#i. development: frank longbottom.
sunnami · 2 months
marauders era — the interactive story. [sneak peek.]
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experience the thrill of being sorted into your hogwarts house all over again! who will you be in this story? a daring gryffindor, a generous hufflepuff, a clever slytherin, or an inquisitive ravenclaw?
will you be kind? reserved? bold? or, perhaps, mischievous? the choice is yours!
roam the castle corridors, attend your favorite classes and build your stats—go on a path that YOU choose!
spend your time at the library, or discover the secrets of the castle. develop your magic—do you like herbology or defense against the dark arts?
but more importantly, befriend students from other houses, or keep to your own circle, make enemies—or even fall in love!
(includes options for pronouns, any romantic path for the reader to pursue, etc.)
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interact with these characters: lily evans, james potter, sirius black, remus lupin, peter pettigrew, dorcas meadowes, marlene mckinnon, gideon and fabian prewett, frank longbottom.
narcissa black, regulus black, lucius malfoy, barty crouch jr.
xenophilius lovegood, amos diggory, and more!
your story is yours to write!
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(this is a work in progress. a very, very rough draft that will undergo a long period of coding, writing, and editing!)
i have ALWAYS wanted to write an interactive story, not one based on votes—but one where a reader can stumble upon it months later and still be able to make their choices. when i was younger, i bought an interactive fantasy book, and it was the most magical novel i’ve ever read. i am so, so, excited to share this with everyone! it will be my first ever interactive story, so i only ask for a bit of patience, ueuue.
this is a gift for my friends, my wonderful readers, who have been so kind and generous to me, and so this is my show of love for everyone! 🤎🤎
feel free to leave any suggestions, comments, and feedback as i go through the development stage! i’ll be sharing progress and snippets every now and then.
again, thank you all so much!
— sunny
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piscesmoonpress · 6 months
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Art Heist, Baby! by otrtbs (@otrtbs)
When James Potter answers a mysterious ad in his local coffee shop, the last thing he expects is to be thrown into a world of white collar crime, but how can he resist when the mastermind behind the operation has dark hair and brooding eyes and promises wealth beyond James' wildest imagination? He would do anything for that boy named after a star, including stealing millions of dollars of fine art.
Pairing: Regulus Black/James Potter, Sirius Black/Remus Lupin, Marlene McKinnon/Dorcas Meadowes, Alice Longbottom/Frank Longbottom Fandom: Harry Potter
Disclaimer: otrtbs no longer allows binds of Art Heist, Baby!. This edition was first typeset and bound in May of 2023. Please do not use this post as a permission to bind Art Heist, Baby!.
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Art Heist, Baby! was one of the very first jegulus fics I read, and eventually became my second-ever bind. The original binding for this fic was done over the course of a single weekend, which makes me cringe a little now—but I am still so proud of this typeset and the bind itself, despite its flaws.
Half-Letter | 219,117 words | 609 pages
Title and Drop Cap Font: Bodoni 72 Body: Adobe Garamond Pro Accent(s): Gill Sans, Futura Condensed
Typset by me in Word.
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Designed by me in Illustrator.
Cover Bookcloth: Duo in Blue Jean HTV: Siser Brand in Gold Metal and Powder Blue Endbands: Mettler Silk Finish Thread Endpapers: Chiyogami Paper
Eventually, I found that the structure of my previous binding was less-than-ideal, and I decided to rebind my copy. Given that I couldn't change the typeset, I spent a lot of time deciding on a cover design, and eventually settled on using Ivan Aivazovsky's Ship on Stormy Seas (a painting synonymous with this fic) as inspiration.
The process of turning the boat from this painting into something that could be used with a single shade of HTV was difficult, but I eventually settled upon a design I was happy with after messing around in Illustrator for a couple weeks.
When I removed the cover from this bind, I also trimmed and painted the edges, sewed double-core french endbands (two-tone, to match the bookcloth), and reinforced the spine (though I couldn't do much for the pre-existing swell). Overall, I am thrilled with how it looks, and with how my original typeset fits with my more developed design style.
Thank you to Nat, for writing such a beautiful (and heart-wrenching) story. Art Heist, Baby! is free to read on ao3, here.
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saintsenara · 1 year
You mentioned fanon turning barty crouch jr. into an uninteresting character. I don't know much about what the new fanon characterisation has really done with him, but I'm curious for your thoughts on why he's a canonically interesting character. I agree that he is, but it sounds like you might have some interesting thoughts on it that are already fleshed out.
thank you for the ask, @jamesunderwater, and i'm sorry for taking so long to drag myself around to answering this.
as you may have gathered if you’ve read my views on jegulus or wolfstar, the common fanon interpretation of marauders-era characters and i don’t really get on.
this is not a new development - me and goofy fanon sirius have been beefing for over a decade at this point, i fear - but our enmity has taken on a new form since [roughly] 2020, when the emergence of what we might call the modern marauders subfandom brought with it a whole series of expectations about characters, ships, personalities, and appearances in first war stories which - let me state my position immediately - have absolutely nothing to do with the characters as they are in canon.
i could talk about sirius or regulus or james or snape or lupin until the cows come home - as, i’m sure, could many of us - but i also dislike the expectations the marauders subfandom has around its supporting cast. these characters - who largely fall under the categories of women, slytherins, or both - have names that we might recognise from canon, but they are - to all intents and purposes - original characters.
to do some marauders fan defending, i do understand the rationale behind this. hogwarts is a school, and it needs to be filled with the sort of incidental characters that lightning-era writers can pull from the canon text [shoutout to ernie macmillan, the mvp]. if you’re writing about lily, then she needs friends - why not have them be alice, marlene, dorcas, emmeline, pandora etc.?
[well, because dumbledore isn’t running a child army. it makes no sense for the entire order of the phoenix to be in the same school year - and the idea that alice is probably around ten years older than lily, that pandora is around the same age as narcissa malfoy and isn’t a pureblood, and that marlene, dorcas, and emmeline are hard-nosed ministry bitches in their fifties who can have mad-eye moody quaking with just a look is something which can be prised from my cold, dead hands.]
and if you’re writing about the epic highs and lows of high-school football going to school during a sectarian conflict, then you need some antagonists. which is to say, you need some slytherins.
the issue i have is that the three key slytherins who seem to have been elevated to principal cast in the marauders pantheon - regulus black, barty crouch jr., and evan rosier - get what can only be called the smol bean treatment. that is, that three teenagers who all canonically join a terror organisation are turned into soft and tiny babies who thought lord voldemort was just feeling silly when he said, "my aim is the eradication of the muggleborn population through violent means."
and even fics which do acknowledge that the three willingly become terrorists often go out of their way to provide justifications for this which don’t contextualise their decision [something which is important - you can’t write about snape becoming a death eater without acknowledging the way that poverty, loneliness, and a sense of hopelessness make someone an easy target of radicalisation] but which minimise it. sometimes, their violence is turned into romantic vengeance - i’ve seen a fair amount of suggestions that barty goes to torture the longbottoms because frank was the auror who killed evan. sometimes, authors imply - or even outright state - that there’s no need to see these boys as aspiring villains: voldemort is right; the class system is good and should be maintained; and purebloods [usually james, sirius, regulus, barty, evan and maybe a token woman or two] should stick together while the half-breeds and the mudbloods go hang.
this - like all aristocracy wank in this fandom - annoys me enough with regulus and evan. but it’s particularly grating when it comes to barty crouch jr. because - unlike evan, who is literally just a name in the text, and regulus, who isn’t much more - he actually has a canon personality.
and it’s fascinating. indeed, i would even go so far as to say that barty crouch jr. is the greatest villain in the harry potter series.
[my apologies to lord voldemort.]
after all, even though he’s been imprisoned under the imperius curse for over a decade, barty is still so lucid and powerful that he is able to:
produce magic capable of tricking the goblet of fire, which is treated by all the adult characters involved as unprecedented.
pull off a year-long impersonation of a man whom dumbledore evidently knows extremely well without being clocked until his mission has been successful, even though his opportunities to observe the real moody can have been virtually non-existent. he is in character within seconds of his ambush on moody’s home - after the intruder-alert dustbins are set off - and is able to persuade ministry personnel who can be presumed to have met moody personally [including both amos diggory and arthur weasley, who appear to know him not only personally, but well] that he is the real deal. he maintains his performance even under close scrutiny from the teaching colleagues he has to interact with daily at hogwarts, despite the fact that he presumably can’t get a great deal out of the real moody, since he’s having to be kept deliberately weak and docile under the imperius curse.
manipulate multiple people into become accessories to his crimes, without ever being suspected of doing so. with the hindsight of knowing who he is, the first defence against the dark arts lesson in goblet of fire, in which "moody" deliberately distresses neville by using the cruciatus curse directly in front of him, before swooping in to be the person to cheer him up so that he can plant information which will help harry win the triwizard tournament and deliver him to voldemort, is chilling. he just gets unlucky that harry has the biggest martyr complex in human history.
commit murder on hogwarts’ grounds without ever being suspected of wrongdoing.
execute lord voldemort’s plan to kidnap harry and use him in his resurrection ritual flawlessly. the plan itself may be convoluted - but dark lords are allowed to have a flair for the dramatic, as a treat - but, crucially, it works, and barty succeeds in every respect.
but, i concede, we’re talking about the adult barty here. perhaps he was once a sweetheart who went unfortunately off the rails after his father sent him to prison and then - in effect - drugged him for years. that wouldn’t be a ridiculous suggestion.
except for the fact that - canonically - the teen barty was just as clever, sly, manipulative, and - above all - ardent in his support for voldemort as his adult self.
at his trial in the early 1980s, young barty gives the performance of a lifetime. he screams, he shakes, he looks terrified of the dementors, he is pale and weak and harmless-looking, he begs his mother to help him, he pleads with his father for mercy, he maintains his innocence as he's dragged off to his cell. he gives off the impression of simply having been in the wrong place at the wrong time so well that harry is almost certain that his conviction is illegitimate. so too, it is implied, is dumbledore.
indeed, barty plays the part of the wrongfully imprisoned so well that - as canon tells us - he not only influences public opinion to be broadly in favour of his probable innocence [or, at least, his diminished culpability - sirius suggests that the widespread view was that he was probably there, but that he only ended up involved in what was clearly bellatrix’s idea because of his father’s failure to relate to him properly], but also changes public opinion against the government’s anti-death-eater strategy entirely.
following his imprisonment, his father - a man who never met an extrajudicial punishment he didn’t like, and whose ruthless approach to dealing with the death eaters in the first war [such as his use of internment for suspected terrorists and his order to aurors to shoot to kill] was, we are told, enormously popular with the wizarding public - is forced to resign in disgrace from his role as head of the department of magical law enforcement. crouch sr. is quietly shuffled off into a boring bureaucratic position, his ambitions to be minister in tatters, and his only way forward to free his son from the prison cell where he is languishing for the crime he very literally did.
[as an aside, i do think that we are supposed to read bellatrix as the ringleader of the torture of the longbottoms. but, all too often, that gets reduced to her doing everything while rodolphus, rabastan, and barty just stand there gormlessly. they were clearly performing the curses too!]
now, barty’s unusual cunning can - of course - be explained by narrative reasons. the text needs to conceal that he’s the villain [since, as with philosopher’s stone, it wants to imply that the dark lord’s faithful servant at hogwarts is snape] until the very end - and this naturally requires dumbledore to not think too hard about whether his good judy alastor is behaving even more strangely than usual.
the text also needs to suggest that he's innocent in order to properly stick the landing on the narrative role of his father - barty crouch sr. as with dolores umbridge in order of the phoenix, crouch sr. exists to show harry [and the reader] that the rot in the wizarding world was not caused by - and will not stop with the defeat of - voldemort. his ruthlessness and inflexibility, his lack of respect for due process, his astonishingly cruel treatment of winky [brutal beyond even the standard way in which wizards abuse their enslaved elves] all serve to teach harry that the anti-voldemort cause can become just as easily corrupted as the disillusioned young men in voldemort’s orbit. the suggestion that crouch sent his own son to azkaban without good reason, simply because he would not deviate from his beliefs, is an important lesson to harry about what "justice" actually means.
but, despite this, barty is also able to pull off his deception because he’s spectacularly talented. it’s not all just narrative.
and his talents are caused by characteristics which aren’t good or bad in and of themselves. he’s clearly very intelligent [he got twelve owls, the series’ benchmark for genius]. he’s hyper-observant, creative, adaptable, good under pressure, and possessed of nerves of steel. he shares these traits with other villains in the series - voldemort above all - but he also shares them with plenty of the heroes. harry, for one.
which is to say that all of his personality traits could be put to non-criminal uses. but - as with harry, who is capable of being quite sinister when he wants to be [for example, when he manipulates slughorn into giving up the horcrux memory] - they would give a non-criminal barty an edge. and this doesn’t seem to be present in his standard fanon persona - as sweet and goofy as all marauders-era men - to any great extent.
finally, there is another aspect of barty’s character which is absent from his fanon version - that he clearly has some sort of childhood trauma, but that this does not excuse any of what he does.
even though crouch sr. is right to send him to azkaban, he was clearly also a cold and distant father, who had absolutely no idea how to relate to his son.
[as another aside, this emotional negligence is bad enough without it needing to be written as having been accompanied by extreme physical and/or sexual abuse. there seems to be a real tendency in fanfiction - not only in marauders-era stuff, although the exaggeration of orion and walburga black into despotic villains is one example of this - to make childhood misery "worse", in order to justify a character’s later actions.]
voldemort demonstrably uses barty’s terrible relationship with crouch sr. [and his absolutely flagrant daddy kink] to groom him into taking the dark mark [not least because there’s otherwise no explanation for why he cheerfully informs him that he too is named after his dad], which he may very well end up taking when he’s still at school. my reading is that he’s recruited to inform on his father - since voldemort would undoubtedly wish to keep the head of the department of magical law enforcement under constant surveillance - and that this is why the dark lord pays him the attention he is so obviously lacking.
but, as with snape and regulus and draco malfoy and all the other young death eaters, barty also colludes in his own radicalisation. voldemort is a master at ensnaring recruits, sure, but he’s also a busy man. he only bothers to make the effort because the clever, creative, cunning, manipulative young man - who wishes to avenge himself on the father who never paid him attention [sound familiar?] - he finds before him is very much determined to become a spectacular part of his terrorist organisation. and stories which feature him owe it to him to give him that dark complexity of character
show the series’ best villain some respect.
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luneengene2 · 5 months
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&Team OT9 (Headcanon) : They Are Born to a Wizarding Family in the Harry Potter Universe
What if &Team was born into a wizarding family? (AU : There was no crime committed by Lord Voldemort 'Tom Riddle' and Gellert Grindelwald AKA There are no magic wars or 'chaos')
• Warnings : Grammatical errors
• A/N : I got really excited while writing this headcanon, my inner Potterhead came to the surface for Teamies again!🥺🫶🏻. This time I will really write according to the headcanon that I created again for the teamies, sorry if this doesn't match what you think. Because this is really pure headcanon that I created from my own imagination.
// EUIJOO //
• Family : Goldstein
• English Name : Eugene Alexander Goldstein
• Family Members :
- Parents : Aster Goldstein & Vena Goldstein (Author Headcanon)
- Siblings : Anthony Goldstein (Younger brother)
• Blood Status : Half-Blood
• Hogwarts House : Ravenclaw
He was born as the eldest son of the Goldstein family. His godfather is Newt Scamander, husband of his distant relative, Porpentina Goldstein. He has one younger brother who was in the same year as Harry Potter, Anthony Goldstein.
Since childhood, he has had a talent for magic which is relatively fast developing, because of his intelligence. He is the art lover in his family. His focus in art is music and singing. He has a beautiful voice and is good at playing musical instruments, one of which is the violin. He often appeared and played music at Goldstein family Christmas parties or in front of other relatives. His parents were truly like a diamond in the rough as their firstborn son truly showed his true Ravenclaw side.
At the age of 11, he entered Hogwarts and was sorted into Ravenclaw house. He argued briefly with the sorting hat because the sorting hat said he was also suitable for Slytherin. His first friend at Hogwarts was Cedric Diggory, they first met on the Hogwarts Express when Cedric was looking for an empty compartment to sit. He and Cedric became good friends even though they were in different houses, they competed healthily about winning the house cup. Not only with Cedric, he is also close to his distant cousin, Rolf Scamander, who is the grandson of his godfather.
Euijoo joins the duel club and the Slug club. Professor Slughorn invites Euijoo to the club he owns because apart from being smart, he has a beautiful voice. A sign that he was Professor Slughorn's favorite student. Euijoo is one of the songwriters for Professor Flitwick's unofficial glee club. He is often asked by Professor Flitwick to write some songs if needed, he is willing to be selfless when doing that. He was once invited to join the Ravenclaw Quidditch Team because some of the Ravenclaw Quidditch members knew he had an athletic side too, but he refused. He doesn't like extreme sports even though he has good flying lessons.
Euijoo is Ravenclaw's prefect. One of the strong candidates to be the head boy because his grades are really above average. He really had perfect manners as he never misbehaved with his fellow students, he just wanted to focus on his grades and stay away from some of the naughty kids.
(This is the fact) A high tolerance for alcohol, he could drink up to four bottles of fire whiskey without faltering.
Euijoo has the main target of becoming an Arithmetic teacher and opening an official choir club at Hogwarts. When he said he wanted to be a teacher in front of his friends, his friends immediately said that the position would definitely be 'secured' by the head of Ravenclaw house, Professor Flitwick for him. It was as if he really would find it easy to become a teacher because of his good behavior and grades during school (Imagine Euijoo being your teacher/professor, I could be Jesica if he became a teacher🧍‍♀️)
// FUMA //
• Family : Longbottom
• English Name : Asher Frank Longbottom (GEMINI AI)
• Family Members :
- Parents : Frank Longbottom & Alice Longbottom
- Siblings : Neville Longbottom (Younger brother) // Galena Longbottom (Younger sister) = Author's Headcanon
- Grandparents : Augusta Longbottom (Paternal grandmother)
• Blood Status : Pure-Blood
• Hogwarts House : Gryffindor
He was born as the first son of the Longbottom family. His birth was welcomed very happily by his family, especially his paternal grandmother, Augusta. Because finally after all this time the Longbottom family had another child around them. His godparents are Lily and James Potter, making himself very close to the Potter family, including Harry. He has one younger brother and one younger sister, Neville and Galena.
His athletic side began to emerge when he was six years old. At such a young age, he could already ride and control a broomstick well. However, his magic sometimes went too far because he accidentally destroyed his grandmother's display cabinet which contained antique and valuable objects. At that time, he was still four years old. He is skilled in Muggle martial arts such as taekwondo.
Fuma enters Hogwarts and is sorted into Gryffindor house. The sorting hat screamed Gryffindor in less than five seconds when it was placed on his head.
His best grades were in flying lessons, which Professor Mcgonagall immediately knew about. Fuma is immediately included in the list of next Quidditch players if his seniors who are in their seventh year graduate. Professor Mcgonagall knew Fuma would not refuse this, she knew very well Fuma was very obsessed with Quidditch. That really made him very compatible with Oliver Wood, they had an extraordinary madness about Quidditch. Because of Fuma's INTJ brain, Slytherin is sometimes quite overwhelmed by Fuma's Gryffindor strategy.
PROTECTIVE OLDER BROTHER TYPE! He rarely acts harshly, but he really won't use his mouth anymore to 'expel' someone who goes too far towards his two siblings. He once punched Marcus Flint so hard that his nose was broken because Marcus dared to make inappropriate advances towards his sister, Galena.
He has a huge crush on Carina Black, pretty and sweet daughter of Sirius Black and Marlene Mckinnon. He first met Carina when they were five years old, and at Carina's birthday party. He initially thought it was just childhood love, but his feelings continued.
Even though he has a great passion for Quidditch, Fuma wants to be an auror like his father, he wants a job that can protect and be useful to many people.
// KEI //
• Family : Nott
• English Name : Jude Atlas Nott (GEMINI AI)
• Family Members :
- Parents : Linden Nott & Stella Nott (née Black) = Author's Headcanon
- Siblings : Theodore Nott (Younger brother)
- Grandparents : Cygnus Black & Druella Black (née Rosier) = Maternal Grandparents
- Aunts : Bellatrix Lestrange (née Black), Narcissa Malfoy (née Black), Andromeda Tonks (née Black) = Maternal aunt
- Cousins : Draco Malfoy, Nymphadora Tonks = Maternal Cousins
• Blood Status : Pure-Blood
• Hogwarts House : Slytherin
Born into a family that was a member of the Sacred Twenty-Eight, he had abundant wealth since childhood. His father and mother were both born into wealthy wizarding families and firmly adhered to pure blood supremacy. His mother was the second daughter of the Black family and Bellatrix's twin. Making him have the blood of a noble wizard family. Being born into a family that upholds pure-blood supremacy means he also has 'bad' values ​​towards non-pure-bloods. He thought that pure-blood wizards were the highest caste and no one could 'defeat' them. This made him have a strong hatred towards the exiled members of the Black family. He had a very bad relationship with Andromeda, Sirius and Nymphadora, thinking that they were both just bad offspring of the Black family.
He is the main heir of the Nott family, he is the favorite grandson of Cygnus and Druella even though he was 'not' the heir to the Black family, because of his sharp temperament regarding pure-bloods. His elegant and unassuming temperament also makes him really show that he is the dream grandson for Cygnus and Druella. He is also Bellatrix's favorite nephew.
He was a true Slytherin, and those values ​​had really emerged since he was very little. The sorting hat was a no-brainer to put him in Slytherin. His soul was truly strong.
He is one of the best Quidditch athletes in Slytherin. Several times he 'carried' his team to win the house cup for Slytherin. He has a completely different nature to his younger brother, Theodore. Theodore tends to often cause trouble at Hogwarts, making his parents often summoned to Hogwarts. His relationship with Theodore is not very good, especially since Theodore hates being compared to him. Theodore's temperament did not show that he was born from a magical family of royal blood. He has good academic grades in all subjects and has never had bad results or revised.
Draco and him were quite close, what's more they were direct cousins. They both have the same arrogance, although Kei looks calmer and can show his arrogance subtly. He is very hostile to Nymphadora even though his cousin tries to be nice to him.
Even though he is rich, he is not the type of playboy who can play with girls. He had refined tastes that definitely equaled his status. If anyone asked what type of girl he was, he would immediately answer Daphne Greengrass or his mother. He doesn't have any feelings for Daphne, but his type of girl is Daphne. Born into a pure-blood family, rich, elegant, intelligent and friendly-mouthed.
• Family : Lestrange
• English Name : Altair 'Nicholas' Lestrange
• Family Members :
- Parents : Rodholpus Lestrange & Bellatrix Lestrange (née Black)
- Siblings : Cassiopeia Brisels Lestrange (Older Sister) = Author's Headcanon
- Grandparents : Cygnus Black & Druella Black (née Rosier) = Maternal Grandparents
- Aunts : Narcissa Malfoy (née Black), Andromeda Tonks (née Black) = Maternal aunt
- Uncle : Rabastan Lestrange = Paternal uncle
- Cousins : Draco Malfoy, Nymphadora Tonks = Maternal Cousins // Russel Lestrange, Sterling Lestrange, Azure Lestrange = Paternal cousin (Author's Headcanon)
• Blood Status : Pure Blood
• Hogwarts House (Current School) : Slytherin
↪️ Durmstrang House (Former School) : Atticus
Born to very strict parents, having a dark aura and being a pure-blooded maniac, Nicholas had a pretty crazy childhood. Since he was little, his parents always taught him that they were the highest among wizards, namely pure-bloods. His parents' dislike of non-pure blood people made Nicholas also experience the same temperament as his parents. His parents married without love, only an arranged marriage to strengthen their pure-blood connection, making Nicholas also grow up seeing his parents never having any warmth towards each other. He was used to seeing his parents arguing and cursing at each other. One of his main triggers is that he is temperamental. His mother was the type who cared little about her children, while his father was very favoritism. His father loved his older sister, Cassiopeia, more. For Rodholpus, Cassiopeia is his happiness and pride for some reason. It was as if Nicholas had never existed in front of his father, even though he was his heir.
His godparents are Narcissa and Regulus. He tends to be closer to his uncle and aunt compared to his parents. They were both like home to him.
At the age of 11, Nicholas was sent to Durmstrang for his studies, not Hogwarts. Sending him to Dumstrang was his father's idea which of course was done without asking Nicholas. Nicholas of course didn't want to go to Dumstrang, because it was very far from where he lived even though in the end he studied in Dumstrang for three years. He moved to Hogwarts in his fourth year after his maternal grandparents calmed down an argument with his parents that Nicholas should be at Hogwarts. He was sorted into Slytherin house (OFC).
Having studied at Dumstrang, Nicholas made it easy for him to adapt to Hogwarts. Not only that, he was brilliant in subjects that actually contained black magic. His Quidditch experience at Dumstrang also made him an easy entry into the Slytherin Quidditch team and he also held the position of captain due to his crazy dirty strategies. Even though he was brilliant in all aspects, Nicholas was also a troublemaker at Hogwarts, he was naughty and sometimes often caused trouble. His temperamental side also makes many students afraid if they accidentally disturb him.
Prima donna! Many girls are very crazy about him, not only because he is handsome, he is tall, wealthy, and has very good body proportions. His arrogant and toxic side made Nicholas become a playboy while he was at school. In a month he can date more than ten girls, and also easily dump them. The girl he was casually dating was not the type he wanted. If the girl he's dating is his type, he won't just let her go or let her go to someone else. Because what he gets he must get, and whatever he has will remain his.
// YUMA //
• Family : Rosier
• English Name : Ridge Ellsworth Rosier
• Family Members :
- Parents : Evan Rosier & Gloria Rosier (née Malfoy) = Gloria is a character created by the Author (Author's Headcanon)
- Grandparents : Abraxas Malfoy = Maternal grandfather
- Uncle : Lucius Malfoy = Maternal uncle
- Cousin : Draco Malfoy = Maternal cousin
• Blood Status : Pure-Blood
• Hogwarts House : Slytherin
Being born as the only child of Evan Rosier made him bear a big responsibility as an heir. His father had high expectations of him, which made him have to be extra in every aspect. Luckily, his mother was a gentle person who could support him emotionally. His grandfather, Abraxas Malfoy, gave him a special bracelet for his 11th birthday, a bracelet that had a beautiful snake design and was plated with gold.
His childhood best friend was Luna Lovegood, the only daughter of his late godmother, Pandora. Yuma and Luna are a duo that can never be separated. Every Christmas they routinely go on holiday together. Yuma always listens to Luna's chatter, even though sometimes Luna talks about strange things, Yuma understands that. He knew Luna must be a true Ravenclaw who was always curious about many things. While at Hogwarts, even though he and Luna were in different houses, Yuma was of course still good friends with Luna. He even occasionally protects Luna from several people who always bother Luna because they think she is strange and crazy.
Yuma is weak in potions, but he still maintains good grades. Because his father didn't like him getting a bad grade in even one subject. Apart from potions, Yuma is also weak in flying lessons, he once fell from his broomstick and hit a window, causing quite serious injuries. But yeah, the value of the lesson is still good. However, he is a pro in the duel club. His spell abilities are truly above average, making Professor Flitwick really like Yuma who is quick to respond to spell lessons.
Yuma and Draco were also quite close at Hogwarts, what's more they were direct cousins. However, Yuma didn't really enter Draco Malfoy's circle. He didn't really like Draco's notoriously annoying circle.
Even though he is an introvert, in fact he really gets along with almost all the Hufflepuffs. Almost all Hufflepuff students know that Yuma is a good Slytherin.
// JO //
• Family : Scamander
• English Name : Joaquin Rudy Scamander
• Family Members :
- Parents : Josh Scamander & Doris Scamander = Author's Headcanon
- Sibling : Rolf Scamander (older brother)
- Grandparents : Newton Scamander & Porpentina Scamander (née Goldstein)
- Uncle : Theseus Scamander = Paternal uncle
- Aunt : Queenie Kowalski (née Goldstein) = Maternal Aunt
• Blood Status : Half-Blood
• Hogwarts House : Hufflepuff
Born into a Scamander family who really loves magical animals, Jo grew up to be a person who also loves magical animals. His grandfather was a famous magizoologist and author of a book entitled Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them.
Since childhood, he and his older brother Rolf Scamander often helped their grandfather with magical creatures. Not only is he interested in magical creatures, Jo has extraordinary artistic talent. He has been able to paint since he was three years old. He often sent paintings of magical animals to his grandparents regularly at Christmas and Easter. Newt and Tina's work room is quite full of paintings made by Jo. Jo have a Kneazle that Newt gave him for his eighth birthday. Kneazle is a magical cat that looks like a small jungle cat. Kneazle is renowned for its ability to sense danger and its loyalty. He named the kneazle Balisto.
When he was at Hogwarts, of course he was sorted into Hufflepuff house. The sorting hat had no hesitation in getting Jo into Hufflepuff. At Hogwarts, he was a 'master' at the Care of Magical Creatures subject. He got the best grades in his class in that subject, just like his brother. He is very close to Luna Lovegood (Who in the future Luna is his sister-in-law). He doesn't think Luna is strange or crazy, because they have the same preferences. He was always excited when there was a magical animal project with Ravenclaw, because he could talk at length with Luna about these animals.
Even though he looks unathletic, Jo is surprisingly athletic compared to his brother. He was even taller than Rolf. He was the chaser for the Hufflepuff Quidditch team, but when Cedric Diggory graduated, he was immediately drawn to become the main Seeker because of his increasing sharp speed. He often gets letters from several lines who experience it. He was included in the 'golden boy' group at Hogwarts, because not only was he handsome, he was very accomplished because of his own efforts.
// HARUA //
• Family : Diggory
• English Name : Haven Amos Diggory
• Family Members :
- Parents : Amos Diggory & Mary Diggory = Mary is a character created by the Author (Author's Headcanon)
- Sibling : Cedric Diggory
• Blood Status : Pure-Blood
• Hogwarts House : Hufflepuff
Harua is the youngest son of the Diggory family. His father was a pretty good worker at the ministry of magic, while his mother worked as a home fashion designer (Magically OFC). The harmony of his family made Harua grow into a gentle and loving man. He never shouted, cursed or said anything unpleasant. He and Cedric are very close, Cedric loves and has a sharp protective side towards Harua.
At Hogwarts he was sorted into Hufflepuff. In the same house as Cedric. Many people compare him to Cedric in a very unpleasant way. For example, Cedric is an athletic guy, while Harua is quite weak at flying lessons, because he is very afraid of heights. Harua sometimes also gets very sick easily, which also often makes him get sharp ridicule. Cedric really hates people who think Harua is just his shadow, he wants Harua to be comfortable during his school years without hearing evil comments.
Harua is very good friends with Neville Longbottom, they both like studying herbiology, they are both Professor Sprout's favorite students. Harua even often sleeps over at Neville's house during the Christmas and New Year holidays. Alice and Frank, Neville's parents, also often give Harua gifts for his birthday.
Must have a beautiful Phoenix bird bought from a Japanese wizard when he had the opportunity to visit Mahoutokoro. He became good friends with several Mahoutokoro students after a visit at that time.
// TAKI //
• Family : Potter
• English Name : Richard James Potter
• Family Members :
- Parents : James Potter & Lily Potter (née Evans)
- Sibling : Harry Potter (Twin brother)
- Grandparents : Fleamont Potter & Euphemia Potter = Paternal Grandparents
- Aunt : Petunia Dursley (née Evans) = Maternal Aunt
- Cousin : Dudley Dursley = Maternal Cousin
• Blood Status : Half-Blood
• Hogwarts House : Gryffindor
Being born into the Potter family, which had abundant wealth, meant that his life was filled with wealth and no hardship, especially since his father was an only child. He and Harry have almost the same character, they are both easily angry and reckless. This made him and Harry truly like true twins. It's just that he is relatively calm if the problem he faces is only a very small problem.
While at Hogwarts, he and Harry were both talented at potions, a talent inherited from their mother, Lily. Not only their mother's talent, their father James' Quidditch talent also passed down to them. Taki and Harry are regular members of Gryffindor Quidditch. Not only Quidditch, Taki also joins Professor Flitwick's unofficial choir club, because he has extraordinary singing talent.
Taki is good friends with the Weasley twins, sometimes he takes part in making mischievous things, especially for the Slytherin students who he finds very annoying. He really didn't like Draco Malfoy, especially his arrogant side, to him Draco Malfoy was just a coward who hid under his father's armpit.
He once blew up Dudley's toys at the age of four because he was annoyed with his cousin at Christmas at his maternal grandparents' house. Making Petunia dislike the Potter family even more.
// MAKI //
• Family : Malfoy
• English Name : Archer Lucius Malfoy
• Family Members :
- Parents : Lucius Malfoy & Narcissa Malfoy (née Black)
- Siblings : Draco Malfoy (Older Brother), Asteria Malfoy (Older Sister)
- Grandparents : Abraxas Malfoy = Paternal Grandfather // Cygnus Black & Druella Black (née Rosier) = Maternal Grandparents
- Aunt : Bellatrix Lestrange (née Black), Andromeda Tonks (née Black) = Maternal Aunts
- Cousin : Nymphadora Tonks = Maternal Cousin
• Blood Status : Pure-Blood
• Hogwarts House : Slytherin
He was born as the youngest son of the Malfoy family. He grew up in a luxurious manor and was used to living in luxury since childhood. His grandparents on both sides were among the wealthiest wizarding families in England. Moreover, his maternal grandparents' family belonged to the wizarding aristocratic family in France and England.
The person he envied the most was his older sister, Asteria. Because Asteria was her father's favorite. Meanwhile, he and Draco were always taught strictly by their father. But, even though he had quite a lot of jealousy towards Asteria, Maki was a more protective type of sibling compared to Draco. Asteria seemed to be walking with a high-ranking British royal guard who wouldn't let her touch anything he said could hurt her. Maki is a bit dramatic.
While at Hogwarts, he was the smartest student in his year. But also the most annoying student for Gryffindor. Like his older brother, Maki really often pranks Gryffindors. For him, Gryffindor was his biggest rival compared to Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff students.
He once had a big fight with Harry Potter about Quidditch. Harry thinks Slytherin cheated to win, because Oliver actually fainted because of what Slytherin did. This quarrel actually caused the points of the two houses to immediately drop, aka being cut by Dumbledore.
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mrsfrecklesmarauders · 8 months
"Hey little dude"
"Hey Sirius"
Sirius made a hand shake with the kid. Nigel. This second year was the next prankster progity according to James. It had been last term than Nigel and his friends began making pranks that impressed the Marauders. They were kind of jealous of the new counter pranksters and worried of losing their touch. Then they discovered it was Nigel and his group.
James became friends with Nigel for whatever reason. And now they were very close. James said they might need to consider leaving their legacy to younger kids, since they were graduating this year. But Sirius didn't want to think about that. He didn't want to grow up and stop doing pranks.
Today, Nigel look sad and lost. He reminded Sirius of himself back in the summer after he left Grimmauld Place.
"Hey, have you seen James?" Nigel asked, hugging himself.
"He is probably snogging his girlfriend somewhere" Sirius rolled his eyes without thinking about it. Not even him, James's best friend, had seen much of him. Ever he became a Head Boy, Rugby Captain and The Ginger's boyfriend, he barely have time anymore. That was why Sirius had been spending more and more time with Remus. He loved Moony, perhaps he had been developing feelings for him. Feelings that scared him. But he missed James. His Prongsie. His best friend. His soulmate.
Sirius didn't know how to tell him everything that had been happening lately. All the negative thoughts about himself and his life. He was too embarrassed.
And apparently Sirius wasn't the only one who needed James. Nigel looked sad.
"Are you okay, mate?" Sirius asked
"Yeah, I just wanted to talk to him about something" Nigel scratched his head.
James had become the confident of lots of Gryffindor students since he became Head Boy. Sirius wasn’t the only one James could help. He needed to stop being selfish and a jealous wanker.
"Do you want to talk to me? Maybe I can help you"
Nigel looked at Sirius considering it. Even though Nigel spent lots of time in the Marauders' dorm, playing with James's video games, and Sirius was impressed with the kid, he wasn't good with these things. James was the perfect shoulder to cry on. Sirius knew that first hand. There were so many things he wanted to tell his best friend and didn't know how.
"Nah, it's okay. I rather talk with him..." As soon as he said this, his eyes glowed seeing something behind Sirius. "James!"
Sirius turned to see the man of the hour and Lily behind him climbing through the Portrait Hole.
"Nigy... Nigy..." James beamed, hitting the boy's palm. "What's up, man?"
"Hey" Nigel was smiling now "Hey Lily"
"Hello, darling" Lily smiled.
"Prongs! Nigel here wanted to speak with you" Sirius said, crossing his arms. When did they break apart? Sirius and James used to be inseparable. Sirius felt he was losing him. They were distant and cold. James was holding Lily's hand. Not even looking at Sirius. Sirius felt that girl was taking his best friend away. And that pissed him off.
"Yeah?" James ruffled Nigel's hair "Is it about another prank?"
"A prank?" Lily asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Did I say prank?" James asked innocently "I meant... Frank... Do you like Frank?"
Lily pursed her lips. But it was obvious she wanted to laugh.
"Who is Frank?" Nigel asked.
"Frank! Frank Longbottom? Our mate..." James sighed "Never mind"
"I actually wanted to talk about something else" Nigel said nervously "Alone please?"
James immediately adopted his worried expression of a father. The one that had used with Sirius many times. He nodded.
"Dorm is empty, Pads?" James asked, making Sirius blink in surprise.
"Okay, let's talk there" James said and Nigel nodded. But James stopped on his tracks to say something else.
"Wait... Wait... Before we go... Who is this hot stuff??" James asked grabbing Lily's head and kissing her lips "Oh yes, my girlfriend..." he grinned.
Lily giggled with her cheeks flustered. Nigel tutted with a smile and Sirius pursed his lips.
"And wait... Wait... Who is this other hot stuff?" James said now kissing Sirius’s cheek, taking him by surprise. "My best friend!" he added squeezing his chin. "All good, handsome?"
Sirius raised an eyebrow "Yeah, brilliant"
Then he smiled because he was so happy that James was treating him like before. He missed how he joked flirted with each other.
"Okay, now let's go, Nigy" James said taking Nigel's shoulders and leading him to the stairs.
Sirius and Lily watched them go with similar smiles on their faces.
"Should we get beer for our chat?" Nigel asked as they climbed up.
"Nice try, mate"
Sirius realized that Evans had a foolish lover look on her face. She was looking at James as she could have melted right there.
"Isn't he great?" she asked with a sigh. Perhaps the ginger fancied James more than Sirius thought. But still there was something about her that Sirius couldn't stand.
"Watch it, Ginger. You're drooling"
Lily pursed her lips but she was red as a tomato.
"Try the Library" Lily crossed her arms.
Sirius gave her one nod, before walking away. When Lily spoke.
"Maybe you should try opening up to James. Like Nigel does"
Then Sirius remembered why he didn't stand this girl. She was too nosy. And God knows what James had told her about him. It was none of her business.
"He is your best friend, Sirius. Maybe he can help"
Sirius was so scared of losing James. So scared of James judging him or seeing him differently. Sirius loved him. Perhaps more than anyone in this world.
So Sirius walked away without responding. He'd find a way to talk to James.
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flowerpottlady · 1 year
Day 5 of my domestic Jily series! Inspired by @jilymicrofics
Lily stepped from the bathtub, ever so carefully, still completely unused to the added weight tacked onto her midsection. She stuck a blind hand out, reaching for a clean towel from the pile on the counter, and wrapped herself in it - wondering just how much bigger her bump would grow before she would have to charm the towels to accommodate for her new size. 
She could hear James pacing from the next room over, ready to leave over half an hour ago, when Lily decided she needed a quick shower before venturing out into the Muggle world - a secret date that James had planned on his rare night off from Order duties. 
Lily decided to take her time though, it wasn’t often she got the chance to dress up, and at thirty weeks pregnant it took a while to do almost anything nowadays. She picked up her wand first, using it to quickly dry her hair, marveling at the thickness of it, the shine, that pregnancy had given her auburn locks. She dabbed some makeup on, deciding that a spot of pale pink blush on her cheekbones helped to take away from the slightly chubby cheeks she had recently developed. 
After outlining her eyes with a charcoal pencil, brushing some golden eyeshadow across her lids, and swiping the dark mascara over her eyelashes - Lily took a moment to stare at her, relishing in how unnatural she felt in her body.  Like it wasn’t hers anymore. 
Her once flat stomach bulged from her. Her body changed in unimaginable ways, all for her child. While her back hurt, her breasts ached, and she was certain there was a foot lodged into her spleen - Lily wouldn’t give it up for anything. She loved it, carrying a new life inside of her, creating another human being - from the purest form of love that Lily shared with James.
She rubbed her hand down her swollen belly, imagining the baby that would soon be in her arms.  Wondering what it would feel like to see its red face, to feel their skin against hers. “I’m so ready for you sweetheart,” she whispered, hoping her baby would hear her. 
“Lil?” James’ voice came through the door - only slightly apprehensive. “I don’t want to rush you, but I am getting very hungry.”
“Almost finished!” Lily yelled back, snapping her attention to the pale blue dress hanging against the door. She dropped her towel, kicking it toward the corner of the bathroom - and slipped on the silky slip, giggling at the way it clung to her bump. 
The blue dress was next, and Lily reached towards it, fondly remembering the last time she wore that dress - at Alice and Frank Longbottom’s wedding before her seventh year. She danced until her feet hurt; James twirling her, laughing with her, whispering in her ear. He had kissed her on the cheek at the end of the night, and Lily was certain that was the moment she had fallen in love with him. 
It was a simple dress, and Lily smiled widely when she realized it still fit her - even better than before. The strapless top exposed her pale shoulders, lightly dusted with freckles, and did wonders for her boobs - exposing her cleavage in a way that she knew would drive James wild.  It fell mid-thigh, the empire waistline swinging around her bump and - 
“Lily!” James shouted through the door again, interrupting the time she spent simply admiring herself. “Love I know you must be hungry too, are you almost done yet?” 
She rolled her eyes, tucking her hair behind her ear and opening the door wide. James was standing there, leaning suavely against the doorframe - dark hair mused perfectly, his strong jawline freshly shaved. The dark gray button-down shirt he wore perfectly accented his pecs, his sleeves already slightly rolled up.  He smirked at her, hazel eyes moving up and down behind his round specs, drinking her in. 
She was so getting laid. 
 “What? I’m ready, and starving, let's go.” 
He grinned, bearing his perfectly white teeth, “You’re cute.” James said softly, stepping forward to peck her cheek. “I’m very lucky I married you.” 
“I’m very lucky to have married you too.” She whispered back, grasping his hand. “Now c’mon, will you tell me where you are taking me yet?” 
“Not till we get there.” 
Lily could only roll her eyes then, smoothing her dress down her bump. “Well, I hope it has chocolate cake. Little Harry is very hungry for some chocolate cake.” 
“Well, I hope little Josephine, is equally as hungry.” James said knowingly, “Because you know, you are having a girl.” 
“Even if we are having a girl, we are not giving her my second name. We are in the 1980s now, dear, not the 1880s.” 
“Right, of course. Silly me. My parents are Euphemia and Fleamont. It’s easy to forget.” James laughed, grabbing Lily’s purse and guiding her out the front door. 
She was silent for a moment, a small contemplative smile stretched across her face. 
“What’s that look for?” James asked, turning to look at his wife after locking their door. 
“Oh, nothing really…” Lily began, shrugging her shoulders. “I’m just really happy to be doing this with you.” 
“Getting dinner?” 
“You know what I mean,” she said softly. 
“I do,” his hand reached for her bump, pressing a hard kiss into her cheek. “I’m very happy to be doing this with you too.” 
Start from the beginning here! 31 Days of Potters
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loyaldeatheater · 8 months
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Bellatrix Lestrange
Bellatrix Lestrange is the most loyal and perhaps even the most powerful follower of Lord Voldemort with a passion none could rival. Born in the Black and Rosier family in 1951, she already had the perfect background for becoming a Death Eater as her mother's family sided with Grindelwald and her father's family was famous for being pureblood fanatics.
Bellatrix eventually married a wealthy pureblood named Rodolphus Lestrange. The marriage however was done out of pure obligation towards her family's blood mentality and traditions. Bellatrix never showed any love or compassion towards her husband and remained childless with him. It is however unclear how exactly Bellatrix and her husband joined Lord Voldemort but during the first wizarding war, the couple became devoted Death Eaters.
Bellatrix' devotion towards Voldemort was however stronger than just the ambition for power and blood status alone. She developed a true crush or even love for Voldemort which only fuelled her passion as a Death Eater to absolute fanaticism. Her passion towards Voldemort and his goals did not go unnoticed as she became the Dark Lord's most trusted Lieutenant, I dare even say Voldemort started to care about her as well and truly respected her.
After the Dark Lord's fall on 31 October 1981, most of the Death Eaters scarpered or were killed. Bellatrix however, together with a small group of followers, remained fiercely loyal towards Voldemort. Bellatrix, her husband Rodolphus and Barty Crouch Jnr managed to kidnap Alice and Frank Longbottom and tortured them to insanity to gain any knowledge on Voldemort's whereabouts.
This attack on the aurors caused so much fury among the wizarding community that the four were quickly captured and sentenced to life imprisonment in Azkaban. Even during the trial, Bellatrix continued to show her loyalty towards Voldemort while other Death Eaters pleaded for their lives.
After Voldemort's return to power in 1995, Voldemort immediately planned a mass breakout of Azkaban to free his faithful followers who instead of running away, remained loyal to his cause.
Now somewhere during the second wizarding war, Voldemort and Bellatrix conceived a child together. Whether out of love/passion towards each other or from necessity to conceive a pureblood heir of Slytherin is unknown. I personally like to think they did this act out of passion as Voldemort wasn't incapable of feeling emotions like love, a common misconception Rowling cleared up in an interview.
Their sexual relationship probably started after the events at the ministy of Magic's department of mysteries as Voldemort himself intervented at the ministry and prevented her capture by the Aurors, she was the only Death Eater not to be apprehended at the ministry, it was a remarkable deed of Lord Voldemort to actually intervene and save one of his own, a sign that he did truly care about her. During the battle of Hogwarts, it was also Bellatrix who was the only Death Eater who seemed to actually care about her master's wellbeing as she was the only one reaching out for Voldemort after he fell down, following the destruction of another Horcrux.
Imagine a stand-alone mature film being made about Bellatrix' life and eventual relationship with Voldemort. Even actor Ralph Fiennes admitted he would be interested in playing as Voldemort in such a mature film.
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findroleplay · 10 months
I only RP on Discord. 21+ peas and ques.
About me: Izzy, She/they, 23 I'm looking for people who can write 2-5 paragraphs using functional grammar. I'm not looking for perfect I just gotta know what you're saying. I only write in the third person and ask that you do the same when writing with me. I work full-time in the school system (yikes I know) and I'm also a college student (double yikes) SO response times may vary. I try to respond daily but sometimes life gets extra lifey and it's once a week. Please do not bug me for responses that being said I am more than happy to have some OOC chit-chat in the meantime. In fact, I love OOC chit-chatting with my RP buddies. Tell me about the books your reading, yummy food, movies or tv shows you're watching. Rec some music. Share the cute fur babies. Seriously I love it and totally do think of my RP partners as friends. By all means, if this isn't your thing tell me to piss off. That's fine. OK Back on track. Plots: I love to write romance, slice of life, action, mystery, adventure, hurt/comfort, crack, fluff, angst, spice. Like all of the things blended into one. I like to have a dynamic plot loosely figured out and then just continue to build on it as we develop characters and their dynamics. I write both OCxCC and CCxCC NO OCXOC sorry! Fandoms I write for are:
Marvel (MCU and Comics): I’m open to OCxCC, CCxCC, ABO, and Poly in this one I love world-building and meshing MCU canon with comic Canon and our own idea’s as well. If we’re doing CCXCC I do have a preference of M/M pairings but I am open to some M/F and F/F and other paring combinations.
Harry Potter (Marauders Era after graduation only): I’m open OCxCC and CCXCC I adore world-building for this one and bending Canon to fit our liking. I do also prefer to have multiple characters and moving parts in these plots in the background.
Criminal Minds: I’m open OCxCC, CCXCC. ABO and Poly ship here as well. I like to have a nice blend of slice of life and other things with a little bit of casework. Basically the reverse to what the show gave us.
Supernatural: I’m just looking for OCxCC here uhmm it’s been a hot minute since I’ve roleplayed this fandom. I think I’ve seen up to season ten for sure? I am planning on finishing it soon. I think my OC would pair up nicely with Dean or Cas but I’m open to your suggestions as well.
Some other less common fandoms I write are: WWE Yellowstone 911 Lonestar LOTR/Hobbit Almighty Johnsons 
Marvel Ships Storm/T'challa Steve Rogers/Wolverine S teve Rogers/Tony Stark Steve Rogers/Clint Barton Steve Rogers/Peggy Carter Steve Rogers/Natasha Steve Rogers/Sam Wilson Sam Wilson/ Rhodey Sam Wilson/Clint Barton Sam Wilson/Monica Rambue Sam Wilson/ Bucky Barnes Sam Wilson/ T'challa Sam Wilson/Natasha Natasha/Tony Stark Natasha/Matt Murdock Natasha/Bucky Barnes Bucky Barnes/Clint Barton Clint Barton/Bobbi Morse Clint Barton/ Thor Clint Barton/ Phil Coulson Clint Barton/Scott Lang Clint Barton/ Matt Murdock Clint Barton/ Jessica Drew Clint Barton/ Tony Stark Tony/Rhodey Rhodey/Carol Danvers T'Challa/Okoye Okoye/M'baku Polyvengers Criminal Minds Ships Hotch/Emily Hotch/Rossi Hotch/Morgan Morgan/Garcia Morgan/Emily Morgan/Reid Reid/Emily Reid/Rossi Reid/Luke Emily/Tara Emily/Rossi Harry Potter Ships Remus/Sirius James/Lily Remus/Dorcas Meadows Sirius/ Marlene McKinnon Bill/Flure Alice/Frank Longbottom Charlie/Tonks Bill/Tonks Remus/Tonks Crossovers I would be interested in writing. Marvel/Criminal Minds Marvel/Hobbit Marvel/Supernatural Criminal Minds/911 Lonestar Criminal Minds/WWE Other Fun stuff to know I love making playlists, mood boards, Pinterest boards, and just all of the things for RP's, ships, and characters. I'm a menace honestly. If you'd like feel free to message me here or on Discord. Discord: noneherself
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Hello! Welcome to the Wolfstar Cupboard. This account, in a month or so, will be an operating wolfstar fanfiction library!
I'll have to take some time to curate fics, develop a layout, and figure out the rules/limitations. I know I'm just one of the many libraries, so I don't expect a lot of traction. But I hope a few people will take the time to look at some of my favorite fics!
Starting off, I know for a fact that this library will not include any fanfictions containing:
- Rape/Non-con
- M-Preg or A/B/O
- Ageplay
- Beastiality
- Pedophila
- Glorification of Cheating
- anything else that I just don't want to read. It is very rare for just one thing in particular to completely turn me off of a fic if I'm intrigued by the plot, but the topics listed above and similar plot devices will definitely do it.
Here I have also made a list of ships that I personally enjoy and will definitely show up in my fic lists:
- Jily (James Potter/Lily Evans)
- Dorlene (Dorcas Meadowes/Marlene McKinnon)
- Jegulus (James Potter/Regulus Black)
- Fralice (Frank Longbottom/Alice [insert maiden name I have yet to figure out])
Obviously, not all the ships listed above will be in all the fics I recommend. Ships like Jegulus are found less often in fics, while ships like Jily are found more often. I try to be as fair to each ship as I can but it's just not an equal fight.
For the most part, fics will be recommended in lists based on topic/plot. I have a few basic ones in mind already, such as "College AUs" and "Raising Harry" fics. If you find either of those or anything else I've said interesting, maybe stick around!
More updates coming soon, lovelies:)
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rollercoasterwords · 2 years
hiya hiya hello !! no. 19 for the siken prompt game please <3
hello hello hello i love this one!!
19. i take off my hands and i give them to you.
from this prompt list!
ok u are going 2 have 2 bear with me for this the idea JUST popped into my head but it is a rarepair emmeline/alice:
hate doesn't heal, but it calcifies. that's the one thing emmeline's learned, after fifteen years of hospital visits. she can walk through the door to the janus thickey ward time after time after time and still feel the vitriol like an old break. like a bone healed wrong. something that aches when it rains.
"hello, alice," she whispers, and alice stares at the ceiling, eyes as cloudless and blank as a summer day. emmeline lifts a hand, smooths a lock of hair from her face. alice blinks, and emmeline closes her eyes and tries to remember the spilled-water sound of alice's voice, of her accent, of the way she'd say hello.
"oh! healer vance--we weren't expecting you today."
emmeline sighs. opens her eyes. turns to face the nurse.
"sorry," she says, with an easy smile, "i've had a new development in my research. something i wanted to try."
"oh, is that so?" the nurse smiles encouragingly, moving towards the door, "shall i fetch mr. longbottom, then? he's just in a routine checkup, but we can always reschedule..."
and there it is--the old, familiar ache of hate. it still surprises emmeline, her body's determination to cling to bitterness.
"no--that's alright. alice and i will be fine here for now."
the nurse nods, smiles, moves towards the door.
"well, you just let me know if you need anything. i'll be right down the hall."
emmeline nods, and turns back to alice as she listens to the door shut. once they're alone, she releases a breath.
"well then, love," she whispers, lifting a hand once more to stroke gently over the soft contours of alice's face, "let's get started, shall we?"
the magic is complex, precise, finicky--the sort of thing that requires immense concentration, unwavering control. emmeline has been studying and practicing mind-healing for years, and even so she finds her hands trembling, fingers cramping where they're locked around her wand. but she doesn't stop.
she never stops.
one day, it will finally work. one day, the years spent toiling over research will finally pay off, and she'll press her wand to alice's temple and whisper the magic words and watch the light bleed back into her eyes. and she'll throw her arms around alice and cry until she can't breathe and alice will hug her back and stroke her hair and say in that fond, bemused way of hers,
what's all the fuss about, then?
but not today.
today, like every other day, emmeline casts until her hands shake, until she can no longer hold her wand steady. she drops her arms into her lap, and alice stares out the window, giving no indication that she's even aware of emmeline's presence at all. emmeline tries very hard not to feel like a stupid girl in a blue dress, holding a bouquet of baby's breath and forcing her face to hold a smile as she watches alice fall to earth through the church doors like a shooting star, like a snowstorm, like the most perfect breath of a spring breeze. she tries not to feel invisible and foolish, a girl watching the only thing she's ever loved walk down the aisle in a veil, smiling so hard her teeth might crack, proclaiming her love until death do us part.
it would take more than death, for emmeline. if alice could only have seen her, there's not a force in the universe that would have wrenched them apart. emmeline would crawl out of any grave the world could dig and right back into alice's arms; she would pour the blood back into her wounds and stitch herself shut and love alice forever, in death and in life, in sickness and in health and in war.
but alice never looked.
alice never saw.
emmeline died a slow death in a blue dress, and alice kissed frank longbottom and took his last name.
and look where it got her--dragged into a war. dragged into a mother. dragged into a prophecy and then back out, dragged into the funerals of all their friends, dragged into the basement of a death eater's house, dragged into the crucio, crucio, crucio--
emmeline knows that she isn't being fair.
emmeline knows that she shouldn't hate frank, that what he took from her was never even hers to begin with, that the war was just as much alice's crusade as his. she knows that alice was never one to be dragged, that she was her own joan of arc, a martyr and a hero and teenage girl jumping headfirst into a battleground because she truly believed she could make a difference.
still, when the nurse asks,
"do you want me to fetch mr. longbottom, see if it works on him?"
emmeline shakes her head.
"no," she says, "that's enough for today. back to the drawing board, i'm afraid."
she leaves the janus thickey ward. she returns to her lab. she researches, she experiments, she adjusts her calculations. she returns to alice, time after time after time, telling herself every day that this time something will change. this time something will be different.
at night, she goes to bed with aching hands.
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prtfrmhrtbrn · 1 year
•okk… i was insanityposting about this to my friends on discord but i have only one marauders friend and she’s not in that server so instead! it goes here. this is: my thoughts about jily <3 (because i love them and they deserved better)
•ok. to START. as much as i do like the nuance of ‘james thought he liked lily because he thought he was meant to like a girl, so he went all-in in first year, and by the time he realised, it would’ve been weird for everyone if he stopped’ i also think it’s overdone and boring so i am tired of it
•(this is about to be a run-down of how i think jily’s relationship developed through all of hogwarts, btw. we are talking year by year. just so we know)
instead, i think this: james had a silly puppy crush on lily for their first year and followed her around ALL the time. he would sit with her in the library while she was studying just to spend time with her and she was largely just like… at least he isn’t one of the purebloods calling me slurs… that doesn’t mean i like him but at least he isn’t bothering me. meanwhile james is sat there so excited she hasn’t kicked him out like wow isn’t she pretty!! and she’s studying wow isn’t she committed… and she always knows all the answers in class isn’t she so clever!!
and then SECOND YEAR by this point james is 12 and he has an early hit of the classic character arc ‘emo’ which lots of people think didn’t happen to him but i think you’re lying to yourselves. so james thought lily was pretty in second year, but A. that crush was gone and B. he didn’t want her to think he was super lame, so he stopped following her around. he did that thing where you just sit in rooms that other people are in, far enough that it’s not obvious you’re there for them, but close enough that they’ll notice you. basically he wanted her to think that he was cool but had no idea how to go about it (and lily had… very little response to this, at the start of the year she was like ‘it’s kinda weird he isn’t here’ but got over it pretty quick)
third year! third year is where it starts <3 the sirius/marlene arc begins (which results in a FEW realisations for both members of that couple, to say the least, and they don’t last more than a few months) and since sirius is friends with james and lily is friends with marlene they end up talking! and that year they just… become friends. james starts off with a ‘sorry i’ve been really weird these past two years’ and lily is like ‘yeah well you were 12 i don’t think i blame you’ and that year they are. just friends. and it works
fourth year: i think it starts with lily. i think lily is bi & knows she likes girls and boys and is very comfortable with that, and i think she tells james, because they’re friends, and she wants to be honest with her friends, and he says ‘you can do that? cool!’ and she’s like ‘that’s it…?’ and he’s like ‘yeah? i’m so happy for you! that must be awesome’ and lily is like ‘huh. yeah. i guess it’s pretty cool?’ and then frank longbottom walks by and james gets so distracted and lily is like oh… well i won’t take the realisation away from him… and finds herself oddly endeared and then she’s like. what emotion did i just feel towards this boy. and it’s fleeting but she knows it was there and now whenever she sees him she can’t stop thinking about that aching tender fondness. meanwhile james in fourth year is living his best life he has no idea he has a crush on frank but he is just having a great time with the marauders and he’s making new friends left and right. also getting a lot of detentions but that just results in more time spent with his boys amen
which eventually leads into fifth year, where james is on the train, and bumps into frank, who’s like ‘sorry mate’ and james is like ‘yeah don’t worry’ and wonders where that fluttery feeling has gone? and then he’s like OH oh my god. and so where does he go first but lily, and he’s like ‘you know your girls and boys thing? me too! isn’t that so fun?’ and lily gives him this Smile that’s so fond it makes james’ stomach flip and his eyes go wide and she tells him ‘yeah, that is pretty cool’ and james is like Oh Fuck. because it is the exact feeling he had towards frank that made him realise. and so fifth year is lily being like Oh he’s so annoying but it’s so endearing it’s not even annoying it’s just silly which is makes it more annoying… and james being like First year me did NOT get it but he sooo had the right idea
fifth year part 2, post the prank: james is pretty fucked up. and lily has no idea what’s happening but she knows the marauders aren’t talking and she’s close with remus and james, and they start to hang out as a group of three because peter sided with sirius (which i firmly believe. he was as much involved in it as sirius, only james & obv remus had no idea) and eventually it turns into little one on one hangouts that are so casual that both of them think they’re just going to die and then suddenly OWLs are approaching, so lily is like ‘james, do you want to study with me?’ and james is like ‘honestly i would love to, but you’re going to have to go back to calling me potter if you don’t want me to kiss you’ and lily looks at him, and thinks it through, and then she says, ‘okay, james,’ and boom. james just… kisses her. in the library. and they work and it works and oh. yeah, okay. so this makes sense more than anything ever has before. cool. relationship: unlocked!
sixth year is cool. it goes well; it’s easy. the marauders sort-of make up after the prank, which eventually leads into fully making up after the prank, at which point james brings them all together to announce that he is dating lily!!!!!! and the reactions go like this: remus knew, peter is like ‘i thought that was a first-year thing? but whatever makes you happy’ and sirius is like ‘you WHAT tell me everything’. and so james tells them everything anyone has ever had to tell about their partner (except personal things ie sexuality, home life, intimacy) and then the next day he finds lily and is like btw ‘i’m sorry but… the marauders are back together and they know about you and i… i just got so excited and blurted it out’ and lily is a little bit like Ffs but she knows how james is so she does him in a bit but ultimately is like ‘okay, it’s fine’ (after double and triple checking he didn’t tell them anything personal, which he definitely did not) because she’d been meaning to tell her friends anyway, really. and so, i re-iterate: sixth year is cool!
seventh year is stressful, but possibly even better. head girl/head boy dating? what could be better than that? and they’re revising for NEWTs, which fucking sucks, and they’re also trying to lead and guide the student body as the roles declare, but they’re getting through it together, and when lily gets stressed, james takes over as many of her head girl duties as he can, and when james gets stressed, lily does the same for him. and one night he’s utterly exhausted, and she says ‘i’ll cover for you, james, just ask, i always will,’ and he looks at her, has his Oh. moment, and just breathes, ‘i’m in love with you’. and lily is like. Oh. and her Oh moment is someone else’s Oh moment, and she grabs his tie and pulls him down and then says, ‘i love you, too.’ and so, yeah. in seventh year, they date, and get stressed, and love each other, and help each other out.
and then they graduate, and the ground feels slippery and uncertain, but lily feels more confident when james is by her side and james feels safer when he’s holding lily’s hand. and he’s still 18, but he’s nearly 19, and he’s been going out with lily for 2 years, which has to be enough, and he asks her to marry him. and lily is 19, but she hasn’t been for long, and she’s been going out with james for 2 years, and she doesn’t know if it’ll help anything, but maybe it doesn’t need to. and she says yes.
and they get married, and it’s beautiful, and wonderful, but james doesn’t even care, because he’s at the altar with lily, and not even his friends applauding could ever fucking understand that, and lily feels the same; feels like the love between them will only ever happen once, and even if they lose it, at least they had it to begin with. and they get married and they love each other and they have a child, and his name is harry james, and they love him, too.
yeah… that’s kind of where i trail off. i just think so many people discredit jily as some little infatuation from james, or comphet, which is so real and true but also!! i think they did love each other. and also they were bi4bi
no matter where you take your jily, whether it’s an in-school breakup leading to starchaser and marylily or pandalily or something else, or whether it’s an outside-school breakup where they never get married, or whether they get divorced (in which case you need to listen to this night has opened my eyes by the smiths- the dream has gone, but the baby is real, as morrisey said), or go for canon-compliant (shivers), or they live happily ever after and love each other and grow old together!! i think saying they never loved each other is really silly. because i think they did. and that love doesn’t have to be romantic, although i’ve described a romantic relationship between them here, but i think jily has a really strong bond between them. and i just wanted to put it out there. stop overlooking them!! they can date or be besties or be queerplatonic or whatever they want!!
anyway. if anybody has any jily fics that are lovely i am asking so politely to send them to me. and also politely asking the person who named them sunflower to kiss me gently and tenderly on the mouth. thank you for reading <3
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bewltching · 2 years
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NEVILLE LONGBOTTOM ✶ jonathan daviss, 24, cisman, he/him, pureblood, gryffindor, fifth year, herbology. member of aurelius tribune ( columnist ), herbology club, competitive dueling, drama club, and care of magical creatures club. can be described as courageous, sensitive, loyal, hard-working.
full name: neville frank longbottom
nicknames(s): nev, longbottom
age: twenty-four
birthday: july 30, 1998
hometown: leeds, england
gender: cis male
pronouns: he / him
orientation: pansexual
house: gryffindor
specialization: herbology
extracurriculars:  member of aurelius tribune ( columnist ), herbology club, competitive dueling, drama club, and care of magical creatures club
neville longbottom was born to frank and alice longbottom in leeds, england in 1998. at the time of his birth, both of his parents were aurors, though his father gave that up to work a desk job at the ministry in order to be home more with neville. both of his parents loved and supported him - neville never had to grow up wondering if he made them proud. his grandmother, who lived with them, took care of him during the day while his parents worked. while augusta was a bit distant and hard to please, she loved neville dearly. 
he was a late bloomer with magic, but his parents had already assured him many times that if he was a squib, they would still love him. luckily, his abilities developed eventually and neville went on to attend managold school of witchcraft and wizardry. he still struggles in some areas of magic, and has to work hard, but he’s good with most practical skills now.
being away from home for the first time made him nervous, especially since he tended to be on the shy side with people his own age. he was also naturally quite clumsy, just like his mother. he was picked on a bit at first, but soon came to have friends and learned how to put himself out there more. 
neville developed a love for herbology ( a gift his father had, although neville loved it far more than frank ever did ) and quickly became obsessed with plants. every year for his birthday, his mom and dad get him a new book on plants and try to find him a new exotic plant to add to his growing collection. his bedroom is starting to look more like a greenhouse than a place where he lives.
there was never a question for neville what he wanted to do for the rest of his life - he wants to go into herbology. he’d like to study plants forever, and maybe be a professor one day. he's interested in the healing properties of plans, and plans to study that for a few years before working towards getting a teaching job.
in this alternate world, neville is a lot more sure of himself. he dealt with some self-confidence issues when he went away to school for the first time and didn’t have built in friends, but he was never as unsure of himself as he was in the books. that stems from augusta being softer with him since she didn’t constantly compare him to frank, and from neville never having to worry whether he was the person his parents would have wanted him to be. neville is more friendly and less distant with his own personal issues - he doesn’t hide the things that bother him as much as neville in the books. he also is a bit snarkier at times, and unafraid to stand up for what’s right. this neville never doubted that gryffindor was where he should be. 
frank and alice thought about having more children, but ultimately alice's job was a bit too demanding to have another. and besides, they were so happy with neville, they didn't feel the need to have another. sometimes neville wishes he'd had a sibling - maybe it would have made the transition when he went to school easier - but he's okay with being an only child overall.
neville is in dueling club and he's actually not bad at it. i think a lot of his difficulties in the book stem from his severe self-doubt, but this neville has more confidence for the most part !! there are definitely some areas where he's still nervous or awkward or shy, but he's more sure of himself and his abilities.
he's close with both parents in different ways, and writes them both pretty often. when he's home on holidays, he's happy to hang out with them as much as he can. the three of them really just get along very well; it's a house full of love for sure.
neville's still the same dorky, plant loving guy as always, but he's less melancholic. he's not burdened with doubts and feeling like he isn't good enough. his life isn't perfect, but it's good and he's really happy with it, for the most part.
best friends
close friends
childhood friends
study buddies
bad influence
crush / current romantic partner
former partners
bullies / former bullies
anything we brainstorm together !
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browneyesandhair · 7 months
Raspberry-yogurt-vanilla ice cream
Storm of Yesterday by ShayaLonnie
Hunted by Voldemort, Hermione and Harry make a last stand in Godric's Hollow. When the Boy-Who-Lived lives no more, Hermione is thrown back in time into another battle where she has a chance to save not only Harry, but another Potter. — Begins Mid Deathly Hallows, AU going forward.
Relationship: Hermione Granger/James Potter
Characters: Hermione Granger, James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Harry Potter, Alice Longbottom, Frank Longbottom, Emmeline Vance, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Mary Macdonald, Narcissa Black Malfoy, Draco Malfoy, Neville Longbottom, Various Weasleys, Lily Evans Potter
Additional Tags: Explicit Language, Explicit Sexual Content, Violence, Canonical Character Death, AU - Canon Divergence, AU - Time Travel, AU
Notes: Oh my goodness - I absolutely love this story. The character development for James is so fascinating. The slow burn between James and Hermione and how they don't immediately get together, it feels way more natural. I'm obssesed.
(This is part of my year of recs. I'm trying to share some of my favorite stories on tumblr. I've set up a series of Soulmate recs for each month on the 15th, but these will be randomly dispersed throughout the year.)
Spolier below of ch. 25/68
Okay, but why did you choose a bowl of ice cream as the picture? Because this scene WRECKED me. It was so integral and important, but it was just such a heartwrenching moment. Specifically this moment:
Hermione reached out, looking at Harry's hands. "I'm sorry," she whispered, more to James than Harry. "I didn't mean to scare him or to—"
Angry and guilty, James shifted Harry to his other arm, pulling him further away from the witch. "Can you just . . . can you let me take care of my own kid, Hermione?" he snapped and then turned away, following Molly into the house.
AHHHHH! Like it still kills me. ABSOLUTELY AMAZING STORY!!
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ao3feed-drastoria · 8 months
Fate was in a good mood (Scorose)
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2djXtfb by SimonaIvanova What happens when noone wants Scorpius in their compartment on the train to Hogwarts? He comes to the compartment he tried to avoid - the one of Rose Granger-Weasley, Albus Potter and Alice Longbottom. Unlike his expectations, they welcome him in there. That's the story of how The Herd was formed. Well, in life friends can turn to more, and that's exactly what happened to them. This book follows the lives of these two from the very beginning to the very end. Friendships developing, sibling confessions and many, many adventures for the troublemakers Scorpius, Albus, Alice and Rose. Words: 8813, Chapters: 5/?, Language: English Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M Characters: Rose Weasley, Hugo Weasley, Albus Severus Potter, Lily Luna Potter, James Sirius Potter, Scorpius Malfoy, Alice Longbottom, Frank Longbottom, Augusta Longbottom, Fred Weasley II, Teddy Lupin, Roxanne Weasley, Dominique Weasley, Victoire Weasley, Luis Weasley Relationships: Scorpius Malfoy/Rose Weasley, Alice Longbottom/Albus Severus Potter, Lorcan Scamander/Hugo Weasley, Lily Luna Potter/Lysander Scamander, Teddy Lupin/Victoire Weasley, Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley, Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley, Astoria Greengrass/Draco Malfoy Additional Tags: Basically a story about next gen, no one likes the cursed child so we don't do that here, barely focusing on the canon characters, mostly about the kids, draco redemption, ron actually reacting sensibly to scorose, Requited Love, Teen Romance, very slow burn, literaly every ship is slow burn here, Plot Twists, This fic is going to be long, i really ship hugo and lorcan, their relationship deserves more love, mostly focusing on scorose but side ships are explored deeply too, Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Angst?, Not sure about smut yet, idk how to tag it without spoiling, goofball scorpius, Badass Rose, just scorpius rose albus and alice being besties, not sure what exactly the plot is read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2djXtfb
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ednamode1 · 1 year
My Harry Potter Headcanons ft. The Prewett Twins and Dorcas Meadows (mainly)
Dorcas Meadows was in the same year as the Prewett twins. They were BFFs. Gideon and Dorcas were in Ravenclaw, and Fabian was a Gryffindor.
Gideon and Dorcas became friends after she helped him get away with cursing a kid for implying that Fabian was the dumb twin.
The twins would constantly swapped houses. No one besides Dorcas knew. She realized it in their 4th year and hates that it took her so long to figure it out.
Dorcas asked the twins how come they ended up in different houses. Their constant house-switching proved they were both intelligent enough to be in Ravenclaw (or brave enough to be in Gryffindor). They shrugged and said, "Thought it'd be funny."
When the Prewett Twins + Dorcas are in their 3rd year, Molly Prewett joins her brother Fabian in Gryffindor as a 1st year. 
Arthur Weasley is sorted into Gryffindor in Molly’s 2nd year
Twins + Dorcas are in their 6th year when Frank Longbottom and Alice Smith enter Hogwarts as first years. They’re both in Gryffindor. Alice develops a tiny crush on Fabian after he helps her find her way -- “The attractive 6th year helped me when I was lost and now I'm in love.”
Dorcas is Frank’s idol.  
The Meadows and McKinnons are old family friends. Dorcas and, after she introduced them and they became friends, Fabian (yes, Fabian, the Gryffindor twin) like to raid their library to learn more about the different types of magic. The McKinnon's don't mind. They believe knowledge should be free to anyone and everyone. Gideon has a more practical approach to magic. Besides, Fabian briefs him about everything he learns (and vice versa).
Though it was Marlene’s family that dabbled in obscure magic (dark and light), it was Dorcas who first suspected that Voldemort created horcruxes.
She mentioned it to Dumbledore + the twins. The spy overheard the following convo “I suspect You-Know-Who has done something with his soul.” He couldn’t listen further cuz Remus and Sirius arrived for the Order meeting at that time. After this particular meeting, Order members started dropping like flies.
The fact that Dumbledore suspected Voldemort of dabbling in soul magic made him paranoid. He enhanced the security on the ring and the locket and entrusted the remaining two horcruxes with his most trusted Death Eaters. This paranoia also caused him to seek and believe in prophecies. Eventually leading to his downfall.
Voldemort couldn’t risk anyone else finding out and went to kill Meadows himself. He underestimated her a little. The battle lasted for a while before Voldemort was able to kill her. She never told him any secrets. 
Voldemort would’ve liked to kill the twins himself but unbeknownst to anyone he was injured after his duel with Dorcas. So with Pettigrew’s help, he set up a trap and sent 5 of his best Death Eaters after the twins.
Everyone assumed Gideon was the hot-headed one (in Hogwarts he cursed anyone who implied his siblings were dumb), but out of the two, it was Fabian who lost his temper quicker. The Twins might’ve won if a Death Eater hadn’t cast Sectumsempra and injured Gideon. Fabian lost all rationality + objectivity in his rage, making it relatively easier for Dolohov to kill them.  
Voldemort ordered the McKinnons to be exterminated because he couldn’t risk anyone else figuring out his secret like Dorcas had. 
The twins couldn't meet Ron before they died. They never knew about Ginny.
These are a few headcanons I have feel free to use them (I'd appreciate it if you gave me credit or shared your work if you use these ideas). If some of these ideas are repeated/similar to someone else's, full credit goes to the og author.
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ourpyrrhicvictory · 5 years
the lestranges knew about the prophecy
they didnt know all the details, but they knew there was a spoken threat
and they were led to believe it was the longbottoms
they were tom’s failsafe. it’s why they go after the longbottoms when voldemort disappears
because the potters are dead, and it CANNOT be a child that took out voldemort
there had to have been a bigger plan
there had to have been more to it
alice and frank didn’t even know
they had less information than the potters
and they were tortured for it
tortured because they didn’t have the answers
tortured until they had no answers left to offer in their place
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