#i've got some shorter ones in the works at least
trivialbob · 2 days
At the Wisconsin campground this weekend it stormed on and off. I didn't get a chance to drive our new (to us) side by side until Saturday evening when things cleared up. Sheila stayed home to work, so I was there by myself.
I thought the ATV trail to one town would be like a gravel or dirt road. But remember those storms I mentioned? The trail was a miles long mud pit with hills and twisties. Deep ruts, water-filled holes and big rocks lined the way. The Polaris got through fine though it got really dirty. So did my left arm. The thing has doors but not side windows. The ride was loud, bumpy and fun.
I didn't stop for pictures because I wanted to complete the trip before sunset. Finding the trailhead confused me. An elderly couple in an elderly Buick stopped to help, because I was by their driveway looking around. Those nice people pointed me in the right direction and wished me luck on my first side by side adventure.
When I got back to our RV I switched to my truck and drove to a different town. There's a tap room I visited there last time that I really like (and wrote about earlier).
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"Longest name on the menu" is how I chose my beer: 3 Sheeps Roll Out the Barrel Chardonnay Barrel Aged Belgian Golden Ale. It is 10.7% ABV so it's a 12 ounce pour instead of a pint. It was excellent.
Initially I considered the Drekker Chonk Funky Sundae Sour. Though a shorter name, it was more creative. The bartender, whom I'd talked with about beers, suggested I taste a sample before ordering one. I'm glad she did, because I did not like the Sundae Sour. It was too sweet, and it had the consistency of V8 juice which I didn't care for in anything besides V8, bloody Marys and Wisconsin beer cheese soup.
Runner up, and something to order (or at least sample) next weekend is the Founders Rübæus Raspberry Nitro Fruit Beer. I am not fond of nitro beers. They taste flat to me. But a lengthy name containing an umlaut and a dipthong? I gotta try that!
I'd already had dinner so I didn't have room for pizza. A couple at the bar had the Octoberfest pizza and raved about it. The green apple was a good topping, the said. I hope it's on the menu next week.
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It was very dark on the drive back to the campground. I saw only one deer.
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This morning I came home, stopping once for a breakfast sandwich and some fuel. I smiled at that pump price. First time in a few years I've seen it under $3/gallon.
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The McDonalds was having somewhat of a crisis morning. I had ordered ahead using the app which works remarkably well. When I walked in a customer in front of me had his bag handed to him under the mostly closed gate. I waited patiently as I wondered about that. Eventually a young person who seemed to be in charge opened the gate. She told me they were out of hash browns so I'd get French fries instead. I can live with that.
Other young employees weren't in uniform. Finally a kid in a McD uniform walked in, then walked out, then walked back in. He did not do the Hokey Pokey and turn himself about which disappointed me. Maybe he was debating whether to partake in that morning's restaurant chaos. Eventually I received my order and headed home.
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tranakin-skywalker · 8 months
20 questions for writers
Was tagged by @jaguarys. Thanks for the tag!
How many works do you have on AO3?
14 so far. technically more because I have some orphaned works too
2. What's your total AO3 wordcount?
415,200 0.o
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Primarily Star Wars rn (the brainrot is strong). I have some Harry Potter fics that I put a lot of love and work into, but I haven't been able to engage with that fandom for... obvious reasons. I've also written for Bleach, Persona 5, Venom (the movie), Our Flag Means Death, and X-Men
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Enoument (Harry Potter)
Empiricist (Harry Potter)
Cytokinesis (Star Wars)
Star-Birth (Star Wars)
Ouroboros (Harry Potter)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to. Sometimes it takes me a while to get around to it, and when the comment is just something like "I loved it" or "great fic" I usually won't because saying thank you over and over again is, idk, kinda weird. Usually when someone writes a really in-depth comment or theorizes or asks questions I'll respond almost immediately. It's a lot easier to reply when it feels like there's a conversation, ya know?
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
This is hard to answer since most of my fics are still wips lol. I'd say as of right now it'd probably be For a Son.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Again, same problem lmao. Also I don't tend to write happy fics.
8. Do you get hate on your fic?
Not really. I've gotten a few where people would complain about not liking some of the things I did but I wouldn't really call that hate. Just entitlement.
9. Do you write smut?
I've dabbled but I haven't published anything.
10. Do you write crossovers?
Nah. I'd be open to it if the inspiration ever struck me though
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic?
I've tried it a few times with some friends but we never got far enough to publish anything.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
I don't think I have one. I'm open to basically any and every ship as long as I think they way the characters play off each other is interesting and compelling.
15. What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Sigh. Empiricist. I really do love that fic and had so much fun working on it. But it is... massive. 200k words and I'm only about 1/4 the way through the plot I had. Plus the huge difficulty I have with writing Harry Potter now... I just don't think I'll be able to go back to it any time soon.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Honestly I have no idea. Apparently I am very good at delivering gut punches? (if anyone wants to tell me what they think my writing strengths are, I'd love to hear it.)
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Action. I don't think I'm very good at writing action at all. Also getting to the plot. I tend to get distracted by introspection and character studies and forget to the big plot points lol
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I think it works really well when used right. I really like it when you have a pov character who doesn't know the language, and you don't give the reader any translation for what is being said so that they are just as in the dark as the character.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Guardians of Ga-Hoole, back before I even knew what fanfic was. (I actually emailed the author to tell her about my silly little story that I had written myself inspired by her books. Apparently Kathryn Lasky didn't know what fanfic was either and was very confused by my email. I was like... 10 maybe?)
20. Favorite fic you've ever written?
It changes. Star-Birth is up there because of all the cool things I've done with it and plan to do. Groundwater is probably going to be a close contender though
I can't think of anyone to tag atm but I'd love for any of yall to play and tag me. I wanna see what you're all writing
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what-the-floofin · 2 months
So how do baby taurs work for the equitaurs and cervitaurs in your stuff?
Oh that's a good one actually - lots to talk about! Too much for one post, but gotta start somewhere. Enjoy some messy micro scribbles peppered throughout. They were originally very very tiny so, pardon blurriness.
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I've got my Taurs running overall pretty similar to equine cycles and gestations - meaning they are what you call 'long-day triggered' by the spring and summer seasons.
(Though they do cycle throughout the year, just at slower rates and less consistently over cooler seasons)
This goes for the cervitaurs too - rather than using the shorter gestation of their deer alikes - as they and their foals are a bit bigger and more complex to deal with. Which also goes to suggest that twins/multiples are not a frequent occurrence for cervitaurs in comparison to actual deer, and inherently poses as much danger as it does for equines instead. Possible, but high risk and incredibly demanding.
So, you're looking at an 11 month gestation on average, and typically starting in a mid-spring to late-summer window. Which places most taurs at being born early-spring to mid-summer. It's most uncommon to be winter born, but not weird tbh.
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Foals are super awkward, there's no getting around that, and in the first year they have a ridiculous growth rate when compared to other sentient creatures of similar lifespans.
These things are weeds - the difference from one day old to three months old is phenomenal alone. They are, however, cooked a little further along than what you'd be comparing to for a newborn human. They're able to support themselves enough to avoid outright injury (think like a 3-4 month old baby), but gaining actual control of all those limbs takes a bit more time. The equine half however would be a touch undercooked for a horse. Just physically, in size. No worries about comparative internal developments, that's all good and ready to go.
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So they're typically gonna spend shy of their first month feeding and sleeping, practicing rolling up, sitting and limb coordination to build strength for self-standing. If mama has places to be, that baby is getting carried.
I also absolutely subscribe to the idea of arms being naturally held close to torso prior to having balance and coordination. It would support them a lot! Then it becomes a self-soothing gesture seen in the anxious, and an instinctive positional response when badly startled. Tuck in!
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By three months you can expect them to be racing on their little stilt legs - albeit still with the occasional wobble and spill. And wowee did that happen fast when you think about it.
While the zoomies are a lot, they're balanced out by the fact that so much oncoming growth means foals crash nap very frequently. These buggers sleep a lot. It's go hard and sleep hard on endless rotation. Play, snack, nap, rinse and repeat.
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This accelerated growth races away throughout their first year, and then drops right back into something a bit more reasonable - at least when you're considering it from the human perspective!
Yet in comparison to how they first started out, it's practically snail paced.
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I'm meaning, you look at the size of a 3 month old horse foal, and that's the closest comparison to a 2 year old taur foal in body. Every 'horse foal month' thereafter starts guiding the next 'taur foal year' visual until you hit that yearling horse look for a taur when they're 10-11 years old. Then by that point, they've reached most of their full leg length, and the next 10 years is focused on finishing the bulking out of their frame.
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(click to enlarge I hope) - Featuring my lass Thalo here haha
By rule of thumb I just have both equid and humanoid aspects grow in relative balance to each other, lanky stages and all. From the human perspective, the humanoid half grows crazy fast at first and then becomes comparatively similar. From the horse perspective, the equine half is crazy slow and always is. It would also give credit to having a higher physical durability than their animal counterparts. More time was spent growing!
It's worth noting that a lot of perceived 'weirdness' only comes from trying to compare them purely 1 to 1 with either horse, deer or human kids. Taurs are their own thing though! And nature's most consistent attitude is to Find What Works and Do it. No matter how wack, if it works it's used.
So, a rapid starting growth tapered into a much slower rate once they're stabilised and running was just the path that worked best for this Taur survival. Keep it simple!
There's always more to cover, but this is chunky enough for now. Whew!
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enbycarp · 3 months
Hey all, it's Juneteenth. I feel like this is a good day to talk about folks in prison.
I'm pen pals with several folks in prison. I've been doing this for many years now, and i think it's one of the most important things I've ever done. I started because i was interested in prison abolition, and i was told this was the way to get started in that movement. It's also a way to invest in our communities. Because queer, poc, poor, and disabled communities are disproportionately affected by the industrial prison complex. It's our people who are being thrown into cages and often being forgotten, tortured, enslaved, and denied their rights. We can invest in our communities and participate in mutual aid no matter what our resources or ability levels are. Being a pen pal requires investing a pretty small amount of time and money. Literally, if you can write a letter, you can do it (and often, you can send the letters online, so you don't even need paper).
I have made some true friends as a pen pal. People who have offered me support as much as i have offered them. I have one pen pal who i can talk to about things that i don't talk about with anyone else.
I won't lie, it's not always easy. There have been a couple pen pals that i didn't get along with well. I had to tell them that it wasn't working and gently end our correspondence. I've had two pen pals that stopped writing to me after they got out, and i just have to hope that they're ok out there. And these folks put up with really hard, sometimes horrifying shit inside. It can be hard to process that. Though, I've known other folks with pen pals who clearly set boundaries about what they're comfortable talking about and that's worked for them. I've had a pen pal ask me to do more than i was able to do for them, and i had to tell them no. They understood. You have to be able to set boundaries in any relationship, though.
You get to decide what you can do to help a pen pal. For some of us, that's just writing letters. I sometimes send gifts to folks (mostly books from Amazon). For one of my pen pals, i look up info about magic the gathering or D&D because she plays those games inside. For another, i wrote a letter to help support her case for getting a shorter sentence. One friend likes me to look up facts about his favorite actresses and sports teams. When one friend was facing transphobic discrimination, i organized a call in to the superintendent (and we really helped her). Some pen pals are looking for romantic connections (they generally tell you up front of that's the case). Many queer prisoners just need a connection to their community.
Please at least check out www.blackandpink.org and learn about what being a pen pal can mean for people on the inside. That organization has connected me with several queer pen pals. Even if you're not going to sign up to be a pen pal, just take a few minutes to learn about it.
Ps: you can ask me if you have any questions about
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whatusername00 · 20 days
Which Baldur's Gate Characters Know How To Lace Up Their Clothing - Camp Edition
I got this idea because I noticed Gortash's shirt isn't laced properly, and then noticed Astarion's shirt isn't laced properly, so now I need to look at as many characters as I can because I can't stop noticing. And I'm about to spend too much time on this for it to stay in my brain. Starting with all characters who appear at camp (main party + others.)
Shadowheart, Lae'zel, Gale, Withers, Aylin, Mizora, Duke Ravenguard, Emmaline, and Arnell don't have lacing on their camp outfits.
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Starting with the default clothes for Tav. Yes, they know how to lace their shirt. Good job. This particular Tav is Durge, so it's good to know he didn't forget how when his brain got Swiss'd. However, it's not perfectly consistent because on the bottom 2 sets of eyelets he threads from the outside, but the third set he threads from the inside. Though this is probably intentional so the lacing doesn't hang on the inside of his shirt, so 9/10.
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Astarion, baby boy, you were so close. But unfortunately there are two pairs of eyelets where he threads one side from the outside and one from the inside. For someone who wants to appear so put together, you think he could take the two extra braincells to lace his shirt consistently. 7/10.
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Threaded consistently the whole way through...with one side. Why didn't you finish lacing your shirt? Why even lace one side if you weren't going to lace the other? Why isn't the lacing that you didn't finish shorter than the one that you did finish? All questions I can't answer because I cannot ask. 7/10 at least it's consistent.
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I couldn't get a good in game screenshot of Karlach since her lacing is on her pants, but I found a texture rip so I can work with it. So the lacing here is the same all the way through, super consistent, *mwah*, but...it's sneakily unnecessarily complicated. Typically, the lacing that laces from the inside to outside would sit on top, but it's not that way on her pants. She pulls the lacing through the eyelet, then threads it under the other part of the cross, then threads it through the top of the next eyelet. And with as much lacing as her pants have, this must have taken forever for no extra benefit. It would have been easier to let it sit on top. 8/10 its pretty though.
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Halsin. Beautiful. Gorgeous. I choose to believe the knots are hidden on the inside. No other notes. 10/10.
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I've never actually recruited Minthara so I took a picture from the BG3 wiki. Just like Halsin, beautiful. Again, I choose to believe the ends are hidden on the inside. 10/10.
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Jaheira's pants lace the same way Halsin's shirt does: perfectly. Though if the knot is hidden on the inside, I feel like that would be more uncomfortable, so I'm gonna headcannon that it ties at her waist under her shirt. Other than that, 10/10.
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Minsc's shirt uses the same model as Wyll's so everything I said there applies here, though I feel like it makes more sense for Minsc. My real gripe here is that Minsc is a liar. Talking 'bout some thrice laced pants, but I didn't see any lacing on those pants. How dare he trick me in this way. 6/10 I don't like being lied to.
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Yenna's mom may be dead, but she made sure her baby knew how to lace her shirt before she did. She may have gotten kidnapped by Orin, but she looked put together while doing it. Perfect 10/10. She deserves it after what she went through.
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After being dead for 100 years, Isobel didn't forget how to lace her armor. Gotta be put together to see her girlfriend again. 10/10 Isobel can do no wrong.
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Volo...I don't know what you've done to the front of your pants but it doesn't look good. Some of those crosses are missing. It looks sloppy. What is this. This is something I would do as a joke to see if anyone noticed. Well I noticed and I hate it. 2/10 it keeps your pants closed I guess.
That's it for the camp. I'll link other sets of characters below as I do them.
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rosamundpkes · 1 year
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Hello!! A couple years ago I posted this tutorial for making gifs with a moving overlay effect. In the two and a half years since I made that tutorial, I've learned some new tricks for this gif effect but most importantly I've learned how to explain things better.
For that reason, I've created this new and improved tutorial for my overlay gif effect. The basics are the same but it's simpler, I go into more detail, give better explanations, and have more comprehensive instructions.
The easiest way to do this effect with this method is to use smart objects and work in timeline. For this tutorial, I’m assuming you know the basics of giffing like cropping, resizing, colouring, etc. If you need help with this I’d suggest you look at some other tutorials and guides!!
First, we’re going to start off with three things.
1. A completed gif converted into a smart object that is going to be the base gif. I'm going to call this "gif1". You’ll want this gif to be at least 3 seconds because it needs to last as long as the overlay plus a little bit of extra time in the beginning. This is the base gif I’ll be using in the example (except I trimmed it so that I could meet the size limit).
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2. A second completed gif converted into a smart object that is going to go over the base gif. We’re going to call this "gif2". This gif should be at least 2 seconds but I’ve made it work with shorter. Gif2 needs to be the same dimensions or bigger than gif1.  This is the gif I'll be using in the example (except I trimmed it so that I could meet the size limit).
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3. An overlay in video form. These can be found on tumblr and youtube by search for overlay or transition packs. For this example, I'll be using an ink drop overlay I found on youtube.
Step 1: Turning the overlay video into an overlay gif Most overlays aren’t going to instantly fit the gif effect you’re trying to achieve right away. This is the overlay I got from youtube and as you can see it’s too slow and needs a crop/resize to be usable.
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To fix it, I sped the frame rate up, cropped the overlay, and resized the overlay so it fits over my base gif. I also sharpened the overlay (500% amount, 0.3px radius) so that the edges were smooth. This is the new overlay gif and the one I’ll be using for the gif effect. 
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A tip: I also like to add a brightness/contrast layer to get rid of the grey on the overlay gif. Because we’re working with blending modes to achieve this effect, any parts of the overlay that are grey will be a blended mix of gif1 and gif2. If you think this will look good for your gif effect then don't worry about it!
Another tip: try to get the entire overlay movement to fit into a 2-3 second window. Anything longer than that will likely be cut off when you have to trim your gif to meet the upload size limit and it would suck to only have half of the overlay.
Step 2: Creating the gif effect Drag a copy of gif2 and a copy of the overlay gif onto the gif1 canvas. I like to use Ctrl+Shift+V so that the layers are pasted in the same position as they were on the previous canvas. MAKE SURE that both overlay layers are in the same position on the canvas. If one of the overlay layers is higher/lower/etc. than the other then the effect won't work properly.
Then, make a second copy of the overlay and invert it (Ctrl+i). These are the layers you should have:
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Before you go any further, trim gif2 and both overlay layers so they are all the same length.
Now, we need to rearrange the layers and set blending modes. The top layer should be whichever overlay goes from black to white. This is because when we change the blending modes, the white part of this layer will disappear and look like its being replaced by gif2. In this case, that is the overlay (inverted) layer. Then we want gif2, the other overlay layer, and then gif1.
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A tip: this process can be done the other way where the top layer is the overlay that goes from white > black however, you are much more likely to have an error where there is a grey/black line around the overlay effect in your final gif. In order to avoid that, I always use the black > white layer on top.
Next, set the top overlay layer to darken. You should only see the black part from the overlay and gif2 should fill in the white part. Here’s how that looks in my example. 
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Next, select the top overlay layer and gif2 and convert both layers into one smart object. Your layers tab should look like this now. 
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Now, set the new layer’s blending mode to lighten and the overlay layer’s blending mode to darken. Once you do this, you should be able to see gif1 as well as the overlay gif. 
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Step 3: Timeline and exporting At the moment, gif1 is still significantly longer than the overlay gifs. Since this gif is just over 10 mb (which is pretty small for this effect) I’m going to trim about 1/4 of a second off the end of gif1 and then drag the overlay layers so they all end at the same time. 
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Now you’re free to export the gif! This is the finished effect for the example gif! 
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A tip: sometimes, when I convert to from timeline to frames, the gif becomes a little longer and slower. It has to do with different frame rates across the videos and photoshop but I'm not smart enough to understand it. If that happens, just set all the frames with the overlay layers to 0.04 speed instead of 0.05.
And we're finished! I hope that was helpful and made sense. If you have any questions feel free to drop them in my inbox or send me a message!! <3
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readsaboutreid · 2 months
Aaaa!!! Lavender roses is so fucking sweet!!!
Absolutely adorable!
If I could request something where the reader works at the BAU, but in like the last week the reader has cone in with allergy symptoms, red itchy eyes and nose. And she's just feeling terrible, eventually Gideon or Hotch dismisses her fot a couple days, and Spencer's been worried as hell and goes to check up on her but it turns out she was given a cat by her friend, (the cat got dumped and the friend caught take care of it) but the reader is allergic but doesn't wanna give up the cat, sorta "I'll get used to it, it sucks nie but he's just a baby!!!" Vibes?
tysm! and Absolutely! I've lived this scenario out myself in slightly different settings so I can easily put myself into the situation lol I think one may be a bit shorter though if that's oki?
contains: fluff, concerned Spencer, kitties!, bau!reader
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"Achoo!" Spencer heard the sneeze from the desk adjacent to his, the sixth sneeze he's heard in the past half hour. He looked over to (Y/N), who was sitting at her desk with a box of tissues she had opened just that morning, already now half empty.
"You, uh, you feeling okay, (Y/N)?" He tentatively asked her, his inner germaphobe screaming at the proximity he shared with her. Sure, she was very good about covering her nose and mouth each time she sneezed but the anxiety still raced through his veins, exacerbated by his concern for his friend's wellbeing.
"I'm fine, Spencer, nothing to worry about!" She attempted to sound chipper, but instead just sounded congested.
"You've sneezed 6 times in 28 minutes, 36 seconds! I'd say that's a little less than 'fine', if you ask me," he retorted, raising his eyebrows as he spoke.
"Well, it's a good thing you asked me, then, and not the other way around, isn't it?" She shot back with a light (but still congested) tone.
"Well if you ask me," interrupted the voice of Derek Morgan, loudly, "you're sick and you need to go home before we all end up sick."
"I'm not sick, it's just allergies, I swear—,"
"That's what people say in movies before big deadly disease outbreaks occur!" Penelope Garcia piped in from her spot leaning up against Morgan's desk.
"Well it's a good thing this is real life and not a movie, isn't it?" (Y/N) quipped before quickly reaching for a tissue before her next sneeze.
"Go home, (Y/L/N)," everyone's head turned as Hotch walked out of his office and called down to them. "You're sick and I don't need the entire team coming down with it. That's an order."
Defeated, (Y/N) sighed and gathered her things and left the bullpen.
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Spencer walked out of the pharmacy with bags full of cold medicine, water bottles, Gatorade and Powerade (just in case she preferred one to the other), and underneath it all a container of warm chicken soup that he had made (he wasn't sure if it was any good, but he followed the recipe exactly as it was written so he hoped it was okay, at the very least). He knocked on (Y/N)'s door and nervously waited. He hoped he wasn't overstepping, it wasn't like they were dating or anything (although the two had been on one date about a month ago, the job getting in the way every time they'd try to arrange a second date, much to his chagrin).
The sound of the door unlocking pulled him out of his head and the door opened enough for (Y/N) to poke her head out, as if trying to keep him from seeing inside. "Oh, hey, Spencer! No, you little demon, shoo!"
"O-oh! Sorry," he began, "I was just gonna bring you some medicine and food but I can go if you're not feeling up to having anyone—"
"Oh god, no! I wasn't talking about you! I'm so sorry!" Her eyes widened in panic before she said, "here, why don't you come in and you'll see."
She opened the door a little wider and stepped back as he slid inside. And was immediately greeted with two small pairs of yellow eyes. "I, uh, I had a friend who found two kittens but couldn't afford to take them in." Her eyes were red and watery and she sniffled slightly. "Turns out I'm allergic to cats!"
"Oh! Do you need help finding someone to take them?" Spencer asked, recalling something Emily had said about maybe getting a cat. "Because Emily recently—"
"What?" She asked quickly. "Never! Why would I give them up?"
"Because you're clearly suffering?" He reasoned, a smile tugging at his lips at her (admittedly adorable) pout.
"I have an appointment with a doctor about allergy shots," she argued, "come on, you can't say you don't already love them!" She whined.
As they both began rubbing up against his legs he couldn't deny that maybe she had a point.
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mysteryshoptls · 5 months
R Ace Trappola - Luxe Couture Vignette
"My perception just lagged hard"
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[Fairest City – Crystal Galleria]
Ace: Alright, it's finally the free roam time I've been waiting for! That brand-name shop looks good, and so does that one… But I think I'll have to pass on 'em!
Azul: Oh? You don't plan on visiting those stores?
Ace: I mean, I'm not anywhere close to being able to afford all those high-brand clothes. But you already knew that when you asked, right, Azul-senpai?
Ace: But it's not like I've completely given up on doing any shopping, though. I'm thinkin' about checkin' out some of the secondary line shops.
Azul: Ah, yes, there are many high-end brands that are developing products aimed at the broader marked instead of just their main audience.
Ace: Yeah, yeah. I did some digging after heading back to the hotel yesterday, and…
Ace: Looks to me like those secondary line shops have fits that suit me better.
Azul: Hm. And what sort of look do you tend to like, Ace-san?
Ace: I guess my likes reflect my usual getup. I dress pretty casual.
Ace: I like clothes that are easy to move around in, and aren't really high-maintenance. And I can't really deal with looks that are too stiff.
Ace: I'd probably say that most of my outfits have a splash of the current trends, but also have a bit of an edge to it.
Ace: On the other hand, I can only imagine you wearing pretty stiff and formal stuff.
Azul: I suppose. Of course, it does depend on the time and occasion.
Ace: Maaan, I know you got some real good sense about these things. It'd be greaaat if you could tag along and pick out some clothes for me~
Azul: Well, let me see… I do have some interest in how those secondary line brands develop their merchandise.
Azul: There's no reason for me to not join you as I observe their establishments. HOWEVER! You will, of course, be paying for yourself.
Ace: Tch. Guess he saw right through me. Suuucks.
Ace: Oh well, let's go, then.
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Ace: Hmmm, where's the store I was checking out yesterday…? Oh, found it. Azul-senpai, it's over here.
Azul: The store does seem to have a grand appearance, yes… But I can see that the designs here are rather different from the signature line.
Ace: Looks pretty good, huh? Let's go in!
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Ace: Woah, check out this stylish sweater! The shape's pretty good, and I bet it'd work with all sorts of outfits. And the price…
Ace: ONLY 30,000 MADOL [300 Thaumarks]! THAT'S SO CHEAP!
Azul: Calm yourself, Ace-san. Is 30,000 Madol for one sweater considered cheap to you?
Ace: After seeing all those Luxe prices set for the rich and famous, I guess my perception just lagged hard.
Ace: But I think I should be able to buy at least one thing from this shop with my pocket money.
Ace: Azul-senpai, I'm countin' on you to pick out something nice for me.
Azul: What do you think about that black blazer on the mannequin over there? It has a stunning silhouette.
Ace: Ooh, you're right. It's got a pretty slender and sleek profile!
Azul: Underneath it… How about this collared white shirt? It would probably look good with a striped tie, as well.
Azul: If you combine it with these center-pressed slacks and leather shoes, you would do well in any establishment that requires a dress code.
Ace: Cool, I woulda expected nothing less from something you've selected, Azul-senpai. Pretty formal and mature.
Ace: It's a pretty different look than what I normally would go for, but I guess I should at least give it a try.
Azul: I am pleased you like it.
Ace: If I were to buy everything that you chose for me… Urgh, that's over 100,000 Madol [1,000 Thaumarks]!
Azul: Well, this might be a secondary line, but it is still a brand-named shop.
Ace: Hrrrngh, maybe I'll do just this blazer… It's not really something I already own or anything.
Ace: And black pretty much goes with anything, so it makes it easy to come up with outfits…
Ace: It's a shorter style, too, so it might actually go for a casual look with my hoody and jeans.
Azul: That is a combination that hadn't even crossed my mind… Yet, I agree, I'm sure it would suit you immensely.
Ace: So that look would be like a combination of our two fashion senses, then.
Ace: If it's just the blazer, I think I could just barely afford it, but… My funds when I return to campus'll be pretty low…
Ace: Ooh, I have an idea! Can you let me work some hours at the Mostro Lounge?
Ace: I can be pretty good with my hands. You've seen that before, right, Azul-senpai?
Azul: Yes, of course. And we have a mountain load of tasks to be done. I look forward to your wonderful hard work, Ace-san.
Ace: …Shoot. Did I just put myself up for something I shouldn't have?
Ace: Uhhh… Hope you'll go easy on me~
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Requested by @ordinaryanon.
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There is so much airing right now. It's insane. July is already crazy but with more coming in August I'll probably do a shorter version of this mid august to kinda keep all the shows straight in my head. And I know we still have a couple of days left this month but I wanted to do this to close the weekend. Also because I'm watching a lot this is gonna be long. And also. Spoilers and opinions below, read at your own risk.
QL - Currently Watching
🇹🇭 4 Minutes [1/8] - Living for the visuals in this show. Just like with DFF, I feel the framing is very intentional. Only one episode so, for now, I'm very intrigued by the premise and the characters and will be looking forward to the meta that will no doubt be a big part of watching this show for me, as with dff. Also, is it just me or is Jes just ridiculously handsome?
🇯🇵 Ayaka is in Love with Hiroko! [4/8] - I love it here. I'm having such a good time with this show. Hiroko is the master of selective perception even when Ayaka is trying so hard to make her see. I'm looking forward to see what happens next. Also we had a small moment of running to the beloved!!!
🇹🇭 Century of Love [5/10] - Did not see this coming. After The Trainee this is the thai bl I look forward to the most weekly. Daou is doing excellent work, even as he's softening because he's in looooove, I can still see the demeanour of the 100 years old man. Love reading all the theories after the last episode. I'm on team Vee is Vad, and the girl is an imposter with sinister intent.
🇯🇵 I Hear the Sunspot [5/12] - It's excellent. I love Taichi, he doesn't always understand Kohei, or himself, but he will stay by his side regardless. That moment in the stairs was probably my favourite so far. I'm expecting this show to break my heart again.
🇹🇭 I Saw You In My Dream [2/12] - It's cute. I like the premise but I've been burned by Thailand when they venture a bit into high concept so we'll see. I like the characters and the actors so far. At least there seems to be communication between the leads which for me is already a win.
🇹🇭 Knock Knock, Boys! [10/12] - Latte and Almond are great in their boyfriend era. They seem comfortable with each other without being way too cutesy which honestly would feel kinda weird for them, especially Latte. Poor Thanwa though. Look I feel for Peak. He lost his mum and so not wanting to disappoint the remaining parent is completely understandable but damn, I wish he got some nerve and spoke for himself. I really hope the boys visit will give him the support he needs to finally do what he needs to do.
🇹🇭🇨🇳 Meet You At the Blossom [6/12] - I'm watching because it's kinda historic but I'm not enjoying it as much as other people so I'll just say there are some funny bits and some cute moments.
🇯🇵 Mitsuya Sensei no Keikakutekina Ezuke [1/10] - Oh Japan how you spoil me. Chaotic boy✔ Older openly queer man✔ Food✔ Dog✔. I'm in jbl heaven.
🇹🇭Love Sea [8/12] - I'm watching.
🇹🇭My Love Mix-Up! [7/12] -I'm stopping the weekly viewing of this one and probably binge it when it's over. I probably shouldn't but I know myself and my curiosity will win in the end. I've said a couple of things what bugged me about this show and this thread started by @twig-tea and all the reblogs [@bengiyo @hallowpen @silviakundera @doublel27] are an excellent read and the reason this last episode finally made me drop my weekly viewing. It was bad before but now it makes me too angry and there's a lot airing atm, so I'm choosing joy.
🇹🇭 SunsetxVibes [6/12] - It's just fun for the most part. I'm honestly trying not to think too hard about this one because there are some things that just make no sense. Also I keep getting confused by the time on this show. The editing is weird. But like I said, I'm trying not to think about it and just enjoy the ridiculousness. Definitely more into the side couple's dynamic.
🇯🇵 Takara No Vidro [4/11] - What an excellent time it is for jqls. I'm fascinated by Takara and desperately need to know more about him and it seems I'm gonna get my wish next episode. Maybe it's the hole Hayama left in me, but for some reason I find some similarities between them. Something about people liking them on a surface level, and isolating themselves and encountering someone who sees them in a different way and being drawn to that. I also like how the show is using the episode storylines. The creep episode was interesting given that Taishin was called a creep early on, for following Takara to uni, so the contrast worked well in establishing that Taishin motivations are completely different. And then the stan episode was really interesting not only in reinforcing the idea that Taishin was really sheltered growing up but also he's so lost and confused so he's just looking for clues as to what he's feeling for Takara. 🇹🇭 This Love Doesn't Have Long Beans [4/8] . I'm watching for the sides.
🇹🇭 The Rebound [10/12] - I guess the crazy ended with a bang, or several, and now we're back to our regularly scheduled programming with a very average high school bl. Also, can we stop having sick grandmas drive the narrative?
🇹🇭 The Trainee [3/10] - I love everything about it. First of all, Jane. Look, I've loved Off since my first OffGun show, which was Theory of Love, and every character since then has only increased my devotion. Him and Mix had me weekly watching a show (The Jungle) that in normal circumstances I wouldn't waste a day one let alone 16 whole episodes. I have a problem. And I thought Ten was the ceiling honestly but Jane is just another level. Not only is he, oh so pretty in this, but his character is just perfection. He's tough but reasonably so, will give credit where it's due, notices the people around him and will apologize if he's in the wrong. And yes, that hand gesture have me fanning myself. Ryan has no business being in that company honestly, but I'm a sucker for an underdog that tries and improves and is genuinely a good human for the people around him. Oh and also, this show is funny. I'm having a great time and I'm always excited for the next episode. Please be... nope, I won't go there. It's great.
QL - Finished
🇯🇵A Man Who Defies the World of BL 3 - First of all massive thanks to @ikeoji-subs for making it possible to finally watch this season. I think this is my favourite season so far. I love Mob's and Hatano storyline and would very much like a fourth season to see what happens next. @emotionallychargedtowel wrote here and here some of the reasons why this character is so different from all the ones we've seen so far and I also speculated in the tags about how he could connect to the mangaka and that's why he can hear some of Mob's thoughts and see him breaking the fourth wall. Either way there's not enough information. I need more. I definitely think Mob is struggling more to keep his secondary characters status this season. I adore Ayato and Toujou. So many couples and so many tropes, I was in heaven. I still need to rewatch all of it.
🇯🇵Ossan no Pants ga Nandatte Ii Janai ka! - Fansubbers are angels and deserve the world, so once again, massive thanks to @isaksbestpillow for allowing me the privilege to watch this show. And what a privilege it was. I'm gonna miss this family so much. The kindness and empathy of these characters will stay with me for a long time. I wish everyone would watch this show and I can't really find the words to talk about this show but this post by @lurkingshan explains way better than I ever could all the reasons this show is an incredible watch, as does this spoiler free pitch by @twig-tea. So do yourself a favor and go watch it. 🇹🇭 Wandee Goodday - I love Cher and Oyei.
🇹🇭 We Are - Final thoughts here.
Rose Watches OJBL
Nothing to report this month. The obvious reason being the absolutely insane number of shows in the currently watching list.
Others - Watched
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BL Metamorphosis (2022) Kashimashi Meshi (2023) Second Chance (2021)
As usual my ask box is open for questions or requests. Have a wonderful week💜
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captaindysdexic · 3 months
My problem with Twisted Wonderland
As someone who used to consistently play every single day for months, I've got a lot of issues. Let me preface this by saying I know nothing I'm saying will change the game and how it runs, I just want to come here and rant about the game I used to love.
Rant below the cut
My biggest problem is how grindy the game is, especially as a strict f2p player.
As someone who's never spent money on the game, it is so easy to tell how much of a cash grab the game is. The people that work on the game care about it I'm sure, but it is so hard to do anything in this game.
It's hard to get SSR cards, not only because the Gacha system is hella fucked up, but because it's hard to get enough gems to get pulls. Yeah we've got weekly and the logins, but that's so not enough unless you save for a card months in advance.
When you're a new player they give you some leeway, lots of free stuff because all the easy missions are meant for that, but as you get further and further into the game it's extremely hard to get even a 10 pull unless you're on the game basically 24/7.
As someone who is rank 72- and again, played almost religiously for months- it's hard to enjoy the game.
And I know as the story goes on it's meant to be harder, but because of how little they give you it's hard to get past the story as it goes on. It's hard leveling cards up, especially the spells.
It would be nicer if they gave you more materials or gems, that would make all the grind worth it, but that's not how it is. Hell, even events barely give you any pulls and yet they expect you to spend hours doing lessons to unlock the chapters and leveling up the free cards. Someone who's f2p (in my and my friends experience) will find it hard to get motivation to continue playing.
I want to continue playing, I love the characters and the story, but it's so hard to level up cards, or get pulls, that it breaks my heart and makes me want to not continue because I know I won't ever get that card I want, that I won't be able to get past this chapter, that I won't be able to finish an event fully because of the system.
It's so obvious they don't care about f2p's because reruns and even some event banners are strictly p2p things. Rerun banners require special keys that are pay-walled, event banners like the anime expo ones or special non-event related ones are pay-walled, THEY'RE ALL PAY-WALLED.
To me it is extremely frustrating to know that the developers don't seem to care about the fan base at all.
I mentioned earlier about the Gacha system, which I find really, REALLY dumb. 100 pulls for a guaranteed SSR? 200 needed for the event SSR? That's so dumb! Even if you were p2p you'd have to have some extreme luck to get an event card before at least 70 (which it's hard to get if you're far in game and f2p). In my experience, all the event cards I have that are SSR's (WHICH IS 2 BTW, ive been playing since idia's groom event and only have TWO EVENT CARDS EVEN WITH CONSTANT GRIND) I had to do over 70-80 pulls for and spent weeks grinding for. Not to mention pity doesn't carry over to other banners.
Speaking of events, I swear to god the events are getting shorter and shorter every time. The Stitch event that just passed? I swear it only lasted 3-4 weeks, banners ended way too quickly for any f2p that wasn't saving to pull without extreme luck to get any SSR card, got forbid the event exclusive ones. I got like 25 pulls during that event and 10 of those were because it was Kalim's birthday. It's extremely dumb and next thing you know it events will be lasting only a week or two and you're probably fucked over.
Anyways, that's basically all I have to say. There are a lot of things that frustrate me, like how they do events and some characters stuff, but I can't bother to put it here because I'm not as pressed about that stuff as I am about the stuff I did talk about.
I'm aware that people probably won't read this, but it's nice to get off my chest y'know? I'm going to continue to play the game, but I'll never play as constantly as I did when I first started because it's so hard to play and find motivation for it anymore.
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izzuku · 2 years
A messy outcome ──
summary- being under the Ex-Geo Archon's orders while having him underneath you can only be justified by a contract, right? “You get to taste a piece of the Heavens...and I get to see you crumble under the pleasure, darling” - Morax
characters- powerbottom! Zhongli x top/submissive male! reader
c/w- anal penetration (character receives), unprotected sex, marking (from Zhongli), reader cums inside without a warning (he's too sensitive) , restraints on reader , orgasm control on reader, blowjob (giving), mutual aftercare and petnames
a/n- thanks for the anon who asked me to re-do it again. As I said I'm sorry to the other anon who asked me about powerbottom Zhongli. I think I've got it right this time. If I mess up again please tell me! And sorry this is a bit shorter
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“How does it feel, darling? Are they too tight?” The Geo Archon speaks, filling your mind with something else other than incoherent thoughts.
“Tight...oh so fucking tight” you whisper almost exhausted, moving your hips forward so they meet with the one before you. Your hands shake under the restraints your lover decided to put on you, as it 'makes you even prettier' , he said not a while ago.
The God under you smiled mischievously, enjoying the way your body stuttered with each thrust inside of him. The fact that you couldn't touch him made you even more needy. How could you have someone so powerful under you but you couldn't even feel his body? It made you nestle your head on his neck for some closure.
“Please...please, Morax-” the name slipped, making you sit straight, eyes open and pleading for his forgiveness. "Sorry my lord...I beg of you Zhongli...I really need to cum”.
“You want to come inside me, sweetheart?” He moved his ass, pushing your cock deeper and earning a loud and desperate moan from you. “You're gonna need to last at least a bit more if you want to fill me up” the other male laughed softly.
“You just feel...s-o good. Can I kiss you while I move?” before getting an answer you were already leaning in for it. His lips captured yours, your excitement being used as a fuel to make the kiss more intense. His hands found entertainment in your chest, thumbs flicking your nipples skillfully to cause your body to shiver. “Come on love, kiss my chest” his voice echoed your mind and just like an order, your lips were already latching onto his puffy nipples.
Zhongli gave you the best grunts and moans he could. While your lips were occupied, his possessive side rose from the depths of his mind. Dark pupils turned sharp like a reptile's and his fangs dived into your flesh leaving your neck adorned with a pretty red. The pain mixed with his hole clenching around your dick pushed you to the limit.
“M'sorry...cumming! Cumming, oh archons...I can't..sorry,sorry...” you blurred out, not being able to process anything else as spurts of cum painted the insides of Zhongli without a stop. You continued moving your hips, catching your high along with his. Part of his own cum got on your flushed cheeks, eyes looking down at him with barley any energy left. “My my...look at the mess you made sweetheart...I think you're gonna need to clean this, don't you think?”
Eagerly nodding you wasted no time in putting your lips to work, licking the rest of his mess as a way of apologizing for disobeying his orders. You couldn't help but take him in your mouth and pushing it all the way in, it was still semi hard, why not just give him a hand?
“If you keep sucking my cock like that...hah..I'm not gonna be able to resist you darling” his voice became hoarse, his glowing hand grabbing a full fist of hair and pushing your head down to his pubic hair. With closed eyes and a tight squeeze on his thighs, he cummed down your throat, leaving a cute trail on the side of your mouth.
“You always know how to satisfy a God...don't you, [name]?”
“Is your skin alright?” your fingers caress the damaged skin of his, marks of your nails were left on his thighs and some other purple hickeys. The same was for you; two big bites on each side of your neck along with a trail of more hickeys over your chest. Hell, even both of yours and his nipples were marked.
“Everything that you do on my body I'll engrave it as a wonderful memory my love” his hand pulls your face closer to his, kissing your cheeks and forehead before leaving you on his side to rest for the rest of the night.
“What we have cannot be simply explained to the gods up there. It's more than simple, darling.”
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thehighladywrites · 9 months
— “ me? jealous? of course I am…”
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☀︎- pairing: Professor Eris x reader, part 2
☀︎- summary: Your secret relationship with Eris is going excellent, until Professor Jensen steps in and tries to flirt with him. Of course, you go ahead and flirt with your classmate as revenge. What do you do when you’re then caught by the same professor as youre bent over Eris’s desk, getting railed?
☀︎- warnings: smut, jealousy on both sides, getting caught, reader being called whore, public sex, PROTECTIVE READER, professor Rhysand is mentioned👀, Feyre being an amazing friend that helps reader scheme, blackmail, Eris realizing he is in love with reader, fluff, taboo relationships, both are obviously old enough.
☀︎- amara’s note: I loved writing this, reader is literally so hot in this omg, also this isn’t my best work but i really liked it anyways!! if u see any typos, your eyes are deceiving you🤷🏽‍♀️
Part 1
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Black miniskirt with a white top or the beige pants with a knit sweater?
Surrounded by clothes, scattered across your dorm, you found yourself stuck between two outfit choices. Both looked good, but as you considered where you'd be wearing them, a mischievous smile crossed your face. Opting for an even shorter skirt, you couldn't help but anticipate the classes ahead.
After the confrontation with Professor Eris, you began meeting in secret, kissing between classes, fucking in locked closets, having lowkey meetings at his house. You exchanged numbers and found yourselves frequently texting too.
Well, sext is more like it.
The exchange of messages, if discovered, held the potential to lead to catastrophic consequences. The risk heightened the thrill and danger of the secret relationship, creating a clandestine affair between you.
There had been nudes and videos, audios and links. There had been some blush inducing texting, his words always sparking something in you. Eris was a true charmer, skillfully making you feel exactly what he wrote with a magnetic touch in his messages.
Dressing swiftly and slipping on your shoes, you and Feyre head to class. The only class you shared alone with him was Advanced Literature, but you also had Philosophy together, with Feyre joining in as well.
“You're glowing, Y/N. Any particular reason?” you heard the playful tone in her voice, suspecting that she must have some inkling about someone special in your life.
Shit, you had to be more careful. Feyre was vicious when it came to solving things, and she was one of the most intelligent people you knew. If you told her about Eris, you knew she'd keep it a secret, especially since she always raved about Professor Rhysand in International Relations. She might be a little weirded out, but she wouldn't judge.
“Okay, fine, I'm seeing someone, but you can't tell anyone, promise me. He's very, um, shy and he doesn't like to be around people. Maybe I'll introduce you guys to him sometime in the future, but it's still so new,” you confessed with a half truth, hoping Feyre didn’t see through your bullshit.
Feyre looked at you curiously from the side of her eye and nodded, promising that she'd never tell anyone.
“Is he at least good to you? I mean, he must be. I've never seen you like this before. You're happier than ever. Just please tell me it's not Ilias. He doesn't deserve you, and he never will,” she expressed, concern and sincerity in her voice as she grabbed your hand.
Squeezing her hand back, you assured her that it was over between you and your ex for good this time.
“I promise, Fey. It's over with him. I actually can't believe I went back to him so many times. I literally saw him yesterday in the cafeteria, and I nearly threw up; he was icking me out. Let’s just say that the guy I'm seeing is a bit older, he's really hot, and he makes me feel super good, if you know what I mean.”
You wiggled your brows, and Feyre threw her head back, laughing at your suggestiveness. You kept holding each other's hands until you got to class, finding comfort in your friend.
You insisted on sitting at the front, ensuring a clear view of your little secret. The desks were the perfect height, and when he sat at his own desk, he'd have an unobstructed view of your skirt. Just the thought pulled a sly smile from your lips.
The big doors opened up with a thud, and his steps resonated throughout the entire lecture hall. You looked at him and immediately had to look away before a blush crept up on your face. Eris was wearing black, sleek slacks that hugged his thighs and a crisp white shirt, showing his bulging arms. His shoulders looked so fucking massive,he looked so good it nearly made you drool.
He sneaked a glance in your direction before his eyes dropped to your skirt. He huffed a small, subtle smile and looked away.
Every time your eyes met, your stomach turned molten, and your thighs clenched. One look from him, and you'd honestly do anything he wanted. Throughout the entire class, you simply scribbled, pretending to hear a word he said. It felt like your whole body vibrated everytime he asked you a question, finding reasons to keep eye contact without anyone raising any alarms.
However, your little dreamy bubble was burst when another professor came in, her heels clicking against the floor in an uneven manner.
Your stomach sank as she got closer and closer to Eris. Your pen eventually snapped from the force of your grip when she put her grubby little fingers all over his arm, fluttering her eyelashes at him as she smiled and pressed her boobs against him.
But what really pissed you off was that he smiled at her.
It felt like someone was sitting on your chest, making your teeth clench. You were seething inside, angry that someone dared to touch him like this. Even though you had been sneaking around for just over two months, you had grown a bit possessive over him and really didn’t like it when other people got so close.
A pout crept onto your face as you looked around, noticing that no one paid much attention to them. Your fellow classmates took the opportunity to chat, oblivious to the storm brewing within you.
Feyre couldn't help but notice the visible change in your demeanor as your eyes burred into Eris.
The pout on your face, the tension in your shoulders – it all screamed discomfort. With a keen eye, she observed the unwarranted familiarity of the other woman's touch on Eris's arm.
Feyre raised an eyebrow and nudged you gently with an amused smile.
“What's going on, Y/N? You look like you're ready to kill someone.”
Your eyes flickered between Feyre and the scene with Eris, frustration evident in your expression. “That professor is all over him, Fey. It's making my blood boil. I mean, we’re in the middle of class, how unprofessional and disgusting to be flirting with him. And who knows, maybe he has a girl or a wife or something. She shouldn’t just do that.”
Having had enough of the scene in front of you, you stood up abruptly, grabbing your bag with frustration evident in your movements. As you left the classroom, you didn’t spare Eris a single look as you felt his eyes burning into yhe back of your head. Glancing back at Feyre, you cocked your head toward the door, silently asking if she was coming. She swiftly gathered her things, a mischievous glint in her eyes, and skipped over to join you in exiting the classroom.
Feyre smirked knowingly before whispering, “So, you fucking the professor or what?”
Your cheeks heated up, and you stammered, “Well, it's new, and I didn't want to say anything yet, but yeah. And before you ask, no it’s not for the grade. I really like him and he likes me back. We just have to keep it under wraps at school but we’re not using each other. And how the hell did you know, am I really that obvious?”
Feyre chuckled. “Baby, it's written all over your face. Don't worry; your secret is safe with me. Now, how are we going to handle this?”
Together, you and Feyre plotted a subtle yet effective way to make him jealous. Little did you know, your friend was excited to have some drama to navigate, especially involving a professor.
Your phone vibrated for the millionth time in the past days. Eris had been persistent, trying to reach out through calls and texts, but you'd been deliberately ignoring him all week. Regret gnawed at you, and anger surged as you recalled how he allowed that girl to touch him so publicly. Hurt and frustration clouded your thoughts, envisioning what could have happened if they were alone.
A sense of unease crept in, wondering if he grew tired of the secrecy and sought someone more mature and available—someone who wouldn't risk landing him in legal trouble. The uncertainty lingered, leaving you with a mixture of emotions.
Maybe you were a bit dramatic for completely ignoring him, but who cares?
You swallowed hard and got dressed, opting for the same skirt you had on the last time. Today, you had a plan—a little revenge against Eris. Your strategy involved flirting with a classmate, and you knew just the person: Ilias's best friend, Alex, who always used to check you out when you were dating Ilias. It seemed like the perfect opportunity.
Entering the hall, you slumped down next to him, subtly rearranging your hair and adjusting your bra, making yourself look absolutely irresistible. The game was on, and you were ready to see how Eris would react to a taste of his own medicine.
He was already there, eyes tracking and narrowing when you slumped down next to Alex.
“Hi Alex, how are you doing?” you asked, tilting your body so that he’d have a nice view of your pushed up tits.
His face turned red and he gave you a shy smile.
“Hey, y/n. I’m good, a bit surprised you’re talking to me.”
Yeah, you were really fucking surprised too.
You sighed dramatically. “ Ugh, I totally understand. I mean, I really wanted to befriend you back then, but you know how Ilias is. Always so possessive. Guess he was really threatened by you. He always thought I'd leave him for you, and if I'm honest, I probably would've. You're really cute.”
Your words hung in the air, leaving a calculated impression as you watched his reaction, wondering how this little act would play into your plan.
His eyes widened in surprise, and a subtle grin formed on his face. “Ilias always had a way of complicating things, huh? Well, I'm flattered, hot stuff. I hope you're doing okay now.”
You leaned in, lowering your voice as you let your breast spill out slightly, knowing that Eris was watching your every move.
“Oh, I'm doing much better now. Free from all that drama. Maybe we should grab a coffee sometime and catch up. You know, properly.”
He chuckled, a hint of mischief in his expression. “Sure, sounds like a plan. I'd love to hear more about your new freedom.”
You blew him a kiss before you left him with a seductive smile, the plan unfolded just as you'd hoped. Now, you anticipated Eris's reaction, eager to see how he'd handle the tables turning.
Eris was visibly fuming, shooting Alex murderous glares. Throughout the entire lecture, he directed almost every question to him, knowing damn well that he wouldn't be able to answer them.
“That's the fourth question you've gotten wrong, Mr. Halsted. Are you sure this is the right class for you? Regular Lit with Professor Lunden is on Wednesdays; maybe you've gotten them mixed up,” Eris remarked, his tone laced with thinly veiled hostility. The tension in the room escalated as your revenge plan unfolded.
A small pang of guilt tugged at you as you watched Eris target Alex with relentless questioning. However, any sympathy you might have felt was swiftly replaced by the memory of Alex covering up your ex's cheating. In that moment, you couldn't bring yourself to feel sorry for him, and a sense of satisfaction lingered as the tables turned in your little revenge plot.
As the class finished, Eris dismissed everyone except for you. The lingering tension in the room was palpable as your fellow classmates exited, leaving you alone with Eris. The air crackled with anticipation, and you braced yourself for whatever confrontation was about to unfold.
“I've been trying to reach you for days. Why haven't you been answering me?” Eris questioned, frustration evident in his voice.
You raised an eyebrow, crossing your arms over your chest.
“You did? Must've missed it. And besides, aren't you too busy with that professor? What the hell do you need me for?” Your tone held a mix of nonchalance and defiance, ready to confront whatever explanation he might offer.
“If you're talking about Professor Jensen, then you have it all wrong. I don't have anything going on with her. Unless you’ve forgotten, I'm yours. And you're mine, so just what the hell are you doing asking Alex out for coffee?” Eris's words were a mixture of frustration and confusion as he sought an explanation from you. The tension in the air hung thick, awaiting your response.
Oh. Fuck.
A realization hit you like a ton of bricks. You had let jealousy take over, assuming the worst about Eris without even giving him a chance to explain. Your fear of being played again had clouded your judgment, and now you found yourself in a mess of your own making.
“Really? I thought you were sleeping with her or something. I'm so sorry for not letting you explain. I have some trust issues I need to work on. But why was she so close?” Your admission carried a mixture of relief and remorse as you acknowledged your mistake.
Eris eyes softened as he stepped closer, bringing you into a hug while he stroke your hair lovingly.
“She was close because wants me to go on a date with her. I've let her know I'm unavailable several times, but she doesn't seem to understand. Professor Jensen is married as well, and if I told the dean, he'd tell her husband since they're good friends. The only reason she hasn't tried anything further than to touch me is because I keep threatening her to tell the dean,” Eris explained, his words carrying a mixture of frustration and determination. It was clear he had been dealing with an unwelcome situation, trying to maintain boundaries despite the persistence of Professor Jensen.
Your jaw clenched at the thought of her going after him despite his boundaries. You wrapped your arms around him, silently promising to take care of her.
No one would be making him uncomfortable ever again with you around.
A brilliant idea sparked in your mind. You had overheard that Professor Jensen was coming here between classes, presenting the perfect opportunity to assert your claim on Eris and make it clear who he truly belonged to. Hoping she'd understand and leave your man the fuck alone, you started mentally preparing yourself.
“Let me show you how sorry I am, Er,” you whispered, standing on your tiptoes to kiss him briefly before pulling away. You took charge, grabbing his hand and leading him back to his chair by the desk as you made him sit down in front of you.
Standing between his thighs, you leaned forward, placing kisses on his lips, cheek, jaw, and neck. Your lips traveling over his hot skin. You had noticed how incredibly warm Eris was, it was like his skin was like a furnace.
As you contemplated your next move, the realization of your plan sank in.
You were about to fuck your professor, infront of another professor in an unlocked lecture room.
Anyone could walked in.
Suppose you just had to work quickly then.
Your eyes were on his as you bent forward, hooked your finger around your panties and slid them down your legs. You slowly stripped your shirt off, leaving you naked except for your thigh-high stockings, mini skirt, and bra.
A bit slutty for class, you’ll admit.
But whatever you looked good.
Eris's gaze dropped to your body, his hands forming a circle, signaling for you to spin around and show yourself. Giggling, you spun as you showed him your body, lifting your skirt up a bit before getting closer and plopping down in his lap. Eris’s hands automatically came around your waist, holding you in place as you unbuckled his belt, pulling out his cock.
“You’re so big, Eris. Please can I ride you?”
“What a nasty girl. Sitting in her professors lap, begging for cock. You know what were doing is wrong, yet you’re here, dripping wet, grinding all over me.” His teasing tone made your nipples tighten and stiffen, making you whimper in pleasure.
Before you could respond he lifts you up, flipping you around as he bends you over his desk. You gasp, letting out a noise of surprise at the sudden change. His presence warmed your nude back as he carefully slid into you, making your eyes roll back in pleasure as you let out a moan.
He’s so fucking big and every drag against your sensitive walls made you lose your mind. You’d never been fucked this good, ever.
“ Is this what you wanted? Getting fucked in the middle of class? The doors aren’t even locked, sweetheart, anyone could walk in and see how much of a slut you are,” he gritted out between thrusts.
And as if the universe was working with you, the doors opened and professor Jensen walked in.
She looked horrified and let out a yelp.
“What is going on here?” she yelled at you, stepping closer.
You just smirked around her, fucking yourself back at Eris who had completely stopped.
“What does it look like professor? I’m getting fucked by my man.” you emphasized the last part, staring into her eyes as your hands possessivly grabbed his arms on either side of you as you stood straighter.
She scoffed, looking smug as she approached you. “You disgusting whore, you probably did this for a grade. Poor Eris got played by someone whose only interest is a boost in their academic career. Just wait until I tell the Dean.”
You felt Eris tense at her disgusting words towards you, but before he could snap at her, you started laughing.
“Poor Eris knows I’ve been a straight-A student since his father was teaching the course. Poor Eris fucks me because he wants to. And no, you won’t go to the Dean.”
She narrowed her eyes at you, smirking.
“Oh, really? And why is that?”
It was your turn to smile as you played your trump card.
“Because the second you step out of this lecture hall, I’ll send your husband the videos of you flirting with what’s mine. Yeah, I heard your husband pays for your lavish little lifestyle, and that he’s super big on monogamy, something you’re not apparently. So, you won’t tell anyone about us unless you’re ready to lose your lifestyle.”
Professor Jensen's expression shifted from smug to shocked as your words hit her. She stammered, clearly caught off guard by your unexpected revelation.
“You can't... you don't have any proof!” she protested weakly.
You raised an eyebrow, a sly grin playing on your lips. “Oh, don't I? You see, I've got quite the collection of evidence, not just a video. Texts, emails, photos—enough to make your husband divorce your old ass in a heartbeat.”
Eris watched the scene unfold, a mixture of surprise and amusement on his face.
“Now,” you continued, “we can all go on with our lives. You won't bother us, and I won't ruin yours. Agreed?”
She hesitated for a moment before reluctantly nodding, defeated by the leverage you held. You smirked, satisfied with the turn of events.
“Oh, and if I hear a whisper of you pursuing Eris ever again, your excuses won't matter—I'll make sure to ruin your life.”
As she hurriedly left the lecture hall, Eris turned to you with a mischievous glint in his eyes.
“My, look who has got a knack for theatrics. You don’t actually have any evidence do you, love?”
You smile at him, shaking your head and gasp delighted as he continues fucking you.
“N-no, it was just a bit of intimidation, oh f-fuck, h-harder please.”
Warmth spread through your body as he kissed your neck and check, whispering praises and thanks.
“Thank you, sweet one, you’re such a perfect girl. So good for me.”
He kept pounding harder and harder, pulling you in by your neck as you were held flush against his chest, hands lightly squeezing your throat as your eyes crossed at the lightheadedness.
His dirty words, whispered in your ears made you tighten around him impossibly, and it sure as fuck didn’t help when he angled his hips, hitting that spot that made you cum with just a few strokes as he rubbed your clit, sucking on your neck.
It was all too much and you were starting to get overstimulated, but you still wanted him to cum so you grabbed his fingers and sucked on them as they hit the back of your throat nearly making you gag.
Finally you felt a warmth filling you up as he slowed down, groaning as his hands tightened around your throat.
You both sank into the chair, catching your breath. The air was thick with lingering desire, and a serene haze enveloped your mind, leaving only the soft hum of satisfaction. Eris knew you had reached that fuzzy state where you wanted to be cared for, not being able to make any decisions about anything as you floated in your mind. Glancing at the clock he realized that this classroom would be filled with 200 students in about 10 minutes so he reluctantly pulled out and began dressing you both.
“I’m canceling my last class, sweetheart. Let's head to my place, order some food, and just relax,” he whispered, sealing his words with a kiss. Even if the details blurred in your mind, you held onto him, your trust unwavering.
Eris faced an unexpected challenge; your legs gave out, complicating the journey to the secret alleyway where he usually picked you up.
With gentle care, Eris scooped you up bridal style, hoping the alley would be empty today. Skillfully using back entrances and listening for any signs of intrusion, he made his way to his car. As he approached, he checked for any onlookers before settling you gently in the front seat, which he had reclined for your comfort, its tinted windows offering privacy.
Arriving home, Eris couldn't help but steal glances at you as you peacefully slept in the passenger seat. He marveled at your beauty, cherishing the simple joy of having you close.
You stirred, adjusting to find a more comfortable position. Eris gently tucked a strand of hair behind your ear, captivated by your peaceful beauty.
“Mm, thanks for taking care of me, baby. I love you.”
Hearing those unexpected words, Eris froze. He had known it all along, the feelings growing within him. Yet, he wondered if you were merely tired, your words slipping out without realizing what you were saying.
In the warmth of the moment, his heart fluttering and butterflies dancing in his stomach, he lifted you up, carrying you into his bedroom. There he laid next to you , nerves nearly making him want to throw up as he whispered back the words he had never heard or spoken before,
“I love you too.”
Upon hearing those words, you pulled him closer, resting your head on his chest and placing gentle kisses where his heart beat. Intertwined, you both repeated those three words, reassuring each other that this love would endure forever.
Eris had no doubt in mind, you loved him as he loved you. It was a gentle reminder for someone who hadn’t experienced love before.
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embrosegraves · 9 months
𝕊𝕚𝕥 𝕎𝕚𝕥𝕙 𝕄𝕖
(request) Sebastian Vettel x Reader  The reader just wants to spend time with their boyfriend  Cuddles! Lots of them!
Warnings: None! I love these fluffy requests so much omg
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It wasn’t often that Sebastian was home for the week. Usually during the mid year break you would both go for a holiday in some other country, and during the end of year break you would be spending only a few weeks in Switzerland before going to England so that he could be closer to Aston Martin’s HQ. This was the routine ever since you and Seb had started dating during his RedBull days.
If there was ever any down time between races, you insisted on going straight to where the next race was being hosted, no matter how long it was until the next race, because you liked being organised and Seb just liked making you happy. 
It was mid January and you had both gotten to England only three days ago. Seb had been in his office for at least far too many hours today and while you were fine on your own, you wanted to spend some of your time with him before his schedule would pick up for the year. 
Quietly peeking your head through his office door, you called out for his attention. 
“Sebby?” you whispered. 
He looked up from the desk and smiled when he saw you. He always smiled when he looked at you. You were his favourite thing to look at. 
“Yes, Liebe?” 
You loved it when he used sweet pet names with you. Especially when they were in his mother tongue. They made you feel extra special. 
“Can I spend some time in here? I just want to be around you for a bit.” 
If anyone were to ask you what you thought was the one thing that kept your relationship as strong as it was, you would tell them that the best thing you both had done for your relationship was being completely honest with each other. You had agreed pretty early on that you would always speak your mind to the other person so that there was no chance of things being miscommunicated. It was your biggest peeve in your previous relationship and you would always thank the stars that Sebastian had agreed on the unnecessity of being vague with a romantic partner. 
“Of course, Blume. I would be delighted with your company.” 
Sebastian prided himself on always making himself available for you. He never wanted you to feel like you were second fiddle to his racing career. If his schedule was jam packed with things to do, he would go out of his way to spend at least an hour of his day with you. An hour that was not allocated to sleeping or waking up. 
He watched as you quietly entered the room, even though there was no need to be quiet. Seeing you look around the room for somewhere to put yourself while he worked, an idea came to his head. 
“C’mere, you can sit on my lap until I’m done.” He held his hand out for you to grab as you came around the side of his desk. You would never give up an opportunity to sit with him. 
Pushing the chair back so you could sit down, he guided you to sit facing him, with your legs on either side of his. Once you were comfortable, you wrapped your arms around his waist and nuzzled your head into his neck. As you settled he gave a kiss to your head before scooting back towards his desk, one hand rubbing your back and the other flipping pages of development data for him to read over before he went to HQ in the morning. 
You spent 2 hours like this just enjoying the close proximity and presence of your lover. These were the times you treasured the most. It didn’t matter that Seb’s legs had fallen asleep 30 minutes in, and it didn’t matter that your arms were a little sore between his back and the chair. What mattered was spending time with each other. 
What mattered was the fact that no matter how hectic the rest of the year got, you would always have a place to rest on Sebastian’s lap.
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I'm actually so in love with this because it's just so simple, yet so?? Cute? Adorable? Am I just naming synonyms?? Anyway, It's a little shorter that what I've posted previously but I wanted to keep it sweet and simple.
I hope you all enjoyed and are having a wonderful holiday season!
requests, likes and reblogs are ALWAYS appreciated xx
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wosowrites · 1 year
There's a Time for Everything (Ona Batlle x Reader)
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warnings: ⚠️SMUT WARNING⚠️
a/n: most detailed smut I've written and a slow burn! and the person who requested this accidentally sent it not anonymously and asked me not to share the ask
prompt: Apart for a while, team drinks, a bathroom stall, what more was there to say?
An emergency flight back to the Netherlands due to your mother's health deteriorating had you on a break from WSL duties for two weeks. You spent some time by your mum's side in Leyde before flying back to Manchester once she was in the clear. But two weeks without Ona was hard. You had come to Manchester at the same time and clicked instantly. Both in a new country, both defenders, both looking to create a name for yourselves.
You started dating after three months of being friends. Things moved quickly with you two, but it never felt wrong.
So it was needless to say that when you got back to your shared apartment in downtown Manchester, you wanted nothing but Ona. You wanted to feel her, to kiss her, to smell her shampoo and to trace your fingers on her abs. It was a need at this point, and the thought alone… well it had you biting your lips so hard they bled.
But a last minute text from Mary had your plans all turned around. She had invited you all to go out for drinks as a team, as you had a rare two days in a row off this week due to having just played the FA cup semi final.
The second you saw the text in the taxi going from the airport to the apartment, you almost groaned before texting your girlfriend.
you: We don't have to go, right?
ona: come on now, si we do, its both of our last season with the girls, were gonna miss them and we need to hangout with them as a team.
you: I missed you more in this week than I could ever miss them in a lifetime.
ona: do not tell them that. plus, you only missed my abs.
you: your abs... and your lips. and your hair and your kisses and your smile and your eyes.
ona: I guess I missed you too mi amor ;)
You laughed at her text before putting your phone away as the cab driver pulled up to the apartment complex. You payed the driver and then walked up to the building. You could not wait. You couldn't wait to jump into her arms and kiss her... and then get ready to go out where you couldn't feel every inch of her.
"Great," you groaned as you scanned your key card and walked into the halls of the apartment.
But it was all gonna work out, you knew that the second you opened the door, finding Ona standing in front of it. You dropped your suitcase and opened your arms wide. The spaniard ran up to you and jumped into them, wrapping her legs around your waist and burrying her head into your neck. She was a little bit shorter than you, and your height difference made her a perfect fit in your arms. You were quick to hold her up, not so sneakily placing one of your hands on her ass and the other one on her back. But when she pulled her head away, you moved your hands to cup her face and kiss her. You had backed up against the door and were completely submerged in Ona's lips when she pulled away. "Sorry, mi amor. We need to leave in like... forty minutes," Ona said, tucking loose hair behind your ear. "Put me down now," she said, making you groan. "No." you pouted. "You’re where you belong, with me, in my arms," you said to her, placing your forehead against hers and then kissing the tip of it.
"Trust me. There’s nowhere more I want to be. But you need to get out of your airplane clothes… and you need a shower," she said, sniffing your hair. "Wow, thanks babe," you laughed, putting her down. "I’m being honest! It’s that plane stench," she said, pouring herself a glass of OJ. "If you’ll make me shower, at least join me…" you said, wrapping your arms around her waist and laying your chin on her shoulder blade.
"Nope. My makeup is done, my outfit is on and my hair is up. I love you but I look too good to have to start from zero," she said to you.
You rocked back and forth, keeping your hands around her waist. She did look good. She had white dress pants and a short sleeve white button up on with sunglasses hanging from the neck of the shirt. Her hair was up in her classic messy bun and you knew she would wear the grey jordan’s you bought her for her birthday. "You do look amazing, and I guess I should go fix myself up so I can try to look at least half as good as you," you told her, trailing teasing kisses down her neck. She tilted her head to the side, giving you more access to suck on a soft spot.
You took pleasure in marking her, gently passing your tongue over the hickey you had just left to sooth the area. Ona snapped out of her daze a few seconds later though, pushing you away. "Stop that! Enough. Go shower!" she said laughing and pointing at the washroom. "Yes ma’am," you said, raising your hands in the air in submission.
After showering quickly, you blow dried your hair and then walked into your bedroom. You opened the closet you shared with Ona and picked out a pair of blue jeans along with a white tee shirt. You weren’t big on the fancy outfits, choosing instead to make boring outfits more stylish with jewelry and shoes. You put on a gold locket, put on gold earrings in your helix and three lobe piercings. You then chose your own pair of sunglasses and put it on your head before slipping on orange air forces.
You walked out of the bedroom, finding Ona taking a mirror picture. You quickly walked up to her, snaking your hands around her waist again and kissing her cheek. "You look amazing, mi vida," she gently said, turning to look at you and then kissing your lips softly, taking time to suck on your bottom lip for a second. "Hey, no teasing," you groaned.
You left for the bars minutes later, only after Ona made a post to her story of you two.
Getting to the bar by car proved to be harder than expected. For whatever reason, the traffic was insane. So you parked the car about ten minutes from the bar at the first free spot you could find and then hopped out.
"Okay, google maps says that if we go straight for… 2 kilometres and then turn right for 1 the bar should be on our right," you said, looking at your phone and then putting it in your pocket. "Perfecto," she smiled, grabbing your hand and rubbing her thumb gently over the surface.
You walked the distance, catching up on life, talking about your mother and just enjoying Manchester at night. Once you got to the bar though, the fun really started. You met Ella and Alessia outside of the bar, giving them a hug each and telling them you missed them and were excited to get back to playing.
"Game against Liverpool, you gonna be ready for that?" Ella asked as you opened the door to the bar. "You bet. But no work talk. I’m here to be with my girls and only with my girls," you smiled.
You held the door open for the three women and then walked in yourself, the music taking over you. You showed your ID’s to the man standing there and then got in.
Finding the rest of the team wasn’t hard. Mary, Maya, Vilde and Lucia had already taken on the dance floor while Keets, Hannah, Katie, Leah and Jayde were sitting at the bar, having a drink. Clearly, Ella was quick to drag Lessi away to dance.
"Get us drinks!" she yelled back at you before joining Mary in throwing her hands up in the air and swinging her hips.
"Okay then. How about you then? Drinks or dancing?" you asked, knowing her answer. "Do you mind if I leave you to go dance?" she asked, looking at you with her sweet, warm eyes. "Of course not. Go!" you convinced her.
She left after giving you a kiss and then you walked up to the bar, slapping your hands down onto Leah’s shoulders, making her jump. "Y/n! It’s been so long we miss you at training!" she said, turning around when she saw you and giving you a quick hug. "I did too. Don’t worry i’m back next session," you said, taking a spare seat. "Good. Where’s the girlfriend?" she asked.
You looked behind you and pointed out Ona who was dancing with Ella.
"Can I get you anything?" the bartender asked, a tattooed feminine woman. "Uh, yeah. A gin and tonic and for the ladies over there can I get two rum and cokes," you said to the woman. "Of course," she said, sending you a flirty wink.
You ignored her and just turned your attention back to your girlfriend who was now dancing pretty sensually with Vilde. But you didn't mind, she was Spanish after all. In fact, it kind of just turned you on more, made you want to be at Vilde's spot. But preferably in private, and with less clothes on. You stayed fixed on her, watching her hips, her hands, her biceps and the way she laughed loudly at Vilde's hands stroking her hips. "Aren't you jealous?" Jayde asked, watching you watch Ona. "Not at all. She's mine and we all know that. They're just having fun and it doesn't mean anything," you said, smiling at Jayde. "Huh, I could never. If my boyfriend was dancing with another girl like that..." she started saying. "It's different between girls I guess. And its a personality thing as well. I'm just not a jealous person. Unless it was a complete stranger. She's just Spanish," you said.
A hand tapped your back and you turned around to see the bartender with the drinks in front of her. "Perfect, thank you," you said, making sure not to look at her too long as to not lead her on. "Watch my drink while I give these to Less and Ella?" you asked Jayde who nodded and put her hand over it.
You grabbed the rum and cokes and walked onto the dance floor, handing them over to Ella and Alessia. They both thanked you loudly and then started drinking. "Want anything?" you asked your girlfriend when the room got more quiet as it was in-between a song. "Beer?" she asked you. "On it," you answered.
"Could I get a beer for my girlfriend, please?" you asked the bartender. Her eyes narrowed and her mouth opened a little before she nodded. She opened the lid and handed it to you before you went over and gave it to Ona. "You sureeee you don't wanna dance, mi amor?" she asked you. "I'm sure. I look stupid when I dance."
She laughed and kissed your lips softly before going back to her next victim, Lucia.
You drank your gin and tonic but you were soon joined by Mary who despite being sweaty from dancing still looked and smelled amazing. "Mary!" you said happily, greeting her with a kiss on the cheek. "Do shots with me?" you asked even though you were already feeling the buzz of the previous drink you had had. "Fuck yes!" she said happily.
The bartender had now changed and you asked a muscly, buff man for three shots each. "Are you guys doing shots?" Katie asked, laughing at you and Mary who were being poured the alcohol. "Hell yeah! Want in?" you asked her. "No, no but I'll film," she laughed, pulling out her phone.
You grabbed a shot of tequila and then linked arms with Mary. "Three, two, one-" you said at the same time before downing the alcohol. "Wooh!" Mary yelled, shaking her head. You then downed the two others in the same fashion, making the room spin and your feelings heightened. All feelings. The sight of Ona on the dance floor had you squeezing your things together when you weren't tipsy, but now, watching her beer in hand, seeing the way her hips moved and her mouth hung open...
You were on your feet quicker than you knew it. You pushed your way past people and found Ona. "Dance with me," you basically moaned into her ear.
Ona didn't have to be asked twice. Lucia was quickly forgotten and soon enough her hips were grinding onto yours, your bodies pressed against each other and your breaths tangled. "I couldn't help but notice..." you breathed gently into her ear, putting your hands flat against her collarbone and then trailing them down her curves, "...that the washrooms are single stalled," you said. Ona's breath hitched once your hands ended up cupping her core quickly, but enough for a heat to form in her stomach. "Vamos then," she breathed.
You gripped her hand tightly and led her through the crowd into the quieter washroom area. The hallway was empty except for a couple making out against a wall. There were four single stall washrooms and you chose the closest one to you. The washroom wasn't too small, there was a counter with a sink and a mirror as well as a toilet. However the sink wasn't centred, leaving enough room to sit on one side of the counter. She went in first and you closed the door behind you both, locking it hurriedly.
In the seconds you locked the door, the distance between your bodies could have killed you. Quicker than you thought humanly possible, you pushed Ona up against the wall, making a picture frame fall crooked. You trapped her between the cement and your own body, quickly attacking her lips, kissing them roughly and slipping your tongue into her mouth, fighting for dominance. Her hands were pushed against your abs while yours found rest on her hips. You wanted nothing more but to see her, to feel every inch of her, but what was a little teasing? You stopped kissing her to trail kisses down her neck, leaving another hickey you knew she didn't have the makeup to cover. As you sucked her neck, you wrapped your arms around her waist, appreciating her soft moans and the way she threw her head back. "Please, baby, I need you," she groaned as you sucked her collarbone. "Ask again, beg," you whispered, unbuttoning the first button of her shirt painfully slowly.
"I'm begging. Please. I need your fingers in me," she breathed out.
That was good enough for you. You picked her up and placed her on the counter, her back against the mirror. You gently looked into her eyes as you unbuttoned her shirt slowly, leaving her in her bra. You didn't need to take her shirt off, but seeing her abs and her tits made sex with her even better.
"You're so beautiful," you said to her as you unlatched her bra and threw it on the bathroom floor. You quickly started sucking on her nipple, placing your left hand flat on her breast and pressing against it, squeezing it, feeling it. "Are you wet, baby?" you said to her once her nipples were hard.
You unbuttoned her dress pants and slowly slipped them down to her ankles, not taking them off fully. She indeed was. Her panties were completely drenched, probably ruined, but it made you ecstatic. "All that for me? You're too much baby," you breathed.
Without warning, you pressed your palm harshly against her pussy. She would have screamed if it wasn't for the fact that you quickly slapped your hand against her mouth. "Shh. I want to hear you more than anything but we don't want to get kicked out do we? Well not until I've fucked you," you winked. She nodded quickly, looking into your eyes and giving you the okay to remove your hand.
You rubbed the pad of your thumb on her clit through her underwear, making her grind her hips up in the air, craving more pressure. "Eager, are we?" you said. "Please, no more teasing," she breathed out, looking at you with her big brown eyes.
You nodded and got down on your knees, looking up at her, admiring her tits, and the sharpness of her chin. You slipped off her underwear, exposing her wet folds and then spreading her legs open. You made quick work of passing your tongue through her pussy, soaking up her current wetness. You sucked gently on her clit, using your hands to control her grinding by pressing down on her hips. "Your fingers!" she basically yelled, making you chuckle into her core. "Patience," you said softly. You harshly slipped your tongue into her hole, using your teeth to graze every inch of her and making her hold in another yell of pleasure. She came for the first time with the concealed moan, letting you lick up her juices. Her thighs squeezed against each side of your head, but you knew she wasn't satisfied.
You didn't think you had ever seen her so wet, and without warning, you slipped in two fingers, making her back arch, her legs shake and her bare chest heave up and down.
Fingers pumping, mind foggy from how beautiful she was, you made sure to hit her spot with every pump. You knew you didn't have long before your teammates got suspicious, so you were adamant on making the most out of the short time you both had.
You girlfriend came about two minutes later with the help of your fingers in her, your nails on her abs and your words of affirmation.
By the time she did, you were beyond wet yourself, but you knew there wasn't any time. "What about you?" Ona said, catching her breath. "No time, at home?" you said to her. "If you can last till then," she winked. Her knuckles were white from holding onto the counter, and you thought that the sight of her naked self sitting there was the most beautiful thing you had ever seen. You grabber her bra off the floor as she kept on recovering from your fingers. Gently, you put your hands under her arms and brought her body to yours. You slipped the bra on and then gently put her head on your shoulder to have better access to clip it at the back. You helped her slip on her shirt and then clean her underwear with brown paper as for it to be a little dryer. You then lifted her off the counter and let her put her pants back on.
She took a step forward and stumbled a bit. "Can you walk?" you laughed, catching her and looking into her eyes. "I think so," she laughed as well. You smiled at her, putting your hands in her hair and undoing her bun. "To cover the hickeys," you winked. She fixed her hair as you washed your hands and fixed your own hair. Once she looked as though she hadn't just had the best sex of her life in that washroom, she opened the door for you and you both slipped out quickly.
"There you guys are! Where were you?" Maya asked rather innocently as the older players behind her giggled. "Uh... there was this guy who was pretty chatty," you said, pointing to a random innocent man in the bar. "Oh, well were thinking of going back to Mary's, you guys down?" She asked.
You exchanged a look with Ona and shrugged. "Sure," you said, putting your arm around your waist.
Mary came up to you guys as you left the bar, putting her head between you both. "You can come but don't fuck on my bed. Or in my washroom, or in the guest room," she whispered.
Ona had never looked more embarrassed.
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the-one-who-lambs · 9 months
9 people you would like to get to know better tag meme
except I'm starting a new post because the one I got tagged in was long as shit. I was tagged by @tacofuus, thanks so much!
Last song: Batter Up by Babymonster. It's a solid 6.5/10 check out
Favorite color: violet/lavender. Really any shade of purple
Last tv show/currently watching: I honestly don't really watch TV. I genuinely cannot remember. The last series I actually watched was Death Note with my best friend and that was last year/beginning of this year. I used to be into anime when I was in middle school and this felt like a return to my roots lmao
Sweet/spicy/savoury: I go with savory most of the time, but my favorite is sweet for sure.
Relationship status: narilamb
Current obsession: Writing fanfic for cult of the lamb. It's been just about a year and a half now and I don't see this dying down anytime soon, cotl has squarely entered full special interest status for me so I'll be here for at least another 3 years. I have a bad habit of making a new fandom blog every time I get a shorter-term hyperfixation, writing for it, getting kindasorta recognized in the fandom, then abandoning my works and deleting the blog when I'm not interested in it anymore. Maybe some of y'all followed me in my previous fandoms and y'all would probably never know bc of orphaned works that I can't find anymore. ...anyway. I've made too many close friends in this fandom to pull that stunt again. the-one-who-lambs and my cotl fics are here to stay. I'm rambling
Last thing you googled: 600 cc in cups (I was making soup but all the good noodle packets from China+Korea give units in cubic centimeters. It's about 2.5 cups btw)
Uhhhhh I don't know who to tag so I'll just pick the most recent 9 mutuals in my notes who haven't been tagged already by taco or the people they tagged lol. Don't feel pressured to do it, though! @artsycryptix @just-a-random-demon-official @miallurk @pikos-den @tokyonymph @mianing @bamsara @coffincrows @fanged-cotl
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figureofdismay · 8 days
I've been meaning to make up a more comprehensive post, but I got hit by the head congestion and vertigo fairy this week (😭) and am still not my most coherent.
Put briefly, due to the overall implosion of the Nanowrimo entity, plus the way my previous fic writing fandom groups kind of dissolved or went mostly quiet in the wake of shows ending, I realized I was looking forward to getting back into writing this fall but without any cheer leading-friendly peer pressure spaces in which to talk about it.
so I made a sprint bot discord server, and I'm hoping some of you will be interested! Multi fandom, multi ship -- or original writing, but as the more formal NaNo groups were all geared towards writing one big original work, I wanted to make a space for working on one or multiple fan works.
the goal is to be extremely low key and low pressure. I prefer shorter sprints (because otherwise I get distracted in the middle lol 😶) and my personal goal is simply to try to start writing 500 to 800 words a day, spoons permitting, for the next few months at least. I'll be working on multiple fics, so if writing One Big Fic isn't your thing, please still feel free to join
I'm personally most interested in getting some gentle momentum going. Remaking some good, non end-result-focused habits around writing.
Though I'll certainly support you if you're a more prolific and efficient writer! 😅
The invite link is here, and it shouldn't expire but let me know if it works for you
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