#idc if it's about the ships but i'm just saying that's.... literally canon
goresuki · 8 months
my thoughts on Charlastor and Alastor calling Charlie "the daughter he never had"
this will be a very long rant/vent/whatever. also, a kind of... agressive one. if u wanna read, read it, if u don't, don't, idc and idm. I don't know if some antis take things for convenience (that way) or if they really are naive, because the fact that a manipulative guy like Alastor, whose intentions are unknown, tells Charlie that he sees her as "the daughter he never had" DOES NOT SOUND as CUTE to me as many DO seem to think it does.
I don't know if they don't realize the relationship Charlie has with her parents and how Alastor seems to take advantage of her.
From the pilot we realize that Charlie has no contact with her mother. In the series it is established that they have not seen each other for 7 years.
The first episode JUST talks about Charlie having so called "daddy issues" as her father, Lucifer, is an absentee father.
Charlie appears to NOT have had a close relationship with ANY of the two for some time (or quite some time).
The only person Charlie has is Vaggie, to protect and care for her (here's why Vaggie is so "boring", as some people call her, as she is acting as a guide/parental figure for Charlie, even though their relationship is romantic).
Where am I going with these points? That I think it's complete nonsense for people to take super-literally what Alastor has said: "you're like the daughter I always wanted to have".
Isn't it convenient for the most feared overlord (not the strongest) to approach Charlie and find that she's not as vulnerable as he thought (because Vaggie is there)? Isn't it convenient for Alastor to make a very absolute polarity between Vaggie and him in the pilot, where Vaggie comes off as the "bitter one" and he as the "fun guy"? Isn't it convenient for Alastor to PROVE to Charlie over and over again that HE knows what SHE NEEDS by pulling his tricks? And, oh, surprise… Isn't it even more convenient that when Lucifer arrives, who has a lousy relationship with his daughter, Charlie, Alastor rubs it in his face that he is doing everything that he (Lucifer) is responsible for, and furthermore, hits him right where it hurts, manipulating Charlie so that she seriously BELIEVES that Alastor REALLY sees her that way, and thus making her STILL not have a GUIDE other than HIMSELF?
I'll make it simple for you. You know how narcissists work? They will make you believe that YOU are special, and at the same time, they will ALIENATE you from your loved ones to keep gaining whatever they need from you. Charlie is, literally, his supply.
Alastor is a psychopath and narcissist. Do you really think that someone who can't genuinely empathize and love is literally going to feel affection for a grown woman who is very naive and doesn't even have power over her kingdom because she is so immature? Don't you think it is VERY OBVIOUS that he has literally said to her face: "I'm going to manipulate you in my favor because thanks to me you have all these upgrades in your stupid hotel"?
Alastor hasn't as such made a deal with Charlie, but he's winning her over in HIS way.
And I don't know who's crazier: charlastor shippers like me, who don't give a damn about canon and want to enjoy shipping WITHOUT bothering ANYONE (and don't come out with the stupidity that it's a "proship". Proshipper doesn't even mean "problematic ship", it means that you are FOR shipping whatever you want, living and letting live, without HARASSING others. Let's remember that Hazbin Hotel characters DON'T. FUCKING. EXIST. Alastor is not going to come out of the screen to say: "omg, user, thanks for defending me from those evil shippers uwu", or Charlie to say: "thanks for defending me, you're so good, user…. You're such a good person". Pro: "in favor of", shipper: "shipper, ship", however you want to call it. Don't modify terms to suit yourselves because you can tell that many don't even know how suffixes and prefixes work in words. Neither Charlie nor Alastor are going to die because someone shipped them. They are FICTITIOUS characters. The FANON is not going to change the CANON. Learn to sepparate stuff, ffs. Go out and touch grass once in a while) or antis who put on a pedestal what Alastor said, believing it as a justification to ATTACK people in the fandom who shipped something different, according to them, "problematic".
There they do forget that Alastor is a manipulator, that he is a person with a LOT of arsenal to get his way. There they forget that he IS a guy Charlie should NOT trust. There it DOES count because IT CONVENIENTS THEM. That's when the canon MATTERS to them. There it COUNTS. It doesn't matter if Charlie gets hurt because of trusting Alastor, they only see what they want to see. If you guys are going to humanize this fucking characters, at least be a little bit logical. Got me? Remember what Viv said?: "ship whatever you want, JUST DON'T HARASS ANYONE". These people say: "fuck what Viv says", but on this occasion, since she DID say something convenient for them, it DOES matter what Viv says now, doesn't it? Hypocrites.
Charlie has no one beyond Alastor, and I don't remember where I read that theory, whether it was here or elsewhere, where they talked about Alastor looking for a way to alienate the hotel itself in one way or another. That's why he doesn't use very flashy technology (Vox can travel through the latest electronics, and the hotel has an old box TV), nor does he go out of his way to provide anything of good quality (like the video camera). The hotel has its own power supply (we see this when the blackout occurs during the song between Alastor and Vox).
Alastor DOES NOT WANT Charlie as his daughter, he's just taking advantage of her to get whatever he needs to get out of her.
Charlie doesn't even seem to know exactly how her powers work, and the only person who can teach her is Lucifer, her father. And if Lucifer is out of the equation, Alastor can do whatever he wants.
He's hit Lucifer right in the jugular, and Lucifer knows that all the power in the world can't make up for the wrong he did to Charlie.
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gnomewithalaptop · 9 months
Transcendence AU Dash Simulator GO!!!
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🌟 lesbianstellaconifer Follow
okay but actually block me if you ship mizcor -- 'hurr durr but we age stella up' -- SHUT UPPP she's literally a minor and alcor's canonically over a million years old so how about you stop being a freak
🎩 woodsmans-left-nipple Follow
Babe I hate to break this to you but Mizcor's literally one of the most famous relationships in all of post-transcendental literature
🌟 lesbianstellaconifer Follow
I could not have more obviously been talking about Mizar the Magnificent but you know what? Yeah classic Mizcor supporters can fuck off too actually.
Everybody likes to whip out Twin Souls like some kind of gotcha but have you even actually read it??? Like it's literally supporting demon worship and pedophilia -- both of which are EXTREMELY ILLEGAL btw. So yeah if I see any of my followers reblogging that shit I'm reporting you to the Occult Defense Agency idc if we're mutuals
🐟 demonologyturnedmegay Follow
*looks at my Alcorian Literature PhD* guess we better stock up on prison shivs buddy
🍃 haveyouseenmylibrary Follow
okay I'm sorry but
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and Mizar the Magnificent isn't????
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📷 nature-pics-daily
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Los Angeles 🏝️
#sunken city of los angeles #new california #travel #ocean #photography #lmao i almost got eaten by a kelpie trying to take this pic pls reblog it
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🧁 definitely-mizar Follow
Hey guys! Just wanted to let you know that The Scepter of Vanquished Souls, the newest book in the Wanderlust Trilogy, is now available for pre order on Glamazon!
Purchasers of the hard-cover edition will also receive never-before-seen content, including a deleted scene between Princess Samia and the Shadow King!
🤷‍♂️ not-not-ian-beale Follow
Boosting because I honestly cannot recommend this book enough. Truly one of Mira's best (and I'm not just saying that because she married me!)
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⚠️ alv Follow
You are the 6 billionth user to log into Jumblr today!! This means you are eligible to win a FREE WACBOOK PRO!!!! Click here to claim your prize and win BIG BIG REWARDS!!
#twin souls #mizar #alcor #mizcor #twin souls: reawakened #twin souls: breaking circles #twin souls: newest moon #twinner #twincon3015 #not a scam
Based on your likes!
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🌞 azarath-metrion-zinthirst Follow
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So. I had a day.
📖 stanley-pines-memorial-library Follow
Okay, but consider
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🌞 azarath-metrion-zinthirst Follow
I don't remember my older brother's wedding
📖 stanley-pines-memorial-library Follow
A small price to pay for no middle school trauma
🐧 selkiebael Follow
Okay so I just read the url and--
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Asfdksfjk go off you funky lil intern
📖 stanley-pines-memorial-library Follow
I'm actually the senior librarian. But thanks!
🐈 alcorphabetical Follow
Posts that have 10k notes. To me
15k notes
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🔮 demonoftheday Follow
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Today's demon of the day is Nxlar the Antithetical! Responsible for the Florida Springs Massacre of 3007, the body count for this purveyor of madness is estimated to be over 400 (source).
🐸 that-one-half-elf-bitch
I could fix her
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🍑 lookingformygnomequeen Follow
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literally screaming crying throwing up rn I've turned off 'Based on your likes' like eight times @staff can't you just get rid of him already
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🎤 rosaslittleredboots Follow
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#i accidentally set my alchemy textbook on fire today and i don't even care AAAAAA this is going to be amazing #northwest mansion mystery #pacifica northwest #rosa darling #im about to be so insufferable about this just you wait
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👹 sexiestdemon3015bracket Follow
🐸 that-one-half-elf-bitch
#if you love me at all you'll vote for my lady love #LISTEN i could bring her to the light i nkow i could
37 notes
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👻 sweetthingsaremadeofdeeznuts
Lmao so Nxlar the Antithetical totally turned my apartment complex into a pile of sentient sludge yesterday. I'm fine -- I was at work when it all went down, but uh... yeah, my situation obviously just became super not-great. I hate to ask, but I don't get paid til the 15th, so if some of y'all could float me some cash just so I can get a motel room for a couple nights, I'll fr owe you a life debt
Goal: 0/250
#fuck demons fr #like seriously what'd i ever do to them 😭😭😭 #mutual aid #pls boost #don't tag as donation
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🏳️‍⚧️ gliesssse Follow
Important PSA
So idk if y'all have been reading the news lately, but the alcor virus has been making the rounds on the interwebs again. I feel like I shouldn't have to say this but PLEASE don't click any random links rn, ESPECIALLY if they're tagged with twin souls.
I know we twinners love to joke about it, but the alcor virus is legitimately dangerous and has been known to seriously ruin people's lives. Idk. Just like be smart and practice basic caution I guess? Jumblr's pretty much dead these days, so he might skip over us, but it's always better to be safe than sorry
⚠️ alv Follow
This is a good point! It is always better to be safe than sorry! That's why if you're smart, you'll click here for a list of ways to virus-proof your computer. Stay safe out there everybody!
Based on your likes!
4k notes
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🌲 discogirl99 Follow
Anyone else just randomly crave connective tissue sometimes
🧁 sparkle-glitter-sideblog
no actually i think that might just be a you thing
#also i heard screaming on the other line when i called you earlier there better not be a mess when i get home #beloved demon brother tag
2 notes
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👑 sameeya
Okay guys I might be crazy but what if the Shadow King was actually telling the truth when he said Princess Samia's brother is still alive??? Like, if you think about it, there's a tonnnn of foreshadowing in Crown of Ghosts and the author tweeted that there was gonna be a surprise twist in the new book sooo 👀👀
#i've connected the dots -- YOU DIDN'T CONNECT SHIT -- i've connected them #wanderlust trilogy #mira ramachandran #crown of ghosts #scepter of vanquished souls #princess samia #samia of cleves #shadow king #ahmed of cleves #bookblr
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🪨 professionalnatural-deactivated30141227
Reminder that you are beautiful exactly as you are and there are thousands who would sell their souls to imitate what you do naturally <3
👠 mizarsfrillypetticoat Follow
I actually really needed this today 💗
🦇 plsbytemevladdyzaddy Follow
Yo quit reblogging this op is a blatant human supremacist
🪨 professionalnatural-deactivated30141227
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And? No one cares lmao
⚠️ alv Follow
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Enjoy deactivation. Lmao.
🪓 wenda-was-a-lesbian-confirmed Follow
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🕵🏻‍♂️ alcor-in-the-tardis Follow
#I sent screenshots of that one centaur post to her boss too #give you two guesses what species his wife is (tags by @alv)
Holy shit. Am I actually rooting for the alcor virus rn?
🍄 warioxreader Follow
maybe the real virus was the friends we made along the way <3
⚠️ alv Follow
No, the real virus is me. Don't take credit for my accomplishments.
🐲 retiredbus Follow
Heritage post
62k notes
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🐔 old-friends-senior-griffin-sanctuary Follow
I just want to get dicked down again =/
336 notes · View notes
lovemyromance · 1 month
Bro the thing is - I'm not even anti-Elucien.
If SJM were to do a full 180 and suddenly ACOTAR 5 is all about how Lucien comes to Velaris and actually spends time with Elain and Elain starts to slowly fall for him and they have whatever XYZ cute moments - I'd be down!
I'd read that book. I have no shame in admitting it. Smash.
If SJM were to suddenly write Elucien giving each other the time of day and finding whatever "healing" in each other - cool- that's fine - smash.
But what we have been shown of their relationship thus far in the books - I legitimately cannot ship that. There is nothing for me to root for?
"But they're fated mates"
Yeah that means jack shit to me because I'm a human woman. Why would I put value in a fictional concept over love - a very real and human concept.
Elain & Lucien - as they have been written right now - literally do not have a relationship?? Let alone a romantic one I want to root for. They ignore each other. Live apart from each other all year - seemingly without issue. Elain doesnt even want to be in the same room as him. She shrinks away from him. She has a wary look in her eyes when she looks at him. She makes sure she never sits next to to him. She doesn't use any of his gifts.
So just tell me - what am I rooting for? What about their current relationship is supposed to be worth my interest? Why would I want them together if they're like THAT? That's not a romance - that's not even acquaintances. That's a pass from me.
On top of all that, we have the introduction of a male Elain actually seems to want. They have had build up - far more than Elucien has. Azriel is constantly written on the page with Elain and vice versa. Whether it's when his shadows light up at her smile or when Elain's potato steam rises like Azriel's shadows. Like why did SJM even write that about potatoes? Nobody has EVER looked at the steam from potatoes and thought "wow it looks like shadows 🤩"
They've been explicitly tied together on page countless times, far more than Elucien has even though they're "fated mates".
Not tied together through fan-theories of cloaks and sunlight and flowers and ugly black dresses.
Canonically, Elain & Azriel's is the only romantic relationship on the page.
So everything Eluciens are rooting for - is just the hope that "one day" Elain will get over it and suddenly she and Lucien will be together. Suddenly, Lucien & Elain will have feelings for each other and be in love blah blah.
That's what bothers me. Elucien is currently not together, not interested in each other, not even around each other in any proximity.
All this debate is about current state Elriel vs pre-successful Elucien??
It's giving ... that one Jason Mendoza line in the Good Place where he says "I'm not a failed DJ... I'm pre-successful."
"It's not a dead ship - it's pre-successful!"
It's like.. let's ignore what is actually written in the text ... so we can argue about how they're not gonna work out bc XYZ reason... even though the other pairing isn't even talking to each other right now.
"All this is buildup for Elucien" how are y'all saying that if we don't have the next book yet? 😭😭 Can I then say... well your buildup is just buildup for Ultimate Elriel Engame?? Uno +4? Reverse reverse? Where does it end?
Build up - as the name implies - has to BUILD UP TO SOMETHING. How y'all saying "Elain and Lucien ignoring each other is buildup for Elucien" if there is no Elucien in sight??
I'm telling you rn - once there is an Elucien in sight - on the page - smash, idc.
But until then - I have literally no reason to doubt Elriel? So why would I consider Elucien an endgame ship if there is no endgame in sight for them on the page?
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Am I the asshole in this situation??
First of all I'm so sorry for bringing t/b discourse here but this has been so gd annoying I need help. And all this is is on twitter-retro etc.
I'm 100% here for switch please keep in mind. Idc what anyone else likes it's food I'll eat all of it. But this fandom. Oh this fandom. So here's the context, it's a anime show with a really popular almost canon mlm ship, one of them is crazy beautiful and the other one is a big muscular man. Naturally the fandom like the pretty man as bottom and the muscular man as top. Let's call this DC. Not all people tho and it's the problem.
See, there are some creators who hate the above dynamics so much they make the muscular man a woman, sometimes trans which is fine but they always babygirl him, call him wifey, use she/her pronouns, go all out to make the pretty man over the top masculine so he can be top while making the canon masculine man demure little wife. Note that they're both really tall but D has long hair so they always make him wear accessories to feminize him. I made friends with some authors who used to like switch, they wrote DC back then and they were so good. They were all into switch too. Over the years they became really hateful of DC dynamics and started to exclusively write CD, talk about CD only, rt CD art exclusively.
This is still fine, they're like 10 people out of thousands who don't care, and most people don't care. Until one day recently when I said it was better to ship switch. Those people started clowning me, saying it's their right to exclusively like whatever, write whatever, started ignoring how the show portrays them. They wrote literal threads detailing how to how use tags as if no one knows, shaded people who said they didn't care and would use whatever tags they liked. It got to a point I had to ask them to stop, they started saying I was harassing them and accused the fandom of harassing them on anon and ao3. When I said it Doesn't Matter they said it was racist to suggest that, telling me to block if I didn't like their posts. I could not make them understand how fetishistic it was, just because Japanese fans do this doesn't mean it's good or we have to follow? They somehow figured out who I was and blocked me, kicked me out of a server we were in together, so I lost mutuals and some followers too.
Then they started answering my asks unseriously like "I write CD to piss YOU off" "can't project on the twink like yall" and started insulting switch fans calling us hypocrits. There isn't much CD content to begin with how can I share more of those? Whatever is available they make it heteronormative like that. One of them deadass called me an asshole for "harassing" them just because I said it's rude to block people over t/b dynamics when no one is bothering anyone, because these people are always blocking anyone posting DC and making a bubble of CD only fans. This is bound to make them lose track of canon but who cares anymore. They keep complaining about being harassed for liking CD and yes some fans probably send anon hate but that doesn't mean any critic of CD is harassment?
Tell me how I'm the asshole here for suggesting they stop obsessing over t/b this much? How am I the asshole when I'm the one they all blocked and apparently I'm a bad guy because I followed some popular accounts who post DC and said some weird things about D which I didn't even know about.
What are these acronyms?
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onesidedradiostatic · 6 months
Personally, I think both Vox and Lucifer are hot as fuck. But as a chronically online iPad baby with a fondness for tv head people, I feel I have an obligation.
Now if we can look in-universe for a second and realize that Alastor is very likely not the ONLY sexy man in Hell, I feel like Vox is likely to have a few admirers he isn’t even aware of due to the difference in status. Or maybe he’s aware they exist but wouldn’t recognize them on the street unless they noticed him first and he Knew what their giggling and squealing and blushing faces meant. Lucifer, on the other hand, has been kind of a shut in due to depression. He has potential but isn’t there on account of sad boi. Meanwhile Vox has probably gone on TV doing some light fan service to boost his ratings. Nothing too far, nothing Val would suggest! But y’know, he did a cruise ship kinda outfit during Stayed Gone, implying there’s oceans in Hell and that implies beaches and it’s not like wearing nothing but a pair of swim trunks and some sandals would be out of place if he decided to do a beach-themed episode of anything…
I actually can't really say if I find either of them hot I'm just more attached to vox that's why I want him to win against lucifer. I have already spoken in favour of him though so I have to double down on defending the tv head thing (and anyways choosing the more normal head sounds boring. y'all are boring. we are on tumblr. sexymen are supposed to be weird and have a questionable aspect to them. I will keep saying it! idc how obsessed with ducks lucifer is he is too normal!!!)
ANYWAYS. vox having like. canon thirsters would not surprise me. he would thrive off having admirers but at the same time he wouldn't care about them because they're nothing special to him. but he thrives off attention so he enjoys it. I feel like he's on social media enough to at least be somewhat aware of it. he'd act smug about it but ultimately gotta be more of a freak to be his type. lucifer... I mean I'm sure there's some out there but most sinners seem to hate hell's royalty LMAO they're like so mean about charlie already. lucifer definitely isn't aware of his own fanbase at ALL he's been completely shut in and disconnected from the sinners. also vox doing fan service for views? I could kinda see that but also, he literally wears clothes under clothes in stayed gone... he may do it for ratings but at the same time I'd also see it as a result of a val-encouraged thing LMAOOO
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autosuns · 5 months
Of Ambulon and Pharma and doomed amica endura
I'll preface that I'm the last person to try and explain my ships by how canon they are and this is very much the same case of me just entertaining the idea and what their relationship represents and what role they play in a wider story, this is not an invitation for discourse or a debate. It's just me rambling on why I like the ship so much, think Pharma and Ambulon are narrative foils, while using some canon stuff and word of god.
Jokes about hamburger or hot dog or literally anything regarding Ambulon's death will end in block idc I think it's obnoxious 👍
CW for robot gore, discussions of torture, you know, the package that comes with DJD and Decepticons and MTMTE.
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When it comes to Ambulon and Pharma's relationship, I think it's fair to start with bare bones, yeah?
I'm going to start with each character individually, what my take on them is, so we're all on the same page.
So, the basics are:
Ambulon was part of the failed combiner project of decepticons, the first combiner at that. He has horrible alt mode, that brings him a lot of shame, so he prefers to keep it a secret. He switched to the Autobots, eventually.
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We don't know for certain if he was created for the project, or was one of the "volunteers". What we do know though, is that he's an MTO specifically, not just constructed cold, and MTOs were a concept of war.
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Meaning, he cant be older than the war. Meaning, in my personal opinion, he was either made for some operation, then snatched by Shockwave for the project, or was created already specifically for the project.
There, I think, comes a timeline conflict. It feels unfeasible, to me, that MTOs were made this early into the war, by Decepticons. What I think happened, is that Shockwave did try to experiment on other Decepticons to figure out and develop on Jhiaxus' research, but once MTOs as a concept came into the picture, it became infinitely easier to just have an alt mode pre-made for a mech.
Unless when Shockwave said he was going to give Megatron a gestalt he meant he'll postpone it for 4mil years and do it a little before he succeeded with Devastator so Ambulon deserting LITERALLY as he is picked out for the combiner project JUST to avoid it makes this line from him especially funny:
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Boy for all we know you're not even 15 years old.
Also the idea that character like Ambulon did that out of some sort of cowardice, that THIS was his breaking point to join Autobots, feels wrong.
In-text it becomes even less likely Ambulon had a life before the project, as his name "Ambulon" seems to be the only one he ever had (judging by his statue post on Necroworld).
I think why I'm getting a Little long-winded explaining Ambulon is to draw a better picture on his experience with Decepticons, Specifically Shockwave.
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That to say, he had a horrible one. He knows better than anyone what Decepticons are capable of and how far they will go/what Megatron would allow. Especially once DJD comes into the picture.
And it just emphasizes the way Ambulon in the end of it all chose kindness. The first issues he appeared in cement it very well, especially since most of his intro we get from First Aid's point of view.
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Ambulon is tetchy, can be a gearstick sometimes
Ambulon took pity on the Decepticons he thought were hunted down by the DJD
Ambulon convinced Pharma to let them stay
The Genericons showed their scars to Ambulon specifically
Ambulon gets passionate about hate crimes concerning one's shape/alt mode
Ambulon is "tetchy" and rejects First Aid's idea because he's concerned that it's too risky
For Ambulon to put your own life on the line to save a single life is an act of selfishness (also stemming out of his concern for First Aaid, imo)
Ambulon let the Genericons share a cell
To sum it up: Ambulon is very greatly concerned for the greater good and treating people without bias, Decepticon or Autobot, especially when there's any sort of discrimination involved.
(Using Genericons and Triple M as a tool with Ambulon was a very clever foreshadowing for Ambulon's situation, but it is a general theme that runs in these issues and Ratchet's/medics character arcs, it's the functionism, one's shape and purpose in life, but it is a completely different post to make. Just let's keep the theme of one's shape and purpose in mind.)
The thing is, Ambulon is who he is by choice. His Decepticon past is always showing, whether he wants it or not, but all he wants, essentially, is to help people and treat them with kindness. He's a "gearstick", but he's a gearstick with a big spark. He saw the greater cruelty in Decepticons and made a choice to never participate in it.
Ambulon is an MTO who made his life and became what he wants to be despite everything: Decepticons, his alt-mode, biases, all of that. He's true to himself and his intentions.
I'm gonna also get this out of the way that Ambulon's established character is continuously ignored, dumbed down and twisted: the point is that I do believe JRO didn't think about him that much or that deep, and what he did with him did not retain with him into further issues. That is to say, "You're gonna let Dr DJD cut us in half?" is a dumb fucking line to come out of Ambulon specifically, makes no sense, too snarky and cruel all things considered, and while I think it's also very funny it jsut shows Ambulon's accidental insignificance. Ok. That's all.
Oh boy this one's a doozy. Okay, listen, I'll try to get more brief with it, try to get straight to the point, but Pharma has so much nuance around him on a greater scheme of things that it might also just be it's own post. SO we'll just try to focus on his persona and relations to others.
Pharma is a doctor of talent on par with Ratchet, if not actually better. He used to be friends with him, he's implied to have used to do medical service in the new institute, and eventually was stationed on Delphi by Prowl, practically abandoned by Ratchet. There, he ends up being blackmailed by Tarn, ending up killing his patients to meet the increasing quota, being led to the brink of creating a virus that he exposes the facility to in hope to close it down and escape it scot-free. Obviously, because of Ratchet, it didn't work, the rest is history.
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Unlike Ambulon with his 3 panels and a half of screentime worth talking about character-wise, Pharma is a combination of multiple things at once, his place as an Autobot, his connection to the DJD, his act, and most of his actual character we get from very few shots of him from the past and what people say of him, and just a little of his behavior at Delphi before his crime is revealed.
So I think we'll focus specifically on the Decepticon part when it comes to Pharma cuz it's much easier to talk about.
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Pharma vehemently, without hiding it, hates Decepticons.
It will go into even bigger field of speculations than trying to piece Ambulon's character together for why he hates them so much. It could both just be a thrown in line for the story to flow (Genericons) and act as a foreshadowing (DJD blackmail), the fact of the matter is, he hates Decepticons, he does not have pity for Decepticons, and if DJD did not play into his hatred, years of war for sure did.
(Also worth mentioning that in the issue #4, the paralleling story is Tailgate learning about the war and backing off on his decision to be a Decepticon. The entire build up works very well, imo, and plays into just how much it should hit you when Pharma turns out providing for DJD, along with the choice of Ambulon to not be a Decepticon anymore.)
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You see, I think Pharma is incredibly caring person. He cares for his patients and he cares for his people. He takes his work extremely seriously. He's willing to be a donor for his patient and he's still conducting research to cure illnesses when there was no legitimate point for him to do that anymore. He's not just a surgeon, but he's a virologist/epidemiologist.
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But, probably when we ask ourselves, "So if he was such a wonderful doctor, equal to Ratchet, someone Ratchet recognizes, why wasn't he the Chief Medical Officer in the first place?"
I think it's mostly his personality. It's his hubris and ego. It's also the inherent societal bias of Cybertron when it comes to jets - though this part of worldbuilding isn't that consistent, he is a forged jet AND a doctor.
And that's also why I think he doesn't believe in that "forged" functionism bullshit. BUT thats another post of its own (take a shot every time i say that in this post).
Let's just bullet point this:
Pharma is a talented doctor who's good and dedicated to his job. Practically nothing is impossible for him and it becomes a focal point of his conflict with Ratchet, too.
That said, Pharma's shape is what, I think, is responsible for his hubris. He's a jet, he's forged, he's a doctor, but he's a doctor because HE, PHARMA, is good. Nothing to do with some God. (which is different from Ratchet's internalized functionism)
Pharma hates Decepticons, he tried to kill the DJD, and it may seem like he pushed it all on Ambulon because he was a Decepticon, but I don't think that's the case. Specifically because of this:
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He does not see Ambulon as a Decepticon, and it was just panicked shitty lie he had to quickly come up with on the spot.
Pharma feels guilt for his actions, and after killing Ambulon, he's actively taunting First Aid to kill him.
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Pharma is a jet doctor trapped in the loop of self-sabotage after being exploited, psychologically tortured and left for dead, after a poor attempt of saving face. Pharma is a jet doctor who embraced his new look, but couldn't live with it, far from accepting it. Furthermore, his body is used by Adaptus himself, where the only thing he could do is trying to get his body back, to help his comrades, only to end up dying, again.
That's where I'm going to use a single word of God that makes, all in all, a lot of sense.
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"Grurdging respect" is about best way to describe Pharma and Ambulon.
Now since I've reached the image limit on this post it's relentless rambling and speculations time!
You probably can already tell where I'm going with this. I think Pharma and Ambulon direct inversions of each other.
Decepticon gone Autobot as a choice - Autobot gone rogue out of blackmail and fear of failure
MTO doing what he wants to do and taking control of his body and life, disconnected from a gestalt or his "purpose" - A forged jet trying to continue his career of a doctor despite all the odds but who's agency is continuously taken, not only by others but by his own ego
Where they overlap, is their desire to do what they want. Where they differ, is one's sincerity and other's toxicity.
Ambulon is someone Pharma would never be, and someone he, on meta level, wishes he was more like. He doesn't want to be Ratchet, even if we think a little about his obsession and desire to prove to Ratchet that he's better, he wants to be someone Ratchet would respect. And in the end of the day, it all didn't matter anymore, because clearly Ratchet never respected him enough in the first place: "waging a war on his body", taking body parts for his own gain (hands), that Pharma didn't even really care about anymore. It was personal. He wanted Ratchet to hurt.
All of this, ultimately, is justified. Little who would respond to knowing someone who betrayed you (and whom you, also, betrayed) also breached boundaries of your autonomy. It's just basic decency. I don't believe TFs never heard of that or don't follow it, in some fashion. Maybe it's more loose, but for the purpose of drama and villification of Pharma, it was convenient, I guess.
See, Pharma is just inherently, like anyone, very flawed. The circumstance he's put in and the war led to the worst of his qualities spike. And in relation to Ambulon, it's the inverse of a person who, having seen the horrors of the war, having been through the horror and the existential dread of being in a gestalt, chose kindness anyway.
"Grudging respect". A jet doctor, a genius, and an ex-soldier MTO, who made the choice of helping people. An ex-Decepticon, too, no less.
See how it could've developed into something more?
Both eager to do their job, Ambulon is a perfect stabilizer for Pharma's general emotional response to things. He may be a good doctor, but he's prone to acting and saying things before really thinking about it. Ambulon is capable of convincing him and giving a good argument, without it being personal.
"Grudging respect" with Ambulon working with one of the best doctors out there, who's work is going to be invaluable even after his death.
And if things worked out differently? Do you think Ambulon wouldn't be there to sympathize with Pharma's trauma regarding DJD? Do you think Ambulon wouldn't pity Pharma for what Tarn put him through? Ambulon? The Decepticon who was there? The one who even should fear DJD the most? The one who might've even triggered DJD once he was so close on the radar?
He might've confided in Pharma in the first place, as someone literally second in charge after him.
Pharma and Ambulon are defying Adaptus as a societal concept, among with the existential idea of your shape dictating your purpose. And within the text they don't just defy, they end up suffering the most out of it - Pharma ends up in a position where his hands are praised more than he, as a person, is, Ambulon dies by these hands, and his death dooms Pharma as well.
I hope it was comprehensive enough, i WISH i could include more images to prove my point. The amica endura would've been insane. If only the circumstance was different.
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bickbickbarnes · 3 months
Bit of a random question, and I feel as though I should say idc who you ship or not:
Why do you ship wincest? Especially when so many people hate it and it's not something discussed much in the show.
Like I can kind of see a trauma bond but that's the most.
I'm really sorry if this sounds mean, it's meant as a /gen questin
Sure. I made a post about why I don’t ship Destiel a little while ago that basically sums it up, but it’s simple: they love each other more than literally anybody else. 
That’s it.
The entire show is literally a love story, a story about how far Sam and Dean will go for each other. In the show, the context is platonic. They’re platonic soulmates. But they’re literally canon soulmates. You see what I’m saying?
It’s not just a trauma bond, although they’re bonded by a good amount of trauma. They’re soulmates. They’re the loves of each other’s lives. They’re the most important thing to each other. They die, kill, and try to live for each other. Nobody Compares to what they are to each other. They’re so wrapped up and codependent, and they literally never stop being that way. Their version of heaven is them together. By themselves. 
The sexual pairing doesn’t have to be discussed in the show (though it constantly is, and is alluded to A LOT), because the foundation of the show is that nobody can love them more than they love each other. Fandom can go ahead and just add the fucking.At that point it’s just sprinkles. Sex would not make what they have weirder or more intertwined you know?
Anyway, for me personally: take two people who are the center of each other’s lives- nobody else can ever measure up, make that love the driving force of what I’m watching, and make them very very very pretty? Yeah. I wanna read about how they kiss.
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miya-twins · 2 months
miyacest !! (idr if u talk abt them on this blog so if u don't feel free to ignore)
oh dw idc. this is my blog and I'll talk about whatever I want <3
Send me a ship, and I will tell you:
1. My take on their canon relationship: they're each other's most important person. full stop. that's what canon says. if you disagree you're wrong. obv canon doesn't mean it in a shippy way, I get it, but that doesn't matter. sometimes the most important relationships are entirely platonic. the point is, they've spent their entire lives together, and even when they grew up and their paths diverged and they fought about all this change, it didn't tear them apart, if anything, it only brought them closer together. idk how anyone can read hq post-ts and not get insanely emotional about them. look at atsumu wearing osamu's old number to the olympics, and osamu being all proud, wearing the same jersey at home. look at how happy osamu gets from seeing atsumu eating his onigiri and taking strength and ecouragement from it to perfect his serves and get even better. look at their stupid ass bet to each be the happier one because they can't be fucking normal and say "I support you and want you to live the happiest life you can". literally I can't shut up about them.
2. Do I ship them: obviously.
3. Reasons why I do/don’t ship them: canon gave us such a juicy, complex relationship, how could I not ship? nobody gets them like they get each other. osamu literally was created so atsumu wouldn't be lonely. what else do you want me to say??? idc about anyone's supposed 'moral concerns' like damn, it's a story, them being related just gives an extra layer of drama if I want one. I'm not passing up one of, if not the best relationship in the series for a stupid reason like that.
4. Headcanon, if any: when things get tough, they make another stupid bet on who's gonna be the first to give up on their relationship due to outside pressure, and they both know it's 100 times more meaningful than any promise to stay together forever, because they're both committed enough to never give up on what they have, or else they wouldn't have agreed to the bet.
5. How much do I ship (%): not measurable in numbers they make me insane
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nardo-headcanons · 8 months
about AOT
tw sexual abuse/rape mention
soo... I usually keep my shipping opinions mostly to myself but I gotta confess I am a Ymir x Historia TRUTHER! Historia is gay and she wanted to end up with Ymir. This is canon. Idc.
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and now before people keep telling me
but nardo why did she get pregnant then?!?!?!??!??!?!??!
She did it to follow along Eren's plan, not because she genuinely wanted this. She had a baby with a man who literally bullied and threw rocks at her, it wuldn't even be a stretch to say she coerced herself into it. Have you looked at her? She looks MISERABLE!
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The reason why she looks like this during her pregnancy is because she did not want this to happen. You don't need to outright show the """act""" to imply something happened here. And even if she said 'yes' to that guy, I really don't think she wanted this to happen.
but nardo maybe she just didn't wanna get pregnant?????????
Maybe. But maybe it was because she literally didn't want to get impregnated by a man? She already raised a lot of kids in her orphanage, so she wasn't against having kids per se.
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I thought this is a popular opinion but I feel like I'm in the minority here. Maybe I'll turn this into an actual analysis post in the future.
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stestir · 6 months
Heres my rant about Amethio age discussion and why I think the age range excuse is stupid. I should probably keep this out of the main tag, but I'm tired, sick, and angry, so idc.
Big really angry rant under the line.
So please can anyone explain to me why everyone thought that VAs comment about Amethio being a teen means hes between 13-19 and also 100% CAN be a 19 years old?
Cause English says that a teen is between 13 and 19? Well we all know that English has a lot of stupid stuff in it, so doesnt really count. Plus, quick reminder, this is anime. Japan. The meaning behind teenager could be very different here.
The difference between 13 and 19 years old is so contrast that giving Amethio this range in the first place is moronic. A 13 years old still needs to ask their daddy to go out with their friends. 19 years old already expected to pay taxes, move out of the house, is probably already on a antidepressants.
And the thing is, Amethio doesnt even act like a 19 years old! He acts like a 14 years old emo that tries his very best to look serious and is desperate for attention.
The whole his beef with Friede is a big ass example of this, that Anime just shoves into your face! Amethio becames irrated immediately after Friede stops giving attention to him, everything in his actions screams "Take me seriously!" He wants to be seen as a professional serious trainer by someone who has authority [ Friede ] and is hurt when it doesnt happen. Its literally how neglected children act.
Also the whole excuse with "B-but hes working with Explorers and has his own subordinates that he commands" GUESS WHO ALSO A MINOR BUT IS A BOSS OF A SHIP? ZUKO. The literal icon of redemption arcs. He also was casted away in the age of 13 and had a whole small army under his command. Does that make him an adult? NO. Both Amethio and Zuko are clearly special, thats why they both are forced into a weapon by their respective parential abusers [ Ozai / Gibeon ], and given some special privileges to make it seem that thse abusers love them, when in fact they are just using them.
He doesnt look like a 19 years old either! His body type barely resembles one of Friede or Spinel, both being a clear cut adults. And before someone says "Well I think that Friede looks 20 and that Amethio is just a really twigy guy" no hes bloody not! Reminder, this is pokemon, we have Lusamine and Cyrus that look like 20 and 40, but actually the opposite. And the thing is, Amethio closely resembles Silver with his body! Whos, yk, A CANONICAL 13 YEARS OLD.
What is more hysterical to me is when the Interviews AND Anime itself start to make parallels between Amethio and the kid Trio, whos, yk, OBVIOUSLY KIDS. Like- in both interviews before the big arcs the boy was compared to Liko & Roy [ And Dot, by extension. ] Amethio was literally called a kid alongside the kid Trio, [ One of the kids that still havent found their dream ] which not only makes him a minor, but also puts him the same age group with Liko, Roy and Dot!
And Anime situation is even more comedic. Khem khem. Literally an episode that got out not so long ago, 44. Amethio is called a spoiled brat by Sango [ Which already makes him a kid, but alas ]. Guess who was also called a spoiled kid? LIKO. BY MOLLIE IN THE ABROLIVA EPISODE. Liko, whos canonically we seen as a child child in the episode 18, was called the same thing as Amethio. I get that Anime tries to make parallels between them in general, but that doesnt matter to me now. The most important thing is - they are both viewed as a kids. Yk. MINORS.
Ending this, I'll say - Amethio is a barely 14, maybe at maximum 15, and he is sure is not a 19 years old. I'm sure hes in the same age bracket as Liko, Roy and Dot.
Also AmeFriede is the worst ship that deserves its own place in hell, alongside AmeSpinel. I hate both of these. They are bad from all perspectives.
[ Also, this is the angriest I felt lately, so I wont probably post any other rants like that. This is just me being beaten down by flu and projecting my anger towards this shitty and stupid "discussion". ]
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devine-fem · 5 months
What's with that poll??? I really want to read more Batman comics but fandom has made me soooooo sick and tired of T*m Drake. Like I'm sorry (I'm not) but he is just not that interesting. I don't care much for the rich mysoginistic white man when we have people like Cass, Damian and Duke......... They want to give him others' character (who are notably POC and/or women) traits then refuse to read the source material. Yesterday I read a post saying he is the most depressing Robin, then started to cite things that did not happen in canon - girl that's your OC 😭
I made a poll myself and It was what people thought what ship had the highest chance of being canon, healthy and endgame and people ARE IN THE NOTES SAYING THAT THEY DON’T KNOW MUCH ABOUT TIM AND CONNER BUT THEY THINK TIMKON!! STOP!! I SPECIFIED THAT I DIDNT WANT THAT! I WANTED UNBIASED AND KNOWLEDGABLE OPINIONS EVEN IF TIMKON WINS LIKE IDC AS LONG AS IT MADE SENSE TO THE TARGET AUDIENCE! and then its just like omfg like how can i even get accurate poll results?
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detectivebambam · 5 months
For the choosing violence thing.
I curious about your thoughts on 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24, and 25
(Your thoughts make my day tbh)
lol i gotchu pinky
the character everyone gets wrong: Dan. she's not a badass. i mean she is, but she's not. she's a scared little girl who had to raise herself and has no idea what she's doing at any given time and i love her for it
why andrew would never top or bottom: actually he does both, and tends to enjoy it. kind of an agressive top but Neil likes it, and sometimes likes to follow orders when he bottoms 🫣 i think they do anything and everything with each other. Neil could be dominant or submissive at any given time, which gives Andrew space to learn about what he actually enjoys. He finds that as long as it involves Neil, he doesn't mind
worst tumblr take I've seen: that Andrew was a misogynist because he doesn't like being manipulated, and "manipulation is a woman's weapon" like how is THAT not misogynistic be so real
why did you block that annoying person?: kept saying that Kevin abused Riko as much as Riko abused Kevin. don't know how far they had to reach into the depths of their asshole to find that one, i just hope they didn't get stuck
i don't have discord
which ship fans are the most annoying: y'all are going to absolutely murder me for this but kevaaron. 1) where did it come from? 2) what's wrong with Katie?? 3) no hate ship what u want but also, i can ship what i want? and it's fine it's literally fine
what character did you start to hate because of fanon: i hate to say it but Thea. i adored her when I read the books originally, but after 4 years of exclusively fanon content i didn't like her. but i did a reread recently and adore her again so it's all good
common fandom opinion everyone is wrong about: Andrew being a sex god. Neil is his first consensual sexual partner. like yeah he knows how to suck dick like a dying man, which he learned in juvie (when he was 13-16?) but in terms of sex? he doesn't know what he's doing and he's probably really scared and nervous
worst part of canon: kevin and thea turning their daughter into a mini Raven 😔
worst part of fanon: Renee erasure 😔😔
fandom related words you've filtered: as of currently? anything tsc related because I don't have access to it yet and people aren't tagging properly. but I also have Rinee (rixo x renee) blocked because,,, what do you actually mean
unpopular character you like and why people should like them: Aaron. yeah he's an asshole and a little homophobic but he was raised that way and he's getting better
worst blorboification: if this means what i think it means, fucking riko. like wdym "he serves cunt" he needs to serve time
answered prev
answered prev
you can't understand why this is popular: kevaaron, any riko ship, riko himself, ichirou x neil, andreil breaking up in fics ?
there should be more of this: fic: oral fixation. sexual or non sexual idc but let's Freud these bitches. fanart: ANDREW WITH LONG HAIR PLS PLS PLS
you're mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like: i don't feel guilt I'm Presbyterian
part of canon you found boring: anytime they were in class like wdym
part of canon you think is overhyped: this one is going to get me in trouble so i wanna start off by saying that yes, Riko was a victim of abuse. I'm not disputing that at all. but the part where he got beat by Tetsuji and "was more blood and bruise than skin", while being horrible, was also because of Kevin leaving due to Riko breaking his hand. Tetsuji lost one of his biggest investments because of Riko's petty ego
fav part of canon that everyone ignores: Stuart Hatford man
ship you've unwillingly come around to: Kandreil lol. i didn't like it at first but idk the more fanfic i see I'm like yeah that could be cute
topic that brings up the most rancid discourse: picture this, if you will: Nora Sakavic says something about her own damn characters. yeah that's all
common fandom complaint you're sick of hearing: "it's poorly written" it's not. if you can get over the first chapter of The Raven King, the rest is actually written very well and it's so so beautiful and depicts traumatized characters in a way I haven't seen before that is very refreshing
ty for the ask pinky ily
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dukeofdelirium · 10 days
You're so real for this...2024 and I still see people said, "Aw how cute it is between Light and Misa or (any female characters)...."
See, even for someone who don't really like shipping, since the first I watch Death Note anime, then read the manga, I can't get it if people don't ship Light with L...
When I found your blog : Lawlight & Kataang shipper, yes? Kindred spirit...See, when I tell people I ship Kataang, most people will be 😁😆🥰🤩 but then I said I'm Lawlight shipper, people be like 😑😭🙁☹
Like, why people can't love 2 very different ships, right?
So, in ATLA, are you Zuko/Mai or Zuko/Sokka shipper or neither? Why?
Right?? I don’t get it fr. Shipping Light with Misa specifically is like.. LMFAO I CANTTTT he literally hates her so much but it isn’t even that he hates her, he actively avoids all sorts of intimacy with her and when he Does do something, he only does so to continue using her as a pawn. I mean, the only reason he even kept her alive was bc he didn’t have a choice in the first place bc of Rem. And like, his avoidance and internal rejection of her and other women isn’t even a “Kira” thing, bc he still did so when he was memoryless and we also know he avoided dating girls pre death note/Kira persona bc he said he was “waiting until college” etc. So there’s a clear canonical pattern of Light avoiding romantic relationships with women. Which on its own would be like ok whatever, but at the same time there is a clear pattern of an active interest in male characters even when they are equal to the female characters such as Takada vs Mikami. There’s also the fact he shows no discomfort whenever L touches him specifically during Yotsuba arc, and also the fact that in the manga he asked one of his friends to send him a holiday card to which his friend replied “I only send them to girls” which is essentially stating this is a romantic gesture and Light did just ask for it.
I mean, I could go on and on but there is quite a lot of gay coding going on in the manga and then of course in the anime and subsequent DN adaptations (minus the Netflix movie that we shall pretend doesn’t exist)
I don’t rlly get the hatred toward Lawlight tbh? It’s pretty weird, because their relationship is like… 90% of the appeal of Death Note imo. But to each their own I suppose. Personally, I just think there is a lot of canonical justification and intentional gay coding/subtext to warrant it.
If Ohba didn’t want us to ship lawlight then perhaps they shouldn’t have written them to be some sort of fucked up soulmate pair who complete each other and perhaps they shouldn’t have make jokes hinting at L and Light having a homosexual undertone to their relationship and PERHAPS they shouldn’t have had an entire story arc where L literally handcuffs himself to Light for 100 days straight and where they share an UNMONITORED room…. LMFAOOO that right there was 100000% ship tease idc what anyone says. Ohba knew what they were doing idgaf
And yeah I know about the kataang stuff. It’s weird for me too. See Lawlight is my OTP hands down. Kataang is a strong second contender. I love both pairings about the same but in very different ways. It’s funny because they’re very drastically different pairings of course, but that also is the stories themselves and the narratives.
Kataang is about the most wholesome ship you could ship meanwhile Lawlight is inherently fucked up butttttttttt Death Note itself is a fairly mature story dealing with inherently fucked up subject matter and characters so there’s rlly no avoiding that.
I don’t rlly care what someone thinks of my ship preferences, the only thing that annoys me is antis who misrepresent canon like with Kataang or antis with Lawlight who basically say we’re bad ppl for shipping it. Like as if Lawlight isn’t a huge ship in anime/manga lol. Truly one of the forefathers of toxic yaoi 🤣
As for who I ship Zuko with: I do ship Maiko though I’ll say I’m not hugely invested in the pairing. I don’t have much to say on it other than I enjoy their scenes in the show and I think they are a nice couple. I don’t care for Zuko and Sokka, I think it’s kind of in that same category as zvtara and I don’t care for that ship at all.
I actually ship Zuko with Aang lol. Like Zuko and Aang when they’re older, I can get behind zukaang 100% in part because they are like that kindred spirit thing similar to lawlight to me. I really enjoy that aspect of their relationship and I again think canonically, zukaang would be plausible if it weren’t for maiko and kataang.
Anyway, thanks for the message! Hope this answered your question :)
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exo-raskreia · 1 month
i know you probably hear this all the time but your blog is so on point on the horrendous ending of bleach and the endgame couples.
tbh i don't even care that ichigo and rukia didn't end up together... okay after all these years i still give a huge damn that these two aren't endgame. but seriously idc that much that they aren't together. but what i'm so pissed is who ichigo ended up with! be so fr! orihime and ichigo... i could and would right an essay on how they are so incompatible. i would've prefered if he ended up with tatsuki or even some rando. he waited until they were married for him to say her first name... like i get that he wants to be respectable and they weren't that close but ichigo barely knew rukia for a week and he was already down bad for rukia. i still believe to this day that ichigo doesn't look at orihime the same way he looks at rukia. actually he SETTLED for orihime since rukia was already locked down with renji ‼️i will die on this heal. and also the ichihime shippers are scraping for their ship moments while we, ichiruki stans, are eating so well with unlimited supply of ichiruki moments lmao
I would've been fine with the ending simply having Ichigo & Rukia standing next to each other happily (maybe a little too close?) as they look over Soul Society. Leaving the possibilities there. Narratively, such an ending would've made sense. I don't think even non-shippers would have batted an eye. No typical "timeskip married with kids" ending. It didn't make sense for it to end that way.
Even if I was a non-shipper, Ichigo ending up with Orihime goes against the narrative & is one of the major issues with the ending, since there was never an inkling of chemistry between them. No special moments. No interest nor special thought from Ichigo towards her. I literally never thought IH would have a chance; it seemed that unlikely 💀. I never doubted an IchiRuki victory (even if they wouldn't outright get together, like I said, at least that it'd be implied that they will in the future). Most of the shipping fandom thought the same or similarly, I believe... Most ppl shipped or could see IR happening... Kub0 had developed it enough to have most of us thinking this way...
IR had the potential to be the best-written M/F canon ship in a battle shounen & yet... 😮‍💨
I don't believe for a second that Kub0 had "always" intended for IH/RR endgames. To this day, he hasn't said anything meaningful about either pairing. He did absolutely nothing to imply them throughout the story. He put no effort into them. At every opportunity, he would always make it about IchiRuki...
Dudebros & IH's fail to see that IH/RR as endgame makes no narrative sense. If I was an IH/RR shipper, I'd be upset with how Kub0 handled them. They have no development, no official content, no merch, no proper validation from Kub0... He still can't even bring himself to give them a family color spread 🫢. Saddest endgame ships in a battle shounen...
About Ichigo finally saying Ori's name in the last chapter, there's a funny post on that here. 🤭
And yeah, Ichigo definitely settled for her, cuz the fact he waited until Rukia was unavailable will always be laughable... He tried dating Ori once then broke up for a while then tried again... wow, he was really "in love" with her from the start, huh? He was just putting off the inevitable cuz he had to seek unhappiness in order to stop Ywach from returning at his happiest moment... 🤷‍♀️
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intrusiveinks · 8 months
I have a question. What is your MLP poly au about?
Sorry for the bad formatting I'm on phone and in a rush bc I spent all lunch writing this lmao
I also wanna start out by saying you don't have to agree with all my hcs n I don't mind other interpretations of these characters obviously, lmao
Tbh it's mainly just like random gay little hcs of mine, mainly surrounding the mane 6 being Poly, of course. I suppose it's technically one of my more fluid aus, as in not everything is honestly set in stone bc I can't decide if I want some of it to be darker or completely keep it more to Canon yet.
It's technically similar in some aspects to my Elements of Necessity Mane 6, just... a lot less horrible overall? Still not the the best ponies but also not the Worst like Necessity plans on being once I work on that again. (Especially w similarities w Twilight at least at first)
Despite shipping (almost) all of the mane 6 together (I just don't rlly see AJ n Pinkie as dating in any way, even if I don't entirely think they're actually related (I don't think they ever officially confirmed things in the show even later on so I could be wrong!)), my main fixation is on Dash x Pinkie x Shy and then also Twi x Rarity x Aj, and when talking to a friend I thought the concept of those two trios actually getting together first (and going through a semi-dramatic (kinda rivals in some cases) to friends to lovers thing and finally calming down then girls from both groups start falling for each other and it's chaos ALL OVER AGAIN!!!
Twilight is a lot more like ep 1 Twi (can u tell I loved that version of her) and she's not super social and when she is she can be rude (sometimes on purpose) and she's very work oriented and perfectionistic, even after she befriends the mane 6 in a similar way to the first ep, she doesn't do a super immediate flip and she doesn't ever entirely drop all of her more unsociable mannerisms because they are a part of her, she's not a total dick, but I like the thought that even people who don't socialize normally can be friends and have friendship!
Aj is a workaholic and kinda judgemental, especially if she doesn't really think somepony is as tough/mature/reliable as her, but she still tries to be polite because of how she was raised. A lot of those judgements normally happen when she feels like she's forced to interact with ponies who aren't relatives, (Rarity cough cough) but a lot of her judgements are because she forced herself to grow up fast and later on some of her frustrations turn out to be because she likes the others and not just bc she's annoyed.
Rarity is pretty much the same but even more slay serve dramatic queen in some aspects, she's actually pretty self conscious though, and for a while she's put herself in a creative rut because she feels ponies only want certain designs from her and she's scared to expand from that. (I wonder if 5 mares w different styles could help her out with that ;]) also kinda a workaholic.
Fluttershy is a EARTH PONY I do think unicorn Flutters is interesting but she's literally so earth pony coded idc!!! She's pretty much the same except a lot of her interactions (especially w Dash and Pinkie) are based on her admiration of them and then it becomes romantic over time. Similar with AJ and Rarity but in a kind of different way. With Twilight she actually relates to her social issues and ends up reaching out more when Twi is struggling to help her and the two of them get a bit of a bond sharing interests. Flutters also doesn't really care about getting messy and loves wilderness activities! The darkness is scary, but if she's scavenging in the day or sleeping in a tent she feels a lot safer, especially if she knows it's just some animals nearby (like a bear. And not a monster).
Pinkie is a pegasus like her Granny pie was because I said so, though she is the only one out of all her siblings to be one, (Maud, Lime, Marble, and Octavio), so she was actually raised on the ground, hence her hopping a lot of the time because it's like a middle ground for her! She's kinda mentally ill, and very ND obviously! She's been besties with Dash for AGES to the point Ponyville thinks they're gay before they even start dating (they don't say anything to be polite, Twilight is actually the one who says it out loud (she's still new) and it kicks off a "wait??? Do I like her??" For the two ponies who for the most part normally don't care about who they might like).
Dash is your local loser gamer boy but he's not only a boy she's also a girl (both states are masculine bc gender is a fuck!!!) She's still egotistical but a lot more aggressive in certain places too because of her own self consciousness issues. She's not diagnosed with ADHD but God he really needs to be! He actually deals more with storm clouds and the aftermath when it comes to weather! She's literally only been open with Pinkie about doing silly things like stimming for Ages bc she has a problem with admitting she may think she has anything. Kinda similar to how she ends up bonding w Twi over reading Daring-Do.
Idk if I've been too open about things but the base hcs for pronouns/Gender/etc for the mane 6 (at least in this au) are
Twilight - She/Her - Cis - Bisexual (She doesn't know it yet)
Rarity - She/Her, They/Them - Nonbinary (I can't decide exactly? Maybe a demigirl? Genderfluid? I'm unsure.) - Unlabeled
Apple Jack - She/Her - Cis - Sapphic (I'm not sure on anything for her yet I just know she deffo likes girls)
Fluttershy - She/Her, They/Them - Demigirl - Queer
Pinkie Pie - She/Her, They/Them, He/Him, It/Its, (Probably neos too) - Nonbinary (not really any solid gender identity but mainly goes as some form of a girl) - Pansexual
Rainbow Dash - He/Him, She/Her - Bigender (Male and Female Specifically) - She likes girls but she doesn't really care to label herself on specifics.
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bloogers-boogers · 1 year
Do you have any South Park hot takes/unpopular opinions? 👀
Both for the fandom and the show itself
Hmm... well I haven't like thought of it too much cause I don't like to get involved in the fandom itself when it comes to discourses! I suppose my unpopular opinion is that I truly don't take south park seriously! I see it as it is. Completely satire with the purpose of making jokes about real world problems and getting out some laughter from it. That's how I see the episodes with no shipping goggles until after when I can actually just enjoy the content people make out of it and go crazy with theories and hcs for fun and enjoyment jhshqhsjs
I also see it meanless to pin people down when it comes to fictional ships nothing justifies a person sending d3ath threats/harassment to a REAL person over something that ISN'T real. And I dislike how people disrespect others when it comes to them actually liking the show for what it is. Technically when fans take fanon as legit from canon! fans shitting on people who don't go by their fanon/ship over them going with canon.
The other day I was reading a post about fans shitting on cryle. Dude it's fictional they're not doing any harm whatsoever! Creek is canon shipping that specific ship is not gonna take that away just like it won't take away stendy for shipping style:)
Please, I just can't. I cannot comprehend when fans take fanon too seriously.
Also— when people make Kyle ultra feminized. I'm sorry for those who do and like, idc if you do but I just personally don't like it. Same with Tweek. I just keep my distance and mind my own business. There's no need to be disrespectful for those who see/take things very differently than you and that's okay as long as you don't cause any harm or force anyone with them:"D
All the kids are assholes. Actually the whole town is! Cartman is an ass, yes. His character is intended to be an antagonist but that doesn’t take away the other shit anyone else from the show has done:)
Butters is a dick! He ain't no pure uwu boy he has his moments and IS friends with Cartman even if some say he's a victim. Like, it's shown in the show when Butters can't take Cartman's shit anymore he stops playing around! (In his own way he gets back at Cartman. Like that video tape of him dancing with a cut out of Justin timberlake, taking his hotdog business away or dragging cartmans ass back to the bus refusing to let go of his hand.) And he also finds Cartman bigoted comments funny too.
Besides, Victor was not a creation by being abused from Cartman in PC. Butters created that person for himself as a copping machine from taking ALL of the boys shit (bullied from everyone) (he literally points out all the other main boys issues in that Hawaiian ep atleast Stan and Kyle. Not just Cartman.) and IS a victim from his parents. It was a choice Butters made for going the Victor route being influenced by the environment he had to endure.
Also Liane is a bad mother she is no sweet angel. She has been shown to be more stricter in recent seasons but that doesn’t erase the fact that she has done shit to Cartman just as much as he has done to her. Maybe even more:"D
People who want Cartman d3ad is like asking for Garrison, Randy (and anyone that goes against their fanon) gone. It takes the essence of the show entirely. Cartman is literally south park.
Besides, if Cartman isn't there who do you guys think would be pin as the new asshole in town? Everyone there is shitty, the possibility is endless:)))) (main three?? Stan, Kyle, Kenny:333)
I dislike the fatphobia in this fandom. No more take on this cause this is a sensitive subject I do not want to take part of!
Main boys ARE Cartman's friends. It's as obvious as day those three care in their own way. That one percent episode they literally went to ask the kids they thought were the cause of the fire to stop harassing their friend. People who don't care wouldn't even bother to intervene.
Liking a bad character doesn't make you a bad person! I personally like Cartman, he's my favorite. I can admit he has problems and is very problematic! And I would never follow by all the shit he says, realistically I would NOT be around a person like that. However the way he's written drove me to like him and the fact that he's just a fictional character~ also PC has proven that Cartman can change:)
Just a reminder that these are just my takes! No one has to follow them or am I attempting to shove my opinions onto anyone. And they're not always consistent. My views on things change a lot.
I love reading diffrent opinions on things, hc's, ships just as much as I like to read when it comes to character analysis, lore, theories. I'm opened to listen and take diverse opinions from the show/fandom.
This is fictional it's not real! So I would never take it to heart:) <3
Sorry this is mostly about the fandom I truly have nothing against the show unless being tired of the tegrity farm gag 😭🤣
Also my bad for the long rant malu (I did not intend for this to be long) 💀
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