#i'm hotspotting my phone so no gifs
boroughshq · 8 months
My wifi has fully gone out for the night with no sign of returning, so I'm taking that as a sign to log off the main for the night. I'll be back around tomorrow in the early afternoon to post the activity check and clear the inbox/update pages, so feel free to send any questions or reserves in! We may be at mun cap, but we're anticipating several spots reopening after the activity check!
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sirfrogsworth · 1 year
How to build THE CUBE
I got this reply about my product photography light cube.
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@nimrella and all other interested parties, I can definitely help you with that.
THE CUBE Ingredient List
The actual cube
2 Identical lights
Black plexiglass
A roll of gray seamless paper
The links above would probably be the cheapest ingredients that would allow you to get a similar shot as below.
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These are *suggested* ingredients. If you have two desk lamps, you could get identical LED bulbs. You can get bigger plexiglass if you need it. You can try white plexiglass or even a mirror. I also like using things like a wooden cutting board as a base. You can also get different colored seamless paper for the background. Colored poster board works okay too, but the seamless paper allows for a nice transition from base to background.
Some tips for using THE CUBE.
First you'll want to cut the seamless paper to size and then place it in the cube so it has a gentle curve. As stated, this will give you a gradual transition from the base to the background. You can set object directly on the gray paper and get a nice effect. Or you can use the plexiglass trick like above for a cool reflection shot.
If you use the plexiglass, place it as far forward in the cube as you can and elevate it a bit with a book or something. This will help with background separation.
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You want to put lights on either side. You can play with positions and brightness to taste. You can make one light brighter than the other or just use them full blast. The brighter you set the lights, the lower the ISO on your camera, the cleaner the noise will be. It will also help to take photos in a darker area so only the photo lights are contributing to the image. But if they are bright enough lights, that won't matter as much—they will overpower any ambient light.
If your phone has a decent telephoto lens, that will help you avoid distorting the object. But on my phone, the tele lens gets oversharpened to death. So I use the main camera and take the photo from a bit farther away and then crop in.
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Basically, the closer you get with a wide angle lens, the more pronounced the distortion is.
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This distortion is actually caused by distance rather than the focal length. With a wider lens you have to get much closer to get the object the same size in the frame. So if you keep the object in the center of the frame and back up a bit, it won't get distorted. You'll have to crop later, and you'll lose some resolution, but it should still be good enough for displaying on the web.
One thing you might also notice is the hotspots from the lights on the background. I'm afraid that is one of the disadvantages of the cube. You can try to block that with some black card or just try to position the lights so the hotspots are out of frame. If I were in a studio, I would have my background several feet behind the object to prevent this.
In any case, once you have everything set up, you can basically flip on the lights, and take a picture. Easy peasy.
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andr0medafallen · 2 years
First Love
A/N: Republishing my old fics
Pairing: Kate Bishop x reader
Warnings: Fluff, lost love, slightly juvenile, but in a cute way, me making up a ton of shit about New York City But I'm from LA so I get the vibe
Description: Ten years is a long time, but it seems that you can never forget your first love.
Word Count: 2.5k
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You’ve never felt too much one way or another about New York City. Lots of people have such strong opinions about it. You couldn’t begin to count the amount of times people have found out that you grew up in the City and started ranting to you about how wonderful and exciting it is, or how it’s gross and smells like shit. Or even worse, asking you to assert your nonexistent opinions on the rather arbitrary matter. You honestly didn’t care about the city itself; It was the people you missed when you moved out of town, that’s what still sometimes inspires an ache in your chest. You weren’t even that old when you moved away, not really; probably just around fourteen, but you still sometimes find yourself thinking about all the friends you’d had to leave behind because of your Dad’s shiny new job. It’s always hard to reconcile decisions that we don’t get to make, but that affect the course of our lives so drastically.
Still, with so many people asking for your obviously superior New York native opinion, of course you had to return to make sure that you weren’t misguiding anyone. Return to all of your old comforts like giant rats, and traffic. And the subway! Oh, the subway. Nobody does vaguely uncomfortable and endlessly interesting public transportation like you, New York.
You’re riding that very grungy subway now, stuck between two arbitrary hotspots of childhood memories, opening and closing various apps on your phone in an attempt to ignore the girl across from you, who is very obviously staring. If staring in a normal way is a thing, this is the opposite of that. Eyes wide, frequently shifting as if she wants to make a move to talk to you, which you would, quite frankly, rather avoid.
She seems nice enough, from the glimpses you manage to get without meeting her eye contact. Like, she doesn’t seem like she is being actively antagonistic. But the thing is, no one wants to talk to a random person on the subway; it’s the physical embodiment of stranger danger. And let's be honest, no sane person has that many bandaids on their face.
When the next stop comes and goes and neither of you make a move toward the exit, you huff a small breath, square your shoulders, and look up at her, ready for a confrontation; It takes about .2 seconds to get her attention, given that she is still looking at you as if you’re some sort of spectral projection.
“Can I help you?” You say it in that tone that you’ve spent years mastering. A lot aggressive and a little confused, to deter the advances of the creepy and ensure the empathy of the well-meaning.
“Oh! Me? You’re talking to…Yeah, um. Sorry, you look like someone I know.” She trails off, looking like she might have something else to say when it clicks. You might not have recognized her if it weren’t for the news articles that all of your friends like to wave around, exclaiming how ‘your first kiss is a superhero, dude’ and asking you how it feels having ‘an ex-girlfriend who is that much cooler than you. Which isn’t even true; Even if you look past how young the two of you had been, you weren’t even technically dating. It doesn’t really matter that you’ve never stopped thinking about her even though all you’d been doing was ‘practicing’.
You give her a small, hesitant grin. Maybe you have way too many conflicted feelings about her to have a normal conversation, but you can at least try. “Kate? Oh my god, you should’ve just said something. You were freaking me out, I thought you might have laser vision or something.”
Kate chuckles, fidgeting with the sleeve of her over-shirt—lavender colored, because of course she still hasn’t gotten over her random obsession with the color. “No, no laser vision.”
“Right, the superhero stuff! I mean, clearly you don’t need it,” you nudge her arm playfully. “Seem to be doing just fine with all those archery medals.”
Kate chuckles, face going pink. “Thanks.” There’s a bit of an awkward pause, before, “I didn’t know you were back in New York.”
“Oh, well…I’m not. Not permanently, anyways, it’s just a couple of weeks.” You give Kate a shy grin. “Wanted to tour all of our old haunts.”
“Tour the haunts without meeting up with the ghost? C’mon, I’ve got nothing to do for the rest of the day, we should catch up!”
You raise an eyebrow as Kate grins at you. “When you say ‘I’ve got nothing to do for the rest of the day,’ am I supposed to be ignoring the purple duffle bag with arrows sticking out?” You ask, mentioning the elephant in the room—well, there are plenty, it’s the subway, but that was the only one relevant to Kate.
“Yeah, duh. You’re thinking ice cream, right? God, it’s been so hot recently, you really could have caught us at a more flattering month—”
“You’re saying I should have come in December? Maybe I was planning my trip around your schedule, you seemed so busy at the time.” Kate doesn’t answer, just smirks at you smugly when the doors open at the next stop, grabbing your arm and forcing you to weave through the interwoven crowds of people if you want to have any chance of not hitting anyone or being hit. You don’t even have time to try to figure out where she’s dragging you, all of your energy and focus spent on trying to keep up so you won’t be unintentionally dragged to the floor.
When you get to the street level, you can feel the sun beating down on you, hardly able to see as your eyes adjust from the subway’s cool darkness. If it’s any consolation, there is some slight amount more walking (and breathing) room on the ground floor of the city. It’s a low bar, but at least you’re no longer in danger of trampling and death by asphyxiation.
“Kate, you’re crazy,” You tell her, still recovering from your exciting and absolutely unnecessary adventure.
“Big Dipper sound good? I’m paying, of course. We should catch up, I don’t live far from here.”
“Kate, you’re crazy.”
“Don’t be silly, come on.” Her grip on you shifts from your forearm to your hand, interlocking your fingers. You blush, emotions warring inside you like fire and water, unsure whether it will extinguish the flames or make them brighter. You never know what she means by things like that, or what her motives are. Still, you listen to her little rants as you walk to the little ice cream shop; You pay close attention to every crazy story of her adventures, from getting kicked out of University to becoming ‘basically an avenger.’ It doesn’t matter what she tells you, you’ll always listen. 
It’s not long before you’re at the doors of the white and blue ice cream store. Kate opens the door for you, the smells of vanilla and baked cones filling your senses with childlike wonder only slightly tinged by melancholic nostalgia. Kate continues talking your ear off as you wait in line. Life, death, The Beatles, the proper attire to wear to your enemies funeral; she never seems to care much what’s spoken as long as there is talking. You aren’t complicit in the conversation, either, adding little quips about up and coming celebrities or snarky remarks about mosquitoes. 
She still hasn’t let go of your hand as you’re walking out of the small shop. You’ve got your ice cream—chocolate for Kate and Chai for you, in waffle cones, because you aren’t paying—and she’s leading you down some strange alley; presumably to her apartment.
“What have you been doing, anyways? Since you moved to Arkansas?” Kate asks. She doesn’t wait for your reply, letting go of your hand to jump up and drag down the white-painted metal ladder of a fire escape. 
“California, dickhead. Do you expect me to climb up that, because I—”
“Yeah, the doorman’s a dickhead, this is the easiest way to avoid him.” Kate climbs up the ladder and reaches out her hand to help you out.
You cross your arms over your chest. “I know you don’t enter your own apartment through the window so that you can avoid the doorman.”
“Well, if you don’t know that, then you’re more stupid than I thought.”
You gasp, grabbing her hand indignantly even as you accept her help. “Asshole,” you proclaim, as she hauls you up with so much strength that you hardly have to help. Fucking show-off.
“It’s only four more flights up.”
You laugh; At first it's in shock, but honestly, you don’t know the last time you’ve had this much fun. Kate is crazy, and street stupid, and probably has waaaaay too much time on her hands, but no one can claim that she isn’t fun. Even if she does have a tendency to drag people around New York City and climb up very sketchy ladders. Very tetanisy ladders too; You’ll make sure to avoid the safety violating railing—which will be such a fun experience from this high up. That one is sarcastic though, the railings are very un-fun.
“No, but seriously,” she starts up again, reckoning back to your earlier conversation. “What’ve you been up to? You stopped texting.”
“Yeah, well…you always responded, but you never started conversations. You know? I was out here busting my ass to find a new superhero of the day on day 412, and it felt like it was a chore for you to just respond. And it’s not like I was ever planning on moving back, and you…” You swallow, about to let loose some of your deepest insecurities which you had always seemed so bad at hiding from her way back when. “You were just practicing.”
Practicing. That was the phrase the two of you had used. You were 13, maybe 14. Practicing because you had to be a good kisser when a boy finally kissed you. It wasn’t your fault that it wasn’t practice for you. What it was you had been practicing for never seemed to be as good as the practice. It wasn’t your fault that you’d caught feelings so long ago that you still haven’t managed to forget about. How could that be your fault?
Kate pauses. One flight from your destination, but who’s keeping track. “Oh…” You could see the gears shifting in her brain, the furrow in her brows that she always gets when she’s thinking too hard. The way her mouth stays in that perfect ‘o’ shape even after she has trailed off.
“I mean, it’s so stupid, I know,” you continued, gesturing wildly. “Like we were just kids, really, just stupid middle schoolers, and I swear to God, I wasn’t even trying to see you today–”
“--That’s less flattering than you think it is.”
“But I don’t know, there’s that saying?” You were rambling. You knew you were rambling, but you couldn’t manage to make yourself stop talking. “About first love, that’s like…I don’t know, now that I’m saying it out loud it sounds stupid, but it’s like ‘you never forget your first love’, and–oh my god, did I just say I love you?” Your voice is small at the end. Like a manual engine puttering out cause you didn’t give it enough gas. And Kate is just staring at you, hardly helping.
“That was a very longwinded way of asking if I’m gay,” Kate mentions, face betraying no emotions. It was a cool stone surface. Not harsh or punishing, but betraying nothing. A jarring contrast to her usually expressive manner. 
“I wasn’t asking if you’re—”
“Well I am. I didn’t even know that you could be gay until we went to pride club for the free potluck that one time, and I got in trouble for that.” You remembered it. It was fun, but she told you she couldn’t go again cause she got in a fight with her mom. The standards she was held to that you were always second to. Pretty, smart, rich girl who you apparently didn’t know like you thought you did. “And I’m sorry I never started conversations, or sent letters, or did all the things I know you probably wanted me to do.” Kate shifts, resting her hips against the rusty railing. Someone call OSHA. “But you can’t possibly think that I didn’t miss you. That I didn’t want you to come back. You were my first kiss, and…my first love. Even if it took me a while to notice.”
It was your turn to stare. Your turn to say, “Oh,” eyes wide. “I mean…I guess we were the only girls in our grade who made out behind the bleachers.”
Kate snorted, surmounting the final flight of stairs. “So not true. Eva and Zoe?”
You gasped, following. “Oh my god, how did I not realize that?”
The window was hardly large enough for either of you to fit through when you made it to Kate’s floor, and your mind was once again flooded with this can’t possibly be the most efficient way to enter this building thoughts when Kate tucked a loose strand of hair behind your ear.
“Because you’re terribly unobservant,” she muttered with a smile.
“And you’re unnecessarily unobvious.”
“Would it be obvious enough if I asked you to stay?”
You lean into the caress of her warm palm, even as your heart skips a beat. “I can’t stay. I have a life, I can’t just drop all of my obligations.” You left out the ‘even if I want to’ bit.
“You could. I have a lot of fucking money, and New York has no shortage of potential obligations.”
You scoff jokingly. “What, the trust fund didn’t get spent on the bell tower?”
“You stalking me or something, princess? Believe it or not, I managed to earn it back. Kind of.” Her joking tone fades away like a sunset, leaving nothing but dark blue peace and stars in her eyes. “Please, stay.”
Turning your weeklong vacation into a permanent living situation because someone you haven’t seen in ten years asks you to seems like a god-awful idea, but somehow Kate has some magical ability to make it seem like the best idea in the world. Like choosing anything else would be the worst decision you could ever make. Likes she’s a fucking liar when she says she doesn’t have any superpowers.
So you begrudgingly reconcile, “I’ll think about it.” Big decisions can wait for the morning. Ruining or saving your entire future can be tomorrow's decision. But the two of you have a lot to catch up on. Ten years is a long time, but it seems that you can never forget your first love.
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gonnachasethestars · 1 year
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I unfortunately can't be on until the internet sorts itself out u_u its been not working all day, and shows no signs of fixing. I'm on discord using my phone as a hotspot, so catch me there <3
For Discord, me giving it out is mutuals only. If we're mutuals, feel free to ask!
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hwanswerland · 3 years
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20210301 - ATEEZ // ZERO : FEVER Part 2
#don't click on see all. you have been warned it really has gotten quite long#right so. essay in the tags incoming in which I ramble a whole lot#ateez#ateezedit#fio.gifs#atz:other#this...got away from me#so today marks one year since fever part 2 came out (yes even the same time)#aka my first ever ateez (and kpop) comeback#and I remember talking to people on anon an they all said things like that the first one is the best/most special one#and at least for me they were right#I had NO idea what was going on at any point in time#then like third day or what of the schedule I woke up and got hit in the face by seonghwa's concept pic looking like he does in the top gif#back then I wasn't yet* >#I wasn't in the habit of using his pics as phone wallpapers but if I had been that one would have stayed for a long time#in fact i'm still not over it :D#then when the mv dropped sitting with my friend (the only one who I managed to get to like them :/) on the floor outside with my laptop#using a wifi hotspot from one of our phones to access the internet and being like ASDHAKJDHAKDBADKH the whole time#and I think the next couple of days too :D and then using the last of my mobile data to listen to the album when I was in the train#like I said being confused all the time and for some reason getting new live stages every day where all of them looked good af#I mean ateez set the standard with fireworks comeback so high (for me) that they really will have a hard time breaking it again I think#but damn what a start to kpop and ateez. I wouldn't want to change it#actually I can't believe it's only been one year#and I didn't even start to talk about ateez themselves or what they mean to me#and I don't think I will here now seeing as the tag limit shouldn't be very far away lol#I wouldn't be me however if I posted a seonghwa and proceeded to not scream about him. so#actually I don't have any words but ......people of tumblr. I biased him vor 2 months before this came out but then he looks like this#there's no way I stood a chance against him I MEAN WTF WHY/HOW/FOR WHAT REASON DOES HE LOOK LIKE THIS#also no I don't only like him for his visuals but that is between me and myself#and him I guess even though he'll never know it :D
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elivanto · 5 years
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Sara & Ava in the 4x13 sneak peek.
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astheraa · 2 years
Oliver (Lion) x Fem!Reader (R6)
unexpected events
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Oliver and I have been sitting in the frikking cold for 2 hours, watching the white masks circle around the house and guard the entrance.
They took the house by force a few days ago and no idea what they are planning. It could be something against Team Rainbow, against the Government or the Society.
Somehow I'm already jealous as I see two idiots, drink their stupid coffee in their stupid little -probably warm- tent.
I slipped back out of sight and took my thermos flask from my backpack and looked at Oliver half frozen, when he also came to me and I gave him the thermos flask.
,,When can we go?" I ask and look at him, "In 5 minutes we'll clean up and then go to the car, and pack up the rest there," he says and stretches forward to get his and my binoculars.
I pack awkwardly somehow lying down, somehow kneeling, the backpack and try somehow to get to the car. I slip through the mud and that is really not the most pleasant thing to do.
Arrived at the van, I throw the bag under the back seat and take off my jacket.
On the passenger seat waiting for Oliver, I try to warm myself somehow, be it rubbing hands together or breathing into it.
After 5 minutes Oliver comes back to the van and takes off his dirty clothes and throws them in the back aswell.
He turns on the van and sighs out ;,, they have noticed us,not as a threat, we have to get the big detour to get back "
I sighed and put one of my guns in the glove compartment. One has to be sure now once.
We had been driving for maybe 15 minutes when the first car came up behind us, pulled up next to us and eyed us. Just concentrate and they wouldn't do anything. After 5 minutes of intense staring they let themselves roll back until I hardly saw them anymore.
I sighed with relief, this wasn't to bad but not something you want to do every day. I took out my laptop, connected it with my phone hotspot and wrote Harry what our status was. We weren't the only ones on such a mission; Yumiko and Jack were on their way, as well as Gilles, Gustave and Emmanuelle and several others.
We want to get down to the core of the white masks, find their main base and everything.
The sun was starting to set and we found a place behind some trees in a field where we could see far enough in case of emergency.
The van served as a "Sleeping-van", almost a caravan only not quite. I lay there only with my cell phone charging it with my Powerbank with two Internet bars, and thats some luxury.
Oliver lays down beside me with a; ,, Hopefully it doesn´t bother you if I come to you so close this night". ,,No, that's absolutely no problem," I looked at him over the edge of my hand as he stood up to take off his shirt.
We held eye contact for a moment until he smirked at me and said quietly; "and I know this doesn't bother you either" I just laughed nervously and looked back at my phone and set an alarm.
I put it aside and looked at Oliver, who looks at his cell phone and texts someone.
,,Uhh is this your girlfriend?", I asked teasingly. ,,I didn't know Maxim was female," he replied chuckling. ,, Well, the way he sometimes braids my hair, he must have been a hairdresser in his former life," he chuckles again at my statement.
,, But I don't know, I kind of like someone but I don't know how she feels about me, you know? It's complicated", he puts his phone away and crosses his arms behind his head.
,,Uhh who, maybe I can set you up. It doesn't work for Jordan, since he's been rejected for the 4th time now, but I'm confident it'll work for you," I said, propping myself up on my elbows and looking at him.
,,Let's say you help me, what would I have to do to steal your heart and make you my girlfriend? ", he said directly, mischievously and he even grinned at me.
I just looked at him and didn't know what to say, my face probably red as a tomato.,, I don´t know, that just came out of the blue. Am I just an exanple o-", i didn´t know what to say. I felt my face getting hotter every second.
He got up to me and before kissing me he said:,, I know you like me, like i like you".
And he didn't lie.
It was the next day when we were getting ready, kissing and hugging in between;,,You know now that we got together, I kinda hope that Zofia and Ela will change their bad relationship between each other. We really need them to cooperate", I said while packing my stuff
,,Yeah i know, but we will get that sorted, or they will get it. Let´s just get back and relax. I could eat something", he said starting the van.
,, Let´s drive to a drive-through an-" ,,get a breakfast burger, which you love" ,, You just know me"
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volturiwolf · 3 years
Unorthodox - An Embry Call x vampire!fem!Reader Story - Part 5
A/N : I first started editing this part when I was at the beach, slowly burning my ass off. Now, I'm in my hotel room in the middle of a storm, making a hotspot from the data on my phone. So, I'm sorry for any mistakes; I really tried to make it work.
A/N 2: The part is cringey, so bear 🐻 with me.
A/N 3: LIGHT SMUT again
No of Words: 4200+
Through the parts, mentions of: Abusive relationship, Attacks, Hunt, Illusions, Loneliness, Mental health, Murder, Sex / Sex language / Sexual activities, Suicide, Swear language, Wild imagination
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Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4
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“Unorthodox” Tag List (reply if you want to be added or removed): @eunoia-kth @eugeniapet @aquanova99 @foggyturtleknightangel @avecletempsy @girlgirlgirlnormal @hshehdyhd @musicandpenguins @letskidnapsenpai @foreveror-never @kpopgirlbtssvt @adaydreamaway08 @crazyweaslelover @diaphragmjellyfish
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(Y/N)’s POV
I was lying on my bed, sheets softly covering my forever frozen body. Embry was now sleeping beside me, chest exposed and sweaty, covered in bedsheets from the waist down. His face was peaceful, little drops of sweat still left all over. He fell asleep with me in his arms, but I wanted him to sleep comfortably, so I carefully slipped out of his arms, still staying beside him.
Thinking back to what happened about an hour ago ignited a fire in me that I only felt when I was with Embry. It was the first time I felt emotions of pure love and lust at the same time. It was only with Embry that I felt absolutely lovestruck, appreciated, and loved. Only he made me feel the most intense emotions I had ever felt.
I turned my head to look at him. He was breathing lightly, lips slightly parted, pieces of hair stuck around his forehead. I reached out to stroke his cheek lightly, and he shivered slightly in his sleep, due to the sudden temperature difference. And then, he just smiled. He smiled in his sleep, and my undead heart just melted at the sight.
I didn’t know if it was because of the mate bond, of being an imprint, or something else, but I knew that I was in love with the wolf sleeping next to me. I knew that I did not give a care in the world about anyone, but this man. I knew I would do anything for him to be happy, no matter the cost or the risk. I knew that if anything happened to him in the battle with the newborns, I would take my revenge, and then my own life.
I knew right away, from the moment I first saw him at the graduation party, that the sun had shined upon me. He filled my life with warmth, passion, and a reason to live and fight for. I knew at that moment that I would do anything for him, and I had to do anything and everything for him.
I stood slowly from the bed, careful as to not wake up my wolf. Walking over torn pieces of clothing, I quickly ran to grab a baby doll I had abandoned on a chair in a corner of my room. I knew what I had to do to help Embry, but I knew he wouldn’t like the idea, so I would have to go behind his back, and I needed a cover-up story.
I stepped out of the room, trying to be as quiet as possible, which was usually easy for a vampire, but not for a vampire with a wolf mate who had a hearing that seemed sharper than a regular vampire’s. I practically jumped down the stairs; I couldn’t waste a second, as I ran towards my study room. I opened and closed my door swiftly, and ran to grab my laptop.
I had no time to waste, as I started booking a leisure trip for the pack and their imprints - Sam and Emily, Jared and Kim, Paul and Rachel, Embry, Quil, Leah, Seth, and Jacob, hoping that he would be physically capable by then. I knew that Brady and Collin were too young to travel with the others, and they wouldn’t be allowed to join, so I couldn’t include them in the trip.
I had to find a sufficient time frame for my plan, so I decided on a trip to Los Angeles, which wasn’t too far from here to elicit any complaint I couldn’t defend, and I could have an actual excuse as to why I could not go with them. Nobody would like to see a person shining like diamonds, or rather a disco ball, out in the sun. Plus, Los Angeles and the glamorous life of Hollywood stars had always been a dream of mine, though I never actually decided to visit; theoretically, I could make myself look “normal” in other people’s eyes, but I just never took the chance to go.
That is why I wanted to give my newfound family the time of their lives. I booked a full-package experience for a full week, starting Monday, which was only 4 days away. At first, I thought I could really use two weeks without the pack around, but I knew that they would get suspicious, and would not agree on leaving the Rez unprotected for so long. I would just have to make everything work within a week. I’d make sure they left early in the morning of Monday, so they would have plenty of time to explore everything.
Thankfully, I was able to book them a lot of tours in museums, governmental buildings, theatres, theme parks, and so many more. I made them a list of suggestions, based on things that they may like to see, experience, and taste - which was pretty difficult to do, and I really tried to search what people around there liked.
I also made sure to book them 6 double rooms in an expensive seafront resort which seemed just beautiful, and they would be able to enjoy the beach and good weather. By booking a double room for Leah, I was trying to make her enjoyed a whole room for herself, hoping that she would find a company, and have..some fun while she was there. I knew it would most likely be difficult for her to find peace when she’s surrounded by all these people, but I hoped she could at least enjoy herself, away from pack responsibilities.
I was really excited about the trip as if I was going with them. Thankfully, because it was a road trip, I didn’t even have to get them fake IDs and passports, which wasn’t difficult anyway. Being a vampire, the Cullens and I had to make fake documents all the time, considering that we were moving around and trying to blend in with humans, so we had our trusted forgers for that.
It wasn’t just the fact that I had to put my plan into action, and I had to send the pack away to have enough time and space. I was also so grateful for them helping in the battle, though I kind of knew that, me being Embry’s imprint and Bella being Jacob’s best friend/person of interest, were already two extra reasons the pack wanted to get involved in the battle, apart from the obvious reason of protecting the people of La Push and Forks.
I realized I didn’t even know what time it was until I turned to look at the cuckoo clock hung on the wall on my right. 5:30. The planning took me some time, but I still had time to go back to my room and cuddle with Embry. I quickly closed my laptop and put all my notes away, in a drawer. I exited the study room at vampire speed and ran up to my room.
Thankfully, Embry had not woken up yet, still sleeping peacefully. He was radiating so much heat, and I didn’t realize how much I missed that until I lay down beside him. I tried to sneak into his arms, but he must have felt the sudden temperature difference in his sleep, as he shifted around, and his eyes opened slightly.
“Hey, babe.” His voice was hoarse and made me sexually frustrated, though I tried to play it cool.
“Hey, baby. I’m sorry if I woke you up. I didn’t mean to.” I told him apologetically, stroking his face lightly. For a few moments, he didn’t say anything; he only pulled me closer in his burning embrace, his arms tightly wrapped around me.
“Em..Embry?” He hummed. “Aren’t you going to ask me where I was?”
He laughed softly. “I don’t want to be noisy, baby. I trust you. Plus, I understand it may be difficult for you to just close your eyes and stay still for hours and hours.”
I couldn’t say anything back to him. He said he trusted me; it was the first time that I felt I could be myself - my true self - in a relationship. My first relationship was controlling, to the point of being abusive, prompted by the environment and people around us. Of course, we were both vampires then and, thankfully, I managed to escape and save myself from my ex’s possessiveness and abuse.
At that moment, I knew I wanted to give Embry the best life he could have. Again, it wasn’t the imprint or the mate bond that told us all these; it was this weird, unorthodox, interspecies relationship that, normally, would make no sense.
But, somehow, what Embry and I had made sense; it wasn’t absurd; it wasn’t foolish; it wasn’t wrong. It just wasn’t. Though unnatural, it felt so right, so real, so powerful. It just felt right. I knew where I wanted to be, and I knew who I wanted to share my immortal life with. Being with Embry gave me clarity, sense, and purpose, and I didn’t want to lose that.
“God, I love you.” The words came effortlessly out of my mouth.
Embry giggled. Such a beautiful sound. “I love you, too. So much.”
He placed a kiss on my forehead, which lasted a few seconds. I lifted my head, looking at him deep in the eyes, as I moved closer to him, and kissed him on the lips. The sweet little kiss turned passionate and intense in a few seconds, as Embry kissed me back, cupping my face with one hand.
I felt numb under his touch, his hand burning my face, making me crave more. With one swift move, I turned us around, me climbing on top of him, our lips still attached to each other. I was practically straddling him by now, completely naked underneath my babydoll, as I was feeling his heat and prominent arousal, which made me extremely horny by now. My body needed him. I needed him.
He must have sensed my impatience, as he slowly moved his hand up my torso, lifting the babydoll at an annoyingly slow pace. I whimpered under his touch, as I broke the kiss, taking the babydoll off of me, and throwing it somewhere across the room. Looking back at him, his eyes were roaming over my breasts down to my thighs, as he grabbed both my thighs, holding me in place.
“I will never get tired of this.” He smirked, looking up to my face, his voice still hoarse, deep, intoxicating.
I leaned down, kissing him once again. “Me neither.”
“Are you in the mood?” He smiled cheekily.
“For you? Always.” I kissed him once again before we went on to enjoy a long morning.
I swore I was feeling so calm and content; I felt as if I could fall asleep. Embry was sleeping peacefully once again, his hands wrapped around me. The sun was shining through the windows - one of the few times we had good weather in Forks, filling the room with warmth, but nothing compared to Embry’s warmth, which had become a guilty pleasure for me, creating a million new senses against my skin.
I turned my head around to look at my bedside clock. 10:53 am. It was kind of late, but I did not really care. If I could, I would never leave this bed. But, I was really hungry from last night - not the kind of hunger Embry could satisfy. The kind of hunger that came inherently from being a vampire. I turned towards Embry, placing a kiss on his forehead, as I slipped away from his embrace.
I stood up from the bed and went straight for my closet. I picked up some underwear from the drawer, and then a pair of jeans and a plain t-shirt, which I quickly put on, deciding to shower after the hunt. I then walked towards the small desk in my room, grabbing a pen and a piece of paper. I wrote down “I’ll go hunting. Be back in an hour. Love you ♥️", and left the note on my side of the bed for Embry to see.
I took my mobile from the bedside table, looking for any messages. I had a few messages from Alice, Rosalie, and Carlisle, asking me to meet them as soon as I can. I responded, telling them I’ll be going hunting if they wanted to meet up. Within a few seconds, I got a response from Rosalie to meet them at their house, and we could all go hunt together. I sent her a text, telling her I would be there in 5 minutes, as I locked the phone, placing it in the small fanny pack I took with me when hunting.
I turned back to look at Embry one last time before I ran down the stairs. I quickly wore my boots and ran out of the house.
I arrived at the Cullens’ house in less than a minute, choosing to jog instead of fully run. I was met with the whole family waiting on the porch. They all smiled upon seeing me, but their smiles were still cautious, not entirely happy and content to see me.
“What’s going on? Why did you want to see me?” I asked them, getting slightly worried as to why Rosalie, Alice, and Carlisle would text me, requesting to meet up with them.
“I’ve been having some visions about you since yesterday, but, because of your proximity to the wolves, I cannot see something definite.” Alice spoke first, putting an actual effort to call them “wolves” and not “mutts” like she usually did. “Care to explain?” She had a slightly disapproving look on her face.
“I’ve been..thinking about something, a plan, and I was..planning it.” I shrugged.
“What kind of a plan?” Alice continued.
“I want some kind of redemption..for Embry, a way to restore his relationship with his mother.” I turned to look directly at Esme. “And I will need your help, Esme.”
Her face did not change an expression, always looking at me kindly. She very much reminded me of my own mother. “How can I help you, (Y/N)?”
I told her my plan, which, after a few minutes of consideration, she agreed to. She was more than happy to help me and Embry, knowing how difficult and fragile a mother-son relationship can be. I always swore that Esme was the link that kept everyone in this family together; Esme was a wife, mother, lover, protector, friend. In my mind, she would have adopted me or anyone else if she could. She was a giver of love, and she was naturally kind-hearted and understanding.
Edward was the first to oppose the plan. “So, you are just going to walk into Quileute territory? (Y/N), are you crazy? If they find out, imprint or not, they will never forgive you, even if it’s for Embry’s sake! Embry will never forgive you!”
“I’m ready to take the risk then." I replied calmly.
I knew that there was a high possibility of everything going sour too quickly, but my mind was fixed on restoring Embry’s relationship with his mother. I knew that if I were him, I would give everything to have my mother by my side; just like him, I had to keep my secret from her and go away to not hurt her more than I already had when I left her, my father, and my brothers behind.
Edward must have read my thoughts, as he didn’t say anything else on the matter. He only walked back and went back into the house. Esme walked towards me and wrapped her arm around mine.
“How about we just go hunt?” She asked me, smiling. I simply nodded, and we walked towards the woods, closely followed by Carlisle, Emmett, Rosalie, Alice, and Jasper.
It was sort of a “tradition” for the Cullens to either hunt all together or in groups. Now, that I was here, it was also easier for them to hunt in the middle of a sunny day, covered by an illusion of the Cullens being regular humans, hiking in the woods, not vampires who sparkle in the sunlight.
Midst hunting, my phone began ringing. I looked at the others and told them I’d be back in a minute, as they proceeded to continue hunting. I looked at the caller ID. It was my house number. Embry.
“Hey, babe. Why did you call? Is everything okay?”
“Hey, baby. Everything’s fine - I was just a little worried. I woke up a few minutes ago, and I didn’t know where you were. I found the note, but I didn’t know exactly when you were coming back.”
“Oh, yeah. I’m with the Cullens. Did something happen? Should I come back now?”
“No, no, no need. It’s just..Emily called. She asked if we wanted to go visit them for lunch. The whole pack will be there, but we don’t have to go if you’re not comfortable with that.”
That was the perfect opportunity to tell them about the trip. “No, no, it’s totally fine. Just give me some time to come back and get ready.”
“No worries. We still have a couple hours, so take your time, okay? I love you.” I heard him smiling through the phone.
“I love you, too.” I told him before hanging up. I hunted for about an hour more before I went back to my house to get ready.
I was taking deep, unnecessary breaths, as we drove closer and closer to Emily and Sam’s house. I let Embry drive my Cadillac because he really wanted to. He was so excited, like a little kid when given a new toy. I, on the other hand, was getting more and more nervous and aggravated, holding onto my bag tightly.
“Are you nervous?” Embry smiled cheekily, turning to look at me.
“Well, yeah! It’s the first time I get to meet Emily. And Kim and Rachel.”
“Mmmh, at least Brady and Collin won’t be there. They’ll be eating with their families.” He laughed lowly.
“Brady and Collin are kids. I’m not intimidated by kids! I’m nervous about everyone else judging me.”
“Don’t be. They love you already. Okay, not “love”, but they do like you. You are a good one.”
“Okay, but, still, I’m a vampire walking into the reservation. How well will that go?”
“They know you’re my imprint, (Y/N). They won’t harm you, and you won’t harm them. Okay?” Embry smiled encouragingly, grabbing my hand in his, and giving it a light squeeze.
I let out another sigh. “Okay.”
We arrived a minute later, and Embry parked between a jeep and a motorcycle. As soon as I opened my car’s door, a pungent smell hit my nostrils and made them burn. I tried not to show how much it affected me, but Embry saw and started laughing, as he came by my side, taking my hand in his, and entwining his fingers with mine. The pack must have smelled me just like I did, as I saw them coming out of the house, but still kept their distance. It was only Emily the one who came forward to hug me, much to Sam’s attempts to keep a distance between us.
“Hey, (Y/N)! It’s so nice to finally meet you! Embry has told us so much about you. Welcome to the family!” Her embrace was tight and secure around me. Though she had the stink of a wolf on her, she also smelled wonderful - like a mix of garden flowers and morning dew.
“Hey, nice to meet you, too. Embry has told me a few things about you, as well.”
She pulled away, stepping back but still smiling. She walked beside Sam, who extended his hand towards me, to shake it. I took his hand and shook it, nodding. His handshake was firm and quite formal, just like him.
“Hello, (Y/N). Thank you for coming.” His human voice was quite deep, just like his laughter.
“Thank you for having me.” I smiled at him, actually grateful to be there.
I expected handshakes from the other wolves as well, but I was quite surprised when, instead, I received a group hug from Quil and Seth, who seemed quite excited for me to be there. Jared and Leah came forward to shake my hand like Sam did, but they both smiled widely while doing so. A young woman on Jared’s side waved at me, smiling.
“Hi, I’m Kim. Nice to meet you.” Her voice was warm and melodic.
“Hi, nice to meet you, too, Kim.” I smiled back at her.
Jacob and Paul simply nodded at me, not willing to come any closer. A young girl was standing beside Paul, and I assumed that it must be Rachel. She looked cautious, though she slightly smiled at me, and I smiled back.
“Aren’t you supposed to be sparkling?” Quil joked, and Seth giggled.
“Why don’t you leave (Y/N) alone?” Emily scolded the two boys.
“It’s okay, Emily.” I smiled, turning to look at the two young wolves. “I thought you may find it weird, so I chose to hide it.” With that, I broke down the illusion around me, showing off my exposed arms and neck which were sparkling brightly by now, almost blinding the others around me, who turned their backs at me to protect their sensitive eyes.
“Okay, let’s go back inside, don’t you think?” Embry proposed and everyone practically ran into the house. He didn’t leave my side, though he still had to close his eyes. I laughed at him and helped him walk inside, taking his hand in mine.
Emily and Sam’s house surely felt like a home - it wasn’t the warm brown tones of the furniture or the walls. It was the overall warm, home-like atmosphere that radiated off of everyone. They weren’t just a pack and their imprints - they were an actual family. They were loud, happy, enthusiastic; they reminded me of my own, human family, and I couldn’t help but smile at the sight.
“(Y/N), come here with us!” Emily called me out from the kitchen, where she was still preparing food with the help of Kim and Rachel.
I smiled back at Embry, letting go of his hand. He kissed my cheek lightly and encouraged me to go join the girls. I walked awkwardly through the living room and towards the kitchen, leaving my bag on a chair. The smells coming out of the oven were incredible, but not delicious or appetizing for vampire standards.
“I’m really sorry you cannot have anything, (Y/N). We just wanted to meet you, so I thought lunch would be a good opportunity. You knew, the boys will be eating, and will probably be too lethargic to annoy you or anything else.” Emily smiled apologetically at me.
I smiled cheekily at her. “Actually, that was a really good idea. I don’t mind at all, you know. Anyway, can I help you somehow? Chop anything? Put something on the table?” Helping with anything around would be much better than standing around awkwardly.
“Yeah, sure! Can you chop the salads? I’m trying to make the boys eat more vegetables, but they constantly fight back when I try to force them to eat even a little bit.”
I laughed, imagining Emily trying to force the boys to eat their greens, like the wolf mother she seemed to be. I grabbed some of the lettuce, and chopped it rather quickly, followed by the tomatoes, the cucumbers, and some parsley. Emily seemed impressed as she started putting the salads together, adding some corn, and asking me to get them to the table.
I put the salad bowls on the table, as I was watching the guys running around Emily’s backyard, playing American football. They all seemed happy, and Embry was practically glowing - a smile on his face so bright, my skin could never compete. I smiled unconsciously - my biggest fear was the pack being too nervous and upset about me being here, but they seemed to be relaxing a bit, just like I was now. Leah came by my side.
“You love him, right?” I turned to look at her. She was looking at the guys outside. I could not detect any particular feeling of discomfort or worry in her voice, but a wistful look on her face.
I turned my gaze back at the boys. “Very much. I have never felt like that for anyone in my life before - true love and adoration.” I whispered, hoping only Leah could hear me.
“He loves you, too. Very much. He wants you to be safe. He was worried the others would not accept the two of you together, or they would try to harm you. When you went to the clearing alone, he almost lost his mind. I’ve never seen him run so fast as when he ran to get to you. You were the only thing in his mind.”
Leah’s lips were parted, and the melancholy never left her face. “He’s lucky he found his imprint, and you are lucky to have found your mate. Don’t ever let go of each other. What you two have is special.”
With that, Leah left my side and walked out of the house to join her brother and the other pack members. Emily called me back to the kitchen, and I went back on helping her.
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thepineapplejuicer · 5 years
Know It All: Xmen evolution fanfic  Chapter Three
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Title: Know It All
Chapter Three
Nightcrawler fanfic (I do not own the X-men or the gif).
Violet Ashbourne is a gifted human hacker in possession of a radio, a secret device that gains her access to a large underground information network and electronics all over the world. Human and mutant coexistence has always been her goal, but will the betrayal of her mutant mother and father- once partners to her rise to power- distort her beliefs? Will the X-men be able to save her from her own pride and ambition? Or will she sacrifice everything, including the only boy she’s ever trusted, for vengeance?
The bus's small window fits the picturesque landscape of overlapping trees and emerald groves. The tranquil squirrels and deer drift carefully along the thick branches and bubbly bushes. Evan's pointing finger drags everyone to shoot to the windows, a breath of relaxation washing over us once our eyes meet the mirroring water of the river running through jagged, copper rocks. "It's beautiful." Kitty sighs. "Yeah," I answer so quietly as if part of me was too proud to admit it. The bus swerves gently around the path until we reach an opened dirt entrance with four cabins surrounding it. A low chime comes from my phone informing me of my lack of service. Luckily, I packed a hotspot box, but part of me still felt anxious about not having access to my files. I feel... vulnerable, more than usual. A sudden stop jolts me forward, signaling the others to get up. I am the last to step out and fall into the line formed at the side of the bus.
A grizzly man walks in front of the long line of students, "You will be taking 20-mile hikes, rappelling 200-foot cliffs and crossing treacherous water with no more than a rope and all the courage you can muster! Do you read me?!"
"Yes, Sergeant Hawk!" the students yell out.
"I said do you read me?!"
"Scott sumner!"
"Summers, Sir."
"Well, Summers-"
I tap along my phone, trying to tune out all the yelling until I feel an elbow jab me. Evan looks down at my phone and quickly to the side, warning signs in his eyes. I follow his eyes to the grizzly man who is staring at me with rage.
"It was clear that there are to be NO electronics allowed." he towers over me, the shade from his hat cooling me down.
"Oh no, no. I'm not with them." I smile pointing at the others.
"Oh, so you're with the other team?" Sergeant Hawk asks.
"Other team?" I glance over and see the brotherhood composed of Lance, Pietro, Todd and bob all looking as pathetic as the files I have on them.
I snort, "No, absolutely not with them."
Sergeant Hawk snatches my phone. "In that case, Xavier didn't mention anything about the Queen of England coming, so you are to fall in line like everyone else!" his spit lands on my face as he turns, my phone locked in his grip. "Oh okay, you just hold on to that one then!" I groan with a fake smile. I kneel and unhook the second phone from the side of my boot.
"As I was saying . Because of Scott Summer's scholastic achievements at Baville high, he will be your team leader. " Sergeant Hawk stares at me again, wide-eyed as I tap along my backup phone. "Did you not hear a thing I just said?!" He gets in my face again.
"Sir, I'm sure Charles Xavier sent you an email about my the extent of my 'involvement'. You can even use my phone to check! I promise you that I'm not involved in all," I flay my hand around, "This."
Sergeant Hawk raises his brow, the lines around his mouth weighing down.
"I mean this place is quaint, with all your dirt," I shift my foot, accidentally sprinkling some onto his boots, "and uh... you."
He yanks the second phone from me, "If I see another phone come out of god knows where your entire team is doing 500 sit-ups. DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?!"
My brows narrow and I wipe the spit from my bare shoulder, "Transparently."
"You have 10 minutes to stow your gear in your cabins! Go, go, go!"
"Ugh, I'm not going to last one day here!" Kitty complains, sitting on her luggage.
"You?! I'm a city boy, I wasn't built for this." Even joins.
"What did ve ever do to deserve this?" Kurt groans.
"Enough complaining." I stomp ahead, my duffle bag swung uncomfortably over my shoulder, " let's just get this over with."
"Here, let me get that for you." Kurt rushes over and gently removes the duffle bag from my arm. I glare at him, " Next time you convince me to go somewhere, make sure it has wifi that I can actually use."
"Sorry." he mutters.
"You will be racing to the top of Mt. Humiliation to retrieve a flag I had placed at the top. "Cakewalk!" The silver-haired boy steps up, "You watching pretty girl?" he turns and winks at me.
"Ugh." I groan. If all of these exercises weren't enough, Pietro's constant flirting was driving me near insanity.
"Not if I get there first." Kurt smiles proudly.
Mutants are all the same. They think just because their abilities allow them to cheat through life that everyone else is stuck with the short straw.
"Everyone in your team needs to make it to that mountain!" Sergeant Hawk growls, "And I want a picture as proof!"
"Like, that's if they don't cheat first." Kitty hisses at the brotherhood.
"Hey, we could beat you guys without our powers," Lance shouts, mostly directed at Scott.
"Alright, a fair game, no powers. Come on, guys!" Scott shouts.
We all run for miles along the mountain, until gradually we slow to a jog, "Sooo, like what's my favorite food." Kitty asks me.
"Are we still playing this game?" I huff, weaving the sweaty tangles out of my hair. "Come on! It's like so boring."
I sigh, giving in, " Hummas and pickle quesadilla, as bizarre as that sounds."
"Ooh, do me next." Rogue chimes in.
Before I can answer Jean interrupts, "I don't get what so cool about knowing all our favorite foods are."
She walks past me, bumping into my shoulder nervously.
"Is it that hard to impress you... Miss. Phoenix?"
She stops, "how did you-"
"Trust me, I know more about you than you ever will." I return the hostile bump and walk ahead of the girls, trailing behind Scott, Kurt, and Evan.
"Kurt pop up and see if the flag is still there."
Kurt turns, smiles briefly at me and then at Jean who is distracted, "Are you sure Jean will be okay vit that?"
"Don't you want to win?" Scott persuades.
"Figures." I butt in, scraping the dirt from my painted nails.
Scott and Kurt look at me with drooping eyes, "Oh am I in your way?" I ask and raise my wrists.
"If you could just step back like two feet," Scott asks nicely or at least tried to.
My eyes narrow and I realize... this is why Xavier wanted me to come here so badly. To neutralize them. Like I care if they cheat.
I take a giant step back and signal for Kurt to teleport.
"The flag is still there," he shouts as he reappears within seconds.
"Good," Scott hands Evan a rope, "forget climbing, spike this up."
"Uh, you sure?"
Scott glares at Evan.
"You look sure to me." Evan steps away from me and hurtles a spike into the cliff above.
Jean makes her entrance and glares at Scott as he hands her the rope. She climbs freehand and the others follow, taking their sides with Jean or the rope. I stare at the top that distorts as my vision blurs.
"Are you okay?" Scott grabs my hand.
"I'm not exactly a fan of heights."
"Oh." he looks at the steep cliff and then back at me. "Come here."
I watch him bend down and unexpectedly hook his arms around the back of my knees, pulling me against his back. "Hold on tight."
He didn't have to tell me twice, I nearly choke him as he begins to climb, nails digging deeper into his chest. He never complained though, but by how Jean snarled at me I can tell she wasn't too happy about this predicament.
"You are too kind, Scott." I thank.
"Anytime, Violet. That's what a team is for."
I am taken back, absolutely speechless.
We reach the top and Scott lowers me down softly, holding me steady until he's comfortable my queasiness is gone.
"HELP!" screams come from ahead, jolting us to investigate. I watch from a distance as the X-men rush into action, pulling the brotherhood out from a crumbling mine, being told to keep my distance several times. Their powers working in perfect sync, all unique... all useful.
A hand shocks me out of my depressive episode as Rogue pulls me to follow the others to the top of the mountain.
They all thank each other, leaving me in the distance to regain my breath. "Violet!" Someone shouts. They are all posing for a picture, signaling me to join. I cautiously squeeze in, arms folded, leaning away as the flash blares.
"Hey! Its the X-jet!" Evan yells pointing at the blackbird hovering above us. Storm walks out, "The Professor needs your help!"
Snarling and crashing comes from the danger room as we all rush to stop The Juggernaut, both Brotherhood and Xmen. We jump through a hole in the wall watching as Wolverine dodges the Juggernauts attacks. I watch as Kitty and Rogue lift each other up to unhinge the Juggernauts helmet, failing the first time. Kurt teleports onto him, successfully unhinging one latch before being flung to the wall beside me.
"He's too strong!" someone yells.
I place my hand on Kurt's head as he regains consciousness, "I'm okay." he groans, leaning into my touch.
"Sorry kid." Logan's raspy voice comes from behind me as he forcibly flings me across the floor, right underneath the Juggernaut. I scream and block my face as he readies to strike me.
The giant Iron rod in his hands causes him to tumble back as all his strength is drained by my bands. "Impossible." he roars, staring at his hands and then at me. Suddenly, Pietro, Scott, and Logan tackle him and remove the helmet. Logan grabs me and slides me rapidly across the smooth granite floor away from Professor Xavier.
I turn back seeing the Juggernaut passed out and everyone begin to cheer. It takes me a moment to get up and without warning I stomp over to Logan who looks at me confused, opening his hand to apologize. "HOW DARE YOU?!"
The blood in my hand pumps from the sudden sting, Logan's face in shock as he touches the perfect red handprint across his cheek. "You have the AUDACITY to throw me into danger like a ragdoll?!" I scream, the Xmen and Brotherhood taking a step back. He grips the side of his cheek, "That hurt a lot more than I thought it would." he groans, chuckling.
"And YOU!" I point at Xavier, "Don't you ever use me as a tool to neutralize your students again! Forge better have a lead on how to get these damn things off because I want out of this Horror House!"
I stomp off hearing only silence from behind me.
(Chapter Four will be posted Wednesday, June 19, 2019)
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