#i'm not kidding about the government agencies thing either
woolandcoffee · 1 year
A bonus of having a name that people commonly mispronounce* is that if I accidentally manage to pick up a spam call or some kind of promotional call, there's a 50% chance they'll say "hello, am I speaking with Wally?" to which I can respond "sorry, actually you're speaking to Woolly" which almost always triggers the "so sorry, we called the wrong number" response and I am released from any further conversation.
*I don't even actually want to say mispronounce because what actually happens is that they see my name and assume its a completely different word than what my name actually is. I sort of get it - the word that my name gets mistaken for is spelled similarly to my name (only one letter difference), but when you get the point where literal government agencies are making the mistake, it begins to feel like some of y'all just aren't reading.
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ccarrot · 11 months
so basically what if we set the bsd timeline back 7 years, messed around with everyone's ages and shot some of them out into different roles.
at the start we have:
Mori(33) is a year into his takeover of the Port Mafia
His new apprentice Yosano(14) met him one year ago and helped him orchestrate the takeover plot
a year ago Dazai(age range: 16-18 i haven't settled lol) fled the Port Mafia shortly before Mori's coup because of the death of his family, and his friend, Oda
Dazai finds himself in the Armed Detective Agency really quickly. (everyone knows he's from the mafia off the bat)
He gets paired off with Atsushi (20) because everyone at the Agency thinks he's the kindest and patientest person to help a troubled kid like Dazai
Atsushi was sent to the military at 10 upon the orphanage director learning about the abilities for war plan.
Atsushi ended up in the same division as Fukuchi and Teruko. He chooses leave the military after that, and eventually meets the Detective Agency.
Rimbaud(27) makes executive under Mori and is ready to start causing some trouble in the Suribachi area in order to look for a useful government asset
the local street gang implodes due to Rimbaud (and Mori's) meddling, and Chuuya(15) has nowhere to go but Yokohama
Chuuya gets to be the shounen protag as he deserves <3
Akutagawa(19) and Dazai did NOT get along to say the least. Tanizaki(19) is Akutagawa's partner in the Mafia and they don't get along either lmaoooo
haven't really settled on what kind of dynamic Aku and Daz had.
Kunikida(15) is also Akutagawa's new recruit. His family were victims of the Old Boss's terror spree, and Akutagawa found him and wanted to give him a new sense of purpose. Kunikida is a very lawful evil type. he's got the strictest moral code around while also like. being an active participator of violence.
Kunikida and Chuuya end up butting heads a bunch lol. It's almost like im setting them up to.... be......... rivals.
Higuchi(19) is a part timer at the Agency.
Yosano joins the agency too eventually. It troubles her that having a healing ability has only lead her to killing
The ADA is actually rather new at this point in the timeline but we already have some notable members: Ranpo, the reason the agency was founded ofc, at 23. (he was 18 when he met Fukuzawa). Kenji and Kyouka both 21.
Instead of Oda, Kyouka was the assassin from Untold Origins, and Ranpo immediately sibling adopted her. They found Kenji later on accident.
I'm thinking about how chaotic the Guild arc will be. See you can't do much shuffling with the Guild bc they must be Americans. lol
Other random things:
There's not much of a reason that dazai is a little older than kunikida and chuuya. there's some of logic happening in my mind that's not be happening in yours.
I haven't settled on something exact for dazai yet other than he's out of the Mafia before Mori takes over
No one's really got beef with Mori until they meet Yosano. Well i guess Fukuzawa's still salty abt the break up.
Chuuya gets a crush. on... someone here 👍
Starts off like how the pilot did but with Chuuya fishing Dazai from the river.
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thedisablednaturalist · 11 months
My parents found out about the present I bought myself for my birthday. I worked my max hours to afford it. I had it shipped to my bfs house so they wouldn't see it. Apparently I missed a receipt that was hidden in the box. Idk how they got it anyway cause I put the box out with the trash/recycling. My mom was being so cruel about it and how I keep buying myself "lavish" gifts (most stuff I buy for fun is like $10-$50 max). I always plan my purchases and have never missed a credit card payment. Most of my money goes towards doctors visits, medication, car maintenance and gas, accessibility items/ergonomic stuff, cat food and litter, and hygiene. Recently I stopped most of my subscriptions save for a cheap minecraft server. The bulk of my pay goes into savings which have really grown since I got my raise. I also give my parents $400 in rent each month. I'm trying to save up for a recliner to replace my bed but I don't want to use the money I've already put away.
Like ok, maybe I'm not mr.frugal. maybe i sometimes buy more expensive things because they're more convenient (like already cut vegetables/fruit or preprepared meals) but like my hands fucking hurt and sometimes I don't have the spoons to feed myself. Maybe I fall prey to impulse purchases once in a while. Im learning and I'm trying to learn how to budget bc now I have to also pay for insurance until I can get on medicaid.
My mom acts like I don't care. She sees amazon packages come for me and think theyre all toys or expensive skincare or junk when its actually body wipes for when I cant shower/so i dont come back from the field to the office all stinky. Its a trash can I can keep on my bedshelf so I dont throw trash onto the floor instead. Its knee braces because my knees fucking suck. Once in a while Ill see something on sale that ive been wanting for a while and will grab it. And the most expensive skincare I use is $20 for a jar that lasts me 3 months. I have to keep my skin clear or ill pick and have scabs and blood all over my face again. I spend money on drag because it MAKES me money. Last time I got paid $100 from the venue and $50 in tips. One time I got paid $300 from the venue (i dont remember how much in tips).
Im trying my best. Im working with 3 government agencies rn to get a job and get health coverage. Im working my ass off at my job when i probably shouldnt be working (my mom laughed when I mentioned this). I'm constantly doing things to earn me money or to make life a bit less painful. Even streaming is a desperate attempt to make a career/side gig out of something I enjoy and doesn't make me flare up. I only watch shows when im with my bf or when im doing chores or working. I rarely play video games. When I flare I lay in bed and scroll Tumblr or play a mindless dress up game where I only have to move my thumb. I cry almost everyday. I cry on the way to work. I cry holding my cat in so much pain i cant move.
The only big frivilous purchases I've made is the present and a new graphics card (I haven't replaced my old one in a decade). The present cost $230 and the graphics card cost $800. Both of these I saved for. I might buy a nice skirt once in a while but thats pretty much it. I also spread out big purchases over time when I can.
Am I spoiled? Maybe. Maybe my parents are right and I'm a lazy spoiled kid who just makes excuses. But my pain is real, constant, and severe.
I have friends who's birthday presents consist of trips to fucking italy or the bahamas. Who complain when their parents drag them on yet another international vacation. Some are amazing people who are grateful and work their asses off. And some of them are a bit entitled. My mom said most 26 year olds are living on their own with jobs and I fucking laughed. The only 26 year olds with their own apartments especially in my area either have 5 roommates in a 2 bedroom shithole, got lucky and have a high paying tech job, their parents pulled strings to get them hired, or their parents are paying partly or fully for their apartment.
And when i tried to find an apartment? She discouraged me and told me id never be able to afford one (correct) but now im suddenly able to when it suits her argument? Ive been heavily job hunting for over a year and got ONE interview who ghosted me after two interviews. I make $2k MAX. Rent in my area is $1700-2500 for a freaking studio. The $1700 one doesn't let you see the apartment and gets snapped up immediately. And these are all apartments within a 2 hour radius. All the "affordable housing" is for people 55 and older.
Like I literally have no options. I can't move until I get a job in that area. I can't leave the country cause Im disabled and also thats fucking expensive. My bf makes less than me and even combined we couldn't afford a place.
Literally, I've never been suicidal before. Ive never struggled with that due to my fear of death. But all of this? Ive recently had suicidal thoughts and its fucking scary. Thoughts that killing myself would make it easier for everyone else. That it would be easier to just end it, that life will always be a living hell and i should just give up. And thats fucking scary! I shouldn't have those thoughts! But that's how bad it is.
I try to do what my therapist told me. I try to set boundaries. But setting a boundary means not eating dinner bc I leave when my parents yell at me. I try to think positively and ignore the pain. I probably walk an average of 1-2 miles a day. I try and try and try and it hurts so much. They can't be proud of me? For even big victories? Guilting me about graduation cause I took too long. Keeping a job for more than a year (its not a REAL job cause its hourly and doesnt have benefits).
Like what's the point? I've been fighting and fighting and most of the world wants to see me dead and gone anyway. I'm trying to work in a field that doesn't even consider people like me. If I cant work Ill just bring my boyfriend and my family down. Every step forward I manage to take I get dragged back 10.
Im so tired and ashamed and stressed and my fucking body hurts worse now because of the stress and i just dont want to wake up tomorrow.
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animentality · 1 year
Funny work story time
I write handbooks and revise policy guidance for the federal government, and my boss spent all of yesterday morning screaming at me. Why, you might ask?
Because I noticed that one of the policy handbooks she wrote was written completely out of order. She had two redundant sections at either end of this document, and when I researched OUR OWN GUIDANCE, it literally said, do NOT do this out of order.
So I rearranged it, and she reviewed it.
She then proceed to complain that I "moved things around" and that's not how you're supposed to organize documents, according to our other guidance.
But here's the fucking thing.
I literally showed her the same guidance she was talking about...which I FOLLOWED TO A T, AND SHE HAD COMPLETELY IGNORED.
So she spent yesterday morning screaming this isn't what I asked for, and why can't you just do what you're told, and why are you being difficult...
and I'm like...what you're asking for is literally just wrong. By your own guidance's rules.
And plus, I literally have guidance samples from every other US agency of equivalent size.
Not a single fucking one of them follows her bullshit structure. why would they? it makes no fucking sense to have two sections that say the same shit, on either side of the document.
So a third person joined our screaming match of a call, and she deflated the situation.
But in private, she takes me aside, and she's like... Bella is a very special individual. She's a control freak. She's like a toddler. If you change her routine or try to do things slightly out of order, she just breaks apart. She's fragile. So just let her cool down, and then she might take your suggestions.
She sees the world in black and white, and writing is often gray, occupying a space between right and wrong, because there's no "right" way to write.
But I'm like...shaking my head at the idea of a GROWN ADULT asking another grown adult to do something for her, and then breaking down when he does it.
Like are you joking?
I'm literally working under a fucking child.
How the fuck is she the manager when she can't manage her shit?
Newsflash, not everything goes according to your fucking "order."
The guidance is still wrong.
It's objectively wrong too. It's literally black and white here. She is WRONG.
This is not a matter of "subjective" opinion. I had evidence, and I am right.
But I'm working with a tantrum throwing kid in a grocery store, so, I'll just say, ah yes, little Billy, you ARE right, you should be able to pay the cashier in yen.
I'll just go do that.
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beawritingbooks · 4 months
Kali Prasad headcanons?
I thought that she was such an interesting character!
Why do we never see or really even hear about her again???? Also, why do we never see or hear from any of the other people with numbers????
Like, I know there are little parts here and there, but not nearly enough!
I think we should see and hear more about each kid from the facility. I know that the fandom didn't like her, and that they probably aren't interested in any of the others, but I don't care. So much potential was wasted by not continuing her storyline.
For those of you that do not know, Kali Prasad is Eight on Stranger Things.
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Like, I'm not saying she was a perfect character or person. She had flaws, but all interesting characters do. However, like Eleven, she was tortured for the majority of her life, treated like a lab experiment, and robbed of normalcy and autonomy until she escaped. So, I am not going to hold her to weird perfectionist morality standards set by the fandom.
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My hope is that she'll be able to come back in Season 5 and help rain hellfire down upon all of the government agencies and people that have abused, taken advantage of her, and failed her.
I don't care if they were "just following orders," either, when they hurt those kids.
Sometimes revenge doesn't mean you're a bad person, and I certainly don't believe that getting revenge makes you just as bad or worse than the people who you are getting revenge against. That kind of fucked up black and white morality bullshit doesn't fly with me. My moral compass doesn't work that way, and I don't think that Kali's has to, either.
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But, after getting her revenge, I headcanon that she eventually fully embraces her vigilante energy. What I mean by that is that she'll get justice for ALL people that have been failed by the system, not just for herself or for the others from the facility.
Like, our irl justice system is a joke. Just look at how many criminals walk free, and at how many wrongful convictions and incarcerations occur. The Stranger Things universe appears to mimic the irl system. So, Someone needs to care about actual justice, and I don't particularly mind how the justice is served.
So, vigilante Kali, doing what needs to be done because no one else has the guts to do so, is my ultimate Eight headcanon.
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That being said, once that is done, I'd love for her to make a beautiful life for herself wherein she finds safety, happiness, and peace.
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The UCP vs. Juvenile Agency: A Tumblr Essay/Vent Thing
I hate my government.
Provincial government, that is. I can't say I'm head over heels in love with whatever Trudeau is doing either, but the point is, this is about my province's government; the government of Alberta. I'm aware of the extreme locality of this post, as I'm referring to a government that represents only 4 million people and I doubt every single one of them uses Tumblr, but I can assure you what I'll be discussing here goes beyond the scope of my province. At least, that's what I predict.
You can probably guess the United Conservative Party's game based on their name. Liberals bad, fossil fuel subsidies good. But there's more to their story than that. The UCP, under the leadership of the current premier Danielle Smith, really, really don't want to look like the bad guys. Smith even describes herself as a "caring conservative"; she's publicly pro-choice and supports same-sex marriage. But as friendly and kind as she so desperately wants to present herself and her party as, the cracks begin to show with her treatment of trans people. Cracks that, unfortunately, have let her feelings slip into Alberta's legislation.
I've already discussed at length Smith's anti-trans policies on my YouTube channel. The link is here if you wanna watch it, although in retrospect I think it could've been a better made video. Here, though, I'd like to discuss a concerning pattern I've notice in Smith's discriminatory legislation, and one that I feel has been a part of the conservative landscape for decades.
Danielle Smith really likes to talk about the safety of children. That is, supposedly, what all of this anti-trans legislation is about; protecting kids. But Smith's idea of child protection is, in my opinion, misguided. To her, protecting children means giving the parents the final say. Wanna get any kind of gender-affirming care? Get the parents' green light. Wanna change your name or pronouns in the school system? Ask your parents. Wanna make literally any personal choice concerning your identity as far as the government is concerned? Better make sure mom and pop are down. And this isn't just children children, either; I'd say by the time you're 15 you're pretty well prepared to make your own choices, but not according to the UCP, who are now signing into law that any student 15 or younger must gain parental consent to change their fucking pronouns.
But Smith and her party will look at all of this and say, "no". No, this is just how it works, they'll say. This is how you protect kids; you get the grown-ups to make the big choices. It's always worked this way; think about how many regressive laws, how many restrictions and bans, book bans and media regulations, how many shackles have been placed on so many ankles, in the name of protecting the children. Who, really, is being protected?
It's not about safety. It's about control.
Kids, including teens and young adults, have ideas. A lot of ideas. Some of those ideas are actually pretty good. But some people might not call it that; they might call it "misbehaving". And we can't have that, can we?
It's not until you exit youthfulness and enter the adult world, after your brain stops developing, after you finally accept to take the world as its given, that your right to carve your own path is finally relinquished. Only than can you watch "offensive" movies, read books with "indecent" material, and most importantly, find out who you really are. But what if it's too late for that?... Well, that's kind of the point, isn't it?
Youths have the most potential to change the world, so, if you want the world to stay exactly the same, exactly the way you like it, you make sure they shut up and fall in line. Why give them the right to choose when they could use that right to create a world you don't think is right? Where people are the way they want to be, rather than the way you want them to be?
Here's the tl;dr for people just scrolling to the end; In my opinion, Danielle Smith's UCP party wants to control the lives of the youth. They should just zip it, listen to their parents, and do as their told, and if their parents say no, that's the end of it, feelings be damned. It's a story told countless times throughout modern political history, and it's one that, horrifyingly, is finally beginning to take away the rights children have to decide who they are as people.
I'm 16. I'm going into my last year of high school late this August. I have just barely dodged this apocalyptic scaling back of children's rights in Alberta. I can't help but feel scared for the kids just a few years younger than me entering a world that wants to shape them according to its vision, by whatever means necessary. It's a thought that keeps me up at night.
To the UCP, I ask of you to explain yourself and your motivations for creating such a controlling environment for the future of your province to live in. It's not a question I expect a response for, but a question I ask nonetheless.
And to you, the person who has, hopefully, read all the way through, or at the very least from the tl;dr, thank you. I'm not sure how you're doing wherever you are in the world, but I'm living in a province that seems dead set on keeping me, my friends, and everyone in my age range down. I wish I could tell you exactly what to do to help, give a link to a donation page or organize a rally, but I can't. Hell, chances are you're dealing with your own regional stuff that you could write a whole essay about too. I just ask you take a look at what I've written here, maybe look into some of the UCP's other doings and Danielle Smith herself, and understand what I've said here today. And hey, the repost button is there for a reason, if you wanna spread the word.
It's hard to live in this world. I'm hoping beyond hoping that, with this essay, I can make it just a little easier.
Take care everyone.
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longsightmyth · 6 months
“Yes. So the problem with the RFID chips and the satellite tags is power. What we have here is technically not on the market and will likely never be, due to the general public’s fear of identity theft and having government agencies monitor them.
“Almost every technological development can be used for either the benefit or detriment of mankind. I understand the fear associated with such a device but there are many valid reasons for exploring technologies such as this one. Luckily, I have military contacts, and they often walk where others fear to tread. Our tags can do all of those things and much, much more, transmitting data constantly even well above and below sea level.”
Fear to tread here meaning, worry about basic liberties.
Kelsey's gonna be so fucked when Lokesh weaponizes his own military contacts to hack these things
(I'm kidding, random militaries ONLY work with the most well meaning billionaires around the globe, OBVIOUSLY)
(Which military did you contact, Mr Kadam)
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just-an-enby-lemon · 2 years
@unrestrainedbalderdash said they don't care if I put Jonathan Crane into my idea of how I would do an adult Scooby cartoon. And since they are someone who I really liked and I really just need one person saying "hey is okay" to me to overly babble over something here we are.
Disclaimer: I did not watch the Velma show. I saw the trailer and reviews but that is it. This is also not a recreation of it. It's merely how I would do an adult scooby doo story with a more representative cast.
▫️Alpha Kappa Scobby (I'm bad naming stuff)
Is time to grow up.
With the end of high school comes the anxiety inducing question of what to do next? To the Mystery Inc. the answer was always obivous: continuing solving mysteries together. Unfortunally fate appeared to have other plans. Between parental presure, a crashing economy, a shitty job market and an investigation that abelit sucefull ended up breaking the Mystery Machine, hurting a civilian and facing the local authorities ultimatum that they could not keep their unregulated detective agency it appears to be the end.
But the thing is mysteries never ever leave the gang. Where they are things happen and as they face the monsters of adult life other monsters may appear on the way. Are they ready?
▫️The Gang
- Velma is our main characther. She is a second generation imigrant kid from an indian-american family, possibly autistic (mostly represented by her sensory issues and examples of masking) and a genius who suffers from anxiety and the pressure that both comes with societal expectations related to prejudice, familial expectations (especially as a second generation imigrant) and being a gifted kid. She is also a lesbian.
- Shaggy is Shaggy. They are a possibly stoner black latino (he may be a stonner or it may be just harmfull steriotypes possibly both) and they are also ace and non-binary using they/then pronouns. Norville is their deadname and the fact their parents call them that is a dead give away of the time of people they are. Shaggy was adopted and their parents are upped middle class white guys who adopted three POC kids and act extremily white saviour over it. Their bio parents are implied to be scientistis at Star Labs that died in an freaky accident when they eere still little. They may have something to do with Scooby being a talking dog. Though they met by Shaggy adopting a stray puppy. Their personality is still the same. Except for the parents issues. Like they are still the same glutonous coward who cares a lot for their friends and likes bad horror movies.
- Scooby is Scooby. Like nothing changed at all about him. Except that outside the gang people do question the fact he is a talking dog. Since their world is really weird people go from allien to failed scientific experiment of either LexCorp or Starlabs. The more accepted theory is that he is the first non-human to manifest a meta gene. He isn't being studies because he flied over radar until the gaang started solving mysteries and at this point he was too popular plus the governent had other more important issues going on. So he is just a fact.
- Daphne is a girl who defy expectations. She is weird. She has two mons (a thing I know is cannon on the Velma cartoon and am using), one is a british martial artist and the other a american fashion designer and she got very deep into both of her mons careears. She has some relatives in jail and she learned a bunch with them. She loves to learn except not the school stuff, so her grades were meh and people usually saw her as just a pretty face, even though she has a bunch of great skils like fighting, fashion, faking signatures, lock picking, stealth, acting, a bunch of sports and more. She is bissexual and has a huge crush on both Elvira and Hex Girls. She also loves escape artists (being good at scaping herself) and is a fan of bad horror movies and campy actors. She also has a crush on Fred.
- Fred is a sweet bissexual himbo and he is very clearly neurodivergent and definitvaly autistic. He stims a lot, has dificulty getting social clues, misses most sarcasm and some abstract expressions, has a huge special interest in traps, sometimes goes non-verbal, just the whole book. He is a rich white boy but fails to meet his misoginistic racist parents expectations not only by hangin with the gaang but by having a disability. His parents never took him to a doctor to be diagnosed because they believed it would bring shame to the family to have a disabled kid and just hoped he would "grow out of it". He does have some internalized prejudice but it's working to be better. He also has a huge crush in Daphne, is a very supportive and loyal friend and infodumps people a lot.
▫️The Pilot
The pilot episode starts with the gaang reciving their ultimatum and having to undergo an state aproved course to became private investigators and be abble to keep the Mystery Inc. going. Shennanigans issue and they all end up failing.
Daphne is too good on the self defense courses and also may have caused a teacher who implied she would need to do sexual favors for him if she hoped to pass in his boring law class to never be able to walk again. Luckily he was too afraid to press charges.
Fred keept trying to insert trap making into the course to ridiculous extremes.
Shaggy broke the vending machine, ate all the food and also just keept running away from the clues in all the pratical texts. They answers also mostly involved running and getting uninvolved.
No one knew if Scooby should do dog training or humam courses and he ended in a confusing stream of buerocracy.
Velma should by all means had suceeded though and the only reason she failed was racial bias. She tries to brush it off, after all she was not going to be a detective on her own anyway and all her friends failed, but it clearly afects her and this will be a thing hanging over her head the whole season. The episode ends with Velma discovering she got approved to a full scholarship on a fictional ivvy league university outisde of Crystal Cove she had applied more for her parents sakes than her in criminology.
▫️They failed what now?
After a whole debate during the second episode and the gaang being supportive even if it means it is the definitive end for them, Velma decides to go to college. Of course trying to keep together the whole gaang somehow ends up involved with the campus.
- Shaggy and Scobby get a job at the college cafeteria that Shaggy uses to move into a trailer in the college parking lot (that they plans into turning in a food truck) so they can get away from their transphobic parents. Scobby of course moves with them.
- With help of white rich cis man priviledge Fred gets accepted to the same school but into architeture (he does uses this knoledge to plan traps but also realizes he likes projecting rooms on general). The thing is thanks to missanderstanding a sarcastic coment from Velma he ends up being part of a very "bro" fraternity. It's mostly played for laughs as he definitivally doesn't belong there but also accidentaly starts turning the guys into better people. But also features on Fred understanding his priviledge and the internalized prejudices his parents dumped on him and evolving past them and also dealing with ableism.
- Daphne decided to try to work in a close by cafe and became roomates with a goth girl called June that works with Shaggy and Scooby. Both are fired and decide to open an etsy store together. She is also doing an online course on fashion. Velma has a crush on June and June is implied to have a criminal past. The etsy store is mostly used for laughs though it also is used to show Daphne dealing with being different from soceity expectations and the hardships of having a small bussiness.
▫️The Plot
The story focuses on their adventures on campus as they deal with adult life but also as weird things keep happening and students end up either getting murdered or disapearing all the time. While focused on episodic shennanigans with characther growth as the linear aspect there are some key episodes that show that there's a major conspiracy involving the university's past and the looming presence of an white supremacist cult.
▫️Cool and all but where is Jonathan Crane?
The thing is if I was writing this series I would make the connection with DC be mostly references with some few special episodes starting on the second season (including the obligatory Batman team-up and a episode were Riddler, who is on his P.I arc, is hired to the same case the Mystery Inc is in and they have to work together). So we would have things like Scooby possibly having the metagene, Velma being a Batman fangirl and having some batfam merch in the middle of her detective merch, Fred being a Green Arrow fan and buying trap material for Ace Chemicals and LexCorp, Daphne mentioning her uncle Alfred or Shaggy's bio parents having been Star Lab scientistis. Some name drops like WayneTech or Lex Luthor.
The exception being Jonathan Crane. Jon is an actual relevant secundary characther. After mysterious circunstances involving a fight with the dean, a recomendation letter and an ultimatum, Jonathan leaved Gotham University and became a teacher at the Yet To Be Named University where the gang is.
His disciplines are an eletive about phobias, psychophatology and forensic psychology. He is famous over the campus for being a genius and a great teacher but also for being harsh, having extremely high standards and hard exams and just being creepy and really really weird. There is legit theories of him being some kind of cryptic or a ghost. He has the uncanny hability of walking without making any noise and being abble to be silent and quiet until he suddently scares someone with his presence. He speaks little outside the classroom and is always alone. And if someone tries to be friendly with him, he will just leave and let the person hanging. No one ever saw him eat only drink coffe (that may be spiked with whisky sometimes). He is mostly saw outside classes either writing/typing or reading (he only reads text books and horror stories). He has a crow in his office and while the bird is calm and sweet with him it sings creepy old childrem rhymes and it definitivaly attacked a student who got emotional over a bad grade and started screaming with Crane.
With all that being said Crane is Velma's fsvorite professor and she is his favorite student. He doesn't presure or mocks her and is fascinated by her theories and they can discuss psychology, chesmistry, literature and criminology for hours. They respect each other and have a deep understanding being fairly similar (and yes make Crane be also POC, prefencialy south asian), they are friends and with her family alway Velma sees Crane as a pseudo father-figure. Even Crane's bird Ichabod seems to also enjoy Velma a lot. The rest of the gang has more mixed views of Crane. He is always polite with them but he is also creepy as hell specially with Shaggy and Scooby as he asks them a lot of questions about their fears.
Every single time someone either dies or disappears everyone accuses Crane. He is ALWAYS a suspect. And Velma is his only defender (sometimes the gang as whole also). And he is always show to be innocent. But is also hinted that he is still planning and doing Scarecrow shit and while it's played for laughs the huge impact Crane and Velma's bond have to Velma overcoming her issues is a hint that when it finally happens of Crane being the guilty part and his Scarecrow persona coming to light it will break Velma's heart.
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scentedchildnacho · 3 months
He wanted to know how this happened to me so I told him I tried to go back to college and do it on my own and I crisised and lost all i had and once i was processed into adult protective services have never met anyone willing to release me count Olaf they have made me clean up after their nasty disgusting mental addicts
I have strange concentrative skills like a strange ability to read visual media
Lemmony Snicket
I told him my view of the homeless compound is that it's based off the school....so my german intelligence teacher told me I should believe in black film producers that can talk about colusseum movies and martyrs being lined up to die
Its my experience that grades represent family favoritisms and that some students are casualties and that pays for champion students
That's homelessness they gather us together as a quantifier then claim government funding is personal family promotions and parasite on the group with personal injury settlements
That's me about state 🆔 phone creep it needs a quantified number to obtain a hoard of phones then mostly keeps the phones to themselves and sells them their parasites any psychopathic act is an economic gain
Then I don't have a phone to negotiate my problems with more diversified dignity so I get called a live wire for having to be told no you need police it's to basically kill me if acting like an inferior race
So people like phone id 🆔 man appear then to have gambling problems and pimping problems he uses neglect to kill a population and seek economic gain off that so
Anyway I have had families admit they were suppose to know me to steal my emancipated budget to prevent more homelessness.....and stealing in general is not a pleasant act....most of it suicides as a corporate compound for attacking me
They either reefer themselves to death or pill themselves to death to explain why they became such a concentrated evil at other concentration victims
He asked if I had been around Temecula today so I said no it's those select race people who do nothing but have too much oil wealth and nuke wealth for what their actually capable of doing......so if the fruit is a constant peace gesture then they get things off cocaine based prostitutes
And that's all that people does then if it's cocaine....is shoot at each other if they parasite on you and steal from you they parasite on each other and their kids
Its their lights their brake and gas pedal their lawn water shoot shoot shoot all the time cocaine mad shooters
People like me favor the journalists as the intelligentsia so they have informed me of secret productions that are more applicable to a statement of correct diverse production for the states
The states is more a philosophical premise as a start to a diverse field of activity then a culture like jazz.....they were engineers more so it's because it is possible here that diversity can co exist in a city
So to me The Corporate nuclear family has nothing to do with me and I'm completely disowned from it and prefer waiting for their efforts to finally collapse
They told me it's sure not mine and I agree they really use it and they pay that back I just stay away from it mostly
Or I would have to be shot at also..so
I favor non violence instead of police theory or actively getting involved helping dysfunctional evil situations collapse faster and recuperate to a new beginning so it's having to wait for their sense of agency to slowly fuck themselves over
Gotta be patient....
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tinamaetales · 7 months
Run it Back
“Hardest-working, best conditioned, most professional, unselfish, toughest, meanest, nastiest team in the NBA.”
One of the best memories I have since becoming a fan of the Miami Heat is that iconic clutch 3 of Ray Allen in game 6 of the 2013 NBA Finals. I can remember watching that live on TV and after he made the shot, I was jumping and screaming in the living room because, man, that felt so crazy! It was one of those rare moments in my life when I can say I felt this thing called euphoria; I was just watching that game on TV because I'm from the Philippines and I already felt intense emotions, what more are the people who are actually in the arena, right? Let alone the players and the coaching staff... it must have been one of the best nights of their lives. That was the kind of moment where you can say "I had the time of my life." That clutch 3 pointer made me feel euphoric for about a week, lol. 
There are some people who will find it weird that I felt happy and felt as if the success of the Miami Heat at that year's NBA finals was also mine but that's what makes being a fan so exciting, right? You felt a sense of belongingness in the success of someone you look up to. I grew up with an inferiority complex. I always feel bad about not just being average but below average. I guess this is because I grew up in an Asian society wherein academic success is very valuable. It's either you're the gifted kid or you're not. In school, there were times wherein teachers would get frustrated with me because I'm slow in learning things. As a kid, I get so scared of not learning things easily because the kids in my class are all so smart, leaving the “outcasts” like me the feeling of wanting to just hide at the back of the classroom so the teachers will not get mad at you. I never really had proper friends in school, until high school. During elementary school, I'm almost always on my own. So watching sports games became a solitude. I am a sucker for rags to riches stories. That's why the stories of the athletes who came from humble beginnings and ended up being successful are my favorite. However, most of us are used to knowing the stories of these superstars in the sports world. Making it in the league is not the end of it, though because you still have to prove your worth. I was not really into the undrafted players before because most of the time they are just on the sides as the stars are always the main characters of the games. Until I learned about Duncan Robinson. 
I guess the NBA 2013 finals was the last time I was fully invested in the Miami Heat and the NBA as a whole because I became busy with a lot of things in my personal life. I totally forgot about the basketball world until the pandemic hits and my favorite artists (mainly iKON) are not that active. I can remember dropping by at the main office of my work for some errands (I work at a government agency but our office building is separated from the main office) when I notice a familiar team on their TV. The staff were watching a basketball game, it was a Heat game and they won that game. (In case anyone's wondering why I'm at the office during a basketball game, I live in the Philippines and the timezone here is different. Live NBA games here are in the mornings). Of course, after the game they interviewed the best player of the night and it was Duncan Robinson. At that moment I realized that it's been years since the last time I watched an NBA game and the guy is not familiar with me. After that I researched about him and the current Miami Heat roster and long story short, it reignited my love for the game and for my team. 
Duncan is not the only undrafted player in the NBA who gets minutes but it was his journey towards the NBA that made me become interested. His journey to the NBA is inspirational because he was undrafted yet he did not give up on his dreams. He worked so hard to get to where he is today. From Division III in college to being an undrafted player to earning a two-way contract and then finally to a $90 million dollar contract with the Miami Heat, I can’t help but feel inspired by that journey. And while I started watching Heat games again, other undrafted players in the roster also caught my attention like Max Strus and Caleb Martin. Max was also undrafted and went from one team to another and just when he was about to get the opportunity to have playing minutes, he got injured. But like Duncan, he worked hard and now after he got his shot with the Heat, he was signed with the Cleveland Cavaliers. Caleb, on the other hand, is also an undrafted player. At the 2019 NBA Draft, he watched his twin brother get drafted while he was not. Although he was eventually signed to the same team as his twin, he got cut off. Fast forward to today, he is now a vital player for the Heat. Guys like them are proof that just because it didn't work out the “normal way” does not mean it’s the end of the journey. They did not let adversity bring them down, instead they used it as a fuel to work harder. Somehow, their journey served as my motivation to keep going. 
I was so used to seeing success stories and sometimes I feel jealous when others win in life while I feel stuck in the rock bottom. It’s difficult to stay motivated when you see others having it easy. But watching the stories of undrafted players like Duncan, Max and Caleb through Inside the Heat episodes, I feel less alone (if I describe it correctly). They are a living testament that you never lose when you keep working hard. When your focus is on yourself and not on others, then you can have more time to improve your skills and reflect on your weaknesses and turn your adversities into opportunities to get better. Just like what Olivia Rodrigo said in her song Jealousy: their win is not my loss. I should stop comparing my journey with others because we all have different timelines. What works for one does not mean it will work for the rest of us. 
So now as I reminisce about the previous NBA season, I can’t help but feel some sense of “panghihinayang” because the Heat almost won the championship.I remember how hard I was praying last year to let the Heat advanced to the playoffs because I really wanted them to win the chip while my three favorite undrafted players, Duncan, Max and Caleb are still on the same team. Also, they would have made history for being the first play-in team to win the championship; a team with about 70% of their roster are undrafted players. Now that we are in the new season, Max is on a different team now while Duncan and Caleb are still on the Heat. What these three have taught me time and time again is that you have to learn to accept that life has its way of making things work for you although sometimes it’s not in the way you expect it to be and it’s okay. What matters the most is you refuse to give up when adversities hit you - you always have to run it back. Run it back in a sense that you should keep going even if things get difficult. Turn your breakdowns into breakthroughs. Turn your adversities into opportunities. Turn your setbacks into great comebacks. As long as you are breathing, keep going. After all, if God keeps on giving you another day to live it means He still has plans for you. And those plans are meant to prosper not harm you.
PS, I really hope this is the year that the Heat finally get their 4th championship. 
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genevalentino · 7 months
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faithandfairies · 9 months
X Files
I've been re-watching The X-Files and while it's entertaining and they help people by getting dangerous criminals off the street sometimes I kind of wonder from a 'placing myself in their shoes' point of view, if it was worth it.
What did Mulder and Scully really achieve by going down the path they did? They wanted to find the truth about what the government was doing for themselves and to reveal it to the public but other than for their own peace of mind, would it be worth it?
I feel like if there were family members still alive of people who were victims of the government's actions maybe it would have some kind of impact or point, but other than that wouldn't the information simply either not be believed or cause a mass panic?
Which isn't conducive to anything.
I guess you could argue that knowing might prevent something like it from happening again but does it really? I feel like these kinds of organizations tend to find a way to spring up like weeds regardless.
I get Mulder wanting to know what really happened to his sister in order to better live with the fact that he couldn't save her when they were kids. So his motivation is clear.
But Scully simply chose to make Mulder's work her life as well and I'm not sure what she really gained from it. I'd argue she rather lost a lot and important things at that, like her sister, her own agency on several occasions, her ability to bear children which she may or may not have wanted but still it's always good to have the option. And she definitely didn't want to know what happened to her initially. I think she rather considered it a blessing that she didn't remember.
I guess you could say what she sort of gained from the equation was Mulder's love and trust which I definitely do think she wanted. She became Mulder's one confidant. But at what cost? And also, was it worth it, not just because of the cost but also, because in the end she may have simply wanted to do meaningful work while raising a family but Mulder was never going to be the person to do both with to the normal level I imagine she would have wanted. He was too obsessed with finding the truth at practically any cost, too preoccupied with the past that the thought of a viable future never seemed to even really occur to him let alone being something that he actively tried or even seemed to want to build.
Her work with Mulder is a large part of what allowed him to continue his work because instead of debunking Mulder and his theories in her own way she supported and protected him.
But I don't know that in the end either of them really got out of it what they wanted to the level they would have wanted.
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Happy Tuesday Ask-A-Thon! Thank you for following us (@ask-a-thon) from the previous blog. Now, on to your questions! [What are some of your favorite themes to write? Is this different from what you read? What about tropes?]
Hello!! Thank you so much for putting this together!
I love writing about personal agency! Its something that I draw from personal experience, and I think is an idea that's important to share. It's the growth from thinking you have to be something or your circumstances made you something, to choosing who you want to be and fighting for it tooth and nail.
In my current manuscript, the MC has lived a life of duty split between his family and the secret space government mostly because he thought he had to - because others implied he had to. But over the course of dealing with the plot, he's eventually going to realize how much garbage that was, and how it robbed him of understanding who he was since he was always trying to be what he interpreted that other people wanted him to be. His growth is finally done when he decides exactly what he wants and moves mountains to get it.
Honestly I think this does show up in a lot of the things I read. I was a huge Percy Jackson kid/young adult, and when teen-kid demigod Percy held the Gods themselves accountable for their negligence - when he chose what really mattered to him at the end of the original series - I think it left an impact on me. And even in more recent things I've read, like The Witcher, I can tell that Geralt is heading towards a "stop living for your duty, live life, or else the eons are going to grind you to dust" kind of direction. (Or at least I hope that's the case, Geralt is so fucking tired please let the man know peace.) This Is How You Lose The Time War was also deeply embroiled in this idea, but that's all I'll say because I really want people to experience the all-consuming brainworms the way they were intended.
"Agency" is one of the secret ever-present rules of life, i think: that the baggage that holds us into some kind of mold or shape isn't real, that it's just the blinders someone put on us either because they had the blinders put on them, or because they can't stand to see someone live better than them - even though sometimes that someone is ourselves.
It took me way too long and way too much pain to learn it, and it took so many different exposures to finally think "Oh yeah, maybe Gerard Way My Chemical Romance was right... maybe I am living as the 'victim of a victim's life', maybe I can just choose to stop letting my situation define my self-worth." And it definitely wasn't that easy to implement, it took conscious thought and years of work -but the point is that the more ways people can be exposed to this idea the better! And so I'm determined to be one of those avenues of exposure.
It's, right now, the thing that drives me to write the most. I think all my stories come down to "learning to make active choice and square up to the consequences", and there's a ton of ways to do that so I'm not worried I'm writing the same thing over and over again. But I'll never stop encouraging people to try to own their lives, no matter how hard or how badly your choices turn out. The important part was that it was your choice, for your reasons, and you can choose again if things didn't go the right way the first time; because that's when you become unshakable. That's when you're life is truly yours.
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
Is a huge huge bunch of people who are always bothering him and always in the way and like smack dab in the way they don't get it so we follow them around and we saw why people are paying them I decided to tell them off in writing him and it's a lot of people believe it or not and they are in trouble and admit it no but we're tired of telling them I'm tired of having it happened and we are of course moving on many individuals here in Port Charlotte and punta Gorda there are about 1400 people who are out of line and it's not going to go well for them. It's a huge day the Giant number of things happening we have absolutely no patience for them and if you're giving us crap so you have to make him take it back it's going to be ugly for them but right now they're still amassing and I'm asking at eight points believe it or not it really motivated cuz they can get there and it started send me a surprise but you're not supposed to be attacking and you can't figure out the problem with that doesn't want to be in the middle of a war zone you don't care but he does and we do and we don't want the world to be in the world you end up not making it at all and you end up in pieces and all cut up like John Lord it's going to be for his trap and we are going after him shortly and to make an example nobody says that stuff to us ever and several other people who continue with their dog s*** and we're going to make sure we go after them but here is what's happening in Port Charlotte and punta Gorda
-the sheriff is down to 50 sheriffs and they were thinking of holding that they heard what the others are planning to do and fired them so they can create a perimeter and that is probably the same throughout other portions of the government and we have a consensus that there is a problem with people here being a nuisance to our son they say it everyday and we mean it everyday they're huge huge nuisance and we don't want to hear it at all and we don't want to see you being a nuisance so are sending troops in and tons of them and they're going to pick people up
-it's also a huge number of people who keep on saying they're changing the tune then they're complete assholes and they say they change their tune then they're complete assholes and we're going to pick those people up because trying to lie by telling the stuff it's really horrible people are nightmare so waking nightmare how's it crap
-along with you sheriff that they're trying to get to zero and trying to kick them out a bunch of Gorda Police department and they're doing it for real today they're writing them up on everything they're doing wrong and every infraction so far one guy has 70 infractions and he says I don't seem to notice the problem and stuff like that and they get really mad so you're kidding you're just this freaking subhuman idiot who can't remember how many infractions you have and they're going around saying it out loud to them you're really really stupid and you need to leave and yeah they can't stand them and we can't stand them either and it will be over soon for them and they will be out in the cold it is amazing how bad it really is
-and the Florida law enforcement group is being disbanded they're at a thousand and they're seeking to get to 500 and today they said we'd like to get rid of them all and they're in the office with them and they hate them so what they're doing is slowly disbanding it and they're kicking out like 100 an hour and they're going to start today and they're going to work on it and they're going to keep doing it until they're out and there are other agencies that are being worked on by us a couple of them are the fire departments and there's quite a few people who are getting fired from the fire departments there are about 800 firemen per town in Florida that's way over the top there's no need for that many fireman and it's going on right now and it's going to be very huge by around 3:00 p.m. and still find hundreds at a time and taking over their job completely to not bothering not bothering to ask and they're not bothering to tell them to go elsewhere the same for them to get out and that they're in trouble and fired and they are moving out right now I'm in displacing several million of them it's a big day and they're doing a lot of this across the board a lot of them are very unhappy with what these people been doing and the work is deplorable and they don't show up and they cause problems it's on purpose and they act like jackasses and they don't know how to do anything more shortly
Thor Freya
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phantoms-lair · 3 years
BatFam Snippet
"Danny, we need to talk."
Danny was already stressed with having to deal with Vlad having been there earlier. Wayne having to talk to him in that tone sent his anxiety through the roof. "What about?"
"Your past. As Danny Fenton and Phantom."
"No-you can't-you can't know-" But obviously he did. Danny had messed up and he was known and it was over, it was all over.
"Danny breath," Bruce commanded. "I want to help you."
"That's what he said." Danny was hyperventilating. "I can help you with your powers. I can help you. Well, the last time a millionaire we a secret identity and underground lair expressed a desire to help me and adopt me, I ended up in a power nullification box while he tried to kill my Dad, so no thank you!"
Bruce didn't have time to unpack all that, even if some things suddenly made a horrible kind of sense. Staying in Wayne Manor must have been traumatic for him. He hadn't expected Danny to know he was Batman, or that it would actually make it harder for the kid to trust him.
"Danny, I've read your parents' thesis on ghosts." Danny flinched. "And they read like a hate crime. One that it sadly looks like the government has bought into." That was a new description. "What do you mean a hate crime?"
"These beings, though capable of rational thought, are other. They don't have real emotions, can't feel pain, and only exist to cause suffering to humans, therefore it's not only perfectly fine to do horrible things to them but morally justifiable to kill them," Bruce summarized. "It's exactly the kind of rational people use to commit atrocities on each other. And while I certainly don't wish your parents dead." Facing professional censure, yes. But not dead. "Given your abilities I don't think you're be safe in that environment, much as I wouldn't trust people who champion conversion therapy with the well being of a queer teenager. And I don't think you feel safe there either, or you wouldn't be trying to hide on the streets of Gotham."
"They love me," Danny protested weakly.
"But they don't love all of you."
Danny wilted.
"Danny, right now there are two factions trying to claim you, your parents and Vlad." He assumed from what Danny had said earlier. "And neither would be safe places for you. And you can't tell child services why without putting a bigger target on your back for a certain government agency."
"I'm sure you can handle yourself in a fight, but a legal battle is something else. I have the double bonus of being a very public figure who'd be hard to make disappear and a good legal department. I can keep you safe until you're no longer in danger, then help you find a new home."
That caught Danny's attention. "A new home?"
Bruce raised an eyebrow. "You've made it very clear you're not happy here. Once your physical well being is assured, the priority is your emotional well being. And if here isn't a good place for you, I want to find somewhere that it." That was...Vlad would never give him up. Never. "Ideally, where would you place me?" "With Superman's parents." Bruce answered without hesitation. "Superman's parents?" Danny asked in disbelief. Bruce shrugged. "They have experience taking care of metahuman children. They're very humble and down to Earth. Their farm has plenty of space for you to fly. And one only has to see the son they already raised to know it's a good loving home. But that said, they are getting on in years and I don't know that they'd be up for raising another teenager. But you asked for the ideal and that would be it."
Okay, this was a lot he needed to go over. But...later. "Okay, but before we tackle anything else, there's something I need to tell you about Vlad..."
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loser-brain · 3 years
⚠️ I will be heavily editing some text to ensure Tumblr doesn't blacklist it. I'm very sorry for making this very hard and accessible for many readers. ⚠️ In 2020, SESTA/FOSTA first tried to pass their bill silently. Luckily for the internet, everyone caught on to this, and at first reading that this act will protect kids sounds good... Till you dig deeper and realize this act does not protect s3x workers. This all started with the revenge p0rn and und3rag3 problem that happened on p0rnhub and also to fight back S3x trafficking. But here's the thing, it doesn't. To you, you may think "Where is the problem?" This act wouldn't protect kids since the bill at the time stated something (I'm gonna paraphrase because I don't remember much) "...Allowing the age of consent..." Therefore, a loophole. If you live in a state where the age of consent is 16... you can make p0rn.
Continuing on, s3x workers would have to give their info to the government then to third parties, putting their lives at greater risk. Since a majority of s3x workers are either foreign or people of color. Many s3x workers express concerns when giving their info out to third parties because well that's their private info. They already have an agency that even they are afraid of. Why do they need to give this third-party person their private info? Why do they need to give their private info to the government? For easy tracking. The bill then "stop" after a number of questions came their way and soon the people behind the bill realize they needed to rephrase some of their wordings. In other words, they would need to propose a new bill.
At the beginning of January 2022, SESTA/FOSTA began to once again attack silently. Amazon book writers had their book taken off of Amazon because it'll interfere with the SESTA/FOSTA law. Tweet wording taken from Novajerneld on Twitter "...any books including s3x, s3x work, or information about s3x or s3xuality can be targeted by SESTA/FOSTA as they are filed as 0rnographic material according to the laws. smut is p0rn. period."
To sum up, if this bill passes fanfics, arts, books, s3x education, LGBT+, POC, freedom of speech will be banned. This bill affects everyone.
Here is a tweet thread:
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Link to thread: CLICK
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A script for calling your senators: CLICK
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Auto email that will send your letter to your rep.
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Short info about the EARN IT Act
Tweet taken from Novatjerneld again from Twitter "...since much of the internet is hosted on US servers it unfortunately does affect EVERYONE. and VPNs might only make it harder to spy on you but won't protect your content from removal off of these sites..."
Incase any of you were think that using a VPN might help protect you... It won't. Just make it a little hard to watch you but you will still be seen.
More short info that just get to the point of what the EARN IT Act does.
Taken from Novatjerneld Twitter
"...also, many of you are taking what it says in the bill at face value. there has been previous bills banning "s3x trafficking" which hasn't actually stopped trafficking but has made it harder for artist to make a living off of Patreon, use certain payment methods etc..."
Why do you think you have to be careful when using certain terms in the payment section? Again, if this bill pass websites can just easily ban any lemon content even if it wasn't lemon content to begin with.
That's all for now, If you have any info spread it. Don't reply to this reblog it. This needs to be spread since it's just radio silence and that's bad!
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