#i’ve actually been thinking about this a lot so what a convenient ask to get in my inbox!
thatone-churro · 11 months
y’know just as soon as i start getting comfortable with the idea of being open/relying on my dad and him being more comfortable with my choices than i feared, i can essentially throw all that out the window with how vehemently he yelled at me at the thought of my getting my septum pierced (even though i never said i was yet. i said my side before i decide anything else). also making underhanded remarks of me never getting tattoos other than the one for my mom. like okay don’t ask me why i don’t tell you about anything or talk to you or anything. what the fuck.
#‘i love you no matter what’ and ‘you’re an adult and as long as your choices make you happy’ out the window i guess.#are we too sober for those statements to apply all of a sudden?#and again i didn’t even say i was getting it any time soon. i said my sister wants to take me to get my first non-ear piercing.#she’s getting hers repierced & i want to get my side.#and then he started going off on me for it for no reason. and brought up the one tattoo i want to get for my mom.#and THEN made an off handed remark of a similar vein about dyed hair.#i hope he knows he’s literally the only reason i don’t have piercings or tattoos or dyed hair or like anything that lets me look how i wanna#like deadass. i know i’m your ‘baby.’ but can i please actually embrace myself. i don’t care if you don’t like alt culture. i do.#he would shun the girls i crush on fr like oh my god.#like if he knew what i really wanted to look like i think he’d disown me. won’t even have to bring up my funky relationship with gender.#literally as soon as i start thinking i can be open with this man he pulls this shit and then asks why i’m slowly getting more distant.#like wow it’s almost like i’ve been regulated and raised according to what you want and not what i want.#and you wonder why my sisters (especially my oldest who has a lot of piercings & tattoos like i want) aren’t close either? isn’t that wild?#how we never got much of a chance to explore this without reprimand until we were moved out? even as legal adults?#absolutely WILD correlation there i wonder if the causation lines up here pa. what the fuck.#anyway i’m gonna go now and not cry because my roommates are home but i’m gonna go sulk because i’m sick of this ✌️#oh wait convenient that the showdog poem went up tonight too isn’t that crazy. man calls himself out so hard lol#grace being stupid#text post#personal
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gay-dorito-dust · 6 months
Soft Dami is my favorite, especially when he has a partner or friemd and hides it from his family.
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This became a ‘Batfamily trying who Damian is hiding from them.’ Type fic.
Damian hates sharing. Absolutely loathes it.
He already bore a shared moniker with his older siblings who -for the most part- have moved on to bigger and better things, creating their own versions of justice as vigilantes, leading teams of their own.
He shared a lot with his siblings and has come to hate the phrase sharing is caring, to Damian it was nothing more then a phrase that was so overused and abused by the likes of Dick and Jason, so much so to the point that the word had lost it’s dictionary meaning.
So when he entered in a relationship with you, Damian vowed to keep your name out of his mouth within the presence of his family. Which at first was extremely hard as all poor Damian could think about was you and how blessed he was that you’ve given him a chance; He had to bite down on his tongue a most of the time whenever he was asked if there was anyone at school that he had taken a liking towards.
Of course he has someone he’s taken a likening to, you. However he couldn’t let himself falter so easily and only scoffed at the question as though it was beneath him, before then reminding everyone at the table that he was only at school for academics and honing his artist skills, nobody in that rathole of a school could ever hold his attention for longer then five minutes.
Luckily his family believed this excuse and let the dropped the topic not long after, much to his relief in knowing that he was spared another day from ever having to share the one person in his life -outside of his family- that he cared deeply for.
However luck tends to run out and the glaring fact that his family was sharp as knives- especially Tim- at detective stuff, so much so that in retrospect Damian knew he shouldn’t have been as surprised as he was the day his siblings eventually figured out everything…
‘He’s…smiling.’ Dick looked back at Jason, Tim, Duke and Steph before looking back at Damian who was subtly smiling down at his phone. ‘Oh my god he’s actually smiling.’ Dick repeats as Jason shoves him out of the way to get a better look.
‘He’s smiling alright, but what about.’ Jason said.
‘Or who.’ Steph piped up and the others looked at her.
‘Wanna elaborate on that Steph?’ Jason asked, raising his brow and she shrugged. ‘I’ve been noticing recently how Damian’s been more on his phone than he’s ever been since getting one.’ She begins. ‘He never engages in the group chat, not once but here he is, using his phone and smiling at whoever’s on the other side. Damian is actually talking to someone.’ She finishes, feeling happy at the fact that Damian had opened his heart to at least someone
‘Or he could be planning a murder.’ Tim said sarcastically and Steph playfully punches him in the arm. ‘But let’s go with the idea that he’s talking to someone for convenience sake.’ He adds on, rubbing his arm.
‘How do we prove it though?’ Duke pipes up, catching the other’s attention. ‘We’d have to somehow get Damian away from his phone long enough for us to check but the question is,’ Duke then looked at Jason, Steph, Tim and Dick, ‘who’s going to be the one to lure him out while the rest of us have a look?’
‘I think we should take a-‘ Dick was greeted with a face full everyone’s pointed fingers aimed in his direction like guns. ‘Vote.’ His face fell as his siblings gave him false sympathies before shoving him into the library with Damian and slamming the door behind him. Hard.
‘What do you want Grayson.’ Damian said, the smile upon his face now gone the moment he realised that he was no longer alone to freely text you, at least not without someone looking over his shoulder.
‘Oh hi Damian.’ Dick greets as he moves towards him, taking note of how he kept his phone close to his chest, almost as if he was hiding something he didn’t want anyone else to see. ‘I overheard Bruce this morning saying that he had something to talk to you about, something about implementing harder training modules for you?’ Damian practically perked up at this and Dick found his opening and honed in on it by shrugging his shoulders. ‘I’m not entirely certain that’s the case, so I’d double check with Bruce if I were you.’
Damian looked at his sibling for a long period of time and sighed. ‘Fine, I shall check in with father but Grayson I swear to god if this is a lie…’
Dick crossed his heart. ‘Scouts honour.’
‘Tt.’ Was all Damian uttered before leaving the room, not realising that he had left his phone on the plush couch in the library.
Bingo dick thought as Jason popped his head in through the doorway. ‘Is little Robin gone?’
‘Little Robin is gone.’ Dick confirmed and watched as Jason’s head disappeared as he, Steph, Tim and Duke came into the room, closing the door for extra measure in the instance Damian realised his fault and comes running back with his sword to skewer them all.
‘Now,’ Stephanie rubs her hands together maniacally, ‘let’s see who our Damian has been talking to.’ She then picks up the phone, expecting it to be locked but to her surprise, it wasn’t, she gasps.
‘What? What is it?’ Tim asked, trying to get a look at the phone screen.
‘He’s left his phone unlocked. Rookie mistake.’ She replied and Dick, Tim, Jason and Duke only stared at her, unamused.
‘Just…tell us who he’s been texting so we can put this to rest.’ Duke said as the others agreed, the anticipation was killing them at this point, but so would Damian if he comes back just when they were so close to discovering the truth.
‘Okay, okay sheesh, I’ll look.’ Steph said and looked away from her brothers and back down at the screen, looking intently before her face became one of confusion as he read the contact name aloud. ‘My treasure.’
Dick blinked. ‘What?’
‘Give it here.’ Jason snatched the phone from Stephanie and it wasn’t long for his face to be one of confusion as he looked towards his other siblings, holding up the phone. ‘The contact name is literally just my treasure. No photos of them, nothing.’ He tells them as Tim snatched the phone from him.
‘I could find us a name in under five minutes maximum but-‘
‘What’re you doing with my phone, Drake?’
Tim, Duke, Steph, Jason and Dick froze upon hearing Damian’s voice, followed by the unsheathing of a sword.
‘Should we run now or?’ Dick asked.
‘Running sounds good.’ Duke agreed.
‘Running sounds great.’ Steph joined in.
‘And it has beneficial effects on the body.’ Tim chimed.
‘Running it is by unanimous vote.’ Jason then said as all of them sprinted for their lives as Damian chased them out of the library, sword in hand, and eyes full of fury and other conflicting emotions.
He knew he made the right choice in changing your contact name on everything, but knew if they had been given just a bit more time and looked deep into his photo album, they would’ve saw a beautiful portrait of you that he drew a while back that would’ve gave everything away.
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diazsdimples · 5 days
Please ignore that I'm doing this several months late 😬
🤠 - 24 for Ranch AU!
But that did leave him with an awful lot of time on his hands. Bobby and spare time have never been great friends – the last time he was left to his own devices for more than a day, he’d ended up knee deep in planning a lavish wedding that had ultimately been chucked out the door when he and Athena realised, they really didn’t need anything more than themselves and the kids. All that to say that it isn’t really surprising that Bobby downloads the Sims 4 onto his ancient laptop and creates a full-scale version of the ranch. He gets the dimensions off the listing, and with the help of a convenient floorplan and google earth, he manages to make a rather convincing version of the home. He does up the exterior to look just like the ranch house, complete with the large veranda and the ornate trims around the spandrels, and even manages to find a tile that looks exactly like the path leading to the front door. The interior is a different matter. Bobby doesn’t love the colour scheme either, and he can’t see himself coping with an oven as miniscule as the one that comes with the home, so he allows himself a little creative licence. It’s just a video game, after all. He’s not seriously planning it out. Several hours later, Bobby sits back in his chair with a satisfied sigh. Blessedly, Athena still has a job, which means Bobby hasn’t needed to worry about her finding out his momentary lapse in sanity, but it also means he hasn’t got anyone to show off his creation to – a thought that upsets him a little more than it should, were he being normal about the whole thing. He’s fiddling around with some of the furniture in the master bedroom when the front door bursts open and a furious looking Buck stalks over his threshold, followed by a harried Eddie. “What’s going –” “Bobby, you wouldn’t believe what that man made us do!” Buck explodes as he starts pacing the kitchen. Eddie leans against the countertop, running a hand over his face. “I know you said I shouldn’t let him get to me but I can’t, he’s just so –” Buck trails off, looking over at Bobby. His eyes flicker from Bobby’s patient expression to the open laptop, still displaying the Fake Ranch. “Are we… interrupting something?” “No.” Bobby goes to shut the laptop but Buck is quicker. “Is that the Sims?” Buck asks incredulously. “Man, you must be bored, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you play video games.”
❄️ - 24 for Frostpunk AU!
“You did it,” he repeats, praying his voice won’t betray him. “You’re safe.” At his words, Eddie’s eyes shut, and his brings his hands up to his face as he lets out a deep exhale. His fingers shake as he wipes a tear from his cheek. “I didn’t think we’d – I thought -” Eddie swallows thickly. He looks around the tent, eyes wet, and his gaze falls on a familiar mop of brown curls. “Is that – is that my son? Can I see him, please?” Buck squeezes Eddie’s shoulder again, offering him a smile. “Of course.” When Buck reaches Christopher’s bed, the kid looks up at him quizzically. It’s clear that he wasn’t as blissfully unaware of his father’s event as Buck had hoped, despite the small crowd of medics around him, all intent on distracting him. “Is everything okay with Dad?” he asks Buck, without preamble. Buck crouches down to Christopher’s level and brushes a loose curl out of his eyes. “Yeah bud, everything’s okay. Better than, actually – he’s awake.” Buck holds out his hand for Christopher. “Want to come see him? He’d like to see you.” Christopher throws himself into Buck’s arms, taking him by surprise. Buck catches him around the middle and hauls him up, carrying him to Eddie’s cot. The moment Christopher sees his father, sitting upright, awake and breathing, a great sob escapes his lips. Buck lowers him into Eddie’s waiting arms and pauses, not sure what to do as he watches father embrace son. Fat tears roll down Eddie’s cheeks as he holds Christopher as tight as he can, muscles shaking after weeks of no use.
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dmercer91 · 1 year
Can you do nsfw and sfw head canons for Ethan Edward and mark estapa? ( btw love you account I’ve been stalking it for the last hour😂💕)
misc. headcanons, ee73
i used this one for eddy! another is coming for mark asap <3 (and thank you!)
meeting at the coffee shop you work at and he was originally planning on getting his regular but when he saw you he buffered
“what’s your go to? i was thinking of trying something new,”
you ask wether he likes cold or hot drinks, sweet or bitter, if there’s anything he definitely would not drink and he thinks your little lineup of questions is so sweet
you’re clearly a little nervous that he won’t like it once you ring it up and you pick at your nails when he first tries it
“you’ve got good taste… y/n,” he nods to your name tag
maybe the person taking you off comes up and tells you you’re good to go home and ethan takes the risk and orders another drink
“come sit with me?”
you talk for so long and when you laugh he thinks he’s died and gone to heaven
you exchange numbers and over the course of the semester, the relationship grows and you guys start dating
he’s so sweet
he buys you flowers and little trinkets he sees that he thinks you’ll like
he wants you at every possible home game, tucked in the corner by the glass where he can see you for good luck
you guys have after school naps at soph house - mark is sick of you guys being all cute and lovey
he lays on his back and you’re always tucked into his side with his arm around you
playing with his hair is your favourite thing
there’ll be times where that’s all you do for hours, just lay in his arms and twist his hair around your fingers while you talk about nothing important
he loves !! sweet nothings
his love language is probably quality time or touch but words of affirmation is definitely up there
“so pretty. my girl,” “you’re perfect, angel,”
sometimes after work you just need to sit in his arms and let him trace shapes on your shoulders and back in silence
customer service is draining and he does well with understanding that
if you’re overstimulated or tired he’s so good with boundaries and not making you more irritable
sexually, he can be a lot of different things depending on what you’re in the mood for
he loves it when you ride him but he’s perfectly happy putting in the work
he’s an ass/thigh man and i will be taking no criticism on that
kissing your thighs? heaven
leaving love bites on your thighs? he might as well have passed away from bliss
being between your thighs? having them squeeze his head? he thinks there’s no better place to be at any point in time
you riding his thigh, and he gets to sit back and tense his leg to tease you? he’d take that over actual american dollars
he is in college, and he’s used to hookups and therefore inexperienced with his mouth
however, after some trial and error, and him learning how to read your reactions to things, he’s so good
in the first bit of your relationship all he wants to do is practice
“i wanna be able to make you feel good,” while he’s literally got his nose buried into your clit for the third consecutive day
when he finally gets the reaction he’s been working towards - unbridled moans and mumbled of his name while you squirm and squeeze his head with your thighs
he lets up for one whole day before he’s kissing down your body again cause ‘he misses how pretty you taste’
he wants to try new things and get good at them all the time which is truly a blessing cause you won’t spare his feeling and say you came and he will get you there
sometimes on rougher nights he just moves you around at his will
for a college guy he’s well built and it’s both nice to look at and convenient
he likes it when you scratch at him
if he’s not getting absolutely flamed in the dressing room for being full of nail marks then he’s doing something wrong
you always feel bad when you see them and he’s like are you kidding?? i made you feel that good. this is my medal
he likes to guide your head when you’re going down on him
he’ll bury his hand in your hair or wrap it around his fist and slowly move you up and down on him
he’s not vocal in the beginning of your relationship, until you ask if it doesn’t feel good and he realizes you like him vocal
now he’s so used to letting it all out that being quiet is his least favourite thing on the entire planet
aftercare consists of a shower or bath with tons and tons of cuddling, forehead kisses and sweet praises
in conclusion; eddy 🤭
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rebelspykatie · 1 year
While you all wait for the anticipated first date, here’s an alternate ending that I wrote before deciding to take this story in a different direction. This is in reference to my Soulmate AU you can find here. 
Soulmate AU Alternate Ending
They dance around each other for the rest of the year, and Steve quietly graduates, still never having spoken a word to Eddie. That is, until Steve’s father forces him to get a job over the summer.  
When Eddie wanders into Scoops one slow evening, he comes to a halt in front of Steve, looking between him and Robin with wild eyes, like a deer staring down the barrel of a hunters gun.
Robin is watching them, fascinated and a little intrigued by the absolute silence that they seem to be trapped in.
“You gonna order something, Munson?”
Eddie barely looks like he heard her, not looking away from Steve, but he mumbles out an order for one vanilla cone. Robin works around Steve, who is unmoving from his spot leaning against the counter, scooping up vanilla into a cone and holding it out over the freezer.
Eddie finally snaps out of it and goes to pay, which makes Steve realize how he was frozen in place, just watching Eddie. Steve shoves Robin aside and moves to take Eddie’s money. When their hands meet, you can almost see the electricity that passes between them, both pulling their hands back like they’ve been shocked.
“Enjoy your ice cream,” Steve says, looking at Eddie from under thick lashes and fiddling with the cuff on his wrist covering up Eddie’s name. He’s never been close enough to see the dark red stain of Steve’s lips but now it’s all he can focus on.
He can’t work up the courage to say anything back, just nods and takes his cone to a corner booth. It’s conveniently placed where he can see Robin and Steve working, the later routinely glancing in Eddie’s direction while he licks away at the cone, cheeks a faint pink color Eddie’s pretty sure he’s imagining.
Eddie wandered into Scoops close to closing, the regular mass of people dwindling down to just a few stragglers and mall employees. So it’s easy to pick up on the whispered conversation Robin and Steve are having behind the register.
Steve’s cleaning the counters and Robin is refilling the dispensers of spoons and napkins, but they’re arguing. Something about giving it a shot and what harm can it do. Robin receives a lot of bitchy little sneers that almost make Eddie laugh from his vantage point.
He almost chokes on his tongue when they stop arguing and Robin shoves Steve out from behind the counter with a bottle of cleaning spray and a rag. Eddie watches Steve make the rounds, cleaning the few tables that sat between him and the register, before he hesitantly shuffles over to Eddie’s table.
Who knew that Harrington could rock a dumb sailor uniform this well. If Eddie didn’t already have his name on his wrist, he’d scratch out whoever was there and get Steve’s name tattooed in its place from this look alone. No one can ever find out how hot he finds this getup. He’d never live it down.
“Hey sailor,” Eddie says, immediately wanting to slam his forehead onto the table and concuss himself, or maybe crawl under it and die there.
Steve freezes. And now Eddie can see that he was right. The pink color of his cheeks was very real and even cuter up close.
“You and your first mate done arguing?”
“You heard all that?”
“It’s not that big of a store, captain.”
Steve rubs at the back of his neck. “Sorry. She just thinks I’m being stupid.”
“About what? Is the USS Butterscotch sinking?”
A quiet huff of laughter escapes Steve. “You, actually.”
Eddie’s head whips back. “Me?”
Steve nods. He takes a step closer and gestures at the seat opposite Eddie, silently asking to sit. Eddie waves an inviting arm for him to join him.
Steve clears his throat, twisting the rag in his hand, looking down at the table. “She knows what’s on my arm. She’s the only person I’ve told. But she doesn’t understand why I haven’t talked to you, called me a dingus.”
“She brings up a good point. Why haven’t you talked to me?”
“I could ask you the same thing. You’ve known about this longer than I have. But I guess I was just scared,” Steve shrugs. “I’m no catch these days.”
Eddie reaches out and pushes a loose strand of hair out of Steve’s face, who finally looks up and locks eyes with Eddie. “Pretty sure the universe thinks you’re the exact right catch for me.”
They just stare at each other for a minute. Eddie’s never been good with silence, but he feels an odd sense of calm around Steve, like his presence is what Eddie was waiting for, and they barely even know each other.
“You would want that? To try being together?” Eddie nods. “I thought you wanted nothing to do with me.”
“You’re practically Hawkins royalty, Steve. I thought I was unworthy of even being in your presence, let alone being your soulmate. Our names showing up on each other’s arms is the most shocking thing that’s ever happened to me. I guess I just needed some time to process it.”
“And now?” He says it with this hopeful, shiny look in his eyes, still a bit cautious.
“I think I’m done processing. I’ve totally gotten over the whole jock thing-“
“I’ve moved on because I think I can really get into this whole vibe,” he tugs gently on the red ascot of Steve’s uniform. “Never would’ve thought sailors were my thing, but you’re really making this work for me.”
A cackle carries across the shop and they both startle as if they forgot anyone else was here. Robin’s laughing as she goes through the register to close it out for the night, eyeing them and shaking her head.
“No one needs to know about your weird kinks, Munson.”
He flips her off. “Leave me and my soulmate alone, Buckley.”
A sharp intake of breath draws his gaze back to Steve. That hopeful look has turned to one of pure adoration. “Your soulmate,” he whispers.
Eddie pulls Steve a little closer and whispers in confirmation, “My soulmate.”
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shalomniscient · 6 months
I’ve read your Deren x reader fica and hcs, the one where she has a son and the press we’re being nosy pricks about her personal life etc., and I wonder: what would happen if reader got pregnant again? Like they have a baby girl this time
I’d like to think that despite the utter fear of having the press on their ass and crazy fans, there is a sense of joy in this pregnancy. It was a surprise of course since reader is on the pill, but it’s not an unwelcome done
I also feel like this gives Deren the chance to actually experience the stages of reader’s pregnancy and to watch this baby grow. She missed her son growing up, all his firsts gone, but with her daughter, she gets to experience every single one of them
Kinda mushy but I wanted to see how Deren and reader would handle this new addition, what they’ve been throu as a couple and to experience it together. Ik their son would be excited about a new sibling
What do you think?
(btw when’s the wedding for these two? I want to be the flower girl)
hi anon. sorry for taking 2 centuries to answer this. i have nothing to say for myself. ANYWAY
this has the potential to be so sweet, i feel? a second chance for deren to experience all the firsts of her second child. i think at first it'll be a little funny when reader and deren find out, because reader might be like "incredible how your swimmers are so fucking good when you're so lazy (/j)" and deren is just there all smug like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
but going through another pregnancy with deren is CRAZY convenient. like, do we even know the limit to deren's sinner ability ??? can she manifest food ??? if she can, then she could get you any of your weird pregnancy cravings at the drop of a hat, literally any time. also, you don't even have to spend money on baby stuff anymore since deren can just. make them LMAO (this also means your son is spoiled a lot more. all he needs to do is go up to deren with like an image of what he wants and boom. deren just makes it. it drives you crazy.)
when your water breaks i think deren is remarkably calm ??? it helps that you've been through it before and know what to do, ofc, but she herself has her thoughts in complete order, and systematically runs through all of them. she gets the emergency bag, gets the car keys, gets her son and then piles all of you into the car to take you to the hospital. she's got one hand on the wheel and another tightly gripping yours, rubbing her thumb across your knuckles reassuringly, as if to say, i'm here. i won't go anywhere without you. not again.
once her daughter is born she's a giddy mess like she can't stop grinning from ear to ear as she looks down at the tiny human in her arms. she cradles her daughter gently while her son sits in her lap, cooing and looking in awe at his new sibling. and she's just filled with so much fucking love it's crazy—deren is a creator, she's a director who makes things, hell it's even in her sinner ability, but god right now all she can think about is how her greatest creations have always been the little lives she's made with you.
sdjkfhsdjkhf sorry this may be a little under expectations, but i may know someone who might have more thoughts on this.......... @illmother 👀👀👀 your two cents, if i may ask?
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tzyuki · 1 year
[ 김규빈 ] ONE & ONLY ꒰ K.GV x F!READER
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022. women repellent | smau + written (397 wrds)
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Y/n and Gyuvin are meeting up at a bench in a park not too far from each other's dorms. “Hi,” Y/n said as she approached the bench Gyuvin is seen sitting on. “Hi.” Gyuvin said as he stood up. “What did you want to talk about specifically?” Y/n asked, as the two began walking the path in front of them.
“Uh, nothing in specific, just to catch up with each other. Have you noticed we—uh—really haven’t been hanging out lately?” Gyuvin was trying to find his words. “Oh, yeah. Sorry about that, I've been hanging out with Myung Jaehyun a lot. I didn’t want to bother you—.” Y/n but herself off, trying to think of her next sentence. “Since you didn’t want people to think we were something, I’ve been backing off so people don’t get the wrong idea.” Y/n nervously giggled.
“Oh…is that why?”
“I’m sorry our staff made you feel uncomfortable with their jokes, I stopped playing around with them after you asked me to leave at different times.”
“Don’t apologize, they weren’t uncomfortable…I just didn’t know how to respond to them. They made me quite shy actually.” He chuckled. “Ah—Okay.” Y/n nodded her head. “Sorry if it seems like i’ve been blowing you off,” Y/n’s eyes dropped to the floor. “I’ve just gotten close to Jaehyun recently.”
“I can tell.” Gyuvin says with a little attitude.
“Is that a problem?” She asked, confused with his tone. “No, of course not. Sorry.”
“Look—me and Jaehyun are just friends, sorry I haven't had any time to hang out with you. He just asked me earlier in the day, "I'll feel bad if I suddenly cancel.”
“It’s not like I'm jealous,” Gyuvin scoffed. “I don’t really care if you hang out with him, just that we haven’t talked in a while. I don’t want our show to seem awkward and get low ratings.”
Gyuvin doesn’t know where that came from and why he was acting so hostile. He just felt the need to defend himself over that.
“Okay…but I never said you were jealous or anything like that.” Y/n was really weirded out by his behavior. “Uhm, can we stop by the convenience store? I need to get something for seoha.” She didn’t actually need to get anything for her, she just wanted to change the topic.
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jj note 💭; gyuvin karma is coming for you
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abbyslev · 1 year
A/N: HEY BABIES i’ve been working on this lmao i’m currently in my jjk obsession era i fear 😋 I HOPE EVERYONE ENJOYS THIS HAHA I HAD SM FUN WRITING IT!! ESP GOJOS LMAOO lmk if you guys want PARENT GOJO HCS BECAUSE I HAVE SO MANY CUTE IDEAS LMAOO
WARNINGS: not proofread i fear 💔
yuuji bsfs hcs here!
prepare yourself 
he’s very shy at first, never had friends really so when he saw how cool you were he was very shy to talk to you
ofc you initiated conversation !! 
he noticed how maki was very close to you, yet you were less tense and way nicer 
you showed him around and he noticed everyone knew you which kind of intimidated him 
he started opening up about his interest and you two traded numbers after a while 
after a month or so you two started hanging outside of class and training 
late night dinners!! 
you randomly buy each other stuff from the convenience store !! 
gojo started sending him on missions with you and you had so much patience with him
you were very sweet and walked him through everything 
of course in the middle of a battle he’d stay and watch over you, yet watching intently to make sure nothing went wrong 
late night calls 
always always always helping him study!! 
you could tell maki was holding back a crush and yuuta DEFINITELY had a crush on her 
you were trying to get them to date 
he holds your bags when you guys shop!! 
training together, he asks you don’t hold back on him 
sharing food. you put on his plate whatever you don’t like and he will gladly eat it up!! 
you like to mess with his hair a lot, especially since it’s already pretty ruffled 
once he opened up to you completely, you know when he’s upset 
you know how to comfort him best 
showing up at his door with takeout late at night (you had to beg gojo to get it for you) 
staying in his dorm while y’all eat and play street fighter 
you teach him more about your power and your energy, to which he looks more into !! 
takes interest in your interest, you do the same !!
matching outfits on non-school days on accident
panda laughs at you both btw 
you guys are inseparable basically, if one’s not there, neither will the other!! 
a lot of people think megumi is this cold, hard kid with no emotion 
you grew up with him, basically being raised by gojo too
he took a liking more to you than gojo i fear 
as kids, you two would fall asleep against each other while his divine dogs protected you both 
gojo ofc had to have a photoshoot 
megumi genuinely respects you as a sorcerer, seeing the endless nights you’d spend in your room training 
he claims he uses full force on you when you two train, but he’s obviously lying 
meg can be a picky eater sometimes, so he puts it on your plate 
he appreciates when you slide your soup to him without a word though 
he likes his space, and he greatly appreciates that you know that!! 
sometimes he wants to sit with you in silence, and sometimes he wants to be alone, and somehow you can read his mood perfectly 
he will tease you sometimes when you guys are alone
if you’re sitting on his bedroom floor, he will ruffle your hair or even crack some jokes 
he actually does play some video games, whichever ones you get him as presents 
he’s not on his phone much, but he does text you back fairly quickly 
doesn’t like you going on missions alone, and if you do, he may send a divine dog with you sometimes 
genuinely doesn’t understand how you can stand gojo sometimes 
which by the way, he uses to make you two match as kids 
gojo literally tried to put meg in a dress and got kicked in the face 
how do you get kicked by a seven year old? don’t ask 
very very supportive, but also very honest 
you call him before you go on dates and ask his opinions on your outfits 
“isn’t that a bit much skin? what if she’s like…i don’t know…not into that? Is that how it works?” poor him he doesn’t know 
if he finds a cute girl and he tells you about it, YOU WILL TALK TO HER ABOUT HIM 
he gets all shyyyyy 
meg still gets shy telling you things 
pretty much trusts you though
“lemme see em hehehe” as he gets his divine dogs out for you so you can play fetch w them :((
his doggies also comfort you a lot so since he’s not very emotionally available he’ll let you vent while petting the dogs
only lets you call him megs. one time panda tried it and got the death stare from megumi 
“why can only they call you megs” “cause i’m his favorite :D”
doesn’t let anyone be mean to you, HE WON'T BE ACCEPTING THAT BEHAVIOR 
pls take care of bb megs HES THE BEST OK 
it was kind of a rough start
you didn’t understand his cursed speech and you definitely got stressed with “bonito flakes” and “kelp” 
you would ask him things but you couldn’t understand why he wouldn’t reply 
shorty after you met panda and maki and they explained 
which right after, that night you bought a notebook so you could communicate 
toge thought this was the nicest thing anyone’s ever done for him 
you guys ended up trading numbers and stayed up LATE sending each other videos and gushing about video games 
toge actually is pretty interesting, he hates not being able to talk about stuff with you
you finally got around to understanding his language !! 
that made everything much easier 
one time you were cold and he wrapped his scarf around you </33
don’t let his lack of speaking abilities fool you, this man WILL BE YOUR WINGMAN
you see a cute girl across the street, he’s chasing them down 
you two are an unbeatable duo, which is why you complete harder missions together 
training is ok, he can’t really use his voice so it’s just you two wrestling 
on missions you keep throat medicine on you for him
you help him study a lot, he’s actually very smart 
study sessions usually end up with you two on his bed, junk food everywhere and controllers in your hands,  hushed arguments between the two
you usually buy his lunch and bring it to him, but if y’all are out together, he pays for everything like the gentleman he is 
your biggest supporter!! if you fail at a move or can’t perfect something, he text you words of encouragement 
pls protect toge he deserves the world 
dear god hold on 
how you survived high school gojo is beyond anyone’s comprehension 
you basically rasied meg too 
hiding things from you all the time
if you are texting your situationship or something gojo WILL take your phone and read everything outloud 
if you fall on your ass or something embarrassing happens, instead of helping you he will record to humiliate you in front of his kids 
which btw they are your kids too !!
esp megs, you raised him and (though he’ll never admit it) he sees you as a mom
you submit to nobara’s shopping addiction i fear 
you’ll be in the middle of a lesson and HERE COMES GOJO BARGING IN 
the students stare at him in fear as he lift up one side of his blindfold to show you a funny video he found 
also don’t worry about having to pay for anything, he’s got it covered 
you try and deny him but he’s like “we all know you need it” annoying ass 
you also swear to never take him to family gatherings again 
but you do every single time 
the one time you took him your cousins fawned over him and your aunties asked if that was your husband and you had to explain he was your best friend 
gojo waved at your cousins and even fucking posed ???? 
you yelled at him on the way home but all he did was smile 
you used to tuck in megumi in bed and gojo would be like “don’t let the curses bite” and you would stare him down
gojo sends you on wild missions, yet still makes sure they’re safe enough for you 
he takes a liking to yuuji, meg, and nobara so he sends you to watch over them 
he knows your parental instincts are STRONG so he knows you will protect the kids with your life
one time megumi was being very open and honest with you about a problem and gojo interrupted you guys 
megumi never talked about his emotions again i fear 
if you ever get seriously injured he will joke around and take you to Shoko, but he’s really worried and doesn’t want anything bad to happen to you
keeps you out of his battles, and will even fight yours
see a girl you like? he’s on his way to let her know and maybe even get her number for you! 
will literally bring you food at two in the morning 
it's just who he is 
knows he seriously fucked up when you pull his hair, lift his blindfold up and see your face like “>:(”
you usually call him saturo so when you say “gojo SATURO!” he knows he fucked up
he loves his kids…yet he leaves them with you and now you have to deal with their bickering 
on your off days he loves to take you to shopping and out to eat! it’s his favorite
“max out my card” as an apology but all you want is a real explanation to why he blew up your room and why his kids were laughing 
you flick his forehead a lot 
you and utahime gang up on him a lot i fear 
though she’s very serious and you just like to tag along 
he buys you cool little trinkets 
“what’s this?” “a special something” and its literally just a snow globe 
not very emotionally available either so he just jokes around and tries his best to help you 
you understand he can get upset and refuse to show it, so you just sit beside him and draw shapes on his knees until he says something 
his phone is full of you throwing fits and angry photos 
occasionally cute ones of you guys together 
he sends you thousands of photos of either him, scenery, his kids or strangers 
you do the same obviously 
one time you and shoko hung out and sent gojo a pic and he screenshotted shokos smeared lipstick and sent it with a “??”
you post him on your insta and all ur friends slide up asking for his @ 
yes his ego gets bigger 
your favorite thing to do is grab the back of his head and yank off his blindfold and curse at him 
use to shove megumi in your arms and scream into his hands 
megumi gladly ate the veggies you fed him 
rivalry fr
“EW PUT SHOES ON” as he wiggles his bare feet in your face
will teleport to your room randomly 
you also steal his glasses randomly 
he KNOWSSSS when theres a woman in room
will start spam texting you for details 
he is part of the sassy man apocalypse i fear 
you and shoko shoo him away for some “girl time” and he goes “i AM one of the girls” with a little sassy eye roll
i could write about this man forever LMAOO
its not a spoken title but trust everyone knows your nanamis best friend 
i mean why else would he allow you in his office just so you can gossip ?? 
gojo complains about being mistreated 
whenever he buys books he buys two, one for you one for him 
buys you lunch! 
since he does love food, friday and saturday night dinners are a must 
you guys like to try different foods from different countries! 
every once in a while he will drink wine with you 
you guys are pretty much a deadly duo 
will give you flowers! it’s sweet
he’s not big on social media but he will go on there to like your newest post 
gojo complains again i fear 
you planned a super big vacation for you both for his birthday and even got some days off for him
that was the only vacation he’s ever been on, and he couldn’t thank you enough
though you wanted to pay, he ended up paying for everything you wanted at the trip
you spent so much money on reservations and plane tickets, he was worried 
he refuses to let you pay for anything! 
he’s not a pro at dates, but he will help you plan out a date 
also buys you a new outfit and helps you get ready 
“Did you get her flowers? should we get her anything else, or is this fine?” 
biggest supporter, but also does not enable bad actions like fear 
“well you’re not my dad” “fine then, go and get butthurt” 
he’s very sarcastic and straightforward with you, you love it 
he’s very organized about his outfits, so you’ll mess with him by saying his shirt is untucked or something 
when he carries you on his back because you’re super drunk you’ll be like “you loveeeee mee” 
“you keep telling yourself that.” but he indeed loves you so much 
opens doors for you, car doors, keeps hygiene products for you in his car, never lets you pay, always has a jacket ready for you, carries your bags, gets you dinner, this man is THE gentleman 
“NNAAAAAAANAMIIIII” “oh god, what now?”
you bust into his office anytime 
you guys like reading the morning paper and sharing your thoughts on it 
you got eachother thin little matching bracelets 
he does wear his :(( all the time :(( he never takes it off :(( 
tags: @saenora
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I remember you mentioning A court of Thorns and roses in your posts once when talking about malleus character archetype. Have you read acotar series? If so I really want to know what you think about it. Your post is how I found out this series. It's pretty meh 😕 to me but I would really like to read your thoughts on it 😊. Also are non twst related ask allowed? If not I'm truly sorry😥. You can just ignore this ask
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Oh god 😅 That was such a long time ago that I can’t even locate the original post where I made that comment…
To summarize what I said then, I had expressed that the way Malleus is presented to us reminds me of the bad boy supernatural love interests in romantasy novels.I believe the online book community colloquially refers to these characters as “Shadow Daddies” and I find that hilarious. To clarify, I do NOT mean to say that Malleus is Yuu’s “canon” love interest or anything like that. When I say that Malleus is “like” a Shadow Daddy, it’s just in the tropes they share. (For example, being overpowered, brooding, and misunderstood as a “bad guy” when, in actuality, he has a heart of gold and is just lonely.)
… I’ve actually seen multiple posts comparing Malleus and Rhysand, if you can believe that 💀
The rest of my response isn’t really TWST related, so I’ll put it under the cut for ya ^^ I tried to keep my thoughts concise and free of spoilers.
But to your question! Yes, I actually have read the first three books of ACOTAR but not the novella (A Court of Frost and Starlight) or the sequel, A Court of Silver Flames. I got into the series because it was highly recommended within its genre, but I came out of it really disappointed. I continued reading hoping that it would get better, but it really did not.
Maas has this really melodramatic and yet simultaneously juvenile way of writing dialogue that does not mesh well with what I’m looking for in a romantasy read. She’ll have characters give exposition or speeches that go on for like 10 pages straight and also have supposedly wise ancient fae cracking potty jokes like a middle schooler trying to impress their friends. It makes the books a lot longer than they have to be. In actuality, the plot involves a lot of running around and having all the right questions answered by conveniently placed chess pieces. I also did not enjoy the vague world building (like several side characters are never given proper names and instead are always referred to by title) and the near-constant mention of mating bonds. What I did like was how Maas wrote action scenes and descriptions (even if they often veer into purple prose). She also comes up with some unique concepts—but the execution of those concepts isn’t great, so the ideas are left sort of shallow and floating there waiting to be fully realized.
Romantasy and fairy tale retellings are some of my favorite things to read, so I was sad that I didn’t think that highly of this beloved series. It’s been a while since I’ve read a book I’ve been able to seriously get immersed in 😔 ACOTAR’s explosive popularity has led to many other authors trying to replicate Maas’s success, which has flooded the market with horni fae books and even similar titles (“A [noun] of [nouns] and [nouns]”). (And as someone who does NOT find Malleus attractive at all, you can imagine I’m not thrilled.) I have really mixed feelings about that… While of course I don’t mind if people enjoy ACOTAR or ACOTAR-adjacent books, I dislike that it makes up the bulk of what is marketed to me. It makes it a lot harder to find something that’s more suited to my tastes.
If anyone seeing this post is interested in trying out ACOTAR, I caution you that it is a “new adult” book, meaning it is intended for older teens (I would recommend 18+, honestly). There is a lot of violence and… explicit intimate scenes… in the series.
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In response to the news of Hazbin Hotel having seasons 3 and 4 confirmed, I'm posting an Alastor & Reader/OC snippet I wrote a while ago and was pretty proud of
Inspiration was taken from parts of these Alastor/Reader posts (with some expanding on their dynamic):
He couldn’t pinpoint exactly what drew him to her. Was it her adorable little laugh? Was it her intelligence and ability to impress with book-smarts most others lacked? Or was it the way she seemed to melt into every bit of attention he gave her? Regardless, he knew she had him wrapped around his finger - just as she was wrapped around his.
It didn’t take long for him to start courting her properly. Dates on the town, trips out to his favorite hunting spots, nights spent cooking at her house… They soon fell into a routine, with the days often spent apart - save for the few days he had free - and the nights spent in each other’s company, whether that was at Mimzy’s club or her house. Mimzy tried to play matchmaker, but she didn’t know that they were essentially already “together-together”.
When he realizes he actually cares about her, he tries to put distance between them. She can’t know. She’ll hate him, shun him, rat him out. Any sane person would. So he pulls away, ignoring every mental protest at the thought.
Of course she notices. Of course she probes him for answers - even goes to Mimzy to see if she knows anything. But she doesn’t get the answers she wants.
That is, until she spots someone sneaking into the swamp behind the church. She follows them closely, making sure to not make a single sound, and finds them throwing a limp body into the mud. Their silhouette is familiar, but she can’t pinpoint why. Maybe if she-
Her foot crunches on a convenient branch from one of the many hunched-over oak trees. The person she’d been following whips their head around, searching for her. She raises her hands into the air and slowly approaches. They watch with wary, squinted eyes, pocket knife held artfully in their dominant hand. As they come eye-to-eye, she gasps softly, recognizing the face she’d been wanting to see for weeks now. 
A flash of recognition crosses his eyes. Before he can ask her what she’s doing out there or tell her to leave or anything of the sort, she comes to stand beside him, hands propped on her hips.
“What next?”
His eyes are as wide as the moon above them. She looks down at the body and huffs. The man at their feet is one known for harassing women at Mimzy’s club. He’d tried a few lines on her, but she’d brushed him off with a curt, “No thank you” and flipped him off when he pushed for more of a reaction. She was glad to know another scumbag had left this world.
The wind blew by them, and he seemed to collect himself, asking her to keep a watch as he finished up. She did, resting against an oak tree large enough to mask the silhouette of her body and vigilantly watching every corner of the swamp she could. 
It wasn’t until they reached his doorstep that he finally stopped to ask the one burning question.
Her only response was an innocent tilt of her head. It sent her hair swaying slightly. Bright eyes stared innocuously into his own. 
“Why did you not scream? Call the police? Run?”
She blinked twice, then laughed. Of all the reactions he expected, that was one he hadn’t accounted for.
“Oh, that? I’ve seen a lot worse than a corpse and a man covered in blood.”
It was his turn to blink at her, confusion evident.
“You- You do understand why-”
“Of course I do. I’m not stupid.”
Puffing her cheeks out, she pouted like a petulant child at the mere implication that he doubted her intelligence. He couldn’t stop the incredulous laugh that escaped him. The sound of footsteps against the pavement made him glance over her shoulder. A couple, ignorant of any wrongdoing that night, made their way down the street hand-in-hand. 
She took his hand in one of hers, reaching into his pocket with the other. Pulling out his key, she pushed it into the keyhole and unlocked it, pulling him inside alongside her. Every move she made was calm, as if she was unaware that she was protecting a serial killer. 
They made their way to the bathroom, and she helped him clean off any lingering blood from his body. 
“You’ll probably need to burn your clothes. Unless you have a way to get bloodstains out of cloth without leaving any behind?”
His outfit from that night went up in flames, but that night ignited his interest in her ten-fold. Why had she been so nonchalant? Was she just as corrupt as he was? Was she somehow targeting him like he did with his victims?
She gave her answer the very next night.
After killing another person at Mimzy’s request - this time a loan shark that kept harassing her for sexual favors if she wasn’t going to pay him back - he found her sitting on his front porch. Her eyes were softly shut, and slow, steady breaths escaped her lips as she dozed, knees pulled flush to her chest. A fond chuckle slipped out of him as he tapped her shoulder.
They walked inside and stood in his kitchen, silently staring at one another until someone chose to speak up.
Tonight, it was her.
“I know what you do.”
He felt the urge to tense but shoved it down. Would she still run? Report him to the police? Kill him herself?
“And I don’t care.”
That was meant to be an internal question, but the pure shock he felt at her answer made his brain short-circuit for a second. 
“People have done way worse and with a lot less blood involved. I’m not bothered. And I know that your victims aren’t good people. At least, the one I saw wasn’t a good person. So you’re doing this world a favor, I think. If you need, I’m even willing to help out. Not that I doubt your ability to kill and keep quiet.”
One question kept beating around his skull at every word she said.
“Like I said, I’ve seen some things and met some people. What you’re doing is tame in comparison, I promise.”
Then she explained, seeing that he would keep asking until she gave specifics. From her upbringing - or lack thereof - to her childhood and latter adolescent years, he could see that she had been fully disillusioned. A truly logical mind, one that knew more than she let on and understood so much with nothing more than a glance. The world is cruel. It breaks those who learn about the thorns beneath the petals. She walked straight through the bush to reach the lake so she didn’t die of thirst. Pain, lack of guidance, and pure determination to live despite everything had carried her through life and into adulthood.
He rounded the island in his kitchen and pulled her close. She immediately relaxed into his hold, draping her arms over his shoulders as if she’d fall if she didn’t. Their lips met in a feverish, animalistic kiss. He had meant to start slow, honest, but having her pliant in his arms, soft sounds echoing from her throat to his at the sweetest of gestures, unlocked something primal within him.
She had to be his. No matter how, he had to have her. Not a single person could take her from him anymore. 
From her shows of submission, he could tell. She sought his affection, his approval, his guidance. Nobody before him had given her what she needed. He felt it was high time that changed.
After that night, they were inseparable. She moved in with him the next day, bringing what few belongings she had, and joined him on a shopping trip for anything she wanted or needed. He would provide for her like so many others had failed to. He would ensure she was tended to in every way she needed. Anything for his little dove. 
Pure despite the atrocities she’d witnessed. Pure despite how dirty her hands were. Pure despite choosing to stay by his side. 
Marriage came soon after. It was a logical progression, in his eyes. Now they would have no reason to be apart. Their years together were spent in each other’s arms, moments together shared under the guise of darkness. Some nights were spent kneeling in the mud, hiding the remains of his latest victim, while others were spent under a shared blanket by the fireplace. No matter the scene, they were happy.
“My dove, what will you do if I am ever caught?”
“Why do you think I keep a pistol in my bedside drawer?”
But their bliss was short-lived. After no more than a decade together, the news came.
He was dead.
Mauled by dogs after being shot square in the forehead.
The burning anger and suffocating grief overwhelmed her for the rest of the day. It wasn’t until that night, when she finally calmed down enough to speak, that she followed through on her promise.
“I’ll find you. Wait for me.”
Morning followed screams and cries from neighbors and the squeal of police sirens.
Hell was so… red. It almost hurt her eyes, but she soon adjusted. A storefront’s glass gave her the means to see her new form. 
Just like the others around her, she had been transformed into an animal-like form. Cute brown tufts adorned her head, twitching every time a new sound echoed in the distance. Freckles littered her cheeks and the bridge of her nose, and she had no doubt that they spread further down her body. Patches of fur could be felt beneath her clothes, and her feet felt more solid, as if they were more like hooves than human feet. A tail wagged idly at her backside, lightly jostling the fabric surrounding it. 
A dead demon laid a short distance away from her. Their body was contorted, as if they’d died in a struggle, but their jet-black coat was unblemished save for the few specks of dirt from the ground. She wrestled it from their corpse and donned it for herself, gauging the look in the storefront’s glass again. It was a bit too long for her tastes, but it would have to do for now. 
Looking down at her left hand, she was relieved to feel the familiar fit of her wedding band on her ring finger.
“Here I come, Alastor. Wait for me.”
It took quite some time for the couple to reunite. Between the work he put into rising the ranks and her own efforts to do the same, they were too busy to actively search for each other.
Rumors spread like wildfire about the two newly-fallen deer demons that were taking Hell by storm. One was killing well-known and established Overlords, while the other was using charisma to wrap useful figures around her finger. With her newfound demon powers and everything she knew when alive, it was child’s play to have everyone she wanted kneeling at her feet.
They were both soon given the title of Overlord. Then came the time for the next Overlord meeting.
Both attended. Everything went as it normally did, though with introductions to get everyone familiar with any new faces. 
He introduced her to a friend of his - Rosie - while she roped a few of her new compatriots into beneficial alliances. She and Rosie hit it off right away, and the three of them fell into an easy rhythm. When it came time for Rosie to return to Cannibal Town, they were left alone.
For the first time since their indirect reunion, they looked each other in the eyes. No surprise was felt. Rather, a warm comfort in the fact they wouldn’t be apart in their afterlife. Finally, it all clicked in their minds.
“I was caught.”
“I kept the pistol.”
All at once, joy overtook them. He pulled her close, closer than he ever had when they were alive, and she melted into his hold as she always had. Nothing had truly changed between them.
“My dove…” She pulled back a touch to look up at him, grinning as she dragged a single finger down his right ear tuft.
“My handsome buck…”
Those words struck a chord with him. Bringing her chest-to-chest with him, he used his shadows to move to the living space he’d made for himself. Their night was spent catching up and returning to their blissful time of marriage that had been so cruelly cut short.
He’d doted on her in life, but in Hell, where he had managed to establish himself as one of the most infamous figures of any other sinner, he outright spoiled her. Despite not being with her as often due to his more frequent hunts and broadcasts, he spent every moment he had free with her at his side. Cooking as they always did, going out on the town to shop or just to chat and sight-see, visiting Rosie in Cannibal Town, and anything else they felt compelled to do.
Another relief was finding that she hadn’t changed a lick despite her time in Hell. Sweet, intelligent, witty, and pure. Just like when she’d first revealed why she was so willing to accept his status as a serial killer in life, he saw that she’d forged herself into a strong individual through her trials and tribulations in Hell. And again, despite any pain she may have faced, she remained his soft, adoring wife.
Despite his confidence that she could take care of any sinner that posed any modicum of a threat to her, he was still protective of her. He’d been possessive in life, always holding her closer when another so much as tried to steal a glance at her, but it was to an even greater extent now that the people around them had no shame in their sinful actions. 
When someone tried to get her while she was alone, he only had time to shadow-transport to her side before they were dead at her feet. The knife in her hand was soaked in blood, but she looked completely calm. Not cold, but relaxed, as if the action had been as natural as breathing. The sight of her in another’s blood, knowing she was unharmed but had inflicted irreparable damage to such a creep, brought forth feelings he hadn’t even felt when he was alive. She had assisted him in covering his tracks at times, but he never wanted to risk her getting caught, so he never allowed her to join him to help with an actual kill. Seeing her coated in blood made him regret making such a decision, though only because of hindsight.
Touch had always been a strange thing for him. Ever since his mother passed, he hadn’t let anyone else close to him. Not even Mimzy, both in life and death. She was the first, and she would likely be the last. Every touch he shared with her was electric and left him burning for more. Nobody else had sparked such a desire in him. 
As if she knew before he said anything, she would always either wait for him to initiate or gesture in an obvious way before moving in for a hug or anything like that. It was a gesture that never failed to endear her to him. 
He also noticed that, just like in life, she was so eager for his touch. Any time his hands made contact with her, even if it was something as simple as him tapping her shoulder to get her attention, she would relax and turn her full attention to him. It was as if she could never get enough of him and thrived on the next taste of affection or touch. Every caress was met with a sigh, a visible relaxing of the shoulders, and a sated, dreamy stare in his direction.
His touch was her aphrodisiac, her remedy for any ailment. But she also knew his stance on any sexual contact. If any form of arousal arose within her - including her newly-discovered period of “heat” due to her deer traits - she handled it on her own. And she knew he had to be going through similar periods of arousal since he was the same as her, but she never pressured him to talk about it. Knowing him, she guessed the topic would either leave them in an uncomfortable silence or be cut off before it could go anywhere. So she kept it to herself and didn’t bother him with it. But she did notice he became more clingy and openly possessive and affectionate when his rut began. 
The first time her heat and his rut lined up was an extremely awkward time. It was the first instance of genuine loss of words for both of them. When one would open their mouth to speak to address the “elephant” in the room, the other would be closing their mouth after trying the same thing. Eventually, she carefully reached for him, chastely stroking his upper arm.
“Tell me how to help you.”
“I… I don’t know how you can.”
“Then, can I try something?”
For a first sexual encounter, it went about as smoothly as two teenagers fooling around. But they used the “trial and error” method and made things work, bringing pleasure to each other in a way they never had before.
When they were alive, sex had essentially been off the table. He never felt the desire, even though he was attracted to her, and she was fine with that. She didn’t need sex to love him; she just needed him and whatever came with that.
But the floodgates were opened after that first rut-heat period. He started initiating more intimate moments between them, and she responded enthusiastically. As she had in life, she accepted whatever he wanted to give her - but not without taking a few small things of her own. Kisses here and there, daring touches to tease, and whispered words of heat meant only for their ears.
Any intimate moment they shared had her grow pliant, willing, desperate under his touch. He could be as gentle or cruel as he wanted, and she would eagerly take it all. Not just because she accepted whatever he gave, but because she wanted to be good for him, to show she was deserving of his version of love and affection both within and outside of the bedroom. Of course, he would never deny her, as he was just as eager to prove he could care for her as she deserved, though he couldn’t deny how much he loved her nigh-instant submission under his ministrations. 
Though not present to witness everything unfold directly, she was privy to the truth of what happened in the seven years he was gone. He trusted her and her alone to keep his secret - not even Rosie was allowed to know. And she never once let slip what happened.
Soon, the Hazbin Hotel was in his sights. She joined him in his pursuit of entertainment. Husker, who she was friendly enough with, was dragged into it, as was Niffty, who was more than happy to be given a chance to do what she did best. The Princess of Hell was as charming as she was naive, but she made for a great conversation partner. The Princess’s partner, on the other hand, would always pin them both with a distrusting glare that was brushed off by both. He couldn’t care less about the fallen angel’s opinion of him, and she had no reason to do anything that would anger the patrons or impede the Princess’ plans for redeeming sinners. 
When it came time to defend the hotel against the Exorcist’s attack, despite her fervent protests, he had her sit out, insisting she stay where they used to live until the fighting died down. She waited until the news started covering the aftermath of the battle to book it to the hotel. Her confidence in her husband had never wavered, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t worried. What if he had been wounded? Or worse, killed? It had happened before, no matter how much she wanted to forget what she’d felt after hearing the news of his death.
The hotel’s patrons were tending to each other’s wounds and those of their cannibal allies. Despite the gaudy amount of red that bathed their realm, his signature red shape was nowhere to be seen. But she knew where he’d be.
She carefully navigated the wreckage of his radio tower and found him slouched against his broadcast equipment, cradling his chest as it bled.
“What next?”
He looked up at her, eyes scrunched from the pain and smile straining across his face. Just like that first night, when she found him burying that body in the swamp behind the church, he was not expecting to see her. But that shock soon faded into relief.
“Stitch this up, then make our dramatic reappearance.”
She chuckled at his attempted theatrics. Sifting through the rubble, she found the first aid kit she’d forced him to keep and set to work stitching the wound as best she could. Then, when she was sure her handiwork was good enough, she finished her stitching and helped him to his feet.
Hand in hand, they returned to the others. Everyone welcomed them with varying levels of elation - Lucifer and Husker less than keen to have him back. She helped where she could in the rebuilding effort while he started putting in work to rebuild his infamous reputation after the Vees broadcasted his defeat at Adam’s hand. 
With the hotel rebuilt and even bigger and better than before, it wasn’t long before everyone returned to their routines. A few extra events happened within the usual flow, but nothing that caused a major disturbance. Boisterous laughter and chatter from Angel and Husker on later nights, group lunches and dinners, the occasional sinner genuinely seeking redemption, but the most notable was his choice to play the new grand piano after dinner every night.
Still well-versed in the skill, he effortlessly played familiar tunes as the others mingled on the main floor. She sometimes sang with him, but often she could be found sitting on a stool beside his bench, idly swaying her head side-to-side with eyes closed while her legs kicked beneath her. He would, at times, have her join him on his bench, choosing a simpler song to play when she eventually fell asleep on his shoulder. On nights like those, he would wrap up his playing early and carry her to bed, idly dragging his claws across her arm and thigh as he carried her bridal-style to their shared room. With a kiss to her forehead, he would leave her to rest while he worked on finalizing parts for his next broadcast before joining her in slumber.
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depressedhouseplant · 4 months
🔞 Just Fucking Write - Day 111 🔞
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Prompt: Your cute co-worker catches you in a compromising position during your break
Tags: Narrator is female, exhibitionism, vaginal fingering, squirting, pet names
I thought I’d parked far enough away from the store for anyone to accidentally see what I was doing. I’d been unusually horny all day and finally decided to do something about it on my break. I had just started rubbing my clit when a knock on the window made me jump. It was Sunwoo who I might or might not have been envisioning as I started to touch myself.
“Need help with that?” he asked through the window.
“What?” I said before I could think of a more coherent reply. There was no mistaking what I was doing. I had my pants down and one of my hands between my legs. He gestured for me to roll down the window.
“I said, do you need help with that?” he said when I opened it.
“Oh, um, sure?” I replied.
“You don’t sound sure,” he said.
“You want to get me off?” I asked.
“I do. If you’re open to it,” he replied. I’d had a crush on him ever since I started working there. Never in my wildest dreams did I think he’d actually offer to finger fuck me.
“Yes, please,” I swallowed the lump in my throat.
“Back there,” he nodded toward my back seat where the seats were still conveniently down from helping a friend move over the weekend. I nodded and awkwardly climbed in the back. He got in the driver’s seat.
“Lie down,” he instructed. I lied on my side facing away from him. “You’ve got a very pretty pussy.”
“Thank you?” It wasn’t a compliment I’d ever gotten before, but also most of my partners didn’t spend a lot of time down there.
“Would it be inappropriate for me to tell you I’ve wondered what it looked like? I thought it would be pink and pretty, but not this pretty,” he observed as he began running his fingers over my folds.
“Have you looked at a lot?” I asked. It sounded stupid when I said it out loud.
“Enough,” he replied, tracing every fold with his finger. “And so wet.”
I let out a very loud moan when he teased my clit for the first time.
“That’s it, baby. No need to be shy,” he said. I whimpered as he slid one finger in then back out again. Then he started with 2 fingers, teasing my folds and dipping into my pussy.
“More,” I whined.
“More what? More fingers? More teasing? Use your words,” he said as he slid 2 fingers in and began to rub my walls.
“Make me come,” I replied.
“Of course,” I couldn’t see his face but I knew he had that shit eating grin on his face. He began to massage every sensitive spot inside me and found a few I didn’t know I had. He had to pin my hip down to keep me from wiggling away from him.
“Stay still,” he said. I did my best to stop moving. “Good girl.”
I dug my fingers into the carpet as he added a third finger and started fucking me harder. Then I felt that distinct pressure in my lower belly. Before I could say anything, I came, squirting onto his hand. He fucked me through until I finished.
“And a squirter. I’m impressed,” he said, wiping his hand on his pants and helping me back into mine.
“It doesn’t happen every time,” I replied.
“So I’m just that good?” Sunwoo grinned as I sat back up.
“Yes, yes you are,” I smiled back.
“Would you like to go to dinner later? Like as a date?” he asked.
“I’d love to,” I replied. He kissed me then checked his watch.
“I think break time is about to be over,” he said.
“Best break if had in a while,” I smiled.
“Me too,” he agreed.
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prettyarson · 9 months
Late Night Drive
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featuring: yandere!scaramouche x gn!reader
cw/tw: kidnapping, toxic behavior, pet name darling, a bit of physical assault
synopsis: you have a crush on the prettiest cashier
notes: this is a part two to my post late night convenience !! pls enjoy !
With the moon up high in the sky, you prepared yourself for the worst. Caffeine tangled into your bloodstream, boosting the adrenaline that pounded your heart. You sat in the passenger seat of your car, its engine roaring in the pitch black night. The driver of your car was silent as he sped on the pavement, eyes fixated to the road.
You so desperately wanted to calm your shaking body, but the silence was maddening. You were scared out of your wits and you were trying not to think of the essay you actually had due that night. You couldn’t help but steal glances at the pretty cashier, hoping to read some type of emotion on his face, but he gave off no hints.
“Staring is rude, you know?” Scaramouche scoffed, not even taking the effort to take his eyes off the road, “Didn’t anyone teach you manners?”
Bewilderment took over your features and you held back a snort. He threatened you, took your car, with yourself in it, and he has the gall to lecture you about manners? But you bit your tongue.
“Where are we going?” You finally asked, but the tone of your voice was as shaky as your body.
He didn’t answer for some time, as if he was contemplating actually telling you. The air turned thick as the question hung up in the air. An exasperated sigh left his lips and, finally, he spared you a glance.
“Home.” He answered.
Home? Your thought process was moving 100 miles per hour. His home? Your home? A home? You hadn’t recognized any of the roads you were traveling, but with only the moonlight to go by, you could have easily passed something you knew.
You weren’t sure how long you were anxiously watching out the door window before the car seemed to slow down. The sun was beginning to rise in the distance and the faint chirps of birds rung in your ear. The crunching of tires against gravel overtook the chirps and rows of trees began to block the rising sun. At the end of the road was an ominous house that sent shivers up your spine. It was surrounded by overgrown weeds that vine up the side of the wooden walls. The grass in the surrounding areas looked like it went up to your knees except for a small path that led up to the door of the house. You could only assume this was the home the cashier was talking about.
Stationing the, stolen, car in a make do drive way, Scaramouche was quick to whip his body in your direction. You jumped back at the sudden movement and locked eyes with him. Those indigo orbs still stirred up butterflies in your stomach, but you knew this time, fear was mixed in with those giddy feelings.
Cold, clammy hands clamped onto yours. In most cases, you would have ended up in a blush, but the tight, crushing pressure was too painful. He was a lot stronger than that baggie hoodie made him seem.
There was a small stir of emotion within his eyes, but it was gone as quick as it showed up. His eyebrows were furrowed, his nose scrunching lightly, and a soft breath escaped his lips.
“I’ve been waiting so long to get you home” He admitted, never once wavering his gaze from you, “Now I finally have you.”
Your head began to shake and your body began to struggle, attempting to pull your hands from his. The seatbelt around your torso was getting in the way, preventing you from moving any further. Your back dug into the car door, causing little pained whimpers to leave your lips.
“What’s wrong, darling?” Scaramouche cooed, a dark chuckle crawling up his throat. “I thought this is what you wanted? Nothing can get in the way of our love here.”
“Love?” You gasped, voice wavering and cracking, “I don’t know who—“
“Shut up!” He snapped, one of his hands leaving yours to grab hold of your face, cheeks squished in between his fingers. He pulled you closer until you could feel his breath against your skin, seatbelt burrowing into your chest.
Your heart hammered against your chest plate and your breathing began to quicken, lungs struggling against your rib cage. Tears were beginning to build into the corners of your eyes, threatening to spill. With each gulp of air you took, a stream of static echoed through your eardrums.
Scaramouche instantly took notice of your tears, the grip on your face loosening only slightly; definitely not enough for you to get away. “Don’t cry, darling.” He cooed, “Just relax.”
His face leaned in close, giving a kiss to one of your teary eyes. Feeling just a bit greedy, he did the same to the other. A pleasant smile crept up onto his lips, satisfied with himself.
“I’m sure you’re tired.” He murmured, fingers leaving your cheeks as he unbuckled you. “Let’s get you inside.”
Feeling little hope, your body moved along with his, almost like a puppet. You couldn’t believe this was really happening. All the times you had visited the late night convenience store just to catch glimpse of him behind the counter. All the times you hoped that he would look at you more. All the times you wished that you could get to know him. You wanted to mute all your previous desires.
His fingers ghosted the sides of your arms as he guided you inside the house. It was clean and tidy, not a speck of dust to be found. Everything had a place and everything was in its place. And finally, he had you to add.
“You’ll love it here, darling. Trust me.”
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parkerslatte · 1 year
Songbird || TWENTY-FOUR
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Eddie Roundtree x Fem!Reader
Warnings: none
Word Count: 2.2k
Part Summary: Twenty years after the infamous Chicago show, the band reveal what they did after they split.
previous chapter 
Series Masterlist
Main Masterlist
ROD REYES: Next morning, we were waiting on the bus.
KAREN SIRKO: I remember thinking it would be okay. We’d been through hell, but we were the other side of it now.
ROD REYES: I mean, I’m trying to figure out how to tell everybody Daisy’s leaving. And then I see Eddie.
EDDIE ROUNDTREE: Y/N left the night before and I knew I had to let her leave and it was the hardest thing for me to do. I left the next morning, I couldn’t get back on that bus if she wasn’t there.
ROD REYES: The irony is, the chosen ones never know they are chosen.
KAREN SIRKO: I wanted to be a rock and roll star. To travel the world and play music for strangers. And that’s what I did, it’s what I still do.
GRAHAM DUNNE: I moved back home to Hazelwood. I fell in love and started a family. I have a wife and kids now who are my whole world. I’ve got Karen to thank for that. I’d probably still be pining after her if she hadn’t been brutally honest with me that night. 
KAREN SIRKO: I mean, I told him what he needed to hear. But I wasn’t being honest with him. 
EDDIE ROUNDTREE: I went and formed my own band, we weren’t bad, just, you know.
WARREN ROJAS: I’ve been a session drummer for years now. I mean, I’ve been on some…some records, you know? Classics. I married Lisa back in ‘82, still can’t believe she said yes. No one asks me to sign their tits anymore but, that’s okay….Actually, that’s not true, Lisa sometimes, she’ll, you know, just to be nice.
SIMONE JACKSON: Bernie and I, we opened this club. It’s ours and we play it all, whatever gets you up and moving. Sometimes I even get up there myself. Still brings the house down. 
ROD REYES: I quit the business once and for all after that. I was heartbroken when they fell apart. More than I’d been with any other band, I just… didn’t think I could take another blow, you know? Get your heart broken enough times, you stop falling in love. Except, no, you don’t. But that’s a story for another time.
Y/N L/N: My album In The Morning, finally came out in ‘78 and it was the number one album of the year. My two singles were on it along with a shit ton of new songs I had written. I went on tour, got married, got divorced, had another relationship, broke up. A lot of stuff happened in those years. 
BILLY DUNNE: Teddy died in ‘83. They found him hunched over a sound board after another all-nighter. He died doing what he loved, just like he said he would.
DAISY JONES: Everything that I have and everything that I have done, my music, my sobriety, my daughter, is all because I left that night.
Y/N L/N: I was happy with Eddie, that part is true, but when I left, I found myself. I found my music, I found a life outside of that band, I found a life where my life didn’t revolve around Eddie Roundtree. 
INTERVIEWER: How did you feel when Y/N left?
EDDIE ROUNDTREE: I was heartbroken but I knew she was going to. Y/N completed me like no one else, she loved me like no one else. But she needed to work on herself without me, without any of us. She needed to heal.
Y/N L/N: I loved Eddie so much that leaving physically pained me. I felt it in my heart, in my lungs, in my whole body. I’ve never loved someone as much as I loved Eddie.
INTERVIEWER: What about your first husband?
Y/N L/N: When I married my first husband, we both knew that we didn’t love each other as much as we should. We married out of convenience and feeling like we had to to please other people. I loved him but I wasn’t in love with him. Five months after we married we separated, it wasn’t working out. It was never going to work out.
INTERVIEWER: Did you have any other relationships after Y/N?
EDDIE ROUNDTREE: A few but none of them lasted long. None of them were Y/N, no one would ever hold a flame to her. 
Y/N L/N: Did you know that Y/N L/N is now only my stage name?
INTERVIEWER: I had heard about that, would you care to explain?
Y/N L/N: L/N is only a part of my stage name now, it’s what most people know me by. It’s like a brand, you can’t change it once people know who you are. My albums have the name Y/N L/N plastered across them, posters and banners all read that name. I’m bound by the name Y/N L/N. I mean I love it, it’s a badass name…but I think I prefer Y/N Roundtree a little better.
Y/N looked at her husband and took his hand in hers, pressing a kiss to it. The two smiled at each other with pure love and adoration in their eyes. 
EDDIE ROUNDTREE: I proposed to Y/N in March 1983, we hadn’t seen each other since that night in Chicago but I knew immediately when she showed up on my doorstep that I needed to do it then or I never would.
Y/N ROUNDTREE: We got married in December 1983, small ceremony with only close family and friends in attendance. Though obviously the tabloids got wind of it. 
EDDIE ROUNDTREE: We started making music together and have three albums out that are very successful. We started our record label, Mockingbird Records, in ‘87 and we’ve produced some big records. 
Y/N ROUNDTREE: We had our kids in ‘84 and ‘86 and I didn’t think my heart could be big enough for them. I never thought I would be a mother, but those two are my whole world. 
EDDIE ROUNDTREE: Our kids mean everything to me, I mean if you told me that at the age of twenty-four that in ten years I’d have my first kid, I wouldn’t have believed anyone. I never saw myself having kids, but as soon as our son was born I couldn’t help but fall in love. And when our daughter was born, that love only intensified. 
INTERVIEWER: Would you mind talking about Camila?
Y/N closed her eyes, her eyes already filling with tears at the mention of her name. Eddie held his wife’s hand tightly as tears sprung to his eyes also.
“Julia,” Y/N began, “I don’t know if…”
“Please, Aunt Y/N.” Julia says.
 Blinking away her tears, Y/N nodded.
Y/N ROUNDTREE: Camila Dunne was the most amazing woman I ever met. She understood me, she always made sure I was okay when I felt down. She was always there for me. I miss her more than you could ever imagine, she was my best friend.
KAREN SIRKO: I mean she was the reason I joined the band. She was the reason I stayed.
DAISY JONES: She saw a future for me that I couldn’t see for myself, and she was right.
WARREN ROJAS: What’s crazy is that anyone even remembers The Six. 
EDDIE ROUNDTREE: When Aurora was released on CD, we sold another, what, two million copies, three million?
Y/N ROUNDTREE: What’s strange about it is that people no longer know me from the band, and when they see me on the cover they get confused, [chuckles] It is quite funny.
GRAHAM DUNNE: You know, it came on in the car the other day. The, uh, classic rock station. I thought that was crazy.
BILLY DUNNE: It’s fun to think you did something, you know? Left your mark on the world.
JULIA DUNNE: Would you ever want to do it again?
DAISY JONES: Do what, honey?
JULIA DUNNE: You know.
DAISY JONES: I don’t know how your mother would have felt about that.
The camera was switched off and Y/N let out a sigh of relief. She slumped back against Eddie as he wrapped an arm around her shoulders. 
“Thank you both for doing this.” Julia says.
“Thank you for doing this Julia,” Y/N says, “Now I’ll get the press off my back from asking me questions about it.”
Julia laughs as she packs away her camera. 
Y/N turned to Eddie and pressed a kiss to his lips. They had been married fourteen years but she felt young whenever she kissed him. As she pulled away she smiled at him. He looked the same as he did when they were in their twenties and completely oblivious, except with the addition of some facial hair, a few more wrinkles and some grey hair coming in. 
“I love you.” Eddie says.
Y/N smiles and it is the same smile Eddie fell in love with years ago, “I love you too.”
Once Julia was packed away and bid goodbye to Y/N and Eddie, the two retreated into their house just as the sun began to set. Their two children sat together watching television, their son, August, a lot more invested than their daughter, Dahlia. 
“Have you finished now?” Dahlia asked, perking up once she saw her parents walk through the door. 
“Yes honey, we’re finished.” Y/N says, sitting on the couch next to her daughter.
“Finally,” August says, “Can I go and play outside now?”
“Not now, it’s nearly dinner time,” Eddie says, “You can play outside tomorrow.”
August groaned, “But I need to practise for the game on Friday and I haven’t been able to do it all week.”
Y/N and Eddie share a look and Eddie sighs, “Look, you can practise for an hour outside after dinner.”
August slumped against the couch, “What are we having for dinner anyways? Whatever we have won’t be ready for over an hour, why can’t I go and practice now.”
Y/N sighs and shakes her head before smiling, “Why don’t we order pizza? And we can help you practise.”
August perked up, “Really?”
“Really,” Y/N says and Eddie nods, “It’s the least we can do from banishing you from the garden all week.”
August suddenly got up from his seat on the sofa, “I’m going to get my shoes on, hurry up!”
Dahlia didn’t move from the couch, “Why can’t we do something I want to do?”
“We can tomorrow,” Y/N says, “Don’t tell your brother but we’re taking you somewhere you’ve always wanted to go.”
“Disneyland?” Dahlia questioned.
“Maybe,” Y/N smiled, “But don’t tell your brother.”
“I won’t.” Dahlia says before standing up and walking out of the living room following her brother.
“Fifty bucks she tells him.” Y/N says.
“You’re on.” Eddie says as the two shook on it.
Not even ten seconds later, August comes rushing back into the room, “You’re taking Dahlia to Disneyland, that’s not fair.”
“We have to play your stupid game.” Dahlia argued, beginning to walk out of the room.
“It’s not stupid Dahlia, it’s a way of life.” August says while following Dahlia.
“A way of life?” Dahlia says, “You sound stupid.”
“Well you sound stupid.”
Y/N laughs, “Whose idea was it to have kids again?”
“I don’t think either of them were planned.” Eddie chuckles. 
Y/N laughs, and wraps her arms around his neck, pulling him close. Eddie’s arms wrapped around her waist pulling her close to him. Their lips only centimetres apart. Moments like this were few and far between, the two constantly being interrupted by one of their children. 
“You know what?” Eddie says.
“What?” Y/N asks.
“I feel a lot better now that I’ve gotten everything off my chest.” Eddie says, “I don’t need to hide anything anymore, it’s all going to be public knowledge soon.”
“Me too,” Y/N sighed, “We will hopefully stop getting asked about it in interviews soon.”
“Or maybe it’ll increase,” Eddie says.
“Don’t even joke about that, Mr Roundtree.” Y/N says.
“Whatever you say Mrs Roundtree.” 
Y/N smiled, despite being married for over a decade, hearing her name always brought a smile to her face. Y/N pressed a kiss to Eddie’s lips and her fingers tangled in his hair. Eddie’s hands held firmly onto her hips, pressing her body fully against his. Their lips moved in sync with each other as Y/N sighed happily. Eddie smiled against Y/N’s lips. 
“Mom!” A voice sounded throughout the house, “Tell August to stop being mean to me.”
Y/N and Eddie broke apart and sighed, “You know one of these days we will be able to finish something without getting interrupted.”
“Probably when they are both at college, but knowing them two, they’ll still find a way to interrupt,” Y/N jokes, “I’ll see what they want and you order pizza?”
“Sounds perfect.” Eddie says, pecking her lips.
“Mom!” Dahlia shouted.
Y/N sighed, “Coming!”
Y/N stepped away from Eddie and walked to the living room door not before turning around and blowing him a kiss, “I love you, Eddie Roundtree.”
“I love you too, Y/N L/N, more than you could ever know.”
Y/N smirked, “I think I know by now.”
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thedreideldiaries · 7 months
Some People are Still Good
I recently caught up with a friend of mine and offhandedly, sort of casually mentioned that I’d been off instagram since October 7th. He didn’t know what I meant. He'd heard something about a terrorist attack and Israel's military retaliating, but nothing else.
In another universe without tiktok history lessons, I might have been upset. In this one, I was immensely relieved. I didn’t have to argue with him, or hear him rattling off whatever talking points are de rigueur for the Online Left, or get into a heated discussion about the meaning of the word “Zionist,” or get accused of being an apologist for crimes against humanity. I could just…tell him what happened, and how I felt about it.
I told him about the massacre and hostage-taking. I told him how many of the people murdered and kidnapped were peace activists - easier targets, he noted, than anyone in the actual government that Hamas is supposedly resisting. How this was, in proportion to Israel’s population, a bigger terrorist attack than 9/11. That it wasn’t just Israeli Jews who were killed or kidnapped, but Bedouins, laborers from abroad, Americans, and (this is something conveniently left out of a lot of the Discourse), Palestinians. 
I told him about the Israeli government doing exactly what Hamas had counted on them doing in Gaza. I said that people aren’t their governments. I tried to make it clear that I hope Netanyau, may his name be blotted out, lives out the rest of his days in shame and political obscurity (or, to save us all some time, quickly succumbs to some hideously painful disease). That I know there are miles of difference between going to war with Hamas and going to war with the Palestinian people. That if you express any hope that the rest of the hostages will be rescued, you run the risk of getting lumped in with people who think airstrikes on refugee camps are somehow justified, and that unfortunately those people do very much exist.
I told him how Jews are still reeling from what happened, and that it doesn’t help that so many on the left seem to think it’s irrelevant. I told him how my boyfriend (who I’ve seen cry maybe twice over the last decade), spent the entire afternoon of October 7th sobbing at his desk as he watched everything unfold in real time. I told him how that same boyfriend posted about how frustrating it is for Jews to have their suffering repeatedly dismissed, and how one of his leftist friends responded by accusing him of being a genocide apologist. You know, how you talk to a person in mourning. 
I told him how when the first news of the massacre hit, there were leftists who praised it as the start of some glorious revolution. How I don't know how many of them were my acquaintances, because I got off social media before I could find out. How a lot of them were probably ill-informed about what was happening and how and why, but others just think killing Jews is good, actually, and I don't have the mental or emotional fortitude to find out which fall into which category.
I told him how frustrating it is to be a leftist of Jewish background, sickened by the right and heartbroken by the left. I told him how many petitions I’ve been asked to sign that didn’t so much as mention Hamas or the attack. I said I was worried to bring it up, because if you say “but what about the Jews (and, you know, others) who were tortured and murdered and kidnapped,” you get accused of all sorts of heinous, improbable crimes, and I simply do not have the kind of time or energy for that discussion. 
I told him how I still like my classmates, but I don’t trust most of them. I can’t let my guard down around them. I can’t talk about how I feel about the conflict except in vague terms, which is ironic, because the people who are brave enough to say “peace would be nice” are accused of not taking a stand. How terrified I am that I'll use the wrong word and out myself as whatever they think that makes me. How I’d hoped they’d be my friends, before all of this. How they’re all being really nice to me, and I can’t shake the thought that they’d hate me if they knew I thought the state of Israel should exist and that Israelis have the right to not be murdered. How I wish I felt like I could be in activist spaces without having to loudly and eagerly participate in my own dehumanization and that of so many people I love. 
And he listened. 
I don’t think anyone Jewish is wrong to be cautious. But for all the leftist goyim willing to argue that murdering babies is actually a good thing if the babies belong to colonizers, there are others - many others, I hope - who genuinely want to understand what’s actually going on. Who see a difference between resisting your oppressors and murdering them at a music festival or burning them alive in their homes. Who find “it’s wrong to kill civilians” to be an uncontroversial statement. I hate how many people I can no longer trust, but I’m so grateful to have at least some non-Jewish friends who actually understand nuance and care enough to try.
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soaringeag1e · 1 year
Escape {64}
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Detective!Dean x Victim!Reader
Warnings: Language, Fluff....Then a Ton of Angst {Sorry, not sorry}
Words: 2,124
Series Masterlist - Main Masterlist - Patreon
After making a breakthrough with the security footage at the convenience store, Styles and Dean followed a few leads. With some luck on their side, they were able to pin who the suspect was that attacked the clerk and took his life. They were even able to get an address and to both of their surprise, their man was home. Within just a few hours of finding the body they had their suspect in cuffs. That chalked up to a good day.
“Great work, Styles.” 
“Same goes for you, boss.” The two men share a smile as they descend the stairs outside the precinct. “Tell Y/N I said hi.”
“Will do.” After giving him a nod, Dean pats his friend on the shoulder and then they split, both heading for their cars at different ends of the parking lot. 
As Dean makes his way towards the car, he pulls out his phone and clicks on one of the most recent contacts before bringing the device up to his ear. When he makes it to his door, Eddie is driving by, already on his way out of the parking lot, so Dean sends him a wave and that’s when the ringing ends.
“Hey, you.”
“Hey! How was dress shopping?” 
“Good. How was your thing?” Dean smirks as he slips into his car.
“Really good actually. I’ll tell you about it later.”
“But first…did you find a dress?” The silence makes him a little nervous. He begins to think that maybe it turned out to be harder than you expected and that you were disappointed with the entire thing.
“Maybe…” you tease, getting him to light up in the drivers seat.
“Man…you have no idea how bad I want to see you in it.” He tries so hard to picture you in a wedding dress, but he’s sure that whatever his mind is coming up with is nothing compared to what you really look like. That’s what Sam had told him anyway. 
“You still have a few months there, cowboy.” you giggle over the phone, getting Dean to smile even bigger. “Are you coming home?”
“Uh…yeah. Just got in the car. But I wanted to see what you wanted for dinner. I figured I could pick up something on the way home.”
“Hmm.” You hum quietly, clearly thinking about what you might want to eat. “How about Chinese?” The way you ask him makes him chuckle. The cute innocence always got him to adore you more.
“You got it, babe.” With that, he turns over the ignition and the car rumbles to life. “Do you need me to grab anything else on the way?”
“Nope. Just need you and food.”
“I love how you put me before the food.”
“It was a close one, but you just barely edged it out.”
“Is that so?” he laughs as he pulls out of his spot and heads for the main road.
“Yep. I’ve been missing you longer than food. But, if you take too long and my stomach starts to eat itself you may be bumped out of the running.”
“Then I better hurry then, huh?” The sound of your laughter makes him feel like he’s already home. Between the score with the case and the fact that he’s heading home to you, he felt like today couldn’t get any better. “I miss you.”
“I miss you too.” Dean focuses on the road but stays silent for a minute and just admires the sound of your voice, replaying what you just said over in his head like one of his favorite songs.
“Alright, I’ll let you go. I’m going to grab food and I’ll be home as soon as I can.”
“Okay. Love you.”
“Love you.”
The chatter down the hall had died down telling Bobby that it was getting later. The night crew at the precinct were starting their shifts and the morning crew had either already left or like him were on their way out the door. He was just taking a few more minutes to file a couple reports and clean up his desk a bit, because he knew that if he didn’t take the time now he would have to deal with it in the morning.
Just as his computer was shutting down for the night, he grabbed his keys from inside the top drawer and stood from his chair, pulling his jacket off the back of it.
“What is it?” Bobby gave a little attitude because this always seemed to happen. Right as he was heading out for the day he always seemed to get stopped for something.
“There’s someone here that’s asked to see you and Detective Styles.” Huffing as he slides his jacket on, Bobby then glares at the officer at his door.
“Sampson, I’m on my way out the door, can’t this wait?”
“Well…I don’t know.” As the officer seemed conflicted, Bobby decides to give the newbie a break. But just this once.
“Who is it?”
“He said his name is Robert Thare.” And that’s when Bobby was grateful he cooled his head. The name instantly clicked and he couldn’t have reacted faster.
“Let him in.” Thankfully Sampson was quick to show Mr.Thare into the office. The tall man peeks his head in before stepping through the threshold and nodding to the officer before he walks away.
“Hi, Mr. Singer. I’m sorry it’s so late. I almost waited until tomorrow, but…”
“That’s alright.” Bobby grins, stepping around his desk. “What can I do for you?”
“Well, I uh…I found that tape I was looking for. You know, the one that shows Norman coming home and then his friend showing up?” As he tells Bobby, he hands the tape over to him and Bobby treats the VHS as if it’s a precious diamond.
“So….this has that footage on it? You’re sure?”
“Yes. I um…I forgot that I had some stuff put away in a storage unit in town and when I found more tapes I went through them.” he says, looking from the tape to the captain, an uneasiness taking over his expressions. “I uh…I can’t believe that I didn’t turn it in sooner, honestly. After watching it again…I don’t know why I didn’t find it suspicious earlier. I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay. When you’re not used to spotting those types of things, it’s harder to believe when you see it for yourself.” Mr. Thare nods faintly, looking a little sick.
“Well I uh…I found the footage and then rewound it for you, so you should just be able to pop it in and play it.”
“Thank you.” Bobby tells him sincerely. “You don’t know how much we appreciate this. I’m glad you caught me before I left.”
“Me too.” Mr. Thare says after a few nods. “I um, I don’t know if I’ll be of any help, but if you need anything else….let me know.”
“We will. But I think this might be the extent of it. Hopefully we don’t have to bother you anymore.” The two share a nice chuckle and then Bobby shows the man to the door. He is deeply appreciative of what that man has done for them, but once he was heading towards the front of the precinct, Bobby couldn’t have moved faster. He rushed over to the TV in his office and popped the tape in the VCR and he couldn’t have hit the play button any quicker either.
It was only a few seconds between him hitting play and when Norman's car pulled into the driveway, but for Bobby those were the longest seconds ever, and even then, that’s not what he wanted to see. He knew that Norman was responsible for bringing Cassie back to his house. It was the next car that he was anxiously waiting to see cross the screen.
Then finally, the moment came. The second car whipped up to the house and as the man climbed out of the drivers side, Bobby’s jaw dropped.
Getting food took longer than expected, but now that Dean was finally home he felt himself becoming more relaxed. He couldn’t wait to go inside, share a good meal and tell you about their slam dunk. It’s been a long time since they’ve been able to close a murder case that fast and it seriously made his day.
Hearing the garage door close behind him, he enters the house and goes for the coffee table in the living room to set the bag of Chinese down.
“Babe!? I’m home!” he yells out when he sees you’re not on the main floor anywhere. Figuring you jumped in the shower before he got home, he glances up the stairs before moving towards the front door where he drops off his keys and wallet and then takes off his suit jacket.
“They had some of your favorite egg rolls so I grabbed a couple of them!” He continues talking as he climbs to the second floor. He hopes you’ll hear him coming so he won’t scare you in the process. “I also stopped and grabbed a bottle of wine! Thought that sounded like a good way to celebrate!” 
His smile is literally from ear to ear as he enters the bedroom, but sadly it doesn’t stay that way. Because when he does enter the room he’s met with darkness. The bedroom light is off and as he moves further in, it’s clear that the bathroom is vacant as well.
“Y/N?” he turns, his eyes scanning the room as if you’re going to pop out and scare him. But nothing. It’s silent. 
“Y/N!?” he calls out as he moves down the hall to your office and he even peeks into the spare bedroom. But again, nothing. There’s no sign of you upstairs.
“Babe!?” Rushing back down the stairs, his heart is now racing from fear. This wasn’t right and the more his mind tried to figure out what was going on, the more scared he got. “Y/N!” he runs into his office, even with nowhere to hide he searches top to bottom. Nothing.
Running back into the other room, he quickly enters the empty kitchen and that’s when bile begins to rise in his throat.
“Y/N?” he calls out weakly, his eyes darting around the house as he leaves the kitchen and enters the dining room. The living room is quiet, only the food sitting there waiting for him. He tries to take a few breaths before he pulls out his phone, but just as he’s about to call you something on the dining room table catches his eye.
His feet slowly take him towards the objects waiting for him. His heart is beating so fast that it feels as if it’s already broken a rib or two. He doesn’t even realize tears have filled his eyes until he stands over the table and a water droplet falls onto the ripped piece of paper in front of him.
Play Me
The words took up the little torn sheet and now shared the space with the tear that had fallen from his eye.
Dean swallows as he picks up the recorder, his recorder, and his thumb shakes as it hovers over the play button. But when it finally pushes it down, he has to fight to keep the contents in his stomach.
The voice is distorted, as if the atmosphere didn’t already feel like a horror movie.
We both know that I have something precious to you, so listen carefully.
Dean’s jaw locks, his body trembling as he listens to this horrible robotic voice.
If you contact any law enforcement including anyone at that station of yours, she dies. If you reach out to that lawyer brother of yours, she dies. If you do anything other than what I’m telling you to do….well, you don’t need me to go into specific details of what I’ll do to her. So, I hope you’re listening.
Dean screws his eyes shut, his fingernails digging into his palm as his hands clenched into fists. The thought of you in this guy's presence is unbearable. He can’t think straight let alone breathe.
Now, take the phone with you. I’m going to send you an address to where you are going to retrieve a tape. When you get it, I’ll send you another address. Dean glances down at the table, seeing a prepaid phone sitting next to the note. 
If you come with any type of backup, wanted or unwanted, I’ll slit her throat. Understand?
I am watching you detective. So if you get any of those brilliant ideas of yours along the way, ask yourself, is it worth her life?
See you soon.
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yanderederee · 11 months
I want a yandere too. I want someone to love me even with my flaws, bc I tend to lose focus and I do things last min and I'm neurodivegent and I feel like most of my yanderes (especially baji) wouldn't judge me or see my as weird.
Just wanted to pit this out there bc I saw your tags on my last asks and I wanted to respond to that and ig start a discussion or suggestion?
I hope u accept.
For a while now, I’ve been shifting this ask through my head to conjure a proper response …
For starters, I forgot Yandere was part of the prompt I started writing; so I see this as headcanon in Baji’s actions/reactions in types of situation. I could write a whole separate indulgence piece on how yandere!Baji would develop past this:)
I find myself taking a realistic approach to it all. At first/in youth, I don’t think Baji has enough maturity to really understand other people’s neurological/psychological struggles. He’ll understand there’s some tension in those aspects, but I feel that Baji would be quick to frustrate.
Baji doesn’t understand why you’re suddenly giving him the cold shoulder, when in reality you’ve found yourself non-verbal. It wasn’t that fucking hard to place a food order?
Let Baji be dramatic at first. Let him pick apart what’s actually happening.
Once he sees the way you struggle and try to muster the courage to ask for a refill of your drink, he’s in awe with how relieved and proud of yourself you are after managing the small task.
He’d probably seem pissed off and go quiet himself, but it’s cause Baji is mulling the idea over in his head how you can’t to feel that way.
“What gets you so nervous about being in public anyway?” Baji asks blatantly.
You felt this question at the tip of his tongue all day, and while his actions were putting you more on edge, you noticed little details.
You would notice how his tone is lower, not scowling or rolling his eyes at you anymore. You could tell he felt guilty for his immaturity, after his own actions and choice of words.
Just, the way you were so quick to put up your defenses confused him.
“There’s a lot of … unknowns, I guess.. it doesn’t really make sense to me either, Keisuke… I just— my body reacts like I’m doing something, wrong. Like, I’m inconveniencing everyone around me. If I wasn’t standing here, If I wasn’t taking up someone else’s time, other people’s lives would be more… convenient.”
You could tell you were barely getting anywhere with him, but he was trying to understand. So you kept trying to help him understand.
“L-like even now… if I hadn’t dragged you out to hang out with me today, your time could have been better spent. Mikey and Draken invited you out right? But you declined on my behalf..” you smiled, but that same tinge of guilt hit hard.
“Yeah, doing the same lame shit I’ve done for the last week, no creative pass times with those bone heads sometimes,” he laughed. “You don’t think I’m having fun now?” Baji asked.
“Well, it can be hard to tell,” you chuckled back, weary of meeting his gaze. “I can’t really tell if I’m being entertaining enough, or when people get tired of my needless input. I’m.. kinda slow, I guess, I lose focus on what’s happening sometimes and suddenly I’m not on the same page as everyone anymore. But, like, with everything.”
“Does that make sense?” You sighed, heart palpitating in suspense.
It felt good to vent out all the things that made you anxious, especially when you can’t tell why most of the time. Maybe in time, it would.
Baji cycled through your words, silently.
“I… think so.” He mumbled, scratching the back of his head.
“That part of you’s kinda, what I like about you, though?”
Your eyes twitched, and with an unbelieving look, you eye him cautiously.
“Like yesterday, when you spaced out while Chifuyu and I were arguing about Gekijyo, you suddenly jumped right in with a whole other thing from left field. It was hilarious, but I just remember thinking, ‘who the hell thinks of stuff like that?!’ In-in a good way… you’re pretty smart, yaknow. I really respect the way you handle yourself when you’re caught off guard.”
“Honestly, it doesn’t make sense to me, how you go through live so cautiously and worried all the time. But you make smart analysis out of situations that seem unwindable, and,” Baji held out his hand, and carefully pulled a stray hair from your face.
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“I just can’t help but like you. You’re funny, and encouraging. When you’re comfortable, you shine. I see so much passion in you, and can’t help wanting to fuel that part of you.”
Baji gently pressed his palm against your cheek.
Sure, little things could sweep you up in thought, distracting you to the point of frustration. So long as he could keep quipping back and forth, laughing, and watching you smile so genuinely— Baji imagined he could take on some of those struggles of your behalf. Maybe, with just a little weight lifted off your conscious, he could watch you grow and eventually take them on with ease, with a smile.
Over time, Baji would pick up on any stims you had, if you had any.
Started picking up on signs that something was becoming too hard for you to handle, or perhaps comprehend.
He learned your mannerisms, and how to talk out down from any panics you may undergo.
Baji takes it upon himself to learn about the people he cherishes.
He doesn’t drop people because they’re too hard to deal with. Baji doesn’t break off ties, especially when he can tell you’re working through struggles. Physical and psychological.
Baji Keisuke would eventually become surprising attentive, but mostly only with his partner.
He doesn’t walk on egg shells around them, but he will reconsider if he’s acting too harshly.
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