#i'm actually................like yeah i would follow this guy anywhere
southfarthing · 1 year
guys listen to this dramatic reading of the oath of feanor in quenya + original soundtrack this person on youtube made......................i’m off to burn some ships who’s with me
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endlessthxxghts · 4 months
Time of The Month
New boyfriend!Frankie Morales x afab!gn!reader
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Summary: You had a date planned tonight, but your monthly visitor makes an early appearance, wreaking bloody havoc on your plans. W/C: 1k (wow, I'm sticking to my celebration rules for once?) Content warnings: Pics are for aesthetic purposes only!! Mature content, but purely fluff and comfort! Mention of reader having period, but no use of any pronouns or physical or feminine descriptors. Santi gets mentioned! Frankie calls you "cariño" and "baby." Some kissing. Honestly, I think that's it! Please let me know if I missed anything. BLOG RULES MAKE THIS 18+! MDNI.
A/N: This is my response to this request made by @sawymredfox in regard to my 1k follower celebration! I hope this gives you all the fluff and comfort you were hoping for!🥹 Also, shoutout to @javierpena-inatacvest for picking out the pictures above — it matches the comfort vibe perfectly. Thank you, bestie, I love you.💚 Anywho, I hope you enjoy. I'd love to hear what ya guys think. All my love. Xx
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You and Frankie have been seeing each other, officially, for a few months now. And even though you two were friends for a little bit of time before that, there was still a charge of attraction then. So, really, your entire relationship started in the talking stage. So, yeah, your guys’ relationship is relatively new, which is why he’s shaking like a leaf at the prospect of letting himself into your home without you giving him the approval to do so—even if you told him so many times before that it was okay. But when you didn’t answer your phone for the third time in a row, he knew something was off, especially since you two had a little date planned in a few hours. 
Putting in the code to your garage—no, he doesn’t have a key…yet—he makes his way through, hitting the button inside to watch it fall shut before he actually enters your home. He’s met with complete silence: all lights off, the television off, no sign of life anywhere. 
He calls out your name, voice filled with anxiety. A beat passes, and no answer. He walks deeper inside, slowly making his way to the living room. “Cariño?” He calls out. Still, no answer. He really doesn’t want to invade your privacy like this, but part of him can’t just sit in the unknown. Not when his partner is the most communicative person he’s ever met in his life. No, something is really wrong. 
He makes his way to your bedroom. The door is shut, but not all the way—enough for Frankie to see your dimly lit space and smell a plethora of essential oils coming from your room. He gives your door a slight knock before entering, and the view he’s met with sends him in absolute shambles. You’re curled up in your bed, fetal position, cocooned in a thick blanket, and your arms are wrapped around something—holding it tight to your lower belly. A heating pad, he thinks. 
Your bedside table houses a glass of water, some painkillers, and some chocolate. Then, it clicks. 
You’re on your period. 
It’s not like Frankie has never experienced a person being on their period before, and it’s not like he hasn’t seen you on your period before (just last month—duh!). But he has never seen you like this. So weak and fragile. So in pain. God, he hates seeing you in any kind of pain. He would take it all away if he could. 
The only reason he’s nervous is because he knows every person who gets their period is different; their needs are different. Unique. Some prefer the warm embrace of another at all times, others prefer complete solitude. Frankie was still learning what you were like during your time of the month, and he just wants to be as accommodating as possible for you. He doesn’t want to make you upset, ever, and definitely not when you’re in such a vulnerable state—ready to either cry or rip him a new asshole. Whatever he would have to experience, though, he would endure it, for you. 
Scooting closer to the side of the bed you’re laying on, he slowly kneels, his broad hand feeling your forehead. Warm and a slight layer of sweat from your cocoon and your heat pack. You stir at his touch. “Cariño,” he whispers, trying to get you aware of his presence. 
Your eyebrows furrow, a little pout forming, not wanting to wake up. Frankie softly laughs to himself. He brings his face closer to yours, placing a soft kiss to your forehead. “Baby,” he says a little louder this time, still unbelievably gentle. 
One eye slowly peels open, the other following suit. “Frankie?” you say with uncertainty, your voice thick with sleep. Your hand leaves its hold on your heat pack to rub the fatigue out of your eyes. 
“Hi, honey,” he whispers, his thumb mindlessly caressing your face wherever he can reach. 
“B-baby, what are you doing here? I-” you gasp. “Oh, fuck! Baby!” You immediately rip the blanket off of you, scrambling to get yourself to sit up. “Baby, our date! What time is it? I must’ve fallen asleep- I- I’m sor-”
Standing a little taller now on one knee, Frankie stands between your legs, both his hands finding their homes on your cheeks, pulling you to look at him—to ground you. He kisses your nose, a soft say of your name to get your attention. 
“Cariño, breathe, it’s okay, we’re okay,” he says softly. “We planned for 7, baby, it’s 5:30.”
He feels your body start to relax, a soft sigh of relief fanning his cheeks. “Oh,” you whisper.
“The question is, though,” he asks, one hand leaving your cheek to rest across your lower belly. “Do you feel okay enough to even leave the house?”
You track his hand before you meet his eyes. “...not really,” you admit. 
“That’s oka-”
Cutting him off with a thick sigh, “I’m so sorry, baby, I just ruined tonight. My period has been wonky lately. I was supposed to start tomorrow, but it ended up being a murder scene a few hours ago, and I’ve been in pain ever since. I didn’t even realize how hard I knocked out-”
He pulls your face into his, your lips meeting each other in a soft embrace, stopping your brain from the 5k marathon it was currently running. He pulls away, your cheeks completely hot under his gaze, Frankie mirroring your bashfulness. “I- I’m sorry, I just-” he lets out a breathy laugh. “I don’t need you overthinking with me, cariño. I promise it’s okay. As long as I’m with you, I really don’t care what we’re doing. Okay?”
“Okay,” you respond, eyes tearing up at how sweet your boyfriend is. 
“I just want you. I just need you. Nothing else,” he angles your head down to kiss your forehead. “Now what’s my baby craving? I’ll go get it.”
“No-” you immediately reply, clearing your throat to suppress your eager response. “No… just. I don’t want you to leave me.” You wrap your arms around his neck, pulling his kneeling form flush against your sitting one. 
“Okay, baby. I’ll just get it delivered then. Pretty sure Santi isn’t doing anything besides being an asshole,” he says, laughing into your neck. “Wanna bother him?”
“Fuck yeah,” you laugh. Frankie beams at the sound. 
“¿Qué quieres comer?” What do you want to eat? 
“Mmm, can we get…” you trail off, a little shy to indulge. He’s probably hungry and wanting a real meal like what your original plan was for, but here you are, craving nothing but junk and snacks to satiate you tonight. 
“Hm? Fries and a chocolate frosty? You want pickles, too, huh? Maybe some mashed potatoes?”
Oh my God. You’re going to fucking marry this man. 
Frankie pulls away from you with a smirk, reaching for his phone to dial up Santi. 
Huh. Maybe he already does know you—especially during this time of the month. 
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End note - I hope this was okay!🥹 There are a few more requests for me to do as part of my celebration!! I'm sorry if it seems like I'm dragging them out lol! Not my intention at all, just trying to balance my excitement with the neediness of school😩 lolol but anyway, I love you all SO MUCH thank you for your endless love.💚
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hughesurdaddy43 · 5 months
Come over
Summary: I'm setting off. But not without my muse
Pairing: Quinn Hughes x fem reader
Note: IM sorry guys this one is actually so long so I cut it in half so the next part Ill post tomorrow & its gonna kill you
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It's been three days since you've last seen Quinn. 72 hours since the two of you shared a kiss. 259,200 seconds of you replaying that moment in your head, over and over again.
Quinn had already left for his away game, and not seeing him in person again after he single handedly took your breath away was driving you crazy.
You sit on your couch, having yet another lazy day after opting out of going into your office today. Your mind is too much in a daze to deal with annoying coworkers who are a little too interested in your friendship with the famous hockey player. With your computer in your lap, you try and focus on an email from your boss that has gone unread for the last four days, and as soon as you start reading the first line, your phone starts to ring.
Quinns name flashes on the screen and you don't hesitate to toss your computer to the side and answer your FaceTime call. He flashes a smile as soon as the call connects. It's dim where he is, and you soon realize that he's on the bus. His under eyes are dark, and his beard is a little more scruffy than usual, but that doesn't stop you from thinking he's still the most handsome man you've ever laid eyes on .
"Shouldn’t you be getting some sleep?" You ask Quinn, raising your eyebrow at him. It's a mom kind of question, one that you know Ellen would ask if she had seen him awake this late at night after he had played, and won a game.
"Couldn’t sleep," He tells you, and you know it's a lie. His poker face never worked on you. You roll your eyes at him letting him continue. "I actually wanted to ask you something."
Your heart does a backflip, which seems like the only thing it's been doing lately.
"Go for it." You tell him.
Before Quinn responds, you watch as he pulls his headphones off and look off in the distance. He's talking to someone on the other side of the phone, so you take another moment to admire him. The way he listens intently to whoever it is he's talking to you, how his eyes don't look away until he's finished talking.
He makes it easy for you to remember all the reasons you fell in love with him.
"What are you doing right now?" He asks once his attention is back on you. You let out a laugh, pulling your phone closer to your face. "I'm waiting for that question you wanted to ask me." You say in a 'duh' tone.
Quinn laughs, following your own actions and pulling his phone closer to his face. You can't help but stare at his lips, reminiscing how they felt against your own.
"Oh yeah, I'm flying you out to Jersey. To watch me and my brothers play. Well," He pauses, "Just Luke actually, Jack's out with an injury, but mom and Luke would love for you to be there."
"That wasn't a question, Quinn. And what about Jim?" You tease, and Quinn smiles again. "Jim is Jim. So, you'll be there?"
You shrug your shoulders, looking over at your computer that still has the email from your boss on the screen.
"I already bought the flight and the hotel, and it's" Another pause, "10:45 right now. Your flight is tomorrow at 9 in the morning, and you'll get to Jersey some time in the evening. I have a driver picking you up." A final pause, Quinn catches his breath. "It's all taken care of." He says softly.
It's times like this, where you remember Quinn has money. Where he's willing to spend a lot of money for you to be anywhere with him, but with the sweet gesture comes curiosity and you can't help but wonder if he's done things like this for her.
A part of you wants to tell him no. You have your own life in Vancouver. Your job, half-assed plans that you'd already made with your friends, you can't always drop everything for Quinn. But he knows you better than he knows hockey. He knows you'll be there.
"I guess I should start packing then, yeah?" His smile grows wider, "Will you text me when you're boarding?" He asks, and you nod your head 'yes'
The both of you stare at each other through your screens. Silently admiring each other. Secretly acknowledging how easy it is for you two to be together.
Once you hang up, you immediately run to your closet. Most of the items hanging up are Quinns. Hoodies, t-shirts, old jersey and even a couple of suits that he's left after late nights and early mornings. "What's mine is his" You think to yourself. You start throwing in a mix of yours and his clothes.
New Jersey is a cold state, something you'd learned the hard way after a failed trip a few years ago. You'd insisted that you didn't need to bring a winter coat on your trip because you already live in a cold climate, you were used to the cold. Quinn reminded you how you were always cold, and that you'd definitely needed to bring your coat, but like a stubborn child, you'd ignored him. "I'll be fine," You had told him, and instead of arguing, he let you figure it out on your own.
You stare at the winter coat hanging up. The winter coat Quinn had ended up buying you because he had gotten tired of you stealing his.
And it's almost like he's listening to your thoughts, sharing your memory even though he's thousands of miles away, because once your phone dings and you look down at your home screen, you see Quinn has reminded you to make sure to bring your winter coat.
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g4yforethan · 1 month
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pairing: steve rogers x bucky barnes x male!reader
summary: request from a while ago
warnings: cursing, smut, bottom!reader, praise k!nk
a/n: i actually have an obsession with chris evans atp it’s not even funny 🫡
you had gotten out of the shower and only had on your towel when a knock on your bedroom door startled you. “umm i’m changing right now!” you said hoping the person on the other side would understand. “aww come on y/n it’s just me and bucky! we have a lil surprise for you!” you recognized that voice anywhere. it was steve rogers, your muscular and extremely attractive friend who you wished was more than your friend. “yeah y/n we need your opinion on something.” you were curious by what bucky said and quickly opened the door. you were shocked to see both steve and bucky shirtless and only in their underwear. “oh my god are you guys insane?! what if nat or tony sees you?” they both laugh and enter your room while bucky locks the door.
“haha they’re all on a research mission right now. it’s just the three of us for now.” steve said with a grin on his face as both him and bucky sat next to you on the bed. “well what did you want my opinion for?” they both looked at each other with mischievous looks. “you see i don’t know about this underwear. i mean does it look good on me?” steve turned as you noticed his huge bugle and muscular ass inches away from you. “yes steve it looks amazing on you.” you try not to stare too long as you felt yourself slowly getting a boner. “okay my turn now. what do you think y/n? take all the time you want.” you also noticed his massive bulge poking out. “it looks fantastic on both of you truly.” you said as your face turned red.
“oh yeah? well would it look better like this?” steve pulls down his underwear and throws them on the ground. “oh yeah way better steve. my turn now.” bucky in return pulls down his underwear as well. you were in shock and thought you must be imagining. “now y/n it’s your turn.” steve said as he placed his hand on your chin and bucky massaged your shoulder. you got up and removed your towel as the both of them looked down excited to see you were ready. the three of you got into bed as steve and bucky quickly attacked your lips and neck. they both took turns devouring your lips while their hands moved all over your body. you moaned as steve but your lip as bucky massaged your cock. “oh yeah we’re gonna treat you just right y/n.” bucky said as he pushed you on top of him.
you kissed his chest and went down to his cock and began sucking on his hard and thick cock. all while steve watched stroking his dick and begging for your warm throat. “you know what to do cap.” bucky said to steve as steve quickly got behind you and began licking your hole. you moaned as steve teased your hole with his finger while bucky continued stuffing his cock down your throat. "it's gonna hurt a little baby but just trust me." steve whispered in your ear before you felt you felt a tight pressure on your hole. he entered your hole slowly and placed his hands on your lower back while you continued making out with buckys cock. as steve picked up the pace, you moaned in pleasure while bucky shoved his cock down your throat making you gag.
"fuck yeah y/n. hey steve, how about we switch?" bucky said as he felt your hole with his finger. steve agreed as bucky positioned you with your legs on his shoulders and steve behind you slapping your face with his cock. bucky entered your hole with ease and quickly began pounding it. steve followed as he rammed his cock up and down your throat. "fuck baby you're suck a fucking slut." steve said as he placed his hands on your face and continued using your throat. "ugh fuck y/n i think i'm gonna cum first." bucky said as you felt your hole fill with his warm and thick cum. bucky licked your leaking hole and kissed you on the lips before laying down. "ugh fuck your hole felt good. captain, he's all yours." steve smiled before laying on top of you and slowly inserting his cock inside you. you moaned as steve went at a fast pace and began to suck on your neck and chest.
"haha that's right cap fuck his hole." bucky said as he watched steve ram his thick cock inside you. your moans grew louder and louder so steve put his finger inside your mouth. "shush baby that's right. suck on my finger." you sucked on his finger while you felt his sweat come onto you. "ughh fuck y/n. fuck im gonna cum." you felt that same warm sensation of his cum fill your insides as steve laid back and let out a big exhale. "hey come on steve we can't just leave y/n hanging. it's not like he's our sex toy. haha come here baby boy." bucky lifted your legs and began licking your hole. you started stroking your cock as steve began playing with your nipples and kissing them. "ugh fuck that feels so good." you said as bucky kissed your hole. "lemme help you there y/n." steve said as he removed your hand and filled his mouth with your cock. "just ram it in there." he said as you shoved your coke down steve’s throat.
“ugh fuck i’m gonna cum.” you said as an overwhelming sense of pleasure ran through your body. “cum in my mouth baby.” steve said as you filled his mouth with your cum. you exhaled and laid between them. “fuck you guys. we can’t tell anyone about this.” you said as you worried about the avengers finding out. “don’t worry about a thing y/n. this will just be our little secret.” bucky said as he played with your hair and steve held his arm around your body. “now lay back and get some rest. you did a good job tonight baby boy.” steve said as you slowly closed your eyes and drifted to sleep.
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illubean · 2 months
can i request headcanons of any hxh characters your choice (preferably including illumi, chrollo, and/or feitan) with a crush on/unestablished relationship with a gender neutral reader who refuses to fully align themselves with anyone but has an incredibly OP ability that requires their blood or body (can shoot blood in like spikes, detach their limbs to chase down and drag back runners, use their blood and/or tears to heal wounds, can just regrow lost limbs including their head, ect.) that would make being on their bad side more trouble then it's worth
so every fight they kind of /have/ to get injured to use it. Plus their ability weirdly doesn't seem to use nen (chrollo can't copy it and gyo doesn't show anything, ect.)
and when they're finally asked about it they're casually like "oh yeah, I'm not human. I was actually created to be an unstoppable force that infects and destroys humanity, but that's honestly too much work. Plus you give me snacks so I'd rather just hit whoever you tell me to." and their reactions to the fact this insanely overpowered goober they've fallen for is a stray shapeshifting little abomination who could have murdered the entire human race and that they're lowkey lucky reader likes getting bribed them so much
(Sorry if that's too long btw, I thought you'd like the idea but I couldn't think of a better way to condense it 😅)
HXH With an Unaligned!OP!Reader
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Characters: Illumi Zoldyck, Chrollo Lucilfer, Feitan Portor Type: Headcanons, Gn!reader
i do not like how this came out but posting anyways lol...
Warnings: mentions of blood, experimentation and violence, reader isn't human if that counts as a warning
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Illumi Zoldyck
the way you met Illumi was... not ideal to say the least
he was on a job to kill some scientist guy but little did he know scientist guy had quite literally created a monster
the day he was going to do his mission happened to be the day your power was finally realized
annnndddd Illumi walked in on you killing scientist guy and literally everyone else who worked for him
you had managed to pop your arms off and launch them like missiles, turn your blood into weapons and spikes around the room and also not die????? and grow your limbs back???????????
the weird part was Illumi couldn't sense any of your aura at all
he just assumed you were a super advanced nen user and were able to still keep up hatsu really well while fighting
which led him to the conclusion that he should either A. run away or B. try and get you on his side
when you noticed him just standing there you turned to stare at him like come at me bitch
"So? Are you here to poke me with more needles like the others? It won't end very well." "Actually I was here for the guy in the lab coat, but it seems like you did the job for me."
realizing he wasn't a threat (or trying to be because you know...you cant die) you let down your guard down
you ended up just following him around after that, not really having anywhere else to go so Illumi decided on plan B
turns out it took a lot less manipulating than he thought
he brought you to the estate and you agreed to help him with whatever for a popeyes chicken sandwich
watching how you wandered around the estate aimlessly and lounged about Illumi quickly realized you only use your abilities when threatened or bribed
so you become his personal little treat fueled killing machine
he takes you on missions with him because he doesn't trust you alone at the estate...
eventually he asks you about how your hatsu is so good and you're like wtf is that
and he's like What.
you tell him you we're pretty much created in that lab and they did all these tests and stuff and you didn't even really know how or why you had the power you did but you found out you did the day you met
and you were all like "they were so annoying and they told me to do stuff for free, I'd never kill you though you feed me :3"
he is so glad you are clueless and he got to you before anyone else because you could take over the entire world if you really wanted to
he is going to marry you ASAP
but again, you being clueless did not understand what marriage entails
and you agreed for the same reasons you agreed to literally anything else this man has asked of you
you are Illumi's most prized possession and no matter how freaky you are, he really does cherish you as normal people would their spouse
Chrollo Lucilfer
running into you on a heist was definitely unexpected
especially since you looked like you just got out of captivity
mistaking him for an enemy you shot your fist off at him and barely missed
and he was like woah im not an opp dw
then your hand grows back and hes like !?
he asked why you were there you explain that you were some sort of war weapon yada yada yada the guys got annoying you killed them and yeah
and Chrollo offers you to come back w him and the troupe and you're like sure if you feed me
so after the heist is over Chrollo takes you back to Phantom Troupe hq and then talks with the gang blah blah blah dismisses everyone and then takes you to wherever the hell and buys you whatever you want to eat
and while you're stuffing your face bro is like
"Your powers are pretty impressive. Mind telling me how they work?"
and not caring you tell him, mainly focused on your meal
and he's like huh what a useful ability time to steal it
one thing leads to another and he somehow gets you to touch his weird book and when he flips to where your nen should be the page is blank and he is insanely confused
and hes like "Why didn't my nen ability work on you?"
and you're like wtf is nen
and hes like oh my god I don't think this thing is human
so he asks
and you're like "I literally told you I'm a war weapon. A weapon created for war, but that's too much work."
now he is confused but also intrigued
he offers for you to join the troupe and you're like
"But being in a gang is so much wooorrrkkkkkuuuuhhhh"
you can literally destroy man kind but you don't because you're LAZY!?
you're not officially part of the troupe but you're practically an honorary member because you follow Chrollo around after your first encounter
and he decides it 's better than nothing
Feitan Portor
I can't think of a clever way for you guys to meet LMAO
umm uhhh idk maybe you were created to take out the chimera ants and happened to get deployed in meteor city the same time the troupe was hunting down the 'queen'
so when the troupe got there you were already fighting some ants
you look human enough but your abilities make Feitan think you might not be
soooo he tries attacking you before he ended up getting to the lizzard ant crocodile lady thing i don't remember what she was
and he couldn't beat you and you're like wtf do you want from me I'm trying to do my job
and hes like ??? you're not an ant?
and youre like no
and hes like oh and leaves you alone
then he throws the entire sun at the ant lady and leaves the building
he kinda forgot about you until he felts something lift the back of his cloak
and he's like !!?!?!??!
and he looks behind him to see you crawled under his coat and took the snacks he hides under there for himself
and he's like what the fuck
how did you even know he had those???? (you could smell it because you have super enhanced everything)
ok i just remembered his cloak got destroyed in this scene but pretend it didn't
anyways he snatches the bottom of it away from you and tries taking the snacks back out of your hands but you are quick to dodge
he's irritated but he just lets you have them he's too tired to deal with this
you end up following him after this like a lost puppy and the rest of the troupe is like ??????
but they can't get rid of you
and on the way out of meteor city you were like yap yap yap weapon yap yap created in a lab yap yap yap immortal
feitan could not care less about what you had to say but he was like ??? to the immortal thing
maybe you weren't a bad thing to keep around
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mypoisonedvine · 10 months
𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗱 𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁 | 5.2k (including intro)
𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 | smut (18+ only), enemies to lovers, sub!neil/dom!reader, slightly dubious consent?, orgasm control/denial, praise and degradation, oral sex m receiving, come eating, riding, a touch of breeding kink, semi public sex
do NOT read this until you have read the FIRST PART or it won't make any damn sense!!
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"So, whaddya say, Mr. Lewis?"
"I say… suck my dick," he returned with a smug smile.
You just laughed.  "Maybe I would if I thought you could last more than thirty seconds."
His face got a little redder as he glanced away.  "Seriously?  You think I'm that helpless?"
You shrugged.  "I think I'm that good."
He looked at your face for a moment, a certain look in his eyes— a look that made it seem like he wanted to take you up on the challenge.  “Of course you do,” he smirked, “guys probably tell you you’re funny, too.”
“Sometimes,” you agreed, “but I’m not joking now.”
He stiffened up a bit.  “I don’t have a stamina problem,” he assured.
"If you're so confident, let's bet on it," you offered.  "I’ll blow you, and if you last thirty seconds or less, I'm buying the place.  More than that, you'll never have to see me again."
“Jesus,” he sighed, avoiding your gaze for a moment.  “Is that really how you make a deal?”
“It’s one way we could make this deal,” you returned, “and it sounds like a lot more fun than all the other ways.”
“You have an unfortunate habit of overestimating yourself,” he noticed.
“Then this should be easy for you.”
He hesitated, laughing nervously, but you stared forward so he knew you were serious.  After a tense pause, in which he opened and shut his mouth a few times as if nearly saying several different things, he sighed a bit.  “O-okay, yeah,” he relented, and you had to fight back a smile— not because you were actually that excited to suck some random video store owner’s dick… but because you were pretty confident that you just bought yourself some prime real estate and that promotion you’d been gunning for.  “S-so, um, how do we—?”
You cut him off by pushing him back into his chair with a grin, already loving the slight look of desperation on his face as he looked up at you.  "Let me get a little more comfortable first," you explained as you slipped your blazer off and tossed it aside.  
Then the shirt— one button at a time, not too slowly but without any sense of urgency.  “Y-you don’t have to do all that,” he promised thinly.
“Be patient,” you encouraged with a wink, “I just can’t afford for you to… stain any of this.  I have to go back to the office today, you know.”
He nodded a little in understanding, his chest filling and sinking a little more with each breath as he watched you strip.  For something you’d managed to spin as practical, you were doing it with a bit of… flair, slowly pulling the shirt off your shoulders and dropping it to the floor as his eyes were glued to your chest.  Of course, it helped that this bra wasn’t exactly ‘practical’ either… you only let your eyes drop for a second to the growing bulge in his jeans.
You started to push your skirt down, watching his eyes follow the fabric as more skin was revealed, only to tug it back up just before you got anywhere too exciting.  "Or maybe I should leave this on," you decided, making him whine and look up at your face pleadingly.
"C-c'mon," he panted.
"Maybe if you ask nicely…" 
He hissed in a breath through his teeth.  "Please…" he whispered.
"Please take it off," he sighed, and you smirked at the way his hips jumped up a bit as you pushed it down to reveal your matching panties.  “Fuck,” he choked, “you dressed up like that just to come here?”
You shook your head.  “I had other plans today,” you offered cryptically, and if he was going to ask more questions about that, he forgot them when you stepped out of the skirt and right up to where he was sitting.  “Should I leave these on?” you asked as you ran a finger along the top of your thigh-high stockings, seeing him struggle to form a thought as he looked at them and then back up at you.
“Y-yeah, maybe… maybe leave those on,” he breathed, “the floor might be cold.”
“Oh,” you cooed, “you’re such a gentleman.”
You knelt down in front of him, rubbing your hands up his thighs through the jeans as he swallowed thickly.  Each time you slid your hands over his legs, you moved a little higher, until you were just barely brushing over the bulge under his fly.  You bit your lip and looked up at him, savoring the nervous expression he was wearing.
You opened the button of his jeans, and took your time with the zipper; you giggled a bit when you felt his cock flex, even through all the layers of clothing.  
“You’ve thought about this before, haven’t you?” you teased in a soft voice.
“N-no,” he denied.  
“Really?  You never wanted me on my knees in front of you?” you pressed.
“Well, that’s sort of a different question,” he breathed, whining slightly under his breath when you got his fly open and reached in to rub him through his boxers.  “Oh, t-take it out,” he instructed, but you just laughed.
“Let me do this my way,” you replied, and he seemed to realize then that you were teasing him on purpose, to make his side of the bet all that more difficult.  It would’ve been reasonable for him to call you out on your cheating, but he was too busy reaching forward to feel your tits through the bra; he groaned a little, squeezing them eagerly.
You did take it out, of course, after barely a minute of teaching him through the fabric, and you bit your lip as you wrapped your fingers around his warm, firm length.  It was a little bigger than you bargained for, but you weren’t exactly worried— after all, you were going to make sure you didn’t have to do this for very long.
Licking your lips as you stroked it— and trying to make it look like an instinctive move rather than a deliberate choice— you watched him as he stared down at your face and then your hand, a drip of clear precum already leaking from the slit.  You hummed as you picked up your pace a little, still mostly just exploring him, but squeezing him in your palm too just to watch him squirm a bit.
You leaned in and gave it one long lick, with just the tip of your tongue, all the way from the base to the head, and he hissed a little with his next breath as he stared down at you.  You hummed at the slightly salty taste as you lapped up the thin arousal, and his chest sank with a long breath.
"Okay," you smiled, "you can start counting now."
"O-one," he choked out, voice getting thinner as you wrapped your lips around him and bobbed your head.  After all that teasing, you had to be efficient for the next thirty seconds: you sucked hard and stroked with one hand while the other slowly rubbed his balls, hoping to give him the full treatment and make this quick.  "Two, three—"
You pulled back but kept stroking him.  "Not so fast," you scolded, "look at your watch."
"Sorry, fuck, um," he groaned, glancing at his watch to try to keep the correct time.  "Two… three… four…"
Your spit was running down to smooth your hand's movements, and he groaned as he started to buck up into your mouth.  His hands held your head, fingers tangling into your hair as you kept going.
"Five, six— oh god," he moaned, head tilting back for a second… but when he looked at you again, you looked up and met his gaze.  He bit his lip, already breathing heavily as he watched you.
He never forced your head down, really, but you could feel him trying to guide you, trying to make you move a little faster and take him a little deeper.  You could do that— you moaned around him as you pretended to let him take the lead, figuring that was what he needed to feel in control right now.  But as soon as you did, he tightened his grip on your hair and tried to slow you down… and you wondered if he was already realizing this bet might have been a little out of his pay grade.
“Ten,” he choked out, groaning as you flattened your tongue more to rub along the underside of his cock.  “Ele—oh, fuck— e-eleven…”
You moaned again, one of his hands slipping down from your hair to the back of your neck, even running over your shoulder and lingering on the strap of your bra.
Speeding up slightly, you tried to subtly twist your hand while you stroked and just keep a steady pace— once you found the right thing, you just needed to stick with it, and something about the hoarseness of his voice as he moaned for you seemed like a sign you’d found the right thing.  “Baby,” he mumbled under his breath, and you had to try not to smile since it would just get in the way of things.  You would definitely not be letting him get away with calling you ‘baby’ if your mouth wasn’t full…
Even you weren’t focused on the numbers anymore, putting all your energy into this as you bobbed your head on him.
“Oh, fuck, fuck!” he yelped when his tip brushed the back of your throat.  “Twenty— oh god…”
Home stretch, just ten more seconds, you thought to yourself, if that… he sounds pretty fucked up.  And it’s not that you hated this so much, it was actually turning you on more than anything to hear him sound so desperate— but you already had your eye on the prize, and you could’ve probably attributed the wetness gathering in your panties to the mental image of telling your boss tomorrow that you finally bought out Gumshoe Video, just as much as what you were actually doing right now.
"Twenty-t-two, twenty-three," he kept going, voice getting a little deeper now, and you wondered with a hint of nervousness if he could really make it— he was flexing in your mouth already, but maybe he could hold it back.
You moved faster, pretty much as fast as you could, and shut your eyes tight as you hoped this would work— you didn’t quite realize it at the time, but you were more motivated to make him come for the sake of it, than for the consequence of owning his store as a result.
“Twenty-eight,” he gasped, and you sucked even harder as desperation started to kick in— but then he choked on a moan, and flexed in your mouth again.  "Stop, stop!" he begged suddenly, and you stilled before pulling away with a smile.
"Can't take it, huh?"
"I just need a second—"
"No, you don't get a second. I already gave you thirty," you reminded him.  “I win.”
“N-no, wait,” he panted, only to open his eyes wide when you stood up and slid into the chair with him, straddling his lap.  He looked up at you in the most adorably pathetic way, his hands shakily coming to rest on your waist.
“It won’t be so bad,” you promised, “we have fabulous benefits, you know.”
He was clearly not paying attention, whimpering as you moved forward and rubbed yourself against him through the thin lace.  “F-fuck, please,” he whispered, and you smirked.
“You wanna fuck me?” you asked, acting totally surprised by it.  “I thought you hated me.”
“Yes,” he sighed, “and yes.”
Grinning, you sat up enough to pull the panties aside and guide him to your entrance, watching him choke on nothing as you teased his head with your slick lips.  
“F-fuck, you’re wet,” he noticed, sounding more proud of himself than you intended him to be.
“I get that way when I’m about to get what I want,” you shrugged, just a moment before sinking down and taking him all in one relatively-quick motion.  He moaned loudly and held on tighter to you, but you gave him no time to rest at all as you moved right away, riding him with a contented sigh and struggling not to openly laugh at his almost-pained expression. 
Obviously, he wasn’t actually in pain, it was just a look of conflict as he realized how badly he wanted to come and how bad it would be if he came right away— but you’d brought him right to the edge, after all, and you watched physical instinct and fleeting logical reasoning battle in his eyes as his eyes watched you bouncing on top of him.
“Fuck,” you moaned softly, humming when his head rubbed right against that spot inside you— you guided your movements to hit it every time, a nice little shiver running over you.  “Fuck, Neil, it’s good…”
He was obviously affected by the praise, and you rocked your hips faster as you watched him struggle even more to hold himself together as his head tilted back against the chair.
"You'd better not come inside me, Neil," you warned sternly.  "If you do… well, let's just say as your new employer, we're proud to offer a rather generous paternity leave."
"Oh god, oh god," he choked, yet holding on tighter to your hips while you moved.
"Not gonna knock up your boss on your first day, are you?" you laughed, reveling in his panic.
"You're not my boss," he panted, "not 'til I sign the paperwork."
"Oh, honey," you purred, "I already own you."
He whined and bit his lip, shutting his eyes tight— but you couldn’t let him run away that easily, you couldn’t let him hide from what was happening to stop himself from coming too fast: so, you took his hands off your hips and guided them up to your chest, all but forcing him to feel your tits again as he moaned louder and obeyed.  “God,” he breathed, “I— I don’t know if I can take much more of this—”
You hummed with a little pout, leaning in and lifting his chin with your fingers.  “Poor thing,” you cooed just before you pressed your lips to his, kissing him hungrily while riding him even faster.
He moaned into the kiss, clearly overwhelmed but still trying to kiss you back.  When his hands moved to your hips again, trying to slow you down, you grabbed them by the wrists and pinned them down to the arms of the chair, making him groan and buck up into you.  
“Just let me use you, baby,” you breathed against his lips, making him whimper and nod.  “Y’wanna feel me come, don’t you?  You wanna make me come?”
“Yes,” he groaned, “fuck— yes, please—”
“You can take it, right?”
“God,” he winced, speaking through his teeth as you moved your kiss down to his neck.  “God, fuck— I think I can—”
“I think you can,” you agreed, “you’re gonna be good for me—”
“O-oh, fuck,” he moaned, his cock flexing inside you again when you bit playfully on his neck.  You hoped to leave a mark, thinking it would be funny to make sure he couldn’t hide what had happened— but then again, it might not be the smartest idea… not that any of your decisions in the last five minutes were based on smartness.
Your hips rocked on instinct now, pressure building and twisting inside you until you couldn’t help but drop your head back with a long sigh of pleasure.
“Please come, please come,” he begged in a weak and high-pitched whine, and as much as you were amused by his desperate attempts to get you to finish before he did, you were also pretty into it… as in, it was working.  You’d only been doing this for a few minutes, but you’d had quite a bit of fun sucking him off and, well, he looked so cute begging.
You moaned and moved a little faster, holding on tighter to his wrists.  “Fuck, I’m close,” you promised.
“Oh god, oh god,” he whined, hands tightening into fists as you held them down.  “Baby, please,” he choked, and you smiled as it hit you.  You wondered if watching you come would be enough to send him over the edge.
“Oh fuck, Neil, yes!” you shouted, hoping to give him a show so he wouldn’t be able to help himself.  “Oh my god— so good, baby, you feel so fucking good—”
“Fuck fuck fuck,” he chanted under his breath, shutting his eyes tight— but then opening one a second later and groaning at the sight of you.  
The feeling began to pass as your thighs quivered, your whole body exhausted by the motions just as much as the draining power of your orgasm.  Stilling on top of him, you let go of his wrists and sighed with relief, resting your hands on his chest.  He shuddered, and you pretended to remember that he was waiting to come.  “Oh— do you want me to—?”
“P-please,” he choked.
You pulled yourself up until he slipped out of you, both sighing for slightly different reasons.  You reached down and wrapped your hand around him, laughing softly at how swollen and reddened his tip was— it almost looked painful, and the way he winced when you gingerly stroked him almost sounded painful.
Your free hand stroked his hair as he leaned his head forward against your chest, panting with exhaustion.  “Please, please,” he whispered between breaths, over and over.
“You did good, baby,” you promised him, “you can come now—”
He groaned and did it pretty much instantly, you could feel it running down over your fingers and even getting on his shirt and pants.  You clicked your tongue pityingly as he bucked up into your hand, his face fallen slack in pleasure and weak moans falling from his full lips.
“Poor thing,” you said again, watching him go totally limp under you— and his exhausted cock starting to follow suit— as the last little drip of come ran down over your fingers.  You brought your hand up to your mouth and licked up what had gotten on you, which his sleepy eyes watched in awe.  Before you swallowed, though, you pulled him by the jaw into another kiss— slow and sloppy, feeling him shudder as he tasted his own spend.
When you figured he’d had enough, you suddenly pulled away and slipped off of his lap, putting your panties back in place and starting to pick up the clothes that had scattered on the floor.  You wondered if he would say something, though you couldn’t imagine what, but found yourself a little surprised to be dressing in silence.  Then again, when you looked over at him, he was staring forward blankly and looking absolutely drained— in every sense of the word.
After getting fully dressed— though you figured you still probably looked less composed than when you got here— you slipped back on your heels and wondered if there really was nothing else to say.  “The paperwork will come in the mail,” you informed him simply as you turned to leave, and only then did he reach out and grab your wrist.
“W-wait,” he stammered, “I— I need to know when I’ll see you again.”
You considered that for a second, eventually shrugging.  “I don’t know, I work in acquisitions— once you’re acquired, you’re not really my concern anymore.”
“Really?” he breathed, smiling but seeming sort of frustrated.  “None of what just happened seems… concerning to you?”
You laughed a little, stepping closer to him again as he finally got himself in order— and groaned a little as he realized how bad the stain was on his shirt.  “Neil, my job is pretty simple: I need to make this place profitable.  Or, I need to make you make this place profitable… that’s going to take up all of our spare time.”
“So, if we’re losing money,” he posited, raising an eyebrow, “would you need to come here and… discipline me?”
“Don’t get too excited,” you scoffed.
“Why not?  Shirt’s already ruined.”
“Listen, I know that was… great,” you sighed, “but we should still establish boundar—”
He stood up and cut you off with a kiss, sudden and needy as you sighed against him.  He reached up and held your face, before dropping his hands down your waist and pulling you closer.  You were just about to melt into it when you (mostly) came to your senses and gently pushed him back.
He was looking right into your eyes, a pleading sort of look in them, as you broke away from the kiss.  “Boundaries,” you finished in a whisper.
“Yeah— okay,” he nodded, “I can do boundaries.”
He kissed you again, both of you getting a little more desperate as your arms draped around his shoulders.  It went on for quite some time, your breathing getting heavy again and the softest moans getting muffled by his lips as his body pressed against yours.
You looked up at him expectantly when he pulled back this time, and you bit your lip a little when you realized you were down almost as bad as he was.  “I think I’m gonna like working here,” he announced with a wide smile.
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spongeyspot · 7 months
can I please have some Arthur Morgan headcanons? here’s some ideas for it
His experience at a target
getting a little treat after a hard day of work
being a passenger princess
basically following his new “caretaker” around while he figures out the modern world.
1890s!Arthur being thrown into the modern world HC
A/N: I'm gonna go with the last two bc I find it so funny. ALSO: I should clarify, that this isn't a relationship hc. The reader (You/yours pronouns) is g/n, and Arthur becomes their roommate
(And they were roommates...)
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Arthur Morgan was in the blast zone of Francis Sinclair's time machine and accidentally hitched a ride to the year 2023.
- Gets hit by (your) a car when he wandered into the street
- It took him quite a bit to come to terms that this place was not the one he once knew
- Wants to get home so badly, but it seems he's stuck. He can't find Vincent Sinclair anywhere.
- He seeks out your help and at first, when he explains his predicament, you think he's a crazy homeless guy
- He tries to go off on his own to figure things out but comes back immediately because things have changed so much from the place he once knew.
- He also almost got hit by another car
- You decide you want to show Arthur the finer things in life, first starting with getting vaccinated... God knows how many diseases Arthur would be exposed to, let alone the ones he already has.
- Also a toothbrush because his breath is probably rancid
- He sleeps on your couch for a while
- eventually moves into your spare bedroom and starts having to pay some of the rent
- He'd have to work under the table because his birth certificate says he was born in 1864...
- Probably gets a job with Construction or Bartending
- Also, clean slate? No Bounty! Hell yeah!
- tends to follow you everywhere because he likes how you explain modern life to him
- You got him a cell phone.
- He's never trying to be funny when he asks questions
- "What the hell is a "tik-tok"?"
- "Blue-tooth? Never heard of that, only gold ones... I used to sell em'."
- "And you can just.. talk to this? And it'll bring ya food?? Whenever ya want???"
- holds the phone pinched between two fingers on either side like he's holding a pair of dirty underwear and starts to yell at it that he wants some steak
- Absolutely blown away by pizza
- Astonished when he sees no horses, just giant metal boxes with wheels that seem to move on their own.
- When you explain how it worked and what it was, he called it a "magic stagecoach" for a while
- Passenger princess
- fascinated by modern music. It just comes out of your magic stagecoach with the press of a button?
- Huge Bon Jovi fan. his favorite song is "Wanted Dead or Alive".
- asks "What does this button do?" seconds before he presses it
- holds the "oh shit" handle in your car at all times.
-The first time he was in your car he probably actually screamed
- you got him an electric beard trimmer for Christmas and he acted like you handed him a gold ingot
- quite honestly starts to warm up to the domestic life. having to rob and steal to keep himself alive weighed on him way more than he liked to admit.
- adores movie nights. Movies in the 1900s-2023 are incredibly different than the motion pictures he was used to.
- after he gets used to this new world, he WANTS A MOTORCYCLE SO BAD but opts for a pickup truck instead because it's more convenient
- Insists on cooking dinner on the weekends
- didn't understand your gas stove the first time and he almost blew up your apartment
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rxmqnova · 5 months
Can you write player reader x wanda?
Where yn and Wanda are a thing but no one knew about it so a lot of women try to hit yn but she always said no, but one night at a party, yn went outside the house and Nat followed her (her ex but they are friends now, Wanda knew but still jealous) and people saw them and talked about it and Wanda had to see for herself and when she saw them they were just hugging each other and Yn smiles and look at her wrist, touching the bracelet Wanda got her when It was their one month anniversary.
Nat walked away and saw Wanda watching them, then she talked to her and said that even if Yn was a bit difficult she deserves everything and she just wanted her to be happy, (they broke up because they fell out of love, no other people or anything) and then Wanda went with Yn and they talked about what people talked before and Yn reassure her that she was in love with her and maybe it was time to let people know about their relationship
It's time
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NO ONE'S POV "Hey there" Y/N smiles, nudging Wanda's shoulder playfully while walking through the empty school corridors, making Wanda jump a little bit.
"Y/N, oh my god! You scared me!" Wanda places her hand over her chest, taking a deep breath.
"Sorry" Y/N chuckles out.
"What are you doing here anyway? Aren't you supposed to have a lesson or something?" Wanda raises an eyebrow, watching her girlfriend's cheeks turn red.
"Well, yeah, but I saw you walking around the classroom through the glass on the door. So I said I needed to go to the restroom and here I am. I just wanted to see you" Y/N admits, making Wanda chuckle this time. "Will I see you at the party tonight?"
"Mhm. Gotta keep my eye on you. You know, a lot of girls plan to ask you out and have you go to the party with them" Wanda teases.
"Bad for them then. I only like this one cute Sokovian girl with brown hair and the prettiest green eyes I've ever seen" Y/N says in response, making Wanda blush.
Y/N takes a deep breath before stepping into Stark's house as Tony is the one throwing up the party tonight. She immediately scans the room with her eyes, hoping to spot her girlfriend, but not seeing her anywhere yet.
"Look who arrived" Natasha smiles, walking over to her ex-girlfriend and handing her a drink right away.
"Oh. Thanks" Y/N smiles, accepting the drink from the redhead and still looking around with hope to find her girlfriend.
"Who are you looking for? That girlfriend of yours?" Natasha asks, now looking around just like Y/N and trying to find Wanda.
"What? How… how do you know I have a girlfriend?" Y/N furrows her brows in confusion, waiting for an explanation. Her and Wanda haven't told anyone about their relationship, actually they're pretty sure no one knows they're dating. "Wait. Not here. Come outside" Y/N orders, receiving a confused look from Natasha though the redhead doesn't question it and follows her ex-girlfriend out of the house.
"Why did we have to go outside?" Now Natasha brings out the question.
"I don't know… Wanda and I just like to keep things only between us, I guess" Y/N shrugs.
"So Wanda, huh?" Natasha smirks, making Y/N roll her eyes in response.
"Yeah, Wanda. Are you jealous, Romanoff?" This time Y/N smirks in response, making the redhead chuckle.
"No, I'm just happy for you. You know, after we broke up I thought you would stay single forever" Natasha jokes, Y/N rolling her eyes in response once again.
"For your information, Wanda and I are dating for a few months already" Y/N informs, making the redhead chuckle at how easy is to make fun of her ex-girlfriend.
While Natasha and Y/N are talking, Wanda finally steps into the house, her eyes searching for her girlfriend. Though her attention soon moves to almost everyone's topic of conversation.
"I mean… do you guys think Y/N and Natasha are back together?" One girl asks and Wanda just can't help but listen.
"It makes sense. Why would they go outside otherwise?" Another girl responses.
Wanda squeezes her eyes shut for a moment, deciding to just go for a drink. But when she reaches the kitchen, another group discusses the exact same thing as the girls before.
"I bet Natasha's the reason Y/N said no to me when I asked her out this morning"
"Alright" Wanda sighs, turning around and walking back outside. She knows her girlfriend would never cheat on her, though she can't help but feel a little jealous.
Once she spots her girlfriend talking to the redhead, she can't help but stop walking and watch them.
"I'm really glad you're happy, Y/N" Natasha smiles warmly, meaning every single word.
"Thank you, Nat" Y/N smiles back, wrapping her arms around the redhead and pulling her in for a hug. "We better get back inside, I bet Wanda's already there" She smiles once they pull away, her smile widening on the thought of her girlfriend as she looks at the bracelet Wanda got her for their one month anniversary and gently touches it.
"See you there then" Natasha smiles, walking away first. Her smile turning into a little smirk when she notices the girlfriend standing aside and clearly watching them. "Y/N was looking for you"
"Oh, I only just arrived" Wanda smiles akwardly, hoping to escape this conversation.
"Y/N and I were just talking if you're wondering… She really likes you" Natasha goes on. "Look, I know it can be difficult with her sometimes, but… she's really a nice girl and deserves to be happy"
"I really like her too, Natasha. I know you two are friends and you want the best for her, but I can assure you that I want the best for her too… I'll do anything to make her happy" Wanda tells the redhead seriously, receiving a nod and a small smile from her before she just walks away.
"There you are. I was starting to get a little worried when I didn't see you inside" Y/N smiles, walking happily to Wanda only a few seconds after Natasha walked away.
"Oh. Hi. I arrived just a few minutes ago. Wanna go for a little walk with me?" Wanda returns the smile, holding her hand out of her girlfriend who immediately nods and interlocks her fingers with Wanda's.
After a few minutes of walking and a little bit of an uncomfortable silence, Y/N decides to break it, noticing something's bothering her girlfriend.
"Is everything okay?" Y/N just asks, rubbing her thumb over Wanda's knuckles.
"Yeah, everything's okay. I just… it's stupid anyway" Wanda sighs on which Y/N furrows her brows.
"No, tell me. You can tell me everything, you know I'd never judge you for anything" Y/N assures.
"… It's just… When I came to the party and was looking for you, I heard other people's conversations. I know you and Natasha are just friends, but they were discussing if you and her weren't back together. I guess it made me a little jealous. Sorry, I know it's stupid" Wanda sighs once again.
"It's not. If we want this to work, we need to tell each other everything, Wands. I'm glad you told me, because now I can suggest you something I've been wanting to suggest you for a while actually" Y/N smiles, stopping to walk and taking both Wanda's hands into her own. "I really, really love you, Wanda. I'm so in love with you and I was thinking that maybe it's time to stop hiding and just tell everyone that we are together"
"Really? I-I would love to. I thought that you-" Wanda admits, a huge smile forming on her face as she gets pulled into a loving kiss immediately. "I love you too"
Wanda Maximoff masterlist
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Birthday Wishes - Arthur Leclerc
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<word count - 1657>
Tonight was going to be the third date you would have with Arthur, and you were beyond excited. You had immensely enjoyed the other two dates you had been on with him, and he truly was one of the sweetest guys you had ever had the pleasure of meeting. 
He had said he was going to meet you at the restaurant, so you got yourself ready so that you could be there a bit early. You didn't want to come across as too eager, but being early never hurt anyone. 
Thankfully, the restaurant was a short walk from your apartment, so you set off in the mild Monaco sunset. When you arrived and walked into the restaurant, you scanned the room, but there was no sign of Arthur anywhere.
You walked up to the front of house, ready to ask for the table since you assumed he wasn't there yet. "Hi, how can I help you?" the kind faced lady at the desk asked with a smile. 
"I've got a reservation for two, I'm pretty sure it should be under Leclerc?" you asked, remembering that Arthur had told you about the reservations. "I think someone is already here, follow me," she said, walking out through the restaurant and taking you to one of the tables near the back.
Then you spotted Arthur, sweetly smiling at you as you approached. His eyes were glued to you through your every move, not able to get over how stunning you looked. He scrambled to stand and greet you as the waitress walked away.
"Hey, wow, you look absolutely incredible," he complimented, pulling you in for a hug and kissing your cheeks.
"Thank you very much," you blushed, never getting used to him complimenting you. "How are you?" you asked as he pulled your chair out for you - just like a true gentleman. "I'm great thanks, you?" He countered, pushing your chair in before sitting back down on his own. "Yeah, good thanks," you nodded, picking up the menu.
Both of you ordered what you wanted, and you were glad to be able to talk to him. "What have you been up to today?" you asked, gazing at him from across the table. "All of my family came over, like my Mom and my brothers, so it was pretty hectic," he smiled, his dimples becoming more prominent.
"Any special occasion?" you asked, knowing that the whole of his family was often very busy within the world of motorsports. "It's actually my birthday today," He sheepishly said, emitting the detail that he'd rescheduled family dinner to come out with you.
"Arthur! You should've told me, we could've done something more special," you playfully scolded with feigned anger.
"Being with you is special enough for me," he quietly muttered, so quiet, in fact, that you barely heard it. You weren't even sure if you were meant to hear it, so you smiled warmly at him.
From across the table, Arthur took your hand and held it in his, your fingers slotting together like pieces of a puzzle. "Happy birthday, Arthur," you said as his thumb mindlessly ran up and down your skin. "Thank you, Y/N," he responded.
A few moments later, an idea popped into your head. "Excuse me for a second, I've got to use the bathroom," you said, standing and walking in the direction of the bathroom. When you were certain that Arthur couldn't see you, you slipped off to the front of house.
"Excuse me, it's my friend's birthday today, and I was wondering if we could do something for it?" you asked, approaching the desk, "I know I should have given notice, but I only just found out it's his birthday, sorry," you rushed, not wanting them to feel pressured.
"Of course we can, you're with the young man in the corner, yes?" she confirmed, and you were excited to see what they had up their sleeve.
"Yes, thank you so much!" you thanked, walking back the way you came to avoid suspicion from Arthur. "Ah you're back, I was starting to think you'd ran away from me," He joked, glad to have you back.
He had dated a fair few girls recently, but none of them could bring him the same sense of calm and contention like you could. It was like a strange feeling of familiarity, even if he hadn't known you long.
"I couldn't run from you, especially on your birthday," you lightly chuckled, taking his hand back in yours from across the table.
The two of you finished your main courses, and your plates were cleared away. You kept on looking over his shoulder to spot if they were coming, but you were trying to not make it look obvious.
Arthur just assumed you'd seen a famous person - you were in Monaco after all. "Look, I know tonight is far from over, but I was just wondering if-" He started, but was interrupted by you starting to sing happy birthday as one of the waitresses appeared in front of you with a cake.
There was a sparkler, spitting sparks of light up in little shoots of orange. Of course, there were the usual candles, their crimson flames dancing in the still air of the restaurant. A few people around you joined in as you sang, the cake being placed in front of Arthur.
His face was lit up, but you couldn't tell if it was the candles or the pure joy in his near Cheshire cat grin. He couldn't help but stare at you through the flames, wondering how he manged to be on a date with someone so thoughtful.
As the song came to a close, you told him, "Make a wish! But don't tell me, or else it won't come true,". Arthur didn't even have to think twice about what his wish was going to be, and he blew out the candles as people around cheered for him.
The other diners in the restaurant resumed the normal operations of the night, and the smile on his face was priceless. Every ounce of joy he had in his body was being put on full display for you to see. "I'll say it now, I don't know what kind of cake this is, so I'm sorry if you don't like it," you nervously chuckled, not having thought that through before.
"It could be my least favourite in the world and I am still going to eat it since you went through the effort to get it for me," he said, not really caring how cliche it sounded as the words left his mouth. "Would you like a slice?" He asked, picking the candles and sparklers out of the sponge.
"Yes please," you chirped, passing him your plate, "But birthday boy gets the first slice, I don't make the rules," you laughed, holding your arms up defensively.
"You're right, but, I think the birthday boy has the complete authority to overturn that rule when there is a beautiful lady in front of him who deserves the cake more," he said, plating up a slice for you and passing it over to you.
"Unfortunately, I can't argue with the birthday boy, so I will just have to deal with the burden of having the first slice," you laughed with feigned hurt, waiting for him to get his slice before starting yours. "And, luckily for you, chocolate just so happens to be my favourite," he said, swallowing his mouthful of pillowy chocolate sponge.
"I didn't get a choice, so I'm glad you like it," you told him. It was the thought that counted, but there was just a certain feeling that getting your favourite cake on your birthday provoked.
"Thank you for this, I really appreciate it," he said, unable to quash the tingling feeling that spread across his chest, and the butterflies that fluttered around in his stomach. He felt this way on your first date, but the intensity increased every time he saw you.
You collared the waiter over to pay the bill, fully prepared to pay for dinner as the present you weren't able to give him since you had only just found out that it was his birthday. "Oh, no, allow me," he dismissed the unspoken offer, gently pushing your hand away from the card reader.
"It's your birthday, the least I can do is get you dinner," you told him, going for the machine again. "And because it's my birthday, I want to treat you," he said, quickly tapping it on the reader with a beep.
"Next time, it's on me," you told him, with a stern yet playful tone to your voice. You had said that after your first date, and your second, but he clearly wasn't one for listening to your instruction.
You stayed for a short while after, discussing what you were getting up to the next day, and when you were both free. "After you," he said, opening the door for you as you walked out into the Monaco night.
"Thank you for dinner tonight, I've had a wonderful time," you smiled, standing beside him under the moonlight. "It's my pleasure, I've had a brilliant time too," he told you, watching as your eyes glinted in the luminance of the moon.
It was almost as if all of a sudden, h was bombarded with these overwhelming feelings of love and wonder. He just wanted you.
"Can- Can I?" He asked, leaning in so close that you could feel his breath on your face. His heart was pounding out of his chest so hard you could practically hear it. "Yeah," you nodded, closing the small gap between you.
Your lips came together, and you could still taste the the decadent chocolate on his tongue. Reluctantly, he pulled himself away and gazed into your eyes. "My wish came true," he grinned, hoping his other wishes with you would come true.
A/N - I was writing Charles' birthday thing last night, but then I quickly realised that it was Arthur's birthday today, so I quickly whipped this up. Sorry if it not great... Requests are open as always! Love you 💖
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echobx · 2 months
not my type 2 - Rafe Cameron x plus size!fem!reader
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summary: Rafe comes to visit you unexpectedly and things don't quite go like you want them to
warnings: swearing, smut (p in v (unprotected), reverse cowgirl, missionary (it just happened, I can't explain it), fingering (semi-public), dirty talk, edging)
word count: 3.7k
author's note: part 2 because I couldn't stop thinking about it. I hope you like it. (also, if any of you have any clue about real estate, you are allowed to yell at me bc all my knowledge comes from watching those shows on Netflix...)
part 1
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“It's gonna have to work somehow,” you sigh and rub your hand over your forehead. You are exhausted, having been up all night to find a solution to the problem your team is facing.  Your head perks up at a knock on the door. “Excuse me, miss, the Cameron account is waiting in your office. He says he has an appointment, although I couldn't find it in your calendar.”  “He doesn't have a fucking appointment,” you yell in frustration. “I'm sorry,” you apologize immediately, close to tears but not about to start crying in front of your coworkers. “It's not your fault. I'll just go and send him away.”
“Why are you here?” you ask while entering your office, and he turns around to smile at you.  “I'm guessing you're not happy to see me?”  “It's really bad timing. You could've called,” you sigh exasperatedly while looking through your emails.  “You didn't leave a number,” he reminds you, and you slowly pick up your head to look at him.  “You have the office number,” you force a smile.  “Yeah, I'm not gonna call your receptionist to ask if you got time to get drunk or need a good fuck,” he says while walking around your desk and standing next to you.  “Would be inappropriate, yes,” you look up at him, but you freeze as you see your dad step inside. 
“Y/n, you didn't tell me Mr. Cameron was coming in. I would've welcomed you earlier, Sir,” he introduces himself and Rafe shakes his hand.  “It's really no issue, Mr. y/l/n. I'm in really good hands with your daughter,” Rafe charms him.  “She's the best,” your dad praises you, and you nod along, too tired to actually care. “Now, let me show you around,” he leads him out of your office and Rafe quickly turns his head to give you a slightly panicked look. You mouth a “have fun” at him, and then he's gone, and you are allowed to get back to work. 
“Listen, if we switch the staging company-”  “That's not gonna help with the interest rate, James,” you sigh, pacing the room.  “Was just a suggestion,” he mutters.  “I'm calling it. This isn't going anywhere. Let's go home and come back tomorrow morning with some new ideas on how to fix this shit,” you suggest, and the whole team lets out a sigh of relief.  “And here we have- Honey, what are you doing?” your dad interrupts you and your colleagues while packing up.  “Going home. We've been here for over 24 hours,” you explain.  “Can we talk in my office?” he asks, and you follow diligently, leaving Rafe and the others alone in the conference room while you go talk to him. 
“It's not a good look to leave early, especially in front of a partner,” he admonishes your choices.  “I honestly don't care what Mr. Cameron thinks, dad. It's my team, my decision.”  “Is the issue at least fixed?”  “No, and it won't get better if I don't give them any rest. I haven’t slept or showered since in two days, dad,” you complain, and he shakes his head but caves nevertheless.  “Fine. But you'll have to come to dinner tonight. This Cameron guy is a big part of our modern strategy, we can't let him slip away.”  “Okay,” you nod and walk back out of the office and towards the conference room to tell your team it was okay to leave. 
“Rough day?” Rafe asks while following you back to your office.  “Rough week. Nothing you need to concern yourself with,” you huff but inadvertently stop and turn to look up at him. “Look, all I wanna do is go home take a nice bath, sleep for two hours and then meet both you and my parents for dinner because apparently I don't have any fucking choice. So, just go back to your hotel or do some sightseeing, I don't care, but just go.” “Can I ask something before I leave?” A smile tugging on his lip.  “You just did.”  “When was the last time you actually had sex?”  You turn to make sure there was no one around who could've heard him before pulling him with you into your office.  “You can't just ask shit like that. Especially here,” you hit him against the chest, but he takes your wrist and keeps your hand flat to his body.  “See, I tried hooking up with someone else, multiple someones, but that just didn't hit the same way. It's purely a practical issue, all right.” God, how you hate his macho behavior as if you'd ever fall for it, or him.  “I'm still not answering that preposterous question.”  “So, you didn't? Was there no one or were they just shit?” he asks, a little too cocky for your taste.  “I'm going home now,” you tell him again and start putting your laptop in your bag.  “I didn't book a hotel room. Didn't think I'd need one, to be honest,” he admits and you laugh.  “What makes you think that?”  But he doesn't reply and just looks at you with his blue eyes, eyes that haunt your dreams and sexual fantasies.  “You think ‘cause we hooked up once, you'll get some kinda claim over me? Like, I'm supposed to throw myself at you the moment you step onto the stage? Well, you guessed wrong, darling,” you sneer and go to walk out of the office when he grabs your wrist.  “You didn't answer my question.”  “Fuck, okay, fine. It's shit. It's not- I'm not gonna fucking praise you, asshole,” you scoff and start walking again. “Are you coming or not?” 
“I'm still gonna take my bath,” you remind him as his hands find your face to hold onto it while he's kissing you and stumbling backwards out of the elevator, right into your flat.  “Fuck, you can have as many baths as you want. Just lemme fuck you,” he begs after pulling away.  “Jesus, you're needy,” you laugh as he rips your tight dress down, making your tits spill out. “You know that thing has a zipper right?” you ask as he starts kneading and kissing your tits like there's no tomorrow. You're getting wetter by the second, and he doesn't seem to want to stop and actually help you out of the dress.  “Rafe, please, just a minute,” you beg and he holds up to look at you.  “Whaddya need, sugar?” His light southern drawl is making you even needier than you care to admit.  “Can you open the zipper, so I can take this shit thing off?”  “Sure, can do, sweetie,” he puts too much weight into the pet name for it to not be a dig at your dad.  “Don't call me that again, please. Anything but that,” you sigh as he helps you out. 
“You know your dad's an asshole, right?”  “Aren't they all?” you huff walking over to the window front that looks out onto Central Park and leaning your head against the glass. “I grew up with him. Of course, I know he's an ass. You think I turned out this sweet ‘cause he was nice?”  “What would he actually say if he knew?” Rafe steps closer to you, opening the knot in your hair and kissing your shoulder.  “Congratulate me or disown me. Either way, it just proves his suspicions right,” you shake your head.  “Why? He thinkin’ you slept your way to the top or what?”  “Oh no, that's all nepotism. No, he thinks I slept with my professors because he can't believe that I made valedictorian and was named party queen of Harvard at the same time.”  “Did you?”  “Once, before he was my Professor, and it didn't have any effect on my grade,” you admit but have to laugh at how absurd it sounds.  “You feeling better now?” he asks while rubbing your arms with his huge hands. “A bit. I'm still not your friend or anything,” you remind him and he laughs.  “Business partners and fuck buddies, I'm okay with that.”  “Good. Grab that chair,” you tell him and point at a lounge chair that stands a bit off to your right. 
As soon as the chair is in place you push him down on it, straddling him in it and kissing him relentlessly. His hands are all over you, unclasping your bra in the back and making your tits jiggle as they drop.  “Jesus fucking Christ, why are you so hot,” Rafe rasps, running his hands over the fat on your belly before pressing his face into your chest to motorboat you as best as he could.  His childlike wonder, when it comes to you, makes you somewhat happy about the fact that he had dropped by unexpectedly.  “Rafe?”  “Uh-huh,” he moans against your skin.  “I, uh… I don't have any condoms here,” you admit, and he rips his head up.  “You what? Why? Why would you say that to me right now? I'm already hard for fuck's sake,” he complains loudly.  “I'm sorry that I'm inconveniencing you there, you ass,” you snap and get up, picking up your bra and dress and leaving for the bathroom.  “Fuck, sugar, just come back,” he pleads, but you don't even think about it and instead strip yourself completely to take a shower. 
“Okay, listen, I can just go down find a store, buy some and get back here. Easy,” Rafe suggests, and you roll your eyes without looking at him.  “Have you considered that I might not give a shit, jerk?”  “Oh yeah? What's your brilliant idea, miss Harvard,” he scoffs.  “How often do you get tested?” you ask and turn your head far enough to be able to see him stand behind you, nothing but tight boxers left on his body.  “Every other month,” he shrugs.  “When was the last time?”  “Week ago.”  “And?”  “Clean. I'm not risking it, with, like, quick hookups and shit.”  “Me neither. But I've never wanted to fuck a guy more than once either,” you say and turn back to the water that's steaming up the tiled room.  “You want me to fuck you raw?” he asks, sounding as if you had just offered him the job of his life.  “Jesus, don't get yourself so hyped already. I'm just saying it's a potential possibility that needs considering.”  “What about-”  “I've had an IUD since I turned 18 and it's never once failed me. I think it's gonna be fine,” you turn around to face him fully; eyes trailing down to the massive bulge in his boxers.  “So, I'm guessing you've never been fucked while looking down onto Central Park?” you ask with a wide smile, and he shakes his head. 
Rafe is back in the chair when you let yourself down on him, feeling every ridge and vein of his huge cock and you both groan at the feeling.  His hand is trailing over your back, drawing lines over it while you let yourself breathe to adjust to him just enough so it doesn't hurt too much.  You turn your head to look at him over your shoulder. “If you wanna tap out, just pinch me. I'm not gonna listen to anything else, I just wanna make that clear.” “Noted,” he grins, and you lean forward in your seat and plant your feet in the ground before starting to bounce on his dick.  “Shit, I missed looking at this ass,” he grunts, and you start bouncing a bit harsher, forcing yourself down on him while moaning loudly. 
“Talk to me,” you beg as you keep fucking yourself with his cock.  “You're a real slut, fucking your professor? I bet it turns you on to know how weak you make them. To know they have no control. Making them your little bitch,” his words are frequently interrupted by heavy pants and your excessive moaning, but he continues anyway. “Not with me. You're mine now. I don't give a shit who you were before. All you are now is my little whore, who lets me fuck her whenever I want. Right?” “Yes, daddy,” you cry out and do your best to keep bouncing on him, your hand finding your clit and toying with it.  “You'll let me fill you up with my cum, like the pretty little cumslut that you are. Isn't that right?” he asks and thrusts up into you, meeting the movement of your hips and making you scream as he defiles your cunt.  “Speak up, sugar,” he demands, pulling on your hair and bending you back.  “Gonna make a mess for you, daddy. Just for you.” The tears are running down your cheeks when your orgasm hits you, and he follows instantly, fucking his seed even deeper into you before letting go of your hair and allowing you to get up. 
“Can you walk?” he asks, and you nod while dragging yourself over to your bed and falling face-first into the fresh linen.  “I thought I was imagining it, that my memory was skewed,” you mumble into the fabric. “But my memory doesn't come even close to this.”  “Could say the same,” he praises you, and you can't help but blush.  “Have you ever tried vanilla sex?” you ask out of pure curiosity, and he shakes his head while walking over.  “Not a big fan of the lovey-dovey bullshit.”  “Same. That's why I prefer reverse cowgirl, less personal, but I'm still in control for the most part,” you say after turning around to lie on your back.  “We, uhm, could just do it. Like a bucket list thing. Just so we know how it is,” he suggests and you laugh. “Yeah sure.”  “I'm serious. I mean, what's the worst that could happen? We fall in love? As if,” he huffs.  “I'll sue you if you do,” you tell him before pulling him into you and somehow crawling backwards onto the bed. He kisses you, and you feel like you're melting into him, into his touch, his being; all of him. 
His swollen tip is nudging at your clit, and you grasp down and put him to your aching hole, pushing him into you just slightly and your eyes already roll back at the feeling. Your senses feel heightened and dull at the same time, as if you are floating while on fire.  “Look at me,” Rafe demands, holding onto your neck and squeezing just enough to make you whimper. You stare into his eyes, the blue is gone, and he starts to smile as he slowly pushes into you. Your eyes widen at the pleasantly painful stretch he's giving your pussy.  And his lips find yours, muffling the moans that threaten to slip out as he pounds into you. But he lets off, kissing your neck, sucking on it and pulling your leg up to get a better angle. 
“I'm gonna cum,” you cry pathetically and he laughs.  “No, you're not. You're mine, baby, don't forget that.”  “Please, Rafe.” You are begging once again, and his attack on your tired cunt is just getting worse with every passing minute. You had never begged for an orgasm before. Never had wanted to. But Rafe's way of fucking you is inherently different to anything you had ever felt before.  “Not gonna happen,” he grins down at you, and you whine, but he keeps you pinned down right where he wants you to be. Your hands are clawing at his back, trying to hold onto him for dear life, to not lose yourself entirely. 
“Tell me,” he slows, and it's pure torture, slowly dragging his big cock half out of you before slamming back in, giving voice to the most obscene squelching sound you'd ever heard your pussy make.  “I'm still not your type, right?” he smirks, and you throw your head to the side just for him to yank it back. “Answer, or you're not gonna cum on this dick ever again.”  “No. Still no,” you pant, and he kisses you again, pulling your hand down and letting you touch yourself.  His lips are moving towards your ear, nibbling at your earlobe. “Make daddy proud and soak his big cock, sugar,” he growls and your back arches up. Legs trembling as the tight band in your core snaps. The orgasm rips through you without any mercy, and you scream his name, actually trying to make him proud and feel worthy of the pleasure his cock’s giving you.  “Good girl,” he praises, brushing over your cheek. You're completely dazed, only paying half as much attention to him as you wanted to while watching his face contort and hips stutter with sloppy thrusts before he's releasing his hot seed into you. 
“In love with me yet?” you joke while lying next to him, and he runs his hands over his short hair.  “Nope,” he shakes his head and purses his lips.  “Good. And if you praise me ever again, I'm gonna kick your ass. Understood?” you sneer while getting up and walking to the bathroom.  “You liked it,” he calls after you with a light laugh swinging in his voice. You know he’s right, but you don't wanna admit it. You don't want to admit to the vulnerability of it all, after having spent years to build yourself up to the person you are now. No longer wasting any more time on what people think of you or giving them any time of day to hurt you. This includes not letting them close to prevent it from ever getting to such a point ever again.  “Just don't fucking say it again,” you tell him as you hear him enter the shower behind you.  “Understood.” 
You shower in silence, each of you on one end of the long shower but the glooming feeling that something has changed won't leave you. Not as you leave the shower to dry off, or as you lay down and try to relax for just a bit before you have to get ready. Not while doing your hair and makeup. Not while putting on your dress or when you call your driver.  And he's not saying a single thing. Rafe stays quiet throughout all of it, which makes you a little pissed at him, but you can't let it show. 
You arrive ahead of time, your parents not yet there when the hostess shows you to your table, and you order an extra dry martini.  The stark difference in your behavior towards each other outside and inside the bedroom is starting to annoy you. You miss how easy-going he had been that first day you met him. How charming and funny and most of all flirtatious he had acted.  “Tomorrow morning, you're gonna fly home and then I only wanna see you when there's something with the business,” you tell him, trying to get the upper hand in a situation that you had never intended to be in.  “Understood,” he mutters as you both stand up to greet your parents, who are walking over. 
The dinner is dry, and you can't wait to finally get home and just sleep. Your mom keeps making indecent jokes and comments towards Rafe, but he just laughs or smirks. And when he's not eating, he has one hand on his whiskey and the other on your thigh, slowly creeping up and making it harder for you to concentrate on what your father is telling you about.  “It's a difficult task, but we'll manage,” you say to your dad before jumping up. “Excuse me for a moment.”  You make a beeline to the restroom, trying to cool off and maybe get your act together. But Rafe won't let you. As soon as you step out of the restroom he yanks you with him to a dark corner of the hallway. 
“What are you doing?” you hiss at him, and he pushes you against the wall, caging you in.  “Why are you letting him walk all over you?” Rafe questions, his hand is trailing under the skirt of your dress; fingertips caressing the soft flesh of your thighs.  “He's my boss,” you reply.  “What else?” he taunts, his fingers are pressed against your clit now, making you gulp and bite your lip to not let out a whimper.  “My dad,” you whisper, searching his eyes for approval, but instead he slaps your wet pussy and you squirm.  “You're pathetic, you know that?” he laughs quietly, and you nod, just to please him.  “Rafe, please, just-” you claw at his wrist, but he grabs your cunt even harsher.  “You don't get to pick and choose whenever you like, sugar. You don't want me to be nice, so I'm not. But then all of a sudden, you don't want me to be mean either. Now which is it? One final answer,” he demands, and you let go of him, your hand falling to your side as you admit defeat.  “Good choice,” he growls, pulls your slip to the side and pushes two fingers into your seeping cunt while his free hand is on your mouth, muffling your quiet moans. 
His long fingers are curled up inside you, fucking you with no mercy or thought that someone might walk by and see. But you don't care because he's making you feel whole, whispering a plethora of disgustingly dirty shit into your ear, and always changing his technique when he feels you get closer to your release.  “Tell me who you belong to, sugar,” he rasps and you whimper silently. “I'm yours, daddy. All yours.”  “Good,” he seems pleased with himself, and you feel a sigh of relief coming as you're growing closer and closer to your orgasm. But right before you can let go, he pulls away. 
“Rafe, no- What are you doing?” You claw at his chest as he steps back and licks his fingers clean of your arousal.  “You don't get to use me and throw me away like a piece of trash. Remember who's got the upper hand here, y/n.” Then he lightly slaps your cheek two times before walking back to the table, leaving you to deal with the consequences of your actions. 
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please don't copy and/or post my work onto other platforms! ~e©ho
taglist: @ijustwantttoread @spideysimpossiblegirl @redhead1180 @drwstarkeyy @notdxbya @sublimepenguinpeach-blog
part 3
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acrux-jr · 7 months
Meeting Abby -
(Extension of Carousel - prequel)
Summary: What Mike didn't know was the two of you had already met, and Abby wholeheartedly approved.
Word count: 2.3k
Tags: pre-established relationship, fluff, dates
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This was your 3rd date since the carousel meeting. Mike was still well Mike, the more quiet, nonchalant, and tired type.
Mike really was interested in you but his mannerisms did leave you questioning if he did or of he was trying to get a quick fuck.
The two of you sat at the diner, it was 1 in the morning. It was an odd ass hour to have a date but Mike said it was because of his work hours. Though there was a tinge of fear that maybe you were a side chick or he was trying to land some action.
You were wide awake, you had a nap after class so the sleep wasn't creeping on you but it was slowly on Mike.
Every so often he would nod off and blink himself awake, hoping you wouldn't know; you did.
"Do you want to schedule this for another time?"
He furrowed his eyebrows and shook his head 'no.'
"You look tired Mike."
He liked it when you said his name, and showed concern.
"S fine. I have a semi-normal shift tomorrow."
"Then you should be sleeping then. I don't mind waiting. "
Mike didn't want to say so he shrugged instead. "S fine," he repeated.
You gave a sigh but nodded. You noticed the book by. "What's the title?" You asked, cutting the country fried steak to eat.
"Oh um it's called dream theory. It's … hmm.. it's about how every single thing we see is stored in our brain in like this deep vault and dreaming subconsciously unlock those tiny details."
"Hmm. I think I've something similar to the whole we remember everything subconsciously but I never really looked into it. Though I guess it could explain my art."
"Your art?"
"Yeah about half my paintings are landscapes, but I don't really remember any of those places when I was too small. Like um when we went to see snow the 3rd time around when I was a little older and able to grasp some things, I remember I dreamt this oasis of cold in the redwood forest, a tree had fallen down and was mostly covered but some red was showing. Anyway, I dreamt it but don't remember the actual day, just that one scene and when I painted it my mom was shocked I even remembered that specific place. I was still small, she even showed me pictures."
"What made it stick out that you mom knew it was the place you guys went too?"
"Oh um hehe yeah, there was this small grave with flowers on it. It was in the painting as well."
"How old were you?"
"Maybe anywhere from 3 to 5."
"And you remember that detail."
"I'm assuming so, the picture my mom showed was when I was like 1 but we revisited again about that age range. There were no pictures at that spot again because of the grave. We recently started going again and I leave flowers."
"That's nice, I mean to leave flowers for someone you don't really know."
"Yeah, I guess. It was such a lonely place for a grave though so I guess maybe that's why I leave flowers, so they're spirits can know someone else enjoys that spot too. They must have really loved it to be buried there."
"You believe in spirits and the afterlife and all that?"
You hesitated, "I don't know. Do you?"
"Maybe," was his short reply. The conversation came to a stop as the two of you ate quietly.
Glancing at the time, you say it was 1:30 a.m. now.
You quickly finish as Mike finishes his. "Come on l, get up." You leave $25 on the table for the food and tip. Mike protests but still allows himself to get dragged away.
The moon is full, and the asphalt is wet from the earlier rain. You jump on the bed of the small beat pick up truck, patting the seat next to you. Mike took the offer and sat next to you.
With the dead of night and few lights, the two of you stargaze. Mike listens as you ramble on and on about the constellations, giving a nodded and humm of acknowledgment to show he's following along.
He looked at you. As you talked and talked, he loved how your hair frames your face, or how he noticed you fret about your mascara even now and then especially if you laughed a little too hard you'd cry a bit, he liked how passionate you got, and he really liked how kind you were.
While he would get praised for taking care of his sister from strangers, for being kind and self-less. He still felt selfish in a way.
He looked at your headband, shiny black and small. Abby popped into his mind. He knew that after texting for a day he was already too deep to let this be a fling.
It became silent after you were done listing the constellations, now just appreciating the night.
Mike cleared his throat to talk, and you turned your attention to him.
"Would…," he breathed out, "would you want to meet my little sister Abby?"
Your eyes widened in shock. While Mike didn't say much, he said even less about his sister. Another reason why you thought this was maybe just a fling, or trial run before he really got out there.
You opened your mom to speak but nothing came out.
Mike sighed and got up. "It's fine. I gotta go-," "Wait!"
Mike stared as you went up, "I wanna meet her! I do, really. It's just I was shocked since you've never like well talk about her."
Mike stared at you still not really knowing what to say. "Look Mike. What do you want out of this? Before asking if I wanted to meet your sister I was kind of getting the impression this was like a fling. And I'm not really interested in a fling right now."
"Oh?" You questioned.
"Well what made you think this was a fling?"
Mike looked down, not really wanting to look you in the eyes. "I don't know, I just got the feeling you weren't too interested. Mike, well we've only been together for about 3 dat3s. I genuinely can't recall anything you like or dislike or memories you've shared. Even when I text you it feels a bit one-sided."
You hummed as you continued to look at the stars, giving Mike some time to collect his thoughts.
"I'm not really a big talker if you haven't noticed. To be honest, I like to listen to you talk. You have a nice voice."
He gave you a look, "Okay?"
"Okay I can work with that. I just needed to know if it was disinterest or if that's just how you are."
"So it's fine? If I don't speak a lot most of the time."
"I guess we'll find out together, but between you and me I like that whole stoic, "bad boy" look / attitude you have."
Mike laughed and smirked. "Bad boy?"
"Mike every now and then you look like a genuine degenerate."
Mike raised his eyebrow. He closed the distance between the two of you. "Yeah? Isn't that what you like though." He whispered before he gave you a chaste kiss.
You blushed and gave a small laugh. "Yes, yes I do."
You brought out your phone and the time read 2:30 a.m.
"What time do you have work?"
"11 a.m. to 5 p.m."
He had an amused look on his face, "What?"
"Oh my god! Go home already you have work in less than 12 hours ! You still have to sleep!"
"Don't sleep much to be honest." You huffed air out of your nose.
"Well you should."
Mike grinned, and he put his arm around your waist, pulling you closer. "I like the color green."
You smiled back. "Green? Hmm…"
"Hmmm… what?"
"It fits you."
"Is that a good thing?"
"Yeah of course, green is a very strong but soothing color."
"It is."
The two of you sat in silence before Mike's phone rang. He looked at it and rolled his eyes.
"Hello. Yeah. Yeah, got it. Okay I'm on my way."
He gave a sigh, "Sorry that was my aunt. I asked her to babysit but I guess something came up at her place."
"Oh okay that's fine. Text me when you get home so I know you made home safe."
He gave a tired smile, "Isn't that my line to you?"
"It would be if you weren't running on minimal sleep."
"Fair enough. But text me too okay, in case I forgot while talking to my aunt or you get home first."
You gave a nod and he gave you another chaste kiss. You blushed again, and smiled. He hopped off the truck and waved bye. You waved as he left the parking lot in his beat up car.
You rushed inside your car and towards home, excited to tell your friends everything.
With texts of 'I'm home,' and 'goodnight' s, the two of you feel asleep dreaming of each other.
A week had passed before Mike brought up meeting Abby again. This date was way earlier and on his day off.
"Do you think she'll like me?"
Mike paused. "I'm not sure to be honest. Not ! Not that you're unlikable or anything like that! She's just a timid kid, hell she barely likes me."
"I'm sure she likes you Mike."
"Yeah well you haven't met her," he grumbled.
You gave an amused look but relented. "So she gets out in an hour right?"
Mike nodded.
"Okay and you said she likes art right? To draw and such?"
Mike nodded again. "Okay, perfect. I'll be back here at 3!"
As you started to slide out the booth, Mike stared at you confused. "Wait where are you going?"
"Don't worry I'll be back." You practically dash out the door to your car.
Mike gave a frustrated sigh and got up after paying the bill. 'I guess I'll just have to wait until 3 too then.' He ran a hand through his curly hair and hopped in his car.
Mike parked at the diner, looking back at Abby. "Okay we're gonna meet a friend of mine okay Abs?"
Abby furrowed her brows, "Your girlfriend?"
Mike nodded. Abby stayed silent. He got out of the car as did she. He held her hand as they entered, he spotted you immediately.
You h/c shining from the sun, you were drinking water while reading a book. Lost in your own world Mike cleared his throat. You looked up at him and then down at the little girl.
Abby recognized you as you recognized her. "Hi!”
Before you could get another word in, Abby motioned you forward. You raised an eyebrow towards who gave a shrug reply but you went with her request.
“Don't tell Mike about Mr. Bunny.” She said in a hushed whisper.
You stared at her then at Mike and then at her again. “Okay. Got it. But why?”
Abby looked at Mike, shoved him slightly to get away from their secrets. She cupped her hand, “Because I want to have a secret between us. I like you, you gave my Mr. Bunny when you didn't have to.”
You gave a warm smile, “ Okay deal. Pinky promise, and seal the deal.”
As you pinky crossed and thumbs stamped together, Mike gave you an expectant look.
Abby slid in across from you and Mike sat next to her.
“What?” He rolled his eyes.
“What were you two whispering about?”
“It's a secret!” Shouted Abby.
Mike looked at you again. “Sorry can't see, those are the secret rules and it's backed by a stamped pink promise. You'll never know.” You have a sad look and shrugg. Abby laughed at your expression and Mike shook his head.
“Well I guess it can't be helped.” You and Abby nodded.
You remembered a thought, “Oh yeah!” You rummaged through your bag and got the present for Abby you bought.
“Here you go Abby. It's a sketchbook for your private drawings.”
“Private drawings?” She turned her head to the side.
You smiled at her, “Yeah, drawings for yourself. I have a lot of them that I don't wanna share because they're private and for me.”
“You draw!”
You nodded and hummed. “Can you draw me something?”
“Uh sure. Is it fine if it's in your book?”
She nodded vigorously. “Okay what do you want me to draw?”
She pondered the question. “Oh! A bunny!”
“A bunny? Hmm okay like a realistic bunny or a cartoon?”
“Yeah sure.”
Mike smiled. “Yeah she's been obsessed with bunny's after some girl won one and gave it to her instead.”
You fought off the smile as you drew, and Abby giggled. Mike gave her a questioning look but all Abby did was stick out her tongue, which Mike did back, only for a split second though.
Mike and Abby watched as you sketched out the cartoon bunny, erasing and redoing the line a couple of times. You finished the outline as food came, Mike ate and watched as you stuck your tongue out slightly finishing up the little details. It had a top hat and a bow.
“Alright Abby, here you go!”
Abby squealed in delight. “Thank you!” She stared are your drawing as she ate, it did resemble Mr. Bunny. Mike noticed that too but thought it was a mere coincidence.
The meal went smoothly, with Abby begging for a shake and Mike giving in. Sitting here, you thought it was nice, maybe something to get accustomed to. In fact, you hoped it was.
Y'all I can't stop writing im procrastinating 😩 anyway enjoy!!
Taglist: @stinkii-boii @hellothisisprincesskitty
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dronebiscuitbat · 1 month
Oil is Thicker Then Blood (Part 3)
N followed Uzi at her side as they made their way through the maze of hallways that was the bunker. If he hadn't, he might have gotten lost.
“I think this place gets bigger every time I come here.” He pointed out, taking one step for every two of hers, he wasn't going to point that out though, lest she poke him.
Yes, poke, maybe shove or lightly punch. But he'd come to realize that when it came to the people she cared about, she didn't choose violence. Don't get him wrong, Uzi would often choose violence when it was an option, case in point; railgun. But when it came to him, and V to an extent, her mouth was the most dangerous thing about her.
That and maybe her tail, which did often actually bite.
“It's a maze on purpose, Dad thought it might throw you guys off to buy us time.” She hummed absent-mindededly, thinking as she lead him through yet another cross-section.
“It would definitely work on me. I'm already lost.” He laughed a little, looking over at her.
Her visor was lit up in an almost frown, eyebrows together in either concern or disappointment, her tongue was out again, which meant she was focused intently on something. N was always in awe of how she was always thinking, although she often overthought and made herself upset, he hoped that's not what she was doing.
His eyes drifted to the way she played with the ball joints of her own fingers, like she always had to have something in her hand, her tongue switched sides and her eyelights scrunched up, obviously trying to work through something in her head.
Cute… wait what?
“Oh! Crap I almost passed it. Here we are.” She stopped abruptly, causing N to nearly trip to avoid careening into her, there was a thick, fogged window looking into the nursery, where he could see a few blurry shapes of pillbabies recharging in their cribs.
“Ooooh! Babies!” N's eyes grew exceptionally wide, almost as if they had stars in them, his tail wagged behind him, his hands cupping his face and a squeal threatening to spill from his mouth.
“Yeah, probably here while thier parents are working. Come on, you can see them better inside.” She opened the heavy door with a swoosh, and a gust of sterilized air hit them both.
“I'm allowed inside? Wouldn't they… be afraid of me?” N took a step back, holding the wire of his tail in his hands, looking anywhere but her eyes. Thinking about how some of the workers still looked at him with fear.
“N, it's fine. And if they're not fine with it I'll make them fine.” Her tone shifted from soft to rough, and her fist balled to make her point. And, almost reluctantly, he followed her, head frantically taking in every single detail of the room.
The drone at the front desk wasn't paying attention. Wore glasses, and seemed to be from the same generation of drone as Uzi's Dad, with the slightly boxier body type typical from that generation. Her eyelights were a deep orange, and she was skimming through a magazine.
“Uh, Mrs. Rayn? It's Uzi, I'm back.” Uzi's voice seemed to immediately lack the bite it had a moment ago. And the elder drone peered over her glasses, first to Uzi, then to the disassembly drone awkwardly standing behind her. He smiled, trying not to look any kind of threatening. His tail wagging slightly.
“Not sure we can combine you two, and I'm not sure Khan would want me to…”
Oh robo-jesus-
“No! Uhm… No. I'm just here to pick up more oil! N wanted to see the babies…” Both of their faces exploded in blush, their eyes flicking over at each other briefly, which somehow made both their blushes far worse.
What would that even look like? Would they be a worker drone? A disassembly drone? Both? Would they have Uzi's eyes? His yellow ones? Inherit his white ones? Or would the colors mix and be brown? Or pink? Did it even work like that?
He should probably stop thinking about that…
“Ahhh, good! You two are a little young for that anyway. Uzi, you should have been good for another week! Is your condition getting worse?” She asked, and she immediately reminded N of a grandmother, voice soft, kindly, but crackly from age.
“No. N had to stay over at my house and was overheating, he needs a lot more than I do.” She gestured to him, which caused another nervous beaming smile to grace his face. He gave a small wave in return.
“I see…” Mrs. Rayn hummed, typing something up on the computer sitting in front of her. Every so often she would glance up at N, looking over her glasses, N felt as if he was being studied.
“Right, Uzi Doorman, upping your supply to five cans, instead of three. Just in case your “friend” happens to need to stay again.” She said as if she fully believed it would be happening more often, though neither young drone could discern why.
“N, was it?” She turned to him, making him jump, he nodded, his old worker programming forcing him to slightly bow, which would have been deeper had he not forcefully stopped himself.
“Yes, Ma’am.” He replied, taking a step forward, beads of sweat dripping down the inside of his visor.
“It's nice to meet you young man. If you ever need something, you come to me. Alright?” She smiled kindly at him, and his nerves immediately relaxed, and the next smile that came from him was far more natural.
“Thank you. I'll keep that in mind Ma’am”
“Well aren't you polite. Half the men here could learn a thing or two from you.” She gave a soft chuckle, motioning to the door that lead to the little dronelings.
“You're welcome to see them, just be careful. Let me go fetch what you need.” With that she was off towards the back, N noticed she heavily favored one foot over the other. Huh.
But an immediate distraction came in the form of pillbabies. He nearly sprinted, but felt Uzi grab his arm to stop him. Like it was a command from his own system, he stopped immediately.
“Careful, remember? Pills are made out of silicon, so they're squishy. They're also really sensitive to sound, so shhhh…” She explained, leading him into the nursery at a much slower pace. He nodded in understanding, keeping his tail tight against the floor to keep it safe and away from the tiny dronelings.
After realizing he was going much slower, she released him, finding a seat in one of the waiting chairs and crossing her arms, watching him as he made his way over to the closest baby.
It was so, so small, which he knew, but seeing one up close instead of in pictures didn't do it justice, the whole thing could fit in the palm of his hand. This one had white eyelights, but was currently in sleep mode, three little z's appearing and blinking on the little ones visor.
He smiled warmly, suppressing the urge to touch the little pill. He didn't want to disturb it, or hurt it for that matter.
The next one was green, and while it wasn't asleep it also didn't seem to be too concerned with his presence, too focused on dimming and relighting its eyes, N found himself chuckling, but moving on.
The last droneling was tucked into the corner, and as he approached he noticed that this one was actively looking at him, intently actually. And their eyes were a deep lavender, a shade lighter than Uzi's.
“Hey kiddo…” He wasn't sure what made him want to speak to it, maybe it was the eyelights, or the way it was staring at him. But he got the impression it wanted his attention.
The baby giggled, a smile appearing on it's screen as it began to rock from side to side. If it had arms, they would be reaching up at him.
“You're a happy one.” He felt Uzi come up next to him, her being a fair bit warmer than other drones, and he'd nearly memorized the sound of her footsteps by now.
“This one looks like how you did!” He pointed out quietly, trying his best not to disturb the others, Uzi didn't reply, instead leaning over the side of the metal crib.
“She's unclaimed… look.” She pointed to a tag at the foot of the crib. A pink tag saying “unclaimed” mocked him. Dang, how'd he not notice that?
“Oh… what does that mean?”
“It means her parents haven't come back to pick her up yet.” Uzi sounded concerned, her hand hovered over the pills chassis, before looking even more concerned.
“She's too warm, no one's fed her in awhile…” she looked from side to side, as if making sure no one was around, before gently picking up the small pill in her arms, something that seemed practiced, and natural.
“Oh no… do you think something happened to her parents?” N now shared her concern, although a part of him felt extremely giddy watching his normally edgy best freind hold a baby so gently. He wasn't sure why, but it made his core feel warm.
“Unless V went back on her word. I don't see what could have happened.” Uzi replied back, seemingly instinctually rocking the baby gently, one hand on top of the little one, holding her steady.
The little pill continued to smile up at her, giggling but eyelights getting droopy, and she stopped trying to roll to either side. His best freinds eyes softened, a small smile creeping up onto her face.
“You can sometimes make a baby accidentally… leaving a portion of your code in someone. She might have been dumped here after her parents got her a body…” She explained, glancing around the room, searching for something.
“Theres a bottle station over there, she needs some oil. Could you bring me one?” She motioned to a dispenser near the door, the picture was of a plastic bottle with a very narrow black tip.
“Yeah, okay.” He closed the distance rather quickly, clicking the very clearly marked button on the dispenser and a very small plastic bottle fell into his hand. As well as… a siphon?
“What now?” He asked, handing it to her. And she sighed, lifting up her hoodie and undershirt to expose bare chassis.
N’s head snapped away, being reminded of her displeasure of him being naked, Uzi looked up at him and looked nervous, and embarrassed.
“I'm not stripping in front of you N, I'm trying to open a panel on my side.” She explained, holding the baby in one hand, and opening a small panel on her side with the other, sticking the siphon into it, which caused her to jolt.
“Agh… been awhile.” She murmured, pumping the siphon with the hand pump, after a few seconds, warm oil began to fill the bottle.
“Woah… what?” N was mesmerized, watching her fill the bottle with her own oil, and also at the ease and familiarity she seemed to do it with. It was also his first introduction to a side panel, did all the workers have those? He knew he didn't.
“I used to volunteer here. When mom was still alive. We both did.” She explained, sounding rather sad for a moment, before shaking her head. “Babies need warm oil, usually filtered by their mother since they can't yet. But, I'm all that's here right now so…”
The bottle was filled, and she pinched the siphon, wincing as she pulled it out, before sighing.
“Ugh, that wasn't painful before…” She trailed off, moving her hoodie back in place and training her eyes back on the droneling. Softly scratching the silicon of the chassis.
The baby made a raspberry, seemingly enjoying the feeling.
“Yeah… it tickles, right?” Her voice suddenly went sugary sweet, so much so N felt a blush light up his face, it was like it was made of caramel, gentle and kind and deeply maternal. He wasn't even aware her voice could go that soft.
“There's that panel.” She opened a small panel on the pillbaby's front, where there was a small opening where N assumed the bottle would go.
She tipped the bottle into the opening, and the baby's eyes flickered shut, seemingly enjoying the coolant, Uzi seemed to be lost in the moment, nodding her head as a coo that sounded almost unnatural came out of her mouth.
N stayed uncharacteristically silent, watching the scene before him while an ocean of different emotions ran through him. Curiosity, both about pillbaby anatomy and Uzi's time with her mom. Awe, at her competence at this, how confidently she had taken control of a concerning situation. And how soft her voice was whenever she spoke to the droneling, it made the sensors on the back of his neck stand up, filling him with a warmth he wasn't sure he'd ever felt before.
“Oh! There you two are. I thought you'd have had your fill by now.” Mrs. Rayn popped in though the door with a bag in her hand, five canisters of oil bouncing around inside, her face fell on Uzi, who was still looking at her task; feeding the baby.
“Well that's a sight I'd never thought I'd see again…” She said, trailing off when Uzi looked up sheepishly. A blush invading her face as she caught up with reality.
“She was too warm, old insinct took over. Sorry, I know non-volunteers aren't supposed to donate…”
“No it's quite alright, that one was printed out about a week ago. Parents were young, younger than you two. They haven't been back.” She looked sad, hobbling over to the two younger drones, and motioning to take the baby from Uzi's arms.
For a split second, N saw Uzi try to pull away, as if she wanted to keep the baby away from her. But that was gone a moment later, and she placed the droneling into her arms, the look on her face was indecipherable.
“It happens sometimes. Another week and she'll be put up for adoption, where someone who really wants her can take care of her.” The bottle was empty, and the pillbaby seemed to now be dozing off, purple eyelights dimming.
“Thank you for donating. My oil is getting a little stale at my age!” She laughed, though still smiled at them kindly, before looking at N curiously.
“Did you want to hold her?” She asked and her jumped in surprise. Raising his hands like he was defending himself.
“No! Well yes, but I'm afraid I'll hurt her and-” the baby was placed in his arms, shutting him up immediately, well aside from the “Oh Biscuits…” that came out in a whimper as he cradled them.
Uzi was right, she was warm, but N's sensors indicated she was beginning to cool down, she was also right about her being slightly squishy, as he felt her vents taking in air, and her silicon skin indenting even on a surface as soft as his overcoat sleeve.
He felt as if he had something priceless and oh so very fragile in his hands and he froze, his brain stuck between “this is the cutest thing in the world” and “don't screw up, please don't screw up”.
“You getting sleepy?” He asked, he didn't notice both woman next to him smile at his voice, or the way his tail began to wag as the baby sleepily smiled at him. He rocked them, much like Uzi had done, and slowly three z's appeared on her visor, and she rolled into the fur of his coat.
His core felt heavy, like it was made of solid lead. He felt tears prick on the edges of his visor as he looked up. Holding her close, he could feel a tiny core buzzing.
“She's the cutest thing ever!” He whisper-screamed. Causing both women to smile at him. Uzi's somehow looked bigger, with a look in her eyes that N hadn't seen before, but it made him swell with a warm sense of pride.
“You have good instinct, I hear it in your voice.” Mrs. Rayn said, smiling almost as if she knew something he didn't, though it didn't matter, his eyes were fixed on the droneling in his arms once again.
“I don't… understand how anyone could leave her.” At this, he felt something else rise in his chest, something angry, and protective, still warm but almost unpleasantly so.
“Young people make mistakes, sometimes they rush into things they're not ready for.” She replies sadly, Uzi looked away at her words, crossing her arms, her face falling into something that looked deliberative if not sad.
“Does she have a name?” He asked, reluctantly handing the small child back to the older woman. He could almost still feel the little ones core buzzing against him.
“Tera is what I've been calling her. But once she's adopted that's bound to change.”
“Tera…” He said under his breath, as if tasting the word, a small smile broke through. His eyes lingered on the sleeping pillbaby, before they landed on Uzi, who was taking the bag from Mrs. Rayn with a very polite “Thank you.”
Uzi was beginning to head towards the door, bag in hand, waving goodbye to Mrs. Rayn, who was placing Tera back into her crib. N followed, but not before giving a little wave to the tiny pill.
“Goodnight Tera.”
Next ->
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petrssecrethideout · 2 months
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"Bro, do you wanna hear about something crazy?"
"I mean sure, go ahead,"
"Alright, so I was just relaxing, scrolling TikTok,"
"Already a bad idea."
"I know, I got beef with that fuckin' algorithm let me tell you. I follow a couple of bodybuilders, post a couple of gym vids and suddenly my For you page is filled with the biggest assholes alive. Anyway, I'm scrolling, and I see this guy, he's doing that whole 'alpha top dog' thing even though he's not that big."
"Okay wait pause, how big is not that big?"
"I don't know, I have more muscle in my arms than he has in his whole body, real gym influencer type."
"Alright, for anyone listening to the pod at home, I should probably just say that this guy could be anywhere from 150-300 pounds from Dale's description of him, okay? He's not good at judging what normal guys look like anymore."
"Yeah, okay, you got me. Anyway, this guy keeps going on about his great advice, so I stick around to hear it. You wanna know what he said? 'Stop Cumming, its killing your natural testosterone' What kind of bullshit is that!?"
"I mean that is a big part of the current fitness world, these guys will say anything to get more followers, and a lot of their followers are so desperate for progress that they'll take whatever advice they're given."
"It's a shame, because he's also wrong! I tried that whole 'No Nut Whatever' and its been the only time in these last 5 years that I've plateaued."
"... Really?"
"Yeah! If I'm not cranking a load out every day I can kiss any potential gains goodbye."
"Like after my workouts, when I got a huge pump going, I just have to crank one out, like what good workout would it be if I didn't"
"Dale c'mon,"
"And its not like I can just hit up a guy on Grindr and go to town every time I need to, there aren't enough guys on Grindr for that."
"Uggggh dude, we are never getting a sponsor with you talking like this."
"What, so all the straight alpha dudebros can talk about semen retnetion and get a ton of followers, but I get censored for talking about jacking off and getting tons of ass?"
"Yeah, we will."
"Well then, listeners, go subscribe to the patreon so that I can talk about my actual tips for growing, and so that you can help Mark get bigger. I'm telling you, I'm gonna make this boy huge with your help. Audio listeners make sure to check the videos so you can see this boy get huge. Now bro, help me out here. You don't want those Tiktok gymfluencers to win do you? How often are you jerkin off?"
"Oh god I can't believe I'm answering this... A couple of times a week maybe?"
"A week? That's fucking crazy. My average is like 4-5 times a day. More if I'm really feeling horny. If I'm being honest I jerked off a few weeks ago on the pod, like I forgot to before I came here. One of the comments mentioned something about my grunting that episode."
"Jesus christ dude, how do you even manage that?"
"Well, you gotta work up to it. I couldn't do that starting out, but once I started growing I was so horny I had to do something about it. I think that's what these guys don't get. You gotta get those balls working, give them a reason to keep making that sweet testosterone. How are you supposed to do that if you aren't jacking it? Honestly dude, I feel like I gotta prove these guys wrong now."
"What, you're gonna be a cum warrior?"
"Hell yeah man, I'm gonna be fighting the war on jerking it, on the side of jerking it!"
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morlock-holmes · 26 days
Part of my confusion about "Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria" is that it's really just... not a good term? It doesn't really reflect what it's supposed to, which is the idea that some teenagers essentially take on a trans identity as a sort of social role spurred on by friend groups.
I think that this is likely to be actually true in at least some sense, so I was amazed at how unconvincing the Littman paper which coined the term actually is. The parental narratives advanced in that paper are just unbelievable on their face.
Ever since the gay rights movement I've felt that our vocabulary for talking about this stuff is deliberately incredibly stupid, for reasons I haven't quite been able to suss out.
In the gay rights battles, everybody got together and agreed that there were exactly two possibilities:
Gay people are born that way
Gay people made a choice to be gay
I think this is really dumb because those are really obviously not the only two options, and also because there's lots of biological "born this way" things we still treat or try to eliminate, and lots of choices that are still incredibly important to protect.
But also, like, okay, think about sexual fetishes. Say you have a guy with a cheerleader fetish. Cheerleaders are a contingent social phenomenon; no 12th century Breton had a cheerleader fetish. The possibility of such a fetish arose with the invention of the cheerleader.
But it's just as obvious that people do not choose their fetishes the way that they choose, say, a new car. Nobody says, "After listing out the pros and cons, I felt that having a cheerleader fetish was the best choice, because it combines a little bit of exotic spice while still being mainstream enough that it can't be used as blackmail if people find out about it."
No, one day you just realize that you think cheerleaders are really hot.
I do tend to think that gender identity is, for most people, a lot less immediately set in stone than sexual orientation is. My personal impression is that the vast majority of people start to understand very quickly whether they are attracted to men, women, or both, and that they only tell themselves differently because they fear social censure.
I'm not really convinced that the same is true of gender identity; I think that for an extremely large number of people it does function a bit more like a fetish, in that there are people who encounter the idea for the first time, go, "Huh, yeah that's cool or whatever" and after repeated encounters come to think, "Actually I am really into this."
I'm very, very suspicious of the tendency to then assert that this must inherently, then, be a discovery of something that always existed within the person since birth.
There's also the fact that gender roles exist, and people want to be legible to people around them.
For a lot of people, dressing up as a vampire on Halloween is fun, but dressing up as a vampire to go grocery shopping in June would be deeply embarrassing. Because on Halloween all the people around you understand why you're dressed that way and your dress makes you part of a larger social whole; in June you're going against the grain, marking yourself out from the people around you, probably drawing stares and hidden smiles.
Because sex roles in our society are so set in stone, there is a certain extreme dissatisfaction with not following them, even when allowed to do so.
I can wear chokers and frills and pretty hair ribbons if I want, but the women around me can do that anywhere in the country and have people think of it as normal, as obvious, rather than *a statement*.
Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria, from reading the Littman paper, seems to refer to a parental conviction that their child essentially got the idea to be trans from a peer group who convinced them they were trans despite a lack of gender dysphoria in childhood.
Like I said, the general narrative is really, really hard to believe at face value, for example:
A total of 63.8% of the parents have been called “transphobic” or “bigoted” by their children for one or more reasons, the most common being for: disagreeing with the child about the child’s self-assessment of being transgender (51.2%); recommending that the child take more time to figure out if their feelings of gender dysphoria persist or go away (44.6%); expressing concerns for the child’s future if they take hormones and/or have surgery (40.4%); calling their child by the pronouns they used to use (37.9%); telling the child they thought that hormones or surgery would not help them (37.5%); recommending that their child work on other mental health issues first to determine if they are the cause of the dysphoria (33.3%); calling the child by their birth name (33.3%); or recommending a comprehensive mental health evaluation before starting hormones and/or surgery (20.8%)
So, like, the whole tenor of the paper is that these are basically very liberal parents who are sort of being cut off by their kids for no reason, but like...
This is typical of the general weasel wording used by Littman. Are the third of parents who called their kids by pronouns they used to use going, "She - Oops, he, I'm sorry" one time and getting blasted? Do they claim to be trying but just get it wrong literally every single time? Or do they just flat out refuse to call their child by their preferred pronouns?
When my brother was first entering high school, he joined the Sea Scouts, a division of the Boy Scouts dedicated to learning about sailing. He later entered a maritime college and has had a succession of maritime jobs, which will likely be his career for the rest of his life.
Is that the result of social contagion or was he born that way?
I think the question is obviously both absurd and irrelevant.
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Care for me
Newt X Reader
→ He/him pronouns
→ Movie based
Synopsis: reader is a medjack and Newt comes regularly in the hut for one reason or another. Reader is oblivious and Minho tries to open his eyes.
Warnings: blood, alcohol
A/N: english is not my first language, I may not know the whole gladers' slang, please let me know if I made any mistake
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Most of the gladers were grouped around the box, and your friend Clint was urging you to join them. "Come on Y/n! Or the box will arrive before us!" You rolled your eyes, "I know, I'm coming." You finished cleaning up the blood (or at least what was possible to clean) of the last injured you had to take care of, and joined the other medjack outside the hut. Jeff was already waiting for you both, his hands in his pockets, talking with Newt.
"We were waiting for you!" your fellow medjack said. "What took you so long?" Newt asked. "You should try cleaning blood with only water and soap," you answered, "why aren't you already at the box?" The two medjacks were already distancing you, they seemed pretty excited for the box. You needed new medical supplies, you wished that the people sending the box would give you an actual doctor one day, but you knew it wasn't gonna happen. "No reason," he said, "the alarm didn't ring yet, they're all a bit early." You chuckle, "who can blame them? It's not like we get much entertainment here." You and Newt laugh lightly and immediately stop when the alarm rings. It feels like it's wrecking your ears, but you're kind of used to it by now. The gears on the side of the box start and their metallic sounds almost cover the alarm until it goes off. When the box finally opens, you jump in to go and check the greenie. Gally follows to start conveying the supplies sent in the box to the Glade.
The new boy was curled up against a few boxes that formed a corner, all shaky and visibly younger than every other glader. "Hey greenie, I'm Y/n. I'll check if you're injured, just in case. Does it hurt anywhere?" The boy looks up to you, and you notice that he's crying, but he shakes his head. You help him getting on his feet and still check for any possible injuries. "Looks like you're not hurt anywhere," you said, smiling to the boy, "do you remember your name? Or how old you are?" He shakes his head again. "N-No..." You can tell he is trying not to cry even if tears are still running down his cheeks. "C'mon lil' guy, let's get you up there," you said.
The greenie was still crying after a few hours. You could only understand, but even you had to admit that you were getting tired of hearing his sobs in the distance. You never really understood why all the greenies were thrown in jail as soon as they got out of the box, but you weren't the chief and couldn't say anything. It was Alby's job. You sighed. "Is something wrong?" a familiar voice asked from behind.
You jumped slightly and faced Newt. "No, but if you're here I guess I can return the question." The blonde chuckled and looked down on his hand. "Yeah, I uh, I accidentally cut my finger. It didn't fell off, but it's still bleeding." You walk towards him and takes his hand in yours, taking off the cloth that was preventing the wound to bleed out. "Oh, well, it's not that bad but you still need some care," you put the cloth back in place and gestured towards a bench in the room, "sit down." Newt obeyed and you opened the box you received, taking a bottle of alcohol and a clean cloth. You sat in front of your friend and uncovered his wound, putting the bloody cloth away.
His wound wasn't that deep and there was no ripped skin, the cut was oddly clean. A machete hit would cause much more damage, but it was more serious than a scratch. "How did it happen?" you ask while pouring some alcohol on the cloth. "Uh, dumb mistake, I held my machete the wrong way." You put the cloth on his wound and he immediately sucks air between his teeth. That doesn't sound like something Newt would do, and you can't help but thinking he's lying. However, you just continue to clean his wound and don't say anything. He's been visiting the medjack's hut a lot these past few months, for all kind of reasons: small injuries, questions (dumb ones most of the time), just to talk when he had nothing to do, sometimes he even hid from Alby for some reason. Maybe he was getting sick of Newt getting hurt a lot and wanted to lecture him, which was why the blonde was hiding.
"You should be more careful," you said with a little smile as you finished tying a bandage around his finger. "Y-Yeah, I will." You look at him raising an eyebrow. It wasn't the first time you told him to be careful and he promised every time, you weren't a fool and at this point you were starting to think ha was doing it purpose. But that was weird, why would he get hurt on purpose? "And done," you said, "all clean." "Thanks," Newt said, and you looked inti each other's eyes before he got up and walked to the exit, "I'll see you at the bonfire." "Yeah." You smile at each other and he exited the hut, greeting Minho when he got out. You joined the runner outside and you noticed that the greenie had stopped crying, or at least you couldn't hear him anymore.
"You do realise he's not dumb enough to get hurt like that, right?" Minho said, standing beside the hut's door. "I know," you said, your arms crossed on your chest, "he's acting weird." Minho stopped beside you and began stretching. "I don't think it's weird," he said and you turned your head, "I think he's doing it on purpose." You frowned. "Why would he get hurt on purpose? That's messed up." Minho stopped stretching and placed his hands on his harness. "Messed up? Nah, I wouldn't say that. But that's dumb for sure." You stayed silent, watching Newt guiding the greenie around the Glade with no expression on your face. "You really don't know why he does that?" You turn to Minho who looks at you with raised eyebrows. "No..?" you say, "but if you know, please tell me." He rolled his eyes and walked away with a sigh. "Minho! I'm not kidding! Tell me!" But he ignored you and continued to walk. You were about to go after him but you heard someone yelling 'medjack' and you had to go do your job.
"So, are you decided to tell me?" you said, sitting down beside Minho. It was almost night and the bonfire was about to start, everyone was gathering in the center of the Glade. The keeper had to think a few seconds to know what you were talking about. "No, ask him yourself," he answers with a smirk. "But I have no proof that he's hurting himself on purpose!" The keeper looked at you, almost shocked. "Yes you do! He's not a shuckin' idiot!" he said, whispering loudly to yell at you but in a way no one could hear, "holding his machete upside down? Really?" You sighed, "just tell me then!" Minho grunted and massaged his temples.
"How can you be so oblivious Y/n? Just think! Why would he find any dumb excuse to go to the medjack's hut?" He looked at your dumbfounded expression for a moment, "I bet you didn't realise you're the only one taking care of him when he gets hurt." You slowly shook your head, "it's because... I'm his best friend, right?" The runner let out a loud exasperated sigh, "okay, you're kidding me, right?" You blinked. The possibility that your crush on Newt being reciprocal never occurred to you, mainly because there was not really any time for romance in the Glade, especially for the second in command. "I'm just saying," Minho continued, "you should just ask him yourself. I'm not some kind of cupid."
"Where is he?" you asked, getting up. You were determined to find him and had built some courage inside you, though you didn't know where it cale from. Minho shrugged, and you decided to look for Newt by yourself. You walked around the bonfire, asking a few gladers if they saw him, but he was nowhere to be found. But at least you were able to talk to the greenie, who was named Chuck. He remembered his name after some hours, which was pretty quick compared to most gladers. Night had fallen by now, and you still haven't found Newt, but since the bonfire would start at any moment now you thought you would see him in a few minutes. You took a glass of the drink concocted by Gally and took a sip, talking with a few gladers and waiting for the fire to be lit up, still asking if anyone had seen the second in command.
You were sitting alone, a bit far from the bonfire and your mind a bit foggy from the alcohol. "I heard you were looking for me earlier?" You turned your head so fast you could have sworn your neck cracked a bit. "Oh hey, yeah I... I was, indeed." Newt sat beside you in the grass. "So... Why?" Suddenly, having him beside you like that made all the courage you had built up vanish. "Uh, h-how's your finger?" The blonde looked down at his bandage, "good, good, it's... healing," he took a sip of his drink, avoiding your gaze. You frowned, taking a sip too and looking around. You saw Minho in the distance who was giving you insistent looks and pointing Newt. "Hum... I was wondering..." you began as you slowly turned your head to the boy, directly meeting his eyes, "how did you cut your finger, really?" The blonde looked away and took another sip of his drink, "I told you, I held my knife upside down." You raised an eyebrow, "oh really? You told me it was your machete earlier."
Newt stayed silent. "I'm just worried Newt, y-you seem to injure yourself a lot, and... I mean, for example, the cut on your finger is too clean, it doesn't look like an accident..." you weren't sure of where you were going with this, it seemed weird and you kind of hoped he would think the alcohol made you talk nonsense. But how could you ask something like that, like Minho said you should. "Are you okay...?" You finally asked. Newt finished his glass in one time before talking. "I'm okay, I just... I wanted to see you more often, and uh... I've just been less careful, these really were just accidents but I thought that I couldn't just take your time for no reason, you're a medjack. So I don't mind getting hurt. Besides..." You raised your eyebrows at him. Minho was wrong, he wasn't hurting himself on purpose, which was a big relief. And he just admitted that he wanted to see you more often. Newt cleared his throat. "Besides," he continued, "I... I like it when you take care of me..."
You were thankful that it was night and the fire wasn't bright enough to show your pink cheeks. "I know it's- Uh, dumb to do that but... I didn't know what else to do, I mean..." he paused to sigh, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you worry." He looked at you and you could feel your face heating up more and more. "Why did you want to s-see me more often?" Newt chuckled, "heh, I thought you would have understood." You shook your head, "I-I don't want to jump into conclusions..."
"I like you, Y/n. I like you a lot," he said, giggling nervously. You grinned sheepishly and started playing with your glass in your hands, "I like you too, Newt," you said softly, hesitantly looking at him. A wide smile appeared on his face and you moved closer to him. Your shoulder against his, you looked at each others with little smiles. "Can I kiss you?" He asked, his gaze going from your eyes to your lips repeatedly. You nodded and he approached you slowly, tilting his head to the side. His soft lips finally kissed yours, and it felt like it lit up a fire inside you. You kissed him back, your hand grabbing his sleeve and his hand on the back of your neck. When he pulled away, you felt the urge to kiss him again fiercely, but you held it back. You abandon his sleeve to put your hand on his, and smiled at him again. "But seriously, be more careful at your job, I hate seeing you hurt," you say. "Okay, I promise," he answers, "but you'll still take care of me, right..?" You giggle, "of course I will."
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ryujinbrat · 1 year
#12 quiet love
the stream (written chapter)
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"hey guys, it's yunjin. welcome or welcome back to my stream! today, i'm joined by hanni, y/n, and our two very special guests, winter and ningning!" yunjin said, facing the stream.
"hi guys!" winter said excitedly.
"what's up" hanni muttered.
"hiii twitch" ninging said as she waved like a kid seeing their best friend.
y/n only waved to the camera shyly, still feeling a bit down about the hate.
"so guys, today we'll be playing minecraft and answering some questions from everyone in the chat. be sure to leave us some good questions in the chat!" yunjin said, loading up the game.
"oh, i have one already," hanni perked up. "@somisgf asked, 'what's it like to be a streamer versus being a youtuber?'"
"ohh that's a good one," winter said, punching a tree in the pixelated game.
"also your username is so real," ningning fake swooned in her seat causing hanni to roll her eyes.
"no way you have a crush on somi."
"doesn't everyone?" the chinese girl chuckled as the rest of the girls shook their heads no. "well aren't you guys friends with her? you can put in a good word for me."
y/n nodded her head in thought, "will do. you guys would make a cute couple."
"hello?? nobody's answered the question," yunjin said adjusting her headset and letting out a playfully annoyed sigh.
"right right umm being a youtuber takes a lot longer when you have to film and edit to produce multiple videos a week, while streamers can easily just start up a stream and play a game," winter began.
"do you seriously think that being a youtuber is harder than streaming?" yunjin asked with disgust on her face.
"well duh," ningning and winter said in unison.
"i propose a challenge," y/n spoke up.
"go on."
"how about we all switch jobs for a week? all of the streamers will make youtube videos and all of the youtubers will stream. and at the end whichever group gains the most followers wins," she finished.
"and what do we win?" hanni questioned whats excited to be number one.
"bragging rights and the loser does whatever the winner says."
"deal," the five girls agreed together as they did a virtual handshake.
"okay next question," said ningning, "this one is from @rinasworld and they asked 'when did you guys become friends?'"
"the 3 of us have been friends for a while," yujin says gesturing to hanni and ningning, " but this is the first time y/n is meeting winter and ningning and it's winter's first time meeting us!" she finished briefly, her main focus being building a house for her and hanni.
"but we'll all definitely hang out in person soon and do more streams!" said y/n, eager to hang out with ningning and winter for no particular reason.
"someone said 'are you guys not friends with rina anymore?'" winter read aloud, "that's such a stupid question why wouldn't we be friends anymore."
"jimin and y/n have no bad blood and even so we're allowed to be friends with whoever we want." ningning said, getting a bit upset with fan's assumptions.
"in fact, y/n actually has a bit of a crush on karina don't you y/n" hanni said, hitting y/n's character in the bloxy game.
"stop that, and no i don't," y/n scowled in an attempt to hide her embarrassment.
"yeah you do, remember when you called her pretty?"
"and all of those tweets on your priv," yunjin added, anxious to get in on exposing y/n.
"ohh what tweets i wanna see," ningning nearly jumped out of her seat with excitement.
y/n gave ningning a death glare.
"or not," ningning smirked in faux fear.
"okay yes, i did call her pretty but it wouldn't go anywhere. especially not after that twitter stuff that hanni caused" y/n said rubbing her neck shyly.
"stuff that i caused??? that's just false," hanni rolled her eyes once again, "i was simply being real."
"so you admit that you would want a relationship with rina to go somewhere?" winter questioned fully prepared to play match maker.
"well duh have you seen her? she's insanely pretty but-"
"but nothing," ningning cut y/n off, "we'll make it happen for you."
"mission girlfriends2 is a go," winter nodded.
"girlfriends2???," yunjin squinted her eyes giving a puzzled look.
"we don't talk about girlfriends1," ningning sighed obviously remembering something.
"no guys it's fine and plus i wouldn't want to bother her anymore than i already have," y/n muttered sheepishly.
"you wouldn't be trust us."
"yeah you guys should see jimin's priv tweets," winter chuckled.
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masterlist next
taglist ⌗
@ehcyps @justme-idle @sewiouslyz @awkwardtoafault @jisooftme @boohirai @jeindall777 @yoontoonwhs @masuowo @bzeus28 @juhyunsthirdwife @kimsgayness @mightymyo @neuftaeng @rgxjsss @naviesweloveyou @baebeefyburrito @nasyu-kookies
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