#idk. advice appreciated
callixton · 5 months
took 10 mg of my ex's ritalin in the hopes it would balance out my adhd and i'm having like. a real weird reaction to it. it is making me paranoid i don't have adhd but i think it is much more likely that my body just isn't sure how to deal with having a stimulant in it for the first time. i'm also not like. high in any way. i'm just sort of jittery and physically unable to settle. and i'm still having trouble focusing but not the way i usually do which i suspect might also be bc this isn't overriding how tired i am. i also can't stop talking when in a conversation
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pawtistictails · 8 months
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He’s iconic
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talestobetold · 1 year
man i just don’t understand conventional dating. like it sounds like you’re literally not supposed to care about them until you’ve decided to commit to them, and once you care, you should commit right away, or you’re leading them on. but don’t commit for a month or two, too early is a red flag. and you’re supposed to be dating/fucking other people before you’re committed but stop dead after. and if you’re interested in them sexually but don’t foresee a relationship, that inherently means you don’t care about them and you’re either using them for sex or it’s just bodies against bodies. i feel like that has no relationship with my dating experiences at all but i’m still judged on that standard. and i can’t for the life of me fully grasp that standard. 😖
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thighguys · 3 months
i wrote a fic based on this post by @purpurussy ... it's a wip but im planning about 2 more chapters. you guys should go read it 🤭
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idylliumfield · 1 year
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ms montague i will do anything for u. even figuring out how to draw fire
slightly alternate versions under the cut
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useramor · 7 months
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brown-spider · 1 year
I'm in the mood to take Noir on a date tonight, any advice on where I should take him? Should I bring a bouquet? Actually that's a dumb question i should definitely bring him a bouquet, I'll have him bouncing on my dick in no time
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doctor-disc0 · 4 days
Me googling "low blood sugar" only to find out that it is NOT common or normal for non-diabetic people to experience. I experience it somewhat frequently.
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venomousjorogumo · 26 days
I absolutely hate the fight where you defend Halsin’s barrier in Baldur’s Gate 3. It’s ridiculously hard, but I don’t have a strategy. Oh, and my characters are only level seven. Is there a recommended level for this quest?
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dollmakers of tumblr, how do yall repaint the doll’s head without getting the paint in the follicles? i had to restart the one i was making bc of the paint causing cracks when i tried clearing it or applied any pressure on the head after it was dried and sprayed with mr super clear. also im working with apple barrel acrylic on a gen 3 monster high
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asexualcorvidae · 2 months
Hey folks. Anyone here who is fashion-aware who would like to help someone who struggles with it?
I'm going to a wedding in a colder area (Northeast US) this November. I'd like to embrace dressing in a more butch fashion, but I have no idea where to start. I'm fat and I have a large chest & hips - I doubt I can just rent a suit or something.
Any help would be appreciated here. I'm also up for chatting one on one with more details!
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dahliaornelas · 1 month
I wish there was something that made starting easier. The process of creating is fine and dandy and so much fun it’s always the starting that makes it seem deceptively evil and excruciating ;-;
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clarabowmp3 · 7 months
hi besties I need some advice. So there’s this university I applied to in the early admissions cycle and when I got the invitation they said that if I was “not shortlisted in this cycle, I could apply again in the regular admissions cycle.”
After applying I was shortlisted for interview for one of the uni’s scholar programmes I applied to (the degree I applied to doesn’t have an interview, that’s only for scholarships/scholar programmes etc) and I had my interview one day after the regular admissions cycle opened.
it’s been one week since the regular admissions cycle opened and I haven’t heard anything from them, and I’ve only got a little less than 3 weeks until the regular admissions cycle also closes. No where in their email did they state how/when they would inform if I’ve been accepted/rejected from the uni or the scholars programme I applied to, so now my dilemma is:
Do I just take it that I’ve been rejected from both the uni and scholar programme by default? My interview wasn’t the best so I get it if I’m being rejected from the scholars programme but I should at least get into the uni?? Cuz like why would they go through the effort of shortlisting me for the scholars prog if I wasn’t even going to be accepted into the uni? And also if my grades/essays were good enough to get me shortlisted for the scholars prog surely they would be good enough to get me accepted for my degree??? (Early admissions is based on prelim grades and I literally got only 1 B in a subject that’s so unrelated to the course I’m applying for)
do I email them to ask? My parents think I should but that’s just generally stressful and not a fun time for anyone but also I feel like it’s basic decency to let me know if I’ve been accepted/rejected, esp since the regular admissions are ongoing? Since they said I could reapply in the regular cycle that sort of implies that I would know their decision by then, but also my interview for the scholars programme was one day after the regular cycle opened and idk how long they’ll take to make their decision but also their regular cycle closed on 19 March???? So what then?????????
pls help if anyone has any nuggets of wisdom, I’m kind of peeved w this uni cuz it’s pretty good but also I think it should be basic decency to tell me if I’ve been accepted or not esp since the regular cycle is open, or at the very least say smth like “if you don’t hear from us by this date, your application might have been unsuccessful” and on top of that THEY know when they’re done processing my application, I don’t, so why should I have to email them?? If they’ve come to a decision they can tell me!! I’m just shooting in the dark here w my email shxnxkkxkx
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wasabihere · 12 hours
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liverpool-enjoyer · 6 months
venting / advice seeking (dw its not depressing this time lmao)
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medusas-rockin-tits · 3 months
Hey so, I figured if anywhere is gonna give me a compassionate answer I’d at least try here
I’m a very poor, physically disabled and severely mentally ill trans/queer American whose family has lived here for generations on both sides. What the fuck am I supposed to do?
I can’t leave the country, most other places won’t take me because of my disabilities. I cannot work because of said disabilities. All I have is a fucking associates in art. What do I do? What am I supposed to do? Where do I go? Even most leftist circles don’t consider or make room for disabled bodies. And I use mobility aids, like my shit is obvious. I don’t know what I’m supposed to do. I’m really fucking scared and I don’t know what to do, or where to go. Does anyone know? Like at all? I’m trying really hard to not panic and despair but this shit looks really bleak and I don’t, want to die. I’m sorry if that sounds dramatic but I am so legitimately scared for me and other people like me.
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