#idiot twins
jadeclaymoresworld · 1 year
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This dumbass really threw a fucking sword in the air. Madmartigan really said “I’m gonna pass on all my stupid gene’s to both my idiot children.”
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The idiot family is a indie animation about stupid family with a neglectful and abusive mother who go on wacky adventures(committing felonies and war crimes)
Pilot coming soon on YouTube‼️‼️
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taurusicorn2400 · 1 year
Here's a late Christmas incorrect quote because I said I was gonna do a fic and I never did and its also idiot twins
Sophie: why are you trying to put Tenn on top of the tree?
Minnie: ...because he's the star of our family
Sophie: you're right, please continue
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abbeyofcyn · 3 months
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*high pitched screaming*
-two idiotic Jupiter Jim fans
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ohposhers · 6 months
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im going to destroy them
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james potter’s OG Hoes™️ (some of them ain’t loyal)
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close ups and the sketch bc i like it a lot:
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benevolenterrancy · 7 months
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saw a mug the other day that made me laugh
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superfruitland · 9 months
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one of those nights.
a mini comic very loosely based on a conversation i had with @vangh17a a while back. thanks for being a wonderful distraction, you goober /aff /p
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daedelweiss · 1 year
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life mission!disaster twins cuddles!! 🥰✨️ look at them! the sillies! oh they have trauma-
( 🚫 NO TC*ST 🚫 ) • ( 🌿 please do NOT repost, edit, trace, use, and/or sell 🌿 )
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scholliski · 1 year
Neil describing Andrew: his golden hair reflected as though he were god himself, those hazel eyes speckled with light while-
Neil describing Aaron: he’s kinda small i guess
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aliettali · 8 months
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come back safely / stay alive
fives design by @fivessweep ! love you
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taurusicorn2400 · 1 year
A day late idiot twins new year's hc, they have a tradition where they pretend to not know each other to confuse everyone a d when midnight hits they make it seem like they're meeting for the first time as long lost siblings. It happens every year
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nanbaka-82 · 2 years
The Girls™
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koolaidashley · 7 months
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Balance king Donatello 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻
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tervaneula · 25 days
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not quite kintsugi, but close
Chapter 15: Bonds
In which feelings are hurt and a stupid decision is made – but it all boils down to love. As always.
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i love them so much 😭
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lobey-scribbles · 1 year
Playing Dumb - Fred Weasley X F!Reader
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summary: Fred Weasley has always had his eye on you and when Professor Flitwick sits you next to each other in Charms, he can hardly believe his luck. In a desperate attempt to get close to you, Fred decides to play dumb in Charms class.
word count: 1.1k
themes: just fluff
warnings: none
a/n: happy birthday to gred and feorge! might do a part 2!
Fred Weasley stumbled into Charms class, out of breath and dishevelled. It turns out that despite staying up all night with George and wandering the castle with the marauder's map being one of his favourite activities, it didn't exactly mesh well with being a punctual student. Professor Flitwick paused his lesson, and gave one of those Fred-Weasley weary sighs, “Late again, I see, Fred.” he said in his usual squeaky voice.
“Very sorry, Professor,” Fred replied, giving Professor Flitwick the most apologetic smile he could muster. Before Fred could make his way to his seat, he stopped dead in his tracks. Peering around the room, he realised that Lee Jordan was no longer sitting in his usual seat. Instead, he sat next to a Slytherin student, Miles Bletchley, and was giving no effort to hide how miserable he was about it. Had Fred not been so devastated about being moved away from Lee, he would have found his predicament rather hilarious, but now he needed to figure out where he was sitting.
“Oh, Fred, can you please go sit next to miss Y/N L/N please?” said Professor Flitwick, noting the bemusement on Fred’s face. “Maybe you'll finally get some work done,” he muttered to himself under his breath before he resumed his lesson.
Fred Weasley scanned the room for his empty seat, his stomach lurching ever so slightly when his eyes landed on you.
Fred sauntered over to the empty seat next to you, determinedly ignoring the way his heart began to race in his chest. He’d noticed you in the corridor before, but he'd never had the chance to speak to you. Now, he was sitting right next to you in class, and he was determined to make the most of it.
“Hey there,” Fred said, flashing you a grin. “I'm Fred. Nice to meet you.”
You looked up at him, gave him a small smile and introduced yourself, but you didn't seem very talkative.
He really couldn't explain it, but you being as shy and reserved as you were, only made Fred’s need to be closer to you even stronger.
Fred tried to strike up a conversation, cracking a few jokes here and there, and making light of Lee’s unfortunate new seat in class. “Well, Y/N, I hope you feel lucky to be sitting next to me now instead of poor Lee. He's stuck with Bletchley, you know.” he chuckled, desperately trying to get a laugh out of you. Instead, you just gave him a polite nod and turned your attention back to Professor Flitwick.
As the class progressed, Fred tried his best to focus on the lesson and keep his eyes firmly on the textbook in front of him, and Merlin’s beard, was it impossible! It seems like no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't help but steal a glance at you, admiring your unwavering concentration and the way your fingers twirled your hair absentmindedly.
Finally, the class came to an end, and Fred and Lee met up with George and strolled to the Great Hall together for break time, plonking themselves down at the Gryffindor table. Fred’s mind was still preoccupied with thoughts of you, barely noticing Lee’s rant about his new seat, only half-heartedly piping up to express his sympathies, agreeing that it was such a shame to be separated from his best friend. George noticed his brother’s distracted state and nudged him, “What about your seat, Fredster?”
“Don’t call me Fredster!” he snapped, kicking George underneath the table, and then continuing as though he couldn't hear his brother yelp out in pain and a howl of laughter from Lee, his violent reaction being less to do with the stupid nickname and more to do with the fact that George had interrupted his daydreaming.
“Not too bad, I suppose,” appearing as nonchalant as he could about the whole thing, acting as if his stomach didn't perform backflips at the very thought of being beside you.
As the weeks went on, Fred persisted in trying to tempt you out of your shell. Fred wasn’t bad at charms by any means. In fact, he'd probably be great at if he put in the same amount of effort as he did with wreaking havoc amongst the castle. Yet, he took every opportunity he could to ask you questions in Charm class, acting as though he were struggling to get you to help him. You'd give him a look and scold him for not listening properly, turning to help him, and as you did so, your leg would brush his and a jolt of electricity would shoot through his entire body.
In the Charms class that followed, Professor Flitwick had the whole class on their feet, practising a bubble-head charm. Fred fumbled with his wand, making a complete pig’s ear of the movement, purposefully of course, and cried out in frustration, “What the bloody hell am I even doing wrong?”, his eyes darted quickly over to you to make sure you had heard him.
You rolled your eyes at him, walking over to his side, “Let me help you, Fred” and you placed your hand on top of his. If brushing your leg against his made Fred nervous, it was seriously nothing compared to how the touch of your hand on his made him feel. You directed his hand, mimicking the correct wand movement. “See, like this.”
“O-oh yes, I get it now, thank you.” he stammered, swiftly pulling his hand away from yours as if he'd just touched something scorching. He prayed that you didn't notice how hot and bothered he was and desperately tried to regain his composure.
As you were all packing up for the end of class, Fred asked Lee to wait up for him outside. Then, he turned to you sheepishly, scratching at the back of his neck and asked, “I’m sure it's no secret to you by now how hopeless I am at Charms.”
“Oh, well you're not really-”
“Don’t sugarcoat it, Y/N, I'm a mess.”
You giggled, making Fred’s heart soar, he might get addicted to hearing you laugh, especially when it's because of him.
“So, with that in mind, do you think you would mind tutoring me in Charms? I completely understand if you're busy-”
“Oh, no I'm not busy at all!” you interjected, eagerly, “Of course, I’ll tutor you, Fred!” you smiled at him kindly, “Does next week sound good?”
“Yes, that's brilliant, thank you!” unable to hide the elation in his voice, “You’re amazing, you are. I owe you my life, seriously, Professor Flitwick glares at me as if my days are numbered,” drawing out another one of your melodic laughs.
Fred bid you farewell and walked out of the classroom with an undeniable spring in his step, and a goofy smile plastered across his face.
Fred stepped out into the corridor, unable to shake the giddy feeling that lingered from his conversation with you. He spotted Lee leaning against the wall, waiting for him.
“Hey, Lee!” Fred greeted his friend enthusiastically as he walked towards him.
Lee raised an eyebrow, “Don’t know what you’re so cheery about, mate, we've got Snape next.”
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