#idk what to tag this as and honestly idk why i put so much effort into this either lmao
dillyt-doodles · 1 year
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Communist dog girl
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positively-mine · 5 months
Date night!
tags: gn! reader, plot spoilers, not proofread
a/n: part 2?? idk yet. modeled this off my own experience, hopefully it isn't hot trash
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Saiki k
Knows where you're both going to end up because he's rewound time so many times. Despite that, he will always cherish the moments you spend together. He can never say no to you. You may have walked this path a thousand times but in the end he'll always choose to join you.
Always remembering which deserts you like and sharing them with you. Of course it's an impromptu cafe hopping session. How much was spent that day on cafes will not be disclosed. Personal chaperone because the moment you say you're tired he's teleported straight to your room. Isn't he the greatest boyfriend ever? What he doesn't say he makes up for it in his actions.
Obviously he asked to tag along with you. His s/o walking around town with no one to hold your things for you? A crime. Luckily he's your boyfriend though. He's shy but he will still put in the effort. Wants to try everything with you. Won't be direct though so you might have to pick up the little hints he drops.
100% will drag you off to a photo booth. You know how they give a digital version of the pictures? Yeah it's his wallpaper. Also if he finds clothes that are similar to how he used to dress (punk?? I honestly dk 😭) he will want to go in. His signals come in the form of making eye contact with you before shifting his eyes to the shop. Check it out with him pls. He won't take long.
Now why would you want to walk around here when he can literally bring you to another country. Well whatever your reason is he will begrudgingly follow you. The thought of walking around makes shivers run up his spine. But since you're so insistent of having him around he guess it won't be so bad to walk around if you're there. Don't stare too long at anything because he'll buy it. You'll be leaving with one of his cars filled with gifts.
Is also reluctant to try the food. But if you'll feed it to him he'll gladly open his mouth. Eventually forms a sweet tooth/ craving of the foods. Orders them secretly because he doesn't want anyone to know... Once you're satisfied, he'll call for his driver to take you to his house so you can review all the things he got for you.
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stardustizuku · 1 year
sorry for using your inbox as a confessional im too scared to post in a tag where everyone knows each other. anyway the thing i think is most interesting about wilfried is how sylvester is characterized by his treatment of his failson. bc like the obvious answer after the ivory tower incident and at like eight other points in the story was to demote wilfried to an archnoble or to put him in the temple. bonifatius should have served as sylvester's very obvious example that like. an archducal family member can thrive and be better off if they're not forced into archducal competition beyond doing the training just in case everyone else dies. and ferdinand should have shown him that sometimes being put in the temple or otherwise demoted is better than being a target in noble society. especially once rozemyne shows up and hes repeatedly shown the ways the temple is improving and the importance of it to the duchy's functioning. and yet even in his conversation with bonifatius in i think book 5 hes so against it he would rather disown rozemyne. which you could interpret as him thinking that even if he understands all that that noble society will continue to target wilfried but it also implies that on some level sylvester did and maybe still does think that bonifatius and ferdinand have reached "bad ends", despite caring deeply for them and intellectually understanding that they are better off not being the aub. bc it's not like wilfried is completely incompetent, he's just terrible at politics. he's a skilled warrior and when he's not being coddled he's fully capable of buckling down and getting work done. but even though sylvester has been told exactly that by several people, after sylvester finally gives up on having wilfried be the unambiguous heir he's still very clearly trying to leave the path open for him when wilfried has obviously and repeatedly been shown to not have a talent or even really a desire for the position outside of not wanting to be a target and charlotte has been here the whole time. honestly sylvester's basically only done harm by reinforcing that him losing the seat WOULD be a bad thing instead of trying to improve conditions for non-candidate archducal family members if he's so worried about the fate of failsons. like idk i just think its interesting especially in light of the most recent chapter that sylvester certainly cares for rozemyne and doesn't want her to be forced into a position she doesn't want, but, like, he is still a noble, it's just that rozemyne is frequently sheltered from that fact because his interests and hers so frequently overlap. sylvester being a good guy who is still very much a noble is actually my favorite thing about him, way too often in isekai stories you get a prankster noble whose carelessness is played off as cute or funny even when it would have extremely real consequences, so having sylvester be a dude who clearly means well but is in no way immune from reinforcing systemic injustice even in his own family is very interesting. although i get why myne doesn't really clash with him over it, i do sometimes wish they kept the somewhat adversarial relationship they had in early aob and i hope that charlotte gets to conflict with sylvester more
Hi! Thank you for sharing! I was a bit busy and didn't notice the ask, but you make a great point.
Sylvester is a very well meaning guy, who sometimes (in an effort to avoid his children suffering) can be blindsided and ignore the truth.
In his case, regarding Rozemyne and Wilfred, he ignores them both in regards to what they want/need, in favor to what he believes they need.
Yes, he would rather Wilfred be the next aub and sorta of forces the position on him. But he also forces the idea of Rozemyne as his second hand, then wife, on her. He's genuinely trying to help, but he gets blinded by his own past. For a very, very long time he saw himself in Wilfred, and Ferdinand in Rozemyne.
But, even when Wilfred explicitly said he did not want it - the reason why Sylvester didn't accept him relinquishing the position was actually Rozemyne herself.
I can assume it was a huge blow, since granting Wilfred his wish would mean making Rozemyne (a commoner) into an Aub and he couldn't bring himself to do that, for various reasons. He knows Ferdinand would not allow it, it would cause problems with Florencia, and more importantly: Rozemyne herself would hate it. Sylvester actually does care for Rozemyne, in the few ways he can allow himself to care.
He knows that Rozemyne wants nothing to do with politics. She wants to make books and hang out in the temple and with commoners. At that point, keeping them together was not to give Wilfred "what he wanted", but to KEEP Rozemyne and give her what she wanted (and what he duchy needed).
Sylvester is truly a unique interesting case, because he's well-meaning, but messes up sometimes. No one can be sure if his actions are 100% correct, or if it was the best option. But nevertheless, he does try to clean up after the messes he causes, and protect his people.
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sweetsreverie · 2 years
Heyyy Sweet💗, may I please request hc’s of what type of dads the 1 4 1 soldiers would be around/with their children
tysm for requesting this because it made my heart so so happy 🫶🏼
umbrella headcanons: they’re all protective as shit over their kids and don’t bring their work home with them. they never discuss it in front of the little ones.
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simon "ghost" riley
realistically, i don't see him ever having children due to his job and his own childhood
BUT... tumblr doesn't need to be realistic hehe
but really, he would be somewhat terrified of parenthood because the last thing he wants is to be like his father
so he's going to do everything he possibly can to be the best father he can be
simon says that he has a cold heart, but i think he could become tender-hearted when he has a child
but also, for a while he honestly has no idea what to do around children
he really tries to keep his voice gentle when he's with them, and he becomes somewhat of a gentle giant when he becomes a dad
he'll never use baby talk with his kids, he'll talk to them like they understand everything he's saying
he would absolutely spoil his kids because he didn't get that as a kid
he's so so protective of them - he always keeps them in his sight when you're away from home and out in public
the monsters under the bed stand no chance against him either!
his kid(s) cling onto him like koalas, or like how kittens will climb up your legs? yeah, just like that. he's a jungle gym to them
john "soap" mactavish
soap is a whole goof of a dad tbh
but he's got the biggest heart
while he can be goofy, he doesn't play about his kid's safety, ever
he'll teach his kid(s) all sorts of scottish slang from the get-go
the kids love when he tells stories and reads from their books - he tries to use different voices for the little characters
soap unironically enjoys watching bluey with the kids
he'll also watch those baby sensory videos with the dancing fruits
when he works out at home, the kids cling to him and refuse to leave him alone despite your efforts
he'll use them as barbells or do push-ups while they pile on his back
if you have a daughter, she always puts her little hair clips in his mohawk
he absolutely leaves them there
he'll be such a proud dad, of everything his kids do
artwork on the fridge, good grades hung up, all that stuff
the type of dad to laugh when his kid curses rather than scold them for it, even though he knows it's wrong
john price
price is probably gonna be the most normal dad on this list
he would also be super protective of his kids, tbh they all are
would probably smoke his cigars outside so the smoke wouldn't be around the kids inside
absolute football dad
if your kids show any sort of interest in it, he's enrolling them for some kids league football
he'll also watch games with them and tell them all about what's going on
also the type to not baby talk his kids tbh
he probably thought he would never have kids so he cherishes them so much when they're born
he gets them hats that match his and they love wearing them
he had to start trimming his beard when the baby started to pull on it
he loves doing things outside with them, whether it's tending to a little herb garden or going for a walk
kyle "gaz" garrick
gaz is also pretty normal tbh
he's so eager to be a good dad, and he did so much research online about kids
he's an absolute sweetie and softie for his kids
boy or girl, he likes to do their hair whenever he's home
i feel like he would be a home-made baby food enthusiast, idk why
he loves reading to his kids!! they have so many books, i can see him starting a book with them and reading a chapter or so before bed whenever he's home
he's a dad that always tells his kids that he loves them unconditionally, and they never have a doubt about his love
he thought that kid leashes were stupid until he needed to get one for his kid
he'd also unironically watch kids shows with the kids
he heard that cocomelon is bad so that's a no-go
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tag list: @ho3forghost @juggernaunt @shellfishb34ch @redpool @madamepozum
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fioreofthemarch · 11 months
20 Questions For Fic Writers
Tagged by @bahbahhh and @mistresslrigtar. thank you!!! i love this community <3
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
twelve (plus one I orphaned that we don't talk about)
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild/Tears of the Kingdom
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
From the Ground Up 🦅
Hateno Housemates 🏡
Finding Her 📱
have and hold ♨
On the Life of Queen and Consort 🖋
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to, I really, really do, and I often forget. But I promise I read them all.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I mean Link commits murder in this one
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Most of my endings are happy but I think Hateno Housemates is the fluffiest
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not for a long, long time, and for that I'm very grateful. Got some less that positive comments on my portrayal of Zelda back in the day, when I myself was dealing with a lot of negative emotions and was feeding that into her a bit. But otherwise no
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
No, though I have tried. I deeply admire people who are great at it, because it's an artform unto itself. But it's not in my wheelhouse
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
All That Was Tangled Came Undone is an honestly somewhat mid cross over between BOTW and Kimi No Na Wa
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Nah. Probably not idk
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No but it would be a wonderful honour.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No but I would love to!!!!!!!!!!!!
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
I write Zelink ofc but look, I gotta give it up to the OGs, Spirk. None of us would be here if not for a repressed Vulcan and a swashbuckling starship captain from a 1960s scifi sitcom making fuck eyes at each other
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
EVER? I think my BOTW 30 years later sequel will probably never get off the ground, because I don't think it would have much of an audience (yes yes write for yourself but writing into the void is also not that fun) and TOTK just kind of fucked up all the ideas I had. I don't know. Kill your darlings etc
16. What are your writing strengths?
I enjoy writing dialogue and put a lot of effort into making it flow nicely. I enjoy worldbuilding and building up a cast of supporting and minor characters.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Hm. Many. Over-explaining/under-explaining is a big one for me.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I write in a fantasy setting with only vague hints at a different language (Gerudo) so the need never comes up. I think it should be done respectfully and as accurately as possible if it is required. I personally would avoid it unless I knew a good sensitivity reader & someone who spoke the it as their first language.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
... ... Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland (2010)
20. Favorite fic you've ever written?
If I had to throw them all away and keep only one, it'd naturally be From the Ground Up.
I'm going to tag @zeldaelmo and @spoiledspine !! Enjoy!!!
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chikoyama · 3 months
Shipping Info | Answer the following for your muses so people know how shipping works on your blog
What is your OTP for your character(s)?
Man, I don’t know. If Chiyori can get someone who cares as much about her as she cares about them, then I’m good. If she’s in a relationship where she’s wanted rather than needed, then that's absolute gold for me. ✨
Even in a soulmate au I made her soulmateless specifically for that purpose. Also, because I wanted Chiyori to discover that no one is more perfect for her than herself, but I'm not sure if she's insightful enough to realize that, lmao. Aaah, and the pain too. I also decided for her to be soulmateless because I don’t understand the concept of soulmates, lmfao. (Not anymore at least).
How large does the age gap have to be to make it uncomfortable?
To me personally, as long as both parties are in similar stages of physical matureness I won’t care too much, I think? It's fiction after all. Like, someone at the age of 50 with someone at the age 18, I don’t mind too much, because they’re both likely to be past puberty. Both would be in their fully-developed adult bodies. (These talks always remind me of Leonardo DiCaprio’s relationships, lmfao).
However, someone above age 16 with someone at the age of 10 is when I feel things would get kind of weird? Because it’s extremely likely that the 10-year-old hasn’t even hit puberty yet. Don’t bash me for it, but I’d love to witness a well-written dynamic like that. One would have to have the balls to publish something like that, and be a genius too for crafting a dynamic like that that works. Honestly, I think it could make sense in more of a coming-of-age story! Anything else would be creepy, but maybe I’m just too close-minded to be able to imagine otherwise.
How far do steamy moments have to go before they are considered NSFT?
When specific private body parts are mentioned.
Are you selective when shipping?
Uh, yeah.
Who are other characters you ship your character with?
I don't think it's so much if I personally ship it, more than it is about if Chiyori likes the other character. So far, she likes Lee's Suguru (@cvrseduser) (whilst still teenagers, but it's not reciprocated), and Val's Yuuta (@2xcursekissed).
Does one have to ask to ship with you?
Nah, you do you, babe. If it means something to you, don’t let me take that away from you. Be fierce, be mad, be unapologetic. If anything, I’d love to hear why it speaks to you personally!
Are you ship-obsessed or ship more-or-less?
So, the thing is I want to be ship-obsessed, but I’m not, which is sad for meeeee. I genuinely want to experience being in that sort of high, lmfao. Though, that's my problem to deal with, but maybe I just have to find the right partner(s). 🤔
Idk what ship more-or-less means?
What is your favourite ship in your current fandom?
Eeeeh… *thinks hard* Idk… I think every ship is cute per se. It sounds harsh, but these ships don’t mean anything to me personally, because I don't write canon characters, so it’s hard for me to be truly biased. Though, if I wrote cc x cc, maybe I'd fall as deeply into these rabbit holes as everyone else, lmao.
My philosophy on these matters are: As long as it makes you happy, and you let me do me, everything is good!
Finally, how does one ship with you?
Uh, just ask me to ship, I think? — Easier said than done, right? Be engaged, share your thoughts and ideas, send things that remind you of them. Of course, there needs to be a similar level of respect and admiration from both parties. Though, generally speaking I'm very cooperative and reciprocative.
The amount of times I've put more effort into projects (not just in terms of writing) than my partners is depressing. So, I've come to the conclusion that my energy is better spent elsewhere unless someone shows proper enthusiasm about it. I respect myself way too much to put myself through that. I refuse to be dragging a dead body through the mud.
Tagged by: @vartouhix (thanks for the tag, babe! 💕)
Tagging: @ak4rin, @opalchoi, @gyofukuki, @trelonkan, @nvictive
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matan4il · 2 years
Good afternoon M! 1st I want to say that I love your blog. Its so organized and precise and overall lovely. 2ndly, every season i clown myself into thinking CANONbuddie will happen & I’ll gladly continue to. Lol But something about this upcoming season has me feeling particularly hopeful. Idk if you saw but recently Aisha talked about how everything has meaning down to the clothes and we got that pic of Eddie in Bucks blue shirt! The fun headcanons of HOW that happens are endless! Any thoughts?
Oh, lovely Nonnie! Thank you SO MUCH for the kind words! I'm so glad you enjoy my blog, and especially that you it feels organized, because I've tried my best and put a lot of effort into making it as easily accessible as possible. So THANK YOU! This means a lot! Sending you lots of love!
LOL Listen, the clowning can be so much fun, and if it doesn't take away from your enjoyment if the slow burn turns out to be glacial, then why not? Enjoy the clowning to the fullest! XD
OMG, yes. I saw the shirt! Honestly, unless they retcon it as being Eddie's shirt, pretending it was never Buck's (they better not! I know shows sometimes do this, but I don't believe we've ever seen this on 911), the only plausible explanation I can find is that Eddie is at Buck's to help him during his recovery, and either this is the very beginning, when he wasn't prepared and didn't bring a change of clothes, or he got comfortable enough over time that he dipped into Buck's closet. Either way? I WILL EXPIRE.
(watch it be neither, and it's just Ryan joking about how big Oliver is, putting on his shirt backstage to make his point LOL)
But yes, def fun headcanons no matter what. Enjoy the clowning, hon! I'm here to clown along in my own quieter way! :*** As always, here's my ask tag. xoxox
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rudeflower · 1 year
tagged by @itookyoudown what an honor
Rules: Go to your published works on AO3 and list the first fic you ever published there, the last fic you published, any fic that you wrote for a fandom/ship only once, your favorite fic you wrote in the fandom/ship that has the most works, the fic you wish more people read, the fic you agonized over the most, the fic that sprang fully formed from your mind without any effort, and a work you are proud of—for whatever reason.
First fic I ever published: My first fic ever was on ff.net, it was in the Veronica Mars fandom and I think I THINK it was about Logan and Veronica morosely deciding they were too messed up to have children, published with angst by a world-weary 17-year-old
Last fic I published: two voices in the stands Ted Lasso Jamie parent scoped character study. Honestly super low effort on this one, I wrote and published it in the same sitting. Might delete? Not very proud of it
A fic that I wrote for a fandom/ship only once: Y2K for My So-Called Life. I love MSCL so much, and it really didn't need to be ficced but I kind of wanted to contribute to the fandom (154 hits and counting) in some way
A fic I wish more people read: rare books, collection of for Justified, wherein young marshal Raylan catches seventeen-year-old Tim on the run after killing his father, and they reunite years later. It's a really cool fic, my most morally grey foray AND the only sex scene I've written AND YET? So few hits?? I don't know why, it's totally in tone with the Justified fandom more than my other fic idk idk
The fic I agonized over most: the dogged pen to dogged page for Boy Meets World. Which tries to pry together Shanw Hunter going from complete goofball to literary genius in canon overnight. And I think I do it, but it required a ton of rewatching and research, and finagling to make it work to the point that I haven't finished it yet. It ended up being way more effort than I budgeted for.
A fic that sprung fully formed from my mind without any effort: Paper Boys for Newsies. A Spavid imagining of the boys as newspaper delivery boys in 1994 rather than newsies in 1899. It's in my opinion the best thing I've written and it just HAPPENED. I didn't plot, I didn't write a million drafts, I just did it and I love it.
A fic I am proud of, for any reason: One's Own Recognizance which I put a huge amount of effort into, and even had a beta which I never had before. It's a proper grown up novel, the only novel length fic of mine without YA vibes (Maybe Wild Geese counts to). I'm proud as hell of it
Tagging @blacktwigrunning @welfycat @radioactivepigeons @queenitsy
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unclewaynemunson · 2 years
Hi Anna! For the tag game, I haven't been on in a few days so I don't know what you've already answered, but I'd so very interested in "Eddie gets into Steve's interests" and "Writer in the dark"!!
Thank you!! I hope you had a good few days off :)
The Writer in the Dark fic is something I still have VERY little on and honestly idk if i'm ever gonna write it. There was this tumblr post (which i should've saved bc now i can't find anymore) about how Writer in the Dark by Lorde was a Steddie song and I got this fic idea for it but it'd be very sad and I usually write things where they can heal together and get better instead of adding to their trauma, so this one's pretty low on my priority list tbh.
"Eddie gets into Steve's interests" is basically what the working title says it is lol, i always get annoyed by the abundance of fics/hc's where Steve is making huge efforts to get into Eddie's interests, sometimes basically changing his whole personality, while Eddie is doing nothing (or worse, being mean about Steve's interests) in return. Sorry if this sounds bitter but it's SUCH a no-go for me. I don't have much for this one yet, but here's a lil snippet:
They had been dating for a few weeks now, and were still getting used to it all. There were still so many details to learn about Steve, still so many surprises, so many layers to uncover - like that he apparently liked to listen to Wham! in his car on a volume that Eddie only reserved for metal.
'Sorry 'bout that,' Steve said as he cut off George Michael's voice and let the radio spit out the cassette that was in it. 'You can put some of your metal in, make yourself comfortable.'
Eddie didn't bother fastening his seatbelt as they drove off. He took the cassette to study it. Make it big, was written on it.
'Why can't we just listen to this one?' Eddie asked as he waved it around.
Steve shot him a quick sideways glance, not quite taking his eyes off the road. 'It's Wham!,' he pointed out, as if Eddie hadn't seen that.
'Well, obviously you don't wanna listen to that.'
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courfee · 9 months
people’s takes on fic stuff fucking baffles me. i see people going on and on about word counts and complaining when updates “take too long” or refusing to read wips entirely bc they’re too impatient and i just… i cannot understand this shit.
i know that the majority of these people have had to write something for a class in school at some point. it took you weeks to write a five paragraph essay for a grade. most of the time, that’s less than 1k words.
there’s nanowrimo, where the usual goal is to write 50k words in one month. which is understood by participants as an incredibly challenging goal. it’s hard. most people who start don’t complete it in time. it takes a lot of dedicated time. it’s exhausting. and there are so many fics out there that are significantly longer than this - and you can read them for fucking free!!!
it breaks my brain how people don’t seem to understand how much effort and time it actually takes to write something.
it’s even wilder to me that people will just skip over fics entirely based off of how many hits or kudos they have. why even bother searching by ship or tags or what have you if you’re just going to discount 90%+ of your search based off of how many people read it before you. the more common place that becomes, the less amazing fics will end up getting read in the first place. it takes hits to make hits.
all of this is just so wild to me i cannot wrap my brain around it. and i hate going into fic writing for this fandom knowing damn well that i’m in a fandom where people who might genuinely enjoy something i spent hours of my time on will never even consider glancing at it because i’m not “popular” enough. i don’t publish fics for clout and approval, but there’s a reason why i share them in the first place. i’ve written plenty of fics just for myself, or for a few friends to read. but if i take the time to publish and post something, it’s because i want to share it! i put it out there hoping that other people might enjoy it like i do. because sharing that feels good. and it sucks to think that there are people who might have shared in that enjoyment with me, who will never see it because we’ve started putting this weird standard on shit.
i don’t know about other writers, but that’s exactly what i’m talking about when i say that fandom dynamics as of late are sucking the joy out of creating. i write because it brings me joy. i publish/post/share because seeing something i wrote bring someone else joy, brings me even more joy. and watching this whole shitstorm of people being shit to fic writers or completely discounting most fics for one reason or other, just cuts that down so much for me.
idk i have a lot of thoughts and feeling about this but at the end of the day it frustrating and, at times, a bit heartbreaking.
honestly you said it all. all of this.
one thing i wanna add is in regards to nanowrimo: 50k words in a month (1667 words a day btw) is incredibly hard and a lot of people don't manage it, but a common factor i've witnessed between those that have done it is that they went into it having fully planned out their stories. because writing isn't only putting down words on paper, you have to figure out what to write, if you want a great plot you usually have to plan for that, and even once you've written it all you still have to go over everything and edit it. there is even more time and effort that goes into writing that people don't see and just take for granted. it's absolutely a labor of love, and the labor part is strongly emphasised here, and still we offer it for free only for people to be bitchy about it
i just hope you keep the joy of it all, because the entire point of fandom should be that it's done for fun and with the purpose of bringing you fun...
sending you all the love there, at least we are enough people in this fandom who write and draw and cosplay and make edits and all the other things there are for creation that we can support each other through it all
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Seven Dog Breeds That I, An Experienced Dog Lover and Owner, Hate With A Burning Passion
Reminder that this is only my opinion and not to be taken seriously. Most of these are owner related problems, not dog problems because I believe there is no such thing as a bad dog, just a bad owner
Tagging @tessherongraystairs @petalsofaflower-shutupthomas
1. Pomeranians
Number one is the Pomeranian. I really fucking hate these dogs because they are super aggressive for such a tiny dog if you don’t train and socialize them right. They’re the human form of demons from hell and I stand by that opinion. For the love of God, please just socialize your tiny dogs!!!
2. German Shepherds
If you didn’t know, my worst enemy is a German Shepherd named Bella, who bit me while I was hugging my grandfather. She broke through my very expensive leggings and caused puncture wounds to my leg. That’s an extremely personal reason to dislike the breed as a whole but I stand by it.
Btw I grew up around German Shepherds and they are a dog breed that needs heavy training, time, and effort. Which is something a lot of people don’t realize, despite the fact that they are the K-9 dog of choice
3. Labrador Retrievers & Golden Retrievers
Yes, I am aware that these are two different breeds, but my reasoning is the same with both of them. Most people assume because of the retriever breed having such a naturally sweet disposition that they don’t need a lot of training, so they slack on it. Just like any other dog, retrievers need good training and socialization to be good pets.
Speaking from experience, most labs and goldens I’ve met have been severely under trained and are extremely destructive and/or aggressive towards people and dogs. I don’t blame the dogs, I blame the owners. This one is strictly because I feel that people need to stop getting dogs because they seem “easy” and then not putting the work in
4. Bloodhounds
This is another strictly personal one. One of my aunts owns a bloodhound and I can’t stand that dog. She is the loudest thing I have ever met and I live with a chihuahua. You can literally hear her as soon as you pull into my aunt’s neighborhood.
FYI, bloodhounds don’t bark, they bay. They literally have their own word to describe how loud they are. Look up a video of a bloodhound baying, you’ll regret it
5. Doodle Dogs (Any dog that has a name ending in doodle)
I feel like this one will offend a lot of people but I hate doodle dogs. And I have one word to say: hypoallergenic.
Every doodle owner I have met loves to mention that their dog is hypoallergenic, like every single time without fail. It wouldn’t annoy me as much if it was true, but it isn’t. There’s no such thing as hypoallergenic animal. They produce less dander, yes, but you can still be allergic to them
Same thing applies to hairless cats, they have oils in their skin that people can be allergic to
6. Beagle Mixes
And before anyone says “But Riley, don’t you have a beagle mix?”, yes, I do have one, and she’s the reason they’re on this list. Beagles already aren’t that great of a dog breed (in my opinion) and I don’t know why people see the need to mix them with every other breed under the sun, especially since beagles are known for their numerous health problems
I honestly don’t get it. Like who decided to mix a French Bulldog (another dog with health issues) and a Beagle together? Idk but that’s what happened to get my dog
7. Yorkie Mixes (Yorkie = Yorkshire Terrier)
I should preface this one with how much I love yorkies in general. I’ve always wanted one and I would probably get one when I’m older. They do have the same issues as the Pomeranians but this isn’t about that.
People tend to love to mix yorkies with other smalls dogs. Chihuahuas, poodles, dachshunds, Maltese, etc. Let me tell you, mixing two stubborn and feisty dog breeds together doesn’t work out well at all
Like seriously, a chihuahua and a yorkie together? All you get is a tiny little hell-raiser who loves to dig everything. Dirt, the carpet, your couch, everything they can and they will.
Seriously, stop messing around with yorkies
I have a specific hatred for Maltipoos but that is a story for another time
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sleepy-achilles · 11 months
Ik I don't write smut,
But that doesn't mean I don't have set positions for my ships. Talk of sub and dom and bottom and top stuff below.
Hbtaker- Top Taker and Bottom Shawn. Takers 100% a dom and shawns 100% a pillow princess. He's the perfect sub for takers dom. He can push taker but also bring him back down to earth. Whilst Taker knows exactly what he needs when Shawn doesn't. He knows when to drop Shawn and when to bring him back up. Taker learned very quickly that someone had tainted sex for shawn and put all his effort into fixing that, reassuring Shawn that, yes he's allowed to be loud, lube is a must, yes he can touch and pull at takers hair. They fit. Shawn also taught taker a few things. Also, in a/b/o verse, takers the alpha, shawns the omega.
John- without giving to much away about him upcoming storyline, hes a switch. His partner needs to have control taken from them sometimes whilst john sometimes needs to take control, so they honestly go of whatever the other is needing. John would be a beta or an alpha. The same for his partner.
Deon- they are my juicy couple. My favourite thing to do whilst writing them is not making it clear who tops and who bottoms. The reality is, both boys are switches. But whilst Leon is normally a dom in his relationships with drew the switch is hit. Drew understands Leon better than most, which is why even on top Leon has the more sub role. A service top. Whatever you want to call it. Leon has such a dominating life that when it's just him and drew, he needs to be in that headspace. And well, drew normally takes a back seat, especially when tag teaming with Leon, so he doesn't mind taking that dom headspace when it's him and drew. But he loves being pampered, despite what the fans think, drew loves being on bottom, he has that secret pillow princess in him. He deserves it and with such a willing service top? He'd be stupid to not get it. Drew is 100% an alpha whilst Leon is either a omega or a alpha. Depends what the story angle is that I'm going for.
Cea (kinda like sea, idk I thought their ship name being ocean related would be cute)- cassie doesn't care, she's a pillow princess and she's proud as fuck of it. She's grown up with a male dominated family, she deserves to be treated like the princess she is. Rhea is a stone top. She prefers giving rather than receiving. Cassie doesn't mind, she does feel guilty sometimes but rhea is quick to reassure her that she gets off more on cassies pleasure then she does her own. However, cassie does sometime have to take on a more dominant role, especially with rhea joining the judgement day. Rhea sometimes needs that tension taken off her. She needs to be bossed around, put in her place. It's tough for cassie but rhea will always make sure she receives the right amount of aftercare after. Cassie is an omega and rhea is a Alpha.
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tau1tvec · 1 year
Hi! I love your posts and your gameplay so thought I’d ask you this and see if you have any advice :)
I’m doing a lil simple story with some gameplay aspects into it, and i’m wondering if you have any tips on how two potential love interests could meet, for the first time? Like occasions/places/situations? Story/pose wise (poses to use to make a specific situation or encounter) and also like gameplay wise (where they could meet in game through gameplay, like events, places or other stuff that happens when you play) hopefully that makes sense! Thanks a lot!!
Oh wow, it's actually kinda been a while since my sims have actually gone through anything like this, tbh, so idk if I'm really the person to ask, but...
Probably my most recent memory of any kind of meeting was between Zachary and Blake, and technically ( in my head ) they already knew one another in high school, but when I began playing them, I literally just threw a bunch of other sims with them into one big lot, and let the game decide whether they would "find each other in a room full of strangers" is one way to put it. They did, crazily enough, which is funny bc I was actually expecting one of them to go for Heather, but they went right to one another and began flirting almost immediately.
I'm kinda weird though, and I kinda like it when sims just interact organically, despite my headcanon, plans or expectations. The Sims 3 is incredibly chaotic compared to The Sims 4 when it comes to this, the sims in it are a bit more complex I guess... compared to TS4 sims imo, but the attraction system is kinda garbage, luckily their traits kinda do most the work when it comes to actual compatibility... like I wasn't really expecting Oba to find someone while at college, but he met Mika at a party, and they just really hit it off, so I kinda just jumped off of what happened in my game, bc TS3 is kinda about that anyway, it's a very... team effort kind of game, the player has control, but it can also pick up where the player leaves off if they want, and quite well if you manage to capture your sim/character well enough through traits.
Now, as for strictly posed, story focused, and planned meetings honestly it's really up to you. Find inspiration from some of your fav romantic media, whether it be books or TV, and don't let anyone tell you anything is too cliché, it's romance, it's supposed to be a little bit cliché, love is kinda corny sometimes and that's okay.
Outline an idea, gather the cc you need, there's sooo much cc out there for sims storytellers, it isn't even funny, and a lot of it you can easily find on cc finds blogs through their tags systems if they've got it, and for starters, why not hit up @ts4-poses? Then decide whether you wanna control the entire event yourself, or if you'd like the game to make a go at it. You can always exit without saving if things don't go as planned, no one will know ( how will they know, lol ), or hell, if it doesn't go as planned, and your sim flirts with Don Lothario at the romance festival instead ( like an old sim of mine did ), who's to say that isn't the start of a beautiful romance, or a doomed one... it's up to you!
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lee-minhoe · 2 years
OKAY MEL BUCKLE UP YOUR SEAT BELT BC THIS IS GOING TO BE A RIDE ! also ik i have 9203402849 potential love letters i could write but there is one that truly warrants a long explanation because all i've ever written is hate mail about him to you... yes this is about lee fucking jangjun of course it's about lee jangjun 🙄
ok but i swear i'll try to actually write nice (🤢🤮) things unlike my one lino letter LOL
your favorite thing about them  he is sUCH an entertainer!! ofc he's funny and high energy and very much an enfp (the synergy of him with other enfps is insane LMAO) but also he does put in effort to be prepared when he goes on variety shows (vaguely all i know is that he does research beforehand especially if he's meeting other idols, prepares some jokes or stunts or props, idk maybe thats standard but at least it's not lazy)! besides him being absolutely deranged for entertainment purposes, i do love watching him on variety shows he really does the whole entertaining idol gig thing with such ease with his very mc-host way of speaking, his comedic timing, and the way he puts people at easy by ironically catching them off-guard with his irreverent jokes, etc. etc. honestly it's an especially great skill bc he's interacted w a lot of dongsaeng/rookie groups while hosting ssap possible and idolympics.
when you Knew TM they were your bias  LMAO the way u literally watched my realization in real time... okay but i don't actually remember what exactly cemented my coffin. i started noticing his rarer soft / calm / cute moods (instead of his obnoxious parodies of aegyo) and that he just happens to be good at everything. OH I REMEMBER NOW. SOMETHING SOMETHING HE IS GOOD AT COOKING ASDKFJLSJDFLKSDFL!!! lmao fuck why is it cooking that always gets me! also that was around the time i learned that he won 10 medals at isac 2018-20. and can do like 5 hurricane kicks in a row while singing. oh and he went from being literally tone deaf (or so he claims) when he auditioned to making it past several rounds on king of masked singer. okay but even tho he's good at everything he failed kindergarten <3 we stan having capabilities that can't be assessed by a standard education curriculum and being successful anyways 🤪
your favorite looks on them  jokes on you i don't look at him. ok just kidding u got me. honestly i rly haven't watched that that much content to be super familiar with his full range of looks/fits but i'll give you my top 3 from my jjun tag: 1) the white hoodie outfit from one of the ssap possible episodes with curly brown hair just got me i think he was super sleep deprived that day bc he was very subdued and sleepy the whole time it was very cute 2) pink jjun from the rata tat tat mv was insane w the givenchy tank and silver necklaces and and arm band... 12 dead 47 injured. 3) glasses + leather jacket from dream radio!! okay i couldn't even see half his face bc of his mask in this radio special but it was a great outfit so i had to give it a shout out. he did lower it at once point to show off his side profile ! 🥰🥳💕 ... did i mention men's health magazine nov 2020? haha forget i said anything what.
your favorite verse/chreo they do  the entire poppin' song he did with sungyoon!! some highlights w timestamps: - he has a pretty high pitched voice so i'm easily impressed by how he manages to pitch it down pretty low for the chorus. - also his verse after the first chorus is so addicting, there's something about the pitching and tone and varying emphasis of that verse that is so funny and satirical - my favorite part is the one singing line he gets lol a rare commodity as for choreo idk why the only thing i can think of rn is that time he danced w weki meki LMAO
your wish for them (solo stuff, being in a drama,  a nap maybe  lolo) to me he's honestly up there with seungkwan and baekhyun as born-entertainers so i hope he sticks around the entertainment industry for a long time 😃👍
anything about them !!!!  THIS HAS ALREADY BEEN TOO MUCH ABOUT HIM. and i've already spoken so much about him to you in the past month LMAO i swear i also love golcha joochan and jibeom dearly too :( anyways i shall leave you with a picture of jjun in a soda can and we shall never talk about this post ever again 🤫🤐
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surprise ! <3 my gift for u for making it to the end ily 😘
no you're right though, it's a skill to be such a great entertainer and mc like not everyone can do it! and to put people at ease and read the room and research guests beforehand, it takes work!! (and from the jangstar videos that you sent me to watch, mad respect to him for it cuz i would open the video thinking that i'd only watch the timestamp you sent but then end up watching the whole thing lmao)
LMAO i remember watching your realization happen in real time, it went from "no way jjun is gonna become my bias" -> "oh no i think he might be my bias....." -> final acceptance of the fact 😂🤣 oh but the cooking explains why you also bias lino hahahahaah i agree that gets me as well (although, mark cant cook eggs to save his life so idk). also jjun FAILED KINDERGARTEN LOL love that <3 he's so good at everything else
okay but the DREAM RADIO OUTFIT omg....he looks so good even with the mask on and with the glasses too (lol i guess how it's the cooking that gets you, for me it's the glasses) and then sunoo's fckin cute smileeeee omgggg 😭😭 the pink jjun with the tank and arm bands though 😳😳😳 and mens health ok bestie dont need to pretend you didnt mention that because i remember you mentioning it to me so i already know exactly what youre talking about and yes i will torture you
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okay moving on to poppin, his verse after the first chorus really is so addicting and so good, he nails the satirical tone well there (and then sungyoon's part after it omg). THE WEKI MEKI DANCE IS SO FUNNY?? the way he just turned it on and started dancing like he's always been a part of weki meki LMAOOO he got really into it
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(blurry af pic of jjun dancing to the song fabulously)
the soda can jjun is so cute 🥺
also i cANT BELIEVE YOU SURPRISED ME WITH THE LEE KNOW PIC AT THE END YOU HIT A SPECIFIC WEAKNESS i literally have that pic saved in my pinterest.....he's so hot....i had to stare at that pic as i was typing up this response and i was in PAIN and the ROLLED UP SLEEVES WITH THE WHITE BUTTON DOWN omfg this is literally one of my WEAKNESSES okay clearly you can tell i am now spiraling, this is what lee minho does to me 😐😐😐 i blame you
tell me why you love your bias!
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missmonsters2 · 2 years
Hey van, I've loved ur work for so long now you're one of the reasons why I started writing fics on here in the first place cuz I'm a sucker for angst, fluff and the spice, I was just wondering if you have any advice for feeling like ur work isnt good enough like how a series/oneshot you've worked rlly hard on and it's not getting barley any attention? Idk I know we shouldn't focus on the notes and all but it's hard not to like I love getting feedback/attention on my work! Especially when it's nice comments and those comments that tell u which part they liked the most. Idk. I still have fun w creating things as I always do but I hate when I let those feelings get to me. Do u have any advice on how to deal with that? As someone who's been a writer on tumblr for many years? Hope it's ok to ask this <33
Thank you so much for supporting my work! :)
Honestly, this is very hard for me to give advice on because I also struggle with it a lot. I've more or less have come to accept that posting on tumblr is just very hit or miss because:
you have to rely on being in the tags or more reblogs for new people to see
more notes means you have a higher chance of making it to the top posts in that tag
Your post has to have the correct formatting or you need to know how to post correctly to make it to the latest post page in the tags.
You need to know the trend of your tumblr & tags (i.e. when are your followers most active? What time do you see the most notes at, on avg when do you see the tags most active, etc)
I also don't only post on tumblr. I have an AO3 account that I prefer posting on at times because their search, tag, and, filter system is waaaay more superior to Tumblr's.
Another thing is that while I do write things I'm interested in, I also look at what tropes or topics are trending in the fandom to incorporate into my work and put them in the summary or funny lil warning tags. You only really have a few seconds to grab a reader's attention with your summary + warning tags.
I know it's hard to not focus on the notes, but you have to also accept that the amount of notes doesn't reflect the amount of effort you've put into your work. It's not a reflection if it's 'good' or 'bad'.
Sometimes, I'll spend weeks/months writing something just for it to do poorly. Sometimes I'll spend 30 mins on the toilet writing smth and posting without even editing and it'll blow up.
Posting on tumblr is like 10% consistency 90% luck unfortunately.
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ghostsandmirrors · 2 months
what is your blog or graphic aesthetic or motif? why?
𝒂 𝒎𝒖𝒏 𝒂𝒔𝒌. 𝐚 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝐚𝐬𝐤𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐮𝐧𝐬 𝐛𝐞𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐫𝐩𝐜.
for the meme, I feel like I have to just...
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this. this is my blog aesthetic.
honestly, I was going to give a Very Serious Answer about like, the aesthetic choices of the blog (like the choice of background colour being because that specific colour has no connotations with any of my muses) or the overall theme choices always being very clean for the past 10 years of rping on Tumblr (!!!) or something like that which would actually answer the question in the way it was intended, but then I realised like...
every ooc image that's meant to represent my blog is 'fun image of ghost/hallowe'en decorations' and an aesthetic is supposed to represent the blog and that feels like an interesting topic all on its own, surely? these specific images match the vibes superbly, I think. peak 'I swear this is a Serious RP Blog' vibes.
also this journey is peak 'I don't have a fucking clue what I'm doing' in terms of 'I saw 'blog aesthetic', wrote this entire answer, then realised that isn't what it means but I was already in too deep and having too much fun to turn back now.' that's the aesthetic, too. clean so I can navigate my own blogs and 'Idk what I'm doing but it's working and I'm having a good time.'
the answer I put effort into before realising, 'oh shit they're on about every blog (in which case I do have to point out that 'ridiculous images' have been a running theme on every blog Bucky's on),' though:
ghosts and spooky things, in general, are typically kind of intimidating, right? that's why they're spooky, scary things, and I'm aware that people have been intimidated by me in the past--do I understand it? absolutely fuckin not--but the images chosen are ghosts in sunglasses and a skeleton looking like it's told a terrible joke while another skeleton contemplates its life choices... which is me and all of you.
a typically spooky or intimidating thing being given a comical twist.
the same theme runs into my muses, as well. Bucky is typically intimidating in canon, but often given a comical role in a story by being dryly sarcastic and a little shit. Lieat is a literal creature of darkness whose about has a body horror trigger warning, but in the void they found kindness. Duo is intended as a threat, but his very existence is a meme. the goose is a threat in every known universe, but there's humour in the narrative and the situations available just because it is a horrible goose.
juxtaposition. the juxtaposition of first impressions vs. knowing I'm a fuckin nerd. the juxtaposition of multiple muses being seemingly intimidating or scary (or just being intimidating or scary) vs. having humour in some way.
the juxtaposition of something stereotypically spooky vs. that thing being in a fun setting or framing.
now I have a reason for dragging that photo around with me until the heat death of the universe.
(I have double checked the definition of 'motif' and this fits the definition. 'ridiculous images' is a recurring part of overall blog aesthetic regardless of blog since 2016. there is, genuinely, nothing else that repeatedly comes back besides 'blog aesthetic is both clean, almost professional, and memey'.)
also that's my favourite image. I adore it with all my heart. here's the link to it on unsplash because I love it so much.
(bonus: image of me patiently waiting for someone to send this just because I put it in the tags)
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