#i'd like to formally apologize for the first drawing
moxielynx · 10 months
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Hyper-Spider and Scorpion belong to aster
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doodle dump because i cant be bothered to post these all separately
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luveline · 1 year
Ok Derek angst what about a non-bau gf getting jealous of his flirting with Garcia? Bc ngl if my bf did that with a girl who I hadn’t met I would be super upset and then May be his gf meets Garcia and realizes she’s a girls girl and super sweet? Idk u can take it any direction
ty for your request ♡ fem!reader
You don't want anything to do with Penelope Garcia. Honestly, you wouldn't ever meet her if you had your way, but you're level-headed enough to know that she's important to Derek. Integral to his life. It's a miracle you put off meeting her as long as you had. 
At first, you genuinely thought she was Derek's mom. He always ended calls with, "Love you, mama." It was only a few weeks ago when he shook things up to say, "I love you, babygirl," did you look up from the book on your thigh to ask who it was.
"Penelope," he'd said, like he was confused. "Who'd you think?" 
You shrugged noncommittal, earning yourself a hair pet and a kiss. You lay awake that night wondering if you got it wrong. You'd heard a hundred stories about her and felt reluctantly fond, but now? Your boyfriend calls other girls pet names, what do you do about that? What can you? 
You ignored it. And now you have to meet her. 
She doesn't seem as nefarious as you've imagined her, springing from her seat at the cafe table to hug you. "Hi! Oh my god hi! I can't believe I'm finally meeting you, I've never been this happy in my life! You're so pretty!" 
You wince at her arms thrown over your shoulders but reciprocate. You aren't a total bitch.
"Thank you," you say. She smells like coffee creamer and hairspray. She pulls away to beam at you, her lips painted a shiny, pretty red. "It's nice to meet you. Derek has nothing but good things to say about you."
It sounds awfully formal, like you're opening a bank account with a teller who has a shared acquaintance. Derek gives you a look. You give him a look back, mutual confusion. She may be his best friend, but you don't know her (and what you do know you're jealous of, so). 
Derek takes your hand despite your off behaviour to show you off with pride, his teeth peeking from behind his lips milky white. "My two favourite girls had to meet eventually."
"I thought I'd be more jealous about coming second," Penelope says, eyes twinkling, "but I've never seen Derek so happy." Her voice turns scratchy like stretched linen. "He deserves the best, you know? And it's clear you're it. He's smitten."
"Maybe don't give up all my secrets, sweetheart," he says. 
Seeing them together chills your raging envy. There's a lot of love there, clearly, but the sexual tension you pictured is fictional. "Girl code, my love,'' Penelope says with a shrug. She winks at you. 
Insecurity nags at your skin like condensation on a cold window, "You've known Derek for nearly six years? Have you guys always been this close?" 
"Well, mister muscles here didn't bother remembering my name for the first couple of weeks that we worked together, so he deferred to pet names. And, you know, he's him," —Penelope gestures to him as if to say, behold, drawing a startled laugh from you— "and I'm me, so. I didn't want him to stop." 
"Hey, now." 
Penelope shakes her head at you. "He always does this." 
"If 'this' is stopping you from talking bad on yourself, babygirl, then yeah. I'll always do it." 
You feel clarity break, the sweet taste of relief and the muggier lick of shame. Derek and Penelope have a special friendship. That you knew before meeting her. She's made a huge, irreplaceable impact on his life, and Derek has clearly done the same. They aren't playing work husband and wife —there are reasons for their affections that go well beyond the surface flirtation. 
"I get it. Nobody ever called me anything so nice as Derek calls me," you confide. Derek's eyebrows leap up. You've never told him this; you're telling Penelope as a sort of apology, though she can't know that. "I never got asked out growing up. When he asked me on a date I thought he was trying to win a bet." 
Penelope's expression flickers with relief. There and gone, quickly replaced by sympathy. "Are you kidding? You're so pretty, Derek's lucky he got to you before someone else did." 
Derek kisses your cheek. His lips linger against the apple of it, your joined hands pulled instinctively to his firm torso. You might be imagining it, but Derek seems to know everything, so he probably knows the hill you've just climbed in your head. "Damn straight I'm lucky. I'm surrounded by beautiful, genius women. This is paradise for the modern man." 
You flush at his touch and praise. Penelope makes a pleased squeak. "Ooh, you guys are cute! You need to let me take a photo. This'll make a great printout for your wedding."
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moonlightgrisha · 1 year
Ride on
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Ch. 4 When you meet the Black General during your morning ride, challenging him to a race, you are not expecting to face a life changing consequence. [Masterlist] Previous - Next
You need a distraction. You go riding at first light, up to the hills on royal grounds. You don't care if the tsarina has given you permission as long as you have a chaperone - you go all alone and you ride as fast as you can, until dawn breaks in.
The moon is no longer in the sky and you sigh with relief. The dream still lingers on, though. You just can't stop thinking about it.
You almost don't believe your eyes when a rider emerges on the other side of the hill. It's a black rider.
It's him.
As he comes closer, you have to believe it's a coincidence. It's too scary to think that he's following you. It's even scarier to think that he had the same dream as you, last night.
"A morning stroll", he says, half smiling, instead of a formal greeting. But he doesn't forget his manners and bows his head. "Milady".
You do the same, happily avoiding his glare. "We seem to share this habit".
"Indeed, we do".
"Well, I'd hate to keep you, General", you mutter, your heart beating fast and not for the ride. "I shall-"
But he doesn't let you go. "Allow me to apologize for last night".
For a moment, you think he's speaking of the dream. But he couldn't actually have had the same dream as you, couldn't he? You look at him, harshly, and you wait.
He continues. "I could see I made you uncomfortable. Forgive me".
"I shall forgive you", you say, abruptly. Your horse is restless, he's struggling to go, and you feel just the same, so you get bold; too bold, as usual. "I shall forgive you if you reach the top of the hill, before me".
He looks puzzled.
You continue. "Oh, c'mon, General. You wouldn't think you could lose?"
He smiles, now, slightly amused. "And if you win?"
You smile back. Too bold. "I will not forgive you, then".
Your horse takes off and you leap forward, eyes on the hill, not even bothering to look if he's coming or not.
He is, of course, galloping straight towards you, so you spur your steed even faster, so much it feels like flying.
He could easily beat you, you are sure of it, but he doesn't, and now you're running up the hill side by side.
You realize it's more fun to ride together, than to ride alone.
"You didn't win on purpose", you say once you reach the top. You're out of breath, so you sit under a tree. He dismounts too, but remains standing, and you feel relieved he doesn't come to sit next to you. You almost laugh thinking of what the tsarina would say, if you told her you eventually had a chaperone, on your morning ride, and that it was the Black General himself.
"I also didn't lose", he replies. "Sometimes, a draw is the wisest result to be achieved."
He's clever. You like that. You also know you can't trust him.
But the dream you had last night lingers in your body and makes it difficult to keep a straight face.
You wonder how it would be if you told him everything.
No more hiding. You could blend with the moon every night, if you wished so. Your eyes fill with tears just thinking about it.
"There is something I must tell you", you suddenly say. The thoughts so fast, they escaped your mouth.
He tries not to look too interested, but he is. He's trying to hide it. "No need. It's a draw, isn't it? A truce".
"I must", you repeat, mostly to yourself. "I..."
Then you remember that Grisha are weapons, around here. That war is not a symbol on maps and books, and that you are no fighter. That's what you had been told, over and over, and it scares you.
"I... sleepwalk".
"You... sleepwalk?"
"That's how I ended up on Little Palace grounds. An incident". That's not even a lie. It's fine. You didn't lie to him. Nothing to hide. "I trust you will keep my secret. I should get back, now. Thank you for the... ride."
You raise your eyes, to meet his. He is bending over you, offering his hand. "Of course I will keep your secret".
Those words make you shiver. He's just helping you up, there's no reason to refuse. Still, you hesitate.
"I could never go with you", you think. "No matter how I wanted to".
But you do want to take his hand. That's the point.
You place your hand in his, and he pulls you up.
But he doesn't let go.
Instead, his grasp grows so strong it almost hurts.
Right in the moment your bare hand has touched his, you have started to shine. Moonlight runs on your skin, in your eyes, on your hair, and you look at him in shock. You didn't even know you could summon in the daytime. What is he doing to you?
You feel naked. You feel free. You feel terrified. You feel powerful.
The Darkling looks at you like he knew all along. Your faces are so close, you could just lean over and resume were the dream has ended.
Instead, you pull away, abruptly, freeing your hand.
Like a signal has been cast, his shadows come out from everywhere. You have never seen them before. They run towards you like wolves, they crawl like dragon tails, and you respond.
Beams of moonlight spur from you, glimmering and glistering, pure ferocious night light in the middle of the dawn, chasing the shadows away.
But they are not really gone, they are hiding in the grass, observing you.
The Darkling has said nothing yet.
You turn away, get on your horse, look at him - just staring at you, and a million things unsaid in that stare - then you leave.
The Darkling doesn't even bother to come after you. He knows that you are not running away.
There's no running away, not anymore.
Are you having fun with this, yet? I'm having a LOT of fun. Feel free to leave a comment, if you appreciate this pastime and want to know what happens next.
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yuseirra · 3 days
Oh no... I am so sorry for annoying you with my ask about comparisons between ONK characters with other anime characters, I truly did not mean to annoy you at any single way or bring any sort of trouble, I made this tumblr just to formally apologise I do am ashamed to talk on my main so I am a coward but still I just feel I am dumb while i read thus can't have a good judgment but... and I like reading from people I know is smart for sure and I won't bother you again with fandom discussions I will just support you correctly I truly hope you can forgive me, far from my intentions to bother you in any single way I am so so so sorry
Hello~ I thought of replying this to you privately, but since it's not an ask sent through your main according to what you say, I hope you don't mind me replying on public! I feel the need to clarify what exactly I felt as I was answering you on my end as well..!
Oh, no, I wasn't so annoyed earlier, I just... didn't think the answer was something that'd need to be asked because isn't it so obvious? If you've been watching and supporting me, you'd know what answer I'd give! XD The take you brought up was quite extreme... things usually don't tend to be so black and white, even if it's a manga, so the answer I could give felt like a given. I understand you need assurance sometimes, I've been there! Was that what you were looking for earlier? It's nice to see similar takes and get some confirmation! I appreciate you having trusted me to give out some good insight about a topic you're interested in. But.. at the same time, I didn't want to state that people are necessarily wrong about their takes on my answer. I've never seen them, so I can't be sure enough to judge, and I could only talk about my own feelings. I may not agree with it, but they're a different person and I don't know enough to disagree with something I haven't seen. And I don't think I'll try and see takes like those on purpose either... even if I came across it, I'd just pass through it...
I haven't been drawing Aqua so much lately, but if you'd like to see my takes on the character, my drawings would reflect my feelings! I believe I've still drawn a few! Never got to depict his warm sides as much as I'd like, recently, I've been drawing him very annoyed about his dad bc how the story's been but if things turn for the better in the manga, I'd love to try drawing him that way :)
It's my personality, you see, I don't really enjoy debates, my friends do though? If my friend was here, they'd have had a lot of fun with your ask. I just tend to prefer keeping to my thoughts most of the time (except for the things I'm really passionate about!) Some people may really enjoy getting these asks, I'm... it really depends on the question, but maybe I don't enjoy it as much as some others may. I might enjoy some really cute and uplifting type of things... but hearing Aqua being taken as a heartless person's kind of sad; I do care about that character too. He's a character that's been suffering, he shows signs of PTSD. When I first read the comic, I felt pretty immersed towards his emotions and I sympathized with him a lot.
I'd like to say I didn't intend for you to get all apologetic and nervous! Wow, you even made a blog to apologize? but you really didn't have to! It's very hard to convey the tone of voice through words, ain't it? I was being really casual with that reply earlier. If I could just read it over in my voice, you'd have heard it and figured this person isn't so mad about it. I was talking the way I usually do! So no worries, I'm glad I got to hear from you again and hopefully I could lift you of your feelings you're having. Um, I'd be happy if I could provide some good takes about this series you can agree with :) We may not be able to agree on everything, but I have a feeling you might end up enjoying how I view things regarding this series. Will you still support me despite having felt this nervous about it? I'd like that to happen! Hope you have a nice day!
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To Love Who Wears The Crown Pt. 7
Pairing: Modern Royals: King!Bucky x Reader
Word Count: 2.6k
Warnings: I don't think there are any warnings here tbh they discuss the kidnapping stuff
Genre: sorta fluff maybe a little angst
Summary: You meet the king of Andia by chance when he hosts a ball and he's immediately taken with you, enough to invite you to spend your summer at the palace with him while he formally courts you. Although he's everything you could dream of from the moment you arrive, nothing is ever straightforward in the world of powerful people. Who would have thought that when you tripped over his feet at a dance you'd eventually have to find out what it means to love a king.
The first few days after your return are hard. Every small sound makes you panicky. You're skittish and nervous and refuse to be left alone. Sam or Steve is with you when Bucky can't be and if none of them is available Kate stays with you. She seems to be doing well with the guard so far and has basically become your personal guard. The only time you're alone is when you have to take calls from Weldon to check on Monica. You still haven't figured out a way out of this situation and it's making you more nervous as your announcement party draws closer. You managed to get it pushed back another week when you got back, using the excuse that you were too shaken up to think about celebrating but you didn't want to put it off for long and give Bucky the wrong idea. You know your behaviour is worrying James, you can tell by the way he dotes on you more than usual. He hasn't pushed you to talk about your kidnapping but you've finally decided it's time to talk to him. Kate follows you down the palace halls as you make your way to Bucky's office.
"You're walking so fast Lady y/n. What's wrong?" Kate frowns.
"I have something important I've been needing to talk to Bucky about and I've wasted enough time stalling since I got back." You explain to her.
"Geez." Kate says under her breath. You pull open his office door and three heads turn to you. Nat and Steve seem to have been deep in discussion with Bucky before you walked in.
"Oh- sorry to interrupt I didn't realize you were in the middle of something." You say.
"Come here." Bucky holds a hand out to you. You walk over to where he's seated and place your hand in his.
"I didn't mean to interrupt." You say.
"Don't ever apologize for being anywhere that I am doll. Okay?" He says, looking at you.
"Okay." You whisper.
"Now, what is it?"
"I need to talk to you about something, but it can wait if you're busy." You tell him.
"Leave." He says.
"Buck we're in the middle of-"
"Steve, it can wait." Bucky says, cutting him off. Natasha rolls her eyes and walks out with Steve behind her.
"I'm never too busy for you. What is it y/n?" Bucky asks.
"Actually this is kind of sensitive so I'd rather we talk about it away from the palace." You tell him.
"Away from the palace?" He frowns.
"Can we go to your little cave spot? I know it's cold but we need to be alone. Please?" You ask.
"Of course." Bucky stands. Bucky leads you quickly out of the palace and through the gardens until you reach the cliffside. You walk through the dark cave and eventually pop out at the lake where you let out a calming sigh. "What's all this about y/n? Is everything alright?" Bucky looks at you with concern.
"No- everything is not alright. We need to talk about my kidnapping." You say.
"Only if you're ready to talk about it. Don't feel like you have to for any reason y/n."
"James you have a rat." You sigh.
"A rat? There aren't any rodents in the palace." Bucky shakes his head.
"No James not a rodent. Someone in that palace is working against you with the king of Weldon. It's why I asked you to bring me here." You say.
"There's a traitor?" He blinks at you.
"I’d guess several. It's how I got kidnapped I'm sure. It’s the only thing that makes sense. They came in through my balcony without anyone noticing and somehow the king of Weldon knew the nature of our relationship and knew you were planning a ball soon. A ball you hadn't even announced yet. How would he know that?"
"Unless someone inside was feeding him information."
"Do you have any idea who it is?"
"Not yet. The palace staff is huge and truthfully it could be anyone, but I figure it's most likely someone close enough to one of us to observe details of our relationship. A guard maybe or- one of the dinner staff who serve us."
"Wait a second so you were kidnapped from your balcony?"
"Yes." You nod.
"The guards at your door claimed they didn't hear anything at the time of your disappearance- I almost had them killed on the spot." Bucky scoffs.
"You didn't though, did you?" You frown.
"No. Though I'm starting to think maybe I should have- especially if there's a traitor among us."
"Hang on how did you find out I was missing?"
"Izzy, she went into your room or something, saw you weren't in there, asked the guards if you told them where you were going and they said you hadn't left." Bucky explains. "Now that you're telling me someone can't be trusted it makes sense that the guards didn't hear anything-"
"Actually Bucky that might be because I was unconscious before I could scream so- unless they made a significant amount of noise while moving me, there's no reason the guards outside would have heard me getting kidnapped. I don't remember who was posted that day, but I don't think them not hearing anything is enough reason to throw them into extra suspicion."
"We have to find out who it is y/n. A traitor weakens the whole kingdom." Bucky says.
"Yes, I know. We have to be discrete though. The king of Weldon is having me watched I'm sure. You can't do anything until I manage to catch the traitor."
"Until you manage to catch the traitor? Do you have a plan?"
"Not yet- but I'm working on one. You can't get involved, but I want you to know because, you know, you have to be careful. Please, be mindful of who you're trusting in the palace." You say.
"I understand but you have to be careful too. Especially if you're trying to catch this person on your own. Don't do anything overly risky." Bucky tells you.
"Yeah- I know. I'll be safe. We should go back now, so you can finish your meeting."
"You're sure? I can stay with you if you want." Bucky suggests.
"Honestly Jamie there's not a moment I don't want you to stay with me, but I'm not unreasonable. You stopped your meeting to talk to me, that's really sweet but you do have to do your job." You laugh.
"I mean I don't have to. We could just play hooky." Bucky smirks.
"Your majesty, how bold of you to suggest." You giggle.
"What can I say? I'm full of surprises." He winks at you.
"How about today, you go finish your meeting while I plan how to catch Judas and we play hooky on another day." You suggest.
"You're no fun." Bucky jokes.
"You're ridiculous." You scoff. "Let's go back now, I'm sure Steve and Nat will start looking for you again soon, plus it's cold." You take his hand and head back through the cave towards the palace.
"I know Nat liked you already but I truly think you've won her over with the whole not letting me slack off thing." Bucky chuckles. The two of you walk back to the palace where Kate is waiting by the main entrance.
"Y/n, your majesty, you're back." She says, standing up.
"Hi Kate." You say to her.
"Hi Kate." Bucky smiles.
"Alright, you go find Natasha and Stevie." You tell him.
"Yes ma'am. I'll see you as soon as I'm done." Bucky says, kissing your cheek.
"No rush, my love." You smile at him.
"You guys are so cute wow." Kate gushes as the two of you walk back towards your room while Bucky heads the other way.
"Thank you Kate." You chuckle.
"What's it like dating the king? I mean, he's a pretty alright boss but he doesn't seem all that nice except for when he's around you. It's like there's two of him. The calm and cool king who runs everything and scares people with his stone face and then the totally whipped softy who would like probably give up his crown if you asked him to." Kate rambles.
"Kate." You laugh.
"Sorry- sorry it's just that, you know it's so interesting that he's so different with you."
"Do you expect your boss to be kissing you on the cheek Kate?" You chuckle.
"Well obviously not that but with how much he dotes on you it's curious that it doesn't show up really anywhere else. Like he reserves his softer side for just you."
"I wouldn't go that far. He's kind and fair to everyone I think, which is more than you can say for other rulers, but there's an expectation of kings, they're supposed to be somewhat unyielding and that can leave little room for softness." You shrug.
"Well yeah I guess that makes sense. Don't get me wrong he's a good boss. I've definitely had worse. I like that he's so nice to you. It shows that he has a softer side, even if he can't exemplify it professionally."
"I think what matters more than his kindness to me is his kindness to the people." You hum, entering your room with Kate behind you.
"Man I hope the king does marry you."
"Oh- thank you." You chuckle.
"I just mean that I think you'd make a really good queen. You complement him well and I think you'd have Andia's best interests in mind." She says.
"I appreciate your candor Kate." You muse.
"I know I have a tendency to talk more than I'm asked." She nods.
"I think it's nice. I'm sure it gets you into trouble but honestly walking through the halls and hearing no conversation most times is odd. James, Steve, Sam, and Natasha seem to be the only ones who like, talk often. None of the staff talks all that much."
"I think they're scared of saying the wrong thing and one of them hear." Kate tells you.
"I hadn't thought of that. I hope that changes if I stay here." You say.
"I hope so too. It's hard talking to people that do not engage. Like man you'd think they have no personality. That's not true though, some of them are super cool- but they're so scared to talk when they're not in the staff areas, like the kitchen."
"I know some of them are super cool, I make a point to talk to as many of them as I come across when I get the chance." You say. "Since you enjoy talking so much, why don't you tell me about yourself? Where are you from?" You ask her. Kate is quick to launch into stories about her home and growing up and you're happy to listen to her talk.
You pull open the doors to your room and step out to talk to the guards.
"Hey guys have either of you seen Izzy? I need to ask her something." You ask them.
"Oh she was on her way to you when she got a phone call- she went around the corner." One of the guards, Louis, tells you pointing in the direction she went.
"Thank you Lou." You nod heading down the hall to try and find her.
"You can't call me during the day like this it's too risky." You hear her hiss into her phone.
"I'm just trying to understand why there have been no updates." You faintly hear the voice of the other person.
"The ball was moved following her return a couple of weeks ago dad. No one felt like celebrating because she'd been missing for three days. It's rescheduled for the day after tomorrow so just chill. By the end of next week, King James will not be a problem." She says and you have to cover your mouth to stop from gasping. Izzy's the traitor?!
"You'd better make sure it happens." The other person warns.
"I'll try but she's never alone these days. Except when someone calls her about Monica. She's alright isn't she?"
"Of course she is, she's our bargaining chip. That's not your concern Isabel. Focus on what you have to do over there."
"I'm trying dad." She sighs.
"Do not let me down." You hear a beep signaling the end of the call and another drawn out sigh. You round the corner quickly to confront Izzy, grabbing her phone and looping your arm through hers. She gasps at your sudden presence and starts to stutter out something but you cut her off.
"We're going to go to my room and you're not going to cause a scene on the way there or I swear to you this will be your last day with all your appendages." You tell her calmly. She hardly breathes as you make the walk back to your room in silence.
"Lady y/n I-"
"Kate if you don't mind I need to discuss something with Izzy privately." You say. Kate, who had been sitting in a beanbag chair in your room, hurries to stand. “Stay close.” You add.
"Alright. I'll uh- I'll be around if you need anything. Just holler." She says before darting out of the room.
"You're a traitor." You say to Izzy.
"You don't understand-"
"No, I understand perfectly. You've been watching the king and subsequently me and giving information to the king of Weldon that he could use to his advantage. It makes perfect sense. I can't believe I didn't see it right away I mean I've been pouring over this since he mentioned it- the ball, how the hell did he know about the ball- we hadn't even made plans for it yet. But I told you as soon as I came back from lunch that day. How else would the kidnappers know when I would be alone in my room? Of course. it had to be you. I just- I can't believe this."
"I didn't want to y/n please, you have to believe me."
"Why would I believe anything out of your mouth?!" You scoff.
"The king of Weldon is my father." She rushes out.
"That doesn't help you-"
"He's my father, but I'm not- the queen wasn't my mother. He got my mother pregnant and for years he didn't even know I existed. I don't know when or how he found out but after the queen died he reached out to my mom saying he wanted to get to know me. My mother assumed he was genuine and hey I wanted to believe it too, after all, I was his only kid. But he sent me here. Told me my only use to him was helping him take down the king of Andia." She explains.
"And you just went along with it?"
"He threatened my mother! Told me if I didn't do as he asked he would have her exiled. She's lived in Weldon all her life, everything she knows is there I couldn't- I had to." Izzy's shoulders sink as she talks.
"Then who's watching you?" You frown.
"What?" She blinks at you.
"He's blackmailing you, as he is me. You're watching me but someone has to be watching you. If you're here by force there's no way he trusts you to work alone. Who else here is working for him?"
"I can't tell you." She shakes her head.
"You can if you want to live." You tell her.
"Y/n!" She gasps.
"Reasoning aside Izzy, you are still a traitor and if you refuse to give up the other people that pose threats to the kingdom I'll have no choice but to tell James you are guilty of treason."
"No- you can't." She breathes.
"Then tell me who else here is a Weldon spy."
"But my mother-"
"Your mother would be granted refuge here in Andia. Do what is right. Save yourself, save her so that I can save Monica and protect James." You tell her lowly. Izzy pauses for a long while before she lets out a sigh.
"Alright. I'll tell you." She relents.
Part 7/???
Tagged Users: @calwitch
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icarusignite · 1 year
Hey author, how are you? I hope your exams went well ☺️👍! I wanted to ask you who is your favorite character in House of the dragon? I can't quite decide. I love Daemon and Rhaenyra. But then there are also viserys and the sweet Luce (aka. Sweet boy) so I wanted to ask who your favorite character in House of the dragon is. What would also interest me is: if you could choose your parents in House of the dragon, who would it be? I would choose Daemon and Rhaenyra directly, I just love them, and I would have cool brothers, half brothers and half sisters....
I tried to send it to you yesterday, but I wasn't sure if it worked because the app crashed the whole time. So if you've already received this from me, I'm sorry
Heyyyy, absolutely love your asks. And you never need to apologize, love, it's all good 💙💙
My exams went lol. We don't talk about how they went, they just went 💀💀. Your exams were in May, right? Best of luck bestie, I hope they go well!!
Hmm, my fav character from House of the Dragon. I find all the characters so incredibly complex and layered that I actually love them all so much. I think my all-time favourite is definitely Rhaenyra. She is just so fascinating and she's been through so much and I just adore her with all my heart. Like I'm aware she's not perfect and that she does questionable things in both the books and show but I just love her so much lol. I support women's rights, but most of all I support women's wrongs, and Imma support ALL that woman's wrongs 🤭🤭
I also find Alicent so fascinating. Young show Alicent is so young and she goes through so so much and my heart aches for her, and even though I don't love all the choices adult Alicent makes, I can't hate her either because she is just a product of her environment and an accumulation of her tragic experiences. It makes sense for her to be the way she is and honestly, I can understand her resentment for Rhaenyra. I mean if I went through what she did, and then I see someone I grew up with get to do whatever she wants without consequences while I have to put up with my shitty 100+ yr old rotting husband while she has like 2 of the hottest dudes in the kingdom, I'd be pretty jealous and resentful too. So yea I just find her so fascinating and I love doing like character analyses on her.
Honourable mentions go to Harwin, we love a king who supports his princess without wanting anything for it. The parallels he draws with Ser Criston Cole (I rlly hate him lol) are so immaculate. Crispy Cole has a huge hissy fit when Rhaenyra doesn't drop the crown and goes to sell oranges with him or something, while Harwin is perfectly content being her side piece. But like on a serious note, his love for Rhaenyra is enough for him and he doesn't need to be formally acknowledged as his boys' father or Rhaenyra's baby daddy. He is just content with the little pieces of her that he gets to have and I think its so tragically beautiful. Also Daemon, my fav war criminal 🫶 I know he's done atrocious things, and he will continue to do so and I will not defend him saying that he didn't do anything wrong lol. I just vibe with him cuz he's incredibly loyal to his family and we love a family man devoted to his wife (I pretend the choking scene did not happen, I'm delulu like that 🤡). Also love Rhaenyra's kiddos. They're so wholesome and sweet. Sweet sweet Luke and responsible Jace. I have so much to say about them oh gosh I've rambled here enough, you asked me my fav character and I went on like 3 different tangents on all my fav characters. But yea, every single one of these characters have such a special place in my heart, i love them all for various reasons, tea black and green both (I fkn hate Otto and Crisoy Cole tho).
Also omg parents, I want Daemon and Rhaenyra tooo for sure. First of all so I can have Jace, Luke, and Joffrey as my brothers cuz that would be soo nice but also can you imagine having Daemon targaryen as your fkn dad. Gosh the power you would hold. I wanna be Daemon and Rhaenyra's babygirl 😭😭 And that entire family unit is so cool, all their kids/half-kids/step-kids are so cool and it would be amazing to be part of that family. Also i think they're a relatively happy family (until the war lol). Like I def wouldn't wanna be Alicent+Viserys's kid lol. Not because I have anything against them (I have issues with Vizzy T but thats a matter for another time), but they're just so dysfunctional lol. That's mommy issues + daddy issues + all sorts of issues waiting to happen lmfao.
Anyways thank you so much for your ask, feel free to send in more, I love rambling about my fav characters and I'd love to hear more from you too. Why do you like your favourite characters? Also I am currently working on your Daeron request so expect that to be out sometime in the next 2 weeks. I started a new job so it got kinda busy rip.
Cheers love 🫶
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ask-the-3rr0rs · 8 months
Too lazy to actually draw this but have this anyways.
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"Since we're all going to die here I feel like there's a secret I have to share with all of you."
"Alright let's hear it."
"So First off, I'd like to formally apologize to 3llie. I know you tried to get me into it but I just couldn't get into Eddsworld."
"Wait what?"
"I'm sorry I just didn't like it."
"What didn't you like about it?"
"It wasn't my cup of tea I'm sorry."
"I mean- there's a lot of great characters in there. There's Tom, Zanta, don't even get me started on the episodes."
"Fine characters, I just couldn't get into the series."
"Have you ever seen Wtfuture? Saloonatics? Spares?"
"I have and I always stop at either that one Poweredd episode or the Saloonitics one, I've never even finished the series."
"You never finished it?"
"Honestly that's understandable."
"...Well then, what's a series you did enjoy that I showed you?"
"Mmm... Okay."
"I like Ena too."
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starg1rlie · 2 years
hihi! hope youre doing well! ♡ ive never done one of these ask games before but they seem sups cute so i thought id give it a shot ! 💍 for scara please !!
im ambivert!! i really enjoy talking to people and love being around them! id describe myself as a rather calm and go with the flow. im a very patient person and like to see the brighter side of things. im a very physically affectionate person and generally just a pretty happy person 😭 i dont really like confrontation all too much but i will engage in some teasing if i know the other person is okay w it. unfortunately im also the victim of being a HUGE sappy hopeless romantic too 😔 i really enjoy writing :> music and nature are huge inspirations for me and are a big part of my life ! i also draw quite a lot too, it helps relax me and i love making things. i hope you have a great day and thank you for your time! <3 (apologies if this is too long! ^^;;)
(hello, my apologies for taking so long to get to your request, i hope that you haven't been waiting too long...i got a bit sick and i lost my motivation to write, since i dont feel like i'd be pushing out anything worthwhile for my readers at the time, but here i am <3 hope you enjoy)
biking around the city
its dangerous, he says, and yet, he still goes along with it. you first suggested it as a way to get some fresh air (as if the two of you couldn't receive fresh air from the front porch of your house), and he agreed, only because he knows how much you enjoy taking in the scenery of mother nature. of course he didn't expect for you to ask him to hold hands while doing so. if he had, he'd have refused to accompany you and would probably force you to do something else inside the house that wasn't quite so dangerous. he went along with it anyways, linking his fingers through yours as the two of you biked around the neighborhood for a bit. then scaramouche insisted the two of you head back, because it was getting late and your parents would probably murder him if he kept you out for too long.
he'll play the piano in the middle of the night
even though his mother had previously forced him to learn how to play the piano, he still secretly enjoyed it, despite all the smacks to the hand he received from his instructor. he hadn't played in a while and he felt a little nostalgic one night, so he plopped himself down in front of the grand piano, flipping the cover open and letting his fingers brush against the piano keys. slowly, he dipped into a simple melody he first learned, then ascended into a more complicated tune. all the while, he never looked up from his work, playing and playing until he played the last note. a clap startled him and he jumped up from his seat, whirling around to face you. you didn't tell me you played the piano, you'd say as he came over to wrap his arms around you. that's a one-time thing, he replied. only it wasn't; he started playing more and more every night, and you, upstairs in the bedroom, would listen contentedly under the covers, happy that he continues to play.
introduce him to romance
he legit hasn't had a single romancic occurence in his life (poor boy), and does not understand how you can be so sappy and romantic all of the time. so when you sat him down one night, scaramouche couldn't help but feel a little skeptical about the whole ordeal. romance wasn't his thing, not really, anyways. but you tossed a copy of "to all the boys i've loved before" and left him to "do his thing". a few hours later, you hear sobbing from downstairs and rush to see what's the matter. why are you crying? you asked him, rubbing a hand soothingly over his back. this book is so fucking sad, he'd say, wiping at his runny nose first and then his eyes. honey...it's a romance book...you replied, a little confused. i know. it's so fucking bad.
he'll teach you how to waltz
scaramouche isn't much of a dancer himself, but since there is a formal dance coming up at his school, and he wants to take you as his date, he practiced for weeks on end, ever since the school announced the dance. when he finally felt good about his performances, scaramouche invited you to his living room and placed a hand over your waist, the other gently clasping your hand in his. together the two of you swayed around the room until you collapsed into an exahusted heap, erupting into giggles. what's this for? you inquired, gesturing at his tuxedo and neatly combed hair the next day. what did you think i asked you to dance with me for last night? he shot back, re-adjusting his tie. we're going to the dance. with that, he promptly drags you out of the house to drive to the dance.
listens to your onslaught of playlists
it seems every day you manage to make a new playlist for him to listen to. him? he prefers indie pop and would rather slit his throat than listen to anything other than his chill music. however, since you put time and effort into the playlists, he'll scroll through it and play some of the songs in there. eventually, he'll find his head bobbing along to the songs and will scowl to himself, ripping his headphones off and glaring at his phone. your playlists...aren't as bad as i thought they'd be, scaramouche said the next day. his eyes narrowed just a bit. but we'll be talking more about your music taste in the future.
he'll organize a hike and picnic
since you seem to love nature so much, scaramouche mentally mapped out a plan for taking you out one weekend for a hike, and then a picnic at a pretty area, even going so far to take the scenic route instead of the shorter route. backpack and picnic basket in tow, he'll determindely hike up the hill with you, even though his feet are killing him and he'd much rather be relaxing back at home, watching riverdale. when the two of you finally reached the summit, he keeled over on his hands and knees, gasping and panting heavily. nope, this man is not in shape. want some water? you offer him, holding out a bottle of cold water for him. scaramouche accepted it gratefully and gulped half of it down before swiping at his chin. you're lucky that i decided to go through with this, otherwise we'd be rewatching riverdale again at home, he said pointedly, wiggling his index finger at you while he tried controlling his breathing.
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emeritus-fuckers · 9 months
Hello! This is my entry for the match-up event:
1. I use she/her pronouns and I am a cis woman. I am also straight both sexually and romantically (I just think men are neat)
2. I would like to be paired up with one of the Papas, please
3. For my physical appearance, I am 5'6, my body type is average I'd say, I'm more flat chested/thinner around my torso and thicker around the thighs and bottom. I have blue eyes, chin length brown hair that's oftentimes up in a ponytail whenever I go out and an undercut. Style wise, I really like wearing vintage/more formal wear, such as blouses with big sleeves (even better when they go higher up the neck), high waisted pants or ankle length big skirts, vests, and some nice dress shoes or boots. I almost always have a necklace and a dangly earring on one ear to go along with my outfits.
4. I'm more on the quiet and introverted side. Especially around people I don't know and haven't met before. I can tend to be socially awkward at times. It takes a bit of time to warm up to and really express myself around others. Once I am comfortable around someone though, I love spending time with them. I like being kind and generous to others and I am very loyal to those that I am close to. I like to see my friends happy and to make them laugh and I'll easily do anything for them if they ask.
5. For hobbies, I am big on music. I am passionate about the bands/artists I listen to and I love to share music with others. Genre wise I like rock from all different decades and funky indie music, though I listen to all sorts of different genres. I also like to create traditional art, and the mediums I use are pencil, fine line pens, and I'm now starting to get into watercolor. I like to do more realism type drawings. I like to read a good book every now and then I enjoy playing video games if I have a good enough amount of free time to do so. I also have a few little collections of different things and I'm always on the lookout to add onto them. I also like to watch movies, especially with others so we can make comments on what we're watching.
6. I have a big sweet tooth, especially when it comes to fruit juices/smoothies and ice cream. My love languages are quality time and physical touch (I am a bit touch starved, unfortunately). I'm not the best gift giver, but I really like to create or handmake something for people as a gift. I tend to get stressed and anxious too easily and overthink and it's something I'm trying to work on. I also really like uncommon pets, it's so cool to get to interact with animals I don't see all that often in person.
Thank you so much! (Apologies if it's a little long)
This post is part of the 1000 followers match up event. Entries for the event are now closed.
Your match is...Papa Emeritus IV
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The first things Copia noticed about you was your blue eyes, shining bright like the Morning Star and how your smile would make his heart flutter. You’d only met a few times briefly, but during those times you’d both talked about movies and video games.
That evening you strolled through the cloisters on the way to get food, your breath hanging heavy in the crisp winter air. You paused to look through the arches onto the lawn and then up. The dark night sky glimmered with small pin pricks of light, the sheer depth of it entranced you.
“Beautiful isn’t it cara… it would be easy to just look at it all night sì?” You looked accross to see Papa Emeritus IV, he looked stunning in his glittery red jacket. He had his Papal paints on and you just stuttered some kind of response. He gave you the warmest smile you’d ever seen. “I err” he added, then he too fell silent.
A small little nervous rat noise escaped him before he said “It’s okay, I am err how should I say, not the best in social situations either. But I’ve been meaning to ask… would you like to come with me to get some food? A date perhaps?” His shifts a little waiting for your response. You happily agree and he smiles broadly.
You can relax around him, despite him being Papa you can see the man underneath it all and he is very easy to get on with. He makes you a mixtape of his favourite music and when you do the same for him he gets very excited. He’ll play it when you aren’t around and he misses you, mainly when he is stuck at work.
He adores your art, he finds it interesting to watch how you go from a blank page to the finished work. He asks if you can draw him and his rats, that becomes slightly tricky as even his favourite rat won’t sit still.
He understands what it’s like to get stressed and anxious. He’ll do anything he can to support you with that and he’s really easy to talk to about it. If he sees you getting anxious, if it helps you, he’ll wrap his arms around you and hold you close. “I’m here for you cara” he’ll kiss the top of your head. “Just tell me what I can do to help and I will”
You spend evenings together snuggled on the sofa playing video games or watching movies. When it’s a movie night Copia will sneak into the Ministry kitchens and take the largest and nicest tub of ice cream he can find back to his rooms for you two to share.
Written by Nyx
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l1qu1dsm00th · 2 years
Semi-decent explanation of why William and Claude are two different characters damn it.
(no backstory/lore part included)
cause I can't with this anymore istg
William info:
William is an aloof, dignified individual who strictly observes rules and formalities and expects the same from others. He performs his duties with diligence, precision, and impartiality. He does not take kindly to those who cause trouble, particularly if such trouble forces him to apologize for their actions and work overtime.
William is a tall man with short, neatly combed dark-brown hair. Like other Grim Reapers he has chartreuse phosphorescent eyes.
William wears rectangular glasses with four decorative lines on each temple. He often dresses in a dark suit, tie, black gloves, and dress shoes.
Claude info:
Claude is distinctly apathetic; he speaks and acts virtually without emotion. He does not respond to direct taunts such as Alois Trancy undoing his buttons moments after Claude fixed them.
Claude's personality drastically changes after he tastes Ciel Phantomhive's blood. He begins to covet Ciel's soul and becomes erratic and bizarre; he would dance and make doilies. Having developed a strange obsession with Ciel's soul, Claude is determined to obtain it at any cost.
Claude is a tall, bespectacled, and handsome man with short, black hair and golden eyes. He dresses in a dark suit and wears white gloves. His tongue is remarkably long; he is able to lick the bridge of his nose
Ok so. With those mini paragraphs of information we can begin. (Creds to the Kuroshitsuji wiki for the info)
First of all, William is aloof and Claude is apathetic which doesn't mean the same thing. An aloof person can be apathetic or not, it depends, and even though he acts as he does I wouldn't describe William as apathetic.
William expects others to follow the same rules he follows meanwhile, in part for the work place and in part for his master, Claude tends to make others obey his rules and if Alois is not around tends to not obey the rules given him beforehand as he doesn't deem them necessary. Claude also bent the rules to achieve Ciel's soul etcetera etcetera
Claude is very much not as impartial as William is in general, which is one of the things that distinguishes them the most in my opinion.
William doesn't care for hobbies such as dancing, sewing, or anything else for that matter, in the slightest. Claude instead is seen practicing more than one of them quite a few times.
William's hair is dark-brown while Claude's is black.
Their eyes of course. Also why tf did I see Claude drawings with red eyes, you can make the a bright pink at max. I'd understand that.
T h e . G l a s s e s . THEY'RE SO DIFFERENT PLEASE. Square with lines, not square with lines. BOOM. Was that so hard 😭
Plus Claude doesn't need them while William does.
William has black gloves while Claude has white gloves.
Their suit look different from one another. While Claude's very much similar to Sebastian's, Will's attire is different and more formal than the one mentioned before for the job he does.
The Hairstyle is different. Claude's hair is clearly messier than William's. Claude also likes to slightly play with his hair in some scenes lol
Thanks for reading ^3^
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icestarphoenix · 2 years
Hi yeah I'd like to change my formal opinion of you: you scare the shit outta me. Jesus Christ. Drink water okay good night sleep tight dream of whatever makes you happy but also isn't violent or off putting unless ur into that sorta thing which I kinda hope you aren't cause at first you seemed kinda wholesome but that's also me ignoring that the first post I really interacted with of yours was the one with different states eyes. Which by the way I dont think i ever told you this but that ask that I sent asking about your Team spirit au, I had that typed out in a Google doc because I wanted to make sure it was perfect like I was so scared you wouldn't respond and then you did and it was like!!!! Omg!!! Someone actually answered my voice!! And that's really wild so like, thanks for that. Really makes me happy when I think about that. Also you changed your profile picture and it kinda caught me off guard. Did you change it bc it's better to have art instead of stock images or because we found the penguin. Cause like either one of those is valid unless it was some secret third option in which case I am Intruiged. It's 1 am and I have a headache I'm so sorry about this I just wanted to let you know I really like your art and your writings. They are very fun to read and sometimes I forget that a lot of my ideas that I have about the states started with you so just take this as a "hey thanks for being you" ask but also don't? Like I am just blabbing to you over the phone and it's been 6 hours and you really wanna hang up but I won't stop talki
Just a lil' goofin' and gaffin' on my part, some spooky to poke at the nerves with. @atomivet can run all he wants, gotta get that cardio in. He has very nice art, so I wasn’t gonna do anything anyway. I am just a lil' baby penguin after all~
You were my very first ask, so you made me very happy too! Someone was actually interested in my ideas! And then I spiraled into fandom stuff and now I'm here. I thank you, very much! I, too, have all my headcanons first written down in Google Docs before I make the Tumblr post to make sure that it's as good as can be. Though that still doesn't stop me from overlooking things sometimes...
As for my new face, drawing @atomivet's ask gave me the opportunity to make a pfp similar to the stock image I was using but in my style. So I made the shift. It's a drawn me now! And I see you! From my little window!
Don't ever apologize for talking to me, I always enjoy and appreciate the interaction. Hope your headache gets better <3
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I must share another GOS image/ scene that lives rent free in my mind.
So this takes place shortly after Gai is turned into a dragon, and has isolated himself away inside a cave up high in the mountains. He's currently curled up on himself, and hasn't talked for a while, and through it all Kakashi has stayed by his side. It's raining hard outside because Kakashi is also distressed with what happened to his friend, but at least it's not flooding the land (he's learned how to control his emotions/ powers long ago...)
At some point Gai's eyes grow accustomed to the dark. Or maybe Kakashi is worried Gai is going to catch a cold/ Gai IS cold and he makes a fire to dry his friend off. Whatever the case he finally sees the old mural on the wall and... Gai hates it...
Gai:...It must annoy you...
Kakashi: *Shocked because Gai talked... and he can sort of understand him.* I don't mind taking care of you. *clean off the horns*
Gai: Not that... the pictures... they depict you as a man...
Kakashi: *blink...turns to look...realizes which cave they're in.*
Gai: A lot of humans like to make gods men or cover up women's accomplishments by giving it to a man... sorry that happened to you...
Kakashi:... That does happen to a lot of human women. Goddesses, however, don't tend to let that disrespect slide. More often than not it's a problem of ignorance. Not arogance. Despite what recent events might make you think, a mortal seeing a god's true form is an incredibly rare occurance. Most don't get to see our true forms so they don't know our genders instinctively. *moves to drying the mane* But more interesting...is that the mortal who drew this mural, knew me better than anyone, and he chose to draw me that way because he knew I'd love it.
Gai: *curius hum as Kakashi sits on his claw and right next to his muzzle.*
Kakashi: *raise hand at wall... a stream of water starts dropping down the wall beside the mural, creating the silhouette of two children* The real story, happened when the artist and I were both small children... and this is how it went down. *tells Gai how they met using water puppets on the wall. The water dries quickly on the stone letting him tell the full story... explain 1st Gai's reasoning when he made the mural. Of drawing Kakashi how he wanted to look, not how he was when he looked like a little girl back then*
Gai: ... * So glad he clarified things before destroying it like he thought he should*.......... should I...call you sir and use male pronouns with you for now on?
Kakashi: *smiles and leans against dragon face* Sir is much too formal between two old friends... but I would love the male pronouns, Gai.
Gai: *nods... gonna apologize later about previously using female pronouns earlier, when he's at least 3% less depressed* "Old friends?"
Kakashi: *nods* I'll explain later...
*end scene*
Also known as the time Kakashi came out as trans to his bestie a second time and told Gai the story of his first life XD. What do you think, did I get any of that right?
Ahhh, see, i don’t think Kakashi ever really comes out to gai in a way where he has to tell him that he’s actually male.
The way i’ve always had it, Kakashi doesn’t really question his identity until gai’s prince lifetime. He’s a god, gender is really not a concern to him and he doesn’t care too much about how people perceive him.
It’s when he meet Prince Gai and introduces himself as male, going with that look that first gai always portrayed him with, that he really realizes that he does care about his gender and that he identifies as male.
Before that he doesn’t really think of it, and thus never really had to tell Gai that he’s male, or what pronouns to use, because he has introduced himself to Gai this way (where as in his first two introductions he never specified a gender. He just told Gai his name and what he was the god of)
It’s really the other gods he ends up coming out to, specificlly Sakumo, The original three, Ibiki, Obito, Kaiyo and Rin.
Sakumo, Ibiki, Rin and Kaiyo are supportive and adjust without hesitation
Onito assures him that he’ll always just be ‘that dork of a brother’ regardless of his gender, which Kakashi finds oddly comforting
And the original three are kinda like ‘cool. Now onto other things’ cuz Kakashi isn’t the first god the choose a different gender (Kaiyo, Ino, Sai and Yamato all beat him to that) and they have a world to take care of
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TW: SH, mentions of sexual assault of a minor, suic ideation, mentions of suic attempts and mom trauma
My view of myself has always been skewed. I was always different. I saw the differences in others. I found different people who were different in so many different ways. I saw our sameness. I saw the pain and confusion. How I responded wasn't who I am now.
I was mean in school. I hated monogrammed boots and backpacks and binders. I hated the design, the letters were in a weird order. It always brought up our names, middle, first and last. People knew who they were named after and what it meant. They told me about their parents picking the perfect name. I was always told such a pretty name, how delicate, like a flower and the sunrise.
In kindergarten, there was someone who shared a name with me and so I let people call me something else. I submitted to another version of myself in a different family, living a different life. I'm more than that child, I have pain that runs deep. I have rough edges. I was mean about the stupidest things. I reflected their vibes even if they weren't directed at me.
Some boys picked on me, pulled my hair, played rough and I didn't like it. My parents said maybe he likes you. I didn't get the memo that I was too old to be bullying my crushes. I would flirt through shoulder grazes, eye contact and kicking under the table because I thought that's what love was.
I want to formally apologize to someone named Matthew whom I played soccer with. I liked you and feelings were confusing and you didn't deserve what I did. I'd like to apologize to Chanelle for saying your drawings of people's feet look like horse feet. We were in the fifth grade. You came to me for advice and I didn't know how to draw feet. All my drawings of feet still look like horses feet. That wasn't cool of me and I'm still embarrassed and I'm sorry.
I struggle with the view of myself because I know those were just a few mistakes in my life. I remember being the quiet kid. In high school, someone came to a teacher and said I was cutting my legs. I'm assuming they said that because I would change in the bathroom stalls rather than the open locker room. I also had a friend who dyed their hair and wore a lot of eyeliner.
Whoever reported me for self harm didn't know that I was ashamed of my dollar store flower print underwear. Or that my father sexually assaulted me when I was young. How would they know? I just didn't want people to see my skin or call me a stick.
I didn't give them a chance and opted for an awkward dance in the stalls. Whoever reported that didn't know that my mom picked me up from school and locked me in her bedroom and told me to take off my pants. She didn't trust me and I suppose she had no right. I was cutting my upper left arm. She humiliated and cried over what I put her through and she didn't even see the real harm I was doing to myself.
Here I am. 24. Genderless, new name. I'm who I was and more. I've learned that so much of my upbringing was messed up. I've learned that family isn't supposed to make me feel this way. It's been three years as Max, as me. For Christmas, my mother sent me a journal. "To my daughter..."
Best intentions. But an absolute rejection of who I am. Of the work I've done. In the psych ward I cried because I didn't want to be abandoned by someone who wanted me to breathe. She rejected an abortion with me, all of her Facebook friends know because of a stupid pro choice post I made. That was the lynchpin. She wanted me. But not anymore. She wants her little girl back and all that I've done to get better is not in alignment with her view of my life.
I'm not perfect, I don't pretend to be. I wasn't claiming to be Wonder Mom, I was an older sibling trying to take care of the kids she couldn't stop popping out. She chose life. I tried to end mine again and again. She doesn't want to know all this is real and not just a phase. She doesn't get to know me anymore. And it hurts.
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Unexpected Surprises - Mr. Shark x Reader
"Ooh, looking good, big guy!" Tarantula commented with a smile, seeing the biggest member of her gang well dressed in a suit.
"Well thanks." He replied, happy with the compliment as he straightened his clothes using the reflection of a glass vase as a mirror.
"And where's Mr. Polished gonna go dressed like that?" Mr. Snake scoffed, but still interested in why he was dressed like that.
"Did you forget? Today is his and his gf's first year anniversary." Piranha reminded him.
"Oh yeah. I don't care." He said, soon turning his attention to a magazine about guinea pigs he was reading.
"Gee guys, I still can't believe it's been a year. I feel like it was yesterday that we met and my heart pounded." He said, sighing passionately and fondly remembering when you two first met. Even if it wasn't the least bit romantic.
"Yes I remember, but it was because she nearly killed you with a heart attack." Wolf joked and everyone laughed out loud, but Shark didn't care.
He went to the window and stood there, waiting for your arrival and wondering if everything could be different on that particular day, June 4th on a Tuesday.
It was a sunny summer day and he and his gang went to enjoy the day at the beach. He was helping Webs spread out her towel at the sand, when he suddenly was hit by a colorful beach ball on the head.
He took the ball and waited for the owner to go to him to get it back, but he certainly didn't expect they were a 15 foot and a half tall female shark with a menacing presence and a huge scar across her eye.
Always used to everyone being smaller than him, Shark fell back when he saw you.
You were very upset. You already expected that behavior from everyone, but never from someone of your own kind.
However, feeling bad about having had that reaction and not reciprocating your nice behavior, he walked over to where you were sitting with some friends and apologized.
You didn't even remember how, but the two of you spent the rest of the day talking and he was always super nice to you, now seeming to ignore your size and appearance.
It was one of the few times someone had been kind to you, despite initially denying it, he stirred feelings in you that you never thought you would ever feel.
You expected nothing but heartbreaking rejection when you decided to tell Shark you liked him, but you became the happiest shark in the world when he revealed he felt the same way and asked you to be his girlfriend.
You didn't know exactly what you were feeling as you walked to your boyfriend's house, it was such a confusing mix of feelings.
On the one hand you were feeling extremely excited to see what his reaction would be like to see the surprise you had made. But on the other hand, you had something very important to talk to him about and it wasn't important as a way of saying it, his life would change forever when he found out.
"O-oh hey love, a-are you here yet?" He stuttered, looking very nervous for some reason once you got there.
He wasn't exactly wearing clothes suitable for going to the beach, but you didn't even pay attention to that detail, just on how handsome he looked in those formal attire.
You were a very lucky shark.
"Yes? What happened?" You asked, worried about his reaction to seeing you.
"Oh, it's nothing." He replied as he left the house, trying to act natural, but failed miserably.
You just forgot about it, knowing it would be a surprise for you.
"How I am?" He asked, striking a pose like he was a magazine model.
"Ooohh so handsome!" You exclaimed, taking him in your arms and turning him around, drawing adorable chuckles from him.
"Thanks, so are y..." He was about to compliment you too, when he finally noticed how different your clothes were from his. "Honey, I thought we were having a candlelight dinner." he said, notoriously confused.
"We will, but not in the place you think it is." You replied between laughs.
"I'd better change my clothes then..." Shark said, but you quickly cut him off.
"No! No need, I liked it." You said, which made him smile at you.
"If you liked it, fine." He shrugged.
"Let's go." You said.
"Wait, aren't you forgetting anything?" He asked.
You became thoughtful for a moment when you finally understood what he was talking about.
"Oh, okay." You said, as you crouched down a bit to be at his height.
Your boyfriend came over and gave you a tender kiss on your scarred eye.
"Okay, I'm getting curious, are we there yet?" He asked as you led him by the hand as he was blindfolded.
"Almost there, hold on just a little longer." You answered. "Remember when we met?"
"Like it was yesterday. When someone throw a ball at me on purpose to have an excuse to talk to me?" He joked.
"Exactly." You laughed.
"But you know, I'm glad you did."
"Awww don't make me stop halfway to kiss you." You said. "Do you remember the exact place?"
"Hmmm near the lifeguard chair on one side and a pretzel stand on the other." He replied
"Right here in this place." You said, as you took the blindfold off his eyes and revealed the candlelit picnic you made with so much love.
You watched delighted, but at the same time satisfied by his surprised and joyful reaction.
"Honey, you didn't have to do all this." He said, turning to you.
"Yes I did, it's not even half of the things you did to celebrate our months anniversaries." You said between laughs. "You liked it?"
You melted when he took your hand in his and kissed it.
"How can I not like something that was made by my great love?" He murmured lovingly, giving you one more hug. "I love you."
"Aw my love, I love you too." You replied back, but soon started to worry when his hug started to get even tighter. "Oh, don't squeeze me so hard."
As soon as you asked, Shark released you from his arms. He was so happy with your surprise that he decided to go ahead with his plans.
"Sweetie, I wanted to tell you something." He said, leaving you in awe of the coincidence of the two of you having things to reveal that same day.
Even though you were curious to know what he was up to, you also wanted to tell him as soon as possible.
"I also have something to tell you." You confessed with a smile.
"Really? Then do the honors." He replied, letting you speak first.
You took a deep breath, you didn't know what to do to prepare your boyfriend for the news, but you were going to say it anyway.
"So, you know just now, when I asked you not to squeeze me so much around my belly?" You said, hoping he would understand.
"I didn't even notice it, I was so focused on what I was going to say." He laughed. "Why? Is there a specific reason why...?"
You raised an eyebrow as you looked at him, which made him suddenly shut up.
Finally realizing the possible reason, he put both hands under his mouth so he wouldn't scream.
"...You mean that... That you... You're... We're gonna be..." He tried to say, still extremely dumbfounded by the news.
"Yes, I took the test these days and it was positive, I'm pregnant." You said shyly, as you put both hands on your belly.
"Honey... That's like, the best news of my entire life!" He said between loud laughs of happiness, before approaching and wrapping you in another hug.
You laughed softly, your chest filling with pure relief to see that he wanted that child as much as you did.
You mean, every time the two of you talked about kids, he always said how happy he would be when he found out you two were going to be parents, but for some reason, you had doubts if your boyfriend was just paying lip service.
Those doubts all disappeared, like smoke in the air.
"A-are you happy?"
"How can I not be? What I want most in this life is to have a child with you, my goddess."
You saw a special gleam in his eyes that you had never seen before. It filled your heart with happiness.
He approached a little more and carefully rested his head on your belly.
"Hi there, daddy's talking here, I'm waiting for you ok? But don't be in a hurry." He muttered, which made you melt.
You never thought you could feel so much love in your life.
"Oh, I even forgot that I also had something to say." He said between laughs, but remained on the floor.
"Wouldn't it be better if you spoke to me standing up?" You asked.
"Actually, no." He replied.
You were confused until he took a small black box out of his jacket pocket.
"My queen, you are the most extraordinary person I have ever met in my life, I love you with all my heart and I don't have any doubts that this is what I want." He opened the little box, revealing a beautiful golden ring. "Will you marry me?"
Even though it had just happened before your eyes, you couldn't believe he had just asked you to marry him. You had lost so many important things, that for a long time you didn't believe you could be happy again.
Fortunately, you were wrong.
You had a stable life, a loving future husband and a child of your own on the way, there was nothing more you could want.
"Yes, yes, a million times yes!" You replied euphorically, throwing yourself into his arms and accidentally causing the two of you to fall into the sand, but laughing at the situation.
He smiled seeing how close you were and placed the engagement ring on your thumb, then struggled up and gave you a quick kiss on the lips. You two stood there, eyeing each other affectionately for a while, until you had an idea.
"Hey, wanna go for a swim?" You asked him.
"Swim now? But what about the food?" He questioned.
"It'll still be here when we get back." You replied, as you took his hand and stood up. With a slight tug, you also lifted him off the ground.
You waited patiently for him to remove his jacket, dress shirt and shoes, before the two of you ran hand in hand and followed him into the blue immensity.
The water was very warm as it was a sunny day. That was just one of the reasons why you liked going to the beach at night more, besides the peace and tranquility of having almost no one there.
"Hey, what are you doing?" You asked between amused laughs as he started to splash water on you.
"Starting a war, what do you think I'm doing?" He replied, but you could tell from his tone and the smile on his face that it was just a playful moment.
"Oh you don't know who you're dealing with." You replied equally playful before starting to splash water on him too.
The two of you continued playing, until you dove in again and pulled on his foot to pull him under the water. He was scared at first, but soon calmed down when he saw it was just you.
You swam closer to him and wrapped your arms around his neck.
Nothing in the world made you feel more secure and loved than being in his arms. Or at least halfway, the circumference of your body was too big for him to be able to fully encircle you with his arms, but he tried.
Your loving gazes met again as you began to affectionately caress his cheeks. Without the need to use words, he knew when you wanted a kiss from him.
Your sweet looks soon took on a mischiveous gleam, before your lips meet in a kiss. You always felt like you had fireworks in your belly whenever the two of you kissed, it was fiery and wild, as was your love for each other.
"I'm the happiest shark in the world, I lack nothing else." He murmured, cuddling his cheek against yours.
"Is that so, sugar?" You asked sweetly.
"Yes." He replied, before kissing the tip of your nose. "Thank you so much for giving me the best gift anyone could ever give me."
"Aww, you know I'm not the only one responsible for it all." You joked as you gave him a little push and swam away.
Shark smiled and followed you, realizing you'd gotten him into another game of tag.
You were feeling... Very happy. It was a little weird, you had to admit, but you'd get used to it.
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mooniefics · 4 years
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— first impressions
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pairing : zeke jaeger / fem reader / reiner braun
word count : 7.5k
tags : sorta fluff (i can’t help myself i love reiner), eventual smut, threesome (f/m/m), situational humiliation, one night stand, spitroasting, drunk + unsafe sex
warnings : nsfw, mild sexual coercion
summary : a chance meeting between you and reiner leaves you enjoying an evening with the warriors upon their much anticipated return from the war. but doing your new friends a favor leads to a night you'll never forget.
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— originally posted 12 / 22 / 20 on ao3 —
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"reiner! is that really you?!"
you stood quickly from your place at the booth, unable to stop yourself from scrambling up to the small group of soldiers, who were all looking down at you with a mixture of confusion and amusment.
"you didn't tell us you had a girlfriend back home, braun." the dark-haired woman to his right teased, earning a crossed frown from your friend.
"not my girlfriend." he muttered, ignoring their chuckles as he turned his attention back to you, "i haven't changed that much in a few months, have i?"
you sighed, a relieved grin breaking out across your face as he opened his arms to you, gratefully accepting his invitation and squeezing him tight, face pressing into his shoulder. the scent of gunpowder that usually clung to him in his uniform was absent on his civilian clothes, replaced instead with the pleasant smell of fresh linen. "a few months? felt more like a whole year to me."
you stayed cognizant of the people behind him, now exchanging curious glances at the sight of their comrade's affection, the woman who'd initially teased him whispering something to the stern looking man by her side that made his expression crack into a small grin. he pulled away from you after a moment, a soft smile warming his usually sullen features, which dampened at a hand being placed on his shoulder.
"would you care to introduce us, reiner?" a low voice asked, the speaker stepping to reiner's side to get a good look at you.
you instantly recognized the man, face flushing with embarrassment as you scrambled to find your words. "c-captain jaeger! i apologize for interrupting your evening, p-please forgive-"
"nonsense." he said, holding out his hand for you to shake, "and no need for the formalities, feel free to call me zeke."
you clasped your hands gratefully around his, shaking vibrantly much to his amusement. you exchanged names with the remaining three, the tired looking but jovial woman, pieck, insisting that you join them on their night out. seeing as you had already planned to be at the old bar for the rest of the night by yourself, you had no qualms with inviting them all to fill the remaining seats of the booth you'd been occupying before they entered.
"pock here isn't much of a talker," she said after everyone got themselves situated, poking the cheek of the man she'd been whispering to earlier, "he's a little shy, but don't hold it against him."
"i thought i told you not to call me that.." he grumbled in reply, smacking away her hand and earning a small round of laughter from everyone at the table. the freshest face among them, colt, flagged down the barmaiden that was milling about the tavern floor, ordering a beer for everyone at the table with a kind smile.
"this'll be the only one for me tonight." you told him across the table after the woman had sauntered away, "i kinda didn't budget to be drinking more than one beer tonight anyways.."
"don't worry about it." you turned at reiner's voice beside you, gaze flitting down to see him thumbing through the bills in his wallet, "i'll pay for you tonight. my treat."
"nice to see that you know how to treat a lady." zeke quipped with a grin from his place on your left, earning another unreadable frown from reiner, but you could see the flush creeping up on his cheeks as a result of the implication.
before he could dismiss his friend, the barmaiden had returned, toting six mugs filled to the brim with beer on her serving platter. everyone murmured their thanks as she passed them around the table, her eyes lingered on colt before she slipped away to attend to another awaiting party.
"look at you, colt! haven't even been here for thirty minutes and you've already got the ladies swooning." pieck drawled, taking a long sip from her mug with a smile on her lips as she watched the young man stammer out an excuse.
you couldn't help but laugh along at the display, taking a generous drink of your own as you watched the conversation pick up around you. pieck seemed to be more than comfortable with everyone at the table, fueling the majority of the discussion with her playful words. porco, as she'd said, didn't seem to be much of a talker, but nodded along to what the others said, contributing a brief input when he saw fit and staying silent for the rest of the time. colt wasn't naive, but he was easy to tease, the perfect target for little jabs here and there from around the table that drew irritated, flustered protests from him and made everyone laugh.
the dynamic that had intrigued you the most was that between zeke and reiner. they didn't speak directly to the other often, mostly relaying remarks through their responses to the others, but when they did, there seemed to be an odd sort of tension between them. not exactly rivals, but not exactly friends either. they were on the same team, but there was a clear disconnect between them despite that. you felt every slight shift that reiner made when zeke addressed him, debating on whether you should request to move from your place between them for your sake or stay as a buffer for reiner's.
everyone was on their third glass—the only exception being reiner, who was nearly through his fourth—definitely loosened up though not quite drunk yet, but before you could put much thought into how you'd go about doing that, porco spoke to you for the first time. "so, how do you even know reiner?"
"oh! i'd also like to know too!" pieck piped up between sips, downing the rest of her mug in one go and resting her chin in her hands. everyone's attention had turned to you in an instant, intently waiting for your response, making your posture stiffen as you twisted your hands in your lap.
"well, it was a few years ago, when the war with the mid-east had just started ramping up." you began, tensing up the slightest bit when you felt your hand brush reiner's under the table, "i was working at the produce shop down on kaiser lane, and one day reiner came by with his mother on one of her grocery visits, she had always spoken to me about him when i was counting up her total. i asked her if this was son she was always talking about, and she said yes and introduced us. reiner looked tired," pieck giggled at that. "so i tried to hurry it up a little for his sake, and then she paid and they both went on their way. later that day i came here, and i saw him sitting alone at the counter, so i decided to sit down next to him and see if he could put up with my insufferable small talk for a little while. we ended up talking all night, and we've been great friends since then."
"well, isn't that the sweetest thing," pieck smiled warmly at you from across the table, balancing her head on one hand so could pensively drum her fingers across the wood, "if i didn't know any better, i'd say you two made a lovely couple!"
"pieck, would you stop bothering reiner." porco chided, waving a hand at your friend, "just look at him, he looks like he's one more girlfriend comment away from popping a blood vessel."
reiner grumbled out a low 'fuck you', gulping down the rest of his beer and flagging down the barmaiden as the rest of the warriors shared a hearty laugh at his expense. you yourself were similarly blushing at their constant assertions of something more between the two of you. it's not as if you hadn't mulled the idea over in your head many times before on all the previous outings you'd been on together, and the few times the two of you had gotten drunk enough to fool around a bit before one of you came to your senses and excused yourself for the night.
there were some days where you were glad you kept a modest distance between yourselves, and there were others where you wanted to do nothing more than throw all caution to the window and just enjoy one irresponsible night of doing whatever came to mind, no doubts or worries or responsibilities to get in the way, politics and the war be damned. you started to shake away those unnecessary thoughts, but zeke did a much better job of distracting you when his arm fell around your shoulders, giving you a friendly squeeze as he spoke.
"i see that even in good company, my colleagues' manners still aren't up to par," he said, directing his words at you but talking loud enough for anyone to hear, "allow me to apologize on their behalf."
"oh hush, zeke, you're the worst out of all of us!" pieck argued through her laughter, playfully kicking his shin under the table, "you're only playing nice because she's here."
her words didn't draw his attention away from your face, gleaming grey eyes intently drinking in the emotions passing over your flushed features. you laughed nervously, turning away to face the rest of the table, sneaking a glance at reiner as the barmaiden swept by to clean up the empty glasses and replace them with filled mugs. he had an irritated frown drawn across his lips, worry lines creasing his face as he gulped down half of his mug in seconds.
"look's like you're finally not the one overdoing it, huh colt?" you heard pieck whisper into the young man's ear, snickering at him when he turned away from her and huffed.
just glancing around at them all made you forget that everyone of them were living on borrowed time, that in less than a month they would most likely be shipped out on their next assignment to defend marley against any one of the neighboring nations that were just waiting to pounce at the slightest slip up. aside from reiner, they all seemed to be forgetting that fact as well in favor of just enjoying this night while it was still young.
another banter-filled hour passed, your table not noticing how the bar had been steadily emptying as closing time drew near. zeke had kept his grasp around you for the entire time, much to reiner's dismay, which was evident on his face each time you tried to coax him back into the conversation, always faltering each time zeke peered over you to repeat your question to him with a thinly veiled haughtiness. reiner had gone through more beer than anyone at the table, his flushed face and low-lidded gaze along with his slurring words letting you know just how drunk he'd really become. but aside from his borderline unpleasant exchanges with your friend, zeke was incredibly charismatic, almost overbearingly so, your own intoxication making it easy for you give in to his infectious energy and laugh along with him and everyone else at the table.
sure, you were worried about reiner, but he knew that you would always be friends at the end of the day, and you had to make a good impression on these newly introduced people who were so kind as to invite you in on one of their rare leisurely getaways from the military barracks. so you let yourself lean into zeke's side, relishing in the warmth that you'd been craving for so long—a warmth that the alcohol only made you want more and more—the break in your routine that you'd been searching for in an evening alone turning into a night that you were sure you wouldn't forget for a long time. they didn't even seem to care that you weren't an honorary marleyan, or even that you were a lowly blue-collar worker that made a measly sum at her meaningless job on a forgettable street corner.
but alas, the blissfully ignorant fun of the table's atmosphere was dampened by the arrival of the barmaiden with your table's tab, setting it down in front of colt with a coy smile as she gathered up the rest of your empty glasses and disappeared into the back of the tavern.
"aw colt, you never made your move!" pieck chided, giggling as she dug into the pocket of her skirt to reach for her wallet just as everyone else around the table was doing.
"reiner.. are you okay?" you gently nudged his arm, looking over with concern at the sight of him. his elbow was propped on the table, forehead resting in the heel of his palm as he stared down at his lap, mouth drawn into a slight frown.
"shit, he's loaded." porco commented snarkily.
"we can't let magath see him like this!" colt said nervously, looking around at his colleagues, waiting for one of them to come up with a plan to deal with this new issue.
you glanced from colt to reiner, then up at zeke, turning back to everyone as you made an offer. "well.. i have a guest room at my house, he could stay there for the night if it makes things any easier for you all."
"oh, you're an angel!" pieck sighed, reaching across the table and clasping your hands in hers, "and if the commander asks, i could say that he decided to stay with his family!!"
"sharp as always, pieck." zeke chimed from beside you, "though, i don't think it'd be fair to make her watch him all by herself, so i think it'd be best if i help her out with him for the evening, just to be sure he doesn't cause her any trouble."
he met eyes with pieck, and for a moment you thought you saw the briefest flash of realization cross her features, the slightest smirk perking up at her lips before her face relaxed back into its natural smile and she nodded at him. "great idea." she said, tugging at porco and colt's sleeves, "i'll deal with these two, and i'll tell the commander that you had a change of heart as well. reiner, hand me your wallet if you can't count the bills."
"i've got it." he grunted, fumbling with his wallet for a few moments before slamming a fistful of bills down in front of her.
"thank you very much!" she sang happily, getting all the money in order and putting her own small tip for the barmaiden before she slapped colt's arm a few times, prompting him to start scooting out of the booth.
zeke finally retracted his arm to begin leaving the booth, standing out on the floor and offering his hand out to you. you flushed, taking it and allowing him to help you to your feet. everyone got themselves situated, stepping out of the bar and saying their goodbyes, pieck, colt, and porco turning to make their way back to the barracks, zeke slinging reiner's arm over his shoulder and following you along as you gave directions on how to get to your home.
there wasn't many words exchanged between the three of you on your short walk, only having some small talk with zeke between the bouts of comfortable silence hanging around you in the warm night air. you arrived home within minutes, wrestling the key into the old lock and holding open the door for zeke to help reiner in.
"i can walk myself, jaeger." he muttered while kicking his shoes off, earning a low chuckle from the older man.
"then why aren't you doing it right now?"
he didn't get a response as you directed them to your bedroom, hoping to settle him down as soon as you could in the hopes of him being able to get enough rest to sleep off the worst parts of his hangover. while zeke assisted him, you scampered over to the guest bedroom to get it ready for your other, less intoxicated guest. but as you opened the door to the bedroom, you were mortified at the sight of your mess upon looking into the room. in the moment of wanting to do something nice for your friends, you'd completely forget about how you'd basically turned your spare room into more of a storage closet.
looking around to try and think about where to get started, hopefully make it look like you didn't completely neglect this room for the past few months before zeke finished putting his friend to bed, you felt a hand on your shoulder, stiffening in surprise as you slowly turned to look at him.
"i-i'm really sorry, i totally wasn't expecting guests tonight, and i promise i've been meaning to move everything to the basement-"
"don't worry about it, really." he stopped you before you could continue to profusely apologize, offering you another one of those warm smiles that made your knees feel weak, "let me help you, it's the least i could do after you opened your home to a couple of irresponsible soldiers." to your surprise, he brushed past you, picking up one of the many boxes that had accumulated on the bed and floor over the months. "you said you had a basement, right? would you mind showing me where it is exactly?"
unable to find your words, you pointed halfheartedly to the door at the end of the hall, watching him carry one of the few boxes that had left you panting by the time you'd transported them across the house with ease, not even having to set it down to open the door and begin descending the steps. his quick return up the steps finally spurred you into action, hauling another box into your arms and repeating his path of depositing it down in your basement and returning to your room to grab another, making sure to take it slow on your way down the steps from how heavy the alcohol made your limbs feel.
within a few minutes, you both had everything squared away. you let yourself take a seat on the now empty bed, breathing out a sigh of relief and wiping the sweat that had begun to bead around your forehead with the back of your hand, watching as he settled down next to you. "sheesh, you made all that heavy lifting look so easy! and thank you again, for doing such a generous favor for me."
"there's no need to thank me." he replied earnestly, a hand settling on your thigh, making you suppress a small flinch, "you have a lovely home, do you really live all on your own?"
you tried to laugh off the warmth of his hand on your skin through your long skirt. "y-yeah, it's just been me for a while. sometimes friends come over for the night, but for the most part, it's just me."
zeke hummed pensively, grey eyes shining with something dangerous as he gazed down at you. "makes sense that someone such as yourself hasn't found anybody qualified enough to settle down with," he grinned at your flustered expression, openly appreciating the way your eyes widened and you breathed out a soft, indecisive 'thank you', "though, i was so sure that you and reiner had something between you.."
"n-no! it's not like that." the words spilled out of your mouth before you could even think about them, the desire to answer him overriding any clear thought that might cut through your intoxicated embarrassment, "i'm sure s-soldiers such as him and yourself don't really have time to play around with people l-like me."
you mentally slapped yourself for coming to such a conclusion, let alone allowing it to actually exit your brain and be heard by the most esteemed guest you'd probably ever have the honor of hosting.
"oh?" he peered curiously at you, thumb rubbing a slow stroke over your leg, face seeming much closer than it was a few blinks ago, "and what exactly is that supposed to mean?" you knew just how intentional his word choice was, practically setting up a verbal trap for you to fall into, but how could you not take the bait when it was marley's strongest warrior dangling it before you?
"i-i-i'm sorry, s-sir— zeke!"
you scrambled to correct yourself, looking any place except his face and wanting to do nothing more than hide away somewhere where neither him nor reiner could find you to sober yourself up before you could humiliate yourself any further. but you felt the desperation that was now gripping your pounding heart start to squeeze like a vice around it when a rough hand found your chin, gently turning your head to face him again.
"again with the apologies.. what am i going to do with you?"
your bottom lip quivered, more frantic sorries threatening to spill out, but stopped by the lack of air that you were able to take in from his proximity. you hadn't even realized you were holding your breath until you felt a tight ache seize your chest, exhaling an alarmed breath as you stared up into the glinting grey irises studying your face, mirroring their actions at the tavern but containing all of the hunger he'd been hiding in front of his comrades. the hand of your thigh slid up your leg just an inch, zeke breathing out a chuckle at the feeling of you tensing under his touch.
"if you must know," his face was so close that you could even see the pale freckles dotting across his sharp cheekbones and the bridge of his nose, the shadowed contour of his face looking even deeper in the dim light of the guest room, parted lips exhaling a warm breath that fanned across your face, the scent of alcohol still evident as he slowly spoke, "a soldier such as myself can make plenty of time to play around with someone like you."
you couldn't barely contain your awe, drawing in another shaky, shallow breath at the feeling of his lips brushing across your own, just daring you to indulge in his offer. you could barely form a cohesive thought before your brain forced a new topic into your conscious, confusion and shock and abrupt desire drowning out all the rationality that you were so desperately grasping for in this moment.
you'd just met this man tonight, it didn't matter that you'd known of his grand legacy even from when you were a young girl or felt like you'd gotten to know him quite a bit in that short amount of time, you'd only shaken his hand and drank with him and sat face-to-face with him for the first time just a few hours ago. not to mention how the person you were truly familiar with, the one who wasn't nearly a decade your senior, the one you had really been yearning for was just down the hall in your bed, only two shut doors and a few thin walls away from this spectacle. but, zeke was right in front of you, and he was offering out an opportunity that was impossible to refuse—an offer that you really, really didn't want to refuse.
so you didn't. you gave in to the sinful temptation of his warmth, his skin, his soft touches with calloused, work-roughened hands, the knowledge that this kiss was only just the beginning of something unforgettable.
in contrast to his hands, his lips were soft, ridiculously soft as they pressed over yours, the fingers at your chin unfurling to cup the length of your jaw. you leaned into his touch, earning a pleased grunt from him when your trembling hand found his hair, slowly carding through it as you focused on maintaining the easy rhythm of his kiss. you stifled a small sound when the hand on your leg smoothed up to your inner thigh, not pressing any further, just gently stroking and giving the occasional squeeze to the pliant flesh through your skirt.
you could feel the light flutter in your chest heavy and knot into something familiar, twisting deep in your stomach as he sucked at your bottom lip, nipping at it before his attention wandered across your cheek, the hand at your jaw tilting your head up to expose more of your neck to his eager mouth. faint kisses gave way to teasing bites and licks, drawing a soft whimper as he sucked with the intent to bruise where your shoulder met your neck. he seemed to appreciate the way your grasp in his hair tightened, the hand on your thigh traveling across your waist to find the knotted string holding up your skirt.
the progression of his actions felt natural, but almost too fast at the same time, your hand giving an apprehensive tug to his hair when you felt the waistline of your skirt go slack with the undoing of its lacing. he groaned lowly at the sensation, spurring you to do it again when his teeth grazed over the forming redness just right. you could feel the haze of arousal fogged your mind already, all rationale dissipating under the influence of the alcohol and the hands that were now roaming your body, searching for a moment for the top button of your shirt before they began to messily undo those as well. each brush of his fingers across your bare skin sent goosebumps across the expanse of your chest, making quick work of your blouse as he pushed it over your shoulders, guiding your arms out of the sleeves before tossing it aside in favor of working on the clasp of your bra, never pulling away from his place at your neck for more than a moment before returning the bruising attention of his mouth back over the flushed skin.
you breathed out a weak whimper at the feeling of his thumb and forefinger taking one of your nipples between them, bra forgotten somewhere on the floor with your shirt, baring the entirety of your naked torso to him. he could feel how you squirmed when another hand smoothed down your stomach, slipping beneath your skirt's waistline and settling just between your legs, only a sheer barrier provided by your thin underwear, the arousal threatening to soak through the fabric leaving it clinging to every fold. he hummed appreciatively at the welcome surprise, drawing more stifled sounds out of you when his fingers slowly stroked over your clothed cunt.
"all this just for me?" he murmured lowly in your ear, thumb pressing down on your clit, rubbing slow circles over the sensitive nub.
his touch was electrifying, almost overwhelmingly good as you arched into it, the hand at your breast now groping at the supple flesh, palm offering a much-needed friction over your nipple. you finally registered his teasing question, barely managing a disoriented 'mhm' and a small nod, unable to think of anything else besides your heartbeat pounding loud enough that you though he might be able to hear, and the fingers prodded at you and teasing your body as they pleased.
your half-lidded gaze drifted to the door, blinking away the fogginess when you realized it wasn't actually properly shut. you opened your mouth to try and murmur out your observation, but the words in your head spilled out as an incoherent moan, feeling his mouth detach from your bruised neck before he urged you down onto the mattress. but the sight of him standing above you, tugging off his shirt and revealing the impressively toned physique of his stomach and chest, made you forget the ajar door behind him entirely. your hands moved without a second thought, pushing your skirt and underwear down your legs as far as you could, kicking them the rest of the way off as he began to unbuckle his belt.
you couldn't help the way your eyes widened when he shoved down his pants and underwear in one go, unable to choose between focusing your gaze on the smug smirk drawing across his lips or his achingly hard cock, already looking like more than you could handle even at a distance. he plucked his glasses off his face, setting them on the bedside table before he moved over you in bed, your hands tugging him down into a kiss and earning a low chuckle against your lips.
"eager little thing, aren't you?" he only pulled away for a moment to speak, knuckles dragging down the swell of your breast and curving down your waist. your legs spread in anticipation, back arching off the bed when his fingers finally trailed down between your thighs to smooth a finger down your pussy. "and so, so wet."
you squeaked at the intrusion of two thick fingers pumping into you, sliding in easily with a soft, wet sound. the rhythm of your lips faltered, whimpering as his tongue slid between your teeth, tangling with yours, mouth greedily swallowing every desperate sound you made for him. you were grateful for how he was muffling you, just barely remembering that there was another presence in your house besides you and zeke that you had to worry about, heat sparking up your spine at the feeling of his fingers curling just right inside you.
the thought of reiner finding you in here with the captain of his squad, so pathetically obedient and practically dripping from just his fingers, was horrifying and unnervingly thrilling all at once. would he be angry with you? why would he be? what did he even consider you as?
you couldn't dwell on that thought for too long, hips bucking and toes curling when his thumb rubbed firm circles over your clit, wordlessly begging for more. he seemed to be just as impatient as you were in the face of your desperation, pulling away from your lips and removing his touch from between your legs, rolling himself onto his back and tugging you on top of him in one swift motion. you flush even deeper as you watched him drink in the sight of your naked figure, large hands finding your hips, pupils blown wide enough to nearly swallow up the silvery grey of his irises as he eased you down so his cock was just at your aching cunt, offering a sliver of mercy by allowing you to seat yourself onto him as fast or slow as you'd like.
just the first few inches had you whimpering, hands settling on his chest to steady yourself, teeth worrying the skin of your bottom lip, trying to contain the borderline humiliating sounds that were making him grin so smugly up at you. you could feel tears pricking your eyes by the time you finally sank all the way down, deep, shaky breaths giving away your lack of composure even more so than the way the thighs on either side of him tremble, or the nails now digging into the toned muscles of his shoulders. he gave you just a moment of respite, letting you get used to the feeling of something so big before his grip on your hips fastened, fingers sinking into the soft flesh as he began to guide you up and down on his cock.
the low groan your motion earned from him was enough to make your already pounding heart race even faster, heat echoing through you in a way that made it impossible to silence the heated whines that were spilling out of you. the bed squeaked in protest beneath you, but you could care less as you quickened the pace he'd started you at all on your own, admiring the flush that had darkened over his handsome features and the parted lips breathing out low curses and appraising groans.
his eyes fell shut, head falling back before he forced it back up, gaze wandering across your face, then your body, then flitting elsewhere for the briefest moment before they returned to you, hips now thrusting up with even more vigor to meet your own. you moaned openly, struggling out a meaningless string of pleas, the ache beginning to burn in your legs drowned out when he reached out to rub tight, fast circles around your clit. he was grinning now, licking his lips before he spoke in a knowing slur, "you're gonna cum soon, aren't you?"
"yes, f-fuck yes..!" it took you a moment to find your words, embarrassed by how fast he'd managed to work you up to this point but unable to be dishonest in your current position.
his motions didn't falter in the slightest, only seeming to grow more and more urgent as you quivered and whined, bouncing yourself up and down on his cock like it was the last time you'll ever get the chance to do it. and while that's likely the case, you don't care to think about it, too wrapped up in the way you could feel that pressure that had been welling in your stomach finally reach a breaking point, stammered curses devolving into breathless cries as you came hard around him.
you could feel the movement of his hips slow significantly, still rocking up into you to let you ride out your high but not nearly enough for him to push himself over the edge along with you. but you're grateful for his mercy, knowing that if he'd continued at the pace he was going you probably wouldn't be able to walk the next morning. so you took it as a testament to his goodwill, falling forward onto his chest in a whimpering heap, trying to steady your breathing and calm your heart rate, remaining seated on his still hard cock.
you felt a strong arm wrap around your waist, the other resting across your shoulder so he could settle his hand on the back of your head, fingers working their way into your hair and gently carding through it. the attention was comforting, unexpected but definitely comforting as you pressed your face into the crook of his neck, still too hazy off of your post-orgasm bliss to have any shame about wanting to be close to his warmth. you didn't think about whether he was expecting you to get him off at some point, or if he was just content letting you rest on top of him like this, but you soon found that he had a much different answer—or rather, a question—that didn't at all take you into consideration.
"so, reiner, are you just going to stand there and watch all night?"
there was confusion for a brief moment, then a horrifying realization that made an ice-cold fear prick under your spine, blood draining from your face as you felt the fine hairs on the back of your neck raise, completely frozen at the knowledge that the worst of the night you had imagined had come true. zeke's hand didn't stop its slow petting across your head, arm fastening around your body, seemingly in preparation for you to start squirming or fighting to get away. but you couldn't move an inch, not even enough to turn your head and risk a glance at your friend who was apparently right at the door.
"well?" his voice rumbled low in his chest once more, dripping with arrogance, entirely absent of any shame, just tempting him to step past the unseen boundary that had kept him there for however long he'd been watching, "i know, i know, you haven't your fair share all night. it's just so, sohard to let go once you finally get your hands on her. you should know all about that feeling, right?"
"fuck you."
you felt a warm curl in your stomach at the sound of his voice, breathing short and fast as your heart skipped anxiously, but mentally almost enjoying the fact that he was feeling something for you, even if it was some sort of possessive envy. the sound of his heavy, uneven footsteps making their way towards the bed.
he clearly still sounded drunk—who wouldn't be after so many beers in one sitting—and that was probably why he didn't hesitate at all to start tugging his clothes off, the ruffle of fabric and clinking metal of a belt being unbuckled finally snapping out of your compliant state, shaky arms trying to push yourself in bed. zeke allowed you to sit up, hands dropping to your thighs as your foggy gaze wandered from his face over to reiner at the bedside, heartbeat nearly drowning out the other sounds in the room as it drummed loudly in your ears.
"you don't mind, do you?" zeke called your attention back to him, gently stroking up and down your thigh just as he had been when you'd first accepted his offer.
your mouth had gone dry, leaving you struggling to get enough saliva back for your tongue not to stick to the roof of your mouth, feeling the heat of arousal flickering back to life when his cock twitched inside of you. did you mind? well you definitely minded the humiliation, the anxiety taut within your chest that made each breath an effort, the fact that you had no idea what was going on or would happen next. but did you mind enough to force yourself off of him, to struggle to collect your clothes from the ground and stagger out of the room with shaky legs that you weren't sure were capable of doing even that right now? did you really want this?
but it seemed that the choice had already been made in both of their minds, your answer—or lack thereof— speaking for your choice in the matter as zeke's hands lifted you up off of his lap, enough for him to slip out from under you. the sudden emptiness after being so full made you whimper, falling back down onto your calves in the middle of the bed and staring down at zeke's cock, slick with your arousal and still aching to be tended to.
the sinking weight of reiner clambering onto the bed behind you made you exhale a shaky breath, still in disbelief as his hand settled on your cheek, turning your head to face over his shoulder to press his lips onto yours. his kiss was messy but familiar, his low moan making you shiver alongside the feeling of zeke's stare wandering across the display before him. your exchange didn't last long before he pulled away, gazing at you with an unreadable look in his golden eyes for a moment, hand moving to the back of your head to push you down onto your hands and knees.
you obediently complied, met with the sight of zeke's cock once more, peering up to meet his gaze, features showing a mixture of eager expectancy and relaxed pride, just knowing that you were willing to do whatever he asked of you. and he relished in the changes your expressions went through in the next few seconds, the way your eyes widened when reiner's hands grasped your soft hips, how you swallowed thickly to try and get enough saliva down your tongue to get your mouth ready, and finally your mouth falling open and face twisting when reiner eased himself entirely into you in one solid thrust, finding little resistance from how soaked you were. you whimpered out a shaky curse, fists bunching up the sheets under you as he picked up a steady rhythm from behind you, zeke's fingers tangling into your hair and guiding onto your parted lips onto his awaiting cock.
he groaned out at the wet heat of your mouth engulfing him, tongue laving up over the underside of his length as you did your best to take as much of him in as possible without gagging. you wanted to be ashamed of how much you were enjoying the feeling of being entirely overwhelming, fuller than you'd ever felt in your entire life, but you'd be lying to yourself if you said that you'd made a mistake by giving in to the lustful temptations. you could feel your eyes water as zeke hit the back of your throat, your teary gaze and muffled moans against him only seeming to enthrall him further. reiner's hands felt up your waist, one reaching down your front to pinch and roll a nipple between his fingers, driving more stifled sounds and shaky breaths through your nose out of you.
you felt yourself squeezing around his cock, earning yourself a few low, muttered curses as he began to pound even faster into you, evidently approaching his limit just as fast as you are. the hand in your hair was guiding you up and down on the cock in your mouth, the tip of your nose just brushing zeke's stomach each time you surged forward with the momentum of the thrusts from behind you. it was all far too much in the best way possible, vision going hazy at the edges from the lack of proper air you could get into your lungs, insides aching from overusing alongside the tight knotting deep in your gut that was threatening to send you over the edge.
it was zeke that came first, heat pooling over your tongue and spilling down your throat, nearly too much for you to swallow as you tried not to choke. but he kept himself in your mouth and his hand firmly grasping your hair, if not to feel the hum of your desperate whines across your skin then to admire your pathetic expression, half-lidded eyes barely able to hold themselves open enough to stare back at him as you came hard for the second time that night. you could hear reiner give a generous groan of your name, thrusting as deep as he could go just a few times more, having enough sense to not cum inside you, pulling out and making a sticky mess of your trembling thighs.
only after you'd blinked away the glossiness in your eyes did zeke pull himself out of your mouth with a wet pop, holding your head up to appreciate the way your mouth still hung open to gasp in much needed gulps of air, tears and saliva dripping down your chin, halfhearted whimpers still escaping you as you trembled.
"you have good taste, reiner." zeke said, releasing your hair and letting you rest your cheek down against the mattress under you, grabbing his glasses off the side table and putting them back onto his face.
you watched as he stepped off the bed, picking out his clothes from the messy array of garments strewn about on the floor and tugging them on. he fished a handkerchief out of the the pocket of his pants, tossing it at reiner's side and glancing over your body, offering you a lazy smile when he caught your gaze.
"clean her up," he instructed, reaching out to give one last soft touch down your back, "and don't give her anymore trouble, alright? i expect to see you bright and early tomorrow."
you assumed that reiner nodded, since zeke turned without another word and exited the bedroom, making sure to shut the door behind him. for a moment, there was uneasy silence, only occupied by your breaths and the faint sound of zeke pulling on his boots somewhere in the living room and leaving out the front door. you gave a low hiss at the feeling of the fabric smoothing down the backs of your thighs, skin far too sensitive for your liking and legs aching uncomfortably.
you lifted your head up enough to wipe your chin with the back of your hand, eyes and limbs heavy with the desire to sleep. there were no words exchanged as he helped you move to lay down on your back, his face just as tired as he'd looked at the bar, but there was something else weighing down his expression as you took his face in your hands, staring up at him with a soft look of concern.
and though he still said nothing, he kissed you, so much gentler than he'd ever kissed you, with a tenderness that made you want savor this brief moment for as long as you could. but he eventually pulled away, and the brief worry that he might leave just as his captain had minutes before, but he rested down beside you with a low sigh. he didn't protest when you curled into the warmth of his body, head finding a comfortable place on his chest, not even bothering to try and venture out onto the floor to turn off the lamp before you settled down and let your eyes fall shut.
it was easy to fall asleep after he wrapped his arms around you, firm chest rising and falling with steady breaths, heart slow in your ear. you didn't think about the fact that you'd probably wake up alone in the morning, or that walking properly would be a monumental task on its own without even considering going to work to stay on your feet for the entire day—just appreciated this night while he couldn't slip away from you like all the other times before.
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dat-carovieh · 3 years
Let there be Carnage Spoilers
I went to see Let there be Carnage for the third time and I have a couple of thoughts.
The scene where they're drawing has a lot of comedic potential but it makes no sense. Why is Venom throwing everything away so quickly? Why are they not actually talking about it? And why does Eddie, who's supposed to be very smart, acts so dumb?
Venom: *draws a cathedral* Eddie: "That's a house." Like he didn't even try but also Venom didn't really communicate, it's so weird. Like as a good journalist he should have taken all of these drawings and analysed them. They would have probably found out more stuff earlier. It makes them seem not smart
There was a small mistake I noticed and found fun: When the visit Cletus for the first time during this film, his actual cell is on Eddie's and Venom's left, you can see the closed door. But when they turn away from Cletus, the door is suddenly open and they look inside to find the drawings.
Anne was super hot, when she was bonded with Venom and eddie tried to apologize to Venom, idk why she just radiated some kind of energy and it got me.
Also I could totally pinpoint the second, Anne realized, Venom has a praise kink and decided immediately to use this information. I absolutely love her for this.
Anne also not taking shit from anyone is amazing. She also is so cool about the whole Aliens thing while Dan seemed very scared. I love this, they're cute together. I hope she takes care of him.
Anne deserves Dan, he is good to her, the scene in the restaurant showed that to me again. She needs and deserves the stability she gets with Dan, she would have never gotten this with Eddie. Especially not after Eddie bonded with Venom, it's not what she wants. Her and Dan are much better.
Eddie was talking so much shit as they started to fight in the apartment, it makes me so mad everytime, when he blames Venom for shit that Eddie did on his own, before Venom was there. Like he botched his relationship and career on his own but he blames Venom. Later on he shows growth. The whole Carnage thing is Venom's fault, they shouldn't have attacked Cletus. I understand why they did it, they wanted to protect Eddie, which I admire, but they shouldn't have. Later when Eddie talks to Anne at the police station, he says it was his fault alone, taking the guilt on himself. I'd see this as growths.
Frances and Cletus: Fucking hot. I absolutely love them as a couple, they are amazing. I mean yes they are evil but their energy was amazing. Carnage pressing them together at that cage and them kissing as it breaks, so fucking hot I can't even, it was amazing. Obviously they weren't compatible with Carnage in more ways than just one. But it makes me want to see Eddie and Venom have another partner who they love, I'm just unsure, who.
I watched in German and some things sounded weird. I will watch original on sunday, I think. Anyway, in the beginning, Cletus uses the informal you for Eddie while Eddie uses the formal you, in the end, just before Venom bites Cletus head off, Eddie also uses the informal you. Why? No clue, I don't know how they makes these decisions. Also because I know people might ask again, yes they used the romantic form of love. But the way it was phrased, as a "When you love someone" and not an "I love you" it could also maybe used by very close friends or family, but I don't think it could have been made differently, I still don't think it should be read differently. Also other German speaking people might see it differently and would not use it for friends or family. I do believe people would say it about their pets, so we could argue, Eddie is Venom's pet, I like the comedy value of this. When Anne tells Venom, she loves to see him in action, for a moment, before she can finish the work action, my brain thinks, she is about to they, she loves to see them naked because somehow it sounds similar until half of the word action.
I already talked about the beach scene but of course it can't go unmentioned, it was so incredibly cute. I wish Eddie would have said it back, but Venom is clearly more emotionally secure. Eddie still needs time to realize his actual feelings while Venom clear was already in love when they visited Cletus for the second time, probably earlier.
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