#i'd been planning to make something to this song forever but i didn't have a vision for it
comediakaidanovsky · 2 years
it’s where my reason stops, and something else comes in
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glorious-spoon · 1 year
Hi :) I hope I'm not too late, I'd love prompt no.7 for buck and eddie :)
hi, and thank you! sorry it's so late! <3
7. a kiss to shut them up
"Your timing is fucking terrible," Eddie hisses, sounding halfway to laughing his ass off.
Buck dissolves into giggles, pushing his face into Eddie's warm shoulder in a futile attempt to muffle them. Partly, it's sheer surprise; for someone whose career trajectory has consisted of war zones and emergency services, Eddie really doesn't swear that much. Buck assumes it's mostly for Christopher's sake, plus maybe a lingering childhood terror of what his abuela would do to him if she ever heard the word fuck leave his mouth.
Mostly, though, it's because—shit, he's right, he really is. Buck has never had so much as a nodding acquaintance with good timing. He fell in love with Abby while her mom was dying in her living room. He fell in love with Eddie—well, a long time ago, in retrospect, but he realized he was in love with Eddie when they were still both dating other people. 
And right now, he's got Eddie backed into a literal storage closet at his sister's literal wedding. He's supposed to make a toast in about ten minutes. Chimney is never going to let them hear the end of it if he catches wind of this.
"Sorry, sorry, sorry," he hiccups, and Eddie snickers and pats his back in the close darkness. Buck can feel the shape of his grin against his forehead. His plush lower lip, which Buck was just kissing.
"I was gonna wait for the reception. Honest." He had an entire plan. He was going to give his toast—his notes are still crumpled in his jacket pocket—and finish his glass of champagne, and ask Eddie to dance. After that, his plan loses detail, but he did have one.
"Mm. Glad you didn't."
"Yeah? Why's that?"
"Well," Eddie says, catching his cheek and turning him slightly. "Means I can do this again, for one thing."
He's being kissed again a moment later, languidly sweet and somehow even more thrilling than the first one was. It's not like he thought Eddie wasn't on board with this; Eddie kissed him back then, too. But now there's no surprise in it at all, and that makes it better.
"You could do that on the dance floor," Buck says, then cringes a moment later. Because just because—this doesn't mean Eddie wants an audience. Or wants anyone to know. Or wants anything at all, other than to make out with Buck in this linen closet in the nice outdoor venue that Maddie and Chim chose while the loudspeakers play some sweetly forgettable pop song over the sound of the wedding guests filtering in.
"Definitely can't do everything I want on the dance floor," Eddie says, low and dark and promising.
"Just saying."
Buck laughs again, a little hysterical. "You've, uh, you've been thinking about this, huh?"
"Yeah," Eddie says easily. "Glad you finally did something about it. I would have just wound myself up with nerves forever."
"I was going to ask you to dance," Buck blurts.
"Yeah?" Eddie asks. He's smiling; Buck can hear it in his voice. Wishes suddenly that he could see it on his face too. It seems suddenly ridiculous that they're crowded in a fucking closet. Not the metaphorical vibe he was going for.
"Yeah," Buck says.
"I would have said yes."
"Oh," Buck says, and it's shaky, a little. Tellingly shaky. Eddie's hand is warm and gentle on his cheek, his voice soft.
"I'm still gonna say yes. If you ask."
Buck breathes out softly, relieved. "Maybe you'll ask me."
"Maybe I will."
"Maybe we should get back out there before—oh shit," he adds, when the nearest door swings open. Footsteps clatter on the flagstones, and realistically Buck really should shut up now, but he's never been good at that. "Eddie, if we get caught in here Maddie is gonna—actually, you know what, Chimney is gonna kill us, and—"
He can't keep talking, abruptly, because he's being kissed again, with a thoroughness that makes him dizzy. Eddie's got his hands fisted in Buck's lapels, and his mouth is hot and insistent, and Buck could stay here happily forever, he thinks dizzily.
"Shh," Eddie whispers when they finally break apart, so Buck kisses him again instead of talking. They lose a happy few minutes like that before finally breaking apart, breathing quietly.
"I think the coast is clear," Buck whispers after a moment. Eddie hums a quiet assent, so he pushes the closet door open.
The coast is clear, for now. The terracotta flooring echoes like crazy; nobody's gonna sneak up on them now. But Eddie looks exactly like someone was just making out with him in a storage closet, and Buck suspects he's not much better off, by the glint in Eddie's eyes: half familiar fond amusement, half something else entirely.
"I have to go make a speech," Buck says, as much to his own libido as anything else.
"Uh huh," Eddie says, and does not stop looking at him like that.
Before either of them can try to fix their clothes, or take a step closer, there's a sharp rap at the door. They jump apart just as Hen ducks her head in and gives them a deeply amused look.
"They're asking for you, Buckaroo," she says.
"Oh, I, um, yeah," Buck says, and pats his pocket frantically. He's desperately glad he kept his notes; his entire speech has flown out of his head.
Eddie starts laughing quietly. Hen scoffs and steps into the room.
"Come here," she says, briskly twitching Buck's collar straight and tugging her fingers through his hair.
"You're not gonna fix Eddie up, too?" Buck asks, because there's clearly no point in denying what they were just up to.
"He's not giving a speech," Hen retorts. She steps back, pats his cheek lightly, and smiles. "Not that it would matter, honestly. Those two don't have eyes for anyone other than each other right now. You could show up naked and I doubt they'd notice."
Eddie sputters; Buck laughs out loud. Because he gets that; he gets it intimately. Even now, he can't stop looking at Eddie. Doesn't ever want to stop looking at him, but especially now, in this moment of thrilled wonder. "Yeah, okay."
"Come on," Hen says. She starts back out of the room, toward the reception, and as they fall into step behind her, Buck reaches shyly for Eddie's hand and finds him already reaching back.
(from these kiss prompts)
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alicewonderao3 · 11 months
Marry Me
Title: Marry Me
Characters: Aaron Hotchner, reader, OC male character.
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x fem!reader, fem!reader x oc male character.
Summary: When it's finally the day of her wedding, after months of planning, why does she feel like she's making the biggest mistake of her life? Isn't every bride second guessing herself, even on her wedding day?
Warnings: None, just a bit angsty and then fluffy.
Author's note: I had the idea for this earlier this week, while I've been recovering from my hospital trip last week. I was inspired by a song, as usual, Thomas Rhett's 'Marry Me'. My muses said to write this and here it is. I have no beta, so all spelling and grammar mistakes are mine, and I just finished it, so let me know what you think.
The day of the wedding was finally here, sunny and warm. Everything was as it was supposed to be. My grandfather was preaching the wedding service and there were plenty of magnoila's everywhere. It was a small wedding, not too many people. But something didn't feel right. It had been this niggling sensation in the back of my mind for months.
My bridesmaids all told me I was crazy, that I was marrying the perfect man. On paper, Steve was perfect. He was tall, and handsome, with blonde hair and blue eyes. He was kind and sweet. Sure, you were supposed to feel sparks, but it didn't always happen, right? My friends told me I'd be crazy to say no to his proposal, so even though I had doubts, I said yes.
I said yes, even as I felt that same feeling in my stomach at my engagement party and my bridal shower. I'd sometimes look down at my ring and my stomach would turn as if I was repulsed by the large diamond ring. My mother told me I'd be crazy to not marry him. But that feeling was still there, and it was even more present this day, standing in my wedding dress, pacing back and forth.
I couldn't get Aaron out of my head. Aaron and I had been friends for forever. He was an FBI agent, tall, handsome, and funny, with brown eyes that sparkled when he teased me and when he laughed. He knew my favorite color and the way I drank my tea. He knew everything about me and I knew everything about him. I couldn't get that night he'd almost kissed me before I met Steve out of my head, that night we spent walking downtown, how he'd paused in the park under that big magnolia tree, and how he'd almost kissed me. I'd never felt such sparks before, never felt so strongly before.
The sparks had always been there, but it was always a case of wrong timing. I remember when he was dating Haley Brooks, and I'd been single, and then I'd be dating someone and he'd be single. All of my friends were dating people, and getting married.
I was pacing back and forth when my dad walked in, a box in his hands. I recognized the tie-dye shirt wrapped around it, a shirt I bought Aaron one summer as a joke gift, but one he loved. It had its place of pride amongst the suits he wore as an FBI agent. Seeing it, wrapped around whatever gift he'd got me, was like a death sentence. It was like the ending of what could be.
I bit back my tears and hesitantly let my dad walk me towards the aisle, but the closer we got the more my nerves increased, and the more I sensed I was doing the wrong thing. I kept panicking and as the opening notes started to play, I took a deep breath and held my flowers and I couldn't do it. I stood there, as everyone stared at me. My eyes met Steve's at the end of the aisle and I realized, I loved Aaron. He loved me.
I glanced down at the large and gaudy ring I wore and met my dad's eyes. He gave me a concerned look and watched as I slipped the ring off, sliding it into his hand. "Tell him I'm sorry?" I said, and he nodded. Then, as everyone gasped, I dropped the too-large bouquet I didn't even like and ran out. I knew right where he'd be, and Dad had pressed his car keys in my hands as I ran out.
I drove there, speeding and praying I wouldn't get pulled over. His car was there, in the parking lot and I ran, faster than I'd ever run before down the paths, in my wedding dress, past people who stared at me until I stopped short of the tree. There he was, standing under the tree, looking wrecked.
He turned around and his eyes met mine. He held his hands up, a shocked look on his face and I started crying, shrugging as my hands landed on my face before I ran to him, launching myself into his arms, and he held me without question. His arms were strong and warm around me as I sobbed into his chest.
"What are you doing? You should be getting married," He said, his voice warm but full of shock as he held me. "I can't, Aaron," I whispered, tears thick in my voice. He was silent for a moment, as he pulled back to look at me. "Why not?" He asked, as one of his thumbs reached up to wipe my tears away.
"Because it felt wrong from the start. Because I'm an idiot for not realizing that I wanted to get married, but that I didn't want to marry Steve. It's you, Aaron. I've been in love with you for years now, and I'm the biggest-" But then his lips descended on mine, and I whimpered as he kissed me, holding me tight as everything suddenly felt right.
Kissing Aaron was like the final puzzle piece being fit into place. Everything felt right again. My world, which had felt so off-center in the months since Steve proposed, now felt right again. I pressed close to him, my lips remaining on his, until we both pulled away to breathe heavily. "I know I'm a big dummy and I should have trusted my gut and said no to Steve, but I'm here. I ran away from my wedding and I'm here."
Aaron hadn't spoken yet, he'd just been listening to me ramble and he pressed his hand to my lips. "Hey, hey," he said, his voice soft. "You're here now. All that other stuff, we'll figure out later. You were always a little slow on the uptake, but you got it. I love you." He'd whispered and I nodded, as I cried again. "I love you too, Aaron Hotchner. I'm sorry it took us so long to get our timing right."
He didn't say anything else, he just leaned down and pressed his lips to mine, kissing me like his life depended on it. I knew I'd have a lot of people to talk to in the next few days, but right now, standing here under the shade of the magnolia tree where I'd had my almost first kiss with Aaron, his lips pressed to mine, everything was right. As long as I had him in my life, things would be okay. I can handle whatever the world throws at me as long as he's by my side.
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merp-blerp · 5 months
Part 2 of A Gaylor interpretation of "The Prophecy"
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I had more Thoughts™ that I initially left out for length, but I'd like to elaborate in sections. Special thanks to @mamataylovesrubbi for being so friendly. This community is so lovely.
TW: Brief talk of self-destructive behavior and suicide near the end.
Part 1 here
Overblown Analysis Under the Cut ↓
Some things about Artemis/Diana that I left out of part one I left out were that 1) Artemis is also the goddess of the hunt and animals. I think that tidbit adds to the fable connection, as fables are often stories about animals. When it comes to the hunt, songs like WAOLOM and The Albotros possibly being about Taylor planning revenge on her closet-ers really scream huntress. Artemis can also become a deer, a somewhat surprisingly non-vicious animal for a huntress, if she pleases. "I've been the Archer / I've been the prey." I think this could portray Taylor's strengths and weaknesses. 2) Artemis is a virginal goddess, never having any male lovers in her stories. This doesn't necessarily make Artemis a sapphic goddess, even though I've seen that interpretation, but it's pretty telling that Taylor would align so closely to a goddess with that trait. 3) Artemis/Diana was also the goddess of the moon (somewhat, it's a bit complicated, but that's Greek mythology for you). Fits the themes of Midnights, with Taylor being Midnight (Rain) and her lover being Sunshine. Though that probably shouldn't be taken too literally, as Apollo, god of the sun, is Artemis's twin brother. Trust him like a brother, yeah—
2. Vocalizing
Taylor's vocalizing after "...tell me it'll be okay" reminds me vaguely of the vocalizing in "My Tears Ricochet", a song, like this album, alludes to Taylor dying.
3. "But I looked to the sky" and "I've been on my knees"
With all the talk of sky, I wonder if maybe "Bigger Than The Whole Sky" might be about failed coming outs. I don't know if this is something others thought have already (probably), but I never thought of it before. Meanwhile, the repeat of being on her knees makes me think of "Would've, Could've, Should've". I've mentioned before that I'm open to that song being actually about JM because it wouldn't surprise me if she tried dating dudes in some way early on in her career, whatever that would mean. However, I'm open to alternatives too. With my analysis of Taylor's Eve being bitten by the serpent/Devil, maybe the serpent could be the Devil from "Would've, Could've, Should've". Maybe the Devil could be The Professor from my "The Manuscript" analysis. I'm leaning toward that Devil being her old label.
4. Throttle
A throttle is several things. It can be something to give machinery fuel. It can be a verb, you can throttle something, aka kill it by strangulation. By "hand on the throttle," I think Taylor was saying she was ready to not only fuel/validate her truth, but kill her past lives. I get this vibe that TTPD might be for TS12 what Reputation was for Lover. Just like with Rep, she's killing the old Taylor(s) that hid her queerness before she steps into the daylight with what comes after. Makes me understand all the chockers and high-neck collars she's been sporting for this era.
5. "And it was written"
I feel like I grazed over this part of the line a bit. What was written? It could be Taylor's lyrics or her 100 thrown-out speeches. She wrote them, but wasn't heard anyway, cursed. Or it could be the word written in the Bible. (In my opinion, shit) translations of the Bible call for all kinds of things to happen to queer people, and has so for years. Not that many though because the word homosexual didn't even exist when the Bible was first scribed. Taylor was cursed before she was even born. Possibly like Eve. Didn't Eve have control over whether she ate the fruit or not? Do queer people have control in who they love? Christian will debate forever.
6. "Let it once be me"
One reason why Taylor wasn't out from the get-go obviously has to do with where her career began and under what industry she was entering. An underaged, famous, sapphic country singer sounds a bit wild now honestly, imagine in 2006! The world would not have been ready, unfortunately. But why can't Taylor come out now? Well, in "WAOLOM", Taylor sneers, "I am what I am 'cause you trained me". She was raised to closet for her whole career, maybe even longer, who could know? And of course, "Old habits die screaming" (from "The Black Dog"). After this album, however, I feel like she's gearing up to free herself. Still, there are so many people younger than Taylor who come out super casually, like Reneé Rapp, Girl in Red, etc, without games or clear fear. Taylor probably sees them and wonders why she couldn't have/had that freedom. Maybe when she says specifically, "redo the prophecy" rather than "change the prophecy" she wishes she could go back in time and somehow make it so she could've come onto the scene out and proud way back then.
7. "like fools in a fable / Oh, it was sinking in"
I think Taylor started feeling like she'd never be free as she began to write Folklore. Of course, she knew the plan didn't work before that in 2019, but as she created Folklore and Evermore, she realized she was anywhere near where she wanted to be in 2020, playing the same games. It sunk in with that. That's why Folklore, Evermore, and even some Midnights songs can sound so hopeless. As an LSK, I don't believe it was due to a breakup, but more closeting. All the albums after Lover seem to have minimal color because she can't be herself.
8. "My last coin"
So, I mentioned in part one that Taylor had/has referenced self-inflicting harmful actions towards herself in many songs. She also mentions poison in this song. It got me thinking about Romeo and Juliet and how that play goes. Taylor, with the "Poison blood from the wound of the pricked hand" seems to be combining Romeo and Juliet's death, Juliet getting stabbed or "pricked" and Romeo drinking poison. Maybe this symbolizes that, even though when she was younger, more naïve and optimistic, she exclusively identified with Juliet and changed her ending in "Love Story", now she identifies with both Romeo and Juliet, even sometimes taking on the "male" role in her songs (e.g. The Heartbreak Prince and JaMEs). A part of me wonders if that could be a comment on her gender identity too, but that goes a bit over my skill level to analyze. But it feels sad that Taylor used to change the fates of Romeo and Juliet and now she's honest about what happens to them. As I said before, I want nothing but good for Taylor. it will be okay. 🤍 ✌️🌈
Alrighty, I think I got it all out of me. Watch me think of some more shit with this song. 🙄😅
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hereforthevibesmadds · 4 months
every time I hear this song all I can think about is Aziraphale and Crowely and how it fits them soooo perfectly, like not one single word misses!!! Do not tell me that when you hear these lyrics you cant see all the little scenes of their ineffable romance playing out in your head, PLEASE I cant be the only one!!!!!!
You are the light I've been searchin' for forever Feels like, man, I've really never felt the rain Buried in the desert, didn't think I'd push through the dirt You just cleansed me like a waterfall, you came
I'm screamin' like a kettle on a stove You cranked the heat up, I was cold, my past grew mold around my heart And all my anger, sadness, regret disappeared It's madness, I'm not used to all this water, love, it's true
But you made me want to Plan out my last days on earth, eating you Ooh-ooh-ooh, the tips of your teeth Fit perfect in me, you're the shower of light I devour, any day of the week Baby, cleanse me
I was surprised to see heaven in your eyes I never once was treated right, you're what I'm missing in my life As bright as the sun, give me your vitamin D, let's run into Another dimension, you make me feel like I'm on drugs
I'm screamin' like a kettle on a stove You crank the heat up, I was cold, my past grew mold around my heart And all my anger, sadness, regret disappeared It's madness, I'm not used to all this water, love, it's true
But you made me want to Plan out my last days on earth, eating you Ooh-ooh-ooh, the tips of your teeth Fit perfect in me, you're the shower of light I devour, any day of the week Baby, cleanse me
But you made me want to Plan out my last days on earth, eating you Ooh-ooh-ooh, the tips of your teeth Fit perfect in me, you're the shower of light I devour, any day of the week (Baby, cleanse me)
-Light shower, Melanie Martinez
I couldn't find anything good omens related with it and I just NEED this song to be used in some go edit because otherwise my brain WILL explode so if someone can help I would really appreciate it :D
I am currently trying to make something myself but I have zero experience and skills of a badger so anyone pls save me and bless us all with something actually good and pretty :3
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elizart5 · 7 months
Adam is honestly very interesting to contrast from Charlie.
She is nice because she genuinely hate being too assertive or even agressive.
Meanwhile, Adam love reminding that he can still tear to shreds any overlords stupid enough to want the smoke, but he can't just go out and kick asses to get what he want, because this violence is why he was kicked out and would just convince overlords to join forces to kill him.
And if he become an Overlord, it mean denying the possibility of ever returning to Heaven.
And unlike Charlie, Adam's redemption program is obviously something that is self centered, so he need to convince the sinners that he's genuine.
Also, the thing with Katie show that Lute became less keen on Adam's carnal shenanigans, is that because she's a demon, unlike the winners and Heavenborns of before (which we see she doesn't seem really bothered about from her reaction regarding the drummer and that Virtue woman) or because they've grown closer so it feel worse than when they simply were a mix of best friends with benefits (they clearly were the closest to each other, and I doubt there was no such physical stuff between them) and boss-underling?
Or both?
Adam is a hot mess in this situation, because yes, he doesn't care about redemption or even believe in it. the only reason he went through with it was because ate the heaven embassy when he met with Charlie she told him this selfless act could get him back into heaven, of course Adam took this opportunity and ran. The building he gets for his project was a gift from Charlie who has been really excited about redemption. When he went in to pitch at 666 news he had no plan despite Lute staying up all night to make talking points, he wanted to show off and bluntly turned them down saying "Chill your tits, I got this! I'm Adam the first man, who wouldn't listen to me". He goes up to talk and isn't very clear, saying things like "Our rehab center can, I don't know, make you good and shit? To get me- YOU into Heaven. shit i should have planned this..." He turns to song because he is better at coming up with things on the fly that way, interrupting Katie and Tom mocking his poor delivery,
Let me stop you right there, just give me some time
So what I'm suggesting is letting you climb
up the Ladder 'cause I'd rather cross the pearly gates
Sorry bitches there is no defying your fates
because Hell is forever whether you like it or not
As you can see he almost tried to sell his idea, but fell a little short and started speaking his mind. Adam has no filter and won't hesitate to say what he thinks. Of course Lute is absolutely seething that he messed this up for them and is very annoyed with the cameraman hitting on her whilst simultaneously mocking Adam.
Adam and Lute are a lot closer in this AU because they are the only ones they can trust. As ex-exterminators the population of Hell hates them and there have been multiple attempts on their afterlives. An example of needing protection is Lute, as Adam and Lute aren't sinners and are fallen angels they have freedom to go to any ring they want. Lute has been in Hell longer than Adam, 12 years to be exact, and the only being that would make it so she didn't have to fend off the furious population of Hell all the time was Mammon. In exchange for her protection she would have to become one of Mammon's clowns, which of course she hated, but it was her only option. When Adam comes and offers her a way out she goes for it with no questions asked. Adam on the other hand came down and was dead set on finding a way out immediately, he was to cocky to assume that sinners might actually want to harm him. When he finally finds Lute it's at one of her performances, and he recognizes her instantly as one of his exterminators. He likes her from the get go but doesn't want to tell her, she starts off as seeing him as a kind of savior for her but than as he gets more affectionate in his own way she starts liking him to. Being in a situation with only one person you can really rely on defiantly makes any bond stronger, Lure gets jealous easier now and so does Adam. Unlike Lute though Adam doesn't handle it as well as lute does and he will openly voice his distaste for another.
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electricserenade · 5 months
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COWBOY CARTER — Beyoncé | Unreal Unearth: Unheard — Hozier | Prelude to Ecstasy — The Last Dinner Party | SOS — SZA
If you gain inspiration from this station and its prompts, be sure to tag me in the work or like/reblog — thank you listeners
"You're my love"
"I just hope you love yourself like that"
"I really hope the best for you"
"Born to be a protector" / "I will be your protector"
"I feel proud of who I am, because you need me"
"Inhalin' whiskey when you kiss my neck"
"They couldn't have me and they never will"
"Sometimes I hold you closer just to know you're real"
"Sometimes I take a day off just to turn you on"
"I don't like the way she's lookin' at you"
"You say change religions, now I spend sundays with you"
"Something 'bout those tears of yours"
"How does it feel to be adored?"
"Sunrise in the morning, you're all I need"
"Didn't know what I wanted 'til I saw your face"
"Don't know what you're doin' tonight"
"Been a while since I haven't tried to pull away"
"I'd go wherever you take me"
"Love you down to the bone"
"I hope you know that once I loved you"
"I just pray that we don't crash"
"When i'm long gone, you'll call my name"
"I stayed away from you too long"
"And I come home tomorrow"
"It's yours, baby, you can crash here, come here"
"Put on a show make it nasty"
"Baby, let me sink into your arms"
"Drink me 'til its done"
"I plan to steal your heart again"
"Ain't that the scary thing"
"Slip into my dreams every night"
"Who am I to judge, my baby?"
"Baby, I've been waitin' my whole life for you"
"This is the real you, huh"
"This is the real me, huh"
"And when I get up to walk, I wanna feel weak"
"I ain't goin' far"
"I'm gonna give you the best years of your life"
"Baby, I've been waitin' my whole life for you and I"
"Have mercy on me"
"I need to make you proud"
UNHEARD — Hozier
"How do you sleep so well?"
"You're too sweet for me"
"But you worry some, I know"
"Put my body to work"
"I wanna lose me"
"I wanna fade away with you"
"I wanna kill the lights"
"I don't need to know where we begin and end"
"I only need the working of my hands"
"Some part of me came alive the first time that you called me baby"
"C'mere to me, when was the last time?"
"How could you think, darlin', I'd scare so easily?"
"There's not one thing that I would change"
"If I could hold you for a minute"
"Heaven is not fit to house a love like you and I"
"I feel lighter than I have in so much time"
"If you need to, darling, lean your weight to me"
"Don't fall away from me"
"Let me put my lips to somethin'"
"Come and get some"
"Let me see the heat get to you"
"Wake up feeling like a millionare"
"I haven't felt it since then"
"We knew what our love was worth"
"We didn't get it right, but love, we did our best"
"I know we want this to go easy"
"When people say that something is forever either way it ends"
"As natural as another leg around you in the bed frame"
"Look, I wanna be loud, so loud, I'm talking seismic"
"I'm still glad I met you"
"I'd no choice but to love you"
"I thought you were like an angel to me"
"It ain't hate being alone" / "It ain't the empty home, baby" / "You know I'm good on my own"
"You know, it's more the being unknown"
"One bright morning changes all things"
"Your eyes open, at first a thousand miles away but turning, shoot a silver bullet point-blank range"
"Could this be how every day begins?"
"Like I lived my whole life before the first light"
"But after this I'm never gonna be the same and I am never going back again"
Prelude to Ecstasy — The Last Dinner Party
"Bite marks on my neck I could never say no"
"You don't wanna hurt me but I want you to"
"My darling, believe me, I was born to be with you"
"Ain't it fun to hold the world in your hands?"
"Do you want me or do you want control?"
"I can't win them all"
"Do you want me to care when you just disappear?"
"I wish I didn't want you"
"I will hold your hands to stop them from shaking"
"If it takes all night, I will be on your side"
"When you're lyin' here, I believe you love me"
"And what I'm feeling isn't lust, it's envy"
"I wish I knew you back when we were both small"
"Pray for me on your knees"
"Stay through the night I'd spend the mornings by your side"
"Cleanse my soul, make me whole"
"Dance in the morning glow"
"Hold me, we can't go back"
"Foolish thinking I could have you"
"Picture me in bed under your crucifix"
"I'd die for you, no questions asked"
"If anyone could kill me, it would probably be you"
"I wish that I had the guts the dignity to put up a fight"
"Oh anyone could kill me, and I'd never ever let it be you"
"'Cause we're a lot alike"
"I will fuck you like nothing matters"
"I'm putting all my bets on you"
"This is the only thing I know how to do"
"Damn right I'm the one"
"I can't let you finish"
"He's so needy"
"I just want what's mine"
"If I can't have you no one should"
"How'd I get here?"
"I get the sense that it's a lost cause"
"I did it all for love"
"I get the sense that you might really love her"
"I had to do it to you"
"The art of war, goddamnit, I'm drained"
"With a rush that feels like, we committin' a crime"
"You know where you belong"
"Wherever you are, whatever you need, don't call me"
"I lay awake if you're not around me"
"Help me understand how you speak your love language"
"You don't wanna be without me"
"I don't want to be alone"
"My, my, how the times change"
"Moments stolen taste better"
Oh, I need you, but it takes time"
"Loved me better when you tried less"
"I can't lose when I'm with you"
"I still wonder if you notice me"
"Don't care, just lay here beside me"
"I need your touch, not your scrutiny"
"You better learn how to face it"
"I make no exceptions"
"You can trust in me"
"Can you make me happy? Can you keep me happy?"
"I been thinkin' 'bout you, haven't got much sleep"
"Can you still come and get me?"
"I fuck him 'cause I really miss you"
"It's too late, I don't wanna lose what's left of you"
"I don't wanna see you with anyone but me"
"How am I supposed to let you go?"
"Only like myself when I'm with you"
"I got everything that I need, and I want more"
"Hate how you look at her 'cause you never saw me"
"I wish I was special"
"Is it bad that I want more?"
"Figure out how I should be loved"
"Is it too late for us?"
"Everything reminds me of us"
"Lead me, don't look back, it's all about you"
"It's what you say and how you do me"
"Who needs self-esteem anyway?"
"For you, I try"
"I can't shake this habit"
"I've been up, baby"
"Shitty of you to make me feel like this"
"You've been making me feel like I'm always in my mind"
"I don't mind who's watching"
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Some thoughts on "Hell is Forever"
TW religion, conservative Christianity
Hell is Forever is a bop. Musically I enjoy it a lot. And It's definitley one I'll go listen to separatelyfrom the others on occasion.
It is also probably the song that bothers me the most. And it does not bother me in a way I like. I've talked about before, how I like things that poke at my beliefs and make me ask questions. This one doesn't do that. This song is like a buzzing fly to my inner-theologian, and I think I figured out why (Ironically it might also be one of the reasons I enjoy it)
So I've been working on some of my series type content lately, including my devos. I'm trying to make a series based on the Hazbin songs (if that is something you're interested in let me know in the comments and I will try to tag you when I start posting them). Naturally this includes Hell is Forever.
The thing about Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss is that by their very nature they include some theology, but a good portion of it is hellaverse-ified. Some of it is theology and some Christian lore. It's part of the draw. Here's the diffrence between Hell is Forever, and most of the rest of it: Hell is Forever addresses real Theology, more or less directly. I'd say more than, possibly, any other part of either show so far.
Now before I go any farther let's make sure we all have the same definitions so my meaning doesn't get mixed up.
Real Theology= Theology actually believed by a fair portion of people.
Good Theology= Theology that is grounded and has biblical backing.
Bad Theology= Opposite of Good Theology
So yes, Hell is Forever has Real Theology. Here's the thing that gets me though: I wouldn't consider most of it Good Theology. In fact I would consider most of it Bad Theology.
Now the thing with Theology is that our interpretation of it is flawed. We don't know a lot and we don't agree on a lot. That's why there are tens of thousands of denominations. But the particular brand we get in this song is what I'm going to call "Bible Thumper Theology." Not all Bible Thumper Theology is necessarily Bad Theology, but plenty of it is. But honestly I have three major issues with Bible Thumper Theology. First is that it's weaponized. Whether your Theology is good or bad, using it as a weapon is risky business. Second, it's often pretty weak. Even if the theological concept is solid, their understanding of it is usually surface level at best. And third, so much of it is just cherry picking.
So here are the main theological points I identified in Hell is Forever. I'm not going to go deep into them now, because that would make this already long post way to long, and because I'm already planning on making posts specifically on them.
Hell is forever (Obviously)
Eye for an eye Theology (I don't know what else to call it)
Justification by the law (or works)
Justified k1ll1ng (which is obviously super yikes)
Now there are few others in there too, but I'd say these are the main ones. As I said I'm plannin to address these more later, though the first one, I'm still waffling on whether I want to tackle that or not. The primary reason being that I do believe eternal damnation is eternal (as much as I wish I didn't), however I am not going to join the fire and brimstone brigade. There are too many of them all ready. If I do tackle it, it will probably be about why I take issue with the fire and brimstone brigade.
But yes all that to say, Hell is Forever bothers me because it's essentially just Bible Thumper Theology, and Bible Thumper Theology annoys me because it's what makes the church as a whole look bad, and usually it is pretty Bad Theology.
Honestly most of the time someone starts spewing this kind of stuff at me, I can't help but think "Have you read your Bible, or do you just believe what your pastor tells you?" Is my theology flawless? Not a chance (If anyone ever says their's is, approach with extreme caution, or better yet don't approach at all). I am seeking and trying to sort out what I believe. And I'm growing.
Ironically, I think part of the thing I like about Hell is Forever is that the people spewing the bullshit are the villains. I have too often seen them up on a pedestal.
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theresawritesstuff · 1 year
Prompt - Midge finds out she's pregnant after her night with Lenny in the blue room.
She'd had this feeling she couldn't shake for the better part of a week. Nothing monumental or show stopping or obvious, just…Something. An intuition. 
One she hadn't been truly sure of until the moment she saw him standing in that empty hallway. Bound for California…
Still, they made small talk. She held her tongue. 
They were already leaving things unsaid that were much more certain than this. He had enough on his plate…
"Okay…You take care."
He turned to go, bag in hand. Off to make a life for himself on the west coast for who knows how long. Maybe forever.
She should let him go. She should…
"I think I'm pregnant," she heard herself say.
He turned back, not sure he heard her right. "What?"
"It's early," she told him quickly, the words tumbling from her mouth or their own free will. "I-I haven't even been to the doctor yet to confirm anything but I just…" She let out a shaky breath. "Christ. And now you've got a plane to catch and a lease and–" 
"Wait…" He strode back to meet her at her side, processing. "You're saying it's…"
"Yours," she confirmed. "Yeah…"
He nodded, looking a little pale as he covered his lip with his finger. "You're sure? That I'm…"
"There hasn't been anyone else in a long time so…"
"Wow…" He puffed out a breath, glancing at the terminal anxiously. "Um–"
"I'm sorry. I know it's terrible timing. I shouldn't have said anything but–"
"But we don't call?" he offered a little sadly, turning her own words back on her.
She deserved that. 
She hadn't been expecting a call from him after the way things ended at Carnegie, after she'd screwed up so astronomically. 
Doesn't mean she hadn't wanted him to…
"We probably could have made an exception," she replied, attempting for light-hearted and not quite succeeding.
Lenny nodded. "Probably. Still, a guy likes to hear this sort of news in person when he can."
A tinny voice announcing the start of boarding for his flight to Los Angeles echoed off the walls around them, intermingling with the quiet strains of their song on the radio…
Lenny exhaled a sigh. "Look just…wait here. Okay?" 
"Lenny." She knew she couldn't ask him to stay. That it wasn't fair to spring this on him like this. It wasn't fair to either of them.
"Just…wait. Please," he begged.
She nodded quietly. "Okay."
She'd always had a hard time saying no to him when he said please.
He got a flight attendant to help him retrieve his checked suitcase from the luggage, a pink baggage tag hanging brightly against the handle.
"You didn't have to do that," she told him when he returned, even if she was grateful he had.
"I'll catch the next one," he replied.
"Is there anyone you need to call? Let them know you'll be late?" she wondered.
"I'll call my mother later," he promised. "But we should talk first."
"I suppose we should," she admitted.
"Bar? Not for you but–"
She held up a hand mercifully. "I get it. Bar is fine."
They made their way to a quiet corner of the airport lounge in hesitant silence.
He pulled out her barstool for her, treating her with kid gloves.
"Thanks," she gave him a smile, hoping to hide her nerves.
God this sort of thing had been so much easier to talk about when she had a ring on her finger and a ten year plan carefully laid out.
He took the barstool next to her, ordering a whiskey for himself and a club soda for her, tapping the bar nervously as they waited.
"So," he ventured. "Pregnant?"
"'fraid so," she murmured.
He took a moment, letting them both come to terms with it.
"Haven't you got a rocky history with that word on stage?" he teased finally.
She laughed despite everything. "Maybe they'll give me a few extra seconds if it's my own condition I'm talking about."
"Maybe," he conceded, downing a bit of his drink. "How are you feeling?"
"Good. Fine. Really good actually. No nausea or anything like that yet."
He nodded quietly. "Okay. Well that's something. Otherwise I'd feel like a real schmuck."
"I'm sorry for dropping this on you," she told him genuinely.
A smirk tugged at his lips. "Pretty sure I'm the one who asked to see your corset that night. We both had a hand in…well, you know."
"I do," she replied, smiling softly as she stirred her straw idly around her glass. "At least it was a memorable night."
"I aim to please."
He looked down at the bar.
"How um…how far along would you guess you are?"
"Not very. They actually start tracking from when your last cycle was instead of from the actual doing of the deed, so…about a month?" she guessed, belatedly realizing what she was admitting to. "Too much information?"
Lenny chuckled. "I think we're passed that point, Midge."
She shrugged. "Just wasn't sure how squeamish you were."
"I'm not," he assured her.
He took another fortifying swig from his glass.
"So…what do you want to do?" he wondered hesitantly.
Midge blew out a breath, giving it some thought. "We could try calling?  I've heard a few positive remarks on the concept. And you could visit if you want or I could come out to California, at least while it's still okay to fly." She fiddled with the edge of her sleeve as she second guessed herself. "Or I could send pictures if you'd rather we just…"
She trailed off, noting the tender, bewildered look in his eyes.
"Nothing," he shook his head. "I just assumed you wouldn't…You want to have this baby? My child? Our…"
He swallowed, struggling to find the words. "That's something you want?"
"Well the timing isn't ideal but…yes," she admitted.
"You're sure."
"Yes," she replied.
"There might be a little Lenny Jr running around making your apartment a mess, ruining your wallpaper in the not exactly distant future, and you're on board with that?" he asked again, a fond sort of smile creeping into his expression.
She shrugged. "There are worse things."
Lenny smiled, sipping his drink slowly. "Yeah I suppose there are. Timing isn't exactly ideal but…"
"But…" Midge agreed.
He turned towards her cautiously, considering his words carefully. "I don't mean to sound indelicate, but what about your career?"
"I've got two other kids at home, what's one more?" she quipped dismissively.
He gave her a look. "Midge."
"It's fine, Lenny. I'm not exactly new to juggling motherhood with stand up. I'll figure something out," she assured him. "I'm not gonna blow it. I promise."
He reached over, putting a hand over hers atop the bar. 
"We'll figure something out," he corrected. "And I'm going to hold you to that promise."
She squeezed his hand gently. "I appreciate that, really. But I'm not trying to make you feel like your on the hook or that you're obligated to–"
"Miriam," he said, looking at her fully. "As the mother of my future child, please give me a little bit more credit."
She felt a flush creep across her skin at the sound of her full name on his lips. 
"Okay," she agreed quietly.
He nodded, removing his hand from hers. "Good."
She sipped her drink, averting her eyes towards the bar. 
"I don't think you've ever called me Miriam before," she informed him.
"No?" he asked curiously.
"No." She shook her head, glancing up at him. "...It was kind of hot."
He put a hand over his mouth to hide a very bad smile. 
"Something to keep that in mind for next time, I suppose," he replied.
She arched a questioning brow at his confidence in a next time, laughing to herself.
"What?" he chuckled. "I can't exactly knock you up any more than I already have now, can I? Wouldn't hurt to make the best of it."
Midge smirked, stirring the ice in her drink. 
"That depends. Do twins run in your family?"
"Not that I'm aware of," he replied. "You?"
"No." She smiled, feeling more at ease with their old patter back.
After a moment she admitted, "You know. If this sort of thing had to happen, I'm glad it was with you."
"Yeah? Why's that?" he wondered.
She swallowed, wetting her lips.
"Because no one else has ever made me feel like you did that night. Made me feel cared for in that way."
"You mean when I hooked your leg over my–"
"Not that." She swatted at his shoulder lightly as they received a sidelong glance from the bartender.
Lenny smirked, looking rather pleased with himself as he arched a contradictory brow in her direction.
"Okay yes, also that," she conceded, keeping her voice hushed. "But I meant after. When you held me just to hold me. It was…it was really nice."
"I concur," he murmured. "At least until the slow runners called."
"And I found that bag in your bathroom."
He nodded, growing somber.
"Right. That."
"Is all really well?" she asked gently. "I know I didn't handle bringing it up well last time but I need to know, given that you knocked me up and all…Are you okay?"
She reached out to retake his hand in hers.
He turned his palm over, lacing their fingers.
"I'm working on it," he replied eventually. 
"Well if there's anything I can do to–"
"There isn't really," he informed her softly. "But I appreciate the sentiment."
She nodded quietly. "We can talk about it another time. Now what about that pack of lawyers of yours? What are we dealing with there?"
"Midge, this wasn't supposed to be a talk about my problems," he reminded her.
"Too bad," she replied, hopping off the barstool to dig one of his files out of the bag at her feet. 
"Miriam," he admonished, lowering the timber of his voice as he slid around her to get the file.
"Nice try," she smirked, flipping it open on the bar, glancing over what appeared to be a billing statement of some sort.
"Jesus Christ Lenny, are you really paying these guys that much?"
He shrugged, slumping back into his bar stool in defeat. "It's either that or face some options I'd care for even less."
Midge shook her head. "You're getting ripped off."
"You know your way around a courtroom better than I do?" he wondered incredulously.
"I know a guy. Mike Kessler. He'll charge you way less than these vultures and he's good. Better than good. You should call him. I might have his number in my purse actually."
"Midge, I've got a lot more charges against me than just saying a few naughty things to a crowd in the Village," he reminded her.
"And flashing my tits. Allegedly," she corrected with a smirk.
He blinked at the image. "I think I missed that."
"You were waiting for me out front. We just didn't know it yet," she replied, pulling the card in question from her purse.
She placed it against his chest, holding her hand over his heart. "Call him. I'll put in a good word," she insisted.
He shook his head, lifting her chin with the crook of his index finger to kiss her.
She was more than happy to oblige, letting herself get pulled in by his embrace, her eyes drifting shut.
"Thank you," he replied when their lips parted, holding the business card between his fingers, pocketing it pointedly. "Now back to why we're really here."
"You've still got the lease and the daughter out in California," she reminded him.
"Kitty," he informed her.
She smiled. "Kitty. That's a sweet name."
"Thanks. She's a sweet kid. Yours are…"
"Ethan and Esther," she answered.
"Right," Lenny nodded. "Are they in school?"
"Ethan just started kindergarten this year." 
"So did Kitty."
Midge couldn't help but notice the proud little spark in his eyes at that.
"How long's the lease?" she wondered.
"Six months. At least to start had been the plan."
She nodded to herself. "We can work with that."
"Maybe Kitty and I could come visit over Hanukkah," he ventured.
"I'd like that," Midge beamed.
"Me too."
Lenny smirked to himself, finishing the last of his drink, setting it aside.
"God, I feel like I should be offering to buy you a ring. Getting down on one knee to make an honest woman of you or some shit," he admitted, pulling some money for their drinks from his wallet.
Midge let out a laugh. "Well how could a girl say no when you put it like that?"
His eyes searched hers, looking for an answer to the question he hadn't quite asked.
"I don't need you to propose, Lenny," she replied gently. "Not right now. I…"
She let out a breath. "I don't want you to marry me just because you think it's the right thing to do."
"I can think of a few other reasons," he drawled, placing the money on the bar.
She shook her head. "I need to know that if you propose it's because you love me. First and foremost."
He nodded, getting to his feet slowly.
His hand came to cradle her cheek as he looked into her eyes, taking her hand in his other and bringing it to his lips tenderly.
"First and foremost," he promised.
He exhaled a sigh as the clock on the wall caught his eye.
"You need to go," she guessed.
He nodded, his thumb tracing circles across her hand, reluctant to let go.
"Promised Kitty I'd be home for her birthday. Should probably try to make good on that."
"Lucky girl."
He smiled softly, gathering his things.
"I'll call you when I get settled. Promise."
"Okay," she agreed, getting to her feet. "I guess I'll keep you posted on what my OB has to say."
"Please do."
"Not exactly how you expected your afternoon to go, hm?" she teased.
"One could say that."
She took him in in that moment, memorizing the lines in his face, the light in his eyes. 
She'd never expected Lenny. Her whole life she'd made careful plans for herself but she'd never once expected him. Never thought to imagine that someone like him would drop into her life, become one of her dearest friends and steadfast supporters. Never expected him to slowly steal her heart along the way.
Was it any wonder that an unexpected pregnancy after a night spent in his arms felt strangely right, even now with the cards stacked against them?
"We'll figure it out," she promised. 
He nodded, gathering his things in hand, a little bit of hope in his eyes that hadn't been there at the start of this.
"See you at Hanukkah?" 
"Can't wait."
She watched him walk away, still bound for the west coast. But this time it wasn't a goodbye.
It was the start of something much better.
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griefabyss69 · 1 year
For the Drabble request- rockstar eddie based loosely on the song city of angels by Demi Lovato ;))
There was no way this was going to fit in under 1K!!! Based on the song and on the whole ass universe we've cooked up <3
[Drabble request series on ao3]
2.8K words - Steddie - Rated: E
Contains: Exhibitionism, humiliation (he's into it), public sex, sex on stage, audience participation (verbal)
I'd say this requires a general suspension of disbelief LMAO, just have fun!
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Eddie fucking loves to perform, whether it was back during his humble beginnings at shitty dive bars or on a big stage with Lights, Cameras, and recently, plenty of Action.
He didn't think he'd ever be performing like this in particular, but the life he's lived has never ever gone the way he used to imagine it, each year bringing something newer and wilder and usually a hell of a lot scarier than he planned.
So when he and Steve finally get their shit together, when Steve starts to get more and more daring as he uses his puppy dog eyes and his beautiful mouth to sweet talk him into doing crazy shit like wear a plug onstage, or to get him rock hard through his tight pants before kissing his cheek and shoving him out on stage, he just rolls with it.
It's fine, he can deal with the embarrassment of some people knowing, putting two and two together – tabloids and paparazzi photos turning into interviews where he and Steve get to tell the truth and control their narrative a little – that when Eddie starts off the night already red faced and sweaty and oh, hard enough to cut glass, it's Steve's fault.
The reception they've been getting has been warm enough that Steve gets bolder with every show this tour, and finally one day all of their previous discussions of him coming out to say hi to the audience come to fruition – Steve not only kisses him in front of the cheering crowd, but grabs his ass too, fingers pressing against the seam of his jeans to see if he can push on the plug inside of him.
Eddie has to pull the mic away from their faces so he can moan into Steve's mouth without thousands of people hearing it.
After that, the audience reception is, well, hot.
Steve loves to take the mic, rile them up, get them chanting for him to touch Eddie or tell them an edited but super dirty story about what they've been up to, and despite how legitimately embarrassing this all can get, it has Eddie more horny and in love than ever.
One night during the LA leg of their tour, Steve's not actually around that much as Eddie and the guys prepare for their set. He sees him whisper in the guy's ears and sees everyone exchange nods before he runs off again, making a phone call or talking to security or to the cameramen.
He can't lie, it has him on edge, considering every other time Steve's been up to something it's always been an escalation of their little game.
And you know what, call him paranoid, but he was right! He usually loves being right, but when Steve cups a hand to his ear to signal the audience during the band's intermission, Grant tooling around on his guitar to give the crowd something to listen besides Steve asking "What was that?" into the mic, he gets a feeling that this is going to be one of those nights that changes his life forever.
The audience yells a lot of things. Steve hadn't actually prompted them with a chant yet, but he just laughs into the microphone, slotting his eyes over to Eddie who's still panting from the screaming backup vocals of their last song, the beaming smirk on his face filling him with dread and the kind of lust that would have the devil on his knees -
He says, his eye contact sharper than his teeth -
"You want me to fuck him?"
The audience explodes into a wall of sound and Eddie feels just a little dizzy, his ribs crushing his lungs even as his ass clenches around the plug Steve asked him to put in earlier.
"Hmm…" He says, drawing it out in a tease. "I mean, I did ask the staff if I could, do you know what they said?"
The incoherent answer from the audience is drowned out by the pounding of Eddie's heart in his ears, as he's stuck there, frozen, hands getting clammy against his guitar.
"That's right, they said as long as you all behave – you know, follow the rules, tip your bartenders handsomely, and take lots of pictures – then I'm allowed to!"
Eddie knows he should start breathing or running or begging or something, but the part of him that loves to stew in his own humiliation has his feet bolted down to the floor, desperate to find out if this will be anything like the fantasies he'd seduced Steve with back in the day.
"You motherfucker," he croaks out, the sound lost before it even gets past his lips.
Steve laughs, throwing his head back in something like pure joy before he stalks over to him, raising his eyebrows, the twitch of them so familiar that Eddie can tell that he's serious about the whole thing, realizes that this is why he was whispering to his band mates earlier.
After that, things happen fast.
Steve drags Eddie to the center of the stage, a few feet away from the edge, stage lights bright and focused on them as he takes Eddie's guitar and hands it to one of the guys. Eddie knows he's got a stupid look on his face right now, not able to play off this off as the usual slutty shit he does for the performance, wondering if it's worse that he's in front of all of these people, or in front of cameras that are going to capture this on fucking tape.
His dick is throbbing.
Fingers move his hair out of the way so Steve can whisper in his ear, his teeth grazing the shell just to pull a shiver out of him, and he can barely hear him telling him that if he wants to stop he just has to say the magic words.
Eddie reaches back and grabs Steve's thigh, squeezing it once. He understands, and despite how the feels exactly like a cold-sweat nightmare, he's into it. Of course he's fucking into it.
It's like he blinks and his pants are down to his thighs, his dick springing up to slap his stomach and he can feel the cheering from the audience, buzzing through his skin. He has to swallow a moan already, finally finding enough air to make noise, unable to ignore the fact that he's exposed even as Steve's easing the plug out of his ass. He goes to cover himself with his hands but Steve's there already, pulling his arms behind his back to tie his wrists together.
It was never really like this, when he imagined it.
Maybe he'd thought Steve would just tug the back of his pants down and slide in, let him grind into his own hand or maybe even his guitar, but that was fucking stupid, he knows Steve doesn't do things halfway. Hell, he's surprised he didn't strip him off completely, the thought making him shudder and tilt his head back against Steve's shoulder.
Steve grabs the mic stand beside them to tip it in close, voice rough and deep and Eddie can tell that this is also one of his wildest fantasies.
"Should I turn him around for you?"
Eddie lifts his head to gape at him, shaking his head. Steve winks at the audience and presses a kiss to Eddie's cheek, smacking his ass lightly.
The audience starts chanting "Show us!" and Steve loves to give them what they want, and so Eddie finds himself facing the back of the stage while Steve gets an elbow over his spine and makes him bend, fingers digging into his ass cheeks as he spreads him open for everyone.
He could cum just from this, he thinks, face burning. Sweat drips off of the end of his nose and he watches it hit the floor. Despite the heat of the lights, the air in the venue is cool against his ass, making it hard to focus on anything else.
Steve's fingers tease at him and sink in, making sure he's all nice and lubed up and stretched out for him. The moan that it pushes out of him is loud enough the microphone picks it up, just audible over all of the cheering.
His dick is leaking on the floor by now, joining the sweat drops, and Steve's pulling him back upright and turning him back around before he can really feel sorry about the mess they're making.
"Alright, I hope you enjoyed that," Steve's saying. "The guys are gonna play a nice song for us, right Jeff?"
Eddie hears Jeff laugh into his mic and he squeezes his eyes shut, wondering how much of this they all planned behind his back.
"Of course we are! Though, gotta say," Jeff says, and Eddie can hear his smirk. "We've never done music for gay porn before. Eddie, you good to sing on backup for this?"
Eddie looks up at him, about to shake his head but Steve plants the mic stand in front of him and he wants to melt like ice cream down into the floor.
"Of course he is," Steve murmurs into the microphone over Eddie's shoulder. "You all should hear it, he moans in key."
There's a hand on his hip, Steve's dick at his ass, his teeth on his neck, and then -
Steve bites as he sinks into him, already pulling a rough sound out of his chest as the band starts to play a song that Eddie usually has a sick solo in, and he misses his guitar for a moment before he kind of forgets about it. Steve's hand is firm around the base of his dick and he doesn't bother easing him into things, just starts thrusting hard and fast like Eddie's the instrument, matching the explosive intro of the song.
Any plan he had to control what comes out of his mouth has flown off like a paper airplane on the wind at this point, Steve's mouth and his hands and his dick taking him apart so seamlessly that he wonders if his moans are drowning out the lead vocals or not. Surely the sound guy is in on all of this, will figure out how to mix them so it doesn't sound bad.
"Stop thinking," Steve murmurs in his ear before biting it.
Yeah, thinking. He's thinking.
"Open your eyes, look how many people are watching," he says, and Eddie wishes he had something to bite on just to help the tension that's got him feeling like he's going to burst right out of his skin.
He does what he's told though, cracking his eyes open against the bright lights to try to look past them, seeing the glint of the professional cameras and a vague sea of people, including a pit full of people dedicated to moshing even though Eddie's getting fucked like ten feet away from them.
"Alright Eddie, use your manners," Steve's saying into the mic, voice breathy as he keeps thrusting, lighting him up hotter and hotter each time his hips slap into him.
Eddie bites his lip, shaking his head. He's almost there, but until then he's not about to beg in front of everyone. This is humiliating enough, something he's going to be thinking about like a brand directly in the back of his mind for maybe forever.
"No, you don't want to? Everyone's being so well behaved and you want to be rude to them?"
"No, fuck," Eddie moans, squeezing his eyes shut. A little more.
"Then be nice, babe," Steve says, huffing a laugh against the side of his face.
He kisses his cheek again as he tightens the hand on Eddie's dick.
"Fuck, sorry," Eddie gasps, tugging at whatever's tying his wrists together. "Please, Steve."
"Please what? And I'm not who you have to beg…"
Eddie can feel his grin against his skin, teeth pressing into him.
"Please, let me," he swallows, tries to catch his breath, skin flashing hotter than ever. "Let me cum."
Steve groans, pounding into him faster. The drag of his dick inside of him has lightning curling up his spine, his lower back starting to feel more like a pool of endorphins rather than an amalgamation of tissue and bone.
"Should we let him cum?" He asks into the microphone, and the wall shaking noise from the audience seems like a yes to Eddie. He laughs. "I don't know, I'm just not sure? What do you think Eddie?"
"Fuck," he gasps, arms shaking where he's fighting to get them loose. "Please, c'mon, I'm going to-"
He cuts himself off but the audience gets the idea, starts up another chant.
"Let him cum!" Is going to ring in Eddie's ears for eternity.
He thinks that's a clear enough answer as he tries to grind into Steve's hand.
Must be to Steve too, because he loosens his grip enough to start stroking him, fist getting soaked as soon as it reaches the tip, the wet slide of it enough to send him over the edge before he can even make a sound.
Hot cum splatters over his chest as his spine arches back against Steve, feeling his fingers press hard into his hip and then more hot cum is shooting into him, pulling a reedy sound out of his throat as he pants for air. It's so good that he forgets about the humiliation for a moment, nothing but him and Steve and the band and thousands of people all frozen in the half minute it takes Steve to make him shatter apart against him.
Between the stars in his eyes and the lights and the way he's struggling to keep his eyes open, he has to give up on finding which way gravity goes so he can stand up and start dealing with… everything they just did. He buries his face in Steve's neck as best as he can and finds a good spot to bite him, hard, before backing off a little.
Steve gasps, still sounding rough and slutty, his dick twitching in Eddie's ass before he starts gently pulling out.
"Yeah, you loved that, didn't you?" He asks, and Eddie isn't sure if that's for him or the audience.
He just mumbles a "yes" into his shoulder while Steve works the plug back into him, trapping his cum in there. It feels good, despite the pounding he just took, despite how Steve gets him to brace himself on his shoulder while he pulls his pants back up, despite the beaming of the stage lights and how everyone's learned what he looks like when he cums.
Steve doesn't tuck his dick back in, just lets it hang out of his open fly, and Eddie bites his lip against a whimper, looking for the knots on his wrists. He's still not fully soft, the cool air and the cameras pointed at him keeping him worked up enough that he's still twitching.
"Be patient, babe. It's not like you're showing them anything new," Steve says, laughing as he brings his fingers to Eddie's mouth.
He sighs, shooting him a glare before opening up, letting Steve play with his tongue before he cleans them off.
Steve gives him a few minutes, gets a bottle of water from somewhere – one of the guys probably – and presses it to his bottom lip, letting him drink until he's finished with it and then dumps it over him, cooling him down.
He can't help but laugh, even as the cold water feels like a shock through his shirt and on his poor dick, making him finally start to get soft.
"Alright Eddie, what do we say to the rest of the band?" Steve asks, bringing the mic to his mouth.
Jesus Christ. Is he not satisfied yet?
"Um, thanks guys. Sorry my boyfriend is power hungry. Hope my uh, singing? Was good," he says, trying to sound like he doesn't want to shrivel up in embarrassment.
Steve laughs, hugging him from behind.
"And what do we say to the audience?"
Eddie tries to glare back at him, and then glares at the audience.
"You're welcome," he says, and Steve smacks his ass.
"That's what they should be saying," he says, holding the mic in front of Eddie's mouth until he gives in.
"Fine," he sighs, unable to keep the smile from creeping onto his face. "Thanks for putting up with all of this. Hope you liked it?"
The audience roars and Steve unties him, finally satisfied. He uses clumsy fingers to put himself back together, his dick safely back in his pants as he heads on shaky legs over to where his Sweetheart rests in it's stand, picking her up and slinging her strap over his shoulder.
"Alright, see you at the next show!" Steve yells before putting the mic stand back where it belongs, waving to the crowd as they cheer him off stage, blowing a kiss to everyone in the band as they start in on the second half of their set.
Yeah, Eddie doesn't think he could've imagined his life going in this direction.
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kiddbegins · 11 months
Taylor Swift Inspired Prompts | Pt. 1
note: I hope these get the ideas swirling cause I know her lyrics make things turn in my brain. Pleaseee please please tag me if you use them i would love to read them. also please feel free to send me requests with any (and all) of these :)
of course these can be used as general idea prompts or if you want to use them as direct dialogue, enjoy however!
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— When you think happiness, I hope you think that little black dress
— There's no time for tears, I'm just sittin' here planning my revenge
— I'll bet she's beautiful, that girl he talks about And she's got everything that I have to live without
— You put up walls and paint them all a shade of gray And I stood there loving you and wished them all away
— Nobody ever lets me in
— And no one knows That you cry, but you don't tell anyone
— There's pretty girls on every corner They watch him as he's walking home
— And I should've been there in the back of your mind
— A few years had gone and come around We were sitting at our favorite spot in town
— Our song is the slamming screen door Sneakin' out late, tapping on your window
— You and I are painting pictures in the sky
— And you can't see me wanting you the way you want her, but you are everything to me
— Why would you wanna take Our love and tear it all apart now?
— Begging you please don't go
— Did I say something way to honest make you run and hide?
— It's like a million little stars spelling out your name
— Mr. 'never had to see me cry'
— I miss screaming and fighting and kissing in the rain
— I said leave but all I really want is you
— time slows down whenever you're around
— I'm not the one you'll sweep off her feet, lead her up the stairwell
— If you could see that I'm the onе who understands you
— I can't breathe without you
— And now you're asking me to listen 'Cause it's worked each time before
Speak Now
— You made a rebel of a careless man's careful daughter
— I run my fingers through your hair and watch the lights go wild
— this is me swallowing my pride standing in front of you saying i'm sorry for that night
— the story of us looks a lot like a tragedy now
— 2am who do you love?
— Stood there and watched you walk away from everything we have
— I'll watch your life in pictures like I used to watch you sleep
— I loved you from the very first day
— And I want you now, wanna need you forever
— We would've been timeless
— Love is a ruthless game
— Losing him was blue like i'd never known
— put your lips close to mine as long as they don't touch
— so casually cruel in the name of being honest
— put my name at the top of your list
— spinning like a girl in a brand new dress
— I think it's strange that you think I'm funny cause he never did
— i just wish you were a better man
— i miss you like it was the very first night
— so hey, let's be friends
— i've been there too a few times
— we were built to fall apart (then fall back together)
— all you had to do was stay
— I wish you knew i'd never forget you as long as I live
— say you'll see me again
— your kiss, my cheek i watched you leave
— didn't they tell us don't rush into things
— coffee at midnight
— please, take me dancing
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kaciidubs · 5 months
Get to Know Me - K-Pop Stan Edition
Tagged by; @bethanysnow
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Who is your favorite K-pop group?
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Stray Kids! Currently these babies are my faves! They've completely swept me off my feet, which I didn't think was possible from how fucking fast it happened, but I've got no complaints~
Which member sparked your interest first?
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Believe it or not, but Seungmin was actually the first member who sparked my interest! Specifically Maxident era Seungmin [as I was a Maxident era Stay], he was the one I would look out for the most when I started getting into them as a group. It was the dandy boy effect, what can I say?
Who was your first bias?
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Truthfully it was a tie between Seungmin and Chan in the beginning, I loved these two so much I considered myself just double biased with them, but magically one day Chan turned out to be my main bias, and Seungmin lived up to the bias wrecker name [until a wild HyuniBini came along].
Now - Who was your first ever bias?
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Mr. President Kim Namjoon, Rap Monster, RM, Joonie of BTS - my first ever bias and husband, I love him more than words can ever describe, him and the rest of the tannies have gotten me through so much back in early 2020 and I'll forever be thankful for them - I honestly can't wait till they come home!
Who is your current bias?
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If it wasn't obvious already, Chan - aka Christopher, Chris, Chanstopher, Channie, etc etc - is my current bias! Though, I'd say my full lineup is Chan, Changbin, and Hyunjin - he's my ult out of the tier.
What makes them your bias?
I could list a lot of things, really - talk about how I see some of myself in the parts that he's shown to us - but I don't think I could ever come up with just one singular reason as to why he's my bias. I feel like I can relate to him the most, he's got attributes that I wish I had and because of that it just draws me in more because seeing him excel makes me believe that I could do the same one day. Something just clicks with him and I can't place my finger on it, he's just... there, and my heart's all "Yeah, he's the one."
Who is your bias wrecker?
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HyuniBini!! These two are wreckers like no other and I don't know how I manage to survive them but I do! Of course, I love all the members, but these two can snatch me away at any given moment and I'm not mad at it at all.
Which member(s) are you currently obsessing over that aren't your bias/bias wrecker?
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Yang Jeongin. Yang fucking Jeongin. Ever since he got that split dye with the curls for Rockstar era, I've never been the same - ALSO, him and his honey brown hair now?? The length? The FLUFF? He's a baby bread after my heart and soul.
When did you first discover this group?
Technically I first discovered them on September 24, 2020 [according to my spotify liked playlist] with B Me, but I didn't truly start stanning them until October 11, 2022. To be fair, 2020 was really the year I actually started getting into K-Pop as a whole; I became an Army March 13th, 2020 - without BTS I doubt I would've been a Stay for as long as I have.
Have you ever been to one of their concerts?
Sadly, I haven't, and I had plans to see them this coming Lollapalooza, but things happened and I'm crossing my fingers to be able to see them when they go on tour again.
What are some of your favorite songs by the group?
Mixtape: OH, Neverending Story, Sorry I love you, Any, The Tortoise and the Hare, The Sound, Voices, Novel, Hello Stranger, Behind the Light, Cover me - their whole discography, honestly, but these are the main songs that make me feel like I'm going to a different universe.
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Tagging; whoever made it this far and would like to do it! This was really fun~
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daintyduck99 · 1 year
things you said when we were on top of the world + rulie?
Reggie always used to think that, if by some rare, shining chance, he actually got the opportunity to propose to someone, he'd be incredibly nervous, possibly to the point of screwing the whole thing up. 
He isn't nervous, though. The butterflies that swarm in his stomach when he sees Julie, swinging a picnic basket and smiling like the sun, radiant in her yellow dress, joyful even though she thinks it's just a regular, run-of-the-mill Friday evening—
Those are just Julie's butterflies, the ones she's stirred in him ever since she looked him right in the eyes and asked him out. 
She hops into his truck with a giddy little squeal, leaning over the console to kiss him, though they're both smiling too much for it to be much of a kiss. She giggles. 
"Hi, baby." 
Reggie hums. He rubs his nose against hers, which makes her giggle again. 
"Hi, sweetheart." 
He gets a quick nose nuzzle from her too, and then she settles into the passenger seat, looking at him in that bright, lovely way of hers, through her lashes. 
Even if he didn't have a plan, he doesn't think he'd be nervous. Just being with Julie puts him right on cloud nine, and he knows she feels the same. He could ask her right now, and he's sure she would say yes. 
But he's always been a bit of a romantic, so he drives her to his favorite park, all of the way out to the hill where they had one of their very first dates, singing to her favorite songs all the while—
Only blushing a little when "willow" comes on, and she won't stop beaming at him whenever she sings that's my man. 
They spread the picnic blanket and nestle in the middle, admiring the edge of the city. 
They talk about everything and nothing. Julie feeds him strawberries, which maybe makes him blush a lot, but it makes her laugh and scrunch her nose, so he keeps letting her. He gets her back with a bit of peanut butter sandwich, which smears on her lips and between his fingers. Her breath catches before she kisses it away, and he lifts his chin with a victorious smirk.
She kisses that away, too, of course. 
The sun sets beautifully, perfectly, red and orange bleeding into pink and blue, and when she puts her head on his shoulder—
He knows, right then, that this is their time. 
"Hey, Julie?" 
She turns to him with a smile. "Yes, baby?"
"You know, I never thought I'd be lucky enough to love someone like you. Someone so bright, so amazing. Julie—"
And he isn't nervous at all as he unravels from her side to kneel in front of her, although his hands do tremble as he retrieves her ring and holds it out. 
"Would you let me love you forever?" 
Her hands are clasped to her mouth, and she has tears in her eyes, but disbelieving laughter spills out from between her fingers, and he doesn't know what to make of that at all—they had talked—
Then and only then is Reggie nervous. 
She must see it in his face, because her eyes get wide, and she shakes her head. 
"Oh, baby, I'm not…just wait a second." 
He squints as she fumbles for something in the pocket of her dress, only to gasp as she tips a bag into her palm and—
A simple golden band spills out. 
They both giggle helplessly as she shifts to kneel as well. Her eyes shine, and softly, through a smile, she says—
"Only if you let me love you forever, too." 
She shrieks as he tackles her, and they roll into the grass, laughing and kissing and grasping at one another with eager hands.
They have to pick the rings out of the grass later, but it's definitely worth it, and when they walk through the door of the Molina's house that evening, rumpled, grass-stained, and smiling wide, and everyone asks what happened— 
They share a look, lift their hands, and say—
"What else? We said yes."
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recurringwriter · 4 months
RULES: make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
tagged by @sevarix-blogs
i did this kind of thing a While back and one fic Only has writing in it because someone asked and i had to come up with something on the spot for what it was about. idk who to tag. if you have not been tagged but have wips tag me so i can see what your titling style is. please.
i have So Many wips:
face the music when it's dire
But what about all those voices in the night?
but i'm a sucker for his charm
hate to let you down
won't get by you, i can still surprise you
believe me…there's no place like home
i'll even sing to you a cappella
why does mia call you babygirl
[Hypothetical wedding]
a normal life
Masterpiece and Cage
Divorce eh-u
Rockstar divorce eh-u
look at this photograph (every time i do, it makes me laugh)
navigating unsafe waters
nothing to salvage
[Rufus stuff]
monsters at sea
[Rodrigue in the brig]
[Aymr attack]
Felicity returns
Festive felix
ferdingrid centaur
Spiderlicity two
[Eh-u rodriguela xmas invite]
let's kick it like my bad, my bad bad habits
i'd suffer hell if you'd tell me what you'd do to me tonight
[me: i'm not romantic!]
Operation rodriguela
strange animal sequel
[rodriguela prompt: wearing the other's clothes]
and a killer queen
don't say I don't still make you blush
let annette have a decent father figure
little mermaid au
rip to byleth but i'm different
Help! My dad is trapped in a blade and I am stuck with him until I can figure out how to break the curse! Au
Percy torture plan
this never was the man i'd hoped to be by now
hmc au
somewhere i know this could be otherwise romantic
Newly-minted duke
Ice dance au
Gloucester's 8
The Shadow of Every Spark-8
the lion and the doe
anniversary date
Masterpiece and Cage
[Lucky Ones sequel]
laying where the demons lie-1
from up in lights to up in smoke, we just can't let this go
and this is why my eyes are closed (it's just as well for all i've seen)
octorodfus marathon
monsterfucking license 2
miscellaneous prisoner!rufus
noise complaints
adopted marianne gone wrong
I've been running for forever from your ghost
paragon of chivalry
break into my heart
And I'm tired of ignoring All the space that's between you and I
have you written felix bloodied by battle?
[Rodina werewolf]
Daemon au
vs chaotic gore magala
Heavy is the Crown
a meeting in the cold but with vampires
ember but vampires
I'll write the song that wins her (and pretend that when i hear it, you're singing it to me)
[2 crest rodrigue]
Fallen rodrigue
Rosa Crepuscularis
this place is a hole, but i don't want to go
all i know is love can make you stupid (and you are just a song on repeat)
i will love you like goodbye, i will love you like you died (a martyr for me)
ace week (cormag and marianne in the eh-u)
glennmyr racer au stuff
I Could Have Used A Hozier Lyric For This Title But Didn't Want To Get Sued. by Fall Out Boy
a good dog gets a forever home
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acesofspadess · 1 year
Endless Love 5
a/n: this chapter was fun to write
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Live semi finals
Moving onto the live shows had you and Niall closer than ever. Since it was only you and Gina he had offered to have you over his place for a movie night. You had picked up Gina on the way to Nialls place and she wouldn't stop teasing you. “How does it feel to go to your crushes house?” to which you rolled your eyes and turned the music up. When you got there he opened the door with his arms wide ready for hugs.
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You ended up talking through the first movie and half of the second until Gina had to go. You had offered to drop her home but she said her dad was already on his way and that you didn't need to. When she winked you knew what her plan was and you walked her to the door. “Let me know what happens.” 
“Eff off.”
You sat back on the couch and looked to see Niall putting the stuff away in the kitchen. “Is this ‘I'm cleaning to kick you out’?” you teased as he looked up from what he was doing with a smile. “No, it isn’t. I'd never.” He shook his head with a laugh and came around to join you on the couch. He sat down next to you and threw his arm behind your head. You looked up at him to see he was already looking at you. “What?” you cocked your head. “Nothin’.” you looked at his face adorned with a small smile for a little longer before looking away. You watched the movie for about 10 more minutes before your eyes were feeling heavy. Niall saw and he used the arm behind you to push you into his chest. You snuggled into his chest inhaling his scent and slept until the movie was over.
When Niall woke you up your head was still on his chest but your arms were now wrapped around him. “I'm sorry.” you whispered, wiping sleep out of your eyes. “Don't be, rather you'd be well rested before you drive back alone.” he smiled down at you and you got up with a small smile in search of your keys. “Thank you for this Ni.” you said on the other side of the door. “You only call me that when you're sleepy.” he noticed. You looked up at him and the distance- or lack there of- made itself obvious. You watched as his eye trailed over your face and landed on your lips. Yours landed on his and before you could make any rash decision the wind of the night shook the bushes causing a disruption in the trance you two were in. 
“I'll see you later Niall.”
“Drive safely Bleu.”
You were backstage with your sister Indi to film a little segment. “I'm excited to be back. It feels like it's been forever even though it's only been a few weeks. I went back home and ended up getting noticed by some people. It was a surreal experience.”
“I brought my sister with me today. She's been one of my biggest influences and best friends.”
“Second to Harry.” she pointed out and you laughed with a subtle nod of your head. “I saw that!”
You walked in with Indi and saw Niall with a big smile on his face. Him and Indi ran to each other and hugged. “I've been replaced already.” you laughed as they released their hug. “You can never be replaced.” Niall said, hugging you tightly around your waist. Not much happened since that night as you had been back home in Mullingar. 
“How's home?” you knew when he asked it meant something more to him. They were his people too. “I've gotten noticed here and there. But Mullingar is Mullingar.”
“She's waiting on her mural to cover yours.” Indi joked and you shoved her off. “Don't say that. You know how many Directioners follow me? I can't be attacked.” you all laughed before Indi was saying her goodbyes. 
“Alright, semi-finals.” he smiled at you. “Its mad.” you giggled,”‘i cannot be more truthful when i say i didn't think i would get this far.” you confessed. It was a long journey. “You deserve to be here. You're one of the few that can step up under pressure. And the fact that now in the semi-finals you want to use my songs again and play the piano. It's not an easy song to play either. Bit of pressure.” he laughed. “Shall we do it?” 
“Yeah, let me just put my in-ears in.” you said struggling to get them in. “Have you put it over your ears?” he asked, looking at your struggle. “I've tried but I can never get it. Teach me." He came up to you and took the in-ear and adjusted it around your ear delicately. “Comfortable?” he asked, going to sit back down. “Yes actually.” you sat down at the piano and adjusted the mic. “Pop star problems.” he joked and let out a burst of laughter. 
When you finished the rehearsal Niall stood up and clapped. “Strap in America. It's gonna get wild.”
You played the first keys of the piano and smiled
We fight, we get high holding on to love
We came down 'cause there was nothing holding us
Is it wrong that I still wonder where you are?
Is it wrong that I still don't know my heart?
Are you all dressed up but with nowhere to go?
Are your tears falling down when the lights are low?
Another Friday night tryna put on a show
Do you hate the weekend 'cause nobody's calling?
I've still got so much love hidden beneath this skin
You take the mic off the stand and stand up walking over to the front piano. 
So darling
Put a little love on me
The audience cheered as you got to the climax of the song
And put a little love on me
When the lights come up and there's no shadows dancing
I look around as my heart is collapsing
'Cause you're the only one I need
To put a little love on me
You looked at Niall and saw a soft smile on his face
We wrote and we wrote
'Til there were no more words
We laughed and we cried
Until we saw our worst
Is it wrong that I still wonder where you are?
Is it wrong that I still don't know my heart?
You make your way to the middle of the stage 
Are you all dressed up but with nowhere to go?
Are your tears falling down when the lights are low?
Another Friday night tryna put on a show
Do you hate the weekend 'cause nobody's calling?
I've still got so much love hidden beneath this skin
Will someone
Put a little love on me, yeah
The crowd cheered for your note and it gave you a confidence boost
Put a little love on me
When the lights come up and there's no shadow's dancing
I look around as my heart is collapsing
'Cause you're the only one I need
To put a little love on me
Last night I lay awake
Stuck on the things we say
And when I close my eyes, the first thing I hear you say is
You sang through a smile as the audience roared again
Put a little love on me, yeah
Put a little love on me
When the lights come up, we're the only one's dancing
You pointed to yourself then to everyone in front of you
I look around and you're standing there asking
You made your way to the stairs and sat down on the top step which was covered in stage fog.
You say, you're the only one I need
So put your love on me
You're the only one I need
Put your love on me
Put your love on me
You waited for the last keys to play to end your note and you let yourself breathe before standing up and making your way back to centre stage. 
You saw Niall standing up and you bowed to him subtly. “Well the live semi-finals are off to a great start thanks to Bleu from Team Niall.” Carson introduced. “Alright Kelly, give us some thoughts on our first performance tonight.”
 “Way to start the night Bleu. You are so talented.  I will say that the beginning was my favourite. Just you and the piano and your god-given voice is just incredible enough- it lifted when the band came in obviously - but my favourite part was the beginning. That was so beautiful.” you smiled at her praise. “Thank you Kelly. Blake.” Carson shifted. 
“I thought the entire performance was just great, but I'm with Kelly. I loved the piano and you together. There was just something different about that for you. I thought that Niall was a really cool choice for you. Your voice is so dynamic and your able to play with it.”
“Alright Niall, give us some thoughts on this performance.” you looked down at him to see him smiling. “Oh, Bleu.” he praised.  “America, I told you to strap yourselves in. This woman is just off the charts for a reason. Get your votes in tonight.'' The audience cheered and you watched Niall wait to say more. “Its takes a lot to go up there and sing a song from your mentor, -twice!- and let me just say. You made that song yours, and you sang it better than me.” you shook your head looking down as everyone roared for you. 
“If you want Bleu in the finale, you can vote when it opens. One last time give it up for Bleu Wilson.” you waved to everyone up top and gave Niall a quick hug knowing everything was live.
You walked up on the stage hand in hand with Gina standing next to the other teams. Carson asked a few questions before getting to the moment you were waiting for. “I will now reveal the first artist saved by your real time votes and advancing to next week's finale. By the way, i'm going to reveal the artist tonight in no particular order.” you all linked hands down the line and you took a deep breath.
“Here we go. Your first finalist is…. from Team Blake, Grace West.”
“Your second finalist is… from team Kelly, D- Smooth.”
“Your third artist is… from Team Niall… Bleu Wilson.”
You covered your face in your hand and immediately hugged Gina. Novias, who was like a big brother, turned and gave you a hug as well. You blew kisses to those on the other side of the stage before walking as fast as you could in heels to the steps where Niall was waiting to help you down.  “Yes!” he cheered for you, wrapping his arm around you tightly. He walked you down the rest of the way knowing you wouldnt want to fall on live TV. 
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bleuwilson you're the only one that I need
User2 i hope she wins
User7 i love how niall helped her down the stairs
@youcan-nolonger-run @ravenclawdirectioner
@luxiorchive @maeflowers653
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twistedroseytoesy · 2 years
MC serenading Jamil with Infinity by Jaymes Young but the acoustic version. All the while, Kalim and all of Scarabia are trying to set the mood to make it more romantic.
What a beautiful and soulful song! Poor Jamil is going to get so flustered. Going to change the prompt a bit to have the mc playing and serenading Jamil by themself. Hopefully that’s alright.
using this cover for the acoustic part of the ask. Also the two are dating and about a month in at this point. The mc wanted to do something nice to celebrate the 1 month mark.
Tonight was one of the few free nights of Jamil’s week, and he was more than happy to spend it with his desert rose. Per their request, he followed a path near ramshackle and into the nearby woods. It was a beautiful evening, the sun setting and setting the sky ablaze with reds, oranges, and yellows.
After a quarter mile of a walk and a bit of a hike up a small hill, he arrives at a beautiful but slightly rundown gazebo. With overgrown flower beds around it and the sides covered in vines. Despite the rundown look the glass windows were intact and the inside was clean. And just past the windows was his beloved. They were seated on a wooden thatch-styled cushioned chair, holding a beautiful redwood guitar. He opened the door and they turned to shine a blinding smile his way. They gesture toward the seat across from them, an exact replica of the one they were seated in.
Jamil sat before asking, “what’s all this?” He noticed the small candle on the small coffee table between the two, it smelled of sweet curry and spices, of summer heat and sweet coconut, it smelled like home. He noticed other items he loved around, including a small gift box next to mc’s side.
“Well, it’s the one-month anniversary of us getting together officially. I wanted to celebrate.” They explained looking down at the instrument in their hands. “So I planned something small, I know how you hate big parties.” They gestured to the small but peaceful gazebo inside. A perfect view of the forest and a distant town through the windows, the two illuminated by the setting sun sky.
As Jamil stared out into the distance dreaming of a life beyond the servitude he was in, he heard the guitar start to play. He turned to look at Mc as they smiled and started to sing along with the instrument they seemed to be playing.
“Baby, this love I'll never let it die Can't be touched by no one I'd like to see 'em try”
Their hands moved over the strings before they stood from their seat, still holding the guitar. Jamil was in awe, He didn't know they could play.
“I'm a madman for your touch, dude, I've lost control I'm gonna make this last forever, don't tell me it's impossible”
“'Cause I love you for infinity (oh-oh-oh) I love you for infinity 'Cause I love you for infinity (oh-oh-oh) I love you for infinity”
They walked around to the open area next to where they were seated. Then held out a hand. The music continued to play from the self-playing guitar. Jamil smiled and shook his head as he silently laughed. he should have known better.
“Oh, darling, my soul You know it aches for yours And you've been filling this hole Since you were born, oh”
“Cause you're the reason I believe in fate, you're my paradise And I'll do anything to be your love or be your sacrifice”
They hissed out sacrifice as they let go of the guitar and it floated where it was, they grabbed Jamil's hands and pulled him out of his seat. Spinning around as they sang the chorus.
“'Cause I love you for infinity (oh-oh-oh) I love you for infinity 'Cause I love you for infinity (oh-oh-oh) I love you for infinity”
They slowed as they release their hold on the now-blushing Vice dormleader. They moved back and pretended to play more of the red enchanted guitar.
“Meet me at the bottom of the ocean “Where the time is frozen Where all the universe is open"
They moved around Jamil, gazing into his beautiful and sharp hazel eyes. Mc let go of the guitar and held his now burning face in their hands.
"Love isn't random, we are chosen And we could wear the same crown Keep slowing your heart down We are the gods now”
They smiled as Jamil had joyful tears in his eyes. They kissed his cheek before holding his hand and watching the last of the sunset through the large windows.
“Cause I love you for infinity (oh-oh-oh) I love you for infinity 'Cause I love you for infinity (oh-oh-oh) I love you for infinity”
They finished the song by humming, Jamil now comfortable enough to hum and harmonize with them. The guitar stopped after a few more seconds. The sun was now gone and the two were in a gently illuminated Gazebo, sharing one of the best moments they'd ever had together. They shared a kiss, no words were needed to show Jamil's appreciation and Mc's love for the misunderstood servant. Despite everything they choose him, and they plan to stay with him for infinity.
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