#idk what all should tag this with
aparticularbandit · 1 year
Summary: Carving’s not all that different from sewing.He tells himself that – he’s told Willow that, a couple of times – but it’s just as true as they believe it is.  The only similarity is holding a concept in his head and fiddling away until it either comes together or it doesn’t.  With Camila’s sewing machine, he’d gotten better, but there aren’t any similar shortcuts in carving.  He either makes it, or he doesn’t.  For all intents and purposes, carving should be harder than sewing.
It isn’t.
Hunter (Owl House) Rating: G. Word Count: 2773
Carving’s not all that different from sewing.
He tells himself that – he’s told Willow that, a couple of times – but it’s just as true as they believe it is.  The only similarity is holding a concept in his head and fiddling away until it either comes together or it doesn’t.  With Camila’s sewing machine, he’d gotten better, but there aren’t any similar shortcuts in carving.  He either makes it, or he doesn’t.  For all intents and purposes, carving should be harder than sewing.
It isn’t.
The thing about palismans is—
After the Collector, after the war, after the final defeat of the person who created him to be someone he wasn’t (or maybe someone he was; the more they hear about Caleb, the more Luz and Amity are certain he isn’t who Belos – Philip? – Belos wanted him to be, that that’s why the Golden Guard kept turning his back on him, why he kept being destroyed and remade), after all of that, there was nothing.
A long, seemingly endless expanse of nothing.
He wasn’t a human, not really, but he wasn’t a witch either, couldn’t command magic like the witches could, and now that the Titan was gone, he couldn’t use Luz’s glyphs either.  And without Flapjack—
He…didn’t really like to think about Flapjack.
(Sometimes he could still hear him, like how he could hear Belos in the human realm before—
But comforting.  Soothing. Better.
Not…not at all like that, actually.
…if he absorbed Flapjack the way Belos absorbed all of those other palismans, did that make him evil, too?)
The others went back to Hexside, and Luz split her time between the human realm during their normal school year and Hexside during her breaks and summer vacation (and many, many weekends), and he….
He left.  Pushed himself into reconstruction efforts, although the Collector did most of that. And then found himself with that same long expanse of nothing.  Nothing to do.  Nothing to be.  Nothing to chase after, nothing to propel him forward, just….
Making palismans isn’t really like carving.  It involves carving, sure, but it isn’t just carving.  You can carve – or whittle, really, is what Camila called it when she gave him the pocket knife one of the times he returned with Luz to the human realm – a lot of different kinds of wood.  Of course, you need to know your wood, need to know whether it’s soft or hard or somewhere in between, need to be able to know it well enough to understand how your knife will slide through it or nick along it – and you need to know your knife, too, how to take care of it, to keep it clean, to keep it sharp so that you don’t press too hard with a blunt edge and end up cutting yourself (and he cut himself…a lot, not just in the early days, but after, too, most often when he forgot to sharpen his knife – like when he’d first learned to use the sewing machine and kept nicking himself, kept forgetting to keep his fingers out of the way)—
With palismans, sometimes you have an idea in your head already of what you’re planning to carve and how you want it to turn out, and then you get to whittling – carving – and the wood just. does what it wants. knows what it wants, knows what it’s supposed to be. And sometimes that’s according to his plan, and sometimes it’s something else entirely, and he can just be walking through the Boiling Isles, whittling away, and find that the palisman he’s created is nothing like what he was thinking of at all – but still somehow perfect for the next person he meets, the next person who’s wanting one.
Somehow perfect for him.
There’s an intrinsic magic in carving a palisman, but it’s one that requires absolutely no magic at all, and so he feels at peace.
If not for Raine, he might have stayed at the Owl House, after everything.
Eda knew what it was like to suddenly find herself deprived of magic and having to learn how to do things differently.  It wasn’t really the same, since he’d never really had magic of his own, but it was…close.  Similar, at least.
But Raine was there, and they were doing that whole coupling thing where they were getting to know each other better after years apart, and it was really awkward, and he didn’t really want to be there for any of that, so he’d....
Well, he hadn’t left because he hadn’t been there in the first place, but, again, close enough.
Lilith wasn’t even an option because he’d spent so much time with her when she was head of the Emperor’s Coven, and he knew better than to try and stay with her.  Sure, she’d lost her magic, too, perhaps even more abruptly than the Owl Lady had, and he wouldn’t have to deal with all of the potential coupling relearning stuff, but he….
Forgive him, but he didn’t like Lilith.  And she didn’t really like him.  So it was a match made in nowhere at all, so—
He doesn’t mean to make himself a new palisman.
He’s never known another witch who lost a palisman and then got a new one; every witch who’d lost their palisman to Belos had usually ended up dead shortly thereafter (petrification, most often, but not always), if they weren’t dead before he claimed them, and the ones who survived – the ones in covens, the ones who’d given up their palismans when they’d given up their wild magic – weren’t really looking for new ones.
Some of them might have been, but felt so crippled and torn over what happened to their last one that they—
It was easier to wander, to plan to wander, to return to the human realm and learn what he could about the man he was supposed to be (what urban legends were left) and stare at names of parents and other family members and spy descendants of the rest of the family from far off – a witch hunter who had fallen in love with a witch, and he never found out what happened to the first Caleb, and he wasn’t sure he wanted to know, if what Belos did to every other one after was any indication – before starting off to explore….
Camila gave him a pocket knife in case he needed something to protect himself, which wouldn’t help much outside of the human realm – didn’t help much in the human realm either – because the Boiling Isles were built around magic, around needing magic to survive, and a pocket knife wasn’t magic and wouldn’t protect him from magic the way that magic could (but wouldn’t).
(Maybe this was why he’d never been good at magic; maybe this was why he’d never had an affinity for it; maybe it knew – it knew – that he would end up just like his not-uncle, drawing on magic from his palisman and destroying it that way.)
The human realm was full of dangers of its own, but at least there, he didn’t feel like he was expected to be anything he wasn’t.  It was almost like having a new start.
…except that he was too young for it.
He doesn’t mean to make himself a new palisman.
He doesn’t even know that the chunk of wood he’s carving is Palistrom wood, only finds a chunk of it discarded somewhere just like he finds other chunks of wood discarded somewhere while he’s traveling, and tucks it away for use later.  Most of his bag is full of scraps of wood he picks up around the Isles; if he doesn’t use them for firewood, he uses them for carving while he sits next to the fire. They’re multipurpose.  Or maybe, like him, they don’t really have a specific purpose until they’re given one by someone else.
(Does he even have a purpose anymore?  What does his future even look like?  Nothing like the others.  Willow doesn’t seem to mind it, but he does.  He needs to have some sort of…not a goal, not that specific, but something.  He needs something.  And right now, when he tries to think about any of that, it’s just that…that long expanse of—)
He carves birds a lot, once he gets the hang of it.  Different birds in the human realm, different birds of the Boiling Isles, all sorts of birds.  Someday, he’ll be good enough to carve Flapjack.
He will never be good enough to carve Flapjack.
Funny, how the human realm cared about the ages of its children, but the Boiling Isles didn’t care about that at all.
Of course, going around to explore the different regions and cities and towns and little hidden areas with his knapsack full of goodies almost felt like being on a mission again, which was admittedly horrible.  Whenever he entered a town where he’d done something for Belos, he felt immediate shame.  Even if the people in the town didn’t recognize him, he recognized them.
Especially the ones he had hurt.
The thing about a carved palisman is that it doesn’t wake up until it hears your wish, what you most want, and agrees to bond with you.
So how could he have known that he carved one in the first place?  It’s just a piece of wood like any other piece of wood. Gives way to his knife a little bit easier, forms what he wants a little bit easier, but takes on its own will, its own desire, its own shape.
He doesn’t know who Michelangelo is, but when he tells Camila about it later, she mentions something about the sculptor saying something like, Every block of stone has a statue inside it, and it is the task of the sculptor to discover it, and maybe, when he makes palismans, it’s a little bit the same – every piece of wood has a palisman inside it, and it is the task of the carver to set them free, so when he creates his first palisman, quite by accident, he is simply setting free the creature that is already living and breathing inside the Palistrom wood, one that simply hasn’t found a wish strong enough to waken it yet—
Luz would say this is a bit like fairytales, like a prince charming coming to wake the sleeping beauty or something like that, only she’d make it so much more fantastical, and he still wouldn’t understand any of it.  The Boiling Isles doesn’t have cutesy stories like that.  There are no prince charmings here, only emperors and golden guards and titans and a coven system meant to drain them all dry.
A lot of lies.  Their stories are a lot of lies.
(Just like him.)
He stayed away for a really long time.
Long enough for his hair to grow out multiple times, long enough to learn how to cut it with the sharp blade of his pocket knife, long enough for the first hack job to grow out and need to be cut again, long enough for him to start growing a beard that came in patches over his scars, unable to hide them, long enough for him to learn how to use his pocket knife like a razor.
He would have liked the beard, if it came in full, because it made him look less like Belos.  The older he got, the worse the resemblance was.  Sometimes, when his hair got long enough to curl about his shoulders, that was all he could see.  Just Belos, the remnants of him, when he’d looked most human, staring back at him from his own reflection.
Sometimes, he didn’t cut his hair.
Sometimes, he wanted the reminder.
It’s weird, the first time he has to use one of his carvings for firewood.
He doesn’t like it.
After that, he makes sure to have more wood with him.
…and he starts selling the carvings.  He needs the money, and people, oddly, like them.  Sometimes, they make requests, and he tries.
For some strange reason, he never gets rid of—
The first time a child called him Belos, he ran.
The second time, he froze and waited.
Everyone had a first and last name.  He just…just had the one.  But even his name wasn’t so much a name as it was a title.  Witch Hunter.  Belos had never named him Caleb, if that was who he was supposed to be, because…because that wasn’t really what Belos wanted.  He hadn’t wanted Caleb as he was, he wanted Caleb as he wanted him to be, he wanted his brother the witch hunter.
The third time, he realized they weren’t calling him Belos by mistake; they didn’t actually think he was Belos.  They thought he was related.  Kin of Belos. Kin of the emperor.  They weren’t wrong.
The fourth time, he wasn’t sure if it was worse to be seen as his kin or if it was worse to be seen as part of his coven or if it was worst of all to be seen as both.
(They only stopped once he had a palisman of his own.  No kin of Belos would ever use a palisman.)
In a little town, much further in the Isles than he’s ever really been before, mostly because none of his missions ever brought him this deep in this area, he finds palismans.  Broken ones. Others like Flapjack.  The big bat who keeps an eye on them all.
And, with them, a witch with pushy white hair and a layered beard and a scar that reminds him of his own across one of his eyes.  A witch who seems particularly interested in him, once they sit around a fire together, once he sees the birds that he’s carved in his travels. The witch takes one of his birds in his hands, and a wry smile lifts one side of his beard, one that turns into a heartfelt grin.
This is good carving, son. How would you like to—
His eyes grow wide, so wide that the witch doesn’t wait for an answer, only gives a little nod and a little hm and doesn’t bring it up again.
He doesn’t stay long there.  It hurts in a way he would never have expected.  Or maybe, if he’d realized it existed, he would have expected it.
A lot of things hurt now.
It doesn’t surprise him as much as it used to.
(The old witch examines his other carvings before he leaves, and he holds onto the jay in particular a little longer than any of the others.  That surprises him, how much he does not like the other witch holding the jay, running his fingers along it, examining it.  It’s just a block of wood.  He shouldn’t be so attached.)
He didn’t mean to carve a palisman.  He didn’t even know that he did.
When he makes it to the end of the Isles, when he sits on the edge of one of the cliffs, he rests his head in his hands and stares out on the oceans and sighs.
I just wanted to be good, he says to no one.  I wanted to be good and to know who I was.  And now I’m neither.
He stares out at the rainclouds coming for him and thinks that maybe the rain wouldn’t be so bad.
So he waits.
He never did figure out how Waffles got out of his knapsack.
He only knew, later, that she did.
The blue jay speaks like Flapjack.  A little higher.  A lot more insistent.  She’s new and young and doesn’t know anything but knows that the rain will hurt him and pushes him out of it, away, away, away.
She attaches herself to him and won’t leave.
Just like—
Eventually, he returned to the witch – to Dell – and the Bat Queen and the other palismans.  It wasn’t that he thought they needed him; they certainly didn’t.  But it was similar to wanting to help rebuild what he could after everything with Belos, after everything with the Collector.  He couldn’t take back what he did, but he could give something back to help repair it.
He couldn’t bring back the palismans he’d stolen, but he could make new ones.
And if he, the former Golden Guard, was allowed another palisman, then—
The thing about palismans is this: they don’t care if you deserve them or not.  They simply choose you for their own, and then you are.
(Carving’s not so hard after all.  The palismans always tell him what they want to be.)
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keymintt · 1 year
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a comic/zine about coyotes
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stoopidstapler · 1 year
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yanderespamton78 · 4 months
Edit since a lot of people seem confused - your "real" name is the name that you want to be referred to in real life. It doesn't have to be your legal name. So if you're trans and you have a different name to whats on your birth certificate, even if not many people call you by the name, it still counts as your real name.
Edit 2 : Holy shit guys please stop reblogging this post my poor inbox im getting like 20 notifs an hour asjfhkajshdkh /lh /srs
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mrs-bluemarine · 1 year
Every neurodivergent person who's ever been made fun of because of it should be compensated with a life sized pirate ship, their very own crew that loves them and all sing shanties together, a life time supply of rum, oranges, card games, and cannon balls with proper protective equipment. And an animal companion of their choice if they'd like
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bedforddanes75 · 2 months
im not american but some of you guys are just fucking stupid ong what do you MEAN youre not gna vote because you disagree with like one part of what youre voting for. like okay me when im fucking thick
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jazzyjesse · 6 months
working at a grocery store has only made me even angrier about inflation and how food, water, and shelter isnt free
like just looking at groceries (not water or shelter) i see just a few bags (maybe around 5 or so) of food costing over $125 USD regularly. I've seen orders upwards of $600. and sure those have been bigger orders but no food should cost that much.
my coworkers and i shouldn't be complaining about the price of food when we get employee discounts.
a single bag of food for myself (usually containing some small pizzas, crackers, milk, and cereal) regularly costs between $50-60. minimum wage in my state is 15/HR. thats about four hours of work for one bag of food
a coworker who works on the front end of our store prides herself on being able to catch theives. everyone says how good she is at it. and sometimes it makes sense, sometimes people are just stealing to steal. but how do you ever know?
when the card reader we take outside is broken we are supposed to have the customers come inside to pay for their groceries if they're paying with EBT. there's a woman who's a regular who has a few small children and when she comes to pick up groceries they're usually asleep in the car.
am i supposed to make her choose between leaving her children alone in the car or waking them up and taking them inside?
four hours of work for one bag of groceries. is this not also theft?
four hours of work. let that sink in. four hours for one small bag of groceries.
we aren't supposed to accept tips but if we don't accept tips then how else are we supposed to afford our groceries?
i haven't seen a single person stealing food. you cannot steal whats already stolen.
although im no longer a christian, the teachings of my childhood have stuck with me, and in the bible it says "When you reap the harvest of your land, do not reap to the very edges of your field or gather the gleanings of your harvest. Leave them for the poor and for the foreigner residing among you."
society has reaped right up the the very edge and beyond of its fields, so it's up to us to reap what we can
four hours of work for one bag of food
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gunstellations · 6 months
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pencilofawesomeness · 5 months
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from chapter 10 of Famous Last Words in May Death Never Stop You by the amazing @slexenskee
I've wanted to draw this scene ever since I read it lmao. Fun fact I was eating lunch at the time and I was laughing so hard I had to leave the room since someone was watching tv. Good times, good times.
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stunkbug · 2 years
genuine question from someone who has never owned vanilla extract in roughly two decades of being alive and is being flamed in several group chats for it
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puddii-ng · 2 months
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swan lake x valkyrie
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virgothozul · 7 months
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dailyloopdeloop · 4 months
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DAY 71: shy
#codacheetah#isat#loop isat#isabeau isat#isat spoilers#i'll never get over loop being described as 'shy'. what a wonderful image#top one casual remarks from isabeau that cleaves loop's facade#like loop's personality is just a targeted missile to piss siffrin off. they're not at all confident and snarky#they're doing like the physical manifestation of winning an argument against yourself in the shower#second they see the party though Oopsies we're in scary territory. That's your family and they dont know it's you Oops#ok anyways ever since i saw that post i was like damn. this is just how i view loop in party postcanon#for as much as I think they SHOULD go explore around and be their own person for a while i think realistically they would not do that.#theyre going to go be a weird freak hovering around the party and refusing to socialize with anyone but siffrin and theyre gonna feel awful#(read: they're going to antagonize siffrin and it fails tremendously bc now The Rumor Come Out and siffrin knows what loop is doing.)#like loop as much as they can barely stand to even look at isabeau (for instance) i think their claws are sunk far too deep in.#onehats maybe the circumstances are different because there is a gap in understanding. there's no point forcing siffrin to confront the#obvious conclusion that loop is them (and thus siffrin's happy ending nails loop's coffin)#(THIS IS IGNORING TWOHATS PREREQS GOTTEN ONEHATS. BC THATS ITS OWN CAN OF WORMS)#but twohats. idk. for as much as it lets loop release some of their rage and process their feelings a bit. i think it might also be the pus#that makes loop consider their own existence as a person a bit more. theyre not a sponsor->corpse theyre just loop#theyre just somebody who wants desperately. they want to stay with them#theyre still siffrin. if also loop.#i think loop would force themself to reconnect with the party in the same vein as siffrin forcing himself to communicate more.#but of course having conviction and living an experience are not the same thing. so siffrin's going to flounder the emotional honesty thing#tremendously and loop's going to be. blair witching it in the corner.#hey i might have forgotten which post i was writing the tags under. oopsies#idk if these tags are comprehensible at all. i just really want to see loop fail upwards into friendship with everyone
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pixlatedvampire · 4 months
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You gave those wounds to your god, Enki. Did you think they would heal so easily?
(Uh Oh! Someone gave the priest catholic guilt!)
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levemetal · 25 days
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Day 1: Destined / Doomed
Doomed eternally by the narrative. No fucking clue where I was going with this one. Lineart is not my fortee. Well, art isn't my fortee but you know.
It's fucking midnight and now officially September 1st here where I live so f u this counts.
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iscreamkitty · 11 months
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Hamato gremlins
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