#i'd sell them for cheap of course
What if I got a mate for my most specialist nocturne?? The original subspecies owner hasn't breed them again in years. What if I get her a mate cause she's one of my personal all time favorites and I'm sad how few of the subspecies there are. What then huh?
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I've been confused for my own mother before (buying something with a credit card with my deadname on it, having a doctor's office receptionist double-check that I am the patient and not calling on his behalf because I "sounded more mature" on the phone and parents can't make appointments for adults), but I think the funniest wrong conclusion I've had strangers make about trans things I've had around was this time I was putting my old shit up at a flea market. I was selling stuff at a "this shit's gotta go before I'm about to move and I'm not hauling these back to another city"-price, and this old man who apparently frequented there to find stuff that's actually valuable being sold at such prices came to have a look at the goods while I was setting them up.
He was interested in some of my dishware, and asked politely if he could have a look at them while I was unpacking, and chatting with me while he waited for me to be done since he couldn't buy them before I was done (I let him have dibs, but the cash register wouldn't ring them up before I was all set). He apparently noticed that some of my silverware that I'd gotten as graduation gifts and literally never used had my old name engraved on them, but he didn't say anything about that.
But when I put up my old graduation dress - which wasn't worth much, cheap fake silk but it was a nice cut - he remarked "she must've left in a hurry to leave that behind." Since the finnish language doesn't have gendered pronouns, I didn't immediately make the connection that he was referring to someone female before he gestured at the dress. Once it clicked, I figured the best course of action was to just nod that yeah, she's not coming back for those and I'm not keeping them.
Dude had concluded that my deadname must be an ex that dumped my ass so fucking fast she didn't even pack her silverware or nice clothes.
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bittybatarts · 21 days
I'm making skins!
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Do you want to give your baby coatl a cute plush representation of plague and death itself? How about of a god that's been missing for decades that might just be dead? Or maybe the guy who almost ended the world twice? Well, have I got the thing for you! Over the summer, I put together 11 Coatl permababy skins for @groudonenjoyer based on the deity dolls you can get ingame, and I'm posting them here to gauge interest, as we'd ideally like to print batches of 10 each to make them as cheap as possible (350 gems would be ideal). So, if you've got any interest in maybe snagging one or more of these, let me know in the comments, or on FR (I'm BittyBatBeast over there). I'm not printing them JUST YET! But I'd love to know who would be interested in buying them once they're printed! (Of course, I'll be selling them on FR, but I feel more comfortable posting here first)
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daytaker · 8 months
Hi! I'd Like to request something for obey me. So MC is an Artist Like Semi realistic or so and then they draw the brothers and themself all together Like some Kind of Family Photo for maybe a sweet gesture to appriciat them, what would the reaction be?
First of all, that's adorable. Second of all, yes, absolutely.
The immediate question on everyone's mind is where it should be put. The suggestions are fairly predictable. Beel wants it in the kitchen. Satan wants it in the library. Belphie wants it in the observatory. Asmo thinks it should go in his bathroom, and he acts amazed when his brothers disagree.
You'll probably be the one to suggest making some copies of it if they like it so much. That way they can all have one. The brothers all like this idea, so you head off to the Devildom equivalent of a FedEx store and make some quick copies for everybody.
Eventually, the original work will find pride of place above the fireplace, where everyone will get plenty of time to admire it, including guests. The brothers are all very proud to explain to them that they have a very close friend who's an artist, thank you, and they made that piece of artwork up there for them, for free, because they love them all so much. What do you mean it's too small for that big of a space? Clearly you don't understand art, they'll tell the guest. Satan smirks; Levi rolls his eyes; Asmo whispers something to Mammon and they both start snickering. Real mean girl energy.
It's proved to be more or less impossible to get a photograph with himself and all six of his brothers, so this is an immediate hit with him. Plus, you're in it, which makes it even more valuable. He wonders why he didn't commission a painted family portrait earlier. It just hadn't crossed his mind, he supposes.
He'll buy a very nice and expensive frame for the picture and have it professionally mounted on a backboard. Only a museum quality display will do.
He enjoys looking at the artwork now and then and mentally noting all the details he likes. You captured Mammon's smug smile perfectly, and somehow Levi looks happy, but still like himself. Of course, his favorite part of the picture (along with you, of course) is himself. He thinks he looks very dignified, and he appreciates that you placed him in the center; the true patriarch of the family. Besides that (though he wouldn't bring it up unprompted), he thinks you made him look very handsome, and he likes the idea that you see him that way.
You put him next to you?! I mean, of course you did! He's your number one demon, right? Obviously he belongs right next to you! He'll point out his positioning in the picture to his brothers often enough that they've gotten past feeling annoyed about it and just tease him for simping so openly.
He thinks it looks a little bit like you're smiling at him in the picture. You're not. You're staring into the 'camera', just like everyone else. But he tells himself that. He has another copy of the picture made where he cropped out everyone besides the two of you. He keeps it in his sock drawer so he can pull it out when he's by himself and admire it. Lucifer has walked in on him lying on his back and holding it up, staring wistfully at the picture, often enough that he can tell by how quiet it is when Mammon is either sleeping or staring at that goddamn picture of his again.
Speaking of extra copies, he also made some more to try and sell at RAD, but, shockingly, cheap copies of a picture of someone else's family didn't sell well. Diavolo bought one though, as did Simeon. Yeah, maybe it wasn't exactly ethical to try and capitalize on your artwork, but, well, come on, he's in it, and you gave it to him, so that kind of makes him the owner of it, right...?
He's pretty sure he's not breathing right now. That's... That's how he looks? To you? He looks....amazing....!! Look at his smile! His jawline! His glossy hair! His cheeks, touched with color---!!! You must think he's... like....... Ugh, it's stupid, like, who even cares? Nobody, that's who. Nobody except him. He cares. And he wishes his stomach would settle down a little bit before lunch explodes onto the rug. So he'll just take his copy of the painting, clutch it to his chest, and giggle to himself as he slinks off to his room while everyone else stands admiring the painting on the mantlepiece.
Now, to really study this thing. He lies in his bathtub and squints at the painting. He realizes, to his dismay, that all his brothers look extra hot in this thing too. Hrmm... But, whatever! The important part is that he looks amazing! His eyes are shining, his skin looks healthy and smooth, and.... well.... he doesn't look like somebody it'd be weird for you to be into, maybe. Maybe? Possibly.
He's pretty shy around you for a few days after you give them all the picture. He's not really sure how he's supposed to react around someone who thinks he's... h....ha-ha....handsome...???? And not just that, but the look on his face! Does he make faces like that in real life? Does he make faces like that in front of you?
He spends a good chunk of time in front of the mirror trying to imitate the look from the painting, but he can't quite get it right. He always ends up crumbling into a pathetic, groaning, blushing little creep and fleeing the bathroom. He hates himself. But he can cheer himself up with the knowledge that you definitely don't hate him, right? How could you draw someone you hated looking like... like....?!?
Knowing Satan is someone who admires art in general, you were most nervous about him seeing it. He has a tendency to be fairly blunt and honest, and you really hoped he'd just appreciate the thought behind the picture without subjecting it to any kind of critical analysis.
But of course he did it anyway. He'd expressed his appreciation just like his brothers had when you first gave it to them, but you'd often see him standing in front of the fireplace staring up at the picture with a hand to his chin after that.
Satan's initial thought, after the excitement over the gift and how cute and nervous you looked giving it to them all, is that the composition of the piece, while not particularly original, has definite visual appeal. While he doesn't particularly enjoy Lucifer's position in the middle, he understands why you put him there, both artistically and psychologically. Lucifer dominates almost any group he's in with his annoyingly hefty self-confidence. His ego is smeared all over the picture, but that's not your fault. That's just Lucifer, being awful and ruining things, like he always does.
When he finally gives some attention to how he looks in the painting, he's pleasantly surprised. He looks refreshingly like himself, but also like he's meant to be there, with everybody else. He can also tell you spent some time on his eyes. They look lovely. If you ever want to paint them again, he'd be happy to model for you. What, shy all of a sudden?
Well, obviously he's the real star of the artwork. It's as if he's glowing, washing out his brothers with his effervescent presence on the canvas! Clearly, you know your art. Never mind he's the only one who seems to quite see the picture in that way.
He has his copy of the painting framed and hung up in his bathroom, where he thought the original should have been put all along. Now he never feels like he's alone in the tub! Every once in a while, he'll talk to the artwork while he takes a bath. Just to amuse himself. But when you go back to the human world, 'every once in a while' becomes 'almost every day'.
He has a theory that if someone stares into the eyes of Painting Asmo too deeply for too long, they'll fall in love with him. The painting version of him, that is. He knows that's silly, so he keeps it to himself, but he can't stop himself from imagining you mesmerized by your own painting of him, bewitched by the very eyes you painted...
Honestly, Beel is just happy you made a picture including him, his brothers, and you. You put him right beside Belphie with an arm slung around his shoulders. He's smiling more in the picture than he normally does in real life, but that doesn't bother him at all. He wants to look happy in this kind of painting.
He taped his copy of the picture to the refrigerator door. Everyone appreciates this, not just Beel, though he definitely sees it the most often. After you go home, he says good morning to you every day when he first heads to the fridge. It's a nice way to feel like you're still around.
Wow... He looks adorable here. And you didn't include him drooling like his brothers always do when they draw him. Though it really isn't fair to compare this to the "drawings" his brothers have made to make fun of each other. Idiots...
You put him right next to Beel. That makes him smile. And he looks...like he's happy to be there. Maybe not grinning like a doofus, but like this is his family, and he's pretty okay with it.
He keeps his copy of the picture taped to his bedpost so he can look at it whenever he feels lonely, especially after your year in the Devildom comes to an end.
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seat-safety-switch · 7 months
Have you ever wondered how many camerafolks are involved in your favourite YouTube dirtbag car channels? It's a lot. Scientists estimate by 2025 that one in three greasy car people will be employed full-time, filming other sketchy folks while they drive poorly-maintained cars over long distances.
We're all to blame for this state of affairs. Prior to the development of YouTube, it was unthinkable that anyone would sit down and watch a forty-minute video about a dude rewiring his shitty Japanese car at a gas station in the middle of the night. Now, with the outlawing of dating competition shows and the Olympics, it is our only form of visceral reality entertainment.
Demand for worn-out, field-found cars with peculiar smells and a malfunctioning transmission has never been higher. I've profited from it, of course, selling my vast hoard of shitty 1970s Plymouths to ill-equipped people who would later cannibalize their cameramen trying to make the interstate. Sometimes I'd buy them back from the next of kin, who were all too willing to let this terrible reminder of their loved ones' fate go for a ridiculous lowball, and the cycle would repeat with another earnest YouTuber with an account name like Scrapyard Toucher or Garbage-Can Dan. With some clever investments leveraging that beater money, I now sit atop a media empire that is incalculably large. You can't blame me for making it popular in the first place. That was all you.
Still, the money from sending endless numbers of camerapeople and media personalities to their almost certain death does not fill me with pleasure. Money is meant to be used, to be spent on beaters, and yet I can only find well-preserved, immaculately-restored cars for cheap in my local classifieds. No demand for them, explain the tearful grannies, who only drove these low-mileage cream puffs to church and back on Sundays.
There's only one thing left to do: run these cars into the ground, in order to produce the next generation of barely-hanging-together shitboxes that will create great content. It's a sacrifice I'm willing to make, although it is really boring to always arrive at my intended destination. Without the thrill of a random breakdown, what even is the point of living?
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honeybeesadvice · 2 years
self care kit for regressors
be gentle with yourself little ones
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hi! i'm in college and i'm researching things to put in a self care box for midterms and finals next semester because my first semester as a college freshman was not it
here's what i found for all my friends <3
this is a long post, get comfy friends
this post does contain links to amazon for reference/recommendations and you do not have to buy anything from there if you can't/don't want to
i found this gift box that's super cute, reusable, and you can choose any color you want. why a gift box? because self care is a gift to yourself
of course, you don't have to spend money on a gift box either! there's many tutorials on making shoe boxes, amazon boxes, and any other type of box i can't think of, to look cute and just your style.
you can also buy cheap gift boxes at walmart or target or any store you like to go to
enough of my waffling about boxes, here's the fun stuff:
emotional self-care
journal for writing down emotions and stuff. i'd recommend making a little agere journal for yourself since it's a lot of fun <;3 i use these pompts when i can't think of things
coloring books are my personal favorite, you can get nice ones for $20-$30 or a kids one of your favorite show!! here's a pack of 16 on amazon if you go through coloring books too another bulk pack(disney and other kids shows) pokemon and sanrio
colored pencils! if you don't already have some i would recommend crayola. this is what i have
cute pencil pouches!! for the colored pencils of course and they can be your favorite color or pattern <;3 this is one i've had my eye on bc it can hold 100 of those colored pencils(floral)
tissues for if you need a good cry. crying is actually super healthy and i wouldn't hold it in
optional: a paci <3 i can't use amazon and get an adult pacifier so i def recommend going to the store(on your own if you can) and get an 18m+ paci, the best for adults are 2-4 years if they sell them
bath time!!:
get some yummy smelling body wash, it's nice
i have little fizzy tabs from mr. bubble and one of those is ~$5
some little toys like bath crayons and rubber duckies are always fun <3
i would also invest in hair-care and skin-care if you don't already. it always makes me feels better
you can also get your favorite candy and your favorite snack for your box <3 a nice little treat for you
also, warm drinks are always fun! my favorites are angel milk(12oz milk, 1-2 tbsp sugar, a little bit of vanilla extract) and hot chocolate
and get some strong, but really good, scent. candles, scensy melts, and essential oils are perfect <3
books! or if you don't like to read physical books, audiobooks. audible and libby by overdrive are good and you can color while you listen!!!
little puzzles or fidgets are also nice. my favrite at the moment are the little clicker toys(i like the noise) and pop-its
allow yourself to relax a bit with your favorite show!! write down a list of your favorites and put it in the self-care box, then you won't have too much trouble picking what to watch
these are all things that sound appealing to me so definitely look out for yourself and what you like. these are just suggestions that i wanted to share with you guys!!
be safe and take care of yourselves
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sophieinwonderland · 2 months
i know the supervillain bit (when you explained Vira) is a joke but you would make an awesome supervillain i think. you would be good at it. well. you would be evil at it i should say. 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍 (lighthearted) -orv & tom
Thanks! LOL!
You know, I've talked about this before, but I've been thinking about this again since my host has been playing Spider-Man lately... And that's the tendency for a villain to be the person taking initiative to change the world.
Sure, plenty of villains are just naturally bad. But there are also many who just end up victims of their own ambitions.
The Lizard in Spider-Man media is usually just a disabled scientist looking for a way to regrow limbs. In Spider-Man 2, Doctor Octopus is just a guy who tries to make renewable clean energy. Both characters want to make the world a better place. And both really end up victims of the writing, punished for doing what other people aren't brave enough to even try.
I'm not saying they don't go too far. Of course they do. That's what makes them villains.
But it bothers me how often the only representation of ambitious people who want to change the world is in the form of a villain.
Meanwhile, Peter Parker won't even sell his web fluid. Think about how many deaths by cops could be prevented if you replaced their lethal bullets with a web gun? Think of how useful it could be for rescuers to have instant ropes they can shoot from a small handheld device.
But Peter just keeps it for himself so he can use it to beat up criminals.
It just feels like a lot of Spider-Man's villains were originally good people who tried and failed to change the world for the better, and ended up punished by the narrative for their failure, while Peter Parker is someone who never tried at all. As a hero, he usually just tries to maintain a status quo in the world.
Superheroes all just tend to think too small for my liking. They're too reactive with their world-saving, where the villains are proactive.
To be fair, Iron Man was supposedly working on using his Arc Reactors to make cheap renewable energy too. We just never see the fruits of that labor. It's an off-hand thing mentioned about how Stark Tower would be the first to use it. But where is this technology 10 years later? Surely, every car and plane coming off the assembly line in the MCU should be powered by Arc Reactor tech, right?
They can't be that expensive to produce. Tony made one in a cave with a box of scraps.
All in all, I guess what it comes down to is that comics are a world where status quo is God. And in that world, the only people who can try to change the status quo are villains, because they're destined to fail. And on the rare occasion lip service is paid to heroes trying to change the status quo, it's ultimately forgotten about because they're not allowed to do that.
And the message it sends to youths is to keep your sights low and don't rock the boat. That a "hero" is someone who try to keep things the way they are, and anyone with ambition who wants to change world is a villain.
Through that lens, I guess I'd rather be the supervillain. Better to be bold and ambitious, and fail, than to accept stagnation and uphold a flawed status quo.
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howlingday · 9 days
Charitable Donations
Blake: And so, with the expansion of diversified commerce, the increased tax revenue will pay for the project and make it self-sustaining in about 10 years.
Weiss: ...I'm sorry, what's all this about again?
Blake: The- The last part about the-
Weiss: The whole thing.
Weiss: Well, okay, look; you had me in the first ten minutes, but then the martinis kicked in and you lost me.
Blake: Weiss-
Weiss: I've sobered up by now, but I'm completely lost, and I'm not happy about it.
Weiss: I mean I'm not happy about the sobriety. Were you drinking, too? Drinks are free! You can have one!
Blake: But... What about the White Fang?!
Weiss: Oh, they do NOT drink for free!
Weiss: None of them get free drinks!
Blake: I'm talking about the charity foundation!
Weiss: Okay, I see... Let's start again from the top, but summarize everything you said into about two minutes because I need to be at the airport.
Weiss: And I'm not going to make tee-time at Shade. So less crying, more talking.
Blake: OKAY! You remember Menagerie? When the White Fang first broke up and the New Fang took its place, one member was a girl name Trifa, and she started her own fashion line. I was worried her business would fail because there isn't much access to cotton, or wool, or anything you'd use to make a dress! Y'know, other than spider silk, but let's not think about that. So Trifa, this girl, her business explodes! And it grows and it grows and it keeps growing until it takes over everything!
Weiss: Alright, girl doing it for herself~!
Blake: Soon enough, she's the only company in Menagerie...
Weiss: Mm~! Girlbossing it up~!
Blake: She's got a corporate monopoly, vertically integrated up and down...
Weiss: Sounds like it all worked out for her~.
Blake: She has her own private military.
Weiss: So do I! Uniforms are so hot~. Designed these ones myself. Does she need uniforms? Is that what's going on? Oh, she has GOT to see our Schnee Queen Line.
Blake: Anything she wants, the government gives it to her. In other words, essentially, she IS the government.
Weiss: Good! More girls in business should be in government. Or, well, women, or whatever. We'll sell her some uniforms, send me the paperwork, have my people call her people and get a deal going~!
Blake: Weiss, it's a communist government.
Blake: Yeah.
Weiss: Dear Brothers and Dust! No! She's spending her own corporate money for building roads, and hospitals, and housing, and everything?!
Blake: Well... No.
Weiss: Oh! Oh, Blake, honey, you can't just throw that word around like that.
Blake: Okay, so maybe it's more like a banana republic, I guess. Anyway, the problem is... they don't have any of what you said. They don't have any roads, or healthcare, or housing, or, well, anything.
Weiss: Ah! BUT they do have capitalism~! So someone is going to fill that market gap.
Blake: Y-Yeah, and I'd like your company's charity to fill that market gap.
Weiss: Oh... Well, we'll build some toll roads, set up some private clinics...
Blake: Actually, I was thinking maybe you'd do it as a charity?
Weiss: ...No.
Weiss: Well, of course! Duh! Leadership like mine doesn't come cheap~!
Blake: And I've noticed it doesn't go into any charities...
Weiss: It does so! Recently, we've made a BIG donation to Ruby's "Arms for Snakes" program.
Blake: It goes to stupid charities.
Weiss: ...It donates to your New Fang.
Blake: ...S-Since you brought that up, some of our directors have had a few comments about the recent Schnee Company policies.
Weiss: Why? What's wrong with them? It went through a brilliant think tank!
Blake: it went through Thinking4U...
Weiss: Well, if it's such a problem, then how about I stop providing donations for you~?
Blake: ...
Blake: Y'know what? Let's not worry about all of that right now! Can I get you on board to build roads in Menagerie?
Weiss: No.
Blake: Ah... Okay, well, that was it.
Weiss: Great. I love it when we can get to the point! Now, can I get YOU on board for drinks next Saturday?
Blake: ...Weiss, I gave up drinking.
Weiss: Order it a virgin then! Whatever! I'll see you then, darling~! Love you~! Kisses~! Mwah~! (Leaves)
Blake: ...
Blake: (Sighs)
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akihatohnoofficial · 10 months
A place for questions and conversations about owning and caring for your Akiha. For photos and videos, check out r/akihas.
14.7k masters | 19 online | Top 5% ranked by size
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Topic: [Adopting] Where to Boy Akihas
u/throwaway5318008 posted 3 hours ago:
Hey guys i'm looking to buy an Akiha, but i'm a college student so i don't have a lot of money right now. how cheap can i get one for?
u/charzardass replied 2 hours ago:
Fellow boy-Akiha enjoyer detected ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) A man of culture, I see.
If you want one for cheap and don't mind buying used, check your local Facebook marketplace or Craigslist. I've been lucky enough to get several for under $50 ea. Happy hunting!
u/pm-me-akiha-titties replied 3 hours ago:
If you're a college student, the cost of buying an Akiha isn't your biggest concern. You'll need to pay for routine veterinary care, clothing, a cane (many cheap Akihas won't be sold with a cane), enrichment (Akihas don't like being left alone! What are you going to do when you're in classes?), and, of course, food? The Akiha Care Guide provides an estimate of monthly expenses for Akiha raising.
| u/throwaway5318008 (OP) replied 2 hours ago:
| Yeah i live in a dorm but its a single so i dont have roommates. And i was thinking she could just hang out in my apartment while im in class? And i can bring back food from the dining hall. So i dont think she really needs clothes or whatever if shes in my room the whole time.
|| u/knightyknight replied 1 hour ago:
|| yeah OP you can ignore that simp. some people love to spoil and coddle their akihas and then warn eeeeeeveryone how expensive they are. well of course they're expensive if you treat them like people.
|| anyways I have a buddy who's an akiha breeder so I get mine for dirt cheap. you can always try to find a breeder in your area and offer to buy the dams off them once they stop being fertile -- they'll usually sell them for next to nothing to clear up space for the next young dams. ===
Topic: [Advice] How to make less noisy?
u/SmolTaterTot posted 7 hours ago:
Hi folks. I recently bought an Akiha, and I love him to pieces! The only problem is... I don't think I was prepared for how noisy they can be. Mine's always meowing and moaning and whining all day and night. I've read the FAQs, so I tried hitting him when he wakes me up in the middle of the night, but he hasn't stopped. Any advice?
u/himejooooooshi replied 5 hours ago:
UNGRATEFUL [huffy face][huffy face] being whiny and needy is an Akiha's charm point
u/ArrowToTheNiichan replied 7 hours ago:
You done goofed. You clearly aren't giving him enough attention since he's crying all the time, so hitting him (i.e. giving him attention) when he wakes you up is just encouraging the behavior. Go back and RTFM again, specifically the part about behavioral conditioning.
But it's true that Akihas tend to be pretty loud no matter what. Some vets can remove the vocal cords for you if it really bothers you that much, but insurance won't cover it. Good luck.
Topic: TIFU by getting a "friendly" pair of akihas
u/sirtwixalot posted 12 hours ago:
I read that akihas need attention and get lonely easily, but they can also be intimidated by unfamiliar akihas, so I decided to buy a pair of akihas from the same breeder so that they could keep each other company.
I got them Friday afternoon, and they spent Saturday and Sunday grooming each other and wrestling together. One of them calls the other "nee-san," and the other calls the first one her "puppy." So they seemed to be getting along really well. I wasn't even having the problems with them refusing to bathe or eat that I hear sometimes happens with akihas. So I thought they seemed like really good companions for each other.
Then on Monday.... I went to work and left them at the house.
When I came back... I think I'd be banned if I described what I saw.
Imagine if a jar of mayo exploded all over a bed.
Sooooooo TIFU.
u/himejooooooshi replied 9 hours ago:
No problem detected... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
u/SmolTaterTot replied 10 hours ago:
u/ArrowToTheNiichan replied 11 hours ago:
Does no one actually read the FAQs before they buy one of these things anymore?
u/charzardass replied 11 hours ago:
Topic: [Advice] How to beat an Akiha in a one-on-one basketball game?
u/Point_Me_@_The_Sky posted 2 hours ago:
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akwolfgrl · 7 months
LFT part 34
What is that guy's issue?” Zoro put his sword away as he walked towards the barrel. Zoro had told him a few times he wasn't interested in selling him his sword. Zoro began digging through the barrels searching for something decent.
“You must lose a lot of swords if you think you have to carry three of them around. Unless of course you're copying that infamous Pirate Hunter,” Zoro ignored Tashigi as she came up behind him.
“Yah, pirate hunter,” Zoro muttered to himself.
“He's made quite the name for himself, Roronoa some call him a demon. He is known throughout the East Blue for his sword skills, but he's clearly not a good person to have earned the moniker of demon. A bounty hunter is not someone who has any honor, and swordsmen without any honor shouldn't be allowed to be called swordsmen. Someone who uses their swords just as a way to make money. It's too bad for real swordsmen being compared to him, it's all backwards. Pirates and bounty hunters calling themselves swordmasters makes no sense to me. They even have most of the world's legendary swords as well, it's such a tragedy,” Tashigi continued to talk as he looked for swords.
“Oh don't know,” Zoro chuckled. “It's the kinda thing that you have to look at on a case by case basis,” Axe hand Morgan may not have been a swordsman but he was a Marine. A Marine who allowed his men and his son to terrorize the village they were at. A little girl had almost been torn to shreds by a vicious animal, and when he killed it he had been tied up, left without food or water. The world wasn't black and white, it was made up of shades of gray. “You never know what people are capable of or what they've been through.”
“I don't give a damn, I'd be more than happy to welcome criminals as long as they have money. I remember when my shop used to be filled with people shopping before trying their hand in the GrandLine, but ever since that monster you call a Captain was put in charge I hardly ever get any customers,” The man complained, it would explain why he was asleep when Zoro arrived.
“Captain Smoker isn't a monster, he's done great work cleaning up these streets,“ Tashigi retorted.
“He's a damn devil fruit user! That is more than enough reason to call him a monster!” The man yelled back.
“This is my Shigure. I'm going to work as hard as I can to perfect my skills and one day I'll take back every single last one of the legendary swords, because the filthy hands that hold them do not deserve them! I am including the War Lords of the Sea! They are nothing more than a pirate with a fancy title! That includes Dracule Mihawk! Yes. The twenty one top O-Wazamono, the twenty one O-Wazamonos, as well as the Ryo-Wazamonos, I'll find them all! I'll keep them safe!”
“What about my sword? Do you want to take my sword from me? Wado Ichimonji,” Zoro asked, turning to look at her as unsheathe his sword, just because she looked like Kuina didn't mean she could have her sword.
“Oh um I'm not trying to get them back for my sake, I just don't want criminals to have them,” Zoro turned back to the barrel of swords when one caught his eye, he warped his hand around its handle, this sword was cursed. He took it out of the barrel, its red and gold sheath in good condition for being so cheap. “Oh I think that's, just a sec let me check my book,” Tashgi flipped through the pages of the small book she had on her. “Ah, just as I thought! That blade would be Kitetsu! Kitetsu the third! Its predecessor is an O-Wazamono and the first Kitetsu is a top O-Wazamono,” Zoro took the blade out of the sheath looking at the moderately curved katana with a white edge and a blue hamon that looked like flames. “Hey are you really only selling it for 50,000?” Tashigi asked. Zoro would happily only pay that much.
“Y-yeah?” The man's voice sounded shaky and unsure.
“That's unbelievable! It's an authentic Wazamono.” Zoro stared at his reflection in the sword. “Wow you must buy that sword!” Zoro had every intention of doing so. “It's worth at least a million berries or more,” Zoro was not going to tell Nami how his swords were worth. He didn't trust her not to sell them behind his back. “You can't pass it up, it's so valuable,”
“Dammit! I can't sell it!”
“I didn't think so, I knew it must have been a mistake, it is a legendary sword after all ”
“It's not what you think!” The man cried out as Zoro tightened his grip on the sword and swung it down, now facing towards Tashigi.
“The swords cursed.” Zoro spoke, a cursed blade had not what he had been expecting to find but still he had.
“Huh? How the hell do you know that?”
“Just…do,” Zoro didn't know how he knew, but he could feel it, feel with every part of him that this sword would love nothing more than to bathe in blood, be it his or his enemies it didn't matter. He would enjoy taming it.
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baravaggio · 8 months
Any baking tips for those of us who are hopeless when it comes to cookies? 🤲
of course! 👩🏻‍🍳
should go without saying, but use metric for accuracy if you aren't already
for crispy on the outside, gooey on the inside cookies you need to whip your butter and sugar for longer than you probably think you do. 2-3 minutes for butter and sugar, then about 8 minutes with the egg or egg substitute. this lets the butter and sugar properly bond, the eggs provide additional strength. this gives your cookie structure, it'll prevent them from spreading or getting too greasy.
when using a lot of high butterfat content butter (e.g. european style butters, think kerrygold) you might want to use bread flour to give your cookies a little more structure, just be careful to not over mix. otherwise AP flour is fine
the fancy ingredient isn't always going to be worth it, depending on what you're using it for/who you're baking for. I'd use vanilla bean paste if I was making ice cream for myself, but I use regular vanilla extract in the cookies I sell because it's the flavor most people in the US will know and have a life's worth of positive associations with
don't cheap out on the flour. I think sifting is a waste of time, and I only really need to do it if I buy the cheap stuff
chill your dough for 1 hr minimum before baking it to deepen the flavor and minimize spread
if your cookies are puffing up too much, you can take them out of the oven and slap the tray against the counter to deflate them a bit - do it a couple times with a couple mins of oven time in between, and you'll get flatter cookies with a really aesthetically pleasing ripple texture
take them out of the oven before they're entirely done, let them finish baking using the heat of the tray
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theconcealedweapon · 1 year
Sincere question: What should a small-scale (one home) person do instead of being a landlord? This is not a gotcha. I want to be a good ally and socialist but of course I have to live within the system. I own my (small cheap) home outright. But, I hope to be both employed and living away from my state/country for several years, then returning.
I don't dare sell; I won't be able to buy again when I (alas) return with how prices have gone up.
Being employed would be good; my savings are diminishing and I'm not getting younger. Living away from the US Bible Belt would be fantastic, even if it's just for a short time. But I don't know anyone I can trust to live in it and take care of it for free. Leaving it empty for 3ish years is silly and helps nobody. Letting strangers live in it for free strongly risks the place being more damaged than I can afford to fix when I return. Websearching "Alternatives to being a landlord" doesn't come up with anything. Minus other ideas, I plan to hire and enjoin a property manager to be the best at taking care of the renters and being responsive to their needs. There is no ethical income under capitalism, just minor harm reduction. But if there are other ideas that are better that don't involve me self-destructing and failing to support my SO I'd love to hear them because I will be ashamed and sad to be a landlord.
Anyone have an answer to this?
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I know I said Rajeev, Shanilla, and Mallory would get their own posts for this hypothetical reboot/ the au, but thinking about it I don't have a lot to say about the three of them to cover an individual post, or a lot of art of them either, so they're gonna share this post.
Out of the three they all didn't really have a lot, Mallory especially, but I changed the most about Rajeev.
Rajeev, now Raj, is gender fluid and goes by He/They or She/they for the most part. He and Shanilla's parents fashion designers who do designs for anything ranging from runway fashion to movie costume designs. Raj is taking fashion design courses at the Beverly Heights private art school to get ahead of the curve, Lolo is also in these classes. They still have a crush on Lolo but it's less...creepy and more so he becomes a doormat for her and her alone. She uses this to her advantage to get Raj to draw her designs for her so she can trace them and turn them in as her own. He's still Spencer's best friend and main actor in their best bros horror films, but he also often throws together cheap outfits he buys themselves so that they don't get their more expensive clothes dirty.
Shanilla is more layed back, she used to run with a group of horse girls when she was in middle school but grew out of that phase at the start of her freshman year upon realizing that she didn't want to surround herself with the kinds of people she was friends with. She does painting and sculpting at the high school she attends with her twin siblings Raj, she often helps Spencer make his props and helps Mallory design small set pieces for the films. She doesn't really have a crush on Spencer in this version, instead she's more interested in his life before living in LA since she's a recovering horse girl and he lived in rural Kansas.
Mallory honestly had nothing going on in the original show other than the fact she was nice so I built her up from scratch. In my version of the show, Mallory had a falling out with Lolo the summer before their first year of highschool, her father owns a successful company and her family is just a bit richer than Lolo's, and they had a severe argument among her finding out that Lolo was pretending to be her friend to get her dad to sell his business to Lolo's dad. When high school started however she started to hang out with Shanilla, since her old friend group crossed over into Mallory's, and Raj and of course Spencer got added when he moved to Beverly Heights. Mallory's kindness is her biggest fault, often over looking obvious red flags to be optimistic and trust somebody that really doesn't deserve it. She does painting and portraiture at the highschool and helps make set pieces and back drops for Spencer's films. She also has an almost deathly fear of ghosts due to seeing a scary movie she shouldn't have watched when she was way too young to watch it, so coincidentally she's scared of Billy at first, but she slowly warms up to him as he teaches her how to not be a class A doormat. Similarly to he and Spencer she has a SIBLING relationship with Billy.
For my designs, again if anything Rajeev changed the most, I just essentially designed a character I'd like whereas Shanilla and Mallory's designs play on their canon designs.
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animehouse-moe · 1 year
Undead Unluck Episode 1: Immortality and Misfortune
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It's David Production, it's Yuki Yase, it's an action series where the character can fly based on propulsion generated from their legs. Need I say more? I will though. I'm not a fan of the manga, it's not that I hate it but that I just don't enjoy it. I can read it if I want but there's things I'd rather read first. I'm hoping David Production changes my mindset, and with this first episode they seem pretty hellbent on making a start on that, and in a lot of ways.
Firstly, they somehow knew that Taiki Konno was the easiest way to my heart, as they had them cold open the series as the romance manga Fuuko was reading.
You might not know Konno by name, but I'm sure everybody knows about the Magical Destroyers ending, which they did themselves.
I absolutely adore the feel of Konno's style. The way it feels so hopeless and drowning in yearning and desire that can't be felt. I'd kill for them to have a series of their own one day.
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Anyways, Yase opens things up following Konno, and it's just right out of the gates a Yase series. The sharp contrast and dark shading that's associated with their style is front and center in eye-popping fashion.
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That gets followed right up with sharp and creative closeups that largely focus on the eyes of the characters. Within a minute, it's undeniably Yase's series.
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Even if this wasn't Yase's style, I feel like it's a really important piece to selling the overall direction of the episode. Undead Unluck's humor is harsh, crass, and crude. It's got energy, and lots of it, so we get a lot of sharp jump cuts and pauses in between. Yase's penchant for getting up close and personal really helps with that as it allows that sharp and fast style to be applied to the non-comedic aspects of the episode as well, allowing it to have a better flow.
Here's a few examples of the humor. I like how they leave it rather lacking in animation. Cheap and easy way to save on time, but it also provides its own sort of humorous effect.
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Of course it's not all silly shenanigans and whatnot, but this episode is by and large setup, so we're not getting a sakuga feast 24/7..... but Yase still provides for viewers in some really great ways.
Overall, I have my complaints with how Fuuko and Andy's relationship is handled and how it's used for comic relief, but past that I enjoyed a lot of what David Pro's put out here in this episode. Plenty of opportunity for humor, great action direction, and all the makings of Yase's style. I hope we'll see some more creative work from other boarders and episode directors in terms of non-action, but that's basically a given. Undead Unluck is already Yase's story thanks to their performance on this first episode, so I'm really looking forward to seeing what they can do with a whole 24 episodes.
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skopostheorie · 8 months
What China does better than Australia (and I'd assume most of the West):
Substantial food (i.e. meals) is very cheap, even relative to the minimum wage here
Most places, even less famous cities, have a lot of cool culture and stuff to do, and of course their own cuisines, whereas Australia, as a young colonial country, doesn't have as much history to boast of and most attractions are less meaningful in that sense
The average person is quite kind, though some drivers will get frustrated with you
Bike infrastructure is more present, especially in urbanised areas (of which there are lots... Maybe more than there should be, but who's gonna stop the one party system hey?), and if not, you are allowed to use the footpath
Also related to urbanisation, the skyline views and things like that in major metropolises are really beautiful, where as Australia's are... Meh?
What Australia does better than China
We're less addicted to our phones (I know! I can't believe it either!)
You don't need your passport of citizenship ID card for literally everything and travel between states is not the government's business. For example in China I needed to produce my passport so I could go into a garden
Entertainment is cheaper relative to the minimum wage e.g. a book is $20 ish, which is a little under an hour's min wage, where as in China is 50RMB ish, or two hours of min wage work. However food is much worse, see above
The 70 years ownership law can make life quite precarious for the average Chinese family especially because the gov't can just snatch it off you whenever they want for their development and don't have to answer to anyone. In Aus they can take your land off you but constitutionally they have to pay you back for it. Farmland also belongs to the state in China. Farmers have it ROUGH in Australia but the fact that they actually own their land gives them an out if they need to sell and move
Similarly, while rural-urban discrepancies are a serious issue in Australia, those of China make Australia seem like a paradise and quickly puts into perspective why there are so many people in places like Shanghai
The air in Australia is mad crisp
People staring at you for being a foreigner in the city is just.... Not going to happen
What they're about the same on
A Chinese person's English is about as good as an Aussie's (insert whatever language they did in school here), obviously not including those who graduate in international studies etc. if they can't explain something to you in English they'll bring the translator out
Places like Shanghai aside (where they're absolutely fantastic), public transport is about the same
Ethnic diversity*: while Australia's is about the many many Indigenous groups AND immigration, much of which has an extensive history as well as those who are "new arrivals", China's ethnic diversity is from their ethnic minorities that don't tend to stem from immigration but is equally as vast and vibrant. Both countries have major issues with the oppression thereof but also have govt initiatives etc to support them
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wytfut · 3 months
Aluminum siding....
I think as a kid who grew up in the 60's, we remember the hard core salesmen that bang on your door... vacuum cleaners, spices, aluminum siding, brushes. .... all humorous in a way today. There has even been movies made about this type of life.
My Pop... way back in the 60's bit the bullet and bought aluminum siding. The guy sold him the goods, and he bit hook line and sinker. The company had their contractor put it up..... Pop wanted his crushed rock roof strauss built home, to be pink for eternity. And so it was....
It was shortly after... maybe a year or 2 later, we had a historic Nebraski hail storm. And just beat the shit out of the siding. I'd say that this aluminum siding was much softer than todays products...
Anything exposed under the eaves of the house on the west and south side took the beating.
Pop about cried and tried to make a claim on his damaged siding, and of course his insurance company didn't recognize aluminum siding as a standard house siding. .... nada... nothing.
The siding remained on for I'd say at least a couple of decades, all dinged up. Finally in the late 90's Mom and Pop were financially comfortable, Pop had the dinged siding removed and covererd with red brick as a wainscoting about 6' up on all sides of the house. I wont critique the color combination, but Mom and Pop were happy. The aluminum siding higher up remained, and looked good until the house was sold.
Now I bring this humorous story up, as that most likely wasn't Pop's only upside down event in his life. And as I grew up there, I know I have picked up this behavior up.... and have applied it many times thru the years.
I just had to have a diesel car. After the 70's embargo, it only made sense to me. So I left my brand (Ford at that time didn't quite yet have a diesel model), and ordered a brand new buick diesel.
Probably the prettiest car I have ever owned to this day. Within 6000 miles, the motor blew up. And we were without a car for close to 3 months.
Within a couple of years, the transmission went. Basically I ordered from Detroit the grand GM double joke.
Sounds innocent enough.... but if a person were to stand back and take a good look at this story or the many others, including my Pop's.... he and I get an idea in our heads, and the blinders come on. No changing of the minds here mind you. And admittedly, it is a weakness or a curse.
Not that we both would fall for salesmen....no no.... but the fact that once we get an idea, we just can't let it go.
Pop I'm sure was told by all his chronie State Troopers...."don't do it!!" ...Just I was told by many folks not to buy a GM diesel.
Here's my latest blinders mistake.
A few years ago, I was using a product called "ride on" on my motorcycle tires. It claimed to reduce flat tires substantially, and would also balance your tires. It was a gooie substance, and for all the years I had used it, I was very happy with it.
I found another company selling a "tire sealer" years ago, a friend used on his farm truck. He had tires with multiple nails in all of his tires with no flats to report.
Thru the years, I had heard that tire repair shops hated these products. Some of the earlier products were impossible to remove. Which made fixing a simple flat tire impossible.
Come up to date now.... to about 4 weeks ago.
My hunny said we were not going to drive to colorado on the tires on her car... especially the one with a double plug (being a tightwad, I fix our own tires, right or wrong, I do). Ok. So I rounded up some very nice almost new tires on facebook market place. Got them for a song.... extremely cheap.
My thoughts.... put berryman's tire sealer in them. Josh, Luke, and myself mounted each..... life was good.
I was still under the impression, that berrymans tire sealer would also balance these tires. As that was "Ride On" claim.
We got about 250 miles into the trip, and holy shit... the tires took off. Shaking the Patti's car like no tomorrow. Many miles of trying to figure out how to avoid the shaking... I determined that if I stayed under 70, it wasn't too bad or very often. It'd still do it a bit here and there.... but no way over 70.
Made it to our destination. And as the week went on I contacted several tire shops. One said he'd try to balance them.... and he couldn't. Another in Estes, said yup he'd fix the issue, but it would cost.
Being a tourist in Estes.... I was guessing $400+. I cringed, Patti said do it....
The tire shop fixed all 4 tires (cleaned the goo out and balanced)..... $160, plus 2 days.
We were ecstatic. No way .... he could of taken huge advantage to our situation, but he didn't. God bless this man.
When I went to pick up the car.... this very same guy was in the parking lot helping a much older gentleman clean fresh asphalt off of his tires. The guy drove thru fresh asphalt (no barricades).... And his tires looked like huge donuts. I talked to the old guy. He was amazed that the guy was helping him, at no charge. Attacking the tires with pry bars....
Back to the point. Folks that know me.... know I do this. My boys, friends, etc. I get the blinders on, and it is the goal to achieve, hell or high water, it'll be done. They all just roll their eyes, and shake their heads
You'd think after years of this nonsense, I'd learn, or someone would just shake the shit out of me, to get my attention.
My next odd ball mission is to drop some ajax/comet down the carburetor of our 36 ford. lolololol I've already heard murmurings from some folks not directly. ...
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