#i’ve said enough
loubetcha · 6 months
everyone always talks about how they love the “person a hates everyone except person b” trope but what about “person a treats person b differently than everyone else and is the only person/friend who treats person b like a human being” trope hm?
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stephaniejuhnay · 1 year
“Fact is…it’s just a sign.” *rips believe sign*
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“Hey guys! Listen to me! Belief doesn’t just happen because you hang somethin’ up on a wall, alright?”
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“It comes from in here *points to heart* ya know? And up here *points to head* and down here *points to gut*”
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“Only problem is we all got so much junk float in’ through us, lotta times we end up gettin’ in our own way. Y’know crap like envy, or fear…shame. I’ont wanna mess around with that shit anymore. Know what I mean?”
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“Do you? Do you?! No, me neither. Hell no.”
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stopitmeg · 1 year
i love sindel but i hate what they did to her in mk11
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vanhelsingapologist · 5 months
Publishing has always been a fucking nightmare, but now it’s a layer of hell. It’s not enough that writers be good at what they do. Writers have to maintain an active social media presence and cultivate a following. Be available.
They have to be conventionally attractive enough to look good enough to see on a screen, aesthetically pleasing, kind, funny, up-to-date on trends, socially aware but not so controversial that they turn off a brand from California from slapping their discount code on a video promoting a book.
They have to do all of this with no media training, with little help from the companies that are supposed to be doing this for them.
Of course, a lot of this isn't possible for say, the 40-something mother of two who teaches English at a school and writes on the side. She’s boxed out of an already complex industry that already has enough walls.
On some level, I think authors have always marketed themselves a little, but we’ve reached such a crazy point where we’re demanding the author become the influencer. Accessibility in publishing has narrowed from an inch to a sliver. And that inch was hard enough to get in as is.
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“I will not be weakened by my brothers.”
“You already are. Your family is a mess. They don’t obey because they love you, they obey because they’re afraid. How afraid do you think they’ll be when your dad shows up to put you in your place?”
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lindseybots · 3 months
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(Click for better quality.) Based on an au that popped in my brain the other day that STILL refuses to leave me. I made a brief, bare basics post about this yesterday (featured under the break).
To expand on it a bit though, I feel like WW Link’s appearance would reflect how he looked during his adventures. That is to say, regardless of the fact he looks like a kid, I like to think he lived a long happy life. Still, I feel like his adventures had the biggest impact on the rest of his life, and I felt his appearance as a ghost/spirit would reflect that. I’m still trying to decide if I want to have him wearing his Outset outfit or the iconic green tunic. Maybe he can switch between the two as he pleases? Idk. 🤷‍♀️
I feel like ST Link grows up calling WW Link “Wind” or even various variations of “Sailor”. I know the “Wind” nickname has been used in a lot of Link crossover stuff, and I love it and it obviously fits him well. Plus, Niko definitely tells ST Link all about “the Hero of Winds”. ST Link’s a smart kid. He eventually connects the dots. I want WW Link to have a nickname for ST Link too. A term of endearment kinda thing more than anything else, y’know? I’m still deciding on what the nickname(s) would be though.
Transcript under the cut.
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Niko: Just sit tight little Link. Ol’ Niko’ll take good care of ya.
I better go see about ordering supplies… How do I get food for him? maybe Alfonzo could bring some from Castle Town and then I could see about…
WW Link: Niko!! you can’t leave the baby unsupervised on a table!
Well, looks like it’s just you and me, huh, kid? This is fine! I’m an adult… even if I don’t look it anymore for some reason… a-and an older brother! I can keep an eye on ya! (Reminds me of being with Grandma and Aryll…)
Oh, you’re awake! Hello. it’s great to meet ya, Link! (It’s a bit weird to call someone else my name.)
Wait a second… WAIT YOU CAN SEE ME?!
*ST Link starts crying at the sudden shout*
WW Link: I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to yell. Please don’t cry. I was just surprised is all.
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toastcryptid · 1 year
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Continuation of this
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otrtbs · 6 months
here’s the thing. the absolute joy and wonder i feel whenever someone tells me they came across ahb! and are now taking an art history course / majoring in art next year / went to their local art museum for the first time in ages is exponential. when yall send me your favorite artworks and tell me about them or tell me you went to x museum to see x painting mentioned in ahb??? it’s just so so wonderful. because never did i think something i wrote out of love for art and love for art history would lead anyone else to research art or talk about it or seek it out for themselves and that’s so much more than i could ever imagine would come out of a very timid first attempt at creative writing/fandom involvement.
i wrote it out of love and y’all have all reciprocated that love tenfold and ran with it to talk about art and explore it and share it with me and those around you. and it’s just been a very special incredible thing that makes me emosh. :,)
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ravenwarner · 2 months
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Kalvin Brnine…. I hope you have to live
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skz-miroh · 10 months
the way i audibly gasped when they included “history huh? bet we could make some” in the museum scene
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rollercoasterwords · 4 months
obsessed w the confidence of the people who comment fully in portuguese on my fics. never once have i said that i speak portuguese nor indicated that i can understand it yet there r multiple people out there leaving multi-sentence comments & sometimes even paragraphs in a language i do not speak. just fully confident that no language barrier will stop the message from getting across…i love u
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hell0jon · 1 month
Guys I can assure you British people are real.
I had an encounter with one once, and I can tell you it did not end well
They are in our homes, among our children and families
Be careful, for the true horror does not lie in the darkness of night, but within the shadows of our kin.
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sanyu-thewitch05 · 8 months
Screenshot is from these translations.
Malleus, step up.
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Literally step up, Malleus. This is embarrassing. How is Rollo of all people the first one to offer beating everyone’s ass at NRC? He even offered to be that one friend who’s like a therapist who listens to your every word.
I mean if Rollo is treating me this way-
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All the 2023 contestants were born in 2007 and grew up with the show being off the air, so they were all 100% in the trenches of ship drama in the td fandom defending their ships. Here's my 100% correct do not @ me headcanons for each characters favourite ship.
Priya: Zoke, she was put on some block lists because she said she shipped all of Mike's alters with Zoey and no one else. Her parent's grounded her and made her watch Vito x Anne Marie edits as a punishment.
Bowie: If Gwourtney has a million fans, he's one of them. If Gwourtney has five fans, he's one of them. If Gwourtney has one fan, he's that fan. If the world is against Gwourtney he is against the world.
Millie: Thinks it's incredibly problematic and childish to ship real people. But Bawn.
Julia: Got her first taste of internet fame by claiming Blainely and Chris were in a secret relationship. When this comes out this will cancel her worse than the dinosaur thing and she will be forced to go into hiding for her own protection.
Emma: Wrote poly drama brother buys you from your parents fics. Chase read these out on a live stream and they stayed together.
Chase: Not a shipper but was defending Duncan with his last breath over the love triangle stuff.
Zee: Zee hasn't actually seen the show he thought he was auditioning for 6teen, in which he ships Judesy.
Ripper: I don't know whats telling me this but Leonard and Beardo. I think he saw a photoshopped image of them together with red arrows and he's currently convinced they're in a relationship.
Wayne & Raj: Lyler is unironically relationship goals for them, they celebrate their anniversary every year
MK: Commented under Noco posts "Uhm, what about Nemma?" and then watched the world light on fire. Ships Nowen.
Scary Girl: She unironically thinks Sierra is really normal but doesn't ship her with Cody because she just doesn't like him, thinks he fumbled her. Ships Heatherra, Bowie sent her death threats over this and she sent them back
Nichelle: Runs in the same circles as Chris, saw Chris and Chef together all the time despite Total Drama not being on, just assumed they were partners.
Axel: Shasmine anti, thinks Jasmine is gaslighting Shawn about the zombie stuff, wrote a long angry reddit post about it and got banned from the total drama subreddit.
Caleb: Gwent, also got death threats from Bowie and tried to @ Gwen and Trent to come to his defense.
I take no criticism. 🪅Jester ass looking piñata
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queer-geordie-nerd · 2 months
This blog stands against and rejects antisemitism in all of its insidious forms, stands with the Jewish people, and with the Jewish right to self determination in their ancestral homeland of Israel 🇮🇱
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evermoredeluxe · 1 month
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