#i just want to be able to like see the fireworks n stuff??
cadaverre · 9 months
this is either going to be the worst or most boring nye ever
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justwonder113 · 11 days
Sharing a bed with Lee Know
Chan; Lee Know ; Changbin; Hyunjin; Han; Felix; Seungmin; IN;
My Masterlist
Summary: Feeling beyond frustrated with your boyfriend you leave your phone home and head out to drink your sorrows away, meanwhile he's stuck there losing his mind trying to find you. Warning: CURSING It's me who's surprised there. Angst to fluff. Barely mentioning the sharing bed part but yeah... Reader is gender neutral. Mention of alcohol intake. reader is tipsy but fully conscious. I don't know if I missed anything so please let me know if I did. NOT PROOFREAD
A/N- Glad to announce that I'm alive and well and back with a new laptop so I won't have to break my fingers trying to type on my phone anymore!!! I'll try to update more and more now^^ As for my work, this is the first time I have written something like this and I really hope you'll like it. I tried my best to make it seem as real as possible and I'm really eager to know what you think, so if you have any feedback please tell me what you think. Again thank you for all the love and support you give me, it means the world to me!! Reblogs and comments are highly appeciated^^ Word count- 2.8k
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Not knowing how to deal with your rampaging emotions you kept pacing back and forth in your apartment like a lunatic. You were at loss for words, never in your life you felt this humiliated and to think that Minho, the person who was supposed to be your safe space and your comfort person was the source of that!
Honestly, you felt torn, you were beyond mad at frustrated at Minho and wanted to rip him a new one, but at the same time you felt so heartbroken and miserable all you wanted to was to crawl in your bed and not get up for at least a week. It also didn’t help at all that your week was an absolute shit, with this said day being the cake on the top. All you wanted to do was to have a lunch with your boyfriend and just forget all the bullshit you had to go through. You knew he had a hectic schedule due to an upcoming comeback. Heck, you barely had seen him for the last maybe three weeks. He was already at practice when you woke up and immediately went to sleep when he came back in the middle of the night so he had barely any time to talk or text to you, you weren’t even talking about seeing you in person. It was what pissed you off the most. You were too considerate, how many people would be able to handle having a relationship like that, when a simple text sent your way made you want to throw fireworks? You knew he was busy, you only wanted to see him for what a half hour, just to eat together? Maybe get a hug? And an encouraging word that you could get through the day? No, what you get for bringing your very busy boyfriend and his bandmates his favorite takeout is to get yelled at in front of the said bandmates to being overly clingy and overbearing.
One part of you wanted to break down sobbing, the other part wanted to bring hell to him and make a biggest scene ever, in reality? You just left, not an ounce of emotion on your face. Maybe it would be better if you did either or those, at least you wouldn’t feel this torn now. So full of emotions feeling like you could burst any scond. No, you knew you were angry and rightfully so, this is why the tears that wouldn’t stop streaming down your face aggravated you even more. He didn’t deserve your tears not after the bullshit he pulled.
Another pang of notification brought you back to reality, God how many massages was he going to send? Who was clingy and overbearing now? If he thought that you would forgive just like that just because he was sorry then he was a damn fool. You knew he didn’t mean it; you knew him long enough to know that whenever he was too stressed he had outbursts like he did earlier and he said stuff he didn’t necessarily mean. It was an objective fact that you didn’t deserve to be called clingy. But it didn’t matter, he humiliated you in front of all these people and that wasn’t something you could easily forgive. Hell, how could you forget such thing? He could have said that he needed space that he was busy, no matter how vulnerable you felt, no matter how much you needed him in that moment you would have understood.
Maybe it was a sign. Your relationship was still considered new, it wouldn’t hurt as much ending things now. Maybe you could even return to being friends again. Another pang of your phone followed by another in less than five seconds, then another.
God, you couldn’t bear it anymore, you needed some air.
Not even considering to take your phone with you you left your apartment. You didn’t exactly know where you were going but it would be better than feeling suffocated in your own house.
Probably not the wisest choice because now you were worst kind of drunk in this bar meaning your mind was completely sober but your body seemed disconnected from your mind, everything was spinning and your whole body moved as if in slow motion. God what a beautiful day you couldn’t even drink to forget your own sorrows. Better go home then, or at least head to that direction.
You only managed to pay for the drinks and get outside before you felt so queasy you had to stop and lean on the lamppost. God, you hated that your body wasn’t listening to you.
Also, you were starting to regret not bringing your phone with you. You would have called your friend to pick you up and maybe take you with them or at least order a cab. Also, not really wise to spend most of the money you had in your wallet on drinks. God, you felt like shit.
Oh wow it was already night, and based on how there was barely anyone around it must’ve been quite late too.
You started walking but barely made 10 steps before you had to stop again, it was as if your body had a mind on its own and was refusing to cooperate.
“Baby!” You heard a loud yell and before you even had the time to react you were engulfed biggest hug ever. You almost wrapped your arms around your boyfriend before you remembered you were mad at him. Fortunately for you he almost immediately let go, carefully examining everything, his eyes so full of worry you felt bad for him for a second.
“What are you doing here?” You didn’t even try to hide your displeasure. Minho flinched as if he was physically hit by your words.
“I was searching for you! I was out here wandering in these streets trying to find you for hours! I was about to call the police when I saw you here!” You felt guilty, looking at him. He looked dishelved, hair messy as if he had run his hand through it countless times, he was out of breath as if he had been running, his eyes red and swollen as if he had cried…Was he really running around searching for you?
“Who’s being clingy now? Couldn’t last five minutes without seeing me? Had to search for me all over town? So clingy and overbearing!” You watched as your words hit him like a slap, his face morphed into a pained one. You felt horrible talking to him this way, but part of you was satisfied, wanting him to know just how much words could hurt.
“I’m sorry…” His voice was quite almost inaudible, you knew he meant it but you would be dammed if you forgave him just like that.
“You should be, you were beyond cruel.” Even you were surprised how emotionless you sounded. You would also be fooled if you didn’t know the turmoil that was inside you right at this moment.
He lowered his gaze unable to look you in the eyes. “I know.” Oh great he knows, what a balm to your wound.
“You really hurt me Minho!” There was it, the anger, the hurt, you didn’t have the energy to contain it anymore.
“I know.”
“Oh that fixes everything then! You know! Do you know anything but that sentence? Is that all you have to say?” Silence, you couldn’t help but huff out a laugh bitterly, feeling defeated. “What even are you doing here Minho?”
“You weren’t picking up the phone, your house was empty, neither your friends or your family knew where you were. I had to find you to know that you were safe!” His voice was strained, he looked like he was seconds away from busting in tears.
“I’m safe you can go home now!” You turned around to head home, all these emotions making you feel a bit more sober. You barely made two steps before a hand grabbed your wrist gently halting your movement. His voice desperately calling your name. “Please…”
You couldn’t take this anymore. You turned back to him eyes full of rage burning with unshed tears begging to be let out. “Please what Minho? What do you want me to do? You can’t even tell me normally why you were searching for me. You agree with me that you hurt me yet you’re not even saying you’re sorry, and no I won’t take that halfassed apology or whatever that was. What do you want me to do? It’s like you don’t even know what you want yourself so what do you really expect me to do?”
You watched a tear run down his reddened cheek. It infuriated you how breathtaking he looked right now. Not even the most skilled painter would be able to capture his beauty, not a single camera would be able to capture the full beauty. God, you hated how your heart only sang for him even in this much pain he caused. Here he was watching you in sorrow, in pain, angered by his betrayal while he did nothing just stand there idly looking ethereal, still managing to have you in his chokehold.
“Do you even love me?” No matter how hard you tried to fight it the dam broke. A tear slid down your face, quickly followed by another, then yet another, till it felt like a little stream down your face. You forced yourself to look him in the eyes, the pain and anger burning in them. His eyes also full of pain but you couldn’t read anything more. There were times you thought you could read his emotions… What a fool you were.
Your body started to shake trying to hold violent sobs wanting to break through. No matter how much you were fighting it you were starting to break down as if already knowing the answer. Subtly wrapping your arms around yourself you tried to hold yourself, to prevent breaking down even more. You hated feeling this weak. Hated that you couldn’t control yourself. Hated that you had to break down in front of him like this! To show him your weakness…
It was as if Minho awoke from the trance he was in, in the tenth of the second his arms were gently cradling your face and his lips were connected to yours, giving you probably the most passionate kiss you had ever received.
Your whole body felt like it was on fire. The tears really felt like tiny rivers on your face, no matter how many times Minho tried to gently rub them from your face with his thumbs they just wouldn’t stop coming. The kiss was gentle yet firm, it tasted salty from both your tears (probably mostly yours) but still familiarly sweet. His lips moved against yours in determination, as if to show you his feelings the only way he knew how.
You felt like your body and mind were on overdrive feeling too many emotions at once, not fully knowing how to react. You tried to resist the urge to reciprocate the kiss but you almost immediately folded, almost quite literally because now if not Minho’s hands  migrating from your face to your waist you weren’t sure you would be able to be stand. Yor body felt like it was completely shutting down and you felt like you were at his mercy and based on how tightly he held you against his body and how fiercely he was kissing you he wasn’t planning on letting you go any time soon. And he didn’t, he only leaned his head back a little to give you time to catch your breath.
“I’m cruel as you said, and mean and cold and I most definitely don’t deserve such an amazing person as you by my side, I’m not even worthy of your forgiveness! You didn’t deserve to be told you’re clingy or overbearing or some shit like that when you’ve been so supportive, so kind, so patient and loving towards me when we both know I didn’t do shit to earn it.” His broken voice pulled on your heartstrings, no matter how angry you felt it was whole another pain to feel him talk so about himself. Minho lifted your hands and carefully kissed both of them, his hands slightly trembling. He looked you in the eyes, and for a second you were taken aback with the sea, no ocean of emotions in them. “I’m really sorry I hurt your feelings. There’s nothing I can say to justify my actions, but I promise you I never meant any of my words. I’m sorry I’ve been a terrible boyfriend to you but please trust me when I say, I love you with my whole heart, with everything I have and everything I am, please never doubt that.”
You stood like that for a second or two, maybe even a minute, unable to find words to say. You didn’t even now what you were feeling. Everything inside was a mess. Sighing in defeat you held your hand forward, Minho’s confused eyes snapping at them then at you in a second.
“Take me home.”
Minho took your hand without even thinking twice.
You knew you said that you felt a bit more sober earlier but that turned out to be a lie because you still felt so queasy getting in your bed felt like climbing the mount Everest and that with Minho’s help, who didn’t once let go of your hand and helped you with every step of your night routine. None of you had said a word since you held in your hand to him. You knew he was nervous based on the slight trembling you felt from time to time as you held his hand but honestly you didn’t know what you were going to say to him.
“I texted everyone that you’re home safe and that you’re going to sleep.” Minho broke the silence, his voice a bit coarse. You looked at him which made him look even more nervous. If not the circumstances you would find his unsureness and even shyness absolutely endearing. “There’s water and painkillers on your bedside table.” A nod from you, you were tired, you felt like you could sleep for a whole day.
You quickly came back to your senses when he let go of your hand. “You should go to sleep now, I will leave you to rest.”
Thankfully you managed to grab his wrist before he could leave. “Where are you going?“ Minho looked taken aback, clearly not expecting you to reach out for him.
“I thought you would want some space.” He sounded defeated.
You groaned as you fell on your bed. “God we really need to work on our communication skills. I promise I will tell you if I ever need space from you, now get in bed. There’s no way I’m letting you out of house on 3 am or whatever time it is, it’s late!”
After a second of silence you opened your eye to check on Minho, to see if he was here and you weren’t talking to yourself like a lunatic. The sight made your breath hitch. He had the softest smile adorning his face as he watched you, his eyes full of love, you had never seen him smiling at you like that.
“Careful or I might think you care for me.” There he was being a little shit you knew and loved, had to ruin a moment. you made sure to groan as loudly and as dramatically as possible.
“Minho I swear to God! Get in bed or I am going to make you sleep on the floor!” You tried to threaten but the smile that broke through your face wasn’t fooling anyone.
Minho didn’t waste a second and almost immediately you were pulled into a hug, your head smushed against his chest which beat wildly as if in joy.
“I could have given you a second to change you know, I think I might have something you can change into…” Minho didn’t let you finish your sentence -“Let me just hold you for a second, please.”
Not wanting to deny him you wrapped your arms around him and held him just as tight. Both of you feeling content being in each other’s arms, finally feeling calm and most importantly safe.
“I love you.” You heard Minho mutter against your skin, he was so still you thought he had fallen asleep. You looked up at him, there was that gaze again, so full of love and tenderness. Not even trying to hide your smile you leaned in and captured his lips in a soft kiss. “I know. I love you too.”
Reblogs and comments are highly appeciated^^
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nearlyrae · 5 months
Could I get a oneshot where Near is older like 21 & he has a S/O. He doesn’t know how to show affection but wants to start doing. Could be NSFW up to u 🤍
Hi!! I realize this ask is like, years old. I took a long ass hiatus with no warning due to life stuffs! But I am back baby. (I am bored and coping)
You peeked through your bedroom window, one of the only ones in the building. Snow layered each and every crevice beyond the horizon, the mounds cake-y and white. You craved a hot cup of coffee, but you’d already had your fill, the building mounds of anxiety coursing through your body and threatening to burst.
You gently lowered your head, your cheek fluttering onto your pillow, and found yourself being lulled back to sleep by the harmonies of the cold wintery afternoon. Thank God it’s Saturday.
The room got clearer as you opened your eyes, blurring to life yet being molded by the gentle warm lights you set up. A pale, warm hand rested on your head, unmoving, almost robotically placed, an unsure attempt. You unintentionally twitched in your half asleep stage, and the hand zipped away. He came into vision, his lips turned nervously, eyes wide and gazing down at you.
“Near,” you murmured, lifting yourself and allowing the blanket of drowsiness to fall. “What’re you doing here?”
For a second, you truly believed he did not know what to say. Near was not a proud man. He stuck to his facts, things that could not be tested, or doubted. In the way the grey rings around his eyes rippled, then hid away, his long white lashes curtaining them, you understood.
”I didn’t mean to wake you,” he spoke lowly, the rumble of a man’s voice deep in his throat. “I wanted to let you sleep longer.”
”Do you need me?” You asked, pushing the comforter off you, your bare legs cold against the Air Conditioning. You caught Near’s eye staring at them for a split second, before they were trained on the window.
”No, everything is in order.”
You knew better. The yes was silent.
“Y/N,” Near started, an anxious hand going up to his locks, a whirlwind of silver hair around his index.
You smiled. You always liked when he said your name, your real name, considering it the greatest form of affection.
“Yes,” you whispered. “Nate?”
His lovely pale cheeks reddened, and you giggled, allowing the warmness of his proximity to fill your chest.
“I struggle with affection,” he sat on your bed, propping one knee up to his chest. “I am sure you know this already.”
“Correct,” you smirked, balancing curiosity and wit. “It doesn’t bother me though, if that’s what you’re worried about.”
“No,” he twisted his strands faster, matching his anxiety. “I want to give you affection.”
”You already do,” You replied. In the little ways you say my name, stay with me, and lend me your company.
”I’ve never been with anyone, Y/N. And I don’t necessarily know how one is supposed to show affection. If there is a cue that allows for it, I do not know it.”
You placed your hand on his, and noticed how he froze up. Then, with wide, pleading eyes, you looked up at him.
”Is this okay?” You ask.
He nodded, face flushed.
“If you think I may or may not be okay with something, you usually ask,” you say, then interlace your fingers with his, almost being able to feel his rapid heartbeat between your touching palms. “But… Some things, you can just play it by ear. If somethings not okay, you can say something in the moment. And little by little, we can see just how far we can get with each other, to the degree we’re most comfortable.”
You smiled, at him, who stared back at you like a deer in headlights. But meekly, he cast his gaze down to your hands, half-lidded, thinking things you couldn’t quite pick up on.
“I trust you,” you nudged him gently, allowing him to look back at you. “And I know you trust me, too. That’s why you don’t have to worry.”
“Would it be okay if I kissed you?”
You stared at him, your own heart now beating out of control. Then, to quiet the fireworks, you leaned in, and watched him lean in too, colliding lips against each other, the fire bursting, eyes closed, and breaths interlaced.
You didn’t speak, mouth preoccupied, tongue curious and understanding your partner’s, gasping, trying all at once to memorize and savor it all.
His lips were softer than you imagined. Sweeter, saliva tasting like pheromones so delicious only your partner could give you. His face ingrained in your mind when you were only centimeters apart from kissing, eyes half lidded, begging, wanting, a look of pure desire and an unspoken love. It wasn’t an imagination; It was real.
You both pulled away, fully aware that he was on top of you on your bed, and how quickly the situation had escalated. Collecting your breaths, you stared up at him, that same look on his face. Desire. Love.
“I really liked that,” you said, voice sugary and quiet, submitting to that feeling of wanting.
”Me too,” he said, collecting his own breaths. “I liked that very much.”
“I am so glad that…” You let out a long sigh. “That you want me that way.”
Near looked away for a second, then locked eyes with you, and you became conscious of his arms on either side of your head, his knee only inches away between your thighs, and how his shirt seemed to hang down lower, showing a bit of his chest underneath. Intensity.
”Y/N, I want you very much,” He admitted. “But I am afraid of these feelings, and afraid of what they might make me do. I do not want to hurt you, or cause you grief.”
”But you didn’t hurt me,” you rose your hand up to his hair, gently caressing it. “You made me happy.”
”All I want is to make you happy,” He tried to scoot away, adjusting a discomfort on the seam of his pants.
You held him there, smiling.
”You make me happy.”
You wrapped your arms around his neck, holding him close in a warm embrace. He was warm, and his heart beat incredibly fast at your touch. If he could put his heart in your hands, you would not let it come to harm.
Even though the outside was covered in a thick layer of snow, you felt warm that night, and was sure that he was too.
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peaxhxhair · 4 months
Junkrat dating headcanon? (Like chaotic shenanigans or fluffy stuff or something like that (if you want))
Pairing: Junkrat x GN! Reader! Word Count: 316 A/n: AHHHHH Thank you for this request!! I love Junkrat so much T^T (here's to hoping he gets a mythic next season!!!) Anyway hope you enjoy! Sorry it took so long to do this LMAOOOOO Navigation Overwatch - MASTERLIST Consider buying me a coffee!! <3
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Before you start dating, it is so obvious that Jamison is into you. 
Everyone else knows that you’re into him, though he can’t seem to figure that one out on his own. 
You wait to see if he’ll say anything to you. Eventually you’ll just end up asking him out. 
He was EXTREMELY happy about it. 
Before you start dating, it is so obvious that Jamison is into you. 
Everyone else knows that you’re into him, though he can’t seem to figure that one out on his own. 
You wait to see if he’ll say anything to you. Eventually you’ll just end up asking him out. 
He was EXTREMELY happy about it. 
I wouldn’t think that he is the most romantic person - considering that he focuses more on explosives than relationships with other people.
Calls you “Mate” but in a romantic way.
He’ll be kissing your neck or something and then call you ‘mate’
At first you’re like ‘???’
After a while you’ll kind of get used to it, so you start calling him shit like ‘bro’ and ‘homie’ 
The rest of the heroes - roadhog included - think you’re both weird as shit for that. 
I’d imagine Jamie to really like being praised - and physical touch.
There would rarely be a time where he keeps his hands to himself.
If you hate physical touch, this would be kind of a struggle for both of you. 
He tries to be respectful, but he just loves you so much - how couldn’t he give you the biggest hugs and cuddles?
Barely anyone calls him by his name, so he practically melts when you call him any variation of his name. (Jamison, Jamie, etc.)
If he were to propose, I think it would include fireworks in some way. 
Maybe they spell ‘will you marry me?’ or your name.
Maybe a heart or something. 
Currently imagining the two of you adopting a child together. 
I can’t imagine him being able to actually MAKE kids, as much as I’d like that for myself personally. (hehe)
I think it would be difficult though considering he’s a wanted criminal or whatever. 
I’m thinking you found a child abandoned or something.
Cats also work too. I could see him being a cat dad.
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niki-phoria · 2 years
Hey! If it’s alright, may I request a chishiya x gn!reader (established relationship) where it’s their first reaction to the borderlands? Like, Chishiya and reader where going out on a date and then they were suddenly transported to the borderlands and it’s just them reacting to how everyone disappeared, figuring the rules of the place and learning about their new environment and trying to search for food and stuff, and their reaction to their first games and really the games in general. I hope this makes sense!
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pairing: chishiya x gn!reader (no pronouns used) genre: fluff, comfort word count: 1.4k
a/n: thank you for requesting !! your idea makes perfect sense, don't worry. i was gonna make this a lot longer (finding the beach, etc) but this was already long enough i am willing to make a part 02 if anyone wants it tho i hope you like it :)) also his outfit is based on what he was wearing when we saw him before the games in the last ep
warnings: not canon complaint, one mention of blood, slightly ooc chishiya (??)
requests open !! read my rules first
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you pull your bag over your shoulder, rushing up the subway station’s steps. you’re able to spot chishiya almost immediately, hands stuffed in his pockets as he crosses the street. his hair is down, wind blowing the locks away from his face. he gives you a small smile, holding his arm out for you. you interlink your arm with his.
“look, there are fireworks!” chishiya leans over your shoulder to see up at the sky. pink and purple sparks explode against the blue sky. 
“ready to go?” chishiya asks. you nod, tugging him along with you. 
“there’s a cafe that just opened that i want to check out.” chishiya hums, following you through the shibuya streets. 
the cafe is quiet when you enter. a teenage girl stands at the counter. her hair is pulled back in a low ponytail, glasses set low on her nose. “oh, hello!” she smiles. she lowers her head in a quick bow. you reciprocate, pulling chishiya closer to look up at the menu above her head. 
“you want an iced americano?” chishiya murmurs. 
you nod. “sounds good.” 
“go find a table, i’ll order.” you press a quick kiss against his cheek, venturing further into the cafe to find a table. there’s no one in the building besides you, chishiya, and the girl. the windows are frosted, blurring the people rushing through tokyo on the outside. 
chishiya slides your cup towards you before sitting down across from you. the coffee is sweet against your tongue. “good?” 
“it’s really good.” you hand it out towards him so chishiya can take a sip of it. 
he hums. “it’s a little sweet.” 
the sound of the lights shutting off interrupts your response. the cafe is only illuminated by the sunlight shining through the open windows outside. you glance around curiously. the silence is almost eerie. you can no longer hear the bustle of people outside. the coffee is no longer brewing. you can’t see any movement behind the frosted glass. 
“maybe that girl knows what’s going on,” you say. “the power could be out.” 
chishiya nods, standing from his seat. you follow after him as you make your way back through the cafe. the girl is no longer at the counter. everything looks like it was left perfectly in place. “hello?” he calls. you share a nervous glance when there’s no response. 
hesitantly, you push the door open to the staff room. there’s no one inside. “maybe she’s in the bathroom?” chishiya looks unconvinced but shrugs, watching as you knock on the door. “hello? is anyone in there?” after a few seconds of complete silence, you hesitantly open the door. it’s empty inside. 
“we should go.” you nod, following chishiya out of the cafe. 
outside, the streets are completely empty. cars sit abandoned. the only sound is the light breeze blowing through the leaves. “what the hell is happening?” you murmur. chishiya grabs your hand, leading you through the now empty city. 
“the street lights aren’t working.” he notes. 
“so, maybe it’s a power outage. all of the billboards are out too.” the buildings almost look uncanny without the continuous stream of ads playing on a loop to illuminate the outside. 
“then where is everyone? an entire city couldn’t disappear in a second.” you bite back a sigh, pulling your phone out of your bag. 
“shit,” you curse under your breath. the device is useless in your hand. “i swear my phone wasn’t dead earlier.” chishiya follows your lead, grabbing his own phone out of his back pocket. he presses the power button a few times before holding it down. despite your efforts, they remain completely off. 
“we might be able to find someone if we look around.” 
“yeah, probably.” 
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night falls faster than expected. exhausted, you sit down in the middle of the street. despite hours of searching, you still haven’t found anything. any people. 
you shiver, rubbing your hands against your forearms. chishiya sits down next to you, staring at the horizon. “cold?” he asks. 
“a little.” 
chishiya doesn’t say anything, simply shrugging his cardigan off and draping it over your shoulders. “thanks.” he nods, letting you move closer and lean against his chest. his arm snakes around your waist, pulling you even closer. you sit in silence for a few minutes, watching the sunset. 
“you know, the city is kind of nice when it’s all quiet like this,” you whisper. 
“you think so?” 
“yeah.” chishiya rests his head on top of yours, rubbing your back. “i bet we’ll be able to see the stars from here.” 
you startle when a billboard suddenly turns on. bright white light illuminates the surrounding area. 
“game?” you read. an arrow pointing left leads to another billboard, this one pointing right. “should we go?” 
“it doesn’t look like we have a choice,” chishiya says. 
you follow the arrows to a tunnel, illuminated by the lights on the sides of it. a bus is parked sideways at the entrance. you circle around it, looking down into the tunnel. it looks empty inside. 
“are you here for the game?” you jump at the man’s voice. chishiya steps back, reaching behind himself to grab your arm. the man limps closer to the bus. “i won’t hurt ya,” he says, using the sides of the bus doors to support himself. “don’t need to.” 
you nervously follow after him into the bus. a table sits with a few phones laid out. a sign reading ‘one per person’ is behind them. 
you reach over to grab one, jumping a little when it turns on. chishiya grabs one after you do, looking down at the phone. the device immediately lights up. there are only a few options available. “visa?” you read.
“you two must be new here,” a woman says from her seat. her hair is greasy. her shirt is wrinkled and her eyes look tired. 
“what’s going on?” chishiya asks. 
“you have to play the games,” she sighs. “to earn visa days. if you run out, you die.” you blink at her in disbelief. dread crawls through your body, tightening around your lungs. fear presses against your throat, constricting your voice and preventing you from speaking. chishiya’s grip on your hand tightens. 
“die?” he repeats.
“the lasers!” the woman sobs, burying her head into her hands. “they kill them!” 
your phone chimes in your hand, stealing your attention. “registration closed. game: runaway. difficulty: four of clubs. rules: find the goal in two hours.” 
“four of clubs?” you repeat. 
“the games are ranked by specialty,” a man says. he’s sitting at the back of the bus. he’s dirty - blue jeans and white t-shirt stained with blood. “spades are physical. diamonds are about wits. clubs are team games. and hearts,” he laughs. it’s hollow, echoing in the bus. the sight sends chills down your spine. “they make you play with people’s hearts.” 
“the game will begin in five minutes.” your phone chimes. 
“come on,” the bloody man stands, making his way out of the bus. he smirks when he passes you, looking down at your hand, still clutching chishiya’s. his breath reeks of cigarettes as he leans in close to you before chishiya pushes him back. “let’s play.” 
the limping man pats the woman’s shoulder, coaxing her to stand and follow him out of the bus.
“should we follow them?” you whisper. 
“no,” chishiya leads you to the back of the bus. “the rules said to find the goal. there’s graffiti on the side of the bus. GOAL.” 
“are you sure?” he nods. “okay.” 
“hey,” chishiya wipes a tear you hadn’t realized fallen from your cheek. “breathe, baby, we’ll be okay.” you nod, taking a shaky breath. the air doesn’t feel like it reaches your lungs but you try anyway. chishiya coaxes you to lean in, forehead pressed against yours. “i’ll protect you.” 
“promise?” the world feels juvenile. you’re almost embarrassed but chishiya’s thumb stroking against your cheek distracts you. 
“i promise.” 
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1wingedtraveler · 2 years
anyways thoughts on fucking xiao stupid and forcing him to muffle his cries while the lanterns get released to the sky and the fireworks set off🤭🤭🤭
A/N: FINALLY I HAVE FINISHED. Since i've been posting mainly brainrots i wanted to write something a bit longer. Sorry for the wait Nobu, please enjoy😤
Xiao x reader
Genre: smut
Warnings/notes: you prounous for the reader, cock can read as strap, finger sucking, a bit of exhibitionism, fingering, dom reader
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Xiao stood on a top floor balcony in one of liyues hotels. His eyes looked up to the sky. Thanks to the height of the hotel he was able to see lanterns realese into the sky very clearly.
He assumed thats why you dragged him there. Its probably one of best places to see everything even though he insisted staying in wangshuu Inn was enough for him.
He started worring. You were late. Did something happen? His thoughts started going a little wild. His grip on the railing tighten, dropping his gaze from the sky he started to glare at his hands.
Suddenly, he felt a familiar set of hands grip his chest. He felt a hot breath against his ear then a whisper
"You've let your guard down, vigilant yaksha"
He jumped like startled cat almost summoning his jade spear. It took him a second to register what just happend. His muscles relaxed a bit after realizing its just you.
It was short lived, a shiver ran up his spine after he felt you kissing the back of his neck. Your hand slowly moving up his shirt.
"W-what are doing? This place is far from proper for these kind of stuff!"
"Shhh, just enjoy the lanterns. Don't worry as long as you stay quiet no one will even notice"
Your hand started caressing his belly and playing with the belt of his pants. His neck was getting wet from saliva coming from your sloppy kisses. They left visible purple marks against his pale skin
Distracted by all the stimuli, he didn't notice your hand unbuckling his belt, letting his pants fall halfway down his legs
"W-Wait its- MGHMM?!"
You shoved fingers in his mouth to quiet him down a bit. Your other hand wrapped around his aleady hard cock and began slowly stroking it.
"Huh~ it looks like this situation excited you quite a bit"
Letting out a dazed sigh of delight, he started spacing out, his lips wrapping around your fingers, sucking them mindlessly
Pre-come started leaking from his cock, milking more from his you spread it all over your palm. Taking your fingers out of his mouth, you pushed his torso lower, making him lean on a railing more, leaving his ass in the air
He let out a small yelp when you slapped his buttcheek. You started tracing your digit around his hole before slowly inserting it. You felt Xiao tense up a bit so you caressed his back gently to sooth him, scartich lighty where his wings used to be
He let out quiet purr of satisfiaction, relaxing his body and letting you insert second finger into him. Patiently you scissored his ass open, earning soft grunts of pleasure from Xiao
"H-hurry, please, i need you y/n"
You put your body on his your cock poking his entrance, chest pushing against back. You put your lips against his ear
"Didn't you just say it was innappropriate? Tsk, so indecisive. I will give you what you want"
Suddenly you sprung back to straight position, pulling his hips straight on your dick
"AAAHH!- mphff?!"
"Shhh, you supposed to stay quiet remember? We don't want to disturb other guest"
You clasped your hand against xiao's mouth making him strain his neck back. Grabbing his arm you stared pulling him up and down your cock
Xiao felt his shaft hitting his belly, your hips clashed loudly with his ass, it was the only thing he could focus on. He was losing control of his body.
Legs started to shake, cock dripping on the floor. His eyes rolled back when you hit a sweet spot inside him.
Muffled moans where heared all across the balcony, if it wasn't for your hand, all liyue might have heard him.
He tried his best warning you however you paid no mind to him, only speeding up your thrusts. Finally you felt him clench around you as his body went completly stiff, cum shooting up from his cock.
He panted as you removed your palm covering his mouth. You caught him as his body went limp. Helping him put his pants up you set him againts the wall. You went back inside and brought back a warm blanket. Taking a seat next to him you buried yourself and Xiao in it
"Happy lantern rite, Xiao"
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bus-stop-to-kpop · 2 years
TXT Reaction #2 - Y/N is scared of fireworks
Requested?: No
Word Count: 100 - 200 each
A/N: I didn’t manage to post this last year so I waited a literal year only to almost miss my time to post it again. (┬┬﹏┬┬) Anyways I hope you have a nice New Years eve and a good start to 2023!! Lots of Love from Admin J
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Yeonjun was aware of your fear of fireworks, you had told him before but said you would still go to watch them with him.
He was grateful for you trying to put your fear aside for him, but quickly realized you were more uncomfortable that you had predicted.
A few hours before midnight the two of you were strolling around the streets when the first people already started off their fireworks.
Even though you tried to hide your reaction, Yeonjun who had his arm around yo, felt your body flinch with every explosion.
"That's not it. Let's go somewhere else." Before you could even protest Yeonjun was pulling you into the opposite direction.
He came to a stop in front of a karaoke room and pulled you inside with him.
"But you were so excited to watch the fireworks?" You felt guilty about making him miss it. "It doesn't matter, it's the same as last year anyway. This year I wanna enjoy some nice karaoke with you." He smiled brightly to assure you it was fine, before handing you a mic and picking your favorite song.
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Soobin gets scared when you tell him there's something he needs to know. The way you sit him down on the sofa and look at him all serious gets him nervous.
His mind wanders, what could have happened for you to be like this. But when you tell him you can't go to watch the fireworks with him because you're scared he just laughs.
Not because he's making fun of you, but simply because he's relieved that it's nothing serious.
Actually as an introvert, he's very happy to be able to stay home together with you instead of being out there in the cold, stuck between the people in the crowd who want to watch the fireworks.
So you order food, play some board games and when it's shortly before midnight Soobin puts on some music so you don't have to hear the explosions of the fireworks.
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He already knew of your fear, so he didn't even plan to go out. Instead he invites you to his studio, you know, because it's soundproof. The sound of fireworks can't reach you there.
He has various different foods delivered so the two of you can eat all evening long. He even buys a little bit of alcohol from the store nearby, before you arrive.
"Woah, isn't that a bit much." You laugh seeing everything he got spread out on the small table in his studio. Beomgyu insists that all this food is necessary so the two of you survive the night.
After eating you decide to mess around with the equipment recording some stuff as jokes, but Beomgyu surely is going to use it as adlibs in the future only so he can have your voice in one of his songs.
Both of you don't even notice the time has passed so fast and midnight is already over until Beomgyu gets a call from his family to wish both of you a happy new year.
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You didn't tell him about your fear, scared that he would think it's ridiculous and childish, even though Taehyun would never think that.
Deciding that facing your fear might help you get over it, you met up with Taehyun at the park. Looking for a spot to lay down your blanket so you could sit down while watching the fireworks.
Taehyun noticed something was off though, you weren't as cheerful as usual and you seemed nervous.
"Are you alright?" 'He asked as he sat down next to you on the blanket. You nodded your head but it was obvious to Taehyun you were lying so he asked again.
With a sigh you told him about your fear of fireworks and how you had been scared to tell him, not even noticing the single tear rolling down your face until Taehyun wiped it away.
It was too late to go back home now, the clock closing in on midnight, so Taehyun looked through the bag he brought for his noise cancelling headphones to ensure that you could still look at the fireworks without getting scared by the loud explosions, while he held you close to him to keep you calm and protected.
Huening Kai:
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Kai had brought you to a New Years Party with him, without knowing of your fear.
At first it was all fun and games, you were having fun at the party with Kai and his friends, laughing and drinking.
But the closer it got to midnight the more nervous you got. It was obvious everyone was excited for the fireworks but you.
So when everyone went to gather outside to watch them you excused yourself to the restroom for a minute.
Kai was nervous, it was only a minute until midnight and you still weren't back, were you feeling unwell? He decided to go look for you, getting confused when he found the restroom empty.
He finally found you in the kitchen looking outside while holding yourself to calm you down. Kai hurries to you asking what's wrong, so you have no choice but to explain your fear to him.
Kai hugs you tightly as fireworks start going off outside, "I want you to feel comfortable an safe." He doesn't mind if that means he won't get to the see the fireworks.
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jujumin-translates · 1 year
Event | Ayakashi Summer Festival | Chapter 5
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Madoka: Here, these are the things you forgot.
Misumi: Thanks, Madoka!
Misumi: …! There’s a lotta books on the floor. Are you using them as references for your stories?
Madoka: No, I was just reorganizing the bookshelves.
Misumi: Ah, I’ve seen this book before! It’s one that Gramps used to read to me~!
Madoka: Huh? Something fell out from the book…
Misumi: Eh?
Madoka: …A picture?
Misumi: This is… When the whole family went to a festival.
Madoka: The whole family went to a festival once?
Misumi: You were really little, so maybe you don’t remember, but… I can kinda remember that day.
Misumi: We both were wearing yukata and we walked around while I held your little hand.
Misumi: We talked and shared shaved ice and we watched the fireworks together too.
Misumi: Gramps took this picture. It was all really fun.
Madoka: We really had that memory, huh…
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Madoka: I wish I could remember it too…
Misumi: (Madoka…)
Misumi: I know! Let’s have fun at the festival this time! We can even watch the GOD-za play at the contest together~!
Madoka: But I’m sure you’re going to be busy that day, Nii-san…
Misumi: I have break time, so it’s okay! I wanna enjoy the festival with you, even if it’s just for a short time, Madoka.
Madoka: I… I want to go to the festival with you too, Nii-san.
Misumi: Then it’s a promise!
Madoka: Yeah, a promise.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Izumi: (Practice seems to be going well. Everyone’s role studies are coming along nicely.)
Izumi: Alright, let’s call it here for today’s morning practice.
Hisoka: Good work.
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Misumi: Director-san, I have a request!
Izumi: What’s up?
Misumi: I wasn’t able to have fun at a festival with Madoka before, so I wanted to spend time with him at the summer festival this time.
Misumi: That’s why I wanna watch GOD-za’s play for the contest with him. So can I take a break during the GOD-za play?
Izumi: I see. I don’t see the problem with that, so long as Guy-san and Azuma-san are also okay with it, since they’re the ones you’ll be working with.
Omi: I think the timetable for the contest is already out.
Azuma: GOD-za’s performance is towards the end, so there should be no problem with that time.
Guy: Yes, I agree. Don’t worry about us, just enjoy the festival with your brother.
Misumi: Yaay~! Thanks, guys!
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Azuma: The meeting is at the final stage now.
Misumi: Let’s do our best with today’s discussion~!
Shift: Yo! Azuma-san, Misumi-san, and Hisoka-san, so you guys are the ones participating in the meeting today, huh. Mind if I sit next to ya, Hisoka-san?
Hisoka: Go ahead.
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Shift: Thanks! Hehe, sittin’ with you guys like this kinda makes me feel like I’m part of MANKAI~.
Summer Festival Organizer: Alright, how about we start today’s discussion by talking about the food stalls?
Summer Festival Organizer: We plan to have standard types of food stalls, but we also hope to incorporate some unusual and trendy ones too.
Summer Festival Organizer: We are open to any suggestions that you think the attendees would be pleased with.
Shift: I’ve got somethin’! Since the festival is ayakashi-themed, why don’t you do somethin’ like incorporate ayakashi into the food and prizes ‘n stuff?
Shift: Like you could decorate chocolate-covered bananas with ayakashi faces or somethin’!
Misumi: Waah, that sounds interesting!
Hisoka: With chocolate and cream you could draw all sorts of things.
Participant A: That does sound nice and seems like something children would love.
Participant B: I would give it more of an ayakashi summer festival feel. I’m all for it!
Summer Festival Organizer: That’s a very good idea. We’ll try to incorporate ayakashi into the decorations wherever we can.
Azuma: Depending on how it’s done, it doesn’t seem like it’d be too difficult to make foods other than sweets look like ayakashi too.
Shift: Definitely!
Misumi: (Hmm, I wonder if there’s something that could be done with the decorations that Madoka would like… Things that Madoka likes…)
Misumi: Ah!
Hisoka: What is it, Misumi?
Misumi: I just got an idea!
[ ⇠ Previous Part ] • [ Next Part ⇢ ]
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diabolikpersonals · 2 years
Ayato x yui headcanons?
(if u listen closely, u can hear the sound of fireworks going off in my brain as soon as I read this ask)
I LOVE AYAYUI it's my fav yui ship and my fav ayato ship and I'll talk about it forever yes yes <3
I love how ayayui content in the games plays with Ayato's loneliness. He's been lonely before, ever since he was a kid, but now that he has someone he loves this much, he can't stand it anymore. When Yui gets kidnapped? When she goes grocery shopping?? When she stays at school a little longer than usual??? When she's doing the dishes and not paying attention to him??????? HATES IT. Being lonely sucks, Ayato wants to see her right away!! ;-;
That's why it's such a big deal when Ayato goes off to college at the end of MB. He knew he had to do it to get a proper job and support her. He wanted to do that for her. But it's so scary for him, you know?? School is already stressful enough for him, and now he has to do it alone. A L O N E. With no Yuis in sight!! But he did it, he did it because he loves her, and it proves she's not just someone who will ease his loneliness. He loves her so much he will be brave and be lonely for her.
Since Ayato really wanted to be So Fucking Brave About It when he went to college, I think he avoided contacting Yui for a while. (Also, if he called her, he'd just end up missing her even more, and then maybe he wouldn't be able to take it...) But then when he visited home, Yui bursts into tears and she's like "why haven't you talked to me at all!! do you hate me now!!" and Ayato's like NO NO NO-
and they both have to cuddle and cry about it together for hours lol. "Actually, I missed you so much. I missed you so much I thought I would die."
When they get married Ayato never shuts up about his wife. Yui is seriously the most important thing in his life. If you try to talk to him about something else then he'll probably find a way to mention Yui.
Yui is more than happy to do all the things Ayato never got to do as a kid. Nothing is too childish; they're having fun together so there's no need to be embarrassed. She'll introduce Ayato to stuff she used to do as a kid too. They'll have snowball fights, build sand castles at the beach, etc
and Ayato gets all the head pats he ever wants for the rest of his life, and Yui gets a guy who is totally devoted to her. the end
(PS: Ayato encourages Yui to be more dominant in bed sometimes, and she gets used to it little by little. They can both be the dominant one now. They sometimes use rock paper scissors to decide who it will be that day. By the way, Ayato defaults to rock every time, and when Yui figures that out, she can throw out paper or scissors depending on what position she feels like doing.)
(Also...they like to roleplay that Yui is a vampire attacking Ayato. It's their favorite thing.)
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yayforocs · 5 months
Tape #1
“Alright, so…  I think this should… work now.” The sound of a throat being cleared.
“Um… I guess- I should start… at the beginning? …Not that I… really know what the beginning was for me- my first six years are… kinda a blur, heh. Don’t remember much about ‘em, just- a couple snippets here an’ there. A few specific memories, an’… a couple of vague things. I liked my- my dad’s laugh, I know that. I don’t remember what it sounded like, but I know I liked it.” A sigh. “Wish I could remember more than just a couple things, but… It only lasted ‘til I was six, y’know? Or- or maybe not even ‘til six, I dunno how long I was on my own, or- or how I even… made it to Willowdale, but… ‘s apparently what happened. Ask anybody, ‘n they’ll tell you that I just… wandered in one day, completely lost and alone. Just a li’l six-year-old, out by herself, doing who-knows-what, and come from who-knows-where.”
“So… that’s why I don’t have a last name that I can tell anyone; I mean I’ve gotta have one, I just… can’t remember it. Same goes for my birthday. I’m nineteen-ish; I didn’t know when my birthday was, so everybody just… decided to celebrate it on the date that I showed up- June 19th.”
“Yeah, so that’s my uh- beginning, I guess. I started living with a woman named Sheila for a bit, and… basically the entire village raised me. Wasn’t too big of a town, everybody knew each other and everybody was like family; it was great and I absolutely loved it. I mean, y’know, Sheila’s said I still had times where I would… I’d- cry for my parents, but…” A short moment of silence, and when the speaking resumed, it was quieter. “That’s… kinda expected, y’know?”
“A-anyway, I… got around the place a lot. Energetic and friendly- I fit right in, I think. I liked watching Tony in his shop; he was a mechanic. An actual mechanic, not like- not like me, I just… tinker around and get lucky, but… He was like. A professional or something. And if he wasn’t, he might as well have been. I liked to sit in and watch him work on all sorts of… random stuff. None of it ever made it out, but he didn’t really care- he just liked makin’ the stuff. And after a while, he let me tinker around, too.”
“One day, though, somebody brought in fireworks from the next town over, and we got to set ‘em off that night. I think that’s what got me hooked on explosives. They were absolutely gorgeous, all sorts of colors ‘n patterns ‘n such, and I loved ‘em. Whenever it was brought up later, Sheila would say that I’d gone on for days an’ days about the ‘pretty lights in the sky’ and wantin’ to see ‘em again. Didn’t see any more for a couple years, though. Apparently they’d gotten ‘em from a traveling friend, and he’d just happened to have been in town that day they went, so it was a while before they were able to get any more. After all, with the war goin’ on, nobody really… wanted to spend resources on fireworks, I guess. I mean it makes sense, it does.”
“That second time though, they actually brought the guy back with ‘em. An’ he lit ‘em off himself, made a big show of it, an’- man, it was gorgeous. I absolutely fell in love and begged him to stay an’ show me how he did it. And… long story short, he did. Always made sure I was doin’ everything right, ‘n it almost seemed like he was part of our big family, too. I’d alternate- one day I’d be over at Tony’s, one I’d be hangin’ out with Josiah, and another I’d be learning from Dan- the fireworks guy.”
“An’ I remember, one day, he asked if I’d like to learn somethin’ new. This was a good li’l ways down the road, after he’d stayed for a while. I think I was like… fourteen? Ish? Anyways, he pulled out this thing an’ says it’s called ‘military dynamite’. Showed me what that did and again, I was clamoring to know how he did it. Sheila hated it. Wanted me to have nothing to do with it. …But she still let me learn. Reason being that it was somethin’ I’d be good at, an’ she wanted me to be able to protect myself. It was somethin’ that was set off from a distance, an’ I think that was part of it, too. I wouldn’t have to get close to anybody else; I’d be safe from a ways off. So he started teachin’ me that, too.”
“Well. After that, I was set on being a demolitionist. Well, sorta. I didn’t know the term ‘demolitionist’ existed, I just knew I loved explosions ‘n the like. They were fun to make and fun to set off.” A laugh. “I’m sure the rest of the village wasn’t fond of the constant noise, but… We did all the testing ‘n such a good distance away from buildings, so nobody got hurt. I mean there were a couple times I’d be too close, and I- I did get burned a few times. Sheila- thank the gods for Sheila- she was always keepin’ an eye on me, and whenever anything happened, she was right there with cold water an’- and she’d always fix me right up, scolding me the entire time.”
“Eventually, I got some help to build myself a little house a good ways off from the village so I could mess around in peace, and the noise wouldn’t be too awfully bad for the rest of ‘em. That was when I was around… sixteen? Yeah, that sounds about right- sixteen.”
“So… yeah. Time passed; there was a skirmish nearby and it may or may not have been like. Right by my testing grounds, so… I ended up helping chase off some Rivals soldiers. Mostly inadvertently. That was really when I first saw anything of the war firsthand. I mean I’d heard some rumors, but… we were pretty isolated. Nobody ever really bothered our little corner of the world ‘til then. But that’s what made me decide to join. These guys took me in, raised me, when they knew nothing about me and could’ve just… left me, y’know? I had to pay it back somehow, an’… an’ doin’ what I could to make sure the Rivals didn’t win was the best way I could think of to do it. Besides, after seein’ that it’d reached even us, I… I couldn’t just sit around and do nothing, anyways.”
A nervous chuckle.
“I ah… didn’t exactly leave the best way, though. I snuck off. I mean, if I’d told anybody what I wanted to do, they’d’ve tried to stop me, so. I wrote a kinda long note about it and… left with those Resistance members I’d helped. And, y’know, living out by myself made it easier for that to go unnoticed ‘til after I was already gone, so… There was that, too. I don’t know that I could’ve gotten myself to leave if I had to say goodbye to everybody in person…”
“So anyways, that’s… that’s a sort of nutshell of everything about me livin’ back at home. A nice… first entry, I think. Let’s see if that worked.”
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jess-unkommentiert · 2 years
[19] Despair
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-> Heartbeats 💕 Masterlist → The story on Wattpad
CW: This chapter is hard stuff. If you don't feel good with reading it, please skip. Warning: emotional roller coaster, descriptions of injuries and accidents.
December 5th 2022 - Atlanta Flashback „Please don't cry, prinţesă. I don't like to see you like that. I love you too much to see you hurt like that." Seb said with a lovable voice - y/n could see sparkles and passion in his eyes.
The biggest possible firework exploded in her stomach, she placed her hand above Sebastian's - that was still on her cheek - and she answered:
„I love you too, honey. You can't even imagine how much."
Realtime Y/N could see tears in the edge of his eyes when she said the words that needed to be said between them for a while.
Yeah their relationship was a roller coaster and it was a fast one. The didn't know each other long but when you realize that the other person is 'the one' you don't want to waste time with each other. There was no blueprint for love.
It felt right for y/n to say the words and in Sebastian's eyes she could tell that he felt the same. They loved each other. And it took a damn accident to confess it.
Couldn't it be in another way?
Sebastian placed his arm next to his abdomen again and she could see the pain in his eyes.
"Are you in pain, honey?" she asked with a concerned voice while she fell down on her chair again - grabbing Sebastian's hand. After hours of holding his cold and lifeless hand he finally squeezed hers back.
"No, I'm fine." he lied.
"I can see that you're lying. Remember? Eyes never lie." she sighed and forced herself to smile at him.
"Okay. I am in pain. But I'm just enjoying every second of us. Didn't want to destroy the moment, you know." he whispered.
"I'm gonna get a doctor. Then he can explain to you what happened and what they did in the surgery. He explained it to me this night already. But I didn't understand half of the words, so I won't be able to tell you." she said and raised her body from the chair. She leaned over him again and finally gave him a kiss on his lips. He deepens the kiss before they broke apart so that he could breath again. Y/N could tell that he was still not breathing properly and it seemed like the deep breaths that he was taking right now hurt him - although he tried to maintain a straight face.
She left the room to look for Dr. Smith and found him in his office. He sat behind a huge desk and typed in his computer - glasses on his nose.
Y/N cleared her throat and Dr. Smith raised his head to see the visitor in his door frame.
"Miss Y/L/N, how can I help you?" he asked with a friendly smile.
"Sebastian... ehm... Mr. Stan is awake. He woke up 10 minutes ago. I wanted to let you know. And he is in pain, although he tries to deny it. I saw it in his eyes." she answered him with a slightly concerned expression on her face.
Dr. Smith grabbed the glasses and placed them on the desk - looks like he only needs them to read on the computer screen.
"I will let the nurse bring him some more painkillers. He will get it through the IV. I'll be around in an hour to check his wound and change the plasters on his side. Also I will explain to him what happened and how his recovery will be going. How are YOU feeling? You look better than an hour ago." he observed her closely.
"Yes, I am much better. I feel relieved that he woke up and that he is fine. According the circumstances." she answered and gave the doc a small smile.
He nodded in response before y/n turned around to head back to Sebastian's room. The doctor followed her closely to gave the nurse the information about the painkillers. Y/N opened Sebastian's door and saw him laying exactly in the same way as she left him.
"I missed you!" he said and pouted.
"You're a dork. I was gone for how long? 5 Minutes?" she laughed. It was the first honest laughter since two days and Sebastian was happy to hear her beautiful voice again.
"At least 6! I thought you left me." his face looked still like he was offended but she knew that he was acting right now. He was indeed a good actor - no news for her as she saw his performances over the last decades.
"I would never ever leave you, Sebastian." she smiled at him while walking around the bed to sit next to him. She could see that he wanted to extend his arm in her direction but as he tried to move his arm again, his face was full of pain.
She reached out her own hand to place it on his shoulder and said: "The nurse should be here soon. Doctor Smith said you will get some painkillers though the IV."
He turned his head to look at her and smiled.
God did she miss that smile. The view of him unconscious in the hospital bed will probably haunt her in her dreams for a long time. 
A few seconds later a female nurse entered the room with a syringe in her hand. She smiled at y/n and Sebastian and inserted the liquid of the syringe at the device that combined the three tubes from the syringe-machine. Y/N still didn't understand what that machines does.
"Mr. Stan, this is a strong painkiller. If you feel dizzy or get tired again: this is normal. Don't fight against it, please. Just take your time. Your body needs a lot of rest now." she said with a very calm voice.
"Okay, thank you." Sebastian answered while looking at her with a small smile on his face. Then he turned his head again to look at y/n. She gave his shoulder an encouraging squeeze and said:
"It's okay, honey. If you're tired then just sleep. I'll be still here when you wake up."
"But I don't want to sleep. I want to be with you." he said with a sad face expression.
"As far as I can determine your well-being, you won't run anywhere in the next days. So you'll be forced to be with me." she said, looked around to see if the nurse was already gone - she was - and kissed Sebastian gently on his lips.
He looked like he was already fighting against the urge to close his eyes. His eyelids became heavier with every second.
"Just close your eyes. It's alright." she said and caressed his upper arm.
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Sebastian didn't want to, but he was not able to keep his eyes open so he fell asleep right afterwards. Y/N was kind of shocked how fast the painkillers did their job, but she was happy that he wasn't in pain anymore.
She grabbed her phone out of the pocket and decided that she would call Mackie and let him know that Sebastian was awake. To not disturb the sleeping man she went outside in the corridor. She called Mackie, but he didn't answer. It was 8:15 am so she wasn't sure if he was still asleep or already in a meeting with someone from Marvel to see how the accident effected the time schedule.
Y/N Hey, Mackie. Just wanted to let you know that he woke up. He went back to sleep five minutes ago, because he was in a lot of pain and the painkillers made him tired again. But he is fine. Was already able to smile again. But can't even move his arms without pain. Will be a long way 'til he will be able to work again. The doctor will come over later to check his wounds. I hope to have more information for you afterwards.
She locked her phone and saw Dr. Smith coming in her direction. A nurse was following him with some stuff to change bandages and plasters and everything that comes with that. Maybe it was time to check Sebastian's wound. She was sorry that he just fell asleep and that the doctor might wake him up while the examination.
"Miss Y/L/N, how is he doing?" Dr. Smith asked her.
"He was in a lot of pain, but as soon as the nurse gave him the painkillers, he fell asleep again."
"Oh, then I try to be gentle and quiet to not wake him. He needs to rest as much as possible. His body is still recovering from a major surgery and bad injuries."
"Can I go inside with you?" she asked shy. As the doctor and the nurses wanted her to be out of the room earlier, she wasn't sure if she was allowed to be in there while the examination.
"I think that will be okay." he said, opened the door and waited for y/n to go inside.
Sebastian was still sleeping with his head turned towards the window - where y/n was standing earlier.
They entered the room and Dr. Smith and the nurse were standing on the right side next to Seb's bed. Y/N was standing behind it, because she was curious and wanted to know how the wound looked like.
The nurse slowly pushed the hospital gown beside so that they were able to see his bare upper body.
Y/N let out a loud squeak with a high pitched voice when she saw Sebastian's left side. Quickly she put her hands in front of her mouth to not wake him.
It looked terrible. She suddenly realized how bad Sebastian was injured.
Most of his left side was covered in a dark blue bruise. The bruise covered most of the area around his nipple and went down until his hip bone. So almost 80% of the left side of his abdomen was covered in a giant bruise.
On the side of his body she could see a small plaster with a tube coming out of his body.
There was a fucking tube coming right OUT OF HIS BODY. The tube was partly filled with blood and the doctor explained to y/n that it was a drainage that was used to get the blood out of his body that was still in the area around the lung.
The lung still needed to unfold to its normal size so with blood filling that area, it could be a problem. That's why they left the drainage inside of his body. They would release the drainage before Seb was able to go home at the end of the week.
Above the drainage was another small plaster. Underneath it was the wound where the doctor used the hollow needed with the syringe to draw the air from the pleural space.
The nurse peeled off both plasters and y/n could see that Seb's skin around those areas were a mixture of orange from the iodine and blue from the bruise.
The wound itself was very small. Just three stitches. The doctor looked at it  in detail and said that everything looked good. They covered it with a new plaster.
The drainage was also fixed with stitches so they checked those wounds as well. They wanted to be sure that there were no infection. But it looked good as well and the nurse covered it with a new plaster.
Sebastian slept through the whole procedure.
Then the doctor checked the syringes at the machine and explained that in one of them was an antibiotic, in the second one was a not so strong, but constant painkiller and the third one included a saline solution to keep his body hydrated.
They would leave the machine attached to the IV on his body for the next one to two days. Depended how fast he recovered from the surgery.
„Everything looks very good. I will come back later when he's awake so that I can explain to him in detail what happened and how the recovery process will look like. I assume he will stay with you?" Dr. Smith asked.
„Yeah, of course!" y/n answered without any hesitation.
„Then the nurses will show you tomorrow how to change the plasters and clean the wounds if necessary. The stitches get out in 14 days, so he will have them for a week at home as well. I will explain the rest to you within the next days. And answer your questions. No need to worry. It's not complicated."
The nurse next to the doctor smiled at her in agreement. Y/N thanked the doctor and they left the room.
Y/N laid down on the couch to maybe get some rest, too. But when she grabbed her phone to scroll through Instagram she saw some messages:
Susan Heard about Sebastian. Damn! Is he fine? Are you with him?
Jennifer Anthony told us that you're in the hospital with Sebastian. Take your time. Shooting is paused anyways for the whole week. Let me know if you or Sebastian need anything.
Unknown number Hello Y/N, this is Joe Russo. I heard you're with Sebastian. Please let us know if you have more information. Say hi to him and speedy recovery.
Mackie I'll be around in 10 minutes. Have a vanilla latte and a bagel with cream cheese and turkey for you. Hope you like it.
Anthony's message was sent 5 minutes ago, so he must be here soon. No time to sleep then.
Y/N sighed and sat up on the couch. The doctor and the nurse said that Sebastian needed rest to recover as soon as possible. So she decided that Anthony and her would go on a little stroll through the hospital so she can update him with the newest information. Although she wanted to be by Sebastian's  side when he wakes up again - like she promised.
She left the room after placing a kiss on Seb's forehead and caress over his cheek. She could see Anthony coming down the corridor with a tray with three coffee cups and a large paper bag.
"Good Morning, y/n! Let me see the sleeping beauty!" he screamed in her direction with a smile on his face.
"Hi Anthony. The doctor said we have to let him sleep as much as possible. Let's walk around the hospital and I can update you." she said and gave him also a welcoming smile.
"It's so good to see you smile again, you know." Anthony said with a straighter face before his mood lightened up again.
They went on a walk through the corridors until the reached the cafeteria. They sat down and had their coffees and bagels. Anthony brought something for Sebastian as well, but the coffee would be cold when he wakes up. Maybe he could enjoy the bagel. Y/N wasn't even sure if he was allowed to eat normal food. She didn't know anything yet. But the doctor wanted to explain everything to her within the next few days.
Anthony was shocked when y/n explained to him how the wounds looked like - of course after they finished their breakfast.
„So he needs someone to take care of him after he's been released?" he asked. Y/N knew that Anthony's apartment was right next to Seb's so this would be the cleverest option. So Seb had all of his stuff nearby while living with Anthony.
„I thought about bringing him at my apartment and then I can cook for him and help him with everything. He wasn't even able to lift his arm. I am pretty sure he won't be able to walk or go to the bathroom alone in the beginning." y/n said thoughtful.
„You sure, you wanna do this? I mean it's a lot." Anthony asked carefully.
They both knew that it was the only realistic option. Of course being at Anthony's would be clever because of all of Seb's stuff. But nobody knew when Anthony had to go back to set. And then Seb would be all alone.
„Yeah, I am. I'm gonna ask Jennifer if I can have unpaid days off until Seb is stable enough to live on his own for a few hours a day. That should be fine. I'll be there for him - no matter what." she said and Anthony smiled at her.
„Young Love..." he chuckled and got a hard smack on his upper arm as response.
They decided to go back to Seb's room for the case that he had already wake up.
When they were near his door, they could hear voices out of the room. It was a male voice, but it was not Sebastian's.
Anthony opened the door and saw Dr. Smith standing at the left side of Sebastian's bed. He was holding the hospital gown and Sebastian looked down his abdomen with a shocked expression. His face was very pale again and y/n could see on the monitor that his heart rate was a lot faster than earlier.
„... and we will observe closely how much blood will come out of the drainage and if there is no more coming, we can pull it. After that is done I want to have you here for another two nights and than you can go home." Dr. Smith was explaining Sebastian everything about his injuries and the surgery - like he had promised.
The two men heard the visitors and Dr. Smith turned around to see who was coming into the room. He recognized y/n and Anthony, gave them a welcoming wave with his hand and turned around to Sebastian to continue his explanation.
„You're not allowed to sit straight in the first two weeks. The good thing is: you won't be able do that anyways. I'm not gonna lie to you: the pain of three broken rips and a collapsed lung is immense. You can have pain killers but we won't give you too much. Pain is a natural defense mechanism. If we give you too much, it is possible that you create more damage with a wrong movement in your sleep or so."
„That means he has to suffer?" y/n said shocked. She walked around the bed on her common place and grabbed Sebastian's right hand. Anthony sat on the chair that was next to a little table on the other side of the room.
„No, Miss Y/L/N. But he will still feel it. We don't want him in constant bad pain." Dr. Smith said and raised his hands in front of his body in defense.
„Mr. Stan, you're not allowed to sit straight. While you are here, you're not allowed to walk on your own. Not even to the bathroom. There is a special wheelchair where you can sit back a little to relieve the pressure on your rips. Call the nurses for everything. You're not bothering them." he smiled at Sebastian but he was not smiling back. His face was still shocked. Seemed like he hadn't expected to be hurt that bad.
Y/N squeezed his hand and tried to comfort him, but it didn't work.
„Will it be better when I'm allowed to go home?" he said with a quiet and husky voice. Dr. Smith sighed and y/n knew that Sebastian won't like the answer.
„Maybe a bit. But don't expect to leave the hospital walking. You definitely won't be able to walk alone until the end of the week. And you're still not allowed to sit straight for a longer time. It all depends on how fast you recover. Before we release you, we will let a physical therapist see you and check if your body is strong enough to be released. You were in a good physical condition before the accident. That will help to speed up your recovery. But you need to be patient."
Everybody could hear the warning tremble in the voice of the doctor.
„I will make sure that he won't do anything stupid!" y/n said and smiled at Sebastian who was looking on the blanket - trying to process everything he had heard.
„Good. We'll talk about the rest later. If you have any questions..." he looked at Sebastian and y/n „...just let me know." he said, turned around and left the room.
Anthony was the first one to say something as y/n was watching Seb with a concerned look on her face. Seb was overwhelmed from all the information and bad news.
„Would be good if you had the super soldier healing powers, right?" Anthony chuckled, stood up from his chair and handed the tray with the last coffee and the paper bag with the remaining bagels to y/n.
„You want some breakfast, honey?" y/n asked with a lovable voice and put her hand on Sebastian's shoulder. He shook his head as response - his gaze still on the blanket.
„Hey, man. I know it was a lot, but you're alive. That's all that matters." Anthony said and tried to calm his friend. Seb raised his head to look to Anthony - his face expression full of anger and sadness at the same time.
„Have you heard him? I can't do anything. Nothing. Nada. Niente. I can't even go to the bathroom. There's a fucking tube coming out of my cock because I can't even pee on my own. How the hell can you be so positive?" Seb screamed at Anthony while tears were falling down his cheeks.
He tried to lift his upper body but regretted his decision within a second. He groaned loud and his face was full of pain.
„Shhh, honey. Don't move. Please. Don't hurt yourself." y/n sobbed because she was crying as well. The last hours were also hard for her and she didn't had time for herself to process the happenings.
Anthony looked at both of them with a neutral face expression. He knew that Seb was shocked and frustrated and didn't mean it. Screaming back wouldn't be helping. It would be like throwing alcohol in a burning flame.
Sebastian turned his head to y/n and his mood changed immediately when he saw her crying.
„Please don't cry, prinţesă..." he said but stopped in the middle of the sentence. He remembered their first conversation after he woke up which was blurry in his memories. But now as he used the same words as earlier he remembered it clearly.
Y/N green eyes met his steel-blue ones and she saw sparkles and love in them. He managed to lift his arm and placed his hand on her waist. Then he gave her a warm smile that stopped her tears.
„I am sorry for screaming." his face was now turned to Anthony.
„It's alright, man. I understand." Anthony answered.
„Not it's not okay. It's not your fault. You saved my life because you realized that I was badly injured. I have to thank you but instead I screamed at you. I am sorry. This was a lot to process. I am frustrated and scared. But none of that is your fault, Anthony." he said with pain in his voice.
Anthony nodded and gave Seb a huge smile. Then he added: „I actually just wanted to look if you're finally awake and bring you some coffee and breakfast. I have to go back to the headquarter, we have a meeting with Kevin over there."
„Oh, to see how we continue with the movie?" Seb asked curious and Anthony nodded.
„Say hi to all of them. You can FaceTime me while in the meeting." Seb suggested.
„That is actually a very god idea. I'll do that! See you later, man!" he said and waved at y/n and Seb before he left the room.
Y/N sighed and Sebastian tried to caress his hand over her waist - but the movement hurt him so he simply left his hand on one place.
„I love you, y/n" he whispered.
„I love you, too, Sebastian." she answered smiling.
„I know! You said it first!" he chuckled like a child.
„So you do remember? I wasn't sure. I am happy that you remember. And I like the new nickname" she winked at him.
„Prinţesă?" he asked and she nodded.
„I had many nicknames for my former girlfriends like honey, hun, love and so on. But I've never called my girlfriend prinţesă before - because it needed a special person like you for that." he said and she could feel the butterflies in her stomach.
She leaned down and kissed him passionate. But as she knew he was still struggling with breathing she broke the kiss right afterwards. He was stubborn and she needed to protect him from himself.
„Your girlfriend needs to go home and get some stuff. I rushed here tonight and didn't bring anything. And I need to take a shower and cook something for us for later. Pretty sure the hospital food is aweful. I'll be back later, I promise" y/n said and gave him a kiss on his forehead.
„My girlfriend..." he whispered and smiled like a maniac.
„I need to call my mum anyways and have the meeting with Anthony later. So I'll be okay until you return. But don't stay tooooo long" he added and pouted.
„I won't, honey. I promise. I love you." she said and kissed him.
„I love you, too, prinţesă." he answered after the kiss.
They wanted to scream their love for each other into the world - letting everybody know. But y/n was still scared that her relationship (HELL YES IT WAS A FUCKING LOVE RELATIONSHIP!) with Seb could have negative effects on her job at Marvel.
What both of them didn't knew: Anthony had already explained their situation to the people in charge at Marvel. They were all very understanding (although surprised) and supported y/n in ever possible way so that she could take care of Sebastian as long as she had to.
Before y/n left the room to head home she gave Sebastian his phone from the bedside table, because he wasn't able to reach it without rotate his upper body - something he was not allowed to do. And wouldn't be able to do without blacking out in pain.
It was already late in the afternoon when she was ready to return to the hospital. She had fallen asleep on her couch after a hot shower and was shocked that she had slept for four hours straight.
After all the stress she's been through the last 24 hours her body needed to rest as well. She grabbed her phone and saw a few unread messages from Sebastian.
Sebastian 11:15 am: Already miss you ♡ 11:55 am: My mum will come over to Atlanta on Friday. She needs to work for the rest of the week but has already booked a flight for Friday afternoon. Let's talk about that later. 2:23 pm: Lunch was aweful. Can you bring me something delicious? 3:52 pm: Where are you? I miss yooouuuuu! 3:53 pm:
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Y/N 04:15 pm: Did you really use a picture of yourself to express your emotions?
Sebastian 04:16 pm: Really? That's the only thing you respond to? 😂
Y/N 4:50 pm: I'll be there in 10. 😘
Sebastian 4:50 pm: 😘😘
As she told him she was at the hospital ten minutes later - with three large Tupperware boxes in a bag and a backpack with clothes and other stuff. One of the Tupperware contained the pesto pasta with chicken and the other two a rice-dish she had cooked for them before making her way to the hospital.
She entered Sebastian's room and was greeted by a large smile. He looked better than this morning as his skin was still a bit pale but finally he looked more like a human than a zombie.
„Hey, honey. Brought you dinner" she said while heading around his bed.
His eyes widened in excitement when he saw the bag in y/n hand and managed to lift his right arm in her direction.
Her eyes were shocked by his movement and she exclaimed: „See you're making progress already! This morning you were not really able to lift your arm."
„Well, yeah. But just the right one. I can't even think about moving the left one for an inch." he said sadly.
She gave him a kiss on his head before putting the Tupperware on his bedside table. She wondered how he was able to eat as he can't move his upper body or sit straight and placing the Tupperware on his abdomen sounded like a bad idea, too. Sebastian seemed to have the same thoughts as he said:
„I think you need to help me and feed me..."
She couldn't help herself but hear shame in his voice. But there was no need for shame. It wasn't his fault that he was not able to move at all. It was a fucking accident.
„I'll go and ask the nurses to store the lunch for tomorrow in their fridge and then I re-heat your pasta in the microwave." she smiled at him.
Sebastian nodded and tried to maintain a happy or at least straight face, but she could see in his eyes that he suddenly realized how the next weeks would be and that he was not feeling comfortable. Not because he didn't want y/n to be around him 24/7, but because he didn't want to be a burden for anyone.
Y/N came back with the pasta and Sebastian could see the steam coming out of the container. He licked is upper lip in excitement and turned its head to y/n when she arrived next to his bed. His stomach made a loud growl and y/n laughed. Sebastian started laughing, too, but the pain kicked in very fast and very strong, so he stopped laughing.
He saw the concerned look in y/n's face and whispered a „I'm fine. Just hungry" in her direction.
She fed him very gently and Seb realized that at least eating didn't hurt. Yeah, at least ONE THING.
After dinner y/n managed to push the couch from the end of the room right next to Seb's bed. He was shocked how strong she was and she told him a few stories about her weightlifting workouts.
„So we need to workout with Don together one day!" Seb chuckled.
„I would love, too!" y/n answered with excitement in her voice. She saw Don's Instagram page and couldn't wait to train in his gym.
Seb was yawning while they were watching television together. As y/n had a very long nap in the afternoon she wasn't tired yet, but stood up from the couch and turned to Seb. She cupped his face with both of her hands and gave him a kiss full of love.
„Good Night, honey" she whispered after the kiss and smiled at him.
„Good night, prinţesă. I love you", he answered with the same wide smile and sparkles in his eyes. Thank god no firework in his stomach, because that would have hurt like hell.
„I love you, too. Let me know if you need anything tonight. If you're in pain or something. Don't hesitate to wake me. I'm on duty, Sergeant Barnes." she saluted him what made him laugh for a second before the pain kicked his ass.
December 6th 2022 - Atlanta The night was without any events although Sebastian woke up to hear y/n whine in her sleep. It seemed like she had a nightmare and he was unable to help her.
All he wanted to do was hug her tight and kiss her temples and forehead to comfort her.
But he was not able to. And wouldn't be in the next weeks. What frustrated him more than he confessed to y/n and the doctor.
The nurse came with breakfast at 7 am - one tray for Sebastian and one for y/n. She stretched her body on the couch and he whined:
„Showing me all the things I can't do? That's not fair!"
She needed a moment to realize what he meant but then she chuckled: „You miss to stretch your body?
Sebastian nodded in response and said: „I miss literally doing anything."
„But you can still do that..." she said and gave him a deep kiss. He managed to lift his right arm to grab her waist and clench into her shirt as he deepened the kiss. Y/n broke the kiss to give him a few breaths.
„Can't wait to have sex with you again" he whispered and his eyes were dark of lust.
„Don't want to be the party pooper, but that will take a while." she said with a sad face.
To lighten the mood she started feeding him breakfast but he insistent to take it from her. So she put the tray with food on his thighs and he ate on his own. Well, half of the food landed on his blanket, but none of them cared. Sebastian was proud to do something on his own. Y/N would take care of the mess later.
After the breakfast the nurse came to change the plasters and wash him. She wanted to show y/n how to do it so that she could practice the next days when the nurse was still around.
Anthony had brought Sebastian some clothes out of his apartment yesterday - during the time y/n was at home- so Seb asked if he could change into some of his own clothes. The nurse agreed but told him that changing into a sweatpants would be painfull as hell. Stubborn as Sebastian was, he wanted to try.
The nurse changed the plasters and it wasn't hard to do at all. While the nurse showed y/n how to do it, Dr. Smith entered the room and looked for Sebastian's drainage. Unfortunately it had to be still inside of his body today, but he would pull it the day after - he promised.
As Sebastian's oxygen saturation had been very good over the last 24h the doc was able to release him from the nasal applicator. „One step after another." y/n thought.
Then it was time to wash him and the nurse used a wash cloth to gently scrub Sebastian's upper body. Although the nurse was really really gentle tears of pain were streaming down Sebastian's cheeks and he whined and whimpered - not able to move or do anything against the pain. His hands clenched the sheets on the bed while he tried to lay without movements.
It broke y/n heart to see him like that and she wanted to take all his pain away. But that wasn't possible.
As even the gentle touches of the wash cloths had hurt him so much Sebastian admitted that it was to early to change into his clothes. He still wasn't able to move his left arm any higher than a few inches and to change into a T-Shirt he would need more movement. So it was impossible today. Maybe tomorrow. Maybe on Friday. He was forced to wait for his body to recover and he couldn't do anything to speed it up.
Within the day they had lunch and Anthony and Joe Russo came to visit Sebastian. They talked a lot about the movie and how they would continue filming. Dr. Smith was there as well and explained that he didn't know yet how long it would take for Seb to be able to continue work. For the easier scenes where he didn't have to do much it would take at least four weeks minimum. Running and fighting wasn't possible within the next 3 months.
Everybody in the room was frustrated and Joe decided to talk to Kevin again. The idea was to extend Bucky's injury in the movie so that Sebastian would have more calm scenes. Thankfully they already shot the final battle right in the beginning.
The team was in Atlanta until end of February and then moved on to Cleveland. Bucky would be deleted from all scenes in Cleveland and hopefully Sebastian would be able to travel to Bucharest end of March to shot the abroad mission where Bucky got hurt.
That would mean less screen time for Bucky but not much delays in shooting. They would arrange to shot the scenes with the other actors in the next weeks until Seb was able to do smaller scenes.
Y/N was shocked how many changes had to be done because of an accident like that. And that the whole script would be changed. She always thought a movie was scripted and then just shot like that. She heard about a few changes here and there but never worked on a movie with huge story changes like this one.
In the end of the day y/n took a hot shower in the hospital bathroom and they watched a movie together. She missed cuddling with Sebastian but was sure that they will be able to cuddle soon.
December 7th 2022 - Atlanta Sebastian looked at Dr. Smith with excitement in his face. The doc was about to pull the drainage out of his body and release him from the bloody tube. The new freedom came with a kick in the ass, because Sebastian didn't knew that pulling a drainage is one of the most painful things in the world. For one second. But for that second you think you die.
He was dizzy because of the shock and the pain and needed to close his eyes. Y/N strolled one of her hands through his hair to comfort him while holding his right hand with the other.
"Holy Shit, that was painful", he exclaimed a minute later.
The nurse asked him if he wants to change into his clothes and he said that he wanted to try. As the drainage was out of his body he was able to move his left arm more than before - although not really much. The nurse explained Sebastian that he shouldn't try to help move the arms or fight against any movement the nurse was doing. That was very important to prevent any damage or big pain.
After two minutes of fight Sebastian finally worn his own shirt and smiled happy. The pain that was caused by the movements from his left arm forgotten. But the harder part was yet to come as he needed to lift his hip in the air while putting on the sweatpants. The nurse said a boxer was not needed as Seb still had a tube coming out of his manhood.
You really lose all your privacy when you're in the hospital.
The nurse carefully started putting on the sweatpants and as the waistband was in the middle of his thighs it was time to lift his hips so he could fully slip into the pants. The first try leaded to a whining Sebastian who was not able to lift his hip at all. The nurse left the room and came with a supporting tool which looked like a belt that she put under his hips and lifted them with her own power. Y/N helped her pulling the sweatpants over the rest of Sebastian's thighs.
It was done. It was painful and it was frustrating like hell, but it was done.
Seb felt so much better immediate and smiled at his girlfriend while proudly saying: "See, I look, feel and smell like a human again!"
Y/N chuckled although her heart was full of pain and her mind was shocked. How the hell should she do this all on her own for the next weeks. She didn't want to hurt him. Was she able to do all that on her own? Without any experience?
She needed to clear her mind, so she excused herself and explained that she wanted to get a coffee for the two of them. Sebastian realized that it was an excuse, but he didn't say anything. He was grateful, that y/n was there for him during this difficult time.
"It was overwhelming this morning, right?" he said as she gave him his cup of coffee. The nurse had cleaned the crumbles of breakfast from his blanket as well so Sebastian tried to avoid spilling coffee on the fresh blanket. His movements with his right arm were a lot smoother than yesterday and didn't cause him pain anymore. He was also able to lift his left arm to place it on his thigh and put it back, but as the IV in his arm bend also hurt when he bent his arm, he tried not to use his left arm as much as possible.
They sipped their coffee in silence while watching TV.
Sebastian's phone rang and after he read the message he broke the silence:
„We haven't talked about my mum coming around on Friday."
„Oh, Right!"
„Is it okay for you that she comes around?" he asked with a concerned voice.
„Of course, honey. It's your mother. I would see my son as well after such an accident. She must be in shock as well. Have you spoken to her again?" y/n answered.
„She is texting me a lot. But I haven't called her since yesterday."
„Sebastian Stan, you call your mum now. She musst worry a lot and you have to comfort her."
Sebastian sighed before he said: „But I'll put it on speaker. She has to know about you anyways."
So they had a very nice conversation with Sebastian's mother. Y/N could hear in her voice that she was happy that Sebastian called and she was also happy as he told her the improvements he already made. Georgeta was also very interested when Sebastian told her about y/n and they switched into Romanian for a few minutes - leaving y/n clueless if that was a good sign or not.
„I can't wait to meet you on Friday, y/n!" Georgeta said in English again.
„Can't wait to meet you too Mrs. Stan." she said smiling.
„Just Call me Georgeta, please. I'm not Mrs. Stan anymore but I'll explain that to you on the weekend."
„Okay, Georgeta"
„Mum, I'm going to hang up now. We're about to watch a movie. See you on Friday. Don't worry. Y/N will take care of me until then." Sebastian said and added a few words in Romanian.
Georgeta answered in Romanian and they hang up afterwards.
December 8th 2022 - Atlanta It was Thursday and y/n managed to change Sebastian's  plasters on her own for the first time. It wasn't hard, so she was happy that she could handle that.
The nurse also watched them carefully when y/n and Sebastian managed to change his tshirt together. After they were done Seb raised his hand in the air and y/n gave him a high five - making all of them laugh.
Sebastian was surprised that his pain was better this morning. His right arm was freely movable and he could even lift his left arm a lot better than yesterday. As there was no infection at the wounds and he ate and drank normally the IV was removed and the machine with the syringes was gone. The heart rate monitor and the monitor for the oxygen saturation were also gone so that he was free from most of the tubes - except one.
He got his painkillers via pills from this morning onwards.
Y/N was happy because these were big steps in the right direction.
The doctor confirmed that Sebastian would be released on Friday - if the physical therapist gave his okay on Friday morning.
„Can't wait to be home." he said to the doctor smiling.
„You know that you're coming to my apartment, right?" y/n chuckled.
„Yeah. It's my second home from now on!" he chuckled as well.
The accident made their relationship rush like a high speed aircraft. Y/N was scared that it was too fast. That they would realize that they were not meant to be and than would be trapped in the same apartment.
She tried to think about something else. She loved him. It felt like they knew each other for years. But the upcoming challenge would show them if their relationship would last. It was exciting and scary at the same time.
Anthony came around this afternoon and was surprised by Seb's improvement. They talked and laughed and - if they were not in a hospital room - it felt like a normal afternoon with friends.
Anthony told y/n a lot of funny stories about the last 8 years working with Sebastian and they just had so much fun and forgot about all the worries for a short period of time.
At Thursday evening they enjoyed a pizza that they had ordered and Sebastian took y/n's hand and kissed it.
„We'll be Home tomorrow!" he exclaimed in a happy scream.
„Oh yeah. Can't wait to sleep in a bed again." y/n whined and stretched her back.
„Would let you sleep with me in the bed but I am afraid I won't be able to move so that you have enough space." he sighed.
„It's okay, honey. One more night. Tomorrow we're together in the same bed again." she smiled at him and caressed over his thigh.
„Finally!" he said while chewing on another piece of pizza.
One more night. Then they were able to leave the hospital behind. Leave all the horrific memories and shocking moments behind. Then they could finally focus on Sebastian's recovery.
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primofate · 3 years
Kinktober: Doing it raw for the first time [Modern AU] (Minors do not interact) Not SFW
Notes: And so it comes to this. I’m just jumping in >_> I don’t usually write smut but I guess I was in the mood?
Warning: gosh I don’t know where to start. no protection, rope play, breeding kink, overstim, size kink, praise kink, not proofread, giving head, established relationship. Pretty soft for Albedo and Diluc then it goes a bit hard for the others >_>
Characters: Albedo, Diluc, Kaeya, Tartaglia, Xiao, Zhongli x fem!reader
Juicy stuff below the cut
Albedo was not one to push you into doing things. Even when your bodies were pressed up against each other, the warm touch of his bare skin on yours almost sticky, yet intoxicatingly so.
“Bedo, please,” 
You whimper under him as he slaps his cock against your glistening folds. So pretty, he thought to himself. Even the subtle slap of his cock on your wetness was making him shiver. 
He grabs your hips and pulls you towards him easily, his stature might seem small but his work with the fencing sword proved him to be strong and able. He leans in to whisper in your ear, his tip lining up to your opening. “Ready?” His husky breath tickles your ear, but before you could reply, you can feel him stretching you open. 
You close your eyes and throw your head back at how painfully slow he was going. You could feel every inch of him push through you and you hear him stifle a groan. “B-Bedo...!” you mewl his name, feeling him fully for the first time, as he does you. 
“Shhh...” He whispers out, trying to concentrate on the tight squeeze of your cunt around him. Trying to ground himself. Trying not to just plow you through your orgasm. He bottoms out, his whole length buried into your damp hole. He looks down to see how connected the two of you are, face flushed into one of bliss. “...Beautiful, Y/N,” 
Still, he’s calm. He’s calm as he takes his hand and starts rubbing on your sensitive nub. You jerk up and you clench around him, earning another groan. “T-Tight...” He pants, unable to wrap his head around the fact that he’s getting squeezed by you. 
And suddenly, both his hands are on your waist again, he pulls out nearly completely, leaving only the tip inside and you lift your head up giving him a questioning look, until he thrusts his hips forward, sheathing himself in one swift motion. “A--aghh!” A strangled moan leaves your mouth as he ruts into you almost violently.
He can’t control himself. It’s different. His bare cock in you. “I-I can’t stop--” the bed creaks, his hold on your waist nearly bruising, pistoning himself. Grunting, groaning, hitting you in all the right spots as he hears you cry out “Mmggh! A-Albedo! There, right there!” 
It’s like fuel for him, chasing his own high and yours. The friction on his cock is unreal. The wetness. The vice-grip. His head is spinning and you watch as he throws his head back in a beautiful moan. “Y/N...!” You watch as his hips continue in a magical pace, your hands suddenly gripping the bedsheets as you arch your back, reaching your orgasm before him, “-t’so good, so good! Albedo I’m cumming!” he thrusts a few more times, you can’t even feel him stiffen, just coming down from your high. He quickly pulls out and fists his cock, spurts of white shooting out to your stomach, grunting “Wish I could cum in you...” 
He rarely says such things, but you grin when he does.
“How about for next time...?” you suggest.
He’s a gentle lover...for the most part. But there are days where even he loses control as he stands above you, worshipping your body. How could he not? It was a divine gift from God. Every time the two of you tangled in the sheets, it was a little piece of heaven for him, just seeing you bare and open.
The moans that you give out are even more of a blessing. He loves to please you. Loves to hear his name in whimpers and in squeals. So, his first order of events is tasting you. Letting you cum on his face as much as he wanted, it wasn’t your choice. 
Now he towers over you, your face already flushed out from the two orgasms he has licked out of you. He smiles at the look on your face, hair sticking to your forehead with sweat. He lays over you and starts peppering kisses up your jaw, stopping at your ear. “On your front, darling,” He helps you turn, your ass is now grinding against his hardness and he ruts into the smooth surface of your skin as he kisses your neck. He’s deliberately slow, but you’ve anticipated tonight for far too long. “Diluc, I want you...”
He chuckles behind you, but moves up, and prods your opening with his tip. “...You’re...extremely wet...” he whispers in awe. He could guess that you were a lot more excited today than usual. So was he, the tip of his cock seemed a lot more enflamed than usual. 
He pushes in, there’s some resistance but he manages to slide it halfway.
You yelp as you feel his hand smack your ass. “Y/N... God-- Sorry, I--” It was just too good. It was entirely different from usual. You can feel his hands grip on your ass, squeezing it as he finally rests fully inside you. You can’t see it, but he shivers. The way your walls are clamping down on him is sending him to a high.
Slowly, he pulls out halfway and thrusts in again. His pace is mellow, but you can feel every inch of him all the same. His perfect cock curves in the right places, hitting you just as you like it. “Love you, Y/N,” He has his eyes closed as he says this, reveling in the feeling of your warmth. “Love you so much,” and yet his hands are gripping your ass tighter, his pace is quickening. The control he once had is slipping fast and before long all you can hear is the loud slap slap slap of his skin hitting yours. 
The feeling is intense, your face smothered on the bed as he gradually drills into you. “Diluc! Diluc!” that’s the sound he loves. The sound of your fucked-out voice moaning his name. “Ohhh feels so good... your cock feels so good... Don’t stop!” you whimper as his hips thrust at the same time he pulls you down. 
He grits his teeth as he groans, “Cu-cumming!” every thrust he sends you feels like fireworks in your tummy. You stiffen up as the pleasure you feel peaks, you moan into the pillow as you orgasm, a little embarrassed at the feral sounds you were making. “Mine, all mine,” he grunts as he bottoms into you, cumming deep into your walls, and collapsing on top of you, his arms barely able to keep him propped up. He kisses your shoulder as he comes down from his high, still grunting and panting until he slips out of you, spent. 
“You’re a goddess, Y/N,” 
There’s a red blindfold round your head, and your wrists are tied up above it. Kaeya watches as you squirm a little. It’s his favourite type of play, for a special type of occasion. 
Your folds are already glistening for him, and although he didn’t tie your legs up he’s got them spread wide open with his strong hands. He’d been fingering you, getting you ready for his cock. “Please,” 
Of course, he doesn’t make it easy. “Please what, love?” a smirk on his face that you can’t see. “Want you in me...” you whimper out, lifting your hips up a little in hopes that you would find what you were looking for. His cock on your folds. “Whose cock do you want, Y/N?” he continues to tease you with his hands, his finger running a circle around your clit, completely avoiding it. “Yours Kaeya, just yours, please...”
He chuckles at this moment, “Good girl,” and you can feel him shifting his weight, can feel him pushing your knees up to your chest in the breeding position. Then, without any warning, he ruts into you all in one go. “Oh my God!” you keen at the painful and sudden stretch, but a few seconds later as his length pulses in you, fills you up in every corner, stars erupt in your eyes. “More, please, more!” 
You’re not quite sure how loud you’re being, but he’s in total bliss at the raw feeling. “Shit...That’s my girl,” he hammers into you relentlessly, almost painfully but the pain hurts so good. “This pussy’s officially mine,” he grunts as he fucks you out, the rough in and out earning stuttered moans from you. “You cumming, pretty?” his eyes trail down towards your pressed back head, open mouth wailing him praises. “Ohh yes, yes! S-So close!”
He crouches over you and presses your tied hands onto the bed, hips blindingly fast. “Mm, such a good pussy for me. Take it, take it all...” he starts to grunt more, head dipping lower into your neck as he feels the pleasure grip all around him. “Fuck,” he spits out as he stiffens, an animalistic growl escaping his lips just as you grip tighter around him and reach your own high. “Fuuuck, you’re so good, Y/N,” 
He slips out, handfuls of cum spilling out from your hole as he leans his body over yours.
“Relax babe, you’re always so good at this,” He’s laid out on the bed, arms behind his head as he watches you grind your clothed pussy on his bare cock. Such a sight for sore eyes. Your lids are shut, cheeks are flushed and your mouth open in silent gasps. “You like that, huh?” His smirk is obvious, thoroughly entertained, as if watching a show that was made just for him. 
“Mmhmm...” You whimper, feeling your clit rub against his long, veiny cock. Your voice seems to spur something in him as he reaches out and pulls your panties aside. “Lift up,” he commands you and you follow, propping yourself up on your knees. “Go on now,” his shit-eating grin is almost teasing, but when you line yourself up on him, tip slipping past the tightness allowing you to fully sit on his raw cock for the first time, his grin disappears and is replaced with a strangled, guttural groan. “Oh shit,” his hands grab your hips and stills you, glues you to your sitting spot. 
You watch with half-lidded eyes as he closes his eyes and struggles. “Oh fuck it’s better than I thought,” he inches his hips up a little, provoking a moan from you. “I-I like this better too...” you murmur. You can feel every vein on him, every curve and thickness rubbing against your walls. Slowly he takes his hands away and places it on his side, rutting his hips up, making you bounce slightly and squeal, a signal for you to start.
You waste no time in bouncing up and down on him, hands on his chest, balancing yourself. The only sounds in the bedroom is the slap of skin on skin, your wanton moans and his animalistic growls. “Y/N, fuck,” one of his hands grips your thigh, he can feel his cock grow warmer, feel the knot in his stomach tighten. He’s nearing his orgasm and he can’t keep still anymore. 
He starts plowing up against you. Your bouncing is now fueled by his hips and not your own accord, you scream at how rough he’s going, how his dick kisses your cervix with every hard thrust up. “So deep! More, don’tstopdon’tstopdon’tstop” your words string together and are hardly coherent. He takes that as a sign to keep pulling your hips down just as he thrusts up, somehow, one of his hands manage to rub at your clit despite all the bouncing and you tighten up almost immediately.
The two of you scream out at the same time, reaching orgasm mere seconds apart from each other. You collapse on him, and he wraps his arms around you. He takes a few seconds to recover before he flips you over onto the bed. “...You can’t expect me to just go one round... I’m addicted now...”
“You want to do it...without this?”
He already has the condom in his hand, and you’re laid out on the bed prettily. “...I’ve been taking birth control instead,” those words has him on top of you in seconds. He’s kissing you fervently, the bulge in his boxers seem to keep growing. Xiao is well-endowed and you know it from the countless times you’ve taken him deep in your throat. 
“I love you, you know that? If you don’t want to it’s okay,”
“I want to,” the words between kisses are fast and heated. He wants to make sure you’re alright with it. He seems gentle now, but the truth is he’s insatiable in bed. He has a hunger for you that doesn’t end. As with any other session, he preps you for his cock with his fingers. One, two, up until the third one stretches you out so well and good that you start asking for more. You start asking for him. 
“Xiao...Want your cock..”
He takes his fingers away and rubs your wetness on him, hoping that the slight lubrication would make it easier for you today. But it’s never easy with him. Every time is like the first time, the painful stretch of his massive girth, the way you feel so full even when it’s just halfway in. 
“C’mere,” he pulls you easily towards the edge of the bed and instructs you to flip over, your ass is hanging on the edge and he thumbs in gently, positioning himself into your damp hole and slowly pushing in. “X-Xiao! S’too big... too much!”
Dear Gods the sensation is a hundred times more intense. He doesn’t even hear you talking about how big he is, he’s lost in the velvety folds of your cunt, in the way your walls stretch out to accommodate to him. He doesn’t answer you and he’s lost in the pleasure, pulling your hips back to make you stretch out all the way and take him all in. “XIAO!” 
You feel like cumming just from him being all the way inside and truthfully he feels the same. He’s afraid he might cum in just a few pumps, so he takes it slow, reaching in front of you to play with your clit, to ease up the stretch you feel. “A-Ah! No! Too much!” 
You start to squirm as his fingers find the sensitive nerves. This time, he hears you and replies. “Shhh... You’re doing well, Y/N,” his fingers rub faster circles on your clit and finally, he feels that he can move a little better now as you keen and rut your hips against his hand. “That’s it...” he whispers and starts at a demonic pace. He can’t help it, it’s too good. “I won’t last long, Y/N,” but you’re already at your orgasm, you’re already reaching your second, his fingers still relentlessly rubbing on you. “The best, it’s the best!” you moan and he watches as your ass bounces on his big cock. “Mmmrghhh... Fuck, so fucking tight,” 
His last few thrusts are brutal. Deep, strong and forceful, until he freezes and unloads inside you with a groan. 
You look at him as you finish up your blowjob. You see him looking down at you on your knees, obediently bobbing your head up and down. Today though, he doesn’t let himself finish in your mouth. He pulls your head back gently and looks you in the eyes. “...Y/N...Let me make you feel good,” 
He gathers you in his arms and places you on his office desk, the papers are strewn around on the floor already. He kisses you hungrily, hands roaming up and down before settling on rubbing you through your underwear. “Zhongli...” He’s a lot stronger than he looks, and this time he pushes your legs apart, his cock is right at your entrance, just waiting for his pushing motion. “Last chance to say no,” he mutters and you answer with a lewd “Fuck me raw,”
He pushes through the muscle of your opening, groaning as he does so. “Gods, Y/N, you’re tighter than usual,” he doesn’t hold back. He knows you can take it and fucks into you rough. He picks you up in his arms as he fucks you and your legs wrap around his waist automatically. He’s making you bounce on his cock at a vicious pace. He can hardly steal a glance at his cock as it disappears right back into your hole. “Zhongli, c-cum in me,” 
You wrap your arms around his neck, as if trapping him. Something snaps inside of him at your words and he maneuvers you onto his office chair and starts pistoning inside of you, his hands gripping the arms tightly. “O-Oh my God. Give it to me, pleasepleasepleaseplease,”
He’s never been this rough before, and you wonder if it’s because of what you said or the fact that he’s doing it raw. He isn’t a very vocal person but today he promises to give you his all. “This.is.all.yours.” he says in between hard thrusts. “Take it all, Y/N, take it--” he stops talking when his pleasure cuts him off, fireworks going off in his head and he shivers on top of you. He growls under his breath and suddenly slaps your cunt, right above the clit and your jerk up with a howl. “FUCK!” 
All of a sudden he’s starting again, he’s fucking into you hard even through your orgasm. “Oh shit! Li! fill me up!” You’re shuddering under him, body out of control at the sheer amount of pleasure he’s giving you, his fingers continue to rub and tap on your clit. “C-Cumming! I’m cumming! OH ff-”
You feel him stop inside of you, and by his low groans you can tell that he’s released his thick strings of cum inside. You wouldn’t have it any other way. 
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junosaurus · 2 years
Hi, I'm new to your blog and I wanted to say that I loved the things you've written so far! If requests are still open I'd like to make one: Keqing, Ayaka, Ei and Jean is looking after sick S/O but soon they find out that their illness is terminal and they spend their last days with them (Btw, this anon is sucker for angst)
Them with a sick S/O
Ft: Keqing, Raiden Ei, Kamisato Ayaka, Jean Gunnhildr x !GN Reader (seperate)
A/N: Hello!! Welcome!!And thank you smmm i appreciate it! this is a very sad request, in fact i sobbed while writing this so i hope u like it! 😭
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Although Keqing already does overwork herself, she'll overwork even more to finish her work earlier and go to the hospital right after just to meet you.
She'd always bring you gifts like your favourite flowers, figurines, snacks and food, your bedside table would always be full of stuff.
After she found out your illness was terminal and you were practically on your deathbed until your last days it felt like her world was torn apart.
She begged on her knees to her boss to give her two weeks off from work just to spend time with you..and of course, to plan your funeral.
The doctors said you had about a week left so that broke Keqing's heart even more, though the doctors did let you go out for the remaining time.
You both had fun like you used to before you were diagnosed. It felt like the normal days when you were completely healthy.
Though, fun times must have an end right? So you were now unable to walk on your last day so you both just talked for hours in the hospital, you were tired then fell asleep.
You gave up fighting your illness while sleeping in the middle of the night. Keqing couldn't sleep for the whole night but seeing you not breathe anymore broke her heart in many pieces.
"I won't forget you until the day I meet you in heaven, I love you Y/N."
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Kamisato Ayaka
As the eldest daughter of the Kamisato clan, she of course has a very busy schedule everyday, though her kind brother knows just how much she cares and loves you so he took care of the majority of her work.
The less work she has, the more time she could spend time with you at the hospital.
She would bring fruits and flowers most of the time and sometimes your favourite treats too!
After a few weeks of this routine of visiting you, you were suddenly told that your illness was non longer curable and that you only had a week left.
Ayaka was in denial, she broke down saying "There must be a way, please please just cure them, there must be a way.. I'd do anything! I don't care what the cost is, I just want Y/N healthy."
After the doctor said you can be discharged to spend time with your loved ones right before a week ends, she brought you home.
You had tea time with Ayaka, chatted for hours, went on strolls around Inazuma, hung out with Thoma and her brother Ayato, she even requested for some fireworks from Yoimiya just for you, you both also cuddled for hours on end either reading books together or talking and laughing.
It of course had to come to and end. You were brought to the hospital not even being able to do anything.
You just slept on your bed until you passed in your sleep.
Ayaka was of course in deep denial, but luckily her brother and Thoma stayed the night at the hospital too to comfort her.
"Y/N..I'll never move on from you, you'll be on my mind every second, just wait for me in heaven, love."
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Raiden Ei
Her role as the leader of Inazuma is very crucial, though she leaves all the work to the general, Kujou Sara and the maiden, Yae Miko.
She has devoted all her time and care for you ever since you were diagnosed.
The hospital was practically just her first home and her actual home was her 2nd.
She'd always follow your requests, from buying your favourite flowers to buying your favourite figurines and even more.
When the doctor said you only had 1 more week left as your illness was far worst to cure, it hit her.
"Dr, there must be a way. I payed a lot and you can't cure them? You must be lying. YOU CAN AND YOU MUST HEAL THEM."
She had to be stopped by the guards before she went even more furious.
She calmed down and started accepting it and you were said that you could go out right until before a week ends.
You were brought to her home. You spent time in Inazuma strolling around, eating all the food you loved, spending time with everybody, and of course Ei too.
You both cuddled for hours, almost without an end. She knew without you, the world meant nothing to her so she spent all the time with you, to the point where she just didn't sleep those few days, just admiring you.
One night, you were rushed to the E.R. Your pulse was gone while you were sleeping, it was not in fact a week too.
Ei just couldn't even think straight anymore. Right after your death, she shut herself in the plane of euthymia again.
"Why was it you that had to go too."
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Jean Gunnhildr
The KOF was very kind enough for taking care of each and every one of Jean's work ever since they were told that you were diagnosed with an illness.
She spent all the time she had with you, bringing in your favourite books from the library, your favourite food, and flowers too.
She was sad enough that you were told to stay in a hospital until you get better, but the news of your illness not being curable and you only had a week left, just left her mind blank.
She didn't know what to do without the love of her life, you.
Until a week ends, you were told that you could stay out of the hospital to spend time with loved ones.
You got to have tea with Jean and Lisa at the library while reading books, hanging out at the tavern with Jean, Rosaria, Diluc and Kaeya and you even got to go flower picking with Jean!
Soon you were brought back to the hospital, passing away in your sleep.
Jean took a month to accept your death and go back to work, getting comforted from time to time by her co-workers.
"You'll be remembered by everybody here and me too. You've impacted a lot on many people Y/N. I'll love you until the day I die."
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sapphosclosefriend · 2 years
-Effortlessly in love-
Pairing: natasha romanoff x fem!reader
Summary: you and Nat share an easy and comfortable love for each other
Word count: 853
!Warnings!: maybe slightly sexual allusions
A/N: so this is my first time writing anything. It is definitely nothing special, but I just wanted to try writing down some thoughts I had. Also, English is not my first language so there are going to be some mistakes which hopefully won’t prevent you from enjoying reading this. I want to thank @vancityfire13 for being so kind and for the help. Please don’t repost this anywhere, I wouldn’t be comfortable with it. One last thing, if you want to I would love to hear some thoughts on this, just to see if I should keep trying to write stuff when I get ideas or keep them for myself. Anyways, here is my first (and probably only) fic/ one shot. (Yes I did spend hours making a collage for this hahah),
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Natasha is comfort. Ever since you grew truly close, even before you started dating, that bond, that pull you felt for each other was always easy..comfortable!
Of course it is great and beautiful to fall for someone and feel that ever growing excitement, to feel the butterflies in your stomach or the fireworks before your eyes. And although at times it did feel like that with Nat, like when she first shyly held your hand while sitting on the balcony that evening and she softly tucked a wild strand of hair behind your ear to take a better look at your face, or how she lightly kissed your cheek not to scare you off before brushing your lips together waiting for you to be ready, it was always easy with her.
When you confessed this to her, many years later, she joked about how, if there were other universes, you were probably together in all of them, along with the cheesiest “it must be written in the stars” and her signature smirk and chuckle.
The point is, it really was easy to fall for her and love her more and more everyday.
It always fascinated you to watch those couples who had been together for years and just seemed to always be so at ease with each other. Being in love is exciting, and it should be, but after having known a person for so long and being familiar with every single aspect of them, the way they behave, the way they feel, the way they treat others, the initial blinding fireworks of a young and fresh love die, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing.
It is kinda hard to explain but it truly is beautiful: to be with someone, to have a partner and just exist together in the same space, to stay next to each other and just appreciate the opportunity to be able to live at the same time as the other. At first it was a bit hard to figure out the true nature of these feelings you felt for Nat and, surprisingly, it was the same for her. Yes, it did take you two some time to really hit it off, but it was a beautiful journey nonetheless, surely full of love.
Her friends, her family, would often innocently tease you two about how you seemed like an old couple from the get go, to which she would always softly laugh after holding you just the tiniest bit closer. It was true, you two actually did a lot of what people would often define as “old people stuff”, but you never saw anything bad in spending a nice weekend tucked next to her under a soft blanket while silently reading a book and smiling to each other from time to time.
At one point you did get a bit anxious at how she could feel about the way you spent time together, but, as the true observer that she is, she instantly noticed it and, after you voiced your concerns, she reassured you that it was the least of her problems. “I'd gladly spend the rest of my life lying in bed and doing nothing if you were there with me” she said before softly smiling, briefly looking down at your lips and pecking them while caressing your cheek. Again, a little bit cheesy, but it definitely helped.
It was actually a little reoccurring thing between you two: she would say the corniest lines in a teasing tone and you would blush just a little bit, enough for her to tease you about it from time to time. She really was a charmer and, even after years and years together, she never failed to make your breath hitch or make your knees buckle at her soft praises and caresses.
Life with Nat was good, it felt “safe” and it felt like home. She was your home, she was the only part of your life that you could’ve never regretted and that you would’ve never ever given up. After having experienced her love, after having experienced her, you knew that life was never going to be the same if not with Nat.
And it truly was scary: all you wanted was to have a good life with her and end up as two old, wrinkly ladies in a little house in the countryside. You would walk to the little library not far away and Nat would help you pick a dusty old book from one of the full shelves.
After getting home, drinking some tea and having some of the медовик (medovik) cake that she had previously baked, you would sit on the sofa and Nat would read the freshly bought book aloud, not before teasing you for losing your glasses once again.
You would lovingly look at her and the creases on her face, all signs of the time you two shared together and, even after noticing you not paying attention to her words, she’d keep reading while softly brushing her thumb over the back of your hand, simply appreciating the time of your lives you could spend with each other, existing together.
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widow-maximov · 3 years
okay so i had an idea for new years. what if reader has ptsd from fireworks and nat knows that you’re afraid of them so she comforts you. AND MAYBE EVEN a new years kiss from her idk. anyways.. happy new years! thank you for the wonderful stories :)
Pairing: Natasha x Reader
Warning: The usual tags I don’t really know what other tags would go here, just enjoy :3
Summary: You never thought anyone could be as perfect as Natasha, with rough patches you were glad she was the one you picked in the end..
Word count: 7.1k
My requests are always open so feel more than welcome to pop in a suggestion for the next story :3
Dread. Pure dread is what you are feeling at this moment.
Christmas being around the corner wasn't the issues here, it was new years eve. God you hated it, it wasn't because of the celebrations for a new year but what came during it.
It was hell on earth, loud banging, multiple times, everywhere you turned, it was the worst thing anyone could experience, maybe it wouldn't be so bad if it didn't remind you of what Hydra did to you as a kid.
You were sold off by your parents to them at a very young age, apparently money was more important than you. You hated your parents throughout your life until Nick Fury took you in to become the Avenger.
At first you were skeptic, how couldn't you be? They were a group of people who went out of their way to save the word without really expecting any rewards but with Hydra you had to earn good stuff, like eatable food.
The fact that you didn't have to go out on a mission and come back thinking you are able to get scold for knocking out 2 men instead of 5 like they wanted, it was a real shock.
You never thought there would be people who would relate to you, but there was, Natasha Romanoff was one of them. When you first joined there was a spark of interest in her at the sight of you, you seemed timid and afraid every time your name would be called out.
She never really spoke to you until the two of you went on a spy mission together..
3 Years ago..
"Okay, Romanoff as you're the best spy in here, I am assigning you for mission with-" Steve paused as he looked around the room to see who he can send with the Russian.
You were late to the meeting, it wasn't intentional, the meeting was scheduled in the morning and you knew about it but for some reason your alarms didn't go off.
You walked in and Steve smiled "Y/n"
You looked up at him with slight fear at your lateness "I am sorry for being late-"
Before you could finish, he continued "You'll go with Natasha for the spy mission together tonight"
It was as if your words disappeared from your brain as you tried to process what just happened, Natasha rolled her eyes at you "Just don't be late"
You swallowed hard, she was cold towards you since you joined, you never understood why and even though you tried to be as polite as you could get, she was just cold.
Everyone reassured you that it takes some time for her to warm up but you weren't stupid, she just didn't like you and no matter how nice you could be to her, she just couldn't stand you.
You nodded at her and took a chair that was empty as Steve continued to brief you and the team about the mission just in case it went wrong which only gave you more anxiety.
Natasha was known to never fail missions and that what was getting to you, you always managed to missed a detail which nearly blew the whole mission but you were always saved and you knew if that happened Natasha would only hate you more.
As the meeting was ending, you stood up when everyone dismissed and started to make your way towards your room so you could get some of your stuff ready for the mission.
Carol caught up to you "Hey Y/n"
You turned around as you looked back slightly taken back until your eyes laid on Carol "Oh hey Carol"
She smiled brightly at you "I know you're going on a mission but do you know if you'll be free after?"
"Uh, probably, It will be a while till they assign me another mission so yeah, why?" You asked, not catching on her tone.
She rubbed the back of her neck with a shy smile "I was wonder if you wanted to go out with me for dinner after?"
You were stunned, it was so unusual for someone to ask you out that you forgot that it even existed, your silence only made Carol more nervous.
"It's okay, if you don't want to" She reassured.
You smiled at her "Uh, sure, I don't mind"
She smiled as nervous left her body and nodded "We can talk about it more after you come back, is that okay?"
You nodded "Of course, now if you don't mind, I need to get ready for the mission before I am late and Natasha murders me"
"Right, well ran along" She laughed, letting you and you nodded as you started to walk off, whilst she stared at you with a victory smile.
After not giving a second thought to what happened with Carol, you managed to actually be quite early and pretty ready for the mission, you loaded your stuff on the jet as you disassembled your bracelet on the jet, waiting for Natasha to show up.
The bracelet was a quicker way to get into your suit and you were grateful for Tony to use your idea to make that, it was much more easier to fight in the suit without changing.
You did end up learning a thing or two about fixing it when it was acting up and that's what you were doing at the moment, Natasha rushed in knowing she was late but hoping that you would be later than her.
You looked up at her and then back at the bracelet as you continued to do your thing, she rolled her eyes "Don't say anything"
You weren't going to let her treat you so badly when you never did anything to her "I don't care"
She raised her brow at you but decided against it since she was going to be stuck with you for couple long days, the silence on the jet was definitely loud and since it was on autopilot, Natasha didn't have much to do.
"What are you doing?" She asked as she sat opposite you.
You wanted to ignore her but what good would that do you "I'm trying to fix this"
"Can I have a look?" She asked with slight shy tone that if you weren't paying attention you would've missed it.
You nodded as you passed it over to her, she smiled slightly as she took it in her hands and with couple swift movements, it was fixed. You raised your brows when you looked at her as she handed you the bracelet back.
"There you go" She leaned back when you took it from her.
"That's it?" You asked as you couldn't believe it.
She rolled her eyes "Believe it or not, but I do pay attention to what Tony is doing most of the time"
You shot her a smile as you fitted the bracelet back on your wrist "Thanks anyway"
She nodded and the conversation fell silent, but she was quick to speak up again "So you and Carol?"
You looked up from your hands at her with slight confusion and then it clicked "What about me and Carol?"
"Didn't she ask you out?" She asked, with slightly raised brow.
"Yeah" You answered simply as your eyes were glued to her, curiosity brewing inside you as million questions swam around in your head.
"Are you going to..?" The question might've had curious tone to it but there might've been slight jealousy coming out of it.
You shrugged "I don't know, maybe. Carol is cool, besides is not like anyone else is interested in me"
There, it could've been Natasha's moment, to tell you but she swallowed her words and gave you a shy smile before the two of you were dropped off by the place that you were suppose to camp out.
As you walked inside the room, you were told it was an apartment big enough for the two of you, so initially you thought there will be two rooms but that wasn't what they meant.
You walked inside the bedroom as you looked around and then frowned, you walked out and looked at the hallway which only had one more door, you approached it and opened it to only reveal a bathroom.
You walked back into the kitchen where Natasha was already making herself a coffee "Dibs on the couch"
Natasha turned around to look at you with a confused look "Why?"
With a timid smile you looked over at her "Because there is a one bed and you should take it"
In the redheads eyes, you just couldn't be any more perfect, you easily could've made her sleep on the uncomfortable couch but you didn't, you let her have the bed whilst you suffered.
She smiled and without saying anything else just nodded, you got the couch ready for sleep to be prepared for the morning, even if it wasn't so late you always had trouble falling asleep so might as well start now.
Natasha turned around with a cup in her hand "Do you want to go out for dinner?"
You looked up at her, slightly shocked that she even cares if you ate anything, you looked away for a split second "Sure, what do you have in mind?"
"I saw some Chinese place not far away from here" She spoke after taking a sip of whatever she was drinking.
You nodded "Okay, I'm starving anyway so Chinese sounds good"
You placed your bag on the couch to unpack later and took your wallet with you as you walked over to the front door, you opened it and looked back to see if she was coming.
She was just in her long sleeve shirt "Are you sure you aren't going to be cold?"
She shook her head "I can stand a little bit of cold, I'm sure I will be okay"
You shrugged and just let her walked out first before following her, you didn't want to seem like you were forcing her so you just continued on.
But in the end you were right, it was cold like really cold and even you were clinging onto your coat as shivers were running up and down your spine, you could see Natasha was way more freezing than you.
You sighed "Didn't I say you would be cold?"
She rolled her eyes, she was stubborn, she knew she should've taken something but she wanted to show off for some stupid reason and now she was freezing her ass off.
"Maybe I should've listened to you.." She admitted which was rare for her but it was you, she felt like she could be herself with you around.
You smirked at her admitting it, with a click of a finger, your sweater from underneath your coat appeared in your hand, you handed it to her and she was fast to put it on, it was still warm and she never felt so desperate to feel warmth.
"Thank you.." She mumbled as she looked away with slight blush across her cheeks, she was just glad she was warm again.
You smiled and nodded "Of course, next time take something with you"
She nodded and you both finally walked inside the Chinese place that you both have been waiting outside so long for. The day ended on a nice note, you both had some conversation about the team and some crazy missions, for once Natasha seemed like a friend to you rather than an enemy.
Maybe there could've been a chance between you and Natasha but she switched up really quickly, as soon as the mission was over she was back with her walls taller than ever.
As yous stepped into the compound, the first couple days were okay until Carol appeared from her mission, she was excited to tell you about hers and hear about your success.
Natasha for a moment forgot that your attention wasn't just on her, no matter how much she wanted it, she knew she couldn't get it. She liked you but she didn't have the courage to tell you, you looked happy with the blonde, the way you would laugh with Carol was different to how you would laugh with Natasha.
Her smile fell as Carol approached you and she was quick to make an exit, not wanting to hear you agree to go out with her. The whole mission you thought there was a way to be with the Natasha you gotten to know, the Natasha that was kind and loveable.
But she managed to change within couple of seconds and that only pained you more. The whole three weeks you spent pouring out your insecurities to her only to get shut down again, but there was nothing you could really do, even if you wanted to.
You managed to finally find her, she took a mission the second she saw you and Carol together so locating her was hard for couple days until she was back, she didn't even rest after, she was already in the training room.
You walked in a little nervous, you two haven't had a conversation since you could remember, you cleared your throat and that caused the redhead to look over at you.
She didn't even smile or greet you but instead she reached for her water and turned away, you walked a little bit closer and spoke up instead "Hey Nat.."
No answer.
Your gaze was stuck on her even if she wasn't looking at you "Uh, I was wondering if maybe you wanted to go grab something to eat with me?"
She placed the water down, facing you but not looking at you "No thanks"
Her response was short and simple yet cut through you like knives "Oh, okay sure, well I was just wondering because Carol asked me-"
This time she looked at you "Look I don't care about you or your pathetic love life, do whatever you want"
It stung, way more than any wound you ever had, couple weeks back her comments wouldn't effect you but spending time with her and seeing her smile and laugh with you melted that wall you had.
She turned away to not look at your hurt expression, she didn't even know why she was this mean to you, she wanted to be the one to make you laugh and smile but maybe she just wasn't ready for that yet.
You let out a breath that you held in at her comment and felt tears coming up but you managed to keep them in "Right.."
You turned around as you hang your head low and spoke out before walking out "I'm not sure what I did to you Natasha for you to be this mean to me but I'm sorry, just know that it hurts"
It hit Natasha in her soft spot, she was way too harsh on you, before she could apologise to you and try to even fix this, you were gone, she couldn't believe that you apologies to her for her being mean to you, she really didn't deserve you.
Ever since that day you and Natasha didn't really speak unless you had to, she was somewhere else whilst Carol had your time and attention all the time.
It has been a whole year since that and you felt somewhat happen with Carol even if you felt that something was missing but you went along with it, Carol was sweet and kind and everything you could want in someone but she was also slightly boring.
She would rather just sleep on her day off than do something with you, you gotten used to it after sometime, at least Wanda was there for you when you needed her and visa versa.
You were grateful for her company and wouldn't do anything to change it, as you sat on the stall that was in the kitchen, looking down your phone as someone walked in.
You thought it was Wanda "Hey Wands, what do you think-"
When you looked up, it wasn't the tiny little redhead but rather the more muscular Russian "Oh"
She didn't even give you a second of her attention before she walked out after grabbing a bottle of water, your feelings for her settled when Carol started to fill that empty place.
You sighed as you shook your head and this time Wanda walked in with a huge smile "Y/n/n!"
You smirked "There you are Tiny"
She rolled her eyes playfully "I don't understand why you call me tiny, you are just couple inches taller than me"
You shrugged as you stood up from the stall "It suits you"
"Whatever, I was looking for you because we have to get ready for Tony's new year eve party tonight"
You could feel your anxiety raise up "New years eve party?"
She nodded "Yeah, did you forget? Today is 31st of December"
You pulled out your phone and she was right, you missed how fast the week must've went by "I must've not noticed today's date"
"Of course you did! This year you're going to be at the party, last year you disappeared before the fun even started so tonight you're staying" She spoke through a huge smile as she dragged you to her room.
She wasn't wrong, you always disappeared before the count down happened, you locked yourself away as you put a pillow over your head to muffle the banging sounds.
You hated fireworks, they triggered you so badly that you could feel your heart in your ears and your palms would be so sweaty as if you were wearing rubber gloves all day.
As time flied through the day, you and Wanda were almost ready for the party, you already had a plan for the sneaking out and with fingers crossed you hoped it would work.
As you appeared with Wanda, the team welcomed you and the party started off pretty nicely, with quite chilling music and drinks being given out.
You had a good time until you didn't, you looked down at your phone and saw that it was nearly midnight, you put your phone back into your pocket and looked around for the less crowded exit, you managed to find one and slowly processed towards it.
But you were stopped by Wanda "And where do you think you are going? The fireworks are about to start"
You nervously chuckled "Fireworks?"
She nodded with a silly smile "Of course, you been acting so strange lately, it's just fireworks"
You laughed with anxiety going through the roof even though you were standing already on the roof of the building "Right right, sorry"
She took your hand into hers and pulled you in the direction where everyone was gathered, they had a timer on display and this time you couldn't do anything.
You gulped as you desperately looked around when it was only 20 seconds left, you could feel your hand shake slightly, you were glad that Wanda let go of your hand to cheer.
Tony smirked as he shouted "Time for fireworks"
Natasha usually wasn't bothered but something inside her was not sitting right, she scanned the room and everything seemed to be in place until her eyes found your terrified face.
"Wait Tony-" Before she could stop him, he already lit the end of the fireworks and made a run for it, she saw you close your eyes as your hands held onto you so tightly.
She ran over to you as fast as she could but it was a lot more harder with nearly a hundred of people gathering, the loud high pitched sound coming from the front and following up to the sky, milliseconds before exploding into multiple colours.
Natasha managed to reach you as she covered your ears at the same time as the bang made itself known in the sky, you shot open your eyes only to be met with her green piercing eyes.
There was a soft small smile across her lips as she mouth "I got you Y/n"
You let couple tears roll down your face as you stared into her eyes, distracted from the anxiety and ignoring the poorly muffled bangs but she remembered.
That's what mattered to you, she remembered that little stupid detail you told her a year back, you didn't know when your hands travelled to her back as you cling onto her as if she was the only help you could get.
Her eyes never left yours for even a split second, as the fireworks died down, she removed her hands and let her thumb wipe off the fallen tears, leaning into her touch felt so right and familiar, your feelings were back and this only made it more real.
"It's okay.. everything is okay" She spoke softly offering you a small polite smile.
This was the Natasha you knew, the gentle happy woman that you were privileged enough to meet, before you could completely calm down, Carol marched over tearing you away from Natasha.
"What the fuck is going on here" She asked obviously being angry over this.
Your brain didn't even register when you was dragged inside the building with Natasha following right behind "Let her go!"
Carol stopped, finally letting you go as your heart rate was only slowly picking back up when couple of fireworks banged here and there.
"What the fuck are you doing with my girlfriend?" Carol asked as she crossed her arms.
"I wasn't doing anything-" Natasha tried to tell her the truth.
"Bullshit, I saw you with my own eyes, you were close to kissing her!" She raised her voice, as she narrowed her eyes.
She turned towards you "Y/n you better tell me what the hell have you been doing with this asshole!"
Your breathing was getting heavier, you never reacted like this, you always managed to keep your panic attacks to yourself but today wasn't that day.
"Hey leave her alone-" Natasha once again tried to say something but was only met with anger.
"Shut the fuck up Romanoff" Carol turned on her hill as she pointed her finger towards the Russian.
"Hey don't fucking raise your voice at me, all I did was help Y/n whilst you were too fucking busy checking out the bar lady" Natasha narrowed her eyes as she walked over to the blonde.
"No I wasn't! I was thinking about another drink- I don't have to explain myself to you" She spoke as she turned to face you "But you!" She pointed "You better explain yourself"
You could feel your heart close to exploding, you couldn't stand it anymore so when Carol shouted again "You better pick now! Me or Natasha!"
You looked up at her, with tears and sweat dropping down your face, your breathing heavy "Leave me the fuck alone!"
You shouted as you ran out and managed to lock yourself in the bedroom before fully breaking down. Your body shook violently as you held yourself and letting out quiet sobs, jumping from time to time at the still on going bangs outside.
Somewhere during the night you managed to calm enough to fall asleep, you didn't leave your room until late afternoon and you assumed that with what happened yesterday, it was quick to make itself known around the compound hence why no one bothered to ask if you were okay.
You dressed up just like your mood represented you and walked out of your room, instead of heading to the living room as usual, you darted your way towards Wanda's room.
She was sat on her bed, book in hand but as soon as she heard the door open and close, she stood up rather quickly, when she noticed you, she launched herself towards you as she held you.
"I am so sorry Y/n/n" She whispered into your ear as you let tears quietly run down your face.
You pulled away and wiped them away "It's okay, you didn't know"
She shook her head "I should've figured it out, it wasn't the first time you disappeared at the mention of fireworks"
You waved to dismiss her as you placed yourself on the bed "It's okay, really"
She sat herself beside you, facing you but before she could ask you anything, you looked at her slightly confused "Why aren't you in the living room with the team?"
She awkwardly smiled at you "Well.. since yesterday things around there haven't been the best, Natasha and Carol are constantly at each others throats and no one seems to manage to calm them down"
You sighed, knowing that this will only cause more issues "What's going on Y/n? Are you not happy with Carol?"
You looked at her "That's not it, I am happy with her but she's just not Natasha, Wands. No matter how long I can push my feelings down, they will eventually come out and it will end up hurting Carol all over again"
She nodded as she listened "So it is true that you both kissed?"
You shook your head "No, she didn't even lean it, she just covered my ears before I could even go into panic mode"
She nodded "Well to me it sounds clear as a crystal who you should pick but Y/n/n" She reached for your hands as she gave them a light squeeze "Who are you going to pick?"
You looked at her "It must be her, she's been here since day one Wands, as much as Carol was good for me, Natasha is much more than that, I- I think I love her but I'm scared she will hurt me again"
Wanda nodded as she pulled you into a hug with a delicate smile "I know you are but I think this would be something you would talk with Natasha"
You nodded against her shoulder, maybe it was time to finally come to terms with what you been feeling for the Russian, you pulled away "First I need to talk to Carol"
"Do you want me to be there with you?" She asked after nodding.
You shook your head with a polite smile "No, I think I can manage, thank you for offering though"
She returned the smile as you gotten up "So.. I'm getting living room?"
She answered with a small chuckle and you nodded as you processed to walk out and head towards the living room where you could practically hear the redhead and the blonde.
You sighed as you walked inside, just as you walked in, Tony was walking out, he sighed with relief at the sight of you all well "Oh thank god Y/n"
"Hey Tony" You answered shyly.
"I'm glad you're all well and everything but please shut those two up, they have been going at each other for hours now" He spoke with exhaustion all over his face.
You fidgeted with your sleeve as you nodded "Yeah okay"
You were about to walk towards the two women but Tony stopped you as he placed his hand on your shoulder "I just wanted to say sorry about yesterday, if there is anything I can do to help you, please let me know I'm here for you Y/n"
You gave him a small smile as you pulled him into a hug "Thank you, it means a lot"
He nodded and proceeded to go away from them two shouting at each other, you sighed, taking a few deep breaths and walking further inside of the living room.
"You are unbelievable, I turn around for couple minutes and you are all over Y/n, how many times do I have to tell you, you would never be enough for her! She ended up with me not you, so stop trying" The blonde spoke up really loudly, with her back towards you, not knowing you walked in.
Natasha noticed you "Really?"
"Yes! Really, you will never be enough for her, she doesn't even need to tell you" The blonde was really expressive with her anger, you never knew this side of Carol.
Natasha raised her brow with a slight smirk as she crossed her arms "Well why don't we find out from Y/n herself"
Carol looked confused "What?" but as soon as she saw that Natasha was looking behind her, she knew you were standing there.
She turned around as her eyes were met with yours, you looked tiny and timid, not the usual confidant self, but as soon as she looked at you, the confidence was back.
"When did you become this mean Carol?" You asked the million dollar question.
Before she could even try to form an answer, you spoke up again "I don't like it, I don't like that you think I am something not someone, you don't own me and for you information, I was freaking the fuck out yesterday and Natasha was the only person who jumped in to help me"
Now the anger on Carol's face disappeared and was replaced with guilt, you continued on "Where even were you? You were suppose to be with me the whole night"
Natasha butted in as she sat down, hooking her leg over the other one with a smug smile "She was flirting with the bar lady"
You raised your brow at Natasha who shut up almost instantly and looked back at Carol "Is that true?"
She could've lied but seeing how you looked so helpless and scared, she couldn't do that to you, so she just nodded, not wanting to say anything.
You scoffed "So you're making a big deal over a supposed kiss that never happened but you were flirting with someone else, now you are unbelievable"
You pointed your finger to stop her from trying to say something "Oh and don't you dare tell anyone if they are enough for me or not, that's for me to decide"
"Y/n, I- I didn't mean it like that" She finally spoke up, trying to somehow get out of this.
You shook your head "I'm done with this Carol, you wanted me to pick so I pick her"
Natasha's smug smile fell as she stood up, taking a step forwards "What?"
"Do you even hear yourself Y/n? How can you pick her?" She asked with disbelief in her voice.
"Oh I hear myself loud and clear, she always been here for me Carol, you would rather spend your days sleeping than even bother couple hours of your day with me" You spoke as you narrowed your eyes at her.
"Okay yeah that might've been my fault but she spend a year ignoring you, how was she there for you" She asked with curiosity, she never noticed anything between the two of you.
This time you looked over at Natasha, finally looking into her eyes they always grounded you when you had trouble "She never had to use her words to help, her eyes held everything I needed"
You remembered the times you would be send to missions as a small group and there would be things that would trigger you easily, usually you would manage to keep it to yourself but there was one time where you decided to stay back a little as they walked on further.
Taking a couple of breaths before re-joining, Natasha managed to notice that so she kept an eye out for anything that couple approach you from behind, when you came back, the two of you shared a gaze which told you everything you needed.
You could read her easily when she wanted to be vulnerable with you, it was those moments that gave you hope but that was quickly shut down when everything went back to her being cold and distant to you.
Natasha gave you a small gentle smile, wanting to just pull you into her but Carol spoke up behind her body could move towards you "You know what? I don't even care anymore, just do whatever you want, just don't come back to me when she fucks you over again"
You watched as the blonde walked out still pretty pissed but that didn't matter in this moment, as you looked back at Natasha, she was ready to give you her heart but you weren't, not yet.
You raised your hand to stop her "Not yet, we will talk about this properly but just not yet"
She closed her mouth and just nodded, you turned around and headed towards the exist, before you fully disappeared she spoke up in the end "I will wait for you"
You looked back and was met with a wide smile and the most delicate look anyone ever gave you, you smiled back and nodded "I know.."
Couple days has passed since that conversation, Carol and Natasha didn't argue anymore and the team was more than grateful for that, they could finally sit down on the couch without hearing some stupid comments they made towards each other.
You spend those couple days getting mentally ready for the conversation you are still suppose to have with Natasha, it was going to be hard but at least it was going to be different after that.
You were about to leave your room to find her when you opened the door, there she stood with a nervous smile across her lips "Oh, I was just going to look for you"
She smiled at what you said "I know we didn't talk about this" She pointed from you to her "But if we have it right now I can take you somewhere I wanted to for some time now"
"Well I was going to look for you so we can talk so come on I guess" You were quite shocked, this was quite random.
She was hesitant but she walked in when you moved to the side, as soon as you walked in further she didn't waste any time to at least somehow be physically attached to you.
Her hand found yours and for a moment you forgot what you were going to say "Right! the talk"
Natasha smiled at the effect she was having on you, she liked it which meant she had a big advantage over this, but she kept herself quiet so you can calm down enough to talk.
"Have you spoke to Carol ever since?" you asked, letting yourself calm down slowly.
She only shook her head so you continued "Nat, you hurt me a lot, you were the only person I told everything about, not even Wanda knows most of the things I told you"
Her smile fell and she looked away for a second behind looking back at you "I-I know I guess I let my emotions win over what I wanted"
There was a brief moment where you paused as you searched her eyes if she was saying the truth "And what did you want?"
Your voice was almost above a whisper but she heard you "You, it was always you, I am deeply sorry for what I did but please let me make it up to you, I really want another chance to finally be with you"
"I-I don't know, you didn't even say hi to me let alone looked towards my direction, it was way too painful and I don't ever want to go through that" You spoke with a little bit of doubt, you were scared and you had the right to be.
She nodded, understanding your fear "Just give me one chance Y/n/n, if I mess it up, that will be on me fully"
There was still sound doubt which she noticed easily "Please"
You sighed "Okay, one chance Romanoff and that's it"
Her smile was more than any smile you witnessed, it help victory and you simply playfully rolled your eyes "Now let's go, I want to show you something"
She pulled you along by the hand she was still holding, it was new and fresh, maybe this was the start of something but you needed to go slow for now, cautious.
After couple of months that passed, everything seems to be okay between you and Carol, she understood her mistakes and apologised for them, still she had hope that you would get back with her but you knew that was impossible, your heart belonged with the redhead Russian.
Tonight would mark the 3rd month forgiving Natasha and giving her a chance for yous, maybe it could be a mistake or not but you needed to try, you practically longed for her, it was impossible to walk away.
It was evening and you haven't been able to locate Natasha all day, you really wanted her to pull you into her gentle embrace and tell you how much she wanted to spend her day with you rather than listen to Steve all day long.
You just needed her but you couldn't find her, you managed to find Bucky who looked like he was waiting for you, you frowned at him but proceeded to walk towards him.
"Have you seen Natasha...?" Your sentence was long forgotten when he stood next to a hanger full of clothes for you.
"What is this?" You asked, as you eyed the room, it didn't have anything different, expect the huge amount of clothes hanging.
"Pick and run along to change" He spoke, not giving any hints of what this all way about.
"I wont do it until you tell me" You crossed your arms not moving from your place.
He smirked "Fine then I will find you something and have Wanda force you"
You sighed in defeat, it seemed like everyone was on this weird plan, so you walked up to the hanger and looked through clothes until you stopped on this nice long black dress, it had a cut down the leg.
You pulled it off and he just pointed towards a little wooden wall so you could change, and so you did, as you walked out all dressed up, Bucky was no where to be found but now Sam stood there.
"Lets go" He spoke as he extended his hand towards you and you took it, knowing that if you were to question, nothing would be given to you anyway.
He led you to a room and took a blind fold out, now that caused you to take a step back "Okay no, you are not putting it on my head, I don't even know what is going on"
He chuckled "Trust me Y/n, It's nothing bad"
You hated being blinded but you took a deep breath and just nodded, turning your back towards him and letting him put the black cloth over your eyes.
You muttered "I hate you guys for this"
That's when you felt a soft hand over your hand and you were being pulled, being blinded and practically vulnerable, you let yourself be led towards wherever.
Soon the cloth was off and you were met with those piercing green eyes, a huge smile across her lips, if you thought that she looked pretty before, it definitely changed when you saw what she was wearing.
"I always knew you looked stunning but today, you look like the a diamond, worth everything to get it" She spoke through a slight blush across her cheeks.
"I can say the same about you" Your eyes were on her all the whole time, forgetting about the surroundings until you felt a breeze across your exposed back.
You looked around and noticed that yous were on top of the roof with a blank screen near by and some candles that were not lit just yet "What is this Nat?"
You could practically hear her smile when she spoke "This is the new years eve you deserved to have детка (Baby)"
You looked at her with a confused frown "It's the middle of March, what are you doing?"
She shrugged "And? Just take a hand and let me show you"
She extended her hand and awaited for you to take it, you took it without hesitation and she pulled you close to her as a timer was displayed behind yous on the blank screen.
"I spent the last couple months, proving to you that I am worth the chance you gave me and I promise you that I will continue to do that until we both die" She spoke as the timer started to count down.
"I know you didn't get your new years kiss and if you do me the honours and share that with me, it would make me the happiest woman alive but if you're not ready for that just yet, I am okay with that too, we can just hold each other"
You smiled at her being so open with you, your eyes darted to the screen, there were seconds before it finished and you had to take your decision now, your hands reached for her face, placing them on each side, and pulling her in to meet your lips.
She froze for a second but quickly matched the pace of your lips moving against hers, there was a smile across her lips, you could feel it as you pulled away, your eyes caught something colourful.
You looked away from her still closed eyes and noticed the silent fireworks, your eyes filled with tears, no one has ever gone to that extend to let you relive something to hated so much.
And here you are, standing in Natasha's embrace as the beauty of the fireworks displayed on the huge screen, Natasha's gaze was on yours waiting for to look back at her.
When you did, you couldn't hold yourself together, you didn't need to say anything else, this moment was everything you wanted, this time her thumb wiped the one fallen tear with a smile across your lips, not fear displayed across your features.
You looked up, trying your best to make the tears go back in "I can't believe our first kiss was this corny"
She laughed as she snaked her arm around your waist "I will do anything to see that smile as long as you are happy"
You shook your head with a chuckle "I love you"
Natasha's smile only grew "Now look who is corny, saying I love you on new years eve"
"It's March" You spoke as you placed one of your hands on the back of the Natasha's neck.
She chuckled "I love you too Y/n/n, I don't think I could ever stop"
This time she pulled you in for another kiss, you let yourself melt into her touch, wanting all of her, not just her lips but you knew you had to keep it together, you were more than grateful for this.
She was everything you ever needed.
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dreamerstreamer · 3 years
A Terrible Tutor
Pairing: Dream / Clay x gn!reader
Summary: [High School!AU] He’s cocky, annoying, a total tease, has a laugh loud enough to shake the stars, and you hate him. But as luck would have it, he’s also your tutor.
Word Count: 4.8k
Warnings: minor cursing
A/N: this is based on a classmate i had way back! (we did not fall in love. he was awful.) i’ve also never taken physics, but i tried something a bit new for the reader’s personality. i hope you enjoy :) <3
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You glared down at your physics textbook, the open pages staring back up at you with beady eyes made of diagrams and labels. Off to the side, your notebook was strewn across your desk, a list of questions scribbled across the top line in a hurried rush. The handwriting was messier than you would have liked, but the thought didn’t irritate you.
What did irritate you was that it was nearly half past four, and your so-called tutor still hadn’t shown up.
You could still envision the concerned look on Mr. Craftson’s face as he held you back a moment after class, watching as the rest of your classmates poured out of the door with an anxious look. He had offered you a kind smile before pulling out your test from the week before, and you winced at the numerous red marks scattered across the front page alone.
“I know you’ve been struggling in this class,” he said, gazing at you almost pitifully.
You tried not to glower at the sight of his apologetic eyes trained on you, instead nodding your head slowly. “It’s been… hard,” you said slowly.
He leaned an arm on his chair, pushing your test toward you. “You ask questions in class,” he hummed, “and from what I’ve seen, you complete your homework diligently.” His smile fell. “Yet here you are me, with the lowest mark in my class.”
You wanted to shrivel up into a ball. Maybe he didn’t have to say it like that, but he wasn’t wrong, either.
At your silence, he prodded at you. “Is there anything going on at home that might be hindering you, or…?”
You whipped your head up, your eyes wide. “No! Things are—things are great. It’s just…”
You swallowed, then sighed, fidgeting your fingers on your lap. “I guess,” you murmured, trying to quell the shame flaring up inside you, “I’ve just been really struggling with the material, and none of it’s really been clicking.”
Mr. Craftson’s face softened in an instant. “That’s alright. Thank you for being honest with me. If my teaching hasn’t been working out with you…”
He paused, rubbing at the blond stubble on his chin for a moment. Then, his face lit up and he leaned forward. “Tell you what,” he said. “I’ve got a great student who I think might be able to explain things to you in a way you might be able to grasp a little better. He’s got the best marks in this class.”
Your eyes widened. The best in the class? He had to be a genius.
“I have a good feeling he can meet you tomorrow at four after school to help you out,” he continued, leaning against the arm rest of his office chair. “What do you say?”
You blinked, a thoughtful look passing over your face. Lord knew you needed the help—you were practically failing the class—but an uneasy stone settled into the pit of your stomach. You’ve never needed tis much help to pass a class before. The thought made you want to gag. Slowly, you opened your mouth.
“Do I have to…” You gestured vaguely. “Pay him or something?”
His cerulean eyes blinked at you for a second, then he laughed—the kind of deep-belly laugh only teachers seemed to be able to have. “No, no,” he said, waving his hand at you, “not at all. He’s a good kid. He wouldn’t do something like that.”
You bobbed your head, your insides crumbling. You didn’t want to accept, you really didn’t. Part of you guys wanted to believe that you could just work harder, study by yourself even more. You were a dedicated student, and you were doing just fine in all your other classes. Surely the content couldn’t get that much harder, right?
But as your gaze lowered to the red ink staining your test once more, you felt yourself swallowing the lump in your throat. Straightening your back, you let your stubborn pride seep out of your shoulders and onto the floor.
It looked like this was a sacrifice you were simply going to have to make.
“Thank you so much for the offer,” you said, letting your lips curl up into a genuine, grateful smile. “It—it really means a lot.”
Mr. Craftson grinned at you, an easygoing flint shining in his eyes. “Of course. You’re a bright student. Sometimes we all just need a little push.”
You could still remember shaking his hand in thanks before bundling your stuff in your arms and shuffling into the hall, tucking your feet between the pages of your textbook. That had been yesterday, and now, the same one was sitting on your desk, open to a new page full of jumbled words you could hardly decipher.
The chair across from you was distinctly empty.
He—whoever he was—was late.
You distantly wondered to yourself who your tutor even was, your gaze drifting down to your textbook. Mr. Craftson had said he was the best student taking the class. Would it be George? He always seemed like he knew what was going on, and he never really asked questions. But sometimes, he looked like he was just zoning out. Maybe it was Technoblade. He was smart. You paused, then shook your head. No, everyone knew he was one of those English kids.
The thought made you furrow your brows, wracking your head even more. The words on the page grew muddled and fuzzy as you thought even more. Just who was it?
Just then, you heard the classroom door swing open with the same loud creak every door in the school seemed to have. The sound of heavy breaths and panting filled the air, then a haggard voice spoke up.
“Hey, I’m so sorry I’m late.”
You didn’t look up from your page, letting a sigh escape your lips as you lifted your head. Plastering a polite smile to your face, you let your gaze travel toward your tutor. “Hi, it’s nice to me—”
Suddenly, your voice died in your throat as your eyes locked onto the figure standing in the doorway. Towering over the desks with a duffel bag resting against his hip, his dirty blond locks were damp and matted against his forehead, his emerald eyes blinking at you. Something bitter and warm twisted in your gut at the sight, and the smile dropped off your face and into a scowl.
“Oh,” you said flatly. “It’s you.”
The smile he offered you was easygoing, but you didn’t miss the strain in his gaze. “It’s me.”
You bit on the inside of your cheek, your heart practically revolting against your rib cage with the way it was hammering. A million questions were darting around the inside of your skull, only making your blood boil even more with each passing second.
Of all the people you had expected to show up, Clay was easily the last.
The two of you had first met back in freshman year in your first science class—he had sat behind you and had the loudest laugh on the planet, or so you were convinced. You were quieter back then, but just as stubborn and snappish as now. Soon enough, one thing led to another, and you swore the two of you were suddenly enemies for life.
Although you couldn’t remember what had caused your little feud, you knew that he was the one who started it. He was loud and kicked your chair, he just loved to borrow your pens and never return them, and you could never figure out just why he loved to tease you so much. You don’t think you learned a single thing in that class, always distracted by the presence staring a hole into your back, and you wanted absolutely nothing to do with him.
Naturally, that meant your teacher assigned him to sit behind you for the rest of the year. To this day, you were convinced she hated you, and you still avoided her in the halls.
To say that science class was your least favourite would be an understatement, and soon enough, everybody was in on your hatred for each other. Clay never seemed to stop pestering you no matter how hard you tried to ignore him, and you would never forget the day you finally snapped at him, whipping around to glare at him with your cheeks on fire.
“Will you please shut up?”
The shocked look on his face was still burned into your memory as it melted into a wide, proud grin.
“Only if you make me.”
Even years later, he always seemed to find a way to worm himself back into your life, and you hated it. You hated him, simple as that.
So, seeing him standing in front of you like this, it took every ounce of your strength to keep your voice as neutral as possible.
“What took you so long?”
He patted his duffel bag before slipping it off his shoulder and setting it on the ground. “I just finished football practice. Coach ran a little long and I figured it would be polite to take a shower before so I didn’t smell all sweaty when I tutored you.”
You blinked, your mouth falling open. That explained his wet hair, you guessed. While you were vaguely flattered, you were distracted by something else. “You knew that you would be tutoring me?”
Clay nodded, pulling back the chair in front of you. “Yeah. Phil asked me.”
You gaped. “You call Mr. Craftson by his first name?”
His smile was a touch too smug for your liking, and you wanted to wipe it off his face. “Maybe. I was surprised when he asked, though.” He wrinkled his nose and shot you a teasing smirk as he sat down. “I didn’t think you would be failing this class.”
You glowered, that same bitter feeling bubbling up in your chest, again. “I’m not failing,” you snapped. “I’m just…” You paused, your cheeks growing hot. “…not passing.”
He gave you a deadpan look, then laughed. “That’s the same thing.”
You sent him a gesture that your teacher most certainly would have scolded you for if he was here, and he laughed even harder. You were suddenly reminded of just how damn loud his laugh was, sounding like fireworks in your ears. Slumping over, you hung your head in your hands.
“Ugh. I can’t believe you knew you were going to be tutoring me of all people.” You paused, then added, “I can’t believe you agreed.”
He tilted his head at you, brushing his damp hair out of his face. “Did you not know I was gonna be your tutor?”
“No.” You frowned. “If I did, I wouldn’t have shown up.”
His eyes flickered with mirth as a smile stretched across his face. “Aw, am I really that disagreeable?”
“Yes,” you said immediately, your gaze as sharp as a blade. “Without a doubt. A hundred percent. I didn’t even have to think about it.”
He whistled, feigning a wince. “Harsh.”
Wryly, you said, “You deserve it.”
He leaned forward, resting his elbows on the desk. “I wasn’t that bad as a freshman, was I?”
You gave him a hard, callous stare. “Do you really think I’m the one you should be asking that question?”
He thought about it for a moment, then sighed. “Okay, point taken.”
You dragged a hand over your face, then pointed at your textbook. “Are you going to teach me now or what? We’re already behind.”
He winced for real this time, and you almost felt bad for him. Almost. “Sorry, again.”
“Seriously,” you muttered under your breath, reaching into your back to grab your pencil case, “and to think that you have the highest grades in this class.”
“Hey,” he shot back, “I’m brains and brawn.”
You shot him a look that was nothing short of disgusted. He cringed a little at the sight.
“Okay, that was cheesy, but I’m not wrong. Besides, coach says I have to keep my grades up or else I’m off the team.” He leaned closer to you, and you tried to ignore the feeling of his hot breath fanning over your skin. “You know I can’t let everyone down like that.”
You looked unconvinced. “Uh huh. Totally.” Whipping out a pencil, you tapped at the bottom of the page you had open. “Can you explain this to me, now? The sooner we get this done, the sooner we can leave.”
He quietly chuckled, and you hated how soft it sounded. Leaning closer to the textbook to read, his lips mouthed the problem silently. You tried not to stare at his mouth as it moved, your gaze tracing over the soft dip of his lips as his viridian eyes flashed with recognition. A moment later, he sat back and cocked his head at you.
“So, what exactly do you not understand?”
You didn’t miss a beat. “Everything.”
He blinked, disbelief colouring his features. “Everything? Like, the whole thing?”
You scowled. “I thought that was obvious. All that stuff about velocity and the funny diagrams—” You shook your head. “—none of it makes sense.”
He raised a brow at you. “I thought you were paying attention in class. You really don’t understand a single thing?”
You bit back the urge to scream. “It’s not like you’re much smarter.”
Clay snorted derisively. “I am. That’s kind of the whole point.”
You groaned, letting your voice ring out in the quiet of the empty classroom. You caught a glimpse of his amused smile in front of you, and it only made you groan louder.
“You’re the one who ruined science for me, you know? I hated going to that class, and look at me now.” You gestured to yourself, using your finger to draw a ring in the air. “It all comes full circle.”
There was a brief second of silence. “I’m the reason why you hate science?”
You didn’t budge. “I wasn’t exactly jumping for joy knowing I was going to be stuck in a class with someone who never gave me my stuff back and kicked my chair.”
Another wave of silence washed over the two of you, but this one was tense—heavy. He swallowed, and you watched his Adam’s apple bob.
“You…” His eyes swirled with something sad and honest. “You really hate me that much?”
He suddenly looked a lot like a kicked puppy, and a pang of guilt shot through your chest like a bullet. With a panicked gaze, your voice grew shaky as you spoke. “I—I don’t hate you. I just… I had a grudge, I guess.”
Your tone grew soft, and you lowered your gaze to your lap. “I… I really didn’t like you back then, but things have changed.” You offered him a small smile, but it felt shy. “We’re not exactly fourteen, anymore.”
He returned your smile with one of his own. Just like yours, it was small and tender, and it sent something stirring in the depths of your belly. “No,” he murmured, “we’re not.”
“I,” you breathed, gulping down the last dredges of your grudge, “was stubborn back then.” You raised a shoulder. “In a way, I still am. I have too much pride for my own good too, but I don’t hate you.” The look you sent him had a spark of mischief, and his breath hitched. “Strongly dislike, at best.”
Clay blinked at you, looking half-surprised and half-awed at you. You squirmed under his gaze before he snapped out of his stupor, almost bashfully ducking his head. “I’m… It’s definitely too late for me to say this now when I really should have said it all those years ago, but I’m sorry. Really. I was a dick.”
You snorted under your breath, fondly mumbling, “Yeah, you were.”
His face perked up at the sound of your bitten back laugh. “I really shouldn’t have teased you so much. My reasons were… dumb.”
You cocked a brow at him, almost as if to say, Oh? Do elaborate.
But instead, you watched as his ears burned crimson red and he flashed you a pair of bright, pleading eyes. “Forgive me? Please.”
Your heart leapt into your throat, something new and warm bursting along the seams of your lungs. You couldn’t possibly say no to a face like that. Even the toughest person on the planet would crack under a look as sincere as that, you tried to reason, ultimately letting out a sigh with a stammer.
“O-Only if you actually can get me to understand this unit.” Pushing down the heat creeping up your neck, you pointed at him with an accusatory look. “Until then, you’re on thin ice.”
The grin he sent you was beyond dazzling—you couldn’t have brought yourself to look away even if you wanted to.
(And you didn’t.)
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Clay finished scribbling a diagram onto the new page of your notebook, flicking his thumb back to reveal the hordes of previous pages you had filled with other practice problems. If you were being honest, you were a little envious of just how neat his drawings were. No one should be able to draw a line as straight as that without a ruler, yet here he was, doing exactly that.
What a show-off.
Feeling your eyes on him, Clay lifted his head to catch your gaze, turning the notebook to face you. You tried to pretend the stumbling of your heart wasn’t because of him—not at all. “Do you get it?” he breathed.
You glanced back and forth between him and your page, your grip on your pencil falling slack. “I think so,” you said slowly. “Mostly, at least.”
He hummed for a moment, then flipped your notebook around until it was facing him again and holding an expectant, open hand toward you. Without even thinking, you dropped your pencil into his palm, a spark running up your fingers at the slight brush of his skin against yours. Carefully, he wrote a string of words on a new line, circling the sentence when he was done.
“Here,” he said gently, pushing the pencil back between your fingers, “try this question. This was one of the harder ones from my test.”
Gingerly, you peered down at the page, and your mouth fell open at the sight. This question was far more complicated than anything you had been solving in the textbook before this. What was he thinking?
“If you get it right,” he said suddenly, casting you out of your thoughts, “you should be all set.” His lips curved up into a taunting, knowing grin. “But it’s okay if you don’t get it—it is difficult, after all.”
You stared for a second longer, then grumbled under your breath. How could he read your mind like that? You were going to prove him wrong, even if only to knock that smug look off his face.
Leaning down, you tackled the problem head on, your pencil flying across the page as you spelled out formulas and equations, doodling a diagram when you had to and pausing to think every other breath. Before you, you didn’t see Clay watching you with a soft, tender gaze, taking in the way your fingers fidgeted against your pencil when you stopped and how you chewed on your mouth when you got nervous.
You really were more endearing than you could ever know.
Suddenly, you let your pencil clatter against the table as you pushed your notebook toward him, eyeing your pencil scratches with a wary look. “Done.”
His viridian eyes gleamed with excitement. “Alright,” he said, plucking the paper from your desk with a practiced ease, “let’s take a look.”
His gaze scanned your work intently, his lips pressed together in focus. You folded your hands onto your lap, trying to focus on his analysis of you work. But the longer you looked, the more you felt your gaze trailing up to graze his cheeks. Did he always have so many freckles? You didn’t remember seeing him with this many as a freshman, but you also spent more time glaring at him than staring at him back then.
In a way, he was kind of... pretty. Handsome, even. Not that you would ever say it out loud.
You suddenly had a strong urge to reach up and trace feather-light lines between each of his freckles, but before you could even take another breath, Clay’s eyes were on yours again. Unlike earlier, the look on his face was grave, and a small grimace overtook his features.
“I have bad news,” he said dryly.
Your heart fell.
Of course you got something wrong. You were a fool to think that things would change just because Clay would be teaching you instead.
But then, his grimace curled up at the corners, and your jaw dropped.
“I have nothing left to teach you in this unit.”
Your eyes widened.
“I got it right?”
He turned the notebook back to face you. A large check mark had been scribbled in pencil along the side of the page, a tiny smiley face decorating the corner next to it.
The gasp you let out sent you barrelling for your feet, and you nearly started jumping for joy in the middle of your seat. “Yes!” you cried, pumping a hand up in the air. Suddenly, you whirled to point at Clay, a pout forming on your lips. “Oh my god, you scared the crap out of me! Don’t do that.”
He chuckled, leaning back with his hands up defensively. “Sorry, sorry. I saw the opportunity and just had to take it.”
Crossing your arms over your chest, you stuck your tongue out at him. “You’re terrible.”
His eyes softened—sincere and sweet. “I know.”
Ignoring the sudden burst of warmth rushing through your veins, you huffed at him. “Well, at least I have two pieces of good news for you. First,” you said, sliding your notebook off your desk, “we can both go home, now.”
“And the second?” he prompted, looking at you inquisitively.
You folded your notebook shut, boring a hole into your backpack with the intensity of your stare. You couldn’t look at him right now, you just couldn’t.
“Second,” you nearly whispered, “I accept your apology.”
Slipping your textbook into your bag, you heard him take a sharp intake of breath. “Really?”
You reached for your pencil case, fumbling with the zipper. “Yes.”
There was another breath, but this one was gentler, less harsh. You peeked up at him from your bag, and your heart stuttered at the ecstatic look on his face.
“This,” he said, “is the greatest day of my life.”
You blinked wildly at him, zipping your backpack up all the way before slinging it onto the desk. “That’s a little extreme, isn’t it?”
He shook his head, his smile never once faltering. “Are you kidding? I thought you were going to hate my guts forever!”
You shrugged, slinging your bag over your shoulder. “I might have.” You paused. “Actually, I probably would have. But luckily for you—” You shot him a sincere look. “—not anymore.”
His grin grew impossibly wider, yet it somehow still looked natural on him. Deep down, a part of you wanted to bottle up his expression and remember it for as long as you lived.
“Like I said, greatest day of my life.”
You giggled, rolling your eyes. “Weirdo.”
Pushing in your chair and gesturing for him to stand, you jutted your head toward the door. Clay didn’t need to be queued twice before he was rising to his feet, pushing the chair back to its rightful spot before heaving his duffel bag off the floor and onto his side. As the two of you headed out towards the door, a bought suddenly flickered across your head, and your lips began moving before you could even begin to think.
“One of these days, you need to tell me why you liked to pick on me so much. Like, seriously, why me?” You gestured to yourself as the two of you stepped outside into the school hallway. “I’m not exactly special.”
You hadn’t been looking at him in that moment, focused on closing the door behind you, but when he didn’t respond for a moment, you looked up and felt your lungs tighten. You had never seen Clay look so bashful in his life, with his ears flaring crimson red and a faint rosy tint dusting the panes of his cheeks. His freckles were only more noticeable with the pink background, and you nearly blurted something you knew you would regret.
“Maybe I’ll—” He coughed, rubbing the back of his neck with a smile. “I’ll tell you some other time.”
Before you could even ask what he meant by that, he was firing off once more. “In the meantime, if you still need help, I don’t mind coming in again next week or something.”
You nearly took a double take. Next week? He wanted to help you, again?
“Don’t you have more important things to do?” you asked, scanning him with wide, curious eyes. “Like studying your own stuff.”
“You’re important,” he said abruptly.
You choked on your spit, and by the way he went absolutely stock still in front of you, you had a feeling he hadn’t meant to say that.
“Oh,” you whispered.
That warm, fuzzy feeling from earlier was rising between your lungs again, only this time it sent your heart racing around your chest. Sucking in a deep breath, you nodded your head once, twice.
“Sure,” you managed to say as calmly as you could. “The, um, the next unit looks a little confusing, so I might need some help.”
Clay’s face suddenly brightened at your soft request for assistance, and you caught his shoulders slumping with relief as he smiled. “Awesome.” He paused, then waved his hand. “Not the part about you needing help, I mean.”
You laughed a little at that, your nerves calming a bit more. “I would hope not.”
He smiled back at you. “So,” he said, drawing out the syllable, “I’ll be back same time next week?”
You couldn’t help but reach over to elbow him a little playfully. “Try to be on time though, yeah?”
He flushed a bit, but cracked a crooked grin nonetheless. “I’ll try my best.” He glanced over his shoulder down the hall, and you suddenly realized you would be heading in the opposite direction.
“I’ll see you around?” he murmured gently, brushing away his now dry hair from his forehead.
One of your hands tightened around the straps of your bag while the other waved back at him. “See you.”
With one last grin at you, you watched as he turned on his heel, striding down the hall with his duffel bag bouncing against the side of his hip. Just then, your eyes grew wide, and you cupped your hands around your mouth to call after him.
“One last thing, Clay!” you shouted, your voice echoing down the empty corridor.
At the sound of his name, he whipped around again, his brows knitted together. Breathing in deeply, you screwed your eyes shut and called out once more.
“Thank you!”
When you opened your eyes again, his emerald green eyes were blinking at you with wild abandon, his lips parted in what could only be described as a look of pure wonder. Your heart skipped a beat, and you wondered why he was looking at you of all people like that.
Swallowing, he sent you a lopsided, earnest smile and cupped his own hands around his mouth to shout back at you.
You kept waving at him even after he let his arms drop back to his sides and he vanished around the corner of the hall. Almost immediately, you bent over to bury your head into your knees, letting out a soft, muffled yell.
Why did your chest feel so warm when he looked at you like that? Why did you want to count his freckles so badly when he smiled? Was he always so nice, so helpful and kind? Why did he look so cute when his face flushed all pink like the way it did before? When did he become so endearing instead of annoying?
Did you like him?
You let out another muffled cry into your hands, feeling heat flood every part of your body like a tidal wave crashing into your system. You could hear your heart ringing in your ears like a bell that wouldn’t ever stop, and your toes curled into your shoes.
You had so, so many questions, none of which you knew how to solve.
Hopefully Clay could help you figure out the answers.
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