#i. development: rabastan lestrange.
lostdrarryfics · 11 months
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THE BIG FIND 2023: Day 2
The Big Find is a 10-day long Drarry fic-finding marathon to celebrate the blog’s anniversary. Below is the Day 2 compilation of lost fics, both old and new, that we’ve been unable to find. Our aim is to get as much attention to these lost fics as possible, to help people finally find their missing fics! Anyone can participate by reblogging, reading through each list, providing additional fic details, and informing us the title, author, or link of a fic, and their respective number in the comment section. Happy finding!
2.1 I’m not confident if it was in portuguese or english. Harry was an auror and Draco was an unspeakable and they were together on a mission were eventually they were captured into a sex traffic scheme. It was HEAVILY angsty and I think they were rescued by Rabastan Lestrange (i’m pretty sure it was him, but I think that it may be Rodolphus instead). It’s been YEARS since Iast read it but it made an impression.
2.2 Fairly sure that the fic was on ao3 and a wip but could be completely off the mark. The only thing I remember is that at Gringotts: the Potters’ will is read and specifically both Lucius Malfoy and Snape’s presence is requested; which is questioned by others present at the time of the reading. The Potters are aware that there is a connection between Harry and Draco - I’m guessing soulmate, mate if creature fic hence the request of Lucius. Possibly anti-Dumbledore but again not positive. fic is not ‘And The Forest Met The Sky’ by Silverhood, The Black Star by Aileen Dickinson, or Lord Thanatos by wonderfulWonderful 505
2.3 veela!Draco fic. Harry is draco’s mate and is extremely unhappy about it. Draco keeps his distance and nearly die because of it (veelas, in this universe, die if they are rejected), and Harry makes a unbreakable vow (i think that it is with narcisa) that he will at least try to be around. They eventually develop a relationship and Harry starts to search a new house for them, but Draco thinks that he is been cheated and die because of the perceived rejection. Harry eventually dies because of the vow he made and they meet again in a kind of heaven, where they also meet Lily, James, Sirius, Severus, Remus and other canon dead characters.
2.4 could have been on Ao3 or Hexfiles. It’s Draco’s birthday. Harry’s pov. Draco is in love with him. They have been friends for some years (and secretly in love, even though it’s only revealed in the end that Harry fell in love too). Draco always dances with everybody at his birthday except Harry. Tonight they dance. At some point Blaise says to Harry something like he should let Draco go so he could be with someone. There are plenty of people interested in Draco. Harry is surprised someone has noticed something is going on between them. Harry is married to Ginny and has kids with her. He can’t leave her. His thing with Draco started many years ago at his birthday party, when they talked about the war in a rose garden. They suddenly kissed. My memory might be failing me here, but I think they started eating lunch together maybe every week. They became friends, but also coudn’t help falling in love. At the time of one Draco’s birthday party (in the past) Ginny was giving birth or just birthed her and Harry’s twins. Harry was at the party without her. The need between him and Draco got too strong and Harry gave him a blowjob in the bathroom. That was the only sexual encounter between them. In the end Harry maybe dashes out of the party and Draco follow and confronts him. Harry admits he didn’t fall in love alone. I’m not sure if it was a wip or oneshot. It was all angst and hurt with strong chemistry and longing.
2.5 Ron is toasting the happy couple, maybe at their engagement party or wedding. He’s giving affectionate anecdotes about Draco’s bad behavior at school. Like, “remember the time he challenged Harry to a duel in the forbidden forest and then didn’t show?” (Not the exact quote.)
2.6 probably (like 90% sure) on ao3, but I read it a long time ago so I can’t remember. The plot was basically Harry forced to be with Draco in marriage or partnership. Initially Draco was very abusive, but slowly warms up to Harry. Harry gets to know the reason behind Draco’s behaviours is Lucius’ child abuse. Draco has secret bondage dungeon. He also has a shrine of Harry. Harry gets pregnant. Lucius is the main villain here. Narcissa & Snape are also here, along with the Weasleys though the later don’t make much of an appearance. Snape is the one who supplied the pregnancy potion to Harry. In one scene Draco admires Ginny’s attitude thinking she would’ve been good for Harry. In another scene, Draco & Harry are having sex, and Draco is clutching Harry by his throat but Harry loving runs his fingers through Draco’s hair. When their child is born Lucius wants to take it away but the healer who helped deliver stands in the way. Earlier in the fic Draco forces Harry to take poly juice so he could fuck a girl. Lucius dies in a fire at the end. The fire is at Malfoy manor. Though I’m not sure, but I think they spent their Christmas at the Weasleys where Draco promises to gift something to Molly. The fic also had an Author’s note on how they’ve forgiven someone for doing something similar in real life, replying to comments on how Draco is abusive to Harry.
2.7 drarry little mermaid AU. It was a dark fic, based on the original little mermaid not the Disney version and it was dark and didn’t have a happy ending. I think Draco was an elf/fae rather than a mermaid
2.8 All I remember is that it was Draco/Astoria, Harry/Ginny. Before it becomes Drarry, it was 50 chapters, and complete, I clearly remember a tag that said everyone gets a happy ending except astoria in all lowercase letters.
2.9 What I remember of the fic is only one scene so bear with me, Draco and Harry are in relationship I think and Draco is also there when order members come to take him from privet drive. And he also attends Bill’s wedding but during the death eaters attack he gets caught and they take him away to the manor, Harry cries alot after that. I this is multi chaptered. In this fic Draco defected I guess and he attends the marriage and disguises like how Harry does, but he is revealed and he is taken to the manor. Harry is devastated and then he keeps seeing him through his connection with voldermort being tortured or something. They are already in relationship at this point. fic is not The Wrong Sort by CaffeinatedFlumadiddle
2.10 harry is getting married to Ginny and he’s sorting out all of the things for the wedding and one of them is the cake. Draco works or owns the bakery that Harry is getting the cake from and they both start to talk and get closer. That’s when Harry realises that he’s not ready to marry Ginny because a certain blonde has his heart. I’m sure Harry, when ever he’s in doubt or just bored he apparates to the bakery and dracos always holding the daily prophet to see what the saviour of the wizarding world is up to.
2.11 it was on ao3 and i read it a long time ago (i wouldn’t be surprised if it didn’t exist any more) but what i remember from it was pretty intense bdsm experimentation (between harry and draco) and they both started developing feelings but weren’t saying anything and i recall them fkin around in an abandoned class room? one scene i remember vividly is harry getting triggered by something draco says or did but it had something to do with his trauma with the dursleys and he calls out the safe word for the first time (which was snitch).
2.12 I’m looking for this specific drarry texting story I read on YouTube over 3 years ago. I think that it’s no longer on YouTube, but I wanted to know if it was ever posted on any other social media. The story goes like - Ron gives Harry the password to use the prefect bathroom where Harry stumbles upon Draco. Draco ends up doing some spells with the water (like a water snake like thing) and it fascinated Harry but Draco doesn’t really indulge in the conversation. When Harry tries to leave, Draco cages him and they end up having sex.
2.13 fic on ao3 where its set in 8th year and harry and draco are still fucked up meet up to (or just end up) fight(ing) a lot and one time harry takes it a bit too far and punches draco in the stomach, and draco throws up blood? And harry has to call madame pomphrey i believe. I dont think it was a particularly long fic but thats all i can remember.
2.14 harry and draco are twins but (i think) they were separated and then they got together like finding out they are twins and also dating lmao and okay then?? they became like rulers of the wizard world by making treaties and stuff w creatures and all that
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dhr-ao3 · 1 month
I Will Make You Proud ( bản dịch )
I Will Make You Proud ( bản dịch ) https://ift.tt/1It6Ka3 by MyKhanh Bạn sẽ cho đi điều gì để cứu người bạn yêu? Draco Malfoy đã sống một cuộc sống sung sướng, lớn lên trong dinh thự với mọi thứ anh muốn trong tầm tay. Một hoàng tử hoàn hảo, được chiều chuộng. Khi còn là một thiếu niên, anh đến Hogwarts và coi thường mọi người anh gặp, anh , độc ác—vô tâm. Khi trưởng thành, anh trở nên nguy hiểm—một kẻ giết người máu lạnh. Tàn nhẫn, vô nhân đạo, khiến những người xung quanh sợ hãi. Nhưng khi Draco được phát hiện đã chết, sau khi treo cổ tự tử trên xà nhà của một căn phòng ở quán Đầu Heo, chỉ với một túi đầy lọ đựng ký ức và những cuốn nhật ký để lại bên cạnh—Hermione phát hiện ra nhiều điều hơn về Draco, và con người thực sự của anh. Tất cả những gì anh muốn làm là khiến mọi người tự hào. Khi cô tìm kiếm ký ức của anh, cô dần nhận ra rằng anh chưa bao giờ là con người mà anh thể hiện với thế giới. Anh đã phải chịu đựng quá nhiều trong cuộc đời ngắn ngủi của mình. Ký ức của Draco kể một câu chuyện về tình yêu đích thực, bất tận và sự hy sinh, và khi chứng kiến, Hermione cần quyết định xem cô sẵn sàng làm gì để mang đến cho Draco một cơ hội khác để có được cuộc sống mà anh thực sự xứng đáng.   ”Tôi hứa tôi sẽ làm bạn tự hào.” Words: 2334, Chapters: 1/20, Language: Tiếng Việt Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: F/M, M/M Characters: Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Pansy Parkinson, Narcissa Black Malfoy, Lucius Malfoy, Blaise Zabini, Theodore Nott, Severus Snape, Albus Dumbledore, Minerva McGonagall, Astoria Greengrass, Padma Patil, Marcus Flint, Barty Crouch Jr., Vincent Crabbe, Rabastan Lestrange, Bellatrix Black Lestrange Relationships: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter/Ron Weasley, Ginny Weasley/Blaise Zabini, Theodore Nott/Pansy Parkinson, Astoria Greengrass/Draco Malfoy (past) Additional Tags: Past Child Abuse, Draco Malfoy Needs a Hug, Abused Draco Malfoy, BAMF Hermione Granger, Dark Hermione Granger, Dark Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy, Dark Magic, Revenge, Sex, Slow Burn, Slow Build, Enemies to Lovers, Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy In Love, Smut, Secret Relationship, Developing Relationship, Minor Character Death, Mental Health Issues, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Protective Draco Malfoy, POV Draco Malfoy, POV Hermione Granger, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Suicidal Thoughts, Suicide Attempt, Suicide, Falling In Love, Abusive Lucius Malfoy, Bad Parent Narcissa Black Malfoy, Hermione Granger & Harry Potter Friendship, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Emotional/Psychological Abuse, Emotional Manipulation, Hurt/Comfort, HEA but it will hurt to get there, HEA, Sexually Experienced Draco Malfoy, It Gets Worse Before It Gets Better, Time Travel Fix-It, Angst with a Happy Ending via AO3 works tagged 'Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy' https://ift.tt/oOM2d3T August 18, 2024 at 08:31PM
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hsvh-hp · 7 months
beating heart of rome!!!!!! That's such a beautiful title ; __ ;
But I only get one guess, so may I humbly request "The Muggle in the Child"?
Of course! lmao
This one is the sequel to None So Vile, a dark!Sirius fic I wrote for the 2022 Dark Marauders fest. To recap, that fic covers Sirius' (canon divergent) sixth year at Hogwarts, where he, Rabastan Lestrange, and Snape conspire to oust Dumbledore from Hogwarts in attempt to impress Voldemort and gain entry to the Death Eaters. Working with Fenrir Greyback, the intent to out Remus as a werewolf (and Dumbledore as someone who 'endangered' the student pop by letting him attend the school) ends in tragedy. Remus ends up killed by Aurors. Aberforth Dumbledore was a second casualty that night, having been gored by Greyback. Moody, the Auror who killed Remus, is excused from his position. The fic ends with Nott Sr taking office as the newly confirmed Hogwarts Headmaster.
I'll put the rest under a cut :)
TMC (we'll just call it that) takes place post-Hogwarts in 1981, and in a Voldemort Wins AU. The title reference is to the Indian in the Child policy surrounding residential schools - essentially that, if you could sever an indigenous child's cultural ties to their community, they would become 'civilized'. Not very good stuff.
But this is a policy that Voldemort's regime adopts. They track down magical children in the Muggle population (Muggle-borns mostly, I s'pose), and kidnap them to the magical world so that they can be raised by magical families. There is even a potion that's been developed by Snape where you can essentially remove a biological parent from a child's DNA and implant someone else. So, the adopted children become biological children. If a Muggle-born child is adopted in this matter by a pure-blooded couple, they would be considered pure-blooded as well.
Retrieving these children is where Sirius and Rabastan have found themselves as Death Eaters. The fic opens during such a retrieval - Hermione's. They kill her parents in methodical, cold blood, and she is taken to where the children are then assigned to/picked by the families who will raise them. I think this would be the Riddle House, and that Narcissa and the other Death Eater wives are the ones in charge of these operations.
After this, Sirius and Rabastan are summoned to a meeting with Voldemort. Voldemort has just become aware of the prophecy regarding him and Harry (later than in canon, since Snape didn't overhear), and he gives Sirius and Rabastan the task of retrieving Harry. How has Voldemort come across knowledge of the prophecy, if not Snape? Well, (literally) enter Peter, who takes a seat now with them in the meeting.
Peter explains that James and Lily's cottage in Godric's Hollow is under a Fidelius Charm, of which he is the the Secret Keeper. His one ask to Voldemort in previous discussions was that James be spared since, after Remus died and Sirius joined the Death Eaters, that's his only friend left. Peter doesn't want to tell anyone the Secret, and Voldemort is willing to oblige that if Peter is willing to turn spy in the effort to take Dumbledore down (after being ousted from Hogwarts, he became a more active (and frankly terrifying) participant in the underground resistance). Voldemort also sees no need to kill Harry. Retrieving and having him adopted out through the Muggle in the Child program ought to suffice.
Sirius and Rabastan set off for Godric's Hollow. It requires some patience to make contact, but eventually James leaves the cottage under his Invisibility Cloak in order to stretch his legs. James was not aware in this AU that Sirius was an Animagus, so Sirius uses that to his advantage. Acting like a hungry, lovable stray, he worms his way with James into the cottage (Rabastan stands watch in his own Animagus form: an owl). Lily is resistant to the idea of adopting a dog, seeing as they have Harry to mind, but Sirius is good with Harry and puts the charm on for Lily, so she relents. Life locked up in the cottage is very boring, and a dog would liven things up nicely.
That night, while James and Lily are asleep, Sirius heads into Harry's room. He's got him and is just about out the door when he's stopped. James and Lily get him restrained, see that it's him, and Dumbledore ends up being called there. Dumbledore talks to Sirius, working him or whatever, but Sirius knows he's just killing time. Because he hasn't emerged from the cottage yet, Rabastan will have reported that there's a problem.
I should mention at this point that in None So Vile, Sirius and Rabastan had offered to help Snape go through the Animagus process (he was jealous they did it without him lmao), and so he's done that since. It's at this point, a growl is heard from a dark doorway, and then something big and black jumps at Dumbledore (Snape's Animagus form was a panther). A fight breaks out as more Death Eaters (Sirius & co's friends from None So Vile) infiltrate the cottage. James and Lily are killed, and Dumbledore was mauled. Peter, considering the emergency, had given up the Secret.
Anyway, so, Harry is retrieved. One last thing to know before Sirius and Rabastan present Harry to Voldemort to inform him the job is done is that they're in a relationship in this series, and Orion/Walburga have been nagging Sirius about getting with someone who he can have children with. Here presents Sirius' solution, should Voldemort allow him to be the one who raises Harry (he does). Also, there's that potion Snape had developed that would in this case remove James as Harry's biological father and instill Sirius instead. What a happy ending for everyone*! 😅
*small text here about who the word 'everyone' does not include lmao
This was fun lmao. Thanks for asking!
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ao3feed-drastoria · 1 month
I Will Make You Proud ( bản dịch )
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/BxuhInX by MyKhanh Bạn sẽ cho đi điều gì để cứu người bạn yêu? Draco Malfoy đã sống một cuộc sống sung sướng, lớn lên trong dinh thự với mọi thứ anh muốn trong tầm tay. Một hoàng tử hoàn hảo, được chiều chuộng. Khi còn là một thiếu niên, anh đến Hogwarts và coi thường mọi người anh gặp, anh , độc ác—vô tâm. Khi trưởng thành, anh trở nên nguy hiểm—một kẻ giết người máu lạnh. Tàn nhẫn, vô nhân đạo, khiến những người xung quanh sợ hãi. Nhưng khi Draco được phát hiện đã chết, sau khi treo cổ tự tử trên xà nhà của một căn phòng ở quán Đầu Heo, chỉ với một túi đầy lọ đựng ký ức và những cuốn nhật ký để lại bên cạnh—Hermione phát hiện ra nhiều điều hơn về Draco, và con người thực sự của anh. Tất cả những gì anh muốn làm là khiến mọi người tự hào. Khi cô tìm kiếm ký ức của anh, cô dần nhận ra rằng anh chưa bao giờ là con người mà anh thể hiện với thế giới. Anh đã phải chịu đựng quá nhiều trong cuộc đời ngắn ngủi của mình. Ký ức của Draco kể một câu chuyện về tình yêu đích thực, bất tận và sự hy sinh, và khi chứng kiến, Hermione cần quyết định xem cô sẵn sàng làm gì để mang đến cho Draco một cơ hội khác để có được cuộc sống mà anh thực sự xứng đáng.   ”Tôi hứa tôi sẽ làm bạn tự hào.” Words: 2334, Chapters: 1/20, Language: Tiếng Việt Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: F/M, M/M Characters: Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Pansy Parkinson, Narcissa Black Malfoy, Lucius Malfoy, Blaise Zabini, Theodore Nott, Severus Snape, Albus Dumbledore, Minerva McGonagall, Astoria Greengrass, Padma Patil, Marcus Flint, Barty Crouch Jr., Vincent Crabbe, Rabastan Lestrange, Bellatrix Black Lestrange Relationships: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter/Ron Weasley, Ginny Weasley/Blaise Zabini, Theodore Nott/Pansy Parkinson, Astoria Greengrass/Draco Malfoy (past) Additional Tags: Past Child Abuse, Draco Malfoy Needs a Hug, Abused Draco Malfoy, BAMF Hermione Granger, Dark Hermione Granger, Dark Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy, Dark Magic, Revenge, Sex, Slow Burn, Slow Build, Enemies to Lovers, Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy In Love, Smut, Secret Relationship, Developing Relationship, Minor Character Death, Mental Health Issues, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Protective Draco Malfoy, POV Draco Malfoy, POV Hermione Granger, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Suicidal Thoughts, Suicide Attempt, Suicide, Falling In Love, Abusive Lucius Malfoy, Bad Parent Narcissa Black Malfoy, Hermione Granger & Harry Potter Friendship, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Emotional/Psychological Abuse, Emotional Manipulation, Hurt/Comfort, HEA but it will hurt to get there, HEA, Sexually Experienced Draco Malfoy, It Gets Worse Before It Gets Better, Time Travel Fix-It, Angst with a Happy Ending read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/BxuhInX
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shinynewboots · 11 months
In the Aftermath / Hermione x Antonin Dolohov (Chapter 1)
Summary:  In response to the low post-war population, the Dark Lord proposed a solution. The half-blood and blood-traitor women were to be given to the male members of a pureblood house. These women would be chosen by Death Eaters to carry on their family names and blood (for if the Dark Lord gave his blessings for the mixing of blood, who were they to argue?). The muggle-born women were to be left for those of lower prestige and lower rank. Or, more accurately, as willing (unwilling) toys for the most odious of Death Eaters.
Warnings: 18+, Dead Dove Do Not Eat, eventual smut, angst, dubious consent, grief, dark post-war fic, NSFW, implied SA
AO3 Link
Next Chapter
AN: Hello All! This is a major rewrite/edit/revamping of a story (Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow) originally posted on fanfiction.net when I was still in high school. I will leave the old story up there but will be making major changes to the plot and character development in order to better flesh out the story and characters. I hope you all are ready for the ride because this story will be taking a different direction than the original!
Also, very excited to writing Hermione x Antonin once more
Most fugitive muggle-born, half-blood, and blood-traitors had been picked down one by one. In the beginning, after the battle had been lost, they scattered like roaches. There was no true leadership left in the resistance movement and so it was easy enough to find various safe houses. They stupidly hid in hordes, clinging together. Occasionally, one or two would fight, however the others would look on with hopelessness shimmering in their eyes. However, as time passed, it grew harder to find the fugitives, and so the bounties placed upon them were astronomical.
Not every fugitive was returned to Azkaban. Most of the males were killed simply because they brought more trouble than they were worth. The Weasley family, for example, was almost completely terminated except for three of the children.
Life continued.  
It was hard to remember anything before the slaughter. There was killing, raping, torture at every turn. Muggle-born, half-blood, and blood traitors lost all status in the newly built society and faced this societally accepted oppression.
This new reshuffling of society and catastrophic lost of life after the war led to an unprecedented maelstrom of problems: low population from casualties, low fertility among pureblood witches, and a lack of “suitable” partners to conceive children with.
There were whisperings of course, throughout the ranks. Rumors began to spread, and suddenly, the idea of complete pureblood supremacy began to seem impossible.
The whispers remained only that until the scandal of the year broke the headlines: Rodolphus Lestrange had impregnated a muggle woman. This news led to great uncertainty throughout the Death Eater and Pureblood ranks. Would they have to resort to Muggle women to carry their heirs?
The Dark Lord proposed a solution. The half-blood and blood-traitor women were to be given to the male members of a pureblood house. These women would be chosen by Death Eaters to carry on their family names and blood (for if the Dark Lord gave his blessings for the mixing of blood, who were they to argue?) The muggle-born women were to be left for those of lower prestige and lower rank.
Or, more accurately, as willing (unwilling) toys for the most odious of Death Eaters.
April 5, 1999
Antonin Dolohov held an indescribable amount of disgust for the decree declared by the Dark Lord. Of course, he never told this information to his fellow Death Eaters except for a select few trustworthy as even the thought of it would be treason. His acquaintances, if he could even call them such, had lined up at the opportunity to be in possession of their own play toy.
Even Rabastan Lestrange, a man he had come to trust in a short amount of time, seemed to find little problem with the law. After the scandal with Rodolphus, Rabastan seemed to mature overnight. Despite the inevitable wear that sprung from years in Azkaban, Rabastan had still managed to retain a youthful, somewhat cruel spirit. Now, however, the lines in his face had deepened and his eyes had grown weary.
There were many nights that Antonin and Rabastan spent in the Lestrange parlor with a glass of Fire Whiskey and a bitter tongue.
The war had ended with the death of the Potter boy. Once the battle was over, and the spoils of war taken, it did not take long to realize that there was no grand plan of “after”. No one said anything, of course. It would be treason to voice such thoughts aloud. Yet, Antonin found himself somewhat lost (as many others on their side had) as he looked towards the future. What future were they rebuilding?
It was after one of those nights of deep intoxication that Antonin found himself waiting with Rabastan at the Ministry, as lines of women entered the room one by one. The smell of rot and piss carried by the group was only barely concealed by the artificial scent of flowers.
As he and Rabastan looked upon the row of women (girls, really. All of age, but most were only a few months out of Hogwarts) with hollow cheeks and sickly skin, Antonin could not identify who he hated more: Rabastan who convinced him to come, or himself, who agreed.
The girls, though they were imprisoned in Azkaban, were always presented in a special room deep within the Ministry. Initially, the “choosing” room was a damp room in Azkaban, however there was little turn out from the Death Eater population. Few were willing to return to a place where they spent many maddening years.
The girls wore the dirty, striped rags of Azkaban prison. Some had bruised faces. Others still had the tears of dried blood stuck in place that told of past punishments. They were connected by glowing shackles on their wrists that emitted a power surge of energy.  
A few of the girls cried silently, while others held no emotion on their faces. They knew what it meant to be chosen by a Death Eater. It was a coin toss as to whether they would be treated kindly or tortured brutally upon arrival. One of the girls chosen prior had committed suicide a few weeks after being selected by one of the more depraved of the bunch. Since then, curses had been placed upon the girls to ensure that any suicidal thoughts or actions were snuffed out quickly.
It was abhorrent.
Alecto Carrow seemed to take pleasure in her position as warden to the new women’s ward in Azkaban. Her cruel eyes and yellow sneer in the direction of the girls was disconcerting. Upon further examination, Antonin spotted a large, blunt ring on one of her fingers that seemed the exact size as some of the bruises that marred the girls’ skin.
Rabastan looked over the girls, the excitement worn away as he took in the appalling sight.  Antonin chose to stare at the floor.  
They weren’t alone, as a handful of other Death Eater’s had taken interest in the girls as well. Some more than others. There were specific “choosing days” once a month in which interested individuals could come choose (or replace) their chosen mate (or toy).
Walden Macnair looked utterly thrilled at the prospect of picking out a new toy. There were rumors that he had already broken the first one. Young Theodore Nott, followed by his father, was a sick shade of green. It was highly likely he had attended school with most of the girls before him.
“Finally convinced to pick one out, Dolohov?” Macnair sneered. Antonin, the large man that he was, stared down at Macnair.
“Not today,” He stated, his tone stolid.
Macnair scoffed and walked over towards one of the girls, her gaze focused firmly on the floor. He grabbed a handful of her dull, black hair and pulled her head back, revealing her face. She could have been attractive in her past life. However, it was difficult to tell from the scars on her face.
“What’s your name, bitch,” Macnair growled. The girl glanced around, searching for anywhere else to stare besides Macnair’s sweaty face. Her dead eyes met Theodore Nott, who held his hand over his mouth, likely to keep anything unsavory from coming back up. They looked about the same age.
Cold eyes still on Theodore, the girl answered in a raspy voice. “Cho.”
Macnair smirked, releasing Cho from the grip he held. He glanced over at Alecto. “This one. I want this one.”
Alecto gave a shark’s smile. “Maybe you won’t break this one.”
A flash of fear passed over Cho’s features as Alecto removed the restraints placed upon her. The girl would have a better chance at life in Azkaban.
Macnair left with Cho in tow. Antonin could not feel worse for the girl. Theodore Nott and his father left as well, likely because Theodore could no longer hold the contents of his stomach.
Throughout the exchange, Rabastan had kept his eyes locked on a girl that Antonin could only describe as wispy. She had white, blond hair that was matted around her head. Her lip was split and her nose somewhat crooked as though it had been broken.  Antonin watched as his friend took a step towards the willowy girl.
“The nargles seem to have found a hive in you” She said, her voice soft and distant. The trance she held Rabastan in was broken by the barking of Alecto for the girl to “only speak when spoken to”. Rabastan glared at the squat woman.
“Please remove her restraints,” He said.
“You don’t want that one. She’s barmy,” Alecto jeered.
“Remove her restraints,” He growled, the statement no longer a request but a demand. Alecto huffed but did as she was told, though she pulled on the wispy girl more than necessary.  The girl smiled at Alecto as the last of the restraint was removed.
Alecto looked as though she wanted to murder the girl right where she stood, however one glare from Rabastan led Alecto to stand down.
The trio left the cold, “choosing” room and walked towards the office where Rabastan would sign papers official making the odd girl his. It reminded Antonin of purchasing an owl.
At least an owl could defend itself from its owner.
The girl, whose name they learned was Luna, turned out to be pleasant even as everyone around her decided her fate. Rabastan was utterly captivated by her presence, causing him to write down most of the information in his paperwork incorrectly. Dolores Umbridge, or the Toad, as most Death Eaters dubbed her, grew very impatient with his mistakes, though refused to say anything in fear of the Lestrange name.
The Toad eyed Luna up with a curled lip, and Luna did just the same. The blatant loathing was not lost on anyone save for Rabastan. Once the paperwork was done, Antonin was all too ready to leave the tense air that had built.
“Umbridge!” A voice shouted, accompanied by the sudden opening of the office door. In the doorway stood Amycus Carrow with a meek girl in tow. He threw her to the floor at Antonin’s feet.
 A magical signature, his signature, seemed to tease him as he took in the girl at his feet. Her very being seemed to call to him in the same way his wand would. Another extension of his hand. He could feel the magic reach for him as it seemed to bleed from the girl, tendrils of energy pawing at the legs of his trousers.
“What is the meaning of this Amycus?” The Toad shrieked in her shrill voice. Amycus sneered, and glanced down at the tiny girl with a rat’s nest for hair.
“She’s already been claimed, Dolores! She has the fucking stench of another wizard’s magical signature all over her!” He raged, spitting ruefully on the girl. The Toad gave out a ‘tut’. Amycus shoved his way to Umbridge’s desk, stepping on the girl in the process. The cat pictures that covered the office wall meowed in unison.
While Umbridge and Carrow argued back and forth, Antonin and Rabastan made no move to stop Luna as she made her way over to the girl and crouched down. She moved the girl’s hair so that her right cheek was visible. Luna softly touched the girl’s cheek, wiping the spit away.
“Hermione,” She whispered. The arguing stopped as the room became focused on the two girls.
“I will have you know, Amycus, that Hermione Granger has not already been claimed. I saw to that myself!” Umbridge huffed indignantly.
Antonin could not keep his eyes off Hermione Granger. He’d had encounters with her during and after the war, however the most vivid he could recall the was Battle of the Department of Mysteries. She’d silenced him, taking him by surprise. In response, he hit her with a curse of his own design. Her internal organs should have contracted into themselves, crushing her internally.
She should have been dead.
He wasn’t ashamed to admit that he still thought of her occasionally, wondering if his curse had left any lingering effects. It wasn’t everyday someone survived one of his curses. Was this why he could feel his magic bubbling beneath her skin?
“Check then. I tried to bond her to me, and the bond was rejected completely.”
Umbridge scoffed and moved from around her desk, taking her wand out and pointing it at Hermione. She whispered an incantation. The Toad frowned as a glowing line began to form from Hermione’s breastbone to hip.
“How is this possible?” She whispered in bewilderment. She looked at Antonin, suspicion in her eyes. “It’s your magical signature.”
“What the fuck Dolohov,” Amycus growled, pulling his wand from his pocket. Antonin returned the gesture, his eyes glinting dangerously.
“I wouldn’t, Carrow,” Antonin stated, his voice low. Amycus Carrow might have been a brute, but even he had enough sense to realize there was no logic in engaging in a fight he wouldn’t win.
“Remove your magic, Dolohov. She’s a mudblood. My mudblood.” Amycus stated. Through the exchange, Luna had helped bring Hermione to her feet and the two stood in the background, watching the exchange of Hermione’s fate.
“I don’t believe so, Carrow. In fact, it sounds as though she’s mine.” Antonin smirked, eliciting a growl from Carrow. Carrow was quick, but Antonin was quicker, especially with Rabastan behind him, wand drawn.
Wand still trained on Amycus, Antonin backed away until he had reached Hermione, putting a soft grip upon her elbow. The touch alone was electrifying as his magical signature within her was reunited with its master. He felt his blood begin to sing and the hair on his arm stand on end. “I’ll be taking her with me.”
“Mr. Dolohov, there are still piles of paper work to be completed,” The Toad shrieked. Antonin put a steady arm around Hermione and began to guide her from the office.
Antonin gave no response, instead choosing to continue his impromptu adventure. He pulled Hermione further until she simply gave out and fell to her knees. Her breathing was shallow, and her body trembled as she fell. Antonin grabbed her and pulled her into his arms, taking her to her salvation.
Watching the scene, Rabastan grabbed Luna’s hand to leave. Unable to help himself, he turned back towards Umbridge and winked, booming laughter emitting from his lips.
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ourpyrrhicvictory · 5 years
the lestranges knew about the prophecy
they didnt know all the details, but they knew there was a spoken threat
and they were led to believe it was the longbottoms
they were tom’s failsafe. it’s why they go after the longbottoms when voldemort disappears
because the potters are dead, and it CANNOT be a child that took out voldemort
there had to have been a bigger plan
there had to have been more to it
alice and frank didn’t even know
they had less information than the potters
and they were tortured for it
tortured because they didn’t have the answers
tortured until they had no answers left to offer in their place
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knowshisowna · 5 years
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HEADCANONS | bastan + emotional tethering.
WITH BASTAN , there is a good heart in there somewhere , and there are a slim few people who have witnessed it , but he was shamed for it so often growing up —called weak by his father and worse things by his mother— that he actively fought against it whilst also trying to protect it from everyone else. it’s why his disassociation / derealization is so severe by the time tom gets ahold of him. he felt like he had to be two people. he also felt like he had to distance himself from everyone and everything. it was his only escape from his mother’s rage and his father’s negligence , the only way he could keep out of rodolphus’s shadow , which was large enough to encase him , to smother him. it was the only way to survive.
regardless of this , there are several people who are able to tether him to himself because of the bond formed with those people during his most innocent times , people who he knew him very young and who were able to make an impression on him before his parents scarred him permanently. the main connection is of course NARCISSA , who he was closest to in age and in etiquette. her older sisters scared him in their own ways , andromeda by accident and bellatrix on purpose lmao , but narcissa , whatever her motives may have been at any given moment , was easier for him to be around and bond with even if it wasn’t immediately as deep for her as it was for him. he trusted her always , and he trusted her with his feelings for her even when he believed she didn’t reciprocate them.
 therefore , between her nicknames for him and certain touches they have shared since they were kids —hands on cheek which directly combats his memory of his mother’s hands on his cheek or holding hands / linking arms or resting her head on his chest— she is able to tether him. because of his feelings for her and the connection he has to her , because of the amount of his best parts he’s handed over to her ( perhaps even subconsciously for safe keeping ) , she has the ability to do this for him without actively trying. most of the time , she’s unaware that she’s doing it. but it’s because he loves her that he can actually tether himself through interaction with her. that’s how strong she makes him , not because he leeches energy off of her but because of what she inspires in him. it’s like the warmth from a fire. she loses nothing , is most often even unaware that it’s happening , and he’s able to heal himself through his love for her. but he’d vowed to himself that he would never let his love for her hurt , so he wielded it as something else.
RODOLPHUS , ironic as it is , also of course has this ability , but it isn’t as natural or effortless as it is with narcissa nor as easy as it should be for brothers , but they were born into combat. their parents pitted them against each other any chance they were given. rodolphus had to learn how to calm his brother. he had to gain his trust and prove to him every single day that he wasn’t like their parents , that he wasn’t willing to sacrifice his brother for success. rabastan had to ease into this as well , and rodolphus had to learn how to express himself with his brother in ways that would signal support and understanding , mainly because a ) rodolphus is not great at expressing himself vocally outside of charm or blatant manipulation and b ) because rabastan is not perceptive or trusting of random or rough touches. it will put him on edge and thus on the defensive , and although you may not be able to detect it , it’s an immediate disassociation and he reverts to the personality traits adopted through tom / bellatrix / rodolphus / being soldier under them. hence , a hand to the side of the neck , a touch of the foreheads , or a hand over the heart are all touches rodolphus uses in order to calm his brother or say “ hey , this is your brother speaking , not your leader or the death eater , rodolphus ”. the main reason these touches work is because rabastan realizes how difficult it is for rodolphus to be this way , soft or gentle or vulnerable , even when it’s meant to manipulate. plus , rabastan can read his brother better than most. few people ever see that side to the elder too , but he’ll get his own meta shortly.
ANDROMEDA is also able to tether him , but she can also have an adverse effect on him. it’s almost confrontational or contradictory how her touch affects him sometimes , and while it’s not like he can foresee her betrayal to her family —and his— it’s almost like it’s a fear he develops over time. because usually andromeda isn’t scared to tell you how she really feels ( in our experience ) , so it’s possible he just senses that there is something he can’t entirely trust. nonetheless , growing up together leaves an imprint , and if she’s actively trying to pull him out of a mood or showing genuine concern for and focus on him , which she does do when she’s mentally present , it’s easier for him to trust her , to trust that she’s actually real and that he is too when with her. however , if she is involved in the conflict or the opposition in it , it’s almost impossible for her to help him or get through to him even through touch. and in those moments , it’s actually best she keep her distance. not because he would hurt her because he might run , which is worse for . . . the first expendable he comes into contact with. in the verses where she stays and / or their relationship evolves into a romantic one , the adverse effects fade relatively quickly, and he is much more capable of trusting her intentions and remaining mentally present as well.
BELLATRIX does have the ability to tether him , but it is not always a good thing because of course , bellatrix learns how to use it to her advantage eventually. his respect and love for her , whether familial or otherwise— stems FROM the disassociation , from the darker parts of his personality , and from his bloodlust. that’s how they bond , and so why would she have any effect on keeping him tethered without reason ? she wouldn’t. if anything , she would rather do the opposite and set him loose. but over time , she realizes there are benefits to being able to keep him present , and then a long time later , there are actual times when she does it out of concern once she’s actually developed a connection to him. either way though , comfort is obviously not a priority goal for bellatrix , so it isn’t often she would be the one to ground him because they are hardly ever in a situation where she would need him to be or where he would go to her for it.
the only other person capable of grounding him , although not in the ways the others are , is FENRIR. fenrir mostly likes to keep him in check for self - preservation , especially during draco’s sixth year because of how on edge bastan is. but during the first war , it was bad because bastan was young and bloodthirsty , and he didn’t have the control he has when he’s older —really it’s something else that slows him down after azkaban but alas— so fenrir had to develop a way to keep him mentally present when they did jobs together during recruitment or just when he was around the pack. in those months they spent away and abroad together , bastan had no one else , but he formed a bond with fenrir , and so eventually , they were able to calm each other to an extent. bastan is the only person fenrir actually LISTENS TO without material incentive because he trusts bastan and his intentions. bastan treats him like an equal unlike rodolphus and bellatrix and antonin , so naturally , the trust builds. that’s also another meta entirely , but the point is that fenrir  —who is a pack dad of hundreds of kids and actually does need some kind of bedside manner to lead all these wolves without using fear and risking betrayal or mutiny— is able to bring bastan back to himself if need be.
and this all sounds good and fun , but the fact of the matter is that rabastan’s codependency runs DEEP and goes unchecked and only transplanted onto other people , and he covers it up with blood. so the whole thing is really a vicious cycle of ‘ if he’s alone , he’s a threat , but if he’s with a loved one , he’s just … a slightly smaller threat but that’s mainly due to these people being scarier than him on any day so. ‘ but the good news is that as he grows older , especially during azkaban and then after he finds out about draco , he learns how to manually mend attachments to people so that they become a luxury rather than a necessity. 
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archopv-blog · 6 years
SQUAD HEADCANONS | headcanon 002: the puri.
rabastan tyrion lestrange ( 65 - 72 ) amycus mattias carrow ( 66 - 73 ) evan erasmus rosier ( 65 - 72 )
most would have been rather surprised to find evan rosier keeping company with the likes of amycus carrow. it was no secret that he absolutely despised brutes and bloodshed. so messy, so sloppy, so archaic. he preferred a cleaner order to things, and the younger boys such as cassius mulciber and ambrose avery had been on evan’s bad side before due to their disregard for honor. nevertheless, a deeper look made it quite easy to understand.
to start, the lestranges, the blacks, and the rosiers had always been a deeply intertwined web of respect and unity. rabastan and evan had known each other quite early in life, their fathers quite close during their time in the dark lord’s smallest and most intimate circle. friendship was easy to come by for two quiet and introverted boys who would rather find ways to entertain themselves than worry about how everyone else entertained one another. evan was a boy of elegance and nobility whilst rabastan was a boy of class and intuition. by the time evan found solid proof of his friend’s bloodlust, it was far too late, and he never would have abandoned his closest comrade.
amycus’s taste for violence was a bit easier to recognize, but it was easy for evan to see that he wanted to be good. the fact of the matter was that amycus had been born and bred to be a chaos, and there was no stopping that the older they became. still, he used evan as an anchor to a reality he was swept from far too often, and outside of that, he and evan got along quite well. they enjoyed many of the same things, and they understood each other well, so their friendship came as an exception, which was something coming from evan.
in their later years, rabastan and amycus complimented each other quite well. they both had an affinity for violence albeit they satisfy it in different ways. amycus likes the torture, and he likes to use his wand for such things, but of course, outside of school during his teen years, he did not have the freedom to do so. it is rabastan who teaches him to use his hands, and although amycus doesn’t much like it, he can appreciate the option. still, rabastan very much preferred something bloody, something exerting, something that made him ache in the end. he wanted to feel at least a fraction of the pain he inflicted, and that was the difference between him and amycus. amycus wanted to inflict pain on others. rabastan only wished to share his own. still, this dark intrigue brought the two together quite quickly, and with rabastan’s help, evan warmed up to amycus during their fourth year.
the one thing that ties the three together is the emotional range they display. amycus tends to wear his heart on his sleeve in many ways, putting all of his feelings on display all over his face and being unable to elude it. rabastan, much the same, has a heart filled with many types of things, love and hatred alike, and all of these emotions tend to manifest in either something beatufiul or something tragic on any given day. he is much more composed than amycus, but he will never be as composed as evan.
evan is almost two people, the undone and the divine. in company and around the society, he is the picturesque embodiment of the elegant gentleman. he hardly wears anything outside of dress robes, and he feels naked without his tie. however, there are moments of great anxiety where any tie is too tight, and his clothes feel two sizes too small. he can sometimes be reckless when in the shadows, hiding away from himself, becoming someone else with wild hair and wild eyes and a heart too big for his body. but a few people are able to bring him back to himself, and if not, he forces himself back into that mold he is meant to fit. perhaps it is this undone version however that acts as the glue between him and his friends so that there is some cohesion. he himself doesn’t find blood particularly enticing, but he respects that rabastan knows how to keep his affliction a secret, and he knows he also keeps amycus in check.
when they join the ranks of the death eaters, they all take their marks together prior to their final year. for evan and rabastan it was a given, despite evan’s indecisiveness over the matter altogether. evan had honestly considered evading that position, but he knew his father, one of voldemort’s originals, never would have allowed that without forsaking his son. amycus was an easy sell in addition though, and so all three were able to take the mark at one time.
during the initial months, all three of them had their doubts regarding the war. rabastan’s cause and voldemort’s cause didn’t quite align. rabastan would rather hunt and enjoy that hunt, but now, he did it as a job, and it was not as enjoyable with much less freedoms. amycus liked the idea of being part of something bigger than himself, but it also required much discipline he had struggled to learn all of his life, and it was a struggle to start. he depended heavily on not only his friends but his sister, who had always been the one person able to truly save him from himself on the worst days. and of course evan had his judgments, his own beliefs not all as extreme as those he was surrounded by, but he had a duty to his family, and family came first.
still, they survived the beginnings on one another’s shoulders, and the vast differences were severely complimented by the firm similarities. each with their own pressures and responsibilities, they took what they were given in the world, and they made due. silent but all too dangerous, their skill was something to be admired, even amycus who lacked the control that evan excelled at. nevertheless, they were integral, and they kept each other motivated to serve.
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medalloway-blog · 3 years
Tedromeda fanfics
As time goes by I start to think this is the relationship I am more curious about in the whole HP universe. Ted Tonks is the Hufflepuff whose love and patience won Andromeda’s heart. Andromeda is the Black that got away and, despite the hardships, had a full and happy life. Teddy is her shining star, her beacon, in the end. 
Tedromeda is one of the best love stories in canon. And yes, for fancast I really like Keira Knightley and James McAvoy for Andy x Ted. 
Below I leave a (long) list of Tedromeda fanfics, some I’ve read, others are still pending. Leave your suggestions!
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the lost generation (Chapters 5, 12 and 17) by Jennbob | Multichapters - Ongoing | Wolfstar and Jily | I sincerily worship the way Andromeda is portrayed in these chapters, her relation with Cissy, Sirius and Ted Tonks is, in my opinion, brilliantly explored. In fact, this fanfic does an amazing job in portraying the Black family, Regulus and Alphard Black are two other characters I am particularly fond of in this fanfiction. 
Summer of 72’ by @padfoot-prongs-and-polaroids | Multichapters (9 so far) | Ongoing | Tedromeda | This is the story of the summer Andromeda Black and Ted Tonks fell in love. The thing I like the most in this love story is how support characters are developed and their stories intertwined with the two main characters - Andy and Ted. It’s a comforting love story, I am enjoying a lot reading it.
all is quiet in the clearing by slyther_ing | Oneshot | Tedromeda | His one regret, at the end of it all, is that he cannot turn back time and bring them both to the nights when Dora had settled into the deep slumber of a baby and they had watched her ever changing hair. This is a sad-slash-angsty oneshot, but very beautiful and profound about the last moments of Ted Tonks. 
waiting in the dark by amberwoods @merflk | Oneshot | Tedromeda | Andromeda's parents are part of a political movement trying to get Lord Marvolo into power by any means necessary. Sometimes, they take prisoners. It's Andromeda's job to take care of them.However, something is different about the latest unexpected guest. And he might just change Andromeda's entire life. A powerful and beautifully written piece of fanfiction. 
Night and Day by C.Queen | Multichapter (19) Complete | Tedromeda | Andromeda Black is anything but thrilled when she's forced to tutor Ted Tonks, a Muggleborn. The goofy, clumsy Hufflepuff isn't like anyone she's ever met, and he just might be teaching her a thing or two along the way.
Lessons by womeninthesequel @women-inthe-sequel | Oneshot | Tedromeda | No matter where she goes or what she does, Andromeda can't forget her childhood lessons. A powerful oneshot about Adromeda’s decision to leave her family.
Can’t Take My Eyes Off You by @siriusuntiltheveryend | Oneshot | Tedromeda | A short and cute drabble with Ted flirting Andromeda.
They Can’t Destroy Us by @xomarauders​ | Oneshot | Tedromeda | A safety and conforting oneshot about how Ted saves Andromeda, or in other words, how love saves Andromeda. I really like this one too.
Follow your heart by CharisaAce | Oneshot | Tedromeda | The five times Andromeda Black turned down Ted Tonks, and the one time she didn’t.
tell me how all this, and love too, will ruin us by thewhitebirds | Oneshot | Tedromeda | Three conversations shape Andromeda Black's love story (one with a sister, one with an uncle, and one with a daughter).
summer in the city by thewhitebirds | Oneshot | Tedromeda | The fateful days before, during, and after Andromeda Black's infamous elopement in summer 1972.
Run Away with me by diva.gonzo | Multichapter (9) Complete | Tedromeda |  Andromeda Black receives a letter from home - and throws her life into a bubbling cauldron of personal ambition versus family duty. And then there is the complication of Ted Tonks in her life. What shall the Slytherin Head Girl do?
Blackbird by artemis15sc |  Multichapter (60) Complete | Tedromeda |  Andromeda knows who she is, but when she's forced into an arranged marriage, she dreams of being something else. Enter Ted Tonks, the spontaneous muggleborn with a quirky grin and a habit of showing up at the worst of times. He's everything she never wanted, but she's still drawn to him. Though with the darkness rising around them, now may not be the best time to learn to fly.
BlackBird Singing by artemis15sc | Multichapter (30) Complete | Tedromeda | Ted and Andromeda thought after everything they sacrificed to be together, the worst was behind them. They couldn't be more wrong. As Hogwart's new out and proud mixed-blood couple, everyone either loves them, hates, or wants something from them. The honeymoon is over. Time to face reality.
Boom Boom by Lilae Kane | Multichapter (5) Incomplete | Tedromeda |  Andromeda Black is always a little too curious about things, Ted Tonks gets a little too sad sometimes, and a chance explosion in a potions classroom will change everything.
How the Badger Courts the Snake by CokeBottleK |  Multichapter (7) Complete | Tedromeda |  She was a Slytherin, he was a Hufflepuff. She was a Black, he was a Muggle-born. They shouldn't have been together at all. But they just couldn't help themselves. Unfortunately, not all chapters are accessible, no idea why. 
Sweat the Battle by ikorous | Multichapter (Ongoing) | Tedromeda | Andromeda was a Black and the whole of the wizarding world knew what that meant- strict social structures, timeless traditions, and a historical linage she was supposed to continue. But Ted Tonks was not from the wizarding world and his interjection into her life made Andromeda question everything she had ever been told. (added to the list 25th April 2021)
the ruler of men by chill_mee | Multichapter (43) Incomplete | Tedromeda | Contrary to popular belief, Andromeda Black was not a well-behaved Black that changed when she fell in love. She always felt asphyxiated by her toxic family. This is her story: growing up, rebelling against her family, running away with a muggleborn, and watching her loved ones die. (added to the list 25th April 2021)
The Princess and the Hufflepuff by smartvpants | Multichapter (25) Complete | Tedromeda | Andromeda Black is an obedient daughter. As the middle child of well-connected purists, she's fully compliant with their plan: graduate with high-level NEWTs, marry Rabastan Lestrange, and settle into a life producing pure-blooded heirs. But there's no room in her parents' plan for her own Slytherin ambitions, and it's not the sense of purpose Andromeda would have chosen.Ted Tonks is a muggleborn. He's gotten too used to lying to his muggle friends about where he goes every school year. The handsome and charismatic Hufflepuff has a lot of friends, but he feels restless. Then Andromeda Black appears in the dungeon corridor where he's chosen to finish off his summer stash, and a fire is lit inside him.It's a bad idea: a muggleborn and the daughter of one of the "Sacred Twenty-Eight"-- especially as Voldemort and his followers become increasingly brazen in their attacks on muggles. But Andromeda and Ted can't keep their hands off of each other, and they're willing to risk it all for a tiny slice of happiness in an ever-darkening world. (added to the list 25th April 2021)
Andromeda Black and the Fight for Freedom by RoLouG | Multichapter (22) Complete | Tedromeda | Andromeda Black has never quite fit in with her sisters. As she starts her fifth year at Hogwarts, she meets Ted Tonks, and she begins to grow apart from her controlling family. But the new life she forms for herself will be anything but easy. (added to the list 25th April 2021)
Let me know if you have any other suggestions to add to this list.
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vcnityemma-blog · 7 years
Emma Vanity + Slythersquad Aesthetics 
Commandeering the commons for weekly game night, girls vs. boys and/or slythersquad vs. slythersquad jr. 
Making posters and banners for Quidditch matches and getting way too over-the-top about them. 
White Elephant secret santa every year !! 
Summers spent at the lestrange pool always ends up with everyone soaking wet, as well as games of chicken and pranks ensue. 
Slythersquad being fiercely protective of Slythersquad jr. 
Everyone’s birthday is on the calendar in the commons and everyone’s birthday is celebrated differently.
No rules quidditch games for fun on the pitch. 
Group holidays to the seaside or the mountains + all the memories. 
Evan constantly taking pictures of everyone. actually being good at it too.
Nobody knows which sweater belongs to which person but they don’t care anymore.
Group study guides + group tutoring sessions for Slythersquad jr. 
Female side of Slythersquad doing that thing where nobody actually says anything but they have a full conversation.
Male side of Slythersquad annoyed by that + talking in their own code.
Amycus is Slythersquad dad, Emma is Slythersquad mom.
Evan makes food for all the parties.
Rod makes sure nobody fails potions.
Tally marks on the wall on the number of times Slughorn looks like he’s regretted every life decision he’s ever made.
Christmas is a huge ordeal and nobody is left out + epic snowball fights.
Halloween is also a huge ordeal, and group costumes are a thing.
Slythersquad girls having cuddle puddles + hair and makeup on point.
Swear jar is a thing. A joke, but a thing.
Douche-bag is also a thing. Evan is currently winning.
Barty and Reg are the unofficial official smols and are therefore in hazing phase.
Rab is sort of still in hazing phase too tbh.
Narcissa is the girl group favorite Slythersquad jr. Emma is the girl squad mom, and has named her princess. 
Group leaf pile laying.
Group swimming.
Group star gazing.
Drunk truth or dare. Drunk game night. Drunk conversations at 4 am in the commons. Drunk singing. Drunk rapping (in Portuguese) 
Girls have shared clothes so many times nobody knows who actually owns what
There are four beds in this dorm but we use one. 
Someone goes to every club/event for each person. Nobody goes to their cool/lame past time alone. 
Everyone has a partner for class, every time.
Too loud in the great hall.
Nose goes. OR everyone look at Barty at the same time.
2 am study sessions before major exams.
Annual scavenger hunt slythersquad vs. slythersquad jr. always gets too intense. Prize is unicorn headband. 
Slythersquad and Slythersquad jr. being ultimate friend goals !! * heart eyes * 
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camelliacats · 3 years
Where Logic Cannot Intervene
Another oneshot, done for a forum exchange.
Fic: "Where Logic Cannot Intervene" [FFN] [AO3]
Pairings/Characters: Regulus Arcturus Black/Gideon Prewett, Kreacher, Fabian Prewett, & Voldemort, with cameos from others
Rating: M
Words: ~10,970
Additional info: romance, slash, angst, violence, AU fic, sequential, Marauder era, 3rd person POV
Summary: Regulus wanted out, and Gideon was the light to lead him there.
      Regulus Black coughed in the midst of the smoke-filled room. He half mused that he had asthma. If that were true, then he had even less business being in this room, with these people.
      His eyes sidled around the room, taking in the familiar faces. Lucius Malfoy looked out of place here, maybe two decades removed from the times with how he gripped the bejeweled top of his walking stick. Rodolphus Lestrange was better, though his love of all-black clothes only made him that much more conspicuous a person. Rodolphus' brother, Rabastan, was one of the younger ones, a few years older than Regulus, and he had a fag hanging out of the side of his mouth as several of the others did. He didn't look particularly interested in being present. The same could be said of Rosier, Avery, Rowle—and their drugs of choice were all something much more potent, judging by the snorts Rowle made in a back corner of the room and by the white tablet Regulus saw change hands from Avery to Rosier.
      Regulus, on the other hand, closed his eyes. The temptation was there, but he had yet to partake. No. Drugs were a last resort.
      The door to the room opened, and in walked a man in his late fifties, though, looking at him, one couldn't tell that. He looked barely older than Lucius and Rodolphus. That had always interested Regulus. It were as though the man possessed the Elixir of Life…as if such a thing existed.
      "Gentleman," the man greeted them. (If what he did could be called a greeting. "Greeting" had such a positive connotation and therefore didn't fit with the man's image.)
      "Lord Riddle," the gathered mass responded.
      Yes. Tom Riddle. In certain circles, he was just another well-off, old-family patriarch, though that was more because he was the last of the Riddles. But, to England these past several years, he was the fearsome visage publicly known as "Voldemort." Regulus thought nothing of the name—it was just a tactic meant to scare people…though he'd be lying if he said it never scared him when he saw Riddle in action.
      "Lord Riddle," Lucius began. "I wanted to let you know that the shipment arrived safely. Distribution begins later this week."
      Riddle nodded. "Good." He shrugged out of his jacket and passed it to his companion, a woman Regulus had only ever known by the name "Nagini." He didn't know if that was her first name or last name, but she was almost always there if Riddle was. Aside from Cousin Bellatrix, she was the only female to attend meetings regularly.
      Regulus mused about that and how Bellatrix wasn't there today. Likely a bit too unstable, he figured. She had always been a little off, and marrying Rodolphus had made her no better. Though…hanging out with an unhinged Bellatrix was presumably better than being here.
      Riddle cleared his throat and began the meeting, talking in coded language about moving more arms and the latest developments regarding his own version of LSD. Of course, the coded talk seemed like a wasted effort when he showed them a little green pill with an "R" carved into it.
      As the meeting continued and each "Death Eater," as they called themselves, reported on their activities and about their territories, Regulus tuned most of it out. Sometimes he didn't understand why he was at the meetings, when all he was capable of was being muscle. Another ludicrous thought, as he had barely any muscle. But…he didn't want to be a pusher or a lord of war. Regulus just wanted not to feel anything. So going out and getting into fights or knocking someone down a peg—it did well to numb him. That was his only reason for being involved with Riddle's organized crime syndicate.
      The meeting wore on, and Regulus, towards the end, was vaguely aware of Riddle's furtive glances his way. When the session adjourned, most of the members left in carefully selected groups, so as not to draw attention. Regulus remained in his seat until it was just him, Riddle, and Nagini in the room.
      The Black son let his gaze drift towards his new master.
      "Regulus," Riddle said. He held his arms out so Nagini could get his jacket back on him. He straightened and flattened his lapels. "You were quieter than an American politician about Vietnam. I take it you've nothing to report?"
      "No, sir," Regulus replied.
      "Good. If you've nothing to say, then I'm not worried about our clients keeping their mouths shut." He eyed Regulus in an oddly fond way, knowing the things he'd taught Regulus. "Keep up the good work, Regulus."
      The young man nodded and waited until Riddle and Nagini left. Then he released the breath he'd been holding, trying not to think of those things he'd been taught.
      There were some things that couldn't be numbed away, after all.
      Leaving the meeting place—the Cave, some of the older Death Eaters called it—Regulus dragged his feet. He had no desire to head home immediately. Home had been the place to force him into the arms of someone like Riddle in the first place. Granted, now that he was a lieutenant in Riddle's organization, home wasn't as scary as it had been even months ago, when he'd been finishing up his schooling. But still…
      He headed up the street, trying to forget the afternoon's events. His eyes flitted past the other people walking, eyeing instead the buildings in the same neighborhood as the Cave. The Cave itself was just another home in a fairly dense residential area which bled into the city square, which had everything people needed. Like a bank.
      Good god. Why couldn't they just rob a bank or something? There was plenty of danger in doing that, and they could make something of it. Frankly, Regulus was all right with that sort of crime. It was quick and easy and done when the task was finished.
      But this other stuff? The drug-trafficking? International arms trade? The hustling? Regulus was fairly certain there were at least half a dozen other things going on that he didn't even know about, and his stomach turned at the merest daydream of what those things were.
      He sighed and slowed to a stop on the pavement, his hands in his light jacket pockets despite the humidity of the midsummer. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Eventually his stomach stopped doing queasy flips.
      "I need coffee," he muttered to himself, and his feet took him to the nearest coffee shop before his mind could catch up.
      With something in his stomach (the liquid would have to suffice since he had a bad habit of skipping breakfast and nibbling on the odd thing here and there for lunch), Regulus' nerves settled, and his mind escaped Riddle's grasp. For a nice moment, Regulus felt as though he were just like these other normal passersby. Someone even walked into his right shoulder and tossed back a casual "Sorry" before continuing on.
      Yes, the day could be redeemed with a good cup of coffee.
      Of course, Regulus had spoken too soon. He'd just taken another step forward when a voice called him back. "Oi, wait! Hey!"
      He peeked over his shoulder. The person who'd just bumped into him was coming over. Oh, bloody hell. Regulus faced forward and kept walking.
      "Hey!" the bloke called again, and he easily caught up to Regulus, enough so that he could place a hand on Regulus' shoulder. "Hey. Hi."
      Regulus paused and gave the man a look. "May I help you?"
      The man had red hair, as well as blue eyes that popped on his freckled face when he smiled. "You don't remember me," he stated with a trace of amusement in his voice.
      Honestly, Regulus could care less about this person. "You've mistaken me for someone else," he said, believing that to be the end of the conversation."
      "Regulus Black, right?"
      Now, wait a minute. He knew Regulus' name? Sure, Regulus had an unusual name—everyone in his family did; it was a tradition. But Regulus had never done much to stand out. He didn't exactly like standing out. The boldest thing he'd ever done was play footie for his school, but he stopped that the year before he'd graduated.
      The man's face fell slightly when he realized Regulus wasn't even trying to place his face. "Sorry. I'm Gideon. Gideon Prewett? I shared a dorm with your older brother when we were in school."
      Ah. Now things clicked. "Isn't there another one of you?" Regulus asked.
      "Oh, yeah. I s'pose you don't recognize me without my twin." Gideon scratched the back of his head and laughed a little at himself. "I'm just running errands on my own, though, while Fabian's out."
      Regulus grimaced. He didn't know what Gideon Prewett had hoped to accomplish by stopping him in the middle of the street. They'd never been friends. Regulus had known of him, yes, but just barely. Gideon was a year older than him, and Regulus' brother, Sirius, had been in a completely different dorm at their boarding school. Therefore, their prior interaction had been minimal at best.
      Gideon sheepishly smiled as if he now realized the pointlessness of saying hello. "Erm…how are you? You just graduated, didn't you?"
      Regulus bristled. "Yes," he replied curtly.
      Gideon blinked and shifted on his feet. "Um…how's Sirius?"
      It was hilarious. Regulus could see the "Oh, crap, I've stuck my foot in it" look on Gideon's face like neon lights. "Ah… Is that coffee you're drinking?"
      Regulus raised one eyebrow and took a sip. He'd let Gideon flounder a little longer.
      Gideon sighed. "All right, so you're not one for small talk." He sighed a second time and pursed his lips. Then: "Hey…do you still play footie?"
      Well, now, color Regulus impressed. "Not really," Regulus answered softly before he could catch himself. Oh, damn.
      Gideon realized it, too, that he'd gotten his foot in the door. "I envy you. You and James Potter—you blokes were talented at that." He chuckled. "I just trip over my feet—and that's just when I walk."
      The Black son withheld a snort. Oh, damn. When was the last time he'd wanted to laugh? Hell, when was the last time he'd even stopped to converse with someone? Reporting to Riddle didn't count. Getting lectures from Lucius about Regulus' future role in the Death Eaters didn't count. Threatening his parents when they dared to reprise their prior abuse didn't count.
      "So you live around here?" Gideon asked.
      Regulus grumped. "Yeah."
      "Wow. Small world. I used to live in a little town with my parents. Then Fabian and I got into the local university."
      "Studying just the general stuff right now." Gideon scuffed his shoes on the concrete. "I, uh, don't really know what I want to do with my life."
      Regulus softened a fraction. To that, he could relate. "I get that," he mumbled.
      Gideon glimpsed the time on the large clock atop the bank. "Agh, bugger. I need to get back and cook lunch before Fabian swings by." He shook his head. "Sometimes it's more a burden than a blessing, sharing a flat with your twin. I have to feed him more than my goldfish."
      This time, Regulus did snicker. "A goldfish. Sounds ambitious."
      Gideon gave him a look, but he wasn't really put out. He glanced at the clock again and then locked eyes with Regulus. "Well, nice seeing you. Maybe I'll see you around?"
      Regulus pressed his lips together in a flat line and said nothing.
      "Er, right." Still, Gideon wasn't beaten down. He waved as he turned and headed in the opposite direction. "See you, Regulus!"
      And then Regulus was left standing on the pavement with a cup of coffee that had turned lukewarm and a spark of hope in his gut.
      The week persisted with no other excitement. Things had been quiet on the work front, and Regulus had not bumped into Gideon—literally or otherwise—again since. Regulus didn't know whether he should take comfort in his fortune or drown in the realization that everyone his age around him had all seemed to find their purpose in life.
      He pondered that in his bedroom at Twelve Grimmauld Place after a long meeting earlier in the day that Saturday. He had never had any plans for what he'd do after school because, quite honestly, he'd believed he'd be dead one way or another before his schooling had ended.
      One way or another… It was a light way of saying he'd be murdered or he'd kill himself before long. Once upon a time, Sirius had shared a similar fate, because their parents had abused them. But Sirius was the older one, and meeting James Potter and his other mates had changed his life, and he'd run away from the Black household when his sixteenth birthday came around.
      When they were little, Sirius and Regulus had been inseparable, partly because only they knew what they'd suffered. The verbal abuse and the mental anguish and the physical torture—another Black family tradition. And, when Sirius got older, he started talking of escape, and the closer it got to his sixteenth birthday, the grander his promises to Regulus were. "We'll leave here," Sirius had said, his gray eyes warm and sparkling as they'd never done when they were tiny. "We'll leave here and go where they can't find us or won't touch us. And if they somehow come after us… We'll get the authorities involved. And if the authorities can't help, then we'll just end them."
      And Regulus had fervently nodded, not even batting an eyelash at Sirius' loose plan for premeditated murder. But he'd believed in Sirius. Even when Sirius ran away and took up residence with the Potters, Regulus had believed in his big brother. He'd held his breath and borne the abuse with his eyes on the door, believing that at any minute Sirius would come breaking in to take Regulus with him.
      But that never happened, and Regulus had to find his own way out.
      Thinking back on it now, Regulus had to wonder if maybe he'd played into his parents' hands. They were former cronies of Riddle's syndicate, and they'd always wanted Sirius and him to step in and fill their shoes in Riddle's ranks. Even Bellatrix, the loon that she was, was a part of the whole bloody mess, with actual blood on her hands (not that the coppers knew, no, because she was just that good at not leaving incriminating evidence behind—another fact that made Regulus shiver).
      But he hadn't been counting on Riddle seeing something in him. He hadn't thought Riddle would decide to take him under his wing. He hadn't thought that Riddle would teach him ways to scare people—ways to hurt people and to keep himself from being hurt ever again. And so his parents, knowing what he was now capable of, left him to his own business, even though they continued to share the same roof.
      Still, it was a double-edged sword. Regulus was now involved in something that was beyond him and…he wasn't sure he wanted to be a part of it anymore.
      His dangerous thoughts were interrupted by the knock on his door. "Master Regulus?"
      "The door's open, Kreacher."
      The family butler, with his poor posture and gruff face, nudged the door open and brought Regulus a plate of food. "You've not eaten all day, Master Regulus."
      "No appetite."
      Kreacher frowned. He placed the plate on the bed by Regulus' legs and put a pot of herbal tea on the dresser. "Take better care of yourself, Master Regulus."
      Regulus sighed. "I try, Kreacher, I try."
      The butler sighed, too, and shrugged. With his sallow, wrinkly skin, thinned hair, and slightly pointed ears, he'd always reminded Regulus of a grumpy old elf. But Kreacher was good to him. He hadn't liked Sirius very much, but he'd done what little he could to help the boys. It just didn't help that he was also subject to the infamous tempers of Orion and Walburga Black.
      Kreacher exited Regulus' room, and Regulus turned so that his legs hung off his bed. He picked at the food and looked around his room, his mind returning to his previous train of thought.
      He'd joined Riddle's ranks prematurely, two years before he'd finished school. Sirius hadn't known, though, the few times the brothers had passed each other in the hallways, Regulus had gotten the feeling Sirius suspected. Why else would Regulus suddenly decide to wear long sleeves year-round? He'd never been a cutter…but Death Eaters swore their fealty with a macabre skull-and-snake tattoo inside their left elbows.
      Still, the ink had barely dried, the pain receded when Regulus began to regret his decision. He'd heard the news reports. He'd seen the censored photos on the telly. He'd barely had an idea of what Riddle's group was like. And he'd joined it anyway. All in the hopes that it might be something better than home.
      It was something better than home, but Regulus was older, wiser now. He knew more of the details that the press would never know about "Voldemort's" followers. He knew well enough that, even if he had no plans after school or outside this house…the life of a Death Eater was no life for him.
      Regulus got up and went to his closet. He wondered what he'd take with him if he left this place. On the floor of his closet was an old football, and he nudged it with his toe. That spark of hope in his gut reignited, and he placed his foot on the ball, rolling it out of the closet.
      There. It didn't look so out of place, not as much as Regulus imagined it might've. It was black and white, like much of his room. For the first time in a long while, Regulus felt the corners of his mouth lift up. A mad laugh bubbled up in his chest and throat and threatened to emerge, but he caged it.
      This house didn't deserve his smile or laughter. But maybe…maybe someplace (or someone) outside this house of horrors did.
      Aside from asking Bellatrix to help him join Riddle's gang, Regulus had never done anything for himself before. Well, all right, that wasn't entirely true. He'd tried out for his school's footie team. But, aside from those two things, he had never gone out of his way for himself.
      Which was why Regulus was so easily frustrated the following week and a half as he attempted to "bump" into Gideon Prewett on purpose. The meetings at the Cave were the same as ever—Regulus' ward was still quiet, and no clients needed any roughing up—so Regulus could devote his full efforts into "chancing" upon Gideon.
      Finally, two weeks after he'd first met the bubbly bloke, Regulus saw him as he headed into the coffee shop to pick his usual poison. He bought his drink, checked outside the window, and timed his exit perfectly.
      They didn't crash into each other (good thing, too, as Regulus drank hot coffee year-round, and being scalded in the middle of summer was not high on his list of things to do), but Gideon did skid to a halt. "Regulus."
      "Don't sound so surprised," Regulus retorted as he sipped.
      "I didn't really think I'd see you again."
      "…small world."
      Gideon grinned at having his own words thrown back at him. "Very true. I see you've got another coffee."
      The raven-haired male shrugged.
      "Nice day to be out." He nodded to Regulus. "Well, be seeing you—"
      Gideon gawked at him.
      Shit. Oh, shit, oh, shit, oh, shit. Regulus hadn't meant to stop him. But—he just wasn't ready for the chatter to stop.
      "Is something the matter?" Goddamn Gideon and the concern in his eyes.
      "No, of course not," Regulus lied.
      Gideon's surprise melted away as he stared at Regulus. Regulus couldn't read whatever it was in his eyes. "Regulus."
      "Mm?" the shorter said over the rim of his cup.
      "Do you want to catch up sometime?"
      Huh. Did he? Regulus wasn't entirely sure. Yes, he'd been looking for Gideon. And he'd like to talk with him. But "catch up"? "Not really catch up," Regulus confessed.
      Gideon nodded, likely having figured as much. "Sorry I bothered you before."
      "But I'd like to talk again, sometime." Regulus chanced a look at Gideon head on, and his stomach turned, happily.
      The taller man had rosy cheeks that made his freckles stick out sorely. "Sounds good to me," he remarked, with relief in his tone. He glanced in the direction he'd been heading and then looked back at Regulus. "Say… Um. I have to take Fabian his textbook," he said, showing Regulus a large biology book, "because he had an open-book and -notes exam today, and the git never takes notes…"
      "As I said, 'sometime' is fine," Regulus hastily added, his hopes dashed.
      "No, it's just—do you want to go for a drink? Or," Gideon rushed when he realized how stupid he sounded since Regulus quite obviously had a drink, "do you want to go for lunch? My treat."
      Regulus furrowed his brow. "But you're heading somewhere."
      "I'll be back in twenty minutes, tops," Gideon promised. He looked up and down the street, and he pointed to a restaurant with a brown awning and a sign that read "Earth Space." "Meet me there in twenty? It's a much better place than it looks like on the outside."
      "I suppose…"
      "Great! See you then."
      And that was how Regulus found himself in a setting that wasn't Twelve Grimmauld Place or the Cave.
      He had nothing else to do, so he finished his drink and waited at an open-window table inside Earth Space. It was nice in there, even if it was obviously owned by former hippies. And, with the windows open, it wasn't stuffy, which was also nice.
      Considering Regulus often had trouble occupying his free time with meaningful things, twenty minutes flew by before it even registered with him that he was bored. Just in time, Gideon appeared. "We meet again," the redhead quipped as he took the seat across from Regulus.
      "Something occurred to me," Regulus said as a waitress brought them water. "It's summer. Why is he going to school?"
      "Oh, we're both taking summer classes," Gideon corrected. "See, Fabian's dating Dorcas Meadowes, who does have a career plan. She's taking summer courses, so Fabian is. Since he's taking summer courses, I am, because I want to graduate at the same time."
      Regulus "hmm"d. He was envious of that part of Gideon who was still so close to his brother. "You can do that when you haven't decided a track yet?"
      Gideon nodded. "Summer courses are more expensive, but Mum and Dad made it our graduation present."
      The waitress returned. She took their orders and disappeared, and then Gideon resumed their conversation in earnest.
      "So did you ever think about university?"
      Regulus scrunched up his nose. "Heavens, no. I did well in school. Towards the top of my class. But university isn't for me."
      "Aw, why not?" Gideon grinned. "I'll be honest, it's a way of delaying adulthood, if you ask me."
      "That sounds nice."
      "Really?" Gideon raised his eyebrows. "I can't picture that, a Black not wanting to grow up."
      Regulus observed Gideon. He meant no harm, Regulus concluded. Gideon was only referencing the airs past Black family members put on. "Well, picture it. It's sitting right in front of you." So what would Gideon say now? That Regulus was odd and not worth the effort? Maybe Gideon liked being childish himself but wouldn't be around someone equally childish.
      Interestingly enough, Gideon released a sigh of relief. "Oh, good. I was wondering what it'd be like, talking to you for real."
      "You did?"
      "Yeah. I knew Sirius, and we got on okay. But it was obvious he was the Black family black sheep. Your cousins—the ones that graduated before me—they always came across as unapproachable. Well, Narcissa not as much as the rest. Definitely not Andromeda."
      "Andromeda's another black sheep."
      "Ah." Gideon stroked his chin in thought. "Hmm. But you… It was still too early to tell. And, knowing Sirius, I confess I was a bit curious about you." Gideon smiled then, a large but easy smile that was comforting at the same time. "So what's Regulus Black like? What's his favorite color, favorite school subject? Does he still play football? Has he ever dressed like a hippie? Is he a peace-loving bloke?"
      Regulus felt his face warm, and he gulped his ice water down in an effort to cool it. "You ask a lot of questions."
      "I'm a curious fellow."
      Their meals arrived—a salad Regulus could pick at and a burger big enough that Gideon had to cut it in half—and the two men ate. "This is nice," Gideon commented.
      "What is?"
      Gideon gestured to the table. "Eating out with a mate. I'm always with Fabian or Fabian and Dorcas, and then it's not really fair 'cause I'm the third wheel—what?"
      Regulus made a face at him. "I'm not your mate."
      "Oh. Well, sorry 'bout that. Eating out with an acquaintance." Gideon didn't lose his enthusiasm, even after the interruption. "I don't get to do this often. Haven't really made any friends yet at the uni."
      They ate in silence after that, mostly because Regulus was trying to gather his thoughts. He agreed with Gideon—this was nice. He'd never done anything of the sort, either.
      Gideon waited until their food was nearly gone before he spoke again. "I'm trying to figure it out."
      "What?" Regulus looked up from his salad and was startled by the blueness of Gideon's eyes in the late afternoon sun.
      "If you want to do this again."
      Regulus frowned. Wasn't it obvious? "I'd like to."
      "Are you certain?" Gideon frowned, too, and Regulus disliked the sight. Him frowning, Sirius frowning, Kreacher frowning, the Death Eaters frowning—that all made sense. But a frown on Gideon's face somehow looked wrong, even though Regulus barely knew him.
      Gideon stared at him a little longer and then nodded, believing him. "All right. I just—I'm not fond of people who don't mean what they say."
      A lump formed in Regulus' throat. "O-Oh…?"
      "It's a long story," Gideon said, half a grin appearing on his features.
      "For another time, then."
      Gideon's grin mellowed out into that kind smile from before. "Another time, yeah."
      True to his word, Gideon paid for lunch, and the duo exited Earth Space. Regulus stuck to Gideon's side, not certain where they headed but not wanting to part with him just yet.
      "I'd love to do something else, but…" Gideon gave him an apologetic look. "I have some reading to do for one of my classes, and I've been procrastinating long enough."
      "Of course." Regulus cleared his throat. "Thanks. For the meal, and the company."
      "You're welcome, but the pleasure was mine."
      Ugh. Gideon was a gentleman to a sickeningly extreme extent.
      They kept walking until they approached an old-looking, brown brick complex. Gideon turned to Regulus. "Well, this is me. Hey, don't be a stranger, yeah?"
      Regulus nodded.
      Gideon nodded, too. "Erm…shall we do the same again?"
      "That's fine."
      "I have night classes on Wednesdays and no classes on Fridays, so feel free to lurk in the area around then. I'll keep an eye out for you." Gideon winked, and then he went into the building.
      Regulus stared at the door. He lifted his head, looking to the windows and wondering if he'd catch a glimpse of that jovial silhouette.
      Speaking of the devil, Gideon appeared at the third floor corner window on the right. He opened the window and stuck his head out, waving with a goofy grin on his face.
      Regulus waved back, and he had to be the one to leave first when Gideon leaned on the sill, not intending to move. Until he reached the end of the street, Regulus could feel Gideon's eyes on his back. And he rather liked that.
      Regulus now felt as though he was a juggling act.
      The more time he spent with Gideon, the closer he got to the older male. The more he felt as though he'd made a friend.
      But, while some of his afternoons were filled with Gideon, most of his days were still preoccupied with the Death Eaters. And, having befriended Gideon, it made it harder to sit there, in the Cave where the air was half smoke and half hash and the atmosphere was one of hatred.
      The more often he went to meetings, the more Regulus wanted to see Gideon's happy face.
      He did his damnedest, however, to make certain Riddle and none of the others saw him daydreaming. Riddle, unfortunately, was sharp, and he could sniff out the faintest hint of absentmindedness.
      "Regulus," he said lowly after one meeting in early August. As usual, the others had left, and it was him, Nagini, and Regulus in the Cave. "Regulus, Regulus, Regulus, my boy…"
      Regulus' hackles went up.
      "I'm almost saddened there's been nothing for you to handle as of late."
      He knew better than to speak.
      "Perhaps I can find some work for you… Yes, Nagini… Bring me my notebook, from my briefcase…"
      Nagini did so silently (did she ever speak? Regulus had never heard her voice), and she slinked in and out of the room, notebook in hand. Riddle took it from her and withdrew a silver pen from his breast pocket as he flipped through the pages.
      "Tut tut," Riddle clicked his tongue. "Now let's see… Hmm, Meadowes…no, not yet… Bones… No, I'll pay them a visit myself… Longbottom—I'll send Bellatrix… Ah. McKinnon." Riddle scrawled something down and passed it to Regulus. It was an address. "Don't do anything to them specifically yet. But employ the scare tactics I taught you. They've been acting up and need to learn their place."
      Regulus nodded, though his stomach clenched.
      "And have someone go with you. Maybe Mulciber. He needs more to do. He can help. Guide him as you see fit."
      Regulus nodded again and turned to leave, but Riddle called him back.
      "And, Regulus, don't let him bully you around because you're younger. You have higher rank. Put Mulciber in his place, if you need to." Though something in Riddle's reddish–brown eyes told Regulus to rough Mulciber up either way.
      "Yes, sir."
      Riddle nodded his approval and waved the Black son away. "Very well, then. You're dismissed."
      "Hey, did you hear about the satanic ritual on the dodgy end of Carp Street?" Gideon asked Regulus days later.
      Regulus froze and didn't look at Gideon as they walked from Gideon's complex to Earth Space. "No," he lied. "What happened?"
      Gideon shook his head and shivered. "A whole bunch of birds and one neighborhood cat—they were gutted and hung from the branches of the tree in a family's yard." He grimaced. "I know a family on Carp Street. God, I hope it wasn't their home."
      "It probably wasn't," Regulus assured him, though who was he to know? Did Gideon know the police family, the McKinnons? Regulus vaguely recalled a McKinnon girl in Sirius' year, but he didn't know if she was the same as the ones Riddle wanted intimidated.
      "And to hurt those animals… Only someone sick could do that," Gideon added lowly.
      Regulus fidgeted and glanced at his fingernails while Gideon gazed forward. He hadn't been able to get all the blood out from under his nails yet, but at least he wasn't wholly guilty from Gideon's viewpoint. He hadn't done the killing. Mulciber had been more than happy to do the killing. Regulus had just hung them from the branches like morbid Christmas decorations. He didn't really…do killing… Regulus shook some other thoughts from his head. He had to push such things from his mind. He needed to focus on enjoying Gideon's company.
      Gideon glanced at Regulus. "It's scary, what's becoming of the world, don't you think?"
      "Mm" was all Regulus could muster.
      "Regulus, you look pale. Are you all right?"
      "I'm fine," Regulus lied. "I just need something to eat."
      They ate as per usual at Earth Space, but the August heat was quite something. It made Regulus wish he didn't need to continue to wear long sleeves to cover his tattoo, and Gideon mentioned it. "Aren't you hot in long sleeves?"
      "I manage," Regulus said, though he at least gathered his hair up off his neck and tied it back. "There. Better."
      Gideon's eyes lingered on his neck for a moment, though Regulus had no idea why. Gideon cleared his throat and fanned himself as they sat at their window table after lunch. "How about we get some ice-cream next?"
      "Sounds good."
      "Great. I know this good little shop two streets over, if you don't mind the walk."
      Regulus smiled gently, though the expression still felt alien on his face. "After a month of walking up and down Main Street, you finally say that."
      Gideon laughed.
      They went to the ice-cream shop, and the heat felt worse. Two streets over, the road and sidewalks were crowded with people who wanted cool things like ice-cream and iced beverages. As expected, the line for the shop was long, and Regulus and Gideon had to squeeze together to keep their spot lest some parent cut in line for the sake of their child.
      Gideon's hand brushed Regulus' side, and the latter flinched. "Whoops, sorry," Gideon blurted.
      Regulus frowned but shook his head. "No, it's all right." His pulse had quickened at the touch, but the flinch? He knew that was his body recalling the last time someone had touched him, and that had not been a happy memory.
      The line moved sluggishly, but they finally reached the window. Gideon got a cone of cookie dough, and Regulus, who'd never been allowed anything besides vanilla, was adventurous and had chocolate. "You've really never had chocolate ice-cream?" Gideon teased good-naturedly as they moved away from the crowd.
      "Never. And I can't believe what I was missing out," Regulus said between licks. He also wasn't used to eating from anything besides a dish, so he ended up with ice-cream melting all over his fingers.
      Gideon cracked up. He offered him some napkins as they wound their way back to his complex. "Oh, good grief," he chuckled between sniggers. "Just come on up. You can wash up at the flat."
      Regulus' cheeks flushed and not from the heat of the sun. He followed Gideon upstairs—cripes, the stairwell was sweltering—and waited while Gideon got his key out and unlocked the front door.
      "Welcome to Chateau Prewett," the redhead said in a poor imitation of a French accent.
      The younger male snickered. "Nice accent."
      "Oh, shut it, you." Gideon pointed down the end of the short hallway that was the entryway. "Kitchen's on the right, but the loo's directly on the left, so have your pick of sinks."
      Regulus nodded and went for the washroom. He washed his hands, and, once all the chocolate was gone, he took some toilet paper, dampened it, and swiped the sweat from the back of his neck. It felt wonderful to be inside, in air conditioning. "Feel free to turn the AC up, Gideon," he said, leaving the loo and entering the kitchen/living area. He stopped when he saw someone on the couch. "Oh… Hello."
      A face identical to Gideon's stared at him, but something told Regulus right away this person wasn't Gideon. So it had to be… "How'd you know I'm not Gideon?" Fabian asked.
      "Because I'm the good-looking one," Gideon joked from across the breakfast bar beyond the couch. He motioned to his twin. "Regulus, my twin brother, Fabian."
      Fabian gave his twin a scowl. "I wanted to mess with him. You took all the fun out of it, Gid."
      "Yes, yes, now play nice."
      Regulus looked between the two. He wondered if Gideon had been expecting his brother home.
      As if he'd read Regulus' mind, Gideon remarked, "Fabian's last class got cancelled. So here he is."
      "Nice to meet you," Regulus said automatically.
      Fabian tipped his head to him before returning his attention to Gideon. "You should've given me a head's up you were having company over. Dorcas is coming by tonight. I was going to cook."
      "Then it's a good thing I'm here, huh?" Gideon glanced at the Black son. "Between the two of us, Fabian's the one likely to burn the building down. But I can cook. And poor Dorcas. Your cooking is going to force her to cook instead, brother."
      Fabian made a face at him. "Oh, shut it." He crossed his arms in front of his chest and looked again at Regulus. "So you're Black's little brother?"
      Regulus clenched his jaw but nodded.
      "You don't say much, do you?"
      "Fabian," Gideon warned.
      Fabian shrugged. "Sorry, sorry." He still stared at Regulus, who was rooted to the spot. Regulus decided he didn't mind at all when Gideon stared at him, but Fabian seemed to scrutinize him. "So…do you still hang out with those nutjobs?"
      The question came completely out of nowhere. "Sorry?" Regulus said, hating how weak his voice sounded. Gideon yelled at his brother in the background.
      "Well, those types. Bellatrix. Lestranges. Malfoy. Nott. The various others."
      Gideon stomped out of the kitchenette and over to his brother, his face red with anger. "Fabian! Bugger off!"
      "Gideon, I'm just asking. Don't you remember that crowd? Sirius even pointed it out to us in the dorm and told us to stay away, that they weren't any good." Fabian looked genuinely concerned about his twin. "I'm just warning you."
      "And you know what, Fabian? We just don't know Regulus well enough. We didn't back then, and we don't now." He puffed up his chest and walked over to Regulus, placing a protective hand on his shoulder. Regulus was stunned by the warmth of his touch. "I, for one, would like to change that."
      Fabian rolled his eyes and raised his hands in an "Why do I even bother?" gesture. "Whatever. Sorry about that, Regulus," he conceded as his twin continued to glare at him.
      "It's fine," Regulus said, but his response was rather automated, because his mind was fuzzy with Gideon standing so close to him.
      Gideon groaned. "Look, Fab, I'll be right back and I'll cook your dinner for you two after I see Regulus out." He ushered Regulus to the door then, and they left the flat.
      "He's not horrid, don't worry about him," Regulus assured Gideon.
      They were still one flight from the bottom. "No, I should apologize. He's very blunt to the point of rudeness." Gideon shook his head. "I think we look alike partly to make up for the differences in our personalities."
      "Well, if it's all the same to you, I do think you two look different. I could tell he wasn't you right away."
      Gideon blinked, stupefied. "Really? How?"
      Regulus snickered. "You are, as you said, the good-looking one."
      There was a pause, and then Gideon burst out laughing, which worried Regulus for a second. "Oh, wow… You really are a funny one, Regulus."
      "I think I'm being made fun of," Regulus groused with a pout.
      "No, no, never…" Gideon stared at him.
      Ah, yes. Regulus could never get tired of Gideon staring at him, even if it did make him feel a tad self-conscious. Case in point: He tugged the edge of his sleeves down, knowing there was still some dried blood under his nails.
      Gideon glanced at Regulus' hands and took one before Regulus could protest. He eyed the thin fingers in his just-as-pale hand, though Gideon's hands were freckled where Regulus' were not. He thumbed Regulus' nails, and Regulus truly believed he'd been found out and that this momentary happiness would come crashing down any second once Gideon realized it was blood.
      And then:
      "Ah, you've still got chocolate under your nails," Gideon muttered.
      Regulus squeezed his eyes shut tight, guilt weighing him down. He tugged his hand free. "I'll take care of it when I get home," he clarified.
      They marched down the last few steps, and Gideon parted with him at the glass doors. "Hey, Reg."
      It didn't miss his attention, the nickname.
      "I meant what I said, about getting to know you better. More than just lunch dates and ice-cream." Gideon smiled, and pain seized Regulus' chest. "Feel free to drop by whenever you want. I'm sure Fabian will get used to you."
      Regulus didn't trust his voice, so he nodded. Then he turned and headed out. He paused, glanced over his shoulder, and waved at Gideon. Then he headed for home. The trolley ride home was unbelievably long, but it gave Regulus time to think…
      …and the time to realize that it wasn't necessarily pain in his chest but heartache.
      Riddle was proud of the stunt at the McKinnons'. Mulciber kept trying to say that he'd done most of the work, but the other senior members just snickered at him, believing Regulus to have proven his mettle.
      Regulus could care less. His mind was no longer present at the meetings. In this era of drugs and free love and all that other bullshit, Regulus…was actually happy.
      He was happy to have found Gideon. Gideon was someone who could elicit the rare smile from him, someone who'd barely smiled before in his whole life. And it was effortless for Gideon to make Regulus happy. Just being around Gideon did the trick.
      But Regulus understood just how dangerous his feelings were. It might be 1979, but the time of free love was coming to an end, and it would be 1980 in a few months' time. 1980. Who knew what was coming then? Riddle had some new plan, some big plan set up for the end of 1980, though he'd shared no part of his plan with any of them.
      Rightly so. Despite having taken Regulus under his wing, Riddle was right not to confide even in Regulus. Regulus had started doubting his allegiance to the Death Eaters before meeting Gideon. But now that he had met the kinder of the Prewett twins, Regulus had the most dangerous weapon in the world:
      Hope could drive a man to defy the odds and to defy his master. And Regulus Arcturus Black was thinking of just that.
      Still, it was risky. No one left Riddle of their own accord. If they tried, they knew they'd be dead. That was why none of them had ever dared to think it before.
      But Regulus was thinking of it now. "What's it like, university?" he asked Gideon in late August. They were at the flat, having taken over the living room. Not that Fabian minded. Gideon had ponied up twenty quid so that Fabian could take Dorcas to the cinema.
      "Hmm. Difficult work." Gideon sat up from the odd heap they'd made on the floor, taking the couch cushions and throws and blankets to make some sort of nest. But it was comfy, especially with them reading quietly side by side, just enjoying the presence of one another. "But the things you learn—it's amazing. The world's changed so much just in the twentieth century. Can you imagine what it's going to be like over twenty years from now?"
      Regulus didn't touch that. Truth be told, he was still afraid he'd be six feet under somewhere in twenty years, if not well before then. "Do you like it?"
      "I do. The general classes I'm taking now make me feel as though I could be anything I want to be." Gideon laughed at himself. "Do I sound like a child? I sound like a child."
      "You sound like a child."
      "Git." Gideon shoved Regulus' arm, but then he brought Regulus back, hooking an arm around the smaller's shoulders. He reopened his book.
      "Um…Gideon. I can't read like this."
      "Oh, well. I can. So I win."
      Regulus glared up at him. "You're such a prat."
      Gideon raised an eyebrow. "Is that so?"
      "Definitely." But Regulus wasn't struggling to leave the cage that was Gideon's arms.
      "Well, whatever will you do about that?"
      Regulus grimaced as Gideon went back to reading. Gideon always got the better of him, it seemed. So he turned in Gideon's arms, reached up, and—and he touched the side of Gideon's face.
      Gideon's attention was back on him. His book was forgotten.
      Hell. What to do next? Regulus had never been in love before. He wasn't even certain that he was capable of love. He didn't really know the emotion. Sure, maybe he'd loved his brother when they were little and before Sirius had left him to the mercy of their parents. But that was different. And this was Gideon.
      Gideon put his book down. His face moved closer to Regulus'. Once more, those baby blues bored holes into Regulus.
      Regulus held his breath…and then the moment was gone once he caught the sight of his hands. His nails were immaculate this time.
      But last night they'd been coated in Edgar Bones' blood as he'd cleaned up after Avery's torture of the man.
      The Black son turned away at the last moment, and Gideon ended up with his nose in Regulus' ear. The redhead cleared his throat.
      "Sorry," he said, clearing his throat.
      "No, it's—" Regulus stopped. What? "It's fine"? No, it wasn't. "It's my fault"? Well, everything was Regulus' fault.
      But Gideon wasn't convinced that anything had been a mistake. This was made apparent when he simply resettled his arms around Regulus. "Another time, then," he said, and his words were more comforting than they should've been to Regulus.
      Regulus…had never determined how Riddle picked his targets.
      Some part of him believed Riddle liked to choose his victims at random. Other times, it made sense—like the McKinnons. Why wouldn't a criminal target a family of cops?
      Then sometimes Regulus entertained the idea that maybe they were all carrying out the whimsies of a madman whose sole purpose in life was to exact revenge on everyone who had ever slighted him.
      Whatever the case, Regulus knew he'd never fully understand Tom Riddle, and he didn't really want to understand him. He especially began to worry when Kreacher approached him at the end of August with concern lining his aged face.
      "Master Regulus…"
      The house was quiet. Regulus' parents were out, so Regulus was roaming Grimmauld Place freely. But Kreacher's expression had stopped him in his tracks. "Kreacher?"
      "Kreacher's been summoned, sir… By You-Know-Who…"
      Ah. "You-Know-Who." Another name for Riddle, for those who daren't speak his other title. "How? When, why?"
      The butler shook his head. "Dunno, sir… The mistress told me before she left for the evening that he wanted to see me before your first October meeting…"
      How odd. Or maybe not, at least in terms of how Riddle had used Regulus' mother as the contact. But why go through her and not Regulus? A sense of unease developed in the Black heir. "I see."
      "Master Regulus…" Kreacher's eyes were wide with fright.
      "Don't worry, Kreacher," Regulus said with a comforting pat on the shoulder. "I'm sure it's nothing." But Regulus knew that was a lie. Why would Riddle want anything to do with someone's servant?
      He continued to debate the reasons through the next several days, which made it hard for him to pay attention during meetings. Dolohov, greasy Russian git he was, rudely pointed out to Regulus his lack of attention, but at least Riddle didn't call him out on it.
      Gideon noticed, too, his nervousness. They'd begun to have dinner over at Gideon's flat, sometimes with Fabian or Fabian and Dorcas, mostly without, and Regulus preferred to end his days and nights in Gideon's good company.
      "You seem awfully jumpy tonight," Gideon stated, placing a plate of stew and potatoes before the lanky male who sat on the floor in front of the couch.
      "Sorry," Regulus remarked without thinking.
      "It was an observation, Reg, nothing for you to apologize for." Gideon sat on the couch, and Regulus could feel those eyes on him again.
      "Stop staring."
      "Then talk to me."
      Regulus frowned, and he peeked up at Gideon. Hell's bells. He wanted to tell Gideon everything. But…how much could he tell Gideon before Gideon hated him?
      "Regulus." Gideon was imploring him.
      The Black son's shoulders sagged. "I…I'm in a tough spot."
      "What sort of tough spot?"
      "The bad kind."
      "Can I help?"
      Regulus leaned back against the couch, tilting his head left so he could rest it against Gideon's knee. "This helps, trust me."
      "Regulus, I—" He paused and took a breath. "I care about you. I care about what happens to you," he hastily added.
      Regulus weighed his options. He knew he could trust Gideon, someone who'd been so determined not to judge the book by its cover. "I'll only tell you a little."
      "Tell me whatever you feel like telling me."
      The raven-haired man put his plate down, not having even taken a bite yet, and faced Gideon, though he remained on the floor. He fiddled with his sleeves' cuffs again. "I…am involved in something deep."
      Gideon blanched. "A relationship?"
      "What? No."
      "Oh. All right." Gideon breathed a sigh of relief. Good grief, he was beginning to be transparent to Regulus.
      "I…am involved in something. And I want to break free of it."
      Regulus shook his head. "It's not that easy. These people are—" He stopped just short of calling them killers. "They're scary. They're not afraid to hurt others."
      Gideon frowned. He opened and closed his mouth several times. Then, finally: "Is it…your parents?"
      That was surprising. "Why would you ask that?"
      "I…" He fumbled for the right words. "Fab and I knew. About the abuse. Sirius told James and Remus and Peter, and Fab and Frank and I found out when we saw Sirius 'round the dorm. Sometimes he was in rough shape. And then he was better once he started living with James." Gideon reached for Regulus and started gingerly poking and prodding Regulus. "Are you hurt?"
      Regulus swatted his hand away. "No. No, I'm fine. That stuff stopped years ago when I—" Oops.
      "When you what?"
      "I…showed them I wasn't scared of them anymore."
      Regulus hesitated. "You…you weren't interested in me just because you thought I needed saving, were you?"
      Gideon blushed. "No! No, I…" He cleared his throat. "I have to say, it was strange seeing you after all this time, but I…" He closed his eyes and shook his head, groaning. "Are you going to make me say it?"
      "Yes." Now Regulus was curious.
      "It was…love at first sight."
      Well, hell. Neither of them had said anything until now. "Thank you," Regulus said.
      Gideon gawked at him. "That's all you have to say?!"
      Regulus grinned. "Maybe we can finish talking first?"
      "Oh. Um, of course…"
      Regulus closed his eyes, his grin fading. "It's a bad situation, Gideon. I think my only options are to stay…or to die."
      Gideon gripped his shoulder. "I won't let that happen. You can't die."
      "Then maybe there's a third option: Go into hiding. Or fleeing the country. Whichever works out best."
      Gideon made a small noise in the back of his throat. "You definitely need to leave them, then."
      "Yes. But I've nowhere to go." It was true. He couldn't go home. He had no place to hide—
      "Well…you've got me. Stay here. Come be with me."
      Regulus looked up at Gideon and saw the sincerity in his gaze. It was clear that Gideon meant his words and meant it as more than just having a place to crash.
      But, while Regulus appreciated the offer, he wouldn't feel right. He'd only be putting Gideon in danger. "Fabian, too," Regulus told him.
      Gideon's pout deepened to a frown and was borderline grimace. "Regulus, I…"
      Regulus, timidly, reached for Gideon's hand. He'd learned by now not to look at his own hands, lest he doubt his deserving of this happiness considering all that he'd done in Riddle's name. But Gideon was offering him a new life, and the spark of hope in him was flaming up to become a glowing ember, hard to put out.
      Regulus gave Gideon's hand a squeeze. "I've got some things to think out."
      "Please—use the utmost caution." Gideon leaned forward with his elbows on his knees, his supper abandoned. He still had Regulus' hand in his.
      Regulus reached up with his free hand and stroked Gideon's hair. It was the only thing he could "say" at the moment.
      It'd been months, and sometimes it still bothered Regulus that they made no sense. Acquaintances, friends, something more—who in the world had decided that Regulus should find solace in the slightly stocky form of Gideon Prewett?
      Whoever had, Regulus thanked them from the bottom of his heart.
      And it was from the bottom of his heart that he summoned the courage to skulk about the Cave after the meetings, trying to dig up something on Riddle. It was the only way he figured he might make it out alive. Regulus was smart. He could manage blackmail. Probably.
      After all, Riddle wasn't perfect, and he'd slipped up twice recently, mentioning his big plans, talk of "finishing his list" next year or so. So that was how things were. Riddle did have a list of targets he was working on.
      Regulus mused about Riddle keeping such a list on his person. Maybe in that briefcase of his, in that notebook. But the more he mused about the idea, the more he didn't believe in it. Keeping something incriminating with him all the time? Riddle was definitely smarter than that.
      As for the Cave—it was owned by Riddle. No one lived there, but Riddle and his Death Eaters used it. It was like a safe house, and Regulus could easily picture him hiding away his secrets there.
      The weeks passed, Gideon's concerns grew, and Regulus' efforts felt futile when still nothing bore fruit. The Cave was as empty as its moniker implied—maybe there really was nothing there.
      But Regulus' opinion changed when Kreacher came to Regulus before that first October meeting. "Kreacher's supposed to meet him at the Cave," the butler informed Regulus.
      Ah ha. "Kreacher." Regulus rushed to the man standing in his doorway. He spoke in undertones. "When you're done there, come to me immediately and tell me everything."
      Kreacher didn't question him at all. The only person the butler was truly loyal to was Regulus, the boy he'd tried to protect and who'd been the only being ever to show him kindness.
      The wait was the worst, and Regulus tried to calm down by thinking of what might happen after. He had to think he'd live, he had to, for Gideon's sake—Kreacher's, too. After Kreacher was back, he'd send him far away. As for himself—he'd hide with Gideon for a while until he formulated a real plan. And then after… Well, he hadn't gotten that far yet. But something would come to him. He was sure of it.
      And then the night came.
      Regulus had just gotten home from an evening in with Gideon, an evening fraught with autumn chilliness and Gideon being ridiculous and saying he needed someone to warm him up and them being awkward and exploring a new territory that really neither of them were ready for and so had ended with a lot of hands in strange places and mouths just not quite meeting yet.
      Kreacher had scrambled to the door as soon as Regulus had shucked his jacket. "Master Regulus," he bumbled. "Master…!"
      "What is it?" he asked, placing his hands on the servant's shoulders.
      Kreacher was out of breath. "He's… He's booby-trapped the Cave… There's a room… He's keeping things there… It's nothing I'd ever expect to see in Britain, in that calm neighborhood…"
      Regulus waited until Kreacher calmed down. "Kreacher…show me."
      They left at once for the Cave. Regulus halted and checked to ensure the coast was clear. Once certain, they entered. It was as quiet as ever.
      Kreacher led him to the second floor, to a door in the middle of the hallway. Regulus had checked it before, but the door had always been locked. It hadn't bothered him much because, judging by the other rooms on the floor, the footprint of the room wouldn't have been very large, about the size of a closet.
      Regulus tried the handle—and the door swung open silently.
      Kreacher whimpered behind Regulus, who motioned to him to wait outside.
      Inside, the room was no closet. It was deceptively large, about the size of a small office. In the center of the room was a safe. So. Riddle's secrets truly were tangible.
      "Master, be careful!" Kreacher whimpered. And he saw the fear in Kreacher's eyes when he touched the safe.
      Nothing happened.
      Kreacher breathed a sigh of relief. "Can we leave now? Please, Master Regulus…"
      Then the door swung shut.
      Kreacher howled from the other side of the door, and Regulus barely had the time to turn around. He heard a switch flip, and he drew his hand away, expecting that maybe the safe would now be electrified. But that wasn't the case. A metal cage came crashing down around the safe, trapping Regulus. And that was electrified.
      Being electrocuted was, indeed, a new experience for Regulus. He'd been beaten. He'd been cut. He'd been burned—that was a favorite of his father's. He'd been air-deprived—a favorite of his mother's. But electrocution was the best of both worlds—the currents felt like liquid fire through his veins, making him gasp for air.
      Riddle cackled in the background. "Well, well… I've caught myself a rat."
      Regulus could barely turn and face Riddle as the gate lifted. The electrocution had been intended to get his attention. Oh, he was attentive now.
      "You know, Regulus, I had high hopes for you. The others, they're mostly brutes who'd prefer their fists or prudes who won't bother getting their hands dirty—the latter being Lucius' type, of course, and Mulciber the former. But you…" Riddle approached his writhing form on the ground. "You, my boy, I saw in you the possibility to be the next me. I even taught you the ways of the butterfly knife. I taught you how to dissect a person's hand. I taught you how to skin a person. I taught you all the places to slice so that someone might bleed out. But you know what concerned me the most? You took my lessons, but I never got to see you put your learning to good use. And then I thought, 'Ah, he'll grow into it.' Until as of late."
      Regulus gasped for air, but air was returning to his lungs. He could barely get up from the ground yet, however.
      Riddle peered down at him with a frown. "Haven't you ever had my desires? To flay someone alive? To get your own justice?"
      Good grief. Riddle had a warped idea of justice.
      "Come now. I know your parents. I know what they did. Are you telling me that you've never wanted to carve out your mother's eyes and drain the vitreous fluid from them? Or take that lovely knife I gave you—my first, you know—and make a horizontal slice across your father's belly and pull his entrails out like a magician's colored scarves?" Riddle hummed in amusement. "My, I quite like that image, if I do say so myself."
      Regulus sucked in as much air as his pained lungs could handle in that second—and he bolted up, dodging Riddle, throwing open the door, and only wasting enough breath to yell at Kreacher to run.
      They sped down the hallway and flew down the stairs, but Riddle was right behind them. Despite his age, Kreacher passed Regulus. Of course he would. He hadn't been electrocuted—or had he, before?
      "So sorry, Master Regulus!" Kreacher gasped. "He tricked me! The safe was wired! He tried it on me!"
      Regulus didn't blame Kreacher. He had understood the moment the gate had appeared that this had all been one large trap set just for him. Kreacher had only been used as a pawn.
      Something whizzed by Regulus' head and nailed Kreacher in the back, by his left shoulder blade. Kreacher cried out in pain and tripped. The item was a small blade.
      "Don't make me run out of knives," Riddle complained, and Regulus glanced back in time to see the older man draw a pistol from his inside coat pocket.
      Regulus hauled Kreacher to his feet, leaving the blade in, in case pulling it out would be worse. But they were too slow moving.
      Riddle fired off a shot, nicking Regulus in the right shoulder and making him fall forward onto his knees. "Ah, there we are. Groveling is a good place to start, Regulus," Riddle called to him.
      Regulus grunted and tried to get up. But then Riddle was on him, and—with a vicious and audible thwack—he pistol-whipped Regulus hard enough that his head snapped back. Regulus fell in a lump on the ground.
      Riddle tutted at his traitorous minion. Judging by the sounds Regulus heard, Riddle begun to open his butterfly knife. But then: "Hmm, never mind. I find Mulciber's way of doing things lacks finesse, but I just can't find it in me to waste my energy carving you up." He pressed the heel of his shoe into Regulus' chest and bent over, raising his pistol handle out and coming down swinging the handle into Regulus' head over and over and over again.
      Eventually Regulus' vision reddened and then grayed. He stopped moving. He held his breath until it was too painful and until he couldn't hold it anymore.
      Riddle eyed his handiwork and yanked Kreacher up. He wiped the blood off his gun. "You," he said to the butler. "Tell his parents. Tell the other Death Eaters. He's an example." Riddle sniffed. "I don't think anyone else will be turning against me again."
      And so they left Regulus' body for the neighborhood and local authorities to find.
      (But the body wasn't there by the time the emergency responders arrived.)
      If there was one thing to count on when it came to Riddle, it was that his haughtiness got the best of him, and he always thought himself the smartest man in the room.
      It was a small but comforting thought to which Regulus clung as he used back alleys and dragged himself to Gideon's complex. It took him two hours to get there in his current state, but he knew it was worth the pain.
      Riddle hadn't put a bullet through his brain, and that had been his mistake. But, with Kreacher as witness, Regulus stood a chance of starting fresh somewhere new. His only regret was that, as Sirius hadn't done for him, he could not rescue Kreacher. Maybe someday…but not now. And that part of him he despised, because now he finally understood his brother's actions—or lack thereof.
      He could barely open the complex's doors. Once he did, he dragged himself to the bottom step and sat there. God, it hurt to move. Maybe he could nap first. Maybe he could collect his energy before he saw Gideon. He could wash up, make it look not so bad… Then Gideon wouldn't fret so, he knew Gideon would…
      Regulus closed his eyes and rested his head against the banister. He'd just begun to doze off when he sensed someone else.
      "Reg…? Oh, my god, Regulus! Regulus!"
      Shit. Goddamn it, Gideon. Such perfect timing… Regulus struggled to sit up and grin. "'S okay. 'M fine…," he slurred.
      "Regulus! Christ, your head. My god, where have you been?! Your head's bashed in! Oh, my god, Regulus, there's so much blood—!" He could hear the sobs in Gideon's voice.
      "Mm… Hey…you know my plans to leave? Let's have a change of scenery…"
      "What do you mean?! We can't leave, we're going to a hospital, right now! Regulus!" His tone was too heartfelt.
      "No…let's just leave…"
      "What if those people, whoever they are, come after you? They'll come after you as soon as they find out you're still alive—"
      "They won't… They won't find out…and my family doesn't care." Regulus smiled, dazed. "My brother…stopped talking to me a long time ago…and my parents will be glad to hear of my 'death' once Riddle tells them I betrayed him… Oops…" Regulus barely had his wits about him as he realized he'd told Gideon too much.
      But the name "Riddle" meant nothing to Gideon—of course it wouldn't, when the public didn't know that name. "But—"
      Regulus squinted up at Gideon, trying to focus on his face, though it was hard to do when it was so blurry. Regulus' smile was weak. "I hear…Scotland's lovely this time of year, Gid…"
      Regulus reached up and patted Gideon's cheek, only vaguely aware of the irony of it being his own blood on his hands this time.
      Gideon leaned down, crying, and kissed him. It was a kiss with a promise, the promise that maybe Gideon agreed that it was time for them to start anew, somewhere fresh, someplace they'd start their own journey, safely away from this all…from this mess they'd called life up until this point…
WHOOPS. Cliffhanger. ;P But I kind of wanted to do something similar as I did with "broken bones to bemoan"—kind of open-ended…dangerously so. Is Reg alive? Isn't he? I liked the parallels with canon (even Edgar, who didn't die in '79, so I just had him tortured), though writing this AU of Voldemort's gang was just…wow. And Regideon. Wow. I like to think that Gideon got him medical attention and then they did flee to Scotland, but that's just one interpretation. MAN. The violence…I don't normally write violence, but this… Don't do drugs or commit crime, people! *hence the M rating* Also, I think Placebo is the only band to write Regideon to, man… Funnily enough, this was inspired by their song, "I Do," which is a very hopeful song, and thus befitting of this story… (The title is a line from the song.) Just wow. *still in shock* Hope you liked this, Morghen! ;] Not bad for a nonmagical AU, eh?
Thanks for reading, and feel free to leave an anon/unsigned review via the FFN link or comment via the AO3 link at the top of the post, especially if you enjoyed this!
2017 note: :') Deffo still one of (if not the) most violent things I've ever written to date, and this fic is 2 yrs old at this point. :O That said, a lot of this is a decent translation of Voldy's doings and believers for a nonmagical AU, I think. I just—I feel for Reg in this, so, so much. And Gideon, knowing about his childhood and sticking by Reg in the end, giving him the time and space to leave his "bad situation." In my heart of hearts, I like to think that they're all right past the ending here (same as the Marauders in "broken bones to bemoan"), but…at the same time, as with the other story, I can't realistically see it ending well. I just. ARGH. It feels great to have written something this dark, but it still really fucking hurts, man. ;w;
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anemonenemerosa · 4 years
The Spare Chapter 8
Hello fellow people,
the next one.
At first thank you all for reading and supporting me! It really means a lot!
Secondly: this chapter gets dark. So please stay safe. TW for metntal struggles, self-harm and alcohol abuse.
The SW-verse belongs to the lovely @lumosinlove​ and the HP characters to JKR.
Chapter 8
Regulus had always prided himself with his poker face. He could fool anyone… except his mother. She knew he was sitting on something huge and kept pestering him as soon he stepped into the dining room. Despite his mother’s elaborate and well-practiced interrogation methods, he kept his mouth shut. I know your methods, mother but this time I won't give in.
On the other hand, Walburga knew Regulus, too. She knew exactly how to push his buttons but before he could crack, the interview went online and wreaked havoc over the house. It was bad but luckily, in a twisted sense, also bad enough so his mother would suspect this to be his secret, not his brother’s sexuality. For now, he was off this particular hook and had time to bury his secret too deep for anybody to find.
Sirius texted after leaving this morning "Regulus, rappelle moi s'il te plait." Please call me back.
Regulus couldn't. Firstly, he was sure that Sirius hated him now. And justified as it was, he couldn’t hear the prove of it in his brother’s voice. Secondly, the explosion of Walburga and Orion’s wrath, that Regulus fell victim to, left him with the very first black eye his father ever gave him and the promise of his mother to never leave him unsupervised again.
 Now, Sirius has to share this special category of their mother with me...
Every of his steps would be watched now, every word he wanted to say conformed to her liking first. Besides, even if he was brave enough to call, his phone was still spied. Due to his new status, he was watched too closely sneak out and get himself a secret one. Also, Sirius had his people to care and comfort him. He did not need him.
I should have seen it coming, shouldn't I? Once again, Regulus chided himself for keeping his head too deep inside his own ass.
He was aware, that the interview most likely hurt his brother deeply and how remorseful Regulus felt about that now, it was the intention. He also expected his parent’s disapproval, to put it in mild words, but what he forgot to consider was the reaction of the media and public. His brother was beloved and not known for the unfair game Regulus accused him of. While the hurting part probably worked out, the Snakes, but especially Regulus, were caught in the crossfire from angry fans. The whole commotion was, of course, dutifully covered by the media, which circled the progress of events like vultures. Besides the shitstorm he evoked, Regulus really didn't expect the Death Eaters to turn their backs on him immediately. It was their idea after all.
So, the public was ripping him apart and his mother only called to check on his behaviour. Why, he did not know, given that was basically grounded. His father was too disappointed to talk to him at all and the Death Eaters resumed being indifferent towards the rookie while the second and third rank of the team gloated on his downfall. If he needed to get somewhere, Narcissa or Bellatrix kept at his side. NHL-salary was rather generous and they didn't have to work, so the women were free to accompany Regulus to everything outside practice and games, except the bathroom. Narcissa was annoyed and bored by babysitting-duty but Bellatrix seemed to enjoy tormenting Regulus.
Too cruel for her level of madness, this one.
He began wishing to talk to his brother even he would receive a lot of shit for messing up.
"Regulus, rappelle moi s'il te plait." Please call me back. Regulus wanted. But he couldn't.
His blissful mornings of light fiction reading didn't bring him peace anymore. His focus outright refused to stay on the books. His family, the Snakes and the interview with its consequences were all over his mind, suffocating everything else. Regulus stopped talking to people. Not that he was talkative to begin with. All the people mingling with his brain in his past couldn't erase his introverted nature. But his ingrained wariness towards others developed into something resembling paranoia.
The longer he thought about how he had let himself be used by the Death Eaters for their nasty operations, the worse it got. Not for the first time, but stronger than ever, Regulus felt not just reluctance but downright refusal to take part in any of this. The spiteful antics of his family and the Snakes were complicated, exhausting and plainly atrocious.
The stupor he seemed to have been all this time ashamed him... he understood Sirius a little better now and he would really like to talk about all of this. But there was no one trustworthy around, not even Mrs. Kreacher would keep quiet if her mother urged her to speak. Slughorn, the team’s psychologist wouldn't keep shut either if Riddle decided he wanted to know what was going on. Medical confidentiality was a mere suggestion, when it came to Riddle.
Christmas drew closer and with it came all the things Regulus deeply despised: Cheesy music and decorations, ridiculous sweaters, forced cheerfulness, glitter and lots and lots of people. People in every place, at every time; there was just no escape.
This gets worse every year, Regulus had trouble to stifle his grumbling while he shuffled through the overcrowded mall Narcissa had dragged him into for Christmas shopping.
 Where do all these people stay the rest of the year? Is there a special place they are kept just to be unleashed come December? What is even the use of all that cheap nonsense people throw at each other under the glorified piece of vegetation?
Disgruntled as he was, he had to admit that this hell, specifically designed for him, kept him a little distracted from the upheaval in his brain. Fans and media got bored by Regulus lack of response to the interview and stopped caring somewhere along the increasing lunacy that was the Holiday season.
At least they leave the tea in peace. Regulus eyed the menu in front of him with narrow eyes. Is there even a coffee-like beverage left that is not a sugary winter-themed concoction? Wasn't the pumpkin-spice thing enough? Narcissa needed a break and a "coffee", so they stood in the line of whatever type of coffee-shop chain while Regulus' arms were hung with heaps of shopping bags, contemplating to dig himself a grave in his mother’s garden instead.
The call for All Star with Severus boosted his mood for a while. Rookies rarely got the opportunity to participate and he knew he earned it. He was good enough. But of course, the last rookie to make it to Allstar was Sirius, who else, so again it was nothing worth mentioning at home, barely acceptable. But apparently, it was sufficient to placate his parents back to speaking terms.
The Snakes Christmas-party was just as awful as Regulus had anticipated. He was just informed that Sirius would stay in Gryffindor over the holidays. Not that he could blame him but it stung a little. He just really hoped to be able to finally talk to him but couldn't call on an unmonitored phone as his cousins' watch on him did not subside. He wished he could've stayed at home but it was made clear that his was definitely not an option. Regulus dislikes parties any given day. Disliked polite but meaningless small talk, having to feed on tiny bits of food while standing around and wearing evening attire. The prospect of this party, Regulus didn't dislike. This one, he dreaded. Since Thanksgiving and its aftermath, he distrusted most of the Snakes and avoided any contact outside of practice and while he was talking again to his parents, the trust was gone.
"No ifs ands or buts about it! You go!" Narcissa all but dragged him to the Lestrange Estate, where the party took place.
Orion and Walburga were there, too but mingling around with some important and influential people. Probably collecting more information for their pathetic little feuds. As much as he liked sitting in a theatre balcony like Statler and Waldorf from the Muppet Show, taking the piss out of people, this was getting too far to be considered amusing. Also, there was a reason why Statler and Waldorf were a duo.  While never given the opportunity, Regulus suspected that taking the piss off people was more fun together.
The evening went on and the absurd blend of silly games and subtle interrogation subsided into pathetic cockalorum, open hostility and unpleasant jokes as everyone except him got drunker by the minute.
Crabbe and Goyle were the first to succumb into adolescence, reshaping the Christmas pudding into a rather unbalanced pair of -Breasts? Buttocks? A lone scrotum? - while giggling uncontrollably. The same fate awaited about half of the food as the evening went on. The dubious card-game Yaxley and Mulciber were invested with two nameless guys of the third line seemed to change rules by the minute. It came to a sudden halt as Yaxley jumped from his seat and stormed over to Nott, accusing him of flirting with his wife and throwing a badly aimed punch that send a high-priced vase flying instead of crashing into Notts nose. Yaxley’s "wife" was de facto Carrow’s sister while Yaxley’s actual wife was tucked in a different corner, passionately snogging Rabastan Lestrange, Rodolphus' younger brother.
Amidst that ruckus, Dolohov threw up into the glogg bowl.
Regulus leaned against the kitchen counter, decidedly far away from the commotion and stared in disbelief. People... He gave an exasperated huff and allowed himself an actual eyeroll, not just a mental one.
The Death Eaters kept up a bit more dignity. They exclusively stayed in their group, sipping what looked like more expensive booze. Orion was immersed in a conversation with Riddle, Umbridge, Karkaroff and... one of the NHL governors -Fudge? -. Regulus eyebrows went up. Interesting. But no, he would not snoop. He was done with this shit. Much to Regulus´, and judging by his father’s looks, also Orion’s surprise, Narcissa, Bellatrix and his mother showed a lot self-restrain. They mingled with a flock of other hockey wives and it took uncharacteristically long for them -Crabbe, Nott and Mulciber were already passed out, Goyle and Yaxley were close- to cackle and gossip as loudly as at Regulus' draft-party.
Rabastan and Yaxley’s wife were nowhere to be seen and Regulus thought it was rather beneficial that her husband was out cold.
By now, also the -oh so sophisticated- Death Eaters started to act out. Lucius was bickering with Carrow while Macnair drew lopsided phalli on Goyle’s and Crabbe’s faces and a crooked moustache on the bridge of Yaxley’s nose. Close, though.
Severus coaxed Bellatrix out of Walburga’s cutches and started flirting blatantly. Rodolphus watched the scenery with mild interest.
Around the time when one should keep a careful eye on what was on the floor while walking, Regulus snatched himself a piece of the last cake-shaped cake. He was tired and in a sour mood while stabbing at the unsuspecting and innocent slice. Irritated, he thought about his brother, who probably had a lot of fun. While somewhat happy for him, the envy and feeling of abandonment would just not leave, as much as he tried.
Surely, Remus is fucking Sirius' brain out by now.
Regulus' eyes widened.
Did I just say that out loud? His head snapped up, Bella and Severus staring at him, frozen in their tacks. Oh no. Oh no no no nonono! Merde! Shit! Shit shit shit!
But almost instantly the woman doubled over and sputtered vomit all over a very, very drunk Severus, who swore loudly but was unable to wobble away quick enough. Regulus sidestepped the next flood of her sick and excused himself. It was late enough to leave without gaining suspicion. On the way back to Malfoy Manor, he prayed to every deity whose existence he resolutely doubted, that Severus and Bellatrix were too drunk to remember come tomorrow. He considered confessing the maybe/maybe-not slip to his brother. But the call would be noticed and if Severus and Bellatrix indeed forgot about the slip, he would just urge on their memory. Also, his brother would be furious with him and if he ever wanted to make amends with him, wasn't it unwise to piss him off entirely without knowing that it was necessary?
The next days, Regulus was uncharacteristically jumpy. At dinners, he just pushed food around his plate, dreading the things that were to come. But nothing happened. Christmas came around and nothing happened. New Year’s Eve was two days ago, still nothing. If they remembered, I would surely know it by now. Maybe I did not commit the biggest fuck-up of my life.
After hiding out in his childhood room until the All Star-only practices began, Regulus felt somewhat steady. He had arranged himself with the new circumstances, his revised moral-code and set of minds. His life was unsatisfactory and lonely. He was not happy but it was bearable. Practice went well enough. On ice, he could zone-out. What happened in his life was not of importance in the rink. Hockey is about hockey only. Not friendship, not family, only competition. His mantra made it through his mental refurbishment untouched.
What he thought off the ice was written on another sheet of paper.
At of the last All Star-only practices, shit went straight down to hell. The Death Eaters, filling up for Regulus and Severus to practice certain tricks, were in very good spirits. Regulus felt uneasy at the sight of them, huddled together and sneering. Then, he saw it. He looks happy, in love. His brain supplied while looking at the photos before it caught up. The caption, the comments. Regulus went numb, froze on the spot, barely realising he stopped breathing. Things seemed to happen around him but he wasn't part of reality anymore and only snippets penetrated whatever fog surrounded him.
"Thanks for the hint. I finally got the worthless faggot." Severus smirked and threw him an overexaggerated wink while turning to his stall.
His mother called, she was clearly drunk and kept ranting about the shame of Sirius' abnormity gone public and how furious their father was. He didn't bother to really listen but was certain there were no words of support for his brother or concerns about Sirius' feelings. Sirius, who was thrown into the most hateful part of the internet, who just wanted to play hockey and love who he loved, now having his private life on display for the public to rip apart. Their parents, apparently, did not know who let it slip but Regulus was sure, if they ever found out, he was in for more than a black eye.
He desperately wanted to reverse time, make it unhappen but he knew that this was not an option. This was reality.
I messed up. Everything. Je suis désolé mon frère... I am so sorry brother The typical sarcasm and snark usually accompanying Regulus thoughts were long gone.
Mumbling something about extra laps, he turned back to the rink. Nobody said something, nobody came after him. They did not care and that was just what he needed. He ran laps until he was barely able to stay upright, head swimming, thoughts racing around but impossible to grasp, the weight on his chest suffocating. In the shower, Regulus collapsed on the floor. Sitting on the cold tiles, he was breathing hard as remorse, fear and shame mingled together to an unbearable sort of pain. Tears were running down his face, breath only coming in hard chopped sobs.
 Weak - disappointing – undeserving of affection - a meagre replacement, just a spare - not good enough - not fast enough - not strong enough - not worthy – unlovable.
These words kept spiralling in his head as he shoved his hands into his hair and pulled hard. His eyes fell on a shattered bottle beside him. Regulus was desperate to make his brain focus on something else, anything to make it stop. He grabbed the bottleneck and rammed the busted end into his thigh. Regulus did not feel the pain. Everything went blank as he watched the blood pour out of his leg and mix with the water on the floor, shower still running.
The silence brought some peace but something Regulus could not grasp felt off as he continued to watch his blood run down his thigh.
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thirdwars · 4 years
nothing cuts like a mother // a self para.
Featuring: Bellatrix Lestrange. Mentions: Rahim Lestrange, Esmeralda Selwyn, Draco Malfoy, Scorpius Malfoy, Astoria Malfoy, Andromeda Tonks. Timestamp: early december, 2029. 
Narcissa had not invited Bellatrix into her home for nearly half a century. And while that did not mean that Bellatrix had not slithered her way into her home in those five decades, she was quite certain her owl had come as a surprise.
Bellatrix said as much, after all. “I’m surprised you invited me. I was beginning to think you hated me.” 
By now, Narcissa was quite used to her sister’s tendency to manipulate. Besides, she had lost her subtle touch after years of imprisonment, and so she remained still. As a teenager, she might have tried to appease her sister’s fluctuating moods. Now she saw them as something annoying, at most. “Don’t be ridiculous.” A mocking smile. “Insecurity looks horrible on you.”
The decision to invite Bellatrix had not come out of nowhere. Narcissa made calculated moves alone, a habit she had developed after two wars spent in the shadows of the Death Eaters, carefully observing and keeping her mouth cleverly shut. It had become clear though, over the past weeks, that neutrality was no longer an option –– not if she wished to protect her family.
After that realisation, two struggles had followed –– the questions of how and who. With family members scattered over every side of the war, and she stuck in the middle, there was bound to be a betrayal either way.
But when she had seen Rahim’s crumpled form in St Mungo’s, the decision had been made quite easily. Draco and Astoria were capable, and though Narcissa would set the world aflame to keep her son safe, she was also able to accept that he no longer needed her as much. Scorpius fell under their care directly. Andromeda and her family were a secure unit, too, and if Bellatrix were to finally release her fifty year old fury, Narcissa knew she would not be able to stop her. Sirius’ children were stubborn beasts, who she doubted would accept her help or protection. It proved that they were Blacks, if anything. 
It was a process of elimination. One that made her riddled with nausea, a feeling of guilt, but a logical one nonetheless. It had always been easy to take a step back for Narcissa and observe without feeling. 
Rahim was alone. He had his father, but Narcissa did not trust him. He had his grandmother – his official one, that was, as Narcissa considered herself his grandmother too, even if she had never said it out loud – who sat across her now. Her heavy-lidded, manic-eyed, ruthless sister, who spoke of slitting the throats of those she shared blood with. 
She didn’t share any with Rahim. Narcissa did not doubt that Bellatrix was willing to discard of him if he did not satisfy her. She remembered the way she had spoken about Draco, in the previous war, when he had been merely fifteen. 
Narcissa thought that maybe Rahim just needed to fight with him. Someone to side with him. Someone who was not committed to a cause that was lost, that had been lost since Harry Potter had defeated Voldemort in ‘81. 
She put her cup of tea on its saucer. “You know why I invited you here, I assume?” 
“You made up your mind.” Bellatrix looked almost hopeful as she answered her question, but in a terrifying way. In a way that said if you don’t give me what you want, I’ll end it right here.
Narcissa nodded. “I’ll join. Take the mark. Restore honour to the family name.” Empty words she no longer believed in, but she spoke them with easy conviction. “Be at your side again. I’ll need your help, of course.” She, the youngest, the one Bellatrix had once vowed to protect. “I know they don’t trust me.” A look of guilt that held no sincerity washed over her. She kept her mind closed. “That you might not.” 
Bellatrix leaned in. Her face looked twisted, especially with that shimmer of love in her eyes. “You’ll have to proof yourself. I’ll give you my trust,” said Bellatrix. “Though we both know what happens when it is betrayed.”
“I would not dream of doing such a thing.” Narcissa leaned in, too. “Have I not stood by you, all these years? While the rest of them abandoned you? Us?” She leaned back again, took a sip from her tea. “If I wanted to betray you, I would have done so the first time you came here.”
Bellatrix observed her with sharp eyes, and Narcissa wasn’t sure what she saw. She hardly recognised the woman across from her, in truth. “What made you change your mind?”
“Esme. She’s quite persuasive.” Narcissa let her lips curl in a smile, as if she had no power over it at all. Love was a strong motivator, Bellatrix knew that all too well. “And you too, I suppose. I’m sorry it took me so long.”
“All is forgiven. I’ll talk to Rabastan and Augustus, though I doubt they need convincing. We are short on capable members, after all.” It was as close to a compliment as Bellatrix would go, Narcissa knew. “I’ll contact you.” And then, she added something almost sisterly, “I’m proud of you.”
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thorrowle · 4 years
Rodolphus Lestrange had been an inconvenience in Thorfinn’s life for far too long. 
What started off as an engagement to his sister that he never believed in grew worse and more ugly as it developed, ending in abuse and fear. Then, after hurting his family, Rodolphus went and got himself in the middle of an investigation that not only put himself and his friends in danger, but once again put his sister in the middle of it all. Risking the Cause didn’t matter so much to Thorfinn; he knew someone would deal with him to get rid of any ties to the rest of them, so he didn’t worry about that. He worried once Sienna was called to testify against him, especially since he sincerely suspected it was really for the Order and not for the defense department. And as it all grew nearer and more dangerous, for his family and himself, Christopher, the few people he cared about, he was finally called into action. 
It was just a small meeting that started it all, and ultimately actually dealing with Rodolphus was let down to Thorfinn. Which, he felt, was only fair. There was time to prep every little detail, give everyone their part to play. Regulus Black was creating his alibi, impersonating him in the Ministry for the day so no one would have any reason to be leave Thorfinn could have possibly done it - because he was sure to be their first suspect. Christopher was getting Rodolphus to the location, an abandoned safe house far away from any other wizards or witches. That, and watching over Regulus to make sure he didn’t screw anything up in work as Thorfinn was rather worried he might. And Peter? Well, Peter’s part to play would come later.
It was very early in the morning when Thorfinn arrived at the safe house, making sure he wouldn’t be seen nor would his absence be noted by anyone. He wanted to scout it out one last time and make sure he had all his basis covered before Rodolphus showed up to prevent anything going wrong. He had always been something of a perfectionist, planning every detail of things before they happened, and this was no different. He had a very specific plan in mind, providing Rodolphus would act as predictably as Thorfinn suspected. Each detail was exactly planned in his mind, and he was going over it one last time when a text arrived from Christopher. It was coded of course, it said something about meeting for lunch but he knew it meant he was on his way with Rodolphus. 
Thorfinn hid away after the text, having found the perfect spot to watch who was coming up to the house without being spotted by them well until they were in the front room. That was how he spotted Rodolphus as he walked up to the house, too cocky to even attempt to conceal himself and too blind to even bother having his wand in his hand. Thorfinn smirked slightly to himself at the knowledge that Rodolphus was so ill prepared, his own wand in hand, poised and ready to strike. 
And that was just what he did.
The second the door closed and locked behind Rodolphus Thorfinn moved out from where he was hidden, shooting a binding spell at him before he even saw him. Rodolphus began shouting before he even saw who had attacked him, threats and swears leaving his mouth, worsening when he saw who had done it. 
“Hello,” Thorfinn started casually before accioing Rodolphus’s wand and standing on it, snapping it in half. “How are you? Long time no see.” Rodolphus’s threats hadn’t stopped throughout this so Thorfinn just sighed before casting a stunning spell followed by a silencing spell on him and shaking his head. “Since you don’t seem to be in the mood to chat how about I’ll talk and you listen,” he suggested, walking to stand in front of Rodolphus. 
“The Aurors are on your tail. They’ve got a nice little case against you all built up. There’s testimonies, witnesses, victims. It looks like all your public tantrums have finally started to catch up with you, Rodolphus. They’ve got it all and they’re about to take you down. Or, they would have, had I not intervened as I’m doing now,” he said, twirling his wand around his fingers. “You’re welcome, by the way,” he added, starting to walk around Rodolphus, who was glaring up at him, visibly seething with rage. 
“I might have just let them catch up with you. I would have quite enjoyed watching every mistake you’ve ever made come back to bite you but, I know you too well to allow that. We’ve known each other for a long time, Rodolphus and it’s made me think two things in particular. Firstly, that you would throw the rest of us under the bus to save yourself. Maybe even your brother if it came down to it.” Thorfinn could practically see Rodolphus’ internal struggle to use wandless magic to escape, but nothing happened and Thorfinn just smirked, still twirling his wand between his fingers.
“Secondly, that you have no respect for my family. Now, I’m not saying you and I were ever close; I always thought you were a pompous dick, but we were on the same side. Our families were aligned, our politics were aligned, our siblings were friends. It was almost nice until you decided to fuck with my sister.” He paused, his wand stilling as he gripped it in his hand, his expression darkening. 
“If there’s one thing I won’t allow it’s someone fucking with Sienna. And you should have known that. You should have known it before you even got to know her, before you proposed to her, before you beat her up in her own home.” At this he knelt down, squatting by Rodolphus’ face with his wand pressed against his cheek. “You should have known as soon as you set a hand on her that this day would come. It doesn’t matter how much you tried to scare her,” his wand dug into the other man’s cheek, “into keeping quiet, she was always going to tell me. And you should have known that I would get you back for that, that I would make you sorry for ever so much as looking in her direction.” If Thorfinn wasn’t as skilled as he was at controlling himself he was sure sparks would have flown from the end of his wand at that moment from sheer anger.
He stood up again, looking at Rodolphus with pure loathing. 
“Anyway, so I was planning how to get you back when this perfect opportunity arose. The Dark Lord wants you dead, and who better to do it than one of his most trusted followers?” Thorfinn asked rhetorically, beginning to walk again. “You should be glad, the choice was either me or Rabastan but I did ask if I could do it. He thought it would teach Rabastan a lesson if he was the one to do it, but you and I both know he’s not remotely capable. I’m not even sure he can use a wand but I am well versed,” he mused. 
“But don’t worry, I have plans of my own for Rabastan.” He didn’t, other than having nothing to do with him, but he was happy to let Rodolphus worry otherwise. “I mean what’s the worst I could do to him? Killing him would be no fun. I could report him but he’s pretty useless as a death eater, I can’t imagine he’s done much to go down for. I could treat him like you treated Sienna,” he suggested, looking down at Rodolphus as if awaiting his opinion. “Mess with his mind, hurt him, damage his reputation. That sounds fair. An eye for an eye,” he mused, humming in confirmation to himself. He still had no plans to do any of this but he enjoyed making Rodolphus worry about what might happen to his brother after he was gone  - if Rodolphus even cared about him.
“Anyway. Nice chat, but I think I’ve said all I have to say,” he said cheerily, holding his wand carefully, preparing the fire. 
Before he did he bent down to Rodolphus once more, letting all the anger and hatred he had ever felt for him show on his face. “Are you at all sorry for what you did?” He didn’t really want an answer - he would have gotten rid of the silencing charm if he had - but he just wanted to watch his reaction. And the reaction he got was a further glare that told him all he needed to know. Even on the brink of death Rodolphus couldn’t swallow his pride and apologise. Perhaps he thought Thorfinn wouldn’t actually go through with it. 
Unfortunately for Rodolphus that was not the case. 
“Avada Kedavra.” The words were quiet but that didn’t matter, you just had to really mean it. Thorfinn straightened up once more as the jet of green light hit Rodolphus’ chest, leaving him instantly lifeless. 
He spent a few minutes making sure there was no trace that he had ever been here before dropping evidence that maybe someone else had been there. He cast Morsmordre over the house and quickly apparated away, glad of a job well done and one problem gone from his life for good.
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ao3feed-harrydraco · 4 years
by nicklaosNour
How one incident might change the course of the war, where former enemies turn allies and allies are not always what they seem, how would Harry cope with the revelations and developing feelings for a snarky blond while trying to overthrow a Dark Lord. This is a story about a fiercely protective and perceptive mother, a boy with great ambitions, a family coming together and bonds forming to ward off evil and a blooming love story thrown in the mix. This story begins with the bathroom altercation that Draco had with harry, only with a different outcome. I do not own the characters of Harry potter they are the creation of j.k rowling.
Words: 2963, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of The rise of house Black
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Black Family (Harry Potter), Lucius Malfoy, Tom Riddle | Voldemort, Bellatrix Black Lestrange, Albus Dumbledore, Minerva McGonagall, James Potter, Lily Evans Potter, Ron Weasley, Weasley Family (Harry Potter), Order of the Phoenix, Severus Snape, Sirius Black
Relationships: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter, Regulus Black/Hermione Granger, Rabastan Lestrange/Narcissa Black Malfoy, Andromeda Black Tonks/Ted Tonks, Remus Lupin/Nymphadora Tonks
Additional Tags: Family Magic, Good Draco Malfoy, Protective Harry Potter, bad parent luscious Malfoy, BAMF Narcissa Black Malfoy, Manipulative Albus Dumbledore, Number Twelve Grimmauld Place, The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black, Family Reunions, The Deathly Hallows, Resurrection Stone, Elder Wand (Harry Potter), Magical Theory (Harry Potter), Resurrected Regulus Black, Draco Malfoy is Bad at Feelings, Song: La Vie En Rose, Slytherins Being Slytherins, Slow Romance, Pureblood Culture (Harry Potter), Dragons, Mutual Pining, Morally Grey Harry Potter, Hermione Granger is a Lestrange, Horcrux Hunting, Magic and Science, Family Feels, Boys In Love, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, POV Multiple
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rod lestrange [basic info]
full name: rodolphus aubrey lestrange
birthday: november 3 – scorpio. scorpio’s seek the truth and rod will stop at nothing to find out the facts which can make him passionate about certain areas of life. despite the fact that he’s following the path that his parents always wanted him to, rod cares deeply about his job. he’s determined to achieve a win each time he stands up to defend a client – even if the client is in the wrong. many people wouldn’t be able to put aside their personal opinions to take on this career path, but rodolphus is able to separate his feelings. as the boy got older and realized he was surrounded by certain people who thought it was fine to lie, rodolphus is a man who hates dishonesty and has no problem with confronting those who do so. he is about truth. he is about facts. perhaps it was growing up with a mother who cared intensely about him and the french language he and rabastan had to learn, but rodolphus is also an emotional person. be warned – he may display them differently than many others would. along with his passion, comes a hopeless romantic buried deep within. rodolphus hasn’t had many relationships in his life. he’s been with a few men and women, but nobody has stuck. he dreams about that one person. that one person who knows you so well that it’s like you’ve known one another forever. 
wand: black walnut with a unicorn hair core, 14.5 inches, hard flexibility – rodolphus’ instincts are well in play. if they weren’t, his wouldn’t be where he is now. he may have already been with bellatrix black if he hadn’t caught on to her violent tendencies early on in their hogwarts years. a black walnut wand can easily sense if the owner possesses inner turmoil. there have been times when rod and his wand didn’t get along, mainly during his hogwarts years. the man has come to understand himself more throughout the years and the once rocky relationship with his wand has smoothed out. 
lemon verbena tea – during those years of afternoon garden teas, this was his favorite. rodolphus had it almost daily and often comforts him and helps him think clearly when working on a tough case. 
broomstick polish – rod made the slytherin quidditch team early on in his hogwarts career. sometimes, there was nothing he looked forward to more than practice on the pitch and the looming game ahead of them. he never lost his copy of “do-it-yourself broomcare” and made sure his comet 220 was always in sparkling condition for his role as chaser. even though most of his time is spent being consumed by work, he tries to get out every so often and remember the feeling of freedom on a quidditch pitch. 
marie’s (his mother) perfume – coffee beans, cocoa, vanilla, and chestnut rolled into one smell. as her firstborn, rodolphus has always been very close with his mother. she’s the one he goes to when he needs a moment to collect his thoughts and perhaps get a second opinion on the situation he’s found himself in. 
boggart:  the form becomes a battered, broken body and it’s hard to tell who it is if you’re not familiar with him. rodolphus knows exactly who it is with one glance – rabastan. he was meant to take care of his little brother. that’s what his mother always told him. “you’re responsible for rabastan. you are his older brother. look after him when i can’t.” those words replay through rodolphus’ head as he tries to slow his heart rate, the blood rushing in his ears, refusing to feel what the boggart is forcing onto him. it takes time, maybe too much, before he can utter the words “riddikulus.” 
patronus: rottweiler – these dogs are seen as intelligent, protective, calm, and confident. rodolphus cherishes those who are in their inner circle and will do what he can to protect those he loves. whenever he’s the one who needs protecting, the rottweiler is fierce and terrifies the danger before returning and waiting until he needs protection once more. 
mirror of erised: as rodolphus gazes into the mirror, six forms take their place in front of him. he sees himself with andromeda at his side (this surprises him – he didn’t realize his feelings for her had developed this deeply. a slight blush creeps across his cheeks). is that four kids? three girls and a boy. one girl is the spitting image of andromeda and rod’s facial expression softens. the boy is blonde with dark brown eyes to match his father’s, but features that resemble his mother. the remaining two girls look to be twins with dark brown hair, green eyes to match their grandmother – it’s not hard to tell they belong to the lestrange family. rodolphus only has one question: is it family he truly desires or is it a family with andromeda? 
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