#idk where they all came from and like? I had a box of cookies open on my bed bc I was eating them
victory-cookies · 1 year
cool so there are ants all over my fucking bed rn and I want to cry
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sometimes work involves:
the usual: coworker, in a silly voice: “do you have any red roses??” other coworker, surrounded by red rose arrangements: “no, not a one. :( ”
having help at the wrapping table is SO NICE. T_T today’s help was T. he is very fast! and willing to cart things around. which is nice bc me & A started the day with a case of Soggy Knee. it gets all swollen and gross and your leg feels like it’s gonna separate into 2 pieces. but after you stand a while, it’s fine. until then, it’s nice to be able to depend on someone else for all the footwork lmao
oh but bc T was at the wrapping table, no one remembered to check the hoophouse. the sun was out all day. it was 80 degrees in there. OOPS. pansy soup. they opened the walls. it’s fine.
me crawling under the wrapping table, over top the wooden cart/bin full of newspapers, looking for a certain kind of box leftover from christmas that fell behind everything. all that was visible from the work area was my lower legs. Ro walked by, towards the bathrooms, and said “don’t think you can hide under there! if we can’t find you, that’s the first place I’ll look!!” “aw MAN. :( ” so then I finished wrapping the thing I’d been working on, and moved on to restocking the shelves of empty vases for the florists, located on the other side of the walkway from the wrapping able. this involved kneeling on the ground in the funny little shelf nook to open the vase boxes. Ro walked back towards the work area, startled when she saw me, and was like, “I TOLD YOU. stop trying to hide!!” I threw a ball of rolled-up tape at her. it missed. :( :(
there was some kind of network issue??? so there were only 3 incoming orders in the printer this morning... and then suddenly like 20 came in all at once in the late morning, and we all had to rush to get stuff ready in time. @_@
“it’s ‘bonsai,’ not ‘banzai.’ ‘bonsai’ is trees. ‘banzai’ is what you say before you cut someone’s head off.” “oh, right. okay.”
subs and cookies for dinner. 🎉
the greenhouse workroom has been converted into a walk-in cooler. it’s really neat that it works so well!! idk where we would have put everything otherwise. there’s a lot of arrangements. but also. going from boiler room -> BIG COLD AREA -> sunny greenhouse is like. whuh. temperature swings.
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javierpinme · 2 years
Out of Commission
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Pairing: Marcus Pike x f!reader
Word count: 1.6k
Rating: T (but this page is 18+ only so minors do not read/interact)
Warnings: Idk is being sick a warning (?), fluffy fluff, unestablished relationship, coworkers/friends, pining, this is pretty tame but if I miss anything as always let me know!
Summary: Marcus is sick at work and you drive him home to take care of him.
A/N: This is as self indulgent as it gets. I was making some tea for my sister who is sick and I thought about what it would be like to take care of Marcus when he’s feeling under the weather.
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His sneeze startles you out of your concentration when it reverberates in the quiet conference room.
A wave of sympathy sweeps through you for the man sitting way on the other side of the table and while you find his determination to finish the job admirable all you want to do is take care of him.
Not that he would know—watching him from afar get married, then divorced, date someone else, get engaged, only to get reunited back in DC when he transferred over after yet another failed relationship.
The fact that he was back was bittersweet for you, the sting of his confidence taking a clear hit made you want to travel all the way to where this Teresa was and knock some sense into her of how she could possibly choose another man over Marcus.
You would think you’d be happy that he’s back in your life and single, stars aligned and whatnot, but his clear dismissal of getting back in the dating game anytime soon paired by your anxiety over ruining the one constant and reliable friend in his life didn’t seem right.
So you do what you’ve always done—pine and keep silent about it, no matter how much your chest flutters with every smile he directs your way between paperwork.
Another sneeze breaks you from your trance and you finally take action, the sound of your office chair squeaking directs his attention to your movement towards him.
“Marcus, you need to go home. You’re clearly falling apart at the seams.” 
You cringe at a particularly nasty cough and gently squeeze his shoulder in comfort, tsking at his hoarse response. “I’ll be fine.”
“C’mon. Even big strong FBI men get sick. Let's get you in bed.”
He huffs in amusement as you grip onto his bicep to help him up and while you've always admired the hard muscle he's kept up with over the years his soft stomach that's come with age peeking over his trousers is what you love.
“You comin’ with me?”
His smirk adds a pang in your chest that the very thought is said in amusement, turning your face away from his attention to hide the unintentional hurt from his statement, but if you had just looked a little longer then you would have seen the longing in his eyes.
You quickly pull yourself together and laugh it off with a lighthearted response. “Someone has to make sure you’re fed and hydrated.”
Luckily, the two of you carpool to work since traffic in DC is not for the fainthearted so you steal his keys before he has the opportunity to walk to the driver’s side and open the passenger side door instead to help him in.
“I don’t trust you to keep us both alive if you drive.”
His responding laugh makes you smile until it turns into another coughing fit, you open his glove box and grab some cough drops to temporarily soothe him until you get home.
His home, you clarify internally to yourself.
You're greeted with the aroma of that candle you bought him for Christmas that he tells you he lights every time he comes home because it reminds him of the sugar cookies you bake every year. 
The living room is the setting of your many drunken classic movie nights. The night is the highlight of his week, but you don’t know that. Laughter and teasing filling in between bathroom breaks or beer refills, but always silent when it came to Rick and Ilsa's scene in Casablanca.
You usually have less of a filter due to the alcohol and it’s the only time you close the distance on the couch, cuddling into his side and laying your head in the crook of his neck and shoulder.
He doesn’t fight you when you pull him into his bedroom, the first time you’ve stepped in the self proclaimed forbidden room, and cover him with blankets on the bed while you make him something to eat in the kitchen.
Fortunately, he had some soup delivered the night before so all you had to do was reheat it on the stove while simultaneously filling the kettle to make tea as well.
“Fuck honey, how are you so good to me?” He groans and it brings a shiver up your spine when you go back upstairs to bring him lunch, dismissing the feeling as soon as it arrives.
This is not the right time.
His hands overlap yours longer than necessary during the transfer of his tea, the warmth of his hands building more heat through you then the ceramic mug itself.
You take the opportunity while he eats to go into his bathroom and grab all the medicine he would need and a humidifier to set up a little station on his bedside table. Soaking a washcloth under the steady stream of cold water for you to wring out and put on his forehead since you had noticed a faint flush on his cheeks earlier.
You walk back to him groggily acknowledging your presence and without thinking about it, you lay the cold washcloth on his forehead and rake your fingers through his hair under the pretense that he might not remember under the haze of his possible fever.
He hums in content from your ministrations, his eyes fluttering shut and his slow soft breaths causing goosebumps to form on your arm.
“Marcus.” You coo into his ear to keep your tone light in case he’s about to fall asleep.
“Hmm. S’warm.”
A puff of air comes out of your nose at the crack of his voice, biting the inside of your cheek to stop yourself from spilling out any confessions during his current state, and you twirl your fingers around tufts of his hair that have grown out. 
“I’m going to go. Are you okay?”
You lift up from your spot on his bed but pause when he grabs your wrist to pull you back down.
“Stay here. Please.”
You don’t have the heart to reject the man below you so you concede with a nod and a soft smile.
“Okay, I’ll set up on the couch to give you some privacy but I will be checking up on you.”
You’re confused when he shakes his head and repeats himself. “With me.”
 A familiar warmth reaches his eyes that you recognize as what’s reflected back at you through the mirror behind Marcus in the corner booth of your favorite diner when you celebrate the closing of a case.
You freeze when he scoots over to make room for you and you wonder if he is only acting like this because he’s not feeling well, and not because his feelings match yours. 
But Marcus never says anything unless he means it, steadfast in his feelings no matter how much it can backfire on him, and hope floods through you when he grabs your hand, his thumb grazing your knuckles.
“Okay, but I should get changed.” 
He offers you his clothes so you sort through his drawers to find those gym shorts you’ve been ogling him in since the two of you were in the academy together, a silent moment of triumph when you find them and one of his t-shirts to bring into the bathroom.
Before rejoining him in the bedroom you take a second to breathe in that lavender scented laundry detergent you love so much, even going as far as buying it yourself but something still missing.
You come back to him on the cusp of sleep but lazily opening his eyes when he hears the door creak from your reentry. You’d be lying if you said your heart isn’t racing from being in bed with Marcus—as innocent as the intentions seemingly are.
You briefly worry that you’re not going to be able to hide your feelings and that escalates even more when he lays his head on your lap as you sit back against the headboard. You give into your feelings and run your nails gently on his scalp to lull him back to sleep.
Soft snores fill the room and once you’re convinced he’s in a deep enough sleep to not be stirred easily you slowly lean down to kiss on his forehead, lingering a little longer because you’re not sure you’ll ever get this again.
But when you lift your head back up you’re met with his eyes searching yours, the hitch in your breath causing a skip in your chests rhythmic pounding, a lot like the vintage record player Marcus keeps in his living room.
Whatever you had planned to say was interrupted when you feel a tentative hand rest on your cheek, and his thumb caressing your cheekbone.
He cups the nape of your neck seeking silent permission and when you don’t reject his touch he pulls you down to connect his lips with yours. But just as your lips brush against each other you change course and kiss his cheek instead.
“Marcus, we’ll both be out of commission if you get me sick.” You feel and hear his grin and chuckle against your cheek.
“The bed is big enough for both of us.” His thumb rubs your lip and you know his thoughts are the same as yours. 
The anticipation of what’s to come.
“I don’t know about that. I barely have room with you all spread out like that. My butt is halfway off the bed.”
He laughs and wraps his arms around your middle to pull you in closer to his side of the bed, returning his head to your lap with a pout to continue your earlier ministrations.
“Give me a break. I’m sick.” He grabs your hand and peppers kisses on your palm until he releases it to deliver one last thing to look forward to before snoring is heard from below.
"I'd kiss you s'good."
You did end up sick a couple days after and the bed was indeed big enough to fit the two of you comfortably but you snuggled all the same even if it did delay both of you getting better.
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vergilthelibrarian · 2 years
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Idk why i wrote this but here ya go
sidenote: my birthday is actually on christmas so like yeagdjnfrew vjrewboebl
3 quick knocks on your front door is what stopped you in your tracks. You turned your body slightly, eyeing where the sound came from before walking to your door. Looking through the peephole, you saw your neighbor Jungwoo.
You sighed, contemplating walking away and going to bed.
You found Jungwoo annoying, the taller man always acting clingy towards you despite not being friends. It didn’t matter how many times you told Jungwoo to stop being clingy with you, he never listened, always pouting and giving you sad puppy eyes.
The sound of knocking entered your ears again.
It seems as though he wasn’t going to leave so you rubbed your temples before unlocking and opening your door.
“What is it Jungwoo?” you asked, said man ignoring the annoyance in your voice as he said, “I just wanted to give you something…”
He held up a bag.
“Well, it’s more than one thing. Since it’s your birthday tomorrow, I thought I would get you something.”
You eyed him suspiciously before grabbing the bag.
“Thank you…”
Jungwoo smiled.
“No problem. Since you won’t be able to see your family and stuff on your birthday, I thought to give you something to help ease that feeling of loneliness you may feel especially since your birthday is on Christmas and all.” he chuckled slightly, rubbing the back of his neck.
Your eyes widen slightly. Opening the bag, you saw wrapped up boxes and a tub of cookies.
“O-oh… Jungwoo that’s very sweet of you.” you said, looking back up at him.
He smiled again.
“I just thought it would be something nice for you. I heard you talking to Mr. Lim about not being able to visit your home country to see your family this year. It must hurt you, huh?”
You nodded.
“Yeah, it does. But even if my blood family isn’t here, I have friends here who I consider my family so as much as it pains me to not see my parents for the holidays, I still have family. They may be chosen but they are still family.” you smiled slightly. “And to tell you the truth, I'm closer to my chosen family as is haha!”
Jungwoo tilted his head slightly, a smile still on his lips.
“That’s good to know…” he pulled out his phone and checked the time. “Oh shit. I should get going. I’m staying with my parents for Christmas.” he looks up at you. “Merry Christmas Y/n. Happy birthday too.”
“Merry Christmas Jungwoo. And thank you for the gifts.” you smiled before closing your door.
You locked your door and went to the couch, taking out the presents.
Besides the tub of cookies, there were 3 wrapped up gifts, plus a letter.
You opened the tub of cookies, taking one and biting into the soft treat. Opening the letter, a small smile came on your lips as you read Jungwoo’s note.
As annoying as that man was, he was very thoughtful.
Honestly, if he wasn’t so damn clingy, you would have a thing for him.
He was smart, handsome, and kind. Plus he was a great singer as you would hear him sing sometimes since the walls in your apartment were thin.
You sat the letter down and unwrapped one of the boxes, gasping as it was a diamond necklace.
How much did that even cost?
Putting it down, you unwrapped another box while eating another cookie, gasping as it was a music box but not any old music box. It was a music box you had as a child. The box would play Swan Lake as a ballerina figure spinned slowly.
What a strange coincidence…
Putting that down and unwrapping the last box, which was small, you opened the blue velvet box which revealed a pink diamond ring.
It was gorgeous to say the least.
You sat it down, wondering how Jungwoo even had the money to buy these.
Yawning, you shook your head as your eyes began to close.
When did you get so tired?
Yawning once more, you decided to just lay down on your couch, passing out the moment your eyes closed.
You opened your eyes slowly, sitting up, stretching your body and yawning.
Looking to your side, you flinched as your eyes met Jungwoo’s, who was sitting on a chair.
“W-what are you doing here?” you asked, your nerves on high alert.
“Just watching you…” he answered.
You looked around, gulping as you felt your stomach drop.
This was not your living room.
You looked back at Jungwoo before looking at the door.
“Don’t even think about it.” he said, getting up from the chair.
You quickly got up from the bed and try to make a dash to the door only to feel yourself be grabbed and thrown to the floor.
You whimpered slightly before looking up at the man who had thrown you.
“You’re really trying to leave before you can even tell me if you liked my gifts?” he pouted.
“Jungwoo… Where am I?”
“You heard me.” his tall frame towering over you, causing you to shiver as he said. “You’re home.”
“This is not my home!” your voice raised slightly.
“Don’t raise your voice at me. That’s not how you treat your fiancé.”
Your eyes widen.
“Fiancé? What are you talking about?” you got up from the floor. “Jungwoo, if this is some kind of prank, I’m gonna have to ask you to stop cause this isn’t funny.” you said sternly.
Jungwoo frowned slightly, walking towards you slowly like a predator to a prey.
“This isn’t a prank.” you began walking back, fear seeping into your body. “I asked you to marry me last night and you said yes.” your back hit a wall. “I have it all on video my love. If you don’t believe me, we can watch it.” he took out his phone, unlocking it. Once he found the video, he gave you his phone.
You were sitting on your couch, wide awake, Jungwoo sitting next to you.
He was caressing your cheek as you sat on the couch, leaning into his touch.
“I know we haven’t known each other for long but… will you marry me? I’m so in love with you. I will treat you like a god, worship your very being if you say yes to me.”
“Yes.” you responded with no hesitation, a lovesick grin on your lips.
Jungwoo smiled brightly, leaning in and kissing you passionately.
“I wanted to catch the moment on video so I can always remember it.”
“W-what the… How? When? I-”
Jungwoo took the phone from you.
“I got those cookies from a friend of mine. He practices witchcraft.” he said, tucking the phone away into his back pocket.
“I…” you were at a loss for words.
Confusion and fear clouding your thoughts, making it hard to think clearly.
“Anyway, we should start planning our wedding little dove.” he cupped your cheek, kissing the other cheek. He leaned back, a smirk on his lips.
“I can’t wait to start our family.”
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Pairing: Wanda x Fem!Reader
Genre: Fluff
Description: Wanda meets someone who doesn’t treat her like a villain, but she doesn’t know who you really are.
Notes: I promise it’s fluff and not a trap. Also sorry about my hiatus, I’m just super unmotivated to do anything. So here’s my feeble offering to try and get back into writing.
- - -
Wanda groaned at the sight of a man with a camera. All she wanted was to pop down to the shops, buy some paprika, but alas, even a shopping trip was gold for the paparazzi. Maybe if she hid behind an aisle he would leave. But she heard the door open behind her. Ducking quickly behind a stack of tuna cans, she scanned the rows for the precious package.
She knew she wasn’t the favourite of the public, and the guilt of what she’d done ate her alive every night, but she was sick of being blamed. All she did was try her best, but this was the kind of thanks she got.
She frowned a little when she saw the man round the corner. She steeled herself, not wanting the tears to spring to her eyes. Turning around to face him, she- There was a person talking to him. You had a shopping bag in your hand, so you must have been another customer. Dressed smartly with a blazer, but paired with jeans and sneakers, you looked friendly, but the cold look you gave the man said otherwise. You exchanged words quietly with the reporter, and he seemed to refuse you, turning back to look at her. Realising that this was the perfect stall to get out of the store, she resumed her search. Cumin, Ginger, Paprika! Quickly glancing back to see how long she had, she saw you hand the man a business card as he hurriedly shuffled away.
“Sorry about that,” you turned to her, looking genuinely apologetic.
“Why?” she asked, it coming out harsher than she meant for it to. “It wasn’t even your fault.”
You shrugged. “You don’t deserve it.”
Wanda frowned again at this. She didn’t even know you, but you helped her out, so the least she could do was be polite. “Thanks.”
“No problem,” you smiled. The two of you started to walk towards to counter. More like she did and you kind of happened to as well. “What are you cooking with the paprika?”
Sliding the bag to the cashier, she turned to face you properly. “I was making a traditional Sokovian dish.”
“I’m a big fan of trying different cuisines,” you replied, eyes sparkling with curiosity. “That sounds delicious.”
Wanda’s not really sure why you’re trying to make conversation, but you didn’t seem to have an agenda, so she indulged you with a response as the two of you walked out of the store. “It is, my mum always had the best recipe.”
“Ah well, my parents weren’t around much, so I can’t say the same,” you laughed, throwing your shopping in the back of what must have been your car.
Wanda hadn’t even realised she had walked with you to your car. That was embarrassing. “Well, it was nice to meet you, but I should be going now,” backing away as quickly as she could without making a fool of herself.
“Wait,” you called, “do you need a lift back?”
“You’re a stranger.”
“Well I know your name is Wanda,” you grinned cheekily, opening the passenger door. “And my name is Y/N. Guess we’re not strangers anymore. So, what do you say? It’s the least I could do, with that man bothering you.”
She’s not sure what compelled her to agree, but she found herself sitting in a plush leather seat as you adjusted the rear view mirror. Tapping the dashboard screen, you pulled up a map to Avengers Tower and backed out of the parking lot.
You didn’t seem to mind that she didn’t make conversation, bopping your head gently to whatever pop song was on the radio. Instead she spent the time trying to figure out who you were and why you were being so nice. “It’s rude to stare, you know?” you winked at her.
Wanda felt the heat rush to her cheeks. “Wha- No, sorry,” she mumbled. She’d done it again, made herself look dumb. You giggle, returning your eyes to the road. Trying not to stare at you this time, she observed the fancy watch adorning your wrist, and the sleek interior of the car. You must be a businesswoman of some sort, since this clearly wasn’t your average suburban car. But you were wearing jeans. Maybe a lower level employee than?
She sat there musing, until the door suddenly opened. “We’re here,” you smiled, gesturing at the grand tower that was now her home.
Why couldn’t she stop being so awkward? This was the third time. Unbuckling the seatbelt, she stumbled out, clutching the paprika to her chest. “Thanks again.”
“Anytime, Wanda.” And with a small wave, you hopped back into your car and drove off.
- - -
Heading straight to her room, Wanda abandoned her plans for paprikash. The whole interaction was quite frankly, baffling. No one was ever nice to her, except for the Avengers. But you clearly knew who she was, driving her back to the tower without an address. Tossing her jacket on her bed, she sighed. It’s not like she’d ever see you again. That’s when she noticed the card peeking out from the pocket. There was a phone number printed neatly on it, and a cursive scrawl underneath. “I am actually interested in the dish though. Could I have the name of it?”
She hadn’t exactly interacted with anyone else, so it must’ve been you. Running her thumb over the ink, she was hit with a renewed sense of energy. Grabbing the paprika, she dashed back down the stairs.
- - -
You’re spinning around in your office chair when your phone goes off. Clicking on the message, a small smile makes its way into your face.
Unknown Number: this is the dish i was talking about
Unknown Number: *image*
Unknown Number: it’s paprikash
- - -
“Hey Wanda,” Tony called, a carefully wrapped package in his arms, “this came for you.”
One look at the scarlet wrapping paper, and she knew who it was from. “Thanks Tony,” she said, grabbing it and running to her room.
Setting the package gently on her bed, she untied the ribbon and unfolded the wrapping paper. Nestled in the middle, a box of cookies.
She grinned to herself. Wanda’s been texting you for a couple of months now, and now she could really say that you’re not strangers. She knows that you can’t cook, but you can bake. You’re a businesswoman “of sorts” you say, and that you’re a pretty busy person. But regardless, you hang out with her, chilling in the local coffee shop, going shopping, even just a stroll around the park. She also knows that this happiness she gets when she sees you is definitely not platonic.
Opening the lid, the chocolate aroma wafts into her room. Her favourite of your baked goods. There’s a note tucked into the side of the box, and she delicately pulls it out. “Be my girlfriend?” she read, the handwriting obviously yours. Wait. Be my girlfriend? She sat there dumbly for a couple of seconds before it hit her. You’re asking her to be your girlfriend. Wanda scrambled for her phone, snapping a picture to send to you.
Y/N: those cookies look delicious, who sent them?
The witch rolled eyes at your antics, but played along.
Wanda: idk, but i just got asked out
Y/N: whoaaaa, did you say yes?
Wanda: yes you dumbass
Y/N: okay, under other circumstances that would’ve hurt, but i’m too excited to care right now <3
Wanda: ...
Wanda: did you try to bribe me with cookies?
Y/N: it worked, didn’t it?
Wanda: i can’t believe i actually like you
Y/N: honestly, me too
Y/N: sorry it’s a busy day, but you wanna come over for dinner?
Wanda: sounds good <3
Y/N: i’ll come pick you up, see you then girlfriend
She didn’t want bugs in her room, so Wanda grabbed the box to put in her kitchen cupboard. Balancing a cookie in her mouth, she was about to close the lid, when a hand pinched one. Eyes immediately glowing red, she locked onto Sam as he backed away, half eaten cookie and hands up in surrender.
“Do that again and I will give you nightmares.”
The Falcon whistled lowly. “Okay. Protective over cookies. Got it.”
“There’s cookies?” Bucky asked, strolling in.
“Oh okay.”
- - -
The heroes were sprawled on the couches playing a game of UNO when Wanda came down the stairs.
“What are you doing with that hoodie?” Tony asked sharply.
Wanda furrowed her eyebrows. “This.. hoodie?” she replied, tugging on the drawstrings of the soft item of company clothing she was wearing.
“Yes! That’s my enemy’s!”
She didn’t really want to get into whatever nonsense the genius was spouting again. “My friend lent it to me.”
“You have friends?” joked Sam.
Steve gave the man a warning look. “It’s good that you’re adjusting to life here.”
“I think the important question here,” Natasha said from her spot, “is where are you going?”
“Dinner,” she replied, trying to look as nonchalant as possible. She tried to fight the silly smile that crept into her face whenever she thought about you, but she mustn’t have hid it well enough, since the red headed spy gave her a sickeningly sweet smile.
I hate you, she projected.
Nat winked back.
“Based on the way Miss Maximoff keeps anxiously glancing at the door, there is likely to be someone waiting for her,” Vision piped up. “I have searched the Internet databases, and from what I have gathered, your casual outfit means that you are going with someone you are familiar with. The sharing of clothes is usually reserved for close friends or romantic partners only.”
Of course the android had to get involved.
“Your heart rate seems to be speeding up Miss Maximoff. Are you okay?”
“Wanda Maximoff,” Tony asked slowly, “do you have a boyfriend?”
That’s when all hell broke loose.
“Who is he?”
“Is he hot?”
“Where did you meet?”
“How did you even get a boyfriend?”
“Can we meet him?”
“Okay,” she groaned. Well it was bound to happen eventually. She just wished she could’ve gotten even a few months without the teasing. “I have a girlfriend, yes she’s hot, yes I’m going to have dinner with her, and I’ll ask about meeting. I’m going to go now.” With that, she stepped into the elevator.
“Don’t think this conversation is over witchy,” called Tony, as the doors slid shut.
- - -
“Hey,” you smiled as she slid into the car. “What took you so long?”
“The Avengers found out.”
You chuckled at that. “What, did they interrogate you or something?”
“Something like that.” She paused. “They want to meet you.”
“Are you sure?”
“They’re my family, and they’ll love you as much as I do.”
“Cute,” you grinned, “but I don’t know about Tony.”
“Trust me, they’re a mess a lot of the time, but they’re good people.”
You checked through your phone. “I haven’t got anything on around lunch tomorrow. I can come by then, how does that sound?”
“So you’ll come?”
“Anything for my girlfriend.”
- - -
Her green eyes locked onto you amongst the bustle of suits in the lobby.
You adjusted the grey fabric of your pantsuit. “Hey yourself.”
“Did you wear the suit to impress me?” Wanda asked, delicately tugging on your tie.
“Actually, I’ve got a meeting with the investors later. Gotta make an impression, you know?”
“Well consider me impressed,” she whispered against your ear.
Blushing, you allowed Wanda to lead you to the elevator.
- - -
Clint wasn’t sure what to expect with you. But if Wanda liked you, you were sure to be one of the good sorts. So maybe like a cute girl she met at the cafe or something. He sure as hell wasn’t expecting the confident girl dressed in a suit to step out of the elevator.
All of them were lined up in the common room and he’s pretty sure any normal person would have been intimidated by the sheer amount of Avengers in front of them, but you stepped up to them absolutely unfazed.
“Mr Rogers,” you offered your hand to shake, “a pleasure to meet you.”
Steve was expecting to have to take the lead with introductions, but here you seemed to be handling yourself fine. “Likewise.”
“Is Mr Stark here today?” you asked him.
“He’s a bit busy at the mo-“
Clattering and a string of curses interrupted him. And of course, the man himself stepped into the room, Iron Man debris in his wake.
“Tony,” Steve scolded.
“What? Did you think I’d miss meeting the girl who stole the heart of our cold antisocial emo?”
Wanda tossed a couch pillow at him, but he brushed it off.
“Tony Stark,” he declared.
You shook his hand politely. “I know who you are Mr Stark.”
“And you are...?”
“Y/N L/N.”
The genius might have been singed from his armour, but the moment that name fell from your lips, he yanked his hand away, as if he was burned.
“L/N. As in L/N Corporations?”
“That’s me.”
Abruptly he turned to Wanda. “Do you know who this is?” he hissed. “The greatest rival to Stark Industries. I thought you were introducing your girlfriend.”
You gave him a winning smile. “I am her girlfriend Mr Stark. And you may have made me your rival, but I can assure you that you are not mine.”
Sam snorted.
“What are you doing here then? Are you here to try and steal data? You can’t...”
You paid him no mind as you winked at Sam. Spotting the metal arm, your eyes widened. “You must be Bucky, right? Princess Shuri told me she’d been working on some vibranium projects. I’d love to take a closer look some other day if you don’t mind?”
“How do you know Shuri?” Stark spluttered.
“You think that she only talks to rich boys who need her help? Sorry to burst your bubble.”
Nat couldn’t help but smirk at this.
“Oh and I’ve actually been working on some prototype Widow Bites as a bit of a free time project,” you added. “If you’re interested, your opinion on usage would really help me to refine them.”
“Of course.”
“Traitor,” Tony glared.
It’s at this point your phone began to ring. Glancing down, you offered a sheepish smile. “I’m sorry, I’ve really got to take this.” You turned to face the wall as your friendly tone turned professional.
The Avengers huddled together as your call went on.
“Is she using you for information?” Tony scowled.
Wanda scowled back. “She’s my girlfriend Stark. Not everything is about you.”
He looked as if he was going to say more, but Steve interrupted.
“Look Tony, she seemed like a perfectly lovely girl.”
“Yeah I like her,” added Sam. “She can keep your ego in check.”
“If Wanda likes her, I’m fine with it too.” Clint said.
Wanda gave him a thankful look.
A cough came awkwardly behind them.
“I really hate to cut this short everyone, but something’s come up back at the office. Investors are a pain.”
“Yeah go on back to your investors then,” spat Tony.
“Wow” you drawled, heading back to the elevator, “is the rich card the only thing you can play Stark?”
The light on the wall indicated that the cab had arrived, and you stepped inside the carriage which would take you back down, as Peter stepped out.
“Oh hey Y/N, what are you doing here?”
“I was just leaving Pete, but swing by later, alright?”
“You know it.”
“Oh and I heard you liked the hoodie I gave Wanda, Mr Stark,” you called. “I can grab you one as well, since it’s my company. But I really do gotta run now. Nice to meet you all!” The metal doors slid shut on your grinning face.
There was a silence, before Tony turned on his protégée. “How the hell are you on a first name business with her?”
“We’re friends?” Peter offered.
“She went to college with me. She was super smart and we hung out and stuff. You know, what friends usually do.”
Squirming under his mentor’s gaze, he continued. “She was too smart for college though, so she dropped out and started her company. It didn’t mean we stopped being friends though.”
“Why didn’t you tell me Underoos?”
“She figured you might overreact, especially with the web sho-“ The boy’s eyes widened, and he made a mad dash for the stairs.
But Tony grabbed his wrist. “What were you saying?”
Peter sighed, running a hand through his hair anxiously. “She helped me out with my web shooters in college, and since then, she’s been developing them with me.”
“She knows I’m Spider-Man and I work with her on my tech,” he said slowly.
The man surveyed his teammates, making deliberate eye contact with each and every one of them. “Traitors, the lot of you,” he huffed.
“I mean you gotta admit it,” laughed Sam. “She’s college age, and built an empire to rival you. Not to mention that she’s pretty, smart, has better PR and actual time management skills-“
“Okay I get it,” the genius cut him off.
“Don’t be upset,” Clint smirked, “you can’t lose if you’re not her competition.”
Tony stomped off.
“Don’t worry about him, he’ll come around,” Steve said gently, nodding at Wanda who was fiddling anxiously with her rings.
“She was cool,” added Nat. “Tony can be a pain in the ass, but he knows she’s a good person.”
Her phone buzzed in her hand.
<3: i’d say that went pretty well
Wanda: cannot believe you didn’t tell me
<3: i’m really sorry babe, please don’t hate me
Wanda: i could never
<3: just didn’t want him to stop you from fraternising with the enemy or whatever
Wanda: i’d break the rules for you any day
<3: how romantic
<3: so miss rebel, you coming over tonight?
Wanda: depends if you’re still wearing the suit
<3: anything for you ;)
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hunted-moth · 2 years
Uhhh i kinda wrote something
I had this image of a mean-looking girl being rude to kyotani or something, I didn't finish it, but I was reading it and liked and thought "why not post it lol" its in a form of ahed cannons cus idk how to write
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I’ve never written anything before but my mind has this idea of a reader who looks intimidating like RBF, stand-offish, dyed n short hair, and does a full-contact sport like roller derby...so yeah, hope you enjoy
Featuring: Kyōtani
(p.s. It’s easier for me to write in the 3rd person...sorry about that
- he first saw her rolling down the sidewalk to school blasting her music
- he saw that she was wearing the Aoba Josai uniform, she had dyed hair so he wonder why he never saw her at school
- later at lunch he saw her eating with a bunch of other mean and scaring looking girls 
- he stared at her for a while till she looked up and pulled out her earbud saying
“Ya need something dude or do you have a starting problem?”
- she then got slapped in the head for that
-he looked down after that, a moment later he heard some yelling then a few moments later he looked up to see two girls from the table
- the short on pushed the girl towards him saying
“Now say you’re sorry y/n” “sigh* sorry dude”
- she then looked back at her friend asking that was alright
- the shorter one just shook her then said to kyotani
“ Sorry man, she’s ain’t the niece’s cookie in the box. How could she make it up to you?
-the girl now known as y/n, eyes went wide with shock and turned towards her saying
“WHAT!!!?? You never side anything about that” “yeah that was before you said ‘sorry dude’ what kind of apology is that?
-But befor the two second years could say anything the lunch bell rang telling everyone lunch was over
-The three of  them went to their classes, he noticed that y/n went to class five the class Yahaba went to
-later after class kyotani decided to go to practice just to talk to yahaba about y/n
“Hey yahaba...do you know anyone named y/n?”
-everyone turned towards kyotani because 1) he talking to someone without grunting and 2) he was asking about a girl
-yahaba looked like he could pass out because he was asking about l/n y/n, the scary-looking girl in class five
“U-uh yeah, I know l/n-san, she sits two seats behind me. Why do you ask”
“No reason” “oooooh...Mad dog-chan has a crush on one of the delinquent girl makes sense really” “shut up loser-kawa, maybe he just heard her name around school or something now get back to practice”
-later during practice someone was knocking at the door, well more like a gang of delinquents with how hard they were banging
“Kindaichi, your closes to the door could you get it?” “uh yes iwazumi-senpaii”
“Hey could you stop baAHHH *slam* its those girls you were talking about earlier” “what, let them in idiot” “oh right”
-kindachi then open the door to be met with four girls sitting with y/n at lunch
“That was rude of you, you know to slam the door in our faces” “oh u-uh sorry I was just surprised Osaki-senpai” 
-kindaichi let them all, they all went in except y/n who appeared to listing to music and paying attention
“y/n y/n...Y/N ugh” 
-Osaki-san took her shoe off then threw it y/n’s sholder
“OW...what hell that’s where my bruise is” “oh crap sorry y/n was trying to aim for your head haha”
Y/n >:| 
Osaki-san :P
“You suck”
-Finally, all of them were in the gym with y/n standing next to Osaki-san
“Sooo~ what brings you, fine ladies, here?” “oh we came to make our little y/n here to apologies tooooo”.... “that one”
-Everyone turned towards kyotani with confused faces
“What would she have to apologize about?” “ Yeah, all I said was quote ‘Ya need something dude or do you have a starting problem’ don’t see why i have to apologize for that?” “yeah it was still rude but we’re not talking about that right now, soooo what’s his name?” “oh his name is kyotani” “so kyotani what do ya need” 
-kyotani looked at the group of girls then the team
“Idk...maybe studying” “oh what a wonderful coincidence she just happens to be the team un-official tutor she’ll help you with that then” “but I don’t want to” “doesn’t matter you’re helping him” “team?...what sport do you guys play” “hmm, oh we do roller derby” “roller derby? What’s that?” “nothing just the coolest sport out there...here y/n show the bruise you got yesterday” “*sigh fine”
-y/n started to unbutton her shirt, all the guys told her to stop but then it showed she was wearing an undershirt
“See when you play these sports you get badass brises like this, y/n rammed into a wall and fell flat on her ass but she got up like it was nothing” “here’s a video of our last bout” 
-half of them looked shocked others thought it was cool and badass
-one of those was kyotani
“So kyotani wanna do the tutoring now or letter?” “I suggest doing it at her house if you catch my drift,” said the 3rd year Osaki-san “yeah plus her dad freaking hot,” the 1st year named Sakai said as if it were a known fact”
-it was y/n’s turn to throw her shoe at an underclassman, but Bando the big frist pushed Sakai out of the way in time
“What have I told you about calling my dad hot Sakai” “what it’s not my fault God has favorites...oh shit”
-y/n kicked off her other shoe and started to chase Sakai around the gym, and eventually tackled her to the ground, resulting in bando having to separate them
-the volleyball team looked at the five releasing that they were just a bunch of girls that liked to play ruff, not scary at all
“Hmm...oh it’s my dad I got to go, here kyotani-san my number”  “hmm...thanks”
-later after practice was over kyotani plopt on his bed and reached in his pocket to grab his phone and the number y/n have him
-he then sent a text her way just so she could have his number on her phone
-over at the l/n household y/n was having dinner with dad
“So n/n anything fun happens at school today?” “hmm...umm well I caught a boy looking at me today at lunch” “oh do you know why?” “idk” “well maybe he likes you” “PAPAAAA...stop that’s embarrassing” “whaaat? Im just saying I know how boys are, anyways anything else happens?”  “yeah, i was dragged to the volleyball practice because I was rude to the boy...apparently” “oh” “yeah now im gonna tutor him along with Bando-chan and Sakai-chan” “well that’s nice of you n/n” “yeah i guess”
-The next morning y/n was rolling down the sidewalk once more, when she notice kyotani
-she slowed down next to him and started to walk with him
“Hey” hey”
-the walk to school was quite, if you did’nt count the blaring music coming from y/n’s headphones
-when the two got to school y/n notice her friend Ramirez
“Hey Ramirez” “hmmm...oh hey l/n...why are you with kyotani-kun?” “oh I found him on my here, so just started walking with him” “hmp…”
-kyotani just stood there awkwardly listing on their on conversation till the bell rang
-the tree all went towards the second year hall with kyotani and Ramirez splitting off to class one
-y/n quickly found her class and sat down in her seat when a familiar cream-puff  came into view
“H-hey umm...l/n-san you know you don't have to tutor Kyotani-san, right” “...” “Ummm...l/n-san? can you hear me” “yeah…was just thinking as to why you want your teammate to not get better at school?” “wh-what no that's not what I meant at… it's just you know, he's stubborn hell he doesn’t even come to practices very often, and when he does he picks fights with everyone”
-silence was met between the two seconded years
“Please leave” “yes ma’am”
“Hey, Osaki-san” “hmm...OH, HEY MAKKI” “I was talking with Oikawa and we thought it'd be cool if our teams eat together for lunch...you cool with that?” “HELL YEAH, we would love to eat with you guys, let's just text my team, where do you guys eat?” “oh usually we eat on roof… but were gonna hunt down mad dog and force him to eat we us” “ooo...your gonna wanna use Bando-chan, she can find anyone, Ramirez tried to skip school and bando found them in an abandoned building”
-Makki, Osaki, matter, iwa, and Oikawa went to round up the first & second years
-the first & seconds years of the derby & volleyball team were easy to convince...but Y/n, Rameriz, and Kyotani were a whole hunt
-turns out they were having lunch on the rooftop the whole time…
“What are you idiots doing?” “yeah...we saw you running around the grounds like headless chickens” “what- Rameriezzzz why didn't you tell us you guys were on the roof!?” “Ummm…” “we wanted some peace and quite with our new friend Sakai-chan”
yeah thats all i wrote. if you like it i can continue it, i also have a tanaka version
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noisyalmonddreamer · 3 years
Holiday special
Word count: Idk a lot  (a/n): Someone come save me I’m tired this took my soul away this is also unedited because I’m to tired for that
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-This boy LOVES Christmas
-He get's into the feeling like right after thanksgiving
-Decorates his cabin like there's no tomorrow
-But he wont spend Christmas eve or day at camp, he's with his family
-He also goes to his family's house to help decorate
-Snowball fights? you will not BELIVE how excited he gets for them
-He loves hot chocolate and demands his has marshmallows in it
-be careful if you guys make cookies together he WILL eat the batter
-"Percy stop you could get sick!"
- "but it's so good!"
-he wears Christmas sweaters and Santa hats
-He invites you to come to his mom's house for Christmas
-On Christmas day itself he's supper excited but from how he was acting you'd think he was an actual responsible adult
-but really he just really wanted to make it special for Estelle so he was just being giddy on the inside
-He gets you something that would remind him of you
-Something he finds beautiful
~~~Scenario~~~  (lowkey feel like I wrote him out of character I'm really sorry)
The sounds of soft snores filled your ears as you woke up. The sun reflecting off the bright snow seemed to magnify the sun's rays. You turned over to see your boyfriend, Percy, sound asleep with a little bit of drool sliding past his lip. You giggled as you took the blue blanket and wiped it away causing him to stir a little.
"Percy, It's time to get up" you nudged him lightly trying to wake him. He groaned pulling the cover up more. You rolled your eyes before an idea came to mind "Percy wake up it's Christmas."
The gears in Percy's head seemed to move for a second before his eye's popped open "OH MY GOD'S IT'S CHRISTMAS!" He popped up from his position. You smiled before leaning over and kissing him on his cheek "yeah it is, now you might want to put a shirt on before-" your sentence was cut of as Percy looked at the window.
"Oh my God's (y/n) look it snowed!" he got up from the bed and excitedly went to the window pretty much vibrating from excitement. He looked like a little kid, his eyes shining bright and a giddy smile on his face "I know Perce" you laughed as he pouted at your comment "As I was saying you might want to put on a shirt before Estelle comes in."
Percy laughed and threw on a sweatshirt before climbing back into bed with you "what are you doing?" He looked at you and smiled "pretended you're asleep she'll want to have woken us up." He kissed your head and laid back down.
Percy was, of course, right. Moments later you heard two little feet barreling down the hallway and tiny squeals of excitement. The door opened and a little girl hopped onto the bed trying to wake the two of you up "GET UP GET UP GET UP!!!"
Estelle shook the two of 'awake' and you yawned "good morning Estelle. What can we do for you." You smiled at her as the little girl squealed with excitement. "It's Christmas! Mama and Papa said we couldn't open present's till you two woke up! Percy Percy get up!"
Estelle dragged the two of you out of bed into the living room where Sally and Paul had hot coco waiting. You sat on Percy's lap as you watched as Estelle rip open her presents, along with handing everyone there's "here Percy this is yours and this one's yours (y/n)!"
Percy smiled at her and ripped open the present, quickly, ones he saw what it was his eyes brightened as another big grin decorated his face.
After opening all the presents up Paul, Sally and Estelle went down the hall for a few minutes so Estelle could give a present to her friend.
Percy pulled you into his room and got something from inside his cabinet. He handed you a small box rapped in blue rapping paper. "I know I already got you a present but I went out swimming a while ago and found this and I thought of you" he rubbed the back of his neck as he blushed.
You smiled and kissed him on the cheek before opening the present. You pulled out a necklace that looked similar to your camp necklace except it had a single pearl on it. You smiled and wrapped your arm's around him, pressing your lips to his, you were met with the slightly salty taste of his lips. He smiled into the kiss as he pulled away for a second "so you like it?" he asked looking at you.
"I love it thank you Perce"
"Merry Christmas (Y/n)"
"Merry Christmas Percy"
-Again he hasn't had a 'real' Christmas in a while
-Mr. Series Roman Praetor  has watched over people for Christmas making sure no one get's to out of hand
-My boy hasn't gotten to have fun for so long
-So when you're like
-He's trying hard! But that series 'gotten make sure things are running smooth' skin is hard to get out
- "Don't drink to much eggnog it has raw eggs you could get sick. Don't have more than a cup please"
-I'm kinda kidding but he is kinda stiff about it all
-Sidenote: Someone *cough* Leo *cough* placed a mistletoe above his desk and put a stapler next to him so he was under the mistletoe with a stapler
- "You think you're so funny huh?"
- "Pretty much yeah"
- "It was pretty funny though"
- "(Y/N)!"
-I have said that I think he has a secret sweet tooth
-He drinks his hot coco super sweet
-No one can know though
-Except you maybe
-He decorates a tree with you
-straight up gets tangled in the lights while you guys are decorating
-Send some help for our very own blond super man
-He'll also probably get you something he had found during a quest
You placed two steaming mugs of hot Chocolate on a side table. They looked quite nice, if you say so yourself, you had added chocolate shavings atop the whip cream and crushed up peppermint canes.
Looking up you were met with electric blue eyes looking at you intently, holding a Santa hat in his scarred callused hands.
"Do I really have to wear this?" He asked holding out the bright red hat. "Yes of course you do! We're decorating!"
He looked down at you again. "Okay okay I'll wear the hat sweetie but why the entire cabin? We already have a tree do you think decorating the whole cabin is.... excessive?" You rolled your eyes at him "I don't expect you have had that many fun Christmases because you're so,,, Roman so you have to do it! I didn't make the rules bub!"
You skipped over to him kissing him on the cheek than going over to the box of decorations you forced him to fly to camp half-blood. You also got him to carry a Christmas tree that you got from the Stoles, though they didn't tell you were they got it from.
You opened up the box and pulled out a few blankets and pillows.
"What are those for?" Jason stood behind you taking sips from his hot coco watching you. "Decoration! What do you think we're doing here right now?" You threw the pillows and blankets onto the couch
Jason rolled his eyes, walking up to you "I already have pillows and blankets but whatever." He said, his voice held a teasing tone, he knew what he was doing.
You glared at him "I will take away your hot chocolate and not make anymore." You pointed a finger out, trying to prove your point. Jason's eyes widened before he placed his mug on the coffee table and swiftly walked over to you.
"Alright so what do you need?"
"Just take these." You handed him some fake acorns and stuff, pointing at a wall "Place them like over there."
Jason took them into his hands and began working. About thirty minutes in he tapped you on the shoulder. "What about the tree?" You looked over at him "Oh yeah we do that last just give me a sec and you can start detangling the lights." You pointed at the box that had the Christmas lights.
Jason nodded and walked over to the box, pulling out a giant clump of lights. He looked at it, a bit concerned wondering how he would be able to detangle it all.
~~~time skip~~~
Jason ended up being right, he couldn't untangle them. Every time he thought he had gotten another tangle out it led to another, then when he thought to follow a single cored it was stuck in other cords. This is all to say that in thirty minutes Jason managed to tangle himself in the lights, yet he still didn't ask for help or even call out for you.
He didn't want you laughing at him so he decided he would get himself out. Which also didn't end up well because he fell with a loud thud.
You had went outside to hang a few more lights and decorations on the porch when you head it, a loud thud followed by a groan of pain. You hurried inside to see the son of Zeus himself, Praetor of New Rome, Hero of Camp Jupiter, laying on the floor tangled in Christmas lights.
"It's not funny!" He yelled when he had heard your giggling. This only turned your light giggling into full on laughter you clutched your stomach in pain as you laughed.
"It's so funny! How did you even manage to do that?" He looked up at you "Can you please help me?" You bent down to his level "of course on one condiction"
"Yes anything!"
"Let me take a picture."
-Burns the coco because he's impatient
-He also puts candy canes into his hot coco
-Along with like 3 hand fulls of marshmallows and like a giant whip cream mountain
-He also lowkey doesn't like eggnog
- "It tastes like sweet eggs!"
-You can bet your ass he is going to force you to wear matching PJ's on Christmas eve
-While setting up the tree he get's very frustrated with the lights
-He does end up doing that and they look very cool
-May or may not end up breaking some of the ornaments
-"What was that?"
- *Sweeping away a broken ornament* "Nothing babe!"
-He makes all his presents himself
-Like 2 months before he's haled ass up in bunker 9 making presents
-At some point he made a Christmas robot
-It's called that but it's main purpose is to peg snowballs at people
-He does bring a Christmas tree inside the bunker but forgets to water it then it catches on fire because it's dried out
-He will also pull mistletoe out at random time's claiming you have to kiss now
- "You just pulled that out of your tool belt. We're not even near ceiling"
- "Hmm? What? I don't know what you're talking about. But time for kiss! Who are we to break tradition?"
-You force him to dress up as an elf and give presents to kids
- "Why not Santa!? I'm making the toys!"
- "You're to short to be Santa plus your pointed ears!"
-He builds you something is that even a question
-It's a charm bracelet with a few different charms, one of them actually is magic and will pull out a shield  
You were stood outside bunker 9 on Christmas morning waiting for Leo to change. You shivered as a cold wind felt like it pierced your skin, both Leo and yourself had gotten up earlier then you normally would have but you two wanted to have your own thing before joining the rest of the camp.
You breathed out, a puff of smoke leaving your lips, as you turned around and banged on the door. "Leo come on! We're gonna be late and we still have to drag the presents to the bonfire!" you yelled through the metal. "This is ridiculous! Why am I dressed as an elf! I made the presents! This is humiliating!" His voice sounded whiny, you could practically hear him pouting.
"Come on Leo think about the children! They'll be so happy!" You heard a reluctant sigh leave him before the iron door opened reveling Leo in an adorable elf outfit.
"I feel ridicules." As he walked towards you the bells on his shoes jingled, making you burst out laughing. "Oh you have got to let me take a picture!" You grabbed Leo by the hand and pulled him towards the slay he had built. "Alright Mr. Elf let's go!"
"Don't call me that!" His whiney complains were only halted as you pecked his cheek quickly. "Now if you want more then let's go!" Leo's eyes widened, he grabbed the leads  and rushed towards the bonfire.
~~Time skip. Like only 5 minutes~~
As the slay slowed down to a stop you heard screams, you looked over your shoulder to see most of the younger camps, in their pajamas, running up to the slay with an excited look on their faces.
You looked over at Leo who had a bright smile on his face already grabbed a piece of paper with each kid's names and which toy they got. "You ready?" you whispered over to him, adjusting your hoodie. "Hades yeah I am!"
You hopped off from the slay in front of the kids, they all stopped and looked at you, pretty much vibrating from excitement. "Alright kiddys! Are you ready for your presents?" You question was only answered with shriek's of excitement and maybe one or two 'YES!'s.  
"Mr. Elf has each of your presents all the way from the north pole! But you have to wait to be called on can all of you do that?" The kids again in unison nodded their heads.
Leo popped up next to you startling you a bit, a big dopy grin still decorating his face "Alright I'm looking for a Gogo?" A little girl came running up to Leo, bouncing up and down with a plush in her hand, "Here you are Gogo" Leo handed the little girl a nicely wrapped present, the girl took it before bolting to her siblings yelling out a "THANK YOU!"
One by one Leo listed off the kid's, each one yelling out a thank you, and joining their siblings. As the last kid ran away Leo looked into the present sack. "Oh what do we have here?"
You looked at him with a questioning gaze "Did you forget someone? That was the last kid so I don't think you did." You looked around to see if there was any stragglers before Leo cleared his throat.
"Well why don't we have a looksie here and...Oh...it look's like this is for a certain...(Y/f/n)." You looked over at him again. "I didn't ask for anything..." you trailed off. Before you could say anything else Leo plopped the present into your hands, kissing you on the cheek. "Merry Christmas bebita."
Nico: -"Christmas is coming up?"
-Boy doesn't even realize
-I headcanon Nico secretly has a sweet tooth so I think he would like egg nog and super sweet hot coco
-I also think he can cook so he makes cookies with you
-But he will act like it's a pain and out of his way
-"Do I really have to?"
-"If you don't want to I'll just go get Leo or someone to help me!"
-"...Pass over the flour"
-He constantly has a candy cane in his mouth
-He legit eats so many you have to take them away from him
-Putting a Santa hat will anger him but he'll wear it because he loves you
-Unless someone comments on it then he'll take it off
-He really likes cooking with you, he finds it domestic like you guys are normal, so during the Christmas season he may act reluctant but you guys make stuff together a lot
-But baby boy also kinda has a sensitive mouth so hot food burns his tongue really quickly
-That combined with him kinda being impatient...he burns his mouth a lot
-He asks you to kiss it better
-He would probably get you something he found on his travels
-Or a stygian iron dagger
You finished tying up your apron, looking over to see Nico hadn't even tried, just letting the apron hang off his neck while he was reading a book he had found in an old library a few weeks ago.
You groaned walking over to him "Nico!" He only hummed in response, bobbing his head and continuing to read. You looked at him for a moment before placing your hand on his shoulder "NICO!"
Nico jumped slightly, looking up from his book at you. "What?" You glared at him for a moment, he rolled his eyes and booked marked the page, placing his arms around your shoulders.
"What's up il mio tesoro*?" He grinned stupidly down at you. "Oh don't 'il mio tesoro' me Mr! You're just avoiding what we said we would bring to the party in hopes we wont go!"
Nico laughed, raising his hands up in defense "Alright alright you got me! But I still don't get why we have to go to the party!" He pouted, crossing his arms.
You walked over to the counter rolling yours eyes "One, because we said we would and Two they're your friends and my friends it would be rude not to."
Nico slowly walked towards you, a small pout on his lips. "But I just want to spend the time with you!" He nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck, his vanilla scent filled your noise. You blushed pushing him away.
"Just help me with the cookies then we can make some hot chocolate!" Nico's eyes lit up at the mention of hot coco. He placed a gentle kiss on your cheek, tying the apron and rolling up his sleeves."
Ten minutes into cooking you almost regretted trying to cook with Nico. He was great at it but he was such a control freak! "No No! It said 2 cups of chocolate chips that's to much!"
You stared at him "It doesn't matter!" He groaned pushing you out the way "here let me do it!" You watched as he carefully folded the chips into the batter, wrapping the top with plastic wrap and placing it in the fridge.
"Alright it's gonna rest like that for 2 hours, it makes everything even more delicious!" He looked over at you with bright eyes. "Time for hot coco!"
You walked over to him, kissed his forehead before pulling the milk out the fridge. "alright just measure out the amount of milk we need." He nodded grabbing two mugs and filling them then dumping them into the pot.
He stirred the milk lazily "Why isn't it going faster?" He went down to turn the heat up "Nico no! You're going to burn the milk!" He looked at your tiredly "you don't like when it get's the skin on top and neither do I so lower the heat please!"
Nico rolled his eyes, lowering the heat to the second lowest setting then staring at you "happy now?" You nodded, grapping the whipped dream out the fridge and shaking it while Nico continued to stir the milk till it steamed.
The smell of warm milk filled the room as you heard Nico pour the steaming milk into the mugs.  You walked over to Nico, who was sitting on the couch you saw he had already stuck another candy cane in his mouth.
Grabbing the whipped cream bottle you made two small hills of whipped cream in each mug and waited for it to cool down. Nico, however, instantly grabbed his mug bringing it to his lips.
"Don't your gonna burn your mouth." You told him, watching him roll his eye. "No I'm not you're worrying to much."
He took a bug gulp then letting out a yelp, placing his mug down. He stuck his tongue out reveling a nasty red burn. You let out a small chuckle "see I told you!" He pouted at you "It really hurts!"
"Will you kiss it better?"
Frank: -Baby LOVES Christmas
-He takes you to canada
-He takes you to the Christmas market's and stuff
-He's also one who will get tangled in lights
-Along with that he isn't allowed to touch the breakable ornaments, like the delicate ones
-He also LOVES hot coco
-Frank makes like perfect hot coco's
-Like a nice whip cream swirl with chocolate and a few marshmallows
-It's very nice looking 10/10  
-Will also make maple taffy with you in the fresh snow
-But since you have to boil the syrup he isn't allowed
- "Frank baby, can you get the snow?"
- "Oh umm y-yeah!"
- "Alright here you are Frank, don't burn yourself"
- "I wont"
-He WILL wake up early on Christmas day
-He will also force you to go outside and have a snow ball fight
-istg he's just a nervous child in a giant's body
-Frank makes SUPER good eggnog also
-He LOVES getting a hot cup of coco and cuddling up with you next to a fire
-Especially after being out in the snow
-Also this boy really likes making snowmen
-and he's so good at it to
-Like he can make snowmen and like animals out of snow
-Hard to say what he would give you
-I want to say a sweater but that's not really like boyfriendy
-More like a hoodie you had been wanting for a while and he got himself a complimentary one so you could match (And wear his because he knows you. You're not sly)
~~~Scenario~~~(Before anyone says anything I know he lives in Vancouver which is a city but just pretended you guys went to a cabin or something lol)
The cold winter air felt like it was ripping through your skin as the coldness from the snow made it's way through your boots and mittens that Frank at bought you the other day.
You looked over to Frank who was packing down snow on the last little bear cub, completing the bear family he was making. He smiled back at you, his nose and cheeks a light pink from the cold. You trudged over to him, the snow sinking slowing you down slightly, and wrapped your arms around his middle.
"Hey Frank I'm getting pretty cold can we head in soon?" You asked looking up at him. He smiled again, nodding his head "Yup! Just let me finish with these-" He grabbed the stick he had been using to adding details to all the bears and drew on some eyes and a mouth. "and done! Alright lets go in. Want to make some hot coco and eggnog?"
You nodded, grabbing his hand and pulling him back into the house. You pulled off your mittens, boots and socks and walked into the boiler room where they could dry.
"Hey Frank can you grab some wood? I'm gonna start a fire, it's kinda cold" Frank nodded, walking into the room where the wood had been put as you began getting the ingredients for eggnog and hot chocolate.
A moment later Frank walked into living room in his arms he held a few logs of cut, dry wood. He placed them on the hearth and began to collect kindling, starting the fire. "Hey I said I would do that Franky!"
Frank took his gloves off as he walked down the stairs "It's fine! I already had the wood so It's fine"
You pushed the hot coco ingredients to the side knowing it would take less time when you felt a pair of strong arms make their away around your waist and felt someone's chin on your shoulder.
"You got cloves honey. You need nutmeg" He placed a kiss on your cheek, grabbing the cloves and placing them into the spice cabinet, pulling out nutmeg. "Is there a difference?"
"Of course there is! I don't know it but you use nutmeg in eggnog, honey, not cloves." Frank stood next to you, grabbing the carton of eggs. "Can I separate the eggs?" He asked smiling brightly, jumping up and down a little. You smiled up at him, chuckling at his childish antics "Of course you can baby!"
About 10 minutes later you had unusable egg whites with pieces of egg yoke broken into them plus an almost empty carton of eggs. Of course you could just run to the store for more eggs but you had no interest in heading outside during a storm.
"Okay Fraky baby I think maybe I should crack the eggs but you can whip them okay?" He nodded, looking down and backing away from the counter leaving you 5 eggs.
Ones you finished with the eggs you began finishing up the eggnog without any other mishaps. You placed the eggnog into the fridge to let it get cold. You turned to start making the hot coco before Frank stopped you.
"You go put on some soft pajamas I can finish making this!" You went to rebuttal but he had already pushed you into the room you were sharing to let you change. You let out a sigh and pulled on some comfortable clothes along with the hoodie Frank had gotten you.
You walked into the living room and started tending to the fire. You sat down for a moment before you felt a blanket engulf you along with the feeling of being pulled into someone's lap. You felt Frank nuzzle into your neck, smiling.
"Merry Christmas honey"
"Merry Christmas baby"
-My oh my does this boy love Christmas
-During campfire this boy will sing ALL the Christmas songs
-He also helps decorate around the camp
-He also really likes picking out Christmas trees
-Wears what he says are "really nice looking" sweaters...because sure they are
-Will also replaces the lollipops from his candy jar with candy canes
-He will scold you if you eat to much cookie dough
-Will also force you, and a bunch of others, to take vitamins during the winter
- "I don't want you getting sick!"
-"Fine I'll take them!"
-"But remember to take them everyday because if you forget to take one day then you'll forget like three days then you'll never take-"
-Kissing him gets him to shut up don't worry
-When he makes eggnog he makes sure that the eggs are pasteurized, so there's no chance of salmonella
-Also this sneaky son of a god will take you to places that he has hung mistletoe to get kisses
-He would definitely get you a music instrument he helped customize  
You watched pearlescent puffs of smoke left your mouth, fading into the dark sky. You shivered as a cold wind hit, taking another sip of your hot coco.
Chiron rarely let it snow in camp, preferring to keep camp on the nicer side so everyone could train, save from the times he lit it rain. But today was a special occasion, Christmas eve.
You watched as Will stood in front of the camp, with his siblings, singing jingle bell rock a dopy grin on his face. Sure he looked a little tired, he had been working more than normal due to cold and flue season along with helping decorate camp, but over all he looked bright and happy.
You let out a cold sigh, pulling the hoodie Will had given you closer to your body. You stood up heading to the table with more hot coco, the song in the background had changed to some other song.
You were poring yourself another cup of coco when you felt a warm pair of arms around your waist, pulling you flush agents someone's chest. A small chuckle came from your lips as you put down the cup of coco, placing your arms over Wills.
"You feel cold." He placed a kiss on the nape of your neck, nuzzling there for a second before resting his chin on your shoulder. "It's cause it's cold dumb dumb" you ruffled his hair, glancing at him for a moment seeing a small pout on his lips. "You sounded good up there." You said turning around, plopping a handful of marshmallows into your drink.
"Thanks but I got a bit tired, plus I wanted to hang out with my adorable s/o, who I haven't seen all day." He placed a quick kiss on your forehead "You took your vitamins today right? I know you forget sometimes so I just wanted-" you cut him off with a kiss "yes yes mother I took my vitamins."
"Good " he smiled, lacing his fingers with yours, kissing you again "That hot chocolate is good I should get a cup" he turned around, his fingers still with between yours. "Your fingers are really cold." He looked over at you while poring a cup for himself.
"C'mon" he started pulling you towards the infirmary "Why?" He looked at you for a second before sighing and letting out a small chuckle, a smile decorating his face "We're getting you some gloves and an extra coat I left in the infirmary. C'mon"
Will walked ahead of you leading you to the infirmary. The breeze hit you like a knifes, hugging yourself to keep warm. "(Y/n) c'mon. It's really getting cold out" you looked up to see the open door to the infirmary, Will's voice calling from somewhere inside.
You stepped in, closing the door "Where are you?" you asked, dusting off the small bit of snow that you hadn't even noticed to have fallen. "In the back, hold on a sec I'm grabbing two jackets for us."
You sat on a waiting chair for a moment before Will's candy jar, filled with candy canes caught your eye. You smiled, standing up from your seat, quickly grabbing a candy cane and popping it in your mouth.
"Alrighty I got- Hey those aren't for you (n/n). You have already stolen half a jar." Will laughed as he watched you eat the candy cane. "What can I say they're delicious." You flashed him a smile, only to be crushed in a giant coat. "Don't want my sunspot getting cold now do I?"
You pulled the jacket around yourself and watched as Will do the same. He grabbed your hand pulling you out of the infirmary only to stop in the door way.
"Will what is it?" He smiled, pointing up towards a bundle of mistletoe. "Time for a kiss. It's tradition" he smiled brightly, placing his hands on your cheeks. You pouted, crossing your arms "You did that on purpose." Will laughed, pecking you all around your face "hmm maybe but are you gonna complain?
Magnus: -Boy hasn't had a real Christmas in so long
-so when you're like "CHIRSTMAS!!!"
-He's like lowkey uncomfortable
-But he does get over it
-He kinda doesn't like Christmas songs that much
-Mostly because Jack sings them 24/7 for like 2 months straight
-If he hears Jingle bells one more time he will loose it
-He LOVES hot coco, egg nog, cookies, pretty much any food really
-But he sucks at making them
-ngl Christmas with him will be stressful but hella fun
-He SUCKS at ice skating
-Like this boy has no coordination or center of balance
-Falls every like 5 seconds
-Promise him some hot coco after
-Jack laughs at him after falling so many times
-For a present I think he'd make you matching bracelets with stuff he has collected on the hikes you guys have gone on
-He's saved a few things from each one, for the memories so he makes a bracelet out of them for you  
-I'm very series when I say that he straight up cherishes the little things he has saved
~~~Scenario~~~(If you're bad at skating....Shhhh)
You looked over to Magnus to see him struggling with tying the laces of his skates. You let out a chuckle before bending down and swatting his hands away. "How do you suck at tying your laces?" Jack's voice could be heard from above you, Magnus blushed "Shut up! The strings are really long! You don't even know how to tie laces!"
You laugh in amusement, looking over to see a few people watching Magnus in bewilderment. You tapped his shoes indicating you were done and he could stand. You stood up in front of Magnus, waiting for him to join you.
He shakily got up, grabbing onto you for support. "This isn't gonna be some cheesy romance movie scene about ice skating is it?" You laughed only to be cut off my Jack "OoOoOoO If It was I could serenade you to!-"
"NO" you both stumble slightly as Magnus yelled. Rolling your eyes you pulled Magnus towards the ice, stepping on was a bit hard as he refused to let go of you but he eventually let go, replacing you with a wall. "Magnus you have to let g-"
"No way! I'm gonna fall straight on my ass if I let go!" He continued to inch further along the wall as you stood still, watching him. About 3 minute later you got bored and decided it was time to take a lap or two around the ring.
"(Y/N)! Where are you going?" Magnus looked up to see you about 10 feet away from him. You turned around in time to see him fall straight onto his chest. "I was just gonna do a lap or two. I'll be back in a minute enjoy your date with the wall." You winked at him, wiggling you fingers, before skating up ahead more.
During the two laps you did you watch Magnus fall a bunch more times, he did at least try to get off the wall a few times, before fall straight on his ass and hanging to the wall again. You sighed, skating up next to him.
"Give me your hands" He looked up at you shaking his head rapidly like a child "no way I-"
"Oh my GODS Magnus just do it I'm trying to help you!" He pouted at being yelled at for a second then put his hands in yours. You pulled him away from the wall, his legs shook as he tried to stay balanced.
"Bend your legs, yeah like that. Have your feet kinda go diagonal, no the other way" He continued to wobble a little. A few minutes later Magnus was able to stand for a little on his own, he didn't get very far, but he could do it.
"(Y/N)! (Y/N)! LOOK IM DOING IT!" He waved over at you, even though you were a few feet away, causing him to fall. He groaned, rubbing the side of his jaw. You went up to him, bending down to his level. "Oh no Maggie, my baby! Are you okay?"
He pouted again, moving to sit normally. "Maggie?" He didn't move her look at you "If you continue to sit like that your pants are gonna get wet." Magnus's eyes widened before he scrambled trying to stand up, only to fall hard on to his hands, letting out a soft whimper.  
"Can we please go get hot coco now?" He stood up more cautiously, nursing his hurt wrist as he leaned agents the wall. Your eyes widened in realization that he was actually hurt. You skated to him, lacing your fingers with his. "Of course we can Maggie. We can even go to that cute little bakery we passed by on our way here and get freshly baked cookies! How does that sound?"
Magnus smiled and kissed you on the cheek "that sounds amazing."
"...can we get falafels after?"
-Again he doesn't really know what Christmas is
-Like he knows around winter people start buying stuff more and he sees trees, being sold but he doesn't understand why
-he's never really asked. Of course he's seen stuff advertised for Christmas so he makes the connection that they are connected
-So when you find out he hasn't had a Christmas like...ever you have to break that
- "here wear this!"
-"Because it's festive c'mon! "
-You end up dressing him up like one of Santa's elfs and he feels really silly
-He's also lowkey offended when he sees what elf's look like in Santa world
-"This isn't accurate at all. Why are they all so happy and nice?"
-Helps decorate Blitzen's shop and the apartment
-Still doesn't understand the tree though
-"But....why a tree?"
-"I don't know babe but it's festive so come on!"
-He sucks at making cookies, its the sad truth
-He isn't good at picking presents lol
-He'd get you something you had been wanting for a while, a book or something
-Also would ask Blitz to help him make you a matching scarf
You walked into the apartment you shared with your boyfriend and best friend, the bag on your shoulder holding presents for the two. You kicked your shoes off and took of your jacket as you walked into the living room. A box of Christmas decorations was left waiting to be opened as you looked over to see the boys setting up the tree all three of you picked out.
"Hey!" your voice alerted Blitzen who turned around and saw you in the entrance "welcome back how was your shopping?" you sighed, shrugging your shoulders "It was alright I might have found a thing or two." The smile on your face gave away the bluff but Blitz laughed and rolled his eyes, walking into the kitchen to get a drink.
You walked up behind Hearth, hugging him around his middle, barring your face in his back. He tensed up for a second before turning around and seeing you. He smiled and placed a gentle kiss on your forehead.
"Hi sweetheart" he smiled at you, wrapping his arms around your frame and nuzzling your neck. After a few seconds you pulled away from him "Did you guys wait to decorate the tree?" Hearth nodded before pointing at the kitchen. "We also waiting to make cookies."
You turned around in Hearth's arms to see the ingredients of chocolate chip cookies and gingerbread waiting to be prepared. You kissed Hearth on the cheek before tapping his hands to let you go. Reluctantly he agreed letting his hands drop, only for you to grab one and pull him into the kitchen.
~~~time skip because shhhh~~~~
Hind sight you probably shouldn't have left Hearth by himself to make the cookie batter, but It was almost lunch and all three of you were hungry so you and Blitz went out to grab lunch and come back. Maybe on the way you bought Santa hats which delayed you but you didn't think about what could happen!
So Hearthstone stood in front of you, covered in flour, cookie batter in hand, the kitchen somehow relatively clean. Next to you Blitzen looked like he was about to die from laughter as you continued to stair at Hearth, your mouth a gap.
"What happened?" you slowly signed at him, still in slight disbelief. He blushed and put down the bowl , freeing up his hands "You said to follow the instructions, but I didn't know what a teaspoon was and then I spilled the flour on myself." Hearth stared at you for a for more seconds before you took a deep breath and grabbed his hand.
"Hey Blitz can you start up a new batch? I'm gonna get him cleaned up" Blitz nodded, still looking like he was holding in laughter, as you pulled Hearth into your shared room.
"Hearth go take a shower and I'll put your clothes in the wash, I'll also leave out some more clothes to change into alright?"  He nodded, blushing deeply still "I'm sorry about ruining the cookies"  you laughed, waving him off "No it's alright, Blitz is making a new batch now, just get yourself cleaned up."
You walked into the kitchen and started helping Blitzen make the cookies.
Ten minutes later Hearthstone walked back into the living room area, clad in a Christmas jumper and comfy pants you had set out for him. You walked up to him, kissing him on the cheek "You look cute now come here" he followed you to the kitchen bar stools, where you sat down and held a bit of cookie dough in front of him "You can have some it's really good."
After finishing up rolling out the cookies, and eating more dough then you should have, Blitzen popped them into the oven. You turned to Hearth "We can start decorating the apartment in a few minutes if you want" he nodded, pulling you into his lap, hugging you.
"Do you guys always have to be so lovey dovey?"
"Just wait till I hang mistletoe"
Alex: (I feel like I got Alex's characterization wrong for the scenario so I'm sorry about that :/)
-Alex hasn't really had a 'normal' Christmas even before being kicked out on the streets
-His/her parents were terrible to her/him
-So I doubt Alex has a really good Christmas
-But Alex still really likes the season
-Will do makeup with a green and read theme at least ones
-Also I feel like if there was a ugly sweater party on floor 19 Alex will straight up in a sweater dress that ISN'T ugly
- "Alex the theme was ugly sweater!"
- "I look hot as hell I'm not changing!"
-Never leave Alex alone if you guys make cookies together be s/he will eat ALL of the cookie batter
-You can't even get away with the 'You're gonna get sick!' because...
- "We're both dead"
-Also really loves hot coco
-drinks to much ngl
-and burns his/her tongue
- "Oh no I burned my tongue will you kiss it better" (Did I just use that twice? yes leave me alone)
- Will also hang up mistletoe and makes a big show of it if s/he get's stuck with someone other than you
- "I have to kiss T.J??? Why???? Oh Gods??? WHYY???"
- *T.J. legit just trying to go get lunch* "...But why"
-Will be even more extra if you get stuck with someone else under the mistletoe
-if you do you better hope to the GOD'S it isn't Magnus
-Drag him/her away before s/he get's into a real fist fight
-S/he will take you on a slay ride
-Just because I think that Alex is secretly a hopeless romantic
-I could see him/her giving you two gifts
-Just because floor 19 opens gifts together and s/he doesn't want the others to know how whipped s/he is for you
-One gift, the gift s/he gives to you in front of the others, is probably something kinda mundane, a sweatshirt or something
-The one s/he gives you in private is actually really romantic
-It's a locket with a picture of the two of you, both your names in graved  
~~~Scenario~~ (he/him pronouns)
The sound of freshly fallen snow crunching under your boots as the sound of bells filled your ears. This place was quite beautiful, the pretty fairy lights strung up, the snow covered trees, the bonfire crackling behind you made you feel quite relaxed. Before you could get lost anymore in thought Alex tapped you on the shoulder.
"Hey where'd you float off to?"  You looked over your shoulder to see Alex, two cup of something steaming in his hands, bundled up in warm clothes.
"no where just thinkin'" Alex hummed handing you one of the cups. "Where did you hear about this place Alex?" Alex only smiled, placing a delicate kiss on your cheek.  "Why don't we keep that a secret." He winked at you, placing his arms around your waist.
"So you still haven't told me what we're doing here." You looked over your shoulder at him, a playful smile on his lips. He grabbed your hand and started walking towards the cabin that you both had walked through to get to this area.
Ones you both got into the cabin Alex guided you out of the front door where a burly looking man with a white beard stood in front of a wooden sled 6 deer at the front.
You looked over at Alex, mouth a gap, you where about to say something when the man cut you off "Ride for Alex to the frozen pond?"
"Yup!" He smiled brightly popping the p. The man nodded his head, heading to the front of the slay while Alex held your hand, helping you into the slay "my dear your chariot awaits" he said in a mockingly fancy tone. "Alex this is a slay." You laughed while climbing into the seat.
"Oh hush I'm trying to be romantic!" He climbed in next to you, cuddling into your side. You sat there for a few seconds before the slay began moving, almost sending you forward, only for Alex to grab you around your waist and pulling you towards him.
"You really are a klutz huh?" He laughed, rubbing his nose agents the side of his face. "Oh shut it" you smacked his hand causing him to laugh. After a few moments the slay went into a trail in the woods decorated with lights and ice sculptures, the freshly fallen snow decorating the trees.
You looked at the scenery in amazement "Alex isn't this so breath taking!" You smiled pointing at the tree that looked like it had ice drops hanging from the leaves. "Yeah it is" his voice sounded airy a light, you didn't even notice he wasn't looking at the forest.
~~~haha look another time skip~~~
The sun was already setting as the slay slowed down stopping at a clearing in front of a frozen over pond, a hot fire crackling with benches that looked freshly cut from wood.
Alex hopped out the side, holding his hand out to help you down. He scurried over to the fire, taking a log bench that was a bit more secluded yet still kept warm by the fire. "Other people will be here later but I wanted to be here first!"
You nodded at him, slipping your hand in is, bringing both your hands into your pocket. You leaned your head on his shoulder and began talking about random things a book you were reading, a new pot Alex was planning on making, killing your floor mates. That is until an interesting topic came up.
"What do you mean this is like your first 'real' Christmas?" You looked at Alex as he shuffled closer to you "Well I never really had a 'real' Christmas back with my family, then I was on the streets and everything and since being in Valhalla we've been kinda busy"
You looked at him shocked "If you told me I would have gotten you something more special!" He waved you off, kissing you on the cheek. "No no it's fine really." He pulled his hand away from yours, moving them to your face.
"I'm just happy to spend my first 'real' Christmas with you."
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writersrealmbts · 3 years
My Gift is You
Description: Jimin picked out a special gift for the other boys and himself for christmas--You, a ragdoll cat hybrid. You definitely aren’t opposed to all of this, but how will the boys react?
“Can I please request a Poly!OT7!Human!BTS x Ragdoll Cat Hybrid fem!reader where Jimin wants to surprise the rest of the boys with a Christmas present, so he decides to adopt an adorable cat hybrid who loves cuddles, Y/n. 💜🥰 ”
Warnings: Fluff and stuff
Posted: 12/24/2020
Tags: jimin x reader, everyone x jimin, hybrid au, hybrid reader
2,694 words
A/N: For @kpopgirlbtssvt​, idk how many of yours I’m going to finish, I have one more that I’ve started but I ended up picking up more hours at work yesterday so I haven’t really worked on anything. But I really enjoyed writing this, so thanks!
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“Ok, you stay here until I come back for you.”
Your purr stopped as he started to leave you. “But why? We were cuddling?”
Jimin giggled softly, cupping your face in his hands and pressing soft little kisses on your forehead and cheeks. “Because it’s almost time to surprise the others. You remember what I told you?” He asked, carefully straightening the ribbon in your hair. He then carefully straightened the fur on your ears.
“Yes! I remember their names and faces and that I’m a surprise and they might not be as excited as we want them to be but you’ll always love me,” You recited proudly, then the nerves hit you. “What do I do if none of them are happy about me? What if they hate me? Will they make you take me back?”
Jimin shushed you gently. “They won’t. Trust me.”
You nodded slowly.
Jimin had been getting to know you for the past three months, working through the adoption paperwork. It took longer for him because they couldn’t do a house inspection, and because he had to fill out extra paperwork that said the other members of his household would be monitored by himself and that he would take responsibility of protecting you should the need arise. Eventually, everyone just said that he should take you home on Christmas.
He’d gotten very excited about that and looked to you for your approval.
You hoped you were an enjoyable Christmas present.
You stayed hidden in the specious closet Jimin had been hiding you in since three in the morning (cuddling with you until he had to go out to make it seem like he hadn’t left the apartment, then checking on you after he got ready for the day), waiting for Jimin to come get you and double checking that you looked as adorable as possible. You had a bright red ribbon in your hair, and you were wearing the softest clothes in existence, the soft cream sweater matched the fur on your tail and the pants were a tan color that matched the tips of your ears. You were comfy-comfy. Cozy. Ready for more cuddles. It was your favorite thing.
You could make out lively conversation, and laughter, and then quiet and hints of Jimin’s voice.
Then you could hear him hurrying back to you.
He was grinning as he opened the door. “Grab your presents.”
You grinned and grabbed the pretty tin, and he hooked the bag carrying the other gifts that you had made.
He kissed your cheek and then took your hand and slowly led you out to where six boys were waiting with their eyes closed or covered. He positioned you carefully in front of them, gave you a thumbs-up, smoothed your hair and gave you a reassuring look.
You resisted the urge to purr, holding your tin and waiting for them to open their eyes.
“Alright, you can open your eyes now,” Jimin said, a joyful tone to his voice.
Stunned, surprised, and confused faces met you as they took in your presence.
“This is Y/n,” Jimin said softly, squeezing your hand. “She’s part of my family now, and I really hope she’ll be part of yours too.”
“You adopted her?” Namjoon asked, a mix of surprise and apprehension.
Yoongi was frowning.
The others didn’t seem to know what to feel.
Surveying their faces, you let your gaze drop to the floor. Sure, you had acknowledged that they may not be welcoming to the idea of you being around.
“I adopted her. I’ve been getting to know her for the past three months, and I think she belongs here. With us. She’s sweet and caring and she’s a really great cuddler and…and look at her! She’s adorable. Don’t you think she’s adorable?” Jimin asked, holding your hand tighter. “Either way, she’s my responsibility now, so whether you like it or not she’s here to stay!”
“Whoa, slow down,” Seokjin said quietly. “No one has said anything negative. We’re just…surprised.”
“She likes to cuddle?” Taehyung asked.
You nodded.
“She does! She’s so soft and she purrs if you even touch her hand, it’s really adorable. She’s adorable and lovely, and she brought presents for all of you,” Jimin answered, talking quickly like that would make everything okay.
You peeked up at them, and they had all schooled their expressions by then.
“Y/n?” Jimin prompted gently.
You glanced at him and then shuffled forward, to the coffee table. “I…um…brought these for everyone. They’re snowball cookies, three types: Pecan, lemon, and chocolate chip. But I also brought little gifts for everyone. Nothing much….” Your voice was just above a whisper, nerves taking over you.
“Cookies?!” Jungkook shifted off of the couch and onto the floor to look at them. “They look so good!”
“I hope you like them,” You whispered, nervously gripping the gift bag the other presents were in. The gifts weren’t much. You only had a small budget at the shelter for making their presents, so you had to be creative.
Jimin knelt beside you, a hand on your back to try and calm you down as Hoseok stopped Jungkook from immediately trying one of the cookies.
“But hyung—”
“Y/n has gifts to give us,” Taehyung replied instead. “She’s already nervous.”
You grabbed the first gift, glancing up nervously. “It’s not much.” You held it out to Yoongi.
He blinked and took it, handling it carefully.
“I…wasn’t sure what to make you…but I tried….” You trailed off as he carefully unwrapped it. “Jimin said you liked coffee.”
Yoongi regarded it with surprise, unscrewing the lid to sniff it.
“It’s vanilla coffee, I was going to do regular coffee, but we didn’t have any in the shelter, and Jisoo said that while it smelled amazing the coffee didn’t taste as amazing so she said I could use it to make you a candle, which I did and I hope it’s okay,” You rambled, shrinking toward Jimin.
“Smells great,” Yoongi said evenly, sniffing it again. “Thanks, y/n.”
Jimin gently rubbed your back. “See, he likes it. Keep going.”
You pulled out the next package. “This is for Namjoon-ssi.”
Jungkook passed it to him.
Namjoon opened it, then looked at you in confusion.
You swallowed. “It’s a bike lunch box. You use the velcro to secure it to the bike frame. And I made an insulating liner to help maintain whatever temperatures you want your food at…it can be used for other things too if you want. It also has a strap so you can wear it like a messenger bag if you want . Jimin said you like biking and…and….”
Namjoon smiled. “Thanks, y/n. That’s great. You’ll have to show me how to secure it later.”
You nodded. “I’m sorry it isn’t much.”
“It’s great,” Namjoon reassured you.
Yoongi was sniffing the candle and if you didn’t know any better you’d swear he was trying to get high off of it. “Why does this smell like I could drink it….”
“What about me? Did you make me a gift?!” Taehyung asked excitedly, scooching forward and then off of the couch, kneeling and waiting for you to answer.
You nodded, carefully pulling out Taehyung’s present.
Taehyung eagerly unwrapped his present, eyes widening slightly and holding up the ornament. “Pretty!”
“I wasn’t sure what to paint so I just chose a beach sunset, and the jar is hot chocolate mix that I made. I heard you liked hot chocolate.”
Taehyung grinned, hugging the jar and still studying the ornament. “So pretty!”
“He likes hot chocolate, and he likes his gift,” Jimin said, patting your shoulder. “How about Jin-hyung next.”
You hesitated, not because you didn’t have a gift for him, but because you felt the worst about his. You’d been running out of budget and ideas when it came to him, so you’d…just worked with what you had. Because you felt bad, his was a little more, technically.
“It’s okay, Y/n,” Jimin whispered. “Just give it to him. It’s okay.”
You pulled out the box and handed it over to Jin, staring at the table.
It was quiet as he opened it.
“I…it’s…two of the jars…I know they’re small…and you all don’t actually cook that often…but…two of them are homemade ramen seasoning. One is fish seasoning, because Jimin said you like fishing. Korean Barbecue seasoning. One is burger seasoning, a recipe I found from the U.S. The last is curry seasoning. It’s not much, I’m sorry.”
“It’s more than I could ask for from you,” Jin said gently. “It’s great. Impressive. Thank you. I can’t wait to try it.”
“It’s good with homemade noodles,” You murmured, ears flicking as you leaned toward Jimin.
Jimin kissed your cheek. “They do look good. Alright, only two more.”
You blinked at the three presents left, then corrected the count silently before pulling Jungkook’s gift out.
“And hotteok mix, the filling is in the top one,” You added quietly. “It only makes a few.”
Jungkook grinned. “I’ve never made it before.”
“It’s not hard,” You told him quietly, pulling Hoseok’s gift bag out. “I didn’t have enough paper to wrap it.”
Hoseok chuckled. “No worries.”
You watched carefully as he pulled out the bags of gummy bears. “There are five types. The pale pink are champagne, the yellow are orange, dark pink ones are fruit punch, mid-pink ones are raspberry lemonade, and the clear ones are apple. There are extra fruit punch and apple ones for everyone else in the bag, as well as regular flavored ones.”
“You…cook a lot, don’t you?” Yoongi asked.
You glanced up. “Um…well…we didn’t have much else to do at the shelter other than learn helpful things for if we’re adopted.”
“The shelter makes candies and other things to help raise money to keep the hybrids.” Jimin rubbed your back. “She is a good cook, though.”
You felt a little blushy under his attention.
Hoseok pulled out the nutcracker with an interested sound. “Oh cool.”
“I…painted that….” You curled into Jimin’s hold, reaching over and pulling his gift out. “And this is yours.”
Jimin looked surprised. “I thought you were my Christmas gift.”
“I wish I was enough of one to suffice,” You answered. “And this isn’t much more. But…I thought you could use it to organize photos, and I put in some letters. I wrote one every time you visited. So I could look back on it if you ever stopped visiting.”
He took it and unwrapped it, running his fingers along the sides and then opening it. “Every visit?”
“Every visit,” You confirmed.
Jimin grinned and closed the box, setting it aside and pulling you onto his lap to hug you tight.
You purred in spite of your discomfort around the others, snuggling into Jimin and letting your tail flick around him.
“You’re such a sweetheart, y/n,” Jimin said, peppering kisses to your face. “These were really nice gifts. Thank you very much.”
“Now can I try the cookies?” Jungkook whispered.
“Seriously, smell it. Doesn’t it smell like you could drink straight from it?”
“You’re going to share those gummies, right?”
Jimin nuzzled your cheek. “See, they liked your gifts. They’ll get sick on the gummy bears you made, and then beg you to make more. Food is a good way to their hearts. And thanks for putting some of those special gummy bears in mine.”
You nodded, letting his warmth lull you a bit.
You tensed as you heard someone get closer.
Taehyung gave you a soft smile. “It’s really nice to meet you, y/n. Can I…what breed are you?”
“Ragdoll,” You whispered. “You can touch my ears if you like.”
“Really? You don’t mind?”
You shook your head, then tilted it toward him a bit.
He was hesitant at first, then let out a sort of sigh. “They’re so soft and fluffy!”
Jimin laughed a little, hand running over your tail to comfort you and keep you calm. “Tae, do you want to cuddle with Y/n while I get her present for her?”
You darted a look up at Jimin.
Taehyung grinned. “Will you cuddle with me, y/n?”
You looked him over again, then slowly extricated yourself from Jimin.
Taehyung fell back slightly as you pounced into him, not wanting to be without cuddles for a second and knowing yourself well enough that a quick transition was best, but he laughed and easily snuggled up to you.
“Cute,” Someone breathed.
Taehyung was a whole different set of smells for you, some undertone of what was possibly cinnamon, or maybe nutmeg, but whatever it was he smelled like it smelled good. And he was warm, and strong.
They all looked strong. At least strong enough to hold you close.
Jungkook had tried all three types of cookies and was now helping Hoseok taste the gummy bears.
Jin was talking animatedly with Namjoon.
Yoongi was still sniffing the candle.
Jimin came back with a tiny present.
You tracked his path to you, noticing that everyone was paying attention if the quiet that descended meant anything.
“Merry Christmas, y/n,” Jimin said softly.
You took the gift carefully unwrapping it, and tilting your head at the box. Jewelry box? You didn’t know why anyone would get you jewelry, so it must just be a box he reused.
But inside lay a necklace with your name engraved on the front. And the back was all of Jimin’s information as your owner, and a small heart.
“The only purpose a collar serves is to identify you as being adopted. This does the same thing but is much prettier and less…overbearing,” Jimin explained softly, taking it out and putting it on for you. “It’s delicate, and pretty, like you.”
It took you 0.001 seconds to be back in Jimin’s arms, wrapping around him and purring and rubbing your head against him, which probably was messing up your hair and the bow in your hair, but it was Jimin so nothing else mattered.
“So…where is she going to sleep?” Jungkook asked in a whisper.
“With me, duh,” Jimin answered, arms hooked loosely around you. “She likes sleeping with me. Right, baby?”
You nodded, hiding your face in his shoulder.
“But…we were going to sleep together. Like we do every Christmas,” Taehyung murmured.
“So, Jimin can be on the outer edges and she can still cuddle him,” Hoseok said sensibly. “Like Jimin said, she’s here to stay. Might as well start getting used to her staying.”
“Thanks, hyung,” Jimin said softly.
Jin came over and bent down to drop a kiss onto Jimin’s lips, then gently rested a hand on your head before kissing your forehead. “Anything that makes our Jiminie happy must be special and good. We’re glad you’re here, y/n. And thank you for the thoughtful gifts. They’re great.”
“Why does it smell like I could drink it?” Yoongi asked again, suddenly right next to you.
You made a face. “Um…I mean…technically you could ingest it…it’s beeswax and vanilla coffee with a little extra vanilla…but I wouldn’t recommend it. It wouldn’t taste as good as it smells. Trust me, one of the dog hybrids tried, then was brushing his teeth for an hour. I had to remelt your candle to make it pretty again,” You huffed, rolling your eyes at the memory. “Plus the coffee beans I put in there emit more of a coffee aroma when they get warm, so…yeah. I was going to make you coffee soap, but I couldn’t get a couple of the ingredients I wanted.”
Yoongi stared at the candle, then muttered something about coffee and hurried to the kitchen.
Hoseok and Namjoon were studying the bike bag, Hoseok attaching the messenger bag strap and figuring it out while Namjoon just made an astonished sound.
Taehyung and Jungkook had liberated the extra gummy bears you had made and were tasting them.
Jimin snuggled into you. “Welcome home, baby.”
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morizoras-cave · 4 years
Just a Cold (Request)
 Tom Hiddleston x gn!teen!co-star!reader
Genre: angst, fluff
Request Description: Can you do Tom Hiddleston x teen reader where the teen reader gets sick during filming but she keeps working because it’s not that bad then she faints and Tom Huddleston catches her then looks after her.
Warnings: not taking care of oneself
(A/N): i just moved in to my dads new apartment, so im currently sitting in the living room and writing this among all the boxes and the rubble. y’all, first off: idk if this is how you take care of someones who’s fainted and second: this might be really bad but we’ll see
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“Are you sure you’re okay?” Tom sounded concerned (probably because he was), but you dismissed it again, sniffling and shaking your head.
“Yes, I’m sure, Tom, it’s just a cold. Nothing too bad,” you said, continuing your march to the set. Tom followed reluctantly. 
It wasn’t that bad. Your throat hurt and your muscles ached, and occasionally you coughed and sneezed, but it was bearable. You couldn’t delay filming just because of a little cold. 
You and Tom arrived on set and started filming. You spent the day mostly with no troubles, remembering all your lines and doing just fine. Although, you felt yourself getting fatigued. 
“You look a little pale,” Tom said once you were both at lunch, eyeing you carefully. You rubbed your eyes, nodding. 
“Yeah, I’m a little tired, but today’s filming is almost over, then I can rest,” Tom didn’t seem convinced, but kept silent nonetheless. You started eating your sandwich, but found yourself to have no appetite, so you sighed and put it down. 
“I’m gonna go get some water,” you mumbled, standing up. 
Just as you stood up, your legs wobbled unsteadily, feeling like dry twigs. You didn’t have time to process the feeling, as your vision blurred and your head pounded, and then, predictably, you fainted. 
Tom was alarmed immediately when your legs shook beneath you, and so he stood up from his seat and reached out, catching you when you fell. He stood there for a moment, holding you up by his underarm, before picking you up carefully. 
He sighed, looking at you. “I told you,” he grumbled, voice not betraying how worried and scared he was for you. His heart was beating quickly.
He jogged over, multiple set directors and crew turning to look at you, faces morphed into horror. 
“Woah, woah, woah!” the director spun around in his chair, brows furrowing and mouth falling agape when his eyes fell on your limp body in Tom’s grasp. “What the hell happened?” 
“They’re sick. They fainted.”
“Well, bring them to a hospital then!” the director urged, arms flailing as he spoke. Tom looked at you. He knew you wouldn’t want the attention of going to hospital. That’s why you didn’t want to stop filming in the first place. To keep the attention off you. 
“I’ll bring them back to the hotel. They won’t like going to a hospital. You know this as well,” Tom said quietly, trying to not attract too many gazes to the incident at hand. The director looked as if he wanted to oppose, but he bit back his rather potty-mouthed retort and gave a reluctant nod. 
“Fine,” he said, “just take care of them, okay?” Tom nodded, of course, and then marched off to bring you to his car. He drove you back to the hotel, glancing at you in worry every five seconds or so. 
He finally got you into your room and placed you gently in your bed. He considered staying with you and making sure you were okay, but decided that that would just a tad creepy. 
Instead, he brought a glass of water by your bedside along with a place of storebought cookies, and a note with hasty handwriting, that said: ‘You fainted, you fool! Call me when you wake up! - Tom!!’
Unavoidably (or rather very avoidable if you were dead) you woke up, confused and tired, with a stuffed nose and pounding headache. You looked around, wondering for a moment if you’d overslept. 
Then, your eyes landed on the note, which you squinted at hopelessly, trying to understand Tom’s handwriting. When you did decipher it, the penny dropped, and you remembered, embarrassingly, how you’d fainted. 
“Ew,” was all you mumbled to yourself, horribly ashamed. Then you picked up your phone and called Tom. 
“You’re awake?” he said, and by the sound of his breath, he was moving.
“Uh huh,” you answered and then you asked, rather stupidly so: “Did I... Did I faint?”
“You sure did.”
“Ewwwwwww!” you groaned, closing your eyes and pinching the bridge of your nose. 
“I’ll be right there,” Tom ignored your embarrassment and hung up the phone. You sat for a moment, under your soft duvet, pouting. Then you heard a knock on your door.
Surely he wasn’t that fast-
Nevermind, Tom was definitely that fast. He opened your door, flashing the keycard he had stolen from your jacket pocket whilst you slumbered.
“You fainted,” he said. 
“Yes, I got that,” you replied gloomily. 
“No, Y/n, you fainted and I told you that you needed to rest,” he said with more urgency in his voice. He sat down beside you on your hotel bed. You sighed. 
“I’m sorry.” 
“Me too.” 
There was a moment of silence, and then Tom grabbed your hand, gently squeezing it. 
“I just- You need to learn how to rest, Y/n. You can’t push yourself like this,” he sounded tired, “And you have to be honest with me.”
“I was being honest! It didn’t feel that bad. Sure, it got worse as the day progressed, I just thought I’d be able to make it through.” you defended, whilst Tom searched your eyes. You were being sincere, he decided. 
“Alright. But you need to rest for a while. Until you’re not sick anymore!” He was stricter now, but you knew he meant well. You nodded and mumbled an “alrighty”. 
Tom looked at you for a moment. You couldn’t tell what he was thinking, but suddenly he wrapped his arms around your torso in a hug, pressing your head into his shoulder. He breathed out through his nose. 
“Don’t scare me like that. You fool.”
You giggled. Then Tom giggled too. And then you rested for a couple of days, and came back stronger than ever, having eaten several delicious storebought cookies. You had no regrets. You fool.
Tag List:
@hera-the-writer @marvel-madness @40srogcrs @whatthefuckimbisexual @snarky–starky @garbage-potato @lozzypoz321 @allthecreativeonesaretaken @missamericana713 @rororo06 @shady80smusicsingercolor @ireadfanficforfun @deephideoutmilkshake @rae-is-typing @sophs-library @herecomesthewriterwitch @alicedanganh @tamayakii​ @eviemarvel
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nicksreggies · 3 years
let your colors blind their eyes [or nick danforth evans’ teen years, in snippets]
part 2/?
taglist: @jatp-flynn @confused-theatre-puppy @xonar-verse @we-are-all-alex  @im-not-fine @theolivekiddo
anyways this part is found family but make it christmas <3 and maybe if you like it you could rb or somethin idk <3
“When is Reggie coming over?”
“Not until later.” Nick spared a glance over at his sister, who was sitting with her legs crossed on his bed.
“What’s the point of you having a cool boyfriend if he never comes over?”
“He was literally here yesterday, Leenie.”
“But I didn’t see him because you guys were watching a big people movie,” she whined, before scooting to the edge of the bed and peering over his shoulder. “What are you doing?”
Nick tapped his keypad and hit the “order” button on a sports store webpage. “Buying a Christmas gift for Pops.”
“I already made presents for Pops and Daddy.” Alina bragged, puffing her chest out. 
“Your macaroni necklaces were wonderful, Leen.”
Downstairs, a ring sounded, and Chad shouted from the living room, “Nick, Alina, could one of you get the door?”
Alina sprinted out, nearly tripping over a stray basket of clothes in her haste, screaming “REGGIE!” as she went.
The ringing stopped, and Alina’s footsteps patted away as she raced down the staircase.
“Well, you’re not Reggie.”
Nick cricked an eyebrow and shut his laptop, trudging over to the stairs. He was pretty sure he told the gang to come over at five to exchange gifts, and it wasn’t even four thirty yet.
It was probably Carrie. She had an obsessive need to be early for everything.
“Care, I told you not to come over until at least four fourty five,” His feet hit the bottom landing, “Why do you have to be so punctual?”
He lifted his head, staring right into the eyes of Sharpay Evans, a rolling pink suitcase and matching duffle bag (that clearly belonged to her) resting by the door.
“If it isn’t my favorite nephew!” His aunt smacked a kiss on his cheek, leaning in for a hug.
Nick gratefully accepted. Aunt Sharpay’s hugs were much better than his other relatives’. Even better than Uncle Troy’s. Not that he would ever say that.
“Where are your dads?” She asked once she let go, hooking her duffel over her arm. “I’ve missed my brother.”
“In the living room, setting up the tree.”
She strutted out, her heels clicking on the wooden floor behind her.
Nick sighed. Pops was definitely going to complain about the scuff marks left on the floor later, just like he did every year. 
As if on cue, Chad walked by, a box of ornaments in his grasp, stopping to stare at the hardwood before continuing on. “Ah, scuff marks. Wonderful.” He called over his shoulder, “Stop wearing those heels in my house, Evans!”
Sharpay, fetching herself a glass of water in the kitchen, scoffed. “Says the man who tracked mud into my childhood home with his dirty sneakers every time he came over.”
The doorbell rang again.
Alina, who was crouched next to a window, bolted up to greet the guest.
Or rather, guests.
Willie Covington kicked off his shoes, a nod at Chad, who was emptying the box of ornaments nearby, “‘Know how much you hate the floor marks, Mr. D,” with Alex Mercer, notably wearing a Christmas tree sweater, by his side.
Not unlike Willie, Alex removed his tennis shoes, this time shooting a polite smile to Nick’s family.
Willie clapped Nick’s shoulder. “Copernicus.”
Julie walked through the doorway, a plate of Christmas cookies in her hands (“From Tía Victoria,”), Reggie trailing behind her.
Alina let out a squeal, rushing past Julie and throwing herself into Reggie’s arms. “Nick, your cool boyfriend is here,” She giggled as the bassist tickled her stomach, squirming about.
“Nick, you didn’t tell me your aunt was in town!” Julie exclaimed, heading into the kitchen. 
“Merry Christmas, my angel,” Reggie, now free of Alina’s death grip, pressed a soft kiss to Nick’s hair, making his boyfriend avert his gaze, a flush coloring his cheeks.
“Awe, is someone embarrassed?” A voice teased.
Nick lifted his head and stared over Reggie’s shoulder, narrowing his eyes at Luke Patterson, who was loaded down with an armful of wrapped gifts. “Shut up.”
Reggie kissed Nick’s forehead again, chuckling. 
“Say, Luke, why are you carrying all those packages anyway?” Nick asked.
He huffed. “I drew the short straw.”
“Julie drew the short straw,” Reggie corrected. “Luke offered to carry them for her.”
Alex picked a couple of the presents off of Luke’s haul. “Don’t drop any.”
His friend picked up a small gift and threw it at his head in response.
“Hey, where’s Carrie and Flynn?” Julie wandered back into the room, taking the stray package off of the floor as well as a couple others out of Luke’s hands. 
“Oh, that.” Willie’s smile was wide as he gathered the last of the gifts. “They’re coming at five.” 
“Five?” Julie dumped all the presents into Alex’s arms, ignoring his protests and pulling her phone from her jeans pocket. “It’s four forty-five.”
“Yeah, we told them to come at five fifteen. We figured Carrie would show up early, and we wanted to get everything set up before she went into party-planning mode, so…”
“When did this happen?” Her arms crossed.
“Yesterday. In the group chat without you in it. Or Nick, we wanted to surprise him. Reggie’s not in there either. He has a big mouth.” Willie sped out of the room before Julie could bombard him with any more questions, Alex close behind.
“I do not have a big mouth!” Reggie protested, his hands falling to his sides.
Nick kissed his cheek. “Yes you, dear.” 
“Nicky!” Alina appeared next to them, tugging on Nick’s hand. “Come look!”
“At what, Leen-” Nick was pulled away before he could get an answer. 
The family Christmas tree, lit up in glimmering rainbow lights, dozens of presents piled underneath its branches, a stark contrast from the twig Chad had brought home earlier that morning. 
“Me an’ Daddy did it.” Alina smiled a smile that was nearly as bright as the tree itself, tapping her heels together. 
Chad, who was helping Willie with the gifts, frowned. “What about me?”
Alina patted his shoulder. “I guess you helped a lil’, Pops.”
Ryan smirked to himself from the kitchen, where he was filling mugs with steaming hot chocolate. “Alright, kids, gather round.” 
He and Sharpay passed the cups around as everyone gathered in a circle around the tree, snuggling close to their respective partners (or in Alina’s case, brother’s boyfriend,) before starting to hand out gifts.
Nick was about to unwrap one that seemed an awful lot like a scarf (it was from Luke) when the door slammed open. 
“I’m so sorry we’re late!” Carrie fluttered in, dozens of plastic shopping bags in her hands. “Flynn wanted to stop at this store, to get some purple socks for Julie? I’m not quite sure-”
Flynn, decked from head to toe in Christmas attire, made herself comfortable next to Julie and threw a pair of socks into her lap. “Happy Holidays, Jules.”
Julie held them to her chest. “They’re beautiful, Flynn. Thank you.”
“See? Told you she would love them!” Flynn said with a pointed glance at her girlfriend, who just rolled her eyes in response.
Reggie scooted closer to Nick, maneuvering around a quietly snoring Alina before twining their fingers together.
Nick leaned into the touch, leaning back on his other palm, accidentally hitting his full hot chocolate mug in the process.
The cup trembled but didn’t spill, and he let out a sigh of relief, knowing the rage his dad would’ve gone into if the brown liquid got all over his pristine carpet.
Reggie moved the cup out of the way, patting Alina’s hair with a kind smile.
Nick squeezed his palm gently, pulling him in for a light kiss, drawing back and staring into Reggie’s kind green eyes.
His boyfriend kissed his forehead with a concerned gaze. “Is everything alright?”
Nick just grinned back at him. “Everything is perfect. Merry Christmas, rockstar.” 
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no-heart-no-soul-t · 4 years
Mechanic!San x Reader
I finally did it after thinking and talking about it for so long lamo. It’s not good, maybe rushed? or something idk. But please have fun reading it!
Pairing: Mechanic!San x fem!Reader
Genre: fluff, some angst, applying of smut
Warnings: brief mention of death, drinking, some cursing
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You and your friend thought it would be an amazing idea to go on a road trip. Emphasis on amazing, since she didn’t get her car checked before the trip, if it can handle a four hour drive to the beach. You packed your things, throwing it all to the trunk of the car and drove away. Two hours already passed and you decided to take a nap, two more hours of driving awaiting you and Jade. You were awoken by Jade, shaking the Hell out of you. “Y/N, I think the car broke down,” you looked at her with widened eyes, “Please, be joking and tell me that only the gas ran out.” You had some reserve gas back in the trunk. She shook her head and pointed at the front. You came out of the car, instantly looking at the smoke coming from the hood. You looked at her in disbelief, “I told you to get it checked before the trip,” “But! In my defense, that car shop I am always going to, is closed down because of renovations,” she answered with a small pout. “You know, you could go to another one right?,” “Nooo~ in this they always give me a discount,”  you shook your head, knowing there’s no point in arguing. Closing the hood, you take out the phone searching for nearby car mechanics. You found one, an hour away, called “Satan’s Room.” ‘Welp that sounds friendly,’ you thought while dialing the number. Just after few rings a deep, older voice answered, “Hello, this is Satan’s Room, Mr. Choi speaking, how can I help you?,” you were surprised by the professionality in the voice, not gonna lie. “Ah, yes hello, can I ask if you could come to the 34D road? Our car broke down and it showed that only you are the nearest,” you asked nervous waiting for a reply. You heard some shuffling around the room and slamming of the door, “Yeah, it’s not a problem. We are on our way,” Mr. Choi said and hung up. “So? What did they say?,” Jade asked while looking around the road. Having your car broken on the road where there was forest around didn’t seem too appealing to her. You shrugged walking back to the passenger's seat, “He said it’s no prob and be here ASAP,” you said while putting your legs on a dashboard. “HEY! Put them down! I swear you’ll be cleaning this car,” and you slowly put them down, smiling innocently.
Forty minutes passed by since the call and you decided to go look around, still having extra twenty minutes. “Where are you going?,” Jade asked you from the open window. “Just want to check that apple tree over there. I am craving apples,” you said going over to that place. When you got to the tree it indeed had apples on it, so you went up and took some. You were mesmerized by the view from the tree. It wasn’t tall but you could see a beautiful meadow with a mountain in the background more clearly. Smiling to yourself, you just sat on the branch, enjoying the view. totally forgetting about the time. “Y’kno, in this place, stealing apples is a crime,” you heard from below you. You looked down and saw a guy not much older than you. He was wearing black sleeveless tee, black sweats and was smirking at you. Rolling your eyes you were slowly going down, but you slipped and were preparing for an impact with the ground. But it never came. Opening your eyes you saw the mysterious hot man looking down at you, holding you, smiling. You were taken in by his looks, seeing his dimples coming through. Admiring him whole, you realized he was looking right back at you with some feeling, you couldn’t pinpoint what it was, in his eyes. Coughing and blushing you quickly came down turning away. “Your friend, Jade, said you were somewhere here so I came looking for you,” he said while standing in front of you. “How do you know Jade?,” you asked confused, he just chuckled and pointed to his tee where it said “Satan’s Room” and realization hit you like a truck. “Sorry….” looking down, you went ahead not looking if he was following you. “Cute” San said to no one but himself and looked up at the sun, smiling. “Hey! My name is San, what's yours sweet cookie?,” you looked at him shocked because of the nickname but answered nonetheless. “Y/N, nice to meet you, San,” you still smiled tho, even through the shock that came over you of his choice of the nickname. “Mmmm, not only your appearance and voice are sweet, but also your name,” winking at you, he was going down the road back to the car. You stood there still shocked, but moved when you heard your name. Jade couldn’t talk. Still processing the words of Mr. Choi and San. “W-what?,” “I am sorry Jade, but that car will need at least two weeks of reparation,” Mr. Choi said apologetically. She just sighed, looking all distressed, “How much will I have to pay you?,” “Well, normally it would be two thousands of dollars,” she screeched at the price already panicking, “but, we will do it for five hundred dollars, since you are not from around here and looks like you two are just a students on the trip,” “That we are,” you confirmed. “Wait, you’ll just give me that big discount? Are you actually angels in disguise or what?,” still shocked she looked at them with big eyes. You found her very cute at the moment and thought San found it cute too. That sparkled a small pang of jealousy in your heart. Wanting to look at him but at same time you didn’t. Anyways, you looked up seeing him smile at Jade with his dimples. Instantly, you looked away and asked a question, “But, where will we be staying? Since it’s for two weeks…,” Jade coughed, seriousness back in her voice, “Yeah, maybe there's a motel around,” the two of you looked at the father and son duo if there’s really something around. San looked at you apologetically, smile disappearing, “Sadly… there’s nothing like that around,” “But you can stay at our place with us. We have extra room,” Mr. Choi quickly added, “Don’t worry, we are not serial killers,” he joked and you two eased a little bit. After agreeing, they took you to their house. On the way there you learn that San’s mother died three years ago and it’s only the two of them. There’s also a younger son, JongHo, but he left for another city to study. Also you learned that neither of them cooks and are only eating delivery food, so you made it your task to cook for them for these two weeks, since they gave you a big ass discount and are letting you two stay there. 
It was already morning, you went downstairs finding only note on the table in a very messy kitchen saying, ‘We are at the workshop, see you two later. You can do anything you want to - San,’ you sighed, going back upstairs to wake up Jade. You both got ready, “So what are we gonna do today?,” she asked while sipping on her coffee. “How about cleaning this messy kitchen and living room, go buy groceries and make them real food?,” you answered, looking around. She agreed and went to clean at least half of the dishes before you went shopping for groceries and stuff for cleaning. It took you two at least four hours to clean the whole house. Satisfied you went to the now clean kitchen to prepare some chicken breasts with potatoes and vegetable soup. Simple, because you had zero strength at this point, after all the cleaning. Bathroom took you a very long time to get rid of the oil stains. Jade sighed saying she will take a shower first and you just nodded, chilling on the sofa. After five minutes you heard that the washing machine was done with washing the clothes so you went and took them out to get dry. Humming you were hanging the clothes to dry in the backyard. “Oh! Hello? Are you San’s new girlfriend or something?,” you heard from beside you. Turning around you saw an old, lovely lady, looking at you fondly. “Ah, Hello. No I am not, me and my friend are staying here. Our car broke down and they said it will take at least two weeks so they are letting us stay here,” you answered with a small blush. She smiled, “These guys are sweet. And sorry for quickly assuming you are San’s girlfriend. He wasn’t dating anyone since his mother’s death. All the time helping his father at the car shop,” she answered looking at the house, something like memories flashing through her eyes. “It’s good you are helping them, at least for this short amount of time. I was always cooking for them, but these last three months they are saying they don’t need it, saying they are cooking for themselves,” she added and you chuckled, “If hundred boxes of delivery food is cooking by themselves, then yeah, they are cooking,” she looked at you shocked, “I will smack them! Living so unhealthy, tsk,” you again chuckled at her fondly. She waved you off going back to her house mumbling about how she will smack them and make them real food.  You went inside and found Jade baking brownies, “What? I mean they might want some? If not, I am surely craving some after that cleaning,” she pouted and you laughed, going to the shower. 
You were singing a song called ‘I miss you, I’m sorry’ by Gracie Abrams. Memories from the last relationship coming back to you. “You said, "forever," and I almost bought it
I miss fighting in your old apartment
Breaking dishes when you're disappointed
I still love you, I promise
Nothing happened in the way I wanted
Every corner of this house is haunted
And I know you said that we're not talking
But I miss you, I'm sorry” You sang brokenly, still not over it.  You finally got out of the bathroom, only to slam into something, well, someone. “Hey, you okay?,” San looked down at you, worry in his eyes. You didn’t understand why and then you realized you were crying. Memories had really hit you hard in the shower while singing that song.  “Yeah, yeah, just got some shampoo in my eyes… Did you eat?,” “No, I am gonna take shower first, then dad and then we are gonna eat,” you just nodded, going downstairs to find Jade and San’s dad laughing about something. “Y/N! Mr. Choi said they will paint my car pink!” she jumped up and down, all happy about the new color. “Oh, wouldn’t it cost more thought?,” “We will only take one hundred dollars more, otherwise it’s a lot more,” he answered kindly. “Also, thank you. For the cleaning and the food,” he softly smiled, his small dimples showing. ‘Ah, so San’s dimples come from his dad, cute’ you thought, smiling softly at him. “Dad, you can go now! They even cleaned up the bathroom. Never seen it this clean,” San laughed. His dad patted him on his back and went to the bathroom. “While cleaning we found this,” Jade handed San a photo frame where he, his dad, his younger brother and his mom were on the photo. “We were looking for that for a year now,” he smiled sadly, caressing the photo, “Where did you find it?” he looked between you two. “Y/N found it in that pile next to the sofa,” Jade pointed to the now empty spot. He looked at you and softly smiled, “Thank you,” you just nodded your head and went to heat up the food.
After the simple dinner, you four were talking on the porch, looking at the sky. Jokes were coming back and forth. Also Jade telling San’s dad about your school lives. “Y/N, are you single?,” that random question from San surprised you. “Yeah.. I had a pretty bad break up a few months ago,” you scratched your neck nervously. “I see,” he smiled at you and winked.  After these small talks you went back inside. “San fell in love with you on the first sight it seems,” she smiled at you, “No. he didn’t. I saw how he was looking at you the whole day,” you answered, faking a smile. “But he asked you if you are single,” she looked at you confused, “Maybe courtesy, I don’t know, let’s go to sleep,” turning the light off, you let the darkness consume you.
These two weeks you enjoyed yourself. Having fun with Mr. Choi and San and Jade. It was time for you two to go, car already done. Time flew by quickly. San was always talking to you about anything but also nothing. You thought he was just nice to you because he wanted to be with Jade. You always saw him in sleeveless tees or only in pants. He was really toned and you couldn’t think about some things. Sometimes when you visited their workplace you would find him leaned above the hood, repairing something. You knew, these images wouldn’t get out of your head for a long time.
“Well it’s time to say goodbye,” Mr. Choi said, handing Jade the keys. “Yes, promise us to eat home cooked food and not delivery. Maybe we wil be going around again sometime soon and we will need help again,” Jade laughed, hugging both of them. You just stood there on the side, looking down. “Hey, give me a hug, princess,” San said while crushing your bones, smiling at you, “Don’t worry, sweet cookie, I know we will meet again some time soon,” he winked at you and kissed your cheek. You blushed, looking him in the eyes, “Why,” with small voice you looked back down, “Because I like you,” he casually said and hugged you again. Your brain was frozen, not understanding.  Then it hit you, that he meant it in a friendly way. You just smiled and went inside the car. Three months came by. October is already here. Your head was just full of school, part time job and San. You just couldn’t stop thinking about him. “Let’s go to the club tonight, we need some chill,” Jade grunted while jumping on your bed. “You know, I hate clubs,” rolling your eyes, you continued on with your homework. “C’mon, it’s been so long since we went somewhere,” she pouted, getting in your face. You sighed, agreeing. “Also, maybe, you will meet some cute guy there,” she winked and went to get ready.
You wore leather high waist pants, with harness around your left thigh, black, long sleeves V neck and some choker. Jade said if you didn’t want to wear a dress, you are going in this. You just shrugged, taking the second option.
“Well, you look so hot,” she whistled and checked you out.
Finally at the club, the two of you went straight for the bar, each taking a shot of tequila. Jade dragged you to the dance floor. You enjoyed yourself, you couldn’t lie. All the stress and thinking went away. Your thoughts were interrupted by someone sneaking their hands around your waist, pulling you into a chest.
“Hey, angel, long time no see. You look really hot,” you recognized the voice. Your ex, Jaehyun. Turning around quickly, you looked up at him in shock,
“What the hell do you want here, Jaehyun?,” Jade screamed at him, pulling you away.
“Came by to have some fun, like you,” he winked at you, licking his lips.
“Just leave, you hurt her more than enough,” she tried to take you away but he held your hand saying you are not going anywhere.
“Leave me alone!” you screamed and hit his chest.
“No, angel, you are mine. Bet you are still virgin, wanna have some fun?,” he laughed, pulling you into him. All of the sudden you were taken away from him. When you looked up, you saw San beating up your ex on the floor.
“San! No! Stop!,” you just went to him and back hugged him,
“Let’s just go, he is not worth it,” San relaxed and took your hand, going out of the club.
After some running, you got to your apartment. It was nearby and you ran there without thinking, San following you. When you got in and closed the door behind you two, you looked at him shocked.
“What are you even doing here? How did you know we would be there?,” millions of questions coming from your mouth.
“Hey, chill. I will answer one by one,” he put his hands on your shoulders, to calm you down a little bit.
“I am here, because I wanted to see you. And Jade texted me that you will be in that club, earlier today. So, here I am.” You looked at him still confused. ‘He and Jade have exchanged numbers?’ you thought to yourself, all the happiness from seeing him going away.
“I see…” you took your shoes off, ignoring him and going to the living room.
“What’s wrong?” he asked while back hugging you, nuzzling into your neck.
“This is wrong! You and Jade had each other's numbers this whole time! And here you are, hugging me and nuzzling your face into my neck!,” you yelled trying to get away.
“What are you implying?,” he turned you around looking into your eyes. You swear he could take your soul away by just his looks.
“That. You are here playing with my feelings? And not with Jade? What am I even to you, Choi San? Just a small fun before you will ask Jade out? Or what?,” you said brokenly, tears coming from your eyes.
“Those two weeks, I really liked you. Scratch. I like you even now. Couldn’t stop thinking about you this whole time. And now,” you looked away, sighing. You weren’t prepared for this. He took your face into his hands and smashed his lips onto yours. The kiss was hungry and full of passion. No words needed.
“I didn’t give you my number, because I needed to focus on something. It was a big project for a very rich and dangerous man. And I know you would distract me. But I am sorry, princess. I gave my number to Jade just in case you, Y/N,  would need me,” his eyes telling you that he said the truth. You kissed him softly on his lips, hoping for a good reaction. He kissed you back, lifting you up. Locking your legs around his waist and hands around his neck, you deepened the kiss.
“Where’s your room?” he asked with heavy breath and you just pointed to the door, kissing his neck and making small galaxies. Grunting he opened the door, your attack on his neck making him more aroused.
“Baby girl, calm down,” he chuckled, putting you down on the bed and getting on top of you.
You blushed, realization hitting you,
“San… there’s a thing,” he caressed your cheek humming for you to continue, “I- I am still a virgin,” you blushed looking away. After few seconds he turned your head back to him and smiled,
“And? You think I wouldn’t want you because of that?” nodding you tried to look away again but he held your face, looking at you fondly.
“Princess, that doesn’t matter. I want you,” he finished with a soft kiss that turned to a passionate one really quickly. Finally you pulled away, taking a breath. His eyes were so dark and dilated, you lost yourself in them. He smirked, taking his shirt off,
“Baby girl, I won’t hurt you,” kissing your neck, “but I might later on. In a good way,” taking your shirt off, “also this choker is staying on your neck throughout this whole time,” he finished with a searing kiss. The night was filled with moans and soft breaths, the moon making it more magical.
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fearfulkittenwrites · 4 years
“Just a normal night”
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Inspired by @s-mscott​ - link for the art, please check it out!
Word count: 2832
Notes: HEY. THIS IS JUST BEEN SITTING ON MY FILES FOR THE LONGEST TIME AND I COMPLETELY FORGOT ABOUT IT DKJFHAKJHAKJDFH. Anyway, it's a long time coming. The writing probs isn't as neat or as good as the latest uploads bc of that, but... idk. Hopefully it's good! I couldn't bring myself to edit it again, sorry about that. I hope you can enjoy it anyways and please go check out the artist, @s-mscott​!
“Guys?” Dick asked, on his tiptoes as he rummaged through every cabinet in the huge kitchen “Hey are we out of cereal? I can’t find my Lucky Charms anywhere.”
“I think so.” Jason answered “I ate the last of the Lucky Charms last night.”
“Yep.” Tim said, popping the ‘p’ as he slid through the countertop, landing a bit behind Dick “I had the last of the frosted flakes two days ago.”
“Froot Loops?” Dick asked.
“I had those.” Duke answered “Sorry.”
“Fruity Pebbles?”
 Cass raised her hand, looking at the ground.
“Reese’s Puffs?”
“I finished the box yesterday.” Damian announced, crossing his arms as he leaned against the marble sink.
“Damn.” Dick murmured and pouted as he closed the cabinet’s door “I’ve been craving cereal today.”
“We can always go get some.” Jason shrugged.
“At three in the morning?” Duke asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Actually, four.” Jason corrected, putting up a finger “And yeah, why not? I mean, we had a hard patrol tonight, and if Dick wants some cereal, I say let’s go get some cereal.”
“It’s four in the morning, Todd.” Damian said.
“I mean, the closest Walmart is open 24/7.” Tim interfered.
“You can’t be seriously considering this, Grayson.” Damian frowned at his older brother.
“Why not? I’m not sleepy anyways.” Dick crossed his arms and shrugged.
“Yes!” Jason hissed “Late night adventures with the baby bats. Let’s roll!” He clapped his hands once, and started to walk out of the kitchen, his siblings following him to the garage.
“Oh wait!” Dick said “Let’s ring up Bruce and see if there’s anything else we need.”
“Bold of you to assume he’d know what we need.” Tim interfered.
“Yeah, well, it’s worth a shot. Plus, do any of us really want to wake up Alfred to ask him?” Dick said, taking his communicator out of his pocket and placing it in his ear “B? Have a sec?” He asked
“Nightwing. What’s wrong?” Came the answer, Batman’s raspy voice flowing through the device.
“Oh, nothing’s wrong. We’re going to take a quick trip to the supermarket, I wanted to ask if you need anything.”
“... At four in the morning?”
“Yeah. Do you need anything?”
Bruce sighed.
“We’re running out of the coffee blend that Tim likes. Alfred the cat’s favorite treats have been gone since last week, and Cass’ favorite ice cream is done. Oh, buy Duke that soda he likes, I drank the last can. Also, Jason’s cookies and that brand of chips you like, we ran out of those. Oh, and buy something with Iron in it, I’m worried that Damian might not be getting enough.”
“Like spinach?” Dick said, writing it down on his phone’s notes.
“Yeah, that’ll do. Ah, and we’re a little low on milk.”
“Okay. Will keep that in mind. Thanks B, have a nice patrol.”
“Please don’t give the papers any headlines.”
“You got it, B. Bye.”
He placed the device back on his pocket.
“Okay, there’s a lot of stuff to buy, so let’s get going. I’ll drive.”
“Shotgun!” Jason yelled.
“We’re taking the S.U.V., one of you will need to ride in the trunk.” Dick said.
“I’ll go.” Cass’ eyes twinkled. No one could understand why she was always so fascinated with the idea of riding in the trunk, but she seemed to find it fun and all of them thought that her excitement was cute.
“Alright then.” Dick smiled, ruffling her hair. Her grin grew wider, and Duke set her hair straight again before they got into the car.
“Hey, can I play my music?” Tim asked from the backseat.
“Don’t force us to listen to the atrocity Drake calls music, Grayson.” Damian complained, arms crossed “Let me play something.”
“Uh, I’d rather not listen to Mozart and Bach while we’re in the car.” Duke protested.
“It’s called classic for a reason, Thomas.”
“Doesn’t matter, bat-brat.” Jason said “I’m with him on this one. Besides, universal car rules, shotgun DJ’s.”
“Since when?” Tim asked.
“Since now.” Jason said, plugging his phone in.
“Uh, I don’t think so.” Dick took the cord from him “According to ‘Supernatural’ rules, ‘Driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cakehole’. So that’s mine.”
“No one else watches this show Dickhead!” Jason pulled the cord back.
“Doesn’t matter, because I’m older!” Dick pulled it back again.
“Age is just a number!” Tim pushed himself to the front seat and took the cord back.
“Great point Drake!” Damian pulled him back by his waist, stealing the cord from him too.
“Hey, stop with the fuss, I’m gonna crash the car!” Dick said.
“Maybe we should just play Beyoncé...” Duke suggested. The car went silent for a while.
“Okay.” Dick said “Put on ‘Single Ladies’.”
“No. ‘Halo’ is her best.” Damian complained.
“Uhm, no way? I’m playing ‘Drunk in Love’, and that’s it.” Tim shot back.
“Are you crazy? Play ‘Formation’.” Duke interfered.
“I like ‘Run the World’...” Cass said quietly from the trunk.
“Yeah, okay,” Tim murmured “We’ll play that.”
The girl smiled as the first notes from the song filled the car.
There weren’t many cars in the parking lot, which was expected. They picked up two carts, and Dick hopped inside the one Jason was pushing.
“Dude!” Duke started “You’re in your mid-twenties!”
“Leave me alone, I nearly sprained my ankle today.” Dick stuck his tongue out. No one else questioned anything beyond that. The employees simply sighed, used to the two older brothers and their antics.
“Hey Parker.” Jason greeted the nighttime security guard.
“Hey. I see you two brought the whole gang tonight.” He answered.
“Yup.” Dick smiled.
“So this is a regular thing for the two of you?” Duke asked.
“Are you really surprised, Duke?” Tim shot back.
“No. Not really.”
“Okay. First stop, Bruce said we need to get Tim’s coffee.” Dick exclaimed, looking at the list.
Jason led the way, Dick grinning like a child on the cart, Cass quietly following as she pushed their second cart, Duke making friendly conversation with her while Tim and Damian kept bickering right behind them.
“Oh, wait!” Dick held on to the metal bars “We’re right next to the cookies and Bruce said we’re out of your favorites, Jay.” He looked up.
“Alright, a little detour then.” Jason turned them around, quickly grabbing his treats “Anyone wants anything else from this aisle?”
“But... We don’t need anything else from the aisle.” Duke pointed out.
“Um, we have a billionaire’s credit card?” Tim said “Bruce won’t freak out if we buy a few extra things.”
“Uuuh, they have those koala shaped cookies!” Dick hopped out of the cart “How many do I get?”
“I want one.” Cass said.
“Chocolate or strawberries?”
“Uh… I want both.” She answered.
“Okay, one each for the lady, two strawberries for me...”
“I want a chocolate one.” Tim said.
“Me too.” Damian asked.
“Oh, just take twenty boxes, ten of each flavor.” Jason interfered, dumping them on Cass’ cart “We’ll share later.”
“Oh my God, those are expensive!” Duke said, exasperated.
“Yeah. So?” Jason shot back.
“Bruce is a billionaire, bro. He won’t mind.” Dick said, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder.
“Yeah, well, it’s easy for you guys to say it. You grew up like that. It’s kinda hard to accept this when you aren’t used to having so much.” Duke answered, scratching his neck.
“Hey, I get that feeling lil’ bro.” Jason tapped his back “I spent my childhood in Gotham’s streets.”
“Yeah. I mean, I grew up in the circus. I wasn’t used to the idea of getting brand new stuff instead of asking for hand-me-downs from our friends whenever I grew out of my clothes.” Dick interfered.
“But... Just think about it like this.” Jason got closer to him “We now can get everything we couldn’t in the past.”
Duke frowned. Jason nodded encouragingly.
“That... Doesn’t help.”
“I tried.” Jason shrugged. Dick hopped back in the cart “To the coffee aisle!” He exclaimed, pushing his brother around.
“Hang on.” Tim said “This is where they leave the energy drinks. Let me take some.”
“Why do you insist on drinking this crap, Drake?” Damian scowled, reading the label in one of the cans “If you have such a death wish, jumping in front of a train is a much cheaper, quicker alternative.”
“Shut up, little devil.” Tim picked up cans from his favorite brand.
“Jason, push me a little farther down the aisle, please.” Dick asked “They keep their iced teas over there.”
“Ugh, Grayson, you disgust me.” Damian rolled his eyes.
“Don’t be so judgemental Lil’ D.” He smiled, being pushed away by Jason.
As they examined the cans, Dick noticed he had attracted the looks of a middle aged man, a couple of steps from them. He was staring at his hoodie, that contained the frase ‘I love dick’ printed on it.
“Oh,” He exclaimed, smiling at the guy “My name is Richard. That’s why it’s funny.” The man nodded “I’m also queer as fuck, so that makes it better.” He added nonchalantly, and the man’s eyes widened “Okay Jay, I picked up all I wanted, let’s go back.”
“Alright you little shits, back to the coffee quest.” Jason said, leading the way once again. This time, they finally made it to the coffee aisle. Tim crouched down, looking for his favorite blend.
Cass got a little curious once she laid eyes on a colorful package on the top shelf. She picked it up and handed it to Dick.
“Read. Please.”
“This is an espresso roast. Here it says that it has notes of strawberry? Vanilla and... Sugar cane. Colombian coffee. Seems nice. Wanna take it?”
“Yes.” She nodded. Dick dropped it on his cart.
Cass wandered away, still looking at all of the coffee blends.
“Hey girlie,” A guy whistled at her, next to his group of friends “Nice ass.”
She squinted at them.
“Yo, asshole!” Tim screamed, getting their attention “That’s our sister!” He threw a bag of coffee beans at the guy’s face, causing his nose to bleed.
“Hey, who do you think you are?” One of them started to walk up to her brothers. Cass could tell that he wanted trouble, so she grabbed his arm and slammed his face against the shelf, so quickly and brutally that it barely budged, leaving the products unbothered, but the guy fell to the floor, disoriented. She stared at him.
“We are Waynes.” Damian answered, pacing towards them quietly, hands on his pockets “I suggest you apologize immediately for the troubles, if you wouldn’t want to get a hefty lawsuit for your harrasment.”
“Uh, sorry bro.” One of them started, a little scared “We didn’t-”
“Not to me.” He interrupted “To her.”
“We’re sorry, miss Wayne.” All of them mumbled.
“Now promise you won’t do it again.” Damian added.
“We won’t do it again.” They started at the floor, next to where their fallen friend laid down.
“Good.” He squinted “Help your friend up, and get out of my sight.”
They did as they were told, helping his friend walk straight again. As Cass headed back, Dick gently touched her arm, looking up at her.
“Hey, are you alright?” She smiled and gave him a thumbs up. He smiled back.
“Does this happen often?” Jason asked.
“Sometimes.” She shrugged “But they always say sorry after I break their nose.”
“Ayy, that’s our girl.” Jason praised “Alright, we got the coffee. Where to next?”
“Let’s see... Next item is Alfred the cat’s treats.” Dick said.
“Ha!” Damian laughed loudly “As if Alfred would eat the... peasant treats that this store offers. No. I’ve already bought the adequate brand from an online shop.”
“Okay...” Dick raised an eyebrow “Then... Cass’ ice cream is next, but I think we should leave that as the last item, so it won’t melt, which leads us to Duke’s soda because Bruce had the last can.”
“Let’s go then. I think that the cereal aisle is on the way, so we’ll get that first.” Jason said, pushing the cart around again.
“Which ones do we get?” Tim asked, looking through the shelf.
“Everything that has sugar.” Dick answered. His brother began handing him boxes, when they heard a small whisper.
“Oh my God, are those...?” A girl said to her friend, attracting the eyes of the siblings. The duo averted their gaze quickly. Cass frowned at them.
“Relax.” Jason smiled, placing an arm on her back “They’re probably just... Fans.”
“Fans?” She asked, still staring suspiciously at them.
“Yeah.” Dick shrugged “I mean, we’re not super stars, but we do hit the papers pretty often. A bunch of people know us here in Gotham.” The girls were looking again, and Dick gave them a small wave, making them giggle “See? Nothing to worry about.”
“Hey there, ladies.” Jason greeted, a cheeky smile on his face “What brings you to this fine establishment tonight?”
“We ran out of energy drinks.” One of them answered “What about you?”
“Cereal.” Dick answered, lifting two boxes. They giggled again.
“Hey, um... can we maybe get a picture?” The girl asked “It’s just that... no one will believe us when we tell them about this.”
“Absolutely not!” Damian answered.
“Nah, don’t listen to the little brat.” Jason said “Go ahead.”
Dick held up the boxes again, smiling as Jason made a ‘crazy’ motion with his hands. Tim turned around as the photo was being taken, turning him into a blurr with tired eyes.
“Can we get some selfies too?” The other one asked, grinning.
“No!” Damian protested again.
“Of course you can!” Dick said “Duke, Cass, come here.” He called.
All of them gathered around the cart Dick was staying at, even Damian. He didn’t look so pleased as the photo was taken, but neither did Cass.
“Thanks. You guys really are nice.” The first girl said.
“Oh, you have no clue on how nice I can be.” Jason winked, making her blush “Tell you what, why don’t I give you my phone number and you can text me those pictures later, hm?”
“Sure.” The girl bit her lips as Jason scribbled his number on her wrist.
“You are such a flirt.” Dick rolled his eyes as the girls walked away.
“What, like you aren’t?” Jason snorted, pushing him away, looking for where they kept the soda.
“I think Cass didn’t like that interaction very much.” Tim whispered to his older brothers, who turned around to find a frowning baby bat. Jason chuckled.
“What’s wrong, sis?” She scowled at him “Oh, c’mon, don’t get jealous.” He threw an arm around her shoulder “You know you’ll always be our number one girl, but a guy has his needs. And sometimes, a guy needs a date.”
Cass pushed him away, rolling her eyes as Duke placed five soda cans on her cart.
“Why would you even drink this sugar filled monstrosity, Thomas?” Damian asked, reading the labels “Grandfather wouldn’t even feed his prisoners something as revolting as this.”
“Because, Bat-brat,” He said “We’re all entitled to enjoy at least one or two things that may ultimately be responsible for our deaths.”
“I suppose.” He murmured, lifting an eyebrow “You make much finer points than the rest of them. Father has been looking for heirs in the least suitable places, I assume.” He clicked his tongue “It’s a good thing I’m here to help.”
“Okay...” Duke answered, raising his eyebrows and averting his gaze. There was only so much strangeness that he could handle.
“Great, now we need to get my chips and spinach.” Dick stated.
“Spinach?” Tim asked “Why spinach?”
“B thinks Damian may have been needing more iron in his diet.” Dick shrugged.
“Aaw.” Tim said “That’s actually kinda cute. Do you think he ever worries about our diets?”
“Don’t be stupid Tim, of course he doesn’t.” Jason answered.
“He does.” Dick shot back “He worries about us, he just... Really, really, really, reaaaally sucks at showing it sometimes.”
“Potatoe, potatoe.” Jason murmured.
“Yeah, whatever. Keep me moving Little Wing, we have stuff to pick up and my tiredness is catching up to me.” Dick pointed forward.
“Sure. But the chips are in the opposite direction.”
“Well turn me around then, do you want me to look like an idiot?” Dick said, a little exasperated.
“I wish you had an off button sometimes.” Jason sighed as he made his way to the chips section.
An employee, mopping the floor with a bored expression, looked up from what he was doing when he saw the Wayne gang talking loudly. Dick tried to control his brothers from inside the cart, and had just told Jason to separate a fight between Tim and Damian. Duke and Cass snicker as they saw a bored, six feet tall Jason pushing his much smaller brothers apart.
“Yep.” The employee murmured to himself “Billionaires shopping at Walmart at four in the morning. Just a normal night.”
Hey! If you made it this far, please consider reblogging this? It helps with spreading my fics and it makes me very happy, hahahaha!
Regardless, thanks for reading <3
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mfingenius · 5 years
Hey, idk if you’re taking prompts rn, but I was wondering if you could write something where Draco was raised by Sirius, or Sirius and Lupin? Like Narcissa gives baby Draco to Sirius bc she doesn’t want him raised by death eaters (or maybe doesn’t want him raised by an abusive Lucius if it’s a no Voldemort au), and it’s drarry with Draco having a protective dad au? This is def in part inspired by your Weasley!Draco fic that I’m obsessed w rn 😬
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“Draco,” Sirius says.
“No.” Draco says firmly.
“Dad, I swear to Merlin-”
“Leave him alone, Sirius,” Remus laughs from the kitchen, where he’s baking cookies. “When he’s ready to admit it to himself, he will.”
“I don’t need to admit anything to myself!” Draco says, face burning. Sirius is sitting upside down on their couch, grinning brightly at their son. “I don’t like Harry!”
“Yes, you do,” Both of his dads say, Remus much more calmly than Sirius.
“Come on,” Sirius rolls his eyes. “You’ve been moping all summer!”
Draco’s face heats further. 
“I wasn’t moping!” He defends feebly, pulling at the frayed hem of his jumper. He’s wearing soft pajama bottoms and a jumper Harry gifted him when they were twelve. It’s been four years, and it still fits him too big.
“Oh, you were so definitely moping,” Sirius rolls his eyes with a smirk. “You spent hours waiting for his owl-”
“Did not!” Draco exclaims.
“Here, try this.” Remus has come into the living room holding a tray of cookies, and he hands Sirius a small piece and Draco another; he took it up as a way to relax before the full moon when they adopted Draco. He seemed to have a special radar for whenever Remus was in a bad mood, and he cried like mad - which did not help at all - until it got better, leaving him no other option but to find something that made him happy quick.
“It’s good,” Sirius says immediately, mouth full. “More?”
“No,” Remus says, putting the tray on the counter and sitting on the couch next to his husband. “They’re for my students.”
Draco gives his father his best imploring look. “I’m your student.”
Remus throws him an amused, exasperated look. “My summer students.”
He teaches Defense against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts; in the summers, he teaches art and science in kindergarden. Sirius is the coach of the Quidditch Little League year-round, has been for years now, since he opened the kindergarden. He does it in the summer, too, since they have a summer camp.
Draco’s spent the better part of the mornings helping them take care of the kids, since Harry and his parents had gone to a holiday in Rome. The afternoons, he’s been spending at Hermione’s house, and the weekends with his uncle Regulus in his tattoo parlour. 
He’s the best tattoo artist in magical England, and though both of his dads have tattoos of their own, they haven’t given him permission to get one until he’s eighteen. Draco’s anxiously waiting.
“No fair,” Draco pouts. 
Sirius mirrors the pout. “We’re your husband and son, and you don’t want to give us cookies? Cruel, Moony, plain cruel.”
Remus rolls his eyes fondly at their antics, and summons two cookies from the kitchen to give to them, which immediately makes them smirk. “You’re both spoiled.”
Neither Draco nor Sirius bother denying it. 
“Come on,” Remus says. “You need to get ready for tonight or we’re going to be late.”
Sirius hums and stands, making his way to their bedroom; they’re invited to Fleur and Bill Weasley’s engagement party - Draco can’t go because it’s in a bar he can’t get into, since he’s underage - and Draco’s planning to spend the night watching muggle films on their telly. The only reason they have one is because they live in Muggle London - Draco’s never particularly understood why - and, although he can imagine the city to be more boring than magical ones, it’s his home.
Remus follows Sirius down the hall. Draco begins to flip through their film collection, and he’s trying to choose what to watch tonight, when the bell rings.
Draco frowns; he’s not expecting anyone - he’s literally in the oldest clothes he owns - and neither are his dads, that he knows of. It must be Alex, looking for their cat again. They’ve only had the cat for three months, but Draco’s already made friends with Alex because of how often it’s gotten lost.
“I haven’t seen Mrs. Fluffington, Alex,” He calls while he opens the door; insead of staring at Alex’s pale face and lavender hair, he finds himself staring at a deep red shirt.
“I’m not Alex,” He freezes momentarily at the voice, before looking up - and up, and up - and straight into Harry’s handsome face.
He looks him up and down a few times.
“This is fucking ridiculous,” Draco says, irritated.
“Watch your mouth,” Sirius says as he passes by, which make’s Draco’s face twist in embarrassment. He hadn’t thought before speaking.
Harry laughs. 
“It’s not ridiculous,” He says. “It’s normal.”
“It’s not normal to have grown half a meter over the summer!” Draco says. He’s not used to having to strain his neck to look up at Harry; he’s not used to having to look up at Harry at all. He’s always been shorter than Draco is!
“It’s not my fault you haven’t grown at all,” Harry says with a cheeky smirk. Draco’s cheeks heat, and he sticks his tongue out at Harry. “Isn’t that the jumper I got you when we were twelve?”
Draco wrinkles his nose - he’d pleaded Harry wouldn’t remember that the second he’d opened the door - and says, “No.”
“It is,” Sirius says, from inside. “He sleeps in it.”
Draco turns beet red and Harry grins smugly. 
“When did you get back anyway?” Draco asks, dying to change the subject. He moves out of the way, and Harry takes that as the invitation that it is and walks in. “And why didn’t you tell me?”
“This evening,” Harry says. Draco shuts the door behind him while Harry greets Sirius and Remus. “I thought we could have a movie night. My parents are going to Bill’s and Fleur’s party, too.”
“Of course,” Draco swallows.
He wants to go change, but it’s a bit pointless now; plus, it’s not like Harry’s never seen him in his pajamas. They sleep at each other’s regularly, but now… well, Draco hoped that if Harry came back from a month without seeing him and Draco looked dashingly good - he has no idea how he hoped to achieve that, if his entire closet is made up of soft jumpers and muggle jeans, except for his dad’s old leather jacket - maybe he’d magically develop a thing for him, like Draco most definitely has for him.
It is hopeless now; Harry has already realized he’s just the same old Draco.
“Well kids, we’re heading out,” Sirius claps Harry on the back and then kisses Draco’s cheek. Remus does the same. “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”
“There’s nothing you wouldn’t do,” Draco tells him.
He hears Sirius’s laughter even after they close the door.
“So,” He says, awkwardly. 
“How was your summer?” Harry asks, sitting on the couch, cross-legged.
“Fine,” Draco says. “I helped my dads at the Kindergarden. How was yours?”
“Rome was gorgeous,” Harry says. He’s grinning. “I brought you something.”
“Oh?” Draco hopes he doesn’t sound as nervous as he feels. He walks over to the couch and sits across from Harry stiffly.
“Yeah.” Harry says. He searches his pockets, and then hands Draco a small box. “Open it.”
Draco looks wary as he does so, but, when he does, his expression turns to amazement.
“Harry,” He says. “What is this?”
He’s looking up at the cieling, where thousands of tiny stars are shining, some brighter than the others.
“They were selling them in Rome,” Harry says. “Look at that,” he points to a set of specially shiny stars. “That’s Draco. The constellation. I thought you’d like it.”
Draco stares at him, eyes wide.
“If you don’t, I can take it back,” Harry says nervously. “I mean, I can’t, but I can keep it. I didn’t want to - is it too much?”
Draco swallows. “No,” He says. “It’s perfect. I love it.”
I love you.
Harry grins. “Good. What are we watching?”
As he reads film titles out loud, Draco swears to himself he’s going to work up the nerve to tell Harry how he feels about him.
Some day.
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hobbitsnapes · 4 years
The Red Hoods Protègè chapter 18
Older Damian Wayne x ofc
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(Photo made by my lovely friend @inspeech)
Summary:Red hood has taken a young vigilante under his wing and subsequently changes Damians life forever.
Tags: @comic-nerd-dc @comic-brew @psychovigilantewrites @psych0crybaby
Leaves crunched under her boots the further out she got. The cool air sending shivers up her spine despite the heavy jacket she wore. The faster her steps fit, the harder the leaves rustled against her feet.
Today had been a long day, having been out since before the sun breaked over the sky. She had left at 5:30 to head into the city, going to various shops with Tim. They were hurrying to gather everything they needed for Saturday.
In 2 days time, was the Wayne Halloween gala. Bruce would always host one each year, but with the help, and threats, sandy convinced him to let her decorate.
Usually, there wasn’t much. A punch bowl filled with dark red punch, people wearing black, and the ovation all scary song. But not this year.
Halloween has always been one of her favorite holidays. While her parents didn’t let her leave the house, they would decorate their home with spooky decor, bake Halloween treats for them to enjoy and dress up and have a dance party.
Since her adoption, she kept up the tradition. Last year having baked cookies whilst dressed up with her father. Her dresses up as Dorothy, and Jason as the cowardly lion. It suited him, for his large stature, and as she put it, “nearly as much body hair.” Which caused him to laugh. Halloween has a special place in her heart, it wasn’t just scary costumes and scares. It was about having fun being someone that you aren’t. Well, some did that everyday.
She kept walking outback, further out than she had ever been. Usually she stuck to the large garden, but today she went further.
She stopped in her tracks when she noticed a pond, and beside it was, a small barn? Questions swam in her brain as to what it could be. It didn’t look old, or vacant. Her curiosity got the better of her as she walked up to it.
Reaching for the handle, she braced herself. What could be in here? Is she allowed? She’s far from the manor, barely seeing it from this distance.
A noise from inside startled her, her heart sinking slightly. Somethings in there. She finally turned the knob, a gasp leaving her when she opened the door.
Tims phone rang beside him, startling him awake. Drool collected at the side of his face, wiping it away. He picked it up, answering the call without looking. “Hello?” He asked, his voice strained and groggy with sleep. “Tim, I, um. How do I put this? Help.” His heart picked up as he’s fully awake, panic fills him when he hears the tone in Sandy’s voice. Slightly wavering but calm. “What’s going on, where are you? Are you hurt?” Each question he asked came out more urgent than the last. “First off stop panicking. Second, I um, went for a walk outback and I came across a small barn. And I’m. Idk how to put this so I’m just gonna say it. There’s a cow and it’s currently sucking my hand like it’s a nipple. I’m stuck.” Relief filled him, then questions, then laughter. “So you’ve met batcow.” He chucked. “Huh? I’m, what?” Her response made him laugh even harder. “Damian got her when he was younger. She’s actually the reason he went vegetarian. Why don’t you just pull your hand out her mouth? She’s not mean.” “That’s the problem. Each time I try she cries. I don’t want to offend her.” Laughs boomer out his chest, his head thrown back as he clutched his stomach. “So she’s doing that again, alright. I hate to say this but, I’ve gotta call Damian to go get you. Sometimes she does this and he’s the only person she listens too. Are you okay with that?” “It’s fine, just tell him to hurry up. It’s cold out here.”
Damian sighed when he spotted her, confusion coming even faster when he got up to her. She sat against the barn, with batcow still sucking her hand. He watched as she talked to the cow as if it was a normal person. “So you’re talking to animals now?” He asked, a small smirk on his face. “You’re one to talk.” He raised his eyebrow at her. “You dress up every night, inspired by a bird. That’s totally normal.” Both chuckle slightly at her response. He bends down to both of them, bringing his hand and scratching the top of the cows head. “Alright come on pretty girl. You gotta let go of her hand.” As if he used magic, the cow let go of her hand. She shakes her hand, wiping it off on her pants. They both stand up, putting the cow back inside the barn.
She ran ramped down the hallway, dispersing and running back down for what was the 36 time. Dick and Damian both opened their doors, stepping out. She ran into dicks chest, nearly knocking both of them over. She had a box in her arms, handing it to dick. “There’s more in my room. Both of you, bring it down to the gala room now.” She frantically exclaimed. Running back to her room, running out with 2 more boxes.
Shock filled them when they entered the room. The usually plain grand room filled with decorations. Cobwebs strung on each wall corner. Toy bats hung down from the feeling. Pumpkins filled each window and empty surface along with candles that hadn’t been lit. “How did you-“ “lots of dedication, and a ladder. Now both of you, get everyone to come in here and help me.” Shock filled them further. She looked tired. Her usually wavy hair now curly and wet. She wore high waisted jeans with a tank top tucked into it. Her botfly glistened with a layer of sweat. Her face was flushed, shiny due to her sweating. Both of them looked around again, still in awe of the room. “You’ve done all this, by yourself?” Damian asked. “Yes, I started around 2 this morning.” She replied. Her voice sounding even more tired than before as she rummaged through another box. “Wait, 2? I heard you go to bed at 12. Have you slept?” Duck asked, worry filling him as he watched her. “Couldn’t fall asleep. I gave up at around 1:30 and started getting everything ready for tomorrow.” Worry stuck both of them at her response. “Sandy, go to bed. You need to sleep.” Dick says, his voice harder than usual. “It’s fine. I need to get this done. Besides, Tim does it all the time.” She replies, annoyance laced in her voice. “Yes and he's done this for years. You haven’t. So go to bed.” Damian said, his voice growing slightly irritated. She set the candles down on the floor, looking at him. Her eyes bore holes into him. “Damian, shut the fuck up. You’re the last person who should be talking about my wellbeing. So stay the fuck out of this.” She exclaimed. Anger evident in her voice. Rage and anger filled him at her voice, his arms slightly shaking at his sides. “And I don’t need you to fucking drop and fall because you didn’t sleep last night.” He replied, anger in his voice. “Oh so now you care. You’ve never once gave a damn if I was okay or hurt. So you know what Damian? Go fuck yourself. I tried fixing us, I tried being nice. But you have your panties in a twist. Screw you.” She yelled, tears in her eyes nearing falling. She walked away, her footsteps hard and fast as she left the room. His heart throbbing in his chest in pain.
The commotion could be heard from floors away, everyone who could make it was there for the annual Wayne Halloween gala. But while usually the room was how it usually looked, now decorated from floor to ceiling. The staircases were lined with white taper candles that stretched . Tables covered by black and red table cloths with the same candles in the center. Walls covered with old paintings, some of which were family, others horror. Pumpkins filled the corners of the room. Small fake bats and spiders lined the ceiling along with cobwebs.
She smoothed out her dress for the tenth time in the last few minutes. She added a final hair pin to her hair, smoothing the long tendrils out of her face. She wore a long black wig, styled in a curled updo with a dark rose. The front layers lay curled at the sides of her face. It was strange, seeing the way she dressed for the night. She looked as if she came from early Victorian times. The long black lace dress she wore was beautiful. The intricate lace that covered the entirety was astonishing. The only color to the dress was the dark red corset that showed through the chest piece. Very little make was applied, alert from fake blood that dropped from her mouth down her neck. The fangs she wore in her mouth weren’t as uncomfortable as she thought, having gotten more realistic smaller ones rather than the large ones you’d find at a Halloween shop. And with one final look, she stepped out of her room.
All eyes watched as Damian walked in, the room going slightly quiet. He wore a long dark black coat, along with a dark red vest underneath with gold details. A puffy white button up underneath that only showed in the chest. Black dress pants with shiny black shoes completing the store. His hair covered by a shoulder length black wig, messily tied back by a ribbon. His usual dark emerald green eyes now dark yellow. The only giveaway as to his costume was the fangs in his mouth.
His breath caught in his throat, heart thumping loudly in his chest when he saw her. She looked nothing like herself. Her usual short hair now long in an intricate updo. What would usually be her usual sweater with capris, now a long bold Victorian ball gown. His eyes follow her as she glides around the room.
She watched as countless people cane up to her, her heart beating wildly in her chest. Her stomach tied in knots as they all greeted her. She swallowed the vomit that she was sure would come up and put on a smile. She shook more peoples hands in 10 minutes than she ever had in her life. Her chest closing up the longer she was around them.
This wasn’t her thing. All the people, the dresses, the fear of someone taking photos, everything was growing too much. Tears collected in her eyes that she blinked away. Her throat burning as her heart sped up further.
She let out a gasp when a hand was placed on her shoulder. Her heart sank further. That is until she turned around, a large smile grew on her face. “Tim!” She exclaimed, throwing her arms around him. His breath being knocked out by the force of her hug. He let out a laugh as she latched into him, wrapping his arms around her. “Hey, everything alright?” He chuckled. “No” she mumbled into his chest. He let go of her, looking down at her. His face concerned. “What’s going on?” He asks, his hands on her shoulders. “How do you do all of, this?” She asks, gesturing around the room. “God I feel like I’m gonna puke.” She says, swallowing the lump in her throat again. “Here’s the thing, you don’t. None of us like this, not even Bruce or dick. What you do is you put on a happy smile, shake peoples hands, and barely answer questions. But hey, now you’ve got me with you.” He chuckles, watching as her shoulders relax. “Now come on, I’ve got a few people you should meet.”
“Sandy, this is-“ “commissioner Gordon.” Both men looked at her shockingly. “He was one of the first on the scene the night my parents died.”
Tears streamed down her face like a waterfall that couldn’t stop. The pain in her back was nothing compared to the shocking pain in her heart. It felt like white hot searing pain that wouldn’t leave as she stared at her parents. “M-mom? Dad? Please.” She sobbed. The screams of both of them ringed in her ears as her heart screamed out. She couldn’t move from the floor, the blood now cold against her front as she begged for death. “God, please.” She begged, slipping into what was hopefully death as she welcomed it.
Bright lights blinded her eyes, her coming to and hearing people all around her. Her heart beating out of her chest as she moaned out in pain. Trying to alert anyone that she was alive. “We've got a survivor!” Someone yelled. They sounded so far from her, as if she was underwater and was hearing the yell from above her. A gasp was heard before she opened her eyes, seeing an angel crouching down to her. His hair was a light red, along with his Mustache. He wore thick framed glasses that hid his light blue eyes. “Hey I need you to stay with us, everything is gonna be alright.” She heard the man say, before she fell unconscious again.
Both men look at her again, mouths open in shock, neither one knowing what to say. “How did you remember?” Tim asks. “Because that night I thought he was an angel. You gotta remember, I wasn’t allowed around people. The first person I saw besides my parents was, him. My mom and dad always taught me that before you go to heaven, you are visited by an angel.” She said, the corner of her eye shining momentarily. She watched as Jim’s eyes glossed over before he blinked it away. “You know, I always wondered what happened to you after that night. And when I saw your face in the newspaper, it took me a bit to recognize you. And when Barbara confirmed it, it made me tear up a little.” He said. Tears gathered in her eyes. A smile formed on her face before standing on her toes and hugging him. He froze momentarily before wrapping his arms around her. Tears fell down her cheeks onto his coat. Tears collected in his eyes as he rubbed her back. “It’s so good to see you doing so well. It’s cases like yours that keep me going.”
She walked over to the table with drinks, spotting a man standing there already. He wore a long black jacket with gold embellished. It was tight to his body. Showing his broad shoulders and muscular build. His hair was long and black, pulled back by a ribbon. She took in a deep breath as her stomach shook slightly. She walked over to the table, taking in a final breath before getting beside him. She looked up at him, her heart sinking into her stomach.
He heard someone walking behind him, hearing their large intake of breath before they got beside him. He heard her breath caught in her throat. Looking over at her, his heart reasoned with pain and shock.
“Wh-what are you wearing?” He asks, his tone sharp. “I should be asking you the same thing.” She bit back. Anger evident in her voice. He looked away from her, taking in a deep breath. “You gotta be kidding me.” He whispers. Anger rises in her as she folds her arms together. “What’s that supposed to mean.” She asks. Boring holes into his face. “We’re at a Halloween gala, wearing the same theme. Do you have any idea how much the press are going to write about this? They’ll have a field day with this.” He bites back. Anger in his voice as his body tenses up. “Oh I’m so sorry I couldn’t read your fucking mind. But yeah suure let’s blame me like you always do. Because Damian Wayne is never in the wrong and it’s always me.” She says, pain shooting through her heart. “Oh you’re one to talk. It always starts with you. You just bring it out in me.” He retorts. “Oh yeah like it was my fault you threw that Batarang into my shoulder.” She says, tears collecting in her eyes. He balls his fists tightly, jaw set as he bore his eyes into hers. “It was an accident!” He exclaimed. Voice slightly louder. “Just like you.” She says. She walks away from him, heart throbbing in pain.
Tears collected in her eyes as she sat in a chair, watching everyone dancing. Her heart still panging against her chest as she dabbed her eyes with a napkin.
She felt a warm hand on her shoulder, turning around and letting out a chuckle. Behind her was dick, but it was hard to tell with what he wore. His usually dark hair was covered with a blond wig. He wore a whit shirt with a blue collar poking out. Blue pants and an orange scarf. He rolled his eyes playfully, a smile on his face. “Yeah yeah yeah let it out. This was babs idea.” He chuckled. He got up and sat in the chair beside her, turning it to face her. “Now what’s going on?” He asks, her breath getting caught in her throat. She took in a deep breath. “Damian was just being an ass earlier. All because we happened to be dressed as vampires.” Dicks face slightly falls and turns annoyed as he looks away. Closing his eyes and letting out a sigh. “I’m sorry sands.” He says, eyes caster down. She puts her hand against his shoulder. “It’s fine dick. You can’t control how he is. It just sucks how it puts me in a horrible mood every time.” She says, eyes looking down to her lap. “Well then come on, I know a way to cheer you up.” He says, grabbing her hand and pulling her up.
Both of them walk onto the dance floor to Barbara, who’s talking to her dad and laughing about something. She turns and her eyes light up when she sees dick. Causing him to smile and put his arms around her waist. Kissing her lightly before she lets go from him, both smiling. She turns and sees sandy behind him, breaking from his arms and pulling her into a hug. “Hey sweetie. You look amazing. Now come on, let’s have some fun!” Barbara says, a bright smile on her face.
She can’t help the laugh that bubbles out of her as she seats side to side. Her arms around Barbara’s shoulders and they both sway fast to the music. They twirl in a circle, causing her dress to glide along the floor in a large circle. The song comes to a close as they both laugh. “Okay time to switch!” Barbara laughs, letting go of her and spinning her around. She nearly falls into dicks chest, causing both to let out large laughs. Another song starts playing, a gasp leaving dick as a wide smile takes over his face. She recognizes it as bob seger, her dad playing him when they go out driving together. She laughs as dick stars moving his hits side to side as he raises one arm in the air. “Just take those old records off the shelf!” He sings out loud, causing her to throw her head back and laugh as both dance to the beat. She can’t stop as tears stream down her face as she dances with him, her head thrown back in laughter.
He watches as her head throws back as laughter erupts from her. His heart throbbing in pain that causes him to look away. It hurts, he remembers the times he could get her to laugh just the same way. Tears falling down her face as she clutched her stomach. Sometimes getting her to laugh so hard she would snort. A tear fell down his cheek as he looked down. He couldn’t stop hearing her laughs, even with everyone else in the room. It was as if, it was just her. That’s all that played in his mind.
His feet dragged as he walked down the hallway, his eyes slowly closing the further he got to his room. All the energy he usually had, was drained from him.
His head spin slightly the further he walked, nearly falling due to his Exhaustion. Every bit of him fighting and straining to continue. But relief filled him when his hand grabbed onto the knob.
He opened the door, a smile on his tired face formed when he stepped into the warm room. He took his jacket and shirt off and dropped it to the floor. Not even bothering with his pants. Not noticing the carpet on the floor, or the smell of vanilla in the room. Not even noticing the dress that laid on the floor by his feet. Too tired to notice the completely different bed when he crashed down onto it. Smiling as he snuggled into the silk bedding, the smell almost familiar. But his exhaustion was too high to think about it as sleep overcame him.
A scream startled him awake, his heart nearly falling out from how fast it was going. Jumping as the scream didn’t stop. Only opening his eyes in sheer panic.
“WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING!” She screamed out. Panic filling him as his vision cleared. His heart going ramped when he saw her. Her hair was wet and falling in her face. Small droplets of water cascading down her body. She stood in her doorway of her bathroom that was right in front of her bed. She was bare as the day she was born, no towel or clothing to cover her. She crouched slightly, her legs and arms doing a poor job to shield her body from him. What was once exhaustion that filled him, was now adrenaline pumping through him. His body feeling like a fire burned inside him.
Panic surged through him as he abruptly got up from the bed, eyes still wide at her. “WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY ROOM!” She screamed. “I-Im sorry, I thought this was my room.” He stuttered out. Panic still high in him along with the burning growing stronger. His breathing raged and fast. “GET OUT!” She screamed, him running out as fast as he could.
He slammed his door shut, his breathing ramped and fast. His heart beating wildly, nearly painful. He fell onto his bed, his body still feeling that burning grow. He was conflicted, he wanted to run away as soon as he saw her. But he was frozen in place. A strong urge to grab onto her, to feel her wet skin on his as his body surged with electricity and want. A feeling deep inside him craving even now to go back, to feel her skin beneath his. To feel her warmth and touch on him. Memories flooding him of that night. The feel of her skin in his hands as he gripped onto her. The paralyzing feeling of her wet lips on his neck. Her warm tongue pressing against his pulsepoint that sent shocks through his body. Energy surged through him in a way that he hasn’t felt since. It was adrenaline or fear. It was akin to his body burning from the inside as his nerves felt sensitive against the sheets. His heart still ramped.
His Breathing slowed down, feeling existed after some minutes. His heart slowing back down as his eyes grew heavy. The feeling inside him growing down the further he grew tired. Finally relaxing as his eyes shut, sleep taking him under once again.
(Warning, heavy petting)
Walking into his room, he noticed the lights were off. The only source of light coming from the windows. Panic slighting growing when he noticed that they we’re open, the curtains blowing in the wind slightly. But what truly shocked him, was the silhouette of a person on the other side of the bed. He watched as they moved around the bed to the foot of it. Their steps light against the floor. It was a woman, panic being replaced with desire as her body came into view. Her face was hidden, the lights from the windows only showing what she wore, well, lack thereof. Dark green lace barely covering her glowing skin. He watched as she walked closer to him, his body burning with energy and want pulling him to her. But he stood froze, watching as she grew closer to him. The lingerie she wore standing out more the closer she got to him. The baralet she wore was see through. Her nipples hard against the thin fabric. He watched as she stood no more than 2 feet from him. A gasp leaving him when he sees her face. Her lips painted red as her hair was curled slightly. Her usually sapphire eyes a dark midnight blue. “What are you-“ he questioned, before she put her finger to his lips. “Shh, it’s okay.” She whispers, before flushing herself against him, pulling his face to hers, their lips crashing together.
A large gasp leaves him as he jolts awake. His breathing ragged as he opens his eyes and sits up. His heart beating wildly against his chest as he shakes. That feeling inside him worse than before as the images played in his head. A groan leaving him as he shuts his eyes, trying anything to fight the sight of her body against his. His body shaking worse as he grips the blanket underneath him. That burning feeling back and worse the longer he sits there.
His cock throbbed inside his pants, the feeling almost painful.
He abruptly got up from his bed, walking into his bathroom. Tuning the light on as he walked over to the shower, turning it on. He stripped from his pants and underwear and got in. A gasp leaving him as the cold water hit his back. Causing his breathing to grow heavy as his body tensed at the freezing temperature. His body no longer feeling hot as he shivered in the stream. Hand against the wall as he lowered his head, heart still ramped as when he woke, the images still playing in his mind.
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buginetye · 4 years
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Fairy Lights and Flower Boxes
Sorry this is so late! Anyway, I need sleep, so here’s something quick ‘cause I don’t know if you mean a doodle or a fic!
P.S. the fic is after Chloé has apologized, become nicer, and actively tried to help take down Hawkmoth and Mayura, even as a civilian.
Edit: I kinda forgot about Kagami so just assume she fell asleep or smth idk. Also fixed my spelling :/
“Girls night!” Alya had decreed as soon as she walked into class and saw Marinette’s dead expression.
And that was why, at 8pm, Alya, Kagami, Chloé, Sabrina, and Juleka were in Marinette’s room, engaging in a heated debate over who the better hero was: Chat Noir or Misterbug. The six girls had become quite close since Juleka and Sabrina figured out all of their identities, and accidentally told them all that they knew they were a hero in a group text instead of four individual ones. (It was 3am when they finally cracked it, okay? Everyone makes mistakes when they’re tired!)
“Misterbug is clearly better!” Marinette said, slamming her hands on the table.
“You’re only saying that because he doesn’t make cat puns,” Chloé remarked, met by murmurs of agreement from the other girls.
From Sabrina’s shoulder, Trixx chimed in, “Hey, I like his puns! Chat Noir is definitely better!”
“No way! Not with that stinky, cheese-eating kwami of his!” Tikki said, wrinkling her nose as she munched on a cookie.
“Is it not pointless to debate such things? They are the same person under the mask, after all.” Longg, in a flash, stole Tikki’s cookie and returned to his perch on Alya’s head. He winked at the bug kwami and ate it.
“Hey, Longg, be careful! You know I love you, but that does not mean that I want crumbs in my hair!” Alya said, already trying to get any crumbs out.
Mullo squeeked, hiding behind Chloé as Sass chased him. “Hey, leave him alone!” Pollen said, flying between the two kwamis.
“Aw, you’re no fun,” Sass said, slithering back to Juleka as Mullo stuck his tongue out at him from the safety of Chloé’s sleeping bag.
There was a tap on the window, and Marinette walked over to open it, telling the kwamis to hide.
“Come on in, Kitty,” she said as she opened the window. The cat squeezed inside the opening that should have been too small for him to fit through, seeing as Marinette had barely opened it, but through the physics of however the fuck cats work, he fit, seemingly with ease.
“Princess,” he said, bowing and kissing her hand as she giggled. He turned, noticing the others, who were all regarding the interaction with suspicion. “Am I missing something, or did you just not invite me?” He pouted while giving her puppy eyes.
“It’s a girls night, dummy,” Marinette said as Alya threw a pillow in his face.
“Well then, can I join?”
“Hmmm...” Chloé trailed off, seemingly lost in thought. She looked around, and the others nodded, knowing her well enough by now to predict exactly what she was going to say. “Only if we can give you a makeover.”
“Anything to spend time with my Princess.” Marinette blushed deeply, which was not lost on the others. “By the way,” he said, shaking flowers out of his hair, “what’s with the flower box?”
“I needed a little garden of inspiration, okay?” she said as the others hid their laughter.
2 hours later, Chat Noir, the hero of Paris, had on bright red lipstick, some black eyeliner, and some black eyeshadow, blended into green at the edges. (The girls had somehow managed to cover his mask in concealer. Don’t ask how.) He had a tiara on his head, and Marinette had shoved a frilly, sparkly pink dress at him to put on over his suit. He had just finished putting on knee-length, silver, extremely high-heeled boots on over the normal boots his suit came with when he heard a crash.
“What’s going on? Is everything okay?” he said, trying to turn around but tripping on Alya’s sleeping bag as his heels got twisted in it. “Ow.”
“I’m okay,” Marinette called from her position by the window, tangled up in fairy lights. Sabrina and Juleka giggled, took a picture or two (or three...or ten...) and then went and helped her up, untangling her from the lights. The girls strung them up by the window.
“Hey, can I get a picture for the Ladyblog?”
“But of course! I couldn’t deprive all of Paris from seeing me look this fabulous.” Chat Noir posed over dramatically while Alya took some photos. (The rest of the girls may or may not have photobombed one of them, resulting in a subsequent photo of Chat Noir laughing maniacally as the girls fell on top of each other in a large pile on top of Sabrina’s sleeping bag.)
“Hmm, maybe one with some fairy lights in the background would look nice,” Longg mused, having snuck up into Alya’s hair, hidden from Chat Noir’s eyes.
“That’s a great idea! Hey, Juleka, Chloé — could you hold up some fairy lights for me, please?”
“Hey, watch the claws!” Chat whined after Chloé tripped on Juleka’s foot, tangling up the fairy lights in his claws.
“Oh, here, let me help you,” Marinette said as she sauntered over. “Little Kitty got caught in a mousetrap?”
“Only one set by the best, Princess,” he winked, nodding at where the mouse miraculous had previously hung on her neck while they had fought Kwamibuster.
She blushed lightly as she set to work untangling him, only to be stopped by the lights twisting under someone else’s control, wrapping her and Chat closer together until they were nose-to-nose.
“Oops,” Sabrina said, fist-bumping Chloé. “How utterly careless of me!”
Marinette tried to back away, but Sabrina tightened the lights even more. She could feel his breath on her face, and his lips brushed hers as he spoke. She turned bright red.
“Well, this seems like...quite the situation we’ve found ourselves in, huh, Princess?”
“Oh, shut up and kiss me, you silly cat.”
“Whatever you say, Princess.” He closed the gap between them.
The kiss was passionate, and when they pulled away, they were both bright red, and Marinette had gotten some of his concealer on her face and some of his lipstick on her lips. As they gasped for breath, Alya said, “Yes! I got it all on camera!”
“What, Marinette? Is something wrong?” The journalist had an innocent expression on her face, before the two tangled-up teens started laughing, turning back to face each other.
“So...” His voice trailed off, and he gulped, looking away. “Would you want to, uh...go on a date tomorrow night?”
Her eyes lit up at th prospect. “Of course! I’d love to!”
“I’ll pick you up on your balcony at 6?”
“Dress casually, okay? And maybe something to hide your identity, like a baggy hoodie.”
She rolled her eyes. “I know, Kitty. I am your Mouse-inette, after all, no?”
“Yeah.” He looked her in the eyes. “Yeah, you are.”
He pulled her into another kiss, and after they pulled away this time, Chloé said, “Is this how you two lovebirds are going to act all the time? I’m starting to regret this.”
Everyone laughed.
“What? I was being serious!”
The two rolled their eyes, and were about to kiss again before they were quickly untangled and pulled apart by the girls.
“So...” Alya butt in. “Truth or dare?”
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clonecaptains · 4 years
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A Different Kind of Music - a Llewyn Davis x reader fic
rating: T - future M
a/n: this movie has become a comfort movie for me - and im emotionally attached to him so this was just a chance to write some of my emotions out. it’s self indulgent~ 
A Different Kind of Music
Your mouth drops open in disbelief. Emotion wells up in your heart, your chest feels tight and all the feelings have nowhere to go but in tears down your cheeks. Your hand comes to rest over your heart as if that would somehow heal the ache.
You’re at the Gaslight, and Llewyn Davis’s beautiful melancholy voice is tugging at your heartstrings. You knew his voice was lovely, that’s why you’ve come. To hear him sing, and to see him in person. Nothing could pull your attention from him singing. His mop of curls bounce as he sways slightly. His guitar rests on a thick thigh, and you blush. You’re even entranced by the veins on his neck – showing his passion as he sings.
He’s even more beautiful than the album cover suggests.
Yes, you have his album.
Inside Llewyn Davis.
It was a random find at a record store, there was a whole box of them untouched. You’d just begun to work at this little shop, and when the shipment came in you wondered by no one was buying it. You took one home and gave it a listen, and you’ve hardly listened to anything since.
So, when you heard he was going to sing at the Gaslight, you jumped at the chance.
Once his set was over, you anxiously got up from your seat to follow him. He walked up to the bar to speak to someone, then he went outside. You’re sure you looked like a little lost puppy following him up to the bar, only to be met with a greasy mustached man.
His eyes raking over you makes your skin crawl.
“When will he be back?” you ask, planting your feet a little. You won’t let this creep ruin seeing Llewyn.
“He went to see a friend out back,” he snickers. You don’t like his tone, and you don’t know what he means by ‘friend.’ “You can go on out there if you’re so eager.”
You brush past him in the direction of ‘out back.’
It’s a dimly lit alley, and you get the feeling you should be back here. You cling to the record in your hand, you almost forgot you had it with you.
A soft pained groan tells you that you aren’t alone in this alley. You look down at your feet to see that mop of curls, Llewyn is on the ground in a heap. You gasp.
“Mr. Davis? Are you alright?”
“I’m fine,” an obvious lie. He grunts and brushes off his pants as he stands. “Mr. Davis is my father,” he snorts out through his nose, he’s brushing off his jacket now. His fingers poke through holes in fingerless gloves.
“I just wanted to say, I love your music,” you blurt out.
“Thank you,” he seems to cast it aside. Then he looks up at you finally, and you can see his face in the dark alley. “Hi,” his voice is suddenly gentle and less cold; dark brows were knitted together but they relax when he sees your face.
You can see him looking you over, but it’s not like the man at the bar. You’re clinging tight to that record, his record. His expression softens even further when he sees how tight you’re holding the album. He seems shocked in fact.
He takes a step further into the light and you see his lip is split and there’s a bruise on his cheek.
“Are you alright?” you ask him again, knowing he isn’t.
His dark soulful eyes look down at his feet then back up to your face.
“Would you like to get some coffee?” he asks, his feet shuffle under him.
“I know the perfect place!” you nod and tug on his shirt sleeve.
“Llewyn,” he offers after you tell him your name, “but it seems you already know that.”
“I love this album,” suddenly you’re embarrassed now. It’s late and you’re sitting across from him in a little coffee shop. You just had hoped he’d sign it; you didn’t think this would be how your night would turn out.
“You’re the only one I think,” he seems sad taking a long drink of coffee. He sighs at the warmth.
“The Death of Queen Jane made me cry,” you laugh shaking your head. You munch on a little cookie, hoping he can’t see the tears well up in your eyes. His eyes haven’t left your face once.
“I’m glad you liked the record,” he nods, his eyes flicking away when you catch his gaze.
“Do you want to come back to my place?” you blurt out. You’re not sure why. Your question seems to catch him off guard, his eyes widen a little and he almost smiles. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean that how it sounded. I own a record store, and I thought maybe you’d like to come look around?”
“Sure,” he shrugs. You feel like a fool, why would a musician want to go to a record store? Or would they? What if it discourages him?
“You don’t-“ now you’re just nervous.
He laughs, his eyes crinkle in the corners and it’s the first time you’ve really seen him smile this big. “Let’s go,” he takes another sip of coffee. “Lead the way.”
There’s a chill in the air as the two of you walk towards your apartment. You explain to him that you’ve just moved to New York after your father died. He left you the record store and the apartment attached. No one else wanted it, but you couldn’t let the music die with your father.
“I have to get my key out of my place,” you tell him, and he quietly follows behind.
“Do you want me to sign that for ya?” he motions towards the record when you set it down on the kitchen table. There’s a teasing tone to his voice, but he’s sweet.
“Yes, actually,” you laugh. “Where are those keys?” you mumble to yourself while you look for them. Llewyn wanders around your apartment looking at all your things, and for a pen. “Got it!” you exclaim. He looks up from your living room to see you still in the kitchen. “We should do something about that bruise,” you tell him and open your freezer.
“You don’t have to-“ he tries to stop you. But he doesn’t argue when you gently press ice wrapped in a rag to his cheek. “Did someone pay you?” his eyes were closed but they open to look your way. You’re still holding the ice to his cheek.
“Pay me?”
“This is just the shit I need.”
“What?” you take a step back, letting him hold the ice to his face.
“Oh fuck, I’m sorry,” he buries his face in his palm, wincing in pain when he touches his lip – and in guilt for upsetting you.
“What’s wrong?”
“I’m gonna get out of your hair,” he starts to walk past you, but you grab his arm to stop him. He seems surprised at your action, and the firmness of your hand tells him you mean it. With a sigh, he sits down on your couch and tells you his story. He doesn’t know why he’s telling you everything, and you don’t know why he decided to trust you with this information.
“So, what you’re saying is, you need somewhere to sleep tonight,” you smile at him.
“This is a nice couch,” he bounces on it a little, testing the weight.
“It doesn’t have to be the couch if you don’t want it,” you bite your lip. “You can sleep on my bed, I mean alone! Unless you want me to join-“
“The couch is fine,” Llewyn smiles again at how visibly flustered you become. Then he sees the slight disappointment in your eyes when he says no. “Someone told me it would be a favor to women everywhere if I never fucked again…” his voice trails off.
Shifting your weight, a little, you come to sit by him on the couch.
“I never do this, I mean I’ve never brought a guy home,” you look at your knee bouncing, then up to his face. He’s watching your every move. His soulful eyes under that big mop of curls are breaking your heart. “I don’t expect anything, I just meant the bed is more comfortable. I will sleep on the couch.”
“I can’t sleep in the bed, it’s yours. I’ll feel bad. Unless, you did join me,” he grins softly. He shifts in his seat, turning to face you. He reaches for you and cups your cheek in his hand. He holds your gaze for a moment, testing. Waiting to make sure you’re not going to pull away when he leans forward to capture your lips.
The gentle kiss breaks and you hop up from the couch. Now full of nervous energy. Awkwardly you both get ready for bed, unsure of the next move. Llewyn is quiet, he can sense you’re skittish. He simply undresses, leaving him only in boxer shorts and a white t-shirt.
Laying on the bed waiting for you to change, he sinks into the mattress with a sigh. He can’t even remember the last time he slept on a bed, especially one this nice.
Jittery and excited, you’ve changed from your clothes into your pajamas in the bathroom. You step into your room to find Llewyn fast asleep on your bed. A smile curves on your lips and your heart aches. From what he’s told you – you know this sweet soul hasn’t had a good night’s sleep in a long time.
So, you turn off the lights and slide under the covers with him. You curl into him like he’s a long-time lover. You smile to yourself, because in a way – he is. His music has been speaking to you for awhile now. This time you have the man the music comes from. Maybe tomorrow you will hear him sing, but right now in this moment hearing him snore softly beside you is music to your ears.
idk who to even tag?? 
@pascalispedro, @damndamer0n, @darksideofclarke, @tintinwrites
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