#idk i'd be curious to hear what people think
fayesdiary · 1 year
31 and 35 for the Engage ask game!
31) Are there any easter egg-esque details in the game that you really like?
I really like the meta reference of Lucina and Lyn being the Emblems who save the day in Ch11, given their games saved the franchise from oblivion.
Also specifically, Corrin reciting what Xander said in the Fates prologue during her Paralogue.
Something about she who was once a scared, unsure child who was constantly plagued by uncertainty and guilt for her choices being the one who act like a mentor now.. gets to me for some reason.
I know it's the same for all the other Emblems, but something about Corrin repeating what Xander said to her makes it even more clear.
Also, something I just realized- the stone Veyle gives Alear in their S support to meet each other again- it's a magic trinket she could make due to being part Mage Dragon!
35) Spoiler slot! Talk about whatever spoilery thing you want and how you feel about it. (Ask this one at your own risk.)
Ok, huge ramble incoming.
Something I found particularly interesting about Alear is how they never actually become a full fledged Divine Dragon like you would expect from Engage's story beats. Sure, they are 100% Divine in their Emblem Form, but that's just that- a form. Not to mention even in that, you can find red everywhere from their partner to their combined attacks.
In their regular form their red hair, symbol of their Fell heritage, stays even in the credits and during their coronation.
Their Fell nature is an inextricable part of who they are.
And what I like about it is that it's never treated as baggage after their friends instantly refuse to let them leave after the reveal. In fact, Alear just becomes even more resolved to rescue Veyle, and you could argue it's what makes Mauvier finally decide to help Alear save her.
And every other comment the Hounds and Sombron make about being a Fell Child is met with a figurative eyeroll (and a roast in Sombron's case)
After all, so what if they used to be a Fell Dragon?
Veyle is a Fell Dragon and she's one of the sweetest people they've ever met, to the point they had to overwrite her entire personality to get her to do Sombron's bidding.
Actually, about Past Alear- it's really telling that even at their literal worst, as an emotionless, mentally broken, Corrupted-like puppet, you can still see evident glimpses of the person they'll become despite, well, all of the killing they've done.
And what's really telling is, they extend this acceptance even to their past self. You know, the literal face of their nightmares.
And yet they keep being worring about their mental state and safety, ignoring the fact they're... well, them, so they reasonably shouldn't worry.
They actively risk their life by giving Veyle, a little sister they've just met, their Dragonstone to comfort her and hopefully see her again, despite how terrified they are of being labeled a defect and getting Sombron'd and how lacking a Dragonstone would make them significally weaker and so... more prone to being called the d-word.
So it's evident that for me by the end of the game they've grown to accept their Fell heritage especially since it's a symbol of their bond with Veyle. And who knows, I have an hunch that when the Fell Twins join their family they might even grow to be proud of it.
And when they see a stranger holding an Emblem Ring, first they ask them to hand it over multiple times instead of ambushing them, then when the stranger very evidently retreats they let them regroup, challenges them and their allies to a fight and lets them prepare for battle.
For a so-called mindless puppet terrified of being discarded, these are two strangely kind gesture to make, literally the best they can do in their situation which puts their life way more in danger. No wonder Lumera saw something special in them.
Edit: Also the irony that in the world where Alear was born a Divine Dragon from the very start everything went to hell.
In this I actually have to give the localization a rare W- while in JP the species is apparently called "Evil Dragon", in English the title of Fell Dragon gives it a bit more nuance, because it symbolizes an affinity for darkness. Sure, this often overlaps with being evil, but it doesn't have to.
Just because Sombron is a complete monster doesn't mean his children or tribe (you know, from his home world) have to be.
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skellagirl · 6 months
I almost don't wanna make this post bc I feel like it will be misinterpreted, but I've been thinking about the odd sort of double standard in specifically the danny phantom fandom, where the most popular thing (bafflingly, to me, given canon, but I won't digress) is to write/draw about a 14-year-old boy being mutilated, tortured, dismembered, vivisected, and generally brutalized, BUT,
if people try to ship him with, say, Vlad, suddenly that's a step too far
TO BE CLEAR I AM NOT DEFENDING THE SHIP. I do not like it, it skeeves me out, I've blocked people on sight for shipping it, I've gotten into heated debates with other folks in the fandom about it, you can ask like anyone and they'll back me up on this lol
MY POINT is that I find it so strange that one of these things (shipping a 14-year-old with an adult) is seen as abhorrent and heinous, whole the other thing (brutally torturing, mutilating, and traumatizing a 14-year-old for our Amusement) is A-OK and is in fact the most popular activity in the fandom 👍
and some of this shit is DARK! the few times I've poked into the dark fics in the fandom, especially the more popular/well-known/infamous ones, some of them have made me feel genuinely nauseated (and horror is like, my favorite genre for writing lol!!!!!!!)
I'm very curious about this phenomenon because I think it says something interesting about the old 'differentiating between fiction and reality' conversation that comes up every time dark fic/fic that features taboo elements is mentioned. Am I intelligent enough to articulate what that something is? Probably not lol
Although I do think a factor is that one of the situations in question is much less likely to happen to real kids and teens, but again I'm not intelligent enough to put into actual specifics why/how much that might matter.
idk!!!! I'd be interested to hear other people's opinions about this, cause it's def something that's been percolating in my brain
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bloodreddemons · 4 months
Hazbin Hotel Episode 7-8 (Finale) Hot Takes ~
I personally loved a lot of the Charlastor content in the beginning. So cute.
The deal Alastor purposed to Charlie was also very predictable. We already knew they were going to eventually make a deal but that deal in particular was just very predictable.
I think everyone knows this already but that "one little favor" that Alastor is going to ask of her is going to bite her in the ass. We don't know what he's going to ask but it's definitely gonna come back to haunt her.
She may even make a deal with him again possibly in the future, who knows.
I'm surprised Vaggie didn't know Angel's could be harmed or killed. Its weird that she also didn't know how to fight against one.
Rosie is a real gem and a wayyyyy better friend than Mimzy fucking is.
I love Carmilla & Vaggie's dynamic. I think they both are very much the same personality wise. I definitely can see Carmilla as a mother figure to her or at least a teacher to her, which she pretty much is.
To follow up, I loved Carmilla training Vaggie and helping her get her wings back. Out For Love was also really really good. I liked it a lot.
Never thought I'd hear Alastor call someone an old bitch but it was everything.
I knew Charlie was gonna forgive Vaggie regardless of anything but I love Auntie Rosie.
I didn't really like "Ready For This". I wish I did like it. Especially since it had Charlie, Alastor, & Rosie in it. Idk I liked Out For Love more.
Vox's commentary was funny asf but he's also such a hater. Not even a low-key one lmao.
The post-fight celebration and speech was actually very sweet. Although I wish there was more time and episodes that we could have seen more of the characters bond. I also wish there were more opportunities where we got to know them better.
I really thought Angel & Husk were gonna fuck this episode.
I wasn't expecting for Sir Pentious to say "I love you" to Cherri Bomb so soon and I also didn't need to know he had 2 dicks.
"More Than Anything" Chaggie version was pretty sweet. It'd be cool if there was a longer version idk if there is. They also kissed which was nice.
Adam & Lute are funny asf. Especially Adam. They may be horrible people but I just can't get over how funny they are. Even when they're about to massacre Charlie's people. Lol.
I wasn't expecting the war to be kinda epic. The shield that Alastor put up over the hotel kinda reminded me of the last Harry Potter. When they all put a shield around Hogwart's to protect everyone from the death eaters and voldemort.
Adam might just be the funniest character in this series dead or alive. Heaven or Hell.
It pisses me off how Charlie barely does anything in the fight. Like, this is her people and her fucking hotel as she keeps saying... yet everybody else but her is fighting. Wtf? Girl yo ass should be in Sloth.
I love Alastor & Adam's dynamic, their first impression of eachother is so hilarious. The fight between them was also very entertaining. I was really curious to see who would win.
I was actually kinda surprised that Alastor was defeated so easily. I honestly thought he was stronger than that, but tbh Adam is very powerful he's the fucking first man, extermination commander, and he already single handedly broke Alastor's shield.
People have pointed out Alastor's "normal" voice when his mic/staff breaks, because it's his voice without the radio filter. Imma be honest I wasn't that shocked at all, he just sounds the same to me, the radio filter just adds a cool effect.
Charlie really could have got tf up there and helped Alastor out. Idk if she thought he could handle himself or what but fuck.
To follow up that sacrifice was anticlimactic at the same time. Mostly because of the way Adam just effortlessly zapped him out of existence.
I'm so disappointed in the "Charlie finally snaps" bit. I was literally dying to see this part in the series, where Charlie finally loses her shit and stands up for herself or whatevever....but it ended up being extremely disappointing and yet again, anticlimactic.
Charlie's transformation along with Razzle & Dazzle was kindaaa cool, however...her getting her ass kicked within like 0.3 fucking seconds was not. It was embarrassing for a demon of her status. I can understand Alastor, but seriously Charlie? You can't beat him? The clownery.
I loved the Vaggie & Lute fight. Let my girl Vaggie finally get her ones. Lute needs her ass beat disrespectfully for what she did.
Although...Lute was winning that fight, she was still holding her own and getting more hits in. I don't even think Carmilla's teaching's were working. Lmao damn. That bitch is fucking scrappy.
Vaggie should have just ended Lute. I know she's too good for that, but she really should have just killed that bitch. She left you for dead you should have just killed her.
Charlie stabbing Adam and standing her ground was badass, but that was kinda it. She still ends up almost getting choked out. Lame.
Charlie just isn't that powerful. 😒 Or at least as she's supposed to be. Maybe it's still not really shown to us, but so far she just isn't that threatening at all. Very disappointing.
Lucifer coming in kinda pissed me off. I wish Charlie could have actually handled everything herself without her dad having to come in and help her. I just feel like it'd be more impactful for her and her character.
Adam x Lucifer actually does seem kinda hot....just me???
Their fight was very entertaining despite already knowing who would come out on top. Hehe.
"All of Mankind came from these fucking nutts" is pure poetry.
Nifty is a menace and I have been saying it since the very beginning. If anyone should be running shit it should be her. Alastor is so feared but it should be herrrr.
I didn't like "The Show Must Go On" as a song but it was sweet in the sense that it was about Charlie and her found family helping her rebuild her hotel and still have the determination to keep going. Also it helps lead off into Season 2.
I'm fucking itching to know what deal is bothering Alastor and who he made it with. It's becoming more likely that it's with Lilith & that's who owns him.
I think it's obvious the deal possibly involve's Alastor to watch over or protect Charlie. Alastor is becoming bothered by having to do this because he literally almost fucking died.
I'm really worried about what Alastor is going to do when he's finally free and under no restraints from who controls him. I know Viv said Alastor isn't an antagonist but she could've just been keeping it a secret.
Alastor really might be a secret antagonist. He'll just be that surprise villain in the end that kinda comes out of nowhere but you still knew it was coming. I wouldn't trust him especially with what he said. Him pulling the strings can't be good.
I can't believe Sir Pentious got redeemed before Angel Dust, but still good for him! I'm so happy he got redeemed he truly is good and deserves it.
I was pissed asf when I saw Lilith in Heaven. Your daughter has been in HELL fucking struggling, while you've been sitting comfy up in heaven, the same place that is fucking YOUR people up!!! Helloooo??
My theory is that Lilith is Eve in disguise. I wholeheartedly believe that because something just feels off?? Y'all feel that too??? Lilith making a deal with Adam? Chilling up in Heaven? NAH MAN.
I also think it could be Eve who owns Alastor and that he knows of her being disguised as Eve, and is in Heaven. Like he's kinda in on it, but more so by force.
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Down To Clown - M.YG
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💦Who; Min Yoongi (BTS) x reader 💦What; Smut, producer/idol au/verse idk 💦Wordcount; 14kish 💦Warnings; they are both bi/pan, profanity, dirty talk, switch yoongi, switch reader, anal fingering(m), crying with pleasure, coming untouched, sex toys, lingerie, oral (m&f), marks, pegging, anal sex, multiple orgasms, oral fixation, biting, fingering, mentions of being infertile through choice, sex without a condom, penetrative sex, piv sex, cockwarming, somnophilia, choking, squirting, minor blood, mentions of knife play(it is not explored in this story)
Summary; You ask to finger one of your closest friends, he says yes and things get real fun after that.
Minors do NOT interact, which means liking/reblogging/commenting on this story. I WILL block any account that interacts without an age indicator in the bio. -2024 Masterlist-
A/N- this was actually started 3 years ago with an OC so that i could get out my fantasy of topping yoongles, which means this was extremely self-indulgent. I just want to make Yoongi cry okay I've edited to the best of my abilities to change it from an OC to reader but if I've missed any pieces, pretend otherwise, thanks <3 @wonuvs enjoy, sweetheart 💖
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The dark-haired rapper looks over exasperatedly at the third call of his name. "What?" He huffs when you don't say anything from where you're sitting cross-legged on the couch and instead chooses to hold his gaze with wide, round eyes that he would call innocent if he didn't know you better than that by now.
"You've been with guys, right?" You question slowly.
"And you've bottomed?"
"You already know this. Get to the point."
"I'm working on it," You pout, absently tracing your fingers over the strings of the guitar laid across your lap. "So you've had fingers in your ass?"
"Jesus, what the fuck?" He sputters in genuine shock at your out-of-the-blue question.
"You said get to the point!"
"I didn't think it would be about my ass,"
"It's not, really, just…asses in general. The male ass. With fingers. Guys getting fingered."
"Were you watching porn while hanging out with me?" He deadpans unimpressed.
"No." He gives you a disbelieving look. "Well not intentionally. I was on Twitter minding my own business and suddenly, bam! There was a gif of a guy getting fingered,"
"So you decided to watch it?"
"Despite the fact that you claim to not watch porn?"
"I don't. Never been interested." You shrug and as much as Yoongi wants to argue and point out that people who aren't interested in porn don't watch porn gifs, he can't because he can see that you are being entirely honest.
"Right, okay." He lets out a breath, it sounds suspiciously like an exasperated sigh. "So you watched this gif and decided to bring up my sex life?"
"Well, I've always been curious about fingering a guy like, what it feels like and the prostate sounds interesting like can you actually feel it? It's wild, man,"
"You want to finger a guy?" He gawps, surprised by the revelation. You just nod. "Seriously?"
"Yeah. Originally, I just wanted to peg a guy, I wanna know if I'd be any good with a dick and something about fucking a guy is really hot."
"I don't even know what to say," He murmurs truthfully. You shrug and run your hands over the guitar again, which draws his attention. "Well…your nails are short at least." He comments quietly.
"Easier for playing guitar and with myself."
"Holy fuck, you can't just…" He exhales and rubs his hands over his face.
"Sorry. I'm frustrated and my filter always vanishes when I'm like this."
"Frustrated about wanting to finger a guy?" He questions dropping his hands onto his thighs carelessly to look at you again.
"Well, yeah, I guess but I meant sexually frustrated, like horny."
"Fuck me," Yoongi murmurs but due to the lack of activity going on in the room, you hear it loud and clear.
"I don't have a strap-on," You reply with a frown that looks oddly genuine.
"A strap-on…wait I wasn't like asking." He rushes out, cheeks flushed as he understands what you mean.
"Oh," Your frown turns further downwards. "I'd probably be bad anyway."
"I've seen you dance, you can move your hips," He admits gruffly.
"Oh…in that case, your loss. I'd make you cum really good."
"Shut up," Yoongi grunts and shuffles in his seat while diverting his gaze elsewhere.
"Sorry." You remove the guitar from your lap to prop it back on its stand beside the couch without even getting up. Then you stretch out and slouch a little so that you can rest your head on the back of the couch with your bare feet planted firmly on the floor, legs spread in a way that your mother always scolded you for as it is 'unlady like'. "It's for the best anyway, I don't want to get sexually involved with someone who would just be thinking of someone else the whole time, you know?"
"What? Why are you assuming I'd be doing that?" He squares his eyes almost accusingly at you while crossing his arms over his chest.
"Because you're not attracted to me like that." Your response is simple, easy, as if it is common knowledge; a fact of the world you had learned a long time ago.
"Who says?" You raise a challenging eyebrow. "I'm not blind, you're hot as fuck."
"Doesn't mean you're down to clown though."
"Not if you keep talking like that," He huffs, sitting back further in his chair.
You straighten a little with hope beginning to sparkle in your eyes. "That sounds like you'd at least consider it if I used other phrasing."
Yoongi says nothing and keeps his lips pressed together. The smirk that lifts your lips tells him that he's about to meet a version of you that he has only witnessed in the dreams he will never admit to waking up hard from- sometimes even shaking and coming down from an orgasm. You sit up until you're fully upright though your legs remain spread and Yoongi hates how it does something for him, how much it does for him. He has never experienced a cocky female that isn't afraid to hold herself in a stereotypical male way and honestly, it's the best of both worlds for him.
"Yoongi, oppa, babyboy," You coo and he scoffs at the final term if only to hide and deny the blush winding up his neck. "Will you let me fuck you? Can I put my fingers in that pretty, perky ass of yours until you cum? Fuck, I bet you'd look so good being edged, so overwhelmed that you can't help but cry and babble absolute fucking nonsense while begging to cum." You murmur out, dark eyes growing heavier by the second.
"Fuck," Yoongi whispers, dick twitching in his boxers.
You don't respond and simply lean your right elbow on the backrest to lean your head against your fist. You just watch him, waiting; so patient for a response. Almost as if you're playing with him, taunting, teasing, offering him the best seat in the house only if he is brave enough to admit to wanting it and taking the first step. Part of him is certain that you aren't doing that at all, that you are genuinely just waiting for him to think it over. That you're not willing to rush him or put any pressure on him to answer in a particular way. But a brand new part of him doesn't have a fucking clue what you're capable of in the bedroom.
After a tense handful of moments where you simply hold each other's gaze while Yoongi's mind runs wild hidden safely behind his eyes, he turns back to his desk.
Even though you're disappointed, you had honestly expected as much so you don't stop to sulk or pout and instead reach back towards the guitar. You barely have your hand around the neck when you hear a drawer close a little too forcefully, especially as it's by Yoongi's hand, so you look back up and find that his programs are closed and only a music app is open. You release your grasp on the instrument and settle back to watch curiously.
Yoongi finds a playlist that you two often listen to; something full of smooth beats and low voices. As the first song starts, he gets up and turns. He has something in his hands but it's hidden, at least until he has crossed the small distance between you to toss it onto the couch seat on your right. You can't help but look down to find a little bottle of lube. "If you're serious about wanting to try, I'm down to clown," He speaks, drawing your attention back. He's nervous and embarrassed, it's obvious to you even if he's trying his best to hide it.
"Most definitely." You nod and straighten up even further before patting your lap firmly. "C'mere."
"You want me on you?"
"You have no idea," You almost snort with your amusement but hold it back. You pat your thigh again with your left hand while your right picks up the bottle.
"Oh right, uh, okay. Uhm, lemme just…" He quickly unzips his jeans to shuffle out of them and kicks them aside before moving forward to press his left knee on the outside of your right thigh. "I'm heavier than I look." He warns while gingerly placing his right knee on the other side of your thighs, one hand pushed against the backrest beside your shoulder for stability.
You roll your eyes and grab his hips to pull his body onto your lap. Yoongi hiccups on an inhale in surprise at the sudden action leaving him perched on your stable thighs with wide eyes. "I can handle it, don't worry,"
"You should know," He rushes out quickly, causing your hands to halt where they have started to run over his thighs, curious to explore the skin you have never seen exposed on him before. "I already cleaned up, I do every shower-"
"I know."
"You told me when drunk once that you like to always be prepared to get dicked down. I figured out the rest due to the length of your showers, babe,"
"Oh…right…" He chews on his bottom lip, which almost matches the tint on his cheeks. "Oh well, I was going to say that you should always make sure your guy is cleaned first because you know…asshole."
"Yeah, I got it," You grin and squeeze his thigh a little, supportively, which only makes him jolt. "Are you sure you want to do this, oppa? I really won't be offended if you don't. I don't want you to be uncomfortable or anything."
"No, no, I do. S'just…we've been friends for a while now and I never thought anything like this would happen between us. And I haven't been touched by anyone but myself in so long it kind of feels like the first time."
"I'll go slow."
"I know. I trust you. Wouldn't be doing this otherwise," He huffs out a small laugh.
"I'm glad. I trust you too." You smile at each other for a moment, allowing the moment to get used to what you're planning to do, even only a little. "So, Mr Min, you're in charge here, I've no fucking clue what I'm doing so you kind of need to lead me."
"Oh, right, yeah," He inhales then pushes up a little to shimmy his boxers down under the crease where his ass meets his thighs, it allows him to keep his crotch hidden by the material just in case his t-shirt doesn't. He isn't quite prepared for one of his closest friends to see his flaccid dick no matter what you're about to get up to. When he settles back down he's unable to look in your eyes but you don't make him knowing how shy he must feel right now. "So uhm…you can start dry if you want, if you want to feel and get used to touching, just don't try and push in."
"You're okay with that?" He nods and takes the lube to fiddle with the bottle and free your right hand. You wait a second, just in case, before moving your hand around his body to curiously trail your fingers over his smooth ass, humming in approval at the lack of hair at all. "Smooth,"
"Yeah I uhm, I shave," He admits.
"Must be awkward,"
"A little." He sucks on his lip when your fingertip finds his rim and traces over it gently in an almost featherlight touch. "S'weird, right? Girls find it weird usually. For guys to be shaved."
"I don't like body hair on anyone regardless of gender. Wouldn't bother me much if you did have it, just that being hair-free is my preference."
"Does that mean you shave too?" He pointedly glances at your crotch.
"Wax, lasts longer,"
"Oh," He swallows when your left hand leaves his thigh to pluck the bottle from his hands giving him nothing to fiddle with. "I-I thought about trying but uh…seems hard to do alone."
"Yeah, kind of is," You admit, laughing softly and focusing on Yoongi's reactions to the sound of a cap opening and lube squirting out. He lifts his right hand absently to chew on the skin beside his thumb; an anxiety fuelled habit he's working hard to quit. "Hey," You lean forward to nudge the top of his head with your nose. He lifts it just enough to peer at you. "We can stop, seriously." You offer, tone genuine and soft. He shakes his head and quickly lowers his hand to grasp your shirt as if he has only just realised what he's doing to his poor fingers.
"I want to. Just nervous."
"What usually helps you relax with a partner?"
"Do you want to kiss?" He blinks a few times before finding his eyes on your lips almost like he has never seen them before. "I'm more than happy to kiss you if it helps, baby,"
"O-okay," He nods.
"No, not okay. Don't just agree with me, this won't work if you're not 100%, Yoongi."
"I am." He nods, firmer and more confidently. "I want to. Wanna kiss you."
"Alright." You agree with a short nod of your own. The syllables almost get sucked back into your throat when Yoongi suddenly surges forward to connect your mouths.
You wait for a few minutes until Yoongi is entirely absorbed in kissing before you press slick fingers against his rim. He jolts and his mouth falters for a second before moving again, slower than before as if he's too busy focusing on what's about to happen compared to what he's doing. You don't blame him. At first, you just circle his hole curiously until he squirms a little impatiently, and only then do you edge the tip of your index finger inside. Yoongi inhales sharply but doesn't jump or pull away. You wriggle your finger a little before pushing in further.
"You gotta let me know if I hurt you," You warn once your finger is in as far as possible. Yoongi nods and reconnects your lips by grabbing your face and pulling it back to his. You chuckle with amusement against his lips but are more than happy to comply with his wishes.
You start a gentle, curious rhythm of softly prodding around inside punctuated with sliding your finger out then back in.
"M-more," He breathes out in no time at all so you comply, pulling your finger out to return with another beside it. Yoongi lets out a soft moan at the barely there stretch, just a little more pressure at your knuckles that makes him sigh happily.
"It's okay?" You wonder.
"Y-yeah, can go a little faster if you want."
"Okay, baby," You agree, doing as asked knowing it's more of a request than a suggestion. He's too shy to ask for what he wants so you're going to have to read between the lines and you've already mentally prepared yourself for that.
You watch his reactions to your ministrations, his closed eyes and parted lips, as his hips take barely noticeable movements; which you follow to do the best you can for him. And up until this point, you have entirely avoided his prostate. Yoongi assumes it's because you don't know where it is, that you are getting used to everything else first before trying to search for it. But you know where it is and haven't wanted to touch it yet. You wanted Yoongi to genuinely get used to your touch and enjoy it without his prostate being brought in.
When you pull your hand out and away entirely, his eyes open and he frowns at you with a little whine of complaint. "Why'd you stop? Are you finished?"
"No," You laugh and shuffle you both a little so that you can slide your arm in the gap between your spread thighs to reach underneath him and slide your fingers back inside. "This angle is better," You smirk and crook your fingers forward to press directly on his prostate. Yoongi's eyes roll back and he moans loudly. "Right?"
"F-fuck, I-I thought you didn't know…"
"What, where the prostate is?" You laugh as he wriggles on your hands at the attack of your fingertips relentlessly rubbing the sensitive patch. "I know exactly where it is, I've just never put it to use before."
"You su-sure?" His fingers knot in your hair when you wrap your free arm tight around his waist to hold him still, preventing his movements. "Shit, fuck,"
"You like being held still?"
"Fuck off,"
"Oh, really?" Suddenly, you stop your attack and pull out to lean back against the backrest with your elbows resting on the back. You lean your head on your left palm, the clean one, as the lube-slicked hand hangs limply.
"Wh-what?" Yoongi's eyes are wide with betrayal and desperation. "N-no, no, don't stop. Put your fingers back in my ass, come on." He whines, tugging at your arm but you hold it firmly in place making him whine and bounce a little with frustration. "Please?"
"Good boy," Your right hand hovers between your bodies. "More lube," He nods and squirts out a fair amount of lube onto your waiting fingers.
"Three now?"
"You want three?" You hum, sliding your arm back underneath to rub three fingers against his rim. He nods enthusiastically and tries to tilt his hips in a way to make them slide inside but you always move away with a grin.
"You're so mean,"
"I am." He pouts cutely making you giggle. "Okay, baby, I'll play nice." And you do, you slide two fingers back inside to stretch him out a bit more then add the third. "That okay?" You ask, moving carefully to allow him time to get used to it.
"Y-yeah, s'good."
"Yeah?" He nods and circles his hips down against your hand. "Can you cum untouched?"
Yoongi falls still and opens his eyes to look at you; he honestly hadn't even realised that his eyes had closed in the first place. "I've never tried." He admits.
"Can we try? I think it'd be really hot."
"Oh uh, okay," He agrees, cheeks flushing a little darker than the pleasure and slight exertion already has them.
"You can change your mind at any time, okay?"
"I know." He agrees, giving you a shy smile before leaning forward to return his lips to yours, so you straighten up and move your left arm from the back of the couch to wrap back around him.
You let him get used to the rhythm of your slow, deep kiss which you've matched the movements of your fingers and he his hips to, before, without warning, you push in harder and faster. Yoongi hiccups on a breath, which he doesn't have time to regulate before you pull out and repeat the action causing your hand to slap against his ass a little. What follows is a string of whines and groans and swears from Yoongi's open mouth, head tipped back and hips bouncing.
"So good, you're so good," He pants out, on the verge of mindlessness.
"I can be better," You promise. Yoongi's hole clenches at the thought making you groan a little. "You're so fucking hot, Yoongi."
Yoongi gasps and bounces harder feeling his climax nearing. Your fingers curl and rub against his prostate with every thrust and his movements grow more desperate. Your left arm returns around his waist to hold him still and force him to just take it, which causes an almost sob to break from his throat.
"G-gonna cum," He announces, instinctively moving his hand between your bodies but you remove your arm from around his waist to slap his hand away from where he almost has his cock in hand.
"Don't touch."
"Can't help it. Need it." He all but sobs, looking at you with wet, hooded eyes.
"No, you don't."
"But-" He reaches out again and you huff in frustration before pulling your fingers out of his ass. "No! No! No! M'sorry! I'll be good!" He begs. "Don't stop, please."
"I won't, baby, it's okay, I'm going to make you cum," You assure soothingly and press a kiss to his lips while wiping the tears trickling down his ruddy cheeks. "But you're unable to not touch yourself so we need to move."
"M-move?" He sniffles.
"On your back," He nods and scrambles off of your lap to lay on his back on the couch. He kicks off his boxers and spreads his legs ready for you. You admire him for a moment and only move when he wriggles self-consciously. "Sorry. You're so beautiful, you know that?"
"M'not," He huffs looking away as you turn to settle between his thighs on your knees and lay his thighs over your own.
"You are, don't argue with me." He pouts but doesn't argue further which you find very interesting. He has essentially submitted to you and all it took was having his prostate touched.
For a moment, you stop to wonder if he's always that quick to submit or if it's because he trusts you and hasn't been touched by a hand except his own in so long. After roaming your eyes over his pliant body under you, you decide that it's a thought for later though and wriggle a pillow behind his head to prop him up just a little into a more comfortable position against the armrest.
"Hands above your head, baby." He listens and lifts both arms to lay the backs of his hands against the armrest. When you lean over and cover his wrists with your left hand to pin them down, his eyes blow wide and a shiver runs through his body. "Oh that is a very interesting reaction, sweetheart, we'll have to talk about it later but now," You slide your fingers back into him, loving the way his eyes immediately roll back and his back arches a little as your fingertips drag over his prostate.
In this position, you can't stop Yoongi's hips jerking and doing their best to fuck himself back on your fingers that force consistent full moans from his open mouth that sound like they come from the bottom of his chest.
It's clear when Yoongi's teetering on the edge of his climax as his tone grows higher and his movements more desperate as his arms fight to be freed so that he can touch himself.
"Come on, baby, you can do it. Let me see how messy you can get without your cock being touched, huh? Gonna let me see what good boys can do, hm?" You encourage with your eyes darting all over him, stuck between watching his face and the outline of his cock hidden underneath his t-shirt due to the fact neither of you had thought to move it. You really wish you had pushed it up because the thought of seeing Yoongi cum all over himself probably does a little too much for you to be able to admit.
"M'a good boy," He parrots mindlessly.
"Prove it. Cum for me."
He whines and his legs pull up towards his his torso as his body curls in a little before a loud, long moan tears from his throat while his legs push out and his back arches, pushing his chest towards you with the force of his orgasm surging through his body. You remove the pressure on his prostate and slow your movements down enough to not overstimulate or hurt yet still ride him through the pleasure with the slow drag. When he slumps against the seat, chest shuddering with his heavy breaths, you gently remove your fingers making him shudder a little and whimper.
"It's okay, baby, you did so good for me. Such a good boy, thank you." You release his wrists yet he makes no attempt to move, too tired from the most intense orgasm he has ever experienced. "I'm going to get some tissues from your desk, okay? I'll be right back." Yoongi frowns and pouts at the thought of being left yet does nothing else, doesn't even open his eyes until you're back and gently wiping the lube from his ass. "Hey," You smile up at him when you notice he's more with it again, or at least enough to open his eyes. He pouts further. "What?"
"Oh," You giggle and lean over him to press your lips to his.
The kiss is much slower and looser than any before, a clear reflection of how sated and lazy Yoongi feels yet he still wants to kiss and softly lick into your mouth.
When you feel his movements get even slower, almost as if he's falling asleep while making out, you pull back. Yoongi whines and tries to chase your lips but he's back to not even bothering to open his eyes. "Let me clean you up and then if you're still awake, we can kiss more, okay?" You reason.
"Hm, fine," He slurs sulkily but remains still on the seat, hands above his head as his face turns towards the back of the couch.
"Are you okay with me lifting your t-shirt?" He hums and nods a little and you know that's the most you'll get from him so you gently lift the t-shirt out of the drying mess to hold up and away. You don't even take a second to take in the mess on his skin or his flaccid dick, just quickly and carefully wipe him up as best as you can before tossing out the tissues and returning the bottle of lube to what you hope is the correct desk drawer.
You return to the couch with Yoongi's hoodie and are about to ask him to sit up to change out of the dirty top yet find him snoring softly already. Instead, you shuffle his boxers back up onto his body and settle them snugly against his hips before gently and painstakingly removing the soiled t-shirt. You just about manage to get the hoody on his uncooperative body as he whines and tries to curl back against the cushions every time you almost accidentally rouse him out of his sleep.
Once you're done with your task, you admire his relaxed sleeping features for a moment too long and then settle up to his desk to watch some videos while he sleeps.
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During a break in between episodes, you hear shuffling so remove the headphones and turn to find Yoongi shuffling to sit up while rubbing at his eyes. "Sleep well?" You ask softly.
He nods and yawns for good measure before stretching and then finally looking at you. "How long was I sleeping?"
"Couple hours."
"What?!" He baulks. "Why didn't you wake me?"
"Didn't have the heart to, you were pretty fucking exhausted,"
"Oh, uhm," He looks down at himself as the actions previous to his nap return to his mind. "So that happened…did you change me?" He tugs on his hoodie confused.
"Hm yeah, didn't think you'd appreciate waking up with a cum covered t-shirt."
"No yeah, right…thanks." He turns to sit properly and places his feet on the floor. "So uhm, are you sure you've never done that before?"
"But that was better than tops I've been with."
"Oh, really?" You beam proudly and he hums in confirmation with a nod. "Ah, well maybe it's because their intention isn't to make you feel good but to just get you ready so that they can stick their dicks in you." You suggest.
"Maybe." He shrugs and gets to his feet with a slight wince. "If this is how I feel with just your fingers, you'd destroy me with a dick." He comments while grabbing his jeans from the floor to wobble into. You get up to help steady him so that he doesn't fall on his ass.
"Would you let me?"
"Fuck you, if I bought a strap-on?"
"Oh," He nods shyly.
"Words, baby, come on, you know the rules."
"Shut up." He huffs and bats you away while you snigger. You close down what you had been doing on the computer and return to the couch to flop down in a slouch. "Do you know where to buy one? A strap?" Yoongi glances at you as he buttons his jeans.
"Yep, the place I get my usual stuff from sells some interesting ones."
"I'm honestly concerned about what you mean by interesting."
"Look yourself." You get back up to sit at the desk and open up the adult toy store's website. "Sit," you pat your thighs. Yoongi only hesitates a moment before sitting on your lap so that you can look at the screen together.
"There is no way you're fucking me with that," He deadpans when you point out an honestly obnoxiously huge dildo with ridges.
"Oh, so I can fuck you then?"
"With a normal one, yes." He agrees and moves your hand from the mouse to scroll himself. "Here look, normal." He points to a very basic-looking realistic dildo.
"Boo, boring. At least try a tentacle." He glares at you making you laugh. "Joking. How big do you like?"
"Uhm just average is good."
"Bullshit, you scream size queen to me." Yoongi sputters but doesn't argue. "Find one that looks the best to you."
"This is embarrassing," He whines.
"No, it's not. Be a good boy and pick a cock to be fucked with, Yoongi," You hum against his neck earning a shiver. Yoongi doesn't hesitate to begin intently looking at all the options. "Hm, good boy." You press an approving kiss against his skin and wrap your arms around his waist to squeeze a little. He jolts in surprise but then shuffles a little to settle in your hold.
After a little while of careful consideration, Yoongi shyly points out the one he likes the best and wants to try with you.
"Okay, add it to the basket." So he does. "And now find a smaller one,"
"What?" He looks over his shoulder at you with a confused frown. "Why?"
"Because I've never done this before so I don't want to go in with that one first and hurt you. Start small and build up to it."
"Oh, okay, that's smart." He agrees and returns his attention to the computer. He doesn't take as long to find a smaller dildo and add it to the basket. "Need a harness now." He murmurs, clicking through to find the right section. "What kind do you want? There's underwear style ones with a connection on the front or ones that are essentially harnesses."
"I don't know. Maybe get one of each style to try?"
"Okay. What size?"
"I don't know, depends on their size guide. I haven't bought lingerie from this site so I don't know what their sizing is like."
"Lingerie?" Yoongi looks at you with interest. "You have lingerie?"
"Oh…will you wear some for me?"
"You want me to?" He nods. "Okay. We can look on here too and see if there's anything in particular you'd like to see,"
"Why didn't we do this earlier?" Yoongi groans then leans over to kiss you for a moment. "You're the best."
"I know," you giggle and pat his thighs. "Find the size guide."
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A few days later, Yoongi finds himself seated at the head of your bed with his back against the headrest watching you unpack the box in front of him.
The order had arrived that morning and you had excitedly texted Yoongi, and he had immediately cleared his evening plans. As soon as his work day was over, Yoongi rushed home to drop his stuff and shower thoroughly ready, and then quickly made his way to your apartment.
So here he is, both nerves and excitement running through his body knowing that soon, you will be fucking him. As each item is placed on the bed, Yoongi fidgets more and more. Just seeing the picture of the dildo on the side of the box has his dick plumping up. He doesn't know it, too busy staring down at all the new items, but you notice his fidgeting and reactions; the pink of his cheeks and the increased frequency of his tongue darting out to wet his lips.
Even though you've only had one session of sexual activity together, you're pretty confident that you've correctly read his body language as rapidly growing arousal. For a few moments longer, you continue to unpack the large box but pay no attention to it and only watch Yoongi's intent, wide gaze on the items. His obvious arousal is making your own heat up under your skin.
Suddenly, you quickly repack almost everything making Yoongi jerk with concern and make a questioning noise.
"We can look at it after I've fucked you," You declare when Yoongi's confused eyes find your own darkening ones. Yoongi swallows thickly and nods dumbly. "Do you want me to put anything on?" You ask, motioning to the lingerie that you had left out. Yoongi looks at it, mouth open and genuinely considers it, whether he wants to see the lingerie or get fucked more. "If it helps, I'm wearing a set I already had under this." You point to your outfit of a zipped-up hoodie and basketball shorts. Yoongi swallows again and nods slowly. "What?"
"I wanna see that,"
"Okay," You giggle and toss the lingerie from the mattress into the box before picking the whole thing up and moving it to the floor out of the way. "I want to try the harness one today, it matches what I'm wearing." You grin excitedly while picking up the box containing the wet-look-style strappy harness.
"Matches?" Yoongi mutters. You hum. "Fuck," You peer up at him through your eyelashes and giggle before pressing one knee onto the mattress and leaning closer to him. "You're going to ruin me, aren't you?" He realises in a mumble.
"I'm certainly going to try," You reply a little breathlessly at the thought. You place your empty hand on his thigh to squeeze a little making his breath hitch and legs jolt, before you lift your hand only to slap his inner thigh gently and dart forward to place a disproportionately sweet peck on his lips. "I want you as naked as you're comfortable by the time I get back from the bathroom."
"O-Okay," He agrees easily. You grin then lower for a more thorough kiss, one that lingers even when you're out of the room, taking the harness and smaller dildo with you to clean thoroughly. "Fuck," Yoongi exhales and takes a second to gather his wits before getting up to quickly remove all of his clothing except for his boxers; a brand new set of tiny black shorts that does nothing to hide that his dick is hard and trying to escape from the waistband.
Yoongi feels very vulnerable and exposed as he sits there on the bed in nervous wait. He crosses and uncrosses his arms over his chest self-consciously a few times before reaching out to pick up the rather large bottle of anal lube left on the bed.
It's while he's reading the bottle to give himself something to do after removing the packaging so that it can actually be used, that you return sans shorts and with the unpackaged dildo in your hand. You pause at the doorway and stare at him causing him to put the bottle down so that he can fold his arms over his bare chest again.
"Shit, sorry, sorry, fuck, I didn't mean to make you feel self-conscious," You apologise while rushing over. You carefully place the dildo upright on the side table beside the lube bottle before climbing up onto the bed and gently laying your hands over his arms. "You're just so beautiful, oppa, my brain short-circuited seeing you waiting for me on my bed like this. Like holy fucking shit, what kind of saint did I save in a past life to get Min fucking Yoongi waiting on my bed?"
"You don't need to be so dramatic," He huffs, though his cheeks are hot with his blush and he allows you to tug his arms to his sides.
"I'm not," He gives you a disbelieving expression. "I'm not! I swear! I'd never tell you empty words, Yoongi, you mean too much to me for me to ever even consider betraying your trust like that." Your words are so genuine that Yoongi can't help but believe them and accept the truth, making his body warm further understanding that you genuinely think of him in such a way.
"Good," He decides with a shy little nod. "Did you get the harness on okay?"
You hum and nod, leaning up onto your knees in front of him and lifting your hands to the zipper of your jumper. "Wanna see?"
"Of course I wanna-" He cuts off with a choke when you abruptly open the zipper revealing a glimpse of a crisscross of straps across the revealed skin of your torso. He doesn't even have it in him to curse under his breath when you remove the jumper to toss aside carelessly.
If all of his blood hadn't rushed south and left no brain power behind, Yoongi would seen that you definitely aren't as confident as you have been acting; your hands twitch at your sides and your teeth gently clamp on your bottom lip. But Yoongi is too hypnotised by your body wrapped in intricate lengths of black, wet-look material that make you look like the present of his wet dreams.
"So?" You ask what feels to you like at least ten minutes later when Yoongi still hasn't done anything but stare jaw dropped at you.
To your relief, your sudden voice snaps Yoongi back to reality and makes him drag his lust-darkened eyes up to yours. Without a word, he gets up until he's on his knees mirroring you, before taking your face into his hands to kiss heavily. The little noise you can't prevent from escaping your mouth makes Yoongi groan deeply and lower one hand so that he can wrap his arm around your waist and pull you closer while he moves too until you're pressed together. Feeling the smooth latex under his hand has Yoongi's dick twitching back to life where it's pressed between your bodies. It makes you giggle upon feeling it before pressing your body forward just enough to make Yoongi groan at the pressure.
"I assume that's a good reaction?" You hum breathlessly when the kiss breaks, and you motion to yourself to show that you mean his reaction to how you look.
"You have no idea how sexy you are to me," Yoongi replies a little dumbly making you giggle through your blush. "I'm really fucking glad you got this harness and ignored my hesitation on the wet look. I never knew I was into it until now."
"I have a wet-look dress." You inform. "And I'm going to wear it when we next all go out just to wind you up."
"Please don't make me get hard in public, I'm an idol," He whines. "I can't be caught with a boner,"
"Guess you better learn to control your dick then," You grin and nudge him back. "Lay down, I really wanna get my hands on your ass as soon as possible, I've been thinking about this non-stop for four days."
"You have?" Yoongi replies while doing as told and moving backwards until he's laid down in the centre of the bed with his head on the pillows. You hum in confirmation while taking the chance to rake your eyes over his body hungrily. It makes Yoongi's body warm to see how much you like his body, even though he doesn't think it is anything special at all. "M-me too," He admits, causing you to look up at his face and smile softly at him. He smiles back shyly before bravely reaching down to hook his thumbs into the waistband of his boxers. Your eyes immediately snap down to watch as he slowly pushes his underwear down until he has to lift his hips up to slide them over his ass and to his thighs where you take over and carefully remove the cloth entirely from his body to drop to the floor beside the bed.
And then you look back at him to take him in in his fully nude state. Your cheeks visibly warm and your mouth drops open just enough for your tongue to poke out and prod your bottom lip. "Can I suck your dick?" You ask bluntly, licking your lips again.
"Really?" You nod and shuffle closer until Yoongi has to spread his legs to allow you to kneel between them with your hands on his smooth thighs. "Y-yeah," He agrees, nodding quickly even if you're entirely enraptured by his erection so don't see his action.
Without hesitation, you lower down onto your left elbow and wrap one hand loosely around his erection just to hold it up and allow you to slide it into your mouth enthusiastically. Yoongi's hips instinctively kick up at the sudden wet warmth and he curses, reaching out to slide his fingers into your hair. You make a happy sound around his length and wiggle your hips as you work him in your mouth, which draws Yoongi's attention to your ass where it's stuck up in the air and showing off your curves in the straps.
"Jesus, fuck," He grunts. "Fucking-fuck-look at you," He breathes out, eyes dragging over your body and down to where your lips are wrapped around his dick, eyes up on him. He swears again. "You need to stop or I'm going to cum," He warns.
You heed his warning and pull off with a soft laugh. "I was there for like ten seconds," You point out amusedly.
He shrugs and looks away embarrassed, only to look back with a gasp when you attach your mouth to his inner thigh to suck a bruise into. "Shit," He chokes, legs shaking a little. Suddenly overcome with desperation, he reaches out to grab the lube and shove it against your shoulder.
"Hm, okay, baby," You agree, sitting up on your knees again so that you can take the bottle and pump some of the contents onto your fingers. "Do you want it like this or a different position?" You ask, putting the bottle aside on the mattress for when you need it again.
"This," He answers, grabbing a spare pillow to wiggle under his hips. "Wanna see you,"
"Okay," Your smile is happy and you lean down over him to press your lips to his. Yoongi lifts both hands to gently hold your face as you kiss slowly and deeply. His breath hitches as your wet fingers touch his rim but he doesn't stop kissing you. A little whimper leaves his throat as one finger slowly edges in. You make a curious sound at the much less resistance compared to the last time you had your fingers inside of Yoongi, yet say nothing and add a second. "Did you already finger yourself?" You ask, unable to stop yourself as you can already add a third.
"Y-yeah," He confirms. "Is that okay? Are you upset?"
"I mean, usually I would definitely like to prep you myself, your ass is the eighth wonder of the world-" He rolls his eyes making you laugh, "But I honestly think it's best to not get me that turned on today so that I can have at least some self-control when fucking you for the first time."
"Fingering me turns you on?" You nod. "Oh, I didn't realise, you seemed normal last time."
"I wanted to focus on you too much to pay attention to it. But after, jeez, I had to watch a very dry show to calm myself back down," You snigger with amusement at the memory.
"M'sorry," You frown confusedly down at him and remove your fingers from his ass. He's about to complain but notices you're reaching for the dildo so instead presses his lips together.
"For what?" You wonder.
"You apologised. Why?"
"I fell asleep,"
"Yeah?" Your head tilts down as you look at the harness so that you can attach the dildo properly.
"I didn't get you off," You laugh a little. "What?" He frowns. "Why's that funny?"
"All I wanted was to finger you, I didn't want you to do anything but cum yourself and you definitely did that so I was more than happy with your involvement, oppa, there was nothing else I wanted from that experience."
"So, you didn't want to cum?" He looks at you disbelievingly until you lift your head having successfully attached the toy after a little fiddling.
"It wasn't the plan, no,"
"But did you want to?"
"I mean, I haven't been that turned on in a long time, well until now. But if I wanted to cum, I could've gone and taken care of it while you were asleep. Just because I made you cum, it doesn't mean you owe me one, that's not how this works, Yoon,"
"I know," He mumbles, running his hands down your body to finger the harness until he locates the dildo and can wrap his hand around it and tug, forcing you to get closer between his spread-wide thighs. "But I want to. Wanna make you feel good,"
"You do, trust me, you do," You assure before pressing a sweet, short kiss to his lips. "Can I fuck you now?"
"Definitely," He nods, eyes wide with anticipation.
With excitement in your eyes, you reach down to knock Yoongi's hand from the dildo so that you can apply more than enough lube. Yoongi is staring at you questioningly when you look back up at him.
"What? I like it messy," You giggle shyly and look back down so that you can watch as you guide the toy to Yoongi's awaiting hole.
"You do?" You nod. "Me too," You grin brightly up at him, happy at the shared interest before slowly pushing your hips forward. Yoongi's eyes widen a little and his lips part as he's breached by the toy.
"Okay?" You worry.
"Yeah, keep going," He confirms, looping his fingers into the straps over your hips to pull you towards him at a speed quicker than you would've moved yourself but if anyone knows Yoongi's limits, it's Yoongi himself so you let him. In no time at all, your hips are pressed flush to him and he's breathing a little heavier at being full. "Fuck me, come on, fuck me," He breathes out encouragingly, removing his fingers from the straps to give you control back and instead press his palms to your waist.
"Okay, baby," You hum, press a kiss to his chest before leaning up onto your haunches and use your hands to press Yoongi's thighs open further.
Yoongi swallows thickly and knows he will never come back from this the same and you haven't even moved yet. And then you do, slowly dragging back before shoving forward and knocking a moan from Yoongi that he wasn't aware he could produce. You smirk at him before tightening your hold and repeating the action.
"F-fuck," He stammers, gripping the bedding beneath him in an attempt to ground himself. You've only thrust twice and he's already leaking on his stomach.
"Okay?" He nods madly. "Hm, let's get that better," The look on your face is a little dark and very determined and Yoongi keens before you've even pulled back out.
This time, you adjust your position a little to get yourself better leverage to essentially pull back and then pound into Yoongi while simultaneously rolling your hips and causing Yoongi's back to arch and his eyes to roll back. He's not going to last at all.
It's not even a minute of the unbelievably good fucking later that Yoongi wraps a shaking hand around his cock to tug at it desperately for only a few seconds before his body pulls tight and he comes all over his torso. You watch the whole ordeal with hooded eyes and an open mouth as you pant from exertion and arousal. Not knowing if Yoongi gets overstimulated quickly and not wanting to hurt him, you quickly slow your movements and stop when his hand falls from his cock.
While Yoongi lays there breathing heavily with his chest heaving and eyes closed, you pull out and remove the dripping toy from the harness. Without a word, you get up and move to the bathroom to rinse off the toy and leave it on the counter to wash properly later, and then you grab a washcloth to dampen it and return to Yoongi. He blinks his eyes open when you clamber back onto the bed and start to clean him up.
By the time you're finished cleaning his chest and ass up, Yoongi's breathing is back to normal and he's watching you, looking more satisfied than you've ever seen him.
"Hey," You smile as you settle beside him, washcloth on the side table behind you. He purses his lips at you so you lean forward to kiss him slowly. When you pull back, you remain on your side propped up with your head on your left hand. "How you feeling? I didn't go too hard, did I?"
"I'm pretty sure how quick I came answers that," he huffs, pouting at the ceiling. "Swear I'm not usually that quick."
"It was hot, I don't mind the time frame," you reply honestly and lean down to kiss his shoulder. "I knew you'd look good cumming on yourself," you hum against his skin. "Wish I had photographic memory so I never forget a moment of that sight."
"Shut up,"
"I'm being serious!" You lift up and pout at him. "I'm sad that I won't forever remember it that well."
"Well…it's not like that's the only chance you'll get to see it," He shrugs, turning onto his right side to face you so you lower to lay down too. "I can't get over how good you are at these sexual things you've never done before."
"I'm naturally gifted,"
Yoongi chuckles and nods. "Yeah, you are. I'm both scared and excited to see how much better you'll get with practice. You're going to own my ass in no time, I won't be able to fuck anyone else because they won't be as good as you. Fucking Pavlov me,"
"Don't think that's the right term but I'll take it," He doesn't respond and instead shuffles closer to kiss you.
Yoongi's left hand travels down to hold onto one of the strips of material over your ribs. "How hard is this to get off?"
"A lot," He groans. "Why?"
"Wanna eat you out," Your eyes blow wide. "I can't tell what that look means,"
"No one's said that to me before," You admit softly.
"What?" Yoongi's frown is beyond offended. "How could no one say that to you?" He huffs and leans up while nudging you onto your back. You go willingly with a shrug. "Well, I really want to. Can I?" You nod and reach down to unclasp the buckles of the harness. Yoongi shuffles down the bed so that he can pull it off your legs once you've opened it. "How do we-" he cuts off when he looks up and realises that the straps of the lingerie have been designed to leave your crotch entirely bare. "Fuck," Immediately, Yoongi lowers down onto his stomach between your thighs and presses them wider to stare at where you're glistening with arousal. "How is all of you so fucking perfect?" Even though it's a question, he's really talking to himself, his voice low and thick with arousal. Yet even if he is talking to you and expects a response, you wouldn't be able to form one, voice stuck in your throat with nerves. "Tell me if I do something you don't like, okay?" He speaks, leaning up enough to make eye contact with you. You just nod, cheeks flushed pink and your bottom lip sucked nervously between your teeth. Yoongi shoots you a gentle smile then lowers to press a soft kiss to your hip.
You watch intently as Yoongi trails soft kisses across your skin and over the shiny fabric digging slightly into your thigh due to your legs being spread by Yoongi's hands. He stops at your inner thigh in between two straps, seemingly entranced by the little bulge caused by the material.
As if he doesn't have any control, Yoongi opens his mouth a little wider and clamps down making you gasp. The noise brings him back to reality and he almost pulls off but as he's releasing his jaw, your gasp fully registers and he realises that it wasn't a bad gasp at all. Instead of continuing to open his jaw, he closes it further and fights down his own groan feeling his teeth press into the giving flesh before he sucks a little harsher than he normally starts off yet you whimper and your left hand flutters atop his head in a way that feels as if you want to grasp but aren't brave enough. So Yoongi sucks harder, borderline painfully and is rewarded with fingers in his hair and grasping securely, encouragingly. Yoongi suckles the spot for a moment longer before pulling off with a pop.
You both eye the bright red mark and admire the indents left by his teeth before Yoongi suddenly darts down again. You had expected him to attach to the mirrored spot on your other thigh but he shocks you by suctioning to the soft, smooth flesh over your pubic bone, so close to your clit that it makes it tingle. You're so caught off guard that the moan of pleasure escapes your mouth before you can stop it.
You loosen your right hand from the sheets with every intention of lifting it to cover your mouth in embarrassment; it was too loud of a noise for such a small act in your mind. It seems Yoongi knows you too well though despite never having done anything like this together before, as his left hand quickly darts up and grabs your wrist causing you to fall still. You blink down at him and find his dark eyes on you warningly. Your arm twitchs upwards and his grip tightens even as his mouth neither moves to detach or do anything more. Yoongi's eyes square a little, a silent command and although you don't really listen to anyone usually regardless of circumstance, you nod obediently and relax your arm. Yoongi's gaze relaxes and he directs your hand to your own thigh just so that he can link your fingers together while also allowing him to still keep pressure on your thighs to have them remain open for him.
Really, Yoongi would've loved to take advantage of the fact that you're the first person to seem to like the rougher biting his gums always ach for, but he's determined to give you the best head you'll ever have before his oral fixation kicked in and now he's reminded of that upon seeing the way you actually submitted to him, even a little. He decides that you definitely deserve a reward for that alone.
Only a little reluctantly, Yoongi slowly releases his suction and pulls back just enough to allow the sight of the forming bruise to shoot a lick of arousal into his stomach before he lowers even further to softly trail his tongue up your folds, carefully avoiding your hole and clit not wanting to jump in too fast for you on your first time receiving oral. A fact that honestly makes him kind of angry; how could no one have offered to go down on you? It's vile and selfish in his mind and he wants to give you the best experience he possibly can. You don't make any noise in response so he doesn't know if you like it but, at the very least, you don't try to remove either of you from the situation so you're willing to let him continue.
For a few minutes, Yoongi keeps his actions relatively soft everywhere he touches yet he still doesn't gain much of a response from you. You're breathing a little heavier and he can see that your eyes are closed and you do look like you're enjoying yourself but you're quiet. If he hadn't heard a moan moments before, he would assume that you're just quiet in general during sex but he had and he wants more. You sounded so good he honestly wants to record you to replay back when he's alone with a hand in his pants. Maybe you're just not that into oral.
Not wanting to be a letdown, Yoongi carefully tugs his hand free from your grasp and presses your own palm to your thigh. When he sees your fingers curve a little to hold your thigh he smiles to himself and presses a finger to your hole lightly; a warning of what's to come. You don't pull away so he slowly presses in, watching entranced as you swallow him up with no issue. Feeling you ready to take another, he pulls out and adds another finger alongside the first and watches all the same as soft, wet heat envelops them both happily. Although there isn't much resistance per se due to how wet you are, there's definitely more pressure on his fingers, especially around his second knuckle. He looks up to watch your reaction as he pushes in, in case any sign of discomfort appears.
Your eyebrows furrow the tiniest amount and your mouth drops open a little wider as a stuttered breath leaves. Your hips push down a little, shyly almost and all worry leaves Yoongi. You like it and want more. So, he gives it to you, pushing his fingers in completely, only slightly faster than his original pace but you immediately react and suck in a breath.
Suddenly, it hits Yoongi that you had reacted so strongly enough to moan when he was being harsh and rough. You like the borderline pain and firmer actions, not the soft gentle touches he has been trying thinking it will be the best move for your first time.
With this revelation, Yoongi attaches his mouth directly to your clit and sucks while pulling his fingers out just to the second knuckle where they're widest and using that girth to stimulate your opening. Immediately, you gasp and moan breathily, tightening your fingers in his hair enough to make him moan around your clit.
The pace Yoongi takes up fucking his fingers into you is fast and just a level below hard considering he isn't left-handed and the angle isn't the easiest to navigate while he's toying endlessly with your clit with his mouth; teeth included making his own body sing with arousal. He's definitely hard and leaking between the mattress and his stomach.
Yoongi can't believe how worked up he's getting so quickly. Sure, he always loves giving oral, especially if it means he also had his fingers in a wet, warm hole, but he never gets hard from it after already being fucked so well. But you react so well to his rough actions and you seem to love the intensity of his oral fixation allowing him to really suction and bite as much as he wants.
Honestly, if he couldn't feel you tightening around his fingers and your hips shaking with the effort of keeping still, Yoongi would be certain that he's much more into the activity than you are. But your approaching orgasm is clear, especially with your frequent little moans growing closer together and higher in pitch. Though he does kind of wish you wouldn't control yourself like that, he kind of really most definitely wants you to fuck his face. Maybe he'll have to ask you to sit on his face one day and preferably very soon.
"Yoon," You warn with a gasp, eyes flying open to stare down at him but his eyes are closed and focused, though he does squeeze your thigh a little to show that he heard and understands. You let your eyes close again and your head tips back as the pleasure teeters right on the edge.
One more run of Yoongi's teeth over your swollen clit sends you tumbling over, cursing as the orgasm shoots through your body quickly. Usually, it'd be over as quick as that but Yoongi hasn't stopped his movements, if anything he seems more eager to lap around his fingers and fuck into you. He even curls his fingers up into that spot he's located but not focused on, to now focus on it and apply an almost torturous amount of pleasure that's borderline painful with the orgasm barely even over.
"Oh, fuck," You whine, curling your fingers tight enough into your thigh that your short blunt nails dig in sharply.
A second orgasm hits out of nowhere and you gasp deeply, curving your back at the intensity and losing all control of your hips. Yoongi moans deeply as he's forced face-first into your pussy where he happily attaches his mouth to suck yet another bruise harshly.
As soon as you've mostly come down from the second orgasm to the point that you're mentally back on earth you tighten your grip on Yoongi's hair to tug him up even though he makes a noise of complaint at being pulled away from eating you out, so that you can kiss him heavily, careless of your taste on his tongue and lower face that's glistening with it. That at least stops his complaints and he quickly settles into the kiss, lowering down his top half but keeping his hips up so that his naked erection doesn't touch you. You realise what he's doing and hook your legs over his hips to tug him down making him groan deeply as his erection slips against your slick skin.
"Can't believe you got me hard already," He grunts, lowering his head to kiss down your neck. You turn your head to give him better access and when he starts to suck, you grind your hips up against him. "Fuck," He pants.
"Want you to fuck me," You admit a little breathlessly.
"Seriously?" You nod and whine a little while grinding harder and feeling his hard length rub firmly over your clit. "Shit, okay, condom?" You shake your head making him sigh. "Then-"
"I'm clean and got my tubes tied," You inform, turning your head to him when he pulls back to look down at you.
"Me too, clean and vasectomy," He mumbles in disbelief. Your eyes light up with excitement that reflects in his. "So we're both free of transmittable diseases and infertile," He summarises.
"Which means you can fill me up and make a mess."
"Fuck," With no reason to hesitate- or the will to - Yoongi reaches down to grip his erection and line up with your entrance. Your legs drop to the mattress to spread wide and Yoongi pushes in.
"Ah, fuck," You whimper as he pushes in, eyes fluttering closed and hands gripping his sides.
"You okay?" You nod rapidly. "Doesn't hurt?"
"Feels good,"
"Y-yeah," He agrees, lowering his gaze to watch as his cock fills your pussy and leaves his vision, buried snugly in your warmth. "Fuck, feel so good, baby," Your eyes blink open at the petname to look at him in surprise. "What?"
"Baby?" He's genuinely puzzled for a second before he recalls that he just called you that without thought and his cheeks warm with embarrassment.
"Sorry, didn't realise."
"I'm not opposed, like at all, fucking love petnames," You admit easily and lift your arms to wrap around his neck loosely while a mischievous glint appears in your eyes. Before Yoongi can question what exactly that means, you rock your hips making him suck in a sudden inhale and shudder at the unexpected friction on his cock. You burst into laughter at his reaction and flop down onto the mattress. "Did you get possessed?"
"Shut up," He huffs, cheeks burning with embarrassment. "You surprise attacked me,"
"Surprise attacked," You cackle hands cupping your own cheeks and fingers pressing into where your cheeks bunch the highest.
Yoongi pouts at you which only makes you giggle; a different kind of laugh, one more adoring for his cute expression but it still isn't what he wants and he's feeling petty. Without warning he pulls back his hips then slams forward, punching a strangled gasp of pleasure from your mouth as your hands fly up to brace against the wooden poles of the ornate headboard. Yoongi smirks at your wide-eyed and open-mouthed expression then reaches up to brace himself with one hand against the flat of the headboard while his other slides under your lower back until he can wrap his arm around you enough to hold your body still. And then he wastes no more time and starts almost brutally fucking you.
It's intense and pleasurable in a way you're not used to; of course, you have been fucked hard before but it was never like this. Not because people haven't tried but they simply can't pull the pleasure from your very soul like Yoongi seems to be doing.
Even if you want to, you wouldn't be able to stop the stream of pleasured sounds leaving your open mouth, but you don't even want to, don't feel like hiding as you aren't the only one who seems unable to clamp their own vocals. Yoongi is just as loud as you are and it honestly only turns you on even more.
Usually, both you and Yoongi like to talk to your partners; check in and praise them, talk dirty and tease but neither of you has it in you to do it, can't talk if you try, not past the occasional swear or utter of the other's name or a petname. Yoongi quickly takes up calling you 'princess' and you have to admit, you really fucking like how it sounds from his lips. Others have tried to use the petname with you before but you could never take it seriously and tended to laugh or to fuck off, depending on the situation. Yet with Yoongi, it sends warmth to your chest that trickles into your stomach and lower to add to the quickly-growing impending orgasm.
Yoongi has no idea how he's keeping up the pace, his chest is heaving and his thighs burning and he's certain he's so close to getting a cramp in his left asscheek somehow but he can't give any mind to it, it's all on you and how fucking good you feel wrapped around his cock. You keep sporadically squeezing him and he doesn't know if it's a sign of a nearing orgasm or just how you feel pleasure but either way, it feels beyond fucking words and he both never wants it to end and is chasing his orgasm desperately. He wants to fill you up and then watch his cum spill out from your pussy afterwards. Fuck, maybe you'll even let him fuck it out of you, perhaps in the shower once he has his strength back after a much-needed nap.
When you remove one hand from the headboard and shove it down between your bodies to play with your clit roughly, Yoongi makes certain to keep his movement the same to not ruin your pleasure. Watching you touch yourself all but shoves him headfirst over the edge and his hips jerk unintentionally as his orgasm hits, spilling cum into you with a few breathless moans of your name. Your breath hitches in response before you're squeezing him tight, earning more pleasured curses to fall from his mouth as he feels your orgasm in the rhythmic tightening of your walls pulsating around his cock.
Slowly, you both fall still with closed eyes and heavy breathing as you ride out the aftershocks and last dregs of pleasure.
"Jesus fuck," Yoongi's the first to speak some minutes later when he finally has his head screwed on relatively straight and is only panting a little. You laugh at his comment but it's definitely an agreeing sound. Jesus fuck indeed.
"I'm not sure who is gonna Pavlov who here," You muse, reaching out to cup his face in both hands. "C'mere," Yoongi goes willingly, lowering down and wincing a little as he feels his soft dick slipping out but neither comment on it, too interested in kissing; happy and sated and kind of lazy but it's good.
When the kiss breaks, Yoongi clambers off of you and drops down at your side, sinking on his right side comfortably against the pillow and letting his body relax. "I need a nap," He mutters earning an amused giggle while you turn onto your left side to face him. "Actually no, fuck a nap, need a coma,"
"You're ridiculous,"
"If you tell me you still have the energy to fuck, you're insane,"
"I mean…give me like ten minutes to get a drink and yeah, I probably could,"
"Fucking hell, you're going to kill me," He groans, turning his head into the pillow but the noise isn't exactly one of argument.
"Good way to go though, right?" You grin and he looks back at you with a chuckle.
"Definitely," He reaches out with a heavy arm to tug on the straps over your stomach. "C'mere, oppa wants to spoon his princess,"
"Are you trying to get fucked?" You comment, making him snort out a tired laugh. Instead of going to him, you roll out of bed making him whine and pout in complaint. "I'll be right back, I really do need a drink,"
"Hurry," He mumbles, letting his eyes flutter close.
You hobble to the kitchen as quickly as you can so that you can gulp down as much cool water as possible without making yourself sick and then you refill your glass. You're about to fill a glass for Yoongi too but considering how tired he is, you know he won't sit up even to drink if his mouth is dry. So you find a bottle with a straw that you hope won't spill if on its side and fill that with cold water instead.
You return to your bedroom and place your glass down before tucking the bottle by Yoongi and guiding the straw into his open mouth. He's pretty much asleep but the touch wakes him and although he doesn't know what's going on in his sleep-addled mind, when you tell him to drink and tap the straw on his lip, he wraps his lips around it to do as told and gropes around until he finds the bottle to hold steady without opening his eyes. You take the chance to struggle your way out of the lingerie on your body and toss it aside to deal with later.
By the time you clamber back onto the bed, Yoongi's fallen asleep again, bottle still held and straw to his lips. You giggle amusedly and remove the item, making him snuffle awake again. Once the bottle is beside your glass, you shuffle down with your back to him and pull his arm over your waist.
Yoongi hums happily and shuffles closer until you're pressed together and his face is in your neck. He inhales deeply and tightens his arm around your waist, tucking his hand up by your chest and that's when he suddenly realises that he can feel nothing but skin against his own. He jolts up a little onto his right elbow and peers blearily down at you. You watch his expression from over your shoulder, you see the fatigue slip away and his tongue wet his lips as he notices that for the first time, you're completely naked.
"You're naked," He mumbles, tracing his left hand over your waist and hip, watching the trail his touch takes. You just hum in confirmation and allow him to touch all the new skin he can see. "Beautiful," He sighs out and then lowers back down to curl around your back. You can feel his dick against your ass and it has definitely plumped up a little in the past moments, and, of course, you just have to tilt your hips back to brush your ass against it. He nips your shoulder in retaliation earning a giggle. "I'm too fucking tired right now, baby,"
"I like cock warming," You pout, grinding back against him. "Don't you wanna be all snug as you sleep?"
"You're fucking ridiculous," He huffs, amusement in his tone before pressing his hips forward against you. "Go on then, you get me hard, you can warm me as much as you want while we sleep."
"What if I can't sleep?" He makes a curious sound. "I usually can sleep no problem with a cock in me but something about you brings out the deviant in me so…what's your stance on somnophilia?"
"The fuck's that?"
"Sleep sex,"
"You want to have sex while we sleep?"
"I'd be awake if I can't sleep, dumbass,"
"Shut up, m'tired," He bites your shoulder a little harder this time, but that just makes you curve into him and press your ass harder against his gradually hardening dick. "Fuckin-" He inhales and purposely moves his mouth away from your skin so that he won't give in to temptation again because he's pretty sure if he does bite you again, you'll definitely wind up going for another intense round and he's certain he can not physically handle that until he wakes up again. He's never been so exhausted from sex alone.
"So?" You prompt when he remains quiet behind you. "I'm personally into it either way,"
"Mm, I dunno, just go to sleep for now, baby,"
"Okay, oppa," You agree and pull your hips away from him, giving his dick space to breathe and soften without your touch. Yoongi hums appreciatively and curls his arm back around your waist though makes sure to keep his hand away from your chest, he knows that if he feels your breasts he will not be able to get to sleep until he has sufficiently played with them.
When you're almost asleep, Yoongi speaks up in a low rough tone, close to sleep himself. "If you wake up and I'm hard, do what you want,"
"Mm, just try not to wake me."
"Okay, oppa," You smile to yourself and snuggle in close, smiling a little more at the kiss pressed to your head.
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To your absolute joy, when you wake a little under an hour later, you and Yoongi are pressed so close together that his dick has hardened in his sleep. You grin to yourself and although you're barely awake, you know what you want so you painstakingly move into a better position so that when you reach behind yourself and carefully hold Yoongi's erection, you can guide it into yourself making you sigh in happiness. You really do like being full. You peer over your shoulder to make sure you haven't woken Yoongi then shuffle again, sliding further onto his length until you're pressed tight up against him. You watch Yoongi's face contort and little huffs of breath escape his lips from the pleasure but he doesn't wake so you settle back down and are soon back asleep.
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You aren't surprised to have a sex dream, though you are surprised by just how vivid it is. You've had similar kinds of dreams before where you're actively seeking pleasure in a lucid-dreaming kind of way, but you usually wake up before achieving your orgasm goal. But this time, you wake up with the force of the dream orgasm that turns out to be real.
"Fuck," Yoongi curses roughly behind you, one hand on your hip as he rocks into you.
"Oppa?" You mumble sleepily looking over at him, cheeks warm with the pleasure but eyes barely open.
"Hi princess," He greets with a smile tilting towards a smirk. You whine and push back against him. "You want more?" He asks, his own cheeks slightly pinkened from fucking you as you sleep without moving your position to not wake you. You nod and reach down to move his left hand from your hip and place it on your sternum instead. "Alright, whatever my princess wants," He agrees, leaning forward to press a kiss to your jaw while moving his hand to cup your left breast. "Didn't know your tits are so big," He comments lowly as he returns to rocking into you slow and deep. "Hide 'em so well."
"H-have to, get looks oth-" Yoongi hits a real good spot with that thrust making you cut off with a whine as your eyes roll back. "Yoon," You plead.
"Alright, fuck," He shuffles closer and lays his palm flat on the top of your chest to hold you back against him before rabbiting into you while barely pulling out meaning he keeps hitting that same spot rapidly making you whine and writhe and gasp out his name. "Good girl,"
The tingle in his teeth returns as he stares at the mostly faded teeth marks on your shoulder from before sleep. He knows those marks will be soon gone with no evidence, no bruise left behind and that doesn't sit well with him. So Yoongi leans down to attach his mouth harshly over the same spot. You jerk in response and automatically his hand lifts to restrain you and wrap around your throat. You instantly fall still as your walls squeeze him tight. Yoongi gasps against your shoulder and removes his hand but you whine in serious complaint, locking your grasp on his arm.
"Are you sure?" He asks as you lead his hand back to your throat. You nod madly. "Words, please, baby, I need verbal confirmation to do this. It's dangerous and-"
"Yes yes, I want it, choke me, oppa, please," You plead, turning your head just enough that your wet gaze meets his and he can see the truth and desperation in your eyes. "Please?"
"Fuck, okay, kick me if it's too much or you need a break or change your mind or-"
"I won't." You sound so certain that Yoongi can only nod and curl his fingers to show that he's more than willing. There's practically no pressure to his touch yet you still gasp and slump against the pillow as your eyes flutter shut.
Yoongi licks his lips and takes a second to compose himself before he applies a little pressure. Your mouth opens in a silent gasp but otherwise, you're practically boneless on the mattress, entirely trusting your vulnerability to him, submitting to him in a way nobody ever has before. Yoongi growls a little and doesn't even have it in him to question himself there before he returns to fucking you, rougher than before with longer strokes yet still successfully pulling moans from your parted lips.
He waits a little before squeezing harder, hard enough to make breathing hard for you but you fucking love it, clamping down tight on his cock and making no attempt to free yourself. Yoongi's cock throbs and as much as he wants to keep going, he knows he can't and removes the pressure to allow you to suck in some ragged breaths.
He takes the chance to readjust his position so that he can once again mouth at your skin and work on another mark, slowing his hips enough that he doesn't jostle your body as much. But that makes you whine in complaint. If you can whine, you have enough breath is Yoongi's thought and then he's constricting your airflow again and angling his hips to try and find that spot inside you again. When he finds it, you choke so he releases his pressure and focuses on once again battering that spot with short quick thrusts that make you moan endlessly through heaving for breath.
With his hand resting on your throat, your walls dripping and tight as hell around his cock and his mouth suctioned to the crook of your neck, Yoongi is so fucking close to an orgasm. You're so fucking tight around him, tight like pre-orgasm tight but he has no idea if you can orgasm without clitoral stimulation. He's vaguely concerned that he will cum while you suffer without your clit being touched but he himself physically can't and you're too far gone to seem to register that it's something you can actually do.
Too close and desperate to stop, Yoongi decides he can make you cum once he has himself and once again tightens his hold on your throat. To his surprise, your back immediately curves and your pussy spasms around him as wetness suddenly increases and he's hit with the possible fact that you just squirted with your orgasm.
Yoongi's orgasm hits him like a truck. He doesn't mean to bite down harder and doesn't even register the metallic taste on his tongue until the post-orgasm fuzz leaves his brain. He gasps in shocked horror and leans back, glad that he had moved his hand from your throat and not also choked you out in a non-sexy way in his mindlessness. The bite mark is pretty vicious looking; bruised deeply from his sucking and ringed by tooth-shaped indents, all of which are bleeding a little. Luckily, none are particularly deep but still, he's horrified, partly by what he's done and partly at the fact the sight sends arousal flitting teasingly through his body.
"Yoonie?" Your soft voice snaps him back to reality to find you blinking concernedly at him over your shoulder. "It's okay," You assure, reaching your left hand back to lay on his thigh and rub soothingly. "Really, don't look so scared, I'm not mad,"
"I fucking bit you!" He squeaks. "You're bleeding!"
"Yes, I see," You muse, gaze dropping to his lips pointedly. He quickly rubs his hand over his mouth roughly to remove the blood. "I'm not new to bleeding during sex."
He opens his mouth to respond, once again planning to berate himself but then he registers your words and blinks dumbly at you. "What?"
"I have experimented a lot, oppa, not always with the best people to try potentially dangerous things with."
He sighs your name out worriedly. "Please don't tell me you've let someone hold a knife to your skin during sex. I know you joked about it before but I seriously thought it was just a joke."
"I haven't," You assure before grinning a little awkwardly. "Yet,"
"I'm not letting you do knifeplay with some asshole, don't be ridiculous."
"You're not an asshole."
He blinks at you a few times. "Me?" You hum in confirmation. "You want me to put a knife to your skin?"
"I want to try it and you're the only person I trust like that," You shrug and turn your head back away both because the angle is hurting your neck and because you suddenly feel honestly kind of like a freak for even suggesting it. Knife play is no joke and something most people don't even know exists and even fewer actually think is a good idea. "I'll forget about it, you seem scared enough just biting me hard enough to draw blood, it was stupid to suggest."
"Wait wait wait," He huffs and shuffles backwards to create the space to turn you onto your back so that you could look at one another. "I don't want you to feel bad, that's not a look I see on you, stop it,"
"It was stupid to suggest though." You frown. "I'm sorry-"
"No, stop, it-" He takes a breath and then drops down onto his back beside you and only then realises how much his right shoulder hurts. He reaches up to rub it only for you to roll over and bat his hand away so that you can massage it yourself.
Yoongi watches your concentration for a few minutes with a fond smile before he reaches out to tilt your face to him and leans up to gently kiss you. You hum, surprised but very pleased and kiss him back, leaning forward so that he can lower back onto the pillow and not hurt his neck.
When you pull apart, he keeps his hand on your cheek and strokes his thumb over your skin softly. "I was scared that I hurt you, I didn't mean to and it scared me how easily I could accidentally do serious damage if I'm not careful." You make a noise of understanding. "But I was also scared that I liked it," Your eyebrows lift in genuine surprise. "I saw what I had done and I fucking- I liked it, like it turned me on a little."
"Really?" He nods. Despite the conversation, the way your eyes light up with joy and excitement makes him chuckle fondly. "So would you consider knife play?"
"I…I think I can consider it, yeah," He confirms, earning a bright smile followed by a very thorough kiss.
You can't say for sure what your future relationship with Yoongi holds, but you're real fucking excited to find out.
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107 notes · View notes
mysterycitrus · 5 months
i know you've been talking about jason lately so i'll ask about smth different... robin jason (sorry)
idk idk lately i've been wanting to take a peek at his robin comics for the sake of writing fic (ofc...) but i'd like to hear what u think before that, a summary of sorts if u may (i also wanna contrast what u say with what i get out of it so yeah)
i feel like his robin days are so muddled by his identity as red hood later on, and even before that it was his death. u had people constantly blaming jason for dying in text (or else they'd have to admit bruce can make mistakes and everyone in dc is allergic to doing that) and painting him like someone reckless and violent (classist editorial u need to DIE), and then people in fanon painting him like a sweet fella who would do nothing wrong and as well as being bruce's Only Actual Son etc etc for the sake of making the situation around him all the more sadder (yeah yeah pathetic meow meow we've all seen it)
and i'm just curious bc i rlly wonder what the actual comics say about him, most likely something in the middle of this? exams are killing me but my god i'll come back to life after im done just to read jason robin's days... have a good day !!!
the difficulty with reading about jason as robin is that there are three primary periods that all differ fairly dramatically from each other — pre-crisis jason todd is a strawberry blond acrobat who’s almost adopted by dick grayson before becoming robin; post-crisis jason todd is a kid from crime alley who steals the wheels off the batmobile before becoming robin; and post-crisis, post-utrh jason todd is a very angry, very violent kid who becomes a cautionary tale after he gets himself killed (something he is often blamed for).
we can walk the line here. pre-crisis jason isn’t particularly relevant because so much of robin!jason’s stories depend on his reinvention after the reboot. all the crucial factors leading up to death in the family — growing up in the alley, both his mothers, his relationship with the robin mantle, his developing relationship with dick grayson, his slow schism from bruce, his relative isolation from other superheroes — are all crucial to who he is, especially after his death.
fanon about jason is annoying because there are valid criticisms that can be made about how he’s written with regressive, classist stereotypes, but as always it pivots way too far in one direction. jason wasn’t the “happy” or “angry” robin in the same way that dick wasn’t the happy or angry robin — they’re both characters that possess more than a single emotion. it’s true that jason was later written to be more explicitly violent (to contrast him with dick) but also like… they’re both pretty similar characters that differ in interesting ways. dick created robin to be a symbol of hope and joy. jason carried that on when he took up the mantle. they can both be angry at stuff without the world falling apart. it’s not that serious.
the dialogue about dick being a child soldier but jason being the true son makes me want to tear my hair out. jason became robin because bruce missed dick and was afraid of being alone. they’re both his gd kids. acting as though bruce wayne doesn’t love dick grayson so much that extra-dimensional beings can clock it is so fucking stupid. it once again ties into fanon’s obsession with each character only getting to be “one” thing. tim is smart, which means he’s the smartest. jason said robin made him magic, which means he’s happy all the time. dick chased after zucco in a grief spiral, which means he’s the violently angry one, with no other character traits. dick can’t have been nice to jason because he’s nice to tim, etc. seems a little silly, no?
i think i’ve only read jason’s brief run as robin once, though ive gone through a death in the family + a lonely place of dying a bunch of times, so ig my advice for reading him is to keep in mind the context in which he was created. dc comics was reeling from losing dick grayson as robin, and were really throwing anything at the wall to get something to stick. many, many negative tropes are baked into his introduction, and thanks to writers like jeph loeb and scott lobdell they have compounded over time. jason’s updated backstory is, with actual critical intent by the writer, a really good examination of how poverty and class will affect how someone views the world. his death was not his fault — and removing sheila haywood from that warehouse purposely makes his story less tragic. he was a good kid! and he was angry for a good reason. if jason had lived, i believe he would’ve carried on the robin tradition and left bruce behind once their differences became insurmountable.
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lady-ashfade · 10 months
Hi! I've taken a gander at your writing and I LOVE it! If possible, I'd like to make a request of some hcs (or a short drabble, either is fine) of Astarion x a gender neutral, autistic!Tav? Perhaps they've spent a long time masking and have been terrified of telling him about their neurodivergence, but eventually (very nervously) tell him after some time into their relationship? I'm curious to know how he might react. I've fallen head over heels for this man and it would mean a lot to me as someone who's still working to fully embrace their autism. Thank you for your time 💜 ♾🌈
Hidden Truth
This is very short so I apologize! It’s also kinda shitty because I’ve never done much about this before
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Astarion x Autistic!Reader HC’s
I do not have autism, and don’t know much about it. But how ever I have seen a lot about it because I have a lot of symptoms so I looked it up to be more in depth with this. I’m so sorry if I get things wrong💓
Warnings: Poorly written autistic people, mention of people leaving for this, short explanation, over all kinds fluffy and a bit sad. Idk.
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Astarion noticed that you weren’t like the others, there was just something about you. It wasn’t anything bad you just…Are very unique. And he loved it that.
The way you looked around each cave or place you visited and found something cool. Your little face lights up and starts to squeal and shake your hands around.
He loved how you got so excited over things.
Then when you looked around for a clue of what to say, you tensed up when people cried around you. Or, saying the wrong thing at the wrong time because you didn’t read the room. But, he loved to laugh about it.
Fighting was hard when there was loud sounds and he could see you flinch each time even though you had done this many times before.
At camp he noticed how you played with your hands or things in your hands. But he hated when he’d find you in a panic and never told him what was going on.
These are some of the things he noticed even if you tried so hard to hide it.
You had visited him outside of his tent with a plan to come clean, or to tell him. You loved him and wanted him to know about you, but it was so hard. You often dreamed about him calling you a “freak” and leaving you. It always made you sick to your stomach.
“Why the look? You’d think my presence would make you smile.” He’s tease and inch closer, swaying his body.
“I um- I have something I’d like to talk to you about.” The tone in your voice made him slightly worried but he didn’t show it. Only smirking and showing you to the log in front of the fire. “Anything you’d like, darling.”
You sat down next to him and began to pour your hear out to him. Explaining that you had autism and what the entailed, his confused face made it almost laughable. But he listened to your words like you have always done with him.
Each detail he could see exactly what you were taking about having witnessed you doing so.
“And, pray tell. Have you decided to tell me now?” He saw how you panicked and his eyes went slightly wide at the wrong tone he used. “I only mean..What took you so long?”
You looked away from him and avoided eye contact as it became hard. “I was afraid you’d hate me.” Hugging yourself at the memories of many doing so. “I didn’t want you to leave me.”
His heart broke and his chest felt heavy at the thought you- His darling. Were scared to tell him. So he laughed a bit.
“Oh, how cute. There isn’t much you could do for me to leave you and especially over something you can’t control.” His hand rested onto of your thigh and he scooted closer to you. “I find your traits endearing.”
His other hands reached to cup your cheek and turn your head, he was so soft. Softer then he’d ever been before. “I- I appreciate you telling me. You’d never have to worry about telling me anything,” he leaned forward and leaned his head on yours. “It’s clear to see that you have me wrapped around your finger, and my amazing self has you around mine.” His lips turned to kiss your cheek. 
Astarion doesn’t really care about it much. He learns how to make you feel better and help when you get overstimulated easy.
But he’s very protective when you get stares for a tic or anything. Pulls out his weapon and threats them, glares or just straight up yells at them.
He’s with you when you need him. Over all astarion is supportive over it.
But he was confused for a period of time and acts differently until you tell him not to. He just wants to make his baby feel safe and understood.
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mysticetus · 3 months
something im thinking about recently as im weighing my options for surgery
explanation: ive seen people not want scars for the most cis-passing look possible and others want to keep their scars visible as a form of pride. obviously this is not always the reason someone may or may not want visible scars so im curious as to peoples' reasoning if they do have a preference.
also, this is meant to apply to both breast augmentation and top surgery/breast reduction. not all types of these surgeries involve extensive scarring and sometimes people choose certain types because of the scarring pattern (or lack thereof), so this is also why im curious.
lastly, if you've had chest surgery i'd love to hear your view/input.
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mangosaurus · 6 days
Hi! Love your jwcc fanarts! (Hope u don't think my question is to annoying lmao 😭❤️)
I wanna ask u what do u think about that theory abt Ben gf being a catfish? Maybe one of that people that have been hunting them idk. Some posts claim it's actually Brooklyn trying to keep herself updated about the whole situation?? TO MUCH THEORIES
Also if the gf is actually real I'm curious about your opinion. Like I saw a post saying that Ben could be Bi, Pan, etc, but really, I am bisexual myself and there is no bi subtext on that boy... and it's not like they suddenly are gonna officialize he is bi/pan, or give him this type of subtext at this point of the franchise. Is not cool when people call "bi/pan" a media trying to avoid dealing with a character queerness. It's just painful that people think this is a real way of portrait of a bi/pan experience. It's not!!
AW thank you so much! i know i haven't posted much art lately but it still makes me really happy to hear that people enjoy it. and your question isn't annoying at all, don't worry about it :) i love receiving and answering asks, it doesn't matter what they're about
the more time that passes the more plausible the catfish GF theory sounds to me. if i had to guess, ben probably met his girlfriend online, possibly through dark jurassic (which a lot of the fandom seems to be in consensus about). as for it being brooklynn ... not too sure about that one! i've mostly treated it as a crack theory up until now, if just because of how absurd it sounds on paper, but i wouldn't put it past brooklynn to pull something like that. keeping in touch with ben is probably one of her only links back to her friends, besides her contact with ronnie (who is only partially connected to darius at this point, since he quit the DPW). i'd recommend giving these two posts by kitabearuwu a read if you're interested in exploring that theory further.
now if the girlfriend is real: i obviously can't speak for you or other bi/pan/otherwise mspec people, but i've come to not care all that much, if i'm being honest. it was definitely a shock to hear, as was the intended effect, since darius, sammy, and yasmina all initially reacted with surprise. but my question is what harm does ben having a girlfriend in chaos theory pose? like, does it play into any negative stereotypes? does it communicate a dangerous message about queer people? i've seen some people argue that it perpetuates the notion that mlm relationships are "icky" and shouldn't be portrayed in media, but i have to disagree, respectfully.
i think it's also really important to remember that subtext is ... ultimately kind of subjective, and is totally independent of the creator's intentions. that's the whole point of subtext—it exists below (hence the prefix sub-) the underbelly of the text. you have to be looking for it to see it, basically. and for a long time, the fandom (or at least the queer part of the fandom) subtextually read ben as gay! a lot of that had to do with his rather intimate interactions with the other boys, juxtaposed against the way he rejected yasmina when he thought she had a crush on him ("i like you, but i don't like like you ... i'm just now starting to find myself"). but ... i don't know, if we want to start citing text, you could also argue that ben's whole thing about not putting him in a box circa jwcc s5 could be a point towards him being generally unlabeled, which leaves room for him being mspec.
if i had to make some definitive statement on the matter, i guess it'd be that this fandom gets really bogged down by the specific labels of these characters, when it's really not all that necessary. this is still a gay show made by gay people featuring unapologetically gay characters in explicitly gay relationships, of which has been some of the best gay rep i've ever seen in media. and having that kind of representation on TV matters more to me than knowing what ben specifically identifies as, even if it doesn't align with my headcanon. it doesn't have to! but i also don't know for sure if it doesn't align with my headcanon, because we haven't gotten the full story yet. ben's girlfriend is most likely gonna be of some importance, given that he mentioned her twice without going into much detail about her. that leaves a lot of room in future seasons to expand upon who she is and her role in both the greater narrative and ben's life specifically, including his identity. i just think it's best we reserve judgement at this point, basically
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eldaryasharbinger · 18 days
MCL New Gen Ep 4 Review
I played the episode on early access so now it's review time! Like last time, I'll give a more generic and spoiler free opinion and leave all the spoilers below the cut!
First thing I want to say is that this might be my favorite episode so far, I've gasped in surprise A LOT while playing it, due to all the information we get to know about all the other characters, like there's a lot to unpack from this episode... I can't wait to hear what others will think of it when it's avaible to everyone!
The episode costed me exactly 1716 APs, uncle Archibald included! (I also finally found him and got the right answer! I forgot to look for him in ep 2 and 3 and missed taki's costumes :( )
So far I've only seen Jason's, Amanda's and Devon's illustrations so I'm really curious about the others. Amanda's is very very pretty and the special scene was soo good,, Devon's is pretty cute as well, I liked the idea and I wonder what the interaction was like!
Jason's kind of let me down, I didn't have much expectations and I'm not saying that it's bad, I just wish it was a little bit... more? Still the special scene was so good it fit the way I see Petronilla's personality/way of thinking if that makes sense?? Also I really enjoyed the story so me being low-key disappointed by illu is probably a me-only problem because it was perfect for the context
I'd say more but idk what others might consider spoilers or not so I'm playing safe and leaving all the other details below the cut, spoilers ahead! From the future: It's super long I really had so much to say, so if you're stopping here, remember to come back after playing the episode!
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OKAY BUT THE GASP I GASPED WHEN I SAW LYNN?? Absolutely loved seeing her animated, or yk, seeing her in general! I wasn't really expecting it but I loved the surprise!
Also lmao not Thomas just telling Lynn that he loved her as a kid I WAS SHOCKED but simply because the possibility never crossed my mind... Consider my flabbers, gasted...
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Like when I said we'd be learning a LOT about the others, I MEANT IT!! I didn't know how we'd even end up in the situation to talk about love and relationship with our coworkers in the first place (which was the premise of the episode) but it basically started after Thomas randomly revealed he loved Lynn as a kid, Elenda teasing him and him revealing (kind of) that she had a childhood crush on someone as well which is, well, DEVON!! It was so much because at that point anything could've happened... I was already so surprised and impressed by what was going on... BUT THEN !!
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I love how everyone was going crazy about Roy and Brune being in a relationship when these two have been together for two weeks, never kissed, slept together or anything
And we just have to watch these two having a the realization and simply breaking up like it was nothing...
To be honest I didn't even find it strange or weird although the other characters were kind of annoying about it, and that just because they were so chill with it?? Like, not every break up has to be screams and tears idk, maybe I didn't find it strange because I've only had good breakups? (lots of heartbreaks from relationships that never even started too ofc) Like, once two people both agree that the love is gone/was never there or anything like that I think it's only normal for it to go ok? idk I found it very icky how literally no other character said anything like this, they were all shocked because of the lack of drama? Honestly, Brune is a queen for saying "go watch a soap opera if you want drama" lmao, I love her (unpopular opinion?)
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Yeah you guessed it, I gasped AGAIN when Jason arrived at the café!
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AND I GASPED AGAIN WHEN THOMAS SAID THIS??????? HELLOOOOOOO??????? LMAO IDEK WHAT TO SAY I'm on cloud nine y'all with how the story with Jason is going, I'm THRIVING, my brain is getting back into brainrot, like everything I could've wanted, like this kind of silly fanfic trope, I'm loving it
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Okay Brune, ouch, but I still love you, you can call me anything lol
AND ELENDAAA!! SAME AS THOMAS !!! Yes keep saying these things as if we're teenagers/pos it's so so funny to me it gets me giggling and kicking my feet,, Like oooo he has a crush on you hehehehe hohohoho,, yeah I think it's the worms writing rn, they got control of my brain ;w;,
Okay so next, after we all saw Jason, we stayed on theme and Thomas started talking about how he follows him on insta in secret and how he's seen him with A LOT of women but never twice with the same one... then...
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I kind of felt bad for him because seriously, they not only started talking about his private life, they were also saying bad things about him and were so judgemental, and I get not liking the guy but at the same time it felt uncalled? all he did was go to cozy bear cafe at the same time as us and he didn't even approach us,, come on y'all no one taught you how to behave?? There's this saying that basically says "don't speak about those who are not here to listen" or something like that and I believe in that, if I'm with people who start doing this I either stay shut or remind them that they're being mean, they're supposed to be adults but some of them really think in a rather "twisted" way, like Thomas for instance, he said that since Jason uploaded those pictures himself, it was public (therefore they were allowed to talk sh*t) and man... that's such a scary way to think (I'm not calling him a creep, I get why he might htink that way), I've already stated before that I'm very paranoid and knowing that some people actually think this way (with evil intentions) is the reason why I feel so scared to post anything online, I want my life to remain private,, (these are just my experience with the situation, I'm not trying to make it sound like a big deal it just made me uncomfortable because of my personal beliefs)
Imagine "poor" Jason going for a coffee and then finding your rivals gossiping about your love life etc, and honestly the fact that I like Jason so much isn't even important because I swear I would've felt compassion for him even if I hated him with all my guts... BTW I'm not complaining about the writing, the story was very intresting and I wouldnt've wanted for it to go any diffrent!! "But Kaf! How can you say you liked it if it made you uncomfortable?" you see, I'm a weirdo and got questionable taste, I love me a pityful, loser and not really evil character, this is only making me root for Jason more, as well as making me want to put him in my mouth (means nothing I say this about all things I like so much that I just feel like I have to eat them,,)
Now get ready because next up we have the answer to Candy's question "why do we hate Jason?"
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They werent even friends to begin with, Jason was just this random guy who worked there, probably done with his job he saw Devon's file and decided to Plagiarise and try to get a chance at a better job, got caught, fired and decided that he was now enemies with this other random guy as if he didn't literally steal from him because HE IS A SORE LOSER!!!!!!!! He's unsufferable on purpose, probably very very sad inside and he kind of showed that when he caught them talking sh*t because he looked very serioius, no smile or anything
today is a great day for me, because I've now decided that I'm 100% right and this is how the story goes for Petronilla's story, even if in the future we might a diffrent story, this is how it is in my mind :D!
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I love how she's like "i'm just investigating the rival! I'm totally not zooming in on each and every picture!" she's so real this is 100% 'Nilla behaviour (me too)
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This is Jason's illustration and now you can understand what I meant with "I wish it were more"
More than a picture of a picture on my phone!! It's still accurate so I can't really complain about it too much, in the end I think it's good to have different perspectives (Also how pretty is he... wow...)
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Girl you're cooked
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yeah well, in my head I've already estabilished that Jason saw that and that he'll be overthinking it so much or he'll be like "ha ha, of course she liked this picture of me on purpose to send me a sign, she wants me, but of course cause she can't resist my charm! no one can!" and then feel so confident etc (a loser)
Now let's fast forward to sharing a taxi ride with our beautiful Amanda!
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do you want to kiss already or
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I don't even know why I thought that but with how things were going... the atmosphere yk... And yeah, I gasped about this too
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;A;, (yes, that's all the commentary I have left)
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The illu is so cute and I loved the outfit, just like last time I ended up buying the illustration becase the outfit was different for Jason... Although I think that this one is pefert for Petronilla! (I unlocked it in the shop with 150 hearts at the end of the episode)
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aaand this for last! to back up one of my recent reblogs talking about how Amanda isn't that bad and had her reason to be upset (in case you had the party at your house, I didn't)
That's all and wow, it's a lot
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robintherobiner · 4 days
This is an interactive story. The next part will be based on what you guys choose.
Warning, the story heavily revolves around dark topics, like suicide, abuse (all types), bullying, all that jazz. It's an au, HEAVILY canon divergent. So, idk proceed carefully
"If you're watching this, it means I'm dead."
Suddenly, Jason wished he'd never bought the sticker covered camera. He'd seen it in a charity shop, looking all lonely on it own little table. All the other camera were old, and had dents and scratches, but this one looked almost new and bursting with personality.
It had cost a lot, of course, and Jason had considered putting it back down. After all, he didn't need a camera. He was pretty sure Bruce had one at home anyways.
But then he'd seen a sticker, right under the shutter button, and he'd recognized his own costume. Whoever had owned this camera had liked Robin, his Robin, with curly hair and freckles instead of tanned skin and sparkly shorts. He had to buy it now, he thought, and so he did.
Jason pressed the play button again, and stared at the kid on the screen. He looked pale, and far too skinny for someone who, if his Bristol accent was anything to go off of, clearly had enough money to buy food.
"Sorry. I realize that was probably, like, a really big thing to say. Or, not big, I guess, it was only eight words. Tough? No.. Eh, whatever." The kid shrugged. "Point is, sorry. You picked up my camera though, so you have three options."
The whole situation is bizarre. He sort of assumed there would be pictures of nature, or videos of some cool tricks if the skateboard stickers are anything to go off of. Not a fucking death announcement.
Still, Jason is curious. Is the kid in danger, and thats why he thinks he's going to die? Or is he sad? Jason lived on the streets, he's not a stranger to people who's heads are clouded, people who think things will never get better. He's never felt that way personally, but he's known lots of people who ended up hurting themselves.
"First, you could just throw the camera away. A bit of a waste, since it's pretty good quality, but whatever. Second, you could delete everything on here and just use it yourself. I'd be okay with that. Photography is fun. Or, if you wanted, you could watch these videos."
Here, his cheeks flush, as though embarrassed. Its hard to hear, but Jason thinks he can hear the boy mutter something along the lines of what a dumb thing to say.
"Even though I'm going to die, I still sort of want to do cool things. Have a coming-of-age movie moment, you know? But I can't have one, so the next best thing is to try give it to someone else." Camera Kid paused. "I think coming-of-age movies are only for teens, though. It would be cooler if I, like, changed the life of someone who's already an adult. Cuz people my age aren't fully developed. That's shaping a life, not changing it. Changing a life would be much harder than shaping one."
Hm. Maybe Jason should give the camera to Dickhead. He's an adult, legally. Give the kid, whoever he is, his wish to try change a life.
Jason would never admit it, but he can't help but snicker. There's no way some random kid can shape or change a life. Especially not with a... Jason checked. Not with a one and half minute video.
"But if that doesn't happen, it's fine. Not like I'll know anyways. I like this camera, so I'll only give it away just before I die. Unless I come back as a ghost who's like, tethered to this camera, I'll never know if anyone watches these videos."
With those words, Jason sobered. It didn't feel funny once he remembered that whoever this kid was, dumb hopes aside, was clearly certain he'd die. If what he said was true, then he already was. That made Jason feel really bad for laughing, and even a little sick.
He'd seen dead bodies before, even his own mom's. He'd watched, smelt, and heard people die. He'd talked people off the ledge, both metaphorically and literally. But this? Holding the beloved camera of a boy who was most likely dead? It made death feel melancholy in a way Jason had never felt before.
"So, yeah. You have three options." The boy says, and reaches out to end the video.
Jason didn't know what to do. Really, he has four options.
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Do you think the Peters would continue to wear their masks in HQ because it's weird seeing your face on other people even if they're all a teensy bit different or would they have gotten over it quickly?
This kinda opens up a big chasm that I'm SO CURIOUS ABOUT - Because I would assume they'd get use to it, but HOW.
And now this has turned into a long post about
The Spider Society: Multiverse Integration Process Analysis
[In this post I theorize and deconstruct:
The psychological existential damage that would come with joining The Society
How The Society handles integration and mental health for new recruits in everything from those in different timelines (Noir & Webslinger), Duplicates (Like Gwen & Hobie)
These are all headcanons based on.....me.
And...this devolves into a rant a little bit in the beginning BEAR WITH ME - But I hope you enjoy and I'm DYING to hear people's thoughts!! We GETTIN INTO IT]
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So. Joining the Society sounds swell. But thinking about it for more than two seconds..
Even the idea is like...borderline traumatic.
Think about it. Like we've only ever seen ourselves in mirrors and photos - mirrors being reflections and photos having a shorter focal length than the human eye.
We normally have a very limited view on how we've ever seen ourselves externally.
So turning up to HQ isn't just seeing yourself - it's seeing yourself WRONG. In a way you've never seen yourself before. Some even theorize that your brain wouldn't even process it as you because of your visual expectations of yourself.
So as a Peter-
Maybe he doesn't even realize at first that the people around him ARE HIM, until it clicks like 'OH. THATS WHAT I LOOK LIKE?!' Is that my face???
It would only take a couple seconds to do the math, but it's still JARRING. To see yourself moving and speaking and actively laughing.
Hearing your own laugh.
HEARING YOUR VOICE SAY THINGS YOU'D NEVER SAY. Literally looking at another Spider-person like 'I would not say that'. It must be so mentally jarring and confusing to suddenly have a new and complete external view of yourself you have no control over - even moreso with such wide variation.
And then it goes even further - as trans person like
I imagine Trans-Guy Peter Parker turning up to campus and realizing '..oh, most other Peters are cis.' The emotions of that would be so surreal and conflicting. Part affirmative of your place in the universe as a guy, but also part isolating or confusing.
Part 'Hell yeah other guys', part 'WTF universe' [Like if I saw cis guy version of myself bruh Idk if I'd hug him or fight him to the death right then and there i REALLY don't know I might snap and go Miguel Mode on that mfer anything could happen]
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It even goes further to time eras:
I understand why Noir isn't in the Society. Having a bunch of Spider-people from 2023 saying 'Oh wow you're from 1933, well your life is gonna SUCK for the next decade or two cause in my universe in WW2 Germany-'
Like...that's NERVE-WRECKING.
Cause he'd probably be like 'wow swell, chipper. so umm...is WW2 a canon event because im trying really hard to stop that'
Imagine being from the 1930's and someone comes up and spoils WW2 for you. WORLD WAR 2. SPOILED. Like it's a soap opera.
If someone shows Noir Oppenheimer it's like..game over. What's he gonna do does he even know what an atom bomb is.?????
When joining, everyone is faced with a LARGE possibility of existential damage - even moreso for Peters, minority Peters, or people like Gwen.
Which begs the question - HOW DOES INTEGRATION WORK?
How does The Spider Society handle Integration?
I'm so curious to hear thoughts about this. Because how can you integrate someone of a different history, technological understanding, and basic EXISTENCE without psychologically sending them in a tailspin?
I'm gonna take a crack at it!
Culturally and Timeline wise? -
Culturally, how does one adjust? Like Noir?
I was thinking about this with the creation of my new OC - and I ran into a huge problem in terms off integration.
I recently created an OC who is supposed to come from a Wakanda-like rendition of South America - in a universe where the Spanish conquistadors never colonized.
Which is a lovely thought - But logically speaking
That Spider-person has to go to HQ and be told that in every other world their land was colonized for hundreds of years. *vine thud*
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Then that Spider-person would logically, have to be told that large swathes of their culture were either destroyed, desecrated or were never created to begin with because of this colonization
- and that THEIR universe is the only universe where their people survive and thrive.
AND THEN they're looking at her like
'Now that we explained that uhhh can you go through an integration course for us? :) so you can assimilate into our society? but the course is only in widely spoken languages like English and SPANISH. Do you speak SPANISH? Welcome to NUEVA YORK btw'
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UH-OH. THAT SUCKS ASS. Who's gonna be the one to tell her that???
Of course she'd be like 'Actually, this is the worst day of my life i hate everyone here and im psychologically stressed beyond repair, thanks for that. your society and multiverse sucks balls btw'
And this is not something I'm choosing to put the character through.
In fact, the character is supposed to be about the empowerment of Quechua people and avoiding the trauma of colonization.
But by simply existing in the context of The Spider Society - Logically speaking - she has to face this huge inevitable trauma and reality outside of her universe.
And that adjustment goes way beyond her learning technology. She'd genuinely be in mourning.
She wouldn't be able to connect with other Latin American Spider-people, because she's NOT 'Latin-American'. That idea is foreign to her.
She'd constantly be told or sent messages that her universe and nation and reality was a novel rarity. A lucky fluke.
There has to be some integration process in place -
If you're from a universe like Barbieland, where your society is matriarchal, you'd probably be really stunned and hurt to experience casual or outright sexism for the first time.
And then being told by other Spiderwomen that - yeah no, your universe isn't actually that common. Most universes SUCK for women.
-That'd scare the shit outta you. You'd be like fine I dont wanna go to other universes I wanna go home and cry
On the other hand, people like Hobie exist, who hail from dystopias. And for them, it's the reverse. The Society may be a new batch of freedom they've never dealt with before.
And they have to be assured they are back not and do have more freedom and that's good. Almost like the deprogramming from a cult (into something another society that's very similar).
Someone would have to explain:
People from different times (or social standings) as well.
Sure, Hobie may have adjusted easy, but we can only assume that. And I've talked before about how learning about other Spider-People, The Society, and their blatant disrespect to what HE considers the point of Spider-man - was probably incredibly stressful for him.
Or even simple things of telling a black Spider-person from let's say 1940 that 'you have equality now - there's groups and movements and you can meet black people from newer universes that are happy and free to do as they please. You can heal'. After DECADES of oppression.
Or telling a gay or trans Spider-person 'Oh, most universes are actually super accepting. I'm sorry yours is so oppressive. The HRT here is great and free.'
EVEN FOR SILLY PEOPLE for Spider-people like lets say Spider-Fool (a silly little guy). How do you explain to Spider-Fool that Miguel isn't a king - he's just some guy and NO horseback jousting with Webslinger is against rules and not a way to settle disputes??
They're not hearing that.
Or explaining to people that Lyla isn't a person and its possible for her to be everywhere at once.
Logically speaking someone has explain this to them right out very early on and I'm so curious about that!!
There has to be something there to mentally support them so they don't crack and also explain to them the nuances of existence in a universe that's literally like the New York of the multiverse- full of dozens of cultures and subgroups.
My Analysis -
So I'm assuming an cultural integration includes:
Some sort of Common World History Course
A Social Etiquette Course and a
Multiverse Minority Sensitivity Course that deals with either accepting and adjusting to the fact you're a Multiverse Minority or how to approach and speak to Multiverse Minorities if you're a Peter or something.
Optionally: The MMS Course may also include routine therapy sessions at the Mental Health Center to check their adjustments
So okay, you've explained the multiverse and how to exist in it! Great
Now you have to explain THE TIMELINE.
Which is arguably WORSE. And I'm not even TOUCHING Canon Events here.
Let's talk about Gwen. Because I feel for her. REALLY REALLY BAD FOR HER.
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How did they explain to Gwen WHO she was - or WHY these grown men were staring at her?
Imagine being Gwen on day one. Asking herself how all these guys know her name.
She's basically alone beside these new adults and Peter B. - and suddenly large groups of grown men are staring at her because holy shit she looks exactly like their sweetheart who they last saw in a goddamn casket.
Like not only is that gonna really throw off Peters mentally - it's probably terrifying for Gwen.
I'm not slagging off Peters here, but I genuinely think that Gwen's first time on campus would draw crowds. It a genuine situation on campus. Like people standing around her at all times until Miguel makes them stop.
Because when you lose someone SO traumatically, and then suddenly they're in front of you without warning - your first reaction would be to stare, and be totally stunned. It's surreal.
Even if you knew it was 'technically possible'. When they're standing there in front of you after you've seen them buried, your brain needs time to process that.
So I do think that her being there would trigger some kind of event on campus, and not in a good way.
Gwen's like 'How do these people - these GUYS know me? What's this crowd for? Why are some of them crying? This is scary.'
She's 16 for christ's sake.
And then someone has to explain to her who she is, and how she dies. Come on now.
Imagine someone being like 'Oh yeah you break ur back and die from a fall in literally every universe lol. Anyway can you go out and swing at high altitude after an anomaly? thanks, don't fall! - just kiddin'
Wouldn't you be like 'nah actually i wanna never leave my room'?. That could instill a level of fear that's paralyzing because you're waiting for the other Gwen shoe to drop (sorry had to take the pun)
Or even worse -
You're Gwen literally just existing and a grown Peter comes up to you and just shows you your own funeral photo. Like ?????????????? You'd be there like ?????????????????????!!!!!
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HOW DO YOU REACT TO THAT???? How do you stop that??? How do you explain or process that?????
That scenario is completely possible in the context of Spiderverse!!
How do they explain to people like Gwen or Hobie their 'PLACE' in the universe?
Especially someone like Hobie who isn't with the shits to begin with.
In the comics, we see Pavitr reflect on The Spider Society and race - and when entire identities are dragged into it - it's going to get confusing.
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Did they TELL Hobie's he's Prowler? Would he even believe them?
Or did they let him come across a Prowler only to see them and be like 'M8 that's me that's literally me standing there'
Once again, you may theoretically know it's possible. But also - the human brain isn't made to process that. In the moment you have no idea how you'd react, realistically speaking.
The situation in itself goes entirely against the brain's understanding of fate, reality, and your entire personhood.
Seeing yourself from 3rd person doing actions you would not do is like - forced depersonalization and disssociation. IRL.
You are literally being depersonalized from your actual basic identity. Dissociated and forced to watch from an outside view - except it's not something your brain is doing - IT'S THE UNIVERSE and you're watching it in real time.
There has to be some way all of these people are like - capable of processing all this in a natural way like a university - with some sort of mental support and coaching. It wouldn't be possible without it.
If Webslinger can walk around and see flying cars in Neuva York and not care, then something had to get him to that point.
Timeline wise - I can only guess classes are separated based on need and classifications which I spoke about here.
A Mental Health Course & Identity Coaching for Peters - to help them resecure their identity in a sea of copies
A Mental Health Course & Identity Coaching for 'Not Peters' - like Pavitr
A Mental Health Course & Identity Coaching for Duplicates - like Gwen & Hobie, to help them 'regain autonomy' in a universe in which they are a rarity or a 'lucky chance'
For their own safety and privacy people like Gwen and Felicia Hardy (NightSpider) stay in separate dorms, so they're not exposed to Peter's. (not that NightSpider stays on campus. Her penthouse is nice AF)
When a Peter experiences a Gwen Stacy canon event Gwen is put on a short sabbatical - usually Miguel just tells Hobie to keep her in his universe. This is one of the only times he'll tell Hobie to do this, but it's just easier and safer if she's not there.
Villainy Monitoring: For Hobie - extra surveillance, for a number of reasons. But Lyla also calculates his rates of villainy. They're always INCREDIBLY low, and Hobie's file indicates there's basically a 0 percent chance of him going Prowler - BUT it is something they check for. This would go for any other 'Villainous Duplicates' like Harry Osborns who become Spider-man.
Even though she's not too dangerous, NightSpider is considered a light antagonistic-but-not-evil 'Villainous Duplicate' designation in her file.
But those would have to be just the basics.
........... And now that I read this back I see that I may have went a bit off the rails...... hm.
Um...anyway I don't know where I was going for this and I'm not even sure this is what you asked for but I think it's SO interesting psychologically suhkfgdfjgkdf
This also gave me a lot of ideas for how the universes work and the web and how close different universes are but that's a whole other jar of worms.
But if you made it this far PLEASE PLEASE tell me how you think Hobie and Gwen and Your Spidersona would adjust to Spider Society! I'm curious!
..........I don't know how to end this. Thank you for this ask tho!! Here Hobie
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(my face after saying the most random shit known to humankind without proofreading and then hitting post like i did something)
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aid-worker-sya · 27 days
the more i think about my opinion the more i feel like, man. i liked SOTO... i liked Pre-Nayos SOTO at least. i find the Wizard's Court interesting. i find the new characters interesting and now just... it's over. soon we'll probably have new hub that probably takes up fucking another one of my shared inventory slots (anet container for all the scrolls WHEN) and new characters and a new plot. and the more i think about the more i feel like... we're ending right as it began.
i want to like these new characters more. they were fun for the brief time i got to see them and talk to them and see their side stories flesh out. hell even maybe see the main gang meet Dragon's Watch!!!
like i keep imagining, idk. the finale of Midnight King is more or less Eparch literally consuming all of Nayos (for gameplay reasons we can still play it's just treated as "before" the final story step) as Eparch seeks to obtain god-like power further in the Mists. maybe there's a refugee crisis with the kryptis loyal to Peitha who now need a new homeland: let's say Cascade Woods. Peitha also is now somewhat lost and directionless in the face of what is unconditionally an overwhelming defeat for her and is no longer certain she can be a worthy King for her people. the Wizard Court being forced to reveal itself to Tyria at last as Eparch's threat now becomes world-destroying. and then after a period of 2-3 years irl, the final climactic battle with Eparch to end the Wizard/Demon/Kryptis Saga once and for all to prepare for the next great adventure. a new Saga taking a few years.
but it began and ended.... and it's just over now. and i can't stop thinking almost every issue i have with SOTO could've been resolved with "i wish it had more time. i wish we could think about this for another two years and see it develop." but it's just. it's over. and the dialogue in the Tower even seems to be pretty final. like, i have NO doubt we'll see these characters again, but for now it's just... over.
so i'm genuinely curious. does anyone else feel the same? does anyone else feel like Secrets of the Obscure should have been the first installment of a new Saga, a trilogy or duology of expansions with a more streamlined focus by keeping the same writing team so the plot doesn't change multiple times before moving onto the next? or was it fine by itself?
i'm genuinely curious! and i'd love to hear your reasonings too!
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jujutsubaby · 2 months
ahhh hello! I saw your 100 followers event and first of all, congratsss! you have an attack on titan option so I'm choosing Maison Rose cafe! I'm probably in that cafe to do some nerdy research and won't order a lot to eat but I'll have a soy milk, a matcha latte, and a kouign-amann (lmao idk how to order)
(For context, I'm sapphic so I'd love a meet cute with someone nonbinary or a woman, that's all thanks love lotss)
a/n: thank you so much for sending this sweet ask babe!! hope you enjoy, had so much fun writing nerds having a meet cute hehe >:) tysm for your patience in waiting for this!! sry it's taking me a while to get thru these i am just so busy lately but i assure everyone i'm working diligently on them!!! <333
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🤍 PAIRING. hange
saturday mornings — an ideal time for some “you time”. and for you, your ideal “you time” means camping out at your favorite local cafe, maison rose, with the latest editions of the many scientific journals you subscribe to. 
as a senior researcher for the survey corps, most of your colleagues prefer to spend their time off reading anything other than studies on titans, given that that’s most of your job. you can’t help but be fascinated enough by them that you use your precious time off to stay on top of the latest discoveries, though.
your area of interest is titan regeneration, and you’re thumbing through a recently published study on that topic this particular morning as you sip your customary soy matcha latte between nibbles of a delectably sugary kouign-amann.  
you look up idly when you hear the doors to the cafe open; maison rose is typically pretty empty on saturday mornings other than you and the couple of other regular patrons, so you’re curious to see who’s coming in now.
 you gasp when you see it’s not just anyone, but practically a celebrity — the survey corps fieldwork star, hange zoe! 
given that your work has been more data analysis and lab-based, the people who do fieldwork are kind of your heroes, and hange zoe is at the top of that pyramid. this is your first time seeing them in person up close, and you try not to stare.
as they stride in and swagger towards the counter, you sigh to yourself; of course they’d just exude cool, on top of everything. 
beyond hange’s inherent charisma, powerful physique, and arrestingly sharp features, though, you admire their mind more than anything. your careers came up around the same time, so you have read almost all of their interviews in everything from mainstream newspapers to esoteric research newsletters. their interviews are always sprinkled with scientific knowledge and wit alike; their narrative voice just has a way of capturing your attention. (you absolutely don’t have a crush on them or anything — you just deeply admire them as a scientist!) 
you turn your eyes back down to your journal and take another sip of your rapidly cooling drink, allowing the pleasantly earthy flavor bring you back down to earth. so what if your long-term celebrity research crush is within breathing distance of you? that’s a pretty average situation, right? you need to get a grip! 
you try not to be too acutely aware as they pick up their americano and madeleines (not that you were paying attention to what they were ordering), and you have to remind yourself to breathe when they flop down at the table right next to yours with a loud sigh, stretching their long arms and legs out. 
fieldwork must be tiring, you think to yourself.
“yeah, tell me about it,” hange laughs, looking right at you. oops. did you just say that out loud instead of thinking it to yourself?! 
if they notice that you’ve gone completely beet red, they ignore it kindly. 
“i should’ve joined the research division like you did instead of signing up for fieldwork, i reckon,” they say with a rueful smile. hold on. they know who you are?!
they must mistake your silence for offense, since their face suddenly opens up into an exaggerated expression of shock. “oh! not to say that what you do is easy. just that i think it’s…well….so cool. so much cooler than what i do — well, not that seeing titans up close isn’t cool, but sometimes i feel like we’re just a glorified cleanup squad…i think the research studies you folks publish are just rad. like that one you published last month in Serum, about the purpose of steam in titans’ regeneration? that was just…way cool! ah, sorry! i’m rambling again…” they trail off with a sheepish chuckle.  
your jaw dropped during their whole spiel. your lab had gotten a small pet project of yours published in a recent edition of Serum, one of the more specialized titan biology related journals; it wasn’t even that popular, and your study was really just one smaller part of the project overall. you had still been proud, though, since that part of the project had felt like your baby.
you had no idea that anybody outside you and your immediate research group even cared about it,  let alone the hange zoe! 
“you’re interested in this stuff?” you ask. “i had no idea our boring grunt work would hold any appeal to a rockstar of the field like you.” you don’t hold back your admiration for them, feeling emboldened by their knowledge of your work. 
“you’re anything but boring, y/n!” they clap a hand over their mouth suddenly. “ooh, sorry, is it ok if i call you y/n? sorry, i just read so much of your work that i feel like i know you!” they laugh again. their smile is infectious, since you find yourself giggling too.
“i feel the same way!” you respond. “i loved your interview in Paradis Times last month about how you collect titan specimens safely! i felt like i was out there in the field with you.”
hange, grinning from ear to ear now, is shaking their head in disbelief. “i can’t believe the y/n l/n knows about little old me! oh, i’m starstruck! listen, do you mind if i pick your brain about your research? i have a feeling i have a lot to learn from you.” 
you agree, and they scrawl their phone number on your hand, apropos of nothing. you blush at the feeling of their hand around yours…and something possesses you to say “we can talk about things other than research, too. if you’d like.”
they give you that radiant, gorgeous grin again. “i’d like that very much, y/n.”  
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childotkw · 1 year
yeet au: im obsessed with this au. tom just showing up and, just, telling harry everything, ruining all of dumbledore's plans. horcrux stuff too and all. next time dumbledores being all cryptic or whatever, tom's just like, yeah fuck that guy anyways want to break into gringotts with me? also (this is kinda biased on my part because i like cute pets) do you reckon he'd end up stealing nagini at some point? like, idk, "was gonna kill her but she gets along with harry and i like hearing him speak parseltongue more often" or something. also (slightly unrelated), you said voldemort gets curious later on, but I assume at the start he's still on his must-kill-potter plans, I wonder how angry tom would be if he tries that in front of him lmao (i imagine lots of literal cursing with spells, and also metaphorical cursing because how can someone who has an ALIVE harry in their world be so ungrateful?)
Tom really just rocked up and became the best filter in existence for Harry.
He hears Dumbledore being all mysterious and whatnot and just starts 'translating' in the most bland voice ever because it's so stupid in his eyes to not tell your ace-in-the-hole everything he needs to know to fight your Big Bad.
Forewarned is forearmed is something Tom takes very seriously.
And it's not that he thinks Harry is an idiot or can't figure it out for himself, but Tom's impatient and he loves ruining Dumbledore's day, so he takes great pleasure in cutting through the crap in these instances so Harry can give his attention to more important matters (like training or listening to Tom or gathering horcruxes).
I'm not sure if I'd make Tom gather this Nagini - but I could see him bringing his own version of her with him? Then we could have a badass snake vs snake fight at some point. It'd also mean Harry could speak to and be friendly with a massive snake that isn't technically the Dark Lord's. au!Nagini would be chill af compared to this Nagini.
And oh boy the first time Voldemort tries to kill Harry when Tom is there goes... poorly. Tom would become so cold and blank as he stepped between Harry and his other self. His rage would be destructive but frigid like frostbite, and more than one of the unfortunate people caught nearby choke from the sheer anger permeating the air.
Tom has lost Harry once already, has had him snatched away by the cold hands of Death and has seen how life (his life) became darker as a result.
That any version of himself would think the only good Harry Potter was a dead Harry Potter was one he pitied. Because they had clearly never experienced what being the centre of such an intoxicating man's world was like.
What being loved by Harry Potter was like.
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neonscandal · 5 months
"Sure. So for Geto it's mostly that I don't like villains with a bigoted ideology and he's too incompetent to even fall in the "love to hate" category. Really, the worst thing a villain can be is incompetent and Geto in Vol 0 is barely better than your average disney villain. Doesn't help that he never gets pushback on his ideals. Gojo tells him in Premature Death that killing people is bad, but that's it. He spouts his bullshit about how genocide is totally necessary and Yuuta stands there like "idk you might be right, but you want to kill people I care about and that's the real crime here". Nobody really engages with his ideology except Yuki I guess, but that was before he became an antagonist. I could forgive that to a degree if he was at least a real threat, but he isn't. You don't get any of that with Geto, he's not even fun to hate because he barely provides any pushback. He's a bad villain and I dislike him as a person as well. His descent into embracing the superiority of sorcerers and resolving to kill all non-sorcerers was well written, but I don't feel for him at all. Good riddance to the guy, I'm glad he's now dead both in body and mind."
I was so sad, when reading this, what do you think?
When previously asked about JJK Antagonists I didn't mention Geto even though... he is my favorite.
It should also be said that, in terms of scary movies, I love a good creature feature or a deluge into the supernatural but, the scariest movies to me? Will always be the ones with human villains because they're far more plausible.
That summation of Geto is that person's opinion so I, personally, am unmoved by it. I've seen so many piss poor interpretations of Gojo and Geto's characterizations that it's honestly just best to let the story play out so people can retroactively come to some sort of understanding. Moreover, I think there are a lot of people who struggle to concede that, between Gojo and Geto, there was always love. Without that, you can't understand his spiral, you can't acknowledge the humanity of the villain. Moreover, to not understand Geto is to not understand Gojo. And.. since JJK seems to very much be a circular parallel between SatoSugu and ItaFushi, if you can't understand them you miss the whole story.
I'd be curious what villain doesn't have a bigoted and/or radical ideology, especially in shonen? They're meant to be horrible and hard to empathize with. Unless that person's tolerance for villainy is Oikawa from Haikyuu? Most stories hinge on the main character espousing a piece of whatever makes villains.. villains. RE: Yuji being a cursed vessel, Denji being a devil, Tanjiro's proximity to demons, Eren being a titan, Kaneki being a ghoul... I'd argue Naruto and Nine Tails but literally haven't seen the show at all to confidently compare.
Even so, let's get into Geto.
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Gorgeous, gorgeous boy. So earnest, so upright... so forged to break.
I recently went on a tirade about SatoSugu which I won't rehash here because... then I'll feel inclined to add more and no one wants to see an adult woman cry today.
As a character, Geto attempts to be incredibly principled. Design wise, he is stylized with features that liken him to Buddha which I think he individually plays into as well to give himself some sort of identity. From his long hanging lobes signifying wisdom and compassion capable of hearing the cries of the suffering, to his gentle chastising of Gojo's flippancy. He believes that the strong should protect the weak while also keeping the strong in check. But... how would a jujutsu outsider come to such a noble ideal?
We know next to nothing about Geto's parents except that they were not sorcerers and, based on his affectionate ability to recognize family beyond blood ties, I think it'd be fair to make some assumptions about what typically informs a characters predilection for the found family trope. 👀
His cursed technique, I think, creates an impetus for purpose. I don't know how he figured out he could do curse manipulation. But we know he swallows the curse, the likes of which is compared to a rag that had been used to mop up vomit, in order to subjugate it. This process, this martyrdom of ingesting the negative run off of mankind has to have a reason to justify his suffering. Because, as the only person we see with this technique, it must feel like a burden only he knows. Moreover, with a special class technique, it's not like he's given much of a choice. But if it helps people, if it has meaning, purpose... he can endure.
We've seen the perfect storm of events that, don't necessarily challenge his pre-existing ideals, but... force him to question whether the ends justify the means. We can call each of these events a moral injury and I don't think it's a stretch to say that there is a link between staunch morality and radicalism which I'm going to bastardize as saying a person may have their ideals on a righteous pedestal. Believing that if I do "A" and "B" then "C" is sure to follow and it allows them purpose and reason. But life is seldom free of other stimuli. I'm not going to go into great depth about examples of this but suffice it to say, this break in Geto's belief system caused an internal chasm we see immediately.
When Gojo asks him if he should kill the believers that applauded Riko's death, Geto said "no, there'd be no reason" which I believe is sufficient for Gojo since he readily leans on Geto as a moral compass. But Geto keeps rationalizing further, likely to curb his own impulse to kill those gathered ignorantly in celebration. OP talks about no pushback on his ideals but the truth of the matter is the biggest pushback for Geto is internal.
When he decided to slaughter that village, he didn't leave a margin of error to come back from. He had to keep moving forward, keep pushing to achieve this impossible world because to not would mean that the atrocities he committed were done in vain and we know, from his characterization, that he would not be able to accept that. Gojo speaks of Geto not starting a war he can't win during JJK0 which is empirically incorrect. When they parted ways in high school, Geto relented that with Gojo's power, his vision could come into fruition. They both knew he didn't have the means to achieve this but he didn't have anything else to stand on. So he hurled himself further and further from his previous path of righteousness and further from himself. He'd committed too great a sin to not give it meaning. To question it now would shatter him completely.
So much of what makes Geto compelling is the fact that he is inherently characterized as a good person, forthright and gentle. He'd have been a great teacher. In fact, the events that transpired between Gojo and Geto are why Gojo is a teacher in the first place. I believe he tried to be a great father figure to Nanako and Mimiko (again, let's forget the murder for a minute) because he pointedly did not raise them in the ways or traditions of jujutsu society. He protected them as best he could even though they still didn't survive their teenage years because they were ignorant about binding vows with sorcerers! Crazy when you think about it. Even what he thought to be a kindness to them cost them fatally.
Things happened to him, likely intentionally, to create this departure from reality and the jujutsu world. He was forged to break because he lacked the flexibility and nonchalance to not be overly concerned for others. He wasn't a diabolical genius, he was overly compassionate and at a complete and total loss when terrible things continually happened to good people who were already sacrificing so much. Riko Amanai was resigned to give up her short life to guarantee the future of Japan. Haibara was a ray of sunshine who, with the means to do so, wanted to help people. The twins were simply cursed to see things the other villagers couldn't, a burdensome reality that damned them to a life he was finding no meaning in, himself. His weakness perhaps lay in a weakness of character? but I wouldn't even say that, honestly. He's like placid water hiding a violent undercurrent deep below the surface.
The gap between who he was and who he died as should be jarring. It should be a demonstration of the grisly reality of jujutsu society. Where classes of 2-3 children are regularly pressed to fight beyond their means against horrors only they know. The sacrifices of the few to protect the many regardless of their virtue. That's the point. He was a casualty of a system that would always lead him toward a moral crisis.
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cookierunauprompts · 5 months
https://www.tumblr.com/cookierunauprompts/741012613726633984/great-now-i-cant-help-but-think-of-one-dnd-au?source=share same anon!
Yes kingdoms and cookies! Aaaaaaalso I think white lily and dark enchantress would be separate in this because of well...spoilers below and marked where spoilers are. but idea basically is like for the specific prompt if you want it...well got two prompts and idk which one you'd wanna do first so I'll list them both (also forgot to mention...imagine it being a big dnd club and the characters who arent in that specific part of the campaign like in the beast yeast chapter, when the other ancients arent with pure vanilla, they are gathered around the table to watch and eat snacks and basically be giving advice....oooor for the cookies who decided to watch to try to be the devil on someone's shoulder "hey, you should try blank!"):
Potential prompt 1: the session where y/n is like "ok guys! Today, shadow milk will be joining us and he already got his character sheet...and he wrote himself as...very crazy, which isn't surprising since he is crazy himself! Sooooo this should be fun!"
Potential prompt 2: the session of the final battle...the prologue to the campaign aaaaand maybe when golden cheese rolls her nat one...curious who would laugh buuuut I bet gingerbrave at the table might be like "OH MY WITCHES, GOLDEN CHEESE IM SO SORRY!!!"
Keep reading if you want spoilers:
Ok, I warned ya!
The fact that later on in the story, it is revealed that somehow white lily cookie and dark enchantress cookie are two separate people...surprising, I know!
Requested Prompts #37 - ✦
" Alright everyone, that brings us to the end of the Dark Flour War." You say, glancing around the table at the cookies gathered. A collective sigh of relief swept through them, it had been a rough session, that was for sure. " Now then," You say, clasping your hands together. " I'd like you all to roll for the status of your kingdoms, just a plain d20, aight?" " But what about me?" White Lily Cookie speaks up, ah, right, technically she didn't have a kingdom of her own. Then again, the two of you did have something planned. " Uh... Roll for your own safety." You advised, and you could soon hear the clatter of dice upon the table. " Natural Twenty! Woohoo!" You could hear Hollyberry Cookie cheer, and you gave her a small applause for what was her first and only nat20 of the session. She'd gotten close with some 19's, but no twenties. " Alright, that leaves the Hollyberry Kingdom with pretty mild, yet very fixable damages. Very few died to the flames of the war, and it's overall decent." You explain, referencing your small chart that you had prepped for a moment before looking back up. " Who wants to say their roll next?" " I will." Dark Cacao spoke up, taking a moment to glance down at his roll. " ...Fourteen. Is that good?" " It's good enough," You begin, checking your chart. " There are some decent damages, nothing too broken though considering your kingdom's defenses, and some casualties. But overall the Dark Cacao Kingdom should be able to bounce back." Dark Cacao gave a nod of approval, meanwhile Pure Vanilla Cookie was next to speak. " I got a ten, how well off is the Vanilla Kingdom?" He asked, you could just sense the nervousness in his voice. Though all of you knew that it wouldn't be doing any good considering that the final battle took place there. " Hm... Well, after the war; The Vanilla Kingdom is mostly destroyed and abandoned... Though a lot of the citizens were able to escape via airship." You explain, catching sight of Pure Vanilla's expression melting into some form of relief. Even though it was just a game of Kingdoms and Cookies, it couldn't help but feel real to a degree. That's just how good of a dungeon master you are! " Um.. I got a five." White Lily then speaks up, and you already know your response. " Comatose in a glass coffin over at the Faerie Kingdom." You say almost immediately before turning your attention to Golden Cheese Cookie, who was staring at her dice rather intensely. " Golden Cheese Cookie? How about you?" Golden Cheese Cookie didn't respond, simply just staring down at her dice, what she rolled, dumbfoundedly. The staring continued for a moment before Golden Cheese slumped on the table, head in her hands. " ... natural one." She whispered as quiet as a mouse. " I'm sorry, what did you say?" You asked, not having quite heard her. " I got a natural one..." Golden Cheese admitted, and now you felt sorry for what you were about to tell her. " Oh, I'm very sorry for your loss." You begin, " The Golden Cheese Kingdom... For as far as you know, is completely destroyed. It's people, your friends there, your treasures. All of them... are gone." Golden Cheese Cookie looked devastated beyond words, meanwhile Dark Cacao Cookie offered some comfort in the for of a few pats on the back. Due to the fact that he was the closest to Golden Cheese in their positions on the table.
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