#i'll learn this craft someday
companioncrow · 1 month
i deleted the aboutme bc i don't like the way it looks when pinned on mobile :( one of these days i will make a Web Site. somehow. i need to figure that out
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radishhqueen · 8 months
so my project over the summer was making a hard copy of my rottmnt april-centric fic, how to get very good at juggling! shameless plug, it occupies a very special place in my heart.
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and a video flip through <3 yes it's a bad video but this has been rotting in my drafts I need it out
step by step-ish process pics under the cut! + a link to the tutorial i used.
I largely used this tutorial by Sea Lemon for the actual construction of the book. For the text block, I just copied it into a word document, formatted it to my liking, and printed it out in 24 page signatures. (This makes it sound easier than it was. I trial and error-ed this step so hard, since all the tutorials I saw were for blank notebooks, and not text. If there's demand for a step-by-step on how to do this process with god's jankiest printer, lmk and i'll write it out)
In the end, I had a bunch of signatures that looked similar to this image below. i actually reprinted them (for the third time) after i took this picture bc some pages disappeared and i took the opportunity to center the page numbers. someday i'll learn how to get them on alternating corners.
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...that i then sewed and glued into a text block! (ft. my cat)
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because i was using a public printer, and also because i couldn't figure out how to adjust the margins, i had to do some trimming to make the margins more normal. you can kinda see in the image above that the top margin is like. two inches. (i'm currently in the process on typesetting another fic, i'm gonna figure out the margins this time i swear)
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once i trimmed it (very slowly, with an exacto blade) (god i wish i had a paper guillotine), i sewed on some paper headbands and an extra piece of support cardstock (not pictured, whoops), and then it was finally time to start the cover!
okay, admission. when i started this project, my intention was to do a vinyl cover, do the title in stickers, and be done with it. unfortunately the sticky backing of vinyl? very sticky. not easy to adjust things when you have shaky hands and can't get the cover pieces immediately lined up. so i quickly burned through the whole roll of vinyl i had, which meant it was time for plan B, fabric.
also unfortunately, my local chain craft store never fails to let me down, and the only green fabric they had was god's brightest shade of green. regardless, we persevere.
because of who i am as a person, i know how to embroider! more or less! so that meant instead of futzing around with fabric markers and attempting to make a passable cover that way, i just decided to embroider a cover.
first came the mock up
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and then i got started with the embroidery! i measured out the dimensions of the cover on the back of the fabric, and made a grid for where i wanted all my pieces to go
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once the cover was finally done, i glued and assembled it a la Sea Lemon's tutorial. and!! now i have a book!!
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harunayuuka2060 · 1 year
Kid MC: *pouting*
Malleus: *his face can't be described while holding the mini-gargoyle they crafted*
Kid MC: Sir Lilia! Look at Dad! He thinks my gargoyle is funny!
Lilia: *chuckles* No, sweetheart. He's fascinated by it.
Silver: And that's quite a design. What inspired you to make it like that?
Kid MC: I saw the ravens looking for a drink! So I thought that maybe rainwater would help and they could also take a bath with it!
Lilia: That explains the bowl the gargoyle is holding.
Kid MC: Hm! But Sir Lilia? Really? How long is Dad going to stay like this?
Lilia: Hmm... Give him a few minutes or more.
Malleus: It seems my child of mine will be a good engineer.
Kid MC: Is that what Dad wants me to be?
Malleus: Well... If there's anything you want to be, I'll be glad to hear it.
Kid MC: I want to be Dad's most reliable child!
Malleus: Hm? Most... reliable child?
Kid MC: *nods*
Malleus: I'm a bit confused...
Kid MC: I've learned from Sir Sebek that faes have this habit of adopting children. So if you decide to adopt more, I will help you in raising them!
Malleus: *frowns a little* No. It's not your job to raise anyone. And, *smiles* I don't think I would be adopting anyone after you.
Kid MC: Why? Have you realized that kids were actually stressful?
Malleus: *chuckles* No. *cuddles them*
Malleus: You're not just my child. You're my best friend. My little companion—
Kid MC: Dad, you do realize I will grow up someday, right? So don't call me 'little' or you'll jinx my height.
Malleus: *laughs* It depends on your genes, really. Are your biological parents tall?
Kid MC: ...
Kid MC: Okay. I think Dad is making me mad on purpose.
Malleus: *chuckles* *kissing the top of their head*
The elders: Your Majesty, we have a concern we would like to discuss with you.
Maleficia: What is it?
The elders: It has come to our attention that His Highness, Malleus Draconia, has adopted a human child.
Maleficia: Yes. And what? Is there a problem?
The elders: You know very well that the parents of that child fought against us.
Maleficia: ...
Maleficia: It isn't clear yet.
The elders: You've seen them in the battlefield.
Maleficia: Indeed.
The elders: ...
Maleficia: However, if you were paying attention, you would know that I promised on both sides that none of their children would suffer.
The elders: ...
The elders: Forgive us for prying too much, Your Majesty.
Maleficia: *is about to scold them when someone knocked on the door*
Kid MC: Scary Lady? Are you still in the meeting? Can I come in?
Maleficia: *immediately calms down* Yes, my dear.
Kid MC: *opens the door* *then goes to her*
Kid MC: Scary Lady, let's go! It's already snack time!
Maleficia: But the Scary Lady is still in a meeting with the elders.
Kid MC: *looks at the elders* *frowns a little* I don't think they will be saying anything sensible. No one talks sensible during snack time. *tugging her hand*
Maleficia: *chuckles* Is that so?
Kid MC: Elders! I'm borrowing Scary Lady! And you! Go home and take a nap!
The elders: ...
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the-obnoxious-sibling · 6 months
Do you have any shuggy fanfic recommendations? I already read and rearead (and reread) yours one piece ff…
i can certainly give you some recs!
everything's hosted on ao3 and set in the one piece universe; i do read modern/mundane AUs but i'm always really picky about how an author adapts a ship's canon history into an AU, so i've yet to find one that really grabs me except that one college AU i forgot to save a link to… i hope i'll find you again someday…
for all my life i’ve watched from afar, i’m too afraid to try by Badopportunities - complete, 18k
this is probably my favorite shuggy fic i've read so far. a canon divergence in which shanks hunts down ace instead of whitebeard to warn him off the blackbeard hunt directly, and just so happens to find ace while he's hanging out with buggy's crew. love the outside POVs on shanks & buggy before their history was common knowledge, love their dynamic while trying to keep that history secret, love the optimistic way the story ends.
uncharted waters by vestigialmoods - complete, 41k
a long, multi-POV sorta kinda get-together—this one written after we knew the warlord system was being dissolved but before we learned about cross guild. buggy tries to figure out what to do now that he's lost government protection; shanks is encouraged to go for what he wants for once, instead of passively letting fate decide his path. features very fun characterization for both crews, and a really well-crafted scene that deals with phantom limb pain and sexual tension simultaneously.
in the deepest depths i lost myself, i see myself through someone else by Badopportunities - WIP, 36k
it may be gauche to rec multiple fics by the same author but Badopportunities has yet to steer me wrong! this is set during the timeskip, while buggy is searching for an island to claim as his warlord base of operations and shanks is trying to look after former whitebeard territories. they clash. uses one of my favorite lines for a childhood friends-to-lovers ship: one of them says he's single because he's having trouble finding a partner with “similar life experiences.” iykyk
currently incomplete at 4/5 chapters, last updated in 2022… but they just posted a new chapter of their other shuggy wip (which i also recommend, buggy time travels and saves ace & uta) this week, so it feels like anything's possible!
I'll See You in My Dreams by doublejoint - complete, 4k
shanks keeps dreaming of being older, on a ship with only buggy for company, wearing matching rings and sailing for who knows where. i love how efficiently and effectively this fic explores his thoughts on these dreams over the years—are they visions of the future, his secret desires, bad gas? the ending is very sweet.
We Are Never Ever Ever Getting Back Together (and other lies Buggy tells himself) by Transformatron - complete, 11k, explicit
i am not much for smut (being ♠️🏳️‍🌈 and all), but occasionally one gets in the mood, and this fic has some intense emotions to go along with the intense, kinda kinky smut. shanks has found out about cross guild and comes to see buggy, not convinced that this is a safe, sane, and consensual situation buggy's found himself in. they fight about it, and then… 😳
there is background established buggy/crocodile/mihawk, but crocodile and mihawk aren't present for the explicit portion of the fic.
i like lipstick on my neck by kiriya - complete, 20k, explicit
if i'm recommending smut-with-feelings, i have to rec this fic. genderbent butch/femme shanks and buggy run into each other in east blue, post-roguetown and pre-canon, and spend three chapters bickering, drinking, and… you know. absolutely fantastic characterization, buggy is an awful little gremlin and shanks likes her very much despite herself.
i don't know if the fic was inspired by this art or if the art was inspired by this fic, but either way… if you read the fic you should look at the art. that butch shanks is just. absolutely inspired.
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itgirlgyu · 1 year
COLGATE CRUSH | choi beomgyu.
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pairing: beomgyu x fem!reader ft. huening kai.
genre: fluff, crack.
summary : because of your undeniable curiousity, and lack of survival instincts you end up meeting the junoesque artist, choi beomgyu, and his oddities.
word count: 1.4k.
warnings: illogical made up professions, there's some violence (one line), reader is very curious, beomgyu thinks he got rizz.
"this is how i might end up dead someday."
you had no concrete idea how you found yourself in front of a building undergoing construction; especially when it looked like there might have been a case of aggravated assault etching the history of the eerie institution.
the very first thing that you can recollect was probably the chime of the ice cream man that lured you into an empty alley lined up by the blossoms blessed by spring, and the gentle breeze of nonage, and once you had got your hands on the vanilla cone, you kept wondering into the strange place. curious eyes marveling the unfamiliarity of the street, until of course you found yourself standing in front of the said building.
'if i see no sign from the heavens preventing me from entering this sketchy building then I'll probably still be alive,' is what you thought right before you nearly got trampled by two idiots in a razor scooter with one of them holding a giant rock in his hands, yelling some things along the lines of, "ill bash his head in with this!"
you may have been lucky enough to get your feet trampled over that death vehicle, but that was not the case for another person walking along the road. the man, victim, laid on the floor while holding his feet as some brilliantly colorful curse words flew over his mouth and the two offenders, standing there while profusely apologized to the man.
this would have been a supposed sign from god if you were gifted with the blessings of being self aware—but since that had not been the case for you, along with the fact that your bad luck had bled onto the other person— you were pretty sure of the fact that instead of warning you of any impending danger that awaited you depending on your action, has been warded off successfully.
so you step inside of the damned property; breaking off the sheath of protection, and entering the land of foreign, filled with nothing but cement, and broken debris of bricks. there had been nothing new to explore, plus the added anxiety of hurting yourself at every step increased the pace of your heartbeat; and you couldn't deny the fact that it didn't excite you.
amongst the mucronate end of iron rods sticking out, and half made walls your eyes captured something—a single panel of windows installed. it intrigued you as you approached it cautiously, stepping over the sharp objects laid on the dirty floor, your eyes focused on the peculiar scratching on the glass. the crack swirling into an enchanting ornate design as if it had been crafted by hands, and not born out of a misjudged trifling accident. the broken rays of sun streaming through the gaps of the cracks casting a riveting image onto the floor with you as its muse, compelling you to move closer to learn more about it's unrivaled individuality.
"its so beautiful," you couldn't help but wonder out loud, as your fingers dipped into the clementine shadow the drowning sun casted onto your fingers through the art before you, carefully enough not to go close to the sharp edges of the charmer.
"isn't it?" you twirled around almost immediately to the owner of the voice, and maybe turning around that fast might have not been the best idea as your lungs empty the air out of your system—or that might have been the breathtaking beauty of the mystery man before you with the healthiest long hair you've ever seen, and the most precious lips.
"uh-" you paused, words failing you as you fumbled in front of the beautiful stranger, but maybe the god was actually on your side today. instead of scowling at you for trespassing, or coming off as a creep, he actually laughed at your awestruck expression, as he slightly adjusted his bangs. alluring bruises, and adorable band aids covering the expanse of his winsome hands stirring awake the incessant need to know about the beautiful stranger before you.
maybe his eyes caught the way your gaze followed the movement of his hands, and he somehow smelled of your curiosity as he put on a bewitching smirk, and took a step closer.
"I'm beomgyu, i actually am a professional window scratcher." the beautiful stranger, beomgyu, introduced himself, putting forth his hand for you to shake. you gently put your hands in his, providing him with the confidence to sneak in a squeeze before he lets go.
there's exactly two thoughts swirling in your head: first was the pride that swelled in your heart for recognising art when you first saw it. you're just one step away from becoming the next best socialite at this rate, and the second one was the fact you were almost flirting with one of the prettiest men you've ever come across who is actually the creator of the art as well!
"you-" you stumbled on your words as your eyes widen to hide your excitement—calming the high pitch in your voice you turned around to point to the art, and face him, " you made this?"
beomgyu nodded, the halcyon lines of his eyes tugging at the ends of his lips, as the cheeky smirk melted into a smile dipped in fondness. unbeknownst to the both of you, he took another step closer to you.
"oh i forgot to introduce myself," you chided yourself, and gave him your name.
"that's a pretty name," he commented, "for a pretty girl."
you could assume that he had the full view of your blushing cheeks by the way his lips tugged at the corner. you tried to hush away all the butterflies that started to emerge into your stomach at his silly comments you know he doesn't even mean.
"im being truthful, you're the most beautiful girl I've laid my eyes on," He comes in closer, and closer—until there's only a shy line of invisible distance between the two of you, taunting you for it's presence. even though it feels wrong, you feel like it's the right thing to do, so you look up at his starry eyes, through your eyelashes to show your approval.
words held not much of importance of the strings of your heart tangled, and you could feel beomgyu tugging yours as he gently grabbed the sides of your lips and pulled you close to him.
what you had not expected from this comely artist to have the stinkiest breath that you ever had the misfortune to smell. you tried your best to hold your breath as he moved closer to you. the unbearable stench of filth assaulted the inside of your nostrils—you could hear the sizzle of your nose hair burning off in the acidic smell of his breath—but you persisted for your new found love, well until he opened his mouth, that's when the world blacked out as the lack of oxygen, and the insufferable smell of his mouth knocked you out of consciousness, and to some degree, your misery.
"if you're afraid to come closer to your loved one because of the fear of something like this happening," huening kai, korea's best mc appeared into the camera holding a mic to his mouth, as he pointed at your unconscious self, and a hyperventilating beomgyu holding your pinky with his own as he cried your name, praying for you to wake up.
"don't worry because we have the perfect solution!" huening kai held up a packet of colgate next to his face, staring straight into the camera with a grin with a similar voidity of the black hole—might not be wholesome but at least it sucks you in!
"colgate—no need to be afraid to fall in love!" huening kai explained, and threw the packet at beomgyu, who caught it and brushed his teeth immediately. as soon as the paste touched his teeth, it's as if life was breathed into you by some miraculous spells. your body jolting forward, as you lovingly gazed at beomgyu and the foam in his mouth, almost dripping as he shook in happiness to see you conscious. you giggled at his excitement, and scooped some of the foam that was holding onto it's life by his chin and put it back into his teeth.
"i was so scared of losing you," beomgyu cried out, splattering you with the foam, but you didn't mind as his minty fresh love coated your skin. coloring you ivory in his love—this time you closed the gap between you two and smelled the scent of love directly from the source.
" i will never leave you."
"curating love stories all around!" huening kai yelled, holding up the the colgate as he wiggled his squatted body to come to the center of the camera in order to block you and beomgyu, "colgate!"
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i know ive been awfully ia that's why i really wanted to comeback with a writing as awful as this,, but this idea! is so dear to heart because my favourite writer and my best friend came up with this and i just had to write it!! sometimes ill get her on tumblr one day for sure!!! PS the pedestrian the two dumbasses ran over was yeonjun, and the two dumbasses were soobin and taehyun. taehyun being the one with the big ass rock.
PERM〞TAGLIST— @impureperhaps
©ITGIRLGYU—feedbacks are so so so appreciated and ill love you forever!!
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coolfireguy73 · 1 year
I love your art style so much! If it's not weird to say, I aspire for my art to be like yours someday :)
Two questions:
1. The way you add different element to your traditional drawings (Different paper, colours, or materials is amazing. I'd love to hear about that process if you're willing to share
2. For the cryptid AU, it seems like everyone kept some remnants of their weaponry/knowledge. You've talked abt Engie purposefully not using his buildings, so I'm curious about what might have happened to the Medigun/s
Thank you for indulging my curiosity, I hope your day is good :)
First off: sorry to reply so late !!!
I wanted to reply to your question properly and take my time to share my process, so I waited until I had time to do so.
First question
I've filled up a lot of sketch books over the years and on of the problems I had was the emptiness of the pages.
I used to draw very small and like... one drawing per page.
I always loved how scrapbook looked, but was never able to fully integrate it in my sketch books (I'm still working on it)
Until I saw what David Armsby sketch books looked like. I mean, they aren't really sketch books but they included drawings and they looked so good ! They made me realize I could totally do something like that !
I started really trying to implement scrapbooking things in my sketch books one or two years ago. And I really should have stared sooner.
So, how do I go about it.
1. Colored paper
Usually when I start a new page I just draw what I have in mind. Then I'll glue pieces of colored paper in some of the empty spaces to draw on top of. Like this page for exemple:
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I first drew Old medic in the center, then glued the two red papers and drew on top of them. Doesn't really matter what drawing will go on top of which paper. The whole point of this is to make the page seem more full and busy.
There are two other ways I use colored paper. One, I draw directly on the colored paper, then glue it in my sketch book, or I cut it depending on the size of the drawings:
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And two, I already know what I will draw and I want to use colored paper to add to it, for exemple those Medic faces:
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Then, you can use all of those on the same page:
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Note, you can use all kind of paper, all colors, texture, motif, etc... You can also glue colored paper on top of different colored paper, go nuts, I'd recommend looking at scrapbooks for inspiration. Or any core and aesthetics you like really.
Also, I haven't used then yet but I bought thoes:
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These are just craft packs I found for cheap. They provide really cool paper I can use in the future. I also have a pack of normal colored paper.
2. Hate space
Try to fill the page as much as possible.
I've learned to hate every small inch of blank space on each page, if there is any I will try to find a small drawing to make or a doodle or glue more paper etc...
And if I don't find anything I'll come back to it later.
I'm still struggling with this part 😅 
3. Stickers and tape
Another thing that can help you fill your sketchbook are stickers and colored tape.
If you don't have any idea of what to put to fill a hole it's very easy to just stick a sticker there.
The tape, I use for places a piece of paper would be to big (I usually write the date on it)
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All in all, Just put whatever you want. You can add glitter, glue seashells and flowers and leafs, or candy wrapper even, the choice is your's really.
You should be proud and happy about your sketch book. It's yours, have fun with it !
Second question
I'll be easier to replie to this one 😅 
Most of the weapons were left at the base, like Sasha and, yes, Medic's medigun.
But that's normal, Medic was sent to a mental hospital, I don't think they would let him bring his medigun. Same for Heavy, he just went to get back medic, he didn't really need Sasha.
Sniper and Demoman still have their weapons because they were already quite affected when they left and already acted somewhat aggressively so, naturally, they brought their weapons whit them.
Hope this answers your questions, and again, sorry to reply this late 😅 
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gubbles-owo · 9 months
In my tradition of semi-randomly promoting ops simply because I like them: Vulcan!
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Extremely focused and passionate blacksmith, her kit is fairly simple yet fun, plus she got that tgirl swag. Gameplay-wise, she's obviously great for soloing a lane, or going at it with a partner for assistance. S1 is alright but watching her bonk shit with her S2 is always a treat.
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they're dating, ur honor (i'm still a lil new to the game to know what counts as a crackship in arknights, but crackships are best ships get on my level or fuck u <3)
Okay, so, I'm not gonna do this justice, but I'm gonna have a shot at it anyway: Vulcan is a weaponsmith. It's practically her sole interest, as her file states that she hyperfocuses on her craft all day, and tends to get irritated if you pull her out of it. Her voicelines really hammer this in (hah). Soooo she has ADHD or some kinda incredible focus ability. Well damn can I relate. She not only forges her own gear, but also helps design and repair gear for fellow operators, so she proves to be a pretty valuable resource for Rhodes Island. Her operator record shows this in action, and I have to say, the care and consideration she demonstrates for her peers are way sharper than I would've expected.
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Goddamn, she really understands the importance of both the tool and the person bearing it. Even the most reliable tools will begin to fail someday, and you can choose whether to submit their bound purposes to prioritize preservation, or give up some part to fix up or even improve them. Neither is a wrong answer. It depends largely on the person behind the tool. These things can be special. But this fuckin exchange right here though...
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"She liked my machines, but she insists on only using things she's made with her own hands." Cut to me reading this earlier today, still partway through writing my own damn matrix transformation functions in C so I can move the damn camera/objects properly in 3D space on the Nintendo 64. I could easily pop open one of countless git repositories for open source 3D projects and yoink their matrix transformation functions for myself. It's free real estate. So why in the fuck am I burdening my feeble mind with cranking out complicated math shit that has already been done before? "Because there's meaning behind it. It's part of my roots." I want to understand exactly why this thing works. I want to try things far beyond my perceived capabilities, come to those realizations myself, and hopefully learn some shit along the way. It doesn't really matter whether or not I succeed, and even if not, there's no shame in seeking assistance from others. But it's in my nature to meticulously learn every aspect of the things I love. It's simply how I operate. I will hyperfocus on that shit all day. Just know I'll feel cranky if you try to pull me out of it.
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smiles i want to protect (or support).png
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leian-studies · 1 month
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My personal account and primary blog (therefore with the one I'll interact) is leian-22
This is a studyblr and this post is my intro. You can accompany me through this difficult, yet intriguing, part of life!
You may call me Leian
I'm 22. Currently studying a career in Biology, but I'll finish it this summer and plan on doing a master and Phd in neurosciences.
I am vegetarian. Love flowers, dogs and riddles. As hobbies, i like painting (specially with oils) but you can always find me crafting things of any kind. I like reading too, specially books about crimes etc, mystery kinds, that make the reader think.
I also play the viola and piano
I would love to learn about many sciences by myself, but right now i can only hope to have time for all that someday
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u2fangirlie-blog · 6 months
50 Things for My 50th Birthday - Now With 10 Bonus Things!
50 Things for My 50th Birthday
A continuation of my 40 Things for 40 List, with 10 additional entries for 50. Plus 10 Bonus Things!
Originally written December 2013 on my 40th birthday. It's a list of bits of wisdom I wish I had known when I was younger. Every item has a story behind it. I don't know if this is original, intelligent, humorous, creative, interesting, or valuable to anyone other than myself. But it means something to me.
Maybe someday I'll write an annotated version of the list with the stories for each one. Then that would turn into a book. Maybe it's better to give short snippets and remain mysterious than to overshare everything. December 2023.
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40 Things for my 40th Birthday: 12/2013
1. The Universe has a sense of humor which manifests itself as irony. Take time to stop and notice the big glowing neon signs that point to irony.
2. Karma, like gravity, is a force of nature. It does not discriminate. It balances your actions and consequences like balancing an equation.
3. It’s better to be single and alone than be in a bad relationship for the sake of being in a relationship.
4. See the patterns and interconnections - streams, veins in leaves, flowers, moss, agates, geodes, galaxies, calendars, time – it is beautiful and awesome.
5. Every day is different. If today is shitty, tomorrow will be shitty in a different way.
6. Look for the positive. Thousands of things go right every day.
7. Have a good work ethic. Do your best, but don’t let perfectionism interfere.
8. Know your history. Remember your ancestors and family. You could not be who and where you are without all of their hard work.
9. Don’t bite the hook.
10. Don’t feed the troll.
11. Remember Professor Remus Lupin’s Defense Against the Dark Arts lessons – Ridiculous, Expecto Patronum, and Chocolate.
12. Learn crafts – sewing, knitting, beading, etc. – it enriches life. It’s fun to give surprise presents to people.
13. Dream out loud at high volume. Turn it up to 11.
14. No good deed goes unpunished.
15. The Platinum Rule: Treat people how they want to be treated.
16. Always have 2 weeks’ supply of socks and underwear.
17. Invest in good bras. Your back and boobs will thank you later in life.
18. Always wear comfortable shoes. Your feet will thank you later in life.
19. Don’t waste time in front of the mirror. Save money. Cosmetics are optional.
20. Do not fester. To fester is bad. Don’t bottle things up for years. When you eventually explode, it only frightens, confuses, and pisses off the target of your nuclear blast, and innocent bystanders may be injured.
21. Don’t confuse lust for love. Lust and love are not the same thing. Don’t allow physical attraction to obscure reality. Ask questions. You might not like the answers but ask anyway.
22. Beware of charming men. They use sexual energy to get attention and evoke a reaction, like using glamour magic. The feeling is fleeting. It’s nothing special.
23. Don’t wait by the phone or the computer. When a man says, “I’ll call you tomorrow,” he probably won’t. He might intend to call, but he doesn’t know which tomorrow he means – 24 hours, 6 months, 8 years later. Don’t take it personally.
24. Diamonds are not a girl’s best friend. You don’t need a ring. A loving relationship is the real treasure.
25. U2 is the greatest rock ‘n roll band and “Achtung Baby” is the greatest rock ‘n roll album in the entire Universe.
26. You are your own worst enemy. You are the only enemy you will ever have. Stop listening to the Itty Bitty Shitty Committee.
27. You are your own best ally. You are the only ally you will ever have. Never betray yourself to others or to yourself.
28. It is what it is.
29. Chill the fuck out.
30. On the subject of Big Girl Panties: Pull them up. Deal with it, whatever it is. They can be She-Ra Princess of Power, Wonder Woman, or Tinkerbell Underoos. In times when you can’t pull up your Big Girl Panties, get some Coping Skills so you can deal with it. Use Coping Skills until the problem is solved or the situation subsides. Repeat as necessary. Coping skills will eventually become the New Normal way of dealing with it.
31. Learn as many life skills as you are capable of doing - housekeeping, home repairs, yard maintenance, gardening, cooking, car maintenance, etc. Be as self-sufficient as possible.
32. Know when to ask for help. Offer to help others too. Know when to hire professionals to do the job.
33. Felines are the best animals ever in the history of all species on Earth. Being a Crazy Cat Lady is wonderful. It’s the cats who are crazy.
34. Read everything. Read constantly. Develop highly effective writing and verbal skills. Clear communication is essential.
35. Book smarts, diplomas, and degrees are not an accurate measure of intelligence. Common sense, ability, skill, and experience are most important.
36. No one likes an insufferable know-it-all. Don’t correct others even if you are right – unless it is a life-or-death situation.
37. Practice mindfulness. Orient your perception to the meta level.
38. Be grateful and express gratitude.
39. Be compassionate, sympathetic, and empathetic – even to people you dislike or who dislike you. Everybody hurts. Everybody has bad days. Understand that.
40. Remember the reason why you had your ears pierced on your 30th birthday. Enjoy the small pleasures of life: favorite foods, scents, sights, sounds, clothes, jewelry, and all the pretty things. These are what the dead remember and desire the most.
50 Things for My 50th Birthday: 12/2023
41. Toxic Situations: Know when to get out on your terms while you still have options. Leave before they force you out. Otherwise, you could be left scrambling and everything is worse.
42. The Ultimate Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything is 42, obviously. (Thanks to Douglas Adams.) 42 is the atomic number of molybdenum. 42 divine beings, with Osiris, Ma’at, and Thoth in the Hall of Truth, judge souls before they enter the afterlife in Egyptian mythology.
43. Dialectical Behavior Therapy skills, motherfucker, do you use them? You spent 2 years in Fight Club. Strive to be skillful every day. The core skill sets are mindfulness, distress tolerance, emotional regulation, and interpersonal effectiveness. Remember your values. Remember Wise Mind. Remember Radical Acceptance.
44. Gaslighting: Discussing problems is complaining. Telling the truth is causing trouble. Explaining yourself is making excuses. Asking questions is undermining others, making others look bad, or challenging authority. Challenging hurtful comments is not knowing how to take a joke. Expressing emotional needs is neediness. Expressing emotions is seeking attention. Showing confidence and intelligence and using an above-average vocabulary is being a bitch, being a know-it-all, or flexing your education and experience.
45. You need people whether or not you like it. Remember the pandemic lockdown. Remember working from home for a year and a half. You thought you trained your whole life as an introvert for that historic moment and would be excellent at it. No. It was objectively bad. It was a disaster. You need people. Be a better daughter, sister, and friend to the people in your life.
46. People change for better or worse. People will drift in and out of your life. People grow apart. This is a natural part of life. Accept it.
47. Magical Thinking: It’s one thing to know better. It’s an entirely different thing to do better. This is stupid behavior. It doesn’t matter how smart you are, how hard you work, or how good your intentions are. It’s never going to work out how you want it to. It’s never going to get better. And no one cares. Accept responsibility for your part in it. Don’t make excuses. Do something different. Do better. Change.
48. “Do or do not, there is no try” is fundamentally bad advice. Yoda’s lesson led Luke to black-or-white thinking. What would Spock or Picard teach Luke about learning a new skill? Get up and do it again until you can do it or find another way to do it.
49. Everybody is sick of your shit. Everybody, including you, is sick of your shit.
50. On the subject of Giving a Fuck: You either give too many fucks or you never have enough fucks to give. You need to practice, as the internet meme says, “moderate fuck distribution.” Ask yourself when you truly feel like you have zero fucks to give, are you completely out of fucks? Can you have a fuck debt, have a negative number of fucks? Or does something magical happen? Like a mint in the bottom of your purse, like loose change between seat cushions, like a potato chip under the fridge, there is always one more fuck to give. Like a free play token or an extra life in video game, one more fuck will magically appear. That one magical fuck will be dirty, hard, bitter, and broken, but it will be there when you need it. That one magical fuck can be saved or given as needed until you can replenish your regular supply of fucks.
BONUS CONTENT: I have more than 10 things to add to the list of 50 things.
Life is unpredictable. I don’t know if I’ll live another 10 years to continue the list, so I’m writing 10 Bonus Things. Everyone loves free bonus things!
51. “If I don’t do what my parents want, they will be mad at me.” WHAT? Did you just say the quiet part out loud? Every decision in your life is based on it! How can you be in the fifth decade of your life on this planet? Are you even an adult?
52. You can’t be needy if you don’t have needs. Meet your needs for yourself. No one else will. If there’s the slightest stink of neediness on you, people will abuse and reject you.
53. Don’t have expectations of others. Don’t engage in wishful thinking. Stop wanting people to demonstrate their feelings or care for you in the way you want. They won’t. It’s never going to happen. If you ask for what you want, then you are needy or attention-seeking. Accept what they offer as they give it, even if doesn’t meet your expectations, even if it’s nothing. That may be the only thing they can offer or the only way they know how to express it.
54. Most of being an adult is lying to everyone that everything is okay and that you are fine, when in reality your life is an unbearable mess, and you are not anywhere close to being okay.
55. Nothing you do is ever good enough for others. You’re damned if you do and damned if you don’t. It never changes.
56. “Use it or lose it.” You refused to believe it until you quit using it and you lost it. You don’t need to look in the mirror to see it. How does your body feel? Get up, girl, and use it.
57. No one gets out of here alive. Prepare for your death. Don’t leave the burden of your funeral plans, estate, and debts to your family, friends, or strangers. If you worked on projects or created things with other people, include it in your will. Your legacy, and that of others, literally could be thrown away. If you don’t tell people what you want, they will get it wrong. Then you’ll have to come back and haunt the fuck out of those people.
58. There’s no escaping your past, especially with family. They remember everything. Every obnoxious thing you did as a teenager. Every time you freaked out. Every time you had a bad day. Every mistake you made. Every mental health breakdown. It doesn’t matter how hard you work to change and overcome your problems. You’ll always be that past worst version in their minds, and they’ll hold it against you forever.
59. Your family is never going to forgive you for getting a degree in English. It’s always going to come down to their misperception that you are nitpicking and correcting them when you’re not. They’re going to throw it in your face like a glass of ice water.
60. Remember the “Litany Against Fear” from Dune. You memorized it when you were 15 years old. It still works.
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iwillstopcrying · 9 months
Ever since you left, I’ve been waiting for you.
It’s been one, two, three years, the time passes indefinitely. I’ve dedicated many poems to you, but nothing feels enough. Someday, I’ll write a book for you, I'll read it to you when we next meet. I'll smile and place it in your tired hands, and tell you this is what I’ve been doing, this is what my mind has been crafting since the moment you left. This is my gift to you, it’s ugly and confusing. This is what your absence has created.
When we talk, I’ll tell you this gift is what I've spent my lifetime achieving, and ask you what your lifetime was meant to give me. I’ll tell you, all 12 year old me was given from you was grief.
You’ll tell me that I was angry at you, so angry, and you didn’t know how to calm me down. You’ll tell me it burnt holes in our throats. I’ll scoff in your face. I’ll tell you, of course I was, I learnt it from you! You left a child with something heavier than anything their soul had heard of. You let your child hurt because you didn’t have it in you to learn how to be a father.
You’ll tell me I would never have written that book if you’d stayed. I’ll say it’s a mess, it makes no sense. You’ll look at me and say that I don’t either, and it’s okay, because I’m still beautiful.
I’ll tell you, if that was the case, why would you have left. I’ll tell you, you were too weak to even say you loved me. You’ll look at me with your soft eyes and your soft words, you’ll tell me I was too. We’ll hold the silence like a competition.
I’ll tell you, I regret living my life for you, you weren’t even there to watch it.
I’ll start walking away, and you’ll let me, I think you'll let me. I don’t think you’ll ever stop me. I forgive you for it.
I am still mourning, and grieving, and drowning; I built you a separate life with my own bare hands. Slip straight inside it, if you’d like, if you want to come back. My door is always open. I won’t complain, this time I'll tell you I love you.
I don’t think I'll ever get used to you being gone. I never thought you’d leave this early; you were meant to see me grow up.
I can’t hold your hand anymore. The thought haunts me, rolls round and round my mind every night, when the grief takes a hold of my throat and my heart. I can’t chase you through fields, or play tennis with you, or football, or chess. No one will let me win like you did.
I like to imagine you’d love my girlfriend. She's smart and sweet. She likes computing, too; I wonder if she’ll be anything like you when she grows up (the good parts, at least). I hope I am there to see it. I wish you could too.
Today, I sit down at our table. I tell you about my day, and imagine your responses - it makes everything slightly more bearable, when the acceptance is heavier than the guilt itself. I say, when I grow up, I want to be a criminal laywer, or an author, or anything that’s not you. It echoes round the room in silence. I miss your judgement.
I search for you in everyone. I strive to find something, anything that resembles you, something that looks, or feels, or sounds like you, I wait and wait and wait for some sort comformation that you’re still here.
I’ve never found it, I doubt I ever will - but, your love is still a part of me. My memories are still a part of you. I’ll remember that.
I’ll keep waiting.
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greentrickster · 4 months
Dear Phoenix,
I hope this message finds you well. I myself remain hale and whole, in spite of Lility and Callyn's best attempts to drag me into more sorts of trouble and catastrophe than even Larry has ever proven himself capable of. I'm told it's part and parcel of being the 'Warrior of Light' (Lility) and a warrior of light (Callyn (and also myself if they're to be believed, and I'm not entirely sure what the difference is)), but, while my skill with sword, shield, and cane have improved by necessity, I am still at heart a lawyer and would far prefer they left me behind to deal with any necessary paperwork.
On a more positive note, it appears I'm not a unique situation after all in regards to having been thrown into this world from another one. We learned this through an encounter with a young man by the name of Noctus. I'll save the details for next time we're able to talk, but suffice to say that both his appearance and the fact that we were able to find him a way back to his own home gives me hope that someday I shall be able to return to Los Tokyo (and you) as well.
In the meantime, I shall have to take pleasure from the fact that Noct did not arrive in this world alone - his vehicle arrived with him, and Master Garlond was more than happy to accept a commission to craft me a replica.
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I must admit, while rather ostentatious in design, the trails of Eorzea are far more pleasant with four good tires between you and them.
Love ever,
Miles Edgeworth
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amplifyme · 1 day
@randomfoggytiger tagged me. Thanks for making sure I don't slip completely into lurker mode! These things always draw me out of the cave.😁
Do you make your bed? Yes, every morning. I hate a messy bed. And I love slipping into a nicely made one at night.
Favorite number? I don't know that I have one. Nope, nothing coming to mind. Sorry.
What's your job? Practicing kindness, compassion, and empathy to as many people as I can, as often as I can. It's good work.
If you could go back to school, would you? Sure, if I experience an epiphany that demands I seek out higher education for a particular goal.
Can you parallel park? Only if I have to. And not very well.
Do you think aliens are real? Yes. I think it's incredibly egotistical of us to assume we're the only highly intelligent and technologically advanced species in this vast universe. Have you looked up to the heavens lately? I mean, c'mon.
Can you drive a manual car? Learned how to drive with a manual. I'm old-school.
What's your guilty pleasure? I don't have those anymore. I'm old enough to do whatever the hell I want and like whatever I like without feeling guilty about it. Fuck 'em if the collective They don't like it.
Tattoos? Yes, two of them. One to remind me that a broken heart can still take flight. Another to remind me of my soulmate, who shuffled off this mortal coil way way too soon. I've been considering a third for several years. This one would be a reminder that every craft has its proper mystery. Someday...
Favorite color? Blues, greens, plums.
Favorite type of music? I have to say, I like most all of it. I'll give anything a shot. The genre may not be my favorite, but I'll take a listen. The only thing I can truly say makes me cringe on a regular basis is country. Can't handle the twang or the style. My go-to is classical or singer/songwriters. I'm a sucker for a good song and an acoustic guitar.
Do you like puzzles? Depends on what kind of puzzle.
Any phobias? Yeah, too many to list.
Favorite childhood sport? I loved playing volleyball and basketball.
Do you talk to yourself? Constantly. Doesn't everybody? If you don't, I worry about you. You should always be checking in with yourself.
Tagging whomever would like to play. I'm always afraid I'll leave someone out and they'll feel bad. So, everybody who sees this!
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I'm reading LotM for a second time, and am currently in the beginning of arc 2 ~
I'm enjoying it WAY MORE currently!! I think one of LotM's weaknesses as a story is that the author gives us way too much information in the first arc. There's so many names of people and titles of stuff! I was so confused the first time around!! I had finished the story with lots of information holes related to lore. It was like having a puzzle that's 3/4ths finished, with 1/4th of it being loose puzzle pieces. (I loved reading it nevertheless). Rereading LotM, however, is like finally placing those remaining pieces together 💛 (or at least most of them). Info like the Nation of Evernight have become a lot more clear to me now.
So I'm enjoying it so much more. It's so exciting when you know what will generally happen!! I'm like "THE FIRST MENTION OF INCY BOY AND 0-08!!- OH THERE'S AZIK!!! *sends Azik a hug*- OH THERE'S LENAVUS. I hate Mr. Lenavus, all my homies hate Lenavus.- OH THERE'S TRISSY!!!!!!- " etc etc. And oh gosh the Tarot Club!! I love seeing the Club's development again.
I'm also remembering bits of how I used to feel about certain characters. I haven't realized until now how great Frye is. I hadn't paid much attention to him during the first time. Now, I just wish he was more of a major character in the story. Meanwhile, I remember I thought that Leonard was an antagonist and would become Klein's enemy in the future. I was so wrong 😂 But I understand why I thought that. Klein and Leonard are passive aggressive and suspicious of each other in the beginning lol
Every time the story shows Melissa, Benson and Klein planning for the future, like going to Desi Bay and famous restaurants after they save up, I feel so sympathetic...
The scene of Old Neil's death did not fail to make me cry again... And with Dunn Smith...
Things are more clear and I'm so happy that I decided to read it. I wish there were physical copies in north America. (Btw I love Hong Kong's LotM cover art so much ❤️ If LotM is published in America, I hope the art is similar!)
When I read LotM for the first time, I had taken notes on the story and my thoughts and feelings in a notepad app I have. So, while I'm rereading, I'm also reading the notes I had made previously, and it's been fun to compare 😂 I will continue on!! Meanwhile, I'm slowly keeping up with CoI <3 there's so much chaos happening there... I'm taking notes on it as well. Maybe I'll reread CoI someday too!!
(I've been thinking.... I feel like Circle of Inevitability kind of... misses certain feelings I get from reading LotM 1. Seeing Klein learn how to set up rituals, him finding intricate ways to keep items on him and do certain things like visiting Sefirah Castle, we don't see those details barely in CoI. Klein had to carefully choose what to keep with him, because sometimes he didn't have time to go to the Castle, and he had to keep a lot more secrets compared to Lumian, it feels like. I enjoy how we get to see Klein using particular candles and daggers to set up walls of spirituality and crafting charms and experimenting a ton. Also, I think LotM focused more on sealed artifacts/ items, while CoI focused more on evil god Beyonder pathways. I like the artifacts more~ I still like CoI overall, don't get me wrong (⁠人⁠ ⁠•͈⁠ᴗ⁠•͈⁠))
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gemmahale · 2 months
Gemmmmmaaaaa, it's-a me, Sy! 5, 17, and 23 for the writer game, please.
Hi Sy! I got distracted last night and totally spaced answering this, whoops! Here you go now!
Fic Writer Asks
5. First sentence of the 5th paragraph of an unpublished WIP.
Feylands, Chapter 3
“Stop!” His voice reverberates, deep and thundering. Josephine turns and runs faster, breaths puffing ahead of her in delicate little clouds.
(I gave you two, because the first was short. And I know you love Feylands. 😉)
17. Talk about your writing and editing process.
Oof. I'm always thinking about things and drafting scenes in my head (a solid number make it to the WIP eventually). But when I have time to actually sit down to write (and I'm not avoiding reports or anything 😅) I'm actually really...mundane. I don't have a special "writing beverage" or "writing snack" - at this point, I'm curled up in some convoluted shape in my chair with my tablet balanced in some gravity-defying manner (still learning the best way; when it was my phone it was different lol) and keyboard in my lap. Most likely in a blanket because I live with a human furnace named Kallen who keeps the house chilly. (I can put layers on, I only get crabby about it once in a while.) Hopefully when we get my office/craft room squared away, I'll be in there sometimes. Nothing really changes except a desk/table to work on; I am actively looking at lap desks for both crafting and writing purposes. 😄 The first part is picking my WIP - sometimes it's based on vibe, an idea I had, a comment I had when I'm co-brainstorming with someone, etc. I have 18 (oof) direct links on my tablet now to different WIPs. (Five - what the hell Gemma - of which aren't listed on my masterlist because I'm holding them close to my chest still. For an assortment of reasons.) Usually, Kallen and I are watching a livestream or playlist of YouTube videos from a few creators we both enjoy when I'm writing. If he's off to his office to go play with some friends, I put some music or a chill stream on for background noise. And then I go to town. Editing is kind of an ongoing thing for me - I go back and re-read what I've written before to get the vibe, see what's working/what isn't, fix weird spelling errors, etc. So there's always little tweaks happening to documents. I've shared WIPs with some close friends - you included, Sy 😉 - to get vibe checks and/or general feedback. But when (if) I choose to publish, I'll read through the document once or twice, have someone else proof it, and then off it goes and I find a spelling mistake upon posting. So really, I'm a poker and tinker as a writer. I know where I'm headed, we'll get there eventually. Someday.
23. Pick three words that describe your writing.
Evocative, personable, vivid
I used "personable" because I couldn't think of a word that meant "people are written as people - good and bad" because I feel like I do that well.
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endy2eepy · 3 months
25 Days of Agere Moodboards: Day 4
Prompt: Perfect Agere Day 🌙
I couldn't pick just one to make, so I did a bunch of mini board for lots and lots of days I would call perfect :3
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McDonalds picnics are so fun cause you get yummy food, a cool happy meal toy, AND you get to play on the playground and maybe even feed the ducks!!!
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I used to go rent a new movie and get takeout from my favorite Chinese buffet with my mom all the time when my body was younger! I still go get Chinese a lot, but I eat in cause it's cheaper, and I still watch movies but I obviously don't get the fun of renting them from blockbuster anymore... I really wanna go visit the last blockbuster in Oregon someday though!!! Also for a little while there was a really good Mexican place next to the blockbuster so we got that instead of Chinese a couple times and it was really good but they closed down really fast for some reason... I think we only went like twice!!!
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Fairs are so so so fun! I love rides that go super fast cause I really need the vestibular stimulation or I'll feel like I'm rotting from the inside out! The foods also so yummy!!! I really like fried mushrooms and pickles :3
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Doing arts and crafts with a caregiver would be so so so wonderful! American girl makes "me and my doll" kits and I like those because if I had a caregiver they could make the "me" (bigger) version and I could make the "my doll" (smaller) version.
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My girlfriend spent a lot of last summer teaching me to swim cause I never learned when my body was younger- little does she know that's about the smallest and happiest I've ever been and I can't wait till it's summer again so I can learn to swim even more betterer!!!
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I went camping in my yard a lot when my body was younger, but I would always get grumpy cause I wanted to camp in "real nature" lol, but it was okay as long as I got to make mountain pies which are basically campfire grilled cheese and there so so so yummy I love them so much! We always made pizza ones but you can also make peanut butter or nutella ones or put basically anything in them but pizzas the best kind and I really want mountain pies cause they're so so so yummy and s'mores are yummy too but I mostly just like the mountain pies! I also like singing the campfire song song and telling ghost stories so camping is like the perfectest thing ever!!!
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j1r4ch2 · 3 months
I'll admit that my opinion is probably colored by the cynicism of never succeeding at making money being a creative and instead constantly scrambling back and forth from various min wage entry level industries just to make ends meet, but i think that the way artists are conceptualizing AI video rendering as the end of the world is kind of ridiculous.
Obviousely the possibility of artistic jobs being downsized is very real. There is a present reality of AI taking good jobs from real people. It sucks. It's awful. Real people are suffering; I'm not denying that.
But at the same time this technological paradigm isn't going away any time soon, and as it is now, is way too resource intensive to replace every artist making a living with thier work.
Maybe someday down the road enough GPU farm services will be widely enough available where it is feasible for companies to use generative AI for all of their media needs, thus eliminating countless jobs for artists who spent decades of their life honing a skill, but if being demoted from a professional artist to a hobbyist is the end of the world for some people I seriously question why they practice their craft in the first place.
If it was always for the money, then let the robots take the burden of performing the role of a artist from you, and please relearn creating just to feel something inside of you.
We've had knitting machines and mass produced clothing and textiles for ages, yet in this day where my car can drive itself, people spend hours learning to do fibercrafts etc. And you aren't hearing about etsy fiber artists making 60k/year from their work yet they still enjoy the creative process of it!
This is a nuanced conversation, and a lot of people in poverty situations are going to lose access to their jobs as it becomes automated away, in a more exponentially growing version of what's been going on since 2008 and even back to the 90's.
Its a real problem, but the majority of creators i see whining about this on tumblr, YouTube etc. are middle class or higher individuals who's only experience in blue collar work is the half year they spent working part time at their university campus Starbucks.
A lot of people think they're mad because automation is threatening the validity of their job, but they're actually mad because they think learning a creative skill makes them better than your average blue collar worker and they're appaled at the idea of being the same as the people who run their electric grids, clean their sewers, and stock their supermarkets.
Theyre just using the cultural backlash against explotative machine learning (which is a justified backlash, it's fucking wrong for these generative models to be stealing existing work of art and incorporating it into its training, that's not what I'm defending here) as an excuse to dodge the awareness that they don't think anyone should be doing blue collar work because surely they never dreamed of doing it.
As it stands now generative AI models are too resource intensive to truly replace the scale of workers people act like they will, and the advancement of ML algorithms has enough real potential to better people's lives that its not going away, so I think aside from doing the work of protecting our existing art with things like nightshade etc, it's important to be realistic and give up the fantasy that we are at war with AI companies, and must win, or even more delusion at war with the very concept of machine learning.
Its reminiscent of people who were afraid of computers in 1995 and now can't function in their daily life without the help of their gen z loved one to help them navigate the most basic of user interfaces.
Society will advance, regardless of how we like it, all we can do is be resourceful about it, and find ways that the advancement benefits us.
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