#i'm not that knowledgeable about gymnastics
distort-opia · 3 days
It's strange how differently people from different culture react to famous characters. Even outside of batjokes shippers, I have seen a lot of DC fans of my country just straight up telling that joker loves batman and batman's obsessed with joker. Or just thinking that's he's gay, cuz like, you have a hot Blondie but you only thinking of batman? Well buddy I have something to tell ya. But it doesn't have the same reaction from people from USA, at least the one that aren't from batjokes fandom? Like, they seemed to get offended when someone point out joker obsession with batman and how it would be read this thing they two had....
How do you think people from your country read theses two? Because it was a kind of shock to me see a lot o straight man fans of DC just accepting that, welp, Joker definitely not straight and batman is... 🤨 suspicious for not killing him already. I guess its because the film with heath ledger is very famous here, and the line where he said that batman complete him stuck.
This is a really interesting question, trying to look at it from a cultural standpoint... I definitely heard of or encountered people entirely lacking knowledge of comics, readily agreeing that there's something more to Batman and Joker's relationship. As you say, just with tangential contact with Nolan's The Dark Knight or maybe the Arkham games.
However, I think that no matter where we're from, there's a distinction of three groups, with their own relevant factors, which explain their attitudes (at least to me). There's people who aren't into Batman or superheroes, but who obviously heard of them or maybe saw one movie or two. Then there's casual fans: people who like Batman and maybe watched the movies, maybe liked The Batman Animated Series, maybe played the games-- but you won't find them on Reddit or Tumblr or Tiktok as super active in fandom, just because it's not their main thing. And then there's hardcore fans, people who write and read fanfic, people who post on different platforms about Batman characters, the ones who consistently engage in fandom. But I'm putting the rest under the cut since I got long (with unnecessary psychological analysis, lol).
This is of course simply my personal opinion, based on what I've observed over time. A couple of factors might influence how these groups view Batjokes, though the first two I'm mentioning are a bit more likely to be found within non-fans and casual fans. A non-fan homophobic/conservative individual is still likely to reject actual canon of Joker professing romantic love to Batman or of Batman having to deny more than once he's in love with the guy-- although I guess you could hit them with straight Batjokes, hah (Thomas and Martha Wayne of Flashpoint). Leaving this type of person aside though (which you're more likely to find in some countries compared to others), I think non-fans usually easily agree to a romantic side of Batjokes, or at the very least to the existence of obsession. Just based on the tangential knowledge they have, it's obvious these two characters come as a pair and are defined by the other, so it doesn't take much to convince them. But within casual fans and hardcore fans... and here I'd add someone who's male, homophobic or conservative... well, we start to encounter one big thing about Batman that this kind of individual cannot get over-- projection.
For many men, Batman represents the ubermasculine ideal. He's handsome, at the peak of physical fitness, rich, has the coolest car and gadgets, has got women begging to sleep with him. He's cold and controlling and bad at social skills but still somehow beloved by all. Bruce Wayne has got terminal Main Character Syndrome, and it's undeniable a lot of fans consider him the epitome of the Alpha Male. So if you're gonna bring up that he's gay for the Joker... no matter how much proof you throw at them, they'll employ any and all mental gymnastics to shut you down or prove you wrong. That's not even getting into the guys who project on Joker, and who see Joker as this incredibly cool "agent of chaos" and strive to emulate that; trying to get them to admit Joker has been written as queer for decades (with multiple writers admitting to it) is another exercise in futility. They'll tell you Joker only said he loves Batman to scare him! He flirts with men to throw them off! It's all a tactic... because of course, being gay can only be scary to someone as masculine as Batman. It's the decades-old problem of queer-coded villains which I won't get into. But my point here is that fans who project onto either Batman or Joker specifically for how "Alpha" they are, are not likely to be open to Batjokes interpretations, no matter their nationality. But of course, just as with non-fans, there are plenty of casual or hardcore fans who are perfectly fine with shipping or potential homoerotic connotations. Hell, many times you might get them to go down Batjokes rabbit holes by letting them know about comic or game adaptations. They'll easily recognize the classical enemies-to-lovers trope this ship embodies.
But then again, both within casual and hardcore fans (though it's much more often the case of the latter) you'll have people who have no issue with shipping, who follow comics, who read fics etc. But to whom Batjokes is anathema, because they're too invested in a different way: not in the characters, but rather in showing how Good and Moral they are to other fans, and how they ship only the Good ships. It's the hordes of antis you see on Twitter and sometimes here on Tumblr too: the purity police kind of fan. "How can you ship Bruce with the monster who killed his son?" or "Joker paralyzed Barbara, how can you--" but it's entirely hypocritical and mostly rooted in the current trend of hating Joker. There's plenty of DC villains who have done similar things to Joker, or harmed the Family in similar ways to Joker, but he's the scapegoat right now for multiple reasons I talked about before (Joker fatigue and DC writing him like shit, the pushback from seeing all the alpha male dudebro fans latch onto him and hating that, etc.).
I got way too long, lol. But basically I think these generalized types of fan behavior can appear no matter the nationality, though there's undoubtedly a higher frequency of one or the other in different countries. Frankly, Romania is intensely religious and conservative, so in my country... even among my younger peers it's likely I'd encounter homophobic stances. And purity policing and that way of thinking is more likely to happen among fans from the US, like you pointed out.
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saltpepperbeard · 10 months
Ed and the Aux Closet in Season 2: Bonkers Bananas Screenshot Analysis™
Hello hello everyone! So, as you may know, I've been snuffling the season 2 teaser frontwards backwards sideways diagonally etc etc, ingesting all the yummy theories everyone has been sharing, and subsequently noticing all sorts of different things.
Lately, my biggest interest has stemmed from this post by @amuseoffyre, who pointed out that it's very VERY likely that Ed was playing with his sweet, sad little wedding toppers in the aux closet. And naturally I was like oOOOAGHGGHHG, but then wanted to set out to see if I could find any more clues. And when stepping through the teaser for the umpteenth time...
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Girlies (gn), what is that,,,
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Now lmao, this might already be common knowledge. Someone might have already pointed it out. And if that's the case, pls forgive, but also, I invite you to come cartwheeling along with my BRAIN GYMNASTICS HERE LMAO-
Because, I promptly flipped my shit, and then vaguely recalled someone else wondering if Ed had replaced the very obvious little mannequin/style doll handle with something more fitting to his current aesthetic. And then promptly flipped my shit even MORE, because yeah, that's a random little black skull handle, and would lead me to believe that he still actively keeps the closet a secret...
BUT THEN LMAO, I WAS LIKE...SURELY NOT. SUUUUURELY NOT. I was like I'm over here being ✨delusional✨, and Izzy is likely standing somewhere else in the cabin. So I looked at other episodes to scope out the whole cabin, thinking he might have been standing to the left of the bed nook with those red curtains on his right, effectively putting him on the wrong side for the aux cabinet...
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BUT THEN LMAO, I still had an ounce of doubt, because I was like...The little mannequin/doll oddly doesn't seem to be on that shelf in that shot??? But then I was like,,, I very much recall Ed shuffling into the closet when he was having his panic attack, and remember that being on the right side of the bed nook. And so I checked and
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And it seems to be in about the same place--DEFINITELY on the same shelf and on the same side. Soooooo lmao MMMMMMMMMMMMMM :)))
And what kills me even more about all of this, is the notches pointing to him commonly being in that space/on that side of the cabin. Every single day, he's spent time over there. He's occupied that space enough to keep track of all the lost moments. He could be doing that ANYWHERE else in the cabin, and yet he's doing so RIGHT THERE.
And why change the mannequin/subsequently hide the closet away if there was nothing TO hide?
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reilora-borealis · 8 months
Just had a thought about how Jester probably spent her whole childhood watching Marion work so hard to protect her daughter. The social gymnastics of ensuring no jealous clients got wind that their precious Ruby had a child with another man. The fear that if the word got out, one might threaten Jester's life. The struggle to allow Jester to safely, occasionally, leave the chateau for her own wellbeing while Marion battled her own agoraphobia, and the knowledge that no matter what Marion did, it wasn't enough. Trying to manage the aftermath of Jester's pranks, smooth it all over when things got ugly. Trying to keep her job, her house, her livelihood. Trying not to dampen her daughter's free spirit.
Jester watched Marion do all of this, internalized it. Then she did everything she could to prove that her existence wasn't a burden. She left a smile on the face of everyone she met, made every canvas brighter with her art, sprinkled magic like icing sugar on the world.
Then finally, when one joke went too far, she decided that she could no longer sit back and let her mother take the fall for her. It wasn't just about Lorde Sharpe. It was time to take matters into her own hands, time to make herself no longer her mother's problem. So Jester removed herself from the equation.
But she carried that weight with her for the whole campaign. That forced happiness, that refusal to let others see her suffering. That "I won't burden you with my sadness, my anger, my fear. I exist to lift you up. Let me show you that I'm worth all the pain I caused by being born."
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wisteriagoesvroom · 2 months
helloooooo :)) sliding in with a generic marvel-esque vaguely criminal organization landoscar au with background lestappen because I am nothing if not predictable
Oscar is their resident poison specialist (he makes new poisons, tests them, makes antidotes, etc. for the organization to use). His preference is plant based poisons, like belladonna and nightshade, because he graduated college with a botany degree and therefore has a lot of knowledge about them that he can put for use. He spends most of his time in his greenhouse full of toxic, beautiful plants that he tends too very, very carefully. They’re his babies.
There’s a whole backstory involved with how he came to join the organization that involves him accidentally killing his college roommate
Lando is a former gymnast turned espionage guy who also does theft on the side for funsies that works for the organization. Like vaguely cat woman-y? Obviously he’s super flexible and super good at his job because duh.
His favorite hobby is breaking into Oscar’s greenhouse via the windows and watching him work. Oscar is super fascinating to him, and he’s enamored with how absolutely brilliant this quiet, stoic boy, with maybe five facial expressions total is.
Lando sits there and listens to Oscar ramble about his complex science things. He doesn’t understand most of it ngl, but he loves the way Oscar’s face lights up when he goes on a long tangent about the chemical properties of cyanide and why it’s superior to arsenic.
Also sometimes lando brings Oscar random pretty shiny things that he stole that he thinks Oscar might like and leaves them on his desk, kind of like a crow. Oscar keeps all of them in a box under his bed. He looks at them when he feels down (he doesn’t tell lando that)
Oscar is equally obsessed with lando but this is already wayyyyyy too long so 😭 you just gotta trust me on this one
And then eventually, the rest of the people in the organization pick up on the growing landoscar feelings situation. Alex and George give lando a bunch of (loving and caring) grief about it. A bet between them is born. “$50 lando is too chicken to confess to Oscar by the end of the month”
Yada yada time skip a week or so and lando and Oscar FINALLY do something about the tension between them one night late in Oscar’s greenhouse, lando freshly back from a mission. Boom they kiss and then lando, being the idiot that he is, as soon as they pull apart, goes “lol George and Alex owe me $50 now”
Cue misunderstanding trope. “Oh you only kissed me for a bet?? You don’t actually have feelings for me 😔 I knew it was too good to be true.”
Lando realizes his mistake but Oscar’s already out the door, disappeared into the night.
And then Oscar gets kidnapped by the enemy 🤗 because he’d normally be more aware and vigilant and stuff but his emotions are really going through it so. The ransom note comes through the next day.
Gonna leave it on that because otherwise I will spiral into a full blown fic when I already have too many wips to finish
I'M SO????? HOW DID U JUST RANDOMLY SLIDE IN HERE WITH THIS???? i am so obsessed with these details my god the POISON? CATMAN ESPIONAGEGYMNAST? christ. and then lando leaving him little gifts like a crow. OSCAR ACCIDENTALLY K-WORDING HIS ROOMMATE (and possible guilt)?? the classic misunderstanding thingy "but oscar gets kidnapped" leading to a climactic rescue oh oh oh this is the stuff of dreams.
idk what to do with myself exactly cus this is so gorgeous. anyway have a moodboard for your efforts cus like my goodness this was lovely to read.
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ghost-bxrd · 2 months
What do you headcanon as AU careers for Dick?
I don't much like the idea of Dick as a cop (in Wayne Family Adventures I'm pretty sure they never explicitly mention his job, so I'm gonna pretend he's not a cop there)
Gymnastics instructor seems to be a popular choice in most of the Happy Dick and Nice Batfam AUs and it sounds in character... Except his night job related injuries would be difficult to hide.
Neither Fae nor Talon Dick are likely to have the kind of falling out with Bruce which led to Dick striking out on his own, so they will likely never have the worry about earning their own living. Bruce would no doubt be willing and eager to give them cushy jobs with the WE, or they can just treat Superhero-ing as their full time job. But still, I think they will want an independent, non-nepo baby job.
I like the idea of Dick as a CPS worker, or just with social services in general. He'll be great with traumatized kids, has so much experience both first and second hand to draw on.
And if Fae Dick is with CPS... Well. The lore about fae stealing children is well known, but less well known is the lore that fae steal neglected children.
Now, that can simply be the predator going after the vulnerable, but it can also be in some stories the fae see humans refusing to take care of the children properly and getting their adoption instincts triggered Bruce Wayne style, taking them away from the parents who don't deserve them to a better life.
CPS takes neglected and abused children away from the parents who don't deserve them, to a better life.
Love the idea of a fae as a CPS worker, getting official sanction and human cooperation to do his traditional job :)
It depends on the Au!
I’m very flexible with what I read as long as the author manages to fit it into the story in a plausible and believable way. Like with the Titans TV series where it establishes very early on that Dick is rather feral and not as opposed to murder as Bruce *cough*
But over all I do agree that him being a cop doesn’t check out most of the time since most comics (at least from what I’ve read, so take that with a grain of salt. My comic knowledge is like— 3% if we’re being generous lol.) depict him as being very opposed to using firearms, and to killing. And cops have to carry guns to protect themselves and others, and sometimes also shoot people. So yeah I don’t know.
And acrobatics instructor actually isn’t such a bad idea imo! Yeah there are some pretty revealing suits out there. But if we go with what Dick is wearing in Gotham Knights in between missions it could totally work out! He’d still have to be careful tho, obviously. But honestly I don’t think people will look too closely at someone who does potentially dangerous sports as a living and comes in with a black eye or a broken arm or something.
CPS sounds like a very fun idea tho! Espiecally in regards to Fae Dick! He’s got a soft spot for children and their wide eyed wonder. And kids aren’t nearly as frightened of him if they happen to catch a glimpse of other either. So yeah, perfect!
But now I’m also thinking of the Pied Piper of Hamelin tale, because I can totally see Dick leading a gaggle of kids through the streets and out of harms way if there’s ever a Gotham wide catastrophe going on… hmmmm
Other than that I could also see Dick as someone who takes a job leading and organizing multiple charities (sponsored by Wayne Enterprises) and rising through the Gotham Elite. It would help his vigilante cover (poor and dumb Richie Wayne, always drunk and being scandalous, just like his guardian) while also serving the ulterior motive of rooting out corruption.
Idk that last one’s just a thought (cuz I love good rich people playing other bad rich people and causing their downfall… eh.)
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galaxyspeaking · 10 months
Do you have any good omens theories/meta you want to share?? I have so many feelings about S2 and I love love LOVE hearing ppl talk about things they like :DD and also i just absorb theories like photosynthesis
omg Hi!!! thank you SO much for liking my art!
And boy, do I ever. They're literally ALL I think about, all day long!!
I mean if we're talking about theories, one that I'm particularly fond of is that the infamous 'I forgive you' may have had something with Aziraphale and Crowley's relationship with transgression/temptation. Throughout the season, we see Crowley planting the seeds of doubt in Aziraphale via what he does best (questioning the establishment and general order of things), but we also see him introducing Aziraphale to his arguably biggest vice, food (I imagine an apple was too on the nose, lol). I find it interesting that once he gets that knowledge, Aziraphale seems to be unable to stop himself, and only craves more.
Then time and time again we see the same pattern repeating: Crowley introducing Aziraphale to some very human notions, Aziraphale rebuking them, then ultimately surrendering.
It's great. It absolves Aziraphale from examining his choices as such and instead allows him to indulge by doing interesting mental gymnastics: The Demon Tempted Me, I succumbed. I am weak at times, but not unforgivable. I am still Good.
So, about that kiss.
I'd like to imagine that this is the first time these two celestial beings have experienced this particular display of affection.
When I saw Aziraphale panic and "forgive" Crowley, I immediately thought of it as the angel framing Crowley's kiss within the boundaries of what he's familiar with: Crowley is a demon, he tempts (introduces something new to their dynamic). Aziraphale protests (we can't let Heaven how easily tempted we are) then eventually relents.
But if we look at Aziraphale's torn expression, the horror, the pain (Michael Sheen the actor you are) after Crowley kisses him, I'd say a part of him —the part he refuses to listen to, because that would mean acknowledging that he's less a force for Good and more treading in grey areas like Crowley— recognizes that this not a temptation.
This is what you're losing by making that decision, Crowley seems to say. This is what you're leaving behind.
But Aziraphale, unlike Crowley at that moment, is not ready to change, is unwilling to move on from their push and pull dynamic. He forgives him for the Temptation, because it's easier to frame it as such, and is left to deal with the aftermath of that choice.
Woof, this ran long. Unfortunately for all of us I have a lot more where that came from. I hope this made sense!
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thattimdrakeguy · 3 months
So if it's not too much to ask, can you give me a summary on the Core Four's personalities? I really wanna know for analysis reasons, I'm re reading all the core 4 young justice and teen titans books and trying to decipher my favorite one.
I can give you the personalities as intended by their creators no problem, Person Newtonote.
Now as you read you might think "Oh, hmm, that doesn't add up with what I've read" when it gets into the Young Justice and Teen Titans books, but that's 'cause different writers write different things, and some writers understand some characters better than others, and some of it is just plain character development, or in worse case writers doing what ever they please 'cause they don't care.
I'll let you judge when what happens.
Onto what you've asked though, I'll try to keep it simple as I can while still being detailed:
Tim Drake:
My personal favorite, that much is likely obvious.
As intended, he is an idealistic young boy, and dreamed of Robin as an even littler boy (he's pretty small for his age). He's clever, and resourceful, and thinks very very highly of the legacy of Robin. It's his heart though that got him his job as Robin, and his compassion and genuine passion for the role of Robin. And he displays what many may call boy scout tendencies. Even admitting to original Robin Dick Grayson that he enjoys helping old lady's cross the road (or something like that.)
Being raised in private schools, without a lot of friends (He's shown having no friends until he goes to public school to my knowledge), he's a pretty naive and oblivious, trusting person. And it's through out his journey's he has to learn how dark Gotham City can get. Though compared to the other Bat-Family members of this era (90s) he's very much the heart and light-hearted youthful energy to it.
His social ability is mostly perfectly fine, he's no complete weirdo. Kid can get friends easy peasy. Easily likable to folks. Endearing. But he has an oblivious side, and can get ahead of himself. Has a habit of getting spiritually adopted by people who instantly want to protect him. Anyone from Batman, to former CIA agents, and even villains. He's just got that babyface on him, and button nose.
He also deals with anxiety in terms of being Robin, being worried that he may be stripped of the job, or let people down, or mess something up. And sometimes that lends him having a lot of insecurities about himself. While having some prior training in martial artists, and implications of having taken gymnastics, also a former boy scout, he still doesn't naturally take to the role like all other Robins around him. Which means he has to try a lot harder to have his keep.
In the Bat-Family in this era (the 90s) he's the heart, and baby to everyone. They're uber protective of him, and take him out of the action when they deem it to be too much for someone like Tim. Within Young Justice he puts on a heavy Robin persona to hide what he's really like. Making himself out to be a more Batman-esque mysterious leader.
When really, he's a dorky, fanboy, who loves Kaijus, Crocky the ??? Crocodile I guess (Basically Barney the Dinosaur), super heroes, cars, Warlocks and Warriors (Dungeons and Dragons), sports, comics, Sci-Fi, fantasy, and cartoons. Self-admitted geek, with some popular interests in there.
Think of Tim as sort of Autistic kind of. He's never officially said to be. But when you read his origin, it's definitely a legitimate way to interpret him. Though I believe his uniqueness is intended to really be molded by Tim's passion, and obliviousness from a lack of parental figures in his very young life.
Tim is supposed to be an optimist, as told by his creator, but to be real a lot of writers seem to forget that, even when making jokes about how he's optimistic compared to others. I think sometimes the writer's own cynism leaks out into him. So remember that...despite a lot of writers forgetting it. Be better than them.
Cassie Sandsmark:
My personal second favorite member, but, please, make up your own mind here.
She's a rebellious teenage girl, and tomboy. She stays up pass curfew to party, but is at heart a good hearted individual who truly wants to help. This comes at odds with her stubborness and headfirst attitude. She hates being treated as a kid. And shows a great deal of intuition and cleverness. She's also a babysitter. Seemingly a good one too.
Her need to prove herself can put itself ahead of her own logic though. And she buts head with her very stuffy mother who doesn't appreciate Cassie's care-free nature. She means a lot to Cassie, and Cassie wants her approval. Cassie's natural being is...very much in contrast to what her mother would prefer though. It's fun.
A lot like Tim she's also shown to be a Super Hero fanboy. For her it's specifically Wonder Woman and the Flash, while with Tim it's basically anyone the writer decides he hasn't met offscreen yet.
Through her journey's she learns to contain herself though, and better use her powers.
Bart Allen:
The most teenager-y teenager you ever seen. He has ADHD, but not the uber-hyperactive, talkative, hugger you see in some more modern misunderstandings of him.
Originally he was pretty quiet. Super popular in his school. Girls loved him and considered him a pretty boy. But in reality he has no social knowledge, because he was raised in basically a video game for two years. He's essentially an alien learning to fit in with human civilization. So he's incredibly reckless without intention. It takes him awhile to truly process the concept of death and related repercussions. So he's sort of dangerous.
He can be quite surly, and mean spirited on occasion. But like most heroes, he has a good heart that comes out in the end. It's just simply the 90s and being Anti-Authority is the norm. His name is Bart after all. Underneath that is a young man who does sweet things when he has it in him.
Just don't think of him like a baby like how a lot of people make him out to be. He's a teen's teen.
Original Bart, like original Tim, and original Cassie, to me, is the best version of the character. The most nuanced, and interesting.
Oh, and minor violent streak on Bart too. Started a fight before, and stuff like that.
He cares inside. That has to count for something right?
Hot-Headed pervert. Over-confident. Fame hungry. Lady magnet. Stubborn. Head first. Sort of a prick. But again good hearted.
I haven't read him as much as the others, because I don't personally care for him. Then in the early 00s with Teen Titans they decided just to make him an angsty young Clark, which is personally boring.
I don't have a lot of great things to say about him. His solo is very dated, and overtly sexual. Something I have no interest in reading.
He's at his best in Young Justice though, where he isn't written as jail bait by a writer who thought it'd be great if he dated grown women to fulfill teenage boys dreams. Instead you get to have fun with a very flawed character without the distracting perversion...mostly.
Punk styled. Loves dressing like a punk. Until he doesn't. Ruh-roh.
Again though, different writers write different things. They catch onto different things more than others, some are plain neglectful, others don't care, some want to change stuff for the sake of it. It's comics, you'll be lucky if it's consistent.
But on my years of studies, all that is what the character's where intended to be by their creators. So a lot of it is a starting pad, but it's also the purest form of them you're going to find.
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shinycrybaby · 11 months
Hi Mati! I have a request :)
Could you do a tokyo rev x reader(any of the guys is fine) related to ballet? My hc is that out of all the guys mikey or rindou can do ballet (just a random one since I think those 2 are pretty flexible) Maybe some fluff with them fooling around in the studio with y/n or angst related to the dark side of ballet (eating disorders, body image issues, injuries etc)
TR Boys who ballet
Characters: Manjiro Sano, Haitani Rindou, Imaushi Wakasa, Inui Seishu
Genre/Tags: Fluff, A bit angsty on Rindou, Established relationship, Kinda no-gangs AU
Warnings: There might be some typos since I wrote this when I was sleepy, implied or referenced bullying on Rindou's part, (let me know if I missed something!)
A/N: I didn't actually expect to receive a request 😭 what I had in mind was something like headcanons but ig this is fine too.
Also, dear anon, I hope you don't mind. Since I'm not really that knowledgeable with ballet, I kind of just went over the general things or from what I know. I can't write or come up with something angsty for your suggestion like the body image one ajdjfjsksbc I really do hope you don't mind 🥹 and I hope you enjoy reading too!
Sano Manjiro / Mikey
He’s absolutely giving me vibes that he enrolled to a ballet class just for shits and giggles back when he was young, because you and Keisuke would tease him about being so good at the dojo that maybe he should start looking for other things to do.
But then Mikey actually took interest in it. And he actually slayed it.
You, Keisuke and Haruchiyo, along with the Sano family would watch him when he’s got recitals or performances. (Baji would cheer as if he’s watching a fight or something).
When you eventually got into a relationship with Mikey. Oh lawd. He would use his flexibility to his advantage.
You know that one meme where the person would kabedon someone but with their legs. IT’S MIKEY 😭
Mans legit would trap you in a corner with his perfect split, you don’t even know if you’d die of embarrassment or feel butterflies from it.
But when it’s serious time, he’d actually reserve a dance room for at least a few hours. He’d invite you to watch him practice, or give you a private performance that actually makes you smile at him with pride.
If you’re both in the mood for it, he’d even teach you a thing or two. Inviting you to stretch with him and then he’d be all up your personal space trying to teach you.
When you get some basics down, he’d lead you to dance with him, guiding you and then whispering to be careful with your feet because he knows how much it would hurt especially if you’re not a ballet dancer.
If you are, then it just makes things easier. It’s dance after dance with him. It’s kind of like your thing with Mikey. There’s nothing more intimate for the two of you than dancing closely to each other. Feeling each other’s movements and soul to the sound playing on the speakers
Haitani Rindou
I actually think that Rin would be the kind to do both gymnastics and ballet. (Of course, he’d still be doing some martial arts.)
We already know how flexible he is. Back then his teachers would actually be surprised, thinking he’s a natural at what he does. (He is)
Among the Haitani brothers, Rin is actually much quieter, or rather, reserved.
He’s confident, of course, but definitely quiet about it.
And since he’s quiet about some things, it took you quite some time to figure out that something was bothering your boyfriend, Rindou.
You’d soon find out his insecurities about being a male ballet dancer. All of which stemmed from his classmates at school.
Rindou would of course have fought back, but he’d promised you then to not get into any trouble, because he knows how worried you will be for him, not knowing that the situation now has made you double your worries for him, along with some anger thrown at the guys who even dared of saying bad things to him.
Your priority however will always be Rin, so after finding out about his insecurities and the stigma that he was facing at school, time with him were either spent with you reassuring him, or validating his feelings, or giving your all to make him feel loved and appreciated.
Rindou would never find out, but you and Ran had plotted and tracked down the guys who’d called him names and even dared of speaking bad about him. They learned a thing or two about ballet too.
Rindou of course started to feel light about your constant reassurance, and he was even surprised when you took some classes with him. Now there’s more time spent together with him, and he’s very happy to teach you about ballet.
He'd even use that time to impress you more. But you're already impressed with him, and absolutely in love from the very start.
Imaushi Wakasa
Another flexible boy. (We’ve all seen how this man literally turns into a fidget spinner with his perfect splits and spinning kicks wigjsjdhsjgi)
Oh, he’s proud. He doesn’t flaunt, but you’ll see it in his eyes how proud he is to be a ballet dancer.
He’d take you shopping for shoes or tights when he needs to replace the worn-out ones.
This man will legit lecture you about the best kind of shoes to wear for ballet. If you have no idea about this kind of stuff, you just give your all to listen to him, because you might pick a thing or two when picking out a gift for him in the future.
When he’s being mocked for being a male ballerina, he won’t hesitate knocking the person down their high horse. If the person doesn’t stop, he might even kick them straight to the face (with grace) — if this happens, please stop him, because we don’t want him potentially going to jail.
Like Mikey and Rindou, Waka would teach you if you’re down to learning at least some basic. He absolutely loves being close to you, so even if you don’t want to learn, he doesn’t mind. He’d instead waltz with you, because again, he loves being close to you.
And on that note, when he has to practice, either for a performance or not, he’d ask you to help him with his stretching.
When he’s got shows, he reserves tickets for you and you don’t miss one of his performances. Of course, you love every second of it, just to watch him in his element. All grace and beauty, that pride wells in your heart whenever you see him on stage.
Inui Seishu
Another beauty and grace.
Please he’s so perfect. 😭 if he rocked and slayed those heels, he wears then he'd be slaying ballet as well. I just know it.
He doesn’t care about other’s opinion with regards to his choice of hobbies. In fact, he'd rub it in their face nonchalantly that he’d achieved more than they ever could.
You, alongside Koko, would also rub it in the haters faces that Inupi is so much more better than them. In the most derogatory way that had others looking down in shame because you guys are right.
Inupi, like Mikey, uses his skills to his advantage when it comes to you. Let’s not ignore the fact that Inupi can be very cheeky if he so pleases.
Those times definitely surface when it’s just you two.
When he’s practicing or just stretching and warming up, he’ll shamelessly look at you through the mirror while you’re on the other side of the room. He’ll give you “that” look that had you melting into a puddle, all the while he’d grin lazily while doing his splits.
If ever Inupi feels some kind of insecurity with himself, you’d quickly notice from how his dancing becomes different. It’s either stiff, or there’s a distant look on his face.
When this happens, you’d ask him to take a break from dancing, and just listen to him speak all about how he feels.
These slumps usually happen when he’s got a big performance ahead of him, so in times like these, you do nothing but be there for him, until he’s ready and he’s back to his old self. All grace and beauty and that hint of cheekiness he shows around you.
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kiyterra · 2 years
How did the kids got adopted in Civilian Bruce AU? Cause, excluding Dick, they all were involved with Batman first, Bruce second
ok SO
basically dick becomes nightwing first, and he did it for his parents, because he has a bleeding heart and a drive for change, and also because of bruce.
bruce is always on site helping victims of attacks in the aftermath or sometimes even when the bad guy is still around. one time, it gets bad and he gets caught in fear toxin, and he goes home to a worried alfred and dick.
"i'm so sorry, dick. i was so scared. i was so scared i wouldn't come home, i was so scared you would be all alone, i'm so sorry. i never want you to lose anyone again, sweetheart,  i never want you to hurt like that again."
and dick just. kinda loses it because he hates so much that bruce is putting himself on the line, and dick is doing nothing. by this time hes already grown some, i'd say he would be around 18 when he makes the choice to become nightwing. i feel like he would have a lot of anger, especially so since he has no outlet as robin in this au, so he pushed everything towards gymnastics and martial arts. bruce understood his son's need for a release so he approved of it, not knowing that dick would eventually put his training towards becoming a vigilante.
for nearly 10 years, dick had watched the man, who took him in at his lowest point and helped him slowly start to heal, work late hours pulling shifts at local hospitals, attending galas to raise money, getting hurt being in places he had no obligation but every want as a bleeding heart to be, and he just. wants bruce to take a break. he wants to be the reason his dad can take a break and take care of himself and not worry about gotham. he just doesn't consider that HE will always be bruce's number one priority, that he would always be the person bruce would drop everything for should dick ever need him.
and thats the biggest irony because dick doesn't realize that until he's already into the vigilante business and ended up taking his little brother with him, who bruce had adopted after the kid has tried to steal the tires off one of his mercedes benz.
tim comes along after bruce connects the dots towards the drake's neglect of their son, and the kid comes around to the manor more often than he stays at his own home. after a legal battle and eventually janet and jack drake's passing, tim is officially adopted.
bruce happens upon cassandra when she first enters gotham after running away, and she's distrustful but instantly feels an odd sense of calm near this man who spent time with her and worried for her and knew sign language/ was willing to learn just so he could understand her in a way she was comfortable with. he insists checking up on her and she wants to keep coming back, so she does, and cass joins the family.
a few years earlier than in canon, a child is left on bruce's doorstep, who proclaims he is bruce's son, damian al ghul wayne. his mother, talia, has been impressed with bruce's conviction and his want for knowledge when he had been investigating the healing properties of the lazarus pit, but was ultimately disappointed by his lack of a taste for necessary violence. so after eight years, talia was reminded every day by her son's ever-changing face of who his father was, and how different it was the life bruce led. she did not truly want the life of an assassin for her son, so she sent him to gotham. its a rocky start, and damian had still received training and a sense of arrogance, but also a deep longing for open affection and approval that he finally receives from bruce and the rest of the family.
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spopsalt · 3 months
More miscellaneous She-Ra pins I found while sorting through Pinterest that made me want to die and my commentary on them. Pt. 2
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Don’t you have to at least like eachother to be family? Thaws guys aren’t even friends. The only ones that get along are Scorpia and Perfuma, which was forced as hell, and Frosta is on okay terms with most (not all) of the characters listed. Everyone else tolerates eachother at best, or seem to flat out hate eachother at worst.
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For example… Just gonna drop a little fun fact here, Mermista is the only Rebellion member who can breathe underwater. So, pairing that knowledge, along with Mermista’s subtle-as-a-bat-to-the-face hatred for Entrapta, and her overall unpleasant personality that leads me to believe she would do this without batting an eye, I’m fully convinced this fanart is just Mermista trying to murder Entrapta via drowning, and they made Entrapta seem too stupid to realize it. Listen, I watched Steven Universe, and specifically remember one of the eventual protagonists did try to drown others the same way. But at least they called her out for it at some point. Lapis didn’t seem to regret it, but at least they call her out. Knowing that Perfuma yoinked Entrapta off a high-ass rock, and could’ve killed her by doing that and didn’t seem to care… Idk, I feel like Mermista casually trying to drown Entrapta and Entrapta being portrayed as obliviously smiling because she’s treated as too dumb to live could easily be something I could see happening in canon. No, it hasn’t happened in canon, but it’s just so in line with the writing that I could see it.
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Double whammy here. Some fans must be gymnast level flexible with how much they’re reaching. This is literally just her sleeping. Lots of people sleep that way. I mean, if it was the canon reason she does this, I wouldn’t take it so much as a sign of shipping as much as it’s a sign of Catra being entitled. Girl has a bed and chooses to take up half of Adora’s. I get that real cats do it, but real cats are also not the size of a teen girl and taking up that much space. I definitely don’t think the way Adora sleeps has anything to do with Catra. I’m just saying if it did, it wouldn’t be great anyway.
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Idk about same, but it’s definitely similar energy. But these fans gotta realize it’s not a good thing…
Also, I hate how Glimmer and Bow are just smiling and letting it happen. I don’t even like Glimmer or Bow that much, but I can confidently say that they’re better friends than this. I swear, their writing in S5 was utter trash.
Like how you said, most of these people just tolerate each other at best, and hate each other at worst
Yeahhh given the Mermista is VERY obvious in her distain for Entrapta, I doubt it's just some cute silly thing
Damn Catradora stans back must hurt from all the streching their doing. That's a common sleeping posistion? I sleep like that, does it mean I'm making space for my abusive sister to sleep at the edge of my bed like a dog?
Ah yes, two people disobeying their love interests boundaries while nobody does anything to stop them when the other person is clearly uncomfortable..how romantic
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I'm starting to question Kirio's logic but also I can do some mental gymnastics around it like it's so confusing.
He wants a fucked up form of equality or equity where there's no rules or ranks, but there's also biological disadvantages. You have demons who are just born with a huge amount of power or physical strength or knowledge. Some bloodline abilities are OP and others are just fun. Arguably he might find the despair in seeing weak borns suffer appealing, but his ambition was to make the weak as equal as the strong and then create chaos...
He wants pure anarchy but demons are literally demons. They're sinful. They're gonna want power and fame and control if they're all in their wicked phases in his little utopia. The origins supporters' anarchy dream (and literally every anarchy dream out there of the same flavour) only sounds like it'll eventually turn to a new system of authoritarianism and hierarchy in order to survive, and the cycle would just repeat itself.
There's the whole "creating magical apparatuses" shit, but that would also require a hierarchy if that's gonna be taught to "weak" demons. Kirio is super logical; he's got good deduction on why or how his plans will be valid, but he's not very rational when it comes to inductively thinking about whether they will be true or not
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Tonight I'm thinking about how everyone in Forest Ridge and Manor House (and most of Hillerska in general) just lived with the knowledge that "Wilhelm and Simon from math class had sex and now it's everyone's problem. The Crown Prince now wants to abdicate, and the socialist is angrily pelting people with dodgeballs. Also, they cheated to get on the rowing team together, so now we fucking suck at sports too."
Idk I just think they all deserve a medal or something for the mental gymnastics they all had to do to keep up.
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lucy90712 · 5 months
Road to recovery- part 2
masterlist Lola's POV
It's been a long week waiting for my surgery as I haven't been able to do much as they don't want me to cause more damage by walking around too much. As someone who is always active and barely sits down this week has been hell but today has been the worst. Knowing that it is surgery day but having to wait sat in a hospital has been torture seeing everyone else get called while I just sit and wait has been awful. Until today I wasn't nervous about the surgery but the longer I've had to wait the more anxious I've become as there's a big risk I means the surgery could not go to plan and then I may never compete again and that's a scary thought. My life has been dedicated to sport even my degree is sport related as I wanted to have the knowledge that helps me understand my body better so if I can't do gymnastics again I don't know what I'll do with my life. 
Eventually I was called back and the nurses prepped me for surgery. I was given a gown to wear which they had to help me into as I can't put any weight on my left leg which makes changing difficult. They did some basic checks as well like measuring my heart rate and blood pressure before hooking me up to a few machines. Then it was time to go into the operating room which just felt so cold and clinical which I know it's supposed to be but it didn't help ease my feelings of anxiety that I was already feeling. Luckily someone then came in to give me the anaesthetic to put me to sleep which worked very quickly so before I knew it I was falling asleep. 
As my eyes opened and adjusted to the lights I noticed that they weren't as harsh as the ones in the operating room and the ceiling was different too. My brain was still slightly foggy but as I was coming to my senses I realised that I must be out of surgery which woke me up a little more and I finally looked down at my leg to see bandages where they had cut into my knee and a brace was already attached to my leg to limit its movement. Just as I was about to find the button to call a nurse one walked in and offered me a smile once she saw I was awake.
"How are you feeling Lola?" She asked 
"I'm ok did the surgery go well?" I asked 
"Yes it did we were able to repair your acl and the damage to your meniscus wasn't as bad as we feared so you didn't require any further work to fix that we are going to keep you over night just to monitor you and to start physio tomorrow morning" she explained 
"Thank you" I replied 
"Also I'm sorry that you are having to share this room but we are low on rooms and you two have the exact same injury so we thought it was best to put you together" she said
I was extremely confused until I looked to my right and saw a guy who looked weirdly familiar sat on his phone also with a brace on just his was on his right leg instead. I don't know how I didn't notice before as our beds are quite close together but I guess thats what anaesthesia does to you. Once the nurse left I turned my attention back to this random guy as I was curious as to who he was but he was yet to acknowledge my existence as he hadn't looked up from his phone. Seeing as he wasn't paying any attention I took my chance to study his face to see if I could work out where I recognised him from. I noticed that he looked to be about my age the the muscles in his arms told me that he was definitely an athlete too which only made me more curious. In my head I was trying to go through the sports where acl injures are common and the first sport that came to mind was football. With him looking my age and us being in Barcelona I assumed he was part of one of the youth teams but then I wondered why I recognised him as I'm really not that into football so I'd have no idea about any youth players. 
"Do you need something?" The guy asked coldly which made me realise I was still staring 
"Oh sorry I didn't mean to stare" I said
"Whatever" he scoffed going back to his phone again 
"Wait I um have to ask how did you end up here?" I asked 
"I was playing football and landed awkwardly on my knee" he explained 
"I'm sorry that sounds awful I hope this doesn't seem weird but I'm really not that into football but I recognise you from somewhere do you play for one of the Barcelona youth teams Barcelona atletic isn't it?" I asked 
"No I don't play for the B team I play for the first team" he said so nonchalantly like it meant nothing 
He had rendered me speechless with that. I simply couldn't think of anything else to say as my brain was preoccupied with freaking out over the fact that I was laying in a hospital bed in the same room as a Barcelona player. Football isn't my thing but that being said I know how hard those guys work and how crazy it is to find yourself in the situation I am right now. Once my brain had come to terms with the fact that I was next to an actual well known athlete I realised I still wasn't completely sure who he was so I found my phone amongst all my stuff and went straight to Instagram. I went onto Barcelona's account and the first thing I saw was a post with the guy sat right next to me. Gavi. That's who he is the big star boy of the team that's why I recognised him there was a time when he was all anyone talked about whether that was because of his footballing abilities or how attractive they thought he was. Of course I had to look at his Instagram and after scrolling through a few pictures I decided to follow him. It's not like I'm ever going to see him again after we leave this hospital plus he won't even notice he already has millions of followers. 
What a day. No one is going to believe me when I try and tell them that I spent my time in hospital with Gavi and honestly I wouldn't believe me either but here we are. Good thing he doesn't seem to want to talk to anyone as I don't know if I could hold a conversation with him for more than a few seconds now I know who he is. 
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ivanzplaid · 1 year
This is an idea I had last night and I just remembered it. Otis with a male reader who used to be a cheerleader. What would Otis think about it?
i absolutely love this idea because its just so otis, i have no other words to describe it other than that. he would LOVEEEE THIS, i literally cannot thank you enough for this thought. yes i am trying to rebrand my blog because i am currently moving myself into a new bedroom so i feel the need to make everything new, and i also like how this looks LOL
requests r open, masterlist is up!!!
otis driftwood x m! formercheerleader!reader | drabble & hcs
warnings: some sexual comments/references, typical otis behavior, fluff
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it would most likely come up as a random fact you shared with him, not thinking much of it, but he is majorly interested. loves to find out even more how non-conformist you are, just his own little pride in you that he finds
"You were a cheerleader? Didn' take ya for one of them frilly typa guys.. what did you do in it?"
will genuinely be interested because hes never really heard of or seen any guy do that, and he most likely wasnt given that opportunity growing up (we see that he likes the more literal arts)
hes happy that someone shares his artistic mind and will ask you if you remember any moves or any routines.... or if youre still as flexible (he would like to test that out)
baby will eventually find you two as youre in the middle of a routine, and she sits down to admire as well. shes most definitely interested snd will be begging you to teach her anything's
will try to memorize your figure as you pose and draw you to materialize your beauty (not that he doesn't tell you it enough, he just thinks that youre a work of art, especially when youre in your own world)
wants you to tell him about the uniforms... for so many reasons. for one he wants to know how you used to dress in this specific sport, once again because his lack of knowledge. and two because he wants to make sexual innuendos and comments about how good youd look if you dressed for him like that again.. he just wants to see his boyfriend all pampered up for him giving him a show
will pay closer attention to how much you use your former abilities around the house, and how much of a help it actually is to everyday life and helping mama around
may try to recreate your uniform with his victims clothing.. as a cute little present!!!! he just wants you to know that he values your hobbies and own experiences and that he does care about you
if you have any routines you remember, and decide to show him, hes going to be confused as hell as he tries to recreate the chants
"Lets go! P.. a... n.... shit sweetheart whats the next letter?"
loves to tease you about it and make fun of you lovingly, because partially he thinks its hilarious that you used to jump around for fun
may decide to test your gymnast skills from time to time and surprise you by wrestling or by having some sort of dare going on, hes gotta keep you on your feet
also loves to compete with you, sometimes seeing who's faster or who's stronger, or more agile. he'll make it a game when youre chasing victims to see who catches them first, or who can keep them down longer
"Don't get it wrong handsome, i'm still stronger."
as you can see is very adamant that he could and will beat you in a fight if it ever happened.. slightly threatened but also turned on
makes you reach or stretch for affection more. whether it be making you go on your tiptoes to kiss him, or go through obstacles to cuddle
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ftmtftm · 7 months
I've realised something recently about possibly why I'd rather believe other people can change for the better. It helps me believe that for myself as well. My moral OCD (or at least I hope it is) constantly tells me that I'm one tiny slip up away from becoming a complete monster. Sometimes I'll see a post about how people who do a thing I don't even do are all fascists and should die. More fuel for my brain to do mental gymnastics and land at "maybe I am a fascist and should die". Maybe those posts reach actual people and changed their minds? I don't know. Some of the posts had genuinely good educational stuff in them too, if the last paragraph hadn't ruined what I remember of the post. I know this is mostly a problem with me, but believing that you can get better from bad beliefs helps. The last thing I want to do is hurt people, but I can't be the bastion of moral purity my brain insists I have to be. But if other people can get out of a pipeline and change their minds, then if my anxiety is ever proven right there's still hope for me. A mistake or misconception I held maybe doesn't make me completely terrible as long as I learn from it and keep trying.
Honestly, this is exactly why I don't consider posting to be activism - especially not on its own.
Posts that hinge on that sort of rhetoric help absolutely no one for exactly the reasons you're describing - ultimately they're motivated by moral superiority, not genuine information sharing or a desire to help others better themselves and the world around them.
To believe others can grow to aid yourself in your own resolve to grow is genuinely a really good mindset to have surrounding yourself and the way you engage with the world though.
You do have the capacity to grow, and learn, and change, and so does everyone else. Following through on that capacity is absolutely a deliberate choice and it takes a lot of effort and desire to do so, but the capacity is there in everyone and always will be.
And you will probably fuck up at some points! I know I have. Pretty much everyone does because learning is not a one and done deal and we live in an extremely biased culture. Learning is constant and people are fallible and our knowledge is both limited and ever expanding. But if you are able to accept fuck ups or mistakes with grace and treat them as the learning experiences they are you will genuinely be just fine.
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ventique18 · 2 years
Malleus Draconia: Masquerade (Chapter 1)
Chapter 1: From the top!
Diasomnia Dorm - Lounge
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Malleus: Since I've been invited to the "First Gathering of Aspiring Mages"... I wish to convey my gratitude to the Noble Bell College inviter who asked for me.
Sebek: My lord, what benevolence..!
Lilia: A fine idea. No person would be offended by an expression of thanks.
Silver: Yes. I also think that an act of thoughtfulness is a nice way of striking a good first impression with people.
Lilia: Have you already decided on what to give?
Malleus: That's what I have been contemplating since earlier... I cannot think of anything.
Malleus: Do you three have any ideas on a gift suitable for that of an exchange program?
Silver: A gift, huh. If it were me... I would be happy with a cake.
Sebek: Cake? What kind of person brings perishable goods to a trip?!
Silver: Perishable... You're right. It's true that it's hardly appropriate to bring a regular cake to a two-nights-three-days trip.
Silver: Then, how about a non-dairy, long-storage-life type of cake?
Lilia: Hmm. I really don't recommend cake.
Lilia: Silver, when talking about gifts, why is it that cake is the first thing that comes to your mind? Do you like cake that much?
Silver: Not exactly, but...
Silver: It's just that I remember you rewarding me with a cake when I completed a special training task in the past.
Silver: It made me really happy back then. I thought it was a really good present.
Lilia: Kehehe... What a nostalgic story! I see, I see. So that really made you happy.
Lilia: Well then, would you like me to bake a non-perishable cake for this Noble Bell College benefactor?
Silver: No! That's... That's!
Sebek: Let's not go with cake!
Malleus: Ah... I'm not quite fond of whole cakes in the first place. I would prefer to give something I personally like.
Malleus: A pity, but let us not settle for cake.
Lilia: I see... That's too bad, Silver.
Silver: Yes. what a relief-- I mean, what a pity.
Sebek: ... In the first place, do you really need to give something tangible to express your appreciation, my lord?
Sebek: If they're words of gratitude from Lord Malleus...
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Lilia: I think only you would cry tears of joy over something like that.
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Malleus: I shall express my gratitude in words as a matter of due courtesy... However this time, I would also like to give something else as commemoration for this event.
Lilia: Something that is easier to carry than a cake, and also something more valueable than mere lip service...
Lilia: There's only one answer, and you lads still haven't figured it out.
Malleus: Oh? What confidence you have, Lilia. How promising.
Lilia: Indeed. What you should be giving is...
Lilia: A mass game!
Sebek and Silver: A mass game?
Lilia: You don't know? It's group gymnastics. A long time ago, Briar Valley's royal guards take part in it and do exhibitions.
Lilia: By uniting the hearts of such a large crowd and performing exhibitions in perfect sync, they display a high level of leadership and teamwork.
Lilia: Then you can force the audience into submission!
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Silver: Father... I don't think you'd want to intimidate anyone for this one...
Lilia: Oh. That's right.
Malleus: ... It seems we've hit a snag; we haven't made any progress at all. It seems we're not very knowledgeable in this particular topic, even with our heads put together.
Malleus: It would be better to seek advice from someone more experienced in this matter.
*Someone knocks*
Azul: Excuse me.
Malleus: If it isn't Ashengrotto. What brings you here?
Azul: The headmaster informed me that you've been added to list of participants for the exchange program.
Azul: Rather than arranging for the cooperation of a fieldwork member, I thought it would be simpler to just go ahead and tell you myself. And so I'm here.
Malleus: That's right, you'are a participant in the exchange program as well. My thanks for coming all the way here to deliver this message.
Lilia: These three here have no travelling experience. I'm leaving them in your care!
Azul: Very well. I will do everything in my power to help you.
Azul: ... I see you all huddled here with a serious expression on your faces. What seems to be troubling you?
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Azul: If you're in need of help, I am here! You can tell me anything!!
Sebek: HMPH! Octavinelle! What do you want from us!
Lilia: There, there. It's alright to just talk.
Lilia: The truth is, we want to thank Noble Bell College for the invitation to the exchange program.
Lilia: We gathered here so we could discuss what to give.
Azul: To Noble Bell College? As thanks? Malleus?
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Azul: ... Beautiful! Let me pitch in too, no consultation fee required...
Malleus: You wish to participate? Of course, I do not mind... But is that alright with you?
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Azul: Of course. I, too, was originally planning to prepare a souvenir to gain favor.
Azul: Now the opportunity to prepare one alongside the famous Malleus makes it all the more worthwhile. How very reassuring.
Sebek: Heh... You understand the magnificence of Lord Malleus!
Silver: Getting help from the considerate Azul is very reassuring.
Silver: Do you have any good ideas on what to give Noble Bell College?
Azul: Yes. For this occasion, the most suitable is...
Azul: A song.
Malleus: A song?
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>> To be continued...
Link to part 2
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