#i'm hoping against all odds i can find something that's not too intense
bloomingbluebell · 6 months
hhhhhasdahsdsdhsdha *happy flaps* i may have realized that i've had a repressed special interest for years and now i have planned out a budget for it (it's not cheap at all it is motorcycles) including driving lessons for both bike and car and gear and everything except insurance and gas pretty much and JHSDHSHDSDSHDSHDSHDSH AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
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otomehoneyybearr · 5 months
Golden Week Happy Bag 2024
Kagari’s Story
One day, during my stay in Kogyoku, I had been whisked away by Kagari.
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Kagari: "Princess."
Emma: "Wah...!"
Suddenly pulled back by the shoulders, I instinctively cling to Kagari sitting beside me.
Kagari: "...You were leaning too far forward. You would have fallen if you stayed like that."
Emma: "Oops, Sorry, I'll be more careful."
Kagari: "You better be. If you get injured, it'll ruin the cherry blossom viewing."
(Even though it was you who forcefully brought me here...)
(But you don't often get to see such a beautiful view, do you?)
The place where Kagari took me to was atop a cherry blossom tree in the castle with red tiles.
The fully bloomed cherry blossoms filling my sight, along with the blue sky and the town visible through the gaps, create a fantastical scene like a painting.
I gaze in wonder, as a gentle breeze caresses my skin, carrying the cherry blossom petals that fluttered around.
(It's beautiful...)
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Kagari: "In Kogyoku, it's said that if you can catch falling cherry blossom petals with your non-dominant hand, you'll find happiness."
Kagari: "I suppose you want to try it, Princess?"
Emma: "Of course. I'll make it happen in one go, so please watch."
Focusing on the fluttering petals, I waited for the right moment.
Kagari: "..."
(Here it is!)
Kagari: "..."
(This time for sure!)
Emma: "That's odd, seems like I'm off my game today."
Kagari: "Just admit that your reflexes and visual acuity are lacking."
(Well... that's harsh.)
The result was a crushing defeat, ending with me just grabbing at thin air.
Kagari: "Your hair seems to be doing a better job."
As soon as the hand wrapped in red gloves touched my hair, petals began to fall from it.
Kagari: "That’s one, two, three... four petals."
Emma: "That's a lot."
Kagari: "It seems you're fond of this cherry blossom. Hold still since there are still some left."
Emma: "Uh, okay."
(It feels like being petted on the head. It's nice, but a little embarrassing.)
Pretending not to notice the warmth on my cheeks, I wait for Kagari to withdraw his hand.
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Kagari: "..."
Emma: "Um, is something the matter, Kagari?"
Noticing the intense gaze, I keep my gaze on Kagari without averting them.
For some reason, Kagari takes a cherry blossom petal from my hair and puts it in his own, then tilts his head towards me.
(Is he… asking me to take it?)
Reaching out to his fiery red hair, I pluck the petal.
Occasionally, my hand is pressed against his head, and instinctively, I start to stroke it...
(Ah… it feels like being affectionately approached by a big cat, it's cute.)
Seeing a slight softening in his expression, my heart tightens.
Kagari: "Is it over already?"
Emma: "Yes. I've taken all the petals out."
Kagari: "...I see."
(Somehow, he seems disappointed.)
(Come to think of it, why did Kagari bring me to see the cherry blossoms?)
Subordinate: "Your highness."
I lowered my gaze at the sudden voice to find Kagari's subordinate standing there.
Subordinate: "The preparations for the meeting are complete."
Kagari: "Alright. You may proceed with it."
Subordinate: "Yes, understood."
(A meeting...)
●●●●●● Flashback ●●●●●●
Emma: "Um, Kagari, you seem to be injured..."
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Kagari: "It's not my blood."
Kagari: "Your timing is truly terrible, Princess."
●●●●●● Flashback End ●●●●●●
(Is another battle about to begin?)
Anxiety and fear crawl up my spine as the image of Kagari covered in blood flashes in my mind.
(I’d been taught that battles are like everyday occurrences in Kogyoku.)
(Still, I hope the damage isn't too severe.)
Although I'm an outsider, I can't help but earnestly wish for it.
Kagari: "...Apologies are meaningless now."
Emma: "Huh?"
When I looked up, the expressionless emerald eyes that had been staring at me turned towards the cherry blossoms as if passing by.
Kagari: "The cherry blossom viewing is over. It was a good distraction."
The wind once again stirred the cherry blossoms, showering petals.
Kagari effortlessly plucked a petal dancing in the air between his thumb and forefinger, and offered it to me.
Kagari: "A petal caught by a demon should have some effect."
Emma: "Only some effect?"
Kagari: "Don't want it? Fine then, suit yourself."
Kagari: "Did you want to become that happy?"
Emma: "I want it because it's a petal you caught for me."
Kagari: "Is that so?"
Emma: "Yes, it is."
Kagari: "...I see. It feels good to hear that."
Emma: "Thank you. I'll treasure it."
(An apology... Was that the meaning behind the cherry blossom viewing?)
(Yasha and battle maniac are terms used to describe him, but at heart, he's a kind person.)
I carefully cradle the received petal in both hands, making sure it doesn't get swept away by the wind.
(Another memory that's been made in here in kogyoku.)
Kagari: "You're that happy over just one petal? You're an easy-to-please Princess."
Emma: "Whoa...!?"
As I’m forcefully pulled closer, Kagari scooped me up in his arms and descended from the cherry blossom tree.
He’s always abrupt and forceful like this.
As my feet touch the ground, a sense of loneliness washes over me, as if signaling the end of a dream.
Kagari: "Farewell, Princess."
Emma: "...Yes."
(I've met Kagari many times already.)
(Yet... he never says "see you later," does he?)
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Can you please do a part 2? (Maybe one where Reader is pregnant with Kars' daughter)
Your wish is my command.
Defy nature pt2
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Warning: described childbirth
Each day it became harder to hide your hunger. You didn't want Kars to find out you were bearing his child. Yet another thing he would surely use against you. You hoped desperately that one night they would have their attention on something else and allow you to escape. Sure you could walk into the sun and accept death but there was a part of you that believed you weren't the only one who ran away. That there was hope that Kars and Esidisi hadn't killed off your entire race.
“You seem awfully shaky as of late (Y/n)” Kars commented as he sat beside you, watching you rock the boys to sleep in their basket. Your head flew up as the smell of blood wafted. Esidisi was back with more humans to consume.
You were sickened at the sight of how they feasted. Absorbing them straight into their body. It was unnatural, grotesque even. Solidifying your belief that they were no longer the same as you, now merely beasts.
You could see Kars’ amused expression from the corner of your eye.
“Eager to eat are we?” He asked.
“No…” you muttered a response.
“Your reaction says otherwise, now why would you lie about that?” He asks. You stood up attempting to leave but he quickly caged you between himself and the wall.
“You've been acting rather odd lately, if I didn't know any better you're trying to hide something from me” he commented.
You could hardly concentrate with the intense smell of blood and he could tell. He drew one of his arms close to him and used his blade to cut the side of his neck. A small trail of blood formed before the cut healed.
He watched your pupils dilate, your mouth go agape and your breathing become heavy. Like a feral you leapt at him, quick to lick it up.
“Such impulse from a tender thing, it's almost like you're hungry for another” he chuckled. He knew at this point what was up. The elders always said that the first pregnancy left soon to be mothers with a ravenous appetite, perhaps even more so if the child was in a similar state to him.
You pushed back away from him. He played you like a fool.
“I thought you'd be excited to share such news, you were always so eager to have children” he chuckled.
“I was, but not with you” you hissed.
“Not with me? Soon to be the ultimate being?” He gloated.
“Ultimate abomination more like” you retorted.
“Then who else is there for you, I've got no competition” he snickered, you visibly cringed at his remark.
 He took your head in his hand.
“I'm eager to know more about our child, the fruit of our love” he cooed.
“Love, nonsense!” You spat.
“Oh dearest, you delude yourself” he said.
“The truth is you still do, you were the one who proposed to me after all. Saw lonesome me hauled up in my research and decided you had to have me as part of your harem” he explained with a chuckle.
It was true, you had been the one who made the advances. You'd come to the scholar offering him companionship, seeing him as a rather attractive individual. If only you had known what his research had entailed you would have stayed clear of him.
The smell of blood grew even thicker, your throat felt so dry. You struggled to form a comprehensive thought, Kars words losing all meaning.
You dashed towards the source. Sinking your hands and teeth into the poor soul. Their screams resonated through the old temple You were trapped in. All you could think of was food, you needed it so desperately.
“Esidisi, we'll need even more food for the coming months” Kars mentioned with a smirk on his lips. Esidisi nodded with a smirk back, knowing exactly what he meant.
You couldn't keep track of how long you'd been in labor for, Screaming and crying as you tried to push. You were on the verge of passing out until you heard wailing that was neither yours or the young boys.
“A girl” Kars' voice remarked, you hadn't even realized he'd been beside you. Too caught up in your own pain to realize.
The fog began to fade and you saw the child placed into your arms. You'd wanted this but at such a horrible cost. Part of you even felt horror, wondering if she was a beast like her father.
No, you should think of her that way. She did not choose to be born as such a thing. You need to be an example, show her and the boys what a true pillarmen was.
“Rest, I shall take care of Slade” he told you. Slade, that was the name you had decided upon with your other partners. You hadn’t gotten around to telling him such due to his refusal to join in your carous, so how did he know?
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moodymisty · 1 year
Wow! Congrats on 1k followers!! Your writing is always a delight. 🥰
For your event, may I request Tech x F!reader with the prompt "You really want me?"
Thank you! I hope you have a great day. ❤️
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❀ Milestone prompts list ❀
Author's Note: Awww thank you! I'm glad you enjoy my writing! and techtechtechtechtechtech
Relationships: Tech/Gn!Reader
Warnings: None, just fluff and confessions of love
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"So, I have to ask..."
Echo's voice perks up your ears, as sits beside you. His glass is in his hands but he hasn't taken a sip yet, at least that you've noticed.
79's is relatively barren tonight, at least by the normal standards; Though it's still quite loud and packed with enough clones that traversal through the bar is for sure going to end up with you bumping into a few shoulders.
"Did you show Tech some new book or something?" He's not here tonight, having neglected coming out for drinks because of some important worked he wanted to finish, and had insisted you all go on without him. it's not incredibly unusual; This sort of scene isn't his type.
You think on Echo's question for a moment, pursing your lips as you look off in no particular direction trying to recall. Once you do, it's such a brief moment that you don't really think that it would be anything of note.
"Um, I mean I mentioned something not too long ago?" Echo leans back against the seat, an arm over the back behind your head.
"Ok, because he's not shut up about whatever it was for at least a week now. He's been researching it nonstop." That sentence makes you surprised, but also it's impossible to contain a smile at the thought of him doing something like that when you aren't around. It's, endearing. Not too often do you find someone who enjoys you enough that they try to enjoy the things you do. You love watching Tech tinker, to sometimes catch his tongue just barely poking out between his lips, but it makes your heart flutter a bit to know this new tidbit of info.
"Really? I didn't know he cared that much." Crosshair makes an amused noise.
"Cares? He's obsessed." He gets an odd look from you back, and Hunter seeks to clarify what Crosshair won't.
"The two of you really get along well," He says, and you raise your eyebrows. He can't exactly find the best way to put this so for the sake of his brother and for your own sanity, he'll be blunt.
"Look, we don't wanna shove into your business or anything," Hunter rubs the back of his neck. "But Tech really likes you." It's feels more than a little bit intense being underneath the stare of four eyes, especially considering who they are.
"But he's not gonna say it unless you do first."
Were you really so obvious in your attraction that they were all able to notice? You had hoped you were being at least somewhat subtle.
No point in denying it, you guess. They already have it all figured out.
"So, you want me to just go for it then?" You smile and laugh, expecting it to be taken as a joke. But instead, Hunter nods and agrees with you.
"Go sweep him off his feet."
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You're not drunk in the slightest; seeing the outline of the Marauder ahead of you as you walk forward towards it with purpose. It's just that your conversation with the rest of the 99's has pushed you over the edge.
You ended up leaving not long after you'd finished talking, deciding to take the opportunity of Tech being alone. It's not too often you have the chance to do so.
You'll just say how you feel, and damn the consequences. You can't stay in the limbo anymore.
But Tech is just, so hard to read.
You've gotten better at it over time, but sometimes you find yourself wondering. His brothers know him best, and hopefully their encouragement doesn't end with you making an ass of yourself.
You have the codes to unlock the Marauder, bringing down the gangplank so you can head inside. Once you do, it's only takes a quick look to the right to locate Tech, who's situated in the cockpit using Gonky as an extension to his current work table; Which is the control panel. He heard your entrance and looks over, perking up in casual surprise.
"Oh, I thought you all would be out for most of the evening." He says it with curiosity, not disappointment. You notice he's reading one of the books you'd mentioned awhile ago when you step closer, datapad sat aside whatever he's been tinkering with. He must be using it as background noise.
"Yeah, it got a little too rowdy for my liking." He's soldering two wires together, humming and adjusting his goggles with a wiggle of his nose. When he speaks he's still working, not looking as you watch over him from his side.
"I apologize for my brothers if they said or did anything particularly uncouth; Them and large amounts of alcohol are not often the best combination." Speaking from experience? You joke to only yourself. Smiling, you wave off his concerns.
"Nah, they were fine," Your sentence hangs for a bit, leaning to one side as your eyes flick over his hands and arms. "I, wanted to talk to you, actually." That admission gets Tech's interest, naturally.
Gonky takes up a good portion of the free space between the seats, so he ushers the droid away and gives you the room to sit down.
"To me?" He seems both surprised and curious, already trying to figure out what you'd possibly need to talk to him about. It could be any number of things, it's not as if the two of you have ever run out of things to talk about.
"Yeah, I," You lick your lips, finding the words and the confidence to just say them.
Gods he looks so cute right now... You think while seeing his dark brown eyes watch you from behind his goggles.
"Do you want to go out sometime? Just you and me?" He quickly counts his tools as he puts them away back in his storage box, glancing up at you.
"Do you need help with something? I see no need why to specify just you and me if you would just like to go and-"
You get out of your seat and kneel on the edge of Tech's, leaning inward and stealing a kiss from him. He certainly looks surprised the moment you pull away, but it seems to get the point across well enough.
"Oh," He says, adjusting his goggles from where you'd bumped them out of alignment. "You meant in that way." His eyes are wide, flicking around focus on a different part of your face as he thinks.
"I, failed to think this was a possible scenario." In any other situation you might've considered making a joke, but the tone would be ruined if you did so.
"Being a clone isn't a desirable trait apart from a few select scenarios, my brothers are quite overbearing, and the state of the war I-" He cuts himself off, brain thinking a mile a minute. "You really want me?"
You smile and nod, lips just barely dusting over his. You can still feel his breath on your face, before he decides to kiss you this time. His feels more assertive, as if he's quickly gaining the confidence in what he's figured out so far. His body rises from his aggressive slouch and his hands move up your thighs, from where they had laid politely on your knees.
"Do you want me to say?" You say, feeling his hands on your hips.
His brothers won't be back for most of the night anyways. He has plenty of time to figure things out and get all the answers he needs.
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
I'm surprised this request hasn't been asked yet lmao
Could I ask for a romantic alphabet for Raphael from TMNT 2012?
Sure! Here's a warning, it's been months since I've written TMNT. I will be pulling from my older concept to guide me with how I write Raph along with some tweaks. Trying a different format out, not sure how much I like it. This has violence and heavily dark themes.
Note: Written late at night because, hey, motivation comes at odd times? I skimmed it when I proofread so I hope there isn't any fic breaking grammar issues, lol? Here's your violent yandere, everyone. Eat up.
Yandere! 2012! Raphael Concept
Yandere Alphabet
Yandere Alphabet - 2012! Raphael
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Violence, Sadism, Obsession, Forced relationship, Toxic themes, Jealousy, Anger issues, Blood mention, Gore, Murder, Kidnapping, Dehumanizing behavior, Fear of abandonment, Manipulation, Clingy behavior, I love him but I make him such a MONSTER for horror, Isolation, Brutal punishments for Darling mentioned.
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Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
Ohhh, Raphael is the embodiment of an intense yandere. He's violent, easily jealous, and temperamental.
You are the mutant's weakness and his love is often harsh and violent if something doesn't go his way.
He is one of the more sadistic yanderes. He often uses violence to solve any sort of jealousy. Be it aiming to maim or kill, Raph does not pull punches.
Towards his darling he can be vulnerable, simply wanting to be held. For the most part he's affectionate... until you get on his bad side.
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
Messy. Raphael knows a ninja shouldn't kill... however- when it comes to you morals tend to change.
Raphael doesn't mind being covered in blood if it's for you.
He doesn't mind digging his sai's into someone's eyes for looking at you. He doesn't mind breaking all their bones just to hear that satisfying crack. He wants those who threaten your relationship to know what they've done. A lesson, if you will.
Then they can either bleed out in an alley or be killed by his hands...
They'll be cold, bloodied, and dead either way.
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
Yeah, actually. But that's only if he feels you've been rejecting his attempts at a relationship.
Raphael may mock you if you've gotten on his nerves before he kidnapped you. Normally he won't, but sometimes he just can't resist.
In terms of how you're treated is something along the lines of his;
Raphael will lock you up somewhere he knows the others won't find you. He gives you a mattress he found and hides you deep in another part of the sewers. No one can find you there, be them human or mutant hopefully
Only Raphael knows this place.
He'll feed and care for you, sometimes treating you like a pet. He fears abandonment ever since the Spike/Slash incident and treats you like a second Spike.
With the chains around your limbs and the casual threats he happens to mention... you'll be obedient.
Other than that, if you're compliant, he'll try to be very loving.
He tries not to but if he gets too driven by his anger then he most likely will.
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
He doesn't like showing himself as vulnerable. He wants to show himself as strong... always training... always fighting.
There's blood on his hands now.
He is quite vulnerable around you, however.
It's shown when he curls around you or holds you in his lap. You can tell by his soft murmurs and tight grip he relies on you to ease his issues.
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
Well... safe to say he doesn't mind putting you in your place?
Unless he's punishing you he won't hurt you too much. He'll just show you he can overpower you.
It's a subtle threat.
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
Not a game even if he gains sadistic pleasure from his obsession at times. He'll play around a bit if you managed to escape somehow.
He wants to see how far you get.
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
With a yandere as volatile with him it could be a number of things.
- Seeing him murder.
- His punishments.
- Him snapping.
Anything that showcases his volatile nature will be horrible for you to witness due to his violence and sadism
He hasn't thought of it. Perhaps dating... or keeping you as a pet. Honestly any future where you're kept by his side is one he likes.
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
Yes. Incredibly jealous. He will lash out, too. He's temperamental, like a ticking time bomb prepared to cause carnage when he sees someone else with you.
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
He acts awkward at times when he first begins his obsession. He's a bit teasing and acts like a friend. When he's with you in your little "relationship" (prison) he's very vulnerable.
He'll cling and vent to you, almost crushing you with his size when he leans on you. He can be... very emotionally weak when he isn't burning with rage.
You almost feel bad.
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
He's surprisingly nervous and tries to avoid the crush he has at first. But soon he accepts it and tries to grow closer with you. He's content with just being best friends for a little while...
Yet now he's asking for dating advice from Casey of all people and he struggles to approach you with the topic.
That is until something sets him off and causes him to act fast on his festering obsession deep within.
Yes. He's eager to fight, his brothers know this. But ever since his obsession... murder seems to be all that's on his mind now.
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
Oh... brutal.
Part of him hates this, part of him enjoys it.
Isolation is good and all, but sometimes he doesn't feel it's enough.
Raphael would break your bones if you really pissed him off. If not, he'll make your skin bleed and that's it. When you bruise... and he feels the message has been sent... he patches you up.
He'll make you good as new... although the lesson stays behind in your head to not go against him or his delusions.
Most of them. He likes to show some sort of power over you. It makes him strangely... excited? He can't quite put it into words.
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
He's always on the fence. It's like the slightest thing can set him off if he's annoyed. Although... he tries to be as patient as he can with you.
He does love you, after all.
It would take a real long time. He could move on... or he could not. I'm not sure if he could, personally.
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
If he does it's a quiet thought in the back of his mind. He could let you go but that's rare. Isolating you is an easy way to stop his stirring jealousy AND it keeps you safe.
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
Troubled past, anger issues, trauma? Anything along the lines of that.
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
He isn't the best with this but he does try to comfort. He may be a violent turtle but the mutant isn't entirely heartless.
He'll hold you close, even with a little force, then try to comfort you.
He's lucid enough to know he may be the cause of your pain... but he ignores that fact as it threatens his delusions.
Raphael can hurt his darling even though he "loves" them.
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
Raphael is a volatile yandere. You could theoretically use his temper against him somehow.
Then there's the classic method of gaining his trust by going along with his obsession until you're allowed to have freedom again.
Who knows when that'll happen?
Yes, unfortunately.
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
He isn't entirely a worship yandere. To a certain extent he'll cling to you like he'll break it he loses you. He'd go to extreme lengths to keep you, including a rampage of violence and gore.
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
He can pine for awhile. It starts getting bad when he starts losing people he cares about. That's when things truly go downhill for you.
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
Yes, definitely, absolutely.
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sneakystorms · 5 months
Can you tell us more about Marya being a horny mess please? It's such an interesting interpretation of her character and has extra bonus points for the potential to make Tolstoy livid 🤭
Sure! Honestly i don't even feel like I'm going against tolstoy on this one because it's an interpretation i somewhat extrapolated from her canon characterisation.
One of my favourite marya moments (and there are many) is when she gets annoyed at mmelle bourienne for something or else, and her internal response to this is horror at herself for harbouring anything but the most amicable of emotions. So she forces herself to be friendly with amelie, but the repressed animosity is left to fester until it grows into disproportional hatred. A similar thread appears in her relationship to her father - because she believes she has no right to be anything less than loving and appreciative, she represses her negative emotions for him, but they continue to work their way in her subconscious. Speaking of her father, he has a very direct role in reinforcing this pattern of behaviour - when he mocks marya for dressing up for anatole, for enjoying the thought of romance or being courted, this causes such intense shame in her that she tries even harder to rid herself of any romantic inclinations, which is reflected in her social isolation once in moscow. I also love the moment where marya sees anatole making out with amelie and, rather than react in justifiable anger, appears more sympathetic to Amelie than ever, swearing to help her and anatole realise their love for each other. I read this as marya internalising shame so fully that she's relieved at an "excuse" not to indulge in that which she desires, because years of self denial have resulted in pursuit of her own wishes appearing frightening. Although i certainly am not opposed to reading this scene as her lesbianism peeking through and making her all too happy to have a reason to give up on her relationship with anatole lmao
All this to say that marya is an incredible portrayal of freudian repression a hundred years before freud, and particularly of the way one can repress shameful or impossible to realise desires and sublimate them - redirect their libidinal energy - into other, more acceptable pursuits. For freud this is most often art, but in Marya's case i think you can read her as sublimating all her shameful desires or emotions into religion, which is of course a highly moral thing for her to obsess over, providing an even stronger barrier against sinful thoughts than something like an artistic hobby might have. But as always in freud, urges that have been rejected by and banished from the conscious seep into the unconscious, where they threaten to fester and develop. Iirc the metaphor freud uses is that of a blocked water passage which causes the stream to leak through whatever other paths or cracks it can find - this is how you get repressed urges manifesting in weird, roundabout ways like dreams or odd fetishes.
This is kind of what i see happening to marya - both with her anger, which escapes in her teaching nikolushka, and with her desire for sex and romance. But I'm also throwing in a half-serious observational tidbit about how christians who have an unhealthy relationship with their own faith and repress their "sinful" urges sometimes go on to attach so much importance to rituals of self-protection, self-cleansing or self-punishment in hopes of saving themselves from sin that those very rituals end up as subconscious escape routes for the repressed horniness and other undesirable things. This is how you get jokes about medieval catholics being little too into lashing, or about people for whom the religious bliss that comes from prayer borders on the erotic, or about those who are a little too obsessed with staying virgins until marriage...
That's kind of what i was alluding to with the "kinky in that way some xtians are" comment (or however i phrased it). But that's only an aside, the main point is my girl is pushing down all her horniness and one day, hopefully, that bottle is gonna burst and as far as I'm concerned it might as well burst in Helene's nimble fingers. I also think she'd find it fun and gratifying to mess with Marya's head by convincing her that the wild gay sex they're having doesn't count or isn't really sin or something like that, which is obviously a narrative marya would cling to if she did ever slip up and give in to the throes of sodomy
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melrosing · 1 year
I'm going back through your blog a bit but do you think Dany could be like a female Jaime? I think they have a lot in common.
Thanks for this q, it was an interesting one!! I think they have things in common but quite a few key differences, so wouldn't say they're all that close a match.
I think the key one is on the subject of power and leadership. Dany pursues power because she sees leadership as the greatest opportunity for change, and even when she doubts herself, she pushes through because she has such a clear vision of what things could be.
Jaime otoh is extremely turned off by power: I think, like Brienne, he is a follower who looks for idyllic figures to support, and his disillusionment with said figures and the society they operate within has led him to disdain the very concept of power.
His outlook on growth and change in ASOS/AFFC is actually complicated by the expectation that he should step up as Tywin's heir, because Jaime does not really operate as a figurehead - like Brienne, he has this idea of 'true knighthood' as his concept of how he might become a better and greater person. He finds positions of power require actions at odds with his own moral code - which is something Dany finds too in Meereen, but pushes forth with regardless. Meanwhile, Jaime dips out in AFFC to pursue his own vision, which I think he believes he has to remove himself from society to enact.
So I guess the difference here is that Dany wants to make change by climbing to the top of society and transforming the world from there (grand scale), whereas by contrast, what Jaime really wants is to step outside it, and make change as an independent actor (small scale). Obviously Dany has tremendous ambition for shaping a better world, whereas Jaime is more concerned with individual acts of change.
And I think whilst the latter can seem more self-absorbed, I wouldn't necessarily say it is - you choose based on what scale you can imagine yourself operating on, and what you think you yourself are compatible with. It's why a lot of people with grand/hopeful visions for society won't pursue politics, and will instead look to how they can make change in their immediate communities and themselves.
I think there's also a romanticism in Jaime and a practicality in Dany that enforces those differences. Again (like Brienne), Jaime is caught up with nostalgic ideals, whereas Dany (who probably could never have afforded to indulge in such things), has a very practical vision of what needs doing and how it should be done. Jaime tries to adapt as such in AFFC but is fast disillusioned by what power and leadership can really achieve, and so absconds into the woods where he thinks he can truly pursue something good and honest. Meanwhile, Dany is also disillusioned in Meereen, but I think that just means she'll come back with greater resolve against her enemies in TWOW.
(again, this is more complicated in Jaime's case as his enemies are essentially those he would wish to side with, and his own family, with his 8 y/o son at its figurehead, are the side he more personally opposes..... but I digress and the principle still applies)
Then there's other differences like Dany's great sense of self: she knows the kind of ruler she wants to be, she knows what kind of world she wants, she knows what she's come from and what she hopes to represent. Jaime...... doesn't really know any of that lol, like he's grown up defining himself by his right hand and his sister, and now he has neither of those to cling onto, so he's starting from the ground up. Dany has an complex but intense relationship with House Targ, Jaime is sceptical as all fuck of House Lann (like, Dany sees her role as one of the last of the Targaryens who will restore her house to power, Jaime outright resents acting on behalf of House Lannister). And I think Dany is good at politics and strives to be, whereas Jaime..... can be good, not great but certainly capable. But it's also never something he consciously tries to improve at, just something he's like 'well I guess this is part of my job now I better not fuck it up'
In terms of similarities, I do still think they have a few! I think they're both hotheaded (though Dany tempers that, and Jaime's only learning to). They're both idealists in their own way, and ultimately I think crave something simple for themselves rather than the game of thrones. I think they're both charismatic and kind of snarky, and they're both horse girls.
But I think Jaime is more like Lyanna Stark, who (based on what little we know). I think both have romanticism in common, they both practice and enjoy skill in combat, they're both a bit hotheaded and I think Lyanna may be rash too (the whole Knight of the Laughing Tree debacle sounds like that to me), plus I picture her as someone who, whilst enjoying swordplay, riding, and hanging out with her brothers, didn't exactly chafe in femininity either (that may be her main difference from Arya?). Likewise, I think Jaime growing up was comfortable adopting femininity so Cersei could try masculinity, but his role as the masculine 'golden son' also came naturally and with minimal effort on his part. I mentioned Brienne a lot above and I do think JB have a lot in common, but they have differences between them too (which is what makes their relationship more interesting imo)
Dany I've not really considered a match for, but I think the most obvious one is Jon... though I'm not sure if I'm saying that more because their journeys are similar, might have to think about whether the same is largely true of their characters or not. anyone who has further thoughts on that, feel free to let me know!!
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orossii · 2 years
I'm sorry if you're weirded out by my outslaught of likes, lmao. It's because I really, really am in awe and curious about how you developed such a critical and honest worldview. What was your journey like? And what kind of books + media did you consume? I consider myself a Marxist, but I'm horribly uninformed and I want to be better. I want to exercise my critical thinking skills. I don't want to be bogged down by social media cynicism anymore. I want to have hope
@claim-staker no no, not at all, i find it flattering! thank you :)
and man there's no quick way to answer this question and i'll try not to get too long-winded with it, but i am gonna put it under a cut to give myself a little more room to be thorough lol. i’m going to mostly reference modern marxist thinkers here because they require a little more digging to find, but for classic marxist theory i encourage you to work through a good marxist-leninist reading list, such as @inqilabi’s here. i have a list of largely non-theory documentaries, youtube channels, books, and podcasts that i found personally helpful here and keep a youtube playlist of things i find interesting here. hopefully this answers your question!
sooo around spring of 2020 i got so fucked up mentally during the height of the pandemic hysteria that i started doing some very surface level reading into some buddhist meditation concepts. it clicked with me in a very intense way, and started a radical reorientation in how i think. it was like becoming a new person in a very short period of time. i had been locked into an anxious, self-absorbed worldview for all of my life and suddenly started understanding the world and human society as a coherent interlocking system that i was a natural consequence of. i found out that reality is the result of contradictions between opposing material forces leading to growth, decay, and then transformation into something new, and that concept can be applied to all scientific disciplines as well as to human psychology
from there i was like 'wow i need to get into politics for real' sometime in like, late 2020. way back in 2015 i went from gender ideology to radical feminism and remembered how exhilarating that learning process was, but also how demoralizing and alienating it could sometimes be. that experience i think gave me the sense that sometimes while learning, i'd be in a position where pursuing reality without judgment or dogma would put me at odds with other people, and i couldn't be afraid of that if i wanted to really learn
after dicking around with ‘progressive alt media’ trash like the young turks, i started learning about noam chomsky's media model of propaganda and had another awakening of sorts. i realized that the way information was presented to us under western capitalism was being used to manufacture consent for military aggression against the third world, and that the US economy basically ran on this subjugation. i became very interested in the iraq and vietnam wars and how the media was used to promote it. getting really interested in that subject caused my faith in western media to bottom out completely, and i became more receptive to the marxist ideas i was seeing presented alongside noam chomsky's work
i started listening to a podcast called 'revolutionary leftist radio' that in the present day i find grating for various reasons lol, but the host had some excellent interviews with a variety of activists, and i found myself most drawn to the marxist-leninist position. i was exhilarated by descriptions of the dialectical materialist process, which fell directly in line with what i'd learned from reading about buddhist philosophy except applied to the study of human society. basically, marx said that society is propelled forward by contradictions that arise due to the unequal distribution of resources within a class society, and that it's possible to predict certain outcomes based on analysis of those economic contradictions. mao's "on contradiction" and stalin's "dialectical and historical materialism" explain this in more detail and in plain language
from there i found outlets like the grayzone, mint press news, and breakthrough news, that outlined the ways in which the US and its western allies were plundering and degrading the global south via a highly aggressive and extractive finance economic strategy called imperialism. i read imperialism: the highest stage of capitalism and the state and revolution, both by vladimir lenin. i got really into the work of modern day marxist economists and political theorists like richard wolff, michael hudson, vijay prashad, utsa and prabhat patnaiak. more recently i'm really enjoying the work of jay tharappel
having that economic understanding of imperialism gave me the tools to analyze existing socialist states in terms of what their needs were as well as what they were up against re: being forced to co-exist with a militarily aggressive sole superpower that necessitates the subjugation of the rest of the world to function. i started systematically going through mainstream articles condemning these enemies of the US state and checking sources, seeing how long it took me to come to a conclusion entirely divorced from the local economic and political context at best or coming from "unnamed US intelligence officials" or paid off ex-pats at best. people like brian berletic on youtube are great at outlining how this process is executed by the western media and NGO- and military-industrial complexes. i developed a strong value for national sovereignty as an essential foundation for the development of a truly democratic and healthy society, which made me sympathetic not just to existing socialist states, but to non-socialist states that were targets of US regime change for the crime of not handing their resources and human labor over to the empire
i was in a supposedly marxist-leninist communist party for about 8 months before their dogmatic liberal leftism got the better of me and i stepped down. after the overturn of roe v wade i was disgusted by their complicity in the alienation of women, and it made me start to notice the ways what we in the US understand to be 'leftism' promotes dogmatic, anti-marxist thinking and contempt for the working class. i see the job of marxists to be firmly rooted in material reality at all times, and that means learning to find a synthesis between tradition and progress that comes from the will of the people and not from the top down. we can have our own personal beliefs, but when they're used to push the uninitiated away from the revolution the masses are supposed to be at the helm of that becomes unacceptable to me. if our position is truly materialist we should be prepared to defend it in such a way that bridges gaps, not entrenches them
we also have to reject cultural liberalism and recognize the ways much of what we understand about 'progressivism' to be an imperial export used to justify US imperialism in the modern age now that the patriotic marketing campaign used during the bush era is no longer viable. this article outlines what i mean well. there's a grain of truth to much of it in that racism and patriarchy are absolutely massive social problems in need of serious consideration, but the conclusions reached by this milieu are often individualistic, aggressively dogmatic, self-perpetuating, and rooted in the creation of new markets (cosmetic surgeries, drugs, diversity and inclusion consultancy programs, book sales, etc etc) as opposed to dedicated to the destruction of the economic systems that perpetuate inequality. racism and patriarchy can't be fought solely in the domain of people's minds, nor can their solutions be foisted upon a society that hasn’t been given the space to wrestle with them from the bottom up. hassan ali on substack has some good articles on this, and his wife brigid o'coileain hosts a fantastic gender critical and anti-porn marxist feminist podcast called ‘probably cancelled’ that hits on a lot of topics relating to patriarchy as well as the cultural domestication of the western left
the absolute best starting point for anyone interested in the anti-imperialist position is michael parenti. he’s been the gateway for thousands of english-speakers looking to learn more about scientific socialism, he’s a genius public speaker and very accessible. i also really love garland nixon’s videos on youtube for current day geopolitical analysis. i’ve yet to hear him describe himself as a marxist, but he’s a fantastic materialist thinker regardless
if you find yourself clicking with any of the people i mentioned above be sure to check their references for further reading!
thank you for this nice message and feel free to message me any time if you have questions. i’m honestly still very much just getting my feet wet with this, but would love the opportunity to talk things out with someone else who’s also interested in learning about imperialism!
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seldomscilence16 · 1 year
Whumptober Day 2:
"I'll call out your name, but you won't call back." 
Thermometer | Delirium | "They don't care about you." 
Fandom: ATLA (AU)
Prompt used: Title, Delirium, "they don't care about you."
Alright this ones short cause I rewrote it like three times… anywho, have some light Zuko angst. I'm gearing up for a little more intensity in day three so 😬. Beating up in first paragraph tw!
Another punch, right beneath his ribs, has bloody spittle flying from his mouth, choked air being the only sound accompanying the motion. He refuses to give them that satisfaction, to show that weakness here, they can beat him bloody and blue, but Zuko was once a crown prince, he's been through far worse than this.
Fire licks at his ankles, an angry yell filling the air. 
"Why do you protect them? What? It's not like they like you. They don't care about you. Why do you think they haven't come? You offered them an escape and they took it, each and every one of them. You are a Fire Bender Zuko, a Prince- Banished or not- you are alone. Tell me where the Avatar and the traitors went, and your misery can be over." Zhao has a crazed look in his eye, fire sparking across his finger tips. 
Zuko doesn't answer, spitting a glob of blood at the Admirals feet instead. It earns him an angry kick that has him finally falling to his knees, but he grins up anyway like he's won. Zhao can't seem to realize that Zuko knows they won't come. He's not worth it, Zuko knows this, all of what Zhao says. But they're all safe, and that was Zuko's priority. 
Zhao, seemingly fed up with Zuko's silence, waves a dismissive hand and the guard behind him knocks his weapon over Zuko's head, hard. The world fades around him, and he welcomes the momentary peace of the darkness. 
"You know Zuko, the writer of Love Amongst Dragons also wrote my least favorite poem."
His mothers stare is blank, sitting under the shadows of their tree, staring across the pond. Across her cheek is a bruise, uncovered but remnants of makeup still visible. Curled into her side, Azula sleeps, eyebrows furrowed. Zuko makes a noise to indicate his attention, trying not to ruin whatever this moment is.  
"Always pointing out what I lack
I can never tell your aim
It's not just your bags you pack
And I'll never be the same
Life on the rack
I'll call out your name
But you won't call back."
She pauses, but the poem seems to ring out in the following silence. 
"Do you know why it's my least favorite Zuko?" She answers before he can, "I always wanted true love… this poem, written by the same writer of my favorite play, reminds me to find the good." At this, she cups his cheek gently, careful not to disturb his sister, "You two. I hope you two can find love and happiness someday. Promise me, you'll never let anger rule you."
And Zuko, well how could he say anything else,
"I promise."
Zuko wakes with his mothers voice in his ears, and her hand in his hair, Azula's soft breaths filling the gaps. The performing frog and turtle duck are odd, and very dramatic, is that really the voices they'd have?? Zuko can only watch them idly, too tired to truly decipher if the animals before him exist or not. 
"...won't call back!" The turtle duck strikes a dramatic pose, tragically dejected. 
Huh… is… that what Zuko was doing? His mother told him to find happiness, so in his banishment, he'd turned a new leaf. His crew were basically pirates now, and they were actually helping the Avatar. He was doing good, but he supposed it was over now. He'd be taken back to his Father and punished for crimes against the throne, probably never see the light of day again. 
"You shall not reign any longer!" With a weird sun behind the Frog, he goes down with a downward strike of the Turtle Ducks wing. 
The thump of the frog is echoed by a louder thump that moves the surface beneath his cheek. His sight moves up slowly, blurry and doubled- the animals continue out his peripheral- to find a figure doing something at the cell door. They're not in red, rather tones of blue and gray, though he lets his sight fall again when his head throbs. It feels like he has two bad eyes, and the throbbing ache at the back of his skull is doing him no favors. He decides to go back to the animals, its easier.
It's only when feet go through the performance that he's reminded of the whole thing. Something hisses above him, and then theres a delicate touch at his nape,
"Hey buddy, we're gonna get you out of here. Your sister is scaring the guards now, and her friends are clearing a path, and the others are waiting at Oppa to get ya to your ship. Just uh… yeah let's move nice and slow." 
"But da 'urtle du' isnt f'nished yet." 
"... well, they can finish later." 
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professorrw · 3 years
Don't Fake It
marvel masterlist
Pairing: female reader x Peter Quill
Request: peter starts getting frisky with the reader but shes tired and isn’t really in the mood. He would never pressure her or anything but she wants to make him happy and feels bad saying no, so she does it and fakes her orgasm just to get it over with. Later, he somehow finds out (or knew all along, you decide) that she faked it and of course his ego is bruised and he’s kinda annoyed, but also feels guilty she didn’t tell him how she felt. So the next night, she starts coming onto him and he makes damn sure she never fakes it again. Then after, she apologizes for faking it and it gets kinda fluffy because hes like “hey, its not good for me if you’re not having as much fun as I am. I have a right hand if i’m that desperate.”
Warnings: smut, 18+, fluff, faking an orgasm, protected sex, rough sex
A/N: Requests open, taglist open, inbox open! Please like, comment, and reblog!
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Sleep was calling your name, digging its claws into you and dragging you into the dark depths of slumber. But there was something stopping it. That thing was Peter. He was wide awake and his sex drive was in full throttle. You weren’t feeling up to it though. The long day at work had taken a toll on you, and the only thing you wanted to do was go to sleep.
You loved Peter, everything about him. You didn’t want to deny him sex, especially when he was being so sweet about it. Your back was to him so he could cuddle you while you slept, but he started to kiss your shoulders and the part of your back that was exposed by your tank top.
“Mmm what is it baby?” you asked groggily.
“I want you,” he replied unashamedly. You could feel Quill shifting his weight behind you. He was peering over your shoulder, trying to look at you. He had missed you all day and you were finally home. What he didn’t know was that you were tired, and not in the mood.
“Oh really?” you mumbled.
“Mhm, I missed you today.” You couldn’t see him but by his sweet tone of voice you could tell that he was sticking his bottom lip out and giving you puppy dog eyes. You smiled and turned around, cupping his face in your hands.
"You know you're adorable right?" you teased.
He smiled, "I know, that's why you can't resist all of this." He wiggled his eyebrows, making you laugh. He was just too cute. You didn't want to tell him no.
When you stopped laughing he leaned in and pressed his lips to yours. The kiss quickly elevated, his hand snaking up your tight shirt and pressing heat against your lower abdomen. While your eyes were closed, sleep called your name once more, but you ignored it.
Peter pulled back for a minute and reached over to the night stand. He grabbed a condom and pulled his boxers down and put it on, tossing the wrapper back onto the table. He switched positions and crawled on top of you. His face drew closer and he kissed you while he pulled down your sweat shorts.
He got the lube too and squirted some on his covered dick and rubbed the leftovers around near your entrance. With dick in hand he guided his length into you, easing it in as to not hurt you. He let out a long sigh when he got to moving. At least he was feeling good, you thought. Peter was making you feel good too, but you were so tired that if it weren't for the movement you would have fallen asleep.
The pleasure wasn't building like it usually did. You wanted to cum, you wanted to show Peter that he was doing a good job. But you weren't feeling it, and you knew you weren't going to cum. You didn't want to hurt Peter's feelings so as he reached his peak speed and his head lolled back you moaned extra loud, "I'm gonna cum!"
"Me too," he groaned back. His hips pounded into you and his balls slapped against you as he came in his condom. You kept on moaning a little, acting like you had actually cum too.
Peter slowed then pulled out. He pressed a kiss to your forehead and went to the bathroom to clean up. He went to take his condom off and realized there was no cum on the outside of it. You said you had cum, but there wasn't anything other than lube on there. Quill didn't want to assume you had faked it, but he didn't want to ask right away either.
He threw the condom away and went back to your bedroom. You were already out cold, and when Peter saw he sighed and crawled into bed, completely dejected. He was embarrassed that he couldn’t make you cum, and a little annoyed that you wouldn’t just tell him. But he let those thoughts drift away so he could fall asleep.
The next morning you woke up early for work again. Peter was still asleep so you didn’t wake him and instead went about your morning routine. Three minutes before you needed to leave you wrote a little note on the refrigerator for him, “I hope you slept well hunny, I’ve already left for work by the time you wake up but I just wanted to say I love you and I’ll see you later <3”
About an hour later Quill rolled out of bed and dragged himself into the kitchen. He wasn’t a morning person by any means. The coffee machine beeped and he pushed himself off of the counter to pour himself a cup. He set his mug down on the counter and went to the refrigerator to get milk and creamer. Your note, which he noticed just then, made him stop mid pull. He shut the refrigerator and took the note off so he could get a better look at it. A tired smile spread on his face.
Then he remembered last night. It was odd that there wasn’t anything on his condom, and you didn’t get up to clean yourself off right after he did. Now that he thought about it, you went straight to sleep. How unusual. He pushed the thought aside and decided he would bring it up later. It wasn’t making him mad, but he was a little wounded that you had faked it, or if you even did fake it.
Lucky for you, work was slow and you got off early. On the way home you picked up lunch for you and Peter. It was in a way an apology for your tiredness last night and faking your orgasm, whether he knew about it or not.
Keys jingling together you unlock the door and step in with takeout in hand. “Quill I’m home!” you shout.
He power walks out of the bedroom and just about tackles you into a bear hug. You giggle and kiss his stubbled cheek. “I missed you,” you say into his ear.
“I missed you moooore,” he replies. “How was work?”
“Better than yesterday, I’ll tell you that. Plus I got off early, so that’s even better. I get to spend more time with you.” You kiss his cheek again and he smiles before setting you back down. The food gets set on the kitchen counter and you pull out the chinese you got. You hand Peter his usual order and take out your own.
There’s only the quiet sound of eating for a few minutes before Peter says something. “Y/N I need to ask you something.”
You look over at him. He rarely calls you by your first name. That means he’s being serious. “What is it?”
He wants to ask about your orgasm but you’re right in the middle of eating and he doesn’t want to interrupt you. He can just ask later, he thinks to himself. He thinks of something else to ask and quickly thinks of, “Can you pass me some soy sauce?”
You quirk an eyebrow at him but hand him a few packs and go back to eating.
Later that night, a few hours later, you were laying in bed doing nothing in particular. Thoughts of last night were filling both your heads. Peter was set on trying to ask you about it, and you were set on trying to make up for it.
The both of you were sitting up in bed and you set your phone down on your bedside table and leaned over. You set a hand on Peter’s bare chest and he instantly stopped what he was doing. His eyes shot to yours, a sly smile on your face. He could tell exactly what it was you wanted.
“Peter,” you whispered against his lips. Your mouth was an inch away from his and your eyes were drifting between his and his lips. He parted his mouth and leaned forward, capturing you before you could make a move. You were trying to take the lead, but he wasn’t letting you.
He overpowered you, flipping you around and putting you on your knees. His bulge was against your ass and he was rubbing circles against it. The intensity he was showing was like nothing before. Whatever it was that was riling him up you needed to find out. It would have to wait until later though, because your panties being dragged down your thighs was the only thing you could think of.
A condom and lube had already been taken out of the drawer, and Peter was putting them on. The room was silent other than the rustling of sheets and your heart hammering in your chest. Then there was the squirting of the lube and you knew it was about to come. The cold goo was smeared on your folds and slightly inside of them by Quill’s rough fingers.
His tip, covered by a condom, was right at your entrance in a second, and in just one more, it was inside you. Your whole body was pushed forward with the force that Peter was thrusting. You were moaning and panting, and he was smiling between his own groans. His goal was to make sure you never had to fake an orgasm again. And with the way things were going you wouldn’t need to.
“Oh- Oh my god!” The way he was slamming into you was so quick and hard the pressure inside of you was building like a balloon being blown up.
His hands were holding you and keeping you from falling over. If they weren’t you would have smacked into the headboard. You couldn’t stay on your hands any longer, you dropped to your elbows, back making a beautiful arch for Quill.
The unbearable speed was tiring Quill out, but it was also making his orgasm come even quicker. He grabbed your shoulders, giving himself even more leverage to thrust with.
Your knees were trembling, jelly below you. But you wouldn’t have to hold that position for much longer. That balloon inside you popped like too much air had been blown into it. Your walls clenched around Peter’s cock, and the cum he was searching for yesterday covered his condom. He kept his pace, legs killing him and pelvis hitting your ass.
He let out a loud groan, and cum leaked and squirted from his tip. He let go of your shoulders, seeing a red handprint there. He pulled out of you, your cum dribbling out when he did. He smiled, satisfied that he had done what he set out to do.
Your lower half ached and you all but collapsed onto your pillows. You flipped over and saw Peter above you, buttcheeks against the heels of his feet and catching his breath. You laughed just a little and he opened his eyes.
“What?” he asked.
“That was something else,” you admitted with a smile.
“Good.” He crawled onto his stomach and laid next to you with his head on his arms. You scooted over closer to him, laying on your back with your hands set on your stomach.
“Y/N,” he sat up, “last night,” he started.
“I already know what you’re going to say. I’m sorry. I should have told you. I was just super tired last night and I didn’t want to deny you.” You looked down at your stomach but Peter turned your face back to his with his thumb.
“It’s okay, really. I’m sorry I didn’t catch that you weren’t in the mood. If you ever don’t want to do stuff just tell me okay? I won’t be upset. Besides, it’s not good for me if you aren’t having as much fun as I am. I have a right hand if I get that desperate.” He waved his right hand and grinned.
You giggled, “I promise I won’t do it again.”
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loousir · 3 years
[Naga] Snake Bites
Naga Male x Bold (& kinda dense) Artist Male Reader
Setting: Mostly a Naga's cave deep into a forest.
Warnings: Soft lime at the end (marking/mate), bad (was the first oneshot in the original book), slight mention of naga attacking reader
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The fall breeze blew gently, tossing some fallen leaves around some worn shoes. The man who wore said shoes brushed away the strands of hair that had fallen into his face. He stared out into the woods, eyes following a gorgeous path until it disappeared.
"Hope you don't plan on goin' out there, " An older resident said. They were at the edge of a small cabin town. Some houses we're newer than others but that didn't seem to bother anyone. The houses were decently spaced and it was pretty active for being where most elders come to retire.
The man shrugged at the other's comment and adjusted the large hiking bag on his shoulders. "You shouldn't. Most don't make it back." The other male rolled his eyes and looked back to the elder. "I'm well aware of what lurks out there." He turned away from the other and set out on the path.
The path almost instantly secluded anyone who walked it from the chaotic world around it. He examined the terrain and all it had to offer, collecting some things along the way. His side bag was full of odd rocks and a book that had some pressed foliage, now had ones he hadn't collected before.
The walk was peaceful. Birds chirping as the wind rustled the leaves. The path was mostly covered but the leaves caused rays of light to shine through, giving him inspiration. He eventually found a spot to rest and decided to paint the path he was walking. Once his bag was set down, he pulled out a roll of canvas and laid it as flat as he could.
There were some paints and brushes in a holder in the middle of the roll and he smiled softly as he picked them up. He opened the bag and pulled out what he thought he needed as well as a small jar that held water to clean the brushes.
Close to 30 minutes had passed when he got a slight chill down his spine. He paused his painting and looked around. His eyes only saw the woods so he somewhat hesitantly went back to painting. After another 40-ish minutes passed, he finished his first of few paintings.
Luckily, the breeze dried his paints quicker than he had anticipated. He very carefully added a few layers of a sealant he had and let it dry. The same chill from earlier came around again but it was a bit more intense. He looked around as he finished cleaning and putting things away, noticing something in the distance.
Whatever he was looking at disappeared and he sighed as the now dry canvas was gently rolled and placed back onto the bag. He stood up, stretched, and continued his mostly peaceful walk, forgetting what he had seen earlier.
Some hours had passed, his periodic breaks allowing him to gain inspiration for future paintings. It was just after noon when he decided to make his own path. He pulled out a book and wrote directions so he could find his way back. In the process of creating his own path, he stumbled upon one of the most stunning places he'd ever seen.
It was a small, oasis-like area that had a magical feel to it. He stopped what he was doing and found the perfect spot to paint the scene in front of him.
While he painted, some birds had visited him and even a small snake had managed to befriend him and his paints. The snake had coiled gently around his wrist while he worked which made him smile.
The man had sat and painted the space for another 2 hours, finishing at around 2 o'clock. His (e/c) eyes looked up to the sky and he sighed, sealing his now finished work before packing everything away.
The snake was still on his wrist, not even bothering to leave so he just dealt with it. He continued on his own path for another hour. It was still fairly bright when he found himself at the entrance of a cave.
The small snake uncoiled itself and slid into a pocket on his cloak. The cave went deeper but he was cool with not going into it since he was going to leave soon anyway.
He stayed at the entrance and found a nice area to sit and relax, maybe get another painting done of what the cave looked like. It was gorgeous after all, nature framed the entrance perfectly, leaving some vines to hang down, moss covers rocks and small fungi scattered every so often.
He decided on just relaxing as he set his stuff down and leaned against a wall.
Soon enough, he had dozed off into his dreamland.
I ssswear I'll kill that woman...
Ssshe won't leave me alone...
The large, gorgeous albino Naga slithered through the leaves, carefully making his way to his home. He had noticed some newer prints, clearly from something with two legs, but he didn't pay too much mind to them.
He reached the cave and sighed as he entered. Bright blue eyes scanned the area and his heart sank to his stomach when he saw a (tall/short/avg) man with (h/l) (h/c) hair leaning against the wall.
Pleassse dear godsss tell me he iss alive...
He quickly made his way to the motionless body, not noticing said body's items not too far away.
If ssshe killed another human to try to pleasse me... I ssswear...
As he was lost in thought, the other stirred thanks to his intense staring and slightly heavy breathing. The human yawned and stretched his back slightly as he looked up to the Naga with a slightly annoyed expression.
"Is there something you need?"
The Naga jumped slightly and stared down at him with shock but also joy, happy he wasn't dead.
"I apologize... I wasss afraid you had passsed..."
The Naga paused for a moment while the other rubbed the sleep out of his eyes.
"Wait... You aren't... Afraid of me?"
The (h/c) shook his head and looked up to him again. "If you don't mind, I would like to take my leave." He said placing his hands on the ground in preparation to stand. The Naga stood speechless, staring at the smaller human sitting in front of him.
"Can you move please?"
With a nod and small apology, the Naga moved away from the male who carefully stood and stretched his limbs.
The white and yellow snake watched as the other took out a small pocket watch, that the small snake from earlier was now holding on to, and checked the time. "When the hell did I get so late..." The man mumbled to himself. The time read 8:11 and judging by the lack of light it was night time. He slipped the watch and snake back onto his pocket.
"Well, I better get going." He said grabbing his bag and putting over his shoulder. The Naga still stood, watching as the male walked to the mouth of the cave.
He looked back to see that the other had slithered closer and held a worried look on his face. "P-please don't leave! Y-you can't!"
"Oh yeah, and whys that?"
"I would rather not find sssuch a beautiful man ssslaughtered on my cave-step in the morning..."
Said beautiful man turned to look at him, slightly shocked at the statement.
"Pleassse just ssstay with me till the morning and I'll essscort you back to the village..." He looked frantic and genuinely seemed like he cared.
With a sigh, the other looked to the pleading blue eyes and said, "I don't bunk with strangers. I'll be fine." He turned and walked out of the cave, leaving the Naga shocked and frozen.
"Wait! I'm ssserious! Pleassse!" He followed after the human and froze once again when he saw him pinned by the she-devil herself. His bag had been tossed to the side, most of the contents falling out. She had him wrapped in her tail and smiled as he struggled to get free.
His shy demeanor had dissipated rather quickly. The small snake had gotten out of the other's pocket and hid in the nearly empty bag.
He suddenly lunged towards the woman he hated so much. She clearly hadn't noticed him before then and threw the human off to the side, his body slamming into a tree. The two of them fought as the one tossed aside slowly passed out, struggling to stay awake.
Soft hands gently rubbed his back as he awoke again. His (e/c) eyes looked around the best the could but they didn't see much other than a wall. His whole body was sore but those hands were working wonders. The room was warm and whatever he was laying on was extremely comfortable. He closed his eyes and let out a pleased groan.
The hands froze and pulled away quickly, making him turn his head the other way. A set of bright blue eyes were staring with surprise that the male was awake. "H-hello there..." The human smirked and slowly blinked, "Hey sexy, why'd ya stop?"
The blonde blushed and looked away. "I dessspissse that remedy ssso much..." He mumbled as his hands carefully went back to massaging. "Mmm... I'm soooo tired... Will you cuddle with me?"
"No... Just go back to sssleep human..."
"Mm... Oh-kay."
A soft warm light lit the room, if you could really call it a room. A rather noisy yawn resonated from a still fairly sore male. He carefully stretched and sat up, almost instantly laying back down.
"Fuuck me..."
His hand fell from what he now knows as a large hammock. Soft locks brushed against his fingers and without thinking he gently combed them, enjoying the soft and cool feeling on his slightly rough hands. The owner of said locks leaned into the hand, clearly not realizing whose hand it was.
The two enjoyed each other for a moment before the blonde realized the situation. He pulled away and sat up, looking at the still sleepy human in his bed. "Are you feeling better? Do you need anything?" He asked leaning in slightly.
"Something to drink, and maybe a name?" The Naga nodded and got a cup of water first. He sat up in the hammock carefully and crossed his legs slightly. Looking around, the room was neat yet cluttered with various items. He spot his stuff and cautiously, yet somewhat reluctantly, left the hammock to inspect them.
He sat on the large plush rug and rummaged through his own things, glad to see that everything he had was still there. Other than his canvas. He panicked slightly and looked around, immediately regretting the sudden movement.
Laying back, he closed his eyes and sighed. Mr. Naga came back and looked at the other on the ground. He hovered over him slightly till he opened his eyes. "Here, it'sss fresh ssspring water."
"Thank you." He said carefully sitting up and drinking what he was given.
"My name is Sssyerca." The other nodded. "(Y/n). Do you happen to know where my canvas is at Sssyerca?" He asked mimicking the way the other said it. Syerca blushed and nodded, moving over to a small table to grab it. (Y/n) stood up carefully from the floor and followed him to said table.
There was a large couch, clearly made for the naga, that (Y/n) sat on. Syerca sat next to him, and (Y/n) leaned on him, closing his eyes as he took in the snakes, surprising, warmth. Said snake blushed and looked down to the (h/c). He gently took the cup from (Y/n)'s hand and set it on the table.
"I hope you don't mind that I may have looked at your paintingsss..." (Y/n) shrugged and looked up to Syerca, one eye pressed against his side. "Are they ok? Physically?"
"Ah, yesss! They're fine. And quite beautiful if I might sssay..." Syerca said with a soft tone. (Y/n) smiled and looked down to the rolled canvas. He stood up and Syerca watched as he stood on the opposite side of the table. "Lie on the couch and get comfortable. Let me grab something real quick." He said walking over to his bag and rummaging around for a moment.
Syerca hesitantly did as the painter asked and made himself comfortable on the couch. (Y/n) found all of the supplies he needed and set them on the floor next to the table before sitting on his knees. "May I make a request?" He asked looking up to Syerca. The Naga nodded as he watched (Y/n) unroll the canvas. "Look cute and don't move till I say you can." Syerca blushed and adjusted slightly so that he was looking at the other.
(Y/n) started to put blobs of color onto the canvas. Syerca watched as the soft yellows and whites turned into his tail, then tans to his chest, and so on till it had gotten to his head, his face still not painted.
It had been close to 2 hours by that point but neither had seemed to notice the time go by due to being entranced by the painting. "Syerca. Could you look at me? Don't look at the painting." (Y/n) said, starting at the other's eyes. He blushed softly and looked into (Y/n)'s (e/c) eyes.
Syerca took this opportunity to examine the human closely. His (e/c) eyes we're soft yet focused, while his (h/style) (h/c) hair moved slightly with his gentle head movements. He blushed and bit his lip slightly as he looked at his lips. They were a soft pink color and we're parted slightly as he worked, the occasional blep happening due to his focus.
Many minutes had passed before (Y/n) looked up and said. "Alright. You can move again." Syerca snapped out of his trance and looked down to the canvas. (Y/n) cleaned up as Syerca turned the canvas to look at properly. His eyes shined as he looked at it closer. "The amount of detail iss amazing..." (Y/n) looked up and smiled. "You can have it if you want it. I'll put it on a frame and sign it if you do." He said with a small laugh.
Syerca looked up as his eyes widened slightly. "Really? That would be lovely..." (Y/n) nodded and said, "I'll have to head back to my home though. If you'd be willing to come with me I could do it today." He went to get his pocket watch to check the time when he heard Syerca get off the couch. (Y/n) though nothing of it but tensed when he was hugged from behind.
He turned his head slightly to look at Syerca who buried his face into the crook of (Y/n)'s neck. "Uh... What are you doing that for?" The other stayed silent for a moment before responding. "I know thisss is extremely sssudden... But... Would you be willing to become my mate?"
"... What would be in it for me?" (Y/n) asked looking to Syerca who pulled away. "Protection from any other Naga, free-range of my territory... It will finally let me rid thisss world of that vile woman that attacked you..." He said mumbling the last part. His eyes looked to (Y/n)'s (e/c) eyes and the other said,
"So you wanna be my boyfriend?"
Syerca was quiet before he broke out in laughter, his eyes closing as he did. "Yesss... I-if that'sss what humansss call... Call matesss." (Y/n) looked up and shrugged. "Ok. I'm single anyway." Syerca smiled and hugged him, gently pressing their foreheads together. "Would it be ok for me to mark you?" He asked quietly, looking into (Y/n)'s eyes.
"I-I don't know what that entails but um... Sure..." (Y/n) gently wrapped his arms around Syerca's bare torso. He gently rubbed the others back. It was smooth but the occasional line like bump came up, telling there was a scar there. Syerca leaned down to (Y/n)'s neck and placed soft kisses under his jaw. (Y/n) gasped and shivered, slightly tightening his grip on the male, not expecting what he did.
Syerca continued to kiss before mumbling, "Sssorry... But thisss might hurt..." (Y/n) was about to speak up but Syerca bit down on his neck, his canines sinking in. (Y/n) gasped and let out a small moan of pain as he hugged him. Syerca pulled away slightly and licked the spot where he bit. It left a tingling sensation behind and (Y/n) felt a bit weak after.
"Are you ok..? The mark will tell that your claimed... My ssscent will remain and only be picked up by other naga..." He gently brushed (Y/n)'s hair back. "I wish you told me that's what you were going to do..." Syerca looked away and sighed, "I didn't think you would allow me if I told you."
(Y/n) looked up to him and moved his hands from the others back to his cheeks. He gently rubbed them with his thumbs. Syerca smiled and (Y/n) smiled too. His thumbs gently rubbed over Syerca's lips, they were thin but still nice. Syerca smiled more and stuck his tongue out, showing it's slit. "I don't know what's in that... Saliva of yours but it made me feel pretty good."
Syerca moved (Y/n)'s hands from his face and interlocked their fingers. "Also what's with you and making me feel good?" He asked, resting his face on Syercas chest. "I apologize... But... Thank you for letting me... M-mark you." (Y/n) pulled away and looked up to the others eyes. "Let's get to know each other before we call it official though." Syerca nodded and rested his forehead against (Y/n)'s.
"I'll take you back to your village a little later. For now, let'sss get to know each other... Like you sssuggested..."
Definitely not my fav but hey
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Hi can I request a peter parker x barnes-Rogers reader (steve and Bucky's daughter) and me and Peter find out I'm pregnant with Peter's baby and we try to keep it a secret but everyone is suspicious of us cause I've been really poorly lately and Peter is being overprotective and one day Peter accidentally says "don't do that it could hurt the baby" or "and everyone freaks out and me, Peter and my dads have a long talk but everything is fine thanks xx
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Pairing: Peter Parker x Barnes-Rogers! Reader
Requested?: Yes!
Word count: Almost 7k
Warnings: Pregnancy, some angst but thats it I think?
Author's Note: Yessssss this was so fun to write! Very excited to be back to posting on this page again. Thank you so much for the request! Hope to start adding in more content soon, so if yall have any requests feel free to send them in! And if you have requests sent in already, know that I love you and I will be getting to clearing out my inbox here pretty soon 🥰
Taglist: @just-that-bi-girl , @winterfrostsarmy
In retrospect, the entire team should have realized what was going on with you a lot sooner. To their credit, most of them had noticed that something was different about you, but other than Nat and Wanda none of them had a guess as to what exactly that was. 
The men appeared completely clueless in respect to the cause of the recent changes in you. Even Clint, a married father of three, hadn't caught on even after he'd seen you leaving the bathroom having clearly just thrown up. Tony had been the closest to figuring it out of the all men, having noticed your odd mood swings and crying fits as they became more and more frequent. He noted the same behavioral pattern as he'd found himself stuck in after the Battle of New York, and secretly worried for your mental well-being. He hadn't felt comfortable enough to broach the topic with you just yet though, instead opting to watch you from a distance for the time being. 
The women, however, seemed to understand almost instantly what was going on. Nat had figured things out once she realized that you had been skipping training lately and noticed that you and Peter barely appeared to leave one another's sides for even a moment. Wanda based her guess almost solely upon the fact that she could just feel that something was different about you; your entire energy had changed in the last few weeks and she noted it even before Peter had. Both women had their suspicions, but had seemingly agreed to keep their thoughts to themselves until you were ready to tell the team what was going on. 
Your dads were a different story altogether. 
It took Steve and Bucky much longer to notice something had changed with their daughter, Steve longest of all. Either you'd done a great job of avoiding your Pops or he'd been incredibly unobservant (or more likely both), but he hadn't seen anything that he would've considered out of the ordinary for you. 
That is, until today. 
Steve was on his feet in an instant, sprinting into the kitchen at the sound of your enraged scream. He skidded to a stop and surveyed the room with a trained look for the source of danger, but found none. In fact, you and Sam were the only two in the space as far as he could tell. Sam's back was pressed snugly against the furthermore countertop as you practically cornered him, the older man clearly caught off guard by your sudden burst of rage. You flung your hands around wildly as you yelled, one gripping a box so tightly that your knuckles were beginning to turn a concerning shade of white.
Completely bewildered, Steve watched in stunned silence for moment as you fumed and screamed expletives at the slightly-terrified looking Sam, without any clear indication as to what had happened. 
"Y/N Barnes-Rodgers!" Steve scolded you finally, momentarily stopping your verbal assault. "What in God's name is going on here?" 
Your eyes turned to your Pops' briefly before flickering back to glare in Sam's direction. 
"Pigeon-brain ate the last of my oreos," you seethed, walking forward and jabbing an accusatory finger to Sam's chest, his hands instantly flying upwards in surrender.
 Steve felt his jaw drop in utter disbelief.
“What’s with all the commotion in here?” Bucky interrupted, striding into the kitchen much as Steve had moments ago and joining his husband's side with a confused look on his face. Steve crossed his arms and frowned at their daughter. 
“Apparently our daughter is screaming at Sam because he ate her cookies.” your Pops explained tersely.
“Not cookies, oreos,” you muttered, glare never wavering from Sam. You furiously threw the offending empty package roughly at his still bewildered face in lieu of another expletive. Sam was evidently so bewildered, in fact, that he didn't even flinch as the box hit his head and bounced pathetically to the floor. 
Bucky raised his eyebrow. 
“And that’s why you’ve been screaming like that?” he confirmed. You nodded, arms crossing your chest stubbornly. 
Bucky shrugged, looking towards his husband with a look of indifference. “Makes sense.”
“No, it absolutely does not make sense,” Steve lightly scolded, glancing at Bucky with a pointed look before returning his gaze to you. “Y/N you’re completely overreacting. Apologise to Sam right now.”
Your mouth dropped open, and you gaped at your dads with an expression that was equal parts betrayal and rage. 
“No?” Steve repeated incredulously. He stared at you with disbelief, looking between you and Bucky like he was hoping he’d somehow misheard you. You met his glance with an equally stubborn look as you planted your feet solidly beneath you and tightened the cross of your arms. “What do you mean, no?”
“You heard me,” you spat, unwavering. 
Sam merely looked confused as he watched the two of you argue, if albeit still a bit scared, but Bucky was sure his shock was evident on his face. You never back-sassed your Pops, not even when you were really angry, and Bucky only felt his disbelief grow at the prospect that your attitude was all due to a few cookies. 
"Y/N, you don't get to tell me no," Steve ground out carefully, voice stern with a rare sort of parental authority he seldom had to use with you. In fact, Bucky was pretty sure he hadn't actually heard him use this particular tone since way back when you were a toddler testing the limits of your dads' patience. But unlike your three-year-old self, you didn't back down at your Pops' disapproving tone; in fact, you met his intense stare with a flippant roll of your eyes, deepening your dad's shock at your abrupt behavioral shift. 
"He fucking knows what he did, everyone knows those oreos are mine," you snapped, eyes alight with a kind of fury the likes of which your dads had never seen from you before. 
"Language!" Steve gasped at his daughter, his authoritative tone giving way to a spluttering one of complete disbelief. 
"FUCK OFF!" you shouted instantly. 
Bucky had officially had enough. Irritation blossomed deep within his chest at the hurt he saw wash through his husband's eyes at your vulgar screech. Teenaged angst was one thing, but it was entirely another to blatantly disrespect Steve like you were. He still didn't know what was really causing you to act like this--because no way in hell could this be all over some oreos-- but he'd definitely passed the point where he even cared. 
"Doll, that’s enough. Clearly you're upset, but you cannot speak to your Pops like that," he practically growled. You turned your attention to your dad with the same kind of indignant irritation in your eyes, a flash of fresh anger rolling across your face at the sight of Bucky's equally irate expression. 
"You can fuck off too," you spat.
 Bucky's jaw clenched dangerously, the muscle in his cheek jumping and twitching as he took in his daughter's crass retort. Sam had long since left the scene, the nearly suffocating tension officially too much for him to take. Steve's eyes went wide for what felt like the millionth time since he'd first walked into the kitchen. If he hadn't known something was wrong before, he undoubtedly did now. 
You may not disobey him often, but you never snapped at Bucky. 
Steve had long since accepted that, though you loved the two of them the same, you'd always liked Bucky more. A daddy's girl from birth, you and Bucky had always been inseparable-- so for you to now scream and curse at him like this was like a flaming-red flag in Steve's mind. 
Something was definitely wrong. 
"Excuse me?" Bucky hissed. The two of you faced one another, arms crossed and expressions grim. You planted your feet even more solidly underneath you, staring your dad down with a fury so intense it was almost palpable. If it weren't for the overall tension of the situation, Steve might've teased the two of you for your near-mirrored positions. 
"Y/N? What's going on, I thought I heard yelling?" Peter asked as he practically skidded into the kitchen. He immediately joined you, face morphing into a look of utter concern at the sight of yours and Bucky's standoff. Steve braced himself, mentally apologizing to Peter for the verbal assault that was surely coming his way. 
But it never came. 
It was as if all the unwarranted anger was sucked from your body in a rush as soon as you caught sight of your boyfriend. Your face crumpled into an anguished expression, and Steve could see how the tears welled up in your eyes instantaneously. Peter clicked his tongue in pity and you thrust yourself instantly into his awaiting arms. He gripped you tightly, and you eagerly buried yourself further into his embrace. Face smashed tightly against his chest, you began to sob uncontrollably.
Your dads gaped at the scene, wide-eyed. 
"S-sam ate my oreos a-and now everyone's mad at me, and I j-just wanted my snack!" you all but wailed, voice muffled by Peter's body. 
Bucky blinked once as he turned to his husband, total confusion written all over his features. Steve just gaped in response, unable to formulate a semi-coherent thought, let alone words. 
"Oh angel, it's okay," Peter cooed softly into your hair, hands rubbing up and down your back soothingly as you continued to cry. "I can go and get you more oreos; don't cry Y/N/N, I'll just run down to the store right now to get you some."
Lifting your head from his chest, you seemed slightly placated and hopeful as you sniffled and looked up at him. 
"C-can I come with you?" you asked him shyly, tear-stained cheeks turning a slight shade of pink at your childish request. Peter smiled fondly down at you, clearly happy to see that you were feeling better. 
"Of course, it'll be nice to walk with you," he smiled sweetly at you and lightly kissed your nose. You giggled as you removed yourself from his embrace before walking over to your dads. 
"M'sorry I shouted daddys. Love you guys!" you apologized in a chipper voice before kissing both of the men's bewildered cheeks. 
The two supersoldiers both stood in stunned silence as they watched you leave hand in hand with Peter, who briefly shot them an apologetic look before the pair were gone. Steve thought he heard Peter mumbling something to Y/N as they left, but the only words he could pick out were "not good to get so worked up", which only confused him further. 
"What in the hell was that?" Bucky grumbled, face still crinkled with bewilderment. Steve simply shook his head. 
"I have absolutely no idea. I've never seen her behave like that, have you?"
"Nothing like that, but she was acting funny the other day too," he frowned, recalling the scene he'd walked in on just a few days prior. "She was full out sobbing on the couch a few days ago over a toilet paper commercial."
Steve gaped at his husband. 
"Doll have you seen your Pops? I can't find him any-"
Bucky's question died in his throat as soon as he hit the threshold of the TV room. You were curled up on the couch, arms wrapped around your knees as sobs racked through you. Peter sat next to you with his eyes crinkled in concern and hands rubbing gently at your shoulders as you cried. 
"Y/N what's wrong, why are you crying?" Bucky asked. Feeling his protective instincts kick in instantly,  he couldn't help but search the room with his eyes in search of any danger. Finding nothing, he narrowed his eyes at your boyfriend.
"Did he do something?" Bucky demanded. "Parker I swear to God if you hurt her I-" 
"What? N-no I didn't do anything Mr. Bucky I swear!" Peter spluttered, eyes widening in fear at the terrifying look in your dad's eyes. 
"Bullshit, then why's she crying like that? Of course you did someth-"
"N-no it's not P-peter dad!" you interrupted tearfully. "There was an ad on TV that just made me emotional okay? You know, the one with the boy crying in the bathroom and his dad offers him toilet paper for his tears?"
There was a beat of silence. 
"Doll, you really mean to tell me that you're sobbing over a toilet paper ad?" Bucky asked, brows furrowed in disbelief. You sniffled as you nodded, and fresh tears began to pick your eyes once more. 
"Yes! I mean it's just so inspiring," you blubbered. "I mean how often do you actually get to see a teenaged boy cry on TV? Never, cause toxic masculinity standards in this stupid patriarchal society we all live in say otherwise! And not only does the dad accept that his son is crying and is allowed to feel real emotions, he sits down to talk with him about them! I just got so happy thinking about all the little boys who will see this ad and feel the validation that they're normal for feeling sad every once in a while!"
Bucky just stared at his daughter with a blank look for a moment; he looked like he was unable to formulate a single response to the information he'd just been given. 
"Well that's...uh….that's great I gue-"
"I can't believe you would just assume that me crying just had to be because of something Peter did," you interrupted, angrily brushing the leftover tears from your face. "It's so unfair, you always blame him for everything!"
"I-uh," Bucky stammered, flustered by the sudden change in your emotions. You scoffed and stood quickly from your spot in Peter's embrace, crossing your arms petulantly. 
"It's true dad, you're always looking for something to yell at him for! It's so biased and unfair," you practically yelled. "Honestly it's such prejudiced bullshit. Some kind of outdated 'lock up your daughters' rhetoric that I can't believe yo…"
At some point during your impassioned speech you began stomping away from both your dad and Peter while still ranting. As your shouts became fainter and fainter Bucky found himself directing his dumbfounded expression at Peter instead. In a rare show of solidarity with your boyfriend, Bucky silently begged for an explanation as to what on earth had just happened. 
Despite the way his heart was hammering wildly in his chest Peter remained silent. He offered only a passive shrug to your dad before he clambered to his feet and began following after you. If Bucky hadn't been caught so off guard he surely would've been suspicious at the visible sweat that was beading on Peter's forehead and the way the young boy's hands trembled as he quickly left the room, the question of what was causing your mood swings laying thickly unanswered in the air. 
"What the fu-"
"She...a toilet paper ad? Really?"
"Yep, a friggin' toilet paper commercial," Bucky nodded solemnly. Steve blinked once, shaking his head. 
"So what did you do?" he asked incredulously. 
"Nothin'," Bucky shrugged. "She was so damned worked up that I figured she needed some space, and by the time I went to talk to her she'd already seemed completely fine. Thought it wasn't worth upsetting her all over again."
Steve snorted. 
"Yeah right, you were just too scared you would make her mad again," he chuckled. 
"Hell yeah I was," Bucky admitted freely, crossing his arms and shooting his husband a defiant expression. "You've seen her, you know how terrifying she can be when she's pissed!"
Steve chuckled once more, shaking his head fondly. 
"Mmmm, and I wonder where she got that from."
Bucky narrowed his eyes and scowled at the implication, a surly look overtaking his features. Steve couldn't help but laugh outright at the expression on his husband's face; it was the exact same face you always made when you were annoyed, right down to the little pout in your lip. 
"For the last time Stevie, she doesn't get that from me," he grumbled. 
"Sure Buck, whatever you say," Steve laughed. 
Though your odd behavior and mood swings were at least now on both your dads' radar, neither had any clue as to the actual reason for your sudden changes. The pair of them chalked up the incidents to little more than teenaged angst, however they had no idea how wrong they were nor just how soon they were about to find out what was really going on. 
"I don't understand Y/N," Steve stated carefully. "Why exactly don't you want to go with the team?"
You shifted your weight from foot to foot anxiously, huffing out a breath in mock annoyance and very real frustration. 
You'd been in the training room, lightly working out with Nat and Wanda when your Pops and Tony had walked in to announce that there was an urgent mission that apparently would require the entire team. Internally cursing your timing, you'd tried to sneak out of the room unnoticed, but as your luck would have it, your dad caught you. Now you were stuck arguing with your dads, the attention and curiosity of everyone in the gym directed at you. 
Your heart was thrumming wildly in your chest as you furiously racked your brain for some way, any way, out of this assignment and this conversation without an actual reason. 
Well, a reason you were actually willing to give, that is.
"Why does it even matter?" you snapped, hoping that no one clocked the tremor in your voice. "It's not like you guys even need me anyways."
"Doll, you always jump at the chance to come with us," your dad interjected. "So what's so different about today?"
"I just don't want to," you whined, lying through your teeth. "I'm tired and I don't feel good."
"But you were literally just training?" Sam pointed out. You narrowed your eyes at him, irritation bubbling under the surface of your anxiety at the contradiction. The older man shrank back a bit under your firey gaze, the previous incident in the kitchen clearly prominent in his mind as he stepped behind Wanda. 
Clint snorted. 
"If you could even call that training," he mumbled under his breath. Your jaw dropped. 
"What is this, gang up on Y/N day?!" you sassed as your arms flew to cross your chest defensively. Your Pops shook his head. 
"We're just worried Y/N/N," he reassured, brows furrowed with concern. "You've been behaving very strangely lately, and this is just one more thing."
"Yeah doll," Bucky nodded, agreeing with his husband. "So what gives?"
Your pulse sped up once more at the direct question, a sickening feeling rising in your throat like bile at the realization of just how suspicious your dads were. Unable to think clearly through your panic, you did the only thing you could think of. 
You scoffed in fake disbelief, rolled your eyes, and began stomping out of the room. 
"Y/N Barnes-Rodgers!" your dad shouted in an indignant and angered tone. "We are not done talking about this!" 
"What?!" you whirled around, stomping your foot like a child. "I just don't want to go this time okay?"
Bucky's face turned red at your open defiance, but Steve interrupted before he could even open his mouth to snap back at you. 
"No Y/N it's absolutely not okay," he scolded. You felt the burn of unshed tears prick your eyes as they searched desperately around the room, mind racing to think of an excuse that would get you out of this situation. 
"No, no buts Y/N," your dad barked, clearly having composed himself enough to speak once more. His arms were crossed as he glared at you, and the stubbornly annoyed look on his face was enough to make the tears in your eyes begin to fall. A feeling of utter entrapment and fear settled in your chest like a suffocating weight as you felt the hot, fresh tears stream down your cheeks. 
"Doll, are you crying?" your Pops questioned incredulously. "What on earth is going on with you?"
"Nothing! I just can't go today," you blubbered, past the point of being able to hold back your sobs. 
"You can't go, or you won't go?" Bucky asked pointedly, evidently not swayed by your tears. 
"It doesn't matter," you cried desperately. Your dad's eyes bored into yours directly as if he was searching your brain to find out what you were holding back from him. 
"It clearly does matter, otherwise you wouldn't be acting like this," he continued harshly. "I'm not sure what it is you aren't telling us, but I don't even care at this point. Stark said he needs everyone and your Pops told you to go, so you need to get yourself together and go and get ready."
The tears were now cascading down your face in giant streams and your face was growing warmer by the second. You darted your gaze back and forth between the other team members' faces, still searching for some kind of last minute way out of this situation. Finding only curious or concerned expressions, you turned back to your dads with wide eyes. You felt your mouth go dry as your lips open and closed wordlessly, the severity of your current predicament weighing you down more and more by the second. 
"No. I don't want to hear another word from you Y/N," your dad snapped. "Go and get ready for the mission now."
"But she can't go!"
Time stopped for a split second as the entire room's heads snapped towards the desperate shout.
Peter had only just entered the training room, wondering where everyone was, when he caught the tail end of your dad's order. He couldn't help but blurt the first thing that'd come to mind, the implication of which only dawned on him afterwards. As he rushed to your side he shot you a sheepish look, and you internally cringed a bit at his slip. 
Even though you were certain Peter's involvement would only further reduce your already slim chances of getting out of this mission without a full confession of what was really going on, you couldn't help but feel an inkling of relief as his eyes locked with yours. His hand immediately intertwined itself with yours once he'd reached you, and your belly fluttered with a warm tinge of comfort with the simple touch.
True, things were probably about to go sideways for the both of you, but at least Peter was here to go through it by your side. 
"Excuse me Parker?" your dad spat incredulously, eyes blazing with anger at your boyfriend's outburst. "I don't recall asking you for your opinion on my daughter or what she can or can't do."
Peter stood a little taller as he looked Bucky straight in the eyes with an unprecedented amount of determination. 
"She can't go." he practically growled, eyes stern and unyielding as he openly defied your dad. He was standing a half-step in front of you, tense back partially shielding you from the rest of the team as he spoke.
 Even with his face turned the opposite direction you could see from his profile the way his brows were furrowed and how dark his normally chocolate brown eyes had gotten. You felt a slight shiver run up your spine at the fiercely protective energy Peter was radiating, and your heart felt a bit lighter at the way he stood up to your dad on your behalf. You squeezed his hand in an effort to ground him, and he softened marginally as he glanced back at you.
Your dad however looked as if he might combust soon based on the way his eyes bulged out and his face turned a concerning shade of red. 
"What's that supposed to mean Peter?" Steve interjected carefully, his hand reaching up to rest comfortingly on his husband's shoulder. 
"It means exactly what we said," Peter said firmly. "Y/N cannot go on this mission today."
The team watched the interaction between you, Peter, and your dads with their heads bouncing back and forth between the four of you like they were watching a tennis match. Not a word had been uttered from a single one of them, and yet they stood completely transfixed as they waited patiently to see the outcome of the argument. 
"And why, pray tell, is that Parker?" your dad hissed, scowl etched across his features. 
Peter's eyes traveled to yours, irises swimming with a silent question. Realizing that there was no way out, you took a steadying breath as you nodded softly and squeezed his hand once more in reassurance. Peter smiled at you fondly before dropping his smile and turning back to your parents. 
"She can't go because...it could be bad for the baby."
You could've heard a pin drop in the training room. No one made a sound, no one even dared to breathe. The shock in the room was palpable, but you couldn't be bothered to even glance at anyone other than your dads, their reactions the only two that mattered to you in this moment. 
Though you'd expected a rather explosive reaction from your parents (especially from your dad), you were met instead with blank stares. Your dads were simply staring at you and Peter in stunned silence, and their lack of a response actually frightened you more than the screaming you'd been anticipating for weeks now. The beat of silence seemed to stretch on eternally, though in reality it was probably no more than thirty seconds. You watched nervously, your hand becoming sweaty in Peter's as you waited. Finally, your Pops blinked and opened his mouth cautiously. 
"Bad for the wha-"
Ahhh. There it was. 
Your dad had clearly broken through his frozen thoughts enough to respond, and you would've laughed if you weren't so terrified. He looked positively furious; his eyes were darker than you'd ever seen them and his face had darkened from red to an almost purple color that looked painful to say the least. His murderous gaze was hyper-fixated on Peter, and you couldn't help but step in front of your poor boyfriend in an effort to take some of the heat off him. 
Peter, evidently, was having none of that, and he frowned before pulling you backwards and tucking you into his side tightly. If you hadn't been so focused on your dad right now you might've rolled your eyes at his over-protectiveness. Instead you allowed yourself the comfort of his embrace as you took a steadying breath. 
"It's not," you responded as calmly as you could manage while your heart felt like it was going to beat out of your throat. "I'm pregnant."
Silence enveloped the room once more, and you could've sworn it was even more awkward than the first time. It must've been, because you could see Nat and Wanda ushering the rest of the team out of the gym out of the corner of your eye. You weren't quite sure if you were grateful for the privacy or more scared of how your dads would react now that you were alone.
Your dads stared at you and Peter with wildly different expressions. Steve was staring off into space and looking as if he was either going to throw up or pass out soon, and Bucky still looked as if he was about a half a second away from murdering Peter with his bare hands. To his credit, Peter was still standing by your side with the same look of determination as before despite this, but you could feel the way his pulse was hammering through his veins as he too carefully surveyed your dads' reactions.
You stood quietly, trying to be patient as you watched them, but the suspense and anticipation quickly became overwhelming and you couldn't help but blurt,
"Say something!"
Though both their gazes snapped up to your face with your plea, yet neither your dad nor you Pops said anything. You were suddenly overcome with the urge to explain yourself. 
"I know that you're probably in shock or angry or maybe both- and honestly that's completely fair!" You rambled breathlessly. "I know we're still only eighteen, but I really think everything's gonna be okay? Really, I do. And I'm so sorry about today, believe me this isn't how we planned on telling you at all bu-"
"You're not coming on the mission," Steve interrupted, his voice completely devoid of emotion. "Nor is Peter. Your dad and I will be back later, and we're all going to have a long discussion."
It felt like all the air was sucked out of your body as you watched your Pops pull your dad towards the training room exit. You hadn't been fully sure of just how you were going to tell them, but never in your wildest dreams did you imagine that it would come out like this. Tears once more welling up in your eyes, your heart sank as you realized just how disappointed and angry they were. 
"I love you," your voice cracked as you called to their retreating forms, unable to bear the sight of them leaving without reminding them. They both paused in the doorway, and without turning back both muttered that they loved you too before they were gone. 
As soon as they left you immediately twisted yourself and thrust your face into Peter's chest, the tears flowing steadily as you sobbed. He wrapped his arms tightly around your shaking form, lips finding the crown of your head and hands rubbing soothingly across your back. 
"Th-they hate me now," you whispered brokenly into Peter's soft hoodie in between sobs. "They hate me Pete, they're n-never going to forgive me for this!"
Peter shushed you quietly, gentle lips kissing your hair as he began to sway you back and forth slowly. 
"They don't hate you angel," he soothed. "They're just surprised. Disappointed in the timing maybe, but they'll get over it. I promise."
"I never wanted it to go like this," you cried as you pulled your head from his chest slightly. Peter's hands left your back for a moment to come and rest on either of your cheeks. He leaned down to press a soft kiss to your forehead before retreating upwards to look deep into your eyes. 
"I know you didn't sweet girl, but it did," he said gently as he brushed away some of your tears with the pads of his thumbs. "It did and it's going to be okay. We'll talk to your dads when they get back and clear everything up. And no matter what, you and I are going to get through this together, okay?"
You sniffled softly, nodding sadly. Peter's eyes were swimming with guilt and dejection at the sight of the empty expression on your face. He didn't know how to comfort you in this situation, but it was like every molecule in his body was demanding he do so. He leaned down once more to press a loving kiss to your forehead, then your cheeks, your nose, and finally your lips. 
You sighed, head retreating back to his chest once your lips disconnected. Sadness was still swirling in your stomach and you just longed for the feeling that being in Peter's arms brought. He seemed to understand perfectly- as he always did- pressing his cheek to the top of your head and wrapping his arms tightly around you without a word. The two of you stood there for a while, bodies entangled as you continued lightly swaying back and forth. Peter's hands continued to roam up and down your spine and your tears began to slow and dry. 
Eventually you hummed, stepping back and up on your toes to press an appreciative kiss to Peter's face. He smiled as a faint pink tinted his cheeks at your display of affection. You giggled, slightly amazed that even after everything you two had done, something as simple as a peck on the cheek could still make him blush.
"Thank you," you said quietly, looking up into his eyes. He quirked an eyebrow at you in confusion. 
"For staying with me through all that. I mean it's you, so I wasn't really worried...but my dad can be really frightening. So thanks," you half joked. 
Peter chuckled lightly as he pulled you back into his arms once more. 
"Of course angel. Told you, I'm never going to leave you. Even if your dad is super scary. You two are stuck with me now. I'm never ever going to leave you or our baby," he vowed quietly into your hair as his hands reached down to rub the small but growing bump in your tummy lovingly. "We're gonna get through this all together, as a family."
You felt tears well up in your eyes once more, but this time out of sheer love and happiness.
 Damned hormones. 
"You're gonna be such a good daddy Peter," you whispered gratefully. Hearing the slight crack in your voice, Peter pulled you away from his chest gently to wipe your tear stained cheeks once more. 
"Hey now, no more tears today," he scolded playfully as he tugged you across the room. "When's the last time you ate something? We have the whole kitchen to ourselves now, and I bet my babies are hungry!"
You chuckled lightly as you allowed him to pull you along with him towards the kitchen. All the while, he chattered happily about the new article he'd just read about the specific nutritional needs pregnant women have, and your heart swelled at his thoughtfulness. You were still apprehensive about the upcoming conversation with your dads, but you were definitely feeling better. As much as their approval and involvement would mean to you, you'd come to the conclusion that as long as you had Peter by your side everything would work out alright. 
"Petey, are you sure you don't need any-"
"No! Nope. I've got this," your boyfriend interrupted stubbornly. You signed, hand absentmindedly rubbing across your swollen stomach as you watched him struggle with the latch on the new crib the two of you were setting up. 
Well, the crib that Peter was setting up. 
It'd been a few months since the team had found out about the newest upcoming addition to the Tower, and you'd decided that it was time to begin decorating the nursery. Tony, of course, had offered to have someone come in to do all the heavy lifting, but Peter was insistent that he be the one to set everything up. His protectiveness over you and the rapidly growing child you were carrying had only increased as the months went on, so much so that you were lucky now if he'd even let you stand for long enough to watch him put the baby's furniture together. It was endearing, really, how much he cared for the two of you, but you'd be lying if you said that you weren't becoming a little frustrated with how little you could do to help. 
"Really Peter, I can help," you grumbled, annoyed. "I'm pregnant, not disabled."
"Of course you could help angel, but I don't need help," he grunted, eyes never leaving the mass of parts around him. "You already have to do all the work of growing and housing our baby, the least I can do is build the crib!"
"Housing?" you teased, quirking an eyebrow.
"You know what I meant," he grumbled, and you couldn't help but chuckle at his growing frustration. 
Peter was clearly losing his grip just a bit as he struggled to make sense of the instructions that had been provided with the pieces. He sighed, throwing the pamphlet down on the ground before trudging over to where you stood, leaning against the changing table that he'd put together a few days ago. 
"I've engineered web-fluid from absolutely nothing, re-built computers from scratch and yet I can't even manage to put this stupid bed together," he whined as he dropped his head down onto your shoulder in defeat. "M'gonna be a terrible father."
"Ohhh bubs," you cooed sympathetically, smile falling quickly and heart lurching at the tone of pure dejection in his voice. 
You wrapped your arms around him, one snaking around his back and the other cradling his head. Your fingers began instantly carding through his chocolate-brown locks as he nuzzled his nose lightly into the junction of your neck and shoulder. His hands wound their way around your waist too- or as well as they could with your round tummy in the way- and his own hands began absentmindedly tracing patterns over your bump.
"Peter you have to know that isn't true," you soothed, kissing his cheek softly. "You're going to be an amazing dad."
He hummed non-commitally. 
"You think you're not?" you challenged, fingers halting their dance against his scalp. "Do the thing."
He raised his head from your shoulder, brows furrowed in confusion. 
"What does that have to do with-"
"Do the thing," you interrupted sternly. He sighed and knelt down, grumbling inaudible complaints as he went. Once he was face to face with your bump he placed his hands on either side, thumbs rubbing soft circles into your stretched-out skin.
"Hi baby, it's me, your daddy," he spoke softly into your stomach, lips so close that you shivered with each breath that ghosted over your clothed belly. "I love you so much."
The baby responded instantly at the sound of Peter's voice, feet jabbing out and kicking excitedly from within just underneath where his hands lay. You felt your heart skip a beat at both the feeling the movement in your belly and the sight of the dopey smile that lit up Peter's handsome face as he felt his child's kicks. You rubbed over his hands lovingly and smiled down at him.
"See bubs? He starts throwing a party in there every time you do that. He loves you so much already, that's not gonna change," you reassured him softly. Peter's smile dropped just a little. 
"But the crib-"
"Fuck the crib," you responded stubbornly. "You are the most caring, sweetest, and most thoughtful person I know Peter. You're going to be the world's best dad."
"Whoa whoa, believe we're the ones with the mugs that claim that title," a voice chuckled from the doorway. 
You smiled fondly, eyes darting to find the sight of your Pops leaning casually against the frame of the door with your dad standing just behind him. Both had amused smiles on their faces, and you grinned widely. Even Peter smiled as he rose to his feet and wrapped one of his arms around your back to pull you into his side. 
"Okay, third best dad in the world then," you amended, grinning. 
"That's better," your dad piped up, smiling. "Now what's this I hear about a faulty crib? Sam said he can hear Peter cursing all the way from his room."
Peter groaned, tilting his head backwards in exasperation as you laughed out loud. 
"It isn't faulty, I'm just an idiot," Peter grumbled. Everyone but him chuckled, and your dad walked further into the room. He clapped a hand on Peter's back as he grinned at the younger man. 
"Normally I'd agree with you, but I know if I do Steve will bring up how Y/N had to sleep in the bassinet for like 6 months because we couldn't figure out how to put her crib together."
"You mean you couldn't figure it out," your Pops snorted from his place in the doorway. "As I recall, I was not allowed to help with the furniture because you were determined to figure it out on your own."
Bucky shrugged, seemingly indifferent to his husband's insinuation. 
"Whatever. Point is, I wanted to see if you wanted some help putting it together. Thought I might be able to give you some tips," your dad continued. Peter's smile widened, and he nodded eagerly before your dad knelt down to help try and make sense of the directions.
The discussion after the incident in the training room had gone much better than you would've ever imagined. Both your dads had been relatively calm once they'd returned from their mission, and surprisingly there had been no screaming, no crying, and no threats towards Peter from Bucky like you'd been picturing. The four of you had sat down together and had a long, mature discussion of what your plans were in terms of raising and caring for your child, and by the end your dads had even seemed enthusiastic about the prospect of being grandparents. Their involvement and excitement had only grown in the following months to the point now that you felt silly for ever having been frightened to tell them. 
And now as you stood watching your boyfriend and dad work together to put your child's room together, tears began collecting in your eyes and you felt your chest warm with feelings of overwhelming love. Steve, noticing your tears, moved to wrap his arms around you and you leaned your head against his shoulder. Rubbing your belly lovingly, you couldn't help but feel a wave of gratitude wash over you for the men in your life and love for the little one that you'd all be meeting soon. 
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demilitarised-zone · 3 years
how does Thermite act with a woman operator (rather shy/discreet) who interests him? thanks for ur work xx
Thank you for the request! I'm sorry it took so long, but I ended up wanting to perfect this story as much as I could, then I got stuck at the ending. Luckily my dear friend @inkerdinker came through and helped me. So special thanks to one of the best artists I know here on Tumblr!❤
Thermite is often described as an 'evil mastermind', someone just as loud and fiery as his exothermic charges. Which is exactly why Hibana had to stifle a snort when he looked just like a scolded schoolboy sat before his principal; eyes cast to the ground in an open refusal to meet hers, or perhaps he was just too abashed to. There was something so... Odd about seeing this well known and respected operator, a specialist on his field like no other, so utterly disarmed. Kinda cute, almost. (Not that she'd ever admit that though.)
There's innocence in love is what she believed, and now bore witness to, as the soldier who taught her about combat and warfare struggled to talk to a woman. It's... Pitiful, to say the least. How he struggles to find the right words in a voice that drops to a baritone as he tries to keep it steady, thinks it makes him seem more confident. He believes he's playing it cool, leaning against that wall, yet his eyes never leave her. Even when she turned away, when her eyes wavered and his never did. The intensity of his stare makes her shy away even more, but he can't help it, the way his eyes stick to her whenever she passes by, whenever he hears her voice from across the room. Perhaps she won't even notice how he looks at her like no other woman existed. She probably won't even notice how he's flirting with her, because he does it all the time, tries to read into her cues and dance at her pace when it's clear just how frustrated he's getting with himself.
There's this... Fear of his that she'll be bound to some other guy before he even mustered up the courage to open about his feelings. Thermite knows he's not the only one she draws the attention of: The stares she gets that ignite his reflexes to punch a whole in the wall, the obvious flirting and invites to the nearby cafè that they promise to pay for- It gets to him. But he's not someone to want to restrict her in any way either, doesn't have the right to.
"So... Let me get this straight.", Hibana looks at him with a smirk edging at her lip corners, "You've been flirting with her basically non-stop. You're frustrated with yourself that you haven't asked her out yet, and you're absolutely, hopelessly in love."
A nod. Blows some air, rubs his neck.
"And you think she's into it, but you're not 100 percent sure. Well, what's keeping you from asking her out then? It's simple. She can say yes or no, and if it's not a clear yes, it's a no."
Thermite huffs.
"That's the thing. It's not that simple. We're like polar opposites. What if she's just polite and I've made a fool of myself this whole time? She's got plenty of choices here, that's for sure."
"Which is exactly why you gotta make a move," Hibana's head shook ever so disapprovingly, "or else you'll miss your chance and hole yourself up in your lab, sulking and burning your hands even more than usual, and Ash will get annoyed again and-", she gasped for air, ready to continue her tirade until Thermite's hands rose in defence.
"Okay, okay. I get it. I'll ask her. As you said, she can say either yes or no. Or maybe she'll take a good look at me, grimace and say 'ew, why would I'-", a smack followed by an "ouch!" that had passerby's raise eyebrows.
"Alright everyone, that's it. Any questions? Ask now or regret later."
Jordan let his eyes wander over every single operator before him, watching their determined gazes and ready stances. A tiring debriefing it had been, robbed him of more sleep that he hoped his face showed. Always the dependable one, wasn't he? A leader as confident as him needs but a nod to signal the others to go and prepare for the upcoming mission. Boots shuffled, murmurs carried out the door that he waited at.
"Sorry to keep you", hand gently laid on her shoulder when it really wanted to squeeze tight for she felt hot to the touch, as if daring him to reach out to her again.
Where was that confidence now, oh big leader?
"I don't mean to keep you long." Shoulders rolled back and straight as a pole did he put on his most award selling, most casual yet charming smirk - somewhere behind his eyes he saw Yumiko giving him a thumbs up. "But I was just wondering if you'd like to go out once all of this is over?"
He lets his words sit, carefully watches her expression. "You don't have to answer now, of course." See if that chance paid off.
A sigh he'd been holding for way too long left him after she went off to her duty. One full of relief as he combed his hair, eyes wandering in the cold debriefing room; so cold it must've been that he seemed to sweat bullets, pulling at the collar of his shirt for some fresh air, trying to get that gear in his chest to stop rattling so.
"See? I told you she'd say yes", a voice rung behind him, smug yet proud all the same. Hibana patted him on the shoulder in blissful ignorance at his wide eyes.
"Yumiko? Have you been listening to us?",a giggle had his head turn towards the door, "Oh c'mon. Not you too, Grace."
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moonshotsx · 3 years
neighbors au but make it band practice
y'all seem to be enjoying the band-era of the neighbors au and i'm all here for it, hope y'all enjoy this as well 🥰
wanted to do a little something to celebrate my one year back into writing so consider this my little thank you for sticking around 💞
"Here it is, you can use it whenever you want, I don't have much use for it anyway"
Jasmine let the quartet in the elegant professional recording room, closing the door behind her as the others admired the space.
"How the fuck did you even get this?" Daya asked, clearly impressed as her fingers grazed the console board.
The blonde shrugged her shoulders, "My mom bought it for me when I was like... one? Two? She thought I would end up following her footsteps as a professional Broadway actress"
Bosco was resting their back against one of the padded walls, their eyes on Jasmine, "Given the fact that you don't use it, I'm taking a wild guess she was wrong"
Jasmine chuckled, "Well, mom won't admit she was wrong, but I definitely inherited other talents from her... Just not singing"
Willow had yet to utter a word, they were busy looking like a kid at Christmas as they admired the console. A million ideas ran through their head while Orion checked out the brand new drumset
"So, your mom is that loaded that she can afford to waste money on a professional recording studio for a toddler?" Daya arched her slit brow, barely keeping in a snort, "What an interesting discovery," she joked, prompting Jasmine to roll her eyes and cross her arms over her chest.
"What? Now that you found out my family's rich, you're suddenly going to be all nice on me?" she hissed, it wouldn't be the first time something like that happened.
"Uh? No, I'm still going to bitch you around because that's fun, but I'm not stupid," the band's leader reasoned, "Having a professional studio to record in is going to do wonders for the band, we can finally put up an actual high-quality demo and stop relying on shitty reuploaded Youtube videos of our gigs"
Jasmine sighed, at least she wouldn't have to worry about the group changing their attitude because of her family.
She watched as the pink-haired woman rested a hand on Willow's shoulder, "Let's have some fun with this, uh, Pills?"
Willow nodded, unable to mask their enthusiasm before taking their seat at the console.
"Holy shit, this is amazing!"
Willow let out as they officially called it a day for the band's practice, "I didn't even think we could sound any better"
Jasmine smiled, knowing she had helped the band - regardless of how she felt about some of the members, she knew they were talented and deserved to be recognized for it.
Her eyes scanned the room, finding Bosco by themselves close to her as they wrote something in a small notebook. The worn leather cover seemed to be hand-painted - by the brunette, Jasmine assumed - with a floral design. She was standing just slightly too far to make out what kind of flowers they were.
She watched Bosco finally put the notebook down and curiosity got the best of her as she went to reach for it, only for her wrist to be grabbed by their hand.
Their eyes met, Bosco's intense stare was making her heart beat faster than she wanted to admit.
"Ah, I see you found Bosco's notebook," Daya's voice broke the staredown, causing Jasmine to back down and Bosco to slowly let go of her wrist, "None of us know what's inside," she continued as the brunette went to quickly put the journal away, "If I have to guess, it's probably her Burn Book, I bet it's probably filled with reads about everyone"
"I don't need a book for that, I do it on the daily," Bosco spoke up, their eyes alternating between Jasmine and Daya, "And I say you mind your business for once, both of you"
Jasmine kept quiet as Bosco got up and joined their bandmates to see something Willow wanted to show them, biting the inside of her cheek.
That was an odd reaction from Bosco, she noted.
Just what was in that small notebook?
Jasmine had always liked a challenge, and she was going to find out what Bosco was hiding in that journal.
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opalesense · 4 years
more than friends
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kaeya & gn!reader
2k words • ~15 min. read
summary: feeling down in the dumps on a lonely valentine’s day evening, you are met with a pleasant surprise from your close friend, kaeya.
warnings: just pure lovesick fluff!!  shy kaeya my beloved... <3
notes: i defrosted this draft from valentine’s day aahhh hope you like it!! ;^; p.s. shoutout if you can spot his canon voice lines in this hehehe
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SITTING WITH MY BACK ON THE FOUNTAIN WALL and watching the rotating blades of the windmills in Mondstadt was not how I expected to spend my evening on Valentine's Day.
   To be honest, Valentine's Day was never that big of a deal to me.  For the past few years, I always considered Valentine's Day to be a day where vendors could get a boost of profit by exploiting the gift-giving aspect of the holiday and selling their wares to cheesy couples who wouldn't know any better.  Why was there a dedicated day to be sweet to your significant other?  Couldn't special gifts be given at any other time of the year?
  Despite my indifference to Valentine's Day, I couldn't help but feel a little lonely this year.  My back purposely faced the couples of Mondstadt who would walk by now and then on their way to their dates and instead I had windmills to accompany me along with a book to pass the time.  I figured my evening stroll outside wouldn't make me feel so disappointed in myself, but I was proven sorely wrong.  I couldn't even look at other people today without feeling sorry for myself.
   "[Y/N]?" a familiar voice drew closer behind me, interrupting my lament and startling me.  "What are you doing here all alone?"
   I turned my head to see my close friend and neighbor Kaeya approaching me, carrying a small leather pack along with his sheathed sword on his waist.  I realized he probably finished his shift at the Knights of Favonius headquarters and was just about to head home.  The sight of him eased some of my worries knowing that despite my usual solitude, at least I would talk to one person today.  "Just reading a book," I held up the cover of my book for him to see.  He gave a small nod to the title as I put it back down into my lap.  "How did you even spot me here?"
   "I can see you from my office," he pointed at a window on the wall of the headquarters, "You chose quite an odd spot for reading, dear friend. You must be uncomfortable on the ground like that.”
   I nervously laughed, not wanting to admit that I sat behind this fountain to avoid looking at how much fun everyone else was having.  My gaze turned to the sky, a vibrant orange that now began fading into a shadow of dark blue sprinkled with stars.  Dusk was approaching. “I suppose it is getting a little late for reading, now that I think about it.  I think I might head home now."
   "Allow me to accompany you on your walk home.  I’m headed that way, after all," he quickly offered as I began to prop myself up to my feet.  He held out his hand to help me on my way up, the sudden physical contact sending a shiver down my spine.  As clearly touch deprived as I was, my hand quickly pulled away once I was standing and dusted off my clothes, which were wrinkled from sitting for so long today.
   "You are too kind, Kaeya," I grinned, earning a grin back from him.  Maybe this is my loneliness speaking for me, but I swear that smile might have made my heart skip a beat.  Although I may have had a crush on Kaeya for the past few months, there was no way I’d ever let those thoughts resurface now.  I've done a good job of repressing the feelings for so long, whether I was around him or not.  At least, I thought I did.
   As we walked, it suddenly dawned on me that the feelings never truly went away.  They were persistent for months, despite being suppressed.  He was my closest friend for quite some time now.  So maybe it was a sign that it was meant to be...
   Chills ran down my spine at this realization.  And once the truth had settled in, the feelings I thought I had managed to stow away suddenly flooded my mind in a storm of emotion.  The more we talked during the walk home, the more eager my heart was to open up and let the thought of him fill the cavernous, lonely void inside.  My eyes nervously turned to our feet, which stepped together in perfect sync.  My attention darted to the hand at his side, which I ached to touch once more.  The more I tried to fight this longing, to forget about it and keep it isolated, the more it fought back in an effort to stay alive.
   "[Y/N]?" his sultry voice snapped me out of my delusion.  Do NOT let your emotions take control of you, I scolded myself.
   "Sorry," I shuffled my feet towards his figure, which had stopped a few meters away.  The world seemed to stop when I was lost in thought, and with each step I took towards him, the world slowly resumed from where I mentally left it.
   "Is something wrong?" he asked, now concerned.  "You know you can talk to me."
   "No, no.  I'm fine," I gripped my book, fighting the urge to break in front of him.  "I'm just a little lost in my thoughts."
   "Well then, what's on your mind?"
   "Kaeya, you won't make fun of me if I’m being honest with you right?" I started to speak without thinking.  No, no, no!  What are you about to say?!
   "What makes you think I would?  C’mon, [Y/N].  We joke around a lot but you know I'm good with secrets."
   What are you doing?!  Don’t fall under pressure like this!
   "Well...  I’ve felt quite lonely today.  A little part in me hurts to see so many people enjoying Valentine's Day, knowing fully well that I live alone and spend most of my days alone...   I guess what I’m trying to say is that it was very kind of you to go out of your way to talk to me today, Kaeya.  It means a lot more to me than you know."
   The silence that followed that regurgitation of thoughts was lethal.  Kaeya didn't even stop.  We just kept walking.  I ignored the instant regret that pounded the walls in my head.
   "So you didn't have any plans today?" he asked, as if he had just ignored everything I told him.
   "Not at all.  I was taking a stroll to find a good reading spot for today but seeing so many couples together...  I guess it was like pouring salt into the wound.  That's why I was sitting turned away from everything, if that answers your question from earlier."
   Now you've just told him too much.  If he didn't already think you were sad and lonely before, he definitely thinks so now.
   "You shouldn't isolate yourself like that, [Y/N].  We could've– forget it, actually," he chuckled and rested his hand on the back of his neck as we finally approached our residential complex.
   "Hey, spit it out!" I nudged him with my elbow, "I poured out my thoughts for you, don't get all shy now.  It's your turn."
   We stopped at my front door, exchanging small chuckles.  The space between us was killing me. If only I could get enveloped by his warm embrace now... No!
   "How about I tell you later?  Meet me here in around ten minutes."
   "What?!" I scoffed, "Now you’re just toying with me."
   "Ten minutes," he gave me one last grin and a short wave before jogging away towards his own house.  I shook my head as I turned the key to my door, feeling the slamming of my heart against my ribs and the sloppy mix of awe, nervousness, and regret boiling in my stomach.  His smile was frozen inside my mind like a photograph capturing a memory. It hurt to like him this much.
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   A knock on my door ten minutes later pulled me away from tending to my plants on my balcony.  I set the watering can down and rushed to the door, straightening out my clothes once more before opening it.  Contrary to my expectations, Kaeya stood in the doorway with a shy grin, his hands obviously hiding something behind his back.
   "I thought you were joking when you said ten minutes," I scoffed and crossed my arms, looking up at him to meet a pair of soft eyes.
   "Still don't have plans for tonight?" his eyebrows raised with the question.
   "No.  What, are you about to take me out on a date or something?" I said in jest.  He chuckled and uncrossed his arms behind his back with slight hesitation before revealing a dainty bouquet of calla lilies tied with a silver ribbon.  My jaw dropped slightly in shock with the sight of the charming white petals.
   "I am, actually," his voice was gentler and sweeter than usual.  "These are for you."
   He motioned for me to take the bouquet, which I gladly accepted.  The subtle fragrance reminded me of his own scent, which made me smile.  I secretly wished my entire house would smell like this unforgettable aroma – this unforgettable man.
   "[Y/N]," his words were laced with hesitation, "I have been waiting weeks to tell you this but...  you are constantly on my mind.  Whenever I see you my heart jumps and..."
   He chuckled with nervousness.  That grin never fails to make my chest light up.
   "...and I know you're not going to believe me because you say I smooth talk everyone, but I promise you, [Y/N].  I know you see that I’m nervous right now – that doesn't happen to me with anyone else.  This feeling hasn't gone away for months.”  Instant regret suddenly painted his face, which I quickly took notice of.  I stepped closer to him and lifted my hand to gently cup his warm, blushing cheek.  It was my way of telling him to keep talking without interrupting him.
   "[Y/N]..." he blushed more at the touch and sighed, "you are so special to me and... I’ll get straight to the point. I want to be more than friends. I really mean it.”
   He stuffed his hands in his pockets and waited eagerly for my response.  I was no longer thinking properly.  My heart had taken over my mind, and for once, it was for my benefit.
   "Kaeya," my voice cracked with a million emotions at once, "you have no clue how long I’ve wanted to hear you say that.  I am so in love with you it makes me sick," I admitted lightheartedly.
   He laughed with relief, taking another step closer to me and shrinking the space between us.  He lifted his hand to grab mine and intertwined our fingers together.  The mood shifted from nerve wrecking intensity to reassurance and gentleness the instant our palms met.  He caressed my hand with his gloved thumb for reassurance, chasing all my troubles away.  "I promise I will never let you feel alone ever again."
   We stood there staring into each other's eyes for a few moments, exchanging so many mutual emotions in mere seconds.  A blush began to creep up my face as well when he gave my hand a squeeze accompanied with a proud smile.
   "Well, now that we're both blushing messes in love with each other, how about we finally go out tonight?"  Our friendly dynamic finally returned to clear the thickness in the air once he broke the silence.  "I have to admit, I was feeling a little lonely myself and was just going to drink at the tavern with some of the other Knights tonight.”
   "Not anymore, I hope?"
   "Definitely not.  I’d rather spend the evening holding your hand and taking a stroll through the city so everyone knows I’m finally yours."
   This man sure knows how to say the right thing.  I glanced at the bouquet in my arms, partly to hide my reddened face but also to ask, "Could I put these in a vase first?  They're beautiful, by the way. I really love calla lilies.”
   "Oh yes, of course. But they’re not as beautiful as you, cutie," Kaeya said with no reluctance.
 There's the flirty Kaeya that I know.
 I let out a shy laugh as he let go of my hand, the loss of touch making me pout.  As I turned to put the flowers away, he leaned on the doorframe and let out a deep breath.
    "Well, I'll be here.  Don't make me wait too long, now."
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heytherejulietx · 4 years
K. ~ Fred Weasley
Requests are CLOSED
Notes - Hi! So this is my own entry to my writing challenge. I found this song literally yesterday and after listening to the lyrics I had to use it. Originally I was going to use the song Dear True Love by Sleeping At Last but when I heard this I had to write it. So yeah, I hope you enjoy it as mich as I do! Please leave some nice feedback, I’m a slut for validation.
Warnings - A few hot moments, though no actual smut.
Word count - 4.2k.
Harry Potter tag list - @idont-knowrn @weasleysflowr @angelinathebook @msmimimerton @durmstrange @kashishwrites
Twins tag list - @whizbangs-78
If you’d like to be added to any tag list please just tell me!
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I remember when I first noticed that you liked me back
We were sitting down in a restaurant waiting for the check
Fred couldn't really distinguish the line that was drawn between when he was friends with Y/N and when he first started liking her. They had been best friends since their first year at Hogwarts; himself, George, and her. They were inseparable. The three did everything together, and the only time they really were apart was when they had to head off into their separate dormitories for the night. As they got older, Fred started to view her as more of a friend. Though if someone was to ask him when he started feeling that way, he couldn't give an answer. Fondness turned into adoration, friendliness turned into flirtatiousness, and friendship turned into a crush. Though Fred never did anything about it throughout his schooling years. He thought she didn't like him in that way, and whilst being bound in the agonising friend-zone hurt him, he respected her decision and just wanted to get happy.
Though, there was still never a day where he looked at her and didn't think she was beautiful. There was never a day when he didn't want to gather her in his arms and never let go of her. There was never a day where he didn't want to pull her closer by the belt-loops on her trousers and kiss her until they were breathless. Sometimes George teased him about how whipped he was, though instead of getting offended he just agreed. He most definitely was whipped, but he loved it.
When the twins had left Hogwarts to start up their shop, Y/N had remained at the school to finish off her year and complete her exams. And whilst the twins - but mostly Fred - missed her horribly for those months - on the day after the summer she'd finished school before, she turned up at the door of Weasley's Wizard Wheezes, asking for a job. And since that point on, it was like they were at school again. They were inseparable. And Fred was more in love with her than ever before.
Though he had never felt more in love with her than he did one early Sunday morning. The shop was closed for some maintenance that was being done, so whilst George was snoozing in his apartment, Fred and Y/N had gone out for breakfast at a muggle café in London. They had already eaten all of their food and were waiting for the check so that they could leave. In that moment Y/N was laughing at something that Fred had said, and he just looked over at her with such adoration and love, only one thought going through his mind.
"I bloody love this woman."
We had made love earlier that day with no strings attached
But I could tell that something had changed how you looked at me then
Fred could remember the night before that morning so clearly. He couldn't get it out of his head, the way she looked in his bed, clothes discarded over the bedroom floor and her hair splayed out over his pillow, whispering his name breathily as she pulled him impossibly closer. He would die a happy man if that was his last thought. She was just so beautiful, simply the thought of it made butterflies swirl in his stomach and a fond smile to sweep across his lips.
The night before hadn't been planned. At first she had just been coming over Fred's place for dinner as George was busy on his own date with Angelina, though the atmosphere between them was so different that night. Y/N kept shifting in her seat the whole dinner, and whenever they made eye contact, it was intense. Intense in a way that it had never been before. He couldn't remember what he had said to her, but after the dinner was over she flung herself at him mid-conversation and kissed him with a passion that he didn't realise she had.
"Please." She had whined through the kiss, both of them stumbling through the hallway towards Fred's bedroom. "Just tonight, Freddie. No strings attached."
And whilst the promise of no strings attached stung a little, the attraction and lust that had filled him in that moment was undeniable.
Fred looked back up and across the table at Y/N, pulling himself out of the love-driven trance that he had found himself in. When he met her gaze he pulled a half-smile onto his lips when looking at the beautiful woman in front of him, and seeing the way she was looking at him.
She was looking at him the same way he looked at her multiple times a day. With such a fondness that his heart started racing in his chest and his palms became sweaty. 
She liked him back.
Kristen, come right back
I've been waiting for you to slip back in bed
When you light the candle
Fred groaned as he rolled over in the bed and stretched his arm out for his lover, though felt nothing but pillows and the quilt, and not the beautiful girl who belonged there. He pat around the space another few times, just to make sure her frame really wasn't there, before pouting as he flipped over to lay on his back.
"Darling!" He groaned, and didn't miss the distinct giggle across the room from his lover. "Come back, I miss you too much. I can hear my heart breaking more and more with every moment that you're away."
"Stop being so dramatic, I'm just lighting a candle." She scoffed fondly, followed by the click of a lighter being lit.
"You left me to light a bloody candle?" Fred sat up and had to squint his eyes to see her in the dimly lit room. When he spotted her, stood on the other side of the room by their dresser with a now-lit candle, he couldn't help but smile despite the false annoyance he was trying to portray. She was stood there in just her underwear, her hair messy and a bit knotted, but to him she looked perfect. She caught his gaze across the room and sent him a wink, before shrugging her shoulders at his previously spoken statement.
"Hey, they smell nice. This is the one that reminds me of your mum's house." She explained with a soft smile as she put the lighter away in the top drawer of their dresser.
"Why? Because it's in an orange jar?" Fred joked with a small entertained smirk when he watched her roll her eyes.
"No." She giggled. "It smells like cinnamon, like her cooking whenever we go to visit them." 
Fred watched as she approached the bed with the candle in her hand, and waited until she had put it down on their bedside table before he smirked and moved his arms around her waist, tugging her into the bed.
"Fred!" She squealed, laughing once he had rolled them so he was leaning over her, his legs bracketing hers as his hands moved down to her waist to start tickling her. She only laughed harder, the noise making him smile fondly as he kept running his fingers across her ribs, pushing away her hands that made a futile attempt at getting him to stop. He kept at it until he could see that she was running out of breath, despite still laughing loudly. In one fluid movement he caught each of her wrists in one of his hands and pinned them above her head against the pillow, his other hand resting on her hip, his thumb brushing along the waistband of her underwear.
"I hate you." She groaned, a slight giggle in her words at the ghosting of his tickles. 
"No you dont." Fred smirked, looking down at her with a shit-eating grin. "You love me."
"Yeah, I guess I do." She sighed dramatically, just giggling when Fred had rolled his eyes at her dramatics.
"You guess?" Fred raised an eyebrow at her before lowering his head to her neck, leaving light kisses along the already marked skin. He felt her hands wiggle in his grip, though he kept her wrists pressed into the pillows.
"Mhm." She hummed, another quiet giggle leaving her lips. 
Fred just smirked against her neck before tilting his head a little, leaving open-mouthed kisses at the base of her throat instead. He felt an especially smug feeling wash over him when he heard her breath catch in her throat once he'd lightly sucked on the exposed skin there, her hands wriggling again.
"Still guess so?" He asked smugly against her neck, being answered with a quiet whine instead of a sarcastic remark.
"Freddie." She whined, pulling against his hand. "Stop being such a tease."
Fred only chuckled, pulling back from her neck to lift his head and meet her lips with his instead, breathing in her exhale once she had sighed into his mouth. "Sorry, love." He muttered, releasing her wrists to rest his hands on her hips, feeling her's immediately find a place in his fiery locks. "Can't help myself."
And on the Lower East Side you're dancing with me now
And I'm taking pictures of you with flowers on the wall
One of her favourite things to do was dance. She danced all the time; when she was working, when she was cooking, when she was getting changed. She was always in such a good mood, it was astonishing to him that one person could hold so much happiness in them. Which was why it was so obvious to Fred when she was in a bad mood. She became very quiet, and almost drained.
Fred noticed this when he came home from work on one of the days she had off, and noticed her sat on the sofa with their cat Percy (Fred thought that naming their cat after his older brother was an absolutely hilarious idea, especially since Percy hated cats) still in her pyjamas, which was odd because even if she wasn't going anywhere she would still get dressed for the day.
She greeted him when he had come home, looking over at him as he took his shoes off with a small smile, and Fred could definitely tell that something was wrong when the smile didn't quite meet her eyes as it usually did.
"Hey, love." Fred said softly as he walked into the room, moving to crouch in front of her and gently took her hands. "Are you alright?"
Y/N sighed, shrugging as she looked down at their hands. "I had an argument with my mum this morning when she called. And we just never really argue a lot, so it kind of upset me a bit."
Fred frowned and let go of her hands to wrap his arms around her waist, standing with her so they could hug properly. "I'm sorry, darling." He said softly, leaving a kiss against her hairline as he held her tighter when feeling her grip on him tighten. 
They kept stood like that for a while in silence, with Fred leaving kisses against whatever part of her he could reach as he gently rubbed her back, trying to offer whatever sort of comfort he could give her that would make her feel even just a little bit better. He noticed that as the minutes passed her grip on him subtly got looser and looser, until she was simply holding him normally.
After a few minutes Fred pulled away from the hug with a soft smile, and leaned down to her height so he could press a soft kiss against her lips, and couldn't help but feel a bit better when he felt her smile against his lips. When he'd pulled away she smiled at him softly and pressed a gentle kiss against his cheek, before returning to her spot on the sofa beside Percy, who was now asleep.
Though she still didn't look too happy, so after a moment of thought Fred smiled and moved across the room to their muggle CD player - an invention that she had introduced to him a few months back, and since then had loved it so much to be collecting muggle CDs of music that he liked. He found one of their favourite CDs to listen to together and put the disk in before he turned back towards Y/N as the music started floating across the room.
"Could you do me the honour of dancing with me, my love?" Fred bowed before her with one hand stretched out towards her, his words spoken in an over-the-top posh accent.
"Of course, my darling." She giggled, taking his hand and letting him pull her out of her seat to the middle of the room.
Fred's hands fell to rest on her waist as her arms loosely wrapped around his shoulders, the two of them swaying to the music together as they kept each other held close. Her head leaned to rest against his chest and she sighed softly, before Fred felt her relax against him. They danced for a while, long enough and peacefully enough for the rest of the world to blur away, and to just be left with the two of them there, the music a beautiful ambience in the background as the two swayed together lovingly.
"I love you, Freddie." She whispered softly, tilting her head to look at him with an expression that made him melt.
"I love you too, sweetheart." He leaned down to capture her soft lips with his own, a warm feeling bubbling in his stomach at the simplest touch from her.
Once he had pulled away, he removed one of his hands from her waist and reached to take one of her's instead, his smile growing as he gently spun her twice. Y/N giggled as she spun, falling back into Fred's chest with a light laugh as her hand gently squeezed his. Their dancing soon became almost silly, with her trying to spin Fred a few times - which was only successful when Fred helped her out by ducking since he was a considerable amount taller than her - and Fred dipping Y/N whenever a song ended. They ended up dancing for so long that before they knew it the album had ended. At the end of the song Fred dipped Y/N which caused her to giggle and smile at him - an expression that always made him fall in love with her all over again. Instead of letting her back up he leaned down with her to kiss her instead, smiling against her lips when she had wrapped both arms around his shoulders to pull herself closer and deepen the kiss.
By the evening, when the light outside was a beautiful orange glow that cast an amazing light through their windows, they were both in the bedroom, wrapped up in each other's embrace underneath the sheets.
"Freddie." Y/N whispered, only getting a hum from the man who had his face pressed against the soft skin of her neck, his arms wrapped around her gently. "I need to get up, I'm staying at my sister's to help with the baby."
Fred groaned, holding onto her tighter which made her giggle as she lightly slapped his shoulder. "Come on, please? I can't be late, you know what she's like."
Fred sighed heavily though despite his reluctance to let her go he unwound his arms from her waist and rolled over, pouting when she had turned to look at him, whereas she just giggled quietly at his expression before getting out of bed. 
"I'll be back tomorrow afternoon, love. We've got that double date with George and Angelina, remember?"
Though Fred wasn't really listening to her, instead his attention was her moving around the room to get her underwear, his eyes never leaving her body as she put them on. He sat up when she'd walked past the wall parallel to the window which had flowers painted over it, holding a hand up, despite her still only in her underwear. "Hold still for a moment."
"Fred, I really need to-"
"No no no, it'll only take a moment." Fred searched the draw of his bedside table for a moment before he smiled as he pulled out what he had been looking for - a polaroid camera. It had been a gift from one of their muggle friends the previous christmas, and Fred had been obsessed with it since they had gotten it. He took every opportunity to take a photo of her, and that was a lot of the time.
"Fred, I look awful." She groaned.
"Awfully gorgeous, my love, now stand still for a moment, will you?" He asked, smiling when she had sighed though leaned against the wall and kept still. He raised the camera to his eye, a fond smile crossing his lips at the beauty he was met with - the orange glow of the evening light casting over her exposed skin, making her look like an angel. "Beautiful." He complimented once he had snapped the picture, watching as it was printed at the top of the camera.
"Thank you." She smiled almost bashfully. "Can I get dressed now, love?"
Think I like you best when you're dressed in black from head to toe
Think I like you best when you're just with me
And no one else
Fred always thought she was beautiful. The word ugly or unattractive just wasn't in his vocabulary whenever she was around. Every outfit looked good on her, every colour looked good on her - though his favourite colour on her had to be black. To Fred, it was the colour that made her features stand out the most. It made her eyes seem brighter than ever before. It made her hair shine and almost glow whenever it was under any sort of light. It made every beauty mark and freckle stand out. It made him fall in love with her even more, if that were possible. 
Though Y/N didn't always see that, and for the life of him Fred couldn't understand why. She was so beautiful and he thought that it was so obvious, but to her it wasn't.
"Freddie?" She had asked him once from their bedroom, whilst he had been in the kitchen cooking dinner. "Can you come in here for a moment? I need to ask you something."
Fred frowned, noticing almost a hint of nervousness in her voice, though he was almost stunned when he walked into the bedroom and saw what she was wearing. She was dressed in a vintage style button-down  black dress, that had a neckline that dipped down low enough so that he could see her collarbones and the top part of her chest, and was short enough so that he could see above her knees to her mid-thigh.
"Do you think this looks alright?" She asked, looking at herself in their bedroom mirror, turning to different angles as she frowned at herself critically. "I got it for that party we're going on but I'm not too sure about it."
Fred shook his head, moving over to stand behind her and moved his arms around her waist, tucking her head underneath his chin as he met her gaze in the mirror. "You look beautiful, darling." He said softly, gently squeezing her in his hold. "You could never look anything less than gorgeous, okay?" 
He watched as she smiled bashfully and nodded her head, looking at herself in the mirror again as she leaned against him. "Thank you, Freddie."
"It's no problem, love." He smiled softly, leaning down to press a gentle kiss against her neck as she closed her eyes and sighed in content.
Kristen, come right back
I've been waiting for you to slip back in bed
When you light the candle
Fred groaned as he collapsed back onto the bed, watching as Y/N moved across the room to light a few of the many candles she had collected over time. "You're not leaving me for those bloody candles again, are you?" He huffed, watching her, in nothing but her underwear, light the candles like he'd seen her do many times.
"Hey!" She whined, pouting as she turned to look down at him. "Candles are romantic. And they smell nice."
"I'm romantic and I smell nice, what's your point?" He asked with a small smirk, only getting a scoff in return. "Darling come back, I want you now." He groaned overdramatically, flopping back over the bed with a loud sigh.
"You have a left hand, don't you?" She asked, raising her eyebrows. "Use it if you're that impatient." She giggled when turning and seeing his bewildered expression, as he had definitely not expected that sentence to leave her mouth so casually.
"Okay, that's it." Fred moved to get up and crossed the bedroom to be standing behind her, before he wound his arms around her waist and picked her up.
"Fred!" She giggled the complaint as he carried her across the bedroom towards the bed. "No wait, I didn't finish lighting the candles!"
He simply ignored her and gently tossed her onto the bed, which caused her to laugh a lot harder as he got onto the bed and situated himself over her.
"Oh yeah, that's terribly romantic, Freddie." She teased with another giggle as she pushed some of his hair out of his eyes.
"Oh, just shut up and kiss me, will you?"
And I'm kissing you lying in my room
Holding you until you fall asleep
Fred adored every single aspect of being with Y/N. He could spend the whole day in one of her hugs, or dancing with her, or even just talking with her. And maybe he was a little biased considering he loved her to the moon and back anyways, but everything about her just pulled him in deeper and deeper, like a siren leading a sailor into the deep dark waters. Though one of his favourite moments with her was probably when they shared lazy kisses, whether that was first thing in the morning or the last thing at night. If it was the latter, then that usually entailed after-sex kisses, which Fred adored as much as the sex itself. There was nothing better than soft and light kisses after deep and passionate ones had been shared.
Y/N sighed into Fred's mouth as he rolled them over so she was underneath him, peppering her flushed and sweaty skin with light kisses once he had pulled away, nothing in contrast to what he had previously been leaving against her skin.
"I love you." Fred whispered against her pink cheek, before tilting his head to capture her lips in a soft and gentle kiss, despite it's lightness, still managed to take Fred's breath away.
"I love you too." She smiled softly, and when Fred pulled away enough to look at her he could see her eyes were half closed, and he could see how tired she was.
In one careful movement Fred rolled off of her and curled his arm around her waist, pulling her smaller frame into his larger one so her back would be flush against his chest. He felt her body relax against his as he pulled the covers over the both of them, and tightened his arm around her waist subtly.
"Night Freddie." She whispered, her eyes closing when Fred had left a gentle kiss against her exposed shoulder.
"Goodnight, darling." He whispered, leaving another kiss against her skin before relaxing against the pillows, holding her until she fell asleep.
And it's just as good as I knew it would be
Stay with me I don't want you to leave
Fred often found himself staying up longer than Y/N, though he loved those moments he got to admire her beauty in it's rawest form. He thought she was absolutely stunning, inside and out, and really couldn't have asked for a better person to spend the rest of his life with. Of course, back in Hogwarts when he was crushing on her like crazy, he often imagined what it would be like to be with her intimately. He imagined late night walks by the lake, candlelit dinners, late nights up talking. He had thought at that moment in time that nothing could possibly be better than that. Though he was so so wrong, because the real thing was so much better. She was so much better than whatever version of her he had imagined. Sure, she was probably the best friend he could have asked for in Hogwarts, though her friendship was absolutely nothing compared to her love.
That was one of many reasons why in the bottom of Fred's bedside table was a small red velvet box in, with a small silver diamond ring in. He wanted her to be his forever and he wanted to be her's. He never wanted her to leave.
Kristen, come right back
I've been waiting for you to slip back in bed
When you light the candle
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