#idk they're saying hello to someone they Knew but not who i am Now
sapsolais · 1 year
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pixiesfz · 8 months
would you write for alexia putellas?
okay I always find it hard to write for Alexia but I finally thought of a good plot
inspired by Olivia Rodrigo's unaired song
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prison for life a.p
plot: you've always been independent in life but when Alexia walks in you cant help but want her to protect you.
warning: idk
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You sat in front of an interviewer in front of the goal posts as he asked questions about your new signing to Barcelona FC.
"So what caused the change from United to here?" he asked and you smiled "Change of scenery I think, there is nothing wrong with the club and I cherish every memory I have there" The interviewer nodded his head "So you don't feel for the comments saying you are moving just to get wins under your belt?" he asked slowly, almost as if he was scared to ask the question.
Your eyes slightly squinted at him but you leaned back as you remembered it is only his job "I'm a big girl" you smirked "I'm not going to listen to comments left on my Instagram because they're not the ones controlling my movements, I am" you said with a nod.
The interviewer smiled, impressed with your answer as the camera stopped rolling "You're very good with the media" he complimented you as he packed up his set "thanks" you smiled before returning to practice.
As you reached the other side of the pitch Keira turned to you "any personalized questions?" she asked and you shrugged "talked a little bit about the rumors of why I moved but that's all" Keira nodded "I will say in this team you get asked more personal questions so I'm here if you need" she suggested and you nodded "I'll be fine" you reassured her "yeah?" she asked "I'm good at protecting myself".
You had moved to Barcelona for a change of scenery but to also spend more time with your girlfriend Alexia who lived and breathed the club.
She was injured at the moment so she wasn't at a lot of the trainings and would appear at some games, she was very protective but you knew that... to an extent.
Your whole life you had protected yourself from the prying eyes of others and didn't rely on anyone else so whenever someone offered to help you, you always declined.
They didn't need to, you had yourself sorted.
But as your early weeks turned into months at Barcelona more interviewers and fans started asking more questions and players on the pitch were starting to recognize some of your go to traits which ended in more tackles, risky tackles.
You had never played in the same team as Alexia yet but as she was getting better and sat on the bench you saw her eyes darken whenever a tackle on you was played.
When the game ended you walked over to the bench where she sat and took the water bottle she had out for you "you know if looks could kill Ellie Carpenter would be six feet under" you joked as the girl had slide tackled you at least five times during the game.
"I don't like it when they try and hurt you" she shrugged and you smiled, leaning over to place her hair behind her ear "it's apart of the game Ale, it's her job and she is good at it." you told the blonde and she rolled her eyes "they hurt you, I hurt them" she shrugged before walking off into the change rooms.
You stayed in your place as you watched her go.
"She's so protective of you" Mapi scoffed as she watched your interaction with Ingred "you know it wouldn't hurt if you were that protective over me" Ingred teased "Alexia would go to prison for life if anyone laid a finger on her"
You furrowed your eyebrows at the couple as they walked away from you still babbling about how Mapi could be more protective of Ingred.
You looked around the crowd before walking around to say hello and sign t-shirts for the crowd.
You always did the lap, some girls stopped every now and then because some of the fans could be too much but you were always good, protecting yourself when something would go too far.
But when a man tried to convince you to take off your playing shirt and give it to him you thought about Mapi's words.
You wish you had Alexia here to protect you.
But you had never invited her too, always making excuses for people or sticking up for yourself.
You knew you could protect yourself but you wouldn't mind Alexia saving you.
You bid the man farewell as he groaned at your non-willingness to take off the top.
When you went home that night you took another hot shower as Alexia cooked dinner you couldn't stop smiling over the fact that Alexia cared so much about you.
When you got out of the shower and changed, you went to the kitchen and wrapped your arms around Alexia's toned stomach.
"comfortable?" she asked and you nodded "very" Alexia laughed "almost done, go put something on the TV" she suggested and you nodded, kissing her back which was covered by a singlet and walking to the couch and picking a television show.
You sat in the corner as you waited for Alexia, your mind wondering into situations where Alexia could save you and how her arms could hold you oh her arms-
"penny for your thoughts?" Alexia said as she put your plate down in front of you "not thinking much" you shrugged and Alexia rolled her eyes "I know when something is on your mind amor" she said and you ducked your head into your arms out of embarrassment.
"It's silly"
"I doubt it is" Alexia moved closer to you and picked up your head with her fingers so you would face her "are you okay?"
"I'm fine I just-" you stopped yourself and Alexia nodded for you to go along.
"Well my whole life I've always stood up for myself and solved my all problems" you started and Alexia nodded "I know, it's one of the things I love about you"
You blushed as she kissed your cheek "And today when I saw your eyes on the pitch and then what you said after the game I realized that I can also allow you to protect me" you said softly
"And I just really like the fact that I have you and that you care about me so much to even suggest hurting someone who hurt me" you laughed at the end.
"I would do more than just hurt them" Alexia quipped and you smirked "would you say you would end up going to prison?" you asked, thinking of Mapi's comment from earlier.
"For life".
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suiana · 6 months
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As a patient in a hospital, you swear that you're living the same day over and over. However, your doctor assures you that you're simply hallucinating.
Warnings: manipulation, obsession, classic yandere stuff idk, gn reader
[Day 2]
A warm breeze kisses your skin gently, the smell of freshly cut flowers as well as sanitized equipment invades your senses as you rub your eyes and let out a soft yawn.
Waking up in the same hospital bed, you smile as the thought of getting better fills your thoughts. Yes! A brand new day! You can already feel your body getting better and better!
"I can't wait to finally leave this place..."
You mutter to yourself, smiling softly as a soft knock comes from outside. You feel your heart race as the sigh of someone familiar enters, a small paper bag of baked goodies in one hand as he smiles down at you kindly.
"Well hello to you too, y/n."
You greet cheerfully, beaming at the handsome doctor who walks over to you with a smile who greets you back with a soft smile. You feel your heart warm slightly at him, butterflies in your tummy as he comes close to you.
Doctor Anthony Eurwen.
That's who he was. A genius young man who became a doctor at the age of 24. He was highly respected in the medical field, having achieved so much at his young age and right now, he's your doctor. Well, he has been for quite some time now. You suppose 3 months now?
He takes care of you personally and you wouldn't have it any other way. Why would you? A genius doctor caring for you one on one! You would have to be a fool to pass up this opportunity! Not to mention the fact that he was quite dashing...
Neat black hair along with brown eyes that shined golden under the sun, his facial features were no joke.
You were sure he had both girls and guys chasing after him. I mean, he was very handsome, intelligent, and had a nice personality. What isn't there to love about him?
...And that's why you developed a small crush on him.
Not like you'd ever confess though! You knew you'd be rejected in an instant, so there was really no point in trying in the first place. Plus, you knew that it was against ethics for a doctor to date a patient they're caring for. If you wanted to try your luck you'd have to wait until you were well enough to go home.
"y/n? You're spacing out, are you okay?"
You snap out of your thoughts, blinking repeatedly as your doctor presses a hand against your forehead in a worry. You immediately shake your head, laughing awkwardly as you feel your cheeks flush a dark hue.
"Ha-ha... Doctor I'm fine! Just... daydreaming is all!"
You choke out, smiling awkwardly at your doctor who purses his lips, clearly unconvinced by your words.
"Really? Hm... If you say so."
Doctor Eurwen mumbles, reluctantly taking his hand away from your forehead. You see him pause for a second, grip tightening on the paper bag of baked delights before relaxing.
"If you're not feeling well, you must tell me, y/n. I am your doctor and I just want you to get better."
He sighs, looking at you with a... loving? look in his eyes. Huh... loving? You never thought you'd describe his eyes as loving, especially towards you of all people! Haha, maybe it's a platonic type of love!
You nod at him, smiling awkwardly before looking at the small paper bag he held before gesturing to it.
"Doctor, what's that? Is that for me?"
You hum, staring curiously at the bag that smelled wonderful. You wonder whether he bought that for you or for himself. Or maybe he bought it for both of you to share?He'd do that once in a while when he was feeling hungry.
Doctor Eurwen looks down at the paper bag, smiling slightly as he places it on your table, opening it before taking out a small croissant.
"It's for both of us. I was hungry and bought a croissant for myself. Then I thought I'd get my favourite patient a little something as well."
He hums, pushing the small bag towards you as he munches on his croissant. You feel your heart flutter at his words, eyes widening as you look at the paper bag that carried another croissant in it. Ah, so he did get it for you! How nice of him...
"Thank you doctor, you really didn't have to. The hospital will get me breakfast later..."
"Don't worry about it, just treat this as a small snack."
He chuckles, smiling at you before he takes out his phone to show you a picture of his dog. Right! He had a dachshund dog that he treated like his own daughter!
"Milly gained some weight recently. She's been eating too much. I should reduce her treats."
The young doctor sighs, showing you some videos of his beloved puppy before looking at you with a cheeky grin. You can't help but feel your heart skip a beat at his attractive face.
"y/n, after you get better, we should go for a walk sometime. We can walk Milly together."
He proposes, looking down at his phone before chuckling softly. His cheeks were a soft pink, eyes clouded with happiness as you freeze in place, gulping nervously as you feel yourself grow hot at the sight of your doctor.
You try to answer, but your mouth was dry and your brain refused to cooperate normally, rendering your ability to speak useless at the sight of the handsome man. So you opted to nodding instead, laughing awkwardly as you avert your eyes elsewhere.
Damn, that was embarrassing as hell.
"Anyway, I'll be back with your medicine and check up later. Enjoy the croissant I got for you."
He mumbles, backing away as he pats your head. You watch as he leaves the room quietly, not mentioning anything about your flustered state. As soon as he was gone and the door to your room clicked shut, you let out a silent sigh of relief.
Thank god he left. You swear that you'd die from embarrassment if he remained in your presence any longer.
Shaking your head, you stretch slightly before looking out the window. What a beautiful day it was today! You can't wait for later and the following days to come!
A warm breeze kisses your skin gently, the smell of freshly cut flowers as well as sanitized equipment invades your senses as you rub your eyes and let out a soft yawn.
You immediately shoot out of bed, eyes wide as you observe your surroundings cautiously.
What? Flowers? You were sure that Doctor Eurwen removed them yesterday after the check-up...
You stare at the clear vase in confusion, looking around your room before the footsteps of someone familiar walks in. Doctor Eurwen! Maybe he'd know what's up!
However, you feel your heart sink slightly at the sight of the same small paper bag that you were quite sure you threw away yesterday. What the hell was going on? Oh, wait, the bakery was nearby so he migt've just gotten it again today, right? Haha...
"Well hello to you too, y/n."
What the- The same exact greeting too? Nah, this has to be some sort of joke. Right, a joke! He probably placed the flowers back there to play a little prank on you... Of course!
"Doctor, is- is this a joke? Haha... You did the same thing yesterday..."
"What? y/n are you alright? What are you talking about?"
Doctor Eurwen frowns at your words, walking towards you as he places the small paper bag down and reaches out his hand to touch your forehead. You can't help but flinch at his touch, looking up at him with a confused expression.
"Doctor, I swear you threw those flowers out yesterday! And you definitely bought the same exact pastries! That bag looks exactly like yesterday's! Why are you playing a prank on me?"
You whimper, looking at him as you look for him for an answer. Unfortunately, all you got was his concerned gaze and furrowed eyebrows as an answer.
"y/n, I didn't do that... Are you okay? Are you having delusions again? Maybe we should adminster you a different medicine..."
You stare at him in shock, not understanding what was happening. Wait, you were so sure that yesterday actually happened. Is this just a dream? But it can't be! Everything feels too real!
"Anyway, It's for both of us. I was hungry and bought a croissant for myself. Then I thought I'd get my favourite patient a little something as well."
Doctor Eurwen mumbles, gesturing to the paper bag of goodies on your table. But before you could protest any further, he says something which sends you into even more of a frenzy.
"Milly gained some weight recently. She's been eating too much. I should reduce her treats."
What the hell? That was the same exact line as from yesterday! You furrow your eyebrows at the doctor, chewing on your bottom lip as he talks about his pet dog before leaving the room, exactly the same way as yesterday. After he left, you couldn't help but throw the croissant into the trashbin.
Just what the hell was going on?
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lodeddiperactivate · 2 months
Gator talk
A/N: I had this idea of Rafe and someone who comes to OBX because she's obsessed with gators! I did some research on alligators in the Outer Banks to do this but nothing too extensive. I also started avoiding using Y/N as I find it better to not include this? Idk but there are instances when I had to specifically use pronouns instead. Anyway, Rafe is completely smitten and I'm not sure if I should turn this into a series but I really find this dynamic cute. Btw I imagined S2 Rafe in this, his pre-buzzcut era. Enjoy xx
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"So why gators?" Rafe asked curiously as he took a sip of his orange juice.
You had visited the Outer Banks specifically to do research on alligators. There's something about alligators that fueled your lifelong devotion to studying them. You were driving along what is known as the Tannyhill estate when your car broke down. You asked for help from anyone around, and there he was, Rafe Cameron.
"Hey! This is private property!"
"Yeah, sorry, I'm having car trouble," you said as you pop the hood. Smoke was coming out of it and you started to go through your usual diagnosis. You don't really know much about cars. You know a shit ton about alligators but not cars. By this time, Rafe had walked towards you to survey the damage.
"Ah you might have a leak somewhere," he said as he rested his hand on the hood of the car.
"What should I do?" You asked and Rafe smirked at your cluelessness.
"We need to wait until the engine cools before we can check the fluids," he said, slowly turning to face you. You were looking at your watch, it's almost night time so you have no idea how to get to the swamps and set up camp there before it gets dark.
"You gotta be somewhere?"
"Yeah, I have to get to Alligator River and set up camp."
"I don't think you can set up camp there," he said in a know-it-all manner, closing the hood of your car.
"I can if I have a permit," you corrected him as you fished a piece of paper in your pocket to show him.
After reading it for a while, he handed the paper back to you. "Look, I can call AAA for you. In the meantime, why don't you come inside for a minute." He didn't wait for you to respond and proceeded to walk back. You quickly lock your car, grab your belongings, and thank god that the car is already parked beside the road so there's no need to move it.
"So why gators?" Rafe asked curiously as he took a sip of his orange juice.
"I don't know. I've always been fascinated about reptiles. Their sheer strength alone is impressive and did you know that alligators can go through over 3,000 teeth in a lifetime? That's crazy!"
Rafe was looking at you, smiling while his chin is resting on his palm. You thought that he was kinda cute looking at you like that. Of course, you were spitting facts about alligators, that's pretty cool. You took a sip of the orange juice that Rafe had refilled for you and continued, "Also, the Outer Banks is known to be a wildlife refuge for alligators. Gosh, I am so excited to see an actual gator hole," you paused again and took a sip.
"Wow, that seems impressive. Did you know that alligators don't hibernate?" He asked you but he already knew that you know that. He just can't seem to help himself.
"Uhmm hello? of course! Unlike other animals that go through a hibernation period, alligators are only known to go through a dormant period during the colder months," you said, lifting your index finger, trying to prove a point.
By this time, it was already dark. There was a hurricane a few days before you arrived so Rafe had mentioned it would be difficult to get help around this time but you were hopeful.
After a few hours, still no one.
"I don't think they're coming," Rafe said as he eyed you pacing the room. "I'd offer to drive you," he started saying.
"Yes, that would be nice!"
"But, as you can see," he said pointing to the Range Rover outside. A huge tree branch had fallen directly on top of it, "my car's unavailable right now."
"Great, this was supposed to be the first day of a great research program and I'm stuck here," you regretted the last part as soon as you said it. You looked at Rafe who was seated in front of you.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean here here."
"I know what you mean," he stood up and walked towards you. The way he moves and talks is slow but very sure of himself.
"You know, you can stay for the night if you want. And tomorrow, my family would already be back, and I can use their car to drive you, yeah?"
"Yeah," you said mindlessly. Rafe was pretty tall so he was leaning towards you, particularly close too! Your breath hitches as you sucked in air before replying, "Thank you."
"Come on, I'll show you to your room."
The room was just beside Rafe's. It looked like a guest room. Everything was neat and there are towels ready for use in the bathroom.
"This house is huge," you commented as you looked around the room. You had the perfect view of your car outside.
"Welcome to Tannyhill," Rafe said as he sat on the bed.
You sat beside him and looked at him. You couldn't quite put your finger on him. He looks scary, acts as if he's better than you or everyone else, but does something sweet like listening to you yap about alligators and offering you a place to stay the night and offering to drive you tomorrow.
"What are you looking at?" He asked.
"You." That seemed bold of you.
"Yeah? You like what you see?" He flirted. You blushed at his statement but was quick to recover.
"I do, actually," acting as if what he said didn't made you wet.
You squirmed under his gaze. His lips slightly parted and his eyes on your lips. You leaned a bit closer, and he moves even closer. It was a light kiss on the lips at first which evolved into a makeout session with you straddling him.
"Listen, I don't normally do this but-"
"Oh shut up already," as you kissed him, arms wrapped around his neck. His hands on your waist, supporting you so you don't fall over.
He lays you down on the bed before taking his shirt off and lifting your dress above your head. You lie there in just your bra and alligator-printed undies.
"How cute is this," he said as he palmed you through those alligator-printed panties to feel how wet you are for him.
"Hurry up," you pulled him closer by the waistband of his pants, which you helped him get rid of.
"So needy," as he kissed you again, and then proceeded to kiss your neck, collarbone, and then removed your bra to suck on your already erect nipples. Rafe alternated between the two, with his other hand grabbing and squeezing the other. You wrapped your legs around him and ran your fingers through his hair. You hear and feel him moan through your skin. Rafe moved so that the tip of his cock is directly at your entrance. You moved your hips upward so he can enter you but Rafe held you down in place.
He grinned and started teasing you by inserting himself in you then completely pulling out. He does this a couple of times before you wrapped your legs tighter around him, pulling him closer.
"Such a pretty little slut," he whispered as he allowed himself to enter you fully, you feel him hit the spot and you gasped for air as you adjust to his size.
"You can take it baby, there you go, you're doing so well." Rafe then started to move his hips slowly, making sure you feel every inch of him. As he started to pick up speed, your moans became louder.
"Keep going, please, I'm gonna-"
"Shit baby," Rafe said as you cummed all over with him dumping his load in you after a few thrusts. You both collapsed on the bed as he wrapped his arms around you, and you both drifted off to sleep.
"Rafe?" Ward Cameron's voice pierced through the entire Tannyhill estate as he and the rest of the Camerons started unloading the car.
"Shoot," Rafe shot up and started getting dressed. You were still a bit groggy but quickly threw on your dress that was on the floor and fixed yourself up to look more presentable. "They're here early, come, let's meet everyone," as he smiled and extended a hand."
"Whose car is parked outside?" Sarah had asked.
"Where the hell is Rafe?" Ward asked, more to himself.
"Hey, I'm here," Rafe said as you and him entered the kitchen.
"Rafe," Ward said then looked at you, "Oh hello."
"Oh, she needed help with her car but AAA wasn't available so I thought, we can use your rover to drive to Alligator River?" Rafe explained the situation to everyone as they all eyed you, probably surprised as to why Rafe is so willing to help out.
"Why Alligator River?" Wheezie asked.
"Oh I'm doing my research on alligators."
"Alligators, huh? That's interesting," Ward said. "Well, of course dear, Rafe will drive you up to Alligator River and you can leave your car here until it's fixed." He extended a warm smile just like everyone else did.
"Your family's pretty cool," you said as you walked to the car with Rafe.
"Yeah, I mean, we have our problems."
"Much like all families," you smiled at him as he started the car.
The drive was pretty smooth, with the roads mostly cleared up by now, you can see how the Outer Banks seems idyllic.
"So uhmm, should we talk about last night?" Rafe asked.
"I'm not sure if talking about it is necessary, unless you want to?"
"Nah nah it's fine," Rafe turned a corner. "It's just that I would not want that to be the last time." He said without looking at you, his eyes on the road, the Alligator River now in sight.
"You don't?"
"Well, then," you smiled, "maybe you can visit me here sometimes," you arrived at the destination. "I'll be here all week."
"Yes, ma'am," Rafe said as he parked the car.
"Okay, this is me."
"Research the hell out of those gators, yeah?"
"Yeah," you responded, to him and that boyish grin that seems to be your new favorite thing, before leaning in and giving him a quick kiss on the lips.
OBX masterlist
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mushyposts · 18 days
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WOAH! THE CREW???? THE CREW FROM HIT FANFICTION NO THING DEFINES A MAN LIKE LOVE??? WOAH WOAH WOAH??? Anyway yes omg its them!!! This took me so long and im so tired but look at my ANGELS!
UM! Friendly reminder that I myself am not Inuit/Indigenous! I did research + had an Indigenous person helping me w the tattoos, but if theres anything wrong/disrespectful pls do let me know and I will fix it. All the tattoos r on a seperate layer so it'll be an easy fix and one i am more then happy to do. A few of the designs changed between this and my written description, so... Oops?? Especially Morqa. I got carried away ok.... ANYWAY I have some little notes abt their designs here and there so! Kaiqa: He used to have shorter bangs around his face but they annoyed him so he tried to let them grow out but that annoyed him so he would cut them again and then try to let them grow out and now he just has perpetual baby hairs that wont get any longer. Mikla: UM. Not much to say here. Isnt he pretty tho?? Buteq: SOMEHOW ENDED UP THE MOST MAJESTIC MAN EVER. HELLO?? The two beads on the right are for his nieces and the one on the left is for his sister! Neter: One time he got super cocky abt being 7 years older then Nitya which meant he was a better fighter and so Nitya was like "yeah?? ok bet." and then punched him and broke his nose and was like "hm where are those warrior reflexes?" so now Neter has a permanently bent nose. Sorqai: He got the scar thats through his beard in the same raid that cause Nitya and Konait (Kaiqas older brother) to die. Nitya died trying to get Konait and some other kids out of the mess, and Sorqai got injured trying to get to them to help. He's mostly numb on that side of his face due to nerve damage ! Causes him to lisp a bit, especially w the chipped tooth (which he got from tripping) Natai: He wears both his own and Nitya's necklaces their parents made them, and intends to only take of Nitya's and let it go into the ocean where he was buried when the war is over. His own way of keeping Nitya involved in the war effort, something that was really important to him. Kutai: Again, no real notes here but isnt he pretttyyy..... Kovak: Honestly, very likely one of my favourite character designs I've ever made. Im kind of obsessed with him. He doesnt wear his necklace from his parents because he wasnt on good terms with them at all while they were alive. He took it off before they died, and hasnt been able to bring himself to put it back on. he intends to give it to his kid when he gets back. Mori: UM! I dont have a lot of notes here. Mori has two kids ! Hence the three tattoos under their chin, I saw an inuit creator/source say that sometimes people will add lines as they have kids and I thought that was really lovely so yes!! Again im just. I think hes so pretty. Luqait: Im so sorry king I did u dirty posting this after that one chapter. Each one of the beads he wears is dedicated to someone he knew in the tribe who died, theres more not visible on the other side of the braids. I can say for 100% certainty theres one for Kya and Nitya. Saila: Saila was actually a design i struggled a lot with, but I think I got them to a point im happy with!!! They're a good amount intense, androgynous and also have that amber flash in their eyes. The amber comes from having Fire Nation somewhere in their ancestry, something I dont think will really come up in the fic, but a detail I think is good to know! Morqa: I changed Morqa's design the most, especially his hair! But I think he's ended up being a design I am most proud of. The piercings especially!! Eventually u will run out of space (that we can see ig??) king but today is not that day godbless.
OKAY! THERE WE GO... I HOPE EVERYONE LIKES THEM UM PLS BE NICE AND DONT REPOST AND IDK JUST.... I HOPE U LIKE THEM AS MUCH AS I DO i know oc's in fics arent always peoples favourites but the reception of these guys has been like. Beyond mindblowing. Im so fucking excvited and happy everytime people in my comments talk about how much they love the characters i've created. Like.... The fact that people enjoy the OC's and not just for what the give to Zuko, but for what they give to each other and their own individual stories is so incredible to me. I hope u guys like this and I hope it helps u visualise them better!! : D
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bronx-bomber87 · 6 months
Hello amazing fandom :) I have been itching for this ep since the moment D sent me the ep description for it. I'm glad they didn't spoil much of this ep at all. I have a lot of feelings for this one so might be so mini LOL Off we go.
6x05 The Vow
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Oh my lord starting out hot with a romantic dinner and a kiss. Also want to talk about they both light up when they see each other. Like they're still in that honeymoon phase somewhat. They’re both so happy to see each other I wanna die. haha Lucy of course has to question the gift. Saying gift giving is not his love language. Damn they cute. Tim saying he is trying to change things up. I’m squeeing and we’re like less than a minute in everyone.
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Damnit he’s so romantic with what the gift is. It’s her radio from last week. Oh my word. Lucy is in awe of this man standing before her. Oh my goodness we get a second kiss I’m squeeing so hard. *screams into a pillow* A thank you kiss no less. Loving how he has his hand wrapped around her arm. Pulling her in close for both misses. You know I should've known this ep was going to hurt with getting two kisses within the span of 3 minutes and a cute ass moment to boot.
Like in a video game where they let you stumble upon a bunch of ammo right before a massive fight scene. You know shit is about to go down with them supplying you like that. How I felt with getting cuteness and two kisses right away. I am so excited Tamara has appeared. Wouldn’t be the return of her if she didn’t cock block them. Tim shaking his head too. Classic. Lucy telling her it’s ok. Also LOVING that they have a pre-planned date night. Be still my heart.
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Tim gets his cryptic ass phone call and immediately takes off. Lucy looks crushed for a couple reasons. First that he can’t stay. She was clearly looking forward to a night with her man all day. Second the fact he's so short with her. Breaking my heart 'Just wait.' Her Tim radar is going OFFFF Lucy looks SHOOK with his hasty departure. Her heart just walked out the door and it shows.
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Oh my word I knew It would be from his military past. The blind spot for the most part we have with his character. I was hoping it would be. The Tim fan girl in me is psyched af. I was thinking who is this Ray and why is Tim so spooked? Then we find out this dude killed their friends and there’s a promise.... Uhhhh the promise is to kill him? Uh Timothy, my love you are a cop….
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Oh Lucy is anxious af without him. Ugh she knows something is wrong immediately. Knows this man too damn well. Side tangent about to start. I know some people complained how long it took for them to get together blah blah. BUT I wasn’t. These moments right here are exactly why.
The fact that the very second he took that call she knew deep in her gut something was wrong with him. That is not a connection you get with someone overnight. That is years worth of working together, leaning on each other, learning about one another and seeing each other through a lot of things together. That connection and instinct on someone is built over time.
The beautiful recipe they have now wasn’t ready till we got close to it in s4 and even then they still had some tweaking to do before we reached S5. That being said I love her missing him. My guess is other than 6x01 they’ve scarcely spent a night apart. Also her Tim radar is going bonkers right now. She looks so sick to her stomach when she hangs up.
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Tim seeing Lucy’s call going off and not being able to answer. It's clearly killing him. We see him take a beat and a deep breath. Clearly doesn’t want to be here rather be there with her. Last thing he wanted was his date night interrupted. Also she is his ‘go to’ for pretty much everything. You know its actively tearing him up to not answer her.
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Oh my he was called the 'Reaper'? Holy hell why is that so attractive? Everything with Tim usually is. But hot damn that being his nickname in the service? I am fanning myself. Idk if that's wrong but I am haha But it does give us insight to who he was in the service tbh. You don't get called 'The Reaper.' without good reason.... Why Greer thinks Tim is going soft on him.
I do love Tim reinforcing the law also very attractive oh my goodness. You tell ‘em love. I don’t love this guy guilting Tim into keeping this pact. He’s SOOOOO loyal he’s gonna keep to it. Even at his own detriment. The man shoulders SO MUCH he already doesn't need to. Ugh Tim saying they’ve built lives. Yes you have. With Lucy. The love of your life you walked away from tonight to be here right now. After this chat I knew this ep was going to hurt so good. I could feel it.
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The jokes in the car are cute was hoping he’d ask Tim about Lucy. Sadly we didn't' get this. This whole situation makes me nervous af. God Tim looks extra fine in this episode street clothes on him are a wonder. A delicious one.
My god this list of crimes this guy has done sweet lord. Stole money. Called in an air strike on his own men when they came for him holy shit …Wasn't enough to bury in a shoe box.....fuck they both lied to get Ray’s wife and kid death benefits and if they bring him in it’s a problem.
Crap this is so bad Tim... Saying they’ll get fired from their current jobs and be dishonorably discharged from the service. I’m nervous…this isn’t a good situation. Also not surprised in the least he broke the rules to take care of someone. That empathy of his ran deep before it got buried by his Isabel trauma later on.
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First off let me say Eric KILLED ME in this scene. I was tearing up at how tore up he is about all of this. Tim wanting to take the fall.... Damnit Timothy you have a life too. Don't fall on your sword my god imma cry. Tim’s integrity is one of his sexiest traits IMO. I too have a deep sense of integrity drives everyone I work with insane. He’s in tears saying he would arrest him. Oh my word. I'm crying again. Eric killing me softly holy hell. I'm so mad at Greer for putting that on him. I had a bad feeling about Greer the minute he guilted Tim into this side OP.
How dare you put that on my Tim. He already has so much on his soul. A chunk of it not even his fault. The man is a deeper empath than he gets credit for. He absorbs the feelings and pain of those around him and shoulders things he doesn't need to. I'm learning in therapy I do the same thing. My therapist told me one thing to be empathetic. It's another to feel responsible for other's feelings or the outcome of actions I've taken and how it affects others. I feel like Tim is the same way. He's such an empath he's taken that responsibility to the extreme and is carrying things he doesn't need to be.
I wanna hug him oh my god. His sigh when Greer left. My heart. I'm sure part of the reason he's hiding this from Lucy is the shame he feels. This man (Ray) stole half a million from the government then bombed his own people on his watch. Tim breaks the rules to make sure his widow and child are taken care of and its bites him in this ass. There is a reason he was/is so damn rigid as a cop. 'Rules matter boot.' His PTSD in a line. Anytime he has let his guard down and skirted the rules people have been injured (Mitch) or in this case killed. Ugh. My poor boy. The hitch in his breath like he couldn't breath that entire convo. I'm hurting so much for him in this episode.
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Poor Lucy kept it together at work but lost it when he finally gets home. That look of hope when he walks through the door then instant anger. ‘Telling me you’re alive is not optional.’ Ugh she’s not wrong....I can only imagine what her anxiety was doing to her until he walked through that door. It's shown in her lines above. Her imagining him bleeding out somewhere.
She is not wrong it wasn't ok he didn't even tell her he was alive. I get why he didn't but he should've. Lucy straight confronting him. Asking him what the actual hell is going on with him? No one knows you better than her. You can't hide what you're going through. Tim of course wants to protect her from being fired and refuses to tell her what he's torn up about. Only alluding to it's serious enough if she knows she will be jeopardizing her standing at work.
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Her saying 'Then what are you doing here?' God damn Lucy... telling it like it is. Holy hell. Poor Tim is so taken aback by her response. He breaks my heart when he says 'I came to see you.' Lucy has become his safe place. His comfort zone. So by default he came here to seek that comfort. She is home now and he came home. But she can’t comfort you when she doesn’t know what to comfort you for. This scene hurts to watch. Because he is DYING for her compassion, her warmth and just her. He is denied access because she is setting a boundary with this as she should. Tim needs to share the load with her. To tell her the truth. She is willing to risk her standing for him.
My god if she actually knew she would be kicking herself for how much he needs her right now. But she doesn't know so she sends him away. The tears in both their eyes His 'Understood'. Man is about to cry in front of her. I’m dying. Someone revive me. I’m dead and not in a good way. I’m crying. Eric and Melissa out here crushing it though. Gah Tim would rather blow them up and protect her than not ugh Timmmmmmm I get both sides of this. Tim thinks since this is pre-Lucy and could get her in trouble he needs to bear this alone. When she is begging him to let her share the load of this. Sending him away is her setting a boundary. That he needs to think not just of her but of them. To tackle things together. To stop protecting her.
They’re both hurting in this scene. But the issue at hand still is them only thinking in terms of 'Me' not us. Even though when one of them does this it’s to protect the other. That’s fine and dandy but when it come to them as a whole it’s a problem. Shit hits the fan they eject away thinking that’s the best course of action. It’s been an issue for some time this lack of communication. This is just bringing it to a head. They don’t think how can we tackle this together? They think how can I protect my person from this? Or protect their feelings by lying.
Also think that radio being in this scene was there for a reason. That radio is the representation of Lucy not telling Tim exactly how not ok she was in 6x04. She was so willing to pretend she was ok. And instead of leaning on him. Voicing that so they could tackle it together. She ran into the line of fire recklessly instead to prove herself worthy again. Almost killing herself in the process. Because she was in her head instead of communicating to Tim. These two gonna be death of me...
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Wanna hug Lucy. She is desperate for any kind of help. So she reaches out to Nolan. John per usual is completely useless for her in a crisis. Man is as useful as using a fork to eat soup. These are the moments I miss Jackson for Lucy so much. He would’ve had a much better an answer. Then just ‘you're shit out of luck.’ That’s not enough damnit.
Nolan basically saying. "What are you gonna do?' with a shrug. If I could clock you John I would. I don't normally watch the preview for the next ep till I'm done assembling my thoughts. But with this one I couldn't wait. This is why Lucy goes to Angela next week about Tim instead. She needed a real grown up to help her with Tim.
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We rejoin Lucy looking at her phone. Trying so damn hard not to reach out. To be the trusting girlfriend for her man. I know we're in a bad spot but Lucy calling Tim 'her man' gah yes please more of that. I am grateful for Tamara. She needs her right now since Nolan is useless af. Lucy is trying so very hard not to spiral out atm. She confronted him and it didn't go well. Lucy is feeling at a loss right now and rightfully so. I adore Tamara for making her laugh in this moment so very much.
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The lesson's Tamara has learned is too damn cute. I loved it so much. Lucy needed this moment of levity and her pseudo daughter crushed it. We pan back to Tim also starting at his phone wanting to call. Ugh Tim what are you gonna do babe? You can’t kill him. Can’t turn him in. I feel sick lol Also once again amazing song to close it out. I watch the ep with my gaming headphones on. One because I love hearing Eric’s voice straight in my ears not gonna lie. Don’t judge me ha Also catch onto music more so with them on.
But back to the matter at hand…Now do I think they’re gonna break up cause he’s gonna protect her? I don’t. Their angst since they got together has always been productive. Is it gonna hurt like a son of a bitch before we get there? Yes.
My hope is this drives them to depend on one another more and not just straight protect each other at the detriment of the one they're ironically trying to protect. Better communication which has been an issue for some time. To learn to face these challenges not only head on but hand in hand while they do so. These are the types of things they need to learn before their relationship gets any more serious than it is tbh. So while this hurts like a lot it'll be good for them in the long run.
This season has EXCEEDED my expectations ten fold. If you aren't happy with this season idk what will make you happy tbh. I said the same thing about S5 as well. I cannot wait for next week. Which I am hoping is full of worried/feral Lucy and their reunion and growth from it. Phew feel free to comment any theories or thoughts on my first take thoughts I love them so. Also thank you everyone supporting these mini reviews you're amazing and makes the effort always worth it.
Side notes -non Chenford
Ok Aaron seeing his therapist at the bar excited for him I knew low key there would be something there.
Bailey and John seem so cold I know they’re on duty but even grey held his wife’s hand at the hospital…
Of course Smitty takes his break at a therapist office
Lucy’s joke about Celina omg LOL I'm impressed with such a solid joke when she was low key worried the love of her life was dying in a ditch somewhere...
Also clearly his therapist is a lying liar who lies but how can she not be? She's his therapist and WORK one at that. Be interesting to see how this unfolds.
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angel-anachronism · 2 years
Heyy How you doing? I wanted to make a request for Mischa Bachinski × reader where reader is like this popular but not mean kind of girl in town. Like everyone loves her and she's in every club she can and has good grades in school (which can be a problem for ocean), her friends'parents absolutely love her, etc. And like mischa and her don't talk to much, so he thinks she doesn't even remember his name. (Kind of like the song Gold Rush by taylor swift now that I think abt it? Idk).
The point is ofc she likes him, but she thinks he doesn't like her bc of his angry persona and all of that stuff (also what would people say if they saw her hanging out with someone with such a bad raputation?)
And when they finally clear things up and become friends they end completely falling in love w each other and have to tell each other at some point.
I feel like this is way too long and specific, so don't worry if it bores you or smth, ily :))
Hello! I'm currently very busy with school, but I'll still try writing oneshots at any opportunity I have! And don't worry, I love writing very long and detailed works, and I find it easier when the request is longer because I know what I need to write.
(P.S. In this fanfic, (Y/N) has two moms, which will be referred to as mama and mom, cuz I just felt like it.) (Also, they will appear in the next request too, so be prepared to see them again)
Also, sorry for not writing in a few weeks, I've been going through a long depressive episode lately, but now I've got the motivation to write again
(TW: None!)
Word count: 1,364 words
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Beauty and the beast (Mischa Bachinski x Popular!fem!reader fluff)
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(𝓨/𝓝)'𝓼 𝓟𝓞𝓥
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"The most loved girl in town" has been a Title that I've worn like a badge for most of my life. Ever since I was younger, I knew three things:
"Be friendly to others because you don't know what they're going through, be smart so that you can one day help others live a better life, and last but not least, be happy for making others happy"
At least, that's what my parents always told me, and I obeyed them. These rules have been actually helpful for me. Thanks to them, I am now known by everyone in town as being "The most loved girl in town", thanks to my personality.
I always help others when in need, and thanks to that, I've made a lot of friends. Yes, some of them have been fake to me, but I still have forgiven them.
I am also one of the best students in school. I've never got any grade below 79%, and I am also in every club in St. Cassian high school, including the school choir.
Speaking about the school choir, I am friends with a lot of people, even with my rival, Ocean. We don't hate each other, but we are indeed rivals in every class. After we get the scores on one of our tests, the one who has the lower grade needs to buy Taco Bell from my friend, Noel, and pay with the "loser"'s money.
Even if I have a lot of friends in school, I am not friends with one boy, who's name is Mischa Bachinski. To be honest, I would like to be friends with him, but I don't think he would want to be friends with me, a goodie two shoes.
I should probably try to become friends with him. Everyone has a good soul. There's no such thing as bad people. Mischa is just misunderstood, that's the problem, and I would like to try to break him out of his shell formed of anger.
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The next morning, after I woke up, I decided to make a little bracelet for Mischa, since I want to start a friendship with him, and there's no better way than to make a friendship bracelet.
I spent a few minutes making the bracelet, which also included his name, and I felt very proud of myself, yet I was still kind of scared that he might reject my friendship bracelet.
After I was done making it, I put it on my wrist, and then took my backpack, and went downstairs to eat together with my moms.
As I was walking downstairs, I observed the decoration around the house. There were seventeen pictures of me, going from up to down. The first picture was a picture of myself when I was one, and the seventeenth one was of me in the present. I'm not exaggerating one bit when I tell you that my moms are very proud of me. They always brag with pride about how smart I am to everyone they meet. Most parents even beg me to be friends with their kids, so that they can learn to be "better". Of course, I befriended their kids, but I never tried to change them. Everyone is perfect in their own way.
"Goodmorning, (Y/N)! How was your sleep?" Asked my mama. I looked at her and I smiled, as my other mom was making breakfast for us.
"It was wonderful!" I said as my mom gave me an omelet.
"Well, we're glad that you slept well!" Mom said as she sat next to mama and me.
I began eating as if there were no tomorrow, and then got off my seat and waved at my moms.
"Wait, (Y/N)!" Mama said as she walked to me, and pulled my sleeve up, to show the bracelet that I was planning to give to Mischa.
"Young lady. Who is this "Mischa"?" She asked as she smirked. I blushed a little.
"Oh, he's a boy in choir, and I want to become friends with him, so I made him this bracelet," I said, and both mama and mom smiled at each other.
"That's good, honey! Hope we can meet him one day!" Said mom, as both she and mama waved at me.
I waved back and then headed off to school.
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I have gotten to the choir and looked around for Mischa. he was indeed here, but he was sitting on his phone.
I walked up to him.
"Hello, Mischa!" I waved at him. He looked at me surprised.
"Wait, you remembered my name?" He asked. I nodded. "What do you want from me?"
"Well, I would like to become friends with you, only if you don't mind!" I said, and I took the bracelet off my wrist and showed it to him.
he looked in awe at the bracelet and extended his hand to take it. He took it so gently, it was as if he never got any gifts from anyone.
"Wow..." He said, and then looked at me. "You really had time to make a gift...for me?"
I nodded. He looked even more in astonishment at the bracelet. He looked like he wanted to cry, but he hid it behind the facade of someone with a "cool guy" persona. "Thank you, druh!" He smiled at me.
"Sorry if I seem rude, but what does "druh" mean?" I asked with a confused smile. He started chuckling. "Druh means friend in ukrainian." He said, still looking at the bracelet.
"Wait, you see me as a friend?" I asked once again. He smiled again.
"Of course! No one here ever gave me a gift, and you are the only one who gave me something even if we don't know each other very well."
He explained. My eyes sparkled. Then he added with a slight blush, "Thanks." I smiled brightly at him, and we continued chatting until class started. I just know that this will start a beautiful friendship.
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I'll never forget the day when I befriended Mischa. Since then, we've been like two peas in a pod, rarely separated. Even though I've only been friends with Mischa for a few weeks, I consider him one of my closest friends.
After school, Mischa waited for me outside, and we decided to walk home together. He held my arm, and it felt so nice…but also weird. It was like a tingle running through my body, and my heart started beating fast.
We talked more and more, while slowly getting closer and closer to each other. I could feel a lump form in my throat. Why was I reacting like this? Maybe it's because I had never felt this before. Was this normal? Or was I overreacting? I couldn't tell. Our arms were touching, which was weird. I didn't like being touched by strangers, and Mischa was definitely not the type of person whom I would willingly touch. However, I enjoyed holding hands with Mischa. We arrived at Mischa's house. "See you at school, (Y/N)" Mischa said with a saddened expression as he wanted to enter his house. I stopped him, which made him look back at me "Hey, Mischa," I began, "I actually wanted to ask you something…" "Yeah?" He replied, sounding slightly nervous. "I…I…really like you! I blurted out. His face changed completely, and he looked shocked. He looked at me for a moment. "Why?" He asked. "Well, I guess I don't know! I just found out today that I have a crush on you, and then I couldn't stop thinking about you!" Misha began laughing. "Well, (Y/N), I like you too." He said, smiling. "Really?!?" I asked as I wasn't sure if I heard correctly. But then, it happened: he hugged me. A hug from Mischa Bachinski. "Yes, (Y/N), I really like you too." He said as he broke the hug. We stared into each other's eyes and smiled shyly. This relationship will truly begin like any cheesy romantic comedy.
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𝑅𝑒𝒷𝓁𝑜𝑔 >> 𝐿𝒾𝓀𝑒 (𝒩𝑜𝓉 𝒻𝑜𝓇𝒸𝒾𝓃𝑔, 𝒷𝓊𝓉 𝐼 𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓁𝓁𝓎 𝓃𝑒𝑒𝒹 𝓂𝑜𝓇𝑒 𝓇𝑒𝓆𝓊𝑒𝓈𝓉𝓈 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝓇𝑒𝒶𝒹𝑒𝓇𝓈)
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fromdarzaitoleeza · 8 months
hello! im sorry if this is a weird message, feel free to completely ignore it, but i read some of the asks you get and thought id try to express my feelings, since i have literally no one else to tell them to, and because i relate so deeply to so many of your posts.
i had my first love in 2022. i kind of kept an eye on them for months before we started interacting, and when i got to know them i was blown away–i couldn't even dream them if i tried. i remember thinking to myself for hours on end about how perfect they are, thanking the heavens for crafting someone so unbelievably beautiful as them. the embarrassing part is, our "situationship", if you could even call it that, lasted two weeks. just two weeks. and i feel so fucking ridiculous because i still love them.
i've met someone i really, really like and got into a relationship, and it kills me because although i care about my partner a lot, they're not them, you know? they're not my first love. my current love.
i don't know if i'll ever get over them, and i honestly don't even want to. my feelings are the very last string somehow still connecting us, and i don't want to live in a world where there are no signs of us ever existing, even though we never really did.
and these feelings are not painful for me either–thinking about them doesn't ever make me sad, just nostalgic, really. i only feel thankful that they were my first love, and that we get to exist under the same sky together. just thinking about this person going about their day, wondering what they're currently doing, brings warmth to my heart.
anyway, even if you don't reply to this message, thank you so much for making this blog so welcoming it made me feel like it was okay to share my feelings. hope your days are lovely.
I read all of it, I can't say for sure if i resonate your feelings, i do believe a part of everyone stays inside us whom we once loved, i have never been lucky in terms of love , yes I used the word luck here cause in terms of efforts I do believe I have given my level best I try and try and try again until i have nothing more to offer , people fall in love with me and then they fall out of love idk how people are capable of doing that ( losing interest/feelings) I don't want to get into more details, as for you I don't much to say I cannot say i understand you , all I can say don't let your past or any person from past effects those who are now willing to love you to their best abilities and don't let it stops you from loving them to your best capabilities , I am sure you already knew it . I have nothing to offer you not even words
“ Sometimes you get so close to someone you end up on the other side of them. ”
― Richard Siken
This blog is welcoming to everyone, even if i don't respond to the anonymous asks i have read them you have my best wishes for everything, this is the only thing I am Good at words and in the end they are not enough too .
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remyfire · 4 months
just had to pop in and say hello to a fellow animorphs kid. the animorphs to mash pipeline is real
spRINTING in and sliding into home base all cool and stuff yes hello :D :D
Animorphs my beloved. I started reading it way too young, probably, and we could only get maaaaybe 12 books out of the whole series in my library. I think I first found it before it was completed, actually, so maybe that's partly why, idk. But when we were dating, my wife nabbed me all of them in a big lovely digital package, so that's how like 20-year-old me got to finally finish reading the series and then cry my eyes out and stare at the ceiling for an hour processing it. Goddamn. Beautiful shit ;v;
Amusingly I had an Animorphs MASH AU pop into my head once, and it's going under the cut because I'm gonna go off at the mouth about it and I don't think many people will care about it, but you activated me and I'm excited now :D
It was specifically circling around Hawkeye being the only person to have this ability (no I have not yet decided how the escafil device got there before Elfangor did, don't worry about it, that's for later me to decide if I ever wrote it) and ending up morphing into Sophie for recon purposes because he could get away with a lot more scouting out of a suspected Yeerk installation as a wild horse than as a human in a jeep. Unfortunately the Sophie instincts make him too happy just to runrunrunrunrun. I think I had Radar as the only person who knew that Hawk had this ability, so when someone brought horse!Hawk back like "Oh hey I think the colonel's horse got out," Radar was just sweating and trying to pretend he wasn't hiding Sophie in her stall like "OH HOW WEIRD IS THAT," while Hawk who was rapidly approaching the two-hour mark was trying to very subtly trot into the barn and not panic Sophie as he morphed back out, bless them.
THEN my brain took it a couple of different routes! One was the variant of Frank's breakdown between S5 and S6. I posited the idea that a casualty that came in was the first to be infested, probably by a Yeerk scouting ship that went down somewhere deep in the forest, and when its alien host was dying on the ground and being investigated by a panicked American soldier, he didn't notice the lil slug creeping up his boot, over his pants, closer closer ever closer until it touched his face, and while he was in a panic and tripping over himself trying to get this thing off of him, he stumbles and bangs his head on something, and while he's reeling from it, that's when the Yeerk infests him. His host is now bleeding profusely from a head wound, though, and about to pass out, so when he ends up on Frank's operating table, this fucking Yeerk has already had a hell of a day.
So Frank manages to get infested by this Yeerk—again, I futz the details, they're not important rn hfkfd I think I posited Frank leaning down to hear what this gasping soldier is trying to say and the transition happening that way somehow—and the Yeerk is struggling to operate Frank's very poorly medically trained brain, so he is maiming and murdering casualties left and right. Everyone thinks he's cracking up because of Margaret's recent marriage, so they send him off on R&R. And the thing is that this Yeerk is starving and has been already for a full day, so the second Frank is there in Tokyo, his Yeerk has started to go insane from the lack of kadrona rays, and god bless Frank, but he was fragile enough already, and his conservative little mind was already paranoid and keen for conspiracies as it was, so he goes straight off the deep end. He does not get sent home with a promotion. He just happily believes that he did.
And then my brain took it a beejhawk route as I am wont to do where Hawkeye needs to know who is trustworthy around him, and he desperately needs to know if he can talk with BJ about what he's seen, what he's experiencing, so he gets them three-day passes and takes him to Seoul, and for the very first time...Hawk seduces him, and barely within minutes of arriving. And there's this brief pause before BJ surges into him with this low hum and unabashed, languid desire, and Hawk ends up pinning him down on the bed and making a quiet choked sound before he looks up at him with a feline grin and murmurs how he wants to play a game with BJ.
And this is how Hawk ends up tying BJ to a chair tight as he can in the middle of a Seoul hotel room, all while whispering the filthy things he's gonna do to Beej once he's got him secure. And then once he's checked all the knots and knows BJ can't get out of them, Hawk catches BJ by the chin and grins and looks him right in the eye and whispers, "I've got just under three days here alone with you. And you're gonna die the slowest, most excruciating death possible. And when you're squirming free, doing everything you can to find just one shred of food, I'm gonna laugh myself silly over how pathetic you are. And then I'm gonna grind you into a puddle for daring to get your disgusting little slime all over this fella's perfect fucking brain." Because he knows Beej wouldn't have drifted that easily into an affair with him, not without at least some degree of grief and self-directed frustration.
And unbeknownst to him, BJ—who has been so goddamn careful the entire time he and Hawk been working together to not let a lick of his desperate desire show through and tempt him, really tempt him—had intentionally pushed all those wet dreams and fantasies and hunger to the forefront of his mind just so his little Yeerk would bypass the sharp reluctance that BJ has to cheat again, so that it would instead think it was being incredibly clever, about to really wrap Hawkeye around its finger and find a way to make him another lovely host as well while his current one is all tied up with nowhere to go.
Something something watching the man you love writhe in agony for three days straight as his little parasite is using his voice to call you the worst fucking things possible with all the knowledge he has of what hurts you more than anything. Something something hearing him cry and plead and beg and promise you everything you've ever wanted with him if you'll just untie him, having to sit there against the wall with your head in your hands and whisper it's not him it's not him it's not him.
Man. What a fucking series, am I right? I'm really normal about it. Thank you for unlocking my babbling :D
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honeycowinnit · 1 year
Hello I've been thinking Abt this:
Nature/Wisdom god tommy is imprisoned by his people for his powers. Since tommy is a child, he doesn't know any better.
Key in Wilbur, a traveler: who got visited by Tommy in his dreams, asking him to help him.
Idk u can change some stuff!!! I just thought Abt this on spot
"How am I to be of service to you?" Wilbur asks, overwhelmed, and the child tilts his head to the side. His bright blue eyes glow like the sun on the waves up north. "I am but a humble traveler."
"Do not tell me you genuinely believe that," the child says. He reaches forward and touches Wilbur's chest. He touches the pendant there, that is always there. "You are flame and light. You are my keeper. You will find me and you will save me, because I believe you can."
And then the dream vanishes, and Wilbur startles awake, breathing heavy, chest warm and tingling from where the child's fingers touched.
Wilbur finds the child from the dream two towns over in a rock statue covered in ivy.
He would not have even looked if he didn't need to stop to rest and eat, and he's glad he did, because this being in the middle of the town square must mean something. He leans forward to try and read the faded plaque.
Our wonderful lord, to whom we give all our gratitudes and well wishes.
Wait. Does that mean that the kid from his dream is a -
"Interested in our God, are you?" A voice says. Wilbur turns, and sees a short man blond hair and a forest green cloak.
"Uh, yeah," Wilbur says. "Just ... learning about the customs here. I am new to the area, so -"
"Yeah, I could tell." He squints. "I know everyone that comes through this town. You, my friend, do not belong here."
Wilbur stills. "There is no law telling me I cannot be here."
"Not yet." The man grins fiendishly. "But only because I have yet to write it." Then, he strikes.
Wilbur wakes up in a cold, damn cell with an aching head. His pack is gone, and all of his money. They took his guitar. He groans, then pushes himself to his feet. There are bars in front of him, and cold stone under him. He believes no one is here, but then he hears clinking metal in the darkness.
"Hello?" He calls, reaching out and curling his hands around the bars. "Is someone there?"
Wilbur curses himself. He's simply seeing things. And hearing them. There isn't anyone here. They're going to let him rot down here.
"Wilbur?" A voice calls.
Wilbur startles, then squints. Two blue eyes glow in the darkness. They shift closer, coming into the lantern light. It's the boy from his dream. Dirtier, paler, more roughed up looking. There are chains around his wrists, and he's wearing rags. When he reaches out to curl a hand around the metal bars of his cell, it's trembling.
"It's you," Wilbur breathes. "You're real." Then he remembers what the plaque on the statue said and drops to his knees. "My lord."
"Stop," he rasps. "Wil, don't you - do you not remember? It's me. It's Tommy."
Wilbur looks up hesitantly. The kid - Tommy- is pleading with him, reaching out through the bars. He's straining to touch, even though it's impossible. And that's when Wilbur sees it. The ring on his finger. Matching the pendant that Wilbur wears on his neck every single day. The one he was born with.
"They - they match." He says. And it wouldn't make sense to anyone else, but Tommy understands.
"They do. They do, because our father gave them to us." Tommy says desperately, but that would not make sense. Because Wilbur never knew his father. But more so because if him and Tommy shared a father, then that means - "Please," Tommy continues, sobbing now. "I haven't seen you in decades. Please do not make me go any longer without you, brother."
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hqbaby · 3 months
chat it’s been a minute (anon who sends those long ass rants after a chapter AND PROUD NANAKIMI STAND) I am loving how others r agreeing w me when I say Kimi and Nanami would suit each other so good, we trust in thee
I was clenching my ass while reading it, satoru is so messy istg boy calm down. I honestly knew he would be the one to spill the shit about sukuna, especially after misunderstanding yn and her fiasco w naoya. HES SO JJAKAAKAKKA i cant stand w u any longer satoru, redeem yourself somehow hoe😞
SPEAKING OF THAT, HIS EXES???? HELLO??? so we really aren’t that special huh? 🤔🤔 like wdym you already had a ring ready for someone else, ok WHORE 🫵 i get yn tho, i can’t imagine hearing all that after being treated like royalty by him, like is it even real atp? if he thought about marriage before and left that thought quickly, who’s to say he wont do that same w yn? (and the moment where she looked over to Kimi after confessing how easy it would be for him to replace her, shoot me now atp)
and sukuna bro, he’s so adorable watching out for yn. when he asked nanami to be easy on her was too adorable, and their “bro-hood” bond was honestly too sweet. And him searching for her like it’s life-or-death, he’s so desperate for her i cant. but good things never last. yn already has a lot on her plate so i guess she barely had time to register what satoru had said, but i feel like when she does sit down and realises what he did, it wont be good.
bless you and your fine mind emi, hope all is well on your side pretty!!! thank you for this drama-filled chapter!!
HI LOVE!! damn the nanami/kimi vibes from the anons are so strong i love it. i feel like it's because they're the only mentally and emotionally stable characters rn 😭
this isn't miu canon because it hasn't and won't really come up, but i've had it in my head that kimi is somehow not entirely hetero? mainly because she has that whole thing where she hasn't felt fully attracted to someone and she's only been involved with guys so far but idk i'm just yapping 🥴 i think i unconsciously write queer-coded girlies because i am very much a queer-coded girly 🥲
satoru though 😭 it's getting so hard to defend you man 😭 but i promise all the characters get redeemed somehow (some not entirely, but redeemed enough for it to matter lol)
and sukuna is so attached to reader it's cute. can't wait for you to read their conversation in the aftermath of the whole confrontation
anyway!!! thank you babe!!! i hope you're doing well <3
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ashestoshadows · 1 year
Can you do a Yandere F Mewtwo X M? (SFW and if you allow it, NSFW?)
I AM SO SORRY THIS TOOK FAR TOO LONG BRO- YOU ASKED FOR THIS IN APRIL ON THE 24TH AND IT'S JUNE THE 17TH NOW. 😭 I have never worked, or taken this long with something in my life. I just did SFW but I will try to branch off into NSFW in the almost near-foreseeable future and maybe a NSFW version of this in the future.
Asked for a male reader but got gender-neutral. (or male, idk, hard to tell with my writing) Kinda flew past me that you asked for a specific gender which I don't really do; especially for the reader, or Y/N. but I do think I did as best of a job I could do while struggling with creativity block, stress and the whole she-bang
You always felt someone or something was watching your every move and most just said you were either A: Paranoid. or B: Needed to see someone and talk about it with them. So much for friends, I guess?
You grew paranoid of everyone you knew. Someone was watching you and they were almost always felt like they were over your shoulder. Watching you like a hawk, waiting for the right time to pounce.
And she did just that- you were trying to socialize, ignoring the gnawing feeling of dread and paranoia when you hear a subtle shuffle from underneath what appeared to be some stuff amongst trash in an alley.
 And you thinking it was a sick and or hurt Pokemon you checked it out to make sure they were okay and if not, to take them somewhere to get treatment as you were kind. Even when paranoid.
You gasped feeling the sensation of being watched again except this time it was a million times stronger. You took a deep breath before moving stuff and garbage until your E/C eyes landed on a purple creature. Trembling, whimpering, and clearly sick. If not hurt.
"Are you okay?" your voice broke the awkward silence as the creature looked up, a bloody wound on their head causing you to gasp and clearly taken back from seeing so much blood despite it being a minor injury.
Well you're not smart so you figured it’s a minor injury despite the blood saying otherwise- a small but deep scratch/cut on their head, on the left side of their forehead barely visible amongst the dirt and  muck of the alleyway and some rain which had abruptly began pouring.
You were not properly thinking as you gulped nervously scooping the Pokemon in your arms not caring about passer-by's and rushing towards the nearest Pokemon Center to get this Pokemon looked at. ASAP.
"Hello sir-" Nurse Joy exclaimed as you cut her off accidentally
 "Please help this poor Pokemon- They're injured!" you cried nervously as you felt the feeling of being watched burn into you like a knife cutting through butter
The nurse worriedly obliged taking quick look at the purple shivering creature before shrieking "Th-That’s!" obviously unsure what she was on about you looked at the creature who you didn’t get a too good of a look at before realizing something… It was a Mewtwo. But… Why would one be randomly in an alleyway? Did this poor Pokemon's trainer/owner really not like them?
Upon closer inspection you noticed something, despite it being a legendary it appeared to be… Female? But legendaries are genderless, right?
"Can you please help this Pokemon or not?" you yelled, at this point annoyed that the nurse wasn’t doing her job "Y-yes of course sir!" she scooped the Pokemon into her arms and rushed off into what appeared to be the back of the building
Despite many being familiar with the Pokemon recharging station there was a back area. One like that of a vet- to put down Pokemon, and tend to their wounds if they're much more serious than simple graze or small cut.
After a good few hours you left with the Pokemon who was still in your arms and in no real shape to be walking as she was falling asleep peacefully in your arms, her head pressed against your chest. Listening to your heart beat.
(time skip as I'm far too lazy; sorry peeps)
Months had passed and the Pokemon ended up staying with you. You didn't mind it as you were almost always alone so having a critter with you was appreciated- plus the creature nearly had a full-blown freak attack after hearing you say how she could easily leave if she desired to. but clung to your arm like a lost child. Insisting on staying with you.
"Poor thing…"
Behind the scenes this Pokemon was planning more types sorts of stuff. Besides who to murder due to them wronging you in the slightest, would end up missing before showing up disfigured and murdered in a grizzly manner days, if not weeks later. Leaving the region under a massive blind panic.
You weren't too affected by being insisted to stay home as you usually did anyway, and you found it humbling to socialize anyway but…
Despite obviously still being alone, minus the legendary. You felt the gnawing feeling still burning. It was nerve-wracking to say the least, you were positive this Pokemon was causing it and it only worsened to an almost burning feeling when you are nearby to her. Especially in front of said Pokemon.
Maybe you were naïve enough to keep her around but… She's waiting for the right time to pounce, to strike when you least expect it.
I'd keep on your toes around her. Which you always are, so stay extra cautious, Y/N.
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idyllic-affections · 1 year
HI THERE! IM BACK FROM MY TRIP! And holy moly i didnt missed a lot???? (i think..? I’ll have to read back your post but i want to send an ask now!)
First, love the new theme btw. Yaoshi is also my fav aeon from the aeons we currently know! They are so pretty and divine and i did have a huge stupid smile when Yaoshi kissed us in the simulated universe THEY JUST WANTED US TO STAY SAFE!!!!!!! I sometimes wonder if Hoyoverse is just building them up to be someone you should hate just to make plot twist that turns out, them just simply doesnt know the horrible results their actions does. They do it with good intention but didnt know the results would be bad. But i honestly like their ambiguous morality that hoyoverse have for most of the aeons because well they’re aeons they’re gods ofc they wont follow human morality.
Second, your second oc you have rn is pretty interesting. So i have QUESTIONS!
1. What do they look like? Ik that you said you’re not finished with their design but are they like in a child/teen body but has the mentality of an adult? (Something similar to bailu i guess)
2. What are their element?
3. What does the other aeons think of Ambrose? Like ‘why the hell does Yaoshi have a little human with them’
4. Is Lan and by extension the Xianzhou Alliance aware of Ambrose’s existance and special connection towards Yaoshi? since their relationship with the said Aeon isnt the typical relationship an emanator and aeon would have (i hc that Yaoshi is known to particuraly have a good relationship with their emanators but Ambrose is noticably their favourite one child)
Thirdly, can i just say something? Since i get busy a lot, I dont get to instantly play the new update which sadly leads me to be easily spoiled. Case in point, Tingyun infamous neck snap. I was just casually scrolling on youtube when i saw ‘Tingyun neck snapping in 4 languages’ Like wth youtube!? I try to just forget about it but the mind could never. By the time i do get to play and get to play the quest, i already knew her fate and just keep giving her the side eye. Ik her fate but idk the reason and stuff leading up to it. It was an interesting experience to say the least
Lastly, i am proud to say that i have FINALLY done Dan Heng IL companion quest and have researched enough that i can FINALLY continue on the brainrot i keep talking about, i might finish it this week if i can manage my time better but we’ll see. So keep your eyes wide open!
I hope you have a lovely day/night, now i should go to bed as im tired like hell.. BYE
- 🐱 Anon
HI BELOVED HELLO <333 oh i am SO excited to talk about ambrose. they are so fucking RRRAHGHG i love them....... pleasmelejldjd......
i agree!!!! you cannot call an aeon "good" or "evil." none of them are either of those things. good and evil are just human perceptions of morality, and divine beings like aeons cannot be placed into those human boxes (which is why i think the xianzhou's attitude towards yaoshi is so. odd. bro it was YOURRRR ancestors who looked for THEM!!!! THEY did not look for YOU ALL!!!!!! YOU GUYS looked for THEM!!!!! and hyv really wants me to think yaoshi is the "villain" here HELP AKJSJSGJUFBAJ) AND YAOSHI KISSING US CRIES SOBS SCREAMS they have such a gentle and nurturing soul in my brain. it is so hard for me to look at them and think "yeah that's a villain" THEY'RE NOT CRIES
i don't know if i prefer the idea of yaoshi being completely 100% aware of the consequences of their blessing, or being completely unaware and being so consumed by their path that they cannot see the harm they're doing. i think both interpretations have their own appeal. the second one is definitely more agonizing, though. either way, i do not see the abundance as a villain personally. aeons are not human. human morals cannot be applied to them.
and as for ambrose--
ambrose is, physically, a young adult! a very young adult. think eighteen or nineteen. i want them to be chronologically older than most people on any of the xianzhou alliance's ships, though, so i am working on an explanation for why their mara is less severe and has not completely consumed their consciousness.
i think they're either physical, fire, or imaginary. i haven't decided yet. i'm open to suggestions.
this is SO funny and i love thinking about this. i think most of the aeons were like... what the fuck. What Is That. why does yaoshi have a little human. what the fuck. i think nous would get along w/ them despite nous' involvement with the xianzhou; ambrose sought to be freed from the limitations of mortal comprehension in order to learn more and see beyond their home world, after all. and really, i don't think nous would give a FUCK about the conflict between the hunt and the abundance. they don't fucking care bro they are more concerned with other things LMAOOO. ambrose clashes really badly with nanook because they have a deep set love for humanity and the universe, whereas nanook... does not. the child of abundance, ambrose, does not like the destruction at all so they are ALWAYS going around and eliminating the antimatter legion when they can. IX could not care less about them rip..... IX's apathy is a stark contrast to ambrose's infinite kindness and passion for existence. in general, ambrose doesn't seek out any of the other aeons except nous. nous and yaoshi are the only ones they really talk to.
I AGREE I AGREE i think yaoshi is one of the aeons who really likes their emanators! ambrose in particular is like an extension of themselves (perhaps this could contribute to why their mara is less severe? ambrose is but an extension of their aeon, after all. their aeon's power probably does not hurt them as bad as it does to those who do not share that kind of bond with yaoshi; i think yaoshi can literally FEEL when something is not right with ambrose and vice versa. like, they share a sort of metaphysical bond). lan knows about this, and therefore, so does the xianzhou alliance. ambrose is regarded as an enemy, a thing that needs to be eliminated from the universe... even though they did nothing wrong. ambrose honestly doesn't care because fuck it, you know? there is no point in lamenting the loss of potential allies when those potential allies seem to vehemently hate their parent... but ambrose has learned from yaoshi to have love for every living thing in the universe, so the hate is very one-sided. they are not just a pathstrider. they are an emanator. they cannot emanate their parent's will and strength if they are hateful. so, they have a gentle and tender love for life and that does include the xianzhou alliance. the alliance sees their softness as patronizing, unfortunately. ambrose avoids lan like the fucking PLAGUE because they know that lan would absolutely take any given opportunity to remove them from the universe, and yaoshi would absolutely come to their aid if they sensed that ambrose was in danger. and ambrose cannot be responsible for aiding the hunt in eliminating the abundance. if they survived, and if yaoshi happened to... not survive, they would not be able to live with themselves. so they don't bother trying to make amends with the xianzhou or lan.
ahh that's awesome! i still have to do it HSKNKHSBGKA but you're welcome to brainrot in my inbox whenever you'd like to <3
rest well!!!!
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linabirb · 1 year
HELLO LINA!! 6, 7, 12, 21 for the violence ask game please and ty!!
HI HI TARU thank you for sending these! (i'm going to get executed after this)
6. "which ship fans are the most annoying?"
twst: *sighs and gets closer to the mic and whispers* malleyuu.
no listen. fine. okay. i get it. it's like the most popular mc ship. maybe the most popular ship in general. but. can y'all stop acting like it's canon at least for a second. it's one thing when you just go "oh they're cute and i think it's possible for them to become canon!" but it's a completely different thing when you go "THIS SHIP IS OBVIOUSLY CANON AND IT WAS WRITTEN TO BE CANON AND ACTUALLY THIS WHOLE GAME IS ABOUT THEM". and i say that as someone who actually liked this ship when i first got into the game but then i started to realize that i enjoy other ships much more and listen to each their own but i genuinely hate how people make such a big deal out of EVERY SINGLE INTERACTION. yes call me a hypocrite because i act the same when it comes to my ships but at least i do it either with my friends or alone and i'm not actually trying to make other people feel bad about their ships or something. sure, i want to believe that most shippers don't have a "goal" like that, but sometimes.. it really does feel like a lot of those posts are just there to say "btw these two are canon and i won't let you forget it". and like?? so many people like to just make things up to make it seem like it really is the superior ship like remember how we talked about that one bday vignette line and i went through all the bday vignettes to show that mc saying malleus looked good in that outfit wasn't special and it wasn't them being especially nice to him and they complimented other guys too but some people went "SEE THIS IS PROOF THAT THEY'RE CANON". like sure, whatever, do what you want, but idk?? maybe don't claim that mc is giving him "special treatment" or something when it's not the case.
milgram: i don't think this fandom talks that much about ships, but even when some people do, i don't really mind? like idk i haven't really seen any people like that yet so yeah.
7. "what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because of how the fandom acts about them?"
twst: HMMM this one is interesting because uhhh basically i started to hate pretty much all twst characters that i hate not bc of the fandom but simply because i don't like them? like i simply don't like those characters bc i either find them annoying, can't relate to them or i knew/know people like that irl and that makes me want to punch them even more. so yeah i don't think i have one! but if i already mentioned malleyuu. well. *gets closer to the mic again* malleus fans is this guy your uwu pure little soft baby or is this guy a cool powerful prince who doesn't even have to do anything because he's that cool. come on. come on yes i liked him too. yes i found him relatable too. but now i just really wanna say that. idk! maybe him not having any friends is kinda his fault! like this game tries so hard to make you feel bad for him it's embarrassing. it doesn't feel like a funny "haha get it he's based on maleficent" thing anymore. and i say that as someone who has anxiety and finds socializing extremely tiring and who doesn't have any irl friends. like sorry guys this is not your poor little meow meow and i am so tired of this fandom babying him and going "HE'S JUST LIKE ME FR" every time they see him. i'm not saying that finding him relatable is a bad thing bc i found him relatable too, but like. guys. please. again as someone who is also kind of a loner PLEASE. TALK TO PEOPLE. DON'T BE LIKE THIS MAN AND JUST GO "oh no nobody wants to talk to me :(" I KNOW HOW HARD IT CAN BE TRUST ME. i have so much more to say but i'll stop here bc sol's essay exists and it does a better job explaining it.
milgram: no characters here either bc i don't really have any character that i dislike or hate, like the worst thing that i can do is to just. not care about that character sjskslssdks and ngl. there's a lot of characters that i don't really care about
12. "the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them"
twst: *GRABS THE MIC* ONE DAY I WILL WRITE AN ESSAY ABOUT WHY ROLLO UNIRONICALLY HAS MORE PERSONALITY THAN SOME "MAIN" CHARACTERS. listen. listen maybe it's just because i'm so tired of nrc characters that i need someone new. maybe. but the masquerade event really felt like a breath of fresh air and i will never shut up about it unless they make an event that is just as interesting. and twst has a lot of good events! ngl i actually kinda enjoy event stories more than the main story! but idk something about the masquerade is just. so. like they really gave us a whole new character (who is also voiced by hiroshi kamiya but also gets like two-three voicelines not counting the battle voicelines.), a whole new school, a whole new city, so much new lore, so much new worldbuilding-related stuff AND THEN JUST MOVED ON. I'M MANIFESTING PART 2 SO HARD. I WILL LITERALLY COME BACK TO WRITING FOR TWST JUST TO WRITE IT MYSELF IF WE DON'T GET ONE. (i'll be kinda ok with it if they make a halloween event that is just as fun but still..) but okay okay let me just. explain why i find this guy so interesting.
yes i also made fun of his design at first but now he's literally one of my fav characters to draw and not even bc i like him as a character. yes his outfit is extremely detailed and hard to draw but something about drawing it is so satisfying! also idk i love how tired and 😐 he looks bc dude same!! (i still don't know if he has dark circles or he wears eyeliner btw. i think he clearly has eyeliner in the trailer but in the actual game it's more like dark circles??)
i'm biased yes but the way he smiles is cute. like idk i think his smile is very soft :)
say what you want. say that he's manipulative because i agree this guy really did lie and really did betray everyone's trust, i'm not here to deny that, but i just want people to understand that this guy is not. like. as evil as they want to think he is. i'm not here to say that he's the kindest and most pure twst character or anything but i just want to say that if we don't count his goal and the way he tried to achieve it, it's clear that he really likes the city of flowers and he cares about it a lot, even if he's manipulative, he's very polite and nice to people, also based on what nbc students have said, he's a good student council president ("but he's just being manipulative-" AND SO WHAT?? BY BEING NICE (even if he's not sincere about it) HE'S ALREADY BETTER THAN MOST DORM LEADERS. RIDDLE (i say that as a huge riddle stan and apologist)?? LEONA?? AZUL (yes azul is also all nice and polite but let's be honest for a sec and admit that he's.. not really good at making it seem like he's not here for his goals or you know *mr.krabs' voice* FOR THE MONEY, basically it's obvious that he's not being honest, meanwhile with rollo, even if it's a lie, he actually makes people feel like he cares)?? NO SERIOUSLY I CAN GO ON JUST LOOK AT ALL THE DORM LEADERS except kalim. live laugh love kalim.
the fact that this guy is doing all the work, like taking care of the belltower, the gargoyles, etc, makes me cry every day. again, he really is doing more than some dorm leaders. and no, don't go "but (character name) did this thing once", like i'm pretty sure rollo does all those things every day.
listen. i'm gonna say it. when he was like "we should get rid of magic", i had that "the villain is kinda right" moment. because i'm sorry but twst is not really doing a great job at making us (or at least me personally) believe that magic can be good. like idk man. of course he should've done it differently, but i kinda think he was onto something. (wait oh no this sounds like a good fic idea-) i usually never agree with villains like that, but in this case.. idk, with all the overblots, people using their magic to do questionable things or to just be mean, etc..
have you seen me talk about T H E S C E N E on the server. wanna see me do that again. okay. AGAIN SAY WHAT YOU WANT. SAY THAT HE WAS GOING TO USE MC FOR SOMETHING. SAY THAT HE JUST HATES MAGIC USERS (which he does but that's not the point rn). BUT THAT ONE SCENE WHEN HE MEETS YUU SHOWS THAT HE'S ONE OF THE FEW CHARACTERS WHO ACTUALLY WENT "hey isn't that too much work for someone who's magicless" AND THAT'S ALREADY SOMETHING. i can say more but that will sound like i'm being biased (and i already sound like that) so i won't. NO YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND I WANT ROLLO AND MC TO INTERACT AGAIN IN PART 2 SO BADLY. "oh yuu will just hate him" guess what. i've never said that i want their relationship to be all cute and soft. enemies to lovers IS GREAT.
a reminder that malleus himself acknowledged that this guy's magic is really strong and that he's very talented. HE SOMEHOW BROUGHT BACK THE FLOWERS THAT WENT EXTINCT. (again a good fic idea-)
i can say something about the nrc characters too but tbh all of them have a fanbase so i don't think i can say much. i could say something about the rsa characters and i love them but i'm gonna be honest.. they really should give us more rsa content. give me a whole rsa event. do it cowards.
milgram: again, all characters have their fans, so i can't say that anyone there is unpopular, but i still have some things to say. tbh i'm not.. a fan of how, like, some (or even most) people who like amane just like her because "well she's a cute child!! therefore she's pure and innocent and has never done anything wrong!!" yes this is coming from an inno voter and her biggest apologist and at first i really did like her bc she seemed cute, but after i listened to her vd, i ended up liking her even more because it's like.. idk, something about her behavior is so accurate. like, yes, she's a victim. yes, she's a child who was brainwashed and manipulated. but that doesn't mean she will go "oh noooo help me pleaseeeee :(" or anything, no, she will go "no, my god is always right and i've also never done anything wrong so i think you know what to vote me" AND THAT'S SO COOL. I LIKE CHARACTERS LIKE THAT I LIKE CHARACTERS WHO CLEARLY WENT THROUGH A LOT BUT THEY'RE NOT BEING EXACTLY SYMPATHETIC. and it makes me so sad to see some people ignoring those traits and turning her into a completely different character. thankfully i haven't seen that many people do that, but still, i remember watching her vd and seeing some people go "oh no i thought she was all cute but she's actually so annoying". like wow people really will stan any cute child character until they find out that child character has a personality and they're not as perfect as they imagined them to be. and that sucks. but also yeah i wish i could see more content with her! she definitely has her fans, but still..
also i have some things to say about yuno: she's definitely very popular, but i'm not a fan of the fact that some people like.. idk, it seems like some people like her just bc "oh well she confessed that her "crime" is abortion, soooo she's innocent and she's better than most characters there" like SHE'S SUCH A DEEP CHARACTER I CAN TALK ABOUT HER FOR HOURS. I LOVE HER NOT JUST BC OF HER PERSONALITY OR HER PINK AESTHETIC I ACTUALLY RELATE TO HER A LOT AND. I KNOW SHE MOST LIKELY WOULDN'T LIKE TO HEAR ME SAY IT BUT I LOVE HER AND SHE DESERVES TO BE HAPPY AND I'M NOT SAYING IT BECAUSE SHE'S "pure" OR "her crime isn't even a crime". i know she may seem like a "flat character" but i swear she's deeper than that. it may sound like i'm overthinking stuff but hey, overthinking stuff is this project's whole point.
21. "part of canon you think is overhyped"
twst: i'm gonna say it. main story is. kinda boring. like i couldn't care less about the updates or new chapters or anything, again, i'm more interested in the events. i get it, the whole point of the main story is overblots and the overblot gang's backstories, but tbh i got tired of it after like chapter 4. i get it, it's literally the main story, of course people will talk about it, but i just.. can't make myself care about it.
milgram: THIS ONE ACTUALLY MADE ME THINK BECAUSE.. tbh nothing about it feels overhyped to me, at least right now? like i feel like the whole project is almost based on this feeling like "what's gonna happen next" or "what should i do" or "how should i react to this". so yeah again i don't think i have anything to say AGAIN I'M SORRY JDFKSLDLD. i could talk about the novels, but also.. not that many people know about the novels or are interested in them, so yeah, i definitely can't say they're overhyped. i could say how i'm not really that interested in the ninth and tenth mvs and the purge march is the only mv that i'm excited for rn, but that's just, again, me being biased and i definitely wouldn't say those mvs are overhyped. i also really want to see them! i just don't care about those characters as much.
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eurydicees · 2 years
okay anyways now that i've gotten that out of the way. oh my god okay favorite characters lets do this
tbh i am soooo in love with, like, 99% of them. the only character i am actually annoyed by is barou but i also feel like he could grow on me with a few more chapters, yk? oh! just to clarify, i've read up to chp 71!! so some spoilers up until then incoming :) i'm a little insane as i get ready to keep reading. i skipped out on a party to do this LMAO. so favorites! but not in any order because i can't do that!
bachiraaaaa!!! oh my god he is my boy. he is everything to me. just,,, you expect me to read the words "there is a monster inside of me" and expect me to NOT go insane abt it? he plays because it's fun and he's at blue lock to find someone who has the same monster, the same desire and passion, he is SO much and i am obsessed with it. literally the moment he stole the ball from isagi in the tag game they played, i KNEW. he's my type of character fr. rin telling him that "you're searching for someone with your soccer" i'm gonna fucking scream. oh and also he's the sleepy boy representation that i need, so.
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^^things i'm not !!! ok !!!!!! about !!!!!
reo.... i just think he has sooooo many issues and they are so so so interesting. like, this is a character who gets everything he wants and then the one thing he really desires is just out of his reach. he is so broken up about nagi, too, and i loooove to see that in my pathetic little men. top ten things that had made me insane so far: reo saying "have you forgotten our promise" in reference to him saying they're going to be the best in the world, followed immediately by nagi saying that he's the one who's forgotten their promise, in reference to reo saying "let's play soccer." i'm literally howling at the moon. screeching at the sun like a bat. i am going crazy over this.
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^^^reo you literally have so many problems and i NEED to see you self-destruct
isagi!! tbh idk if i'm really usually a main character person, but i'm a little in love with isagi. he's just. SO interesting. every time he talks about devouring other players' skills and making them his own....i am literally losing my mind. in the game against chigiri, kunigami, and reo, when isagi talks about devouring barou's darkness and turning it into light....catch me literally screaming out loud about him. his growth and "leveling up" is SO much fun to watch/read and i AM dying over it. every time he learns a new weapon or figures out how to better use one, i AM in my bed pumping my fist and screaming go best friend you go best friend!!! i believe the next chp is the game against bachira, rin, aryu, and tokimitsu, and i can already feel myself losing it a little bit.
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^^^HELLO?????? I'M NOT OKAY ??????
chigiri! i'm not as insane about him as i am about the others, but i do love him very very much. the "i play for that joy i felt the first time i outran someone" and the "for as long as my legs work i want to play soccer" moments genuinely had me crying no joke. and his whole deal at the very start with "i was looking for a way to give up" versus his growth to wanting to beat isagi and become the best in the world... i am sooo unwell about it. in, like, fifty chapters he's grown SO much and i am so excited to see where he goes from here. and i think the match up between him and aryu is gonna be reeeaaalllyyyy interesting, too!! super excited to see how that pulls through. ahhh. he's just soooo.
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^^literally trembling as i read this again
ahhhh. yeah ok extensive list oops. i think those are all the main faves right now !!! i am so broken about them and it has literally been 13 episodes and 70 chapters. that's so fucked up.
the thing is just that this show was, like, TAILOR MADE to all of my interests. it's sooo high stakes and for what. it's my favorite sport in real life. it has characters who need therapy for real. god. yeah.
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fatimaah · 4 months
What a pretty day-
with so much left to say
What am I to do at school now? The lessons are over and I'm sitting in girls' locker room surrounded by stupid 8graders not knowing where to go.
It's noisy outside. Some little guys are playing football as I sit on the bench feeling soft wind swinging my hijab, I love the weather rn. My friends are at that stupid rehearsal. Honestly I want then to have a perfect 25th of May and create sweet memories (especially girlies that are dancing w their crushes) but I wish they weren't busy with all the rehearsals and everything. Especially assy and frz, they both look tired and are barely paying attention. At least kmll cares about cooking day and everything.
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Well... for me, cooking day and a picnic is all that will remain from school since I'm not taking part in prom and photoshoot. So I really wish we will do it. It would be sad if we didn't do that, I hope it means something for others as well. AND I HOPE THEY WON'T BUY FUCKING KFC HAHA (I know they won't)
Oh this the last time I'm staying after classes. Tomorrow they will all be busy again and I'll be left alone in this fucking school. Not everything is that bad tho....at least the sun is up right?
Uuuugghh I could be at home rn (I'd probably be helping my mom with lunch preparation but still....)
This spring breathe is so... soothing
maybe I'll read something....or talk to someone or find any other way of killing the boredom.
This bitch really made us stay after lessons for an hour and then line up on the school yard just to tell us NINE WORDS? HELLO? she could text us at school group or something I was literally so mad at her. Had an urge to lock her in our basement and force her to listen to her very own speech until she faints from starvation. SHE IS SUPER ANNOYING I CAN'T EVEN-
and plus, after that, even if I was already pissed of loneliness and annoyment MY FUCKING BROTHER went missing for 30 minutes and I waited for him ready to shoot myself because why should I wait for this MENTALLY DISABLED SHRIMP to go home when I could just call a taxi and go without him. I swear, I just wanted to catch a taxi and go home but I knew my mom would be like OmG aLL aLonE HoW cOulD yOu, GivE mE yoUr pHone . So I waited, trying to look normal tho I felt this awful lump in my throat and urge to MURDER.
literally such a bad day.
And now I just realized how I'm missing out on a lot because I don't even have group photos with my friends. I don't even remember when was the last time all five of us were like laughing and everything.... probably that day at the dance club.
Perhaps it's my fault cuz I'm mostly sitting with firuza and sleeping during lessons.... honestly I would love to sit with them as well but all of them already go in pairs and I don't wanna be the one who's always like CaN I siT wiTh YoU? I don't wanna be clingy but I know I'll regret not being energetic for last five days of school. It just feels like, idk, like they're already having fun at the waltz rehearsals and they don't seem so encouraged about things, especially frzn and assy. That's sad. If it was allowed to dance w the boys I'd dance too just to spend some quality time w the gurls during rehearsals...
Do I really believe we will keep in touch with them after school? For some time yes sure but for long turn.... maybe there's a little bit of chance I'll still talk to kmll but I'm worried that as the time goes, frzn and assy will just stop responding to my messages. It's wrong to think so...but I'm already loosing connection with them. How can I be sure about any connection after school.
History repeats itself...will it all end up in redbridge way..or is it me being out of touch and distancing myself again (I don't do it on purpose I don't even know how this happens all the time)
Okay I'm being a drama queen, it's not that bad but I just wish we spent more time together but I don't wanna be clingy and awkward and over energetic or attention seeking or- UUUGHH
just sleep already Fatimah, u did ur Arabic and Quran studies and u decorated a memory notebook....u just need some sleep.
Probably. Most probably 🥱
May 20, 2024
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