his pushiness towards Ladybug? The godawful communication he had in Season 4 (this is a Ladybug issue too)? Nah, let’s just ignore that. His… really concerning mental health (Guilttrip anyone? I mean he literally tries to cataclysm himself why is no one talking about this?) What are you talkin’ aboutttt, it’s all good here! In fact, we’ll never bring that up again, how does that sound? (Please delve more into that in season 6 dear god)
Chloe- It’s… understandable??? When the show harps on her being a bully I guess?? But the issue I have with that is that the show acts like this is the WORST thing she’s done, being a petty vindictive teenager. The show rarely brings up her failures at being a superhero (for how much some fans bring up the train scene, I’m 1000% sure the show literally forgot) or the fact that she, y’know. Literally betrayed Ladybug and worked with Hawkmoth! For how much the show loves dogging on her and treating her like a secondary villain I’d expect like, a little bit more in showing that off? Also, the literal two grown adults setting her up as a scapegoat for the whole mayor thing, then the show acting like she’s the one at fault still?? And that sending her away with her mother was a good thing????
Gabriel- “Oh he’s too obsessed with his Ladybug to actually save his wife! He’s cold and distant but still loving actually!” What about his neglect? What about him literally ignoring his wife’s wishes (there was no way he didn’t know beforehand I’m sorry)? I genuinely don’t care that he “made the right choice” with his wish, he stabbed Marinette in the back to do so. Literally LOCKED ADRIEN IN A WHITE ROOM AND AT SOME POINT WAS ATTEMPTING TO AKUMATIZE HIM…! But nah, he’s just too ambitious, he’s a loving father, whatareyatalkinabout? He’s a hero! (😨)
Andre (Bourgeois)- “His flaws are that he gave up on his dream to live an unhappy life! Oh but we’re gonna ignore his role as a literal corrupt politician, look he’s redeemed now! He even sent that she-demon Chloe away! What do you mean he literally raised this child to act this way? Nah, everything is Chloe’s fault and we’re not even going to acknowledge his hand in literally raising her with these values since she was basically in elementary school! Look he’s adopting Zoe, isn’t that sweet? Nevermind how we just won’t acknowledge where Mr. Lee is, if he’s alive, or if Zoe is even okay with everything that just happened! (I mean, cmon, she literally lived with Audrey for years, she would reasonably be a little put off by this, even if she thinks Chloe is a lost cause)
These are just a few I could think of, though. Honestly my biggest wish is that the show would stop bringing the character’s least offensive trait/fault (compared to others) and truly acknowledge the worse aspects of them.
Bit that’s just me rambling like a madman, I’d love to know what you guys would think!
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