#i'm so used to joe & kit
mieczyhale · 9 months
thank you @ alice oseman for including the "explanations for american readers" at the end of the nick & charlie novella. truly a god-send bc it covers a few things / phrases i've been lost on and haven't found a simple answer for anywhere else
like no, i didn't need to know these school terms to understand or enjoy heartstopper, but i wanted to know and understand them and now i do
little joys
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bairdthereader · 5 months
I think about the body language in this scene between Nick and Charlie a lot. It's subtle, but so well played by Joe that it gets me every time I watch it. Charlie has just been reminded, in the worst way, of all the bullying and horrendous treatment he suffered in the past. He had hoped--against all evidence to the contrary--that going to the cinema with Nick's friends would be comparable to Nick's first real introduction to Elle, Tao, and Isaac, only to have that optimism repaid with crushing reminders that people can be horrible and that Nick's presence can't always overcome that harsh reality. He's just been verbally harassed and nonconsensually touched by Harry, whom he detests. He has had to lie (convincingly) about his feelings for Nick in front of a judgmental crowd. When Nick follows him out of the theater, Charlie's armor is on, his walls are up. He keeps physical space between them. When Nick pulls Charlie's shoulder, he's tense and very clearly uncomfortable, bracing himself for the worst even though this is Nick, his best friend. It's a millisecond on screen, but it's heartbreaking.
Then Nick says, "I am so sorry."
And Charlie visibly relaxes, his shoulders, his face, his neck, his eyes. He's reminded of why Nick is different, and safe. It doesn't undo the damage of the previous hours, but Nick has separated himself from the group in Charlie's eyes yet again with his honest apology.
And while I think Joe is phenomenal here, Kit's face after Charlie says "I'm honestly used to it by now" manages to tell a whole story. That maybe Nick hasn't fully understood before just how deep Charlie's pain goes, and just how much work he's done to both overcome it and mask it. That he has to do that miserable work over and over and over again. I think Nick's realization in that moment is even more the catalyst to his anger in the confrontation that follows than Harry's specific actions.
Twenty seconds of story, and we get all of that from the performance. Incredible.
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My redneck neighbor Doug on the Jedi in 'The Clone Wars'
Y'all have asked, and Dr. Meat Muffin might be a disgruntled old hag that chugs too much Trader Joe’s bourbon and doodles too much subpar art, but she keeps her promises!
Just so y’all know, if you’re a major character (Anakin, Obi-Wan, Ahsoka, etc) you keep your name, because it was drilled into Doug’s head over 8 seasons of Clone Wars and the movies. Everyone else, though, Doug gave up and created his own catchphrases for them.
CW: This one's not as spicy as Doug's previous rants regarding Star Wars, but y'all know if y'all know. "It'll all come out in the wash."
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Plo Koon: Ah, Shrimp Daddy. He looks like a shrimp that’s been boiled and left in the sun after a potluck. But my wife LOVES him, she says he has the nicest voice and she wishes he’d narrate some books. I loved him too, he was my favorite. That scene where he tells his clone boys in space that they’re important to him? Ah great. They should have him lead HR meetings. 
Aayla Secura: Babe-the-Blue-Jedi. They sent her away from the Temple because Yoda didn’t want that hotness distracting everyone. Is she and Miguel (Bly?!) dating? They are, right? 
Kit Fisto: Reggae Swamp Thing. Tell me that boy don't look like he lives in the Atchafalaya and bangs on the steel drums all day. I wonder if he stole those shorts from Michael Phelps. He’s cool but does he need to have a tank to swim in on his ship? Does he have gills? I need more info on this guy. 
Adi Gallia: Storm’s Cousin. Doesn’t this chick look like her? She does, right? Maybe she's a Jedi cause she can't control the weather. Didn’t Maul’s brother Saul impale her on his horns and that’s how she died?* Why didn’t Maul do that to Obi-Wan? Maul was obsessed with Obi-Wan, do you think it’s because he had a crush on him after he sliced him in half?
(Doug also ships Obi-Wan with Maul now? IS THERE ANYONE WHO DOUG DOESN'T SHIP OBI-WAN WITH?!)
Shaak-Ti: Ahsoka’s Aunt. They’re totally related. (“No, they’re not.” “Says who?” “Um, EVERYONE?!”) She’s cool, nice to the clone boys. I like her horns. 
Saesee Tiin : Angry Bull Boy. He looks like a minotaur whose daddy left him at a Wal-Mart instead of the Labyrinth after drinking too much.
Deepa Billaba: My Coworker Anu. Seriously! She looks JUST LIKE HER. I even texted her a screenshot, and she used that as her Slack Channel picture for the longest time. Nice lady, she's a good master to Lil Kanan. Hm, Lil Kanan sounds like a rap person my niece would listen to.
Ki-Adi-Mundi: Mutant-Mall-Santa. Look me dead ass in the eye and tell me the man don’t look like he was supposed to hand out presents and ask kids what they want for Christmas and ended up hanging out in toxic waste instead. He's a snotty asshole, I don't like him, he thinks the sun comes up just to hear him crow.
Luminara Undali: Lady-in-Drape. She’s a green lady, and she wears a drape. Meat Muffin, I'm tired and it's about to snow.
Barriss Offee: Little Lady-in-Drape. Man, she was awful, but she had good points, ya know? Kind of like Darth Maul. Do you think Darth Maul and Obi-Wan ever dated? Or would Obi-Wan’s boyfriend get jealous? 
Quinlan Voss: College-Hippie-Boy. Doesn’t he just look like one of those goofs that fart around with hackysacks all day long? I'd buy weed from him if he was selling, he looks like an exporter and consumer, if you know what I mean.
Even Piall: Dobby the House Jedi. Man he looks like he was on his way to help Harry Potter or something and ended up in a bathrobe with a light saber. Ah well. 
*= Savage is ‘Saul’ and Feral is ‘Paul’. So it’s Maul, Saul, and Paul. I strained a muscle laughing when I got this. 
Tagging my Redneck Doug stans here! @amalthiaph @sued134 @eyecandyeoz @thecoffeelorian @merkitty49 @megmca @skellymomam I missing anyone?
Let me know if I missed any Jedi, those were the ones that came up that Doug didn't immediately recognize.
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thlayli-ra · 4 months
Stray (part 4)
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Characters - CM Punk, Drew McIntyre, Larry, Samoa Joe
Pairing - CM Punk/Drew McIntyre, CM Punk/Samoa Joe (past)
AU - Stray AU
Rating - Mature
Warnings - Strong language, mentions of human trafficking, imprisonment and prostitution
Words - ~3,000 words (this is a longer one, yay!)
Summary - Punk asks a 'friend' for help
The door rang at six the next morning and Punk answered it immediately, already fully dressed.
'What did you do now?' the large set man on the doorstep grumbled.
'What makes you think I did anything?' Punk asked with his hand on his chest, taking offence to the accusation.
'When you call me at 5am telling me to bring spare clothes and my tool kit, I take that as a strong sign that you've done something,' Joe replied gruffly, stepping in past Punk and up the front steps. 'So just get it over with and tell me what the hell hap-'
He stopped mid-word when he reached the top of the stairs and found the stranger sitting innocently on Punk's sofa, naked except for a poorly fitting pair of boxer briefs and a dog collar around his neck. The newcomer gaped at the sight, then quickly dumped everything onto the floor.
'Excuse me,' Joe politely said to the stranger then roughly dragged Punk to the back steps at the far end of the living area.
'Ah, you grabbed me by the fucking neck,' Punk whined as Joe slammed the door behind them to give them some privacy.
'What the hell is that?' he demanded to know.
'I believe it's what they call an adult human male,' Punk shot back sarcastically.
'Don't get smart with me, Phillip Jack!'
'Oh, we're doing the Phillip Jack thing already, are we?'
'Just tell me who the fuck he is?'
Punk shrugged his shoulders. 'Dunno.'
'Well, what's his name?'
'Then where'd he come from?'
'I found him round the back of Mrs Goldstein's house. Good thing too, if she'd found him first she'd probably have had her third stroke and-'
'Wait! Wait! WAIT!' Joe scrubbed his eyes with his fingertips. 'What do you mean you found him?'
'Last night during the storm,' Punk retorted as if that made complete sense. 'Kid was all alone and banged up so I took him back here and cleaned him up.' Joe was trying to process just what the hell was happening but Punk didn't seem to notice. 'Hey, you know sign language, right?'
'I know exactly four languages, one of which is sign language, yes,' Joe replied, not following any of this in the slightest.
'Great! Come with me!' Gripping Joe by his broad shoulders, Punk shuffled him back into the living area and over to the lounge where the stranger was sitting calmly, stroking Larry who was sleeping next to him on the couch. 'Hey, so, this here is Joe, he's sorta, kinda, well, he's my-
'Friend,' Joe cut in abruptly.
'Yeah...' Punk muttered bitterly. 'Friend.'
The stranger stared blankly at them both.
'Well?' Punk looked expectantly at Joe. 'Go on.'
Heaving a huff of frustration, Joe signed 'hi, my name is Joe. What's your name?' when Punk cuffed him on the arm.
'He can hear you alright, I just need you to translate what he's saying.'
By this time, seeing someone else using hand motions had excited the stranger and he began throwing gestures right back at the large-set man who blinked with a furrowed brow. 'That's... not ASL,' he said, at last. 'Wait, where's your globe?'
'Pfft, I don't have a fucking globe,' Punk snorted.
'Oh really? Not even that one I bought you three Christmases ago?'
Punk quickly backtracked. 'Ohhh, that globe! Yeah I still got that globe.' He rushed over to a closet at the far end of the room and took a long time digging around before he finally produced it, still in its box and sealed.
'You keep it in the back of your closet?' Joe asked coldly, accepting the box from Punk.
'Just for safe-keeping, while I'm getting my office repainted.'
'Riiiiiiight.' Ripping the box open, Joe fetched out the plastic globe and placed it on the coffee table in front of the stranger. 'Can you show us where you're from?'
On instinct, Joe had turned the globe so that North America was facing the stranger but once he placed his large fingers on the sphere, he began turning it, passing over the Atlantic Ocean until he settled it at Europe. A wobbly smile broke his lips when he pressed his fingertip to a spot and both Punk and Joe leaned in for a closer look.
'You're from England?' Punk brows shot up.
The stranger gave a vicious snarl.
'From Scotland,' Joe corrected. The cat paw bobbed wildly. 'Hold on a minute...' Joe fished out his phone and began tapping away on the screen while Punk stared down at the tiny nation pressed beneath the stranger's large digit.
'We've been to Scotland before, haven't we?'
'Yeah, few times. Back when we were starting out, we had some bouts in Glasgow.'
'That's right! You from Glasgow?' The stranger shook his fist. He then began pointing his fingers upwards. 'You're from... Up? Uptown? O-over...? Over-town?'
'Skye?' Joe put in his guess but everything received a shake of the head. The stranger then splayed his fingers, hovering them around him. 'Air?' Cat paw! Cat paw! 'Oh, Ayr! You're from Ayr?'
'How do you know all this shit?' Punk asked, his nose scrunched.
'Unlike you, I like to try and learn about the places we visit.' Joe returned to his phone, ignoring the eye roll from the tattooed man. 'Ah, now it makes sense. He's using British Sign Language.'
'Is it that different?'
Joe sighed with exasperation. 'Yeah, it is.' He turned his attention back to the stranger. 'I've pulled up the BSL alphabet. Can you spell your name out for me? Slowly?'
'You could just have gotten him to write it out,' Punk pointed out with a scoff.
'He's been with you since yesterday and you didn't think to do that.' Punk snapped his mouth shut. 'Go on.' The stranger began moving his hands. First he pointed his left index finger up and placed his right index and thumb against it, opened up like a semi-circle, clearly making the shape of a familiar letter. 'D,' Joe confirmed. Then he crooked his left index finger. 'R'. Next he placed his right index finger on the tip of his left index finger. 'E.' And finally he knitted the tops of his fingers together, palms facing. 'W,' Joe said and put the all the letters together. 'Drew? Your name is Drew?'
The dark head and cat paw bobbed excitedly. Blue eyes pricked with tears from finally hearing his own name being spoken back to him. He wasn't the only one who found himself emotionally affected by the reveal. In the corner, Punk had gone deathly quiet, his lips hanging open slightly as his mind raced.
Drew... his name is Drew...
'So, how did you get over here, Drew?' Joe asked. The Scotsman replied by swooping his fist through the air, his thump and pinkie extended. 'You flew here?' Cat paw, but then the fingers grasped the collar at his neck.
'They flew you here,' Punk answered, understanding the hidden meaning. 'They guys who held you prisoner?'
Cat paw, followed by more finger spelling. Joe read them out as they were motioned 'L. I. E. Lie, they lied to you?' Cat paw, followed by a sawing and hammer motion. 'They said it was for work?' Cat paw, then another grasp at his collar. 'But they imprisoned you instead.'
'They forced him to fight,' Punk cut in, already knowing this part of Drew's horrific recent past. 'Probably around the illegal circuits, remember them? We looked into a few before we realised how fucking dangerous they were?'
But Joe was rubbing his fingers back and forth over his lips, deep in thought. 'Drew...' the blue eyes stared back at him. 'They made you do more than fight, right?' The Scot hesitated, glancing cautiously at Punk. 'That collar around your neck. Did they make you do anything... sexual?'
Punk hitched a breath, feeling his skin turn as cold as ice. The sensation overwhelmed him when he watched Drew's beautiful eyes darken and his head sink in shame. Punk couldn't contain the snarl in his throat as he scrubbed his palm over his face. His fists were shaking and he needed an outlet for it. Now!
He slammed his fist back against the wall. Hard. Feeling the skin break as it hit unrelenting brick. Joe looked up at him, his brows lowered. Go on, say it! Like a 'cornered feral cat'. Just fucking say it!
But it was Drew who piped up, flattening his left palm and swiping his right pointed finger beneath it. Joe's attention moved back to the large hands, trying to decipher them. Drew helped him by reaching down to shake the shattered chain at his feet. It was the first time the larger man had seen it and his face gave away the shock. 'But you escaped,' he explained, bringing Punk's focus back to the room.
Drew smiled broadly, then placed his thumb against his chest, swooping it around in a figure of eight. It took Joe a while to work out the sign but when he did, a grin broke out on his usually sullen face. 'Yes, yes I see,' he replied warmly and mimicked the same gesture on his chest.
Punk watched them both with bewilderment, wondering what joke he was missing out on, when Joe beamed up at him. 'You get it, right Punker?' he asked, doing the motion again. Punk shook his head. 'That means you!'
'Me?' Punk blinked, and looked over to Drew for confirmation. The blue eyes twinkled back at him, full lips spread wide revealing two deep dimples in his bearded cheeks. He did the motion again, swirling his thumb over his chest and Punk finally understood. He was following the path of the waves and serpent on his chest tattoo, just like he had last night in the wet room.
All of a sudden, Punk lost the ability to draw in breath. Overcome with emotion, he bit down hard on his cheek to stifle any sobs. 'Y-yeah,' he stuttered, shakily bobbing his head. 'Then I found you.'
With several mysteries solved, Joe moved on to the tasks Punk had sent him for. First on the checklist was removing the metal cuff and chain from around Drew's ankle. While Joe opened his tool box, Punk went into the kitchen to prepare some breakfast for them all. Larry lay flat on the couch, glaring at Joe as he placed a rod into the locking mechanism of the cuff and gave a threatening growl when Joe pulled back the mallet to strike.
'Yes, yes, I know Larry,' Joe said to the little dog. 'I promise I will be careful.' Another snarl. 'I promise! Urgh, you just had to adopt the dog that's a small furry version of you, didn't you?' he shot at Punk.
'Guess we're just the type that's nobody else wants,' Punk fired back from the kitchen.
He knew it was a cruel barb and from the corner of his eye, he saw Joe lower his arm and close his eyes, taking in a long, deep breath through his nose, the way he always did when he was trying to compose himself. Eventually he shrugged off Punk's vicious comment and moved on.
The cuff broke apart on the second strike and Drew's leg was finally free. He asked Punk to fetch the first aid kit ('under the sink, top shelf. You really should know this by now! What if you burn yourself or cut yourself with a knife in the kitchen!') then cleaned and wrapped the wounds on Drew's ankle. Once the Scot had been treated, Joe helped him into some old clothes of his. He may not have the height that Drew did, but he was large and broad so the clothes fitted much better than Punk's did.
By the time, they all sat down at the table to eat, Drew was transformed. Wearing a navy T-shirt and black shorts with his long hair pulled back in an old hair-tie that Punk had found in a drawer, he looked more... normal. Like any other guy. Well, except for the collar around his neck. Punk placed his food down in front of him and had a double-take, examining him from head to foot. He couldn't deny that he looked good. Really good!
He served Joe next then, after topping up Larry's bowl, he joined them at the table with his own stack of pancakes. Grabbing up the syrup first, he proceeded to empty almost the entire bottle onto his stack as Drew and Joe looked on in disgust.
'You never change,' Joe muttered. They soon tucked in and Joe's eyes lit up with the first taste of the warm pancakes. 'Wow, these are delicious! You've really improved your technique.'
Punk chewed his bottom lip awkwardly. 'I didn't make 'em,' he confessed. 'They're yours. I found them in the freezer box.'
'Wait, so they've been in there all this time?'
Punk never once took his eyes off the pancakes on his plate as he stuffed another bite into his mouth. 'Just... forgot they were there.'
The atmosphere dampened and they ate the rest of their breakfast in silence.
A short while later, Punk escorted Joe to the door. 'Thanks again for helping out,' he said, stuffing his hands into the back pockets of his jeans.
'No problem, I just...' Joe gently shoved Punk out onto his front step and closed the door behind him with a quick glance upstairs to make sure nobody was within earshot. 'Punker,' he said, sternly and the cage-fighter knew there was a lecture coming, 'listen to me. Drew is a big guy. He's taller than both of us and he's clearly really strong.'
'I know what you're getting at,' Punk sighed, 'and I've been thinking it too.'
'Good,' Joe cut in with relief. 'Cause anybody who trafficked a guy like Drew here and kept him prisoner all these years has to be dangerous.'
'You don't have to worry about me,' Punk smiled weakly out the side of his mouth.
'You know you have a habit of getting yourself into stupid shit you're not cut out for.'
Punk bristled at that and folded his arms across his chest. 'What you saying here exactly?'
'This isn't your problem to solve. Drew was trafficked here illegally by criminals - you have to call the cops.'
'Why?' Punk argued, getting defensive. 'So they can just toss him in a holding centre somewhere. He's already been imprisoned against his will for years, I can't do that to him again.'
'You don't know that!' Joe protested. 'You're not a social worker-'
'No shit,' Punk snapped back, 'because I'm actually helping the guy.'
'You can't let what happened to you cloud your judgement here,' Joe tried to reason with the cage-fighter who was getting more irate and closed off by the second. 'I get that what Chez and her family did for you was incredibly kind and selfless but there's no expectation on you to pay that forward.'
'And what if I want to!' Punk opened his arms wide. 'What if I just wanna do the right thing here?'
'This isn't some fifteen year old kid we're talking about,' Joe kept his voice calm and composed, the way he always did when they argued. Punk hated when he did that! 'The guy looks to be in his mid to late thirties. He's not even from here, he has a whole life and family back home, maybe even a wife and kids.'
'He doesn't have to stay if he doesn't want to,' Punk debated, 'but until he's ready, gets back on his feet, who gives a shit?'
'And what if those guys come looking for him?'
Punk paused, pursing his lips. 'We'll be alright. I'll keep him safe.'
Joe scrubbed his hand across his brow, no doubt feeling a stress headache taking hold. 'It's not him, I'm worried about. I'm worried about you.'
'I told you already, you don't need to-'
'But I do! I can't help it. Every damn minute of every damn day I worry about you and it drives me fucking crazy! I can't keep doing this.'
'Then why did you answer my call at 5am this morning? Why did you even come here?'
Joe heaved a long, weary sigh. 'I don't know,' he admitted. 'I really want this to work out between us, this whole 'friendship' thing, I really do, but you've got to put in the effort too. You've gotta at least try to move on.'
'You're the one who left me!' Punk was raising his voice and he couldn't help it. All the pain and hurt from the past few months was spilling out of him like water gushing through a fractured dam. 'You don't get to tell me when I'm ready to move on. Anyway, how the hell am I meant to move on when I keep finding your shit all over my house!'
He clamped his mouth shut, realising his faux-pas too late. Joe stared back at him, furious agony marring his features.
'Exactly. Your house! Your career. Your hopes, your dreams. Your life. You, you, you! That's all it's ever been about. You're so fucking selfish!'
'Yeah, well why'd you stick around so long if I was such a shitty boyfriend and an even shittier fiancé?'
Joe shrugged his shoulders in defeat. 'Good question,' he said, bitterly as he turned away. 'Least you've matured enough to admit that at last.'
Punk could have called his name, could have told him to stay and they could talk things out properly but he knew it wouldn't work. The one talent that he had was making things worse. So he let Joe walk away. Again.
Stepping back inside, he forced all the pain down deep inside him again, pushing it into the dark recesses and sealing it tight.
Right now, he had more important things to worry about than whining about how his life was falling apart at the seams. He had a blue-eyed Scot called Drew who needed him.
Who needed him to be strong.
To be continued...
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icallhimjoey · 5 months
Hiya! Can you, in your infinite wisdom, tell us what you know about this war movie? Whenever I try to google it I just see stuff about Civil War. Do we even know what war? I need deets, I'm dying over here!
(thank u Wes)
warfare will be a biographical film about ray mendoza, played by d’pharaoh woon-a-tai, who was in the navy, served for over 16 years, got awarded a silver star for his role in operation iraqi freedom in 2006 (likely will have something to do with that? but we dont know for sure)
production will start in london on may 13th and is planned to wrap on june 17th
the cast: obviously joe quinn, and then d’pharaoh woon-a-tai, kit connor, will poulter, cosmo jarvis, taylor john smith, noah centineo, charles melton, michael gandolfini, finn bennett, evan holtzman, aaron deakins, adain bradley, henrique zaga - BASICALLY 14 pretty men who are all doing a military bootcamp in london rn to get EXTRA buff (and cant go out for carby dinners or for nice drinks, so have to bond in other ways ie go bowling together)
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syn4k · 2 years
"Cleo," said Joe, knocking on her door. (It was 4 in the morning.)
"Fuck off," called Cleo from her bed indoors, which was her usual friendly greeting whenever she didn't want to answer the door.
"I have a gift," said Joe, who was well used to this so-called greeting, having experienced it several times before. "Open up."
"It can wait," she yelled, voice cracking and hoarse. God. Why couldn't Joe just come at some better time, like in three hours when the sun was actually up?
"It can't," he said. "I'm going to open up a picket line outside your fence and play loud music until you open up."
Cleo sighed and hopped out of bed, hobbling to the door. (Her leg had come dangerously loose again. She's have to stitch that up later. Her hand was about to fall off of her wrist, too, which was another thing- hot glue worked for that, she supposed.)
"What," she demanded, opening the door to give her friend a whole tired angry tirade about correct calling times and stopped short.
"I said it couldn't wait," said Joe with a grin, holding up a cane. "We made this for you."
"Hello," said Jevin from his spot behind Joe, waving. "X and Hypno are also here. Wels threatened to stab us all if we came in to visit."
"And you listened to him, and not me," said Cleo, deadpan. "Listen, this is a nice gift, but-"
"This is Hermits Helping Hermits," said Joe. "And we were all talking and we decided that maybe you could use a bit of help getting along sometimes, like everyone does!"
"I don't," said Cleo icily. She could feel her hackles raising already. This morning just kept getting worse, and the sun hadn't even rose yet. How dare they assume that she couldn't manage just as well as the rest of them? She made it a point of pride to keep up with the rest of the Hermits without any outside help. A cane, of all things? What did they think she was, an old lady?
"Cleo, listen," said Xisuma, expression unreadable behind that frosted visor of his. "I know exactly what you're thinking, but we're not giving this to you because we think of you as less. This is a gift, to help you get along better."
"Yeah," added Hypno. "You know Etho's knee took a major update pretty badly a while back, and now he's pretty much allergic to all of them and out of commission."
"Well, of course, but that's a big thing," says Cleo. "He's bedridden for days at a time. If anybody needs this cane, it's Etho. Not me."
"And you're not, when your leg falls off in the middle of a walk and you don't have your sewing kit on hand?" asked Joe. "When you call me at two in the morning because your hand fell off and you need to superglue it back on to your wrist?"
"I'm about to freeze into jelly," said Jevin. "Can we please come in?"
Cleo was speechless, but she nodded roughly and stepped backwards to let everyone in. Joe flicked on the lights in the living room, toting the cane.
"And for the record, none of us are happy about waking up at this hour either," said Xisuma, not unkindly. "Joe was up all night carving this. He wanted to get it delivered as soon as possible."
"You're all idiots," announced Cleo, her words back. "The lot of you."
"Good to hear your opinion of us hasn't changed," said Joe cheerfully from the kitchen. "I'd be worried if your first reaction to all of this wasn't to declare that you'd had intercourse with all of our parents."
"Well, that too," said Cleo, holding her bad leg up by one hand and going to sit next to Jevin on the couch, which was leather for this exact reason. It was expensive, but so much better than having to wipe blood and slime off of suede, God forbid.
"So, how long did you spend on this?" she asked, picking up the cane propped up against the couch, grudgingly impressed. For something supposedly hand-carved, it was smooth and supple, steady enough to hit someone on the head with and handle the weight of someone leaning on it.
"Can I test it?" she asked.
"Go ahead," said Joe from the kitchen, not turning around. Cleo nodded once and, quick as a whip, whacked the top of Xisuma's helmet with the cane as hard as she could. The cane did not so much as crack, although there was a dent in it as well as the helmet.
"Hey," said Xisuma. "What was that for?"
"Joe said I could test it," said Cleo with an innocent-ish grin.
"I did," said Joe. He walked into the living room, munching on a granola bar. "Now, let's see here. The cane is supposed to rest at your wrist when you're standing up-" he helped her stand up, checked the height, nodded, "-so that you can use it for support and balance without messing up your shoulder. When you're walking, lead with your bad leg. This means-" he took the cane from her right hand and put it into her left, the same side as her dangerously wobbling leg "-you use the cane instead of that leg to propel yourself forwards. Try it."
"How do you know this much about this?" asked Cleo, trying it out. It was awkward, and the cane wobbled dangerously under her shaky wrist, but indeed, she could get around much better than if she had normally.
Joe shrugged. "I did a lot of research. Now, to honor your wishes, I'll be back this time tomorrow to teach you how to use this better. Come on, everyone." He went towards the door, the rest of the HHH crew following.
"Wait," she yelled after them. "What do you mean, this time tomorrow? Joe Hills, if you so much as set a single beard hair inside of this house tomorrow, I swear to God-"
The door clicked shut. Cleo sighed, went to turn the lights off, and hobbled back to bed, putting the cane in the floor and drew the covers back over themself with a sigh.
"Idiots," she muttered. "Absolute fucking idiots. All of them." But she couldn't stop themself from smiling, just a bit.
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beah388love · 5 months
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Feeling Faint
18+ Minors DNI!!!
Full Masterlist Legend Masterlist
Pairing: Reggie Kray x Fem!Reader
Summary: You fainted…
Warnings: cigarettes,smoking,alcohol,fainting,dizziness,cuts,blood!!!(please tell me if I missed any!!!)
The club was empty since it was late, Reggie was in his office talking out a business deal with Leslie. While me,Ronnie,teddy, Albie and Joe were in the main area near the bar.
I was sitting on one of the stools by the bar whilst Albie and Joe were talking about someone. Ronnie and teddy were sitting in a booth whilst Ron read a newspaper they both had cigars in their mouth.
I wanted a drink so I was going to go pour one. But as I stood up a whole rush of dizziness clouded me and I tumbled a bit.
I had remembered I was on my period and I usually faint when I'm on it. So I would have to be more careful when I was too fast for my body.
Albie and Joe looked over to me.
"You alright?" Albie asked me worried and I nodded.
"Yeah I'm fine" I said and I walked behind the bar and grabbed a glass. But of course the one I wanted was on a low shelf so I knelt down and grabbed it but as I quickly got up.
I fainted and the glass shattered next to me along with a new fresh deep cut on my leg from falling on something sharp.
"Shit!" Albie cursed as he quickly put his drink down and went behind the bar with Joe following him.
"What happened?" Ron asked still looking at his newspaper.
"Y/n fainted" Joe said and Ron instantly looked up and hurried over to me.
"What do we do?" Joe asked and Albie rolled his eyes.
"I don't fuckin know do I?!" Albie sighed as he checked the cut on my leg.
"Ah fuck..she's got a massive cut..she's gonna need stitches" Albie said and Ron was panicked.
"I'll go get Reggie" Joe said as he quickly ran to Reggies office.
Reggies POV-
"I don't think that will wor-" Leslie was talking but got cut off by Joe bursting through my office door.
"Do you not know how to knock?!" I huffed annoyed.
"Sorry Reg, but y/n fainted" Joe blurted and I immediately got up and ran to the bar.
"Right Move!" I said and pushed teddy out the way.
I quickly kneeled down by Albie and Ron.
I looked down at y/n, her leg was pouring out blood and she had random cuts on her hand.
"Right…Get me a cold wet towel" I ordered to Joe and he nodded before leaving.
I sighed and quickly picked her up swiftly and laid her down on one of the sofas in the booths.
Joe came back with the towel.
"Thanks Mate"  I said as I placed it on her head.
I quickly grabbed an emergency first aid kit from out the back of the club we had.
I wiped her cut down and I began stitching it up with plastic stitches.
"Is she gonna be alright?" Ron asked me as he sat down in the booth.
"Yeah she'll be alright" I said giving him a small smile and he nodded.
He was definitely worried, he hated when y/n fainted, since it was a usual thing.
"She'll be fine Ron" I reassured him but I don't think it worked that well.
A couple minutes later she slowly woke up.
She was looking all over the place.
"It's alright doll, you fainted" I said and she looked at me.
"I did?" She asked me tiredly and I nodded.
She looked at where we was and then she paused and looked over to Ron.
"Did I scare you?" She asked with a little devilish smile making me and Ron laugh a bit.
"A little" Ron said and she smiled softly.
"Sorry boys, I'm fine now though..thanks to you" she smiled and gave us both a hug.
"Don't thank us dove" I said and she rolled her eyes.
"It's too late I already have" she giggled and then hissed when she moved her leg, she looked down at her leg and her eyes widened.
"You fell on something sharp when you fainted doll" I explained to her and she nodded lightly.
"Who stitched it up?" She asked and I gave her a small smile.
"I did" I said and she smiled.
"Thank you Reggie" she said and gave me a hug I accepted. But then I sighed and said
"Don't thank m-" I was about to finish but got cut off by y/n "don't even say it" she said and I chuckled.
"Can I have a water please?" She asked and I was about to go but Ron stopped me.
"I'll go" Ron said and she smiled before saying thank you.
Ron gave her a smile and then left to go get her a drink.
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bestofsophieturner · 7 months
Sophie is thriving love it! I am so hyped for the gothic horror she is doing with Kit and already another project. I know these things don't happen over night but Sophie no longer having to put a manchild's needs first is the best thing to happen to her.
I hope she knows how much her fans love her and want the best for her.
Honestly, I'm happy she didn't let her divorce stop her. But to be honest, I'm not very surprised. Sophie never seemed to me like someone who wanted to stop her career. Maybe taking a break for her personal life and/or to focus on her studies (her criminal classes online she talked about in 2019/2020). Since a few years, she clearly stated she wants to choose her projects thoughtfully and do news things in UK. 'Joan' is one example of it. But not gonna lie, when you have to compromise with someone (especially when it's someone like Joe) it's difficult to do what you want when you want.
Remember back in 2019 when their agenda matched so well ? This documentary (Happiness something) and the Sucker clip were released around the same time of GoT season 8 & Dark Phoenix ? I found it kind of weird and I was a bit annoyed to be honest. But I thought Sucker was fun and nice. The clip, the scenery, the photography. I can't judge the music, I'm so bad at it. But then, there was another clip, another documentary... with Danielle, Priyanka and Sophie being the focus. They kind of used their wives for fame didn't they ? I remember reading Danielle was unconfortable doing those things because she wasn't from the business.
We can only guess why she's retired from two projects (Wardriver & Come as you are)... to be honest, I don't think Joe is the sole reason why she had to refuse some projects/take some breaks. She has two children and they're so young. The first one didn't even start school. So I tend to think they came first when she was thinking about her career. Plus, the covid certainly didn't help.
I believe with her family and friends' support, without Joe and her eldest going to school (or soon) help her. And she can choose her projects more freely. Plus the mediation around the divorce seems to be done.
Sorry for the long post. I had a lot to say...
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barrowsteeth · 2 years
you do realize that it wasn't actual fans who tried to get kit fired from the show right?
I almost didn't answer this but I have more to say, so here goes:
It may not have been actual HS fans who started the twitter hashtag campaign to Alice and Patrick to have Kit fired (though we can't know that for sure, can we?)
but i saw PLENTY of HS fans discussing Kit's sexuality over the last 6 months
these fans were SO CERTAIN that Kit was closeted in some way -- gay or bi or pan or whatever fit their imaginary version of him
these fans discussed Kit's sexuality over and over and over, frequently including Kit so he would have to see this flood of messages day after day after day in his mentions
and then people started fighting with each other about Kit's sexuality when Kit's movie with Maia was announced
and again when he was seen holding hands with her (they're just friends!, they're dating!, i can't watch a movie with kit kissing anyone other than joe!, i'm so happy i have a chance!!, i'm so sad and disappointed in him!)
and again when he posted his summer insta pics
and again when the cast went to disneyland and maia was in some pics
and again when the recent creepy stalker photos from the hotel lobby in paris were posted all over instagram and twitter
The point is, ALL of this contributed to the non-stop assault on Kit's privacy about his sexuality and personal relationships.
After he said he wanted to keep his private life private.
After he said it was dangerous to speculate about someone's sexuality, especially someone his age.
After he said it could make someone feel forced to come out before they were ready.
After he left twitter because people wouldn't SHUT UP about it and he was fed up with strangers speculating about something that is his private business.
After numerous articles and podcasts were posted using him as an example in discussions about queerbaiting.
Just thinking about all of these things is exhausting to me. Now imagine being Kit, having to endure this day in and day out. Just for wanting to keep part of his life private from the world. It's fucking heartbreaking is what it is.
And now that I've answered your question, I ask you with complete disrespect to fuck off and block me.
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cavetownsavedollie · 11 months
Today I had the funniest interaction with a teacher ever! This morning in my first period ELA, our class was in the library. I was reading I was born for this on my Chromebook. My teacher saw my book and she asked what I was reading. I said I was born for this. She saw in the other tab it said Kit Connor - Google search. I was so embarrassed at first. Until she said, "I love him." I awkwardly replied, "me too." Then she said, "I have a crush on him" then I said, "me too" my friends started laughing. I couldn't keep a straight face (haha I'm so funny). Me and my English teacher started talking about kit connor, Joe Locke, and just Heartstopper stuff. Then she asked if I read the comics. I said yes and told her that the book I was reading was by the same author. She left and I was laughing so hard.
Later in 3rd hour (our school schedule is weird I have 1st hour English then band or choir then more English.) The same teacher was explaining how to turn in our canva presentations into Google classroom. She asked if anyone had used the book creator website (of course I'm the only one) I raised my hand and then I realized that she was attaching the Chromebook to the projector. 💀 I was praying to God that she wouldn't show my wallpaper. and ofc it's Kit Connor and Joe Locke. Posing. Together. That's how you get bullied in middle school. This is my Chromebook wallpaper
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soop-musical-fool · 1 year
Ok I said I would make a pin full of music so here it is
First off, I mentioned KNOWER. It's a long project that started a really long time ago, but their best stuff is probably coming out like right now. As in, they are just about to release a new album, KNOWER FOREVER. The singles on it are incredible, like I'm The President just comes right out the gate with the fattest walkdown I've ever heard from a horn section. The B section makes it feel like I'm enjoying a song like I would a multiple-course meal. Then Crash The Car just transfixes you. Yes, yes, you should listen to those, but don't neglect the fire they put out in 2017 because you owe it to yourself to watch the live sesh of Overtime:
Oh god this post is gonna make viewing my blog super annoying isn't it
Anyway the next thing I gotta mention is Vulfpeck. These guys are famous for scamming Spotify, basically. They released an album full of 30-second tracks of pure silence, just absolutely nothing, titled Sleepify. They got online and said "Yo guys, help us raise money for a free concert by listening to this on loop while you sleep." What they were actually doing was exposing a loophole in the way Spotify calculated royalties, and before they could pull the album (citing "content policy violations," of course), Vulfpeck had already bagged around $20,000, so they put on the completely admission-free Sleepify Tour, which was incredibly fucking based of them.
Vulf went on to become several spin-off projects, all entirely independently released and full of some of the stankiest funk fusion that I cannot stop listening to.
My favorite of these projects, The Fearless Flyers, is headed by Cory Wong, with a guitar idol of mine for 5+ years Mark Lettieri and of course the government subsidized active bass of Joe Dart, but the keystone of the group is no doubt Nate Smith on drums. Dude makes a three-piece set onstage sound like a full kit.
Like just look at what they can do with the added power of sax:
And yeah, I could just talk about those guys, but let's get weirder.
I'm talking modal. The kind of stuff that makes my choir-trained mother cringe inward at the dissonance. Let's talk about the crunchiest, most feral fucking harmonies and keyboard solos that make you question what you thought you knew about chord progressions and key centers.
Obviously anyone super into this stuff will have already heard of Jacob Collier, so I won't show him. But THIS:
I listened to this the first time and it was just.. too much. I put it in its own specific playlist titled "very complex shit" immediately. When I went back to it, enough time had passed and I had learned enough that after way too many listens I can actually follow along with this insanity. This track blew my fucking mind, dude. I have never heard a chorus use so many of the 12 chromatic notes and still sound heavenly. The groove changes add so much texture. The flute solo goes off way too hard. The slower final section is just disgusting syncopation when the drums come back in. Everything about it is incredible, and this album came out in 2007. I am staring back at years of my life I spent not listening to this and ruminating my lack of music theory knowledge. And when I wanted to see if some kind transcribing jazz grad student like June Lee had uploaded anything of System, I found a 2020 reboot with 24 musicians playing System for over twice its original runtime, and guess who did the showstopping final solo??
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Look him up if you don't know. The other musicians I obsess over inspire me. This guy makes me want to quit.
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pleasantglitterflower · 4 months
Brazilian holidays (Joe Burrow x Adriana Lima)
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- Baby, have you finished packing your bags? - Adriana asks me
- Yes, my dear, I've already finished and separated all the special kit you sent 
- You're not forgetting any warm clothes, sunscreen and new beach underwear, right?
- Everything is ready, general - I saluted, she rolled her eyes and gave me a peck.
   We are going on vacation in Brazil, more specifically in Salvador, located in the northeast region of the country, and it is my wonderful girlfriend's hometown. Yes, I'm dating the glamorous angel Adriana Lima.
 Adriana and I met during a photo shoot for a magazine. When my agent arrived with the rehearsal proposal, at first I didn't want to do it at all, because I'm very shy and I've never been a fan of these media commitments, for me what matters is just football, but my agent justified that I'm one of the most popular NFL players today and that my image attracts a lot of interest from the media and fans, and that it would be good for my personal marketing, after a lot of convincing I decided to accept. When I arrived at the studio and saw that I would be taking photos with Adriana, my heart started to race quickly, and at that moment I put myself in the shoes of the girls who are my fans and who freak out when they see me in person. I've had a crush on Adriana since I was a hairless virgin boy, I watched all the Victoria Secret fashion shows just to appreciate her beauty and I made my mother buy every magazine she was on the cover of, and I've lost count of How many times have I masturbated thinking about her, damn, who can resist those blue-green eyes, that full mouth, that tanned and curvy body?
 The chemistry between Adriana and I was instantaneous, which was reflected in our rehearsal, I'm glad I changed my mind, it was wonderful. After the photos were finished, we started talking and I asked for her phone number and invited her on a date, I knew she had recently separated. Our first date was perfect, we were very transparent with each other about our past and it was wonderful to know more deeply about the woman I longed for so much during my childhood and adolescence, the weather was very favorable for us and our first kiss took place there really, and from then on, we started a relationship that has lasted six months, and up until now we have managed to hide it from the media very well, we are very reserved and because Adriana has been in the middle of this media exposure for many years, she gives me a lot of advice about how do I deal with this, since now I'm America's sweetheart, damn I hate it, I just want to play football, why can't they just appreciate my sporting skills instead of just looking at my physical appearance?
We're taking advantage of the fact that I'm in the off-season and we're going to visit her family and also get to know the city, as Adriana assured me that after I get to know Salvador in depth, I won't see anything like it. In fact, Brazil is not completely strange to me, Adriana is not the only Brazilian woman who has passed through my life.
 My long relationship with my ex-wife Anna Rodrigues, currently the best football player in the world, is public knowledge. We met in high school and built a solid relationship, which later evolved into marriage and gave birth to our boys Joshua and Samuel. Anna and I faced this great media exposure, as we were the most powerful couple in the sport, with me scoring touchdowns and her scoring goals ,whenever I went to one of her games or she went to one of mine, the media created a whole circus, since She was responsible for leading the Brazilian team to win the World Cup, the harassment towards her increased fiercely, something she loved, but at the same time it bothered me, not because she was achieving her dreams, but because she started to change of personality and was no longer that kind girl I met when I was 16, Anna began to become arrogant, self-centered and began to humiliate me, making a point of highlighting that I was a failure for having suffered many injuries throughout my career in NFL and that the chance I had to win the Superbowl, I wasted it.
The situation became untenable and I decided to ask for a divorce, she didn't accept it at all, I had to go to court to ask for a dispute as she refused to sign the papers. All I wanted is for us to continue maintaining cordiality for the sake of our children, they need their parents to have a healthy relationship, but if it's up to Anna, she won't rest until she sees me in shit.
We only spoke through our lawyers and, as we have joint custody, it is my parents who pick up the boys to come to my house and take them back to Anna's house.
Unlike Adriana, who gets along very well with the parents of her three children, I need to beg Anna for crumbs, if it were up to her, I would never see the boys again. In fact, she doesn't even know that I'm dating Adriana, when she finds out, I already know that she's going to make a huge scandal, but I don't want to think about that now, I'm focused on enjoying this trip with my girlfriend. As I said before, I've already been to Brazil, but I only know Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo, but I'm going to visit a completely different city and I'm really excited, especially because we're going there during carnival time, damn I'm really excited, I feel like After this trip I will not be the same person.
After more than 15 hours of traveling, with several stops, we finally arrived in Salvador, state of Bahia, Brazil. We were greeted at the airport by Carlos, Adriana's cousin and he was very friendly to me, giving me a handshake and a big hug, I confess that I'm still not used to these greetings from Brazilians like kisses and hugs. We drove to Adriana's family's house, and when we got there, I was surprised by a banner saying “Welcome Joe” and a table with a large banquet. I was emotional, I didn't even know them well yet and they were already treating me like an integral part of the family. I hugged all of her family members and then we went to dinner, I was lost with the variety of foods and was willing to try everything, the Bengals' nutritionist is going to go crazy when I get back.  The first dish I ate was some kind of fish soup.
- This food is called moqueca Joe! - Adriana tells me
- Hmmmm-damn, what delicious food, I put a larger amount on my plate
- Moqueca is a recipe with African and indigenous origins, it contains fish, onions, tomatoes, peppers and can only be prepared in a clay pot. - Graça, my mother-in-law explains
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- It's very delicious - I respond with my mouth full
- Joe, my love, take it easy, Bahian food is made with many exotic ingredients and strong seasonings that you are not used to, soon you will end up feeling sick - Adriana warns me
- Love, it's not every day that I have the chance to get off the diet and allow myself to eat different foods. And when I come to Brazil, I eat everything I'm entitled to, I don't care about my eating plan.
- Joe try the acarajé now, you'll love it - Adriana's mother says 
- How do you say?
- A..ca.ra.. jeeee- I try to speak
- Your boyfriend is very cute Drica - one of the model's cousins ​​comments enchanted 
I look at the cupcake in front of me and start to taste it, quickly my mouth starts to burn and I grab the juice on the table and start drinking it.
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- Sorry, I forgot to mention that there is pepper in acarajé - Adriana laments
- No problem, my love - I smile, still feeling the strong taste of pepper in my mouth
    - Adriana, you can't forget to take Joe to see Oludum's presentation.
- I know mom, I've already organized the list of places I'm going to take him to see, we're only going to stay here for five days so he has to take the opportunity to see as much of the city as possible
- Olodum? What is this Adri?
- It's a drum school, the band is practically a symbol of Salvador, you'll love seeing them
- Will they also be at carnival? - I ask
- They always are, but when we go to shows we will see other singers perform
The next day, the first day of Joe's tour of Salvador began, with Adriana explaining the history of each place and the quarterback just had to open his eyes, he was enchanted by the rich culture of the place.
- We are in the Historic Center of Salvador, this is Pelourinho, without a doubt it is my place of refuge in the city, I walk around here for hours. Look at this architecture Joe, it's so beautiful and full of personality, there's so much cool history here, that Pelourinho has been named a World Heritage Site by UNESCO.
- I can't stop looking at this colorful Dri, it's really beautiful - the man is very enchanted with the place.
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During their walk through Pelourinho, Adriana showed Joe the exact house in which Michael Jackson recorded the music video for the song “They don’t care about us”, in 1996, the same year Joe was born. Adriana, who was 15 years old at the time and was starting her modeling career, says that the city stopped when the king of pop arrived and that she felt an inexplicable emotion in seeing Michael up close, because at that time, it was very difficult for big artists to global reach to go to other Brazilian cities that were not Rio de Janeiro or São Paulo.
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The couple had the chance to see a live performance of Olodum, directly from Pelourinho. Joe didn't stop filming and taking photos, it was something totally different from what he had seen before. Olodum is much more than a musical drum group, it is also an act of resistance, developing actions to combat racial discrimination, stimulating the self-esteem and pride of Afro-Brazilians, defending and fighting to ensure civil and human rights of marginalized people, in Bahia and Brazil.
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The couple also went to visit Farol da Barra, the first nautical signaling system to come into operation in the Americas and it is the oldest lighthouse on the continent still operating, it was a day of great learning and unforgettable for Joe, who was sharing this special moment with his loved one.
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  These vacation days with my love in my city have been perfect, I can barely describe the feeling. I was very insecure when Joe asked me to be his girlfriend, because he, who is one of the current American football players, wanted to date a woman fifteen years older, divorced, with three children, and who no longer has the beauty of my 20s. I continue to do my fashion shows and campaigns with brands that I have a contract with, however it is sad to see that the fashion industry nowadays prefers these Instagram models, who have no idea what a catwalk is, and nepobabies than the girls who work hard to have an opportunity. I've reached a level in my career where I can choose the work I want to do, and for a few years now I no longer want to do campaigns with futile messages, I want to feel like a real-life woman, who has my imperfections, my happy and vulnerable days. , and not be held hostage to an unrealistic beauty standard. Truly, the golden age of fashion is over, models like me, Gisele Bündchen, Naomi Campbell, Alessandra Ambrosio, Heidi Klum and other wonderful women will no longer exist.
  Joe and I are going to an electric trio today and I'm going to show him what Bahia's carnival is like. In most of Brazil, carnival starts in February, but here in Bahia, carnival is year-round, there is no time here to not celebrate, it's a party all year round. I'm proud of my roots, and with all due respect to other countries, but there's nothing better than being Brazilian, here is a great diversity of cultures and ideas, which no other place in the world has, I can say this as someone who spent almost his whole life traveling all over the world.
Joe and I arrived in the early afternoon at the trio electric box, we were going to see shows by great local artists from Bahia, including my friend Ivete Sangalo.
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It would be the first time that Joe and I would make our first public appearance as a couple, both he and I were comfortable with it, at some point we would have to come out. Ivete's show started until she saw me and Joe hugging and commented:
- Wow, my friend Dridrica is very well accompanied by her prince, let's shout a lot guys - the whole crowd shouts
- Come on Drica, you come too, young man - I quickly translate what she's saying to Joe and we head towards the audience, who shout fiercely when they see us 
We stayed there on the stage dancing while Ivete sang, until she started singing along with the audience so that we could kiss right there. Even though Joe didn't understand Portuguese very well, he understood the context and grabbed my face and we kissed right there, to the delight of Veveta and the public, our relationship was no longer a secret, and honestly I don't care about other people's opinions, the What matters is that we are in love and want to live intensely, and to be living this moment with this Brazilian energy, there is nothing better.
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hyunjining · 2 years
hi, how are you doing? :)
getting right into it: you made a comment a while back on where you could possibly write an entire essay on how Larry and Larrries changed the 'landscape of fandom'.
this post: https://at.tumblr.com/larryalbum/709204686830452736/t5742yilryne
(hopefully the link works)
Gaylorlikeme continued onto your post, going further with a real-world application, and I'm thankful that it was really put into words as such. Homophobia is the root cause of a lot backlash when it comes to anything other than a W/M relationship.
Back to what you said, it got me thinking a bit more of what that means. I just wanted to ask if you might keep me in mind if you ever write more about it or actually write an essay one day. I love to read other's thoughts, especially on this topic. As well as having a conversation about it.
I'm really new to being aware of Larry and everything that the ID Fandom has to offer so your sentence just got me wondering about how Larries could have changed Fandom as a whole when it comes to speculation and shipping versus like characters. For example: Kirk/Spock and Dean/Cas or Sherlock/John.
Yeah, it's just really fascinating. Am I on the right track of what you meant by that?
thank u so much! hope you're doing well
hi, i’m alright, thank you 💕
i was kind of joking about actually writing an essay but a lot of people have actually expressed interest so you never know lol. for now i am open to talking more about it because i find it super fascinating.
you’re pretty spot on about what i meant. i think the major backlash that larries have received (spearheaded by 1d’s team, the members of 1d and everyone associated with them) for believing that harry and louis are gay and together has affected every corner of the internet. if you interact with any other fandom, you can almost guarantee that there will be people imploring you not to act like larries, meaning not to speculate on any real person’s sexuality under any circumstances and not to “ship real people.” and of course by that they mean to never speculate that anyone is queer or in a queer relationship, because people have no problem shipping men and women together based on pap pics or brief interactions or them being literal toxic exes lmao. i mean, just look at what happened with andrew garfield and amelia dimoldenberg after that one red carpet interaction: they went viral and fans, news outlets, and other celebrities were openly talking about shipping them.
and i think this deep fear of being perceived as larrie-adjacent has created a weird and honestly harmful status quo where people refuse to acknowledge people who are very clearly queercoding but are not out/haven’t literally said the words “i am queer.” so if you’re not out, you get accused of queerbaiting, of stealing queer roles from “actual” queer people, etc. people think they’re being respectful but they end up harming other queer people and creating this pressure for everyone to come out if they want to live their lives the way they want to. that’s what happened to kit connor (and yet people still misunderstand that situation and turn around and use it as evidence to not speculate on people’s sexualities, when the whole problem was people thinking he was STRAIGHT and playing a bi character, not people thinking he was queer).
and on the topic of heartstopper, people in that fandom are literally telling each other not to say that joe locke and sebastian croft are dating when they very clearly are and it’s just hilarious to me. you can’t tell me that if they were a man and a woman, people wouldn’t immediately assume they’re dating. we can use louis’ most recent stunt (or really any stunt, especially most of harry’s) as an example here: he was papped holding hands with this girl once and there are already update accounts about their “relationship” even though there’s been no official confirmation of them dating.
and i absolutely think this attitude is because of larry. one direction became a thing right as twitter was really taking off, and the band used twitter as their main source of interacting with fans and cultivating their image online. never before had there been something like larry, where people were believing that two male members of the same hugely popular, mainstream band were legitimately dating each other and compiling evidence to support this fact. and the subsequent reaction from their team was so uniquely aggressive that it made larry even more widely known. and so, cut to today, even though 1d hasn’t been a band for almost 8 years (jesus), anyone who’s been on the internet for any amount of time knows about it. but the main thing they know, if they never look any deeper, is how utterly hated we are and how we supposedly ruined harry and louis’ friendship. and they of course don’t want to ruin the relationships of their favorite singers, actors, etc, so they’ve created the environment i previously described.
it’s pretty awful, really. especially because a large amount of larries are queer themselves. but that’s where we are.
thank you so much for your message! i hope that answered your question and i hope you’re doing well as well 🥰
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sky-neverending · 1 year
heartstopper s2 ep 8 spoilers and mentions of sh below the cut!!
ok so this scene legit makes me tear up just thinking about it. there's something about how much Nick cares, and how Charlie is just so scared that he'll somehow be a burden because of it.
"promise you'll tell me if it gets that bad again" "i just don't want to annoy you or burden you. i don't want you to think i'm some fragile, broken mess, and that you need to fix me"
and then Nick saying he wants to be there for him like Charlie was there for him during his scary moments, that makes my heart break. and then the forehead kiss and the nose touch and the gentle yet meaningful actual kiss just shows how much he fucking cares about Charlie, and how he wants Charlie to care about himself too.
Kit and Joe did a really great job with this scene. i'm actually crying typing this.
and then him complimenting him and ALMOST SAYING HE LOVES HIM????? sarah i love u but u ruined the moment.
and the FEET!!!
and they ended us on a cliffhanger fuck u
ok im gonna do a rewatch in the morning and go point by point into each scene but for now this is this! amazing season. incredible. 11/10
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idkbroletssee · 1 year
Finished Season 2 of HeartStopper and I'm in awe of all the young actors in it. They share great chemistry and communicated every emotion perfectly. Knowing the source material both worked for and against me, but the show remains brilliant either way. Here's a small review on the cast and characters. I'll post about the writing and crew some other time:)
Tao and Elle are the hottest couple! Will and Yasmin really are like their characters- it's "i got an orange" paired with heartwarming-and-wholesome:)
Tara and Darcy have my heart. They were my favourite last season. And they have a long way to go. Kudos to Corrina and Kizzy.
Isaac is lovely, brave and wise💖 Tobie Donovan, we're so proud of you and we love you. Can't wait for the Vlogs btw.
Nick and Charlie are everything!!! EVERYTHING! I can't wait to see Joe flex his acting chops in Marvel's Agatha: CoC, cuz while most of the show is him being happy around nick, the both times he spoke for himself- to ben and then nick at last, I found myself so eager to just listen! He can communicate! Make me feel things! Next season💔
We all know Kit Connor is going a long way! He is only 19 and already better than so many others out there. He can always keep his hot priviledge😉
Biggest thanks to Alice Oseman without whom, this cheerful and inspiring show wouldn't be here for us. We love you:)
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larabiatasstuff · 9 months
Could we get Y/N having to take care of a huffy sweet tooth when he's been hurt and has to stay put for a while? Or maybe them growing closer while stuck waiting out a watts storm? ty for all the sweet tooth and samoa joe content. 💖
I have to thank you for sending such lovely requests anon, of course I'll write that for you. I really hope you like it, it basically wrote itself. 🖤
"Careful Sweet Tooth, hold onto me I got you." I said trying to keep my voice steady. My heart was beating incredibly fast in my chest but I had to stay calm. Sweet Tooth and I had an encounter with a few of Stone's men that were left behind and it didn't went very well for us. Yes the police officers were dead but Sweet Tooth got badly injured while trying to keep me safe. Gladly there was an abandoned drug store nearby so we had a place where I could tend to his wounds. "Alright, sit down here. I'm looking around for a first aid kit okay?" he looked at me and just nodded. He was covered in cuts and bruises and I could tell that he was in pain, but he would never admit it. I rummaged around the room,looking through shelves and drawers until I found a first aid kit, some antibiotics and a few bottles of water. I rushed back to him kneeling by his side. "Okay, let's get you cleaned up. How do you feel?" It took him a moment to answer "I'm fine Y/N it's just a scratch, no need to worry.I just need to rest a little and we can leave in the morning. "he said slurring "No need to worry? Sweet Tooth you can't walk alone properly, you're bruised up and bleeding there's no way you'll be alright in the morning." I said. "Y/N I'm a big guy I..." but I didn't let him finish. I was angry at that point. "Yeah you might be a big guy but you're acting like a child!" I immediately regretted what I said when I saw the look he gave me. "I... I'm sorry I didn't mean that, it just slipped out of my mouth, seeing you like this just scared me." he slowly shook his head."My mother always said that when I was sick or uncomfortable with something. She used to say" Marcus you're a big boy you can't always bother people with your problems". I know you didn't want to be mean but maybe she was right? " My heart broke when he said that. I gently started cleaning his wounds." No Sweet Tooth she's not. It's totally okay to ask for help or let people take care of you when you're not feeling well and it doesn't matter if you are a child or a grown man. You risked your life for me out there. You're not bothering me Sweet Tooth, you're a really funny guy and a wonderful friend. I won't let you deal with that alone.Also you might need some stitches, I'm afraid I'm not good at it but I try my best okay? "." Thank you Y/N, I'm really glad to have you as my friend, I'm not used to have someone who cares about me. "
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Part two 🖤
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