#i'm just an insecure little people pleasing idiot what can i say i never think anyone will like what i make
radiantaerynsvn · 1 year
someone kick my ass into finishing the final touches on my aeryn sun art because it's been taking me too long and enough is Enough
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ashwhowrites · 1 year
I hath come bearing a request:
Bully!Eddie with an insecure Reader where he openly flirts with someone else where she can see in an effort to make her jealous, and it does. She is jealous of the nicer version of his attention they’re receiving, but she’s more sad than anything else.
She’d started to think that maybe he did pick on her because he was interested. Like how boys would pull a girl’s hair back in elementary school. But after seeing him flirt with someone else, she realizes that can’t be the case.
Reader supposes that no one wants her. Even the “freak” of Hawkins High is beyond her league.
Happy ending if you can, pretty please 🩷
I'm usually against bully!Eddie but I did like the angst in this so I'm going to do it but he won't be like a huge bully, just an ass? I hope this is what you were looking for and I tried to make it happy :) ( with the help from my SB)
Never proofread
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There's a time in life where the line between love and hate is blurry and no amount of staring at that line will make it clear.
Y/N was on the love side, she had big feelings for Eddie. Her nose in the air as she follows the scent of his strong musky cologne and a hint of weed. She couldn't pick who she fell for, it was out of her control. She didn't want to love him, but she did. She had so many reasons why she loved him but there was one big reason why she shouldn't- he hated her.
Eddie was on the hate side of that line. She can't pin point where she pissed him off or what she did to make him hate her. It was like the second they met, he pushed her and she fell in love. She's an idiot and she knew that. It was obvious he didn't like her. The rude comments sent her way about all the little things she does. He teased her, tripped her, smacked her books in the hallway, but all her heart focused on was that he interacted with her.
Her dumb heart craved to be near him, even though her brain was screaming how horrible of an idea it was.
She already suffered with insecurities and somehow Eddie knew how to hit all the open wounds.
A part of her thought maybe he did like her, he just wasn't sure how to show it. He didn't seem like the type to be affectionate and sweet. Maybe this was the only way he knew how to show his emotions. Or maybe that was a shitty delusion she created to help her sleep at night.
Y/N heard from other students that there was going to be a partner project in English and she hated that she knew no one in that class, except Eddie.
She knew if she asked he'd shut her down and embarrass her in front of everyone watching so she planned to do this project alone. But turns out the teacher already assigned partners.
"Y/N and Eddie"
Y/N perked at the sound of their names, her eyes finding his body. He had an annoyed expression on his face. She felt her heart drop, he didn't want to be near her.
"Excuse me?" Eddie announced, throwing his hand in the air. The teacher rolled his eyes but allowed Eddie to speak.
"what If I can't stand my partner and rather fail the project than spend a second with her?" His words were cruel and mean. She hated the smirk on his face when looked over at her.
The whole class erupted in laughs, with a few pity looks sent her way. She couldn't tell which hurt worse, people laughing or people feeling bad for her. She shrunk down in her seat, Eddie once again embarrassed her for his own pleasure.
"Munson. Watch your mouth." The teacher talked over the class.
Against his will, Eddie accepted that she was his partner. Her head down as she walked over to his desk. Holding her breath as she took the seat next to him.
"I'm sorry you got partnered with me " she whispered, looking at his eyes as he glared at her.
"You should be." He snapped.
Being his partner was just as miserable as she thought. Every time she sat in that English class next to him, he shared every thought he had about her. He never had anything nice to say.
"Yellow is not your color." He said in disgust as she sat next to him, in her new yellow sundress. A dress that had her smiling all morning. Now the material against her thighs made her sick to her stomach.
Then the project moved to her house. Apparently, her room was not to his liking.
"Books? Fucking nerd. People with lives don't have time to read." He snickered
She just shrugged it off.
"you know you might be pretty if you actually tried." He mocked, looking through the book, his eyes never looking at her.
....might be pretty
If she changed, would he like her?
If she changed everything he hated, would he have anything left to say?
They've been working on the project for a few days. Every day she changed little by little. She threw the yellow dress in her trash. She packed away the books she barely read. Tore off every girly poster on her wall and removed all the things he pointed out on her desk. She styled her hair every day, and learned how to do make up that would show she "tried" every day.
And he never said anything
Just found new things to hate about her.
She was starting to wonder why he hadn't run out of anything yet. He somehow found something wrong about her every single day. Things she didn't think she would dislike about herself.
But he noticed everything about her, that means he liked her, right?
He didn't like her
It was apparent now
It was the final day in class to work on the project, and the whole hour was spent watching Eddie and a random girl flirt.
Her name was Brie, and Eddie seemed to really like her.
He was.....nice
His eyes were soft, never glaring at her.
He complimented her. On her hair, outfit, makeup, and personality.
Paying no attention to the project they need to work on. He was all focused on her and how perfect she was.
If Eddie ever liked her, he would treat her the same way he was treating Brie.
The line between love and hate was not as blurry as she thought.
Watching Eddie flirt with Brie today was not how she wanted her day to go, and now she had to end her day with Eddie.
She sat silently on her bed as he made his way through the bedroom door. She wanted to finish the project and never spend another second near him again.
But Eddie looked around her room confused, and walked over to each corner.
"What?" She snapped, guessing he was taking in her room to find something else wrong with it.
"Where are all your books?" He found himself asking.
Y/N was annoyed by the question.
"None of your business, Can we work now?" Her attitude was noticeable in her tone.
Eddie swallowed and sat next to her, beginning to work on the project. Yanking the notebook paper too hard, ripping the piece in half.
He quickly crumpled it up and went to throw it in the trash, spotting the familiar yellow dress in it.
"Why did you throw this away?" He asked, taking the dress out, nothing else was in the trash so it was untouched.
She looked up, her eyes turning hard when she spotted the color. She hated that his eyes seemed guilty. He wasn't sorry.
"Who cares, it didn't look good on me so I don't need it. Look can we work or not? We already missed an hour because of your little date with Brie this afternoon." His constant interruptions were driving her crazy.
She watched Eddie drop the dress on her desk, a smirk growing on his face.
"Jealous of the pretty girl?" He mocked. His eyes switched back to that teasing look.
She rolled her eyes and put her focus on the project. But Eddie didn't appreciate the silence. Walking up to her as she sat on the bed.
"I asked you," he said, gripping her chin to look up at him, "Were you jealous of her?"
She wanted to smack the smug look off of his face.
She yanked her jaw out of his grip, slamming the book as she stood up. Chest to chest with him as she huffed.
"YES! I am fucking jealous. But not because she's pretty and she knows how to capture your attention. But because you were so nice to her. You didn't pick her apart until she was a tiny shell of a person! I just thought maybe you picked on me because you liked me, but I can see I thought wrong." She ranted out, catching her breath at the end as Eddie stared at her. He slowly blinked as he took in her words.
"I threw away the dress because all it did was remind me how much you fucking hated it. I got rid of the books because you made fun of my interests. You made me hate the remaining parts of myself that I actually liked." She continued, her eyes filling with water.
Eddie didn't know what to say, but the regret was clear in his eyes as he looked at her sadly. He figured he should start with an apology.
"Y/N...I am so sorry...I'm sorry." He whispered, reaching forward to wipe her tears but she stepped back. Protecting herself as she crossed her arms over her chest.
"Just go." She whispered back, keeping her focus on the floor.
"Please let me f-" He started but she caught him off.
"Eddie, I don't care what else you have to say. I am done talking to you. Please just go."
She dreaded going to school. Eddie left last night when she asked, and she's been terrified to see him again. She didn't bother to believe his apology, there was a good chance he didn't mean it.
She stayed up all night finishing the project, she did not want to work with him again.
She was walking to class, eyes on the floor as she always does. She grew more and more nervous as she made it closer to English. Preparing herself to see Eddie again.
Before she knew it, she felt her body being shoved to the ground. She didn't have time to catch herself and smacked her nose against the floor. She gasped at the horrible pain that shot through her nose, cradling it softly. She could feel her hands getting wet from blood. She looked up, expecting it to be Eddie, but it wasn't. It was someone who bullied people to an extreme amount, Jason.
She felt the tears flowing down her face. Crying from the pain in her nose and the embarrassment running through her body as everyone laughed and stared.
"HEY!" she heard Eddie's familiar scream. Her body froze as he raced towards her. Fear in his veins as she worried about what he would add to her suffering.
His eyes looked over her frame, glaring once he spotted the blood leaking through the cracks of her fingers. The familiar dangerous look in his eyes almost had her apologizing for nothing at all. But then he turned, right fist clenched as he knocked Jason straight to the floor.
The crowd gasped and moved closer. Silent for a small minute before another punch landed on Jason's face. Once the students caught a sight of blood coming out of Jason's nose, the crowd began to scream, encouraging the violence in front of them.
She didn't understand why Eddie was beating the hell out of Jason, and not joining him. She used the distraction to get up and race to the nurse. Running as fast as she could away from the crowd that was focused on the new fight at hand.
The anger in Eddie's voice almost made her turn, almost made her feel protected, almost made her feel safe...but just almost.
She sat in the nurses office, the bleeding stopped but she held the tissue to her nose just in case. Minutes later a fuming Eddie wandered in, his bloody knuckles caused the nurse to gasp and race for an ice pack in the back freezer, down the hall.
She tried to avoid looking at him. Praying if she didn't move a single muscle, he wouldn't see her.
"Are you okay?" The softness in his voice was something she never experienced. She made herself look at him, trying to see if that truly came out of his mouth.
She sat quietly, she still didn't want to talk to him.
"I'm sorry he did that to you." He said, the softness still lingering.
"mad because you couldn't do it first?" Okay, maybe she did want to talk to him. She wanted to snap at him, yell at him, make his life hell the way he did to her.
Eddie flinched at the blow. Her words stung worse than the cuts on his knuckles.
"Mad that I ever did it in the first place. You never deserved any of that." He admitted. He was ashamed of himself. " I grew up with bullies and I became one. And the worst part is I bullied the most beautiful girl on the planet that has a fucking heart of gold. I adored how fragile you were and I destroyed you with my bare hands. And the reason is so stupid and selfish." He ranted out. Wayne would be so disappointed in what Eddie has become.
She felt like screaming at herself, hating the way her heart skipped a beat when he called her beautiful.
"what was the reason?" She asked, her voice quiet as she took in his apologetic gaze.
"I used to like this girl and I thought she liked me too. We dated for months and it turned out to be a prank with her friends. I was so hurt and angry at myself for being so stupid. I promised myself to never waste time on liking a girl in high school ever again. Then you and your bubbly personality walked in and I was scared. I liked you instantly and I needed myself to hate you. I was selfish. I tore you apart just to make it easier for me. It's not something I ever think deserves forgiveness. I know it's so fucked up to take out on you. You were just an innocent girl and I hate what I did to you."
She took in his words. The emotion in his eyes told her he meant all of it. But at the same time, he was right. She didn't deserve a single thing he did to her. She never once hurt him or put him in a position where he needed to protect himself.
"You never even gave me a chance, Eddie. Why couldn't you just ignore me? Seems like us never talking would have been better for both of us." She wished more than anything she never gave him her time. Let his opinions change the way she felt about herself.
"I wanted to, but in some twisted and toxic way, it made me feel special? I could treat you so poorly and you'd still come running up to me. And I know that is such an asshole thing to say. I wish I could take it all back. Treat you the way you always should have been treated. Given you a chance to show me you wouldn't hurt me. But I caused all of this damage and I know it's something I'll never fix. I'm sorry for everything." He apologized
" I appreciate the apology, but I don't forgive you for shit. You are an asshole, incredibly selfish, treated me like shit all because you were scared of a little crush? You're pathetic." Eddie winced at her words. "But, it shows you are flawed and human. Right now, I really don't want to be near you. Maybe in time I'll find it in me to forgive you, just not today."
He respected her honesty above anything.
"I understand. Thank you for letting me explain." He said with a small smile, turning around to walk out into the hallway.
Before he made it out of the doorway she spoke up, "why did you stop him?"
"No one gets to bully my girl but me." He said, a smirk on his face, throwing her a wink before he disappeared out the door.
God she hated him.
I could not figure out a real "happy" ending but to me, I like this ending so I'm sorry if you read this whole thing and was very disappointed in the ending :(
@bmunson86 @mxcheese @ladymunson @michaelfuckinglangdon @z0mbie-blah @biittersweet @mirrorsstuff @somethingwicked @micheledawn1975 @ago-godance @magnificantmermaid @tlclick73 @hargrovesswifee @cityofidek @manyfandomsfanvergent @silky-luxe @lokiofasgard616 @loving-and-dreaming @eddiemunsonsbitch69 @thegemaqua @ashlynnkennedy @strangerthingsstories5255 @harringt8ns @pleasinghellfire @whoscamila
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furuyalover · 5 months
Hey bae! Can I request the song Something Stupid by Frank Sinatra, with any of the Haikyuu boys for your music event? - 🫧
somethin’ stupid | mars & her music event
"and then i go and spoil it all by saying something stupid like 'i love you'"
— ft. iwaizumi hajime
AN: tysm for ur request! this was so much fun to write & ty for joining my event! for any readers int in participating, more info ab it here ! also this is on the longer side so cozy up, & get ready for some iwa fluff
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"i know i stand in line, until you think you have the time to spend an evening with me..."
you were at a semi-formal event put on by your school, aoba johsai. despite the amount of people there, the ballroom in which the ball took place had a tranquil atmosphere. seeing your classmates in an elegant manner, looking at some of them and thinking oh wow they clean up nice, it was a rather lovely change of pace. however, only one student in particular really caught your eye. that student, of course, was the one and only, iwaizumi hajime.
he looked radiant. you've really never seen him in anything outside of his school and volleyball uniforms, so he was really a sight for sore eyes. the suit he wore was well-tailored, but you could still make out the defined muscles on his biceps. he was so elegant and well mannered in this setting, and it certainly helped that his best friend sitting next to him was being as obnoxious as usual, making iwaizumi's polished manner even more apparent,
hajime also had his eyes set on someone, you. he only ever sees you at school, in your required uniforms, so he was stricken with adornment when he saw you tonight. he had always admired you, had even a secret crush on you, (which of course was obvious to the whole volleyball team based off how much he mentions you) seeing you dressed so lovely, and looking even more beautiful than usual, how could he not gaze at you like that? but when he saw you being approached by other students, telling you how gorgeous you looked, his insecurities got the best of him. why should i even try? they already have all these other guys romancing them, i wouldn't even stand a chance, he would mumble to himself. oh how little the boy knows..
"i practice everyday to find some clever lines to make the meaning come through. but then i think i'll wait til the evening gets late, and i'm alone with you..."
after talking it over with his best friend who sat beside him, tooru oikawa, he decided to just say screw it and muster up enough courage to talk to you. he & oikawa practiced exactly what he's going to say to you, since tonight will be the night he finally confesses to you. after ensuring that his words will be perfect, he gathers all his confidence to get up, and begin walking to where you're standing & talking to a few classmates.
"the time is right, your perfume fills my head, the stars get red, and, oh, the night's so blue"
he slowly makes his way over to you, being sure that you aren't talking to anyone by the time he approaches you. everything is gonna go perfectly, he'll have the perfect moment to tell what he's been feeling all these months.
after finishing some conversations with friends, out of the corner of your eye you see a familiar face walking towards you. is iwaizumi really coming over here? oh my god this is really happening, shit i hope i look okay. you frantically pat down your hair and clothes, to make sure you hopefully look perfect by the time iwa sees you. when he finally gets to you, you notice something about him is different. he seems more reserved than usual, almost seemingly shy?
"iwaizumi! i didn't know if you were gonna make it today, great to see you!" you say smiling like an idiot. "please, call me hajime. great to see you too, you look stunning." flustered by his affection, you look down smiling to hide your beet red face. hajime is hit with relief because now you hopefully won't see how red he is himself. "hey don't wanna sound weird or anything, but would you wanna step outside with me for a sec? there's something i need to get off my chest." your eyes widened, nervous at what he could possibly have to say. but regardless you nod in agreement as he takes you outside.
the two of you gaze out to the sky, on the balcony just outside the venue of the formal, in partially comfortable partially awkward silence. "so, um, what was it you wanted to say?" you nervously ask to try and break the ever so loud silence. fuck. iwaizumi thought. all his practice with oikawa? yea, that all went out the window because suddenly his mind is going a million miles per minute. he has so many thoughts running through his head, but he just can't seem to find the words, nor the confidence, to voice them. but before you know, the stern and intimidating volleyball player you're used to turns into a rambling mess.
"and then i go and spoil it all by saying somethin' stupid like, 'i love you'..."
"i don't really know how to say this, but fuck it i'll just try" he starts. you take a step back to look at him, a little confused, but waiting to hear the rest. "y/n, i really like, maybe even love you. i don't know, i'm bad with feelings, but i do know that you're all i think about. i never shut up about you, and i think you're the most perfect person put on this earth. i know i'm not oikawa, and that you probably have tons of other guys who want you and i probably sound stupid but i jus-" he stops suddenly when realized that you've wrapped your arms around him and engulfed him in a hug. after hesitantly wrapping his muscular arms around you, he relaxes a bit more, and eases into your touch.
with the side of your face resting on his chest, you look up at him beaming. both of you blushing profusely, but neither of you pay any attention to that. after a moment of just staring at each other, you finally say with a smile "you are kinda stupid hajime, i like you too, maybe even love also. i don't know how you haven't picked up on that yet" this just makes iwaizumi pull you in tighter, it feels like all his dreams had just came true.
"oh my god he finally did it" "god it's about time" oikawa and hanamaki groan to each other. yes they watched this whole thing go down for a comfortable distance, partially to make fun of him but also just to support their close friend from afar
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reblogs appreciated and admired ૮₍ ˃ ⤙ ˂ ₎ა
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scarletttries · 1 year
Woo Jin NSFW Alphabet (Bloodhounds)
Pairing: Hong Woo-Jin (Bloodhounds) x Reader
Rating: Fluffy Smut
Word Count: 3.2k
Author's Note: As promised here is the NSFW Woo Jin Alphabet. I love these boys so much I might have to do some fluff alphabets for them too, and I think I'm going to do some Peacemaker and Stranger Things fluff alphabets too so watch out for those! I'm on holiday at the moment and am finding alphabets much easier to write than full fics so please feel free to request a fluff or NSFW alphabet with any character you might enjoy! :)
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A = Aftercare (what they're like after sex)
A man who knows how to be charming, even when he's just rambling like an idiot, Woo Jin's aftercare involves a lot of talking. Be prepared for him to recap his top moments, ask your opinion on every little thing he did, making sure he knows exactly what to keep and what to change up next time to keep becoming better and better for you. He gets clingy too, his arms wrapping around you and pulling you flush against him, spooning you as he chirps excitedly in your ear about how amazing you were and how much he loves that he gets to do this with you.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Woo Jin's body is a testament to the efforts he's put into it day in and day out, but he still feels surprisingly insecure for a man in such good shape, like no matter how strong he is, he'll always be surrounded by people that are stronger. Thankfully the first time he takes off shirt in front of you, maybe he's invited you to a boxing match for the first time, and you jaw drops, eyes racking over his chiseled chest and abs, he suddenly feels so much better (you can guarantee he won the fight that day.) From then on he'll find any excuse to take his shirt off in front of you, spurred on by the wanting way you lick your lips, knowing you'll be curled up against him in no time.
Speaking of your lips, Woo Jin can't imagine a pair could ever be more perfect. He was a goner the first time he saw you smile, and when you laughed at something he said? Heart eyes for days! The sound of you giggling at his jokes is his favourite in the world and every time you smile at him he feels ten foot tall. The first time he worked up the nerve to finally kiss you, he almost couldn't believe how warm and soft your mouth felt against his, an inviting feeling he now can't go a day without. And when you map a constellation of kisses across his chest, sinking to your knees to put your lips to work, well let's just say that boy has never been happier in his life.
C= Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Woo Jin isn't exactly shy once you're at the stage of sleeping together, and he absolutely loves feeling like he's marking you as his by cuming inside or on you. When you first start sleeping together, he's worried about finishing inside you, instead letting himself spill over your chest or stomach, quickly offering to help you clean up as an excuse to get to feel your skin even more. But when you first ask him to cum in inside you, the feeling of being buried inside you as you both cum together, well that might just be his favourite, feeling totally connected to you and as close to you as he possibly can. Sometimes he'll aim to get straight into a second round so he doesn't have to choose between being inside you or all over you.
D = Dirty Secret (pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Woo Jin's got a big mouth that's always running, and a big appetite, and all that leads to him having an oral fixation when it comes to you. He could happily make out with you for hours, feeling positively obsessed with having your lips on his, constantly interrupting your day to steal a kiss if he thinks it's been too long. In bed he'll constantly give you hickies across your chest where only you can see, or if the pleasures too much he'll just barely sink his teeth into your shoulder, his mouth needing to feel you at all times. If you return the favour, biting and sucking on his neck when he's inside you, prepare to hear the most strangled moan of your name as he desperately fights back his immediate climax. He'll be praised you every second as well, telling you how perfect you feel, even when his mouth is full and you can barely understand a word.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they're doing?)
Woo Jin has a little more experience than Gun Woo, occasionally meeting women in bars and bringing them home for the night when he was younger. You'd be his first real relationship though, the first person he's wanted to sleep with again and again, and to keep impressing. He'll know enough from his previous encounters to make your first time together very special, but from then on his focus is learning everything about what you like, figuring out exactly how to make you cry out his name as loudly as possible.
F = Favourite Position (this goes without saying)
Honestly, it is probably just his head between your legs, watching your whole body shake as he makes you cum on his tongue for the second time today. But he also loves being behind you, wrapping his arms around you so you are pressed to his chest so he can keep cover your lips, neck, shoulders with his kiss while he fucks into you. He loves the strength he feels from being able to move your body around in bed, his muscles coming in very handy when he wants to pin you down and keep you exactly where he wants you, to make sure you feel absolutely everything.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Woo Jin barely has a serious bone in his body, his happy grin on his face in every moment you two spend together. He would throw out the most ridiculous compliments and praises when you're in bed together, the whole interaction so fun and lighthearted even though it clearly also means so so much to him. He'll be giggly and euphoric afterwards too, practically play wrestling in bed with you just to keep having a reason to feel you beneath him.
H = Hair (how well-groomed are they?)
Woo Jin cares a lot about style and fashion, taking a lot of care in the way he looks and always keeping everything tidy for you.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Woo Jin might not show intimacy in the serious way others would, but it doesn't take long for you to realise his lighthearted jokes and the way he messes around when he's getting undressed with you is his way of his being vulnerable and connecting with you on the level he feels most intimate at. He might try and be more romantic and serious if you wanted, but it's hard not to feel special when he gives you that goofy grin he doesn't get to wear very often and saves for his perfect moments with you.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
He's an excitable kind of guy, so Woo Jin's no stranger to his own company, entertaining whatever thoughts he can conjure - from the day you met, I can guarantee you that every image will be of you, he's just that obsessed. He'll definitely fantasize about you whenever you have to spend any length of time apart, getting easily riled up when he starts thinking about how much he misses your lips all over him.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
If you're into it, Woo Jin can enjoy getting a little rough and possessive in bed - he loves being able to pin your hands above your head as he bucks his hips against yours, asking you to tell you him that you're his over and over again. Boys definitely got a praise kink too, every time you tell how good he's making you feel he'll make it his personal mission to somehow make you feel even better. And oh my god if you called him 'Sir' in bed, that bit of marine pride would drive him absolutely insane.
Finally, if you agreed with it, I think Woo Jin would love to wake you up by going down on you, wanting you to wake up in the best possible mood, and feeding into his love of feeling like you and your body are all his.
L = Location (favourite places to do it)
Despite his attitude I think Woo Jin would mostly play it safe and have the most fun just sharing nights together in either of your apartments, where he can really take his time and feel safe to explore everything with you. The exception to that is when you come see him at Boxing matches, or even just training at the gym, he'll always want to show off for you, and gets all excited seeing you cheer him on, supporting him and thinking he can do anything - when he wins, he'll definitely sneak you into the locker room for a private moment so he can show you just how much he appreciates your cheerleading.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Honestly it would be a shorter list to write what you do that doesn't get Woo Jin going! As above, any time he sees you cheering him on or supporting him it definitely turns him on, your support making him feel so good and loved. The same goes for when he's able to make you laugh with his silly comments and jokes, it just makes him feel like you really get him and that he can be himself with you, every opportunity to be open and intimate with you one that he wants to really make the most of. It comes from a place of feeling a bit insecure in himself, like he's been a runner up his whole life and finally here comes you, making him feel like a winner and the luckiest guy in the world every single day.
N = No (something they wouldn't do, turn offs)
We've established Woo Jin can get a little insecure and jealous, so he wouldn't want to do anything that would feel like sharing you with someone else, wanting you to belong solely to each other. Other than that the only thing that could really turn him off is if he thought you weren't really feeling it, your comfort and pleasure the sexiest thing in the world to him.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.) - oral fixation, tries to talk, vibrations work
This man lives to give. He needs something to occupy his mouth at all times, and there's nothing he loves more than putting his tongue to work between your legs, feeling you tremble at his touch, hearing you moan out his name and tell him he's the best at this. He's constantly telling you how good you look during sex, and that doesn't stop when he's going down on you, the vibrations from his non-stop monologue of flirting teasing every nerve in your body. You'll see flashes of that cheeky smile as you tell him you're ready for him to fuck you, but he just shakes his head and tells you he's not done yet.
He'll be eternally grateful when you return the favour too, the moment your tongue meets his tip maybe the only time in his life when his mind is blank and he finally stops talking - only for a moment before the praises spill out again amongst pants of your name, and confessions of just how much he loves you and how lucky he is to have you.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.) - face/rough/energetic
Woo Jin is an athletic and agile man, and that would carry through to the bedroom. He's so excitable that it's like a whirlwind as he rips off clothes and covers every inch of your body in his kisses, pace frantic and rough when he's finally inside you. Sometimes he'll slow it down though, when you roll on top of him first thing in the morning or he comes home from a particularly long day, drained and looking for the comfort of you slowly riding him as he spends the whole night chasing your lips with his, arms wrapped around you so you never get too far away.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.) -
Woo Jin is so obsessed with you that sometimes he just needs a quickie; he knows you only have ten minutes before you need to be out the door to meet your friends, but he's been craving you all day and he feels like if he doesn't get to feel and taste you for another five hours it might just kill him! He's strong enough to press you up against the nearest wall, wrapping your legs around his shoulders so he can taste you before he brings you to his waist and pounds into you mercilessly, making sure you're both satisfied but you still get to leave on time - even if your legs feel more like jelly than you would like.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Despite having lived an incredibly dangerous life (with some very close calls) Woo Jin has learned nothing - he will take any risk and experiment in any way you suggested if you asked him with a smile. He wouldn't necessarily be the one to suggest something new, but he'd definitely take the risk of being together in public somewhere if he felt like he really needed you.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Woo Jin trains to bounce back quickly in the ring, between rounds of boxing, so he's always ready for a round two pretty quickly, never wanting the moment between you two to end.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He wouldn't own any toys himself, but if he ever found out you had a vibrator he would beg you to let him use it on you, absolutely mesmerized by your reactions to its touch. He would definitely want to introduce it to your sleepy morning sex, just to help you wake up in the happiest way.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
It takes one look at Woo Jin's devilish smile to know this man would be the worst (and best) tease. He'd love touching you oh so gently and watching you react, joking about how badly you need him when he's barely even done anything. Lives for making you beg for him to actually fuck you, teasingly saying he thinks you're not ready and need him to make you cum again on his fingers. When he's feeling particularly mischievous he loves being able to pin your hands and straddle your hips, taking his sweet time sliding into you and watching you squirm, unable to move your hips to hurry him along.
When the tables are turned however, he is an absolute baby. He gets so pathetic when you make him wait, if you hover him with your entrance just out of reach, chuckling at his attempts to lift his hips to feel you. Very quickly starts pleading and begging for you to touch him, telling you how bad he needs you because only you can make him feel this good.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Woo Jin has a big mouth, that never stops running - his moans are loud from the minute you shift onto his lap until his final thrust, interspersed with the a long stream of the sweetest words you could ever want to here, praising everything about your body, your personality, your soul and the way you look and sound and feel around his dick. Even afterwards the compliments don't stop coming until he's fallen asleep for the night.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for this character) - constantly has you on a facetime call when he's out living his life, even if it's all day - > phone sex.
Even though it's inevitable that sometimes you have to spend a little bit of time apart, Woo Jin views missing you as completely unacceptable. So whenever he has to be away from you, he'll start a video call with you and just talk to you all day while he's out living his life, like a little one person vlog. He just wants you to see everything about his day and know exactly what you're up to, even if the call has to last all day. Any time he's in his little apartment alone and you can't come over he'll get you on his phone, propping you up so he can see everything you're doing and vice versa.
It wouldn't take too many weeks of this constant company before one night he starts pleading about how much he wishes you were sleeping over, and you can see him subconsciously palming himself through his pyjamas. So you'd slip your camisole off your shoulders and ask him exactly what he'd be doing if he was with you right now, his eyes bulging wide at the realisation that this is actually happening. Now if you're apart he can't sleep without touching himself over the phone to you and telling you all the ways he wants to make you feel good when he sees you tomorrow.
X = X-ray (let's see what's going on under those clothes)
Woo Jin's pretty tall and muscular, so every part of him would probably be a bit bigger than average ;)
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Woo Jin's craving for you is relentless, most of his waking moments filled with thoughts of your beauty and kindness, and often that translates into wanting to please you and feel you. If you ever made the slightest suggestion that you were in the mood, he'd be immediately ready to go, but sometimes all he wants to do is cuddle up with you, resting his head on your lap while you play with his hair, or having you lie against his chest while his fingertips lightly trace shapes on your arm - it's all wonderful quality time for him.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterward)
It tends to be the two ends of the spectrum for Woo Jin - half the time he'll be immediately unconscious, the other half he'll be so excited about having a great time with you that he'll be buzzing with energy, playfully rolling around with you in bed and smiling ear to ear as he pours out every thought he's ever had and tries to learn absolutely everything about you.
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baki-tiene-un-simp · 10 months
Hiii, could you please make some hc for guevara, mumon, musashi and retsu with an s/o that is basically an abnormality, for example she has like 4 arms because she was suposed to have a twin but she like ate her in the process and is like albino bit still has some color in her hair like blond and ginger and is like deaf due to the amount of abnormalities that she has and has like spots on her body due to vitiligo and things like that, like a really really weird s/o that is like extremely unic.
I would like to see musashi's reaction like thinking she is like a ghoul or an goddess or even an angel or something.
Sorry if it's too long or it doesn't appeal to you.
Have an amazing day and hope everything is ok with you 💕💕💕
Situation: S/O with some bodily peculiarity / S/O con alguna particularidad corporal.
Characters: Jun Guevara, Mumon Katsuragi, Musashi Miyamoto and Retsu Kaioh.
Jun Guevara.
He cannot believe what he sees, they must be a deity that came down from the heavens to delight humanity with their presences, so majestic and merciful.
No one should doubt his love for his S/O, there is simply no more way for Jun to show how much he loves his S/O in case anyone has any doubts, no matter how they look.
As if this man could find anything wrong with his partner, really, he is an idiot in love with the sea and his S/O. There's nothing else on that head other than his S/O. I'll even leave it at this point, it's just obvious.
Mumon Katsuragi.
Mumon can be curious, but he is extremely laid back, he won't dig too deep if the S/O's are reluctant to talk about their aspects.
He may be a little silly, but he is not an idiot and he knows how to read people, so he will be in charge of making his S/O feel at ease when they are with him.
Sporadic and sincere praise, smiles and good wishes. He is sweet.
If they ever seek to be heard, Mumon will be there, he will listen to their insecurities and make them feel loved. He can understand if they feel too left out in some places and will comfort them for that.
He can make his S/O happy, no matter what they look like, he loves them.
Musashi Miyamoto.
To be honest, I think he would see the S/O as some kind of supernatural deity or spirit.
His mind is greatly influenced by traditional beliefs where he respected and feared supernatural creatures because they brought fortune or destruction.
I think he would kneel in front of the S/O after watching them uncomfortably for a while, asking for wisdom and strength to continue getting stronger.
A little reluctant to stop believing that they are deities, even if someone else or the S/O themselves explains that this is not the case. He'll stop mentioning it out loud, but I'm sure he still believes it.
Their relationship is a little strange at first for this very reason; Many people ask for kisses/blessings from their partners for good luck as motivation, while Musashi will firmly believe that his S/O does grant him luck.
He is the most faithful and devoted admirer of his S/O, he is also the most dangerous, he does not accept insults towards his S/O. They are warned.
Retsu Kaioh.
MY man is really understanding, he wouldn't be able to single out anyone for any particularity, because that's not honorable.
For this man, the sentimental and spiritual connection is painfully important, it is at a level far above the physical appearance.
The S/O will not need to worry about awkward questions when talking to Retsu, he would never point out the S/O's particularities unless they themselves are willing to talk about it. He understands that some people don't like to talk about these issues, so he won't touch it.
If they dare to talk about their aspects, they can trust that Retsu will listen, perhaps the question of “Does this affect your health?”, will leave Retsu's lips listening to them. That's all he cares about.
I'm not trying to say he's the best option yes that's exactly what I mean, I just want to clarify.
Versión en español
Jun Guevara.
Él no puede creer lo que ve, debes ser una deidad que bajo de los cielos para deleitar a la humanidad con su presencia, tan majestuosa y misericordiosa.
Nadie debería dudar sobre su amor por su S/O, simplemente ya no hay más forma en que Jun pueda demuestre cuanto ama a su S/O por si a alguien le queda dudas, se vea como se vea.
Como si este hombre pudiera encontrar algo malo en su pareja, de verdad, es un idiota enamorado del mar y de su S/O. No hay nada más en esa cabeza aparte de su S/O. Incluso lo dejaré hasta aquí, simplemente es evidente.
Mumon Katsuragi.
Mumon puede ser curioso, pero es extremadamente relajado, no indagará demasiado si el S/O se muestra reacio a hablar sobre su aspecto.
Puede ser un poco tonto, pero no es idiota y sabe como leer a las personas, por lo que se encargara de hacer sentir a gusto a su S/O cuando estén con él.
Elogios esporádicos y sinceros, sonrisas y buenos deseos. Es dulce.
Si alguna vez buscan ser escuchados, Mumon estará ahí, escuchará sus inseguridades y los hará sentir queridos. Puede entender si se sienten demasiado excluidos en algunos lugares y los consolará por eso.
Él puede hacer feliz a su S/O, sin importar como se vean, él les ama.
Musashi Miyamoto.
Para ser honesta, creo que él vería al S/O como una especie de deidad o espíritu sobrenatural.
Su mente está sumamente influenciada por las creencias tradicionales en donde se respetaba y temía a las criaturas sobrenaturales porque daban fortuna o destrucción.
Pienso que se arrodillaría frente al S/O después de obsérvales incómodamente por un rato, pidiéndole sabiduría y fortaleza para seguir haciéndose fuerte.
Un poco reacio a dejar de creer que son deidades, aunque alguien más o el propio S/O le explique que no es el caso. Dejará de mencionarlo en voz alta, pero seguro que lo sigue creyendo.
Su relación es un poco extraña al principio por esto mismo; muchas personas piden besos/bendiciones de sus parejas para la buena suerte como motivación, mientras que Musashi creerá firmemente que su S/O sí le otorga suerte.
Es el más fiel y devoto admirador de su S/O, también es el más peligroso, no acepta insultos hacia su S/O. Advertidos están.
Retsu Kaioh.
MI hombre es realmente comprensivo, él no sería capaz de señalar a nadie por ninguna particularidad, porque eso no es honorable.
Para este hombre es dolorosamente importante la conexión sentimental y espiritual, está a un nivel muy por encima del aspecto físico. Muy por encima.
El S/O no necesitará preocuparse por preguntas incómodas al hablar con Retsu, él jamás señalaría las particularidades del S/O a menos que este mismo este dispuesto a hablar de ello. Entiende que a algunas personas no le gusta hablar de estos temas, así que, no lo tocara.
Si se animan a hablar de su aspecto, pueden confiar en que Retsu escuchara, quizá la pregunta de “¿Esto afecta a tu salud?”, salga de los labios de Retsu después de escucharlos. Es todo lo que le preocupa.
No estoy tratando de decir que es la mejor opción sí, es exactamente lo que quiero decir, solo quiero aclararlo.
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Thirsty Frank hours? Well, perfect time to send this.
Imagine... you've always been a little insecure (weight, looks, whatever) and have a particularly hard day. Frank senses your distress and want to make you feel better.
And ehm... He does make you feel reeeealy good 😏
Can just imagine him being so soft, tender, talking you through it and just... God, just being wrapped in his arms 🫠❤️
|| Reminder ||
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Frank Castle x female reader
Tags/warnings: readers insecurities, soft supportive Frank, fingering, p in v unprotected sex.
A/n: thank you so very much for this ask @munsonownsmyass I've read so many mirror sex fics but I thought fuck it, I wanted to do my own with Frank! I swear this man talking sense into you in that rough and sweet way he has would fix me forever.
You're barely in the door, late getting back, having had an absolute shitter of a day and feeling like you just want to curl up in bed and cry about it. Frank’s already home and waiting for you, you don't even need to say anything. He knows you, inside and out. He can tell when the crushing weight of your thoughts is dragging you down and he can help lighten them.
Still, you turn away as his eyes meet yours, darkest brown and always so penetrating, stripping you bare. Sometimes you think you can't face him when you're like this, but then he sidles up next to you, his hand curling around the back of your head and holding you as he plants a light kiss on your forehead and the barriers you're ready to put up crumble.
"Hey, c'mere and tell me what's wrong." His fingers stroke over your hair and you lean against him burying your face into the soft brushed cotton of his hoodie. He smells like home and although it doesn't lift your heavy mood entirely, it helps. Frank wraps you in his arms letting you decompress a little before he'll press you any further. He leans down, laying a peck on your cheek before he guides you to sit down with him on the couch.
"It's just-" you want to tell him but it suddenly all seems stupid as the words are forming in your mouth. Frank is watching you patiently, his gaze soft and open as he lets you take all the time you need.
You sigh and try again. "We were trying on outfits, the girls and I, for Marci's wedding… and the others, they looked so beautiful and effortlessly gorgeous in everything, and I-"
You pull at a fraying thread of your sleeve and huff, angry at yourself as tears begin to well in your eyes.
"Baby, you look gorgeous in everything too."
You sit up, shaking your head. "No I don't. I just look like I'm playing dress up with my mom's clothes or something. I hate the way everything looks on me, I hate how I feel. Like everyone's staring at me because I look so dumb…"
Frank's brow forms into a deep furrow as you berate yourself, he won't stand for that shit.
"Hey, where's all this coming from? You're fuckin' beautiful darlin', I say it all the damn time but you gotta know it's the truth."
He pulls you onto his lap, gently wiping away your tears with the pad of his thumb.
"Th-they just all seem so strong and don't give a shit what people think. I can't do that, I don't know how. I've never liked how I look, or felt confident or anything… urgh, and now I'm just whining to you about it like a pathetic idiot! I'm sorry, I shouldn't- I'll go away..."
You go to get up from him but he gently clasps his hand around your wrist.
"If you wanna be alone that's okay I'll let you be, but I've got somethin' I need to show you sweetheart, if you'll let me."
You look at him, confused about what he could want to show you. He's got those big pleading puppydog eyes trained on you but underneath there's something else…
He stays close to you as he rises, taking your hand in his, leading you to your bedroom and standing you opposite the wardrobe mirror in front of him.
"Oh, Frank, no please…" You cringe, turning away from your reflection but he catches you in his arms, reassuring you as he urges you to face yourself.
"Baby, I need you to see what I see." He strokes the back of his knuckles down the outside of your arm, his other hand around your waist and his head resting lightly in the space between your neck and shoulder. His lips brush a kiss to the bare skin revealed by your loose sweater.
"Look at this woman I got." He begins, and you can see him looking at all of you. Eyes flickering over every inch of you as if you were naked in front of him. "She's a goddess."
You roll your eyes, body sagging in his hold. "No she isn't."
Frank stares you down in the mirror. "You callin' me a liar?" He actually seems slightly hurt as you sigh again, then a dark look of determination crosses his features. You know you're in for it now, whatever it is.
“What I see right here in front of me, is the strongest, most confident woman that I ever laid eyes on. You see that girl taking any shit from me? Baby, all those assholes I take down in the Kitchen, they ain’t got nothin’ on you, I ain’t scared of them, but you… Christ, you’ve got me whipped.”
He holds you around the waist, his big hands warm through your clothes as his lips graze your ear. "You think you don’t look good? I’m tellin’ you, you look goddamn fucking gorgeous to me just the way you are, wearin’ what you’re wearin’.”
His tone drops an octave as he moves his hands down and hooks his fingers under the hem of your sweater, pulling it up over your head. “An’ you look good not wearin’ anything at all too…”
His fingers trail down the bare sides of your ribcage as you bring your arms back down, wrapping them around yourself. You try to shy away as his fingers come up to trace your collarbone and slowly down the cup of your bra, unraveling your arms and placing them down by your sides exposing you as he goes.
“Fuck, look at you sweetheart, I wish you could see yourself through my eyes. I'm thinkin' that my baby girl needs a little reminder..."
You bite on your bottom lip as he drifts his hands to the button of your pants, undoing it and pulling the zip down slow like he’s unwrapping a precious gift. His fingers tease at the waistband of your panties as you feel the hardening shape of his cock pressed up through his jeans against your ass.
"Mm, yeah that's all you." He says, his gruff voice driving straight down to your core as he works your pants off down your legs and helps you step out of them.
"That’s what you do to me… and this ass?" His hands are all over you as he marks your soft flesh with his teeth while he's down there, making you gasp as he kisses and soothes over it and continues placing adoring kisses up over the curve of your ass cheek as he works his way up your spine.
"You want me to stop?" He asks you quietly, laying another soft kiss as he reaches the base of your neck.
You glance at the two of you in the mirror. This terrifying beast of a man to most is curled around your body, holding you, touching you, intent on showing you how much he adores you. Were you going to let your insecurities get in the way of that?
"No." You commit. Deep down you know that you need this.
He nods and unzips his hoodie, taking both it and his t-shirt off revealing the canvas of scars littering his massive upper body. His own imperfections that you can never see as such. He unhooks your bra, sliding the straps down over your shoulders, following on one side with his mouth letting it drop from your arms to the floor. A sweet warmth builds within at the sensation of his skin against yours. That basic, unshakable thought that Frank is your home.
He feels the softening in you, the corner of his mouth pulling up a little as he runs his hands up the outsides of your thighs, over your hips and stomach. One hand smoothes up your chest to gently cup one of your breasts, while the other moves south, cupping your sex through your underwear. Your eyes half-close as you let him take you over.
"There's my girl." He growls as he slips his hand beneath the thin cotton of your panties, fingertips meeting the slick pooling of your arousal there. He slides his fingers through your folds, spreading the moisture around before taking your ruined underwear off and sitting down on the edge of the bed with his legs spread wide, still facing the mirror. He lifts you onto his lap like you weigh nothing, the muscles in his arms are thick and prominent, and god if that doesn't turn you on even more.
You watch as he parts your legs, placing them on the outside of his own. He drags his fingers along the sensitive skin of your inner thighs, up and up to circle around the apex of them, and you're unable to draw your eyes away from the glistening of your own exposed cunt as he touches you there. Your breathing picks up, becoming shallow while he simultaneously runs a finger and thumb over your hardening nipples, playing with and gently pinching at them. A smile spreads on his gorgeous lips as a small moan leaves your throat, your body arching, your leg muscles twitching and the throbbing pulse behind your clit ever growing with the slow pass of his talented fingers.
"That's it beautiful," He praises, his stubble scratching along the side of your face as you let your head fall back against his shoulder. He dips his middle finger into your soaking entrance, reveling in the sweet sounds you make as he pushes it slow, in and out of your pussy.
Your own hand covers his on your breast, urging him to squeeze and grope. He's rock hard underneath you now and you're getting so wet that you're soaking into the crotch of his jeans, but even so, he's intent on concentrating solely on your pleasure.
He takes his fingers away and you look up, bereft, only to see him bring them up to his mouth to suck your juices from them. You've almost forgotten how you got here.
"Taste so good baby, you know I can't ever get enough of you." He pushes two fingers inside you this time, encouraging your loud moans along with his gentle kisses up the side of your neck.
"You seein' what I'm seein' now?" he drawls, looking at your reflection. “My strong, powerful, gorgeous lady makin’ me weak for her?”
He’s a fucking liar, you think, your mouth starting to stretch into a satisfied smile. Frank Castle would give you the world if he could, you don’t make him do anything he doesn't want to. That thought gives you momentary pause, he wants you. He has always wanted you, right from the beginning.
"Fuck Frank, you always, -uhh, know exactly what to say… mmm!" You whimper and moan as he fucks you so slowly and lovingly with his fingers. He kisses and mouths at that spot just below your ear as he curls them, searching for that place inside you that will shatter you into a thousand pieces.
"It's just the truth, baby."
He's watching you in the mirror the whole time. Your eyes meet his and you reach a hand back to grasp him behind his neck, your fingertips scratching at the fuzz of short hair there while the fingers of your other hand grip and dig into the muscles of his thick thigh, nails probably bruising his skin through the denim.
His other hand leaves the plush flesh of your breast to massage the pearl of your clit and you move counter to his ministrations, bucking your hips in time with the steady rhythm he sets.
"Attagirl, take what you need, princess." The low timbre of his voice feels like another caress and has your eyes almost fluttering shut as you let him worship you. You see the way he looks at you in the mirror, enraptured by your body writhing in his arms, those dark eyes drinking in every ounce of your pleasure.
"More, Frank," it's not a request. His breath matches yours as he works to bring you to a climax. You're beautiful, stunning, my fuckin' wildest dream in all his hushed, gasped words of praise spoken against your heated skin. Your legs shake when he adds a third finger, slick, wet and noisy as he pumps them firmly. Both your lips and legs part wider as you can feel the tangled knot deep within you about to blissfully unravel. Your clit feels so sensitive and the way his finger glides and flicks over it is maddening, it's right on the edge of wanting to push him away, but Frank won't stop for anything.
"Oh! Frank, god- oh fuck-"
"Yeah that's it baby. Please darlin', let me see you." Frank Castle doesn't plead for anyone other than you.
It hits you then, coming in his lap with absolute and pure pleasure bursting through your core and spreading out in pulses through the rest of your shuddering, sweat-sheened body. Frank's mouth roves over your neck and the side of your face until you turn to meet it with your own, tongues sliding against each other as you reach your climax. He doesn't stop, only slowing down to let you ride out the thick satisfying waves that follow.
You could lie back in his arms like this for the rest of the night but you're desperate to thank him. Of course he protests, says he doesn't need taking care of but when you get up and turn around, unbuckle that belt, ease him out of his pants and take him inside you he's the one at your mercy.
You wrap your arms around his neck and shoulders, face to face now, every little sign of his deep love for you written there so plainly. The dark black of his expanded pupils as they lock on yours, the slight curl of his lip as he grunts, swears almost every curse he knows as you ride him. It's barely half a dozen frantic thrusts of your hips until he's spilling inside you with an unguarded moan, his fingers pressing into the flesh around your hips and your foreheads pressed together as you both struggle to catch your breath.
He falls back on the bed and you go along with him. All of your hangups are forgotten as you lie together, basking in the afterglow with his arms around you.
He kisses you on the top of your head. It's such a simple gesture but it makes your heart swell.
"You need any more reminding of just how amazin' you are? Just gotta give me a few minutes and I'll do it all goddamn night."
You smile wide, softly shaking your head. "You did a pretty good job of that Frank, but the moment I need you I'll be sure to let you know."
"That's right. I'm always here for you baby. You just tell me and I'll do whatever I can to help, alright?"
You nod and your lips brush his shoulder in a kiss. "Thank you, I mean it. You're so good to me."
He squeezes you tight. "How about we go get cleaned up and I'll order us some pizza for dinner. That sound good?"
Frank tags (as always, let me know if you want added/removed): @divinearchangel @saintmurd0ck @castlesnchurches @mindidjarin @hellskitchenswhore @pedrito-friskito @sweetieswiftie @shedaresthedevil @freshabogados @father4giveme @stress--relief @e-dubbc11 @whistle1whistle @tea-and-wine @emiemiemiii @imherefordeanandbones @realfernmayo @munsonownsmyass @marvelswh0re @frankcastlescumslut @chellestrash @chvoswxtch @messymissy @evilbubu @lucy-sky @yanna-banana @anna-hawk
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mchlgayser · 2 years
Please can you do a : Chubby! Reader x Jude Bellingham
Fluff or smut or both no matter :)
Like I really need it
𝐂𝐔𝐃𝐃𝐋𝐘 ft jude bellingham
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𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬: Just Jude being extra cuddly with you.
𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: fluff / ✮
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠: none
𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬: Thank you for this one special request anon! I'll try my best and fulfill this to the fullest (even though it is short). I wanna thank you all that's been requesting from one shot to another, I appreciate it a lot! I hope you have fun reading this and have a great day/night ahead! xoxo
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You were cooking in the kitchen with your apron on when a hand suddenly snaked around your form, you chuckle and swiftly turn your head around 'Morning, Judy!' You shafts, turning around, and went to peck his lip 'Morning, Godhead!' He caressed your hand before he left your figure to the fridge and grab a bottle of juice 'You want some?' You hum ushering him to ready plates on the island's top 'Yes please, the food is almost ready as well!' You topped two pancakes on his plates and did the same to yours 'What toppings would you like?' You asked referring to the maple syrup and the chocolate one.
He points towards the chocolate syrup and you pour some on him and put the maple syrup on yours. You two settles down and chucked in to the breakfast 'You got practice today?' You asked cutting on your pancake as you bit it down.
'No, I asked for a day off. Want to spend time with my favorite' He playfully bops your chin using his fingers and you blush 'Yes, thanks. I needed that.' He laughs before continue consuming.
It is now three in the afternoon, you and Jude are in bed cuddling with each other, a laptop on his lap as you two focused on the movie ahead.
'Jude, I need to get up. I got to do my assignments!' He whines tightening his grasp around you 'No! I want to stay like this longer! You are so nice to hold!' He commented, tightening even impossibly closer to you, his chest on your side as he wiggle around like a youngster. You huff at him, pouting a little 'But you said that on our second movie. This movie is our third and almost ended!' His frown deepens 'Do you not love me anymore, Y/n?' He asked like a pretend broken child making you awed 'Of course, I do. But I got works--'
'Then stay.' He ordered wrapping an arm around your neck and bringing your head to his chest in an attempt to joke around but you wheeze 'I can't breathe!' He immediately lets go and you laugh 'That hurts, Jude idiot!' You bashed joining him in a small laugh.
You two indeed stay around for another three to four movies after that with Jude being extra cuddly than usual.
'Why're you so unusually cuddly today?' You asked letting him lay down on your belly 'Just because.' You look at him with a knowing look making him exasperatedly sigh
'I love you, you know that?' Your eyes widen at the sudden outburst but you chuckle either way 'Of course I do, why are you asking such a foolish question, Jude?'
'Then stop bashing your form and look so much. You are my baby girl because I love you for who you are. Never get insecure about what other people say. I don't want to see you go downhill because of how you look. I think...No I know, you are perfect like this, just the way you are. You are the most beautiful woman I've met in my entire life after my mom. Your kind heart, your pure soul, your striking feature, and your glowing skin. I love everything about you. I mean, everything. If you dare hate any of your imperfections it means you dare to hate me. Your one and only. Understood? I love you...' He singsongs the last sentence and pounces you to the bed giving you kisses all over your face and hugging you hiding in the crook of your neck
'I'm the luckiest man alive!'
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cosmicjoke · 1 year
I'm going to pin this post, because I want everyone to see it.
Do not, I repeat, do not ask me any more questions regarding whether or not Levi only cared about Erwin or was only fighting for Erwin, or only cared about his promise to Erwin, etc... I cannot even tell you how many times I've answered some variation of this same question, over and over and over. I'm sick of it. I can't tell you anything that you shouldn't be able to glean from simply reading the manga or watching the anime yourself.
I also can't emphasize enough that you shouldn't care or consider anything outside of canon, that includes interview answers given by Hajime Isayama. Interviews don't indicate or prove anything, as they're always answers given on the spot, and often don't accurately reflect what the author actually thinks or feels, or intends. Very often, an author can't give a fully fleshed out or accurate reply to any given question because it would spoil what they have planned, or they simply don't have it worked out yet, what they're planning. You can probably guess what I'm referring to specifically, that being Isayama saying Levi felt he had "fulfilled his duty" by being there with Erwin at the end, and this post is spurred on by the latest anonymous ask I've received. Apologies to the person who sent that ask. You seemed very polite and sincere, but I refuse to engage in this conversation again.
I don't even understand why people are so fixated on this question. Why are people so upset by some offhand answer Isayama once gave to a vague, open ended question asked years before he actually concluded the manga? Years before he knew at all what Levi's fate would even be? Why do people need constant reassurance that Levi actually cared about and was fighting for humanity when the answer is plain to see within the canon, with numerous, countless examples of such? Do they have such little faith in his character? Do they feel that insecure in their admiration of him? Because a bunch of idiot haters online constantly try to use an instant of deep compassion and humanity from Levi toward one of his friends as some sort of proof that he "doesn't care about humanity"?
I'm going to give an answer here to this question so that anyone who wants to ask me about this, again, (even though if you just scroll through my blog and search the right tags, you can no doubt find any of the dozens of posts I've made regarding this particular question), you'll have your answer, right there at the top. So please, don't send me any more asks regarding this. I'm always happy to discuss Levi and his character, and the various events involving him in canon, but not if it's just going to be people questioning again and again Levi's commitment to the Survey Corps cause, when he gave his whole life, and lost everything for it.
So here you are.
Regarding what Isayama said about Levi feeling as if he'd "fulfilled his duty" by being there with Erwin at the end, that could literally have meant anything. It doesn't remotely prove, one way or the other, how committed Levi was to saving humanity, or that Levi only cared about Erwin and nothing about saving humanity. It proves nothing but that Levi felt a fierce loyalty toward Erwin, and that he felt duty bond to him like any good soldier would their commanding officer. Levi was Erwin's right hand man. He was his most trusted confidant and friend. The man Erwin looked to for support and advice and strength. The man Erwin relied on to keep him in touch with his own humanity. By saying Levi felt he had "fulfilled his duty" or his "role" by being with Erwin at the end, all that says to me is that Levi felt he had served Erwin admirably and with honor. He stayed with his commanding officer and friend right up to the very moment of his death. He never abandoned him, or lost faith in him, despite Erwin's own admissions of weakness and self-doubt. Levi fulfilled his duty to Erwin specifically because he never left his side or stopped believing in and following him as a trusted leader, and he did right by Erwin, repaid Erwin for being that leader to him, by letting him rest.
So, let's get into why it's absurd to question whether this meant Levi only cared about that duty toward Erwin and didn't give a rats ass about humanity. I could write a hundred pages on this, there's that much evidence to the contrary.
Levi's reaction when Erwin admits to him that he cares more about finding out what's in Eren's basement than about saving humanity. Levi is horrified, and shocked, and feels a deep sense of betrayal and hurt at this revelation. He's distraught that the man he put his faith in to lead humanity to freedom and salvation has just admitted to him that he doesn't care as much about that as he does finding out what's in Eren's basement. Now, why the hell would Levi be so horrified and hurt by this revelation, if he himself didn't care about humanity, and only about serving Erwin? The answer is, he wouldn't. He wouldn't have given a shit what Erwin was fighting for if all he cared about was serving Erwin and being Erwin's loyal dog, like these idiot haters claim. He would have just shrugged and said "Okay, what next then, boss?". But, instead, he fell into a state of angry depression, gave up on trying to convince Erwin to stay behind (something he was trying to do in the first place because he believed humanity would be fucked without Erwin's guidance), felt so enraged and upset that he kicked the shit out of Eren and Jean for acting like undisciplined idiots, and went off to sit, isolated and alone, and questioning everything he'd been doing up to that point. He believed in Erwin so much in the first place because he genuinely believed Erwin was an altruistic, selfless, visionary leader who took on the great burden of leading the Survey Corps in order to save humanity. He admired Erwin for his dedication and commitment to that cause, for his ability to put aside personal feelings to do his duty, and for his great insight and intelligence and hope for a future for humanity. And he was so upset after Erwin's admission because that admission shattered that trust and belief in Erwin, and made Levi question whether he himself had made the right decision in following him. That doesn't sound like the reaction or behavior of someone who's just blindly loyal to or in love with Erwin and only cares about where he goes and what he does. Again, canon in your friend. Defer to canon.
Another point. Levi continues to serve in and fight for the Survey Corps, years after Erwin's death. If Levi really felt he had "fulfilled his duty" by being with Erwin in his last moments, and that he had nothing else to contribute or provide, then he would have simply quit the SC. But he didn't. He stayed, and continued to participate in and contribute in any way he could to their cause. He continued to fight for humanity, as the SC has always done. He continued to fight for the dream that every member that had died believed in, for them. People mistake Isayama's comment about Levi feeling directionless after Erwin's death as him meaning Levi didn't care about humanity, (which, I still don't know how you extrapolate that from his comment, but whatever), but that just shows a lack of understanding Levi's relationship with Erwin to begin with. Levi relied on Erwin to be his guiding light. He trusted in and relied on Erwin to use him to further the cause for humanity. Levi let Erwin choose how to deploy his abilities and strength, he followed Erwin's orders, because he considered Erwin infinitely more qualified than himself to determine these things. He believed in Erwin as a leader. He trusted in Erwin's judgment, in Erwin's ability to make the right choice, even if Levi himself couldn't understand or see where he was coming from at first. When Erwin died, Levi lost that guide. He lost Erwin's judgement. He lost Erwin's vision. When Isayama says Levi felt "directionless", he means Levi didn't know how he himself could contribute as effectively to the SC cause anymore, because he didn't have Erwin there to tell him how. Erwin always told Levi what to do, and Levi followed, because he trusted in Erwin's ability to see what he couldn't. But it was always, ALWAYS to serve humanity. Not to serve Erwin, but to serve the cause of humanities salvation. Without Erwin, it wasn't that Levi no longer cared about saving humanity, it was only that Levi no longer felt he had the person who could point him in the right direction and tell him what to do to attain that goal. He was on his own for the first time in this fight, and he didn't know what he could do now to advance it. He didn't know what role he could play. Again, it's not that he didn't care about humanity, or no longer cared about fighting for humanity. It's that he simply didn't know what role he was meant to play anymore in that cause. But even with that uncertainty and doubt, he kept fighting. He kept trying to do what he could. That isn't the action of a man who doesn't care about the cause. Someone who doesn't care wouldn't have kept in the fight the way Levi did. It's why he never quit fighting, even when he was half-dead from getting caught in a thunderspear explosion. Why he refused to run away, even when he was barely alive. That's also why I think it's absurd when people say Levi's choice to let Erwin die was "selfish", because Levi gave up his own feeling of placement in the world by doing so. He gave up his own comfort, his own sureness, his own sense of direction. He took on a massive burden when he let Erwin die, and he did it for Erwin's sake, because it was the humane, compassionate thing to do. That's the opposite of selfish. It's mind-blowingly selfless.
And lastly, Levi keeps fighting, even after he fulfills the vow to Erwin and his other comrades. If all Levi cared about was fulfilling the vow he made to Erwin, the vow to kill Zeke so that he could give meaning to the sacrifices of his comrades that day in Shinganshina, then he would have simply laid down afterward and done nothing to help the alliance win. But, he didn't do that. Even when Levi felt convinced that he wasn't going to be able to kill Zeke, he kept fighting in any way he could and trying to lead the alliance to victory. He came up with plans of action, he gave orders and directions to his comrades, he risked his life and nearly died to save both Jean's and Connie's lives, he helped Gabi to take out different targets with her gun, and finally, after killing Zeke, he rallied Mikasa and Pieck to not give into their grief at what was happening, and urged Mikasa on to deliver the final blow to Eren to finally end the whole damn thing. Without Levi, in that moment, Mikasa very likely could have given into despair and given up. Levi wouldn't let her. Those aren't the actions of a man who doesn't care.
Levi's inner monologue, about not regretting letting Erwin die and choosing Armin is further proof of how much he cares about the cause. He talks about Armin having the same light in his eyes as everyone else, before cynicism and doubt crept in from seeing too much horror. He talks about what they all fought for, whether it was to see people's lives trampled and their freedom stolen, or for a ridiculously idealistic world, and concludes it was for the latter, because that's the ONLY THING that would have made their sacrifices worth it. Again, these aren't the thoughts and feelings of someone who doesn't care about humanity. If all Levi cared about was Erwin and serving Erwin and fulfilling his vow to Erwin, he wouldn't have been thinking about any of those things at that point. He wouldn't have cared what his fallen comrades lost their lives for. It wouldn't have been a question at all in his mind. But instead it's the centerpiece of Levi's character in the final arc.
And then, Levi's salute to his fallen comrades in the end, and the first and only time we see him cry, because what they fought for has finally been achieved. A world without titans, and thus, a world where they could be free. Levi salutes them and cries because it meant that much to him, fulfilling the goal they all fought for, ensuring they didn't die in vain. Again, that isn't the reaction of a man who didn't care about the fight for humanity.
I really don't know what else to say. Again, canon in your friend. Levi's actions speak louder than any words. If you're having some sort of doubt as to how committed Levi was to the cause for humanity because of a bunch of brainless bleating from online haters, then simply do yourself a favor and go back and read the manga or watch the anime, and all your fears will be assuaged.
And that's all I'm going to say on this particular subject. If you want to know my thoughts, well, here you are. I hope it's an extensive and thorough enough answer, because it's the only one you're going to be getting from now on. If not, just go back through my blog and search, because I've talked about this innumerable times before as well.
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hanzajesthanza · 3 months
replies on post: "speaking of angoulême and regis friendship..."
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@dankomanuels @onlymagpie the floodgates have been opened 🧍
i've already talked a little bit on here about why i think they would get along, catalogued their short interactions across ttos and lotl, and even written a few for myself... (here's their tag and their "posts reminiscent of them" tag if you want to catch up on the vibes)
why i think they have a dynamic
they are very similar kinds of people, with similar struggles and desires. i see a kind of similar personality-story between regis-angouleme and milva-cahir, which is why i see those two relatuonships as the kind of "i Understand you 👁️" of the hanza, and then milva-regis and cahir-angouleme are the "absolute polar opposites" relationships, and then when you divide it by gender you get some dissonance, but uh... learning opportunities lol
everyone gets off to a terrible start with angouleme, including regis, because she not only came from the group that was Going To Make An Attempt on All Of Their Lives, but she intentionally provokes the company to get reactions. however, out of them all, regis seemed quick to reconsider his first impressions and, canonically, became amused by her and found some inspiration in her human charm, i think... related to the breakfast table argument between fringilla and regis :)
angouleme only seems to give a shit about regis' opinion in beauclair as it's a joint opinion between him and geralt ('my two gay dads' much?) but i always love to repeat to myself the line "one does not preclude the other. believe me, angouleme," the vampire said gravely... which i find nice because no one ever takes angouleme seriously, and here regis took her seriously, about something that wasn't even serious and was actually interrupting their discreet conversation! even geralt was like please leave us alone. and regis was like ok Truth. you're right. and this is a pretty deep topic too.
i like how regis seems to see angouleme as having valuable contributions even when no one else does... i think the human-ness that is instinctual to everyone else makes them find angouleme base, but regis is so curious about her because for him he can learn from her example... i explored this most in my katabasis fic.
there's less backing for angouleme to care about regis, so i fill in her character with some projection of my own insecurities that i feel like are characteristic of young adults, or those transitioning into young adulthood without... well...
angouleme when we first grab her out of fulko artevelde's jail comes from such a horrible environment, and i dont mean this out of disrespect, "how did you come to be among criminals, tfu" , but that she was in a foul company, and nightingale didn't respect her and was "known to reduce women to their primal use/purpose" (if i remembered how that line goes...) and it's apparent in the attitudes angoulme carries over, when she says that milva shouldn't come with her and geralt because they won't respect company of three when two of them are women. compare to geralt's company, in which i don't think that anyone would ever doubt that milva would be respected... lol. like tell this bullshit to cloggy and his fucking wooden board wife? anyways
i feel like angouleme would hold regis in some contempt at first, or more just like distrust and dislike because he gives the impression of a haughty intellectual who's never suffered real suffering and just likes to say idiotic platitudes (well the latter is a little correct...) kind of like what ciri accuses vysogota of in chapter 10 of ttos.
regis also didn't help this impression by referring to her with that "i'm not your uncle dear child" ... though he was trying to draw a line between them, like "i'm not your dude"... but that drogie dziecko will live in my mind eternally btw :D
angouleme after an opportunity to learn regis would come to like and trust him, but she just needs to be shown that he's trustworthy, proven to that they are similar, that he understands. i feel like a huge part of being a teen/young adult is feeling like no one understands your pain and no one's ever gone through what you've gone through.
angouleme seems particularly defensive and insecure about her low birth, her background as a criminal, and her addiction to use of fisstech, which it seems (from her vehement pre-defense of) that she has been severely judged and shamed for this by others, or maybe just by general societal attitudes.
by incorrectly gauging regis initially, i set up an amusing thought here where, near the beginning of their story together, they have some moment where angouleme turns her nose up and remarks that regis has no business in her business because he doesn't know what it's like to wake up in the gutter hungover on cheap wine
and he's like........... i'd write like "the vampire's expression was inscrutable." meaning: he was trying not to laugh
tropes and stuff
on this note, i'll take this opportunity to talk about an aspect broader than just their dynamic and interactions, something i haven't spoken as much about on here.
i see them as a kind of played-straight, kind of subversion of a favorite trope of mine: the divine ally.
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at least that's what i've been calling it, i don't know its actual name... divine advisor? guardian angel? fairy godmother? (that is actually relevant, for what i may talk about later)
this trope that is unfortunately less frequently seen in contemporary works, from what i can tell... (ugh, tv tropes even says: "This is also a highly Discredited Trope these days, usually associated with the most archaic parts of Fairy Tales, A Discredited Trope is a trope that has aged so poorly that it's rarely if ever played straight anymore.")
i think it still might be used somewhat, in the more general magical mentor trope (like come on. gandalf is right there), but from what i can tell of current trends, especially in YA and chick lit, when the dynamic is between a supernatural older man and a younger mortal woman... yeeeeah, :| , so what i'm interested in just doesn't follow the trend i guess, lol. hence why i hesitate to talk about them. but i will also talk about my reaction to this a bit further down.
for me, this trope is like when a hero is on their quest, and over their shoulder, has a distant guardian with supernatural powers watching them to see how they do, and possibly to bail them out when they need them to come to their side! maybe it's just because i was a percy jackson kid... and classical studies minor in college... but it's a trope that's always been so fulfilling and satisfying to me, pleasant to my heart when a god or an angel appears to help the hero when they're at their most desperate. it's so fictional for me, i think, i love it for its escapism... i think a lot of people can probably relate to being beaten down, desperate, even though you're an atheist you're praying in the dark for an angel's intervention, but nothing comes to save you. yeah.
anyhow, i like them for how they might invert this trope. a guardian angel, a fairy godmother, is usually something distant, ethereal, existing only in the mind, not human. they typically only show up in great times of need, and disappear at other times.
regis kind of does the opposite, as he does in the books... he shows up to geralt when he wants to be rid of him and his advice. he is like your conscience and you cannot get rid of him!
moreover, despite his supernatural powers (which i most often envision as flying, psychic abilities, and immaterial form like not casting a shadow, not feeling temperature, and (headcanoned) ability to glide on water or snow) do not make him a divine character in the classic sense of a god or spirit. he is kind of just a regular person, who likes to play advisor and confidant, can do some cool things, but is not godly by any means. this imperfection, this fallibility, this humanness, is what draws me to him. because especially through angouleme's eyes... okay, i'll get back to this thread eventually, (maybe in another post bc this is kind of the crux of 'book 2' of my fic).
let me get back to first, the other side of the trope: the hero. the hero is often pure, like cinderella or the virgin mary, or virtuous in other senses (odysseus is not a very "pure" character by far, pretty much the opposite LOL, but he is very clever, and that cunning is his excellence, what makes him outstanding). in other words, the hero is someone that the audience feels somehow deserves the divine, the ghostly, the godly throwing them a bone and helping them out.
angouleme is... at least, at the beginning of this arc, not a hero. actually the opposite, she's a bandit that was for all intents and purposes going to be part of geralt's assassination, but didn't get caught on the wrong side of history due to some freak accident (which was the author's pen). initially, she was intended to fade into the background, but sapkowski, like with dijkstra and boreas mun, said that they were characters who "stuck to his pen" and so they were elevated in pagetime. but even so, angouleme unlike ciri is not a princess, not a chosen one, she's not even anyone's daughter. she's a bastard, disowned and often forgotten and left behind (both in-universe, and by the fandom, i believe it's her curse and identity to be an insignificant accessory, a footnote).
so i think it would be so powerful if angouleme, who is used to everyone in her life disappearing on her, forgetting her—and regis, who is used to disappearing (both literally and figuratively, which is why i think it's fitting)—if when she needed him, he wouldn't disappear ... and then, maybe, if he would (for a negative arc, failed state, tragic take... i'll continue this also later).
either way, positive or negative, together these characters could have a really satisfying arc or two set during their time in beauclair.
which i've kind of mapped out.
fic storyline (book 1)
this continues to be a kind of really disorganized infodump so bear with me :) this is extremely unfiltered and unedited! (also haha "spoilers," but who cares though, because by the time i even start writing it you'll have forgotten what i said here. all i ask when sharing fic ideas on here is that no one write them before i do, pretty please)
so i'll now introduce my fic idea (not an actual book, but i just mean it like a volume or installment, since idk how to tell how long this story would be when i write it out). this first book is a lighthearted and comedic story set on saovine.
this idea centers on something loosely inspired by cinderella—a girl wants to go to a ball, but she's ridiculed owing to her low status and chased from her dream. but then, when all seems lost, the ghost of her deceased mother provides her with the most beautiful gifts to attend, and embrace an alter ego of herself, an elegant version no one knew existed, not even herself...
some motifs that regis and angouleme share are parties and revelry (oof), having separate identities (double oof), and being excluded from social engagement, when that's what they desperately crave (triple oof). i mentioned how i see them as very similar, how they are kindred spirits, how regis sees a lot of similarity in angouleme to his younger self, and how angouleme sees (though she's hesitant to trust it) an example of a better future in regis.
that, to me, is a sufficient motivation (initially) for him to help her in achieving her goals. especially because it involves parties and fun (i imagine regis and angouleme, sitting in the dark at the kitchen table, angouleme explaining her predicament, that it has to do with a ball, a big party. and then regis, smiling with fangs in darkness: "i like parties." haha)
and thus they have an opportunity to share the struggle of social pressure, empathize with someone who truly understands them, and then get to that damn party. and angouleme slowly begins to trust, open her heart a little, imagine that someone else could understand her dreams and have her best interests at heart...
also consider how angouleme's mother abandoned her and left a mother-sized hole in her heart. sometimes it's not who you would pray to that shows up.
another trope that i think would be really fun with these two, which i alluded to earlier, is the very common and ancient trope of the malevolent and predatory vampire specifically finding his prey in young women. regis already fucks up this trope into ten million tiny pieces in the series, his role is constantly to be the deliverance of women and girls (the girl from the camp accused of witchery, milva during her miscarriage, ciri about to be strapped to the steel chair). and i'm like, hey! i have in mind a blondie waif who's also in need of this protection.
but also especially because of the relationship between dracula and mina (in. dracula), how he attempts to make her into a vampire and she slips further into this... dracula exerts his malevolent power over her, and she withers, but also, is inextricably now linked to him via a psychic bond...
i kind of talked about how i have anxiety over people seeing them wrong, but i've also incorporated and played with this anxiety in the actual imagined story itself; how they influence each other and in that, it's misread by others as some decidedly dark influence, because as angouleme transitions to, becomes able to embody her ideal persona, a girl who will be loved instead of forgotten, she's now seen by the other characters as a girl to be saved, which invites unwanted attention, this attention being what is actually the exertion of force upon her autonomy.
what i imagine for the fic is a four-act structure. following the failures of angouleme in act 1, in act 2 through some... explosive circumstances that get out of hand, angouleme doesn't exactly fly under the radar in this merriment as she and regis kind of kick up a dust storm of trouble getting her a dress and horse-drawn carriage. there's no bippity-boppity-boo nothing here, so they use freely the strategies which bandits and vampires use.
(or instead of carriage, should i say, calèche, because i'd like another dracula reference here. by the way, just as regis has peak bartender energy, he also has peak uber driver energy. the kind where you get in, have the deepest conversation of your life, then get out. and rate 5 stars and give $5 tip. and never see that guy again).
so in act 3, when she finally gets to the ball and has her little #girlboss spotlight beloved moment where she's charismatically trying to get nobles to invest in her ponzi schemes (this is her character motivation all along... she wants a stable future ok so she is relying on inventing a new personality and scamming everyone into liking her), there's...
okay, i kind of didn't introduce the mild antagonists, but so basically, there's this club of beauclairoise noblemen who needed a hobby, so they became interested in paranormal collections and oddities... and since geralt was away, when the "hey i think a vampire just stole our horses" reports reached beauclair, these were the guys that were called. well, who you gonna call, i guess? maybe think of the witch hunter from good omens and his protege, but less aggressive and more clueless but arrogant all the same. they're comprised of three older gentlemen and one mmm... jarre-equivalent type of guy, young, around angouleme's age. i call these guys vampire hunters despite them having no experience hunting vampires
by the way also, in this introduction of them, i've brought this up slightly before, but regis' noble persona in beauclair (as they all had to assume fake identities, pretended to be nobility travelling incognito, remember)... ok he himself didn't actually come up with any script (with his experience he wanted to wing it this time) but his mysterious nature and constantly talking about the supernatural and his habits of dress, make rumors circulate that he is a vampire............ hunter. a vampire hunter. or at least, a retired one. and that's why he's in the company of the witcher geralt!
(beauclair nobility voice) "i fucking connected the dots" "you didn't connect shit" "i connected them". so the vampire hunters are like omg hi regis whats up you want to join our exclusive club of cool guys? and he's like um... ok lol. well. i'll participate in this conversation because it's funny lol. but i got my own things going on
anyways that's act 1 stuff. back to act 2. this 'crazy vampire shit has consequences' plotline is brewing underneath regis and angouleme doing said crazy vampire shit. switching POVs appropriately.
in act 3, angouleme, via making some awkward blunders (she got a little tipsy) gives them the "evidence" they need to scream "vampire" - except, they scream it in the wrong direction - at her.
cue the flight from the ball (of the cinderella story) and getting lost in the woods. after some moments spent lamenting, in fear, in regret, the two meet up and have the emotional resolution, heart-to-heart, about desperation to be someone else, fit in, be who people will love...
that kind of doesn't solve that guys are chasing them with stakes though. sooo there's a bit of an indulgent moment, for me maybe, here. regis is like: sooo, they want to fight a vampire... :D ok
angouleme is like "you're going to KILL THEM 😳☹️??? ... nice im watching this shit go down 🥺🍿." regis is like 😑 noooo...
they just scare them a little ;). it is saovine after all, and they are in the middle of some spooky, dark woods. as angouleme got her scene in act 3 charming the nobility, regis also gets a moment of excellence here.
i've played around with another joke here where the boy (blonde, grey eyes, big nose, skinny, freckles, hopeful and dreamy, but shy and anxious... i've been calling him jacek ig but i'm not set on a name yet) is the last to not get psychic-blasted or tormented by shadows or turned over on his feet out of being scared by voices in the dark ... idk what regis is doing to these guys lol...
jacek runs into angouleme and grabs her and is like "No No it's ok i'll save you i'll help you 🥺" and angouleme (to regis over his shoulder) is like 😬 making 'axe this guy' motions or eyes to him, but before regis smacks him into the fourth dimension or whatever, amidst his promises he's like "and we'll marry and you can share my fortune" and angouleme suddenly like waves her hands like 'no don't get him', mouthing exaggeratedly and pointing 'he has money' LOL idk. giving angouleme a love interest when she's not interested in love is funny. he's gone by the next installment anyways (engagement didn't work out)
so she allows him to try and 'save her from this infernal curse' and takes her (in the company of the other vampire hunters) back to beauclair, along the way they ponder over how clueless they are about this whole thing and how they don't actually know how to cure her (she's been sitting this entire ride with a garlic bulb in her mouth and her arms crossed, with jacek making big eyes at her but too scared to get close, holding a wooden stake between them lol). as they're approaching the foot of the city they realize oh shit there's an an entire guy we forgot about that knows so much about this
so they knock on regis' door and are like hey can you help us cure this girl of some Evil Vampire Affliction.. and regis and angouleme just look at each other like 😑😑 lol... anyways he kind of bats a laurel branch on her shoulders and flicks some holy water on her forehead and is like "all clear" and jacek is like yayyyy 🥺 and regis is like (gus from breaking bad smile drop meme) "but she might turn back if you get too close without brushing your teeth first ..." and angouleme (over shoulder) is like 😅👍👍 thx regis lol
so, all's well that ends well. friendship achieved, survived, fun and laughter was had and nobody died.
mmm, now onto 'book 2'... which is more of a tragedy. but i'll leave the story where it is for now :D maybe i'll continue in another post?
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my-castles-crumbling · 4 months
Hi Cas! How are you? I am in LOVE with your microfics!!! I never knew I needed Jegulus until I started reading your Jegulus, and I believe I have a new obsession to add to the list. I was wondering if you could give me advice on something. No pressure!
So my best friend has just started writing poetry, and I wanted to know how to show my support in the best way. She sends me her poems before posting them, and I feel like I always give kinda generic responses. I mean, I don't think i should offer constructive criticism (should I? It feels rude and I don't want to discourage her) and I always tell her that I love her writing and then quote the parts I liked. I just feel like it isn't enough. I mean, English isn't our first language and she's a bit insecure about her writing, so I feel really honoured that she shares it with me first, you know?
I want her to know that I'm extremely proud of her, but i don't know how? Help? Neither of us are great at saying the emotional stuff, but I thought I should make a gesture, so I encouraged her to make a tumblr blog. It didn't really work out for her, and looking back at it, I feel like it was a misguided show of support.
Was there something you appreciated from your partner/friends when you first started writing? Maybe something they did for you? I feel like I'm overthinking this, and she would definitely call me an idiot if she read this, but its important to me that she knows I care.
Anyway, I hope you have a great day! Sending you lots of love! Give Minnie a forehead smooch! ♡♡
PS: Ik this ask isn't as important/serious, but I don't know any other writers irl. please don't feel super obligated to respond or anything!
Wait this is so absolutely sweet. What's her blog, I'll follow her?
Yes, don't give constructive criticism unless it's requested. But I think you're doing exactly the right thing! My favorite comments (if I had to pick, I literally love them ALL) are the ones that pick a specific part and go into detail about it. It makes me feel special because if I really liked that part, it's a little dopamine boost that someone else liked it, and if I was unsure about it, it's a nice reminder that it WAS good. Also I love comments about what emotions I made people feel or how they can relate to what I wrote. Eliciting emotions from readers is an amazing feeling, and it's amazing to hear about. Last, ask about her writing. Like, be proactive, you know? When people ask me to read something I literally want to screech and giggle because 'whaaaat? you want to read what I wrooooote?' It's an amazing feeling.
I hope that helps!
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yuugen-benni · 2 years
The flags with an s/o who has vitiligo
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-art by Perdizzion on twitter
I had this idea out of nowhere, I just think vitiligo is the most perfect thing in the world :D
tw: nothing i guess
He's a doctor so he sure knows about your condition
He will recommend ointments and always remind you to apply sunscreen
he just wants his skin to be healthy :)
If you feel insecure he'll say you're a rarity and kiss your cheek
here are people who put on makeup to hide the white spots, if you're like that, Doc will try to get that idea out of your head right away
If he can't, it will help you choose a foundation that will not affect your skin
He won't feel guilty even because he's just protecting his beloved.
And also whoever dares to speak ill of you will take a syringe stuck in the vital point 😊
Kind silly at first
with his outgoing personality, he would ask A LOT of questions
I'm sure when you guys met he sure asked about your skin
but don't be offended, he just thought you were beautiful
if you feel insecure he will give you an attack of kisses all over your body, to show that he loves you very much
(and one more thing… he tries to find the shape of something cute in your stains to call you that <3).
If some idiot offends you in any way, it won't take a second for that person to go straight to the grave.
Lipp Man:
It was love at first sight
He was a movie star and saw a lot of beautiful people, but none compare to you
surely it must have already arrived saying how wonderful you are, making you blush like hell.
now, insecurity ????? with Lipp Man as a boyfriend? NEVER
He compliments you every 5 seconds
you will have the highest self-esteem in the WORLD.
And remembering he's got a way with words, he can kick someone's ass with them.
Ice Man:
I think he knows what it's about, but he's never seen him in person.
Ain't silly like Albatross, then avoid touching the subject so as not to make him uncomfortable.
He constantly finds himself appreciating you from afar (and the other Flags members tease him for it).
He won't let you feel insecure, he'll give you a sweet kiss on the lips that will tell you everything he feels and thinks about you.
Now, speaking of idiots, one look from the Ice Man and that person dies instantly.
Piano Man:
We all know how meticulous and artistic Piano Man is
So he thinks your skin is WONDERFUL
''You were the perfect creation, better than my fake bills''.
This man does not accept that you feel insecure, he will embody your role as a leader and encourage you (and in the end spoil you).
If someone talks shit about you, no matter who, your neck will already be broken.
It's a little small but I hope it's good .°.
If I said something wrong please let me now
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andypantsx3 · 1 year
Hii I just wanted to say always love hearing you talk about books!
As much as I love reading the biggest downside for me compared to fanfic is that there aren't any people immediately available to talk about a story with. I love that most often I am actually able to tell the author how much I loved their writing and seeing everyone in the comments express what they thought and felt is something I am so so grateful for!
But after I finish book that I have opinions on, whether I am freaking out over how great it was or if it made me once again question the publishing house that allowed it to go into print I am just like?? What am I supposed to do with myself now? most like i stare at a blank wall for about an hour to process and then try to move on with my day, it just not the same as being able to hear other peoples opinions on it. So, if you have any more book recs or just book thoughts please share them, it's really entertaining to read!
I hope you have/ had a good day :)
Ahhhh Archer you are such a good lil egg!! I I love talking books with other people too!! It drives me nuts because some of my faves are so niche and no one else I know has read them, because very few other people share my tastes.😭
I'm curious what your fave books are?? It's so hard to make recommendations without knowing your faves because I think book recs should be personalized to the recommendee's preferences. I would never rec my faves to the vast majority of readers, because they don't really appeal to the majority of people!!
But I guess that being said my all-time fave book as everyone already has heard me say ten million times is The Goblin Emperor, and I almost died of happiness when my beloved @acerathia read it too and I got to chat about it hehehe.
People are shocked when they learn this, because I am a silly idiot romance author and this book is very much not that. It's a meticulously-planned hurt/comfort fantasy of manners that is heavily character-driven. But to me, it is perfection. It is the pinnacle of literary achievement. It is so contemplative and explores the unique grief of losing people who were cruel or indifferent to you, about being kind in a world that makes it extremely hard to be, and about finding/making your own family in the face of social norms that would isolate you!! I just like how it gives you space to learn and process things with the MC, and how by the end of it you feel like you've grown as much as he has!! It's so earnest and hopeful and good and makes me want to rip apart a phone book with my bare hands!!!!
Another fave I semi-recently read is Winter's Orbit, which I think I have talked about on here too. It's another hurt/comfort-y found family narrative, only this time with real romance and space gays!!! The author actually first published this novel as an orig fic on ao3, and I think you can tell that by how much they seem to love and respect the tropes they employ. We get a little bit of the classic sunshine/raincloud dynamic with the two MCs, but the author does some absolutely fantastic character work and turns that right on its head, fully fleshing out both characters' buried personality traits, insecurities, and personal histories so that you end up with these two absolutely lovely good people who your heart totally aches for. It very much reads like an ao3 fic in the absolute best way, but polished and shined to perfection.
Another fave that I always blab about is the Pink Carnation series. This one is exactly what you would expect from me. It's silly idiot regency romance shenanigans, with several scoops of academia and historical espionage!! I think the author does such a good job at balancing the silliness of a fun romance with the intrigue of an actual historical thriller, and the characters are hilarious. This is the sort of thing I'm talking about with MCs who have major side character energy, as our first novel's protag Amy is good-hearted and smart enough in specific ways, but she is also unfailingly a horrible detective with a very limited perspective determined to be something she's not, and it also gets her into tons of sexy fun trouble.
So yeah!! If I had to blab about anything and rec things without knowing your specific tastes, it would be my holy trinity lmfao. But tell me more about ur faves, I wanna know!!!!
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To my adorablest idiot,
//पर ये सब सोचना
दिल को यूँ खोलना
सब कुछ कह कर ही
सब को बताना ज़रूरी है क्या?//
I've always wanted to tell you so so so many things but...........i just.....couldn't. Maybe Because idk how to entangle this tangled mess of thoughts in my head and say them out loud as words that make any sense. Because i feel like it won't ever make sense to you. It has never to anyone before.
//अक्सर तुमसे मिलकर मुझको
घर सा लगता है।
फिर क्यों दिल ही दिल में 
कोई डर सा लगता है।//
Or maybe bcz I'm an insecure coward. And I'm afraid of being perceived. By my own home.  I thought I should let it all out thoda toh bcz it was getting too much to hold in. I know you'll call me stupid. You'll tell me to stop thinking itna. But trust me i want to stop too. I so desperately want to. But i just.......can't.
i sometimes wish you could read my thoughts. So that you'd know how much i love you and how much you and everything you do and say mean to me and how I'm always resisting the urge to kiss you lol. But then i think no. He won't be able to withstand all the darkness in there. He'd get lost. It'd be too much for him. It'll consume him and he'll never be the same. Keep it to yourself please. 
But on the other hand i still so desperately want you to reach to those dark cracks of my mind and heart. And plant the seeds of your love and reassurance. And water them with your firmness. And make them bloom into the most beautiful flowers, being the absolute sunshine you are, sunshine. 
I know. It's all tedious work. But news flash. Loving someone like me is never easy. You ask me if i'm alright atleast 20 times a day, don't you? Or when I'm staring at you and you say What? And what is my answer everytime? Nothing. 
I want to say everything. But everything sounds like a lot doesn't it? And then how'd i explain it to you if you ask kya everything?
Girls like me are not easy to love. We feel everything so very deeply that it consumes us whole at times. We need constant reminding that you love us. Because even the tiniest slightest change in your behaviour would make us think we did something wrong.
i often feel excluded from everything but it's mostly my fault because i distance myself because i think i'm annoying. Then i feel lonely. And soon enough the whole world comes crashing down. And this wave of sadness makes it feel like all friends are annoying, everything is loud, and I'm contemplating why I even exist. This restlessness took so much away from me, sometimes I wish it would have taken my life as well.
I'm jealous of those who can function like a normal human being. They don't have anxiety holding them back from everything, they don't struggle to get out of bed or have to put on an act that everything is fine when its not. They don't struggle to hold friendships and relationships... they don't feel sad for no fucking reason everyday. Those that can manage pdhai and work towards their dreams, the ones who have self esteem and see the beauty in themselves. Those that know what its like to feel safe and secure, not insecure and fearful of it all.
I wonder how do you tell people? How do you tell them that you're exhausted even though you slept for 8 hours? How do you tell them that you need a break from talking and smiling and simply being near them? How do you tell them that you too are human and can make mistakes and can be a failure sometimes? Bc when the heck will this burn out leave me
i'm trying not to make it sound like a plea or an apology, but it should be one right?
//तू होगा ज़रा पागल 
तूने मुझको है चुना।//
Aaj when i said that thing about jumping off that flyover on my way back home or when i told you I'll be going away after 11th ends, tujhe kuch sunai nahi diya hoga but my heart shattered into a thousand little pieces. To see how disheartened and concerned and tensed you were. I then went to the washroom and broke down thoda because the feeling of being an unlovable burden worsened all of a sudden. I was also kinda overwhelmed by how much you cared and the guilt of concerning you itna. Because never in my wildest dreams did I imagine ki someone'd ever love me aise. But then i came back and saw your stupid pyaara face and everything felt good again. I'm sorry. For concerning you like that.
Aur sun. Though I may seem at times somewhat distant from you, through the gray mist of my own thoughts and storms, I am never far. my thoughts always circle around you ok? I love you hehe
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fabcreature · 7 months
i said something i shouldn't have and i feel bad
this is gonna be awkward if the friend in question sees this but they don't see all of my posts that often so maybe idk. if you're reading this please believe me when i say i love you and i never wanna stop hearing from you, including when you're doing bad
but my friend has some serious self esteem issues due to some really heavy stuff, and they have a sort of habit of dismissing anything positive, or honestly even anything neutral that you may say about them. like they'll say that they're a terrible person, you'll say "no, you're not a terrible person" and they'll do this sort of hum in response that just tells you they don't believe you.
and i know, i KNOW that it's something they can't help, they've talked about it, how they just cannot believe anything positive people say about them, like their brain just cannot comprehend the possibility that it could be true, no matter what. i know it's hard for them and i know it's not their fault (IT'S NOT YOUR FAULT IT'S NOT YOUR FAULT) and i know it's a deep rooted issue beyond just how they react to someone saying they're good. and i know i can't fix it by saying nice things, or stuff like that. i hope that me saying nice things will stick with them and later when they start feeling better they'll remember those things and start believing them. but i know that i can't fix it with words alone.
but just. they did it again, because they were (are) feeling really bad tonight. and i didn't think about it, and i should've stopped myself, kept my mouth shut, but it just. came out of me. and i just said "i hate it when you do that". and i really shouldn't have said that, that's only gonna make them feel worse. i really wish i didn't say that, and i didn't mean to, it just. it just happened. i got that so familiar twist in my gut because i hate that my friend has to suffer, and then i just heard myself say "i hate it when you do that" and i thought to myself "oh fucking fuck why would i say that, quick, how can i make this better-" and then i realize i can't. i just said a stupid fucking thing that's only gonna make them feel worse, and i can't take it back. "i hate it when you do that". great, idiot, fantastic way to talk to someone who's insecure and doesn't want to be a bother to people and buries their feelings and feels like they need to pretend to be happy for other people. fucking fantastic, idiot.
i just. i know it's not their fault. but it breaks my heart knowing how sad they are, knowing how much they hate themself. but god, that does not mean that i'd want them to stop talking about it. i want to hear their feelings and their thoughts, not matter how upsetting it may be. because i love them. i love them so much, and i want to help them in any little way i can, i want to understand them. i want to listen. i don't want them to hide how they feel or pretend to be something they're not. i don't want them to be happy and entertaining "for me" if that's not how they feel. i don't. i don't want them to stop talking about how they feel, because that's only gonna make it worse. i want them to be open and honest.
and then i ruin it all by saying that. it just. i'm frustrated. not with them, but their illness, because of how it makes them suffer. it breaks my heart so i hate it when their illness prevents them from believing me when i say they're good and i love them. and i am constantly so scared for them, so scared of losing them, i. it just came out of me. and now i feel bad. i shouldn't have said that.
i shouldn't have said that because. it's only gonna make them feel worse. but also because. it's not true? or it's misleading at the very least. i don't hate that they do that. i hate that their illness and their experiences make them feel that way. i hate that something that is beyond both of our control makes them hate themself so much.
i'm sorry
i love you
never stop talking
be honest
you will get better
i love you
no matter what
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goddess-of-green · 3 years
omg just found your account and i'm in love hey, could you do akatsuki headcannons of them being jealous cause u r talking to another member in a flirty way, hope that makes sense. xx
Warnings: Fem!Reader, language, suggestive themes
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• Tobi
◊ Let me tell you, Deidara is on thin fucking ice
◊ He is constantly flirting with you and when you remind him that you're with Tobi he just scoffs and keeps flirting like you're joking
◊ Tobi is very protective and even though he trusts you he gets jealous and insecure very easily
◊ He probably wouldn't directly confront Deidara about it but he would do subtle things to make it apparent that you are Tobi's cute lover, not Deidara's
◊ He would come up behind you and pull you close, chirping about how much he loves you, and how much you love him, while Deidara rolls his eyes
◊ Please just hug him and reassure him that you love him, it makes him melt every time
◊ "Tobi just gets...worried Y/N-Chan...He- I love you..."
• Pain
◊ Pain is majorly territorial
◊ He will threaten anyone if he even suspects that they have intentions
◊ He will attack someone if they continuously flirt with you but he tries not to if it's an Akatsuki member
◊ That being said, when Zetsu keeps flirting with you he gets mad
◊ Generally dislikes PDA but he will resort to it if Zetsu doesn't let up
◊ He'd pull you into his lap or use terms of endearment in front of everyone
◊ "As my goddess, you shall always stay by my side. I will not let anyone get in the way of that."
• Itachi
◊ He's so insecure
◊ Itachi would be very possessive but would repress it
◊ He would subtly threaten someone, or remind them who you belong to if their flirting starts to get out of hand
◊ Itachi tries very hard not to say anything, but he will seek your attention if you've been giving someone else a lot of your time
◊ Deidara flirts with you constantly, and you're pretty sure it's just because he hates Itachi
◊ Itachi will just eerily stare at him over you shoulder until he stops
◊ "Love...stay with me for a while, please."
• Kisame
◊ He is soo possessive
◊ He trusts you 100%, but he's still paranoid you may leave him for someone else
◊ He's super passive aggressive when someone tries to flirt with you
◊ Generally his appearance alone is enough to scare off anyone that wants you but there are exceptions
◊ Tobi doesn't outright flirt with you but he compliments you constantly and tries to get very close to you, too close for Kisame's liking
◊ Kisame will lurk and give you lots of affection so that Tobi knows your his, he is also not above marking you
◊ "You're mine, sweetheart. I want everyone to know that."
• Kakuzu
◊ This man, will beat some ass
◊ If anyone even looks at his darling the wrong way, they are toast
◊ He won't do PDA, like ever, but he will scare people off in other ways
◊ Is not above killing someone if they get too close to you
◊ Kakuzu trusts you...but not anyone else
◊ Don't make fun of him for getting jealous, just run your fingers through his hair and tell him how strong he is, that will cool him down much faster
◊ "If anyone even dares to touch you...I will have their heart."
• Sasori
◊ He'd make someone a puppet if they said the wrong thing to you
◊ He'll openly threaten anyone that gets too close to you
◊ Depending on who is flirting with you, he'll respond with varying degrees of aggression but he'll never ignore it
◊ Kakuzu shows interest in you and it pisses Sasori off
◊ Sasori and Kakuzu have had a lot of passive aggressive stand-offs, but neither of them are savage enough to just start fighting over a girl in front of the entire Akatsuki
◊ You are a work of art and like in a museum, no one is allowed to touch the exhibit
◊ "I simply cannot allow these imbeciles to disrespect you with their dirty words."
• Deidara
◊ He will never admit it but he is slightly insecure
◊ Tobi always flirts with you just to mess with him
◊ He knows you would never even think of leaving him for Tobi but it still pisses him off
◊ If you respond positively to Tobi's flirting, -like giggling or even just letting him continue to flirt with you- then Deidara will get mad
◊ He'll tell you how much of an idiot that Tobi is and how you shouldn't even waste your time in his presence and, and-
◊ You just need to kiss him and make sure he knows you'd never leave him, especially not for someone like Tobi
◊ "You are art, un. Art that no else is allowed to admire but me."
• Hidan
◊ Arguably the worst of all the Akatsuki in regards to jealousy
◊ He's not insecure and he doesn't think for even a second that you'd leave him but it pisses him the fuck off when anyone even tries to flirt with you
◊ He will throw down, he doesn't give a damn who's flirting with you
◊ Hidan respects you a lot, but he can be objectifying and possessive sometimes
◊ It's actually because he respects you that he wants you to himself so much
◊ He'll do anything to get someone away from you and assert his dominance, including kissing you in front of them, attacking them, hell, he'd even fuck you in front of them to get the point across
◊ "You're fucking mine okay? I won't let anyone else have you."
• Konan
◊ Konan is a bit insecure that you'd leave her, poor baby has baggage
◊ She wouldn't necessarily get jealous very easily, but she would get insecure if you were giving someone else a lot of your time and were spending more time away from her
◊ If someone is openly saying lewd things about your or being pushy, that's when Konan starts to get upset
◊ She has no problem with putting them in their place or simply pulling you close and making your relationship apparent
◊ Like Pain, Konan isn't really one for PDA, but she will certainly do it if it means others will keep their hands to themselves, we're looking at you, Hidan
◊ Overall, Konan's fairly passive as far as jealousy goes, but you should still take the time to make sure she knows you love her, she appreciates it
◊ "I get...worried, darling. What if someone tries to take you from me?"
• Zetsu
◊ Zetsu is a little complicated with jealousy, but both sides agree that you are theirs, and no one has a right to touch you but them
◊ If someone keeps flirting with you, he can generally scare them off by just being there, especially if he makes it clear that you are his
◊ PDA is definitely not his thing but he'll lean in and give you kiss just so that everyone knows who you belong to
◊ Black Zetsu is literally outraged when anyone tries anything with you, and he will 100% try to at least maim them
◊ White Zetsu is much more laid back but unlike Black Zetsu he gets insecure, he sometimes worries that you would rather have a human lover, which plants other insecurities in his head that he's not good enough for you
◊ How aggressively he reacts essentially depends on who and how much they're flirting with you, but no matter who it is, they are not safe
◊ "You are mine. And I am yours."
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cosmic-glow · 3 years
What makes them Jealous- TWD Boys.
Summary: What situations make your boyfriend jealous.
Warnings: Bad language, mentions of violence and obscenity.
Gender: Headcanon.
Pronouns: They.
Serie: The Walking Dead.
Characters: Rick; Daryl; Carl; Gleen; Paul; Negan and Merle (are not of my authorship).
Please do not use my content without permission, enjoy reading ;)
𝓡𝓲𝓬𝓴 𝓖𝓻𝓲𝓶𝓮𝓼
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Rick don’t feel jealous often.
But you have already noticed he has a habit of standing around you when a man he doesn't know (or don’t trust) is talking to you.
But you suspect be just for safety.
However, he gets restless when you get very connected with one.
The reason? Simple, his ex-wife left him for his best friend while he was away, he is afraid of this happening again.
But he will never tell you that.
And will never admit to being jealous.
"I'm not jealous, honey, I just worry he might take advantage of you"-he would say.
Rick always prefers to tell you when something is really bothering him.
But he trusts you.
He doesn't mind you interacting with the people in the group.
... His problem is those he doesn't know.
In today's world there are not many good people left.
He doesn't want anyone to manipulate or hurt you in any way.
But something that annoys him is when someone else makes it a point to protect you at all times when you go out.
"I can get it, I don't need help"- he thinks .
You could notice him looking irritated at the person.
But it is still rare for him to show jealousy.
𝓓𝓪𝓻𝔂𝓵 𝓓𝓲𝔁𝓸𝓷
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We know that Daryl has insecurities about himself.
And jealousy is linked to insecurity.
So yes, he has jealous of you.
However he doesn't like to admit it.
Is some idiot bothering you? Daryl is intervening right now and doesn't care if he needs to be violent.
But what irritates he most is to see someone talking about you.
I mean... speaking with ulterior motives about you.
He thinks: "Are you blind or just dumb enough to not have realized we’re together?"
"Ei!"-he would say to the person when started to be more obscene about you-"they're not available, idiot!".
I won't even tell you what he would do if the person persists after that.
He would break the asshole's nose, at the very least.
Daryl trusts you.
But the problem is that sometimes his insecurity speaks more louder.
And he hates feel this.
I mean, he thinks you are fucking beautiful, you wouldn't be wrong if you preferred someone more attractive than him.
Besides that you have a very kind heart, he doesn't want anyone to take advantage of that and hurt you.
Please, just show all your love for him and soon Daryl will become more confident and the jealousy will disappear.
𝓒𝓪𝓻𝓵 𝓖𝓻𝓲𝓶𝓮𝓼
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He’s still very young, it is not difficult for something to make him jealous.
But what made him feel this so intense was seeing you so close to the new members of your age.
"Calm down Carl, they are just making friends, don't be an idiot"- He would tell himself to calm down.
That's when one of the guys put his hand on your waist to pull you closer.
It was more than enough for him.
"Hey y/n!"-he would say approaching to you.
"Oh hi bab-"-you started but were interrupted when Carl pulled you by the wrist to turn to him and kissed you.
So immature...
"I need your help with..."-he paused, looking down and then turning his gaze back to you with a smile at the corner of his lip-"one thing”.
"What are you talking about?" you said before he started taking you with him.
When you two were in private Carl would say that he got you out of there because the guy was almost drooling all over you.
It is not difficult to know when he is jealous because he gets irritated.
Carl is restless pacing back and forth and cursing low.
"Why don't you ask your new little friend for help?"-that's the kind of comment he would make.
But it's easy to calm him down, hold his hand, tell him you don't care about any guy beyond him, and soon Carl will calm down little by little.
Is cute...but at times is annoys how immature he can be.
𝓖𝓵𝓮𝓷𝓷 𝓡𝓱𝓮𝓮
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I won't say that Glenn doesn't feel jealous of you.
But it's just he is always very honest with you.
When something bothers him it is visible and when you are alone he tells you.
Even if he is irritated, he doesn’t raise the tone with you.
His intention is indeed talk with you.
If you show your love for him often, it will be rarer for him to be jealous.
But seeing someone teasing you makes his blood really boil.
"They’re not interested, don't you get it yet?"- He would say at first trying to get it over with right away.
Glenn would avoid a fight, but if the guy persisted he might end up being aggressive.
He would just take you out of there looking over his shoulder at the person and asking if you're okay.
"Baby you didn't have to do that"-you would say as you bandaged his hand if he had fought with the guy.
"The bastard wouldn't leave you alone, of course needed to!"-he replied almost immediately while holding an ice pack against his eye.
He is not jealous of seeing you with new people.
It would only have if you showed more affection than you do with him.
Anyway, Glenn loves, respects, admires and trusts you.
He doesn't want to waste time fighting about jealousy when he might be being affectionate with you.
𝓟𝓪𝓾𝓵 𝓡𝓸𝓿𝓲𝓪 (𝓙𝓮𝓼𝓾𝓼)
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The least jealous on this list.
Is really rare he feels that way.
It is even rarer him to demonstrate.
But that's because he trusts you so much.
And he know you can kick the ass of anyone who bothers you.
But you still see him from afar paying attention when a man starts to bother you, just for security.
He intervenes only if necessary.
But there is one thing that makes him really jealous.
Intimate jokes and affectionate nicknames with another person.
Yes, he knows that it is completely idiotic him be jealous of this.
That's why he doesn't tell you.
"You guys are pretty close, no?"- would be the most he would say, but with a gentle smile to not show his discomfort.
But if you are good at reading people you will realize his annoyance.
But all you have to do is make it clear that he is special to you too and that you love him and soon Paul will forget.
He is very understanding and just wants to keep your relationship well.
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You honestly can't tell if Negan is jealous of you.
He never demonstrated that.
Not least because no one was crazy enough to flirt with you, all the more in front of him.
Until one day when you had a disagreement you decided to take the initiative.
Jared had just returned from a mission when you found him.
He was heading towards Negan's office.
"Perfect!"-you thought and went straight to him.
"Hi Jared!"-you said, standing between him and the door.
"Oh hey y/n"-he responded by pulling back the hand that was about to grab the doorknob before you stepped in front.
You tried to start a conversation by asking how the mission went.
He said there was nothing important, he informed you that he hurt his abdomen but it was nothing serious, while placing his hand above his waist.
"Oh too bad, you know if you want I can take care of you in my office"- you said in an audible tone to Negan (who was inside the office) as you leaned toward the savior.
"Well well well, I didn't know you were in the sanctuary medical group, darling"- Negan said emerging behind you as opened the door.
Jared automatically raised his hands trying to signal that he did nothing.
"You're dismissed kid, we'll talk later"-he said and the savior left soon after.
Negan indicated for you to enter and you did.
"What did you think you were doing?"-he questioned, already wondering what your game.
"I just wanted to have some fun," you said, looking away.
"Oh, my nurse was bored? Come here, I'll help you with this."- He said, pulling you into the chair with him.
Well, apparently he doesn't feel jealous, but he doesn't like you acting that way with anyone besides him.
And want everyone know to who you belong.
He's just a possessive son of a bitch.
𝓜𝓮𝓻𝓵𝓮 𝓓𝓲𝔁𝓸𝓷
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My God, how can you stand this man??
If a man is looking at you he walks in front of you blocking his view and yelling "what did ya miss, idiot?"
Merle has the habit of holding your hips and pulling you close to him when you are in public.
If some guy is bothering you and touches you he already sees it as more than enough reason to punch him.
He would be angry later that you "let" it happen.
If you make friends with a man and become intimate with him, seeing you laughing and leaning on him irritates him.
Dixon wouldn't disguise his discomfort.
He is a possessive son of a bitch part 2.
When you say he is just a close friend he would say, "Yeah I get it, why don't ya sit on his dick too?"
So immature... 
As I said, jealousy has to do with insecurity.
And the truth is that Merle is afraid of you realizing that one of these city boys might be better than an old bumpkin like him.
But he has too big an ego to say that.
If you asked him if he doesn't trust you, Merle would say, "Does it make a difference? Ya think I don't know what goes on in their heads when they look at ya? I don't want some asshole with his hands on you”.
You need a lot of patience with this man.
Maybe as time passes that you are together, these attitudes of his will diminish.
But as I said you need to be patient, good luck.
Sorry for any typos.
Open ask, accept orders :)
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