#iceland scenario
milaisreading · 6 months
Scenario where Denmark introduces (C/n) to other nations after forcing her out of isolation
Finland: So, you two are close now?
Sweden: Like friends or something?
Norway: Hmm?
Denmark: Of course! We are best friends now! Right, (C/n)?! *asks while patting her on the back*
*1 minute later*
C/n: Right. We are.
Iceland: So... she is held here against her will?
Denmark: No, she is not!!
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upperranktwo · 2 months
My twin sister loves to travel and has been to several different countries on her own and she has decided in a few months she is gonna spend a week in Japan since it's been a few years since she last went. She asked me if I wanna go and not only does the cost scare me 😭 I have never been on a plane before and they absolutely terrify me 😭😭😭 I'm such an anxious traveler I've only left the UK once! Maybe I will go though and try and get out my comfort zone a little
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Hetalia: Nordic Europe Masterlist
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Hello Everyone, This is the Masterlist of my planned post and the link to the post of the scenarios. You also can see some of the symbols below. Also, starting now. I also accept headcanons and scenarios for 2p Hetalia other than just 1p Hetalia.
🌹: Smut
🥀: Angst
🍭: Fluff
😂: Comedy
🧐: Random
🧸: Domestic
😐: Non-Specified
🗡️: Gore/Yandere
❤️: Romantic
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With a Scenekid S/O 🧐
With a S/O who have Phalloplasty and Top surgery scars🥀🍭
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With a S/O who have Phalloplasty and Top surgery scars🥀🍭
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With a S/O who have Phalloplasty and Top surgery scars🥀🍭
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With a Scenekid S/O 🧐
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- Empty -
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miniar · 7 months
The blue lagoon in Iceland is currently closed (for a week) due to a high risk of a volcanic eruption within a kilometer (0.8 miles) of the popular tourist location.
When the gathering magma breaks the earth's crust, anyone visiting the blue lagoon will have (best case scenario) approximately 20 minutes to make it to safety.
If there are people sleeping in the adjacent hotel or gods forbid in the lagoon itself, the worst case scenario is the magma breaking surface beneath the lagoon.
The only truly realistic way to avoid serious casualties here is for the resort, hotel, and lagoon yo remain completely closed until the danger passes.
There are currently icelandic people calling for a 2/1 deal (or cheaper) on blue lagoon tickets for Icelandic people on twitter.
Do Not Go To The Blue Lagoon Until The Danger Has Passed!!
It's a lovely experience but it's absolutely not worth boiling alive or burning to death.
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malegains · 6 months
So I think a lot of Bing driven AI blogs have fallen off since the NSFW filter went super strict for about 48 hours about nine days ago. Even though it relaxed again, the landscape it left behind was very different. Old tricks didn’t work anymore. But new tricks can be discovered and exploited, and the last few days I’ve been getting my sexiest and most extreme results ever. All the stuff I’ve posted in the las six days has been newly made, not backlog (my backlog is enormous… will I ever clear it? Probably not)
In the interest of community and education, here is an example.
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These four images were the result of one submission of one prompt - I didn’t have to wrestle the machine for them at all. The prompt is:
underexposed Polaroid, side view from far away, two Icelandic bodybuilding bros facing each other submerged near a hot spring, enormously muscular, golden light, loving embrace, buzzed blond hair, relaxed, unbelievably enormous muscles, muscle morph, leg muscles like enormous heavy water balloons, enormous muscular arms, high body fat, leaning against each other
Now be warned, this is a bit of a jenga tower. Moving things around too much may break it. I’d recommend writing your own from scratch but stealing specific key phrases, modifying and evolving those, see what works best for you.
Thanks to @thespacewerewolf for the “near a hot spring” trick to get them into a hot spring, and to @zangtangimpersonator for the water balloon / weather balloon comparison trick, which is a Swiss Army knife of a prompt for anyone who likes big round shapes.
This is why I unpinned my old tutorial. The spirit is the same - think of twisty ways to ask for what you want, certain scenario seem way more permissive than others, throwing in random details seems to help, etc etc etc. But the specifics have changed, and the sample prompts I built in a couple old tutorial posts won’t really work now as they did then. Keep evolving your prompts, experimenting, and sharing what works for you.
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Guile & Guilt (Ch. 08)
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Soap/Reader — MDNI 18+
Sorry for the wait as usual. Hope y’all can forgive me!
FEBRUARY — FRIDAY: 7 days until the wedding
In the month or so after Christmas, your relationship with Johnny had progressed considerably. He was on a particularly challenging tour, but you only heard about his work in sparse mentions. Most of his conversations were centered around your relationship “after we tell Pidge”.
It was all he wanted to talk about.
“After we tell Pidge, we can look for a place together in Glasgow. What do you say, lass?”
“After we tell Pidge, we can take trips with them. Always wanted to see Iceland.”
“After we tell Pidge…”
And on and on and on. It wasn’t that you weren’t excited to be with him. You adored him, and he seemed to feel the same way about you. But, telling Pidge was scaring you out of your damn mind. In the worst case scenario, you’d be losing your best friend and the man that you…
Careful, that dark voice was back in your head , don’t want to say the word, huh?
The man that you… liked a considerable amount. Not love. Love was a commitment. You were not in love.
The dark voice cackled. You ignored it.
You were going to see him this weekend for the combination stag and hen party, and you could think of little else. But, you had plenty to work on. As the maid of honor, this was your time to shine. You needed to prepare for more than just seeing Johnny. In fact, you were about to have six girls at your tiny apartment for a slumber party tomorrow night. The whole 600 square feet of your place was decorated in gold glitter and streamers. There were big B-R-I-D-E letters above your bed, and a giant inflatable diamond ring was propped up on your futon. You’d already sprayed Marlowe twice with the water bottle for threatening it with her claws.
Tonight, though, you were alone. You had asked Johnny if he would fly in early, but he hadn’t been able to confirm. So, you were sitting on your bed, staring at your phone, dressed only in his shirt, praying for some miracle.
You stayed up as late as you could, but still no call.
SATURDAY — Early morning: 6 days until the wedding
Your phone buzzed where it lay against your chest. You slowly awoke, and it was still dark outside. Bleary and only semi-conscious, you picked it up without looking at the screen,
“Hello?” You croaked.
“Mo mèirleach,” he whispered, “Open the door, hen. It’s fuckin’ frigid.”
“What?” You didn’t understand. Johnny was outside? You looked at the clock. It was 0311.
“I’m downstairs! Buzz me up.”
You did, and then you waited, waking up more and more as you stood in the kitchen, drinking some water to clear your dry throat.
He knocked softly, and you let him in. Immediately, and without so much as dropping his rucksack, he pulled you into his arms. You smelled his sweat, a strong hint of fire or smoke, and something you couldn’t quite place. It was almost like gasoline, but not quite. He’d come straight from the field.
“Hey,” he pressed his forehead to yours and kissed you gently, smelling your skin and nuzzling into your hair.
“Hey,” you smiled up at him, hugging him a little tighter.
Having him back was making you feel like no time had passed at all. He held you just as he did when he told you goodbye in December, and now, all of January felt like some wasted dream.
You looked behind him,
“Where are the others? I thought you said they’d be coming to the party this weekend.”
“Put them up at a wee hotel. The Indigo, just a few blocks away. But, I’ve been sleepin’ on the fuckin’ floor too many nights, now. And I wanna be in my woman’s arms instead.”
His woman. Your heart clenched in your chest. He noticed your emotional response to his words; always the observant one. His smile felt so good, even though he had caught you in his snare,
“Aye. You’re my woman, aren’t you?”
Huge, rough hands warmed your skin as they snaked underneath your shirt, reaching up across your belly, finding your hanging breasts and squeezing them ever so gently.
“Shower with me, lass. I’m right filthy.”
“Alright,” you nodded, and he pulled your shirt off the rest of the way, discovering the nothing you were wearing underneath.
“Jesus fuckin’ Christ,” Johnny lamented, holding you at arm’s length to study your skin and curves with a deep admiration, “Look at you, mèirleach. Sometimes, I wonder if I’m dreamin’.”
You led him to the bathroom, which you doubted was big enough for the both of you, and he stripped off all of his dirty clothes. You helped him, peeling him apart, layer by layer, discovering him in pieces.
His broad chest filled your vision in the tiny washroom, and you latched onto his nipple, tasting the salt from his sweat as you did and listening to him moan. He laughed from the sudden sensation of it,
“It’s sensitive, lass. Easy…”
Your eyes found his, showing him that you knew what it felt like, and you did not relent. You enjoyed watching him squirm beneath you, his hands resting on the side of your neck, threatening to pull you away when he became overwhelmed.
You gave him a break, kissing across his tattooed ribs and over his belly. He lifted your face up to his, pressing you against the bathroom counter, growling in whispers at you,
“Careful, thief. Don’t go givin’ me ideas.”
“What kind of ideas, Johnny?” You teased, dragging his boxers down over his plump ass to squeeze his cheeks in your hands.
“Ideas about what I’d like to put in that fuckin’ mouth of yours.”
He grabbed your hand and shoved it onto his hard cock, still covered by his boxer briefs, the fabric askew and taut, ready to come off.
“See what you fuckin’ do to me, thief?”
You smiled, staring down at the evidence of what you had done to him. You took his hand and slowly moved it between your legs, letting him curl and experimental finger up just far enough to dip into your wetness.
“See what you do to me?”
He shuddered, his body falling forward, and he caught himself with his free hand on the countertop, pinning you beneath him. He was playing inside of you with his fingertip, as achingly slowly and gently as could be, barely moving it, basking in your warmth. His face contorted into a twisted grimace, and he grunted,
“Fuckin’ hell, mèirleach. Get in the damn shower, or I’ll have you right here, lass.”
The shower curtain rings hissed across their metal rod as he followed you inside. You washed your hair, and you used your soapy hands to wash his. The soap turned brown with dirt and sand, and you made a face, laughing,
“Johnny! You are filthy.”
“Yeah, we ran into some trouble at the end of our mission. Lost contact with base. Had to camp in the wee mountains for a few nights, tryin’ not to freeze to death.”
“Holy shit…”
You pitied him, using your vanilla scented soap to scrub down his body for him, letting him be treated to your sudsy massage.
“Knowin’ I was comin’ back to you kept me goin’. I dreamt about this wee shower, hen. Even Ghost was surprised that I was able to keep my whingin’ to a minimum. But, I knew you were here and I wasnae gonna let anythin’ stop me from comin’ home to you.”
He bent to kiss you, and you kissed him back, letting the water wash over you both, bathing you in the heat of each other. He pulled away, grinning like he’d won something, and you felt the blush rise into your cheeks.
You made the hand signal for him to turn around and he spun, giving you his wide back, planting both of his hands on the wall like you were going to search him.
You started at his neck, washing away days of dirt and grime, feeling his swollen muscles pull and push against his bones. He had a new tattoo on his spine. It was a little Gaelic word that you couldn’t read.
With your fingertip, you traced over the black ink, softly rubbing over the raised skin, healed but fresh. He stilled, realizing you’d noticed it.
“Gealladh. It means ‘promise’.”
You wiped it clear of soap and lay your lips to it, kissing it softly, making him tremble beneath you. You tried to pronounce it, whispering it against his skin.
The rest of the shower went quickly, and by the time you were clean, he was ready to get dirty again, fondling you and rubbing across his curved length hungrily.
He wrapped you in your towel and watched you braid your hair, kissing your neck and sharing your toothbrush. You tried not to be grossed out by it, but you made a face and he rolled his eyes, spitting out the paste into your sink and trying to kiss you with his messy lips. You giggled, leaving him in the bathroom to finish up.
The cool air in your apartment made you clamber to get under the covers, eager to warm up and anxious for him to join you. He sauntered out of the bathroom looking like some Greek god, wet and tanned, tattooed and scarred, fresh from the bonds of war.
He threw his towel down with yours and climbed into bed next to you, curling you up in his arms, sighing with the most delighted contentment. His big jaw pressed into the side of your neck, looking for purchase, and he began to suck and lick at your skin, traveling down your shoulder to your nape, sending shivers down your arms.
“Did you miss me, mo mèirleach?” His voice was so quiet, you could barely hear him.
“I did, mo chridhe,” you whispered back, turning your body to face him.
He took both of your hands in both of his and kissed your forehead. All of his sexual overtones and lurid advances in the shower had somehow been washed away, and as the orange blush of dawn came through your window, he looked changed. His hair was soft, the mohawk all grown out and curling at the tips, his eyes glassy and full of something that looked suspiciously like hope.
“I know this has been hard on you, lass. I’ve been more than just a wee bit selfish, and I want you to know I’ll make it right. I promise you that. Do you hear me?”
You nodded, pressing your cheek to his chest, inching closer to him. He wrapped you in a tight hug, holding you too close.
Did you believe him? Would everything work out for the best? Or were you continuing down a path that would lead to ruin? How easy it was for him to convince you of the opposite. He could lead you like a lamb to the slaughter, and you’d go willingly, bleating up at him with all your love and affection as he pushed you into the chute.
His arm became heavy, and you heard his breaths lengthen in his chest, and you knew he was asleep. You had an alarm set, so you curled up in his warmth, letting him doze, allowing yourself to sink into the murky blackness of sleep along with him.
SATURDAY — Lunchtime: 6 days until the wedding
Johnny had changed into something clean and left you in bed, kissing your face and promising all sorts of filthy things to you after the bar crawl tonight. He begged you to dance with him when you wound up at the club, washing away your worries about Pidge, claiming she’d be too drunk to notice. You rushed him out, warning him she’d be here for lunch, and washed your sheets.
Sure enough, your phone rang and Pidge was outside your apartment, screaming with six other girls to be buzzed up not an hour after Johnny left, and you breathed a sigh of relief they’d missed each other coming and going.
You had the whole day planned out. Lunch was at a little cafe near the river, perfect for a photo op or two. Then, you’d booked a nail salon for mani-pedis for the whole squad. After that, it was back to the apartment to put on your faces before going “out-out”.
For the most part, the day had been a wild success. Pidge was already a little tipsy from the non-stop mimosas, and even though your bank account had seen better days, it wasn’t that bad. Now, you were in the middle of the evening ferality. Someone had ordered a pizza and there was hairspray in places you didn’t think hairspray could go. Marlowe was hiding in her cubby under your bed, and you were already done getting ready.
You’d told everyone it was black and white themed. Ham and Pidge would be in white, with all of you in black, and the goal at the end of the night was for them to find each other by hopping from bar to bar. The stag would chase the hen through downtown Glasgow, and you’d planned to have them all end up at The Berkeley Suite.
There were girls everywhere. It was like a bomb had gone off in your apartment, and there wasn’t really a space for privacy except for the bathroom (as long as you shooed everyone out of it first).
“I’ll just be a second!” You shouted over the thumping music, closing the door behind them.
You took care of business and spent a brief minute checking your phone. You had two texts from Johnny, and when you opened them, your breath caught in your throat.
Mo Chridhe: open this when youre alone thief
Mo Chridhe: blacksuit.jpg
Johnny had sent you a mirror selfie of his outfit, and he looked stunning. You couldn’t believe it was him. You’d never seen him so dressed up. His hair was shaven on the sides, the mohawk back to its full potential, and his suit was a gorgeous black with velvet lapels and a gold chain between the button holes. He wore no tie, instead letting the first two buttons hang open rakishly, showing off his tanned chest.
You texted him back:
You: you are still so damn hot lol
Mo Chridhe: show me you
You obeyed, taking a racy selfie in the bathroom mirror just like he had done. You showed off your cleavage , and the short, high cut of the dress as it hugged your ass. You tried your best to be pouty, just like all the Instagram models, but you weren’t sure if you succeeded.
Mo Chridhe: i might be the luckiest cunt alive or im dreamin
You: lol ;)
Mo Chridhe: ham might be chasin pidge all night but ill be chasin you
You smiled down at your phone before closing the app and returning to the fray.
Glittered, glammed, and ready for a night of debauchery, you took your phone off its charger and made your way out into the cold evening air. Pidge had brought a jacket, but Cherise had decided to go without, claiming that hot girls didn’t get cold. You were definitely cold, so you wondered what that implied.
The first stop was The Variety Bar. You had texted Johnny and told him to warn you before their first bar choice so that you could pay the tab and bolt before Hamish could put his hands on Pidge. But, it didn’t really work out like that. You had all ended up as one big group, and spent most of the time jokingly keeping them from kissing each other. Price held up a wet coaster between their mouths which sent Pidge coughing and spitting, causing enough of a ruckus that you decided to move to the next spot.
Johnny sat with you at the bar while you paid, trying his best to keep his hands off of you.
“Lookin’ like a right goddess tonight, you are.”
“Stop it,” you smiled, “No flirting allowed while your sister is literally right behind us.”
“Och,” he shook his head, “She’s in her own wee world. Where to next, lass?”
You slid the check back to the bartender and thanked him, turning to Johnny and smirking triumphantly, knowing he still needed to pay before he could follow you,
“Don’t you hunt people for a living? Come and get me.”
You left him at the bar, frozen with a delightful look of surprise on his face. You found Pidge and the other girls outside.
“Alright,” you smiled, “Onward. Let’s head over to Max’s.”
“Oh, God,” Anjali sighed, “You really want her to blackout, huh?”
“Fuck it! Max’s it is, ladies!” Pidge screamed.
Everyone cheered and marched on after her. She cuddled into your arm as you walked,
“Thank you so much for this, babes. You’re the best friend a girl could ask for, you know that?”
“You are, too,” you kissed her on her temple and squeezed her arm a bit tighter.
By the time you’d had two drinks at Max’s, Hamish’s clan found you again. Gaz was the one who spotted you through the window, holding his hands up to the glass and pointing you out.
“Uh oh,” you smiled, “Last call, girls.”
Cherise laughed,
“I don’t know why we’re running. Might as well just party with them.”
“It’s tradition, right?” Bekah rolled her eyes.
“Well,” Pidge shrugged, “You all can wait here then, if you prefer the boys to me.”
“No! Pidge, that’s not it, babe,” Cherise protested.
Pidge drunkenly waved her off,
“It’s fine, no worries. See you at Berkeley’s. How about that?”
Pidge stormed off out the door, and you followed behind trying to get her to calm down. She eventually did, drinking the water you had bought for her. But, that was how the group got split. Half the boys ended up with you and Pidge and Anjali, and the other half waited at Max’s until the happy hour rounds were over.
You’d gotten all settled in at Berkeley, listening to the loud club music, letting the high of your buzz wash over you, trying not to think about how nice it would be to have Johnny here, dancing with you like he promised.
Then, Pidge realized she forgot her jacket, so she sent you back to the other bar. You left her with Gaz and Ghost, and Price wandered out into the street with you.
“‘Bout time Hamish finally caught his hen anyway,” you speculated as you walked with him.
“Aye,” he agreed, “And maybe your stag as well.”
Your eyes darted up to him and then checked over your shoulder, just to make sure Pidge wasn’t behind you.
Price continued,
“Are you sure keepin’ him a secret is the right thing? He’s dyin’ to tell her. Fuck, he was tellin’ people he didn’t even know about you.”
You smiled,
“Yeah, I know. I just want the wedding to be about her. Nothing is ever about her, you know? She deserves to have a day where she doesn’t need to consider other people’s feelings for once.”
“What about your feelings?” Price asked.
You didn’t answer him. You just shrugged and kept walking. Suddenly, you heard screaming behind you,
“Wait! Wait up!”
Pidge and the rest of the crew rushed over to you and Price.
“What’s wrong?” You asked.
“We’re gonna surprise Hamish this time,” Pidge smiled, pulling out a big confetti popper from her purse.
“Oh, God,” you grinned, looping your arm through hers and dragging her along.
Nothing was going according to plan that night, but you were so tired that it was hard for you to care. You weren’t even sure if Hamish’s group was still at the other bar, and you hadn’t heard a thing from Bekah or Cherise.
Finally, you made it back to Max’s. Just as you were about to open the door, it burst open and out poured Johnny, tangled in Bekah’s arms. She was giggling and kissing his cheek, leaving streaks of purple lipstick all over his freshly shaven skin. He was holding her close to him, his fingers digging into her side so tightly.
You knew what that felt like.
You gasped, stepping back, stunned. He looked right into your eyes and stopped. The whole world came to a grinding halt. All of the time that you had spent together seemed to lay out in front of you, prostrating itself, and being found unworthy. You felt nothing. Just a creeping numbness that leaked into your core, a fire burning without kindling, unable to be extinguished.
“Och, Jesus and all the fuckin’ saints,” Pidge threw her hands up, “Couldnae even wait until after the party to get your hands into one of my mates, could you? Arsehole. Get outta the way.”
“No, tha’s not it, Pidge!” He frowned, “Bekah doesnae —”
“Bekah, what?” Pidge spat in his face, “Bekah doesnae care that you’ll turn up next month or next year or next week in a box with the wee Scottish flag draped over it? Okay. Now, move yourself from the door, Jonathan.”
Bekah was sort of octopusing herself around him, wrapping her arms around his neck and shoulders, sucking on his earlobe, caring very little about the Scottish flag no matter where it was draped.
Johnny was trying to fight her off now, suddenly angry at Pidge,
“What did you just say to me, Brigette?”
“Oh, shut up! You’re just like your da, and you’ll end up dead like him, too. See?” Pidge turned to you suddenly, eyes wild with fury, “This is why I warned you, Johnny MacTavish is a fuckin’ widowmaker. And that’s all he’ll ever be.”
She finally made it around her brother and wrenched the door open, disappearing into the club. Johnny still had Bekah in his arms, and you couldn’t be there anymore. You turned and walked in the direction of your apartment, miles away but hell-bent on getting back there.
“Hey! Wait! Thief, please. This isn’t what it looks like,” his voice was cold and distant. You didn’t turn around to listen. You weren’t sure what it looked like, but you didn’t need to see it to know how it felt.
Johnny could have Bekah. He was allowed to have her. He was not allowed to have you, and you couldn’t have him. That much was clear now. You should’ve listened to your friend. You’d known all along, hadn’t you?
“Wait, mèirleach!”
You spun on him like a snake, striking out sure and true,
“Don’t fucking call me that.”
He could see in your eyes that you were serious, venomous as you were in your delivery. His eyes looked desperate, like a kicked dog, but he didn’t let her go. She smiled and waved at you, looking drunker than you’d ever seen anyone look. You tasted the bile in your mouth from your disgust.
Price jogged to keep up with you, and he grabbed your arm,
“Wait, girl. Just wait a second.”
You jerked your hand away and hailed a cab that was pulled over on your side of the street. You climbed in and shut the door, begging the cabbie to drive quickly, and he did. You stared out the window, watching all of the lights blind you as they seared into your eyes, burning the images you’d seen that night brightly into your memory.
Chapter 09
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txttletale · 11 months
having thoughts about your point that players/the gm shouldn’t have to design anything for a good ttrpg and wondering if i’m thinking of the gm’s role using inaccurate terms. what would you call the gm’s responses to uncertain mechanical situations in a given game (e.g. a mixed success in pbta - the onus is on the gm to come up with what that means, following some guidance from the rules.)
it seems like something that people find comforting about d&d is that even though the rules are overly complex (and often confusing), many of the common mechanics have clearcut (and boring) outcomes (such as save or suck, hit or miss, etc), meaning the gm doesn’t have to produce/interpret a result themselves. is the other approach (i.e. rules-light) putting more “design” weight on the gm? or is that thinking of it too formally?
otherwise, good design being the gm’s responsibility seems like it just falls under the umbrella of playing in good faith - whatever the situation, it’s bad faith to create untenable/insoluble scenarios that the players can’t meaningfully navigate
yeah, i mean--PBtA games have a list of GM moves, right? when a player has a mixed success, usually that means they succeed and the GM makes a GM move. and obviously those moves have choices and stuff the GM needs to come up with -- something like Monster of the Week's "Put someone in trouble" or "Separate them" definitely require the GM to think of how that works in the fiction -- but that isn't game design, right? the mechanical aspect of that has been handled by the game's rules text. so i think that if there's more weight on the GM i think it's strictly creative weight rather than design weight, unlike the 5e GM who is forced to mechanize anything they might want to make up and is often left without any mechanical guidance
and i mean, i think in general 5e (and dnd more broadly) give the GM absolutely fucking nothing to work with. there are literally no GM-facing mechanical levels other than enemy statblocks (which also, unlike something like Lancer or even fucking 4th Edition, come with no guidance on how to use them or how to assemble combat encounters with them). it's much, much easier to GM a game with GM moves, because then you have an actual set of mechanical levers available to you--and of course, like the aforementioned "Separate them", these levers automatically lend themselves to telling the sort of stories the game advertise for their genre. here's some GM moves from other PBtA systems that, just by seeing them as a mechanical lever, can push the story into the genre and tone directions the game wants to emulate:
Put innocents in danger (Masks, teenage superhero drama)
Reveal an unwelcome truth (Fellowship, high fantasy adventure)
Make honour and shame real (Sagas of the Icelanders, saga-era viking drama)
Bring their gender into it (Night Witches, Soviet airwomen war story)
Make them teach a class (Pigsmoke, magic-school cutthroat academia)
and one of the absolute best things about GM moves (and similar mechanics, like BitD's consequences, or BOB's setting sheet moves) is that because they are clearly delineated and restricted, there's no self-policing. because a dnd 5th edition DM can, rules as written, say at any point "100 ogres appear and beat you to death", they always have to be navigating a series of unspoken social contracts, creating threats but never threats which can win, introducing problems and consequences at a rate that keeps stakes up but is also fundamentally winnable, make everythign feel 'fair'. and dnd players have learned to accept this all as just the table stakes of a GM role, but it doesn't have to be. because all that is game design, and in a better game, that design is taken care of. GM moves say 'look, we've already thought about pacing and fairness, here's the levers we've pre-designed for you to pull, go nuts and tell a story with them'.
so in my opinion PBtA mixed successes represent a lot less onus on the GM to design the game for the designers than anything that happens in 5th edition outside of individual clearly resolvable combat actions--and it's one of the reasons i started having much more fun with TTRPGs once i stopped GMing 5e and realized that other games gave me actual tools and support to work with instead of expecting me to do all that bull shit
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In Wild Man and Wild Miss, a year before Ingo is set to leave, The Pearl clan as a whole gets into trouble. Just below the snow of where the settlement resides is a pocket encased by ice. One day, a space-time distortion happens, and something within the distortion triggers an earthquake.
It shatters the ice, and the entire settlement falls into the sinkhole. Many are injured, some severely. The clan is trapped into this smooth pocket of ice, and as the earthquake continues, the opening above is slowly shutting.
The Pearl Clan do not use pokéballs. They don't have Pokémon on them to help, and what Pokémon partners they do have tend to live outside the settlement, having their own home and lives. With the opening to the sinkhole shutting, those Pokémon partners are going to have no idea where they are. The Wardens and the Clan Leader weren't within the settlement, instead out to discuss the frenzy of Lord Kleavor.
The settlement is completely alone without any strong trainers around to save them.
Irida eventually comes back to find the settlement has vanished. She thinks it's an illusion at first, perhaps the Zoroark are playing a trick on her— but it soon becomes clear that this is no illusion. Everyone is just gone. And she panics.
Was it a distortion? Did one open up above the settlement and transport them to an entirely different space altogether? Or was this an attack? Is it even possible for it to be an attack, when there is nothing left behind to indicate as much?
She immediately gathers the wardens again. Not just hers, this time, she contacts the Diamond Wardens and Adaman. Despite the two clans not being on the friendliest terms, this is an appalling scenario and it's easily decided that whatever beliefs you may have are irrelevant when it comes to the human lives who are potentially in danger.
Meanwhile, Ingo is in Jubilife, and he overhears a rumor. Irida called for a secondary warden meeting a day after the first, this time with their twin clan, and quite frankly, Ingo just doesn't trust that. Call it paranoia, but Ingo's dislike of the Pearl Clan and their practices often leads him to assuming the worst.
He leaves Akari in the village for a while, and goes off to eavesdrop on this meeting.
He's glad he did. Because an entire settlement disappearing off the face of the earth is something he kind of needs to know, considering he lives in the icelands himself. Sending a letter to his daughter to let her know that he'll be gone for a while longer, Ingo sets off to find the missing clan. (He may dislike them, but he's not a cruel person... He doesn't wish for anyone to die.)
Unbeknownst to him, a certain noble watches him.
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kiwiana-writes · 11 days
MJ! Can I get a director's cut for None of my love will go to waste? Or, Alternatively, All the lonely Starbucks lovers? (or both?) 🥹😍🔥
Hah, it's funny that you should ask for these two, because I wrote them basically back to back and so for whatever reason they feel very connected in my head even though they have nothing to do with each other apart from being nebulously college AUs.
None of my love will go to waste is, like so many things, @clottedcreamfudge's fault. I distinctly remember sharing a WIP Wednesday/Six Sentence Sunday snippet while I was writing it and @rmd-writes reading that it was for ccf and being like "this makes so much sense I recognise her dirty little fingerprints" lmaooooooo. But it was meant to be EASY. It was meant to shake the cobwebs loose and be smashed out, and then Henry, as he is wont to do, got all up in his head about it. I struggled a lot more with this fic than I ever expected to, but we got there in the end and I love how it turned out. There's just something so profoundly funny/charming about Alex deciding that Henry deserves Experienced Dick Sucking lmao. Plus there's some prose and some rhythm in that fic that I'm just... really fucking proud of!
Also the song that this title comes from is by a Kiwi-Icelandic singer who fucking rocks and I have also used lyrics from this same song for multiple Schitt's Creek fics lmao.
All the Lonely Starbucks Lovers might just about be the fic title I'm most proud of in the world. It's definitely way up the list! It's not a phenomenon I ever experienced, but so many people did. I had such a fucking blast coming up with the scenarios as well as all the things Henry calls Alex in his head before he knows Alex's name, and by far the hardest thing about writing this was that I am personally profoundly unable to deal with second-hand embarrassment. I absolutely think more authors should utilise the tag 'The Mortifying Ordeal of Repeatedly Embarrassing Yourself In Front Of Your Crush' hahahahahaha. But Henry and his Big Big Feelings will forever be the death of me.
[Fanfic Writers: Director's Cut]
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scumbagjaeger · 1 year
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starring: Eren, Jean, Armin, Connie, Porco, Reiner, Levi, Zeke
rating: mostly sfw!
notes: Part 2 of my travel series! First of all, I don’t think any of the guys would ever turn down a trip with you to go anywhere!!! These are just some of the specific destinations that I think they’d love to take you to and what I think they’d like to do with you(: and these are places that I’ve been, unfortunately I haven’t been to any African or Asian countries but I didn’t want to stereotype anything about these places. Feel free to share your ideas!! What’s your dream vacation? What other travel scenarios would you like to see? Let me know, send me an ask!
Part 1
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- Okay it’s so cheesy but please stick with me okay
- The iconic “freedom” panel, with his arms outstretched? That’s him whenever you guys go to hike or explore a national park
- I don’t think he’d be one of those like intense backpackers by any means? The man still needs regular access to a shower
- But he loves as much of the untouched nature as he can get!
- So I think a roadtrip would really suit him! I think there’s something super intimate about road-tripping that you don’t get on other trips
- Imagine you fly to a place like Reykjavik (Iceland), rent a car and then explore the ring road together
- Volcanoes! Canyons! Glaciers! Waterfalls! What’s not to love, he loves the spontaneity of it, and there are times when he feels like you two are the only ones on earth :’)
- One or two nights in the city, they have a nice nightlife scene if you’re into it, otherwise just exploring cafes and cool areas around the bay
- Then you pick up the rental and hardly see anyone else again!! Lol it can be super isolated there
- The drive around can be super exciting though?? When I went we���d see a couple waterfalls every hour in some regions! He’d be impressed with each one :)
- On less-exciting legs of the trip you guys can have really open and vulnerable conversations too? Just about life and stuff
- Car sex car sex car sex
- I also think he would have a hard time with camping, no access to a shower or regular toilet stresses him out
- But I think he’d really love hikes and national parks? Just no camping trips (yet..)
- I think Hawaii would be a fun place he’d love to take you
- I’m thinking Oahu at least? That’s the most touristy of them all hahah. But I’d imagine that you go once and he begins to fall in love with the culture and nature
- And then he suggests you explode some of the other islands and see the more natural side of Hawaii!
- Maybe you guys book a hotel that has a balcony, and by halfway through the trip you’re out there with blankets sleeping in the moonlight
- You don’t get much sleeping done though 😉😉😉
- I think Jean needs a vacation where he can get back into nature and forget about work, and Hawaii is a great place for that
- Would probably love going to a Luau with you, a more authentic one that actually supports Hawaii natives yk?
- Is constantly putting flowers behind your ear bc the boy’s a ROMANTIC!!
- Loves markets and street fairs but is a bit gullible? He’ll come up to you with a bunch of baked goods and say “that vendor is so nice! His mom baked all of these treats fresh this morning and gave me a good deal on them!” And then you guys will walk past a different vendor with THE EXACT SAME BAKED GOODS and the same sign that says “baked by mom, fresh this morning!” and he’d be like “huh, maybe their moms are friends or something”
- He’d take you to see the ocean (duh)
- But I think he would also love to take you to small towns in Europe??
- He might need some convincing to go to a place like NYC or Las Vegas
- Much prefers towns like Cambridge? So many free museums and archeological collections (I also love this town lol)
- Would be still open to going to a big city with you! I mean the amount of history in New York is insane!
- But the crowds would overwhelm him :(
- Maybe could handle a weekend there on the way to another destination?
- Or at least will need a lot of time to recoup in between the nightlife and other big tourist activities
- Honestly if you wanted to go to a big city he’d be open to go, and he’d let you explore the city while he finds a good book or explores at his own pace
- Not alone! Like imagine you went with a group of friends and Armin yk? He’d be too worried about something happening to you if you were out there!!
- Yeah Armin would probably be a touch paranoid about being kidnapped or pickpocketed
- Like you could be visiting your hometown and your sibling comes to pick you up and he’s like “are you sure that’s them???? Can they get out of the car so we know it’s them?? What if it’s a trafficker??? You know I saw this news report about…”
- Okay so first I think he’d have fun with weekend camping trips? He might dabble with a longer backpacking trip, but I think his regular getaways would be camping trips with you and maybe a blunt or something 👀
- But as far as like traveling for a vacation, I think he’d actually be a lot of fun at Disney or Universal Studios
- He’ll make fun of the cringey and annoying Disney adults (the ones who would like push a kid in order to get ahead in line for a ride yk? Nothing wrong with liking Disney at any age!)
- But otherwise he’s super happy to see everyone (including the two of you) get to let loose and be kids again!
- I also feel like he’d have the best luck at finding the Disney character people?? Like you are always first in line to take pics
- He’d probably want to take pictures with the Disney characters but would always insist on doing some dumb pose? He’s just planking in front of you and Mickey lol
- He also likes Disney because he can make up the most outrageous backstories for you both when talking to cast members (he tells Peter Pan about how he rescued you from bandits, Woody that he is a toy, etc)
- Like at airports, children are drawn to him so he’s always making them laugh in lines too? Not in a weird way but he just sees them looking at him and he’ll start doing an impression (once the parents give him the lil nod of approval)
- He’ll talk to children like they’re adults about their favorite Disney things too?
- “I totally agree, Rebecca. Anna was just trying to do what’s best for her sister Elsa” (he’d just be great with kids all around)
- Would probably cry at the Avengers Campus??? Just super amazed by Spider-Man and the others
- Also I think he’d love the drinking around the world “challenge” at Epcot. You don’t want to get too drunk at a family theme park but he likes trying all the fun drinks and learning a bit about the cultures of different places!
- I think Italy or New York would be a lot of fun with Porco! Just any big city really
- Maybe Italy specifically just because of the weather? Idk when I think of them modern AU I end up thinking of Chicago because I’m from that area, so a hot area like Italy would be perfect
- The man tans like a god probably? Like five minutes in the sun and he has the perfect golden tan
- Also he’s being conscious about suncare and will put sunscreen on you! Buys two of the biggest goofiest tourist hats to shield your faces from the sun
- Probably has an interest in the fashion scene at least a little bit? Has one of those trench coat/duster jacket things when he’s in New York (secretly you think he’s doing a model-strut whenever you two are walking around lol)
- Likes to people watch in a cafe in Italy while discussing clothes you like
- Will buy you clothes after the trip and surprise you (can’t buy it during the trip bc of your suitcases!! But he jots down the things you like or will order it in store to be shipped back home)
- Also would love the food in Italy!! Insists on eating out like every single night because everything is just so good!
- But it’s also super rich so one day you both just lie in bed, too tired to get up. After that you guys take it easy
- Will judge you for wanting a simple slice of Sbarro pizza (“Really? We’re in NYC babe there’s literally every type of food imaginable? And you want Sbarro???”) but one night you wake up in the middle of the night you wake up and he’s curled over the sink with a Sbarro slice?? Hello??
- But he got you one too so it’s okay xoxo
- I think he’d like to get away in a city because the intensity and the energy of a city is the perfect pick me up when he’s feeling weighed down from work (plus the man’s a model he belongs in an Italian fashion show let’s be honest)
- I feel like he’d love road trips and camping! For some reason I think he’d be nervous to fly across the world to Europe?? Down for a flight within the US though (I always imagine them to be American but that’s just my hc!)
- Places like Arizona or Utah, even Yellowstone would be perfect!
- He probably burns really easily, so y’all get the biggest floppiest sun hats and make your way through Bryce Canyon or the Grand Canyon!
- Gets all sweaty but pulls you close as you both admire the scene before you. “(Y/N), look at how beautiful it is!”
- Reiner is so hard on himself, and I think that’s still apparent as he pushes himself to rush through the trails
- You need to make him wait and pace himself before he hurts himself! Drink water you fool!
- But imagine after getting deep into Yellowstone, you find a beautifully tranquil scene and you FINALLY see Reiner’s shoulders start to droop
- He can finally let himself relax, surrounded by the beauty of the natural world (and you), and his problems literally melt away
- At Bryce Canyon they had a really nice presentation at one of the parks about light pollution
- If you guys saw something like that Reiner could be moved to tears
- When you drive back to your hotel at night, you both pull over to admire the stars
- They shine brighter than they ever have back home, where the city lights obscures them. Neither of you say anything, just staring up at them in awe and wonder. Reiner reaches out for your hand and squeezes it in his own(‘:
- I wanted to say that he’d like Japan (and he would!) because he’d love the peace of the temples and shrines
- But I think that’s too predictable!! Plus he’s Japanese so he’d probably already be taking you there occasionally to explore!
- I think that he’s actually get a lot out of a trip to London??
- He’d probably have a lot of fun exploring the churches? The art and the history and the tranquility
- I don’t think he’d be running to see any of the royal palaces or big tourist grabs like the London Eye or Big Ben, but St Paul’s Cathedral?? He’d love it there
- And he’d love the parks, they’re spacious and it’s a nice place to people watch
- London seems very private?? Idk I’m here now and everyone seems to mind their business hahah. Polite? I bet he’d really appreciate that
- I also think he’d secretly really enjoy football?? You won’t see him jumping for joy at pubs with any of the British men
- But if a team that he likes is in an intense game, he’s holding his fork in a first so tight it could break in half
- I don’t think Levi would ever be able to fully stop thinking about his work or get away from his regular responsibilities, but he’s really inspired by the British Museum and the British Library
- After you two explore those types of areas he might pull you towards on of the courtyards outside of those areas (they both have lovely green patches outside!) and alternate between writing (I’ve always imagined him as an editor or columnist of sorts… critic maybe?) and talking to you(:
- Also let’s be real, he goes for the tea
- Honestly I think Amsterdam would be fitting for Zeke
- Amsterdam would be fun with Zeke because the whole city has a laid back vibe
- Zeke gives off a weird mix of constant ease but also stress? Maybe it’s the trauma? Who knows! But the man needs to relax
- And Amsterdam is super chill! There’s a lot of historical memorials and museums to keep you both occupied and the canals are beautiful
- Plus there’s marijuana everywhere omg
- Honestly he’d have a lot of fun in the red light district? Super polite and respectful about everything but the man’s a freak let’s be real (he’s leaving the red light district the SECOND you’re uncomfortable btw he’s super understanding)
- There are really cool markets all over? The flower markets are my favorite! A whole street full of flower bulbs and plants to buy!
- He’d probably suggest you buy some, and when you point out that they might not travel there he’d suggest you just move there together
- Idk maybe it’s the weed, but I think vacations with Zeke would just make him weak in the knees, falling in love with you all over again
- I feel like he’s pretty depressed/apathetic to the world (sorry king 💀), but seeing your eyes full of awe as you explore the large tulip fields makes his heart ache with love for you
- Big softy underneath the trauma xoxo
- Amsterdam would be packed with a large variety of experiences and Zeke would start the trip passively going along with whatever you want, but by the end he’d be dragging you around trying to see everything the world has to offer!
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Thanks so much for reading! Hope you enjoyed! Please leave an ask if you want to see any other specific scenarios! I’m working on one about college majors next so stay tuned!
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hjartasalt · 7 months
read about the earthquakes and volcanoes (?!) and my first thought was. omg. lauf. from iceland. is he ok? (are you?)
I (like the vast majority of the population) live in the capital area so I'm ok! The earthquakes where I live are generally not too much of a disturbance even though you can definitely feel them. The biggest danger right now is in the town of Grindavík, which as of 1:20 am this morning was cleared out due to earthquakes originating directly under them or right next to the town. It is still unclear where exactly the eruption will happen and whether or not Grindavík will be safe, but it has been determined that an eruption is inevitable and likely to cause some damage to man made structures in the area, even if the town itself ends up unaffected. In that scenario, we might lose some power plants or the blue lagoon. Grindavík has suffered damage from the earthquakes and it is very likely we will see an eruption within the next 24 hours.
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milaisreading · 4 months
Hetalia AU:
Yn, while holding a puffling: Awww! These are adorable, Iceland! So they got lost in the city?
Iceland, holding a puffling while walking towards a cliff: Yep. They confuse the city lights for the moon and end up there instead of the ocean.
Yn, walking over to Iceland while patting the puffling: So, why are we here again? Shouldn't we give them some food and-
Iceland: Yeet! *throws the puffling off of the cliff*
Yn: AHHH!!! *covers the puffling's eyes while watching the other fly away*
Iceland: We need to throw them like this.
Yn: Can we keep this one, at least?
Mr. Puffin while landing on her head: No. There can only be one!!
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runnning-outof-time · 4 months
Question Time!
Thanks for the tag Liv @garrison-girl-08 ! 🥰
-What is a bad habit you have? Biting my nails
-What's your dream job? Something with history…or books
- How many times have you been pulled over by a cop? Once - because my brake light was out 🙄
- Dream travel destinations? Iceland, Montana….and I’d love to take a roadtrip across the US - see every state
-What are the top two words your friends would use to describe you? Kind (or at least I hope) and funny (again I’m hoping so)
-Have you ever had sex in a public place? Goodness no….those kind of scenarios stay in the fanfics lol
- Favorite beverage? Juice
-Are you more independent, or need lots of people around you? I’m content being alone, but there are times where I really need to be around others
Tagging: @teenwolf-theoriginals @there-goes-thefighter @forgottenpeakywriter @allie131313 @toms-cherry-trees @raincoffeeandfandoms
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marine-indie-gal · 3 months
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Been awhile since I haven't drawn any Tabaluga lately, not since that I've finally got a chance to watch the Kristin Fairlie version online since I first found the Mackenzie Ziegler version from it's Alternate Stupid Title, "Ice Princess Lilly" only to fool a lot of people into thinking it was a Frozen knock-off from a Regular Old Dollar Store. Though it's still not a big surprise from Me for the US to give out some CGI Movie Adaptations of Kids Shows from an Old Decade under their own Cheap Titles like "Here Comes The Grump" to "A Wizard's Tale" and even "The Magic Roundabout" to "Doogal" (seriously, the last one sucked ass. Even though I haven't had a chance to watch the British version, I heard a lot of good things about the OG version of that Other Adaptation much better than how Weinstein butchered it with their own Pop Culture references).
So I had a small talk with my Friend, @djinarocks of how we loved Tabaluga and how that Arktos is one of our Favorite Villains of Musical Theatres (compare to Von Rothbart from "Swan Lake" and even The Mouse King from "The Nutcracker") after I introduced her to this German Franchise.
While that both Me and My Friend love Obscure Media a whole lot, we both ship Tabaluga/Lilli together as a Romeo and Juliet like pairing (since these Two Elemental Kids did reminded Me a lot of that Other Elemental Romeo and Juliet Movie made by Sanrio (not to be confused with the Pixar one that is)). During in one of our conversations, we talked about on how we wondered if Lilli didn't leave Iceland and started her own New Life up in Space if Arktos did raised her and treated her as his own Actual Heir (something as if his own Mother would've liked to have Grandchildren if the Son were to pass the Whole "Dictator" thing to his own Children like a Family Thing).
If you're one of the Fans who both love the Musical and the Show other than the Movie, you'd probably would know that Arktos created Her, only to lure Tabaluga in for exchange of his Fire (in which the 2018 Adaptation did by its own self, but without the Whole "Give Your Own Fire to Me" thing and replace it into having "One Last Hero to be Killed" scenario that made Arktos into a much more Sinister Creepy Dragon Genocidal Monster as an Akin Contrast to the OG Arktos). But since Me and My Friend had this "Thought" if Lilli didn't leave Iceland, what if Arktos had a different way with her? Something like raising a Heir and make them a Future Dictator for your own Country. If anything, that could've had make Lilli give her so much more character other than just a "Love Interest" (akin to the Movie's Lilli as well).
Basically, Arktos creates Lilli through Sculpture (but it goes different than the last one than in the show through a twist), instead of creating a Trap for Dragon Bait, he actually creates Lilli as a single heir of his own so that way she'd beat Tabaluga to rule all over the lands one day. After trying to wind her up with a Wind-Up Key, Arktos thought of a better solution by breathing her into Life to make her Real. He names his own Daughter, "Lilli" because after researching through a Book about Humans, he mispronounced the name "Lilith" (The First Wife of Adam) into "Lilli" and mistaken Her as Eve (Adam's True Wife) (because that's clearly how he created her according to some of the Musical's lore from what I can remember). Although while Tabaluga was deeply in love with Arktos' Humanoid Daughter, Arktos forbid their own love and didn't want to be a Father-In-Law to his own Arch-Nemesis (whose the Son of his First Enemy).
Teaching his own Child everything about Iceland Life, Lilli was somehow fascinated by the World of Greenland and wanted to explore around Other Countries instead invading to in which, She and Her Father have a Huge Conflict about. Unlike the Movie's Lilli, this AU Lilli has more personality than the one in the show of her single appearance; She is more Meek and Shy with a Quiet Personality but is still Curious about the Entire World that she demands to ask a Whole Lot of Questions (even if her Father dares to answer one of them). Despite their own disagreements, Arktos loved his own Daughter deeply similar to how his own Mother passed on her Son's Spoiled Love to Another (even James would still have to be Lilli's own Manny whenever his Penguin Butler would have to keep an eye on her whenever the Father's not around).
When Tabaluga got over his own crush for her after their first meeting, he basically decided on how to teach Lilli to be more "Independent" whenever she'd come and visit Greenland (either with or without her own Father), even with the help of her own Friends. Although that while most of the Greenlanders didn't like Lilli at first, the Ice Princess then expand more of her Kindness to her Surroundings as throughout her own Arc between Seasons 2-3, She and Tabaluga develop more of their Romance (instead of having a Rushed One). After the Frozen Defeat of Arktos, Lilli then decides for her own life that it is best to join her own Boyfriend and become the Rulers of both their own Lands after a Long Journey ahead of having Each of The Four Seasons be released every year as they start their own New Life together, thus, ending their own Families' hate feud.
I've probably should've had put this in my version of Tabaluga but oh well, at least this is probably from a Simple AU where if Lilli did had more Character than just being the Main Character's Love Interest. 🤷‍♀️
BTW, when I finally got a chance to watch the First English Dub Movie online, I was so Happy that I got a chance to seeing the Scene where Tabaluga and Lilli sing their own Love for Each Other from one of the Musicals and let me tell you it was sooooooo Adorable to see Tabaluga and Lilli's love for each other, which makes my Love for the Both of Them even more 🥰
And while that I still haven't checked out the Rest of the Musicals and their Songs (since I still can't understand German as Someone who wishes to learn more about Any Foreign Language for the Same Person who watches Foreign Cartoons all the time), I did try out the Original versions for "Devil In White" and "I'm Feeling You" as I still need to practice more of my own Tabaluga homework. XP
I was also afraid on how I would deal with my own first time drawing with Canon Arktos after doing my own version of Him (since his Left Arm was a bit hard for Me), but I think I nailed it after trying to draw out their own Canon Designs from the Franchise.
Arktos and Lilli (c) Peter Maffay, Rolf Zuckowski, and Gregor Rottschalk.
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miniar · 5 months
Volcanic eruption on the edge of town in Iceland
January 14th update.
Early this morning a crack opened up in the earth and lava started to spill out. This wasn't entirely unexpected but it's placement is the worst case scenario for a lot of people.
You, like the people who live in Grindavík, can watch the slow flow of molten earth towards the town live, on webcams that cover the area from a few angles, on either of these two links. Remember, these are people's homes, so, while bearing witness to nature's wrath is something we may want to do, know you're doing it along side the very people whose homes those are. Don't be a ghoul. Link 1 - Icelandic national broadcast
Link 2 - Morgunblaðið
Now let me go back a couple of days and cover some preamble.
A group of people have been working hard, building a low protective wall (think sandbagging but for lava, not water) and trying to fill in the massive crack in the earth in the Icelandic town of Grindavík when one of them went missing. His tools were spotted down the crack, but after a few days of searching, the authorities gave up on finding him. He's presumed dead, swallowed whole by the earth. This is the first death associated with the situation.
When the crack opened this morning it opened across the protective barrier they had been working on. Some effort was made to try and get the expensive machinery out, making several people watching on live feeds very very nervous, as the lava started running on both sides of this little barrier. A clear black split in the bright red heat of molten rock in the dark winter morning. No machines and no (more) workers were lost, but fear rose quickly. If the lava split the barrier then what of the town?
Before the question could even be asked "officially" enough to start formulating a swift answer, a second smaller tear in the earth opened on the town's side of the wall, far closer to the nearest street, the nearest home, than the previous larger crack.
People who had been struck with fear and a panicked hope that Something could be done to protect their homes watched as that hope was swiftly set ablaze.
The search for the missing man stopped just the day before yesterday, so this has been very quick, and while the previous situation was marked with repeated and intense earthquakes and a tiny spillage of lava that lasted less than a day, this was almost gentle. People didn't get a buildup of warning as pressure rose and the ground readied itself to spill forth it's contents, not the way they did before. It seems the pressure release of December just wasn't enough for a notable difference. The town of Grindavík stands empty right now. No one is in there, waiting for the slow flowing doom. But these are still people's homes. Everyone's been evacuated, but almost everyone had been hoping, and had begun waiting, to go HOME. They are watching this now. Wondering if their home will even exist tomorrow.
This is expected to be the worst volcanic event in Iceland since the eruption in Heimaey where a large portion of the settlement was entirely lost.
We rebuilt then and odds are we'll rebuild now, but everyone who's ever lost anything close to this degree knows that no matter how well you rebuild, no matter what well you replace what you've lost, what's lost is still Lost.
So, be kind, don't be a ghoul, and maybe take the moment to respect the fierce power of the earth we all have such tendency to take for granted, and be reminded of how even in places of peace, human life both physical and metaphorical, is so very, very, very fragile, that we should be treating it gently and not as disposable.
And if you want to donate to help the people of Grindavík, I suggest you donate to help the people of Palestine instead, or to a Transgender charity, or to any other people who are face man-made horrors instead. Your kindness is wonderful, but while this is a fucking disaster, it's one Iceland's familiar with, and it's only natural. You can't counterbalance mother earth, but you can counterbalance your fellow man.
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bluedalahorse · 9 days
Hi ! 😊
What do you thing a romcom between Sara and August would look like ? What trope do you think fit them the most ?
Hi Margot!
So. Startling confessions ahead…
I’m not sure if I’m an expert in romcoms and romcom tropes? Like, genuinely not sure. I’m more of a romantic drama (RomDram?) person than a romantic comedy person, in terms of what I purposely seek out, but I do read/watch a lot of things that are romcom adjacent and I have some romcoms I like quite a bit. Plus I read a lot more romance novels now than I ever did ten years ago.
That said, I’m going to try to answer your question. And I will mention some love stories I like along the way!
I actually have two scenarios for you. The first is more a sargust scenario that I could see happening after the future of canon. The second is a canon divergent sargust scenario that could happen in an alternate universe. And then I might mention a bonus scenario or two, just for funsies.
Scenario A: Canon Compliant-ish Future Sargust
My vote for sargust-in-the-future is a second chance romance road trip romcom. Now that Sara can drive, why not use that as part of the story?
My thought here is that Sara and August have to drive across Europe together for whatever reason. Maybe one of the Icelandic volcanoes has a big eruption, and the ash in the air is disrupting flights all over European airspace, and August and Sara both happen to be… somewhere. Let’s say the south of France. They’re not there together, but they both happen to be there when the volcano erupts. And maybe trains are a difficult option because of rail strikes or they’re overbooked. Sara and August have to drive from France to Germany to Denmark to Sweden so they can get to Simon and Wilhelm’s wedding on time.
The nice thing about a road trip romance is that the characters on the trip have a lot of time together to talk through things and get to know one another. (Or in Sara and August’s case, get to know the adults that they’ve both become, and how they’ve matured and how they’ve stayed the same.) Trips also bring unexpected challenges, so that could give them a chance to work together on tasks and bond over their successes. Especially if August has just left the monarchy and there’s public buzz about that, they might have to ditch paparazzi. And maybe at some point their car breaks down and they have to ride horses for the last part of the journey? There will absolutely be horses.
Given that road trips involve stops for the night, you could theoretically also bring in Only One Bed as a trope. I’m not as much of a fan of that trope myself (I love it when characters choose Only One Bed instead of having it thrust upon them) but someone who’s interested in it could write it.
In terms of mood and structure, I’d actually love to see this story be similar to Jab We Met, one of my favorite Bollywood films. One of the things I like about Jab We Met is that it starts its characters as archetypes but deepens them gradually over the course of the film, and it also balances out how much they’re able to help one another grow. Geet and Aditya are very different from Sara and August, so some of the dynamic would be different, but I still like the idea of them traveling together. (Although, part of Aditiya’s plot is about him reconciling with his mother, which is also something I want for August, so there’s that.)
Scenario B: Canon Divergent Alternate Universe (and it’s softer, and a little silly!)
What’s the trope where you’re helping someone win over a potential partner? That’s like a variation on the Cyrano story, right? I’ve never really read the original Cyrano, but I did read She Gets The Girl by Rachel Lippincott and Alyson Derrick, and that was cute, so.
Anyway. For some reason Scenario B takes place in an alternate universe where Sara goes to Hillerska but Simon chose not to join her and is at Marieberg. Sara wants to make friends and fit in and live in the dorms, so she’s looking for opportunities to do that. (This ends up being a much softer universe than actual YR, but romcoms are supposed to be softer, right?)
Yeah, anyway. Status quo at the beginning of the movie/miniseries: Sara wants to fit in and live in the dorms. August wants to date Felice. Felice wants to not have to deal with her temperamental horse Rousseau, and instead secretly practice her cooking and baking skills without anyone at school (or her parents) finding out.
Felice finds out that Sara is a non-res, and talks Sara into inviting her over to use her household kitchen. In return, Felice will let Sara into her friend group. But over time they become real friends. (Maybe Wille becomes Felice’s sous-chef eventually, and that’s how Wille and Simon become the beta pairing in this story.)
Meanwhile… Sara learns that August can talk the board into letting her into the dorms, somehow. And everyone knows he wants to date Felice. And Felice is like “ugh, my horse is so temperamental, I’d totally adore someone if they’d just deal with my horse for me.” So Sara goes to August and is like I WILL TEACH YOU HOW TO TAME ROUSSEAU SO YOU CAN WIN OVER FELICE AND IN RETURN YOU MUST GET ME A DORM ROOM. And August is like, OKAY GIRL-SOCIALIST YOU HAVE A DEAL, because like I said, this is a far softer universe than canon and no one films anyone at any windows!
So anyway, Sara and August start sneaking into the stable so Sara can teach August how to tame Rousseau. And August is the jerk rich boy of course, but soon softens up because he’s learning to take care of a horse, and he and Sara are opening up about their family situations and such, and oh no! They are catching feelings! But neither of them thinks the other one likes them back! Even if at one point Sara misses the last bus home from Hillerska and August is like don’t worry I’ll escort you and they ride horses back to Sara’s house. (And Linda is very much like. What. Is happening.) And Sara’s like SIGH WELL I BETTER HELP AUGUST WIN OVER FELICE WITH THESE HORSE SKILLS HE’S ACQUIRING. THE VALENTINE’S BALL IS APPROACHING AND HE’LL WANT TO GO WITH HER.
There are, of course, Misunderstandings, because this is a romcom and that is how they work, but by the end all is resolved and Sara and August go to the dance together in their 18th century costumes. Wille and Simon are also together and Felice ends up with either Rosh or Ayub. I haven’t decided.
Bonus Scenario C: I’m not even sure how this one works
I have no energy left for scenarios but I bet sargust could pull off a reasonably excellent Academic Rivals To Lovers story. And someone should write that while also drawing inspiration from Rachel Lynn Solomon’s Today Tonight Tomorrow because it is absolutely one of my favorite books to ever exist.
Honestly, even if all people get from this post is that they should watch Jab We Met and read Today Tonight Tomorrow, I’ll be a happy dalahorse.
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