#i'm going the fuck to sleep & never waking up again. i've peaked; there is nothing left for me to accomplish in this world
brokendoor16 · 7 months
Okay. So I'm aware that we LOVE love of my life for S3 post-angel depression Crowley, but hear me out. What I actually NEED in S3 is a (ridiculously, impossibly, drunk-to-the-extent-that-would-kill-a-mere-mortal) post-angel depression Crowley doing karaoke to Bohemian Rhapsody. JUST IMAGINE THE FUCKING MOOD SWINGS IN THAT SONG-
As a brief demonstration, I will now pick a lyric from each verse (I'm so sorry guys, this is what happens when I don't sleep so now it's all of your problems):
I'm just a poor boy, I need no sympathy- delivered in the MOST fucking overdramatic way possible, probably throwing his arms around a looking up (to curse Heaven- AKA try and figure out if Aziraphale's about to watch him embarrass himself again)
Mama, just killed a man- standing up from his chair (this scene is taking place at the closed coffee shop, I've just decided this), with an IMPECCABLE Freddie Mercury impression and kinda staring into Nina's soul (she's both amused and terrified)
I don't wanna die // I sometimes wish I'd never been born at all- slurring his words, slumping back into a chair, sounding utterly depressed and also done with life. Maggie is deeply concerned and trying to count up how much wine he's drank.
Scaramouche, scaramouche, will you do the fandango?- completely manic. At the peak of drunkeness. At some point he has got up on the table and is now pointing at Nina like he's expecting her to actually DO the fucking Fandango (tbh he probably is)
BONUS LINE FROM THE SAME VERSE: Thunderbolts and lightening, very very frightening me- again, peak drunkeness. Slurring his words so hard you can barely tell what he's saying. Stumbling off of the table but still stupidly manic.
Easy come, easy go, will you let me go?- looking up (let's be honest he's probably fallen over and is hauling himself off of the floor) at Maggie and Nina, hammered out of his mind but oddly endearing (according to Maggie, at least. Nina has plenty of words about the whole display and 'endearing' is most DEFINITELY not one of them)
Beezlebub has a devil put aside for me, for me, for me- practically fucking SCREAMING, barely able to stand up but somehow with an inhuman amount of energy and finding himself the funniest being to ever grace the earth because BEEZLEBUB
So you think you can love me and leave me to die?- suddenly recovering a whole lot of strength. And anger. Standing up, potentially smoking, staring directly upwards and SCREAMING (he's not doing well guys)
Nothing really matters // nothing really matters to me- there's no more energy. He's on the floor and too drunk to get back up. Probably just slumps over clutching a wine bottle (did I mention he's been using it as a mic?) and goes to sleep. Maggie, Nina, and Aziraphale (IF he's watching) and deeply concerned. He wakes up with a banging headache and an intense feeling of embarrassment.
So yes. That was my TED talk on why Crowley should get drunk and sing Bohemian Rhapsody in S3. Thank you for making it to the end of this train wreck, and I sincerely apologise. I'm very sleep deprived.
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willalove75 · 1 year
Dude. I have such a wonderful Alcina fic idea that I know you'll love it.
Alcina wakes up and she's a child again, still with her adult voice though.
How the hell will she go on about her day looking like that??? 💀
This is so fucking funny oh my god it's brilliant!!
Introducing: Baby-cina 😂
Warnings: None
As usual: 18+ Minors DNI with any my shit, nsfw or not pls & thanks
The moon hangs low in the sky as you lay in bed, reading your current book. It's bright light just beginning to wash over your bedroom as it peaks through the forests trees. There's an almost unfamiliar quiet in the castle, the girls had been out hunting today so they all ended up going to bed a little earlier than usual and Alcina was at Mother Miranda's working on, something. Truthfully, you weren't sure what they were up to as Alcina usually doesn't talk too freely about what she does when she's with Miranda, but she told you she would be back late tonight, so you didn't worry much.
A faint noise takes your attention away from your book, as you try and listen you notice it getting closer, you quickly recognize the noise as the footsteps of your wife. Her heels against the floors get louder and louder until the bedroom door is swung open and a big, black hat bends through the doorway. After making her way in, Alcina stands, but not to her full height. You immediately notice her hunch a little, exhaustion spread across her face.
"Hi my love, are you okay? You look exhausted."
"Exhausted is quite the understatement my dear." She says with a tired voice.
You stand up on the bed and she walks over to you, wrapping her arms around your waist. Removing her hat, you place it on the bed and she pulls you in for a soft, loving kiss. Looking into her eyes, you can see the exhaustion, her eyelids heavy, her eyes just a tad bloodshot, you don't think you've ever seen her this tired before.
"Oh honey," you say, caressing her cheek. "do you want me to run a bath for you?"
She shakes her head "no" and rests her head in the crook of your neck.
"I'd rather bathe in the morning, draga. If I lay down in the tub right now I won't get out."
You place a kiss in her hair with a chuckle and stroke her cheek gently.
"Okay my love, come on, lets get you ready for bed then."
Hopping off of the bed, you take Alcina's hand and lead her to her vanity. She sits down, all but plopping into the seat, and begins to remove her makeup. You take out the pins in her hair and undo the buttons on the back of her dress. She kicks off her heels and steps out of her dress while you grab a nightgown from her wardrobe. When you hand her the nightgown you see her tired face, she looks even more exhausted without any makeup on.
"God what did she do to you? I've never seen you this tired before. Are you sure you're okay?" You ask with a hint of worry in your voice.
Alcina tucks a strand of hair behind your ear and kisses you on the forehead.
"I'm okay, I promise." She stands and the two of you crawl into bed. "About once a year she does these little experiments, they usually never amount to anything but they wear me out considerably."
"Wait, she experiments, on you?"
"Mhm." She hums, nuzzling into you.
"Oh my god Alci that's fucked up."
"Language." She softly whispers.
You giggle at her and she sleepily smiles. Placing a kiss on her forehead, she pulls you into her.
"You sure you're okay? Nothing bad happened, right?"
"No draga, in all of the years we've been doing this, not one of them have been successful. I'm okay, I promise. Just tired."
"Okay, then go to sleep my love, I'll have breakfast brought up to you in the morning so you can sleep in a little."
"Thank you, my sweet."
"Of course. I love you Alci, goodnight."
"I love you too draga." Her last words barely amount to a whisper as she falls asleep. With her arm around your waist and you tucked tightly into her, you fall asleep just a minute later.
The morning sunlight cascades across the room, gently waking you up. Rolling over, you realize that Alcina isn't in bed next to you, which struck you as odd. Not only was she exhausted when she went to bed so there's no reason for her to be up this hour, you didn't even feel her move. Normally you are at least aware of when she gets out of bed in the morning.
Sitting up, you look around the room.
"Alci?" You call out.
"Hm?" You hear her mutter.
"What the fuck. Where are you?" You pull the covers off of you and move to stand up.
"Language, draga." She says, her voice still thick with sleep.
You freeze. Now you feel like you're going crazy, you hear her, but you don't see her. And someone like Alcina is hard to miss.
"Where are you?"
As you go to stand up, you feel something small grab your wrist. Looking down, you see a child's hand around your wrist, sticking out from under the covers.
"WHAT THE FUCK!" You scream and tumble backwards, off of the bed and onto the floor.
A low growl emerges from the bed.
"Draga it is too early and I'm too tired for-" a small face looks down at you from the bed, you must have a look of horror on your face because Alcina stops mid-sentence. "What are you doing?"
"Yes?" The child's face is anything but amused.
Slowly, you begin to stand up. Alcina goes to speak but a look of confusion crosses her face when you tower over her as you stand.
"What the fuck is happening." You say to yourself.
"What have I told you about using that langu-"
Looking down, Alcina realizes that her nightgown isn't even on her anymore. She holds her hands out in front of herself and the look of horror crosses her face when she sees their tiny size.
"What- how-"
Slowly walking up to her, you cup her little face in your hand and turn her gaze towards you. Her bright gold eyes look into yours, but everything else is different. She has the cutest, chubbiest cheeks with just a hint of pink to them, her hands are short and stubby. Her raven curls now rest in the middle of her back instead of just under her jaw.
She begins to shake as a breeze from the window passes by, dropping your hand, you rummage through your dresser and find an old t-shirt.
Grabbing it from your hands, she struggles to put it on and you help her. A grumble comes from her as her head pops out of the neck hole. The shirt is massive in her, coming down to the middle of her tiny shins.
She goes to try and get down from the bed but it's too high off of the ground, even if she backs off of it and holds onto the edge she'll dangle in the air. You slowly hold out your arms, offering to pick her up.
"May I?"
Alcina crosses her arms and makes a "humph" noise. After a moment she looks at you with defeat and holds out her arms.
"Come on, my love."
"How bad is it?"
"Um," you say, holding back a laugh. "have you ever seen a five year old?"
Alcina's eyes narrow at you and you walk over to her vanity, sitting her on the countertop.
"Really?" She says, displeased that you did so.
"Honey, even if you stood on the bench, you'd be too short."
Visibly frustrated, she turns and sees herself in the mirror for the first time. At first, she looks like she's in shock, moment later anger fills her tiny body and she grabs a leftover teacup from yesterday and chucks it on the floor, glass shattering everywhere, screaming.
The door bursts open and the three girls burst into the room.
"What's wrong?"
"We heard mom scream?"
"Wait, MOM?!"
The girls stand there in shock as they realize that their once 9 foot tall mother, is now a 3 foot tall child.
"Don't. Say. A. Single-"
"HOLY FUCKING SHIT!" Cassandra screams.
"MOM WHAT HAPPENED?!" Bela yells.
"Language!" She yells. Her gaze shifts to you, biting your lip, desperately trying to hold back your laugh. The angry face Alcina makes was too damn cute though and you begin to cackle.
"It's. Not. Funny." She says through gritted teeth.
"How is your voice the exact same though?!" Bela says.
"Oh, honey, I'm so sorry" you say through fits of laughter. "I can't- I can't help it oh my gods." Tears begin to fill your eyes as you laugh and you have to turn away and compose yourself for a moment. When you've calmed down a little you turn back towards her, her angry gaze still locked onto you. "Oh come on Alci, if this was the other way around you'd react the same way!"
"That is not true! I would call Mother Miranda right away and demand she bring my wife back to her normal size!"
"So you think I, a measly human, should call Mother Miranda and demand that she reverses whatever it is she did to you, a Lord, after you both agreed to whatever happened yesterday?"
Alcina growls.
"Mother Miranda did this to you?!" Bela says, shocked.
"Of course she did, she's such a bitch."
"Cassandra Dimitrescu you know much better than to speak of her that way!" Alcina scolds her.
"Aw, mom's so cute when she's mad!" Daniela says, stifling a giggle.
"Enough, the three of you." Alcina looks up at you. "Fine. I will call her." She steps towards the phone and tries to pick up the receiver with one hand, quickly realizing that it's just too heavy. Especially given that it's made for her usual size. Picking it up with two hands, she struggles trying to use the rotary.
"Let me help." You say, stepping over the glass shards and holding the receiver for her. "Girls, can you please get a broom and help with the glass?"
"On it!"
The three girls leave and as soon as the door closes, cackles ring out through the castle.
Alcina dials Mother Miranda and holds the receiver with both hands to her ear.
"Mother Miranda... That is actually the reason I'm calling... Yes... Well I woke up this morning THE SIZE OF A FIVE YEAR OLD CHILD! ... I apologize Mother Miranda... Well it certainly makes things difficult given I have a business I must run... Tomorrow?! ... Is there nothing that can be done sooner? ... Very well... Thank you Mother... Goodbye."
Alcina slams the phone back on the cradle and squeezes her tiny fists into balls and screams.
"What did she say?"
"That if it doesn't wear off by tomorrow she will bring something over to reverse it."
"So that means..." You say, biting your lip once more.
"Yes. I am stuck like this until then."
"I'm sorry Alci-" You say, desperately trying to hold back your laughter.
Alcina glares at you, making it harder for you to keep your shit together.
"This won't stop until you get it out of your system, will it?" She asks, visibly annoyed. You shake your head "no" and she sighs. "Alright, let it out."
"OH MY GOD ALCINA YOU'RE SO FUCKING CUTE!!" You squeal with laughter as you lift her off of the vanity and hold her in your arms. You gently squish her cheeks between your thumb and forefinger and she tries to pull away. "Is this what you looked like when you were a baby?!"
"How am I supposed to remember?!" She asks with aggravation.
"Oh my god you're the cutest thing in the whole world."
"Stop saying that! I am not cute."
"Alci, my love, you're so fucking cute. Even when you're not the size of a child."
The girls come back and help clean up the glass, they also called Donna who came by and dropped off some clothes that would fit Alcina for the time being. Angie, of course, laughed so hard you thought her head was going to pop off, meanwhile Donna hid a giggle behind her veil. Once they left, well, once Alcina threw Angie out, she got dressed and sat on the bed with her arms crossed, an angry pout on her face.
"Don't worry my love, it'll wear off soon."
"How am I supposed to get ANY work done today?! I am not leaving this room. I'll be damned if another soul sees me like this."
"Language." You say with a smirk.
Alcina glares at you, although you can only giggle in response since her glare is just too cute.
"How about I bring some of your paperwork in here and you work from here today? I'll help you make any phone calls you need to make."
You helped Alcina work for a few hours, although not much got done given her frustration with her current situation. The only saving grace being that she was still able to get things done over the phone since she didn't sound like a child. You were pretty positive that a few conversations would have been much less aggressive and tense if she wasn't in the body of a child, overall it wasn't horrible.
The girls brought your meals up and you both ate in the bedroom. After lunch, Alcina began yawning and rubbing her eyes.
"I shouldn't be." She grumbles.
"Well, between yesterday and being the size of a person who gets afternoon naps, I'd say you should consider taking one."
"Absolutely no-" She begins to say before being cut off by another yawn.
"Come on."
You put her papers on the nightstand and pick her up.
"Put me down!!"
"You need rest, you're not going to get anything else done when you're this tired." You cradle her in your arms and slowly rock her. Bringing your finger to her face, you trace up and down the bridge of her nose, her little hand smacks you away. "Hey, don't hit me!"
"Don't treat me like a child!"
You give her a look and she crosses her arms and looks away. Tracing your finger back down and up the bridge of her nose, you bring your finger over one eyebrow, down and up her nose once more, and over the other. Alcina's eyelids grow heavy as you repeat the pattern, gently rocking her, but she fights sleep tooth and nail. Placing a soft kiss to her forehead, you continue to trace her skin and rock her. You're unsure as to whether or not she gave up the fight or lost it completely, but her eyes finally close and she falls asleep in your arms.
After a few minutes you go to lay her down on the bed, but her little hands grab hold of you. Gently kissing her forehead, you lay on the bed and put a pillow underneath your arm for support and hold her as she sleeps. The girls come in and you put a finger to your lips as they do, signaling for them to keep quiet.
They tiptoe over to you and look at their mother as if they're looking at a newborn baby. Daniela lets out a small squeal she was desperately holding back and Cassandra slaps her hand over her sisters mouth to keep her quiet. Alcina stirs for a moment and the four of you hold your breath, when she settles, you all exhale, relieved she wasn't woken up.
You wake up when you feel Alcina beginning to wake up in your arms, not realizing you fell asleep yourself. Big, bright gold eyes meet yours when they open. Tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, you gently stroke her cheek.
"Good morning my love, how was your nap?"
"It would have been better if I woke up and this was all just a horrible dream." She says, stretching out her little arms. You impulse control fails when you gently tickle her armpit as her arms stretch up. She snaps her arms back to her side and glares into your eyes. If she was at her normal size, this look would send you running for your life, but when she's like this, it's just downright adorable.
"I'm sorry," you say as you start to laugh. "I couldn't help myself."
Alcina sits up in your lap and stares up into your eyes.
"When this wears off, you're in big trouble."
Biting your lip, trying to hold back your giggle you nod your head at her and she rolls her eyes.
"Do you want to take a bath? You didn't take one yesterday when you got home."
"I guess."
Carrying her in your arms, you sit her down on the bench in the bathroom and begin to fill up the tub.
"Bubbles?" You ask, looking back at her, trying to contain your laughter.
If looks could kill, even from a child, you would have been dead in a heartbeat. The seal on your laughter breaks and you burst out laughing.
"That's not funny."
"Oh honey, come on, it's a little funny."
You pick her up again and place her in the bathtub, you help her bathe, wash her hair and lift her out and wrap her in a fluffy towel when you're done. She wraps the extremely long towel around her and the two of you walk out of the bathroom into the bedroom.
"Shall I pick out the pair of footie pajamas for you?" You say, teasing her.
Alcina glares at you again and walks past you towards the pile of clothes Donna brought over. You hear her wince and turn around, as you go to open your mouth to speak, Alcina's tiny form expands, growing back into her normal size.
She looks down at her hands for a moment, realizing she's back to normal. Her gaze snaps to you, you're done for.
"Oh shit!" You yell, try to make a run for it but she's faster.
Grabbing you around your waist, Alcina throws you onto the bed and straddles you, her knees on either side of your hips.
"No! NO!" You yell through laughs.
She pins your hands above your head and leans over you, in all of her naked glory.
"I told you you were going to get it." She says with a smirk.
"I regret nothing." You quip.
"We'll see about that."
She doesn't even give you the chance to respond before crashing her lips into yours. Yup, she was gonna take her revenge all right, but you'd do it all over again if you could. Two words: Worth It.
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hollownoire · 2 months
I love insomnia. Sleepy? Yes. Tired? Very. Exhausted? Extremely.
Though no matter how I fuckin' time taking my sleeping med, or if I say fuck you to screens before bed, it just doesn't work. I need a hard reset, man, sleeping fucking sucks.
But I don't want it to! That's when I should be having dreams, that's when I should be fluttering off to dreamland on a chariot made of clouds and joy. I wanna close my eyes and fall asleep in minutes, seconds, not....HOURS?!?! I DONT KNOW ANYONE ELSE WHO JUST LIKE CANT SLEEP WHAT THE FUCK
Roll over, not comfy. Change positions, not comfy. Roll over. Roll over. Roll over. Curl up into the fetal position and pray to God my body realizes its time to shut the fuck up and go to bed, not comfy.
Melatonin? MelaNonin. Nothing. Nada. One. Two. Three, nothing. Take none, nothing. Nothing. Nothing.
Weighted blanket? Nothing. Peaceful as a babe? Almost never, but still nothing.
Talking to my damn doctor, I'm losing my goddamn mind. My insomnia has never been this bad, hell, I thought it was normal to flip around fucking over and over again until morning. No! It's not! I'm just a goddamn skyrim draugr dissolving into dust with all my fuckin' bones hurting.
I'm fucking sleep deprived and I STILL CANT FALL ASLEEP? What kind of bullshit is this?
Well! No sleep for me I guess! I'll just stay up until I fold over like a melted fucking peep in the microwave.
My friend, the other day, after I got like four hours of sleep, was fucking with me saying that friend 2 was never there. Like in the call. I was talking to friend 2 for like 5 minutes straight, realized he wasn't there, and asked friend 1 where he went
He fucking said he was getting his doctorate in college, AND I JUST BELIEVED HIM.
Oh, yes, that makes sense. Friend 2 IS in COLLEGE afterall! Of course he'd be doing that right now!
BUUUUT then he asked if i was talking to him for the past five minutes, and he fucking gaslit me into thinking he was never there and I about had a goddamn panic attack thinking I was hallucinating. (It's a bit he does, it's funny, normally, this was just like too real to be funny in the moment, but it is pretty funny now despite it being like my biggest fear)
So....yeah. Shit myself goddamn sideways and now yet again sleep evades me expertly, and I'm pissed, uncomfortable, I just wanna sleep but the sun is peaking it's stupid fucking mug over the goddamn treeline and I want to go fucking throw hands with it and teach it a fucking lesson. I need like, TWO or THREE hours more of TOTAL DARKNESS or I'm gonna fucking scream!
I WOULD go to bed earlier but should this SHIT repeat itself I'd just be speedrunning Misery and Dissapointment.
Oh, what's that, you wanna toss and turn starting at 9 instead of 12 or 1? Be my guest! NONONO.
I'm gonna fucking flip through YouTube now. So fucking pissed. I have shit to do!!! My music! Art! I don't have time to nap, man, naps SUCK. Everyone fuckin' applauds sleepy-cozy time like it's a bag of chips WITH A SANDWICH but it's NOT. Its NOT!!!
It's like a fucking dark ritual you do when you failed to do the proper arcane invocation, and you close your eyes and it's shitty cause you don't fall asleep! It's just staring at my goddamn eyelids for thirty minutes until I give the fuck up.
Somebody, please, I need sleep Master's (or Mistresses I guess but that's...whatever) to fucking tell me how to sleep. Absurd. Yes. I've tried TURKEY, I've tried MILK, I've tried STRETCHING, I've tried GETTING UP AND COMING BACK LATER and NONE OF IT WORKSSSSS
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crescentclan · 2 years
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@opalscave 𝐁𝐄𝐄𝐏--
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allywritesforfun · 3 years
Ok, ok. Here me out. Warden Sam but it’s irl and reader is a criminal?
omg yes! I love this idea! lets goooo
{Locked Up Heart} irl!warden!awesamdude x Reader
summary: sam is your block warden at a top notch prison and your start to notice that he's spending a lot of time watching you compared to other cellmates
pronouns: not mentioned
word count: 1956
trigger warnings: swearing, mention of murders, mention of rape, anxiety attack, angsty
part 2
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You were at the point where sitting on the cold, wet, ground felt more humane than sitting on the sorry excuse they had for a bed. A flimsy metal sheet on top of cracked concrete brick was all that they gave you to sleep on. Not even a pillow. You did get a torn up, off-white sheet, however. Some nights you had to make the hard choice of using the sheet as a pillow instead of warmth. You've tried to take off your clothes before and use them as a pillow, but they tried to label you as a "sexual offender" just because you didn't want to wake up with knots in your neck.
You sat on the floor, head against the grey wall. There was nothing to do. It sucked. You heard your cell door bars clank. You looked up, "You again?"
It was Warden Sam. Damn man was in your cell almost every hour it felt like. He claims it was every twelve hours, but he took the clock away. The only sense of time that you had was the sun that peaked through the main door.
"Yes, me. Don't make me sound so bad," He threatened. "As far as I'm aware, I'm the only one you have to talk to."
He leaned up against the wall, looking down on you. He tried to be intimidating but you never thought he was. You only saw him as some wanna be cop but settled on a routine shift because he probably couldn't take the heat. You knew that you were stronger than him, but you never had intentions of hurting anyone.
"Why are you here this time?" You asked.
He shrugged, "Routine room check."
You looked around in astonishment, "What is there to look for? It's all just fucking stone, and concrete and water from the faucet that won't stop its damn dripping!"
He looked around the faucet, "Does it drip because you tried to break it? Maybe to use the pipe as a weapon?"
You shook your head, "No. I wanted to wash my fucking hands. Nasty as shit in here. You could at least give me a broom to get the fucking ant eggs out."
He huffed, "You never know with you. You are quite dangerous."
"You don't even know why I'm in here," You scoffed, "A person like you would never get clearance to know what I did. Hurry up with your check and get out."
He nodded and patted on a few walls, "You haven't been doing any digging have you?"
You shook your head. There was no point in trying to argue with him, "No sir, just sitting around."
"Good," He stated. He walked back over to you and offered his hand for you to take.
You looked away, you didn't want his pity, "I'm good down here."
"I need to check your fingernails to see if you have any signs that you've been trying to dig."
You raised your hand up to him. He gently took it and stared at it, "It would be more efficient if you stood up."
You stood up. You felt significantly smaller next to him. There wasn't too much of a height difference, but just enough that if you wanted to make eye contact that you would have to stretch your neck back.
"Thank you," He said.
Manners? That's the first time I've heard a warden use manners. The fuck is going on here?
Sam examined your hands carefully, making sure that he touched every finger, all twenty of them. He started with your thumb, one of his hands held your hand in place, the other rubbed your knuckles in gentle circles.
You huffed and looked away. You didn't like the way that your heart beated faster with every small circle he made. Sam took his sweet time, ensuring that he didn't miss any "signs" of "something".
"You're all clear," Sam let your hands go, grabbed his keys, and showed his way out of your cell.
He walked straight back to the main doors, not even checking another block mate's cell for something "suspicious". Just yours. It was always just yours.
You noticed it about a month back. He always spent more time at your cell compared to others for actual routine checks. Then it turned into pacing in front of your cell. Then to going in it and talking to you.
He always had some sort of excuse to be in just your cell. 'There was a noise complaint' and 'There was a weird smell'. All of it was bullshit. You started to catch on to his game. You started to get a gut feeling that he had romantic feelings for you. You always laughed at how weak he was, falling in love with a criminal. But now, well you might as well laugh at yourself.
Every visit became more exciting than the last. As much you pretended like you didn't want him there, you really enjoyed his company.
It started to worry you, if other of your block mates noticed that he gave you special attention, you were in for some deep shit. The last thing you wanted to be seen as was the suck up. You already had a good reputation for not speaking about your crime and not being allowed to have a cellmate.
You were living the best prison life. You had a cell to yourself and didn't have to worry about someone stealing your belongings. Best yet, you had the Block Warden in love with you.
You fell asleep on your "bed" for what felt like a couple hours. You woke up to Sam calling your name. You shot up and looked around. The lights were still dimmed, almost everyone was asleep.
"y/n, can I come in?" Sam asked.
How silly of him. Giving you choice in a place that was supposed to take away all of freedom.
"Do you have to?" You secretly teased. You leaned back and noticed that he kept one hand behind his back. "Whatcha got there?"
He put his index finger up to his lips and slowly moved his arm forward, revealing a broom. You smiled and got up, inviting him in.
He spoke in a whisper, "Use this quickly and lightly, don't let others hear that I let you use this."
You took the broom from him. It looked like one that he had of snuck in. It was some sort of household broom, not like the wide red ones the custodians use. You held it about half an inch off the ground, trying to make small quiet movements.
You liked Sam a lot. He made you feel humane. Alive. Like you had a purpose. Just letting you use a broom meant so much to you. He listened to you, cared about what you said.
For a second you forgot that you are locked up. You felt like you were in the kitchen cleaning while the one you loved looked on, kinda like the tv shows.
You returned the broom back to Sam. You made eye contact with him for a second, you felt something. Love was it? Whatever it was, it was powerful enough to give you courage to lean up and kiss him on the cheek, "Thank you," You whispered. "I needed this."
Even in the dark you could see his light blush. He nodded at you, "Don't tell anyone."
"Who do I have to tell?"
And like that, Sam left. Leaving you all alone again, but now with a clean floor. You couldn't wipe the smile off your face. You had genuine happiness for once in since you've entered the system.
The next morning you woke up by yelling, "Why is there no biscuit on my plate!"
You heard Sam yell back, "Kitchen didn't have enough in stock! Be happy with what you got!"
You heard your block mate hit their cell door in anger. Breakfast was always a difficult time. People were at their peak of hunger and angry from the nightmare they had the night before.
Sam gave you your food last, which was strange. Normally he would start with you, giving you the warmest food there was. Maybe last night was a mistake. Maybe you went too far. Maybe all the things you noticed was just an illusion that you made up in your mind.
Sam stopped at your cell door and quietly held out your plate, a smirk played on his face. You took the plate and smiled, two biscuits this morning.
You sat down where you normally did to eat, but something was off. You looked back at Sam, he was still there.
"Need anything?" You asked.
He shook his head, "Just a little hungry myself. I brought some yogurt. You mind if I sit over here?"
You nodded, "Go ahead, not like I have control."
"Yea..." He sat down right in front of your cell. You scooted over to him.
It was kinda surreal. It felt like a date; you haven't been on one of those in years.
"So uh," Sam started, "You were right. I don't know why you're here. You're in the homicide block, so I am to assume that you killed someone."
You nodded, "Not just someone, maybe a few?"
He looked you up and down, "Someone as sweet and cute looking as you doesn't seem like they could kill a few people."
You blushed at the...compliment? "I don't regret taking those people's lives. Each and everyone of them deserved it."
Sam nodded, trying to seem like he understood, "I trust your judgement. You're not violent at all. You don't yell, or get into arguments, what made you kill those people?"
You looked away, "Doesn't matter."
"Well, I still think you're great. You're-"
You cut him off. Speaking out even made you as surprised as Sam was, "They were all rapists. I don't know what made me snap. Maybe it was the growing popularity or rape culture? Or how the system was actually justifying it? I don't know, I-I-"
You didn't even noticed you were crying until Sam hugged you. You can't even explain how he got into the cell without you noticing.
"Shh... it's okay. Don't worry about it," He whispered into your ear.
This was the first time you've broken down in the prison. You've never once cried or seriously complained about anything. You really let yourself go. You felt weak. You collapsed into Sam's arms and just cried. You cried your heart out until it was just dry heaving. He held you the entire time, stroking your hair and continuously shushing you.
You looked up and saw a medic team, Sam must've called when he noticed that you were having an anxiety attack. You nodded and let them help you. You didn't dare pull away from Sam. He made you feel safe, you knew you could make through your time but only if you had Sam.
"They're gonna take you to the nurses office and check your blood pressure and all that okay? I'm gonna be right here when you come back," He kissed your forehead and gave you to the medics.
You came back about an hour later. Sam wasn't there. You assumed he got fired. They must've found out about the favoritism and he clearly showed intimacy with you. You sighed and sat down on the floor again.
You looked up in hope when you heard footsteps, running towards your cell. You stood up, it was Sam.
"Sorry I'm late!" He held up some papers, "But good and bad news. Bad news I'm fired. But that's okay. It's all worth it for you. Good news, I got you a court date. I'm gonna get you out."
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m-jelly · 3 years
Hey! Ok hear me out. Can I request one where you’re a character in a book in his world the same way he is in this world and he just somehow appears in this world (you can decide how) and they fall for each other but it clearly can’t end well cause he has to go back…lots of angst and lots of fluff!
Oooh, we're going to sad times. Okay, I can do sad times. I might leave this one open ended too so ya'll can decide the fate of Levi and Reader, because I can hahahaha But seriously though, I'll see what I can do and I hope I do your idea justice!
Levi walked through HQ with his heart heavy from the experdition. He was done with it all and didn't think he could possibly take anymore loss. He was hurting inside, but he couldn't let it out, he didn't have anyone to let it out with. He felt alone, even though he was surrounded by so many people.
He stumbled into his room and felt the coldness of it all. He debated about going to bed, but opted out because he felt like nightmares were going to plague him. He sighed, then dragged his feet against the cold floor to his sofa near his desk. He pulled his jacket off and winced at his aching joints. He folded the jacket, then placed it down. He looked down and undid his harnesses and let out a sigh of relief when he took off the top half.
Levi closed his eyes and held back anger when someone knocked. "Tch, what!?" He looked to his door to see Erwin peak in. "Erwin."
Erwin walked inside Levi's office and looked around. "You seemed bothered."
Levi hummed in response and made his way to his desk. "I'm fine."
Erwin nodded, then dropped a book on Levi's desk. "You might tell me where to shove it, but I brought you this book." He tapped it with his finger. "It brought me comfort in my darkest times and now I'm gifting it to you."
Levi picked it up. "Tch, the fuck is it about?"
Erwin smiled. "A sweet woman and her troubles in life. She's trying so desperately to find a reason for her life. Life fucks her over again and again even though she is the sweetest person. She's a bit of a nerd and loves a book in the story."
Levi tossed the book on his desk. "I'm not reading some shitty sad story."
Erwin nodded and understood where Levi was coming from. "It's sad, yes, but it gets better. She might not get the guy, but she realises she didn't need him. It'll help teach you how to open up more and to understand that you're not alone." Erwin turned and walked to the door. "Give it a chance."
Levi watched his friend leave, then his gaze slowly lowered to the book on the table with your name on it as the title. He picked the book up and flicked through the pages a little. "Tch, fuck it. I've not nothing better to do." He opened the book and started reading about you and your life. He was hooked right away from the first page and found himself enthralled by the story. "Interesting."
Hours went by as he kept reading and never stopped. He would pass out and sleep for a moment, then he'd wake up and work. Once he was done with work, he was back to the book about you. He felt everything getting better for himself. The world around him wasn't so horrid. His nightmares started going because his dreams were filled with you. He was so fixated on you, that when he went shopping in the town, he'd buy any products that could possibly smell like how you were described in the book.
Levi read your book over and over and felt himself falling for you, but he knew you weren't real. Levi longed for you to appear in front of him and wrap him up in your loving embrace, but you didn't. He wanted to hear your voice, but there was no sound from you. Levi wished hard that he could meet you, see you, love you, but he never could. He wanted to reach inside the book and stop all the bad things from happening, but he couldn't.
His wish to have you was thought and so much, that it happened. He got frustrated with the book, then threw it across his office. He let out a long sigh, then apologised to you. He walked over, then bent down and grabbed the book. As soon as Levi grabbed the book, he felt a jolt of electricity go through him. He shot up to his feet and heard a ripping behind him. He turned around and froze when he saw a room he didn't know. He looked around and that's when he saw you. You were sat in your window with a book in had and your bare foot swing back and forth.
Levi didn't think twice about what to do. He walked right through the light and into your apartment. He gasped as you were humming such a lovely song. He murmured your name making you stop humming and freeze. "Is it really you?"
You looked over to Levi slowly and felt a shiver run through you. You looked down at your manga, then back to Levi. "Levi?"
Levi nodded. "Y-yes. Tch, how the fuck do you know me?"
You stood up and walked closer. "It's impossible. You..." You showed him the manga. "I was just reading about you!"
Levi held up his book with your name on. "I was just reading about you."
You gazed at the book and looked more beautiful to Levi then he'd picture you in his head. "I'm a book in your world?" You walked right up to him so he could inhale your scent and felt at peace. "That's just." You frowned. "I'm not interesting enough to be a book."
Levi gripped the book hard and said your name. "Tch, you are to me."
You locked eyes with Levi and felt yourself heating up. "I ah...thank you." You gulped hard. "I should make some tea, huh? We have a lot to talk about."
Levi watched you like a hawk as you went to your kitchen. "Your home is so..."
You flicked the kettle on. "I guess it's very different from your world, huh? You're all so stuck in the past."
Levi walked over to you and peered into your face. "Are you really here? Are you really real?"
You poked your cheek. "Think so." You jumped when Levi poked your other cheek. "Ah."
Levi smiled making your heart swell. "You really are real."
You smiled and nodded. "Yeah, I am. So are you." You gasped when Levi yanked you into a hug. "Wow. I never thought Captain Levi would hug me."
Levi squeezed you. "I've been wanting to do that for months."
You smiled and hugged him back. "Me too."
Levi stayed with you for a while. You taught him about your world and the fun things that you could do. He lived with you and cared for you just like he dreamed of doing. You cared for Levi right back just as you've always wanted. You embraced each other and explored the strong bond and love between you both. You made love to each other often and held each other always. However, you slowly started to get sad and Levi noticed. He did everything he could to make you happy and it worked, but it was only temporary. You'd been sad for a week and Levi wanted to fix it. Levi went to confront you one day and found you sat in the window you were in when he first arrived with a book in hand.
Levi walked over to you and called your name. "What's wrong my love?"
You rubbed your tears and looked up at him. "Levi. I love you."
He kissed your forehead and hummed. "I love you too."
You showed him the book he brought with him. "But our time is up."
Levi knelt in front of you. "No, no it's not. I don't want to leave you."
You smiled sadly at him. "I know and I don't want you to go, but your friends need you. Your world needs you. You are the strongest of them all. In this world, this life there is nothing for you here but me. You need to go back. You know that."
Levi lowered his head. "I know." He took his book back. "But know my time with you has been the best time of my whole life."
"Mine too."
He kissed you let his lips linger on yours for a moment. "I'll come back to you, I promise. This is not the end."
You smiled at him, then stood up with him. "This isn't goodbye, but a see you soon."
He nodded. "Right."
You gripped your manga and looked to a doorway opening. "I'll wait for you."
"I'll come racing back." He kissed you one last time, then walked through the doorway and said your name. "I love you."
You blew him a kiss and waved. "I love you, Levi Ackerman." You stayed strong until he was gone, then you broke. You fell to the floor and sobbed hard at losing the only man you'd ever truly loved. "Levi."
You didn't give up on him. You followed his story in the manga and you were so proud of him. You loved how strongly he fought through everything. Your heart broke when he lost more friends to the war, but he stayed strong. He knew he needed to stay to help them. You were so proud of him and you noticed that your book was always in his office on his desk, or in his bed.
You were terrified when the manga came to an end, because it meant never seeing him again and watch his life progress. You wished he had a happy ending, but he was a broken tired man by the end. You loved seeing him trying to move on, but something caught your eye. You looked closely as he sat in his chair with your book in hand. You lit up in delight at knowing that after all this time, he'd never forgotten about you.
You gasped when you heard a ripping. You looked across your room and smiled at Levi as he moved into your world. "Levi."
Levi smiled at you and said your name.
You welled up and smiled. "Welcome home, Levi."
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lazarettta · 3 years
Misthios VII
Pairing (Mother Miranda x Spartan!Reader)
Rating (M)
Word Count (4.6k)
Warning (probably language right now)
You and Miranda are finally moving on to having that long chat that's separated you both for centuries.
The Queen's eyes fluttered open, finally waking with the morning rays of the sun peaking over the mountain. Her balcony doors were wide open to let the cool night breeze into her personal chambers while the two fireplaces burned well into the night. It was a combination of warm and cool that her majesty enjoyed greatly as it helped her with sleep.
Of course, sharing her bed with you also aided with her troubles with sleep for the past few months since your arrival to the region. Wonderful in all the ways she could never have imagined; a warrior and a lover, the two things that made her life easier—and the lives of her enemies that much worse.
It had been well past dinner time when you returned to the castle along with the squadron of soldiers you'd gone with including a Captain of the military who was leading the raid. Part of your armor had been slashed and torn, stained with blood and whatever else you encountered outside of the castle walls.
But when Miranda stood in the doorway of her private bath watching as you stripped of your amour—she witnessed no open wounds for her to tend to or fret over, but blood stained your skin anyway. Even though she knew that she should have the moment she noticed: Miranda never questioned why you'd always have a new scar every other day or why your shirts had the evidence of a stab wound taking place right above your hip, including a blood stain, but all you could do was smile when asked about it.
“ Is everything alright, your majesty?”
Miranda blinked, her mind coming back to reality now finding herself sitting up in her bed currently being blinded by the morning sun. The Queen sighed heavily, looking down at your sleeping form—as always you were on your back with one arm tucked beneath one of the pillows behind your head and the other was being used as Miranda's pillow for most of the night. As always.
Like herself, you were bare as the day you were born...your entire torso shamelessly revealed for her roaming insatiable eyes...and she smirked when a particularly cool breeze swept through the room. She watched the goosebumps rise under your exposed skin, including your nipples making Miranda hum softly.
“ Y-your majesty?”
Miranda, suddenly remembering just what, or rather who, had bothered her before and looked towards the girl, pleased when she saw that her eyes were on the floor.
“ Everything is more than alright, girl, however you may leave... I'll be out shortly.”
A hand curling around her waist brought Miranda's gaze from the closing double doors where the meek girl disappeared through and back to you. Your eyes were still closed but you were starting to wake up, stretching like a feline and again Miranda's eyes were drawn to your chest.
“ Carved by the Gods,” she mumbled, the tips of her nails tracing your firm abdomen with no particular pattern, simply enjoying the light marks she was leaving behind around your belly button, knowing how much you enjoyed when she did that as well.
You saw the thoughtful look on Miranda's face when you opened your eyes but you couldn't stop the giant yawn from escaping, “Morning,”
Miranda smiled down at you, enjoying the way the sun made your skin glow but you weren't fooled by that smile—you were used to Miranda's smiles and this was one of her worries. The sort of smile where she wanted to reassure you while scolding you at the same time. You pulled away slightly, and sat up a bit so you could give her your full attention. When the monarch remained silent, simply staring at you, all you could do was raise an eyebrow...waiting.
Miranda scoffed at the action, shaking her head, “It's ironic isn't it, how we the others tales...but we do not truly know each other, do we?”
You shrugged, smirking at her—refusing to hint at the nerves beginning to crawl up your spine, “Pretty sure we know each other inside and out, your highness.”
Miranda gave you a look, clearly unimpressed, “Yes, beneath that charm and nonchalance...is something quite fascinating, isn't there? And...it seems that your truth only comes to light during battle.”
“ Pardon?” you sat up a little more now, eyebrows furrowed—unsure where Miranda was going with this but you no doubt that it probably wasn't going to be good for you. Especially since you're naked and vulnerable but not defenseless.
“ Captain Ake came to me last night after I left you to your bath, he seemed quite concerned with something...and quite frankly, I'm curious myself.” Miranda's hand had stopped tracing patterns on your stomach, but her hand still lingered...and the moment her index finger traced over the raised skin right next to your belly button, the brand new one, you knew you fucked up.
“ About what?” You mumbled not daring to look down at her hand, and her eyes burned into yours—playing dumb would only get you so far—probably the dungeons if you were lucky. You knew exactly what Ake was concerned with though you weren't sure if he actually saw you take a sword through your gut as it was so dark and everything happened within a blink or two.
“ What I am going to say next may sound crazy, however, Captain Ake is one of my most loyal subject in this castle, and quite sane...he claims to have witnessed you being impaled,” Miranda exhaled slowly, “By the enemy...and somehow managed to walk away from it, unharmed. Would you mind telling me what happened, my dear?”
You stared at her for a second, “And...you believed him? Could I have really been stabbed by a sword and do what I did last night? Do you know how insane you sound?”
“ Watch your tongue! You're still addressing your Queen, warrior.”
“ I'm sorry, but you seriously don't believe that shit do you?”
“ I've been noticing a few things myself, (Y/n)...and I would really like some answers myself.”
“ Right. I'll take that as my signal to leave, your majesty. Thanks for letting me sleep here last night.”
Miranda's eyes narrowed slightly, reaching out to grab your wrist to prevent you from running from her, “(Y/n), do not run from me...I'm only trying to understand! You can trust me, this I promise you, I'm not going to hurt you.”
You wanted to believe her, but you had to learn the hard way that trust was nothing but a word—a word that can be broken over and over. You were too stupid to learn in the past but you weren't about to do the same thing now. Pushing the covers aside you threw some mundane excuse over your shoulder but before you could actually get to the edge of the bed, you were pulled back and pushed back into your previous position. It didn't actually hurt but it wasn't gentle either but you were pretty sure that it was Miranda that moved you, but you hadn't actually felt or seen her move a muscle.
“ W...how? Miranda?!”
Miranda smiled shyly at your bewildered expression—a very rare expression from the Queen but like yourself, she was feeling quite vulnerable, “You're not alone, (Y/n)...and neither am I.”
“ Neither....are you?” Miranda chuckled at your expression and your inability to put two and two together. When you tried to sit back up, Miranda's shy smile morphed into something more amused and predatory because you realized that you couldn't move—and Miranda still hadn't moved an inch.
“ Ah, now do I have your full attention?”
The closer you got to Miranda's home the more treacherous the path became and you'd lost sight of the woman flying low above the trees ten minutes ago—or what you thought to be ten minutes, you weren't sure. Your eyes were glued to the ground, keeping a firm but relaxed grip on the reign of your stallion, Bruce, whispering gently to him. Alcina called him a gentle giant and she wasn't exaggerating. The path was narrow and very unkempt but you wouldn't expect Miranda to make things easy, especially access to her private home.
There was a point that you weren't even sure you and Bruce were actually going to make it across but there was no way you could've turned the massive horse around either, forward was the only way and you weren't ashamed to admit that your heart was pounding hard enough to crack bones. The moment you cleared the trees, Miranda's home finally came into view—and you were not disappointed. It was a simple two story cabin practically etched into the mountain and you wanted to know how the hell she managed to get this place on the sliver of rock.
You'd brought Bruce to a stop just as Miranda appeared and landed gracefully on her porch even with her heels on (you caught a glimpse of them earlier when she started flying). From her porch alone, Miranda had a perfect view of everything . The village, the manor sitting on the waterfall, the factory and of course the castle. There was a light blanket of fog obscuring most of the view, but it was still breathtaking all the same.
You dismounted Bruce easily, gently guiding him to the post next to Miranda's porch. You fed him a few sugar cubes, gingerly untangling part of his dark mane and pulling free a few twigs and leaves.
“Further up the path I have there's a stable for him, we can take him later.”
You turned to look at Miranda, finding her standing in the door looking at you, her expression unreadable and you were too tired to try and decipher it. You double checked the post before steeling your nerves and joining her on her porch, it was roomier than it actually looked and you spotted a hammock on the other corner—not the usual netted sort, it looked like a quilt and quite comfortable too.
You followed Miranda inside, shutting out the cold—the interior of Miranda's home had you stock still at the front door with your hand still on the door knob. The space was open, having the living room and the eating area open with no barrier, and you could easily see the kitchen from where you stood. It was...cozy and warm.
“Surprised?” Miranda's voice brought your eyes to where she was, now half way up the stairs behind the kitchen wall, she wore a soft smile, the front of her robes already opened (you didn't even realize the fucking thing even had a zipper), revealing the slacks and blouse she wore underneath, “Did you expect me to live in a cave?”
“I expected you to at least have a TV.”
Miranda smirked but it didn't reach her eyes, “Are you going to stand there bitching about the lack of media corruption or do you want that shower?”
Your hand finally relaxed off of the door knob, the light throbbing resulting in just how hard you were holding the poor thing. You kicked off your boots at the door—they were covered in mud, snow and probably horse shit at some point, they were filthy. And the last thing you wanted to do was dirty up Miranda's wood floors.
She waited until you were on the stairs to continue up herself while slipping her robe from her shoulders and casually throwing it over her arm as if it were just a towel. “There are only three rooms on this floor. My own, the guest room and the bathroom.”
You raised an eyebrow, “One bathroom?”
“I don't exactly keep guests, dear.”
“So then why the extra bedroom?” you were being a shit, you knew it, but you couldn't help it—Miranda made it easy for you to tease her sometimes (all the time). You wanted to be more bothered over how easy it was for you to fall back into old habits with this woman.
“The longer you stand there being an idiot, the colder your water gets.”
You raised your hands slightly, moving past her towards the door she pointed to, flipping on the light—it was roomier than you expected it to be, dark and a bit modern but Miranda somehow still managed to keep it grand and medieval. The floor was made of stone, there was a grand shower with a curved glass door and next to it was a bear claw of a tub, melded into the floor like it was a hot spring. Across the floor was a single sink and a mirror, and next to it a door where you assumed you'd find the towels and toiletries. Just past the tub, was the toilet though there was a half wall there to offer some privacy and you spotted your backpack sitting on top of it neatly and that finally gave you pause.
“Figured you didn't want to walk around naked or wearing any of my clothes.”
You hadn't even noticed that you had actually walked into the bathroom, admiring it's simple yet beautiful décor or that Miranda followed you in until the shower sprung to life next to you.
She smiled at you apologetically, not having meant to startle you—but seeing you so easily bothered helped put her at ease. Miranda was good at hiding it, but she was quite nervous. Having you so near and so far from her at the same time in the comfort of her own home, her sanctuary—none of the other Lord's knew where she lived, they probably thought she lived in a cave or a nest or something. You were Miranda's first house guest since she arrived in this village.
She closed the shower door, watching you open your backpack—checking through it, and she couldn't stop the small smile from forming after you smirked, realizing that you were still without your weapons. But you didn't make a comment on it, instead beginning to pull out the things that you needed—until you realized that she was still in the room as well.
You raised an eyebrow at Miranda, and her smile only grew but the blonde simply shrugged her wings and tucked her wings tighter to her back as she exited the room, “I'll be downstairs when you're finished...”
She paused and you froze, fuck, why did you do that? You hadn't meant to call out to her, but your mouth was faster than your brain sometimes and now she was looking at you expectantly and all you could do was stare at her like a jackass. There was so much, too much, that you wanted to say but where could you even start? Why were you getting this courage in the fucking bathroom of all places?
“Downstairs.” She reminded you gently when the silence stretched too long—you had panicked and she saw that, and instead of jumping on you like the predator you knew that she was fully capable of being—she left you alone to your thoughts and the hot water steaming the room, calling your name. It was a welcome distraction even if it wouldn't be a forever one.
“Being immortal really is overrated.”
Miranda didn't go downstairs immediately, instead making a beeline for her bedroom and closed the door behind her but left it ajar enough for her to still hear you in the bathroom. Miranda carefully hung up her 'Mother Miranda' robe and began stripping out of the clothes she's been wearing for the past two days along with her rings; finally taking off the crown of Mother and just becoming Miranda with every stitch of clothing she removed from her flawless skin.
Standing naked in front of her full-length mirror, Miranda whispered a delicate but very familiar spell she's known since she was a small child and she winced quietly as her wings folded back into her body for the next six or seven hours. The spell wasn't forever but Miranda often used it when she was home to avoid breaking her things as she often did if she let her wings remain as they were, they often got restless if she stayed home and still too long so she just opted for putting them away to save herself the trouble. And money.
When the last two smaller ones on her lower back finally retreated into her skin, Miranda rolled her shoulders to pop out the kinks. She got dressed in a pair of washed out pants and a v-neck shirt, and at the last minute Miranda threw on her dark wool cardigan before heading back downstairs but not before pausing outside of the bathroom door. She heard you humming over the shower and though she didn't recognize the song, it still made her smile.
Suddenly feeling like a creeper, Miranda moved away from the door and went downstairs to start on the coffee she was craving earlier. She got her fireplace going but that all took less than ten minutes and now she found herself back in her kitchen, pulling ingredients from her refrigerator to give her something to do besides fret.
“ You shouldn't be so comfortable with your champion, in public.” Fritjof complained for the thousandth time in her ear—he was one of her primary advisors, having been employed by her late husband, the former King. He was always a bit of an annoyance, but he often proved himself useful and unwittingly saved his own life time to time from Miranda's ire.
“ I was only congratulating her on another victorious raid on a neighboring kingdom that thought it wise to steal from us, or have you forgotten that little fact, Fritjof?”
He frowned, not liking her tone but he quickly corrected his features knowing that they were still in the halls on their way to the Queen's study, but there were still eyes on them, “I...yes, but it sends the wrong message when you send a blood wolf to handle this kingdoms affairs instead of your loyal officers! You make us all look weak!”
Miranda stopped walking, and whirled around on Fritjof, her coat wrapping around her leather clad legs as she did so, and the frail man jumped back a step, knowing that he overstepped a line severely, “A-apologies—”
“ You will apologize with your tongue!” Miranda hissed, “Though I'm sure (Y/n) would rather have your head for all the times you've questioned her loyalty to this kingdom! We're coming up on eight years, Fritjof, and (Y/n) has helped this kingdom prosper more than you ever could've in your twenty years with my late husband.” Miranda sneered dangerously, edging closer to him and the terrified man could only back up into the table, knocking over a vase but Miranda paid it no mind, “One more word about this and I will have you removed. Permanently.”
Fritjof swallowed harshly, beads of sweat forming at his hairline and rolling down his face, and Miranda's sneer deepened in disgust, “Please, your highness, I'm only looking out for the future of the kingdom! It—it needs an heir and a King! The other kingdoms will never recognize your power without either—” his words were cut off when Miranda struck him down, a single line of blood staining a portrait on the wall behind him. Miranda struck faster than he could react and Fritjof cried out in pain, alerting the guards who came running but stopped when they saw their Sovereign standing over the slimy advisor holding part of his face, blood starting to seep through his fingers.
“ For every brilliant woman, there's always a stupid man thing to be found.” Miranda stepped over his pathetic body and continued on her way, rolling her shoulders back when her back began to twinge in response to her high and irritated emotions, and she needed release. “Get him out of my sight and find my champion; send her to me when you do.”
“ Yes, my Queen.” They both replied, one of them roughly hauling Fritjof to his feet and pushing him forward, but not before the man could cast one last glance at Miranda's retreating back until he was shoved forward. “Move!”
The cabin was filled with the aroma of sweet bread and coffee and your stomach was growling something vicious halfway down the stairs after you put your back in the guest room. Miranda had her back to you and you took the moment to stop at the bottom of the stairs to just observe her. The very first thing you noticed was that her wings were gone and she was more relaxed—it probably had a lot to do with her being in her own home, and it was starting to make more sense why she wanted to be in the comfort of her own home for this conversation. Though her argument for privacy was valid as well.
Your eyes flickered around the open space, spotting something tucked in the corner of the living room and scoffed without meaning to and alerting Miranda of your presence, if she wasn't already. She turned from her task of fixing you both something to eat to watch you walk across the room to where the object of your interest lay with a carefully crafted expression.
“Didn't take you for owning a rifle.”
“It's ten years old, I believe.” Miranda hummed quietly, dusting off her hands before taking down a couple of plates from the cabinet above the stove. You looked at her when she didn't elaborate, really curious now.
“It's in pretty good condition, really beautiful...where did you get it?” you checked the clip and saw that there were exactly ten rounds in there. When Miranda didn't answer you immediately, you found her watching you.
“It's not mine.” Miranda set the plates at the small eating table that could easily seat two other people, “I took it from a witch hunter as he was so kind to come all this way to visit. He tried to kill me in my sleep like a coward. He intrudes upon my home and couldn't be bothered to give me an honorable death. The audacity of men certainly hasn't changed over the years.”
Her tone was not lost on you and you knew that the witch hunter was long dead. You traced the steel design grip, impressed at the detail—and distracted.
“Oh, so now you hate men?” Ah... and once again your mouth was faster than your brain could process, and just like that her eyes were on your back—you felt it.
“I've always hated men, (Y/n). I...” she sighed harshly, her eyes turning into a glare, “Stop doing that, you don't have the entire story so if you're done being an ass and running from this conversation—I would really like to clear the air between us so we can move on from this.”
“You mean your truth that you want me to hear so badly?” You chuckled though it lacked any amusement. You set the rifle down, finally giving her your full attention then sighed heavily—a sudden exhaustion falling over you, “Would it really matter at this point, Miranda? It happened centuries ago...we both moved on, why do you want to drudge this back up?”
“Why don't you?” Miranda moved around the table, the coffee and snack forgotten in the moment, but she didn't try to approach you, “I'm not the only one who was in the wrong, (Y/n).”
“Do you think I cared about your status when I found out the woman I loved married a man behind my back and didn't even fucking tell me! I had to find out in the middle of that stupid ball you wanted to throw so bad after we invaded those rebellion villages. I gave you everything and you betrayed me . I crossed lines for you, Miranda. I thought that would warrant enough decency to be honest with me. I-”
You stopped, your face was hot and you exhaled heavily—doing your best not to sniffle, you hated that you were the type to fucking cry when your emotions bubbled to the surface too fast. Especially when the topic is something you've buried long deep in the dark corners of your mind with no hope for daylight again. You just never thought you'd bump into your past like this. And it's been years since you've had to deal with anything on a personal level after your last child passed away fifty years ago at the tender age of eighty-six.
Miranda saw the emotions playing across your face with a frown but otherwise her own emotions were carefully hidden, she was always better at that than you were, and inched closer, “(Y/n)...”
“We've both obviously lived with this hurt and came out fine,” you cut her off, not looking at her but instead at your bare toes with your hands back in your pockets, “What's closure gonna do besides bring up old hurt?”
“No, that's not it at all, I just...” Miranda coughed lightly and cleared her throat,—your question was valid as she's asked herself this many times before, asking herself why she didn't just let you go in the forest—she could've let you go and saved you both from this reopened wound. But she didn't because she couldn't and Miranda wouldn't apologize for it. Because she's always been a selfish woman, and one of her most selfish needs—even when she first laid eyes on you—she knew that you were hers. That never changed, time could never take that away from her.
“This life is long and lonely, (Y/n)...and I've made many mistakes, most I will never have a chance to atone for...and when I saw you,” Miranda looked into your eyes and bit her bottom lip, you weren't even looking at her anymore, “I've lost so much in this life, and I refused to lose you a second time. The first time I was...I was corrupted with greed and power, but I was stupid and it cost me everything too, (Y/n).”
You looked up, surprised by her words, “He took your kingdom from you, didn't he?”
“ You!” Miranda moved closer, though you hardly noticed because you were focused on her eyes that were duller than they were down in the village but just as clear, bright and brimming with tears, “He took you from me. He took us away from each other, (Y/n). I'm not innocent in it either, I...I could've done something about it, but I didn't and it was the biggest mistake I could've made in my entire existence. And I think about it more than I care to admit, I think about you...wondering what sort of life we could've shared together had I made better choices. I'm...I'm sorry, (Y/n).”
Miranda was close enough to touch you now, and this time she didn't hesitate nor did you pull away when both of her hands cupped your cheeks, making you shiver. “Miranda...”
Miranda's hands tightened on your face, obviously thinking you were about to argue again but you were tired of arguing with her, over this...before she could speak, you took Miranda by surprise and pulled her into a tight embrace, both of your arms around her waist and you caught her when her entire body sagged in your arms. You had no idea what was going to happen after this, but that little piece of you that longed for the closure you never got...began to grow.
“I'll stay.”
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highstwildflower · 3 years
Fight so dirty 
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A/n: don’t know how I feel about this one… feedback is always appreciated🤍
Ashton had been your boyfriend for 2,5 years so you would say that it's been going quite good, of course you have had your ups and downs but nothing out of the ordinary. Lately however he had been very possessive over you! And not to keen on you partying which you enjoyed. Standing in front of the full length mirror you tug at the tight fabric of the red dress you were wearing, you hair falling in loose curls around your shoulders, you looked good and you couldn't wait for your friends to pick you up. Sierra had invited you along to party at Niall Horan's house, you had happily agreed and expected Ashton to tag along with no problem but that had led to a huge fight where Ashton not so kindly had let you know that you had no business planing how he should spend his time off. So you talked yourself into going to the party alone, yeah you were a bit shy but that was nothing which alcohol couldn't change, and a part of you wanted to go so that you could show Ashton that you didn't rely on him.
You held on to the railing as you assented the stairs and your heels clicked with each step boosting your confidence. You know you looked good today, you were feeling yourself and couldn't wait to have a great time with your friends. You yelled out for ash to let him know that you were leaving, as he turned the corner his eyes scanned your body "are you not gonna wear any clothes out Y/N?" You look at him in disbelief, sure your dress was tight, and kinda short, but nothing out of the ordinary for a cocktail dress, you just huffed and grabbed your purse not giving him the power to ruin your night. Sierra honked at you, and gazed you up as you entered the car, a big fake smile across your face, the smile soon turned into a genuine one. At the party bodies where grinding against each other as you walked in, everybody were in a good mood, boosting your own. Sierra, Crystal, Michael, Luke and you all went to get a drink, allowing the bass to make your heartbeat match the beat, the liquid burning in the back of your throat as your threw back a shot with the others. You felt an arm sling across your should and as you looked up a big grin grew upon your face, your best friend Calum was smiling back at you, clearly already buzzed, or maybe he was baked. Either way he pulled you in for a tight hug, as if he knew you need him, he dragged you to the backyard which where filled with people, but more quiet than the house. You guys found a quite place and sat down "heyyy what's wrong babe?" He looked at you with concern written across his face. You chewed on your lips, not believing the words which were about to spill from your lips "I don't know if Ashton makes me happy anymore" you blurted out, clasping a hand over your mouth, the words making you heart twist and your stomach drop "oh don't say that Y/N you guys are meant for each other! " he says, clearly taken back by your confession, before you answer him he asked you "what is the cause of this? " you play with your fingers in your lap "he has just been so weird lately, always picking a fight with me, being possessive and never really loving on me. Even when I left today he was rude" Calum looked at you, taking in the information you just offered him, as he started to speak you cut him off "it's ok cal, let's just party and forget about it, yeah?" Calum was still concerned but he let it pass, pulling you in for a tight embrace before he pulled you towards the large crowd of people. You had danced for hours and you felt tired, ready to go home. You grabbed your phone to see 4 missed calls and 16 texts from Ashton, going from apologetic to angry, and you felt your stomach drop again. You didn't want to party anymore but you honestly couldn't bother to go home just to fight with Ash. You looked around for your friends, but they were all shitfaced and to no help. So you dared to call an Uber, and were now sat on the backseat on your way back to your house.
You unlocked the door to the dark house, expecting to find Ashton sleeping, instead he was awake looking like a mad man " Ashton what are you doing up" you breath out as you stumbled closer to him still intoxicated by the large amount of liquid you had consumed. He looked at you with harsh eyes as he spat at you "how nice of you to come home, did you get enough of fucking Calum?" Your mouth fell open, as you turned your heel not up for another fight with Ash, especially not in your state "don't you fucking dare to walk away fro me" Ashton warned as you climbed the stairs going straight to your bathroom getting ready for some much needed sleep. He stormed in looking at you as you removed your makeup, a look of disbelief crossing his face "are you not even going to deny sleeping around with my best mate!" He asked you, more of an exclamation than a question, you turned around looking at him as tears burned in your eyes your voice came out weaker than intended " whats the point? Of course i didn't sleep with him, but you know that, and I don't care to fight with you right now Ashton, I'm just over this." He crooked his head as anger now flashed in his beautiful face "The photos says something else Y/N! And if you don't care why the fuck are you here than, huh?!" You didn't know what to say, because that had been the same question you had asked yourself earlier. You just looked at him with dull eyes, leaning in and giving him a soft peak on the cheek before turning to walk away. You threw yourself on the guest bed needing a break.
The sun danced through the window waking you from your sleep, you groaned as your headache set in and you remember last nights events. You knew the morning would be tough, you would have to have yet another fight with Ash and yet another fight within yourself, do you want to stay?
The floor creaks beneath your feet's as you tiptoe to your shared bedroom, Ashton laying splashed across the bed, curls spread around his head, and his strong torso on display as the sheet pools at his hips, your heart ache as you take in the view. It's like you are seeing him for the first time in a while, the man you love more than life itself, him you want to marry, and you still want it all with him. With a small smile you cross the room, sitting beside Ash, you take his hand in yours and plays a bit with his rough hands “ I love you ash, I wish you believed me" you whispered, you felt him tense up besides you and you slowly turned your head to look at him, he smiled dimples popping at you, and you swear everything felt perfect for just a second. A loud laugh erupted as he pulled you to him and coved you with his whole body, he looked down at you with more love than ever before and you felt ashamed that you had ever even considered leaving him. "Hi baby, what's going on in that pretty head of yours?" He asked you, his voice soft as butter as if it would break the moment, you brought your hands to his hair tugging slightly at it "I missed you, and I'm sorry if I made you feel like I didn't love you, but you also haven't been the best partner lately" you let the words out that you had been holding back, he dropped his head to your neck pressing a soft kiss to the skin there, his voice broke the silence "I've missed you too love, and you have nothing to be sorry about, I've been a dick to you baby. You know, I've been struggling a lot lately, I've seen so many fan accounts shipping you and Cal, and than when I saw the photos last night it just made sense, I mean you can do so much better than me" you furrowed your brows and pushed Ashton slightly away, a few tears falling from your eyes, had you really been so self observed that you haven't noticed how much ash was suffering? "What photos?" You asked instead, and he reached across the bed retrieving his phone. Ashton went to Twitter and showed the photo from the party, of you pressed against Calum chest and than some photos of you two in a deep conversation and you had to give it to him it did look like you and calum were flirting. "I'm sorry ash, I can see why these photos would concern you, I promise it was nothin" he cut you off " I know baby, Calum told me last night, I assumed that you told him about our situation" he looked at you with a small smile as you nodded. Everything felt alright as he laid back on his back, pulling you to his chest his lips never failing to connect with the side of your head. The rest of the day consist of Ashton loving on you and showing you how much he really loves you
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Weak- part 2
Jeongin X Hyunjin
Trigger warning: suicide, self harm, major character death.
Plot: Hyunjin is dead and the boys are left to cope but things are only about to get even harder.
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That night Jeongin lay alone in the room he shared with Hyunjin. He couldn't get the image out of his head. He wanted him back. How could he just be gone forever? Shakily he slipped out of bed and crawled into Hyunjin's. It still smelt like him. Memories of times where the two lay together watching movies and talking about life and comforting each other flashed through his mind. They could never do that again. He pressed his head into Hyunjin's pillow inhaling his scent as tears soaked the soft material. That's when he heard a rustling noise. Coming from under the pillow. He reached under to see what it was. That's when he was greeted by a piece of paper.
He squinted his blurry eyes trying to focus on the words.
Read incase of death:
If you are reading this that means I'm gone. Please don't be sad. It's for the best. I'm so sick of everything. The worst thing is I don't even know why. I'm living with this heavy feeling in my chest and this voice in my head screaming at me that I'm not good enough. It's been getting louder and louder and now I just want to scream. I feel like I'm drowning in emotions and it's too much to handle. I'm expected to always be perfect, always be on time, stick to strict diets, work and train all the time. I love my job and I love all of you. I am thankful for where I have gotten in my life and I appreciate the love and support that stay have given me throughout the years but maybe this life just wasn't for me. I thought it was until the voice started screaming. I tried to ignore it but I just couldn't. It's hard to explain. Anyway please know that it's not your fault, Chan, Felix, Jisung, Lee Know, Changbin and Seungmin, I love you all so much. We have really had fun over the years haven't we? I'm sorry for putting you through this and I'm so sorry for whoever found me. Jeongin, I love you. It feels good to finally say it. I love you more than I could ever tell you when I was alive. Our countless nights we spent cuddling and just being together meant the world to me. Perhaps they meant more to me tho because as time went on I realised that I love you more than I should. I just want to kiss your cute little face and shower you in love but I know you wouldn't feel the same. I brought you a gift, it's in my bedside table, please keep it with you always and know that I'm by your side. Please don't be sad and if you need me just look to the stars. I'll be watching over.
- Hwang Hyunjin.
The young man began to cry even harder. He was so stupid. He couldn't believe that Hyunjin loved him. Maybe he would still be alive if Jeongin had the courage to confess his feelings as well.
He reached over to Hyunjin's bedside table, sliding the draw open slowly and rummaged through until he came across a box.
He opened the box gasping when he saw what was inside. It was a beautiful ring, gold with a large Dimond that looked like it had the galaxy inside it. Other clear diamonds either side of it.
He slipped it onto his shaky finger and took out a note that was inside.
Out of all the stars in this Galaxy you are the prettiest of them all. You outshine even the moon. Make me the happiest man alive and stay by my side forever. Yang Jeongin, I love you. Please be mine.
- Hwang Hyunjin
Ps: the Dimond I chose is called a salt and pepper Dimond. People say it looks like the galaxy. It's super pretty! But not as pretty as your eyes hehe ❤️
Oh god. He's such a dork. Such a fucking perfect man. So thoughtful and kind. Jeongin hugged the note tightly. If he was still here he could be hugging him instead. He wanted to be lay with him giggling and kissing his stupid perfect little face . How could he ever get over Hwang Hyunjin? That night he fell asleep imagining being wrapped in the elders warm embrace.
When light peaked through the windows reality hit again. Hyunjin was gone, and Jeongin was head over heels for the man and now there was nothing he could do. Then it dawned on him. He should probably let the other members know about the suicide note. He sighed before picking up the piece of paper and making his way to the living room. Walking past the bathroom he froze. There was Chan on his hands and knees, scrubbing away the blood of Hyunjin. His chest felt heavy and he began to shake again.
"Oh my god I'm sorry, I should have shut the door. I- I just figured it should be cleaned up sooner or later and I didn't want to put anyone else through it."
"I-it's okay. Channie I found this under Hyunjin's pillow last night. I thought I should let you know. He also left me this." He showed Chan the ring as he handed him the suicide note.
"C-come on, we should read this with the boys."
He shakily stood up and made his way to the living room with Jeongin.
They all sat around as Chan read out loud , his voice breaking as he cried .
"So he liked Jeongin?"
Felix went over to hug the young man.
"This must be even harder for you now... knowing that."
Jisung sympathised with the boy.
"His funeral is tomorrow. This is all happening so fast. I've not even accepted that he's gone yet." Sobbed Jeongin.
"The boys all sat comforting each other until they decided it was best to just take some more time alone to process things.
Jeongin was sat back in Hyunjin's bed reading the note that was written for him over and over again.
He wanted to be with Hyunjin. He couldn't live knowing that they could have been together. Thoughts of how the future could have turned out clouded his brain. They could have been together, stargazing, sharing soft kisses as they giggled holding each other close. That's what could have been.
He needed Hyunjin.
Slowly he made his way back to that same bathroom. Carrying the note with him, reciting the sweet words in his head over and over again. He locked the door behind him. Looking at the floor a lot of the blood had been cleaned up now but there was still some dried up on the floor. He scanned the floor and that's when he saw it. The bloody blades that Hyunjin had used to do it. He sat down leaning against the shower and picking up the cold metal. His brain went wild. He read the note one more time before pressing the sharp edge against his own wrist. He pressed down piercing through his skin, wincing at the pain he dragged down slicing a deep cut into his honey skin. He gasped realising what he had just done. Fuck how could he do this to his members. They were already going through enough with Hyunjin being gone . And now him...
his brain began to cloud over as the crimson liquid oozed out of his wrist and onto the white floor. He read the note again whispering to himself
"I'll see you soon Jinnie. We can be together I promise."
That's when everything went black.
"Innie come out of the bathroom."
No response.
"Innie what's taking you so long?"
No response.
Lee Know took the earring from his ear and began to pick the lock, relieved when he heard it unlock.
He opened the door immediately collapsing when he saw it.
"Oh god, oh god no. I-Innie."
He scrambled over to the boy pressing two fingers against his neck. No pulse.
Screams left his mouth as he begged for the young man to wake up. The rest of the members came running when they heard it. Tears welled up in their eyes. They knew he was gone....
Jisung called an ambulance his voice nothing but a hoarse whisper.
"P-please come quickly. My friend has killed himself."
Again they all watched as the body of someone they all greatly cared about was carried away.
Hyunjin's funeral was postponed. It only seemed right to wait until Jeongin's body was prepared for his.
They decided on a joint funeral. Hundreds of people piled into the room where Hyunjin and Jeongin were lay in an open casket. They were placed together. Finally reunited. Sobs filled the room as the service went on and fans showed up from across the country to pay their respects outside. The two boys looked peaceful . Almost like they were sleeping. Chan stood infront of their coffin placing a single red rose on each of their chests.
He wanted to be with them for as long as possible. This was the last time he would ever see their faces and he wanted to remember every little detail. He never wanted to forget the two talented beautiful boys that came into his life and saved him when he almost couldn't save himself. If only he could have done the same.
"Jinnie, Jinnie."
The young man heard a voice. He was floating up, he was amongst fluffy clouds.
That's when he saw it.
He ran towards the blonde man hugging him tight, tears spilling from his face.
"I can't believe you, idiot."
He slapped his shoulder sobbing into his chest.
"Hey hey Innie. it's okay. I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry."
They both held each other tightly.
"Hey look at me. Why are you here."
The teary boy raised his head to look at the beautiful man.
"I got your note. I love you Hyunjin I can't live without you."
Hyunjin's face fell. He killed himself because of him?
"Hyunjin say something."
The boy pleaded.
He just grabbed Jeongin's face attaching their lips into a passionate desperate kiss. He had wanted to do this for years.
When they pulled away to breathe Jeongin smiled amongst tears.
"We can be together now Innie. Forever. Even if it's not the best circumstances we can be together. I love you so much. I'm so sorry for what I did, I didn't want you to find me like that." Now it was Hyunjin's turn to cry.
Jeongin just pressed his lips against his reassuring him that everything was going to be okay. They had each other now and they could spend forever together. Watching over their members and making memories together. They held hands as they walked into the light.
This was only the beginning.
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Hey guys :)
Maybe I'm going chronological for one time, so I can sort my thoughts easier.
Yeah, Goldie's much mire active than I would've thought, too. But they did all those things to keep me alive and kind of save, since we still don't know who they are exactly working against. (I mean, we don't know who Goldie exactly is either, but you get my point)
Honestly, I am pretty sure the TSB timeline is continuing, at least if my theory that Goldie just set me back in an alternate timeline is true. In this case I feel sorry for TSB, though..Extremely sorry. He still was 'my' Jake back then, even though he acted weird in the end (maybe was manipulated by entities). I mean, if what he wrote was true he went with authorities. And in the end..this could've been his downfall.
And yeah, maybe I'm not exactly safe, but I just have to go back. If I go, and if I lose my job, I have some things to sort out. And Jake luckily agreed with me that clearing up my desk isn't the worst thing I can do before leaving. We're still thinking about a location, which I could luckily deside myself. Max agreed on that. Even though he still has some doubts. (I mean, of course...His cousin opened the door with bruises all over her face.) He did promise to not ask any questions until I feel ready, though. That gives myself and Jake some time to figure that out.
And also, Jake is right! We have three Jakes and three smart people. YUVON. And of course Goldie, like you said Yu :) And some information about the previous timeline. (And that was it with being chronological)
So yeah, like I said, Max and I'll go. And I also think we can be pretty certain now that the message came from Goldie not the MWAF (which is relieving). I saw the messages and they didn't make Jake the bad guy. I honestly just don't think I can quote them yet. (They're too good, but I probably start daydreaming if I do) But they talk about Jake being an important part of my life and my heart and Max protecting me when he cannot. My dear cousin jumped to conclusions when he saw my bruised face. About Max' phone...I'll probably throw it in a river or something if he brings it with him. I told him not to, also because of Jake (he's not only worried about the MWAF apparently...He didn't exactly say it out loud, but I think it's pretty obvious) but he loves this device.
And I emphasize with you about the being kidnapped thing, you'll manage it, I know it :) And if I need to jump dimensions and box some sense into your Crow-Crew xD
No but for real, you can do that. I know it :)
Jake, find a good point in time to talk to her. But do it :)
Otherwise, I still think the 'underlying desire' theory is a possibility! But, like always in the moment, we could be wrong.
As for my stasis, I really do not wish to talk to more people who think I've been kidnapped. And I am a bit scared that could somehow lead to either them or me being in more danger again. But for now we have to wait.
I for now will pack some important things and paper & pens xD I don't want to leave y'all behind :P
[A screenshot is glued to the back of the letter and the quick sentence "Jake wants to talk to Jake" is written above]
Hello Jake, it is a pleasure to meet you. I am not quite sure in which way Liska will handle giving you my message, but she promised me to not read it for now.
I don't know whether she told you before or not, but as far as I am concerned she realised I am not only worried about the MWAF chasing her.
With me breaking out of this stasis I am sure that my followers aren't that far behind. And I know you can't do anything from where you are, but cross checking way to protect her doesn't seem to bad to me. Especially since we are similar but still fairly different from each other. At least it seems like that from what I have read.
For my part, I recently improved and updated Nym-OS which allows me access to Liskas whereabouts. If Yuvon should read this, she knows and agrees to it.
Still I am yet stuck on one little detail: I am trying to help Nym-OS in counterattacking. So, even though I am sure you already knoe this yourself, Nym-OS gets the ability to access location of the people attacking Liskas phone. I am almost done with that, so we are able to see a bit easier if and where people are that could be a danger.
Do you have any other ideas for ways I could help? Or even improve what I am doing momentarily. I wouldn't normally ask this since I know and trust my skills, but I think that this is fairly different from a 'normal situation'.
~ Jake
Um. I don't know if you've seen the newest person to send in a letter, but we now have an issue.
Jessy, if you're reading this, I was sort of trying to avoid talking about this right away but I'm sort of trapped in a weird place, and Jake's here too because I'm a dumbass. I did not, so you know, let him read your letter or my reply. I figured you wouldn't want that. Sorry for dancing around the issue earlier :/ But at least you can get a good sample of the complete insanity we go through on the regular now!
Yeah... you're getting thrown into the deep end right now, aren't you. Sorry. There's no way to ease into this. You should probably either stop reading these entirely or start reading the letters from the beginning, so this will all at least make some sense. The first letter should start with the words "To whoever reads this," just so you know you get the right one.
Back to you, Lis. Yeah, I feel pretty bad for TSB Jake too. I honestly can't imagine being in his position right now.
Alright. So, you can choose the place. Great! There's way less chance of you being caught that way...
Tragedies just seem to be happening to all us Duskwood detectives, recently, don't they? Rai is chronically overworked and barely has time to sleep, I'm stuck in this hellhole and I've been forgotten by most everyone, you were shot, and poor Matt died and... well.
I never knew him, but I feel really bad for him :(
You could give Max half the truth. Tell him you have a stalker, and he's starting to get physical. Jake has been trying to help you get away from the asshole. It's not even a lie, just... not the full truth. Because. You know. The whole truth is completely fucking insane.
Writing to Jessy just put into perspective how insane everything is, I think. Gimme a sec.
Oh, fuck. My Jessy just texted me. Great timing.
Jeez that whole thing with me leaving myself out was just a joke XD If I knew you and Jake would take it so seriously, I'd never have said anything. I'll steer clear from now on.
Yeah, okay, definitely Goldie. That makes way more sense. I don't think you have to be quite so drastic as destroying the phone. Just get him to leave it at home for the trip.
Ahaha, thanks. I don't think that's necessary, though. Actually, seeing future!Jessy's perspective has caused a bit of a paradigm shift. I think I might need to reconsider what all to tell and not to tell the Crow Crew. I just sort of default to keeping things secret, now, but you've seen how well that worked for me with you and Rai, and with Jake.
Again, you probably should wait for them to contact you first, but you WILL need to talk to them when that happens. What you say to them and what you don't is up to you.
Pack a couple different pens XD We're all a bit long-winded.
That's all from me :)
(The handwriting changes to Jake's.) Hallo, Lis.
Yuvon refuses to tell me what precisely she means about Jessica. Was she somehow contacted by an alternate version of Jessica? If so, how?
I am glad it was Goldie who contacted Max. Yuvon's suggestion for an excuse seems a good one, as there are far less things to remember that way. You simply need to oversimplify everything.
I do not, unfortunately, entirely believe that Yuvon was joking when she made that comment, based on previous comments and her ongoing guilt. I can't understand sometimes why she feels the need to lie so much. It is difficult for me to read people, much less her.
I will speak to her eventually. Early tomorrow, perhaps, if nothing else rears its head. Yuvon looks tired, and I am also admittedly not at my peak. I sincerely hope she does not wake up as early as she does every single day. It may get somewhat taxing, what with the lack of coffee here.
I think that is all from me to you, Lis. If you would kindly find a way to send the next section to my counterpart without looking at it, it would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you :)
—Jake and Yuvon
It is a pleasure to meet you as well, despite the unusual circumstances.
That our pursuers may be freed from the stasis is a logical conclusion. Seeing as the last known location I had on them in my universe was approximately five hundred miles from Duskwood, they will likely be some of the first to free themselves from the stasis. I do not believe I need to warn you that time is of the essence.
It seems as if I am a small distance ahead of you in the development of countermeasures, perhaps because I have had more linear time to develop them. If you are where I think you are at in the development, you likely have or will soon hit a bug you cannot pin down that makes the pinpointing mechanism simply refuse to work at all. Presuming your and my version of NYM-0S are similar enough, the issue should lie in the public bool set in line 132 of the third part of the targeting script, the script that decides what constitutes a target; you have it defaulted to "false" where it should default to "true".
As for additional countermeasures: I was attempting to work on a rudimentary automated system of pattern detection when I was brought here. Essentially, its function would be such that it would be able to triangulate using the locator features already installed to find a rough estimate of where their headquarters might be. However, I have not found any way thus far to eliminate outliers, and as such the feature is currently next to useless. I am no longer able to work on the code, but perhaps you will have more luck than I did.
That is all I can think of for the moment on that subject. However, I have an odd theory on what may be part of the reason we vary so. If you have a moment to spare, please answer me this:
When I was very young, back when Mother was still around, she took me to a doctor for odd behaviors. This included not looking people in the eyes, but there was a list. I was given a diagnosis; if you had the same experience, you should likely know which one.
Did you have this experience? If so, please prove it by stating what the diagnosis was.
Do not worry if you do not know what I am talking about; I would rather you did not guess. Simply state that you don't know. It will confirm my theory.
Good luck with your pursuers.
(The letter tucks itself in the paper clip with the others.)
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elusive---ivory · 5 years
Little Clown pt 3
MERRY CHRISTMAS YOU FILTHY ANIMALS!!! It Christmas Eve, and here's my present to you guys 💕💕💕💕 You all are amazing and spectacular. This is a long one boys so hold on tight.
PAIRING: Arthur Fleck/Joker x Oc
WARNING: Smut (in the first half), Sub!Joker, and choking.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
@princessgeekface @gloomyladyy @memory-mortis @mijachula
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Sandy woke up to the soft sound of water running. She got up noticing her lack of clothing. Last night, Arthur and Sandy had a lot of 'catching up to do'. She smirked, walking into the bathroom, seeing Arthur already in the shower. Arthur's dyed green hair was dripping down his back.
"Hey, your hair is melting." Sandy joked, as she stepped in the shower with him.
Arthur chuckled, turning around, kissing Sandy's cheek.
"Everyone's looking for you. You know that right?" Sandy spoke softly, as she ran her fingers through his hair.
"I know. I'm famous. More so than that Bruce Wayne kid." Arthur bragged.
Sandy laughed. "Joker has really made a name for himself."
"You know it. I'm the king of Gotham." Arthur pulled Sandy close to him. "And you're my queen."
Sandy smiled, but her smile shifted into worry.
"What's wrong?" Arthur smirked, with brief concern in his eyes.
"It's nothing, dear." Sandy threw her hands around Arthur's neck, pulling him into a his.
Arthur kissed down her jaw to her neck.
"Arth-" Sandy's moan was cut off with a hush.
"Joker." Arthur whispered, nuzzled into her neck. Arthur bit her neck hard, drawing blood.
Sandy pushed Arthur away. "Fuck, Arthur. That hurt." She yelled.
Arthur laughed. "I'm sorry. It wasn't meant to hurt you."
Sandy smirked. "Looks like I gotta hurt you now."
Arthur's interest was peaked. He turned off the shower nozzle.
"I'm gonna hurt you so bad." Sandy drew out the word 'bad'.
"Oh? How are you going to hurt me, Sandy?" Arthur teased.
"You'll see." Sandy leaned over biting Arthur's ear.
Arthur moaned, laughing. "That didn't hurt."
Sandy pulled back, placing her hands on his jugular. She tightly squeezed it.
Arthur gasped. His eyes widened as Sandy smiled sweetly, squeezing harder.
"Sandy. S-sandy." Arthur choked out.
Sandy chuckled. "Oh, baby. Doesn't it feel good."
Arthur nodded. He felt her long nails scratch down his neck, leaving marks.
Sandy took her hands off Arthur's throat. "Lay down." She demanded.
Arthur obeyed, feeling his blood pressure rise. He felt mesmerized by Sandy. He had never seen her so dominant before. It was almost if she made a transformation herself. In this moment, he didn't feel like he was inside Sandy, but inside someone controlling her.
Sandy got on top of him, putting her hands back on his throat.
Arthur grabbed onto her hips as Sandy grinded onto him, rocked back and forth on him. He felt himself be in and out of her without lifting a finger. He felt the pressure rise inside of him.
"Tell me, Joker. Could Harley ever ride you like this? Could she make you her bitch? I didn't think so. You know damn well that I can fuck you better than that ditzy blonde. You're already yearning for me, boy. You just try to cover it up with your tough guy person. I know that's all a facade. Doesn't it feel good, Artie. Doesn't just feel like heaven?"
Sandy smirked, keeping a tight grip on his neck, but leaving it a little loose. Red marks appeared all around Arthur's neck as Sandy dug her nails deeper.
Arthur went wild. He had the biggest grin planted on his face. The feeling was too much. He gasped tiny moans as felt himself release. He tilted his head back, breathing heavily.
Sandy let out an breathy moan, leaving her hands to go limp, and fall onto Arthur's chest.
Arthur looked at Sandy with half-lidded eyes. His hand crept up to her cheek, rubbing it softly.
"I love you, Sand-" Sandy cut Arthur off with her lips.
"Dolly." She whispered.
Arthur smirked. "Dolly." He repeated.
Ruth woke up early. Usually, she would wake up after her mother made her breakfast, but today seemed different. Ruth noticed clothes sprawled all over the living room.
To her notice, she also saw the ashtray filled all the way up with cigarettes. Sandy never smoked that much unless she was really stressed out.
Ruth saw him in the kitchen. His green locks shined in the light of the morning sun, smoking a cigarette. Ruth hid behind the kitchen wall. Another thing she noticed was he was wearing her mother's robe. Ruth looked up at him, cautiously.
Arthur saw Ruth's copper hair again the kitchen hallway. He defused his cigarette and walked towards her.
Ruth froze as her eyes met with his.
"Hey, honey. What are you doing up?" Arthur asked, looking down at the frightened girl.
Ruth stuttered. "I was, uh, just getting some, uh, milk."
Arthur smiled. "Oh. Is that right? Ruth, is it?" He asked, trying to remember his own daughter's name.
Ruth nodded hesitantly.
"Your mother picked a beautiful name." Arthur sighed, disassociating.
Ruth looked at Arthur strangely. "Why are you still here, Mr. Joker?" She asked, still very frightened by him.
Arthur didn't understand why Ruth was so afraid of him. He didn't have his clown makeup on. "What's wrong with me staying here?" Arthur asked, kneeling down to Ruth's level.
"My mommy will be upset." Ruth said, obviously making up an excuse. Truth be told, Ruth didn't trust Joker, then again, she didn't trust really anyone. Ruth was told that people in Gotham were cruel and mean. It was up to her to fix it, and make Gotham a better place. Of course, many people would disagree with her.
Arthur chuckled. "Well, your mother would've already kicked me out if she didn't want me here."
Ruth froze. "Um, well, I don't want you here." She stuttered.
Arthur feigned sadness. "Oh, looks like I'm gonna sleep out on the streets." He mocked, fake crying.
Ruth felt bad. "I'm sorry. You can stay, but my room is off limits."
Arthur smiled again, pulling Ruth into a hug. "Thanks, Ruthie. It means a lot to me."
Sandy stood in the hallway, fully dressed. "Ruth, come over here." She called, from the living room.
Sandy sat Ruth down, gently. "I'm sure you've gotten well acquainted with Joker, here."
Ruth nodded. "Why is he here?" Ruth whispered, hushed.
"It's complicated, my dear. You see, Joker is, well, your father." Sandy uttered those words hesitantly, expecting Ruth's reaction.
Ruth's eyes widened. "This isn't true, is it? Mommy?" A tear fell down Ruth's face.
Sandy's face soften as she wiped the tear of her daughter's face. "It is."
Ruth looked over at Joker, then looked back at her mother. She furrowed her eyebrows for a sec, then all emotion wiped off her face.
"I'll be in my room, Mommy." Ruth spoke, monotonously. She pushed past Sandy, and slammed her bedroom door.
Sandy sighed, frustrated. She felt immense guilt about lying to her daughter. Keeping the charade up for this long wore on Sandy.
Arthur lingered in the doorway, smirking. "She'll learn to like me. I may not have fantastic looks, but at least I have a charming personality." He mocked, flopped onto the couch next to Sandy.
"You have good looks too. You're easy to fall for." Sandy smirked, nuzzling up to Arthur.
"Awww, shucks, Dolly. You're too kind." Arthur smiled.
Sandy smiled. "You got me falling for you even more."
Arthur smirked, kissing Sandy softly on her lips. "And, I've gotten very attached to you. I thought about you a lot. I couldn't keep my mind on anything else in Arkham. The first time you didn't show up to our visits I was worried. It was so lonely in the hospital. I just wanted you in my arms. When I was let out to the common area, I spoke to no one. I isolated myself, until Miss Quinn said I was spending too much time lingering on the past. I would roll my eyes. I didn't care much about what she was saying, but she promised me freedom. I like to think about that morning me and you met. How elegant you looked. You remember, don't you? In that very elevator, you actually talked to me, and looked at me in a way no one had before."
Arthur held Sandy close to him, softly petting her hair. "I never want to be apart from you, again, Sandy."
Sandy's head rested on Arthur's chest, hearing his rapid heartbeat from his ribcage.
"Who was Harley Quinn in Arkham, anyway?" Sandy asked.
Arthur let out a frustrated sigh. "She was psychiatrist that lost her mind in Arkham. I don't remember how, because I didn't really listen to her. I do remember meeting her in the common room."
Arthur scoffed. "She said she couldn't stand to see me in Arkham, seeing as miserable as I was. I told her that I needed someone to watch after you, so she did. Harley told me she wanted to escape this hellish life in Arkham and wanted to run away with me. I don't remember the answer, but it wasn't no. I was upset and heartbroken, because I was convinced that you left me. What changed my mind about Harley was because she threatened to hurt a kid."
Arthur paused for a second, feeling the rage build up in his chest. "Before, I even knew that she was my kid." Arthur trailed off.
A loud scream came from Ruth's bedroom. Sandy and Arthur both got up and headed for the door.
"RUTH!" Sandy yelled, kicking down the door.
The window was broken, along with vines crawling up the window.
Sandy dropped to the ground sobbing.
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kookiesspacebuns · 5 years
Suite 114 | Pt. 19 |
■ pairing: Jimin x Oc
■ genre: fluff, smut
■ words: 4k
Time passes in the comfort of his arms. Not fast. Not slow. But as it should.
I dozed off almost immediately after we collapsed into my cloud of pillows and blankets, but eventually wake up from the chilled night air wafting across my upper body.
With the help of the soft sound of his breathing, I relax further into the man beside me, curling myself around his frame and draping my leg over his thighs.
With his head turned up and eyes closed in comfortable sleepy silence, I count the beautiful blemishes scattered across the expanse of his neck, committing every detail of them to memory. The photos I used to gawk over online in no way compare to the creamy skin a breaths length in front of me. Fine hair tickles my fingers as they graze over a particular spot that my lips ache to touch.
Jimin's bare chest expands under my arm and I tilt my head up further to watch his  mouth open wide to release a loud yawn that vibrates his whole body. Smiling, I pull myself up to press my lips against the patch of skin I’ve been staring at for God knows how long.
My bed creaks as his body twists to mirror mine.
“You’re still awake?” He asks hoarsely, positioning his face closer to mine on the pillow. I feel his soft fingers play with the skin at my waist, pinching and subsequently rubbing as if apologizing to the abused skin. Not that it hurts, if anything it feels extremely relaxing, more so knowing whose hands are doing it.
“I don’t want to sleep right now,” I reply.
He kisses my forehead and drags his lips down my temple to press another into the fullness of my red cheeks.
He giggles and mumbles against my cheek, “When will you stop blushing around me?”
My neck feels ticklish suddenly and my shoulder cringes upwards against him, “Whenever you stop kissing me so much.”
His torso lifts off of the bed, his hands pressed on either side of me to hold his weight above mine, “Oh, so should I stop kissing you then?”
In the most playful way I can, I roll my eyes at his absurdity, “Of course not,” I lift up, aiming for his pouty lips but end up kissing his cheek instead when he turns his head abruptly.
“Uh uh. No more kisses for you,” his own cheeks redden as he smiles down at me and sits back on his knees
“Nooooo,” I whine like the child I am and pounce at him. With more ease and agility than a human should even have, he slips off of the bed in one quick movement, leaving me to face plant into the sheets where his body just was, “Jimin!”
His loud chuckle echoes loudly off of my bedroom walls, “I like when you’re whiny,” falling to his knees gracefully next to the bed, he places his palms on either side of my head and lifts my face to his, “I guess if you need my kisses that bad then….”
I grab the hair at the nape of his neck and pull him into my waiting lips. He smirks and giggles into my mouth at first, but I persist on, swiping my tongue against his full lips to let him know exactly what I want. I know the exact moment the switch in his brain flips, as he grasps my underarms and pulls me off of the bed.
Knowing that I can trust him to catch me, I withhold the yelp in my throat and barrel on with my tongue until his lips part and mine grazes against his in fervor. With my hips now settled in his lap and my knees pressed against the floor, I subtly grind into the hardness I feel growing beneath me.
“This-” he tries to pull away to speak but I tilt my head and press my mouth tighter against his.
I had absolutely no intention of having sex with him again, but feeling him press into my naked bottom spreads fire through my limbs again and I'm weak to resist what my body wants. Even if it just got it's fill not even an hour ago. If I didn't know he was hard and almost beckoning underneath me, I wouldn't dare be as brash as I'm about to be any moment.
Slipping my hand between us, I grab onto his erection and center myself as best as I can before plunging down onto the length of it, taking him to the hilt in one go.
His lips yank away and he presses his forehead against mine, “Fuck, Anna-”
I watch his eyes glass over as he looks down between our gyrating bodies, admiring the way his length disappears and reappears between my folds. My walls clench around him at the pure ecstacy covering his beautiful face. Resting my upper arms on his shoulders, I grab more of his hair and leverage myself so that his face rests against my chest and bounce on his lap as if my life depended on it. And honestly, in this moment it feels exactly that way.
We hold each other close, not one inch of us separated from the other, and ride out our sudden, lust-filled highs.
My eyes are locked onto the popcorn pattern of my ceiling as I cum, the little mountains of paint swirl in my vision until I finally close my eyes and ride the steep wave back down into reality. Into the shaking lap of an orgasming Jimin. His face is indescribable right after he's done. Like nothing could ruin his mood in that moment, not even an asteroid crashing into the room. I just want to stare at the gorgeousness of him for hours with nothing else on my mind besides the many shades of pink blotting his full, agape lips. And the way his eyes flutter, fighting the urge to stay closed and fall asleep.
Falling back, I let my back rest against the edge of my bed and take deep breaths to calm my racing heart. The room smells like pure sex and I kind of like it.
“What are you smiling about?” he asks.
I look down at Jimin through low lidded eyes, “I didn't even realize I was smiling,” I say.
I lift myself up, disconnecting our  bodies. The evidence of his orgasm leaks out of me and travels down my thigh as I sit on the edge of the bed. Jimin inhales sharply at the sight of the white, creamy substance staining my skin and now my bed sheets.
Usually I'd grab a blanket or pillow to cover myself up, but I feel completely at ease sitting naked, even under his watchful eyes. It feels natural now.
“I know this is a little late to ask,” he says, grabbing my unstained thigh and rubbing circles into my flesh with his thumb, “But, you're on birth control right?” His dark brown eyes stare up into mine carefully.
“What if I'm not?” I feel bratty and decide to challenge him just for the heck of it.
His bottom lip slips between his teeth and he raises to his knees to wrap his arms around me and settle between my legs, “Then maybe I'd have an excuse to stay.”
I melt.
Like fucking butter in his arms.
I may be reading into his words wrong, but it sounded like he wants me to get pregnant. That's crazy.
My brows furrow in on themselves, contradicting the way my chest vibrates from the pounding within. Confusion must be clear on my face.
“No, Jimin. You're crazy,” I whisper, as if someone were to overhear.
His hair shakes and tickles my chest as he moves his head back and forth. When his chin moves to rest right on my sternum, I search his wide eyes for a clue as to what is going through his mind. Is he just high on post-sex oxytocin or is he serious?
“I am. I know it's probably wrong, but it came out so easily,” he voices, his breath blowing gently up my chest. Goosebumps cover the area it's touched.
“No babies for me right now,” my lips purse. I hope he doesn't see how shy this conversation is making me feel. Not like I haven't thought of little baby Jimin’s before, but I never thought the conversation would actually come up. Especially this soon.
He lowers his face to my belly rolls and places little kisses around my belly button, “Maybe in a few years then.” He says seriously, lips brushing against the fine hairs of my abdomen.
He doesn't see my eyes widen, but I know he feels my figure stiffen a bit because he tilts his head a peaks up at me, “Jimin!” I whine and smack him on the shoulder playfully, “We literally just met!”
“That's never stopped people before,” he says. I feel his mouth upturn against my belly and the slow rumble that makes its way up his frame as he begins to chuckle.
“JIMIN!” I yell and push at his shoulders, to which he falls back, in the most exaggerated display I've ever seen, onto the floor where he grabs his stomach and belts his laughter up into the still air.
All I want to do is throw myself on him and join in with his contagious laughter, but if I sit any longer on my bed I'll never be able to remove the huge stain forming underneath me. Not being able to keep a straight face at his display of outright cuteness, I bite my lip has hard as I can and walk to the bathroom shaking my head. Though, when I see my reflection in the mirror, cheesing smile despite biting the shit out of my lip to control my laughter, I relinquish the hold on my lower lip and let it spill out.
Cleaning myself up takes just a minute with the help of magical wipes, and I'm returning to a half dead Jimin, still on the floor, glaring at the ceiling in no time. Literally glaring, as if they are having the most infuriating conversation. I take a moment and admire his sculpted body in the gleams of moonlight penetrating my bedroom window.
I'll honestly never be attracted to anyone else. It's almost a curse. I'll be utterly ruined if things weren't to work out...nobody else could even compare.
Ignoring the pile of clothes I had on before our little– not so little actually–rendezvous, I pull out a night shirt and throw it on. Realistically, I should shower, but some primal part of me wants to keep whatever is left of him inside of me for as long as possible. Plus, a shower would take away time spent with him before he leaves, which I feel approaching fast.
Silence surrounds us for a bit as I sit on the bed and watch him rise from the floor and pull my sweats back up his legs. Something on my desk catches his attention and he slides across the carpet to inspect whatever it is. His back is facing me, blocking the object that he examines quietly.
“Hmm,” he hums and turns with with his hands clasped around the object of interest, “I don't know how I should feel about this.” His brows quirk as he holds up a purple pen with a tiny figure of Mang breakdancing at the top of it.
I chortle in such an unpretty way at the ridiculous look on his face, “Don't worry, I no longer have eyes for Hoseok. Mang is super adorable though.”
He twirls my favorite pen in his hand and runs it between his thumb and pointer finger vigorously, “So, you had eyes for Hobi?”
My heart jumps into my throat. Shit.
“Oh! Well-I…...Okay,” I sigh and try to collect my thoughts and figure out a way to not make this anymore awkward, “I'm not going to deny that I've never been attracted to the others, but I've always been drawn to you the most. Now more so than ever…. obviously,” I giggle nervously, “Honestly, the rest of the guys are more like brothers now and my view on them is much different now…..”
I pause mid-thought and look away from his hands, up into his crinkled eyes.
“You don't have to explain, silly. I was trying to be funny,” He drops the pen back into its place on my desk and smiled at me, “Plus I know how alluring Hoseok is, you don't have to pretend you're not attracted to him, everyone is.”
Wait a second.
“What are you saying?” I question him with squinted eyes.
“What do you mean?”
I watch his face turn from one of humor to confusion, “To me it sounds like you find him attractive.” As soon as the words leave my mouth a deep red flourishes his round cheeks.
“Ugh, well-” He turns away and pretends to examine the rest of the clutter covering my desk. No way am I letting this slip away. Jumping up from my spot I step behind him and raise on my tippy toes to rest my chin on his shoulder.
“‘Don't pretend you're not attracted to him’, Jimin,” I chuckle into the curve of his neck and press a kiss to the heated skin there.
I spot his striped shirt laying beside my feet. I pick it up and press it into his hand. He stares at it for a moment before pulling it on. When his face re-emerges I notice that it's still tinged pink but not as much as before. He really is embarrassed by my teasing and deep down, I find immense pleasure from it.
We stand a foots length apart watching each other for a minute in pure silence. I sense the mood switch almost immediately and a feeling of dread burrows it's way into my chest and stomach.
“When are you leaving?” I ask the question suddenly burning at the forefront of my mind.
His hair covers my view of his face as his head drops, “Tomorrow,” he sighs.
“Oh,” I sound, as if I didn't have a gut feeling already, “So, no staying tonight?”
He looks up at that and steps forward to cup my face in his hands.
“I'm afraid not. I'm not even supposed to be here right now,” his lips curve for a split second, “I packed earlier so that I could come see you.”
I smile as well, but it's not as genuine as I'd like it to be.
“When do you have to leave then?” My heart collapses in on itself.
I don't want him to go. Why did I have to fall for someone I can only have in fleeting moments?
“Hours ago.”
His hands leave my face and find my wrists. I'm pulled to the window where he stops to sit. He pulls me down beside him and I turn my body so that we face each other with the glass panel to my left and my legs intertwined with his.
“Do you sit here often?” His eyes are gentle as he loops upon me.
I nod my head, “A lot actually. I like to read whenever I have the chance.”
“Will you sit here whenever I can call you at night?” His hand grabs ahold of my ankle.
“You know that night time for me will be super early morning for you, right?”
“Of course I do.” He responds without hesitation.
“You need to sleep as much as you can”
He sits up straight, “I will, don't worry. I just need to call you even if it's only to hear your voice and tell you goodnight.”
It takes all of the willpower I have not to melt into a puddle of mushy feelings onto the floor. However strong I may be the keep from fainting from such an overwhelming feeling of love, I can't control the few tears that glide down my cheeks and drip onto my shirt.
I'm ridiculous, really. I may seem like a strong, independent woman on the outside, at least I hope that's what others think of me, but the real me is malleable and soft. Even the tiniest things can penetrate my falsely-thick skin.
Do I just accept that some crazy, weird, teenage girl hormonal shit is happening inside of me?
The sound of air being pulled roughly through teeth pierces my tumultuous thoughts.
Jimin has his hand in his hair, keeping the dangly front pieces from hiding his almost flawless forehead. His eyes are watery, but not like mine. He seems to be having an inner struggle with himself, based on the tense set of his usually relaxed lips.
“I'm sorry, Anna. I know this is all…….crazy.” He leans forward to wipe the tears from my face with his thumb on one side and the back of his hand on the other, “You feel it too, don't you?”
Oh, I feel it. But does he really feel the same? The same crushing weight that has me  emotionally on edge 24/7.
“Yes,” I murmur, avoiding his eyes out of shyness.
His touch leaves me and we sit in silence for the umpteenth time tonight. Both of us caught up in our own thoughts.
Jimin is the first to move. His form rises from the window seat and ponders over the inspect the few books I have on a shelf beside my bed. He runs his finger across a few spines before speaking, “We won't be back until awards season in December.”
I frown, “That's in three months.”
“Yeah. Then after that we leave again for the second leg of our tour. I know it's a long time, but I promise to keep in touch.” His eyes reveal no emotion as they turn back to me.
I know how long they usually go on tour and knowing them, they will more than likely announce more dates as time passes. Not that it's a bad thing, but now more than before, I worry about his, and the others’, health. And sanity.
And whether what we have will be able to last through just a telephone or computer.
“I know you will,” I say, crossing my legs, “Try and stay healthy though.”
“Of course,” He smiles gently.
A bright light illuminates the opposite side of my bed and a chime follows. Jimin walks around to grab his phone and read what I assume to be a text message. His face is lit by the blue light from the screen and I swear I can see the disappointment in his eyes as he types.
After, turning his phone off and placing it on the bed he, once again, fiddles with his hair, “I have to go now.”
“My driver is outside.”
I jump up from my seat in false haste. Every nerve in my body wants me to go as slow as I can at seeing him out, but it's going to happen either way. Why put off the pain?
“Um—I’ll get your clothes.”
He nods and I make my way into the bathroom to grab his clothing that I had hung up earlier to dry. As expected, they are still sopping wet, so I bundle them as best as I can in case anything is still dripping.
When I return with the wet clothing in my arms, I display the best apologetic face I have, “I should've offered to dry them downstairs at the laundromat but I wasn't thinking straight.” I place the clothes in his arms.
“Let's make a deal,” he says, pulling the shirt out of the bundle and handing it back to me, “If you let me keep this on,” He grasps at the striped shirt he currently sports, “I'll let you keep this wet shirt.”
“Well that shirt is yours anyways…..” I laugh, taking the shirt.
“I'd actually leave it with you, but I don't want to go back into the rain shirtless. So keep that one.”
“Why do you want me to keep your shirt so bad?” I cock my head to the side and place a hand on my hip, the bratty side showing its face again.
“I like the idea of you in my clothes. My girl, in my clothes.”
“Your girl?” I swallow.
“My girl.” He hums and pulls me into his arms, dropping the clothing onto the floor causing a resounding thump.
Just about the same noise my heart makes.
“So…...are we……” My lips shut as I realize what I'm asking.
“What?” His teeth peek out from behind his lips as he smiles.
“Nevermind,” I shake my head and lay it on his chest.
He runs his hands through my hair and tilts my head up to gaze into my eyes.
“Anna. Will you be my girlfriend?”
“Yes.” I answer, embarrassingly fast.
The eyes I've loved for years look down at me in admiration.
“My first girlfriend,” His smile is so wide and bright, I can almost feel the light illuminating my face.
For a second I'm heartbroken that I can't say the same. I've had boyfriends before, none as serious as this by a long shot. But there's something about 'the first’ and I wish I could share his joy in that.
It all seems insignificant though when his lips touch mine.
The whole night seems like a blur now, as I sit in my window seat, watching the spot where his car just was. I try to ignore the ache taking over my chest, knowing that I will only see him through a screen for the next 3 months at least. At least I will see him in some form or another, I tell myself.
It doesn't work.
I fall onto my bed and mope into the pillow that still smells like his shampoo. Looks like I'm not washing this pillowcase for a while.
Does that make me weird? I think to myself
Maybe I'm just in love.
Right as I'm finally falling asleep, my phone dings.
I open the newly-downloaded app, Snapchat and click Jimin's message. A picture pops up of me asleep against his chest with text that says ‘I have the world's prettiest girlfriend’.
Fuck. How am I going to survive this.
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distrackles · 5 years
Resistance: Part 3
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Dean Winchester x OFC
Detest /verb/: dislike intensely
- B o -
I woke up the next morning with my body completely disregarding the pillow boundary I had created the night before. My nose was smashed right up against Dean's shoulder and my hand was balled up on his chest. I slowly lifted my head, and looked at his sleeping face. Even in a deep slumber, his facial expression was troubled and guarded. The crusted blood on his temple that I somehow forgot to make him wash off did not add any softness to his hard features. As soon as I remove my forearm from his chest, his eyes blink open. I should have tried to pretend that I wasn't just studying his face, or I should have at least pretended that I had also just woken up, but I didn't. In fact, I didn't even look away or speak at first.
Dean swipes his tongue over his lips before he lazily smiles. "Mornin'."
"Morning." I breathe out and attempt to plaster the annoyed facade I have targeted towards him. A majority of the warmth leaves the bed and exposes my body briefly into the colder air when Dean leaves the bed. I remain in my spot for a few more minutes, my mind was in awe that it got a full nights sleep.
When I get downstairs, I have already gotten dressed for the day and fixed my hair. Dean is cooking breakfast as Riley sips coffee, and Sam is sitting at our kitchen table with his laptop on in front of him. I immediately go towards the steaming coffee pot which required me to squeeze myself between Dean's back and the counter. After I pour the coffee into my cup and leave it black, I make a face at the bacon that is sizzling and spewing grease in the pan.
"Oh, please don't tell me you're one of those health freaks too." Dean groans, and Riley laughs at him.
"Sorry, I would hate to die of a heart attack after all I have been through, seems a little anti-climatic." I reply and take a seat at the table across from Sam. Dean exaggeratedly rolls his eyes, making a point of stuffing bacon into his mouth in a detesting manner. Sam takes our suddenly small looking mug into his hand and downs the rest of his coffee. He proceeded to announce to his brother that he found another case not too far away. And he also adds that they'll just go ahead and head home afterwards since it is down that way.
I almost thought I might possibly feel a little bit of disappointment when he finished talking. I don't know if it was because something in me enjoyed having new faces around. Maybe it was because I was gonna miss having a chance at another full nights sleep. Or it was the gut feeling that it wasn't a good time for them to be leaving. I never voiced my thoughts that I had during this moment, because I knew they would never listen to that kind of thing. It takes them less than ten minutes for Dean to quit eating, and for Sam to pack up his computer and jackets that Riley washed for them. Riley also walks them both out to the car, I catch her kiss Sam's cheek while Dean wasn't watching before both men get into the vehicle. The pit in my stomach only grows stronger as I watch them drive away.
It began with the screaming of the name "Sammy" before the visual of Sam Winchester trapped with long sharp clawed fingers wrapping around his throat interrupted the blackness. The image pulsates and the fluorescent green eyes over the Winchester's shoulder become suddenly noticeable. He seemed to be out of breath and his hand is twitching against the werewolf's filthy one. Every small flinching move of Sam's finger would cause the wolf to tear his claws further into the skin of his throat.
"Dean, don't!" said Sam, trying to be stern in his breathless state. After another pulse, Dean's livid and tense face appears. I could see Dean lunging for the creature that has his little brother at his mercy. Before the older brother could play out his attack another werewolf, out of nowhere, appeared. The monster took him down from the side before Dean even saw it coming. I felt like I was there with them, I wanted to scream, run to them, do something! It felt as if Dean was staring directly at me as the wolf tore into his stomach and then his cheek. Actually he was staring directly at me, and I could honestly swear he was mouthing my name with no sound.
I spun around to see if he was looking at anything behind me, and I wanted to fall to my knees. There laid Sam, neck torn to shreds, and a gaping hole in his chest where his heart should be. It was as if someone had turned the volume back on in my ears because I could finally hear Dean yelling. He was yelling for his brother even though he was being brutally injured at the same time. I wished so badly that I was able to take a step towards either of the men, but my mind had me planted in one spot. Once I had managed to make some steps, no matter how much I quickened my pace, Dean seemed to get farther and farther away from me.
He began shaking his head as he noticed me running towards him, everything had gone silent again. It didn't make me stop moving though. The thing that did stop me had no distinct face, they were something I saw a lot. I was pinned to the endlessly ebony colored environment, Dean still feverishly shaking his head. My airway felt like it was inclosing on it's self and I began to scramble at nothing. My vision got blurrier every time I blinked, but I could tell that Dean's fighting had weakened.
The last thing I could remember was a moment of clarity when I looked at Dean's bloody, dead expression before I heard another voice scream my name.
"Bo! Wake up!" Mine and Riley's heads almost clashed into each other's when I jerked awake. She has a reflex for moments like this where she automatically moves her's away as soon as my eyes open.  "What happened this time." She asks softly.
I suck in a shaky breath, pushing my flyaway hairs off my forehead. "I don't know, I've never had them feel so real before."
"Who was it?" Riley questioned, as she rested her steady hand over my trembling ones.
"I was watching Sam and Dean get attacked by werewolves, and I just couldn't save them no matter how hard I tried." I reply, sniffling. Riley nods slowly, it sounded like a normal nightmare for someone like me to have. "Riley, this one was different...it's hard for me to even believe it didn't actually happen."
"I'm sure they are totally fine, your mind probably just turned the thought of them hunting something as simple as werewolves into a horror show from the lack of sleep."  She tries to reassure me, but I still had the inkling that something wasn't good about this. I go to protest against her claim just as she shushes me. "I'll stay in here, try and sleep again." She commands, and then get herself comfortable beside me.
I huff and lay back down, when I close my eyes all I can picture is the look on Dean's face as he yelled for me and his brother. Then the image of Sam's lifeless, and heartless, body on the ground. As I laid there and relived that horrible nightmare, I tried to have a little bit of faith in someone out there who may have been listening. I hoped that those guys actually made it out of that hunt with only a scratch, or two. The thought of calling Sam or Dean also crossed my mind, but I also had too much pride to let Dean think I cared if they, in fact, were just fine.
"I can feel you over thinking this." Riley grumbles from beside me. I roll my closed eyes and turn my back to her. Before I can even think about trying to sleep again, there is a pounding at the front door downstairs. We both sit up and make our way down there together. Riley peaks through the peephole before she curses under her breath.
"You've got to be fucking kidding me." I have never seen her whip that door open so fast, and I wish she had been able to do it faster after I see what lies on the other side.
A broken looking Sam, and a bloody and beaten Dean leaning into him. Riley quickly lets them in and gets Sam to put Dean on the couch, she then glances at me and gives me the "why are our lives like this" look. I start springing into action when Sam is slicing away at Dean's layers of clothing, as he tries to show us where he knows the injuries are. Quickly threading a needle, I get on my knees beside the couch and start stitching up his wound, as Dean goes in and out of consciousness with Riley pouring alcohol on the slashes in his stomach. I vaguely register the small trying-to-be-postive sentences that Sam is trying to convince his older brother about.
Once the stitching becomes the only job left, Riley takes the rubbing alcohol and starts assessing Sam's needs. Dean lets out a loud pained groan at one particular stitch that I put through him.
"Sorry, I'm sorry." I stumble out words, apologizing for the pain and because I never spoke up before they left for this hunt. If I could have truly just tried to stop them, I could have stopped this from happening. If me and Riley would have followed them like Riley had suggested earlier, we could have helped. But we didn't do any of those things, and now here I am sewing up a man I met just days ago, his blood all over  my hands and probably the couch.
"Okay, you're pieced back together, here is your reward." I put the bottle of whiskey that is with our first aid materials to his lips and lets him drink as much as he desires. As soon as the liquid is down his throat, I can see him use his last bit of determination as he drops his head back.
I stand up, giving Dean one last look to make sure I had not missed anything, and go to wash myself off. I shake my head and squeeze my eyes shut tight for a moment, as the nightmare scenes coming flooding back to me when I see the blood washing down the drain.
Looking at Dean's bloody, dead expression. Him yelling my name, shaking his head violently to stop me from coming to him. Seeing and hearing the pain in his voice as he screamed for his little brother to be okay. Not being able to help them. Watching the aftermath of both Winchester brothers dead, and not coming back.
"Bo. Are you done?" I snap out of my daze when Riley asks if I can get out of the way so she can get a shower set up for Sam. I nod, moving out of the way, and go to the living room. Dean is officially passed out on the couch, I take his shredded clothes and toss them away, making it so at least there was a minimal amount of blood left around him.
I take a silent seat in the recliner across from the couch, and close my eyes, feeling more relaxed, and more like I had the night before. Secure, and at a peace of mind, knowing that they were both okay without knowing why that was so important to me.  I fall asleep in a cramped balled up position on that chair, slightly registering the sound a shower starting, and a quiet snore from the man across from me.
Ugh, this was short, but I rather it be a quality short chapter than a long forced chapter, so oh well.
Thanks for reading!
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vexkader · 4 years
Solis Part 4
  My head pulsed and pounded, as a constant knocking was felt in the back of my skull. Rolling over and letting out a waking groan I look to the time. 
  10:45am, Venus Standard 
  Letting out a dry huff, I lick at the roof of my mouth. A cotton feeling inside, reminding me I needed water. Lifting the blanket off of my body, I lifted myself to my paws and stretched. My back aching and creaking from the stiff sleep. With a yawn I made my way to my small kitchen, sliding a cabinet open to grab a faintly orange tinted glass. Filling it to the brim with water, as I drank away the last bit of the pills I took. 
  "It's about time you came out of bed, I was tempted to grow a body and perform CPR!" 
  Sighing, I set down the water and begin a hunt for food. Not wanting sugar tarts again. 
  "Very funny, maybe I should've made you a comedian over an AI. At least comedy is legal."
  "Because your health is the biggest joke this year."
  Shaking my head with disapproval, I settle for some instant waffles. Heading to my fridge instead and grabbing a cool black handle. Freezing air from the freezer waking me up last of the way. As I spotted a bright yellow package that had two left in there. 
  "Even funnier." I tell him off with the last bit of tiredness I had, whispering to myself. "Fucking arse." 
  With a pop, golden waffles spring out of the shiny black and metal toaster. Grabbing a plate, I set them down on it. Slathering them with a gooey strawberry syrup and jam. The smell was wonderful. Out of all the Earth fruits and berries, strawberries must've been my favorite. 
  Biting down into it with a wet crunch, it filled me with a morning joy. Taking me back years and years ago, mornings with mum just before school.. mhmm. 
  "However you may feel now Vex, what did you find out?" BB shifted the topic, as I took another bite of the waffle. "It'll happen on Mars, but I don't know when though. I think winter from the snow."
  "Mars? Is that so?"
  "Certain." I say with a mouthful, swallowing quickly. "Name one other place with red sand and snow."
  "Mars it is then, any indication in how soon. Winter can be vague, this years winter? Next years?"
  Shrugging, I finish up the last of the waffles, and place the plate into the sink. It giving a final clink as I walked off. Heading back into my living space of the ship, with plans to just relax for the day. Traveling through caves, getting knocked out by an orb, and dealing with slashers takes a toll on the body. 
  "Though Vex, this all has me thinking." BB started up. "Once you figure this all out, how will you convince everyone an invasion is happening. You can't just walk into any government office."
  I scratch my head briefly, he was right I couldn't just do that. Screaming about impending doom is well enough to get you put in a mental care facility, and enough medication make a meal. 
  "Honestly, I havent thought about that. I was figuring getting all the evidence first."
  "Interesting, I have a better idea however." BB proclaimed, which made me roll my eyes. 
  "Fine, let's gear this idea of yours." Flopping down on the couch, I stare out the window. The scenery was rather dull and drab, just ships taking off and landing at the docks. Wanting a change of pace from that sight, I pull put a holopad and start swapping through scenery options. Meanwhile BB went over his idea. 
  "I was thinking a proxy, someone close to the government or at least in a position of respectable power."
  "And?" I urge him to go on, eventually settling on snow-capped mountains. Covering the wall to wall window in icy peaks. Casting a low and chilly blew over the room, the white tiles only adding to the illusion. 
  "I'm sending you to a party." I could hear him trying to hold back his monotone laugh. 
  "You're what now?!" I shoot up, protesting the idea of a party. A bloody party? Full of sods and pricks I don't know and don't know of me, and now I have to interact with them! No no no! Absolutely not! 
  "Relax Vex, conveniently one of your old highschool classmates is holding a party.. a get together for all you who graduated. And I've already secured you a spot." At this point I believe he was mocking me. 
  "That's even worse, sending me back to deal with those idiots!"
  "Vex think about this, you went to a private school didnt you? Everyone there was rich, and a few well-connected. I'm not asking you to make friends, just at least someone with connections that will believe you."
  I was outraged, stomping through the lounge, ridiculous! Sending me back to those clowns who never gave two sides of a moon about me! 
  "BB I will not go back to see those faces again!"
  "Its being held at a tiki bar, including free drinks on tap." Now that got my attention. 
  "Free you say?"
  "Mhm, free as the air you breath."
  "Who's holding the party?"
  "One of the baseball players that's now on his way to becoming pro I believe. Asher Davis."
  I remember him, never interacted but the human certainly made his rounds. Not surprising he wants all together again. 
  "Fine." I reluctantly agree. "Only for the drinks, nothing else!" 
  "Dont make a fool of yourself, remember you do have an objective." 
  I huff, I knew I had one! He didn't need to remind me of that. Theres plenty of people in power there, or at least that would have powerful friends. However, how they not see me as anymore crazy than the government would? I certainly had to think this over. Maybe inviting them over to the ship for a few drinks could work, however that could be seen as sketchy. 
  I wasn't particularly close to anyone from highschool, mostly a loner in my time. Perhaps a few felt sympathy for me though. No matter I have to figure this out, but I would certainly save that for the party; after a few drinks to get creative. 
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