#i'm still confused on why everything is gothic
myrammmortal · 5 months
Chapter 24, I'm swearing so you can see how goffik I am
AN: prepz stup flaming da story ur jus jelous so fuk u ok go 2 hel!11 raven fagz 4 di help!
Well we had Deviation next so I got to ask Proffessor Trevolry about the visions.
“Konnichiwa everybody come in.” said Proffesor Sinister in Japanese. She smelled at me with her gothic black lipstick. She’s da coolest fucking teacher ever. She had long dead black hair with blood red tips and red eyes. (hr mom woz a vampire. She’s also haf Japanese so she speaks it and everyfing. she n Frau Schneider get along grate) She’s really young for a teacher. 2day she was wearing a black leather top with red lace and a long goffik black ripped dress. We went inside the black classroom with pastors of Emily the Strong. I raced my hand. I was wearing some black naie Polish with red pentagrams on it.
“What is it Paul Darkness Alzheimer Birdflu Landers?” she asked. “Hey I love ur nail polish where’d u get it, Hot Topik?”
“Yeah.” I answered. All the preps who didn’t know what HT was gave me weird looks. I gave them the middle finger. “Well I have to talk to you about some fings. When do you want to due it?”
“Ho about now?” she asked.
“OK.” I said.
“OK class fucking dismissed every1.” Proffesor Trevolry said and she let every1 go. “Except for you Britney.” she pointed at Britney and sum other preps. “Please do exorcize (geddit) 1 on page 3.”
“OK I’m having lotz of visions.” I said in a worried voice. I’m so worried is Richard gong 2 die.
Well she gave me a black cryptal ball to lock in. I looked at it.
“What do you c?” she asked.
“I said I see a black gothic skull and a pentagram.”
Suddenly there was a knock at the door. I looked at it. It was Richard. He was looking really sexy wearing a black leather facet, a black Emigrate t-shirt and blak Congress shoes.
“Okay you can go now, see ya cunt.” said Proffesor Sinister.
“Bye bitch.” I said waving.
I went to Richard and Vampire was sitting next to him. We both followed Richard together and I was so exhibited.
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fandomtherapy44 · 2 months
Sober Buddies Ch.1 Help lines and cults
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Summary: Y/n is new at college and trying to find a footing in everything. When she meets a guy who introduces her to something that could really help find her path.
warnings : Swearing
WC/ 2.3k
AN/ Hey Ya'll welcome to my serious I'm so excited to make this series. So it will use some plot lines from season six but a lot will change including CJ but his key character notes will still be there. Without further ado enjoy Sober buddies.
I got the divider from
Firefly Graphics
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College, was an escape from my life at home, something I had always wanted. And in Boston: my dream since I was a freshman in high school. At Worthington, I had worked so hard to get here, and I finally did. It's about two weeks away from the start of school and today I get to check out my dorm that I’m sharing with two other girls- which should be fun, hopefully. I walked into the room where three beds were barely fitting together. I put my things on the middle bed when the door bursts open. “Uh, who the hell are you?” I turn and a pretty blond girl is standing there. 
“Um, I'm Y/N, your roommate, nice to meet you.” I hold out my hand and she looks down at it like it was covered in shit. “Okay, I'm just going to assume that you're a germaphobe.” 
“Don't mind her, she's Audrey, and I'm Joey.” This girl, a brunette, actually shakes my hand. “Y/N, I'm so happy this worked out!” Audrey looks confused. “Well, she needed a place and thought, why not us?” Joey explained to Audrey, who looked like you had killed her dog in front of her.
“I promise I won't be annoying. I will even let you have the first shower of the morning Audrey.” I tried to appeal to her queen bee side.
“Fine you can stay, but don’t touch my clothes, okay?”
I raise my right hand in the air as if swearing an oath. “I promise and cross my heart and all that.” Hopefully these girls and I can become friends and Audrey won't kill me in my sleep for accidentally grabbing her dress.
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It had been a couple of weeks- and it was now one week before school started. Audrey and I hadn't really been besties, but Joey and I had a pretty great rapport going on. I was looking at my classes and trying to get a handle on what I should be studying, when Audrey came bursting in. “Omg oh my gosh, do you know where Joey is?” 
I looked around. Clearly not, I thought. “I don't know Audrey, I think studying at the library, maybe.” Audrey sits down on her bed with a huff.
“Why is she studying? School doesn't even start for another week,” Audrey sighs. I knew that Joey’s English class was stressing her out. 
“Um, probably for her English class, I heard it's super hard.” 
“Right, little Miss Perfect does the super hard class and will probably get all A’s.” I could tell by the tone of her voice that this was mostly a projection of whatever had happened that she needed to talk to Joey about. 
“You know, Audrey, you could always talk to me. I can guarantee you that I've faced a similar problem.” She gives me a dirty side eye but gives in.
“I guess since you're the only one here.” 
“Great, I love being the last choice.” I set down my books and sit down on the ground criss-cross applesauce style. She rolls her eyes at me. 
“Shush my problems, remember.” 
“Yes, I do,” I reply.
“Well, I was at the bar with my boyfriend. His name is Pacey.” I nod my head trying to keep up. “And we were playing pool when this gothic hot chick came walking up- and this is the woman that he wants to live with!” Audrey threw her arms up in a dramatic flare.
“I'm confused, Audrey. Number one: what do you mean by living with her and two: why would that be a problem?” She looks shocked by my answer. 
“What do you mean, ‘what do I mean’? She's hot, he wants to move, and she has space in her apartment.”
“Okay, but I'm still confused as to why it would be bad to move to a better place.” At my response, I notice Audrey is becoming more impatient.
“Because Duh! Y/N, she's hot!”
It seems like this girl has a whole lot of issues- but I'm not one to talk on that. “Look, Audrey, do you trust Pacey?” She doesn't even hesitate. 
“Yes but-” 
“There's your answer.” 
“But, you trust your boyfriend, and that’s what matters, even if the girl is a supermodel. If he's as good as you make him sound, then he won't even look in her direction.” Audrey takes that in. 
“I guess you're right, you know, you're not half bad L/N.” She gives me a little respectful nod. 
“Same to you, Lindell.” 
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School was happening tomorrow, and I had thankfully gotten all things done. Now, I had more time to get to know Jen and her grandma, who were really sweet so far. They are sitting at a table and I go to them. “Hey Jen, Evelyn.” I greeted as I sat. 
“Oh please sweetheart, call me Grams, everyone does.” She smiles at me warmly.
“Okay great! If it's okay with you, what are we talking about?” Jen has no problem catching me up.
“Well, Y/N, Grams here has only picked up a math book because of a certain someone who teaches it.” 
“Aww, I think that's cute.” Jen did not agree with me. 
“l think it's a slippery slope. l mean, one minute you're taking an interest, and the next...you're sublimating your own thoughts and desires, and for what? For a chance to participate in the great patriarchal heterosexist fraud…”
“...that is better known as monogamy?” I answer in her pause. She gives me a quick look.
“ls that how you wanna spend your golden years? Folding some man's laundry and pretending to share an interest? l mean, haven't we come further as a sex--?” She stops and looks behind me. And she stares for a second. 
“Hi. I'm sorry, are we bothering you?” Jen asked the stranger behind me. I got curious enough and turned to see one of the most handsome men I had ever seen. “Because if it's not too much trouble, you could get your own conversation.”
“No. Sorry.” He apologized but I had a feeling he wasn't done yet. “I've been sitting there trying to figure out where l met you before… and suddenly I realized I've never met you before.” I chuckle at that. 
“Great. Well, I'm really glad that we got that figured out,” Jen states, blandly.
“I've heard you on the radio.” I knew he wasn't done.
“Jen, you were on the radio? I never knew!” I exclaimed while hitting her arm in excitement. 
“Ow! And you didn't know because it's not important. And you.” She turned back to the guy. “Okay, you got me. I'm busted. l was on the radio. But I'm not anymore, so thank you very much for listening, and bye-bye.” She tried to end the conversation. 
“So, did you get fired, or what?” The man continued.
“What is this, an interview?” Jen looks annoyed.
“I'm just curious.” 
“Well, let's just say that l had some artistic differences with the new management.” Well, that sucks she had to give that up because of a dick in a suit, I thought. “Fine. Then we'll just say that,” Jen concludes.
“Fine.” The man replies. Then Grams comes in for the clutch. 
“Excuse me, young man. Would you care to join us?”
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Grams had gone, I assume, to talk to the particular professor teaching math. While the guy had joined us. 
“I'm CJ.” 
“Y/N, and this radio host is Jen.” She rolls her eyes and I nudge her. 
“It's nice to meet you two.” 
“You too, CJ.” We had gotten on the subject of where we were living, and Jen mentioned that she is currently living with her grandma.
“No, l think it's nice.” 
“Yeah, that's what everybody says. ‘Oh, you live with your grandma. That's so sweet,’. How do they know l don't beat her and leave her tied to the radiator all winter?” 
“Ah, so that's the screaming I hear when I come over.” I added in. CJ laughed at my joke.
“ls this a cry for help?” CJ asked Jen. 
“Do l look like l need help?” 
“No. Actually, you look like someone who'd probably be good at giving it.” Jen hears that and immediately gets up and begins leaving, practically running for the hills.
“This has happened to me before. This religion thing is not really–” She is already halfway down the stairs. 
“Ha, just one Second CJ,” I say. He gives me a friendly smile. 
“Sure.” I went after her.
“Jen, wait- we should hear him out.” 
“Y/N, he was totally giving weird vibes. Are you coming?” I looked back and I felt something. 
“I think I'll stay.” 
“Well, call me if you need help out of the cult and remember nine for Joey’s surprise.” 
“Gotcha.” With that, she leaves. I turn back to CJ trying to think of some good reason.
“Hey, uh, so she had to leave for a class.” We sat back down. 
“No she didn't, class doesn't start till tomorrow.” I give a small smile. 
“You're right, sorry.” 
“It's okay I know everyone isn't for the whole ‘helping thing,’ but you're still here.” I looked around and he was right, I was, which was weird for me too. 
“I guess I am- uh, you said something about helping people?” I question. 
“Right- um… no matter how I say this I'm going to sound like a dork. Have you ever heard of The Stand?” He looks at me like he expects me to run away. 
“No, no, I never have. I just moved here from Cali so I don't know a lot of stuff here. What's The Stand?” CJ gets this look of confidence. 
“It’s a peer counseling program.” I think about it. 
“So I help people.” 
“Yes yes exactly! There's an information session tonight at seven.” He hands me a pamphlet on it. 
“I'll be there and maybe I can convince Jen that this is not a cult,” He says, with a small chuckle.
“That would be great! I can't wait to see you there.” He pats my shoulder in a friendly way and he leaves. I felt a sensation of butterflies rising up from my stomach, but I quickly grabbed a fly swatter and squished them. 
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I had walked over to Jen’s house. “Hey, was escaping the cult hard?” I sat down on the couch laughing at her joke. 
“Very funny Jen, actually he was talking about the stand. Have you heard about that?” She gives me a comical look. 
“Yes, it's a call line where people call to complain about who's dating who and if the professor is going to give them an A or not.”
“I thought it was a little more serious than that,” I replied. “Well, whatever it is, I'm going to go to the information session tonight. You should come; if CJ was right about anything, it is that you would be good with helping people.” She sighs and glances down.
“Ok fine I'll go. We can pick up Joey’s gift after. And are you sure that you're not doing this just because CJ is ungodly hot?”
“No, I mean it helps, but he's not the reason I'm going to go.” I wish there was something like this when I was going through… no, I'm not going to think about that. I'm here to move on from that.
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Jen and I went into the building and it was covered in inspiring posters and quotes. “On the nose much?” Jen commented, scanning the room. 
“I like it, let's get a good seat.” Which wouldn't be hard. There were tons of spots; I guess the word didn't get out. The speaker started and I was trying hard to listen, but Jen- not so much.
“So as l was saying, most of what we do around here. is simply information and referrals. And 99 times out of 100 just reminding someone to take a deep breath and to keep on breathing is enough. Tomorrow will be another day. For you too. Which brings me to our number one rule around here: Never be afraid to ask for a hug at the end of a tough day.” At that Jen left. I leave my bag.
“Jen, wait, wait!”
“I'm sorry Y/N, I can't do that. If you want to stay, great, but I can't. I'll see you later.” She turns to leave. 
“Jen!” I sadly go back to my space on the couch. I go to look at my notes when the space next to me gets seated. 
“You came.” I swung my head and CJ was right there. 
“Yeah, I did.”
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“So, there's the coffee maker, and here's the mini fridge that definitely is working.” CJ tells me as he shakes his head, indicating sarcasm.
“Ha, and I definitely won't smell any weird smells from here.” 
“Yes definitely.” We both laughed and I looked at the window and it had gotten dark. 
“Wow, time really does fly.” 
“So, what made you want to stay?” He looks at me with those piercing green eyes.
“Because I know a place like this would have been amazing for me when I was younger, so If I can help someone avoid those feelings that I went through, then I'm for it a hundred percent.” CJ heard me and truly felt I meant it. 
“That's the same reason I did it.” 
“Really? That's so cool!” I exclaimed happily. “So, what do you do for fun? I haven't been here for long, so if you know of any places...” He thinks about it. 
“Yeah I mean the typical places like bars, clubs, parties.” 
“Would you want to go to one together?” I asked abruptly which I never did, especially with people I just met.
“I totally would, but it wouldn't be much fun.” 
“Why?” I asked. He hesitates for a second, pondering something.
“…I don't drink.” 
“Oh my gosh, that's amazing!” I heard what I just said and felt embarrassed. “I'm sorry, that sounded super weird, but I don't drink either.” 
“Wow, it's hard to find a college girl not drinking.” CJ searches my eyes.
“True, but it's what's best for me and I'm sure for you. What about this: we’ll be each other's sober buddies.” 
“Sober buddies?”
“Yeah, when we are at the same parties, we’ll make sure the other won't even look at drinks.” He thinks about it for a second and I look at the clock. “Shit I'm going to be late and then Audrey is going to kill me.” I grab my stuff and run to the door but before I leave I turn back. “CJ sober buddies?” He gives me a smirk and nods. 
“Sober buddies.” 
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I will get chapter two out as soon as possible thank you for reading!
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dp-marvel94 · 7 months
Sweet Reconciliation
The last thing Danny expected was Phantom showing up at his front door and dragging him out for a day at the fair. He certainly didn’t want to hang out with 'Dan', much less trust him. But finding himself enjoying a day of rides and games? Sharing quips and food and heart-felt confessions? Maybe he and Dan have more in common than Danny realized.
Word Count: 9,217
Also on AO3
It's finally here! I'm so excited to be posting my Valentine's Core Exchange. My giftee was @strawberry-avalanche . I went for a Danny & Dan centric fic, with some fluff, bonding, and redemption. I hope you enjoy this not-so-short story of Danny and Dan enjoying a day at the fair. Happy Reading! @valentines-core-exchange
Finally, it was a perfect Saturday, Danny thought. After all the chaos of time restructuring, his ghostly alter ego becoming number one on the most wanted list again, and learning how to help the ghosts instead of just fighting them, finally the half ghost had a day to himself. There was no one to bother him. His parents were out of town at a conference, his sister on a college tour. Vlad was out of his hair, busy with his new ward, a certain (formerly?) evil alternate Phantom. Best yet, he had plans with Sam and Tucker, an all day movie binge with all the popcorn and candy he could eat. Everything was absolutely perfect.
The boy bent down in his chair, tying his shoes to leave, when an insistent knocking came at the front door. 
His brow furrowed; his friends weren’t supposed to be meeting him here, were they?
Another knock came, this one more forceful.
Danny stood, calling. “I’m coming.” He hurried across the kitchen, a second later pulling the door open. “Weren’t we meeting at S-”
The boy blinked, cutting himself off in his confusion. There, on the other side of the door was… himself. Or at least, the figure looked like him. The other teen wore all black, gothic look complete with eye-liner and half a dozen ear piercings. And a familiar scowl.
With that last piece of the puzzle, the answer fell into place. “Phantom?” Danny’s mouth fell open.
“Actually, it’s Dan.” His double shrugged, still scowling.
“Dan…” The boy said slowly. Was this really happening?
The other teen, at least in appearance, didn’t acknowledge the word. Instead, his eyes flickered to the house behind. An odd look flashed in them for a second before a forcible disaffection shifted into place. “You’re not doing anything today, right? Good.”
That broke Danny out of his disbelieving stoop. He stood up straighter, eyes narrowed in distrust. “Actually, I was going to-”
A hand suddenly pulled him out the door, distracting him from his protest. “We’re going to the fair.”
Danny blinked once. “What?”
“The Fair.” Phantom said slowly, like he was stupid. “What, got cotton in your ears?”
“I heard you.” Danny pulled his hand away, arms crossing. “Why?”
The other rolled his eyes. “Vlad is driving me crazy. So I stole his credit card.” With a flash of sharp teeth, he swiped out said card. “I’m gonna eat all the disgusting greasy food I want, cheat at some carnival games, and ride the squirrel cages ‘til I throw up.”
“Have fun?” Danny’s nose scrunched; why exactly was ‘Dan’ telling him this? Not that he cared, on his one day off in months. With a head shake, he pointed back into the house. “Whatever. Knock yourself out. I’m gonna-”
“No you don’t.” Phantom grabbed his arm again. “You’re coming with me.”
The movement gave Danny pause. That hand wrapped around his bicep, the solid warmth of it… he knew that Vlad had stabilized Phantom in this timeline using a human clone of himself, making the figure in front of him a half ghost again. But actually seeing the reality in front of him was another thing entirely. And the demand…  “Why?”
The only answer was another eye-roll. Instead, Phantom started pulling Danny down the sidewalk. And the boy found himself following. He could keep arguing; a large part of him wanted to. He could even easily pull away – the other halfa’s grip wasn’t all that tight– but he didn’t resist. 
Instead, Danny followed his counterpart into the alley beside Fentonworks.
Hand still around his arm, familiar white rings appeared around the other’s waist. They spread, the warm light tickling Danny's skin in an eerie reflection of his own transforming light. He stiffened, watching.
His double changed, corpse blue skin replacing the human tone. Shoulder-length black hair flickered to white flames. Familiar icy blue eyes became blood red. 
Danny couldn’t help but flinch, the image playing behind his eyes, if in reverse. Cords of burning ecto energy binding him. A hellish warping of his own face, looming menacingly over him. Those same white rings, enfolding the figure into a smaller mirror image. So much worse than the towering monster -the nightmare of his enemy taking his place and hurting his loved ones.
The corpse-blue reflection filled his vision again. But now… they were truly eye to eye.
Phantom, teen-sized and equally scrawny, released him. His hard expression wavered for just a moment, brow furrowed, almost… remorseful. He stepped back. After a pause… 
“Well? Aren’t you going to ‘go ghost’?” The air quotes were audible, with more than a hint of derision. 
And yet, Danny felt his shoulders lowered ever so slightly, the anxious tamper of his heart easing. He summoned his own rings, turning into ghost form.
The two lifted from the ground, silently flying towards the fairgrounds. Danny followed his counterpart’s lead, eyes fixed on the back of the flaming head. The other ghost didn’t turn and look, gaze fixed on their destination. And that destination…
Soon, the colorful tents and rides rose into view. Music and laughter drifted through the air. Despite his swirling nerves, Danny couldn’t help the up-turned twitch of his lips.
“Here.” Phantom said gruffly, breaking Danny from his observation. The other half ghost pointed down, landing between two trailers. With a flash of light, he turned human again.
Danny did the same. A quick text to his friends to tell them where he was instead of handing out with them, and he was following his counterpart out of the fair employees’ parking lot and to the ticket counter. Phantom, surprisingly politely, bought two tickets. They passed through the gate, a cheery older woman giving the even-faced halfa a map. 
“Where to first?” Danny asked, hands in his pockets. He gave a deceptively casual shrug.
The other didn’t look up for a long moment, nose buried in the map. His brow wrinkled in contemplation, like this was the most important decision he’d ever make. 
Then, he pointed. “There. I need to see the biggest pumpkin in the state.”
Danny raised a brow, but he didn’t question. Wordlessly, he followed the other half ghost through the crowds and into a large white building. They passed through the door, the crowded barn smelling musty, of straw and barnyard animals. 
All the while, Phantom’s even severe expression didn’t change. Flat faced and silent, his eyes flitted over the giant pumpkins and watermelons. Slowly, he walked along the rows of painted gourds and prize-winning apples. Through the bee-keeping display. Passed the glass case holding someone’s grandma’s first place honey candy. 
Straw-floored pens held bleating lambs and wide-eyed calves. These didn’t crack that disaffected scowl. Nor the tiny piglets. Not even the fluffy baby chicks.
All the while, Danny’s stomach churned with conflict. Earlier he’d flippantly thought he didn’t care what ‘Dan’ did but that was a lie. Now his muscles pulled tense, ill at ease. His mind flickered back to the fight, to throwing down the thermos. The realization of how cruel, how unfair it would be to imprison the ghost in front of him again. 
And now… said ghost was watching a carton of eggs under heat lamps. Around him, small children pressed curious palms to the glass. 
Danny had decided not to lock Phantom up again. He’d chosen to give ‘Dan’ a second chance. He’d agreed to Vlad’s plan to help the other ghost. And he desperately hoped, desperately wanted to believe it was for the best. But… 
“Mommy! Chicky!” A little girl enthusiastically pointed at one egg sporting a tiny hole.
But… Danny certainly didn’t want to hang out with his counterpart. He remembered…. The graves, the rubble, the crazed laughter. The nightmares he’d had for months after seeing that ruined future. The twisted bodies, his own hands covered in blood, the world aflame.
And now, the author of that ruin was here. And frankly, Danny didn’t trust him. Of course he didn't. And here in public, around so many children…. The thought was making his stomach turn.
A finger gently tapped the glass of the incubator. Danny tensed, carefully eyeing the other half ghost. Power swirled in his core, ready to intervene if necessary.
“There you go.” The words were almost so low to be inaudible, spoken toward the glass, to the hatching egg. 
Danny’s energy stilled even so slightly. He watched his counterpart, head tilted. 
Phantom just stood there, watching. “Good job, little guy.” Something sparked in his eyes. Just the subtlest wrinkle of his brow, the twitch of his lips….
The other half ghost felt something in his loosen. Hardly even realizing it, he let out the breath he’d been holding.
Suddenly, the other’s head turned sharply. “What are you looking at?”
Just like that, the moment broke. Innocently, Danny raised his hands. “What’s next?” 
Phantom huffed, eyes narrowed. He whipped out the map, studying it again. “Pig races.” He answered curtly, turning and walking away without a look back. Of course, Danny followed.
Phantom demanded they find some pig races to watch, and they did. A short walk found the two at the sawdust covered track. Metal bleachers surrounded the arena, crowded with people. Tired parents with strollers, carrying bags of cotton candy and huge stuffed animals. An old couple, the husband in a trucker hat, the wife carrying an oversized bag. A few twenty somethings, scandalously eating pork barbeque in front of the pigs.
The two half ghosts managed a seat on the end of the bench, beside a little boy wearing a tiny plastic pig nose and vibrating with excitement.
“When are the piggys gonna race, Daddy?” The child bothered his father, who patiently showed him the time again. 
“One more minute.” The man ruffled his son’s hair. 
Just then, the sound of a trumpet sounded. The announcer swaggered into the center. “It’s Pig Racin’ Time!” The southern accent came on long and thick. “Good morning and welcome pig racing fans to the Hogway Speedway…”
With wide spread arms and charming enthusiasm, their host masterfully engaged the crowd. He introduced the racers, hogs punnifuly named after different Nascar drivers. The trumpet sounded again, the crowd shouting the name of their section’s chosen racer. And the pigs were off.
Danny watched his counterpart much more than the sprinting pigs. Phantom’s eyes followed the track, lips pressed closed and even. The expression was strange; it wasn’t that ‘Dan’ didn’t want to be there. It was like he was unsure…
“Hamica!” The little boy sitting to Phantom’s side shouted above the crowd. “Go Hamica!” The child jumped out of his seat. 
The sound swelled, the cheering and stomping shaking the benches. The little boy hopped up and down, small body carelessly slamming into Phantom in his excitement.
For just a moment, Danny’s breath caught again. Then….
“Number 10! Hamica Patrick wins!” The announcer shouted while the pigs gobbled up their prize of cheese doodles. 
“Our piggy won!” The little boy clapped. “She won! Did you see?” He turned to Phantom, starry eyes blind to the halfa’s tense posture. 
Wait. Why was the other half ghost tense?
The child continued. “She won! Everyone was cheering so loud and our piggy won.” 
“Yeah…” Phantom finally answered quietly, giving an almost sad shrug.
With that, the boy lowered his raised hands. “You weren’t cheering.” Lips pursed seriously; maybe he was picking up on the seeming-teen’s odd mode. “You havta cheer next race. Everyone's supposed ta cheer!”
Meanwhile the boy’s father was giving apologetic looks, trying to get his son’s attention back to the race. “The duck’s are going next. Don’t you want to see?”
The boy pointed at ‘Dan’ demandingly. “You havta cheer.”
“Alright, Alright.” Phantom put up his hands and… he smiled. “I’ll cheer.” 
Again, Danny felt like he was looking at an alternate reality. His counterpart was smiling. Not malicious or teasing. Nor mocking or crazed but…
“I’ll cheer. But…” That genuine smile cracked brighter. “You have to cheer even louder. So loud everyone’s eardrums bleed.”
Well… he was being a little macabre. But the little boy was laughing brightly all the same. 
And Phantom kept his word. “Oinkheart! You better run!” He did cheer, as loud and enthusiastic as any other pig racing fan.
Slowly, ever so slowly, Danny’s own even lips cracked into a smile. He cheered too, just as loud as Phantom.
The pigs races finished, the host announcing the next show while selling plastic pig noses and pooping pig keychains to the parents of excitable kids. Then a quick trip to the ATM and Phantom pulled Danny towards the fair games. 
“That one.” The black clad ghost’s eyes fixed on a wall of balloons. Various prizes including a five feet long stuffed shark hung from the stall.
Phantom handed over a few bills. He fingered the darts, carefully aiming with furrowed brow. He threw, the projectile sailing straight for its target. “Yes!” He cheered, only for the dart to harmlessly hit the balloon and fall. 
Danny frowned suspiciously, unintentionally mirroring the other half ghost. Still both said nothing. Instead, Phantom just threw the rest of his darts. One by one, each failed to pop a balloon.
“Come on.” Danny shook his head knowingly. “Let’s try another game.” Trust that the first one they try would be rigged.
“No.” Phantom grumbled, giving the attendant a few more bills. “I’m going to get it.”
Again, the seeming-teen carefully tested the aim of the dart, fixed on his target. Then… his gaze shifted for just a second, fixing on the other half ghost. His eyes flashed red, a purposeful smirk in them. Danny's brows furrowed in question.
The dart flew through the air, again harmlessly bouncing off the balloon and falling. Except this time, a second later the rubber sphere popped with a startling bang.
Danny flinched, shocked. For just a moment, a misty person-shaped outline wavered in front of the wall, a long clawed finger outstretched toward the balloon’s carcass.
Phantom smirked, self satisfied. Then his knees buckled.
Before he could register, Danny’s arms were wrapping around his counterpart’s shoulders, stabilizing the other half ghost.
“Is he okay?” The attendant asked, eyes wide with concern.
Was Phantom okay? He frowned down at the pale, shaky figure. His stomach flopped, feeling unbalanced. What was happening? 
Danny shook the unease away. “He’s fine. Just needs something to drink.”
The fair worker still looked worried, brows furrowed, but didn’t argue as Danny started pulling Phantom away.
“Wait. I won.” The other complained. “My shark.”
Danny gave him a dubious look but without a word, accepted the giant plushie from the worker. Holding the shark under one arm, he helped Phantom forward with the other. True to his excuse, he did steer them towards a truck selling lemonade. The two slid to the window, Danny handing over the money.
“I can stand by myself.” Phantom grumbled, just as the server handed over the two cups.
Unceremoniously, Danny unhanded his counterpart who ripped the shark from his grip. 
For a few minutes, the two silently shuffled forward, finally finding an empty bench. They sat, drinking their drinks. Phantom wouldn’t meet his eyes, head fixed down, almost as if embarrassed.
Finally, Danny broke the tense moment. “What was that about?”
The other seeming-teen looked up tentatively, almost sheepish, before shrugging forcibly casual. “I said I wanted to win at some carnival games. Don’t give me shit about it.”
Danny shook his head. “No. You almost fainted. Because you were, what, using a duplicate to cheat at balloon darts?”
“It’s not a big deal.” ‘Dan’ made a point of looking at his fingernails. “Just over did it. Stupid… I need to be more strategic next time.”
“Or just.. Not use your powers to cheat?” 
Phantom’s eyes narrowed. “I said not to give me crap.” His arms crossed, the perfect picture of a petulant teen. “It’s not like I started melting this time.”
Danny’s eyes popped wide. “That doesn’t make it any better!”
“Like you give a shit.” The other halfa sneered. “You’ve been avoiding me like the plague. I’m stuck here, shoved in this tiny, scrawny body. With all the hormones and the acne and my powers barely working. It’s like I actually am a kid again. The fruitloop keeps trying to act like he’s my dad now, making me go to therapy and shit.” His hands waved, pointing at Danny. “And you’re off, doing god knows what, playing the hero. Trying to completely forget about me.”
Danny’s mind spun, trying to process the onslaught. That last part… “Wait, that’s not-”
“This was a mistake.” Phantom stood abruptly. “I see how you keep tensing up whenever I do anything. Like I’m five seconds away from ripping everyone’s head off.” He grabbed his lemonade and stuffed shark. “I don’t know why I even bothered. I wanted to tell you, show you that I was-.” He growled, cutting himself off. “Go do what you want.” The half ghost turned, stomping off.
For a long second, Danny just stared after him, thoughts churning. The other’s figure grew farther and farther away. Then…
“Wait!” Danny’s mind clicked back into action. “Wait!” He jumped up, running after his counterpart. “Dan! Wait!” 
Within seconds, he caught up. “Dan.” And wasn’t that strange, using the name the other half ghost had given him for the first time. Danny shook away the thought. “Dan. I’m… I’m sorry.”
Phantom… Dan stopped walking, giving him a dubious look. “Yeah right.”
“No, I am sorry. You showed up at my house and dragged me here because you actually want to hang out with me, right?” 
Dan didn’t respond verbally, just gave the ‘you’re stupid’ look again. 
Danny didn’t let that cow him, instead forcing himself to continue. “You’re… you’re right, I have been ignoring you. And that’s not fair. I can’t even imagine why you want to spend time with me but…” The flickers of hurt in Dan’s face, the tension like… he was afraid of miss-stepping. Reasons churned in his head, nebulous and indistinct but so close to focus. His guts twisted; he wasn’t ready to face this, whatever this was. 
“But you do.” Danny continued. “And we’re here. So let’s buy some greasy food, ride some rides, and play more games. But no more cheating.” He pointed severely.
For just a moment, Dan’s hard expression softened, visibly letting out a breath. “Alright.” Then his eyes rolled, pointing back. “And yes more cheating.” The corner of his lip turned up. “I know for a fact you cheated at the spring carnival to get that stuffed bat for Sam.”
Danny stumbled over a response. That was true but…
“It’s not going to kill anyone.” 
Again Danny felt like he was hit in the head. The understanding, almost compassionate look Dan gave him…. It somehow wasn’t a joke. 
Danny couldn’t help but notice his stomach drop. Still, he rolled his own eyes. “I guess it won’t hurt.”
With that, the two went off to find more games. 
“How about this one?” Danny motioned to one stall, a line of water guns set up opposite a line of moving targets. 
Dan raised an appraising eyebrow. “How am I supposed to cheat at that?” He muttered.
The teen gave him a light elbow jab in response. “I’m sure you can figure it out.” His voice lowered conspiratorially. “Plus it’s Vlad’s money. Who cares how much we waste?”
Dan looked almost surprised. “You have a point.”
The pair bought two seats. They played several rounds, not winning once. 
“Come on!” Danny put up his hands. “It’s like half an inch away!” The dolphin-shaped racing marker smiled down mockingly, barely failing to reach the finish line. 
The fair worker shrugged helplessly. “So close but so far. I’m sure you’ll get it next time.”
Danny’s eyes narrowed. Oh yeah, next time for sure. Then again… if they gave it another go, maybe?
“I’m bored with this.” Dan interrupted his debating, pulling him off his seat by the back of his collar. “Oh. Those headphones look sweet.”
He marched up to a set of basketball hoops, set up fair behind a metal barrier. Sure enough, a pair of sleek black over-the-headphones hung from the side. 
“I see you eyeing these beauties.” The host’s voice projected. “Real Beats, would you believe it? Three shots to win them. Three in a row! Are you up to the challenge?” 
Dan’s eyes narrowed, wickedly smug. “Of course, I am.” 
The black-clad halfa handed over the money, receiving a ball. He stood in front of the line, lining up the shot. Again, his eyes flashed ever so subtly. And he threw. The ball sailed through the air. It bounced off the backboard. Then its edge hit the hoop and it wobbled, starting to fall out.
Danny’s shoulders fell, disappointed at the near shot.
Then, impossibly, the ball wobbled the other direction, falling neatly into the hoop. 
Danny’s mouth fell open. How was that possible?
The game’s host looked just as shocked for a moment. Then, schooling himself, he collected the ball. “Lucky shot.” He handed it back to Dan, who just wordlessly smirked.
The dark-clothed halfa lopped his second shot, then his third. Each landed perfectly. Suspiciously perfectly. 
“That’s three for the three.” The fair worker looked somewhere between stunned and suspicious. Still, he handed the headphones over.
Dan accepted the prize with a grin. “I guess I’m just lucky.” He had the audacity to shrugged casually, the movement in sharp contrast to the smugness radiating off of him.
Danny didn’t have it in him to begrudge the other half ghost his success though. The two walked off, in search of another game. 
They’d walked for about a minute, out of sight of the basketball stall and Danny couldn’t keep his surprise in anymore. “How did you do that?” He asked, almost awed.
“Just simple telekinesis.” This time, Dan’s shrug was legitimately casual. 
“Telekinesis? But…”
“Wait.” The seeming-teen stopped in his tracks, seeming to pick up on the other’s stunned confusion. “You can’t do telekinesis yet? How?” He turned to look at Danny, a mirror of his own confusion. “That’s as easy as breathing. How…” He chuckled. “How don’t you have that power yet?”
“Well, excuse me.” Danny frowned, hands on his hips; he didn’t appreciate being laughed at. “Not all of us have Plasmius’ powers and expertise downloaded right into our head.”
“What? No.” Somehow, Dan sounded even more stunned. “That’s not… Even if that was how that worked…” He looked almost… queasy saying the words. “Plasmius doesn’t have telekinesis.”
“But… yes he does.” Danny tried to argue. Vlad had definitely fought him with telekinesis before. Right?
“He can’t move things with his mind.” The other half ghost shook his head vehemently. “He’s never been able to. Not even now. I’ve tried to explain it a bunch of times.” He pointed severely. “And not out of the goodness of my heart. He wouldn’t stop annoying the shit out of me about how to do it…. And Vlad can’t do it.”
Danny blinked once, twice. “And… you’re serious. You’re not messing with me?”
“Not about this.” Dan rolled his eyes. With a quick look around, they flickered red again. An aura seeped out of his hands, surrounding the newly won headphones. “This telekinesis is one hundred percent Phantom.” The prize hovered off his palm ever so slightly, bathed in green light. 
The other half ghost studied the floating object. It was an impressive show, even more shocking that Vlad apparently couldn’t do it while Dan could so easily. Speaking of easily… Danny raised a brow, teasingly. “Maybe not one hundred percent Phantom. Since you’re not the only one, what with, Box Ghost, Lunch Lady, Technus-”
“Shut up.” Dan elbowed him, surprisingly gently, not a hint of malice in the words. “And I guess we’re not the only ones.”
Danny blinked once, surprised for just a moment. Then… “Oh right. I guess I’ll be able to do that at some point.”
Dan shrugged, the light around the headphones winking out as he caught them. “Want me to teach you?”
“Really?” The other half ghost asked, skeptical.
“Somehow you haven’t figured it out yet.” The other snarked back. Was he… blushing? “And how else are you supposed to cheat at fair games?”
For just a second there was the impulse to snark back; he still didn’t really want to cheat. But Dan was offering, authentically offering to teach him something. And Danny had said he was going to actually give this hanging out thing a shot
“Sure. I’d love it if you showed me how to do it.” Danny said, surprised at his own sincerity. 
Dan gave a nod. “Come on then.” He pulled the teen along, searching for an at least somewhat secluded place. After nearly ten minutes of looking… “This will do.”
They wedged between two stalls, the busy sound of fair goers waiting for food and workers calling out orders at their backs. The alley smelt of roasted turkey, cotton candy, and the sour tang of throw up. The perfect place for an impromptu lesson. 
“That’s going to be your target.” Dan pointed to an abandoned beer bottle. “First…”
After about ten minutes of unsuccessfully getting his younger counterpart to understand, Dan looked just about ready to pull out his hair. “No. You have to reach out. Like the power’s an extension of you.”
“Sorry, but that doesn’t make any sense.” Danny also wanted to pull out his hair.
“Okay, fine. Here. Let’s try this.” Dan grabbed his hand and-
“The fuck!” Danny just about screamed as his counterpart’s hand phased inside his. “What…” He panted, panic suddenly clawing at his throat. “Are you doing?!”
“Bad idea.” Dan was also panting, eyes blown wide. “Bad idea. Too late now.” He pinched red-flickering eyes closed. “We’re like three steps away from being the same person. I should be able to tell your core exactly what to do.”
“Okay?!” Still, Danny’s heart pounded, mind racing back. Dan’s hand, in chest. The solid gear clicking into place. Belittling laughter.
“I’m not…” Dan growled. “That’s not me anymore. I won’t hurt you.”
That was ridiculous. This was crazy. Why did he even agree to doing this? Any of this? Hanging out with Dan, learning from him? Just letting him wander around free?! Why did he trust him? He tried to trust him and this-
Like cold water rushing over him, heavy bricks falling. An immaterial wall shattered. Emotions flooded in. Pain, fear, guilt, regret. But not… not his.
Danny struggled to force his eyes open. When had he closed them?
Dan’s eyes, the same as his own, half a foot from his. They rounded, sincere, desperate. “I’m sorry. Just let me help….”
An exhale. There was a line that had been a solid wall. There was Danny and there was Dan. And Danny could see, he could feel over the line, into his counterpart’s self. The anger, the prickliness, the spite, the smugness. It was all a cover. A pathetic cover over the guilt, the fear, the regret, the pain. 
A small, tentative nudge at his own core. Comfort, reassurance. He was out of practice.
Danny looked away, at his right hand. The one uncannily possessed. His stomach lurched violently. “Do whatever it is you were going to do.”
“I’m trying!” Dan grit his teeth. “Stop fighting.”
Stop fighting? How was he supposed to-
A hand wrapped around his core, not crushing but… comfortably warm. Behind his eyes… 
Rain dripping down the windows, the world dark and gray. A huge, canopied bed. At his bedside, a picture of his family, the glass shattered.
“Danny?” A voice far away. “Danny?” He couldn’t will his head to lift, not after- 
“Danny?” The boy blinked and he was back in that smelly alley. Fingers snapped in front of his face. “Pay attention.” Eyes focused on… Dan. Right.
Wordlessly, Danny nodded. 
“Let’s get this over with.” His counterpart shook his head. His brow furrowed in concentration. And Danny felt his own core act.
Energy swirled around, flowing down to his fingertips and passed them. It stretched, ghostly fingers brushing the bottle. Then, as easy as moving his physical fingers, they wrapped around the target. The object lifted, eerily floating above the dirty ground. Gently it moved side and side of Dan’s volition. With hardly a shared thought, the black-clade half ghost gave over control. Roughly, Danny grabbed the bottle, setting it spinning in the air.
“Wow.” Danny gave a laugh. “Why didn’t you just say that?”
The other halfa rolled his eyes. “Try moving two things at once.”
The shared hand flexed, Dan guiding the movement while Danny acted. His telekinesis reached out, enwrapping a small pebble. It lifted, dipped, and spun. 
At the same time, the bottle dropped. Reaching out with his other physical hand, Danny felt his power stretch. He let out a sigh of relief, catching the object.
For a few more minutes, Danny flexed his new power. His aura wrapped around handfuls of trash, the pieces bobbing in the air. They spun around the pair. First slowly, then faster and faster. Like dirty little moons circling a planet. 
Slowly, a smile grew on Danny’s face. He was actually doing this! His eyes twinkled playfully, suddenly dropping all the trash.
“What? Already tired?” Dan asked. 
The other half ghost didn’t dignify the question. Instead, he jerkily pulled the shark into the air. He sent it in a slow circle around them. Closer and closer, all the while humming. 
“Is that the Jaws theme-”
Danny rammed the shark into his counterpart’s side. 
The plush snoot had Dan bending forward dramatically. His eyes narrowed. And Danny’s smile disappeared. Maybe that had been a step too far; he was getting too comfortable. Then…
Dan rolled his eyes. “Oh, you can effectively attack me with plushies. Color me impressed.” The words came out thick with sarcasm, not the least bit amused. But underneath…
A feeling like subdued laughter brushed Danny’s core. 
The smile wavered back into place. “You say that all serious but…” Just hint of a smirk. “You thought that was hilarious.”
“I did not.” Dan tried to deny. But standing side by side, core open to Danny’s prodding, he had no leg to stand on. “It’s this stupid teenage brain.” He lifted a hand pleadingly. “The meat suit thinks the dumbest things are funny. I’m…I’m a big scary grown up ghost, I swear!”
He sounded so desperate, it was almost funny. Danny struggled not to laugh. “Sure you are.”
For a moment more, Dan pouted, eyes trying to argue his point. Then… he huffed. “Fine. It was funny.” 
Effortlessly, he pulled his incorporeal hand out of Danny’s. The other half ghost shivered, feeling oddly bare as the background nose of Dan’s emotions faded away. 
Across from him, Dan’s arms were crossed, eyes fixed down.
Danny’s brow furrowed. What exactly was Dan’s deal? Flip flopping between emotions. He was snarking and joking one minute and then the next, clamming up and serious. He wanted to be having fun, and then admitting that he was enjoying himself the worst possible thing ever. Part of Danny was at a loss, at his wit’s end. How was he supposed to deal with this? 
But another part… the glimpses he caught from the other’s core. The anger and harshness, covering all that pain and guilt and grief. That made sense. How many times had Danny himself put on a brave face while he was hurting? 
There was another layer though. Uncertainty, insecurity, loneliness. 
So much there and Danny had no idea where to start, what he could say to help, to make it better. 
So he offered what comfort he could. “It’s okay if you thought it was funny, you know. It doesn’t mean you’re any less badass or terrifying or whatever.” He shrugged. “Plus, we’re here to have fun. Let yourself actually enjoy it.”
The other half ghost’s shoulders loosened. He looked up and… for a long moment, there was something heavy and serious in his eyes. His mouth opened and closed, chewing on the thought. Then….
“Al… alright then. Let’s go have some fun.” Dan finally said, seemingly letting the heavy words go, for now at least.
“Yeah.” Danny gave him a hearty pat on the back. “I saw one of those milk bottle toss games with a bunch of giant plushies. Wanna play that?”
“Sure.” Dan shrugged. Then pointedly. “And I expect you to use our lesson.”
“Of course.” Danny replied airly. “Can’t have you shoving your hand intangibly into me for nothing.”
“Again, I blame the teenage brain. You get forcibly de-aged and all the common sense goes out the window.”
“Yeah, yeah.” Danny waved him off. “You don’t see me complaining.”
“You haven’t been de-aged before, have you?” Dan raised a brow. 
“Well no, but…” He trailed off, at a loss for a response to the seeming-teen. Or rather, just teen. The thought almost knocked him off his feet…. Dan actually was his age again, wasn’t he?
“Thought so.” The other teen snorted, ignoring the odd look. Then pointing. “There’s your milk bottle toss.” He blinked. “What the hell is that?”
Danny’s brow furrowed, just as confused at the ambiguous giant stuffed animal. “A cat? Racoon? Maybe a red panda, except… you know, green?”
Dan rubbed his chin, deadpan serious. “Ah, the famed green cacooanda. Of course.”
That earned an appreciative snort from the other half ghost. “Nice.”
Despite his earlier sarcasm and resistance, Danny fully intended to use what Dan had taught him. A few telekinesis assisted ring tosses and he was walking away from the stand with his own green cacooanda. 
“I can’t believe it.” Dan said, dubious. “You actually did it.” He gave a scoff, his typical haughtiness as present as ever. But a twinkle in the corner of his eye…. Dan not-so-secretly looked proud. 
More games followed. Wack-a-mole. Skee-Ball. The Shooting Gallery. Darts. Ring the Bell. Even Duck Pond and Bingo. The pair hit up every one, until all the game hosts eyed the two suspiciously, muttering about calling security, much to Dan’s amusement.
“That was satisfying.” The black-clade teen smirked, carrying his collection of cheating-won spoils. “How ya feel about getting burgers?”
“Yeah.” Danny nodded. His eyes nervously flittered over the booth, still wary of being caught cheating. But… he smiled down at his own pair of headphones and the stuffed bear he planned to give to Jazz; his stomach leapt, giddy at the thrill. Slowly, he grinned. “There’s a bunch of stalls set up by local charities and stuff near the South Gate. The food’s normally good and not that pricey.”
“Awesome.” Dan agreed with a nod.
They grabbed lunch, sitting at one of the picnic tables in front of the impromptu restaurants. Neither really talked. Not that Danny minded. That had been the pattern for most of the morning and early afternoon, conversation revolving around what game to play next, which prizes either had their eyes on.
Now, Dan chewed his burger, the corner of his lip subtly lifted. At the same time, his eyes flitted from stall to stall, drifting over the crowds of people. People watching. Just the smallest hint of awe and curiosity flickered in his eyes.
Danny watched all this, his own lips quirking slightly.
Next came the rides. After a quick discussion about what to do with their prizes – they really should have waited until after to play the games – and finding a place to phase them into the ground for later, the two hurried to the midway. So many options stretched in front of them, Dan’s eyes practically shining with excitement. 
“We have to do the Gravitron first.” The black-clad teen pulled Danny through the crowds.
As they rounded the corner, the ride appeared before them. Danny could almost feel his eyes go heart-shaped. His heart picked up, airly giddy. It was shaped like a spaceship!
“Come on!” It was Danny’s turn to tug his counterpart onward. 
With fastpass bracelets, the two boarded the ride. Back against the padded wall, the boy grinned as the lights started flashing and everything started spinning. 
“Yeah! Woa!” People cheered and screamed as the ride rotated faster and faster. 
Without even a belt to hold him in place, Danny’s back pressed against the wall, the weight of gravity overwhelming. Suddenly, the panels slid up, the lady to his right shouting in surprise. The boy’s feet rose off the floor, body held in place solely by the centrifugal force. He just shouted louder.
Far too soon, the ride slowed, the panels slotting back into place and feet returning to the floor. The spinning gradually stopped and the force of gravity lessened to its normal weight. 
Danny’s ears rang slightly, balance wobbly and stomach churning; boy was he glad they hadn't pigged out on too much greasy food yet. Still, his heart pounded, a buzz with adrenaline. He grinned. “Let’s do that again!”
Ride again, they did. A second spin and then a third had Dan grinning with him, eager to try something else. 
“The drop tower?” The teen pointed. And the pair was rushing off again.
The tilt-a-whirl. An upside down swinging Pirate Ship. The Round-up, the Gravitron’s almost vertically spinning cousin. 
The two half ghosts took turns choosing which to ride next and excitedly pulling each other across the midway.
“What’s this one?” Danny pointed. “Music Express?”
“Looks kinda boring.” The other half ghost shrugged. “Let’s try it.” 
The cars formed a circle, alternating flat and sloped sections making the track look lop-sided. The two picked a car, Dan sliding in first. Danny sat beside him, the metal bar over their laps locking them into place. Again, music started and they were off.
The circle of cars rotated, first slowly and evenly. Honestly, indeed a little boring. Then…
“What wants to go faster?!” The operator yelled into the microphone. 
The riders screamed their agreement, the music speeding up. The cars spun faster. Laughter and shouts rang out; Danny’s screams joined the merry noise, caught up in the joy around him. 
Then, he slammed into Dan, his shout choking. The spinning force pulled him towards the center and right into his car-mate. His hip and shoulder dug into the other teen, Dan’s own enthusiastic shouting cutting out. The black-clad teen’s mouth snapped shut, face going beat red in mortification.
“Your.. your face!” Danny burst out laughing, unable to keep the amusement in.
Dan just wordlessly shoved Danny’s face away. 
The ride continued for a few more minutes, the rotation even reversing and sending the cars backwards. All the while, Danny laughed, a large part of him enjoying Dan’s discomfort. 
Finally, the music slowed, movement trickling to a stop. The ride over, Danny exited first. He offered his hand to help his counterpart out. 
“I guess this one’s on the no list, huh?” Danny asked, taking pity. 
Dan took the offered hand. “Nah. I want to go again.”
“Oh?” The other teen blinked once, surprised.
“Yes. You’re sitting on the inside next time.” His teeth flashed mischievously. 
“Guess I deserve that one.” Danny chuckled. 
Sure enough, they rode again, this time Danny suffering through being crushed by his seat companion. Dan laughed somewhat evilly all the while, reveling in the discomfort just as much as Danny had earlier.
Bumper cars. Three different mini-coasters. A few turns on the Racing Slide. A surprisingly disorienting house of mirrors, followed by a ridiculously lame “haunted house.” Even the good old carousel and ferris wheel. 
Conversation drifted, most trivial but some… almost serious.
The fairwheel ground to a stop, the pair hanging at the apex. “So… how does it work?” Danny asked, casually looking at his nails. 
Dan gave him a suspicious look. “How does what work?” 
“If you didn’t just download Vlad’s expertise…then how does it work?”
The other teen stiffened slightly, eyes fixed far away on the Amity Park skyline. “It’s mainly emotions. I mean, you and Vlad figured that out. Ghosts are made of emotions. And there’s… they’re not really memories, I guess. More like… the shape of them.” Slowly, the car started descending. “Like I watch football with Vlad… because he’s into it and won’t shut up about father-son bonding.” Dan narrowed his eyes pointedly. “And I find myself liking it.” He stuck out his tongue. “And the weird images of boring board rooms. And Maddie with long hair. It was so curly then, falling against her cheeks…” He grimaced. “Sometimes I really wish I hadn’t eaten Plasmius.” 
The words were so blunt, so casual; Danny choked on air. Dan ignored his hacking. “I mean… I think I would have just faded away if I hadn’t so…” He shrugged.
Danny blinked at him. What was he supposed to say to that? A response did niggle at his mind though…and to his horror, the question slipped out. “What did he… taste like?” 
“The grossest cheese ever.”
Danny and Dan enjoyed all the rides the fair had to offer, the afternoon gradually giving way to evening. The sun set, the warmth of the day becoming the chill of night. The lines grew longer, teens and young adults piling in to enjoy the bright lights and music. Still, the two were unbothered by the waits, thanks to their blessed fastpasses. 
The night stretched on, every ride enjoyed to the two teens’ hearts’ content. And finally…
“The squirrel cages.” Dan spread his arms, practically beaming up at the towering mess of metal. “Saving the best for last.” 
“Yes!” Danny’s stomach leapt, queasily excited. 
They boarded one of the odd, apostrophe-shaped cars. The plush bench sat under them, metal bars and mesh cradling the two riders. The center, oblong frame creaked, beginning to spin. The car rose into the air, swinging. 
The sound of more people being loaded onto the ride rang out below. Danny held his breath in anticipation. Any second now…
A sudden jolt of movement. Beside him, Dan gasped. 
The center rotated, the cage swaying violently. Rising higher and higher in the air. Danny’s heart fluttered. They reached the top… A burst of speed and everything spun. Both boys screamed, the cage flipping end over end. 
A flurry of movement, the world turning. The inky-black sky flashed into view, then the thousand glittering lights of the fair loomed below. The sky, the ground, the sky, the ground. The scene flickered. On and on. 
Screams reverberated, terrified and elated. Weight shifted, the car turning and flipping. Danny’s heart pounded, his stomach in his throat.
Far too soon, the ride ended. Danny looked over at his counterpart, both’s eyes blown wide. “Go again?”
Dan nodded eagerly. 
They rode again. And again. And again. 
Head over heels, the world turned in flashes of light and dark. Danny’s ears rang, shouts and cheers filling his brain. His head swam. Pressed side by side with Dan, hands grasps to the bars over the door. His veins filled with more adrenaline than blood. In every molecule… terror, giddiness, elation. 
The joy bubbled up, first in a smile. A grin. A shout. A laugh. The cackle burst out, unrestrained. Beside him, Dan’s guffaws rang in kind. The laughter filled his world, his mind. Dan’s laugh and his… they were the same laugh, but also so different. Chests and shoulders shook, the delight too much to hold. 
The two half ghosts laughed and laughed and laughed. 
They laughed until they couldn’t breathe. Until the ride stopped and both stumbled out of the car. Until Danny, one arm around the other’s shoulders, helped a green-faced, wobbling Dan past the ride operator and the line of waiting riders, and the other teen threw up on his shoes. 
“Stupid clone body.” Dan complained without heat, whipping his mouth with the back of his hand.
“That’s just being human.” Danny laughed. 
“Well, can my body not?” He rolled his eyes, the orbs still sparkling with mirth. “Eating and sleeping are great, really, but I could do without the ability to vomit.”
“Hey, you’re doing better than my first time. You lasted for more than one ride.” The other half ghost shrugged, the movement bringing his counterpart just the tiniest bit closer. “When we went to the fair when I was eleven, I was finally tall enough. I begged to ride. Jazz and Mom absolutely refused, the chickens. But Dad rode with me. It was the best thing ever. We flipped so many times.” His speech grew faster with his excitement. “I was so dizzy after. Stumbling around like I’d just drunk a six-pack. I wobbled up to Jazz, told her she was a chicken and missed the best ride ever and…” A snort burst forth, threatening to choke his words. “I threw up all over her! I’d eaten so much cotton candy before, it was bright blue! And little bits of popcorn and hotdogs.” Danny held his stomach with one arm. “You should have seen her face.” He giggled lost in the memory, in the lingering adrenaline rush. 
Beside him, Dan shook his head in amusement. “I remember. I was there.”
“Yeah.” Danny laughed. “I guess you were… there.” He trailed off, the meaning finally hitting him. Eyes trailing over, to his counterpart’s face. Similar to his, not just because the human body was a clone, but… “I guess you were.” 
Something shifted between the two, in that meeting of eyes. An unspoken understanding lingered. That heaviness that had flashed in Dan’s eyes, right after their lesson…. It leered, visible but not weighty. 
“Come on.” Danny finally offered, smile gentle. “You wanted to eat a bunch of greasy food today. Think your stomach is up to it?”
“Of course.” The other flashed his teeth playfully.
The two weaved through the midway, away from crowded rides. They passed tens of food stalls, visiting at least a half dozen for all the staples. Cotton Candy, Kettle Corn, Candy Apples. They got the best ice cream from a local farm’s stand and incredible homemade pumpkin fudge. And so much fried food- a red-velvet funnel cake, corn dogs, fried pickles, bacon-wrapped fried Reeses’, and the famed, delectable fried oreos. 
With their haul, they walked past the fairy-light lit garden displays, plants of all shapes and sizes swaying in the breeze. Clangs sounded from the old-fashioned blacksmith’s shop, curious onlookers’ faces lit by the fire light. A bluegrass band played on the lawn to ground-shaking stomps and cheers.
“This looks like a good spot.” Danny motioned. 
They’d wandered to an empty spot on the grass, near the pond at the edge of the fairgrounds. Dan gave a nod, carefully putting down his portion of the food.
And so the two teens sat and ate. Lights flickered on the water. At their backs, music spun. Fiddle and mandolin sang, soft and slow in some kind of lullaby.  
The quiet weighed but… not heavy, not oppressive. It encompassed, gentle and protective, like a blanket. Dan ate slowly, unhurried. His eyes drifted over the lake, gaze on the gentle lapping water. But his mind was elsewhere.
And Danny watched his companion. Not tense and distrusting as before but patient, ready to talk when Dan needed.
The lullaby ended to cheers. The sound petered out, the set ending. The murmurs of the crowd ebbed away. 
The wind picked up, movement catching Danny’s eye. At the other side of the pond, the trees swayed. Needles and pine cones ruffled, falling to the water with tiny plops. 
“Do you really think I’m terrifying?” Dan finally broke the silence.
Danny turned, eyes wide. Of all the questions to ask, he hadn’t been expecting that. “Why do you ask?” He swallowed, eyes darting away evasively.
“Earlier…you said having fun doesn’t make me any less terrifying or whatever. But that’s not…” Dan looked down, picking at his nails. “I don’t care about being scary. I don’t… I don’t wanna be like that. That’s not why… I don’t deserve… that’s not…” He stumbled over the words, finally gritting out. “Just answer the question.”
For just a second, Danny’s stomach twisted; his impulse was to lie. But… back in the alley, his core brushing Dan’s. A door opened between them. And… a door, once opened, may be walked through from either side.
He couldn’t lie, not about this.
Danny swallowed, nodding. “After I saw your future and the CAT and everything… I had so many nightmares. Mostly about you escaping.” The evil laughter, terror on his friend’s faces, Amity Park in rubble. He’d wake up sweating, heart pounding and ecto-blast in hand. Ready to defend. Now… his mouth felt dry, an odd feeling squeezing his core. “Those went on for months.”
“And then it happened.” Dan’s knees pulled his chest, eyes wide, haunted, and… guilty.
Numbly, Danny nodded. It had. He remembered; the rubble, the cries for help, the flames. He shivered. That reality had been erased. Clockwork fixed the timeline, like he had the first time. But it still happened. The monster from his nightmares returned, more powerful and dangerous than ever. And now….
His eyes focused. On the boy sitting across from him. That monster was here and… he wasn’t a monster at all.
And that was the hardest part. The Phantom as evil incarnate. As a twisted, unfeeling abomination. That was easy. But this Phantom? This oddly human reflection….
“I’m sorry.” Danny found himself saying. 
Dan looked up at that, blinking at him startledly. “Why the hell are you sorry?”
In a less somber setting, he might have laughed but now, Danny just shook his head. “After the CAT, I kept telling myself that I promised I’d never be like…like you.” The odd feeling squeezed again, something like guilt. “I’d never let that happen. Because… because I promised.” His head fixed down, gnawing on his lip. “Because I was stronger. I knew better now. I was better. I was… I was different somehow. But that’s… that’s a lie.” He forced his gaze back up, focused on the wide-eyed boy in front of him. “We’re… three steps from being the same person. If things had been different…”
The rain, the bed, the shattered picture frame…. That terrible scene from Dan’s memory. It was so easy to imagine that as his reality. Losing everything, his life destroyed… A twist of fate and their places could have been swapped. 
“So… I’m sorry. I’m sorry that happened to you. I’m sorry that you lost everything and that you’re stuck here. And having to deal with being 16 again and Vlad thinking he’s your dad. And…” Danny wrung his hands. “I’m sorry that I forgot…”
After the fight, when he’d thrown down the thermos, he’d realized, he’d seen it. That Phantom was hurting, in pain. That he was still just a grieving kid. But in the months since, he’d lost sight of that. “I’m sorry that I forgot you’re a person too. I forgot who you really are.”
Dan stared at him for a long moment, brow wrinkled. His mouth opened and closed a few times. Then… “You are so stupid.” Somehow, no heat was in the words. “I’m the one who’s supposed to be saying sorry. I’m supposed to be groveling, on my knees, begging. I…I destroyed the world, Danny.” His voice started to tremble. “I killed so many people. Maimed so many ghosts. Tried to kill Valerie, my only friend, so many times. I…I tried to kill Mom and Dad.” His eyes shone, taking on a glassy sheen. “Jazz, Sam and Tucker. I tried to kill all of them twice. Twice. And…” His face paled, almost queasy. “I am horrified. I am disgusted. I… It makes me sick. I hate… I hate what I did. I hate who I was. And…” Finally, tears started falling. “I don’t deserve any… any of this. I definitely don’t deserve you saying sorry to me. You… you idiot. You’re too good for your own good. And I’m… I’m just…”
Dan stuttered to a stop, words choking as he furiously whipped at his face. 
And it was Danny’s turn to stare stunned. What could he say to that? Nothing was good enough. Nothing would ever be good enough. By all accounts, Dan had done horrible things, unforgivable things. Danny had every reason to still hate and fear him. No reason at all to offer forgiveness or sympathy. But…
The empathy was there, twisting Danny’s heart into knots. Somehow, he understood. Far too well.
“Do you want a hug?” The question slipped out before Danny really considered it.
Dan, apparently completely stunned, nodded immediately.
What he’d asked hit Danny just as the response came. For a moment, he mentally berated himself; what a stupid thing to ask. Dan didn’t actually want a hug. And what was he doing trying to comfort his formerly evil, formerly older alternative self? But then again…
Danny’s resolve crumbled. He leaned over, wrapping his arms around Dan’s shoulders.
The breath-hitching sob caught Danny off guard. Dan letting his walls crumble in front of him had been unbelievable just this morning. But after the rides and games, sharing quips and food and heart-felt truths…. Now it all made sense.
The pair sat for a long time, Danny hugging his counterpart. Dan’s shoulders shook, hands balled in the back of his jacket. Tears wet his shirt. And the only sounds were his own heartbeat, Dan’s pounding right next to his. And the dark-clad teen’s soft cries. 
Gradually though, the tears slowed. The sobs quieted. The shaking stopped. Breathing slowed and evened. 
Taking a deep breath, Dan pulled away. “I… Sorry.” His face burned red, embarrassed. “That isn’t… I didn’t want to break down on you.”
“It’s okay.” Danny shook his head. “Maybe it didn’t go how you wanted. But this is why you wanted to hang out with me, right? To apologize, getting everything out in the open.”
The other half ghost nodded. “And show you that I’m…I’m different.” He wiped his eyes. “I’m trying to be better.”
“I can see that.” The skin around his eyes crinkled, dawning smile genuine. 
And Danny meant it. In a dozen little ways today, he’d witnessed it. This Dan was a far cry from the Phantom he’d fought all those months ago.
“I’m glad to hear that.” Dan gave a watery smile. 
Just then, a loud boom cut that air. Lights flashed in the sky. Fireworks above the pond. 
“Look at that.” Dan’s eyes widened, voice breathlessly awed.
The two sat, side by side watching the fireworks. Sparks danced across the sky, spheres and swirls and spirals of every color.
And Danny could never have been happier he opened that door and let Dan drag him here. He didn’t know what the future held for them, where exactly his and Dan’s relationship stood; were they friends now? Family? But… 
“Cotton Candy?” His counterpart offered, holding open the bag.
“Sure.” Danny nodded, taking the last handful.
There had been tears and apologies. A release of tension and fear and bitterness. New discoveries made and old similarities uncovered.
Danny tore the piece of floss in half, giving Dan back the other piece. 
And most importantly, the incredible chance to start again.
Dan accepted with a nod and a smile. “Thanks. For everything.” 
Reconciliation was indeed sweet. 
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Hi! Is it okay to request different Penguins (or only Arkham, if you don't write for all!) with a female reader who dresses in classic Lolita fashion? If you aren't familiar with the style, it refers to people who wear doll-like dresses, accessories and cutesy makeup! She also behaves in a very "dainty" way and is kind of shy, so I guess you could say she has soft mannerisms/personality! Thank you! <3
"Soft Fashion" Penguin Party x Reader
eyyyyy I don't get to write a ton of Penguin parties! Always exciting. Believe me, I'm rather familiar with the lolita style. It's not something I could wear or pull off, but I love looking at the different dresses and styles. I tend to like gothic styles or dresses with richer tones like you see in classic.
TW: some unhealthy/villanous relationship dynamics, doll play if you squint at 2022
At first, he confuses the soft personality for someone to be manipulated and controlled. Another pawn to be used in his grandiose plans for King of Gotham. Then he fell for you. It should have been so easy not to but... What originally started as plots for how to use you swiftly became annoyance at the idea of other people trying to use you. It's so annoying! He supposes he'll have to look after you forever now.
Honestly? The fashion itself makes him feel masculine in a positive, non-toxic way. He's rather used to people looking at him or thinking of him as effeminate because of his smaller stature and method of dress- Not that effeminate is bad, not at all. Yet, it's frustrating when your gender identity is distinctly male.
So dating a woman who dresses in a highly feminine style gives him a reason to flash his peacock feathers, so to speak. In some ways, it encourages him to get flashier with his outfits. Why not? The two of you together, a complimentary pair...
And you two will have matching elements when you go out. Whether it's small color coordination, or the same fabric was used for your dress and his handkerchief- It's a subtle way of telling others to back off.
Would be willing to try the Ouji fashion for you. A prince to your princess. He'd look fucking good in it, too.
Obviously, you are a woman of status. This put him on guard at first, given his past run-ins with women like that using him for gag amongst her peers. He thought of how he should dupe you first before you could dupe him! Then he saw some cad harassing you for your purse and your genuine gentle nature- Bother.
His assumption was that you must be a lady of some kind to be dressing up like that. Perhaps the last of your true kind here in Gotham. You were everything a Lady should be- impeccably dressed, polite and well-mannered. Of course, some of that could be his own bias painting a perfect portrait of you. He wasn't wrong, in a way. Money and familial status does not necessarily a Lady make.
He has opinions about his favorite style of dresses and he has 0 shame sharing them. Mind you, he won't stop you from wearing things he "disapproves" of, he's not some moronic numbskull who feels entitled to your body and the clothes on it. Yet you might notice he tends to like fancier dresses with longer skirts, to the knee and below. Oh! and the ones with matching gloves, oh, those are lovely. He can't wear gloves himself due to his... condition. He loves seeing them on your delicate fingers.
There are moments you might need to pep him up as he stands next to you. He's aware that no matter how well he dresses there are still "flaws" in his appearance. Then he'll tell you what a lovely creature you are, inside and out!
Oh boy. Look. You need to know it now, but this man is not soft, nor is he anything related or parallel to dainty. He's crass, he's short and he's rather grungy. But holy fuck all, he likes looking at you.
The big problem is the pawing. He already has a handsy problem when being with anybody because the man craves social and physical intimacy after being denied it for so, so terribly long... Seeing you all dressed up is kind of like finally getting your mitts on the porcelain plate that was in the cabinet for all those years. The ones you got punished if you ever touched them. So now you kind of want to just smash it against a wall and-
No, wait. That metaphor went a little too far. What he means to say is, he wants to see the dress come off. With his teeth, but you seem like you wouldn't like that. Yeah, he figured you wouldn't like that.
It takes so much self control for him not to be a little freak around you but the fact that he does says so much. He'll crack an awful, nasty little joke, expecting to see color rise to your cheeks. Dancing along that line of too much and just enough. Anybody else fucks with you in that way, though, and he'll break their hands.
The two of you are an odd pair. Yet there's no doubt there's plenty of love to go around.
Arkham games
He's so about showing off his partner in nice things as a status symbol and lolita dresses cost a fuck-ton so he's already into it. He actually doesn't need an explanation because unlike some others on this list, he's been to Japan and the harajuku shopping district in his prime crime days. Y'know. Before his wings got clipped (banned entry into the country).
It's about the image. The status. When you're decked out in warm winter lolita fashion to accompany him to his Iceberg Lounge, it just says something to other people. You're his most special companion who gets everything you desire. And you earn it by just being you!
And... you know. Following his rules. Shy, dainty, and soft. You're like the prim and proper ladies at the boarding school he was shipped off to as a lad. To be treasured by some. In his line of work- to be fleeced.
Oh, not to worry, lamb. You do everything he says, and no one will be able to touch you. You keep to his hours, to his place- He's been a bit of a collector for a long time, love. Think of it like an elegant birdcage to keep you away from the filthy vermin that want to sully your wings.
That and don't comment about his eating habits. Follow all that and he'll get you whatever you want. You can be the adorable puffin to his penguin!
Batman 2022
He does not get it at first. Ain't lolita that book about the creepy guy who adopted the teenager he wanted to sleep with? oh. They made a fashion out of it? Why? That seems like a whole mess of implications, ya know? Sure, people dress up in Gotham in all kinds of weird shit these days, he just wants to know why this one.
Once you get into it, that it's only tangentially related, it's fashion, most importantly you like it- He'll tell you you're a cute little doll. His cute little doll.
It is funny given the kind of club he runs. Scantily clad men and women for entertainment about and yet you're... Very fully dressed, for the most part. If you ever wanted to get a little more risque, he wouldn't mind. A shorter gown, a peek at those thighs above the stocking... He could get into that.
Speaking of dolls, he wouldn't mind dressing you up. Or at least picking out those outfits. He's got a good sense for a suit, he'd figure out what dresses and accessories look best on you for an occasion. Gives him a fun sense of control and power play he enjoys. Rolling your stockings onto you, rolling them back down. Kissing your knees and calf. You got him kneelin' for you, sweetheart. Ain't you just a pretty picture looking at him like that?
He's going to teach you how to use a gun. Something tiny you can fit in your bag. He plans on being there if anything should happen, but pretending you're completely safe in his hands given everything is uh. Foolish, in his opinion. At minimum, you're getting a fancy taser. You can make it cute if you want. You're much too nice to not know how to defend yourself if you got in a bad situation!
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the-old-mayhem · 8 months
can you explain to me what the difference between extreme and black metal is? i've seen people describe bands like cradle of filth, behemoth etc. using both terms or say that they started as traditional black meal and then changed to extreme metal. so i'm just kinda confused, should such bands still be considered black metal or not?
Extreme metal is... Everything xD
It's an umbrella term for dozens of genres, subgenres and mixtures heh
Bands like COF and Behemoth indeed started as black metal, then changed genres. In the case of COF, they have developed a pretty unique sound that is a combination of many different genres, described as symphonic goth, melodic black, gothic black etc etc, so it's kinda understandable to call them "Extreme metal band" and be done with it.
Behemoth, on the other hand, is far simpler, going from black to death/ blackened death, and truth be told, I don't understand why Behemoth is "Extreme metal", but Darkthrone is regarded as "black metal" even though they changed genres a lot, starting as a death metal band, then black, then incorporating crust punk, heavy, doom...
So, it's a mess imho. But I am honestly not so knowledgeable when it comes to intricacies of metal genres, maybe @katiesrevenge18 can add her two cents?
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abhainnwhump · 2 months
Continuation prompt of the Driller plotline: Dream walks away ranting about how Cross always needs someone to take care of him, that he insists on eating ramen with a spoon because it is soup, that he gets drunk off of chocolate milk, that he doesn't eat or drink anything unless someone puts food in front of him or he is more mentally well than usual. Dream says he has to prep all his meals and lists off everything he thinks will be useful for taking care of Cross.
Before he knew it, he reached the exit. (By just sticking the wall. lol)
-Gothic Ribbon Anon.
First Part
Dream kept his eye sockets closed as he stumbled through the halls, a mix of pain, exhaustion, and anger. One hand stayed on the wall so he wouldn't get lost. The angry thoughts about Cross stirred.
"He just . . . left me, when I needed him the most, when we had to stick together." Dream whispered to himself. He had to keep his temper in control. He couldn't lose it and become an easy target. Yet despite his best efforts, his thoughts twisted. They did so much for everyone all the time, and especially Cross. "He would have never made it without me. I helped him into the guard. I helped redeem him. I helped him get into therapy. I loved and supported him for years. And this is how he thanked me?"
Deep down, he knew he was angry at the wrong person, but he couldn't help it. "Ramen is not a soup! Why doesn't he understand that? He's the top of his class and still can't figure that microwave ramen is mostly noodle! How could he have such a high IQ and still not come to the most basic conclusions?"
"And I'm always the one needing to remind him to take care of himself because of his stupid ego! He'd pass out on the battlefield if I didn't tell him not to starve himself! Ergh!" Dream kicked the wall, only hurting himself in the process. Nightmare's malice crawled on the floor behind him, trying to corrupt him like it did Cross and Blue. Dream ignored it. He didn't need it, he didn't need Cross, he just had to go home. Could they manage to hide from Nightmare when this was over? Or would he lie about the rules and kill him anyways? Or would he send one of his friends to kill him? Send Cross-
No, they had to focus. His attention had to go to the big objective, not the little things. Dream kicked the malice out of the way and kept walking along the wall. He took the pressure off his eye socket. The labyrinth shifted again and he took the left path, though his heart wanted to take the right. Whatever felt right was the wrong choice it seemed.
"I don't need him, I don't. I can't save any of them. They're gone . . ." Dream muttered to himself. Their eye socket stayed close. They followed the path, barely caring where it took them anymore. Their hand never left the wall. But then, the wall was gone. Dream stepped out in a open field. At first, he assumed it was a trap, another illusion. But the cold air tickling his bones told him otherwise.
"Oh." Dream paused as he looked down at the green grass below. A portal's shing echoed in the distance. Silence, and Nightmare's teal eye flashed opened. Killer, Horror, and Dust teleported behind him. Dream peered behind himself before focusing back on his brother and Ribbon, who tilted his head. His aura grew terrified.
"Dream . . . well then. I wasn't expecting you to escape." Nightmare took a double take, confused with a hint of nervousness. He took note of his bloodied eye; his smile returned. "I see you didn't get out unharmed."
Dream's eye socket twitched at his twin's sheer arrogance. How dare he snuggle with his former best friend who he turned into a husk of his former self, how dare he take all his loved ones away. Dream pulled out his two daggers and charged with rage.
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poisonivysource · 2 years
hello!! i'm new to comics and i have a question that i'm scared to ask on twitter lol... i always see people fight about ivy's sexuality. about if she is bi or lesbian and i don't know which is true? i'm so confused😭
hi there. short answer: she's unlabeled sapphic in most iterations and canonically bisexual in some—namely hqtas and poison ivy thorns
if you'd like a longer and more detailed answer, read below the cut
harley quinn the animated series
in this universe — which consists of the show itself and spin-off comics (written by tee franklin) — ivy is canonically bisexual.
she dated a guy named dan back in college, used to hook up with selina, was engaged to kiteman, and is currently dating harley.
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poison ivy: thorns (2021)
this is a young adult graphic novel written by kody keplinger and illustrated by sara kipin. it was released as part of dc's celebratory line of pride books last year. in this universe, ivy is confirmed bisexual
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jimmy palmiotti and amanda conner
i often see people bring this up
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and i have to point out that neither jimmy nor amanda ever specified that ivy is bi. they didn't label her sexuality. what they did say was this
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"but google says..."
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i've seen a number of people use this as "proof" recently and again, not valid. that is a fandom wiki that just about anyone can edit and write anything they please. i checked to see if the person in question provided any references i may not be aware of and unfortunately they didn't. they only mention the existence of a "pride cover featuring poison ivy with the lesbian flag" and apparently they're talking about the kris anka variant for harley quinn #4 that was released last year
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the color scheme can be misleading for sure. i don't know if anka did it intentionally or not, but i do know for a fact that he's normally not shy about attaching a pride flag aesthetic to a character. a solid example is his work on marvel's runaways, which has karolina dean (canon lesbian) and nico minoru (canon bisexual)
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so if he intended for that to be the lesbian flag, on a cover for the harley quinn run that features both harley and ivy, i believe he would've definitely found a way to center the flag colors on ivy alone. but, again, i can't possibly claim to know exactly what went on through his head, so, at the end of the day, make of it what you will, i suppose
meanwhile... (still on the topic of dc pride covers)
jen bartel opted for a bi color scheme for both of her harlivy variants, very much on purpose.
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now onto why her sexuality is such a hot topic for debate despite everything mentioned above. ivy has been portrayed as a misandrist more often than not. she never pursues romantic or sexual relationships with men without an ulterior motive—they are always a means to an end. with women, it's different. the connection is genuine, the feelings are real. her main love interest in the main continuity of the comics and almost every alternate universe, is harley. and whenever she happens to get a different love interest, it's a woman (see this post) even the casual hook-ups are with women (e.g. catwoman lonely city #3 and poison ivy #4)
and so, of course, none of this invalidates the possibility of her being bisexual. because misandry and bisexuality are not mutually exclusive, and her aversion to men stems from past traumatic experiences and the abuse she suffered at the hands of jason woodrue. but, at the same time, a case can just as easily be made that she is lesbian-coded. either way: she loves women. the end. 💚
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ninhaoma-ya · 1 year
Chapter 1083 — By Any Means Necessary
Ooo, it’s nice to be wrong. Sabo is spilling the beans already, no more wait for us!
…sure, the original wait since Cobra’s death was announced has been, what, five years (checked: not even a year? We truly are in the endgame now) but still. Happy with the recent information overflow!
First things first. I know that Oda plays fast and lose with the height of people, and it's… confusing to see it play out in reality, as here, where Sabo, Dragon and Iva-chan are seated around the same table, on similar-looking chairs.
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Just a refresher on heights (according to the OP wiki):
Sabo – 187 cm (6'1½")
Dragon – 256 cm (8'5")
Iva – 449 cm (14'8")
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Iva is almost 2,5 times as tall as Sabo. And you say they sit at the same table? I doubt.
I'm sure most things are custom in the OP universe, but here either Sabo must feel like a child (in the topmost picture his elbows aren't really aligned to the table as you would expect at a good meeting table) or –the more likely explanation since you can see the top of Dragon's knees almost jut over the top of the table– Dragon and Iva are feeling like they are attending a childrens' tea party.
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… we have enough high-stakes opponents. We really don't need any more.
Were they mentioned at the courtyard scene, when Saint Carlos tried to kidnap Shirahoshi? I only remember normal guards and bodyguards there, but who knows.
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…you just said the Nefertaris were one of the good ones? Do you just want to tear down everything, even though the Nefertaris hada. reason for not joining the other Celestial Dragons 800 years ago? Or do you just not know about that?
(And it doesn't fuel the flames of rebellion if you kill indiscriminately, you know? Especially a beloved monarch like Cobra? His people will probably just close the ranks behind Vivi, and other potential rebellions will just question your true goals – or if you try to replace one bad system with an even worse one.)
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Obvious Prediction: The Five Elders (or their lackey) killed Cobra, Sabo was in the wrong place at the wrong time.
More information about Karasu! My gothic fave!
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Interesting way he uses his fruit.
And not to be like that, but…
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…why are CP9 back?
And why did they get a promotion after the Water 7 fiasco?
(I love love love Fujitora)
(…I really want to write something about the Celestial Dragons and their literal head-in-the-clouds…)
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I'm sure we'll get to see how Shirahoshi got saved (again) from Saint Carlos, but it'll also be interesting to see how Sabo managed to get him away from atop quite a high cliff in the state he is in. The other Revolutionary Captains were on Kamabakka before him after all, so he didn't get any help from there.
(The last panels of this particular page were also interesting: was he talking to Shirahoshi, or was she just a visual reminder? Did he meet Bonney? Why was she on Egghead – did she try to follow Sabo and Kuma to Kamabakka?)
A ~subtle~ marker of Cobra's worsening health. "It's fine we killed him off for a Noble Purpose, he's dying, he'd die anyway before long."
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Oh no, he didn't get his wish of seeing Vivi married before he died :(
Interesting chapter! I give it The Second Whodunnit Of The Arc and A Tea Party From Hell.
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ingravinoveritas · 1 year
Crowley is giving me gothic lap cat vibes again in that poster! He tries to come across as if hes a mysterious badass but really he just wants to sit on his angel's lap, get petted and told that hes pretty.
Oh, I love this, Anon. Well, let's get a visual up here first, so we can discuss:
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I can definitely see the "gothic lap cat vibes" you're alluding to, with Crowley all curled up like that on the chair. I think what I love most about this poster is the gold overtones and the way the light radiates from Aziraphale onto Crowley. I especially love that they're sitting so close that they are melting into each other, to where you can't tell where one ends and the other begins.
There's obviously been quite a flurry of activity in the fandom today, with the release date, a new poster, and the Hillywood parody happening all at once. I hope you'll permit me a moment to vent about the latter, as I have watched the parody, and seeing it next to this poster just evokes a lot of Thoughts and Feelings™ in my mind.
So, the first thing I will say is that I am not here to shame anyone who enjoyed the Hillywood parody. If you liked it, then that is absolutely your prerogative, and I will not ever tell anyone not to like it. Secondly--and by way of disclaimer--I know next to nothing about Hillywood parodies, except that they've done them for a long time, they're sisters, and they have a significant following. So I fully acknowledge that I may not be qualified to judge the parody on those grounds.
My reaction after watching the parody today was that it was underwhelming, and to me, it was not really worth the wait or the build up. I thought the production values were great and they got the look of Good Omens down...but I was confused by everything else. The song choice (Billie Eilish?) that was much too niche and did not at all seem to fit with GO, for one. The self-congratulatory overtones, for another, as well as the acting that seemed surprisingly hollow. Because what is GO? Is it the sets? The costumes? If that was the case, that would mean anyone could play Aziraphale and Crowley...but as this parody shows, that just isn't true. You can have all the style and special effects in the world, but if there's no substance behind it, it falls flat.
The one moment of the parody that I liked--and that actually felt genuine--was the cameo by Daniel Mays, who played Adam's dad in the series. His presence was something that connected us to the show, to the heart of Good Omens. This is not to say that I would've wanted Michael or David to appear (I'm glad they didn't), but to me, a parody is supposed to evoke the feel of the source material--the soul of it, not just the visuals. And that is why the sisters' portrayals of Aziraphale and Crowley felt like empty shells to me.
In contrast, we have the new poster, and what we've been talking about. Aziraphale and Crowley aren't even facing each other and yet we can still feel that connection, that pull between them...and that, to me, is what GO is about. So knowing that Amazon was involved with the Hillywood parody (I don't know about financially, but definitely in terms of promotion/providing exclusive information to Hillywood) tells me that even after four years, Amazon still does not understand this show. They don't understand what Good Omens is, what it means to the fans, or how to effectively market it ("uncanny friendship"? Seriously?).
Thankfully for us, we still have Michael and David, whom I know will give us everything we could ever want in the second season (and the press tour, assuming there is one). And we still have Crowley curled up against Aziraphale waiting to be pet and told he's pretty. So that is very much something to be thankful for...
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signalwatch · 11 months
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Frankenstein (1931)
Watched:  10/24/2023
Format:  Peacock
Viewing:  Unknown
Director:  James Whale
Every year during the spooky season I try to give Frankenstein (1931) a watch.  The past several years, I've double-billed Frankenstein with Bride of Frankenstein, usually the night before - or night of - Halloween.  
But this year I wanted to give the movie a bit more time to percolate and watch it as its own thing.  
It's a movie I've seen *a lot* and so I can spot the places where the dolly shot bounces on the tracks, and I can see the literal creasing in the backdrops used in the forest scenes.  I laugh with anticipation at the jokes and know which bits work best as scares.
I make a lot of notes about how Dracula movies don't match the novel, because there's usually some adherence to the book and seeing where and why they diverged is a curiosity.  But by the time you get from the publication of Mary Shelley's novel in 1818 to the play and the movie, this story was well over 100 years old, and folks were going to do their own thing.*  There's barely any of the novel left in this film.  Themes.  Some names.  Some settings.  A wedding.
So I tend to separate them and consider them their own thing, and it's usually in subsequent adaptations that I look for whether they're borrowing from this film or from the novel or doing something entirely new.  
Even if the film is nearing the century mark, it still plays.  The creatures' pathos is as real as the novel, if reduced to a child-like state of confusion rather than a sort of existential crisis of existence.  The performances are of their time but would absolutely put fire in a modern adaptation.  You simply won't beat Colin Clive going mad in the moments of success after the monster is lowered from the tower.  
The look is borrowed from German Expressionism, and between the Gothic horror of Dracula's settings and this film, we get a language for how the best sets and scenes should look in horror that will be endlessly copied, parodied, stolen from and refracted for the next 90 years.  That's not to say this was the final word, but the starting line and the thing to which everything else can draw comparison.
Further, the themes of "who is the real monster?" would echo throughout horror and science fiction, and are often the best part to chew on in a film (and something zombie movies picked up and ran with).  But I think this movie does the best job of bringing a Dr. Frankenstein to life who really thinks he shut the door behind himself and his experiments, only to have it come roaring back.
I'm now curious to read the play upon which the movie is based.  Curiously, next year sees the publication of the script for what I believe to be the first time.  
Some time I will write a much longer bit on this movie, it's sequel and the novel and why I keep coming back to them, but not today, kids!
But for the best Halloween spookiness for the whole family, I humbly submit this classic.
*worth noting, this film will be 100 in just 8 years
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exsanguinated-doves · 2 years
Another wife storytime because..she's really like that
The second probation officer, Anthony, and my wife is walking down the street. Anthony knows not to let her come in contact with any strangers or anyone who she views hostile. They are practically handcuffed together (not in a literal sense) because wherever she goes, Anthony follows, no matter what.
The hostiles are as follows: cops, (will attack on sight) landlords (will also attack on sight) children (extremely bad) radfems/terfs (the loud ones) knockoff vegan teachers--especially the ones protesting (also really bad) owners who let their cat outside (yes quite bad) fox feeders (very bad) unofficial wildlife carers (very, very bad)
Why cops? Well.
We have a baby, and she's only a few months old, and rumors were quick to spread about her snatching the child from her rightful parents (as they are blatantly homophobic or unable to come to the conclusion that wlw couples can in fact acquire/get/have children, and she did snatch the baby but not from the parents) and the authorities have been called to her place because a worried mother thought she was some sort of kidnapper. The authorities arrive at the house, around maybe 5 or so, and they aren't accustomed to us. She's always viewed police officers or law enforcement as people beneath her, the bottom of the food chain in the societal hierarchy. And that feeling is mutual with the snooty federal officers.
I see three police cars, the jail car where prisoners are hauled off in, and seven cops in total. There's no paramedics or ambulances on site. Which is odd, because they're usually supposed to be there during an investigation for a kidnapping allegation. I would have been confused but this has happened too many times to count, only in different places. Because my wife relishes and gleefully delights in being infamous.
They tell us, "Come out with your hands up!" I had just put the baby to sleep. I'm not about to deal with these officers and their loud megaphones. So I go out with a knitted jacket and a plain dress with lounge pants on, because this was in autumn. I have my wedding ring, because I never take it off, to flex on people about my married ass to a woman. I step out in bunny slippers and I choose to play the gentle, demure homemaker with a breadwinning husband (in their fantasy). There's seven pistols pointed at me. Some of them falter--their guns slightly tip down as they stare wide eyed at me. Probably because of my height. I'm a bit tall, standing at 6'9. It's not common here. I slowly put my hands up, my brows knitted in confusion.
"Get down! Get down!" I obey them. I get on my knees, still confused. None of them recognize me, which is a shame. They were most likely from the other town, because a police depot....in simple terms, one was very far from where we lived, and two towns are very near here.
"Search the house!" They cry, and I internally prepare myself for them breaking everything in their sight. The police officers here are reckless, useless idiots who cannot do their jobs right, and toss away all basic decorum and the law, because they think they are the law.
Just as one is to put me in handcuffs, and the sheriff in charge is about to do a breach and clear, the door opens with a wild swing. A gust of air sharply exits, powerful enough to make the sheriff lose balance. The pistols they had literally flew from their hands. In their state of shock, they looked towards the figure at the door, scrambling for their side arms. Whether the gods were playing some sort of joke on me, I know not.
She is much taller than them, with her freakish, gothic platforms, which have been cleaned of blood. She stared at them, their gaping faces.
"Come to disturb the peace, have you?" She sniffed, clutching our dear child in one hand, and her choice of nail polish bright red. She is holding our child in her arms, in one arm at least. They are confused. In their bewildered state, it took some time for one of them to respond.
"Excuse me?" Said one.
"I was not talking to you," She seethed, her head held up high. Was she referring to the sheriff? I thought.
It is in this moment that a seven foot tall moose emerges from the trees. Mind you. No moose, elk, deer, or bear, ever has enough courage to even step on the stones which leads to our house, for a reason I can only think that it's because of the sheer intensity of my wife's existence. (And those animals are very common here.) I instantly freeze. The officers, for split second, do not know what to do. And then the moose charges at us. Unarmed, they scream, because an angry moose will very quickly be the death of you. They scram, leaving their pistols unattended, screeching for their lives and running amok--but I realize, five seconds in, that the moose has it's sights on a single one of them. This one, a bit pudgy and round in the face, scrabbles back to a police car and the moose rams towards it, full speed. The car revs backwards, and the other cops are quick to jump back in their cars and get the fuck out. It resulted in frantic vehicles crashing towards each other, reckless, frenzied driving, and an angry moose which chased them all out.
I was already standing at that point, and I look back at my wife, confused, and frightened, at the same time.
"How did you know the moose was coming..?" I ask slowly. WHAT SORCERY AND FORBIDDEN WITCHCRAFT HAVE YOU JUST DONE was what I wanted to say, but you know. Our child, SOMEHOW, by god's blessing, is still asleep. She smiled widely.
"I don't think they'll be coming back for a long, lo~ng, time.." She trailed off, and I sigh. I have really married a cryptid, have I? I go back inside. At least the baby remained asleep as ever.
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mrallnight57-blog · 7 months
Crystal of Mordokia
Chapter 49 Final Chapter
Jenny stared at Billbo for a moment. Wondering why he had just called her naive. Billbo began pacing back and forth. He was silent, but the expression on is face was that of rage.
Billbo continued pacing, and Jenny watched for a moment. Then she yelled out. "Did you not hear me!?! Gothic Mirror is getting away!!!"
Billbo stopped for a moment and stared at Jenny. Then he went back to pacing. This time he was mumbling in his native language. From what Jenny could tell. He was swearing.
Jenny was about to yell for him again, but before she could. Another voice hollered out. "Tim!!!" Jenny looked over to where she heard the voice coming from, and noticed it was one of the girls who had come to Gothic Mirror's meeting room with Tucker earlier. She believed her name was Katey.
Billbo stopped and stared at Katey. Then he noticed her staring at the 666 tattoo on his knuckles. Billbo chuckled to himself. Then he began speaking to his invisible friend. "See. I told you that this little symbol of yours was going to get us in trouble."
Katey attempted to step towards him, but Billbo held up his hand to stop her. "He's gone kid. He was gone way before I got here." Katey's head dropped, and she began to cry. Billbo watched her for a moment. Then he said. "At least you can take comfort in knowing that everyone who was responsible, is now dead."
This set Jenny off, and she began screaming. "No they're not!!! Gothic Mirror was in charge of this whole operation, and right now he is getting away!!!"
Billbo was silent for a moment. Then he looked at Katey and said. "Gothic Mirror died about ten minutes ago."
This statement caught Jenny off guard.
Billbo turned his attention to Jenny. "You still don't get it? Do you? Litias was giving you a show."
This statement frustrated Jenny. "No! I saw the blood!!! She died trying to protect me!!!"
Billbo fired back. "It was an illusion!!! Litias is the Dark Witch! The little sister of the Red Woman! She is far stronger in the spiritual realm than she is in the mortal realm. There is no way Gothic Mirror would have been able to harm her."
Jenny was in shock. She began shaking her head. "I don't understand. Why would she do that?"
Billbo shook his head. "Because she's a coward. Very rarely has the Dark Witch encounter a being that can utterly destroy her, and after the beating she took from her older sister. She is a shell of what she use to be. Knowing that I nearly killed her sister, terrifies her."
Jenny took a step towards Billbo. "The whole reason she came to this world was to retrieve your soul. Why would she back down now?"
Billbo laughed. "Because my soul was inside the crystal. Now that I walk amongst the living. She wants no part of me. You might as well face facts Hero. Litias played you."
Billbo began walking towards Jenny. "She played you like the fool that you are. Giving you false hope. So you would help her get out of the contract. Then leaving you and everyone else to die. Of course she had to kill Gothic Mirror, because anyone who betrays The Dark Witch is punished by death."
Jenny stood silent as she was processing everything Billbo was saying. Finally she replied with. "So, what happens now?"
Billbo shook his head again. Then he motioned to the crowd. "They die." Panic began running through the minds of everyone in the room. Most knew that the Gothic Lights had locked them in there, and they was no way out.
Billbo continued speaking. "I'm going to kill them one by one, because you failed at what I asked you to do. I told you to stop me! Instead of figuring out away to destroy me. You spent your time being a pawn for The Dark..." Billbo stopped talking, and began listening to a voice no one else could hear.
The crowd was confused, Jenny knew exactly what was going on. Billbo was getting a message from The Dark Magic. Which was never a good thing. Suddenly Billbo said. "Fair enough. I'll give you what you want."
Jenny stood there, wondering what The Dark Magic wanted. After a moment, Billbo spoke to her. "I have good news. My friend agreed to spare them." Billbo motioned to the crowd, and a sigh of relief washed over the crowd, but a cold shiver went up Jenny's spine. She knew that the Dark Magic wants something in return.
Billbo continued speaking. "On one condition." Jenny took a step back. Billbo stared into her eyes as he said. "I have to kill you."
Jenny swallowed the saliva in her mouth, and began shaking. She then attempted to negotiate with Billbo. "Look just give me a chance! I'll find Litias! I'll make her..."
Billbo cut her off. "Silence!!!" Suddenly Billbo's eyes turned red, and his staff appeared in his hand. His voice growled as he said. "Litias is long gone. She played you."
Jenny started to cry out. "No! No! No!" Then as Billbo got closer, preparing to shove his blade into her chest. Her entire demeanor changed, and a smile came across her face. This took Billbo by surprise, and he hesitated for a moment. That's when Jenny said. "No! She played you!"
Suddenly Billbo's staff disappeared. He no longer had control over it. Then his hands began to crystallize. That's when he looked over to the stairs, and saw Litias standing on them.
Litias was in her robe, but her hood was down. She finished walking down the stairs, and made her way to Billbo. Once the two of them were face to face. Litias said. "Did you really doubt me hero?"
Billbo's body was slowly changing. His skin was becoming crystallized. He gave a faint smile to Litias, and said. "No, but I had to have him believe you were a coward."
Litias gave Billbo a wicked smile. "Well you knew I had the ability to manipulate my own soul. You just didn't count on me manipulating someone else's."
Jenny stood next to Litias as Billbo's body continued to transform. As he transformed he began saying his final words. "It may seem like I was helping you both tonight, but the creature inside me made it almost impossible. It's a killer, and it will always be inside me. There is no way to save me. So promise me, you will never release me from the crystal again."
Jenny had hoped there could have been some other way. She wished she could separate Billbo and the Dark Magic. Unfortunately at this time, that wasn't possible. So she replied with. "I promise."
Those words seem to annoy Litias, and she gave Jenny a disapproving look.
Right before Billbo finished his transformation. His eyes turned red, and he shouted out one last thing. "This isn't over between us!!! I will see you both... later!!!" After he spoke. The crystal consumed his body. Shrinking down to the size it was before.
Now the small crystal hovered in the air. Dark energy emitted from the crystal. It made everyone in feel uncomfortable. As if the monster inside could still kill them all. Litias lifted her hand, and motioned the crystal to come to her. The crystal did what it was told, and Litias grabbed and wrapped her fingers around it, and said. "It doesn't matter what you say Hero. I'm the Monster now!"
At that moment, the dark energy settled, and the atmosphere in the room went back to normal. Upon realizing this. The crowd began to celebrate, and cheer. These people had originally come to see a concert, but what they ended up seeing was far greater than anything they could have imagined.
Jenny embraced Litias, and at first she hugged back. Then she stopped even though Jenny was still squeezing. Litias cleared her throat, and Jenny stopped and took a small step back. That's when Jenny noticed everyone staring at them.
The crowd was in all with Litias. They thought she looked so adorable. Some of the people in the crowd were even commenting on how cute she was. Litias seem to be taking it all in, but suddenly the room went dark, and fire began filling the room. Litias hood appeared on her head, and she began screaming. "Silence you foolish mortals!!! Fall to your knees!!! For I am your God now, and you will be in my servitude for eternity!!!"
Terror struck the crowd, and everyone fell to their knees. Even Jenny had taken a step back. Afraid of what Litias might do. Fearing that she might be getting corrupted by the crystal.
Suddenly the room went back to normal, and Litias (Who was no longer wearing her hood.) Was standing in the middle of the room laughing. She turned to Jenny and said. "You're right, my appearance will take my enemies off guard. I'm invincible!"
Sherrie had been observing everything from the crowd. Like everyone else, she was relieved when Litias showed up, and put Billbo back into the crystal. She was sad as well. She knew Billbo had two sides. One that was a monster, and another that was a hero. She would have been dead if not for Billbo.
Sherrie made her way over to the students that Mr.Tucker had chose to be his company on this night. The students were looking at Widow Maker. Who was still alive, but hadn't moved since Billbo kicked his ass.
Sherrie began speaking to the group. "You all were right. Widow Maker is a very powerful demon. Had circumstances been different. He would have led you all to World Domination."
Sherrie's words seem to anger Matt. "What are you!?! Stupid!?! Did you not see how easy that monster destroyed him!?! He is nothing but..."
Sherrie cut him off. "No!!! He didn't have a chance. No one stands a chance against Billbo H. Hero.
Katey stepped into the argument, and began talking to Sherrie. "What do you know about that monster?"
Sherrie sighed. "Not much, but I know he is no monster! He saved my life. He killed The Punk Rockers. He Killed The Gothic Lights. He made sure that at the end of the night, we would all be able to go home."
After Litias's prank on the crowd. Jenny made her way back to her. So the two could continue their conversation.
Jenny spoke first. "Well... your plan worked. I guess I really do make a good distraction."
Litias smiled. Then her eyes widen and a look of terror came across her face. "That wasn't my plan at all!!!"
Jenny became confused. "What do you mean?"
Litias started talking fast. I had hoped after seeing my demise. Billbo would hunt Gothic Mirror down, and I would take him by surprise, but when he didn't show up. I knew something had gone terribly wrong!"
Jenny was startled by this news. This meant had Litias not come when she did. She would be dead by now.
Litias continued speaking. "So I came down here to confront the hero, but when I got here. I saw something truly mortifying!"
Jenny placed her hand on Litias's shoulder. "It's okay. I'm fine."
Litias shrugged Jenny's hand off her shoulder. "I don't care about that!" Jenny gave Litias a disappointed look. Then Litias said. "That mother fucker was talking shit about me to my best friend, and I just couldn't let that slide.
Jenny started laughing. Then the two of them embraced for a few moments. This time though Jenny was the one who broke away. She then used her head to motion to the center of the room. That's when Litias noticed Widow Maker was laying on the ground.
Litias gave Jenny a nod. Then she made her way over to where Widow Maker was laying. She knelt down beside him, and started speaking. "I'm sorry friend. I did not want any of this to happen. All you need to know is Gothic Mirror was just using you as a pawn to get to me. So when you see him in the afterlife. Make sure you let him know just how much you appreciate that."
Litias stood up and placed her hand above Widow Maker's body. "One more thing. "Let Melina know I'm sorry. Tell her that things did not work out today, but I promise one day I will make sure she is freed from the Nether World, and is allowed to ascend to heaven where she belongs."
Widow Maker used the last bit of his energy to acknowledge Litias. To her surprise, the Demon smiled at her. She smiled back. Then she waved her hand over his over his body, and he was sent back to the Nether World.
Litias made her way back to Jenny. Who had been watching her interaction with Widow Maker in amazement. Once Litias made it to Jenny's side, she began talking. "Do me a favor Pretty One. My stuff is upstairs. I need you to gather it and watch over it for me."
Jenny smiled. "I will."
Litias smiled back. "You must stay alive Pretty One. No matter what happens on this world. You. Must. Stay. Alive!!!"
Jenny raised an eyebrow. She totally planned on staying alive, but Litias's words seemed ominous. She replied "I will do my best."
Litias now had a wicked grin. "You better. Because when I return. I'm taking your soul!!!"
Jenny took a step back, but the next thing she noticed was that Litias was gone. She began looking all around for her, but she disappeared without a trace.
As Jenny looked for Litias. She was approached by Sherrie, who was being flanked by Tucker's students. "They want to know. They want to know about Billbo."
Before Jenny could reply. Everybody else in the room began surroundings her. All of them had questions. All of them wanted to know about the man that appeared unstoppable, and about the creature that defeated him.
Jenny took in her surroundings. Then she smiled, and said. "It began over two thousand years ago."
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immortanj0j0 · 8 months
The Purple Orangutang
(What I'm about to describe is a real dream with no exaggeration.)
I once had a dream in which I was driving down the highway towards a Home Depot in the middle of nowhere early in the morning. I was going there to meet an old friend by the name of Greg, a friend I hadn't seen since high school, some seven years ago. He was the manager of the order pick-up and delivery department, and I was excited to meet him and shoot the shit to catch up on old times.
I remember arriving at the store and walking into it, and something felt off. The entire interior felt exactly the same as the retail store where I worked at the time. Menards. Layout and everything were perfect, but instead of the vomit green that Menards had, everything was that orange color Home Depot uses for their branding. I remember wandering the store perfectly despite having never been in there, and eventually I found my way in the back yard of the store, Greg nowhere in sight. Behind the store, there was this grassy hill, the top of which was lined with tall grass and cattails; beyond that, there was a clean pond overlooking an abandoned gothic mansion.
I don't know why, but I was compelled to go to that hill. I should also note that, despite arriving here in the morning, it was now evening, and the sun was setting. As I climbed the grassy hill, I sat down on the top, peered through the tall grass and cattails, and watched as the geese swam about in the pond.
When I noticed the purple orangutang taking a seat next to me, I was surprisingly not bothered nor confused by its presence. When the orangutang spoke to me in fluent English, I listened intently as it began to ask me about my life and how I was doing.
I told the purple orangutang that I was lonely, that I didn't have many friends, and that I didn't like my job. At the time, I was driving 30 minutes to my retail work every day, and every day I was constantly being screamed at by my boss, taken advantage of by my coworkers, and abused by customers.
So, the Purple Orangutang asked me a hard-hitting question: "Why don't you just quit?"
I was stunned by this. I tried to tell the ape that it wasn't that easy and that I'd need to find another job.
Yet it simply said, "Yes, it is. If what you're doing now is making you miserable and you're burning more gas than you make in a day, shouldn't you just quit and try to at least improve upon your life by getting another job?"
Once again, I was stunned by this. The purple-ape thing was right. So, I asked it about my loneliness problem, to which the ape told me that it couldn't exactly help me there. He told me that was something I could only solve myself. Though it did give me ideas, such as starting a D&D campaign and inviting people.
I don't recall exactly what happened next. Though I vaguely remember the ape pointing to the mansion and telling me that if I wanted to try to improve my life, I could perhaps search for my ideas in the mansion. So, I got up and went to it. I don't recall what happened next after I went into that mansion, but what I do know.
In real life, I quit my job a week later and got a phone call from my current company, which I work for, asking if I wanted a job. Now I work remotely and am pretty happy with what I do.
I also started a D&D campaign and made a lot of new friends. I still feel lonely sometimes, but now I have people I can talk to.
So, I thank the Purple Orangutang every day for helping me. If you're ever feeling down in your dreams and you see a Purple Orangutang, talk to him; he's a super nice guy and is willing to help you out.
I also decided to search up the Purple Orangutang on the website "Dream Journal" and learned that apes in dreams are a sign of sexually repressed urges....
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ridestomars · 2 years
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𖥻 summary: in which eddie makes a mixtape for you. 𖥻 pairing: eddie munson x alt!reader. 𖥻 warnings: this is part of my alt!reader concept, but can be read as a standalone. poor grammar possibly. not proofread.
💭 liv's thoughts: a big thanks to @saintlessmunson for reading my first draft <333 i only function on sudden urges and this is another one of them. just a compilation of songs that were important to the development of your relationship w eddie. it was supposed to have 5 songs, but i wrote about 3 bc i'm lazy <3 really hope you enjoy it! the fic's playlist.
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IS THERE SOMETHING I SHOULD KNOW? do you feel the same 'cause you don't let it show
Eddie almost regretted stepping foot inside the old record shop that day, especially when the music coming from the speakers was so loud that it could be heard from across the street; the annoying sound of Simon Le Bon's voice piercing through his ears as he miserably made his way inside. Walking with his head low to keep people from staring at him, he went straight to the Weird Al Yankovic section, trying to get this over with already. 
His fingers expertly went through the selection of records, even though he knew he wouldn't be able to find whatever record Dustin didn't have because he simply didn't know what it was. It would've been so much easier if he could just gift the boy the new D&D book, or some great figures – but what could he possibly give to a kid who already has everything? His favorite artist's new album, of course. And that's what he intended to do if only he knew what his latest record was called. 
"I always took you for a Judas Priest type of weird. Didn't know you were taking a step further," a familiar voice said, getting closer. He slowly looked to his side, realizing that you were walking towards him, in your full gothic attire; a cute lacy dress, with fishnets and heavy boots, all in black, of course. Eddie wasn't really in the mood to bicker, but for you, he could make an exception. 
"It's not for me, Dracula," he muttered, still very focused on going through the endless records in front of him – half of them were just copies of the same title, which made more sense than Weird Al making so many records. "I'm buying this for Henderson. The small kid, curly hair, always with a cap". 
He absentmindedly explained, going through the kid's most striking features. 
"Yeah, I know who he is. And he already bought Polka Party last week". 
"I'm sorry?" he turned to you, a big confused frown on his face. 
"Polka Party," you repeated slowly, even though he still didn't understand what you said, "you know… his latest record? That's what you're looking for, right? Henderson already bought it."
"Shit," Eddie lamented, wincing slightly. "That's what I was going to buy him". 
"That's too bad. Maybe you should try Tiny Tim, then", you suggested and saw that Eddie contemplated the idea, before rejecting it vehemently. "Well, then I have something that he might like". 
"Yeah? And what is it?" he asked as he let go of the records, turning his body around completely to face you. 
"It's called Licensed to Ill by the Beastie Boys. It just came in, so I highly doubt that he'd have it already", you explained as you guided Eddie to the newest releases shelves. "It has everything a teenage boy would like, I guess. Beer, girls, idiotic screaming…"
"Seems cool enough. What are they? A rock band?"
"They're rappers", you said and that didn't ring any bells for the metalhead. "Oh my God, don't you watch MTV at all?" 
"Only the Heavy Metal Half-Hour. Don't really like any of the VJs", he shrugged. "Why do you sound so surprised? I mean, Duran Duran has been playing and I don't see you complaining. Aren't they out of fashion already?"
"Well, Marie's the one picking the music today, so if I say something I'd probably get fired", you put your hands up, showing that you are defenseless. "But don't you think you're a bit too close-minded?"
"Because I don't know the Beast Boys?"
"Beastie Boys", you correct him as you hand him the record. A jet is crashing into the side of a mountain on the cover, which definitely caught his attention. As he analyzed the album, you smiled lightly, finding the way his brown eyes scanned the cover to be very cute. "But it's like you live in your own little metal world… doesn't it get boring sometimes?"
"With Ozzy Osbourne? Never." he offered you a sly smile as his eyes shoot up to look at your face. 
"You know, some people wouldn't even consider Ozzy to be metal," you teased him slightly and he loudly gasps, absolutely offended by your affirmation. 
"Don't you ever say that again!"
"Oh, but I will! And I can even argue that you, Edward Munson, aren't metal at all." 
"And why is that?" he asked, genuinely curious. "Because you just said that I am a close-minded metalhead, sweetheart". 
"You know exactly what I mean! C'mon, half of the bands you like are hard rock, and I am including Led Zeppelin and Black Sabbath on that list".
"Sure, Vlady." he rolls his eyes at you, walking to the nearest listening booth, with you on his tail. Eddie was already taking the vinyl out of its sleeve before asking you, "Any suggestions?"
"Rhymin' and Stealin', or No Sleep 'Til Brooklyn. They're the most metal of them". 
"Nah, no metal. 'Cause now that I am a fully open-minded person, thanks to you, I think I'll go with…" he taunted you for your fruitless try to start one of your bickerings.  "Hold It Now, Hit It". 
"Great pick", you encouraged him, even though you knew he wasn't going to like it. 
CRAZY TRAIN. i'm living with something that just ain't fair.
"Haven't you had enough of following me around, weirdo?"
"Nope. In fact, I would like to follow you some more", he answered as he keeps trailing behind you, putting up Madonna's True Blue cardboard cut-out next to the album shelves. "Killer jeans, by the way". 
"Gross," even though you tried to seem annoyed by his statement, the smile on your face betrayed you. Thank God he couldn't see it. "But I'm afraid you won't have much time to appreciate it, since I'll be leaving in… five minutes".
You said after checking your wrist clock, then helping him to stabilize the life-size Madonna on the floor. Then, you took a few steps back to appreciate the result of your teamwork.
"What? I thought you worked until five!" he exclaimed as he let go of the cardboard. The abrupt motion almost took it down, but you swiftly put it back to its original place. "Sorry".
"Stalker much?" you playfully ask, making his cheeks blush lightly. When you were finally done with the Madonna cardboard, you walked to the store's counter, leaning down to get your backpack. As you started to organize your things, you explained, "I worked overtime yesterday, so Marie is covering for me today". 
You felt his gaze follow you intensely, watching how your hands moved as you grabbed your own cassettes, your coat, and a few fanzines and stuffed them back into your bag. To be quite frank, you were actually enjoying having his attention on you, seeing the things you liked – maybe he could get to know a bit more about you by seeing your Echo and The Bunnymen tape. 
"Do you- um…" when he sees you sling your backpack on one of your shoulders, he begins to muster up the courage to ask, but as he senses your eyes on him, his voice falters a bit, "do you want a ride?"
"Is your van clean?" you asked as you start to walk towards the exit, Eddie following you closely. "I don't really feel like sitting on another pack of Doritos today".
"Fuck off", it's hard to miss the humor in his voice, "And I did. It's as good as new". 
"Alright, then. Lead the way", you say as you open the store's door. Now, you were the one following him, trying to keep up with his long, quick steps. You almost miss the van, only stopping because of Eddie's sudden stop. "Why is it blue?" 
"I painted it. Got tired of red". 
"Nice. Why don't you paint it black next time? You know, to fit your aesthetic". 
"Noted," he acknowledges your suggestion, walking up to the passenger door and opening it for you. "M'lady". 
"Thank you, good lord." you graciously answer, getting inside the (thankfully clean) van. It only takes Eddie a couple of moments to sit in the driver's seat, and he founds you curiously eyeing the whole vehicle. 
"Found any Doritos yet?"
"No, but I found this" you pick up a little zip bag that was carelessly laid on the van's floor, next to your feet. "Do you just leave this stuff all over the place? You should be more careful, you know? I heard Hopper is after your ass". 
"Jesus H. Christ!" his eyes were wide as pies as he sees the marijuana bag you held, taking it in a rush. He almost drops it as he hurriedly stuffs it in his jacket pocket. "How d'you know that?"
"It's impossible not to. Everyone loves to talk about the resident freak's latest ​​shenanigans." you smile playfully at him again, finding out that he was already staring at you, with an amused look on his face. "And when you work at a place that the whole town visits, you end up knowing lots of stuff".
"Yeah? Like what?" he starts the van, maneuvering out of its parking spot. 
"Well…" you think about it for a while, trying to remember the hottest piece of gossip you know. "Heather Maxwell was almost arrested for, one, driving while drunk and two, for having sex with Stuart Mills on her parents' car at the side of the road. Hopper was less than pleased". 
"Stuart? As in-"
"Her best friend's boyfriend, yes!" you excitedly interrupt him, and he audibly gasps as he hears the missing piece of information. 
"I always knew Heather was up to no good," Eddie commented. "I mean, wasn't she the one who spiked our middle school punch without telling anyone?"
"Yeah," you laughed, "thank God Mrs. O'Donnell confiscated it."
"Oh, but it tasted so good!" 
"You drank it?" you ask and watch him enthusiastically nod, and your eyes widen slightly, "That explains why you were dancing to the Bay City Rollers, then".
"That wasn't because I was drunk! I actually really like them".
"Shut up!"
"I'm serious!" he confirms, laughing. You lean towards him as he makes an accentuated curve, brushing shoulders lightly. "You know, bye, bye, baby, baby goodbye!" 
You laugh harder as he sings the band's song completely out of tune, and the resounding sound of your laughter quickly infected him and you both entered a long fit of giggles. After it died down, though, it wasn't as awkward as you thought it would be; comfortably sharing the silence until you motioned to the radio, and picking up on that, Eddie asked, "d'you wanna turn on the radio? I have no idea of which tape is in, though". 
"It'll be a surprise, then. I bet it's Motorhead".
"And I bet it's Dio".
"Let's see!" you pressed the on button and the beginnings of Ozzy Osbourne's Crazy Train filled up the whole van. Eddie's sound system always impressed you with how powerful the music reverberated through the small space. "Fuck, not even close".
"Yeah, but it's still great!" he observed, looking at you quickly, "Crazy, but that's how it goes". 
"Millions of people living as foes," you started to sing along with him, earning another glance from him, only a surprised one this time. That was enough for you to turn the music louder. 
"You know this one?"
"Hell yeah, dude! It's, like, one of his only good songs".
"No, it's not!"
"It's not a good song, you mean?" you tried to trick him, but of course, he wouldn't fall for it.
"It's one of his greatest, Y/N!" he observes, thumbs tapping against the steering wheel accompanying the beat of the song. "You know, for someone who works at a music store, you should really start appreciating Ozzy more."
"Sure, Munson." you rolled his eyes. "I've listened to preachers".
"I've listened to fools", he stepped even harder on the gas, making the van speed along the street, making dust and leaves go up in the air, trailing along. Everything about this moment made you smile; from the wind that blew right at your face to the sounds Eddie made to emulate the song's guitar.
"I've watched all the dropouts who make their own rules", you pretended to hold a microphone, and then offered it to him, letting him sing the next line into your hand. And he did it with the biggest and brightest smile on his face, dimples deepening as he mouthed the words. He looked so pretty like this, all smiles, doe eyes, and hair flowing wildly. 
To the people who watched the van speed through Hawkins' streets, you seemed like two maniacs. The laughter, screams, and out-of-tune-singing were enough for everyone to look at you as the freaks they considered you to be, not that you cared for that right now, especially when you're by Eddie's side. 
You cried out loud as you spotted your house at the end of the street. 
"Oh no! Can you go around the block? Just until the song ends, please?" you ask him, pleading almost. You were having too much fun to be interrupted now. 
"If I could, I'd drive around the whole state for you, sweetheart. But is the highway enough for you?" he asked, slowing the van down to look at you. As you nod at him, in an almost desperate manner, he laughs loudly. "Rewind the song, then!" 
Crazy, but that's how it goes…
PERFECT GIRL. i think i'm falling, i think i'm falling in…
"Hey, Y/N! Your freak is here!" Marie announces as the plops her head inside the employee's room, which made you roll your eyes in a way that you thought they wouldn't go back to their place. Your body didn't care too much about Marie's unnecessary nickname, since it was too preoccupied with reacting to the fact that Eddie was here. Your palms were suddenly sweaty and butterflies were all over the place; you doubted you could even take two steps before starting to smile like a maniac. 
"Don't call him that," you scolded her as you passed by, going directly to the store's counter. Your eyes scanned the place quickly, not taking long to spot the untamed mane of the one and only Eddie Munson, who was going through the alternative section – something that has become surprisingly normal these past few weeks. "Eds!" 
"Hey, Vlady!" he cheerily greeted you, skipping his way to the counter. "Nice earrings. Are those bats?"
"Yeah. Made them myself". 
"Could you make one for me, maybe?" Eddie put his hair behind his right ear, showing you the small silver hoop he usually wore. "I feel like it's time for a change".
"Sure thing", you offered him a sweet smile and made a (very highlighted, sparkly, shiny) mental note to make the best earring you could ever create for him. "Had fun at the alternative section?"
"Yup! In fact, I was meaning to ask you: have you listened to the new The Cure album yet?"
"No, but my friends said they liked it, so I'm excited".
"You should be. It's actually great".
"What!? You've already listened to it?" 
"Fuck yeah", he replied like it was obvious, and continued, with a taunting smile, "Now who's the one that isn't up with the news?"
"Hey! I just didn't have the time, ok? College is kicking my butt." you explained while you gathered the cassettes that were laid out on the counter. As soon as your hand touched the first one, you saw Eddie's pale hand also collecting a few – always so eager to help. "It was just a surprise, you know? You got to hear my favorite band's new album before me". 
"I'm just keeping up with the times, sweetheart. Oh, how'd you say it?" he took a while to remember the exact term you had used a while back, "Yeah, I'm opening up my horizons". 
"You're such a weirdo", you rolled your eyes before handing him a Frank Sinatra tape, a identical copy to the ones he was organizing. 
"Thanks" he muttered, "Like the gloves, by the way. Very metal… or should I say, totally goth?"
"Shut up" you giggled and moved out of the counter, on your way to put the tapes in their usual place. You heard Eddie's boots thumping loudly against the floor, meaning that he was following you. 
"You know, I came here to give you something".
"What?" you suddenly turn around, in surprise, and drop a few tapes when you crash right into his chest. And before you can lean down to catch them, he has already collected all of them and is standing up slowly, in a way that makes you hold your breath; his hair actually brushes against the hem of your skirt, lifting it up slightly, and you're pretty sure you felt his knuckles graze lightly against your knee. And then, he's standing close… dangerously so. You can actually feel his warm breath against your face, the small puffs of air hitting you as he talks... and you don't pay attention to a single word he said. "I-I'm sorry?"
"I said it's a gift," even though you were pretty sure Eddie would find the whole situation amusing and make fun of you for being so strange, he isn't. And he seems to be just as affected as you are, with burning red cheeks. "You know, a thing that one person gives to another as a token of their appreciation?" 
"I know what a gift is, dumbass. I just don't understand why you would give me something". 
"I just explained it to you, Dracula. A token of my appreciation." he smiles softly at you, his dimples showing. You did your best to actually organize the cassettes instead of just throwing them everywhere, but that didn't matter right now, not when Eddie was searching his pockets looking for something; your gift. Then, he handed you a small tape, very similar to the ones you were just holding. "It has one of The Cure's new songs in it… it really reminded me of you. So it would be nice if you listened to it." 
"Sure", you couldn't fight the big smile that appeared on your face, feeling your face heat up as your fingertips brushed against his hand as you took the cassette. "I'll listen to it today, and then I'll call you and tell you what I think, yeah?"
As soon as you stepped foot in your bedroom, you didn't wait another second before plopping the tape into your boombox and anxiously fast-forwarding it until you stumbled upon Robert Smith's sped-up voice. You felt bad for not paying attention to the little details Eddie put into it, like the adhesive tape he glued and the name of the mixtape, but you just couldn't wait – couldn't even waste time listening to the other tracks, really, too set upon hearing the new song. Acting like that, it may seem that you've never had a mixtape made for you before, but it was quite de contrary: your friends made you tapes all the time, but this... this was different. This was Eddie's tape. And that was reason enough to keep you giggling like a schoolgirl, almost kicking your feet in the air in your state of giddiness. Laying down on your bed, you hugged one of your pillows bringing it to your chin, a perfect tool to use to muffle your lovesick laughter as you finally heard the little unknown do-do-do's. 
The fuzziness you felt in your whole body distracted you from actually paying attention to the music, because you were too busy still trying to wrap your head around the fact that Eddie Munson – The Eddie Munson – listened to a whole The Cure album for you; heard this specific song and thought of you; and spent time making this mixtape for you. All because of you. You had to take a few breaths to bring your mind back to the song, or else you'd spend the whole night rewinding the poor tape. 
You held your breath as Robert Smith sang 'you're such a strange girl, I'd like to turn you upside-down', and your eyebrows involuntarily shot up. A familiar heat crept up your neck and took hold of your cheeks while a smile kept dancing on your lips. Once again, your pillow came into action, muffling a fit of giggles as it hid your flushed cheeks from the cold air of your bedroom. 
It was unnecessary to wait too long for your next hysterics to come through because as soon as you heard 'you're such a strange girl, the way you look like you do. You're such a strange girl, I want to be with you', you were absolutely gone; laughing excitedly as your eyes widened and your own body didn't know whether to feel extremely lovesick or surprised. But you couldn't just sit and wait for it to decide, so almost unconsciously, you reached for the phone and dialed the number you had already memorized.
"You reached the Munsons! It's Eddie".
"Hi." that's all you could say before giggling again.
"Hey, Vlad. I take it that you've already listened to the tape?" 
"'m still listening".
"Cool," he commented, starting to become a bit uneasy. "A-and what did you think?"
"Well, I think that Robert Smith is a genius." you paused a bit, just for the dramatics, and heard Eddie's heavy breath on the other side of the line. "And that you and I should go on a date sometime". 
"Y-yeah, that's exactly what I was thinking", you could practically hear his smile and that made you laugh once more. "Benny's Burger?"
"Perfect. You're free on Friday?"
"For you? Always". 
"Great. I'll see you at seven then." 
"It's a date".
"It's a date", you confirmed, biting your lower lip, trying to keep your smile from getting any wider. 
I think I'm falling… I think I'm falling in… I think I'm falling in love with you. 
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eddie masterlist | main masterlist | navigation ── hey! wanna talk? leave me a message after the beep. currently accepting requests for steve, nancy and eddie. 
𖤐 taglist: @oncasette; @kinqsteve; @metroiras; @dragon-ash13; @virgoyves; @stevesmixtape ; @Darkened_Writer; @thedixon04 ; @eddiemvnsonss ; @falsegodsaltar ; @liltimmyst ; @juggernort ; @saintlessmunson ; @wrenniebaby ; @hoennislands ; @ssahotchnerswife ; @summer-may
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msookyspooky · 2 years
I now need severen with a hunter s.o imagine bc HOLY FUCK.
Severen be like "yeah, they're a hunter, but they'e hot!"
Hunter s.o; He has committed atrocities but I've decided that they are apart of him and I think they're funny."
Bro, the sexual tension would be out the roof!! Basically take Spuffy and make it 80s, Western Gothic and gritty as hell. Loves it. 🖤😏👀
Severen with a Vampire Hunter S/O
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- Who knows why you hunt vampires but you would definitely have to be morally gray to overlook Severen's.....Everything. Probably break the law as well bc the police are not any help and you're not getting anywhere following the law while hunting down vampires.
- Everything about Severen is chaotic. He never shy's away from danger and probably gets bored really fast after living for like 130 years. So the minute you surprised him by holding the blade of an axe to the nape of his neck, letting him know full well you knew what he was, and that you were there to cut his head off...Fear wasn't really the emotion he was feeling at that moment.
- You both inconvenienced each other for a short while. He was entirely too powerful to kill outright. However, you were aware of his weaknesses and used them to your full advantage; His own cockiness and the Sun. You used a lot of rigged up traps and always tried to lure him out close to sunrise to have him retreating and cursing up a storm the minute the sun started coming up. Multiple times he had you cornered and the sun saved your ass, much to his dismay. He always promised he'd get you the next night, you promised the same thing to him.
- Seeing you with a glare directed at him and a weapon in hand had him excited and eager every single night. He thought you were hot as hell and didn't hide that fact. He practically rushed out of the camper just to go see what you had in store for him that night while his family shook their heads.
- He loved your cat and mouse game and didn't hesitate to make sexual innuendos towards you hunting him down.
- "After me again, killer? I'm startin' to think ya got a crush on me. Ya sure my heads the only thing you want?" He'd comment with a flirty smirk while mocking you. You would always get flustered and deny it.
- Definitely developed a crush on you. Fast. He had heart eyes for you from almost day one. It wasn't often he was the one being hunted. He found it kind of flattering, especially with you making him your main target.
- (This man has a primal kink and both of you hunting each other down and fighting each other has him hard as a brick istg-)
- He held back on you, secretly not wanting your game to end and he didn't want to turn you either. He found you the most interesting little human he'd met in a long time. You were smart too! Trying to outmaunever him and be one step ahead. It became a fun challenge to beat whatever trap you had and get to you as the winning prize. He is the master at cheating and definitely would see your obvious trap with a grin and set up his own to lure you out of hiding.
- You both kept score at this point of who beat who on what night.
- Eventually the cats out of the bag when they have to leave that area. He shows up in a solemn mood and doesn't even try to fight you or to outmaunever you baiting him; Which confused you and brought you out of hiding. It comes out that he was holding back on you this whole time because he likes you...You had to come clean that you knew where they were resting during the day and didn't do anything for the same reasons.
- It was obvious you both liked each other despite technically being 'enemies'. You found him hilarious, he found you fascinating (And hot). You both realize you can help each other. He can help you know where others like him are and you can help him weed out the competition (More vampires = Less food = More risk of being caught = Their own demise.)
- You still hunt vampires but you make an exception with him and his family (As long as they don't hunt yours. That was definitely a truce that had to be reached.)
- You didn't travel with them bc you still couldn't watch them kill humans despite really liking Severen and overlooking his crimes against humanity. But you all definitely kept in touch and ran into each other whenever you got a tip from Severen of where a vampire being a pain in their ass was staying at.
- He ain't letting you go alone. Watching you massacre a vampire, blood caked on you and a predatory look in your eyes had him turned on beyond belief and both of you celebrating on any surface nearby. 👀💦
- Teaches you a thing or two on killing.
- He always got in a shitty mood whenever you had to leave or he had to leave. Only seeing each other here and there. He will 100% be trying to convince you to let him turn you and be Blade or Selene instead of Buffy or Van Helsing.
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wasabito · 4 years
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➽ corruption collab masterlist — hosted by @ultimate-astridwriting and @bummie ♥️
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➽ note: definitely gonna come back and edit this a bit more because threesomes are hard as fuck, no pun intended lmao happy v-day everyone!
➽ word count: 3.2k
➽ cw/tags: polyamory + body worship + threesome + praise kink + public sex + choking + handjobs/fingering + vaginal sex + squirting + established relationship
➽ pairing: akaashi x fem!reader x bokuto
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💿 1. nasty — ariana grande || 2. come on — jhene aiko
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With Valentine's Day fast approaching, it becomes rather apparent that love and romance are in the air. Storefronts are decorated in bubblegum pinks and reds. Flower shops promote their special bouquet arrangements at discounted prices. Even your favorite hole in the wall coffee shop has fallen prey to the spirit of cupid as they announce their new strawberry shortcake dessert and heart-shaped scones.
In lieu of staying home for the third night this week, your boyfriends escort you to dinner at an upscale restaurant in the city. They treat you to a five-course meal and a bottle of wine even pricier than the dinner itself. One would think, after three years of dating, you would no longer be caught unawares by their spontaneity. And yet, here they are, once again pulling the rug from underneath your four-inch heels.
Your gaze flickers from Akaashi's tranquil smile to Bokuto's wide grin.
Adjusting the napkin in your lap, you open your mouth to speak, then pause as the right words fail it come. Brain short-circuiting instead, you let out a confused, "Huh?!"
"We're taking you to Italy!" Bokuto repeats, about ready to hop out of his seat with excitement. He looks to Akaashi, "Three nights in Venice, right 'Kaashi?"
"Yes, we decided on Venice after you told us you'd always wanted to visit. Remember Koutarou's birthday last year?"
"But that was like months ago! Did you two honestly hold onto that drunk little confession this entire time?"
"Of course."
It's in moments like these when you are reminded of their history together, first as teammates playing volleyball, and eventually close friends. Not much longer after that, you'd met and fallen for Akaashi, then Bokuto, and thus began the relationship of today. While you find it a little ridiculous, it seems neither of them has any qualms about this trip.
After all, you are their lovely girlfriend. Why wouldn't they want to make your wishes come true?
Bokuto claps his hands, eyes sparkling. "Everything's already planned out, babe, so don't worry your pretty little head, okay?"
You can't argue with that. Reaching over, you take Bokuto's hand in your right and Akaashi's in your left. "Alright, since you two went to all this trouble for me, I guess I'll just sit back and enjoy it."
Venice is just as beautiful as you imagined.
It looks as if it's floating upon blue-green waters with lots of sunshine, beautiful architecture, and a vibrancy that makes it feel like the city has a life of its own. You are grateful you didn't come by yourself. There is no way you would've enjoyed it without Akaashi and Bokuto at your side.
"We're about a ten-minute walk from Piazza San Marco," Akaashi says as he taps his glasses. His sharp gaze is locked on the map in his hands, likely committing most landmarks and details to memory. "Would you like to check it out?"
"Yeah! Let's do it."
"Off we go, go, go!"
Thus, a majority of your first day in Venice is spent sightseeing.
The three of you take a gondola ride through Canale Grande, then have a peek into the Gallerie Dell'Accademia at Akaashi's insistence, though naturally, you wouldn't have come all the way to Italy and not visited at least one art museum. Afterward, the three of you go to the Le Mercerie shopping district and buy gifts for your friends before finally taking a pit stop for the most delicious gelato in the city.
The sunsets sooner than expected, casting the entire block in deep red hues. Bokuto's mood is greatly influenced by it, and the jetlag certainly doesn't help. He props himself against you, nuzzling you in a way that says he's itching for a kiss.
"Tired, Kou?"
Bokuto hums. "A little... More hungry than anything."
He leans in and pecks your lips with a sated smile. "Maybe I should eat you. I mean, how is it my girl's so damn cute? Not fair, I can't resist."
You snort at Bo's silliness but can't help shivering a little at the tiny implication of his words. He always did like to lay his head on your thighs, leaving a trail of kisses and love bites where he could.
So, the thought of him eating you out made you squeeze your thighs together.
Akaashi approaches with your frozen treats held between his long fingers; having overheard Bokuto earlier, he tucks his wallet back into his pocket.
"We'll get some dinner after we drop off these shopping bags. How does that sound?"
You eagerly take your gelato from him with a smile.
"Sounds like a plan."
Akaashi nods, standing at your other side, close enough to brush elbows though not as close as Bokuto, who was nearly hovering.
The three of you are in one of the narrow, maze-like streetways, basking in the warm, early evening glow. The sweet taste of fruit and cream on your tongue fills you with so much contentment, especially while being with your favorite people. You aren't sure if anything could top the way you currently felt, and the trip has just barely started.
Upon arriving at your temporary place of residence, a quaint little villa on the waterfront just along the shore of Punta Sabbioni Beach, Bokuto immediately kicks off his sandals, dumps the bags, and promptly falls asleep on the couch.
"It's so weird seeing Kou like this." You remark. "On any normal day, he's brimming with almost too much energy, but now he's all tired."
"Well, he did stay up an entire twelve hours on the plane. It was only a matter of time before fatigue caught up to him." Akaashi picks up Bokuto's shoes with practiced ease and places them by the others.
There is a fond smile running along the edges of his mouth as he tucks a throw around the man's larger frame. You help him adjust a spare pillow under Bo's head and then set off to explore the rest of the area.
It seemed like everything about Venice was taken straight out of a romance film, with its cobblestone paths, gothic cathedral architecture, crisp ocean waters, and authentic Italian cuisine. It is no wonder the city's known to draw hapless souls together in romance. Even you fell subject to it, and by each passing moment, you crave to be with your boyfriends.
You are standing at the balcony overlooking the beach, satisfied with your inspection of the villa when Akaashi comes to stand behind you. He holds onto the railings, caging you in his arms, and rests his chin on your shoulder.
"He was right, you know." He murmurs. "You do look good enough to eat."
Blunt as ever. Apparently, something's never change.
Though one might say that Akaashi is as he's always been after high school and college, there is no denying his boost in confidence. After all, he had landed not one but two rather attractive partners.
He kisses your cheek, then your jaw, before latching onto your neck.
The sun's scenic view on the horizon, reflecting upon the beach sands of gold and shimmering orange waves, makes for an excellent backdrop.
You turn to face Akaashi and pull him into a heated kiss. His lips convey a sense of devotion to you, and with each press of them against yours, you can feel just how bad he's yearning for more.
"Kei," you whisper. "Let's go inside."
In a moment, Akaashi whisks you off your feet quite similar to how Bokuto would, though you both don't even make it to the bedroom.
Your other partner had sat up on the sofa, hair flat on one side, scrubbing his eyelids.
"Guys, I'm freaking starving!" Bokuto groans. "Let's get some food or something."
He doesn't even notice how you and Akaashi are breathing heavy or how your clothes are sporting wrinkles that were not previously there. Regardless, Akaashi has food delivered while you went ahead to shower the day's journey away. There are still two days left. You'd get your chance with them at some point.
Sadly, the entirety of day two is spent indoors. Heavy sheets of rain continue to fall, muddying the shoreline. The three of you huddle on the sofa wrapped in blankets with subtitled movies playing in the background.
Even though you would've much rather been out exploring in the city, just sharing in your boyfriend's warmth would suffice for now. Akaashi hands you a steaming cup of something rich in both color and smell.
"What's this?"
"Just espresso." He takes the empty seat beside you.
You savor the taste while leaning against his shoulder. "Mm, nice."
Bokuto keeps his head on your lap, loving how you thread your fingers into his hair.
It is a tranquil kind of peace that soon lulls you to sleep.
Later, when you finally wake up, it's dark, and you're alone. A blanket had been tucked around your shoulders to shield you from the sudden chill. At some point, the television had been shut off along with every light in the room. You might've been a little scared if not for the voices coming from the second floor. Slowly, you creep up the winding staircase, dragging along the blanket around your shoulders.
"Hey, hey, hey!" Bokuto chuckles. "You're finally up!"
His hair is down, wet from his shower, and he holds a thin towel together around his waist. In his hand is a cellphone, and he doesn't hesitate to shove the screen into your face. "Say hi, Tetsu!"
"Hi Y/N, how's it going?"
You blink slowly, still trying to wake yourself up.
"Kuroo, hey… I'm well. How are you?"
"Great, just about to head out for a late lunch. I hear it's almost ten pm over there."
"Yeah, it's an eight-hour time difference."
You and Kuroo continue to chat while Bokuto towels off his hair and puts on clothes. Afterward, you let Bokuto resume his conversation and join Akaashi on the bed. The man had gone full editor-mode with his glasses propped up in his hair as he read through some work documents.
When you approach, he greets you with a kiss on the cheek. "You look well-rested."
"Is that your way of telling me I have drool on my cheek, Keiji?"
He cracks a tiny smile, eyes taking in your features, then he pokes your cheek with his index finger. "Perhaps."
You scrub the corners of your mouth with your sleeve and drape yourself over Akaashi, work be damned. This was supposed to be a special weekend for relaxing.
"I really wanted to go to the beach today." You pout.
Akaashi interlocks his fingers with yours. "Maybe we still can. It stopped raining a few hours ago."
You hop off the bed and head for the window. He's right, the rain had long stopped, and the beach lay bare, lit by only the moonlight.
Maybe a short walk to the beach would do you some good.
The grains of sand feel cold against your feet without the sun to beat down on them, but you don't complain. The air is humid enough on its own that you forgo wearing actual clothes and instead wear a swimsuit along with Bokuto's old Fukurōdani windbreaker.
You walk along the shore, toes digging into the sand, letting the ocean waves lap at your feet to wash them clean again.
At first, it's so eerily quiet without a soul around except you, but even that doesn't last long. You hear Bokuto's voice bellow into the night as he jogs towards you in nothing but swim trunks. Behind him, Akaashi trails slowly after with a blanket in hand.
"We thought you might want some company." He says and spreads the cover on the sand several feet away from the water, content with just watching.
Bokuto grabs your hand and you go running to the water with him, but a second later, you both come sprinting back.
"It's freezing!"
"S-So co-co-cold!"
You collapse on top of him, fingers splayed across his bare chest. However, when you try to sit up, Bokuto has other plans. He keeps you pressed to his chest with both arms around your waist.
"Let me keep you warm, baby!"
You know he meant it in the most innocent way, but you can't help but think other thoughts. Your nerves fray at the image that blooms in your head and spreads like wildfire.
And as Akaashi strokes your back, you know he's probably read your mind.
It's the way your eyes seem to glitter with want that gives it away. Akaashi has always been rather observant, and so your silent cues are something he's always been privy to.
His nimble fingers curve around the nape of your neck, and he tilts his head to capture your lips in a kiss. This one is unlike the one from yesterday. There is no rush, no desire to quicken his haste; instead, he savors the taste of you like it's something to be thoroughly enjoyed.
Underneath you, Bokuto stirs, growing aroused at the sight of his two lovers' kiss. He can't decide whether he wants to join in or sit back and watch. But his large hand comes down to stroke your ass, resulting in a moan you breathe directly into Akaashi's mouth.
"You're not usually so forthcoming, Keiji," you whisper against his lips. "Eager, are we?"
Akaashi pulls away just enough to pepper your face in feathery kisses. "Can you blame me? When I have such a lovely girlfriend here."
As if confirming his words, he slips a hand under your jacket and cups your breast. The pads of his thumb brush along the seams of your bathing suit, caressing your nipple.
"Kou, let's show Y/N just how much we love her, yes?"
Bokuto didn't need to be told twice. He had been in entranced by you and Akaashi, completely taken by the way your lips danced upon one another. But now, he wanted more than anything to touch you, kiss you, hold you.
Bokuto cradles you in his lap, propping your legs open with his knees so Akaashi can kneel in front of you. It didn't take much for him to relieve you of your clothing, namely your swimming bottoms. But the second the air hits your bare cunt, you feel tense.
You aren't sure what it was, but the atmosphere is different. Both Akaashi and Bokuto are so focused on you, it feels like you're under a spotlight.
"You're so pretty, so beautiful," Bokuto says while squeezing your thighs. His warm breath tickles your ear as he presses his nose into your neck. Next, his lips follow suit. "Wanna fuck you, so bad baby. You'd like that, right?"
His words earn him a chuckle from Akaashi, who merely licks two of his fingers, wetting them and sliding into you. Your mouth parts, shaky breaths barely expelled from your lungs. You're hyper-aware of the fact that you're literally being fingered on a beach in the middle of the night, and you can't bring yourself to care. It feels good to be pampered by the two men you love.
For every moan, Akaashi gives you double for your efforts, thrusting his fingers just right, curving them in such a way that has your back arching off Bokuto, who has also taken to fondling your nipples. With every roll of his hips, you feel his cock against your ass, and it pushes you further into Akaashi's fingers.
Your impending orgasm sweeps by so close and yet so far away. All you can do is rock yourself faster.
"Please," you whimper. "W-Wanna come."
Akaashi crooks his fingers, pressing into the perfect spot that sends you hurtling over the edge. Your cunt spasms around his fingers, clenching in intervals you have no control over until his hand is coated with your wet, slick juices that keep coming the more you squirt all over him.
"She's so wet 'Kaashi. Look at our pretty girl."
Akaashi places a chaste kiss on your forehead with a smile.
"She's doing well, so far. Let's see if she can keep going."
Bokuto shimmies his shorts off enough to free his hard cock. He had been uncharacteristically patient until now, but that was soon to change as he lines himself up with your cunt, teasing you with just the tip.
Your whining is unintelligible, but both men understand you more or less.
"Give the pretty girl what she wants," Akaashi says. He strokes his own hard-on at the sight of Bokuto's pushing past your wet folds. "I know she can take more than that."
Bokuto has always been girthy, and it takes you more than a few seconds to adjust to his size, but when you finally do, it feels like heaven.
The position you're in gives Bokuto all the power to thrust into you like a ragdoll. But it's only when you make eye contact with Akaashi that you realize that it's, in fact, the other way around for him in particular. From where he sits, stroking his cock with flushed cheeks and choked moans, you see just how much control you have over him.
"Kiss me." You moan.
Akaashi doesn't let you repeat yourself. He kisses you long and hard even as you grip his throat with one hand and his hair with the other. He kisses you until his lips are red and bruised.
"Good boy. Both of y-you."
Bokuto groans loudly. "Say it again. Keep saying it!"
"Y-You're both so good. I-" your hips stutter against Akaashi's fingers that are rubbing circles into your clit. "Good, so good-"
That's all it takes to take Bokuto over the edge, blowing his load. "Perfect, so fucking perfect."
You can feel another orgasm swelling up inside your belly. You try to tell them but can't, too overcome by the feeling of your body tingling with desire. It's too much, overwhelmingly so; your vision blurs with unshed tears as Bokuto continues to pound into sopping pussy. Pleasure floods every fiber of your being until you're limp and every nerve in your body is set alight.
Bokuto slips out of you easily, a string of his semen following.
You can only look on in a drowsy haze as Bokuto leans over and kisses you and then Akaashi, working him over with a tight fist.
The following morning, you’re the first to wake, but only because there’s a limb jammed into your back and a heavy weight on your chest. It takes you a moment to realize, but it’s Bokuto’s elbow poking you and Akaashi’s head resting on you.
All three of you are a tangle of limbs in bed, but you aren’t sure how you’d gotten there.
“G’mornin’” Bokuto breathes. His lips caress the column of your neck.
You shift into a more comfortable position. Though doing so presses Akaashi’s morning wood against your thigh.
“Keiji, you awake yet?”
“Mmm barely.” Akaashi looks up at you through his lashes, then smiles and nuzzles closer into your chest.
Bokuto, content with being your big spoon, reaches over to touch Akaashi, hands cupping his cheek. “It’s Valentine’s Day!”
“That’s true, should we do something special.”
Thinking about the previous night, you feel desire stirring in your gut. “Could we just... do it again?”
Both men look to each other then back at you, sporting matching smiles.
“Why not?”
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