#idk if anyone is actually going to read this (and if you do i admire you bc it's. long)
mattypattypinky · 3 days
are requests for inside out 2 only for anxiety? If so, could a request anxiety x reader/emotion who spends most of their time reading in HQ and is anxiety's secret admirer and sends her letters?
Hi! yes uhhh I dunno, I'm making writing for the characters I personally have a crush on because I can focus on them easier and how their manners are
I would be more than willing to write for Joy or Anxiety bc I have a crush on them both and pay attention to them
- but, idk abt the others, I'd be open to it but I would have to rewatch the films and focus on their behaviorisms before doing so, so it would take a long time to actually respond to the requests. Because when I watch movies or play games I often hyper focus on ONE character and everything they do and forget to pay attention to the rest.
TLDR. MAYBE but I'd have to rewatch the movies to get to know the other emotions more
That being said
Anxiety (Inside Out 2) x secret admirer reader
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First of all, wow, secret admirer. She'd be extremely flattered, and might be a little overwhelmed by this. She's never had a secret admirer before! She doesn't know what to do...
I feel like she would come to the theory its you rather fast. Of course, I don't think she'd point fingers until she absolutely knows, or until you come out and tell her, out of respect for your privacy, but...
She watches people. It's just something she does. And she knows their behaviors. She would know you read a lot. And because of this, she might come to a conclusion that you may also be a decent writer. Long readers usually enjoy writing as well! Not always, but sometimes.
I feel like she'd sit and overthink the possibilities of who it could be, and at the end of the day, she'd have like... A tie between you and sadness. But, she would be confused as to why in the world Sadness would be sending such sweet, positive love letters.
I feel like she'd find a sweet place to put all your letters... She would organize them, from the dates they arrived.
She may also have a separate spot she puts the one she particularly likes to read when she's having trouble sleeping, or needs something to calm her down or make her happy in a moment of irrational stress.
She would respect your privacy, and not share the letter with anyone, even if Envy wanted to read it. She doesn't know if you want random emotions reading your heart filled messages to her, so she refuses to let any other eyes meet the words on the pages.
I do think that she would get a little technical with it, though. She really likes paying attention to the smallest of details on people. She might even know how everyone in HQ's handwriting looks like at some point, especially after being there for a while. She might figure out it's you just by handwriting alone...
Or the wording you write it in, or the way the letter was sent... I feel like she's sit there, over analyzing every little detail of the letters she received before going to bed. The crinkle of the paper, if you used a pencil or pen. How you addressed her...
I feel like she'd take the saying secret admirer way too serious. It's a secret, so none of the other emotions can know she has one. For your sake, and hers, she keeps the secret letters a secret. She refuses to let anyone read them, even if they beg or pry - And she keeps her collection in a safe place where Envy can't reach, and no one can snoop.
I feel like, if she had a suspicion it was you, I think she would reach out to you. Not to accuse you of writing the letters, but to talk to you. She'd sit with you, and ask you some simple questions, like what type of books you like to read, if you had any favorite books or authors.
If you did, she would put a pin in it in her head... And later that night, she'd spend 90% of the night rummaging the books of HQ, and reading each of the books you mentioned.
Cracking energy drinks open and drinking multiple at a time while she tries to read and analyse each book or authors writing you mentioned, so that she can determine if you get any inspiration from the way that you write from them. If you made any references to the books in your letters...
She would treat it like a essay assignment that needs citing. She'd sit awake until 5 in the morning, comparing and contrasting each book or author you'd mentioned to her to your writing to see if you had any similarities.
If you did, it would further staple that you were the one who wrote those letters.
I feel like she might want to try to write a secret admirer letter to you too, but it never gets out of drafting. Each time she tries to write a reciprocating love letter...
Her hand shakes too much and she messes something up when writing back, or the ink of the pen runs out from her using it too much, or she somehow accidentally tears the paper from how furiously she's writing.
She'd crumble the paper up under any mistake, it has to be perfect, PERFECT for you! She can't hand you trash! Then you won't like her anymore!
By the end of the night, the trashcan would be over-piling with crumbled up papers, and she'd be exhausted, but she'd take out the trash to get rid of the evidence that she did any of it.
... If she ever did eventually finish a letter properly, she'd put it in a cute, clean little envelope. Actually, she might mess up packaging it in the envelope and go through like three before she gets it properly packaged, and she might put the letter down next to the books you read all day, be it a pile or the shelves, she'd find a simple, see able place to place the envelope, and then she'd RUN away from the scene, hoping you didn't see her, even though she definitely did make the letter very clear who it was unintentionally.
You two would be pen-pals, probably. I feel like she'd enjoy writing letters back to you, and having a cute back and forth thing, since she's far tok nervous to take the first step.
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jyoongim · 4 months
Okay before I put in my request lemme just get this off my chest. I love anything you do with Al (my man my man my man)!!! Like you eat every single time and if anyone says others wise they’re hating idc. Don’t ever don’t your craft I’m so serious! Much love🫶🏾
Now for my request could you do something with Alastor adjusting to his gf who’s from more modern times? I’d like to see that scary scrawny old man with a thick young lit bich. Both of them getting used to each others likes, habits, interests (he reads the paper while she scrolls on her phone, he hums old songs from his time when he’s getting ready for the day while she has or rnb playing on a speaker while she does her makeup, etc). Idk I like seeing opposites come together☺️
my man my man my man my man is right baby! Awwwwww thank you so much. Words cannot describe how this made me feel (giggling and blushing reading this) I LOVE YOU ❤️💕😘
Alastor didn’t know what attracted him to you. The two of you were complete opposites. From completely different eras.
Your attitude, style, language, hobbies all of it was so different from his time.
But he adored you nonetheless.
You used to think he was so old-fashioned. Not liking modern tech, reading the paper, cooking home cooked meals instead of takeout. Often confused when he spoke in riddles than actually being direct.
But the two of you made a cute pair.
For instance:
You were sitting at your vanity, makeup sprawled everywhere as your hiphop playlist played. You were recording a video or ‘going live’ as you put it. Alastor found himself liking the music you played as he got ready.
”who’s the old man?” He heard you say, a laugh bubbling from you as you broke out in giggles. He turned his head to see you give a sly smile in his direction before turning back to your camera.
”oh that fossil?” you chirped, giggling at the comments flooding your feed.
Another comment must have caught your attention because you snorted.
Alastor never understood your need to be on social media. To entertain others that weren’t him, but he let you be.
He was curious. What had you giggling so much?
You smiled as he appeared behind you, large lanky frame entering the camera frame. He wasn’t glitching.
”Dearest what’s got you so ticketed?”he asked, peering over your shoulder to look at the little words appear on your screen.
’why is an old man in the room with you?’
’definitely a sugar daddy’
’why you with that old man?’
He tilted his head, where they referring to him? His lip curled as he read the comments, looking at you for some context.
You giggled,wrapping an arm around his neck to rub his cheek against yours lovingly.
”yes yes this is MY man. Alastor tell everyone ‘hello’ ” he growled instead,giving your glossy lips a peck before walking back to finish getting ready.
You giggled, continuing to put your makeup on as you sang along to your music, eyes reading the comments on Alastor.
”I put this WAP on him y’all hahaha but no You know i looooove the way he treats me. Absolute princess treatment” you laughed. Alastor adjusted his bow tie on final time before turning his attention back to you
You had finished your makeup, standing up you showed your outfit of the day and made silly faces.
You leaned over your chair to read a comment
”He must be dicking you down real goodt” you read out loud and before you could respond your phone glitched out, ending your live.
You pouted, turning to Alastor “Al!”
He wrapped his lanky arms around your plush form, “such lewd comments” he said admiring your makeup.
Sometimes you catch yourself humming the songs he played as he cooked. You were NOT a cooker, so watching Alastor helped you figure out what went with what for when you actually attempted to cook.
”baby what’s that?” You asked as he pulled out multiple seasonings. He explained each seasoning, what the flavor did in different recipes and how to properly blend them so they weren’t so hard but a subtle taste. 
You weren’t too keen on his cannibalistic ways, but you loved to watch his process.
Angel and Husk often made snide comments about how you must be rubbing off on the old demon. 
“He did not use that slang right toots, what are you teaching him?”
You would shrug it off, thinking it was cute Alastor was picking up on your modern language.
Most days when the hotel wasn’t on fire, you and Alastor sat in bliss; him reading the newspaper as you asked him his opinion on random posts you saw as you scrolled on your phone.
Alastor loved to take you to lounges, not disgusting clubs you were so privy to. He thought you need to be exposed to ‘real music and dancing’. He would drag you to the dancefloor, pulling you in for a waltz or whatever old timey dance from his time.
While he didn’t mind the lustful sensation of your body rolling against his, he loved watching you trying to learn steps to old dances.
The way you flushed with embarrassment as you stepped on his toes as you tried to follow always made him laugh.
Alastor was not a fan of your attitude. You were sassy and always spoke your mind, not caring that he often spoke empty threats at you. You never cowered at him and always had to get the last word in. It really ticked him off, but it also made his chest swirl with lust when you never backed down from him.
Your arguments often led to the two of you fucking it out.
Him degrading you as you hiss insults at him, but purring as he pounded your pussy into the mattress.
The two of you were like puzzle pieces. You fit together perfectly, even if the picture looked odd.
The two of you wouldn’t have it any other way
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bl00d1nk · 16 days
ꜱʟᴀꜱʜᴇʀ ʜᴇᴀᴅᴄᴀɴɴᴏɴꜱ; ᵈᵃᵗⁱⁿᵍ ᵗʰᵉᵐ
✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:
​🇨​​🇭​​🇦​​🇷​​🇦​​🇨​​🇹​​🇪​​🇷​​🇸​: brahms heelshire, patrick bateman, herbert west
​🇼​​🇦​​🇷​​🇳​​🇮​​🇳​​🇬​​🇸​: slashers ofc, brahms lack of hygiene, brahms being possesive, brahms stalking you basically,patrick being a dick, vauge nsfw in patricks, dead people obvi, body snatching, also not read over so if theres any mistakes whoopsies
​🇦​​🇺​​🇹​​🇭​​🇴​​🇷​​🇸​ ​🇳​​🇴​​🇹​​🇪​: first time writing for slashers omds + writing for the first time properly in like a year so teehee also lemme know if you want this for other slashers :PPP also i tried to write this v gn but idk if i acc did so pls gimme suggestions on how to keep everything in my writing inclusive plsss!!! also if ur wondering what "w/" means it just means with im just too lazy to write with teehee
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𖦹 stinky
𖦹 i dont mean that in a funny way like this man fucking REEKS
𖦹 this means you will have to get him to wash himself
𖦹 only perk of that is showering n bathing w/ him, its a real big part of your relationship
𖦹 he likes it because hes close to you and it gives him a lot of comfort and feels really cared for if you wash his hair for him + likes the feeling of your fingers massaging his scalp
𖦹 he likes leaving things he thinks you'll like all around the house
𖦹 he found a crusty ass ring he'll think you'll like?KABOOSH!!!!! its on the bathroom counter
𖦹 he also doesn't take too kindly to anyone you talk to that isn't him, he gets really jealous n upset over that
𖦹 this makes him extremly bratty unfortunately
𖦹 prepare for him being in the walls and banging on them for hours on end to piss you off and placing that stupid doll everywhere just to get a scare out of you
𖦹 will literally refuse to do anything for you
𖦹 buttt you can make it up to him by telling him theres nothing to worry about n making him a wee sandwich + giving him kisses, easy peasy squeeze the lemon (im really hoping some of yous got that reference)
𖦹 brahms also likes cuddling
𖦹 a lot
𖦹 you're sitting down reading or on your phone? not without him on your lap nuzzing into your neck having a wee nap
𖦹 you might end up with dead legs by the end of it but hey! it was worth it
𖦹 probably......
𖦹 he just stares at you a lot but dw! not in a creepy way (from his perspective at least), he's just admiring your beauty
𖦹 really likes it when you read to him + it puts him to sleep
𖦹 also loves it when you brush his hair, surprise surprise it also puts him to sleep
𖦹 CLINGY!!!!!!!!! so very very very very CLINGY
𖦹 if you leave the room for a second he will follow doesnt matter if he knows where you're going he will follow
𖦹 gets so upset if you leave during cuddling even if its to pee
𖦹 he will whine n grasp n tug at what you're wearing in an attempt to get you to stay w/ him
𖦹 the time he spends following n watching you could be stalking atp
𖦹 seperation anxiety? he knows her, very well
𖦹 will cry if you leave the house until you come back, n the moment you do he practically jumps you, crying and wailing into your shoulder begging you not to leave him ever again
𖦹 will have no intentions of letting go of you for the rest of the day
𖦹 he also really like sleeping in the same bed w/ you
𖦹 he likes that he knows you're there, you can tuck him in, read to him, cuddle him, give him forehead kisses n comfort him in case he has a nightmare or vice versca
𖦹 n e ways 8.5/10 -1 for stinkyness, -0.5 for well him being him ig
𖦹 before i get into this one i actually hate patrick bateman w/ a burning passion for very obvious reasons so i struggled HARD w/ this
𖦹 alr so we all saw that les mis poster in the opening scene so he deffo would bring you along to watch any high end musicals w/ him
𖦹 SKINCARE!!!!!!!!! he has a whole ass ROUTINE which he will explain to you in great detail and explain why the water has to be a certain temp n why this needs to be put on this way n that needs to be put on that way
𖦹 would let you do skincare on him but beware that he will check the entire ingredients list before you put it on his face
𖦹 its rather boring to listen to but he looks so proud of himself while explaining it, how could you not listen?????
𖦹 he spoils you rotten like its acc so bad
𖦹 you wanted those fancy ass pairs of shoes? they're already in your hands
𖦹 you want a reservation at dorsia? you've got one
𖦹 you literally want anything in the world? you'll have it before you even know you want it
𖦹 he obviously doesn't like people apart from himself so when he found the slightest bit of attraction to you he immediatley became infatuated with you and your life
𖦹 why were you making him feel this way? how were you making him feel this way? was it sorcery? was he going insane? yeah
𖦹 suprise suprise this did lead him to asking you out which led you up to here getting whatever you want
𖦹 hes a jealous fucker i can tell you that
𖦹 especially when he sees you within a 6ft distance of paul allen
𖦹 he storms over and makes some passive aggresive comment toward the two of you and then tries to keep himself cool w/ some swanky inner monologue and eventually drags you away because he "needed to talk to you"
𖦹 spoiler alert, he didn't
𖦹 all this leads to is some rather lewd acts back at his apartment as he tries to reassure himself that he's much better than paul allen and taunts you asking if you think paul allen could make you feel this way
𖦹 rants on to you about his music collection and explains how he thinks this song led them to stardom and someone was an idiot for not releasing this and that as a single and not putting these songs in this album and yadayadaya
𖦹 great if you actually are bothered to listen to him rant on for ages horrific if you aren't, gets quite offended if you don't show much interest in his music
𖦹 i get if if you don't tho, its really something...
𖦹 we all know this man is a complete germaphobe so be absolutley horrifically aware of that unless you fancy getting yelled at
𖦹 he love love LOVESS watching texas chainsaw massacare with you, he loves it when you twos just sit there in silence and cuddle while watching people get brutally attacked n chased, how romantic!
𖦹 finds it funny when you grimace or go 'oh my god' at any brutal scene in it
𖦹 touchy
𖦹 v e r y t o u c h y
𖦹 at any public event he always has a hand snaked around your waist or has his arm linked in yours
𖦹 even in is apartment he still has that hand snaked aorund your waist
𖦹 not a fan of kissing bc he's a germaphobe but because he knows were you've been most of the time he dislikes it a little less
𖦹 prefers giving forehead kisses tho as its quick and much more hygenic than lips
𖦹 god that was tough to write but overall, 7.5/10, -2.5 for being himself. i hate him too much to give him a better rating so ja
𖦹 i am so horrendously excited to write this because for the last like 4 days i have not stopped thinking about reanimator, i eat sleep breath the franchise, and herbert west is such a giggle so teehee
𖦹 alright if you're not in the science field or have any connection to dan hes probably not going to take an interest in you as you're not one of his areas of interest
𖦹 if you are in the category of herbert wests interests well done! he tolerates you
𖦹 like patrick would notice how weird he felt around you and would probably blame it on 'primal urges' ew
𖦹 he would most likely ignore them until he can't, and it eventually all bubbles over and he just can't resist inviting you to his basement of wonders
𖦹 he just watches you intently the entire time your there much like brahms does, also not in a creepy way (in his eyes) just admiring you
𖦹 he probably goes on a rather detailed explanation of his work and what he did to get here
𖦹 if you ever feel a lil faint abt all that stuff he just puts a reassuring hand on your shoulder cuz hes a lil awkward
𖦹 lowkey enlists you alongside dan to go steal bodies and experiment on them
𖦹 if you ever get attacked by one of the re-animated he literally doesn't leave your side, mainly to see the severity of your injuries to examine the strength of the reanimated and the other tiny bit because he cares for you
𖦹 has shit talking sessions about dr hill w/ you, it mainly consists of him getting rather heated over the fact he plagiarizes his work and ya know the whole 6-12 mins thing
𖦹 is very clingy with you when dr hill is around as he doesn't want him to make any creepy ass remarks about you so he sticks to your side like he sticks to his research
𖦹 really appreciates is when you cook for him as he's a total basement dweller and doesn't leave it for food
𖦹 so lets say you actually did make something for him he would be really surprised and would be rather amused that you care enough to make him something and he'll gladly eat it
𖦹 also doesn't sleep a lot, so if and when he comes up from the basement he will be taking a nap on you
𖦹 speaking of him taking naps, he'll just plonk on top of you when he wants to take a nap so
𖦹 yay!!!
𖦹 like patrick with music herbert will rant on about science to you
𖦹 at any time, like you could be in bed ready to finally sleep and then he starts rambling about the R.E.M cycle and how benificial sleep is for the body yet he gets absolutley NONE
𖦹 isn't very good at expressing affection for you bc he's herbert so those naps and his rants are actually his way of showing he rlly likes you
𖦹 kissing isn't his favourite thing in the world bc of germs and stuff, so he presses quick kisses to your forehead, nose and cheek such a gentleman
𖦹 but, when herberts all whiny and annoyed at life he will be down for a cheeky make out sesh
𖦹 he gets very flustered after it which is pretty funny to watch so he usually distracts himself with science
𖦹 i genuinely couldn't tell you if he would use petnames or not
𖦹 will use your name 99.9999999999% of the time, just maybe will call you darling
𖦹 just maybe.....
𖦹 n e ways dunno what else to write so 8.9/10, -1.1 for being a body snatcher ig
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omds that was so hard and I was gonna add more characters but i kinda got lazy but PLEEEAAAASSEEEE lemme know what you guys thought ty :3
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srvbryn · 5 months
heyy, I was the one that asked if you're taking requests and I'm so happy you are!!
Could I request Luke x reader, where reader stats sending him some anonymous notes (just small things to avoid being obvious) and ends up getting kinda sad when Luke is considering almost every girl in the camp except her, and the ending can be whatever you like
Hope you're comfortable with this! 🥺
Also, if you're up to make tags with anon identification can I be 🫀anon? (It's so I can find the answers to my asks faster, but it's okay if you don't want to 😊
Hope you have a nice day 👋
Luke Castellan. Secret notes
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𐙚⋆.˚ Luke Castellan X f!reader (no mention of Godly parent)
Summary: "I've always admired you" He used to be the sweetest boy in camp, but now he's known as a traitor.
𐙚⋆.˚ light angst, THEY USED TO BE FRIENDS but then idk shit happened man, Luke actually like reader BUT he thought reader didn't like him so he spend time with different girls everyday to ignore his feelings lol, this shit take a whole different turn LMAOAOA
A/n: THIS ONE IS SO BAD - this writing shit block hit hard 😭😭 I barely have any ideas , I'm sorry if this one is BAD 🫀 anon 😔
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“For what it's worth
I did love you
And I could have said it a thousand and one times
But I wanted nothing more than for you to hear
To understand and to represent all that it meant
And I would say it again
To make it a thousand and two I do still love you
And it sure still does sound sweet
For what it's worth
I understand you
Maybe as far as you want me to
Maybe even more, but I do
And the consequences of understanding you
I didn't know would be love
Love unabashed and irreplaceable
Love that can't be replicated
A flame that didn't need to be fanned
Because how can you understand the beauty of a rose
And leave it in the garden...”
Maybe knowing it has thorns?”
Eighteen-year-old (name) has her future all planned out - spending the time at Camp Half Blood and move out of the place; attend college near the city; spend the summer in Spain.
The second I close my eyes, the memories play, and I find myself back at the beginning.
He used to be the sweetest boy in camp, but now he's not. It was sweet how he would respond to girls smiling at him. He was kind, the type of man you would want in a relationship.
He's literally the personification of a fairytale man, the way he walks the way he talks.
He's flawless.
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i. The first time I secretly gave you a note
I got some paper and wrote down my feelings for him. This is the first love letter I've ever written, and the first I've sent to Luke.
When I was finished, I went in without anyone noticing, folded the paper, inserted it through the slit, and pushed it inside.
You sigh with relief. It was dumb; seriously, a love letter? He's the most gorgeous and strongest swordsman in the camp, and the only way you can confess is through an anonymous love letter??
It was sparring time, and you really enjoyed it because you could admire Luke Castellan.
What you didn't expect to see was an Aphrodite girl batting her eyelashes so hard while staring at him. She's going to fly with that eyelash of hers, you thought to yourself.
But she has courage, and you admire her for it.
Lover girl: 0
Ms steal your man (#1) : 1
Luke Castellan was still awake that night, looking at the moon, as is his usual routine, which no one knows about.
Reading the notes he found inside his locker,
"Dear Luke, I've always admired you since the first time I saw you. - ♡"
It was short, but not meaningless, because it was the first time someone gave him something to remember.
Lover girl: +1
Ms steal your man (#1): +0
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ii. 14th February - I hate you
It would've been nice if your crush noticed you. You would be lying if you said you didn't hate valentine the most.
Inside her cabin, (Name) couldn't shake the sting of loneliness on Valentine's Day.
Tears welled up in her eyes as she imagined Luke enjoying the company with other cabin girls. "Why does he always choose them over me?" she questioned, her heart heavy with unspoken emotions.
Meanwhile, in the dimly lit hallways, Luke laughed with the others, blissfully unaware of (Name)'s pain.
"Luke, why not spend some time with (Name)?" Annabeth suggested, sensing her sadness. Luke brushed it off with a casual remark, "She's fine on her own."
Back in her cabin, (Name) clenched her fists, whispering to herself, "I'm always on my own." She tried to distract herself, but every attempt failed. The distant echoes of laughter outside only intensified her solitude.
As the night deepened, (Name) heard footsteps approaching her cabin. Hope flickered, but it dimmed as she realized it wasn't Luke. A gentle knock echoed, "You okay, (Name)?"
Tears streaming down her face, she replied, "I just wanted to spend Valentine's Day with someone who actually cares."
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iii. I should hate you
"You should've seen (Name)'s face," one girl giggled, recounting a previous encounter. "She's such a mess."
Deep in her heartache, (Name) wished Luke would notice her suffering. "Am I not enough?" she wondered, dealing with the harsh reality of his neglect.
The cabin's walls appeared to close in as the weight of unspoken words pressed down.
Luke's laughter echoed through the night, a stark contrast to (Name)'s silent sobs.
She craved his presence, his understanding, but he remained blissfully ignorant. "I thought I meant something to him," she murmured, wiping away tears.
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iv. Thank you, Annabeth
The evening sun cast a warm glow over the tranquil lake as (Name) joined Annabeth, Percy, and Grover.
Laughter and chatter filled the air as they settled by the water's edge. Annabeth, with her piercing eyes, couldn't help but notice (Name) seemed distant.
"Hey, (Name), you've been quiet. Everything okay?" she asked, concern etched on her face. (Name) sighed, her gaze fixed on the water. "Yeah, just thinking about stuff, you know?"
Percy, ever the perceptive one, chimed in, "You can talk to us. We're like family."
Grover nodded in agreement, "Totally, (Name), we're here for you."
As they enjoyed the lakeside atmosphere, Annabeth couldn't ignore (Name)'s glances toward where Luke was chatting with another girl.
She approached (Name). "Look, (Name), it's been going on for a while now. You can't keep avoiding this. You should tell Luke how you feel instead of sulking every time he talks to someone else."
(Name) tensed, her expression guarded. "It's not that simple, Annabeth. Luke and I are practically strangers."
Annabeth crossed her arms, her voice gentle yet firm. "You're like an older sister to us, and we hate seeing you upset. If you don't tell him, you'll always wonder 'what if.' Trust me, it's better to know than to wonder."
The words lingered between them, and (Name) mulled them over as they decided to take a dip in the lake. The water was cool, and the moon reflected on its surface as they swam.
Percy splashed water at Grover, starting a playful water fight. (Name) couldn't help but smile at their antics, but her thoughts still lingered on Annabeth's advice.
As they swam back to the shore, Percy asked, "Come on, (Name), join the fun! Don't let your worries ruin the evening."
(Name) hesitated for a moment before giving in, and soon laughter echoed around the lake as they played and enjoyed each other's company.
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v. Realization
Luke's curiosity got the better of him when he noticed (Name) sneaking into Hermes Cabin.
As he approached her, he had a furrowed brow and a puzzled expression on his face, and the pile of small love notes in her hands revealed the secret he had unknowingly discovered.
"(Name), what are you doing here? And what's with all these notes?" Luke said.
Her cheeks flushing with a mix of embarrassment and nervousness. "Luke, I... um, well, these notes are for you. I've been leaving them hoping you will read them"
Luke's eyes widened in realization, understanding crossing his features.
Luke said teasingly. "You're the one behind these notes? Why keep it a secret?"
Glancing everywhere but at him, you replied "you hangout with different girls everyday what makes you think I have the courage to confess?"
Luke's expression softened as he processed (Name)'s confession. The air between them thickened.
"You don't have to hide, (Name). Your notes brought joy to my days. Knowing it's you only makes them more special."
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vi. The prophecy
“Good-bye, Percy. There is a new Golden Age coming and you won’t be part of it.”
He slashed his sword in an arc and disappeared in a ripple of darkness.
The scorpion lunged.
I swatted it away with my hand and uncapped my sword. The thing jumped at me and I cut it in half in midair.
I was about to congratulate myself until I looked down at my hand. My palm had a huge red welt, oozing and smoking with yellow guck. The thing had gotten me after all.
My ears pounded. My vision went foggy. The water, I thought. It healed me before.
I stumbled to the creek and submerged my hand, but nothing seemed to happen. The poison was too strong. My vision was getting dark. I could barely stand up.
Sixty seconds, Luke had told me.
I had to get back to camp. If I collapsed out here, my body would be dinner for a monster. Nobody would ever know what had happened.
My legs felt like lead. My forehead was burning. I stumbled toward the camp, and the nymphs stirred from their trees.
“Help,” I croaked. “Please . . .”
Two of them took my arms, pulling me along. I remember making it to the clearing, a counselor shouting for help, a centaur blowing a conch horn.
Then everything went black.
Oh gods, "Annabeth-" (name) voice breaks the silence.
"I know (name) I know" She replied.
“You idiot,” Annabeth said, which is how I knew she was overjoyed to see me conscious. “You were green and turning gray when me and (name) found you. If it weren’t for Chiron’s healing . . .”
The room was quiet when Percy told them the story.
It was quiet for a long time.
“I can’t believe that Luke...” Annabeth’s voice faltered. Her expression turned angry and sad. “Yes. Yes, I can believe it. May the gods curse him.... He was never the same after his quest.”
“(name) can you believe what he just did?!” Annabeth said.
"I don't.. but seeing Percy like this oh my gods... I'm so sorry Perce"
Maybe I was dumb for not noticing you were plotting to betray us.
See you on the other side, Luke Castellan.
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eluxcastar · 3 months
The One and Only
── ୨୧:arlecchino x reader
୨୧﹑synopsis :: a collection of moments from Arlecchino's recollections of the former Harbinger
୨୧﹑genre :: Idk actually
୨୧﹑content :: fem reader, reader is a harbinger, not proofread
୨୧﹑words :: 2.8k
threw this together on a whim because I missed these two I realised it's been like nine months since I wrote one of repetition I was like I wanna play around with these people in their dynamic. you don't have to necessarily have read one of repetition for it to make sense I don't think but I have a bad habit of assuming people know things they don't so take that with a grain of salt
one of repetition
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Snezhnaya has never been immune to the curse of rumours that run rampant among its people. Some spread like wildfire and others die out before they gain enough traction to matter. When they somehow manage to make their way to the House of the Hearth, it matters—Mother is liable to find out, and that's when it's revealed whether or not she spread them herself.
There have never been more rumours about anyone but the first Harbinger. Arlecchino realised that when she was young.
They tell the daring tales of a tyrant decorated in well-worn armour able to bring the nation to its knees at their feet with nothing more than a pyro vision and a claymore.
Many of the kids at the House share the same sentiment. Brighella is terrifying, and though they'd like their approval, they never want to meet them. The few who have met them say they're weird.
Supposedly the child of the Tsaritsa, you have been tainted by the ever-waining loveless God of Snezhnaya and become little more than a heartless warmonger seeking absolution. You have not even removed your helmet in three centuries nor shown your face. You are fussy, childish, impulsive and arrogant like your whole reign of tyranny is a giant temper tantrum, and you'll only stop once you've realised the nation that has been dwindling ever so gradually will one day be reduced to a wasteland.
Maybe then, the ashes left behind by the fire you let tear apart this icy world will be your single lesson.
Arlecchino meets you for the first time at the celebrations for her ascendance to her Mother's position. Every Harbinger gathers at the behest of the Tsaritsa, an important event demanding their presence. All nine others and the Director are called to return, and along with them, you appear clad in armour, even on a formal occasion. You are feared, yes, but undoubtedly lavished in praise and feigned respect meant only to appease you. People seek to impress you because you are the first, an immortal Harbinger with the nation under their thumb.
Though foolish, she finds she cannot help but be swept up in the glory of it all, the appeal of having a warmonger's approval if only because it feels like the only good sign she'd ever get. Her ascendence is not born of admiration, merely convenience, a way to escape her Father and gain power. She is young and inexperienced and fills the shoes of her Mother with the grace of a newborn fawn. For just a moment, she could revel in receiving your praise, then go right back to indulging the bitterness she associates so heavily with your name. Whatever you have that sends shivers to the very core of grown men, she wants it, and having you pay some attention to her feels right. It cannot keep her from detesting you for possessing it.
You touched her shoulder once with an unnaturally warm gloved hand—a silent congratulations, she tells herself—it is the only way to justify her racing heart as you lean down and speak barely above a whisper. "Do no disappoint me, Arlecchino."
Everything takes a backseat as a fire is lit in the pit of her stomach, the drive to wipe that infuriating smirk she knows is hidden beneath your mask off your face. If she didn't know better, she could almost convince herself you thought you owned her.
For all her staring, however, she can't recall another moment of that night you spared her more than a single glance in her direction before turning away. It was Pierro who pinned Arlecchino's delusion to her chest and welcomed her, the Director, not the Tsaritsa's child. You merely took it upon yourself to congratulate her— professionally— as any colleague would.
The first time Arlecchino saw your face, she could not believe her eyes. You lack the odd companion she has long grown used to seeing by your side. She does not even recognise you at first, sitting in a chair in Pierro's quarters in plain clothes, your helmet discarded at your feet. In your hand is a glass, the liquid inside sloshing as you motion with your hand in some general direction amid your conversation.
It almost makes her uncomfortable to see, like staring down at your severed head pathetically rolling back and forth under the sole of your boot as you entertain yourself with it. It does not roll far before the adornments resist, and you don't fight them, instead rolling it back. Your only response to her gawking is to quirk your eyebrow at her.
You regard her with curiosity, though she would be remiss not to notice the glint in your eyes. "Arlecchino," you say, perhaps some mockery of greeting her.
Since she met you, her poker face has only gotten better, though her short pause is a dead giveaway that she has to think to recall your title. She still does not quite believe the woman she sees is you. "Brighella."
A smile tugs at your lips, and another sip of the drink in your glass marks your second pause. "Are you lost, or did I interrupt something?" you ask, though you turn to Pierro for the answer to the question.
Arlecchino takes a breath, determined not to let you get away with speaking to her that way without seeing any bite— "I called her," Pierro interrupts her before she can even say a word, and your eyes flicker back to her.
"I'll take my leave then," you say, gathering your things. You hook your fingers under your helmet and pick it up like nothing is wrong, as if you don't notice how Arlecchino stares and tries to remind herself that it should be obvious someone was under there. 
The only thing that helps her remind herself nobody else could sport that cocky smirk in Pierro's office without receiving a cold glare. He merely watches as you down the rest of your drink in one mouthful and leave the glass for him on his desk before stalking off. You stop only to put your helmet back on.
There's a sigh once you leave the room, and Pierro silently collects the glass.
The second time Arlecchino meets you, it is more arranged: a trip down the halls leads her to a stray fatuu bearing a message for her. You want to see Arlecchino in your chambers. There's no indication of why, and the man delivering the message had no inclination to ask before scurrying off. She cannot even say she blames him. She's seen the way you speak to the lesser fatuus before.
Arlecchino arrives in the corridor to hear the unusual noises in your room. It is like someone is rummaging through your belongings with reckless abandon and tossing whatever is in their way aside. 
She eyes the door with particularly harsh scrutiny. If there is an intruder, rifling through your room is the most effective way to get things they might want, and she can't allow them an opportunity to escape.
That is until Arlecchino hears your voice from inside, and you exaggerate a frustrated groan. You sound on the verge of tearing your hair out.
Then she braces herself to knock, and the room falls starkly silent as you register someone is standing outside.
"Who's there?" You pose the question like an accusation despite having to know you would have guests. You invited her, after all— demanded her, really.
Through gritting teeth, she finds the will to bite her tongue and say nothing about your attitude rearing its ugly head again. You find a way to always be like this. The moment she gains some semblance of understanding of your motives, you screw it up by acting superior again, like you genuinely believe the world should fall helplessly at the mercy of your whims and run as you will it to. 
"It's Arlecchino," she responds, the animosity she wishes to show neatly tucked away beneath a layer of barely cordial stoicism.
"Oh," is the only sound from inside, followed by footsteps and a light thud as if you place something down, perhaps one of the things it sounded like you were moving. "Are you alone?" 
For a moment, she almost began to wonder if you had forgotten her.
The question confuses her. "Yes."
"You may enter. The door is unlocked."
Arlecchino does not waste another moment before she opens the door to greet your unmasked face. This time, she recognises you from the pattern of your scars to the odd look on your face, though the off feeling staring into your eyes gives her strikes immediately with the same confusing force. 
It should be less jarring the second time, and yet, as she slowly closes the door behind her, she cannot help but scan the room in search of your helmet.
Your room is a damn mess, probably because you just tore it apart for reasons beyond her. She spies your helmet discarded by the bed on its side, hollow and lifeless and so unlike she usually sees it perched atop a suit of armour brimming with self-assured grandiose.
"I was worried he'd followed you all the way here."
She grasps at who you're implying almost immediately, yet can't say she understands why. It can't be anyone but the man in armour you brought back from the abyss who follows you around like a stray puppy. 
"Are you referring to the—" she also realises she has no idea what it is that follows you around— "man you took in...?"
"Yes." You answer without notice for her apprehension, or perhaps so used to it that it no longer seems worth commenting on. "He has a habit of stealing faces, and though I already told him he can't have mine, he's determined to get it."
"You're probably wondering why I wanted to speak with you." All too quickly, you change the subject, jumping from whatever you just said to a completely different train of thought as you turn away from her to find something amidst the clutter on your dresser. Your body obscures her view, unable to see what you're doing.
She saves you the discomfort of having a hole burned into your back from her gaze, instead taking the opportunity to look around. Do you always live in this dump? In a way, it's not hard to believe; your behaviour is reminiscent of a spoiled child who never learned to clean up their messes, yet she expected you would treat your living space with the same methodical attention as your subordinates.
"It wasn't included alongside your message," she responds absently, merely engaging because she must. Her mind is occupied, overlooking the pile of armour dumped on the floor like junk metal.
You place a glass down behind her as you speak, the sound unmistakable to her ears, compounded by the sound of something pouring. "Intentionally. You would never have come if you knew why I wanted to see you."
She cannot help but glare at the back of your head. "Is that so?"
When you turn to her, she cannot help the way her attention draws to the two glasses in your hands—glasses you have no doubt filled with alcohol. Pantalone taught her such a trick not long after he became a Harbinger, and she has not a single doubt that you learned it from him as well.
While your company isn't paying attention, fill a glass and offer it to them. It's rude to refuse once it's been poured. It'll keep them put.
It didn't occur to her until after you extended the glass in your left hand to her that she realised you had trapped her in the conversation should she strive to maintain her pleasant façade. Her fist clenches tightly at her side, nails digging into her palm with a sharp pain.
Arlecchino takes the glass with a tight smile, a wordless exchange. The look in your eyes tells her you know it, too.
"I hope you didn't bring me here for a frivolous venture." Her own warning, one she feels she has earned over the past few minutes.
"No," you say, swirling the liquid in your glass as a means of entertaining yourself. "I simply wanted to observe you."
"How forward." She cannot help it by the time she realises she's said it. There is obviously disapproval in her voice.
Despite her venom, you only smile at her dumbly as if you don't notice the tone of her voice or the furrow of her brows. "Isn't it?" a rhetorical question. You let out a light chuckle at yourself. "It's strange, I thought the one to overtake the Knave would be a little more like that old hag, but it turns out you couldn't be more different if you tried."
This is what you wanted to say?
Arlecchino's eyes narrow. "What do you mean by that?" 
"Oh, come on, are you blind?" Your penchant for mockery shines through your words whether you meant it to or not. "Surely you've noticed by now."
"I don't aspire to become my mother," she retorts just a touch more harshly than she meant to.
"I meant it as a compliment, don't you realise?" you question, "The House has run this way for years because she made it that way. I'm sure many of the children she bought are itching to go home." Your musings lead somewhere—they must—and yet you insist on meandering your way there at a leisurely pace to draw it out. It's as if you wait and watch with eyes filled with curiosity for her to guess, but she makes no attempt to. "Will you return them to their families?"
Arlecchino considered it many times. The thought is appealing. It would be like setting her siblings—now her children—free. She grew up alongside them, played with them as a child and now presides over them.
Wanting to stall, Arlecchino takes a sip from the glass before speaking.
"No," she answers. 
It's not possible. 
If not a monetary figure or tangible reason, it quickly became a stark impossibility when she considered that someone would have to explain why the orphans the Knave had acquired carefully raised were being returned. 
Many would live in harsh conditions, some would die or merely be sold again, and some were too broken down by motherly love to find their peace in the common world again. 
It's not worth the pain of trying.
Something in her answer piques your interest, and she notices your hardly disguised intrigue almost immediately. Years of wearing a helmet to hide your emotions have certainly done a number on how much you are able to hide them naturally. 
"I thought for certain you would say yes."
"You were incorrect."
You quirk an eyebrow at her as if to challenge that idea. "Was I?" you question.
Were you?
"Yes," she says before she can think of anything to disprove that. Time made her aware of the many impossibilities she had spent years fantasising about, but she would not share that with you.
"You're certainly gentler than her," you remark, almost a passing comment as it's quickly overshadowed, "Less of a pain in the ass to talk to as well. I'd have to chase her for days to get her to come talk to me."
Arlecchino suddenly understands why the room is in such a state of disarray—you hadn't expected her. Instead, you were tearing your room apart under the impression you would have days to clean it up before she found her way to you. It seems that punctuality is a burden to you. If nothing else, it's motivation to never be late.
She finds herself aimlessly staring into the glass in her hand, a lesser part of her mind trying to determine what's in it, though too clouded by conflict to place an answer anytime soon. Instead, she stands and listens to whatever you insist on saying, lost in your words and the musings of the past, your unique knowledge of what came before her.
The observations of now the piercing gaze that threatens to spill her soul out before the two of you and dissect it as you please while she watches at the mercy of your rank, the lingering respect that refuses to leave her from years of seeing you as an ideal.
Talking to you is something quite bizarre; knowing you is something even stranger. 
She may never forget the time you spent intrigued by the young orphan who overthrew her mother to take her place at your side as your colleague.
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anzulvr · 11 months
i really like your writing so i was wondering if you could write karma with a s/o who appears to be super soft and shy but is secretly a huge delinquent. like maybe someone insults karma and they just go off on that person with insults till there crying, idk i just thought the idea was silly. take your time and feel free to ignore this request if you’re uncomfy ٩(。•́‿•̀。)۶
Karma x sweet (secretly delinquent) Reader!
Thank you for requesting and thank you for liking my writing!! You’re so sweet! This was super fun and sorry this took so so long!! (I have a lot to get to still so to anyone reading im sorry if I haven’t written yours yet!!)
— Your kindness is one of the things Karma likes the most about you, he admires it in a way.
— It’s one of the things the entirety of class E admires about you really.
— It wasn’t often you got into big arguments and fights and no one had really seen you like that, not until today atleast.
You and Nagisa walked past the main campus on your way home together. Even though you were an class A student you and Nagisa hung out frequently, it was something many of your peers looked down at you for; they didn’t understand how you could still be friendly with people after they dropped to end class. They especially didn’t understand how on earth you could be dating Karma Akabane- the end class student with undoubtedly the worst reputation.
Like all relationships, dating Karma didn’t come with only good and you had your issues along the way. What’s surprising though, is most of the issues didn’t even come from Karma himself but from the nosy students of the main campus.
They’d make up lies about how you’re only dating him because you’re scared or gossip about how sad it is to see an A class student so desperate they go for one of the school’s rejects.
You never really say anything not wanting to argue; that was until today.
“Right? [Name] has to be an total idiot to believe that psycho actually likes them.”
“Karma is such a pain, he’s E classes wannabe savior. Can you believe he beat Ren up for messing with some E class girls.”
“That entire class is worthless to society [name] needs to get their boyfriend in check.”
That was enough to drag you off the ledge but before you could confront them Nagisa stopped you
“[Name], who cares what they think lets keep going.”
“Yeah I guess you’re right.”
You were about to drop it until they mentioned you directly “look there’s [name] now with another Eclass low life.”
“Guess the Psycho wasn’t enough for them.”
at this point they’re laughing about it until you walk up to them and they get serious.
20 minutes later you’re all still fighting and everyone is down eachothers throats. Minus Nagisa who is awkwardly looking around as if he were a lost puppy talking back once in a while to back you up.
(I know Nagisas a little crazy too but he’s letting you take this one. He had a long enough day already 😭)
“Hey what’s-” Karma who seemingly appeared out of nowhere is now behind you both and stops mid sentence when he notices you’re arguing with someone.
Before he can finish his sentence one of the girls goes “we’re done keep living your miserable ass life and stay away from us [name].” They both start to leave before anyone else can reply and when Karmas about to say something you stop him
(NOT IN A : this isn’t you😕😕 way LMFAOO JUST IN A “let’s go it’s a waste of time” way)
“Damn.. just as I was about to start recording..”
On you’re way back Karma asks what that was all about.
Nagisa replies for you “[Name] got into a fight over you.”
“Over me?”
“Yeah they were talking crap about you and [Name] got all heated.”
You can practically see the devil horns form on his head
“Really [name]? I didn’t know I had that effect on you! That’s so cute.”
Nagisa shuts up again ambling along wondering what Karmas definition of cute is.
“Oh please, it wasn’t over you! They were being so arrogant it pissed me off.”
“Rightt and it had nothing to do with them talking about you’re precious boyfriend?”
“Precious is the last thing I’d call you.” You say feeling your face heat up
He spends the rest of the way poking fun at you for getting angry on his behalf calling you his “knight in shining armor”.
He thinks it’s cute you’re willing to stand up for him. He’d do the same for you any day.
(<3 sorry for any typos I try to edit before posting but I always miss something haha)
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shiftylinguini · 10 months
Fuck I Can't Write Crisis Pack:
@phoebe-delia asked in response to this fun lil ask game:
Do you have any advice for getting out of a slump/getting writing confidence back? . (for the ask anything) Do you have any advice for getting out of a slump/getting writing confidence back?
Now THIS. This is a good question, and something that is very much on my mind and has been for a while, as I am currently absolutely in the midst of this and trying to army crawl my way out. I don't have any magic bullets (is that the saying? idk) but I have been here before and i do have a small arsenal of tips or methods that I find can help me. 
Here is my Fuck I Can't Write Crisis Pack (In no particular order):
Write anything 
This is hardly groundbreaking advice, and it's also the hardest thing to actually do (imo) so do not beat yourself up if it takes a while to get to this. Basically, write ANYTHING―it can be aimless, it can be pointless, it can be crap (crap is subjective!! don't let the brain gremlins win!!). 
Don't think about posting it, don't worry about anyone else ever reading it, just fling a few words onto a page and feel the rusty faucet turn on, proving to yourself that it still works. 
Try and sus out what it is that's blocking you 
Again this one is hard and annoying but functional. Once you can put your finger on the particular reason you're staring at a flashing black line on a blank page it can help you kick that reason off your lawn and into the bin. 
And then, take it out of the bin and be kind to yourself about whatever that reason is. Maybe you feel shit because you're comparing yourself to others, your last fic felt like a lead balloon, you can't muster enthusiasm for what you once loved doing and fear that it's gone forever, you're projecting in a Tumblr post―whatever it is, it's something all the writers you admire and aspire to be like have felt, and been annoyed with themselves for, and so you can wrap it up in a blanket and put it on a shelf and be kind to it so it, (respectfully) shuts the fuck up. 
(and remember, everyone feels insecure about their stuff. Like literally everyone, at some stage, feels like their stuff is rubbish)
Cheat on your OTP 
Okay this one might not work for everyone, but it really does for me lol. Ruts (not the sexy kind) can often come with not wanting to engage in my usual ships, being annoyed by my lack of ability to fucking write them/anything/all my ideas taste like cardboard/bleh, and stepping out on them and reading something new can snap me out of it. Just, an injection of new ideas or scenarios or words or even just a little reprieve from being fed up with myself, which ideally, is why we're all here anyway. 
(And then I come crawling back, and am welcomed with open arms haha)
In a similar vein:
Engage in media 
This subtitle is genuinely terrible, i am sorry, LMAO, but essentially: find a piece of media that makes you go "oh, helLO sailor", unhinge your jaw like a snake, and consume it whole. 
Let it nourish you, inspire you, excite you, making you feel SOMETHING, and then take that and think "fuck, what if i wrote bleepbloopblarp" and even if you write nary a single word, you've thought about it and that fucking counts. 
It might be an album, a book, a song, a show, gifs of a hot person, the wikipedia summary of a movie, literally anything counts here if it makes you feel a twinge of creativity. 
Ask yourself, what would Astolat do? 
No for real. @candybarrnerd and I genuinely use this haha.  
Worried your idea is stupid? Astolat would say write it. 
Worried it's too weird? Nah, just write it. 
It's dumb and no one will read it? Just write it for you *waggles eyebrows* (and then find out that yeah, nah, someone else will absolutely read this and be real fucking happy about it haha.)
Worried you're a one trick pony and have already written this fic before, like, and not even once before, and also you're projecting again in Tumblr post? WRITE IT AGAIN! As Astolat once said, "it's a fic so nice, I wrote it thrice". 
It's good advice. 
Make a friend or lean hard on the ones you have here
Misery loves company because it knows they'll come out of this together :). I know, I know, that's fucking NAFF, but fandom is all about finding like-minded freaks and blowing up their DMs because you saw a gif and now feel a kind of ways about it. 
And lastly: 
I mean I love stats (yay validation!), but god can they make you feel like a worthless shit (hey where did my validation go :((( ). It can be really insidious, so piss that right off when it starts to fuck with your confidence or outlook on your own writing.
Hopefully there is something useful here, even if it's just looking at this advice and thinking "no that's shit, it's writing POISON" cos then you can maybe do the version you think is NOT shit, and that might work. 
Good luck, fellow travelers!!
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ultrone · 9 months
I’m up late so here are some HC’s I have of the girlies
- You get her one of those “back off, I love my gf” shirts as a joke, expecting her to never put it on and she wears it RELIGIOUSLY. She is so proud to wear that shit
- (If you’re lucky enough to have a positive male figure, a grandfather or father in your life) one time overhears Nat talking about her home life and now that male figure is determined to make her feel safe and happy. He’ll insist that you both join him for fishing and while you’re apprehensive, Nat is 100% down.
-She never has water or lunch because she forgets/chooses to not take care of herself so you drop it off to her at practice everyday
- She sleeps with a stuffed animal but will not let ANYONE know
- Early riser, even when sleeping w you but she will just happily lay next to you, holding your hand, admiring you while you sleep just taking you in for a few extra moments.
- she has a scrapbook of everything you guys have done (movie tickets, Polaroids, etc), and she also keeps all the flowers you’ve ever gotten her in there after they’ve dried and withered
- She loves stargazing, she knows astronomy and can and will point out the constellations to you
- Reading to or with each other is common and probably a love language, especially reading the other to sleep
- Surprisingly very good at all the fine arts; she can draw well, she definitely can play the piano bc her rich parents paid for her to have lessons, etc
- Blanket stealer; she insists on having the AC CRANKED at night, then steals the blankets while you both are sleeping and you wake up with hypothermia while she’s snuggled up in all your blankets
- She wasn’t allowed to have a pet so you buy her a single goldfish once and she loves it so much, she let you name it (you named it something stupid but she still calls it what you want) it dies in like 2 days because as intelligent as she is she is incapable of taking care of another living thing and she is inconsolable for days. You got her a succulent to make her feel better
- Clingy (derogatory) sure it’s cute of her at first until she’s waking up at 5 am for her morning practices and wakes you up too so you both can “brush your teeth together”
- She will always ask for your old marked up books to read and she makes small notes in the margins in a different color before giving them back (She has reading glasses too, and she looks gorgeous in them)
- She asks you to help her stretch, or roll out her muscles before practice but she doesn’t need help she just wants to get you flustered and have your hands all over her
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nat would wear that shirt 24/7 istg 😭 especially as her pjs, and omg i love the idea of your male parental figure inviting nat to everything as well 🥹 even if it’s just something simple like going out for brunch, it’d make her feel way better and more welcomed. and her forgetting to bring lunch everyday is SO REAL 😭 then she’ll prolly buy a bag of chips and a soda as her first meal of the day and then complain about having a stomach ache 🙄 GIRL… also for sure, i bet her plushy is a little white bunny with long ears that was given to her as a toddler.
shauna has always given me the vibe that she wakes up at 9am idk but yeah she’d def just lay there looking at you 😭😭 and the scrapbook thing is SO TRUE, i bet she also adds entries of everything you do together 🫣 since she loves stargazing you got her one of those custom star maps of your anniversary day and she LOVED IT 🥹 and she for sure loves reading to you and hearing you read her favourite books to her
i def see lottie being good at drawing and playing the piano 😌 i also bet she’s especially good at painting landscapes and stuff like that. whenever u complain about her taking the blankets, she’ll just tell you to snuggle up to her to get warmer instead of actually sharing her blanket with you 🙄🙄 but if you’re the one stealing the blankets she’ll pout and whine for hours until you share them with her… the AUDACITY 😒 my girl came back from school on a random day and realized the goldfish wasn’t there anymore, she got concerned and asked the domestic helper what had happened, and she told her that the fish died like two weeks ago ☠️☠️ when i tell u lottie was SHOCKED… she was so embarrassed that she told you that it got a weird disease and died from natural causes LMFAOO
jackie waking you up so you can brush your teeth together is so real 😭😭 my girl doesn’t get the concept of having “alone time.” i just know it takes jackie an hour to read 3 pages, i bet she spends half of that time drawing silly little doodles all over the margins ☠️ and for sure, she also asks u to rub sunscreen on her body even though she could do it herself, she just wants to feel your touch 🫣
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mazeinthemiroh · 1 year
hnnnn in my soft era so could i perhaps request a skz reaction to you prepping a whole self care day for them 🥺 like face masks massages everything cuz i love them
stray kids reactions to their s/o preparing a self-care day
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genre: fluff
word count: 0.8k
warnings: extremely fluffy
please like and reblog if you enjoy :D
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if there's anyone more deserving of a self-care day, it's bang christopher chan. he's a workaholic, it's in his nature. it's admirable but you want him to have some time for himself. so when he finally has some time off for some quality time with you, you've got a whole pamper session planned out. face masks, delicious food, and pop on a feel-good movie. if you ask him though, his favourite way to relax is by cuddling and/or making out with you. depends on his mood but it's cute either way. it's always a self-care session just by being with you, you don't even have to do anything special for him ;-;
lee know
minho is into skincare routines and eagerly wants to be that couple who do it on each other. he mainly wants to see you with one of those fluff hairbands on because he says you look adorable. he will take lots of selfies of you both with them on because he's cute like that. when it comes to actually applying the products to your face, he's not going easy on you. can be quite brutal and also starts laughing at you because he makes your face look all strange with a mixture of products on #donttrusthim #menacetosociety
changbin will marry you on the spot if you suggest giving him a massage. he goes to the gym every day and works hard on his body. massages are always appropriate and always needed. he will literally melt if you ask him if you can massage his back and he will make happy binnie noises and have that cute smile on his face awww. just the whole routine of it, especially if you use proper massage oil, makes him feel so relaxed and refreshed. he will also return the favour and want to massage you too he's really good with his hands
hyunjin is all heart eyes when you reveal to him you planned a self-care day for the both of you. sheet face masks: on. sad, emotional romance films: on. tissues: ready. let's go. yes, hyunjin likes to spend his self-care day with you by indulging in his emotions and crying over fictional characters. he has you watching the notebook or me before you idk something to make you both bawl. it's so fun, 100% recommend. he's got a cute little candle lit and he's holding you close for comfort. it feels very... hyunjin in there, that's for sure.
hannie just wants to laze around and do nothing. that's his self-care day. because he's always doing something. it's very rare that he actually gets a mental break from things. cuddles are very important to him so he might pop on an anime or a cute little movie whilst being snuggled up in your arms. will 9 out of 10 times fall asleep like that. he's just so comfy and relaxed and your comforting presence creates the perfect mood for sleepy time. you both fall asleep with each other :( it's an adorable sight.
this fluffy boy is having the best time of his life. he has so many ideas for a self-care day that he actually doesn't know what to do first. fluffy blankets and plushies are obligatory. felix wants to binge-watch a load of comfort movies, mostly disney and marvel, you get the idea. he just wants to snuggle up with you and be near you. you both will talk through all the movies and make fun of everything that's happening. for the sadder moments, of course, the laughter will stop and you both will hold each other, holding back tears.
seungmin's idea of a self-care day consists of you, a good book and an unlimited supply of tasty snacks. you knew this, and so preparing a pamper day would be a piece of cake! just laying back with a cup of coffee, you leaning on his shoulder, reading the latest best-seller; he can't imagine being more at ease with life than he is now. it warms his heart that you wanted to day a self-care day with him. he will shyly thank you and shower you with extra love because he really appreciates your efforts.
i really do see jeongin going out in his pyjamas to the grocery store in order to get some snacks for your self-care day. only if you come with him, of course. he's so excited when you mention the idea to him. he feels like it's been a long since he's spent one-on-one time with you. being busy with promotions for their latest comeback and whatnot, he loves to take any opportunity he can to chill out with you. this man is really into marvel so a marvel marathon is not too much of a shock. you guys don't go to sleep until the very early hours of the morning.
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bingoboingobongo · 1 year
hi there! i love your work! i have a request for a cod fic💕💕
so i actually just learned there is ONE(1) all-female spec ops team in the world, and it's norway's jegertroppen("hunter troop"), so maybe how the 141(plus alejandro, rudy and könig) would react to meeting the leader of (or being in a relationship with) jegertroppen who is a no-nonsense, absolute bamf who can, in no uncertain terms, take care of herself
again, love your work and thank you for reading my random 2 am thoughts💕💕💕
task force 141 + bamf!reader
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Characters: Simon "Ghost" Riley, John "Soap" MacTavish, Kyle "Gaz" Garrick, John Price, Alejandro Vargas, Rodolfo "Rudy" Parra, König, Valeria Garza
Warnings: explicit language, reader is referred to as a woman/girl
A/N: yes i realize like half of these ppl aren't part of tf141 hush. also this is why i love u guys bc i would've never learned about this w/o u anon. also srry these are short we have a lot of characters and not a lot of time
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simon "ghost" riley:
alright so when ghost first met you he's pretty impressed ngl
like he knows how hard it is to be in special ops and he can only imagine how hard it is when you're a girl
like task force 141 is all men and most, if not all, of the people he works with on a daily basis are men
so yeah he has a lot of respect for you for making it to your position
he also has a lot of respect for your entire crew and he honestly really supports the idea of an all female special ops group
off topic but in the comics we see simon go through an attempted brainwashing (really pared down explanation sorry) where roba essentially tries to make him like a misogynist/rapist which obviously simon is disgusted by so yes simon is canonically a feminist
he's also in love with your strict no-nonsense style of work because it aligns really well with his
together you're pretty much unstoppable
literally the definition of a power couple
john "soap" mactavish:
alright so soap is honestly wowed the first time he meets you (and a little lovestruck too)
what can i say women in charge do things to him
he's definitely sorta intimidated by you at first though
idk it's like imagine ghostsoap but ghost is you
like he's always trying to fool around with you which maybe you tend to shut down
but honestly he doesn't mind and sometimes he'll keep going just to get a rise out of you/hear you talk
idk man he honestly just has so much respect for you
like if he could he would stop in the middle of an active warzone just to watch you work
also if you guys are dating he takes every chance possible to brag about you to anyone who'll listen
he just thinks you deserve a lot more recognition than you get
kyle "gaz" garrick:
alright so the first time gaz meets you he's honestly a little shocked
it sucks but women are a pretty rare sight to see especially in his level/field of work so an all female special ops team is like finding a needle in a haystack
that being said he has nothing but respect for you and what you do
he knows how bigoted people in the military can be and so he's glad to see that you've found a space for yourself where you're relatively unbothered by it
also it makes him happy to see more gender representation because it reminds him of his younger siblings and it makes him happy that they can have someone to look up to
like soap he also really likes watching you work
and when he's not fighting or falling out of helicopters he likes to just spend his time with you or watching you train or do menial tasks
maybe he's just too in love with you but you can make doing the dishes seem badass
john price:
alright so like pretty much everyone else here when price first met you the only thing in his mind was respect
he's read up on you and he knows a lot about your work and honestly he just really admires you
he's a leader and so he knows how tough it can be to have that job
plus to do that while being a woman in a male dominated space
yeah that earns you major points in his book
honestly he's hesitant to make a move because he doesn't want to feel like he's disrespecting you by initiating something romantic
but like you're literally such a badass motherfucker he really can't help but catch feelings
plus you're literally stunning so that's not helping the growing crush he has either
he loves to work alongside you whenever he can because you're literally inspiring on the field
plus he knows he doesn't have to worry about you or your forces which takes a lot of stress off his shoulders
alejandro vargas:
okie so like price alejandro really really respects you
again he's also a leader and he knows how taxing that can be which is why he respects you so much for it
i mean alejandro has a history with bamf women (valeria) so it's no surprise he falls for you too
idk man seeing a woman who can take care of herself just gets alejandro going
honestly you kind of remind alejandro of valeria but like in a good way
like not a "he can't get over his ex" kind of way but like a "damn he definitely has a type and his type is hot, badass women who really don't need a man but hopefully will date him despite it" kind of way
he'll also make sure that all of his forces treat you and your troops with the respect you deserve because he's not about to let you guys deal with that on his watch
that being said whenever someone is being a hassle he knows you can handle it yourself
rodolfo "rudy" parra:
alright so when rudy first meets you it's sorta like a mix between awe and also nervousness
like on one hand he's like "omg this woman is literally like the definition of badass motherfucker"
and on the other hand he's like "omg this woman is so pretty i hope she picks me omg can she tell im nervous gahdhshs"
you make his heart flutter what can i say
he's definitely a lot more shy asking you out than he might be with someone else
but that's because he really respects you and he doesn't want to come off as rude or disrespectful if he's too assertive
that being said when you do let him know you reciprocate his feelings he is over the fucking moon
he just can't believe that someone as independent and no-nonsense as you would choose to be in a relationship with him
like soap he will always find an opportunity to brag about you
and honestly he'll compliment you like there's no tomorrow
idk man he's just crazy about you like he respects you so much and so it's mind-blowing to him that you actually picked him
okay quick disclaimer but i've never written for könig so umm yeah
anyways könig is definitely really really impressed when he first meets you
you definitely make him nervous just because you're really good looking but he'll still talk/engage with you
even though it can be pretty nerve-wracking for him because of his social anxiety he'll suck it up because ultimately the anxiety of wrongly being perceived as a misogynist/sexist who won't talk to women is worse
but he's definitely a lot shyer and less inclined to talk to you outside of work
even though he really wants to
that being said if he's given enough time he will open up eventually
and even though you're no-nonsense you're more than happy to take things slow with him to make him feel comfortable
which honestly just makes him fall in love with you more
i mean i feel like this is obvious but you're definitely the "he asked for no pickles" couple
with you being the one saying it ofc and him being the one asking for no pickles
valeria garza:
ughh valeria is sooo hyped to see you oml
um don't ask how it works out with her being el sin nombre and you technically being in the military
love finds a way okay
anyways as a woman in a male dominated space herself it is so refreshing to not only see you, but to see your whole troop
honestly valeria definitely wishes she could have been a part of it
and tbh if she wasn't el sin nombre i could definitely see her considering joining
like in a way it kind of makes her sad because she knows how different her life would be if she had a group like this in mexico
also im just know realizing the connection to artemis' huntresses (is that what it's called?)
anyways valeria is not shy about flirting with you
like you tick all of her boxes
you're hot, you're a natural leader, you're more than capable of taking care of yourself
win win win
and if you let her she will treat you like a god damn queen
and also she absolutely loves seeing you work if she could she would just perch on some treetop with a pair of binoculars and watch you while you work
i realize that sounds creepy but um it's not
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genericpuff · 1 year
it's legit been a hot minute since i've read an LO episode from start to finish so I decided to read the new free episode
wow i'm really not missing a dang thing am i, jfc
I've talked about it before how the dialogue in these comics really feels... non-human, but now I'm at a point where I wouldn't even be surprised if I find out the comic was being written by one of those script bots or some AI Chat GPT tool. It's just so stupidly clunky with very little context or build-up to what's being said, the characters feel like they're just talking at each other rather than with each other, if you know what I mean. It's giving Shenmue 3.
But let's have some extra fun with this and go through it panel by panel.
I'm not gonna talk about the Apollo scene, not yet at least. But I DO want to talk about the dialogue exchange between Persephone and the demigods she's chosen to be judges.
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First off, we get this cut to Persephone saying "Thank you so much for coming today." But the stuff that follows really feels like these guys have no idea where they are or why. Like, the first thing the guy on the left has to say is "you're a woman", why is he making this observation now if they intentionally made the decision to join her? If he's supposedly sexist on that line alone (which is what a lot of people in the discussion circles assume) why would he even join her on the boat in the first place if he wasn't willing to listen to a woman?
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Oh, okay, so they HAVE had this conversation already, great exposition, Rachel! But again, it still makes no sense why he's making this observation out of nowhere if he already knows he's going to be working with her and chose to come along with her on the boat ride. Why is he repeating what he's already said? Why not just have this conversation happen organically instead of doing the whole sitcom "cut to the middle of what's happening and explain it matter-of-factly for the audience to catch up so we don't have to actually show the entire conversation???" bit?
It's such a cliche overused tactic to try and skip informing NPC's of what the audience already knows but that only works if we, the audience, know what's going on. Such a tactic is meant to benefit the AUDIENCE, not the characters. It's a pointless waste of time for everyone involved if they're doing it the other way around where the NPC's know but the audience doesn't and the characters have to re-explain everything they already know for the audience. It's clunky exposition.
And then of course, we get Persephone acting all high and mighty with people who, again, don't even seem to know what the fuck is going on, they don't even seem to be functioning at full brain capacity with how repetitive and pointless their dialogue is (especially the "I'm a son of Zeus" guy but we'll get to him later). If Persephone's thankful for them joining her, why is she being such a bitch? This isn't a power move, she's not being a "boss babe", she's being that bitchy manager that complains about high turnover rates completely oblivious or uncaring to the fact that she's the reason people quit the job in the first place.
"It's listening to the Queen of the Underworld time", bitch you have done NOTHING to earn that title or demand for respect. NO ONE KNOWS WHO YOU ARE. Anyone who DOES know her only knows her as a consort of Hades from that one tabloid pic from ten years ago. So... yeah, literally no one knows her. Even if they saw her in that weird broadcast during the Kronos fight (which, why would they, everyone was asleep as we were told and that news chopper was from OLYMPUS), she has done nothing to organically earn the respect and admiration of the people. As far as anyone's concerned, she's just this weird pink thing rolling into town and the only reason she has power at all is because the King has a flower nymph fetish and wanted a replacement for the girl that "got away" and married his brother.
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IDK if this was an attempt at a joke but I feel bad for this guy because he clearly has no idea where he is, why he's here, or why he's going to work for the Underworld when he's a son of Zeus and would maybe prefer a job in Olympus somewhere. Look at him, those aren't the eyes of a man who knows what's going on.
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"RAWR, I'm edgy and in control, shut your whore mouth while I'm speaking, peasant!"
She doesn't even look intimidating here, she looks severely constipated.
This is also legit just a copy paste of the Hera/Apollo/Echo scene from S2 which just further drives home how Persephone is an emotional replacement for Hera and a physical replacement for Rhea (while also satisfying that aforementioned flower nymph fetish).
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Again, Persephone has done nothing to earn the admiration or respect of her people (unlike, y'know, Hera) and it's bullshit that she pretended to be all thankful at the beginning of this only to then treat them like shit as soon as she was able. Like, again, she seems to have just kidnapped these guys and they undoubtedly have questions and instead she's steamrolling all over them for zero reason beyond stroking her ego. If she's so bothered by the first guy being a sexist, why is she hiring him in the first place???
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girl he's literally trying to escape from your bullshit, why are you treating him like a toddler or a hamster who can't control himself
it's painfully clear now these guys absolutely did not sign up for ANY of this and even if they DID sign up to be judges for Hades, they clearly were NOT aware it would include being berated and snipped at by his moody toddler of a wife, she's the ONLY one here who has zero self control or qualifications. push her in the river, please. put her in the hamster cage.
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so yeah, it's not "thank you for coming with me today", it's "thank you for shutting up and being good little hostages so mommy can play pretend ruler, if you even THINK of ignoring me i'll have my daddy Mads Mikkelson- I mean, Hades chop your balls off, teehee!" seriously can SOMEONE please push her in the river, she's got like 50 pounds of hair, she has zero chance /hj
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"i found a way for my husband to do even less work than he already does, like a good little billionaire!"
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ms. brian griffin, no one knows what elysium is
we, the audience, haven't even seen elysium
no one knows what you're talking about and no one has anything to thank you for because so far you've spent the majority of your time in the underworld since the time skip dicking around and acting like a Karen
literally sit down and eat your oatmeal
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we don't even know what 'nu-tartarus' is, who wants to bet rachel watched sci-fi the week she made this with the 'nu' spelling, jfc
what did she do to warrant the 'nu'
in fact, is tartarus even accessible right now??? what happened to Kronos locking himself up in there and refusing to let anyone in??? Did they seriously dig a hole in the ground and call it "Nu-Tartarus"? Fuck off.
Hermes, pal, you're seeing this shit, right? How can you sit there and watch her act like this??? This ain't the girl you used to make out with in the mountains.
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"My husband serves in the military, you know! You'll regret not giving me that 2% discount!"
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for those of you in the audience who don't know this, this is what we call panel filler. i.e. pointless repetitive panels that RS uses to fill her panel quota each week. LO always has at least 2-3 of these per episode. Go ahead, fact check it yourself, I'll wait.
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Diva Plavalaguna wore it better, honey.
(also why do her ARMS look the same as her hair, they look like sausage casings 😭)
Such a weird cut though, from her making that "lol can you believe the things I put up with ????" face to her just WALKING AWAY FROM THE MEN WHO HAVE NO IDEA WHY THEY'RE EVEN HERE.
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what- um, why are we cutting to this? I get that it's RS still trying to exposit instead of write organically but Hermes literally didn't ask and he should probably already be aware of what's going on if he's ON THE BOAT WITH HER. Also why are you explaining to him what a demi-god is? Again, it's Rachel trying to do the "and that's my plan" shtick not understanding that only works for OTHER CHARACTERS who aren't "in on it", NOT THE AUDIENCE. When you try to have your characters explain things JUST for the sake of the audience, it makes them all look stupid and it wastes the audience's time.
Like, never mind the fact that Hermes himself is technically a demi-god in LO as his mother is a non-god.
This would have worked better if she was explaining who these men were specifically, like the fact that they were Kings when they were alive, or why she chose them, but no, she just starts it and leaves it at "well they're related to Zeus, so they're demi-gods" with zero lead-up or context as to why she's explaining this to Hermes of all people in the first place.
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Also, "Hades is going to restore some of their humanity"??? Guys, do you realize the implications of this?
If this is something he's always been able to do, that means he's always had the ability to grant the shades working for him autonomy and will, but chose not to.
Give them enough sentience and autonomy to work, but not enough to question why they're working for the system in the first place.
Great job Persephone, this is soooo much better than what Hades was doing before. You've made life so much better for the dead.
Fucking hell. I started this essay with the intent of talking about the weird clunky dialogue exchanges and as I sat on it and wrote on it longer and longer it just got so much WORSE and turned into discussing Persephone's lack of morals and how she's become the very thing she always claimed she stood against.
I say "great job Persephone" but we also have to give credit where credit is due - great job Rachel, this is soooo much better than just ending the series in the first two seasons or actually resolving the plot threads you started in Season 1. You've made your comic so much better to please the stans and spite the haters.
Christ. I'm not even done talking about everything I wanted to talk about regarding this episode but I figured I should cut it off here to at least keep it all on theme. I do wanna talk about that Apollo scene and the Hermes/Persephone conversation but I'll probably do that in separate posts.
Despite how fired up I got, I am glad about one thing - I really am not missing anything. I have lost nothing from unsubscribing from LO and uninstalling the WT app. And frankly, neither will you if you've been contemplating on promoting yourself to a non-reader. There is zero FOMO here. I get just as much if not more entertainment from just following along with the hilarious conversations in the Discord and subreddit each week, because at LEAST those are fun and don't make me feel dead inside like LO does. LO isn't entertaining, it's hardly even so-bad-that-it's-entertaining at this point, maybe it still is for you, but I'm assuring you right now for those of you "hanging on", it's not going to magically "get better", even the episodes that some people CLAIM are better really aren't because of how low the bar is nowadays. I am giving you full permission to free yourself of these shackles if you've been looking for a way out. Take this as your metaphorical key.
The LO we all fell in love with is long, long gone.
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autumngracy · 2 months
Hi, just a random question from a fan of AROS (for which I have no coherent words to decribe my admiration)- I'm sure you've been asked this a million times already, but I'm quite new to this fandom, so forgive me and feel free to ignore the question, of course- who did you base your Javert on, appearance-wise?
Actually I don't think anyone directly asked this before!
To be honest I didn't actually base him on anything or anyone in particular ... I think the reason for this is because I read the brick before ever seeing any adaptations of Les Mis, so the first Javert I pictured was just my own interpretation of him from the brick ...
And what's funny is I can't remember if I originally pictured him with short hair or long hair. I read the 1938 Heritage Press edition of the brick, which is the Wraxall translation + about 1500 Lynd Ward illustrations, and in those illustrations he has short hair. But, oddly, I didn't remember it as being short in those illustrations? I had to go back and look years layer to confirm. (Alas, my beautiful Heritage Press copy is lost somewhere now!)
So I don't know if the long hair thing was me originally picturing it that way despite the illustrations being otherwise (possibly because the illustrative style made it somewhat vague at first?), or if it was from me later getting brainrot from looking at all the post Terrance Mann Javert designs ...
Best I can say about the hair issue is, well ... I just really happen to like male characters with long hair ... idk why lol. I have a lot of male OCs with long hair and every time I make one, part of my brain goes "Another one? For real? Do we not have enough of these little bitches already? If you don't stop putting long hair on all these characters people are gonna start to think you have some kind of kink."
Which. Well. I'm actually asexual so idk lol I think it's just an aesthetic preference
For his wardrobe, that's just the brick descriptions plus factual research into 1830's era menswear. The only anachronistic element of his appearance really is his hair, but I do get around that by pointing out that he could have simply picked the (older and naval oriented) style up while he was at the Bagne (which did in fact have a dress mandate for keeping long hair tied up, suggesting it was a common enough hairstyle among the guards) and just never dropped it even after it became unfashionable—because A) he doesn't seem to give two shits about being fashionable, B) keeping short hair means either spending money to keep it short or having an intimate enough relationship with someone that they will do it for you free—neither of which I can see him wanting to do—and also C) he appears to be a creature of habit, so keeping the same, easily self-maintained hairstyle over the years fits my understanding of him.
Also, I'm not even exaggerating his tools of the trade because there really is a line in the brick about him having some kind of sword, which I had to go back and reread several times because it surprised even me (but it's 3am and I'm too assed to look it up rn). And we already know he has 2 pistols and a bludgeon (which the brick says he holds tucked up invisibly in his sleeve, Assassin's Creed style, lmao).
On another subject—
Given his stiff and distanced way of interacting with the world, questionable of social skills (see him bluescreening when Fantine is pleading with him in the mairie by way of what may be thinly veiled sexual advances), as well as his black and white thinking, penchant for being distracted by his thoughts to the point of complete obliviouness, propensity to either give extremely short responses or to go into ranting monologues, with little in between—plus the idea that he hates reading but makes himself do it for self improvement reasons, and how he seems to start stimming when lost in thought—I could definitely see him possibly being Autistic or having ADHD.
Now then, about his race ...
I know originally I actually pictured him differently than the Javert I wrote for my fic—as more white, at least—the way he appeared in the Lynd Ward until I read people discussing how he was probably supposed to be part Romani. And when it came to me having to pick conclusive character designs for my fic, I thought it would be much more interesting if it was a Javert who was visibly Romani instead of white passing, which he seems to be in most everything that bothers to mention his background.
I do find it weird that he's seemingly been played by nothing but white guys except for Norm Lewis and David Oyelowo (that I can find). So there's never really been a Romani Javert in stage or screen adaptations ... However, there's still a decent amount of fanart that shows him as darker skinned/Romani, so at least there's that.
Anyway I find that a visibly non white Javert just adds a lot more nuance and depth to his character, even compared to a still Romani but white passing version of him. Because then it changes how he interacts with and views the world (and vice versa), and it changes or adds to his motivations for doing what he does. It brings his (very canon!) struggle with internal racism to the forefront, which a lot of adaptations downplay or completely ignore.
I think part of why this appeals to me is that in modern times we are very used to the idea of the shitty oppressive white cop who is approaching everything from a position of absolute privilege and authority (which is a very shallow and uninteresting archetype, character-wise) ... and brick canon Javert, regardless of whether or not he is white passing, is not coming from a position of privilege—and not just because he is poor. He is coming from a position of social insecurity and vulnerability, which (at least it seems to me) he is trying desperately to escape/overcome.
And this makes his motivations for choosing his specific job far more interesting than "shitty white cop that enforces the status quo because he gets off on exerting power over other people". It suggests a sort of willful mental dissonance and denial that also make a lot of sense in hindsight when we consider the effects of his derailment.
The idea of him snapping and realizing for the first time that most everything he was doing was morally corrupt (or at least highly questionable) is one thing (and a level of obliviousness/ignorance that is somewhat hard to believe, imo) ...
But the idea that he knew how morally reprehensible his actions were all along, and was repressing it on purpose? To gain the only foothold he could see on the ladder of a world he was born on the lowest rung of? And after decades, is forced by external factors to finally, finally look his decisions in the eye and confront himself about them?
Well, shit. That hits a lot harder, doesn't it?
And it certainly hits him pretty hard. Obviously (as I pointed out in the the fic) he did mentally store away notes of things he found morally questionable about/during his career over the years—he just didn't let himself act on them. But it implies he was aware of the injustices, even if he only relegated that awareness to his subconscious.
The brick talks about how he felt he existed outside of society and had only two choices in life—black and white thinking; criminal vs protector, etc.—and it spells out how this is pretty much the direct result of his internalized rascism—so, I mean ... I don't think it's unlikely that canon Javert knew from the beginning that he was sacrificing his his heritage, culture, and moral compass in pursuit of respect and recognition from society (and thereby, social safety).
And in a Post-Seine world, he's forced to reconcile with all of that.
I may have just spoiled a major upcoming plot point for AROS tbh but oh well I was dropping breadcrumbs of foreshadowing about it the entire goddamn time lmao
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sribbles-drabbles · 1 year
🍎Too Uptight!!🍎
Vil Schoenheit x Hippie! GN! Reader
Tw: None!!
Idk if I nailed the hippie aspect but I went for more of a "love of the earth and environment, foraging, self-sustaining, kinda spiritual" hippie ig??? I feel like it reads more spiritual cottage-core but eh?? I'm happy with it.
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When one gazed upon the beautiful visage of Vil Schoenheit many words came to mind. For many it was the classic “beautiful”, “elegant”, “stunning”, or “Poise”…..maybe even “fairest of them all” a title that he always stove for during every hour of everyday. As he currently walks through the courtyard you can’t help but think that the whole thing seems exhausting. But you admired his commitment all the same and the way there was such nobility to his aura.
Though at the same time you wished Vil took better care or himself and took time to simply let go and be at peace with the world.
“Perfect, I found another Tremella Fuciformis.” Jade calls, scooping the mushroom off a dying branch on the forest floor and placing it in his foraging satchel.
“Ah, really?! That’s like, clump number 8, right? And you can just call them a snow-ear Jade…” you shake yourself free from your previous thoughts about Pomfiore warden, a blush deepening on your cheeks.
While many saw you as “lazy” or “way out of it” you preferred to call yourself what you are, a hippie. While the others were in class studying away you kidnapped Grim and ran into Jade on the way and asked for help with foraging. Foraging for what? Snow-ear, a fungus from your world that somehow carried over to the twisted wonderland. Though the only difference? Back home they grow in tropical climates like Brazil, but here they actually grow in the snow. Thus, why you’re currently up mountains, in one of Jade’s best foraging spots.
“Say, Perfect, why do you need snow ears anyways?” Jade asks suddenly, catching you off guard and making you blush before hiding it behind your scarf.
“Uhm….I just was going to use it in a soup-”
“Soup?! Why didn’t you tell me this sooner!! I thought you wanted to make some fancy lotion for Vil!!” Grim blabs loudly, making you jump and then sigh.
“Ah, a gift for Schoenheit? Well you made a good choice using Snow-ear.” Jade chuckles.
“Listen, if anyone deserves a breather it’s Vil. He always seems to tightly wound, and…he needs to just…let go…” you mumble.
Later that day you took your haul into your room and with the guidance of Epel who was well aware of and on board with your plan to woo Vil, the two of you start to brew a nice natural face scrub, as Vil had claimed that the one he had been using before had stopped being made.
——————————The next day——————————
“PLEASE GO OUT WITH ME!!” You call, clothes flowing in the wind. Your self altered uniform that you’re so proud of making you nervous as it’s so different than the man across from you.
You had given Vil your gift with a note asking him to meet you in the courtyard of Pomfiore at sunset. You stood by a large cotton wood in the back left corner of the property. The warm spring air making the puffs of white pollen look like snow as they fall to Earth.
Vil remains silent, and it rings loudly as the wind whistling and the ruffling leaves make an almost intolerable cacophony that it only drowned our by your thoughts.
He’s going to say no. He thinks you’re too different to him. He’s a try-hard prince who’s perfect and you’re the magicless ramshackle prefect who dances in the rain, forages for food, and loves the Earth more than words can describe.
How could this work? It can’t-
“Heh, took you long enough.” Vil muses pulling you back to reality.
“Wha-” you start looking up at Vil.
His dorm robes flutter in the wind much like your own clothes, and a red blush dusts his ivory cheeks as he smiles, tucking a loose hair behind his ear as he nears you, and leans down with a smile.
“May I…?” He asks, ever the gentleman.
You’re almost too stunned to speak, only muttering out a brief: “Y-Yeah…”
Crimson lips meet yours as the Pomfiore perfect gives you a brief smooch before standing with a confident smirk plastered on his face.
“My, flustered are we? I know I’m beautiful but you must learn to control this if we’re to make this work darling…though it is charming how surprised you seemed to be. Honestly have you picked up on none of my hints from the past month?” He questions.
You then blush harder. Though you thank the world and spirits around that this man was given to you. And you step forward and lay your head against his chest, earning a chuckle from him.
——————————7 months later—————————
You lay with your head in what you believe to be the most comfortable lap in the world. But even prettier is the view. Vil takes another bite of popcorn you made earlier and looks at the romance movie playing.
Vil sighs deeply, letting his shoulders slouch, he places some of the junk food in your mouth. He wipes his now free hand free of butter and then moves it to massage your scalp, his nails scratching in the most satisfying way.
Vil sits on his side one hand propping himself up as your head lays in his lap and his free hand plays with your hair, he looks down at you with a loving look mixed no doubt with the serotonin from the sickeningly sweet romance movie. He’s dressed in one of your sleep shirts and a pair of sweatpants and had left his own clothes in your living room, as he claimed:
“I wouldn’t want all of my belongings to smell like all this junk, lord knows what would happen if Rook were to figure out I join you to eat junk and watch movies on Friday nights...” He would trail off and grumble but never turn down an invitation.
It was euphoric in a way, to see Vil come to you at 7:00pm on the dot each Friday. Rook and Epel knew full well you were dating their house-warden and kept it a secret for your sake but what they didn’t know was how much your hippie lifestyle had started to creep into Vil’s routine.
He’d come to you after one of his photo shoots, and look as if he wanted to tear his hair out from stress. He’d walk in and grab you by the collar and kiss you before changing into a comfy outfit you bought for him, much more your style than his. with a flowing skirt, a nice blouse with embroidered flowers, handmaid jewelry, and a colorful bandana to tuck most of his hair back. You'd then drag him out the woods behind Ramshackle and have him help you forage for dinner. He was a natural at botany and poisons after all.
Before, things would be more formal, more of just small talk, asking about each other’s day with tension heavy in the air. not knowing how to connect to each other even though you had been friends for months before and shared a common interest in botany and films. it was so easy as friends but harder as a new couple.
You hated it. He hated it too.
But one day after talking about what you both desired out of this relationship, you both realized you wanted someone to simply relax with. Though your ideas of relaxation varied a-lot. Mostly because Vil didn’t seem to know how to truly relax without doing some sort of physical activity. Lazying around seemed repulsive to him. So you compromised.
You were both interested in botany and naturally grown foods and products, thus why not teach Vil more about the Earth and how to harness it in a healthy, sufficient way? It was still something active in Vil’s mind, thus it’s always how things started until you both made your way back inside and to the kitchen to cook your findings. while you played music from your world on your somehow still functional phone. I couldn't make calls to your family, but somehow still had your playlist intact. Vil thought the music choices were odd but grew to like it and respect it for its message and freeness in expression over time.
Afterward was always different, however. Sometimes a movie, and sometimes just talking or enjoying each other’s presence and cuddling.
“I’m glad, you know…” Vil drawls out with a yawn. you look at the clock, around 11 pm this is late for him, as Vil is usually early to bed and early to rise,
“What for?” You ask with a hum.
“I’m glad I’m here with you…you make me feel so soft and warm." he groans in frustration and rubs the corner of his eye with his index finger, spreading some of his makeup before continuing "No…that doesn’t make any sense…I suppose I mean you make me content and happy.” He hums and smiles warmly, causing you to reciprocate.
“You make me happy too love…” You smile up at him, leaning up to meet him as he leans down and you two share a chaste, emotional, kiss.
“What a wonderful life this is…” you think to yourself.
Tags: @demon-lover-669
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aheartsbeat · 2 months
Introducing myself 👁️_👁️
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If you could do me a favor and read a bit abt me that would be nicee :))
Who am I? Hi I’m a cphile (obv) in my 20s, you can call me starBeats. I’m not consistently super talkative but don’t be afraid to send a question or courteous message. Just a heads up, I def won’t be posting frequently like this consistently since those edits are time consuming for me to make so sry not sry! :0
What do I love? I luvv heartbeats just like yall so that’s my main focus on here. I love a lot abt life outside of this ofc but unless something happens to come up naturally I prob won’t go out of my way to bring much else up :P Cardiophilia wise ik everyone loves a good pounding heart but I so admire healthy hearts and strong, slow beats (like 40bpm type shittt). Love X-rays and imaging, even surgery is cool but tbh I’m not big into the darker stuff, esp death or insinuating death even that isn’t my thing. Stethoscopes, exams, data/readings or whatever, medical settings, I love all that ofc. Idk I feel like the blanks can be filled in on this one you can message me if you wanna know more, I might even respond lol.
Where am I? I’m going to set the boundary here that I won’t say and yall r gonna respect that or else I’ll have to politely remind ur ass during conversation. I’m only on here. I won’t be on discord, I won’t be on twitter/X, ig, whatevs. Not my speed so that’s what’s up.
Since when? I’ve loved hearts forever, never known why tho :/ One of my favorite things actually is reading the stories of people who discovered their cardiophilia later in life so if that’s you and you’d like to share, I’d love to know about it!
Why? I’m not really intending to post any of my own heart, you mayyy see a couple audio files in the future but mostly no, that’s a pretty personal part of me. As much as I love being listened to, my heart is my own to share with whom I please, if that makes sense. I appreciate yall who do put your beautiful beating hearts out there tho, they’re all gorgeous! I’m really looking forward to have a place to put my heart edits. My video editing skills are getting to a point where I can make funky lil heart horny projects like the ones I already posted, so just having fun ;)
How to get to know me? Just ask lmao I don’t have rabies. It doesn’t have to be cardio related but I got outlets for my interests irl so I don’t mind only talking abt hearts. I’ve seen some cardiophile question posts floating around I’ll prob reblog one.
A reblog is mega appreciated it helps me say hi to more of yall!
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runningwithscizzorz · 10 months
Hi, idk if youve already talked about this or if you even want to but i was curious to know if you were cool with that one artist on twitter that draws in your exact style and character designs? Often times when i see their art i mistake them for you until i click on the account. i just wanted to know if you were okay with stuff like that. People cant own an artstyle i know but everytime i see their art i think its you. Obviously you dont have to answer this i was just genuinely curious and kind of wanted to know your take on stuff like that
When I addressed this exact thing on Twitter, I wasn't expecting anything to really happen, but theeenn... In about a month, I found several artists whose styles looked shockingly like my own. It hit me pretty hard that, with several thousand followers, this was bound to happen, people almost exactly narrowing down my style to even the smallest details.
It's slightly unnerving, not going to lie, but I still can't bring myself to be genuinely disturbed or tell anyone to stop. They're doing exactly what I did with Glen Keane's work, studying someone they look up to in attempts to convey the feelings and messages in their art as I do with mine, so I can't really get upset about it.
But, I can get upset over these artists, not heeding my advice to use several artistic references for their style. Being a good artist isn't finding a single artist you admire and developing your style with theirs piece by piece. You must absorb and translate the entire world. When I said you needed to get out of your own art bubble, I did not mean "just take another artist in your little safe bubble." It's inefficient to developing your own work.
What I recommend these artists to do is: Take a break from studying anyone's style, and study the real world equivalent of what you admire about that persons work. Studying straight from the source will pop you out of that bubble! Not to mention, learning anatomy, backgrounds, or anything from one artist before understanding how to actually break down the world around you is a very poor artistic practice. Learn the rules before you read someone else's guidelines.
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buckrogers · 3 months
15 questions for 15 friends
Tagged by @steveybucky! 😘
Are you named after anyone? from what I'm told, my mother was going through a french phase and loved the name jacqueline so, here I be! though extra lore nobody asked for: because it's got so many letters, I typically go by jacqui unless it's a ~fancy official thing or I'm in trouble, hah
When was the last time you cried? it would probably be easier to ask me when I'm not crying (anxiety club cardholder)
Do you have kids? nada! I am not parental material, but I do enjoy being the fun cool aunt to three nephews
What sports do you play/have you played? uh, bench warmer if we're being literal about it I don't think I was ever picked for a team willingly a day in my life I am both short and require glasses to see anything long distance - but! I was more interested in drama and books anyway so y'know battles, pick 'em.
Do you use sarcasm? frequently and with flourish!
What’s the first thing you notice about people? I'm actually a big one for vibes, I tend to gravitate toward the folks who put out the chill, easy going vibes. I'm very cerebral by nature, I live in my head so anybody who wants or digs conversations is also a big drawcard for me, I dunno! I like nice people who are funny and a bit different and aren't terribly concerned about what the masses are doing (idk hashtag just aquarius things I suppose) but also - hands! love expressive talkers, love hands. People with big smiles and the ability to poke a bit of good natured fun at themselves and the craziness of the world.
What’s your eye color? blue!
Scary movies or happy endings? oh ya girl is a sap so give me a happy ending every time, although points if it's a scary movie with some sort of happy(ish) ending
Any talents? hm, I guess I can string a coherent sentence together! I used to really enjoy acting in drama class, does making people laugh count as a talent? I like making people feel good I suppose, I'm the biggest cheerleader for people I'm close with
Where were you born? ACT, Australia
What are your hobbies? reading, wasting hours on the internet, RPing, sometimes graphic design/website design (just for funsies), writing, cross stitch
Do you have any pets? I wish I did! can't really have them where I'm renting atm so I yearn and admire all the neighborhood cats
How tall are you? what is height? is it nice? 5'3 repping for the shorties club here
Favorite subject in school? we had a subject called literature which was my absolute jam since it meant spending time studying all my favorite authors
Dream job? well I always wanted to be a writer, or an actor possibly but my anxiety said lmao no to the latter and the former I suppose I am in the way everybody who writes is a writer, just y'know, not so much in the way that it pays my bills
do I even know 15 people stress free tag (this is just a list of people I think are neat):
@toniestank @obiwho @meidui @yourbuckies @sparkagrace @musette22 @somanywords @maplefiasco @cable-knit-sweater @voylitscope @vivelarevolution13 @fandomfluffandfuck @dharmasharks @rillils
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