#i’ve had my hair this short before when i was a teen but it stayed super curly
princehatterene · 10 months
as more time goes by i’m more and more glad i cut my own hair i fucking love how it looks
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missberrycake · 3 months
So, I know we all love the headcanon that Eddie moved in with Wayne when he was a teen or a pre-teen, be it because one or both parents died, chucked him out, are in prison, etc. But! I’ve been thinking about another option.
What if Wayne has been looking after Eddie since he was a toddler?
It all comes as a bit of a shock to Wayne who, in his early forties, had pretty much assumed he’d missed the boat on the whole ‘kids’ thing. And yet, here he is, taking in his baby nephew when his brother turns up on his doorstep one day.
When it starts, it’s only supposed to be for a short while. His brother’s wife is newly out of the picture (it’s a crying shame, Wayne had liked her, she’d stayed a gentle soul throughout) and he just needs some time to get himself sorted, right? But then a week turns into a month, turns into two months, turns into half a year and Wayne? Well, he gets attached to the kid, so sue him. 
Because little Eddie is a rambunctious boy. He’s full of gummy smiles and bubbling laughter and Wayne runs himself in circles trying to stop him from toddling into sharp corners and sockets and yards of rope. The two of them are well suited, it seems, and Wayne takes to settling Eddie on his knee in the evenings and going through the races for the next day in the paper.
Eddie chooses a winner more than once. 
Every day, when Wayne comes to pick him up from Julia’s two trailers over (he’s still got to work, something his brother hadn’t considered before he left, or maybe he didn’t care), Eddie greets him with his arms out, already chatting away with the handful of phrases that he knows. 
The boy’s hair is soft and his cheeks smooth and if Wayne gets a little sentimental when he tucks him into bed at night, then nobody else needs to know, do they?
He’s a sweet boy. He deserves someone to care for him. 
So when his brother turns up again with vague mutterings about there being some work for him down in Florida, Wayne’s chest aches. 
“What’s your plan for the littl'un?” he asks.
“Ed? Whad’ya mean?”
“I mean, have you got a place to stay lined up? Who’s gonna look after him while you’re working?”
“I’ll figure somethin’ out.”
He shrugs and Wayne feels something close to panic bubbling in his veins. When he suggests that perhaps his brother should travel ahead, get himself settled first before sending for Eddie, he doesn’t expect him to agree so readily. He can’t say he’s much surprised though. 
The entire exchange doesn’t take more than ten minutes and his brother doesn’t ask after Eddie once, doesn’t show any desire to see him, doesn’t even step inside the trailer—not one jot of fatherly affection shines through. 
It only occurs to Wayne that evening that perhaps this was the outcome his brother wanted. But, hell, it’s fine with him—he’ll let him think he’s winning. Wayne knows who’s got the real prize here. 
He doesn’t mention the visit to Eddie, the kid doesn’t need to know, too busy digging holes and collecting bugs. 
Just like he expected, his brother never sends for the boy. They get letters for the first few years, poorly wrapped and ill-thought through trinkets for the kid’s birthday and Christmas, but it’s not long until they fall by the wayside too. 
Once Eddie’s older, they have a conversation about it. Have to, really, when Eddie comes home from preschool and is full to the brim of questions, because apparently Peter Gillespie says that everyone has to have a mom and a dad, “and I know I have a mom because you’ve told me about her and I said that she’s not around and Mrs. Lang told Peter to be quiet but then I thought about it, but I don’t know, ‘cause you’re my dad, right? I know I don’t call you dad, but that’s what you are, isn’t it? Because what else would you be and Peter says I have to have one.”
It floors Wayne for a moment, but he recovers quickly. He leads Eddie to the couch where he sets him on his lap. For the next while the two of them look through all the pictures that Wayne can find of Eddie’s mom and Wayne’s brother. Wayne makes sure to hold him close and tells him it doesn’t matter that he’s ‘just’ his uncle, that he loves him as much as he would a kid of his own, that he’ll always be around to take care of him. And Eddie takes it all in his stride, in the way only children can. 
“So I can’t call you dad?” he asks.
Wayne lets out a long breath, rubs at his jaw. 
“It’s not that you can’t, kiddo, it’s just that I ain’t.“ 
Because it feels a little like stealing. What would happen, if one day his brother came back and found his kid calling Wayne ‘Dad’. If the boot were on the other foot, Wayne would be angry as all heck. And there was still time, wasn’t there? For his brother to see the error of his ways? Who was Wayne to keep all of that from Eddie? 
“Okay,” Eddie says quietly. “Uncle Wayne is still good.”
“Oh, it’s still good, is it?” Wayne crows and squeezes Eddie tight. “I’m sure glad I meet your high standards, your majesty.”
Eddie just giggles at that. He always giggles when Wayne puts on his voices. 
“And what would the esteemed gentleman like for dinner tonight, huh? The options are spaghetti hoops, spaghetti hoops, or - now let me think. Oh! Spaghetti hoops.”
The nail in the coffin comes one day in the summer of 1978, just before Eddie’s twelfth birthday. It’s been over eight years since his brother dropped him off in search of better things and sure, there have been some days where Wayne has been tearing his hair out, but through all of it he knows he made the right decision that day in the doorway of the trailer. He wouldn’t change Eddie for the world, and he knows by now that there are some out there that would, who would only see the difficult or the different in him, but isn’t that what being a parent is? Loving your kid no matter what? Seeing the good in them and helping them see it themselves?
When his brother slams the door shut on some car so shiny that Wayne wonders if it’s fresh out of the packet, he knows they’re in for some trouble. 
“Nice car, man,” Eddie whistles from where he’d been lounging on the plastic chairs out the front of the trailer. Clearly the sight of something so drenched in luxury in their neighbourhood makes it so that he just can’t help himself.
Wayne’s brother grunts in that way that he always did when they were younger, like he’d gotten away with something. 
Wayne just watches, then, as his brother nods at the book in Eddie’s hands. “A reader, are you?” he says, a joke in his voice. “What’s this? Always knew there were brains in the family somewhere.”
“It’s ‘Lord of the Rings’,” Eddie replies, uncertain. His gaze flicks to Wayne, who nods. Funny, that the kid was quiet now, he’d been ranting and raving to Wayne about that goddamn book every spare second of the week. “It’s got orcs and wizards and elves in and stuff.”
“Fairytales?” his brother scoffs. It grates on Wayne like a physical thing. “What you been doing to the boy, Wayne? Here.” He turns back to Eddie. “You know me, kid?”
Eddie shakes his head.
“I’m your old man! So you like cars, do you? Want to go for a spin in her?”
“You don’t have to Eddie. Not if you don’t want,” Wayne pipes up then. He knows his boy well enough that he can see the internal war going on behind his eyes. And, hell, it is a nice car. Eddie bites his lip and stares at Wayne, eyes wide, asking permission.
“‘Course he wants to.” And his brother is already walking back to the driver’s side door. He winks at Eddie. “Gotta lot of catching up to do, ain’t we?”
“Hold this for me?” Eddie asks and hands Wayne his book before jogging away.
There’s a sinking feeling in his stomach when Wayne watches the dust trail behind the car as it leaves the trailer park. He sits out on the porch all afternoon, eyes flashing towards the road every few minutes. It isn’t until almost dusk that it careens into the park once more. 
The passenger door slams violently and Eddie stomps towards him.
“He’s not my dad,” he splutters as he pushes his face against Wayne’s shoulder. Wayne can feel where his cheeks are hot and flushed.
Cradling the back of Eddie’s head with one hand, he mutters gently, “Yeah, son, I know.”
And how had he ever thought that man could be Eddie’s father? No, Eddie may still call him ‘Uncle Wayne’, but they’ve gone well beyond that and both of them know it.
Directing Eddie back inside the trailer, Wayne sends a small nod to his brother where the man is still lingering by his car door, looking faintly murderous. 
Let him try, he thinks. No one’s taking his boy from him now, come hell or high water.
[Yeah, I'm scouring the archives and trying to salvage as many headcanons as I can from my old deleted account, but let's just pretend this is brand new content.]
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borathae · 7 days
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↳ Index [Snippet #50 - Roundie]
"When Jungkook accidentally gives himself a bowl cut."
Genre: Slice of Life, Fluff
Warnings: just Kookie being the cutest and roundest, she teases him for messing up his haircut, and he playfully bites her cheek for it, they're so in love, snuggles and kisses hihi
Wordcount: 1.3k
a/n: i don't have to mention what i was inspired by LIKE he is so cute you have no idea i love him so much it's actually insane :( this is also something that ogc!googie would do so i wanted to be self-indulgent and write it ihihiih <3 have fun besties 🧡
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You heard your husband exclaim this one small word around twenty minutes ago and haven't heard a word from him since. Only the blow dryer, which has been running the last few minutes, can be heard.
You and Jungkook are on a romantic holiday in Japan because the land is especially nice this time around to explore by motorbike. You are currently staying in an Airbnb somewhere in the Japanese mountains. The architecture and furniture is traditional with a hint of modern and the house offers a small private spa area. You and Jungkook have already enjoyed it earlier today, but decided to call it quits for now. You currently find yourself on the sofa in your pyjamas, relaxing with a good book and a cup of tea, while your husband locked himself up in the bathroom. 
Except for his very enthusiastic and shocked “No!” you haven’t heard from him. That changes however right this instant when the blow dryer stops and the door unlocks. 
“Yes, Kook?”
You can’t see him yet, talking louder to make up for the distance. Judging from his voice coming closer, he is walking to you. 
“So, remember how I told you that my hair is getting too long?” 
You set down your book.
“What did you do?” 
“Okay so, hah, funny story. So okay, you know how we met when we were both nineteen, yeah?” 
“Okay cool and I looked really sexy and handsome and mature?” 
“Thinking back, you still looked very boyish back then, but I guess yeah you did. Why? What did you do?” 
“Did you ever wonder what I looked like when I was fifteen?” 
“Jeon Jungkook stop the riddles, what did you do?”
He crosses the corner, appearing in your vision. You instantly crack up, coughing out laughter and pointing your finger at him. He gave himself the roundest and cutest bowl cut ever, looking like a teen with it. 
“What did you do? Baby, oh my god”, you laugh loudly.
“I cut the bangs too short. I tried to save them by cutting the sides, but then I had to match the back too and I gave myself a bowl cut.”
“You look so adorable, I can’t believe it”, you say, stumbling to your feet so you can run to him and touch his hair, “you have the roundest head ever. You’re basically a circle.”
“I’m not a circle. Baby”, he whines and pouts.
You snicker, fluffing up his sides. They instantly fall back into their natural bowl cut state.
“I can’t believe it, you turned yourself into a boba ball. God, look at you. It’s like you aged backwards.”
“It’s the same stupid hairstyle I had in middle school. Baby, please tell me I’m handsome, I’m a sad doofus right now.”
“You’re the most handsome circle ever.”
He nudges you gently, furrowing his brows.
“Shut up, you’re not helping.”
You cackle, now fumbling with his bangs. 
“Of course you’re handsome, my sweetie. I’ve never seen you with your hair like this before, I love it a lot”, you say and tug on his bangs softly. They instantly bounce back into their bowl cut state, reflecting the lights from just how shiny and round his hair is. You snicker, “god it’s so cute. You’re adorable.”
“I'm neither cute nor adorable. I’m manly and sexy. Urgh, I ruined myself.” He whines and drops his head on your Shoulder. “I'll accept it if you divorce me now.”
“Divorce-ha!” You laugh loudly, giving his butt a playful spank, “you dramatic baby, you. I already told you that I love it. You’re very handsome and of course, very manly and sexy.”
He lifts his head, giving you a small grin. 
“But…also very cute and adorable.”
He furrows his brows, opening his mouth.
You instantly silence him, “which is a good thing because it means I wanna cuddle you even more often.”
“Wait. This is a good thing”, he says, making you chuckle.
“It is. Gosh you, let me take a picture. You’re so adorable.” 
“If you must.”
Despite his initial complaints, Jungkook ends up posing with pouted lips and his hand throwing up a peace sign. It’s his signature pose he does in pictures and he looks very adorable tonight. You giggle at the picture, putting it as your lock screen. You show it to him.
“Look, now when someone asks me about you, I can tell them I’m married to a roundie.” 
“You”, Jungkook points his finger at you. “Stop it.” 
You cackle. 
His features soften, a warm smile washes over his face. He gives up with a fond scoff and a little chuckle, closing the distance by grabbing your waist and pulling you snug against him. You and he sway from side to side, looking deeply into each other’s eyes. You have your arms hooked behind his head.
“You’re lucky that you’re so cute, otherwise I would have to bite your cheeks for your annoying antics”, he says.
“Mhm bite my cheeks you say? Ohoho mister what a thread, especially coming from a life sized choco ball such as yourself.”
“Yah”, he complains and gives your buttocks a squeeze. 
“Sorry, sorry last one I promise. Sorry, I couldn’t help myself”, you snicker, rubbing his neck in apology. 
Jungkook chuckles, rubbing his hands over your buttocks innocently. 
“It’s insane how good it fits you. Up close, you can really tell that you fucked it up, but it looks so good on you that it’s not even bad that you fucked it up.” 
“Is it really bad?”
“No, not at all. Your bangs are a little choppy, but it’s cute. Very handsome. Gosh”, you squish his cheeks, “your eyes look even prettier with this hair. It’s like they’re supporting each other’s roundieness. You’re seriously so handsome.” 
Jungkook smiles shyly, “thanks, heh. Roundieness isn’t even a word by the way.”
“It is now.” 
Jungkook simply furrows his brows and goes in for the attack. He bites your cheek. Gently of course. 
“Yah”, you step back, wiping the saliva from your skin. 
“I warned you and you wouldn’t listen. Consequences of your own actions, missy.”
“Don’t talk to me about consequences of my own actions, Mister Accidental Bowl Cut Which Aged Him Back Decades.”
Jungkook laughs and hugs your waist. You chuckle.
“Come on you, let’s go to bed and cuddle.”
“Yay cuddles. I swear today drained me. I almost fell asleep in the hot spring.” 
“Baby, you fell asleep. I had to hold your head so you wouldn’t accidentally drown.”
“I guess I did. I couldn’t help it. It was warm and cozy. I felt very relaxed.”
You and he get under the same blanket. He lies down on his side, you face him. His bangs fall to one side, now looking like those typical two thousand tens bangs every teenage boy had back then. 
You play with them, eyes spilling over with love.
“If I had met you back then, I so would have had a crush on you.”
“Mhm totally. You would have been my type. You are my type, but you get what I mean.”
“I do, yeah.” He smiles and reaches out to play with your hair. “You would have been my type too. Your mom showed me pictures of you when you were a teen and I would have had such a crush on you back then.”
“Oh god”, you chuckle, “I was such a mess though. Did she show you the pic of my clip in leopard print hair strands I rocked with black eyeliner?” 
“Of course she did. You totally rocked them.”
“No I didn't, I looked ridiculous.”
“At least you didn’t look like a circle.”
You laugh, “mhm maybe, but you’re the most handsome circle I have ever seen”, you say, pushing him to his back and climbing on his lap.
Jungkook holds your hips instantly, purring his words as he gazes at your lips.
“Yeah? I’m a handsome circle?”
“Mhhm the most handsome.”
“Hah, come and kiss me, baby.”
You smile, he smiles, sharing a breathy chuckle and little moan with you.
“Kiss me, please.”
“Fuck Kook, I can’t get enough of you”, you say and pull him into a deep kiss. 
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stevie-petey · 6 months
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“Jinx!” Again, they say this at the same time. They both groan, and without any other words, they jump into an intense game of rock, paper, scissors.  “One, two, three!” Steve holds out a rock, Robin does as well, and the two teens almost strangle one another.  They try again, this time they both land on paper, and Robin throws her head back in frustration. “I’m not good at math, but this cannot be statistically possible.”
Summary: do the laws of dibs still apply if steve and robin see you at the same time ???
Rating: general, some swearing
Warnings: swearing, fem!reader, use of y/n
Words: 1.4k
Before you swing in: this is for my beloved val (@southelroy), and i was so excited to try my hand at writing robin and steve together <3 this is a very silly fic, not at all meant to be realistic or serious, and it isnt proofread so pls enjoy n beware !
According to the ancient rules of “dibs”, the first person who sees the desired one has the rightful claim of dibs. Anyone else present during this time must obey this sacred rule, respecting the fact that the other has laid claim first. It’s an old, ancient tradition, held up for centuries through faithful friendships. 
It’s a solid system, really.
Except Steve and Robin see you walk into Family Video on the same day, at the same time, together. 
You walk in, hair slightly wet from the rain and your eyes bright, and smile at the two of them shyly. Setting down your umbrella, you unbutton your raincoat and look around the store. “Sorry, is it okay if I hide out in here for a bit? My umbrella broke and I really don’t feel like catching a cold.”
Steve and Robin stare at you, wide eyed and in shock. They’ve never seen you before, they surely would’ve remembered your face if they had, and their brains short circuit simultaneously. 
When they don’t say anything, you cautiously walk up to the counter and laugh nervously. “Uh, hello? I can leave, if that’s what you’re trying to say.”
“No!” Steve shouts, panicked that the word “leave” has left your very pretty and pink mouth. When you flinch at his raised voice, he quickly clears his throat and lowers his voice. “I–uh, I mean… No, no. You can stay–please! I mean, if you don’t mind, ‘cause, ya know, it’s raining–”
“What my coworker here is trying to say is that you can definitely stay.” Robin interrupts, admiring the way the raindrops in your hair seem to form a halo. “In fact, why don’t you have a look around? We have plenty of movies.”
You smile at Robin, which she practically melts seeing. “Thanks, you guys are lifesavers. I’m here visiting my cousin, and he said I should stop by anyways.”
“What, do we know him?” Steve asks, finally finding his voice again. 
“His name is Dustin Henderson, if that helps. He’s a freshman at Hawkins, said he stops here sometimes–”
“Dustin Henderson is your cousin?” Steve and Robin say at the same time, completely taken aback. 
You laugh. “Ya know, I’ve gotten that a lot since being in Hawkins. I take it he’s well known?”
“Oh, he’s definitely well known.” Robin snorts, thinking about how many people would scream at the idea of more Hendersons running around the world. 
But if they’re anything like you, then Robin thinks she’d love to be invited to a Henderson family reunion. Immediately. 
“Well,” you smile again at the two teens, amused by their weird dynamic. You can see why Dustin likes them so much. “Since I’m stuck here for a while and I promised Dustin I’d get a movie, I’m gonna take a look around as suggested.”
You pause, now realizing you haven’t asked for their names, and you gasp. “I’m so sorry! What are your names? I feel horrible for not even asking.”
“You could never do any wrong,” Steve sighs dreamily, leaning against the counter in what he hopes is a cool looking pose. “I’m Steve, Steve Harrington.”
He sticks his hand out for you to shake, which you accept with a slight giggle. He’s odd, but incredibly endearing even if he’s currently standing against the counter like a middle-aged man. “I’m Y/N Henderson.” 
Robin, sensing what Steve is trying to do, hip checks the boy so that he falls onto the ground. “And I’m Robin Buckley, the better half of this duo.”
Like hell she’s going to allow him to flirt with you. 
Her declaration makes you laugh, even as poor Steve groans on the floor in pain. You wink at her, amused by her charm, and start to walk towards the movie aisles. “Oh, I believe that.”
Steve scrambles back up, and the second you’re out of earshot, he and Robin immediately shout at the same time, “Dibs!”
“Jinx!” Again, they say this at the same time. They both groan, and without any other words, they jump into an intense game of rock, paper, scissors. 
“One, two, three!” Steve holds out a rock, Robin does as well, and the two teens almost strangle one another. 
They try again, this time they both land on paper, and Robin throws her head back in frustration. “I’m not good at math, but this cannot be statistically possible.”
“Okay, let’s think about this.” Steve holds a finger up to indicate that he’s speaking, which Robin scoffs at. “I saw her first, so–”
“Uh, news flash, dingus: I saw her first.”
“Were you dropped as a child? I clearly saw her first–”
“Actually,” your voice causes both Robin and Steve to turn in horror, realizing too late that you’ve been standing behind them, listening in. “You both saw me at the same time, so I’m not sure how the rule of dibs applies here.”
“We…” Steve gapes at you, speechless. 
Robin is no better, her face burns horribly. “We think… You’re pretty?”
“Well, I gathered that much.” You laugh again, and the sound is enough for both Steve and Robin to forget all their worries and admire how delicate it is. Then, holding up two dvd’s, you place them on the counter. “I’ll take these, please.”
Robin looks down at your movie selection, seeing The Breakfast Club and The Outsiders, and her heart drops. “Just… Just these?”
“Mhm,” you nod, unsure why her demeanor has suddenly changed. “Is there something wrong with my movie selection?”
Steve looks at Robin and he knows immediately what’s wrong. She absolutely hates your taste in movies, which he’s ecstatic over. He lets out a whoop and first bumps the air. “Yes! She’s mine!”
“Shut up, you moron!” Robin screeches, embarrassed and infuriated. She cannot believe that this is happening to her right now, in front of a very pretty girl, no less. Closing her eyes, Robin takes a deep breath and turns to you. “Please excuse my friend, he’s allergic to pretty girls.”
“Hey, that’s not true–”
You cross your arms at Robin, an amused smile on your face. “What’s so wrong with my taste in movies?”
“Nothing!” When you raise your eyebrow at her, Robin accepts her fate and gives in. She knows she’s done for now. “It’s just… It’s incredibly bland.”
“I happen to think your taste is impeccable, Y/N.” Steve butts in, batting his eyelashes at you for added effect.
Robin watches, with pure disgust, as it works. Steve’s charm gets you to laugh once more, and you even lean closer to his side of the counter. You place a hand on his arm. “I’m honored to have you on my side, then.”
Stupid Harrington and his stupid male species. 
While you and Steve exchange gross lovey-dovey glances, Robin rings up your movie rentals with disdain. 
“That will be $5.25, please.” She mumbles, crestfallen. 
You tear your eyes away from Steve’s and notice the jealousy and hurt on Robin’s face. You frown, feeling bad for being the cause of this. She seems like a sweet girl, and Dustin spoke highly of her, so you know she’s someone special. Taking some cash out of your purse, you hand it to Robin and catch her eye. 
“Hey, listen to me real quick.” Robin looks up, despite not wanting to, but your eyes are too pretty not to look into. When you have her attention, you turn to Steve. “Can you give us a second?”
He looks bewildered. “What? Why?”
“If you leave now, I’ll give you my number.”
“Yes ma’am!” Steve hops over the counter and goes to sort some movies, leaving you alone with Robin. 
Once he’s gone, you lean in close to her. “I understand what you’re going through.”
Her eyes widen, terrified she’s been caught. “W–what? No, I think you’ve gotten this all wrong–”
“It’s okay,” you grab her hand, gently take it between yours. “We’re more alike than you may think, and while I’m flattered, you’re too young.”
Robin knows she should be devastated by this, but all she hears is, “So… Let’s say ten years from now, if you happen to visit Dustin again…”
You laugh, she’s got such a spark to her. “You’ll have to figure out the whole ‘dibs’ thing by then with Steve.”
“I saw you first!” Steve shouts from somewhere in the aisles, before a giant crash follows. A few seconds pass, and then, much quieter this time, he shouts, “I’m fine!”
⌑ writing masterlist
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jerzwriter · 1 month
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This story takes place on the night of All is Merry & Bright. Grandma Vivian is staying over to watch baby Samantha, so Casey has some time to think. Wrapped up in the warmth of family love & the Christmas spirit, she starts to think maybe Tobias is right about adding to the Carrick brood.
Book: Open Heart (Post-Series) Mini-Series: Round Two Pairing: Tobias Carrick x Casey Carrick (F!MC) Rating: Teen Words: 792 Summary: See Above A/N: This little series will be a few (?) short stories leading up to Brooke Carrick's birth on August 30th.
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Casey was curled up in bed, a book resting in her hands, though she couldn’t seem to focus on the words. Soft Christmas music piped through the air, blending with the hum of the holiday lights that twinkled outside, casting a festive glow throughout their bedroom. The house smelled like Christmastime  - sugar cookies fresh out of the oven, and the aroma of pine created a comforting, nostalgic mix that filled her with warmth.
Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath and smiled. Sometimes, it was still hard for her to believe that this was their life. She and Tobias had just celebrated their second wedding anniversary, and this would be little Sammy’s second Christmas, too. If someone had told her five years before that this was where they'd be, she would have thought them crazy—but oh, how thrilled she was that they would have been right!
Tobias stepped into the room, a playful smile toying on his lips. “Ma’s got Sammy down for the night."
“Already?” Casey gasped.
“She’s out like a light,” he replied, settling in next to his wife. “She really does have the magic touch.”
“Well, she has had plenty of practice,” Casey grinned, wrapping her arms around him.
“Speaking of practice…” he smirked, pushing Casey on her back.
“Is that all you think about?” She laughed.
“When it comes to you? Pretty much,” he teased, running his hands through her hair.
She gazed up at him, her eyes sparkling with playful mischief. “So. What would you say if I told you that I might be ready to start practicing for real?”
“For real?” he laughed. “What have all the other times been for? Were they just...” Tobias’s eyes widened as realization set in, a look of shock settling on his face. “Wait... do you mean? Are you serious?”
Casey nodded, her smile growing as she watched his excitement build. “I’ve been thinking about it… and you’re right; maybe Sammy does need a sibling sooner rather than later. And I know how much you want to build that softball team of yours.”
“But you said... you wanted to... You’re serious?” He asked, his voice filling with hope. “You’re not just teasing me, right?”
“I’m not teasing,” she assured him, her hand gently playing with the stubble of his beard.
“Oh, my God, Casey,” he beamed, grasping the back of her head and pulling her into a passionate kiss. “This... this is incredible! This is the best Christmas gift you could ever give me!"
She could see the wheels spinning in his mind. “All right,” he grinned, slipping out of his pajama bottoms. “If we get started right now, our second little girl could be with us next Christmas.”
“Tobias!” She laughed. “Calm down! I’m more than happy to, uh - practice, but it's not like you're going to hit a home run tonight. These things can take time."
“Time,” he scoffed. “Please! Sammy didn’t take any time at all.”
“Sammy was unplanned, remember?”
“Exactly!”  Tobias exclaimed. “And it still happened. I’ve got Carrick magic on my side, baby. When I say this is happening... it's happening.”
Casey laughed, her heart swelling with love for this man who never failed to make her smile. “Okay, Mr. Magic, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves.”
Tobias rolled over, pinning his giggling wife gently beneath him, his eyes locking with hers with that look she once named "the panty drop."
“I’m not getting ahead of anything,” he purred. “I’m just being proactive.”
“Proactive, huh?” her voice a teasing whisper as she wrapped her arms behind his neck.
“Absolutely,” he murmured, kissing that sweet spot that always made her shiver, and it proved successful once again. “There’s no time like the present.”
Casey’s breath hitched as his hands began to wander, exploring every curve and dip of her body with a tenderness that still made her pulse race. Whoever said the honeymoon would end with these two just didn't know them at all.
“Maybe… maybe you’re right,” she breathed, her nails digging into his back.
Tobias smiled down at her, his eyes filled with love and desire, unlike anything he had known before. “I know I’m right. Next year, we’ll be taking our Christmas card photo with two little girls.”
“You don’t know that we’ll have another girl,” Casey cooed.
“Yes, I do,” he winked, dipping under the covers to do things that would never make it to the pages of their future child's baby book.
Casey laughed for a moment, but as passion burned between them, her laughter was cut short, and the rest of the world faded away as they set out on their shared mission; they were well-practiced for this one and oh so eager to begin.
@choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
Tagging others separately.
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dragonflylady77 · 2 months
Why fight a guy (when you can kiss him instead)
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Chapter 4 - did you mean what you said?
Ch1 Ch2 Ch3 - on Ao3
What the fuck was I thinking? I’m a dead man, whatever way you hash it.
Billy closes his eyes to stop seeing the shock on Harrington’s face, his brown eyes bigger than usual. He rubs a tired hand over his face.  
This was the worst idea ever.
Usually anger takes over right about now but tonight he’s just too fucking tired. Maybe he can borrow a blanket from that couch downstairs so he doesn’t freeze in his car.
“I’ll go.”
It takes all the energy he has left, which isn’t much at this point after the night he’s had, to push himself up. Harrington’s hand is on his arm before Billy can sit up fully and in the space of a blink, Billy finds himself lying on his back with the prettiest boy in Hawkins lying half on top of him.
“Please stay,” Steve whispers and Billy is just to fucking exhausted to fight. Who’s to say he’s not already asleep in the backseat of the Camaro and dreaming about lying in bed with Steve, Steve’s head on his chest and Steve’s arm around his waist. That must be it.
Billy lets himself sink deeper into the mattress, under the warm comforter and the even warmer boy in his arms, until the world is a fuzzy memory.
The shrill ring of the phone pulls Billy out of his slumber and he rolls over onto his stomach with a groan, ignoring it. Neil doesn’t want him answering it anyway, and it’s not like it ever rings for Billy. He feels movement on the mattress behind him then the ringing stops. From under the pillow he put over his head, Billy hears Steve talking in hushed tones.
“No, Dustin, you don’t need to come over. No, everything is fine, I’m just really tired and trying to sleep. Yeah, I’ll ring you later. Okay, bye.”
The mattress dips again but Steve stops just short of making contact. As Billy lies there missing the other teen’s warmth, he remembers Steve kissing him the day before when he was so sure they were going to beat each other up. He remembers Steve saying he had dreams about Billy in his bed so he figures maybe it’s time he made a move.
He takes his pillow off his head and opens his eyes to find Steve on his side, staring at him, one hand on the bed between them.
“Hey,” Billy starts, pushing onto his elbows, fingers of his right hand slotting between Steve’s. “Come here.” He gives a gentle pull and Steve follows, coming closer until they’re both on their sides, feet tangling.
“Did you mean what you said?” Billy asks, his heart racing in his chest. He knows if Neil found out, he probably wouldn’t live to see another day. But Steve kissed him in front of the whole Weird Kids gang last night and that had to mean something. Something worth risking everything.
“Which part?” Steve asks in a whisper Billy feels on his lips, the other boy is so close. “The part where I’ve wanted to kiss you since the day I saw you in the carpark at school?” Steve wraps his arms around Billy and Billy doesn’t dare move. “Or the part where I keep dreaming you’re in my bed?”
Billy lets out a low chuckle. “Both?” His arm snakes around Steve’s waist and he stifles a gasp when his fingers encounter warm skin. 
“Mmmm… yeah, I meant all of it.” Steve is blushing and Billy wants to kiss him.
He bridges the small gap between them, pressing his lips to Steve’s. Steve moans and Billy uses that as an opportunity to deepen the kiss. With both hands tangled in Billy’s curls, Steve pulls him closer and Billy goes willingly. It’s his turn to be lying on top, fingers spread to tangle in Steve’s chest hair, while they continue kissing and Billy’s legs fall on either side of Steve’s thigh.
Soon though, the kiss ends as the residual exhaustion from the events of the past day catches up with both of them. The few hours of sleep they got before the phone woke them up weren’t nearly enough. Billy falls onto his side, Steve’s arm wrapping around his shoulders. He rests his head on Steve’s chest, listening to the soothing beats of his heart.
“Billy?” Steve whispers, the light of the afternoon sun shining through the gaps in the curtains.
“Yeah?” Billy mumbles, not lifting his head, his fingers tracing down Steve’s ribcage.
“If… if it’s not safe for you at your house, you could, um, you could just stay here. With me.”
“What do you mean, pretty boy?” Billy asks, his mind racing with the possibility. “There’s no way Neil would let me. Besides, I’m not eighteen for a few months yet, he’d never go for it, even if he doesn’t know about… us.”
“We could get your stuff while your dad is at work and put it in the guest room. Hide your car in the garage, if needed. I’m sure Hop could talk to the school and get your dad trespassed, or something.”
“Have it all planned out, do you?”
“I just wanna keep you safe, Billy.”
“Can you just… think about it? Please?”
Billy agrees, because he’s tired and doesn’t want to fight. Besides, it’s nice to entertain the thought. Getting away from Neil Hargrove and his fists is the only thing he has wanted for so long, he needs time to process the fact that he might get Steve at the same time.
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nerdieforpedro · 11 months
His Place of Peace
Dieter Bravo x plus size female reader
Fanfiction - teens and up I guess?
Masterlist / Dieter Bravo Masterlist
Warnings: just fluff and maybe a few innuendos, brief mention of drug use
Notes: I’ve actually had this in my WIP folder for a while. Re-worked it a bit and feel like it’s ready. A soft Dieter was inspired by lo-fi beats and coffee. Maybe how he would be if he was at home and looking over scripts. He’s touch oriented so I thought this fit.
Length: 835 (New personal short record!)
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“Honey, you can’t wear those.” A gray robe was draped over the love seat as Dieter plopped on the floor in front of it. He had a script in hand and needed to focus.
“Why? I’m in my house and it’s a little cool.” You stood in the doorway to the living room. Happy that he was home, but a little miffed that he didn’t start with a greeting at least. It had been a year, you knew him well enough by now that Dieter Bravo didn’t always give you what you wanted, but he somehow surprised you with what you didn’t know you needed.
“I won’t feel your thighs properly if you wear pajama pants. Keep your tank top on though.” He instructed, and started to read the script again. You walked back to the bedroom and slipped off your bottoms, then donned a pair of white cheeky panties to match your tank top and walked out to the loveseat. Dieter peeked up at you,
“You didn’t need to put on panties.” His eyes went back to his script. Mumbling to himself, you’d only get parts of him now, the award winner took his craft seriously. Claiming your seat next to him on the loveseat, you didn’t feel like being compliant quite yet. One arm snaked over your thigh and his head leaned on your knee. “Baby, help me out.” His dark brown curls tickled your skin, you reached your hand for them but stopped yourself, it would be giving in. “Please…?” You couldn’t see his face, but you knew your boyfriend was making a pouty face.
“Fine, but I want cheese ravioli with garlic bread from that chef you take with you when you travel.” Your hand met its place among his rolling strands. They felt like silk and massaging his scalp helped him focus on learning his lines, so he said. A soft purr of satisfaction came from Dieter’s chest. Despite how frustrating he could be, moments like these made him sweet in your eyes. He wasn’t content with just the scalp massage, he wiggled in-between your legs and lifted your calves, placing your knees on each of his shoulders. Bravo locked his arms around your calves so you wouldn’t move your legs off, eyes still on his script. The facial hair on each side of his cheeks and jaw enticed you to start digging your fingernails on his scalp kneading the skin.
A calming hum left Deiter as he flipped the page, carefully reading what he needed to say next, trying to picture the character he would be playing in this role. His head started to bob side to side, alternating with the pressure from your fingernails into his scalp.
“You’re perfect, you know that right? I’ll tell the chef to make that nasty ass pineapple on one of the pizzas we’ll have tomorrow night. The ravioli will be tonight though. I need a kiss from my perfect woman, please?” His neck extended and his mischievous coffee eyes drank you in, your smile, the messy bun you had on your head, the tanktop that fit better six months ago according to you but Dieter would tell you it hugs you in the correct places. The only person that wasn’t contractually obligated to stay by his side through his three stents in rehab but convinced him to make the coke and molly an every other week treat.
“Alright, but then you’re going back to your script.” Your soft lips touched his forehead, lingering for a moment before pulling back. His large hand cupped your cheek to hold your face there so he could keep looking at you, studying your face, your moles, the small scar in your hairline that you told him was from you tried to use a hot comb on your hair by yourself. You turned your head to kiss the small circle tattoo he had on his left hand.
The actor’s face beamed at the small moments with you like this. Ones he thought he’d never have because he was always herded like some prize cattle, from one place to the next and any reprieve he found were in powders, bottles and pills. Due to his schedule, he barely had time to paint anymore, but here you were. Someone he could come home to, make jokes with, supportive and loving. His head was in the best place it could be, between your thick thighs, heavy legs keeping him from floating away in the weightless feeling you gave him each time you touched him.
Dieter’s hand let go of your face as you sat back, gently running the pads of your fingers across his forehead where your lips had been. His eyes returned to the words on the pages, re-reading the same line three times. He felt safe and loved, he cleared his throat to re-focus himself again finally getting to the line below, he’d stay here all night if allowed, secure with his beautiful perfect woman right above him.
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camywamycam · 1 year
what was left behind in the rubble P.3
702 words
soon to be harry x reader 
I know this is a short chapter and im sorry 😭 I finished writing this at 4 am because I can only write at night since I'm with my mom and siblings all day and I refuse to write in front of them 😭 maybe it wasnt a good idea to start a full ass fanfic story with a plot 2 weeks before I leave for summer camp but yolo, ive decided im gonna have this fic go from the summer - hoggwarts and y/n will start acting a lot more like Sirius iykwim 
y/ns pov
If you had been in the right mindset, you would have impatiently pushed Remus away the second he stepped foot into your room. However, at that moment, all you needed was a hug. You clung onto the soft fabric of his cable knit sweater, which carried the strong scent of chocolate, cigars, and parchment. Remus held you firmly in his arms, patiently waiting for you to feel comfortable enough to open up about your thoughts.
"I hate him," you said in a broken voice.
"You don't mean that," Remus replied, his uncertainty evident in his words. "He loves you, he just... doesn't know the right way to express himself, that's all."
"Well, he obviously doesn't have that problem with Potter," you spat, your voice tinged with envy. "When I traveled all the way to Europe to see my biological father, I was kind of hoping he wouldn't be a total dick."
Remus sat and listened attentively as you rambled, finally realizing how left out you had truly been. The other children never spoke to you, and neither did the adults, except for the usual greetings. The more he spoke to you, the more he learned about your experiences. He discovered that while you were neglected at Grimlands place, you had met a group of muggles who had welcomed you into their friend group so at least you hadn't been totally alone. In the mere 45 minutes of conversation, Remus had already learned more about you than your very own father.
You and Remus continued to chat throughout the night in the room which you had made your own. For the first time in a while when you woke up that morning you didn't feel absolutely terrible. you turned to your side and checked your phone notifications before getting ready for the day.
you tried to sprint down the stairs as quietly as possible knowing the other adults in the house wouldn't be so happy about you sneaking off to hang around strange people whom they knew nothing about. It was almost comical how much they tried to control you when you and they both knew they didn't care about you in the slightest. As you raced down the stairs you bumped into a pale boy with messy black hair and glasses that were a tad bit too large for his face. "black." he spat "potter." "and where do you think you are going?" he said sassily 
harrys pov
it was strange seeing y/n actually dressed. since none of the kids went outside we mostly stayed in our lounging clothes. I took note of y/ns red top, flared jeans, a jean jacket that was covered in patches, and Converse. She actually looked quite nice... but I would never admit that. 
"out." that's all she said as she tried pushing past me. I grabbed a hold of her wrist "What's your problem? You've been acting rude ever since you got here. You could at least try to talk to your dad." she scoffed in my face "Oh I've tried. he's the one who doesn't want me here." "Maybe he would actually like you if you weren't such a bitch." I was shocked at the words falling from my mouth. did I say that out loud? my thoughts were confused as y/n turned around and punched me square in the nose. Adults rushed in as they heard me fall into a vase smashing it while holding my bloody nose. Mrs. Weasly scolded y/n “what on earth have you done!” she screamed at y/n but she just looked around with a red face and big eyes as she rushed towards the door slamming it shut, not that anyone cared.
"don't cry don't cry don't cry don't cry," you thought to yourself as you ran to your friends' house. luckily she asked no questions and just welcomed you in with open arms. you eventually told her what had happened at Grimmlands place and she was pissed. both her parents said you could stay with them as long as you needed. they even let you move into the guest room so you wouldn't have to continue sleeping on your friend's floor. you know that you can't stay here long since school is starting soon, but you might as well enjoy it while you can.
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@moonys0chocolate @venomsvl  @quackitysdrugdealer @superduckmilkshake
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raayllum · 2 years
Kpp’Ar doesn’t know what to make of the boy, at first. He’s heard of him of course — even this far near the Del Barian border of Katolis, gossip travels fast. In the four months since the war ended scarcely anyone has spoken of anything other than how — the boy king, his mage brother, the strangely absent Moonshadow elf turned ally. Kpp’Ar leaves wooden cabin once every two weeks to go to the marketplaces, and it’s enough to know that his former student’s reign was disastrously short-lived and violent. 
But no matter. He washed his hands of Viren’s crimes best he could years ago.
Or so he thought, before the loud knocking at his door.
He never got visitors even when living near inner Katolis in his great big manor, so the fact that someone has trekked all the way up the snowy side of the mountain to the cabin, miles away from anyone else... He opens his door with his cane gripped like a club in one hand, knowing his body isn’t what it used to be, frail from age and dark magic use (however disavowed). 
He doesn’t expect a young man, still a bit baby faced at no older than seventeen at most, surely, brown hair permanently stuck to one side of his head to be on the other side.
“No visitors,” he grouses and goes to shut the door.
The young man catches it with his boot and then his arm, a flash of his red scarf revealing a Katolian seal. “I’m not here to sell you anything,” he says quickly, “or anything like that. I’m here to ask—”
“I don’t do dark magic anymore, there’ll be no miracles here—”
“I don’t need your magic. I have my own. I just need information—about Viren.”
Kpp’Ar pauses. No one here knows who his former pupil is, and this boy is far from old enough to know first hand, so—Kpp’Ar stops trying to close the door. “Who are you?”
“I’m Prince Callum of Katolis,” the boy says. “High mage of my brother’s court.” He forces the opening wider and barrels in before Kpp’Ar can stop him, getting snow and wet boot-prints all over his wooden floor. The old mage can feel a headache coming on. “I’ve been doing research and Soren said you might—”
Soren. Kpp’Ar’s heart thuds dully in his chest. Good to know what Viren had done had been worth something. “What is it that you want to know, boy?”
“Dark magic,” he says. “Is there a spell that can bring someone back from the dead?”
Kpp’Ar recoils, eyes flashing. “That sort of knowledge is not—”
“I don’t want it,” the prince repeats, insisting. “The dead—should stay dead. I just need to know if it exists.”
“And why not ask Claudia?” Kpp’Ar demands. “Last I saw her, she had some of my tomes hidden under her floorboards.”
Callum’s expression hardens with familiarity and fatigue. “Claudia’s gone. She—she turned traitor too. And Viren is dead. I know magic, but I don’t know dark magic—and I don’t want to. I-I need to make sure she couldn’t bring him back.” 
Kpp’Ar had never been the best with people even before he’d become an outright recluse, but he looks at the way the prince carries himself—poised amid the uncertainty, tall under the weight on young shoulders—and well, if the rumours are to be believed, the boy’s connected to a primal source. Kpp’Ar had read stories, long thought to be nothing but myths...
He clears his throat and gestures. His kettle can take a little more water. “Would you like some tea?”
Callum blinks, then grins. “That would be great. Thank you.”
Thank you. Viren had said the same, bright-eyed on his doorstep when Kpp’Ar had finally relented to teach him, day after day of the teen showing up undeterred on his doorstep. 
So Kpp’Ar turns away and says the same as he did then. “Don’t thank me yet.” 
He’s never been a man to make promises, either. And no matter what answer the boy seeks, Kpp’Ar is sure the answer he’s given won’t be the one he wants. 
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cloveroctobers · 2 years
KIARA CARRERA — spring prompts 🕊️
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A/N: oh kie…the frustration (which toned down after the first episode of S3 lol) and love I have for you. Now that I’ve completely finished the season…there’s definitely a contrast to her character this time around. I’m only here to give kie a fem love interest. Not your vibe and aren’t really interested? Please exit stage left now.
Synopsis: Kiara surprisingly gets insight on another kook, specifically the high-maintenance diva, Henrietta “Nettie” Beaulieu once they cross paths again over a series of unfortunate events.
Warnings: spoilers from the end of season three!
Using this prompt list here and numbers 49.) barbecue parties in the garden + 36.) rain in bright sunshine
GIFS BELONG TO: @esterexpositio + @henryburrell !!!
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“You’re staring.” Sarah whispered to Kiara on her way by with a plate full of platanos and pieces of hog that Cleo, Pope, and even Nettie managed to trap for dinner hours ago.
Kiara blinked rapidly and scowled over her shoulder at the blonde who smirked at her, walking backwards before taking a seat against a tree near John b.
“No, I’m not.” Kiara glowered.
John B finally looked up from his plate, butting in, “no, you’re not what?”
“Drooling over Nettie.” Sarah told the long haired teen with a bump to his shoulder, making Kiara widened her eyes and shush Sarah who shrugged her shoulders innocently.
It was a John B’s turn to smile now, “oh, yeah. You’ve totally been doing that since I got comfortable over here and this is my second plate.”
Greedy bastard.
Greedy bastard.
Greedy bastard.
“Um, the fact that you two are watching my moves today is completely creepy, I just thought you should know.” Kiara got to her feet, dusting off her Jean shorts.
She was on guarding the relic and gold duty while everyone else had their dinner.
Sarah laughed a bit, “it’s kinda what we have to do for each other since we chose to live out in the forest again and in a foreign country. You’re welcome, Kie.”
A wink was sent to the Olive-skinned girl, which irritated her more than ever.
This was somewhat true, after both John B and Sarah lost their fathers and after finally finding the lifelong treasure Big John searched for, they decided collectively to stay in South America for a little longer. They’ve done it before living on an isolated island for at least a month so what would it hurt doing it again? There were a few out of the group who contemplated about returning back to the Outerbanks right away: Pope considered heading back for school purposes but second-guessed not wanting to leave the pogues behind, Nettie hated the wilderness with a passion—the only time she was solid with being outdoors used to be for tennis and now it seemed like it shifted to gardening…mainly she thought about leaving because she didn’t have all of her skincare products with her, and Sarah struggled with the idea of telling Rafe that their father was gone for good this time.
“There’s nothing to be embarrassed about,” John B added, “I was wondering when you would come to terms with your crush.”
“Excuse me?!” Kiara hissed, stalking over to John B that he immediately sat up straight, “I do not have a crush on—on Nettie!”
Sarah frowned, leaning towards John B as she whispered, “I think she’s still in denial about it.”
“Seems that way, yeah.”
Kiara growled, ready to beat the two with a stick, “you two don’t know what you’re talking about, so shut up!”
“Like I said there’s nothing to be embarrassed about…I think you two would balance each other out with your hippy fiery socialist ways and Nettie’s… strong fashion sense?” John B struggled with his words that Sarah had to elbow him, quite hard.
Kiara was crossing her arms now with a scowl still written on her features. Was this the best John B could do to convince her when it seemed like he still didn’t know who Nettie even was?
“Is that the best you’ve got because that was a garbage take.” Kiara uttered.
Sarah swallowed her food, “what John B means to say is that you two could be the perfect match!”
“But why?” Kiara pressed, “last I knew there was something going on with her and Addy?”
John B awaited Sarah’s response since he didn’t know who that is either.
Sarah shook her head, “oh no that’s over. Addy’s dating some girl that’s on her cheerleading team. That’s been a thing since Nettie’s mother shipped her off to one of those programs your parents sent you off to— which was highly abusive, I hear, in Atlanta. she’s been single as far as I know. Also we just see something that you’re either oblivious to or playing stupid about.”
That made Kiara look over her shoulder at the pony-tail wearing girl. She was sitting across the makeshift barbecue pit which was covered in large leaves and surrounded by some wildflowers—probably picked by Nettie herself, providing an additional pretty view, on a stump next to JJ, surprisingly, laughing at something he was animatedly talking about. It was nice to hear some laughter around here, with Nettie’s sounding just like bells and hope.
Kiara would have never thought Nettie was in a place worse than Kitty Hawk. Especially when it comes to those that don’t deserve it. Did Nettie deserve it? Kiara and Nettie had almost a non-existent relationship? Well not really, back when Kiara, Sarah, and Nettie all went to the same school they only shared a class together freshman year. The first half of Kiara’s freshman year was something she wanted to burn from her memory but kept buried in the back of her mind instead.
She’s only known a few things about the girl in the short time that they interacted. Such as: Nettie was originally from Atlanta with a controlling mother apparently, Kiara knew her father was a firefighter but it seemed like he wasn’t around most of the time, and that she lived here in the kook area with her Olympian grandmother who actually lived across the street from the Carrera’s. Nettie’s been over Kiara’s house once or twice since Kiara’s father, Michael Carrera, thought the two would get along.
Yet it seemed like the more Nettie analyzed Kiara’s bedroom, it felt like judgment but Kiara misunderstood her direct tone—to a certain extent. Kiara always suspected that Nettie was more than just best-friends with the star of the cheerleading team and Nettie never brought her up once when she came over to Kiara’s house.
There was always more than what meets the eye, that’s for sure.
“And how do you know all of this?” Kiara asked, arms still folded, eyes burning on the back of Nettie’s frame.
Sarah awkwardly cleared her throat, “uh some girls told me at this party I went to…it doesn’t matter! The point is, she isn’t just some kook and there could be more between you two if you just try.”
Did Kiara want to try?
She could admit that she did judge her just as much as Nettie judged her. Yet she ended up here with the rest of them for a reason and she was there with JJ to break her out of Kitty Hawk so…where did that leave the two of them?
Soon she found herself heading over to Nettie as Pope and JJ tended to putting the smoke out from the leaves. Off to the side, Nettie and Cleo seemed to be holding a conversation to themselves now, while staring out into the open greenery of the forest.
The two shared two bottom halves of a broken water bottle, leaving Kiara to only hear the end of their conversation.
“Yeah, I don’t know sis. Just goin’ with the flow ya know?” Cleo replied before she perked up at Kiara making her way over, “what’s goin’ on, kie?”
Nettie glanced over at Kiara, before she brought her broken plastic water bottle to her lips but said nothing.
“Not much,” Kiara swung her hands in front of her as she faced the two girls, “you two holding out on the hooch?”
Cleo chuckled with a shake of her head, “what?! Nah! You’ve got to know the little bit we had was devoured by the boys days ago! Nettie here found us something else for the mean time.”
Nettie deeply inhaled as Cleo nudged her. A smile stretched over her moisturized lips as she held out the rest of the bottle to the brown haired girl, “here. I’ve made it myself with some leaves I’ve found scouting the other day. I’m sure it has some health benefits or whatever but mainly it tastes sweet, almost like fruit and it’s refreshing.”
Cautiously Kiara gripped the plastic, her fingertips brushing against Nettie’s as she sniffed at it. The smell was faint, herbal and did have a citrus hint to it which was interesting considering that it was filled with water and mashed up leaves?
Silently she wished that she wasn’t drinking out of plastic right now but giving their circumstances, she had to swallow that pride down along with the liquid. Everything Nettie described was true, it was earthy but slightly tart when it hit your tongue before it smoothed over with a sweetness as it glided down your throat.
“Wow,” Kiara found herself coughing a little bit off-guard, “it almost like a seltzer.”
“Riight,” Cleo nodded her head in approval, “its fire.”
Kiara popped her tongue with a nod of her head, “it’s alright even if there maybe chemicals mixed in with those leaves.”
“Oh here we go.” Cleo kissed her teeth, scratching at her hair as she looked away, already sensing what was about to come.
Nettie argued, “yeah it’s not the wreck’s supposed filtered water but it’s the next best thing.”
“What do you mean ‘supposed?’”
“What I just said,” Nettie stated, “I never knew filtered water tasted like well-water and here you are complaining about my beverage of choice.” She plucked the plastic back from Kiara’s hands.
Kiara frowned, glancing over at Cleo who raised her hands in surrender, unsure why this beef was occurring in the first place.
“Okay just because I have a opinion on something doesn’t mean you get to attack my family’s business.”
“It’s called making a comparison,” Nettie fully turned to Kiara, “dont get upset when I’m just providing a rebuttal for your opinion. You know it’s actually nice to see you back up the only two kooks who you might actually like, although they threw you away the second you didn’t live by their rules.”
Cleo began, “Whoa let’s not—
Humorlessly Kiara chewed down on her bottom lip in frustration before she spit out, “yeah well you’d know all about that wouldn’t you? At least my parents actually want me around. Shouldn’t you be mad at your meemaw or is she just the same as my parents?”
Realization crossed over Nettie’s eyes that Kiara knew why she “disappeared” for a year. It wasn’t much of a secret but everyone in town speculated their own rumors about why she left the Outerbanks. However none of those rumors were true and she wasn’t sure how much Kiara knew of her story at that hellhole but it didn’t matter.
She struck a nerve just as Nettie got underneath Kiara’s skin.
Nettie chucked the bottle to the left of her, getting into Kiara’s face as she glared right into her face. All Kiara could do was smirk as Nettie tried her best to be threatening, which Kiara heard she could be but nobody had the right to shit on her parents but her.
“Move,” Nettie yelled.
Kiara ran her tongue over the front row of her teeth, “sure…only if you make me.”
Nettie’s nostrils were flaring at this point and with a rough shoulder check to Kiara’s, she stalked off, leaving the rest of the pogues highly confused.
“Hey,” Sarah walked to Nettie who held up her hand to silence the girl who told Sarah that she’s, “nothing but a gossiping bitch,” on her way out.
“The hell was that, Kie?” JJ asked from behind.
Kiara threw up her hands, “I’m just using my own words against her’s. It’s not my fault she couldn’t take it.”
“Yeah I don’t think throwing each other’s pain in each other’s faces was the way to go about it, girl.” Cleo huffed with a shake of her head.
Kiara pointed at herself, “why am I being lectured to when she’s the one who started with me?”
“You didn’t have to throw the whole chemical line in, just be appreciative is all you could do.” JJ told Kiara who scrunched up her nose.
Kiara flatly said, “I didn’t mean anything by it. It was just a thought…that happened to escape through my lips!”
“You’re not thinking clearly, Kie.” Pope added, still crouching by some rocks.
Kiara honestly felt like she was being attacked right now for just being herself and she didn’t need anyone to be on her side. It wasn’t supposed to be about sides with this group but Nettie was the new-new face to the family so why was it feeling more difficult to welcome her in?
“I don’t need you guys ganging up on me,” Kiara yelled, “if I would have known this is what staying in Venezuela would be like, I would have gone back home already.”
The friends went quiet at that, not wanting the bad to outweigh the good in this adventure but they were also her friends and knew how to call each other out on their shit.
“It’s not our intentions to make you feel like that and you know that Kie. We also know you’re headstrong, but you just need to see Nettie’s perspective. This isn’t her element and maybe the tea was her way of trying to I don’t know, bond with you?” John B was attempting to be the voice of reason, which was really shocking honestly.
Kiara groaned with her head thrown back, “fine! Whatever, I’ll go see if I can find her and have a proper conversation without you guys being all up in our business.”
“Whew! Thatta girl!” JJ clapped it up just for Kiara to send him a middle finger.
As the girl vanished from their view, they all turned back to each other with curious glances.
“Are we going to go ease drop?” John B asked, itching to follow.
Sarah held him back, “No, not yet. Let them argue it out first.”
Pope stared off in thought, “…do you guys think sending Kie after Nettie was the best idea?”
“Guess we’ll find out if the screams turn into pleas.” Cleo muttered, looping her arm with Pope’s as she sat on the rock behind him.
Kiara knew she had to be walking for at least ten minutes before she found Nettie by the river. It was much cooler here compared to the mugginess up on the hill and Kiara just knew she would find Nettie here. It was the one place where she could wash her clothes and skin in peace so it only made sense.
“Henrietta,” Kiara exhaled as she caught her breath, “you walk pretty fast for someone who hates the outdoors.”
Nettie rolled her eyes, turning back to press her chin into her arms, “leave me alone, Kiara Carrera.”
Kiara sighed as she fanned at the sweat on her neck before she stepped over the rocks and pebbles to stand beside her, “no, I don’t think I will. Not until we come to some sort of understanding, where we can be in the same space without being at each others throats.”
“You’re the one who has a problem with me.”
“I knew you didn’t like me from the moment I asked if I could sit next to you back in biology class.”
Kiara frowned, “I don’t…remember that?”
“Yup! you ended up saving that space for Sarah while I had to squeeze in at a table between two other classmates.” Nettie rolled the tension off her shoulders, “it wasn’t a big deal but I just wanted to ask you a question since the classmates I was stuck sitting next to didn’t know shit.”
Like Kiara said, everything about that preppy school, she pushed to the back of her brain. She hated that she couldn’t remember this happening and how dismissive she must have made Nettie feel. Sarah and Kiara were still good friends before their fall out but Kiara felt like she wouldn’t have been rude about declining someone a seat.
Not purposely at least.
“Well…what was the question?”
“I don’t remember.” Nettie found herself saying as she trailed off in thought, “Probably something stupid.”
Kiara felt her nose wrinkling a bit in amusement, “Like us debating over plastic, water, and leaves when we don’t know what we’re gonna do about the treasure.”
“Hey, you started it with the chemicals and I’m all for keeping harmful chemicals out of the body but it’s pretty damn hard with us living like it’s the pre-historic times.” Nettie snickered, resting her cheek on her arm.
Kiara shoved her hands into her back pockets, “I’ll admit, I let it slip and I didn’t mean to insult you when I know what our current situation is.”
“Is this an apology?” Nettie felt her eyes forming into slits.
Kiara twisted her lips around, “…you said my parents threw me away like I’m nothing.”
“And you also said my parents didn’t want me, which is just as hurtful because you don’t know much about me…and I don’t know much about you. I don’t know why…when JJ almost hit me with that dreadful looking brown van after I overheard what your parents did…I felt like I needed to help you. I don’t even know you that well but I understood.” Nettie was staring out into the cool river again.
Kiara didn’t know how this made her feel, hearing Nettie admit this to her but surely she felt something…knowing that she cared about her well-being just a bit.
Henrietta is a gorgeous girl to Kiara with many layers to her. She sat there in what was uncomfortable silence because the two girls weren’t sure how they meshed together. She was the confident girl with a athletic legacy to follow who walked the halls with a bounce in her step. However there was also this girl who could spew venom so recklessly, yet felt the need to help break Kiara out of a place that could potentially ruin her life.
Did Nettie not want that for Kiara too?
Kiara swallowed the lump in her throat as her eyes trailed over Nettie’s bronzed toned arms, spotting the external wound right above the crease of her armpit.
“Did they do that to you? At the camp-program or whatever—in Atlanta?” Kiara slowly sat beside Nettie, stumbling over her words while getting a better look at it.
Nettie followed Kiara’s gaze and went to cover the wound, “yes but I don’t want to talk about that—not here—not now.”
Kiara exhaled and dipped her head, fully aware that topic was a heavy one and Nettie did not want to share that experience just yet.
It was Kiara’s turn to understand, to realize that Nettie was giving only what she physically could, even if that means in portions for right now. 
“I’m sorry for getting off on the wrong foot with you, constantly.” Kiara said, looking into her dark eyes before quickly staring off into the distance, so it didn’t feel as if she was being weird in doing so.
She didn’t realize Nettie staring right back at her, wanting to hold her stare.
Nettie hummed, “and I’m sorry for always having my guard up…especially when it comes to you.”
With her hand resting on top of Kiara’s, Kiara felt her heart began to drum against her chest.
Oh what a feeling?
“Here’s to trying to be better…friends? Or just better towards each other?” Kiara tested but shamelessly stared down at their hands for what felt like awhile.
What a pretty picture, how her hand felt against her’s.
Her eyes flicked up to Nettie’s, watching as the fresh drizzle of rain flew down over the both of them. To the left of Kiara’s peripheral, she could feel the heat of the sun beginning to break through the cloudy skies and Nettie was now staring up at the once gloomy sky.
Kiara just wanted to kiss her.
And so she moved her hand from underneath Nettie’s soft one, trailing it up the side of her neck while Nettie looked down at the space where their hands once resided.
“…What’re you doing?” Nettie was quizzical, although it appeared there was amusement in her tone.
Kiara cleared her throat, “can I try something and can you promise that you won’t be disgusted by my actions?”
Nettie leaned towards Kiara as she pretended to think about it, “if you’re thinking about doing what I think you are…I hope you smell nice enough, especially with how long we’ve been out here.”
Kiara’s lips fell open into a gasp although her cheeks were tinted pink at her previous idea, “you bitch!”
A laugh erupted Nettie’s lips as she reached forward on Kiara’s sleeveless loose-fitting skirt, yanking her lips right to her’s. Instantly Kiara let out a sigh of relief against Nettie’s lips, using her hand to brace herself against Nettie’s thigh. Her heart may have climbed up into her ears with the way Nettie was kissing her, as if time was all they had.
She couldn’t find herself getting tired against her lips, with her lips following Nettie’s tempo. As Nettie was pulling away, she pecked Kiara’s lips a few more times before fully settling back, leaving Kiara to touch her fingertips against her own lips, eyes still closed.
“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that.” Nettie rested her hand against Kiara’s hand that felt warm against her thigh, “and as usual, you took too long.”
“Wooow, I mean Huh?” Kiara finally opened her eyes.
Nettie laughed, “I liked you from the moment I saw the turtle tapestry in your bedroom.”
“I couldn’t tell,” Kiara widened her eyes with a nervous laugh, “it’s clear we have a lot to talk about then.”
“Yeah…maybe somewhere where my hair isn’t getting drenched?” Nettie folded her arms over her head like the Regina hall meme.
Kiara rested her hand on the small of Nettie’s back before gliding it up the back of her neck, “I’ll help you with it later but first…I’ll take another one please.”
“Another?” Nettie asked, turning her lips right to Kiara’s, locking them together once again.
Nettie moved to cup Kiara’s jaw with a laugh, “you’re cute Carrera. almost cute enough for me to forget about my frizzing hair but it’s not gonna work for me.”
Kiara watched in slight disappointment as Nettie hopped to her feet, wrapping her ponytail into a bun. Then she held her hands out to help Kiara to her feet, the two staring at each other in wonder.
“It was worth it.” She teased, licking her bottom lip with a squint against the sun, before nodding to the opposite direction, beginning to lead the way from the river.
Nettie shook her head as she stomped after the just a smidge shorter girl, “you have no idea what you’re getting yourself into when it comes to my pride and joy.”
“Oh, please. Don’t underestimate my magical hands,” Kiara declared before she paused and spun to peer over her shoulder, “that wasn’t a innuendo for anything!”
“Relax, before I have to calm you down with another kiss.” Nettie lightly threatened, making the tint in Kiara’s cheeks almost invisible as her brows raised in temptation.
Nettie laughed, reaching forward to turn Kiara back around by the shoulders as they trudged up the steep hill.
“Hey you guys!” Sarah greeted the two as they made their way back to the set-up.
John B immediately reached for Kiara, cradling her face much to her bewilderment, “oh, she’s good! No war marks on this one!”
“Get off!” Kiara playfully shoved the brunette away, who laughed.
John B then held out his hands for Nettie next as Kiara carried on but soon halted his movements as she told him, “Oh you do not want to do that when my skincare routines been out of whack for weeks now. Touch me with your filthy hands and you won’t see dawn.”
Letting out a low-whistle, John B stepped away while Nettie went to stand in the center of their temporary home.
“So everything went alright out there?” JJ asked, hands on his hips as everyone held their breath in anticipation.
Kiara looked over at Nettie as Pope tossed an arm over her shoulders, “I think we’re good for now, don’t you?”
“As long as you don’t disrespect my way of adjusting to this lifestyle any longer then yeah…I’ll give you your flowers.” Nettie was sharp with her words but the wink she sent Kiara’s way, was enough to let her know to play along.
“Well that was passive aggressive.” Sarah mumbled, tongue in her cheek.
Kiara glared at Nettie, “well how about I tell you where you can shove those flowers, huh?”
Cleo reached for Kiara to keep her from charging over to Nettie who laughed at her with a fan of her hand, “whoa! This hostility is really killing the vibe, eh? I thought you just said you two were good?”
“We’re works in progress but some more than others…” Nettie informed letting a few beats of silence go by before saying, “and my god you guys are so gullible!”
Kiara laughed in Cleo’s arms while the brown-skinned girl appeared just as confused as the rest.
Pope sighed and squinted against the drizzle of rain, “I was gonna say you two are going to give us some serious whiplash, especially since I saw you guys kissing down by the river.”
“WHAT?!” John B bounced on his toes in excitement.
Sarah’s joyful gaze immediately went to Kiara’s who quickly shifted her glaze to Pope with a shake of her head.
JJ laughed with a fist pump shooting into the air, “I knew it!”
“Jesus, Pope! How do you know that?” Kiara didn’t attempt to hide it.
Pope sheepishly rubbed at the back of his neck as Nettie gave the boy a side-eye underneath his arm, “I may have stumbled across you guys on my way to use the bathroom.”
“I can’t believe you’re also a nosy asshole, Pope!” Nettie pulled his arm from around her, while Pope chuckled and gave JJ a low-five.
“Welcome to the family, Nettie! This is what you get so you might as well get used to it!” Cleo hollered as everyone circled around to pull each other into a group-hug underneath the Venezuelan rain.
Nettie gagged as she was smushed together by everyone but can honestly say she’s never been so accepted by a solid group of people.
And when she looked over to meet Kiara’s adoring brown eyes, Nettie held on tight with a smile meant solely for her.
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Continue along with my spring anthology series here.
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It's Not Where You Come From (Kerri-centric, pt 1/2)
Long awaited, but here's the first half of the Kerri adoption fic, as part of the Wedding Planner AU! This takes place about 9 months after the events of Dearly Beloved.
Also for those who are not from the US, here is some information about FMLA. This fic also includes mentions of child neglect, transphobia, and theming around the US foster care system.
Read on ao3
Kerri’s been watching the driveway all afternoon, waiting for the familiar State of California vehicle to pull up. She has an open library book in her hands, but she’s barely read a single sentence. Soon enough, her CPS worker arrived, rolling the black bag filled with her and other kids’ files. 
Kerri’s gotten used to this weekly routine for the past six months and has realized that she had no choice after being placed in foster care. She knew she would be stuck in this rotted system until she would turn eighteen and would never be adopted. Who wanted a pre-teen who came out as trans, and then her birth parents just gave up?
The preteen waited in the bedroom that she shared with her foster brothers. She wished she lived in the girl’s bedroom across the hall, but after her foster parents went back and forth on her situation, they decided it would be best for her to stay in the boy’s room. But she had the bed by the window, so at least she was grateful for having that. 
After about twenty minutes of waiting, she heard footsteps walking down the hallway and opened the bedroom door without knocking. 
“You’re wanted downstairs.” Her older foster brother told her before plopping down on his bed with an older-generation of an iPhone. Kerri was pretty sure that it didn’t have service on it.
Kerri said a quiet thank you and left the book under the pillow. She’s had her stuff stolen before and couldn’t take any chances. 
Her foster mother and the CPS worker welcomed her into the living room. She sat in her usual seat that she resides in during these weekly check-ins. Her hands busied themselves with the loose thread on the arm of the chair.
“I’ll leave you two alone, then.” Her foster mother politely smiled as she left the room. Kerri would consider her as one of the better foster parents, only if she allowed her to grow out her hair and wear girl’s clothes. 
The CPS worker started asking her all the standard questions. Is she being fed enough? Is she being treated well? Kerri’s answers always remained the same yes’s and no’s, and whatever short answer would get this meeting over with the fastest. 
“I’ve got some news for you. I’ve already talked to your foster mom about it and she thinks it’s a good idea.” Her CPS worker said as she was putting Kerri’s file back into the bag.
Kerri’s head tilted slightly in curiosity “What is it?”
Her CPS worker took a deep breath “Remember when we tried to find you a placement within your family, but they all said that they couldn’t take you in?” Kerri nodded. How could she forget? She didn’t have many known relatives in the area. Her mother was an only child, and her father moved from Hawai’i to California. Her grandparents and her mother’s cousins in San Diego had all said no to Kerri living with them. 
The only other family she has ever heard about was her father’s estranged brother, who cut off all contact almost twenty years ago. 
“Well,” Her CPS worker continued, “You have an aunt who lives in LA, on your dad’s side. She was hard to track down, she changed both her first and last name years ago.” 
“Wait, my dad didn’t say he ever had a sister.” Kerri crossed her arms and leaned back in the chair. “All he had was a brother that wasn’t in the family anymore and…” her voice trailed off, realizing that this could be the same person. It felt like a long shot to ask, but she had to rule out the possibility. 
Kerri swallowed her nerves “Is she like me?” she quietly asked.
The worker nodded, “She is, her name is Sasha. I haven’t tried to contact her yet  because I wanted to see how you felt about it first.” 
She did have a blood relative out there. But Sasha cut off all contact with her family, as she might not want to be found again. Kerri wanted to be mad, but she could understand where Sasha was coming from if that was the case. 
But this could also be her way out of the foster system, even if there was a big chance that Sasha didn’t want anything to do with her family. There was only one way to find out.
“I want you to try to contact her. I really want to meet my aunt.”
The following week, the CPS worker came for another visit, but she was alone. Kerri watched the car from the bedroom window for a few seconds longer than usual to ensure no one else was in the car. 
Kerri didn’t want to feel disappointed, but she couldn’t help it. She felt frustrated that a relative she’d only known about for a week hadn’t appeared yet. Maybe her worries about Sasha were correct. This woman did not want anything to do with her family anymore, even if Kerri was just some kid that wanted to meet her aunt. 
The CPS didn’t mention her aunt either during the meeting. It was the same routine as every other week, some questions that Kerri’s answers never changed. As the CPS put away the files, Kerri blurted out, “What about my aunt? Have you tried to contact her yet?”
The worker took a steadying breath before answering Kerri’s question. “I’ll be honest with you. I did call her, but I didn’t want to get your hopes up.”
Kerri’s voice lowered slightly “Why would I get my hopes up?”
“She said that she wasn’t sure right now. She told me she would think about it and call me back as soon as possible.” The worker explained carefully. 
“Oh.” was all Kerri could respond with. She knew she had nothing to lose from the CPS worker contacting Sasha, but Kerri felt as if she lost the last possible connection to her family. 
Better get used to the foster system since Kerri is stuck in it for the next six years. 
Another week passed, and Kerri watched from her usual spot by the window for her CPS worker to arrive. Kerri accepted that Sasha didn’t want to meet her, as big of a pill that was to swallow. It was fine and nothing had to change in Kerri’s life now. She needed something stable, as there were too many changes in the past year alone.
The California state car pulled into the driveway and stepped out from the driver’s side was her CPS worker.  Same black rolling bag and it will be the same meeting she has every week. Kerri pulled down the blinds, she wouldn’t miss anything new outside that she hadn’t seen before. 
Kerri stopped paying attention to the time, actually reading her library book when her foster brother barged in the room. 
“They want you downstairs, and there’s some lady there too with them.” He said in a bored tone as he pushed open the door, then went to the end of the hall. 
“Wait, what lady?” Kerri asked with no response. Could it be Sasha? Did Sasha agree to meet her?
Turns out, it was Sasha who was downstairs in the meeting. Sasha was everything Kerri could ever dream of being one day. Her long dark hair was in a high ponytail, and her warm green eyes looked at Kerri without pity. Her aunt was stunningly beautiful and kind, and Kerri was nervous about making a good impression on her. 
Each time Sasha asked her a question, Kerri could only manage to answer in short, simple responses. It took Kerri until the end of the meeting to settle her nerves and feel comfortable around Sasha. 
“Is there anything you want to know about me?” Sasha asked her directly, and Kerri looked up at Sasha in front of her and noticed a ring with a set diamond on her ring finger. 
“Are you married?” she asked, pointing to the ring. 
Sasha smiled warmly and looked at her ring “Yes, I am. My wife and I just got married this past spring, and she even surprised me with the best honeymoon trip to Hawai’i.” 
Her aunt was married, lived in LA, and went on a surprise honeymoon trip. Sasha seemed to be doing great for herself, Kerri couldn’t wait to get out of the system if that life was possible for her one day. 
Sasha came back the next week and the following few weeks after that. It took a while for Kerri to warm up to her aunt, but she looked forward to her visits from the CPS worker and Sasha. 
She learned a lot more about Sasha during the following few weeks. Sasha owned her own wedding planning business in LA, which was one of the coolest jobs Kerri could ever dream of. 
Sasha didn’t mention her wife very often, as all she mentioned to her was that her spouse worked nights and they had been together for almost three years. Kerri didn’t even recall Sasha mentioning her wife’s name. She mostly spent the time during meetings listening and asking Kerri about herself. 
One day, Kerri came downstairs for another meeting, and she saw there was another woman next to Sasha. She didn’t remember meeting this woman before, she was a couple of inches taller than Sasha and had cherry-red hair and sharp brown eyes. 
“Who is this?” Kerri asked as she found her seat in the living room. She looked at her CPS worker and Sasha. 
Was this a new CPS worker? A new foster parent? A random woman looking to adopt a pre-teen? The last option was the most unlikely, but a girl could dream.
“I wanted you to meet my wife.” Sasha said, putting her hand gently on the woman’s shoulder “Kerri, this is Anetra.” 
Anetra leaned forward to give Kerri a pleasant handshake “Nice to meet you. Sasha has told me a lot about you.” Kerri noticed a faint scar over Anetra’s left eye as they shook hands. Anetra’s hands were long and willowy, a distinction from her athletic figure. 
Kerri couldn’t tell if Anetra was shy or didn’t have much to say at all. During the meeting, she watched Sasha’s wife (or maybe Kerri’s other aunt? She wasn’t sure what to label Anetra) and her reactions. Anetra didn’t talk much, so that was all Kerri had to go by to get a first impression. 
Anetra’s face didn’t change much either. She laughed with everyone, nodded, and smiled when appropriate, but that was about it. Kerri couldn’t tell how Anetra was feeling, maybe bored? Mad? Like she didn’t want to spend her afternoon with her wife’s niece in a foster home? Kerri had no idea what to think of Anetra. 
A couple weeks after meeting Anetra, the Department of Social Services granted approval for the Colbies to take Kerri out of the foster house for day visits. By this time, Kerri’s aunts were visiting without the CPS worker and taking her out for afternoon visits. 
These visits quickly became Kerri’s favorite time of the week. They took her to the parks in the neighborhood, coffee shops, and sometimes the beach (weather permitting). Kerri spent most of the time talking to her aunts and learning more about their lives in LA. She learned that Sasha started in wedding photography and recently got back into the hobby after their honeymoon. 
It took a while longer to learn about Anetra, but she learned that her other aunt did competitive taekwondo until she was about sixteen. But that was about it, Kerri realized that Sasha did more of the talking out of the couple.
One week, Sasha came by to pick Kerri up to spend the day at the nature park, but Anetra was nowhere to be seen. 
“Where’s Anetra?” Kerri asked as they got into Sasha’s small black car. 
“She had a rough migraine this morning, so I told her to stay home and feel better,” Sasha said as she started the car and buckled her seatbelt. 
“Oh, that sucks,” Kerri said. She wasn’t sure how Anetra felt about having a kid in her life since she was so hard to read. 
“Yeah, but her best friend, Marcia, is coming over and bringing her some medicine and food from our favorite Thai place later. So she’s in good hands.” Sasha smiled, pulling out of the driveway and down the street. 
Kerri’s spent barely two minutes with Sasha today, and she’s already learned two things about her elusive aunt.  Maybe Sasha could tell her more about Anetra while they were out today. 
“I think that’s the same one that Anetra has a tattoo on her chest.” Sasha pointed to a butterfly that was on a milkweed leaf in the nature center’s butterfly garden. 
“Oh, it’s pretty.” Kerri simply said. 
Sasha looked at Kerri, eyes full of concern “What’s going on? You aren’t usually this quiet.” 
Kerri took a deep breath, “Can I ask you something about Anetra?” 
Sasha nodded as she led them to a nearby bench, “What is it?” 
“Does she not like kids?’ Kerri blurted out without warning and saw Sasha’s confused stare before continuing.
“I mean that she’s hard to read, so I can’t tell what she’s thinking. She doesn’t talk much either.” Kerri said in a rush, hoping that Sasha would understand what she was saying. 
Sasha smiled at her, but not in a mocking way, “Do you know how many times I’ve told her that she has the meanest-looking resting face? Her scar doesn’t help much, either. She’s just a quiet person, but it takes her a bit to warm up to people.”
Kerri sighed in relief, “So it’s not that she’s bored or mad or anything?”
“No, and she absolutely loves kids. Whenever the florists at the store bring in their little boys, Anetra will come by just to play with them.” Sasha laughed to herself. 
The scar comment stuck out to Kerri after she felt her nerves from before untangling themselves out of relief. “Then how did she get her scar? If you knew her before she got it,” she asked, hoping it wasn’t a rude question. 
Sasha stood up from the bench and invited Kerri to join her in continuing their walk “I’ll let her be the one to tell you that story one day. It was scary when it happened, but we can laugh about it now.” 
“Really?’ Kerri started walking alongside her. 
“Yes, it’s a good reason we don’t have much glass in our house.”"
Weeks continue to go by, and Kerri notices that the visits with Anetra and Sasha change slightly. They never acted differently, and they still talk to her and take her to different places in San Diego. 
But at first, the visits aren’t as long as before. It wasn’t noticeable to Kerri when the visits ended about ten or fifteen minutes earlier than usual until it happened week after week. She never mentioned this change to her aunts, thinking they might not have been paying attention to the time. 
Then the visits become much shorter than usual. Most visits consisted of about half an hour of going to a park, talking, then dropping Kerri back off at her foster home and leaving to head back to LA. She tried asking why her aunts left sooner and sooner, but they always gave vague answers to Kerri’s frustrations. 
“We want to beat traffic on the way home.”
“There’s a meeting we need to get to.”
“We have something early to get to in the morning.”
Kerri grew more frustrated when she heard these answers to her constant questions. And with the frustration also came worry. 
She was worried about what the sudden change in her aunts could result in. Were her aunts not wanting to see her anymore? After months of visits, they decided they didn’t want Kerri in their lives.
Kerri tried her best to keep the negative thoughts at bay until Anetra and Sasha didn’t show up one week when they were supposed to. They didn’t call her foster parents to tell them they wouldn’t be there. They didn’t give Kerri a heads-up during the previous week. 
The driveway was empty all day, and Kerri would know since she watched it from the bedroom window until it got dark out. 
It was the saddest she’s felt since getting placed into foster care. She felt sadder than when her parents brought in an old suitcase and told her to pack what she needed. Even sadder than saying goodbye to her younger siblings. And much sadder than keeping her hair short and wearing hand-me-down boys' clothes for months. 
She told her foster mom that her stomach was hurting and didn’t want to eat dinner that night. Her foster mom gave an understanding nod and told Kerri she would keep a plate in the fridge whenever she was hungry. She stayed in the bedroom for the rest of the night, never getting hungry enough to get her plate until she fell fast asleep. 
Days later, her sadness turned to anger. Kerri felt angry at her aunts, she felt angry at her CPS worker, and she felt angry over almost everything in her life. How dare they string her along for months and then suddenly not show up when they were supposed to? How dare her CPS worker bring up contacting Sasha months ago just for Sasha to stop showing up one day? 
Her CPS worker was visiting that day, and Kerri was almost too pissed off to meet today. But she was required to go to these meetings, so she grudgingly headed downstairs when she was called. 
As she was answering the CPS workers with a hint of venom in her voice, there was a knock at the front door. She tried to keep her eyes away from the door as she heard Sasha’s voice thanking whoever let her and Anetra inside. 
Now Kerri felt like she was silently fuming. Her aunts didn’t bother showing up a few days ago just for Kerri, but they would show up to a boring meeting with her CPS worker when they didn’t even have to be there.
“We’re sorry we couldn’t make it the other day, we’ve just been so busy this week.” She heard Anetra explain as they found their seats on the couch. 
“Is that why your visits are getting shorter too?” Kerri asked her tone sharply pointed with her anger. She looked at her aunts, and both had small looks of surprise. 
After a few seconds of silence, Sasha spoke to her wife and the CPS worker “I think it’s about time that we tell her what’s been going on with us.” The other two nodded. 
Kerri tried to soften her voice “Tell me what?” 
What was going on with her aunts? Were they getting a divorce? That would have explained why they had been leaving sooner and missing visits. 
Kerri looked up to see smiles on Sasha and Anetra’s faces, and confusion grew as she listened to what was said next.
“We’re getting guardianship over you,” Sasha said in a gentle, yet excited voice. 
After a few seconds of the thought of guardianship settled into Kerri’s mind, she managed to say “You two? Want to be my guardians? You do?”
“We do, It’s been a long process, but we just need to sign a few more papers, and we’re approved to be your guardians,” Anetra said, as Kerri watched all the adults in the room carefully.
“Why didn’t you tell me sooner?” she asked.
“We wanted to wait for it to be official before we said anything to you. We weren’t sure if the state would approve us since we’ve only known you for a few months.” Sasha explained.
“Does that mean I get to live with you in LA?” she was met with nods as she felt euphoria flood her chest. She’s finally getting a real home again, and a home where she’s allowed (and encouraged) to be herself. 
“We’ll be back in about a week to help you pack and move. I’m taking some time off work since it’s the off-season, and Anetra is taking a few weeks of FMLA so we can help you get settled and enroll you in school.” Sasha explained helpfully. 
“So what do you say, Kerri? Would you like having your aunts as your guardians?” her CPS worker asked, but already knew the answer. 
Kerri nodded and felt tears spring to her eyes. The two women in front of her noticed and jumped out of their seats, and gathered the pre-teen into both their arms. 
This was her first hug in almost a year and one of the best in her lifetime. She felt Sasha’s fingers run through her hair and Anetra gently rubbed her shoulder and back.
Kerri didn’t realize it until years later, but she was finally with her parents. They weren’t the ones who gave her life, but who would provide the unconditional love she always needed.
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If I may…
Please please please please infodump about the fairy’s, I’ve never watched that movie and would love to hear your ideas for them in mha, so go wild!
What do they do, where did they come from, do they have special abilities depending on which student they have, how they work, relationships with the students, etc!
Cookies? 🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪
AH! Okay, so I suck at explaining things BUT I will try my best.
Okay, so I'll go through the students that I've already made faires for, which in hindsight is only like 7 of them (Izuku, Katsuki, Kirishima, Denki, Shoto, Ochako and Iida) since i have an incredibly short intention span so if this comes out a bit late then I'm sorry.
Okay. So, in the Barbie princess charm movie they say that 'the fairies are to act as student's person assistants.'. But I thought that seemed kinda soulless, for their only purpose to just serve humans, i think thats a bit weird.
So, I made a solution for this. Since U.A is a school were teens learn to become heroes I thought that fairies could have multiple jobs, one of which would be becoming pro-heroes personal Assistants, like a tiny sidekick. So, the fairies at U.A are all also teenagers, they wanted to go there to learn how to work as pro-heroes assistants. So, at the start of the year fairies are assigned to a student where they will be that students personal assistant, this helps both parties as the fairies get used to working with the heroes in training and vice versa. (Also, yes in the universe there ARE laws against fairy abuse. Also that can get you suspended from U.A ect.)
Where they come from can be debated, typically fairies come from the forest or whatever. I like to think that fairies existed before humans and they had been living in peace for YEARS so when humans started to grow in amount at first fairies did try to stay hidden but quickly realized that if they did that then humans would most likely freak out when finding them. So, at some point, probably around the 1600s fairies revealed themselves to humans although fairies didn't really get real rights until the 1900s (cause humans are weird like that.) As humanity and fairyity (?) evolved some fairy families decided to stay living in the forest whilst others moved into human cities with specially made houses by the government.
Okay, I am NOT good when it comes to staying consistent with stuff so in gonna go into specific fairies now. Also, I SUCK at making names, so they don't actually have names yet 😅 but most things are worked out..
Anyway, here's Izuku and Katsuki for now cause I'm incredibly tired but I might do more, but for now these are the two that I've worked on the most
Izuku Midoriya
Okay, so again I don't have a name but her general appearance is 'She has a petite figure as do most fairies. Her skin is a soft lilac colour. Her hair is a dark greyish purple, it's long and silky and straight. It reaches her mid-back. She has long curtain bangs and a small ahoge. She has freckles across her nose and baby blue eyes.'
Additionally; 'Shes around 3.4 inches tall, which makes her shorter than average since most fairies are around 3.7 inches to 4.2 inches tall. Her wings are delicate, thin enough to see through, they are tinted a crystal blue colour. She can fly with them although, just like legs, her wings can get tired if she flies for a long period of time.'
I LOVE designing female outfits, so she doesn't have a set outfit but here are some ideas; (picrew credits at the bottom of the page)
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So, personality wise, she is like a puppy, curious, energetic ect. She is obsessed with humans, she thinks they are the most interesting creatures alive. She finds simple humans things fascinating like cats and fans, since her family was one of the ones who stayed living in the forest..so, she literally was only told about humans existence when she was like 12, so you better believe she was amazing with the concept of pro-heroes, so being a fairy she went to a school where she could train to be the next best thing (or the closest a fairy could be anyway).
Again, in terms of names. I don't have one. PLEASE give me suggestions so far I've thought of stuff like; Ivy or Liliac
Anyway, Izuku, this man 100% knows EVERYTHING about fairies, he did his research. He knows U.A students get a fairy assistant, he has done SO much research on fairies history, customs, mannerisms ect. And you better believe he is incredibly gentle when he has to hold or pick up one of the fairies, he's also done his research on the best ways to hold a fairy to avoid hurting their wings ect. He also has a notebook dedicated to them and each fairy he meets in U.A gets their own page because of course they do. He also happy to answer any questions his fairy might have about humans.
He was awkward at first, being around someone so small did worry him slightly. Although, over time he got more comfortable around her, he asks he questions about fairies all the time. Unlike most people, his fairy actually likes listening to his rants and mumblings. Since his fairy is incredibly energetic and active, she barely ever settles down. So instead of sitting on his shoulder or in his pocket like most faires, she tends to just fly close to him, taking in her surroundings. She also has a tendency to wander off.
Okay, this is all I can think of rn for these two (any questions feel free to ask, my ask box is always open <3)
Katsuki Bakugou
(Not even gonna lie he's one of my favorites, I think hes one of the funniest characters on the entire show.)
Okay. So appearance wise; 'She has a petite figure, as do most fairies. He's skin is paper white, she has deep red eyes and curly reddish auburn hair, she has a side part and her hair goes down just to the middle of her neck. Her ears are pointy like elf ears, she has a small fangs. She also has small black earrings. Her wings are thicker than average, so she can fly for longer than most fairies, he wings are tinted pink. She is 3.9 inches tall, which is around average height for a fairy her age.'
Again, outfit ideas! <3
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Personality wise, she is incredibly sassy and sarcastic. She loves stupid people, genuinely. She loves hanging around with stupid people and just kinda watching them, she thinks it's great. (Aka mostly Denki.)
Okay. Katsuki. You better believe that man did NOT want a fairy. I mean he already hates other humans helping him nevermind a literal two inch tall fairy flying around trying to help him, how weak did U.A think he was to assign him a fairy to help him? Jesus. Luckily for him, his fairy couldn't be happier leaving him alone to help himself. After all, she really only wants to be a pro-heroes sidekick to watch all the fights go down, see how much blood gets drawn, y'know?
Surprisingly, Katsuki let's her sit on his shoulder throughout the day...then again unsurprisingly he sucks at holding and picking up fairies he's always too rough or aggressive. So most of the time she just flies around him and sits on his shoulder by herself instead of relying on him to literally carry her everywhere, which works out great since it would annoy the hell out of him if she did.
Also, they 100% gossip together and talk shit about other people whenever they're alone. Bonus points for the fact that she can fly near his ear when he's walking and whisper insults about the other people walking by.
Okay! Picrew link: https://picrew.me/en/image_maker/1553437
It's made by AlliMocha <3
OKAY, so I had to rush this a little bit so sorry if it's a bit short :(
Anyway, PLEASE help me make names for these guys. This is also the first time anyone has asked me about any of my ideas ever so thanks so much for that <3
Again my ask box is always open so if there's anything that you guys want me to clarify or add on I would be 100% happy to do so <3
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dahliawolfe · 1 year
Teen wolf AU
The door shut with a soft click behind her. She sighed as she made her way up the stairs, getting to work on the buttons of her bells. She threw the door open, not sparing a glance at Scott, before shucking her pants and turning to remove her shirt.
“Shirt me,” she demanded, reaching a hand out.
Scott rolled his eyes and placed one of his well worn t-shirts in his best friend’s hand. “Rough day?” he asked, looking down at his phone, steadfastly trying to ignore the fact that the most beautiful girl in the world, his best friend, was nearly naked in his room.
“That British History was hellish,” Opal sighed, flopping down on the bed with Scott. “I know we need to get you ready for your bio final, but I say, you let me sleep, and then we get pancakes and cram before we drop you off. Sound good?”
“Yeah, I guess that’s ok. You want some food?”
“I want sleep, Scotty.” Opal tucked her face into the neck of her best friend and flung an arm over his waist.
Scott woke up alone, which was just as well, because he was hard as a rock after having Opal pressed against him all night. He had just stuck his hand down his pants when the front door flew open. Yanking his hand back like he’d been burned, he snatched the covers over himself. The smell of Opal wafted up the stairs. Soon enough, she was opening his door, greeting him with a smile. She was in a pair of workout shorts and a bra, and her naturally honey gold skin was slicked with sweat. Her long copper hair was pulled into a braid that hung down her back.
“Hey, Scotty!” she greeted. “I went to get a workout and run in. Give me 5 to shower, and we can head out. Stiles was filling up the Jeep when I ran past, so he should be here soon. Oh, shit,” she hissed. “I don’t have any more shirts. Can I borrow one?” Opal had been keeping a pile of clothes at his house since they were 15. She didn’t have the best home life, and Melissa had a soft spot for the girl.
“Uhh, I’m actually low on laundry, myself,” Scott stated, sitting up.
“Ugh, Scotty, Mel doesn’t live here anymore, so you need to learn to do your own.” Melissa was living with John Stilinski, and they were getting married in the fall. Scott kept the house. Melissa insisted. At 23; Scott, Opal, and Stiles were going into their last year of college at Beacon Hills Community College; and they’d go their own ways soon. And Scott was not ok with that, but he was trying not to think about it. “Ohh, can I wear this?!” she held up his old lacrosse jersey. And Scott nearly growled at the thought of her wearing his name.
“Umm, sure. Yeah, that’s cool.”
“You’re the best! Be right back!” Opal flounced out of his room and to the bathroom next door. Scott only breathed out a sigh when he heard the shower click on.
“You’re gonna kick that final’s ass, Scotty!” Opal declared an hour later as they finished up their pancake and test review session.
“Yeah, man. You got this,” Stiles added, not looking up from his phone.
“Dude, she offered to let you go with her,” Opal sighed, rolling her eyes.
“I can’t go to Italy! My dad…”
“Has my mom,” Scott supplied.
“Stiles, I know that you’re worried about Lydia, but she can take care of herself. And you guys are going to NYU together next year, so a little break will be nice for both of you.”
Stiles sighed and rubbed his temples. “Lydia is going to Oxford.”
He nodded. “She got a late acceptance. So, I’ve decided to just go to UCLA, so I can stay home.”
“Oh, Stiles,” Opal sighed sadly, reaching over to pat his shoulder. “Well, hey, you’ve still got us. Let’s kick this summer’s ass! How about a trip to the beach?! We could drive down after Scotty’s exam, be there by night fall, and we could get a room for the night and head home tomorrow morning.”
Scott smiled. “That sounds sick, actually.”
“I don’t…” Stiles began, but Opal held her hand up, cutting him off.
“You’re going.”
Scott walked out into the early summer heat and sighed. He was sure he did alright on the exam, but he had struggled. He turned his phone back on to find a text from Opal telling him that she was at the Sheriff’s Department with Stiles and she was waiting for him. He smiled and began to walk.
Opal was perched on the spare desk at the back of the bullpen, arguing with Stiles about which Ghostbusters movie was best, when she heard his voice.
“Opal?” Her head snapped up, midsentence and her eyes made contact with the granite colored eyes of Derek Hale.
“Derek?!” she threw herself off of the desk into his arms, and he didn’t so much as grunt when he caught her.
Derek was hugging her and chuckling quietly under his breath. “It’s good to see you too,” he joked, placing her on her feet.
That was when she noticed for the first time that he was wearing a deputy’s uniform. She raised a brow at him.
“I got tired of the big city, and John offered me a job here.  So, here I am.”
Derek studied Opal. She was definitely not the kid she was when he left Beacon Hills 5 years ago. She had … filled out. She was curvy with defined muscles, thick thighs, wide hips, and an ample chest. And that smile. That smile was still the same. Her fiery hair had been bobbed when Derek left for San Francisco, but it was now nearly down to her hips. Damn, she was beautiful.
“So, you’re staying?!” she exclaimed. Derek laughed again.
“Yup. What are you guys doing for the summer?”
“Oh, well, Stiles is going to be shadowing a journalist at The Beacon. Scotty is going to be working with Deaton. And I am working at the Museum of Local History. For now, I’m a tour guide, but the owner said that if the summer goes well, he might make me the head of research and acquisitions when I graduate!”
Her excitement was contagious. “That’s amazing! I’m sure you’ll impress them.” Derek had mellowed out a lot since the days of chaos in Beacon Hills. And being back here made him feel like he was finally at home.
Scott had worked up a sweat, but the blast of AC that hit him when he opened the front door of the Sheriff’s Department, was a welcomed shock. He paused, his hackles rising, as he smelled another wolf near. That’s when he looked up. Just in time for Opal to exclaim, “Scotty, look, it’s Derek!”
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[hello! So, I’d been out of writing fanfiction for a LONG time. But! I’ve recently fallen in love with ‘The Owl House’ and it’s reignited my desire to write fanfiction! So, here is what is my first post on AO3 (I’m a Fanfiction.net survivor), since I decided to share it here as well since Tumblr’s getting a bit of a revival! Message me if you have any queries or wanna chat about it! Or, if you wanna read more, I’ll be posting more of this on here in the coming weeks, but on AO3 it is up to Chapter 35, so if you want the link to that, feel free to message and ask! Many thanks!]
The taste of iron was overwhelming Luz’s taste buds as the wind whipped through her hair. But, the sensation was very much so dwarfed by the open gash on her chest that was currently holding a steady flow of crimson dripping to the ground below.
At that moment, Eda was in Harpy form, and was holding Luz aloft while flying at top speed into the deepest parts of Bonesborough
“Ya know, it’d kinda be anticlimactic if something like this were to be the thing that takes me out. I really would’ve preferred if it was in a huge battle with the big ol’ evil mastermind, Belos,” the teen managed, before falling into a fit of coughs that splattered more blood into the winds.
“That’s right kid, that’s why you gotta stay with me until we get you to the Healers,” Eda said, forcing out the phrase, holding back the deluge of tears that was threatening to break through,” You can’t let your story end like this. You know I taught you better than that!”
Luz let out a frayed chuckle at that, and muttered,”Aww come on, Eda. Can’t you tell? I’m feeling better already. Might even run a marathon tomor-“
Luz was cut short for a hacking fit, spraying blood all over the harpy’s feathered chest, sending Eda into a more frenzied flight pattern.
“Hey, hey, kid, it’s okay! Take it easy and just focus on breathing. We’re gonna get you fixed up, and tell ya what: If you can run one tomorrow I’ll get up and run it with ya. No wings or anything!” Eda said, her voice filled with cracks.
Luz went silent for a moment, before she started to shake, and the tears broke through.
“Eda I’m not ready to go… I have so much I need to do… So many people I-“
Comfort the Owlet- preen the Owlet.
The Harpy’s thoughts in her head made Eda pull back the sweat-matted hair from in front of Luz’s face, and gingerly cup her cheek, “Luz, LUZ! You’re not going anywhere kid. They’re gonna fix you all up and we’ll be home for pancakes with King in the morning! I promise!”
Luz cracked out what looked to be a hopeful smile, before her eyes glazed over, and rolled into the back of her head, and her body began to seize.
“SHIT!” The harpy exclaimed, loud enough to wake half the town.
Eda steeled her resolve at this, and dove into a deep dive to pick up her speed, and somehow maneuvered her way through the streets, holding to this speed as if her life depended on it.
Well, not her life.
She carried that speed into the lobby of a larger building- not even stopping outside. Once through the tall open doors, she stopped herself with a powerful backward thrust of her wings, and immediately screamed for all the help she could get, laying the still seizing body of her apprentice on the ground, and cradling her head.
It was mere seconds before she had been swarmed with at least 6 healers, all getting Luz onto a gurney, and getting her vitals. They rattled off important question after important question- but Eda silenced them all when she looked at them and told them Luz was human.
They all stared at her, then at Luz, then to each other with shock on their faces. Then, a familiar face stepped between Eda and Luz.
It was a large, slate grey looking humanoid, with two ragged looking horns adorning his forehead. He wore small, wire-rimmed glasses, and had a deathly-serious expression on his face.
“Edalyn- has your apprentice ever had healing Magic conducted on her? She’s HUMAN! Hells, we don’t know what it could do to the poor girl. We certainly don’t have any human blood to transfuse, and at this point, I don’t know if we could d-“
“Trill, you better not be getting ready to tell me you’re going to do nothing, and just let her die,” Eda growled, her words dripping with the deadliest of venom.
“No, Eda. But…. If we are going to try anything that MIGHT have a chance to save her, it would have to be through healing magic- and STRONG magic,” the demon said, meeting Eda’s eyes with the same intensity,” So you need to make a call. You are her mentor, and guardian. Are you giving us permission to attempt large scale healing magic on your apprentice?”
Eda’s expression met Trill’s, and then it absolutely shattered to one of panic- which….. oddly disturbed Trill much more.
“Trill, I don’t KNOW. What if the Magic just slowly kills h-“
Eda was interrupted by another, more severe fit of seizures from her apprentice on the gurney.
“Eda, I need an answer. NOW!”
Eda froze like a deer in headlights, as she watched Luz’s convulsing body. She was snapped out of it when Trill literally smacked her across the face and directed her face back to himself.
“EDA, NOW! YES OR NO?” Trill demanded, holding her by the shoulders.
Trill nodded, a fire burning behind his eyes.
“We will do everything in our power to bring her back to you,” he promised, before nodding to the team to take her to the back. He pointed to one of the team members in particular and commanded,” Get the ArchMage, this is the highest priority. NOW.”
Trill followed up to the door as the team pushed Luz’s convulsing body through, and only looked back at Eda before passing through the door to offer a determined nod.
Eda nodded back, and then paused a moment, before fully collapsing, and succumbing to the breakdown that had been fighting to burst through. The administrators only watched as her large, bloodied, harpy form was wracked with sobs and wails as she laid in fetal position on the cold, unforgiving floor…
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Side To Side
Chapter 239: A Day of Unwanted Confrontation
Characters: Ruby Rating: Teen Warnings: Language, Violence, Blood, Injuries, Light Gore Notes: See! I said I would update faster. Hope y'all enjoy :)
After Ruby’s infuriating afternoon the previous day, she decided that she was only going to relax for the rest of the time in Musnia. She would read and soak her feet. She would eat pastries from the bakery and take a walk in the park. Now that she had been officially told to not bother Tas and Hanzi, she could spend time focusing on herself. 
That’s what she initially thought, at least.
She was calmly getting ready for the day in the quiet of the inn. She had hair pins in her mouth as she buttoned up her shorts. She hummed and stretched, enjoying the warm sun shining through the window. She started to pin her hair up into a large bun, her thick hair making the perfect bun atop her head. 
She paused when she heard a knock on her door and stared at it. She walked over to it and opened it slowly. She saw the innkeeper standing outside her door with a tight smile.
“Miss Elissa, you have a guest.”
“Guest?” She questioned with a cock of her head. “Uh, okay, I’ll finish getting ready and come down to see them, I guess.”
The innkeeper nodded and left her to continue getting ready. Ruby put her earrings in and then slipped on some strappy brown sandals. She finished by putting on deodorant and then grabbing her purse.
She made sure to secure everything in her room before walking out of the room and locking it. She walked down the stairs and waved to the bartender when he greeted her. Ruby walked up to the innkeeper’s table and stopped in her tracks.
“Ah! There she is!” Hanzi laughed. “Hello, darling!”
“Hi?” She stared at Hanzi with a shocked look on her face. “What…are you doing here?”
“I’ve come to get you!” Hanzi replied with a chortle. “Friends can’t let their friends end things with a bad taste in their mouths.”
“Ah.” Ruby walked up to him carefully. She smiled at the innkeeper who had a curious look on his face.
“Be safe, Miss Elissa,” he said with a nod. 
Ruby nodded back before she was led away from the inn. She followed Hanzi, still too surprised to say anything. How did he find her? Why did he find her? She thought she had been kicked out and told to stay away. What was Hanzi planning?
“I guess I should buy you breakfast.” She heard Hanzi say.
Ruby’s ears perked up at the mention of food. She watched Hanzi turn to look at her. “I’m always willing to eat free food.”
Hanzi laughed. “Good girl! That’s how it should be!” 
Ruby dared to crack a smile. 
“Why did you come find me?” Ruby asked after she ordered her strawberries and cream crepes. She brought her caramel latte to her lips and sipped.
“You’ve helped us out this far,” Hanzi started. “I would hate for you to not be there to finish it.”
Ruby cleared her throat. “It’s probably best that I don’t get involved anymore,” she said. “Could you imagine what would happen if news got out that I was helping people out?”
Hanzi took his chin in his fingers. “We don’t have to tell people who you are, we can let your little persona be upfront and center. Besides, this island doesn’t get much outside help, as I’m sure you’ve figured out. I doubt the WEJ news would care about us.”
“You’re telling me that an island that has a diamond mine doesn’t get any news or help from the outside world?”
“Did you hear about us before you got here?” Ruby didn’t answer. “Exactly. Besides, don’t you want acknowledgement for your work?”
“None at all?”
“Nope,” she said. She smiled as the waitress as she placed Ruby’s food in front of her. “Listen, I’m…supposed to be…not obvious.”
“You’re on an undercover mission for your captain?” He asked. “That’s interesting, but none of my business.” He shrugged. “What I care about is you, me, and Tas finishing this whole thing together. Whether you like it or not, darling, you’re a part of this. We’ve got the map showing where the hideout probably is, let’s meet up with Tas and finish this.”
Ruby ate her crepes, not responding at first. She sighed through her nose. “You know, these crepes are fantastic. They’re light and airy, the strawberries aren’t too sweet, and the cream is the perfect balance of vanilla and sugar.” She sipped her latte. “The coffee isn’t half bad either. I bet my captain would even approve.” Hanzi stared at her, with his coffee mug in hand. “Are you really determined to have me see this through?”
Ruby sighed. “Fine, I owe you for buying me breakfast anyway.”
Hanzi grinned at her in response. 
They finished their meals and Hanzi paid. Ruby stood up and stretched in the sunlight. A breeze rolled by and she smelled the air. She supposed that this was a nice island. It had good weather and good food. Tas and Hanzi weren’t bad, and the innkeeper and the bartender weren’t either. 
In all her travels Ruby always goes onto nice islands. Nice weather, good food, good people. Sometimes she wondered if she would find the one for her and her Heart Pirates. Would they ever find one or would they sail the sea forever, only calling the Polar Tang home? She supposed it didn’t matter, they still needed to survive Dressrosa and then maybe find the One Piece. Ruby wasn’t certain what Law was planning on after Doflamingo. Then again, he did say that he had planned on dying so he may not have even planned on anything. 
Ruby sighed sadly. She looked up from her feet and saw that her and Hanzi had already walked to the headquarters. Ruby made a face at herself. She couldn’t believe she was so lost in thought that she blindly followed someone. Sure, it was Hanzi, but for all she knew he could be lying about keeping her secret and was trying to get her into deep trouble.
Ruby swallowed as Hanzi grinned at her. “Let’s go get Tas and talk about our next steps. At this point we just need a task force to infiltrate the hideout.”
Ruby nodded and followed him in. “Do you think people will do it?”
“Yes. I think everyone is tired of this bullshit.”
Everyone started to greet Hanzi and some people even greeted Ruby. They walked to Tas’s office and Hanzi opened the door for her. Ruby suddenly realized that she wasn’t supposed to be here and that she was kicked out the last time she was. If Lucian caught her it would cause a ruckus. 
Hanzi allowed Ruby to walk in first. He closed the door behind him and grinned.
“I brought our favorite damsel,” Hanzi boasted. “We got some breakfast first, of course, couldn’t let a lady do work on an empty stomach!”
Tas said nothing. He was staring at a sheet in his hands with a serious look on his face. Ruby and Hanzi looked at each other. Hanzi shrugged. 
“Hanzi said you guys figured out where the hideout is. Is it marked on the map?” Ruby started to reach for the map on his desk but stopped when the map was snatched away from her. “Whoa! What’s up?” Ruby frowned at him.
“Why don’t you tell me what’s up?” Tas asked, practically seething with anger. He laid out the paper in his hands onto the desk. It was her old wanted poster. She looked at Hanzi in the corner of her eye and saw him pinch between his eyes.
“Tas,” Ruby started. “Let me-”
“Explain? Please do! Please explain to me why a pirate is on this island trying to work with the local authorities! What are you after?”
“I’m not after anything,” Ruby said calmly. “I didn’t want to get involved with any of this but…” she trailed off, not wanting to get Duhni in trouble. “Listen, I just felt bad about what was happening and decided to help. That’s it.”
Tas scoffed. “You expect me to believe that? It all makes sense. You’re rude and vulgar. You fight to kill. I knew something was off about you! No mourning woman could be so ruthless.” Ruby almost rolled her eyes but stopped herself.
“How do you know that’s not a fake?” Ruby asked.
“Lucian wouldn’t lie about something like this,” Tas said. “He’s the one who found this and gave it to me. He said he knew that you were hiding something and you were! You…you…you bitch!
“Tas-” Hanzi tried to speak.
“No, Han. She’s been fooling us this whole time. She’s a pirate. She’s no better than any of the ones that attack us all the time! I bet she was just doing this to take advantage of us and take our goods!”
“You can speak with me directly,” Ruby said, the shock from being yelled at faded away. She remembered who she was. She was Sela D Ruby, Captain Trafalgar Law’s subordinate and no one to be trifled with. “I am a pirate. I’ve been a pirate. Nothing will change that. That doesn’t mean-”
“You’re right! That doesn’t mean anything because you don’t mean anything! All you assholes do is take advantage of the misfortune of others. You attack good people who don’t deserve it! You’re no better than the Nine Lives. How many people have you hurt doing whatever you want?!”
Ruby’s nostrils flared but she said nothing. 
“Tas,” Hanzi spoke up. “She’s been helping us this entire time.”
“That doesn’t matter! A pirate is a pirate!” He snarled. “Get out!” He yelled at Ruby. “Get out and ruin someone else’s life! That’s all you’re good for!”
“Tas!” Hanzi exclaimed.
Ruby sighed and placed her hand on Hanzi’s arm. He looked at her sadly and she smiled at him. “I know when I’m no longer welcome,” she said to Hanzi. Hanzi sighed. “Good luck,” she said and left the office. She noticed that multiple people were staring at her nervously. She rolled her eyes and walked out of the office. 
She walked through the town, not looking back. Her stride was purposeful. She was going back to the inn. She was going to do what she originally planned on doing, which was relaxing and only taking care of herself. She would stay out of trouble, which is what she was supposed to be doing anyway.
Ruby walked through the open door of the inn and took the first step of the stairs. 
“Miss Elissa,” the innkeeper greeted. “Did you have a nice breakfast with your…friend?”
Ruby smiled as kindly as she could. “Yes, thank you. I’m going to relax in my room now.”
“Of course!”
Ruby walked to her room and unlocked it. She walked into the room and locked the door behind her. She huffed. She walked to the bed and sat on it, dropping her purse as she did so. She stared at herself in the mirror on the dresser. She stared at her frustrated face. She groaned. She was going to  get wrinkles at this rate.
“Man, what the fuck was that,” she grumbled. She started to pull the pins out of her hair, letting it fall against her back. She laid back in the bed and threw the pins on the nightstand. “What a fucking joke.”
She was going to take a nap. Maybe she’ll be less frustrated afterwards. 
She laid in bed, after stripping naked, with her eyes closed. She tried to sleep, she tried really really hard to sleep, but it just wasn’t happening. She felt hours pass as she just tried to sleep. Of course she knew why she couldn’t sleep. It was a combination of her frustration at Tas and the lack of comforting touch from Law. 
Ruby was too frustrated to realize that that meant she was lonely.
She sat up and groaned. She got out of bed and redressed herself, growing more irritated by the moment. Absolutely unbelievable that she allowed someone to yell at her like that. Where had her anger gone? Where had her righteous fury gone? She used to easily take down anyone who even dared to stare at her wrong.
Ruby huffed as she paced around the bedroom. She was so damn frustrated and annoyed. How dare Tas speak to her that way when she had nothing but try to help him and this island?! 
“Ughhhh!!” She groaned angrily. “This is such bullshit! This is what I get for being nice!”
Ruby plopped down onto the bed with her arms crossed. She crossed her leg and sulked. She glared at the floor. She was so mad. She really tried her best to be helpful, but because she was a pirate she wasn’t needed anymore. 
Let the idiot authorities take credit for the work she’d done. She was done with this island and would be shipping off in two days. She laid backwards. She stared up at the ceiling, wishing she was home with the Heart Pirates. It was times like these where she wished she hadn’t convinced Law to let her go to Dressrosa. She could be home right now, hanging out with Ikkaku and Jean Bart. 
She sighed and turned on her side, staring at the wall silently. She was so frustrated that she couldn’t think of anything to do. She couldn’t vent to anybody, she couldn’t work out, she couldn’t even go to the kitchen and snack to forget her feelings.
She jumped in her skin when she heard loud noises outside her room. She heard stomping and yelling. Ruby groaned and stared at the door confused. She stood up and started to walk to the door.
“Sir, sir! You cannot just barge into people’s rooms! This is absolutely an invasion of privacy! SIR!”
Ruby opened the door to see Hanzi and the innkeeper in front of her. Ruby blinked, surprised.
“Miss Elissa, I am so sorry for this ruckus!” The innkeeper said, completely flustered. “I tried to stop him from finding you but he refused to back down!”
Ruby sighed. “Thank you. I appreciate that you tried,” she said to him. She looked at Hanzi and raised her brow.
He grinned at her. “Let me buy you a drink.”
Ruby was staring at her glass of wine as Hanzi drank a large ale.
“Oh, don’t look so dour, Sela! Things will be okay!”
“Shhh,” she hissed. “I’m Elissa, remember.”
“Well, the cat’s out of the bag now, isn’t it?” Ruby didn’t respond. “I came to get you so Tas can apologize to you.”
Ruby blinked. “What?”
“Listen, I’ve been in this game for years. I’ve been a marine, I’ve traveled the sea, and when you’ve seen the sea you don’t see things in black and white anymore. Tas,” he sighed. “Tas has never left this island. He doesn’t really see shades of gray. He sees that pirates attack his island and therefore all pirates are bad.”
“Well, I’m on a Warlord’s crew. You’d think that would matter.”
“Just because you’re allowed by the government doesn’t mean you stop being a pirate,” he laughed heartily. “Listen, I’ve known people like you. You act tough and like you’re some ruthless person, but deep down you’ve got a soft spot for helping people.” Ruby scoffed. “I appreciate all that you’ve done to help, and I know Tas does, too.” 
Ruby frowned. “He didn’t seem too appreciative when he kicked me out.”
“Well, that’s the shades of gray I was talking about. You forced him to confront a way of thinking that had never been challenged. A pirate, helping out people in need? Unheard of for him! He got frustrated and lashed out at you unfairly. You see, he’s supposed to protect people from you, you’re the bad guy. So when he realized that not only have you been helping people but that he also considers you a friend, his worldview changes.”
Ruby stared at him for a moment before taking a long sip of her white wine. “That’s not an excuse.”
“You’re right, it absolutely isn’t. Which is why I’m bringing you back to the station where he will get down on his hands and knees and apologize profusely for being an asshole to the beautiful pirate who helped save the island.” Ruby drank her wine, tilting her head back as she finished it off. She sighed. “I don’t think you want to leave this island with such a bad taste in your mouth.”
“No,” she groaned. “I don’t. And I want to finish this stupid bandit bullshit. We know where they are! We just gotta…” she punched her hand.
Hanzi laughed. “You’re right.” He threw berries onto the table. “Let’s go. I’m sure he’s still at the station sulking like he just got dumped.”
Ruby snorted. “After you.”
Ruby followed Hanzi to the police station. Hanzi was speed walking and was much larger than her, so Ruby had to practically run to keep up. He stopped in front of the station. Ruby caught up to him and breathed deeply.
“Did you have to go so fast?” She took a deep breath. She looked at his serious face. “What’s wrong?”
“Something isn’t right,” he said. “I didn’t see any officers at their posts on the way here and there’s no officers out here.”
“They could all be inside…” Ruby suggested.
“Let’s find out.” He walked into the station, with Ruby following. 
They walked in and it was quiet. There wasn’t the laughter and rowdiness from before. It was solitude and heads down. Lucian was in the front of the room, looking pissed and stoic. Ruby narrowed her eyes. What did he do?
“Lucian!” Hanzi greeted. “Ruling with an iron fist today? What’s with the quiet tension in this office?”
Lucian glared at the two of them. Ruby looked around at everybody. They were all nervously at their desks, avoiding eye contact with her. Ruby’s gaze landed on Tas’s office door.
“They’re all getting work done, which I can’t say the same for you, Hanzi.” He narrowed his eyes. “I hope you’re bringing in this pirate so she can be arrested.”
“Well, sir, I can’t do that. She’s on a Warlord’s crew and you know what would happen if we were to harm her in any way.” Hanzi petted Ruby’s head. “No. I came for Tas.” He turned to Ruby. “Let’s go.” Ruby nodded as they started to walk towards his office. 
“He’s not here,” Lucian said shortly. Then tension in the room grew and everyone looked at her and Hanzi nervously. “He decided to confront the Nine Lives.”
Ruby’s eyes widened and she looked around the room. “Seriously?!” She questioned everyone. “You all just let him go on his own?”
Hanzi was quiet. He started to walk into Tas’s office, despite Lucian’s loud and commanding objections. Ruby followed after him. Hanzi looked around the room. He opened drawers and cabinets. “No weapons. No files. The map we made is gone. Lucian is right, he’s gone.” 
“Then we need to go after him. There’s no way he can do this on his own. He’s going to get himself killed!” 
“We don’t have the map, though. How are we supposed to get to the hideout?”
Ruby shifted nervously for a moment, trying to think of something. What could she do in this situation? There had to be something. She blinked and then practically smacked herself. “Wait, I think I know what we can do.”
Ruby pointed to herself. “Me. My powers can help me see through the forest.” She couldn’t believe she had forgotten about that. She was so preoccupied with being sad, lonely, and pathetic she forgot about who she was and what she could do!
Hanzi stared at her before laughing. He picked her up causing her to squeak. “You’re amazing, darling!”
Ruby blushed. “Thanks,” she swallowed “We gotta go!”
“Right you are!” He set her down and they started to rush out of the station.
“Hanzi,” Lucian called. “I don’t approve of this. Don’t waste your life like Tas did. He’s probably dead because he didn’t listen to my order to stay here.”
Ruby frowned. She wondered if the reason everyone was so quiet was because they tried to go with Tas and Lucian ordered them to stay. Hanzi sighed. “Well, then I definitely have to go. I can’t just leave him there to rot.” He turned to Ruby. “Let’s go, darling.”
Ruby nodded. She followed him out of the station. “Okay, so we go to the forest, find the cave, take care of the bandits, and then get Tas out of there. Simple enough.”
“Hanzi!” Lucian shouted behind them, rushing outside. “I order you to stay! I cannot lose another officer to this bullshit!”
Hanzi looked at Ruby. Ruby shrugged. “I can go on my own.”
“What kind of gentleman would I be if I let the lady storm the castle alone? No, we go together and we save our friend.” He turned to Lucian. “Lucian, fuck you, I’m going.” He dropped his jacket, with all his medals, on the ground. “If any of you other assholes in there have any balls, you’ll come with us! This is a raid and we’re saving Tas and our island!” He turned to Ruby. “Ready, darling?”
Ruby grinned. “You bet your ass I am.”
They ran off, leaving everyone behind. They rushed to the forest, Ruby’s heart beating quickly, adrenaline flowing through her veins. Ruby and Hanzi stood outside the forest, staring into it. She took a deep breath and a step forward.
“Hanzi!” Someone yelled behind them. 
They both turned around and saw a small group approaching them. Ruby grinned when she saw Duhni with other officers. 
Hanzi laughed. “Now what are you all doing here?”
“We’ve come to help!” One said. Others chimed in, crowding Hanzi and his laughter.
Duhni walked up to her. “I did say I was here to stop these attacks,” he said to her. “You’ve been working with the uppers on this, it’s time for me to put in the work, too.”
Ruby nodded. “Good.” She turned to Hanzi. “Ready?”
He grinned at her. “Let’s go. They probably already know we’re coming by now, but that won’t stop us! Lead the way, darling.”
Ruby smiled and put her hand up to a tree. She closed her eyes for a moment, feeling the roots in the ground. She breathed out and opened her eyes. “Let’s go.”
It took about thirty minutes of hard rushing for the cave to appear. Ruby stared at the cave from some nearby bushes as Hanzi ordered the officers to surround the cave at a distance, making sure no one could escape.  
The hair on the back of Ruby’s neck stood up and she jumped to the side, avoiding the blade that tried to stab her. She swung her legs under her attacker, causing them to fall to the ground. She grabbed the knife from the attacker and kicked him in the stomach. The man curled into the fetal position and coughed.
Hanzi picked him up by his hair and stared at him. “Looks like we’ve gotten our first one. Ugly motherfucker, isn’t he?” Ruby chuckled. “Alright, guys, cuff him!” He threw him back towards a couple officers who searched him and then cuffed him. “They definitely know we’re here,” he said to Ruby.
She grunted. “Yeah.” She rolled her neck. She started to stretch and rotate her arms and legs. She tied her hair into a bun with vines. She rotated her torso, loosening her muscles and causing her back to pop. “Doesn’t feel right to do this without heels,” she mumbled.
“Oh, so “Stiletto” is literal?” A toothy grin spread across Ruby’s face. Hanzi chuckled. “You are scary.”
“That’s the point.” She cracked her knuckles. “Let’s go.” She started to walk forward, Hanzi giving out final orders as he followed after her. 
There were two guards waiting outside the cave. They raised their guns to shoot at them but Ruby quickly took care of them, making vines grow out of their guns and rendering them useless. Hanzi rushed in and knocked their heads together, causing them both to pass out.
“Alright, you two,” Hanzi turned to the two officers who followed them, “you will guard this entrance. Hopefully there’s no other way out, but that’s what me and Sela are about to find out.” They saluted him and stood at the entrance of the cave. Hanzi started to walk in and Ruby followed after.
The cave was…disgusting. It was the kind of cave that you would hear about in horror stories. Skeletons hanging by their necks, skulls on pedestals, weapons scattered around everywhere, alcohol practically dripping off the walls, and the smell. It made Ruby gag. Ugh. She wanted to get out of here.
“Pretty ladies like you aren’t used to dark and dank places like this, huh?”
“I dunno if it’s about me being pretty. I’m just used to the ocean.”
“You tryin’ to tell me pirates aren’t disgusting?”
“Oh, no, I’d definitely never say that. I’m just saying we don’t go into dirty, gross caves,” she said as she almost tripped over a skull.
The both looked further down the cave as they heard rabble and commotion. Hanzi sighed. “Looks like we have company.”
“So it seems,” Ruby agreed and created a thorned whip. 
“You really have a handy devil fruit. Imagine just being a logia.”
“It definitely has its perks,” she said and cracked her whip at the first person who came into view. The whip snagged the gun out of their hand and Ruby brought it to her. She handed the gun to Hanzi.
“Oh, darling, you’re too kind.” He aimed the gun at the next person, and then shot them in the leg. 
Ruby rushed forward to the final person. She wrapped the whip around them and jerked them forward as they cowered. 
“W-wait!” He cried. “Please stop! I don’t- I don’t!” Tears rolled down his face. “I don’t want to die.”
Hanzi walked up to them before sighing. “Rusty, what are you doing here?” Ruby raised her brow but said nothing. 
“I-I just needed food! They said I could have food if I joined! Daisy is pregnant, she needs steady meals.”
Ruby groaned. “Seriously? You get her pregnant when you can’t afford to feed yourselves?” Ruby scoffed.
Hanzi sighed. “He’s safe,” he said. “He works in the park, he keeps it clean. He wouldn’t do any harm.”
““Any harm?”” Ruby questioned. “He joined the bandits! How many people have you killed? How many lives have you ruined already?” She snapped at Rusty.
“I-I-I didn’t kill nobody! I just joined a week ago! Please, Miss, I just want to get out of here!”
“Ruby,” Hanzi called her softly and placed a hand on her shoulder. “Let him go. Remember the reason why these people can’t afford food?”
Ruby sighed. Her whip went limp and fell to the ground as a normal vine. “Fine. I’m not in a position to judge anyone anyway.” She patted him down, taking any hidden weapons he might have had on him. 
“There’s some officers out there, Rusty. You tell them what happened and they’ll get you a nice meal when we get back.”
“Thank you! Thank you!” He cried and ran behind them, out of the cave.
Ruby stared at Hanzi. Hanzi petted her head. “He’s not a bad person, just in a bad situation.”
Ruby sighed, all too familiar with things like that. “Let’s move on.”
They continued into the cave, taking care of enemies who attacked. It was easy. How did this group have such a hold on the island?
Hanzi must have read her mind because he chuckled. “We’ve only met the henchmen, don’t let your guard down, yet.”
Ruby snorted. “You’re right, can’t be too careless.”
They made it to an opening where it was much brighter than the rest of the cave. Ruby and Hanzi crouched down and looked into the cave. Ruby covered her mouth. 
It was…terrible. 
There were people in cages. There was blood. It looked like there were weapons and torture devices. Ruby looked around the wide room and also saw crates of jewels and gold. And even worse, there was a beautiful spread of food on the table in the room, looking grotesque because of the blood and body parts splattered around the cave. There was a large smoked pig with an apple in its mouth, baked potatoes, baked apples, leeks, buttered bread, and so many other things. There had to be somewhere in this cave where the food was stored. 
Ruby looked around the room again. She looked at each cage. Her eyes widened. She shook Hanzi’s arm.
“I know. I see him, too.” 
They both stared at a cage in the middle. Tas was in the cage, looking bloody and beaten. He was passed out on the floor, at least, Ruby hoped he was only unconscious. She would be furious if he got himself killed. 
But there was a problem. 
There was a man standing in front of the cage, staring at Tas with his hands behind his back. A very large, burly man, looking like he could put Garp to shame. 
Ruby took a deep breath. “Let’s go get him.”
“You’re so brave. I think I’m falling for you,” Hanzi teased. 
Ruby chuckled lightly. She stood up and stepped into the room. Hanzi followed after her. The man turned and stared at them. 
“Ah, see, here they are, saving the day after all!” The man opened his arms with a laugh. 
Tas groaned. He was alive! Not only that, he was conscious! “H-Han! L-lissa, what are you doing here?!”
“Saving your ass!” Hanzi boasted. “Miss Sela over here insisted!”
Ruby rolled her eyes. The burly man opened his mouth. Ruby created a scian duille. She pointed it at him. “Nope. No. No monologuing. I don’t need to hear your side of the story or how everyone else is just as corrupt. I’ve been the more corrupt person. I’ve seen the worse side of things. You’re going to shut up and fight and we’re going to take Tas back along with the food you’ve stolen.”
The man didn’t say anything but he sighed. He quickly moved, shooting his tiny gun at her. Ruby dodged just in time, but the bullet nicked her skin. Ruby scowled. Sea prism. How did measly island bandits get ahold of something so exclusive as sea prism?
Ruby threw her leaf before lunging forward, hoping the quick attacks would throw him off. And the thing was…they did. The man didn’t react the way she thought the leader of the bandits would. He took the leaf head on and then broke against her leg when she kicked him. 
Ruby stared at the man on the ground as he huddled over in pain. She looked at Hanzi confused, and he looked back at her just as confused. Ruby growled. She picked up the man but his collar and stared at him. 
“Are you the leader?”
He coughed and blood came from his mouth. He laughed. “Only on the ground. This operation will continue because our true leader will come and kill you soon. The men followed my orders, but-” he coughed and got blood on Ruby’s shirt. 
Ruby groaned, disgusted. She dropped him to the ground. Hanzi immediately tied him up and took away any weapons. “That was too easy.”
“Because he’s right. He’s not truly in charge. Someone else is the one who's been keeping this organization going. He may have started the Nine Lives, but there was a sponsor. An investor. Someone to get a cut of all of this.”
“How can you be sure?”
“Because every time you guys manage to capture one of these assholes they break free. And Tas said that they always manage to get past guards and patrols.”
Hanzi stared at her seriously. “So it’s one of us.” Ruby said nothing. “That whole bit about “everyone is corrupt” that was something you counted on.”
“Yes,” Ruby swallowed nervously at how calm Hanzi was. “Han…” her hands shook.
He blinked before laughing. “Oh, darling, it’s definitely not me. Don’t worry.”
Ruby swallowed. 
“He’s right,” Tas groaned. Both Hanzi and Ruby rushed over to the cage. “It’s not Han. He wouldn’t-” he groaned. 
Ruby narrowed her eyes as Hanzi searched the leader of the bandits for a key. He found the key and opened the cage. He very gently picked up Tas. 
“Tas, who is it? Who’s pulling the strings?” Ruby asked. 
“Elissa,” he whispered. “Why did you come back?”
“Because you owe me a fucking apology. Now who in the hell is in charge? Is it Lucian?”
“Lucian?!” Hanzi exclaimed. “That bastard is too far up the chain and has been doing this for too long for it to be him!”
“That’s why it has to be him! Who else would have all the knowledge it takes to avoid patrols? Who else would have access to every cell and key for them! He’s also made this entire investigation a giant pain in the ass!”
“Ruby, I don’t think that-!”
“No, the pirate is right, Hanzi.” They heard a voice from outside of the room. They turned to look at the intruder. Ruby narrowed her eyes at Lucian. “I tried to stop you from coming here. Tas just had to stick his nose where it didn’t belong. It’s that damn pirate girl’s fault. She had to give him hope.”
Ruby scoffed. “You could also just not fund criminals or steal from the people of this island. I feel like that’s even easier.”
Lucian stared at her and cocked his head. “Why would I do that when I’ve spent the last 20 years designing this operation.”
“20?! You old bastard!” Hanzi yelled. “How could you do this to these people?! How can you say you protect them while also ruining their lives!?! You’ve been betraying this island for 20 years?!”
Lucian sighed. “Well, it wasn’t all of the people, just those who are weak.”
“Those are the people who need the most protection!”
Ruby looked at Tas and frowned at him. He had tears in his eyes. 
“I’m not exactly sure what you want me to say, Han. That I had some divine plan? That it wasn’t about the food or the money or the power? It was. I wanted money, food, and power. I deserve it, and if people get it in my way it’s their fault.”
Hanzi stared at him stunned. Ruby sighed, the familiar pain of expecting people in a position to help to do the opposite. 
“Han,” Ruby said. “You know how we were talking about shades of gray?” Hanzi didn’t answer her. “Sometimes people are just evil.”
“That can’t be true! There has to be a reason! There has to be-” Hanzi was interrupted by a gunshot. 
“Han!!” Ruby screamed. She caught the injured Tas as Hanzi fell backwards. She laid Tas next to Hanzi and knelt over him. “Han! Fuck! Say something!”
He groaned, gripping his stomach. Ruby swallowed. Ruby turned her head, a beautiful rage burning in her eyes.
“How dare you hurt my friends!” She stood up, tears threatening to fall.
“Friends? You’ve known them for a few days.”
“That doesn’t matter! They…they treated me with kindness. They made me laugh while I’m away from my nakama. They’re my friends and you’re going to get your ass kicked for hurting them!”
“They only treated you kindly because they didn’t know who you were. This island has been ravaged by pirates, do you honestly think they would have welcomed you with open arms if they had known who you were from the beginning?”
“I don’t care! None of that matters now!” Ruby turned her body into petrified wood, her hair turning into white flower petals. “Nothing you say actually matters! Some people are just fucking assholes and I’m going to take you down so that you can’t hurt anyone anymore!”
“It’s ironic that a pirate is trying to act as if she’s the morally superior one.”
“Because I am!” She took a step forward before lunging to attack Lucian. 
Lucian completely blocked her first attack, holding her back with a grunt. “Do you even care why I’ve done this?”
“Your ideas, your motivations? It’s all bullshit. You can’t claim “oh, I had a messed up childhood.” We all did! Everyone has their own trauma! We did what we could to survive! But some of us grew up and grew as people!” Ruby turned her nails into sharp points and scratched at Lucian’s face. 
He hissed in pain. “You bitch!” He threw her off of him, holding his face in his hands. 
Ruby gracefully landed on her feet, not even stumbling from her lack of heels. Ruby watched as blood dripped from his face and onto the cave floor. He groaned in pain, his face dark from anger. 
Ruby took another step forward. She easily dodged the bullet he tried to surprise her with. He seethed at her. He hissed at her. He was boiling over in fury as Ruby approached him calmly. He shot at her again, this time missing completely due to the blood in his eyes. 
“That’s the thing about you small islands. Even in the New World, you’re still no match for us Worst Generation pirates.” She kneed him in the face, causing him to crumple to the floor and pass out. Ruby sighed. “Well, technically I’m not considered Worst Generation, that’s my captain, but the point still stands.” Ruby sighed. “Oh, shit! What am I doing?!”
She rushed over to Hanzi and Tas, both breathing heavily.
“Did either of you two bring a den den mushi?” She grabbed the cuffs from Hanzi’s belt and quickly cuffed Lucian. 
Tas groaned. “I did. It’s in my supply bag. It’s in the…” he pointed to a wall. “It’s a fake wall. You should be able to push on it.”
Ruby rushed over to the wall he was pointing at and pushed on it. The door scraped open and revealed another large room completely filled with an incredible amount of food. Ruby let out a breath. 
She looked around and found Tas’s bag. She ran back over to him. He told her the number to call and, luckily, it was Duhni who picked up. 
Ruby didn’t leave Tas’s or Hanzi’s side until they were taken away by the medics. Ruby was taken away, in cuffs, back to the station. She didn’t fight, she knew how everything looked. She knew that when Tas and Hanzi were conscious they would defend her. Duhni even argued for her, saying she was the reason everyone was alive, but it fell on deaf ears. The captain, the deputy, and the chief were all injured and unconscious. Of course she looked suspicious. The assistant chief, who had to be called from his vacation, was none too pleased with the situation.
Ruby was sitting in a cell, trying not to look as annoyed as she felt. It had been four hours since they had returned from the cave. Duhni let her know that people were still gathering everything from the cave. Food, money, jewels, weapons, people, and bodies to identify. Ruby sighed and hoped she would be released soon. She was tired and wanted to go to bed.
Soon, there was heated yelling and arguments. Ruby looked up curiously. 
“Get her out of there!”
“But Captain Tas-”
“Just give me the damn keys!”
She heard someone coming towards her. She looked up and saw Tas, who was cleaned up, covered in bandages and stitches, and had crutches. He sighed.
“I can’t believe they locked you up after everything you did,” he said and opened the cell door for her. “And you didn’t even put up a fight?”
“It would’ve made things worse,” she said. She walked out of the cell and stretched. “Glad to be out of there, that’s for sure.”
“Elissa. No, Sela.”
“Ruby is fine.”
“Ruby,” Tas sighed. “I’m sorry.”
“Hm? I said it was fine they put me in a cell. It was the easiest thing they could do.”
“No, not that. I mean…I’m sorry that I was an ass to you after I found out who you are. It was uncalled for.”
Ruby grinned. “You’re right! It was!” Tas looked ashamed. “But, I forgive you. I can’t expect people to welcome pirates with open arms, especially when their island is being regularly attacked by them.” She shrugged. “How’s Hanzi?”
“He’s awake and complaining that they won’t let him out of bed. He was shot! You’d think he’d take it easy.” Ruby chuckled, knowing how boring it could get staying in a hospital bed. “Come on, let’s get out of here.”
Tas led her back into the main office, where it was rowdy and busy. Many people looked up at her, some wary, some excited. Those who were part of the attack crowded her, apologizing for being unable to help her while she was in a cell. She waved them off, letting them know she understood and there were no hard feelings. 
Duhni came up to her and smacked her back hard. He laughed at her and said that even pirates could be good people. Everyone offered her food and drinks but she shook her head, she just wanted to go to the inn. 
“You’ll want to go out the back,” Tas said. “Reporters are already crowding the front.”
“Word spreads fast, it seems.”
“Well, when you have multiple officers in the hospital, rumors are going to spread,” he sighed. “I’ll show you the way.”
Tas hobbled her to the back door where there was, thankfully, no one there. Ruby started to walk out of the building, ready to eat a hearty meal and sleep until her ship came. 
“El- Ruby,” Tas called. Ruby turned to look at him. He swallowed. “I…thank you.”
Ruby grinned at him. She turned and started to walk away, waving at him as she did. 
She walked to the inn, avoiding the people rushing towards the police station. Everyone wanted to know what was going on. Ruby just wanted to go to bed. She made it to the inn where she was greeted by the innkeeper.
“Miss Elissa! I was so worried after that policeman took you away! Are you alright? You have a bandage on your arm. Is that blood on your shirt?!”
Ruby smiled. “I’m fine. I’m actually starving, so I’m going to get some food.”
“Oh, yes, o-of course! Right away. We have some nice game hens tonight, if you’re interested.”
“I absolutely am.”
Ruby ate her dinner and beer at the bar, where she made small talk with the bartender. He said that it was so empty today because of what happened with the authorities. Ruby just smiled and ate her food. She was sure there would be an official report soon that would cover up details and make it look like there wasn’t any real corruption in the police. Oh, and she would definitely be left out, there’s no way that anyone would let a pirate be the hero of the island.
Ruby finished her meal plus a cherry pie for dessert. She paid and thanked everyone before slugging it up to her room. She opened her door and saw everything was, once again, left untouched. She closed and locked the door. She stripped and immediately walked to the shower. She scrubbed all the blood and gunk off of her body. She exfoliated her skin and washed her hair. She dried off and replaced the bandage on her arm, just like Law taught her.
She collapsed onto the bed, exhausted enough that she didn’t need to take melatonin. She sighed, listening to the static from the radio. Just one more day and she’ll ship off from this island. She just had to make it through tomorrow.
She took a deep breath, the static lulling her to a restful sleep.
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kidotm · 10 months
2278 (fanfic)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Fandoms: FO3 Fandom Relationships: Charon x OC Word count: 2,720+
Chapter 1: A Couple of Angels
Hands tied behind her back. Rope. Cuts on her arms and face. Tape over her mouth. She is dark-haired. Long-legged. She is suntanned almost brown like she spends a lot of time outside. Maybe a farmer? Maybe a raider. 
She is unconscious, propped against a wall and slouching over to the side. Blood is caked on the side of her head. It’s in her hair and all over the side of her face. Matted. Dried. She’s a mess of body fluid and grime and mud. It looks like she fought and even may even have fought hard. There’s bruises forming on her face and arms and the all skin visible to my eyes. Which is a fair amount, she’s not very well dressed. She wears no armor, only jeans and a short sleeved shirt that looks too small for her.
I observe as Vian, my contract holder, and someone she has brought back with her from her outing, a ghoul in a suit, go up and down the stairs. They go about their business hastily, snapping at one another here and there.
The man is not someone I’ve ever seen her with. Not before now. I already don’t care for him. Not at all. He hasn’t shut his mouth once since he walked through the door and doesn’t seem to be planning on doing so any time soon. His griping and bitching is getting on my nerves but he’s clearly no threat to her. They seem to know each other fairly well. They’re arguing like they do. 
I sit on the couch with my gun across my lap. I’m not sure where she found the man and I’m not sure why he’s here. The same goes for the woman slouched unconscious in the corner. I try to act like I don’t care. I try to act like I’m minding my own business. ‘You’re staying home this time,’ she had said. ‘I won’t be gone long, I won’t get into any trouble, don’t worry’ she had told me. ‘Just keep your ass on the couch unless something goes wrong.’
And that’s what I had done. My ass on the couch, eyes glued to the door. Five hours she had been gone. On the sixth hour mark she had returned. Upon her opening the door to the house I had quickly raised my shotgun to fire at the intruder, but it had only been her. And the man in the suit. And the unconscious woman being dragged behind him. 
No explanation was offered. They both ignored me. It’s dark outside, pitch black. The dead of night. It’s unlikely anyone even saw them, so there’s no one to be suspicious. 
At once I had noticed the bomb collar on her neck. Seeing it surprised me. These days, the only time I saw one was on the occasion I looked into a mirror, or a puddle. Something I normally avoided. But now, here one was, on the neck of an unconscious stranger. A very unlucky unconscious stranger. Memories flash through my head as I eyed the device. None of them are good. 
My contract holder has done a lot of nasty things to a lot of nasty people. She has done a lot of unfriendly things to a lot of friendly people. I kick myself, for just a moment, for thinking she wouldn’t take it any further. Not any further than me. Not this far. This doesn’t look good, none of it.
The two of them leave again and I am ordered to watch the woman and make sure she doesn’t go anywhere. While they’re gone, she stirs. I sit on the couch, eyeing her warily.
When she wakes, her in-question raider status goes from possible to very unlikely. She’s perturbed and afraid, but has none of the dope-addled cocky attitude that I’ve come to expect from them. Rain or shine, in their element or not, raiders talked shit 24/7. There was no rest, they took no breaks. Not if they had knife to their throat or a gun to their head. This woman doesn't really hit any of those marks. Just a wastelander?
When the two of them come back- he’s not sure what they had been doing outside- they force the woman up the stairs. I follow them this time. Having any sort of prisoner was relevant to me, like it or not. They’ve already got her tied to the workbench on the far end of the room when I catch up to them. She glares hotly at all of us but doesn’t have much to say to us or for herself. 
Later, I hear Vian and the ghoul in the suit arguing from her room. The man is insisting he doesn’t owe her anymore, insisting that they’re square now. I have no idea what he could mean by that. She had never gone about slaver business, beside myself, while I had been with her. And I had been with her for a while. When had she had time to meet this man and gain a reputation with him? One that made him not question her abducting people?
The man leaves not long after their argument. He's odd. His suit is clean save for the same dust that covers everything. He carries only a pistol, nothing else. He has a full head of dark hair, as well as facial hair, which I've never seen on a ghoul before in my life. He brushes past me angrily, not paying me any mind. He doesn't look back before slamming the door behind him.
Chapter 2: Washing Off the Blood
Come morning, the woman looks ten times worse. Her bruises are now dark and the level of damage is clearer. The morning light coming through the cracks of the walls shines light on what has happened to her.
 The man in the suit is nowhere to be seen. He never came back after he left last night.
I’ve been watching her all night, as Vian ordered. The bound woman has been nodding on and off throughout the night but she never slept for long. Although she's said "piss off, ghoul" multiple times throughout the night, she hasn't really lashed out at him or tried to escape. 
“I don’t suppose you’d let me outta here,” the woman says. I can’t tell if she’s been drugged or if it’s just exhaustion making her slur her words. 
She groans when I don’t respond. 
“Can I have water?” she asks. 
I look at her. Her voice is hoarse. Who knows what Vian would permit her to have, though. It’s best to just not risk it.
“Do you even speak English, motherfucker?” she slurs again, her head falling to the side of her shoulder. She sighs loudly, “whatever.”
The blood that’s dried on her face, hair, and.. well, everywhere, is starting to flake off with her movements. Her hair is a molerat’s nest and she reeks of iron. The ventilation in this house being what it is, the whole room smells of it.
Later that morning, Vian emerges from her room. She unties the woman from the workbench, then re-ties her hands together in front of her. She drags her from the metal floor she had sat on all night to bring her in front of us.
“You smell like hell,” Vian says to the woman.
The woman just looks back at her. 
I back off and little, taking a few steps away without turning my back on them. I don’t like this. I don’t like where this is going and I don’t want to be a part of it. I can’t imagine what Vian has planned for this woman and I don’t want to imagine. What is she going to do, sell her? That was if Vian had captured her herself, which it seemed to me like she had.. That didn’t rule out the possibility that she had went out and bought the woman from a slaver. And in that case-
“Charon.” Vian says.
“Yes.” I reply. 
“You take her to the bathroom and you wash her off. She’s too dangerous to be untied. I don’t need her trying to stab us while she’s loose. Just cut those off her and I’ll find her something else to wear.”
I freeze. Seconds go by, no one says anything. I struggle to swallow. The woman and I meet eyes from across the room and her face goes from totally blank to enraged in less than a second.
“You have to be kidding me!” the woman shouts into Vian’s face.
“Now. Charon.” Vian says.
I mutter profanities under my breath, taking the woman by the arm. The order is already itching in my brain, demanding to be adhered to, urging me on. I drag the woman one handed to the bathroom. Vian wanders off to find clothes, unbothered as the woman shouts and thrashes against my arm. 
We get to the tub. It’ll take several minutes to fill. The pipes make an awful din but the water flows at a heavy trickle. 
I take deep breaths to steady myself. Deep breaths. In and out. We’re not going to harm her, it’s just a bath. I have my back to her as she sits slumped at the bathroom door. I wasn’t dumb enough to leave it open, lest she try to make a run for it and I have to chase her down.
I sigh heavily, willing the ache in my head to go away while the order sizzling in my brain sits idle. I turn to face her. She flinches. 
“Let’s go,” I say. 
She shakes her head side to side vigorously, curling away. 
“Come on. I have to do this,” I insist. “Let’s just get it over with.”
She shakes her head again. “No,” she says.
“Alright,” I say. Her shoulders drop for just a millisecond before she realizes I’m actually leaning in to grab her, not giving up.
If her hands weren’t tied behind her back she would absolutely be clawing the hell out of me. Small mercies. Her legs are free, though. She kicks and tries to bite at me, thrashing against me as she yells stormy words into my ear.
“Charon.” I hear through the door.
“Yes.” I say, gruff. The woman takes the opportunity to stomp on my foot. Hard. I don’t feel it through my boots. I turn to look at her. She looks back up at me, her glare ablaze. Her eyes are narrow. Dark. Her face is covered in speckles and spots. Not unlike mine used to be. 
“You shut her up,” Vian hisses through the door. “I don’t want to hear another peep from this bathroom. We’ll have the whole town eavesdropping at this rate.”
“Yes.” I say again. 
“Get the hell off me,” the woman says.
Suddenly my knife is between us, only inches from her face. “Any more shouting and I won’t just be cutting your clothes,” I tell her. 
The defiant look in her eye wavers at this. If the additional order wasn’t blazing in my mind on top of the first, I would have felt a little bad.
Her shirt is thin and cuts off very easily. She stands quiet and still, seeming ashamed. Or just scared. I don’t know. Her back is turned to me and I can’t see her face. Thankfully. I’m glad she can’t see mine. She doesn’t wear anything underneath her shirt. I take it off of her and toss it aside. 
“Undo the button of your pants,” I tell her. She hesitates and her shoulders shake but she does it. The jeans fall to the floor. 
“Can I leave my underwear on?” she whispers. Her voice trembles.
“Yes.” I say.
She exhales a shaky breath. 
A steaming mist floats up from the tub and into the cool air. The water is lukewarm. She dips her feet in it carefully, then squats down and works into a sitting position.
There’s an assortment of plain, non-scented soap bars on the shelf in this room. Normally a box of shredded soap sits next to the tub but today it’s nowhere to be seen. That would have been too convenient, I suppose. Sprinkle some flakes in for her and let her figure it out? No, that would have been too easy. It must have run out. I don’t even see the empty box anywhere.
I select one of the bars from the shelf. A sleeve from a old shirt from a box full of rags. The rope around her wrists has rubbed her skin raw. It will probably burn once the soap hits it. I dunk the bar into the water at her feet. It suds slightly against the cloth. 
“So what the hell are you, her maid?” she spits at me.
I don’t respond. 
She cringes away from my touch as the soapy cloth hits her back but she doesn’t yell anymore. She has prominent tan lines all over her body, try as I might not to stare. She hunches in on herself, drawing her shoulders forward. She’s a long-limbed person. Lanky, almost. Malnourished, for sure. A lot of people are. Maybe the majority of wastelanders, even. While her face is full-cheeked, I can see her ribs on her back and her knees are even somewhat knobby.
I wipe the cloth along her back, scrubbing at her lightly. This would be a lot easier if she wasn’t so filthy. If she wasn’t covered in grime I could just let her dunk herself in the water really quick and call it good. Unfortunately, that’s not going to cut it. On this thought, I eye her matted hair.
“You’re going to have to put your head in the water,” I say.
She looks at me from the corner of her eye. Now that she’s turned towards me I can see the tears rolling down her face. 
“You’re covered in blood,” I insist. “She won’t be happy if you come out dirty.”
She looks away from me, down at the water. Then she slowly unfurls herself, shaky breath loud in the quiet room. She does her best to rinse the gore from her hair but struggles with her hands tied. I end up doing it for her. The soap doesn’t do much for the grease in her hair but it takes the blood out. The bath water is tinged pink, little bubbles of soap forming alongside the edges of the tub. 
The persistent force in my head is starting to calm now that I’m following through. The ache is subsiding, and with it, my blind desire to obey. As the blinders begin to fade, I begin to actually feel the awkwardness and pain of this situation. Her hair is soft in my hands and I try not to pull at all of the tangles in it. The last time I was doing this, it was with my own hair. It seems like forever ago.
The door opens. The woman in the tub flinches. It’s Vian.
“Okay, good?” she asks. “Here’s some clothes for her,” she sets them on the chair next to the door and is gone again.
I stand from my kneeling position on the floor, my knees crackling and popping on my way back up. She’s already slipping her way out of the tub. She lets me wrap a towel around her. I leave. It’s over. 
I retreat to the couch, grumbling about my sleeves and my front getting wet. The two of them stay upstairs for most of the day, Vian only coming down to fetch food. She has the woman doing something on the computer upstairs but I don’t rejoin them to look. 
Many hours later I’m assigned to watch over the woman as she sleeps again. That night my head is spinning and my stomach turns. The image of a knife tearing at cloth cuts through my mind over and over again. It goes on all throughout the night. The sound of tearing fabric plays sing-songy and mocking in my ears, though the house is dead silent. 
I don’t so much as doze that night. Flashes of today’s events. Flashes of the past. I don’t move as I guard her. I barely blink as I watch the door from above. For the first time in a while, I’m tired. 
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