#idk why i am so enamored by this
marinaiguess · 2 years
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look at him trying to take a better look😭
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butchshepherd · 8 months
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this is the information that we had about D dog. that's the info on her page (put through a translator, but its accurate) regarding how she is with other animals, and during the interview reactivity was only mentioned as a possibility not as a known fact about this dog. only dog? no problem. no cats? even less of a problem. potential for reactivity? sure. it can happen with any dog. known aggression towards other dogs? why the hell are you waiting for people to apply and go through a fucking interview before letting them know a week later that they're not fit for this dog and that that's the reason why. all that does is give people false hopes and upset that could be avoided by clear, direct, honest communication of a dog's issues/challenges. i heard about the specific language/way of wording things shelters and rescues use but i had hoped it wouldnt be a universal thing, at least not something i'd experience myself. turns out i was wrong!
maybe im being immature and unfair to these people, they probably dont all have the same amount of knowledge of the dogs and communicating all that inbetween volunteers/workers/and us can be difficult. but im angry and im allowed to express that ffs.
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aizenat · 2 months
Conan’s set at lollapalooza is on yt and im not sure if I want to watch it lol. I haven’t been watching too many clips from concerts because I want to get hype for when I see him live but it’s only August and that’s not until October! 😭
I will probably download it and then watch it after the concert so I can relive it or something lol.
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bettymylove · 8 months
hello! I really love your work and I was thinking if you could write a one-shot of theo inspired by the song " Open Arms by SZA ". but somehow make it a good ending? idk 😓 ( like a slow burn or something ) reader had to let theo go but theo is kind of begging..? for reader to stay in his life and so on! idk if I explained it good enough but you can search up the song and take a look at the lyrics, you'll see what topic I'm going for!
thank you if your write this! you're an amazingg writer ‼️
never leaving
pairing: theo nott x reader
content: your insecurities push you to break your friendship with Theo, only to realize you were wrong all along.
a/n: hope this matches your expectations, I'm sorry if it didn't<33 (also I feel like I'm apologizing in every a/n)
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You could say that Theo took you in, he was the only person in your life that ever made you feel too comfortable. When you were on the train, he had befriended you and he never let his friendship falter.
Theo was everything, he was all you could ever need and it scared you how much you were dependent on him. You had never needed anyone, always doing everything by yourself but you could see that changing.
Friends weren't a usual sight in your life and Theo had changed that, but you still had your doubts and maybe that's why you had decided to tell him.
You always had a lingering feeling, that he was taking pity on you because who would willingly spend so much time with you, call themselves your best friend, he had no reason to do it.
You spotted Theo in the hallway along with Mattheo and Enzo. The former two were smoking, and Theo's eyes met yours, and he immediately threw down his cigarette, crushing it using the sole of his shoe.
His eyes stayed on you while yours diverted here and there, ashamed to even meet his gaze. You wanted to be with him, but he was ruining his life for you, he was way too enamored and you wanted to help him.
You reached the group and scrunched your nose at the nicotine smell, Theo noticed this and dragged you away. Why does he have to be sweet and make this harder? you thought.
"Theo, I-" You questioned yourself, he was the only person who knew you but it would be too selfish to make him stay, so you continued, "I don't think we should be friends anymore"
Maybe friends wasn't the right word to describe you two, you weren't dating but he never dated anyone else and it's not like you could. You always hoped it was because he harbored some feelings for you but that had been a foolish fantasy.
"Y/n, I'm sorry sweetheart, I won't ever smoke again, I mean this was the first time in weeks, I really am trying" what? he thought this was about him smoking?
"No, Theo it's not about that." you simply stated trying to make him understand about you suddenly pulling away. He stared at you, his mouth opening and closing as if he wanted to say something but really could find the words.
"You can't do this, you cannot wake up on a random day and decide to remove me from your life as if I'm a pawn in your chess board" he was almost yelling, Theo had never yelled at you nor had he ever gotten angry at you, it was always you being mad and him picking up on it.
You remembered a scenario from second year and how different times had gotten now, you had changed and him not so much but you guess it was for his better.
"Where's y/n?" The twelve year old Theodore Nott asked his friend and said friend just shrugged in response before saying, "She hasn't been talking to anyone."
You're mad, he knew you were you always shut everyone out when you were, falling silent and Theo knew just how to better your mood and so he headed in your direction.
Your flashback stopped when you saw a tear fall from his eyes, you had never seen Theo cry either, only once and that too not intentionally. He was showing every emotion of his and you stood there unable to think, mumbling a sorry before leaving him stranded in that hallway.
Theo was shocked, hurt, angry and was feeling all these emotions at once. He had known you for six years and you had left him in six minutes. He loved you and you couldn't see it.
He knocked on your door for the fifteenth time, and you finally opened it. Your eyes were red and puffed up, you were crying.
"Why are you doing this?" He asked in a small voice unlike the one he used in the hallway, he was scared to lose you.
"You don't need to take anymore pity on me, Theo, go live your life" you said with a sniffle in the end and your statement had only made him more confused.
Pity? he had never taken pity on you, and it hurt himself that you believed that nonsense. "You can't replace me y/n, I'm forever, no matter what."
You so wanted to believe him, you so wanted to be in his arms right now, you so wanted him to stop as he was doing right now but you just couldn't.
"I'm sorry Theo, but I have to" Those were last words to him before you shut the door and Theo couldn't sleep that night.
It had been 2 months, 18 days of you ignoring him and he thought he might go mad, you were driving him crazy, you not being there was so much worse than he had anticipated.
It was late in the night when he spotted you leaning against a railing, breathing hard, and when he got a bit closer he noticed you were crying.
He went to stand beside you, you flinched but then sort of relaxed when you noticed who it was. You laid your head in your hands and started crying even harder and without missing a beat or saying something spiteful, Theo took you in his arms.
It was much later that you realized that you could not live without him, he was your Theo. Your tears wet his shirt but he didn't seem to mind, he never seemed to mind.
"You won't leave again, would you?" He asked as if he knew you were coming back and he was right. "You could try, but this time I won't let you."
You smiled at him, god he was the only person in the world who would never make you feel bad about what you did, and you realise it was only your insecurities holding you back from him.
He kissed your forehead lovingly and hugged you even tighter, "I love you" he whispered, half hoping you didn't hear him, but you did.
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stargirlrchive · 2 years
ocean eyes: chapter two ✩ jake sully
masterlist ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ ocean eyes masterlist
summary: widow!jake sully x female!reader, 10 year age-gap. jake is lowkey sunshine <3 reader is grumpy! arranged marriage/marriage of convenience, eventual smut + wc - 1,753
comments: part two lovers, i love reader, she's is slay girl boss fr ! idk what to say lmao but tysm for the love on part one, i hope you love this just as much! also omg pls check this out, @saltsacc drew what they think reader looks like and she's gorg! i litch cried ! but okay bye lovers <3 part three should be up on thursday <3
previous ✩ next 
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The morning time had come quickly, the bright sun hitting your features and it disrupted your wonderful slumber. But if the sun hadn't woken you up, your sister's voice certainly would have. “Tsmuke! You need to be ready by now. Oh Great Mother, give me strength!”
You rubbed at your sleepy eyes, throwing her an annoyed glance, “Why are you being so strange? They are just other Na’vi. Or let me guess, Eywa has let you know they are of importance?”
Ronal pinched at her nose, “If you must know, he is Toruk Makto. He was the Olo’eyktan of the Omatikaya. He is important, more than you know!”
You laughed quietly, “Do not let Tonowari hear you, you sound enamored.”
“Stupid girl!”
You laughed louder, shaking your head as you stretched before getting up. “Make haste!”
You hissed at her lightly, your good-hearted nature wearing thin as she rushed you. You quickly washed your face, Ronal helping you by fixing up your hair. “Oh Eywa, you are preparing me like I am going to marry the man!”
She said nothing, her nervous fingers quickly braiding a few pearls into your hair. “What is so special about him anyway?”
“Did you not hear what I said? He is Toruk Makto.”
You huffed in annoyance, “Of course I heard you sister, but-” Your shoulders shrugged, “How mighty can he be if he left his whole clan behind?”
She smacked your shoulder roughly, “Ow! Ronal-”
“Must you always be so crass? His mate died a few years back.”
“How did she die?”
“Protecting her children, in the battle field. I do not know much else.”
You bit down on your bottom lip, instantly feeling guilty, “Oh.”
“Yes, oh. So be kind to him, to all of them.”
“You may think poorly of me sister, but I am not mean.”
Ronal’s fingers stilled in her movements, face scrunching up as she mulled over what you said, “I do not think poorly of you.”
You didn't say anything else, toying with your fingers as you sat in front of Ronal, “Tsmuke, I do not think poorly of you.”
You grumbled out quietly, “You already said that.”
“I-I just want what is best for you, and at times I do not think you know how to find that for yourself.”
“Ronal, I am happy.”
“You are reckless! You think I do not know why you behave the way you do? You want the attention you lacked as a child, but you are grown now. There are responsibilities and duties you must fulfill.”
Her harsh words caused tears to well to your eyes, pulling away from her, “You do not listen!”
“And you do not obey!”
“Why should I? You are my sister, not my mother! Just because you ended up happy with Tonowari does not mean I will end up happy with whoever you stick me with. I love my freedom far too much to give it up.”
She sighed in exasperation, “Well that is not your decision. It is the Great Mother’s and she has spoken to me.”
It dawned upon you then, what all this was about. The enthusiasm to have you meet the Toruk Makto, dressing you up. “You are planning to mate me with that man?”
There was a glimmer of guilt in her eyes, but it was shaken away as she nodded her head. “He is a good man, with a strong heart. He will be good for you.”
Your words were low, quite with disbelief, “I cannot believe you.”
Ronal said nothing, “I always knew you wanted me out of your life, too much of a burden for you and Tonowari but I did not expect you to push me into the arms of the first man you saw!”
A spike of pain ran through Ronal, this is exactly what she feared. She made her way to you, the apology already starting to fall from her mouth but your shaky finger pointing at her stopped her movements. “Stop! Don’t-do not come near me!”
Your ears flattened against your head, the words getting caught in Ronal’s throat as she watched your eyes pool with tears. “Please get out so I can change.”
Ronal’s fear of hurting you even more had her walking out of the marui, leaving you to wallow in your own pity as you dressed yourself.
Tonowari instantly wrapped Ronal into his arms, rubbing against her back to soothe her, “Wari, she is going to hate me for the rest of her life.”
He shushed her quietly, having heard everything that happened, “No she will not, Yawne. You know how nervous you were before we actually mated. It is a big step in our lives, we just need to let her be.”
Ronal let herself bask in the warmth Tonowari provided, pulling away just a few seconds before you stepped out. Ronal’s eyes scanned over you, you looked so beautiful. She wanted to compliment you but knew you'd take it as mockery, some sort of jab to make you feel worse. So she said nothing, walking besides Tonowari and you followed quickly behind the two.
You were far more quiet than normal, and it hit Ronal just how much she actually enjoyed your inability to remain quiet. Tonowari called your name, “Did you hear me?”
“No-I did not.”
“I said I think he will be good for you.”
“If you say so.”
The pair shared a look, your tame behavior caused a sense of worry to nestle into Ronal. They entered the marui of Jake Sully, the Na’vi was sharpening his knives but other than that, it was empty. Tonowari cleared his throat, Jake’s head snapped up and was greeted with the three of you. “Tonowari, Ronal-oel ngati kameie.”
His eyes shifted to you, your eyes were already locked on him and Jake felt his ears twitch. Ronal uttered your name out, “This is my Tsmuke.”
“Oel ngati kameie, Jake Sully.”
“Oel ngati kameie.”
He noticed your intricate top, your pretty hair and how your skin glowed beautifully against the sun. He felt his throat instantly dry up the more he took you in. “We spoke briefly yesterday of your stay here.”
“Oh, yes.”
“The Tsahik and I have discussed what we wish for you to be able to stay. We know you have come seeking Uturu, a fresh start but we must also ensure this is safe for the clan. Beneficial to our people. You understand?”
Jake nodded his head, he more than most understood what it was like to make decisions that he did not entirely want for the prosperity of the clan. “Well, we can allow you and your family to stay if you mate with a woman of the Metkayina Clan. More specifically, with her.”
Your ears turned downwards slightly, but still you held his gaze. That was certainly not what he expected. “We understand that it may be hard to just thrust this upon you, so we will give you both time to adjust. She will be the one to train you, help you adjust to life near the water.”
A swift flicker of anger made its way to your eyes, turning towards Tonowari, “I do not have time to train him.”
“Well then you will make time.”
Your eyes rolled back, anger seeping into his family home from you alone. Jake would be lying if he said he did not enjoy seeing you so agitated, especially when it came to him. He fought the smile that was trying to make its way to his face the more he watched you. “What do you say, JakeSully?”
Your eyes jumped back to him, there was a look in your eyes that he could not quite place but it excited him beyond belief, “If that is what you wish. I only hope I can speak to my children about this before the clan is made aware?”
Your mouth dropped slightly in disbelief, confusion webbing its way into your mind as to why he would agree to this so willingly. You thought you'd have time, time to be on your worst behavior around him so he can back out before he even agreed. But no, he had already said yes to you.
Your arms crossed over your chest stubbornly, huffing out a breath of annoyance as you watched the smallest of smiles fall across his features. Ronal was trying her best to contain her excitement, she had always wanted you to mate with someone, and it appeared that the time was soon.
She turned to look at you and was unsurprised to find you glaring at the Toruk Makto, your lip jutting out in an angry pout. “Very well, JakeSully. Make your preparations and we will announce it during a feast a few weeks down the line, yes?”
He only hummed, eyes still locked onto yours. You rolled your eyes at him, he was clearly enjoying himself, “Can I leave now?”
Ronal called your name but you ignored her, walking fast out of the home and towards the beach.
Tonowari’s mouth turned into a thin line as he sent an awkward look towards Jake. “She is very kind, just-strong willed.”
A quiet laugh left Jake’s mouth, “I can see that.”
He walked with the two out of his mauri, his eyes scanning the waters and he locked onto your form, jumping head first into the water as an ilu swam towards you. Ronal tsk’ed quietly, “She is going to ruin her clothes.”
Jake watched you retreat further into the water, your animal easily gliding along as you got smaller and smaller. “Are you sure she will show up to train me?”
Jake’s eyes moved over to Tonowari, “Yes, I will make sure of it.”
Jake’s fingers reached his forehead, signing them goodbye as they walked away. He let out a quiet breath, his thoughts consumed with excitement and wonderment at just how these next few weeks may play out.
Your feelings on the matter were entirely different, anger coursing through your veins as you swam out past the reef.
Ao’nung and Tsireya shared a look, noticing the angry glare on your face when you didn’t even bother to stop and talk to them. “Should we tell Sa’nok and Sempul?”
Ao’nung shook his head at his younger sister, “Ma’ will pluck her eyes out for real this time.”
Tsireya fumbled with her fingers nervously, “Ao’nung, it is going to storm, she didn’t look to be thinking clearly-”
He watched your form retreating farther and farther, heading towards the Three Brothers rocks. “If she does not return in an hour we will call for father.”
Tsireya sighed quietly but listened all the same, returning back to her task at hand. “So, you must learn to breathe from here.” She pointed to her stomach, “Take deep breaths, fill your lungs and slow your heart. It will assist with staying underwater longer.”
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
Three hours had passed by and you were still out past the reef, finding refuge in the mountains as the waters turned violent, your ilu having swam away as it noticed the dangers of the water. You huffed out in frustration, Ronal was truly going to kill you now.
Ao’nung was the first to notice just how late it had become. By the way the sun was hitting just a few moments ago, he could tell that well more than an hour's time had passed, and you were still not back. The water rocked them violently, and Tsireya’s sharp gasp of air at seeing a lone ilu swimming back only furthered his fear for you. His parents were going to kill you.
“We must cut the training short, we will see you all tomorrow.”
Both Ao’nung and Tsireya swam quickly back to shore, leaving behind four confused Omatikaya Na’vi. “Their aunt, she’s-how do I put this nicely-rebellious?”
Rotxo laughed quietly, shaking his head as he watched his two friends swim as fast they could back to the beach. “Lets head back, no point in training with the waters like this.”
The two siblings entered their marui, surprised to find Jake sitting with their parents, they both dipped their heads to the former Olo’eyktan before turning to their parents, “Have you seen Tanhí?”
“That is why we are here, Sa’nok.”
Ronal’s brows raised in question, noticing the tremble of worry in her daughter's voice, “She-she left past the reef a few hours ago.”
Ronal swore she felt her blood pressure go up, feeling woozy at her sister's complete disregard for rules. “But-”
“But what?”
Ao’nung watched his younger sister's ears pin to her head, losing her voice, “But she has not returned, and the ilu she rode on did. She rode in the direction of the Three Brothers.”
Tonowari let out a deep breath, his head throbbed roughly as he looked out to see how violent the waters were. “I will be back shortly.”
“Sempul-the water is dangerous.”
“Yes, but knowing your Aunt the trouble she is in is more volatile than the waters.”
Jake noticed how calm the breeze was despite the rain, it was perfect weather to take flight. “I know where Three Brother’s rocks are. I can fly on my Ikran, it is safer than you riding out on a Tsurak.”
Ronal protested quickly, knowing her sister, “I do not think that is a good idea, JakeSully.”
He felt a bit of disappointment settle into his chest, he couldn’t help it, he was so intrigued by you. And truth be told, maybe it was a stupid part of him, but he liked the idea of saving you. Or at least helping you. From what he had heard, you were more than capable to fend for yourself. “It really is no big deal, I will be back quickly.”
He was hoping his eagerness was not evident in his voice, and with the worried look Ronal shared with Tonowari he was sure it wasn’t. “We should let him? Yes-might ease your sister's resistance if he’s the one to go for her?”
Tonowari was asking, but Ronal knew he had already made up his mind. She sighed quietly, “Fine-sure. Just-I cannot guarantee she will greet you with a warm smile.”
Jake refrained from thumping his tail in excitement, “It’s fine. I will not take it to heart.”
Jake quickly made his way outside, calling for Bob just as his children made their way towards the beach. “Sir?”
Neteyam, his oldest, was looking at him in confusion. “Is everything alright?”
“Yes, I will be back shortly.”
He sent all of them a smile, instructing his Ikran to take flight. The air got colder the further he was from the beach and it caused a shiver to run down his spine. He was well past the reef, and searching for you within ten minutes. As his Ikran gently flew around he caught the blur of teal blue amongst one of the tall rocks. His head shook, a laugh threatening to fall from his mouth, as even from this far away you looked upset.
He did not know you, but he was curious, beyond interested in knowing you. There was a deep itch in the back of his brain that seemed to only simmer at the thought of you. Call him stupid, he had only caught a few glimpses of you, but he felt the pull. He hoped you felt it too.
With quick glides he was by your side, dismounting Bob with ease as he sent you a smile. Your eyes narrowed in on him, annoyance clear as day on your features. Jake’s lips tugged gently, refraining from cracking you a toothy smile. “Why are you here?”
“Hello to you too.”
You grumbled out angrily, arms crossing along your chest as you looked away from him. “I am here to take you back.”
Your thick tail swayed behind you in annoyance, “I was perfectly fine here. Waiting for the storm to pass.”
“I am sure you were, but I am here now. So let me take you back.”
You did not like the tone he had with you, his accent thick with humor as he watched you. It only caused your irritation to spike up. “I do not know you. Plus I am not used to riding on-those bird things. I rather not.”
Bob huffed at your words, clacking loudly at you. “They’re Ikrans, and very smart.”
Jake was sure his voice was dripping with his amusement, he couldn’t help it. You made him laugh. “I know what they are!” You all but shrieked, “Does not make me trust them anymore so.”
Jake laughed, shaking his head at you. Your eyes narrowed in on him, irritation flowing through you so deeply you refrained from yelling at him. You hissed at him, and it caused a harder laugh to leave his lips.
“If you keep me here for any longer, Tonowari will come searching for us. You are already in trouble with your sister. Do you wish to make it worse?”
“I am not a child!”
“That is very obvious, so why make this harder than it needs to be?”
Jake quickly mounted his Ikran, he was almost positive you would follow after him. You weighed your options, you knew Ronal would be angry with you, should you really test your luck?
You groaned out in frustration, walking towards Jake and his Ikran. This was far scarier than taming a Tsurak, you would have no control on the animal. His five fingered hand extended to you, and you could not help but stare. His fingers were scarred, and calloused, slipping your fingers together as he pulled you up.
You swiftly threw a leg over the Ikran, shifting farther back on the animal as you were pressed too close to him. “Hold on.”
“I am fine as I am.”
He shook his head, creating Tsaheylu with his Ikran and the animal instantly jolted forward. You were thrown back lightly, hands instinctively wrapping around his waist to keep you steady. If you could see Jake’s face he was sure you’d hiss at him once again. The smallest of smirks fell onto his features.
The cool wind caused a shiver to run down your back, admiring how beautiful the island looked even in the darkness of the storm. You peaked your head to look ahead, frowning deeper the closer you arrived to the beach. “I hope you know I could have made my way back without you.”
“And I do not doubt that.”
As you both landed, you could see Ronal’s angry face as she stomped towards you. “Here we go.”
Jake helped you dismount, jumping quickly down after you. “See what I mean! Reckless!”
You rolled your eyes at your sister, walking straight past her and towards your home. Jake could see the exhaustion on Ronal’s face. He would be lying if he said he did not sympathize with her. It was clear that she cared for you deeply, but there were some lines blurred between the two of you. “Thank you, JakeSully.”
Jake only dipped his head down at the Tsahik, watching your figure retreat farther away.

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🏷️; @mashiromochi @midhito @neteyamforlife @adaiasafira @ambria @sillyfreakfanparty​ @fanboyluvr​ @jakescumdump​ @itscheybaby​ @iwanttohitmyself​ @janeety​ @haitanismainhoe @daribakugo @im-in-a-pansexual-panik @lemonmoonmochi​ @dazedshoon @amanda-678 @randxmthxughts @drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed @wekiamo @iwanttogohomeandtakeanap @theroyalbrownbarbie @1ntefly @nyylovestowrite @rianapntn @crazy4books1 @jakesullylongjuicyshlong @kikookii @ducks118 @bucky12345 @elegantkidfansoul @bold-writing @1-800-fandomsdestroyedme @graysonmalik2550 @milequaritchsslut @23victoria @kamcrazy123 @annamarieisbae @k----a27s @tojigirl @lynbubble @outspokenmatters​ @amanda-678 @alexandra-001​
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iphyslitterator · 13 days
I am enamored of @mannafromtevan's Airport 1975 theory, and here's the number one reason why:
We have no information on how Athena feels about Tommy, and she's the only main character of whom that can be said. They've never really interacted in canon. Their potential dynamic is severely underexplored in fandom. I've been saying all along that integrating Tommy with the rest of the firefam, especially in ways unrelated to Buck, is necessary if they want him to be endgame and would be one of the surest signs they're considering it - pairing Tommy with Athena for the opening disaster would be huge.
Also, this isn't the only possibility, but I've been toying with the idea that Athena is the only one who actually is skeptical of Tommy. You know how Hen told Chim about Tatiana, "I'm your best friend, I get to hold a grudge about her til I die"? Athena was there for Hen's early days at the 118. Hen must have vented to her about the lack of support (at best) she was getting from her coworkers, including Tommy. And even after Gerrard left and Hen and Tommy became work friends, I can see Athena being the type to carry that grudge on Hen's behalf. I don't think she'd be actively trying to break up Buck and Tommy or anything, but she could be side-eyeing the guy, and since Bobby's totally on board with Tommy, she could see it as her job to remain suspicious - Bobby, after all, didn't know Tommy in the Gerrard days. If the show wanted to go this route, they could have Athena and Bobby touch on it briefly toward the beginning of 8x01.
Whether Athena has reservations about Tommy or just doesn't know him very well, crashing a plane together would be a chance for her to see that he's competent, tough, and loyal - as well as a bit unhinged, and with a caustic sense of humor that honestly kind of matches hers. And if they get the 118 on the line and she gets to witness the first I Love You?? *chef's kiss*
On the flip side, Tommy gets to like and respect Athena for all the same reasons. Plus if Athena has to make some sort of ethical decision about the "person from her past," I would loooove to see her talk to Tommy about it. I'm not saying Tommy should be central to the problem or solution - I'm picturing them sitting in the cockpit during a lull in the action, Athena taking the opportunity to discuss the issue with a neutral third party, maybe with Tommy offering a nugget of wisdom, in a scene that tells us something about both characters.
And IMAGINE the REUNIONS - think about it, Buck and Tommy's first Moment came when they watched Bathena reunite at the end of 7x03, so imagine a parallel at the end of 8x03!!! Tommy and Athena emerging from the plane, Bathena gaze at each other, time slows, maybe Over the Rainbow is playing idk, they run into each other's arms, AND THEN we cut to Bucktommy, but THIS time they're ALSO embracing and delivering their most scorching kiss since the hospital, ohhhh my god I'm chewing glass!!!!!
And then as enumerated by @a-mel0n, rappelling out of a helicopter into a jet was the hottest thing Buck's ever seen and he has to fuck him about it immediately amen.
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inu-jiru · 3 months
Jazz's "Apology Tour" ramble
Episode was trash, let's go.
First off, the whole "Fuck Blitzo" party is so stupid to me, like you're telling me this 30-something year old man had intimate relationships with ALL these demons and HE was the sole thing that ruined ALL of them?
And how did Verosika even find out about Stolas? Like I know Ozzie's happened, but how'd she hear about their "breakup" (they weren't together but whatever, show)?
Why the FUCK does Verosika care about Stolas being an uwu sad victim of mean old Blitzo aside from everyone being written to want to huff Stolas' sad boi farts?
Why is no one trying to kill Stolas like in Loo Loo Land, like suddenly we're just cool with the oppressive racist now (who am I kidding, the rank system doesn't exist anymore unless the "meanie supremacist" characters bring it up I guess)?
Don't think I'm trying to be "Blitzo's#1Bitch69" or anything, but Season 2 is just so gross in how they've written him. Either he's the big bully meanie for hating his abuser, or they've had him commit the most out of pocket atrocities (like possibly SAing Stolas since he was technically drunk or the circus incident or the shit he pulled with Verosika because what the fuck kinda trauma makes you steal someone credit card for horse riding lessons???) that they just gloss over because fuck having Blitzo actually progress normally or Stolas taking actual responsibility for his own actions, let's just speed through everything so it's back to Stolitz City, don't think about the implications. I just can't stand itttt, I still like and pity Blitz to an extent but his writing is killing meeee
Am I really hearing that people are hating the dude flirting with Stolas like come on yall STOLITZ IS NOT OFFICIAL YET CHILL
I've honestly started skipping through episodes, like I can't fucking listen to "WAHHHHH BLITZO I WANT YOU TO WANT ME" for the millionth time, I wish this episode could've just been Blitzo and Verosika facing their issues or something I just don't wanna see this owl loser act like a victim anymoreeee
Man really said "when have I ever been condescending?" SEASON ONE???? How about every time you grab his face and call him out of his name and watch him be shot at while demanding he come over one a month? Oh, but when Blitz starts doing it back it's "Oh I'm uncomfortable ooOoOoo stop it Blitz hnnghhh I don't like it :C :C :C", like whatever man.
The Striker comment was dumb and wrong but that's because Stolas is dumb and wrong
Honestly I feel like I'm repeating the same points I and others have made in the past so all imma say is, I hope Octavia and Stella are enjoying their off-screen and better written adventures together. I'm gonna draw some AU stuff now to give my eyes something better to look at.
OH I forgot to talk about Verosika, uh, she was there? I honestly think she should just get over herself at this point, idk when she and Blitz broke up but what the fuck is it about this clown that she was so enamored over where she's this hurt? I can get being mad about her credit card and Blitz being a lazy partner but if that's the case, I fail to see how they got to a point where she got his name tatted on her arm. Idk it's weird
The Mayweather shit or whatever her name is was pointless and made no sense, like "I want you to kill this woman who made me attempt to kill her and myself but now we're dating" like? Hey Vivzie if yall can callback to that why can't yall call back to Stolas being a creep huh?
EDIT: They really made that fuckass "it's hell" excuse canon, huh? Like, it doesn't even make sense in the context of Blitz saying that, like people say "it's hell" because Biblically speaking, it's where those who truly oppose God in order to live a life of wickedness go as just punishment. Blitz the equivalent of a regular guy in Hell unlike the Hazbin characters, he shouldn't understand that there's a better alternative to Hell because he's not human and never had any opportunity to learn about Heaven or God (unless it's just in their DNA or something idk who knows with this show)
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bittenbyyou · 1 year
Inferior Flames (1)
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MCU!AU | MCU!Peter Parker x Stark!Reader | MCU!Spider-Man x Stark!Reader
genre: enemies to lovers, angst, slow burn, lil cute moments
description: Your father wants you to knock Peter down a peg. OR Peter is bitter because you’re an Avenger and he’s not.
word count: 3.6k
warnings: Tony Stark being your father is already a warning as to how ridiculous he could be lol, mentions of Spider-Man: Homecoming, references from Captain America: Civil War, idk where this would fit in the MCU timeline per se b/c I’ve only recently started watching all the Marvel movies. 
a/n: maybe it’ll be a series? idk, if you like it, lemme know!
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
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“Firefly, I need a favor.” Your father plopped onto the couch next to you, so you paused your show with the TV remote.
“What is it?” you asked, turning your body to give him your undivided attention.
“You know Spiderling, Spider-Boy?”
“Peter Parker, Spider-Man? Yes. How do you still not know his name?”
“My names are better.”
“Uh huh. Wait, he’s the one that rejected your proposal to become an Avenger.” You nudged him with your elbow, flashing a smirk.
“No, no. I don’t do rejection.”
“But he did turn you down.”
He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose to alleviate his frustration. “Sure. Whatever. Anyway, the kid wants to be an Avenger now. Been texting Happy nonstop about when’s the next mission and he’s wanting to see me tomorrow.”
You blinked twice and stayed quiet, a blank stare on your face as to why this was an issue. When he didn’t say anything, you gestured for him to elaborate.
“I don’t think he’s ready,” he added, crossing one arm over the other.
“You’re serious? Dad, you’ve never shut up about him ever since you gave him the suit. Even when I was abroad, I’ve seen what he can do. He’s amazing. You wanted him to be an Avenger.”
“I’m aware. But he said no and now… the ball is in my court.” The shit-eating grin on his face was soon replaced with a chuckle that sounded almost sinister.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“I mean, he turned me down and now he wants me back. God, I’m making him sound like an ex-girlfriend.” He shivered in disgust and you rolled your eyes. “Anyway, I get to turn him down now. It’s great.”
“So you’re turning him down because he turned you down first. Petty much?”
“Hey, that is not what’s going on here.” He turned his attention to the paused TV screen instead of meeting your judgmental gaze.
“Dad, that’s exactly what you’re doing. You’re really letting your pride stop you from recruiting someone as amazing as Spider-Man? Let Peter join.”
“What, are you in love with him or something? You think he’s so amazing?” he asked while doing jazz hands at the word “amazing.”
You wouldn’t call it love; it was more along the lines of admiration. During your time abroad, your father filled you in on all his adventures and antics so if anything, it was his fault as to why you were somewhat enamored with Spider-Man. Deep down, you knew your father adored Peter, so it was only natural you did too.
“As a matter of fact, I do.”
“You can’t date anyone until you’re 21.”
“I’m telling Mom you’re being ridiculous.”
“I already told your mom and we’ve already established that I’m ridiculous,” he said proudly, as if it was a badge of honor.
“You told me you were proud of his decision to lay low.”
“I am. I was. But now the tables have turned and what kind of person would I be if I let him in so easily? The others think I’m crazy recruiting a 15 year old.”
“16 now actually,” you corrected.
“God, this is like deja-vu.”
You giggled. “I’m the same age as him and you’ve been wanting me to join too.”
“Don’t remind me. You were the first person to ever turn me down and I’m still recovering. I’m waiting for you to crawl back and beg me, saying ‘Dad, please! Let me be an Avenger!’ Like the kid is doing now,” he said, using a high-pitched voice when he was imitating you.
“Good luck with that. I have no interest in being an Avenger.”
“See,” he said, pointing his index finger at you, “that right there is why I need your help.”
You crossed your arms in the same way he did, skeptical of where he was going with this. “Go on.”
“I want you to pretend to be another recruit who wants to be an Avenger. I’ll tell him there’s only one position and make him work for it.”
“Dad…” you said sternly.
“What? He doesn’t know you’re my daughter. And I’m trying to protect him too. The kid’s been going off doing things on his own and not thinking clearly. He can wait on becoming an Avenger.”
“He stopped Vulture. He kept looking for those weapons when no one else would.”
“He’s reckless.”
“You’re using me to make him jealous.”
“A little,” he said with a shrug. “But I’m also looking out for him.”
“Uh huh.”
“He’s coming here tomorrow and I want you to battle him. If he beats you, he’ll get to join.”
“This is so stupid.”
“It’s genius, really.”
“You’re making a kid fight for something that you already want to give him.”
“No. Not yet.”
“You know he can’t beat me.”
Your father leaned in and pecked you on the forehead. “Exactly. Him losing will help him work harder to be better. This’ll give him that push he really needs. So will you help me?”
“Let me get this straight. You want me to fight Peter Parker and make sure he loses just so he doesn’t get to become an Avenger even though deep down, you want him to be one?”
“That’s the stupidest idea ever. And it’ll hurt his feelings.”
“No, it’ll build character. He needs to understand it’s not that simple. You can’t ask to become an Avenger and get it.”
“... But he can… because that’s what you wanted in the first place.”
“He turned me down so it’s only fair that he proves to me how much he wants it. Like a test. I’m testing him.”
“No. Dad, I’m not doing that.”
“I’ll enroll you in school right now instead of waiting for the following year.”
You sighed, contemplating his ridiculous proposition. He had adopted you when you were 10 on one of his missions overseas and has kept you a secret from the public. As much as it pained him, he could not bring you home right away because you required guidance on using your powers responsibly. You had to remain abroad for a while longer until the adoption forms went through and your mentors felt you were ready to leave the tiny village where you resided.
However, he and his wife Pepper, kept in touch and always checked in. He showed up every birthday and made it his mission to be a part of your life. Now that you were in high school and your powers were restored, he flew you into New York City right away.
It’s been a few months since your transition and you absolutely loved it. The Avengers who resided in the compound were very welcoming and so far, they were the only ones who knew of your existence along with your mom. Your father had yet to announce your identity to the world because he didn’t want the spotlight to overwhelm you. Originally he planned on having you relax a bit and then enroll you in public school next year, but going earlier was enticing to you.
“... Which school?”
“... Fine.”
“You do have a crush on him.”
“Shut up, Dad.”
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The next day…
Upon entering the foyer of the Avengers Compound, Happy led Peter to where Stark was. The man stood in the middle of the main entrance hall, sporting a classy suit and sunglasses. Peter clenched his fists in determination, carefully reciting the words he wanted to say in his head since the car ride over.
“Hey kid. What do you want?”
“Mr. Stark,” he squeaked. He shut his eyes in humiliation, clearing his throat and lowering his voice a bit to sound more confident. Once his eyes fluttered open, he puffed out his chest and said, “I changed my mind.”
“You changed your mind,” Stark deadpanned.
“Yes. I want to be an Avenger.”
“You understand why I’m skeptical.”
“Um… yes, but—”
“Look, you turned me down last time and am I used to rejection?” Peter opened his mouth to answer but was immediately cut off. “The answer’s no, but I respected your decision. All that talk about looking out of the little guy—great—so what changed?”
“I’m ready for more than that now.”
“No, you’re not.”
“That’s not what you thought when I took on Captain America,” Peter argued.
“Trust me, kid. If Cap wanted to lay you out, he would’ve.”
Peter furrowed his eyebrows at the realization that he got off easy, questioning his entire existence.
Stark pressed his palms together and pointed at him. “You really want to be an Avenger?”
The boy nodded eagerly. “Yes.”
He inhaled sharply through gritted teeth. “See, here’s the thing: there’s someone else.”
Peter’s face fell, heartbroken at the thought of being replaced. “What—What do you mean there’s someone else?”
“Well, after you turned me down, I recruited someone else. If you really want to be an Avenger, prove to me you’re better than her.”
“Wait, her?”
“Yeah. You think you got what it takes?”
“Well it’s rude to attack a lady—”
“No. Gender equality’s a thing, right? You beat her up, she beats you up. You both end up in casts—”
“Suit up and let’s go.”
With no other choice, Peter obeyed and did what he was told. His thoughts were racing at the thought of battling someone to prove his worth. But this was his dream and he had to get out of his own head. After he finished suiting up, Happy led Tony and him to the outdoor training area that featured a wide-opened space with reinforced surfaces.
It had strategically placed obstacles to encourage agility and tactical thinking during battles. Additionally, the area incorporated holographic projectors to create any virtual landscapes to simulate specific scenarios for the Avengers to train in.
And that was where Peter’s eyes landed on a figure in the distance. You, who was practicing your combat skills with a large kung fu spear. The way you moved was calculated, graceful, like a beautiful yet deadly dance. You performed many high kicks and flips, mesmerizing Peter as your hands maneuvered the spear so flawlessly around your body. Your father and Happy watched you, proud smiles plastered on both of their faces.
“That’s who you’ll be battling today,” Stark said, clapping his hands together once to catch your attention. You stopped what you were doing and landed in a perfect split with the spear parallel to your body, noticing your father and Happy’s presence. You got up and rushed over, your eyes quickly finding its way to the boy in the iconic red and blue costume.
“Hi D-... Mr. Stark. Happy.” You turned to Peter, loving the fact that he didn’t have his mask on yet so you could finally meet him as him. He was far cuter in person, you weren’t going to deny that. “I’m [Y/N].”
Your dad wanted this “test” to be authentic, so you couldn't tell Peter you were, in fact, a Stark. Plus you didn’t look like a Stark anyway, with you being adopted and all. It’d be a cinch.
“P-Parker, Peter. Parker Peter—I mean, Peter Parker,” Peter said softly, shaking your hand. God, you were so pretty that it made him a fumbling mess. He wondered if you two were the same age.
“Great. Now that both you kiddos are here, you both know what you have to do, right?”
You and Peter looked at each other and exchanged awkward smiles. “Mr. Stark, I’m not comfortable battling a… um…”
“Girl?” you finished. “I’d be more worried about yourself, darling.”
The way the word “darling” rolled off your tongue caused Peter’s face to redden like a cherry.
“I’m not saying girls can’t battle, I’m just saying I don’t want to hurt you.”
“Are you going to hold back if the enemy is a woman?”
Peter opened his mouth to say something but to no avail.
“You said you wanted to be an Avenger. There’s only one position available, so we’re going to be testing you both. Happy will launch the simulation sequence and then you two will be fighting one-on-one,” your father explained.
“Good luck,” Happy said, trying hard not to laugh. The two men walked a safe distance away where they could observe you both.
“What’s the simulation sequence?” Peter called out before putting on his mask.
“We’re going to be launching drones at you,” Stark called back from afar with cupped hands.
“Yeah, we want to see how much you’ve improved!”
“In 3, 2, 1!” Happy shouted as he pushed some buttons on his phone.
You and Peter both stared up at the sky as a swarm of drones lined up in a similar fashion as the game Space Invaders.
“May the best Avenger win,” you said, sending him a wink. He laughed nervously as you immediately launched yourself in the sky. Peter gasped in awe.
“She can fly?!”
Hovering in front of the drones, you closed your eyes and pressed your index and middle fingers together, forming a "V" shape. Bringing the fingers perpendicular to your forehead, it felt as if you were beckoning an unseen force. With unwavering focus, you opened your eyes, and the spear you held multiplied tenfold, floating effortlessly beside you. Extending your arm forward, you pointed confidently at the drones, issuing a resolute command for the spears to launch their attack. Explosions scattered throughout the sky as you managed to wipe out half the drones with one attack.
“And she can multiply things. Great,” Peter huffed, launching a web at one of the drones to join you.
“She’s going to destroy him,” your father said, chuckling to himself.
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“Kid, come back. Don’t be such a sore loser.”
Peter shook his head while removing his mask, muttering self-deprecating thoughts to himself at his performance. You watched as he walked away, rubbing the back of your neck.
“Did I go overboard?” you asked, a tinge of guilt eating away at your conscience. Your father chuckled and waved off your concern with a flick of the wrist.
“No, you did great. He’ll be fine.” He went after Peter and placed a hand on his shoulder to prevent him from going any further. “Hey. You put up a good fight.”
Peter spun around, exasperated and using his hands to express his frustration. “I lost. There was no way I was going to win. She can fly, she can multiply things, she can use telekinesis, she can breathe fire—is she part dragon? How was I supposed to compete with that?!”
You saw him pointing at you from afar, giving him a small smile but was only reciprocated with a frown.
Tony put on a contemplating face. “Is she part dragon…?” he mumbled. “Anyway, I told you that I had to find someone else after you said no. And she’s earned her place. I’m sorry you’re disappointed, but you lost fair and square.”
“No buts. You aren’t ready. So lay low, be a friendly neighborhood Spider-Man, and work your way up. Go to school, focus on classes, and finish that homework you’ve been putting off.”
“I don’t need to go to school.”
“Yes. You do. Even she goes to school,” Stark said, pointing over in your direction.
You went over to where Happy was, your eyes still glued on your father and Peter. “Happy, he looks so heartbroken.”
“I know. But it’s for the best. Kid’s too eager and knocking him down a peg might do him some good.”
“I feel bad.”
He patted your back and gave you a reassuring smile. “He will be okay. Your father appreciates your help.”
You immediately straightened your posture when you saw Peter come over with your father.
“Anything you want to say to [Y/N]?” your father asked, giving Peter a gentle nudge from behind.
“Congratulations,” Peter said, mustering up as much strength as he could to give you a smile. Because he really was happy for you, but it hurt for him. The smile didn’t reach his eyes and the pitiful gaze in yours wasn’t helping.
“Thanks. You did really well.”
“Yeah, but I have all the bruises,” he joked, pointing at his face in a circular motion. You took a step forward and placed your palm out in front of his face.
“May I?”
His eyes widened in confusion, but he nodded anyway. An ember glow emitted from your hand and all his bruises healed in a matter of seconds.
“You can heal people too? What on earth can’t you do?” Peter was both fascinated but also very annoyed at your perfection.
“I can only heal minor bruises,” you said quickly.
“Of course,” he muttered.
“Happy, take him home for me.”
“Got it. Come on, Peter.”
“Bye Peter,” you said, giving him a shy wave. He only gave you another meek smile before walking away. You glared at your father, who only let out a sigh of relief.
“Great job, kiddo.”
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The next day at school Ned practically crashed into Peter, who was at his locker minding his own business.
“Dude, dude, dude!”
“Whoa, what is it, Ned?!” Peter said, a hand on his chest from the sudden heart attack that was his best friend.
“There’s a new girl and she’s so cute. Have you seen her yet?”
Peter closed his locker shut, wracking his brain for a moment when he saw an unfamiliar face today. “No, I haven’t. What’s her name?”
“Uh… I can’t remember. Was it [wrong name]? Or maybe [another wrong name]?”
Peter looked down the hall and somehow amongst a cluster of students, he spotted you walking towards him. Like a moth to a flame, his eyes somehow went straight to you and only you. Irritation overcame him as he remembered the battle from yesterday. How you beat him so effortlessly, so ridiculously cool and being all perfect. And now you’re at his school? What, were you mocking him?
“Ned,” Peter said, placing a hand on his friend’s shoulder. “Is that her?” He pointed at you and nodded his head in your direction.
Ned looked over in your direction and snapped his fingers. “Yeah! That’s her.”
“Dude, that’s the girl,” Peter muttered.
“Huh? What girl?”
He thought about how he sulked on the apartment balcony, venting to Ned about you. “The… girl… remember what I told you over the phone yesterday?”
It took a few seconds, but Ned’s brain finally clicked. “She’s the one that beat you? Her? Oh my god, you didn’t mention how cute she was!”
“Will you keep your voice down? She’s coming this way!” Peter opened his locker again and hid his face behind it. Ned shook his head in disapproval.
“Are you embarrassed? Come on. Challenge her again.”
“I can’t.”
“I’ll do it for you.”
“No, dude, stop. You aren’t supposed to know about her. Mr. Stark will kill me.”
“But she goes to our school.”
Peter hid his face in his locker until you finally passed. He let out a huge sigh of relief, feeling like he had dodged a bullet. That was, until Ned shouted out, “Hey! New girl!”
You stopped at the familiar label people were referring to you as. Once you turned around, you saw Ned’s huge smile while Peter still cowered in his locker. The boy you were walking with scoffed at Ned’s boldness.
“You don’t need to engage with them. They’re nobodies.”
“That’s not very nice, Flash,” you said, frowning at his poor choice of words.
“If we’re nobodies, why is she friends with Peter then, huh?” Ned exclaimed loudly. If a black hole could open up and swallow Peter whole, now would be the time.
“What, you know Penis Parker?” Flash asked you, incredulous at the new information. Peter carefully pulled his head out of his locker enough to take a tiny peek at you. He wondered what you were going to say.
“Yeah. I know Peter, Flaccid Flash,” you replied, bumping into his shoulder deliberately as you made your way over to Peter and Ned. The entire hallway filled with laughter at your stinging remark.
“Hi. I’m [Y/N]. I think we maybe got off on the wrong foot. How about we start over?”
Peter looked at your extended hand as if it was a foreign object, standing still as a statue. When his brain finally registered what you said, Ned had beat him to it, shaking your hand so fast like he was in the presence of royalty. “We would love to start over. I’m Ned. Peter’s best friend.”
You let out a laugh. “Hi Ned. It’s lovely to meet you.”
Without thinking, Peter grabbed your other hand. “Come with me.”
You didn’t have time to react and he led you to the nearest empty classroom, thankful class hadn’t started yet.
“What are you doing here?” he interrogated, letting go of your hand. You leaned against the wall, crossing one foot over the other.
“I go to school here now?”
“But why here?”
“Because… it’s a nice school?”
Peter placed a hand on his forehead, his jaw clenched as he thought of what to say next without sounding like an ass. “Look, you beat me and you’re an Avenger fair and square. I’m happy for you, really.” His words became soft and broken towards the end. “But seeing you reminds me that Mr. Stark will never be impressed with me. So can you give me space?”
His voice was frail but sincere. You got off the wall and gave him a nod. “Okay. I’ll leave you alone.”
“Thank you.”
Before Peter could leave, you asked him one last question. “Sorry, but could you tell me where gym class is? I have it first period.”
It took everything in Peter not to curse out loud. He had to fight back his bitterness and said through gritted teeth. “Yeah. I have it first period too.”
You smiled to yourself, trailing closely behind him as he led you both to your first class. Together.
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Reblogs and thoughts are appreciated! Thank you!
Update: I might be in the middle of writing a part 2. :) Your support means a lot!
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wisteriagoesvroom · 6 months
helloooooo :)) sliding in with a generic marvel-esque vaguely criminal organization landoscar au with background lestappen because I am nothing if not predictable
Oscar is their resident poison specialist (he makes new poisons, tests them, makes antidotes, etc. for the organization to use). His preference is plant based poisons, like belladonna and nightshade, because he graduated college with a botany degree and therefore has a lot of knowledge about them that he can put for use. He spends most of his time in his greenhouse full of toxic, beautiful plants that he tends too very, very carefully. They’re his babies.
There’s a whole backstory involved with how he came to join the organization that involves him accidentally killing his college roommate
Lando is a former gymnast turned espionage guy who also does theft on the side for funsies that works for the organization. Like vaguely cat woman-y? Obviously he’s super flexible and super good at his job because duh.
His favorite hobby is breaking into Oscar’s greenhouse via the windows and watching him work. Oscar is super fascinating to him, and he’s enamored with how absolutely brilliant this quiet, stoic boy, with maybe five facial expressions total is.
Lando sits there and listens to Oscar ramble about his complex science things. He doesn’t understand most of it ngl, but he loves the way Oscar’s face lights up when he goes on a long tangent about the chemical properties of cyanide and why it’s superior to arsenic.
Also sometimes lando brings Oscar random pretty shiny things that he stole that he thinks Oscar might like and leaves them on his desk, kind of like a crow. Oscar keeps all of them in a box under his bed. He looks at them when he feels down (he doesn’t tell lando that)
Oscar is equally obsessed with lando but this is already wayyyyyy too long so 😭 you just gotta trust me on this one
And then eventually, the rest of the people in the organization pick up on the growing landoscar feelings situation. Alex and George give lando a bunch of (loving and caring) grief about it. A bet between them is born. “$50 lando is too chicken to confess to Oscar by the end of the month”
Yada yada time skip a week or so and lando and Oscar FINALLY do something about the tension between them one night late in Oscar’s greenhouse, lando freshly back from a mission. Boom they kiss and then lando, being the idiot that he is, as soon as they pull apart, goes “lol George and Alex owe me $50 now”
Cue misunderstanding trope. “Oh you only kissed me for a bet?? You don’t actually have feelings for me 😔 I knew it was too good to be true.”
Lando realizes his mistake but Oscar’s already out the door, disappeared into the night.
And then Oscar gets kidnapped by the enemy 🤗 because he’d normally be more aware and vigilant and stuff but his emotions are really going through it so. The ransom note comes through the next day.
Gonna leave it on that because otherwise I will spiral into a full blown fic when I already have too many wips to finish
I'M SO????? HOW DID U JUST RANDOMLY SLIDE IN HERE WITH THIS???? i am so obsessed with these details my god the POISON? CATMAN ESPIONAGEGYMNAST? christ. and then lando leaving him little gifts like a crow. OSCAR ACCIDENTALLY K-WORDING HIS ROOMMATE (and possible guilt)?? the classic misunderstanding thingy "but oscar gets kidnapped" leading to a climactic rescue oh oh oh this is the stuff of dreams.
idk what to do with myself exactly cus this is so gorgeous. anyway have a moodboard for your efforts cus like my goodness this was lovely to read.
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aquagirl1978 · 4 months
OMG !!! requests are open (and idk what's the right way to request but imma try :3) ahem, miss aqua may i please have william (ikevil) + wearing his clothes?
I added my own prompt, is that okay? :]
Hellooooo Inky! Thank you for this request - I had fun with this one. Maybe too much fun. I had so many different ideas as to where I could go with this, maybe one day I'll write some of those alternate scenes. Hope you enjoy this 😊
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This Kiss
A/N: Part of my Naughty or Nice event. Pairing: William Rex x Reader (William's POV) Prompt: wearing his clothes Word Count: 1017 Tags: fluff
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I was on my way back to the castle when I heard the most beautifully sweet music drifting through the gardens. Recognizing the melody, I smiled and hurried my pace; my robin was playing for me and I mustn’t make her wait.
I stood at the doorway, silently observing you, savoring every second you played. When we first met, you couldn’t play a single note. But look at you now – no longer my student, you’re now a master of the music you make. So determined to learn, you practiced at a dizzying pace until you were able to play even complex pieces on your own. Watching you grow as a musician, I grew prouder every day, even after that day when you were able to play without me by your side.
I knew as soon as I sat down next to you that you were up to something; why else would you lure me in with the first piece of music I taught you to play? The small glances you stole – quick, sneaky, happy glances – did not go unnoticed by me. And when your gaze drifted from my eyes, from my face, and lingered elsewhere, that was all the confirmation I needed.
I sat quietly after you finished playing;  you led me here, you were in charge.
“I thought we’d play a game today,” you said, your voice quiet as if you were suddenly a bit shy. Maybe rethinking your idea. 
Sing louder, my shy, sweet robin. I’m dying to indulge you and play your game.
“Oh?” I replied with a small hint of a smile. I didn’t need to tell you how excited I was; you knew me well enough by now to know how I was feeling.
“We’ve been together for a while now….” Yes, far longer than I’ve ever let anyone in. “and we’ve shared a few kisses. Or…” Oh, you’re getting nervous. You’re so adorable when you get shy and flustered. But please keep going. For me. “...a lot of kisses.” I like where this is going. “But earlier today, I thought, there has to be somewhere or someway we haven’t kissed yet.” 
I am going to love this game.
“When do we start?” I asked. I didn’t care that I looked like a lovestruck fool as I gazed into your eyes. When I was with you, I had no need to wear any masks and hide away my feelings.
I smiled as you tipped your face closer to mine, the anticipation of the kiss almost sweeter than the kiss itself. Your lips brushed against mine gently. Soft and quick. The kind of kiss that said hello or good morning, the kind of kiss a couple might exchange every day. 
“You’ll have to try harder than that, my dear, sweet robin,” I whispered, my eyes still closed. “How many times have I rewarded you with kisses when you were learning to play the piano? How many kisses did you steal while I was teaching you?”
I opened my eyes and was greeted with your adorable face that I love so much. I should reward you with a kiss for putting up with my teasing. But I won’t. Not yet.
You rose from the piano and walked around the side, retrieving a small bowl you must have hidden there earlier. I was curious as to what was in the bowl, but didn’t have to wait long to find out what was hiding in there. 
I watched you place the strawberry slice on the tip of your tongue. Tempting me with my favorite food was an evil trick, my naughty robin. How many times have I kissed you, my lips – or yours – still sweet with the taste of fresh berries? I still remember the time you wanted my berry so badly, you stole it right from between my teeth. I gladly let you have it then; I was enamored by how you so boldly took what you wanted. Even my precious strawberry.
I went after you this time. My mouth chasing yours, I wasn't satisfied until my lips were pressed firmly against yours, my tongue seeking the sinfully sweet taste of yours. 
That didn’t make this kiss any less sweet. But, it still was not a new kiss. 
And you knew that.
“Tell me what you want, my darling robin.” My lips hovered over yours; I was in no rush to end your game, but I was so very eager to witness that moment when you finally reached out and grabbed what you sought.
“How did you know….” you muttered, your lips still so close to mine I felt your warm breath.
Your eyes sparkled like a shining star dancing across the night sky. My gaze tracked yours, and before the words spilled from your parted lips, I already knew what you wanted.
“Give me this,” you finally said, your fingers curling around the checkerboard fabric of my cloak.  
Yes, my darling, I like where this is going. Demand, don’t ask; I will give you everything you want and more.
I did a poor job controlling my excitement as I undid the clasp on my cloak. You gave me a look; it's not going there, your eyes told me. 
I removed the fabric from around my shoulders and wrapped you in it. With my hands still on your shoulders, you immediately smiled; I hoped it felt like you were being wrapped in me. 
“Now kiss me.”
It would be my pleasure. 
This kiss. This kiss was everything. As you pressed your hand upon my chest, I could feel you breathe your everything into me, filling me with every bit of your love. I covered your hand with mine, our fingers linked together over my heart. 
I leaned in, close enough to kiss you again, and whispered softly, “Red really is your color.”
With my head empty and my heart full, I was prepared to spend the rest of the day like this. With you, my darling robin. Wishing we could kiss like this everyday until that day when we meet our beautiful destiny together.
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Tagging: @redheadkittys @themiscarnival @coral-relevium @cyberk1ee @kookie-my-little-sunshine
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94 notes · View notes
holy-puckslibrary · 9 months
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˗ˏˋ main masterlist ˎˊ˗
pairing(s) — (soft)dark!QUINN HUGHES x gray!reader word count — 4k
note — i am so sorry for this (not really)
recommended viewing — sorority row (2009)
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bingo squares and additional content warnings under the cut.
bingo squares —orgasm control, non-consensual voyeurism (+ pictures taken) and implied past mutual masturbation (dubcon — you’ll see) additional content warnings — dom!reader + subby-as-hell!quinn (ngl he’s kind of a pathetic loser here, but that’s why we love him), m!receiving oral (perhaps too much idk you tell me) + cum play x2, quinn rendered dumb and speechless by his raging humiliation kink and his need for degradation (and an itty bitty bit of praise — quinn: new kink unlocked), i have been plagued w ball play as of late so im subjecting yall to it, mention of edging and orgasm denial, oh and just some pheromone kink bits and a cute lil oral fixation moment or two, nothing to see here!
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QUINN HUGHES WAS ENAMORED the moment he saw you.
Three rows from the front. Laptop cracked, but more for show than anything. All your glittery, coveted attention fixed on the cellphone resting in your palm while you tapped away, your lips loosely draped over the pen you were gnawing on. 
You were positively mesmerizing.
He briefly contemplated sliding into one of the open seats beside yours, but a gaggle of your insipid "sisters" beat him to the punch.
As if he would’ve been able to capitalize on the golden opportunity anyway; it took half the semester for him to form a full, coherent sentence in your vicinity.
Ironically, Quinn was far more comfortable when you weren’t looking.
Or, rather, Quinn was more comfortable when you didn’t know he was looking.
He didn’t interact much with anyone outside of his coding cohort and the club team—athletic prowess only garners state-school clout when your sport is top dog, and this was a football school, through and through. As such, and at the hands of his tragic awkwardness, he rarely spoke to women, if ever.
And he never got face time with any as effortlessly beautiful and interesting as you.
Discovering that your large bedroom window faced the secluded side street he took to get home from practice each night felt like a sign. He’d struck gold, and it would be a shame not to put the knowledge to good use.
In his own shadowy domain, he could be whatever and whoever he wanted; he could be the guy who got the girl.
It was exhilarating, really. 
Quinn supposed some of that rush should be attributed to the feeling of unbridled control his daily routine sorely and consistently lacked. He hardly, if ever, felt like an active participant in his own life.
But in the privacy of his own head—and the safety of the very curb he’s stood on now—there were no alpha douche-canoes to eat up your finite attention or loud airheads to crave your tutelage. 
Between sundown and sun-up, you were his and his alone.
— Even if you were none the wiser.
As benevolent as you may appear, he knew you would never give a guy like him the time of day. Quinn was a lot of things, but stupid's never been one of them.
You wouldn’t even acknowledge his existence if it weren’t for your shared smaller sessions on Thursday mornings. Just you and him… and ten other students, with the occasional appearance of your slacker TA—how romantic.
And if he couldn’t even get a moment alone with you, he definitely wouldn’t get a night inside of you, either. 
So, he settles.
Quinn puts up with the bugs and tolerates the bushes, swallowing his pride (and his mortification), and takes what he can get.
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He's accustomed to maneuvering in the dark—this stretch of pavement in particular—but he stumbles through the dimly lit street like he’s got two left feet that only grew in yesterday. 
If you were privy to his impromptu audition for Bambi, you don’t mention it.
And if you clocked the obnoxious bulge tenting his jeans, you don’t acknowledge that, either.
Quinn isn’t entirely sure this is happening in his real, waking life; it’s far too good to be true. 
This is not at all where he thought the night would go when your name flashed across the screen.
When he hesitantly clicked ‘accept’ and brought the phone to his ear, all while still palming himself to the memory of your head tossed back in ecstasy—the way it was before the lights went out abruptly —Quinn assumed he’d soon be gripping steel bars.
“H-How’d you get this number?” he asked after hearing his name.
You whispered it so ardently he could almost feel your breath on his cheek. It made him shiver and, momentarily, forget he’d likely been caught red-handed—literally.
“You made the group chat for our section, silly.”
Instinct compelled Quinn to chastise himself, but knowing you remembered that minute detail—a nothing of a fact, really—was enough to override the urge entirely.
And the complete lack of ire in your voice lured him into a false sense of security yet to be disproven.
He gulped and willed his hand to stop moving. “Oh, right. Uh, is there something you need? Did the outline for next week not go through? Because if not, I can just re-send it ri—”
“Meet me at the same door as last time,” you sliced through his rambling with a tone that was neither foreboding nor comforting.
Then, the line went dead.
For once, Quinn was grateful to be so eager to please. If not for that zeal, he couldn't have walked up to the service door of Delta Nu.
Risking the wrath of your underlings was never a goal of his, but considering how quickly they turned up their plastic noses at him when he came by to drop off notes from the class you missed, Quinn couldn’t imagine worse circumstances for Round Two. 
When the backdoor swung in, you spoiled him in all your glory and the assurance of an empty house.
Out of pure exhaustion—and in his excitement to resume his ritual after a long week away—it slipped his mind; tonight is the best and biggest Kappa Tau rager.
Hence the ghost town
“Do you stand out there all night, stalker?”
Quinn’s head bobbed despite the apt insult. Then, he remembered you couldn’t see his reply, given that you were leading him up a staircase.
“M-Most nights, yeah.”
At that, you spun on your heel. Quinn shook like a leaf as you stepped forward. Gripping the railing, a hand on either side of his shrunken form, you invaded his personal space for the sole purpose of degrading him further.
The sneer hadn’t reached your eyes, but it speared him just the same. “God, you’re fucking pathetic.”
Quinn launched into an attempt at groveling, but his own verbal clumsiness rendered the effort futile.
However, his sputtered half-thoughts and litany of sentences that went nowhere were brought to a screeching halt by a single, manicured finger. Unable to process the touch and the wicked grin on your otherwise cherubic face concurrently, he froze.
His predicament worsened when you gently breached the tight seam of his lips to rest your interruption against his tongue.
You stepped closer; he saw stars. “I like that.”
It was at that moment Quinn realized you came straight down to the side-yard...because he could taste you. As you massaged his tongue with the pad of your finger, effectively rubbing your essence into his body, it took every ounce of strength to keep himself from busting right there in your foyer.
Still, he managed the mortification he sought to avoid.
“Are you… Are you humping me?” you barked with an incredulous snort.
Humiliation blurred his vision as you backed away from him; it wasn’t his fault your perfume elicited a Pavlovian bodily reaction. 
You kept your finger in his mouth as you bit back genuine laughter, but that just made him harder.
“Y’know,” you hummed, contemplative. You paused to watch your pointer finger slowly thrust in and out of his needy mouth. Your smirk was noticeably wider when you spoke again. “My last boyfriend couldn’t even text me back—or remember that he was in a monogamous relationship.”
Quinn blinked. “Your last boyfriend?”
The question was garbled by your finger—and his own sucking. It didn’t matter, though. His reply wasn’t necessary.
At least, not yet.
“Mhmm, my last one.”
You repeated yourself as if you were speaking to a child and not to the grown man whose boner was digging into your skin. 
It made him whimper. Your condescension was his kryptonite, apparently.
“But...I know my next one will be different; you’re too devoted to hurt me.”
He wasn’t given time to respond because as soon as you got your desired reaction—mewling akin to a bleating lamb and the whites of his eyes—you were dragging him up the remaining stairs and into the president’s suite.
Quinn’s spent countless hours wondering what your bedroom looked like, and even more fantasizing about what might happen if he ever saw it firsthand. His mouth splits after working up the nerve to compare the reality of your space to his mental notes, but before he can shove out any words, you’re backing him across the room with a devious glint in your eyes.
“W-What are you doing?” he asks when his back hits glass.
Right now, he’s pressed against his standing window into your most private moments. It feels wrong to be on this side of the wall.
Quinn gets none of the bubbly warmth he assumed he would if he ever found himself here. Instead, he feels unbelievably small as he drowns in a sea of poor choices.
“I think a little exhibitionism would be good for you, Hughes.”
"I-I don’t understand…”
You smile. His stupid heart flutters.
God, love’s fucking embarrassing.
Again, you crowd his space. This time, though, until there’s barely enough room between the window pane and your body for his wilted one. You press a single, fleeting kiss to his pulse point, your breath fanning over his clammy skin. His hitches in his throat.
“I want you to see things from my point of view.”
The words seep into his neck. Your intentions slam into him like a semi-truck going full speed. Anyone walking on the path—his path— would need only to venture a peek at your window to know exactly what was happening.
It would be too easy to watch him the way he’s watched you for weeks. 
A taste of his own medicine.
The candy-coated threat shouldn’t have the effect that it does. Given how emotionally charged the air’s become—for him, at least—it makes sense for his body to get some wires crossed; the same sticky emotion causing him to wither in fear should not be making him harder than ever.
He isn’t expecting you to kiss him, so it takes Quinn’s mind a beat to catch up. Still, he melts into the affection like it's the only thing keeping him alive. Though, as soon as Quinn regains enough composure to actually participate, you kill the kiss as swiftly as you brought it to fruition.
He chases after your mouth, much to your amusement.
“What, sad there was no tongue?” you tease as if you weren't the one to ruined the moment. 
Quinn doesn’t find you very funny right now.
“We’re going to play a little game.” 
Your lips brush his as your hushed words march out, but he remains still. He knows better now than to ask questions prematurely. You hum in acknowledgment, satisfied. 
Quinn beams. He's always been a quick study.
You take him by the wrist and guide him into the space you just vacated.
Physically, he knows he’s stronger. It wouldn’t take much to overpower you, but that means nothing in the face of your mental sway. Quinn can’t move because you don’t want him to—because you haven’t told him he can.
And any hope of gaining the upper hand crashes out onto the concrete the moment your bare knees hit the carpet.
Quinn knows he’s a dead man when your hands coast up his thighs.
“Put your hands on the window sill.” He does without hesitation. “Keep them there. You move, I stop. Understand?”
“Yes, I-I understand.”
“Good boy,” you say.
It’s more of a taunt than true praise, but his bulge twitches all the same before your eyes. The slight betrayal announces the internal chaos in the wake of the unexpected praise.
Quinn knew he liked that, but he didn’t want you to know it, too. What little control he managed to horde dissipates.
The delight on your face confirms the worst; you plan to do with that information what he hoped you wouldn’t. “God, I am going to have so much fun with you.”
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It's an uphill battle, trying to keep his eyes open and his hands where they are supposed to be.
Quinn tastes nirvana when you finally flick the tip of your tongue over his cherry-red tip, the skin having adopted a luminous intensity courtesy of the few street lamps nearby. Glowing, after too much teasing.
Normally, he veered toward edging and denial JOI content, especially if the voice actor sounded anything like you. Tonight, he’s never hated a concept more. Still, he's making sure he behaves because he knows you’ll reward him handsomely.
You can be sweet when you want to be.
Like right now, for instance. You’re snuggling your face into his body, generously nuzzling his painfully stiff length with your cheeks. Whenever the friction mounts to anything substantial, you pull back to decorate his hips and inner thighs with little pecks.
They're reminiscent of the chaste parting kisses you’ve given his cheek in the past just to make him squirm.
You lap up what you can of the escaping arousal, hungrily drinking down all he has to offer. You do your best, you really do, but there’s just too much. The successor to each puddle arrives faster than you expect, and quicker than you can keep up with.
So, you stop trying.
You’re both so desperate, anyway.
Quinn bites back a scream when your dominant hand loops around the base of his cock; the cruel, beautiful beast only settling once the middle finger finally reaches the accompanying thumb. The pressure is light, but encompassing enough to make him dizzy.
So dizzy, in fact, that he actually appreciates your one rule.
However, nothing could have prepared him for what torture you enact next.
Blinking up at him, you rub the leaking tip over and between your lips. With one hand braced against his bare thigh and the other unchanged, you gently tug downward as you suckle the bulbous head.
The sensation is unlike anything Quinn has felt in his limited experience, which he wears like a scarlet letter. The little huffs that make him feel like a dog panting in mid-July remind him that while he's gotten a blowjob or two before, they were nothing like this one. They weren't from you. It might be unfair to lump those instances in with the magic of your mouth.
You can’t compete where you don’t compare.
So, Quinn showers you in soft, airy whispers. Even when you pull back until only the ridge preceding the tip rests past your spit-stained lips, he goes on and on about how good your mouth feels and how much he adores you. 
And, if he were slightly more coherent, maybe he would’ve caught the obvious squeeze of your thighs at his flushed cheeks and the reciprocal effect your lazy teasing.
His hips go rogue when you try to swallow him a little deeper, jerking forward and sending the firm tip to the back of your throat. Naturally, you lose your grip and gag around him, your eyes watering more and more with each subsequent unintended impact.
Quinn is bashfully apologetic, but you’re quick to remove him from your mouth.
“Shouldn’t you already know I like to choke on it?” your raspy voice goads.
You shoot him a wink before hollowing your cheeks to accommodate his wide girth, your tongue flattened and pressed tautly to the underside.
The shallow movement triggers images he shouldn’t have, bright and flashing through his head: of you, on your knees like this for that jerk-off ex-boyfriend of yours—of you, from a distance and fuzzy, forever immortalized in a single film unit pinned to the back wall of his closet.
Quinn does know you like to choke on it. He knows you like to be choked, too.Quinn knows a lot of things about you—likes, dislikes, sleep patterns, study habits… sexual preferences.
Your bizarre reaction to his Peeping Tom antics makes him wonder what you might know about him…
He’s given no time to fall down that rabbit hole on account of your nose brushing his public bone once more. Quinn cannot fathom how his length disappeared down your throat so smoothly, and it's useless to try, given how thoroughly muddied his head’s become with your tongue gently petting the delicate skin of his sack.
With your lips stretched around the base—and your thumb tucked into your palm to subdue innate reflex—you begin massaging what you can. Until you realize quinn has absolutely zero volume control. As crazy as his loud and breathy moans make you, you’ve come too far only to get this far.
Viscous, glasslike threads hang between your withheld mouth and his anguished cock in the lower fringe of your vision. Above you, Quinn is struggling, whimpering like a lost puppy caught in a storm. 
Lips parted ever-so-slightly, his forehead rests against the frame, limp. He's white-knuckling the historic, but recently refurbished wood, trembling in your barely-there hold because he’s that aroused. Mindlessly teetering on the border of “too much” and “not enough," all the while mumbling unintelligibly between choppy breaths.
You could get drunk on those pretty sounds; you’re sure of it. 
Maybe next time, you will.
“I know I said everyone was out, but I don’t think you want Ms. Patty busting through the door before you have a chance to.”
The thought of your sixty-year-old, strict-as-fuck house mother catching him with his pants around his ankles is just horrific enough to coax him a bit closer to the ground.
Quinn bites his lip in a show of good faith.
“Good boy,” you hum your approval while stroking him. “Now, tell me what you want. Tell me what you need to cum in my mouth, Quinn.”
“I need—f-fuck!” he grumbles, at war with himself. Ultimately, primal need overpowers the fickle social invention that is a shame: “I need you to play with… with my b-balls again—please.”
Delaying his wish, you wrap your mouth around him one last time. You need to elicit that one-of-one sudden, uneven intake of air—the giveaway gasp, the tremor of truth. Insatiable, you fill your throat to the brink. The distinct, thick scent of the day’s natural musk swirling with the sheen of hard work on the ice keeps you there until your vision blurs and drool pools under your tongue.
Motivated by a sticky, overdue reward and a whine bursting from deep in Quinn’s throat—the sweet sound of total surrender—you succumb to your own desire to make him feel the best he’s ever felt.
You lick at them gingerly at first, and with a doughy, flattened tongue. You meant to test the waters, to take things slow and drag out his orgasm, but a string of colorful language tumbles from his pretty, pink mouth to derail your plans.
With the dam crumbling, you have to suck one into your hot, wet mouth.
His reaction does not disappoint.
Your spit-soaked hands rise to his recently abandoned length as you devote equal attention to the pair with your mouth. Quinn swells and heavies on your tongue and everything is throbbing.
Including the tight heat between your knees, pulsing around the mere thought of him fucking you there instead.
“S’close, ‘m gonna c-cum soon—Shit!”
Amidst the drawn-out expletive, you detach in order to aim his release on his behalf (though very reluctantly), knowing full-well Quinn is far too gone to be capable of anything.
His eyelids flutter seconds before snapping open, intent to watch you watch him fall apart.
Oh, and fall apart he does…
Crude and ear-piercing, and over faster than either of you would’ve preferred, you’d be lying if you said you weren’t a little flattered by it. You enjoy how easy he is—how pliable.
His hips jerk too easily and his hands wander aimlessly, and you can’t bring yourself to chastise him, entirely consumed by the show unfolding at your hand. It's like he can’t help himself; can’t help but twitch and drip, can’t help but whimper and beg for anything and everything.
He won’t even let you pull away to catch your breath without whining. At one point, whether by accident or designed to keep you from retreating, Quinn’s knees squeezed together, effectively caging you in from both sides.
A messy concoction of cum, spit, and tears paints the lower half of your face. Quinn’s chest heaves as he watches it collect and drip down your neck and into the valley of your chest, soiling your delicate pajamas beyond repair.
Unfazed, you leave the emotionality to him while you lick your fingers clean. Once you’ve finished, you mop up the dissenter spray on your cheeks, chin, and décolletage, and greedily swallow it down, too. It's when you delve between your tits to scoop out the remainder of his spill that Quinn just about keels over.
He falls back against the window, and you shift back into your heels.
He rights his pants, and you wipe your mouth with the corner of your bathrobe. 
For a while, you observe one another, having not been this close—or alone—together before.
That’s not to say you didn’t notice him, though.
You actually struggled not to, and it drove your now-ex insane. His enmity toward Quinn came to a head this afternoon. Unable to deny your raging, juvenile crush, you finally pulled the trigger on something that was a long time coming—and for reasons beyond that not-so-unfounded jealousy.
“C-Can I have a head-start before you call the c-cops?” Quinn asks.
He’s so timid, you can’t help but laugh. He blinks down, and you can practically see the gears turning in his head as he rifles through yours, searching for malicious intent or knotted strings—fury behind an unspoken threat.
You let him look; this is a conclusion he needs to reach without you holding his hand.
When the investigation runs its course having turned up nothing dubious, he slides down to the floor beside you. He’s reverted to avoiding eye contact, unfortunately. Quinn watches the tremor in his fingers instead.
“I am sorry, y'know, about… Well, uh, you know.”
You find the way he dances around committing a felony (repeatedly) weirdly endearing.
While you very well could put him out of his palpable misery—you can actually smell it on him—there's no fun to be found in that. As such, you force Quinn to wrestle with his words a bit longer.
Eventually, you offer him a shrug that isn’t the least bit pacifying.
“You’re going to make it up to me, don’t worry.”
His eyes snap to yours just as you knew they would. His throat quivers in the wake of a sharp gulp.
The nervous tick cracks your nonchalant demeanor. You roll your eyes. “If you’re going to keep watching, you might as well make yourself useful.”
Quinn’s eyes narrow, perplexed. You grin in anticipation.
“My vibrator’s dead, and I can’t find the right charger. Time to get your ass off the bench, Hughes.”
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All of the stories and fantasies written or discussed on this blog by the owner or by followers are purely fictional and are not intended to offend any parties.
©2023 holy-pucks, all rights reserved. I do not give consent for any of my work to be copied, re-posted, or translated here, on Tumblr, or on any other platform. Reproduction of any content from this blog is considered plagiarism.
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121 notes · View notes
dootdootwriting · 2 years
HIHIHI IDK IF URE STILL TAKIJG REQUEST BUT IF U ARE, ATUSHI,DAZAI AND RANPO MAKING READER CRY? (gender neutral or fem is great if that’s okayyy) TAKE CARE 😘💞💓 make sure ure eating drinking sleeping and all that jazz 🫶🫶
featuring: atsushi; dazai; ranpo (separately tw: mild descriptions of violence/injury in atsushi's part, crying, dazai typical suicide jokes/discussion of them in his part, "angel" as a pet name, swearing (from me) type: angst to fluff, hurt/comfort pronouns used: none (no use of "belladonna") (dazai flirts with another woman but god dammit that man is BISEXUAL. reader is gn) a/n: YIPPEEE THREE OF MY BEST BOYS!! and tysm im actually coming down with some kindof sickness my dad has covid so i hope its. not that LMAO but thank you <333 i'm going to bed after i write this!
under the cut for length <3 i may have gotten a LITTLE carried away with dazai DHAGHDG
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is it even possible for this dude to make you cry, genuinely? he's such a caring boyfriend that he second guesses just about everything he says in case it could somehow offend you
it's partially adorable and partially annoying
so, him hurting you is pretty much out of the question. so how the hell does this sweetheart end up making you cry??
by getting hurt
he gets beaten within an inch of his life in yet another accidental run-in with akutagawa, and you have to drag him out of that situation as fast as you can, carrying him all the way to the ada
kunikida opens the door, notices your tear-stained face first and then atsushi's limp body flung over your shoulder, and calls for yosano immediately. she arrives in under three seconds, scooping him up and rushing him to her infirmary.
and now, all you can do is wait
hours after the incident, after yosano informs everyone that he'll most likely pull through, you try to get some work done. but with your boyfriend having just nearly been killed, it's pretty much impossible.
ranpo is so worried about how distressed you look that he offers you a pocky stick. you accept it and eat it, but it doesn't taste like anything.
your thanks is half-hearted.
you're sitting there in front of your google doc, eyes tired and red from sobbing earlier. there are three words written on what's supposed to be an incident report. kunikida sighs, pats you on the back, and takes your laptop away from you, telling you he'll take care of it.
that's when yosano gently re-enters the main room, calling you over
atsushi is sitting upright in bed, eyes misty. as soon as he sees you, he tries to sit up even more. yosano snaps at him.
the thing you want to do more than anything is jump into his arms and cry into his chest, but you don't want to risk hurting him even more. so, instead, you opt to gently sit on the edge of his bed and wrap your arms around him.
both of you start crying again, and atsushi promises he'll be more careful next time.
oh good lord . what did he do this time
jokingly flirting with yet another woman and asking if she'll do a double suicide with him again? yeah, that'll do it.
as always, his newest mark turns him down, skittering away as quickly as possible. you don't blame her.
"how come you keep asking people to commit suicide with you?"
"hm?" he doesn't seem to understand, flashing you that head-empty smile. he's completely enamored with you, you can tell, but then... why is he still up to his stupid habits?
"i mean, you're with me now. are you still really looking for someone to die with you?"
"well, you keep saying no, so what am i supposed to do~?"
it's a joke, you can tell. it's always a joke, except when it isn't, and with dazai, really, who can tell?
you don't want him to run off and end his life with some lady he met fifteen minutes ago. and they all reject him anyway, but what if, one day, one of them doesn't? would he be caught off guard and admit he was teasing? or would he not even miss a beat and actually go through with it?
the thought of him just leaving you without warning is so distressing, your eyes start to tear up. you thought you were done with this.
immediately, dazai notices. his eyebrows furrow and his expression immediately sobers.
"hey, angel, what's wrong?"
through tears, you have to explain everything to him. how much he means to you, and how little you feel that it seems that he could throw you and the rest of his life away at the drop of a hat. how you can never tell if he's joking, if he means it, if he's teasing. how much you just want him to stay with you and never leave.
he's taken aback. for a fraction of a second, dazai's eyes widen and he's left at a complete loss for words.
of course, as always, he regains his composure almost immediately, pulling you in as close as he can to his chest and rubbing circles into your back.
"i thought you knew you meant too much to me for me to do that," he murmurs, his voice as low and soothing as he can muster. "i'm so sorry, i didn't realize how much this was bothering you. i won't do it anymore, i promise. and you never have to worry about me leaving you like that. i can't just throw all this away! you're everything."
and he holds you like that for as long as you need before taking you back home.
this man and his fucking candy i swear to god
it's always a bargain with him. you want a kiss? okay, but you owe him a lollipop. hugs? while he's working? you'd better have a cookie ready.
honestly, it's almost as if he's doing it just for you. like he doesn't love the affection just as much as you do, if not even more
ranpo enters every request of him with the mindset of it being a trade. instead of both of you receiving a kiss, it's your request, so he deserves something in return.
it's stupid is what it is (in a complete contrast to ranpo himself)
"i'm not giving you a lollipop, ranpo. you either get a hug, or you don't."
"fine, i guess i don't then. suit yourself." he spins his chair back around and gets back to typing, making a point of only using his index fingers to go as slowly as possible
"this is stupid, ranpo."
he swivels back around, his eyes open and giving you one of the most piercing expressions you've seen from him thus far.
"stupid? it's not stupid, it's just the way i do things. if you want a hug so bad, go to kunikida for all i care. besides, you should know better. if my own way sounds stupid to you, that means you're the dumb one. i'm just taking advantage of an opportunity; nobody said you had to get all fussy about it. just get back to work and leave me alone."
it stings! i mean, this is your boyfriend, who, despite being selfish at times, is usually one of the sweetest and most caring people you've met. just because of a lollipop? and you're the stupid one?
you feel like crying.
oh. you are crying?
you hadn't even noticed, and you weren't even sure why - this type of thing was usually something you should be able to suck up and give ranpo the silent treatment about.
but you're crying?
ranpo notices from the corner of his eye, and immediately feels insanely guilty
so of course he makes a show out of it.
"wait! there's something wrong! something doesn't add up!"
he stands up on his chair, procuring his glasses from his pocket and flashily but delicately placing them on his face.
"my lovely partner is crying! which can only mean one thing. it seems... in this singular, incredibly improbable situation... i, the world's greatest detective.... am wrong!"
he drops back down to sit cross legged on his chair again, puting his glasses back into his pocket.
"i'm really sorry, i didn't think this would upset you so much. i'll give you as many hugs as you want from now on."
773 notes · View notes
osaka-lilac · 7 months
Asking you to kindly elaborate on the strollonso football au:
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hello raapija my beloved, i would love to elaborate <3
for those out of the loop, refer to my tags on this post!
warning: i am an american with a incredibly basic understanding of footy ("soccer"). there is a reason the actual talk of any gameplay is basic and limited
fernando is this new guy to Lawrence Stroll's footy team right. (because in every universe, lawrence has to own a Team.) i can imagine he's some draft pick from spain for a new striker or something like that. possibly some trade, maybe a mid-season exchange (they do that in american football but idk if they do that in footy) those who know specifics of positions in footy please let me know your thoughts on what position fernando would play
lance: couldn't give two shits about footy. he's seen maybe once in a blue moon on the sidelines tagging along, and he's known for being visibly bored or on his phone during matches. (he has the Pout Blast 3000 for this.)
the reputation he receives from fans is much like the perceived impressions he gets irl: some spoiled kid who shouldn't be there. he's more into hockey than any match his dad's team could ever play.
now when fernando shows up its like a fucking slap to the face. like. "holy fuck i didn't think they could be this hot" type beat.
for the first time, lance shows up to a team practice with his father, not just a match. but he's really not there for the team: he is enamored by fernando. his speed. he's a sly yet devilishly handsome fucker with this wicked grin when he knows he's tricked his opponent yet again, and lance is obsessed.
not only does he start going to way more matches. he also starts showing visible interest and gets invested. and he gets loud. the mumbles online about his "spoiled reputation" turn to joy. he becomes a meme of the team for a few weeks after a clip of him getting frustrated after a poorly-called card is given to fernando ends up going viral.
and maybe this entire time, fernando has been watching this young boy from afar. he totally believes he can't be with his literal manager's young son and jeopardize his spot on the team and a shot at glory. and maybe he believes that lance initially isn't interested. but maybe when he sees lance become more invested in the team, he figures he might have a chance. he just can't figure out why lance has become so invested in what was, quite frankly, a very short amount of time.
so maybe fernando's on the side for a while in a practice. lance is there, but he seems distant. not in the game. not really watching the drills by the other players with much enthusiasm. and fernando's a smart man. and he puts some pieces together in his brain. and makes a move.
he comes up to lance and asks to talk with him once practice is done. when all the other players are gone. in the locker room. of course lance agrees
flash forward a bit. n lance is like. hanging out by the exit outside of the locker room. he counts all the players. and when there's only one left. he goes inside. finds fernando sitting on one of the benches, still in his kit.
they get to talking. what lance does outside of being at games, (i can imagine him being a student but i don't have the will to kin assign him a major right now), what his favorite hockey team is (habs. of course) and of course, the loaded question:
"lancito, what's gotten you so interested in the team now?"
of course, lance doesn't really respond to this, kinda dances around the question. he gets flustered. he doesn't want to be found out. what if he sees right through him, what if he already knows, what if he tells his dad??
fernando leans in slightly, and slides his hand over lance's hip. he cups his chin softly, and slowly turns lance's head to look at fernando straight on.
"be honest, niñito."
and when has lance ever been anything but honest.
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assistantquail · 2 years
Well damn... (Adults) 2/2
 Male reader is left with no choice but to use a female avatar, not that he minds using it on the first place, to save their best friend's life.
Characters: Tonowari, Ronal, Quaritch
Pronouns: They/Them
Warnings: Cursing, injury, mentions of blood, simps, everyone is bi >:3, gender is a social construct, idk a thing about injuries or fighting, ooc
This is obviously an au, so be warned
Tonowari and Ronal are siblings
Quaritch is going through character development
Why? Because, I said so
(None of the ff images/gifs are mine)
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This will be a hard and gruesome battle against the sky people. It is war, the moment they attacked their spirit brothers and sister. This is a serious period for the clan and he was focused on avenging those they have lost. But he never expected to be enamored by one of them, realizing this person is “the backup” the Toruk Makto mentioned. 
The moment you appeared, on the back of an ikran he is whipped.
“I see you” You gestured towards him and his sister Ronal. You were not surprised by Ronal's wariness with you, you are used to the treatment and stares. A light smile graced your lips, raising both of your hands up just like what the Sullys did when they first arrived.
“Y/N brother, I'm so glad to see you”  Jake went to your side, and both of your hands meet each other which resulted in a clap.
“You cannot get rid of me, that easily Sully” Your lips widened, showing off your fangs as you threw a grin.
Brother? You are clearly a female though? The poor man was confused but he chose to formally greet you, throwing the question to the back of his mind. He made eye contact with you, as you returned your attention to them.
“Greetings, I am Y/N L/N, I understand that this is no time and place for warming up to each other...” You held your head up high, never looking away from him as “But I would like to thank you for taking in my brother and his family, I owe you one”
Tonowari's brain just stopped functioning correctly when he heard your voice, so he was not able to process your words and just nodded dumbly (in Ronal's perspective).
“It is a pleasure that you will aid us in this battle”
“The pleasure is all mine, to be able to fight along with the mighty Olo'eyktan and people of the Metkayina” Ronal noticed how the tail of her brother kept swishing around in delight, as he listens to your words. She rolled her eyes at this, attempting to break you both apart before Tonowari does something stupid.
“We have no time for this, we must prepare now” She gestured for you to follow her, and you nodded at the Olo'eyktan before catching up to Ronal. Jake also nodded to Tonowari,
“We shall discuss strategies in a while, yes?” His body turned to face Jake but his eyes were kept on your back as you walked away, “Of course”
Jake noticed how his full attention was not on the conversation but he suspected it might be because of the stress. “Do not think too deeply about this matter, we will be able to have a higher chance of winning with my brother here”
There it is again with you being called brother, is this some sort of nickname? He did not want to ask unless he is certain that this is a comfortable topic to be asked with you in person.
“The tulkuns have been warned by the people, now we will reassess the situation to prevent anyone from losing” Tonowari regained his ability to think clearly again, taking this situation seriously.
Tonowari was not able to have another glimpse of you until the battle horn was blown.
It was time, all the warriors gathered with their skimwings. That is when he saw you on your ikran, you had no time to bond with any of the creatures in the reef so you had to make do with what you had.
Your eyes were focused on the ships ahead, void of any emotions that were present when you first arrived. Your mouth was moving but he was not sure  what you were saying as you pressed something on your neck.
You were wearing your visor, a chest plate out of bones with sky blue paint on your face. In your hand was a bunch of weapons.  You also had a gun at bay, but it did not worry him.
What worried him was you and the people's safety.
The horn sounded again and you were immediately flying through the sky. The wind did not bother you a bit, as you heard from Jake that your nieces and nephews were missing in action. This ignited something in you, nobody messes with your family, not while you are still breathing.
Explosions and gunshots resounded as you threw grenades at the incoming fleets, you easily took down 3 ships in a short moment as you evaded their guns. Skillfully navigating through the air as your one-man army terrorizes the invaders.
You cursed as you did not see any sign of your loved ones, pressing the communicator on your neck to give Jake an update.
“Jake, the kids are not here, they must be on that ship at 3 o’clock”
“Roger that, once you’re done there, proceed to that ship” Jake was very worried, you can hear it in his voice as he tries to steel himself.
“I’ll be there in a heartbeat, cross my heart”
You shot down a few more boats as the army of the Metaykina arrived to see the damage you caused, it was messy to describe it nicely. Tonowari watched as you shot someone with an arrow, making them fall of the ship.
The rest of the warriors marveled at the sight, some of them fell in love with your bravery and skill. You noticed that they stopped for a while making you raise an eyebrow.
“Well, they are all yours brothers and sisters” Your voice woke them up from their thoughts, and charged at the ships.
Tonowari used his spear to eliminate the survivors who managed to escape from the flaming ships that are sinking. He noticed how someone was aiming for you and immediately impaled the man from fury, how dare he try to hurt you.
He turned back to you, your face wore a smirk while looking back at him. This made him gulp as Ao’nung looked at his uncle in bewilderment. Oh, this is great material, wait till Tsireya hears about this-
You flew towards the ship where the kids were being kept, thankfully you were able to shoot down the enemies before they shot at the boys.
“Uncle Y/N!”
Neteyam called out to you with a relieved smile, they knew that you were strong and you will protect them.
“Thank Eywa, you skxawngs are alive” 
You informed Jake that you found the three boys and girl are safe. The five of you went to the shore, once you got off your ikran you pulled them into a hug.
After this heartfelt moment, you hit them all at the back of their heads, except the Metaykina girl.
“Seriously, you leave your parents’ sight for a few minutes and you almost got yourself killed! What were you all thinking!?”
You proceeded to scold them for five minutes while the girl which you now know as Tsireya watched. They feel ashamed of what they did, but they also know that you just care about them and what they did could have easily killed anyone.
Thankfully everyone was safe and no one died. Jake and Neytiri proceeded to do the same thing as you, hug the and scold them enough to never forget. 
Neytiri gasped when she saw your leg, “Y/N your leg! Let us treat it immediately”
“Oh shit, uncle Y/N” The kids started to fuss over you, which made you confused.
“Huh?” You look down to see blood soaking the sand underneath you then you felt the pain. “Yeah, maybe I should not have looked-”
Suddenly your feet were not touching the ground and you were met with a teal blue chest. Ocean eyes were staring into your golden ones, masked with worry.
“Olo'eyktan, what a surprise! But you need not carry me, I can walk by myself”
“No, you are injured, you must not take this situation lightly” The Sullys and Tsireya watched this interaction, they all had wide eyes while Lo’ak almost laughed at how grave Tonawari’s expression is. Jake is trying to not laugh out loud at your bewildered expression, he knows that your pride is at stake”
“This is not the first time I was shot nor a helpless girl, so please calm down”
“Absolutely not, this is not a request but an order as the Olo’eyktan”
“But I am not part of this-”
“No buts”
Oh, this will be a great show, they thought. They wondered how he will react once he finds out that you are actually a man.
(I will probably continue this story along with Tsu’tey’s? Should I? AYO)
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She despises your kind with all her heart but she also tries to treat you in a neutral manner with the urging of her brother and niece. She should find you annoying but she is aware of how you are trying your best to not be seen by her, this is how the walls around her heart crumble little by little. She does not know how an avatar works so imagine her reaction to finding out that you have been severely injured.
Ronal is a smart and badass woman, that's your first impression of her and you respect her attitude. In fact, you welcomed it with open arms. With this fact and attitude, she was deeply annoyed with you. A demon, you were always called, yet you remain unbothered with what surrounds you.
Despite your kind being small and fragile, they have caused so much irreparable damage to Pandora. A stain that must be removed at all costs.
You can easily be trampled on by their kind yet the half-bloods insist on sticking by your side. It must be because of your dirty blood inside them, which makes them protective over you.
As a sky person, you have always believed that you should not be with the Sullys even though you are Jake’s best friend. But they see you as family, heck even Neytiri cares for you! You know that you are not worthy of such compassion after what your kind has done.
Everyone begs to differ with your belief, they know that you are different from the ones that wreak havoc. So you put your utmost effort into fixing and improving the state of Pandora to correct the wrongdoings of what the others have done. 
When the Sullys had to leave the clan for their safety, they offered to bring you with them and you immediately tried to shake your head. “I am not certain that they will welcome someone like me, my avatar has not even healed since the unexpected raid”
“It does not matter, you are family to us, if they do not accept you then we will look for another clan” Jake and Neytiri placed their hand in your shoulder. It was already a big deal that they were leaving a place full of memories, yet they could not bear to make you separate from them.
So that is how you arrived at this point. When Kiri almost drowned near the spirit tree, you were just as panicked as her parents and they called for Norm and the others. You know that the Tsahik will not like this, she will be furious at the sight of the machines being brought to the marui.
You were right with your theory, regrettably enough. She was furious at the sight of all these unknown objects placed around and attached to Kiri. Ronal flipped out, wearing a more stressed expression than what you usually see.
You were worried that she is having too many things on her plate and it is affecting her health, you prefer not seeing her get worked up. The reason why? It is unknown to you but it may be related to how similar she is to your little sister.
They both have their own ways to deal with things and the strong personality is nostalgic to you. But for some reason she shows hostility against you the most, she did not acknowledge Norm or the others even if they are unfamiliar.
When nothing was happening to your niece as she was still unconscious, Neytiri also burst out. She yelled at almost everyone to take the machines away as she pleaded to Ronal, for her daughter.
“Take those vile things away, I do not want to see any sky people or their crafts in front of me” Ronal seethed, you were scared but thankful that she will heal Kiri.
“Let us get these things out of here”
You made it your responsibility to speed up the process of taking all the machines back to the ship.
You decided to leave her sight so that she will not have other problems to deal with, a Tsahik is already a big enough responsibility. As you thought about her hardships, you decided to make some of her favorite snacks.
You have a very understanding personality, which is why almost everybody has no problem with sharing their problems with you. It is almost like an unconscious routine of yours, you will be observing a person that piques your interest and do small actions to lighten their responsibilities. It is not the first time you have done such a thing for Ronal.
“She must be busy at this time, I shall give her some snacks”
In fact, she knew that you are the one who leaves meals in the front of her marui when she is having a busy day. Without you knowing, she observes you as well, to make sure that you are no threat to her people. Every day, since you cannot join the others for the lessons, the reason is obvious.
You aid the rest of the Metaykina clan through sharing your knowledge and helping with the physical work. In the beginning, they are all wary of you and avoided you at all costs. Now, they are beginning to warm up to you because of your deeds.
Even Tonowari gives you invites to join them in a variety of activities, whether it be hunting or other things. But you would always excuse yourself, telling them that you will just slow them down and take away the fun while wearing that stupid smile of yours.
“Y/N I have heard stories from Jake Sully about your ingenious works, it would be an educational experience if you could join us in our hunt” “It is an honor of mine to be invited, but regretfully we might have to reschedule on another time” You made eye contact with her for a few seconds before returning your attention to her brother.
“My physique and skills cannot possibly be able to amount even 1/10th of your strength” You held your small hand to your chest in mock defeat.
When she found out that you actually spend time with her brother when she is not present, she felt annoyed calling you a coward in her head. Were you really that scared of her or did you just dislike her?
Ronal knows that it is none of the two, but she cannot help but think that way. Both of you would have never spoken to each other unless you passed by one another, though it is only you that greets her as she just looks at you.
Those small actions of yours, she started to look forward to them. Tonowari even teased her about how she is having special treatment so that she can accept you. But she knows your personality despite not being close, so she smacked Tonowari's arm in annoyance. 
“Good morning Tonowari and Tsahik!” You chirped
You treat everyone the same way. 
You were bleeding profusely, as your body gets washed up on the shore, Ronal's spirit sister was the one who brought you there and she felt dread creep in her stomach. She wanted to come near you but the sight of the Sullys immediately hovering around you made her freeze on her feet.
The people gathered around you so she went to her spirit sister and asked what happened.
“Ugh the RDA... They're here” She heard you choke out, you are in pain yet you still gave them a calming smile. Your arm is clutched around your injured leg as you tried to even out your breathing.
Her spirit sister told her all the events that took place, how she was almost shot by a ship but you took the bullet for her.
You were at the ocean because Lo'ak invited you to meet Payakan and so happened to also see what happened. She was thankful for what you have done but this meant war...
She watched as you were brought somewhere, Jake Sully told them to warn the others before any of their spirit sisters and brothers get hurt. Since her sister is already safe and sound, she decided to look for you before she heads out for the fight.
On the other side, you are currently surviving off painkillers as you trudged out of the marui while being scolded by Kiri.
“I have to help them my Kiri, I know how those demons work” You placed your hand on her head to ease her worries, “I mean I am a demon myself so I can handle myself”
When Ronal heard what you said, she felt some guilt for how you used humor to downplay the insults. But before she can get near you, a metal compartment was pulled out by the familiar dream walkers from before.
She was you again during the battle, but you looked different. Your form is similar to the Omatikaya clan but instead of a male, your form is a female. She did not even have the chance to fully admire your features for the first time, since you both barely faced each other properly, because you have been shot again.
This time she did not show her usual attitude of indifference and scorn, but genuinely cared for you.
“Quickly, bring Y/N to the marui!” 
Your avatar is bleeding quickly and you are already pale from the blood loss. Your eyes weakly looked at her teary ones, her expression hurt you. Ronal was too busy trying to calm herself down that she only noticed that you were looking at her when she felt your hand shakily wipe her tears away.
“Do not be sad, I will be fine”
“You should swear, I hate liars”
“I swear, Ronal, I will be fine”
This is the first time she heard her name come from your mouth and it brought her a sweet feeling, she sniffled as you finally arrived at her marui.
Needless to say, you were really fine. When you passed out in your avatar form, you came back in your human form with that same stupid smile. And Ronal wanted to be pissed at the fact she cried for you but love overpowered her as she finally accepted how she sees you.
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He is a new man and he is going through the journey of accepting his new body and new life. But there will always be his past trying to get him. At least you are there though, the co-parent of his human son and his closest acquaintance... Oh, Eywa please help him keep his thing down before you notice. And why does his boy keep staring at him with that smug look? 
The man has done a lot of evil things, everyone knows that which is why despite losing his memories, most of the Omaticaya clan avoids him like a disease.
“He is one of those who destroyed the Hometree...”
“Stay away from him at all costs, you do not know when you will be endangered...”
But not you, not Jake, not the kids, Neytiri is still wary but there has been some progress. All of you have an understanding that this takes time, not everyone has healed from the past.
For some reason, Quaritch seems to stick around you most of the time. But you guessed that it might be because you are human, which seems less of a threat than the Navis.
You and Quaritch do not speak to each other much if the teasing is not counted. You are busy with whatever you need to do while the man just sticks by your side whenever he finishes his lessons.
“Spider was right, you do speak as a 3-year-old” You commented at his Navi, trying not to laugh but your shoulders were betraying you.
He looked at you, with an offended expression. Trying to look angry as he towered over you.
“I can literally throw you with ease, mister” 
The man may never admit it but he had some fragments of human Quaritch about you, half of the time is how much he wants to kill you and the rest is about how he wishes you do not get yourself killed. Those are very conflicting feelings that confuse him, he seems to be developing something.
“Whatever you say, old man”
Seeing you take care of Spider, the child of human him makes him imagine something with you. It will only be a flash though before it gets thrown to the back of his head.
It took a lot of convincing... And bribes... And some threatening before the people finally started warming up to his presence.
“People say, find good people and leave the bad ones...
But I say, find the good in people and ignore the bad in them...
Because no one is perfect”
That is what you always like to say. 
Which makes him wonder how you are so positive after all the crazy things that happened.
Things were finally looking up for Quaritch and you are proud of what he has achieved.  He is now really one of the people, a new life has been given to him.
Until the RDA came back for revenge. They were hunting down him and Jake, it was a mess all over again. Spider was almost taken and if it was not for your appearance near the site.
They also knew about you, as Grace's prodigy who will be in charge of the project after her. So you had to come with them for the safety of the clan.
You were all leaving tomorrow morning and there are approximately 18 hours left before the trip. With Jake and Neytiri, you decided to use your avatar again for the journey.
You have only used it a couple of times (during the battle where Jake became the Toruk Makto, when Neteyam, Lo'ak, Kiri and Tuk were born to babysit them) before deciding that you are better off with your human body for Spider who you treated as a son.
The group will head to Awa'atlu and seek Uturu there, the distance is huge so you will not be found so easily. Once the plan has been made, you exited their house first to excuse yourself and walk around one last time in your human body.
Your shoulders slumped as you disappeared from the two's sight, you knew that you were being overdramatic since you have only lived here for almost two decades while the others lived here their whole lives. They are surely the ones who are being hit the most by this news.
Quaritch noticed you when you walked past him with a dazed expression without saying anything. Without saying anything he followed you, walking behind you in silence.
He just watched as your legs brought you to a familiar site, looking around this is where you brought him before.
This place is secluded in the area and only you tend to be a usual inhabitant of this place, not considering the wildlife. You told him before that this is a great place to rest whenever you or he wants to just be alone and away from whatever is troubling you both.
You did not know how your feet brought you to this place, heck you did not even notice that you were unconsciously walking if you did not almost smack your face on a tree. A familiar tail wrapped around your waist preventing you from an accident.
“Woah there, if you just wanted me to touch you, you could have just asked” He purred, pulling you closer with his tail, “There is no need to play these mind games”
As you regained your senses, you sighed in relief when you saw that Quaritch saved you from possibly breaking your mask.
“That scared me, thank you for the save”
The corners of your lips perked up as you great fully nodded at him. You gently untangled yourself from his tail before slumping onto the ground. You did not notice how his whole body tensed because you were facing the ground.
Quaritch felt his whole body want to shiver when you touched him and he took deep breaths to relax his body before placing all his attention on you.
“You know, you can go do your thing now”
Your finger drew circles on the ground beside you as you held your knees to your chest, mumbling with a dry laugh.
“I am fine here, no wild animals will come out of nowhere if you are afraid that I will get myself killed”
Quaritch knows that he is no good at comforting others or being uplifting, but he can listen. So wearing his usual smirk, he sat beside you.
“Yeah right and for your information, my thing is annoying you
”You looked at him with a raised brow that says "really?” and finally showed him a small but real smile.
“I swear, you are like a tail sometimes” 
“I am the best tail that ever existed then”
There is the hint of human Quaritch that you are familiar with, that confident mindset, and how he holds himself.
You let out an amused huff before looking at the grass again, drawing random shapes. Silence enveloped the area, it was a comfortable one, to be honest.
Quaritch kept his eyes on you, enjoying the sound of nature as you both sat close to each other. He could feel the heat radiating from your body.
“An ikran for your thoughts?”
You ended up telling him about the plan of leaving the clan, you were expecting him to react negatively to this news because everything was finally great until now.
Hesitantly, you took a peak at his expression to see how he is looking straight into you, there is no emotion on his face that is negative. In fact, he looks relaxed like you just told him about your day.
“Why are you looking at me like that? Did you expect me to react like a child?”
He was met with silence making him open his mouth in shock.
This was the morning when the group will be leaving the clan, Quaritch woke up earlier than expected. He did not get out of his bed and just stared at the ceiling, thinking of how you hung out yesterday.
You told him about your thoughts and how you feel guilty about the whole thing. It was unreasonable since nobody would have thought that this will happen.
A shuffle sounded at the doorway and there stood the little human, human him made. The two of them have a friendly relationship, almost acting like a father and son but they have not reached that part of reconciliation yet, in your words.
“Thinking about a special someone, Quaritch?”
Spider grinned at him, crossing his arms over his chest as he leaned on the door frame.
“Who let you in here? I'm pretty sure this is a crime”
The man rolled his eyes as he sat up, not throwing the subject away which Spider noticed but decided not to comment on that.
“Oh calm yourself old man, I came here since you were not getting out at your usual time. We gotta go soon”
Since Spider cannot bind with an ikran since his avatar body is still in the construction phase, he will be flying with Lo'ak. You with him, Tuk with Jake, and the rest on their own.
To this day, Quaritch cannot help but laugh at the fact Jake named his ikran “Bob" out of the billions of names available.
Everyone gathered at the meeting place except you and Lo'ak, it was almost time but no one except Quaritch is wondering where you are.
He tried to distract himself by tending to his Ikran, making sure that he is ready for the long flight. His ears twitched at the faint but familiar footsteps tapping from afar.
“There they are, took you long enough” Jake's voice has a hint of laughter but Quaritch still didn't turn around.
“Sorry about that, it took me a while to get a hang of this body again” An unfamiliar female voice came from the direction where you are supposed to come from. He whipped his head in your direction and it took his strength to not open his mouth in shock.
From the corner of his eyes, he saw Spider nudge Kiri with that same smirk of his. You told him before that Spider's smirk is really similar to his, you will never tell him how that smirk makes you feel inside though.
“Cat got your tongue, Miles?” Your hand is placed on your hip, above your small waist insinuating your curves as you threw him a smirk.
His voice got caught in his throat, making him look like a fish as he opened and closed his mouth.
At this sight, the family on the side who has been forgotten in this two-person world are whispering bets.
“I bet a whole month of chores that he's falling in love” - Lo'ak
“That is not possible because he already is in love. Have you been blind?” - Kiri
“I also suspect that Quaritch may be blind at his feelings, so is Y/N” - Neteyam
“Now kids, you should not be discussing this behind their backs” Neytiri went on between her children with a smile, at least the is something positive blooming in this trip “But I bet that Quaritch wants to mate with them more, now”
“Neytiri?!” Jake looked at his wife in disbelief, this was something he did not expect of her.
Back to your side.
“Just kidding, no need to take that seriously”
Quaritch felt like hell, your arms are wrapped around him and he can feel your chest on his back. This was a test of self-control, you got worried with how tense he is.
"Are you feeling okay? Do you want me to ride with Neteyam instead? That is alright with me" Your breath hit his neck and he took a sharp inhale.
"No way, you are stuck with me the whole journey"
I will be posting the female reader version of this part tomorrow
Up next: Oh my Eywa- (Teens) ft. Neteyam, Lo’ak, and Kiri [1/2]
Previous work/s:
Well damn... (Adults) 1/2 ft. Jake, Neytiri, and Tsu’tey [Male reader ver.]
Well damn... (Adults) 1/2 ft. Jake, Neytiri, and Tsu’tey [Female reader ver.]
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argentiluver · 1 year
Beauty and the Beast… || Fyodor Dostoyevsky x G/N Shy Long-Haired! Reader - Bungou Stray Dogs
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A/N: This is supposed to be based off that joke going on in the bsd fandom that Fyodor has a type; people with long, white hair in a braid (mostly made by fyolai shippers) lol but you won’t exactly be white-haired, you’ll just have long hair and you’re just pretty shy.
Warnings: fyodor being a complete menace, possibly ooc (idk how to write his character with a lover 😭)
Translation: Lyubov - Love in Russian.
Fyodor sat in his chair, his purple eyes boring into the back of your head somewhat tauntingly with a smirk on his face as his fingers worked on your long hair. One of his hands were placed on the lower part of said hair while the other was reaching to grab a few more hair-ties on his desk.
At the moment, Fyodor’s lover, who was prone to be quite shy and nervous, was sitting in his lap awkwardly as he braided their long, beautiful hair with a smirk on his face (for some reason) which worried them on said reason.
Fyodor loved braids and people with long hair in general…They were gorgeous in his perspective. You fit that description perfectly with your long, luscious hair waiting to be tended for…
You fidgeted with your fingers here and there as Fyodor continued to braid your hair with a smirk on his face, enjoying your concern on why he’s being so affectionate suddenly.
His fingers moved with great expertise and skill, braiding your hair with the utmost care and love, his smirk never wavering. He was not a person to show affection often, but with you, there was an exception. You were truly one of a kind, he would never grow tired of admiring your beauty. Although he enjoyed the act of braiding your hair, he also enjoyed seeing you fidget and try to maintain your composure.
At some point, you spoke with a clear of your throat, “Fyodor? Is there any reason for this sudden act of affection…?” You asked quietly, looking at him from the corner of your eyes, “It’s unlike you…”
Fyodor briefly stopped his movements in braiding your hair before chuckling in amusement and continuing.
Finally, he spoke again in a somewhat teasing voice, Russian accent ringing, "I am simply displaying my love and appreciation for you, my Lyubov. There is nothing odd or out of the ordinary about that." He states as he leaned in close to you, running his fingers through your silky hair gently. He was so enamored by the way your hair shimmered in the light.
"And you certainly seem to be enjoying my actions..." He added with a smirk, tilting his head over your shoulder to see you better. His words caused you to stiffen slightly and your cheeks to flush at his words.
You tried to avoid eye-contact, facing your lap which only seemed to amuse Fyodor further.
“I-I didn’t mean it like that, I—well, it’s not like I mind getting my hair braided by you…” You mumbled as Fyodor pushed a few loose locks of your hair near the sides of your face as if he were trying to do a specific hairstyle, “I guess I’m just a little surprised by the sudden act of affection…”
His smirked widened at your slight blush, he loved the way that you seemed flustered despite your claim to not be bothered by it. He loved the way that you were trying to maintain your composure and keep a stiff face despite your evident excitement.
"And I am not complaining about getting to braid your hair either. You see, dear, I have always found your long hair to be quite beautiful. It truly is...An angelic beauty.." The ravenette chuckled, finally finishing the braid with one last knot.
You couldn’t help but blush at his words, flattered that such sweet words came out of a cruel man like Fyodor’s mouth as you averted your gaze to your lap.
Fyodor only chuckled at your reaction, running his fingers through your hair and admiring the way it ran through his fingers softly. Fyodor was not known for displaying any sort of kindness or flattery, which made your reaction a rather understandable thing. It wasn’t every day that he spoke with such affection, but when it came to you, there was always an exception.
"Such a lovely shade of red, it suits you very well, Lyubov..." Fyodor chuckled as he brushed a strand of your hair behind your ear. He enjoyed it quite a bit when you were embarrassed like this, but he enjoyed it even more when you would try and hide it.
You continued to stare at your lap, too embarrassed to look at him with a flushed face. Clearly, Fyodor was having an amazing time teasing you and complimenting you like this, knowing how flustered you get as you weren’t one that was used to compliments.
Fyodor sighed in a mockingly upset tone, tilting his head to the side more to face you, his short, black hair swaying to the side, "Lyubov, why must you avoid my eyes?” He asked as he pulled your chin up slightly with the tip of his finger, wanting you to look at him.
You were taken aback when he suddenly grabbed your chin, stammering slightly, your eyes widening.
“Well—it’s just…You kinda just…Flattered me with the sudden affection…” Your eyes drifted to the side briefly before you looked back over to him and quickly added, “Not like I minded…! I enjoyed how gentle you were with my hair, and those compliments you kept giving me…It was just out of no where, I didn’t expect it.”
Fyodor tilted his head with an impish grin, still holding your chin in between his bare fingers, "Ah? So, I managed to take your breath away once again? I must be truly exceptional…” He teased with a chuckle of amusement, his eyes meeting your own.
"But, there is no need to be embarrassed, my Lyubov…I truly meant every word that I said. Your hair is absolutely beautiful, dearest." He continued to compliment, looking you up and down and noticing how your face had reddened slightly.
"And so are you, that much is obvious…”
His words clearly took you by surprise as you let out a grunt and quickly turned away with flushed cheeks, avoiding eye-contact with your beloved.
You were so easy to tease and fluster…It was just too much fun for Fyodor to deny the chance to make you all red in the face like this.
Fyodor noticed the way your ears flushed red alongside your face, your soft pink hues were amusing to him. When you turned away, he placed both his hands on your cheeks and made you face him once again.
"Stop pretending you are not enjoying this, Lyubov, we both know you adore the attention I give you."
His smirk widened as he said these words, enjoying how flustered it made you.
After a while, you finally turned back to him with a small smile, your face held in between his palms before you spoke, “Well, I guess I can’t deny that…I do enjoy the affection you kept giving me as much as it surprised me a little…”
You then shifted in his lap and hesitantly leaned your head onto his shoulder, a look of amusement suddenly crossing Fyodor’s face.
Fyodor rose his brows at your sudden affection, but didn’t seem bothered by it in the slightest, only amused.
"How cute, you're even using me as a pillow…You look quite comfortable."
Fyodor chuckled as he ran his fingers through your hair, feeling each individual strand and looking at your pink tinged ears. Every small reaction was amusing for him, he was never tired of the ways you responded, all of your actions were quite amusing as you were very easy to read.
"Let's see how long you can last in my lap, Lyubov. Do you think you could stay in this position without any troubles?" He teases, wrapping an arm around you and pulling you closer in his arms.
“What do you mean “without any troubles” ?” You furrowed your brows, taken aback by his words as you looked up at him, chin resting on his chest now.
Fyodor hummed as he looked at you, your reaction to his words were too amusing to miss.
"What I mean by “without any troubles” is,” He began before placing his hand under your chin and lifting it so you and him were face-to-face, “how long can you control yourself with being so close to me?"
Your breath hitched at his words and the close proximity, your face reddening before you quickly pulled away and hid your face in his neck, clearly flustered, “I-I think I’ll be fine…” You mumbled, your face only reddening even worse when you heard his chuckle.
Fyodor smirked as you buried yourself in his neck, wrapping another arm around you to pull you closer. He enjoyed teasing you like this, their little banter was quite amusing for him.
"Ah, sure you will. I am sure you will be just fine, little mouse…”
He kissed your head and began to stroke your braid lightly as to not ruin it with a small smirk.
You continued to lay in his arms as he stroked your hair, your cheek now pressed against his chest comfortably. But due to how gentle his fingers were, you suddenly found yourself slowly falling asleep in his arms, eyes fluttering shut and soft breathing beginning to leave you.
Fyodor let out a small chuckle as you fell asleep, your braid draped around you by Fyodor so it doesn’t touch the ground. He loved watching you sleep in his arms, you looked so lovely and peaceful as the light shined on your long hair. Seeing you this way was simply an endearing sight.
“My, don’t tell me you’re falling asleep on me that quick, my Lyubov…Was my touch really that comforting?”
Yet all he got in response was a sleepy hum as you shifted in his arms, pressing your head closer to him, causing your braid to fall to the side slightly.
Fyodor chuckled and decided to peck the end of your braid as you slept so peacefully. Your soft breathing was so calming to hear that Fyodor didn’t want to disrupt your little nap, and simply continued to stroke your hair.
However, he can’t deny that he couldn’t wait to see your reaction once you wake up and realize you’re still in his lap, already imagining the flushed look on your face…
I don’t like this tbh, I feel like it was rushed and Fyodor was OOC 😭 but anyway Fyodor 🤝 long haired ppl with braids
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ryuichirou · 1 year
Thanks for feeding us neigevil fans. I love your art so seeing you drawing this ship makes me happy, may the gods of twst gacha be kind to you 🥰
Idk if anyone has asked but thoughts or headcanons of neigevil? What about Rollo?
(We got this ask after this art)
Thank you so much for showing our stuff so much love, NeigeVil fans <3 It means a lot! And I, once again, am sorry that it took me a long time to reply. Like I’ve probably mentioned before, I want to draw these two again at some point. But today is not the day; instead, today is the day you get your headcanons, Anon!
Also if you haven’t seen these yet, here is the link to our post with Rollo-centric headcanons. We love this boy very much, and we’re super excited that he got himself a pretty-looking card.
Alrighty, so Neige/Vil…
Neige has a crush on Vil, and this crush has been with him ever since their first meeting. But he isn’t really sure about the nature of these feelings. He is very open about them with his dwarf friends though: sometimes he comes back from work happy and singing because he met Vil after his photoshoot and had a chat with him. So they all know that he is either in love or just really really really wants to be Vil’s friend. Neige isn’t sure which one it is either.
Neige remembers how cool and professional Vil looked when they first met, how he shook his hand and stuff. It wasn’t Vil’s first time on set, even though it was his first role, so he really made Neige feel comfortable by just being so confident and relaxed and excited. Neige really treasures this memory, but Vil doesn’t seem to remember much of it.
But what Vil does remember is that he thought they were going to become friends back then. Maybe it was because Neige asked him to be his friend, maybe it was because they had a lot of fun that day, but unfortunately it was one of many potential friendships that got ruined by the adults comparing these two to each other. It was pretty early on when Vil decided that he’d never be Neige’s friend. Neige is kind of oblivious to this whole thing though, he thinks that Vil is his friend, and the main reason he’s so distant is that he is just way too cool and professional and busy to hang out with him.
Vil has influenced Neige’s style a lot. He has no idea just how much time Neige spends looking at his magicam and taking notes and trying very hard to find clothes that would look as if Vil has picked them for him. If you talked to him about it, he would chuckle and say that he is too shy to ask Vil directly.
Which isn’t a complete truth though: he isn’t really shy around Vil. He gets so excited that he forgets about his shyness entirely and starts talking and clinging to Vil and trying to make him pay attention to him. He is completely enamored and he stares a lot at him in general. He really wishes they’d spend more time together…
A lot of times Vil just rolls eyes at Neige (always sneakily though, he knows better than to show a fellow actor his distaste for him), but he does admire his professionalism. And yes, there are moments when he thinks that Neige isn’t just overly cute and sweet, but actually quite a good-looking guy. Not entirely his type, but still handsome nonetheless…. Why is he thinking about it, again?
Vil is, like I mentioned, oblivious about Neige’s feelings. If anything, he believes that Neige is simply being a nice innocent boy and is friendly with everyone, so there isn’t anything special about the way he treats Vil. But jokes on you, Vil, because every single selfie with you that Neige takes instantly become Neige’s phone lock screen for weeks, until his management asks him to change it into something else.
Neige doesn’t have a lot of selfies with Vil though, because Vil always comes up with an excuse to avoid it. He is either in a hurry, or doesn’t feel good, or has a bad hair day, there’s always something that prevents Neige from taking a selfie with Vil. So it’s kind of a personal mission for Neige at this point lol Their fanbases also crave for this selfie… The day NeigeVil finally drop a picture of them together, the internet is going to explode.
A couple of spicy ones; if these two were to find themselves in any kind of intimate situation (even if it’s just a pretend thing for a role or something), Neige would comment about how much more experienced Vil is, and how he’ll work hard to be on his level. This comment sounds horrible to Vil in any context: the idea of Neige working hard to be a perfect lover to him is too cursed to consider. But it’ll still make him blush.
And jokes on Vil once again, because Neige is such a fast learner, that one moment he is a very sloppy kisser, and then suddenly he kisses and touches his body in all the right places because “he just felt like it’d make Vi-kun feel nice there”. Vil is going to both get overwhelmed by how good it feels, and be in agony because fuck you Neige stop being a prodigy at everything.
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