#i'll add the rest later
tsuunara · 6 months
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mieux-de-se-taire · 1 year
Vampires Will Never Hurt You - MCR Interviews
Anemic Magazine Interview - 7/1/02
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Interviewer: Some rumours I have heard is that you guys like bats. What's the fascination with them? Is it the Will Haven song BATS, or you just like the species? Gerard: Haha...the whole bat thing came about at an early practice when Mikey joined and we finally gelled. Our energy just came together and a giant heavy metal vortex opened up and out flew a swarm of bats. We all saw it. It was like an awakening. After that we accepted bats into our lives. It was also while we were playing "Vampires Will Never Hurt You" so it probably had a lot to do with that. 
89.5 WSOU FM Interview - 7/11/02
20:58-21:02, 21:10-21:14, 22:03-22:19, 26:28-27:12
Ray: (After being asked his favorite song to play live (20:20)) As far as live, Vampires is always incredible Interviewer: Right Ray: ‘Cause it’s just so fun to play ... Frank: I like Knives a lot to play, and...Vampires is always fun ... Gerard: My favorite to record, um, that’s a tough one. Vampires, even though it was done before the whole album. I was-- that was awesome because there like was this huge storm that rolled in when we recorded it, and it was so cool. And everybody thought like I (I’ll?) let some bats go and stuff, and that was really cool ... Interviewer: But let’s talk about Vampires, and then we’re gonna play it for everybody Gerard: Okay, um, it’s obviously this metaphor for something that, you know, had happened, not just to me but like a lot of people in real life. It’s kinda-- I don’t know if I should give away too much ‘cause a lot of people take away their own things from it, you know, but um Interviewer: Right.That’s what’s also good, I think, about the record, that you can interpret it your own way, apply it to your own life, and it may not mean the same thing but... Gerard: Yeah, I mean like I get emails from people saying like how the song helped them get through a situation that-- and like what their meaning of the song meant to them and it helped them, and I thought that was awesome, so I don’t want ever, on this one especially, to divulge too much of what it’s about ‘cause it’s pretty personal, but (laughs)... but um, it’s like, you know, it’s about vampires. (Everyone laughs)
Sucker Newspaper Interview + src - July 2002
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Interviewer: You got Geoff [Rickly] of Thursday to produce your record. How did you hook up with him? Gerard: Mikey and I met the talented Mr. Rickly when Thursday first signed to Eyeball Records. We played him the rough of “Vampires Will Never Hurt You” which he liked so much we asked him to produce the record. He accepted.
Dot Alt Interview - 8/30/02
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Gerard: We take a semi-autobiographical approach to things, with some roots in fiction. We try and connect with people in a more abstract way, to get more meaning out of what we’re trying to say. Interviewer: Like using cult imagery on Vampires Will Never Hurt You?  Gerard: Yeah, obviously we use vampires as a metaphor for something else, something deeper than just the supernatural. But there's just something about the bloodsucking walking dead, that can say so much to people. There are really so many people trying to get control over you on a daily basis and steal your soul in some way, take a part of you...
Noise Theory Interview - 11/13/02
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Interviewer: ‘Vampires Will Never Hurt You' is a truly amazing song. How did it come about? Ray: The writing process for most of our songs starts out with one band member having an idea of what the song should be, usually its already written in his head and its just a matter of getting it out. Gerard had this idea for a 6 minute song that had multiple changes, guitar breaks, a slow breakdown at the end, pretty much everything was in his head before we ever played a single note. The song was still tough to write though, because we were having trouble writing the chorus for it. Matt really helped on this one because what he plays on drums can sometimes just totally inspire you to try something different, and that’s what happened with this one. Somewhere there Is a version of us playing Vampires with the old chorus...it sucks. No pun intended. As for the lyrics, I know Gerard was inspired by a trip to a seedy bar. I'm not sure what the hell was going on there, but it made for a great song!
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Interviewer: MCR’s music can be pretty varied, do you have a particular favorite song that you like to play live?
Ray: Hmm...live I think my favorite songs to play are Our Lady of Sorrows, just because of the pure energy in the song, and Vampires, because it has quiet parts that gradually explode and it’s fun to see kids whig out when that happens.
Radio Takeover Interview - 6/17/03
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Interviewer: Well, is there even a message or is it the kind of message that people realize for themselves, a subjective one? Frank: It's both. Gerard: There are some things that we say directly to people and there are the things that we want people to get out of it. When you get the message out of something yourself. Matt: It means a lot more. Gerard: It's more rewarding. A song like "Vampires" is probably our most metaphorical song. Matt: It's not about vampires at all. Gerard: Because vampires don't exist and I'm not even going to fucking talk about them anymore. You get what you want out of that though. Frank: It is about something though. Gerard: Yeah, it is about something that happened to me and we have a lot of different messages and hopefully we have a lot of time to tell them all. Frank: I think the best line in that song, is "I'll never let them hurt you." That is the best line. Gerard: That is the most important line in the song because that is the line where nothing else matters in the set. When I say that line, sometimes I am completely spent and it's funny because it's a breather line and it means the most.
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Interviewer: The lyric, "It's hard to say I'm shakin’ by the choices that I make, I choose this life I've taken." What is the hardest choice you've had to make to get to this life that you've taken? Gerard: Sacrificing being with our loved ones and our family and all the people who have made us who we are. Sacrificing spending time with them. Frank: when we were in Jersey our friends and our family were the only people who gave a shit about anything that we did and what we were putting out and no one else cared, and we have made a choice to get out to as many people as we can and to meet the people we reach. It's hard for us and it will continue to be hard for us for as long as we do this to be away from those people though.
89.5 WSOU FM Interview - 7/3/03
Interviewer: (Unintelligible) wants to know what Vampires Will Never Hurt You is about. Gerard: (Frank laughing in the background) Vampires Will Never Hurt You, obviously vampires don’t exist, it’s obviously metaphorical, just so everybody knows I don’t believe in vampires. (More laughter in the background) It’s about basically seedy bars and seedy people you meet at those seedy bars that will have nothing better to do than keep you from growing up and/or being responsible and not drinking and not being an alcoholic and just sucking you into their world. (Unintelligible comment from Mikey that Gerard repeats) No, it’s about-- it’s about that. It’s, you know-- there’s no such thing as vampires, and I know that (band laughs). Ray: You just broke a lot of kids’ hearts. Frank: Whoa, whoa, whoa. What about glampires? Gerard: And, uh-- and you should know that too! Wise up dude! (band laughs) Like it’s just movies, c’mon, and-- seriously it’s a metaphor for other things in life, be it drug addiction, heroin addiction, stuff like that, and being-- Matt: (Interrupts) Coca cola Gerard: Coca cola and being involved with really crappy people, you know what I mean, people that just have nothing better to do with their lives than drink with you and drag you down with them.
Equal Music Interview - 10/31/03
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Interviewer: There are a couple theories circulating about your repeated mention of vampires in your lyrics. Can you clear that up? Gerard: It’s a metaphor for being in your twenties and getting sucked into that singles alcoholic nightlife culture, ya know what I mean? It’s interesting, because you’ll find that a lot of bands use the supernatural as a gimmick, and that’s really all it is, it’s just like horror punk, and that’s all it is. We’re not really into vampires. I like to wear black, but...
Alternative Press #197 - 9/17-20/04
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“As soon as it came time for Gerard to do vocals for ‘Vampires [Will Never Hurt You],’ this insane storm hit,” Saavedra remembers. “Gerard was getting very frustrated because it was his first time recording, decently, in an actual studio. He was overwhelmed and he was over-thinking it... So I punched him in the face!” The blow loosened Gerard’s jaw and somehow gave him the motivation to take to the mic and rip a bite out of the track.
Gerard laughs triumphantly, “I remember it hurting a lot, and going, ‘All right, I hope I can do this.’ I remember singing, and something clicked. I remember Alex’s face was just amazed that the song was finally coming together. I think it was the second take that we ended up using.”
Blaring Out Show Interview - 9/28/04
Gerard: The coolest thing that ever happened was the first time it ever happened was the head of our street team, Carlos, who we love very very much-- he was really our first fan. He was our first big fan, and he IM’ed me one day on the computer, and I didn’t know who he was, and he said that Vampires Will Never Hurt You off the first record, to him, it was helping him get through high school because he saw all these people that were, you know, kind of, I guess, not so much jocks and stuff, but just people that were picking on him and stuff. And it actually kind of scared me when I first heard it, and I was like ‘Oh man, people are going to start thinking people are vampires, and they’re gonna to try to shoot them with shotguns,’ and I got kinda scared about all of that, but you know, it ended up-- it just helped him get through a really bad relationship where a girl was jerking him around in high school and all the people had picked on him, so, you know, that-- obviously, the song is about being an alcoholic, but, not to him, you know, and that’s the coolest part.
Circus Magazine Interview - July 2005
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Gerard: We were in the studio 3 months later to record our debut album ‘I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love’ for the New Jersey label Eyeball and we were trying to record the song Vampires - all of a sudden I was frozen, I simply couldn’t sing, I couldn’t talk, I just stood there like a piece of wood, I know I was terribly nervous and there was thunderstorm brewing outside, all I could hear was the sound of the rain and the thunder, I really thought that’s it, I’m never going to make it, then the label boss Alex walked up to me and he just hit me right in the face. I snapped out of my state and everything worked out fine!
Zero Magazine Interview - December 2005
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Gerard: There’s always a fear that people might overlook “I Brought You My Bullets...” Occasionally, when we play on this tour, with the exception of Vampires and Our Lady of Sorrows, we play 4 or 5 old songs, usually when the venue’s quietest - but then again, when we play the UK, those are some of their favorite songs. The UK was very accepting of Bullets, whereas America didn’t know about it. They like hearing it, they’re just not familiar with it.
Kerrang #1142 - 1/17/07
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“I was about to sing ‘Vampires Will Never Hurt You’,” remembers Gerard. “There was a storm forming outside, my teeth were hurting, and then Alex came up to me, gave me a hug, then punched me right in the mouth. I think he did the right thing, to tell you the truth. It was an act of love, but I was fucking riled. I went up to the mic and nailed it first time. We listened to it in the van ride back. It was just the loudest, gnarliest, darkest, most melodic song I’d ever heard. It was fucking amazing.”
Forcing himself into character is a trick Gerard has repeated ever since.
“It’s almost like method acting,” he says. “‘Vampires’ was definitely the first instance of that.”
Kerrang #1143 - 1/17/07
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Gerard: Again, it had a visual quality. That song [Headfirst for Halos] and ‘Vampires Will Never Hurt You’ both gave us a real sense of identity. They brought in the entire gothic thing. It was those songs that made people think we were a vampire band!
BBC Radio 1 Audio Documentary - 2007
Gerard: We went to do ‘Vampires,’ and it was, still to this day, like, the most magical, incredible recording experience I’ve ever been a part of next to, really, making The Black Parade. But nothing beats your first time on a mic. (‘Vampires’ plays for a few seconds) Gerard: There was an energy. It wasn’t that I was nervous or anything, there was just this energy. There was this storm building outside, everybody had tracked the instruments, and it was sounding incredible, you know. (’Vampires’ continues to play) Gerard: And it was very inspired, and I was outside with Alex [Saavedra], and he just clocked me in the face. Alex: He was getting really hard on himself, and you could tell, and he was really losing it, so...I helped him focus, and I punched him.
MCR Forum Interview - 10/30/10
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Ray: And after we wrote Na Na Na we really felt ‘wow the sky is the limit, we can try so many different things!’ So the song that we ended up writing after Na Na Na was Vampire Money, which has the same energy. And then the song after that that we wrote was Planetary (GO), which has a different energy, but it’s something that we’ve always tried to write, but we never did one hundred percent. If you look at a song like Vampires Will Never Hurt You, it has a little bit of that. It doesn’t have the electronics in it, but it easily could.
Grammy Museum Interview - 1/26/11
25:15-25:34, 26:16-27:12
Frank: I remember being a fly on the wall when they finished ‘Vampires Will Never Hurt You,’ and that was the first song that you guys really recorded, and it was like...you guys were so excited about it. You were like “Oh my god, this-- you gotta hear this song!” And they would play it over and over again, and then, after they played it, they would all high-five each other. (Crowd and interviewer laugh) And they were like “That was awesome!” And I’m just like “Yeah, that was really cool.” ... Frank: So ‘Vampires Will Never Hurt You’ was the first song that was actually really really recorded. They did like 3 songs in an attic, but like, they went to a studio to record ‘Vampires.’ And as soon as you guys recorded it, I think-- it got played on pirate radio, which is like Seton Hall in New Jersey, and then we put it up on the internet. And, within a month after that, there was A&R people from major labels calling the studio, which was-- it was ridiculous ‘cause like, at that point, Thursday had a lot of heat on them, which is another amazing band from Jersey, Midtown was getting signed, Saves the Day was getting signed, and so there was this crazy thing going on, and, you know, My Chem was kind of getting pushed into this circle. And there was a lot of attention, and we were playing shows and kids were going off. It was immediate though, like, in that circle-- I wasn’t even in the band at that point, but when you heard that song, you knew something amazing was going to happen. I don’t know how to pinpoint it, but, like, there was something really special.
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My posts, I guess
Gender is non-teleological and that’s not a bad thing
Discussion on pro- and anti-abortion TERFs
TERFs knew about JK Rowling ages ago
TERFs are more than just anti-trans-femme
TERFs and naturalism
The deal with Blade Runner
TERFs hate men and adore women
Death of the author and Leigh Bardugo
Purity culture, antis, and TERFs
TERFs universalizing their wlw experiences
Adults writing sex in YA novels
Youth reclaiming queer
TERFs and trans masc vs trans femme
Mischaracterizing TERFs and dogwhistles
Sarah Z
Bad Wine and Lemon Cake 1
Candidate Suite
Depp/Heard case
Bowie and Swift
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emacrow · 4 months
Alfred's day off came as he went for a visit that cause suspicious in the batfam.
Alfred was looking rather energetic and enthusiastic as he was fixing himself up in the mirror, cleaning any lint and dust on his casual clothes.
The batfam has been noticing he is getting more excited that he even made everyone's favorite lunch in record time as today was one of alfred rarest day off.
Tim on the other hand is thinking that alfred might be dating someone, because he saw alfred bring light blue letters that had a soft jasmine smell.
Bruce believes Tim finally lost his marble because when does alfred had the time to date around.?
Until Dick mentioned that even old people get lonely and tend to matchmake in the form of letters like the good old days..
Which right now the batfam and Bruce leading them are currently spying on Alfred far enough where they think he wouldn't noticed them stalk- observating him.
Alfred was picking up a couple of presents, one that had plants, another had old Techno theme, one with birds, a fire theme one and a space theme present that he loaded his car with along with a stuffie bear.
Steph thinks that he could be visiting relatives at that point..?
While Bruce was remaining quiet with a calculating glint in his eyes.
They follow alfred all the ways to the one of the barely remaining clean parks, where a another young man sat with a orange hair little girl in a light greenish blue dress, a sleeping baby girl in a bassinet on a picnic blanket with a purple clock theme pattern, as he watches 4 toddlers playing and squealing around a oddly colored puppy.
Two toddlers look like a bait-adoptable bait even if both has stripes of white in their hair and one had red eyes, one toddler had blonde hair with the tips being black with purple eyes and a lightest greenish skin tone, and the remaining toddler was Egyptian African American looking with how he playing with a odd toy phone that look Egyptian theme before being dragged along to play by the green dog snatching his toy phone.
Alfred brought the presents along sitting down with the now seemingly much older man..
Jason seemed to noticed that nobody else is noticing that that guy holding the clock like staff is literally shifting from young, to adolescent, to young adult, and elderly man beside himself when he voiced his concerns.
They weren't close enough to hear what the two were saying, but the little girl with the orange hair was speaking mostly before looking up with tearful green teal eyes at alfred who went to comfort the girl.
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lghockey · 2 months
This a PSA for everyone...
They had the confidence to post original works on here and we need to respect them
If you don't like what they wrote, don't read
If you don't like them, don't follow or just block them so you don't see them
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zu-art · 1 year
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Babies are really just vaguely human-shaped bags of rice.
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tatatale · 2 years
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A L I V E: Part 69.
A L I V E Masterpost / Sunny AU / Ko-fi tips / Twitter / DeviantArt /Commissions
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eugeneplace · 7 months
World Domination Tour Au Poppy Reference Page!!
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umblrspectrum · 1 year
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mspaint is so fun when i've got no fucking idea what im doing
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dailytomlinson · 1 year
Laval recap
Louis wore a Ahluwalia Nile Polo Shirt
Opening: The Greatest
Bigger Than Me is back on the setlist
Louis’ heartfelt thank you to the fans for supporting the tour
Louis says Louies are “the best fans in the fucking world”
Saturdays Rainbow Project
Louis calls out fans for leaving early
Closing: Silver Tongues
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abusivelittlebunny · 1 year
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This is part of something a bit bigger but I'm too impatient to wait until I finish the whole thing so here ya go, 19 year old Donnie Pierce's mugshot after killing his stepdaddy because we don't talk about Boyd's pink haired nymphet era enough
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kiastirling · 11 months
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mwnlght · 6 months
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hi, everyone! this is autumn (she/they, 21+) and you might also find me at @svnlght ! ♡ and i bring you yet another of my babies: moon taeho, a part time server + university student (major in architecture) that is just trying to make it through (and either be finally loved by his parents or finally let go of his desire for their validation); overall, he's a sweet person with a touch of grumpy and forever dark circles under his eyes. here is profile and here is his pinterest! as always, under the cut there's more details of his bio + plot ideas!
his family is pretty ordinary despite them being sort of rich considering his dad is the ceo of an architecture company and his mom a famous graphic designer, but just weren't much of the parental type.
so when taeho is born out of an accident, they don't know what to do with him but they at least try (not very successfully) until they get tired of that too and taeho is mostly left to his own devices since a little too young.
things don't get better when his younger brother is born as the apple of his parents' eyes, a child that came when they actually wanted one and used the excuse that he was born with a sick body to give him more attention than to taeho (but then things didn't change when his little brother got healthy later on).
so he learned how to be an adult a little too soon and how to look after himself; surprisingly he doesn't really resent neither his parents nor his brother for it and he does love them dearly, would die and kill for them, even if the relationship with his parents is still awkward at best.
was (and still is) a good student with good grades and as much as he just wanted to chill throughout his school years, he still ended up class president more than once and almost if not all of his group assignments he ended up as the group's leader because at the end of the day he's very critical and methodical about things, esp academic work, so he ends up taking charge just so things will be up to his standards. he also has very dependable vibes so people end up relying on him a lot too so in the end he does end up in positions of leadership even if the i in his mbti wants otherwise.
characteristics that he carries with himself to this day. hence why new semester is yet another broken promise that he'll just chill in group tasks and agree with everything.
moves to seoul for university in a way to try to escape the awkward environment that seems to linger whenever he's in the same space as his parents; besides daegu isn't a city that he necessarily sees his life being at so expanding his horizons to seoul seemed like a good idea.
receives an allowance from his parents but still works part time at a cafe to earn money and use as little (if at all) the money that he gets from his parents, deciding to use it only for extreme emergencies.
wanted connections !
classmates ! someone who loves doing projects with him because taeho does most of hard work anyway or maybe someone who doesn't like doing projects with him because you two end up always bumping heads due to difference of opinions and no one is too willing to give in.
rent-a-boyfriend ! someone who is in need of a fake boyfriend for whatever reason (introduce him to their family so they'll be kicked out left alone / impress their in a relationship!friends / they joked about having a bf and missed the timing to say it was a joke so now they have to keep the lie up, etc etc) and for some reason taeho ends up being your guy.
coworkers at cheongsudang cafe ! someone who tease hims for the way he doesn't have exactly the most friendly of the faces even when he's serving costumers (but he's still known as one of the cute servers); someone who sees him off work and is completely off guard when discovering that he has a full sleeve of tattoos since he usually has them covered for work, is also very surprised by the piercings too since they assumed he just didn't seem like the type.
regulars / costumers at cheongsudang cafe ! maybe someone that he sees almost everyday and they always order the same thing so ofc that he's going to memorize their order; someone he realizes might not be having the best day and he's feeling particularly generous so he decides to get them a little baking good on (his tab) the house along with their coffee; someone who sees that he's having a bad day and tries to buy him coffee or whatever instead and as much as taeho appreciates it, he can't really have anything on the clock (but with some insisting, he'll def keep it for his break).
ex(es) / crushes / weird flirtationship that looks more like bickeringship / blind date(s) or not so much blind date(s) / smoking one of us always has the lighter when the other doesn't buddies / anime/manga/manhwa buddies / gym you're the only reason i didn't break my strike yet buddies or even gym rivals to gym buddies / tba if i manage to come up with more of them !
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keeps-ache · 4 days
alright, perhaps it is time to start colourmaxxing
#just me hi#okay so i got an mp3 player for m birthday (yippee !! woohoo :D) and the earphones i got w/ them don't fit in my. ears hgkfjs#like the left one is fine but my right ear is too small for the bud.. and it's not one of those ones with the rubber thing so i can't fix#the sizing lol </3#anyway so i'm looking for earbuds that won't explode if an ant touches them lol ; i found some that come in blueeee#my player is red.. i Could just get black.. but clownmode starts Now lmfvhsh#/yea so the player situation;#it has radio (YAYYY 💫💥💫💥💫) but it can't hop on any wifi so i have to download onto my computer and then onto the thang#which is okay. or WOULD be [dun dun] if i didn't put every song i liked ever into one playlist Lmaofjvshj#400+ songs in one playlist Is difficult.. and i still have some character playlists i wanna add lollllll#so doing that rn.. oohoo...#i've managed to get it down to like 294 which is cool but i am hanging on to groups of songs i do not care about for some reason kfhsvbh#cuz i add music in clumps so everything is in 'groups' that only i can see lol :)#i don't wanna spend a bajillion years downloading this stuff thoughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh houuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu#ofc there are groups that simply cannot go. like the whiteboard sections and that entire coin album Lmaoo#but also man i don't think i'm in the brain space for this rn pfshv#i am hearing sounds and i do not care. but also i think i do so i just leave them there for future me to check later kfsh#anywho i'm gonna try to get it down to around the 100s#that Does mean i have to removed 94 songs rn tho... difficult decisions really bfsh#//aaaaanywho i'll prolly just save the rest of this for later#i've got other things i should be doing and things i wanna be doing and things i need to do or i'm going to turn into sludge again so hfhs#back at it like always!! i should get some water....#but YEA. toodles :3
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noirandchocolate · 3 months
Me: *listening to my big shamisen playlist while I work at home reading cases* Hehe strings go twang nicely for my braincells
Spotify: *hits me in the face with “Blue” by Aun J-Classic Orchestra again*
Me: I am going to die. ToT
#kidk says stuff#context is: song is beautiful and also firmly associated in my mind with a certain banana ship I’m feral over forever#((my iteration of it anyway. my miscreants.))#I mean…shamisen is one’s associated instrument and bamboo flute is the other’s (blue has both shinobue and shakuhachi in it)#the song starts with just the shamisen and the flute slowly joins more and more until they're weaving around each other#there’s a big climactic section that sounds like heroic adventure that then gets interrupted#((by a tragic sight? a realization? a confirmation of suspicions come true in the worst possible way??))#before coming back and building to a chaotic frenzy that ends abruptly with a lingering high flute note#and then the shamisen is mostly alone again...trailed by only soft hints of the flute like...#((memories? regrets at actions not taken? words not said??))#and there's a *little* bit of a hopeful tone in the koto buoying the notes...#((sounding almost like a harp?? an approach toward someone imbued with light??))#until that one final tragic-sounding note from the shamisen backed by low flute#((maybe…as someone bows his head thinking only of what must be done to save the rest where he couldn’t save…well…))#I WILL DIE!!!!!!!!#ohhhh them#this post is classic me putting everything i REALLY want to say in tags instead of the post oh well#kidk headcanons#<--i'm throwing it in this tag that's personal to me because it IS my boys but this is not...for the fandom tags lol#i'll come back and add banana bread to it later for my own purposes#banana bread
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astarab1aze · 5 months
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Nations & Their Cities - 1
Capital: Sekora
Cities: Zarrah, Kimarrah, Zemhora, Fatima, K'yra, Petra
Sights: The Sphinx's Rosegarden, Redstone Monuments, Sahadi Oasis, Chateau Corneille, Royal Palace of Askarra, Valley of Fire, Badwater Basin, Wadhi Dunes, Kora Terra, River Mossha, Laal Bekaar, Almilhia
Capital: The Black Eyrie
Cities: Tempest, Astraia, Last flight
Sights: The Vale of Tears, the Schism, Stormhollow, Ruins of Ágrifa, Ruins of the Grand Eyrie, Crimson-Talon Roost, Lightguards' towers, Myhalan Deep entrances, Pseudocilium Forest, Gríf’s Passage, Hatchling's Fall, The Valley Below, Eye of the Storm, Gorgon's Reach
Capital: New Mira
Cities: Summer's End, Mara, Milissa, Whitestone, Aurora, Blanglas, Lumia, Monchamp, Stellara, Argent, Mille, Marseille, Hyglais, Nièvre, Froide, Halidom, Pelladia, Adeille, Le Louve, Neige, Noel
Sights: Frostwood, the Winter Palace, Enum Glais River, Hydric Ice Caverns, Ruins of Holy Miraglas, Iceflow, Mirrortwin Lakes, Dragonkin Hatchery, Auric Snowfields, Dragon's Maw, the Great Crevasse, Undermountain Springs, Worldeater's Cathedral
Capital: Camlothe
Cities: Harrowmorn, Frea, Myrris, Merlin's Landing, Cutwater, Bywater, Blackwater, Stillwater, Rhiannon, Dragon's Watch, Myrrh, Lichfield, Oxway, Etna, Mylliwyg, Maewynn, Emrys, Mesynna, Borderwatch
Sights: Malefactor's March, Buckhorn Trails, Peaceflower Graves, Myrsian Highlands, Church of Goldleaf & Petta, Dragon's Spine Mountains, Valley of Kings, Snowcap, Artyrian Delta, Murkwater River, Madhunter's Knife
Capital: Vialta
Cities: Airivhest, Balta, Silkiev, Sovren, Vulkhaven, Varonis
Sights: Hunter's Vale, Vulgren's Watch, Western Pass, Lakensov, Vhar Morne, Tail of the Dragon (the end of the Dragon's Spine), Lud Bestii's Path, Balewood, Pestani River
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