#i've noticed updates usually come on fridays so heads up on that
bokettochild · 2 years
Sunset Theory
In Sunset Part 11 there's this big argument involving Four, Wind and Legend regarding whether or not Twilight is likely to be corrupted by what happened to him. Four's argument is that you can't predict what shadow magic will do and it's always bad, no matter what. Legend's argument is that it's fine as long as you have light magic to cancel it out. Wind is in an argument that is both completely separate and yet the same about how the dark magic could lead to a puppet situation.
So how about I throw in my two cents? They're all right?
The shadow magic in Twilight is condensed into his crystal, right? When he changes, he lets the twilight crystal essentially cover his form and transform him with shadow magic, but only himself. Nothing besides him and his possessions is affected. He can be carrying Four and change and it doesn't affect Four at all. So, when he changes back, all the shadow magic returns to the crystal, right?
Now, the Master Sword, when it is used, it essentially banishes the shadow magic, but not for good. As we all know, it did nothing to purify the crystal, since Twilight can still change back and forth at will. This means it's likely that the Master Sword has banished all darkness, both the transformation magic and whatever the Shadow did to Twilight, into the crystal.
My theory then is that, while Twilight is still having trouble being healed, he can be healed, and he'll be fine. Like Legend and Sky said, the Master Sword purified him. However, I also believe that Four and Wind's concerns are equally valid. The reason Twilight is purified is because the curse placed on him is now held within his crystal, so it wont be until either he or someone else next uses it that the curse will enact itself, potentially corrupting or possessing the user while they are in their shadow form.
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disneyprincemuke · 5 months
where the fun begins, 2 * ls2 (ms47)
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it’s friday: logan throws the party he’s claims he’s having just for you to come around, not even knowing if you’ll be attending
pairings: frat!logan x reader, college!mick x reader
notes: um im on my phone in school i dont have a word count and neither did i plan on making this this long… sry guys uwu hope u like it (i’m desperately running out of logan gifs pls help me)
biggest thanks to @angsthology for helping me out with the white man fight and smug logan because i couldnt, for the life of me, figure that scene out so thank yew baby :*
(f1 masterlist)
| one | two | three | four |
friday rolls around, two days since logan had seen you in the bowling alley with another guy. he also spent the last two days organising a party, completely last minute, sending the entire house into a frenzy to set it in stone.
typically, parties are structured and planned at least two weeks ahead of time. but this time is different.
he can't ignore the frustration that clouds his thoughts when he thinks of that night. or you, in general. all he sees is you wrapped around someone else's arms.
he's been watching the door for the past hour, curious if you had taken him up on his invitation. it's been two hours since the start of the party, and logan knows damn well that word has gotten around about their open house party.
it should have been invitational only, as they usually host their parties. but it's way too last minute to make it an exclusive party. so, they made sure word got around.
he knows that you know what time the party starts. because mick's friends have already made their way into the frat house, drowning in alcohol and pressed up against girls on the dance floor. he only wonders if you would ever come by.
logan folds his arms over his chest, smiling smugly as he watches the crowd pour into the dimly lit home. he turns to oscar. "see? i told you i could pull it off."
oscar stops next to him, hands in his pockets. "i got to say – this is the most effort i've seen you put in a girl," oscar teases, glancing at his friend from the corners of his eyes. "you must really like her."
"i just don't like losing," logan scoffs with an eye roll. "especially not to some loser like the guy she's with."
losing? no, he is jealous. but he would rather abolish this entire party as a whole than admit that to anybody.
"schumacher?" oscar laughs, throwing his head back. "he's not even a loser, mate. have you even talked to him?"
"whose side are you on, dude?" logan frowns, throwing his arms in the air. "there is a wrong answer to this question."
oscar rolls his eyes and punches logan. objectively speaking, he is on mick's side; for your sake. but in a friend perspective, he’ll always be on logan’s side. but even he can admit logan’s a bit of a dick sometimes.
"whatever, dude." he smiles to himself, watching liam open the door to let another crowd in. "it's a very well-put-together party. i'm surprised. where did you get the keg on such short notice?"
logan has this shit-eating grin on his face, one that oscar desperately wants to wipe off. but he can only step back and watch the downfall of all his antics. it's funnier that way.
"frederik knows a guy."
oscar raises an eyebrow. "alright, mate." he pats logan on the back. "liam’s hosting the beer pong. let’s go?”
logan shakes his head, staring at the door with his arms folded over his chest. “later.”
“staring at the door won’t increase the chances of her coming,” oscar hums proudly, patting him on the back. he pushes him through the crowd of college students and massages his shoulder as he tries to find where liam had set up the table. "and anyway, they're coming after pre-drinks."
logan stops in his tracks. "how do you know that?"
oscar steps back with a smirk. "lily told me. did i not update you on that?" he sighs dramatically and rolls his eyes. "must have slipped my mind."
he knew, since the night logan plotted this party, that you and your friends would be pre-drinking before coming here. another reason you're apparently dragging your feet here is for lily – not wanting her to be alone in a frat house.
as honest of a guy oscar tries to keep himself, it doesn't remove suspicion from him trying to take advantage of her. understandable and respectable. so he told you to take your time.
"dude!" logan scowls, shoving oscar back. "that's vital information you should have told me ages ago! i've watched the door like a fucking hawk all night waiting to see if she's coming."
"it's funnier this way," oscar giggles. "also, it's because i'm dating lily."
"you're what? since when? why didn't you tell me earlier?"
"way before you started seeing her. but you're focused on the wrong thing, mate."
"i doubt that, actually."
"oi, beer pong bitches!" liam screams, his hands cupped over his mouth as he beckons for the pair to approach him. he's knelt on a bar stool to catch their attention in the crowd. "logan is up first for the public versus the house."
logan chuckles, slowly making his way towards the beer pong table once more. "are you sure? i'm undefeated, mate," he turns to his friends, "you'll never get your turn if i'm up first."
frederik grins, gesturing towards the rows of red cups filled with sizzling cheap beer. "we wanna see how long you last."
oscar giggles, patting his back. "revenge for making us scramble to put together this party at such short notice."
"and anyway," liam laughs breathily, stumbling into logan's body. he takes a sip from the red cup in his hand. "we have another table for the casual games by the pool."
"and i don't get to play at that table? how rude," logan scoffs, stepping towards the table. he spreads his arms out as he looks around the crowd. "any takers?"
there are a couple who try taking logan down in his own game of beer pong. but as someone who's always in attendance at every party on campus, he's simply mastered the game – how to distract his opponents when he's losing, how to throw them off the game, and how to hit the ball into the cups.
he's figured it all out.
the games pass by very quick, and logan only drinks a couple of cups out of the 6 opponents that are brave enough to step up to the challenge.
"seriously?" logan giggles, slightly intoxicated from the beer. he watches the previous guy walking away, greeted by his group of friends and consolations for a 'nice try'. but logan knows it wasn't a good try. he didn't have a fighting chance at beating him. "where's the real challenge?"
"i could probably beat you."
he hears a chorus of 'oh's from his own friends crowded behind him, lifting his head to meet a pair of blue ones. he sees you first, hands on someone else's body and an arm wrapped around your shoulders. his eyes land on mick, smugly grinning at him with a hand inside the pocket of his jacket nonchalantly.
"yo, isn't that-"
"liam, read the room."
logan doesn't notice lily threading the edge of the makeshift circle over to his side, greeting oscar with a smile. he tilts his head at mick. "you think you can beat me? i'm undefeated, bro."
he sees you whispering something at mick, swatting at him with a small smile. logan knows that look: the flushed cheeks, swollen lips and slightly smudged mascara under your eyes. you'd drunk a little too much during your pre-drinks.
and so do you with logan: the heaving, permanent sly lazy grin and slumped shoulders. you even notice the way he's already slurring at his words.
"mick, should you really be entertaining this?"
mick smiles down at you, squeezing you with a soft shake. "just a bit of fun. we're at a party after all. i'll keep it friendly."
"i know you will. but will he?"
"trust me?"
you tilt your head and lift an eyebrow. you sigh with a small smile, "fine."
"asking for permission?" logan scoffs. "what are you, scared?"
mick scrunches his nose, lifting his hands from you. "no, mate. reassuring her," he smiles. he slowly tears his jacket off of his arms.
logan clenches his jaw at the sheer audacity when mick turns around and hands you his jacket. he feels a wave of anger, something he's never felt before, rising in his chest when mick leans down and presses a quick kiss to your red cheeks.
this might just be jealousy. but it's an emotion so foreign to logan that he doesn't even notice it. in his head, he's just mad that he's lost you to this guy.
someone rumoured to have gotten into the school through his dad’s connections.
"you sure you wanna embarrass yourself in front of her?" logan asks sweetly, biting down on his bottom lip. "one more chance to back out, schumacher."
mick shrugs and steps towards logan. "all in, mate."
"just making sure you don't embarrass your little girlfriend," logan grins, craning his neck slightly and squints his eyes down at you. "you don't want everyone to see him lose to me, do you? you should advise him otherwise."
you don't even get a chance to react before mick steps into logan's line of vision to you. "don't bring her into this."
logan scoffs, eyeing mick up and down. he furrows his eyebrows and tilts his head. "huh?"
"let's keep this friendly?" mick smiles. he extends his hand towards logan.
logan's gaze trails to the hand held out in front of him. he chuckles dryly before turning away, earning another chorus of gasps and shocked whispers around him, walking over to his side of the table. "you know how to play beer pong, don't you?"
mick purses his lips together, retracting his arm before padding over to his spot. "yeah."
liam looks between them, drunkenly filling up the new set of cups with beer. the kiwi can only hope that they keep talking so that he doesn't have to rush with the cups.
"i can teach you if you'd like."
"no, i think i can handle myself."
"alrighty," liam stands, clasping his hands together. "enough yapping. play the stupid game, you guys. it's just beer pong."
logan remembers a time when you used to be in this crowd. cheering for him instead of some random guy you met in one of your classes. you should be on the other side of the crowd next to oscar and arthur.
logan doesn’t do great with losing. if that hasn’t been implied, he doesn’t know any other way to show it.
mick crosses his arms over his torso. “make a shot, reigning champ.”
“i can be generous,” logan scrunches his nose, pressing his lips together. “guests first.”
the boy across the table shrugs. the game doesn’t go by as fast as the previous ones that logan plays. mick was actually true to his word, knowing how to play the game.
logan’s drank more cups than he’s ever in the entirety of the evening. he has to take a couple of deep breaths, staring down at the table when mick hits the ball into the last cup on his side.
he lost. he… lost? how is that possible?
“good game,” mick smiles with a polite nod across the table.
logan scans the table, taking his last cup into his hand. he hadn’t even stood a chance against mick. he still had more than half his set on the table.
mick swiftly turns around, ready to approach you when logan speaks. “one more?”
oscar taps liam on the shoulder, his one arm around lily’s shoulders, and grins. “no, let him do what he wants,” he glances at lily, who is smiling back at him, “i wanna see how this goes.”
“he’s gonna get himself into a fight, oscar,” liam mutters, pointing at logan. “you know him.”
“let him,” oscar shrugs. “he’s an adult — he knows what he’s getting into.”
“one more?” mick asks, halfway towards you. “are you sure?”
“yeah. best of three?”
“logan,” frederik calls out, pressing his lips into a thin line and shaking his head. “mate. he beat you fair and square.”
“no, it’s alright,” mick smiles. “no hard feelings.”
“very hard feelings,” logan mutters to himself, reaching to the side to open a beer can to replenish everything himself. “you stole my girlfriend.”
liam quickly takes over logan, swatting his hands away as he fills one cup sloppily with half of the liquid trickling down the side.
the next game goes by even quicker than before, the entire duration flashing right in front of logan’s eyes. he’s lost again. at least, it was closer this time. it was tied down to one last cup. mick simply played his shot better.
in normal circumstances, maybe logan would have just taken the loss as one would. but this is mick we’re talking about. logan will be anything but diplomatic about it.
“you had me nervous for a moment there!” you giggle. you move your arm out to avoid spilling the cocktail that frederik very graciously mixed for you during the game. “i thought you were going to have to play the third round.”
mick laughs breathily, blinking rapidly with a hand on his chest. “me too. i’m filled with alcohol,” he laughs, sweeping you into his arms. he pressed a sloppy kiss to your cheek, lifting you slightly from the ground. “let’s go whenever you want to?”
“aw, mate,” frederik sighs, heading over to mick. “house rules: the winner stays until defeated.”
“no way,” you whine, jokingly tearing frederik’s hands from mick. “i wanna head to the bar and get another drink with him!”
“fuck this,” logan mutters, throwing the racket down on the table. he snatches the last cup on the table and glances over at you excitedly bouncing as mick swept you up into his arms.
he rolls his eyes, whirling around and heading towards the backyard of the house.
mick hums as you engage in a conversation with frederik, his hand still on your waist. “um, hold on,” he whispers, tapping you gently. “i’ll go check on him. he looks mad.”
you tug on his shirt. “no, he’ll be okay. he’s just a sore loser, mick.”
he laughs, shaking his head as he detaches himself from your grasp. “i just wanna ask him if he’s okay. i’ll meet you guys at the bar.”
you hum hesitantly, letting go of his hands finger by finger. frederik nudges you in the direction of the bar where oscar and lily are already walking towards.
mick steps out into the backyard, hopeful to find the blonde that turned his back on them. while he didn’t frequent petty fights, logan’s reactions are just very entertaining to him. all because he had failed to appreciate your presence when he was blessed with it and mick stepped up to take you out on a date.
and when he was hearing whispers about logan remaining undefeated at the beer pong table, he took up on the chances. perhaps the alcohol made him feel slightly competitive.
he’s ashamed to admit that he let his ego get the best of him and that’s why he stepped up to logan’s challenge.
“mate,” mick announces his presence, slowly approaching logan sitting on one of the sun beds by the pool. “i hope you didn’t take the game to heart.”
“fuck off,” logan mutters, dropping his head low. he picks at the grass under the bed and clenches his jaw. “what are you doing here anyway? shouldn’t you be celebrating with your girlfriend?”
“she’s not my girlfriend.” logan looks up, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “yet.”
“seriously, what’s your deal? have you just come here to parade in my face that you got the girl or something?” logan pushes himself up to his feet. “i get it, man.”
mick sighs. “no. i was checking on you. you look like you had too much to drink there.”
“i don’t need you babysitting me,” logan shakes his head and folds his arms over his chest. “i’m a grown adult.”
“do you need some water? i don’t imagine you feel so good after chugging that much beer,” mick mutters under his breath. “you should really sit down.”
“don’t act like you care.”
“logan,” mick sighs, closing his eyes momentarily to let his frustration pass. “iced or room temp water?”
logan rolls his eyes. “stop acting all saint-like, man. i know you wanna hit me.”
“mate, i do not want to hit you.”
“for sure, you do. you just don’t know it yet.” logan shoves his hands into his pockets. he takes a step forward. “we all know you want to hit me. just do it.”
mick takes note of the step he takes, but stays planted into the ground. “i don’t want to fight you.”
“i know you do. the urge just hasn’t clawed at you yet,” logan grins sloppily. another step forward. “or are you holding back? because she doesn’t like messy guys and you’re scared you’ll lose her it you throw a punch?”
“i’m not holding back. fighting is a waste of time — i don’t like it.”
“she’s very conservative, dude, but she’s very forgiving,” logan nods, looking into the glass doors that lead into the house. he tries to spot you in the crowd but when he doesn’t, he returns his attention to mick. “you’re allowed a couple mistakes.”
“i’m not taking advantage of her like that.”
“i’m not asking you to take advantage of her kindness. i’m telling you that if you need to throw a punch or two, she will definitely forgive you. no need to be scared.”
mick laughs slightly, throwing his hands into the air to surrender. “i’m really not looking to fight with you. that’s beyond me, mate.”
“she appreciates when you let loose a little bit,” logan nods to himself. “why do you think we were going out all those months together? it’s not just cause i won her over with my charm, ya know. she’s got a bit of a wild side, mate.”
mick tilts his head, squinting slightly. he appreciates the extent logan is going to just to rile him up.
“if you don’t know that, then maybe she’s just not comfortable with you.” one more step forward. “i know so well a side of her even you’ve never seen before.”
“do you?”
“yeah,” logan answers in a low tone. he drops his head, one corner of his lips turning up into a smirk. “she’s got that perfect picture smile from a magazine, but you should have seen her when we went to this one party on campus.”
“ah. so?”
“do you know that she gets touchy when she consumes tequila?” logan perks up innocently. “very brave — she’s taken body shots before, you know. off of me?”
“okay? that was a frat party; of course you guys would host that kind of activity. i was there when that happened.”
logan ignores the jabs at the fraternity.
“kissed her yet? in case you haven’t, she tastes like those strawberry mints she always keep a tin of inside her pocket. they’re very minty, but it’s lovely.”
mick grins, pursing his together. “yeah, i know.”
“have you seen her in that one baby doll dress that she likes wearing a lot? what about her yellow sundress that barely covers her thighs?” logan pouts his bottom lip out. “it’s a scene when the wind comes by.”
“mate, you’re kind of crossing a line now,” the german chuckles. “don’t talk about her like that. i know you like her too.”
logan takes another step forward, eager to find that one trigger in mick. “do you know the mole she’s got on her hip? on the left side of her lower back. it’s really really visible when you’re fuc–“
“aw, fuck’s sake!”
logan almost bursts into laughter when he realises what had happened. his back meets the land of grass in the backyard, a pain shooting through his face. when he looks up, a crowd has formed around them during their conversation and liam is already knelt by his side.
lifting his head, he sees mick covering his face with both hands. he runs his hands through his hair as he looks down at logan with wide eyes, hands cupping his warm cheeks. “oh, my god. oh my god.”
oscar and lily pour out of the glass doors with a crowd following them out, the australian raising his eyebrows at his best friend lying back on the ground with a bloody nose.
“logan?” oscar asks, already knowing that he’s probably done or said something to trigger the normally calm headed man in front of him. “what did you do?”
logan scoffs, letting liam help him to sit on the sun bed. “i have the bloody nose and you’re asking me what i did? why don’t you ask him? he hit me.” logan points at mick as he takes the tissues that liam is putting into his hands.
oscar stares at logan. “really? you’re going with that?”
“yeah,” logan grins, glancing at mick. he presses the tissues to his nose, hissing when pain shoots through his face again at the contact. “god, dude. you don’t look like it but you can throw a punch.”
mick nurses his knuckle, taking a couple of steps back. “i know, mate. i’m not stupid.”
you stumble out of the glass doors, heaving as frederik keeps a firm grip on your shoulders. you were in one of the bathrooms upstairs — where it’s exceptionally cleaner — when mick threw the punch (frederik was holding your purse waiting for you outside the door).
when you made your way back down, the crowd inside the house halved. frederik would tap ollie, taking body shots off of someone, asking where everyone had gone.
and ollie, lying back on the table as he put salt on his stomach, pointed to the backyard and muttered something about a possible fight. “logan, maybe,” he muttered before promptly shooing you away.
you look at mick first, who has his shoulders slumped with oscar and lily by his side and is staring at you with guilt all over his face. then you look at logan, being nursed by liam and someone else, with a tissue and an ice pack against his face.
“yeah?” logan perks up with a scoff at you. “can’t pick who to nurse?”
@cashtons-wife @localwhoore @vroomvroomcircuit @foreveralbon @what-is-happening-helpp
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winterchimez · 10 months
Read Your Mind | Lee Hyunjae
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SUMMARY: both you and Hyunjae had a mutual agreement to begin this whole friends-with-benefits relationship from the start, but now his contradicting actions and behaviour make you question what you both truly are at this point.
PAIRING: fwb Hyunjae x f!reader
GENRE: angst, suggestive
WARNINGS: kissing, making-out, arguments, unrequited love (like the first ⅔ of the fic, but there's a happy ending folks 🥹), mentions of s*x
A/N: i've been jamming to sabrina carpenter's read your mind lately, hence this fic was born! special shout-out to my fellow sabrina enthusiast @heemingyu for hyping me up throughout the process & reading it through for me as well 😭🫶🏻
update!! this is now part of emails i can't send fwd: series (collab with @heemingyu) ✨
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You slammed your laptop down shut as soon as you saw that the clock on the wall struck at half-two. Not wasting any time, you quickly packed all your belongings into your backpack and left the lecture hall immediately. 
Oh, how you’ve always dreaded long lectures like today, which lasted for approximately three hours since your lecturer insisted on finishing up the modulus before letting you off for the long weekend ahead. 
As you made your way out of the hall, you were immediately joined by your group of friends, who were quickly catching up with you, telling you how there’s this new Korean BBQ restaurant in town and how you guys must try it since there’s a limited promotion going on there. It was a Friday night—of course, you had to agree. 
That was until your phone from your back pocket buzzed. 
You took out your mobile and quickly scanned through the notification that just popped up on your screen. 
🎁: Hey, meet me at my place tonight at 8pm? The usual.
A long exasperated sigh left your lips as soon as you saw that message since you knew what it exactly meant.
And how you have been doing it constantly for the past 6 months without anyone besides you two knowing about this whole deal. 
Your friends clearly noticed how quickly your facial expressions shifted and began asking if something was the matter. As usual, you brushed them off and told them how your family issues had come up again and that you wouldn’t be able to join them for the night.
Using your usual pouting facial expression to convince your friends that you’ll definitely make it for the next one, you hope that it will indirectly tell them how you feel sorry about it and stop making them pressure you with more questions. 
Waving them goodbye, you turn your heel in the opposite direction, making your way to the destination that your so-called friend has been expecting you to be.
Closing your eyes, you took in a deep breath before you eventually mustered up the courage to head to where you had to be. 
Here we go again.
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You were now on his lap, straddling his waist while his grip tightened around you. Both of you were having a steamy makeout session, lips exploring each other’s like there was no tomorrow, while both of your hands began touching one another, which increased the arousal that you both were feeling at that moment.
Finally, after a while, he gives you a little moment to have a breather while he travels down to your neck and begins leaving a trail of kisses all the way down to your collarbone. Once he got there, he began sucking it a little too hard, one that you knew would definitely leave a hickey behind, and you’ll definitely need to use your handy-dandy concealer to cover them up the next day. 
His hands begin travelling up to your chest, where he begins squeezing one of your breasts, which is where he gets an elicit moan in return, turning him on for the next move he is about to pull. 
“Can I… take your clothes off, Y/N?” 
“Go ahead, Jae.” 
The next thing that happened was that both of your clothes were scattered throughout the floor, and you were now lying in bed with Hyunjae hovering over you. Both of your lips are now reconnected, tongues intertwining with one another, leaving no room for a breather. 
Just as you thought things would get a little spicier, the male suddenly stopped in his tracks. 
“Hyunjae? Is everything alright?”
“No. I’m sorry, Y/N. I can’t do this anymore.” 
Hyunjae then gets up and sits on the bed, and you follow by sitting up next to him. Gently placing a hand on his shoulder, you looked at him with the look of concern and sincerity in your eyes. 
“Care to share about what’s going through your mind?” 
Hyunjae sighed deeply before furrowing his eyebrows as he stared off into the ceiling. “I’m not sure, Y/N. I know we both agreed on this from the start. But lately, I just don’t feel like this was the same as before.” 
It was true. You both began this whole friends-with-benefits situation because Hyunjae had recently broken off with his ex, and he was feeling slightly lonely. Both of you were only coursemates and nothing else. Eventually, you both got close with one another when you were assigned to be lab partners in one of the subjects within the course.
You noticed how Hyunjae wasn’t as goofy and bright as he was previously, and you decided to check up on him and asked if anything was the matter and if you could at least extend a helping hand to him. Initially, he was reluctant to tell you the truth. After a period of time, he made the deal and spat out what had been bothering him for so long.
Making it clear that he was heartbroken and needed a company, you somehow convinced him that you could do that if he desperately needed them. Though both of you had made it clear to one another that he would not envision you as his ex whenever you did the deed, he merely needed company to satisfy his sexual desires. Adding to the fact that neither of you would fall for each other. You were more than happy to do that so long as you both did not break each other’s boundaries. 
Things started out fine in the beginning, and he started to feel better and presentable at lectures, which made it seem like everything was working out fine. In return, you got to expand your knowledge on romance since you have never had a partner in the past 22 years of your life. In other words, it was kind of a win-win situation for both parties. 
However, you have begun to notice how things have changed from all of your recent makeouts with the male himself. There was this awkward tension in the air, contradicting what you both had agreed on beforehand. There are multiple times—like tonight when Hyunjae suddenly breaks off the kiss and tells you both how you guys are done for the day.
Something was bothering him, and neither of you knew what it was all about because the male himself did not understand his emotions. 
Every time this happened, he felt guilty about it and constantly apologised for everything that had happened. 
But tonight, something was different. 
“I’m sorry, Y/N. But I think I really need some time alone to myself.”
“Yeah, it’s fine. I’ll just go to bed-” 
“I’ll walk you home, at least.” 
This was the first time Hyunjae asked you to give him space. Usually—even during the recent not-so-good makeout sessions, he would always insist that you stay for the night, reassuring you that his flat is way safer than going back home with the dimly lit streets at night. 
But this? It was something you had least expected to happen, though you didn’t question the male as you could tell it wasn’t the right timing to do so. 
Instead, you just nodded and quickly packed away your stuff before the both of you were ready to head out towards the front door.
The entire walk back to your flat didn’t take that long—it was about a five minute walk, to be exact. But what made this whole short-distance road feel like an eternity was how neither of you spoke a word throughout the whole journey. You could tell Hyunjae wasn’t in his right mind, his face was pale. Hence, you decided to just wrap your arms around yourself and walked close by next to him, respecting the peace and silence for now. 
As you reached your flat, Hyunjae didn’t say much and rather just muttered a simple “goodnight” before he smiled weakly and turned his heel back towards the direction of his residence. 
Whatever happened tonight, you knew that something had changed between the both of your relationships. 
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This went on for an entire week. Ever since that fateful day, you’ve noticed how Hyunjae slowly returned to his previous self, where he always seemed so lonely and gloomy. He was quiet for a few days, but the usual message came in, and you find yourself back at his flat two days later.
However, it ended up the same way as it did, pausing suddenly when you both got down to the climax and decided to call it quits before walking back home once again. 
The cycle then continued. He would tell you that he needed to be alone and work on his thoughts for some time before eventually typing down the usual that would keep you busy and occupied with him throughout the night. You would return to him every time, knowing how you’d be left feeling confused and unsatisfied with the entire ordeal.
Yet, your heart yearns for the man, and you’re always hoping that you’ll at least be able to ease his pain and loneliness, even in the slightest bit. 
But tonight is when you decided that enough was enough and would confront him about it. What exactly was bothering him? Or rather, if he was actually getting bored of your company.
You needed to know. 
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“Hyunjae, I’m here to talk.” 
When you replied to the male with your usual messages, being the gentleman he was, Hyunjae welcomed you immediately at the front door when you arrived. The usual deal would be that the two of you would get straight down to business without having much say, to begin with. Tonight was when you decided that this would not work out, and you both have to come to terms with one another before things go straight downhill. 
He looked at you with a surprised look, where you could tell that he was definitely taken aback since you were usually the quiet one and would let the male take control of everything. A deep sigh left his mouth, and he invited you into his living room, where you both sat on the couch, distancing ever so slightly from one another. 
You hesitated for a moment before you decided that it was the right time to put together the right words to ask the male what exactly had been going through his mind for the past weeks. 
“What exactly am I to you at this point?” 
It seemed as if the male knew that the day would come when he would eventually have to face the question he had been avoiding for so long. In the beginning, he has always seen you as a good friend who would understand his point of view of where he was coming from and how he deeply appreciated the help you were willing to give him.
But lately, he has been having second thoughts and has begun questioning himself about what he truly felt about you.
Are the both of you still in this whole friends-with-benefits situation? Or even, are you both still good friends at this point? 
It took a minute or two for the male to speak up finally, and what he replied was something that had never once crossed your mind. 
“I fear that I might be crossing the line, Y/N.” 
“And why is that?”
“Honestly, I don’t even know myself.” 
This uncertainty back and forth has really started to get on your nerves, and the fact that you came here tonight to clear the air proved nothing at all. Hyunjae wasn’t sure of his emotions, yet you were desperate to know his point of view. 
Frustrated, you stood up from the couch and raised your voice slightly, facing the male to express your frustrations throughout the past week.
“Hyunjae, you keep telling me that you always needed some time alone, and yet you always want me back by the end of the day. If we’re not going to do this like how we have intentionally started with, then we’re both just wasting all of our time, really.” 
“Y/N, I thought that we could just be casual about all of this-”
“Casual?” You scoffed. “You never were my best friend to begin with. We are just lab partners, and I was merely concerned about your well-being, so I decided to help out a little.”
“And because I love you.” You choked. 
Hyunjae’s eyes widened upon that statement, and he was about to refute it until you managed to fire back again.
“Have you perhaps fallen in love with me?” 
Hyunjae? In love with you? That can’t be. Both of you agreed upon the rules at the start that all of this was merely helping one another out, and there was no room for falling in love with the other party at all. 
You knew that you had already broken the rule from the start, but it didn’t matter to you as long as you were aware that Hyunjae was getting all of the necessary help and support he needed. But with what Hyunjae has been going through lately, he knew that it was why he had begun to see you differently and how he could not touch and feel you like before. 
The question was if he was ready to move on from his ex. With your help, he should have gotten over it and begun to take things a lot easier, right?
If only your theory were right. 
“I’m sorry, Y/N.” 
That was enough to tell you that all of the efforts that you have put in over the past few months have gone down the drain that easily. 
You were getting teary-eyed, and you began stomping towards the front door, wanting to escape this suffocating environment that you were in. 
With one final sigh, you fired back at the male once more. “Why the fuss, Hyunjae? If you just say you wanna be mine?” 
Just as quickly as you opened the door, you were instantly gone. Tears begin pooling down your face as you take that long, dark, dimly light road back to the comforts of your flat.
Is it that hard to just admit you have feelings for me, Hyunjae? 
Back at Hyunjae’s flat—he was standing there still, fingers running through his hair in a frustrated manner as he took his phone and dialled the only number he knew who could knock in some sense of mind at this hour. 
“Sangyeon-hyung, I messed up real bad.”
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You have never felt so dead over the next few weeks ever since that incident at Hyunjae’s flat. Neither of you has spoken a word to one another or even come close to having eye contact at all.
It was tough when you were both assigned lab partners for your chemistry subject and had to talk to your advisor to have your partner physically changed for the rest of the year. It was tough coming up with plausible reasons as to why you wanted him to be switched out with someone else—but ultimately, your request was approved. You were now paired with one of the girls from the class with whom you were not too familiar with, but that was fine by you so long as it wasn’t him. 
Obviously, your efforts did not go unnoticed, and the male eventually tried his best to reach out to you again. But every time you managed to get a slight glimpse of him walking your way, you have always done your best to keep yourself occupied or even walk away to avoid starting up a conversation with him. 
You even tried blocking him off of all of your social media and on your contacts list—he was already swarming you with calls or messages, trying to just talk to you or even apologise for what happened. But honestly, you were just not ready to hear whatever he would say to you, especially when you fell for the man before you started this whole friends-with-benefits relationship. 
I have been such a fool to think he would eventually love me back. 
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It was a quiet afternoon when you decided to spend the rest of the day finishing your assignments before the final exams were due in about a week. The library has always been your comfort place to be on campus. Not only can you take a little breather from all the chaos on campus, but you also could take a little nap in between, especially during times like this when you’ve always pulled an all-nighter and your sleep schedule was all messed up. 
Standing up from your seat, you decided to walk down towards one of the halls to get some textbooks that would be helpful as your source of references for the current report you were typing on your computer. 
The peace wouldn’t last long, though, as you felt a presence behind you that you had avoided for the past month. The cologne was what gave his identity away, you would’ve recognised it immediately without a doubt because you used to spend the nights with him all the time. 
You tried your best to ignore the male, constantly trying to fidget through the shelves until you finally grabbed enough materials to return to your table. 
That was until he decided to grab hold of your arm, and now you were left with no escape and choice but to come face-to-face with the person you have been avoiding at all cost. 
“You don’t have to say anything, Y/N. But please, at least, hear me out for a few minutes.” 
Taking in a deep sigh, you laid your head down and looked at your books before muttering to the male. 
“Five minutes.” 
He then lets go of your arms and straightens his back as he clears his throat to finally muster up the courage to tell you what has been trying his best to tell you over the missed calls and messages. 
“First of all, I’m an idiot. I messed up so bad, Y/N. I know I shouldn’t have done nor said what I did back then-”
“Cut to the chase, Hyunjae. I have no time to waste.” 
“Listen. I haven’t been able to look at you the same nor touch you the way I did before because… I am starting to care a lot about you, Y/N. I’m not talking this from a friends-with-benefits stance, but rather as a friend.” 
You scoffed. “So this is what it’s all about? Coming here to apologise and tell me you have changed? I have to laugh if that’s what it is, Hyunjae. Look, if you are sneaking up on me just to tell me that you need me back to do whatever shit that we used to do, then I’m sorry, but I’m done with that phase.” 
He now grips both of your shoulders, trying to knock some sense into you. “No, Y/N. I’m not seeking a sexual relationship with you anymore. I’ve been a jerk not to notice how, during this whole time, I have begun to care a lot about you because you mean more to me as a friend.” 
“And because I have fallen in love with you, Y/N.” 
No way, it can’t be. Hyunjae has made it clear how he only needed company back then, and he was nowhere near or wanting to begin a new relationship after how messed up his and his ex’s one was. You’ve got to be hearing things, maybe your lack of sleep lately was the key to this. 
“You don’t, Hyunjae. You don’t love me. I was just merely a company for you.” 
“That was before, Y/N. But not anymore.” 
He now takes a step closer to you as he pins you against the bookshelf. 
“And I’m going to make myself clear, miss Y/N. I can now confidently say that I am ready to start anew and begin this new chapter with you. The old Lee Hyunjae that you have known is now gone, and I am willing to spend the rest of my life with you as your boyfriend.” 
Tears began forming in your eyes, and you had to try so hard to fight back the tears and respond to the male. 
“I can’t read your mind, Hyunjae. One day, you told me you needed space and to be alone, and the next thing that happened, you came back to me saying you wanted me back. I do not enjoy this joke in the slightest bit, Hyunjae.” 
He notices how your tears are on the verge of streaming down the beautiful face he has longed to yearn for over the past month, and he now closes the gap between you two, lips now brushing against one another.
“Then let me prove it to you.” 
He shuts you up by placing his soft, gentle lips against yours, and with that, the tears that you have held back for so long begin pouring down like there’s no tomorrow. 
He rests one of his hands around your waist while the other seemingly rests on your right cheek, slowly catching each drop of tears as he wipes them away. 
Oh, how badly you have missed this—the familiar sensation, his cologne, presence, and the soft, luscious lips against yours. 
Both of you were kissing one another as if it was just like the first time you both had done it—tongues were now intertwined, and neither of you were planning to let go anytime soon. 
“Hyunjae—God—Don’t—Stop.” You said in between the kisses as you tried your best to catch your breath. 
“Never planned to do so, Y/N.” 
As he breaks off the kiss and travels down to your neck to nibble and leave a trail of kisses behind, he whispers into your ear before continuing the deed. 
“You may have fallen for me first, but I have fallen for you harder.”
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taglist: @deoboyznet @kflixnet @k-films @flwoie @hokupi @zzoguri @kyusqult @tinkerbell460 @cheonsafics @sulkygyu (join my permanent taglist here!)
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ivorysyrniki · 1 year
chapter one: exceedingly familiar (cyno)
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pairing: cyno/reader
title: I've Never Been In Love Before
summary: when a midday emotional breakdown leads to you meeting your neighbour, the General Mahamatra.
tags: fluff, slow burn, strangers to lovers, love confessions, eventual smut
notes: biweekly updates. also posted on ao3. Fridays.
parts: chapter one - chapter two
It starts with something seemingly insignificant. 
Putting salt into coffee instead of sugar. Realizing you overslept. The water is too cold for a morning shower. Being late for your elective. 
All these morning mishaps that seem so insignificant on their own add to today’s usual events, and needless to say—you were less than pleased. You dread the moment that the thread connecting your emotions to rational reasoning snaps. The sun rays staring at Sumeru do not seem to help with your predicament. 
With your missed elective, you thought about making it up to the lecturer. 
The lecturer is one of the most—if not the most—renowned architects in Sumeru. After promising her to do better, missing an elective certainly was not the way to show her a change of your ways. You thought about baking her something, for surely she must like sweets. Having nothing better to do, you soothe yourself that all will be well as long as you go back to your lodgings. 
You unlock your faulty door knob and place your belongings and hat on the table. You look to your left and eye the place to be for the next two hours. Your kitchen looks as if it is ready to empower through your melodramatic shuffling and cooking, and the spotless counters wink at you as if telling, ‘Start now.’
And so you do! You first etch a smile on your face, in contrast to the less than considerate storm brewing up in your throat, and hope to Celestia that it would be enough to quell the noises of the world. You head to the kitchen with newfound vigour for the next activity, stomping with joy as you force your smile to keep displaying itself on your face. You decide on the way to bake her a Baklava, one of the most delicious sweets ever to exist in the history of Sumeru, and as it is popular among the populace, perhaps the professor would be keen on giving it a taste and possibly be forgiving towards you. It’s the Akademiya’s favourite dessert, what could go wrong? 
You check your cupboard for ingredients. Flour, check! Ajilenakh nuts, check! Milk needs to be churned for butter. You find that butter tastes better when it is from churned milk, anyway. But there seems to be something missing… something you can’t name on the tip of your tongue. Ah… sugar… 
But there’s no sugar! No sugar. Absolutely nothing. Your home does not house even a single teaspoon. With this sorrowful fact, you begin to notice the familiar feeling of your throat constricting. You do your best to quell the tears of frustration, but they seem to come back and bite at you, gnawing your skin, as if taunting you that this day COULD get any worse. You convince yourself that it cannot get any worse than this, and prepare to search the cupboards once again—perhaps in your desperation to finish the task at hand, your eyes did not catch sight of any sugar. 
But there’s really nothing at all. Nothing. This time the air feels as if it is suffocating you, your throat clenching its own being, your body feeling so weightless the tears that fall from your eyes are heavy and light at the same time. 
You sniffle. There's only one thing you can do. Borrow some sugar from the neighbour. You don't want to be seen by the neighbour in a state like this, but it beats being seen by the entire Grand Bazaar. You try to compose yourself but realize it's all for nought when the tears keep coming. Why do these bad things happen to you all the time, when you're just trying your best to survive in a tough, academic environment? 
Why? Why? Why? 
You do not bother removing the apron you unconsciously put on earlier. You wipe the tears from your cheeks haphazardly, fix your uniform, wipe the sweat from your temple, and pick up your hat showing the Spantamad Darshan's symbol. You reach for your doorknob, but… it won't open. 
You let out a frustrated whimper, silent enough so that the neighbours won't hear, but loud enough to entice even more tears to drip down your eyes. 
You manage to open your door, your right hand aching and cowering from the pain. With a gasp, you barge out, stomping to the nearest neighbour, someone you do not even know the name of. Your tears are unrelenting, they do not cease. You just want the sugar, your desire powerful—wanting to get on with the Baklava.
With four loud knocks and ten seconds of waiting, the door opens to none other than your neighbour. Your salvation! The one who will deliver the sugar to complete the list of ingredients! You look up from the scene of your unceasing tears falling down the floor and to someone familiar. 
Exceedingly familiar. 
'The General Mahamatra?!'
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belethlegwen · 5 months
Hi Belle! I hope you're doing okay and also Happy New Year!!
I was just wondering about how your writing is coming along, hopefully I don't seem rude, because I'm just very curious lol
I noticed last week's supposed chapter wasn't uploaded, that's totally fine! Maybe it wasn't finished or something came up, it happens.
This friday rolls around, the third week without a chapter and I'm actually worried now. I see that you're fairly active on tumblr but that obviously doesn't mean anything. I'm worried, also because you usually reply to comments on AO3 as well.
GOD I'm rambling, simply, are you okay? <3
Hello love!
It's not rude, thank you for reaching out <3 The writing hit a bit of a wall and I have a small chapter for Rescue that I could post but I'll be honest, I hit a wall and haven't even really looked at it to ensure the editing is where I want it to be, and it felt more like a fluff piece/introspective for Henry and with everything going on right now with me personally I didn't feel confident to post it solo. I'm sure it's fine and I'm being hard on myself, but that's the skinny of it.
I was hoping to get a bit more scratched at, but over the last week I went from preparing for the notice that my rent was going to go up to being told my landlord is selling the house I'm living in, and me and the roommate have been scrambling to figure out what the hell we're going to do.
We were going to be splitting ways anyway near the middle of the year so I could move my fiancee in, which was going to be a big move, and now I've lost a guarantee there'll be a roof over my head, so there's been a scramble.
It's been literally 7 days so I just haven't had the bandwidth to update anyone on what's happening. Things are... becoming a bit more stable now? Kind of? but I can't guarantee anything will be up in the next week or so or if I'll have time to write much of any of the stories while this is all still swirling. When I finish with some bank meetings and the like NEXT Friday, I'm hoping I'll be able to post SOMETHING with an update on AO3 to give people an idea on if I'm going to be able to keep updating or if everything's on hold until I figure this all out.
Thank you again for reaching out, sorry about the delays and the radio silence. I was just really hoping last week this was going to be a bit of a bump and it got just... so much worse on Wednesday hahaha.
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lovethoery · 2 years
hi! can i request kiss the girl with jisung? thank you!! 🥰
I WILL CRY MY EYES OUT THIS ISNT A JOKE PLEASE MY CHEST IS TIGHT. I COULD USE THE WHOLE DAMN SONG BUT FOR NOW... update i think this is gonna b a little longer than a drabble... this is just too cute for me to not indulge myself. i've never written anything in this sort of style so i hope u like it!!
yes, you want her / look at her, you know you do / possible she wants you, too / there is one way to ask her / ain't it a shame? / too bad, he gonna miss the girl
gn!reader, shy!jisung, op crying her eyes out, college au, paleontology major!jisung, volcanology major!reader, first kiss, fluff, best friends to lovers, calculated kunhang/reader but just for plot purposes. not proofread.
"hey! earth to jisung! anyone home in there?" jisung blinks rapidly, eyes coming back to focus on the fingers snapping in his face. jeno sits before him, eyebrows furrowed. "dude, are you okay? i've been trying to help you with this orgo problem for like, five minutes."
jisung's cheeks flush, eyes cast down behind his glasses. "shit, sorry..." he apologizes, hands moving to rub over his eyes, shifting the glasses askew. he fixes them quickly before closing his textbook. "hyung, can i ask you something?"
jeno looks a bit suspicious, but, when he notices the sincerity in jisung's eyes, he softens. the boy looks genuinely lost. "is everything alright?" he asks closing his own book after dog-earing the page. jeno notices as jisung looks off behind him, expression contemplative before he sighs.
"how did you ask mark-hyung out?"
jeno blinks back, a bit astounded by the question but, he answers nevertheless. "well... i kinda just, bit the bullet? y'know? i figured there wasn't anything to really lose. mark-hyung wasn't the type to, like, make it awkward or break off our friendship if things went wrong, and i figured that the worst thing he could do is say 'no'." the older boy looks at jisung for a moment before he turns around, eyes falling onto y/n, sat at a picnic table across the courtyard. they're say with renjun, shotaro, and sungchan. when jeno turns back, jisung has hearts in his eyes.
"you wanna ask them out?"
jisung sputters for second, looking accosted. he tries to refuse, shaking his head and insisting "it isn't like that!" but jeno just gives him a knowing smirk. "you totally wanna ask them out!"
"ask who out?"
jeno swears he can see the life leave the younger boy's eyes as y/n approaches him from behind, laying a hand on jisung's shoulder. "aw, does my little sungie have a crush?" they coo, pinching the boy's cheeks. jisung just whines, batting the hand away, albeit gently. when y/n finally lightens up the teasing, jisung turns in his seat to look up at his tormentor.
"and what if i do?"
y/n opens their mouth, but closes it when realization settles in. "oh," is all they reply with. jeno can see the surprise on their face, a twinge of disappointment casting over their features before they school their face into one of excitement. "how fun! who's the lucky individual?"
jeno hears a scoff coming from renjun as he approaches, backpack slung over his shoulder. sungchan and shotaro follow. the study group must be over.
"it's... it's no one you know. don't worry." jisung's ears are bright red, his haircut doing nothing to hide them. he pushes his glasses back up his nose and turns, gathering his belongings.
silence hangs over the group until shotaro chimes in, not sensing the sudden tension. "oh, guys!" he starts, chipper as always. "do you wanna come to my presentation friday night? i got picked out of a few entries to present my research on human evolution." everyone stops for a second, turning to look at the usually sheepish boy. he's beaming from ear to ear and jeno sees an opportunity when y/n immediately agrees.
"jisung, we should go. you might be able to use some of shotaro's research for your own papers." the boy in question looks at jeno as if he's asked him to do a head stand.
"we can all go! we can treat taro to dinner afterwards. how does that sound?" sungchan looks at everyone with a smile and shotaro positively beams at the prospect of his friends showing up for him.
shotaro tucks his chin to his chest, smile wide, but shy. "thank you, guys. it'll be in the natural science exhibit at the museum. it's at 7, and it's a formal event so... black tie. i guess i should go practice. i'll see you guys later!" the boy scurries off, presumably to his apartment and the rest of the group is sat there in awe. the tension is nowhere to be found until jisung speaks up again.
"um, i guess i'll get going, too. i've got an assignment due... at midnight. see ya."
the following days proceed as normal, but jisung can't help the feeling that things have gone strangely awry since y/n found out about his little crush. sure, they don't know it's on them, specifically, but they've always been much better at reading jisung than they let on. usually, the two are inseparable, messaging back and forth everyday. they share the same invertebrate paleontology class and can more often than not, be found giggling behind their textbooks on the quiet floor of the library.
jisung hasn't gotten a single text from them in three days. something about it feels... wrong. he hates the way he longs for them, like some middle school child, but he hates the lack of communication more than anything. pulling his phone out, jisung is startled to see they're already typing something to him.
his lips curl into a soft smile.
y/n (6:53pm): sung! hi! i'm sorry for going ia... i had a huge project due for my minerology class. ur going to taro's presentation right?
jisung can't find it in him to be upset at that, not when he knows how hard they work in their mineral studies. that's their favorite part of their degree, jisung reminds himself.
jisung (6:54pm): omg don't worry about it!!! yes, i'm going. i'd be a terrible friend if i didn't show!
y/n (6:54pm): u got that right! we'd never let you live it down <3
the boy feels his cheeks flushing pink.
y/n (6:55pm): are you inviting your crush?
jisung's face pales. he feels shame fill him, and a bit of embarrassment. he'd hoped they'd have forgotten about that conversation by now.
jisung (6:56pm): uh, no! no, they're busy tomorrow. why?
unbeknownst to him, y/n sits with the tip of their thumb in their mouth, face schooled into a neutral expression despite the disappointment running through their veins.
y/n (6:58pm): oh i was just wondering bc jeno is bringing mark, renjun's bringing his partner, sungchan n chenle r coming as "friends", n taro's gf is coming. i figured everyone was bringing a date so i asked kunhang to come w me.
jisung feels his heart sink to the pit of his stomach. wong kunhang. he was a senior volcanology student and he shared a majority of classes with y/n. at first, he didn't think anything of it, but now that he's coming as y/n's date... he shakes his head, sighing.
y/n (7:01pm): is that weird? should i tell him change of plans?
jisung kicks himself.
jisung (7:01pm): no! that's not weird ahaha if you want to bring him, i don't see why you can't. especially when everyone else is bringing someone.
y/n, on the other end of the phone, flops back into their bed with a sigh. kunhang sits across from them, a dispirited look on his face. "didn't work, did it?" it's phrased more as a statement than a question and y/n just shakes their head, sighing. "i told you that you should've asked him instead."
"kunhang, he already likes someone else, why would i have asked him to be my date?"
kunhang just groans, spinning around in the desk chair. "y/n, i know you're dumb, but there's no way you're this stupid."
y/n squawks in protest, sitting up quick enough to make the room spin. "hey!" they shout, phone pointing in kunhang's direction. "that was so unfair!" despite it all being in good jest, y/n feels slightly attacked.
"look, all i'm saying is that jisung's "crush" is nothing more than a cover-up. believe me, i've talked to renjun plenty of times about it. says the poor kid looks after you like a lost dog." kunhang's voice is relaxed, and that seems oddly misplaced for the situation. "just tell him how you feel tomorrow night. easy enough."
jisung stands in the bathroom mirror, fixing up his tie. his friends all insisted on bowties, but jisung has never been great at tying a regular tie, let alone one as intricate as mark's. he watches as renjun adjusts the necklace wrapped around his partner's neck and a part of jisung aches for that with y/n. he daydreams about their hands fixing the knot on his tie, adjusting the sleeve of their jacket. his daydream is cut short when jeno announces their lyft has arrived.
the ride isn't long to the museum but it feels like forever as he thinks about y/n. the outfit they chose, the way they'll look with kunhang. how will kunhang look at them? will it be the way jisung looks at y/n? his stomach twists and turns when they get out of the car. if anyone noticed the way he couldn't stop staring at jeno and mark's intertwined fingers, no one says anything.
mark leans in to whisper to jeno, "god, he really is lovesick, isn't he?"
the exhibit hall is packed with professors and experts in the field. jisung recognizes shotaro's head of shaggy blonde hair from across the room, dressed in a dapper navy blue suit. his girlfriend holds onto his arm, pretty grin stretched over her lips as she supports him. renjun and the others have already arrived as well, and jisung greets shotaro with a friendly hug.
they all exchange pleasantries, mark recognizing renjun's partner, felix, from his dreaded physics class. jisung feels a little out of place, especially without someone accompanying him.
"has anyone seen y/n?" he asks timidly, and shotaro's girlfriend, who he learns is named annie, smiles fondly.
"they're with kunhang! they just went to grab a drink from the refreshments table. they should be back in a - oh, there they are!" she waves them over, and y/n, jisung realizes a moment too late, looks drop dead gorgeous. his mouth goes dry when the two join the group, and jisung has to look away.
"i think - i need to - um, i'll be right back!"
faintly, he can hear renjun snickering at his reaction, followed by y/n's soft asking of "is 'sung okay?"
he heads straight for the drink table downing half a bottle of water in a mild panic. he was expecting them to look beautiful but he... he hadn't anticipated them to be breathtaking! well, maybe he did, but his poor heart wasn't prepared! jisung rubs his temples, trying not to think about how good they looked with kunhang... god, maybe if he mixes some of the finger foods and one of the drinks together, he can fake getting sick in the bathroom so he can go home early. no, he stops himself. that'd be silly, immature, and unfair to shotaro and y/n. he needs to buck up and go back over there.
... maybe after another water bottle, he thinks, noticing his own is empty now.
jisung steps towards the bucket of ice-cold water bottles and is stopped in his tracks when an all-too-familiar hand holds another bottle out to him. "looking for this?" they ask gently. when jisung looks up to their eyes, his cheeks flush red. he takes the drink meekly.
"you look beautiful."
"ji, are you alright?"
the pair both fall silent, cheeks heating up as they realize what they've both said. jisung scratches the back of his neck while y/n looks away, hiding a shy smile.
"i - i'm okay! i'm alright. just... thirsty. it's a little dry in here," he lies, shaking the water bottle. he jumps as some of it splashes onto his suit jacket. "shit!"
y/n just laughs, reaching for a napkin. they begin patting jisung down, and the boy feels his ears pinken. "can i talk to you?" they ask softly once they've sopped up as much water as they can. jisung feels his stomach roil again, nodding dumbly, regardless.
they walk together out into one of the smaller hallways. no one is there, and jisung can see jeno giving him a thumbs up from where he's standing, arm wrapped around mark's waist. he flushes from embarrassment.
it's much quieter out in the hallway without the chatter of people discussing scientific method and new carbon dating technology. jisung feels a bit exposed.
"so, i guess i'll just come out and ask..."
jisung can feel his palms beginning to sweat.
"do you like me?"
jisung's life flashes before his eyes.
"do i - do i, what? do i like you? who told you that?" his tongue is twisted and his brain his going a million miles an hour. he can feel his chest tightening again, and he thinks this is going to be how their friendship ends. until he notices the sad look in y/n's eyes.
they look down at their hands, fiddling with their fingers. "i, uh. i heard from someone that renjun told them? renjun heard from jeno, i guess..." when y/n looks up, jisung feels his heart breaking, especially when they look out towards kunhang and the others. "sorry for assuming, i guess i shouldn't have -"
"i like you!" the words are out before jisung can even have time to register them in his head. he knows it sounds cliché, but the way y/n turns back to look at him feels like slow-motion. is this what renjun is always waxing poetic about? jisung reaches to hold onto y/n's wrist, just tight enough to keep them from walking away. "i... really like you, y/n." jisung's thumb rubs tenderly over the jutting of their wrist bone.
(from inside the exhibition hall, jeno and the others watch on with rapt attention. annie smacks shotaro's shoulder excitedly when she notices jisung grabbing onto y/n's wrist. the boy giggles excitedly, ignoring the stinging in his arm.
"what's he saying?" felix whisper shouts, not wanting to draw attention.
"shh! i can't hear them!)
"you do?" y/n asks with wide eyes, surprise written all over their face. the lights make them look ethereal, jisung's love-addled brain supplies. he smiles fondly as realization washes over them.
stepping closer, jisung tangles their fingers together, feeling a little bold. "i do. i have, for a while..." his smile turns shy as he expulses all of his feelings to his best friend, about his best friend.
"so your "crush"?"
"doesn't exist. unless you count yourself."
y/n steps a little closer as well, eyes sparkling as they look at jisung. "so, you're a dirty liar?" they tease and jisung scoffs, trying to come up with a comeback.
"well - you - hey!" is all he can come up with. "aren't you the one who came here with a date?"
"actually, kunhang is my roommate. he's got a significant other, too. they're older. in the dance club. unimportant, though." jisung snorts, looking away. he can't look into y/n's eyes without feeling his neck grow hot. they just look so, so pretty. he wants to kiss them now more than ever. "what is important is that i like you, too. if you weren't so oblivious you'd probably have realized. i only sat next to you at orientation because i thought you were cute. your personality was a bonus."
jisung laughs loudly at that, stepping back to bend forward. it makes y/n laugh along. jisung truly is glaringly lovestruck.
("they're laughing! that's a good sign isn't it?" sungchan returns from talking to one of his professors, jumping into the conversation. chenle nudges him, grinning.
"that's very good."
"oh my god, you guys!"
"you guys!"
"he's leaning in..." that garners the attention of the whole group, thanks to annie.
"is he really gonna do it?" kunhang pipes in, eyes wide.
the whole group looks on in anticipation, everyone whisper-shouting amongst themselves. they grab the attention of a few passersby, and mark has to quiet them down through his own giggling.
chenle, being the little shit he is, begins to chant a soft "kiss them, kiss them, kiss them!" until the rest of the group joins in.)
"do you think we should give them what they want?" y/n asks, voice in a teasing lilt. jisung laughs again, head tossed back. y/n thinks he looks the prettiest like that.
"can i kiss you, then?" he asks, their faces millimeters from one another.
"if you don't i'll find someone who will," they tease. jisung can't handle that, he thinks as his hands find y/n's hips, leaning in to press their lips together softly.
across the room, jisung can hear the shouting of "no!" "why would you do that?" and "move!"
when the two part, they look around, startled. they notice chenle and renjun making wild gestures at the symposium announcer... who stands conveniently in front of them. they two lean their foreheads together, laughing sweetly.
"what they don't know won't hurt 'em."
jisung just grins at y/n's words, pressing his lips to their forehead.
"i guess i stole kunhang's date?"
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weresodiscxnnected · 2 years
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Relationships: Peter Parker/ Original Female Character Warnings: Swearing Word count: 4862 Notes: Surprise! A Friday update! Okay, I said earlier I try to post during weekends, and Friday is the start of the weekend. I've noticed that when I write about Harley I keep thinking Luke Hemmings for some reason, so, I've just gone with the flow. For Harry I kept thinking Timothee Chalamet because of all the fancasts in tiktok. Also, a small head's up; I have a lot of important deadlines coming up, and I'm already doing everything last minute, so I'm not sure if there will be an update next week (I'm doing my best to finish both, by essays and the next chapter). I think it's good to note that the following updates will go unedited and proofread only by me since my lovely friend who is doing the proofreading for me is travelling. Thank you to everyone who is reading! I never thought someone would read this since it's something I started writing for myself for fun.
Link to the series Masterlist
Chapter 5
It was Monday morning; Peter was getting ready for his visit to the Daily Bugle before his work. The news played in the background while he was loading the coffee maker. He adds one more scoop of coffee grounds into the maker as he hears Melissa’s door go. The clicking of high heels on the hardwood floors echoes in the hallway before Melissa arrives in the room. She was wearing a lavender coloured pants suit with high heels, and her hair was in a low ponytail. It was different from what Peter had used to seeing the girl in.
“What’s the occasion?” Peter lifts his eyebrow, leaning into the counter next to him.
“There are these end-of-the-year development interviews for all the staff, and they’re making me sit through them with Aida to take notes. Or, how I put it, I’m just there to look pretty and pretend I understand what they’re talking about.” Melissa sighs, sitting on the barstool.
Peter remembered how Tony used to hate those interviews, yes, they were beneficial, but they were also tedious. First, every head of the department would interview the people working under them, and then the director would be interviewed by Tony or Pepper; usually, Pepper and Aida did the job. He had been in that interview once, and it had been enough for him.
“You’re going to the Bugle today?” Melissa asks when Peter hands her a cup of coffee.
“Yup,” Peter nods, pouring himself a cup.
“So, are you an aspiring journalist or something?”
“Not really. I just sent these shots I got of Spiderman. Thought it would be a nice way to get more money” the boy sips his coffee.
“Harassing superheroes in your free time, Parker, I would’ve never guessed.”
“No, we’re cool; we’re like buddies.”
“You sold your buddy to the media who mocks him all the time?”
“It was his idea; he wants to keep his identity, so, instead of thousands of people taking pictures of him, he just has one whom he knows.”
There was something behind Peter’s words that Melissa didn’t swallow. She knew he was lying; she could see it. However, she didn’t say anything, she didn’t want to scare the boy, knowing she would out herself in the process. So, she just decided to play it cool.
“Okay, Paparazzi Parker. I can give you Daredevil’s address or Deadpool’s if you want to harass more masked vigilantes.” Melissa winks.
“No thanks, I think I'll stick with Spiderman,” Peter scratches his neck.
“Good choice”, Melissa mumbles in her mug while she scrolls her phone.
They spend the rest of their morning coffee in silence while Melissa scrolls Instagram and Peter watches the news. Nothing new for either of them, it was comfortable silence. The girl likes pictures of people she knew distantly, like Gwen, the girl who worked in the lobby of the Stark Tower. She posted a picture of her cats cuddling. Or Ned, the IT intern she had met twice, but he seemed to be friends with Harley and Harry, so she had followed him back. Apparently, Ned had recently gotten engaged and was now posting a picture with his fiance. Melissa’s Instagram moment is ruined by Happy, who has just texted telling her he was waiting downstairs.
“I need to go”, she mumbles, getting up from the barstool. Peter glances at the girl first, then the clock and realises he needs to leave as well. The boy shuts down the Tv before turning off the coffee maker and cleaning the mugs in the sink. Melissa pulls her coat on when Peter meets her in the hallway. Grabbing his jacket and back bag, Peter follows the girl out of the door, locking it on his way.
The elevator ride was quiet, but the silence was quick to end when they reached the front door and saw it was pouring outside.
“Shit!” Peter curses; he had forgotten his umbrella upstairs. He was never going to make it dry to the Daily Bugle. Melissa looks at the car where Happy was waiting for her. She then looks at Peter, who had already started to walk back to the elevator to get his umbrella.
“Happy can drive you; the office is close by the tower, it’s; it’s not a big detour” Melissa shrugs, knowing Happy wouldn’t be happy, but they had plenty of time, and she felt bad for Peter.
“Really?” Peter turns around.
“Yeah, let's go” Melissa nods towards the car, opening the door. They sprinted towards the car, holding their coats over their heads to cover themselves from the rain.
Finally getting into the car and relatively dry, Melissa and Peter look at each other, smiling; their mission was successful.
“Hey, what’s this? Who is this?” Happy’s head snaps to the backseat.
“Happy, this is Peter, my flatmate. He has a meeting in the Daily Bugle, and I couldn’t let him walk there soaked. It’s not a big detour. Please, Happy,” Melissa explains, batting her eyelashes at the man sitting in the driver’s seat.
Happy’s eyes scanned Peter, and Peter could feel the nervousness rising. Part of him hoped Happy would recognise him, and part of him feared that he’d recognise him. He had only met him once, on May’s grave, but he didn’t remember him. Happy then sighs and looks at Melissa, still making her best puppy impression.
“Fine, but I’m not a taxi, Mel.”
“Yay! Thank you, Happy!”
Twenty-something minutes later, the car stops in front of a large building with massive screens that play the news clip from the Bugle. The letters Infront of the building are written in yellow. Peter thanks Melissa and Happy before getting out of the car. Covering himself with his jacket, he jogs into the lobby.
People ran around the lobby, waving papers around and trying to catch the elevators. It was something you’d see in TV shows and movies, not in real life, or that’s what Peter thought. A big silver coloured desk with Daily Bugle written stands in the middle of everything. Behind it was a girl with blonde hair, staring at the computer with a troubled look on her face while trying to explain something on the phone. Peter couldn’t believe his eyes; it was Betty Brant, his High School classmate and Ned’s girlfriend. When he had seen her last time, she was still in college doing her degree in Journalism. Her degree and passion for journalism were only clear that she’d work somewhere like the Daily Bugle. Still, Peter wasn’t expecting to see her there.
Peter fixed his jacket and hair before he walked toward the desk. The girl glances at Peter, holding up a finger to ask Peter to wait for a second.
“Mr Jameson, I have already sent Mercado to investigate and write a report. She’s the best we have; I’ll send someone to take pictures with her.” She mumbles a few yeses and okays before putting the phone down and giving Peter her full attention. She looked the same as Peter remembered; she had shorter hair and was dressing more mature, but any other way, it was the same Betty Peter remembered.
“Uh, yeah, I’m Peter Parker, I sent material about Spiderman a few days ago, and I was told to come here for further discussion,” Peter stutters under Betty’s firm stare; he was a total stranger. It was hard not to ask how she was doing since it had been a while since they’d seen each other. Not to mention the urge Peter had to ask how Ned was doing, but he couldn’t. Betty’s face softens, and she clicks something on the computer. A few more clicks, and she finds the schedule she was looking for.
“Right! Welcome; I was told you’d be coming this morning. Let me call my boss” she smiles, taking the phone and placing it on her back again.
When she lifted the phone, a ring on Betty’s left ring finger caught Peter’s attention; that was indeed new. Has Ned gotten engaged? Peter’s guts turned, and his heart ached. The slow realisation of how many important things he was going to miss. Peter remembers how Ned used to talk about how Betty was the one and someday he would marry her. Back then, Ned had told Peter that he wanted Peter to be his best man; all of it felt distant then.  Now it was happening, and Peter couldn’t be there for his best friend.
“Mr Jameson, the Spidey photographer, is here. I’ll send him up.” She speaks, pulling Peter back to earth. “He’ll see you now, the last floor; take a right from the elevators.”
Peter thanks the girl before heading to the elevators and pressing the button to the top floor; the doors close in front of him. The gut-wrenching feeling didn’t ease. Meeting Flash was easy, but Betty was more challenging; she was closer. He never had thought about what he would do if he met people from his past. Until now, it had been easy just to avoid everyone and the places they might be. It had worked for almost a year now, but somehow, Peter felt like everyone was slowly creeping back into his life. Happy, Flash, Betty, he had managed to pretend he was a stranger for them but knowing himself, it would only get harder to act. He was afraid that he’d slip something, and it would blow his cover like it would be some counteracting to Strange’s spell, and everything would rewind into last year’s mess.
Peter jumps slightly when a man walks into the elevator on the sixth floor, nodding to Peter as a greeting and pressing the same button Peter had pressed earlier. When the elevator informs them that they’ve reached the top floor, they walk out and head right.
Peter didn’t know what to expect, he had just sent the pictures, and they told him to come around. He wondered why they didn’t just make him send his information over the email but made him come to the offices. The man from the elevator enters first into the room, followed by Peter right after.
“Well, get into that warehouse. I don’t care if the police have closed it! It’s not a coincidence that Deadpool and his little sidekick were seen there. We need to find out what is going on!” a man with slicked back grey hair yells into his phone, smashing it down in its place. “What the hell are you standing there?”
Peter jumps back, a bit shaken by surprise. He quickly fixes his position and clears his throat.
“I’m Peter Parker; I send pictures of Spiderman to you.”
“I don’t know what I was expecting but certainly not you! Anyway, I liked the material. Not the best but the best we have right now.”
“Thank you?”
The older man turns to look at the person next to Peter.
“Abernathy, How much can we pay the guy?”
“If our people had taken pictures like that, it would be around fifty bucks per pic, hundred for video and double if we use them. He sent five pics and five videos; it would make seven-hundred-fifty to cover the base and add commission after choosing what we use.”
“But he’s not working for us; I say four hundred.”
Peter was sure that the two had just completely forgotten that he was still in the room as they went on about how much he should be paid. They go back and forth before Mr Jameson speaks to Peter again.
“How did you get the pictures? How did you know where to be?”.
Peter freezes. He wasn’t expecting questions, or he was, he just wasn’t ready to answer them. 
“I-I have my ways. We’re kind of like acquaintances.”
“Acquaintances? So, you know the menace underneath the mask?”
“No, Sir. I’ve never seen him without his mask. I’ve just met him multiple times. He swings a lot in the area I live in.”
The older man squints his eyes; he can tell Peter hides something. If he knew Spiderman, he could be a valuable source for the Daily Bugle and perhaps, he could help them unmask the son of a bitch.
“I’ll give you a deal, kid. I’ll pay you a thousand if you bring me new pictures by Wednesday, and I’ll hire you as a photographer for Spiderman.”
“I’m sorry, what?” Peter would have to double-take if he heard the man correctly. He can’t be saying what Peter thinks he’s saying.
“You heard me; I’m offering you a job. I will get more pictures by Wednesday; I’ll give you 1000, and you’ll become Spiderman’s photographer since you can do the job better than our current photographers.”
So, Peter’s ears and mind weren’t deceiving him after all. Mr Jameson was offering him a job. Peter nods and crosses his arms on his chest.
“What would that job include except taking pictures of Spiderman?”
Now, it was the man next to Peter who talked. “Like I earlier mentioned, it would be fifty for a picture, a hundred for video, double if used, plus minimum wage for the first year. Office hours would be nine to five every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. On other days you’d come if needed. Almost every photographer here works as a freelancer under the same rules.”
“Take it or leave it; I’ll pay you four hundred now, and you leave or thousand on Wednesday, and I’ll hire you.” Mr Jameson leaned back in his chair.
Peter might be losing his mind, but the conditions he was given sounded like a dream compared to his current job. No more yelling customers, no graveyard shifts where he had to sit behind the counter and hope someone would need something at four in the morning, no itchy bright green polyester vest. He could make money for being Spiderman and show up to the office three times a week.
“It’s a deal.”
“I’m waiting for those pictures on my desk at nine on Wednesday morning, Parker. And they need to be publication quality!”
“Yes, sir.”
“Good, now, get lost. I need to figure out what Deadpool is up to.”
Without saying anything, Peter leaves the room, heading to the elevator. Before he can reach it, he is stopped by Abertnathy.
“I have to say; you’re a crazy kid. The deal is good, but you have no idea what you got yourself into.”
“He’s waiting for me to fail, so he doesn’t have to pay?”
“Pretty much. Our team has been chasing Spiderman for a year now, and the best we got was pixelated CCTV material and blurry pictures from afar. One guy swears he was taking pictures of Spiderman when it was clearly a woman”
“Well, I have my ways, trust me” Peter walks into the elevator, leaving the man to just stare at the closing doors.
Peter pulls out his phone, excited to tell the news to his friends already typing a message, but when he’s about to press send, the realisation hits him. He didn’t have anyone to tell. It would be weird if a random number sent “Guess what! I just got offered a job!” nowhere. So, he deletes the message. When he’s about to close the messaging app, one name catches his eye on top of his message list. Maybe he did have someone he could tell the news about; hesitantly, he clicked the name. Peter was sure she wasn’t going to answer him, and he was probably interrupting her work, but still, he typed the message.
Peter: Guess what? I got offered a job at the Daily Bugle!
The elevator blings as it reaches the ground floor, opening the doors and revealing a group of people waiting to get in. Awkwardly the boy walks out of the elevator, making room for the people wanting to go up. He waves Betty at the front desk before heading out. When he steps outside, he is reminded that it is still pouring. For Peter’s luck, the closest Subway station where he could get a train to work was next to the Stark Tower, an almost ten-minute walk away.
He had no choice but to walk. Sprinting towards the station like him running would make him or his journey any drier. The water splashed under his sneakers, soaking his jeans. Peter didn’t even bother to cover his hair. It would be wet anyway. Because of the rain, the streets were relatively empty; no one wanted to go outside in weather like this unless they had to. He finally makes it to the station, putting his super-speed and reflexes into work, dodging the umbrellas of the one poor tourist group roaming the streets.
When he finally gets into the train, he’s dripping wet, like he had gone into a shower with his clothes on, hoping his phone and headphones in his pocket weren’t soaked as well. Pulling out his phone, he sighs in relief, seeing it is dry. Checking the phone, he finds out that he has one new message.
Melissa: oh, wow, congrats? not sure how to react, if it’s a good thing or a bad thing.
Peter: Thank you! I took the offer, so I guess it was a good thing. How’s your work?
Peter writes and deletes the last sentence multiple times before leaving it and sending it.
Melissa: i guess it’s time for proper congratulations! paparazzi parker ;) and boring; they keep talking about growth rates, marginals, and sales volumes.
Peter: Oh, I’m sorry! Am I interrupting? Didn’t mean to.
Melissa: nah, it’s okay. i’m texting Cindy as well. they don’t even notice. so, tell me about your new job.
Peter: Well, I don’t have the job yet. I need to bring them new pictures of Spiderman by Wednesday morning, and if the pics are good, they’ll hire me.
Melissa: that sounds sketchy, but if they like the previous ones, they will like the new ones as well.
Melissa: okay now aida is giving me a funny look, i better stop. talk to you at home x.
Peter: Good luck with the rest of your day!
It was almost two o’clock when Melissa was freed from the Interviews. It didn’t mean that her workday was over; no, it meant Morgan would be home from school soon, and her job as some sort of secret agent turned into a nanny. Happy was picking Morgan up since it was still pouring, and Melissa refused to drive a car in New York City.
So, Melissa decided to spend the little break she was given doing what she did best, annoying her friends in the labs. She strutted towards the engineering lab on the 12th floor. She could see two heads standing next to a computer through the windows. One with dark, almost black curls cleanly slicked back and one with messy blonde hair pointing everywhere. A big grin forms on Melissa's face as she parades into the lab after swiping her key card.
“What are we doing this afternoon?” She walks behind the figures.
“We’re doing the finishing touches on Cindy’s new suit,” The brunette says, nodding to the table on their left. A black and silver suit lays on the table, with a red spiderweb on the chest piece.
Melissa walks closer to the table, looking at Harry and Harley to ask permission to touch the suit.
“Go ahead”, Harley nods, knowing that the girl was aching to touch the suit.
Melissa carefully lifts the suit's sleeve, studying the red fingertips on the glove. Running her finger up the sleeve to the chest, she traces the red S that looks like a lightning bolt when you first look at it.
“This is so much better than mine”, She breathes out, fascinated by the suit.
“I’m not buying that; Lily made your suit.” Harry shakes his head.
“Well, it’s not that bad, but it could use upgrading. And I look like I’m cosplaying Taylor Swift when I wear it.”
“I thought you liked Taylor Swift”, Harley smirks.
“I do, but I’d like to have a little more coverage and lose the gold details. Wade keeps calling me Honeybee. It sounds like a lame version of the Wasp.”
“Technically, it is your name,” Harry points out.
“Oh, piss off, Osborn,” Melissa rolls her eyes. She plops into the chair next to the table, kicking off her heels before crossing her feet on the chair, barely fitting. Harley lets out a small laugh at sight, commenting that she never knows how to sit correctly in chairs. The girl answers with a middle finger and tells him to go back to work and pretend she doesn’t even exist.
The girl tries to listen to the boys' conversation, debating how they’re going to implant the sensory chips into the suit and how sensitive they need to be. This is where Melissa zones out; she had no clue about the technical side they were discussing, like the type of chips they’d use and what was the difference between the two chips. When they talked about chips, she thought about the French fries she had for lunch. She wasn’t super bright like the boys or a miracle child genius like her sister used to be; well, she was still a genius, just not a child anymore. Melissa could write code, she was pretty good at coding and programming, but that’s about it; her expertise lay elsewhere.
She blankly stares at the table where the boys have now flipped the suit inside out and started to attach the sensor chips to their places. Harley had put his hair into a small bun and put on his glasses. His tongue slightly peaked between his lips as he tried to place the chip in its place with a pair of curved tweezers. He carefully pressed the chip to seal it, and Harry next to him confirmed if the chip had correctly attached and it was showing up on the computer. 
Melissa sometimes forgot that her best friends were engineers and scientists, straight out of university, working for one of the biggest companies in the world. If you’d met them during free time, you’d think they were just normal twenty-three-year-olds, partying, making all the wrong choices before settling down, having pizza nights in someone’s living room while watching movies and drinking beer. They made her feel normal.
When Melissa had first met Harley, it was Tony’s funeral. Melissa had stayed back from the crowd with Lily and Aida. A tall, lanky figure with messy blonde hair had approached them, dressed in a black suit like the rest of the men there, introducing himself as Harley Keener. Tony had been a mentor to Harley over the years, helped him get into Empire, and was always ready to answer his calls when he needed help with his projects. They had met when Tony had broken into Harley’s family shed when he was 15. During the funeral, he mentioned looking for an internship to finish his engineering degree. Lily had suggested he apply to Stark Industries, as Harley already had connections, and her department was looking for two interns.
Harley then told Harry, his classmate, about the internships, and they applied; both were excellent students, and they got in with ease. Harley and Harry started the training at the same time as Melissa began her job as a nanny, meaning she spent more time in the Stark Tower. Melissa would visit her sister in the labs, who was the boys' trainer and every time, she spent more time with the boys than she spent with her sister. Cindy joined their group later that spring, she had started an internship with Dr Banner, who mainly worked in his personal laboratory, but sometimes they’d do collaborative work in the Tower labs. They studied gamma radiation and how it affected different organisms, primarily insects.
Melissa really couldn’t remember all the details of that study since it had big ‘science words’ that she couldn’t understand. Cindy had explained everything a million times to her, but she’d zone out when the words turned into something she couldn’t understand. All her friends were intelligent and successful, and she was just Melissa, a girl who dropped out of primary school at ten and had to do the rest of her education at the ripe age of nineteen, barely passing.
Melissa was glad Morgan was in the first grade, and the subjects she was learning were easy since it was her job to help the kid with her homework. Morgan didn’t really need help since she was a genius like her father, but sometimes she needed some push to do her homework since ‘it was too easy’ as Morgan had put it. Those times Melissa asked Harley to help. Morgan adored Harley, and Harley would give the girl more complicated stuff to work on to motivate the girl to do the easy stuff first. It had been under discussion if they’d move Morgan up a couple of years since she was already reading and writing fluently; her maths skills were almost the same as third graders, but Morgan herself had wanted to start from the first grade since all her friends were there.
Just then, Melissa’s phone beeps. It was Happy asking where Melissa was as he was back with Morgan. Melissa tells him to send Morgan into lab twelve D. Melissa knew that the boys wouldn’t mind Morgan; her dad had taught her well. She knew how to behave in a lab and what she was allowed to do. She loved wearing the white lab coats and safety goggles, parading around being the little scientist she was.
It didn’t take long, and Happy let Morgan into the lab before excusing himself and disappearing into the hallway. Morgan drops her school bag on the ground next to the door and tiptoes herself an oversized lab coat from the lowest coat hook. She pulls on the white jacket over her school uniform and marches toward Melissa, sitting on the chair, who greets the girl with open arms, ready to pull the girl into a bear hug.
“How was school today?” Melissa asks, letting go of the little girl.
“It was okay; we had maths in the first period, I already knew how to do everything, then in arts and crafts, we made hand turkeys since thanksgiving is this month, and we’re learning about it in history. And we ended the day with spelling exercises,” Morgan explains, barely taking any breaths between her sentences.
“That sounds like a day. Did you get homework?” The older girl takes the one sleeve of the lab coat the younger one was wearing, rolling it up, so it doesn’t get in Morgan’s way
“Yes, spelling and maths. But I know everything already, so can I go to see what the boys are doing?”
“We’ll do the homework later; you can’t start skipping homework on a first-grade, Miss. And yes, you can.” She finishes rolling up the other sleeve and pats Morgan on the shoulder.
Morgan shrieks in excitement, skipping over to Harley and Harry, carefully peeking between their figures what they were doing.
“Seems like we have top-level quality control” Harley smiles, putting down the tweezers and pushing his glasses on top of his head.
“This must be important since our boss is here”, Harry laughs, messing up Morgan's hair.
“What are you guys doing?” the girl asks, fixing her hair back.
“We are installing sensors into Silks’ new suit,” Harley explains.
The little girl looks at the inside out suit on the table, scratching her head in confusion.
“It looks weird.”
“Well, it’s inside out now, but I can show how it looks the right way.” Harley pushes himself with the saddle chair next to the computer. He clicks open a picture of the suit, and Morgan looks at the picture in amazement.
“Wow, that looks like a Spiderman suit! You’re making a suit for Spiderman?”
“No, we’re making a suit for Silk. She’s like Spiderman, but a girl.”
“There's a girl Spiderman?” Morgan exclaims.
“Yes, darling, there’s girl Spiderman.” Melissa walks up to Morgan, smiling.
“Does she know Spiderman? My daddy knew Spiderman; he talked about him a lot.”
“I don’t know. I haven’t asked,” Harley admits.
“You should ask! And then since you know girl Spiderman, she could bring the other Spiderman here and I could meet him! I want to meet Spiderman and girl Spiderman!” Morgan rambles.
“Since it's the boss’ order, we ask Silk if she knows Spiderman the next time we see her”, Harry promises.
Morgan and Melissa spend a little more time watching the boys install and test the sensors in the lab. Harley even let the girls try to install a couple of chips. Morgan gets it on right away and boasts about it to Melissa, whose shaky hands made her drop the chip on her first go. But when Morgan’s stomach rumbles, Melissa announces that it would be their time to leave to have something to eat and do Morgan’s homework. Morgan reluctantly heads out with Melissa, saying bye to the boys before the lab door closes.
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regenderate-fic · 2 years
Someone Else, In This Vast, Empty Universe: Chapter 4
Fandom: Doctor Who Rating: Mature Ship: Yasmin Khan/Rose Tyler, Thirteenth Doctor/Yasmin Khan (implied), Tenth Doctor/Rose Tyler (implied) Characters: Yasmin Khan, Dan Lewis, Eustacius Jericho Word Count (Chapter): 2,161 Series: Sometime Soon Other Tags: Canon Compliant, Missing Scene, Historical, Historical Dress, Dimension-Hopping Rose, Globetrotter Yaz Read on AO3 / Read in order
Summary: Yasmin Khan has been stuck in the past for a year, trying to find the date of the apocalypse, trying to find her way back to the Doctor.
Rose Tyler, jumping through dimensions on her way to the Doctor, falls out of time and into 1902.
They find some comfort in each other.
(Fic is complete, with updates posting Tuesdays and Fridays.)
NOTES: this is the chapter that was the MOST influenced by the edwardian fashion google rabbitholes i've been going down. you're welcome <3
When Yaz wakes up, the space next to her is empty. For a moment she’s confused, and then she’s confused about why she’s confused— doesn’t she always sleep alone? But then she remembers the day before: Rose showing up, sharing Yaz’s things, the picture of her Doctor… Yaz sits up. The sun has barely risen, but Rose is already up and dressed in the clothes Yaz lent her, sitting at the desk with the dimension cannon and her flip phone. She’s typing furiously on the phone’s tiny keypad.
“What’re you doing?” Yaz can’t help but ask.
Rose jumps.
“Sorry,” Yaz adds. “Didn’t mean to startle you.”
“It’s all right,” Rose says. “Didn’t realize you’d woken up.” She holds up her phone. “I’ve got the code for the cannon on here. I’m trying to figure out what went wrong. It’s complicated, though.”
“I can imagine.” Yaz stretches, standing up. “You’re going between universes. That’s got to be tough.”
“It really is.” Rose taps a few more buttons. “I can’t figure out where the bug is. Maybe I ought to take it apart again.”
Yaz watches for a few seconds, then says, “I’m going to get dressed. Breakfast’ll be soon.”
“Sounds good.” Rose is already lost in her work again, fiddling with the cannon.
Yaz gets her clothes from the wardrobe— today she chooses a waistcoat and skirt in a deep burgundy shade— and hesitates for a moment. Will it be awkward if she changes her clothes in front of Rose? Before tea yesterday she stayed and turned her back while Rose put on her undergarments, but then again, she needed Yaz’s help with the corset. She glances sideways at Rose, who’s engrossed in the dimension cannon.
Finally, Yaz decides Rose probably won’t even notice and turns to face the wall before awkwardly pulling her bloomers on underneath her nightgown. In one swift motion, she peels the nightgown off and pulls her chemise over her head, and then she’s good to go: she laces her corset behind her back before adding the top layers of shirtwaist and waistcoat and split skirt. When she turns back, she sees she was right: Rose is still tapping at her flip phone, completely unbothered.
Yaz digs the hologram device out of her nightgown pocket and tucks it away in her waistcoat before heading to the toilet. When she comes back, Rose is standing, pulling on the jacket that matches her skirt.
“Breakfast time?” she asks, and Yaz nods.
They head down the stairs together. Breakfast is a casual affair— their hostess sets out plates of food, and people trickle in and out over the course of a few hours. Yaz isn’t really a morning person, but Dan and Jericho definitely are, so Yaz usually tries not to sleep in too late. And sure enough, Dan and Jericho are already at the table when she and Rose arrive, chatting over cups of coffee and plates of eggs and toast.
“There they are!” Dan exclaims, waving them over. “Rose didn’t disappear in the night or anything.”
“Not for lack of trying,” Yaz says, but her tone is lighthearted.
Dan raises an eyebrow at Rose. “Hate us that much, do you?”
“Who could hate you?” Yaz teases. “I’ve even forgiven your being from Liverpool.”
“Speak for yourself, Sheffield.” Dan makes a face.
Jericho leans forward, waving Rose and Yaz closer. “Come on, enough of this. Sit down and eat.” He’s been tired of Dan’s and Yaz’s geographical jabs for almost the whole time they’ve been stuck in the past together.
Rose and Yaz oblige, taking their seats at the long table. Yaz loads her plate with eggs and potatoes, while Rose reaches for the toast and jam.
“What are you doing today?” Dan asks Yaz.
“We’re going to get Rose some clothes that actually suit her,” Yaz says. She glances at Rose. “Maybe I ought to do your hair, too.”
“What’s wrong with my hair?” It comes out muffled: Rose’s mouth is full of toast.
Yaz laughs. “Nothing’s wrong with your hair!” Rose’s hair is quite nice, actually: it suits her face well. “It’s just not exactly in style for this decade, is all.” She tugs at her own hair, which is still falling around her shoulders. “I’ve got to do mine too, if it helps. It’s lots of work, going outside in this day and age.” She misses when she could just toss up a couple space buns and call it a day.
“Loads more fun when you have the TARDIS to help you.” Rose takes another bite of her toast.
“Well, you’ll get yourself back to the TARDIS soon enough,” Yaz says diplomatically.
They finish the rest of the meal, and Yaz brings Rose back upstairs. Rose sits on the bed, and Yaz kneels behind her, trying to figure out how to approach Rose’s hairstyle. Rose’s hair is already very different from Yaz’s, even without the added challenge of the shorter cut, but Yaz reminds herself that if it turns out badly, she can just lend Rose her hat. Rose sits patiently while Yaz tracks her hands through blonde hair, the tips of her fingers brushing Rose’s scalp.
“Tell me if I pull too tight,” she says.
“I will,” Rose promises.
Yaz starts twisting Rose’s hair until it takes shape. She goes for a slightly more complicated style than she usually does on herself: most of the popular hairstyles of the time require either long, thick hair or some kind of illusion, and given that Yaz possesses the former, she lacks the means to create the latter. So she does her best with what she has to tuck and pin Rose’s hair into a passable Edwardian style. When she finishes, some of the hair is already falling out, but most of it looks like it’ll stay. Yaz attempts to hide the falling hair with more pins, and then she goes over to the wardrobe and tosses Rose her hat.
“Wear this and no one will be the wiser.”
“It’s not that bad,” Rose laughs, looking in the mirror that’s mounted on the wall.
“Take the hat anyway,” Yaz says. Her hands are already behind her head, twisting her own braid. It only takes her a few minutes: Rose watches all the while with a quiet curiosity.
“How long did it take you to learn that?” she asks.
Yaz shrugs. “It’s not so different from the way I used to wear it. Took me a bit to get the hang of this century’s version, though.”
“Can you teach me?”
Yaz frowns. “On your hair, or mine?”
“Either,” Rose says. “Or both. I used to do my mates’ hair all the time. My mum taught me. She was a hairdresser, back then. Of course, it’s not like the year 2000 had all that much demand for Edwardian hairstyles, but if your skills transferred, I’m sure mine will too.”
Yaz finishes her own braid and ties it off. “I can show you later, if you like. But we ought to get going.”
The streets are busy— it’s a Saturday, and they aren’t the only ones doing their shopping. Half the city seems to be flitting in and out of stores, walking in the park, sitting outside restaurants. Rose keeps a hand on Yaz’s elbow, trying to avoid separation. Finally, they approach the hulking brick facade of a department store.
“Oh my God,” Rose says as they get closer. “I used to work here. Or, will do, in about a hundred years. Didn’t know it had been around so long.”
“What, Henrik’s?” They’re almost to the doors. “Was that before you met the Doctor?”
“Right before,” Rose says as they step inside, passing under the large letters that spell the store’s name. “He blew it up.”
“He what?” Yaz has seen a lot of destruction from the Doctor, but if the Doctor had opened their friendship by blowing up her workplace, Yaz isn’t so sure how she would’ve responded. “And you still went with him after. Must’ve impressed you.”
“It’s good riddance, really.” Rose looks around at the high ceilings and racks filled with clothes. “They didn’t pay me nearly enough.” She shrugs. “Besides, it’s not his fault. It was the Autons. Living plastic.” She mimes a gun with her finger. “The mannequins were killing people.”
Yaz shakes her head. “Life with the Doctor,” she says. “Never ordinary.”
Shopping with Rose turns out to be a lot of fun, actually. Yaz has never been the sort of person to go shopping as a form of entertainment— that was more her sister’s wheelhouse. Yaz prefers to get in and out as quickly as possible. But Rose throws herself into it, trying on everything she can, laughing when something is too big or too small. They start with corsets, with the logic that the shape of the corset will determine how the rest of the outfit looks: Yaz quickly learns that Rose is a lot more willing to embrace the day’s beauty standards, although not at the cost of comfort. She picks something form-fitting, but not tight, and she opts for the bum pad Yaz has been steadfastly refusing to wear.
“If I’m going to get into the era, I might as well get the full silhouette,” Rose explains, a glint in her eye. This is fun for her in a way it never has been for Yaz. She picks some plain white chemises, not too different from Yaz’s, and then decides on shades of pink and blue for her corset covers, saying, “There’s no reason I can’t have a good time.” And then they’re ready to move on to the skirts: Rose decides against Yaz’s sporty look, instead opting for plain skirts and jackets in the same pinks and blues as her corset covers and white shirtwaists with high necks and lacy collars. They get three full outfits, plus a hat, a few hair products, and some petticoats to go under the skirts, and then they’re done. Yaz pays for the clothes, and they walk back out onto the street, laden with their purchases. Yaz feels strangely buoyant.
“I haven’t had this much fun in ages,” she tells Rose.
“Me either,” Rose agrees. “Used to love a good shop. It’s been a while.”
“I’ve never been one for shopping,” Yaz says. “But I think maybe I really did need a break.” She shakes her head, smiling. “Don’t tell Jericho and Dan. They’ll never let me hear the end of it.”
“Your secret’s safe with me.”
Back at the boarding house, Rose changes into one of her new outfits: a dusky pink skirt and a high-necked shirtwaist. Yaz pushes her clothes to one side of the wardrobe, making room for Rose’s, and they work together to hang up Rose’s clothes, cramming them into the small space.
By the time they’re done, it’s noon, and they go downstairs for the midday meal: there are never as many people around this time of day, and the table is nearly empty. Rose and Yaz have their sandwiches in relative silence, and then they decide to go out and explore a bit— “You’ve got to do at least a little tourism,” Yaz says. “If you’re here anyway.”
“London, 1902,” Rose agrees. “Can’t say I’ve ever been.”
They spend the rest of the day wandering around London, seeing the sights. It’s an entirely normal day, especially by time traveler standards— nothing jumps out of the Thames, they don’t hear any shady whispers of alien dealings, no strange sounds come out of mysterious shut-down shops. But still, they have a good time— since arriving in 1901, Yaz hasn’t really taken a lot of time to explore like this. Sure, she’s seen lots, but she’s seen it as a part of her mission. Not as a destination in its own right.
Right now, her destination is the Doctor.
But this isn’t a bad sidebar. They go in and out of shops, and while they don’t buy anything— Yaz hasn’t gotten that lax about money— they have a good time pointing out all the things that are completely antiquated by the 21st century.
“When do microwaves get invented?” Rose asks as they exit a store full of kitchen implements.
“They’ve barely got electricity here,” Yaz points out. “I’m pretty sure microwaves are a few decades off.”
“Look at them.” Rose gestures at the people walking along the street. “They don’t even know what they’re missing.”
Yaz laughs. “They’re doing all right for themselves. Doesn’t take too much longer to heat things in an oven, after all.”
“Suppose not.” Rose is silent for a moment. “Well, I’ll adjust eventually, I suppose.”
“I have, mostly,” Yaz says. “I mean, I definitely miss my phone.” She feels the weight of it in her pocket, little better than a brick. “But I could do worse than being stuck here.” She sighs. “I just miss the Doctor, is all.”
Rose bumps against Yaz. “I know the feeling.”
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reneesi · 4 years
i never would have thought // CH.10
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CH.10 II the walk home
A/N: GUESS WHOS BACK?? I lived hoes 😎😎. So I've been feeling a lot better and I finally got enough sleep to remember how to write and I also got an editor!! so yay! Hopefully the quality will be a little bit better writing wise :)! We will be returning to semi-scheduled programing but for my sake I'm gonna change the updates to twice a week since three time was clearly too much for me to keep up with. Tuesdays and Fridays will be the new upload days! Anyways, enjoy the rest of the chapter~
“I knew you’d make it!” Tanka roared, slapping Tsukishima’s back a little too hard as the blonde took a seat beside him. Tsukishima flinched ever so slightly, and grit his teeth as he reached up to rub his shoulder.
“I only came because this is a team event.” Tsukishima mumbled, rolling his eyes as more teammates piped in with hellos and comments of joking passive aggressiveness.
When Tsukishima had initially texted the group chat that he would be skipping that night's festivities the team had erupted into light disapproval and jokes of annoyance. Although (Y/n) knew she should have been angry, the feeling that overwhelmed her senses was much closer to disappointment. She’d tried her best to hide the way her stomach had sunk deep into itself by keeping her eyes low, but her slightly hunched posture had been a dead give away. Sugawara, ever so intuitive, had taken notice.
So while the rest of the team broke out into laughter and hypothetical plans to drag Tsukishima along, Suga had wrapped an arm around (Y/n)’s shoulder and offered a sympathetic smile. (Y/n) had smiled back of course, as convincing as she could muster, but had mostly kept her head down for the rest of the walk.
And while the team was slightly annoyed with Tsukishima’s lack of presence, they weren’t the least bit surprised since it wasn’t the first time he had bailed on them. Yamaguchi, especially, had tried his best to defend Tsukishima at first. That is until he’d caught a glimpse of (Y/n)’s face. One look at her frown immediately made him go silent.  A few minutes later he had broken away from the group, typing away furiously at his screen.
Now that Tsukishima was sitting right across from her, (Y/n) couldn’t bring herself to erase the stress that was crushing her chest. She looked down at her food in confusion, he was here.. so why did she still feel awful?
“You didn’t have to come, you know?” (Y/n) finally burst out, looking up just in time to see Tsukishima’s eyes widen ever so slightly. In the dim yellow-ish light his blush was easy to miss. Tsukishima reached up to adjust his glasses and let out a signature tch.
“Of course I didn’t have to come, stupid,” He replied in irritation, looking away to avoid (Y/n)’s heavy stare. When she didn’t look away, he added “I came because I wanted to.”
“That’s convenient.” Yamaguchi cut in, unusual smirk tugging at his usual innocent face.
“Just gonna casually leave the part out where I had to basically force you to come?” Yamaguchi teased, reaching over to poke at Tsukishima’s increasingly red face. The blonde quickly swatted his best friend’s fingers away.
“You didn’t force me,” He scowled, sending Yamaguchi a glare “I just reconsidered is all.”
The latter of his words were much quieter, so much so that for a moment (Y/n) considered they may have been just for her.  A secret message of reassurance that he didn’t in fact hate her, but rather had really just been feeling lazy. She turned those five words over in her head at least seven times, staring at him intently, before receiving another glare. She came to the conclusion that it was much more likely that he hadn’t meant for anyone to hear. (Y/n) thought about what it could have meant, narrowing her eyes as her vision lulled.
“Stop staring, it’s rude.” Tsukishima said flatly, reaching across the table to flick (Y/n)’s forehead abruptly. (Y/n) shook her head in surprise and finally noticed she’d completely zoned out straight ahead. Her eyes widened as a red tint flushed across her cheeks.
“S-sorry!” She squeaked out, looking away immediately.
If it wasn’t for Tsukishima’s light chuckle drawing her eyes back just seconds later, (Y/n) would have missed what must have been the first time she’d seen Tsukishima smile in what felt like forever. He rolled his eyes before turning to ask Tanaka a question, and being pulled into a long conversation about volleyball.
Following this example, (Y/n) turned to her upperclassmen and joined their conversation, but unlike Tsukishima, she was unable to focus. And although her eyes rarely made their way back to him for the remainder of dinner, (Y/n) couldn’t get her mind to do the same.
At around 9 PM, Hinata and Kageyama announced that they would be departing early, excusing themselves with a simple mention of early training. As he hugged her goodbye, (Y/n) could have sworn she saw a blush creeping its way across her cousin's cheeks, but when she tried to ask he’d practically jumped out of his skin and laughed a little too loud.
“I’m probably just sleepy!” Shoyo had chuckled, slapping (Y/n)’s arm with more force than necessary.
(Y/n) had squinted at the pair, watching as they made their exit, wincing as she rubbed her arm thoughtfully. She would definitely have to bring this up with Shoyo later.
As for the rest of the team, most of them had stayed until at least 10 PM. After that it grew even later and people began to bid their goodbyes until only Daichi, Sugawara, (Y/n), Yamaguchi, and Tsukishima remained standing outside of the restaurant.
“I never realized how late it had gotten!” Sugawara yawned, peering at his watch. Daichi took Suga’s school bag and draped it over his own shoulder, wrapping his free arm around his boyfriend’s waist. Suga rubbed at his eyes sleepily.
“Hinata-chan, will you be okay walking home so far this late at night?” Daichi asked, turning to face the first years.
“I think I’ll be okay… I’d usually just walk with Shoyo but he left early.” (Y/n) giggled awkwardly, rubbing at the back of her neck with her palm. Daichi’s eyes suddenly widened as he looked at something just behind (Y/n). She turned back quizzically only to be met with a sheepish Yamaguchi. (Y/n) narrowed her eyes and raised a brow.
“Yama..?” She asked slowly.
“Yes?” He replied, batting his eyelashes innocently. Tsukishima rolled his eyes and groaned.
“Okay, well i'm going home. Congratulations Hinata, have a good night everyone.” He raised a hand lazily, already turning to leave.
“Would you like me to walk you h-“ Daichi began before Yamaguchi, who had grabbed Tsukishima by the collar of his shirt at some point, cut in.
“Actualllllyyy Tsukishima is gonna walk her home! You guys go home! Don’t worry about it!” Yamaguchi beamed, waving at his upperclassmen in an almost aggressive manner.
“Looks like we’re being shooed away, goodnight everybody.” Sugawara chuckled lightly, following Daichi’s lead as he turned them both around and began to walk, arm still held tight around Suagwara.
“Goodnight everyone.” Daichi called back, footsteps growing distant as a silence fell over the three remaining first years.
“I’m not walking her home.” Tsukishima said, almost on cue, as he wiggled his way free of Yamaguchi’s gasp and began to walk away once more.
“Oh no you don’t.” Yamaguchi snatched him by the strap of his bag this time “You absolutely will be walking (Y/n) home! Last time you didn’t, so you still owe her.”
“H-hey it's ok! I can just walk home alone, I don’t wanna cause any trouble-“ (Y/n) tried, words wavering as her anxiety seeped through.
“Are you kidding? It’s almost midnight! No way you’re walking that entire way alone! What if you get kidnapped? Or worse! Tsukishima are you really gonna let some random killer get a hold of our teams precious third manager because you-”
“Oh shut up.” Tsukishima finally cut in, rolling his eyes in frustration. He glared over at Yamaguchi and ripped his friend’s hand off of the strap of his bag.
“Fine, I’ll walk her home…. But fuck you Yama.” He growled, turning briskly to walk in the direction of the Hinata’s house.
(Y/n) looked over at Yamaguchi in absolute horror, Yamaguchi only offered her a cheeky grin and two thumbs up in response before Tsukishima’s angry voice rose up.
“Come one idiot.”
The first ten minutes of walking were dead silent, with Tsukishima keeping a steady pace two steps ahead and (Y/n) trying her very best not to stare at the back of his head like a total creep.
“Sorry for being late.” Tsukishima eventually grumbled, not bothering to turn back.
(Y/n) was thankful for that, given that her cheeks began to glow pink almost immediately. She blinked at the back of his head for a moment too long before remembering she was supposed to answer.
“I-it’s okay!” She stuttered out, staring up at the sky in avoidance until her face finally cooled. After more silent minutes passed, (Y/n) furrowed her brows thoughtfully and asked,
“Why didn’t.. you wanna come… at first?”
Whatever Tsukishima’s face had done in response to her abrupt question would forever be a mystery, given that from behind he appeared completely unfazed.
“Reasons.” He finally said flatly, head tilting ever so slightly to indicate he was looking up at the sky.
“But I came didn’t I?” Tsukishima added after another long moment of silence.
“Thank you for showing up, even if you were late, it meant a lot.. to me.” (Y/n) replied, voice barely above a whisper.
Tsukishima’s shoulders seemed to tense, but not enough for (Y/n) to be sure. If only they were walking side by side she could gauge his reactions better… she quickened her pace ever so slightly but not enough to close the gap.
“Yeah, congrats on winning.” Tsukishima could have been smiling, it almost sounded like he was, but in all honesty (Y/n) never knew with him.
“You deserved it.” He added after another minute of silence passed.
The walk continued in quietude for a bit as the tension finally eased off of (Y/n)’s shoulders. Even if it was just one simple kind remark, (Y/n) understood Tsukishima well enough by now to know he didn’t go around giving praise to just anyone. His kindness was not to be taken lightly, even if it was barely notable at best. Maybe he had been mad, maybe not, but it had clearly passed given that he wasn’t being mean or ignoring her at the moment. If they were okay, if Tsukishima was tossing her light compliments and walking just a little bit slower until their paces matched up and they were walking side by side, then it didn’t really matter much to (Y/n) what had been going through his head earlier that day. They were clearly still friends, so she could stop walking on so many eggshells.
“You know you never did tell me much about your brother!” (Y/n)'s voice chimed up, bubbly syllables lifting her steps into light skips as she leaned forward and turned her head back to send Tsukishima a cheeky ass grin. He scoffed and reached up to adjust his glasses, breaking eye contact quickly.
“I already told you stuff about me. If anything you should be the one talking, idiot.” Tsukishima groaned, irritated brows crossing across his forehead.
“What do you wanna know?” (Y/n) asked, pestering tone vanished from her voice. Tsukishima only shrugged, eyes held taught to the sky.
“I could tell you about my family?” (Y/n) tried after neither first years said anything for a full five minutes.
“Ok.” Tsukishima said simply, glancing over as (Y/n) held a finger up to her chin thoughtfully.
She tried to ignore the way his eyes made her cheeks burn just a bit and looked up at the stars that had gradually begun to shine brighter and brighter.
“Well my parents are pretty nice people, they just aren’t so great at being parents.” (Y/n) laughed to herself softly, glancing over at Tsukishima’s confused face for only a moment. When he didn’t reply, she continued
“They love me, I know they do. The world back home is just… different. Honestly it's difficult for me to talk about this because I feel like it’s a hard place to explain to an outsider.”
“An outsider..?” Tsukishima narrowed his eyes, not in offense but in curiosity
“My parents are kind of… wealthy. The whole social bubble that comes with that is totally different from here..” (Y/n) explained cautiously, embarrassment seeping through the cracks of her words. Tsukishima’s face relaxed to an unreadable expression.
“Oh.” He mumbled, gaze drifting to the sky in tandem with (Y/n).
“Yeah. It kind of sucks..” She sighed, “And I mean I don’t wanna sound ungrateful or anything because I’m not! It’s just that everything has a price and mine was freedom.. My whole life growing up my parents were always motoring me like some kind of doll. I always had to dress a certain way and act a certain way and hang out with certain people and the more they made me the more I hated it.”
(Y/n) paused, sneaking a glance at Tsukishima, his brows furrowed again, but instead of frustration he seemed like he was deep in thought.
“Once, when I was 11, I remember overhearing them arguing about how I'd never end up happy if I couldn’t learn how to fit in. My dad wanted to send me away to boarding school and my Mom was absolutely opposed, but she agree with him that I needed to.. improve.. or I’d never find the right man and settle down and stuff. I was too young to really understand but it just seemed so unfair. I mean, I hated school. I was always having to hang out with these girls that would spread rumors about me behind my back and the guys were.. mean, and I was just so mad that my parents were blaming me for the way I was reaction to it all that I started pushing back as hard as I possibly could and-“ (Y/n)’s lips came to a halt as realization hit her
“I-I’m sorry I’m totally rambling about stupid stuff that you didn’t even ask abou-“
“Shut up” Tsukishima cut in, “if I didn’t wanna listen I would have just tuned you out.”
“H-hey!” (Y/n) protested, mortified blush still hugging her cheeks.
“I didn’t. So stop talking about pointless stuff and keep going.” Tsukishima scoffed, stretching his arms up to provide support for his head which was tilting back into his palms.
“Okay.” (Y/n) mumbled softly, embarrassment dying down to a subtle shyness.
“W-well, I ended up dying my hair brown two years later. I wanted to because I-I never really liked my hair but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t do it mostly because I wanted to piss my parents off.” (Y/n) giggled out the last bit, tugging at a strand of hair unconsciously.
“It suits you.” Tsukishima said simply.
“Thanks!” (Y/n) lit up, too distracted by the prospect of talking about her hair to notice exactly what Tsukishima had just said.
“I did it by myself and I’ve kept it up all these years because I think it looks a lot better and-“
“Okay, I’m tuning you out.” Tsukishima yawned
“Hey! Don’t be rude!” (Y/n) glared, reaching over to punch his arm lightly. Tsukishima made a face of displeasure but otherwise ignored it.  
“Anyways, AS I WAS SAYING before SOMEONE so RUDELY interrupted me,” (Y/n) began again, clearing her throat before delving into a ten minute rant about why dying her hair was the best decision she’d ever made.
Just as she was finishing up, the Hinata household came into view. The conversation fizzled to an end as Tsukishima walked (Y/n) all the way to the door, staying a good foot behind her. He watched her with the same bored expression as they made their way to the front steps and front yard respectively. (Y/n) paused and turned back to Tsukishima with a breath held tight in her chest, it would be rude to walk inside without even saying goodbye.
“T-thank you, for walking me all the way here.” (Y/n) stuttered, eyes trained on the ground that stretched between.
“Yeah.” Tsukishima shrugged, pausing for a long moment before finally asking “Hinata-chan?”
“Yeah?” Her eyes snapped up to him almost reflexively
“While you’re here, be yourself. It’ll be a waste if you’re not… I know we all want you to feel at home so if your other home is a bad place make this a good one.” Tsukishima’s tone was nearly impossible to pinpoint. It hadn’t been quite soft but his usual cover of aloofness was completely absent, it was the kind of comfort that was candid and honest in a way that Tsukishima rarely ever displayed. (Y/n) stared at him wide eyed, before slowly nodding. He stared back for another long moment, almost as if waiting for a reply before a look of finality overtook his features and he held up a lazy hand.
“Goodbye.” He said monotonously, before turning to leave without another word. His movement snapped (Y/n) out of her shock and she called after him,
“Goodnight, Tsukishima! Thanks again!” She exclaimed, waving a frantic hand even though she knew Tsukishima wouldn’t be turning back to acknowledge it. As she watched him go (Y/n) felt an unstoppable blush stream across her face as his words rang through her head once more. His kindness was so rare, and as a result it always ended up feeling like a special gift. She touched the heated flesh of her cheek with the tips of her fingers, why was she always getting flustered around him?
“Don’t be so loud, my parents are already asleep.” Shoyo hissed from behind her, sticking his head out of the cracked front door.
(Y/n) realized Tsukishima was gone and that she’d been staring stupidly at nothing, she turned around and offered a sheepish smile.
“Sorry.” (Y/n) whispered, making her way inside once Shoyo opened the door fully and stepped aside.
“Why did you stay out so late?” Shoyo asked as (Y/n) leaned over and began taking off her shoes. After a pause she said,
“Tsukishima walks reeeeally slow.” (Y/n) smirked, lying straight through her teeth.
Shoyo’s eyes widened for a moment as he tried to do the calculations in his head, staring at her in utter perplexity. (Y/n) only snickered, slipping into her slippers as she began to walk away. Shoyo brain finally caught up and he burst out after his cousin,
“Wait, what the fuck?!”
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xxwritemeastoryxx · 4 years
Untold Future 4
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Author: xxwritemeastoryxx
Pairings:  Elijah Mikaelson x OC
Word Count: 2.5K
Warnings: Here is a gore free chapter. These will be very few and far between. 
Author’s Note: Yay! It’s Friday and here is another update! This chapter had been partially written well before I even finished Forgotten Alliance. Hell there are several chapters that are partially written. ANYWAYS! I do hope you guys enjoy this one!
Feedback gives me life and motivation for future things. ♥
"We should talk about Hope's dreams." Klaus said as he walked into Elijah's room. He had barely taken note that his brother had been preoccupied with what he was currently reading. When he stopped in front of Elijah's bed, he realized what his brother had been doing. "You've found her contract."
Elijah looked up from the paragraph he had been reading. He was trying to read each line carefully, looking for anything and everything that would give him something to work with. But so far there was nothing standing out to him. 
"Only moments ago." Elijah said with a nod. "What did you see in Hope's dreams?" 
Klaus sighed. There was no easy way to tell his brother what he needed to. "Going into her dreams confirmed everything. I watched as my daughter ran into a building looking for her Aunt. When we found her," Klaus shook his head wanting to spare his brother from the details that he had seen. "While I would do anything to help you find away to get Elizabeth back, I'd rather not have my daughter having dreams of her."
Elijah looked off to the side. Part of him hoped that whatever dreams Hope had weren't of reality. That if anything they'd be glimpses of Elizabeth and nothing of the truth that Klaus had seen. After a moment, Elijah nodded. 
"It is what is best for your daughter." He looked over at Klaus. 
Klaus could easily see the hurt in Elijah. May it have been in his words or even the way he looked away to look at nothing in particular. His brother was in pain as well, even if he wasn't physically in pain. And here Klaus was making the decision to cut off the only way that Elijah may get a glimpse of Elizabeth. 
"If there was another way," Klaus shook his head. "I wouldn't be doing this. I fear for what Hope might see."
Elijah's jaw clenched at the words. The words had ignited something with in the bond. While Elizabeth may have closed off her side of things as much as she could, it was still there. Anger pulled through Elijah at the thought of what Klaus must have seen. 
Elijah ran his hand along his chin as he tried to calm the fire that was beginning to rage of control within him. His mate was being tortured and there was nothing he could do to save her. "I'll find another way. It may be time to follow clues elsewhere."
Klaus nodded his head in understanding. He knew that eventually his brother would decide to leave in search for Elizabeth. He just selfishly hoped it wouldn't be just days after they had been reunited. He placed his hand on his brother's shoulder. 
"You do what you need to to ensure Elizabeth's return home." Without another word, Klaus left the room. 
Elijah watched as his brother had walked out of the room before his eyes landed back on the contract in front of him. He lifted the page he had been reading before Klaus had come into the room. "Give me something, Elizabeth." He said to himself as he dived back into the contract. 
Hours had passed since Klaus had left the room and Elijah hadn't stopped going over the contract. Scattered beside him were the several pages that made up the contract. His eyes must have scanned the words repeatedly, looking for something, anything that would help him find Elizabeth. But Elizabeth had thought of everything. Every single detail Elijah believed would help in some way was mentioned in the contract. 
"That doesn't look like light reading." Rebekah said as she leaned against Elijah's door frame. "And by the looks of it you haven't slept a wink."
"How can one sleep while going through Elizabeth's contract?" Elijah asked as he never took his eyes off of the paper her was currently holding in his hand. 
Rebekah sighed as she entered his room. "By how intensely you are looking at it, am I right to assume there are no loopholes?" She asked as she sat the edge of the bed and picked up one of the pages. 
Elijah shook his head. "She thought of everything." He placed the page down and picked up another. "Every possible reason to ensure this deal would be made."
"That would explain why the witch can't tell us anything." She said shaking her head. "Can't Freya remove the compulsion from her?"
Reaching over, Elijah picked up another sheet before handing it to Rebekah. "We try anything and Jess will take her own life. Ask the wrong question and Jess will warn us."
Rebekah stared at Elijah in disbelief before she quickly read over the page. "Elizabeth all but insured her death at even the slightest mention of the spell tied to Elizabeth's humanity. What the bloody hell was she thinking when she wrote this?"
"My cure." Elijah said softly as he placed the last page down. "She included each of us in some form to ensure that she wouldn't back out from this. Malakai and Kol would become Jax's if she so much as hesitated to uphold this contract. We were to be left alone completely once she handed herself over."
Rebekah shook her head once more. "Hayley is going to be upset to know that we were all in there, including Hope."
"Hope isn't-" Elijah stopped himself for a moment as realization him. Elizabeth would never put Hope in harms way. Even if it was a way to ensure she'd go through with her plan. 
"Isn't what?" She asked looking at her brother confused. 
Without saying a word, Elijah stood from his spot and quickly made his way out of the room. An eyebrow raised on Rebekah's face as he did. Standing she followed her brother out of the room, hoping to get an answer. She followed all the way to Freya's room. 
Freya had been pouring over the spell book once more when her siblings had come rushing into her room. "Is everything okay?" 
She noticed how frantic Elijah looked in that moment. She could also tell he hadn't gotten any sleep since he had woken from his nightmare. Her eyes looked over at Rebekah who shrugged her shoulders. 
"Please tell me you haven't found or done the spell to keep Hope from Visitng Elizabeth." That had probably been the fast words had ever left his mouth.
"I haven't yet." Freya said as she looked between the two. "It needs to be done right before she goes to bed tonight. What's going on?"
Elijah took a seat across from her. "Elizabeth said she never intended for Hope to see her that way." Elijah began. "That to me means she had some intention for Hope to in fact see her."
"But doesn't that go against the rules Elizabeth spoke about?" Freya asked with a raised brow. 
"I was able to find the location of the contract. I've read every word of that document at least a dozen times. Not once was there a mention of the necklaces or even Hope. There was no mention of her interfering in any way. We were all mentioned expect for our niece." There was a slight excitement in his voice that his sisters could easily pick up on. 
"Hope is the loophole to the contract." Rebekah said looking at Elijah, finally realizing what he had.
"But how does this work when Elizabeth doesn't have the charm with her?" Freya asked holding Elizabeth's up.
"Maybe one-sided is all we need." Elijah said hopeful. "If Hope can open doors and at least look out windows, she may just be able to give us the insight we need. Even if I entered her dreams, this would give us the advantage Jax won't see coming."
Rebekah sighed. "Before we get too excited about this, need I remind you that there is still her parents we need to talk to about this?" She bit down on her bottom lip for a moment. "There is also something Veronica said that we might have to take into consideration."
"I'm sure we'd be able to convince Klaus and Hayley of this plan. She'd always have me or her parents to keep her from seeing things she shouldn't. And if this is what Elizabeth wanted to, they have to take that into consideration." Elijah said as he looked at Rebekah. "As for what you've overheard Veronica say is something that you should enlighten us on."
Rebekah braced herself for this one. She was hoping that she wouldn't have to tell Elijah and it would come from Veronica herself. "I overheard her tell Malakai that Elizabeth is going to be gone for three years.”
Elijah’s face fell at Rebekah’s words. “And how did she learn of this?”
“The letter Elizabeth wrote her,” Rebekah began. “Elizabeth told her that for three years she’d have to keep Malakai in check.”
Elijah shook his head. After the hope and excitement of possibly finding a way to save Elizabeth, it was shot down by the simple fact of time. “Where is Veronica now?”
“Out with Vincent.” Freya said with a nod. “She needed time away from the compound.”
Elijah stood from his seat. “When she returns, please ask her if I can borrow the letter for a few moments.”
“What are you going to do?” Freya asked as he began walking out of the room. 
“Freshen up a bit.” He said looking over his shoulder. “Then I’m going to see this warehouse Elizabeth used. Perhaps by the time I return, I’ll have some more information.”
Elizabeth sat in the corner of her cell. Her back leaning right into the edge of it. Her eyes wandered around the cell and even past the cell door. Every detail of it her eyes had taken it in.
While she looked like a mess in that moment, she was healed. Maybe not back to her usual strength thanks to the lack of blood consumption, but she looked better than she had hours ago. Dirt caked her skin along with blood and sweat. How she would just enjoy a shower in that moment.
As her thoughts lingered on the thought of being cleaned, she picked up on the soft footsteps that approached her. Her eyebrow rose as she took the sound in. They were familiar to her ears and it almost caused a smirk to pull at her lips.
She hadn't moved from her spot even as they had come closer to her cell. Over the last several days, this is what she had been looking forward to. It wasn't the moments where she was being tortured or the fact that she had seen familiar faces while being tormented. It was this very vision that Jess had given her on her last day in New Orleans that she had been clinging on to that told her she was on the right track.
"Aunt Liz?" Hope's voice called out the moment her footsteps stopped a few feet away from her cell.
"One more down, kid." Elizabeth said without moving from her spot.
The moment Hope stepped in front of the cell, her eyes widened. She could see how differently her Aunt looked. May it have been the lack of blood or the fact she'd been tormented the last several days, this was the first time Hope actually saw her face.
Hope walked over to the bars and instantly walked through them. At first it startled her until she realized it wasn't a bad thing. She ran over to Elizabeth's side. But the moment she reached Elizabeth and tried to hug her, Hope couldn't feel her.
"It's not going to work that way." Elizabeth said as she watched her. "Don't have the necklace with me."
"How can I help?" Hope asked as she stepped back and sat down on the ground next to Elizabeth.
"You already are Hope." She said with a nod. "It's still early. I'm assuming you haven't woken up yet."
Hope shook her head. "I couldn't sleep last night."
"You were smart to bring your dad last night." Elizabeth offered as she adjusted herself in her spot.
"Dad didn't want Uncle Elijah to see you." She said with a nod of her head.
Elizabeth's eyes met Hopes. She could see the worry in the girls eyes. "Yeah, I don't know how well your Uncle would have taken seeing me like that. He's angry right now."
"How come you can feel his emotions, but Uncle Elijah doesnt?" Hope asked.
Elizabeth huffed a laugh. "Their clouded. I've got vervain, wolvesbane, and even good ol' human sedatives running through my veins half the time. The other half, it's Jess' spell. He doesn't need to feel what I'm feeling."
Hope looked around the cell. "Why did you leave us?"
"Even vampires keep their word." Elizabeth shrugged. "I made a deal with someone to get your Uncles cures for my bite. Now I have to keep my end of the deal."
"Can't you escape?" Hope wanted to find out as much as possible. She wasn't sure when she'd wake up or when they'd come and drag Elizabeth out of the room.
"That's against the rules, Hope. Plus, I'm too weak to make an escape right now. I need a lot more blood than what they are giving me." Elizabeth's mouth watered at the thought of blood. The veins under her eyes even made themselves known. The craving of blood was harder now. At Elizabeth's eyes, Hope got up and took a few steps back, causing Elizabeth to laugh. "I can't hurt you when you visit. This is just a dream."
Hope eyed her Aunt for a moment. "Like the spell Freya did."
"Something like that." Elizabeth shrugged. "Anything interesting going on at Home?"
Elizabeth figured if they were going to have these little visits, she'd make the best of them. She wanted to know what was going on just as much as Hope wanted to know where Elizabeth was to help her. There was only so much either of them could do.
"Mom and dad want to have Aunt Freya place a spell on me." She frowned.
"What spell?" Elizabeth asked.
"To stop me from seeing you." At that, Elizabeth sat up.
"Has your Uncle Elijah found the contract?" She shouldn't have asked but she needed to know.
"I don't know." She admitted.
Elizabeth looked up at the ceiling before looking back at Hope. "I'm gonna need you to wake up kid." Hope had already started shaking her head, but Elizabeth continued. "This is how you are going to help me. You're going to wake up and when you do, you are going to find your Aunt and tell her I said not to sever the link."
"What happens if they sever it?" Hope's eyes widened.
"I lose my loophole."
As a reminder, the normal Always and Forever, Stag Tag, and The Originals Tag lists do not apply to this one. If you would like to be added to the list, don’t hesitate to ask!
Untold Future:
@alka16555​​ @chiefdirector​​​ @winchestert101​​ @ministark​​ @mschellehitt​​ @xanderling​ @thegirlwhowishedeveryonelived​
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Okay, so um, this is gonna have a couple parts. I don't have a title for this, but it is a Jotaro/Female Reader fic. This first part is SFW but it will get into N*SF*W in later chapters.
*UPDATE: Title is now called "Whirlpool"*
You were starting to lose hope.
Interview after interview and still no call backs.
You had put your resume out at almost anything since moving to the city. Having a few meetings, you thought the interviews were going well. Nope. It always ended with a handshake and a 'We'll call you if you get the job.'
But those calls never came. Your savings were dwindling fast.
Sitting in your apartment, you wondered if you should just take a job at a fast food restaurant in the meantime. Or better, maybe move back home where everything was familiar and comforting.
You had no friends here. Not yet anyways. You had been so wrapped up in finding a job that you didnt feel like going out to bars or clubs; the rejections making you depressed.
One Wednesday afternoon, you got a call from an unknown number.
Usually, you dont answer numbers you didnt know, but you picked it up anyway. "Hello?"
"Good afternoon, is this Y/N?"
The voice was so deep; definatly a male. It sent a chill down your spine. "Y-Yes..." You said cautiously.
"My name is Jotaro Kujo, I am a marine biologist. I saw your resume at one of the places I had visited recently. You are looking for work, yes?"
Your eyes darted around the living room. This was extremely unexpected. "H-How did you see my resume?"
"I had a meeting with one of the places you applied to. Your resume was sitting on top of a stack of papers, I ended up taking it."
"Isn't that wrong?"
"Probably. But I am looking for help and thought maybe to call you. Would you be interested in coming in for an interview?"
Your breath caught in your throat.
You had been on many interviews, but for some reason, this was different. This Jotaro guy swiped your resume from someone else desk and called you. He claimed to be a marine biologist, which intrigue you. You didn't have any background in that field but you knew enough to get by.
When you didn't say anything for a moment, Jotaro asked if you were still there.
Coming back to reality, you agreed to the interview. What else did you have to lose?
"Great. Are you available tomorrow at 4pm?"
Jotaro gave you the address to his office which was down at the local college. You guessed he taught a couple classes there. "See you then." He hung up.
Letting out a breath you didn't realize you were holding, you bounced with excitement.
"I need to find something to wear!"
You shook with nerves as you held onto the door handle. This was the place, since on the door his name was written.
Opening it slowly, you crept inside.
The room looked bare save for the large desk in the corner. There where a couple of bookshelves, but even they were empty. Are you sure this was the place? You looked at the door you came through again.
"You must be Y/N."
That deep voice again.
You turned your head to see a very tall, broad shouldered man in a black, long sleeved turtleneck. He also wore white pants; a white hat sitting atop his head. He came into the room from the other door that you noticed that was off on the side. That must be his real office.
"Y-Yes." You extended your hand in greeting. "Thank you for inquiring about me."
Jotaro seemed to hesitate for a moment before shaking your hand. Maybe he wasn't comfortable touching strangers.
His turquoise eyes looked at you, as if studying you what kind of person you could be. But that only made you blush, making you a little more nervous than you actually were. Finally, he shook your hand.
"Right this way."
He grunted, showing you to his office that was through the door he came.
You thought as you looked around the room. The walls were full of his accomplishments and pictures he had to have taken of sea creatures. The office seemed a little cramped as his large desk took up a lot of space. There was more room in the first room they were in, why choose this as a work space?
"Please, sit." Jotaro waved a hand to the empty chair opposite of him on the other side of his desk.
You did as instructed, taking in his features as you did. He couldn't have been any older than twenty-nine. Your eyes went back to the plaques on his walls. He's done so much at such a young age.
"Tell me about yourself."
Jotaro's voice brought your attention back to him.
"Oh, um. Well, I moved here from my hometown in hope of starting something new. I like to follow though and get my tasks done. I graduated top of my classes in high school and college. I'm very organized with projects, making sure that it exceeds to one's expectations."
Jotaro nodded his head a little and wrote on a piece of paper. He noticed you wringing your hands. "No need to be nervous."
Embarrassed, you tucked your hands under your legs. "I'm sorry. It's just, I've been on a lot of interviews and they all fell through."
Jotaro was silent for a few minutes, shuffling through some papers he had on his left until he found what he was looking for. Your resume.
"You don't have a lot of references here. But I see you took classes in zoology."
"Yeah, sorry about that. I've only really done side jobs while I was in college just to get by and save up for when I moved. I want to work with animals; I loved going to the zoo as a child and since then, I knew I wanted to work with them."
"So you know about marine life, too?"
You shrugged. "Enough to not sound dumb." You chuckled nervously.
Jotaro moved his hand over his mouth, hiding the smirk you had given him with your answer; he didn't want you too see his expression.
Composing himself, he rose from his chair, motioning for you to follow him.
Coming back to the first room, he stopped next to the empty desk.
"I'll give you a chance. This will be your space, you can do with it what you want."
Wait, what?
He just said he was giving you a chance? He was hiring you?
You looked at the desk. Seeing that you were the first thing people would see when they come in, you realized you were being hired as a secretary.
It wasn't something you were thrilled about. But you decided to take it anyways; Jotaro was the first person to offer you a job let alone hire you right on the spot. You accepted, gratefully.
"Thank you, Mr. Kujo! I promise I would do my best!"
"Good. I will see you tomorrow morning."
He shook your hand again and you parted ways.
Back at home, you cried tears of happiness. You finally found a job.
Though you had no idea how to be a secretary, you figured you could just wing it. It would be a learning experience, but just like everything else you've done, you would do your job with dedication.
"Good afternoon, Y/N! Is Professor Kujo in?"
You smiled at one of the other teachers that worked at the facility. "Oh, good afternoon, Mr. Westin, let me see if he's ready to see you." You buzzed Jotaro's phone. "Mr. Kujo, Mr. Westin is here to see you."
There was no answer, but Jotaro's door opened and he emerged, waving him to come in. Mr. Westin followed, shutting the door behind him. "Did you get that report from the lab back?"
Jotaro handed him a folder.
Mr. Westin nodded. "Great work, Jotaro. Are you ready for the field work coming up?"
"I will be." Jotaro grunted. "Y/N has set up hotel and anything else I needed."
"She's a helpful little angel, huh? Since she came around, your work has been flourishing."
Jotaro flicked his eyes toward the door. Just on the other side, you sat at your desk. His work load had gotten lighter in the last six months, thanks to you. He had been able to work and focus on what was important while you took care of the minor things.
Sometimes you had brought him lunch when you knew he was too wrapped up in his work to even stop to eat.
He was to be leaving in a couple days to do field research on ocean life on the coast of California for over two weeks. But something about you not being there nagged at him.
Remembering the other teacher was talking to him, he said, "Yeah. She's been a real big help."
Mr. Westin nodded and said his goodbye to you, leaving the office.
Looking up, you noticed Jotaro leaning against the door frame to his own office with his arms crossed. He was looking at you but not saying anything. That didn't surprise you, he was a quiet man. But his stare made you a little uneasy. "I-Is there something wrong, Mr. Kujo?"
The way you addressed him made his stomach do flips. It was an interesting feeling. One he hadn't felt before. "Did you make the preparations for my trip?"
"Yes, sir. Its all right here, I finished it this morning. Your flight leaves at 7 am Friday morning and your hotel is booked. Food is all taken care of and there was even some money left over if you wanted to do any shopping." You looked back at him. "Is there anything else you need me to do?"
Jotaro strode to your desk in just three steps; those long legs taking him anywhere in a flash.
"There is. Call and change the itineraries to two people."
"Two, sir?"
"You heard me. Call the airline and add another person. Call the hotel and add another room. Make sure everything accommodates for two."
"S-Sure. May I have the name of the second person so I can make sure they get everything they need?"
Jotaro turned back towards his office, saying your own name.
"Wait, what?" Your head shot up at him. "Me? You want me to go? What does a secretary like me have anything to do with this trip?"
Jotaro kept his door open as he sat back down behind his desk. You stood and followed him in. Before you could say anything, Jotaro spoke first.
"You have grown from the nervous girl that walked through here six months ago. During your interview, you said that you strive to get your tasks done and do it with dedication. I've seen that you've proved that."
You blushed. You never really got that kind of praise from your other bosses.
"You wanted to work with animals, correct?"
You nodded.
"Well, then, come with me on the trip. Learn more about marine life."
What an amazing offer! But you couldn't help but think he was really just bringing you along so you can do his minor tasks. "Thank you, Mr. Kujo, but again, why do you want to bring a secretary?"
He interlocked his fingers and brought his hands up to his face; his eyes staring at you intently. "The word 'secretary' for you leaves a bad taste in my mouth. From now on, you are my assistant. You will still have your duties as you've had, but I'm taking you on this trip to help you learn more about marine mammals."
You couldn't find the words. You were thankful for his kindness, truly. But you weren't sure about going. You started wringing your hands again.
"Yare Yare Daze." Jotaro muttered. "If you don't want to go, just say so."
"Huh? No, I mean. Um..." You decided to go for it. What harm could it do? You developed a decent friendship with your boss, and he was offering this paid trip to you. "I-I'll go."
Jotaro did his best to hide his excitement; keeping his expression neutral. "Then get to work on getting yourself on the itineraries and take the day off tomorrow to pack and get some rest. I will see you at the airport."
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