#idk when I’ll restock these
aro-tarot · 10 months
I definitely did not just buy an expensive set of dice that has Astarion quotes in each die and is a really pretty set
Not at all
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sectumsempraaa · 3 months
Send Him My Regards
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Pairing: fem!reader x idk they’re all in love with you LOL, but Draco's down bad
Summary: You aren’t one to provoke the aggressive nature of your closest friend group (a bunch of reckless Slytherin boys) but when the new hire at your favorite bookstore makes you uncomfortable, you’re forced to ask for their… “help.”
Word Count: 2.5k
Featuring: The whole damn crew. Draco, Theo, Mattheo, Pansy, Blaise, Lorenzo
TW: Implied non-consensual touching/comments, implied violence, panic/mental distress, cursing, disgustingly fluffy
Notes: This is based on something I recently experienced, as many of you have, too. I tried my best to convey my very real thoughts on this matter. Avoiding threatening men is a constant, everyday struggle. If you can relate, this is for you.
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“Love, you already own every book in the world.” Draco proclaims, staggering behind you with his pack of Slytherin watch dogs.
Whenever you go anywhere as a group, they always let you lead so they can keep an eye on your surroundings. You think it’s silly, but it’s their thing, and you secretly appreciate the protection, so you let them be. It makes them feel important, and you find it endearing.
“I most certainly do not! Only like… two hundred.” You respond, muttering the number under your breath.
“Then I’ll buy you every book in the world. Must we come here every weekend?” he groans. Of course, Mattheo interrupts, shooting Draco a furrowed brow.
“Mate, for the love of god, either stop coming on these trips, or use some of that fancy cash you love to go on about to take us elsewhere. Pick one.” Mattheo sneers. Naturally, he’s carrying your bag and coat, making sure you never lift a finger. His response earns a smirk from you.
You’re not really listening though, more so taking in the beauty of Hogsmeade. You love escaping the castle for the little town on perfect, brisk days like this one, hitting everyone’s favorite shops and downing a couple of butterbeers.
The boys continue arguing in the background as you make your way down the cobblestone street, your hair blowing softly in the chill of the November breeze. Blaise and Theo share an eye roll with each other before coming to your side, leaving the two to bicker as they trail behind. Theo steps in, heaving a dramatic sigh and throwing an arm around your shoulders, pulling you close to him. His words drip with that rich Italian accent.
“Ignore them, bella. We’ll wait for you outside.” You smile at him and he gives you a wink. A man of few words, but oozing with charm. He will occasionally act as a grounding force when the others get rowdy. You hear Draco drag on about how he “earned” his money or whatever.
“Oh wow, a real rags to riches story!” Mattheo shouts, lunging at Draco. You shake your head laughing with Blaise, sending you a look that reads as “I’ll take care of them.” You enter the bookshop, making the bell ring as the door opens.
The first thing you notice is the shiny new display of fantasy books you’ve been dying to get your hands on. You make your way towards it, not being able to contain the thrill on your face. You’ve been waiting for this series to restock and here they are, all of them, ready to be yours. You touch the smooth covers, tracing your fingers over the author’s name on each one.
The second thing you notice is… him. Your heart drops as your sheer excitement instantly morphs into dread.
Please, not again. 
The new hire at this bookstore has ruined the last couple of trips for you. You were hoping he would stop working weekends but… there he is. And he eyes you right away, like you’re on his radar.
The first time you came in, it was the comments. Calling you pet names, pointing out his favorite features on you, and it was relentless. You somehow got through it and attempted to shake it off, praying he would quit or just get fired before your next trip.
The second time, it was the touching. Brushing against your back when trying to “get through”, his hand grabbing your arm too tightly while he led you down an aisle. You tripped on your way out while trying to make a swift escape, and of course he was there to “catch you”, only giving him an excuse to grip both hands around your waist, hesitant to release you.
Your eyes go between the book display and his movements as he starts creeping his way out from behind the counter. You have to make a split-second decision to either stay and endure, or leave safely and empty handed. It pains you but your nerves heighten as he gets closer. Panic sets in as colors blur and sounds become muffled. Your brain and your body and your heart scream together in unison: “danger.”
You burst through the door back outside with a speed and force that could only be conjured by your anxiety. Facing the door, you stumble backwards and let out a gasp when you land in someone’s familiar arms. You recognize the brown suede material of Theo’s jacket as you attempt to catch your breath. It seems no amount of oxygen could suffice at the moment.
“Bella, bella, what’s wrong?” He asks urgently, hoisting you back up to your feet. The others notice the incident and immediately stride their way over. Draco, always leading the pack, puts his hands on your shoulders and lowers his eyes to your level.
“Hey, look at me,” he coos, forcing you out of your episode. He speaks with a tenderness that is almost heartbreaking. “What happened, love? Are you quite alright?”
There’s too many thoughts and feelings swimming around in your head to give an honest answer. Everything is moving in slow motion and you need time to regroup. Swallowing your fear, you decide to lie, at least for now. The last thing you want to do is impulsively encourage their hostility.
“Yeah, I’m good,” you respond, avoiding his gaze. He looks at you, deciding whether to believe you. “Really, I am.” You add. He glances down to your empty hands.
“You left without a book. You always buy a book.” He says, speaking with suspicion in his voice. The others stay back, knowing when to give Draco his space. They all adore you, but Draco would do things you’d rather not think about in order to keep you happy and safe. And he has. It’s been like this since you can remember. 
“Just didn’t have what I wanted, is all.” You explained. The doubt on his face is evident. He speaks just above a whisper.
“Y/N, you know we would take care of anyone that so much as breathes near you wrong, yeah? It’s important to me that you know this.”
Out of the corner of your eye, you notice Mattheo ditching his cigarette and cracking his knuckles. You give a small nod and a shrug, releasing yourself from his hands and walking back in the direction of the castle. Your head is still reeling, but not enough to block out the boys’ debriefing behind you.
First, Mattheo. “She rarely ever gets like that.”
Then Theo. “Only when she panics.” And Blaise. “Her face was almost as pale as Malfoy’s.”
And Draco, but with a tinge of hurt in his voice. “She barely looked at me.” He glances in your direction, contemplating. “Give her time. We’ll look after her tonight. Someone tell Pansy.”
The rest you don’t hear, feeling embarrassment creeping in. You wish they’d just let it go and forget about it, cowering from the attention it’s bringing to you. Your pace quickens as the heat spreads across your cheeks, eager to be alone in your hideout at the castle.
Too focused on your path, you slam into someone’s chest as they’re coming out of the bakery you’re passing.
“Ugh, Lorenzo, I’m so sorry,” you say frantically, smoothing out his jacket and moving past him, never meeting his gaze. His face contorts with confusion and concern. He watches you take off then turns back to the group.
“Something off with that one...” The boys give him a knowing look.
“No shit, Berkshire.” Mattheo sneers.
After what felt like an eternity, you had reached the castle and darted to your hideout: a corner balcony high up in one of the towers facing the pitch. Leaning your elbows on the edge of the balcony, you watch the sun slowly descend into its eventual bed of twilight. Then, the spiraling begins.
Thinking back, you’ve never really dealt with something like this because of who your friends were. No one dared to even step too close to you, aware of what the consequences would be. But you weren’t on school grounds this time. You felt… unprepared. Lost. Violated. Guilty.
Does running away make me weak?
Why can’t I stand up for myself?
How did he gain control so quickly?
Did I ask for it? Did I do something wrong?
This is too much. It feels ridiculous and quite frankly enraging that you considered this being your fault. The stress is exhausting.
You let yourself relax, laying down on a stone bench and staring up at the black night sky. You start to mentally identify the stars in view, something Draco taught you to do when you’d get anxious. It always worked, as evident by the many hours you fell asleep. Upon awakening, you gasp as your watch reads 1AM.
You hear footsteps rustling around nearby, and echoing voices calling your name. Shit. They’re looking for me.
Sneaking around corners, you tiptoe around, trying not to get yourself noticed. Maybe, just maybe you can get back to the dungeons without getting caught. Until you hear the voice of your best friend, who admittedly, you could really use right now.
“Pans?” You whisper, catching a glimpse of her shadow down the corridor. Her head whips around before running to you urgently.
“Where the hell have you been?! The boys are going mad looking for-” She stops abruptly when you force yourself into her arms, hugging her tight and burying your face in her shoulder. Her tone softens to that of an older sister. “Oh, Y/N,” She rubs your back while your eyes well up.
“Fuck, Pans, I don’t know what to do.” You say through subtle sobs, holding back as much as you can for her sake. She looks at you with a questioning look before your words stumble out, caked in distress.
“There’s a boy at the bookstore, MY bookstore, and-and, and he’s there all the time now, following me around, and…”
“Y/N, calm down. You’re okay. It’s just me, sweetie.” She says, running a hand through your hair as her eyes shift to someone behind you; their voice deep, slow, and filled with angst.
“There’s… a… what?” He asks, the voice you recognize as Draco’s ringing off the walls. Mattheo, Theo, and Blaise walk into frame behind him when they realize he found you. The sight of them strikes you; your fiercely loyal group of friends that would go to the ends of the earth for you. To your surprise, you are relieved to see them.
But their anger is palpable. Draco’s jaws clenched tight. Theo’s heavy eyes claiming the darkness. Blaise’s hands rolled into fists. Lorenzo steps forward, eyes soft, holding out a gentle hand. 
“Let’s get you to the common room, and you can tell us-” he turns to the other boys before emphasizing his next words, “-what you’re comfortable with, if you want to talk at all.”
You nod in agreement, taking his hand while Pansy takes your other one. In your head, you’re thanking whatever higher power put Lorenzo on this planet. The voice of reason amidst all chaos.
It’s nearly 2AM now. You’re sat on the common room couch in front of the blazing fireplace under a mess of blankets, warming up after your frigid nap. Theo on your left, Lorenzo on your right holding your tea, Draco and Mattheo sitting on the coffee table facing you, with Blaise and Pansy on the floor. All with mixed looks of curiosity, empathy, and sheer rage.
After thinking it over, you decided to prioritize yourself for once. A lot of people don’t realize how hard a decision that can be. This is a risky favor to ask for. But there’s only a couple truly precious things in the world you can’t live without, and this is one of them. You want your fucking bookstore back.
So, you tell them. Everything.
As you recall the events of the last few weeks, you feel the air become tense. Blaise looks like he’s about to combust. Theo reaches for your hand, letting you fiddle with the bracelet on his wrist. You hear Pansy call this boy every name in the book under her breath, your favorite being “bastardly filth”. Draco and Mattheo listen, periodically looking at each other with knowing stares, having their own wordless conversation. You know those looks. Plotting looks.
When you finish, you’re briefly met with silence, temporarily paralyzing you. Do they believe me?
You break the stillness. “I suppose I’m making a big deal out of something quite trivial.” You say to them, diminishing your story, and for what?
Mattheo stands up, ushering Blaise and Pansy out of the way as he kneels in front of you. He rests a comforting hand on your knee, his eyes glowing with brutal honesty.
“It’s really very simple, little dove. You’re in danger, we take down the threat. I can assure you we all agree that your safety is anything but trivial.” He states. He gives your knee a squeeze. “Gonna be honest though, Y/N. It’s going to be ugly for him when he meets us.”
You look up to Draco, who’s been oddly quiet since you all got back. You hold his gaze as you respond.
“Good. Send him my regards.” You reply, earning a wicked grin from him, his eyes suddenly crinkled and brimming with pride. Everyone shifts a bit in their seats, wrapping up the late night discussion.
Draco strides over to you, taking the teacup from your hands and setting it down on a side table. He looks so handsome like this, facing you on the couch with his hair disheveled and the top of his shirt buttons undone. The glow from the fire accenting his features, so sharp yet yearning for sleep. He takes your face in his warm hands.
“I need you to hear me right now. Listening?” he asks. You give an unconvincing nod as his thumb caresses your cheek. Yes, but damn you make it hard to.
His stare intensifies, pulling you from your trance and forcing you to dial in to his statement.
“Never feel bad for wanting them to pay for the pain and discomfort they inflict on you. Their reasons were senseless, yours are justified.”
For the first time tonight, just for a moment, you feel sure of yourself. You wrap your arms around him, pulling yourself closer, his body becoming your safe haven. His hands nestle you to his chest as you feel him place a kiss on the top of your head.
He loves you and you know it. He’ll wait for this to pass, for things to be right. He’ll wait for you to feel whole and secure again. And he’ll do whatever it takes to help you get you there, even if that means giving you space.
As Pansy sees the two of you off to bed, you repeat his sentiment to her. “My god, that bloody boy is down bad, and I mean bad, for you Y/N.”
Ascending the staircase to your dorm, you faintly hear Draco informing the boys of the plan.
“Tomorrow. Noon.” He demands. The boys nod. He pauses before adding another instruction.
“Oh, and we’re gonna need a bag. We’ve got books to bring home.”
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binniebakery · 8 months
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nonidol!au soobin x gn!reader fluff established relationship ♡ Summary: based off of taylor swift's lover !!! soobin is being the gentleman he is, neither of you know how to not be sick🤨 ♡ Warnings: tall soobin agenda??, reader gets called cute, someone's a little sick smh, lmk if theres something im missing! ♡ A/N: second fic wow.. l! this was a little self-indulgent but I really hope yall enjoy! idk if someone has done this before im sorry adsfasdf this song smacks and soobin is so lover coded i had to put my thoughts down asap (erm also not proofread so!!! 😻😻)
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You were never really a morning person. It was a Saturday, why would the sun be so cruel as to wake you up as it shone through the beige curtains of your bedroom? As soon as your lashes fluttered open you realized that the blanket had been pulled away from you, only covering half of your shivering body. Sure winter was coming to an end soon, but snow still covered the ground outside and the warmth of your sleeping boyfriend’s body seemed more inviting than ever. You flipped around to catch Soobin softly asleep. His hair was messily fluffed around as one arm rested above his head, the other mistakingly holding on to the bunched-up blanket that was meant to cover your side of the bed instead of holding you. You couldn’t possibly be mad at someone for stealing your blanket when he slept like such an innocent angel. After all, you knew any other time he would be willing to give you the entire thing just for you to stay warm. And there’s this dazzling haze, a mysterious way about you dear.
Smiling as you wrapped your arm around his side, you leaned in to press your forehead against his. Of course, just softly enough so he wouldn’t wake up. The sun’s rays hardly peeked into the room but it was enough to perfectly land on his features and highlight his button nose as Soobin occasionally sniffled in his sleep. His dark hair and lashes a lighter color from being showered in sunlight. Work had been stressing him out more than usual lately and he finally was able to get a few days off. Just in time for him to start catching a cold. Luckily, you being the cautious couple you are, were able to catch the symptoms in time and he had been recovering quite quickly. That’s when it hit you that you needed to walk to the nearest market to restock the tea he had been drinking for dear life to help with his scratchy throat.
You pressed a kiss onto his forehead and as carefully and quietly as you could, sat up from your bed. Right as you were about to slip a foot onto the cold floor, you felt a large hand lazily reach for you, lightly dragging an index finger down your arm in soft protest. “Mm hey, where you going?” a soft mumble could be heard from the once sleeping giant that lay beside you. You turned to see Soobin forming a soft pout. “Just to the store really quickly Binnie. Need to get you some more tea for your throat.” you responded, softly poking his doughy cheek. “So.. you’re going without me?” his pout was now more prominent than ever, cutely contrasting his deep and groggy voice. “Soobin, you’re still recovering. I don’t want to reverse that” you sighed. Your boyfriend was now tugging at the hem of your sweater. How can someone be so endearing? “It’s fine, justmythroa-” he wasn’t even able to finish his sentence as he coughed and reached over to grab the half-empty water bottle that sat on the nightstand. Can I go where you go?
“Please.. I feel fine I swear y/n. I’ll wear a mask and everything. Can’t have you going by yourself.” he pleaded with a soft smile. You knew Soobin was clingy when he got sick, but it was obvious this time that he wanted to make up as much time as he could for how busy he had been the past month. How could you say no? Can we always stay this close? You made sure your boyfriend was wrapped as tightly and warmly as possible. Holding onto him tightly as you walked down the street. The urge to constantly adjust his scarf every few seconds scratching at your brain. You looked up at him to see Soobin smiling fondly down at you. “What? Toothpaste on my mouth?” you tilted your head. Soobin chuckles and shakes his head. “No, you just are extra cute today, nothing new.” Forever and ever.
On your way back to your apartment, you felt your own throat begin to feel sore and itchy. Most likely due to the reason that you weren’t wearing a scarf yourself. Not wanting to alert the overprotective giant bunny walking beside you, you (not so) discretely coughed into the arm that wasn’t currently wrapped around your boyfriend as soon as a loud gust of wind whooshed by. On instinct, Soobin immediately stopped in his steps. “Did you just cough?” he said as he stared you down. “No- I-.. okay yes sorry I just don't want you to think I’m si-” Before you could continue you felt warmth wrap around your neck. “Binnie! What are you doing?! You’re going to get sick again!” Ladies and gentlemen, will you please stand? “Hey, hey, don’t fuss you need it more, I already feel better just being with you. Plus, we’re already here.” Soobin pointed out as you realized you were only across the street from your apartment. Smiling softly, you intertwined your cold fingers with his warm ones as you finished your journey back home. Or you could say home was right there in that moment, holding you close and offering his scarf.
With every guitar string scar on my hand take this magnetic force of a man to be my, lover
As your boyfriend quickly put the laundry away, you were just about finished making tea for the both of you. Pouring the tea into your favorite mugs, you felt a warm pair of arms wrap around you. Soft music played on your tv speakers as the snow began to fall outside. “This might be the last time we get snow this year..” you mumbled as Soobin rested his nose into your hair. “Mhmm.. how’s your throat bunny?” he responded. “Hmm.. you know I think I need a kiss better from someone.”
Soobin chuckled, a light smirk on his face as he turned you around to pull you in. “Well, maybe I shouldn’t. After all, you’re getting sick, I’m getting sick-” he teased. “Oh can you please just shut up and give me a kiss” you laughed as you pulled him in. Just like every kiss you had with him and every kiss to come, his lips were sweet and inviting. Your arms wrapped around his neck as he leaned down to wrap his around your waist and lift you up. Swear to be overdramatic and true to my lover Sharing soft laughter and light touches, you both remained protected and oblivious to the harsh cold outside. Winter was getting warmer, not because of spring, but because of your lover.
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cannibalizedlove · 4 months
hey id love to request a jimmy oneshot where the (male) reader is working the midnight shift at a convenience store, and Jimmy notices them while walking by during his midnight walks nd buys a cigarette pack (only to get some attention) and just basically jimmy trying to shoot his shot with the reader !! idk if youd do this req because it's a small fandom and Jimmy (entergalactic) is voiced by timothee :)) but id hope you consider giving Entergalactic a watch and maybe write the oneshot ! also totally random but reminder to stay hydrated and drink your water 🫶
Jimmy is the cutest, thank you so much for this ask, I literally love him. I just rewatched the movie to freshen my memory for this request! Also, I couldn’t resist using this gif, can you blame me? Hope you enjoy <3
Can I get you something.
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Information and warnings — x male reader, flirting, smug Jimmy, the trio being silly, awkward Jimmy trying to land pick up lines, first time meeting, fluff.
You rubbed your eyes as you opened the shop door, the familiar ringing of the bell reminding you that you’re clocked in for a 7 hour shift.
You flicked the remaining bud of your joint as you flipped the “Be back soon” sign back to “Open.”
The first thirty minutes of your shift were spent playing a cat-themed candy crush rip off while sipping a tall boy version of a Coca Cola, avoiding your duties of shop clean up and restock.
You were enjoying your silence and lack of work while still being paid, as trio of overtly intoxicated men stumbled into your convenience store.
“I’m Jabari and I’m too scared to fuck my fine ass neighbor, cause I’m scared of pussy! Wah Wah.” The tallest one announced, picking on his friend as he ripped a Monster energy out of the holder.
The one you assumed was Jabari, pushed his friend in a half joking, half fuck off way as he grabbed out two cases of beer, either taking the party home, or to another trap-house.
Yet over all of the commotion, your eyes were drawn to the last one to come in, he was scrawny with a shaved head, and seemed more airy opposed to stumbling; definitely more high than drunk.
You continued to swipe for three matching cats, occasionally looking up to see Buzzcut grabbing handfuls of roadtrip-esque snacks to satisfy his munchies. Though, you’d quickly push your head down and fumble with something on the counter to “act busy” when he’d catch your stare, which seemed to be every-time you’d look at him.
You wondered if he was staring at you in return, but hurriedly shook the idea as you remembered you worked behind the counter at a dingy convenience store; and these guys looked like big deals. ‘Selling doritos, snowballs and corn dogs wasn’t the most attractive thing to guys’ you thought as the men plopped down their items on your counter.
“Just these, man.” Jabari smiled before he continued to argue with the taller man about not piping his supposedly very attractive neighbor. You agreed with him, but kept silent as you scanned the slew of beer and midnight snacks.
“Jimmy would agree with me, he’d totally say hit it and leave it! Wouldn’t you, Jimmy?” The man announced, his sunglasses sliding down his nose, perfectly agreeing with his smug smirk.
“No! I actually would never, Ky, because I do not sleep around! I only do that once I’m settled down, which I’m not, but would like to be, you know this.” Jimmy, you knew him now as, said defensively, his head jerking to you in a gesturing manner, basically saying ‘don’t blow my cover.’
“Ohh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Very committed and very saintly; I know that about you.” Ky chuckled as he pushed his sunglasses up. “Go get your man!” He said in a hushed tone, earning an elbow to the ribs from Jimmy and grabbed a case of beer, telling Jabari to get the other, leaving Jimmy to get his bag of cheap snacks.
“I’ll be just a second, guys!” Jimmy waved his friends off as he leaned against your counter, earning a small giggle and smirk from you as you watched him begin to start his ‘‘smooth’’ flirting.
“Can I get you something?” You said after a moment of silence staring at eachother, you wouldn’t mind looking at him quietly for a few more seconds, but also wanted to talk to him and see where this went.
“Oh, you know what, I forgot to get smokes, that’s what I was missing! Can you grabbed me some camel filters, red?” He said in a shaky, nervous voice as he gave you a bashful smile.
You plucked the pack from above you, placing them infront of the both of you while a smug smile; waiting to see where he goes with this small interaction. Jimmy began to reach for his wallet, cutting his losses and sighing under his breath knowing it would be awkward to keep it going.
“On the house, you seem good for it.” You bit your cheek and leaned against the counter yourself, mirroring him and meeting him at eye level; somehow hes even more pretty this close.
Jimmy smiled and let out a breathy laugh as he looked to the side, seeing his two friends watching through the window and nodding profusely with thumbs up.
“Thank you, you don’t have to, but I’d never turn down free smokes.” Jimmy said in singy songy tone, pocketing the pack and moving slightly closer to you, staring at your lips.
“Big party tonight? What’s the celebration?” Your eyes trailing to his lips yourself, once again mirroring him, watching as he swallowed thickly at your advances. “Celebrating life, baby, always making it a party.” Jimmy said with a goofy laugh, he was sarcastic, but you knew he was the type of guy to bring the party wherever he went.
“Would love to have you join us, if you wanted to?” Jimmy swallowed thickly, looking up at you with knitted eyebrows, he was shooting his shot and looking absolutely stunning while doing it, you couldn’t turn him down if your life depended on it, but you knew you couldn’t just drop your shift for a party.
“My boss would have my ass.. any chance you’re free tomorrow afternoon? I still wanna see you.” You admitted with a soft smile, seeing Jimmy’s eyes go from pitifully sad from the start of your sentence, to being wide with joy at the end.
“Lunch? There’s this burger joint down the block, I could meet you there, or pick you up. Anything you want.” Jimmy smiled and balanced on his tippy toes with a few taps on your counter, unable to hide his excitement.
You wrote your phone number down on his receipt, along with your address with a smiley face, smirking as you slide it over to him. Jimmy launched for it and grabbed it hastily, smiling widely and began to make his way out of the store.
“Hey, what’s your name?” He said, looking back as he reached for the door handle, embarrassed for being so caught up in your looks before even asking you a basic question.
“Y/N. See you at lunch, party animal.” You giggled as you waved goodbye to him, going back on your phone, updating your friends about the cute guy asking you out.
“Later, pretty boy!” Jimmy yelled out with his arms raised, while laughing as your heard Ky and Jabari praise him for his flirting game.
The three men walked away as they slapped Jimmys back, pushed into him and cheered for him.
“Got a fucking address, number and a date, boys! We’re so fuckin in!” Jimmy screamed out into the night sky, overjoyed and slapping the receipt with a dopey smile.
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sanjisblackasswife · 2 years
Gojo Satoru NSFW Alphabet (Black Fem!Reader)
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A/N: I’m going to approach this as close to canon Gojo as possible…well I won’t have him be viewed as a man whore in this.😭😭😭
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex): Okay so…he didn’t know wtf that was until you explained it to him after about the 2nd time of you two having sex he’d just fall sleep or get up and take a shower by himself AND THEN SLEEP. Once you explained to him the importance of aftercare (It really is important, my loves) he steps it up a notch and he started off by buying you a whole mini fridge….yes a whole mini fridge and filled it up with your his favorite snacks and plenty of drinks that he restocks once a week because y’all have sex way more than you’d want to admit. Come to find out this man is so soft after sex. Gojo loves talking after sex, first he’ll ask if you’re okay, if you’re thirsty, or hungry and start a bath for you both. Once that’s done if you are still up you guys kinda just talk the rest of the night. He also loves to be held right after sex. After coming down from both of your orgasms he takes one long breath and you just cockwarm him for a moment in silence. Most of the time he tends to be rough especially after not having sex with you due to his missions so please hold this man because the last thing he’d actually want to do is hurt you for real.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s): His fingers. He has naturally pretty hands, and they’re always cut low and cleaned to finger fuck you comfortably. As for you he loves your tummy and butt equally. He enjoys the softness and if he isn’t cuming on either he is resting his head on it or playing with it like a cat playing with a mouse toy. He loves to kiss, nibble, and blow raspberries on your fatty flesh to get a giggle out of you.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically): Okay I’m a virgin and never seen semen irl so idk if there are actually different variants and I’m too lazy too Google it KSHDHSSK He cums a lot when he’s been pent up I’ll tell you that much. Also believe it or not he doesn’t ALWAYS raw dog it. Gojo Satoru practices safe sex so you all should as well my loves! He’ll only really take off the condom if you realllllyyy beg for it, or it’s a special occasion. Either than that if he isn’t cumming in you he loves to cum on your ass. It’s so pretty he really wants to just Ingrain the image of his sticky seed dripping down your slippery cheeks forever.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs): Gojo loves to be dominated, and has a massive praise and degrading kink, but he’s rather die than admit that to you. He knows you’d end up using it all against him when his teasing goes too far, but the moment you pull his hair to look up at you or call him your “Good Boy” It’s over . Also, he once had a dream about you and Geto. He walked in on Geto fucking you doggy style on his bed making complete and straight eye contact with him the whole time, your mouth was drooling moaning out “Geto you’re so good! Too good!” Over and over Gojo actually woke up startled. He knew his best friend or you would ever do such a thing, but it had him in his feelings and a bit of a passive aggressive attitude towards you both for a couple weeks.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?) Gojo Satoru is not very experienced with sex. He knew what it was, but he never had an interest in it because he didn’t have time for it. HOWEVER. Gojo is a fast learner. Gege Even said he can do anything he tries so as for him knowing what he’s doing..he’s pretty gifted. When you both first had sex he asked a lot of questions though, “is this okay? Does this feel good? How’s that?” Which you didn’t understand why he was doing that, since he had you cumming so easily during his first try.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying): He really likes any position where your legs are dangling from his shoulders. Next to his hands he developed a love for his broad shoulders only because you compliment them so much. You stroked tf out of his ego. So when your pretty manicured feet are beside his ear as he pounds away he sometimes gives your toes a lick or kiss to keep you alert as your eyes tend to unfocus.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.): It really depends on his mood. 90% of the time he’ll tease and crack a joke, but if he needs to blow of steam he’s not very talkative and gets straight to the point. However the one rare time when he isn’t completely silent nor goofy, but still speaks to you during sex is when you make love.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.): He is pretty, pink and hairless, you were actually shocked on how smooth he was! He didn’t quite understand why you kept touching right ABOVE his dick, but he thought your amazed face was so cute considering you were butt booty naked if front of him.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect): Gojo kind of had a difficultly learning to make love. You were his first for a lot so it took him a while to allow himself to accept that sometimes just being slow and sensual is best. Once he did though he started to become an open book with making love, if he wants to go slow he’ll start off with giving you a bath or a sensual massage. (That’s his favorite)
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon): He still Jacks Off as much as he did before you two got together which isn’t a lot just mostly in the shower or when he’s away and bored. Now that you’re with him he just teases you with jacking off videos and if not that you both tend to do a lot of mutual masturbation together on the phone.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks): He loves LOVES sensory deprivation, he can’t necessarily do it on himself because of his 6 eyes but it’s moreso the trust you have for him is what turns him on. When he blindfolds you and tie you up for your body to do whatever he pleases he loves knowing you know he wouldn’t do anything to harm you. His friend Geto actually got him into edging, Gojo loves doing to himself more than you, but you suffer so much in the process. The feeling of ALMOST cuming and having it the feeling slowly die down gets him so riled up, until when finally does cum he lets out the most prettiest moan so it ends up worth it for you.
Some honorable kink mentions:
Nipple play, FLR, Food Play, Roleplay
L = Location (favorite places to do the do): Next to his own bedroom, he really loves the balcony of a high hotel suite? It has nothing to do with possibly being caught but he loves the cool air and beautiful view of the city while he bends you over the porch and has his way with you from the back.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going): Touch the back of his nape right where his undercut is. Hes so sensitive there as well as under his adam’s apple. Gojo tends to get a cute nervous laugh with a mixture of a moan when you kiss or touch him in any of those areas. A few times you’ve done it for too long he started to grow in his pants.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs): I know we all would love to be fucked by him and his best friend but thanks to his dream Gojo would never be into a threesome. He’s already naturally possessive over you so seeing you possibly moan from another person would piss him off. He also wouldn’t like the whole age play thing. It creeps him out and doesn’t understand why someone would want to pretend to be a younger age than they are when having sex. Yes he most definitely kink shames.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.) Gojo’s fucking tongue is a weapon. He knows exactly how and where to lick and suck to have to actually crying. He’s very infatuated with your clit too so he usually eats you out with your legs hitting your chest and him just sucking gently making you twitch uncontrollably since the tip of his tongue constantly bumps under the hood of your clit. He loves both, but if he had to choose one he actually loves when your mouth struggles to take him all in. You swear he is a sadist because of this but he just shrugs it off to see you choke him down some more. It honestly just rules him up more to eat you out when he’s finished because he knows how wet you get sucking his cock.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.): Deep and long strokes. The kind of strokes that knock the wind out of you each time he goes back inside. He enjoys the “oh’s!” You spill out when his cock hits just the right spot.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.): He hates quickies only because he has to chose what exactly he wants and it can only be ONE. Oral sex? A quick walk fuck? Mutual masturbation? HE CANT DECIDE HE WANTS TO DO ALL OF IT, BUT THERE IS NO TIME so typically you’re the one initiating the quickies.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.): Gojo doesn’t care about being seen naked by someone but you? No no. That’s for his eyes only. So public sex isn’t ideal. You do remember though when you both started having more sex Gojo would head over to Twitter and show you some videos of different positions he’d like to try. You mindlessly got wet while watching, and Gojo noticed and you both experimented most of the night.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?): He’s a got damn menace he can last forever if he wanted. Between his edging and you’re begging for more all he needs is a quick 20 second breather and he’s back inside you. However an average night of sex last 40-50 minutes.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?): Gojo bought panties with a vibrator in it for you once. He used it on you as you both were in the mall walking around. He found it so funny how your voice would crack when speaking to a cashier or how you began to waddle a bit holding on to his arm that’s controlling the remote in his pocket. Y’all fucked in the car after that.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease): His personality is teasing! It’s even worse when you annoyed him(like if you were to tease him first) He’ll do such tantalizing rubs on your clit as you watch a movie, and when you buck your hips he stops moving altogether before giving your clit a firm slap so you stop moving.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.): He talks so fucking much in your ear “I know baby I know”, “cum on this cock cum in this cock.”, “You like this tongue?”, but when he’s getting real into his dick pumping inside your velvet like walls or you’re riding him calling him such pretty nicknames his true moans seep through which are so pretty. He tries not to be too loud when moaning because he wants to hear you more though.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character): Gojo enjoys baking. He never has time to do it because he’s always working but on his days off he likes to either bake with you or bake by himself for you. He makes the best cinnamon rolls and red velvet cakes.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes): He’s 7 all around. It’s slim, very veiny, and a pretty pink tip that curves to the right a little. He never really cared about his dick size until you kept crying about how long it is. Stop stroking this mans ego.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?): It’s higher than you’re accustomed to but he tries to deny it when you tell him that you both have sex too much. If he’s off the whole week you guys are having sex AT LEAST 5 days that week.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards): Since he is on game with aftercare he doesn’t fall asleep right after anymore. Once you both are back in bed, now cleaned under the fresh sheets he likes watching you slowly start to doze off. There’s been so many sweet words he has said to you holding you close to his chest as you lightly snore that you may never hear, but it’s okay. Hopefully one day Gojo gets the courage to tell you them all.
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honeybeeloxs · 1 year
Ethan Landry x Male Reader
I got really bored, very much inspired by the Fear Street opening scene because idk I lack creativity when I am hungry, and let's just say. I AM STARVING ATM. Also, Reader is related to Tara and Sam but moved to New York after the Woodsboro massacre.
Ethan's relationship with Reader is more minor, but it's stated that they are playing double dutch with their tongues. I also may make this more than one part, but yea... idk
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“The night we met, I knew I needed you so, and if I had the chance, I'd never let you go.” The speakers blare, echoing through the empty mall.
“I’m going to clock out. Can you handle closing the store for me? I would do it, but my girlfriend is going to flip.” Elijah told Y/N, who just nodded in response, “Here are the keys,” he said to Y/N as he handed him the keys; he turned on his heels and began walking out; Y/N follows him, “Okay, so… Um, do I have to go out through the back? I don’t like the back.” Y/N said to Elijah, who turned around, “No, you can go out through the front; just make sure there is some room for you to slip underneath the gate,” the blonde replied; he stopped sipping his Orange Julius cup. “Just don’t forget to set the alarm; we don’t want Jasmin to fuck us over and fire us, and don’t forget to restock some shelves with some new records,” he said before turning away and walking to the nearest exit. “Alright! See you tomorrow.” Y/N calls out, and Elijah gives him the thumbs-up before he walks out the mall doors.
"So won't you say you love me? I'll make you so proud of me. We'll make them turn their heads every place we go." Y/N bops his head to the song's rhythm as he slowly dances while walking back to the store.
The leading lights shut off, and the only light left is the neon signs from the stores illuminating Y/N’s face; he stops dancing and huffs; Y/N sees Chris from the Hot Topic a few stores away, and he waves at him. Y/N waves back at him and turns around, heading back to J.A. Records; Y/N pulls down the gate, leaving room for someone to squeeze in or out, and he walks to his right and sets the alarm. Y/N needs to restock some shelves filled with new cheesy country records or some weird tiktok RnB records. The phone rings; Y/N gets up and answers, “Hello, this is J.A. Records; we’re closed.” you can tell he’s a bit irritated. “Hey, Y/N,” Y/N pauses for a moment; it’s Ethan, “Hey, Eth, why’d you call?” his voice softens as a smile creeps on his face, “You weren’t at my dorm like you usually are when I got out of Econ, I thought you didn’t work late?” Ethan questions his boyfriend, “Yeah, I was supposed to clock out an hour ago, but Elijah wanted me to close tonight; something is happening with his girlfriend.” Y/N tells his boyfriend by phone, and he leans back on the counter. “Hey, um, can you take me to my dorm tonight? I don’t wanna walk back to campus; it’s scary when it gets dark,” Y/N asks him over the phone. “Okay, just give me about 15 minutes to close this shit store down, and I’ll meet you outside,” he tells him, holding the phone up with his shoulder as he flips through a magazine. Y/N bids his lover farewell and heads back to the shelf he was restocking, but he stops when the phone rings; he groans and picks it up. “J.A. Records; we’re closed.” Y/N plays with some nicknacks on the counter, “Hello…?” Y/N says through the phone, looking around the counter; he stands there, he repeats, “Hello…? Anybody there?” nothing for a second; Y/N starts walking around the counter entangling the phone cord, “Hello?” finally a response comes through. “Hey, sorry, but J.A. Records is closed tonight; feel free to call tomorrow, K? Okay, bye now,” Y/N tells the caller, “Wait, Wait, don’t go,” he replies; Y/N’s eyebrows raised in amusement.
Y/N walks around the store, sometimes having to move the phone cord as it’s stretching way too far; too much pressure, and it’ll snap. “So… you gotta boyfriend?” he asks; Y/N sits on the counter, “Why? You wanna ask me out on a date?” Y/N taunts the caller, smiling to himself, “Maybe… So do?” he questions, “Yeah, I have a boyfriend, real horror geek.” he replies; Y/N loves Ethan, but the movie genre he likes isn’t the best, a bunch of chicks getting stabbed and making shitty decisions. The person clears his throat, “Well, what’s your favorite?” Y/N hums, “I don’t like horror movies, a bunch of dumbasses.” He jumps off the counter and leans back on the counter. “What’s yours?” he asks the caller; he chuckles in response, “The one I’m watching right now,” Y/N’s eyebrows raise, and he laughs. “Oh really? What’s it called.” Y/N asks as he picks at his nails, “It's called ‘Y/N gets skewered like a fucking pig!’” he laughs, he fucking laughs over the phone; Y/N stops picking at his nails. “That’s… That’s not funny….” he mutters, “You still wanna watch it, Y/N?” The phone line goes dead. Y/N puts the phone back on its holder; he starts laughing, “Ha-Ha, Real FUCKING funny, Christopher.” he yells out, running around the counter, “You got me good, okay!?” Y/N runs and walks between the aisles, “You had your fucking fun, alright? Now tell Ethan I’m still closing up and will be out in a minute.” He walks back to the shelf he was supposed to be restocking.
"I'll make you happy, baby, just wait and see for every kiss you give me, I'll give you three." Y/N can only think about his sisters, Sam and Tara.
Y/N hasn’t talked to his sisters in a while; he distanced himself since the attacks last year; Sam doesn’t care, while Tara tries to hit him up once a time. Y/N knows that if he’s connected to his sisters, he will also be targeted over some stupid shit they caused, and that’s why Y/N moved to New York; he’s attending college and met Ethan but also met his best friend, Quinn. Y/N continues to stack the shelf, but he’s stopped when he hears a record fall; Shit, Y/N knows he had to talk to Jasmin about these old shelves. He constantly has to pick up fallen records. Y/N gets up; He’s a bit paranoid, alone in this big ass mall, and hears a noise. He walks down the aisle and sees the record that fell off the shelf; Y/N bends down, picks it up, and looks at the stand; weird… the record didn't drop from here. Y/N gets up and places the record in its spot, and his breath quickens as he hears something running down the aisle, and his eyes widen as Y/N hears another record fall off its stand. “Okay, Chris, you win. I’m scared now; cut the shit out.” Y/N yells out, hoping for Chris to pop out, “Chris…?” Y/N calls out as he walks to the counter; he looks around wearily. “Fuck this.” Y/N spits out, and he’s getting the fuck out of here; he’s putting that record on its shelf and leaving. Jasmin can kiss his ass. Y/N hears shuffling behind him, and he chuckles and turns around, “Okay, Christopher, you got me; I’m spooke-” Y/N’s sentence is cut off when he sees someone wearing the Ghostface mask; fearful, he screams and pushes him away before running towards the gates.
Y/N slides to the ground and wiggles through the gate; his attacker slashes his leg, and he shrieks. He wiggles his way out, but he’s grabbed by the foot, puts his left foot on the gate, and propels forward. Y/N limps his way to a store that’s gate is closed, but he knows Anika is working late, “ANIKA! You have to help me! Call 911; Someone is attacking me!” you plead; her eyes widen as she dials 911 on the store phone,
“LEMME IN, ANIKA LEMME IN!” Y/N shakes the gate, pleading, "911, what is your emergency?" the operator asks, "I-I… I'm in the Century Mall; uhm… One of my coworkers is being attacked. Can you send someone over?" Anika runs over, fumbling to open the gate, the store phone cord being pulled to its limit. Anika stops what she's doing and backs up, "What…? Wait? Anika, please don't do this." Y/N turns around to see Ghostface a few feet away; Anika screams when Ghostface charges; Y/N moves out of the way, and Ghostface stabs through the gate; he punches him before running away, leaving Anika with his attacker.
"So won't you, please (be my, be my baby) Be my little baby? (My one and only baby)." echoes throughout the mall as Y/N runs into the food court.
“HEY FUCKER!” Y/N screams; his head turns fast as Y/N hits him with a chair; groaning, he falls to the ground. Y/N sees the red and blue flashing lights and runs to the front doors; his leg hurts like shit, leaving a trail of blood; Y/N stumbles to the ground and gets back up while Ghostface recovers from the blow and sprints. “HELP ME, SOMEBODY PLEASE HELP” Y/N screams; Ghostface runs up behind him and stabs him in the back; Y/N tumbles to the ground taking down his attacker with him, sliding across the mall floor, smearing blood. Y/N crawls to the doors as he’s getting stabbed.
The doors fly open, and Ghostface runs off, going deeper into the mall. Y/N crawls, smiling and giggling like a crazy person; he’s safe; he can see Ethan again. He beat death.
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wildpeachfarm · 5 months
emailed dreambranding asking if there’s gonna be any more foolish merch, if it’s a restock, a rebrand or if he’s leaving (not with those words ofc just a tldr of the email) if there’s any updates i’ll let yall know
not saying i WANT people to harass dream branding, but maybe if they see people are interested in foolish merch who knows - idk how good of an idea this is tbh i can see it being overwhelming for the workers but its just an idea
Peace and love but I will NOT be encouraging people to berate the merch manufacturer when they could instead just ask foolish himself 😭💀
These people are employees that do not get paid to disclose possible info on creator merch contracts; I highly suggest you all go and ask foolish yourself instead, not poor Lauren 💀
The whole idea is that fans go to the CREATOR with requests for merch, and then the creator chooses how to proceed. I think Dream branding being so wonderful on the customer service front has given some people the idea that you can ask them anything about any creator and that’s not what their support team is there for tbh
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skyloftian-nutcase · 1 year
I sort of work in healthcare (not medically certified but I have a position in a nursing home) and idk what code this would be for a hospital (if there even is one) but how would the healthcare boys handle a code being called for a missing patient?
Legend sighed, blowing some stray hair out of his face as he tapped his fingers on the desk. It was a fairly slow night in the ED, a pleasant surprise, though it made time practically crawl.
Legend had helped the tech restock all the supply carts in his pod, had reread all the notes in his patient’s charts, and still found himself with four hours of his shift left. He had two patients, one of whom was just waiting on lab results and the other was getting admitted and was waiting on a bed. He had absolutely nothing to do.
So when an alert popped up on the computer screen, he perked up with interest. He wondered if there was a fire alarm in a nearby building that has been activated. Instead, he saw security walking briskly, and he looked back at the screen with a little unease.
“Elopement?” He read out loud.
“Looks like,” Warriors commented as he came up beside him. “Came from 6 central, male in his twenties, brown hair, facial tattoos—”
Warriors stopped mid sentence, frowning. The realization dawned on him just as Legend jumped to his feet.
“That’s Twilight!”
The pair nearly tore out of the ED, asking a fellow nurse to watch their patients and making their way to the elevators. Legend was texting Twilight furiously while Wars updated everyone else who was at work.
Wild answered first. Wait the elopement is Twi?? Wth??? I’ll search the basement
“What is he thinking? It’s three in the damn morning!” Legend muttered to himself before yelping as he rounded a corner and slammed right into someone.
Twilight stumbled back unsteadily, throwing a hand out to catch himself. Warriors hastily jumped forward, catching their friend by the hand and guiding him to the floor. Legend reoriented and immmediately opened his mouth to snap at the tech-turned-patient when he got a good look at him.
Twilight was in a pair of pajama bottoms and his hospital gown, eyes glazed with confusion and bags sitting heavily underneath them. Legend knew his friend hadn’t been sleeping well during his hospital stay after his emergent appendectomy, but—
“Need to go home,” Twilight muttered.
“He’s freaking delirious,” the travel nurse groaned as Warriors put a steadying hand on Twi’s shoulder.
“We’ll help you, okay?” the war veteran said gently with a smile. “Let’s get up.”
As Warriors tried to help Twilight to stand, the tech jerked all of a sudden, landing a solid punch right to the nurse’s jaw. Warriors grunted, falling backwards as Legend yelled.
“What the hell Twi, calm down! It’s us!”
Twilight’s eyes were crazed now, and his breathing picked up exponentially before he stood and started to back away. Legend crouched by Warriors to check on him, and the latter waved him off with a groan.
“I’m okay,” he slurred as he rubbed his jaw. “Good grief he can throw a punch.”
“Twilight, you’re safe,” Legend tried to appease their friend as he hovered near Warriors protectively. “It’s us, Legend and Wars, your friends. You’re in the hospital.”
“Need to go home,” Twilight insisted.
Legend and Warriors looked behind their confused brother to see Time paused by the elevator.
“He’s delirious,” Warriors said before flinching.
“Shut your trap until I can get some ice on it,” Legend hushed him before continuing, “He’s confused and ran out of his unit and he hit Wars.”
Time stared at Twilight for a moment as the latter started to stumble in another direction, not noticing them anymore. The surgeon slipped easily into his path without touching him.
“Hey Link,” he greeted gently. “You want to go home?”
“Home,” Twilight insisted anxiously.
“Okay,” Time appeased. “Let’s take you home. Can you follow me home?”
When Legend rose to help, Time shook his head. “Look after Warriors.”
Warriors rolled his eyes. “He only punched me once. I’m fine.”
“How is it we get abused so much that we say stuff like that?” Legend moaned, rubbing his face in frustration. “I’ll take care of him, old man. Just don’t let Twi land a hit on you.”
As Legend helped Warriors stand, Time coaxed Twilight into an elevator. The young man paced the confined space uneasily, sometimes rounding on Time as if he had just noticed him. Time gave a reassuring smile and a gentle reminder each time. When they reached the sixth floor, the surgeon carefully guided the younger man down the hallway.
Twilight stopped just short of the doors. “I need to go home.”
“I’ll take you there,” Time reminded him for the eighth time. “It’s okay. You’re safe, Link.”
Twilight shifted uncomfortably before he looked at Time closely.
And then he randomly burst into tears, catching the surgeon off guard.
“Pa,” Twilight called pathetically, his voice shaking. “I—home—they said—where—”
Time stood there awkwardly for a moment, unsure what to do. He was nervous to get too close given what had happened to Warriors, and his interactions with patients was never when they were so delirious.
Maybe he should have let the nurses come along. They were better suited to handle this.
The surgeon shook his head. He could handle a delirious patient, especially Twilight.
Most especially because of the title he’d just called him.
Taking a breath and feeling his heart flutter with both warmth and anxiety, he stepped forward and held out a hand. “It’s okay, Link, I’m here.”
Twilight sniffled, stumbling into Time and disregarding his hand entirely. Time caught the boy with sharp reflexes and a surprised grunt before settling into a hug, whispering, “Shh, it’s okay. I’m here.”
They stood there together a moment, Time gently rocking them both as he spoke reassurances into his boy’s hair. Then, Twilight abruptly stumbled away, his tear stained face and puffy cheeks twisting in fright.
“There’s—he said to—someone’s in the corner—”
“Nobody’s in the corner, Link,” Time assured him. “It’s just you and me.”
After pointing out that no one else was nearby, and reminding him that they were going to bed at least twice, Time finally managed to convince Twilight to enter into the unit where his room was. His nurse immediately came forward alongside the charge nurse.
“I think he could use a sedative,” Time said with a smile.
“No kidding,” the frazzled looking nurse muttered. “LIP already put in for one. We’re working on getting a sitter but nobody’s available.”
Time shrugged as everyone coaxed Twilight back to bed. “I can stay with him.”
As the nurse brought him some supplies to keep himself occupied, he watched Twilight attempt to get out of bed again, setting off the bed’s alarm. He stood quickly as the nurse rushed in after having just left, and he coaxed the young man to settle once more.
After finally getting some ramelteon and seroquel, Time watched Twilight twist and turn in the bed and gently redirected his hands when he picked precariously at an IV.
Twilight glanced at him, and for a moment he looked like he recognized him. Then he reached out towards the surgeon, about to get up and set off the alarm again. Time stepped forward hastily, taking Twilight's outstretched hands in his own.
“You’re okay,” he said softly, stroking his boy’s fingers with his thumbs.
“W’nna go home,” Twilight whined sleepily.
Time watched him a moment longer and then sighed, bringing down the side rail of the bed so he could slip into it. Twilight moved over for a moment and then dazedly settled halfway on top of the surgeon, making him chuckle. After raising the railing once more, Time wrapped them both in blankets, holding Twilight close.
To think the kid could have gotten worse, to think his appendix could have burst, he could have gotten septic and died, all because he was too stubborn to come in until Wild called for help because he couldn’t carry him to a car.
Couldn’t carry him out of that hell hole the pair currently lived in.
“W’nna… home…” Twilight muttered sleepily, his breath tickling Time’s neck.
“Don’t worry,” Time soothed, rubbing his back. “I’ll take you home.”
To a real home, one without roaches, one without safety concerns, one with warm soft beds and food and animals that he loved so dearly. Twilight and Wild and their puppy were never going back to that motel.
“I’ll take you home,” he repeated as Twilight finally settled to sleep.
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hananoami · 1 month
Finally, the last day of the con! The past three days were really fun and I had a great time. Exhausted af though from all the walking and the heat though. I ended up spending a bit more that I originally planned for, but there were so many great pieces of art work and merch so I don’t have any regrets over it.
There must have been so many LADS players in attendance because most of the fan made merchandise I saw were completely sold out by day 3. Literally all of Zayne and Rafayel’s merch were sold out. Xavier was in low stock and there were only a handful of artists who had stuff for Sylus (those were always sold out hahaha).
I opted not to buy single items if the other guys were sold out. Idk if that’s strange. I figured I might just wait for the artist to restock after the con to purchase a complete set online. I love them all equally so I would want them to all come home together :c
Ong, my wallet is probably thanking me for exercising some restraint from all these impulsive purchases.
I also saw a couple anon asks in my inbox, but I’ll try to get to them when I stop melting 🫠 3 full days of walking 12k+ steps per day… my body is totes feeling it now LOL please understand. I just wanna take it easy; like take a haul picture of all my goodies and then do Sylus’s trials before I forget again.
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hopelesswritergall · 1 year
okay hear me out — artist aegon x history student reader headcanons 👀
Get me out of here
TW: Wars…..? Idk know
Please comment, reblog or like. Reblogs are much appreciated as they cause more people to see my work. If you want to you can tell me what you thought in the reblog, in a comment or send in an ask!!!
Summary: Aegon doesn’t want to work in the museum shop, but maybe he can grow to like it?
Taglist(comment or ask to be added/removed): @howyouloveyourdragon /@simp-aholic @daenerysapologist
Je suis very sorry that it’s not gender neutral with body description. It’s just I think that Aegon notices curves in women.
Museum name: The history of all (why cuz why not)
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It all started because of his mother. “Aegon for the love of god! Get a job! We can’t keep financing you, do something besides you study! Please.”
“But Mom, I do my art?!”
“Aegon, this isn’t enough to live. You need to get a job!”
Soooo Aegon had to find a job, he didn’t want to interact with people who couldn’t appreciate beauty and art. So his best shot was the museum, the gift shop.
He decided to lie a tiny bit on his resumé. He didn’t work for another museum during his first year of college, he doesn’t like to work with everyone and a few other things.
He walked into the museum and got greeted instantly with the reception and right beside that, the gift shop.
But what he saw blew his mind, a beauty was seated at the reception. He could see they had some nice curves, and a pretty smile. As he got closer he could hear their laugh and see a twinkle in their eyes.
“Hello beauty, I can see why you work here. You are a piece of art.” He would say, flirty. Howeverr it had the opposite effect. You stared at him with the customer service face
“Goodmorning Sir, what can I do for you today?” You smiled politely. But inside you thought “Alright, he has the smooth talking, what does he want?”
He looked a bit taken aback that his ‘pickup line’ didn’t work. “Oh… uhmmm, I’m here for the opening of employee in the gift shop. With who do I talk?”
“Oh. Alright. You go through the door on the left, yes the yellow one. Then continue walking till you see a little sign saying director. Knock and then you’re there. Good luck.”
“Yeah….. thanks.” Aaanddd Aegon quickly walked to the door. Feeling embarrassed as fuck.
Well the conversation might have been bad, but his job interview was a success. He got the job!
He walked back to the reception, you were currently not busy so he decided he should get to know his colleague.
“Well guess who got the job?” He said leaning on the reception. “Well guessing by your smug smirk, I guess you?”
You stood up, walked to your fellow receptionist, said something very quick and walked back to Aegon.
“Alright follow me, I’ll work you through your first day here.”
He was a little embarrassed that the girl he tried to flirt with was now showing him the ropes.
“Okay so, you’ll be in charge of the gift shop. I may ask you to do some other stuff around the museum but this will be your main task. And yes before you ask, I am in a way your boss and you’ll report back to me. I’m the supervisor or the shop and the help desk so please don’t ask stupid questions. Because contrary what people say there are stupid questions.”
Let’s say that Aegon felt mildly embarrassed and was happy to start working. He was just thinking "Get me out of here."
"When are my break times? Because as much as I love to discuss my entire day working. I do like breaks."
"You'll get a break when you deserve one. Now go and work newbie." And with that you left to attend to other matters.
"Alright Aegon it's only for a while, just prove to your parents you aren't a failure, then you can quit." He muttered to himself
The rest of the day he spent his time restocking, working at the counter, helping customers and staring at his hot and smart boss.
A new painting has just been brought in and you were inspecting it. Aegon decided to join you and see it for himself. He was an artist after all.
"Wow! It's so amazing! What a great painting, just look at those details. And look at the composition, your attention is immediately at the person standing on too, with the flag" Aegon said, he looked at you wanting to see your opinion
" AMAZING?! This painting is horrible! It's supposed to be the French revolution the second day or something based on the supposed day it is signed. But the painting doesn't match with the information that we have. It was supposed to be raining, here it is a clear sky! And the uniforms! Those uniforms weren't used by the French army until 1890. This doesn't add up! It's a fake and it's horrible they are even offering this to us!"
Aegon just stared in awe. "I suppose you're a history major?"he asked.
"Yeah, what's the best place for a history major? A museum of course!"
And thus began a love-hate relationship. Whenever Aegon found something beautiful you just had to come in with the historical facts.
It doesn't matter if it's a painting, a musical or even movies. There is always a tiny thing that is wrong with it.
Soon after meeting you couldn't help but fall for the guy. So the dates that were platonic at first turned romantic very soon.
And yes you still pointed out those annoying little details but he grew to love them. And he loved you.
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hiorintruther · 2 years
The scans have been out a few days now so I’m posting this. We just got Hiori’s backstory so let me expel more Hiorin headcanons onto you good people (seriously why are we so delusional abt this ship???) — obviously massive spoiler warning as of chapter 206 of the manga.
Also a cw for child abuse — these hcs pretty much all deal with their trauma:
Hiori and Rin have had a very long, very depressing trauma dump conversation about their families.
Rin has decided to add Hiori’s parents to the ‘I’ll fucking kill them’ list inside his head… which he totally has for no reason in particular…
Hiori likewise understands Rin’s resentment towards Sae deeply and doesn’t blame him at all for feeling so angry and upset.
The fact that the family members they hate are all telling them they aren’t good enough as they are (Sae explicitly, Hiori’s parents implicitly) ends up becoming a means of mutual understanding between them, allowing Hiori to feel a bit safer around Rin and Rin to not hate Hiori like he does the rest of Blue Lock.
Rin has tried to subtly allude to the idea that Hiori can move in with him at any time to get away from his family. Hiori has only half picked up on the signals though because a) Rin is shit at communicating anything nice, and b) Rin’s almost year younger than Hiori so it doesn’t actually make much sense to do that but it’s the thought that counts.
A lot of their conversations take place in the monitor room, in the dark, where they feel safest being vulnerable with each other (aka: see my fic on AO3).
Hiori has used dry, dark humour as a coping mechanism in front of Rin before and Rin has started doing it too occasionally.
So many “lol I hate my family, I hope they die, jk… unless?” jokes.
They end up having a mutual understanding for one another and can almost subconsciously pick up on when something reminds the other of their trauma.
For some more domestic, outside/no Blue Lock hcs (there’s a ton of food-related ones here idk why):
When they make dinner, Rin is sure to mix a healthy, balanced meal with convenience store foods coz Hiori hates eating a very strict diet. It reminds Hiori of the way his parents used to control everything about his life down to what he ate. Sometimes, Rin even makes a separate meal for himself because he wants to calorie count and know exactly what he’s eating, but Hiori’s had a bad day and really needs some instant ramen and pudding.
Hiori doesn’t have a big sweet tooth though, as a result of his parents’ conditioning. He didn’t grow up accustomed to sweet things so he finds anything too sugary difficult to eat (this comes from the egoist Bible where his least favourite food is cotton candy because of the sugar content). His love of salty food however is through the roof and Rin has to remind him to check the sodium contents on the meals he chooses at the convenience store.
Rin has stopped insulting or talking badly about Isagi around Hiori, purely because Hiori feels safe around Isagi. It’s a challenge, and mostly they try to keep Isagi out of their conversations altogether, but if he does come up Rin attempts to be neutral.
Sometimes, Hiori holes himself up in his computer room playing shooters. When that happens, Rin knows to leave him alone until he’s out of his slump, because it’s usually a sign that Hiori is remembering some bad memories. They both like their own space anyway, so it isn’t as if much changes in their routines.
While Hiori’s in a slump, Rin restocks their fridge with energy drinks and instant meals so Hiori can dip in and out to get food when he wants it. He eats alone unless Hiori texts him saying he’ll be out to get food.
Rin also doesn’t bring up anything to Hiori once Hiori re-emerges from his room, letting Hiori come to him if he wants to talk about it. Hiori knows Rin struggles with dealing with trauma, so he usually leaves it.
Once when Rin was having a particularly stressful time, Hiori bought him a whole box of his favourite ice creams (the ones he used to get on the way home from practice) and they had a competition to see who could get the most “winner” sticks. Rin won.
Hiori has also attempted to learn how to cook so he can make Rin food when Rin isn’t feeling up to cooking. Rin says he’ll just order takeout but Hiori insists on trying some of his recipes. How successful he is varies on how easy it is to throw the ingredients in a pan and let them simmer.
When sleeping together, they usually stick to their own sides of the bed but sometimes when Hiori is feeling upset he reaches out to Rin as a comfort. Rin isn’t the best at providing said comfort, but he lets Hiori into his arms in those moments.
On the flip-side, if Rin has been feeling angry or frustrated because of Sae, Hiori will slowly snake his arms around Rin’s torso and hug him close, becoming the big spoon despite being smaller. Rin places his hand over Hiori’s as a reassurance that he feels reassured doing this.
Sometimes, but not always, this nighttime cuddling leads to talking about their pasts. Rin always holds Hiori very close and says that Hiori was never in the wrong and never deserved to go through anything that happened as a result of his parents’ expectations (usually with a lot of colourful language). Hiori likewise will do the same for Rin whenever Sae gets brought up, although he’s less vulgar. His words are somehow even more scathing though.
They both find it easier to open up in the dark. It feels like a safety blanket that can hide their vulnerability, especially for Rin.
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underaverageheight · 1 year
LMH x gn!reader tbh idk what this is lol warning(s): none?
<< feedback, likes and reblogs are always appreciated! it makes my day :)) >>
you woke up with a smile. the birds were chirping and the sun was a warm hand, waking you up slowly. you stretched, drinking water. “it’s finally friday, and i have a short day today~” humming, you got dressed and left your apartment, walking 15 minutes to the cafe you worked at.
“morning anne!” you changed into your uniform, tying your apron as you started working on the orders.
your manager, anne, pulled you aside. “hey, y/n… i totally forgot to remind you but we have a new part-time worker and he’s supposed to come in and you’re supposed to show him around. can you stay after your shift today?” your smile drooped. “i will pay you for working overtime though, but i’m sorry for not telling you sooner.”
you nodded, trying to keep your smile. “of course anne, i’ll stay a while longer and teach him.” you sighed and went back to finishing orders.
“hello? i’m uh supposed to start working here today…?” a tall dark brown haired man walked up, talking to anne who points towards you. “hello. i’m minho. lee minho.” he stared a little coldly, frowning slightly. why is he mad? i’m the one who has to stay after my shift to teach him.
“hi minho, i’m y/n. we’ll start with restocking. grab that box and follow me.” you grab two bags, minho in tow as you go to the backroom. “alright. it takes a while to remember it but when we get restock orders, you’ll be the main one that puts it away. got it? here’s where the grande, tall and short cups go.” you point at a shelf and then turn to the opposite shelf. “espresso, latte, cappuccino and classic go here.” you reach for the boxes of lids at the top, too short to reach. “shit. the stool’s gone.” you mutter under your breath as you reach again, your fingertips brushing the corner of the box.
minho watches, a slight smirk dancing on his lips. “look at you. so short and small, hm?” he whispers, watching you struggle.
“excuse me?” you turn around, a scowl on your face. “well minho, since you’re so tall, go get it. if you don’t want to move, then i suggest you shut the hell up, yeah? thanks to you, i’m working longer today and this entire time you’ve been looking pissed off.” you huff in frustration, leaving to find a chair, getting the box down, and restocking the lips. “do the cups by yourself. i’m busy and everything better be put back when you’re done.”
“hey y/n! how’s it going with the newbie?” anne smiled, walking over.
you force a smile. “he’s….alright but he was a little rude to me earlier.”
“really? he was super kind and sweet when talking to me about working.” anne looked slightly confused. “well, let’s just see how things turn out yeah?”
you stare over anne’s shoulder noticing an icy stare. minho. he’s supposed to be mopping the floors except, he’s just staring at you, leaning on the counter. when you meet his eyes, he smirks.
“yeah…we’ll see.”
masterlist ^^
a/n: guys im alive :) i wrote this really quick because i've been super busy with summer things yk? if people really like it i might continue the storyyyy... otherwise enjoy!
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bard-llama · 2 months
WiP idk what day it is: Zuko's Sex Worker Friends
I don't have a title yet, but this is the summary:
Prince Zuko’s ship arriving in town is always an interesting phenomenon for any port. It always heralds 3 things: 1) the town will soon find itself with a shortage of wine and liquor, as the Prince’s crew eagerly restocks; 2) the local theatre can expect a royal visit – and, unrelated, a scathing review from an anonymous source to appear within the next few days; and 3) the local sex work industry will make a killing. Though perhaps not for the reason anyone might expect. AKA Zuko stops at nothing in his quest for the Avatar. And sex workers make the best informants.
The actual story:
Port Idichi had the misfortune of being located on the edge of the Earth Kingdom closest to the Fire Islands – AKA the Fire Nation’s original territory. The Mayor of Port Idichi had done one worthwhile thing in his life and that was establish the town as a Free Port – one that did not pay homage to any country and one that did business with anyone and everyone. 
In Zhenya’s world, that meant there was plenty of money to be made. It didn’t matter what nationality someone was – after weeks spent at sea or on the road, they all wanted one thing: to get a leg over with someone sweet and understanding who would tell them all the things they wanted to hear.
In other words, they were all eager to visit the Red Lantern Brothel, and Zhenya was always delighted to welcome them, find the right person to cater to their needs, and lovingly relieve them of their weekly earnings.
Every customer needed something different – but Zhenya prided herself on having a wide array of workers with various skill sets. 
Some of those skill sets were more useful than others, she thought sourly to herself when Yawen brought in a kid in red armor whose ability to pay was as dubious as his ability to stand up straight.
Yawen had a particular talent for finding strays – the mother in her couldn’t help but step in. Granted, that was actually how Zhenya had acquired a few of her other workers, but it was still an annoying habit. 
Besides, from the look of this one, he wasn’t likely to be her next employee. No, the straight line of his shoulders spoke of an authority that the gold on his armor backed up, though it was undermined by the bright blush on his face and the way his body swayed to the side, clearly off balance. The bandage covering half his face indicated nothing good.
Zhenya sighed. “Yawen–” she began.
“He helped me,” Yawen cut her off. “That annoying new Lieutenant was harassing Bai about trying to find work on the docks. Prince Zuko interfered.”
“...Prince!?” Zhenya repeated, taking another look at the kid, who was glancing around, blush only growing darker. It was rather amusing, actually. The house rule was that no one got up to anything too unsavory until money had been exchanged and a private (or not so private, if desired) room had been acquired, so the actual activities on the tavern floor were pretty tame, all things considered.
From the shade of this ‘Prince Zuko’s’ blush, one would never know it. Then again, this kid looked young enough that maybe he’d never seen a woman shirtless before. 
“Why did you bring him here?” Zhenya had to ask. Even if this kid happened to have money, he was pretty young to be seeking out the services offered here. Plus, if he was this embarrassed over a bare chest, there was no way he’d made the overtures to incline Yawen to think this could be a paying customer.
Yawen shrugged, lips twitching as she watched Prince Zuko look around with wide eyes. “Lieutenant Zhao made noise about inviting him for tea, and he pretty clearly didn’t want to go, so…” she shrugged again.
“So you took him to a brothel,” Zhenya finished drily. 
“Well, my shift starts in 5, so…” Yawen attempted a winning smile.
Zhenya’s look in response was flat, but after a moment, she sighed. “Fine, start working the floor. I’ll deal with your ‘savior’.”
Prince Zuko’s attention immediately leapt to her at the words and he looked more than a little alarmed.
It made Zhenya smile. “Come,” she curled a finger at the boy, then turned and led the way to her office on the second floor.
The boy hesitated – but ultimately followed her up the stairs. The second floor held the private rooms, and currently, Xeshu was busy blowing some sailor’s mind, as could clearly be heard. Prince Zuko’s blush darkened by four shades and the caution as he stepped into her office was palpable.
“Don’t worry,” Zhenya found herself saying. “I only bite when asked nicely.”
The kid blinked once, twice – and then turned positively scarlet. Little tendrils of steam emanated from his head.
Zhenya chuckled, reaching into her bottom desk drawer to grab the bottle she kept stashed away, then jerked her head to indicate that he should follow her out onto her private patio, where the flowering trellises blocked them from view.
“Have a seat,” she invited. “Drink?”
“...I’m thirteen,” he said after a long minute. When he did sit, it was only to gingerly perch on the very edge of the couch cushion.
He didn’t seem to know what to say to that, so Zhenya shrugged and poured him a finger of whiskey. The look he gave the glass when she held it out was hilarious.
Fighting down a snicker, she lounged against the back of her favorite couch and contemplated what to say.
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mimilovesfurret · 4 months
Man. I’m buying more mask of change tomorrow. It’s an addiction yes. Am I going insane? Probably. I was really hoping my pulls with twilight masquerade are better but idk when my Ogerpon elite trainer box arrives since proxy services from overseas take forever.
Zeiyu please, ur the only thing im missing. Also Clay Burst restocked so I’ll buy some of that, I want the chi-yu SAR so I’m gonna wear the new Chi-yu shirt I bought myself for my birthday.
I’m a clown for thinking i wouldn’t have spent more money.
At least I’m in the clear until June 15th when I go to America. Not excited the yen translation to usd rn is a nightmare. Buying 6 packs of Pokémon in usd is like buying an entire box here. (_ _).。o○
I’ll share my American adventure!! With Terapagos pictures as always! I’m planning to bring one if not more of Terapagos plushies and my mini Furret. I would love to bring tight hug Furret but it was a nightmare carrying him on the trains in Japan I couldn’t even imagine America!
I’m just talking into the void at this point why are you reading ( ´∀`)
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3xquisit3sacrific3 · 4 months
1,180 for today
Worse than yesterday but it’s sm better than binging idc
I took 7 Benadryl tablets today so I’m praying I’ll be asleep soon!!!! I’m already sleepy I just need it to be a bit darker out to fall asleep
I ALMOST binged!!! Almost thank god, I shouldn’t be allowed in the kitchen after taking Benadryl bc I always wanna binge when I get tired!! Restocked my monster supply temporarily, I miss being jittery and able to do things thank god for caffeine!!!!
Had to hang out with my dad but I got cigs and gossip out of it and as a fag I’ll take that as a win
Do you ever think ab machinery compared to humanity? I’ve been thinking about it a lot, idk I sort of view myself as machinery rather than human. Maybe it’s bc I’m autistic but I swear I wasn’t meant to be a person. My body is overwhelming and my brain is constantly fried I feel like everything would be better if I were a robot
Or a supernatural entity, I’d love to be a vampire or a unicorn!! Idk I’m not really a person in my head. It just doesn’t make sense to me bc to me I’m just a brain instead of everything else connected to it.
Sorry I’m just yapping, but does anyone else get me?? Or am I just nuts?
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bomberqueen17 · 2 years
i am alive, i promise, sorry it’s been all queue of late
i made 28 quarts of chicken stock today-- well, packaged it-- actually i made it too, we’d cut the chickens up yesterday and stuck the stock pot in the walk-in cooler overnight but today i put the water in and plonked it on the stove, an enormous stock pot, and simmered it all day while we cut up the rest of the chickens. (yesterday’s chickens we cut up were for sausage, today’s were for sale as parts.) tomorrow we’re ostensibly making the sausage, we’ll see how that goes.
since CSA is over, Farmsister was available to help us today-- but just like last time she helped us, mostly what we needed her to do was to take everything out of the upright freezer in the commercial kitchen and find other places for it to go, which was a heroic undertaking and took her like two hours. it was a lot. she had to restock the farm store just to make room. so it was good, things are beautifully restocked, everything is organized and beautiful, but like, good lord, at what cost.
anyway i just stuck 28 quarts of chicken stock in there so tomorrow we’re gonna have to ask her to do it again, but i believe in her.
i have done like. zero writing this week. lots of 10+ hour days of work, so. oh the insulation in my cabin has been great though. i know it’s november now so i should expect it to be chilly but it’s been like-- warmish during the days mostly, and then in the evening it’s fine and i have actually woken up too hot and sweating twice in the last few days because i was still wearing pajamas and dressing my bed like i expected it to be in the mid-40s in the room where i’m sleeping and... well it’s not.
there’s a mouse making so much fucking noise though, and i haven’t been sleeping well because the fucker like, pitter-patters around the room while i’m trying to sleep. he’s louder because he has to rustle in through the insulation. the roof edging isn’t on properly yet so i cant’ exclude him. so a side project is that i’ve had cayenne steeping in water most of the week, and today i set it up with coffee filters and rubber bands over the mouths of jars, and filtered it into a spray bottle, and i’ve just sprayed cayenne water all along the bottom of the insulation where he’s been coming in. (I know because i can hear him and also see him.) so we’ll see how much noise he makes tonight. i don’t know that cayenne will actually deter him.
anyway i’m gonna have my queue post this tomorrow morning so idk, i’ll hopefully know by then. but i’m so tired, using the queue gives me a minute to proofread and then if i wake up in the middle of the night like “i used that word wrong” i have time to look again when i wake up.
i have so many writing projects underway and no time to work on them. i spent a bunch of time today while i was packaging cold dead raw meat thinking about various projects. it was a nice escape.
here is a surprise snippet from a background bit i’m working on, going slightly back in time to before Ciri re-established the Upper Aedirn Free State, featuring a new OC i’m going to make room for-- a very elderly elf named Faerveren who has aged out of the concept of gender, to give us some unexpected backstory.
Faerveren leaned in the doorway, giving the dh’oine who had so rudely knocked a once-over. He was tall, handsome, self-assured, though he looked a little tired and travel-worn, and the haughty arrogance of his expression was covering a bit of uncertainty. 
“I’m looking for Caerulia Fitzhugh,” he said. 
“I bet you are,” Faerveren said. “Since she lives here.” Faerveren xerself hadn’t lived here terribly long. The Fitzhughs had kindly offered xer a place to stay after xe had come to them injured and ill after the battle for the city. Many elves had needed treatment, but only Faerveren had merited the permanent invitation. Perhaps because the Fitzhughs could appreciate xer age. It was restful, being among others with a similar perspective on the passage of time. 
Faerveren watched the dh’oine’s expression go through disbelief into indignance, and relented slightly. “Are you here on behalf of someone who is sick?”
“No,” he said, frowning, “I need her help.” His frown deepened. “I believe it is not a matter that your kind could understand, elder brother.” He used an Aen Seidhe term, showing that he wasn’t entirely ignorant. 
“Ah,” Faerveren said, “I’m no one’s brother. But I see, you are not the dh’oine you look.” Neither were the Fitzhughs. This was vampire business, then. Another of the reasons Faerveren had been invited to stay was likely the complete lack of reaction xe’d had to the revelation that both Fitzhughs were bruxae. But Faerveren’s people had lived in peace with higher vampires, never their prey and never their antagonists, so it hadn’t been alarming to figure it out. It wasn’t as though they were particularly secretive about it. They tended not to shift or fly where anyone could see them, but Caerulia had a habit of gliding around without touching the ground because of an old foot injury, and nobody seemed to notice. The dwarves of Vergen were singularly unconcerned about vampires as well. 
“No,” the man said. “Can you tell her, Dettlaff is here? She knows me, though it has been years since we spoke.”
Faerveren sighed. “Perhaps you should come in and sit down,” xe said.
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