#idk why we are drawing him with cat ears now but we are and i love it
elizakai · 1 month
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uh oh
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bonefall · 8 months
This is a bit of a vague, broad request (so sorry about that!) but do you have any more info on the Dappletail extended family that hasn’t made it to our ears yet? Any masterposts about them or about individual cats like Darkstripe? I loved the Cricketclaw post a lot and I’d love to see more of these complicated goobers!
Sure! But it won't be comprehensive-- I need to make them a whole post like I did for the Dragonkin family over in RiverClan.
I've been calling them Dapplekin lately, but if we zoom out a little further, I've been calling the whole family the "Tawnyrain" line. I think we could call them Rainkin for the example here.
The Rainkin family descends from Rainfur and Tawnyspots. Tawnyspots is now the FATHER of Dappletail and Thrushpelt, bringing him in line with the statement that he was an old deputy when he retired.
Tawnyspots was an old friend of Sunstar. I imagine he also had a ton of apprentices, he was a responsible and nurturing kind of guy.
Rainfur was gorgeous. She was light golden with those lighter "dapple" stripes you see in Dappletail and her kits.
She is also where the humor came from. She loved the CORNIEST jokes. For some reason I just find it very funny that every cat in BB whose prefix is "Rain" gets a sense of humor.
Tawnyspots: "Hey Rainfur!! What did the tired honeysuckle say to the oak? Leaf me alone I'm bushed!"
Rainfur: (WHEEEEEZE)
The family gets the mane from Tawnyspots.
They were just NICE people, y'know? I think Bluestar looks back at them fondly, they were like the super sweet neighbors in the apartment next to you who would bring over extra food in old, stained tupperware.
And that extended to their kids. Dappletail and Thrushpelt are extremely meaningful to Bluestar, the both of them are sweet as overripe blackberries.
Dappletail has a really BAD case of resting bitchface. I channel a bond villain when I draw her or think of her voice.
She loves telling stories and explaining things, because she is good at it.
When Ravenkit and Dustkit's mother died and their uncle was extremely sick, and she'd just lost Featherkit and Darkstripe skeddadled with Graykit, she looked after them.
I think Ravenpaw's love of storytelling comes from her. Unfortunately though, she gave him a great power, as a kid he had a bad habit of Making Shit Up.
It definitely comes from Dappletail, who never says "I don't know." She will hypothesize, speculate, and seek answers, but doesn't use idk.
"Dappletail, where is the tunnelbun?"
"I saw it last shift, Graystripe had it. He probably took it."
Her kits all actually have the same biofather. I don't know who it is though, I imagine she met him after Rosetail told her a secret story about her honor sire in Chelford, but it might be a Clan cat. But he's monochrome gray; all of her kits are the same color as him.
THRUSHPELT meanwhile, ALSO a ball of sunshine,
I wrote a joke about him saying howdy ONCE and it became a core memory. Guy who says howdy.
"Well howdy doody thistleclaw"
He definitely says Hello in some weird way. Guy who answers the phone with Yellow. Man who says shucks unironically
And then surprises you by being one of ThunderClan's strongest fighters. If you swear in his good Christian Minecraft server he'll fucking gut you
Dappletail is not the stronger twin. Thushpelt is as thick as a twig but you get in a fight with him and you hear Dark Souls
That's part of why Bluestar could never allow ThunderClan to get taken over by Thistleclaw. The strongest fighter... goes on the front lines.
Moonflower was the strongest fighter too, once.
Unlike Dappletail, Thrushpelt also never needed to know the full story. Bluemoon ADORED him. If she was ever about to overshare for his sake, with the thought that he deserved to know, he would stop her.
"If I should know it, I will learn it in StarClan."
When Bluestar picked her first deputy, she knew it had to be him.
And he was a fantastic deputy, and a great uncle. Super supportive guy, calls you Sport and ruffles your mullet.
He got taken out a few weeks after Featherkit, which was devastating to Dappletail. She is comforted, however, by the idea that Thrushpelt can look after her.
I got into Cricketclaw and Darkstripe recently so I'll try not to repeat too much
Cricket and Dapple were actually extremely upset that Graystripe halted the fight over his kits.
Cricketclaw especially, she doesn't give a shit about Crookedstar and his sadness, she would have invited him to Cry About It, "MY nespring"
Dapple is 50% more diplomatic; "Silverstream is gone. Stormkit and Featherkit's family is here."
Feathertail's name makes them both Emotional, she actually has a tail pattern a lot like Dappletail's
On that note, yeah. They both did not want Featherpaw and Stormpaw to go back. They were both actually pretty upset about it
Cricketclaw got in a FIGHT with Mistyfoot for saying they could go home
How dare you even SUGGEST that actually, go back to the Clan that WANTED TO EXECUTE THEM???
I don't think Cricket could compose herself enough to say goodbye, and she was FURIOUS at Featherpaw for taking the offer. Her final words to them was probably just at Stormpaw alone;
"Don't let your sister decide your whole life for you. You'll always be OUR family."
I don't think Stormpaw actually appreciated it much. Stop making this harder! I know this is a bad idea! I have to be there for Featherpaw when this shit all goes south, god damn it!!
Dappletail and Graystripe are sad but supportive of the twins' choice. Cricketclaw is maaaad
And Stormfur and Feathertail... man
Feathertail sees the good in everything, to a fault. She believes it will all work out if we stick together, and that everything that happens is meant to be.
Stormfur does not agree
He watched his whole ass mentor get wasted, PARTIALLY by his uncle.
He saw people he thought where his friends watch his execution, some curious, some cheerful. All of them just watching.
People don't die clean. His blood didn't anoint the earth, it just gushed and choked. There's no such thing as a noble murder
Everyone rejects the Dishonor Title they gave Stonefur, saying that Tigerstar was not ordained by StarClan.
Stormfur doesn't see how that matters. The stars watched, too.
It was Deerfoot, Swansong, Jaggedtooth, Wetfoot, Mosspelt, and others who saved him... and it was normal cats, just like them, who built the Bonehill
So again; what does it matter that Tigerstar wasn't given the authority by StarClan to change his name?
His mentor was named Heartworm. And that is the only angel he prays to.
If they hadn't gone back to RiverClan, Feathertail never would have been chosen for the journey. Never would have died.
And the destruction of the Forest killed his family in ThunderClan. Devastated them. Even Graystripe was taken.
So when Leopardstar nodded at the "sign" Mothwing claimed she saw, when RiverClan hardened in TNP, and when it kicked out the pawful of Tribe cats who had come to help these ingrates get set up in a new territory...
He was done with Clan Culture. There was nothing left here, for him.
I don't even plan for him to be in love with Brook yet, going to the Tribe was about getting the fuck away from all this.
Yes Feathertail's grave is there too, but I think his feelings are super complicated.
Cricketclaw was right, he let her decide his life, and because of her he didn't get to say goodbye to his family. He would have been in ThunderClan, maybe even been able to save some of them.
At the Tribe, he lives in the Cave Ward. The least populated ward, and practically a temple-town.
At first he thought he would be more of a hunter, but he quickly learned he really doesn't like how you hunt in the highlands. It's a VERY leggy activity, lots of hiking, running, coordination. It was different than he expected.
Anyway I'll stop there because I could write an SE on how Stormfur adjusts after his immigration and I would actually be interested in doing it. Like, really take the chance to show how the BB!Tribe works and explore the feelings of moving to a new place.
It's a theme that's personal to me as a writer tbh.
Graystripe meanwhile... he never gets over Silverstream. Not even with Millie. I don't think he realizes it, but he really is always looking for the glimpse of himself in a happier timeline
And boy oh boy does it fuck up his next litter.
I've spoken about them all before and I plan to collect it all in one place at some point, but briefly,
Graystripe can't ever take a side when Millie treats Briarlight poorly, and just ends up enabling Millie's ableism
Millie is frantic over Briarpaw's injury, and says some AWFUL things right to her face, making the entire situation about herself
But Graystripe will be like, "your mother says things she doesn't mean :( she loves you, you know"
He can't deal with the possibility of losing Millie, too. Or any of his kids. It's something that Briarlight and Blossomfall come to realize, with time and wisdom.
Bumblestripe meanwhile... he's not really smart enough to ever realize that. He just keeps breaking himself on trying to get Graystripe to see him
But Gray is ALWAYS seeing his first litter, and comparing them. No milestone goes by where he's not cheerfully bringing up some story of how their older siblings were, how he wishes they could see them.
That's where he goes, in the end. After extreme carnage from the Impostor, Graystripe decided that he wanted to spend the last of his life with Stormfur in the mountain.
(Graystripe's Vow is now Ferncloud's Parting, FERNCLOUD is gonna go confront her brother)
Thankfully, Briarlight had her mentor Honeysnake to help her realize her worth... but Blossomfall and Bumblestripe meander for meaning into really toxic, dangerous places for their whole lives.
Blossomfall trains in the Dark Forest because she feels so alienated and disconnected from the Clan at large, only stopping in the BOTTE in the last wave when she faces up against Briarlight
She confronts Briar, and she just... cocks her eyebrow. "ILL END YOU" "no you won't."
Squirrelflight actually tried to tell Bramblestar to make an exception with his Dishonor Titles for the DF trainees, realizing that that Blossomfall's problem was alienation.
She wanted Blossomfall to be put into a Secondary Apprenticeship, specifically for the Construction Patrol since Dustpelt was killed. Something where she'd see her work pay off, and she'd be helping to take care of the Clan.
But Bramblestar rejected it, because it would be unfair. If everyone else is getting Dishonor Titles she will get one too; she shouldn't be REWARDED for what she did. It's a punishment.
So she was Shredbloom for a while. None of her problems were addressed and she ended up joining The Kin later, eventually being rescued by Heathertail and her plan.
Returning to ThunderClan was on her family's vouch, bringing the kits she'd given birth to in The Kin with her, and she was on THIN ICE
She mouthed off at the Impostor in typical Blossomfall fashion once, early in his reign, and she got hit with a DEVASTATING second Dishonor Title; Clearface.
"Because it would be better off if we could see right through her."
Bumblestripe became one of the Impostor's favorite lackeys, exploiting his failed relationship and resentment of Dovewing
Briarlight was murdered in the dog attack that Sparkpelt barely survived, and Stemleaf is killed in the assassination attempt on the Impostor.
Bumblestripe accompanies the old people, Ferncloud, Cloudtail, and Graystripe, during Ferncloud's Parting. He says goodbye to his dad in the mountain, and finally meets the Famous Stormfur...
And learns that he's just some fucking guy.
You live your whole life trying to hold up to this standard of a distant, unknown brother in the mountains, and then you learn he was Just A Dude all along.
He went further south with Cloudtail and Ferncloud too, to make sure they were safe. They are old and it is a long journey.
And that's where they all are to the current point of BB! In ThunderClan, the active Rainkin Family is Bumblestripe, Blossomfall, Plumstone, and Shellfur, and all of them want to support Spotfur as she raises Stemleaf's children.
They refer to themselves as "Graykin" currently; their last relevant ancestor. In Clan Culture, families tend to split at a grandparent or great-grandparent.
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sparrowlovesskittles · 7 months
Thunder review time I guess??
I'm gonna be real I don't have much to say about Sunbeam or Nightheart this is gonna be 90% rambling about Frostpaw
- I like her trials, especially the one about training the kittens hehehe.
- I like her bonding with Nightheart's family and learning to find a place in ThunderClan even when he isn't there!! I think it's a really important aspect of switching clans actually. The cats should be able to be comfortable and happy with their clan even without their mate by their side.
- She really gets some good girlboss moments in!!!!!!! You GO Sunbeam yell at Cherryfall!! Publicly shame Berryheart several times in a row!!!!!!!!
- God is it just me or does she have SO much chemistry with Myrtlebloom
- Him and Frostpaw bonding is quite sweet :)
- Love him nearly drowning in a covered pool and it sounding all scary and dramatic and then we switch to Frostpaw's perspective and she's just like 'that idiot nearly drowned in a tiny little pond the other day ugh 🙄🙄'
- Literally WHY did he just run away without telling anyone at all that's so funny and why does NO ONE even bat an eye LMAO?? Poor Sunbeam
-Idk man he's just kinda there
- GIRLIE!!!!!!! MY BELOVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POOR BABY!!!
- Shoutout to Frostpaw the first warrior cat to be canonically spayed!!!! That's so funny I love how Smokey is just like 'yeah that happens lmao' and her and Whistlepaw are just like 'huh. okay then'. Anyway from now on I'm drawing her with a nicked ear like they do to cats in TNR programs
- Speaking of Whistlepaw. THEY'RE SO SWEET! AND GAY!!!
- Girlie is a mess she's so traumatized literally just nearly got murdered and she fucking SNAPS at StarClan when they refuse to tell her shit. AS SHE SHOULD!! SHE DESERVES TO!!!! RIVERSTAR IS FUCKED UP FOR DOING THIS TO HER, ACTUALLY.
- OTTERS!!!!!!!! About time they got mentioned again, the last time was like literally TNP I think. It was implied otters lived at the lake but now Frostpaw confirms they don't anymore (but the elders definitely know about them). When are we getting the Minnowtail's Genocide novella where she plans the mission to drive the otters out of the lake and then marries Mousewhisker huh warrior cats??????
- Why was Frostpaw more traumatized by climbing a tree than she was by literally being chased by a dog. DGMW it's a good scene, I'm INCREDIBLY glad her PTSD was mentioned in the first place, but I feel like it's kinda weird for her to struggle with the tree when one day earlier she encountered a dog and just sort of... hissed at it a bit and then moved on.
- The park cats have canonically survived for longer than the clans and I am so sorry but that's BS. You're telling me no one in the past like 100 years killed these cats or TNRed them??? How many parks have they been through at this point??
- Frostpaw learning to meditate is so good though actually. Especially when she realises how fucked up the clan system is. If she doesn't fuck up Splashtail and then fuck up StarClan and fix the entire clan system in the next two books I'm gonna riot.
- I adore that she's FAR more distraught about Curlfeather being evil than she is about Splashtail. Like yeah! That's her mother!! That would fuck her up, Actually!! It's refreshing for a character to have familial relationships that are more important than their romantic ones.
- Frostpaw also feels like such a genuinely realistic victim. When she admits that she feels like it was her fault Splashtail was able to manipulate her because she was so naive? And then the park cats all cuddle her and tell her that it wasn't her fault and that HE'S the fucked up one? That scene actually made me cry a bit ngl.
- Hehe Frostpaw meditates now she's a true hippy stoner.
- I like the more personal vibe of this book- the conflict is largely internal, with her realising in her own time that Splashtail was evil. It's not the big dramatic scene I was hoping for- but at the same time it's kind of... Nice? I think it's cool. And I'm sure there will be more drama left to come!
- My prediction for the next two books is that she gets rid of Splashtail and then spends the remainder of the arc yelling at StarClan and fixing the clans. Ideally then I think we should have a soft reboot and jump forward in time, the clans are all operating under new rules, none of the cats are the same, etc. But that's not terribly likely to happen.
- YEAH DOVEWING YOU YELL AT IVYPOOL!! Ivypool deserves it honestly. Dovewing took none of her shit and that's beautiful.
- SQUIRRELSTAR!!!! I wasn't initially too jazzed about this, and I still have my grievances, but I think this is the right time for her to become leader. Go girl give us conflict!! Give us drama!!!!!!!!
- Riverstar is a dick lol??????
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tamelee · 7 months
Hiiii 🥰 If yin HAD to choose some couples for the Next Gen which one would you choose? Personally I think Shikatema was a okay, but I don’t have any ideas for the others
Hi!~💕 Oh uhm-
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No one really, I'd be happy to eradicate it all.
Obviously Naruto and Sasuke should've figured their shit out. Both internally and externally and then say; take it or leave it' to the entire village and system. You either going to get two gay-men leading the village and a new system because their bond was the entire answer against war or nothing at all and then just... die ig while Naruto sleeps his years away and Sasuke is stuck in a damn tree 🤷🏻‍♀️ 
Otherwise.... (aka, 'Boruto' meetings be like;) Shitpost (don't take me seriously);
Naruto and Gaara although it probably won't last long. Naruto'd probably settle for some black-haired girl and make her cut her hair so it reminds him of Sasuke if he squints really hard and doesn't think about it and covers his ears, oh wait-
Charasuke and Dark Naruto, fem version. Menma and Zetsu. Since non of it is Canon anyway, Sasuke and his pet lizard from the filler story. They seemed to have an 'okay' connection, yeah? Well, ShikaTema is fine, it's understandable and predicted. I don't even know who Kiba, Shino, Lee or Choji are with lmao. I can look it up, but... I really don't even remember :') I think one of them is with the Kumo girl, right? Sai and Kumo girl would've been better though. They can argue about loyalty and stuff. Wouldn't she kinda think it was hot how he stopped her fist from plunging into Naruto's 'refusing to talk about Sasuke's face?' That's the extend of their development, but it's 'Boruto', the bar is low here. Or.. if we ignore the homophobia for a second, Sai and Gaara. I mean whatever. Size matters obviously to Sai and Gaara had huge bde before his questionable haircut (no I don't think him becoming Kazekage made him weak) and I also don't think Gaara's lack of expressive emotion currently would be too overwhelming for someone that doesn't understand them much. Not a lot of energy in that relationship though but Gaara is very beautiful to draw let's be honest but the lack of eyebrow does make it challenging. Or Sai and Deidara. A bit difficult because one isn't there, but still, just throwing it out there. Or even Kankuro would be good. Gosh, Sai has so many options... and then he ended up with someone he thought was ugly ;-; (Ino is very beautiful though so he's wrong, but still.) Idk, I think Kiba should've married a cat-girl or the blonde one from Kumo. Lee should be with someone that appreciates effort especially now that his effort is proven absolutely worthless -.- and is seen as a loser again which destroyed the poor guy. Well, I wouldn't have minded Tenten, but... GaaLee 👌👀? Aren't they both single fathers? Or? Idk. Maybe Sai Gaara and Lee together, why not. Throw the Shi guy from Kumo in there also, he kinda looks like blonde Sai. Even Naruto thought he was handsome as he used him for inspiration for his sexy reversed harem Jutsu.  Actually, Tenten and Kotetsu would've been a good surprise. It makes no sense Canon-wise and I don't think it even works age-wise, but I approve otherwise and they're both weaponized. I rhyme and reason. Ino and Suigetsu. Okay, hear me out. He can water all her plants. That's all, that's it. Sakura and Kankuro? I mean, by 'Boruto's low standards, they could've made it work and they'd even have history. And fine, even Sasori could've been interesting a little. Or that girl from the Sound from the beginning. Or the guy. Or Kimimaro. Or Kabuto. We're not too difficult here, pick one, but I guess some are dead though. Everyone but Sasuke ffs. Obviously Neji should've lived. Well I'm okay with Tenten or even Lee, but it doesn't make too much sense to me. Actually, let's ship him with Haku for no other reason than them looking good together. Or Neji and Juugo, maybe Juugo'd be able to set the bird free iykwim. I'd say Hinata and her beloved 'Oro-chan'. (Yes she called him that in some novel.) Both creepy as hell. Except one of them is somewhat likable and it ain't Hinata. But age-wise that doesn't work. Or, maybe someone can make her a Mecha Naruto, that's a bit more appropriate. Not much, but still. I'm sure she has the money and I don't think she really minds because she knows Naruto as much as she'd know a robot version of him. I see no difference there. OR, Kankuro's puppet. That way she can always walk next to the one she 'loves' as it follows her anyway with some basic puppet training and have the sentimental wood around for comfort when she reminisces about the time she thought Naruto wasn't gay. No need to be shy either as it doesn't say much. Then Naruto can visit tree-Sasuke in peace without a creepy face glancing up at him from behind it only to be ignored anyway. 
Or maybe a lousy Daimyo because we can't have any less than a Hero or royalty for the princess, of course. CHOJI ACTUALLY should've married the daughter from the ramen stand. Idk her age though.. Or the owner of the BBQ restaurant? If he didn't already. Or, it would've been good if there was a younger version of Tsunade, I think they'd get along. Akamaru and one of Kakashi's dogs- sorry, Ninken. I think Pakkun is too old maybe. Idk what he's into. Maybe Punpun? Am I missing anyone? Oh lmao, Shino ;-; He would've been good with Fu, Jinchuriki of the 7-tails, the flying bug thing. Guess that's not possible either, but we can't have them single and focussing on the world either so... we gotta create imaginary filler babies somehow. Karin with that other guy who emphasized with her during her confession-thing. I mean, what other reason do you need. That's true love right there.  Kakashi and Shizune? Kakashi and Iruka? Kakashi and Gai? Kakashi and Genma? Kakashi and Obit- oh no. Kakashi and secret-ANBU waifu? Kakashi and actress of the movie adaptation of his ero-novel? Kakashi living his best aro life?
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I mean, we could always create a card game if you will and match whatever comes up first. There'd be no difference really.
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keeperofthebox · 11 months
ok second and bon voyage playlist lyric annotation post... let's go
we own the night - dance gavin dance
this post is probably gonna be EVEN LONGER also this song has yelling in it so if you look it up be warned. however i strongly recommend listening if you have any desire because the delivery of some of these lines is relevant 😭
also cw some of the lyrics have references to heavy drugs. uh this song is about heroin but we are drawing a comparison between being high and how chat noir feels when marinette/ladybug is affectionate toward him
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erm. idk if you noticed but bv adrien is a very very jealous little creature because his situation has him so insecure. but marinette is the one in the limelight right now, she's the one being targeted, she's at the center of all this so he wants to let go of all his own feelings and just be her bodyguard
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i think in chapter 1 i wrote a part (im too lazy to check) where adrien is thinking ilke "i literally do not care about my father or school or whatever i care about YOU you are what i need to protect"
so this makes me think of that
but it also just makes me think of the fact that he's slowly building up all this hurt inside from not being seen by marinette and it's killing him a little
she is his motivation but also the symbol of his desolation in the same way that "we own the night" is a happy and joyful and confident phrase but within the context of the song it takes on this desperate tone of clawing wildly for that to actually be true
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gotta go line by line for the chorus of this one
stomp that feeling: repressing his desire to be seen, he's only supposed to protect her, trying to convince himself that what she's giving him is enough
your puke is a mutant: seeing marinette/ladybug this sad is wrong and hurts him
can't think of who did this, well i grew stupid: his father is monarch and he never knew, his father literally tried to kill her
say accidents happen, (it's admirable/insufferable) acting: kind of the whole situation is the "accident", they're making do with what they have
marinette is the "it's admirable acting" interpretation of the line, she's trying her best to be paris's hero. i think this is the actual line? but i always hear it wrong and think he's saying "insufferable acting", which is more like chat noir's view of his own behavior, he's mood swinging like crazy and he feels so guilty about it
flicking the back of your ear with my finger: him vying for attention, trying to get her to look at him. him not being able to help but say things like "do you need a lap cat" and "i broke up with my girlfriend"
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separate is the way, though: he can't be anything but chat noir or else it will endanger more people, no matter how badly he wants to be "adrien" to her
second is the place though: again, he's no.2 in her heart as chat noir, adrien is her no.1
just fake it through the day and the night is your god: chat noir tries to keep up the facade that he's not hurting around marinette and tries so hard to not let his feelings affect his behavior. this is like him trying to convince himself to keep moving forward
see you in battle, your boat is my paddle: uhh they fight together HAHA and she is his reason to keep moving forward
your life is my business, your plaque on my wall: his INSISTENCE on protecting her and keeping her safe. DEVOTION. i think of his ladybug photos he kept in his trophy and the marinette lucky charm that he always kept on him (felix has that right now I wonder if that might have any relevance as to why everything sucks so hard for him atm *cough*)
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this whole part is spoilers lol remind me to come back to this after chapter 7 is out
those of you reading this far get to know the exclusive info that adrien is having a good time at that point in the story
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he just wants to be able to hold her and look at her and try to keep her safe from the supervillains trying to bully her and her loved ones but in their situation he views that as weakness because he's not supposed to Need anything right now
trying to remember what he's doing it for (her)
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i think of bv adrien and felix when i hear this part, there's a tone shift and musical... shift? idk technical terms, for this part because it's the bridge so it feels kind of like a topic change. and anyway felix is the one always fucking calling him HAHA but felix is the one back in paris actually with their friends that are being targeted by monarch. he's also the only one that HE knows, knows his situation (luka knows but adrien doesnt know that). so felix is like. the only person he can rely on for direct support. I promise that will happen in the fic it just hasnt yet LOL
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every time marinette/ladybug looks at chat noir in a "more than friends" way it gives him hope and makes him kind of manic/frenzied because it's what he's been silently and not-so-silently begging for this whole time
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the thrill is gone!!! he's sad all the time the vibe is so off!!!! but he's putting on a brave face. he's relying on impulsive jokes that slip out of his mouth to seem normal. he's trying to seem like he's not on the verge of Losing It Constantly from how badly he needs to be acknowledged!!! it takes so much distraction to be able to think about anything else and he's desperate for Relief!!!!
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he's suffocating under the weight of all this pressure and responsibility and duty........ the celebration thing relates to something directly but it's a spoiler. it seems like sometimes he can finally catch his breath but it doesnt last long because it's just a manic high from getting the dopamine hit he needs from marinette/ladybug it's not Actual contentedness or anything that resolves his insecurity. and then he's left just as sad and frustrated and stressed as he was before. and he hates how long its taking to beat monarch too!!!
HEH thanks for reading if you got this far <33
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moriihana · 2 years
we can't fix each other but we sure as hell can enable each other instead || eleven: i'm bad at mariokart but at least shigaraki is worse
pairing: dabi x disabled!gn!reader
overview: you meet dabi pre-canon because your cat, nugget, literally won’t leave the guy alone. friendship, fluff and (eventual) angst ensue.
chapter summary: you and shigaraki play some mariokart, then you guys fuck up overhaul bc he's a piece of shit and i hate him
content: angst and fluff
warnings: you scratch at your throat as an anxious habit (picked up from shig)
word count: 1749
a/n: shamelessly self-promoting MORE art i did of my self-insert but there's nugget and boo this time (i have no clue how to draw animals). also, idk how this reads bc basing things off of the actual episodes is real fuckin hard so if anyone has any feedback i'm happy to hear! also² i projected the fact i'm really bad at mariokart into this. bc uhhhhhh. im really bad at mariokart LMAOOO
*previously known as “we can’t fix each other (but we can heal our wounds together)”; i changed the title bc these assholes aint healin shit they’re just being overall menaces
taglist: @iincandescenttt
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“You think they’re okay?” You itched the front of your throat anxiously. “It’s been days and we haven’t heard from them.”
“Stop that,” Shigaraki snapped and paused the round of MarioKart, eyeing the blood welling up under your skin. “You always get on my ass about it, you don’t get to do it either.”
“Picked it up from you, dick,” you grumbled under your breath, but dropped your hand anyways. “But do you? Think they’re okay?”
“Whatever. They’re fine. Overhaul has probably limited their communication since we’re technically wanted criminals. Can we get back to the game now?” He huffed, scowling.
“I thought you didn’t like MarioKart and were only playing because I wanted to. I’d think you would be happy to take a break.” You shrugged.  
“We’re not only playing it because you wanted to—” Shigaraki narrowed his eyes when you grinned at his arguing. “—and anyways, it’s better than listening to you yap about. I think Dabi’s even gotten tired of listening to your anxious rambling, which is probably why he hasn’t been putting up a fuss over us playing games.”
“Actually, I think that’s because I threatened to chop his dick off,” you snickered.
“You… threatened to chop his dick off,” Shigaraki deadpanned. “Why on earth did you do that.”
“I called you by Tomura in front of him and he got all pissy. I explained you’re my best friend and gave me permission to call you Tomura, and told him no dick measuring contests—otherwise he’d find he has no dick to measure.” 
“And I thought you were less insane than the rest of them, but it’s pretty fucking crazy to threaten a man’s dick. Especially Dabi’s. ”
You barked out a laugh. “Insane or not, pretty boy wouldn’t actually do anything to hurt me. One time he accidentally burnt me and apologised for days afterwards. And he never apologises.”
“Tch.” He shook his head. “If you’re not gonna play, go bother someone else. I’m getting tired of MarioKart anyways.”
“Yeah, yeah, grumpypants.” You grabbed your cane and heaved yourself off the floor, sticking your tongue out at him. You made your way down the hall and into your room, waving to Dabi.
He looked up from his spot on the bed as you walked in, raising his eyebrows. “He kick you out?”
“Ehh, pretty much.” You stopped to scratch Boo behind the ears and give Nugget a quick pet, then plopped down next to him with a groan. “That, and I think his pride can only take so many beatings. Apparently, he’s absolute dogshit at MarioKart. Fighting games and MMOs are more his style.”
He snorted, “Why doesn’t that surprise me. He seems like the type of person to enjoy murdery games over anything else.”
“Oh, definitely.” You grinned. “I think it’s worth noting I’m awful at MarioKart. So the fact I was winning means he was really awful. ”
“I know, doll. I beat you twenty times before you gave up.”
“Don’t remind me of that!” You whined, throwing your hands into the air. “I’ve never had my ass kicked so terribly.”
“You forget I played a lot of games with Natsu. I got real damn good at shit like that.” Dabi shrugged, mischief in his eyes. 
“Still sucked.” You pouted, crossing your arms. “You could’ve gone easy on me after the first ten times! You didn’t have to keep kicking my ass!”
“Ya think I’d go easy on you, doll? We both know I’ve never been the one to go easy.” A smirk pulled at his staples. “Especially on you.”
“Oh, shut it,” you grumbled, swatting at him. “You’re so annoying.”
“And yet you still put up with me.”
“I literally couldn’t get rid of you if I tried. Not that I want to, anyways. You’re stuck with me just as much as I’m stuck with you, pretty boy.” You looked away from him when Shigaraki poked his head through the door. “What’s up, Shig?”
“Toga called. Time to go.”
You grinned, a gleam in your eyes. “Oh hell yeah.”
“Spinner, you are horrible at driving!” You yelped, hanging onto Compress’s free arm for dear life as Dabi pushed the truck doors open.
“In shogi, the point is to get the king, right?” Shigaraki spoke from atop the truck, his fingers interlocked.
“How the fuck have you not fallen off, dude?!” Your voice was sharp with anxiety.
“It’s not that simple,” Dabi drawled in response as he looked up at your leader.
“Yeah, they’re here, just like you said! To get from the Hassaikai to the nearest villain hospital, it’s fastest to use this highway. Thanks for letting us know! Toga, you’re so efficient. I’m much obliged,” Compress hummed gratefully.
“Good job Toga! Put her on speaker, Compress!” You leaned close to Compress’s phone, speaking loudly. He snorted and gently pushed you away, but put Toga on speaker nonetheless.
“Jin-kun’s the one who told me to call—”
“—I was too busy watching Izuku!”
“Run away!”
“In fact, I’m sorry to make you get your hands dirty.”
“I only have one hand, though,” Compress mused playfully. Toga’s laugh chimed through the phone.
“We couldn’t get the girl who’s the crux of their plan, but we think the finished products are where you are. We watched the police’s movements for a while, so there’s a high probability. Even if they aren’t there…”
“—kill them—”
“...we want to say hi, right?”
Compress hummed as Toga hung up. “Sounds like Twice is having a rough go of it.”
“Yeah... they did good, though. I’m proud of both of them,” you said with a smile.
“Hey, lizard! Stop weaving!” Dabi snapped over his shoulder. “I get motion sick!”
“Don’t call me “lizard”! I’m Spinner!” 
“What are you getting mad for? Shut up!” Dabi huffed, then gave you a look as you giggled. “Stop your laughing. It’s not funny.”
“You get motion sick?” You grinned at him, ignoring the glare you got in response.
“Is attacking the police really following the will of Stain, who wanted a true hero society? I’m not sure about that!”
“It’s a necessary sacrifice, Spinner. I’m counting on you to drive,” Shigaraki sighed, moving into a crouching position.
“And don’t fling us out of the back, please!” You added. “I don’t want to die just yet!”
Dabi rolled his eyes, then ignited his palm. “Now…” He grinned, and sent out a tunnel of flames. His grin faded when something stopped the fire from hitting the police cars. “What’s with him?”
“A hero! Of course there’d be one. Ugh!” Shigaraki’s voice was almost a whine. You had to suppress a teasing remark at that. “Spinner, slow down!” As the truck slowed enough to get closer to the police car, Shigaraki jumped down—then was hit in the face with a bunch of sand. The hero began to ramble on about Shigaraki's decay.
“He’s famous, huh?” Dabi sighed, putting his hands in his pockets. You patted him on the shoulder.
“Don’t worry, pretty boy. You’re just as scary as him.”
“Shigaraki is the misdirection; in other words, the decoy. Let’s go.” Compress flicked out a marble, which decompressed into a large piece of rubble. “Police car gently levitating! No trickery or devices involved.”
You snickered, then clambered onto Dabi’s back before he and Compress jumped out of the back of the truck. You hopped off and watched Dabi approach the hero that had pulled the policeman out of the transport vehicle Shigaraki caused to crash. He ignited his forearms as he loomed over the hero, a menacing smile on his face.
“That’s right. Heroes end up prioritising lives.”
“Recently, burnt corpses have been turning up one after another in various places.” The hero lowered the policeman onto the ground. 
“Oh, are people talking about me? That makes me happy,” Dabi said, voice mocking.
“Told you, pretty boy! Just as scary!” You called. Compress nudged you, shaking his head in amusement. Your playfulness turned into a scowl when you heard what the hero said next, your grip on your cane tightening.
“Have you ever thought about the feelings of those they left behind?!”
You have no idea, hero. You have no idea.
While Compress and Dabi dealt with the hero, you walked over to Shigaraki, who was standing by Overhaul’s gurney. He nodded in acknowledgement, then turned his attention back to the former yakuza.
“Who’s going to be the next leader again?” Shigaraki tilted his head, hands in his pockets.
“Did you come to kill me?” Overhaul ignored his question. His voice was resigned, devoid of emotion.
“No. I thought of what you’d hate the most. I hate you.” Shigaraki took Father off his face as Compress approached. “You’re too full of yourself.”
“Me too.” Compress removed his mask, smirking. He used a marble to take one of Overhaul’s arms.
“Oh, nice.” You grinned, nudging Compress. “I didn’t think of that.”
“There are two boxes here. Which is the finished product?” Shigaraki opened the box as he spoke. “Oh, well.”
Overhaul’s eyes widened in panic as his face twisted up in a sour expression. “Give it back.”
“You know what, Overhaul? A person who erases people’s Quirks shouldn’t depend on their own Quirk, right?” Shigaraki leaned down and gripped Overhaul’s remaining arm. You watched as the Decay began to spread upwards, your eyes lighting up in twisted satisfaction. “If I don’t cut it off, your whole body will turn to dust.” Shigaraki lifted up a knife, then paused and turned to you, raising his eyebrows in an unspoken question.
Your grin grew wider, and you took the knife. “Don’t mind if I do.” You swung the knife down, severing his forearm from his elbow.
“All right, now you’re a powerless, helpless, Quirkless man,” Shigaraki leered, a manic look on his face. “And the fruits of all that effort you spent are now mine! Now you won’t even have a finger to put in your mouth as you look on enviously at the rest of us! Let’s do our best!”
You giggled as hives spread across Overhaul’s skin, “What a pity! You shouldn’t have killed our friend and taken Compress’s arm.”
Spinner honked the horn of the truck. “Pursuers are coming! Hurry up and get in!” He shouted out the window. 
Shigaraki straightened, placed Father back onto his face, and walked back to Spinner. “Next, it’s our turn.”
You trailed after him with a pleased hum. “Revenge feels nice.” Your joy and satisfaction grew exponentially as Overhaul screamed behind you. “It feels real fuckin’ nice.”
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spiked-mall-goth · 9 months
so i had such a day today omggggggg
so got up early as hell to go see saw which was at 12:15pm. theaters a ways away and we wanted to go to the flea market.
at the flea market i saw this cute halloween tin and was like oooOOOooo !! but i picked it up and it rattled, and was full of halloween JEWELRY!!! sooo i obviously got it, bc it was only $1(usd)
keep walking and a very big lamp catches my eye, idk why but i HAD to go look at this lamp. so i mosey on over take a look at the lamp and hidden under a pile of stuff next to the lamp is a little woodstock figure!! hes in a valentines heart chocolate box and i literally was like YIPPEEE!!! so i got him for a dollar and put hm in my little halloween bucket.
keep walking and my brother stops to search a toy bin for go bots, and i find a SNOOPY!! hes a 2018 mcdonalds toy and hes sitting on a cloud holding woodstock and when you roll him is EARS SPIN. literally the coolest thing evr def screetched a lil dont even worry abt that. hes now also in my bucket.
so we move on and this booth has some really nice halloween stuff set out so i go over to look. and the older lady who owned it saw my halloween bucket and was 'that is so cute!!' and i was like 'right?? it was only a dollar and it had jewelry!!' so i open it to show her and she sees my snoopy and woodstock and is like 'HOW CUTE COME LOOK AT MY BOBBLE HEAD' and pulls me over to look at the snoopy bobble head she had as decoration. and ofc im like 'OMG HOW FUCKING CUTE' and we chit chat and then shes like hey i think youd like this, and then pulls me over to a glass case with a DRACULA TROLLS DOLL IN IT. and ofc im FREAKING OUT BC HOLY SHIT ITS A DRACULA TROLLS DOLL. anyways i did not have $25 to spare today :<
so we leave the flea market and go get movie snacks to smuggle in (im so poor btw), get to the theater and buy tickets. the worker is like 'yep saw x, youll be in theater 8' so me and my brother walk in and sit down just to be greeted by paul dano in a santa hat staring straight at us telling us about the stock market and nfts. we are like ????? check the tickets. they moved the time from 12:15pm to 1:50pm.... we have made a terrible blunder. we debate what to do b4 walking out of the theater and going up to the front like 'heyyyyyyy so we totally got the wrong time, can we come back later with the tickets or do we have to stay here?' and she was like 'yeah totally. i noticed u walked into dumb money a few minutes ago and was like hmmmm i wonder if they noticed.' SHE WAS GONNA JUST LEAVE US IN THERE. that is so fucking funny to me.
we go kill time at a thrift store, my younger brother buys a vial of holy water.
we come back, still terribly early but whtvr. me and my older brother play the worst game of pocket tanks this world has ever seen. my younger brother texts to let me know he stopped at a different thrift store on the way home and got me AN X FILES VHS FOR FIFTY FUCKING CENTS !!!!!! YIPPPEEEEEE!!!
we watch saw. very bad movie omg. come home, breath once then right back out the door for my older brothers band to practice and then a boring ass social event. there were burgers there tho,, damn fine food.
thats all the interesting stuff but im already here typing and your already here reading. i had a fight with my printer trying to print the notes i needed for rehearsals tmrrw (i waited last minute whoops). my cat did the most rancid thing i've ever seen. she propped her hind leg on the rim of the water bowl to lick her tosies.... i cannot even describe.. maybe i'll draw it later if i have the time. i set up my new figures on my desk (its so crowded lol) and i worked a little on the sculpture im making. yesterday my brother accidentally yanked my arm weird. he kinda pulled on the elbow i have previously fractured and it hurt but was fine, then tonight i was saying bye to my friend and he also yanked it. ouch. wearing a brace rn bc woof. i finished up some of the choreography i was working on for my next show, although i have no idea if it will actually work bc i did it alone in my room and not with like the 7 other ppl. i had a stange fruity drink, didnt taste good. my best friend texted me panicking bc she took smth WILD and was off her gourd. (shes on a business trip btw). i also did the laundry.
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numerowah · 10 months
So, in your AU, even Wario gets to wear a princess dress? ;) Despite the swapped roles, everyone is the same gender as they are in canon?
Everyone's the same gender as canon, yeah! Just their roles that got switched up.
Wario does have a dress I'm workshopping, yeah >:]! With Mario, Luigi, and Waluigi I feel they're much more in-tune to wearing dresses, y'know? Mario Odyssey gave Mario a wedding dress, Luigi swaps clothes with Peach in Super Mario Adventures [I have the book with this in it it's great. This is also the main driving force of why my au exists and why Luigi swaps with Peach specifically!] as well as Superstar Saga. And then Waluigi just has the vibe and I think he'd look great in any kind of dress.
Wario is the odd one out since like. Lack of a better term, he's the manliest outta them, right? He's described that way somewhere, anyway. So while I definitely think he'd also look nice in a dress, I think he's less receptive to it than the others, so the outfit I initially gave and still have for him is this:
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ALSO! Since he spent. a WHILE. as a cat, I decided to give him funny ears and fangs. Maybe the curse is still there in some capacity and if he gets really worked up, it flares up and he turns back into a cat. idk hehee. He gives Shokora one of the earrings because he trusts her to not lose it, he wants to keep her safe [i hc the jewelry+crown has a protection charm or at least a curse reversal thing to them], and I think it's cute that Wario of all people would share something so valuable, monetarily and sentimentally. also i gave him a tooth gap and stubble. i thought it'd be cute and i was right, sue me
ALSO ALSO! I used to think Shokora's True Form was wearing overalls, or at least shorts. We don't get official art of her true form [i think that's a crime] so we only have the pixel art. I recognize my mistake now, but my misunderstanding is also a reason Princess Wario doesn't currently have a dress designed. That, and I need to figure out a motif.
Waluigi has space as a princess like Rosalina, and plants in general, leaning more on vines. Luigi has rights to any shroom-themed apparel, and most of his outfits are thunder or rain themed thanks to Thunderhand. Mario has plants from Daisy, and fire of his own right. Since fire flowers are a combo of both, that's his main theming as of right now. While Peach's outfits don't have a shroom look to 'em, she definitely has her niche of pink.
Wario could def have a theme of wealth, but that's a bit hard to convey when I don't want to just cover him in gold and call it that, it feels too easy. And Shokora, due to her human form[s] only being shown in a newspaper and at the very end of the game, doesn't have a lot either, if anything. Her official art doesn't give me a particular theme to her, other than that she also wears pink, albeit a different shade [I do have that as a semi-joke, semi-serious reason Shokora doesn't like Peach in the AU. That blondie totally snagged her style!]
His more masc outfit works well enough as a placeholder for now, and honestly I think when i DO finish his dress, he'll still have this outfit, just updated to fit his themes. I really like designing dresses, and I feel they allow for more symbolism or, like, character to be shown, y'know? Like, most of Princess Waluigi's outfits are flowy, which while it def shows the spaciness, i think it also conveys how distant he's made himself to be over the years. Through all the designs I've went through with Mario, they've all had striking colors and lots of frills, both to show who he swapped with and also how outgoing and happy he is. I make sure Luigi's main dress is REALLY puffy, both because it draws on clouds and so it looks like he's swimming in his clothing, like it's too big for him and he has a ways to go before he comes into his own.
So I wanna make sure I do as good of a job with Princess Wario. Hey, after all it's Wario! Only the best for him! Definitely has to show off his toughness, since I do think that's incredibly important to Wario as a character.
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moomoomooing · 2 years
moomoo’s landing
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I’m Kai! I draw :D
I draw for whatever im interested in! Currently thats Twisted Wonderland and Seventeen~ I also draw lots of oc/ original artwork as well.
This is a SFW blog: I will never post or rb full NSFW content, suggestive art will be cropped and the full piece under a cut. If I happen to draw NSFW, again I will post a sfw crop of it here, and there will be a link to a separate site with the full image.
This blog also contains spoilers for any of the fandoms I’m in. I won’t tag anything as spoilers unless I’m talking about it within 3-ish days of it’s release, so be warned!
(Important info from below- my DM’s are open to mutuals only! If you want to chat but we aren’t mutuals, use my ask box. Art requests are only open when I make an announcement for it. If one’s going on, that announcement will be my pinned post.)
This is a side blog I use as a main! Any followbacks will come from @kaiikko.
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KYUU SCARLET (OC/Sona, he/him pronouns)
(info card is a work in progress!)
Kyuu's UM (writing)
Kyuu and why he’s in NRC (writing)
A Lion’s Warmth (writing)
A Pair of New Ears (writing)
spiraling down into your arms (writing)
Camp Vargas Card
Halloween Card
ADONIS BEAU (OC, he/him pronouns)
(info card is a work in progress!)
YUU (OC, he/they pronouns)
(info card is a work in progress!)
Old Yuu reference
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want to know more? more info below!
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I go by Kai and use any pronouns! I’m bi and idk what gender I am but I go with whatever feels best at the mo’ (I will pretty much never disclose my age here as I’m not comfortable doing that.)
I don’t interact too much with others because of anxiety -v-;;; but I’m doing my best to change that! I love it when people send me asks, for request, ask games, or just to chat is lovely!
As you can tell- I draw! I’ve been drawing as a hobby for most of my life, but I’ve recently been trying to get into a career for it! I have two cats, Prince and Mochi, that I may sometimes post www~ I tend to say some unhinged things every now n’ then so... uh be warned? I also love hearing people ramble about things, so my dm’s are always open to mutuals~
Twst favs! Leona Kingscholar (i can’t even explain why I adore him so much.) Ruggie Bucchi, Jade Leech
Cookie Run favs! Red Velvet Cookie, Pastry Cookie, Pure Vanilla Cookie
I used to be in Genshin (I recently quit) but heres my favs anyways- Chongyun, Shenhe, Diluc, Scaramouche, Jean
Genshin Mains Jean, Zhongli, Ayato, Chongyun, Shenhe
Other games I like: Professor Layton, Nonary Games (I’ve only played the first so far), Bloodborne (never played, only watched), Hades, For The King, Inscryption, Pokemon, Stardew Valley, Monster Hunter World, Monster Hunter Rise, Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion, Outer Wilds
(I watch RTgame almost exclusively so lots of my game’s come from him, or game’s I play with friends.)
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- Again feel free to chat with my anytime you’d like! I don’t take art requests unless it’s from mutuals. Art requests will only open for events or for small 1-3 hours long periods when I feel like it. If you don’t wanna miss them try to keep updated with my posts, I don’t do anything special for spur of the moment requests.
- My comms are open! See my ko-fi for details and consider supporting me! New commission options might open or more things might pop up on my shop so check in regularly! I also have a Redbubble shop should you wanna buy and of my past doodles. Don’t see one you like? Just DM me and I’ll put it up for you
Art tag: #moomoos doodles
Asks tag: #moomoos talks (looking for a specific ask? I put the blog name in my asks)
Writing tag: #moomoos writes
XP-PEN Artist 12 Pro, Clip Studio Paint Pro, Procreate on iPad
I usually work on a 1600 by 1920 px canvas, or a square 1000 by 1000 px canvas
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I’ll add more here as I go~!
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shdwtouch · 2 months
Whats aomething your pet(s) do? Are they smart?
so, I have a cat, my emotional support animal, Gambit ! and then we / my mom has dogs, siblings Bruin and Sedona, and a corgi named Sir Ulrich von Lichtenstein. my sister also has cats, Purrlock Holmes and Meowdame Leota. I'm just gonna list off some facts about all of them, because I love all of them. XD
facts about Leota !
she adores her brother, Purrlock. she literally has a shrine dedicated to him under my sisters desk. like. his old collars, his favorite toys, a little drawing of him (I'm not fucking joking, it's a drawing on a wine cork my sister got at an art faire).
she is the sweetest, quietest, most polite cat I have ever met
facts about Purrlock !
he looks like a little cow. he eats like one too XD
he would sell you to satan for one (1) treat
facts about Ulrich !
he is the BIGGEST diva. sometimes he refuses to eat unless he is spoon fed. he refuses to jump down from locations he jumped onto and acts like he can't get down without help. thinks hes bigger than he is and tries to act like it. he sometimes refuses to climb the back stairs and must be carried indoors like a baby. he is also very judgmental.
he is terrified of Leota, but fine with the other cats XD
one time he got stuck on our porch because his way was blocked and he couldn't back up. after saving his sorry little butt, he did it again.
facts about Sedona !
she hates my guts. why ? because she doesn't like leashes, medication, or going places she does not want to go... and I was responsible for doing all that. now my sister handles it, thankfully. I love the dog, she just hates me. :c
acts stupid, is actually very smart
she would sell you to satan for one (1) ear rub
gassy. poor baby has some digestion issues unfortunately :c but we do what we can for her. we can always tell she isn't feeling good because she gets grumpy, but then I get grumpy too when my stomach doesn't feel good so.
facts about Bruin !
my favoritest boy (don't tell Gambit XD)
he is the sweetest, most stupid dog you will ever meet. we live in the country and are surrounded by cow fields. one time, when he was still pretty young, he got out and came back with a gash in his head. vet says a cow most likely kicked him. :c even though he was already pretty sweet and derpy before that, I like to joke that everything changed after "the accident". poor guy.
he thinks cows are his friends. "cows" is his trigger word I s2g. you say cows and his ears perk up, he gets so excited, its adorable. he just sits outside and watches them. also ? every day, around 6 pm, he goes out to the side yard and barks at the cows in our neighbors field. idk why, I think that's when they get fed so they move to that side of the field ? but without fail, he's out there barking.
he has excited tail syndrome. the kind of dog that wags their tail and their whole body just starts wiggling and shaking. he's adorable.
facts about Gambit !
is literally screaming at me right now
only drinks cold water, but he does not like ice
a cuddle baby. he's literally such a loving baby boy, I love him.
thinks hes tough. is not actually tough.
thinks he's gonna inherit my stuff when I die, so he keeps trying to kill me (joking)
thinks he's cute (he is cute) but he needs to be constantly reminded
does NOT !! like kisses
is in a situationship with Purrlock, thinks its Leota
and now to answer the "are they smart" portion of this question. Sedona and Ulrich ? they act stupid but we know they are smart. Bruin is as dumb as they come, unfortunately, but he makes up for it by being incredibly sweet. Purrlock and Gambit have a single brain cell each, and fight over the third to make fire. Leota has all the cat brain cells but dedicates them solely to loving on her brother.
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stupidkinbs · 1 year
it’s been a while. i have very roughly done sprite edits (and some general notes)
jade strider (daveways)
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if you’ve been here a while, there’s no need for me to make much of any notes atp. the only thing i can mention is that i used a dave sprite because my mannerisms were a lot more similar to canon dave and it felt a lot more fitting.
i didn’t draw my symbol since i lowkey don’t fully remember. i feel like it was a cassette tape though.
john harley (plus dave lalonde [roseways] from what i remember)
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we started the session when we were older. maybe about 15? so that’s why we may look a little older.
it’s hard to tell, but i’m wearing shorts! i wore these a lot since the island was a bit warm but i could never really let go of sweaters (especially one dave made me) so i tended to wear them and just rolled my sleeves up. i also liked bracelets and jewelry! and had my ears pierced. i also got a lip piercing done by roxy strider (dirkways) but i think that was a lot further in the future (maybe even earth c?)
i remember dave a bit more post grimdark, at least in terms of appearance. he got a lot of scars on his arms afterwords. his hair was also practically white afterwards, but since there’s a lack of color, i can’t really show that lol
actually now that i think about it, it would be a smart idea for me to explain how i looked in these cause of me not coloring them. i had black hair (that was very poorly cut. i cut it myself most of the time. my dad could of helped but i was determined to get it done myself), green eyes, and light tan skin. i also had a bunch of freckles. my symbol was a plant
dave, on the other hand, had dark blond hair (pretty much white post-grimdark), purple eyes, and mid tan skin. his symbol might have been a pair of needles? maybe? :P
meulin makara (kurlozways)
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appearance explanation! curly, poofy black hair, grey skin obvi but it was a bit darker than “standard” (for lack of better term), and pre-death my eyes had started to turn purple. post that, my entire eyes were just full white. cause yk. dead.
i had a scar on the back of my right hand. it was covered by my glove, but it was in between my thumb and pointer finger. there was also this big one on my stomach but idk what it was from.
not pictured due to the lack of color, but i did have face paint. it was similar to a cat. kind of like a tiger? the canon drawing in my pinned is the best example of it.
i might have gotten a tattoo from porrim? it’s not clear but i have a faint memory of getting a tattoo at some point, and she knew about that kind of stuff, so it makes sense to me. ^.3.^
OH and i had a nose piercing. that’s what that dot by my nose is for lol.
dirk lalonde (roxyways)
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this is a really new one so i can’t say much. i mostly just remember myself.
appearance: light blond hair and pink eyes. i can’t really figure out what’s up with skin tone stuff. again, this is pretty new. i have no fucking idea what symbol i had.
i did programming stuff. i tinkered with robotics a bit, but it wasn’t my main deal. it was more so roxy’s.
i made this tl’s version of AR who…i’m pretty sure loathed me a bit. i attempted to make him a body at some point, but that was a bust. i considered contacting rox about it but didn’t want to bother her.
in terms of the outfit i have here? i had this off the shoulder sweater that i really really liked. i used to not wear a tank under. of course, i accidentally shrunk it in the wash, so then i did to cover my stomach. also i’m not sure when and where i got that eyebrow piercing. it’s just there until i get an idea.
(if anyone happens to see this post btw please don’t take the sprites w/out permission. ik that won’t stop anyone but it is very much appreciated if you don’t 🥲👍)
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ichigomis · 3 years
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⤷ with ushijima, semi, sakusa, atsumu
in which you drag him to a photo booth, for no particular reason (just some fluff and love)
note: idk where this idea came from and idk if i did it any good, but here!! something about @lovingjeankirstein's semi playlist got me missing him huhu
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❊ USHIJIMA stares at the screen, trying to make sense of the many buttons you were excitedly pressing. he darts his eyes from the screen then at you and wonders just how you're always able to make him do the most unsensible of things. he wonders how with just one word and a little pout, you've got him wrapped around your fingers. not that he's complaining, he's just at a loss at your power over him.
"okay! it's ready, the countdown's starting!" you shake him from his thoughts as you sit back down with a little bounce.
you beam at the camera as ushijima tilts his head, what is going on?
he blinks.
and just like that your faces are on the screen—your bright smile and his confused face, mid-blink.
"i think i missed it," he says eyeing the photo. he doesn't really mind, as long as you were happy. perhaps this is why you have such a hold of him? the edge of his lips curls up in a small smile as he thinks back to his previous thoughts.
you couldn't help but giggle, "that's okay! we can doodle on our photo instead." you sit up and start drawing whiskers and cat ears on his face from the screen.
you feel ushijima move from his seat and follow your example. his big mighty hands, ever so gently and with utmost love and care, draws little hearts around you. you gaze at him as he squints, focused and determined to fit in as many hearts as he can.
"it’s cute," he beams as he looks at his and your's little artwork.
you couldn’t help yourself, you pull him and kiss his cheek just the way that makes him scrunch his nose and laugh. "mhm, and so are you."
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❊ SEMI raises an eyebrow at you, "so this was your emergency?" he asks as you drag him inside the photo booth. when you called him about a certain "emergency" that he definitely had to help you with, this was not what he had in mind. but now, semi just chuckles at your excitement. your silly antics are one of the reasons he loves you, how can he ever refuse?
you only look up at him with a sly grin and nod. "it’s been a while since we did this, right?" you sit down on the booth and start fixing your hair. he sits down beside you and presses the start button, the countdown begins almost immediately and you squeal in excitement.
you wrap your arm around his and get ready to pose. the shutter captures your cute smiles and bright giggles, preserving the quick little moment forever. and just before the last shutter goes off, semi softly grabs your chin and pulls you in. his lips brush against yours and you hold your breath in surprise. he doesn't let go even after the booth lights go off or when you hear your photo start printing outside.
he pulls away and smirks down at you, revenge. "photo booth dates aren't complete without that, right?" he muses.
you scoff and pull him back in by the collar of his shirt, much to his delight. "of course."
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❊ SAKUSA eyes the photo booth cautiously as you use all your strength to try and drag him inside. "come on omi just one picture, please?" you cruelly look up at him with those doe eyes, knowing well that he can never say no to them. and like on cue, sakusa heaves out a sigh of defeat and lifts his once planted feet off the ground. he lets you drag him inside and you can't help but let the triumphant grin slip from your lips.
"it's starting!!" you exclaim as you sit back down beside sakusa who's been staring at the screen, a blank and confused look on his face. his eyes dart around, looking for the camera.
"where should i look?" he asks you, slightly panicking at the countdown on the screen.
you grab his arm and pull him closer, getting ready to strike a pose, "anywhere! just smileeeeeee!" and with that, the booth rings with the shutter of the camera and your playful carefree giggles.
"fun, right?" you ask still clinging onto sakusa's arm as you two wait for the picture to print.
he only gives you a shrug, "i couldn't see where the camera was."
you smile up at him and pat his curls, "that's okay, i bet you still look cute." and just as his cheeks turn red, your photo comes out the printer.
"uh, see? i wasn't even looking," he mutters as he takes the photo and hands it to you. and he's right, he really wasn't looking. instead, he was looking at you with the same doe eyes you gave him before. you smirk up at him and you swear he stepped back in caution, "one more, please?"
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❊ ATSUMU matches your pace, skipping like children off on a field trip for the first time. when you told him you saw a photo booth not far from the place you two were eating, he let you drag him out without another word. it never was hard to drag atsumu to do silly things with you, in fact, it's the two of you's little thing.
you let out a squeal as atsumu grabs a hold of you, sitting you down on his lap. "first pose is this." he beams his toothy grin at the camera and you can't help but do the same.
the shutter goes off and you tear yourself off of him to get ready for your next pose, but your footing fails you and you find your face taking up half of the shot.
"nooooo" you groan as the shutter goes off once again. atsumu just gives up his secure hold on you and throws a peace sign in the air as another shot is taken, your frown and pout clearly displayed on the screen.
"alright, last one. com' here," atsumu pulls you in again and chuckles at the pout that still hasn't left your lips. you wrap your arms around him, not caring about what you look like anymore. and just as the shutter goes off, he presses his lips to your cheek with an animated smooching sound. you light up and an unintentional grin escapes your lips.
"it's a mess," atsumu chuckles as you furrow your eyebrows at your photo. you let out a groan and his smile only doubles in size, "but i like it." he whispers as he pulls you in and kisses your head.
you groan, still upset over the whole ordeal. "why though? it’s so... chaotic."
his chest vibrates with laughter and he squeezes you even tighter, "exactly. it’s just like ya."
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p.s.: not me always writing about either sakusa, atsumu, or ushijima 🤡
» m. list
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whaleofatjme1920 · 3 years
Oh god please, more cheating and angst (hoodie? Tim? 👀👀👀) Idk u just write it so good and my aching heart feels better oddly because of it. I fuckn love angst djsjsjjdjdjd
Full Moon and Being A Horrible Person
[Masky X F!Reader]
[Warnings: language, physical cheating]
[AN: i love angst too]
The full moon makes us do weird things, it’s been well documented. From the people bouncing off the walls to inducing labor, all the way to making us make questionable decisions, the full moon is to blame, not him.
It was a full moon when he caught the eyes of a woman with dark, sweet chocolate colored eyes. She looked so beautiful under the lights of the bar, yellow illuminating her skin like it was gold.
She’d been flirting with him across the bar the entire night. Wry smiles, tapping her fingernails against the glass, twirling her dark hair and giggling when he caught her eyes and by extension, her attention.
“You know Reader isn’t gonna be happy with your behavior,” Hoodie had lightly chided him before downing more of his beer. “Why don’t you let me take over? I haven’t-”
“No,” Tim laughed, pushing at his best friend’s shoulder. “It’s harmless flirting,” he finished, watching Hoodie’s expression from the corner of his eye.
“If Reader was doing this, would you consider it harmless flirting?”
Kate excused herself from her conversation with one of the ladies from the booth behind the table she and her group shared, then turned her attention to her group leader. “He has a point,” she said, grinning when Hoodie leaned over the table to high-five her.
Tim rolled his eyes and began to lazily swish his drink. “It’s nothing, I promise.”
“You mean to say you haven’t emptied your balls in a few weeks and you’re desperate,” Hoodie deadpans, breaking his blank expression when Kate loudly laughs.
“Again, he has a point,” Kate smirked. “C’mon, let Hoodie or Toby take this one. Neither of them are in relationships and are less likely to get attached.”
Tim raises a brow at Kate. “Attached? What does that mean?”
Hoodie shares a look with the woman across from him who nods at him to explain what exactly she means. “She uh,” Hoodie awkwardly sips at his beer before biting the bullet completely. “C’mon man, you have an addictive personality. Pills, cigarettes, Reader…” He trails off before Tim hisses and punches Hoodie’s shoulder, roughly. Hoodie only barks a laugh and raises his hand up in submission. “I’m right, I’m always right!” He manages to choke out through remaining giggles.
“Can we just drop it for now?” Tim growls.
Kate rolls her eyes and then pulls a face to Hoodie, who stifles his laughter just barely before she turns back to her conversation with the ladies from the booth behind her. She’s up and out of her seat following a group of them to the other side of the bar, giggling and laughing as a woman with short pink hair holds her hand and weaves her through the crowds.
Hoodie feigns innocence before standing up. “I’m gonna find Tobes, who knows what he’s doing. Tearing up the dance floor, maybe?”
Tim watches as his best friend shuffles out from his seat, beer still in hand as he disappears into the sea of people. He sighs and crosses his arms over his chest. His dark eyes scan the bustling room full of bright, rainbow colored strobe lights and too loud music only to catch a glimpse of the full moon outside. It’s tinged pink, and seems to blossom the longer he looks at it. Due to where they’re currently at in the city, he can’t see the stars - much too much light pollution. A sigh is about to escape his lips when he feels a hand brushing over his, pulling him from the light of the full moon and onto the woman he’d been flirting quietly with all night.
“Never thought I’d get you alone,” she says, voice sweet like honey and smoother than silk.
Tim thinks about his words, his group’s chiding before mentally shrugging off all responsibilities. “I know, right?” He replies, voice low and deep, something charming and sweet.
She grins like the Cheshire Cat before playfully biting her lip. “I’m just passing through here,” she begins, “maybe we could… Have a few more drinks then head back to my hotel room?”
Tim feels a slight blush come to his cheeks before swallowing it back down. He smirks, leaning into her presence. “I’d love nothing more.”
The two of them knock back a few more drinks, the woman mostly choosing fruity things and Tim sticking to whiskey. Their touches become more and more bold, and their words more lusty and obscene by the moment. He has her sit on his lap and he whispers all the nasty things he wants to do to her and she gobbles it up, giggles and soft licks to the shell of his ear driving him up a wall.
And then, he follows her to her hotel. It’s a tangle of lips smashing against lips, hearts beating in sync and hands grabbing in the most inappropriate of places. Her clothes lie on the floor before getting covered up by his, her body following in suit.
Tim takes her. He drinks her in full and has her seeing the stars that were once only gazed upon by you. He touches her in ways you’ve never been touched and allows her to touch him in ways he’d always claimed were ‘too much’ for him.
When the deed is done, he’s cuddling her much like he would cuddle you, cigarette in his mouth and bliss on his face.
Tim stayed the night.
The next morning, he’s so groggy that he doesn’t even realize he’s still got her lipstick stains on his skin. He gets back in his car (failing to realize his group had to either walk back to the temp or hitch with someone else), and heads back to the only true home he’d ever considered.
It’s a few hours to your place, but he makes it, and that’s all that matters. Your car isn’t in the driveway, so he lets himself in. A quiet stumble to the bathroom and he sees he looks like a mess. The weight of what he did to you begins to sink in.
Tim turns the shower on and strips off his clothing - the clothes still linger with her perfume before he hops in and begins to furiously scrub at his skin. Tears well in his eyes. How could he do that to you? What kind of common sense was he lacking in that moment?
He continues to scrub, slowly coming to the realization that he’s going to do whatever it takes to hide this from you - you can never know. It was the light of the full moon, people always act crazy when the moon is in that phase, and he was drunk, like really drunk.
Excuses, excuses.
The water stops right when he hears the front door open. He hears your voice. You’re greeting him sweetly, like you always do.
He takes in a deep breath. You can never know.
It was only inevitable that you’d find out, though he’s surprised you went as long as you did without knowing. Tim hid it from you for months, and he probably could’ve kept it longer if he didn’t come with you to Target when you asked. You’d always been a fan of late night store runs, and he hadn’t gone on one with you in a while… What harm could it possibly do?
A lot. A lot of harm that surfaced the truth.
“I should’ve cuffed you when I had a chance!” The woman giggled as she came up beside you as you looked at the early Halloween decorations.
You raised a brow. “Excuse me?” You looked over to your boyfriend, whose face had gone pale. “I think you have the wrong…”
“You’re a lucky girl, y’know that?” She continued, brushing off your words. “He took me to the moon.” Her voice was so sultry and decadent. “Hope he takes you to the moon as well,” she says, her fingers trailing Tim’s arm.
He pulls away from her. “W...Who are you?” He says, attempting to sound confused.
The woman pulls a face before looking in between the two of you, her dark eyes glancing and putting together the pieces. Instead of being embarrassed or ashamed, she chuckles and begins to take off again. “I did you a favor, honey,” she calls over her shoulder, hips swaying as she turns down another aisle.
You don’t want to admit it, but now you know why Tim’s been so weird lately and nicer than usual. Sure, Tim is a sweet guy, but his behavior the past few months has been OVERLY nice, and now you know why. “What was that?” You ask, eyes narrowing and tears welling.
“Nothing, let’s just pay and get out-”
“I wanna go home.”
Tim moves to rest his hand on your shoulder, but you recoil as if you’d been burned.
A huge argument ensued when the two of you got back into the car, lots of harsh words were traded. He tried reasoning with you, he tried telling you how much he loved you, he tried everything in his power but he’d ruined a good thing.
You ended up pulling over on the side of the road, slamming the breaks, tears in your eyes and turned to him. “Give me the key to my house.”
“What? No-”
“Give. Me. The. Key. Tim,” you hiss, punctuating every word with stronger venom. You held your hand out.
Tim sighs deeply and reaches into his pocket, pinching the bridge of his nose as you harshly snatch the key from his awaiting hand. “It’s not like that, you know I love you-”
“Is that what you’re calling it? Cheating on me and then lying about it for months?” You rhetorically ask, growling and seething further and further. You feel rage wracking your system as it exhausts you further and further. You can’t bring yourself to look into his eyes, because if you do, you’ll melt.
“I’m telling you, it was to protect you,” he attempts again. “Let’s just, let’s just go home and-”
“Get the fuck out of my car,” you say, drawing in every remaining and residual strength you have as hot tears scald your cheeks.
“You don’t mean that-”
“I do.”
“Reader, baby please-”
“Get the fuck out of my car,” you repeat. You squeeze your eyes shut, shake your head and then turn back to the road. “Do it before I do something stupid.”
Tim feels his heart shatter, cracking on impact as it falls deeper and deeper. He shakily runs his fingers through his hair before sliding out of your car, slamming the door shut and watches as you drive off and out of his life. He wants to scream, or cry, maybe both at the same time? He’s not entirely sure yet. He just knows his world is crashing down and there’s nothing he can do about it.
He betrayed your trust and broke your heart all for one singular night of passion.
The emotionally distraught man looks up at the moon, finding no solace that it’s full again.
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divinefireangel · 3 years
Hello ✍️Writer✍️, I would like to 🤌request🤌 a reaction where their s/o likes ❣️kissing❣️ their ❤neck❤ 🌠Innocentlly🌠but it 🌌turns the 🕺Bois💃 on🌌 🤡accidentally🤡 Thank you for blessing us with your Beautiful 🤌 beautiful 🤌 works✍️❣️
Idk why but so many emojis are making very happy 😂
Warnings: Suggestive? Fluff? Crack? Well idk. Mentions of food. Domestic af SF9. Yes that is a warning. Sensitive neck! SF9. Just go with it 💀.
"I'll hug you and you click the picture"
"Okay. But you'll have to help me angle it properly cause of your outfit."
"I know I know. Just turn it a bit towards me. Okay. Yes!" You exclaim finally happy with the angle. Clicking a good number of selfies with your boyfriend Youngbin, you check them to make sure that you atleast got a few you can post.
Monitoring the pictures along with you, Youngbin holds you close to him even after the photo session. You see, there was a wedding. One of your friend's. And being your boyfriend, Youngbin offered to be your date.
So here you both are, all doll'd up and pretty, finally taking couple pics after what seems like forever. Smiling happily you bounce on your feet. The pictures turned out perfect!
To celebrate, you kiss him joyfully, well you ended up kissing his neck because that the height you are able to reach with your heels right now. Pulling away with a small smile, a frown takes over when you notice your lipstick mark on his neck.
Widening your eyes, you panic trying to figure out how you can remove the mark quickly. Remembering that you have tissues in your bag, you take take it out and begin to clean.
"I'm sorry. I forgot I had lipstick." You say sadly, but concentrating on the task in hand. Youngbin, however, is still frozen in his spot, not even moving his eye lids. When you finish and move away, he breathes out contracting his chest.
"Jagi." He huffs slowly. "You, you can't just do that." He says in a small pout.
"Do what?" You look in his eyes. Realizing that you meant nothing by it, his face just breaks into a smile.
"Nothing. Let's go. Or we're going to be late!" He exclaims wrapping his arm around your shoulder, pulling you to walk with him.
A lovely afternoon spent with your boyfriend. Aka. You having your nose in your novel and him having his nose in his novel. It's actually something you both do often. And then comes the regular discussing favourite parts, which he claims is the best part of your mini book club.
You were both seated at opposite ends if the couch, when you huffed closing your book. Now, normally you would've finished it, but for some reason your eyes were starting to lose focus. Maybe it was stress or overworking. Keeping the book on the table in front of the couch, you slowly crawl away from your side to his.
Peering over his shoulder, you try to see what page he is on.
"What are you doing?" Inseong asked with a smirk.
"Nothing. Just cuddling my super cuddly boyfriend" you said whilst moving your legs on his lap and hands landing around his shoulders. Kissing his cheek with a smile, you nest your head in his neck, closing you eyes when you feel his arm on your back.
Blinking your eyes open, you mindlessly pout, tired and a bit bored. 'Hmm, he smells nice', you think to yourself. Sliding your head back a little on his shoulder, you start to drag your pouty lips against his neck, occasionally pecking it too.
Biting his lip, Inseong shuts his eyes, moaning in satisfaction as you kiss his neck. Giggling at his reaction, you stop what you're doing. "Are you actually getting turned on by me just kissing your neck? " you ask with the biggest smile on your face.
Reciprocating your smile, Inseong chuckles, opening one of his eyes to look at you. "Not my fault. You just know how to drive me crazy for you." He says leaning forward to capture your lips in a dizzying kiss.
Sitting on a chair near the dining table, Jaeyoon scrolls through his phone, scouring for a new recipe to try out. Finding one that seems interesting, he clicks on it and starts to read. Being so engrossed in learning it, he fails to notice you come out of the bedroom.
Almost walking past him towards the fridge, you stop in your tracks and decide to have some fun. Tapping his left shoulder, you wait for him to turn but quickly move to the right. Snickering silently, you repeat the same action again, now tapping his right side, but he notices your hair before you moved.
Chuckling he looks down shaking his head. "Jagiya, you're very cute. But not very slick." He laughs when you whine into his neck. Relaxing onto his back, you pout sadly.
"What are you seeing?" You ask curiously.
"A new recipe you might like. I think we have all the ingredients, so I was planning on trying it. What do you think?" He hums in question, raising a hand to pet your hair.
"Okay. I'll be happy with whatever you feed me." You reply genuinely. Playing a kiss on his cheek first, he turns to look back to his phone smiling. But you wanted to kiss him more. So instead you just choose to kiss his neck.
Licking your lips a little, you press a medium kiss on his neck, making his stop everything he was doing. Unfazed, you walk to the fridge to take a cold water bottle from it. Turning you gasp, almost colliding into Jae's chest.
"Jae... " you say looking at him, wondering why he's standing so close to you. Sighing he leans down to your height, kissing you on the lips once. Twice. Thrice.
Keeping the water bottle on the kitchen counter next to the fridge, you wrap your arms around his broad shoulders, feeling his back muscles as you make out with your boyfriend. Loving your reciprocation, Jaeyoon lifts you off the ground and makes you sit on the counter, not breaking the kiss for one second...
You gasp in surprise when you feel a strong chest hug into you. Kissing the side of your head, Sanghyuk smiles, happy to finally have you in his arms after another long day of work.
"Hi baby. You took a shower?" You ask, noticing that he's wearing only sweatpants.
"Yeah. I went to the gym after work." He replies, walking towards the mirror to apply his moisturizer.
Nodding you change out of your work clothes, finally feeling like you can breathe again. Now it was your turn to hug him.
Approaching him slowly, you tickle your way around his torso and abs, resting your forehead against his ear you sigh satisfactorily. Smiling widely at your clingyness, Sanghyuk continues to moisturize. "Tired?"
Humming a response you open your eyes and breathe out, having closed your eyes as soon as you hugged him. Pluckering your lips, you lean up to kiss one long sweet kiss on his neck. And then another next to it. And another.
"I thought you were tired." He says in a deadpanned tone.
"I am" you hum.
"Fuck it. I'll do most of the work then" Turning around, Sanghyuk stares down at you, biting his lip sexily making your breath hitch and mind go blank. Grabbing your waist in one hand to pull you flush into him, he leans down to connect your lips together while his other hand cups your butt, asking you to jump into his arms so he can take you to bed for a long, long night.
You were laying across the couch, you boyfriend Juho sitting on the ground, his back on the same couch near your head. You were waiting for your lunch to be delivered, the app saying it'll take only a few minutes.
The day was spent well with taking the cats to the vet, then going grocery shopping and coming back home and putting them in their respective containers. Of course the whole ordeal tired you both out. So you decided to treat yourselves by ordering in.
You laugh silently as Juho played with Kompangg, making weird sounds to get the feline's attention and to make her meow. Huru of course the rebel, in his own world, sleeping cutely in his bed.
Pulling yourself forward by your arms, you place you head on Juho's shoulder, trying to help him play with his younger pawed child. When she finally meowed after a lot of both of your efforts, you cheer extending your arm to pet her ears.
Smiling at her doey eyes, you place an innocent kiss on Juho's neck, resuming your previous position on the couch.
"Why did you do that? " Juho asks, putting Kom in the ground. Turning to you with a smirk, Juho leans his hands on the couch.
"Do what?" You ask quizzically, cause you really didn't know. Looking at your clueless expression, Juho realizes that you didn't mean anything by that kiss. Pursuing his lips, he looks down on his lap, cringing at his dirty mind.
"Did you think I wanted sex?!" You accuse him when you figure out what he was thinking. Scratching the back of his neck, he laughs timidly trying to think of an excuse when the front door bell rang.
"Ah! Yes food's here!" He says quicky, sprinting off towards the door while you laugh.
Sprawled widely on the bed, Seokwoo replies to his texts with a pout on his lips while waiting for you to join him so he can cuddle you to sleep. Jumping onto the bed, you grab your pillow and lay on top of it for support while looking into his phone too.
"Why do you have so many at this time? "
"I ignored the group from morning." He replies.
Nodding your head, you sigh in exhaustion from the day's work. Pushing half of your body on his, you rest your chin in his neck and close your eyes. What you've been addicted to since dating him, was situating yourself on top of him whenever where ever he lies down. It always gave you warmth. And him a sense of feeling small. He also loves it when you give him a back massage or draw on top of his wide back, just for the fun of it.
"Okay! I'm done. Let's sleep." Seokwoo says making you open your eyes in surprise.
"Okie" you say in a small voice, bending down to peck his neck before rolling off him onto your side if the bed.
Opening his mouth for a good ten seconds, he licks his lips and turns his head to look at you. Seeing you wrap yourself in the comforter like a burrito, he blinks in confusion.
Once settled, you look at him in question, wondering why he isn't tucking himself in. "Why are you not turning? Are you okay? "
Your words pull him out of his trance. Opening his mouth to answer, but closing it again when he realizes that he doesn't have one, he just looks at you.
"Nothing. Good night." He finally says, wondering why such a simple action took him by so much surprise.
Yoo Taeyang
Smiling lovingly Taeyang stands in the kitchen preparing an even more love filled meal for you. He knows how you've only had a small breakfast, so he took it upon himself to make you something delicious for when you come out of the bedroom after attending all your meetings.
Humming along with the song playing in the background, he stirs the contents of the pot. "Y/N will like this." He says to himself. And as if you cue, he hears the bedroom door open and from there came out a very tired you.
Walking into the kitchen, you let your feet drag you till you're behind Taeyang. Wrapping your arms around his torso while being careful of the hot vessel on the stove, you rest your head on his back. "I hate work" you complain pouting.
"I know. " he agrees, chuckling at your childish behaviour. Taking in a deep breath, smelling the aroma of your lunch, you sway in happiness while still hugging Taeyang. Rising on your tippy toes, you place a small kiss on his neck, squeezing him tightly in your arms. Freezing he widens his eyes as his shoulders tense at your actions.
"You're amazing" you compliment him. Pulling away you begin to walk towards the bathroom, completely failing to notice your blushing mess of a boyfriend.
"You can't just do that!" He complains loudly to a still very clueless you.
Tired from overworking yourself, you close your eyes leaning back in your chair. Youngkyun was sitting next to you, doing his work. Noticing your despair immediately, he pauses and saves his work first, then yours.
"Let's go take a nap. We've been here long enough." He says, worry laced in every syllable.
Nodding you push your chair back a bit, until your legs are out. Lifting your arms up to him, you silently ask him to carry you to bed. Smiling at your cuteness, he obliges, not having the heart to say no to you. Like always.
And so he gently picks you up bridal style and walks to the bed. And just as, if not even more gently, he places you on the bed. Unfolding the blanket, he spreads it on the bed before getting in with you, making sure you are tucked in well.
Attacking him as soon as he's settled next to you, you throw one leg across his torso and intertwine your hands on his chest,nuzzling your nose shamelessly in his neck. Chuckling he starts to pat your shoulder, back and head, to put you to sleep.
Releasing a breath finally feeling relaxed, you turn your head up to kiss him, not really caring where you ended up kissing him, but you kiss him. "I love you" you mumble against his skin.
Biting his lip, he continues to pat you to sleep, while he lays there wide awake, still feeling the aftermath of your simple kiss. Little do you know, he's silently begging his hormones to calm down or else he will never hear the end of it.
A typical Saturday afternoon for the two of you. You are engrossed in your work while Chanhee is on his desktop playing games. Being cooped up in your work for so long, you decide that you needed to take a break. Probably a snack too.
Getting up from your position, you walk towards Chanhee's chair to wrap your hands around his shoulders. Smiling when he feels your presence behind him, he just continues to play his game. Playing a sweet kiss on his cheek, you lean your head against his temple, averting your attention to the screen.
"Nothing. Just trying to see what's so interesting in the game."
Lifting your head to look at him for a moment, you bend down and press your nose to his neck. Giggling at your action, Chani is about to protest when he freezes in his spot. Playing tiny pecks of admiration on his neck repeatedly, you close your eyes happy to be in his warmth.
"Stop! " Chani exclaims in surprise, pausing the game.
Opening your eyes at this sudden outburst, you look at him with curious eyes. "Why?"
"Do you- Are you- ah.... " Gulping he is at a loss for words. Staring at your with wide eyes he just opens and closes his mouth.
Blinking you giggle at his flush state, not really catching what's going on in his mind. "I'm gonna make myself a snack. When you decide what and how you want to tell me, I'll be ready." You laugh exiting the room, leaving a very dumbfolded Chani in your wake.
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sugamamacustard · 3 years
Please don’t let me go
Pairing:  Alpha! Tetsuro Kuroo x Omega! Reader
Genre: Angst, Fluff, NSFW
Request: HIII my favourite author!!! Happy new year 💜. Wishing you a very happy 2021. Ok sooo i got a scenario In mind. You don't have to write it if you don't want to Reader (half wolf/half omega, and if you don't write half wolf, then omega) in a pack (maybe like you know joint nekoma, fukorodani and karasuno but it's ok if you don't write that, only nekoma then in case) where their pack hasn't exactly accepted them, they're very cold with her. Reader , who has madly been in love with kuroo (cuz I'm such a kuroo lover) for very long, doesn't mind and continues to take care of everyone, making sure their ok and basically like having a soft sweet motherly attitude despite how they treat reader. But at one point reader is just fed up and feels very hurt, thinking they hate them and blames themselves. They also have to keep seeing kuroo bring in other girls for his heat and that Hurts them a lot. So reader thinks they never needed them and slowly stops contacting them. That's when everyone realises they fucked up and tried to find them but they can't. Until one day reader comes to practice and says their joining another pack and apologies for not being enough and all, how would the pack and kuroo, who loves them, stop them, apologize and make it up with them? Angst to fluff, and if you want idk if you write it but nsfw. You don't have to write it ofc! It's just a quick scenario that came to my mind. Please ignore this if you don't want to write it, and sorry if it's too specific and long 🥺
Summary:   You were excited when the other packs joined yours, even finding solace in one of the alphas of one, but suddenly, you weren’t needed. Wanted. Not what he desired. And that hurt. So you do the only thing you can think of. Try to find someone who will comfort your poor omega heart.
Author’s Note: I’m your favorite 🥺 🥺 Happy new year babes!  And I was reading this, and I just kept getting more and more ideas and began writing it right away Hope you enjoy!
Requests: Open!
Keep in Mind! This heavily based off of my Dragon/Shifter! AU from my mainblog! (@Angstyclowns) . The long short of it, is that Shifters have three forms. The first, is completely human. Though the person still has some attributes (Better sight, smell, hearing, etc.) they don’t have any visible features. The second form gives the shifter about half of their features. Tails, ears, wings, fangs, things like that. The third is the “full form”. This is a full dragon, wolf, cat, dog, etc.. You aren’t able to talk in this form, but you do have full control of your actions. I can go into more depth in this AU! if you all want, be sure to let me know!
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Tetsuro Kuroo
➵ The Fukorodani pack was big. Huge maybe. 
➵ It was made up of three different, smaller, packs that had combined for both numbers and power. Karasuno, (the namesake) Fukorodani, and Nekoma. 
➵ You were originally apart of Fukorodani, only really close with Akaashi and Bokuto and had yet to get close with anyone else. 
➵ You still cared for them though. 
➵ You prepped meals in the morning, making enough for everyone. 
➵ Made sure you always had band-aids just in case.
➵ You took the role of pack omega well. 
➵ But people still seemed to hold you at an arms length. 
➵ You at first brushed it off, as they were getting used to being in such a big pack, but as they got more comfortable with Bokuto and Akaashi, you began to feel this sense of unease. 
➵ It was obvious they didn’t trust you, but you couldn’t quite place why. 
➵ It soon got to the point where even Akaashi and Bokuto were spending less and less time with you. 
➵ Your omega was hurt and you felt completely deserted. 
➵ You had no idea what was happening. Did you do something wrong?
➵ You didn’t think so. You just did what you always did. Maybe you were too clingy. 
➵ Too overbearing. 
➵ Yeah, that was it. Right? 
➵ Too much too soon. 
➵ So you slowly began pulling away. You stopped making breakfast (Staying in your nest and feigning being asleep when Akaashi or Suga would come check up on you.). 
➵ Stopped carrying medical supplies. Which hurt at first when Hinata or Noya would excitedly ask you for a cartoon printed band-aid, but immediately frowned when you said you didn’t have any.
➵ You just stopped...caring? 
➵ You went on runs a lot more, staying out later and later and leaving earlier and earlier. There were days when no one saw you at all-- Bokuto ending up crying on those days, almost as if his alpha knew you were pulling away. 
➵ He would make an effort to spend the next day with you but then the process would just repeat itself. He’d be gone with Kuroo for days, weeks on end and you were stuck alone one more time. 
➵ “We always have an opening.” Daishou hummed, stretching his arms out as his forked tongue wiggled between his lips. Your tail swiped behind you as your ears fell back. “We could use a wolf like you. Strong legs, strong jaw, good looks-” 
➵ “Don’t.” You sighed, wrapping your tail around your waist and wringing it gently with your hands. “I appreciate the offer, but I- I can’t. I just-”
➵ “I get it. It’s that damned cat, yeah?” The olive haired alpha smirked, playing with one of his scaled fingers. He chuckled at your red cheeks, licking his teeth all the while.  
➵ It was not secret that you fell for the Pack alpha of Nekoma, Kuroo, quickly. Though Daishou (A snake shifter that you ran into during one of your all day runs) didn’t approve of the crush, he didn’t interfere with it. He respected it, in fact, encouraging it on days he felt good. 
➵ You could honestly say Daishou was one of your closest friends at the moment. He always allowed you into his territory, his pack supporting and loving you all the while. 
➵ He had offered to let you join his pack, in fact, but you turned him down. You were tied with Fukorodani, with Akaashi, with Bokuto. They were your family.
➵ Whether or not they saw you the same way, that was how you saw them. 
➵ Your inner omega kept reminding you that Daishou was also your family. 
➵ You suppose the final straw was seeing Kuroo laughing with some random Beta girl. She smelled like cheap perfume, making you reel. You merely watched as he kissed her neck, nipping her ear, quickly taking her to his room. His rut was around the corner so you knew what was going on. 
➵ Didn’t mean you had to like it though. 
➵ Maybe like a rebellious teenager, this kicked off that side you had been hiding.
➵ Instead of disappearing for a day every few weeks, you disappeared for days, one right after the other. You would pop in for a change of clothes, shift into your wolf and you were gone. 
➵ You were strategic about it too. You made sure one person saw you enter, just to assure everyone else you were alive. You made sure they were far enough away they couldn’t catch you even if they shifted-- which most did. They tried to talk to you, just once.
➵ But you had routes made in the deep of night to get you out of sight, running through water to get rid of your scent, just doing everything to make you disappear. 
➵ And slowly, but surely, Daishou and his pack began considering you their omega, just as you began forgetting about the Fukorodani pack. 
➵ Everyone on the other side just got worse though. More often than not, meals were either ordered in or skipped all together. Alphas snapped on each other, Betas snarled in retaliation, omegas were hissing and closing in. 
➵ While Bokuto and Akaashi were expected to be the worst of this all, they weren’t. While they growled and hissed and snapped, they didn’t snarl. They were recluse and kept away, looking for you day in and day out instead. 
➵ The worst of all was Kuroo. He snarled and snapped, baring his teeth at anyone who crossed his path. That beta girl? She ran out a week ago, bleeding from her hand because Kuroo had bitten her for touching him when he told her to go away. 
➵ Even Kenma had been on the receiving end of a near-close call, making everyone turn their attention to what his issue was. 
➵ They only got their answer on one of the few short trips you made back. You smelled heavily like the territory next door, so much so they could smell it from your room while you were re-packing your bag. 
➵ Your nest had been dismantled and one of the several blankets in there was folded and you began putting it into your bag, only for Kuroo to slam open your door. 
➵ You chirped in surprise, crawling back from the seething alpha. He was angry, you could tell, and you didn’t want to get in his way. 
➵ You bowed your head, quickly zipping up your bag before making your way to the window. 
➵ You couldn’t deal with him right now. Not with your feelings, not with his anger. You just couldn’t. 
➵ “Where the fuck are you going?” He hissed, stomping to your window and shutting it before you could crawl through. 
➵ “I- I don’t- Just-”
➵ He stopped you, sniffing your neck. “You smell like him.”
➵ “Who’s him?”
➵ “That fucking snake! Who else?!” Teeth are dragged dangerously down your neck, making you shudder. “What the fuck are you doing near him?”
➵ “Dai-”
➵ “Don’t fucking say his name. Answer the question. Why were you near him?! His pack?! We are right here. We’re your pack. Not them.” He sounded close to exploding,  making you whine as you withdrew. 
➵ He ran a hand through his hair as he paced in front of you. “Were we not good enough? Huh? You needed another pack? WHY WEREN’T WE GOOD ENOUGH?!” 
➵ You didn’t realize it, but you began shaking, slowly drawing in on yourself, trying to seem as small as possible. 
➵ You didn’t want to make the alpha angry. Why was he so angry? 
➵ “Tell me!” Looking up, you hiccupped as tears began streaming down your face, Kuroo having his own tears dripping down his cheeks. “Why wasn’t I good enough?”
➵ He collapsed in front of you, hands yanking on his hair. 
➵ And while you were hesitant, you slowly crept closer. He was shaking his head by the time you got close enough to hear him whispering “Please don’t leave.” Making your heart and omega whine. 
➵ “I-” You stopped. What was there to say? All of a sudden he wanted you here? Where was he the past however many weeks? 
➵ You wanted to scream at him. Turn and leave through the window anyway. 
➵ Leave this pack, and Kuroo, behind. 
➵ “Don’t leave me. I don’t care about the rest of them-- maybe Kenma-- but don’t leave me. Please. I can’t handle- I can’t handle not seeing you everyday. I thought I could. I thought I could fill the void with meaningless flings, but they couldn’t even touch me before I was aching for you. “ He was sobbing now, tears dripping down his cheeks. 
➵ You hesitantly wrapped an arm around his shoulder, allowing him to cry into your shoulder. He held you tightly, refusing to let you slip through his fingers as he almost had. 
➵ “I-I don’t- I don’t know what you want from me anymore, Kuroo. I-I tried staying, and that didn’t work. I tried leaving, and that didn’t work either. I don’t want to leave but I can’t stay. I’m so touch starved and I can’t keep living like this!” You cried out, frustrated with all the mixed signals around you. 
➵ What did your pack want from you?
➵ “We’ll fix it! I swear, I’ll fix it myself. I swear on my life. I’ll fix it. Fix myself. Make myself that alpha you deserve. Please.”
➵ You said nothing. Only allowing him to hold you close. 
➵ “Tetsuro!” You squealed, laughing as soft kisses were laced down your thighs. 
➵ “Kitten~” He responded, suckling a hickey right near your cunt. 
➵ You were wearing nothing but his sweatshirt and he was rabid seeing you, his pretty omega all nice and ready for him. 
➵ And his cock. 
➵ Sitting up, he pulled you onto his thighs with a swift movement, making you laugh once more.
➵ He smirked down at you once you calmed down, pressing a sweet peck to your lips, making you hum with satisfaction. 
➵ His hands trailed under his shirt to rest on your hips, keeping you close to him. You seemed so ethereal, sitting in the light that filtered through the window-- oranges and reds highlighting your body.
➵ “I love you. I love you so much.” He huffed, leaning his forehead onto yours, feeling the heat of your smile against his lips. 
➵ “I love you too, Tetsuro.” Another peck was pressed to his lips. 
➵ His heart felt so full, having you in his arms, having you in his grasp. He just couldn’t let you go. 
➵ He had almost done that once. 
➵ But he would never make the same mistake again. 
His cock dragged slowly out of your walls, sending shocks of pleasure and sensation wavering through your body as you shuddered. It wasn’t often you got to see the slow and sensual side of Tetsuro-- the one that would kiss your bond mark, the one that would tear up as he spilled praise after praise into your ear, the one that would hold a hand on your chest just to feel your thundering heartbeat only to pull your hand up to feel his own, which was just as bad--but when you did it left you  just breathless as he always did. There were days when you just needed this side and he always picked up on that, but some days he needed the solace he got with it as well. 
You’d always enable it, purring and whispering your own praises to him, kissing his temples when his emotions bubbled far to quickly for him to properly absorb, spilling over.  
It was times like this, when his forehead rested against your shoulder, did you feel closest. His pants were hot against your already flushed skin, adding already to your sensitive body. 
Running a hand through his hair, you waited for him to give you an indicator of what he wanted. What he needed from you at that very moment. 
When he didn’t move it hit you. He just wanted you close. To keep you close. To remind himself you were still there. To remind himself he won the war. He won you. He finally got the queen to his kingdom. The one he wanted from the star. 
And you would indulge him, running your both your hands through his hair and holding him close.  Even if you pretended not to feel the happy tears falling onto your shoulder. 
Soft sex Kuroo had me  🥺 🥺 
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fifteen (hugging each other) if you want? (any ship/pairing/anything you feel like) aaaa
:0 skjckiskjdshd i was going to do carulia bc AA but then i fell into the lumity hyperfixation and this was born dksjdjksdjknjf this is the fastest i have ever written for a prompt
ft amity being ridiculously soft and in love and probably a lot of spelling mistakes idk
They drop Willow and Gus at their respective homes before midnight sets in - Amity even helps Gus crawl in through his window, which is nice of her, Luz thinks. She's too sore and tired to do anything except stand behind her, watching the street in case Odalia comes tearing down it on top of another abomination (probably with teeth this time, because who knows what happened after they ran away from the warehouse), gripping her sore arm and thinking about how her heart started pounding in her ears earlier, how she flushed when Amity grabbed her shoulder and hurried her outside and had to stare determinedly at the stars for a good ten minutes before she could look her in the eyes again, how -
She jumps. It's Amity - of course it's Amity, she's been anxiously hovering around her and mumbling apologies for her parents since they were sure they weren't being followed - and she's holding out her hand and offering her a small, awkward half-smile, and Luz's heart gives a funny little jump, and then a second as she takes it and laces their fingers together.
And then a third, this time for a different reason altogether, when Gus pokes his head out of the window above them and waves.
Amity waves back (She really likes us now, Luz thinks, grinning up at the illusion of Gus's disembodied head propped on his balcony), and when they set off down the street, she feels her own grip tighten ever so slightly around her hand.
She lets out a long breath. Everything is fine. It's a beautiful, silent night, and she's wandering down the prettiest street in Bonesborough and holding Amity's hand, and there's still abomination gunk in her hair, but everything is... fine. Great, actually. And Amity is smiling, which is awesome, because Luz has never seen her smile at anything like that before.
She could get used to it, honestly.
Amity glances at her and smiles again, softer, slower. "You're making your idea face."
Luz blinks, resists the urge to reach up and feel exactly what face she's making. "Oh, am I? I have an idea face? That's pretty cool, actually. Or is it? Because then everyone knows what I'm thinking. Nah, still cool. I have an idea face. Yeah. I'm intimidating and cool. A bad boy, if you will."
She laughs. (Luz's heart does the funny little jumping thing again. She wonders, distantly, if it shows.) "The literal walking definition of a bad boy, you goof."
"Baddest boy in the Boiling Isles. Lesser witches cower before my star power."
Amity laughs again. She has a really nice laugh (like, wow), and it's still making something in her chest feel funny. "Luz the Bad Boy," she says, somewhat giddily.
"Azura the Good Witch and her edgy cousin." She squeezes Amity's hand, swinging their interlaced fingers between them. It's not often they get moments together like this, and she's starting to understand now what it is that's making her heart race and her breathing feel funny, and she thinks, a little distantly, that spending time alone with Amity is going to be - weird now, and - "I'd read that book."
"Please don't tell me the next thing we do is write it."
"Oh, we?" Luz turns to grin at her. "There's a we now?"
And Amity - Amity flushes.
"Yes - I, um - a - a we, sure, I don't - I dunno, uh - we as - as in - um -" She bites the inside of her cheek, glancing away, and Luz's heart does the jumping thing again.
"Wow, are you okay?"
"I'm fine," she mumbles, grip loosening on her hand, and she chews on her lip and squeezes it tighter. It probably isn't the best move, but Amity... Amity seems to respond well to it - she squeezes her hand back, and when they round a corner and officially make it out of the main town, Luz notices that they're walking in sync. The realisation makes her smile.
"Amity," she begins, and Amity jumps.
"Are you gonna go back to your parents tonight? I - I don't think that's really safe. You - you could - uh, you could stay with us, if you want. Just until school tomorrow. King won't sleep on your clothes if I tell him not to, I swear."
She smiles at her over the space between them - the same soft, slow smile that made Luz's heart do the Thing again earlier. "I - thanks for the offer, but I'll probably go to Skara's. She's used to it. Me coming over after an incident, I mean."
"Stuff like that's happened before?" Luz whispers, and she meant it to sound casual, not... tense. "I'm - I'm really sorry, Amity. I'm sorry for pushing you earlier."
Amity shrugs. "You didn't know. It's not like I go around telling people. And it's not - it's not a big deal, anyway."
"Amity, that necklace -"
"Luz," she mumbles, not unkindly. "It's not a big deal. I can handle it. I've got Edric and Emira."
"And your father?"
She shrugs again, slower this time. "He doesn't care. Mom could dangle us over the edge of a cliff and he'd be more concerned with the soil density than, you know, his children."
Luz can't think of anything to say except "I'm sorry." She reaches out with her free hand, touches Amity's shoulder, and she gives her a long, warm look. And they fall silent.
And Amity's head falls gently onto her shoulder.
The silence lasts for the majority of the walk home, right up until they make it into the woods, and then Amity lifts her head from Luz's shoulder and murmurs, "It's really pretty out here at night, isn't it?"
Looking over at her and saying yeah, it is would be the obvious and cliché thing to do, and also Amity would notice and probably laugh at her, so Luz stares determinedly again at the sky for the second time tonight and chokes out, "Yup. Really pretty. Love living out here. Especially at night."
Amity giggles, and it's the most undignified and adorable sound she's ever heard come out of her mouth. "You're a dork."
"Biggest dork on the Boiling Isles. Baddest boy around. My list of qualifications just keeps on growing."
She laughs again. And Luz realises that ever since they escaped the warehouse, she's been... relaxed. Not happy, because dealing with a mother like that probably couldn't leave her feeling particularly cheerful, but... open. Softer, warmer. And she thinks it's because of the absence of the necklace.
They stop not far from the Owl House, in the shelter of a large tree she knows, logically, isn't oak, but looks too close to be anything but. Amity's head falls back onto her shoulder again. She makes a soft, contented noise (and the Thing happens again, and she thinks, wow), and mumbles, "You're thinking about the necklace, aren't you?"
"I didn't say anything. That was all you. But yes, I am curious. D'you - d'you want to talk about it?"
A long, almost languid shrug. She reminds Luz of a cat sometimes. "She used it to talk to me. And, uh - and keep me in line, I guess. Threaten me where no-one else could hear it. Where Dad couldn't stop it. Yeah, he did try to stop it sometimes. Mostly because he seems to draw the line at physical injury he can't explain to the authorities." The corners of her mouth twitch up, and Luz has to shake herself.
"That's awful," she breathes, feeling small. "That's horrible, Amity, I'm sorry."
"Don't be." Amity detaches herself from Luz's side, and her hair is messy and sticking to the side of her face and when she steps away and turns to face her she keeps a hold of her hand. "Come on, I'll walk you to the door."
Luz smiles at her.
Amity lets go of her hand when they get to the porch. (Luz tries not to visibly frown at the loss of her presence.) She makes it all the way to the door, Amity trailing behind her with an odd, uncertain expression, and then something shifts a little within her ribcage and she spins around and flings herself into her arms, and Amity yelps and stumbles back a little, and then she loops her arms around her shoulders and hugs her back.
Luz likes hugging Amity.
It's such a simple thought, and it makes her feel so strangely delighted. They fit perfectly between each other's arms, and in the half-dark, lit only by the dim, guttering light from the lamps inside the house itself, and she has the feeling that the only reason Hooty isn't directly behind them making some snide comment is because Lilith is inside and entertaining him, thank G0d.
Something like five minutes pass - I've been hugging Amity for five whole minutes, oh my gosh - and then she hears, somewhere to her left, "Uh, Luz?"
"This is nice."
She settles her head on Amity's shoulder. "It is."
"I think I have to let go now."
"Nooo..." She buries her head in Luz's hoodie, just gently enough to make her heart do the Thing again, and sighs, and Luz laughs.
"You okay there?"
"Don't get a lot of hugs."
"Mm. You can still stay with us tonight if you want." ('Don't get a lot of hugs.')
Amity shakes her head. "I'm good. Thank you, though."
"Thank you for saving my life today. You were awesome. You are awesome. I can't imagine doing anything like that."
"Luz," she says, warmly, softly, "You do it all the time."
And with that, she steps back, lets go of her entirely, and practically skips into the night, leaving Luz to stare after her and wonder why she left so fast, and spend the rest of the night agonising over this weird, warm feeling buzzing away in her chest.
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