#idfk ruin that boys LIFE
whump-queen · 3 months
a carewhumper who’s constantly engineering situations for whumpee to need them, to run to them crying, to fall to their knees, broken and shattered and so easy to convince that all they need is whumper.
- slashing their tire so they’ll have to call whumper for a ride
- paying dudes to go rob and beat them up so they’ll be bloody and broken and weak and whumper can happen to ‘stumble upon them’ since they were just in the neighborhood…
- sabotaging whumpee’s finances (stealing their rent checks, running up their credit cards) to get them kicked out of whatever meager housing they’ve managed to rent. make them destitute. desperate. and all whumper has to do is waltz in with open arms, maybe a warm coat, and an offer whumpee can’t afford to refuse.
whumpee just doesn’t know why these things keep happening to them. whumper doesn’t help of course; their every word implies it was all whumpee’s fault. that maybe if they weren’t so careless and reckless with these things, maybe they—
no, whumper should just take care of these things for whumpee from now on. that’s what’s best, since whumpee has clearly proven they aren’t responsible enough to manage money, or shopping, let alone a job or really any human responsibilities.
after all, whumpee’s just a broken thing, and only whumper can put them back together.
only whumper will let them break down. only whumper can make them safe. only whumper can hold them close, warm, and just let whumpee collapse into their arms and sob against their neck until they finally drift to sleep.
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I wanted to post my oc strobe tonight but I realized that DESPITE being my second ever tf oc not only does she not have a full reference design sheet but she doesn’t even have any UNFINISHED SKETCHES of her BY HERSELF so here’s some shitposts and animatic things that have her I love strobe
ALSO BLITZWING IS IN THIS POST YAY trust me HES IMPORTANT!!!!!!!!! also I drew Blitzwing differently in the video because that animatic is OLD. AS. BALLS. I changed how I draw him a while ago after I saw this AMAZING design of him
Anyway here’s all you need to know about Stroeb I can’t give lore because my mutual rp friends follow me and they aren’t allowed to know yet :(
Strobe is a joke character but she did make my friend cry for like 2 days when she died in rp so I guess she does have an impact or something LOLOL
STrobe is a super romantic high-energy FIEND who hates other women and wants to be One Of The Boys. Though she lacks common sense and a filter, she’s actually pretty intelligent when it comes to math, engineering, health science— all that jazz. Not very good in the English department though…
Strobe is known for getting in people’s business and holding grudges. If you wronged her once, even if it was megacycles ago, she still remembers it and is still plotting how to get back at you. And since she’s so nosy and curious and knows how to ask around and get good information, she knows exactly how to ruin your day… OR LIFE!!!! Maybe not that dramatic maybe not life but emotionally she’s pretty angry all the time lol
All in all basically a very unstable pick-me-girl who will have a vendetta against if you identify as a woman or instantly want to marry you if you’re a guy. She loves men btw she loves men a LOT…. Specifically BLITZWING… but it’s not mutual LOL
To elaborate on that random fact (and to explain why Blitzwing is in every SINGLE DRAWING) Strobe is compleeeeetely in love with Blitzwing and follows him around really wants him to like her but Blitzwing is too busy watching football and eating veiner schnitzel or something to notice idfk. Blitzwing really sees her as like a semi-annoying younger sister than a girlfriend (and plus I lowkey headcanon Blitzwing is just asexual + aromantic leaning in general THATS MY HOT TAKE he’d rather sing nursery rhymes and kill people than hold someone’s hand!!!) so would never date her she gets friendzoned constantly
(I also headcanon random is gender fluid I DONT KNOW WHERE ELSE TO PUT THIS headcanon But It’s here LOL ANYWAY)
ALSO I should probably end this with saying IN THE Little toddler phone thing with the stupid bugs and blitzwing the pink bug is NOT strobe’s child that is her clone. Very long story. But she has a clone. The clone’s name is chitter and she is a very sweet little baby who has gotten kidnapped at least 3 times so far in the rp she’s in Oops
ive had someone ask before if chitter was blitzwing and strobe’s child and the answer is No! but the more I look a chitter especially when she’s colored in the more I realize she does look like it….
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itsdannysworld · 1 year
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hey heyyyyyy  i promised y’all a danny fic and i stick to my promises pairing: danny wagner x y/n summary: smoking up with danny at a party leads to some pretty cool things (kinda friends to lovers? idk just keep reading) CW: uhh swearing, weed use, alcohol, idfk kissing and maybe some sexual innuendos?
Somehow every time you went to party you wound up finding the four boys who’ve changed your life for the better. Whether it be an established party or a grungey house party you would never imagine them being at. However this time, it was a party thrown by the twins themselves. There wasn’t any particular reason for the party, but that didn’t matter to them, or you in all honesty. You changed into your favorite outfit and did your makeup with tons of glitter, blasting your favorite playlist from the speakers around your apartment. You danced around as you added jewelry to your outfit and grabbed your bag that always hung by the door. Checking your makeup in the hallway mirror one last time, you shut off the music and started your journey towards the twins house. It was a short drive, one you were extremely familiar with. You were told to get to the house early, but judging by the amount of cars in the driveway, you were definitely a little late. You walked in without knocking and immediately ran smack dab into Sam. “Y/n! I’m glad you made it! How’ve you been? How’s work?” You could tell right away he was already a little tipsy, but you didn’t mind it. I mean, it was always nice to hear that someone wants to know what’s going on in your life.  “I’ve been good! Work’s been a bitch, but when is it not?” He laughed. “I’ve missed you!” “Sam, I saw you last week”  You had always been close to Sam. He was a total sweetheart and crazy funny, and you always had a good time when he was around. His girlfriend ruined the moment though, dragging him away from you before you could continue the conversation. She never did like you and you never understood why. “Nice talking to you I guess.” You mumbled as you ventured farther into the party. You greeted everyone that you knew and continued making your way towards the kitchen hoping to find a drink and if you’re lucky, maybe a joint or two. The kitchen wasn’t as crowded as you thought it would be, but you still felt uncomfortable with all the movement going on around you, and thankfully someone took notice. “Hey y/n, it’s good to see you!” You spun around to see Danny right behind you. He engulfed you in a hug that took your breath away, literally. “Danny! How’ve you been? Also please tell me you have weed on you.” You said the last part way to quickly, but you always knew he had some and you would much prefer to be high than drunk. “Of course I do, wanna go outside? This place is getting stuffy” He grabbed your hand and dragged you close behind him. He had never been this touchy with you, and you realized that it made your heart flutter. ‘Y/n I refuse to let you have a crush on him’ You thought as you had both made it outside. “Do you have a lighter? I forgot mine” He said as he pulled out a perfectly rolled joint from his pocket. One thing about Danny is he always rolled his joints perfectly, putting your almost perfect ones to shame. “Yeah I got one” You handed him the lighter you always kept in the front pocket of your bag. It was a shitty white bic lighter that barely had enough fuel to keep it lit for more than 10 seconds. “Aren’t white lighters bad luck for musicians?” “I mean I can light it, I just thought since you rolled it you should have the first puff.” He handed you the joint and lighter, “I’m not taking the risk, plus ladies first” He had a stupid grin across his face, one that you probably matched, You lit the joint and took a long puff, almost immediately feeling it. “Damn what is this stuff? It’s strong as hell.” He laughed and took the joint from your fingers. “Some shit Josh bought awhile back, I can ask him later.”
You both were totally faded and there was only enough left in the joint for one last puff. “You can have it, I think I’ll survive without one last hit” You both erupted into a fit of giggles, even though what you said wasn’t all that funny.  “Shotgun it?” He suggested handing it to you. “Oh uh, ok. Don’t expect much though, shotgunning has never been my specialty.” You took the last hit and threw down the tiny bit left and put it out with your shoe as you inhaled. You knew this could be a bad idea, having your lips that close to his would be too much, cause god he was beautiful right now. You pulled him in close and blew the smoke into his mouth. You quickly pulled away, knowing that was the only way you could stop yourself from kissing him. You knew you were red, but when you looked up at his face he giggled quietly. “Can I actually kiss you?” You didn’t even respond before your lips connected with his, you had always thought he was pretty, but this was the moment you knew you needed him in any other way than just platonic. He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you in close, and you tangled your hands in his long hair. It may have been the weed, but this was the most passionate kiss you’ve ever had. He pulled away with a goofy smile on his face, and you knew damn well you had the same smile.  “God you’re beautiful” You giggled and pulled him in for another kiss. You never wanted his lips to leave yours. After what seemed like hours he pulled away and rested his head on yours. “You know, I’ve never had sex while high” You admitted. “The twins have a spare bedroom if you wanna try it out.” You grabbed his hand, “Why not?”
(hehe i may add a part two, make this a slight friends with benefits to actual lovers thing? also i didnt reread this at all, im too lazy so sorry lmao)
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paiiwrites · 2 years
cliche mcyt fic ideas but with a twist.
yeah i know i cant stick with a fic for more than two months whatever. take my brainrot. very vauge brainrot. mostly for SBI prompts (pls- I beg of you make a techno-centric)
1 - basically *insert person* was forced into a coven they didnt want to be apart of and they want to run away. said coven is unfortunately protective and possessive and will do everything in their power to keep the person in their coven. You choose the ending. I personally like bittersweet ones or sad ones but yknow if you enjoy weird fluffy endings then go ahead. I'm not one to judge (I am.) ((also idk why but tommy fits the human turned vampire))
2 - foster au!! but like make it so that Tommy is like a trouble maker and the parents are bad and skeppy but skeppy is kinda on the (I hate you but I love you) or he loves bad and Tommy is trouble and gets bad's reputation stains or whatever and he kinda hates him. then *other characters* show up and they cause weird stuff like ghost hunting and they summon demons and basically ruin bad's whole status (he's idk someone important) and so- idk- pick ur ?ending??
3 - vigilante au!! but tommy isn't as innocent as he seems. literally, everyone hates him and he has to go during everyday life with that overwhelming hate n then he gets superpowers (oh right he was a powerless vigilante btw-) and he's getting sensory overload and stuff cause of one of his powers are idk more senses?? and people start to notice and uh oh he's become a war criminal or something along the lines and he's panicking cause people are finding out his identity d he as a warrant and stuff. IDK???
4 - so *inser character* is sick (I prefer wilbur. i beg of you) and they cant do everyday things. their family watch them die and they make friends in the hospital before boom apocalypse! the nurses wheel him out of the hospital onto a plane that takes him to shelter to be safe to *insert evil stuff*. he meets his family (SBI) while they try to look for the cure of illness. oh wait turns out WILBUR is the cure/solution to this apocalypse and now everyone wants wilbur and he's gotta save the world uh oh. (any character would be fine. wilbur or tommy or techno. no dadza. he plays an important roll)
5 - (beedou request) what if ranboo just moved to town with his conservative family and then he finds his BESTIES (tommy and tubbo) and they are all chill and do all this normal stuff that seems bad to ranboo cause his parents are abusive as hell like its really bad like make it REALLY bad. and then basically a therapy/justice arc that may include a lot of milkshakes. speaking of milkshakes-
6 - cafe au!! but instead of that basic tommy meets wilbur what about if tommy was stealing a 100k *insert item* from *insert person* (whos rich) and 3/4 sbi are the feds or spys or whoever goes under cover... FBI yknow. no cops, only feds. and wow tommys a wanted criminal was framed for stealing millions from a company that dream owns (surprise surprise) and they find that by hacking or something I DUNNO enter family bickering 3/4 and so they get him in his house and track him down and wow epic fight scene where tommy gets DESTROYED but manages to tell them to truth and turns out dream has been holding his bestie random (okay you can finish this and take things out dunno)I
7 - tommy is an apple tree picker (IDFK pick a job) and he meets this family who has a weird obsession with blond boys and they decide to adopt him cause WOOPS no surprise here he has TRAUMA and he has TRUST ISSUES and he has a magical stuffed cow named henery he got from them that he doesn't know is magical but SBI make it magical cause turns out THEIR witches!! cue tommy being kidnapped. and then making serval escape attempts.
8 - (so basically ranboo is learning whats nice on the overworld and what isn't and he gets treated unfairly or whatever and yeah I dunno recovery arc)
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bubblyqueer000 · 2 years
😩(2021 APRIL FOOLS JOKE POST (OLD)) Mondo Owada x Me uwu🍆
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This was an April fools day post from last year and I'm posting it the day before April fools day 2022 because I'm going to make a part 2 tomorrow so I hope you like it ૮ ˙ ﻌ˙ ა
PS If your pronouns are what’s in your pants mine are Mon/Do/Owada ( )っ✂╰⋃╯
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My name is Bubz Abazure. I’m the ultimate fan fic writer at Hope’s Peak highschool (This is the japanese version so Hifumi is a doujin artist and not a fan fic writer bet you didn’t know that you fake fan haha now me and all of the other real fans are going to make fun of you >:C ) I got into Hope’s Peak cause some bear bitch saw that I had like 57 kudos on AO3 and went ‘OOOH YO LET’S GET THIS GIRL SHE’S REVOLUTIONARY’. I was excited to go because I’ve always wanted to go to Japan but when I got there it sucked because there were no subtitles when everyone talked so I didn’t know what anyone was saying! I only speak American! Anyways I get to this fuckin school and fuckin faint and fuckin wake up in a fuckin classroom and see a fuckin note that tells me to go into the fuckin gym at 8 fuckin o clock. FUCK! It’s 3:00 AM I’m eight hours late. I go to the gym and the other students are there already and they’re exhausted from waiting for me for eight hours.
“Sorry y’all I needed my sleepys! Wait I know you! Y’alls are those characters that I write about fucking random probably teenage readers on the internet!”
“What the fuck” Said everyone collectively excpet for Mondo because he was too busy blushing over how hot I am.
“Anyways have fun killing eachother >_<” Said Monokuma before he dipped. We all left because we were sleepy. But not really I just slept for thirty seven hours and then another eight. I was sitting in my room crying because I was depressed that I would never see my family again or whatever until I heard a knock on my door and wiped my tears away, not wanting them to think I’m a little sensitive poopy baby BECAUSE I AM NOT >:c I was surprised that the person at the door was Mondo Owada (The guy whose dick I was talking about on the rules page). I was gasped when I saw him because I thought that he was just going kill me but then I didn’t care because I’m emo so life is meaningless to me but then he saw my scared expression.
“Don’t be scared you’re so segsy.” He said with a himbo smile. I blush and look away but then my beautiful shit-brown eyes hits the light of the room making my face more visible to him “Have you been crying? Like a little sensitive poopy baby?” OH NO MY WORST FEAR! I start crying more out of pure embarrassment and rub my eyes, totally ruining my eyeliner so I looked like a hot topic employee. “It’s okay! Girls cry or whatever I think it’s hot cause it reminds me that you have a coochie c:”
“Wow that is pretty hot,”
“Speaking of which I have arrived to recieve your consent to gaze upon your tiddies, milady.”
“Oh shit that’s hot i guess want to do the nasty?”
“Yee” Without warning Mondo pushed me onto the bed and ripped off my shirt and I was all like ‘wtf I wore that on the first day for a reason it’s my favorite shirt you asshole’ but I didn’t say that cause I wanted that big biker butter boy baby maker. After that he ripped off my skirt and left me lying there as nakey as the day that I was born cause I guess I wasn’t wearing underwear? Idk.  “God you’re fuckin hot. Now time to rip my clothes from existence.” He said and then suddenly wasn’t wearing any clothes revealing his meter long king kong dong and shoving it into my thirty two flavors of bootylicious bubble gum ass
So like that was hot or whatever but then we just kinda laid there and talked.
“When I was a kid I had a crush on Adam Sandler (True story) so how the fuck have my standards gone down?” I asked as him, snuggling close to Adam- I MEAN MONDO.
“Idfk I mean I don’t have high standards the last ten girls I asked out rejected me.”
“Wow you must be really lonely aha sucks to be you.”
“Heh… Not anymore Bubz chan… I love you.”
“I love you too… Non existent character that I use so I can forget how lonely I am.”
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franeridart · 4 years
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Anon said: I spend an hour going through your bokuro tag because I MISS YOUR KUROO (also also Bokuto in gay panic, that was gold) and like?? Your art style improved so much?? Legit it's so good?? I'm just?? In love ?? I kinda never noticed before but I had like. A sort of. Crush on your art for years?? I swear I'm just in love with your art wtf
Ahhhhhhhhhhhh that’s so nice of you thank you!!!!! I’m so so glad to hear you can see the improvement!!! <3<3
Anon said: I LOVE the SoMa art you did of their first kiss! Please do more!!!
I might I might!! Thank you so much for liking it!!!
Anon said: IF you could choose, how would you want Khun to become head of the family? Or would you even want him to surpass Edahn?
I think he’s bound to, in the end? At least to become more powerful than him, or influential, or anything that’d make it clear that he’s surpassed him - mostly cause I think all family heads will see themselves surpassed by someone else in their own family through the story - I mean, Bam is kind of collecting people from all the families, isn’t he? It feels a bit like he’s gearing to overtake the whole political system of the tower, not just Jahad, so, yeah, it feels kind of inevitable for Khun to take Eduan’s place by the end of it? If that makes sense to you??? I don’t really have a preferred way for him to do that, though! I like the thought of him insisting on people calling him by his surname instead of his name cause he wants the surname to end up associated more with himself than with Eduan by the end of it (you know, like, people around the tower atm say Khun and think about Eduan, but if Khun becomes famous enough then by the end of it people will say Khun and think about him, yeah? That’s kind of a way to overtake him too, I think haha) but that’s about as far as I go :D
Anon said: Hey! Idk of you still do things for your buna fusion au, but I was curious if you had a design or what your ideas may be for a kamishin fusion?
I’m not doing those anymore, sorry!
Anon said: I found your Tiny Dragon Bakugou post again and I still love them so much. Just the idea of Mitsuki taking in this tiny hatchling dragon, intending him to be a familiar. But it turns out said hatchling is an INCREDIBLY gifted shifter and figures out how to turn into a human child. Looks like she’s a mom now. Izuku is the only one to know he’s a tiny dragon at first cause he played with him before and after he shifted, seeding their rivalry.
I’m glad you like the concept enough to think about it this much! I can’t say my original plans for it went anywhere in this direction, but I’m glad you’re having fun with it!
Anon said: have you ever played undertale?
Haven’t! Can’t say I ever will either, probably
Anon said: i’m crying man 😭 i came here because of your konokomi content from like 2016 and now i’m seeing all ur kiribaku content and i’m just— your art is perfect man idfk what else to say but i just wanted to drop in and say SOMETHING
Ah man thank you so much!!!! So glad to hear people are still finding and liking my old haikyuu art, too! ;A;
Anon said: oof what'd the b/n/h/a fandom do this time?
Answering one to answer all of them - nothing! Nothing at all, they’re just unable to not spoil every single thing without tagging anything ever so it’s impossible to avoid them, and I hate spoilers with my whole heart and soul and they ruined for me the kirishima chapter and I was and still am extremely pissed about it
Anon said: Your Lavi gives me life and I missed him ;-;
Anon said: I miss lavi...
I’m so glad to hear that!!! (TT-TT) I miss him too.......................... hoshino pls bring my boy back ;;;;;;;;; </3
Anon said: erid comes from homestuck?? seeing that makes me so happy ohmygod eridan is my literal favourite as well ! and unrelated but your artwork is so GOOOD I love seeing it on my dash
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! always cool to find more people that still have fond memories of homestuck!!! (TT^TT)9 and thank you so much!!!!!!
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simply-ellas-stuff · 3 years
My thoughts on Zack Snyder's Justice League because I watched it
The opening sequence, bc even tho the repeated scream audio was stuipid this opening was better
The new meeting between batman and Aquaman - that drawing on the wall in the og was unnecessary
Diana's extra badassery
The design of Stephen Wolf, because now he actually looks scaryish
THE BIGGER WITH IN THEMYSCIRA WHY THE FUCK DID THEY CUT THAT OUT?! - oh right, its because the previous director is sexist as fuck,
Stephen Wolf's Daddy Issues because that's fucking hilarious
Bruce explaining his want to find everyone bc of his promise
The close up on the fly things because that actually made it scary
Diana's extra badassery after getting the Arrow because WHY THE FUCK WAS THAT CUT?! This explains SO MUCH about how Diana knows SO MUCH about a time she wasn't alive in and I have NO FUCKING CLUE why it was cut!?
Arthur Curry is a Stripper - Confirmed!
Arthur and his trainer talking, but idfk why they kept the bubble thing Although I do like that they clarify that it's not just Mera who can do that bubble thingy
The scene between Stephen Wolf and the stone-wall dude person was cool and it explained why Stephen Wolf was so desperate
Zeus, Ares, and Artemis prepped for battle along with Poseidon in the flashback was FUCKING AWESOME!!! Diana's Aunt as well, the shows of the Green Lanterns, and the ring returning to the planet [Although they should've named Artemis, bc she can easily be mistaken for Athena - Also; Artemis' roman equivalent in the goddess Diana ]
Darkseid being in the flashback, which explains a lot
The Gods vs Darkseid was FUCKING AWESOME
Barry's awkward rambling after running into Iris
The Big Belly Burger Reference, nicely done
My dad says Iris' car is beautiful
The slow-mo crash gave me anxiety
My dad says, "I know you got all the time in the world but c'mon this is ridiculous" about that scene then "That beautiful car..."
Do. Not. Make. Diana. And. Bruce. Romantic. Don't. Fucking. Do. It.
The use of slow-mo is kind of redundant
Victor being fucking AMAZING even tho he's getting in trouble at school
Victor and Mama's discussion gives some life to the 2-Dlike Cyborg from the og movie, WHY THE FUCK WAS IT CUT?!
Victor's inner-world where he's still fully human
Barry being sarcastic as fuck towards his father lmfao
"Very attractive Jewish boy"
The reference to Grodd YAAAAAAAS
I still hate that Barry's lightning is blue and not red
The explanation of the Speedforce and Snacks
"What are your super powers again?" "I'm Rich" Still one of the best lines
I love Diana's shirt in the scene with Alfred
"Looks like you have a date, Ms. Prince" lmfao - Unless his name is Steve, I doubt it
I feel like Victor and Diana would be a good brother/sister duo, ngl
Burying the fucking box at your mothers grave was the stupidest shit I have ever fucking seen Victor.
Barry's utter fail at being normal around Diana
The underwater click-like dolphin speak was cool, but still kinda dumb knowing that later Aquaman speaks underwater just fine - ngl
Nice Liquidkinetics, Mera. Amber you're still a cunt.
Also, Mera says her parents died - Wasn't her father alive in Aquaman??
Victor seeing the bat-signal explains how he knew how to find them, honest
The badass entry of Bruce, Diana, and Barry makes me laugh
Barry is far too close to Bruce
Victor scared Barry LMFAOOOO
If Victor's father is the head of STAR Labs where the fuck is Harrison Wells?????
Diana's annoyance at Barry running ahead is such a Mom thing
Stephen using the bug thing makes SO MUCH MORE SENSE
Diana trying to make a plan and it getting ruined fits with the exasperated Mom theme she's got going on.
"I Belong To No One" I FUCKING LOVE IT
HEEEEEEEEELL of a push Barry lmfaooo
"Thank you Alfred" "Don't mention it" Mans is bored of your shit
Diana's x-move thing against Stephen Wolf YAAAAAAAAS BITCH
Diana saving Barry's ass - Accurate!
Victor taking over the Crawler makes more sense this way, honest
That jump onto the crawler was smooth as fuck Diana!
Stephen Wolf getting visions from the boxes also explains a lot about some shit
"I know the requirements, I wrote them" Suuuuuuubtle lmfaoo
Victor brining the box them also fits better
Why is this Stone looking mother fucker speaking Latin?
Hello Darkseid, you look particularly dramatic this evening
Victor's explaining how he knows about the box makes a lot of sense, why was this cut again??
Actually explaining the fucking Mother Box was Helpful
Mrs. Kent and Lois having a heart to heart holy shiiiit
Martha talking about how Clark's death was drowned out by Superman's - wooow
Ironic that Ezra-Flash's hero is Superman while Grant Gustin's hero is superman lmfao
Diana and Arthur chatting was cute, the quote was awesome and the Atlantians totally copped that quote from the Amazonians
Alfred being a sarcastic fuck is my favorite
Alfred being the voice of reason, as always
Arthur helping Barry pick a hat is AMAZING
Diana telling the boys to change, mom or big sister?? lmfaoo
Barry's social awkwardness gives me second hand embarrassment
This little infiltration arc makes SO MUCH more fucking sense
Every one being suited up and triggering the alarm is amazing
Mr. Stone fucking trusting his son is my faaaaaavorite
Barry looks like he's about to throw up
Arthur being antsy about not doing the resurrection makes so much sense
I love vision-Diana's Norse burial
The Military arriving was a sensible addition
The fancy ass dramatic ass arrival of Aquaman, Wonder Woman, Flash, and Cyborg when Superman gets to the monument is hilarious
Victor loosing control is the woooooorst
The Lasso of Truth almost got through to him but he's a stubborn fuck
Superman functioning in Flashtime is something I will never understand
Yeah lets shoot at the guy whose indestructible, right
"you should probably move" LMFAOOOO
Batman v. Superman part 2 insert eye roll here
headbutts like children - and that's cheating on the playground Clark.
Heat vision makes so much more sense than "do you bleed?"
Lois coming in cluuuuutch
I like Lois' appearance better than Alfred bringing her, it fits Lois better
Arthur and Barry now have rivalry lmfaooo
Mr. Stone being obsessed with the mother box is annoying as fuck
Mr. Stone is an idiot and he should've fucking left the box alone
That was a horrible death why was that necessary?!
Arthur being a pessimist in this movie is honestly hilarious, tho why is he anti-love??
Barry being surprised at Batman's richness is never not funny
"I'll take that as a yes" okay Clark, don't show off
"Its really me Ma" Best scene of the whole fucking movie
Barry and Arthur heart-to -heart "I thought you didn't car" "I never said that" BUILD THIS FRIENDSHIP
Bruce talking about faith never bodes well
"uh with the power of love" "Barry" LMFAOOOOOO
Since when does Superman have Geokinesis??
"just have to knock a little louder" Well, that's one way to knock Bruce
Nice crash boy
Straight up sounded like "Loud and queer" lmfaoooo
Diana leading the teeeeeeeaaaam Hell Yes!
I do miss the "I think we're all gonna die" lasso-Arthur scene tho. it was stupid - but funny.
THE TEAM SHOOOOT YES totally taken from Marvel but fuck did it look good
"you really are out of your mind" says the idiot who talks to fish
"not done yet" vs "your welcome" I like the second one better
Glorious hair Arthur lmfaoo
Fucking chair eject
Alfred doesn't even fucking blink when Clark arrives
Oh yeah, step back for the demi-god princess
The familiar flash buildup power ring will never not make me happy
Daaaaaayum Diana!!
Nice catch Arthur
Diana knows her mother and sisters are alive bc they sent the arrow to her, so why is he even trying it??
"Not impressed" Smooooooth
You sent Today at 5:44 PM
Them all standing there was straight up "Fuck with us, I dare you"
The epilogue was great but that dream was confusing, are we doing Alt-universe shit??
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My OC Universe: Rowan 118
Chapter 118 Summary: Rowan has another nightmare and Peter helps soothe him. (Tags: @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi, @much-ado-about-whumping, @abitefullofeverything, @whump-me-all-night-long, @sky-or-something-idfk and @tears-and-lilies)
Trigger Warnings: PTSD whumpee, nightmares, mild self harm
When did I even begin feeling this way?  Rowan glanced over at Peter as he lay in bed, head covered with a pillow he dragged over himself during sleep.  Why couldn’t I be warned of this? Whatever it is. I don’t know if it even is love – but it’s maybe the closest thing I’ve ever experienced.
He restrained himself from moving over and doing what he had done with Cordelia. In hindsight it was an awful and creepy thing to do. He cringed at the thought of it. 
They had heard from Cordelia, wishing them a merry Christmas, she left a message for Peter wondering how Rowan was faring now that she had left, and had also sent a pair of soft leather boots for him, which was good because his current ones were beginning to wear out. They had been made for work at the castle, where the smooth floors and clean surfaces wouldn’t erode them quickly, and the rougher wood floors and rocks outside were harsher on their soft soles.
He was grateful she hadn’t mentioned the incident to Peter, he didn’t know how he would face that embarrassment if Peter looked at him after knowing that. Especially now knowing how he felt about his friend. Part of him wondered if he should even mention it to Peter.  
Peter woke up a few hours after Rowan fell asleep, he couldn’t explain why, he was perfectly warm, and he felt safe, and he didn’t have to go to the bathroom. It was odd.
He got his answer a few minutes later when Rowan began whimpering and thrashing in his sleep. It was painful to listen to the pained squeaks that broke from his lips as he twitched under the covers. Peter carefully slid out of his own bed and approached his bed silently, Olivia looked over to him, eyes wide and alert as he stood beside her, and he rested a hand on her head soothingly as he leaned over his head.
Rowan’s hands lifted to his face and Peter watched his skin dimple as his nails dug into the flesh and dragged down his tear-soaked cheeks, whining in fear and pain as his body curled up tightly into a ball.
“No! N…no…please!”
Peter couldn’t handle seeing Rowan in such pain anymore and placed his other hand cautiously on the boy’s scalp, smoothing his hair softly to try and avoid startling him awake. It was damp with sweat and tangled in Peter’s fingers as he tried to stroke it.
“Rowan,” He said gently. “Hey, hey buddy, wake up, please,” Rowan’s eyes startled open, bulging out of his skull before recognising Peter and calming down.
“Peter,” He gasped weakly, lifting his hands to wipe his cheeks. “Did-did I wake you?”
“No, no, it’s all right,” Peter soothed, removing his hand from Olivia to carefully brush the tears from his eyes. “Were you having a nightmare?” Rowan nodded as his eyes glassed up again.
“I’m sorry,” He whimpered, sniffling. “I’m sorry,” He didn’t seem to have anything else to say as he pulled himself up and Peter embraced him.
“Don’t apologise,” He said gently. “Was it a bad nightmare?” Rowan nodded against Peter’s shoulder and tightened his hands instinctively. “Do you want some company to help you go back to sleep?”
I-I don’t want to embarrass myself again.
“I-I don’t think there’s room.” He didn’t want to have to make a decision, he wanted to force Peter to determine an answer.
“I can fix that,” Peter released him and stood up, Rowan watched as he moved back to his own bed and crouched, grabbing the bedframe firmly before pulling it back. Rowan watched in surprise as Peter pushed his bed against Rowan’s and looked at him once more.
“Does this work?” He asked and Rowan looked from the bed back to him.
“Are you sure you want to do that?” He asked nervously and Peter nodded.
“Now you can have some space but won’t be so isolated, well, of course you aren’t alone,” Peter said and glanced at Olivia. “I’ll be here if you need me, now,” He finally answered, climbing back into bed and looking at Rowan through tired eyes. “Are you feeling all right?” He asked looking at Rowan – who was flushing violently at Peter’s closeness.
“I-yes, thank you,” He smiled slightly, and Peter nodded, gently helping Rowan lie back down and making sure his eyes were dry.
“We’ll keep him safe, won’t we, Olivia?” He said as he settled down beside Rowan.
“I know you will,” The boy murmured, and Peter looked over, proud of Rowan’s trust in him.
“Don’t worry,” He cooed, inching over and laying an arm carefully over his chest to secure him. “No one will touch you while I’m around.”
There was silence for a few minutes, Rowan kept thinking about how the weight on his chest was physical now, and not just a figment of his imagination. Peter smelled different, usually he smelt like wood shavings, pine needles and smoke, but since he had been inside for so long, he began smelling like the soap he used for the dishes and freshly washed fabric, and still smoke.
“Would you like to tell me about your nightmare?” Peter asked heavily, his eyes were closed but Rowan knew he was still paying attention.
“Do you think it could help?” He asked weakly. He also knew Peter wouldn’t suggest it unless he was trying to console him.
“You’re so tightly shut up; you would probably benefit from a little venting.” Peter reasoned.
“Maybe,” Rowan breathed.
“You don’t have to if it would make you uncomfortable,” Peter replied and rolled onto his back, his arm moving to gently grip Rowan’s bicep, ensuring contact remained despite moving.
“I’d like to, it’s just, they’re really weird.” Rowan said gently. “Like, they don’t make sense,”
“Dreams rarely do,”
“That’s true,” Rowan hesitated for a moment before shifting slightly closer to Peter, a hand resting over the one he held his arm with.
“I-I don’t know why, but we were sitting at a big table,” He began softly. “William was beside me, and even though I was in a chair he made me lean against him like I was sitting on the arm of his chair. I don’t know who else was there, but I recognised them all, you know? And it felt like, there was this weight on my chest, and it was so hard to breathe I couldn’t even speak.” His breaths became shallower at just the memory and Peter sat up, turning to watch Rowan as he spoke, thumb grazing Rowan’s hand soothingly. “Um, and I-I couldn’t move, and breathing was so hard, and these people were all talking about me, and they wanted to send me somewhere – I don’t-I don’t remember where, but it just…I was so afraid that all of a sudden I couldn’t breathe anymore, and I kept trying to get them to help, or endear to William, but they all just laughed at me and ignored me!” Rowan gasped as he finished and moved his hands to his chest to feel his lungs wheeze beneath them.
“I’m so sorry, Row,” Peter said gently, cupping his cheek and stroking the skin with his thumb.
“It-I don’t understand why I was so scared!” Rowan whimpered, tears spilling over his lashes and dripping down his temples. “It wasn’t even that bad!”
“You were placed in a situation in which you were powerless,” Peter sighed, inching closer. “That’s the most terrifying thing in the world, being powerless. And being unable to breathe, as well, no wonder you were affected by that.” Rowan nodded weakly as Peter’s hand stroked his skin and sniffed.
“Thanks, Peter,” He whispered, and Peter smiled in reply. “I feel…I feel bad when I think of William. I don’t know if I believe that he’s just, dead. There wasn’t any fanfare…it doesn’t feel real.”
“Cordelia would tell us if he was alive. You can’t let him steal any more of your life than he has already.” Peter said firmly, grabbing Rowan’s shoulder. “The bastard got what he deserved. And he isn’t allowed to ruin you anymore, all right?” Rowan nodded obediently and Peter smiled. “Good, are you feeling any better?” Rowan nodded again and swallowed the lump of tears in his throat.
“Yeah, thank you,” He murmured, and Peter squeezed his shoulder comfortingly. Rowan froze as Peter leaned closer to him, face looming inches away from his. Rowan slammed his eyes shut in anticipation and waited for whatever Peter was going to do, heart pounding out of his chest as he felt Peter’s breath rolling over his cheeks.
What is he doing? Is he going to kiss me?
Rowan paused as he felt Peter’s lips on his skin and waited, the kiss wasn’t where he was expecting it, and he was almost relieved under his disappointment. But of course Peter would kiss his forehead, it was such a caring action. Something a parent would do to soothe a child.
He was disappointed when the lips left his brow and cautiously opened his eyes, seeing Peter lean back and smile at him softly.
“You’ll be all right,” He said encouragingly. “If I can’t be there, Olivia will be, but I won’t make any efforts to leave you alone.” Rowan nodded as he lay down again, hand lingering on Rowan. To stop him from taking away the contact Rowan lifted his arms and wrapped them awkwardly around the one on his chest.
“Do you mind if I just…hold this?” He asked, glancing over.
“Of course not,” Peter replied, finally allowing his eyes to drift closed again. “Do whatever you’d like, I’m here now,”
Rowan flushed red hot as Peter settled in to sleep with his arm clutched in Rowan’s, fingers absentmindedly clutching passively at his skin in a weary attempt to soothe him. It was working.
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thotantics · 5 years
Okay not the right format BUT is there any kink that you are SURE someone in BTS has? And if so would you indulge in it w them?
welp this is a fun topic LETS DIVE IN
jimin I think would be into overstimulation, orgasm control/denial, giving and receiving and im 🤤👌👌👌🔥🔥🔥
is it cliché to say namjoon has a daddy kink at this point??? bc I'm still all about that life i don't care
i feel like jk has a bit of a pain kink and its hard for me to hurt someone during sex unless its w my teeth but i 10000% wanna scratch and bite and choke and just RUIN that pretty boy bc i think hed love it so so so much
i think yoongi likes anal a lot idk why??? is that even a fetish idfk but he can have my entire ass idc its HIS
not to show my bias but i think tae must have a lot of fun, "weird", interesting kinks and id be thrilled to try any and everything with him but mainly bc i think he's a True Switch so any f this would be go both ways, specifically: temperature play, breath play, blindfolds/gags/restraints, i have ALWAYS said hes got an impregnation fetish and into cum play and im........so down with literally anything he could ever wanna do/try even tho im pretty sure my baby has a foot fetish and that's nasty its ok man whatever suck my toes i dont fuckcing care i LOVE you
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makubes · 5 years
repost, don’t reblog !
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𝐛𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐬 !
full name.  Rock Holmes pronunciation.  - nicknames.  just Rock height.   5′5″ age.   wildly verse dependent but I’d say 28 for default zodiac.   libra languages.    Japanese, English, Mandarin, Korean, French, Russian
hair colour.    black eye colour.    deep blue skin tone.    pale    body type.    very slim, model-esque with long legs, has a bit of an hourglass shape going on under his clothes but he’s more top heavy.  accent.    depends on which language he’s speaking. for jp he’s trained himself to speak with a tokyo accent. english he doesn’t really have one anymore. in other langauges he sounds a lot more formal and robotic since he doesn’t speak them as much. french is starting to sound a little better but there’s still like, something in the way he talks that makes it noticeable that it’s not his first language. dominant hand.  right posture.    kinda flucuates depending on the situation but by default i imagine his posture is pretty proper since he’s had a lot of this kinda stuff drilled into his head as a kid.  tattoos.   ah no... wouldn’t wanna ruin his flawless skin most noticeable features.  His striking blue eyes, or those thick black sunglasses covering them up. 
place of birth.   Japan. hometown.   Yokohama birth weight / height.   Average first words.  Probably something cute and standard like “mama” siblings.  none. parents.  His bio parents, mother and father, both deceased. Later adopted by Duke Red. parental involvement.   Rock’s bio parents were very active and involved with his development during the short part of his life that they were around. They noticed he was very bright for his age and encouraged that growth by reading more advanced literature to him, such as Sherlock Holmes novels, and allowing him to read easier books on his own. Unfortunately when he was around 4 years old his father lost his job, and unable to face his family afterwards, committed suicide. His mother grew extremely distant after this until eventually she too took her life as well, leaving him alone. 
Duke Red was super involved at first too. Spoiling Rock rotten by treating him to the extravagant lifestyles of the super rich and basically giving him anything he wanted. Even at this time however this didn’t come with certain drawbacks such as very strict etiquette lessons and curfews. Things only got worse tho as Duke Red grew more distant and downright cruel. It got to the point where Rock was basically just living in this huge mansion by himself and if he tried to raise issue he’d be beaten for it. He started to act out for attention figuring negative attention was still better than nothing but was eventually disowned entirely.
As of current he has no family. Fun
occupation. He claims to be an “investigative reporter” but in reality he works for a cheap tabloid magazine. as a child he was a pretty popular ~boy detective~ with tv spots and everything but he’s washed up now, as they say. current residence.    He travels a lot so he has no single solid residence but he has apartments in a few major cities like Paris, New York, and Tokyo.   close friends.  Kuroo Hazama, a close frind since childhood. The only one he hasn’t pushed away. relationship status.   currently single but he’s full of love so financial status.   Rock started blackmailing rich people in his teens so even though he was officially disowned by his father years ago he still has a vast amount of wealth saved up and doesn’t really have to worry about money all that much. driver’s license.   he really SHOULDN’T but yes he does have one criminal record.   im sorry for stretching the page but
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sexual orientation.    gay romantic orientation.    really gay preferred emotional role.  submissive | dominant | switch  |  unsure preferred sexual role.  submissive |  dominant  |  switch |  sex repulsed libido.  I mean it’s THERE. He has pinup posters on his fucking apartment walls and masturbates to his own reflection (yes this is canon) but he’s not like super horny all the time you know? very needy at times yes but its not a constant. turn on’s.  He’s pretty kinky tbh. Body worship, biting, blood play, breath play, bondage (gagging and restraints on either him or his partner), bdsm, pet play, orgasm denial, leather and lace, dress up (either his partner dressing him or him dressing his partner), s&m, sticks and stones may break my bones but whips and chains excite meeeeee turn off’s.   overly submissive and gullible people, orgasm denial is only hot when he’s doing it if his partner pulls that shit he gets pissed off, group sex is a huge turn off too, basically he has to be the center of attention at ALL TIMES or he WILL get bored and annoyed. love language.   uhhhhhh i dont know how to explain it exactly but i imagine Rock is the type to initiate things but then he’ll want his partner to support him the rest of the way so that’s why i don’t really strictly label him as a top. also he’s just really supportive and full of love to give  relationship tendencies.   In terms of longterm relationships Rock tends to avoid those, pushing people away because he’s just used to people leaving him and doesn’t wanna have to put up with that again. Short term however it’s not unusual for Rock to go out and have a short fling with a guy just because he’s feeling a little needy and doesn’t wanna commit to anything (tho he’ll still be upset that the other dude doesn’t wanna commit which is like lol). But like YEAH Rock has a really bad habit of self sabotaging all his relationships ogshaofdschxv
character’s theme song.     there’s a lot of songs that I think fit but like tbh the Metropolis OST is right there. hobbies to pass the time.     being an asshole, investigating crimes that he wasn’t personally involved with, blackmailing rich people, investigating the paranormal and supernatural, pissing on public property to assert his dominance, picking up cute boys at bars, caring for exotic animals (deer, snakes, ect), actively looking for reasons to go bother BJ, gambling mental illnesses.   PTSD, NPD, and all the fun stuff that comes with physical illnesses.  doesn’t happen often but he is seizure prone. as an adult he’s legally blind  left or right brained .   idfk what this means or care enough to look it up tbh fears.   he fears death, and more specifically dying alone without making any sort of impact on the world. self confidence level.    He’s extremely full of himself but he also absolutely despises himself its very odd to explain but vulnerabilities.  uhhh im not entirely sure what this means but he’s still very sensitive about the whole family subject and if asked about it he’ll just claim he doesn’t have any? also despite claiming otherwise there are people he cares about a whole lot and he would be really upset if anything happened to them.....
tagged by:   no one i stole it tagging: the girl reading this
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linkeai · 6 years
that’s kinda hot → wang linkai / xiao gui ( nine percent ) → summary: summer school is fun, and at first, neither is the obnoxious boy who gets seated next to you who takes a weird liking to you. → warning(s): swearing, mentions of illness, canadian school terms? idfk → genre: fluff, the teensiest bit of angst → word count: 3,751 → notes: hi i love this and it may or may not be inspired by the boy i temporarily fell in love when i went to summer school :)
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so... you suck at math
you knew you sucked at math pretty much your entire life, and you knew you were still going to suck this year when you started your grade 11 math class
but you didn’t think you sucked so bad that you would fail the class entirely
but, alas, thinking was not your strong suit
because your final mark in math 2201 was 32 :)
and you were NOT repeating a year, and you were not taking the god-awful supplementary exam, 
so summer school was pretty much the only option you had left
and your parents may as well have put a gun to your head with the way they said you had BETTER pass this time
bc summer school isn’t exactly cheap!!
so you went off with equal parts terror and determination in your heart
summer school was only a month long, and you’d already sort of done the course already
so you were feeling pretty good about your chances
until you arrived on the first day :)
the place was a janky looking middle school filled with people that divided into two groups;
group a) the ones like you who were already over it and just wanted to get your credits and get the hell out
and group b)… came in shouting at each other and being generally obnoxious and we’re treating it like they’d just arrived at the party
one boy in particular stood out to you.. not because he was probably the most obnoxious one in the bunch, but because he was kind cute even when he was screaming some nonsense
and as if it was your luck.. when you got sorted into your classes and took your seats, he plopped down right beside you
who in the name of god thought it was a good idea to have two seats pushed together in the rows in an actual summer school, you didn’t know
you just knew that when the teacher told you that these were your seats for the remainder of the month, he turned and gave you a grin that made you realize that there was, in fact, a fate better than summer school
and it was death
summer school is extremely fast paced so class started pretty much five minutes after you were seated
so you took out your notebook and your little pencil case and got ready to inject yourself with some mathematical knowledge
when this dude taps on your shoulder
you don’t even say anything you just like at him like don't you fucking dare ask for paper
and so he asks for some paper
and you’re like yeah man for sure! and tear out a few sheets and give it to him
he gives you the BIGGEST, the DUMBEST smile you have ever seen
and you would never in a hundred years admit that it made your heart do several things.
and the paper… the paper was your first mistake.
the teacher started explaining some of the topics of the first unit when he taps his pencil (thank god he at least had a pencil) on your desk
and you’re like yeah… what….
and he asks what your name is 
and you’re like???? it’s y/n
and he does the smile again and … oof
he tells you his name is linkai and you just awkwardly bob your head and turn toward the front again
and linkai has the GALL to tap on your desk again and maybe you’re being a liiittle hot-tempered but in your head, its like W H AT THE FUCK DO YO U WANT DUDE
and this boy has the audacity to look you in the eyes and say “you’re kinda cute.”
your brain short-circuits at the same time your heart goes into overdrive
and you can’t really do much else but stare at him for a long minute and just as you’re about to answer him, you hear a loud yell from the front of the classroom.
“you two! is this gonna be a problem? seriously?”
“no ma’am!” the two of you say in perfect unison
and class carries on
the classes last about four-ish hours every day
and for the ENTIRE first day
linkai is doing sometHING to test your sanity
when he’s not humming, he’s drumming a beat on the desk,
when he’s not trying to make conversation with you, he’s whispering little side comments about the lesson 
and you’re too afraid to tell him to stfu because he’s still really hot and you’re a little intimidated
and this goes on for the next three days of the first week until you snap
he turns to you and he’s like, “y/n, your hair looks really good today.”
and you slowly turn, look him dead in the face and say very slowly; “if you don’t shut the fuck up, i’m going to beat you to death with this calculator”
the next few seconds pass like several eternities, where you revel in the thinly veiled shock and terror in his eyes
until a cheeky grin slowly spreads across his face, and he says, shamelessly;
“that’s kinda hot.”
and at that moment, you turn back to the board and take a long, agonizing moment to grieve over both your two precious math credits as well as your life which your parents will inevitably soon take from you
things get so much weirder after that
you think he goes from talking to you to entertain himself to actually liking you after your feisty little outburst
and you quickly learn that when linkai likes someone he’s … extremely odd
but?? kind of adorable?
the weirdest thing he does is he starts bringing you ‘gifts’
and it's so creepy but so ridiculously endearing when he pulls a bouquet of crumpled dandelions out of his bag and hands them to you
theres a few ants crawling on them and they’re ruined from being in his backpack
he hasn't even put anything on them to hold them together
and you’re not really sure if you want to thank him or not but you do anyway because like.. c’mon man
and he’s looking at you with those puppy dog eyes
so you say “thanks, linkai. these are uh.. nice.”
theyre really not but when his eyes kinda light up a little and he turns away with red ears and hides his smile in his hoodie you’re like.. these are the most beautiful flowers i have ever seen in my entire life
and that, my friend, was your second mistake
he brings you a new gift every day
one time it was half of a cookie from the gas station mcdonalds down the road
once it was an actual fucking newt like a little lizard that he found somewhere and you literally begged him to keep it for himself
another time it was an eraser shaped like a cupcake that was very clearly used
but you kept every single present he gave you
except for the lizard because what the genuine fuck dude
he also comes up with new nicknames for you every day
and they’re even cringer than they were the day before every time without fail
he strolls into the room, plops down beside you and hands you your daily present with a “good morning, ___”
the blanks thus far include, honey, darling, sweetiepie, cupcake, pumpkin, gumdrop, cutie patootie, my cinnamon apple, munchkin
and you don't know why you look forward to seeing what he comes up with next
and even the very worst of the presents and the nicknames make your heart flutter
and you realize you are slowly becoming whipped for this weird kid
and that this is very bad because you’re literally desperate to pass this class and its hard when you spend all your time waiting for his next comment or thinking about him being next to you
but like a dummy, you don't ask to be moved and you don’t even ask him to shut up
well you do, you regularly tell him to shut up but this man takes insults like compliments and it seems to feed into this idea that you like him
which you do but that's none of his damn business
and about halfway through that short month of school, you realize you’re not going to be ready for the exam
you start losing sleep over it because this is really not good
and you also realize that this isn’t linkai’s fault, really, you can’t push the blame onto him because you didnt want to ask to be moved away from the cute boy
and that makes you feel even worse
so you come into school one day looking about as miserable as you feel
you actually get there after linkai for the first time because you were in the bathroom trying to make yourself look more alive
but it doesn't work because the second you walk in and linkai (who was previously looking a bit like a lost puppy) says “hi sugarpl- damn, you look rough.”
you give him a half-assed glare and slump into the seat beside him, not even having the energy to be sarcastic.
“wait, y/n, are you okay?”
the concern in his voice makes your stomach turn a little but you just kinda look at him and you’re like.
“i’m gonna fail. again.”
and he's surprised you actually answered him so he kinda stalls for a second
and then he's like “i can help you? if you want?”
and you almost want to laugh bc you have not seen the kid take a single note since you got here
but he's like “lets go sit at one of those tables outside after this and i’ll help you with what you don’t know.”
and you’re like yeah sure i guess bc i mean.. he's cute what are you gonna do? say no?
and then he gets his bag and pulls out a pack of colorful scrunchies and hands them to you
and you instinctively tear up bc they look super new so he definitely like.. went to a store.. saw these.. thought he should get them for you..took them off the shelf.. bought them with his own money.. and now they’re here
and by the will of god you don’t start weeping in front of him
and you feel weird walking with him outside as he greets all his loud friends and is like nah i cant go with you guys today i gotta do something
you two sit down outside and you whip out your book and he’s like so what is it? what are you having trouble with?
and, in shame, you admit that you really don’t know shit all
and he just kinda laughs and he’s like aight let's do this
and let me JUST SAY
he starts explaining the first concept to you and everything he says is making? perfect sense?
he explains things very clearly and intelligently and you immediately understand what you have to do 
he has his own way of solving problems that is faster and more efficient and literally whips through every equation.
when he finishes explaining, you just stop and stare at him in awe for a second and he's like “sorry, did that make sense?”
and in your head you’re like nothing has ever made sense more than what you just did right now
but outwardly you’re like yeah thanks so much
and he continues to explain things to you and by the time a few hours have passed and its getting late and kinda chilly, you already understand half the things you were lost on
you tell him you should get home now and he’s like, oh, yeah, sure, okay.
and you really have to ask him how he ended up in summer school? because he’s obviously extremely intelligent with how easily he understands all the concepts
and he gets a little shy
and he tells you that during the year, he had to work a lot during the school days because his mom is sick and off work so they’re not making a lot of money
and that she had a doctors appointment on the day of the final and there was no one else to take her and it was all really last minute so he missed it
and so he ended up failing math and had to go to summer school
he waits with you until your bus comes and sends you off
and you’re just like.. sitting there.. thinking
and you start to feel like the biggest piece of shit for multiple reasons
first, because you had made so many wrong assumptions about linkai
he wasn’t just some obnoxious imbecile. he was hard-working and obviously had a really big heart
he was loud, yeah but that was just his personality
and you had gone and assumed he was dumb when he was pretty much a genius
but worst of all, you realized that he actually genuinely liked you
all the little pet names, the gifts, the constant talking to you in class was because he just… liked you. it was his own little eccentric way of showing it
and you had treated him like he was some big joke. a nuisance, even.
you didn’t sleep very well that night, either.
the next day he brought you a donut and called you donut.
and you almost cried again 
he was also wearing a different red sweater he’d never worn before and his hair was kind of different and he looked so good
and so you smiled at him and said, “morning, handsome.”
and there was nothing sweeter than the way his face turned as red as his hoodie.
he helped you that day after class too,
and the next, and the next
and you exchanged numbers so you could ‘ask him questions while you were home’
but you two would start texting and having all kinds of conversations
from the most crackheadassery shit to some really deep stuff
you never knew that you could fall so hard for someones voice, the way he talks on the phone when he’s calm and tired, his voice husky and quiet
but shit, you were whipped like whip cream
there was this one time he texted you at 6 am
and it said something like “i just got home from work and i saw a cat in my mailbox blah blah”
and you were like.. pause. just got home from work?
and from there you realized that because summer school was mandatory he was going to work at night to make up for the day shifts he had to miss
and probably getting 2-3 hours of sleep if he was getting any and all
and that was kind of the deal breaker
and you realized that, in such a short span of time,
you had completely fallen in love with wang linkai
and you were determined to do something, anything you could to just.. make things better for him?
you just wanted to be his person
the two of you continued staying after school and studying for an hour or two and then texting throughout the rest of the day, right up until the final exam
the two of you had studied vigorously together, both in person and over facetime.
and the night before the exam comes and you get a text
and all it says is “y/n, something bad happened.”
your heart immediately sinks to the floor and you abandon the petty ‘wait two-three minutes before answering’ rule and just call him
he picks up and doesn’t even say hello and you’re so frightened to see such a bright creature so… burned out
he explains to you that his mom finally got an appointment with this really important specialist after months of waiting
and that it was supposed to be next week, but it got moved to tomorrow
and it’s on the other side of the city
and he’ll miss his exam
it really hurts to hear the shake in his voice, and how hopeless he sounds
and you ask him everything like are you sure theres no one else that can drive her but you? are you sure you cant have the appointment moved back?
and its all a pretty resounding no.
and so you think and think and you’re like; you know what? i have an idea.
and you run into your moms room and explain the situation to her and BEG her to do this for you and take linkai’s mom to her appointment for him
and she asks to speak to linkai for a second and you’re just twiddling your thumbs
and he kinda makes her smile and laugh a little and your heart could just BURST
and she agrees to drive her after getting his address and his moms name and the place of the appointment etc
and when she hands the phone back to you, you go back to your room and when you put the phone to your ear, you hear linkai sniffling on the other end
and you’re like “kai?? are you crying?”
and he’s like “no… fuck maybe a little bit.”
and you’re like ?? why, what else is wrong?
and he’s like “nothing.. nothing is wrong, it’s just.” and he takes a big breath. “thank you so much.”
and you kinda tear up a little bit too and you’re like.. “of course.. you don’t have to thank me.”
and he just takes a biig breath and calms down and then he starts talking in a really soft voice.
“y/n.. you know i like, really like you, right? i know you think im just bored or playing some game, but im not. i knew you were special, and im..” he kind of laughs at himself. “fuck, im really falling for you.”
and now you are crying too
and you tell him you’re so sorry and that you wish you would have just. been better from the beginning
and you tell him that you feel the same way and the both of you are just giggling and he tells you thank you a million times and that he cant wait to see you tomorrow
so the exam comes
the two of you take it and you’re kind of lost on what to do with yourselves other than studying lol
but you both feel really good about the outcome
and there's something really special about the two of you sitting outside waiting for both of your moms to come and get you
and when they do, you get in the car and your moms are like best fuckin friends already
and you’re all laughing as the four of you go to eat lunch together and linkai’s mom tells him that the specialist set up a plan for her and it looks like things are going to get better really soon.
and theres a happy kind of pain in your chest when you look over at him and see that he’s getting teary eyed
and you know exactly what he’s feeling - its that feeling like fuck, things are so good right now, everything is perfect, please don’t take it away
and so you’re a little scared but more excited when you reach over and hold his hand.
and he looks at you and you smile at him. you don’t have to say a word for him to know exactly what you’re thinking
‘i’m here. things will be okay. things will get better. let me carry this weight with you.’
and he squeezes your hand so tight it hurts
but you dont mind
a few days later, the two of you return to get your final examination results
and you’re both shaking and bickering bc you’re like “why are you nervous when you know you passed”
and the two of you take the envelopes and go stand outside by the same table you sat at everyday.
you open your cards at the same time and look at the results and you scream while linkai lets out a big huff of relief
yours reads ’84’ and his says says ’93’
your card flutters to the ground as you jump forward into his arms
and he’s laughing and holding you so so tight, swinging you around and he’s still kind of shaking but in a good way.
and you pull away from the hug and just look at him, and he’s got that look in his eyes again
the look that says he’s so happy and he’s afraid he’s going to lose it
and before you can think twice, you grab his face and kiss the thought right out of his head
and he smiles into the kiss, grabbing you the second you pull away and bringing you back for more
you two pull away and just look at each other like.. who knew?
and he kisses you again on the lips, then kisses all over your entire face
and the horn honks a few feet away from where your mother is waiting for you with a small smile on her face.
and you kiss him one last time before you walk back to the car with your hands tightly intertwined
and you are so fucking glad you suck at math
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ruler-of-the-blrds · 6 years
 1. Does your character have good aim?  Melissa- Not really  Alana- Yes Serenity- No  Tempest- Yes Laura/Siren- No  Meringue- She cheats with psychic  Chrys- Kinda? Mimi- Yes Amari- nah 2. What would history remember your character for? Melissa- furry  Alana/Tempest- thief  Serenity and Meringue- Fashion  Chrys- adventurer  Laura- idfk partying?  Mimi- trying her best Amari- proving aliens are real 3. Does your character prefer to work in silence or with noise and of what kind? Silence- Melissa; Tempest; Mimi; Alana; Serenity Music- Amari; Laura; Meringue; Siren; Chrys 4. Has your character ever been handcuffed or tied up? UHHHHHHHHHH Melissa has. I’m only answering this for her.  5. Can your character cook? Melissa can and that’s it 6. Who did your character look up to as a child?  Melissa- herself? Laura- all her rad friends from cool places Mimi- her big bro  Amari- lizard people guy  7. Do any of your characters have depression? Mimi does  8. Who has the worst luck? Mimi for sure 9. Could your character win an arm wrestling competition? How well would they do? no one of them could. well maybe tempest.  10. Would your character give up the chance to come back to life as a god so that someone else could be saved?  Melissa and Co. - No  Laura and Co. - Hard yes Mimi- Yes Amari- Ha no
11. What is your character’s favorite historical or fairy tale figure? pass 12. Would your character marry someone their family didn’t approve of? All yes- except maybe mimi if her parents had a valid point 13. Do/Did any of your characters have large ears they had to grow into as a kid? no  14. Are any of your characters nonverbal? no 15. Did your character ever want to be a cowboy? Amari and Melissa 16. How does the way your character present themselves in public differ from how they are in private? Melissa- is much more reserved in public  Mimi- in private mimi is much sadder- she doesn’t show her real emotions in public  Amari and Laura are the same in public/private  17. How petty is your character?  Melissa-very  Mimi- not at all  Laura- not really  Amari- Very 18. Is your character pro or anti union? pass 19. Does your character like carrots? Melissa/Amari- no  Mimi/Laura- yes 20. How self-confident is your characters? Melissa- very Amari- very Mimi- not at all  Laura- pretty good
21. Do any of your characters have heterochromia? nope 22. Do any of your characters have someone named after them? Or are they named after someone else? Mimi is named after Mimi from digimon and Gundam Tanaka lol 23. Do any of your characters have facial markings? Siren and Amari have freckles  24. What is your character’s opinions on squirrels? Melissa- whatever Laura- they’re perfect  Mimi- loves them  Amari- they’re spies  25. Does your character experience sexism for the job/title they hold? (ie: she’s a girl, she can’t be x,y,z because only boys can be) Mimi and Amari don’t have jobs so- but who knows with Amari in the future cause they wanna be an astronaut  Melissa has to deal with drunk dudes hitting on her bc of her job  Laura’s good 
26. Are any of your characters missing fingers? no  27. Does your character know how to tie different kinds of knots? none of them really know anything thats not basic  28. How much does your character giggle? Melissa- not often  Laura- a lot  Mimi- a lot in public  Amari- sometimes 29. Are any of your characters nameless? (In that there is no legal record of them existing, they just don’t have names in canon, or history remembers them but not their name?) nope 30. How independent was your character as a teen? Melissa- very Mimi- still a teen and no Amari- still a teen and yes Laura- kinda
31. How much does your character care about their appearance? Melissa- very Mimi- social appearance only? like what others think of her Amari- they have to stand out  Laura- not at all 32. Do you have any characters who are twins? Naomi but she’s dead 33. Does your character like math? How good are they at it? Only Amari and they’re good at it 34. Do any of your characters collect sea-shells or wear shell jewelry? Mimi does 35. Naptime, yes or no? Melissa/Alana- Yes Tempest/Serenity- No Laura/Siren/Meringue- Yes Chrys- no  Mimi- yes please Amari- nah 36. Would your character prefer to sit around and chill or be up and moving and doing something? Chill- Laura, Siren, Serenity, Melissa Doing something- Alana, Tempest, Meringue, Chrys, Mimi, Amari 37. Did any of your characters have a fever they almost died from as a child? Nope~ 38. Does your character worry about breaking the rules and getting in trouble? Melissa- worries about getting in trouble but it doesn’t stop her  Mimi- yes very Laura- not really, but she doesn’t do much Amari- nah son 39. Do any of your characters have the responsibilities of an adult despite being a child, or did they when they were? Amari and Mimi are magical kids that have to fight often so- 40. If a loved one died, how long would they stay in mourning? Mimi- uh a very long time. Melissa- a few weeks  Laura- a month? Amari- a few weeks
41. Do other people around your character dictate their life or do they get to choose for themselves? Melissa- herself  Mimi- around her  Laura- herself  Amari- themself 42. Did/do any of your characters have an arranged marriage? Quentin~ but he doesn’t exist yet~ 43. Do you have any widows/widower characters? nope 44. Are any of your characters overshadowed by other siblings? Or have parents who clearly have a favorite?  Naomi but again she dead   45. Would your character kill someone to get what they want? Nope 46. Does your character prefer to lead or follow? Mimi- follow Amari- lead Melissa- lead Laura- follow [Skip cause answered] 
52. Would your character prefer to have history know the truth or have many different versions of their life? Mimi- truth  Amari- truth Melissa- different versions  Laura- truth 53. What if the furthest your character has ever walked in a given stretch of time? pass 54. Would your character prefer to visit a new city or stay at home? Mimi- home Amari- new city Melisa- home Laura- new city 55. Do you have any characters who despite trying their best ended up being horrible parents? Nope 56. Do any of your characters have step-family? nope 57. Do any of your characters consistently wear hats? nope 58. Does your character prefer the ocean or the mountains? Melissa- ocean  Laura- ocean Mimi- ocean  Amari- mountains  59. What kinds of things does your character use as paperweights? whatevers around 60. If faced with certain death, would your character continue to speak out against injustice? Mimi- yes Melissa- no  Amari- yes Laura- nah
61. Have any of your characters struggled with addiction? Melissa with cigarettes and alcohol but she’s getting better~ 62. Have any of your characters adopted anyone? Nope 63. How far would your character go to help those in need? Mimi- even if it means her dying Amari- as much as is convenient for them Melissa- never Laura- as much as isn’t a hassle  64. Do your characters know any old blind swordsmen per the trope? no 65. Is your characters energetic? Amari and Laura 66. How much of a disappointment/scandal to their family is your character? Melissa- very much. her family has disowned her  Mimi- not at all Amari- not at all Laura- not at all 67. Would your character be willing to do something they consider morally wrong in order to achieve their goals? Melissa- maybe Mimi- never Amari- no probably not Laura- nah 68. Are any of your characters intimidatingly beautiful? Tempest 69. Has your character ever found themselves in with the wrong crowd and had to attempt to break from it? Melissa will~ 70.  Does your character have any guarded/secret guild knowledge or family recipe? nope
71. How good is your character at reading people and navigating social situations?  Melissa and Mimi are very good at it Laura is okay Amari is horrible at it 72. Would your character care for someone who needed it if it meant being ostracized from their society? Mimi- would in a heartbeat Melissa- nah Laura- nah Amari- nope~ 73. Has your character been to/ ever explored any ruins? Nope but Amari wants to  74.  Are any of your characters associated with flowers? Mimi- roses Alana- nightshade 75: Do any of your characters wear glasses, sunglasses, goggles, or monocles? Alana- goggles Tempest- visor thing Melissa- glasses 76: Would your character like to live on a farm and raise sheep? Mimi might 77. Have any of your characters had to kill a friend? Mimi had to kill Naomi~ whoops 78. Have any of your characters been exiled from their society? nope 79. What is a humanizing thing about a villain/antagonist/generally horrible person character that you have? Tempest- she has some morals???  Quentin- his dad died  80. Was your character ever considered shy? nope
81. Does your character look like what others think they should from their reputation?  what i don’t understand this one tbh 82. Describe your character’s handwriting. Melissa- neat  Mimi- kiddish Amari- messy as hell (no fingers) Laura- sloppy but readable  83. Did/do any of your characters start a dynasty? nope 84. Do any of your characters have gaps in their teeth or are missing teeth? nah 85. Has your character ever been led down the wrong path because of their anger?  Melissa 86. Is your character’s fear reaction to fight, flight, or freeze? Melissa/Serenity- flight Alana- Freeze then flight Tempest- fight Laura/Siren/Meringue/Chrys- fight Mimi- flight Amari- flight 87. What are your character’s nails like? Melissa- painted purple  Laura- they cut- i guess Mimi- this girl got blue claws Amari- no fingers 88. Are any of your characters part of a spy network? nope 89. Would your character throw themselves in harms way to protect a loved one? Only Mimi   90. Can your character start a campfire? Melissa and Laura can. Amari might
91. Does your character engage in gossip? Melissa does  92. Have any of your characters started and/or led a revolution? lol Amari would 93. Do you have any characters that are stuffed animals? Or characters who have them? Crow is a stuffed animal~ Mimi has a lot tho 94. Are any of your characters mechanics? nope 95. If given total rule over a country, would your character step aside to turn it into a democracy? Mimi- yes Amari- nah Melissa- yes only cause that sounds like too much work Laura- yea 96. Which character is The Proudest ™ of their kids? none have kids 97. Do any of your characters have a tendency to dislocate joints? honestly chrys 98. Has your character ever had to question their beliefs and realized they were wrong? Melissa will //shot 99. Do any of your characters have social anxiety? Mimi kinda does 100. Are any of your characters queer? Mimi- lesbian  Melissa/Alana/Tempest/Serenity- bi Laura/Siren/Meringue/Chrys- pan  Amari- non-binary asexual lesbian 
101. Which character is The Most dramatic? Meringue  102. Are any of your characters d/Deaf or HoH? nope 102. What is your character’s greatest source of guilt? Mimi- killing Naomi Melissa- future thing- Amari- not being able to get their evidence on their own Laura- idfk 103. How well does your character deal with their anger? Melissa- passive aggressive af Mimi- bury that shit Amari- ranting  Laura- lol just laugh it off 104. Do any of your characters have pottery as a hobby? nope 105. Favorite winter activity? pass 106. Do any of your characters have noticeable acne? not anymore 107. Do any of your characters feel confined by their lives and the expectations placed upon them? Melissa did 108. Are any of your characters dogs? nope 109. Would your character blackmail a god? Melissa would 110. What color is associated with your character? Melissa- purple/red Laura- light orange  Mimi- green  Amari- Red/Pink/Glowing Green
111. Do any of your characters have dogs for pets? Naomi did- now Mimi owns Naomi’s dog 112. Does your character believe in wishing fountains and shooting stars? Mimi does and so does Amari 113. Would your character commit treason if the law was wrong? Melissa- if she didn’t think she’d get caught Amari- yeah Mimi- maybe Laura- nah 114. Do any of your characters insist on going by their fullname rather than a nickname? Melissa 115. Do any of your characters have an honorary father figure? nope 116. Have any of your characters (almost) drowned? Amari kinda 117. Could your character build a house or possess the knowledge to build one? nope 118. Have any of your characters come from a position of privilege that they’ve never had to examine? uh idk 119. If someone made a statue of your character, what would it look like? Them?? I dunno 120. Do any of your characters have PTSD? not now
121. Do any of your characters have prosthetics? nope 122. What is your character’s greatest secret?  Mimi- she blames herself for Naomi’s death Amari- doesn’t keep secrets~ Melissa- she’s a thief  Laura- eh 123. Did any of you characters have nannies or governesses growing up? Quentin did  124. Does your character workout? Laura swims. She’s the only one 125. Who is your token cis, straight, (optional: white) male? Quentin 126. Are any of your characters on good terms/still friends with an ex? Melissa will be 127. Has anyone ever stolen your character’s identity or impersonated them? nope 128. Has your character’s home ever been destroyed? nope 129. Has your character ever had to compromise on what they thought was right in order to maintain peace? Mimi has~ 130. Do you have any characters who are retired? nope
131. Who is redhaired and has a mustache? nope 132. Who is the precious cinnamon roll? Mimi 133. Have any of your characters ever been caught in a fire or explosion? Not really 134. Has your character ever been alone in a hostile environment and been forced to travel a long way to reach a safety that wasn’t for sure?  Nope 135. Would  your character be content to go back to a normal and quiet life after going on an adventure? Not laura and amari 136. Has your character ever been forced to deal with the ‘I want to speak to your manager” kind of person? Melissa has 137. Are any of your characters bipolar? nope 138. How good is your character with money and accounting? Melissa is surprisingly good 139. Has your character ever survived a fatal wound?  nope 140. Can your character play an instruments? Melissa can play the piano but she doesn’t like to
141. Who has a weapon collection? Uh do magical weapons count? Cause Mimi and Amari 142. Do any of your characters use wheelchairs, transportation devices, or mobility aids? nope 143. Has your character ever had some part of their culture made illegal? nope 144. Are any of your characters adventurers by trade? nope 145. How much first aid and medical knowledge does your character have? Amari has a lot 146. Were any of your characters disowned or abandoned by their parents? Melissa was~ 147. Do any of your characters have albinism? nope 148. Do any of your characters have an eating disorder or food contamination phobia? nope 149: How good is your character at lying? Melissa is great Amari is horrible Laura is okay Mimi’s getting better at it 150. Do any of your characters have to deal with family being concerned more about appearances and reputation than personal wellbeing? Melissa did so did Quentin 
151. Would your character ever go cliff diving? Laura and Amari would 152: Do you have any characters with the jr. sr. I II or III thing? Nope 153: Do any of your characters embody the spirit of a flapper? (Bonus points for style and or lifestyle)  I dunno  melissa maybe 154: How much does your character care about other people respecting their authority? melissa- very much laura- not much mimi- not much Amari- a lot 155: Does your character cut and/or color their hair for any specific reason? Amari dyes their hair bc they think it’s cute Melissa dyes her hair bc she likes the way she looks with it 156: Were/Are any of your characters under less pressure and fewer expectations than their siblings? Nope 157: Do any of your characters live on their own? Laura does~ 158: Have any of your characters even been bit by a zombie or rabid animal or otherwise exposed to a deadly pathogen? (Did any of them survive?) Nope 159: Does your character have any tattoos? And are any of them symbolic or significant? Melissa has 3 tattoos. None are super symbolic “I just think they’re neat” 160: Do any of your characters have asthma?  nope
161: Your character’s opinion of pineapple? pass 162: Has your character ever thrown a tantrum over things not going their way? Meissa as a kid Amari sure 163: Are any of your characters autistic? (If so, do they have special interests and what are they?) no 164: Are any of your characters tinkerers or inventors? nope 165: Who is a “girls just wanna have fun” character? Chrys 166: Are any of your characters blind or visually impaired? Mimi was blind 167: Are any of your characters fat? //dabs future character 168: Is your characters easily embarrassed? Mimi is  so is Melissa 169: Are any of your characters married to the sea? Nope 170: Are any of your characters infamous? Not really
171: Are any of your characters hallmark villains in terms of personality? Kinda Melissa 172: Do any of your characters hold a grudge against someone? Melissa does  so does Amari 173: How loyal is your character? Mimi- deathly Amari- not really Melissa- nope Laura- kinda 174: Does your character get homesick? Mimi- YES Amari- not really Melissa- not at all Laura- nah
175: Are any of your characters badass (lesbian) pirate queens?  Sadly no
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allforthecourtt · 7 years
writing prompt (if u want) : andrew and neil met before while neil was someone else and broke andrew's heart by leaving/vanishing/faking death/idfk and then neil just shows up like no ?? u are like chris or some name and u r dead what is going on and how dare u
so we’re going to pretend im not the shittiest person ever and didn’t take like a week to write this 2000 word thing but anyways hope u like it :)
The shock of the exy racquet crashing into Neil’s stomach was secondary to the shock that came from seeing Andrew Spear again.  While his lungs screamed for air, his brain screamed for an escape.  To run.  And never stop running again.
The edges of his vision turned as black as the shirt Andrew wore the first time they’d met those few years ago.  It had been a startlingly warm day, aided by the fact that Nathaniel and his mother had just migrated south again from Montreal.  California was everything and nothing that Nathaniel, no, Chris, had expected.  It was hot, and there was the smell of salt in the air from the Pacific Ocean – that Chris had known would be there.  He hadn’t counted on people being so open.  Maybe that’s why he was so drawn to Andrew, a spot of darkness against the ever sunny sky.  Andrew had never been an easy read.
The first time Andrew spoke to him, it was because he had gotten into a fight with a teacher.  Neil had left the classroom at the end of the day with his head down, hugging his books close to his body.  He didn’t know how long he’d stay here, but the fact that his mother had let him attend school was a good sign that they’d be in California for a while.  Still it wasn’t a good idea to make friends or have ties here.  Nobody should remember his face.
“You know,” Neil had heard him say as he passed a tree on the edge of the school’s property, “For someone who’s trying to keep a low profile you sure do love to get in a fight.”
He turned and came face to face with the blonde.  Andrew hadn’t mastered the look of complete apathy yet and his eyes revealed the tiny spark of interest Neil had put there.
“For someone who’s barely four feet tall you sure do love antagonizing people,” Neil responded.
“A talent.” Andrew narrowed his eyes. “Who are you?”
“Christopher Bassett,” Neil lied.
Andrew’s hand rubbed absent mindedly at his inner forearm, covered by long sleeves.  “No.  That’s not it.”
“That’s all there is,” Neil lied again.
“You’re a bad liar.” Neil scoffed, but Andrew ignored him and continued, “but I mean, California is supposed to be full of actors, so what’s one more, right?”
“Why do you care so much?” Neil finally snapped at him.
Andrew sighed. “Because I don’t trust you.”
“And that matters to me?” Neil asked.
“It should.”
Neil laughed under his breath.  “Okay, well, let me know when you have a real reason and maybe I’ll talk to you.” Neil turned and started to walk away from Andrew when he felt the other boy grab his arm and stop him from leaving.
“I recognize the look on your face, okay? I’m…” Andrew took a deep breath, steadying himself, “I’m a foster kid too.  I just want to…. You’re safe right?”
Neil paused, “What?”
“You’re safe, aren’t you? You… The place is safe, right?” Andrew asked quietly.
Neil’s brow furrowed as he searched Andrew’s stoic face for a reason that he’d be asking that question, but there was nothing present in his emotion.  No matter how hard Neil tried he couldn’t get a read on him.
“Yeah,” Neil finally answered, “I’m safe.”
Andrew nodded once and then released Neil’s arm from his grip before leaning back against the tree.  “I’ll see you here tomorrow,” he said.  Not quite a question, but not quite a statement either.  Neil just nodded and then started on the path towards the house he and Mary were squatting in.
He met with Andrew every day for the next month and somehow in that time the two of them had formed, if not a friendship, then a mutual understanding.  Andrew lived in theoreticals, as Neil discovered, and he spent the majority of his time with Andrew hypothesising about what they would do in the case of different situations.  Like a zombie apocalypse or something as equally stupid.  Neil didn’t actually care about the hypotheticals as much as he just enjoyed taking a break.  It was nice to think about surviving something other than his father.
One day, Neil got particularly into detail about how he would survive an attack on the school by Al Capone-like mobsters when Andrew interrupted him.
“Who are you really running from?” Andrew asked.
Neil paused, forming a lie in his head that he didn’t quite finish before blurting out the truth. “My father,” he confessed.
Andrew didn’t say anything.  He just nodded and then encouraged Neil to continue his daring attempt to save the 9th grade math teacher.  That was what Neil liked most about Andrew.  He knew when to stop pushing for answers.
About a week later Neil approached Andrew with his own theoretical when Andrew stopped him from talking with a hand over his mouth.
“Chris, I need you to just shut up and listen.  Don’t respond, because I don’t need to deal with your shit right now too.  Understand?” Neil nodded and Andrew took his hand off of his mouth.  Neil noticed how warm his skin felt under where Andrew’s contact had been, but he ignored it.
Andrew continued, “I have a brother.  An identical twin apparently.  And I don’t know what to do.  He wants to meet me but I can’t let him anywhere near this town.  He found about him.  About Aaron.  And he’s going to hurt him.  I want to see him, but… but I can’t let subject him to this.  I… I couldn’t subject anybody to this.  To him.  I need to tell him to stay the hell away from me, don’t I?  Don’t I?”
Neil blinked, taking in what Andrew was saying.  What his words were implying, and everything suddenly clicked.
“Andrew,” Neil said calmly, “You need to get out of that house.”
Andrew stared at Neil. “What?  No.  I can’t.  I can’t leave Cass.  She’s worth it.”
Neil swallowed, trying to figure out how to get Andrew through this break down.  He watched Andrew methodically fiddle with the long sleeves on his shirt and wondered silently how Andrew had been dealing with this alone.  Andrew made eye contact with Neil again and seemed to calm slightly as he took in Neil’s startled face.
“What will make this better?” Neil asked, “What do you need from me, Andrew?  Take it.”
Andrew’s hand found the back of Neil’s neck and he surged forward, pulling Neil down to meet him and clashing their lips together in the middle.  This wasn’t Neil’s first kiss, but it was the first one he ever felt like participating in.  He kept his hands at his side, unwilling to touch Andrew more than he knew was okay.  When Andrew broke away from the kiss he just glared at him before turning quickly and starting to walk away.
“Andrew,” Neil called after him, “Andrew, please.”
“I hate you,” Andrew replied without ever turning around.
Neil got back to the house late after taking time to run and clear his head.  He was confused about the kiss, and especially confused about the fact that he wanted to kiss Andrew again.  While he had expected to be chastised by Mary about being tardy, what he hadn’t expected was to have his duffle bag thrown at his face the moment he stepped the through the door and to hear Mary’s panicked, “We have to go.  Now.”
Neil froze in place. “What?”
“Abram.” Mary stepped forward and squeezed Neil’s shoulder hard enough to hurt. “We have to leave.  I saw one of his men today.  It’s only a matter of time. We have to get out.”
“But…” Neil started to object before Mary’s grip tightened enough to quiet him.
Neil’s face must have given something away because Mary sighed and loosened her hand.  “No but’s.  We can’t stay any longer,” she said, “I know you made friends and everything but we have to go.”
“Yes mom, I… I understand,” Neil said quietly, “Just let me use the bathroom first, okay?”
Mary nodded and returned to checking to make sure all of their guns were loaded.  She was so focused she didn’t even notice Neil slipping through the bathroom window and running off towards Andrew’s house.
It took a few minutes for Andrew to open his window after Neil insistently tapped on it several times.
Andrew rubbed the sleep from his eyes as he took in Neil’s state.  “What the fuck?”
“Andrew, I have to leave.” Neil’s tone was urgent. “My past found me.  So I can’t stay anymore.”
“You can’t run forever,” Andrew said softly.
“No,” Neil agreed, “I can’t.”
“So stop running.” Andrew said.
“I can’t.” Neil answered.
Andrew closed his eyes for a moment, taking time to center his thoughts.  “Who are you?” He finally asked.
“The only name I can give you is Abram,” Neil told him.  “I’m sorry, Andrew.  I really am,” he said.  And then he turned and did what he always did best.  Neil ran.
Neil’s thoughts returned to the modern day with the oxygen in his lungs.  He had liked being Neil Josten.  Why did this asshole have to ruin everything?  Why did Andrew turn up every time?  Like sobriety after months of wallowing in the intoxication of a normal life.  Of an identity.  He was a somber reminder that Neil Josten didn’t exist, and could never.  A reminder that Neil could never have anything in his life.
“Fuck you,” Neil choked out between gasps.
“So where have you been for the past five years?” Andrew asked, “Running?”
Neil glared up at him.  “Surviving.”
“Dammit Minyard,” Wymack said storming into the room, “This is why we can’t have nice things.”
“Oh, Coach, if he was nice, he wouldn’t be any use to us, would he?” Andrew said mockingly.
Neil zoned out of the rest of the conversation.  Taking the time to studying Andrew’s reaction to him.  He’d heard that Andrew had been put on medication, but seeing it was different than just knowing about it.  And it hurt to look at Andrew like that.  He looked so broken with a forced smile that could never quite reach his eyes.
“Do you know him?” Neil overhead Kevin whisper to Andrew.
Andrew scoffed.  “I’ve never met Neil Josten in my life.”
Neil walked away before the promise of the Palmetto contract could tantalize him any further.  He planned to keep walking until he left this town and the identity of Neil Josten all together but Andrew caught him in the parking lot, tossing the unsigned contract at his feet.
“I thought I told you once that eventually you’d have to stop running.” The smile had vanished from his face, as though Andrew’s system was blocking out the effects of the pills momentarily.
Neil shook his head. “I can’t, Andrew.  It’s not that simple.”
Andrew laughed, a bitter and teasing sound. “Then make it that simple.  Do you want to play exy?”
Neil took a deep breath but like he always did he told Andrew the truth that mattered, “Yes.”
“Then sign the fucking contract.”  Neil stared openly at Andrew, drinking in the sight of his face after so many years.  Thinking briefly of the only kiss his mother had never beaten him for.
“Stop that,” Andrew said suddenly.
“Stop what?” Neil asked.
“Stop looking at me like I’m your fucking answer.”
“Maybe you are.”
“Just sign the contract, Abram,” Andrew said walking away, back to the foxes. Back towards the promise of a future that was just within Neil’s grasp.  And he wanted to badly to reach out and take it.
Maybe Andrew was right.  Maybe it was time to finally stop running.  Neil took a deep breath and sat down in the parking lot outside his school, knowing full well that he’d already made the decision about what to do with the contract.  And all he needed was a pen.
548 notes · View notes
jxkewxrd · 7 years
200 Things About Me
200: My crush’s name is: John. (Fischer) @fxscher
199: I was born in: 1999
198: I am really: fucking fun 
197: My cellphone company is: Verizon
196: My eye color is: Brown
195: My shoe size is: depends on brand. Nike: 15 Adidas: 14 
194: My ring size is: idfk lol
193: My height is: 6’ 2’’
192: I am allergic to: poison ivy 
191: My 1st car was: 2001 toyota camery
190: My 1st job was: Dishwasher at a Buffett Restaurant 
189: Last book you read: The Soloist 
188: My bed is: comfortable 
187: My pet: my dog, Harlee
186: My best friend: @fxscher also my boyfriend
185: My favorite shampoo is: well my mom does hair so idk
184: Xbox or ps3: Xbox all the way
183: Piggy banks are: overrated 
182: In my pockets: are black holes
181: On my calendar: blank months
180: Marriage is: a huge goal of mine and im so excited for it
179: Spongebob can: run me over in his boat and i would thank him 
178: My mom: is the best in the world even tho we have many disagreements. Love her
177: The last three songs I bought were? None bitch tf i have spotify premium 
176: Last YouTube video watched: uhm for sure the music video for camp rock “we cant back down” 
175: How many cousins do you have? Bitch i don’t know, a lot
174: Do you have any siblings? Twin brother. Little brother. Little sister. 
173: Are your parents divorced? Nope
172: Are you taller than your mom? For sure
171: Do you play an instrument? Do i look like a band/orchestra kid lmaoo
170: What did you do yesterday? I don’t even remember what I did 20 min ago stop
[ I Believe In ]
169: Love at first sight: of course
168: Luck: yes
167: Fate: yes
166: Yourself: uh yes bitch
165: Aliens: universe is too small to not believe
164: Heaven: YES
163: Hell: Eh
162: God: OF COURSE 
161: Horoscopes: yes
160: Soul mates: yes
159: Ghosts: yes
158: Gay Marriage: im gay so yes hoe
157: War: uh yeah 
156: Orbs: yes
155: Magic: yes duh
[ This or That ]
154: Hugs or Kisses: both bitch
153: Drunk or High: why not BOTH 
152: Phone or Online: online
151: Red heads or Black haired: neither lmao
150: Blondes or Brunettes: brunettes but im gay so
149: Hot or cold: bitch. Hot for sure but christmas isnt christmas without cold weather 
148: Summer or winter: summer
147: Autumn or Spring: here in ohio we call it “fall”
146: Chocolate or vanilla: vanilla 
145: Night or Day: both
144: Oranges or Apples: apples
143: Curly or Straight hair: dont care
142: McDonalds or Burger King: mcdicks bitch
141: White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate: is that racist😉 jk but forsure white chocolate 
140: Mac or PC: MAC
139: Flip flops or high heals: neither lmao
138: Ugly and rich OR sweet and poor: how and RICH AND SWEET fuck the sterotype 
137: Coke or Pepsi: COKE-aine 
136: Hillary or Obama: obama lol
135: Burried or cremated: uhm idk idrc i lowkey wanna be cremated and thrown in the ground with some tree seeds 
134: Singing or Dancing: both
133: Coach or Chanel: chanel
132: Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks: who are they
131: Small town or Big city: big city
130: Wal-Mart or Target: target
129: Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler: neither
128: Manicure or Pedicure: idk
127: East Coast or West Coast: west coast for sure 
126: Your Birthday or Christmas: dont care enough
125: Chocolate or Flowers: flowers i dont need to be happy AND fat
124: Disney or Six Flags: havent been to either
123: Yankees or Red Sox: this is tumblr we dont care about sports on here
[ Here’s What I Think About ]
122: War: i dont care #MakeAmericaGreatAgain
121: George Bush: fuck u
120: Gay Marriage: yes bitch we do what we want
119: The presidential election: i love donald trump
118: Abortion: under certain circumstances should it be okay. If you’re doing it bc you fucked up, that child doesnt deserve to not have a life because of your poor choices sorry
117: MySpace: dumb
116: Reality TV: love it
115: Parents: love them but back tf off
114: Back stabbers: i’ll fucking ruin your life 
113: Ebay: what
112: Facebook: hi
111: Work: love my job so much
110: My Neighbors: ok this bitch who lives next to us is psycho and wants to literally BE my mom i feel like im in an LMN movie sometimes
109: Gas Prices: fucking really dude like go back to the way they were before the hurricanes 
108: Designer Clothes: LOVE LOVE LOVE
107: College: I love it so much can’g wait to graduate 
106: Sports: dumb
105: My family: love them
104: The future: ony God knows, he has a plan for me
[ Last time I ]
103: Hugged someone: idfk
102: Last time you ate: like 2 hrs ago
101: Saw someone I haven’t seen in awhile: today
100: Cried in front of someone: months
99: Went to a movie theater: months
98: Took a vacation: June
97: Swam in a pool: August 
96: Changed a diaper: never
95: Got my nails done: never
94: Went to a wedding: years ago
93: Broke a bone: never
92: Got a peircing: never
91: Broke the law: idk today i guess when i went 60 in a 35
90: Texted: hour ago
[ MISC ]
89: Who makes you laugh the most: my dog bruh and my boyfriend and sometimes cece😉
88: Something I will really miss when I leave home is: my dog and my mom
87: The last movie I saw: Norma Rae
86: The thing that I’m looking forward to the most: a future with my boyfriend
85: The thing im not looking forward to: being poor when im out of college
84: People call me: gay
83: The most difficult thing to do is: ignore the negativity 
82: I have gotten a speeding ticket: nope
81: My zodiac sign is: taurus
80: The first person i talked to today was: john
79: First time you had a crush: bitch i used to be heartless 
78: The one person who i can’t hide things from: john or gabby 
77: Last time someone said something you were thinking: lost brain cells thinking about this
76: Right now I am talking to: no one
75: What are you going to do when you grow up: own my own coffee franchise or ya know get rocognized for something dumb and get famous 
74: I have/will get a job: yes i work at subway
73: Tomorrow: i work
72: Today: i worked
71: Next Summer: im gonna work
70: Next Weekend: im gonna work
69: I have these pets: dog
68: The worst sound in the world: dfc
67: The person that makes me cry the most is: not one person has made me cry in 5 years
66: People that make you happy: my boy
65: Last time I cried: like 5 min ago bc tears of happiness thru music
64: My friends are: the best i’ll ever have
63: My computer is: if only i had one
62: My School: Mount St. Joseph University 
61: My Car: needs a little work
60: I lose all respect for people who: are rude af
59: The movie I cried at was: too many
58: Your hair color is: brown
57: TV shows you watch: usually pretty little liars
56: Favorite web site: 😉
55: Your dream vacation: sicily, italy 
54: The worst pain I was ever in was: when i wanted to kill myself for like 5 years
53: How do you like your steak cooked: idk 
52: My room is: simple, classy n cozy
51: My favorite celebrity is: like really idk
50: Where would you like to be: sleeping
49: Do you want children: maybe
48: Ever been in love: yes
47: Who’s your best friend: my bf and gabby and cece
46: More guy friends or girl friends: girl
45: One thing that makes you feel great is: eating healthy and drinking coffee
44: One person that you wish you could see right now: my boy
43: Do you have a 5 year plan: no
42: Have you made a list of things to do before you die: ya
41: Have you pre-named your children: ya
40: Last person I got mad at: the person who accused my bf of sexual assault 
39: I would like to move to: a beach
38: I wish I was a professional: in BUSINESS
[ My Favorites ]
37: Candy: ew
36: Vehicle: blacked out range rover
35: President: Donald Trump
34: State visited: Florida
33: Cellphone provider: verizon
32: Athlete:dc
31: Actor: dc
30: Actress: dc
29: Singer: Cardi B, Post Malone, Halsey, Migos god damn so many
28: Band: dc
27: Clothing store: anything name brand
26: Grocery store: kroger hoe
25: TV show: pretty little liars
24: Movie: the hunger games movies
23: Website: hmm
22: Animal: idk
21: Theme park: kings island
20: Holiday: halloween/xmas
19: Sport to watch: nope
18: Sport to play: volleyball
17: Magazine: idk
16: Book: Looking for Alaska
15: Day of the week: saturday
14: Beach: yes yes yes yes, santa rosa 
13: Concert attended: lana del ey
12: Thing to cook: anything 
11: Food: i love all food fwm
10: Restaurant: skyline
9: Radio station: idk
8: Yankee candle scent: anything seasonal
7: Perfume: idk
6: Flower: idk
5: Color: blue
4: Talk show host: i dont know do i look 50
3: Comedian: idk
2: Dog breed: german shepard 
1: Did you answer all these truthfully? Yes bitch
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blckb3ar · 5 years
1-100 SIR
1. I don’t think looks are that important in a relationship, but there obviously must be SOME attraction to your partner
2. They can be!
3. Nope
4. Nope, I’m single
5. Nope!
6. Yup! And I’m TIRED
7. I believe so. I’ve never tried to commit to multiple people at once
8. ?
9. Just someone who is a genuinely kind person who I can get along with pretty well
11. Honestly... no
12. Yes because I’m stupid but it also depends what it is...
13. yes
14. ?
15. I have two! I want another one but on my tongue
16. Noooo I’m too scared
17. Being a GAY man, no, I do not like kissing in public. I feel so uncomfortable
18. Nope! I do not shower everyday. But when I start working in a nursing home, I will. Idc if that sounds dirty either I don’t have TIME BRO
19. ?
20. Nope!
21. Yes. I was in a relationship for YEARS and didn’t cheat once. I would never
22. No, but I think I’ll be in a committed LTR
23. This year is ending... but yeah, if it happens 🤷🏽‍♂️
24. Yes, but not in a relationship type of way
25. Nope!
26. Not that I know of. And I thank god for that.
27. NO
28. No, I haven’t (thankfully)
29. Yes. All the time!
30. Yes. My last boyfriend who was completely trash and really ruined me for a long time omfg
31. A boy* (at the time obvs)
32. No! Pussy 🤮
33. Yes. Everyone I’ve ever been with has been older than me
34. Yes!
35. Like a guy? I wouldn’t say they HATE him, they just are annoyed/frustrated with him... so yes
36. Honestly... no
37. Yes! Straight men! :(
38. Never for someone... but about someone, I have
39. No bitch
40. Ummmm.... I don’t know?
41. My longest relationship with a guy? Two and a half years. With a girl? Four years
42. I have had 3 girlfriends... and REAL boyfriends I’ve had two.
43. Bitch?? I don’t remember??
44. I believe I had sex with my ex last year or the year before I can’t remember...
45. 18
46. I would be like “I could’ve told you that one” TBH
47. N/A
48. Honestly yes FUCK
49. Yesss
50. Not recently in the past two months maybe, but I have. Because I realize that I was wasting my time and a part of me still feels that way abt the situation so that’s WHY
51. No?
52. Like a partner? Yes.
53. Well I’m just going to talk about this guy I dated for two years. This was towards the end of our relationship and we were off and on mind you. So anyways. We were going to start dating *again* this one day and then I was hesitant as I usually was so then we were talking about it the next day and he ask me if he could date someone else.... bitch I was so hurt omgg
54. 1) I’m 6’1. 2) I’m fat. 3.) I have a bunch of small birth marks in the most random places. 3.) my eyes are brown. 4.) my hair is brown. 5.) I’m hairy? 6.) I have an innie. 7.) my thighs are fat as fuck. 8.) I’m light skin.
55. Lemme suck ya dick again 😭 kidding. I wouldn’t say anything because at this point in my life, I don’t care about them anymore!
56. I’m not really sure but I think just reassuring me that you want me will do it
57. Bitch I am not posting no picture
58. Two... so sad, I know. I really want an older man who has like 10+ years on me but I’m ugly so that won’t happen smh
59. What they’re wearing or their nose. Not in a bad way but I usually have to look DOWN when I’m talking to someone so
60. Girl...
61. This is hard because I’ve only ever have had penetrative sex. But I think sex can really be anything you and your s/o make it.
62. In my opinion cheating is sexting, flirting (aggressively), preforming sexual acts, etc.
63. We’re laying there... just rubbing and feeling on one another. Idk bitch. Just taking our time?? IDFK
64. Hmm I don’t know tbh
65. I don’t really have a perfect date idea in my head. I think a REALLY GOOD date would just be watching a movie and cuddling but idk??
66. Gay
67. I hate when dudes are too into themselves... like that is my biggest turn off ever
68. I love when dudes are shy. For some reason that’s a turn on to me LMFAO but also I like when they look well AND CAN CARRY A CONVERSATION. Oh and when they smell good too 🧐
69. My kinkest dream was years ago. My mom had dropped me off in a forest by her job and I was surrounded by like 20 men and I was tied up to a tree and I just blew them... but it was hot 😭
70. To be honest.... “baby” does it for me
71. I think it would be sweet if someone got me food and we cuddled and watch one of my favorite movies
72. The most superficial characteristic that I look for in a man is probably their height LMFAO
73. This isn’t the sweetest thing that anyone has ever done for me but I’ll never forget it. My crush in middle school got my milk for me... like bro I will never forget that shit. It made my heart SO happy
74. I don’t know actually.
75. I think age differences are good. I want a MAN.
76. It wouldn’t be a secret anymore if I told you 😜
77. A couple of days ago. Over something stupid but I was just like “oh word??” And then I stopped thinking about it
78. Like an hour ago
79. What kind of question is this? Bitch I can’t choose!
80. The last person I hugged was probably my best friend
81. A girl
82. Because it just ran it’s course and they were really abusive emotionally/mentally.
83. Yes...?? As in across the states kinda thing? No.
0 notes
My OC Universe: Rowan 112
Chapter 112 Summary: Rowan finally gets some closure around his mother in his conversation with his father. (Tags: @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi, @much-ado-about-whumping, @abitefullofeverything, @whump-me-all-night-long, @sky-or-something-idfk and @tears-and-lilies)
Trigger Warnings: PTSD whumpee, reference to death, reference to alcoholism
Those footsteps came sooner than Rowan would have liked, and yet still an eternity after they sat down. Peter heard them first, trained ears recognising the creaking stair as too far and high to be Amelia beginning the ascent, Rowan needed a few moments more, until the heavy boots hit the ground and his head shot up.
Peter glanced over as he tipped his teacup back gently, taking a soft sip of the weak tea. He had been grateful when he first tasted it, Rowan hated strong tea. His mouth would curl up in disgust and his jaw would tighten as his tongue redrew from the bitter taste. Rowan hadn’t even touched his, stomach rolling like a storm cloud ready to break.
Amelia’s voice was soft in the kitchen and with far more haste than Rowan was comfortable with a man burst into the room, hazel eyes bright with excitement and lips parting in a welcoming smile.
“Rowan! You came!” Rowan stood instinctively, a small, shameful part of him planning to run. He felt the shame flush his cheeks and nodded softly. “It’s so good to see you again.” He was afraid his father would pull him unwillingly into another suffocating hug and flinched as his hands were taken, startled when he realised his father was only clasping them in greeting, and not moving any closer.
“I-I did…hello, father,” He murmured and John’s smile widened.
“You got my letter?” He asked and Rowan nodded, pulling his hands free and reaching under his shirt-neck to pull out the chain.
“I’ve been wearing it, I hope that’s all right,” He whispered, fingers tracing the curves of the metal pendant.
“Of course it is!” John said. “It’s yours now, after all.” Rowan’s eyes widened as he looked up and briefly caught his father’s.
“But…you want me-I can keep it?” He asked and John nodded earnestly.
“You deserve it, and so much more,” He admitted. “But please, have a seat, I’m sorry I took so long,” Apologies sounded strange coming from his father, but Rowan sat anyway and said nothing of it.
“It’s all right,” Peter answered, saying the first thing since their silence began. “Amelia’s been very obliging,” John turned his attention to Peter, as if only now realising he was here.
“Oh, she’s good that way,” He smiled. “I’m sure you would like her,” He said, looking at Rowan.
“I do,” The boy whispered, she gave him the feeling that a mother would. He wished he could have met her with his father and have her take care of him, too. “Are you sure I can keep the necklace?” He added cautiously, clutching it protectively.
“Absolutely,” His father replied immediately. “I want you to know who your mother is, and I know she would want you to have what little of hers I own. If you’d like, I have a portrait of her I found after I sobered up,” Rowan’s frail form straightened quickly and John smiled. “I can get it if you like,” He suggested and Rowan shook his head.
“Not-not just yet, please,” He asked. “I want…I want to hear you describe her,” Both Peter and John were surprised to hear Rowan’s request, but didn’t interrupt the quiet voice. “You always were so affectionate towards her memory, I want to hear how you would describe her,”
What a sweet thought, John considered before smiling softly.
“Of course,” He agreed, nodding softly. “Well, when I met her, the first thing I noticed about her was her hair, it was a miraculous bone-white, and when we were young it would always reach past her ribcage, even when tied up. And there was masses of it, she would brush her hair every night for an entire hour before it was clean and untangled. Sometimes, when she was tired, I would do it for her,” He smiled wistfully at the memory, and all Rowan could do was remember when he asked to touch Cordelia’s hair.
“Her hair was white?” He asked softly, to distract himself.
“Unnaturally,” John nodded. “It was as pale as her skin, and as soft, too. She looked like one of those dolls that nobles have, made of fine clay, soft and smooth and perfect.”
It’s called porcelain. William had dolls like that in an old bedroom.
Rowan had stumbled across the old nursery before William had gotten married, he remembered picking up the dolls with hard hands and heads, and cloth-stuffed bodies. He noted how remarkable his own resemblance to them was, for while his skin was far from pure these days, it was always smooth and cool against William’s.
“She had the most incredible lashes, so long they brushed her cheeks when she blinked, and her eyes, such a vivid deep, olive green. She was some inhuman creature created by the Gods, something so beautifully off-putting about the way she looked at you. As if she knew what you were thinking before you did.” Rowan listened in silence, slowly putting features to a faceless entity that had loomed over him his entire life, he imagined her gorgeous. “Sometimes I would look over and she would already have a smirk on her face, hearing me think how much I loved her. Or her hand would rest comfortingly on my shoulder before I even told her I was anxious. She was magical that way.”
“How did you meet?” Rowan asked gently, afraid of stepping on the tripwire that would make his father snap.
“She came to the village one day, her family were passing through with a fair, trading fabric and wool and clothes they had made. I was a worker at the time and helped them fix a broken axle on their cart. Lucille showed me how they spun the wool, using some strange spinning-top kind of thing that she and her sisters could utilise while they walked.” He chuckled fondly at the memory and looked to his hands. “She made me a jumper in the time they were there, home-spun and hand-knitted. It’s long gone by now, but it was one of my favourite gifts of all,”
“What happened?”
“She left, with her family and the fair, we had only known each other a month, she wasn’t going to leave her life for me. But a year later they passed through again. This time I was lucky enough to convince her to stay with me. We were married at the church in spring, she had all these pink and purple flowers woven into her hair, and a dress made of fabric off-cuts, but she still looked like a Queen to me.” Rowan rested his head carefully in his hands as he listened, eyes wide with curiosity. “Her parents were able to give her away and her youngest sister was the flower-girl. She was my sky, a creature so full of life, and love and passion. For a long while we were so happy,” His face fell slightly and shrugged.
This is where it went wrong. This is where I came in.
“Then she became sick, the doctor thought it was that, chest disease, it’s very common among the poor,” He sighed, waving a hand.
“Tuberculosis,” Peter said gently.
“That,” John nodded. “For five months she had to cut herself off from the community, coughing up blood and sweating through her nightclothes in freezing temperatures, barely awake enough to eat or drink anything. I think the loneliness killed her as much as the disease,” He paused heavily as they both considered what he was going to say next. “She insisted on having a child, she wanted a family, but I was afraid she wouldn’t be able to survive it. I convinced her to wait until she got better, but she never got entirely well again. During her pregnancy there was enough trouble to warn us of what would happen, but I was in denial.”
There was silence for a long time, now. They both knew what the next sentences would bring, and they both knew how badly it was received in the past. John was silent from shame and Rowan was silent from fear. And Peter was silent to try and avoid calling attention to his unwelcome presence. Even though Rowan probably would have run away if Peter’s hand wasn’t resting soothingly on his leg.
“During childbirth there were even more difficulties. She didn’t…she told me that she probably wouldn’t, survive, and that I should choose the child over her, should the decision…need to be made.” John’s voice cracked weakly and he lifted a hand to rub his eyes. “Luckily, I never had to make that choice. You were finally born, and while my head was turned she just…slipped away. I looked back and her gorgeous eyes were dull, the sparkle gone. And that-that was it. Just when I thought we had done it, and she could survive, it was as though she pushed her final breath into you.” He paused, releasing a wet chuckle as he shook his head. “You weren’t the only creature wailing that night.”
Rowan nervously lifted his head, afraid of catching the malicious gaze he had associated with his father speaking of his mother’s death, but there was only a soft look that made his stomach roll with fear and longing.
“It was so…quick, I never even got to say goodbye,” He sniffed and rubbed his eyes again. Amelia suddenly appeared in the room and was pressing a handkerchief into his hand, moving immediately to Rowan and giving him one, too, smiling at him kindly.
“Thank you, darling,” John said softly, smiling at her as she left again, Rowan flinched slightly and shook his head.
“I-I…” Rowan didn’t know what to say, but he still thought he should say something. Thank his father for finally telling him, accuse him of ruining his son’s life, anything, other than sit there, silent like an idiot.
“It’s all right, you don’t have to say anything. I know how…how much this is.” John smiled, dabbing at his eyes with the handkerchief Amelia gave him. “The first time I told someone, I couldn’t even finish the story,” Rowan stared at the fabric in his hand and twitched as Peter moved his hand from Rowan’s leg and to his shoulder, gently taking the handkerchief and softly drying his cheeks, the boy didn’t realise he had also been crying.
“It must have been awful,” He said softly, sniffing. “I’m so sorry,”
“Oh, I felt like dying,” John admitted. “But I was too much of a coward to actually, do it.”
I hope Peter doesn’t realise how similarly I’ve felt.
“And the only respite I could think of was drinking. Sometimes when you were a baby, I blamed you for taking my eyes off Lucille in the moment she died, that contempt only grew with the help of alcohol.” Rowan was startled to see his father blushing with shame. “And all sobriety offered was guilt and blame, so I tried to avoid it,”
Rowan felt dread swelling in his stomach as he imagined Peter’s reaction. His family’s abusive past was his business, and he knew Peter would take everything out of context. He never seemed to realise that circumstance influenced how bad something actually was. But on the other hand, he couldn’t bear the idea of being with his father alone.
“But, I’m sorry, I’ve been talking the whole time,” John shook his head softly and smiled at Rowan. “How has your life been since we parted?” Rowan rubbed the back of his neck uncomfortably and swallowed.
“I…I drifted around,” He muttered weakly. Peter tightened his hand on Rowan’s shoulder and he glanced over gratefully. “A few years ago I was caught trying to steal food from a Lord’s mansion nearby. While I was trying to escape I stepped in a bear trap,” John’s gasp was audible from the kitchen where Amelia was doing her best not to listen to their conversation.
“Good Lord! Are you all right?” Rowan was silent for a moment as he processed the compassionate tone of his father’s voice.
“Ye-yes, I am, Peter found me,” He said, eyes briefly glancing to the man in question, who was smiling softly. “He helped me, and…and gave me a place to live. And I’m so thankful for that.” He could feel John and Peter’s exchanged look, of gratitude. He knew what came next and he wasn’t ready to tell his father. To admit it to anyone else.
“I need…I have to go to the bathroom.” Rowan suddenly announced as he threw himself to his feet.
“Of course, it’s just down the hall, Amelia could show you,” John said, instinctively rising as well.
“Thank you.” Rowan left the room without any hesitation and found himself in front of Amelia, who was preparing their dinner.
“Um, can-can I please go to the bathroom?” He asked nervously and she looked up, nodding as a smile broached her lips.
“Absolutely, here, let me show you,” She brushed off her hands on her apron and moved around the table, gently taking Rowan’s elbow to lead him down a hallway. “Here, take your time,” He stepped into the small room and shut the door, resting his head gratefully on the cool wooden door.
What would I tell him? How can I tell him anything?
He’s so…so sympathetic, he was shocked to hear I was caught in a trap, how should he react when I tell him about the garrison? About William? About, everything he had done to me?
Rowan realised with horror that he had been contemplating these thoughts for far too long and splashed water from the tap on his cheeks, wincing as the icy flow struck his flaming skin.
He slipped silently out the door and crept along the edge of the hall. He was unused to having to creep, since the castle was so sturdy creaky floorboards were almost non-existent. But his instinct forced his toes to spread and support his weight as he slunk along the wall.
“The consort? But I thought they both died?” He heard his father and stopped, swallowing thickly.
“No, my friend was able to save him, we promised that the Queen would never see him again if he was released into my care, and that was all she cared about.” Peter’s voice was soft, and he sounded regretful.
“Oh my Gods, he…the-the King treated his consort kindly, at least, didn’t he?”
“That’s what he would say,” Rowan curled against the wall shamefully as he listened, he didn’t want to interrupt. He’d rather Peter tell him than he have to. “But I don’t think there was ever anyone he treated crueller.”
“What have I done?” His father whispered forlornly.
“No, don’t do that, he can’t know I told you, I just know that he wouldn’t be able to tell you, and I think you should know.” Peter said firmly. “Please, don’t make it obvious that you know. He wouldn’t forgive me. I don’t want him to have to face revealing this all again, but if you want to be close to him you should probably know there’s a good reason he’s like this now. And I won’t let him be hurt again.”
Rowan clutched his necklace and took another step, jumping as the floorboard beneath him groaned with the use. He winced and took a step, forcing himself to continue closer to the dining room where he would face them both once again.
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