#is there a 5 for one deal on gothic going on?
myrammmortal · 5 months
Chapter 24, I'm swearing so you can see how goffik I am
AN: prepz stup flaming da story ur jus jelous so fuk u ok go 2 hel!11 raven fagz 4 di help!
Well we had Deviation next so I got to ask Proffessor Trevolry about the visions.
“Konnichiwa everybody come in.” said Proffesor Sinister in Japanese. She smelled at me with her gothic black lipstick. She’s da coolest fucking teacher ever. She had long dead black hair with blood red tips and red eyes. (hr mom woz a vampire. She’s also haf Japanese so she speaks it and everyfing. she n Frau Schneider get along grate) She’s really young for a teacher. 2day she was wearing a black leather top with red lace and a long goffik black ripped dress. We went inside the black classroom with pastors of Emily the Strong. I raced my hand. I was wearing some black naie Polish with red pentagrams on it.
“What is it Paul Darkness Alzheimer Birdflu Landers?” she asked. “Hey I love ur nail polish where’d u get it, Hot Topik?”
“Yeah.” I answered. All the preps who didn’t know what HT was gave me weird looks. I gave them the middle finger. “Well I have to talk to you about some fings. When do you want to due it?”
“Ho about now?” she asked.
“OK.” I said.
“OK class fucking dismissed every1.” Proffesor Trevolry said and she let every1 go. “Except for you Britney.” she pointed at Britney and sum other preps. “Please do exorcize (geddit) 1 on page 3.”
“OK I’m having lotz of visions.” I said in a worried voice. I’m so worried is Richard gong 2 die.
Well she gave me a black cryptal ball to lock in. I looked at it.
“What do you c?” she asked.
“I said I see a black gothic skull and a pentagram.”
Suddenly there was a knock at the door. I looked at it. It was Richard. He was looking really sexy wearing a black leather facet, a black Emigrate t-shirt and blak Congress shoes.
“Okay you can go now, see ya cunt.” said Proffesor Sinister.
“Bye bitch.” I said waving.
I went to Richard and Vampire was sitting next to him. We both followed Richard together and I was so exhibited.
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six-of-ravens · 1 year
sure you might have had a stupid moment, but at least you're not my 3rd(?) cousin who joined a cult, quit his job, refused to pay taxes for 3 years, and just lost the farm that's been in his family for generations.
#this is the start of a gothic novel#but also. what the fuck dude. idk what cult he joined but it's one that made him believe he didn't have to earn money OR play taxes#we suspect the q/ueen of c/anada#so now him and his wife and kids AND his parents who lived in a separate house on the property are all unhoused#i want to beat this guy to death with his own arms. his parents literally just GAVE HIM the family farm bc they were preparing to retire#and he does THIS!!!#where are they going to LIVE#who are going to raise the kids when him and his wife are in prison?? the grandparents he just UNHOUSED????#I know how cults are but. seriously fuck this guy. how do you fuck up 5 other people's lives this bad.#all because someone tells you that ~money is all a lie~#also his grandparents/my great aunt and uncle are devastated bc this is the farm they bought#she's got like stage 4 cancer she doesn't need to deal with you being a dumbass right now!!!!#anyway. luckily i am not at all close with that part of the family bc this is both awful and embarrassing.#and at least there is still a ton of family in manitoba that the guy's parents can live with but like...they were on the brink of retiremen#and now they have no home and have to work their asses off to rebuild their lives#anyway im just so angry.#oh also dude didn't tell ANYONE. AT ALL. they found out cause some guy showed up looking to see 'the farm for sale'#i guess hes so fkn brainwashed he was like 'oh they won't REALLY seize my assets!'#buddyyyyyyy were you dropped on your hard as a child. i hope your children never see your dumb ass again.
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bringingheavendown · 1 year
Trustworthy readers who I’ve ordered from
*I was asked to write this post to help other people avoid scammers, so I’m going to provide a list of readers who I trust & would recommend to anyone*
(This is in no particular order of favoritism) - these are readers that have great communication, provide amazing readings & happily answer any questions
1. @galene-gothic - I ordered a FS reading from her and she gave me the MOST in depth reading ever!!! The reading was so long & informational & I really enjoyed every minute of it. Truly one of my favorite readings I’ve received!
2. @the-wild-candy - I ordered a nsfw FS reading from her & omg the messages she was able to channel!!! I was giggling & kicking my feet reading it LOL - she has great communication which I really appreciated & kept me updated with the delivery of my reading!
3. @leoascendente - omg she sent me the most beautiful FS reading! Her delivery was very quick, but it was not rushed at all because she provided me a great deal of information & thoroughly explained every single topic - again, one of the best readings I’ve received!
4. @punkpandapatrixk - I love this woman 🤭 she was so sweet & helped me pick which questions to ask for my reading! We went back & forth & she patiently listened to what information I wanted to hear & made up questions based on that! I had a wonderful experience ordering from her & I received a lovely reading that I still reread to this day!!
5. @freyatarotreadings8 - she did such an amazing job explaining what each card meant in the context of my future spouse. I don’t read tarot myself, so I have very little knowledge on what they mean in different contexts, but she was so good at writing the explanations in a very understandable way for me.
6. @helianthus-tarot - I’ve gotten quite a few readings from Julian & I’ve loved every single one. They are always open to answering any questions you may have & does their best to answer them. They also have some of the best PACs I’ve ever read on their tumblr!
1. @astroismypassion - I ordered a Juno persona chart from them & omg I loved it!! They do such an amazing job explaining the degrees, house placements, & signs. They are so full of information & also answer plenty of astrology related questions on their tumblr!
2. @cosmicpuzzle - he read my Vedic chart (I didn’t really know how to read it myself) & broke down my personality, best choices for my career, & my future spouse - he explained everything so well & he taught me so much! He does voice memos & it’s nice to just hear him freely explain everything he’s seeing in my chart.
3. @ariesjupiter - she read my astrocartography chart & it confirmed that I’m currently living in the right place for career success 🤭 she was so easy to communicate with & provided me with an excellent reading! It was very thorough & I frequently refer back to it!
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see-arcane · 11 days
Be for real, Jonathan/Mina are not 5% as fucked up as Mina with any other characters they put her up with like Dracula, Quatermain, Hyde, etc. Jonathan is human and perfectly good and nice guy, it pretty much ends all possibilities for twisted gothic relationships exploration. Cause people who pair Mina up with all those different male characters do it to explore forbidden or dark or twisted relationships. You can’t do it with Jonathan-there’s nothing twisted or forbidden there.
Hey friend, not sure if this is in earnest or diet trolling, but I'm going to try and lean towards assuming the former.
The three guys you mentioned are just Alan Moore in very thin masks.
Dracula is basically every director and writer's body pillow who they think should Get All the Ladies~ for voluptuous empowerment reasons (ignore the castle harem), but with Quatermain and Hyde specifically in your roster, I've got to assume you're referring to TLoEG Moore-Dracula and company. I won't waste our time going into all the reasons I hate this comic series for what it did to every single classic lit character unlucky enough to show up in it, let alone the especially disgusting treatment Mina gets. There is no version of this where I give that thing a fair chance.
So let's get straight to your point:
Jonathan is human and perfectly good and nice guy, it pretty much ends all possibilities for twisted gothic relationships exploration.
people who pair Mina up with all those different male characters do it to explore forbidden or dark or twisted relationships. You can’t do it with Jonathan-there’s nothing twisted or forbidden there.
I don't know if you've read the book or not. Maybe this is your first year Dracula Dailying, maybe you've already gone through the novel and just didn't hit the brakes like most of us did over certain ominous tell-tale points to examine the implications under some very concerning text. Either way, the novel is objective proof that you're wrong.
As is every adaptation and spinoff to ever come after its publication that 1) Turns Dracula or whoever else into Mina's only possible gothic romantic option and inevitably includes 2) Somehow removing Jonathan Harker from the board due to being played with all the feeling of a broom, getting killed, divorced, or afflicted with sudden-onset-shitty-bastard syndrome.
The thing is, your take on Jonathan--the very human heartwarming do-no-wrong sweetheart--is absolutely right...up until October 3rd. And then allll the way up to the climax in November. Because within that span of time, Jonathan Harker:
Has a literal physical transformation in front of the entire group as Mina describes Dracula's assault. No metaphors here. His hair goes white. His eyes burn. He looks like a corpse. His hands turn cold. By the time of the climax, we find out that he now has a Glare on par with Dracula's basilisk gaze which sends enemies running upon eye contact. This is followed by a surprise dose of super strength ala his hoisting a box that took multiple men to carry even while empty, but now is full of soil and Dracula himself. He hefts it over his head and chucks it. Like nothing. Stoker never says exactly what Jonathan's deal is, but whatever it is by the book's end, It Is Not All Human.
2. Almost guts Dracula in his own house. He lizard fashioned himself out a window specifically to chase after Dracula in order to slaughter him in the middle of a crowded street and was only stopped from doing so because the Count escaped out of range.
3. Has the same determination at the prospect of needing to attack ordinary strangers if they obstruct their pursuit of Dracula. He says he's prepared to hang if need be. Meaning he's prepared to be caught and convicted of murder if it comes down to it.
4. Makes a secret oath. One that neither Mina or the heroes get to know. Namely, that if Mina winds up a vampire, he will not destroy or abandon her, but join her in her new state rather than forsake her. Mina as a human? Mina as a vampire? Mina in any form however saintly or monstrous? Still Mina to him. All other considerations are secondary to keeping with Mina and keeping Mina safe. He is prepared to prey on humanity for and with her if that's what it takes.
5. Keeps that oath secret and refuses to join the others in swearing to slay Mina if she rises as a vampire. Full stop. "It's the right thing to do! They did it for Lucy!" Jonathan Harker could not give less of a fuck. He's sitting there sharpening his kukri, now quietly reconciling with the notion that if Dracula is not put down, he may wind up turning the knife on his allies. Something we don't see in text, but the reader gets to connect the dots on. His silence itself is dangerous.
6. When he is finally forced to part ways with Mina for the sake of the hunt, he leaves her with her own gun. To use as she needs. Keeping in mind that, even if it were loaded with blessed bullets, we never once see a gun be successful in putting down a vampire. Throughout the book, the undead are only ended by beheading and staking. The gun is therefore not meant to save her from a vampire. She is heading off with Van Helsing for company, the guy who led the 'Behead and Impale the Bloofer Lady' party. As an ally, of course. Just as he was Lucy's ally. Once. (This weapon is yours, my love. Use it when you need it. On whoever it must be used on.)
But the most telling thing comes well before all of this. Even before he first swings his kukri at Dracula. One single line:
“I care for nothing now,” he answered hotly, “except to wipe out this brute from the face of creation. I would sell my soul to do it!”
This? This shit that Francis Ford Coppola flat-out stole from Mr. Harker and duct-taped to Oldman Sexyman Dracula for his erotic fanfiction? This is important. Because out of all the characters in the cast, Jonathan Harker knows the danger of the vampires very, very, very up close and personally after two months of psychological torture and exposure to unavoidable proof that demons are real, that they walk the Earth, and that the Powers that make them possible must also be real and gloating in actual factual Hell.
Meaning that Jonathan knew exactly how potent such a promise was. He was not joking. He was not making a hyperbolic gesture. He fucking meant it. Van Helsing, fresh from his library book binge on the subject and therefore rightly panicked, lays out the danger himself:
“Oh, hush, hush, my child!” said Van Helsing. “God does not purchase souls in this wise; and the Devil, though he may purchase, does not keep faith. But God is merciful and just, and knows your pain and your devotion to that dear Madam Mina. Think you, how her pain would be doubled, did she but hear your wild words..."
Jonathan spent his summer in a territory covered in crosses and vampire wards and dutiful prayer, buddy. He knows God is good enough to sting, but not enough to stop the undead fucker from preying on a full pious mountain range's worth of people like his personal feeding trough for 400+ years unhindered. If Jonathan needs the Devil on his side to end him, so be it. If he has to sign on with the undead fucker because Mina went full vampire and the only alternative is letting her be slain, so be that too.
Van Helsing, the suitors, the whole of the human population, his own humanity, even Mina's own martyr-plea for destruction rather than inflicting herself on the world, being kept under Dracula's thrall and luring Jonathan back into the same torment--None of That Matters to Him.
Jonathan Harker's only priority is Mina. Period. Over God, over humankind, over friends and foes and sanity. Mina's existence trumps them all in his mind. And if she were to stop existing, he would fall on his kukri as readily as he once risked death on the cliff or to the waiting wolves.
The end of Dracula allows him and Mina a happy ending. Stoker is a softie in the end and these characters who represent so much of a queer author's hopes--(My partner loves me unto blasphemy. Even if I am wrong, unclean, unfit in the world's eyes, this person loves me so dearly and madly that they will go to unthinkable extremes to protect me, no matter what.)--were due for a well-earned bliss. But he also makes it very clear all the way up to that point that the story could have gone wrong. Horrendously.
And in the hundred unwritten versions of the tale where Dracula got away, where Mina turned, where the good guys were too late? Jonathan Harker would be the sudden shadow at their backs, raising the kukri to strike.
Jonathan Harker cannot be allowed to exist as himself in any of the ~twisted gothic horror romances~ where authors and directors graft Mina into relationships with [INSERT BASTARD], because whether those creators know it or not, they have already fallen short of everything Jonathan Harker is and what he was prepared to do on Mina's behalf in the canon. The young man's immensely Unwell about his wife if you scratch even the thinnest layer of paint off him.
And if Stoker had given him half a reason to prove it, he'd have left a pile of valorous corpses behind in the Transylvanian snow.
tl; dr: Jonathan Harker is both a sweet little guy and a bit fucked up actually. He is not just allowed in the twisted gothic romance potential club, he is the club president. And he's married to the founder.
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To Have and To Hold
A/N: I know y'all sent me asks. I saw them but I HAD to write this or I was going to burst. This is 2K words and less than 5% of what I have in store for this. If you'd like to be added to the taglist don't hesitate to ask! Enjoy!
Warnings: yandere!Alucard, fem!reader, nightmares
Summary: You travel to Dracula's Castle to help the owner get the place registered as a historical landmark and enter into an overwhelming relationship with Alucard.
Chapter One
Standing in front of one of the oldest castles you've ever been near, you marveled at the vast structure. This Castle dated back to the 1400s and was suspected of possibly being centuries older. To be the youngest historian in your class (and current job) and be given the opportunity to examine this place was amazing. There were rumors of this being the very castle that Dracula himself had inhabited. Not a firm believer in the supernatural, you regarded the legend with fascination and fearless curiosity. Inhaling the early morning air, you place the toe of your boot on the first step and a rush of chills runs through your body. The shock makes you slightly dizzy and you wait a moment before attempting to ascend the stairs again. This time there's no chill and you continue on, ignoring the gnawing feeling in your gut.
The doors of the structure are taller than any you've ever seen and you gingerly rub your fingertips against the hard door and the gothic dragon's head door knocker that hangs just beside your head. You lift it and let it fall with a heavy clang that somehow urges the massive door to open with an echoing creaking sound. Pushing the door open enough for you to slide through you look around and quietly step further into the room. The floor is made of sleek dark wood and spread out in one of the biggest foyers you've ever seen. There are pillars leading all the way back to a grand circular staircase. The middle of the floor is covered with a rich velvet rug surrounded by smaller circular and diamond-shaped rugs on the sides of it. There are several elegant seating areas and lamps decorating the room.
"Hello?" You say loudly. Your voice echoes through the hall and you stand still to hear some kind of movement. You're met with silence. A little unsettled you begin to turn around and nearly run into what you think is the prettiest man you've ever seen. He stands at about 6'2. Dressed in a black turtleneck and smooth black dress pants. Blond brows furrowed in a frown over honey-colored eyes burning with suspicion and what you suspected was disapproval. His bright hair falls lightly around his shoulders and the elbows of his crossed arms. His lips are pressed together in a firm line as he looks you over swiftly.
"Can I help you?" His voice is low and travels down your spine, resting in the deep pit of your womb. You breathe loudly, searching for the words to explain your presence.
"Uh..I-I was-, I'm supposed to be-, I'm here to see the castle." You hold out the papers in your hand that stated you had been sent by the agency that had contacted and received the consent of the owner of this property to come here.
The blond took the papers quickly and looked them over silently.
The land this castle was on was connected to a portion of the nearby town that the government was looking to modernize. In order for this place to be protected from future lawsuits and any other issues that might arise in reference to the land the owner of the castle had struck a deal with your organization. Getting this place registered as a historical landmark and privately owned property would ensure its security which is why you had been sent.
After a moment, he folded them back up and handed them to you. You took them back and shoved them into your bag before looking up at him again. Though the original suspicion had subsided, the intensity of his gaze had not. You bit the inside of your cheek silently as he stared you down.
"There are parts of this castle that are under construction. Places you will simply not be able to visit for your safety. Do you understand?" You nod quickly. His eyes narrowed slightly and you swallowed, hoping he couldn't hear the speed at which your heart hammered in your chest. "I've had a room set up for you and I'll do my best to provide you with whatever you may need while you stay here. Come." He turned swiftly and headed toward the large staircase towards the back of the room.
It took you making it to the steps to gain the courage to begin a conversation. "This place is so large and beautiful. How long have you lived here?" He glances at you out of the corner of his eyes and subtly picks up his pace. "I was born in this place."
"Wow, that's amazing. Have you lived here your whole life?” You skip forward a little to keep up. He audibly sighs, seemingly exasperated with your questioning. You were used to people getting bothered by your questions so you patiently waited for his answer. He seemed to recognize you were probably going to press on because he slowed down and looked at you more pointedly. “On and off throughout my life. I was raised here and traveled in my adulthood and have returned. This place is my home.”
 You gasp excitedly. “Well, that’s wonderful! You’re the best person to talk to about the history of the place.” You pulled out your notepad and pen. “When exactly was this place constructed?”   He frowns slightly, eyes scanning the walls as he thinks. “It’s very old. Perhaps sometime in the 1100s.”
“That’s so long ago! To create this kind of structure in that century is amazing. It’s futuristic. Who’s responsible for the build and the design? How many people did it take to put this place together? How long did it take to build?”
  In the span of you speaking you both had stopped walking and he was staring at you with a peculiar expression on his face. “Are you always this animated?”
 You shrug. “You should see me after I’ve been caffeinated.” His eyes soften and the corners of his mouth curve upward. He resumes walking and you follow. “Is that bag the entirety of your luggage?”
“There was a bit of a mixup at the airport so my bag should arrive in the country sometime tomorrow. They’ll call me when it gets here. Thankfully it was only clothes. Everything else I need is in this carry-on.”
“The cellphone reception here is very difficult. The airport will contact the nearest mailing office in town and they’ll call me on the landline. I’ll let you know tomorrow if they do so.” You nod as he stops in front of a tall door with a rose on it. He opens the door unceremoniously and steps aside so you can enter first. It’s larger than your studio apartment and the apartment next to it combined. The floor is littered with what you thought could be hand-painted flowers and beautiful swirls. The ceiling was dark and seemed to reflect the brightness of the art on the floor. A canopy bed was pushed against the farthest wall with large nightstands on either side.             There was a smooth cream chaise with orange flowers embroidered on the cushion beside the fireplace. In the back of your mind, you can feel his gaze on you as you continue to marvel at the place.             “It’s so pretty.” Gently dropping your bag on the floor, you turn to look at him. “Thank you for allowing me to stay here. It’s wonderful, truly.” He nods. “I’ll be back to collect you for supper.” He shuts the door and you listen for his footsteps as he walks away.
After you’re sure he’s gone you skip around the room looking at every detail before plopping on the bed and sighing. The soft blankets enveloped you and before you knew it your eyes were heavy and you were drifting. 
It was lonely in the dark. Clinging to the walls like your life depended on it. The whispers urged you to run to get away as soon as you could.              Run. Run. Run. They urged. But you couldn’t. Your legs were noodles beneath you and he was coming. Too fast. So fast you gave up and plummeted down, down deeper into the dark as fear swallowed you whole and his hot breath scorched your neck.            
You jump awake as your body is shaken. Pulling you into consciousness. The room comes into view and so does the worried face of the man you’d met earlier. Slowly, you become aware of the feeling of his right arm under you, holding your body to his as his other hand rests on your forehead. You take a deep breath, noting the soft scent of his cologne and the feeling of his breath brushing over your skin like a shy kiss.              “Hi.” You whisper. He chuckles shakily. “Hi. I thought you were-, you were shouting. Were you having a bad dream?” You blink in confusion. “I can’t remember. I’m sorry for disrupting you.”              He shook his head, letting his hand slide down the side of your face before allowing you to sit up. “Don’t worry about it, Y/N. Dinner is ready. You look famished.” He rises without another word and heads for the door.              He leads you toward the kitchen. The kitchen was just as beautiful as the other parts of the castle you’d seen. The floor was lined with black and white checkered tiles. The sink was larger than any modern one you’d ever seen and the small table in the middle of the room had five chairs surrounding it with a vase full of yellow flowers in the middle. There were several medium-sized dishes with baked chicken, vegetables, and mashed potatoes placed around it. There were two places for both of you to sit.
            “I hope you don’t mind eating in close quarters. The dining room is rather large and I rarely use it except for gatherings.” He glided past you and pulled out a seat for you to sit. You smile shyly and take your seat, allowing him to push the chair up. “Did you make all of this?”             He sat across from you and unfurled his folded napkin. You watched as he elegantly laid it over his lap and began to fill his plate. “Some. My cook, Marguerite, helped with the side dishes after setting your room up.”             “Ah.” You murmured absently as you watched the way he delicately grasped the dishes. He placed the food on your plate without asking and you made no move to protest. Too mesmerized by the prettiness of your host. He avoided your gaze, keenly aware of your eyes on him as he sat the last dish down and began to fill your glasses with some fizzy drink in a sleek bottle.              It was then that it dawned on you that you had yet to exchange names but he had already called you by yours. “How did you know my name?” He looks at you then. 
“My name. You called me by name earlier. I don’t remember me telling you or you telling me yours.”             He resumed cutting the meat on his plate. “It was on the paper you handed me earlier. Both of our names.”             “So you’re Adrian.” You said slowly while scooping up a bit of mashed potatoes and tasting a bite.             “You sound so surprised.”             “I am. I thought you’d be some old guy. You look really young to own a place like this. Don’t you have any family?” 
His movements slow, staring at his plate.
            “I’m alone.” 
The words are a whisper and the quiet in the room is deafening. “Me too.” You say quietly. “I’m an orphan.” His eyes find yours and you give him a small smile before turning your attention back to your food.
As the night continues, you begin to see Adrian’s cold exterior melt away as you talk about his memories of this place (careful to avoid the questions regarding his family and how he lost them).
You learn of the history and take note of it in order to write it down later. At the end of the night, you’re drowsy and Adrian takes you to your room. Before you enter he points towards a big black door at the end of the hall. “My room is there. If you need anything throughout the night just knock.” You nod and watch him enter his room before entering your own. 
Tag List: @hoppershoe @c-crow-chatters
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simonnebethel · 9 months
Writeblr Introduction
Just learned what a writeblr intro is so I'm gonna make one before I go to bed lol
I've already done something like this a few days ago but that was when I had no clue what I was doing lmao, so might as well make a more in depth one
About me:
19, she/her, bi
I write mostly fantasy and urban fantasy, and honestly i dont think i've ever written a story that was non-fantasy lol
Started writing when I was 10, but it was mostly Warrior Cats fanfiction on Wattpad lol. I went through a writing slump for most of highschool but last year I decided to get back into it since I'm not doing anything else lol
I like to read fantasy and classic lit, also anything with vampires. I also have a soft spot for slowburn romances where the main characters dont kiss until, like, the 4th book heehee
In love with anything gothic, vampire, and wlw 👩‍❤‍💋‍👩
I think one of my more niche interests is any early 2000s fantasy/sci-fi movie with a nu-metal/rock/alternative soundtrack like Queen of the Damned and The Crow. They are just...*chefs kiss*
My current stories:
A Chant for Blood (Formerly known as Account of Calamity)
Account of Calamity is a gothic victorian fantasy about a Grand Marshal, Karliah Helisende, and a blood-drinking fiend, Yorick Gwynplaine, who work together to investigate the mysterious portals that spawn dangerous creatures into the city of Isarnan, all the while Karliah is being haunted by the mysterious ancient temple that watches over her every move.
I'm currently working on the second draft, and I may start looking for beta readers once I'm finished, although I know I'm not far from finished with this novel. I also plan to make it a 4 or 5 book series, and slowly add a slowburn romance.
12/30/24 - Second draft has been finished!!
Looking for beta readers! Look here!
Our Demonic Hearts - The Craven Pact Series #1
Our Demonic Hearts is a urban fantasy about a cambion woman, Ana Kravens, haunted by her past. Taking place in a small Mississippi town, a man she went through a traumatic incident with, Beau Motloe, shows up on her doorstep one day with a deal; help him find his missing mother, and he'll give back the memories she lost during the traumatic incident. Her father, a demonic creature of unknown origin, wants nothing more than the Motloes dead, claiming that they were the very reason his daughter was almost killed 6 years ago. Ana goes against her father's wishes and accepts Beau's deal, suspecting that her father isn't telling the whole truth about that fatal night.
It is completed and available on Wattpad and Royal Road!! It was just a small project I had done for Nanowrimo, and has been edited at least once before being published. However, I plan to make it a trilogy and maybe have some spin-offs. This story is fairly new, but most of the characters are at least 5 years old and I love them very much <3
What I plan for 2024:
Finish the second draft of Account of Calamity and look for beta readers(In the beta reader phase!)
Start the second novel of The Craven Pact Series
Write a short story/novella or two taking place within the Account of Calamity universe. My brain is currently exploding with ideas rn(2 are in the drafting process currently!)
Write a short story about Ana Kraven's mom and how she met Marchosias, Ana's father.
Plan something for Nano?? Idk where I'll be in November lol
I'm interested in following other writers and reading everybody's stories! I would also be interested in a beta read/beta swap ^^
Other sites I'm on:
Wattpad: LillithOfBees
Royal Road: SimonneBethel
Nanowrimo: BeeWitch
18+ Writing discord!!!
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Hi!! I just saw your response and I'm so curious about this future gothic southern au you have cooking, I love the sound of this au, and I was hoping you had anything set out about this au that you could maybe share (if it isn't a major spoiler). I'm super curious about this Au and would love to hear more about it!! I'm also super curious if you thought about having a mention about the 5 horsemen of the apocalypse from the Book of Revelations (cause you know, horses and cowboys).
Anyway, I can't wait to see what you will do next about these two angst and all!!
A big part of it really is "local area serial killer makes a deal with the devil in 1920s New Orleans." Unlike A Terrible Beauty, the majority of the story will take place while Alastor is alive because it's a Southern Gothic and the southern setting is key. But the specific flavor of southern setting is Jazz Age New Orleans because that's where Alastor is from.
There won't be any "big" things like the horsemen because it's not that kind of story. A lot of classic Southern Gothic themes instead—Alastor's father, who never acknowledged him, has died and his respectable family is in the midst dealing with that when the illegitimate son shows the fuck up. But he's that charming voice from the radio, very polite, shockingly well-mannered (considering, well, you know). Easy to make him go away quietly . . . right? Traditionally, it would be about the family, confronted with this stranger who is not the innocent he appears to be. But it's a RadioApple AU, so it's about the stranger, who in this case happens to have got himself involved in a very complicated ongoing relationship with the devil himself.
What deal, why, how, all of that? That's obviously the bulk of the story. But it's also got (among other classics) some Cat on a Hot Tin Roof vibes—"Laws of silence don't work, it's like shutting a door and locking it in a house on fire, in the hope of forgetting that the house is burning." Dragging all those nasty secrets hiding under the veneer of respectability out into the light.
I'm glad people are here for a Southern Gothic! It's one of my favorite genres and Alastor just lends himself really well to it. It should be a lot of fun.
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fyeahlolita · 1 year
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This was my first Lolita meetup! Previously I'd just been going to BJD meetups with some Lolitas. This was August 2007 in NYC, it was like a very big meetup for the time with 20-something people. We just hung around a few different places for an afternoon. I voided everyone's faces but my own, I was wearing a F+F dress and just carrying some random weeb bag I had. I felt like I "had to" wear Sweet Lolita to an "real Lolita" event, for whatever reason, but I had no accessories for my one Sweet Lolita dress lol. Seeing a lot of people in Gothic Lolita, and even the like h.Naotoy VK styles at a "real Lolita event" was like a big deal to me at the time, because I remember feeling like idk to be taken "seriously" as a Lolita I had to wear Sweet Lolita. It was just kind of the general vibe I got from the community, at least online. At the time, it was just so Sweet Lolita forward, and Gothic Lolita felt like it was kind of out of fashion at the time and mostly for Jrock fans or goths who also dipped their toes into Lolita fashion. Gothic Lolita felt very 5 years ago in 2007.
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scribble-dee-vee · 8 months
Writeblr Intro circa 2024
Hi writeblr!! Sooo, I've been around here since about 2014. (Yes, I am ancient.) However, I've been dormant for the past 4-5 years. Blame college and a brief stint on Twitter. Now that I'm active again, I thought I should make an updated writeblr intro so ppl know my Deal. Basically, I want to engage with other folks who write fiction (esp original SF), and that's a little easier if I have a clear post that outlines what I do. Here to make connections and hear about your blorbos :)
About me
Hi, I'm Vee! They/them, 23, 💖 🤍 🧡
I do journalism/comms in western New York
My literary jam is feminist/adult SF and gothic lit (OG or modern) 🥀 ⚔️ 🌙
Enthusiastic about gay people, body horror, and sociopolitical allegories
I cook, run, play tabletop games, and occasionally draw. Other than that, I'm mostly writing (for work and for fun)
If you were on pre-2020 writeblr, you likely know me from my eight billion daily tag games. (I still like tag games and appreciate u for tagging me. I have also gained adult responsibilities and better mental health, so I respond very slowly now. <3)
Always happy to get asks or dms, tho as I've noted: I may reply slowly.
Sometimes open to beta read! I only read one longer project at a time, but it's always super fun :)
I tag very consistently – happy to tag triggers for followers/moots
Fun fact: I love mushroom hunting and worked as a mycology TA. #cottagecoreera 🍄 🧚‍♀️ 🌱
About my creative writing
I write,,,, feminist/adult SF with gothic leanings (surprise!)
Longform and short! Trying to do more short writing this year, and I'll likely share a bit on Tumblr. It's easier to clip a short story than a 150k novel, god bless.
The Aesthetic: moral g(r)ays, Victoriana, androids/cyborgs, Women™, monstrous femininity, incessant Hamlet/Frankenstein motifs, extremely boring socioeconomic worldbuilding, evil queens and/or dilfs, psychosexual witchcraft, probably a cat. Also, an ominous, plot-relevant letter laced with anthrax from your unhinged and brilliant ex-wife. Open if you dare.
Major projects
I'm going to be writing some short work this year, but these are the longer projects that I have going in the background. If I reblog blorbo-related text posts, they probably have something to do with these.
Let me know if you want to be added to any project-specific taglists 😎
Heart of Lead – Series
The big one
Perpetually evolving
Never ceasing
Pls send help I can't stop adding shit
5-book gothic fantasy epic that I'll definitely publish one day but probably no time soon! My bastard child, my wicked firstborn, my greatest love <3
Character-oriented political drama set in a pseudo-Victorian, dystopian oligarchy where everyone's heart is made out of metal. It's about coming of age and discovering queer identity in a world that is absolutely fucked. God is an extraterrestrial lesbian who gives ppl very traumatizing magic powers. There are cyborgs, shapeshifters, and morally gray women in STEM. It's tight as fuck idk what else what to tell u.
Book 1 is about achillean monarchists, and book 2 is about sapphic anarchists. There are only two genders, I guess.
At this point, I've drafted most of the books at least once. Working to refine a lot of raw material atm!
Tag: "heart of lead tag" or "hol tag"
Lost Letters – Book
Aka the current active HoL WIP, and book one in the revised series structure
Length: 80k as of now; around 120-140k when the first draft is finished, I presume.
Genre: adult fantasy, gothic, noir detective drama?? um?? If you want me to frame it in BookTok terms (why?) it's a dark academia villain x villain tragic romantasy. Hrgh.
Summary: Cyborg soldier goes to college, joins a shady socialite frat, and falls in love with the jilted heir-apparent to the throne. Hilarity ensues.
(By "hilarity," I mean a militant revolutionary faction and a tragedy of Greek proportions.)
POV characters: Charles (the cyborg), Dale (the heir), and Cecelia (Charles' sister, a junior detective, the love of my life and potentially the Chosen One???)
This book is twisty and dark and immensely fun to write.
I'm about halfway through the first full draft! Hoping to share snippets and vaguepost about my children here.
Tag: "lost letters tag" (also "hol tag," tho that one's less specific)
The Last of Mortal Tourists – Book
The next longform project on the docket!
Length: a standalone work that will hopefully fall on the shorter novel/novella spectrum.
Genre: literary SF, cyberqueer, psychological space quest
Summary: The consciousness of a dead coding genius, trapped inside a spaceship, seeks a new planet to sustain their sister, the last surviving human, after the destruction of Earth.
If you're here to get wildly philosophical about gender and the myth of essential self, this is the story for you! That's why I'm writing it, lol. 🏳️‍⚧️ 🚀 🤖
This one started out as a short story (100% finished) which I want to expand.
POV: Archer Alto, the coder. Spaceship? Human? Soul?
Supporting Cast: Pandora, the last human, and Abby, a holographic impression of Archer's childhood consciousness
Tag: "the last of mortal tourists tag" or "tlomt tag"
If you read all this way, you get a whole bouquet of flowers that are certainly NOT poisonous: 🌸 🌹 💐 🥀 🌺
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thequiver · 1 year
you got any indie comics recommendations?
So some of these are educational graphic novels bc of who I am as a person but they're SUPER GOOD and you should still read them - but here's my list of recommendations in no particular order
Marie Curie: A Quest for Light (a graphic novel bio of the famous scientist that highlights her politics!)
Folklords (only 5 issues, does some really cool stuff with subverted fantasy tropes, Ansel is a cutie, 8/10)
The Magicians (this is based on the book series by Lev Grossman, and if you're familiar with the FX show you already know the premise, but it's VERY FUN and I like it so it's on here)
The Good Neighbors (this is more of a YA vibe and as the title suggests deals with fae nonsense, very fun)
Something is Killing the Children (some other comics go along with this one like House of Slaughter, all are in the horror genre, and it's a GREAT TIME if you're into that sort of thing)
Pixies of the Sixties (this is a period piece that deals with things like xenophobia and racism while also playing up the aesthetics of 1960s London and fairies)
Now Let Me Fly: A Portrait of Eugene Bullard (a graphic novel bio of the first African-American fighter pilot)
Little Monsters (a horror story about children vampires in a post apocalyptic setting)
Judas (yes, Iscariot, it's a really fascinating look at the Biblical figure)
Heavy Vinyl (wlw, late 90s record store, teen girl vigilante fight club- good times)
Grimm (based on the NBC show of the same name, there are other titles set in this world too, I'm very fond of this extremely trashy fairtytale-cop show mashup and how poorly it represents cops)
Godshaper (there's a god for every person, except one and he teams up with a god who doesn't have a person and together they travel around looking for a warm welcome and a paying rock gig)
Evita, the Life and Work of Eva Perón (a biography of the former Argentinian first lady)
Eat the Rich (a little bit like Knives Out)
Carmilla: The First Vampire (queer feminist murder mystery inspired by the gothic novel, Carmilla, and pulling from Chinese folklore)
Bone Parish (a necromantic horror story about the rich peddling drugs made with the ashes of the deceased)
Blue Book (true tales of ordinary people encountering the strange and impossible - ex. alien abductions)
Art Brut (equal parts police procedural, hyper-fantasy, and psychological thriller set on a backdrop of a trip through art history)
Aristotle (biography of the philosopher dealing with more than just his ideas)
Alienated (a story about having the power to change the world but not being ready to wield that power- more YA vibes but a good read for any age imo)
Abbott (and Abbott: 1973- a tabloid reporter investigates grisly crimes she knows the police have ignored and that she knows are occult in origin)
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serickswrites · 2 years
How about a yandere supervillain ‘rescuing’ a hero from another villain because ‘the only one allowed to kill you is me’, but…well now that they have them at their mercy, maybe they don’t really want to kill them…maybe they have other fates in mind. Could be intimate or not, totally up to you.
Oh yes! Anon, I like this. I like this alot!
Please enjoy
Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
Warnings: captivity, restraints, blood, torture, yandere
Supervillain crept quietly through Villain's lair. Their former apprentice's home was not to their taste. All dark, gothic, and cold. Supervillain much preferred their own Lair filled with light, bold, bright colors, and so open. But they had to retrieve that which was theirs. What had always been theirs.
"I'll deal with you later," Supervillain muttered as they walked past a painting of Villain. And they would. Because Villain had taken what was theirs and theirs alone.
Hero was unconscious and in chains in Villain's dungeon. They were slumped over, covered in blood, their pain still evident on their face.
"What did they do to you?" Supervillain asked as they quickly broke the chains keeping Hero tethered to the wall. "Only I can hurt you. Only I can be the one to end you."
They scooped Hero into their arms, quickly realizing how small Hero actually was. Hero hung limply in their arms as they quickly moved to leave Villain's lair. They were so small, soft, and they smelled...nice.
Supervillain shook their head. They had always watched Hero. Fought Hero. Planned Hero's demise. And they knew that Hero would only want to be ended by them. But maybe...
"Let's get you back to Lair, and go from there. How does that sound?"
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chiarrara · 7 months
More music!!!!
Since we mentioned Gojos music taste i think he would absolutely love this song. Alternatively, Gojo being stupidly into Geto
Listen before we start I know the lyrics have some undertones of unreciprocated love but it’s also very sweet. Idk I just like to imagine this as stsg right before they confessed to each other. (Side note: Geto would love The Police)(another side note: he’d also love Sting)
1. Gojo would love Kate Bush 2. Gojo would also love Take On Me by A-Ha 3. This is satosugu in a way that makes me wanna cry
90’s itafushi! When I mentioned goth Gumi teaching Yuji how to dance, I meant the sort of strange but very simple and elegant sort of gothic dancing. Like smooth hand movements and shit. This song is perfect for that and perfect for them.
I think this one is a given but especially the “That season when I cried right in front of your eyes, sttay with me, saying our favourite words, holding on to our little moment (Ooh), I'll never forget how warm it felt” what if I died right now huh
I have typed out replies to this post two times now and tumblr has destroyed both of them. I am a shell of my former self. Here we go again:
(1980s SatoSugu AU + 1990s Megumi AU Playlists)
1. You Spin Me Round (Like A Record) - Dead or Alive
totally agree. i think every time this came on the radio Gojo would blast it and dance so hard the car shakes lol. plus i think he would sing along and tease/flirt with geto like leaning over and singing it to him, which would make Geto smile :)
2. Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic - The Police
love Geto being into the Police, absolutely integrating this, added a few Police songs (do you think Sting was Geto's sexual awakening lol)
Yeah it's got unrequited undertones but it's also so positive I could definitely see this song being a confession song that turns into a love song for them after
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ahhhhhhh Akari visuals 😭 rain and umbrellas being visual motifs for them
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i think geto just feels this way sometimes lol. he's a little troubled. Also added:
this one came out in '83 so I feel like gojo would hear it on the radio and really like it, which would make geto super happy :)
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yeeeeee foreshadowing 😬
3. Running Up That Hill (A Deal With God) - Kate Bush
I don't know Kate Bush that well so I'll take your word for it! also if i think about this song in a stsg context for too long i will become very sad 🥲
BONUS: Take On Me - a-ha
abso-fucking-lutely. another blasting and dancing and flirting song except geto is also singing along and play flirting. you just can't listen to this song and not sing along at the top of your lungs in the most dramatic way possible. especially in a car
4. Lets Go To Bed - The Cure
I hadn't heard this one before!! I was mostly joking with that gif before lol. more like:
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i get you, i can totally see it.
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i love me a mutual pining slowburn lmaoo
5. Mayonaka no Door / Stay With Me - Miki Matsubara
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ouch ouch ouch ouch (really beautiful song tysm 😢)
i decided gojo loves Supertramp (I love Supertramp) like he doesn't actually own too many records, but he owns Breakfast in America. So, here you go :)
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it's the satosugu fix-it song of my dreams 🥲
If this doesn't post again, you're getting screenshots I'm so sorry.
BONUS BONUS: I drove home (after the FIRST TIME this didn't post) and listened to Pink Floyd since we already determined Geto has TWO pink floyd tapes in his glove compartment, and
god this one is really fucking me up
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posting w/out the playlists attached in case too many audio links is the problem will edit again if i can
too many audio links is the problem. check the first two tags if you want them lol
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myemuisemo · 27 days
I might have run in circles making noises of triumph and dismay at the revelations of chapter XII, "Death on the Moor," of The Hound of the Baskervilles in this week's Letters from Watson. This puts me in solidarity with the original readers of the first serialized version, right?
Registry of schoolmasters
Genealogists provide some evidence that there was some sort of tracking of schoolmasters and certified teachers in 19th century England here. The early 1880s would have been an excellent time to start a school, as the Elementary Education Act of 1880 had made school attendance compulsory for young children (roughly ages 5-12). Local communities were being pushed to have schools where previously this had not been required.
Stapleton and Laura Lyons having a relationship
That came out of nowhere, presumably due to Watson's blind spots. He had previously referred to Stapleton as sometimes acting as Sir Charles Baskerville's "almoner" (delegated distributor of alms), which I guess covered Stapleton visiting Laura Lyons. Holmes and his young assistant presumably observed a great deal more by lurking.
Laura Lyons' position, as a married-but-estranged woman, in correspondingly intimately with a (presumed single) man is louche. (Damn it, it fits Watson's perceived looseness in her features. Ick.) However, her life at this point is a whole heap of loucheness. The runaway marriage, her choice of an artist (not of her own class) as a husband, the subsequent estrangement, and her taking up a skilled trade each individually would have prevented her from being received at Sir Charles Baskerville's dinner table. What's one more thing?
It's most likely that her neighbors in Coombe Tracey don't know her past: she's simply a polite, tidy neighbor.
Were she to divorce, she could re-marry at a registrar's office.
But Stapleton has a wife!
He's thereby a complete cad. I guessed this one solely because "sibling is a spouse" seemed like a good Gothic trope to invoke.
Jack Stapleton has no grounds for divorcing Beryl, as she's carefully not committing adultery with Sir Henry. If Jack has both been intimate with Laura Lyons (unproven) and has been physically violent with Beryl, she might be able to divorce him. But that's pretty iffy. She may be stuck with him unless someone can push him into the mire.
Well, that explains the second boot.
The first boot stolen was brand new and thus didn't carry Sir Henry's scent. How did Stapleton figure it out quickly enough to steal a second, used boot? Did he have the dog along, just staying at a hotel with his sister/wife? Did he sniff it himself? Did he go back to Devon, test the dog, and then return?
And why on earth did he bring Beryl with him? It seems like the less she knew of his plans, the better.
But why, Holmes? Why?
Unless we're to assume that Stapleton randomly villains around the country -- which, given his caddish treatment of both Beryl and Laura, is not out of the question -- there's got to be some reason he'd train a ghastly hound to kill Baskervilles.
Inheritance is a reason that's been mentioned before. If he were ahead of Charles or Henry, he wouldn't need to kill anyone -- just show up and prove his claim. The only people behind Sir Henry are the distant old cousin, already exonerated, and the hypothetical offspring of "but he died without heirs" Rodger Baskerville. Or is he counting on Sir Henry leaving his estate to a butterfly sanctuary?
Regardless, I'm so glad to see Holmes! His explanations to Watson about deceiving him are the worst sort of nonsense, but he's apparently learned a great deal while everyone was busy pulling wool over Watson's eyes.
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windsweptinred · 9 months
10 Characters/10 Fandoms /10 Tags
Thank you for the tag @two-hands-toward-the-sun, this took me on a deep delve of my fandom past! Time to roll out my gaggle of glorious bastards again...
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1. Ken Ichijouji - Digimon 02
Babies first blorbo. Puppy kicking, whip weilding antagonist who giveth not a shiteth. With a soul as black as his gloriously groomed locks. Who, by the power of love is transformed into the soggiest little puddle of twink you ever did see. Tragic backstory ✔️ A smorgasbord of issues ✔️ A realtionship with their rival/best friend so obbsessive, you're going to have a harder time proving this ship isn't a thing than it is. ✔️ Ken Ichijouji came with everything a young, naive millennial needed to make their first glorious steps into the world of fandom.
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2. Ryou Bakura/Yami Bakura/Theif King Bakura - (Same body, they count as one!) Yu-Gi-Oh
Ryou Bakura - Adorable British cupcake with the soul of a traumatised lovecraftian cultist. Staring into the abyss while having afternoon tea. Gothic horror in a cream knit.
Yami Bakura - Actual murder floof, the walking personification of a horror podcast. In his wake trails body gore, supernatural mystery and gay subtext. Part demon, part Egyptian theif, 100% bringing sexy back. (bonus points: Florence)
Thief King Bakura - Traumatic back story maketh homicidal rogue. Wears red, has a social circle made up of ghosts and snake monsters... Is this not prime husband material?
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3. Starscream - Transformers
Darling little duplicitous second in command of the Decepticons. Not just any 'Little Shit', THE 'Little Shit'. Simulatiously the dumbest and cleverest bot in any room. And that, my friends, takes a particular breed of talent. Negative traits, scheming, petty, fabulous. Postive traits, scheming, petty, fabulous. Repetitive attempts to off Megatron, play of either the power or fore variety. Not sure which, could be both.
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4. Darth Maul/ General Armitage Hux- Star Wars
I will not and cannot choose a favourite between them. Instead, watch with wonder and awe as I neatly compress them into the same blurb...
Sad meow meow with self-worth issues does galactic war crimes to prove 'daddy' wrong. What do you mean my fixation with thwarting my archnemeis can't be classed as a hobby/career goal/life ambition? My voice can launch a thousand ships... Different circumstances, same truth. Such a pathetic little sausage, you'll want to sit them down and feed them soup. But they know atleast 101 ways to kill you with the spoon... So best not risk it.
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5. Crowley - Supernatural
The diabolical king of cunt serving. Me and my athletic calves are doing this right thing for all wrong reasons...And you can't prove other wise! Alignment: Risk it for a biscuit. Four step program to deal with all life's problems: 1: flirt at it, 2: shout at it, 3: throw (please pick your chosen Winchester or, if pushed, tailor) at it. 4:... Yell bollocks and follow with a whiskey chaser.
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6. Desire/Destiny of the Endless - The Sandman
Again, not picking. Desire, my darling little hell kitten. Destiny, my inglorious bastard in brown...
This is my world, you MFs all just live in it!
My emotions... Which I do not have, are the route cause of everyone else's problems.
Ah humanity, the dust bunnies upon which I sneeze.
Even in a glorified bathrobe, I'm still better then you, and you know it.
It is a truth universally acknowledged, that Dream of the Endless is a f*cking dumb ass.
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7. Remy Lebeau (Gambit) - Xmen, Marvel Comics
Marvel looked at their collection of motley mutant misfits. And realised they had a morally dubious, disaster bi shaped hole to fill... And there Remy Lebeau has been for for 30 slutty, slutty years and counting. Sex in fushia pink spandex. Single handily keeping thievery in Americas top 50 kinks. Slowly exhausting the world's supply of playing cards... Must be considered a traitor to the cause atleast once a decade to keep his street cred. Must be considered a secret Summers brother atleast once a decade to keep his ego in check.
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8. Jonathan Crane (Scarecrow) - Batman (DC)
Scythe wielding, reigning and defending Trick or treat world champion since 1941. The physical attributes of a Giacometti sculpture with the rustic aesthetic of the folk horror genre. Grumpy old man syndrome dialed up to eleven. Pets: Craw the crow, Nightmare the raven... Edward Nygma. Built a life manifesto based on a gothic novel... Oh captain, my captain.
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9. Alfie Solomons - Peaky Blinders
All hail the great arisen god of Margate. Who looked upon Tommy Shelby and called him smol. Weilds tomfuckery like a pepper spray straight up the jacksie. Views betrayal as a bonding exercise. Somewhere in his words are the the meaning of life. Still awaiting the lab results as to whether this man is the anthropomorphic personification of chaotic neutral. Not even part of the egg and spoon race. Will still manage to win with a watermelon and a novelty spork.
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10. Elias Bouchard - The Magnus Archives
(art by @felix-krain and @caligosatchel)
Cluedo character brought to life by malevolent eldritch entity for sexy end of the world shinnanigans. I suspect either Proffesor Plum or Reverend Green, professional opinions vary. Maintains the inability to move more than one square at a time when enacting nefarious schemes. Still has a preference for homicide by kitchenware. Comes with all the British, arch dilf energy of an Agatha Cristie villain. Taking the horrors from the hands of privileged elite and unleashing them on unsuspecting white collar workers. Eye, chin and tits first.
Whelp, that's my ten fictional characters/fandoms. Men folk (and Desire) addition. When I say I like them on the morally grey dulux colour chart. I'm not exaggerating. 😅
I'm tagging, at your pleasure @mashumaru @aisalynn @bobbole @tickldpnk8 @writing-for-life @marvagon @missingrache @rriavian @jazzy-a and @ibrithir-was-here
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spntoxicfemslashevent · 9 months
full prompt list
hey everyone! this is the full february prompt list for this event. we're going to have six prompts every day, so it's big! smaller versions containing only some of the prompts are forthcoming. ideally a piece submitted for a certain day should be inspired by at least one of the prompts for that day.
[conceptual prompts only] [pairing prompts only] [format/style prompts only] [prompts by date] [submission guidelines] [intro post]
conceptual prompts:
feb 1: manipulation || rot || political play
feb 2: tied up || burning flesh || jealousy
feb 3: suburbia || betrayal/judas kiss || doll
feb 4: blackmail || cannibalism || age gap
feb 5: blasphemy || executioner || genderless
feb 6: “...and it felt like a kiss” || on the rack || handmaiden-feudal lord
feb 7: sainthood || blood || isolation
feb 8: poison/drugging || barefoot and pregnant || murder suicide
feb 9: scars || heaven and/or hell || voyeurism
feb 10: shallow grave/midnight gardening || exes || serial killer(s)
feb 11: crossdressing || corpse || brat
feb 12: war/opposite sides || soulmates || guts/gore
feb 13: demonization || immortality || "forgive me father"
feb 14: unrequited || butch || imprisonment
feb 15: high school sweethearts || justifications || resurrection
feb 16: stabbing || masturbation || somnophilia
feb 17: turn the straight girl || kidnapping || ritual sacrifice
feb 18: stalking || substance use/abuse || comp het
feb 19: amnesia/mindwipe/lobotomy || flogging || forcefem
feb 20: vessel || make each other worse || gothic
feb 21: mistress || forced marriage || petplay
feb 22: demon deal || power imbalance || state of mind/dreams/confusion
feb 23: experiment || bastard child || what happened to her first husband/wife?
feb 24: curses || possession || infidelity
feb 25: controlling || temptation || "i ran into a door"
feb 26: victim || right hand || true crime
feb 27: humiliation || dubious consent || brainwashing
feb 28: family || true form || obsession
feb 29: closeted || sins of the father || not passing the bechdel test
pairing prompts:
feb 1: rowena mcleod/billie
feb 2: linda tran/ofc
feb 3: hannah/naomi
feb 4: rowena mcleod/alicia banes
feb 5: raphael/billie
feb 6: amelia novak/naomi
feb 7: abaddon/colette mullen
feb 8: ruby/astaroth
feb 9: cassie robinson/fem!dean winchester
feb 10: linda tran/mary winchester
feb 11: cassie robinson/meg masters
feb 12: linda tran/abaddon
feb 13: risa (endverse)/meg masters
feb 14: kelly kline/dagon
feb 15: linda tran/tasha banes
feb 16: billie/amara/the empty (meg)
feb 17: meg masters/jo harvelle
feb 18: patience turner/claire novak
feb 19: mary winchester/antonia bevell
feb 20: lily sunder/claire novak
feb 21: bela talbot/ruby
feb 22: patience turner/magda peterson
feb 23: fem!castiel/fem!crowley
feb 24: missouri moseley/ellen harvelle
feb 25: jody mills/donna hanscum
feb 26: lily baker/lilith
feb 27: hannah/caroline johnson
feb 28: raphael/naomi
feb 29: eileen leahy/mary winchester
format/style prompts:
day 1: canon divergent || drabble (exactly 100 words)
day 2: canon character/oc || traditional art
day 3: scifi au || non-traditional art medium
day 4: post-canon || gifset
day 5: canon compliant || metered poetry
day 6: reverse!verse/roleswap || sketch
day 7: epistolary || flash fiction
day 8: episode rewrite || fanmix
day 9: gender changes - het to femslash || script format
day 10: canon a little to the left || headcanon
day 11: outsider pov || fancam
day 12: 5 + 1 || exquisite corpse/round robin
day 13: for want of a nail || sequel
day 14: dark fluff || webweave
day 15: vignettes/fragments || fansong
day 16: polyamory || abstract
day 17: unreliable narrator || screencap edit
day 18: meta plot/metafandom/carver edlund novels || non-song based fanvid
day 19: crossover/fusion || multimedia
day 20: trans headcanon || podfic
day 21: humor || amv
day 22: au || fiber arts
day 23: gender changes - slash to femslash || comic
day 24: pre-canon || digital art
day 25: omegaverse || sentence fics
day 26: mundane au || photography
day 27: selfcest || freeverse poetry
feb 28: character study || fanwork-of-a-fanwork
feb 29: rashomon style || fic rec list
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sophiesbookishthings · 4 months
May Reads
The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson
I get it. I get the Sanderson hype. This is book 1 of the Stormlight Archive. It is such an incredibly unique and creative book. It's absolutely everything I want out of a fantasy book. The world building is mindblowing. I mean, he even thought about how the grass would work differently. The grass! I feel like no one ever thinks about the little differences like that that make the world they're writing so much more real and interesting. And the characters are enjoyable too. It's very rare that I read a book where I'm equally invested in every single pov. There's usually always one where I'm waiting for the next to start. Not this one. I was equally invested in all of them. And yes this book is HUGE but it is 100% worth it and I know this series is going to live in my brain forever. I am going to stop now cause I could seriously write an essay. I cannot recommend this book/series highly enough.
5/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (⭐️ and a secret 6th star)
Fairest by Marissa Meyer
This is a novella in the Lunar Chronicles about Queen Levana's backstory. I was looking forward to this one cause I love a good villain backstory and it sure delivered. Meyer did a great job of showing that yeah some bad things happened to Levana but she handled pretty much all of them so badly and how that made her who she became in the main series. It reminded me a lot of Snow's arc in the Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes where he A) had a less than ideal childhood/family life and B) just kept making worse and worse decisions as the book went on and falling deeper into the villain role.
4/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
The Sandman by Neil Gaiman
The first thing I did when I opened this book and saw Dream was go "wait that's literally just Neil." I love that the artists did that. It made me laugh. So I watched the show before I read the comic and I'm impressed how accurate the show was. There are slight differences but I like both versions honestly. If you like comics or gothic horror, this is a good one to read
5/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Remarkably Bright Creatures by Shelby Van Pelt
I found this book and was immediately intrigued. Octopuses are one of my favorite animals. I think they're fascinating and incredibly smart. My mom and I both ended up with a copy of this book, so we read it at the same time. It wasn't exactly what I thought it was going to be, but I did still really enjoy it. I really enjoyed how the main characters grew throughout the story. I especially loved the octopus pov. And I figured out how one character fit into the story before my mom. Which she didn't appreciate lol.
4.5/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️✨️
Daindreth's Outlaw by Elisabeth Wheatley
I dont have a ton to say about this one. It felt very fast and like it was very much just a bridge from the first book to the third. That didn't make it a bad book, though, by any means. I did like the new sorceress character that was introduced and the magic/evil forest setting. I also enjoyed the fmc exploring and discovering her new powers.
4/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Words of Radiance by Brandon Sanderson
More Stormlight Archive! I genuinely don't know how I read 4 books between the first one and this one cause these books live permanently in my brain. I'm super excited about where this one left off. It was a really interesting place (literally lol). So much happened in this book and it was cool to see the characters grow in their power. And all the reveals! The backstory reveals, the whole deal with the parshendi (which was super sad), the deal with the spren and the shardblades, whatevers going on with szeth (who I love), and somebody not being dead (I knew it!). I particularly loved shallan in this book. I adore a manipulative protagonist. They just do something to my brain. And patterns a cutie. I was about to fight kaladin, though, and I love him too, but oh my god. I don't know. I could talk about this book forever, so I'm gonna just stop rambling and say that I loved it and leave it at that.
5/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
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