#i’ve never really had a good nye
glcive · 6 months
this is either going to be the worst or most boring nye ever
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jadedvibes · 1 year
Some Bucky to brighten your day. ❤️
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Last First Kiss
Pairing: tfatws!Bucky x reader
Warnings: Excessive fluff, first kisses, soft Bucky in Louisiana for New Year's Eve.
Word Count: 600
A/N: Thank you for this sweet @navybrat817. This truly brightened my day and inspired a nye drabble! Hope everyone has a very Happy New Year! 💙✨
“So a little birdie told me you’ve never had a new year’s kiss…” Bucky leaned against the wood railing beside you, taking in the sunset on the bayou.
Your eyes widened before you took a deep breath. “I’m gonna kill him.” Ever the meddler, Sam would tell your secret to the first guy you’d liked in a long time. 
“Yeah, I’ve been there,” he let out a laugh. “Sam always knows the exact right thing to do to get under your skin, it’s a gift really.” 
You shrugged casually. “He overheard me telling Sarah. It’s no big deal.” It really wasn’t, but you knew why Sam was annoyingly butting in. He’d also heard you telling his sister about how smitten you were with his dark-haired best friend. 
“Well let me know if you want to change that.”
Heat rushed to your cheeks, a small smile playing at your lips. There was no way. “The killing him part or the kiss?” 
Bucky smirked, charmed and hopeful that you’d agree. “I haven’t had one in a while, so keep me posted,” he checked his watch. Only a few more hours until midnight. The Wilson household had planned a lowkey evening for the kids later, and the both of you would be in attendance. 
He’d secretly had a crush on you for a little longer than you had on him and with Sam’s encouragement he figured there was no better time to do something about it.
“Haven’t committed a murder or given a kiss in a while?” You smiled sheepishly, trying awfully hard to deflect. Of all the reactions to finding out you’d never had a new year’s kiss, this was the last one you expected. Sam’s best friend, a guy you thought was off-limits, offering to change things for you.
He let out a laugh, you were too adorable. “Think about it, sweetheart. I hear it’s good luck,” he playfully shot you a wink before heading back to the barbeque. 
Exhaling a breath you didn’t know you were holding, you turned back to look at the setting sun over the calm waters. Colorful, peaceful, and captivating.
Later that night.
Sam nudged Sarah before shouting. “Guys it's 12:04, you’ve rung in the new year! You can break it up now.”
Grinning against Bucky’s lips, you felt your cheeks warm again. Busted.
Bucky begrudgingly pulled away from you, turning to glare at Sam. “Just getting as much luck from this as we can, man. Feel free to look away,” he muttered breathlessly before meeting your gaze with a soft shy smile. His thumb stroked your jawline, noting how beautiful you were up close. 
He went from menacing to cute in a split second. How did he do that? It didn’t really matter because the way he looked at you, well you sure could get used to it. 
“Yeah, look somewhere else,” you teasingly scowled at Sam before tugging at Bucky's henley and kissing him again. He cupped your face and poured himself into the kiss. He thought he was out of practice, but it surprised him how easily he fell back into step with you. Soft and sweeter than anything you could’ve imagined. Warm and careful with just the right amount of desire to leave you aching. Nothing you could have expected, yet everything you silently wished for. 
Neither of you knew it then, but what a lucky year it would turn out to be. Never did you imagine that the man that would be your first new year’s kiss would also be your last; for many years in between, and every day after. 
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f0point5 · 6 months
You know, I love Seb (he’s the person who got me into F1) and I respect Lewis and his accomplishments but one thing I’ll never forgive them (and a lot of the older drivers, most already retired now) for is how they treated Max when he came into F1.
Yes, he might have been their rival but he was also a teenager, a literal child and gosh… I know Max probably doesn’t really care anymore but I still hurt for him sometimes.
Especially when you consider that he was the one paving the way for his generation. When Charles and Lando and George and everyone else came up a few years later they were welcomed as the youth, the future of the sport. Older drivers talking about their talent and how great it is to see them come up.
Max didn’t get that. He got shouts of “too young”, “too reckless”, “too… too much”.
So no, to me the only real grid dad (or maybe grid uncle is more fitting, idk) will be Fernando Alonso who said that some people are simply ready earlier than others and that Max should be judged on his performance in the races, not his age (paraphrased).
Fernando who has been an idol a lot of the younger generation growing up but also exchanged helmets with Oscar and Zhou, joked with Lando on instagram, talks Le Mans with Max and probably many more moments I’m forgetting about rn.
Honestly, I don’t really get the Seb hype. He just has never given me good vibes. I didn’t watch during the RB days so maybe if I’d seen his golden era I’d have gotten attached but he has just always seemed…not likeable. Clearly a very driven, straightforward, intelligent guy, but something about him doesn’t sit well with me. Anyway rant over.
I’m not even going to talk about LH because…par for the course.
Yes, they were all mean to him. As grown men, too, how are you not absolutely embarrassed?! I get that he’s a kid and maybe you don’t want to hang out with him or confront the fact that you’re not the hotshots anymore but omg it’s a CHILD. (And Seb who made a bit of a meal out of being a bullying victim as a kid…I see you.)
No one else of Max’s generation would have survived the way they treated him, I stand by that. They all needed the support they got, and Max had none of it from his peers. I can’t see Max being the type who cared per se, because he was probably already used to being…not ostracised, but like…observed? And also because of how he grew up I don’t think anyone’s words could rattle him. But even if he didn’t care the grown men should have known better.
If I were Max I’d still be laughing about how bitter I made men in their 30s. Like “I couldn’t grow facial hair and y’all were running scared”. But I still think it must have been a pretty lonely few years until others his age started catching up.
I think Max was really lucky to have such a tight team (Christian, Helmut, Jos, Ray, GP) around him to insulate him a bit and stop him getting pushed around but the way these men tried it. (Toto I’m looking at your for the Jos phonecall.)
Yeah Fernando is the only one who I think was ready to embrace the new frontier as it were. But he is just kind of like that. I feel like he doesn’t feel his age is the disadvantage that most do, and that’s why he’s not so afraid of younger drivers. Like, his relationship with Max, Carlos, lando, George (nye buddies lol) and Zhou (literally just today saw a quote of him talking about how nice Alonso was to him, even Lance, he treats them as much as peers as he does his own generation, it’s cute.
Also, this is kinda random but I swear Nico and Max were kind of friendly in the early years? Max has known Nico a long time, despite the age difference (he said he remembered glasses Nico used to wear at like 7, and Nico once went out with his mum?), Nico was on the jet with Max on his birthday in…2017? And I think there’s a picture of Max having flown with some guys (including both Nicos in 2016) and for some reason I’ve always had the idea that Hulkenberg was his link to that whole crew? (Idk if this whole friendship is a headcanon but for some reason I feel like these two are/were kinda connected)
But yeah, agree. Grown men acting like little bitches. That generation I think was the last generation with real bitterness between the drivers, though. Idk you wouldn’t catch me being a jerk to a kid but I’ve never been terrified of a kid before so 🤷‍♀️
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imwriting0verhere · 5 months
Love Again
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Chapter 1
You can feel yourself smiling upon hearing his laugh and friendly greetings. Surrounded by all your friends you are yet to actually spot him, and he you. Just knowing he has finally arrived to the NYE party makes your body respond instantly and turn in his direction. But what you see once the crowd clears a bit around him, makes your breath get caught in your throat.
“I can’t believe it, I can’t believe he’d actually bring someone!” you think to yourself. Being torn between looking at him for an explanation and avoiding eye contact at all cost.
You don’t even realise he's made his way over to you and your friend Chloe because just as you get out of your own head he’s standing right in front of you, ready to embrace you “Hey Y/N/N, it’s so good to see you” he says with a smile, before wrapping his arms around your form
“I’ve missed you” he whispers before stepping back.
Before your brain can catch on to what had just happened, he wraps his arm around a brunettes’ waist and turns to you again
“Y/N, this is Amber, my girlfriend. Amber, Y/N”
“Hi, so nice to finally meet you! I’m such a fan of your music, Sam won’t stop talking about it too” she says with a chuckle while putting her hand on his chest softly.
You can only send them a short and confused smile “Yeah, you too” before they turn away to greet the rest of your friends.
GIRLFRIEND?! He has a girlfriend now?
You are frozen to the spot again, until you feel Chloe’s gentle hand on your arm “You okay hun?” her voice is laced with concern
“Yeah, m'fine. Just need the toilet real quick. I’ll be back in a minute” you don’t even spare her a glance as you quickly try to make your way through the crowd of 30 something Geordies gathered around. All being cheerful for the new year.
The bathroom is luckily empty so you lock the door and just stand there for a moment. Not sure what to do. Sorting through your emotions. You turn towards the toilet and sit down onto the closed lit.
Just staring straight ahead onto the wall.
Hands clasped together until you slowly start to rub your thumb over the back of your hand. Your body automatically trying to sooth itself.
He has a girlfriend. And he brought her here. All your friends are here. The lads from his band, your band, Tom and Heidi.
You last saw him only a month ago and he hadn’t said a word about her. When did this even happen?
You don’t realize the tears running down your face until one, two droplets land on your hands. You look down, blinking and wiping the tears away hastily.
You don’t know what you are mad about. You and him had ended things a few months ago, amicably. You still remain friends, best friends after all these years. He had assured you that would never change. But then why didn’t he tell you about it and why didn’t you feel mad? No, actually you are hurt. Hurt and betrayed because he said he loved you. He loved you but life and work were too hectic right now and it wasn’t fair to you. To both of you. So through many hugs and tears you realised a relationship at this time isn’t going to work. And you both had of course wanted to safe your year long friendship. So you ended it.
You quickly get up from the toilet seat and hold one of the guest towels under the cold water in the sink. Gently dabbing under your eyes to get rid of the tear streaks.
This is Sam, your best friend Sam. He would never hurt you like this. There’s got to be another explanation for this. You think to yourself.
You quickly make up your mind to take him aside and talk to him.
Walking out of the bathroom and back into the living room you pass Chloe again “You okay, do you need anything?”
“I’m okay, I just want to talk to Sam real quick” you turn towards her “Did you see where he went?”
“Kitchen I think but, do you really think it’s a good idea to confront him here?”. She noticed your puffy eyes, of course she did. She always knows when something is wrong.
“Chlo I just…” you start to say but are quickly overwhelmed by your emotions towards him.
You look down, trying to hide the new wave of tears, before catching Chloe’s eyes again. She quickly takes your hand and gives you a sympathetic look
“I haven’t seen him in a month, I.. just want to know…” You try very hard not to start sobbing right here in the middle of the party. Chloe tugs on your hand and you follow her blindly. She pulls you out onto the balcony for a bit more privacy. Which you’re grateful for because the second she pulls you into a hug, the tears are coming down heavy.
“Y/N/N, shh, it’s okay” she gently says, but that only makes it worse.
You suddenly pull away from her, your hands in your hair trying to make sense of the past 20 minutes
“I just don’t… get it!” you sob out. Looking at your friend. She stays quiet, giving you your space to put your thoughts in order. “He told me he couldn’t be with me right now, couldn’t be with anyone. And that’s supposed to have changed in the last two months?” you take a shuddering breath “Bullshit, Chloe! That’s bullshit”
“I know” she says quietly.
After a moment of silence, she starts softly “Babe I know you want to talk to him, and you should. You deserve an explanation from him. But Y/N/N, you’re starting your tour in a few weeks, you won’t see most of the people here again before you leave. So why don’t you just enjoy tonight?” you turn towards her again, huffing out the air you haven’t realised you’re holding.
“I suppose I could talk to him another time this week” you admit quietly. “He’s staying until the end of the month I think”
Chloe gives you a reassuring smile before grabbing two bottles of cider out of one of the many beer crates stored out on the balcony and handing one to you.
“I love you” you tell her while a sly smirk forms on your face
“Love you too petal” she says before reaching for the door and letting you both step back inside.
Coming back inside you immediately make your way over to Heidi and her boyfriend. The younger girl being one of your comforts and you know she’d make you forget all about your earlier worries.  You have spent the past three hours chatting and sitting with them, occasionally getting some snacks from the kitchen and catching up with your other friends before finding your way back to your little group. Her brother Tom, as well as Drew and Dean have joined in and you're animatedly discussing both of your upcoming tours. The lads are going back to America for some recording sessions, before starting back out on the road. And you are getting ready for your first proper tour outside of the UK. 2021 is going to be one big and exciting year already.
“I’m so proud and excited for all of yous!” Heidi cheers, before her eyes glisten over a bit “But I will miss yous so much as well” she whines and cuddles into your side
“I know, love” you coo “It’s going to be so weird being gone for this long at a time” you press a kiss to her cheek.
This is what you wanted from this night. What Chloe had reminded you of. To spend time with your most important people and enjoy the last night of 2020. Before the new year would begin and bring all the craziness and change.
So just 10 minutes before midnight you pour more bubbly into your glass and prepare yourself for the countdown.
Just 5 minutes now and the atmosphere around us changes. Everybody has started getting up from their seats, re-filling their drinks of choice to toast in the new year. The couples start finding each other to ensure their midnight kiss.
And as much as you have tried to avoid Sam since your little breakdown on the balcony, there is no escaping him anymore.
He has joined all of our friends and yourself in the living room, beer in hand and Amber right next to him.
As much as you want to look at him and study his demeanor, for whatever kind of clues you aren’t sure. All you keep seeing is her right next to him.
The countdown is only 20 seconds now and Chloe strategically places herself in your field of vision towards Sam and his girlfriend, affectively blocking your view.
Everybody starts counting down
You look around the room into the happy faces of your friends and remember why you're here, and what kind of feeling and energy you want to take into the new year with you.
We are finally at the place in our career where we’re selling out tickets and venues because of us. Our work and talent and determination, and in 2021 it’s all finally paying off with our very first international tour. You are so excited for all of you girls.
Happy New Year!!! Everybody around us cheers and claps, we all start hugging each other and wishing us the best year ahead.
As you take a sip from your drink and embrace Chloe, you let your eyes wander…
And they land on the one person that might’ve just ruined 2021 already, and we are only seconds in.
Sam has his arm thrown around Amber and is leaning in to kiss her. He lingers for a moment, slowly pulling back to press a short second kiss to her cheek before embracing her and holding her in a hug.
Once he let’s go he straightens back up with the happiest look on his face, eyes sparkling.
He must’ve felt your eyes on him, because quickly his gaze finds yours. You could’ve sworn you saw a second of hesitance in his eyes, before he raises his bottle in your direction and mouths a happy new year to you. You swallow, raise your glass in his direction and quickly take a big gulp. Turning away from his happy face and willing yourself to stay calm, while you can feel your heart being crushed inside your chest…
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reasonablerodents · 5 months
Just in case it breaks your writing dry spell, there's been a terrible lack of NYE hotchreid fics, and I'm here to humbly request that you fix this with a short nye bau party/night out and everyone paired up for their nye kiss except hotch and spencer…
This is very true!!!! And somehow this DID break my writing dry spell bc I’m somehow actually happy with how this turned out???? (And okay….It’s not short)
Thank you!!!
Good Fortune (G)
Aaron Hotchner/Spencer Reid, Fluff, New Year’s Kisses
They’re all partnered up these days. Penelope has Kevin, Emily and JJ have been together for God knows how long, Derek’s in the early days with a woman named Savannah, and Dave? Well, he may not be officially dating anyone, but he met a woman at the bar a few hours earlier, and the two seem to be getting on very well.
That just leaves him and Spencer.
If Aaron was a braver man, he would have asked Spencer out years ago. But his head is too full of regulations and boss/employee power dynamics and- okay, the main reason he hasn’t done anything after all this time is because he’s scared. Rejection always hurt, but being rejected by Spencer would surely feel far worse than if it was from anyone else. Besides, they already had a perfectly good- albeit platonic- relationship; there was no reason to ruin it by acting inappropriately.
Aaron sneaks a glance to the left, where Spencer is stood next to him and staring into the crowded bar, one hand idly gripping a half-finished drink. He seems to be people-watching, and Aaron can’t get over how beautiful he is like this; unknowingly poised like a painting, the dim light softly illuminating the curve of his lips and angular planes of his face. Spencer’s eyes are wide and glittering, drinking in the revelry instead of his cocktail.
“Not long until midnight, pretty boy,” Derek laughs as he and Savannah pass by on their way back to the bar, playfully tapping Spencer on the shoulder to get his attention. “You’ll have to be quick if you wanna sort out a New Year’s kiss!”
Spencer makes a move as if to splutter an indignant reply, but Derek’s already turning to Aaron with a trademark smile. “You too, man. Even you’ve got to let loose a little on New Years. I’d offer my services to you both, but I’m really hoping Savannah will give me the honour tonight.”
Savannah giggles, wrapping an arm around Derek’s waist. “Well, we’ll just have to see what happens come midnight- your chances might be better if you get me the drink you promised me, though.”
“Anything for you,” Derek replies, gently lifting her free hand and pressing a chaste kiss to it like a Victorian gentleman. “Forget a glass of wine, I’ll get you the whole bottle.”
“I’m holding you to that.”
With that, they depart. Aaron watches them a little wistfully as they squeeze their way through the crowd, always keeping a hand on one another. He’s nothing but happy for Derek’s budding romance, of course, but he can’t help but wish that he could have something like that as well.
“I’ve never had a New Year’s kiss.”
Spencer’s soft voice from his left makes him turn back around.
“No?” Aaron says, trying and failing not to think too deeply about Spencer’s lips.
“No. Relationships haven’t historically been my strong point, so there’s never been anyone around to offer me one. I suppose I could find a random person, but if someone’s going to be orally swapping bacteria with me, even for a few seconds, I’d prefer to know them a little first.”
Aaron takes a sip of his whisky. “I haven’t in a long time, so you’re not alone.”
“I know. I’ve spent the last four New Years with you,” Spencer replies matter-of-factly, before darting off on a tangent. “Did you know, kissing at midnight is actually an old Scottish tradition? Hogmanay was introduced when the Vikings invaded, and one part of the celebrations involves welcoming friends and strangers alike, which apparently involves kissing them.”
“No, I didn’t. I guess I’ve never thought about where it came from.”
“Another tradition is First-Footing, although it’s definitely not as commonly practiced around here. The first person to enter the house should be a dark-haired man to ensure good luck. He’s supposed to bring gifts with him, such as coins, coal, or whisky, it can vary slightly regionally, I think. You’d be a good first-footer, I reckon- I mean, you’ve already got the whisky.”
“And the hair, I guess.”
“Mmm. Tall, dark, and handsome.”
Aaron’s glad he hadn’t just taken another sip of his drink, because after hearing Spencer use those words to describe him, he certainly would have spat it out in shock. He can feel his cheeks growing warm, and is incredibly glad of how dark it is in the bar. Spencer's very observant though, so it’s almost certain he’s already noticed Aaron’s flustered reaction however much he tries to hide it.
Before he can work out how to reply to that, a deafening shout ripples across the room.
Spencer’s not just looking at Aaron in general any more, he’s looking into his eyes. His gaze flickers downwards as the countdown continues- oh God, is Spencer looking at his lips? Aaron finds himself setting his glass down as he unconsciously inches closer, barely daring to breathe.
Is this going to- surely not? But Spencer’s own lips are slightly parted now, his glass abandoned as well.
It’s only seconds, but each one feels like eons. The countdown fades slightly as Aaron’s heartbeat fills his ears.
Aaron takes a deep breath, and before he can even make a move, the clock strikes midnight and Spencer leans in and kisses him.
It feels exactly like the fireworks that are going off outside.
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mooncello · 6 months
it's new year's eve, so please enjoy this 'lil nye scene from my lava au. wishing you an easeful and nourishing start to 2024, kittens. <3
A laugh spills from Kai’s throat, and he stretches out beside me. We lie there together as our breathing returns to normal, limbs warm and relaxed. I slide my palm along the line of his shoulder, and brush my fingers along his clavicle, tracing the ridges and valleys of him.
Kai makes a contented sound and nestles closer. “Do you have any new year resolutions?”
“I don’t do resolutions.”
His eyebrows shoot up. “For real? You’re the exact type of person who makes resolutions.”
“Sometimes I don’t understand how we’ve known each other for 12 years,” I say drily. “You don’t know me at all apparently.”
“Okay, no resolutions! Jesus.”
“Time-bound goals stress me out,” I say, after a moment. “Especially year-long ones. I never know what’s gonna happen in any given year—ninja missions, my brain—and I don’t like feeling guilty if I can’t accomplish what I set out to.”
“I get that,” Kai says. His fingers find my scalp and start scratching lightly. An undignified groan escapes past my mouth. Fuck that feels good.
“What about…bucket lists?” Kai continues.
“Like, life?”
“Say the next five years. Is that just as stressful?”
I think about it. “No, weirdly not stressful.”
“Cole?” He keeps massaging my scalp, and I think I’m gonna start purring soon. “What is something you want in the next five years?”
I meet his eyes but don’t say anything, though my mind is racing through a list.
I want to still be sleeping next to you and having hot sex and taking care of you when you’re sick. And remind you what an absolute fucking nightmare you are and how much I fucking love you.
“I can go first,” Kai says, interpreting my silence as hesitation. “In the next five years, I want to learn how to swim.” His fingers move from my head and trail down my chest. “Braid your hair. Convince you to wear eyeliner. Visit Bijou—with you. Fuck you in the back of your truck under the stars. Break fewer than five bones. Learn shibari. Drink less.”
“Did you come up with those just now?” I ask.
“Some, yeah. Others I’ve thought about for awhile.” He nudges me with his hip. “Your turn.”
I take in a breath. “I want to…open my studio. Convince you to wear glasses. Visit Bijou—with you. Make love to you under the stars. Adopt a cat, well, a second cat.” Kai laughs at that. “Teach you shibari. Hide less.”
“Those are good,” he whispers. Then he gives a little gasp and knocks his knuckles against my sternum. “Wait, you know shibari?”
“Mm,” I hum. “I had a former boyfriend who was really into it.”
“Omifuckinggod. What? Tell me everything. Which ex? You have three, right?”
I can see Kai trying to determine which of the three people he knows of match his idea of bondage kink.
“Five,” I say.
“Five what?”
“Five exes.”
His eyes widen, and then a huge, wicked smile splits his face. “Tell me.”
“Tell you what?”
“Whatever you want. I fucking love learning new shit about you.”
So we talk, and share more pieces of ourselves as the clock inches toward midnight. We notice we’ve entered the new year a full twenty minutes after it happens.
“Best new year’s eve ever,” Kai whispers.
I kiss him, the first of the year. “I love you.”
“Love you, babe. Happy new year.”
full chapter here.
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i’m begging for more ava + service dog
[teeny tiny thing for nye :)]
‘okay,’ bea says, surveying all of the decorations and food laid out everywhere, buttoning and unbuttoning the top clasp on her blouse, neatly tucked into her slacks. ‘i think everything is ready.’
‘everything looks great.’ you wheel over to where she’s anxiously straightening some napkins. ‘babe.’
bea swallows, waits a second before she takes the hand you offer her. 
‘hey,’ you say when you notice she might be about to cry. ’why are you so nervous? it’s a little party with people we love.’
she sniffles. ‘i know, i know. and i’m happy, ava; i’m so happy. there’s peace, and i have you and our home and our life.’
you wheel over to the couch so she can sit next to you; korra patters next to you dutifully, her tongue lolling in a happy little smile. bea sits stiffly, so you nudge korra, who happily moves to rest her head in bea’s lap, calming and gentle. 
‘beatrice, what’s wrong?’
she shakes her head, scratches korra’s soft fur. ‘sometimes i feel so anxious that the other shoe is going to drop.’
‘well, it kind of did.’ you gesture toward your chair with a small smile. your back had been really bad lately, even in the relatively mild cold in california, even after dr. salvius had done everything possible. it’s a new normal, different than when you’d been hurt before — there are so many people who love you, who want to make sure you have resources and accessibility and support and independence. you have korra, and beatrice, and a home that has grown warmer and more beautiful each and every day.  
‘you know i don’t think of anything you need like that,’ bea says, a little scolding, which makes your smile grow.
‘bea, i know that. i just — something hard happened. we dealt with it, we’re dealing with it. we have such a beautiful life, even with everything. because of everything.’ 
bea takes a deep breath and then meets your eyes; she lifts her hand to run it through your hair and then rests it on your cheek. 
‘life is going to happen, good and bad and mundane and revelatory.’ her face softens and she rests her forehead against yours, her new glasses — translucent sage green frames, round and, in your opinion, adorable — just barely slipping down her nose, over her freckles. ‘but, bea, we get to live it all together.’ 
she nods, and her smile grows more and more genuine. 
‘my love,’ you say, ‘it’s all i’ve ever wanted.’
she rubs her thumb along your cheekbone. ‘i love you. i love our life. i love it all, so much.’
you kiss her gently. ‘so then let’s celebrate, yeah? we have enough food and alcohol for a small army.’
‘small army?’ you hear, a familiar, laughing voice, after a whoosh somewhere in your kitchen. when you look up, camila, mother superion, and mary are there, along with lilith, who grumbles a ‘you’re welcome’ before grabbing a bottle of champagne and heading out to the patio. 
‘happy new year!’ camila says, and korra looks at you with eager eyes, her little butt starting to wiggle with how hard she’s wagging her tail. 
‘okay,’ you tell korra. ‘you can go say hi to your friends.’
she bounds over and bea stands with a smile, kisses the top of your head, and unbuttons the top two buttons of her shirt before walking over. mother superion wraps her in a tight hug and then bends down to do the same with you. no one comments on your chair — it’s been long enough now, and they never have, but it’s just part of your life, and who you are, and they love you. bea had been right all those years ago. everyone pets korra; even lilith wanders back in to scratch behind her ears. mary teases bea about her glasses and camila shows you the newest tech she’s designed. 
there’s ambient music and the waves outside, your friends all around. you eat too much food and drink probably too much champagne and, as it nears midnight, you take bea’s hand and settle out on the patio, korra asleep at your feet.
your friends — your family — count down from inside and you hold bea’s hand in yours, look at her so gently: the love of your life, in this one and the next. 
you kiss her as fireworks go off and camila blows a noisemaker; you feel her smile against your mouth. 
‘happy new year, bea.’
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bitbybitwrites · 2 months
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It's been FOREVER since I've done one of these - I really am grateful to everyone who's been tagging me, even though I've been letting it slide doing this on time ( which is kind of well, my thing, isn't it 😂)
Its been a while - just time, inspiration and utter exhaustion have gotten in the way from really writing. I was finally able to finish one Klaine fic recently (yay!) - so I'm slowly plugging away at everything else I've got on the back burner.
Under the cut will be bits from If I Can Make Your Heart My Home - my Klaine fic that is approaching a year😳 since I started writing it! (Where the heck did the time go? 25 chapters and 102, 599 words later and I'm still plugging away at it!) Also an excerpt of the next chapter of Puppy Love - my sweet RWRB kid!fic. Can't wait to write more of this adorable story also!
Thanks for being patient with me folks and for reading my stuff and just tagging me in these things . . .💖💖💖
If I Can Make Your Heart My Home (Klaine fic - Klaine Prompt Reverse Bang 2023) cc @datshitrandom
Kurt shook his head.  “I know.  You’re right, Maggie."  He took a deep breath.  “I guess I feel like an idiot.  I messed up something great and there’s nothing I can do to fix it.” “Nonsense,” Maggie huffed as she slid the box in her hand into the shopping cart.  “Let me tell you no couple is perfect together all of the time.  It’s hard.  It's hard work to get two people who can be so different to share a life together. And let me tell you Ralph and I were like oil and water on many occasions.” “She’s not wrong, “ Clara confirmed.  “Ma and Pop had some really big blowouts when I was a kid. Remember the cracked bowling ball argument?” Maggie snorted.  “Oh god and one about the fishing weekend he took with your Uncle Al and never thought to let me and your Auntie Anna know. Thought they were dead in a ditch somewhere.” Clara laughed along with her mother.  “And the hat - the one about your new hat that he thought . .” “Looked like a bird had died on my head.” Maggie cackled.  “Oh I was so insulted.  I loved that hat!” Clara wiped away a few tears that had welled up in the corners of her eyes.  “At the time, it seemed like the end of the world. But it wasn't, not really.” “We never stayed mad for long.  And we worked it all out.” Maggie admitted, a wistful look in her eyes as she recalled all those moments. “I don’t know if he wants to talk to me anymore, Maggie.  That’s the problem.  I think I might have missed my chance.” Maggie took Kurt’s hand in hers and squeezed it firmly.  “You’re never going to know if you don’t try, Pillsbury.” “Talk to him, Kurt," Clara added.  “You owe yourself that, don’t you think?  Let him know how you really feel.  Talk about everything that's been bothering you . . and then, see what happens.” “I’m rooting for you, Pillsbury,”  Maggie told him softly.  “I’ve got a good feeling about you and Monty.” “We both do.” Clara chimed in.
Puppy Love (FirstPrince fic - RWRB NYE Gift Exchange 2023) - cc @omgbarbiegurl
Alex mostly operated on a “full-steam-ahead” way of living life.  He jumped off of cliffs - made big decisions and went with them, often with very little mulling over or introspection, basically throwing himself wholeheartedly into life.  Some of his family thought it was too reckless, too thoughtless, too rash. He preferred believing he was going with his gut instincts. Alex did that when decided to drop his law studies and go to vet school.  He did that when moved in with his last partner.  He went with his gut when he decided to adopt Raf,  and also when he made the decision to move to NYC to start a new chapter in his life and to start the animal rescue with June. So far, Alex couldn’t say he was disappointed with any of his impulsive life choices.  Well, he slightly wished that Jessica and him had ended on better terms. But he couldn’t dwell on it. She was the one who didn’t want to be a parent and that was a deal breaker for Alex. He refused to give Raf up and change his mind like she had after the fact. Alex loved his son with all that he had. It was him and Raf together till the end.  Alex was determined to make their new life in New York the best that it could be.  Having June and Nora alongside him for this adventure was comforting, and Alex couldn’t deny that they were keeping him grounded most of the time.  They knew his tendency to hyper focus and prodded him enough to keep him from doing it too much to the detriment of his family time with Raf.  But getting the rescue up off the ground was harder than they had expected. Even now after they had been established for quite some time, there were days whenthe siblings would wonder what they had gotten themselves into. Creating a business from scratch, juggling to manage everything and taking care of the animals as well was overwhelming and chaotic on most days. Spencer and Liam coming aboard last month was not only a pleasant surprise,  but a nice shot of relief for June and Alex. Certainly once the holidays were over it would be even easier. They could start to mange more realistic shifts at the rescue and begin to maintain some sort of normalcy with the extra help. Alex would be the first to admit that whenever prioritizing his life, even with his chaotic schedule, Raf came first, then his work and then . . well his personal needs and wants last.   After he and Jessica had parted, Alex pushed any thoughts of dating - or even random hook ups out of his mind. There really was no time for that.  And in no way was there anyone who even piqued his interest enough for him to come surfacing out of his self-imposed exile from the dating world. Or rather, that was true until an abandoned beagle and the gorgeous man who rescued him waltzed into his life.
OK . . so many thanks to the following lovely folks who have tagged me in the past few weeks for Six Sentence Sunday/ WIP Wednesday :
@porcelainmortal, @wordsofhoneydew, @duchessdepolignaca03, @forabeatofadrum, @littlemisskittentoes,
@agostobuwan, @nocoastposts, @sheepywritesfics @taste-thewaste @shame-is-a-wasted-emotion
@iboatedhere, @itsmaybitheway, @onthewaytosomewhere, @myheartalivewrites, @magicandarchery
@fallevs. @daisyishedwig. @welcometololaland and if I forgot anyone, I so apologize! ( I really tried keeping a list every time I missed one!)
So going to open tag anyone who might want to share what they're working on . . but I'll also tag for the hell of it, if they want to jump in:
@kirakiwiwrites, @madas-ahatters-world, @coffeegleek, @gleefulpoppet, @little-escapist
@spaceorphan18 @yadivagirl
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Hold on to You (c.h)
Pairing: Calum Hood x Fem! Reader
Requested? By my darling @hoodhoran
Summary: Based on the song "New Years Day" by Taylor Swift, a glimpse of what happens after the party
Warnings: Fluff. Some grammar errors (English is not my first language I'm sorry)
Author's Note: A small blurb for all of you, I really hope you like it. Remember that REBLOGS are super important and so are COMMENTS AND INTERACTIONS remember to always SUPPORT YOUR WRITERS. Hope you like it and Happy reading
My masterlist // taglsit on bio
The sun was coming up, he could tell by the clear, pink, and baby blue lines that started to paint the sky. A new hello to a new year, and he couldn’t help but smile, excited for what’s to come.
He killed his cigarette on the ashtray, letting out the smoke from his lungs and into the cold, breezy air, and watched it disappear into the dawn. The tiredness of the night before, the party Luke hosted took most of his energy. He was definitely not twenty-one anymore. But that was okay, he wouldn’t want to go back to the past anyway. He wouldn’t want to change anything that led him to where he is right now: standing on the balcony as he welcomed a new year.
A couple of knocks on the door woke him up from his daze, making him turn around to the sound and smile at what he found.
You were standing there, leaning against the doorframe with his coat in hand. Your short, black velvety dress was covered in glitter thanks to the number of decorations the hosts put into making this a great NYE party. Your high heels shoes were dangling from your fingers under the coat, leaving your feet covered in some old ugg boots that they kindly lent you a few hours ago.
Your eyes were sleepy, he could tell by just one look. But the smile on your face was so fond and filled with love that he couldn’t help but to take out his phone and snap a picture of you. Promising himself he would make it his new phone background in the morning.
“I look like a mess,” You giggled when you noticed what he did.
“You look gorgeous” He retorted, walking up to you.
He opened his arms and you immediately found your place between them, head falling on his chest to listen to his heartbeats.
“You’re warm” You mumbled, burying yourself into his embrace.
“Here,” He said, grabbing his coat from you and putting it over your shoulders “Now you can be warm, too”
You smiled as you stood on your tiptoes, placing a small, lingering kiss on his lips.
“I love you, Cal”
“I love you more,” He said, cupping your cheeks and kissing you again “Ready to go?”
A nod on your part solidified your decision. He put his arm around your waist and brought you closer to him, kissing the top of your head as you made your way downstairs.
The party was already coming to an end. Ashton was standing in the kitchen talking with people Calum is sure he met the night before, he raised a glass as if to say bye to them. You giggled and waved at him while Calum shot him the middle finger just because. Luke was sprawled on his couch cuddling next to his girl, sound asleep as their guests left their house without making a sound to not wake them up. You knew Michael had left not so long ago, claiming it was time for him and his girl to go as well since they had plans in the morning.
Glitter was covering the floors; red solo cups piled neatly on the dining room table; empty bottles of champagne could be mistaken as decorations all over the house. The playlist Michael made was now calm, mellow music as an acoustic rendition of Auld Lang Syne played through the speakers, and Calum couldn’t help but hum along as you got to the door.
“Looks like everyone had a good time” You murmured, leaning against him as you waited for your Uber home.
“I know for sure I did,” He smiled “I’ve been waiting for that midnight kiss all year long”
You laughed and hid your face in his neck, humming as you got pulled in by the smell of his cologne and cigarettes, something you’d never thought you could ever find a liking to until you found him.
“Uber’s here, babe,” Calum said, running his hand up and down over your arms to keep you warm.
He guided the two of you to the car, thanking the driver for picking you up and clarifying his address with him. You leaned your head on his shoulder and started playing with his hand, tracing the marks with your fingertips. Soon, he kisses you on the temple and cups your hand in his, squeezing it lightly as you giggled.
“God, I love the sound of your laugh,” He confessed, looking at you with sparkling eyes.
“Are you kidding? I sound like a dying walrus”
“It’s the most beautiful sound in the world, love”
You laughed again “The guys were right, you are a weird one, Mr. Hood”
“And so that would someday make you the weird Mrs. Hood?”
“Maybe,” You smiled, looking up at him “Ask me again in a year”
When you reached your place, Calum paid the driver with a generous tip for being the first day of the year. He helped you get out of the car and carried your shoes at the tip of his fingers.
At the door, you were soon greeted by Duke who was still wearing that awful Christmas sweater you bought him as a gift. Calum leaned down to pick him up and you kissed his little head before heading to the kitchen where you refilled his water and food tray as Cal let him out to go to the bathroom.
He came to the kitchen after a while, hugging you from the back and placing a soft kiss on your cheek.
“Shall we?” He said and you nodded, following him to your room.
There, the two of you continued with your nighttime routine. You took off your shoes and Calum helped you with the zipper of your dress. He took off his shirt and joined you in the bathroom. You brushed your teeth together and you wiped off your make-up as he started with his skincare routine, something you adopted from him and followed every step as well. Soon, pajamas were on and you slipped into bed. Calum opened his arms and you accommodated yourself against his chest, breathing calmly as your heartbeats beat in sync.
“I love being here with you,” He confessed “Just us”
“We really are turning into that old married couple, huh?”
“That’s my favorite part of it. It’s always a new memory with you, even if we have a normal day. Knowing I’ll wake up with you is the best feeling ever”
“Then let’s hope for a new year filled with mornings together” You smiled, kissing him one last time “Happy New Year, Calum”
“Happy New Year, baby”
He stayed awake till you fell asleep, watching you doze off to your dream. And he just couldn’t help it. He was absolutely in love with you, completely and utterly gone. He knew it was time, all of the signs were there and it was his turn to act on them, this time he was more confident than ever.
Calum looked over at his closet and smiled, already thinking of that little blue velvet box hidden between his socks and the smile on your face when you hopefully say “Yes”
* *
tags: @iknowyouthinkimbulletproof @mystic-232 @talksoprettyjjx @theshyspy @hoodharlow @littledrummeraussie @bubblegum183 @irwin-fletcher-ash @wiiildflowerrr @in-a-world-of-fandoms @another-lonely-heart @aabc5sauce @in-superbloom @sadcupofcoffee @personalmuyverypersonal @vtte @as-hs-blog @himbohood @sofiaaraee @irwindoll @weasleytwinscumslut @fairytrice @colourfulcal @nibin0912 @hfkait @savagejane1 @youneedtocalumdown @ashtonsunflower @nicebasscalum @calumspupils @secretsicanthideanymore @alltimesos @wontlastimokwiththat @cncoangelss @whywontyoulovemecami @theimpossiblehologramtree @perriexed @abiancajg @rewmuslupin @icelily13 @bookthingz @fckingpernico @multistann @averageantichrist @a-darneddarling @plaidshirtyears @ihavenoideawhattodowithyou @bittersweetb4by @aria-grace-scott @thestarsandtheircoffee @bvbygxrl @luisa180206 @xxxlaura @iamdayanaz @flyingburrito123 @drugerlime
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milaswriting · 1 year
Hi Mila!!!
Hope you're having a good week! :D
Sorry to bug you so soon after my last ask. But I was curious - how old is A??
When I first started playing, knowing she was a demigoddess I thought she was legitimately from Ancient Greece, but then I was like "Why would she be at LIS then" so after that I assumed she the same general age as the MC (ballpark at least, given supernaturals in Urban Fantasy are fast and loose with that haha)
But then I read the NYE story and she had a bunch of journals and that could go either way 😂 So I figured instead of constantly flip flopping I'd see if you could answer how wrong I was lmao
Thanks so much in advance!! 🤗😁
Hello! I’ve never really given the ros a set age (other than K because they’re a very old vampire, like 100+ but they obviously don’t look it physically)—for all of them, I’ve always had a range of early to mid twenties.
With A, the supernatural side of their family is all from Ancient Greece, all immortal and then they’re half human too, and it’s the human world they’ve mostly lived in.
They’re somewhat well travelled as they’ve visited Greece multiple times, different states etc. and through that they have a lot of thoughts, emotions and feelings to write about in their journals. A also doesn’t speak Greek that much in Lehsa, so it’s always nice for them to write it out.
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The Other Evans Girl [Part Twelve]
Fandom: Harry Potter [Marauder’s Era]
Pairing: Sirius Black x Original Female Character, Sirius Black x Daisy Evans, James Potter x Lily Evans
Characters: Sirius Black, Original Female Character, Daisy Evans, Lily Evans, Remus Lupin, James Potter, Harry Potter, Severus Snape, Minerva McGonagall, Alice Fortescue, Frank Longbottom, Marlene McKinnon, Albus Dumbledore, Voldemort, Peter Pettigrew, Lucius Malfoy, Bellatrix LeStrange, Walburga Black, Orion Black, Jasper Thicknesse, Barty Crouch Jr, Mulciber, Walden McNair
Word Count: 6640
Rating: Mature
Summary: Hogwarts is a safe haven, a home for many, but it’s often a place where heartache, love and complex emotions dwell and none know that better than the Marauders. Lily Evans just wants to make it out as a successful witch though the oncoming war and the ongoing advances of James Potter threaten that. Daisy Evans, her twin, has other goals. Join the Evans sisters as they make their way through Hogwarts, prepare for war and eventually find love.
Tags/ Warnings: Hogwarts, Friends, Friends to Lovers, Slow Burn, Marauder’s Era, Teenage Angst, Babies, Weddings, Dating, Crying, Loss of Virginity, First Wizarding War, Love, Kissing, Teenagers, James Potter is a bit of a dick, Hogsmeade, 1970s, Fighting, Loss of Parents, Grief, Babies, Injuries, Gore, Harm, Christmas,  The Potter’s Mansion // Daisy’s Dress // NYE Lily’s Dress // NYE Daisy’s Dress // Lily’s Ring // Daisy’s Ring
Notes: Okay so I’ve been working on updating this and I’ve finally gone through all the chapters already written before I start writing more. It’s changed a lot so I’ve decided it’s just better to completely re-upload it.  
If you want tagging let me know
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Recovery was slow, slower than Daisy had anticipated, not to mention extremely painful. Though her bones were healing well her wounds had not which meant Daisy was struggling to get back to her normal self even if it had been over a month since Halloween. She’d even fought tooth and nail to get herself out of the hospital wing and back to class much to her own surprise. Not that it did much good given that the whole school watching her. In fact she found that her only saving grace, amongst the recovery, stares and whispers, to be the Marauders (a nickname she had found they had coined for themselves after becoming animagi). The boys had gone above and beyond for her, far more than she had expected. They helped her from class to class, sat with her at meal times and when she had been in the hospital they visited her every day to try and cheer her up. And given that they’d detested each other little over a month ago needless to say it had been weird. Not just for her but for her friends too though Lily, Marlene and Alice kept their comments about the new dynamic to themselves which Daisy was thankful for seeing that others hadn’t been as kind.
‘We’re gonna have to hang back,’ Remus said as Peter stood up from the bench they’d been occupying in the Qudditch stands ready to head back to the castle with the masses of students who had started to make an exit. He paused before looking down at Daisy who had made no attempt to move yet and nodded in agreement. Slowly but surely the crowd thinned out until they were only ones there, save a couple of stragglers, which was when Daisy stood up, crutch in one hand and Remus at her other side propping her up so that she could walk with Peter acting as a plough for anyone in their path.
Getting down to the exit was fairly easy but as they reached the stairs Daisy had to prepare herself for the descent finding her wounds tugging with each step she took no matter how hard she tried to focus on Peter’s whittering about the game. Fortunately it didn’t take too long to downstairs and soon enough they were waiting for James and Sirius, today’s match winners, to emerge out of the changing rooms. Up till now Daisy had never really liked Quidditch, opting to spend the matches chatting with Alice or braiding Marlene’s hair, but seeing how James and Sirius lit up whenever they talked about it had caused her to start taking an interest. She’d even managed to start following the games properly, with help from Remus’ commentary.
‘And that final pass!’ James said as he appeared from the changing room. They were dressed normally now, though the older boy still had a patched of mud on his face from where his broom had collided with a bludger sending him down to the ground. ‘It was a good one. We’re definitely going to have a chance at the cup now,’ Sirius said before he looked up and realised his friends were waiting for him, Daisy clinging to Remus’ side in between them, ‘alright.’ ‘Hi,’ she smiled back. ‘Well done guys!’ Peter said excitedly. ‘Yeah, well done,’ Remus chipped in. ‘Thanks,’ James chuckled, ‘you manage to stay awake Daisy?’ ‘Just about,’ she giggled. ‘Remus helped you through it eh?’ Sirius said, raising an eyebrow. Daisy rolled her eyes. ‘Well no matter who helped who, I’m ready for some grub,’ James said. ‘Me too,’ Peter said. ‘And I think a celebration in the kitchens wouldn’t go a miss,’ Remus said. ‘Remus Goody Two Shoes Lupin are you actually suggesting we break the rules?’ James said with fake shock earning a shove from the taller boy with soon descended into a mini brawl. That was the other thing Daisy had been getting used to, with boys there was a lot more wrestling, and though she had become accustomed to it she by no means wanted to get involved and so opted to ignore them and head for the door. She didn’t get very far before her pace started to flag though thankfully Sirius appeared at her side, taking up Remus’ duties with Peter coming to her other side just in case.
‘Thanks,’ she said, as she gripped onto his jacket. ‘No problem,’ Sirius said as they got outside, not getting more than a couple of steps out of the grounds before Remus and James appeared having realised they had been abandoned. ‘So what should we ask the elves for?’ Peter said, moving in front of them as Remus took up his place by Daisy’s side. ‘I don’t know,’ James said as he joined Peter ahead, ‘something stodgy for sure.’ ‘I second that,’ Daisy said. ‘Cake?’ Sirius suggested. ‘I’d go for cake,’ James agreed, though before anyone else with him he stopped forcing the rest of them to stop quickly to not walk into him. He was directly in front of her but as Daisy looked ahead she could see their path was blocked and as she scanned the group she could see Snape within their ranks.
‘Well, well, well,’ the bucktoothed leader she recognised as Mulciber said, ‘what do we have here?’ ‘Three ugly bastards and their greasy pet?’ Sirius sneered earning a glance from Daisy who could swear she felt his grip on her back tighten as if he was getting ready to move her if needed. ‘Oh, doesn’t the blood traitor think he’s funny,’ another said. Daisy didn’t recognise him. ‘I think a lot of things about myself,’ Sirius said, ‘like the fact you’re outnumbered.’ ‘You think I’m scared of the invalid? Or Pettigrew for that matter,’ a blonde lad scoffed. Him Daisy did recognise, Barty Crouch. ‘No, but I think you’d be foolish to attempt it,’ James said, straightening up as he took a step forward. ‘What are you going to do? Stick the dog on us,’ Snape sneered looking directly at Remus who to Daisy’s surprise didn’t waver. In fact, she felt him move too, putting himself just a fraction in front of her as he straightened up. ‘What do you want Mulciber?’ James said exasperatedly. ‘Nothing,’ the boy replied, ‘just wanted to let you know this little spell of you being on top isn’t going to last.’ ‘Yeah, everyone thinks you’re the kings of this school, especially this last month,’ Crouch said, causing the other boy Daisy didn’t recognise to mime being sick, earning a laugh from his friends, ‘but you’re nothing. And when the real world comes knocking you’re going to be nothing but the losers you are.’ ‘Oh yeah?’ Sirius said tightly. ‘Well then we’ll be down in the same class as you then when that happens won’t we?’ James retorted, offering Mulciber a smug mile. ‘There’s something coming you know,’ Crouch sneered, ‘something bigger than you could ever think of.’ ‘Well if we’re gonna struggle lord help Mulciber. He struggles to think of his two times tables,’ Daisy quipped. At that Mulciber moved forward threateningly, apparently more thin-skinned that anticipated, though Daisy had a sneaking suspicion it had more to do with her being a girl than him not being able to take smack talk. As he moved Daisy shrunk back, her smart mouth not feeling as good of an idea once she remembered she wasn’t exactly built for a fight in her condition. Not that it mattered though as the moment he moved forward the boys closed ranks, blocking her from view. She could barely see through the barricade they’d formed but it appeared that they didn’t need to stop anything as Crouch gripped Mulciber from behind and yanked him back in line, grunting, ‘leave it.’ ‘But,’ Mulciber protested. ‘They’re not worth it. C’mon,’ Crouch said pushing Mulciber up the hill and away from the marauders. ‘Fine,’ Mulciber grunted, allowing himself to be shoved before he started moving of his own volition though not before throwing Daisy and the boys one last glare. Crouch waited for Snape and the other boy to head off too, his eyes never leaving the group as he sneered at them.
‘What do you want a thank you?’ James said when he failed to move. ‘No, I just wanted to tell Evans something,’ he said. ‘What’s that?’ Daisy said, her confidence returning now that there was less of them around. He’d be a fool to start something now.’ ‘I just wanted to tell you to enjoy it,’ Crouch said, smirking as Daisy’s brow furrowed, ‘this little friendship you’ve got going here. Because it might be fun now but when things get serious, and they will, your friendship will be the first thing they drop.’ ‘Is that so?’ Daisy said coolly, ‘and whys that?’ ‘Because no one is going to want a filthy little mudblood hanging around them,’ Crouch grinned wickedly, ‘no matter how good she is at laying on her back.’
And with that he turned quickly on his heel and headed the way his friends had gone.
For a moment Daisy couldn’t speak, the words bouncing around in her brain and only taking root when she realised everyone was watching her. Well everyone except James who seemed to be seething with rage he appeared determined to keep as bottled up as he could only allowing it to slip out as he said, ‘those bastards!’ ‘James,’ Daisy sighed. ‘How dare they say that shit to you!’ he said, taking off quickly back towards the castle which in turn spurred everyone to move too though admittedly Daisy did little walking opting to let Sirius drag her alongside him in silent fury. ‘James it’s not that big of a deal,’ she said feeling a reddish hue set in on her cheeks. ‘It was uncalled for,’ Remus countered, his face just as concerned as the other boys which made embarrassment swirl inside her. It wasn’t that she was ungrateful for the reaction their words had sparked she just hadn’t expected it. After all a month ago she probably wouldn’t have minded someone calling their little gang rotten. Then again she wouldn’t have condoned the name calling to quite the levels the Slytherins had sunk. ‘Them calling Sirius a blood traitor was uncalled for. Snape talking to you like he did was uncalled for,’ she said, hoping to navigate the heat to the group as a whole rather than her on her own, ‘they were gunning for us all.’ ‘Yeah well I don’t know who they think they are,’ Peter said. ‘They think they’re part of whatever’s going on the outside,’ Sirius said bitterly, his tone catching Daisy’s attention and causing her to inspect him for a moment. His grey eyes were dark and stormy and his jaw was tight with anger, making him suddenly appear much older. When he noticed her looking his anger seemed to soften for a moment before he looked away, pretending as though he’d never looked at her at all. ‘What do you mean?’ James asked with the same curiosity Daisy could feel inside herself. They were at the courtyard now and given that meant Daisy had to conquer another set of stairs the oldest boy decided now was not the time and place to discuss whatever he’d been talking about and instead opted to mutter, ‘kitchens.’
Though it felt like a struggle on Daisy’s end they fortunately made it to the kitchens with no further interruptions and, once greeted by the dozens of house elves, who immediately started mounting up plates of cake, they finally managed to sit down much to her relief. However before anyone could tuck in James was on Sirius again about what he meant. Sirius watched as everyone’s eyes fell on him, waiting expectantly for him to spill whatever it was the Slytherins had been talking about.
‘Haven’t you heard?’ Sirius grumbled continuing as he was met with four blank expressions, ‘there’s been chatter amongst some wizards…pureblood wizards.’ ‘What kind of chatter?’ Remus said hesitantly. ‘Just whispers at the minute. My parents and their friends were all over it whilst I was home. There’s this idea,’ he said pausing for a moment as he glanced at Daisy. Though it was barely noticeable in the conversation Daisy felt the glance pierce her soul and knew whatever he was saying was direct to her, ‘that the wizarding world is going to pot.’ ‘Because of muggleborns?’ she said instinctively. ‘Because of anyone who’s not a pureblood,’ Sirius countered. ‘But that’s always been the way,’ James scoffed, ‘pureblood mania-’ ‘Has never been as bad,’ Sirius said grimly, ‘and they seem to have been growing support or rather this one wizard has. Look I don’t know all the details but those bastards were right…something is coming. I don’t know what but it’s not gonna be pretty.’ ‘Like a war?’ Daisy said. Sirius shrugged but his eyes hinted to her she was right. ‘Well then,’ James said, ‘there’s only one way we can deal with that.’ ‘How?’ Remus asked, confused. ‘Minky,’ he said, calling an excitable young house-elf towards him, ‘a bottle of your finest fire whiskey.’
‘Watch her leg!’ Remus said as the four of them tried to manoeuvre quickly down the last hallway before they reached their destination, Daisy splayed in between them giggling, with each boy holding a limb as they tried to get her up to bed. Following Sirius’ grim revelations James had tried to cheer them but that had somehow included downing two bottles of fire whiskey between them and whilst the boys had built up a good tolerance Daisy hadn’t which was why she was now flopping about in their arms as they hefted her up the through the castle.
‘She’s like a ton of bricks,’ Peter huffed as he pushed the Fat Lady’s portrait open, wincing as it banged against the stone wall and caused her to shout at him. ‘Rude,’ Daisy said, his words enough to make her lift her head up from where it had been flopped back, watching the halls of the castle from upside down. ‘He’s got a point Dais,’ Sirius ribbed, chuckling as she stuck her tongue out at him. ‘Fine then,’ she said, trying to get up from the hammock of arms she was being held in only to be restrained following an echo of ‘wooahhhhs’ and ‘stay puts’. At their calls Daisy shift back down though not without a pout on her face as she folded her arms across her chest moodily. The boys however didn’t really take much notice of her pouting as they were too focused on the obstacle in front of them.
‘We can’t get her up the girl's staircase,’ Peter said looking back to the others hopping they’d have some immediate solution. A hope that was immediately dashed as Sirius said, ‘shit.’ ‘What do we do?’ James said. ‘I guess we could leave her here,’ Peter said. ‘And have someone find her in this state are you mental,’ Sirius scoffed. ‘Shit,’ James said. ‘We’ll just have to take her to our room,’ Remus said, turning the huddle to the left and up the boy’s staircase. ‘Yeah that’s probably the best idea,’ James said with a grunt, ‘cos I don’t fancy facing Evans right now.’ ‘Ooh she’ll kill you,’ Daisy giggled. ‘Don’t remind me,’ James said looking down at her with a cheeky grin before he returned to the task at hand which fortunately, after some manoeuvring got them to the fourth floor and into the dormitory. ‘Where should we put her?’ Peter grunted as they headed into the middle of the room, their friend suddenly feeling heavier now they were over the threshold. ‘This was James’ idea,’ Remus reasoned. ‘Sirius betted her she couldn’t keep up with him,’ James countered. ‘Sirius was right,’ Sirius said. ‘Was not,’ Daisy grumbled, though her protestations went quiet as she felt a wave of nausea hit she didn’t even speak up when Sirius hit back, ‘whatever you say princess.’ ‘Let’s decide she’s getting heavy,’ Remus said. ‘I feel sick,’ Daisy mumbled. After a quick look between James, Remus and Peter it was decided and before eldest could protest the three of them echoed, ‘Sirius’ bed,’ and rushed forward, dropping her with a thud onto the pristinely made covers. Daisy groaned, flopping onto her stomach as she fumbled to pull a pillow under her head. As she got settled Remus moved to the bathroom to get her a bowl in case she was sick whilst the boys sorted some pillows out on the floor next to the bed for Sirius to sleep on.
‘Boyyyyyys,’ Daisy said in a sing-song voice, her voice capturing their attention though she still had her eyes closed. ‘What?’ James said from where he was kneeling beside the bed, helping his friend get the stack of pillows and blanket into something that would be remotely comfortable to sleep on. ‘I need pyjamas,’ she said as if it were obvious. James and Sirius shared a nervous look. ‘Why? Just sleep in that,’ James said. ‘But I’m not comfy,’ she whined earning a sigh from the boys. ‘Come on there should be something of ours she can use,’ Remus said as he emerged beside them, placing the bowl on Sirius’ bed side table, ‘I think I’ve got some jogging bottoms I don’t use.’ ‘You’re too skinny Rem,’ Daisy giggled, ‘like a pole.’ ‘I think I’ve got some,’ James said, smirking at her teasing as Remus rolled his eyes. ‘I’ll have a look too,’ Peter said.
Between the foursome, they were able to cobble together a pair of joggers (Peter), a T-shirt (Sirius) and some socks (Remus) which they all threw onto the bed for Daisy to change into. As she pried herself up off the bed and started to peel off her jumper and T-shirt the boys suddenly became very interested in busying themselves with anything that didn’t concern them looking in her general direction. Daisy didn’t take much notice as she stood up and quickly stripped out of her shirt and threw on Sirius’ t-shirt but as she leant down to change into the jogging bottoms she felt the blood rush to her head, her vision blurring as she stumbled forward grabbing the bedside table for support.
‘You okay?’ James said, turning as he heard her stumble though he didn’t look over all the way, still avoiding eye contact. ‘M’fine,’ she mumbled trying again to get her foot into the pant leg though her attempt was thwarted as she stumbled again though this time she was caught by Sirius who’d braved peeking at what she was up to after finding her reply not very reassuring. ‘You’ll be the death of me woman,’ he chuckled as he caught her from going face first into the stone floor, forcing her to sit back down on the bed before he bent down and slid both her feet into the joggers and then the socks. ‘Thank you,’ she mumbled as he moved away, allowing her to pull her pants up and then fall back into bed. ‘Everything clear?’ James said as he heard the thud of her landing on the mattress. ‘Yep,’ Daisy said with a giggle and when the boys turned and found her tucked up in bed with the covers up to her chin. ‘Glad you’re all snug Dais,’ Remus chuckled, climbing into his own bed beside her. ‘Snug as a bug,’ Daisy said with a yawn. ‘Forget snug she’s zonked,’ Peter said, watching as she closed her eyes and yawned again. ‘At last,’ Sirius chuckled. He was closer than she’d expected and when Daisy opened her eyes he was standing by the bed. He was dressed differently now, somewhere in her settling down he’d changed into a different shirt and boxers, a sight that made her shiver just looking at it. She knew he probably wouldn’t mind but picturing him spending the night on the cold stone floor in what he was wearing made a twinge of guilt course through her now sobering brain.
‘You alright there Dais?’ Sirius chuckled as he clambered down onto the floor, pulling her from her thoughts and forcing her to stop staring at the space where he’d been standing. She didn’t reply instead offering him a nod and a smile which appeased him. Once he was down on the floor Daisy chose to stare at the ceiling listening as the boys pottered around the dormitory for five or so minutes before climbing into bed and turning out the lights.
Daisy lay there in the dark, listening to their breathing get heavier and deeper until she was convinced that one by one they were asleep. Yet as she lay there, willing herself to follow suit she found she couldn’t. Even in her booze-addled state, she couldn’t get out of her head the way Sirius has talked about the future. The more she thought about it the more questions she found springing up. Was it true? Was Sirius mistaken? What would happen if there was a war?
Eventually it was too much and she could no longer lie there just thinking about it and so she pushed herself up into a sitting position, thanking god that the room barely spun as she did so, before she carefully and quietly hung her head over the side of the bed. Sirius was asleep, lying on his back with his arm under his head as if he were sunbathing. Daisy watched him for a moment, her eyes roving over his face which looked paler and deeply boyish in the moonlight.
‘I know you’re watching me,’ he said without opening his eyes making Daisy freeze not that he seemed to notice as he added, ‘what’s up? Or are you so marvelled by my beauty you have to have special late-night viewing sessions?’ ‘I don’t know but they charged me a galleon to get in and view you,’ she chuckled. ‘Humph, and I'm worth at least two,’ he said opening his eyes and pushing himself up to look at her properly which forced her lean back so that they weren’t in one another’s face.
‘So come on,’ he said when she didn’t say anything. ‘What?’ she replied. ‘What’s the matter?’ he said. ‘Nothing,’ she lied suddenly feeling silly for having woken him for questions that could have waited till morning. As she avoided his gaze, idly fiddling with the blanket, Sirius sighed and clambered up onto the bed sitting by her legs. ‘Come on,’ he said, watching her curiously. ‘Okay,’ she said pausing before she looked his way, finding curious grey eyes watching her, ‘what you said before...do you really think there’ll be a war?’ ‘Honestly?’ Sirius said making her nod, ‘yeah, I do.’ ‘Really?’ she asked. ‘Yeah,’ he said. ‘So we’re screwed?’ she sighed. ‘Not necessarily,’ Sirius shrugged. ‘That’s easy for you to say you’re not a muggleborn,’ she said bitterly, ‘there’s a lot more pure blood than us.’ ‘True but not every pureblood believes the bile they’re spewing. It’s the same in any war Dais, two sides fight and hopefully the right one wins,’ he said quietly. ‘You think?’ Daisy asked, chewing on her lip as she tried to ignore the worry swirling inside her at the thought of it all. ‘Yeah and even if I’m not muggleborn I am a blood traitor so I’m as good as. And a family disappointment. And the only one of the long line of Blacks to be a Gryffindor,’ he said. His voice transformed into a nasal impersonation at the end which made Daisy giggle.
‘Well I’m glad you are a Gryffindor,’ Daisy said. ‘Yeah?’ he said. ‘Yeah, what Slytherin would give up their bed for a drunk invalid,’ she said. ‘That’s less Gryffindor and more my pureblood etiquette classes shining through,’ Sirius said wincing as her eyes went wide and she squealed, ‘you took etiquette classes!’ ‘Jesus Dais wake the whole tower,’ he said, glancing over as he heard a snort followed by the sounds of springs as Peter rolled over a couple beds away, fortunately still asleep. ‘Sorry,’ Daisy whispered, ‘I just can’t believe you took etiquette classes.’ ‘Yeah well mother dearest couldn’t have us being rude now could she,’ Sirius grumbled. ‘What’s she like?’ Daisy said her interest suddenly piqued by the grim look on his face at the mere mention of her, even more so as Sirius tensed for a second before carrying on as if he hadn’t as he said, ‘that’s a nightmare for another day. We should sleep.’
And before she could suggest otherwise he slipped back down onto the floor, scrambling under the blankets and turning away from her. Thrown off by his abruptness Daisy decided not to push the matter any further and clambered back into bed herself though as she lay there looking at the canopy she decided not to leave it on that tense note and whispered, ‘night Sirius.’ ‘Night,’ he mumbled.
She knew she should leave it. That it probably wasn’t that big of a deal to ask him about his family. In the short time they’d known each other he hadn’t said much about his home life but it wasn’t as though he never mentioned them, his family, even if it was in the form of some self-deprecating or sarcastic joke, so her asking wouldn’t have been too bad. But still she felt bad and so she whispered, ‘Sirius?’ ‘Yeah,’ he replied after a beat. ‘Sorry I brought up your mum,’ she said quietly. He stayed quiet for a moment making Daisy panic she’d gone and made the situation worse until he said, ‘don’t worry about it. She’s like a bad knut, always showing up where she’s not wanted.’ ‘Right,’ Daisy mumbled. pausing for a moment before she decided she might as well disturb him once more, ‘Sirius?’ ‘What Dais?’ he asked wearily. ‘Thanks.’ ‘For what?’ he replied confused. ‘Just thanks,’ she said. He paused wondering if she was going to elaborate any further but she didn’t, whatever worries seemingly covered and so he settled down, closing his eyes as he waited to slip back into the deep slumber he’d been in. He was just on the edge, his breathing evening out as he felt sleep pull at him when she said his name once more.
‘What Dais?’ he grumbled rolling onto his back though as he saw her looking down on him, panic in her big green eyes he sat up in a flash, ‘Dais?’ ‘Sirius,’ said her eyes frantic as she failed to get out what was the matter. ‘What is it?’ he asked as he scrambled up off the floor though he didn’t need much of an explanation as even in the low light he could see the grey t-shirt she was wearing was quickly turning a deeper colour as wet patches started to soak through the material. ‘I think I’m bleeding,’ she whispered. ‘Let me get James,’ Sirius said, moving towards where his friend was sleeping soundly in the next bed only to be yanked back as she said in a loud whisper, ‘no you can’t!’ ‘Dais you’re bleeding,’ Sirius said, his brows knitting together in confusion, ‘you need help.’ ‘I’ll be fine. I just need you to help me to Madam Pomfrey,’ she said. ‘But-’ ‘Look, I don’t want anyone,’ she started her gaze flicking towards Remus’ sleeping form, ‘I don’t want anyone worrying.’ ‘I don’t like this,’ Sirius grumbled though he started helping her out of bed anyway trying to ignore how the clean patches of material were becoming fewer by the second as she clambered out of bed, leaning against him for support. By now she had sobered up considerably, whatever remnants of drunkenness being quickly swept away as the pain from her abdomen worsened with every step not that she allowed herself to complain about it as not to wake the room. In fact she didn’t even recall either of them taking a breath until they were out through the portrait hole, the pair of them too nervous to make a sound. Though it would probably have been less painful to go at her own pace she didn’t bother trying to slow him down, instead opting to let him grip her tight around the waist and drag her along beside him, her ankle twinging and blood whooshing in her ears with every step. The doors to the hospital wing were locked when they eventually got there but Sirius tried to open them anyway before banging on them loudly with the hand that wasn’t gripping Daisy’s torso.
As they waited for Madam Pomfrey to appear she looked down, hoping the damage wouldn’t be too bad. The once grey t-shirt was now black, the blood having soaked through almost everywhere. Daisy frowned, ‘I’ve ruined your shirt.’ ‘Dais,’ Sirius said, his face remaining stony though he didn’t look down at her, ‘now is really not the time.’ ‘Right,’ she said shaking her head as one of the large wooden doors swung open and revealed a sour-faced Madam Pomfrey wrapped up in a burgundy dressing gown. ‘Mr Black, Miss Evans, what can I, oh-’ she said, stopping in her tracks as she noticed the blood on the front of Daisy’s t-shirt before she quickly beckoned them inside. With Sirius’ help Daisy moved onto the nearest bed whilst Madam Pomfrey immediately set to work, peeling back the now sodden layers of clothes and bandages from Daisy’s abdomen before she set to work cleaning the wounds. Sirius winced at the sight not that Daisy noticed given her eyes were scrunched up tightly in an attempt not to cry.
‘It appears your wounds have reopened Daisy,’ Madam Pomfrey sighed, ‘but not to worry. I can patch them up in a jiffy.’ ‘Did I do something wrong?’ Daisy asked, opening her eyes and looking at the older witch. She looked as though she was going to say something but thought changed her mind, eyeing the pair of them suspiciously before she said, ‘Mr Black. I noticed quite the trail of blood from the door and up the corridor, would you see to it?’ ‘But Madam Pomfrey-’ Sirius protested. ‘That wasn’t a request,’ Madam Pomfrey added curtly. Sirius’ gaze fell on Daisy for a moment, worry in the pit of his stomach, before he nodded and stalked off to scourgify the from the hospital wing to the common room.
Madam Pomfrey didn’t look up as Sirius left, continuing to work in diligent silence, cleaning and reapplying essence of dittany to Daisy’s wounds before wrapping them back up in fresh, clean bandages. Daisy let her work, trying to ignore the pain in her abdomen that fortunately started to ease the longer she acted. Eventually the older witch tapped her shoulder and when she opened her eyes she found her looking down on her with a kind smile, a cup of bubbling green liquid in her hand that she offered out to Daisy who took it, necking it down without question.
‘Thanks,’ Daisy said as she choked the last of it down, trying not to retch at the putrid taste. ‘It’ll help with the pain,’ Madam Pomfrey replied. ‘The quicker the better,’ Daisy said as her hand went absent mindedly to the bandages. ‘It doesn’t mean they won't still be tender for the next few days but they are healing well,’ Madam Pomfrey answered. ‘I thought so too then just,’ Daisy said, miming explosion in front of her abdomen. ‘Well there are many things that can cause these things to recur,’ the other witch said gravely. ‘I didn’t know that,’ Daisy admitted. ‘Yes well, it’s always good to be mindful of taking care of yourself when injured. For example, no heavy lifting or vigorous exercise,’ the nurse said casually. She wasn’t looking at her, too busy flourishing her wand over Daisy’s t-shirt which instantly started to clean itself, returning to the light grey colour it had been. As she handed it back to Daisy she laughed. ‘You obviously don’t know me Madam Pomfrey. I’m not an athletic person,’ she said as. ‘Yes well, there are other things that can cause it...I noticed you arrived with Mr Black,’ she said letting the insinuation dangle in the air. For a moment Daisy didn’t comprehend but as her words settled in she flushed deep crimson and stuttered, ‘Madam Pomfrey I can hand on heart tell you that nothing like...that.’ ‘Hmm,’ she said, eyeing the young blond sceptically. ‘Madam Pomfrey I swear,’ Daisy promised. ‘Very well given that you’re so insistent I will believe you. I will also pretend to ignore the whiff of fire whiskey on your breath as I’m sure you would never part take given the fact that alcohol can severely impair how much you bleed should you hurt yourself,’ Madam Pomfrey finished looking at Daisy pointedly. Daisy nodded meekly and took another sip of her medicine before she said, ‘you’re not going to tell Professor McGonagall are you?’ ‘No,’ Madam Pomfrey said with a wry smile, ‘but I will have to insist you do not overexert yourself in the coming days.’ ‘So maybe not walk to the Quidditch pitch and back like I did today?’ Daisy asked. ‘Precisely,’ she said with a smile though her attention flicked from Daisy as she noted Sirius coming back through the doors looking particularly put out.
‘Mr Black,’ Madam Pomfrey greeted, ‘I take it the corridors are sparkling.’ ‘Yes no thanks to that damned cat,’ Sirius grumbled. Daisy giggled, wondering what Mrs Norris had done now. ‘Well, Miss Evans is all shipshape now and if you would be so kind as to escort her back to Gryffindor Tower,’ she said. ‘I don’t have to stay?’ Daisy asked, not realising just how relieved she was by the prospect of not having to spend the night in the hospital wing. ‘Not unless you have a burning desire to but any concerns, straight back here okay?’ she said. Daisy nodded, ‘and come back tomorrow and we can have those casts off.’ ‘Brilliant!’ Daisy said hopping off the bed, feeling much better than when she had gotten on.
Sirius smiled as she moved towards him, holding an arm out so that he could hold onto it for support which she did so thankfully, though as they trotted back to Gryffindor tower, holding onto him she couldn’t help but think of Madam Pomfrey’s words. It made her stomach flutter. Noticing how still she had become Sirius looked at her and said, ‘you okay?’ ‘Fine,’ Daisy said, trying to shake her thoughts out of her head. ‘Sure?’ he asked, Daisy nodded trying to ignore the butterflies in her stomach. They walked the long corridors without saying much else until finally, they reached the portrait hole, with Sirius muttering ‘Liquorice wand,’ so that the Fat Lady would let them inside. They clambered in through the hole and walked across the common room reaching the stairs but as Sirius went to go up the boy's staircase, Daisy in tow, she pulled back. He turned to look at her confused.
‘What’s up?’ he asked. ‘Nothing,’ Daisy lied, those butterflies resurfacing as he looked at her with concern, ‘I just think I should probably go back to my own bed.’ ‘Oh,’ Sirius said, as if the thought hadn’t occurred to him. ‘I mean I’m sober now a-and I probably should clean up,’ she said gesturing to the joggers spattered with blood drops that Madam Pomfrey hadn’t tackled, ‘besides I bet you’re ready for your own bed rather than the floor.’ ‘Yeah,’ Sirius said though his tone seemed off. ‘Well, night then,’ she said awkwardly, but as she went to head up the girl’s staircase she was pulled back and before she knew what was happening she found Sirius’ arms around her, pulling her close to his chest. Daisy allowed her arms to snake around him too and they stood like that for a moment, Daisy tucked under his chin comfortably, before he pulled back and smiled at her fleetingly. ‘Night Dais,’ he said and before she could reply he dashed up the boy’s staircase leaving Daisy standing there perplexed.
When Daisy awoke the next morning she felt as though she’d hit by a truck. As she tried to push herself up in bed she found her head was pounding, the blood whooshing in her ears in a way that made her feel as though she might be sick as did the way her mouth felt as though she’d licked the inside of Lily’s cats litter box. She didn’t get very far before she collapsed back, holding her head in the hopes it’d stop pounding. Though as she lay there she could hear movement growing ever closer before she hear Alice say from less than a meter away, ‘ah, the princess awakens.’ ‘About time,’ Marlene said. ‘Guys don’t,’ Daisy said, not bothering to open her eyes and look at them. ‘Don’t what?’ Marlene’s voice said from somewhere nearer than before. ‘Do this?’ Alice asked and before Daisy could ask what they were on top of her, jumping up and down and making it rock like a boat in a storm. It was enough to make her instantly awaken, sitting upright as she tried to quell the swell of nausea that washed over her at the rocking. As she covered her mouth the girls stopped, dropping down onto the bed in a fit of giggles.
‘Glad you’re enjoying yourselves,’ Daisy grumbled. ‘They’re not the only ones by the looks of things,’ Lily said emerging from the bathroom and looking at her sister with a disapproving stare. ‘Well I’m paying for it now Lil,’ Daisy said grimly. ‘Good,’ Lily said seriously as she moved towards her dresser, pulling her clothes from it as she got ready. ‘Oh charming,’ Daisy said. She knew her sister wouldn’t approve, hence why the boys had taken her back to their dorm last night, and normally she’d allow her sister to give her a lecture but in her hungover, mangled state she was finding it hard pretend to care. ‘Come on Lil it’s just a bit of fun,’ Alice reasoned, ‘even you seemed to have a good time at the post-match party.’ ‘Within limits,’ the redhead said sitting on her bed as she started to dress. ‘Well, you’ve got to test them to find them right Dais?’ Marlene said getting and walking over to her bed. ‘And stumbling in at four o’clock in the morning is testing them?’ Lily said. ‘I didn’t stumble in,’ Daisy said defensively. ‘Well you kind of did,’ Alice said, smiling apologetically at Daisy who scowled at her. ‘If you must know,’ Daisy said, slinking off the bed and moving towards where her sister was sitting, buttoning up her shirt though she looked up as Daisy appeared, ‘the only reason I stumbled in, if I did, which is still to be proven, was because I was in pain after being in the hospital wing. And before any of you ask I’m fine.’ ‘What happened?’ Lily asked worriedly, her disapproving look thawing at her sister’s words. ‘My wound opened up but Madam Pomfrey patched me up good and proper so there’s nothing to worry about,’ Daisy said curtly. ‘You’re sure?’ Alice said with concern. ‘Yeah,’ she said though as they all looked at her with the same look of worry splashed on their faces she felt guilt wash over her and the distinct need to flee to the safety of the bathroom, ‘now if you’ll all excuse me I think I need a wash.’
And with that Daisy strutted out of the room leaving the girls looking at one another with worried looks. The room was silent until finally, Marlene said, ‘was it just me or was she wearing boy’s clothes?’
@maeisafangirl @mysteriouslydelicateface @caitlin1996 @imthebadguyyy
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transboysokka · 6 months
Still thinking about how great my NYE was
Like standing in a crowd for six hours sounds boring and dangerous tbh, which is why I’ve never done it despite my very autistic obsession with Taipei 101, including the fact they launch fireworks 360 degrees off the SIDE OF A BUILDING
But all the terribleness I was expecting was actually drawing from my experience at similar events in North America I guess because
The weather was great
It was so chill in the concert space. Everyone was sitting down on the ground and just hanging out until like 11
There wasn’t any pushing or squishing to see, it was all very safe and respectful despite the massive size of the crowd
There were plenty of bathrooms
Everything was super clean and people even took care of their own garbage
You can drink in public here which makes it more fun but also people are really responsible, nobody gets like sloppy or disruptive
The concert was amazing and the performers were top-tier like they even flew in Hwasa and an Australian artist and it was all free
The fireworks were also obviously amazing and the wind was good to keep the smoke away from us
Leaving was really easy. All the roads in that part of town were closed so people were just chilling out sitting in the middle of these huge roads and sitting on the medians
There were a few mobile 7-11s set up in tents with coffee machines and everything
They had the MRT running all night and even on the busiest night of the year it was really easy to get home
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kimtaegis · 6 months
do u have any new years plans? im gonna spend it solo it seems. ive distanced myself from the last "friends" i had but lowkey kinda jealous ill just be spending it doing absolutely nothing. hoping for a better 2024 💜
I’m spending nye with my bestie @ye-xiu again for the second time in a row, we’re at my parents’ house and are currently watching the four hills tournament qualifications with my mom lmao! later we’ll just make something yummy to eat and maybe watch taemin’s concert from some time ago, it’s gonna be veryyyy chill, we’re getting old 😭
I must say, I’ve never been a huge fan of nye, it always makes me feel melancholic and anxious and I usually cry the second I see all the fireworks. it’s overrated, so please don’t be too sad that you have nothing big planned and might be by yourself. make the best out of the evening, eat something delicious, watch a comforting movie. if you feel lonely, just come back to my askbox and we can talk about anything, I’m here. and I don’t know, but I genuinely have the feeling that the next year will be in fact good, and I really want to trust that gut feeling. I’m hoping it’ll be good for you too 🤍
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didee-anne · 6 months
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Photo dump and update from the last week. Leavenworth last Wednesday was fun! The concert we were going to attend got cancelled and we ended up leaving before it got dark and the lights really popped, but we all had a good time anyway. Thursday was Rory’s work’s Christmas dinner and after that he surprised me with a hotel stay! Friday was a low key day at home and we made a bunch of fudge. Saturday we had a couple different friends over and worked on a puzzle. The kids all helped for a bit before they lost interest and us adults ended up finishing it. Christmas Eve was busy. We had church that morning and then I ran out to my BIL and SIL’s place to drop off a gift for the family gift exchange that we do with them every year. Got home in time to grab the kids and head back to church for choir practice in preparation for the candlelight service. The service went well. The tech had some issues with the music but it got sorted out. We came home and while Ror was finishing dinner prep his youngest brother and his wife stopped by to drop off a gift for the exchange and my sibling and their wife came over to join us for dinner! For dinner Ror made prime rib. I didn’t get any before pics but I did snag an after picture lol. After dinner the kids opened their gifts from the aunties and then we watched my all time absolute favorite Christmas movie; It’s a Wonderful Life. Since we started the movie late the kids got to stay up late and then after they were in bed Ror and I got the presents set out under the tree and stockings taken care of. My oldest Jennifer does a scavenger hunt for us to find our presents from her so in order to give her time to hide all the clues she’s the only one allowed out of her room before 8:30am. It’s so nice knowing we won’t be up at a stupid early hour. We did the scavenger hunt, the kids opened their stockings, and then everyone opened their gifts. After presents I gathered everyone for our annual family picture in our matching jammies and then we spent the rest of the morning dancing along to just dance videos. It’s ridiculous how good my big girls are at that! I’ve never done it before but lots of laughs were had and that’s all that matters to me. Late morning we had a zoom call with Rory’s side of the family and we did our gift exchange. Sometime after lunch we played Fluxx with the kids. I bought the Jumanji version and the Marvel one is on its way. The kids enjoyed it and Nikki won. I got Nikki some heartless hair curlers in her stocking and the results are THE CUTEST!!! I didn’t think Nikki could get any cuter and I was wrong! Anyway, Tuesday I had my weekly coffee date with Lori and gym date with Ror. Jennifer and her boyfriend went to the fabric store and bought some material to make blankets and while they waited for the fabric to be washed and dried they used my old dance lesson videos and spent a couple hours swing dancing. They’re so stinking cute together it’s ridiculous. While they were dancing I finally got around to cutting out my rainbow window cling and getting the designs put up! The monstera leaves took forever to cut out but they’re my favorite and I’m glad it’s finally done. Today I had a breakfast date with my SIL and then met up with Ror at the gym for a workout. We worked shoulders and now it’s a challenge lifting my arms 😂. It’s been a lovely busy week. This next week won’t be _as_ busy but it will be busy. I’ve got Nikki’s 15th birthday this Friday and then our 17th annual NYE LOTR marathon. 🥳🥳 it’s one of my favorite days of the year!
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pidge-poetry · 7 months
In-Flight Edibles, Rowdy Aussie Crowds & The “Sonic War” Of Their Next Album – Here’s Our Foals Interview
Gotta pass that plane time somehow.
Words by Amar Gera | December 6, 2023 | Life without Andy
We catch up with guitarist Jimmy ahead of their trip Down Under…
British rockers Foals are a rare sight in todays music world. The ability to craft commercial and festival-pleasing heaters while maintaining artistic integrity is a feat few pull off, a one that fewer actually make enjoyable. However, it seems Foals have perfected the art of the festival crowd anthem, and thankfully, they’ll be bringing their talents back to Australia over the NYE period for a bunch of shows around the country.
Slated to play the likes of Heaps Good Festival, Lost Paradise, Fortitude Music Hall and more, the run of shows will see the honorary Aussies bring their latest LP Life Is Yours (and its companion piece, Life Is Dub) across the country. Judging by our interview with lead guitarist Jimmy, this could very well be the the last time the album will be played out in its entirety, with Foals’ upcoming album seemingly already in the works. Which makes it all the more important that you catch them at the upcoming batch of shows.
To celebrate their upcoming Aussie shows, wee caught up with Jimmy from the band to talk Life Is Yours, their tips for flying to Australia and more. Check it below.
It’s a pretty busy time for you right now. You’re capping off a year of shows, a new LP, and a pretty crazy festival season. How are the energy levels?
Yeah, they’re pretty good right now. I think it’s because we’ve just had a bit of time off since September. So, we’re okay. We’re ready to do another LP and everything, I think.
Obviously, you’ve been playing music on this level for quite a long time now. After all these years, is the chaos of nonstop flights, shows, and so on, where you feel most comfortable?
I mean, post-COVID stuff is more annoying, like flying, airports and all of that. But yeah, we’re pretty used to it now. The show is such a tiny part of what the actual tour is. It’s all the hustle and bustle, and then a lot of time doing nothing.
Australia is pretty far removed from the rest of the world, which got me wondering, how do you kill time on that mammoth plane ride?
Just movies. If I’ve got my laptop, I might work on a song or something, that’s always pretty good. But then, the battery will always die in like an hour. So, yeah, generally I just take some edibles and watch some movies and enjoy it.
Edibles on a plane?
Yeah, I highly recommend it. I wouldn’t do it for the first time on a flight to Australia. I think that would be horrific if it went wrong.
Are you a window or aisle seat kind of guy?
If it’s below four hours, I want a window. If it’s above, I have to have an aisle because I can’t stand waking people up to go to the toilet.
Speaking of Australia, you’re playing a bunch of festivals and shows Down Under, including Heaps Good. How are you feeling for it?
I don’t know how long it’s been since we’ve been to Australia, but it’s been a long time. So, we’re pretty psyched just to be coming down. And yeah, also Aussie midsummer again, it’s pretty good. It’s a good time to come visit. And yeah, those lineups are pretty good as well. I’m really excited about The Avalanches, I’ve never seen them. That’s going to be cool.
International artists always seem taken aback at how rowdy Aussie crowds are. In your personal experience, how do we compare to the rest of the world?
Yeah, you guys are surprisingly rowdy, considering the tropical setting. Aussie crowds bring this crazy European energy, like the stuff we see in the UK. But yeah, it’s good. I mean, I remember it was pretty surprising the first time we came and played in Australia. We were like, “Oh, shit. They’re actually pretty into it.”
Are there any specific memories from that first time in Australia that stand out?
I always just think of our first show, which was in Adelaide. We played a festival in Switzerland and then flew for two days or something, and then played in Adelaide the night we landed. Then, the same night, Edwin, our keyboard player, had a DJ set as well. And I remember the crowd went nuts for that set. That crowd was basically the only thing that got us through it all.
I also want to chat ‘Life Is Yours’. It’s been a year since that record entered the world. How has your relationship changed with it since?
I’ll tell you what, it’s been a quick year. I’m a bit bummed though. We haven’t played the whole record live, and I don’t know if we’re going to get to it. We’ve only got Australia left to do it. But I wish we could have played more of Life Is Yours.
I think it was a really necessary album for us to make, certainly because of COVID and all of that that was going on. I feel like it was the right thing to do. It felt nice to take our foot off the adventurous gas. We weren’t too pressured on ourselves about making the record. But I see it as a little calming record before whatever’s coming next, which I presume will be an all-out sonic war.
It’s pretty interesting that you followed it up with ‘Life Is Dub’, given that it’s pretty rare for artists to rework a new album to that extent. As a group, what was the reasoning behind it?
That was Dan Carey, one of the producers of Life Is Yours, and one of the guys we work with the most. He’s got his studio in South London and never leaves. It’s kind of a dream. I idolize him in a way because I want to live like that. I want to have my studio in the bottom of my house with my family up the top. But yeah, he was like, “I want to do a dub version.” And it was great.
Actually, I wish he’d gone a bit more out there on it. I haven’t seen him since it was released. But yeah, I really love it. Because I know that he’s got the capabilities to go really far out. I guess he doesn’t want to scare anybody though. But yeah, I thought it was really cool. I want to do more things like that, just in terms of weird releases and alternate versions of stuff we’ve done.
If ‘Life Is Yours’ and ‘Life Is Dub’ were two characters sitting at a bar, what would they be and what would they be talking about?
Life Is Dub probably wouldn’t need to drink any alcohol because it would already be so high. So, Life Is Dub would be on sparkling water or a Coca-Cola and would probably be talking about, I’m not sure, a new piece of musical equipment or maybe a tin hat conspiracy theory. One that doesn’t offend anybody, but it’s just a mystery.
And then, I feel like Life Is Yours would be quite positive and maybe reassuring Life Is Dub about their worries. Definitely would having a couple of drinks, maybe a cocktail. Looking slightly more ’80s than Life Is Dub, I would say. That’d be quite an interesting duo.
Your music’s pretty perfect for crowd singalongs. It’s a really moving thing to see in your lives videos. In terms of songwriting and instrumentation, is there a secret to crafting tracks that resonate so hard?
Yannis does all of the lyrics, but I would say that when you’re writing, there’ll be even just part of a sentence that pops out. And you’d probably be like, “That’s what they’re going to sing.” Because what we always naturally pick up on is slogans or catchphrases that pop out. And sure enough, there’ll be one at the end of a sentence, which the whole crowd will sing. It’s really cool. And then, similarly, they’ll just pick up on something that we haven’t even thought of, and sing that back at us, which is really cool.
You’re also playing a show in Brissy at The Fortitude Music Hall with Declan McKenna, Sycco, Felony and so on. How do you differentiate between festival and the more concert sort of set?
I don’t think we’re doing any sideshows so I’m glad that the Brisbane show is like a sideshow, because they are different. You can play for longer at a sideshow and you can play hard and fast with the set list, just because it’s like a no-pressured scenario. I think sideshows are more for having a bit of fun and connecting with your fans, whereas a festival show is more of a proper show, and it’s got to be a more crafted set list. Also, it’s got to fit into whatever allocated slot you’re playing.
It is a funny thing that I find interesting about festivals and I think its really impressive that all these bands actually manage to pretty much play for the allotted time and figure it out. Like we’ve gone over a few times. We’ve had sound cut by festivals and stuff, and I just find it so brutal that they invite these musicians to come all the way over and if they go a minute over because they’re enjoying themselves, that’s it. They’re like “How dare you?” How dare you encroach on The Killers’ headlines time?” So, yeah, I like the sideshows just because they’re a bit looser.
You’re gonna be ringing in the New Year with us. What are your plans for the big countdown?
I don’t know, but I remember last time we did it in Melbourne we were at a festival. But it was actually quite depressing because we came back off stage really pumped, and there was just nobody around. Everyone had gone into Melbourne. So, we all just want to make sure that doesn’t happen again this time. Hopefully we’ll find a party, you’d think.
Lastly, can you give us a summary for Foals’ trajectory in 2023 and for the year ahead?
It’s all the things. Words like “Exploration” and “Oblivion” are popping into my head. But yeah, we’re just going to have a lot of fun.
Foals are returning Down Under at the end of this year. Be sure to cop tickets to their upcoming Aussie shows here.
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Ah, 2023. You came too fast.
I haven’t had the time to sit down and pump out a blog post in a few days. That’s because I was spending quality time with a certain someone who’s long anticipated presence finally emitted in my house for ten days and granted me the satisfaction I had been craving for a good three months. So here’s the obligatory recap.
Overall, Max’s visit was an incredible time. Most of it consisted of me dragging him places to make him adjust quickly to the Pennsylvania landscape. We hoped for snow, but we instead were granted weather in the sixties on some days. Some of our time was spent inside, including for top secret recording sessions, the motive of which will be revealed to the public in a few months. (Ahahahaahahahah shit.) But most of our time was an excuse for me to subliminally flaunt my taken status to the world at large.
For example, my—or should I say our—last meal of the year was at Little Elephant, the best locally owned Thai place around. I got the yellow curry talay special, pictured below. Pure, earthy bliss. These are the types of things I enjoy.
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We headed over to good ol’ Dave’s house for his new year’s eve bash afterwards. (You already saw photos from that night here or here.) Dave is a friend of our family, and his musical infatuations manifest in record parties where licorice pizzas are played by the side in the living room and charcuterie is bountiful in the dining room. (A lot of good food was eaten in those ten days, which should be obvious by now.) We effectively got to DJ for almost the entire night with zero vocal disapproval from anyone else, permitting me to infect my poor boyfriend’s ears with NoMeansNo and Alice Donut and the like. (Luckily, he got a kick out of them.) We danced to Captain Beefheart and overall had a great time. It was probably the most solid NYE party I could imagine. And I hate parties!
Had we stayed home we probably would’ve been watching Sia, who I didn’t even know people still gave a crap about, and David Byrne (hi, David Byrne) being excruciatingly awkward together on TV. We had to wait a few days to get to get that experience via YouTube and astounded friends, and we were geographically separated by that time. But I’m still mentioning it because I am not over how we allow such poor decision making to determine our television programming! Do you really think anyone wants to see Paris Hilton barely sing? At least, it doesn’t sound like anything’s coming out of her microphone there. I hate this culture.
We spent the first day of the new year sticking our tongues out at said culture in good old Baltimore. Our first priority was the American Visionary Art Museum, a current staple of preserving the city’s weirdo spirit. We spent most of our time in the gift shop ogling all the weird crap they have up for sale. We got matching JFK and Jackie O masks that we forgot to take photos with and a lot of other, smaller things.
The majority of the times I’ve been there were when I was much smaller than I even am now. Only one of the exhibits had been changed out since my last visit a few years ago, and a good amount of the museum is permanent. It felt so much the same that I felt almost out of place. This is no dismissal of the museum, and I recommend a visit to those who get the chance to stop in. But I felt overgrown there. The museum, which highlights ‘outsider’ and self-trained artists, revolves around the power and persuasion of innocence. I’m not so innocent anymore! It felt so strange even existing alone in such a complex, never mind leading a boyfriend around. I’m interpreting it as an experiential testament to how far I’ve come. And that’s a good thing. Living away for school, taking in things as myself, getting to share time with a worthy male companion—it’s what I wanted, and I’m happy to be having it. Getting to indulge in the latter after months of anxiety and anticipation was refreshing more than anything.
The rest of our excursion time was less philosophical. We stuck some stickers advertising Jerry Casale’s newest single outside the Sound Garden after dinner at our old Baltimore haunt, Papi’s, which received a much warmer reception from the man of the hour than I expected. You see, my boyfriend is San Diego born and raised, and he is a diehard foodie. If anyone is game to judge east coast Mexican fare, it’s him. He ended up raving to our waitress about how their street tacos beat some of the places back home in terms of their authenticity, which was kind of hilarious. Hey, it’s a point for Baltimore!
The next day we trucked through Amish country to get to the Record Connection up in Ephrata, where we dropped off a few of my boyfriend’s CDs as well as some by Monsieur Herr. Hopefully some “Pennsylvania Dutch” fraulein or freakoff hick gets their state altered by one of ‘em.
Max flew home on Wednesday. I adjusted quickly to not having him around—the internet does wonders, I guess—but I still miss him. Long distance relationships are wack. In a week I’ll be back in Kent, and I can’t be more excited. All the important emails are sent, the section of Music as a World Phenomenon I’m registered for STILL doesn’t have an assigned professor, and most of the anxiety is gone. If everything goes according to plan, I’ll see him again in due time. I’ll still long, but who wouldn’t?
It felt totally crucial to have him around, and I’m relieved that our time together was so enriching for us both. Yet it did not feel like some dramatic, radical upheaval to have a boyfriend at my side. In fact, it felt completely natural.
Which was exactly the way I wanted it to feel.
Happy 2023!
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