#id cry with laughter and joy
cephalopodsquad · 11 months
maxxine being the one to take the belt off rhea, thus giving us a faction vs faction feud with judgment day vs alpha academy. goths vs jocks. the way nature intended.
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anti-endo-help · 1 month
you! you there! hi!
you are enough. you are loveable. you are cared for. you are appreciated. your efforts in life are noticed and people care about them. your life has inherent value and the world would be a worse and more empty place without you in it.
don't worry. it's okay to cry. it's okay to be upset, and it's okay to have bad moments. but when those moments happen, you have to try to wipe your tears and take deep breaths. in through your nose and out through your mouth. remind yourself that you're going to be okay. truly, you will be alright one day.
life is full of ups and downs, but I promise it is worth staying for the good moments. the laughter, the smiles, the hugs, the affection, the attention, the praise, the joy. it's all worth it. just hang on my friend.
you, you there. breathe. you're okay. :))
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[ID: STOP! this blog is a strictly anti-endo space! pro-endos and endo neutrals, shoo! shoo shoo!]
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quodekash · 4 months
FUUUUUUUUUUUCKing hell theyre gonna kiss today????
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hes so grumpy already I love this so much
the silent conversations chain and toey are having with their eyes oml I cant
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pls this is so funny
theyre both deeply in love with someone else so it's jsut so unnatural to them
BUT ALSO id like to mention that the first thing chain did when he had to pretend to be hitting on toey was put his arm around his shoulders and rest his hand there. which is what he's literally ALWAYS doing with pun, no matter when it is, he's always standing next to pun with his hand resting on one of his shoulders
its like he associates his time with pun as being in a romantic relationship 👀
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theyre lost in their own little world 🥺
this is too funny, the cuts from "chain. chain what happened next." to ✨soulful dramatic guitar music✨
im sad they didnt actually kiss but also im not surprised
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half convinced theyre already dating, they just cant be bothered saying anything so theyre waiting for others to ask them about it
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if I ever have a romantic partner, this is what I want
I cant explain it, I just wanna run up to them with pure joy and excitement, and for them to hold me back by just pushing against my skull
it just seems perfect, idk why
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genuinely think I might be more invested in their friendship than all the romantic relationships in this show
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im fucking CRYING
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my king matt, this was so unnecessary and I love everything about it
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why does it suit him so well tho
they should kiss again I think
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I feel everything about this image on a spiritual level
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look its really funny but I do feel bad cos this day is not even a little bit fun for him
like q is having a complete shit time
poor chain doesn't love amusement parks but he has to go on the rides with toey to keep up the facade cos toey loves these rides 😭
and its even worse realising Q also seems to love amusement parks, so he would be having a fucking amazing time if he could just go on all the rides next to Q cos they both love it so much 😭😭
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fuckin FINALLY
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I mean to be fair it was REALLY obvious
im surprised no one noticed earlier but also its a bl so im not at all surprised to find out theyre all fuckin dumbasses
a lot of the time watching bls ill be like "I want that" but its usually as a joke
but THIS?? the fucking adhd bastard (me) who just wants to be near their partner and compliment and always stimming and just having a swell fucking time while the other one loves them but is mildly tired but also in adoration? FUCKIN GIMME
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also how the fuck has Q not realised, theyre all so fucking obvious
also also I cant explain it it just feels deeply as though pun and chain are for real dating they just havent told anyone yet
ill make a post about it all at some point maybe (I definitely wont)
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hear me out tho, this gets even funnier if he's actually already in a committed relationship that no one knows about yet
I dont think it's secret dating, it's just 'not super obvious dating to try and see JUST how oblivious all our friends are. its been three years at this point and still no one's said anything. we're starting to lose all hope.'
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I love tan so much, the little wave
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what the FUCK
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what the FUCK FUCK???
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[insert that gif of the crowd of people in the bar going insane]
holy fucking shit dude holy fucking shit
my legs are literally shaking idk if I can do this
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im gonna be here all day
I dont even need to watch the rest of the episode now
I can just go to bed if I want and watch the rest later or smth
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dude I cant wait for q to realise that toey is milk frappe guy
omg making out in a haunted house, what a dream
the workers watching on the security cameras probably had a blast that day
how funny would it be if there'd been a scare actor in the shadows in that room with them and they'd been about to scare them but they were too shocked with that tender kiss to remember they have a job
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he needs to lie on his bed and just stare at his roof and think about that for a while
tbh same
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look at him 🥺 he's so lost in that memory
welp on that note I think im done for now
I might finish the ep with my silly thoughts+screenshots later but for now tis the time for sleep
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marilysugarcoated · 11 months
I have no words to describe how I feel right now
All i can really make out of this huge messy ball of unidentifiable emotion, is my unwavering gratitude.
Thank you. so much.
objectively, it sounds dumb and stupid that I’m getting so worked up over the ending of a “silly minecraft series”, but it is so much more than that. To me, this represents something so much bigger, -a hard truth i refused to confront.
Growth is inevitable, and childhood does not last forever. I knew that- I’ve always known that. and still, a part of me had always rejected the idea of change. I’d always described myself as an optimist who was open to change; someone who embraced and relished in it. I held a firm philosophy in not mulling over outcomes you couldn’t control, and i did whatever I could to keep myself in that ‘healthy’ positive mindset. I knew that if I’d done anything differently, the girl from my childhood would wander farther from my reach.
Eventually, the favourite foods id once adored as a kid began to lose its flavour, (I’d briefly wondered if they’d changed the recipe) I began to notice the slight changes in my behaviour and body language; more tentative- almost insecure. The results from personality quizzes did not match with those I’d taken in previous years, I never really realized exactly how withdrawn I’d become.
Reality was rearing it’s ugly head, and we couldn’t have that, could we? -so, I desperately clung to anything and everything that was reminiscent of the little girl I’d grown to know so well. Subconsciously, i started regressing- I found myself helplessly depending on others, unable to go out anywhere without a stuffed animal, frequently putting my hair in pigtails, and engaging in more child-like activities, (at least, more than usual.)
These past few years, I’d felt as though I had lost my sense of self. I would force myself to feel and act accordingly to this perceived version of me. ‘Turns out that this ‘version of myself’ was just the girl I was before. Before the pandemic, before high-school, before I’d learned that the world was not all cotton candy and sugar cookies.- before; where my worries consisted only of stardew and genshin- before; where being happy was my default.
Watching the final episode snapped me out of my delusional reverie, and it felt as though Stampy had allowed me a sense of closure. I was beguiled when his video popped up in my youtube recommendations, not to mention the fact that it was his FINAL episode.
In truth, I didn’t expect it to hit me as much as it did. I mean, I hadn’t exactly planned on spending my saturday night sobbing to a minecraft let’s play vid lmao. Sure, in retrospect this really isn’t as big of a deal as I’m making it seem. And to that I say; yea. lol im even cringing myself out a bit, but hey, i’ve always been one for theatrics. ;)
But really; as I scrolled through the comments (still crying btw), I’d finally allowed myself to mourn, and confront the fact that I have grown up. I could no longer consider myself a little kid,, and that’s okay. it will be okay.
This is the end of an era. further more, it is the start of something new. The real world awaits, and i have Stampy (and others) to thank for the person I am today:)
It has been such a privilege to be part of this community of others raised alongside me, and to have had the pleasure of little-me experiencing the elation she’d felt when Stampy posted a new video.
Sincerely, thank you. Thank you soso much Stampy, for bringing so much joy and laughter to us many young kids— turned young adults
It’s been an unforgettable ride:)
Now, all we can do is move forward.- Take life as it is, and carefully construct our own worlds so that maybe, (just maybe,) they can become as lovely as yours has. ❤️‍🩹🐈
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aceduchessdragoness · 9 months
Original upload by [@]anees on tiktok and his Instagram on Jan 4, 2024
[id: Video subtitles. Words like [this] added by me. I've never transcribed a poem, so if it looks wrong please let me know, or add on to this post. Also, I’d add more punctuation, but I’m unsure how to do that with a poem.
I don’t feel safe as a Palestinian
would you?
now that you’ve seen all the terror
all the trauma that we’re put through
you’ve seen all the dead babies
the families under rubble
even in the comfort of our home and in the safety of our bubbles
I don’t feel safe as a Palestinian
I never have
ever since I was a kid I felt a target on my back
all my classmates got to celebrate the land of their ancestors
[but] I saw the way the hatred and the racism would fester
anytime I had the nerve to get excited or express how I was blessed to be Palestinian
so I learned to repress
I don’t feel safe as a Palestinian
I wish I did
I wish I wasn’t so concerned that one day I’ll have a kid
and that kid won’t understand why we can’t visit the land where Sitty lived
why there’s no birthright for the indigenous
I don’t feel safe as a Palestinian
not even here … in America
where I’m supposed to live without a fear
but a six year old Palestinian was stabbed to death
three college students were shot for the scarf around my neck
how dare we dare to exist?
if our existence is a threat
then I don’t feel safe as a Palestinian
why should I
I've been watching genocide for months documented live
these people look like you and I
we’ve heard every scream and cry
but our president sends them billions
so millions more can die
I don’t feel safe as a Palestinian
but that will change
I know one day our homeland will live a life without this pain
I know their screams will be of joy
I know their tears will be of laughter
and Palestine will finally be happily ever after
we will be safe as Palestinians
one day soon
they can’t break us
they can’t shake us
no matter what evil they use
no matter how many they kill
no matter what bullets they shoot
you can’t murder the soul of a native people
who refuse to accept their occupation
so no matter what they do
we will be safe as Palestinians
it’s just a matter of time
from out of the hell of darkness
the light of freedom will shine
from under the city’s rubble
the people of Gaza will rise and dismantle this occupation
because within our lifetime
we will finally be safe as Palestinians
Free Palestine /id]
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loversj0y · 1 year
Hii, it's me again!
Ok remember a while back I requested night beach with Wilbur?
Doing Night beach again tonight, so can I get some night beach with Tommy?
gosh a night beach with tommy would be so much fun, i dont really write romantically for tommy (i love him but hes too little brother coded to me personally bc he reminds me of my school little brother i had in high school) but as for some platonic stuff
i think about the sleepover vlog with ranboo a lot (mostly because im a big car seat headrest fan, and it irks the hell out of me that i cant find the shirt ranboo wears in the end of the vid) (also mostly bc its such a big comfort to me) but going off his behavior in that
tommy is such a joy man, all big laughs and bits. he has his quieter moments too, of course, but he doesn't prefer them to the sound of yours and his laughter.
he loves throwing pebbles, especially (kindly) at you, and definitely doesnt start a pebble war that ends in him complaining that you hit his face and he might bruise and "how will he impress molly now"
he would also find the weirdest looking pebble and say it reminds him of you. because he's a little shit.
he'd probably make up stories about the things you find that people had left behind. every bottle cap has a story, after all. and he is delighted in the fact that he gets to make them up. if theres put out cigarettes and beer caps, he's talking about edgy fucks like wilbur. if theres crisp bags and soda caps, he's talking about how it's middle schoolers going on a date, but the date didn't end well, so one of them left the remnants because they're crying
(he'd also probably pick up this trash. at least id very much fucking hope so -someone who lives at a beach and gets annoyed seeing even the Tiniest piece of plastic there)
the quiet moments arent necessarily serious moments, either. there's no big admissions, no sharing of childhood regrets. maybe secrets though. the quiet comes in the form of hushed chats about hope, the future, and the good things you've learned to become thankful for. he's always about focusing on the brighter side of the past, citing memories about his friends in class rather than the bullies that tried to torment him.
he'd also try to embarrass the fuck out of you if he saw someone walk past. because. he's a little shit (affectionate).
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sokuroda · 2 years
i haven’t done another one of these in literal months. it is January and the last I posted about things I completed was in November.
Mob Psycho 100 S3 -
my favorite show ever. I don’t even know what to say. i only got into mob like 2 years ago and im so glad i did. i sobbed at the ending. it was very bittersweet but i was so so happy for everyone. mob’s growth made me so so happy. genuinely just such a good show and i got my brother and my friend to watch mob too and they really enjoyed it. this is kind of a ridiculous statement to use in regards to a show but yknow, if i loved mob psycho less id be able to talk about it more. just so many emotions. the finale happened and one of my friends got several voice messages of me crying and just talking about it. i would really like to read the manga for it at some point, and i do plan to read the reigen spin-off as i do actually own it.
Cowboy Bebop -
I started watching this a few years ago and never finished so I thought I should finally come back to it, and it was worth it. It’s so good. The last few episodes made me sad. Just all the, lore episodes I guess, generally caused me a lot of pain. Ed and Ein leaving broke my heart. And honestly Faye’s backstory really got me. THE SONG THAT PLAYED DURING THAT PART TOO!!! SO GOOD. and don’t even get me started on Spike :( I did really like the cowboy episode though, the one with the YMCA or Young Men’s Cowboy Association. was a good episode, and the fridge lobster creature episode haunts me to this day.
Spy x Family - it’s just wholesome. always makes me laugh and is really a no thought head empty show and i enjoy that. i do keep up with the manga for this but it’s always nice to see it animated.
Chainsaw Man - obviously very positive thoughts about this one I love chainsaw man. Suffering from actual brain rot. the vibes are very different from the manga, it’s more cinematic ig but I do think it’s a great adaptation. The intro and all the outros are so good. Especially the Hayakawa family outro. I loved the voice actors. BEAM!!! His va is so good. I love just all the insane laughter from all the characters it brings me so much joy. I love chainsaw man !!!!
Vinland Saga - my brother is so into Vinland saga. And he has told me about it before. I thought I’d watch it because I knew a new season was coming out, and obviously he had hyped it up so much. And it was absolutely worth the hype. I binged like 16 episodes in a day and would have finished it in a day if I didn’t go see Puss in Boots ( which very good btw) It’s in my top 10 now, im not really one come up with a top 10 or anything. But if I had one Vinland Saga is definitely up there. I liked like all the characters. Thorfinn is great. Askeladd is so fucking cool. Canute and Thorkell phenomenal. Can’t believe thorfinn is so short too, like bro is minuscule im ngl. but anyways !!! Even like Bjorn I enjoyed. I was genuinely sad when he died. But anyways. I love Vinland saga too!!!
Kekkai Sensen/Blood Blockade Battlefront -
This wasn’t bad at all! Idk if I’ll watch the second season, but the first one wasn’t too bad. I did start watching it solely because of the outro, and yknow what the outro is really good and does make me very happy so I do stand by that decision. Was not expecting to hear Zoro’s VA in this so that was a pleasant surprise. Zapp overall was just a wild character, and he had a tiny ass waist like wtf was that all about. Anyways, was enjoyable overall.
Terror in Resonance - this show is so good. from what i can remember the music in it is good. There was a song I really liked but idk what it’s called unfortunately. It’s a good show to just binge. I liked it a lot. I cried at the end. I wasn’t expecting that to happen given like the premise of the show, I went into the show just thinking it was about terrorists, and to certain extent it is but also it’s more than that. Anyways, I guess I should’ve assumed things wouldn’t all be wonderful and happy by the end, but man… lots of really cool things within this show and overall just enjoyable though, so id definitely recommend!
currently watching - attack on Titan, one piece (im at thriller bark), buddy daddies, bungo stray dogs s4, and Vinland Saga S2
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teeth of a vortex
I remember once waking from a dream
years ago on a cloudy day
maybe it was spring or autumn
maybe even a mild day of summer
there was a voice in my mind as my consciousness rose
from the morphing shadows of slumber
that voice was an ember of someone I knew
though I'd swear Id never heard it before
"I could have given you armies under your command"
said the voice, snarling like a forge full of swords
"I could have given you legions under your name"
and I remember yawning and rubbing my eye
sitting and reaching my arms out above and behind me
my shoulders cradled my head as I took a trembling breath
still learning how to breathe while not dreaming for the day
I sighed it out into another yawn and rolled my head
on my neck in a slow and lazy circle and ended the movement
of my waking physical body with a shrug of the shoulders
"why the fuck would I even want that?" I asked
I was met with silence which likely meant I was fully awake
there was already a million things to do for three children
I can't imagine how much caretaking labor an army needed
though throughout history that was what the brothels were for
humans love to watch blood and gore and the most violent death
then blush when they see two figures slowly disrobing each other
using the skin to touch and feel rather than tear and bleed
that sweet sort of intimacy is not something many of us
know how to tolerate without thinking about it
and when you think about it it can get uncomfortable
the discomfort is more soothing than a touch of love
or a gaze that sees everything you are and somehow longs for it
you look away from the power of love because it's so bright
when for so long all you've known is how to turn darkness to grey
neither eros nor psyche knew what to do with each other
and the trials were long and painful and both took moments
to pause and press their palms into their eyes and think
"why the absolute fuck am I doing this again?
the patterns are so obvious and I know them
this is exactly how I used to feel back then
was I somehow wrong about absolutely everything?!"
I watch myself getting more restless and more reckless
I see how my impulsivity increases and my reflection decreases
I see how I start to try to connect things to mean others
I see it all and I remember to play my hand over my heart
and over my stomach and whisper to myself gently
prayer can be self care when you say it to your own body
"you only know and remember how it hurts
you're ignoring all the moments of joy and laughter
the delight of connection and understanding
and letting your nervous mind tell you that it's all just
the world closing in on you to finally take you out
but the universe doesn't work like that
and life doesn't flow like that
it just kind of seems to when you're scared
and something matters to you a lot
if it hurts it that means it was important to you
and that you're not indifferent and that you have desires
and hopes and dreams and aspirations you want to have
and every soul gets to have that and sometimes we get them
but we wouldn't go back or change anything
so that means we did a good job so far
so we'll keep making the best choices we can
and believe in love and try to act with itegrity
and also take no shit and cry if it releases us from confusion
we'll learn and dance and sing and surprise each other
and at some point we'll only remember the pain
as an exception in a beautiful connection
continue to learn the languages that bring us closer
and remember that trust is a process and not a rule
your definitions of loyalty and devotion have changed
so you won't make the same decisions as previous versions
nor seek out the same kind of relationships
or frankly take the same kind of shit."
I feel everything calm back down inside of me
my heart peeks back out from behind her stone and bark
and I can feel the world flow through me like the sea and wind
I am one with the force and the force is within me
today I believe in everything good for me
and maybe that will change in an hour or moment from now
but I got to connect with that peaceful source bliss
and believe it and feel it within me
and that's enough and I'll find it again
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gymn0somata · 4 months
like, 2 years ago, when i had to get my wisdom teeth removed, they gave me this funky "cocktail" of dizziness (in italy, anaesthetic gas isnt common i think? so they gave me these drops to make me stupid bc id be crying in horror otherwise)
and boy let me tell you that i sincerely believe i was high for the first time ever
so my poor, little and full-of-anxiety 16 year old body got FLOORED in like 15mins of taking this medicinal weed soup. and i mean absolutely fuckin GONE
my mom was next to me, and she just asked me "how you feelin, bud?" to which i proceed by pointing at the empty chairs in front of us and nonchalantly going "they got legs. like spiders. theyre gonna get me"
at this point, a random nurse walks by, and i still go on with my dumbass spider chair rant, and of course this poor lady couldnt have known i had taken some funny medicine juice, so when she left she just looked at me slightly concerned. my mom pointed it out, and i just dramatically held my hand out, tears rolling down my face, whimpering "no.. im so sorry... please dont send the cops after me......"
after that, i began reading the signs on the chairs, which notified others to leave one seat empty between each other, because yknow. the Corvid Nine Teen. problem was, the fucking text was in french, spanish and various other languages. my only perfect fluency is in english and italian, so just imagine this kid, high off their fucking mind, reading broken french to their mother, who at this point was recording me and almost crying in laughter
later on, i got sent in to the dentist, who laughed at my condition, and proceeded to work on my tooth
just about before we were done, i finally was back to normal, and they were putting up stitches. so, mouth open wide by that damn thingmabob they shove in your face hole to keep it open, i manage to blurt out, "hey can i keep my tooth after this" to which the doctors laughed slightly and agreed. i now have my tooth, covered up in dried blood, somewhere in my room, and i promptly named it françois
by the time i was home to rest, aka 2 weeks, the left side of my face swelled up to the point it left a damn Bruise Under My Eye. i had to eat cold mashed potatoes and cold scrambled eggs for 2 weeks as to not fuck up the stiches
thing is, in my insanely pained state, i couldnt handle that. i felt like i was gonna go insane. so i did the unthinkable.
Two Cans Of Tuna. Two Packets Of Saltine Crackers.
i put some tuna on a cracker. sandwich it with another. eat it. (by the right side of my mouth so i didnt undo the stitches)
and believe me when i tell you i CRIED SO HARD IN JOY
also i put schweppes and still frozen popsicles in a cup and smash the popsicle down to a pulp to make a shitty homemade slushie so i could have something sweet
tldr: removing my wisdom tooth at 16 made me realise how fucking good solid foods are and also that chairs have spider legs i guess
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frenoazul · 7 months
i want to cry but nothing comes out
i thibk of all the wrongs id make right
took them on a bumpy ride to find out later i was too afraid to bite down and surrender. i found love and ive learned to do it better but my hearts still tender it still beats and remembers, im writing the same song i wrote for ... that one september, please God i dont want to see them never.
i know what im supposed to do but i sabatoge myself when i peak you through a window on repeat or sleep too little in a week or think about you when I... im doing better
i think about your bequtiful teeth how they glow up the world when you grin smile and laugh. feeling the skin of my lover, like sitting with the stars on a fresh night, like the cold wind on my nose in the orange morning, a crowd of jiving people. or the evening sun as i drive away from the coast the sound of your voice filled with pain laughter and joy.. i shouldve never.
i think about your eyes, it didnt take long and i fell in love with them. a dark smokey brown glow, the sun sings to them and when she hits those notes oh the memory still reverberates in these concert halls and when i press shuffle on my phone.
i think about the lie, the cold shoulder, the dead rotting corpse, the moon in the sky the lines that were crossed, unsafe spaces in sex, the words that put you down. the distance in our hands. my anxious ego thatd writhe the tears in your eyes and the cracks in your voice. ill wear it on my chest i know it i am responsible.
and still i don't wanna see you never, to know youre okay and learn how youre doing is a decision i think twice to endevor when maybe you have settled to forget me
my fantasy is not your responsibility, these silver rhymes that don't see light. just monologues to a dream like pink and purple lights over a strangers shoulder.
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aashriapps · 8 months
4k Mary Had a Little Lamb | Mary Had a Little Lamb Song | Mary Had a Lit...
4k Mary Had a Little Lamb | Mary Had a Little Lamb Song | Mary Had a Little Lamb nursery rhymes | 4k | Lyrics Lyrics :- Mary had a little lamb, It's fleece was white as snow; And everywhere that Mary went The lamb was sure to go. He followed her to school one day Which was against the rule; It made the children laugh and play, To see a lamb at school. And so the teacher turned him out, But still he lingered near; And waited patiently about Till Mary did appear "What makes the lamb love Mary so?" The eager children cry; "Why, Mary loves the lamb, you know," The teacher did reply. Join the fun with our 'Mary Had a Little Lamb' Sing-Along for Children! Your little ones will love singing and dancing to this timeless nursery rhyme." "Mary Had a Little Lamb - Classic Nursery Rhyme for Kids" "Singing 'Mary Had a Little Lamb' with Lyrics" "Kids' Favorite: Mary Had a Little Lamb Song" "Mary Had a Little Lamb - Fun Kids' Song with Animation" "Nursery Rhyme Time: Mary Had a Little Lamb" "Mary Had a Little Lamb Sing-Along for Children" "Learn 'Mary Had a Little Lamb' Song for Kids" "Mary Had a Little Lamb Storytime for Children" "Animated Mary Had a Little Lamb - Children's Rhyme" "Mary Had a Little Lamb - Classic Kids' Song with Lyrics" "Sing along with Mary and her little lamb in this engaging and educational 'Mary Had a Little Lamb' Sing-Along for Children. Perfect for kids of all ages!" "It's sing-along time! Gather the kids and enjoy a heartwarming rendition of 'Mary Had a Little Lamb' in our entertaining video designed for children." "Get ready to sing and smile as we take you on a musical journey with 'Mary Had a Little Lamb.' Perfect for preschoolers and toddlers!" "Our 'Mary Had a Little Lamb' Sing-Along for Children is a fantastic way to introduce your little ones to the joy of music and nursery rhymes. Join the fun today!" "Looking for a delightful and educational activity for your kids? Check out our 'Mary Had a Little Lamb' Sing-Along for Children - it's the perfect choice!" "Mary and her little lamb are ready to sing, and we invite your children to sing along too! Enjoy this classic nursery rhyme with a fresh twist." "Discover the magic of 'Mary Had a Little Lamb' with our interactive Sing-Along for Children. Watch as your kids learn, sing, and have a blast!" "Teach your kids the joy of music with our 'Mary Had a Little Lamb' Sing-Along - a fantastic way to entertain and educate little ones." "This 'Mary Had a Little Lamb' Sing-Along for Children is filled with fun, laughter, and music. Join the sing-along adventure with your kids today!" Your Queries :- Mary had a little lamb Mary had a little lamb Song Mary had a little lamb nursery rhyme Mary had a little lamb story Mary had a little lamb lyrics Mary had a little lamb rhymes Mary had a little lamb piano Mary had a little lamb guitar Mary had a little lamb cords mary had a little lamb cocomelon 🌟 **Follow Us:** Stay up-to-date with the latest news, updates, and promotions. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61551426965282 https://twitter.com/AashriApps https://www.instagram.com/aashriapp/ #singalongsongs   #singalongsongs     #kidsmusic     #nurseryrhymes     #childrenssongs     #nurseryrhymes     #childrenssongs     #preschoolsongs     #funforkids   #parentingtips     #familytime     #familytimewithkapilsharma       #learningthroughmusic     #learningthroughmusic     #kidsentertainmentvideo     #childrenseducation     #kidsactivitiesathome   #toddlermusic     #toddlermusicclass       #kidslearning
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isaw-bbq · 10 months
cried randomly coz i miss old christmases.
its already december and i heard christmas station ids and here i am crying bc of how much i miss spending christmas happily with my family.
i miss my grandparents so much.
i miss how my family spent christmas with joy and laughter :<
aaaack ang random
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vilonnie-arts · 2 years
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art class comics
[ID: A traditional and a digital version of a comic featuring my original characters, titled, “If the Talking Animals Were Evil”. In the first panel, Marcus and Nina Delenitor pose dramatically and heroically in the sunlight. They are twin siblings who are both young, Black, and have round features. Marcus has short, close-cropped brown hair and wears a yellow cap and a black tunic with yellow sleeves. He smiles serenely, a single tear falling down his cheek, with his hands over his heart. He says, “Finally… It’s been a long and perilous journey, but it’s at last come to an end!” Next to him, Nina has long, curly brown hair held back with a pink ribbon, and is wearing a pink shirt with a blue shawl over one shoulder. The shawl is patterned like the ocean. Nina smiles righteously with one fist in the air and says, “Now to face the unfathomable evil we’ve wasted our whole childhoods on defeat– hey what?” In the second panel, Nina spots Quill the white peacock approaching them. In the third panel, Quill says, “Hey I’m the evil emperor.” In the fourth panel, Marcus stumbles, sweating, and stutters, “The?” Nina is horrified and says, “That’s a bird.” The fifth panel is labeled “NEGOTIATIONS” and shows Marcus sitting at a table with an albino tiger and Katie Marrows. Marcus is leaning on one hand with a frustrated expression that is half a fake smile and half a grimace. The tiger is wearing a colonial powdered wig, a red coat, and a jabot, and is blathering on about nothing. Katie is an Asian girl with light skin, dark red eyes, straight black hair in a ponytail, and sharp features. She is wearing a golden crown, a white blouse with transparent bubble sleeves over a black high-neck top, and a red skirt. She is crossing her arms and rolling her eyes. In the background, Nina is running at Quill with a sword. In the last panel, Nina hits Quill with the flat of the sword, making a “BONK” sound. Quill is cartoonishly squished underneath. Marcus shoots up in his seat with a disbelieving expression. The white tiger looks back at Quill and Nina with wide eyes. Katie leans over on the table. Her eyes and smile are wide, she is crying tears of joy, and her face is red with laughter. Text next to her shows that she is wheezing. End ID]
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userpeggycarter · 2 years
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buckynat + textposts. [ID under the cut]
[image ID: a series of GIFs and images, overlaid with tumblr textposts describing Natasha Romanoff and Bucky Barnes’ relationship.
GIF 1: A textpost from user dominant-dominion, overlaid on an edited gif of Natasha and Bucky who are looking away from each other. The textpost says ‘sorry for being mentally ill, the sex will be bomb though.’
GIF 2: a GIF of Bucky kissing someone whose face has been whited out overlaid with a text post. The text post is from user elytrians, and says ‘actually, my favourite ship dynamic is “i could kill you” and “i would let you”. A reblog from the same user adds ‘especially when it’s mutual… we could destroy each other but we would rather cut off our own hands than raise them against each other. our love is self destructive but not because we are bad for eacher but because we want so badly to be good for each other that we would die for it.’
GIF 3: A gif of Bucky’s eyes above the Winter Soldier mask, and his eyes are above Natasha’s eyes as she turns around quickly. The textpost in the middle is from user aidaughter and says ‘are you trying to kill me (derogatory) or are you trying to kill me (romantic)’.
GIF 4: a GIF of Bucky drinking from a bottle and Natasha smirking. The overlaid text post begins with a post from user dateaboysuggestions who says ‘date a boy who forgives you for your past’. user trophyuncle reblogs to add ‘date a boy who disregards your Cracker Barrel arson charge’. A second reblog from user phoneus says ‘date a boy who was your accomplice in the arson.’
GIF 5: a picture of Natasha over a GIF of Bucky. The textpost is from user bramstokersdracula and says ‘the best thing a male character can do is be insane and love his wife’.
GIF 6: Two gifs on top of one another of Bucky kissing a faceless redheaded woman, and Natasha kissing a faceless man. The overlaid text post is from user guulabii and says ‘I think love is revolutionary because when done right, it allows for accountability, for growth, for healing, for laughter, for joy, for connection, for touch, for coming home. maybe it is foolish of me, even a little stupid to think of it as such but when done right, when honoured, when fulfilled, when prepared and boiled and served well, it truly does magic, it truly changes lives, it nourishes, it feeds, it gives hope, hope, so much of it.’
GIF 7: Two gifs laid overtop of each other. One is of Bucky kissing a woman, and the other is of Natasha looking up at a man. The textpost is from user xiaosdejun and says ‘do you ever think about how natasha is bucky’s first and only love and just. cry’.
GIF 8: An overtop gif of Natasha and the Winter Soldier fighting from CA:TWS. The overlaid textpost is from user bronwennjames and says ‘i simply like m/f romances where the woman is completely feral and the guy is just a little too into it.’ a reblog from the same person says ‘she stops trying to kill him and he’s honestly a little disappointed’.
GIF 9: a gif of Natasha in a bra on one side and Bucky looking at her with desire on his face on the other. There are red hearts floating around. The textpost is from a deactivated user and says ‘rom-coms (romantic communists)’.
GIF 10: A gif of Natasha on the left side in her White Widow suit with her hair down, and Bucky on the right side giving a challenging look. The overlaid textpost from user highassi says ‘“i can fix him” Bitch you’re worse’. end ID]
[ID by @spacey-acey-artemis, thank you!]
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maraczeks · 4 years
veep s3 rewatch thread pt 5
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Surprise Adoption - Ch 7
Ingo held the crying Dawn in his arms, considering his options. He decided right then and there. She would stay with him and Emmet for the time being.
Word Count: ~1200
if someone drew emmet and ingos outfits from this chap i think id actually die of laughter because they look so stupid i love them
Emmet was the first awake this time, bouncing on his heels like a child on the first morning of a family vacation. He poked Ingo and Dawn awake, his grin reaching his ears. “Get up, we must not be late!” he said flatly as he hopped into the bedroom to change his clothes. The other two groaned as they sat up from the nest in the front room, rubbing sleep from their eyes. 
“Where are we going today?” Dawn asked sleepily. “He sure seems excited about it.” 
“It will be a surprise. I am sure you will enjoy it as well.” Ingo stood up and lifted her to her feet, retreating to their shared room as well to find some clothing. Emmet was whirling around the room, grabbing some cargo shorts and a random t-shirt and this and that. “You appear excited, Emmet.” Ingo raised an eyebrow at his brother mirthfully. 
“This will be the first time you have gone since your reappearance!” Emmet grinned. “They have added new things. I believe you will enjoy yourself. I am Emmet. I do not like heights. If she wants to go on-”
Ingo covered Emmet’s mouth with his hand. “Emmet! It is a surprise, remember?” 
“She is not in the cabin currently!” 
“She can still hear, though. She is preparing. We will depart shortly.”
They quickly dressed, Ingo managing to convince Emmet to wear something slightly more appropriate for the weather (including a fanny pack and a polo shirt) as he himself put on some denim shorts and a collared shirt that he tucked in slightly. He also grabbed some sunglasses for himself and Emmet. He ducked into the bathroom to brush his teeth and comb his hair before he emerged finally into the kitchen. Dawn was preparing some toast and eggs as Emmet was pulling on his socks and shoes, grinning still. Galvantula and a couple Joltik were stationed nearby. 
“Ingo, I am wearing them like this and you cannot stop me.” Emmet finished pulling his long socks up his thighs, the stark white contrasting with the black shoes he wore. He also had a waist pack on the table, which he was filling with things. Sunscreen, Poffins, his wallet, his Xtrans, and other things they may need for the day trip. Ingo toed on the black shoes he had. 
“Uncle Emmet, why are you wearing those socks?” “Me and Ingo burn verrry easily. I like to cover my calves.” 
“Then why the fanny pack?” she asked, trying not to laugh.
“It is convenient! I do not have to hold it.” 
“Elesa would throw a fit if she saw you right now,” Ingo said merrily as he sat down with a mug of coffee. “I thought she got rid of all of those types of shorts.” 
“Nnope! She did not! I hid some. They are comfy.” 
They ate breakfast quickly, the trio stashing away their Pokemon into their balls and bringing them along for the day. 
They took the Subway there. Some of the Depot Agents had to hold back their laughter when they saw what the twins were wearing, but they managed. Dawn, however, did not. She said that they really rocked the ‘dad look’. What that meant, Ingo had no clue. 
Emmet led them off the train, swinging his arms as they approached the destination. He grinned widely as he swept his arms wide and announced, “Welcome, passengers, to Poke-Fun Park!” They entered the gates and Dawn looked around, her eyes wide. Roller coasters looped around the park, the Rendez-Vous prominent and in the center. Other rides were whirling and moving, creating a rumble in the background. Sometimes screams of joy permeated the area. 
“This is what that meant last night?” Dawn asked, stunned.
Emmet nodded enthusiastically. “This,” he demonstrated the clawing hand motion again, “is Unovan sign for ‘amusement park’. Me and Ingo have been coming since we were verrry tiny.” 
“I’ve never been to a real theme park before,” Dawn breathed. Her smile was widening. “I don’t even know what half these rides do.”
“We have the entire day to simply try them out, Akari,” Ingo said excitedly. He hadn’t felt this type of giddiness in years. “Emmet here is-”
“-not a huge fan of all of them!” he cut in, glaring at Ingo. “So you can ride them with Ingo. If they are too high. Which many of them are.” 
“You’re afraid of heights, aren’t you?” Dawn asked, a small grin on her lips. 
Emmet glanced away. “No. I just do not like being up that high. Nope. Not good.” 
“He’s afraid of heights,” Ingo said loudly. Emmet smacked Ingo on the shoulder and frowned at him. 
“You said you wouldn’t tell anyone,” he whined. 
“I did not tell her, she figured it out herself. Now come on, you big Budew, let us find some rides.” 
Ingo opened the door, motioning for Dawn to enter first. She did so, wearing a pair of plush Emolga ears on her head and smiling tiredly. She clutched a plush Minccino to her chest. Emmet entered next, holding a bag by his side and wearing matching ears to her. He also carried a comically large Joltik plush. Dawn flopped onto the couch with her plush as Ingo entered last and locked the door, wearing a ball cap with similar Emolga ears and a few more bags. Of course, he had been the designated Mudsdale for all their items. He set the bags on the ground and shooed away the Joltik coming to investigate. 
Emmet sat on the ground and immediately held the Joltik plush to his face, nuzzling it. “Look, babies, I got you a new cuddly! What should I call it?” Some of the Joltik swarmed to him and examined the plush. It was longer than his torso. 
Ingo sat on the couch last, taking off his shoes and resting his aching feet. Today was lots of fun. Even after Emmet had almost hurled on the Rendez-vous because he wanted to prove he wasn’t scared of heights, they had managed to have fun with it. Dawn had definitely had the time of her life and seemed to have a huge appreciation for roller coasters now. Ingo wondered if it reminded her of riding Lord Braviary back in Hisui. 
The twins prepped things for bedtime. Dawn got changed into her pajamas as the brothers fluffed up the nest and put away all their souvenirs and other purchases. Emmet caught Ingo sneaking some of the cotton candy and had to wrestle it from him so that Ingo could properly sleep tonight. 
They cuddled up together with their partner Pokemon, a big huddle on the ground. Dawn yawned widely and snuggled in between the brothers. She was very sleepy. “Thanks for the fun day today, guys,” she murmured. Ingo kissed her  forehead softly as Emmet grinned. 
“Of course, Dawn. We had fun as well.”
“I love you guys,” she murmured as she fell asleep, a smell grin on her face as she began to snore lightly. 
Both of the brothers stiffened momentarily, looking at each other with sparkling eyes. Emmet’s smile was blinding. They both slung an arm over the sleeping girl between them, rumbling in unison, “We love you, too.” 
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