#i'll sign all my asks 'from jess <3'
daydadahlias · 8 months
scale of 1-10 how much fun do you have when you send asks to yourself
a lot more fun than this ask
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Brooklyn baby - (ellie williams x reader)
based off this request, but I had to post it separately cuz Tumblr is glitching again:(
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This story is based off the song Brooklyn baby by Lana Del Rey, if you can please listen to the song as you're reading :)
Pairing: band!ellie x fem!reader
requests are always open, feel free to leave one, or just send me a song, and I'll take it from there or it can be headcannos! Or whatever you're thinking about! Just a reminder if you want something specific to happen, please indicate what you want in your request:)
Warnings: toxic relationships and manipulation
Summary: In which you were dating the world famous Ellie Williams
Well, my boyfriend's in a band
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He plays guitar while I sing Lou Reed
I've got feathers in my hair
I get down to Beat poetry
And my jazz collection's rare
I can play most anything
I'm a Brooklyn baby
I'm a Brooklyn baby
Ellie was bound to be a star.
When Joel first taught her how to play guitar, he knew.
She was going to do great things, and everyone knew it too.
Ellie's first school concert was when she was 7 years old. She had guitar classes and her teacher was so impressed with her that she had Ellie do a solo.
As soon as Ellie got on that stage, it was as if she took control of the room in an instant. Everyone was so enchanted by her and everything she did.
Ellie was 17 years old when a producer reached out to her. Joel wasn't surprised because he knew his girl, and he knew one way or another that she would be a star.
And a star she became.
As soon as she turned 18, Ellie immediately signed the contract and she climbed the ranks in the music industry very quickly.
Within 3 months Ellies first single reached over a 100 thousand listens, and she was in high demand.
Everyone wanted her for brand promotions, they wanted the use her music.
Ellie was taking the music industry by a storm.
As the years went by, Ellie went from a solo artist, to being in a band with 2 best friends, Dina and Jesse.
They were called the golden trio, and because Ellie was the face of it they surpassed massive artists within days.
Now six years later, Ellie sat in her dressing room, as she heard the crowd chant her name.
Ellie! Ellie! Ellie!
She heard a knock on her door and she yelled a quick: "come in!"
As the door opened you walked in, and you walked towards her giving her a quick peck before whispering "you're on in 5 babe".
Ellie gave you another kiss, as she got up, walking to the mirror quickly fixing her outfit for a second.
"Do I look ok?" Ellie asked as she looked at herself in the mirror.
She was wearing a white wife beater, and a pair of black jeans, her hair was in a ponytails and her fingernails were painted black.
Ellie felt your arms wrap around her from behind.
"You look great, now go break leg baby!" You whispered before giving her a kiss on the side of her neck.
Ellie pulled away with a smile before she reached down to grab her guitar.
"Let's go!" She heard Jesse yell.
As she stood backstage, the chants grew louder and louder.
Ellie! Ellie! Ellie!
They repeated her name as if it was a prayer. Her fans worshiped the ground she walked on.
Even though they were the golden trio, Ellie would always be the one that out shines everyone.
Ellie walked onto the stage, the bright lights were shining into her face as the crowd erupted in screams and cries.
Ellie walked to the microphone with a massive grin, as she slinged the guitar to her front. She held the microphone as she spoke.
"Good evening Brooklyn!"
The crowd was yelling as if it was their last night alive.
Ellie yelled a quick "let's fucking do this!"
As the she brought her fingers down the strum the guitar.
Jesse started playing the drums, and Dina, her backup singer started with the back up vocals.
The crowd sang along and Ellie couldn't help but smile as she saw all that she had accomplished. She was thankful for everything that everyone had done for her over the years.
But she knew she wouldn't have come this far if it wasn't for you.
They say I'm too young to love you
They say I'm too dumb to see
They judge me like a picture book
By the colors, like they forgot to read
I think we're like fire and water
I think we're like the wind and sea
You're burnin' up, I'm coolin' down
You're up, I'm down
You're blind, I see
When you and Ellie fell in love, the two of you were only 15. Everyone always told you that you and Ellie would never last. That you were too young. But yet the two of you stayed together years later.
You were never as talented as Ellie.
Where she could flourish in room filled with people, you would shy away and hide a corner.
You've always wanted to be famous. You remembered when you younger you used to watch people blow up, and wish it was you.
You wished that you could be in the spot light. But for some reason you couldn't do anything to achieve that.
You were the complete opposite of Ellie. And because you were so shy you missed so many opportunities, and you hated yourself for that.
You met Ellie when you were 9 and you fucking hated her. She was everything you were not.
She was attractive, good at playing multiple instruments and she could sing. There was no way you would be able to beat or to come close to the Ellie Williams.
But where Ellie failed, you excelled. Ellie wasn't good with organization, or management. She was quite clumsy, to be honest.
And as soon as you guys became friends you helped her. You helped her make a schedule, you helped her make posters, you helped her with everything.
The two of you were an unstoppable duo.
Where Ellie was on fire or nervous, you would always calm her down, and put out whatever she got herself into.
When Ellie told you she liked you, you knew this was a way to get in. A way to get into the industry. Ellie was your key to success, and when you agreed to date her everything became better.
She hired you as her manager, and you had control over everything.
Her reputation, what she posted, who she saw, her finances. You were in control of Ellie and she didn't even realize.
You were going to be successful, and Ellie was the perfect person to use for your plan.
I'm talking about my generation
Talking about that newer nation
And if you don't like it, you can beat it
Beat it, baby
You never liked the way I said it
If you don't get it, then forget it
Cause I don't have to fuckin' explain it
Your plan started as soon as Ellie signed the contract.
The first step was for you to become her manager and that was the easiest thing ever due to Ellie always choosing you.
She would've left that company if they didn't let her have you.
As soon as you were in control, you realized that you had to get Ellie as out there as possible.
You arranged photoshoots, and interviews and you pushed her to the limit.
At some point in Ellie's career, she took a dip. She struggled, to write songs, she struggled to do anything.
You were loosing money and you hated that.
And on one random winter night it hit you.
You needed to hurt Ellie.
You loved her, but you were never in love with her. You cared, but you loved money more.
It started with small comments, such as:
"work harder" and "you can do better" and soon after you realized that manipulating her was the best way to about this whole situation.
You convinced her, that all her friends apart from the golden trio hated her.
"Ellie they are just using you. They'll never support you, like I do"
She cut ties with all of them and she wrote beautiful songs from the heartache, of loosing her dearest friends.
You made hate accounts on social media that focused on making fun of her insecurities. And with that more and more songs came out.
You were hurting her, but it was only temporary. Hurt is temporary, money will last you a lifetime.
You'll do anything to get what you want, and nothing and no one suspected you.
How could they? You were the love of Ellies life. The person she wrote most of her songs about.
But little did Ellie know you were the reason most of her songs even happened in the first place.
Without you, Ellie would've been nothing.
And you thank god that he gave you such an easy target.
Yeah, my boyfriend's pretty cool
But he's not as cool as me
'Cause I'm a Brooklyn baby
I'm a Brooklyn baby
"Did I do good?" Ellie whisperd as she lay on your chest.
"Could've been better" you lied. She was brilliant as always. But you realized that if you break Ellie down, her music would be better.
She would have more drive, to record and to sing, and to make money. Her hurt is what made you money.
More money, and more recognition for you as her manager.
Ellie let out a sigh.
"Are you sure I should continue singing? Recently you've been disappointed in me and I don't think that's good from a professional point of view" she admitted.
Ellie would always say things like this. Sometimes, the things you would day does get to her. And I hurts, it fucking hurts. But she never saw you as bad person. You were only there to help she would say.
"Don't be sensitive Ellie" you said as you pushed her off your chest.
Ellie sat up immediately with her eyes wide.
"If you stop singing who's gonna pay the bills?" You started.
"Do you want me to end up on the street..? Remember it'll be your fault I something happens to me"
Ellie quickly shook her head.
"No, god- no,... I don't want anything to happen to you" she said.
"Then you better stop thinking about quitting, and so as I say. After all I'm you're manager-"
"and you know what's best" Ellie finished your sentence with a smile.
You gave her a smile back before you opened your arms towards her, gesturing, with your hands that she lay down.
Ellie quickly crawled back into your lap, as she lay her head back down onto your chest.
"Sorry" she spoke softly.
"Don't be sorry" you muttered as you ran your fingers through her hair.
"Just go out there and make me proud... i love you, ok?" You spoke gently as Ellie closed her eyes and hummed.
Yeah, you might been dating a superstar, but she would never outshine you.
You would always be better than Ellie. Even if it wasn't on stage.
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Authors note: thank you sm for all the requests! My inbox is full of them so just know I'm working harder than the devil himself to get all of these out! Remember you are loved and to always be kind!
Yours truly,
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amessywritersmind · 1 year
501st hound chase
Request: Ok I had this idea pop in my head and laughed hard at this. BUT what if reader was the new dog trainer for the 501st dogs the really wired scaly lizard this are I can't remember what they are. The one dog she training for the 501st got into one of the jedis room like Anakin or Obi-Wan's and swallowed a jedi holocron and now they have like a big looney Toons chase after the dog running literally everywhere on a ship basically dodging everything and everyone both jedi clone trooper and reader until they finally just tuker out and find a place to sleep while everyone is tearing the place up looking for them.
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"Heyyyyy! There's our favorite Hound Wrangler! How's it going? Who's this little guy you got with you?" I hear a voice call from the other end of the hall.
I look up to see Fives, Kix and Jesse heading straight my way.
"Fives! Jesse! Kix! I'm good! I'm just taking Kesi here for a walk around the ship before i'm off for the day. How are you?" I ask the group of clones, petting the Massiff affectionately.
Kesi, apparently really digging the love, rolls over showing off his belly for some more rubs. Of course, I comply, because who could deny that cute little face? Fives was thinking the same thing I was at that moment, bending down and joining in on the petting.
"We're doing ok, the mission is finally over, who can really complain." Kix says tiredly.
"You're not wrong there, finding this lost Holocron seems to have taken a toll on everyone, even Master Kenobi" Fives jokes with equal exhaustion.
"Apparently not everyone!" Jesse laughs as Kesi jumps up from his position, tail wagging in earnest.
"This guy has more energy than a band of starving Gundarks all the time, no matter what, hence the walk before bedtime" I explain with a smile, watching as Kesi begins to fidget more and more.
The massiff jumps up excitedly, tail wagging, as if to prove my point. Fives laughs.
"I can see that! Look at him, c'mere little guy..." Fives begins, causing Kesi to jump up more in excitement, someone finally wanted to play!
Before I could warn Fives against riling him up, Kesi leaped so hard he tugged his lead out of my hand and took off running down the hall.
"Oh no... Kes!" I shout, immediately chasing after him down the hall. I rounded the corner of the ship quickly, hoping he'd still be within the area, but alas I was not so fortunate. The hall was empty, Kesi was nowhere in sight.
I hurried back to the stunned (and partially guilty) group of clones in desperation.
"Please, you guys have to help me find him! Who knows what kind of trouble he'll get into..."I worry, pinching the bridge of my nose and brainstorming possible places the little beast might wander off to.
"Okay, I've got a plan. Everyone, switch to comm channel 3, we're gonna spread out around the ship. Jesse; you head to the hanger bay and the kitchens. Kix; you check MedBay and any supply storage areas with good smelling things in them. I'll check the clone barracks and the 'fresher room" Fives starts, pointing to each clone and assigning their duty.
"And you-" he states, turning towards me "can check the Kennels and the Generals quarters. If anyone finds any signs of Kesi, let the rest of us know with your comms. Ready boys? Let's go find that Massiff." Fives encourages. The boys give firm nods and we all head in our own direction.
It didn't take long to find him- well, where he had been and where he was going at least. Not long at all. Infact, Kesi had left a trail to follow. The kennels were a fail, as I'd imagined they'd be, and so I began to walk towards the Generals Quarters, when I noticed a strange trail of what looked like, paper?
I followed the trail around the corner, down the hall, and right to Master Kenobi's door. This leads me to where I am now, still standing in front of Master Kenobi's door, along with Fives, Kix, Jesse, and now Anakin and the man himself, Obi Wan.
"I am so so so so sorry Master Kenobi! The little drat just got too excited and I couldn't hold on to his leash and-" I started blathering nervously as I stared at the remnants of what was once the box containing the infamous missing Jedi Holocron. When I say remnants, I really mean little tiny scraps of cardboard.
Obi-wan silenced me with a raise of his hand and a sigh, followed by Anakin's quiet laughter, at which Obi-wan was not amused. "Let's just spread out and find the little guy. He can't have gotten far, after all we are on a ship in the middle of space." he states, ever calm and ready with a plan.
"You'd be surprised General, sir. We've been searching for quite a while already now, and we've only managed to find his trail of destruction." Fives states, a giggle present in his tone.
"Well, now there are more of us! Anakin, have Rex notify the rest of the 501st and have every single person searching. I'll comm Cody and tell him to do the same. As soon as he is found, signal on the comms." Obi-wan states determinedly with a small clap as everyone breaks off in small search groups.
"Don't worry, we'll find him. And it's not like he can destroy the holocron. It'll all be alright, Obi-wan will forget it ever happened as soon as it's over!" Anakin says comfortingly, placing a hand on my shoulder. As much as that should have eased my worries, the statement left me with a strange feeling of dread.
I couldn't help thinking never say never as we parted ways to begin our own searches.
Kesi had ran around for a good long while after swallowing that holocron, not quite satisfied with his cold meal. He searched all over the ship for something better, stealing a few bantha patties from the kitchens before deciding he was full and in desperate need for a nap.
If only he could find a nice, warm, dark place...
Two hours. Two kriffing hours we've spent searching the whole kriffing ship for Kesi and still, there was no sight of him. Other than the few missing bantha patties, that is. But that was hours ago. Now, I found myself with Anakin and Rex in the 501st barracks once again, for what feels like the 501st time.
"Kesi, Kes. Come here boy!" I called tiredly. I just wanted to find him and be done with all thi- what was that? Did i just see movement...under that bunk?
"Oh Kessiiiii" I called playfully, watching the end of a tail respond in kind.
I crept over to the bunk, bending down and gently lifting up the side of the blanket. Underneath lied the man, or should i say thief, of the hour. Upon recognizing me, Kesi comes scurrying out from under the bunk, licking me straight in the face.
"There you are boy!" I exclaimed, happy that he was at last safe and sound.
"Well, there's the hound, but where's the holocron?" Anakin asks, lifting the blanket only to see no holocron where Kesi once was.
"Hmm..." He said, walking over and closing his eyes briefly.
The look on his face when his eyes opened once again told me all I needed to know. I groaned, the happy moment short lived.
"Oh, Kesi." I couldn't believe him. He swallowed it. He actually swallowed a very important jedi holocron. Whole! Unbelievable.
"Well, General, sir. I believe there is only one thing we can do now." Rex speaks up, shocked at the whole ordeal himself.
"Obi-wan is gonna kill me..." I groaned again.
"It's kind of funny, I'm usually the one saying that." Anakin snickers as he raises his comm to tell the aforementioned master the news.
A few more excruciating hours passed and everyone had now gathered in the waiting room of the medbay, eager to hear the news.
Finally, Kix comes out of the medbay, arms behind his back.
"Well..." he stalls, clearly enjoying the comical aspect of the situation and leaving everyone hanging.
"Kesi has finally passed the cube! Here it is, General Kenobi, all cleaned up, and disinfected thrice!" Kix beams as he reveals the holorcron from behind his back.
Anakin, Fives and myself cheer, while Obi-wan, Rex and Cody only sigh, in relief or quiet frustration i wasn't sure. The ordeal was finally over. Obi-wan stands, grabbing the holocron reluctantly and coming over to me.
"I suggest you keep a better eye on your little friend, we don't want another incident like this happening again. I'm exhausted." Obi-wan says gently, clearly tuckered by the events of the day.
"Yes, General, sir. I'm sorry again, and it most definitely will not happen again." He nods, exiting the waiting room.
"Ahh, don't worry too hard, everyone kind of enjoyed the fun of it. After all, it's not everyday my boys worst enemy is a 50 pound ball o excitement and love." Anakin says, coming in once again to calm my nerves.
"Have a good night." he says before heading out, following everyone else.
I decided to stop by and see the little rascal once more before bed. As i walked into the medbay over to his little makeshift cot, I noticed he was already passed out. I guess today tired us all out.
"Goodnight little trouble maker, I'll see you tomorrow. And no more holocrons!" I scolded quietly, gently patting his head, before heading to my own bunk to get some much needed rest.
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deejadabbles · 1 year
Okay IDK what happened with my inbox, but I know someone sent this song to me for the song fic game, even if the ask isn't there anymore (i saved it to my drafts while my wifi was wonky so maybe it's in the tumblr aether somewhere?). Anywho, hopefully you see this, whoever you are <3
For this song, I'm going to write Jesse for the first time, and because I have the unexplainable urge to step on this man, you're all getting a slightly dominant reader this time around lol
Warnings for: highly suggestive themes (minors don't look!), drinking, and the sexy shenanigans we expect at 79s
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Jesse was not a man easily taken by surprise. It just came with the territory, he couldn't afford to let anything captivate or shock him on the battlefield.
But when you walked in to 79s?
Oh, Jesse knew he would do anything he could to get close to you, or damn if he wouldn't die trying.
You walked in with some friends, but something about you stood out like gold in a sea of silver. He was vaguely aware of Fives nudging him, saying something about your group matching their numbers perfectly, but Jesse was too busy gawking like some shinny.
When you moved by him to get to the bar he swore you locked eyes with him for just a moment. And that was all the confidence boost he needed.
After flashing his brother a knowing look, Jesse sauntered up to the bar, making sure to fill as much space near you as possible- hey, he didn't get arms like pythons and thighs like tree trunks for nothing, after all.
"So, you and your friends want some handsome troopers to buy your drinks?"
He saw the way your brows quirked up, before your eyes or head turned in his direction. Then, those eyes that were starting to remind him of a tiger looked him up and and down.
"Sure, we'll let you boys buy our drinks."
Kriffing hell, that voice! Obviously you were someone who made sure every inch of you, every side, was as captivating as the last. Again, Jesse only vaguely took notice to the fact that Fives, Tup, and Kix were paring off with your friends. Right now, all his senses were taken up with you.
"So," he began, just as the bartender handed you a drink, "what's your name, gorgeous?"
You huffed a laugh, took a sip, then said, "Wouldn't you like to know."
And just like that, you turned on your perfect heels, and walked away from him.
To his credit, Jesse only needed a second to recover, something stirring low in his belly. It wasn't just the arousal he felt anytime he spotted someone he wanted to take home, this was similar but...new. A different kind of arousal, a brand of it that he wasn't used to feeling.
Jesse didn't waste a beat, he followed, gave chase as you swayed onto the dance floor.
"If you wanted to dance before your drink, you could have just said so," he called over the music and putting on his most charming smile. The one that got him comm numbers and little lacy souvenirs to tuck in his pocket.
But all you did was look over your shoulder at him, taking another drink before your hips started swaying. When he didn't back down, you sashayed your body to face him, a look somewhere between disinterest and mild amusement on your face.
"Listen, trooper, I don't want to waste my time, so I'll warn you now: I'm a hard woman to please, so either walk away, or prove you're worth my attention."
That sensation in his belly was flaring, and he felt his grin widen. Making sure he gave you time to pull away if you wanted, Jesse reached out, and gripped your hip. Not breaking his gaze from yours, he drew you in just a little closer. Enough to tease, enough to leave you wanting more.
"Oh, baby, I can do that."
He didn't even know how much time passed that night. Somewhere between the dancing and the drinks, he managed to prove himself enough to tug you into a hallway lit only by a neon sign. He was pulling out all the stops, using every skill his mouth and hands had learned to make you his.
But it still wasn't quite enough.
You hadn't moaned and whimpered like the others, you weren't begging him for more and writhing in his touch like it was heaven incarnate.
And that just spurred him on all the more.
"Tell me what you want," he whispered in your ear, breath hot, armor so painfully tight he might just be willing to beg you for any scrap of guidance on how to make you his.
You lifted your leg, opening up for him, inviting, "I'm sure a smart man like you can think of something," you purred, "Or is that mouth of yours just good at talking?"
Jesse felt all his bravado fall away in an instant. He didn't waste any time in sinking to his knees for you.
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taglist: @blueink-bluesoul @anxiouspineapple99 @starrylothcat @sinfulsalutations @commander-sunshine @dystopicjumpsuit @wolffegirlsunite @sunshinesdaydream @arcsimper5
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aliypop · 6 months
Return To Sender : Chapter 5
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Word Count: 1,957
Writers Note: Alright, here's part 5! @sissylittlefeather, you'll love this! and @elvispresley1956 so will you
Warning: Language / SMUT
Pairing: POC OC x Elvis / OC x Jerry
Plot: It's 1968 and Natalya Dyer a divorcee and single mother is tasked to interview Elvis and Cecelia Presley at their humble mansion Graceland about their spicy relationship only to learn more about them as people.
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 6
August Memphis 1968
It had been a few weeks, and Natalya and Jerry were growing closer, especially with Jericho in his peewee league football. Sitting by the field were Cecelia, Natalya, Denise, and Vernon. Elvis and Jerry were on the sidelines, coaching the game. "That's not supposed to be flagged!" Elvis shouted as Jerry chimed in. Jesse and Jericho were playing together on the same team, and they were losing to the league from Alabama, Elaine, who was in junior cheer, tried her best to cheer the team on, but even she knew they sucked,
 "It's Alright, son, you got this!" Vernon cheered as Denise turned to look at him, "No, they don't..." She looked at her nails, "Cece..." 
"Mother, they're seven..." Cecelia sighed, "It's not the NFL." She said as Natalya laughed, puffing on her cigarette, "But it could be!" Denise responded, "They could get scholarships!"
"Eh, Jericho can't even fathom why you shouldn't eat cereal off the floor." Natalya playfully sighed, 
"Okay, boys... and Elaine..." Jerry mentioned as they huddled up, 
"We are down to our last quarter..." He smiled,
"So we should flee?" 
"No, Billy, we should run..." He sighed, rubbing his temples, 
"Into what?" Jericho asked,
"Run to the other with the ball, don't fumble it, just get to the other side, and then make a touchdown!"Elaine commanded as Elvis smirked, 
"That's my little biscuit." He grinned,
"Thank you!" She winked,
"Did anyone understand what she said?" Denise whispered. 
"She watches the football with Elvis. It's their daddy-daughter bonding time." Cecelia giggled, "He got her a helmet signed by one of the Cleveland Brown players." 
"That's so cute," Natalya chuckled, "Does she sleep with it?"
"Yes..." Cecelia laughed. 
Jesse threw the ball to Jericho as the other moms cheered. His little legs ran as fast as they could until he got to the line. Jerry and Elvis were nervous. But they had faith they'd win, as did the rest of the parents. Jericho slid to the line, getting all dirty and grassy, but he didn't fumble it. "Did I -" His teammates ran to his side as Jerry picked him up, "That's my son!" Jerry said as Natalya heard him, 
"I can't believe I'm going to sleep with that man..." 
"Nat, you don't have to..."
"No, no, I'm going to..." Natalya blushed, although she and Jerry weren't dating, so she'd say. They had been seeing more of each other between publishing her magazine and him stepping in as Jericho's father figure, "Mama! Can the team come over for burgers 'cause we won!" 
"I could throw something on the grill?" Vernon shrugged as Cecelia nodded. She and Vernon hadn't been on good terms lately, but he had his moments,
"Pssst Cece..." Elvis whispered, calling her over,
"Hmm?" She responded, "Look at Jerry and Nat, they're cute." He smiled as Cecelia chuckled, "Mhmm, now stop spyin and help me with these milkshakes," She said, carrying a tray, 
"Right, sorry, babe."
"So I got bad news," Natalya mentioned, 
"What's the bad news..." Jerry asked, getting closer to her. "Sent the article, so I officially am fired from Moon and Sun," She laughed. Jerry took her by the hand, "Don't know how I'll keep the house or pay for Jericho's endeavors."
"Well, you got any more ideas for Dyers Music Inquirers?" Jerry asked, 
"Jer, that was a fluke..." 
"Is it cause your first issue comes out in October." 
"Welcome To EPE publishing." He kissed her cheek as Jericho ran over, 
"Uncle Jerry!!"
"C-can you come play catch with us?"
"I guess I could." He shrugged,
October Memphis 1968
Graceland was getting decorated for the Halloween season, which Cecelia loved fondly. However, Cecelia and Natalya were out buying candy for their kids, and the trick-or-treaters, as the kids and the Memphis Mob, were planning pranks. "So, how are things, Nat?" Cecelia asked, pushing the cart as herds of fans were peeping down the aisles, 
"My magazine is doing great, but my ex-husband is..." 
"Being an ass,"
 "had an ex-boyfriend like that." Cecelia sighed, "Abusive and cold," 
"How'd you escape it?"
"Elvis... I met him, and my life made sense," 
"That's how I feel about Jerry," Natalya blushed, "When I'm with him hanging at his place or he's at mine. it feels..."
"Right," Cecelia said, reaching for the Hershey bars and grabbing three extra for Elvis, "Yeah, and Jericho loves him. They hang out all the time," Natalya smiled, 
"Jerry's a Godsent. All kids love him 'cause he's a bit of a goof." Cecelia chuckled as Natalya laughed, 
"I'm just scared..."
"She's scared, E..." Jerry said, helping Elvis, who was in a scarecrow costume, "Ease her into it," Elvis smiled, "You think this'll scare her, Red?" Red nodded as Joe agreed, "Guys, I like Nat. Her son likes me,"
"Then what's the issue? Date her!" Charlie smirked, "Here they come!"
"I mean, the parties at 7 pm, so it gives you enough time to get a costume." Cecelia winked, walking towards the door,
 "Mmhmm. Say, did that scarecrow move?"
"No... It's a scarecrow they don't..."
Cecelia screamed as she dropped the candy she bought. "Honey, are you okay,!" Elvis took the mask off as Cecelia glared at him, "I think you pissed her off," Natalya chuckled as Cecelia was silent, 
"Mama, these shorts are itchy!." Jericho sighed. Natalya was applying the last of her makeup as she looked at her son, "But you're such a cute Munster!" She smiled, pinching her son's cheeks, "Thanks, mama..." He smiled as he heard the doorbell ring, "I'll get it!" Jericho shouted. Running down the stairs. Jerry was waiting patiently. As he waited for an answer, 
"I like your cowboy outfit! Jericho smiled as Jerry tipped his hat, "Thanks, Bud." 
"Alright. Jericho, I'm..." Natalya smirked as she saw Jerry, who was dressed as Joe Lightcloud, her pulse quicking as she took a deep breath, 
"You like it?"
"You look great..." She smiled, taking his hand, 
"Gomez, darlin, there's another trick-or-treater at the door." Cecelia smiled, walking as if she were floating, "Coming, Tish," Elvis laughed. His hair was slicked back, and he had a drawn-on mustache. The two then handed out candy as Elaine and Jesse came up dressed as Wednesday and Pugsley.
 "Mama, can we go trick-or treatin'?" Elaine asked,
"Not until Jericho gets here." Jesse pouted, 
"I wanna go now, Jesse!"Elaine shouted as Elvis glanced at them both. "Here's a candy bar. You two wait on your friends." He winked as they scurried off. 
"Morticia and Gomez, that suits you two." Natalya smiled walking up to the door, 
"I love the Lily Munster costume!" Cecelia grinned, 
"Nice Cowboy Jerry," Elvis smirked, as he rolled his eyes, "I'm Joe Lightcloud." Elvis erupted with laughter. 
"Good one Jer!"
"Oh Jericho you look adorable!" Cecelia grinned handing him candy, "Thank you, Mrs. Presley! I'm Eddie Munster!" He smiled as he then saw his friends,
"Jericho!!" Jesse grinned,
 "Daddy, can we go trick-or-treating now!" Elaine asked,
"Yes, go ask your grandpa to take you." Elvis smiled,
 "Let the party begin." Cecelia winked,
The house was crowded with a few family members and stars. As Natalya made her way around the room, she talked about her magazine and her next issue and a few interviews, 
"Rosa, how are things..." Jerry smiled,
"Great, actually..." She said back. Natalya watched them. "I missed you, you know..." Rosa said, clutching onto his shoulder. Her eyes looked deep into Natalya's, a smirk on her face, 
"I bet..." 
"Cece..." Natalya growled,
"Kiss him or miss him." She said. Natalya sighed as she kept watching the scene before her.
"I could have you right now..." Rosa blushed as Jerry laughed a little, "I guess, but-" He felt warm lips on his as he wrapped his arms around her. Natalya licked his bottom lip as his mouth opened, 
"Hey baby," Natalya winked, "Oh, hi Rosa..." 
"Excuse us..." Jerry smirked. Taking her by the hand, Jerry took her to the Billiards room downstairs. He sat her on the table as she looked at him,
"What was that?"
"What was what?"
"That kiss, you never kissed me like that!" Jerry smirked,
"I was claiming what's mine..." 
"Mhmm..." Natalya smirked, "Mine." Leaning back as her lilac dress slid down her shoulders, "Unless you don't want to be mine then..." 
"You said we were friends and that's it!" Jerry sighed, 
"Fuck, Jerry, friends don't do what we do!" She sighed, "They don't kiss or, service each other!" Natalya smirked, "Or get each other off!" Her voice clouded with aggravation,
 "They do if it's friends with benefits," Jerry joked,
"JERRY SCHILLING I'M IN LOVE WITH YOU" Natalya shouted as he got quiet, 
"I'm in love with-"
"I heard you," He smirked, taking her by the waist as he pushed her, face forward against the pool table, bending her over, 
"What if someone sees..." 
"Doubt it," He kissed her neck as her breath hitched. This was different than their usual affair. It was real, and it was raw. Jerry lifted her dress as he traced his fingers against her lace panties, rubbing right where she wanted him, 
"Jerry~" Natalya moaned as he snatched them off her, his fingers buried deep between her lips. Curling his fingers he felt her writhe into pleasure, loving the control he had over her, the lights were dim, but she didn't care, she was losing herself in Jerry, and that's what she wanted, 
"Ready..." He asked as she heard his zipper, 
"Mhmm..." She nodded as he kissed her, "Words honey..."
"Yes, what."
"Good Girl." He laughed as Natalya gasped, she could feel the added pressure between her hips, getting used to his size, which in comparison was bigger than her ex-husband, and way more girthy than the guys she had back in college, "Jerry..." She looked up at him,
"Whatever you do, don't be gentle." She winked as she felt his hips slam into her, "Ah! Fuck like that!" She let out a guttural moan, this was the moment Jerry knew he found his match, Natalya could feel his hands holding onto her breast as his lips were leaving sloppy kisses on her skin, "More." She said, breathy as he gripped onto her hips, bending her down further as she laughed, his thrusts were faster, which was pleasurable, but not as amusing as she wanted it to be, 
"Like this?" His nails dug into her hips and she could feel his cock buried deep into her stomach. "Fuck~" She growled out as Jerry kissed her ear, he kept his thrust sharp and jolting as he could feel himself catching onto the verge of his end,
 "Nat... Fuck... Baby I need to..." Natalya's walls clenched around him as she arched into him, pulling her raven hair his hips sped into her as her breast bounced, and his balls slapped against her ass as she was draining him dry, "Right there! Yes!! Yes! Fuck!!" Natalya shuddered as her legs shook, 
"Needed that, huh..."
"You have no idea."
"Nat you okay?" Cecelia asked. She'd noticed the way Natalya was walking, "Mhmm, yeah..." she blushed sitting down, "Just uh went to talk to my boyfriend..." Natalya turned to face Cecelia, a bitemark on her neck as Cecelia laughed, 
"I know that look..."
"What look?"
"I just had amazing Sex in the Billiard room look." Cecelia smirked, "It was a quickie first off..." Natalya shifted as she felt something dripping down her thigh, "That's how it starts, quickies, then there's a ring on your finger." Cecelia laughed handing her a napkin, "Especially with the panty trick."
"How'd you..."
"They're best friends Nat." 
"Hey, Jerry?"
"Yeah, E?"
"Those Nats?"
"So you two together yet?"
"I'd like to think so,"
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sainturl · 2 months
This is a little something for the webtoon I'm planning on making soon. I want to make it a full fledged comic at some point but I need a story to actually go off of so I'm making this. I truly do not know how long this will be. This is purely for fun. If there are typos, have mercy on me I'm dyslexic :3 and pls note that I am NOT A WRITER!!! I'm not a pro unfortunately to make stories :( I read them I don't make them. anyways this is probably gonna be pure dog water.
I also have two songs. You can listen to either one, they're technically the same song but ones a little different. So you can choose :3 which eva.
WARNINGS ‼️- Mentions of gore, and zombies ofc
"hey, can you pass this over to Jess?" The blonde boy next to gou says in a quiet whisper. He leans over his desk and hands him a folded piece of paper quickly then sits back into his seat as he acts like he's still working on his assignment, to of course not get in trouble by the strict teacher.
Gou sighs and look at the brunette girl sitting in front of him. He taps her shoulder and she turns around almost immediately, like she was anticipating this happening. He motions the paper to her and she snatches it from his hand to read it at her desk and giggle to herself.
This wasn't the first time they used gou to pass on their lovey dovey notes. Written with the same red pens.
"I dont get it" gou thinks to himself. He rubs his eyes, his prominent eyebags causing them to sting a bit. He leans on his hand letting his long brown hair cover his eyes as an attempt to ignore the teacher for the rest of class.
The bell rings, echoing in the classroom into gous ears. He wakes up, his eyes trying to focus back from the blurriness from his small nap. Gous classmates walk past his desk and out the door. He takes it as a sign to grab his backpack and start to make his way outside of the classroom into the crowded hallway. "School is almost over.." Gou thought to himself. "finally a senior, I'll graduate, then I'll be able to leave my god forsaken home".
Gou had a love hate relationship with the hallways of his school. He hated how loud his classmates were. The laughter and shouting was deafening. But at the same time all he could think about was the people he was going to see waiting for him.
After walking just a little bit more down the hallway, gou spots his favorite people in the world. They were sitting on the disgusting school floor that he has told them millions of times how they should just suffer the pain of standing.
The hallway was slowly getting more crowded.
Gou moves a piece of his hair out of his dark eyes behind his ear, then waves to greet his friends. A smile planted on my face.
Students are starting to move more quickly through the hallways. They're probably excited to go home.
Gous friends have been the only thing keeping him psychically going. They've been his distraction from the outside world, from everyone else, from his home. The way their existence makes him muffle the rest of the world so it's only them he focuses on. Their faces always make him feel a type of calm, like everything is okay, everything is safe. He couldn't imagine a life without them.
People start running and screaming. Something's wrong.
"what the.." Gous hand slowly lowers. He quickly looks around and sees people running around him, bumping and pushing him in the process. He looks at his friends to hopefully get an answer of what's happening. Instead they sprint towards gou, running into students and teachers in the process. They grab gou by his blue sleeve and sprint into the direction of the front doors of the school.
"g-guys?". Gou asks quietly. He looks around at his friends pushing and shoving around students, they don't answer his question. Which he can't blame them.
They soon reach the front doors of the school, as expected it's extremely full. Kids being squished and screaming out of either pure agony from the pressure of everyone pushing them through a small entrance, or because of whatever they're running from.
"what are they thinking! We're gonna be crushed if we try to go through those doors!"
After many painful attempts to get through the front doors, they finally make it out. Having a few cuts and red marks that Gou knew would turn into bruises. He looks around his schools land only to see the same trees where kids would sit and either do their homework or just mess around. The same walking trails students would take to get to their comfortable homes. The same bikes and cars parked in the parking lot belonging to some of the kids and teachers.
He's confused. Everything felt the same, if anything he was feeling nostalgic. Remembering all the laughs and warm feelings everyone would feel being with some of their favorite people in the world.
"h-hey freya, what's going-"
A horrific scream is heard behind them, the small group turns around to see a young girl on her stomach. It's Bella. One of gous classmates. You'd assume she'd be rude and snobby because she was in the cheerleading team, but she was actually super sweet.
Her eyes are wide and red. Her mouth is agape trying to scream but nothing's coming out. She's reaching out for anything ahead of her. But no one wanted to help. Or even be around her for that matter. Not because of her, but because of what's above her.
A woman with discolored, purpling skin. Her hair greasy and thin. Eyes that are dark but clouded over. Her mouth was agape, showing her discolored, and several missing teeth. And her clothes are covered in holes and in a layer of filth, and what looked like vomit and blood. The words on her shirt are unreadable. She looked like a monster.
The monster spins bella around so she can look her in the face. She bends down so she's a few inches away from her and screeches loudly into her face. It was blood curdling, piercing the silence. It sounded like an animal in pain.
Suddenly she sinks her teeth into the young girl's shoulder, causing her to screech in pain and agony. Her hands try to grab anything to get her out of this. And tears run down her face as she cries for help, any help. But no one could. Everyone just stared in shock and horror. The monster is tearing her body into bits and pieces. The sounds were disgusting, it almost made gou want to throw up.
Her cries stopped.
And the ugly creature keeps attacking her poor lifeless body.
And like a switch, it causes more commotion. Students scream and start running in different directions trying to escape. But there's too many of these things around. More of gous fellow classmates become victims of these ugly creatures, screaming, crying, being torn to bits and pieces.
The atmosphere was rough. Everything felt cold and dreary. Gou tried to move..but he couldn't. Whatever was happening to him he couldn't explain. It was like his feet were stuck to the ground. His hands were stuck to his side, his breath was heavy. In through his nose then out his mouth. Everything was muffled around him as he stared at the lifeless body of his classmate. So many thoughts were going through his head. What could he even do? Where do they go? What's happening? How did this even start? His vision was getting dizzy and blurry.
"gou! gOU! HEY! WE HAVE TO GET OUT NOW!" Gou suddenly snapped back into this gruesome reality thanks to Freya.
Freya grabs Gou by his shoulders and shakes him. He opens his mouth wanting to say something... but is unsure what to even say.
"JUST GRAB HIM AND RUN!" Aiden shouts in urgency.
Freya obeys and grabs my wrist and runs in the direction where Aiden and Eli were standing, at the edge of the nearby forest.
"listen w-we can go into the forest. Then we can find our way back to the neighborhood-"
Elis sentence quickly gets cut off as another one of these roamers tackles him to the ground and starts to rip into his clothes. It bites into his neck just like Bella.
But Eli tries to fight off the monster, punches and kicks are thrown as a weak attempt to escape. But it wouldn't budge. It was getting pushed back a bit but it still had its eyes on Eli, like he was all it saw.
Aiden screams and runs to try and help Eli. He grabs his hands tightly to try and pull him from under the monster. It wasn't helping. So Aiden, like an idiot, tries to push off the disgusting beast from on top of Eli. He kept running and throwing himself at it.
But it was so much stronger than him, so much stronger than any of them. It grabs Aiden by his wrists and pulls him towards itself.
It bites him. Leaving a huge gash in his shoulder. Aiden screams in pain as he struggles to runs back to where Freya and Gou were standing. Aiden grips his bleeding shoulder and grunts and whines.
"w-we have to go.." Aiden says shakily.
"but..but what about eli-"
"LETS JUST GO! WE HAVE TO GO NOW!" Aiden cuts off Freya. His lip quivers almost like he's on the brink of tears.
Freya flinches and is silenced. Her and Gou nod and start to jog into the forest trails. But not before turning around to look at Eli still on the ground. His lifeless body being devoured by these disgusting beasts. It was so brutal..the way his mouth was filled with blood and his eyes were so cloudy.
Freya's eyes fill with tears as she continues to catch up to the group. The last time she'll ever see Eli again.
"Eli stop!!" Freya says in a playful tone. As she swats elis hand away from her face.
"I'm just messing with you Freya". Eli says teasing Freya.
"Ugh" Aiden rolls his eyes in annoyance. "You two are such love birds.."
Gou just smiles slightly and giggles at Aiden's joke. Gou didn't talk much but he was glad his friends were the talkers of the group. They would gladly do all the talking for him anyday.
It was the start of their senior year. They were taking their usual trail to get home, through the forest that was next door to their school. Not a lot of students would take this way since they would always go the opposite way, where all the rich houses were. Houses so big they almost looked like mansions, with the prettiest gardens, multiple bedrooms, luxurious floors, and high ceilings.
Did Gou dream of such a life? Of course he did. Oh how he wished he lived in such a way. Having butlers, and dogs with bowties, and maids. He wanted it all. It wasn't that he was ungrateful for what he has now. He is happy he has a roof over his head but it would be nice.
Gou stops daydreaming and looks at his friends who were slightly ahead of him still bickering. Freya and Eli poking at Aiden for assuming they were 'love birds', which it's not his fault. They were both awful at hiding their feelings for each other. It was so obvious but the other one didn't have the guts to tell the other. Gou and Aiden always watched from the sidelines and had tiny bets on 'who's going to confess first'. Gou bet Freya and Aiden bet Eli.
Gou watches his friends continue to bicker and takes a moment to take in the nature around him. The skinny trail slowly being engulfed by a thick carpet of leaves. Braches twisting in different directions on the trees towering above us. The sound of squirrels running around and birds flying from tree to tree. The smell always comforted Gou. The earthy, and herbal aroma. It always calmed him down.
The group runs through the thick forest. Tripping over small sticks and the uneven trail. Aiden holds his bleeding shoulder trying all of his power to keep up with Freya and Gou.
After a few minutes of running they stop to catch their breath. Breathing heavily.
"my throat hurts so bad" tears fill gous eyes and his throat stings.
"hey...we're almost to Freyas house...c-come on just a little more" Aiden suggests in a weak attempt of reassurance, already starting to walk down the trail more. His steps are weak and his legs are heavy. Freya and Gou could tell he wanted to leave as soon as possible but he was so exhausted, and his shoulder situation was making it so much worse.
"Aiden just give us a second..okay...we're..so tired-" Freya pleads.
"CAN YOU JUST LISTEN TO ME!!" Aiden shouts, causing her to flinch. Aiden pauses and looks away.
"please just..we can rest at your house Freya..just a little more". Aiden turns his back towards us and waits for a response. The silence was deafening.
Freya looks at gou for help for what to even say or do. He just shrugs and motions to just listen to Aiden.
"..yeah we can..we can go to my house".
Freya's response was weak but it did cut through the silence. Aiden doesn't say anything back and starts to walk down the trail. His head hanging low and his hand still on his bleeding shoulder.
After sneaking past some trees and bushes, they finally made it freyas house. Her door being suspiciously unlocked, and they hesitantly walk in.
"M-mom!? Dad!? Flynn!?" Freya calls out. But no response.
"just..just come on Aiden I'll see if I have anything to help with your shoulder". Freya motions Aiden to follow her upstairs, he follows behind leaving gou all by himself on the first floor to just wander around and collect his thoughts.
Freya was the only one out of all of them to even have a house. It wasn't all big and fancy like the other students but it was still home. A little more rundown. The floors were rickety and the ceilings having mysterious water stains. She wasn't embarrassed of where she lived either. She always welcomed her friends to come over and hang out and every once in a while give the classic "if they don't like my home, they don't have to come then!!"
In the bedroom, Freya works on Aiden's shoulder. He sits on the edge of her bed wincing and moving as she attempts to bandage it up. With her shaky hands and Aiden's constant pulling away, he's finally decently patched up. Was it topnotch? Not in any way but it was better than having him use his own hand as a stop for the bleeding.
Freya sighs and sits on the edge of the bed with Aiden as he has an uncomfortable expression on his face from the pulsing coming from his shoulder.
"h-hey..you okay?" Aidens face softens as he looks at Freya. Her face is emotionless. Her eyes looked empty and her fingers tangled themselves.
"huh? Oh yeah..well I should be asking you that. I mean you have a massive chomp out of you" Freya smiles and little and giggles softly as she tries to lighten the mood.
He knew she wasn't okay. I mean he wasn't either. The world is crumbling and who knows what's even happening outside right now. Everything happened so fast they couldn't comprehend what was even going on. What's worse is that they lost their best friend right in front of them.
Eli getting mauled and chewed by that monster haunted all of them. The expression of his face..how it stuck with all of them. His death replaying in their heads, it was disgusting.
"hey..it's gonna be okay frey." Aiden puts a hand on her shoulder lightly and gives her a soft smile. Freya looks back at him and smiles back. Her eyes still lost their shine. She doesn't say anything in response.
Freya gets up from the bed and starts to walk over to her door. Dragging her feet and her head hanging low.
"I'll um leave you here to rest. I'm gonna go downstairs to see gou". Freya leaves through the door and shuts it behind her without letting Aiden respond and leaving him in the room by himself.
Freya walks down her creaky stairs slowly with her arms crossed at her chest almost as if she was hugging herself. She looks around for gou and sees him standing in front of some old pictures hanging on the wall of freyas family. She slowly walks to him and stands next to him to also look at them.
"...they probably left". Freya says at a slow pace.
Gou turns his head to look at her. He furrows his eyebrows as he tries to understand what she was talking about. Freya turns to look at him back.
"my parents and flynn, They probably left already" Freya turns back at the pictures. "I mean the cars are gone, some of their clothes are gone and I'm sure they took the food.."
Gous sighs. He always knew Freyas relationship with her parents were..something. No one knew why they hated her so much. Was it jealousy because of how successful she was in school. Or was it because she was always a bit on the rebellious side, if she wanted to do something she didn't care what her parents said. She was old enough to make her own decisions and knew they couldn't get on her for it. Flynn on the other hand (her older brother) was their favorite. They'd never tell it to her face but she knew it. Oh how she knew it. And flynn knew it too, bragging in freyas face every shot he could.
Gou opens his mouth wanting to say something but doesn't know what to say. He's tried to not get into his friends business as he knows it's not his place to have a say, that's Aiden's job. But he did have some thoughts about Freyas family, not good thoughts.
"come on..let's go up and talk to Aiden about a plan." Freya suggests. Her voice is quiet almost like a whisper.
"f-freya we can just wait and settle down for a bit if you want-"
"no gou... we'll just talk to Aiden".
Freya voice was stern this time. She was getting more agitated, Gou could tell. Not wanting to make her more angry, gou nodded and silently trailed behind Freya up the creaky wooden stairs.
Freya opens the door belonging to, well now belonging to Aiden. He tenses up but calms down when he sees the faces of his friends.
"hey man" Aiden greets gou with a small smile on his face. He was in a black tanktop, with the bloody bandages just trying to hold the gash on his shoulder in place. His face was a little paler, a sheen of sweat on his forehead and his eyes looked watery like he was on the brink of tears. Gou just assumed it was his body's way of healing itself. It's gonna take a lot out of him presumably.
Aiden's eyes follow Freya as she walks towards the window. She moved the thin blue curtains with one swift motion to get a good look at her neighborhood. She's silent. No movement. Nothing.
Gou looks at Aiden and shrugs. They don't know if they should ask or...
"Freya..you okay?" Aiden asks hesitantly.
Nothing again. She's motionless.
Aiden looks at Gou again. The atmosphere was thick and felt uneasy. Something was wrong.
"freya is something-"
"why did you have to leave him."
"....what are you talking about?"
Leave him? Leave who? What is- gous thoughts get cut off as Freya spins around towards Aiden.
"YOU JUST HAD TO LEAVE ELI!" Freya shouts. Her face turning redder by the minute. She tightens her hands into a fist and grits her teeth.
"Freya you think I wanted to leave him?! You think I did that on purpose?!" Aiden replied back in a slightly louder tone.
"TELL ME THEN FREYA.." Aiden gets up from the bed quickly to get in front of Freya. Not too close that they're touching, but close enough so Aiden can intimidate her.
"and what did you do Freya.." he says in a quiet but stern tone. "You just stood there and watched. You did absolutely nothing. If anything.." Aiden takes a finger and points it at her chest
"you're the monster."
"no..I'm not"
"a monster who chose to watch her best friend die, and get fucking mauled"
"i thought you loved him Freya, turns out you didn't love him enough."
Tears run down freyas face. Her cheeks turn red, and her sniffles fill the dead silent room. Her body is weak at this point, her hands loosen from the fists and she examines the patterns on the wall behind aiden to try and not make eye contact. Aiden stiffens his posture with his hands to his side.
"don't you ever fucking say I didn't help him.." he growls. "I get you're sad and everything is shitty right now, but we have to just get over it Freya. There's nothing we can do anymore." He sits on the edge of the bed still looking at her waiting for a response.
Aiden sighs, still winching at the pain still left from his shoulder. Gou walks over to the window and gets a good look out for himself.
The streets and sidewalks are filled with them..these zombies.
"shit..we have to get out of here". Gou commands.
"what? why?" Aiden looks at Gou with worried eyes.
Gou, in a panic, starts searching around the room for backpacks or anything that can be used to carry essentials.
"now. We need to leave now."
"are..are they here? Dude I don't think they can open doors"
"that doesn't matter we need to leave"
"gou I'm sure we can just stay until this all settled down.. I mean all we dont have is-"
"protection aiden. guns, ammo, boards to block windows and doors we don't have any of that. How are we going to protect ourselves?" Gou says worriedly
Aiden sighs "and food.."
"Freya do you have bags or anything close?" Gou asks. Freya, still in defeat, points to the closet in the corner.
Gou quickly walks towards it and opens it. He grunts.
Freya crosses her arms and rolls her bloodshot eyes. "They probably took all the good stuff when they left".
"are you fucking kidding me Freya" Aiden rests his hand on his forehead in annoyance.
"what do you mean 'are you kidding me'.. You think I asked them to take everything?" Freya yells back at Aiden.
"god can you guys just shut up!"
Everyone freezes and turn to look at Gou. Yes he was a quiet guy but it wasn't uncommon for him to talk. But the tone of his voice usually never changes. It was always so monotone. But when he was agitated, you could tell.
"fighting doesn't help or solve any of this. Freya go and look for a backpack or anything around the house. Aiden go be useful and start grabbing things that could help us."
"l-like what?" Aiden says softly.
"oh my god ANYTHING AIDEN! It doesn't matter what you grab just meet up in the living room when you're done"
Freya and Aiden quickly leave the room to start grabbing the things they were ordered to do. Gou takes a deep breath and tries to calm himself down.
Okay...what other places can we even go to. Stores, a police station, farms literally anything but here.
Gou looks out the window.
He sighs and grabs the bridge of his nose with his fingers.
What are we gonna do. Come on, you always have the solution. This cannot be the one time you have nothing. Gou come on. Please.
After some time later, Gou makes his way to the living room and sits on the couch nearest to the window. Pondering on whether they should try his or Aiden's house next, or maybe go to the nearest pharmacy. It was starting to give him a massive migraine. And it didn't help seeing the zombies outside, taunting him. He made sure to hide out of the way a bit to make sure they didn't spot him. He didn't know if they were strong enough to break a window, or smart enough to just open the front door.
Freya comes in holding two medium sized backpacks. She throws them on the couch next to gou.
"me and Flynn's middle school backpacks. They're a bit dusty and worn out but they'll work".
Gou nods and starts to inspect the backpacks, checking to see how many pockets there are. How much storage is actually in them. Aiden slowly walks in with some of the same first aids Freya has used on him and some bread slices still left in the packaging.
"that's it?". Gou asks sarcastically.
"well it's not my fault Freya's family obviously left her for dead. They took everything dude" Aiden throws the first aid on the couch as well as the sad package of bread.
"thanks Aiden, it'll still hopefully hold us for a while" Gou snatches the bread in the plastic wrapping and places it in sideways next to the first aids.
Freya crosses her arms and walks to the window to take a good look at her neighborhood. Her eyes sting as tears start to glaze her eyes and blur her vision.
"gou..what..what are we even gonna do." Freya asks timidly. Her eyes soft and her hands rubbing her arms up and down to almost comfort herself.
"what do you mean."
"like what can we do. There's obviously some type of virus or something causing people to turn into..these.."
"which is exactly why we need to go out and find a solution. We can find out where the virus started and try to exterminate it".
Freya turns around to face gou, her arms still crossed and her cheeks flushed.
"and how do you think we can go about doing that..hmm?"
Gou sighs and grabs the bridge of his nose.
"Freya I don't know, okay" gou raises his hands in defeat and lands harshly on the sides of his thighs "All we can do is just try and hope.."
"..and what if we die too"
Aiden's eyes widened at the sudden question. "H-hey don't think about that right now-'
"then we die" Aiden looks at Gou with shock. "There's not a lot we can do.."
Gou walks towards Freya and places a hand on her shoulder, looking her in her eyes. "Freya..if me or Aiden die or if there's ever a situation where you need to choose us or yourself..please choose yourself..we need any chance of fixing all of this.."
"I..I don't know gou"
"just promise me you'll try..at least"
"promise me."
"y-yeah I promise"
Gou sighs and walks towards the couch, grabbing the backpack and making his way to the backdoor. Aiden and Freya follow behind hesitantly.
"we can go through the backyard and sneak past other houses"
"where are we even going dude"
"there's a pharmacy around the corner, we can try to grab a few things in there if there is still some stuff left.. hopefully it's not crowded"
Aiden and Freya nod and wait till he opens the door. After a few more seconds he slowly peaks through the slightly opened door and crouches slowly.
Freya's backyard wasn't very...welcoming to say the least. A sad garden patch with most of the flowers and vegetables rotting away. A shed that looks like it hasn't been touched since the house was even built. It was so broken down and clearly didn't have anything inside.
The group slowly walks outside and makes their way to the neighbors backyards, the sounds of screaming and groans were horrifying. It made Freya's body hurt knowing those were her neighbors who have known her since she was practically born. They were so welcoming and willing to help her with whatever she needed. But now there's nothing she can do for them.
They reach the edge of the houses and peak around to find any type of opening to quickly run past. Zombies and dead bodies filled the streets.
"they look slow...we can jog past without them grabbing us" gou informs the other two.
Freya nods and turns to look at Aiden. His face was getting more pale, he was drenched in sweat and his breathing was becoming heavier and heavier.
"a-adien are you okay?"
Aiden looks at Freya and nods.
"are you sure cause you look so much worse than before-"
"I'm fine Freya.."
All the times the group has ever wanted to help Aiden with anything he'd always turn it down. They didn't know if he genuinely didn't want any help or was embarrassed. He was always the strong one in the group, more built than the rest of them, more of a braun type of guy. It was kinda shocking that he even hung out with them. He was the jock type of guy, was on the football team and was in weight class a lot of the time. But every time he finished a game, he didn't run to his team or his parents, watching in the crowd. Probably only went to 2 games during his highschool years. He'd run to his best friends. His number 1 supporters.
"we'll find you some more bandages and stuff when we get inside" gou looks back at the open streets. The road is still filled with zombies, crashed cars and dead bodies.
He waits a few seconds before motioning them to follow him quickly. He gets up and speed walks past the zombies as quietly as possible. Almost tripping over debris and dead bodies. The sounds of the zombies groaning and screeching gave chills.
Freya and Aiden follow behind making sure to follow gous footsteps perfectly. Freya's heart beats extremely fast, she could hear her heartbeat through her ears. The sight of the pharmacy was the only thing able to calm her down slightly.
They make it to the front, somehow not triggering any of the zombies. But the automatic doors were locked.
Gou looks through the glass of the automatic doors, squishing his face into the window. Freya and Aiden look frantically around making sure they're still not seen.
"gou what's happening??" Freya asks worryingly.
"they're not opening" gou sighs and silently curses at himself "we'll have to find another way in I guess"
"or we can just bust the door down" Aiden suggests while walking towards the doors. Gou grabs him by his good shoulder and stops him before he can throw his body at it.
"we can't just use brute strength with stuff like this. We'll just find another door-"
Gous sentence gets cut off. The doors suddenly slide open, revealing others running out of the building. Their arms are filled with medicine, small foods, prescriptions and more.
Shit. Gou realizes that there's probably hardly anything left anymore. The building is now empty...he takes a deep breath and walks in, Aiden and Freya follow behind.
Okay I was originally gonna keep going but..I'm so tired. I apologize if this is horrible written or boring. I'm not a worker in anyway. If you actually read it and enjoyed it I'm so glad I'll kiss you :3 thank you and I'll make another part at some point.
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saltygilmores · 1 year
Thoughts While Watching Gilmore Girls Season 2, Episode 15, "Lost And Found", Aka The Bracelet Has Breached Containment, Aka BraceletGate, Aka QuarterOnAStringGate, Part 5
We last left off in the eye of the storm...things are seemingly calm after Lorelai left work in the middle of the day to help Luke look for a new apartment, but of course, this being Mid-Season 2, shit's about to hit the fan as it often does in the last 10 minutes of these episodes. (You can find parts 1-4 and all other episodes in my pinned post). Lorelai thinks she has Luke Danes all figured out. LG: You'll meet someone one day. Probably at a Timberland (boots/ flannell/outdoor clothing) store. You'll ask her out, you'll pick her up, take her on a "patented Luke Danes' night of romance". Juice bar, batting cages, then you'll ask her back to your apartment... LD: I'll give you any amount of money if you stop talking. Allow me.
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But Luke doesn't give her any money and she keeps going. "You'll lead her upstairs to the apartment door. You pause. Gaze into her eyes. The stage is set. Fate is waiting. You open the door. She sees your teeny tiny apartment. One room and no closet space and Jess' feet sticking up into the air, because you never did get rid of his dead body." (calling back to earlier in the episode where she said no one would notice for weeks if Jess died under a pile of fallen boxes). Why you gotta bring him into this. Leave his poor little feetsies alone. The feets are innocent.
I skipped past the end of A Tisket A Tasket and never took the time to #AdmireTheBaby in his white sockies so let's do that now.
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Pictured: The Quarter on A String and veiny arms. He's wearing a shirt with his name on it. Where did he even find a patch that said Jess in Stars Hollow? Who sewed it on? Why are your arms so veiny? By the looks of that old fashioned phone Luke isn't getting internet in his apartment for at least another 10 years. Your watch is so chunky. Who's guitar is that? Can I borrow your hair tie? Why did your hair never look like this again? Me in Jess Mariano Overstimulation:
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Okay, where were we?
“…Then, she sees it. The single bed. You know what they say, never ever date a guy who owns a single bed!” Lorelai’s not subtle Luke-Style rant about single beds evaporating Luke’s chances of getting laid any time in the next decade continues for another few moments, until Luke agrees to sign for the apartment just to shut her up and go home. Lorelai’s nagging wields such tremendous power.
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Lorelai catches Jess emerging from Rory’s bedroom (Rory's not home, probably still stuck in the unfathomable hell that is watching movies at Dean's house). No doubt our boy here was up to something nefarious. They have a tense exchange of words which Jess eventually manages to okuh his way out of and go on his merry way.
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From Lorelai’s POV, I can readily admit that it might look suspicious. For once, Lorelai actually has a real reason to be sus and it’s not just her usual unfounded paranoia.
But because she just has to crank everything up to fucking 11, and she just can’t be *normal* about anything, ever, I will not be waving my Lorelai Gilmore Support Flag today. (Dean has one too. Yes, there will be maybe 3-4 occasions in the future where I side with Dean Forrester. Shudder).
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Lorelai heavily side eyes Jess, then scans Rory’s room, as if she suspects Jess just got into the fat reserves of cash and valuables Rory keeps under her mattress. But she’s really just looking for a Quarter. Speaking of shady, suspicious characters, we then cut to Taylor intercepting Luke at the market, and find out that naturally, Taylor owns the apartment building where Luke wants to move.
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In my horror spinoff titled: The Hollow: Jess Mariano's Revenge, who should snap and mow down Taylor Doose in cold blood first? Jess or Luke? First Taylor sabotages Luke's attempt at moving. He installs a traffic light in front of the diner without informing Luke first. He annexes the diner to build an ice cream parlor. And you best believe I'm definitely missing a few of them. Didn't he even try to open a competing breakfast service across the street or was that purely Kirk's doing? Taylor also has his slimy hands on the PTA, he committs censorship at the video rental store, and other ventures too numerous to remember.
Hallelujah for more glorious filler. Waste as much time as you possibly can, fellas.
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Luke's gonna need some of that 75 cent Tylenol right about now.
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WIth 10 properties + all the money he embezzles with the weekly festivals and "charity book sales" you would think he's so rich he could move out of Schitts Hollow (!!!), and like, retire to Florida or something, where he could live among his fellow Karens, measuring the heights of the blades of grass on their properties. Just leave everyone else alone. LD: What are you doing, buying up the town? TD: Well, not yet, but someday, who knows? That is truly ominous, but on my gritty Gilmores spinoff titled Schitt's Hollow, big coroprations are going to move in and flatten your 10 properties, including your market. Hello Walmart! (if during the course of production for Schitt's Hollow I can't afford to use the Walmart trademark, I'll just have a meteor flatten the town. Can't go wrong with meteors).
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Cause Schitt's Hollow is filled with a bunch of spineless jellyfish. You're our only hope, Luke Danes. LD: You can't tell people what color to paint their buildings. TD: Someone has to. LD: No they don't! We don't live in a fascist country! TD: The fascists had their faults, but their parks were spotless. Oh dear.
They really had Jackson run for office in this show when Luke Danes should be the Mayor (or Town Selectman, or whatever) of Schitt's Hollow. Not that he'd ever want that bullshit job. Can you imagine Luke leading one of the town meetings? DELIGHTFUL.
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Oh hey I found Jess Mariano's stunt double on the left.
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In that moment, Luke Danes saw God.
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Oh no, he didn't just go there. He goes on to explain that even though he's aware Luke has a sentimental attachment to the sign, it will confuse tourists. He wistfully describes his dream of opening an additional property where he can sell collectible plates. All that stands in the way of Taylor Doose's quest for power is a decent human being trying to make a living named Luke Danes. There are no tourists in Stars Hollow. They're just people who took a wrong turn and got lost trying to find something more interesting in Connecticut. Like the Pez Museum.
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How Luke Danes has not completely stroked out from the stress of living in Schitt's Hollow, merely halfway into the second season, is simply incredible. His eyeball should be popping out. There should be veins throbbing in his neck. He is remarkably calm. We should all strive to be this calm in the face of overwhelming bullshittery. Please teach me your ways.
Alright, that settles it, in my horror movie spinoff titled Schitt's Hollow: Jess Mariano's Revenge, we're gonna have an uncle-nephew killing spree contest. Whichever relation can mow down the most annoying townies by the end of the movie will reign victorious. TD: It's people like you who keep Schitt's Hollow from being one of America's greatest towns! Luke is .2 seconds away from going nuclear and Taylor finally tucks his tail between his legs and retreats as he throws Luke's apartment application in the trash, sadly ending this entertaining b-plot. This leaves me with another 7 minutes to watch the rotting meat that is BraceletGate.
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Okay Jess, you are one helluva slow worker. That gutter is still stuffed to the brim with leaves. The fuck have you been doing all this time?
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Going back to my point that every word Jess says is imbued with meaning. That "How thoughtful" was as loaded as the earlier "that's ambitious". I'll call it Gourmet Sarcasm. Rory explains how she wasted her day looking for the QOAS in every place she could think of. What happened to Butthead's Bargain? The one where Rory agreed to watch movies all afternoon with Dean, a sort of torture condemned by most human right commissions? After all that she still had time to look for the QOAS? Maybe Butthead was merciful and released her from her end of the bargain. Allow me to break down some RorySpeak for you. Jess: It was just a bracelet. Rory: He won't see it that way (I'm scared of Dean). Jess: Not like you lost it on purpose. Rory: He'll read something into this (I'm scared of Dean). Things have been weird between us lately (I'm scared of Dean), but you don't care. Not only does Rory expect Jess to have a vested interest in her relationship with her mother but also with DEAN? And she also expects him to feel guilty for not caring enough about these things...? Narrator: Deep in his heart, Jess Mariano did care.
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#AdmireTheBaby JM (with a mischevious lilt in his voice): I think you should keep looking. Things you lose are usually right in front of your face. Check the house again. #HintHint
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Narrator: Dean Forrester, would in fact, not get over it.
Rory comes into the house to meet Lorelai where they discuss how they've turned the house upside down and looked 1,000 times. Rory is elated to find the QOAS under her bed. After she declares her plans to "celebrate later", she runs off to tell Lane to stop praying for her. Oh sure, millions of children are dying every day, but for some reason God answered the prayers of Lane Kim in Bumblefuck Connecticut who asked him to help her friend find her shitty boyfriend's shittyquarterbracelet.
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Lorelai's got that shit-eating grin on her face, the one she always puts on when she's pretending to be happy for Rory but actually she's quietly seething underneath the surface and when her daughter is out of sight she's going to unleash holy hell on someone.
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Target acquired. Oh dear. I'm really going to have go into part SIX with 5 minutes left in the episode.
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bewitchingbaker · 8 months
childhood memories: 5 years old.
Chris's eyes are drawn from his guitar and to Beth at his bookshelf. A small smile spreads across his face. His collection wasn't as impressive Beth and admittedly he was a little shy about the amount of vintage shojo manga (his favorite was always Fruits Basket) that was nestled between the various superhero themed comics.
Organized in alphabetical order with not a single spine out of shape. One could easily spot rarities by the plastic book covers (he'd be damned if someone lost his signed copy of Dangerous Habits). But amidst the various novels and comics, one could spot photos from his younger years.
A photo of a teenage Chris B boy posing with Jess behind a kitchen counter could be found on the third shelf. On the third shelf near Deadpool issues, one could see Chris holding an accordion and wearing a bowling-style button-up to match the older members of the band.
But at the very top of his book shelf were two action figures.
Storm, in her 90's cartoon iteration, standing right next to the black power ranger, Zack.
Both are in mint condition, of course.
He leans up from the couch once she asks about them.
"Oh those? I'm surprised I haven't told you this story," He smiles. "Those were the from the great Friday of 2000."
A nostalgic smile spreads across his face.
"My dad was a huge comic nerd, Xmen being his favorite team cause of Storm. So when he saw the trailer for the movie, that's all he would talk about. Mom was excited but she wasn't into Storm's casting at the time and Jess wanted to see Wolverine. Now mom wanted to wait until Sunday cause...well it's a day off and she had papers to grade."
A laugh.
"But ol Kenneth Luna was not patient. So he stayed up with mom to get her student's projects graded on top of doing a top-tier performance at work. So come Friday, he picked us up at like 3 on the dot for the early afternoon showing and boy was he excited. I'll be honest, I had no idea what was going on as I was like 5. I just saw bright colors from Cyclops optic blasts and Storm flying and I was excited."
The action figure soon began to levitate around before landing in his hands.
"I think I said something like 'That's mom! that's mom!' cause she was so cool and mom thought that was the funniest thing. Once the movie was over, we went to the mall for dinner. Since the movie was out, the local toy store had all their X-men toys on display so of course I wanted one."
It isn't long before Zack floats into his hand.
"The Halle Berry action figure was cool but it wasn't as cool as this one," he says holding up Storm. "There wasn't a flowing cape, the hair and the accurate look were much better. Plus, my parents wanted me and Jess to have toys that look like us. Since my dad was hyped off seeing his favorite comic brought up, he bought me Zack and Jess a bunch of Mad Magazines. Probably explains why Jess can be a little unhinged."
He laughs before sighing.
"I know we're pushing 30 but I can't let these two go, they were my first toys from such a good day. There's no way I can get rid of them, they're just too cool."
A blush fills those chubby cheeks.
"I know it sounds a little dorky..."
[ @brooklynislandgirl ]
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robinismywifee · 1 year
Back to the Old House - Chapter 5:
August 30th, 2034
[7 days after previous chapter]
Raines age: 16 years, 6 months
Ellies age: 15 years, 3 months
CW: none
Words: 1381
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Raines POV:
I've been going on patrol with Jesse for a week now. He still started awkward conversations and tried to get to know me, but since I would either just not reply or give an answer without actually answering, he would resort to just telling me his answer in detail. Although I didn't care, I did listen because it felt rude not to. He hasn't done anything wrong and is a nice guy, however, I wish he didn't try so much.
Me and Jesse were on our way back to Jackson, on our horses, we finally ran into infected today so it wasn't entirely boring, even if it was only 2 runners.
"So, school starts up again next monday, you're gonna go, right?" Jesse randomly asked.
I looked at him confused, "School?"
He looked back at me, confused of why I was confused. "Yeah?"
"Oh. Didn't know there was a school system for older kids here."
"Well, I went last year and it was fun. We learn a
bunch of different things! Like, grammer, poetry, history, all different kinds of science, some math.." Jesse listed on his fingers, "Oh! And you can take an extra class for art, or at least last year they had it. And then they have all the other boring stuff, like health.. survival.. combat.."
I liked the idea of learning more poetry and history. My ears perked up when he mentioned an art class, awhile back when I was super young, before i lived at the QZ, I would paint all the time. Anything I saw in nature I painted. I sketch from time to time, but I miss painting alot. Maybe they have the supplies for that?
"Art class?" I simply asked.
"Yeah! My friend E- uhh.. my friend took the class, she really enjoyed it actually. Do you draw?"
I shrug, "Well, i'm sure you're great! And you can improve by going to school! You should sign up for it, or I guess since you live with Maria you could just ask her."
"What do the teach in the art class?"
"Well, I didn't take it, thats not really my thing, but, from what i've heard, they teach the history of art, different techniques for drawing and painting, i'm pretty sure theres even a lesson on clay sculptures and you get to make stuff out of it. Pretty cool, I wish I was artsy."
I sat on my horse in silence as Jesse continued talking about his favorite classes, thinking about the idea of school. Real school. Not stupid QZ school.
The idea of learning more about most of those stuff sounded fascinating to me but the idea of having to be social and just around people was the mood killer.
Shortly after, we arrived at the gates of Jackson. We got to the stables as always, and as I began to walk away to go back to Marias, Jesse stopped me.
"Hey, I know social settings or gatherings arent really your thing, but I really think you should give it a shot. If you don't like it, then you can quit. But I think if you don't try then you'll regret it. So, if you do decide to show, find my face and there will be an open seat next to it!"
I nodded, "Thanks, Jesse. I'll think about it"
The next day
"So, didya sign up yet?"
I glanced at him from behind me, hes still going on about the school thing?
"For school classes"
"Yeah, I got that" I mumbled, turning back and continuing walking.
We had just gotten off of morning patrol and I was walking back to the house when he followed behind me.
"I'm guessing you haven't"
I shook my head no, he walked infront of me as we both stopped walking, "how bout' I take you to the sign up sheets and we do it right now?"
"Uhh, Jesse, I don't really think I wanna do-"
"How about I stop annoying you on patrol and shut up whenever you want, if you sign up for them and go? Just the first day"
I stood and thought about it. I would much rather hear the chirping birds then Jesse chirping about how his girlfriend broke up with him.
"okay? i- is that all?"
"What else is there to say? now, take me there"
Jesse cheered silently and started leading me the opposite way. He took me to a familiar building. This was the building I woke up in from my coma.
"I thought this was the towns hospital?"
"Oh, yeah, top floor is. This is a pretty big building and its like the main one, so theres alot of different stuff in it." he explained
as we entered, I saw a sign in the lobby that labeled what each floor was.
Jesse took me to the front desk, the guy in the chair seemed to be focused on something else as Jesse grabbed a paper that was layed out, and a pen from a cup.
We sat down on nearby chairs, Jesse placed the paper and pen down on the table infront of us, "Pretty simple, just fill it out and mark it off, kinda self explanatory"
I nodded, and filled out my name, age, guardians, marked off all the boxes of what classes I wanted to be in, and stated the job I had and what time I worked.
"now what?" I asked, looking at him, Jesse answered by getting up, a dick eating grin plastered on his face, and handed the focused guy at the front desk the paper.
"Lets go! Oh, you're gonna love it, I can't wait for you to show me your artwork-"
"Okay, you're annoying me, shut it," I couldn't help but smile at him as we walked out the building, "and who said that i'm gonna show you my artwork?" I snarked
"Uh, me? I did? And the shutting-up-whenever-you-want-deal isn't on until you go to school on Monday, plus I said only when we're on patrol"
"So I just did that for basically nothing since Monday isn't for 4 days and it only applies to patrol?"
Jesse laughed, "You would have missed out on a big opportunity i'm doing you a huge favor-"
"Hey Jesse" a snarkling voice interrupted, my soft smile immediately dropped once I saw the short black haired girl. The same girl who was holding hands with Ellie that night, the same girl who rode the bicycle with Ellie, I suddenly felt like throwing up.
"Oh, hey Cat" Jesse said with a soft smile, I looked to the ground, shifting on my feet, my cheeks were growing red from embarrassment She heard me call Ellie a dyke..
"Ah- this is Raine! Shes my patrol partner" Jesse said after an awkward moment of silence, a hint of excitement behind his voice. Probably excited to finally introduce me with his friend. God why is he friends with this girl? and what kind of name is cat.
"We've met." Cat says coldly, my eyes stay to the ground, I bite my tongue so hard I start to taste blood.
"Oh? I didn't know Raine met anyone other then me and Dina.."
"Well, I guess we hadn't officially met, but it was enough. Anyways, we were all gonna watch a movie tonight at my place, wanna come?"
I could feel Jesse glance to look at me, and back at Cat. "Uh, yeah Cat, thats.. good, what time?"
"Be there at 7, it's gonna be so fun, I bet you could get Dina back by tomorrow"
I couldn't take it anymore, her voice was stinging.
I sped walked away with my head down, I could hear muffled behind my ringing ears Jesse calling my name, but I ignored it.
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hellhound5925 · 1 year
Cyare Verd *Beloved Warrior*
Chapter Twenty
Rex's POV
When the blast went off, the droids slumped over where they stood. We did it...Then came the shock wave....the blast threw me. I lay sprawled out on my back looking up at the sky. I must be alive still...that's good...the squad....Raven...I slowly sat up and looked around. My head hurt and there was a loud ringing in my ears. Must have bown our or comms. I see no threat in the area but my stomach drops. Where's everyone else? As I survey the area, finally some familiar armor comes into view. I take my bucket off. "Sir! Sir? Are you alright?" He sounded muffled through the ringing. He too had taken his bucket off so I was able to read his lips. "Yeah I'm fine, just hard of hearing" I reply after a moment. He helps me up. "Injuries?", "I haven't been able to locate everyone yet. But I've got Hardcase, Dogma, Tup, and Jesse over there" Kix points off into the bushes. I slowly stand up and collect myself, the ringing in my ears is starting to quiet. "And Raven?" I ask, looking over Kix face for any clue as to how she is. "We haven't found her yet sir. Comms are down" he responds picking my bucket up and handing it to me. "We will send a group to the exfil point and see if the drop ships are there" I command. "Sir, yes sir" Kix replies and we both head over to the other four.
"Everyone all right?" I look each of them over quickly. "Hardcase, Dogma, and Tup. I want you three to head to the exfil point and see if the drop ships are waiting. Kix, stay with me, we need to find the others", "On it sir" Tup salutes before the 3 head off to do as they were told. I slide my bucket back on and use the HUD to scan for heat signatures. They've gotta be around here somewhere. Stepping over the droids we carefully begin our search. "Hey Cap, over here!" Kix yells from off to my right. I jog over and see Raven laying face down in the dirt. Kix carefully looks her over before rolling her on her back. "She's been knocked out" Kix says looking for obvious injuries. "I don't see any external injuries but there might be internal ones. Get her helmet off and I'll scan her" Kix commands. I do as he says and carefully slide her helmet off. She's definitely out cold. Kix scans her and looks at the results. "Her vital signs are good, but she's probably got a concussion" he explains. "I've got her. Go look for Fives and Echo", "Won't have to look far sir". I look up and see the two of them heading our way. Echo is helping Fives walk. "Looks like we got them! Di'kutla (stupid) clankers!" Fives says. I can't take my eyes off of Raven, I should have protected her. "Cap? Hey Cap?" I hear Echo. I shake my head clearing my thoughts - my men need me - "Yeah?", "She going to be alright?". "Yeah she will be, we need to get moving to the exfil" I say handing Kix her helmet. I scoop her up and I swear I hear her grunt "It's alright, I've got you" I whisper.
Raven's POV
I feel myself slipping in and out of consciousness. The wonderful thing about beskar is, yes it in fact can hold up against anything. However, when you are thrown 50 feet and hit the ground as hard as I did, it doesn't stop internal damage. My head hurts too much to open my eyes but I can hear very muffled voices through the intense ringing. Suddenly I'm being scooped off the ground, causing an involuntary grunt. I can feel the vibrations of someone's chest like they are talking but I have no idea whats being said. Rex...it's gotta be Rex. I nizzle myself closer to him as I feel myself slipping from consciousness again.
This time when I wake, I open my eyes to bright lights. I quickly squeeze them shut and my head is throbbing. Thankfully the ringing is gone and I can hear voices but they are somewhat muffled. My name is said and so is... Rex... I open my eyes again and sit up. This time I use my arm to shield my eyes from the light. I blink a few times, vision still blurry I can make out the two standing in the door, they are in white and blue plastoid. One comes over and puts a hand on my shoulder slowly pushing me to lay back down. "Raven? Raven can you hear me?"I blink a few more times and look up to where the voice was coming from. It's Kix. "Rex?" I ask. Kix laughs "He's fine. He will definitely be happy to see you" he nods at the second person in the room and I hear the door open. "Try to relax, you hit your head pretty hard so it might take a second to get readjusted" he explains. "Anyone-", he cuts me off "No one was severely hurt, Fives has a fractured ankle but other than that, just some scraps". I feel like a weight has been lifted off my chest "Thank Maker" I whisper and lay back. Kix hands me some water which I gladly accept. The realization is now hitting me, I'm in the med bay on the Resolute.
After a few minutes I feel like I've collected myself enough, Kix helps me sit up and swing my feet over one side of the bed. I notice my armor neatly staked in the chair by the bed. Looking down I see I still have my flight suit unbuttoned to my waist, exposing my tank top. Kix must have noticed me studying myself "Sorry, I had the medical droid check you over for any more injuries. Looks like you've just got a mild concussion". "It's alright, thanks Kix" I say smiling up at him. He looks like he wants to say something but is holding back "what is it Kix?" I ask. The hesitates for a second "You know me, I don't like to get into everyone's personal business....however....I've never seen Cap look at anyone the way he looks at you. I've also never really seen him scared but if you blinked you would have missed it. I can tell he really cares about you and I think you really care about him", "I care about all of you Kix. Whether you like it for not, you are all a part of my family now" I try to deflect. "That's not what I'm getting at and I think you know it" he says quirking his brow at me, "your like a sister to me too you know". "I know Kix, he does care about me and I care about him, but I'm not sure if he's ready for everyone to know that yet so can we keep it between us?" I ask. "Sure thing Sen'ika (little bird). But I will say, I'm pretty sure everyone knows" He lights up at my admission. "You know at first I hated the nickname, but it's growing on me" I laugh. "If it makes you feel better I call Fives Sheb'ika (little asshole) sometimes" he says so matter of factly, I can't help but laugh uncontrollably. "Don't make me laugh that hard! My head hurts! But that might be the best thing I've ever heard!"
Just then the door opens and Rex is there with Echo. They both give each other a confused look at my hysterics. Rex visibly relaxes. Echo comes over and sits next to me on the bed "You must be feeling better" he smiles at me. I lean into his shoulder "Other than a headache, I'm doing alright. I'm glad to see you guys in one piece. That got pretty dini'la (insane)". "Yeah no kidding" says Rex rubbing the back of his neck. "So? Was it a missions success?" I ask Rex. He walks over and sit in the chair across from me. I can see the tiredness all over his face. "Yeah, yeah it was. General Skywalker said the minute the base was gone, the droids all disabled. Whatever was in there was controlling them like we thought". "Good, that's good" I say leaning my head into Echo and closing my eyes for a second, "I don't know about you guys, but I'm exhausted". "You need to get something to eat before you do that" Kix almost sounds like a parent scolding his child. "Alright Buir (Papa)" I joke and he rolls his eyes. "I should probably go check on Fives. He's kind of miserable on crutches" Echo says before standing up. I grunt at his motion "I was comfy", Echo smirks at me "Hey you've got two other options in this room but I think Kix need to check on Fives again". The heat is rising up my face "I'll see you guys later". With that, they both head out, leaving Rex and I in the room alone. He is starting at the floor. I get up and crouch in front of him, resting both my hands on his knees, "Rex?". He slowly pulls his eyes from the floor to meet mine, "Yeah?". "Everything alright?", "Yeah- yeah- everything is fine. It's just been a long day" he replies. I study his face, his honey brown eyes have dark circles starting to appear around them, and only about half open. I stand up and extend a hand "lets go get something to eat and then some rest mhm?". He looks up at me and slowly moves to take my hand before standing up "Yeah, that sounds good".
At this point most of the squad had already eaten and/or opted for sleep first. Can’t say I blame them, fighting most of the day and being blown up is exhausting. Rex and I ate together, mostly in silence with the occasional small talk. Poor guy, he just looks exhausted. I roll my shoulders and my neck feeling the tension from the day “I’m going to get some rest. You should too”. I give him a look, knowing he will likely try to stay up and work on his after action report. He just looks up at me from his tray “I need to get started on the report-“, “Captain Rex, I am ordering you to at LEAST get 4 hours of sleep” I cut him off. He half smiles at me and gives me a lazy salute “Sir, yes sir”. “If you don’t make sure you are taking care of yourself then I will” I say getting up and taking care of my tray. Rex continues to sit there for a moment thinking over what I said.
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youre-ackermine · 2 years
If you get this, answer with 3 random facts about yourself and send it to the last 10 blogs in your notifications, anonymously or not ! Let's get to know the person behind the blog
Hello lovely anon ❣️
I got several of these in my ask box & I already answered once before here but I'll try to find 3 more things to say about myself...
1 - My husband is literally (physical appearance & height & character) a dark long haired Erwin & is so disappointed that I'm such a Levi simp 🥰 Dialogue : "Didn't know you were into short guys now " (sarcastic) & me with a smile "I'm not into short guys, I'm into Levi" . End of discussion 🙌
2 - One of my favorite books is "The Sad Tale of the Grossbart Brothers" & the author Jesse Bullington spent a few days at our house when he came to France. We had invited all our friends for lunch & organized a book signing session. It was so so fun ✨ The cover of this book is insane btw 🤯
Summary from fantasybookreview.co.uk : The brothers Grossbart are grave robbers, murderers, and proud servants (in their minds) of the Virgin Mary. From the first page to the last you follow the brothers from their homeland of Germany to the greatest tombs of Egypt as they fight off demons, witches, and all manner of evil beasts.
3 - I have no talent whatsoever, especially when it comes to art. My drawing skills, for instance, are the same as Erwin's 😭😭
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ben10ocfanfic · 2 years
The Tale of 10
Chapter 2
1. The classes continued as they would any other day. Mostly long boring lectures about what would happen once they left the school. Those who graduated the previous day were far to eager to leave.
2. DJ himself cursing the fact that they had missed a few days during a hurricane in the previous parts of the year. Forcing students to stay an extra day at the end. Even for those who graduated.
3. Despite this he was in far too good of a mood. Even with his previous nightmares he was determined to stay positive. Luckily his two friends joined by his side.
4. The first friend was a tall Latino guy his head mostly shaved. However a fade still remained. He also was naturally tan however this was far from the most prominent thing about him.
5. The most prominent thing about him was his missing limb. Josè had lost his left arm in an car crash five years prior. Yet he never showed any signs of pain since often joking about his own condition.
6."Oye, perra, necesitas una mano, cógelo. ¿Una mano?" DJ ended up laughing as Jose just made a terrible pun in Spanish. His friend to the right of Josè was less amused.
8."Not everyone here speaks Spanish guys have some compassion for the gringo."Rick spoke aloud to the group. Rick had a very skinny build. His hair combed back.
9. He was of Spanish descent as well but was far more pale then the two others. And had piercing blue eyes a clear contrast to the emerald green of Josè. The only other notable trait was that he was a bit shorter.
10. While not physically as imposing as DJ or Josè definitely outmatch the two in his intelligence. And in his social life as he was the only one of them in an actual relationship.
11."Don't worry Rick it was just a really bad pun basically he asked if I needed a hand."DJ explained. Rick just rolled his eyes and Smilied."well whatever the case let's not leave Jesse waiting too long after school."
12. The two of them silently nodded at Rick. Their mutual friend Jesse was kind enough to set this whole thing together. Especially considering he had graduated the year before."Ok I have a free period next so I'll tell him we're on our way."
13. DJ and Rick both smiled at their friend as he went off to go and make the call. A thought then came to DJ. "You sure Sam ain't going to miss you while we're gone?"Rick just laughed."I already talked to him plus he's gonna be in Hawaii all summer. So everything works out perfectly."
14. DJ nodded in all honesty everything was going smoothly and he only had two more periods. Yet in the corner of his mind something was nagging him.
15. He swore he was forgetting something. Like a memory was scratching at the back of his head. For now all he can do is get through his day.
16. And soon enough the day did finish an he walked out to the carpool lane. There he saw a big dark black RV. It was very much in the middle of the carpool lane and holding the entire thing up.
17. In fact he could see Jesse arguing with one of the teachers. Jesse was tall although not as tall as Jose who towered almost everyone at 6ft9.
18. Jesse had flowing blonde hair and a trucker cap holding it back. Along with that was plenty of flannel. Him an the teacher we're looking like they were about to throw down before DJ got there.
19."see jackwad my friend is here now I'll fucking go you prick."DJ couldn't help but sigh as his friend insulted the teacher. Out of all of his friends Jesse was the most aggressive although that's probably because he's a mountain boy through and through.
19. And he was never known to back down even if he was in the wrong. Luckily the majority of the time his heart was in the right place. The two greeted each other with a fist bump."you ready to head off?"
20. DJ couldn't help but smile at Jesse's question knowing this also applied the others were already in the RV."fuck yeah dude!"he smiled and hopped in. They then set off. Heading directly to the camp site.
(for anyone who's wondering I use Google translate for the Spanish it's supposed to say hey b**** need a hand. get it a hand? )
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hi skz pack <3 first of i wanna say ily and i'll literally die for all of you. you especially (y/n)!!! if any of these male boneheads hurt you, i'll throw hands (just kidding, maybe i'll pull on their ears a little and then pat their lil heads to say sorry). i have two questions (sfw and nsfw hehe) and it's for everyone so any of you can answer if you want!
first, are there any funny inside stories within the pack? i need my crumbs. i wanna know all the juicy gossip and potential blackmail. i personally think hyunjin and jisung are a chaos duo but i wouldn't... put it past any of you. *heart fingers*
second, and this is a lil spicy, but have any of you been dommed by y/n? i only ask because i'm a dom too and i am CONSTANTLY rooting for my girl y/n. does she dick any of u down??? does she top?? power bottom?? i need to KNOW. if she hasn't or you've never been, i implore you to let her. i know she has potential. BESTIE Y/N IF U CAN SEE THIS, GO CRAZY (consensually <3) !!! IM ENABLING YOU.
(jess sorry for the lack of asks, you know i love you. saw this ask thing though and jumped at the chance. i'll be back to my regular scheduled asks soon once college dies down T_T hope you're doing well!)
– 🤍
"Oooh, both of these are really great questions." Your eyes light up as you excitedly sit straighter in your chair. "I think we're gonna answer them individually, since there's so much to each one." You glance around at your packmates. "Which do you guys wanna answer first?"
Eight pairs of eyes stare back at you silently, and you sigh.
"Really? Okay, fine."
"You're up, buttercup." Minho quips dryly, raising an eyebrow as he stares at you, making you roll your eyes.
"Okay, first off-" You start seriously, motioning to the rest of the group. "I'm a complete switch, through and through. I think we all know this."
"However, there are definitely some key factors that affect which role I choose to portray during sex."
"This legitimately sounds like the start of my human behaviors lecture from last week." Jisung remarks with sarcasm, a smirk flickering across his lips. "Did you and Professor Nim collab?"
Seungmin elbows the other beta hard in the ribs, and he loses his breath with an audible oof. You shoot him a thankful look before you continue.
"The first factor, and definitely most important, is my partner's preference and comfort level."
Chan is nodding like he gets what you're saying, which is comforting, knowing that you're not just babbling like an idiot and making no sense.
Changbin offers you the hint of a smile as you push onward.
"It's not especially important to me what role I play, I don't have a strong preference usually, so if my partner is more comfortable with me domming, then that's what I'll do. If they'd rather I sub, and they take control, that's fine too."
Minho rolls his eyes good naturedly. "You're just a straight brat with me."
You point a finger in his direction sternly. "You don't count."
The other alpha smirks and shrugs. "It's fine. I'm not complaining."
"Anyway." You shoot him a glare and he gives you a little hand motion, as if to say go on. "Another factor that affects things is where everyone is at in their cycles. Typically, it's not the same for everyone, but pretty common, that when an alpha is in rut, they want to dom. Similarly, when an omega is in heat, they usually want to sub. It's biology's way of making things easier for everyone."
"I also tend to be a little more submissive when it comes to sexual interactions with the other alphas? It's not astoundingly evident, but my wolf's natural response when faced with another alpha-especially Chan-is to naturally be a little more submissive as a sign of respect I guess?"
You smirk now and dart a sidelong look at Chan, reaching out to curl your fingers around his thigh.
"Not to say I haven't dommed-a lot-with all of them. We absolutely do have sex toys, and I absolutely have used them, on everyone."
Chan sighs good naturedly and Minho snickers, Changbin grinning now.
"Gross." Jeongin rolls his eyes from where he's sitting in Felix's lap."
"Speaking of-" You point at the omega now, who glances back at you innocently, eyes wide. "-when it comes to the omegas, I usually tend to dom all the time. The baby and Felix especially. Hyunjin can go either way, sometimes he likes to switch it up and be in charge, but Lixie and Innie? They like to be coddled and taken care of."
"Pillow princesses." Jisung supplies without any guile, and Felix immediately nods.
"Hey, I like what I like."
"And we like you, princess." Changbin teases back, reaching out to pinch the omega's cheek affectionately between his fingers.
"Jisungie and Seungie." You think for a minute, considering, and then glance to the betas, who are not helpful in the least, giving you a shrug each. "Hmm. They tend to go either way. They're wild cards. Although Seungie prefers being in control usually, whereas Jisungie usually leans toward wanting to be told what to do."
"That's why Minho-hyung likes me so much." Jisung boasts, puffing his chest. "I'm a great listener."
"Bull shit." Minho immediately shoots back, and Jisung pouts.
"You're a terrible listener." You agree, and Jisung turns the full force of his wide eyed pout on you, making you laugh. "Everywhere except the bedroom."
Jisung shrugs, snuggling back beside Seungmin. "Whatever. I'll take it."
"When there's more than two people involved," You go on, considering for a moment. "That usually changes dynamics a bit, depending on who's wanting to do what. It's not as simple as just saying 'oh there's two alphas, so they'll obviously dom the omega or beta or whatever' because sometimes, one of us will dom the third party, and then the other doms the other alpha or vice versa. It really all comes back to, once again, comfort levels and preferences."
"Noona, if I came to you and hyung and asked to dom both of you, would you let me?" Jeongin pipes up, motioning between you and Chan with sudden eager excitement.
"Absolutely, Innie." Chan doesn't even hesitation, smiling fondly at the youngest, who is bouncing in his seat and making Felix wince.
"But you wouldn't." You grin. "Because we all know you'd rather be babied, especially by Channie and I."
Jeongin doesn't even consider pouting.
"We're a pretty non-traditional pack to begin with," You add, glancing at Chan, who squeezes your fingers where they rest on his leg. "So being non-traditional in the bedroom isn't anything weird. Channie is head alpha, but he never asserts that over anyone unless they ask. He's more than happy to sub if that's what someone wants."
"Who would want that?" Jisung cries out, utterly scandalized. "Dom, primal, head alpha hyung is the hottest hyung. Period."
"Hear, hear." Hyunjin raises a fake glass into the air in a toast to Jisung's words, and it's probably the first time they've agreed on anything in days.
"I mean-" You shrug, biting back a smirk. "-I'm not saying I don't agree with you, but I have to admit, there's also something intrinsically pretty about Channie being the one beneath me and seeing just how much he can take before he's practically begging."
"Oh god." Chan groans beside you.
Across the room, Changbin audibly chokes.
Jisung looks utterly caught off guard as he gulps loudly. "I need to take a cold shower all of a sudden."
Minho grins and raises his own invisible glass to you in salute from the other couch.
"That's my girl."
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badhockeymom · 3 years
Roope Hintz: on skating, style and growing up
So, the episode of the Finnish podcast Total NHL Forever with Roope Hintz was full of so much pure gold that I want to share some of it here. The episode came out on Tuesday 15 February, 2022.
This is a big chunk of text, sorry for that, but if you're interested - here you are:
Roope is from Nokia, the neighbouring town of Tampere. He started his actual hockey career in Tampere, playing for Ilves. (Yes, Nokia is also the home of the rubber products (boots and tyres) factory that later became an international tech giant and is now the name sponsor of the new hockey arena in the bigger Tampere.)
He got a big boost for his skating when he played in Florida for a team called Tampa Bay Juniors in EMJHL in 2012-2013, after junior high school (yläaste), at approx. 16 years of age.
"I wasn't a great skater when I was a kid, but I went to Florida to play hockey, and we had a Russian lady who coached some of us in skating 3 or 4 times a week, teaching us skating technique. The level of the game in the league wasn't too high, I don't know what Finnish league to compare it with, but it was good to get out there, see the world a little, learn the language, and the skating coach helped me develop a lot. I shared an apartment with a couple of players and attended online classes, and I had an English tutor a couple of times a week."
Ilves Tampere was his junior team growing up, and he played a little over one season for them in the men's Liiga team before moving to Helsinki to play for HIFK in 2015, after his NHL draft.
"I wanted to challenge myself in a bigger organization, and a lot of players have moved on to the NHL from there. Also, I got to live on my own, move away from home. HIFK has the reputation that you grow from boy to man on that team, and I thought that it is a challenge that I want to take. The finances [Ilves was near-bankrupt at that point in time] had nothing to do with it. I made the decision based on where I thought I would personally develop best and what would be the best next step for me. I had great mentors there, Juhamatti Aaltonen and Siim Liivik for example. Liivik took me under his wing, he was kind of a big brother for me, and we have remained good friends."
About WJC 2016:
"The team spirit was great from the start. We all knew each other, we had been on the same path [the youth NT development program] from very young, and it all peaked in the home tournament, and we got the brightest medal, it was amazing. The fan thing after that was so huge, we'd be asked for pics and autographs everywhere after that, got recognized on the streets even though we were only the junior team. But you learned interacting with fans there, it's just a thing that you do, take the pics, sign the autograph, and go on to do the thing you're there to do."
"I have some kind of contact with everyone from that team basically, and of course with some the contact is more frequent. When we play each other, we'll at least meet up after the game. Lately we haven't had the chance to go to dinner because of the corona situation, but that's what we usually do."
The closest friend(s) from the WCJ team:
"I have pretty many. Pulju, Pate, Sepe, Mikko, Kassu. [Jesse Puljujärvi, Patrik Laine, Sebastian Aho, Mikko Rantanen, Kasperi Kapanen] I'm very close with all of them."
About the NHL:
"My mindset was that I'll play that one season in the AHL but I want to be ready to play in the NHL after that. I went back and forth on the next season, and I was never told what I should specifically focus on improving, the message was just that they want me to get more minutes."
"Little by little I got more responsibility and playing time on the Dallas Stars. In this and the previous season, we have found a good line and learned to play well together."
On playing with Robertson and Pavelski:
"We see the game similarly. We all are like, when you pass to the other guy, you know there's a chance you'll get the puck back. I try to use my speed to our advance, and Pavelski is a magical goalscorer, he is one of the best close to the goal in the whole league. And Robertson, he's not necessarily the fastest guy on the ice, but when the computer he has starts to run, his game IQ is just ridiculous. When I know that he has the puck, and find the space for us, I know that he will find his way there.
Pavelski is special.
"He's easily the best golfer on our team, and his hand-eye coordination is amazing with the puck. He practices his shots every morning. I have noticed that his will to win is outstanding. When the stakes are high, there is a big game or a clutch moment, he has the ability to play his best game right at that moment. He can do things that not everyone can. He's not too over-the-top pump you up hype guy, but he will say "we're doing fine, let's just keep going." I'd say he's the biggest leader of our team, in the locker room and on the ice.
Who leads the Finnish Mafia?
"Miro on the ice, in the locker room we Finns are not the loudest. When we're just Finns? I don't know, maybe Esa, he's been here the longest, but we stand our ground against him pretty well when we need to. It's unique to have 5 finns on the team. When I was in the AHL team, I was the only Finn. It's great to be able to communicate on your own language, and we are all alike and like the same things, we like hanging out together. We all except Esa live in the same building, Esa has his house a little further away."
The hardest D-men to play against: Makar, Hedman, Josi. The hardest Finns to play against: Last year it was Hakanpää.
The most stylish player in the NHL [when it comes to their game I think]: Patrick Kane and Panarin.
"Panarin is always a threat when he has the puck. He can pace and control the game, and he's pretty skilled too."
About style and fashion off the ice:
"Style is important to me. I like to wear clothes that not everyone has, I pay attention to that kind of stuff. I have been like that ever since a kid, I have always paid attention to my outfits. We have to wear suits on game days. The dress code was looser last season but now it's suits again. I think it should be the same as in the NBA, you can choose what to wear. I liked last year, you could choose more freely and express yourself with your clothes a bit."
"You've got to love how Pate (Patrik Laine) comes to the arena in his yellow glasses and different hats. Pate is who he is, he's himself, he doesn't ask what other people think."
"Older players like it too, that younger players dress differently and show personality. Out of older players, Radulov is really stylish. When he puts his teeth back in his mouth after the game, he's a totally different looking guy."
What do the Dallas Stars need now?
"We need consistency, and we have to be able to win the best teams on the road."
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bi-bard · 3 years
You Signed Up for This - Writing Challenge Masterlist
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This is a masterlist for my writing challenge for Maisie Peters' album "You Signed Up for This"
Each imagine is based on a different song from that album.
Unlike my last writing challenge, I won't be using a random number generator, I'll just be writing the imagines in order.
I hope that you enjoy!
1. You Signed Up for This
I Know I'll Get Better, I'm Just Not Better Yet Dean Forester (Gilmore Girls) X Reader (Y/n) realizes that Rory is truly the golden apple of Stars Hollow. However, (Y/n) didn't realize that she would influence so many parts of their personal life.
2. I'm Trying (Not Friends)
But One of Us Has Gotta Try to Keep a Promise Oliver Queen (Arrow) X Reader (Y/n) and Felicity were best friends while Oliver and (Y/n) were together. Now, (Y/n) finds a wall between them once Oliver and Felicity confess their feelings for each other. All they want is answers.
3. John Hughes Movie
'Cause if You Don't Want Me, Then You're Not the One Dean Winchester (Supernatural) X Reader After years of watching the same pattern, (Y/n) realizes that Dean isn't going to choose them. At least, that's the conclusion that (Y/n) draws.
4. Outdoor Pool
And You Only Kissed Me Once; Nothing Changed at All Jess Mariano (Gilmore Girls) X Reader (Y/n) is ecstatic to finally be the first choice. To not come second to anyone else. If only that were the truth of the situation.
5. Love Him I Don't
Guess That Was My Stubborn Season Lonnie Machin (Arrow) X Reader (Y/n) discovers the truth about Lonnie's job and life. Sadly, that's not just something that can be smoothed over with kind words and a kiss.
6. Psycho
Playing a Perfect Patrick Bateman Bruce Wayne (Gotham) X Reader After all that he had through, it took a lot for Bruce to find a group of friends of his own. However, did he care about who had to step on in order to get them to stay?
7. Boy
And I Can Do Better Than This Sam Winchester (Supernatural) X Reader (Season 6) After losing his soul, Sam makes a giant mistake. Once he's back to himself, he realizes that it may not be as easy to fix as he had hoped.
8. Hollow
You Left Me Hollow Barry Allen (The Flash) X Reader (Y/n) had dedicated their life to protecting Central City. However, after a rift is formed between them and Barry, (Y/n) realizes the only way to fill the void is find a new place to save. Somewhere that didn't have The Flash plastered on every window.
9. Villain
I'm Your Villain Ray Palmer (DC's Legends of Tomorrow) X Reader When a perfect thing goes wrong, (Y/n) is understandably upset. They just wanted to take the time to heal and find their rhythm back. Ray doesn't quite understand that.
10. Brooklyn
If You Wanna Take Her Out, You're Gonna Have to Ask Me First Bela Talbot (Supernatural) X Reader Sam and Dean find out that their sibling is hiding a relationship about them. Naturally, the brothers step forward to be protective of (Y/n).
11. Elvis Song
I'm In Over My Head Lance Sweets (Bones) X Reader Fear can be a strong motivator. Lance can also be very persuasive. Sometimes good doesn't mean too good to be true.
12. Talking to Strangers
Talking to Strangers About You Temperance Brennan (Bones) X Reader (Y/n) realizes through a talk with Angela that they aren't the only one rambling about lucky they feel in their current relationship.
13. Volcano
Thought I'd be a Cool Girl but Turns Out I'm Livid Lydia Martin (Teen Wolf) X Reader Break-ups can be incredibly messy or clean. It all depends on how both parties act. Lydia decided that the clean route was too boring and (Y/n) is pissed.
14. Tough Act
But I Hope I'm One Tough Act to Follow Diana Prince (Wonder Woman) X Reader There's a collection of books written by a young author named (Y/n) (Y/l/n). However, the books were only published after (Y/n) had passed away. Who was this person so dedicated to keeping (Y/n)'s memory alive?
What I Write For
Request Guidelines
Some Original Characters
folklore/evermore Writing Challenge (and Masterlist)
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helpbutton95 · 3 years
For the 100 ways to say I Love You prompt, I give you number 3 “no, no, it’s my treat”
Hope you’ll have fun 🙃
It had started with little things. A carton of ice cream or a bottle of wine. Kara had been oblivious after all the first time it had happened she had bumped into Lena in Noonans where she had invited her to lunch. It wouldn't be the first time Kara heard the words, "No, no, it's my treat."
Kara had never been oblivious. She wasn't like that, after all, she was Supergirl. Supergirl was sharp, focussed noticed the finer details. She just... Didn't notice human social queues very well. Lena's treats, continued, flowers overflowing Kara's office, unrestricted access to Lena Luthor's office. Not many in the noble house of El had that privilege. Or rather it had been revoked. The first time Kara gets a hint that it might be something more was when they went to Metropolis. Kara to interview the new tech giant slowly encroaching on Lena's patch. Lena had said she had a business meeting and would be going anyway that they should just take a private jet.
"Lena, I can't agree to that," Kara protested and Lena shrugged as if it was nothing.
"I was going to go anyway, Kara, I might as well move it forward a week and spend some time with my best friend."
"But it's a lot of money to spend on a plane, Lena."
"It's fine it's my treat," Lena waved off before turning back to her book.
Kara hadn't felt the need to question it, not really after all, Lena was going anyway so it wasn't that big of a deal. 
It wasn't until Alex had told her that apparently it was a huge deal. 
"She's changed her entire itinerary for you, Kara," Alex had stressed as the walked along the promenade. 
"So?" Kara had shrugged as she tried to fit the whole donut into her mouth. 
"So?" Alex repeated with an eye roll. "So, Jess must spend weeks organising her diary down to the second to just change it on a whim cause you're going to metropolis and she wants to go with you, makes it a thing." 
"She's just being generous," Kara muttered as she swallowed the donut. 
"Maggie bought me tickets to Bare naked ladies, that's generous. Changing her entire week to fit around your schedule?" Alex left the question hanging and Kara tried to ignore it, she chose not to answer her sister. But it had planted the seed in her mind, Kara began to notice that as much as money was no object for Lena, Lena made an effort to show Kara the finer side of human life. Soon, all she heard was 'No, no, it's my treat." 
It began to become more and more noticeable the way Lena's platinum card would appear, the same phrase appearing over and over. It didn't make Kara uncomfortable until one night when Lena was working late when they were supposed to be watching an Officer and a Gentleman, a great film in Kara's eyes. Kara glanced at Lena as she typed quickly over her laptop. 
"I'm almost done, then I'll watch this terrible 80's film," Lena muttered, waving her off, the familiar crease between her brows. 
 "Do you think I'm poor?" Kara had asked, chewing the inside of her lip. The irritating typing on Lena's laptop stops completely. 
"What?" Lena asked, looking up with wide eyes. Green eyes were searching Kara's face for some explanation and it made Kara fidget with her glasses.
"I was just wondering, I just... I noticed that you like to buy me things, and it's not that I don't appreciate it Lena," Kara quickly amended, "I just wanted to be clear that... I have money." 
Lena's eyes narrowed slightly as her brain tried to process the words spilling from Kara's mouth. Lena shut the laptop slowly and Kara could see the muscle in her jaw popping as the vein in her forehead began to show. A clear sign that Lena was trying to keep her emotions at bay. 
"I- I don't think you're poor, Kara," Lena explained slowly. "I just wanted to do something nice for my friend." 
The word friend was like a gunshot to Kara's chest because Lena looked wounded by Kara's words. 
"I, uh, I should go, Kara," Lena said after a moment's silence. She stood lifting her laptop and Kara was scrambling to stand after her.
"No, Lena, I didn't mean-" 
"I have to finish this work and I'm not going to stop until I do," Lena dismissed, not acknowledging Kara's protest. "Enjoy your movie, Kara." 
It had gotten a little better, Lena had come around after ice cream and Kara bought the most expensive scotch she could afford.
"I'm sorry for being a jerk," Kara whispered, handing Lena the scotch and Lena sent her a look of mild irritation before moving away from the door.
"You weren't a jerk, Kara," Lena said as she let Kara into the apartment. Kara followed happily as Lena relaxed. She could do this, Kara thought they were just friends after all. That's all Lena wanted. The evening is filled with small talk and take out.
"I'm sorry if me buying things for you made you uncomfortable," Lena said, after an hour into the movie. "I just wanted to show you that I do care, Kara, I know you don't have a lot of money and I don't want you to feel like we can't do things."
Kara regarded Lena for a moment and it slowly dawns on her the way Lena looks up at her. That Alex might be right. After Kara cleared her throat and they finished the movie and friends night, Kara's mind didn't stop. Did Lena like her? Was that a thing? Could it be? Could they be together? Kara began noticing more and more. More than before. The way Lena's heart did a small flutter when their hands brushed or the way she looked up at Kara with a look that showed her feelings. There was no wall, no guard up. Just Lena. Just Lena, who was her best friend, who had been there for Kara no matter what, who had taken the fact Kara was a crime fighting alien like it was nothing, that she knew from Kara's fifth visit to her office.
It happened on a normal Friday, a night that was often filled with movie night, an excuse to get Lena home and not work. It had been exhausting for both of them, between the regeneration projects, Lena having to work all hours with Sam on acquisitions, Kara couldn't really blame her for falling asleep on her shoulder, with both of them curled up on Kara's couch.
"Sorry," Lena muttered as she slowly sat. "I should go home and sleep, Kara, I'm sorry for keeping you up."
"I can fly you back," Kara quickly suggested, before she added, "it'll be faster than the town car." 
She couldn't look too hurt at Lena no longer using her as a personal pillow.
Lena gave a small smile, "Don't pretend you weren't asleep too."
In truth, Kara wasn't asleep. She was far too focused on Lena, how soft Lena was pressed against her, the feel of her chest against her side, her leg draped between Kara's... No, the last thing Kara had been thinking about was sleep.
Kara shrugged before standing and pulling Lena to her feet. The feeling of Lena's arms slipping around Kara's shoulders made her stomach flip before she scooped Lena into her arms. A small squeak from the half asleep CEO made her laugh before slowly floating and Kara felt Lena's grip tighten. Kara flew as quickly and gently as she could, trying not to hit the billboard when Lena tucked her face into the crook of Kara's neck.
It was distracting, the feeling of Lena's lips ghosting over her skin, the way her grip tightened when Kara slowly turned, the feeling of her thighs pressing together under Kara's hands.
It was over far too quickly. Lena's balcony came into sight before Kara was ready to give up the feeling of Lena in her arms. Setting Lena down, Kara didn't miss the lingering of Lena's arms around her neck.
"Thank you, Kara," Lena said as she stood in front of Kara, her green eyes searching Lena's.
"It was my treat," Kara said without thinking, a smile tugged at the corner of Lena's lips.
"A treat?" Lena asked with an arched brow, and suddenly Kara can feel how close they are. She could feel Lena's breath brush her skin and the way Lena's heart thundered in her chest. Her green eyes wide as they search Kara's own.
Kara could only nod like an idiot before she did what she thought would be the stupidest thing in her life. She closed the gap between them and took a plunge, maybe Alex was right after all. Lena's lips were soft, and Kara's stomach did a flip that she hadn't felt before. Kara's hand's came to rest on Lena's hips and it was soft, and everything Kara had thought sharing a kiss should be. When they parted and Kara looked down into Lena's eyes her face broke out into what felt like the biggest grin she could.
"That was quite the treat," Lena said as she bit her bottom lip and Kara nodded, placing her hands on her hips. "I hope it isn't the only treat I get, Supergirl."
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