#i'll take a shower and sit on the floor and sleep when i go home
cubot · 5 months
Coworker comes into the staffroom on my 15 and then turns her phone on speaker, stands by the door, closes the door, leans on the door, talks loudly annoyed to the robot receptionist on the phone.
I must have been blistering my vehemence because she left after a minute with a friendly laugh ("what can you do about these robots"), but I was about to rip my face off in front of her.
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marcsburnerphone · 8 months
And they were roommates
(Captain John price x F!reader)
Summary: that captain wants somewhere more homely to settle down and when an offer like yours comes alight on Zillow he must take up on it.
Warnings: some awkward moments but nothing crazy.
part 1 - Part two!!! - part 3 - part 4
You indeed did not see John price the next morning but what you did see was a handwritten note stuck to the fridge beneath a magnet.
“Good morning, as I mentioned my job is demanding. I’m not sure how long I'll be gone for but I can estimate at least a month. If you need me, my phone number is below along with my check for this month's rent and the next. - John price”
You reach for the envelope that is attached behind the note and pull it open and what the fuck. You knew he had to have money but in what world would someone pay this much rent for a house with a roommate? You immediately grab your own checkbook and write him for the amount that’s overpaid, making a mental note to make sure you give it to him.
Weeks pass slowly and life goes on as it did before. The only difference is you're no longer struggling to make ends meet. So to celebrate your success you order that 6 foot canvas you’d been wanting for ages and a new oil paint.
When you got the notification that it had arrived, thank god for two day shipping, you squealed and ran to grab it before the mailman even walked away. He offered to help you as he watched you give it a bear hug and waddle it through your door yelling out a meek ‘no Thankyou’. You dragged it down the hallway and into the sunroom resting it up against the wall. Ripping the clear plastic film off of new canvases comes in third place to the best things in life.
Sitting in the sun that evening you stroke deep blue oil paints that try their best to replicate ocean waters, and white specks that wish they could induce the same feelings stars do.
You’ve been at this same painting for 3 weeks, coming home and straight to it. Now that it’s finally done it sits sunbathing till it dries. You still visit it and admire its larger than life beauty.
John’s been gone for 1 month and 3 weeks now and in that time some problems have arisen, 1. The faucet in the kitchen leaks and below it the pipe also leaks and the only plumber that’s willing to drive out to your house and inspect it says he won’t be available for another week which means the water bill will sky rocketing till then. And 2. you have no idea where the huge painting will go.
You walk around wondering where to place it. You thought maybe the living room, or even in your room but after testing both those places it still didn’t look right. You can only think of one other place which is the hallway to John’s room. Of course that spot is perfect, maybe he wouldn’t notice since he only spent one night here. You grabbed the drill and got to work mounting it immediately. Once all was said and done you gave it a once over, smiled, snapped a picture of it to send to your sister and walked away.
John arrived back exactly at the two month mark early in the AM. He opened the house door as quietly as possible and removed his boots by the door to avoid the creaking wood of the floor and continued sluggishly hauling his bag to his room. Being the man he is, he notices everything, those watchful eyes of his never miss a detail so he does indeed notice and take a second to admire the newly found painting hung in front of his bedroom door before unlocking it to set his stuff down.
After a much needed and appreciated shower he reads the clock at 7AM thinking he can sleep for a little, that is of course until he hears a knock at the door. Making his way down the hall he peeps through the window and sees a handyman?
“Good morning sir, how can I help you?” He says opening the door.
“Good morning, your wife called for a leaking pipe, told her I’d come by sometime today.” He looks down the hall towards your room and confirms the fact that you're definitely still very well asleep.
“My wife? Oh yes my wife, that lady I could’ve sworn I told her to cancel this appointment we actually got it all sorted out.” He lies like it's second nature.
“I actually charge a late cancellation fee that must be paid upfront.” He inquires slightly annoyed.
“How much?” John replies feeling sorry for this man that drove out here and is now being sent away.
“100$ flat.” John shuts the door and quickly fetches his wallet from the pocket of his cargo pants and returns with two bills one for the inconvenience and sends the man on his way.
Sleep can wait.
You wake up to the sound of clanking in the kitchen and as a woman that technically lives alone in the middle of the forest you're terrified.
Grabbing the bat beside your bed still fully dressed in the least threatening attire, you tiptoe to the source of the noise and breathe out the strongest sigh of relief ever known to man.
“Jesus Christ John you scared me, what’re you doing?” You loudly admit startling him in return.
“Fixing this pipe that you called an overpriced handyman for.” You stare at him subconsciously admiring the way he looks, slightly disheveled, face screwed in concentration and strong hands twisting the wrench in his hand and let’s not mention the rise of his shirt.
“You okay?” He says removing himself from under the sink leaning back on his knees to stare up at you.
“Yeah, yes I’m so sorry, um so where did the handy man go?” He stands with a grunt and leans his back against the counter.
“On his merry way.” He replies, turning around to turn the faucet on checking if it leaks, then off to see if it still drips and as he expects, it does neither.
“How much do I owe you for the late cancellation fee?” That man has handled your plumbing issues before and you’ve definitely canceled late more than once.
“Technically you didn’t cancel on him, I did so don’t worry.” He says picking his tools up off the ground placing them messily into the tool box.
“Well Thank You.” You say awkwardly.
“Of course.” He smiles making the dimples beneath his beard awfully noticeable.
“Oh and by the way your rent is only two thousand five hundred a month.” You say walking to the kitchen drawer beside him and pulling out a check that’s already filled out and handing it to him.
“Utilities included?” He asks, grabbing the check written out for three thousand and also taking in notice that same scent that clung to those sheets you made his bed with weeks ago as you sweep by.
“Yeah I don’t mind paying more cause I mean look around, this place has my style written all over it which makes it feel more like mine than yours.” He looks baffled at your reasoning.
“I actually like the decorations, not sure I’d change a thing about it.” You laugh at what has to be a lie.
“I doubt it.” You chuckle and slightly blush at his kindness.
“No I'm serious, I especially love that painting in the hallway, where’d you get it?” You seem surprised at the mention of it and even more flattered at the compliment.
“I actually painted it.” He gives you a surprised look.
“See you’re even hand painting the art, please I can afford much more than twenty five hundred.” You act like you're considering it for a moment.
“As much as I’d appreciate it, I'm already grateful for what you pay.” You say truthfully.
“Also, welcome home.” You quip before turning around walking back towards your room to get ready for the day
John’s been home for nearly two weeks now and he’s slightly growing on you and you on him. You co-exist in harmony most times. That doesn’t mean the two of you still don’t clash from time to time.
“Good morning.” He says scrambling eggs in a pan as you walk into the kitchen reaching in the cabinet for a coffee mug.
“Morning to you too.” You say groggily, setting your feet flat on the ground and placing the cup on the counter, reaching for the pot to pour some coffee.
“If I can just- oh I’m so sorry.” He says accidentally bumping into you making the coffee spill on the counter.
“Oh no don’t worry about it, I can just clean it.” You say turning around quickly to go grab paper towels and end up accidentally running into his chest.
He grabs your shoulders to hold you in place and let your brain catch up with the speed of events.
“We will learn to both be in the kitchen together someday.” You affirm with a laugh that makes you feel alive.
“Hey the first week this happened almost everyday. If anything this is a huge improvement.” He jokingly abides.
“True.” You say as he turns around handing you the kitchen towel to clean it up. He watches you with amused eyes and a smile that still hasn’t left either of your faces and for a second something alights in John something that scares him so bad he doesn’t hear a thing you’re saying.
“John, I said did you sleep well?” You speak a bit louder, snapping him out of it.
“Yeah darling sorry I’m just going to take this to my office. I've got some work to cover.” He says hurriedly plating his food and scurrying off.
“Okay well I’ll be heading to work soon.” He doesn’t even let you finish before closing the door leaving you to stand there a little stumped.
“So I’ll assume he didn’t sleep well.” You say to yourself before pouring another cup and heading to your room to get changed.
Comments and reposts are appreciated <3
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norrisluv · 2 months
Tumblr media
summary: you go to the euro final with your boyfriend
warnings: fluff and smut
Lando and I were arriving at the Olympiastadion in Berlin for the final of Euro 2024. Lando was obviously cheering for England, the country where he was born and raised, while I was cheering for Spain, my second home.
“Our seats are 12 and 13” I nod and start looking for our seats. I walk down a few rows and finally find the two unoccupied seats.
“Lan, over here. Got it” Lando walks over to me and we sit down in our seats. We watch the players train until they finally go inside to prepare for the game.
“If England win, you sleep on the sofa.” Lando looks at me with confusion and arched eyebrows.
“Why? I'm not the one playing for England to win” I shake my shoulders and look to the front where some people are starting to dance
“But you're going to sleep on the sofa anyway” He lets out a low laugh and looks ahead like me, watching the show until the players from both teams start to enter the field. We started clapping and then stood up for the anthems. For the next 45 minutes, we watched the game with a few shouts and sighs until half-time, when it was still 0:0.
“I'm going to the bar to get something to drink, do you want anything?” I hear Lando's voice as I watch the players leave for the changing rooms.
“Hm, yes. A pineapple juice please. Do you want me to go with you?” He shakes his head negatively and leaves a quick peck on my lips.
“No need beautiful, I'll be right back with your drink” Lando goes to the bar while I stay on my cell phone. Two girls come up to me and ask for some photos and I smile and accept. Lando arrives and sits down next to me, sipping his drink.
“Am I really going to have to sleep on the sofa if Spain lose?” A smile grew on my face as I sipped my juice
“I don't know, I'll think about it. Pierre had to sleep on the sofa when France eliminated Portugal.” Lando's eyes widen and he looks at me. He stays silent for a few seconds and then looks at me again.
“Really?” I nod and take another sip of my drink, even though I don't know if it's true or not, I decide to say it.
“ Really.” The second half begins and in the first few minutes, Spain scores a goal, causing me to get up from my chair and Lando to let out a sigh.
“AH, Spain is winning” He looks at me with his face closed and his jaw clenched.
“Yes, I saw it” I sit back in my chair and smile until England score a goal a few minutes later. I roll my eyes as Lando celebrates the goal. He sits back in the chair next to me and puts his hand on my leg as I cross my arms over my chest
“It's the same now” He smiles and I continue with my face closed and my arms against my chest.
“I don't like you” He lets out a laugh and squeezes my leg.
“I love you too” The game continues and Spain score a goal in the last minutes of the game. When the referee blows the final whistle, I jump out of my chair, shouting happily. Lando, even though his team has lost, looks at me with a smile on his face.
“What?” I ask as he continues to smile at me
“I don't care if my country lost, I like to see you happy.” I let out a laugh and kiss Lando on the cheek.
“You're going to sleep on the sofa anyway,” he rolls his eyes and my smile grows. After the celebrations and me making Lando stay in the stadium to watch the players lift the cup, we get in the car to go to the hotel.
When we get to our hotel room, I quickly take off the jacket Lando lent me and put it on the back of the chair.
“Do you want to take a shower?” he asks as he approaches me, making me feel his warm breath on my ear and his hands on my hips, which makes me smile. I turn to Lando and wrap my arms around his neck
“Not now. I want to do something first” Lando smiles and gently removes my Spain T-shirt. He throws the fabric on the floor and pushes me lightly onto the bed, then gets on top of me and carefully runs his hands over my body.
“What do you want to do, baby?” Lando smirks and unzips my pants, while I take my hands in his, pulling his boxers and jeans down to his knees.
“I want you,” I whisper before joining my mouth to his, then starting to run my hands down his shirt, trying to pull it up. Lando lets out a laugh and stands up a little, starting to undo the buttons. He finally throws his shirt on the floor and brings our mouths together again
He runs one of his hands down my leg and ends up on my thigh. I move my hips, wanting more friction, but Lando holds my waist, not letting me move. He reaches his fingers down to the fabric of my panties and pulls them down my legs, tossing them in the same place as his shirt and my t-shirt.
“As beautiful as ever babygirl” Lando whispers against my skin and seconds later I let out a loud moan, feeling his mouth between my legs. His tongue dances across my pussy and I try to move my waist, but he wraps his hands around my stomach, holding me down.
“Lan...baby, please,” I beg Lando as I feel his tongue slip in and out of me. He lets out a few grunts against my core and I let more moans escape my mouth. He puts his thumb on my clitoris playing with me as he pulls his mouth away from me a little.
“Come on baby, I want you to cum,” he whispers before putting his mouth on me again, feeling a tremor run through my legs and my orgasm hit me.
“That's it baby” He stands up and completely removes his pants and boxers. Lando lies back on top of me and runs the tip of his cock over my lips and clitoris.
“Lan, please...I need you,” I sigh and close my eyes as he enters me in one thrust.
“Fuck baby... I won't last long” He puts his head between my neck and starts thrusting rapidly into me. I grab his back and dig my nails into his skin. I scream out Lando's name, wrapping my legs around his waist.
Lando starts leaving kisses on my neck and running his hand down my body, squeezing whatever he can. My fingers curl in his curls and I let out one last cry before of reaching my orgasm. Lando let his thrusts get stronger and faster as he let out several grunts
“Baby... I'm going to cum inside you” I bite my lips through the overstimulation and nod. I feel the ropes of Lando's cum inside me, making me let out a few more moans.
After a few seconds, he pulls out of me and gets up to go to the bathroom. He comes back with a towel and wipes me down my thighs and between my legs. A few minutes later, he lies down next to me and takes a deep breath, smiling.
“Spain may have won the Euro, but I won today too.” I let out a laugh and turn over on my stomach, resting my head on his chest.
“You always win when you're with me”
A/N: Let me know if you like it! Thank you <3
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hiitsm · 4 months
Bound by Trust: Navigating Turbulance Together
Part 5.
You hesitate to open up to your girlfriend about what's happening at home because you've been explicitly instructed not to share it with anyone.
Angst, Hurt, detailed physical abuse by a parent (reader talks about it to Alexia), lot's of Comfort & Fluff
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
Awakening to a sharp pain in your nose, you struggled to open your eyes, the left one barely responding. The room was cloaked in darkness, making it impossible to discern whether it was day or night. However, a comforting warmth enveloped you—someone's arms were securely wrapped around you, gentle breaths tickling the nape of your neck.
In your dazed state, you remembered insisting that she didn't have to sleep on the floor, despite her protests. Being close to her in bed made you feel protected, especially after the emotionally charged, yet profoundly tender experience of showering together. Those moments had deepened your bond, making the thought of being apart unbearable.
Attempting to shift your position gently, you inadvertently stirred Alexia from her light slumber. "Ale, my nose hurts," you murmured, your voice choked with discomfort. Panic seeped into your words as you added, "What time is it? I can't see."
Her response was immediate and soothing, the concern in her voice palpable as she tightened her embrace. "You're okay, it’s 3 am. I'll turn on the light to check on your nose, is that okay, mi vida?"
Nodding weakly, you managed, "Yes, please," and grimaced as another wave of pain hit you when you turned onto your back.
When the bedside lamp flicked on, the soft light revealed the extent of the swelling—your nose was significantly puffed up, especially on the left, causing your eye to swell shut with a bruise beginning to form. Alexia’s face fell with worry as she examined you.
"Oh, mi vida, it’s swollen quite badly," she whispered, her voice a tender caress of concern. "I'll grab some ice packs and medicine for you. I'll be right back, I promise." She squeezed your hand reassuringly, lifting it to her lips for a gentle kiss before hurrying downstairs.
Almost immediately, Alexia returned laden with an icepack, painkillers, and a bottle of water, managing to carry it all effortlessly in one hand. Her presence was a calming force despite the urgency of the situation. "Let’s try to get you a bit more comfortable against the headboard," she suggested gently, placing everything on the nightstand before assisting you to sit up. With a soft kiss on your cheek, a gesture filled with tenderness, she opened the water bottle.
"Please take these painkillers," she urged, handing you two tablets which you accepted eagerly, hoping they would dull the sharp throbbing. As you swallowed them, Alexia's next concern was to make the icepack more bearable. "I’m going to find a cloth for this icepack," she said, her voice betraying a hint of panic.
You could sense her worry and wanted to ease it. "Amor, please don’t worry, okay? Just use my shirt, it’s fine," you reassured her softly, managing a smile despite the discomfort.
Her chuckle in response was light and loving, appreciating how well you knew her thoughts without needing to see her face. "Is that because you want to wear one of my shirts tomorrow?" she teased, trying to lighten the mood.
"Maybe," you admitted with a grin, feeling comfort in the familiarity. "Your shirts always feel so soft, perfect with your scent on them."
You felt the bed shift as Alexia settled next to you, wrapping your shirt around the icepack with delicate care. As she placed it against your swollen nose, you flinched from the cold but quickly sought out her hand, seeking comfort. She intertwined her fingers with yours, a simple gesture that grounded you.
"Does that feel relieving?" she asked, hopeful that the ice was starting to soothe the pain.
"A little now, thank you, amor," you responded, grateful not only for the physical relief but for the deep, unwavering support she provided. Your heart felt lighter, buoyed by her love and care, even in this painful moment.
"I'm sorry if this seems like it's all moving too quickly," you began, your voice tinged with a hint of worry. You didn't want to overwhelm Alexia or push her away by accelerating things more than you had initially intended. However, for Alexia, the pace felt just right—not because you were hurt, but because it showed how much you trusted her. You were turning to her first for comfort, letting her be your primary source of safety and support.
"Don't worry about that, mi amor, we're doing just fine. I love you so much," Alexia reassured you, her voice laden with emotion, hinting at deeper feelings she was hesitant to express through words alone.
"I'm so glad to be here with you," you replied softly, your gratitude genuine and profound.
Observing your discomfort, possibly from the dim light straining your eyes, Alexia offered a thoughtful suggestion. "Shall I turn off the lights?" she asked, her voice carrying a note of concern.
In the comforting embrace of darkness, a peaceful silence settled between you. But after a moment, Alexia broke it, her tone careful but needing to understand more. “Has this happened before?” Her question was gentle, probing not out of curiosity but out of a deep need to understand the depth of past pains that had touched your life, specifically the treatment you endured from your mother.
You knew immediately what she was referring to, and you felt the weight of past emotions stirring. Yet, in the safe haven that was Alexia's presence, you felt a trust that allowed you to be vulnerable. You sighed softly, the breath heavy with the burden of memories, as you prepared to open up to her about your past.
"It's all so confusing to me right now. I didn't really recognize that what she did was wrong, maybe deep down I did, but she confuses me, Ale," you confessed, your breath shaky with emotion. "She can be the most kind mother, but she can also turn into a rage in seconds." You squeezed Alexia's hand tightly, seeking comfort in her presence. Sensing your need, she scooted closer, resting her head on your shoulder.
“She pushed me down the stairs, threw things at me, scolded me, told me she wished she never had me, hurt me physically a lot...” A tear escaped your eye, but you refrained from wiping it away, mindful of your tender nose. “And yet, amidst all that, I always said my mother could be so kind too.”
Your voice wavered as you continued, recounting painful memories. “Most of the time, it was just a hit on the arm or head, which I was grateful for because it could have been much worse. I know that sounds stupid. My father was never around when things like that happened, but he could always sense the tension and would tell me to keep it down because I should know how she is. That's why I pushed a lot of things down and didn't let them come up again.”
As you spoke, Alexia caressed the back of your hand with her thumb, offering silent reassurance. “No, mi vida, it does not sound stupid,” she whispered softly.
“A few weeks ago, all those memories came flooding back, and I wanted to tell you, but every time I tried, the words wouldn’t come,” you confessed, feeling a weight lifting off your shoulders as you shared your burden. “My first memory was when I was seven, and I wanted to have a playdate with a classmate at home. My mother didn’t want to have someone over, but I kept asking. She didn’t want to hear any of it, pushed me so hard I fell to the ground, and kicked me several times.” Alexia gasped in horror at the revelation.
“I always tried to be quiet about it because she would say things like I shouldn't have to talk about it, and that made me feel like it was normal. Later, I was just afraid of what would happen if I talked to anyone about it,” you explained, your voice heavy with the weight of your past. “But two days ago, it really got out of hand. I had bought that new jacket with you, came home, and my mother didn’t like it. I didn’t want to return it, and she shoved me, not realizing the stairs were behind me. She didn’t stop there; she hurt me more, Ale. My head hit the wall, that’s why that cut was above my eyebrow. I’m sorry for not telling you,” you confessed, tears streaming down your cheeks as you buried your face in Alexia's shoulder.
“There's no need to apologize, amor. You don’t have to feel sorry,” Alexia whispered softly, holding you even closer, providing the comfort and support you desperately needed. “I’m just glad that you could tell me now, and I will do my absolute best to support you where you need it,” she assured you, her words a soothing balm to your wounded soul as she held you close, allowing you to release the pent-up emotions in tears.
After letting you cry and holding you close, Alexia gently pulled back to look into your eyes, her expression filled with love and determination.
“Amor, I want you to know that you're not alone in this,” she said, her voice steady and reassuring. “We'll get through this together, okay? I'll be here for you every step of the way.” Her own emotions and tears now also flowing freely.
As Alexia processed everything you had shared with her, she couldn't help but feel a profound sense of admiration and love for you. The strength and resilience you exhibited in the face of such adversity left her in awe. She couldn't imagine the weight you had been carrying all these years, yet you still managed to spread kindness and positivity wherever you went.
Listening to your story, Alexia realized just how special you truly were. Despite the challenges you faced, you remained compassionate and caring, always putting others before yourself. It was clear to her now why you valued kindness so much—it was your way of bringing light into the darkness you had experienced at home.
As you both settled back under the bedsheets, Alexia wrapped her arms around you, holding you close and providing a comforting embrace. She wished she could find the perfect words to express how much she cared, but she hoped you could feel it in her touch and the way she held you.
The weight of the emotions seemed to hang heavy in the air, but Alexia was determined to bring a sense of peace to the moment. "Let's try to get some more sleep, okay?" she whispered softly, her voice filled with tenderness and care.
"Yes, can you please hold me?" you asked, your vulnerability evident in your voice.
"Of course, mi vida," Alexia replied, her voice gentle and reassuring. "I will always hold you." With those words, she held you even closer, hoping to provide you with the comfort and security you needed to drift off into a peaceful sleep.
I think there will be one or two more chapters to go. With a bit of a time jump, but I'm not sure yet.
Sending you all hugs 🫶
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the-kr8tor · 6 months
yk that post about reader babying hobie? can you write it the other way round too?
YESSS part two!!! Ly thank you for requesting! ❤️
Pairing: Hobie Brown x fem! Reader/ Spider-Punk x fem! Reader
Tags: Use of Y/N sparsely, no specific physical description of the reader, R is wearing makeup, CW suggestive, CW food mention, FLUFF.
You come home to a dark flat, save for a lamp in the doorway, you can barely make out the shapes of your furniture. Bones aching, muscles screaming out from fatigue, you trudge the small space towards your shared bedroom. Not even bothering to put your shoes in their proper place, or even turn on the lights. Shoes haphazardly tossed somewhere, you leave it to future you to take care of.
Wondering where Hobie is, worry is etched on your face with the tiredness from today. But the emotion is washed away when you spot him snoring on the bed. A singular sock on his foot, you see your oversized jumper on him with the words that says ‘I survived London!’ on it. Checkered pajama pants on his legs, arms hugging your pillow and his cheek squished in between. His comfortable attire makes you jealous while you're still in your work clothes, all grimey from today. You could kiss his sleeping face but the heaviness in your bones says otherwise.
Blinking the tiredness away, you stand on the carpeted floors, wondering if you should even dare to wash up before slithering under the covers and over to his arms. You could go shower but you're afraid that you might collapse on the tiled floors with how your legs are about to give out from under you.
You must've been standing for a while since Hobie sensed you. He sits up, one eye open, sleep still clinging to his lashes as he scrunches his nose at your weird stance.
“Are you my sleep paralysis demon?” He jokes, voice deep and hoarse from sleep.
“What?” You barely understood his words. “Hi,” tone wavering, you still smile at him. “Sorry I woke you up, go back to sleep.”
“You just got home?” You sluggishly nod. Hobie's already standing up to meet you on your rooted spot. Hands rubbing softly on your arms, he's jolted awake when he sees your heavy eyes fighting the urge to stay open. “Go to bed—”
“I need to shower.” You whine, not from what he asks but the annoyance that you still have something to do before you could melt into the covers.
“Do that tomorrow, I don't mind.” Hobie reluctantly releases your fatigued form, footsteps quiet as he opens your drawers for fresh clothes. “Change into these and get into bed.” When you don't move to take the pajamas, he guides you gently towards the shared bed, hands slowly making you sit on the soft mattress. “I'll take care of you, please? Do it for me, yeah?”
You almost falter at his sweet words, he knows exactly where to pull your heartstrings. “You'll be sleeping next to a smelly me.”
“I always sleep next to a smelly you.”
“Hey—” you say with a weak laugh.
“Kiddin’” he squishes your face in his warm hands. “change and lie down, I'll handle your face.”
“What's up with my face?” You touch your oily cheek, “do I look that bad?”
“Never, love.” Hobie presses a careful kiss on your forehead. “Never.”
You hum into the kiss, eyes closed, you barely register the fact that he has left your side. The bathroom light almost blinds you, the rushing of the water from the tap is a lot louder at night, making you huff quietly at the sound.
As you change into clean clothes, Hobie readies everything he needs to take care of you. He was ready to tuck you into bed but he comes back to you with the blanket drowning you. Your eyes are the only thing visible, nose kissing the fabric, fighting the urge to sleep. You blink rapidly, fingers waving at him.
“You look fuckin' adorable.” He says into the dark room, save for the lamp on the bedside table. You look like you're about to meld into the bed.
“Hmm, even though I smell?”
Sitting next to you, he lifts the blanket away from your face to get a proper look at you. “Let me check.” Suddenly leaning down, he sniffs dramatically at your neck, the tip of his nose tickles your neck. Giggling, you weakly push him off. He raises his head with a lopsided smile. “Nah, not really.”
“Just a bit.” He clearly jokes.
“Aww, maybe I should just shower.” You begin to sit up, faking that you took his words seriously.
“Y/N.” With gentle hands, he lays you back down.
You laugh, “I'm also kidding.” Spotting your makeup remover wipes next to his leg, your heart grows a hundred times bigger. “Oh”
Hobie takes the crinkling packaging, opening the sticky flap before he grabs a wet wipe. You watch him do it all with a soft smile and tender eyes. Hand splayed on his thigh, you let his warmth seep through you as he gently and expertly wipes the makeup off your cheeks.
“You're a natural.”
“I've got a good teacher.” He says, breath fanning your moist cheeks as he leans closer to you. “‘sides, I started using them too after a show.”
You fake a gasp. “So you're the one using them all.” Poking his pajama clad leg, you press and push until his smug smile turns into a playful grin. Hands warm, he rubs the wet wipe near your eyes, careful of poking you. “Wait, I don't remember showing you how to use them.”
“Why do you think I watch you do your routine every night, hm?”
“Because you love me, dummy. And you're smitten.” Your voice is hoarse but saccharine. He taps your eyelids, prompting you to close them. The wet wipe is cold against your skin but his warm palms grant you reprieve.
“That too,” Hobie confesses like he hasn't a thousand times before. “I was also curious about all the goopy shit you use.”
“Hmm, yes, goopy shit is the right term.” You relax fully, his free hand cages you in, it's placed on the side of your head for leverage. “Make sure you get my eyebrows.”
“Of course, love.” He indulges you, lips quickly pressing sticky kisses on your now clean cheeks. The tender act has your arms inching closer to his waist, enveloping him. “Just close your eyes, I don't look good from this angle.”
“Impossible. You know that's impossible, right?” You crack one eye open to see him tilt his head like he's chastising you, but his smile says otherwise.
“Close your damn eyes.”
“No.” You giggle out, closing your eyes. He pretends to rub harshly at your brow bone.
“Brat.” Hobie sighs, not from exasperation but from the sheer sweetness in his chest.
“Love you too.”
He hums before whispering back an ‘I love you’ that's only for you to hear. Your ears pick up the sound of the package crinkling. A new wet wipe is now gently being rubbed on your soft lips.
“Your lips are dry, did you drink any water today?”
“Mm-hmm, does tea count?” You pout so he could properly clean your lips. He's concentrating, eyebrows knitted, tongue poking out from the seam of his lips.
“I'm guessing you didn't eat much today?”
“I did,” you pop one eye open to see him frown slightly. “I really did! I ate a sandwich.”
“Just one? For the whole day?”
“...yes.” Your eyes glaze over from the sheer sleepiness.
Hobie cradles your moist face, his own incredibly close to yours that you grow cross eyed at his big brown eyes. “I'm gonna make you breakfast tomorrow. A big fuckin’ one that’ll have you full until the weekend.”
“I thought you were about to take a bite at me.” You chuckle, hands holding his face, nails gently cleaning the sleep off the corners of his eyes.
“Keep doin' that at work and I'll actually take a bite out of you.”
“Don't threaten me with a good time, Hobie.”
He rubs his nose to yours, the makeup remover rubbing off on his skin. “Sleep, or I'll take a bite right now.”
“Lay down with me?” You ask quietly and sweetly whilst patting the space next to you.
“Love, I have shocker’s gun in my workshop, the day I say no to that grab it and shoot me because that ain't me anymore.”
“So dramatic—” Hobie plops himself atop you. “Next to me not on top!”
“You weren't complainin’ last time—”
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mj-iza-writer · 3 months
"Whumpee sit", Caretaker tried to hide the frustration in their voice. Whumpee had been overly energetic for most of the morning. Caretaker was running low on patience.
Whumpee sat down without even thinking about it.
"You did not just put me in a sit", Whumpee frowned at Caretaker.
"I did, I'm sorry", Caretaker shook their head, "I'm losing my patience. I knew that was the quickest way to get you to stop for a second."
"I'm sorry", Whumpee frowned, "I didn't mean to frustrate you."
"No, you are perfectly fine, and I'm happy you have the energy. It's nice to see you getting better", Caretaker smiled weakly, "I don't think I got enough sleep last night. I was up late doing reports. Uhm, I might go take a nap actually."
Whumpee watched them leave.
"Wait, you need to release the sit command", Whumpee called, "Caretaker?"
"You can get up", Caretaker chuckled, "sorry I did that to you again."
"It's okay", Whumpee stretched their legs.
Caretaker came out a few hours later.
"Hey Whumpee", they walked past on their way to the kitchen.
"Hello", Whumpee whispered.
Caretaker stopped and looked at Whumpee with concern.
"Are you feeling better Caretaker?", Whumpee whispered again with a concerned look.
"I feel better. Why are you whispering?", Caretaker stepped closer to Whumpee.
"Earlier I-I didn't take how you were feeling into account for how I was acting. I'm sorry", Whumpee looked down.
"Whumpee how I was feeling had nothing to do with how you were acting. I promise you. I was up late doing reports, and I didn't get enough sleep", Caretaker frowned, "I should have known better than to do that."
"Those reports are about me though, aren't they?", Whumpee sighed, "I'm a bad dog... uh-person."
Whumpee got up and tried to leave the room.
"Whumpee sit", Caretaker frowned, "on the couch, come on. We need to talk."
Whumpee held their head in shame as they went back to the couch.
Caretaker sat down next to them.
"You did nothing wrong today, Whumpee. I want you to understand that. You seemed to be having a good day, and you were happy. I am happy that you had a good day. Don't allow my sour mood to ruin that for you", Caretaker sighed, "you deserve to have good days and to enjoy yourself. You deserve to heal."
Whumpee kept their head low and looked at the floor.
"You were not bad at all. You are never bad Whumpee", Caretaker patted Whumpee's shoulder gently, "if anything I was bad for not being ready to keep up with you today. I feel much better now, is there anything you would like to do?"
"Ca-can we go to the park?", Whumpee looked up with a small smile.
"It's raini..", Caretaker saw Whumpee's smile go away.
"That's what umbrellas are for", Caretaker smiled, "yes we can go to the park. If it's starts to thunder and lightning we need to go inside though. Sound like a deal?"
"Yes", Whumpee smiled wide.
Caretaker watched Whumpee play with the different park equipment.
The entire park was empty do to the storm. Whumpee was free to be as crazy as they wanted.
Caretaker held their umbrella over them. They laughed as a drenched Whumpee ran past.
A giant smile crossed Whumpee's face as they climbed up the slide and slid down into a mud puddle.
'It's nice seeing them get to act like a child. Most of their early days had been wasted by cruel people. Now they get to have moments like this. Though in their twenties, they get this freedom', Caretaker smiled, 'I can't believe I almost ruined today for them.'
A bolt of lightning danced across the sky.
"Whumpee we need to go inside", Caretaker called.
"Okay", Whumpee jumped to the ground and hurried to Caretaker.
"I don't think you could get anymore soaked Whumpee", Caretaker grinned.
"I'm sorry", Whumpee frowned.
"Not a problem at all. How about you take a shower when we get home", Caretaker smiled, "that way, you'll get cleaned from the mud, and you will only need to dry once."
"Okay", Whumpee watched droplets fall down their arm.
"I'll make soup for us, we can have a late lunch", Caretaker smiled, "we made that bread yesterday, we can dip it in the soup."
"That sounds delicious", Whumpee took off running for the house.
"Where are you going?", Caretaker called after them.
"To take a shower, I want food", Whumpee yelled.
"You won't get far, the door is locked", Caretaker smiled as they held up the key, "give me a minute."
Whumpee walked into the kitchen with the towel still wrapped around their head.
"Did it smell that good?", Caretaker chuckled.
"What do you mean?", Whumpee made a puzzled face.
Caretaker pointed at the top of their own head.
Whumpee reached up and realized.
"Oh", they laughed, "yes it smells amazing."
Caretaker set out the soup and sliced bread on the table. Whumpee carried out the drinks and napkins.
"The bread came out really well", Caretaker smiled as they sat at the table with Whumpee, "I'm glad we made it."
"It looks amazing", Whumpee smiled, "I can't wait for this soup."
"Let's dig in", Caretaker reached for their spoon and a slice of bread.
Whumpee looked at the bowl for a second.
"You can eat it how you want. I know you regressed back a little since I made you sit earlier. Just don't burn your mouth", Caretaker nodded.
Whumpee grinned and nodded, they lifted the bowl to their lips and slurped.
Caretaker chuckled a little at the sound.
"Sorry", Whumpee whispered.
"It's okay", Caretaker laughed a little more.
Whumpee reached for some bread.
"This is amazing", Whumpee looked up, "this has been such a good day so far and its only lunch."
"I'm glad Whumpee", Caretaker smiled, "I'm glad you are having a good day."
Taglist. As always please let me know if you want to be added or taken off of the list. It's not a problem at all.
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@notpeppermint @cyborg0109
@idontreallyexistyet @painfulplots
@whumpbump @everythingsscary
@skittles-the-whumpee @expressionless-fr
@theforeverdyingperson @legendarydelusiongoatee
@candleshopmenace @whumpanthems
@lavndvrr @ivymyers
@starfields08000 @a-living-canvas
@lumpofsand @watermeezer
@3-2-whump @risk606
@electrons2006 @paperprinxe
@whumprince @kaz-of-crows
@mis-graves @decaffeinatedtimetraveler94
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watermelonlovershigh · 10 months
6 Times You Get Baby Fever From Seeing Harry Interact With Your New Baby
AN: i've had this concept for while but just now decided to put it into words. if you have any more ideas for this concept you can send them in and i'll gladly write a part 2 of this list. hope you enjoy and thanks for reading.
This contains: pure dadrry fluff
{ dadrry - husbandrry - any harry era - baby boy ranges in age to newborn to a few months old }
word count- 834
Seeing Harry do domestic things with your baby boy gives you baby fever, even if the baby you already have isn't even six months old yet.
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1. You got baby fever just the other day when you got home from the shops where you had to go out and buy some pads and tampons because your first period after having your baby came to surprise you. When you left, Harry was sound asleep in your shared bed and your baby boy was asleep in his bed just down the hall. But when you returned home from your quick run out, you're met with Harry laying in bed with the addition of your five month old baby boy spread out on his daddy's chest. Both back to sleep. You conclude your son probably awoke and either needed a nappy change or a feeding which Harry did before allowing him to have some morning cuddles on his chest.
2. You had went out to have a dinner with some of your friends. When you returned home you expected to see your baby boy already in bed. But what you really see when you walked into your master bathroom where you'd planned to take a shower was Harry naked in the bathtub with your equally as naked son leaned up against his bent legs. Harry was making silly faces at your son which in turn was making the five month old giggle up a storm. The sight before you was giving you baby fever, even if you'd only giving birth not even a half a year ago.
3. You've been feeling under the weather which meant you've been laying in bed and sleeping for the better part of the day. Well when evening rolls around you use the little bit of energy you have to walk down the stairs and see what your two favorite boys are up to. What you see gives you immense amounts of baby fever. (Although you have an actual fever as well.) Harry was stirring the pot of soup he's been cooking for you while your baby boy was strapped to Harry's chest. Facing towards his daddy so that his active little legs couldn't kick the hot pot on the stove. And without them knowing you'd entered the kitchen, you hear Harry say to your son, "I hope mummy likes the soup we made for her. You think she will? I put somethin' special in it so hopefully she can get well soon."
4. After your shower, you walked down the stairs to a sight that makes you smile and gives you baby fever. The sight of your baby boy laying tummy down on the living room rug with a much taller and larger Harry also laying tummy down beside him. Your son was having his evening tummy time and Harry wanted to get down on his level and also have tummy time. You make your appearance with your damp hair and fresh pajamas and when your baby sees you, he starts to kick his little legs and makes cooing sounds. So you couldn't resist to also get down on the floor and have tummy time right alongside them. Only difference is they can lay flat, you on the other hand have two large milk balloons on your chest that make it more difficult to lay completely on your tummy.
5. You wake up to an empty bed. At first your chest pounds with worry but then you think logically and conclude Harry has probably went to the nursery to tend to a fussy baby. You get out of bed and grab your robe before making your way to your son's room. With his door slightly open, you peek inside to see your husband sitting in the rocking chair that's in the corner of his room, baby boy clutched to his chest, sleeping away. You'd think Harry was asleep too if it weren't for the fact his fingers were moving up and down his little back in soothing patterns. The vision you're seeing is giving you so much baby fever. You want to give Harry so many babies just to have the imagine of him rocking the baby in their nursery in the middle of the night forever.
6. The three of you decided to do a little grocery shopping for a dinner Harry had planned to cook for you later in the evening. Before leaving the house you told him you could bring the baby's stroller so one of you didn't have to carry him the whole time but Harry insisted on bringing his sling that goes over one of your chests. So as you're walking down the isles of the grocery store, Harry has your son in the sling attached to his chest, facing forward because he said he needs to be able to see the world around him. His little feet just kicked with excitement and his lips smacked happily as he took in the seneroy of the store. The view of Harry walking around with an infant on his chest is giving you crazy baby fever. You almost want to jump his bones right here on isle nine.
(no more tags are allowed because i've hit my number limit. sorry : ( )
tag list: @one-sweet-gubler // @harryscherrysugar // @hsfanficsrecss // @lollypopsx // @harrycanyonmoonn // @itfeelslikemytherapisthatesme // @damnasstyles  // @mrsstylesharry // @softmullet  // @meetmyblondemuffins  // @thegirlnextdoorssister // @stanleystyles  // @haarrrys // @michellekstyles  // @skyangel57   // @the-gardener-31 // @lhharrylilpumpkin // @yousunshine-youtemptress // @clairestylessss  // @kissmyaxe140  // @goldenmelonsugar-hi // @kaitieskidmore97 // @florencepughily  // @alienorknight //@dancearoundthelivingroom  // @swiftmendeshoran
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My Masterlist Masterpost
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tip-top-cloud-surfer · 10 months
The Danger Zone (Part 13) - Hangman
Pairing: Hangman / Fem!Bradshaw!Reader | OC
Word Count: 3.9k
This work, all my works, and my entire blog are 18+ ONLY.
Warnings: Unplanned Pregnancy; Military Inaccuracies; Daddy and Mommy Issues Galore; Arguments; Crying; Angst with a Dash of Despair; Use of "You," No Use of Y/N, No Set Physical Description
Summary: You show Jake the envelope and set off a bomb in your relationship.
Series Master List
Master List
A.N. It's Chapter 13 y'all. What else did you expect?
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Jake returned home after work, expecting you to be up and walking around. But when you didn’t call out to him as he shut the door behind him, he went looking for you. 
Jake walked further into your shared apartment and paused when he saw you sprawled out on the couch, asleep with the small fan blowing cool air straight onto your face. You were still wearing the clothes that you wore to work that morning. 
He stopped in front of you, taking a moment for himself. He had rehearsed what he wanted to say to you about the promotion. But now that he was home and you were asleep meant that he had more time to think over those words. 
Because it was not going to be an easy discussion. 
Telling you about what the promotion meant for the next few months was not a conversation that he even wanted to think about. The absolute last thing that he wanted to do was stress you out. And the second that you started to look upset or if you started to cry, he’d crumble into dust. He couldn’t think about your broken expression. He couldn’t. It’d haunt him for the rest of his days. 
So, he decided to start with the easier audience. 
“I got promoted today, little one,” he began softly, keeping his voice low as he squatted down in front of your bump. “You shouldn’t be surprised. It was overdue, actually.” The joking smile slipped from his lips as he glanced up at your peaceful sleeping expression. “But there’s a risk that I won’t be here when you finally arrive in a few months. There was always a risk but now it got a little bigger.”
Jake bit his lip and looked down at the floor, trying to keep his own fears and emotions stable. He deserved the promotion he got. He wanted it. He craved it. He earned it. 
But the timing couldn’t have been more shitty. 
“How do you think your mom would take the news?” he whispered to your bump, leaning forward and resting his elbows on his thighs. “Not well, right?” After a moment of silence, he nodded and added, “Yeah, that’s what I thought too.” 
Jake turned to look up at your face, his heart stabbed by the image of how calm and rested you looked laying there. He should have been celebrating. He was the first to get promoted among the Dagger Squad. Cyclone seemed to think that he had a long and successful career in the Navy ahead of him. 
But why did it have to come at the cost of the biggest moments of his personal life? Ones that he would not be able to get back if he missed them. 
“Let’s just keep it between us for right now,” Jake whispered to your bump. “I'll break it to your mom slowly, okay?”
Standing up, Jake leaned over and slowly removed your shoes in an effort to make you more comfortable. There wasn’t much else that he could do without moving you and risking waking you up. So, he got up, changed, and moved to start making dinner. He knew that you would probably be starving when you woke up.
Jake was in the middle of stirring the sauce when he heard you move. Looking over his shoulder at you, Jake removed the pan from the heat and walked over to you as you sat up, rubbing your eyes tiredly. Jake sat on the coffee table in front of you as you glanced out the window, noting the setting sun.
“What time is it?” you yawned.
“Not too late. I’m making dinner,” Jake replied, causing you to smile. “How’d you sleep?”
“Like a rock, apparently,” you mused, sitting up more. “My back’s going to kill me in a few hours, I know it.” 
“Anything I can do to help?”
“No, it’s fine. I think I’ll just shower,” you stated, moving to get up. 
Jake offered you his hands and you let him help you up. Pressing a kiss to his lips, you turned and headed for the bathroom. You returned a few minutes later, dressed in one of his shirts and a loose pair of shorts, as Jake was placing a healthy portion of food on a plate for you. 
“Thank you,” you told him softly as he handed you a fork. “How was work?” 
“Fine,” he responded, his voice low. 
“Just fine?” you asked, dropping your voice low in an attempt to match his own. “You know that makes me think that something bad happened.” 
“Well, something did happen,” Jake stated, causing you to set down your fork. When you looked up at him expectantly, he continued, “I got promoted. You’re looking at Lieutenant Commander Seresin.” 
“Oh, Jake,” you praised, getting up from your seat. Walking around the island, you pulled him in for a tight hug. “Congratulations.” 
“Thank you.” 
“You deserve it. You’re an amazing aviator,” you replied, releasing him from your hug. You pressed a loving kiss to his lips before smiling up at him. “I’m so proud of you.”
He nodded and gave you another kiss, lingering, and promising more later before pulling back. Resting his forehead against your own, he cupped your bump, gently rubbing his hands over your belly.
As if it was going to be the last perfect moment that the three of you were going to share. 
“Thank you.”
You retook your seat and the two of you chatted some more. You were in the middle of telling him about the crazy lady who called your office earlier when you remembered the weird envelope. 
“And something came in the mail,” you stated, getting up again. Jake watched you curiously, a little confused. You grabbed the blue envelope and returned to the island, holding it out for Jake to take. “It’s from your mom, I think.”
The sharp clatter of Jake’s fork against his plate caused you to wince. 
Studying Jake’s expression, you frowned. Your boyfriend’s warm and comfortable demeanor was gone in a flash and now he was staring at the envelope in your hand like it was a stick of dynamite that he only had three seconds to diffuse before it blew up in both of your faces. 
“I’ll take it,” Jake replied firmly, taking the envelope from your grip. 
You watched as he walked around and tossed it into the trash, ignoring your incredulous expression. He closed the trash can and returned to his seat, as if nothing ever happened. 
“Jake,” you stated, a bit scolding with your tone. “What the hell?”
You were tired of just pretending like it didn’t bother you that he didn’t share anything about his past with you. You let it slide what felt like a thousand times in the name of keeping the peace and keeping Jake comfortable. Especially when he just shut down and acted out like this at the drop of a hat. Frankly, it scared you, how quickly he could just change.
“It’s nothing. Don’t worry about it.”
“Jake,” you stated more firmly as you walked to the trash can. “Why are you just throwing it out?”
“Just leave it,” Jake grunted, not looking up. 
“Why?” you challenged him, opening the trash can. 
“Just drop it,” Jake replied definitively, still not meeting your gaze. 
“Jake, I’m not one of your ensigns. And you don’t get to order me around like one,” you snapped a bit, pulling the envelope out of the trash can. Tossing it onto the countertop in front of him, you stared Jake down. “Your mother sent you a card. Why is that causing you to shut down like this?”
“I don’t want to talk about it right now. I’ve got enough to worry about and I don’t want to stress you out about it.”
“Can you stop using kiddy gloves with me?” you growled, folding your arms over your chest. “I’m pregnant. And ever since we told everyone, people have treated me differently. Acting like I’m weak, like I’m going to fly off the handle, or have some massive medical episode if they have a serious conversation with me. Just tell me, Jake. I’m a big girl, I can handle it.”
“I’m not trying to treat you differently,” Jake defended himself. “There are just things that I don’t want to discuss.”
“Jake, we’ve pushed off this whole conversation for months now. And I would like to have it before the baby comes. And if not now, when?” you asked, him before pointing at the card in front of him. “Why is a little card causing your whole personality to change like this?”
“It hasn’t.”
“Then why can’t you even look at me right now?”
Jake turned to face you with an annoyed expression that made you grind your teeth together. The two of you had a bit of a staring contest before Jake sighed and looked away, running a hand through his hair. 
“I don’t want to fight about something so stupid and stress you out unnecessarily—“
“—You avoiding this conversation is unnecessarily stressing me out,” you interjected, causing Jake’s expression to sour again. “Every time I try to learn about your past, you shut down. A switch just flips in your head and you’re not you anymore. And that terrifies me, Jake.”
“It shouldn’t,” Jake insisted stubbornly. 
“Well, it does,” you snapped back at him. “I mean, if our baby asks you about your parents in a few years, are you going to shut down then? Are you going to storm off? Are you going to yell at them?”
“That’s not fair,” Jake growled, turning back to you. 
“It’s not?”
“No, it’s not. Don’t bring the baby into it.”
“Jake, the baby is the whole reason why we’re here,” you stated, causing his expression to shift again. 
“So, you never would have actually wanted to be in a relationship with me if I didn’t get you pregnant?”
“That’s not what I said, Jake," you snapped back at him.
“Then what are you trying to say?” Jake asked, annoyed as he stood up. “That I wasn’t worth the trouble of telling your brother and Maverick that you’re your own person if I didn’t get you pregnant? That I was only worth it when you had to deal with me?”
“So you get to bring my family into this conversation but I had to learn your mother’s name from an envelope that you would have thrown out if I didn’t see it first?” you shot back at him. “And it’s not my fault that you and my brother and Mav had shit go down before I even moved to San Diego.”
“I’m not saying that it’s your fault,” Jake stressed. "But I'm getting really fucking tired of having to prove myself to them. Nothing I do is ever going to be good enough for them, would make me good enough for you in their eyes."
"What did they tell you?" you asked, frowning.
"Jesus Christ, what didn't they tell me? Your brother thinks I'm still going to walk out on you. That I'm going to be a shit father. Mav doesn't say anything but don't tell me that he doesn't have a plan to get rid of me," Jake stated, causing you to stare up at him with an expression like you didn't know what to do.
"I'll talk to them about it, Jake," you stated quietly, causing Jake to sigh and look away. "What?"
"Are you actually going to talk to them? Are you?"
"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" you snapped, getting steadily annoyed.
“I’m just saying that your family isn’t perfect. And sometimes it feels like you need a reminder.”
“At least you know who my family is," you replied defensively. "I couldn’t tell you anything about your life prior to when my brother met you. And that’s weird, Jake!”
“Why do you care so much about it?” he pressed, causing your temper to flare up. 
“Because we’re having a baby together! And you’re making me feel like I’m insane for asking you questions about your past!”
“There are things that you don’t want to talk about, and I respect your boundaries. Why can’t you respect that I don’t want to talk about my parents?” Jake demanded, turning away from you. 
“Jake, I’m not asking for every little painful detail about your childhood. I’m just asking for an explanation for why you shut down like this when we talk about your family."
“Because my parents are assholes and I have no intention of talking to them ever again.”
“Why are you never going to talk to them again? Help me understand that, Jake,” you practically begged him for some kind of emotional depth. “I don’t understand, so help me, Jake. Because I would give a hell of a lot to have my parents back. What happened that made you feel this way? What happened that made you feel that cutting them out of your life was the only way to protect yourself?”
“I’m trying to protect you and our baby at this point,” Jake replied after a few moments. 
“Why do we need protection from your parents?”
“Because they’re snobby assholes who would never consider you part of their family. And I know that you’ve built up this image of our kid having loving family on both sides and grandparents to spoil them, but that’s not going to happen. My family isn’t going to want anything to do with you or the baby regardless of anything that you do.” Jake shifted his weight on his feet before asking, “Is that a good enough explanation for why I don’t want to talk about my parents?”
“It’s a start,” you stated, causing Jake to scoff and shake his head, turning away from you.
“Is everything fair game now?” Jake muttered sarcastically, earning a glare from you. 
“What have I ever kept from you, Jake?” you asked calmly, glaring over at him. "Really, what do you want me to tell you about?" 
“Why’d you break off your engagement to Connor?” Jake asked bluntly, causing you to stare at him incredulously. 
“Are you fucking kidding me, Jake?”
“No,” Jake returned, causing your temper to raise quickly again. “If you broke up with a guy that you were with, got engaged to, after five years together and your family seemed to love, adore, and respect the guy, what’s keeping you here with me? Besides the fact that I knocked you up.”
Grinding your teeth together, you took a breath to settle yourself. You turned back to Jake, who waited expectantly for your response. Your mind made up, you straightened, and stared him down.
“I broke up with Connor because he was an asshole who kept things from me because he felt that I didn’t deserve to know them, even though we were getting married, belittled me when I tried to call him out on it, and made me feel like shit because he knew that I loved him, and he took advantage of that to keep me there.” You paused for a moment, your lips wobbling a bit, before you added harshly, “But I’m really fucking glad that I learned from that mistake.”
Jake’s annoyed expression broke, but you didn’t stand around to watch it fall. Turning on your heel as tears started to gather in your eyes, you walked away from him. Grabbing your phone, purse, and keys, you moved to slip your shoes on as Jake walked over to you. 
“Where are you going?”
“This is your apartment. So, I’m going to get some air.”
“You shouldn’t be driving when you’re upset," Jake insisted, a bit frantic as he gently reached for your arm.
“I can take care of myself, Jake,” you snapped, pulling your arm out of his grip. 
“But you’re pregnant.”
“Congratulations, Seresin, you have eyes.”
You turned and shot him a look that made his blood turn cold. Reaching for the doorknob, you yanked it open harshly and stepped out into the hallway. 
“Don’t follow me.”
The door slammed shut behind you, causing Jake to wince and lower his head. 
Maverick was sitting on his couch, watching a baseball game when his phone started to buzz. Rolling over, he raised an eyebrow when he saw that Jake was calling him. Answering it, he held his phone to his ear. 
“Mav,” Jake returned, his tone sounding off. 
“Something wrong?” When Jake didn’t reply immediately, Maverick sat up, concerned, and alert. “What’s wrong? Is it the baby?”
“No. We . . . we had a fight and she stormed off and she’s not answering my calls and I’m pretty sure that she never wants to see or talk to me ever again, but I need someone to go and look for her and make sure that she’s okay,” Jake rambled, starting to get more and more hysterical as he went on.
And Maverick only felt his concern grow when he heard the emotion in Jake’s voice. Hangman was never the type to panic. Maverick had seen other members of the Dagger Squad panic in the air and on the ground, even just for a few seconds, but never Hangman.
If Jake was freaking out, Maverick was going to freak out.
“And I didn’t know who else she would turn to and I didn’t even want to think about calling Rooster—”
“—No, I can handle it,” Maverick agreed, walking over to the door. Sliding on his jacket, Maverick adjusted the phone in his hand as he reached for his keys. “Did she say where she was going?”
“What set her off in the first place?” 
“We were talking about my family.”
Maverick knew that wasn’t the whole story and that Jake was probably avoiding saying specifics to keep Maverick on the phone, but he didn’t press it. You were out there somewhere, alone, upset, and pregnant and that was Maverick’s priority. He could deal with whatever set the whole situation off in the first place once you were found safe and sound. 
“She took her car?”
“What direction did she head in when she left?”
“She’s heading towards base or you or Rooster.”
“Alright, well . . .” Maverick trailed off when he saw your car pull into his driveway. 
“She’s here,” Maverick stated, hanging his keys up.
Sliding his jacket off his shoulders, Maverick paused for a moment, thinking about what else to say to Jake. Was Maverick shocked that the two of you had a fight that resulted in one of you storming off? No, not really. But he needed the facts. And he first and foremost needed to know that you were okay.
As did Jake.
“I’ll make sure that she and the baby are safe. You don’t have to worry about them here.”
“Thank you,” Jake croaked out quietly. 
The two men stood on the line in silence, both knowing that there were more conversations to be had, but both also knowing that their priorities were elsewhere at the moment. 
“I’ll call or text you if she’s ready to talk to you.”
“Alright,” was all Jake replied. 
“Bye, Jake.”
Maverick hung up the phone and opened the door, taking a step out as you slowly walked down the path from the driveway. Tears had already dried on your cheeks and fresh ones appeared in your eyes when you saw Maverick waiting for you. After a moment, you broke down and Maverick rushed forward, gathering you in his arms and quickly leading you inside the house. 
“Jake and I had a fight,” you cried as Maverick closed the door behind you.
“It’s going to be alright.”
Jake sat with just the kitchen light on, giving him just a little bit of light to see. Looking at the blue envelope on the coffee table with his mother’s scrawl written on it, Jake slowly picked it up. Ripping the envelope open, Jake pulled out a simple card like the ones that people would buy in a store.
It was a simple card that just helped destroy your relationship. 
Opening the card, Jake paused when he saw the cartoon baby on the left side of the card. With his heart beating harder in his chest, Jake turned to read the paragraphs that his mother wrote to him.
I hope that this card finds you somehow, unlike my other messages. I miss you, sweetheart, and hope that you’re being safe flying around and not pushing limits like you usually do. Though I guess you get that from your father. He asks about you still. I know that the two of you have your differences, but maybe this new phase of life that you’re entering will change your perspective a little bit. 
I heard that you’re having a baby with a girl out in California. I hope that everything’s going well with her and that she and the baby are healthy. And that you’re getting married, which is the right thing to do. And I hope that the two of you love each other and your child with everything in your hearts. 
I’d love to meet her, Jake. And give her a beautiful gift. She’s the mother of my grandbaby and if you love her, I love her too, honey. You’re going to be a wonderful father. I hope you have a strong, sweet little boy to carry on the Seresin name. 
I haven’t told your father about what I heard, but that doesn’t mean that he hasn’t heard it. Please, honey, call me. The number’s the same. I just want to talk.
Jake set the card down and held his head in his hands for a moment. His mind was racing and his hands were starting to shake. There was too much going on and he had control over too little of it for him to feel calm and collected. He felt like the world was spinning and he was just getting thrown around. 
Angrily tossing the card away, Jake got to his feet and stormed off, heading down the hall to his bedroom. But when he stepped inside and saw your pregnancy pillow there, mocking him, a batch of hot, frustrated tears slipped down his cheeks. 
Dropping to his knees, Jake slammed his fist onto the carpeted floor, before holding his head in his hands and breaking down. 
You laid on your side in Maverick’s spare bedroom, staring out the window. You were in no emotional state to go back to see Jake and talk about your fight and you didn’t want to make it worse. Maverick told you to stay as long as you needed, and you were taking him up on his offer. You told him not to tell anyone else about what happened for now and he agreed. And after giving you some dinner and a thousand pillows, Maverick left you alone with your thoughts. 
Looking out the window, you rubbed your hand down your bump, hoping that you’d at least feel your baby move tonight. But when they didn’t move like normal, you couldn’t help the choked sob that escaped your lips nor the tears down your cheeks. 
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queensunshinee · 3 months
Time Of Our Lives || Part 16
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Part 16:
Patrick heard Liana vomiting faintly and it made him jump out of bed. "Li, is everything okay?" he asked from outside the bathroom. "Everything's great, go back to sleep," she stammered, and he sighed. He went to the kitchen and filled a glass of water, entered the bathroom, and saw her sitting on the floor, holding her hair with one hand and gripping the edge of the toilet with the other, trying to steady herself.
"Hey, baby, it's okay. I got you," he mumbled, placing the glass on the sink and sitting down next to Liana, holding her hair in place and tracing gentle shapes on her shoulder. She was shaking from the effort as her free hand also moved to hold onto the toilet.
"Sorry I woke you," she mumbled after a few minutes, not moving her head out of fear of vomiting again. "Don't be silly, is it something you ate?" he asked. His eyebrows furrowed as he handed her the water. "There was only regular milk at work, I probably drank one cup of coffee too many yesterday," she mumbled, and as soon as she finished speaking, she vomited again, and they found themselves in the same position.
"Come on," after a few minutes of this, he helped her get up from the floor. Patrick spread toothpaste on her toothbrush and put it in her mouth, starting to move it side to side. Liana could cry. She felt the tears gathering at the back of her eyes, in moments like these she remembers how gentle and sensitive Patrick can be. If he only wants to, if he cares enough.
He stood in the bathroom while she showered and didn't take his eyes off her, not in a sexual way but out of genuine concern. Because at the end of the day, Patrick loves her, even if sometimes he doesn't know how to show it.
"Shall we go back to sleep?" he asked hopefully. "There's no point, I feel better and in half an hour, I would've had to get up anyway," she shrugged as he handed her a towel. "Li, maybe you should stay home today?" he asked, even though he knew the answer. "I'm on a schedule and in a few days, the construction starts, I need to get there to fix some drawings. If I'm lucky, I might be able to leave earlier," she smiled at him. "I don't know..." he tried to protest. Just ten minutes ago, she was shaking in his hands, and now he has to let her get dressed and leave the house. "I'm fine Pat, really. I'll drink tea today, and I'll be okay," she gave him a small kiss on the lips and left the bathroom, concluding the conversation.
"Then there must be a pillar here, otherwise the whole thing will collapse, and we didn't draw it in the sketch." Art heard Liana's voice from afar, like an echo. He automatically found himself walking towards her, because that's why Art came. He didn't really care about the construction schedule; as far as he was concerned, the longer this thing took, the more time he had to come and see her work. An excuse to be close without being creepy.
"Hey," he gave a small wave, keeping his distance from her conversation but letting her know he was there. "Mr. Donaldson," she mumbled, and so did the guy working with her. Art could say that nothing happens in his body when she calls him 'Mr. Donaldson'. That formality in front of people doesn't affect him at all. It doesn't send a little shiver through him. No memories surface, and he certainly doesn't imagine that one day she might be 'Mrs. Donaldson'. He could say all that, but he tries not to lie too much.
"Miss Levy," he returned a toothy smile, and she walked towards him. "Why are you here?" she asked, raising an eyebrow. "Where? On the land I bought?" he was amused. Now that she was closer, he could examine her. He wondered if he would ever get used to the fact that she needed glasses now when she worked. Or the small wrinkle that formed on the side of her mouth from the number of times she smiled and laughed. He wished it was because of him. Too many times he thinks about the number of things he could tell her that would make her laugh enough to deepen that wrinkle.
"You look... green." he mumbled after a few seconds. She was pale, even for her. "It's January, I turn green in January." she retorted. "Liana." he tried a more official tone, a bit more concerned. "I'm fine, Arthur, let it go. Can I ask a favor?" she asked, looking at him with big eyes. Making him raise an eyebrow. There are very few things Liana could ask of him that he wouldn't agree to do. She must know that by now. "Always." he said quicker than his ego was happy to hear. "Can you give me Tashi's number?" she asked and saw his surprised look. "Why? Are you trying to steal my coach for your lazy boyfriend?" he asked, feigning amusement. He didn't understand the endgame of this move. Overall, he didn't understand what Liana had to talk about with Tashi; Liana hates tennis, and from what Art knows, Tashi enjoys talking mostly about tennis. "don't call Patrick lazy, can you give it to me or not?" she didn't answer him. "Will it hurt my interests?" he asked, pulling out his phone. "I would never do that, Art." she sighed, and he sent her the number. There are very few things Art Donaldson wouldn't give to Liana Levy.
Liana waved for a second when she saw Tashi entering the café where they had agreed to meet. She couldn't help but feel tense and wondered how to calm her jittery leg. Why couldn't she just act like a normal person and be more…cool.
"Hey, Liana, what's up? Sorry if I'm late." Tashi was a bit confused. A bit was an understatement. Tashi was very confused. 'Hey, it's Liana, if you have free time, I'd really appreciate it if we could meet' was the message she received yesterday, and that's how she found herself in a café, sitting in front of the girl Art has been trying to fuck without success for God knows how long. Tashi couldn't help but wonder what Art's tennis would look like if he succeeded.
"All good. I'm early." Liana smiled. "Do you want to order something to eat?" she asked, and Tashi waved at the waiter, asking for coffee. Her energy was businesslike. Always in a hurry. Always busy. It didn't matter that she came from the rain. It didn't matter if she was cold or hot. She had no time to waste. "What's up, Liana?" Tashi asked after a few more minutes of awkward silence. "Is this about Art?" she added. "No... Art's not involved." she answered too quickly. Why did she answer so quickly? "So how can I help you?" she asked, taking a sip of the coffee that had just arrived.
"I don't have many friends here." Liana took a deep breath. She knew how it sounded. Desperate and pathetic. But she had no choice. She really didn't know who to talk to. "So... you want me to?" Tashi looked horrified for a moment. Not understanding what situation she had gotten into. "God, no." Liana's eyes widened. "Can you stop with the leg? It's driving me crazy." Tashi said. All the chaotic energy Liana was emitting didn't suit her. It almost threw her off balance.
"I'm pregnant." Liana said quietly right after she took a sip of her tea. She examined Tashi, who looked back at her. "Patrick?" Tashi asked, and Liana looked at her horrified. "Of course it's Patrick's. Whose else?!" she defended herself. "So, congratulations, I guess?" Tashi still didn't understand why she was there. Why her time was being wasted with news about her ex from years ago. If it's not Art's child, if it doesn't become Tashi's problem, why bother filling her brain with this unnecessary information.
"No. I don't want this." Liana said, and Tashi couldn't hide her surprise. "I'm Sorry, what?" she couldn't stop herself. "It was a mistake. I'm on the pill, and I really don't know how it happened. I need to stop this..." Liana mumbled. It wasn't coherent, but Tashi understood every word. "You've been together for years, Liana, I don't understand..." Tashi tried to be more sensitive. "It's just not the right time. We need more stability, and bringing a child into something like this is just not fair." she said, looking at her for a change.
"I would go alone, but I need someone to be listed as an escort," she averted her gaze as she said it. Ashamed of what she was asking from the girl in front of her, a complete stranger in her life, yet the only one she could think of. "Patrick?" Tashi asked quietly. "He doesn't know." Liana's eyes filled with tears. "Please-" she had been thinking about this monologue from the moment she found out, three days ago. "Okay" there was no need. Tashi answered immediately. "Okay, I'll go with you." she smiled the most genuine smile she had to offer.  "Thank you." they both took a sip of their drinks.  The rain outside intensified.
When Liana entered the house, Patrick was in the kitchen, and she quietly leaned on the doorframe, watching him while he wasn't looking. Thinking about what she was going to do tomorrow. Knowing it's for their own good. He wouldn't understand if she told him. He wouldn't understand, and he would want to keep it, and neither of them could raise a child right now. She knows that. She knows he will hate her no matter what she decides tomorrow. If he finds out, he will feel trapped. He will feel like she has ruined his life. Again. Little by little. Each time draining him of the last drop of joy left in him. The last drop of youth.
"Are you just staring now? Not saying hello?" he asked, amused. He had felt her gaze on him for a few minutes. "Hey," she approached him and hugged him from behind. Leaning on his shoulder and closing her eyes. "Hey, Lilo," he was confused. Not understanding the sudden closeness. The last few days had been strange, to say the least. Liana and Patrick hadn't fought even once. She hadn't been feeling well, and he mostly tried not to bother her with his presence. He was afraid of making her feel even worse than she already did, and the more he distanced himself, the closer she got. The more space he gave her, the more she sought touch.
"What are you making?" she asked quietly, not moving an inch, still with her eyes closed. "I'm pretty useless, but I called your mom, and she gave me a recipe for the soup you like," he said quietly. "You called my mom?" she asked in a half-broken voice. "You haven't been well for a few days, Lilo. I wanted to make something that would make you feel good," their gazes met.
Liana started crying, and Patrick panicked. These weren't just tears welling up in her eyes but real crying with her hands on her face. "Hey, hey, Liana. What's going on?" he gently took her hands off her face, revealing how red she had become in those seconds, how sad she was. His hug was comforting. More comforting than anything she had felt recently. "I'm such a bitch. Really," she mumbled. "Lilo, you're the kindest person I know," he chuckled above her head, tracing small shapes on her shoulder while gently rocking her, trying to soothe her in any way he could.
"I really love you. You know that, right?" she pulled away from him for a second and studied him. "Of course, I know," he replied, "I don't understand what's going on, Lil. I need you to talk to me." He was half-lost, not understanding what he did or what she did that led to this situation. "I don't say it enough, but I really love you, Patrick. More than I love most people in the world," she said again, unable to stop the tears. "I know. I really know," he replied, hugging her once more, not letting her slip away from him. "You're okay. Whatever it is, we're okay," he said, and she nodded into him.
Liana also thinks that most of the time, they are okay.
The months that passed were more of the same. Liana worked on Art's house, meeting with him once or twice a week to show him the project's progress. Every time he tried to have a conversation beyond professional matters, Liana cut him off. She owed that to Patrick. She owed it to herself and Patrick to be okay. She couldn't let herself betray him emotionally with someone who, the moment he had a hold on her emotions, her entire system would recalibrate around him again.
The calm dynamic between Liana and Patrick lasted exactly two weeks. Liana was quite sure they didn’t know how to manage without fighting to the point where she wanted to smash a plate against the wall. Sometimes they went to bed without exchanging a single word, and those were the days it was hardest for her to be near him. Those were the days she also canceled meetings with Art because Patrick made her so angry she became indifferent. And indifference leads to mistakes. She knew that. She had seen it up close.
Now, with both Art and Patrick participating in the tournament in Atlanta, Liana found herself ordering coffee and soda at the hotel bar while opening her laptop, hoping to tie up some loose ends before sitting down with Art for a few minutes tomorrow. "Hey, Liana," she heard Tashi’s voice from behind. They hadn’t been in touch since that time, when Tashi went with her. But Liana had a soft spot for the woman in front of her. She used to be so afraid of her once, trembling when exchanging more than a word with her. Today she thought she and Tashi saw each other with flaws and strengths. Sometimes Liana didn’t know what her strengths were, but she always knew Tashi’s.
"Hey," she smiled at her. "Mind if I sit for a bit while I wait for my order for Art and me?" she asked. "Is he sending you to fetch orders now?" Liana raised an eyebrow. It was uncharacteristic. "Actually, no, I saw you from afar and didn’t want his mind to be distracted." Tashi said, and Liana rolled her eyes, wanting to say something. "There’s no way I could distract him right now. Not before I finish working, nothing to talk to him about" she said, and Tashi rolled her eyes and chuckled. Liana wasn’t entirely sure if something was happening between Tashi and Art. It wasn’t her place to ask him, she wasn’t in contact with Tashi, and her parents hadn’t told her anything special as gossip as they usually did about his life. Maybe it was just friendly, and she was purely his coach, but Liana didn’t want to be in the middle of it. She wasn’t going to disrupt Art’s happiness. She was with Patrick. Most of the time, she was happy with Patrick.
"Has he ever shown you his necklace?" Tashi asked. "Excuse me?" Liana was confused. "Art, has he ever shown you his necklace?" she asked again, slower, like speaking to a child. "No, I never asked, and it’s always under his shirt," Liana shrugged as Tashi took her order. "He’s such a pussy," she shook her head from side to side, chuckling. "So dominant on the court and yet, such a coward. Unbelievable. Good to see you, send my regards to Patrick," she smiled and walked toward the exit, not giving Liana a chance to respond.
Art was terrified. He was bored, so he went down to the lobby half an hour before the time he had arranged with Liana. He was so happy he could see her in person and knowing she was also in Atlanta, that he didn’t care the only reason they were meeting was to talk about the house. But now he felt the air leave his lungs. He saw Tashi and Patrick. Holding hands. Like that. In the fucking lobby. And while Tashi didn’t owe anyone anything, Patrick owed Liana. And Art was supposed to be happy because he understood what was happening. It was Patrick. No matter how much time passed, he knew Patrick.
When he returned his gaze to where they had been sitting, after giving someone an autograph, they were gone. His heart was beating faster than usual. He felt like crying. He was supposed to be happy, but all he could think about was Liana’s face and that he was about to be someone who told her something that would make her cry. Again. He swore to himself he'd never make her cry again, but he was about to. And he hated it.
"Donaldson," she smiled at him, causing him to jump in his chair. "How did you get so startled, you were practically looking at me," she rolled her eyes, and he smiled at her. "What’s wrong?" she asked. His smile was fake. Liana hated that she could still tell if his smile was fake. "Nothing, just thoughts about the tournament." he said. "You crushed your competitor today, you’ll be fine." she rolled her eyes. "Mind if I order some wine? It’ll help me sleep." she added. He didn’t know she liked to drink wine. "Of course. I would order some too, but, you know." he replied, somewhat pleased she was allowing herself to relax a bit around him. It took her only a year.
"So, I’ll show you a few things and then let you go." she said, sipping her wine, and he nodded. "Hit me." "Question, while the computer loads." she said, and he looked at her. Liana hated how his green hoodie made the bright blue of his eyes stand out. She had never seen so many shades of blue as when she looked closely at Art Donaldson’s eyes.
"Talk to me." he leaned on his elbow, not taking his eyes off her. A little reveling in the moment. A little afraid to ruin it. A little wanting to ruin it. Because the voice in his head told him he had to tell her. Liana had to know. She deserved to know. Art deserved a chance. He would never do this to her.
"What’s the story with your necklace?" she asked, and he raised an eyebrow, quickly running a hand over the back of his neck. "There’s no story." he answered too quickly. He wanted to punch himself for it. "Arthur. Come on, what’s the deal, you didn’t wear a necklace when we were kids. Is it a gift from someone?" she asked. "Are you keeping track of my jewelry, Liana? Be careful, I might think you care about me more than you let on." he knew it would make her change the subject. He wouldn’t tell, but the blush on her cheeks and the big sip she took from her wine only made the conversation better.
"This is the final plan. They started the interior construction two days ago." she showed him a diagram on the computer, moving a bit closer to him. Close enough for her scent to hit him like a slap in the face. He wanted to dive into that closeness. To reach out. To tell her and immediately promise everything would be okay. That he would be there to pick up the pieces. He knew he could.
"I saw Patrick and Tashi earlier." he said quietly, almost in a whisper. Not taking his eyes off her. "Oh, I didn’t know they were in touch..." Liana said, not moving her eyes from the computer. "Liana," he sighed. He hoped she would understand from the previous sentence. That he wouldn’t have to say it. "What?" she looked at him and chuckled, but her smile quickly faded when she saw his expression, "Just say what you have to say, Donaldson." she said with an uncharacteristic coldness.
She knew Art too well. Every time she tried to deny it, she could precisely recognize a look he gave or a joke that no one around understood. She knew how to tell by his walking pace to a construction site if he had a good practice or if he was tired. She knew who he was at his core. And more than anything, she knew how he looked when he was about to break her heart.
"They were holding hands and then disappeared from my sight," he sighed, breathing heavily. He said it in a whisper, almost not wanting to say what had been weighing on him. "Oh." she drank all that was left of her wine in one gulp and signaled the waiter she wanted another glass, returning her gaze to the computer. "I need to finish a few things, and I believe we can wrap everything up in two months. After that, you’ll need to work with an interior designer-" "Liana." Art interrupted her and placed his hand on hers, giving it a slight squeeze. This made her move her hand to her leg.
Without realizing it, tears welled up in her eyes, and the waiter who brought her wine hurried away from the table as fast as he arrived. "Talk to me, please." he was desperate to know what was going through her mind. "It’s okay, it’s whatever," she shrugged and looked at him indifferently, letting one of her tears fall.
"Liana." he sighed. "How is it okay? He’s cheating on you." Art wanted to raise his voice. He wasn’t mad at her. He was mad at Patrick. He was mad at the circumstances. He was mad at himself. "I know what holding hands and disappearing with Tashi Duncan means for someone like Patrick, Art. Contrary to what you think, I’m not stupid." her words were almost venomous, but he knew she wasn’t lashing out at him. He knew he was the closest person right now. He was ready to take it.
"What do you think is happening here?" she asked, taking another big sip of wine. "That I’ll hear about Tashi and Patrick and go up to your room so you can fuck me until I forget all my problems?" she asked, and he almost choked on his own spit. He didn’t expect her to be so blunt. That sentence showed how long she’d been in a relationship with Patrick. He spoke through her.
"No, Liana." he sighed again. Running his hand over the back of his neck once more but this time leaving it there a little longer. "I’m content in my relationship. Shit happens." she finished the second glass in one go and closed the laptop, ready to leave. "Shit happens? How many times has it already happened, Liana?" he couldn’t believe the level of indifference. He wanted to shake her so hard that her brain would reset and go back to the beginning. To reboot her self-respect that had clearly been trampled on more than once.
"Bye Art, good luck tomorrow." she muttered and turned. This time his grip on her hand was firm above the table. She wouldn’t be able to move him. Not now. "You’re making a scene." she whispered. He couldn’t help but think about the power dynamics between them now that she was standing and he was sitting, but he was holding her. She couldn’t move as long as he was holding her. And if it were up to him, he would hold her forever.
"Look. Here." he did the only thing he could think of and pulled the pendant of the necklace over his shirt. Seeing her breath catch for a moment. "Is that...?" She couldn't find the words and automatically moved her free hand over the metal. "Yes." He whispered. His grip loosened, and he let his fingers intertwine with hers over the table without her pulling away. "Why?" She murmured, not stopping her hand from moving over the pendant, her dorm key. The key he refused to return to her time and again. Hanging around his neck. "You know why." He closed his eyes for a moment. "Why?" She asked again. Not letting go. She had to hold on to something, and he knew that if he wanted to give her a moment of peace, even if not for himself—because for himself, he would have chosen another way to tell her, to show her—that all these years, she had been his good luck charm, even from afar. Right now, she was the only one who mattered. Only succeeding in changing the way she looked at herself and what she thought she deserved. "Because I’m yours. I’ve always been only yours."
Oh my god!!! I hope it wasn't too long. I feel like so much has happened in this part, but we are finally in Atlanta. What are you thinking guys? We've got a bit more Tashi on this one. I love hearing from you, so talk to me. Thanks for still reading and commenting. It means the actual world. 
taglist: @soberbabes @nina357 @lamoursansfin @marley1773 @ruyaas-world @apolloscastellan @primlovesdilfs @fangirl-kimora @serenadingtigers @imbabycowboy @do-it-for-kicks @izzywags478 @4deline08 @igotmajordaddyissues @jackierose902109 @ganana @yoitsme-04 @swetearss
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chrisbesitos · 30 days
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀madison beer × fem!reader.
warnings: nsfw, angst, virgin!reader.
synopsis: Y/N have been dealing with a bad mental health, because of the college and work. Madison wants to take care of her. Plus she never had a sexual experience before and Madison wants to make her first time special.
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11:45 pm.
Y/N slammed the door, she supposed to be home at nine, but her boss made her stay until almost midnight. Plus she got a bad grade in a test in college this week. Everything sucks this week and Y/N is not handling anymore, she's been holding for a long time, but now she feels like she's gonna explode. She took her shoes out and lay in the bed, her face against the pillow, Y/N want to scream.
Madison got in the dorm, holding her bag and texting someone in her phone. The lights were off, so she didn't see Y/N in the bed, actually she thought she was still at work. Madison turned the lights on and then she saw Y/N, she tossed her bag on the floor and sat on Y/N's bed.
"Why don't you text me? I was worried." Madison said, she was a friend of Y/N since they started college.
Madison wasn't Y/N first roommate, but since her last one decided to quit college, she get in there.
"My phone died." Y/N sights, Madison nods. She gently removes Y/N's hair from her neck and slowly use her fingers to massage her shoulders and neck.
"You good?"
"I..." Y/N take a deep breath, she move her body and lay on her back. She had tears in her eyes. "I don't know, everything has been horrible." Her voice cracked and she couldn't hold her tears anymore.
"Oh, honey." Madison coos, she lay by Y/N side and hold her, letting the girl cry on her shoulder. "I know you've been dealing with a lot, but don't need to hide this from me. You can tell me when something is bothering you and letting you down."
"I know I just..." She sobs, Madison passed her hand through Y/N's back. "I just can let it out. I don't know, seems like it is stuck inside."
"I know how you feel and I'm sorry, hon." Madison offered a gentle smile, she gave a kiss on Y/N's forehead. "But even if you don't know how to express this feeling, you can still come to me."
"I know, thank you, Mads." She sniffed.
"You don't have to thank, hm? I just want to be here for you." Y/N nods, slowly calming herself. "There's something that I can do to make you feel better?"
Actually, there's something that Y/N have been craving for so long, but she doesn't know how to ask this. Madison is her friend, her best friend, but seems too much ask her to take her virginity.
"Y/N? Are you listening to me?" Madison asks, getting Y/N attention again.
"Yeah, I'm sorry." Y/N said, she abruptly sits on the bed. Madison lets her go and sits by her side, she knows Y/N wants something, but was afraid to ask.
"Y/N." Madison hummed, she held her shoulders and rested her chin in there. "Tell me what you want and I'll give you."
"It's okay, Madison. I just need to take a shower and sleep, I'm exhausted."
"Then you're gonna dream about me again? Do you think I didn't hear you calling for me while you sleep?" Madison whispers in her ear, Y/N bite her lip and crossed her legs. The brunette girl took her hand to Y/N tight, slowly squeezing. "Tell me what you want, Y/N."
Y/N remember that dream, she dreamed about Madison sucking her off, but she didn't know she was talking while sleep. Y/N wakes up with her pantie wet, since then she knows she wants Madison to take her virginity.
"You." Y/N whispered. "I want you."
That's what Madison wants to hear. Didn't take too much for the brunette girl to push Y/N's body back to bed, she put herself above her. Madison started with a gentle kiss, her hands pressing hard Y/N's waist, she grab the blonde girl shirt and look at her, asking for permission. Y/N nods quickly, so Madison take her shirt off and tossed on the floor, Y/N was wearing a red bra, Madison smiles and slowly starts to play with nipple against the bra.
She let kisses on her chest, letting red lipstick marks there. Y/N was breathing hard, she never had been in this situation before, but the time she was getting was killing her.
"Mads, please." She begs.
So Madison opened her brad, exposing her beautiful boobs. They weren't big, but it wasn't a problem. Madison cut them in her hands while she gave another kiss on Y/N, the blond was moaning against her lips by the way her was pressing her boobs. She was so needy and Madison like it.
But this wasn't enough, Y/N wants more. Madison took her hand to her jeans, starting to unbuckle her belt and then Y/N remembered. She never had sex before and she was about to do it. Y/N hold Madison's hands.
"Something's wrong, hon?" Madison asks looking at her. "We can stop if you want to."
"No, I want this. It's just..." Y/N stopped herself, feeling a lit embarrassed. "I'm a virgin." She whispered.
"Oh." Madison said, she wasn't expecting, but this makes everything more exciting. "Then, I will be gentle to take your innocence from you."
Y/N bit her underlip and nod. So, Madison opened her jeans and slowly removed them, letting kisses on her tights and giving Y/N goosebumps.
"What was I doing? In your dream." She asks.
"You were sucking me off."
Madison nods, she was about to make your dreams come true. The brunette removes Y/N pantie, she smiles at the wetness in her pussy. She let a gentle kiss, Y/N contracted her body.
"You're so needy and so innocent." Madison whispered against her pussy, the area was so sensitive.
Madison started to lick the wetness out of her pussy, slowly using her tongue and her lips to give pleasure to the girl. Y/N pressed her hands on the bed sheets, Madison touch was so good. Her nose pressed against her spot, she was getting faster, eating Y/N out nonstop.
"Mmmmmmmp." Y/N holds a moan in her throat, scared of being loudly. Madison stops for a minute and looks at Y/N, she almost cries out when the brunette stop licking her sensitive pussy.
"Don't hide these pretty moans from me, I want to hear from you. I want to know that I'm giving you what you want." Madison said, Y/N nods and pushed Madison's head back to her pussy, making the brunette giggles.
Y/N didn't think to much when she envolve Madison's head with her tights, she didn't want the girl to stop. Y/N was getting on her apex, she was feeling a not on her stomach and her legs start to shake, so she loosened the grip around the brunette head.
"Mads, you should stop now." She said, she was holding, scared to come in Madison's mouth. But Madison didn't stop, she kept going, harder and faster. "Fuckkk!"
Then the not on her stomach burst, she didn't have time to warn. Y/N come all over Madison's face, she felt her tongue licking her juice.
"Damn..." Y/N said, she was out of breath, her legs shaking and her head dizzy. She never felt like that, but it was so good.
"Did I make you feel good?" Madison smiles, she lets a kiss on her sensitive spot. The brunette girl sits on the bed, she passes her hand in Y/N's stomach. The blond nods. "Words, Y/N."
"Yeah, you make me feel good." She smiles, now exhausted. "I've never felt like that before, but I like it."
"Glad you like it." Madison kissed her temple. She got off the bed, grabbed the shirt on the floor and cleaned Y/N's tights.
Madison tossed the shirt in the laundry basket, then she gets a T-shirt and clean pantie for Y/N. They get ready for bed, Madison lays on Y/N's side, facing her with her hazel eyes and a smile.
"Can we do that again?" Y/N ask.
"You have sex for the first time and already want more? Yeah, we can do this again." Madison giggled.
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this is my first time writing a smut, so i know it's pretty bad
Tags: @lizzymacdonald06 @deliciousluminaryanchor @lushjunkie @sweetreliever @watercolorskyy
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lustspren · 1 year
P.S.T EP. 3 | Cheshire ft Yeji
length: 10k words. ✦
Yeji & Male Reader.
genres: ass eating, anal, dirty talk, creampie, hard sex, blowjob, oral sex, body massage, foot/leg  worship,  oily sex, 
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When you finished with Lia, you both ended up so tired that your bodies completely lost track of time, you expected that one of the other members would wake you up, but apparently that either never happened, or you never noticed it in the middle of your lethargy, it wasn't until after about four hours when Lia gave you a light shake to get you up. You woke up after a few minutes of fighting against your own sleep, and when you saw the time, your eyes almost popped out of astonishment. It was already midnight.
You thought you were in trouble simply for staying late at the girls' house without notice or permission, but Lia took it upon herself to reassure you and make sure you weren't a bother to them. At that moment you both went to the bathroom again and took a completely normal shower, where the vibes were different from before, this time you laughed, chatted and even shared some romantic kisses.
After the shower, you two went back down to the living room, where you only found Yuna eating popcorn while she was watching a show on TV and Ryujin sitting at the dining table with an Alienware laptop playing Valorant. You didn't know how the hell, but Lia somehow knew that you were hungry, and offered to cook you some dinner before you went home, obviously you refused out of simple modesty, but it was enough for her to insist just a little so that you end up accepting.
You and the girls stayed up talking until around 1:30 in the morning, when you finally went home, saying goodbye to the girls in the living room and then to Yeji and Chaery, who were sitting next to each other by the pool while having a couple of beers, but just before leaving, Yeji stopped you.
"Hey pretty boy, I hope you're mentally prepared for tomorrow," she told you, hands resting on the floor and her body leaning back, letting you see her pretty midriff and her perky tits under her bikini.
"Do you want me to come tomorrow?" you asked, one step from the gate.
"Well of course!" she replied with a giggle and flushed cheeks, you wondered to yourself if she was drunk, "I don't want to have to wait another week to suck that juicy cock without restraint," Chaery next to her started laughing as well, which which served as proof to confirm that they were both drunk.
"Well, I can come at 12 noon, is that okay with you?" You raised an eyebrow, careful that Chaery didn't fall into the pool while she got up to look for more in a small cooler they had.
"That's mooore than perfect," she nodded several times, "I'll be waiting for you oppa!"
"Aha, but please be careful, you're drunk and very close to the pool," you entered the password to the gate, and it began to open.
"Hey, but I'm not drunk!" Chaery objected, returning with two cans of beer, clearly drunk.
"Whatever you say, good night, ladies," you winked at Yeji, and then left to get in your car and drive home.
The next morning it was certainly difficult for you to get up at 10 in the morning and be able to get to the girls' house on time, so you had to have breakfast, bathe and dress fleetingly. At 11:45 you were driving to the townhouse, listening to A Thousand Bad Times and then Take What You Want by Post Malone, drinking an Iced Mocha you bought on the way.
You arrived much more punctual than you thought, 12:10 PM, and you were already parking the car outside the house. You went inside, and this time you didn't find anyone in the pool, so you went directly to go up to the living room, but when you were about to go up the stairs, someone pulled you back by your sweater, dragging yourself into a nearby room and quickly closing the door. You turned to see who it was, finding Ryujin in an oversized t-shirt that covered her knees, nothing new, since the naughty face was always the same.
"May I know what you're doing?" you asked Ryujin, looking at the room you were in. A kind of practice room, with a mirror wall and a sound system installed.
"Mmm, you have two options, daddy," she walked up to you, and put her hands behind her back as she looked into your eyes, "Yeji-unnie is waiting for you on the top floor, you can go with her, or…" Before speaking further, she slowly removed her shirt, revealing an incredibly sexy black one-piece lingerie, which as if that wasn't enough, was see through, "you can make her wait and fuck me in front of those mirrors."
You stayed without saying anything for a few seconds, seeing her nipples under her lingerie, her pretty pussy, it was fucking tempting, but this time you had to be rational.
"Your turn is next, don't be such a brat and wait until tomorrow," you said, making your stance clear.
"Come on daddy!" she begged, wrapping her arms around your neck and pressing her body against yours, "don't you like my lingerie? I bought it exclusively for you and for you to take it off," she started to give you small kisses on the chin, but you slipped away from her carefully.
"Baby, I love the lingerie on you, but please wait for your turn, I don't want to keep Yeji waiting," you cupped her face in your hands, looking into her eyes.
"Agh," she rolled her eyes in annoyance, "okay, go," she backed off with a sigh, stepping to the side of the door and picking up her shirt.
"Thanks, I promise it will be worth the wait," you gave her a peck on the cheek, walking towards the door.
"But daddy, you better not make me wait too long," she interrupted you when you'd already opened the door, "or I'll have to seek pleasure with someone else…" she said, followed by a mischievous giggle. You narrowed your eyes at her, seriously considering pushing her against the wall, ripping that lingerie off, and fucking her mercilessly.
"You're a fucking slut, Shin Ryujin."
"I am, but I'm a fucking slut that you would fuck every day without getting tired," she bit her lower lip, and winked at you. She wasn't wrong.
"See you later," you said to leave the room, before you made some stupid decision.
After taking a second on the stairs to take a deep breath, you went up to the second floor, and immediately to the third, to then go to Yeji's room, you went in, but Yeji wasn't there. You closed the door very carefully, and you dedicated yourself to exploring the rest of the rooms that you were sure were not occupied by anyone, all without any success except for one, the last one at the end of one of the corridors. You walked in, and what you saw left you both surprised and excited.
It was a small room, smaller than any of the rooms on that floor, but it felt extremely familiar to you, but for one simple reason: it was an almost exact copy of your massage room at work, except that you only there was a bed there, a bed on which Hwang Yeji lay, stark naked as she watched towards you, her countenance anything but happy.
"Damn... did you put all this together for the occasion?" you asked, looking at the varnished wooden furniture, the warm light and the plants.
"No time for questions, undress, now," she ordered, sharply and coldly, "you're 15 minutes late."
"I know, it's just…" you tried to excuse yourself, but she intensified her predatory gaze on you, "nothing, sorry," you finally said, starting to undress.
"You know what's about to happen, don't you?" she asked, watching you take off your pants and shoes.
"I can get an idea, yes, but I'd like you to be a little specific," you replied as you stripped out of your boxers and stood completely naked.
"You're going to do the exact same services as in one of your sessions," she began, then sitting on the edge of the bed and dangling her legs, "you're going to give me a foot massage, eat my ass, pussy, and you will give me a nice massage."
"Well, that doesn't seem much different."
"Don't get ahead of yourself, boy, there's a slight difference," you cocked your head, confused, "if I catch you with a boner, it'll add five more minutes to the activity in question, okay?"
"Uh… okay," you nodded, moving closer to her.
"If you manage to add less than 10 minutes, you'll have a special treat for yourself," as you stood in front of her, she crossed her legs and nuzzled one of her feet up your thigh, "should we get started?"
"Does it count if it's just a little hard?" you asked, before starting.
"No, I'm pious and I'll consider it only if it's completely hard," she replied, "now shut up and start."
Behind you, attached to the wall, was a rectangular wooden stool, which you carefully dragged to grab a towel, spread it out on the wooden surface, and then sit down. Your head was right at the level of Yeji's crotch, an unflattering place due to the circumstances but perfect for the massage.
You rested Yeji's feet each on your knees, making a slight parting in her legs that allowed you to see her nice, shaved pussy, but you ignored it completely, pretending it wasn't there. If you stared at it for more than 10 seconds, you were screwed.
Yeji was staring at you, which didn't make it any easier since her gaze was one of those that weighed like two African elephants crushing you, but again, you completely ignored any attempt to provoke you and got to work.
Your process every time you did a foot and leg massage was always the same, you weren't supposed to have any problems, but you were so fucking nervous that you felt clumsy as your thumbs pressed against Yeji's sole, still you concentrated on trying to do the best you could, thinking about anything away from what was happening so that the blood wouldn't pump into your dick.
Yeji knew the inhuman effort you were making, and just to annoy you, while you worked on one of her feet, with the other she slowly rubbed your thigh, teasing to reach your cock and back down to your knee. You took a deep breath, and closed your eyes just for a second to take the other foot from her and repeat the same process as with the first. Unfortunately, that didn't make things much better, because the same thing that she was doing with her foot, she began to do with the one you just released. You had a whole odyssey ahead of you, and you only had 5 minutes of the first phase.
After leaving her soles, her toes and both of her feet well massaged, you began to work your way up the calf of her right leg, using your fingers with gentle and precise pressures with which you massaged her muscles from every possible angle. At that moment Yeji spread her legs slightly wider, leaving her pussy even more exposed to you, and then leaned back to rest her hands on the bed, giving you a perfect showcase of all the features of her body. She was really making it difficult for you, but you wouldn't bow to her taunts.
You repeated the same treatment with her other calf, and then you focused on her thighs, which were undoubtedly the most difficult part of the entire activity, since it was when your hands and face were closest to her crotch. You tried to be as brief as possible with her thighs, but Yeji was being so mean to you, that she brought two fingers to her mouth to moisten them and then began to rub her pussy very slowly.
"You know you're cheating right?" you said, just looking at her thighs and ignoring what was happening a little higher up.
"Cheating what? I don't remember making any rules," she shrugged, still playing with her pussy as you began to massage her other thigh.
"I know but… fuck," you gasped, going through the final steps of the massage a little over 10 minutes into it.
"Looks like we have extra time, aren't you going to kiss my legs?" she asked, teasing with bringing two fingers into her pussy as she rubbed her slit up and down.
"Yes, of course, that can't be missing," you started to do just what she had said, starting with her left leg.
The first focus of your lips and your kisses were her toes, for which you distributed wet kisses and then went down to her sole and the sides of her foot. You took her by the calf, and from her foot you went up slowly with your kisses, filling every little space with kisses until you reached her knee, where you stopped only to change feet and repeat the same process with the other leg.
After leaving her wet with your saliva from the knees down, you had exactly two minutes left to kiss and lick her thighs, you started with the one on the left, and as you did, she began to rub her pussy slightly faster, between small moans that were taking you completely out of your focus, but you just had to hold on a little longer.
You continued with her other thigh, incredibly tempted to deviate from your main objective and eat her pussy right away, but you would have time for that. You gave her some special attention on her inner thighs near her crotch just to play with fire a bit, and when it seemed that everything was going to be perfect, something wanted to stop you. Yeji knew very well that there was less than a minute left on the clock, and she used that time to bring her foot directly to your cock, to start rubbing and stroke it with her sole and her toes.
"You're a fucking…" you started, holding your breath and pulling away from her legs as she kept moving her foot, you immediately closed your eyes, not to see what was happening. And just as your dick started to move, the 15 minutes were up.
"Fucking bitch, yeah, I know," she said proudly, and when you opened your eyes to look at her, she had stopped touching your cock with her foot and had stopped touching herself. All with a small innocent smile on her face, "you did very well, for now you haven't added any minutes, darling, but the hardest part is yet to come."
"Don't even remind me," you sighed, standing up and taking a moment to relax as you waited for your cock to go completely flaccid again, "alright, let's get st… okay, going."
Right when you turned around Yeji was already positioned for the next activity. She had risen from the bed, and had only her forearms resting on the lower edge of it, her back making a perfect and beautiful curve, and her ass completely ready for you.
You went to kneel right behind her, her ass now mere inches from your face. She moved her hips slowly, and then squeezed her buttocks with both hands to spread them, giving each one a hard spank and then spread them again to leave both of her holes well exposed. You removed her hands from her ass, so you could squeeze her buttocks yourself and plunge your face directly between them.
Yeji let out a mixture between a moan and a sigh when she felt the tip of your tongue begin to play little games on her ass. You started making circles on it, just tracing the outline and leaving it well salivated before starting to use all your techniques, which ranged from making certain specific movements according to the client or something as simple as inserting the tip of your tongue in her hole and move it inside in circles.
With Yeji you first went with the first option, and it was certainly working well, as she began to let out louder and more sensual moans. You released her buttocks, letting them press against your cheeks while you moved your tongue in zigzags and filled her ass with salivary kisses.
Once again, Yeji wanted to make you work much harder by taking her hand between her legs and start rubbing her pussy faster than a few minutes ago, this increased the volume of her moans, as well as how restless she was while you were trying to keep her in place. She twisted her hips slightly, and you had to grab her tightly around her waist to make her stay still.
"You eat my ass so fucking good baby..." she moaned, now inserting two fingers into her pussy and pumping them slowly, "that feels fucking amazing, I can't wait to get your big juicy cock in there."
Her dirty talk activated another switch in your brain, which reproduced the image of your cock disappearing into Yeji's ass so vividly that you even had to stop for a few seconds to be able to press hard on your own cock to make the few inches it grown up to lower down again, she turned to look at you immediately, expecting to find a boner, but for now you kept winning.
10 minutes had already passed, you had 5 left, in which you usually always did something different for the specific client according to their tastes, but with Yeji you didn't do shit, one because she didn't deserve it and second because if you did something, you were going to get a boner too easy. You just dedicated yourself to continue playing with your tongue in her ass, as intensely and as fast as you could to make it worth it for her.
Yeji stopped fingering herself and took that same hand to your hair, to pull it hard and push her hips back to press your mouth even more against her ass. Your breathing was completely obstructed, but luckily for you, within a few seconds time was up. You had won, it no longer mattered if you had erections, since there were only two activities left.
"Fuck Yeji, this is being fucking difficult," you said after taking a deep breath as you separated your face from her ass.
"You don't have to hold back anymore, anyway," she said with a ragged breath, "you've made it, darling, congratulations."
"Does that mean I'll get my gift?" you asked, raising an eyebrow as she looked down at you over her shoulder.
"Hell yes, but first you have to finish your itinerary, don't be smart with me," she gestured for you to get up, and you did.
Without any type of restriction or condition, you pressed your cock between her buttocks and took her by the shoulders to lift her up a bit, take her by the neck and lean in to kiss her intensely and fiery, full of all the sexual tension accumulated between you. from the day of the group session. This time your cock began to grow slowly, until in a matter of a minute it was completely hard and rubbing against Yeji's ass, who immediately broke the kiss and gave you a little push with a mischievous smile on her face.
"God, I really can't wait to get my dick deep inside that pretty pussy," you gasped, bringing a hand between her buttocks and rubbing her slit slowly.
"First focus on your work..." she grabbed your wrist and removed your hand from her pussy, "and then we can focus on that, okay?" she raised an eyebrow.
"As you command, boss, now come here," you grabbed Yeji by her waist and turned her around, to lift her onto the edge of the bed and spread her legs wide.
You fell back to your knees, your face now right in front of her wet, pretty pussy that was already screaming to be eaten. Yeji was staring at you, with slightly ruffled hair and a stare of a hungry predator that this time you dared to hold as you slowly brought your face closer, and without taking your eyes off her for a single second, you gave her pussy a very slow lick from down her slit to her clit. Yeji's face was an absolute poem, distorting in such an attractive way that it made your cock throb from the way she frowned and bit her lower lip.
"20 minutes honey..." she moaned as you continued to slowly lick her pussy in assorted ways as an entree, "you'll eat my pussy for 20 minutes... that dick is going to explode from how hard it is,” she dropped her head back for a second, panting, and looked back at you as you gently clung to her thighs and tasted her soft folds.
You already had previous experience eating Yeji's pussy, and you had her perfectly studied like a book, it was not difficult for you to attack her pussy with your tongue in the specific points that you knew would drive her crazy, and just like you expected it, so it happened. About 5 minutes had passed when you already had Hwang Yeji squirming on the bed.
She tried to close her thighs on either side of your head, but you used all your strength to keep her legs wide open, while you delivered fiery kisses between her folds and sensual licks of her clit. Her moans were undoubtedly the most pleasurable for you to hear so far, they aroused in you a carnal instinct that you usually couldn't bring out so often, that made the way you ate her pussy become frantic and indelicate, which made Yeji enjoy it even more.
Yeji brought a hand to your hair, tangling her fingers as much as possible in your strands so that she could hold on tight and press you further into her pussy. You responded by spitting out all the saliva that you had accumulated in your mouth right against her slit, leaving it completely soaked and slippery to now give special attention to her clitoris, which you began to attack with your tongue and lips, giving her sucks and wet kisses, which caused Yeji to fall back against the bed amid loud cries of pleasure.
"Oh god don't fucking stop!" Yeji moaned, almost scalping you with her fingers, "I'm right there honey, right fucking there!"
She wouldn't stop writhing in pleasure on the bed, and she began to shake as her first orgasm hit her suddenly. Once again, Yeji made the instinctive attempt to squeeze your head into her thighs, but you didn't budge for a moment, keeping her legs spread wide and eating her pussy like an animal even through her intense spasms and moans. You collected all her fluids from her slit as if it were a prize, licking clean between her folds and giving her clit more slow and careful licks.
"We still have 10 minutes left, bossie, don't relax too much," you said, pulling away from her pussy and regulating your breathing.
You stood up, and let your hard cock rest on Yeji's belly, to lean forward and kiss her lips. She cupped your face with both hands, letting out small moans in the middle of the kiss, while you brought one of your hands to her tits to give it a gentle squeeze. You would have kept kissing her, but she put a hand on her chest and pushed you up to get away from her.
"You're getting too excited, champ, finish the job," she said looking into your eyes, and patting your chest.
The clock was already ticking past 12 minutes, more than enough time to make her enjoy it a little more. You straightened up again, and walked to stand on the side of the bed. From there, you brought a hand straight to Yeji's slit, rubbing your two fingers up and down between her saliva-soaked folds. She stared at you, then grabbed your wrist to bring your free hand to the breast you hadn't grabbed before. You squeezed it hard, and she bit her lip as she anticipated your next move.
You rubbed her folds for a few short seconds, until you slid your two fingers inside her tight pussy. Yeji immediately clung to your wrist and let out a small moan with her lips pursed, she arched her back, and with your gaze fixed on her face, you began to pump your fingers in and out of her tight cavern, which they slid smoothly thanks to how wet it was.
You were slow and careful at first, making her believe that you would be as patient as possible when making her cum considering the time you had left for that activity, but on the contrary, you wanted to test your abilities, and see if you were able to make her reach her ecstasy more than once in less than 7 minutes, so not even a minute passed when you started fingering her pussy at full power, causing the palm of your hand to crash hard against her crotch with each pump.
"Tell me something..." you started, a mischievous smile on your face as you moved your wrist as fast as you could, even going so far as to make a bead of sweat slowly trickle down your temple, "What is the maximum amount of times someone has made you cum?"
Yeji tried to answer you, but you moved your hand from her soft perky tit to her neck, to grasp your fingers firmly and slightly cut off her breath, that made her whole body tense, and her pussy tightened around your fingers. Her moans couldn't get out of her mouth, they stayed suppressed in her throat in the form of growls that sent vibrations through your hand and to your wrist. She looked into your eyes, with a frown and a fucking sexy countenance that she kept until she cummed.
Having no possible way to avoid it, her thighs locked tightly on each side of your wrist, but this didn't stop you from continuing to move it like a tireless machine, even as Yeji was mere inches away from falling off the bed in the middle of the violent spasms that her body produced. You squeezed her neck even tighter, holding her in place until her body stopped shaking and then removing your fingers from her neck, letting her moan as much and as loud as she wanted.
"Holy fucking shit that feels fucking amazing!!" she squeaked, spreading her legs again only to watch your fingers slide in and out of her pussy, "keep going keep going keep going!!" implored Yeji between moans, closing her eyes and arching her back.
You only had two minutes left on the clock, so you had to be quick and look for the first and only quick option you had at the moment, which was to take your free hand to her pussy, to rub her clit while you fucked her pussy with your fingers. You no longer had a way to hold Yeji to the bed, and you had no choice but to bend a little and support your arm over her abdomen to prevent her from moving.
Thirty seconds left when Yeji reached her second orgasm in a row, yelling all kinds of obscenities to the rooftops, grabbing your hair and scratching your back with her nails. You slightly winced in pain, but kept moving both sets of fingers as the bed shook from Yeji's intense shaking. Your face was now closer to her pussy, so you took advantage of your closeness to just lean forward a bit and remove your two hands to run your tongue repeatedly over her slit, eating her pussy until time was over.
"So? I broke the record?" you asked, wiping the sweat from your forehead and standing up to look her down, with her hair all messy and plastered to her face.
"I didn't even answer you…" she said, wiping the tears from her eyes and still breathing hard, to which you just stared at her, hoping she would put her pride aside to be honest, "Ugh, yeah, so what? you smiled, seeing her get defensive after completely ruining her.
"Nothing, I'm just curious since you were acting so overbearing a moment ago," you laughed, grabbing one of the nearby towels to dry your face and looking for the massage oil, which you ended up finding on a shelf.
"Hey! I'm still in charge!" she protested, trying to prop herself up with her feet on the bed to sit up, but failing, "fuck..." she muttered.
"Sure?" you teased with a mocking giggle, "I only see a pair of shaky legs and hair like you've come out of a tornado," you started arranging everything out of mere habit of your work.
"I don't know what you're talking about, just keep doing your job, moron," she snapped with a snort, lying flat on the bed and closing her eyes.
"Woah, those are pretty ugly words for someone who just made you cum three times in a row," when you were all set, you picked up the little elephant-shaped glass jar that contained the oil and poured it in a line from her lower abdomen to the middle of her tits, you put it aside, and began to spread the oil all over her belly, her ribs, her waist and her pretty tits.
"You're running out of your prize, boy…" she murmured, trying to stay as relaxed as possible as you ran your hands over her tits and back down to her tummy.
"We both know that you don't want to leave me without my prize, Hwang Yeji," you said quietly as the atmosphere had relaxed and there was a peaceful silence in the room, "if what you're going to do is suck my dick, you'll do it anyway," your hands now moved to her arms, pouring a line of oil into each one then beginning to spread it slowly and carefully.
Yeji didn't answer anymore, she just took a deep breath and then exhaled with a sigh with which you couldn't help but laugh.
With Yeji now quiet and serene, you had a free hand to continue pouring oil on the rest of her body, now you went to her legs, pouring a line from her thighs to her feet each, and when you left them very oily, you reached the part you were waiting for the most. You took the glass jar and raised it to the level of your face, pouring the oil from that height so that it fell directly into her pussy; you set the jar aside, and with your hands you began to spread the oil just around the contours of her sensitive pussy, slightly pressing her lips inward and causing Yeji to have slight nervous reflexes.
You decided to be kind to her and not put too much emphasis on that area, you just made a few more strokes with your hands until the area was well covered, rubbing one last time but this time with the side of your hand between her folds. Yeji jumped, and complained with a small squeak.
"Fuck... I'm still very sensitive, oppa, be careful," she said in a small voice.
"You said what?" you asked, raising both eyebrows in surprise at that word, as you began the massage after having covered the entire upper face of her body with oil.
"I'm just... I'm sensitive, shut up," she said before shutting up again, this time you managed to hold back your laughter.
You started from her calves, slowly going up her legs and reaching her thighs, with which you did your typical massage routine to leave her muscles completely relaxed and released from tension. You finished with her thighs, and then moved on to her upper body, where you began by massaging her waist and lower abdomen applying slightly stronger pressure than normal, which each and every one of your clients usually liked, Yeji wasn't the exception, you knew it by the change in her breathing and a slight sigh that she let out.
After a minute concentrating on her belly and her ribs, you went up directly to her tits, with which you began to play more than massage, as you teased her by pinching her nipples and squeezing her mounds in a sensual way, brushing your hard cock with the side of her torso completely intentionally to provoke her. Yeji began to make very discreet sounds of pleasure, and you noticed how she made the move to raise her hand to grab your cock, but she immediately lowered it, remembering that this was not how she was supposed to act.
"Are you liking that, bossie?" you asked in a soothing voice, massaging her tits but also moving your hands up to her shoulders.
"A lot, darling..." she sighed, giving you a little smile without opening her eyes.
"Good to know, because the best part is yet to come," you leaned down as quietly as possible, and placed a very soft kiss on Yeji's lips, who not only kissed you back, but also caressed your cheek with her thumb before you parted from her lips, "Turn down, please," you whispered, and then straightened up again.
"That's 5 more minutes," she said, still with the cute little smile on her face, pointing at your cock as she rolled onto her stomach, lying on her own forearms.
"That's fine by me, I can assure you that I don't mind having my hands on this delicious body for a few more minutes," you picked up the bottle of oil and poured it down her back in an S shape, reaching down to her lower back.
You spread the oil all over her back, her shoulders and also the back of her arms, covering every missing part of her upper body until her skin was all shiny and slippery. Then you went to her legs, repeating the same process as with her upper body. Finally, you poured a small circle of oil on each of her buttocks, to press your hands against them and give them a strong squeeze before spreading the oil.
Having left every area of the back of her body oiled up you now began working on her shoulder blades, then her lats and then her back, taking your time with each one since you still had 6 left minutes. You moved slowly down to her hips, bypassing her ass to move to her thighs and then her calves.
Her ass was the only place you needed to massage on her body, and you were sure that you would make it worth the remaining time on the clock. You carried out quite typical movements and within the ordinary, nothing too risqué at first, until when she least expected it, you took a hand between her buttocks and began to lubricate her hole at the same level as the rest of her skin. Yeji moaned under her breath and squirmed a bit, enjoying how your fingers slid up and down the surface of her ass and down to her slit, which now less sensitive, you also lubricated with oil and slow movements with your fingers. 
"Mmm..." she moaned low, pursing her lips, "what are you doing, honey?" she asked in a sexy voice as your fingers rubbed her folds and then teased into her ass.
"Taking advantage of the remaining time, don't you like it?" you asked, taking one of your fingers very slowly and discreetly inside her ass, Yeji moaned a little louder, still without losing her composure.
"I wasn't complaining… I just asked what you were doing," she gasped, "but I can already tell what you're doing."
"Preparing you for what's to come, perhaps?" When your finger was buried up to your knuckle, you added another of your fingers, this time slowly pumping in and out of her hole.
"God… yeah, all I want right now is to have that big throbbing cock inside my tight ass," Yeji moaned, opening her eyes to look up at you over her shoulder as she bit her lower lip, "but… look over there," she nodded for you to look at the clock, you did, realizing there were only 10 seconds left.
"Fuck," you grumbled, pulling your fingers out of her ass to a gasp from Yeji, "well, does that mean I have my prize? what is it?"
Yeji didn't answer you right away, she got up from the bed with difficulty, her legs still shaky but strong enough to stand up. She reached for the towel that was covering the bed, and with one quick tug, she revealed what was hidden under that towel. A hole. The bed had a perfectly cut circular hole, just big enough for...
"I'm gonna fuck milk you, that's your prize honey," Yeji said, taking shaky steps towards you to get you onto the bed, "and you're going to suffer for the same 15 god damn minutes I did."
"Are you serious?" You raised both eyebrows, looking at the hole, "I mean, that's fucking hot but..."
"Lie on your stomach, boy, right now," Yeji ordered, to which you had no choice but to obey without question. You lay on your stomach, and with the help of your hand, you pulled your cock and balls out of the hole, leaving them hanging down.
"Please don't torture me, I've been good to you," you sighed, lying down on your hands and closing your eyes.
"I'm not going to torture you, fool," she said, ducking under the bed, where you obviously couldn't see her anymore, "but I'll make sure to drain you real good."
There was a little silence, and the next thing you felt were Yeji's fingers gently clinging to your cock to start rubbing it very slowly, and as the seconds passed, she moved her wrist faster and faster. The pumping was steady and fast, but suddenly, she slowed down drastically, moving her hand slowly again. You just sighed, knowing that this was the dynamic you were going to follow for the next few minutes.
Yeji continued to move her hand, alternating between fast and slow pumping that only lasted about 10 seconds each, until she stopped moving her wrist and caught the tip of your cock with her soft lips, causing you to gasp as she gently sucked just the tip, while she began to move her hand again.
The slow pumping persisted until another minute later, when Yeji began to drag her lips closer and closer to the middle of your shaft, applying strong suction and skillful movements with her tongue, while she cupped your balls very gently with her hand, rubbing them. with palm and fingers. She kept moving her head in an intermediate rhythm, taking half of your cock in and out of her mouth as she let out little moans around it, and seconds later, she slowly pushed her lips down to your base so that your tip rested against her throat.
"What the fuck Yeji..." you growled, clenching your fists as Yeji continued with your cock down her throat. It wasn't until a few seconds later when she took you out giving a strong breath, you couldn't see anything, but you knew that her mouth must be a mess with saliva just like your shaft.
She spat the pooled saliva from her mouth back onto your cock, and grabbing your balls with one hand, she grabbed your shaft with the other and started moving her wrist so fast she made you moan under your breath. Her fingers squeezed your balls very gently, as if she was warming up your load just minutes before it came out.
Her hand felt amazing, your feet were wrinkled and you were breathing hard as Yeji pumped her wrist mercilessly, and seconds later, she took you into her mouth again, sucking in a sloppy, messy way the entire length of your cock with her pretty lips. She deepthroated you once more, this time holding out longer before pumping her head again frantically.
You were going completely crazy with pleasure, you opened your eyes, desperate to see Yeji in her eyes but only finding yourself with the padded surface of her mattress. You leaned on your forearms, panting heavily as you began to feel tingles through your entire body.
"Y-Yeji... I'm going to..." you started to say, and Yeji immediately took you out of her mouth to now slowly masturbate you, much more than you expected, making it torturous and almost painful. You grunted, your orgasm completely delayed until at last, you exploded, "Aghh! Fuck!" you complained between moans.
Yeji kept moving her hand, while you shot all your big thick load, which you would have loved to see how it painted all over her beautiful face, but you had to limit yourself to close your eyes while she massaged your balls and moved her wrist. She took you into her mouth, sucking the entire length of your shaft to clean you, but she didn't give you a split second as she began to move her hand again, this time just as quickly and frantically as a moment ago. You cried out in pain, since your cock was still too sensitive, and you bit your forearm, muffled grunts against it.
"Give me another fucking load, honey, give all that delicious milk to me," she teased, and you heard her chuckle again.
It took a moment for the pain to transform back into pleasure, but for those seconds all you could do was hold your composure with all your might. Yeji played no dirty tricks this time, she moved her wrist in a steady rhythm, helping herself with her tongue on the tip of your cock to make you come faster.
After a few seconds, which passed extremely slowly for you, your moment of release finally arrived. You shot your load between loud groans and little spasms that shook your body, but this time Yeji took you right into her mouth, to catch every remaining drop of your cum and swallow it. When the fluid stopped coming out of your cock, she used just her mouth to suck you slowly, until you were clean and good as new.
"Fuck… please don't do that again," you said, trying to control your breathing and falling face-first into the mattress.
"Oh don’t worry, time ran out two minutes ago, no need," she said from under the table, followed by a mocking laugh, you opened your eyes to the clock.
"You see? You're a fucking cheater!" you said, clearly disappointed but not surprised, you just rolled your eyes, resting your forehead against the mattress as you caught your breath.
"You fucking loved it, I don't think you want to discuss it anymore do you?" She came out from under the table, and you saw her out of the corner of your eye, she had her whole face full of cum, her forehead, her cheeks, her chin, and even her tits.
"I have no comment for either," you replied, pulling your cock out of the hole and turning around, closing your eyes and blocking the light with your forearm to take a little break, trying to absorb the little shock of having cum so often and so hard.
"It doesn't matter, I know I drive you crazy…" there was a silence, "honey," she murmured in a low, sexy voice against your ear, and you gave a slight shiver, still blindfolded by your forearm, "I shouldn't give you rest, but I'm quite merciful, you know?"
"Oh yeah? That's not how it seemed to me a moment ago," you snapped, still offended that she didn't respect the clock.
"I could have edged you and made you cum denial, several times, actually I thought so, but today I don't feel so wicked," you felt her climb on the bed with you, and she straddled your abdomen, her thighs on either side of your torso, "so, I'll let you rest," she leaned forward, you felt her tits pressed against your chest, her hair tickling your arm, "but I want something in return, too. "
"Blow it up, Hwang," you said, removing your forearm from your eyes to see her, already with her face and her tits clean.
"Mmm, how about I ride your face?" she asked, looking into your eyes, hands on either side of your head.
"Do I have a choice?"
"Nope, not really," she denied, sitting up on your stomach and turning around, now sitting up with her back facing you.
"Then come here," you said, taking Yeji by her waist and pulling her back until her ass was floating just inches from your face.
She lowered her hips as soon as she felt your hot breath against her pussy, burying your face between her lovely buttocks so that your mouth came into contact with her wet folds. You gripped your fingers against the flesh at Yeji's waist, moving your tongue up and down across her folds and then moving your hands to her buttocks to give each a light squeeze. Yeji moaned, and she placed both hands on your abdomen to caress it gently, then leaned forward a little more and now caressed your thighs.
You didn't pay special attention only to her pussy, but also to her ass. You alternated between these two every few seconds, dishing out wet kisses and licks on each one until they were well salivated. Yeji let out small moans of pleasure, grinding her hips from front to back looking for your mouth to hit every possible point of her pussy, she lightly dug her nails into your thighs, and seconds later, your cock began to move.
"Wow, looks like someone came back to life," Yeji said, giggling mischievously between small moans, and grinding her hips a little faster.
Yeji lowered her chest against your abdomen, you felt her perky round tits pressing against it, and her hot breath against your cock, which she caught with one hand and brought to her mouth even though it was a bit flaccid. You moaned against her pussy, which in that moment you lashed out with your tongue at her clit every time she moved her hips back far enough.
It took a while for your cock to return to its usual hard state, but Yeji was patient, giving it slow, careful, unhurried, sensual sucks until your full length had grown into her warm mouth.
"Alright, stop," she said pulling you out of her mouth once you were fully hard and ready to go again, "fuck me once and for all please," she pushed off of you, kneeling to the side.
"I thought you'd never fucking ask me," you growled, getting off the bed to push the stool away, spread a clean towel on the floor and take Yeji in your arms to lay her on it, she immediately positioned herself on her hands and knees, looking over her shoulder at you, smiling mischievously and moving her ass from side to side like a Cheshire cat.
"Do I have a pretty ass, oppa?" she asked in the same innocent little voice that she had unconsciously used before.
"Yeah you fucking do," you replied, picking up the jar of oil from under the table to pour it over your cock and then over Yeji's ass and pussy, leaving her skin even more glossy and slippery, "A perfect one for pound like a complete animal."
The oil in the jar had already completely run out, so you just left it on top of the bed and focused on what really mattered. You took your cock with one hand, and you began to rub it slowly against her round and slippery pair of buttocks, she threw her hips back, moving your cock between them and staring into your eyes.
"Put that juicy cock inside my pussy oppa, I know how much you want it," she gasped, biting her lip, and you placed one hand on one of her buttocks, while with the other you guided your cock into her pussy, slowly making your way between her folds as it slipped easily between her walls, "fuck yeah!" she moaned, frowning in pleasure, "that's just what I'm talking about honey…" she leaned into her forearms, gasping until your cock was buried deep in her pussy.
You too let out a long moan full of pleasure and satisfaction, feeling Yeji's incredibly tight pussy for the first time around your cock. You rested your hands on her waist, and unable to contain yourself any longer, you began to move your hips back and forth, fucking her pussy with strong, steady thrusts. Needing you as much as you needed her, Yeji soon became a whimpering mess as your pelvis crashed harder and harder against her ass, she had her head buried between her forearms, and she lifted it to see you over her shoulder and bite her lip.
Her right buttock received a hard smack that was muffled by the layer of oil, and then another on the other buttock of the same intensity. You started to move your hips faster, fucking her pussy in a mixture of desire and fury that you had built up since she was teasing you in her foot massage. Seeking to better vent your frustration, you leaned forward a bit and grabbed a handful of Yeji's brown hair to pull it back, raising her head and thereby increasing the arch of her back.
Yeji's moans turned into screams of pleasure as you shook her body and fucked her without any kind of care and mercy, you pulled a little harder on her hair, then pushed her forward again and made her fall with one side of her face and resting on her hands, leaving her ass well raised for you.
You kept fucking her with hard, fast thrusts, making the meat on her buttocks bounce like jelly with each crash. You would have loved to keep pounding her pussy like that, but a face as perfect and beautiful as Yeji's deserved to be seen and admired. You pulled out of her pussy, and with a strong grip on her waist, you turned her onto her back, to open her legs wide and take your cock inside her again.
"Look into my eyes with that slutty look of yours, kitty, go ahead," you growled, placing both hands on either side of her body as you pumped hard up and down her pussy. She writhed and moaned in pleasure, but still she made the effort to give you that stinging, fucking sexy look, while her tits bounced and her mouth was parted.
"That's it oppa… fuck me like a cock addicted little slut," she growled, grabbing you around her neck tightly with both hands and then tangling her fingers in the hair at the nape of your neck.
You plunged right into Yeji's pretty, sweaty neck, dishing out kisses and bites as your cock moved in and out of her pussy as fast as your hips could go. She surrounded your body with her legs, and she whimpered against your ear in the midst of desperate attempts to get even closer to you.
"Cum for me, you little bitch," you gasped against her ear, "give my cock a good squeeze with that wet pussy."
"Yes oppa!" she screeched, clawing at your back with both hands, "I'm going to fucking cum all around that big cock!" Yeji's body continued to be shaken and pounded by your thrusts, you waited a few seconds, and just when you felt the right moment, you stopped moving your hips and pulled your cock out of her pussy, "WHAT?! NO!" she complained, and she would have nearly cried if you weren't now guiding your cock into her ass.
"Shut the fuck up, bitch," you growled, letting your cock slide slowly into her ass, which gave way to your length and spread so easily, "I'm the one in charge now. "
"You fucking..." she was going to insult you, but as soon as she opened her mouth to finish the sentence, you brought both of your hands to her neck, tightening your fingers around it firmly. Yeji gasped, now holding her breath with a frown and her mouth ajar.
You weren't sure how much experience she had with anal, but you didn't give a shit since you started pounding her ass as hard as her pussy a few seconds ago. Yeji moaned and squealed as loud as she could, but no concrete sound could come out of her mouth due to the strong pressure you were exerting with your hands on her neck.
She held onto your wrists tightly, teary-eyed as she bit her bottom lip, you noticed her face was slightly red, so you released some pressure on her neck only for her to take a breath and then you squeezed again. You on the other hand fucked her ass with long, strong thrusts, filling the silent room with loud sounds of skin crashing against skin.
You fucked her ass for about a minute and a half more, until suddenly, and in one quick motion, you released her neck to guide your cock straight into her pussy again. Yeji now freed from the pressure of your fingers, she managed to let out all the loud and intense whimpers that she hadn't been able to, while tears ran down her cheeks and her body writhed with pleasure.
"Just let me fucking cum!!" she begged between moans, "Please! I beg you oppa!" she looked you in the eye, and you could have felt sorry for her, but you were very sure that deep down, that was exactly what she wanted.
You took both of Yeji's legs and brought them together, to hold her two ankles in the air and lean forward, fucking her wet pussy now in a new angle that drove her completely crazy. You rocked your hips up and down, your cock fully moving in and out of her pussy with each intense pumping while Yeji was now crying with pleasure.
"You'll cum when I'm going to do it too, neither before nor fucking after," you ordered, bringing out your dominant side while sweat began to cover every part of your body, especially your forehead, which was already soaked. 
"THEN FUCKING CUM ALREADY!! I CAN'T HOLD IT ANYMORE!! FUCK!!" Yeji at that moment broke the record for the loudest that a person could have screamed in the middle of the sexual act, and you were sure that the whole house would be able to hear it.
You really had no reason to hold back, but if you were going to do it, you wanted to do it right, so once again, you slid out of her pussy and slid back into her ass, where you took a few hard, fast thrusts until you felt the tingling in your lower abdomen.
"Cum, you fucking slut, cum!!" you growled, taking the last few thrusts until you both exploded in a chain of loud moans and spasms that shook you both equally. Yeji's body went wild in violent spasms that crumpled the towel under her, and you shot what would be your last load of the day into her tight ass, multiple thick spurts, filling her deep with your seed.
"Oh my fucking god you are filling me up so fucking good!! Yes!!" she whimpered, and you released her ankles only to fall forward and kiss her as you both moaned through your orgasms. Your lips danced in an intense and fiery kiss for a few long seconds, until the fire in it subsided and it became a calmer and more careful kiss. You came out of her ass, letting all your cum flow freely from it onto the white towel.
"It was worth it... wasn't it?" you teased with a smile, placing small kisses on Yeji's sweaty face.
"I wanted to fucking kill you, asshole," she said weakly, caressing your shoulders with her hands.
"You fucking loved it, I don't think you want to discuss it anymore do you?" you said, repeating the exact same words that she had used against you earlier.
"God… I'd kick you if I could just feel my body right now," she hissed, pushing you off of her.
"As you say, bossie," you laughed, taking Yeji into your arms like a princess and setting her down on the bed again.
"You have to go honey, we have a scheduled activity later and manager nim will be here in a few hours," she told you, lying on the bed and caressing your abdomen with her hand.
"Are you going to stay here?" you asked, cocking your head.
"It's a comfortable and quiet room, just what I need right now to rest," she agreed, her hair all tousled and her body still shaking, "I'll see you later, pretty boy," she winked at you.
“Well, gotcha,” you sighed, “I'll see you later, little kitty," you winked back at her, leaned down to kiss her on the lips and then gathered up all your clothes to go out into the hall and quickly get dressed.
You quickly went down to the second floor, going through the living room and some rooms to say goodbye to the girls, but they weren't there, in fact, you found the living room in a complete mess, with wet spots everywhere and the furniture completely messy, even the floor was full of stains. You thought it was very weird and suspicious, but you didn't have time to delve into it too much at the moment, so you just ignored it and headed down to the first floor, finding yourself with a big surprise.
Yuna, Lia, Ryujin and Chaery were standing next to each other right in front of the glass door leading to the pool and towards the exit, their hair a mess and all sweaty. The four of them completely naked.
"What the f...?" you frowned, very fucking too confused, a few meters from them.
"You better fuck my ass as hard as Yeji, oppa," Chaery said, biting her lower lip and rubbing her calves together.
"Huh? How do you..." before you could speak, Lia pulled an iPad from her back and showed you the screen, where there were multiple little squares with different images each, you looked at what they were, and noticed that Yeji was in each and every one of them, in the exact same position from different angles.
"We set up that room for all of us to have fun, darling," Lia said, "there are cameras and microphones in every corner, I'm surprised you haven't noticed any."
"Oppa!" Yuna caught your attention, "why weren't you so creative with me? That was fucking amazing!" she pouted.
"Maybe because you made me fuck you in a public place as an idol?" you asked, raising an eyebrow, to which Ryujin approached you without saying anything to bring her two fingers directly to your mouth, you tasted them by mere instinct, noticing a clear familiar taste, her fingers were soaked with pussy fluids.
"Oh, don't forget this before you go," Lia said, handing the iPad to Ryujin and walking to the right, where you hadn't noticed that there were three pairs of panties and a black lingerie, all four obviously soaked. One pink, another red, another light blue, and the last one, which was the lingerie with which Ryujin had tried to provoke you a few hours ago.
"What am I going to do with this?" you asked, as Lia handed you the panties and lingerie, completely drenched in fluids.
"I don't know, consider them little souvenirs," she winked at you, and stood on tiptoe to give you a peck on the cheek, "next time the group fun will be much more interesting with you and Yeji unnie, oppa, see you later," she winked at you, and the rest of them waved her hands goodbye as they stepped to the side of the exit.
You walked out of the house completely stunned and in disbelief, what level of perversion had these girls reached to install cameras in an improvised spa room and have a mini orgy in their living room? It was the kind of thing that a common person would never think possible in people like them, but there they were, watching you from the inside while you went outside. You stowed the panties and lingerie in the glove compartment of your car, and still taking in how fucking wild everything had been so far, you drove back to your house in complete silence.
Spren Notes: The most intense and hot episode to date, hell fucking yes. Nothing else to say, just hope u guys enjoyed!
Remember! If you, dear reader, are interested in buying me a commission, do not hesitate to go through my inbox, I’ll be delighted!
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overstimulated // matt murdock
Pairing: Matt Murdock x reader
Word count: 848
Warnings: overstimulation
Tags: Fluff, comfort
Synopsis: When you come home incredibly overstimulated, there's no better person to calm you down better then the one and only matt murdock
A/N: I love matt. he looks like he gives the best comfort ever.
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Sighing deeply, you grab your keys out of your bag. The ringing only makes you feel worse as you open the door. You enter your apartment you share with matt, and drop your work bag on the floor. With a toss, you get rid of your coat.
You're in a bad mood. Everything's too much, tiny sounds sound amplified, your clothing feels like sandpaper on your skin and your hair keeps touching your face, and tucking it behind your ear just won't work. Tiny things grow bigger and it makes you want to bawl your eyes out.
Matt had a free day, and had waited all day to wrap his arms around you. Happily, he stands up as he hears you come inside. "hey darling"
You feel like you're overflowing, and can't get anything out other than mumbling "I'm sorry.... I'm sorry" as you walk past him, into the bedroom.
Stumped, Matt follows you. Did I do something wrong? He thinks to himself. "darling?" he asks as he watches you go through the closet.
You need to change. you need to get into comfortable clothing, because this blouse you're wearing feels like sandpaper, and the only thing you can think about is taking it off.
Your mind is racing, and you don't even notice matt walking up to you. He grabs your wrist. "Are you okay? Your heart is-" he stops abruptly as you pull away. You fasten your tempo and quickly grab a pair of sweats and a big t-shirt and rush your way into the bathroom, leaving matt alone in the bedroom.
You close the door behind you. Your hand hovers over the lock. You sigh. You don't want to lock him out entirely. As you start to change, your hair keeps falling onto your face and you feel more and more agitated. You let out an annoyed grunt.
With now only a shirt, your bra, and underwear on, you decide to give up and turn on the shower. A wave of tiredness falls onto you as take a step towards the warm water and sit down. You let your head fall onto your knees and close your eyes, waiting for the horrible feeling to go away.
After a minute or two, there's a soft knock at the door. "y/n?". After not receiving an answer, he opens the door. Without saying anything, he sits next to you. The grey t-shirt he's wearing turns dark, and you sigh deeply. "You wanna talk about it?"
You lift up your head. You rest it against the wall. "yeah..."
"What's on your mind, angel?"
"It all so much, matt. Everything was just too much. Not sleeping last night did not help, and when I arrived at work, that prick was working as well. I... I had to swallow so much, because, honestly, if I didn't, I'm pretty sure I'd be in jail right now. And... I yelled at my boss. My boss, matt. He's gonna fire me, and I'll be jobless and-"
"Hey, slow down... You're okay. He won't fire you after one slip-up. And besides, you're good. Your boyfriend is a lawyer."
A small smile appears on your face. He seems to relax a little as he notices his gentle voice has calmed you down.
Matt moves up, and turns the shower off, and sits back down next to you. You're both soaking wet. You place your head on his shoulder and you sigh. "thank you"
He wraps his arm around you. "Are you feeling better?"
"Aside from getting cold, yeah."
He stands up and puts his hand out for you. You take it and stand up. He picks up a towel. He starts drying you gently, still testing the limits. After you're relatively touch-dry, you two walk into the bedroom and change into comfortable stuff.
"You ok?" Matt says, as he notices your quietness. "Yeah... I guess. I'm exhausted."
He takes a step backward and signals for you to lay down. You take the hint, and lay down on your back.
Matt is practically an expert when it comes to sensory things. Dealing with his new ability, he found out ways to calm down overstimulatedness, as he has been a victim to it numerous times. He would make a cup of tea for himself, or place a weighted blanket on him. Since there was no weighted blanked for him to use right now, he figured he would be the next best thing.
He gently places himself on top of you, carefully putting his arms around you. At first, you're a little confused, but notices this really seems to calm you down. You sigh again deeply, as you place your hand on his head and weave your fingers into his hair and start caressing it, causing him to calm down as well. You close your eyes, and feel your body going from tense to relaxed.
You nuzzle your face into his neck. Your turn your head, and look at him. He looks back at you. "What?" He says softly to you with a smile.
"Nothing. You're just perfect."
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pokequirks · 5 months
bakugo katsuki x male!reader
note: just a thought.
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"the fuck are you doing here?" katsuki growls, seeing the masculine figure with head inside the fridge.
"i live here," he responds, taking the cold dinner and a beer, "ya should buy more meat."
katsuki's eyes follow the trace of stains that the clothes of the man has. he sits on the couch and turns on the tv.
"that shit is blood, isn't it?"
"oh, fuck, fuck, sorry kats, i'll clean it later," the man says, taking his cargo pants off and leaving them on the floor.
katsuki sits on the other couch, remaning quiet and watching the tired man in front of him. messy and long black hair, eyes bags under his tired eyes, small smile forming as he watches the program, scratched neck, blood stained legs on a lotus position.
"could you stop looking at me like that?" he whispers, leaving the can on the coffee table and laying on the couch "i'm close."
the man closes his eyes and turns. suddenly, the man coughs.
"fuck…" the man stands and rinses the blood off his hand. katsuki exhales, standing and walking towards the room.
"if you wanna sleep with me then take a shower, ya nasty as fuck."
katsuki entered the bedroom. 2:50am displaying on the digital clock that remained on his side table. he layed on the left side, on his arm. he tried to go to sleep while hearing the other man silently entering the bathroom and water crashing with his body.
he pretends to be asleeps as the man barely dresses with clean underwear and takes refuge with him under the sheets. the man holds katsuki's waist tight and presses softs kisses against his back.
"i'm sorry, kats, i'm really, really close," he murmurs, "you don't deserve this."
katsuki stays still as he feels his shirt wet. the man coming undone as he falls asleep.
it's 6am and he's not there. katsuki goes on with his usual rutine. eat breakfast, clean the mess and get ready for hero duty. he walks to the agency, where the case that he and his sidekick have been working on waits for him.
"good morning, boss. we have new info about the case," katsuki sits and the sidekick continues, "we think the organization is falling into pieces. ghoul has been seen movilizating to another province. informants say other suspects have traveled too."
"he's probably forming an army of his own."
katsuki nodds and lets them retire. he looks at his phone, no calls, no messages. how much more time he'll need, he wonders. katsuki sighs and goes out on patrol.
couple of days pass on without a single word from the man. he's neither gone home since that day. katsuki cooks for him, three cold dinners already in the fridge, waiting for the man to eat them. he stays awake, waiting for him to arrive all hurt, but he doesn't.
as kasuki makes another dinner his phone rings. unknown number.
"hi, kats," soft voice coming from the other side of the line, "how ya been?"
"we decided to make an incursion tomorrow morning," he says.
"don't talk to me about work, baby, tell me something else."
"don't call me baby, mother fucker," katsuki growls and the man laughs softly. he knows he's tired "i bought wagyu meat, ya shall came and eat that."
"that sounds delicious," he whispers, "i love you, kats."
"don't say that shit that way, ya sound like saying goodbye to me," katsuki sighs, "finish that shit and come home, i don't care if you die, you have to come back or i'll kill you."
the man burst into laughter. it's sweet hearing him like that.
"tell me ya love me."
"i'll tell you when you home."
"i have to go, kats," the man warns after someone calls hims, "i love you."
"love ya too."
"you told me you love me, ha!"
"cut that shit off! stupi..." he hung up.
katsuki sighs and continues cooking. that would be the fourth meal.
"we're going to start the operation, in one," the heroes took position, katsuki and the sidekicks beside him, "two..."
katsuki takes a deep breath, he feels all his body now ready.
the crowd moved towards the entrance of the abandoned building. quick paces as they started covering the area and weird looks started to appear between the teams.
bakugo reached the last floor. there was no one there. not even a stain of blood.
"sir, team leaders said they have found nothing. this site is clear."
katsuki returns home in the evening. the night is almost setting. he opens the door, there's no shoes in the front door, no blood stains on the floor, but the tv is on.
he runs, the window is covered in a trace of blood. the fridge is barely open and he's there, laying on the couch, a hole in his stomach.
"shit, who did this to you?" katsuki asked, sitting on the floor next to the man.
"hi, pretty boy, how are you?" a small smile painting his croaked lips and one eye still closed.
"why the fuck are you in that state? you are barely alive," katsuki remarks, now noticing the missing eye.
"if i would die, i prefer that you kill me," he says. katsuki looks at him, frowns and a feeling of impotence covers all his body. suddenly the man holds his hand, "i did it, kats, i'm out of that shit."
katsuki remains silent, just looking at the man. the jacket he liked so much now was covered all in dry blood, his shirt with a hole that almost covered it, new skin just starting to generate.
"i look bad, don't i?" katsuki nodded and the man barely laughed, "i'll be the sexy man you fell for in a while, i have been eating well."
the man pointed at the coffee table, the containers with all of his dinners were there, a spoon on the side with food stamps. the black mask is also covered in blood. katsuki stayed on his side for a while. soft breathing as the man rests.
without a word, katsuki helped him reach the bathroom. he helped him take a seat in the bathroom stool and started undressing him.
"i didn't know you had these kinks with a barely alive man, kats," the man laughed, a sudden pinch on the place where his stomach would go.
"shut the fuck up, asshole," katsuki opened the warm water key, the bathtub filling slowly.
in silence, katsuki cleaned the man's body with a towel. light red water falling as the man stayed quiet under katsuki's touch. he was gentle with him. taking care of not touching the hole. then covered up the injury.
"look, my eye is coming back," the man smiles, katsuki does too.
they ended up in bed. both wearing the matching pajama set that the man had bought some time ago.
"please, come with me," the man pleaded. katsuki couldn't say no, slowly he accommodated himself next to the man who embraced him.
"how did you end up like this?" katsuki asks.
"i... i turned into a monster, kats. had to eat them all," the man said, purely referring to those who fell in battle, sad tone and expression on his face "while i was full of energy the regeneration worked at its peak point, i used all battling him, i pierced his heart and separate his head from his body so he left me with this hole... i'm finally free, kats."
katsuki stayed quiet, barely being able to recreate the image in his head. he caressed the injured man's skin while the man played with his toes.
"what's the plan now? after you heal."
"i should look for a job, cannot let my beautiful wife work her ass off," the man grabbed katsuki's ass with a cocky smile on his face.
"i'm not your wife," katsuki whispers, controlling himself in order to avoid hitting him.
"ya not? i have bred ya a thousand times and ya already have the tits," the man puts katsuki above his pelvis, just below the injury, he squeezes katsuki's chest with both hands.
"don't, you hurt," the blonde says as the other rubs his skin below the clothes.
"like it hard, don't ya?" cocky smile on the lips. the missing eye is almost full again, "hug me and tell me ya love me."
katsuki accommodates himself next to the man, one arm over his chest, reaching the face. he stays there, comfortable, just in silence. wonders how much time this bliss could continue.
"i love ya, dumbass."
"i love you more, baby boy."
days pass by. the man soon got a job due to this excellent resume. katsuki still does hero duty, patrol in the morning, paperwork after lunch, and by dinner he's already home. a happy smile and welcoming hug there, waiting for him.
"ya have been making dinner lately," katsuki remarks.
the man nods, "the least i can do."
both man eat dinner together, seated at the dinner table while sharing a chat. the man speaks the most, talking about his engineering work and the co-workers. katsuki listens and sometimes asks something, he avoids talking about his hero duty, so the man being a chatty one is perfect for him.
"we should go see your mom and dad, don't think it is right to delay that when i'm already free, tomorrow's your day off, right?" katsuki nods, eyes fixed on his food, "could we go tomorrow? i'll pay for dinner."
katsuki nods again.
after sharing an intimate moment in the bathtub and then in the bed, katsuki's left with his own thoughts as the man sleeps beside him. he knows this has to come to an end.
"the old hag said my father isn't feeling good, we'll have to reschedule our dinner, i'm sorry."
"oh, it's okay, i hope your dad gets better," the man says and starts taking off his blazer.
"we could go to that park you like and eat something there," katsuki says, the man's eyes now filled with joy as he nods quickly.
he changes for the new jacket that katsuki gave him after the last one was completely unusable.
"thanks to the gift of ma wife, i look damn hot, don't i?"
"yeah, you do."
the man smiles and takes katsuki's hand, heading to the apartment door and chatting about nothing while leaving the building.
soon enough they arrived at that park that the former villain liked that much. they ate some street food before having ice cream and walked to a more private place.
"here, we meet here for the first time," the man said, a nostalgic feeling covering his chest, "you told me to die when i asked you for your number."
"yeah, i did. fucking weirdo that asked me out when i first meet him," katsuki growls, one hand inside his pocket.
"but ya fell so bad for your sexy, awesome husband, don't ya?" cocky smile on his lips as he tightens the grab on katsuki's.
time to finish this off.
"give me your hands," katsuki ordered, the man showed them to him, the blonde took the handcuffs out of his pocket and said, "you're under arrest."
"oh, kats, yer getting kinkier over time," the man said, laughing a bit and getting close to the red eyed man, "let's go home so ya could have me real nice."
the man got under alert when people in costumes started appearing. heroes. the man looked down, handcuffed hands, looked up, cold red eyes. a detective showing him his plaque and talking to him.
"kats, what's this? these yer friends?" the man stuttering.
"you're under arrest, ghoul."
"kats, take this thing off me, please," the man said, policeman taking him by the shoulders, "kats, please, please, don't go on with this joke, please."
the man was sweating cold, heavy breathing as the people surrounded him. he was getting anxious. pleading eyes looking at katsuki, who remained there, standing still.
"katsuki, please," the blonde negated his head, a heart breaking and suddenly all felt in silence. he looked down, a policeman holding the security wrap, "could you please not? i... i go with you."
police man looked at the man, then the number one hero.
"i'm sorry, it's protocol."
after that the black haired man was taken to the prison.
after months katsuki was able to visit the man in prison. the only purpose was to convince him to talk more and give the detective more information about the villain organization.
he was seated in the middle of the room, no more security around him than the guns on the roof ready to shoot if he activated his quirks. lost eyes, slow breathing. the hair was longer, he had gotten back the eye bags and he looked way too skinny.
"how are you?" katsuki asked, the man remained quiet, not even looking at him, "don't wanna talk to me?"
katsuki huffed, waiting for him to answer something. his patience grew smaller with each second that passed by. foot hitting the floor while looking at the man. he couldn't stand it.
"i'm out this shit," the blonde standed and walked towards the door and before he could get out the man speaked.
"why... why did you do that?" slow words, tired heart, "i understand you position being a hero, but i still think you could have gave me some sign..."
both remained in silence.
"did you felt the same way as i did? was all a farce? the nights we spent together, when you told me you loved me? was all that part of the mission?"
katsuki couldn't answer.
"for a long time i had nothing, just one thing to protect and then i met you and thought i may be able to have a life, someone to get back at home," the man looked up, tears running down his eyes, "you should go, katsuki."
"have you been eating?" the blonde asked, still without looking back at the man.
"sure... i'm sorry i can't be helpful to you. i'm not snitching on my friends," a large sigh came out to him, "this will end soon."
"what do you mean?"
"you saw me, i was at my best when you first met me and before being here," katsuki frowned when hearing the man's words, "cow meat is great for keeping me alive if i have it in big amounts, if i don't eat human flesh right now i'll die."
"so you'll just die? tell them what they need to know, they will lower your sentence and i could bring you all the wagyu you would need."
"it doesn't work like that, kats. this power was given to me and it will kill me. you shouldn't worry about my former co-workers, they're on the right track, i took care of that."
katsuki left. no words, no goodbye.
"kacchan, i'm sorry i-"
"shut the fuck up, deku."
the service was held at a small venue, surprisingly for the few policemen, the detective and a few heroes the venue was full. people would give their respects to katsuki.
"sir always said you were a pretty blonde, sure we didn't expect you to be a man nor a hero," one man said, chatting after the corpse was cremated.
izuku standed next to katsuki, trying to support him.
how did you know him? if i may ask," the detective intervened.
"he helped me and my sons get a job, he was a great engineer."
"yeah, he was," katsuki whispered and retired.
"hi, kats. i'm sorry you have to see me like this, lately i have been a jerk with you, i'm sorry about that. i know i'm dying soon, i feel weaker each day and... don't know just i thought i should tell you that i love you and you shouldn't feel bad about this, you did what you had to do, only brave men do. you never deserved this, to get involved with me and my stuff, i hope you can forgive me and i will always love you."
katsuki closed the laptop screen and huffed.
"stupid son of a bitch."
in the front building were too black silhouettes, one holding some binoculars watching inside the apartment.
"sir, we should go now, you're still weak."
"yeah, just let me have this a little more, this is the last time i see my wi-... i see him."
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cicimunson · 1 year
Period Comfort with Eddie
Just a short drabble of Eddie comforting the reader while they're on their period.
You wake up with a sharp pain in your lower stomach, groaning softly as you curl into a ball. Your period was here, it was early, and you were already miserable.
Eddie stirs in his sleep, automatically rolling over and tossing an arm around you.
"Bad dream, babe?" He murmurs, kissing your cheek. "Don't worry, I'm right here."
You slip out of bed. "I'm fine. I just need to use the bathroom." You hurry down the hall before he can reply.
Please let it be a light one, please let it be a light one, please let it be-
You sigh as you tug down your sleep shorts and underwear and see the mess. You had already leaked through them. 
Fuck, of course. My first time sleeping over with my boyfriend and this happens.
You realize that if you've bled through your shorts, there's probably blood on the bed. You briefly contemplate just leaving, walking out the front door without saying a word. It isn't like Eddie is going to want to talk to you after this, he'll probably be disgusted.
You dismiss the idea, your shoes and keys are in his bedroom anyways.
You leave the bathroom, dragging your feet as you walk back to him. Eddie is sitting up in the bed, looking concerned.
"Are you okay baby?"
You nod slowly, dreading the conversation you're about to have.
"Um, yeah, I'm fine. I just…I got my period is all."
He looks a little surprised but nods. "Oh, okay. Do you need to go home or something?"
Of course he wants me to go home. You blink back tears.
"I can, but, um, I wanted to offer to wash your sheets first. I'm really sorry."
He frowns. "Wash my sheets? Why?"
You look down at the floor. "I, uh, I got blood on them."
Eddie pulls the cover back, grimacing when he sees the blood stain.
"I can clean it up, I promise, and then I'll go, I'm so sorry." You start to ramble. "It wasn't supposed to happen until next week, but sometimes it's early and I should have-"
"Hey, stop, it's fine." He gets out of bed and pulls you into his arms. "Are you okay? Are you in pain?"
"I…just some cramps, I'm fine." You look up at him, surprised at the worry etched on his face. You expected him to look disgusted.
"Are you sure? That's a lot of blood, it looks like it would hurt." He gestures to the stain.
You realize his little grimace when he saw it wasn't because he was grossed out, it was because he was worried about you. He’s so concerned, he’s so sweet.
"Listen, I can handle the sheets. Why don't you go take a shower? I'm sure you wanna get cleaned up." He kisses your forehead.
"Are you sure? I know it's kinda gross. If you don't want-"
"Babe, it's just blood, I got it. I just wanna make sure you're okay is all." He strokes your cheek, still looking worried.
He's really not disgusted or mad. He's worried about me. You let out a sigh of relief.
"I'm fine, I promise. I'll go shower." You peck his lips gently. "Use cold water on those sheets."
He nods, turning to gather them up while you grab your overnight bag and head back to the bathroom. You get out fresh clothes and search your toiletries, letting out a triumphant "A-ha!" when you find a pad wedged between your deodorant and toothbrush holder.
You ball up your dirty clothes and stuff them in the bag before showering quickly, making sure there's no trace of blood left in the tub before getting dressed.
You follow the sounds coming from the kitchen, smiling when you see Eddie standing over the stove, singing along with the radio.
"Oldies country? I'm shocked." You tease and he whirls around to face you, a slight blush creeping up on his cheeks. 
"Hey, it's all Wayne listens to so of course I know a couple songs." He protests. “Doesn’t make me a fan.”
"Oh I'm not judging, you sound great babe." You push his hair back to kiss his shoulder.
"We are having eggs with cheese, the house speciality." He says in a dramatic French accent. "You like, oui?"
"Oui." You giggle. "Can I do anything to help?"
"You can sit and look pretty, you're already halfway there." He kisses your nose. "My pretty baby."
"Oh, stop." Your cheeks turn pink as you sit down.
He serves you a plate of eggs and a glass of juice before sitting down beside you, grabbing your chair to tug you closer to him. Eddie always had to be close to you, resting a hand on your leg, brushing his thigh against yours, kissing your temple. You normally didn't like to be touched constantly, but with Eddie you craved it. Something in his touch made you feel happy and safe.
He tries to spoon feed you and you laugh, pushing his hand away. "Stop, you goof."
"It's part of the house speciality, the chef feeds you." He tugs one of your thighs over his, stroking your leg as he feeds you little bites.
"You're spoiling me." You murmur, taking a sip of your juice. “I’m fine, Eddie, really.”
He hesitates. "Does it…are you hurting?"
You nod. "Just a little, the cramps hurt. And my chest is a little sore."
He grins mischievously. "Seeing as I'm such a loving and devoted boyfriend, I'm more than happy to rub whatever hurts."
"Eddie!" You blush and hide your face in his neck.
"No, no, I insist. It's my job and I take my job very seriously." He quips as he puts the dirty dishes in the sink before leading you to the couch.
"Very funny. Although I wouldn't say no to a tummy rub right now."
He sprawls out on the couch and pulls you down beside him, your back against his chest. "Let me take care of you baby." He coos, rubbing your lower stomach gently.
"I thought…I thought maybe it would gross you out and you'd want me to go home." You admit. "I'm really sorry about the sheets."
He shakes his head. "Hey, none of that. Truthfully, I think it's kinda metal."
You look up at him over your shoulder. "You think periods are metal?"
"I mean, yeah, kinda! You're in pain and bleeding but you're still up walking around and doing stuff? It's a bit badass, babe."
You smile softly. "You're one-of-a-kind, you know that right?"
He looks pleased. "Right back at ya, gorgeous."
You snuggle in his arms, your eyelids starting to droop after a bit.
"Getting sleepy, pretty baby?"
You nod, kissing his cheek. "Can we nap?"
"Whatever my baby wants." He returns the kiss, holding you tightly.
You nod off in his arms as he keeps rubbing your stomach. 
Eddie isn't even tired. He lies contently beside you, hugging you close as he strokes your tummy and back. When he finally does drift off to sleep, he whispers a soft "I love you." in your ear, feeling a weight lift off his chest as he says it for the first time, even though you're sleeping soundly and didn't hear him.
It doesn't matter though, because you fully intend to tell him you love him when you wake up. How could you not?
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amymbona · 2 months
I'm so obsessed with the idea that Patrick will have a daughter, not a son! but a daughter. And I need to read something abt ex-husband! Patrick and their daughter again. Saw ur bot in character.ai, but I need something more on this topic, 'm dying 😭😭
Patrick is hundred percent a girl dad, that's an iternationally known fact! I was almost convinced that I posted some headcanons about girl dad Patrick but I can't find it anywhere on my tumblr, so maybe it was just a dream. 😟
Despite Patrick being quite a reckless prick, you're always sure she's safe with him. He can be a bit messy, you're well aware, as you used to be a frequent coordinator of his messiness, but with your daughter, he could earn a master's degree in cautiousness. It's almost surpising to you, how clean his place is and how beautiful of a room he has made for daughter there, with pink walls and a princess bed, all to ensure his daughter gets the treatment she deserves.
Sometimes, when you drop her off and catch a glimpse of the pristine marble counter in his kitchen, you get very doubtful of your own job as a mother. It's not like you're poor, no, but with Patrick being a successful and now retired tennis player, he's able to afford whatever you have times three. And for that reason, you're afraid your daughter would tend to gravitate towards him. After all, you work a lot and aren't able to buy her all the toys she'd like (you'd be able to, if you accepted all the money Patrick has generously offered you over time, but your own pride doesn't allow you to) and Patrick is basically a stay at home dad, constantly present and showering her with gifts.
This is a thought that you've managed to keep safe from the outside world, mainly from Patrick. Despite him being allowed to see his daughter at any time, her permanent residence is your place, and after the divorce you've been assigned as her number one guardian - a mutual agreement between Patrick and yourself, as you both know the little girl needs her mother's presence more - you're still too afraid that the moment Patrick sees you fall behind, he'll attempt to gain full custody over her. And that would be an absolute stab in your heart.
Each time you drop the little one off, he notices you disheveled appearance and offers you to take care of your daughter for a day or two longer so you could get some rest. He even offers you money again, so you don't have to work your ass off and stay at home with your daughter instead. But again, you reject.
"At least come inside," he insists, bouncing the little one in his arms.
"No, Patrick, I have stuff to do," you reject his offer with a shake of your head.
Patrick rolls his eyes just subtly enough so your daughter wouldn't notice. "Don't be stubborn. I'll make you some tea."
So you do come in, finding yourself absolutely unable to oppose Patrick. In full honesty, you're too tired to fight him, feeling like you could fall asleep even when you're standing on your feet. The last couple of days have been rough and you simply weren't able to get enough sleep.
"I'll go make it," Patrick announces, his voice much softer as his hands are now free and your daughter runs in the direction of her room.
"Okay," you nod, unable to offer even a simple smile and follow your daughter. You've only seen her room at Patrick's about two times, but that was about half a year ago, and your curiosity gets the best of you. "How about you show me what's new in your room?"
"Yes, yes!" the girl's little hand slips into yours and she drags you behind herself with the force of a horse, probably having inherited that after her father. "Daddy got me a new lego house last time. Come, look!"
You follow the little bundle of joy into her room, a gasp leaving your mouth when you see the little princess chamber Patrick has transformed it into. A pink canopy bed sits in the centre of the room, surrounded by an uncountable amount of toys all over the floor, various houses for her Barbie dolls lined up by the wall. A giant teddy bear is occupying an armchair in the corner, where Patrick probably sits when he reads her bed time stories, and little stars that presumably shine at night are hanging off of the ceiling. This is nothing like the excuse of a room she has at your place. This is way better...
With a yawn, you drop down on the bed, the soft mattress creaking under the weight of your body, while your daughter begins excitedly showing you all the outfits she put together for her falls, explaining how this one is meant for a casual walk and that one will be worn at a Barbie winter ball. Her eyes are glowing and she's clearly in her element, constantly pulling your attention with look, mommy! from one gift to another. She has everything she'll ever need in here.
The distant noise of the running kettle fills your ears as you lower yourself down, knees curling up by your chest as the bed clearly isn't made for someone your size. But you're really fucking tired at the moment and just need to rest for a while. While your daughter plays, your eyes follow all the goods in her room, eyelids becoming heavier and heavier with each passing moment. Perhaps if you close them for just a few seconds, it'll get better.
Just few minutes after that, Patrick's curly head peaks through the door, a cup of black tea in his hands. "There you go, now we can- Oh."
The sight in front of him is something he would have never expected to see in a million years, his ex wife, evidently absolutely worn out, funnily curled up in the toddler bed and snoring softly. It's pitiful, and at first, he wants to laugh and make fun of you for being so pathetic. But then it hits him, like a dagger straight through his heart, that you're really fucking exhausted.
Patrick squats down by the bed, eyes settling on your beautiful face, so pale and almost lifeless. It hurts him to see you like that and he doesn't have the heart to wake you up, deciding that even if you don't suit the surroundings at all, you deserve to stay asleep as long as possible. So he gathers the bunched up princess blanket and places it over your back gently. With a small, partially guilty smile, he smooths the blanket down and presses a kiss to the side of your head.
"Come on, princess," he gets up with a small pat on his thighs and walks around the bed to scoop your daughter into his arms. She's so similar to you, a little reminder of what he has lost. "We're gonna let mommy rest."
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luke-hughes43 · 2 months
beautiful crazy | luke and melissa
luke and mel enjoying their retired life and life as parents after the NHL and catching up with their closest friends and families.
*there's a couple of time jumps in this but it's their adult life after college and into the NHL and after. maybe with Luke being involved at the NTDP*
(I kept the ages vague and gave random names for their kids since we haven't talked about it yet)
her day starts with a coffee, and ends with a wine, takes forever gettin' ready, so she's never on time for anything
mel is very much a morning person compared to luke. she didn't always used to be a morning person but early morning workouts in college to having kids converted her into being an early riser despite her husband being in a deep sleep.
mel is up between 5 and 5:30 every morning to enjoy some peace and quiet before her teenage kids wake up. she's enjoying her coffee when at about 5:15, she feels a pair of arms wrap around her face. she knows it's luke.
"come back to bed." he mumbles into her neck. she giggles, "no. I'm enjoying my coffee in the peace and quiet before the kids get up. bridgette has a skate at 6:15, and christian is doing off ice at 6:00 with mini duke. delaney said she'd come too and just do her own workout in the gym at the rink before school."
"what time will you be home?" luke mumbles again, holding mel tighter.
mel smiles at her sleepy, clingy husband. she runs her fingers through his curls and says, "I drop the girls off at school at 7:45. so I'll be home at like 8 ish. when do you have to be at the rink?"
"8:30. I'll be leaving when you get home but I'm only there for half the day since the kids have school for the second half. and I took a half day anyways so I can spend time with you."
mel smiles and leans into luke's hold until she hears her first born moving around upstairs. she sighs, "and bridgette is up. goddamn early bird child."
"she gets it from you." Luke smirks and kisses mel's cheek. mel smiles, "while she obviously didn't get it from you. christian and del definitely did from you."
Luke goes to protests but they hear a "mom?!" coming from bridgette's bathroom and mel says, "duty calls. I love you babe." and kisses him before going up to their oldest daughter.
"I love you too sweetheart."
when she gets that come-get-me look in her eyes, well it kinda scares me, the way that she drives me wild, and she drives me wild
luke gets home from a long day at the rink with christian to see mel cooking dinner and doing the dishes. he asks over to hug her and give her a kiss but also to steal a piece of chicken.
mel slaps his hand and scolds him, "luke warren absolutely not. go take a shower before touching this. I don't need your hockey smelling hands contaminating dinner."
"I'm offended honey. really."
"I don't care. go shower." mel says sternly. she turns and gives him a look that says "if you don't get your butt upstairs and take a shower you're sleeping on the couch." luke recognizes the look and immediately retreats to shower.
he says as he's going up the stairs, "I love you!"
"go shower luke. then I'll tell you I love you." mel shorts back at him. he chuckles and just goes to shower before mel killed him.
beautiful crazy, she can't help but amaze me, the way that she dances, ain't afraid to take chances, and wears her heart on her sleeve, yeah she's crazy, but her crazy's beautiful to me
(this is while they are still in the NHL, it's gonna be shea's wedding so part of mel telling Luke she's pregnant, maybe for their third kid.)
mel is sitting with ethan's wife for a few minutes sipping on water since she can't drink. luke walks over, extends his hand, and smiles, "may I have this dance mrs. hughes?"
she looks at ethan's wife who nods and mel smiles, "you may mr. hughes." she lets him pull her onto the dance floor for a slow dance. something they don't get to do often. mel comments, "I'm so happy for shea. he looks so happy and grown up."
"yea. you always had a soft spot for him didn't you?"
"of course I did. you left me alone with him and gavin for a year and someone had to supervise them. I grew close with him and he's the little brother I never wanted but got stuck with anyways."
"I don't know if I've ever told you this but one of the things that I fell in love with about you is your ability to open your heart to anyone. especially the important people in my life."
"well if they are important to you then they are important to me. we're in this life together luke."
"that's what I mean. you took shea in your arms in college and kept him under your wing while he made the transition. and I know it meant a lot to him."
"he's family. it was a no brainer." mel smiles up at her husband. Luke leans down and presses a soft but long kiss to her lips. he mumbles against them, "I love you mel. my crazy girl."
"I love you too Luke."
she makes plans for the weekend, can't wait to go out, till she changes her mind, and says, "let's stay on the couch and watch TV", and she falls asleep
"come on Luke, let's get the whole gang back together for the weekend, send the kids to your parents or my parents or to their friends and just have a weekend with our friends with no kids and no responsibilities. like college all over again. it will be fun, and we haven't seen some of them in ages with mackie, mark, and ethan moving out of michigan."
"fine. but you have to promise not to change your mind about it. because even if you do, it's still happening and they'll still be here."
"I won't change my mind." mel says nodding with smile, excited about their friends coming to town.
~day before their friends come to town~
"luke, are we sure they're still coming tomorrow?" mel asks while cooking dinner. luke rolls his eyes and nods, "yes. you aren't getting out of it."
"but I really just wanna wear sweats and watch tv with you."
"not happening. and we do that every night. they are coming and it's final." he says looking her in the eye. mel nods and mumbles "fine" under her breath.
~night of~
after the first hour of catching up and being excited to see everyone, they all gather around the fire pit on the back patio. mel is curled up on luke's lap and after being under the blanker with luke rubbing her back for 30 minutes, she's out cold. luke chuckles and dylan asks, "what's so funny hughesy?"
"mel is out cold."
"typical mel." ethan comments. mark adds, "some things never change." both of their wives smack them for their comments but everyone knows it's true. she always suggests doing something and then curls up on luke's lap and falls asleep pretty quickly.
beautiful crazy, she can't help but amaze me, the way that she dances, ain't afraid to take chances, and wears her heart on her sleeve, yeah she's crazy, but her crazy's beautiful to me
mel is sitting in her office, in late july, on her computer to organize the family calendar to make sure that her and luke can get all of the kids where they need to be. luke comes home to his wife hard at work once again. he smiles, "do you ever take a break baby?"
mel jumps, not hearing him walk in. she says, "no. because if I take a break, the kids don't get where they need to be. because christian was so focused on hockey this summer that he never took his road test, bridge moves into holy cross in 3 weeks, and Delaney is coming back from pgf with lauren and sophia in 3 days and she has a camp at michigan when she gets back."
"woah, just relax for a second mel. it's gonna be ok. just breathe." luke says softly and pulls mel up from the desk and into a hug. mel lets out a deep breath and asks luke, "were we crazy for signing our kids up for so many activities as a kids and they kept that schedule into their teen years? like did we cause this because this is what we did?"
"no at all. we told them that if they didn't wanna do any of this that they didn't have to. and that just drove them even more. they get their crazy dedicated work ethic from you sweetheart."
"I'm not crazy dedicated, I'm just passionate." mel argues back against luke's chest. he chuckles, "you say passionate, most people say crazy. but you're my crazy girl and I love that about you. and don't worry about the kids, we'll figure it out mel. we always do."
"are you sure?" mel questions. luke nods, "I'm sure. I'll tell christian that he had to schedule a road test before school starts with the program or else he can find a different ride to the rink. and del will figure out what she wants for college soon, she's only a sophomore don't forget. and we'll get bridgette to worcester. you're parents are still nearby and I'm sure they'd be willing be to help out. but we got it melissa, I promise."
"never melissa me again." mel says looking up at him.
"I won't. I just used tot o get my point across." luke chuckled and kissed her head. he just holds her close and enjoying a moment to themselves in their very busy lives. mel is understanding how jim and ellen felt reading quinn, jack, and luke.
she's crazy, she's crazy, but her crazy's beautiful to me, her crazy's beautiful to me
luke is never not amazed but how go-go-go his wife is when it comes to the kids and how organized she has everything. he loves seeing her take control of the situation and get everything handled using her crazy methods to do so and is never not so deeply in love with mel that it hurts him to even think about a life without her.
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