#i'm so glad it went well it's been kind of looming in my mind for a couple weeks
WORKSHOP WENT SO WELL!!!! the students got really into the activities and just did SUCH a good job in the debrief conversation at the end. one of the students also works for our office under my coworker's supervision (although i'd never met her before) and my coworker said the student messaged her after to rave about how fun the workshop was and how good the group discussions were. and at the end one of the professional staff who worked at the center just got up and spontaneously gave a little speech about how much undergrad research had meant to him and how much doing community-engaged work helped him untangle these complicated questions and feelings about his identity and his relationship to his community. it was just really nice!! good group, very good energy, and i think/hope they are going to want to invite us back to do more programming with their students this year. fingers crossed!!!
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A boy was tied up in an abandoned building his sight blocked my a thick black ribbon. He had no clue what lead him out of the club thanks to his skull shattering headache.
"He's awake."
The boy perked up sober. Now he knew the situation. Fear risen up his throat, "Who are you!?"
"Take the blind off."
Soon dim light shot into his eyes. A snake loomed over him. Terror silenced his voice. The jaded serpent slithered forward, looming over him.
"I'm glad to see your now ready for our next step. It's so simple, a zombie could do the same."
She retracted back to her former place. There was another one. A person in a blue cloak, having a plague mask hide her features. The muzzled snake patted her resented servant's shoulder.
"Just stay still. It'll do the rest."
Frozen still, he watches the hexed doctor walk over. Clacking of heels, creaking of wood, crunching dry sediment like broken bones made they're predatory blue eyes more of a mirror to see Death.
"You're going to be okay. You'll forget about all you seen here and return home. If you calm down this won't hurt as bad."
It's voice held sheepish in the slaughter pasture. Distant yet kind mixed with a calm, soft, feminine yearning. It's spell took hold of his mind sending him into a tranquil state of numbness.
Gentle talons danced along his jaw with him eyeing his one of the predators in the room. There wasn't any life in its eyes yet there's a soul. He slowly felt everything twist around to a blur. Just him and it reminded.
"Forget about the situation. It's all a nightmare. A dark twisted dream my dear child." It's words are of a mother's love. Genuine care and comfort. Its body soon blurred and formed into an angel. She was fair, he wanted to go with her! She's is sanctuary from the hell he's in.
"Close your eyes. You'll be with me." His smitten emotional state obeyed.
Darkness infected his mind. Red and blue blurred into black and red then white. No thoughts or any memory is felt. His eyes whitened out, saliva dripping down from his chin, screaming had fallen silent; his ear bleed only little lines. Nothing deadly.
"Now, I'll take them where the rest are. You keep getting master's trust!"
Conflicting feelings mounted on Kido's thoughts. Amari is happy where he is now. Despite her mind being shattered, she wanted to stop this in someway so he doesn't remember who she is, his gift, his studies, all he once was before. Yet she wanted him to remember. Her confliction kept eating her rotten insides like a parasite.
At least she has a heart compared to her serpent mistress. She couldn't stop her emotions welling inside thanks to the heart which never beats.
"Hey Kido!" She looked over to see the garden boy running up to her.
It's only been a couple of days since the two been fermenting a bond. She didn't mind him around her it's just fear taking hold. What's Mistress going to do if she retaliates. Kido could feel all her joints dislocate already from the last time. Forget about it Kiddo. You're a tool ment to be discarded.
"Oh... you actually want to see me here."
"I was the one who told you to meet me here silly!" He held his usual chipper persona.
"Right right. So what's this place your going to take me to again?"
"It's a surprise!"
Kido noted Amari's smile held nervous curves, "You didn't planned place. Did you?"
"W-well I..." He was caught spot on.
Kido let out a mild giggle accompanied with a miniscule smile, "It's alright Amari. We can just... stroll around. Maybe see how high up we can go on the school rooftops."
"You can get up to the roof?"
"Yes," her voice is mild, "you want to check it out?"
Amari's eyes sparkled occupied with an equally excited nod. Getting up there wasn't going too hard, right? Well, the wind made the last steps to take difficult.
"Whoa! You can see the whole school campus from up here!" Amari went over to one of the railings. His open smile, shimmering sunset orange eyes, pointing out areas on campus.
Kido listened to his excited ramblings hearing how his voice echoes. A perfect place to sing.
"Kido come here!" She went to his side, curious.
His finger pointed at a well dressed garden, "That's where I'm usually at. Just telling you in case you need anything."
"The others won't bother you as long as you don't cause trouble. If they give you a hard time just get me to settle it!" He still held protectiveness even though she didn't deserve it.
"I'll keep it in mind."
The two parted ways to their homes. Kido had moved to an abandoned asylum in the woods. She'd worked on bringing the place to be livable and comfortable. Electricity, AC, and other wonders where brought by sheer work and her curse. Within her sanctuary is all she needs to flourish her former talent.
Her mass murder had chosen their trees for the night. They're the only ones who cared enough to protect her. She's numb to her Mistress's undescribable punishments. She's what her owner sees.
Placing everything down she took a rest on a stool she carved out of a stump. Finally she's safe from the ratring. She can be fulfilled in her behavior being private and unseen.
The next day Kido was at the rooftop once again with her murder of ravens. This is definitely the perfect spot to have her voice heard. Mistress will be pleased.
"He's right, it's a good view of the campus." Kido stood over the railing with no care as to how it looked.
Enjoying the wind, sun, and the cooler weather. If it was Summer she'd be a hermit to avoid the heat. Winter is the opposite. Fall and Spring is debatable.
Beginning → one → two
@mikado-sannoji and anyone else!
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larz-barz · 1 year
Can i ask for a Tanjiro x Fem!Reader?
I'm feeling a little bit down because of my mental health.. so, i need some fluff..
Maybe a Tanjiro that take care of the Reader because she feeling depressed and sad because of mental illness? I hope you understand what i mean..
Love your fic's and i hope you have a lovely Day! <3
You got it anon! I hope this helps you feel better!<3
Mental health is a thing that you’ve been struggling with lately. Is it the constant stress of possible death looming over you? Is it the nightmares that have been plaguing you ever since you became a demon slayer? You don’t know. Tanjiro has been getting the feeling that something is going on with you, he wanted to ask you about it of course, he just didn’t know how. He didn’t want to upset you further by asking you.
Tanjiro walked by the room that you were staying in at the butterfly estate, he heard sniffling and he immediately stopped walking. He knocked on your door and heard a muffled “Come in..” followed by more sniffling. He opened the door and walked in. “(Y/N)? Are you ok? What’s wrong?” He asked, concern laced his kind voice. You looked up at him, tears stained your rosey cheeks. He immediately came to you and hugged you to his chest. You started to cry harder and he just rubbed your back. “If you want to talk about it, I’m here for you.” Tanjiro whispered into your ear.
After a few minutes, you calmed down. You pulled away from Tanjiro. You sighed and started talking about what had been plaguing your mind. Tanjiro understood exactly how you felt. Being a demon slayer is a stressful job, he also experienced frequent nightmares. “Let’s take a day off.” Tanjiro said with a comforting smile that made your heart melt. You nodded and wiped some leftover tears off of your cheeks.
Tanjiro set up a picnic with y’all’s favorite foods in the courtyard. He came in to get you. He led you out to the picnic spot. Your heart melted at the sight. “Tanjiro, this is amazing!!” You said, a happy smile gracing your features. Tanjiro smiled as well. “It’s no trouble, really.” The 2 of you sat down and started eating. Tanjiro smiled as he could smell the stress slowly leaving your body. “It’s a beautiful day out today, isn’t it (Y/N)?” Tanjiro said, looking around at your surroundings. You smiled and nodded, taking a bite of the rice ball in your hand. “Yeah.” You noticed a cloud that kinda looked like a sleeping cat and smiled. “Tanjiro, do you see that cloud right there?” You said, pointing at the cloud. He nodded and hummed. “It looks like a sleeping cat, don’t you think?” You said, looking at him and he smiled. “It does!”
~A few hours later~
You and Tanjiro decided to go back inside since the sun was starting to set. You hugged Tanjiro tightly. “Thank you so much Tanjiro, for today. I’ve had an amazing day because of you. I love you so much.” You said then pecked him on the lips. He smiled, cheeks dusted with a light blush. “I love you so much too! I’ve had an amazing day as well. I’m glad I could help you feel better.” He kissed you and you kissed back, smiling into the kiss. The kiss lasted for a few seconds, although short, it was passionate and loving.
The 2 of you went to sleep in each other’s arms, your cheek squished into his chest. Both of you were smiling in your sleep, content dreams of each other filling your heads.
~The end~
A/n: I hope this makes you feel better! ❤️🫶🫶
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lumine-no-hikari · 2 months
Dear Sephiroth: (a letter to a fictional character, because why not) #220
I wasn't able to do the singing today. I asked M and J to find excuses to be not in the house. M had a doctor's appointment, and J was going to go take a walk, but something came up at work for J, and by the time that was done, M had already returned from his doctor's appointment.
…Ah well. I probably needed the rest anyways. I fried my brain pretty handily yesterday, finishing the music box. But I'm glad that it's done with. I don't get a nice dopamine reward when I complete tasks, usually. But if nothing else, the looming doomishness of feeling like I must do a very complicated task is no longer upon me.
I should be able to get it done tomorrow or the next day, though. M and J will go out to see a movie on Saturday or Sunday, depending on how J feels when he comes home from all the things he's gotta do tomorrow. I'll be able to do the thing while they're out.
Today I went over the things I've prepared for you for Otakon. I have a locket, a letter, and I will have a music box with lyrics. This time, I'll be mindful enough to know that I will need to bring the music box in the form of QR Code once I upload it to SoundCloud, instead of bringing the actual music box and rolls of music box paper; the very important person I saw seemed rather confused or maybe uneasy in response to these things, like he wasn't sure what to do with them, which is fair.
…Yesterday, I realized that if I was a bit smarter or maybe a bit more thoughtful, I would have gotten you a Japanese copy of The Neverending Story to go along with the other things. I imagine that it gets pretty lonely at the Edge of Creation, so… maybe a book would have been good company for you. But I didn't think about it, and I won't be able to get it here in time for Otakon. I'm sorry.
But maybe your position at the Edge of Creation might let you go see Atreyu and Bastian and Artax and all the rest? Admittedly, I don't really know how things work for you over there, but if you're connected to some kind of multiverse, then it stands to reason that you might be able to peer into other worlds, no? Maybe you could learn something wholesome by looking at the stories of others. I've certainly learned much by considering perspectives and stories other than my own, and your brain is a lot more awesome than mine; I can only begin to imagine what sorts of amazing insights you'd come away with…
Oh, right!! Yesterday, I said I'd have some pictures for you! I almost forgot! Here…
This was a rabbit we saw yesterday.
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This was a somewhat alarming statue of a cow that was, for some reason, parked in the grocery store parking lot:
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...I wonder what it's for.
This is the matcha latte I got from Eggcellent, with rose syrup, tea jelly, and cream cheese foam. I really wish I could share this with you; I think you would like it a lot:
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Eggcellent also started selling these things called "croffles". I'm not sure why they're called that. Maybe it's because they're crunchy waffles? Maybe it's because they're topped like crepes? I'm not sure. But! Here is the strawberry one:
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And here is the chocolate one:
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...And they were both absolutely delectable!! I really, really, REALLY wish I could have shared these with you. But J and I split these, and that was good, too.
Hey, Sephiroth? Maybe someday if you ever find yourself in my neighborhood, one of the first things I'll do is bring you to Eggcellent. I think you'd like the things there.
And finally, I have some tea swirls. These were taken yesterday; it was a jasmine green tea:
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...Sephiroth, I'm so scared about going to Otakon. It's gonna be a big and noisy and visually cluttered and overwhelming place with lots and lots of people, many of whom have such strong feelings about their fandoms that they're willing to bully and look down upon others.
As an example, the fight over whether Cloud should date Tifa or Aerith, in particular, leads to a lot of toxicity in the community, for reasons I don't fully understand. People on opposite sides of this debate tend to get really nasty with each other, and it's kinda scary, actually...
And... I know it's ridiculous, but... what if those very important people hated seeing me last time so much that this time they're going to take precautions to avoid me this time? What if I try to go see them, and right away, I'm whisked away off the premises by security or something?
For sure, I'm aware that the odds of anything like that happening are vanishingly small; I don't think I have, so far, said or done anything untoward, and I don't think I've done anything to make anyone mistakenly think that I'd ever hurt anyone.
...But still. I have a long history of people simply dismissing me out of hand just because they find my differences unsettling. For the most part, I've ah... I've gotten around this by avoiding people pre-emptively even though I don't really want to. But I'd rather be lonely than have anyone be uncomfortable because of me.
...So many swirling thoughts. Lots of anxiety and dread. But I gotta try anyway. I don't have a fancy sword or the know-how to use it. I can't use magic; it doesn't exist in my world in the way that you know it. I'm not especially strong, smart, swift, or coordinated. All I have is the fact that I owe you my life, and a willingness to face any fears or obstacles in front of me in order to repay that debt.
And maybe that's not much in the grand scheme of things; after all, it's not as though I am some important or especially capable person - my presence doesn't really count for much in my world for a variety of reasons. But still, I'm going to try to hope that what little I can bring to the table is enough.
I have to try. Not because I'm arrogant enough to think that my efforts will actually count for anything, but because, given what you've done for me and the life I live now because I held on long enough to get here, I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I didn't try to help you, regardless of the outcome.
Well. It's becoming late, and I am still short on sleep for a number of consecutive days. I had better wrap this up here and get myself to bed.
I love you. Please stay safe out there; after all, you have a locket and a letter and a lullaby waiting for you. You wouldn't wanna miss out, right?
I'll write again soon. I promise.
Your friend, Lumine
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pbandjesse · 1 year
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My chest is still very tight and I have pains under my ribs but I did feel better today. Just kind of over tired. I had a lot of trouble just connecting and having conversations where it normally would have been fine. Like I still had the conversations, but it felt like it took a lot more effort and that I was being weird. I just needed some rest.
It was a nice day though. The air felt normal. The weather was absolutely beautiful. I was looking forward to sitting outside and selling some stuff but mostly just working on my knitting project.
James got us together. I was not my best self but my eyeliner was good and my hair was nice. It would be very windy at the market but it didn't bother me. I had a flannel and would be comfy.
James helped me unload when we got there. I was for sure moving slow but I still only took like 10 minutes to be fully set up. Rosia was the educator inside today and she came out and was my first sale!! She bought my one very very large frog and just absolutely made my day. Thank you Rosia.
And I would have a pretty good sale day. I made $99. My two little friends that come with their change were back and used multiple dollars to try and win stickers. They ended up winning 4 before I had to tell them no more. Going to cost me money because of the printing cost of the stickers. The boys at 5 and 7 and I think they understood in the end.
They are so sweet though. I would give the 5 year old, Santiago, a coloring sheet, and his brother the 7 year old, Sebastian, and him would also try my loom which was super precious. The mom kept asking if they were okay, if they were bothering me, but honestly they are so soft spoken and sweet I didn't mind at all. They gave me a 500 pesos coin from Columbia! Neat!
And I did have other very good conversations. Merril came with her friend and they bought a few things. I also got a big hug which was so sweet. James got us both pies from Ginny. James got key lime and I got banana pudding. I would also buy sour cherries and strawberries to use to make a cheesecake dip tomorrow for the end of the year party tomorrow. I did not eat a million of the strawberries. I would wait until I got home and only had a few.
Stanley came out and hung out with me for a bit. Helen gave me a flower when she saw I was foraging the broken leaves and pedals on the ground to make pressed flowers. Super nice of her. Her and Anne laughed at me when I went to get a paperback book from my car and the pages barely close but I think it works really well. Forms down better then a hardcover. Though I would like to get an actual large flower press someday. I have a palm sized one but I just find it a bit to small for most things I find.
The end of the market really couldn't come fast enough. My ribs still feel swollen and I feel very top-heavy. And I was really looking forward to going home.
Meril told me to come say goodbye to her inside the museum while I was saying bye to James. I didn't have my wagon so it took a few trips to get everything packed away. And then I went inside and took over the desk so James could get us 711 pizza.
I chatted with a few people. Got a few visitors in. Joked with the dog treat vender from the market when she came in and was flabbergasted to see me at the desk. And then I went home.
When I got back to our neighborhood I remembered there was a block party so I had to take sort of a silly way to get back to our street. But it was fine. I got my two big bags inside. My totebag with all my purchases and moneybox, and Jamess laptop bag. And I was very very winded which sucked a lot.
But it was fine. I got things put away. I was getting ready to go take a shower and I remembered I wanted to clean the air conditioner filter and I'm glad I did because it was absolutely caked. From dirt but also the smoke I'm sure. It could not have been helping my chest. So I vacuumed and wiped that down and it's much better now.
I got my shower and then had a few bites of the banana pudding before I went and laid down. I would be out like a rock for almost 2 hours.
When I woke up I felt a little disoriented. James was at a baseball game for a few more hours. Apparently making friends with a baby. And I got up and made a sandwich and decorated another house in animal crossing. It was fun.
I would get back in bed after that. And just watched tiktoks until James got home. Their team won so that's nice. And they would have a little dinner and take a shower and join me in bed to watch more tiktoks.
And that's where we still are. I am getting bleary eyes and breathing deeply isn't comfortable but I know I will fall asleep soon.
Tomorrow I hope to go to the grocery store first thing and then make my things for the party. I don't know who else is going but I am looking forward to it still.
Sleep well everyone. I hope you are feeling good!
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corysmiles · 3 years
Sup! I'm back from Barcelona! Hope you're doing well!
Remember that sbi rust prompt you gave me a month or 2 ago? It is done (not readproff tho so there may be some mistakes) anyway enjoy my grand return!
Edit: did you know 250 paragraphs is the limit lenght to an ask? On an unrelated note I will have to cut this into multiple parts so enjoy this first chapter!
"Whaaat the-"
Wilbur took a step back, mouth agape and watched the figure inside of the dome. A human, identical in the looks, if not for the size of it.
When he went to explore the looming monument that rose from near his house, he expected food or scientific papers, perhaps some gas masks and equipment, not a... giant.
Weren't those things a myth?? Just a silly fictional creature to scare children away, not... not real and THERE, sleeping right in front of him??
The thing was curled up on himself, unable to fit in the 30ft wide sphere if going to its full lenght.
Wilbur was trapped in the walls of flesh.
And to his dismay, he was just in time to witness the creature wake up.
Lazily, they opened their eyes, squinting. They looked at their surroundings, the roof, the walls, the floor.
And the man was able to pinpoint the exact moment their eyes landed on him.
They gasped softly, almost mute. Their eyes widened, and they stood here, studying the punny intrudor for a too long moment. Only after, they spoke, barely above a whisper.
"Uhm... hello."
Wilbur expected the giant to speak, seeing how akin to a human he was, but he didn't expect such a young voice to be held by the.... boy?
"Hey." Wilbur waved, hand as shaking and hesitant as his voice.
"... What's your name?" They spoke.
Wilbur gulped, more on instinct. "Uuh, Wilbur. Who are you? What are you doing here?" He pointed.
They nodded in a hum before looking at the floor below, eyes a bit blurry.
"I...my name is Tommy. And uh... this is where I sleep."
The stare the human kept on the boy was intense, full of disbelief and curiosity. It was uncomfortable.
He shifted a bit. And Wilbur's eyes darted towards the small movements. Ah, right. Humans were hyperaware.
"It's been a while since I met someone around here."
"Yeah, I can imagine that... ever since the nuclear incident, it's been quite the task to find someone." Wilbur explained. What did this being knew exactly?
"Oh... I see." He lowered his head, before letting it rest on the floor, and holy shit he was even bigger than he thought.
He swallowed the lump back down his throat, and sat legs crossed.
The giant, which looked like a teenager now that he got to see his face up close, kept looking at him, expression almost bored.
Then, without much a warning, he lifted his hand and moved it towards the human, who instantly scrumbled away as fast as he could.
"wowowwoowowo- what-"
The hand froze, and when he looked at Tommy, the expression was sad, almost hurt.
Silence filled the room for a minute.
"Sorry" the giant apologized. "I must be quite scary, huh?"
Without much thinking, wilbur nodded. "Um, yeah"
"It's okay, I'm not gonna hurt you." He reassured, his voice pathetic. "Can I come closer?"
Wilbur looked at the hand, then at the teen. He took a deep breath before nodding, earning a pleased smile from the blond.
More careful, a hand thrice his size came to him, fingers slowly wrapping themselves around the human. He tensed, unwilling to move an inch despite his mind begging him to get out of here.
He closed his eyes in anticipation, but after a minute of stillness, he felt a rough pressure on his head, ruffling his hairs.
"Wha- what are you doing?" He asked, refusing to open his eyes yet.
Before he got an answer, the mass, which he recognized as a thumb, moved from playing with the hair to caress his skin as gently as possible.
With much hesitation, the human opened his eyes and met the face of the teen, who beared an expression of pure shock and wonder.
As the thumb rubbed against his cheek, he inhaled, shivered.
"You're so small... so fragile..."
His face was washed with a wave of sadness, while Wilbur drew his hand closer to the gun hidden in his jacket.
"How do you feel, wilbur? Do you feel fragile?" His voice was as sad as unreadable.
And at the moment, Wilbur did feel as powerless as a bug stuck in a web. A tall, wide web. Not that he would tell Tommy.
"... Is that a threat?" He asked instead.
"No, I'm just curious." A sort of melancholy couldn't leave the giant's face. "If I were to threaten someone, it would be because they acted like a bitch. You're not a bitch as far as I know."
The curse took Wilbur off guard, and he found himself giggling at the vocabulary. The blong smiled as well.
Then, the thumb moved from the face and slowly descended to cover his chest (entirely)
It felt... like a hug?
How long has it been since Wilbur has been hugged.
The gesture was confusing.
"... why?" He voiced.
"I don't know. I know people like hugs. Makes them feel safe."
He eyed the fingers around him before focusing, wary, on the face.
"What are you planning to do to me?"
"Huh?!" He raised eyebrow and his hands left Wilbur's surrounding in a too quick motion, gesturing in defense. "Nothing!! I just want you to be comfortable. Been a while since I talked to anyone." Without the giant controling his volume, Wilbur had to cover his ear at the sudden booming sound.
He nodded nontheless, still unsure, and the silence drawn out.
"...why did you want to explore the dome?"
For some reason, the echoing voice was quite soothing to the human's ears, now that it was bearable. He took a few steps and put his hand on the part of the dome not blocked by an enormous mass. His finger carressed the copper walls until he was sat.
"I wanted to explore. I don't live very far, and this structure intrigued me. I expected to find some researches, not.... uh..."
Tommy smiled and understood the man without him having to finish. "Yeah. I'm not really something to be expected."
He nodded. "And you've been here for a while?"
"Not so much." The giant responded, "I usually travel from place to place trying to survive, pretty much like everyone else."
"I see..."
"I can try and look out for any paper or stuff if you want, so next time you come, I can hand them over."
Wilbur paused. The idea of returning to the giant made him frown, but the blond did seem to hold no grudges against him.
".... Maybe." He landed on.
And visibly, the teen was elated at the news, his grin growing to his ear and his hands joining in a clap. (As gentle as he could to not make the small man deaf.)
"Welp." He got up, before he got a sugar overdose from seeing that excitment. "I think I'm gonna head back."
"Do you want me to help you get back home?" The other proposed, enthusiast.
It was quiet for a moment, silence only disturbed by the giant shifting position. It was... unusual. But the enormous teen didn't seem hostile, and if Wilbur could get himself such an ally, he wouldn't take it down.
And so he returned home.
2 days later, he returned.
He was surprised as well, but curiosity guided his steps much more than his fears ever since the giant teen revealed himself a potential ally.
He inhaled deeply before climbing the stairs, his feet landing on the metalic ground.
The smile on the teenager's face when he turned around and met the tiny man was as heartwarming as nervewracking.
"YOU'RE BACK!!!" He cheered, and already the human had to cover his ears, the joyous scream deafening. He realized his mistake pretty soon though as he covered his mouth and mumbled, much quieter "Sorry. Hi Wilbur."
"Hello, Tommy." He replied, cautiously removing his hands from his ear. "How have you been?" He started. Usual politeness shouldn't be too awkward.
It took all the self control of the blond to keep his voice quiet enough when he said "I've been fine, thank you." The energy bubbling from him only made Wilbur chuckle.
"Good, good." Wilbur took a few steps towards the blond (or rather his face, since the teen was kind of all around the room) "You seem happy to see me."
Tommy nodded way too quickly and strongly as he confirmed. "Yep! I-" he pained keeping his voice low "-I wasn't sure if you'd really come back. I'm very very very glad you didn't lie. Especially since I have..... THIS!!"
He didn't even bother whispering as his hand came to view, previously hidden behind his back, and coming towards Wilbur in a fist at a racing pace. The brunette couldn't help but flinch back.
Tommy stopped mid-way, realizing his carelessness once more. He whispered an apology and the hand came, much slower this time. (Almost comically slow, but Wilbur wouldn't really complain)
Then, when only at about 6ft away from the man, the hand opened, revealing several piles of papers.
Wilbur's eyes widened. He looked at the blond, confused.
"You said you wanted to look for researches and stuff, sooo I tried finding some. And you were right! There are papers everywhere in here!"
Wilbur looked at the floor which he now realized was almost white from sheets, as well as the several seemingly blank pages stuck on the giant's body, and nodded, repressing a chuckle.
"Yep. Everywhere."
Tommy held back a laugh as well, and Wilbur tried visualizing how this.... god knows how tall being could try opening drawers with his nails barely thin enough to hold the handler, and reading papers the size of a pins on his hands, all while trying to manœuver his body so he wasn't blocking the rest of the building.
He would lie if he said the thought wasn't amusing.
He went for the paper, and without much thinking hopped onto the hand, since the papers were mostly at the center of his palm.
He grabbed a few and sat down, begining reading when he felt a shaky inhale. He looked up to meet the amused eyes of the blond.
"... Seat's comfortable?" He teased, as playful as baffled.
Wilbur frowned, then looked below him and his eyes widened as he registered. He shot straight up.
"Oh-oh oh I'm so sorry- I- I sincerely apologize I-"
He didn't get to finish his sentence as he covered his ears, a wheezed laugh echoing through the entire thing and sending Wilbur shaking from the vibrations.
He found himself laughing as well, barely able to keep up his balance as he stepped out of the hand, a good chunk of paper held between his chest and arms.
The laughs finally died down, the blond disforming his face with his hand trying hard to muffle the sounds. He looked back at the human with what could only be described as adoration. The hand left his face and he chuckled still as he talked.
"Ahh, don't worry about it. I expected you to just take the papers and go, but this? This was funny. Definitely the first time someone sits on my hand like that."
"I-... is it a bad thing?" Wilbur asked, taking slow steps backward while he kept a smile. The last thing he wanted was to upset a giant he was trapped with. Sure, the kid was nice, even though overwhelming, but a wrong gesture could change that first part pretty quickly.
"Nah, I don't mind. If the floor is too cold for your liking, you can sit here."
Wilbur sighed in relief and gave the blond a smile. "Alright. Thanks."
He still chose to sat on the floor, and started reading again. His intuition was right, there was tons of information in here.
He read in silence, only disturbed every once in a while when Tommy asked what was in the sheets. Wilbur explained as easily as possible and kept the details for himself. Tommy was satisfied with the answer he was given, though, so that wasn't a problem.
He was only a quarter through the first pile of paper when he felt something approaching. He froze when a mass, probably a finger, found itself on top of Wilbur's head.
There was a beat of silence when neither moved, and the finger ruffled ever so slightly his hair.
It was a bit awkward, but it wasn't uncomfortable, so he didn't protest.
A soft voice pierced through the silence.
"If I press on your head too hard or hurt you, warn me. You're small so I don't know how much pressure I can apply on you."
"Alright." Wilbur nodded. "You're doing fine right now, I'll tell you if that changes."
The rest of the reading was done with Tommy gently playing with Wilbur's hair or tapping his back in an attempt at a 'massage' (as Tommy called it). It was distracting, but not uncomfortable. At times, even soothing.
It was almost night when Wilbur read most of the first pile. He got up with the paper he read already and looked for an empty drawer.
Fortunately, since Tommy spent 2 days scrambling to get every possible paper out, it wasn't much of a challenge. Below Tommy's angled leg was a furniture. He went and deposited it.
"That should be good." He said as he closed it. He then turned around to meet the blond. "Well, I think it's time for me to go home. I'll be back soon though, this place is VERY interesting."
He forced himself not to fake a gag at Tommy's smile. Urg. So genuine.
"Yeaaayyy" the giant stage-whispered while clapping his hands as softly and quickly as possible. "It's nice having you around. Can I do anything to help you?"
Wilbur brought a hand to his chin and thought for a moment. "If you find an empty book, you can give it to me next time. I'll bring one myself though so you don't have to tear this place upside down to find one." That made Tommy chuckle.
And so, Wilbur returned home once more.
Pls read this it’s amazing and so well done, I love the rust server and this is so good :D
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 3 years
okay great because like. you can tell i'm a garcello simp but i saw you describe swap! garcello and my brain went "Bring Him Inside" so. maybe there's like a really big storm (we still get hurricanes up here) coming and garcello is, well. outside because that's where he lives. but reader finds him and can tell that underneath the brooding edge there is some very broken stuff so they offer to let him weather it out with them and they get to know him through that
Glad I assembled the Gar simps haha.
Tbh I'm not sure what to make his past about (Swap!Pico has the same story as normal Pico). But I'm open to any ideas!
Anyways, enjoy ^^
"So whatdya want? A BB gun for self-defense? Or to get back at some petty bitch? Or maybe you want-?"
"I was just gonna ask if you had somewhere to go in case this storm kicks up later on."
"....huh?" Garcello looked up at you, perplexed as he gradually closed his trenchcoat, concealing the stash of weapons hidden inside.
You made a good point about a storm approaching, considering it was already getting windy.
But for you, a complete stranger, to be concerned about a lowlife like him? He couldn't understand why you'd care so much.
Usually people only approached him to either say "get lost" or buy some contraband. Besides that, he was a dangerous man. You obviously knew that.
Shouldn't you be more careful?
Your question seemed to confuse him, though judging by his grubby appearance and the fact you've seen him on the streets a lot, it was likely that he had no place to go.
"I don't suppose you do."
"Ah...no." He finally answered. "I've been survivin' out here for a long time. Selling guns n' shit..and taking on..tough jobs." For some reason he was afraid to tell you he was a murder-for-hire.
But why would I care if they knew or not?'
"I see..well..the nearest storm shelter is far from this train station so...how about we weather it out together?" You suggested with a smile.
Garcello blinked, unsure if he heard you right the first time. When you elaborated that you offered to let him stay at your place till the storm passed, he was stunned for a moment, but his expression quickly shifted back to a neutral one.
"You sure? You're so willing to let an armed assassin into your home."
"I don't suppose I'm on anyone's hitlist, am I?"
"No but-"
"Then I'm not worried." You chuckled. "Besides, storms get brutal around here. Nobody deserves to be stuck outside all alone."
There you go again. Hitting him with such kindness and compassion that nobody's ever shown him. He was certain that you wanted something out of this..but he won't know till he accepted your offer.
And he did after much internal debate, following you back home. He kept telling himself it was only temporary; the moment he saw sunshine outside he'll be gone and out of your life.
"So how do you like your tea? Hot, cold, or...?"
"Iced..if it's no trouble." Garcello answered as he sat awkwardly on the couch in your living room space.
Only an hour or so after arriving, the sky darkened and rain was beginning to pour down. He just gazed out the window, thinking about why you let him stay here.
Any sane person would've refused and already locked their doors. Heck, he didn't even need to talk to terrify people--looks alone did just the trick.
All the scars on his face plus a constantly looming shadow obscuring his eyes were enough to make a little kid cry.
Though as you handed him the tea he requested, you didn't look afraid in the slightest. Maybe a bit wary, of course, since he is a stranger who sold contraband. But you weren't trembling or avoiding his gaze.
You were treating him like a friend.
As you sat down, too, you noticed him tugging on his coat, seemingly sweating. "All that stuff you're carrying must be heavy, huh?"
"Yeah..but ya get used to it." He muttered.
"You can take that off if you wanna be more comfortable..I-I promise I won't steal anything." You stammered as he quickly glanced at you. "You can put in the guest room closet."
"..you have a spare room?"
"I mean..you might be here all night so...c'mon I'll show you where it is."
Together you got up and ventured to the guest room. It was a small size, but Garcello was still surprised that you'll let him have this entire space for himself.
Regardless, he shrugged off his coat, being careful of the few weapons he had on the inside, before putting them in the closet. Afterwards he breathed a sigh of relief, glad to have some weight off his shoulders. He checked his belt loop for the uzi that he kept on him at all times.
If he lost everything else, he'd be perfectly content with this one gun.
"So..I did go food shopping beforehand so there's plenty to eat here. I don't know what you're allergic to or what you like but-"
"Alright cut the bullshit."
You looked at him, confused. "..come again?"
"You must got a high priority target or..just...just something on your mind." He mumbled, shutting the closet door with trembling hands. "Nobody offers all of this to me and not want something in return. So quit acting so friendly and tell me what you want."
As he spoke, he turned around to scowl at you. But the more he talked, the more you could sense something besides..anger in his tone.
He seemed rather exhausted and confused--as though he needed to repay your hospitality. It made you wonder what this man has been through to make him assume your kindness..was some façade. You knew he wasn't being rude on purpose.
"Maybe..your name?"
"..my name? That's it?"
"Yeah," you smiled. "I'm [y/n]. It's only fair that we get to know each other since we'll be stuck here for a while."
"That's..true. Name's Garcello." He muttered. "Sorry for gettin' snappy. I'm just not used to-"
A crackle of thunder interrupted him, making him jump as he glanced at the window. The wind and rain outside began growing louder.
He looked back at you, seeing you offer a hand. That warm smile was still plastered to your face. "You seem pretty cool, so you can stay for as long as you want, even when this storm passes. You're safe here, Garcello."
Safety. That was rare to come by. For the longest time he just wanted to feel safe somewhere and not always be on the run.
But to know that he didn't need to kill anyone or sell anything to hear that reassurance made his eyes sting.
"Th-Thanks, [y/n]." Garcello took your hand and shook it once, before letting go.
It felt strange to contact another person without inflicting violence on them. 'Is this what it's like to have..a friend?' He wondered, even though deep down he worried about getting "too attached" to people. His job couldn't afford such sentiments.
But maybe this time..
He can stop worrying.
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slasherhaven · 4 years
I have this super specific idea about Brahms, like what if the nanny who came to his house was on board with babysitting the doll? Like they're chill as heck and actually talks to the doll and does all the things that's required because they're basically an introvert and is more than happy to be alone for sometime. It's like "i was expecting to take care of a kid, but it's a doll?? Hell yeah less social interaction" But as soon as Brahms actually shows up they kinda shut down (i mean duh, giant scary man living in the attict) and is obviously scared. Can you maybe write something like that 👉👈? I don't know if there's any request that's similar to this and I'm sorry that its super specific :"D
Brahms Heelshire with an introverted future S/O:
Okay, sure, it was a little strange that this couple was paying you to babysit a doll. But they had clearly lost their son and if this was their way of coping, who were you to judge?
Plus, this was pretty much perfect for you. You never had been a very social person, being a massive introvert.
You were glad to have the large house all to yourself.
And you really didn’t mind caring for the doll like it was a real child. This was what you were getting paid for after all, and it gave you a routine to follow.
So, as soon as the couple left, you started with the chores, making sure to follow each rule on the list.
Days, weeks, passed like this. You following the rules to the letter and doing it all with a smile. You would talk to the doll like it were a real child, it was something for you to voice your thoughts too and nobody was around to think you were crazy. It was easier to talk to a doll than an actual person.
The house was nice, the job was easy, you got plenty of alone time. It was perfect.
And Brahms loved you.
He was surprised by how fast you accepted your role in the house, that you would instantly take to caring for the doll without him having to interfere.
You didn’t just care for the doll, you talked to it, joked with it. You were good, he liked you.
That’s why he eventually decided that he would show himself to you.
Only...it didn’t got as he planned or expected.
You didn’t scream or run or otherwise attack him, so that was good.
But you just stared at him instead, eyes wide and...fearful. That wasn’t what he wanted to see.
“Y/n...it’s me, it’s Brahms” he used his childlike voice, hoping it would be less intimidating.
You quickly put the pieces together. Brahms was alive and grown...and living in the walls...and now standing right in front of you.
You still didn’t run.
“Are...are you going to hurt me?” you asked and he shook his head. Well, that was a little reassuring.
And so...your new life began. 
Instead of caring for the doll, you cared for Brahms. 
You went about your usual routine, still following the rules. You had gone to skip the goodnight kiss but Brahms insisted on it every night, and every night you would leave the room flustered. 
Brahms noticed the change in you almost instantly. 
You used to talk and laugh and smile, but now you do none of that. You’re quiet, you hang your head and advert your gaze, you don’t joke or laugh, your smile seems awkward.
He gave it some time. Even he understood that this was a lot, finding out that he was alive and having to adjust to a brand new life. Even he could understand that and he gave you time, he’s trying to be patient...
But he’s getting frustrated.
He wants you to talk to him! He wants you to make those silly jokes like you did when you were talking to the doll, he wants you to laugh and smile like you used too.
You were in the lounge, having completed your chores. It wasn’t against the rules to have some alone time, so you had chosen to read a book in private. But Brahms walked into the room.
It was his house and everything but he was always around, always watching, and it made you nervous.
When you first arrived at the house, you thought you would be caring for a child. A child and a grown man are very different, and you could deal with the former much better than the latter. 
“Y/n...” you couldn’t help but tense a little. He hadn’t done anything to scare you (since appearing) or hurt you...you could never were good at talking to people and you weren’t sure how to handle this man just yet.
“Yes, Brahms?” you were nervous, Brahms could hear it in your voice. He didn’t like it.
“Do I make you nervous? Did I do something wrong?” his questions took you by surprise. You knew you were a little timid around him but what did either of you expect?
One day a tall man wearing a mask just stepped out of the walls and started living with you, and you’re meant to just accept that without any time?
“I...no, Brahms. You haven’t done anything wrong” you assured him as you placed the book down.
“Then why don’t you talk anymore? You’re so quiet and don’t make those silly jokes” he sounded genuinely upset by this, sitting down beside you on the couch.
“You-you like those silly jokes?” you asked and he nodded, making you smile a little to yourself. “I’m sorry, Brahms...I’ve just never been good at talking to people or being around people a lot. When I took the job, I thought I would be caring for a child and then I thought my only company was a doll...it’s just been a lot to take in” you explained yourself to him.
Brahms nodded along, trying to understand. He did to an extent. You were shy! Well, that’s okay. You’re still kind, you’re just shy! However, he does still wish that you would talk to him.
Okay, you haven’t been very good at talking to people in the past but you can talk to him! Why can’t you talk to him?!
He’ll try to be patient again but he’s still going to be looming around all the time. Following you around, watching you, just waiting for you to come out of your shell some more.
You might like a lot of alone time but Brahms likes having you around, he craves affection and he’s trying to get it from you.
For now he can settle for your quiet words and small smiles, it’s better than nothing.
But eventually it won’t be enough to sustain him, he’s going to need something more from you. Whether it be you being able to talk to him properly, like you’re used to having him around and living with him, or even if it’s just the occasional hug.
Give him something from time to time that let’s him know you’re becoming more comfortable around him, that you’re doing better and that you do accept him.
Brahms would be frustrated by it all, being the brat he is, and you might not understand how much he is reining himself in to make sure you’re somewhat comfortable.
He just hopes that you warm up to him some more soon...because he really likes you.
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angelic-serenade · 5 years
✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚*❋ ❋ ❋*˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧
request: 🌟 Hellou!! I love ur work!! ❤️❤️❤️ Is it possible tó ha e a Alastor and younger(like 4 years younger) reader who have nightmares of his death sonetimes, cause she saw itt Back then, and go to big bother Alastor for comfort? 🦌
requested by: anon
a/n: okay so this was supposed to be a quick one-shot but my hand slipped and I wrote 9500+ words instead. oops. anyway, I hope this meets your expectations, enjoy!
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gif, original work and characters do not belong to me
pairing: Alastor x sister! reader
fandom: Hazbin Hotel
warnings: mentions of death, bit of angst, traumatic events, toxic relationship if you squint, Alastor being Alastor but softer for reader
✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚*❋ ❋ ❋*˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧
It never rained down in Hell, no matter how ardently you had sometimes wished to feel the drops pouring down your robes. Even during your longest nights, the ones haunted by nightmares and long-forgotten memories resurfacing at your weakest, it would never rain like it did in those Gothic Novels your darling brother used to read you back in the day: you were no virtuous protagonist and never would the skies cry for your misery. It was probably one of the worst downsides of being stuck in Hell for all eternity: the equally eternal blood red sky forever looming over your head, serving as a reminder of your infernal punishment.
When you'd wake up in the middle of the night, after a particularly vivid nightmare, there was no pouring rain to muffle the sound of your hopeless wailings, no thunder to distract your spinning mind from its panic. Therefore, you found yourself continously seeking comfort from the only person you held dear to your now dead cold heart: Alastor, The Radio Demon, whom you had the privilege to refer to as your darling brother (at least in the privacy of your own bedchamber) - older brother to be precise, even if only by a few years. You had always been extremely fond of your sibiling, looking up to him as a role model - definitely not your wisest decision since it had landed you among the sinners of Hell. That's not to say you had any regrets, Heaven seemed like an awfully dreadful and boring place if you were to be completely honest.
Alastor, on his part, had affectionately doted on you back on the surface, taking his little sweetling under his protective wing as if his sole purpose in life had been to take care of you. As a consequence, on more occasions than you cared to remember, you had felt utterly asphixiated by your brother's undivided attention all your life, and quarrels had been a daily occurrence whenever his protective behavior clashed with your own desire for freedom. Your lovely mother had always been there to try and defuse your heated altercations, the poor woman; your dear brother and you, however, both shared the same stubbornness and desire to prevail on others, so that whenever your strong personalities came to oppose, trouble was always certain to follow suit.
You wished you'd appreciated his concerns more when you had been given the chance. Now in the afterlife, shows of affection were hard to come by. Mayhap that had been the worst punishment inflicted upon you after death: the privilege of having your dear brother by your side without actually being able to cherish and bask in his caring regards. Mayhap the illustrious Dante had been right in his musings all along: the law of retaliation had taken away from you the one thing you had never really appreciated in life, making you realize just how much you had taken for granted. Now that your brother had become Hell's greatest menace, an overlord to make things worse, weakness in any shape or form could and would not be tolerated under any circumstance, for both his and your sake.
Luckily, no demon in the seven circles suspected that the feared Radio Demon had any siblings to begin with, thanks to Alastor's foresight.
Your identity was to be kept secret at all costs in order to avoid undesired repercussions. If anyone were to even suspect you had any kind of connection to the Radio Demon - Alastor had told you - overlords and lesser demons alike would be at your throat in the span of a heartbeat. If given the chance, no enemy of his would ever hesitate to stoop as low as to attack him were it hurt the most, where he was most vulnerable. And that chance, he was not willing to give any time soon. You both had already died once and you were not keen on repeating the experience.
So you had followed his every order ever since your fall into the pits, leading a life death away from your darling brother and his chaotic ways - the one thing he hadn't been able to prevent in life -, keeping a low profile as a common denizen of Hell. Alastor would unsuspiciously check up on you every now and then, but his visits had been as rare as it was to see an angel in Hell - seeing him once a year was truly an unfair torture. Time went by and you grew more and more lonely as you mostly kept to yourself and wasted your days away in a nice apartment away from prying eyes. You were a nobody in Hell, and that was how things were meant to be.
Things changed when Alastor unexpectedly showed up at your doorstep for the second time in a year, blabbering about the newest project he'd involved himself with. His words betrayed unusual enthusiasm, a mood you had learned to be usually spurred on by the prospect of carnage and bloodshed or his precious radio broadcasts. Whenever he came to see you, he always showered you in gifts and praise, but it had been centuries since you had seen your brother so excited over... anything, really. Therefore, witnessing his cheeriness brought a genuine smile on your face. You were a little jealous you weren't the reason why he felt so giddy, but you couldn't complain as spending time with him was the greatest gift you could ever ask for these days. So when he told you you'd be moving into this phantomatic Hazbin Hotel, where he'd be staying for a while as well, you were impossibly ecstatic. Alastor had gently caressed your cheek and, in one of his rare moments of tenderness, softened his voice as if to lull you away:
“My dear, it has always pained me so to leave you here to your lonesome, but I am certain you understand that I always ever meant to protect you from harm.”
Unexpectedly, as most of his actions were, your dear brother spun you around into his arms as if he were coaxing you into a dance - which would probably be the case, knowing him. His words were impossibly haughty now, as if a switch had gone off in his mind:
“But now sweetling, now the time has come to finally put an end to this painful arrangement. You'll be joining me at this whimsical Hazbin Hotel our dear princess is so enthusiastic about!”
You knew better than to question Alastor and his ways, so you simply nodded your approval, glad to finally be able to leave that god forsaken apartment you had been locked in for far more than you cared to admit. And so you moved to the hotel - still keeping your true identity a secret, mind you. You were introduced as one of Alastor's acquantances, much like both Niffty and Husk were. Nobody questioned your unexpected presence and Charlie (much more than everybody else) welcomed you with opened arms into her precious hotel. When you offered to lend a hand with whatever she needed, she was utterly ecstatic. All in all, you were quick to adapt to the new situation.
The new accommodation, however, brought about quite a lot of new issues as well.
Spending so much time with Astor, for one, even if pretending not to be as close as siblings should be, awakened long forgotten memories about your life on Earth, most of which you would have preferred to keep locked away. During your very busy days, you were able to distract yourself from your scattered thoughts and memories; at night, however, your subconscious relentlessly haunted you in the form of nightmares and there was nothing you could really do to prevent it.
It was inevitable that you'd start losing sleep, as the only way to evade the cage that your mind had become was not to sleep at all. Astor had grown increasingly worried about your sleep-deprived state, even if he tried not to show it, masking his concern with his usual smile and charming talks:
“You will chase away any potential patrons looking so disheveled and shabby, my dear. Charlie will surely be heartbroken.”
You wouldn't have put it past him to manipulate you through guilt, but you knew that Alastor was truly worried about your health. His gaze, cryptic to most, felt all too familiar to you, just like the expressiveness of his smile held no secrets from you anymore. Needless to say, as fond of him as you were, you tried to sleep once again.
Then one night everything changed: it had been the worst night of your undead life, and the best one too.
The deafening sound of gunshots had echoed through your unconscious mind, increasingly loud footsteps and dogs barking so loud that you subconsciously jerked in your sleep. A call to your name, desperate, hopeless and scared. You saw him, his beautiful maroon eyes that had once only pooled in fondness for you, now dark and miserable. But they held promise too, a promise to fulfill maybe someday, in another life.
“I'm sorry (Y/N)”
His smile had dropped.
So had you.
You woke up screaming, trashing about in your bed. Sweat clung to your brow, your mind in a frenzied panic searched for something concrete and real to cling to. Was your brother alright? Satan, you hoped so. He had to be, he couldn't leave you again, you had to go to him, to see him, you didn't want to lose him again, you wouldn't bear the pain - you almost tripped in the bedsheets as you scrambled to the door.
When you arrived to Alastor's door, you had yet to calm down. You rapidly knocked on the hard wood, agitation evident in both your jerky movements and shivering hands.
“Alastor, Alastor, please. Open up. It's me” you desperately whispered.
As the door gently opened, your brother stepped into the darkness of the hallway and you unceremoniously flung yourself to him, clinging to his neck as if it were your lifeline. Your tears wet his robes, but you couldn't bring yourself to care enough to apologize. You felt like you had almost lost him again after all those years of seclusion.
But he was alive and he was with you. That's all you could hope for and far more than you thought you deserved.
Alastor uncharacteristically started to pat your head, as if trying to console you even though he had little to no experience in that area. His movements were uncertain, but as you lifted your head from his chest to gaze into his eyes, you realized no words would ever convey as much affection as Alastor's eyes did in that brief moment. His smile never faltered - even if it had become a bit strained - but you hadn't expected it to. It made you smile through your tears, despite yourself. You realized in that moment you'll forever be the only one allowed to touch Alastor without eliciting his wrath. That fact alone enough for you to truly appreciate the amount of control he'd give up in order to comfort you. He gently brought you to his bed and sat you down next to him.
“Are you quite alright sister dear? You know, those awful tears don't suit you at all! I rather much prefer your blinding smile!”
You smiled wider this time, for him, to let him know that you were indeed grateful.
“Oh, now that wasn't so difficult, was it?”
When he kissed your forehead, you almost broke up crying once again: it had been so long since you and your brother had been so close. The gesture warmed your long dead heart and you tried to return the favor by kissing his cheek. Nobody had ever been that intimate with the Radio Demon and lived to tell the tale, but in that moment he was no demon of hell: he was just Alastor, your dear brother who had doted on you in life and kept protecting you in death too - even though his ways weren't the most orthodox.
“I missed you Al. Please, don't ever leave me again.”
“I most certainly shall not, my sweet little darling. It's a promise.”
You were glad he let you stay with him for the rest of the night. No words were needed as he brought you close and took your hands into his. You both laid on the bed, in a rare moment of peace and quiet. It reminded you of your childhood on Earth and how you'd always sneak out of your room during the night to sleep next to him - you had always been afraid of the dark after all. Only in your adulthood had you learned that there are worse things than darkness one should fear.
After eons of suffering and terrible loneliness, everything finally fell into its rightful place.
Alastor was safe and so were you.
That was all that mattered.
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spnsmile · 5 years
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This might as well be the fathers talking about Jack fighting god and fighting their feelings. Can't fight both!
#tears tag #fluff tag #hurtcomfort tag
15.11. Coda
When Castiel found out that while hunting for Jack, the Winchesters clashed heads with the Goddess of Luck herself, he was furious.
To know about the dead or alive gamble where they naturally lost made all the butterflies in his stomach burn, if that was the correct expression.
But to realize he could have gotten Jack and lost the Winchesters at the same time? It soured his mood the entire day.
He didn't stop giving Sam and Dean glaring looks that made Sam duck his head while Dean, well, stays Dean.
"You could have lost your lives." he says with gritted teeth and reproachful tone as Dean sits with him in the library because the angel wouldn't stop glaring the whole day and needed to be appeased for Sam's peace of mind.
Dean only smacks his lips on his glass.
Castiel couldn't help glowering at the nonchalance.
"Look, Cas. It doesn't matter, okay? Me and Sam are fine."
"And if you weren't?" Cas says heatedly, "what would have happened if she took your lives, Dean?"
"Then at least you got Jack-"
"Don't give me that." Cas says sternly, deep voice almost growling it made Dean look up. He finds the angel glaring sharply, in commmander mode, "Just don't."
They both glower at each other, Castiel with that lump in his throat while Dean shakes his head and leans on his knees.
"It was a gamble." the hunter says quietly.
"I wouldn't have agreed with you risking your lives on a pool game."
Dean shrugs.
"Yeah, Cas, you would have stabbed her."
"No doubt about that. What was I supposed to expect from you and Sam, going head on against lady luck?"
"You weren't there. There were these people... We couldn't just leave them." he lowers his head. Castiel watches him for a moment before sighing heavily.
"I'm just glad nothing bad happened, Dean."
"You know what she called us? Fortuna? She called us heroes."
A somber mood falls at the pair once the younger members of the group had slipped to their rooms, leaving the best friends by the table, soaking in the comfort of each other's presence. Unti the angel breaks it quietly.
Castiel stares with a small smile forming on his lips towards his friend.
"You are."
Dean scoffs. "Heroes who let kids fight adult battles, Cas? Tell me what you really think."
Castiel is silent for a moment, eyes on the glass of wine he is holding.
"I'm proud of Jack."
Dean rolls his eyes at the angel who gives him a soft look, "I'm proud of you too, Dean. But this is a powerplay of the gods and other beings... My kind. Not yours and Sam's. Maybe it's time for the two of you playing in the front lines and let us do the fighting. You and Sam have done enough battles more than necessary. I think it's up to me and Jack-"
"So it's me and Jack now?" Dean doesn't look at him for a moment. When he did, it's sharp and critical green eyes gazing over the blues. "You gonna bench us because we're humans?"
Castiel leans forward, blue eyes intent on Dean. "Because I care. I will be more at ease if you and Sam are safe."
"You really think that?"
He and Dean shared a long look, and then after a period where Dean just makes a face the same one he used when he asked Castiel if he's letting Jack, Dean falls silent.
And a silent Winchester is never a good thing. Castiel watches as Dean stands up and bids him goodnight.
Sighing, Castiel went to check on Jack, to stay with him as much as he can. He tells himself Dean needed time.
But in the middle of the night, while he and Jack sit talking in the library, the Nephilim suddenly stills, head inclining to the side like he's listening.
"Jack?" Castiel asks, worried.
"Dean." says the Nephilim, brows furrowed. Castiel's pupils dilate. He hangs for Jack's every word. "He's praying."
Castiel mirrors Jack's expression. He doesn't hear anything from Dean so-
"To Who?"
Jack frowns deeper.
"Michael? But I thought he's-"
Castiel bolts up from his chair and races towards the hunter's room, Jack staring after him.
He doesn't bother knocking. He pulls the door open, takes one look over Dean sitting at the edge of his bed with hands clasped together. Dean startles.
"Cas... "
"What are you doing?" Castiel demands, looming upon Dean.
The hunter opens his mouth when Michael suddenly speaks in his mind, jolting him a little as he stares into space. Before anything could be said, Castiel yanks Dean's collar and roughly pulls him up, cutting the connection.
"The hell, Cas!"
"You're not going to let Michael in again! I won't let you!"
"Oh, so you let Jack do whatever he wants but bench me? Am I the kid here?"
"No! That's not-"
"Dammit, Cas! If a kid can sacrifice himself, so can I, now leave me alone! Michael's agreed he needs to deal with Chuck this time! No turning back! I'm fighting!"
"No, Dean!"
Dean's eyes darken, his voice lowers.
"Cas, don't fucking make me banish you from my room! I'm doing this. I let you and Jack do everything you want now let me do this!"
"I don't need your permission!"
"What no!?"
"No, Dean! You have to stay!" Cas flings his arms around the hunter, his whole body slamming on Dean's as he pulls him tightly in his arms.
Dean grits his teeth when he feels the pressure, wraps his arms around his angel too. It takes a moment and he realizes the angel is shaking so bad, it drains the hunter's will to argue. He settles his anger aside and drops his face on Cas' shoulder.
"Dammit, Cas... You can't ask me to stay behind. You know I don't do that. I don't stay safe." he whispers, doesn't stop himself from planting his lips on the side of the angel's cheeks whose face is buried on his neck.
Castiel breaths heavily on his collar.
"I need you here, Dean. We... I need someone to go back to, we all do. We need something to look forward to when we think of winning. Winning is not an empty bunker... Winning is not your empty room... Winning is not our empty seats...winning is staying together... I... I need to make sure we win. It means all of you are here..."
Dean pressed his lips close and looks up his open door where Jack and Sam are standing. He flickers his eyes on his brother who sadly looks back at him. To Jack whose worrying his little forehead over them.
Losing his family overnight? Dean can understand.
Dean tightens his grip on Cas who hasn't spoken since. For even Cas to be so... frightened. It's so rare, yet so true and pure. The hunter sighs on the angel's neck again.
"Why d'you think I wanted to help, Cas? It's coz I wanna protect that dream too... I wanna protect you, Sam and Jack. It's not a suicide mission. I'm gonna fight to get back all of you and not lose anyone. Not this time. So you gotta let me. We gotta trust each other."
He sees Sam nod from the corner of his eyes. Sees Sam take Jack and they close the door, leaving Dean with his angel.
After what felt like eternity, Dean pulls from Cas a little and looks down his wet face. It should be illegal to still look so hot even when crying. Cas is just that beautiful.
"Didn't think you were so worried for me." he smiles, wiping away the streak of tears on Cas' cheeks. Looking at his angel fondly.
"You have no idea what you are to me. " Cas murmured, sinking on Dean's arms again. "Don't call Michael. Please, Dean..."
Dean doesn't answer. Cas tightens the embrace and grumbles on Dean's collar bone.
"Clingy bastard." Dean chuckles and slowly steps backwards to his bed. "You gonna cling on me like this forever?"
Cas says something on the line of "bold of you", "assume I'd even let go" with mouth hot on Dean's neck.
"Oh? So you gonna stay with me forever, Cas? You gonna be here after everything? With me? " Dean hits the edge of the bed, but doesn't drop. He has to stop. His question comes out nonchalant, but it rang of his worry
Castiel pulls up and finally stares him in the eyes, erasing any wall that's been between them for long, leaving only trust and openess. Those blue eyes rob Dean off his breath, like always.
"Say it then." Castiel says, voice gravelly, so endearing and appealing. Dean can't imagine falling for anyone else. Not in this life, not in any other next life. Cas will always be his it. He will never ask anyone this. He's never let anyone either, but for Cas-
Cas tackles him down the bed, their bodies tangling, no air or space with their lips locking, their souls tuning.
Stay. That's it. That's their win.
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angelfire115 · 5 years
The one who fell part 2
They walked into the hotel, Alice looked around, the decorations were incredible, it was the most amazing hotel she had ever seen. She hasn't been to many of course but still, it's the best one. She stared at the portrats on the wall, all kinds of paintings, most having Charlie in them. She spotted one that had her dressed formally, a beautiful tall woman that she guessed was her mother since the hair was the same. The other must be her father as they had the same pink cheeks. He did, however, give her a bad gut feeling as his smile looked eerily similar to the tall red man in that alleyway.
Charlie: "Huh, I wonder where Alastor is". Alice looked to Charlie, who looked around looking for this Alastor. Angel dust: "Oh yeah, I remember him saying he had to go deal with some "unpleasant" people". Charlie looked at Angel with surprise, then a dissapointed and angry scowl came across her face, guess whatever hes doing wasn't good. Alice: "Um, sorry to interrupt but, who is Alastor?". Charlie and Vaggie looked to Alastor. Charlie: "Oh well, Alastor is my business partner, he's helping me on making this hotel a success". Vaggie rolled her eyes and silently scoffed at that.
Alice looked to her new friends in a bit of confusion, he doesn't seem that bad if he's helping demons be redeemed. Charlie: "Hehe, well, he has his doubt's but still, I'm still glad he's here, we need as much support as possible". She looked to Vaggie as she said that which Vaggie looked away from her. As she walked towards the couch that was behind Alice, she stopped right next to her, leaning to her ear. Vaggie: "Word of advice, its best to stay away from that guy". Alice: "Why? Is he bad?". Vaggie: "He's worse then any demons you've met, he's named the radio demon, he kills and tortures whoever even touches him and one of the top demons that reside in hell, there are others which you should avoid but right now, Alastor is the number 1 demon to avoid". She faced her with a fury of justice burning in her eyes. Vaggie: "Don't, trust, anyone".
Alice understood what she was saying, she had to not forget that this place, was hell. She may have never had to feel this way or not as much but she had to train herself. Just like how she was trainned to face the real world by her parents, she had to make sure she lived through this. Vaggie had sat down after she had a talk while Charlie turned to Alice, excitement shining in her eyes.
Charlie: "Alright, Alice, should we get started with the proper signatures and such". Alice was a bit blanked out from her thoughts but snapped back into reality when she heard her name. Alice: "Oh, yeah, sure". She followed Charlie to the front desk. She signed some forms and some other hotel things then was given a key and was showed to her room. It was exciting and she absolutely loved her room. The place was so well made, however, she hadn't seen another guest yet. Maybe they were asleep?
Charlie left her to her room to get settled, she flopped onto the bed, staring at the sealing. Alice: "What a day? I wonder... Will anyone realize... If I'm gone?". She drifted to sleep, it had been a long and grueling day. At every turn while being here was one shock after the next. She was drained so she deserved some sleep, even if she was dirty and covered in blood, she didn't care. As her eyes closed and everything went dark, as she drifted into a sea of sleep.
Alice short up for a start, her head was spinning and her body feeling a bit numb. She rubbed her head, a little bit of a headache grew as time went. She looked around, she was in her room, sitting at her desk. The sun shined through the blinds, the air felt thin and warm. It was so familiar, she could hear the song birds singing their tunes. She got up slowly, a bit clumsy as she walked.
So, why in such a hurry toots?
The headaches got worse, making her fall to the ground, she seemed so tired, even though she just woke up. She grunted and grumbled, she really needed to get some painkillers. She remembered they were in her cupboard. She tried to get up but she fell again. She was shaking badly, tears ran down her face but she didnt notice.
Its ok, whatever happened is over now, you'll be ok
But she didn't want to give up, she was determined to stand. Her tears stopped and faded away. The headache was still there but it didn't hurt as much. Still though, she needed those painkillers. She walked to her door, it opened on its own but she didn't notice. She continued to walk down the halls, she turned to her left as she heard dripping, a dark eery room oozed a dark aura. Was there a tap still running? She thought to herself to go and turn it off
Don't, trust, anyone
She decided to not and just do it later, she continued to her kitchen. Finding the painkillers in her cupboard where she thought it was, grabbing it, she also grabbed a cup of water from the fridge. The dark ooze rounded the corner, sneaking its way towards her slowly and surely. She stared at the cup for a few seconds, ignoring the eyes that popped up in the reflection that wasn't hers. A burst of wind blew the doors open which she casually stared at. Before she was able to place the painkillers in her mouth....
How did you end up here?
She froze, an ice cold chill went up her spine as the ooze of darkness loomed over her. Bright red eyes shot open. She slowly turned, her shaking growing worse, as she shook, the house seemed to shake with her. She dropped the cup and painkillers that smashed and splashed into glass and thick red blood. She started to cry, the tears never stopped not that she tried to stop them. When she finally turned and looked to the shadow behind her. Large yellow teeth splayed across the darkness, the red eyes with no pupils seemed to stare into her soul. Disintegrating it with its terrifying look. Sharp claws reached out to her grabbing her head, she screamed but it faded away.
She shot up from the bed, she panted and cried. She looked around at her red room, the hotel room she was allowed to stay in for free. She backed up to the beds board behind her. Holding her knees up against her chest and letting her head lay in them as she cried from that nightmare. It was then she knew she couldn't stay in hell, she couldnt stay and help herself. She needed a guide, she needed freinds. She was too weak for this world. She wished she could go back immediately but, she knew she couldn't which made her lonely crying even worse.
After a few minutes of crying, she decided to stop, knowing that crying wouldn't get her anywhere. She looked around her room, then spotted a clock on the side of her bed. The clock showed 8:00 in the morning. Alice: "Wow, i didn't realize it was day". She shifted to the window where she opened the blinds. To her surprise, the sky was still dark but at least more brighter then yesterday but not as much. Of course, in a world of hell, it would still be dark even in the day. Alice: "Jesus, how can they tell time here?".
She remembered her shenanigans throughout hell and remebered her new friends. So after cleaning herself up, heading out the door and down the stairs. She made her way to the main lobby. Hopefully talking to people would get her mind off the nightmare and off the sorrowful feeling of not being able to go home. As she made it down stairs she noticed how busy some people were while others were new.
She saw Vaggie and Charlie, sitting on the couches with a large paper filled with writing, like it was some kind of small business meeting. She spotted the two new people, one looking like a large black and white cat with a small top hat and incredible red wings that folded perfectly on his back. He looked grumpy and he took big swigs of his drink he had. He looked a lot like her Uncle Jones who she'd spot at family reunions, all alone in the corner avoiding everyone. Made sense, her Aunt Grace didn't exactly enjoy his company. The other person though, disappeared.
??: "Who are you?". Alice was startled by a small and unfamiliar voice at her feet. She looked down to see the child looking creature staring up at her with one eye and a razor sharp smile. Alice: "Oh! You scared me, um I'm Alice, I'm a new guest, what's your name?". She crouched down a little, placing her hands on her knees. The young demon came closer to her and sniffed around her bubble which confused her greatly. ??: "Hmm, you don't smell like a demon". This shocked her a little.
She knows she's not a demon, she landed in this world without dying or anything else so she isn't. She came to the realisation that she had told no one since she got here about her being a human from the living world who's still alive. She wondered if she could, since, she didn't know what they could do to her if she found out. Alice: "W-well, uh, I'm gonna go over here". She was able to dodge the conversation by heading towards Vaggie and Charlie who wear still deep in thought.
Alice: "Um, morning guys". Vaggie and Charlie lifted their heads to see Alice and both smiled. Charlie: "Morning Alice, how was your sleep? Hope it went well". Alice: "Yeah it was great". Alice didn't want to bother them two with her nightmare she just had so she didn't say anything on it. She looked to the large paper they had, when she looked closer, it looked like a decorative drawing. It had rainbows and stars and happy things all over it, it even said the Happy Hotel. Alice smiled at how cute it was though the drawings looked like a five year old made them.
Alice: "So what are you guys doing?". Charlie looked back at her friend and new guest with a bigger smile growing on her face. Charlie: "We're making the new poster for the happy hotel". She picked up the poster, showing off all the drawings and more all over it. Alice: "Oh I see, it looks really good". Charlie sneered a little, she looked to her drawing in every angle. Charlie: "I know but I feel like it looks the same as the last one, I wish i could do something more different". Alice stood there for a second, thinking about any possibilities in her mind. One idea popped in her head and she grabbed a paper, a pencil and started her drawing.
Charlie and Vaggie was surprised by her intrusive act but was more interested to see her work. It took Alice a few minutes but she was done. Alice: "It's just a quick sketch so it isn't perfect but maybe this will give you an idea". She lifted her drawing which was neat and beautiful. It had a giant rainbow going into clouds on both sides just behind the letters that said "Hazbin Hotel" in bold and neat letters. It showed at the bottom a amazing drawing of heaven and at the top showed a detailed drawing of Charlie with her arms out and her smile huge.
Both Vaggie and Charlie stared in amazement at the incredible well made drawing. Vaggie: "Wow, that's pretty amazing". Alice slightly blushed at the compliment. Alice: "Oh its nothing, I've just done these things before, I've taken a lot of art classes". Charlie excitedly grabbed the poster and looked at every inch of it. Charlie: "This is AMAZING, I love it". She was so happy and her demeanour was bright but it quickly faded as she noticed something. Charlie: "Although, why does it say Hazbin Hotel? This is the Happy Hotel". She pointed to the letters on the page.
Alice: "Oh sorry, I thought that's what the Hotel was called since the sign says it at the top". Charlie looked more confused, the sign? Charlie: "But that should say the Happy Hotel as we-". She stopped at the middle of her speaking to realize in an angry scowl which ended in a disappointed sigh. Charlie: "He must of changed it". She sort of mumbled that to herself but Alice and Vaggie could still hear it. Did she mean Alastor? The one Vaggie warned Alice about? It might be.
Charlie got up from her seat to head to the door. Alice: "Are you ok Charlie?". Charlie kept heading to the door. Charlie: "Yeah, I'm fine, I just want to see it for myself". Alice stood in a bit of disaray, she was nervous but she had to be brave. Alice: "Uh, Charlie wait". She called out to Charlie which made her stop just at the door, she looked back to Alice who slowly approached her. Charlie: "Yeah? Is there something you need?". Alice stiffened, she was told by Vaggie yesterday not to trust anyone and she's followed it through but Charlie was nice and kind, she didn't seem like a demon at all. She knew or thought she could trust her with her secret as a living mortal in hell.
Just as Alice was about to speak, the doors at the front of the hotel burst open. A strong wind sent everyones hairs go crazy from it. A strong light gleamed through but Charlie turned to it. She folded her arms and glared at the person there. Charlie: "There you are, I've been worried". Alice couldn't see who was at the door since the light was too bright and Charlie was in the way. ??: "Sorry to worry you my dear, I was a bit busy today". The second Alice heard that voice her heart stopped, it was the same voice as before. The same voice she heard cackling in that alleyway. That same voice who's mouth drooled with blood and chomped on the flesh of people. She started to shake and her breathing was heavy, she wanted to run but she couldn't move.
Charlie: "Did your busy time involve hunting people?". The person laughed in an ungodly and terrifying way that sent shivers down Alices' spine. ??: "Maybe, but no, I was looking for someone". Charlie gave up on her questioning and moved aside to let him in. The person who entered was tall and red, it was definitely the same person who was in that alley, who killed that old beetle demon in cold blood and all the others
She looked up at this fiend while he stared down at her. His smile sharpened as he saw her, he definitely recognized her. Charlie: "Alice, this Alastor, Alastor this is Alice, she's our new and first guest". Charlie had walked in to introduce the two. Alastor looked to Charlie in more curiosity. Alastor: "Is she now".
He looked back at her, his smile still wide in amusement. Alice still couldn't move, she stared at him in incredible amounts of fear, her shaking never stopped. Alastor: "Well it is very nice to meet you Alice, my, what a lovely name, I am the radio demon Alastor, very happy to make your acquaintance". Alastor held out his hand for a hand shake which Alice stared at for a while. She still couldn't move, if she could, she would be out of there. Charlie looked at her with concern and worry, stepping to her side, she held her shoulder. Charlie: "Alice, are you ok?". Within seconds everything went black for Alice, she could hear her name being called a few times, muffled but it faded away. She didn't know what happened, all she saw was darkness, was she dead? Asleep? She still couldn't move but, she didn't want too, so she laid in darkness, waiting for the end.
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Lap of the gods.
Summary: Two gods from different worlds prove that opposites really do attract.
Warnings: tiny bit of angst and flirty Roger but that's about it!
A/N: Thank you all so so much! I honestly never expected the amazing reaction I got from the first part! I'm so glad you all enjoyed it! I'm still working away on 'Lap of the Gods' but I think I'll probably get 6-8 parts in the end but I'm still tweaking and adding to the story! Anyway here's part two! Enjoy 😁💖
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Part 2.
"Hello my darling," you widely smiled as you greeted Cerberus, your guard dog, who came running up to you with all three tongues hanging out. "I missed you so much!" You placed a kiss on each of his heads before kneeling down on the floor of your throne room. You softly scratched behind his ears "I should have stayed here with you..." Cerberus whined as you softly spoke, he could see how disappointed you were. "You're the only one that matters..." you whispered "I hate the rest. I hate them all." You felt your fingers burn with rage, it disappeared when Cerberus licked your cheek. You couldn't help but laugh at his attempts to make you feel better "Let's go for a walk."
Your loyal guard dog walked by your side, occasionally rubbing one of his heads against you. He led you down to Lethe, a favourite spot of his as he'd splash about in the water. Unlike the souls who drank from there, Cerberus wouldn't forget anything. You sat by the bank and with a snap of your fingers, your shoes vanished and you happily began to dip your toes in the water. A genuine smile was a rare thing for you to have, but never around Cerberus. He always made you smile- especially when he was splashing about having fun in the water.
Suddenly, he froze and began to growl- having three heads meant his growl almost echoed around you. He was growling for one reason only.
A guest.
You stood up and snapped your fingers, reappearing with Cerberus in your throne room in a cloud of thick, black smoke. Your throne room was grand. It had a huge roaring fire that never went out, a red, gold and black throne, the walls and floors were made out of black marble with gold swirling through it and there was various other decorations like skulls, and jewels, and gold ornaments, and paintings scattered about- a small showcase of your riches. You walked up to your throne and sat down on it in a casual manor, your legs crossed and you leaned over slightly to pet Cerberus who always faithfully sat beside you until you ordered him to pounce at a guest. Most people weren't guests though. They were intruders.
"Yes?" You called out and Hermes appeared. "Oh, it's you," you groaned and rolled your eyes. "I thought you might have been my disappointment of a father..." you sighed and couldn't help but feel slightly let down. "Thought he might have felt guilty enough to come visit me."
Hermes shook his head "No, I have a message of sorts for you." You grew suspicious when he smirked. As well as being a messenger, he was known for pulling tricks but you also knew he was loyal to you as consort and a guide to the underworld. "I'll be back," he vanished in a flash and then returned just as quick. Hermes walked forward to you, outstretching a gift to you.
"What is this?" You whispered, a light growl from Cerberus reminded Hermes of his boundaries. You took the dark crimson rose from him, it's leaves such a deep shade of green that they almost looked black in the low light of the throne room. You looked it it, utterly bewildered at why you had been given a flower.
"I'll be right back, there's more."
"There's more?!" You looked up from the flower in shock only to notice that Hermes was missing again. You let out a huff before looking down at the rose, twirling the stem between your fingers. Moments later, puffs of black smoke plumed around your throne room- Cerberus barked and you slowly stood from your throne with your mouth gaping open.
Flowers. Flowers everywhere.
You looked Hermes dead in the eye.
"Who did this?"
"You did what?!"
Roger sillily smiled to himself and leaned over a balcony, looking down to earth and then picturing beyond that. Freddie, also known as Dionysus, joined him even though he was in a shocked and surprised state. "I gave her some flowers..."
"Yes, darling, I heard that part- I'm just wondering why?!" He shrieked. No one would dare look at you in the eye never mind send you flowers. "Out of all the gods and goddesses- why her?"
Roger shrugged a shoulder "Why not?" Freddie rolled his eyes and let out a groan. Roger just laughed "I'm serious! Why not? She's not like everyone else up here."
"That's because she's down there!" Freddie deeply sighed. "Just be careful around Hades. Very careful." He warned before swooping his ice white cape with gold piping around the edges around him and leaving Roger with his thoughts.
Roger had heard all the stories, all the whispers, all the gossip and all the rumours. He didn't believe a word of it. He only wished the others in Mount Olympus had better things to do instead of talking about you- a beautiful, mysterious goddess- behind your back. Roger had a feeling that you didn't care what they said. His mind drifted back to the party, when he saw you for the first time emerging from thick black smoke with lips that looked like they had been stained with blood they were ablaze with such a bold colour.
He was bewitched.
So Roger did what he did best and sent you a 'little gift'. Thousands and thousands of roses in dark colours. He looked down again, imagining where you'd be and how you'd be reacting to his present.
You strode through the halls, in and out of every room with Cerberus and Hermes trailing behind you. "Every room. Every. Single. Room!" You shut one door and opened another, being greeted by yet more flowers. You opened your bedroom door, the whole room inundated with flowers and the sweet smell that came from them. "Tell me who sent these!"
Hermes shrugged a shoulder "The sender would like to know if you approve or disapprove of their...message...before making themselves known." You didn't want Hermes to be a middleman so you went to your bureau in the corner of your bedroom and scribbled a note in flames. The flames singed the words in black on to the paper.
You snapped your fingers and the paper folded and then disappeared in a puff of smoke before reappearing in front of Hermes who took it with a degree of caution. "Take the note to the sender. I'll know if you read it..." you warned with your eyes narrowing. "Now go!" You ordered and Hermes disappeared.
The moments after he disappeared you took in the sheer vastness of the flowers.
And then you smiled.
'Earth- the second sunrise from when you receive this. Come alone and tell no one.'
Roger smirked and folded over the piece of paper and tucked it in his robes, close to his heart. It was still warm from when you had wrote it.
You spent the day before you had to meet the god nervously pacing around your throne room. Cerberus followed you back and forth before growing tired and curling up next to the ever burning fire. You were so preoccupied with your thoughts that anyone who disturbed you quickly received a click of your fingers and vanished with a bloodcurdling scream, disappearing down to the pits of the underworld and left to suffer for all eternity. That's when you got thinking; 'Who could ever be so kind to a monster like me?' You even thought the word 'monster' was too polite of a term. Those who were kind or sent you gifts to you always wanted something in return. Wether it was to be spared or a favour- kindness and presents were something they always gifted you with.
You were almost tempted to call on Hermes and torture him to tell you who it was who sent such an abundance of flowers. Their sweet smell had kissed your skin all night and you woke up to the deep, dark colours that matched your abode perfectly.
When the sun rose the next day you prepared yourself for earth. You hardly ever went up there. With a snap of your fingers your clothes changed from a dress that was smouldering at the bottom where the fabric glowed red to a casual black top and jeans with boots. You kneeled down and pet Cerberus "Are you ready my darling?" You asked and he barked. You snapped your fingers again and instead of him being a three headed dog, he transformed into three jet black dogs. You sadly smiled and pet all three of them "If only they could accept you for who you truly are..." The people of earth didn't quite take to a three headed dog, but, if Cerberus was three dogs, they saw it as normal. "If only they could accept us..." you sighed and placed on his leashes. You stood upright and with another snap of your fingers you appeared on earth in a secluded area and walked down a lane, taking you to a white, sandy beach with a dark and gloomy sky looming over it. There were various shops and trendy eateries dotted along the walkway next to the beach, all of them were quiet with only a few customers and staff in each place.
Cerberus pulled you forward and you stumbled. "Calm down! I know you want to go in the water!" You took the leashes off the three dogs and they ran to the water. Seeing Cerberus as three dogs was always a strange sight. You walked forward and threw a stick for him, you stayed well back from the waters edge. If you went in your brother John would know you were on earth and he'd appear. "Ugh! Cerberus!" You groaned when he shook his three bodies at once and covered you with water.
It looked as if he was smiling before all three tensed simultaneously. They spotted someone behind you and ran towards them. You went to command him to stop but instead of hearing screams of pain which tended to happen when Cerberus attacked- you heard the most melodic laughter. You turned with your brows furrowing. The sight before you amazed you. Cerberus wasn't attacking the Greek god- he was happily playing with him. Your mouth gaped open with shock- shock from seeing Cerberus so joyful around another god and from who it was that arrived.
"I'm assuming that you're just supposed to be the one pup," the god smiled and tried to scratch all the dogs equally. "Nevertheless, still handsome!"
You shut your eyes, trying to find the right words. Only you ever called Cerberus your puppy or pup- even then it was very rare for you to do so. "Y-You...?" you whispered out in disbelief.
"Are you really that surprised?" Roger asked with a smirk "Flowers are my forte."
"Why?" You said in a tone much harsher than you intended- you could hear crows starting to violently caw as they began to land near you. "Why did you send those flowers to me?" He moved closer to you, still petting Cerberus "What do you want from me?"
"Nothing!" He said sincerely and you almost believed him.
"Every god has something to gain from me- don't lie!" You snapped, Roger now seeing the true extent of just how much you had been taken for granted and used all your life. Cerberus barked at you, warningly- he had never done that in all his days. You jumped back slightly before glaring at Cerberus and then at the god, a sea of emotions and questions flowing through your body. One being why Cerberus was defending the god against you. The three dogs licked and nuzzled their heads into Roger's hands. Perhaps Roger was telling the truth. "Why did you send them?" You asked again, this time much softer.
"Okay," Roger sighed and held up his hands in defeat, looking at you with those eyes that looked like sapphires they were so blue. "I did want to gain something from sending you those flowers," your nostrils flared and you felt your fingertips burning, ready to drag Persephone to the very pits of the underworld. "A smile from you."
Your rage melted away and was replaced with another sensation- a tingling in your chest. You discreetly rubbed it while Roger was distracted with your dog...dogs. Cerberus brought Roger a stick and he threw it for them with a smile, running along the beach with the three dogs. You turned around swiftly when you snapped back into reality. "Don't go in the sea!" You warned and Roger stopped on the spot. "Poseidon will know you're on earth and relay that information back to Mount Olympus. Cerberus is charmed so goes undetected." You explained as your dog splashed around. "I..." you blinked, struggling to find words "I don't know why he's acting like that around you. He doesn't like other gods or goddesses- he almost killed Brian once."
Roger sniggered, his surprise shocking you- in a good way. 'A little sadistic...' you said to yourself. "Maybe he likes the flowers I sent?" Roger suggested, biting down on his lip while grinning as he walked towards you. "Did you?"
You could see a hopeful glint in his eye. "I did." You replied truthfully and he let out a joyous sigh of relief under his breath. Now that you were becoming more accustomed to his presence, you thoroughly examined him. He was wearing a pastel coloured top with little flower drawings dotted all over it, jeans, shoes that had the tiniest real flowers on them and a daisy in his hair. It looked like he had just been picked from a beautiful garden. Cerberus came up to you both again and shook off the water on him, you groaned while Roger laughed. A ghost of a smile flickered over your face- he had a laugh sweeter than the smell of the roses he had sent. "He's is usually much bigger than this," you said, motioning towards the dogs.
The god sniggered, immaturely "Funnily enough I sometimes say that about myself..." Your brow quirked and Roger looked up to you with a toothy grin. "Let me get you a drink? Traveling to earth must make you parched- I know it does that to me!" You nodded and walked in silence to one of the cafes on the walkway by the beach that allowed dogs. "What can I get you?" Roger asked.
You held out your hand "This is on me," you offered. "As a thanks for the flowers." You looked at the barista "Coffee. Black." You practically demanded.
"Green tea, please." Roger kindly asked.
The barista nodded and said they'd bring the drinks to the table. "How can you be so nice to them?" You asked, sitting down across from Roger. Cerberus lay down beside you, his three bodies trying to get as close as he could get to you both.
"In my nature, I guess..." Roger trailed off, shrugging a shoulder. "I've always taken care of the mortals on earth."
"And yet they've always taken you and your gifts for granted." You bluntly replied, hitting a little too close to home for Roger. You made a fair point.
His head hung a little low and his shoulders drooped "I know," he perked up a little when he noticed a couple outside, one of them exchanging flowers with the other. "But I still do it because I know some people don't take what I give them for granted." He turned back to you "Centuries pass, people change, the world changes," you glanced around at all the new modern technology everyone now had- the world had changed a lot. "But the mortals still need taken care of and I'm happy to do it- all the gods above are."
"That's why I'm below," you darkly replied but that didn't bother Roger. The barista brought over your drinks and left you the bill on a dish. You snorted at his name, Troy. Roger goofily grinned hearing that pleasant sound. "Troy- that's his name. I remember the battle of Troy...I didn't expect such a large influx of souls..." you nonchalantly added.
Roger narrowed his eyes with curiosity. "Why do you call people souls?"
You pursed your lips, a passive expression on the rest of your face. "Mortals, even immortals, are nothing but vessels to carry the soul. It's the most important part."
"I see..." Roger nodded with a sad smile on his face. It did hurt him seeing you so resentful to everyone- it pained him knowing you were like this because of how you've been treated. You were a goddess. You were a queen. You were never supposed to be treated so brutally and horribly. You were supposed to be loved and treasured and...worshipped.
You drank your bitter coffee while keeping an eye on Roger. You took in every movement- he even stirred his tea sweetly. You quickly finished your coffee while Roger was still sipping on his tea. You glanced at the bill and then discreetly made money appear from thin air. Roger raised a brow. "Money of the root of all evil." You answered his curious look with a casual shrug of the shoulder "I'm very wealthy."
"Is that why you're leaving thirty pounds for a five pound bill?" He chuckled and you almost cracked a smile. "That's a very generous tip..."
"Perhaps your kindness is rubbing off on me...please stop it." You deadpanned.
Roger's eyes flickered to you as he drank his green tea, trying to be quick as it was getting cold. "I've always wanted to see Hell."
Your head snapped up to him and you looked at him like he was insane. "You cannot be serious! You're from Mount Olympus! You're...too good! Too pure! That should not be something you want."
Roger had a boyish smirk on his face as he shrugged his shoulders. "Well...it's always interested me. It's fascinating! Just like you..." That tingling sensation in your chest returned.
"I've been called many things- fascinating isn't one of them," you leaned forward slightly. Why wasn't he shuddering away from you yet? Why was he being so polite and kind to you? "Fine," you uttered while standing up, Roger choked and spat out his tea back into his cup in shock. "If you want to see the underworld so badly then I'll arrange it. Hermes can bring you tomorrow." You clicked your fingers to wake up Cerberus. "You should probably be prepared," you warned.
"For what?" Roger asked, his tea was now cold. You reached a hand forward, he watched intently- full of amazement as steam began to rise from the cup. You had warmed up his drink with nothing but your hands.
"All that is evil."
Part one • Part three •
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oof its one of the angst anonnns;; how about ouma being forced to kill s/o (manipulation, brainwashing, happy ending or sad WHATEVER i'm just a sucker for angst and ouma-)
Trigger Warning: Despair, Threats, Brainwashing, Manipulation, Danganronpa.
Hi angst anon, glad to see you joined us! : D
Uh. Tell me if I went a liiiittle too far on this one. 
D E S P A I R.
~ Mod Ouma
Tsumugi lied about real fiction, the Tragedy was real and the NDRV3 cast was rescued by the redeemed Remnants of Despair and Future Foundation. 
However, someone made new brainwashing videos much like the ones Junko made. Kokichi Ouma falls victim to it.
..Spare them [Despair! Kokichi Ouma x Reader]
Kokichi barely had time to react before the LED screen flickered on before you.
“Don’t! Look away!” 
He bellows as he lunges towards you, throwing you onto the ground before you could even turn your head. 
Kokichi took your place before the screen. He feels his eyes widen on their own, without his control, without his permission. 
“… Kokichi!” A familiar sickening sensation courses through his veins, slowly forcing his body into paralysis. 
He’s momentarily brought back before the machine that took his life away. In the room with his chosen blackened, his past murderer.
He hears nothing but that maddening song again, the very same one that played before Rantaro ‘died’. 
“Shit!” He shakes his head, banishing the visions as he forces his head to turn to you. His vision’s warping and turning red. He has no time. 
Before you could face him, Kokichi lunges at you. The small boy cradles your head flush against his chest, tightly wrapping his arms around you so that you can’t move. You stay sitting on the ground with Kokichi kneeling before you.
“… C-Close your eyes!” His chest rapidly rises up and down without his consent. His eyes going in and out of focus
“Close them, NOW!” His nails dig into your skin as he turns you both the other way. He shields your eyes, taking on the screen with a glare.
Kokichi wasn’t sure if he was able to stop himself from flinching as a bright flash of light nearly knocks him off you. Goosebumps crawl on him as he feels an invisible force keep him in place. You can’t see the screen.
“Kokichi…?” He could barely hear you call out his name as his senses was lured to the screen. His mind submerged into a world only he allowed himself to  bare witness to.
“Sh-Shit..! D-Don’t look anywhere! Stay, Stay here.. okay..?!” Never have you heard him plead with both command and desperation before. You have no choice but to follow him.
You two stay on the ground. You hear nothing but static and Kokichi’s labored rasps accompanied by stifled grunts over the eerie silence. You’re calling his name, but he could barely register it. His amethyst eyes were glazed over the blank, static-filled screen.
“Upupupu!” The two hearts in the room dropped at a sound they’ve come to know so well. 
“Kokichi?! Let go! We need to leave!” No response, Kokichi silently shudders against you.
Suddenly, a shrill static sound cuts through everything. The room grew darker as the screen died, taking with it the deafening wails and the sight of viscous blood splattering over bodies that only Kokichi witnessed. 
“Kokichi…?” Your voice. 
Kokichi‘s breathing returns to normal and his grip on you loosens.
“… Are you okay?” He searches your expression for any signs of oddities. Sighing upon seeing nothing odd in your expression. That video could have been dangerous.
“.. Yeah. Yeah, I’m okay.” He responds with a breathy chuckle.  You let out a breath you didn’t realize you were holding as Kokichi gently pulls back from you.
“Did I hurt you?” A gentle tone easily flows through his words. He’s using the same soft tone he’d use on nights where you both had trouble sleeping.
“No… But are you okay? What… Did you see?” A beat of silence passes by as Kokichi‘s eyes ever so slightly narrow at the ground, his fists clenched.
He should tell you. It could have been those brainwashing videos Makoto Naegi warned everyone about. The ones that keep people under the despair.
Despair that hurts people. 
Malice born out of Monokuma’s motivation. 
Motivation to kill, to manipulate, to take over the world. To eliminate threats against Junko Enoshima.
“I’m not sure.” You see a brief flicker of emotion pass your boyfriend’s eyes.
… His beloved Junko Enoshima.
He looks at you.
“I had my eyes closed too! Thank Angie’s crazy god~” Kokichi stands up, dusting himself off and walking towards the teacher’s desk where he retrieves a black and white remote control.
“How’d you know that was there?” You asked. Kokichi feels relieved that you don’t seem so afraid anymore. 
“Hmm? Oh, lucky guess~!” He’s back to normal. 
“Kokichi… please tell me what you saw. I won’t tell anyone if you don’t want me to.” You ask him softly. That voice of yours. He wants to protect it. 
As a leader, as your significant other, he wants to protect it.
After all, how despairful would it be if you were to fall victim to hope?
“I told you. I didn’t see anything! D’ya really think I‘d lie about that? Meanie!” He could feel his expression shifted indignantly before he could even will it.
Hope was kind, when it lasted. 
“We should watch it again.” He casually suggests, playing with the remote control. 
“But.. you told me it was dangerous.” Did he now? Kokichi couldn’t care to remember. 
But hope is a threat. 
“Oh. Yeah, I did! But.. Everything’s dangerous nowadays.” He feels his hand raise on it’s own, his eyes indifferently observing his fingernails. 
Hope gave people a high, one they won’t recover from if they were to witness even the tiniest sliver of despair. Just look at what happened to everyone in Tsumugi’s game.
“S/O… I care about you.” Suddenly, his expression grew serious. He wants to spare you from suffering. 
“And I want you to live. I want both of us to live.” He holds your gaze. 
He wants to spare you from hope. 
It doesn’t matter if he couldn’t seem to control his own feet as they stride towards you. 
“But.. If you don’t trust me, I can’t make that happen. Not as a leader. Or your boyfriend!” He smiles sardonically, shrugging his arms outwards.
“I care about you. So please, don’t ever doubt my words.” Kokichi couldn’t help but let a small, elusive grin grow on his face as he gently passes the remote control into your open, hesitant hands.
Despair wasn’t ideal. But he sure as hell wouldn’t leave you in the mercy of flimsy hopes. 
His breathing is slowly turning erratic. But that’s irrelevant.
“But I’m giving you a choice, okay?” He smiles patiently at you. 
Kokichi notices the way your eyes focus sharply, driving your resolve. Finding satisfaction with how susceptible you were to his words. He wants to help you. It doesn’t matter what he does, as long as he saves you.
“No pressure! We can watch whatever the heck I saw and warn everyone about it, or, just walk away and forget this ever happened- no sweat.” Either way, he’ll end your suffering. 
He won’t leave you to suffer from living in this tragic world. Because…
Kokichi drinks in your every expression as your gaze is caught between the remote, the screen and him. He feels a disgusting sense of glee as he sees that you’ve mentally come to a decision. He wanted to break that hope-filled resolve in your eyes.  
In despair, you’ll have nothing else to lose but your life.
“Kill her…” He hears the familiar, sweet voice of someone long since gone voice whisper at him from the back of his mind.
In despair, you’ll be happy. Together. With despair, he’s sure to save everyone. 
Even if he had to hurt you all to get to the best possible end result. 
“No.” You pop open the remote and pull the batteries out of its sockets. 
“… Really, S/O?” His eyes become half lidded, dispirited.
“Don’t you trust me..?” His voice wavers. You step back from him as shadows creep over his darkened expression.
“We shouldn’t watch that video, we need to get Makoto-“
“I’m only trying to save you!” 
Suddenly, the wind is knocked out of you again as you’re pushed to the ground, Kokichi looms over you. 
“Heyyyy, don’t be such a meanie! I know I made you choose, but trust me, I know what the best course of action is!” Dull pain aches from the back of your head as Kokichi straddles you, keeping you pinned to the floor.
Those were words he usually playfully uttered to you, but they didn’t sound right. 
“I am the Ultimate Supreme Leader, you know!” 
Not when such a sickening, hollow grin crossed his face.
“Now then, my beloved S/O-chan. Are you gonna turn the screen on? Or do I have to do that for you too…?” Kokichi cups his hand around your face. 
“… If you had Enoshima-sama’s eyes, you’d be perfect.” He stares blankly into you, a red haze spreading over his cheeks. 
“Just thinking about her makes me want to spare you all from her!”
A compartment from the ceiling opens, letting a dagger fall to the floor with a sharp metal clang beside your head. That expression of fear you have… 
“Kokichi, Kokichi stop!”.. The mixture of hope and despair in it is repulsive.
“Don’t be scared.” Kokichi crooned as he leans over you, kissing your forehead. 
“I love you too much to let you suffering being alive.” He pulls away, letting a twisted smile creep onto his face.
His eyes widen as takes the dagger and raises it high above his head.
“This won’t hurt one bit, okay?” He purrs, smiling softly at you. 
Then, in one swift motion, his expression twists into the nightmarish  grin he swore to abandon in the Ultimate Academy for Gifted Juveniles.
But he doesn’t get to strike you down.
“There they are!” 
“Grab him!”
The next few seconds was a blur of chaos.
Kokichi is rammed into the wall by someone, he drops the dagger and it falls before your feet. You hurriedly scurry away from him. Two people rush to your side, speaking words that couldn’t reach your ears as you stared at the two boys trying to restrain your writhing boyfriend. You touch the tears you didn’t know were sliding down your face.
“C-Call Mitarai, now!”
“S-Sorry…!” Kokichi’s apology is left unheard over the yelling.
“S/O-chain! Wait..! DON’T LEAVE ME!” Kokichi angrily growled as you’re ushered out of the room by Kirigiri and Asahina. 
You run away from that room with the two women in tow. Kokichi’s wails of anger and the sounds of a struggle fades away the farther you went, but it echoes through your mind.
And so does the image of Kokichi Ouma’s beautiful amethyst eyes warping into a swirling pool of red and black.
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otdderamin · 6 years
Transcript Critical Role C2 Ep014 0:13:00 Molly's Backstory
This transcript is largely scaffolding for multiple analysis. We learned an awful lot about Molly in this episode, both what he knows and doesn't know. This post is one of a long series examining Molly’s story and character. There will be an index on my blog collecting all of them.
If you like this transcript, please consider donating your time to Critical Role Transcripts, @CRTranscript on twitter, to help them provide closed captioning to Critical Role. We'd like to share this wonderful show with as many people as possible, regardless of hearing ability or English language skills.
 Also, consider buying me a coffee (ko-fi.com/otdderamin). This transcript came about after a terrible bout of pain has kept me from working for nearly a month, and I’ve already been struggling with adjusting to disability. Donating helps me justify spending time on these projects
  Scenes run
1. Introduction to Cree. 13:00 to 0:33:56
2. Blood for security. Cree is examined. 0:54:10 to 0:58:23
3. How did everything end? 1:04:01 to 1:12:11
4. Truth or Truth 1:55:03 to 2:22:00
  1. Introduction to Cree & The Gentleman. Blood is drawn.
0:13:00 Matt: "As you guys all watch, this dark furred tabaxi giving this big strong hug around Mollymauk's shoulders, pulls away and kind of looks at you and goes,"
0:13:08 Cree: "It has been… it has been too long. Two-"
0:13:11 Molly: "Far too long!"
0:13:13 Cree: "Two years!" She reaches out to Molly. "Ah, look at you! You grew out your hair."
0:13:16 Molly, laughing: "Yes, ah, it's been, it's been quite an interesting two years."
0:13:19 Cree: "And you are covered in tattoos."
0:13:21 Molly, waving her off: ""We'll catch up! We need a table, we need drinks, for me and my compatriots."
0:13:27 Cree: "Of course. You, ah, you—These are your friends now?"
0:13:30 Molly: "It's a long story. I'll get into it. I can't tell you everything right now. You know how it is."
0:13:35 Cree, with a short sigh: "Very well."
Molly laughs.
0:13:38 Cree: "Well…" She looks behind her.
0:13:40 Matt: "And as the tabaxi turns around, you can see there's posted right off to the right and around the corner, a hulking figure that is leaned around the edge that leads to this kind of L shaped tavern. A hefty, muscular-looking ogre that is wearing patchwork hide armor and is holding a giant maul, just kind of resting on the ground. Looks back around the corner with these beady, dark eyes and large looming jaw with angry broken teeth protruding from underneath. Just going," he gives a growling exhale. "Just kind of looks at the rest of you. Other folks around are looking a bit confused at your entry. Right immediately to your left is a table with what looks to be a rough and tumble cutthroat sitting there eating a sandwich with a half drunken drink whose kind of chewing slowly with this glare of mistrust in your direction.
0:14:29 "There are two balconies up above you in the chamber. You now get a better look up at the top. There are a number of individuals posted in—some of them appear to be drinking, but there are at least one of them immediately in your view has two skulking individuals with kind of long dark cloaks and dark armor. Carrying what almost looks like a heavy crossbow, but it's a long metal rod. You've only seen them used here and there, but these are some sort of a rifle-like firearm."
Taliesin looked concerned and quizzical at the start of the weapon description.
0:14:56 Taliesin, silently, wincing: "Fuck!"
0:14:56 Matt: "That are usually reserved for the armies in Bladegarden and to the far east of Xhorhas. A recently emerging technology that has been largely guarded within use of the Empire itself."
0:15:08 Taliesin, looking mildly dismayed: "This is literally everything coming back to haunt me. Okay cool."
0:15:11 Travis: "If we had to ballpark it, how many persons would you say are in this-?"
0:15:14 Matt: "Um, 13 or so people in this tavern. Including the bar tender, the individual who rushed you as you entered, and various patrons around that you can just get a quick bead on."
0:15:26 Taliesin: "The second she turns I'm going to just turn and give Fjord a little pat on the back and make a whisper really quickly."
0:15:33 Matt: "Okay."
0:15:33 Sam: "Make a whisper?"
0:15:34 Taliesin: "Yeah, I'm just going to whisper in Fjord's ear,"
0:15:35 Sam: "Oh, okay."
0:15:36 Molly, quietly but intensely: "I'm sorry. This is my nightmare. Please just go with it. It's Lucian."
0:15:39 Taliesin: "And I'm just back around."
0:15:41 Molly, in a hissing whisper: "Pass it on!"
0:15:41 Matt: "Okay. Which, as you say that, you back away and look right behind Fjord as you all are standing there, and there's Yasha."
0:15:47 Sam: "Oh, what!?"
Molly laughs nervously at her.
0:15:50 Sam: "Just at the bar?"
0:15:51 Matt: "Just- No, right behind you. As if she'd just come down the stairs with you."
0:15:54 Sam: "What!?"
0:15:55 Molly: "Yasha!"
0:15:56 Nott: "Ahh!"
0:15:56 Yasha: "Hey! So-"
0:15:58 Molly, reaching towards her shoulder then stopping. "Yes. I'm apparently-
0:16:00 Yasha: "Wait-"
0:16:00 Molly: "It's Lucian from two years ago."
0:16:03 Caleb: "You are just-"
0:16:03 Molly, subtly nodding at Yasha for her to go with it: "From two years ago. It's Lucian, remember?"
0:16:05 Yasha: "Oh!"
0:16:06 Fjord, quietly to the group: "Hey, uh, it's Lucian around here's what we're supposed to call him."
0:16:06 Molly: "It's been ages."
0:16:07 Yasha: "Okay. It's been ages. It's been a minute."
0:16:08 Molly: "Yeah. Right."
0:16:09 Yasha: "Uh, hey, you guys walked right past me in the bar upstairs, so I just decided to-."
0:16:14 Caleb: "You are like a bad penny."
0:16:15 Nott: "We did not walk right past you. We looked around."
0:16:16 Beau: "You keep showing up."
0:16:17 Yasha: "Or a lucky one."
0:16:19 Nott: "You're big. We would have seen you. Are you-"
0:16:21 Yasha: "I've been right behind you the whole time. I don't know how you didn't know I was here."
0:16:24 Nott: "She's a shapeshifter."
0:16:24 Molly, relieved: "I'm so glad to see you. Hi."
0:16:26 Yasha: "I'm glad to see you, too, Mollymauk."
0:16:27 Molly, emphatically: "Lucian."
0:16:29 Yasha: "Lucian."
0:16:29 Molly: "It's Lucian."
0:16:31 Yasha: "It's Lucian."
0:16:31 Fjord: "Do you want—"
0:16:31 Liam: "There's nothing private about our situation at all, right? There's people everywhere?"
0:16:35 Matt: "Well, there's people all throughout the tavern but there's some music playing. There's two musicians that are in the process of plucking away at two instruments. Everyone seems- Further in the chamber, rather absorbed in their current rigmarole, but you guys have just stepped down the stairs. You haven't left the stairs. You're literally standing right at the entrance of this tavern, and you've all been kind of taken by that encounter, the realization that Yasha had followed you down the stairs, and kind of whatever's about to transpire."
0:17:01 Molly, nervously grinning: "I'll explain later. Just go with it please."
0:17:02 Marisha: "Oh, Yasha followed us, she wasn't starting down here.
0:17:05 Matt: "No."
0:17:05 Travis: "Yeah, she-"
0:17:06 Marisha: "Gotcha gotcha."
0:17:07 Fjord: "I don't mind rolling with this name, Lucian, but does it bring any extra trouble with it?"
0:17:11 Molly: "I don't know. We'll find out."
0:17:13 Fjord: "Fair enough."
0:17:13 Molly: "Just go with it. I'll explain later."
0:17:15 Fjord: "Alright."
0:17:16 Caleb: "And it all makes sense to you?"
0:17:18 Molly, very nervously, his voice raising in pitch: "I'll explain later."
0:17:21 Beau: "This club is awesome!"
0:17:22 Molly, faltering nervously, exasperated: "I hate you."
0:17:23 Nott: "Do I have to change my name in this club?"
Molly looks at him deadpan, and nervously laughs.
0:17:27 Beau: "Are we all supposed to change our names?"
0:17:29 Nott: "We should all come up with different names."
Molly facepalms.
0:17:32 Molly, nervously to himself: "It might be easier just to have them all killed right—I didn't say that out loud. I didn't say that out loud. I'm just thinking out loud. Oh god."
0:17:37 Fjord: "Wow."
0:17:37 Molly: "It's going to be fine. I'm not panicking."
0:17:39 Beau: "Let's go get drinks."
0:17:40 Molly: "Let's go get drinks."
0:17:41 Matt: "At this point, a hand claps,"
0:17:41 Nott: "Do tieflings sweat?"
0:17:43 Molly: "They do!"
0:17:43 Matt: "and the tabaxi is now at one of the tables and has kind of shooed off one of the drinks, and goes,"
0:17:49 Cree, beaconing: "This way. I found a table for everyone."
0:17:53 Taliesin: "I come sit down. I give the Tabaxi another hug as we sit down."
0:17:57 Molly: "How have you been? It's been ages."
0:17:59 Cree: "Too long. I…" She chuckles. "I apologize for using your old name. Nonagon, it's a pleasure to see you again."
Molly smiles and nods graciously.
[They establish that Nonagon was a name she was calling Molly, correcting herself from Lucian.]
0:18:42 Molly: "Who can keep track these days? Again, a long story."
0:18:44 Cree: "Nonagon… what happened? We watched you die."
0:18:51 Molly: "That… is a story for another day and another drink. What did you see? God, what was…? I don't know what that looked like from the other end of things."
0:18:59 Cree: "Well, uh, it all went belly up two years ago. We, uh, you told us to scatter and vanish if it didn't, you know, if things went wrong wait until you returned. We buried your ass in the woods outside of the hideout. I mean I'm…"
9:19:17 Nott, quietly: "Buried your ass?"
9:19:18 Molly: "That may not have been, necessarily, my ass that you buried." He grins.
9:19:23 Cree: "Apparently."
9:19:25 Molly: "I had a few tricks up my sleeve."
Molly and Cree both quietly laugh.
9:19:29 Cree: "Well, uh, that spell-spittle lady from the capital, she said you were gone, and… she took the book and left. And her contract said she was in the right, and that we knew better than to go toe to toe with her and her ilk, so…"
9:19:43 Molly: "Obviously. Is everybody else alright? I know I- it's been a while; I had to stay underground."
0:19:49 Cree: "Unfortunately, uh, Jorell met with the axe of the law shortly after you left us."
9:19:56 Molly: "Damn shame."
9:19:57 Cree: "Zora and Otis and Tyfel have all scattered amongst the empire."
0:20:03 Molly: "Damn shame."
0:20:03 Sam, quietly, gesturing to his notes: "It's too much!"
0:20:03 Cree, pausing then eagerly: "Uh, but do you want me to find the others?"
0:20:05 Molly: "No, no! No actually I'm still-"
0:20:06 Cree: "I know where Tyfel is!"
0:20:08 Molly: "Where is Tyfel? I would rather, obviously, deliver everything in person. Honestly if I'd have known you were here, I'd have made arrangements. I didn't want to shock you."
0:20:15 Cree, intensely: "Well, she's up in Nogvorat. We can travel there. I can send a message and have her come down to us."
0:20:20 Molly, holding up his had to stop her: "I'm working on something very delicate. I need everything to be very quiet."
0:20:26 Cree: "Very well, Nonagon."
0:20:26 Caleb: "I apologize, I'm not very observant, did you- I missed your name."
0:20:31 Molly: "Where are my manners?"
0:20:31 Cree: "My apologies. My name is Cree."
0:20:33 Caleb: "Cree?"
0:20:35 Cree: "I am a member of the, well, the family around… Uh, how… how much do they know?"
0:20:45 Nott, too quickly and a little flat, definitely bullshitting: "We know a lot!"
0:20:46 Yasha, also a little flat: "Pretty much all of it, so…"
0:20:47 Nott: "We were told the name of the group that you traveled with, but I can't remember it now."
0:20:52 Molly: "You- They don't know a lot, but they're… they're trustworthy. I've been putting my trust in them, so far."
0:21:00 Yasha: "I do. I know all of it,"
0:21:02 Molly: "Yeah."
0:21:02 Yasha: "so you could just tell me if you wanted."
0:21:04 Molly: "That's actually fair."
0:21:07 Matt: "Make a deception check, both of you."
0:21:09 Sam: "Me?
0:21:10 Matt: "Yeah."
0:21:11 Sam: "I'm the worst!"
0:21:11 Liam: "Actually fair."
0:21:12 Sam: "13."
0:21:15 Taliesin, bargaining in a high voice: "Technically advantage cause it's kind of the truth?"
0:21:17 Matt: "Technically… alright, sure, I'll give you that."
0:21:18 Taliesin, squeakily: "Thank you. It wasn't entirely a lie?"
0:21:20 Travis: "She gets advantage? You get advantage?"
0:21:21 Liam mimicking Jester: "Technically…"
0:21:22 Ashley: "I got a 10."
0:21:22 Travis: "You get advantage."
0:21:23 Liam: "You get advantage. Roll again!"
0:21:23 Ashley: "But yeah, technically I know half of it. I'm rolling at advantage?"
0:21:25 Taliesin: "Yeah, yeah, I think that's advantage. I'm calling it- I beg for advantage on that one."
0:21:30 Matt: "I'll give you that."
0:21:30 Ashley: "16."
0:21:31 Taliesin: "Okay, thank you."
0:21:35 Matt: "Alrighty."
0:21:35 Liam, whispering, watching Marisha erase a bunch of notes: "Bad notes bad notes."
0:21:37 Marisha: "Bad notes! Get rid of those notes!"
Liam mimics flamethrowering the notes.
0:21:37 Cree: "We, um, we were all part of the same order at one point, and, uh, we splintered off. Luc- Nonagon, um, had a different path in mind for us. So, we went north to Shady Creek Run and we started the Tomb Takers."
0:22:01 Sam/Nott: "Tomb Takers."
0:22:03 Cree: "And ah…"
0:22:04 Travis/Fjord: "Grave robbers."
0:22:05 Cree, looking at Molly in awe: "It's just so good to see you."
0:22:07 Molly: "It's good to be seen again, but again, it's got to be very quiet right now."
0:22:12 Cree: "Very well."
0:22:13 Molly, with a laugh: "It's been like three other names since the last time I saw you."
0:22:18 Cree, softly laughs, then intently: "I should inform the other."
0:22:21 Molly, holding up his hand again: "Please, keep it quiet for now. That book caused more trouble than you think, and it all laid on my shoulders. I was trying to protect the rest of you from some of the worst elements of that. And I don't want..." He sighs. "I don't necessarily want any heat dropping on anybody who doesn't know it's coming yet."
0:22:36 Cree: "Of course."
0:22:38 Molly: "But yeah, let me know where they are, and I'll get a hold of them. But don't let them know why, yet."
0:22:43 Matt: "The tabaxi kind of curls in a little bit, kind of leans over the table a little bit with this big grin and says,"
0:22:47 Cree, intensely: "Does this mean that it worked?"
0:22:50 Molly, sighing: "That's… again, mixed company and public company."
0:22:57 Nott: "No, you can tell us about the ritual. Ritual?"
Molly waves her off.
0:23:03 Matt: "There's a look of recognition."
0:23:04 Nott: "Yes, it was successful." Squeakily, "Remind me what it was again? There's been so many rituals lately."
0:23:18 Molly: "Mixed results."
0:23:18 Caleb: "Were- You are mentioning this group, the Tomb Takers, you had another name before. Were you a group, and our friend joined you at some point?"
0:23:29 Cree: "Um, well, uh, led us away from the original order. They were a bit, um… clouded. We had a new path."
0:23:40 Fjord, deadpan: "Wow. Wow."
0:23:41 Beau: "And what was the name of the original order You were a part of." Cree looks suddenly very wary. "Once, uh, sorry just-"
0:23:46 Nott: "Not the Tomb Takers. That was the splinter group, right?"
0:23:49 Caleb: "The one that came before."
0:23:51 Matt: "There's a few looks now of… kind of… the euphoria is washing away from the face-"
0:23:56 Molly: "You don't have to tell them anything you don't want to tell them; that's alright."
0:24:00 Cree: "Of course."
0:24:00 Yasha: "Was he," she points at Molly, "your new path?"
Molly nervously laughs.
0:24:03 Cree: "He brought us onto a new path, yes."
0:24:08 Molly, yikes grinning: "Yeah…"
0:24:08 Caleb: "What was your unifying trait, or pursuit?"
0:24:13 Molly sighing: "Foolishness and thinking I knew what I was doing."
0:24:15 Nott, firmly: "That is not a good answer!"
0:24:17 Molly: "That's the answer you're getting."
0:24:19 Fjord: "Yeah, this is all well and good and kinda fucking boring. I couldn't help but notice that surly looking crew up there. Who might that be?"
0:24:26 Cree: "Oh, uh, these are all members of the Gentleman's troop. As am I."
0:24:31 Matt: "At which point the tabaxi turns back, Cree turns back and looks, and you can see in the far back right corner of the chamber, there is a long, dark, kind of mahogany, well carved table. There you see standing arms crossed, a very muscular looking goliath female. With a very short, almost like a leather strap top, shaved sides of the head and what- kind of tuft of a mohawk that curls down into a long ponytail that goes down the back. Who's just kind of glaring in your direction.
0:25:02 "Sitting beside this burly looking goliath, you see a high back chair, with a red velvet mat. And sitting feet crossed up on the table in like a nice, long, deep blue coat, leather gloved hands, what appears to be a light teal skin, jet black hair that's long just past the shoulders, with like a widow's peak in the center, and bit of a dark goatee, a male figure standing there, hands kind of entwined and crossed, just looking at you from across the way with a curious grin."
0:25:41 Cree, gesturing to him: "The Gentleman."
0:25:42 Molly: "You work for the Gentleman these days?"
0:25:44 Cree: "We had to find work, and we didn't know if you were ever coming back. We thought… so we had to move on. We knew- you'd eventually return, I just did not know how long, and we had to make ends meet."
0:25:57 Molly: "How is it working for the gentleman?"
0:25:59 Cree: "Work is fine…"
0:26:00 Matt: "You hear a," he claps three times. "From the Gentleman."
0:26:04 The Gentleman: "So! We have company. Strangers in our midst." He laughs.
0:26:12 Matt: "Rights himself in the chair."
0:26:14 The Gentleman: "Please, come before me. Present yourselves. I want to know who has graced us with their majestic presence. Come, come!"
0:26:26 Matt: "The finger goes up and you watch as everyone holding the rifles cock them and point down at you."
0:26:29 Sam: "Oh, Jesus."
0:26:31 Nott: "Fjord, say something!"
Molly gestures "What is this?" or "Is this really necessary?"
0:26:32 Taliesin: "I'm looking at our friend."
0:26:36 Matt: "Cree. Cree goes,"
Cree gives a reassuring gesture.
Molly opens his hands in a gesture of "I don't know what this is about."
0:26:41 Taliesin: "Alright. I'll saunter over with my drink and sit down at the table."
0:26:41 Fjord: "After you, Lucian. Nonagon."
0:26:49 Molly: "C'mon everyone."
0:26:50 Fjord: "Uh-huh."
0:26:50 Molly: Let's do this."
[They start their conversation with The Gentleman.]
0:30:11 The Gentleman: "Alright. So, interesting. Now you know the way in. That's… dangerous. As we've just made acquaintances, and you now know the direct path into my domain. So, to make this a comfortable conversation, and possibly an arrangement going forward that we can all agree upon, I have one small request."
0:30:35 Fjord: "Oh, I'm sure we'd be all ears."
0:30:38 The Gentleman: "Cree! Please."
0:30:41 Matt: "And the tabaxi who was in the back goes,"
0:30:42 Cree: "Yes, of course."
0:30:44 Matt: "Steps over to the side of the bar and picks up a small leather satchel. Kind of puts it over her shoulder, walks up behind the table, opens it, and pulls out what looks to be an alchemist rack of a bunch of corked vials, like small vials, and kind of opens it. Says,"
0:30:59 The Gentleman: "I need, and bear with me please, just a small bit of your blood. The reasoning being, if I can't trust you, and you can't trust me, how am I to know you aren't going to turn me in immediately upside to the King's Hall. And I need some means in case you just abscond with this information, perhaps make an arrangement with me, and then leave town. I need to find you."
0:31:23 Fjord: "Oh, of course, and forgive my ignorance, this would be used to locate us? Is that what this would be for?"
0:31:28 The Gentleman: "Oh, that is Cree's specialty."
0:31:32 Molly: "It is definitely Cree's specialty."
0:31:35 Fjord: "Yeah, fuck it." He bites his finger."
0:31:37 Matt: "Alright. As you put your hand out, Cree kind of does a flick of the finger, and you watch as the blood kind of trails off on its own like a small serpent of mercury. And just " swooshing sound. "And for a second, even though it was a small wound, it's bleeding quite a bit. And you're like, 'Uh…?' It makes you a little uncomfortable, and then all of a sudden, the blood flow stops. The vial is filled about an inch full. Then she caps it."
0:32:00 Cree: "Thank you so much."
0:32:02 Fjord: "How'd you…? How did you do that?"
0:32:05 Cree: "It's, um… the gift that I learned, uh… in the same place where the Nonagon's gifts were found."
0:32:12 Molly: "Lucian at the table is fine."
0:32:14 Cree, with a small laugh: "Lucian."
0:32:16 Fjord: "Right."
0:32:17 Cree: "Next."
0:32:21 Molly: "I trust you with this. Don't get… fancy." He cuts his finger on his teeth."
0:32:26 Matt: "Same thing. Fills the next vial. A strange, almost an arc, of crimson finds its way and fills a secondary tube. And there's, like, twelve tubes there, but she'll fill as many as needed for this one."
0:32:39 Fjord laughs, looking at Nott's uncomfortable posture: "Don't like it do you?"
0:32:42 Nott, squirming a bit, nervously laughing: "Nuh-uh, no."
0:32:43 Beau: "Can I borrow a tusk."
0:32:44 Fjord: "Yeah."
Beau cuts her finger on Fjord's tusk.
0:32:48 Matt: "Goes ahead and acquires the blood from you. Jester goes,"
0:32:51 Jester, excitedly: "Me! Me, me, me too!"
0:32:51 Matt: "Feeling left out in the moment. Gives her blood as well."
0:32:58 Nott, hesitantly: "Caleb? Are we doing this?"
Caleb looks around suspiciously.
0:33:02 The Gentleman: "No harm will come to you unless you bring harm to me, so this is… this is just a precautionary measure. I appreciate your, uh, trust."
0:33:10 Fjord/Travis, counting: "Three to go?"
Caleb cuts his finger.
0:33:20 Matt: "With that, your blood is taken into a vial."
0:33:25 Nott: "Alright, I'll follow suit."
0:33:27 Matt: "Your blood is also taken into a vial."
Nott hisses as she bites into her finger.
0:33:29 Matt, laughing: "Easy enough to do." He mimics a blood spurt.
0:33:36 Yasha, sighing: "Fair enough."
0:33:37 Ashley: "I just take my finger and I just run it across my blade as I stare at him."
0:33:40 Sam: "Oof."
0:33:41 Matt: "The blood is drawn into the vial. The final vial is capped. Cree closes the satchel, places it on the shoulder, and then bows and steps back, paying direct attention to The Gentleman, and then out of the corner of her eye towards you." Indicating Molly.
0:33:54 The Gentleman: "Fantastic. I really appreciate that."
[Description of The Gentleman. Card Game with Fjord. Learn Lord Sutan is in prison, and Molly and Beau are being looked for. Nott tests the Gentleman and he pulls off the ultimate power move. Agree to the task with The Gentleman to prove themselves and get Horace out of the city.]
  2. Blood for security. Cree is examined.
0:54:10 Yasha: "How long do you keep our blood for?"
0:54:12 The Gentleman: "Oh, as long as we have our arrangements."
0:54:15 Yasha: "But we get it back when we're done? Or if we decide to not work with you anymore?"
0:54:19 The Gentleman: "If… If you've proven yourself trustworthy enough, in the long term, perhaps. But understand, this is just a, uh… precaution. Who's to know, perhaps things go sour in a few months? I want to make sure you don't double cross me and send the guard down."
0:54:41 Yasha: "Understood."
0:54:41 Marisha: "Does he look like he's speaking from experience? He's a little twitchy."
0:54:45 Matt: "Make an insight check."
0:54:50 Marisha, grumbling: "14."
0:54:53 Matt: "It seems that he's exis- It's more that he's lived this long by being careful. And when a bunch of strangers suddenly find the secret pass into his lair, he wants to be damn well sure that he knows where to find you if need be."
0:55:11 Ashley: "Okay. Okay."
0:54:14 Fjord: "Fair enough."
0:54:14 Yasha: "Fair enough."
0:55:15 Molly: "Remember, the name Lucian doesn't leave this bar. Outside, I never want to hear it uttered."
0:55:21 The Gentleman, with a soft laugh: "I don't know who any of you are outside of this bar."
0:55:23 Molly: "Brilliant!"
0:55:23 The Gentleman: "Don't worry. Anyway…"
0:54:25 Matt: "And he throws his feet back on the table. Drinks are on me until you make your leave."
[They look around at the other patrons.]
0:57:46 Taliesin: "I'm taking a long look at Cree and I want to see if I see any of the things that I expect to see when I look at her."
Taliesin indicates upper jaw, temple, and shoulder.
0:57:52 Travis: "What so you expect to see there, T?"
0:57:54 Sam: "You know, dander."
0:57:56 Taliesin: "Yeah, yeah. I wanna- I wanna see if there's any markings or any- otherwise that I would expect to see."
0:58:01 Matt: "Oh. Make a perception check."
0:58:03 Taliesin: "Alright."
0:58:06 Liam: "We'll find out in episode 102."
0:58:07 Travis: "Yeah."
0:58:08 Sam: "Why are you lock your iPad between every move!?"
0:58:10 Taliesin: "Because it's better that way. Uh, perception check?"
0:58:12 Liam: "Because he's got [all of us?]"
0:58:13 Travis: "Trust no one."
0:58:14 Taliesin: "Wow! That's a terrible roll. Uh… That's a 5."
0:58:19 Matt: "A fur-covered tabaxi, it's hard to make any details out beyond the fun, unfortunately."
0:58:22 Taliesin: "Alright. That's fair."
[They interview the guys that failed the mission.]
 3. How did everything end?
1:04:01 Molly: "Yasha? Do I do this? Or do I not deal with this?"
1:04:05 Yasha: "Well, I think you should deal with this."
1:04:06 Molly, with an exasperated sigh: "I don't want to deal with this."
1:04:07 Yasha: "Does any of this sound familiar to you from your past?"
Molly gives a stressed sigh and taps the table.
1:04:13 Molly: "I hate this."
1:04:14 Taliesin: "I'm going to stand up and walk over to Cree."
1:04:16 Matt: "Okay. Cree is kinda of still standing by the bar with the satchel on. And as you stand up and start approaching, she kind of smiles."
1:04:24 Molly: "A lifetime ago."
1:04:27 Cree: "Indeed. I can't tell you… it's so good to see you."
1:04:30 Molly: "I have a- I have a weird question."
1:04:32 Cree: "Yes?"
1:04:32 Molly: "And I apologize for it. The spell I used to get away, it- meant I wasn't there for as long as you- thought I was. I missed… how a bit of everything ended in the end. I hate to ask, but… I was long gone before anything really started to go down. How did- How did everything end? Can you just-? I just-? I'll explain why in a moment."
1:04:59 Cree: "Well, uh, I mean… You had acquired the tome with the ritual spell that you required to- to attempt to reach the city. And that- that lady, I don't remember her name,"
1:05:15 Molly: "I don't either."
1:05:16 Cree: "the spell-slinger from the capital-"
1:05:18 Molly: 'Yeah."
1:05:19 Cree: "she came and oversaw and performed the ritual for you that- Eh, I don't trust those folk, but I trust you, and if you trusted them that was enough for me. And you gave us a speech, we had a fine meal, and we all got ready there in the forest."
1:05:40 Molly: "That's where I lost you, then."
1:05:43 Cree: "And, uh… She said it would be hard for us to tell whether or not it worked at first, but we went and checked, and you were not breathing. For a good hour you are not breathing, and you were gone cold. So, we… we knew then that we… that we had lost you. We checked—and I, I'm very attuned to vitals, as you know, so—there was no heartbeat. So, we waited longer. And… The sun rose, nothing. So, as you told us, if anything were to go wrong, we had to… get rid of any… sign, any trace. So, not far from the… Tomb Taker Hideout, we buried you, and we went our separate ways. She took the tome, the mage woman. That was part of the arrangement you had with her."
1:06:50 Molly: "Going to have to find her again at some point. The reason I've stayed quiet… It was never going to work. Somebody was working against me. I don't know who, but I can't trust anyone. I saw how you reacted to seeing me and it was… I'm willing to believe it wasn't you who turned. But it could have been- It could have been her, but it could have been one of us. That's why I need you to keep it quiet, please."
1:07:20 Matt: "Make a deception check."
1:07:21 Taliesin: "Thank you."
1:07:21 Matt: "You're starting to get in deep into this, now."
1:07:23 Taliesin: "Mmhmm."
1:07:23 Travis, suspiciously: "Deception check?"
1:06:26 Taliesin: "Uh… 13."
1:07:28 Sam: "Can I wander over to see if I can overhead anything?"
1:07:32 Matt: "Make a perception check."
1:07:34 Molly: "I can't…"
1:07:36 Sam: "12."
1:07:38 Matt: "You start wandering over, but there's too much noise and general din in the chamber around you to make anything out."
1:07:43 Molly: "There'll come a moment where I can tell you everything, but… it's so complicated. Please just keep it quiet for now."
1:07:50 Cree, unsure: "Of course."
1:07:51 Molly: "Until I know that everyone's going to react the way that you did to seeing me."
1:07:57 Cree: "Right. Of course, Lucian. I…"
1:08:01 Molly: "I will tell you everything eventually."
1:08:04 Cree: "Please. Please do."
Molly sighs.
1:08:07 Taliesin: "I give a hug."
1:08:09 Matt: "There's like a moment's pause and Cree then kind of takes in the hug too." Cree nods.
1:08:14 Molly: "Too long."
1:08:14 Matt: "Kind of, there's like a faint purr in the ear. And then you hear the voice, kind of whisper, say,"
1:08:19 Cree: "It's good to see you."
Molly nods.
1:08:22 Molly: I'm sorry for everything."
1:08:24 Taliesin: "And I give the pat and head back to the table.
1:08:27 Cree: "Me too."
1:08:2 Matt: "As you walk away."
[Caleb confronts Fjord about gambling]
1:10:18 Taliesin: "I'm gonna to walk over with a new round of drinks."
1:10:21 Molly: "Here, drink this. I'm told they're stupid."
Molly downs one and sets it down hard.
1:10:26 Beau: "Molly, you have- sorry," she laughs, "Lucian."
1:10:30 Fjord: "Naw, that's not it, either."
1:10:31 Beau: "Sorry, Nonnonnongatek."
1:10:34 Fjord: "Yep."
1:10:35 Molly: "It's Lucian for the moment. We'll talk about it later."
1:10:36 Yasha: "Would you- Would you like us to call you Lucian, or do you want us to call you Molly?"
1:10:39 Molly: "In here we're Lucian."
1:10:40 Caleb: "How many names are there? Is it over ten or under?"
1:10:43 Molly: "Uhh… Let's have that conversation somewhere else. I don't know who's listening here."
1:10:48 Beau: "She seemed like… real into you."
1:10:42 Fjord: "Yeah."
1:10:43 Beau: "But not like an into you like, 'Oh I'm gonna tap that!' kind of into you, but in like an 'I've seen you walk on water' into you."
1:11:01 Molly: "Yeah. That was a weird amount of into you, wasn't it?"
1:11:02 Beau: "Yeah."
1:11:03 Molly: "Yeah."
1:11:04 Fjord: "Can you change that alcohol into wine?"
1:11:07 Beau: "Yeah."
1:11:09 Taliesin: "I'm going to cut my finger, just a bit, and bleed into it."
1:11:14 Liam: "With one of your long finger nails?"
1:11:16 Beau: "Holy shit. You know, to a dumbass that's actually is kind of convincing."
1:11:21 Fjord: "It's alcohol one way or the other. I'll fucking drink it."
1:11:24 Sam, grossed out: "Ugh!"
1:11:26 Taliesin: "Is it wine?"
1:11:28 Matt: "No."
1:11:28 Taliesin, laughing: "Well, that-."
1:11:28 Matt: "It's bloody water. It's water with a hint of iron."
1:11:33 Travis: "Achievement unlocked!"
1:11:35 Taliesin: "Well, worth a try."
1:11:36 Liam: "Write what you know, Taliesin."
1:11:38 Fjord: "Molly, oh excuse me, Lucian,"
1:11:43 Beau: "Nantucket."
1:11:44 Fjord: "Yeah. How many others around here might we expect to have that same reaction towards you?"
1:11:48 Molly, increasingly on edge: "We will have- We will have this conversation outside this bar."
1:11:52 Marisha: "This is basically Taliesin at Ren Faire."
1:11:53 Molly: "Lucian-"
1:11:54 Travis: "Yeah! Yeah! 'Oh, Lord Taliesin, oh Lord Taliesin!' 'What the fuck?'"
1:12:01 Taliesin, facepalms: "This is not- This is not untrue."
1:12:01 Liam: "Taliesin there's fucking tabaxis coming out of every stall! What the hell, man!"
1:12:07 Taliesin: "Lucian's not going to answer any questions. Molly will answer every question you have later."
[They ask Yasha about why she leaves. Nott says everything that happened with the Drow. Yasha is from Xhorhas. Molly points out that people in the bar are listening to everything they say. They confront Kara.]
[They talk to Horace.]
  4. Truth or Truth
1:55:03 Fjord: "Anything we want to do before we go out on this errand?"
1:55:07 Nott: "Oh yeah, I think there was one thing." To Molly, "Tell us everything about you!"
Molly points to Horace.
1:55:13 Fjord: "Horace-"
1:55:14 Nott, annoyed: "Oh! Are you fucking kidding me!? Leave! Leave, Horace! Leave!"
1:55:17 Fjord: "Horace, do you mind going upstairs for a second?"
1:55:20 Horace: "Uh, yeah, I'll- I'll step in one of the other rooms Do you have a key I could-?"
1:55:24 Beau: "Here."
1:55:25 Marisha: "I toss him mine and Jester's key."
1:55:26 Matt: "He heads into the next chamber."
1:55:28 Beau, accusingly: "Just don't steal any of the pillow cases or go through any of our luggage."
1:55:32 Fjord: "Yeah, they're booby-trapped."
1:55:33 Horace: "Okay."
1:55:35 Matt: "He leaves the room. Soon as he's gone from there, Jester asks,"
1:55:37 Jester: "Okay, so, tell us about you! Each!"
1:55:44 Yasha, looking surprised and incredulous: "I mean, this is not about me right now."
1:55:47 Nott: "It could be!"
1:55:48 Yasha: "It doesn't need to be."
1:55:50 Nott: "Well, you have secrets, too!"
1:55:52 Molly: "So do you."
1:55:53 Nott: "And you're a pair! You know, I distinctly remember a moment when we were the shady pair of this group, but now it looks like you guys are."
1:56:02 Molly: "Everyone's a shady pair in this group. Somehow even as individuals we are all somehow shady pairs. It is just inevitable."
1:56:09 Nott, Molly joining at the end: "Now I'm hungry for pears."
1:56:12 Travis: "Sounds like a retirement home. Shady Pears."
1:56:14 Marisha: "Shady Pears!"
1:56:21 Liam: "Just outside of Whitestone."
1:56:22 Marisha: "Yeah."
1:56:25 Fjord: "I mean, Lucian, Noganon,"
1:56:28 Molly with a sigh and cringe: "Oh god."
1:56:29 Fjord: "what the fuck?"
1:56:29 Molly, covering his eyes in frustrations. "Alright."
1:56:30 Beau: "Lucian sounds very, like, 'I'm trying to find myself,' by the way; just throwing it out there."
1:56:35 Molly: "No, That's fair."
1:56:36 Nott: "Angsty teen."
1:56:37 Beau, with a laugh: "Yeah, it's very angsty teen, yeah!"
1:56:40 Fjord: "Is your real name Peter?"
1:56:41 Beau: "I dated a few Lucians. Like, way too many Lucians."
1:56:46 Taliesin, quizzically: "Is this… Marisha? Or is this- this?"
1:56:50 Marisha: "This was- this was… Beau"
1:56:51 Taliesin: "Okay, okay, never mind. I don't want to know. Too much."
1:56:53 Marisha: "Beau, but it's still not necessarily untrue." Taliesin echoes her in understanding.
1:56:58 Liam: "Reality in story."
1:57:00 Travis: "An undetermined percentage is still," he gestures up and down on himself.
1:57:00 Taliesin: "I have been the Lucian in a relationship before, I feel you. We've all been Lucian."
1:57:03 Liam: "Six of one, half a dozen of another. Forward of the story."
1:57:09 Marisha: "A lot of guys in bands, yeah."
1:57:12 Molly, struggling for words: "So, uh… Well I was born on the continent of Em-" He sighs. "I- I really-" He signs again and covers his mouth in frustration."
1:57:20 Fjord: "No, no, don't stop; just keep going."
1:57:21 Nott: "Would you like a drink?"
1:57:23 Molly: "Yes, please."
1:57:23 Beau: "This was super epic, yeah."
1:57:24 Nott, holding out her flask: "Here. It's filled with many alcohols from different taverns."
1:57:25 Molly, to Yasha: "I genuinely thought I would have some bullshit together by now, and I'm really sort of stuck."
1:57:33 Yasha: "Listen, I know I never pushed you to talk about anything, and don't- if you don't feel comfortable…"
Molly sighs and rubs his temple.
1:57:37 Yasha: "You don't owe any of us anything.
1:57:40 Molly: "It's dangerous, though. It's officially dangerous."
1:57:43 Fjord: "What? To tell us what you're about to tell us? For us or for you?"
1:57:48 Molly: "At this point, what's the difference?"
1:57:51 Fjord: "Well, one's us, and one's you."
1:57:52 Beau: "We definitely left our vials in a shady cellar with a bunch of underground criminals. I don't…"
1:57:58 Nott: "I… I stole 3 empty vials from that place. I'm very excited about them. They're empty, but they're still really shiny."
1:58:05 Liam mimics blowing on vials to make music.
1:58:10 Travis: "They're all the same note 'cause they're all fucking empty."
Travis mimics playing vials that are the same note and botches the end.
1:58:15 Travis: "Oh no, I went up."
1:58:22 Nott: "But seriously…"
1:58:24 Molly: "But seriously. I have- I have- I have been part of a shady group- I have been dealing with shady friends for as long as I can remember. If there's one thing I've learned about dealing with people that you can't trust is that you… kind of have to trust them where you can, and not trust them where you can't. And… I'm not saying I have- I'm not saying I'm- I know what I'm doing, or anything, but…" He sighs. "I don't want anybody- I want this to work. I need this to work. So…" Looking at Yasha, but mostly to himself, with increasing resignation, "I've not done this in a while… alright."
1:59:00 Fjord: "I noticed that she, uh, kinda had the same influence over the blood that you have. But different."
1:59:07 Molly: "Yeah, that's uh… that's interesting, isn't it? This might even be easier if you just ask questions. I really don't know how to tell this story."
1:59:13 Caleb: "Why do you have so many names?"
Molly sighs.
1:59:22 Molly, struggling for words, looking more resigned and frank: "I woke up without any names, or any past, buried in the ground two years ago."
1:59:31 Fjord: "Buried in the ground?"
1:59:32 Caleb: "You woke of buried in the ground?"
1:59:34 Nott: "Were you dead?"
1:59:35 Molly: "Obviously not."
1:59:37 Fjord: "In a- in a box? In the dirt?"
1:59:38 Molly: "In the dirt."
1:59:39 Caleb: "And you are saying that you have no memory?"
1:59:42 Molly: "My first memory, my oldest memory, is dirt in my face underground."
1:59:47 Beau: "Is that what that-"
1:59:48 Sam, mimicking Jester's voice: "Jester would like to cast Zone of Truth."
1:59:51 Travis, drawn out: "Ooo!"
1:59:52 Marisha: "Oh snap!"
1:59:54 Travis: "Oh no!"
1:59:56 Matt: "Alright."
1:59:57 Ashley: "Good girl."
1:59:57 Liam: "Keeping it real for the field line!"
2:00:00 Sam: "She says,"
2:00:01 Marisha: "Let's play Truth…"
2:00:01 Sam!Jester: "I would like to play Truth or Dare, but without the dare."
2:00:05 Taliesin: "How honest do I have to be?"
2:00:07 Matt: "We'll find out in a second."
2:00:08 Taliesin: "Okay."
2:00:08 Liam: "Well, you can say whatever you want, but whatever you say has to be true.
2:00:12 Sam: "You cannot speak a lie."
2:00:12 Liam: " That's how it works. You can also just say, 'I don't feel like talking."
2:00:14 Matt: "Alright, all of you, who are in the 15-foot radius it's being cast in, which would probably be…"
2:00:22 Sam: "Everybody."
2:00:22 Matt: "everybody,"
2:00:23 Marisha: "It's not a big hotel room."
2:00:23 Travis: "I take 16 steps away."
2:00:23 Matt: "if you're all standing close on this, everybody please make a charisma saving throw."
2:00:26 Liam: "Wow!"
2:00:27 Sam: "Oh boy."
2:00:29 Marisha: "Saving throw?"
2:00:29 Travis: "Charisma saving throw."
2:00:30 Matt: "Charisma saving throw."
2:00:30 Sam: "I got a 1. Hey natural 1! $10 to 826 LA!"
2:00:34 All: "Hooray!"
2:00:36 Marisha: "It's $100!"
2:00:37 Ashley: "$100."
2:00:38 Sam: "Oh, what!? That's even better!"
2:00:39 Marisha: "$100 for every natural 1."
2:00:41 Taliesin, disappointed: "I rolled a 4."
2:00:42 Matt: "Alright."
2:00:43 Sam: "Oh, you're in."
2:00:43 Ashley: "13."
2:00:45 Liam: "13."
2:00:46 Marisha: "16."
2:00:47 Travis: "22."
2:00:47 Matt, indicating Marisha and Travis: "You are the only two who succeeded."
2:00:49 Liam: "Wow."
2:00:49 Matt: "Everyone else, you have to speak the truth for the next…"
2:00:51 Marisha, quietly to Travis: "Good cop, bad cop. Bad cop, good cop. Hard to say."
2:00:52 Liam: "But, if I'm- DM, we know that that's- we feel it, according to the spell."
2:00:57 Travis, quietly to Marisha: "Sure."
2:00:57 Matt: "Yes."
2:00:57 Liam: "Yeah."
2:00:57 Matt: "You all sense the kind of, the energy come over you, and for a second you're a little confused by it."
2:00:58 Travis, quietly to Marisha: "Dumb cop."
2:01:00 Marisha, quietly to Travis: "Yeah. Posturing cop, posturing cop."
2:01:04 Molly: "Alright that's not- that's not entirely true; it's a vague memory. I don't really remember it. It's kind of all jumbled. It's what I've been told… about some of it. I- It's…"
2:01:14 Beau: "Is this that ritual that she was rambling about?"
2:01:17 Molly: "I don't know."
2:01:19 Fjord: "So, before you woke up in the dirt, nothing?"
2:01:21 Molly, slightly agitated: "There is no before. Whatever happened before is not me. It's not part of anything-" He sighs with frustration.
2:01:28 Nott: "Like your life reset somehow? Or you just don't remember?"
2:01:36 Molly, internally struggling: "Some asshole got buried in the dirt. Fuck him. I am enjoying what I'm doing. I want nothing to do with that. Anything that came before, I was happy to just leave it be."
2:01:47 Caleb: "Yeah, but do you have any theories for what happened before."
2:01:50 Molly, pointedly: "No."
2:01:51 Beau: "Did you… look… the same, or did you come back…"
2:01:58 Molly, mildly incredulous: "How would I know?"
2:02:00 Nott: "So everything before two years ago is nothing to you. Black."
2:02:03 Molly: "Yeah. That's somebody else." He shrugs.
2:02:05 Fjord: "Two years ago, did you have all those tattoos?"
2:02:08 Molly, thinking: "No… Not exactly…"
2:02:10 Nott: "Any of them?"
2:02:11 Molly, covering his eyes again and looking pained: "Some of them, yes."
2:02:12 Caleb: "How much time passed between waking up in a dirt box and the circus?"
2:02:17 Molly, looking dejected: "Days."
2:02:18 Caleb, surprised, quietly, nodding: "Days."
2:02:18 Molly: "I was a bit out of it. Uh, it's hard to remember; I wasn't… speaking… really. It's all… Do you have memories from your childhood?"
2:02:27 Caleb: "Yeah, many."
2:02:28 Fjord: "Sure."
2:02:29 Molly: "It felt like that? It's all… bright? And…" He sighs, searching for words. "More meaningful than it should be. There was just nothing- I, uh… I was practically catatonic; I was barely speaking."
2:02:47 Beau: "Did you wake up to people? Or alone?"
2:02:51 Molly, wide-eyed and closed in: "Alone."
2:02:52 Caleb: "Are you a good guy?"
Molly takes a long time contemplating this.
2:02:59 Molly: "I'd like to think so." He smirks, but it collapses quickly.
2:03:03 Fjord, nodding: "Why did she seem like she looked up to you so much?"
2:03:07 Molly, shaking his head, getting more agitated: "I don't know. I don't know who that was, I've never heard the name Lucian before, or that other name. I-"
2:03:18 Caleb, quietly: "Nonagon."
2:03:18 Molly: "I've never heard of any of it."
2:03:21 Yasha: "I didn't realize you didn't- You did a good job at pretending."
2:03:26 Molly: "Yeah, well, I like pretending. Pretending's great. I… Who cares where anybody came from?"
2:03:34 Beau: "How do you know she actually thinks it's… you, and not, you know, maybe she just mistook you for someone actually named Lucian."
2:03:42 Molly: "That's possible, except, of course, she had weird… blood powers."
2:03:46 Beau: "So, this happens to you a lot?"
2:03:49 Molly: "A few… A few months after I came to, uh… I started noticing I could do things. I- knew things that I didn't necessarily know I knew."
2:04:00 Caleb: "Are you talking about your abilities?"
2:04:03 Molly: "Yeah… I can… Um…" To Nott, "Pass me that dagger?"
2:04:10 Nott: "I have three of them."
2:04:11 Molly: "Pick one."
2:04:12 Sam, mimicking passing Molly a dagger: "Dink!"
Molly cuts his arm and stabs the dagger into the table.
2:04:15 Molly: "Ice!"
2:04:17 Matt: "You watch as this large cluster of moisture all of a sudden solidifies around the outside of the blade, and the blade is now encrusted in jagged ice shards that just kind of stick out. The steam coming off of it. Mist."
2:04:29 Fjord: "That's menacing."
2:04:30 Nott: "That's amazing; I would- I would ask about how you discovered that, because that would not be something that I would ever just do, just to just see, but we'll leave that for another day."
2:04:41 Molly: "Oh no, I can- we're here, this is happening, that's fine. Umm…"
2:04:48 Nott: "Question. Go back two- two beats. You said, 'Who care about what happened before.'"
2:04:56 Molly, incredulously with an "obviously" gesture: "Yeah."
2:04:57 Nott: "Do you really not want to know your past? Answer truthfully."
2:05:05 Molly, very pointedly, looking annoyed and frustrated: "I really don't. I… Whoever that was… came to that end. And I want nothing to do with that. Whatever it was, it doesn't feel good when I- the moments when something creeps through, I don't like it. I don't want anything to do with it. I was happy. I… I liked the circus. The circus was great."
Liam!Jester slaps her hands on the table and leans forward excitedly.
2:05:30 Liam!Jester, coyly: "Ooo! I have a question? Is there anyone in the group that you find super attractive?"
2:05:38 Liam: "It's a text from Laura."
2:05:39 Travis: "Oh."
2:05:40 Molly, deadpan: "Yes."
2:05:41 Matt: "I think she was asking Yasha."
2:05:45 Liam, reading the text: "Oh! Ask Yasha; oh."
2:05:47 Ashley: "Too late!"
2:05:51 Liam!Jester to Yasha, leaning forward again: "What about you?"
2:05:52 Matt: "And as the nature of the spell, you know you're under the effect of it, and you can be dodgy if you need to, but it's up to you."
2:06:00 Liam!Jester, sing-song: "You can tell me!"
2:06:03 Taliesin, laughing: "That's a good Laura."
2:06:04 Yasha: "I feel like I-"
2:06:05 Ashley, laughing: "That's a very good Laura."
2:06:07 Yasha: "Uh… yes, of course there are people here that I think are very attractive and charming. But, that doesn't mean that I will act on that."
2:06:19 Molly: "I- You can be monosyllabic if you like with these people."
2:06:23 Fjord, clearing his throat: "Molly?"
2:06:24 Molly: "Mmhm?"
2:06:24 Fjord: "In the years that have gone by-"
2:06:27 Nott, quietly: "Yasha has a crush on me."
2:06:31 Fjord: "Has anyone called you any other names besides Molly, Lucian, or…"
2:06:36 Nott: "Nonagon."
2:06:37 Fjord: "Yeah. Mahna mahna."
2:06:37 Molly: "Nonagon; whatever that was. Not without me feeding it to them first. I mean, I've… I mean I've conned people. We've all conned people. I've used other names before. And-"
2:06:48 Fjord: "No, but did they know you? Did they come up and give you a name?"
2:06:50 Molly, shaking his head and looking troubled: "Never."
2:06:51 Yasha: "This was the first time that's happened."
Molly points at her in agreement.
2:06:54 Molly: "I…" He gestures to himself up and down. "A lot of this was in the hopes that maybe it would never happen. Keep moving. Keep quiet." He shrugs.
2:07:02 Fjord: "You don't know anything about the ritual that she was talking about."
2:07:04 Molly, shaking his head: "Nothing. But… I'll say this,"
2:07:07 Taliesin: "And I'm going to put the- put the knife down, and uh, is- is there anything sharp around? Anything at all?"
2:07:20 Matt: "Uh, I mean-"
2:07:21 Travis, laughing: "This group?"
2:07:21 Matt: "Yeah. Plenty of things that are…"
2:07:23 Taliesin: "Something that's even ridiculous. Like something not normal."
2:07:27 Matt: "Uh, yeah, there- well, there are jagged parts of the wood frame of the bed-"
2:07:32 Taliesin: "Perfect! I'm going to just cut myself again on the wood frame, and grab it, and use Radiance."
Sam winces hard.
2:07:37 Matt: "Okay. You watch as this bright, vibrant light just billows out of it. Kind of glowing in the vicinity. Similar that you've seen it encase the scimitar."
2:07:47 Molly: "I'll admit, this is new."
2:07:50 Fjord: "Huh, yeah, that's a hell of a thing."
2:07:51 Molly: "You all got to see the first time this happened."
2:07:53 Fjord: "Right."
2:07:54 Caleb: "And how much of this was under wraps? You knew none- any of this? In you time in the circus with him?"
2:07:59 Yasha: "I… knew that he woke up and he did not know who he was." Molly takes his hand off the bed and releases Radiance. "But this is the first time this has happened when someone has come… to us and recognized him from his past."
2:08:14 Liam!Jester, boisterously: "Molly! What have you ever pooped your pants!?"
2:08:17 Travis, looking at his phone: "That's actually in the text thread, too."
2:08:18 Liam!Jester: "Ever any time?"
2:08:21 Taliesin, quietly with a smile: "This is art."
2:08:22 Molly, looking perplexed: "Not that I'm- Well, no… That's fair. Sure."
2:08:26 Fjord: "Did you ever gamble on a fart and loose?"
2:08:27 Molly: "It was worth it every time."
2:08:29 Jester, triumphantly sing-song: "Thought so!"
2:08:30 Nott: "I'm sorry to belabor this, but… what if you had a good life before this? What if you were famous or rich or had friends or family?"
2:08:41 Yasha: "She seems to think you were quite an amazing person."
2:08:45 Molly, very pointedly, looking really annoyed again: "Okay. Here's the thing that you're not catching: that wasn't me. This is mine. I don't want anything from that other person anymore. That person is someone else. I don't want anything to do with it. I did not feel good coming out of that. I- I… was…" He pinches the bridge of his node in frustration. "uh… I'm in for a penny, might as well. I am told, although I don't entirely remember this part, that I… only said the word 'empty' over and over again for the first week."
2:09:18 Fjord, Beau, Caleb, and Nott: "Empty?"
2:09:21 Molly, shrugging: "I don't know what that means."
2:09:22 Caleb: "'Empty' or M T?"
2:09:23 Molly: "Empty."
2:09:24 Caleb: "Empty."
2:09:25 Molly: "I don't know! I can barely remember."
2:09:27 Caleb: "Jester, I feel your touch on this conversation. Is this all accurate?"
2:09:34 Matt!Jester: "As far as I can tell, yes. He did indeed poop his pants."
2:09:39 Caleb: "And the rest?"
2:09:40 Matt!Jester: "Oh that, too, yes."
2:09:41 Caleb: "Yeah."
2:09:41 Nott: "Empty…"
2:09:45 Molly: "That sounds terrible. I… I don't want anybody- I don't want to remember anything, I don't want anybody else's baggage in my head, I don't want anybody else's problems, thoughts, ideas." Tapping the table for emphasis, "I like this person right now, is a good person, is a fine person, is a happy person."
2:10:05 Beau: "She kept referencing a book."
Molly shrugs.
2:10:08 Fjord: "No idea?"
2:10:09 Molly: "Sounds shifty."
2:10:09 Beau: "What if we could find the book."
2:10:12 Molly, firmly: "I don't want it."
2:10:14 Caleb: "Well, I will say, I'm a little concerned about, you know, loose ends coming to bite you and us in the butt. However…"
2:10:27 Molly: "We all have a few, I assume."
2:10:28 Caleb: "I believe in second starts, and uh… that's enough for me."
2:10:35 Molly: "There-"
2:10:36 Beau: "You know-"
2:10:36 Molly: "Can you imagine what it would feel like to not feel anything about anything that had happened to you so far?"
2:10:41 Fjord: "No."
2:10:41 Caleb: "No."
2:10:42 Beau: "Yes."
2:10:44 Molly: "Why am I not surprised?
2:10:46 Nott, incredulously: "What do you mean, 'yes'?"
Beau gives a "yeah, what?" shrug.
2:10:49 Nott: "You can imagine what it's like to not feel anything before this moment?"
2:10:55 Beau, shrugging: "Yeah."
2:10:55 Nott: "Have you died before?"
2:10:57 Beau: "No. Doesn't mean you have to find meaning in meaningless things."
2:11:01 Molly: "It's very freeing. It's… the best thing… It's the thing that happened to me. it's not the best thing that happened to me, it's the thing that happened to me. I- I found… Peace? in… building a new person. The Moonweaver…"
2:11:26 Beau: "You know, just because if you know about your past doesn't mean you have to be beholden to it."
2:11:32 Nott: "That's true."
2:11:35 Beau: "If you…"
2:11:35 Yasha: "It's not that important."
2:11:36 Molly: "What if it feels that it- that I owe it something?"
2:11:40 Beau: "You don't owe your past shit. if I don't feel anything about my past, but I still remember it, and I still don't give a fuck about where I came from, then why should you care about shit that you don't even remember?"
Molly sighs, and grins somewhere between "you get it," and "you are so naïve."
2:11:56 Fjord: "That's a layered question."
2:11:57 Molly: "I-"
2:11:57 Nott: "I don't know about that."
2:11:59 Molly: "I… spent two years, before I met you all… cajoling people… occasionally ripping them off, occasionally doing a good turn here or there; never trust the truth. Truth is vicious; the truth thinks that you owe it something; none of that. I like my bullshit. It's good, it's happy, it makes other people happy."
2:12:30 Nott: "But it's not who you are."
2:12:32 Molly: "It is exactly who I am!"
2:12:34 Fjord: "Can I ask you, when you're praying over your swords at night, are you actually doing anything?"
2:12:39 Molly: "Uh, well, do you know who the Moonweaver is?"
2:12:42 Fjord: "No."
2:12:43 Molly: "Excellent. Uh…" He shrugs. "The swords are… cheap carnival glass. There's nothing special about them."
2:12:51 Liam: "May I make a check to see if I have ever heard of the Moonweaver?"
2:12:54 Matt: "Make a religion check."
2:12:54 Yasha: "Wow."
2:12:56 Molly, muted: "Eh, fuck it."
2:13:00 Nott: "Is the Moonweaver not real?"
2:13:01 Fjord, quietly: "cheap carnival glass?"
2:13:03 Liam: "23."
2:13:04 Matt: "Oh yeah, you've definitely heard of the Moonweaver."
2:13:04 Molly: "I literally decorated a pair of swords to make them look special."
2:13:09 Matt: "The Moonweaver is, uh, classically more of an Elven deity, but is… kind-"
2:13:14 Molly, quietly, mumbled, frank and dejected: "Thought maybe I'd make it less likely they'd think there's something special about me."
2:13:15 Matt: "They are a god over the night, of shadow, music, there's a lot of variations to what they go over, but they're definitely not one of the approved religions in the empire, and is considered- not considered one of the Betrayer Gods classically. But is an inspiration for a lot of art in classic elven history, and even some modern. The caretaker of evening trysts. Has a lot of- a lot of unique history to the Moonweaver."
2:13:48 Fjord: "So it's you that's special, not your swords."
2:13:51 Molly, with a soft smile: "That's true."
2:13:52 Beau: "Molly, you seem like you have a pretty solidified identity for someone who has only had consciousness for two years."
2:14:02 Molly, with a half shrug: "Things came back quick, and the circus helped." A bit sadly, "They were good people. They did a lot for me. And joy can fill an awful lot of a person's life."
2:14:12 Beau: "If things came back quick, do you feel like there are still remnants of whoever you once were that help- informed who you are now?"
2:14:19 Molly, after thinking about it: "Maybe. I feel tinges of things on occasion. Nothing I like."
2:14:27 Beau: "Interesting."
2:14:28 Nott: "If you always lie and bullshit, how are we ever going to believe you?"
2:14:32 Molly, flatly, mildly annoyed: "Because I always lie and bullshit."
2:14:36 Beau: "I can kind of agree with that. Cheers to bullshit!"
Beau and Molly clink mugs.
2:14:41 Molly, increasingly irritated: "I'm not a- I may be a liar, but I'm never a betrayer. I'm always honest in my work, and I believe in doing a good turn." He takes a swig. "I've never cheated you out of money." He pointedly looks at Nott. "I've never robbed from you." Again, pointedly looks at Nott. "I know how- I stayed with that circus for two years and I know how people treat each other. It's important." To Nott, "And all that stuff you told me before, I gotta admit I didn't listen to any bit of it; I was just trying to teach you a lesson. I don't care where you've been; I don't care what terrible things any of you have done; you're here now; this is how it works."
2:15:14 Liam!Jester, coyly resting her head on her laced fingers: "Molly?"
2:15:18 Molly, grinning: "Yes, darling?"
2:15:19 Liam!Jester: "I have a question."
2:15:20 Molly, leaning in, mirroring her conspiratorial body language: "Of course."
2:15:22 Fjord/Travis: "Oh no."
2:15:22 Liam!Jester: "Can you really read fortunes?"
Molly's grin falls away, his body language closes in a bit, and he looks just a bit dispirited and contemplative. He very briefly winces.
2:15:28 Molly, measured: "I use fortunes… to tell… people what I see in them." Brighter, "But sometimes, sometimes… I feel like maybe there's something… that tickles the back of my head, I will admit."
2:15:46 Liam!Jester, eagerly: "You have a feeling?"
2:15:47 Molly: sitting back with a small smile: "Some days."
2:15:50 Beau, looking at Molly distrustfully: "Don't believe him, Jester."
2:15:52 Taliesin/Molly, defensively toward Matt: "Am I telling-? Am I lying?"
2:15:53 Nott/Sam: "No, he has to be telling the truth."
2:15:55 Matt: "Yeah."
2:15:55 Taliesin, smugly: "Thank you."
2:15:56 Fjord/Travis: "That's why she asked him."
2:15:56 Yasha: "I do feel like you actually, weirdly, have a gift for that."
2:16:02 Molly, frankly: "I always try to be helpful with- when I turn cards for people."
2:16:05 Beau: "You ever think you could be doing damage, though?"
2:16:08 Molly: "No."
2:16:08 Beau: "Setting people on false paths?"
2:16:12 Molly, shrugging: "If people are looking for a path, they're looking for a path. And I'll tell you—and this is true—I did my best every town I went to and every town I left, no matter how they treated me, and a lot of them treated me, " a pang of anger flashes across his face, "with deep disrespect,"
2:16:25 Beau: "Some people are vulnerable and looking for answers."
2:16:27 Molly, measured and insistent: "I left every town better than I found it."
2:16:32 Nott: "Which- Which tattoos are the old ones?"
Molly considers, tapping some of his frustration on the table.
2:16:39 Nott, waving him off: "I mean, you don't have to- I don't want to see your naked body or anything."
Molly briefly reaches towards his pants and then laughs, waving off the joke and his frustration.
2:16:46 Molly, glancing at Yasha for help then sounding resigned: "Is it- Yeah, no."
2:16:50 Taliesin: "Um, so, I show off the peacock a little bit, and one of the peacock feathers on the neck."
2:16:58 Liam, cheekily: "What about your tattoos, though?"
Taliesin sticks his tongue out at Liam.
2:17:01 Taliesin, grinning: "Thank you, Liam. Um, one of the eyes in one of the peacock feathers is a bright crimson read. Which any of you if you'd ever made a fucking insight check would have noticed. Gah! You!" He points to Travis? "I was waiting for you to fuck with me. It's also the same place that he bleeds every time that he uses any of his powers. There's also a red eye on the snake on the palm, and there's a red eye on the snake on the opposite side of the head."
2:17:23 Nott: "What does that mean? What does it mean!? Caleb! What does it mean!?"
2:17:27 Caleb: "That's a lot of ink, man."
2:17:30 Nott: "Red eyes, or something?"
2:17:31 Molly: "There are various- there are various- Not in-"
2:17:33 Liam, to Matt: "Hey, does any of that symbology mean anything to me?"
2:17:36 Matt: "Not at the moment. How much do you show?"
2:17:37 Taliesin: "I'm just showing- I'm showing the snake, the two snake eyes, I'm showing the peacock eye, and then I'm going to show the eye in the floral arrangement."
2:17:45 Matt: "Okay."
1:17:46 Marisha, clapping, to Ashley: "C'mon Patterson, c'mon. Help us out here right now! This is your day job! Okay!"
2:17:52 Ashley: "Okay, let me look at my tattoo database…"
2:17:57 Molly: "I tried to cover them, but they wouldn't take ink. So, I just… did my best."
2:18:02 Nott, surprised: "They're not tattoos!?"
2:18:03 Molly: "No. I don't know what they are."
2:18:08 Nott: "They're just markings?"
Molly examines his hand and arm.
2:18:12 Fjord: "But you…"
2:18:12 Molly: "I don't know."
2:18:13 Fjord: "You don't remember getting them, or you… They just appeared?"
Molly shakes his head.
2:18:16 Nott: "They were just there."
2:18:17 Liam!Jester, clearing her throat: "Caleb? I have a question."
2:18:23 Travis: "You don't have to just do every one of these that she's gonna fucking write."
2:18:23 Liam!Jester: "Do you shave your butt?"
2:18:31 Marisha, laughing: "You do yours."
2:18:31 Caleb, looking at her quizzically: "Uh… I can truthfully say…"
2:18:32 Molly: "I don't."
2:18:34 Caleb: "No! That was for-
2:18:34 Molly: "But now that you bring it up because I'd never occurred to it, I might start."
2:18:38 Fjord/Travis: "It was to Caleb."
2:18:39 Molly/Taliesin: "Oh, that was for Caleb. Never mind; sorry."
2:18:40 Beau/Marisha: "Well, that's good. Now we know.
2:18:40 Nott/Sam: "No, that's very interesting! Good to know!
2:18:41 Matt: "But you've learned!"
2:18:44 Caleb: "Now you know that neither Molly or I shave our butt."
2:18:47 Molly: "Who butt shaves?"
2:18:48 Caleb: "And also, there's not a lot of hair there anyway."
2:18:49 Nott: "You wax your butt! You don't shave it."
2:18:52 Matt: "And also, there's only a couple minutes more left on the spell, so…"
2:18:55 Molly: "Anything else before we're done here?"
2:18:57 Beau: "Did you ever know anyone who did used to try and set people on wrong paths with their fortune telling?"
2:19:06 Molly, earnestly, shaking his head: "No. We tried…" He shrugs. "That's… that's dangerous work and it'll usually backfire. No interest in that. It's mostly just trying to help people get their shit together." With realization, "Did someone send you on the wrong path?"
2:19:23 Beau: "No."
2:19:25 Molly, mildly disappointed: "That's fair. I don't care, to be fair."
2:19:28 Beau: "Still in zone of truth, no."
2:19:29 Fjord: "Is there anything about you that you don't want us to know?"
2:19:32 Molly: "Yes." After a long pause, "Everything. I like… the safety of it, but… And if I had had my way, this would have been a conversation for a later date. But… I need… to protect you and myself from whatever that is, so you need to know that… that is a wild card."
2:19:52 Fjord: "I appreciate that. I appreciate that."
2:19:58 Beau, brightly but sarcastically: "Well, this was fun."
2:20:00 Nott: "I feel like we should do this every night. But I will say this… Lucian?" She winces.
2:20:06 Molly: "That's a terrible name."
2:20:07 Nott: "It's terrible!"
2:20:08 Molly: "I don't want to ever know who that person is."
2:20:10 Nott: "It's like a kid with a soft mustache that's not like a real, you know, like a real…"
2:20:10 Caleb: "You're sticking with Mollymauk?"
2:20:12 Molly: "I'm Molly!"
2:20:15 Travis: "All the Lucians out there are super pissed right now."
2:20:16 Molly, firmly: "Let me make this abundantly clear: my name is Molly. That person is dead and not me. That's just a person who had this body. They abandoned it, it's mine now."
2:20:30 Nott: "I think that you need to know where you've been to know where you're going, and… I am… I respect your… your feelings. But I feel-
2:20:41 Molly, bitterly: "And I feel you are frightfully ignorant and filled with platitudes. But I still like you regardless."
2:20:46 Nott: "I feel like, when you're ready to know your past, I would- I would support that, and I would help you find it."
2:20:58 Molly, very irritated, goading: "Maybe he killed goblins. Maybe he was a goblin hunter. Maybe he ate them. Raw."
2:21:07 Nott: "As long as he didn't- eat me."
2:21:07 Caleb: "I think perhaps we have learned all we need to learn from this conversation. Maybe it is time to turn in. We have some things to do tomorrow. I am satisfied, Mollymauk Tealeaf. For now."
2:21:21 Molly, resigned: "This was not how I expected this to go." He runs his hand down his face. "Thank you."
2:21:29 Beau: "For what it's worth, I like you a little better now."
2:21:31 Nott: "Me too."
2:21:34 Beau: "You don't have to reciprocate it."
2:21:35 Molly, flatly, with a laugh at the end: "I'm waiting for the spell to dissipate before I say anything."
2:21:40 Matt: "About now, the spell has dissipated."
2:21:42 Molly: "I both like you more and less at the same time."
2:21:46 Beau: "I get that a lot."
2:21:47 Nott: "Is the spell gone?"
2:21:48 Matt: "The spell's gone."
2:21:49 Nott: "Goddamnit! Yasha! Tell us everything! Fuck!"
2:21:53 Matt: "I mean, you can still press her."
2:21:55 Molly, laying a hand on Yasha's shoulder: "Thank you, dear."
Molly gives a long sigh.
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yarrowleef-babbles · 3 years
anyway I'm at the end of my impulsive grishaverse binge. The King of Scars duology was fun to read and I enjoyed it.. It was also dumb as hell. But honestly I am here for a good time not a...idk, sensible time. Look I’ve been reading almost nothing but warrior cats for over a decade, clearly my standards are low and I can handle a lot of nonsense and still enjoy the ride
 (but rly I still don’t know why the Darkling returning is a thing at all. He’s just a less intimidating shadow of his former self. He went out in a blaze of glory and however he goes out the second time is going to be underwhelming in comparison. I literally KEPT FORGETTING HE WAS AROUND during Rule of Wolves until his POV chapters came up because everything else felt like a more pressing threat, meanwhile he was just. There. Dicking around. I forgot. the *DARKLING* was around. That’s almost impressive. He just came across as so pathetic compared to the constantly looming threatening force he used to be. There were so many enemies and problems to face with the Fjerdans and everything else, why even add him? I feel like I would have rather the main problem just being fixing the mess he left behind, and have Nikolai figure out some other way to solve the fold and his demon problem, considering Lantsov kings being dumb is part of what enabled the Darkling for so long to begin with. He could fix the remaining scars of their biggest mistake before retiring the Lantsov line. Idk, that would require a rewrite since apparently whatever is happening with the Darkling is going to motivate the next plot, but all that junk about the magic tree just felt. Tacked on rather then woven in? if that makes sense? considering how often I kept forgetting about him I feel like it would have been better to just....Let Nikolai have the focus in fixing this issue, no Darkling meddling needed. Darkling stays dead while we struggle with the ghosts and damage he left behind, and he left A LOT behind, he doesn’t need to literally be here as well. I Do NOT want him to get any sort of redemption arc. he Does Not Need One. Can’t we just let him go I’ve had enough of this dude) 
Next point, I am surprisingly fine with Queen Zoya, I think the duology did a good job setting both of them up for this when I look back on it, although it did catch me by surprise at first. Her turning into a LITERAL DRAGON???
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lissen, I Do Not understand the fantasy rules of this world at all sometimes, sometimes it feels like crazy things Just Happen when plot needs it, and its felt that way ever since Shadow and Bone (like last book with the Saint Sand Castle. JESUS CHRIST what was ANY OF THAT I feel like I got transported into a different series I kept putting down the book to whisper-yell ‘what the fuck is happening right now’ to myself, I STILL do not really understand how those people were alive, how their magic worked, or where they were, their explanation didn’t make sense)
 but look. Look, sometimes I also Do Not Care, dragon Zoya was SICK AS HELL. You can be as dumb as you want if you’re also sick and hell while doing it, thems the rules!!!
Neutral on the Nikolai/Zoya relationship. It’s fine, w/e. That’s my stance on most MC romances so shrug.
ANYWAY if I’m honest with myself the Crows are my main true emotional investment in this universe so everything else that happens with other characters is kind of a “yeah ok I guess this is happening now, whatever” one way or another. But my crows. I adore their banter. I loved their appearance, even if it was mostly unnecessary fanservice. I miss them all so much.
I have no interest in investing myself in book fandom culture (it seems like its just...not my scene) I’m vaguely aware that Hanne and Nina’s relationship is controversial. (i’m vaguely aware a lot about this duology is controversial but I don’t know everyone elses reasons as to why, though I have some guesses). And Listen, I can totally 100% sympathize if you are someone who was at all emotionally invested in the helnik ship, even though its been over a year in book time, from the reader perspective Matthias like, just died. And to have Nina immediately thrust into a new meet-cute so quickly while she’s literally standing over his fresh grave?? Yeah I get why that might sting a bit. 
I, however, am not rly a helnik stan, in fact the handling of Matthias and Nina’s relationship was by far my LEAST favorite part of the SoC duology, an awkward frustrating stain on books I otherwise adored so much. Their relationship started off making me wildly uncomfortable (I have a lot of complicated and frustrated feelings about Matthias in general, I think i’ll probably end up making an overly long post complaining about him later on) and though it got a bit better in Crooked Kingdom, it still only reached “I guess I will tolerate this” levels, and then he died before i could finish reconciling with it so. I'm just left frustrated by the whole thing.
For me, her relationship with Hanne felt way more natural and less uncomfortable, yes even if its less ~dramatic~ then almost dying together in the arctic.. (I always felt like she and Matthias were attracted to each other in SPITE of who they are rather then BECAUSE of who they are you know? i just don't love that as a basis for a relationship It’s...ugh look again Matthias is a whole can of worms for me, I can’t get into it right now. It just doesn’t do it for me. I never understood Nina’s attraction to Matthias, so being better then that is a low bar for me. ) I’m not head-over heels with Nina/Hanne or anything, but I like it just fine and I think Hanne is a neat character.
I didn’t think Nina could carry a storyline on her own, but I was surprisingly often more invested in her then Zoya and Nikolai? I was only neutral to her in six of crows, I liked her, but less then the others....... mainly again because she was So Wrapped Up In Matthias Whomst I Do Not Exactly Love that it was hard to appreciate her on her own. I’m glad I got the chance to focus on her and grow to like her as an individual. 
 Maybe her crow status gives her my bias, or honestly maybe I just like high risk spy stuff that felt like it had more immediate danger and stakes every moment to her rather then the more big-but-impersonal concern for a whole country and the exhausting political complications of ruling Ravka, which is what Zoya and Nikolai were often grappling with. I still liked that storyline, but my personal preference is with Nina’s type of stakes (thats probably just another reason why I liked the SoC duology most in the grishaverse)
Which aaaaaaaaaaah, leads me to what is for ME causing the most emotionally charged Issues with the end of this book!!!! It’s probably not the biggest issue objectively, but I am not feeling objective right now, I am feeling emotional! While I think the Darkling returning is dumb, I have less emotional investment in him and the characters surrounding him so that, even though I dont exactly like it, I don’t really mind that much what happens to him, I’m willing to follow the story down whatever nonsensical rabbit hole it wants to go
but WOW I am I NOT a fan of Nina suddenly being the queen of fjerda??????HUGELY MASSIVLEY NOT A FAN OF THAT MY DUDES.  And not just beause it came out of left field (which is most certainly did).
i mean people more articulate then me have already probably talked about why this is a miserable future for her, so. that bites.
idk, no end to this post, just lots of words
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So I'll skip a lot of back story here and try and get right to the point. There's a girl that I literally have the biggest Crush on ever, I've had girlfriends before but i've never felt this way about someone.She came out of a really bad relationship before I even knew her, this was about 6 months ago, It's on her mind a lot more than normal now because she should have been due to give birth around this time but she mad a miscarriage right before her break up. I feel bad for her because she's told me the full story and it really is horrible what he did to her and even though it's 6 months later, i'm not surprised she still thinks about it alot.We've always been flirty, I make her laugh, smile etc yeah nothing much but the past few weeks we seem to have gotten a lot closer.So around 2 weeks ago, she was laughing with me and then she was joking about 2 guys who were texting her and she said ''There are some Freaky guys messaging me, There's a 19 year old who's stalking me because i cuddled with him at a party while i was drunk and then there's a guy at the ice-cream store who calls me babe all the time and gives me free ice cream. They're so weird''I'll be honest, It kind of bothered me because i flirt with her alot, I go out of my way to see her which I thought she liked and once when she was upset, I bought her some flowers. All I could think of was ''Is this how she talks about me to other people?''So the next day, I tried so hard not to see her. As i say i normally go out of my way to spend my lunch break with her or make up some excuse to see her. But i decided not to, just in case she get's bored of me, or as i said earlier in case i'm one of her ''weird guys''I went to the bathroom and when i got back she was stood in my store and she looked heartbroken, I aksed what was wrong and she ignored me. I asked what she was doing here and she said ''I feel so sad today and I came here just to see you because you always cheer me up''. I felt like shit.I took her into my office to talk, she asked if i would see her on my lunch break and she'd explain. So i did, I bought her Roses and pizza and she seemed so happy about it. She explained what was wrong (Thinking about her old relationship) and we had a good time but obviously my break was over and i had to go back to my store where i thought (shit i've fucked up buying her flowers)I only see her when we both work, we don't have each other on social media or anything either. So the day after the flower incident, I was working with her friend who said ''You look after her really well, She's not normally like this, but you're really sweet to her'' she asked me if i liked her and i said ''We're not at school, i'm not playing the rumour game but I'm glad i can make her smile, If i like her or not, I won't tell anyone. But She's very special to me and with everything she's going through, I care about her more than I care about alot of people right now'' She said she thinks that she might like me and i just laughed it off, She said ''I asked her a while ago if she liked you and she giggled, blushed and said he's like a brother to me and she said that about another guy she had a crush on'' But as i say, I stopped this right away because we're too old for that kind of thing.I didn't see her for a few days due to me having a day off and her having a day off right after. On my day off, I had a really bad family event happen and it really got to me, so the next day, I was quiet, upset and didn't want to see or talk to anyone and i didn't, I didn't see her for 2 days.On the 3rd day, she asked me if she did something wrong to me because i'm hardly speaking to her i told her no. Then for the first time she was asking me questions about things i'd told her before. Like 'how was your night out with your friends'' etc. It took me back abit because she's never acted that way before.I told her she didn't sound too good and asked if she was okay and she said ''No, I have tonsillitis'' I told her to take antibiotics. Then the phone rang and it was more bad news from my family and it made me really angry, I walked off and she followed me, I was walking fast to the point that she shouted for me to slow down and said ''What is the matter with you lately'' i told her ''nothing'' then she said ''Well you're being angry and sad lately and I don't like it''It honestly made my heart sink, I felt terrible. I looked at her and smiled and said ''Sorry if you think that but i'm fine honestly'' She smiled back and said ''Good'' then i went homeI had to come back later to do some shopping, I walked past her store and I appologised for earlier and said it was fine she said ''You're normally so happy and you always laugh but you're not yourself lately'' Her throat sounded worse so i went and bought her some Pills to help and she hugged me and said ''You really know how to look after me''I text her later that night and basically apologised to her and said that if i've made her feel bad, i'm sorry but you mean alot to me and i don't mean any harm. We've never really text eachother before. I waited an hour but no reply. Then she did reply''It's fine, don't worry about it. You just don't seem yourself at the moment so i'm obviously gonna worry about you. I'm not in the greatest mindsets at the moment but you can talk to me about anything, you know that. Whatever it is that's making you feel down and upset, don't let it. Enjoy your night''And that's it, i'm taking a few days off now to focus on my family and i'll see her early next week. She means alot to me and i'm starting to think we have mutual feelings. I really want to ask her on a date but I don't want her to think that i'm targeting her for being vulnerable lately.Also before people comment saying she likes the gifts and attention etc, No, that really isn't the case, I've bought her flowers twice and a slice of pizza, nothing more.any help would be great. Thanks via /r/dating_advice
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